The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 09, 1856, Image 3

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    ... ~,. ..
y/ .. ~ . .ter- .._ e .~._.,:.,.. ......
.......__ 1 fY/Yr/ trO~~ el a L Es . _
s i tiolattin n alr ft ;d - imze n n l3ca tt"" 1
h aZtlithlkil,b.:
::, go IT in gis it Ent=nlit.' hewing A frol2 co. 0
- 7, CM Pismsylnala Annus., exteneltng beectlCOltet to
wai st. Thle ... 37tAr s tuata ths.. gar i .Oskil .
,r ll6 , nib one Mb*
on Ir teralota in.n ta the
anumuu lltle ward.Jan a lin k g a esch fie. s bun .
,et t off .
• ernetel two toneenlant two. stay RA& Drilling
, • •• .
• MemacteNo 6 inct 6in 'ere - itaterdeen . Wan. bating
L ..
.--esch a trent of twenty fasten
t ot nt.ithmainer back
~ e nte hundred and twinoty feet sltey. Theo lobate
r!'intuateell m y Pitt township. shore. the mum water warts,
,inu WM location =dew of soma. , - -
6,.. Thst biantifol ectonhp anit in •the Pamela of
... lairranctryttn.. hut= ettront of prunty•ttre Metals Ont.
lece st,two hundred wet terenteetre Sett on,Ohislett et.
and hundred stet ~in feet on Venninit et. On which
bonded an elegantheith cottage hounotl 6 roans Ands
witsolonohilloystbutteundnan , • ._
' t Thie vramtr is nnitnnonllnt with mina of pont no •
- larodzole• thin, sod • nem and mannaanda ono viana
.L of AlleatanT faller • • ern antsedtng stars Anne* to
• tb.W.ilhims• del •• •ul connia7 bone.
Ins= at sale.' Te .- coed: .. p 11. DAM 6noi.
11 -
EAGLE ST. ' i PttllTY,4t, auction...On Thunder
evening. June 19tb, .1 detak. at the blerobuste Zs ,
change. fth nut • • old,' jots Nos 25 and 20. In plan of
lota laid ont bylto Irvin, In the ,nth ward. leering a
front rif 41 ft on Li •• ty nese • the nutter depot or the
Pa.D. H. Co. and tiding beck 100 that to Synod slier.
ran whither. erected 2 substantial tuierboases. canyon
Seutir ardenand in • ecru Dn. ten tenement,. 2 ors/Melt
- fronton Idberty st. .• • 2on Pining alley. rhich Deeduees
an annual income or over 2000,
AL*. that valuabbelot of second situste on Penna. Ar,
berrinuln. rill feat erect or Union a0111,b&TIOX • front of
21,3tr u =nce notthwardli 97 it. 113. to. to an elley 6
R. thence cuticular' 1 IL. thine, eoutherardEr 101
ft: 111 i to the blase of beginning. Weather within.
byname thereon. This property is nettionsted bins neer
the beset of the tropewed intersection 'with sth eL • Also, 2 Doo r
Loh of oreound j in Dr. A. Black: Dian
of 3 :4l 4 4r`btrgef I=
attar 20 Ovid&
Title coed. Tetras at flaw P. IL DAVIS. Atari.
hacttoo.tho Tuesday moraine. Juno 10th. at 11
i v. 4 t Vaeglat t.tta . commercial sales room. carder
Oro inbotantlel
ki wing Waiou.
Ore mmy.
•One tan hoe.. Her la good crdor.
1I •
-. .1 P •DATlO.Auct.
• - turnwrimulotn. 1:0=11ailirla not 10 o'clock..lll
ko mold at, ttio cozoloorcilal Isle. rooms, cornet of Wood and
Fifth idnoto . • .
- -
ILO do: /Divot, and (mkt, wooed Ontlltiog
00 Vat - blank arul . ttney mon= nantg
Dn do
.11i Dandt
oithlth Ito Invito the attention of Um, tiodo,ourordoro
ate to eolith= on that, soornion- P. M. DAN IS.
Je7. Anatol:um
PRESII TEAS At Auction--On Tuesday
otoralog. Jo:11.10th. at 10 o'cloet. will be edict. et the
comna,rdal Wes room, earner of Wood and/Ith eta, 10
shat. and 70 bah' chute ;Tear. of recent importation..
MF:l;lts I Hr.., Threat;
Swerianal ntaldirer:
" •• oR
Star of the Union;
a it moues:
Wild Platen:
10 " " Inahton Sotehons Tea, illabflyar.
10 Congo% ", Nestorian.
To whist. we invite the ettentlon of the trade. Samples
.can be seen on the morning of lota eat.
• 1.0 • 'P. 11. DAVIS, Anat.
• Fin • LANDS FOR 8,12.
01121 PANT
. • re NM recranan TO am
' • britil TWO .112LIJON9 OP .AGSX'S 01
In Tracts of 40 Acres and Upwards,
On. lons Mats and at low rates of Interest-
These Mb men granted by the timerrimmt to old In
the anntroadon of Ude Railroad. sod Maude some of the
Hamra and met Mile Prairie. In the nste, laterepersed
my and their with magnificent groves of oak and other
Umber. named extends from Crime°, an the northeast
to Cabo at the south. mid team theme to Caine and
Dmileith. In the northwest extreme of the Stets, sod s.
all the lands Ile within Ice miles on each side of this read,
madyand eheamossus are aortal by It me treurportnig
the ambitets of the Lands to any oftbowi points and from
them WPM= and ilouthartmarkets. Morearer. the
myta smut of domentang towns and 'allures along the
smiths great imams pepalellou by Lormigratlon
eta.; greed • mitatianial and =Wine hdonedereland for
faro roduce.
The p
eoll lea derkaich mold. from one to ilmiketth &nth
imgently maim and pecollarly fitted Sr grazing male
ndsherp. amber the aultbatlen of Manta maneke.
bosomy Is Mauling and great mamas are
the well imams Meseta:UM of lands. Tau
are not numbed to ha out dove. slumps mobbed. or stone
Moff, fa le mandly the pane in cultivating lowland
older EltiM.t. The fret mop of Indian cam planted
on the newly broken rod, usually repays the met of plow..
lag and tamint.,
o Rh:gatemen on the newly turned pxl Is sure to yield
eery large mons. One • Some with a plow and two
: yoke of oxen will break crie and a half to two
Contmcte an be Mae Pre breakin g . ready Sr corn or
j L.Vk i r t= . 1 . M.! MairT u rt
. kias rbjefeehtfterthes the seoond year. an d
aa a
CM, Me, cattle, en" loe forwarded at reasonable
rates faintest" for th e Masters on at and to Caroler
the Southern. - The term yield thaeheeP baide MIS
• i d.
llititeit,._ ar tb rai tjaha eaW le lA n! th"aBkm nod
parkAm.÷...-„,gb=ittttimoe. t
ee aerouffVreatotair
rood. 'Mb n
cheep sad dethatts feel, It can be dellar.
ed at snag points Mang th e mad at 51.50 to 54.00 p er
tom. Wood on be had at the mate rates per cont.
Those rho think of settling in Imre or kllonsuotta.
should bear i
re Md. that lamb them, of any mhos, aknig
the slier mas and for mai y mllas bland, Me been
Mimed of pita% for those tooted In the Interim. there
mono aonymienees for traaryorting the melon to mar.
get. Balimecis not Mang teen Introduced there. That
W send the produce of thee lamb, one or two hundred
rosins by smami W =Met, would mat muchntere than the
misuse at caltirating Mom and hence, Garaument
lands LUIS equated, et $1.25 Per ace" are rot m aed in-
mambo se the land ot Ohio company at the prim lined,
The same remarte bold good in relation to tits land. In
sires Neb tar although vacant lande may be
Mead ri the water mosses, the Innen m to market I.
• far mater.sind every hundred Mai the produce of thou
Londe me carried either la INICODA. or Interrupted water
a= tme...mement th• AISPOLIND hr trahaVlrtlo
maths Moe by the settlers, in the aimed
price of tbeir ;collect. and to, that extent precieely ere
the 'acacias Mu Mb fume. and Of come on their tn.
switamts. annuthy and mama:. redoes&
The greet fertility of the lartela now offered for sale br
this =MY. and their ommiceet yield over tease
the eastern and middle Statepismorla more than soffithad
to pay Um Mfferms tattle costot tirto, eget.
lally intim of the Mitten famished by this med. and
others with wh Leh It connects, the operatMfof whlch are
• Mt berate/ad try the low water 01 summer. or the frost
Of Waist..
ITICS AM TWO hr 7111110131..
The mice will yary from 55 to in. secordiug locittou.
km Contract* for deeds me, te men. th.
the tO ho d
11. annual filaments—the fast to become. doe In two
mars from date of contra.; the °Mrs annually thrmat
ter. The bet Dermot will become 450 as Mend of the
stab maim= date of oontract. -
um= intr, se myna AT oray g 71311051. 000 05005.
• minity far the mamma of the mum, the
that taro yeses' Interest must ue paid] in admen" and It
mast be wodersniol that meteor& of the lead purcheced
shell barb be brought under cultiestion. Twacty pm
_ mt. front the credit price win be deducted far Tbe
Company's coast =Can bonds will be remin matt d
se cad,.
Reedy Panned Pm RIM*" se.MA me 5o ed coo to a
few days, ems fie deafecifrom rettionsible
T ay wilt be IT PM by 20 feet. divided C=aii IMAM
au* three bedrooms. and will met complete setap mo
reamd climen anywhere thing the mad far $l5O mth.ex.
amble of trammetatleu. Larger loolldlags may be am
treated Sr at. proporidonats rates. The Comparry vill for
ward all the materials for mat building O.! . their road
ith dealers Mu lm made to sup.
lily those parental= the l Campsnie bads with fencing
• matetiab e MP, end Ma outfit of prorlitons
In any ,at the lowest arkeleteleprind -
it, Is believed that the price, long atedlt, and low rates
Of latereactuirgedfr thee. blab, will Mabee ma with
• nrw hundred dollars In crab and bedinary
auks himself independent befon'all the madam money
becomes Mb. In the mm time the rapid - settlement of
the ormatry wilt probably bane increased their yahoo four
Odra fold.: When required attar mmlberm will or.
',....,2l=eoPhearite to glee WOrMatiO old payee
imbre. contenting nurnelens instarree of mccesehd
• 1 fatminig, Amen known firmly,
p.S=Bib."t of Mang, prim of Mlle. am
peas of barmitinit. Oued'ilogi ate by ointratt — of en/
other inanonstion—aill be cheeratilly ecleeorr
kr" either ly or by letter. in 1311
104 Prawn or
Lamm. I to WILSON,
lend Coniadmioner albs Ullools Central R R Oct
05"ce. lop to Os fast of May. No. 52 Michigan Amax
after that date at the Nampo Dratit, foot of Booth
Water ra..Chlairoailloola. reirldemit
t UR. ROBERT RUNTER'*desires' to an
nouns* t fbr this infbna
r e • and avidarics Cl
who are raining from attrcilorocof tin Thirst in
=ll.ltas eatablinied a family mall'renodical war
nt and Jactrnalof Dismiss of Ms Chen,"
• In arida tilt t o • fill el - porition of Ida views
arm sublact conoirctod with rai . :cummi dienmem.
..... h rh kn ony. number con la sailtion to much
whim !Mania read tray °MD
ad to or irenbringfninn elthn Itrouchltlaasthuis
or Ccesumptim.,an eatenda4 exylacatlan at the method
of irmahnoirt Dr Malan= .
Dr. Ranter would Alm stwolmbil Mai Si has crpeurad
branch metabilabannU far the hutment 01 thei• diregen•
at Philadelphia. Baltimore sad Washlngwo. ThwrDv.
. an shield under the inernalotral chaste of and
accouryllahad reddest pturielams. who harm sabred
wan/aim with
teiarntof ptilo b o ih d b an a d i m a. a P t a e e a nu rn danin
t t h
.• •Om drama will therefore ha Mote enjoy sit the adman.
• US* Of - ilunter's mance mod trealarnot unbar the
moot Of
actirplema • • •
phew anunourants ass remnant trecemon7 by thtihur
Win= inamtned under Um name of laMloit by
. mrandniugraWbo, harm/
.. /1351 t = 0 ..1 1 ;11.
WA; J 4 T•sAi r mintr Div " ="t throaglialt. emu.
ton Bush tolluicon-teint to bring discredlt on thls
Urania mad to dlecourehe persons flint availing . Oeso•
alma this. tiro clay mcianilio and r• Ds* Of
••. treatise rilmemos of the audio
°Maw_ •
- . pu ma ebraidect• of tan Throat sal Lams U. inn
41116CaltY •=tesdiazfh• tilleinant Of easmr by wryer
••• thrrectinmience of thump silablas to
=trammilvor arms trauma; Dar-amtar barn ;Mart
, Itia et mminami width um mibu them tArpirs •
mire fon Sad solicit nate/man of their ems.' This*
- ..totather minimum:4bn of the Parciallst nal ba fore
eh syylleatlea to dtbse of the falai/on ohlrommar:
• • Zak. Dr. Bohan Flueter_,Nd f00d..?; Philadalphla,
r. V. no. an Welunt mil Balilinare. Dr JP/ Mir
-Us 110. 11 Oman s
atOrir—Dr eaa arum ba *malted yourimillll. as
poll es by Wawa Mil itroalway. miewParlf.
•Tha Optelalin I.pnDWMd as $1 a naar In Mammas.
A - frecamour umanber mill , I. snit Inar try edereentrit
lbe pubs ma .
OD,Astorilposo, Nor Tort
vale •41 1 / 2 4Dt. SODDED DIINTSiI. maitAhrr-
l•J ossumPtims, Bronchia, DifirPsi; Ilhanna
"' • tima e -eiffictions of flu Stomach, Bomb, Liver,
Jriebtele, li/adder, Debility of the Ramat Bp
ea Pa both Nato and Amato tet.
Sorolata and amoral Weak:was =does= these and
ethics ohrado Daum, aura am d .
a Dr. tadTll. No.
• iffiarmts=or..4aztte blirrAthagtAliata:
gait, elystislly tb ow who have received no bean
tratierlaaarts treatment brother phaidans,
W.. vat am' by Dr. Usattn—aWram Voltam. CI
Emidecon: Darrs.Droa Langhton.D 7 Banter a.od
dth , ( bd.4 0 .), no-Dtairoa, taestneta.P !Dobbins, 8
W Dia and with do.
Dr.thatha ts Maratha alnl Dhrcidan and
• r .44l.4.l.litalgthez H J z t a azllet
analardnato at Dal Tort, Non Jadar Corm Daj
' Patients et distance can mmenit the &derby later.
'Oakum that was toaeNt media &dam, IMO MI the
or exproa,therebr °bast
' tag Qom= 7DWaml Muth Die lutrodactorr
work, vita Ithrarsthro entralalts. b• Wmt ft." to
aenc Mama.
...A 11-43 n Brit of !Ma Dr, Math salt =ire to 101
ww . aft art.orposibe tba St. N kholse kotel.s ardarrll
Parkersburg Mineral Wellk ,
RE undersigned, proprietor, respeetfqy
aneva. co nu-Mende sad ths 1 , 91.3 a. pal
ksorahvolonne plata la tow mut th. Tahawaa
of trrolklssae•tiluao gyms RT. hoo loot male% t aar4
s t o o s:ring Ina boon
i d o feazt.
rat9tr ah% viztjo i nootwato
4 %mourory to Boy anytlthiEtirt t w o l o
rt th owaal,
Varr ilsom
Sad ahonass. the Dewar-ha tandancirs
to 2 . nano as* azai_Talhat. 'Crory thin:thou latea4l4
I=o Lady Noah and oomfort.
Irach, hay gra . l, D. LADE%
'"L I XEQUTOBErNOTIOR,--Notice is bete
j ir a rsr aa zt. , g i var ti ' z 'a b isi b " n er il
- Dorms ming, Umsselies to bit WOW to Mt Mato
mo:PW to mato tottnotistor moat.' sna •Ilpsv.
las claims to Drams cum , • seithenticated, . spr
settlemsnC — . —... . I 6 vasoN 0 . ,
11.8 < 4
- istenlln t .' .'
:: ' ::- : JOHN It AST; `rad"_
NAITRATOIVS, N0T1.07.-.4111Cr
-1041btadtothr utile of JOHN :AFT,' late of
. emu_ - PL. deed, AZ. daired to mtus th.le
acceinds imam y hdrad thou haring dal= agelint
said estate willprest Om. d-ilir anthwaila.6%.!tl. with-
Oa /VARS Oath Vc. al gieligrlter. • • • •
.o,•fi - • , • - (VW BACLPIEN,Mtki."
OKS;'IIIUSIC, -431.0
..p I A. NStrzturrigarT E s.
014-11Nomatramo & smisifiti
ooss~tnro of
Urand'and B acre Piano Fortes
PARXth OlantrlANO.
.111 a. al Roos ffR. ..= bet. Mound Aflc AI SDI et.
l IIIIIIC, H. -IdPaztELLOBM, - - the exclusive and
Ina n
l i tgl eff.i iNfus q ",.. F i eCilialt.
no thanks the citize n r s at ne V w ou [o rsh,S l
altbbel7 YlnialtY, ftvr than. libsesi patronage. and ha
=a noir eV inteentineythani that, by tha la
anima anatetted In the ins and splendid Plana
rPrt!MilmatctatT, meetly erected at sn expense at am
• '• Two }blared J ammu! Dollars,
ant taiptltlokalmt Bons exclool rely for Um
own Plano
M n i r = • MU onpplyat Mel swans fittabnottg.
Olaa the•arlitla mmtufsetonot by than. from th• mat
Grand,Puior anon and Num Moo room&
to Um WA for vtiOei Plano Forton,all 'Midi out
toMold 31.12 _ _ _ _
6 the ltd of new machinery. maths valuable imam.
Imam Introduced length new manufactory of Chleker
log et mgi, they will be enabled to good nee better piano
pmt s . than g e reentxr% without theenutho Ms price. Pu,
ethane may also deiced on a complete endings sleek of
their ?WM Fortes beano kept at the Wererocum In Eitta.
burgh 01.11 the styles manufactured by them thereby
admit= thewatern purehmer all the advanta . the of the
g ptss pu mp ' ,most ammo( tranenortion or ris k.
A Pans boor and drscription of Ithleketing Path
Grand. ParkarGrand and him,. Piro Fortes tarnished
gi ro ti rgegu ai r:ggf l ar ItoVe"'"' the sabreib.
er bee the I. lure of referring to about Efonetred
Ftraulds In Pittsburgh sal vicinity. who have p gr appi
and hem to
Plano tortes from the above tosnaufacto.
s pa s ip es th e go owing Principe/. of Pandnarthe who
have Clattering A /Cour Piano Porte. In me, and have
girth thedr unqualified fathom/ of their goperthrity over
Beht2ms.o. Beath). Principal of the /Steubenville Pe
Jigne. 2 lLfi a rl . . l'rithioal of the Washington Pe
mile PeMllllll7.
11.25(1h0n. IL D., Prbelthal of the Edgeworth remake
Sewickley. Pa.
Ithepley, principal of the Claim hie P.
male Beminarf. Elairethle.
Anadenty.N 4— _
ew BrightonT•7lth. Principal of Coy.
Pt. Envier Female Senthary, Younsenown, re.
Pr o f . Laul 8.. n
JR, While:rm. Looisville acad.... for Poona
ladlille, /Sy.
Ilia Sarah Theron:so, Principal of Um PIN. nomna,
ry, at. Mode. Ohio.
Se, lee..
Old Hanoi taken In exchange et their hal thine lek per
. .
8010 agint C bickering it SOLID, far Pitttbaratt and
Windom Panntylvatda. Wond at. between ann and
° #O. A Xk,SSLE: FP,.&Y,FPIE•
!s t et receirm Iva kook o r lP t innos of
- 'II•IIILLUAILDTateee d iel ". l lilUNP, lr ambartir.
11&11 , 1103. BROS 1711 MIDRIB. Nam Tort:
A. U. RMOIIIOIIIACEL. Philadalphia;
Tosettais with ilma of othce =term; at tem from iris
PAW.; trtt 'got he
irlat, turfed Loads SI stria, Kmira Arm e d Mum:
Arrangements hue Dm ma.o lath the maatfactarta.
ay which Italy instrwalmts are .old lower tr tbeS azela
it t a i rltajn a Uttat , e t al . . and utthaat the addl.
Busy Plano .old by the mbar:vitals warrankd oetfaat
In wormy respect and • writtan o =twUSl Da atrim If
tapalred. 8 BLUM&
sale 118 Weod amt.
Further Supply of Chiekering's Pianos.
THE subscriber has received
&mug the part few days, from the
FORTES, and an additional iUTOie• or ten mon now on
UM 'ray, to entre by Ea torday the 44th inst., to whichthe
attention of mew= le respectfulle invited.
JOHN tr. surnott.
leWoal "treat between Diamond All =14 th etreet.
nt tor OHICHERING BON9,lenton
AMOR TONED in the city_ for ONN DOLLAR, Or.
denial% at the stare of J. 11. MELLOR will be mometty
tuner attended
t. to. and a competent, canted and reeposudble
am ser2i
want of a good, rcliahlo
Taa l ! .kilted Plano Timer haeirlit
beettedt, tha enbeerlbees take niquore la
Womb= the onbUo that tame have atone.
ed the 0117/0“ at Mr. JOHN B. MTH, a vary azainiensed
and competent tame, and obese work we 1,111 waxuar In
@very cue. Ids. Itrnra ethod of tuning trill caw the
Manna to dud In Uttar m
Mae Ulu ordloathr, and s
=elate satletantion to dm most fartldlone ear.
All orders left at the kluge etcens of IL ELP.I3EII A BHA
63 111th street. will be mraptle attended to.
The undersigned sdedry Certify to the WWI and true.
11ortbileeta of arr. Jain B. LT Ue. es a toner of Pianos. sad
eheerfally recommend him to their pnals and the public
Toren etrellent.experkencedanl reliable tuner.
. DM
tf. 2011WAB,
mi2L.Sand And others.
Cottage Greed Plano.
P.EOLiLLY adapted for neeßv il
and In ellyleweheza anent endorse
pad eta of Wstrvanent dealtsble. They
occupy tat very little MM. thefr length being Dee feet.
ludght tour feet nod depth two feet,
_and ant moth scree
tier to the equate or horizontal Plano, to ;ows and
nnetnees of tone. The style of frantUnste tom
fin elegance and tistenalsome; and their Marsha=
doubted. being iron flattened thronabout, and made of
the tom aubstantlal inatetiel. They as. froze one of the
bet manufactories la.Erum.L .. turrie tt p. g . are net sup
Wog 1/1 other Aire of the
alu general are eked to call tad esaudne. 'l
ILLZBNIt &BM.. No. fd dlfth .t.
N. IL—Ther oil N rally warranted. mold
Review P rise
rI7EL; New York Musical
L trett •= brOt - Drenal. Took ths Ant peso
of S2CO.
Nail. 01. Haut for Me. by 4/.. rlasiss.
/IL Mars an all the Birds that but. by bent
e r i fia. 4 / - V.mrG otto ktotbor's Boas. 61 0. C. Oonvorse.—
Took tbo omond ' xise or SIM
No. V The 80.. by E. D. &Um
" VL Tho /flowers. bilrank Darioy
" no Parting. IL O. Watson.
" by bat Stoma.
Tbo Wmn shed aortas wore molostod Rota 400 rater
ror sompelltto, md tt ts the boat ocrhoettoo of soap over
lbibllshod 1, America.
or are bsted - 111 Moth stYlo.
and odd at the IN rico
or ems Rica
Eta bleat the Nude Store or RUN 8. MELLOR.
ass 5 SI Wool stood.
A Damaged Piano at a Bargain.
&NEW seven retavo Clock er
Inge' Plano atiott:l7 dammed la the
Cum but not ohm* tt ova teal:a.m.:lloM
Inant oway Wand. will to
sold trama
at • redaction of
Fifty Dollars
on asdit of ex months. JOHN IL IHILLOB.,
m7V3 Assat tor ailokarios Bro.
1E W murslcnie March du Nuit, L. Al
Gottschalk. $l, UK Boos. do. 711.
"S/itch du kult" has run Wank /km alltkhor 1n
una mak, Ad the pubhatm ars All =Al* to
.1 1 1 amy CM
denim& It Is cotton a n d MOM $ l l lO and I I A.
Mob/atm rum a largemore inmaral ash than an/
D of kind mar ham nubllabadln Martha.
allmehalca, lunuAlnu Water Mks. Francis 11 Shown.
Troratono de VMS, Yantage pet Gaul /MAW.
sward Quadrilla minced feentt MnaS
Toys,GAM Iktasurta Gamin* Pb* W.
V. Wallann
nanelatloa, ftvorlts llabdls, bY ( 1 . A. 0111.1 ms.
ElWrathy, brP. tI by /Asher. an.
Mrsatha. by Ea. W. Mord; Nava Return. Idlnberg
and White eforanairt.NSW WALTZES.
IA Lauder. Sountaln of Lon e blandaroln, Merry Slelgb
1114 e.
Dream. Ole flbarered am When • CMLI. Alice Base
inane ladles and Team Why web If I Remember. Alla
Uswlttorne Dumf. Spotof Earth to me te Mom Why
that Tsar .Wben Sorrow fills no thy Idreenn;" 014 Snotty
Neal; The Rose Peening In at the Wtodov; I ant Not ha.
KM When Shall I be an Angel tool kotestros of
words by Longfellow; lemma a Youth Carlo Gob . W M
teed and for sale by OHARA Grxx
.01d Eetabllebed Plano Depot." 118 Wood
Musky culled; Poet Dad.
A. i lft kre B =llC. ld
el in "
f e y 111th It. meets the theatre.
'PROCTOR'S ORIMADES--Elistory of tho
I- Crunoloo,ybetr El" maws rad recta.: by Maier
Proctor. .WItA our out titus.lud mut fay ot_.ATATInto. In
1 Toll yO. formate by .02 KAY *CO.
o IA
zsay and history of ID.. 'odium or North Aamirs.
MIR Its nest diwtvll. BY Bum! D. Desk.. I vol 8 yo,
eleventh sdltloo. for rt.hy Jr 2
— HAY k CO.
110 - &W $lO LIBRARY, No. 4,100 vols.—
Atiatherstipply this day twe'd. Also, !vs. astatt•
hunt Prasbytadast Ut n t. nuo ii drid s. s . := ll3
yarloto bladitust 11.
by J. L. =AD. tie 184th stmt.
bdn'aDozeo ot Death. o :Ml:dud In amnia =gm -
Inn. on wood; with s = v Won on the ouwal reimom•
ullorw or thst =Moot ut mom eul
in:dy on lbws r.
crlbod to Nombre and Holbela By Ir•r4d Mom.
Jraat.l3. landon,l vol. 8 To.
'l6zs of idorwminoldp. &twat and abbnindstad
awordinnto the prlnetplon of the late SU tam Illerlows,
lvoL fain, London. .03
ATALUABLE NloeEWlool BOORS just reed sit
v .10.17503'S rboo •dati Mittellmam 800
stoA s Orimitat rt. =OA 2.4.8
Book tof 4 11m740 17 .1741stgr i ty Mee:att. eLitt.
if:Tintri*VJAAWth. g m di atorTnig:
°l74 A“Mil ea ll,D. ..idosllCT the MillioasA M Bo y aga
=tor M7toi t l o.
4 uttl Fatorartemei . tt i t
Clot. it.;12,• Blond atinitet, • donut!" Ws Meow
Bock, y Clem Barlett. 71 Me • &mom sods of D.
1 1=to r Ws, Dr *tar,
_st =Wet foal!
Wt. tOtte Bore. Wtraoloonso eboder eatooldic.llOZ
Matetmatital taste oom . 7.l•7•=mt
sabot M'a tom Boot: Ttg rr tatZotur e r Ira!
rtirlkopel Berridees :Ado..
toultoll. et ea to. Dumont., to a Itegyment. my=_
NLAl?,,ONlll . lioi'u f ß o S li yeblishors.
ILn Itawved Ita= He, 93 Pa* Row . . to that
New Stare,
NOB: 108 at 110 Dunne Street,
A fry &as West ofttalSO3BrarArar. gal
110 L. s.
sc a.
. Real Estate Isrokers.
D. BanurA- .
~,,nl . l o. l lo. l l :l 3ll t tki d c b3 Mr4tr g ; 11AUJ:
Mr MAX I M/ W O l uk g e n AT bmilitzr, DP!
Wm p u iln i tlii Dun mum ts d amig_ L ion. ?wow. ID
HOD Wm 0 lay. Antelobom. V.; ;Auk DMA.*
Y; 019 IL Ateollares, Pt Leta, J Boaclaky, Awl.
tlin s A d ani Kt ,g rr"rth
'Notice to Farmers.
tom Non roLlth z , F, ' •
Cradle,. varloasttinan
••• zo I tgoo raie °enthral" aultable lbs the farm or
11-3ro,osoAlltlelattral Driblet We. tlt ler I% lei t h eaF
D m For pais tlra Sad erace litjek i l s rsi v a i t Eko rift.. h
pMtN TOB'S NOTlCE—Notice is
basby shot tbst Letttli et Atimtalstratlms opon
orksazutlepsoss. lattoftbe city of Attsbutst.
doed. be•
stiat:hMaeltteiersiumrbiitlao rs a t teIaSSO.MI 1l :iM4fsMr.l.oLi n tbmn
Damnsu da
Hake to Iranums.
T 1. 3 Caatporn Combined Blowini
.W Ladide~llmM °J
rjag...rmriia the
and odors kfli /AI sag
Elonsti "prevailing .at Wheeling. ,Cincinnaii.
and elsewhere along the presented the re
ceipt of telegraphic despatches from the West,
on Saturday night.
Tan Tirscatssu line between Lancoster and
Philadelphia was not in working order en Saba ,
day night. We are therefore without sir naval
• Court Sale.
liDe Y virttintlder of the Orphane' Court
- air of Allegbaryemmty. dated 17th Ma n Mibil ir Twill be
:ElM i lte ° FAA at 3 O'l n oc;l l . "' PM. 7. l by nral ai Xd,
Adminiatri tor °YAM/ander Mabeod.dee'd.all thawatain
tractor tad. al Mats In Versagtes townahip. Altmann,
candy bounded by Lade of Game Gray. William
hood,Jame. Bhdr and othrmand containing forty-two
wee, mon or leat
There 1. noon the reemlaes a Taluable Coal Dant. In Ono
working cedar. In which II contaload teal of the ray bed
Quallty. This prooerty, with ita imororemente; altuat
al within th ree of the thriiing,borounb of McKee.
Wort. awl two milm from the Cone Marne Railroad, and
• often rare inducements to paeans dedmar of Lairchealng
&aunt and sadly omealble borne.
Tama made Ammo on dant' pale. by
my=ltditter9 Adm'r of Almada Mahood. deed.
[Journal my, ltdAttw and chart. Gazette.]
Notice to Jurors.
'FIFE JURORS summoned to'sttend the
Markt Court on the &•amet Monday of June, lets,
are hereby notched that Amin attendance .111 ont be 're
ren OM= 31.7 27 RO thDS PATTNESION, Sheriff.
SeXtu. 1P66 goy3 Ctltddi tterS
JT has been the lot of the human raco to
he staid thern ... ll,Almme and setheiren ROLLO.
AI'S YELLS are to the LW( the
WitelLgr a ralVM - 1117=4 end Patti
sem sem and fdans. .0196.
1101g11471•111111=Mr Imperintantra tita reanalactate of tds
szedietrusa in the United State. msd rens ttn= to . free
- and =Witted poop!. or the best remedy um .odd n•
er taw Or es moral of dismal.
These Whom Mlle en expressly combhm.l to wont* on
thostomael. the the Marls. the Warm the shlo.
thus endue dimes Is all Its form.
Nearly half the Duman not have taken than Pills. It
has nen proved In all pan Ot thi Iran, that nothing
hu been found equal to them In easeior dlmdere of the
liver. drain's. and stomach tomplante genially. They
. gin - g my tone to these Mai. lama =net
damned. ad alum all other roan have laid
Many al
he moat deenatio Governments hare ornual
their Cust Limes to the Introduction of three Pille
that they may became the malkthe of the mama. Learn
ed Collagen admit that Una medicine to the bud remedy,
over known for perms of depot, health. or There the
erstedn'tma tem
Whiz as its hal/manna onefartles
never 811 to abed kt.
No Temale,yound or old, oltoold be eittddit Ude ode
prated medicine. it °enact. and regulates the months,
commes at ail
beet petirdancting =MY MM. like du=
It Is oleo the and safeet dicine that can be gloat
to children of all age.. and Mr me wiT ....Thant;
ly tm family should be without It.
Solloway's Pall erre as bat remedy known in as
world for the foikeiv Dimmer
Asthma Memos lodination Rime and
Zonal Complain. Drew Intim= Gravel
4=bl Debility lollainonalbra Secondary
Yen. a Anne Tumoral Ada Symptoms
Most Meaner Female Com. Dons lovind
j = t,... Worms of all Weston.
Dn =ese Of sp Piles k""
Lino Cam.
.*Sold at th e aunmfactortee or Polar. LIOLIOWAT . . 4*
nopectableHeiden Lane, Nes Tort. and 114 Strand. London, by W
DrutO Desdas f Medicine throne'.
oat tae United BMW, Is and o
civili and atm sed world, in bow.
at 25 am.. Mg cents and 111 egad
Poe ael. by Gm El Waal% 140 Wood • t,. Plinths:nth
jaiylnticre b a cosudderable mint by taking the lame
N EL—Direetkdas fn ttwklune of patents iln *Tory
dltordase• atud to rat ao7
Y the aid bra microscope wo sod millions
ordlttle oporange oss anima atom bodes. l'Itro•
MIA (linuainot, when nabbed on the Mt . le ranted
to women or Mond ant- Names of alltS47 l / 6
Jo alleatiovs. ea' I••••a r itgh.
tioo of the Loma. Asthma', Mart. and
itt maim elfeetoelly rare& Vary tuusalrlf. o..Lhat
motion fnely through bone or meat of arty thletaam
miff hiallna Ointment far woo on ly penetrates Slaw
any bmio or Selby pert of the llyina body. =lna Oa
mod dngerous and complatats. that .1.0. 1
ad D a her meana.
- - - - -
No remedy hes me dew SO snach for the cute of diem.
es of the Min whets,. Soma they may game% ex this
Ointommt. No ea. of .It Rheameeerte Head.
oe Zryslyelos. can olthAend latuta
Tbe torettur.hae•tret allot own nosy putts ot the slot"
ettattne the onnettat bootie/Ay dememlne thatoetet.
fchlag Addeo ea to lie erehomoo. eta Nee tlitLe Mn the
coeno•of notorlogeountlare ntuabeye to beano.
Flom of the wet eel sullen maim= new rely mole/ en
the th e le wonderful idlcitment.h..= Cele
wit waft au. of ems, wounds. ulnae elar
swellings end Hann% Profaner Holloway l ima, try ma
mmal of the A ll ied Governumet. illepatehed to the hr.
Wale of the Eget,
fembie large shipments of teed, Ointment. to le
mai wader the di the in the wend
eases of wounds. It 0111 cure our it tait, lendalar swell
(mg, italics* or contraction of the Pints, e r ne of ream
The. and other elnilbs dietreming counnalate ma to
elleetwally mixed if the Ointment he well tubbed a over
Mpl i aerectied, end try otherrwire following the pie Isci
Maul each Int.
Both the Ointment and Pals alma be td in as
foUovvis, caw:
Umlow Lectaboso Son fogs 0•410.111 UP
Burns OuroorldErup ?cal Amato PUY/01Ru
CUM Mad, Um. Sou Muds Morro •
UMW= a Min Son Tbrosts Yanaiol 80n,
Rbar..4lllo Sono W k Woos& of aG
Gout Batlfin &drama
M m I=u kindc
....•Eold at the klanufactorkm of PrOldwn . Gollookf, 80
11•1 den form Yaw York. and 244 Strand. Ueda , . sod kl
rarpretabia Pragerta and Nam kledidun ttausktp
oat the Grated Mateo. sad MP olviltrod world. lo Pus, at
s or %V sea
y OO tI VAMI 4O Wood st.Mttaburgh.
Girl:bora is consldnkbko Raving by takiaM.b• Luke
11-I)Yeetioaa fta Un ane. of What' to curl
dtkonter snip/U.6d touch pat. Rol4lrwl
pY virtue of an order of the Orphans Court
of Altailtwey 'aunty. the edmislatrstams of Hawn
10, awed. =Ur mos* to pnblie tale. st (be CourtlLOWw.
to Plt , elsursb. on W/IIDMOIDAI. the 18th de7 of 4121.
nest. et 10 &USW. A. 111. ell the right. 11116 wul Mout
of Ow sold Gown Lodi* defd,bang the sus nedlytdsd
=WY ulawl . ll o / 1 hart theresaof all QM attain taut
of land &meta PM township. , hunthanyeaunty. bound.
ad and daseribad ow follows. to .70 Bulanlazoo to
=than aide et th. Isnans' and ldschankoo Twnplle
rood at savior ammo with iss. Itttt. Xes: thswe
by Ms land N 81P mat 200 ISt end 10 000 6 ig these* N
24X 0 vest= well) Inchan thews 1( 81 0 11 121 Oat
Weans thanes It 00 0 W 211 but 6 When Halm N 03 0
na oat 7 when theme 11 W 1264 (00000 X bath by
Chat a Janes' bat: theme by Wna Astllurf lawl 6 461 6 ..
W 1186 feet 9 luster. Uwe. by by Jlethurs and WlLans'a
land N 23 3 W 1114 foot 9 hwher. wenn by Pottarson's 002
Omar' Laid 861}6° W NW het 6 lathes, thmee N 2814 3
W 060 Watt Ilona by land of IrelaiX tsars 8 01. X. W 463
fad 916_ Inaor. thaws by Land of Holten end Mph 8
28X 0 1143 faeh thane. br Osanata's Lod 11 0176 0 120 J
law 0); Inchon lhanse 8 time EOM but 11X Webor. thence
61X. W 1074 Ast 1 Web; thous* UV 1660 Pet;
tbsee•ll= o 127 feat 10 Inchen 1114 3 W 76 fort
bachan lbussall WV 11 177 feet 110015 thanes along tbs
tmonik.B 231 0 834tH 10 bunko- w thaws N 80,102. 96
Hat IX bubo to tbe plow of befannlos, euutadahlg about
lien w ria ~I" & lfolnuutft l 4ror. said Oesage l,oo "Ltirlerl
John Andaysatx er either of Harm. hlua .6.t. .f ..14
west remalelng =mold watts/Wu about 76 n 0...
Also, all that &stain plum 01 ground to Fitt Hunan
I wrorankl, twandial ea u folbsw b spto b ei4 li t ranf nm gagt:
Ter ' e t trllluMeali t tds flap:who* 1611e43, thew,
SEW W 19 go-rehrl 6 II sin thaw 864°!4t W 43 web.,
to tad , e of beginning. oontslol6o 4 saw 2 rood. 23
Mad Mai pp ameh thereat NEWT have Wes wow) ,
ad sway by 1114 ludlle. that tart thereol nunalnlog un.
raid, eentalnlng stoat three vow. end belenenz w3alr
end entindy to Ow Wets ofseld lwallla andlo sold
as imeh. Terms saute lowan it es%
mos32td/hiS Aduen, 66.0e0. Ladlla. dced.
• property It Slatted In A 11110.14211 county. 3 togs.
from Import, os tbe Klttaradag road, sad sithin • Ulf
a mile IN the North Nesters Bagroad, sum ander ors
attattion, It muds' 102 east—all thlablo lend. The
haproviummts consist of a good HOW, moven •
lent oat hoots. ond • new fr amed bank tarn. It Ls well
=l= trtreftit=Prnir ende =Vs Its
gbeficlear owl the Itahroad egad oansta n l fsoWtles foe
u rer . hr Ar t t i ilittara w lrtmernal sad I the shorted
Qr eagllbetf T eatable terms,
J. b. la. P. DIOREIBON.
Att . 's at Lev, go lii Fourth It.
designed. Administrator of the Dash, at. Thaw
N50n..1.04, an tor l apbbceit atr i hr i g t.
*im., n mid] A r ZADEII I
TATE, prow In North Hantlarion torrombip,Viratororo.
lard earufdy, about I( ore WI. from ICA villain of lity••
artnills. and about thif kazoo d i ttaberraor of thsOmelm•
ilaterdikiltrigi. Lscrtj.n.'''Alt
V ' tag r=r. flairP,4l
Peter h and 12 adios from the county mat. The in.
Prfftm erirlOidall t aiD LOO YD BARN,
An APPLE 0110IIAII0, AY- Th i a r laud Lo well valor od and
=Leo of a taxa state et eultintlao. It la LIAM
LAND, cum an abundant. altnnautonta
Is atm 111011114111 t Marius stonst ran ACMES 01
COAL of the bad quality, the veto balm about six
fallricimosra Mae maim
Connoting of Wbita Wahmt. mar, Unmet. Ad, Sc.
There La *Dago natatlty of ADOW LAND. It
would snit admirably Ito • Rook Ism at far ulna/ /fail
m &stn. Wootton Is azthonely boodthn sad
tg!=mgmood Is componod et gone of I be boot tamers
hs the totally, The scolotyla good: and aimia would maks
ragyabas ham* tog pas no orfOloot to lean them•
rim tosigTin Plltatoorgh and Vollsollertile Asilraid
Is within 1!f id Toosbirghany blaokmatar is
*Mateo woe drilla. •
Pawns wishing to amens the inapt:OM do se by
gallica upon Mu vadlenditned. raiding stithin all .abtm to ona nalle of
Tglit-One third realr_, the notiowho
OtdaDm &rro egsmimumMl
Padmonta rborraftor. Titla
moustirs ROklßtllt. Ashaeg,
Pittsburgh Water Care.
rkIIIS lustiftition for the • treatment of ail
Mu ItAud. dla an. Ip Wa
ato so ld O sted ata
ca at Oblo rimw n=
O. Ps. allsosel. lo Pb
ospaforpo S
ara yests couatatlnt Wats'.
Cups, pad Um soccepful trattmout of 1112nenIda
of awl' *tar "Wu" of ossa Mal of wash Dad spa
tb. wholo round of dracandlottiou; onsWP us to=
"nth goalkleueoln FM Wed. to t/I
WATNA (WAS arra% _
utt=itd'ote ,tolthor of UP rarrat. Iloa
- WA ' al i t
i ffe
, .
seteetrevemil: : *MX , . ki.D.
. .
Bich+Prairie Parma
- - - - :ND TOPPYLOTA ll,'
BALD 01, lO . W.:AID ADJol2Ml l 2lrenra t i
gIOR iit at Tandy, at low - plum,
and en foorabla tam.
aW wil ie stfichad' earak . gu lbrannian . 494WnigkM atath W qr
andi P"Perr on aplbita *.
Ova Eruaerni =tan coadaind , .1111nallitata__Abria . g
nathabla In of an/ Tana lb* WOO 1,0,•P . ''''"a
aibinll = B a. jiiiisi CO/6/11.fitarvaa raids.
ad orrid en Os Impaled:, and agaipme of
!annum do late lion t tb. =nom to war
tuataesacronciasns alwetiord. ,
Partied,: attention to le. yletanta•sasa•
nitenlimda f =Ps out 0 ... , :t.1ann. lamed
al tam, and to a errand fled meta lingentnaa .
Oornor or Weldon amps moi l
texith lifair 44.
. E ni. . near Minna Cau:R B. Drpot,
DAM a 001M4 01110A01, ALMON.
EartAilorery ..... -
VEAOHES-1 0 0 boo halves - ree'd and' for
JL. ule by WU. ItcOUTOEMON. 119 Minty kt.
POTASH -8 casks of No 1 reo'd and for
alb by Ws. 118013TOLI EON. 219 Marty }IL
VAST STEEL Mowing Soython warrnotod,
XJ for sale by 2101.11129 tCOW:NO.I29 Ilark4st.
GRAIN CRADLES of every 'vain or
see by JO 1101AUSS 001,41105.22)ftecd....
AWN. GRASS Scythes, a superior article
tbr We by 03 110LI1 A COLLINS
A Beautiful Country Seat for Sale.
E ondersighed offers his property situ
ated to tba Borough of Now &Ishta r :Zeds, eon •
s t of • lot 29 feet Duet on New thistle op
•about 200 yards locos ß.ll. Btaticm, and
.Abut to
Blockhouse Run, 621 ft. long. whereon Is ..
ronsforhade or•Hrloh Cottage HOW., OW, •mitgill
12 mons, dratted In bolt stela. 2 brkt outbulldlnee, 20e
12, contalalow wash, coal and nooks holm stable, bal..
mrn, am The garden mntelos • 'meat
rarlety of &doe hulk tress. Ware% ehrabOet7 Lod orna.
mental treee. au
Terms tsar. POP pas Bottlers, Inquire of
THEODORE rROEHL, New Befintot4 •
myl2l:2evd3wadt•T or ofJ. O. DAOSOFEN, Plttsleg.
HUBLIO SALE—V ill bo exposed to Pab•
akew , . PATORDAT,. June out,
aratrases. at 2o'clotr, P. 81.. that dertrable farm bbd
Inc to the hike or rams* Itelinteht, deed. atholalng
lukt• orJohn Math, Jars. KeYattlea and other& taunted
la armed= townswp. Allattatar ethotr. Pa.. tithe WIN
from rfrummmh . m agates My three tad a half acres
(OM. The. tmptaraments art a enscdoetalle Pratt. hw*ll
l'g f . Rr_ B'" Or V thur jr u g N oiettarti l : l ael"Vraftao u ""
ta ' Lareui madtlmo.aon d. 7.1 mlt. mAactsot.
i 0 PRINTEM—A practical badness
g m , or an asparianowl prints I. wanted u • 'Part
n • Book and Job Printlog OMee, which la doing a
good tmalnaas.
A good pinta or a Manna man would In salootabla
bdeka proper amount of capital. Por particulars addruni
az K.\ Pittebtazta P.O. mrtUttorT
Orphans' Court Sale.
Y virtue or an order of the Orphans'bourt
II of Washington coWttlf. thooleill be mooed .t Pub
Bo Ea* on ttot tawfalwo. oa WIDNISDAT. the Oth Oa/
of Junes by the uadaralgoot.adadolaaatora of the ..tat.
awn...111.1 4 .am IWO of It ofwason totrustdo, • tract
of land coatafoltutabout Mott) Eight sultana plata...
whottfina laaa •or Hoary fftwkA t/31. Jut= irDowalA
alas attar& Thep fano erected ow prombow • Two
Vb r astlia t i=i l lo=sod :o )ti ro r ntrlt rog i =7,
mum, poltoolh, Li Shore le eh abtAatt supply of Mono
Choi on e prtodtea, We to COM 10;okoock. A.
fO., .th en so d obese the terms oil to a d. kocom
MADE Roll&
ARVESTEPS—Theaun Power Mowing.
ylla,nina Mariano, lionsdoeturod Wordrop
tout mkd Ills ltoolloolo Torras:dont° en t from
or r o f and matt in th• moot intact moan.. Tboy
may booms and macs lodt at the Ainimll tarsi Wm...bones
47 Fifth se. joptaoa.T JAWN9 WAIIDEJP.
EAPERS—Aikin't Self-Itakor and the
ortbas 'red b
Now Y0rk2.111130,
Pittsbmgl'em.s3a Coftre.
tat. will • prw CO Kends) Liij.st_cdOsiotwr, sada
!done= I:4lZtErtstreiti 41 1 :2=. A. IL Pr" 1.
Tbs dlrlitsd to ism sasdaas of tw trims
weeks wed. Tits folkming Dsparbasnis wW bremsd
tb• remit.= of Pupils. 'lr. Mom. Academie, and
Ocilasists. • . .
Milt.Atlbe , lo•ll.••• , s=o.
Madan LoZN andtboOnnsurnsal Brimettemtr•
• fall elresSar. print mim. pa:tic:au Istlormstlan.
Inamd mit wet.
AW.lcatbmt Ibristmlidaa, and Ibr flutter p•rticulan.
email to as& arty to the wodersbrood.
At Thisedar mains. Jum dill. at
o elm*, of the limehatite autumn 4th st.. te sold.
l b ag .u loarlj=l Maalox Ines. In the mattLy tonnonbc
Your tots Milo. amen of.
• a and Joseph etc leoe,
MS, 114.11 ending bating etch • hoot of 34 Poet on Canon
Min.....steudlng book IWI hot to Chootaut
Lot tlo 90 hating front at fent on Cu... et..
extending back 10° het to Ebel:oa a 11,,.
Also. Lot. Noe 2.19,410, M__,4 216.218.217 Gad 21 0
lag each •front of St Pet en Washington M.. attouding
beck lee foot to glum*
Moo, No Mat the army ofWaablngton and ItcHeeetn
baying • Omit of Yd het on Waattistortou ettnading
back along Ida. et. 000 pot to Penne Allay.
Tama—ocesetth cash. balance Li boy .Goal moos!
payout:d4 with interest. 1111. worrsatad.
mr:o P. W. BATIK Aunt.
rfStk.F.'S tjAior 0k GROUND RENTS
—On kb outlay emclug. Jon. Mb. at o'clock, MU.
4tb will b. sold. by ceder oe
'Thomas Halloo, E q grantee of WM. Luiwy.Jr.. all that
mond aroma mat of twentrMaand • half dollars, tam
bleA u mMi t e c or t Lont of • lot ofzin Wa n Mod e Maa
ho to Lamm fentlle.==.lng Wok Mamma iollth
me half tbo distance to the Ballet and banlettheyen,
oa • dvr•IlLo& Wart, thomtM , Jr., to
tit= by lane, dated Aptil _lst.
Teri, o ft ste-=tifi t rytel Wee manual mound
erot atom hundred and Malay dllars. Imolai oot OE •
lot of gnome fo het Vont by Mt flit Mom, mon at. the
Wesleyan Idatbodbot Church is ersolid. Wylla at. , in
01. Tart Ware of the eltLesf Pittsburgh, saki onalburth.
" V i ts ar Zd 'e rf VII. 1 7 lat a l=firs TWIT:
leminary, Jr., Mod boot not. Pt Pain tea.
Alma!! tbat embalm otter nomad groundnut of Natty.
Mae dollars --. heathdg oat of o nortain lot of monnd
ottuatto thnifint WoM. city of Pittsburgh. end' lotoly
In oneemion clattaffon Andoromk Ming wt. of lot Ito.
beg in Oho general plea Medd city. beginning on tea eons
nar of theamod and
shun and noonleg In a math.
Inanity analog tO fort shout Jail Ititms thence In Um
walla wle • Dimond ashy CO men ...Mu a Um per•
abet with Jail anon 60 Got to Oloroood thanes
alloy 60 fest to Lbor.tans ot Melo to
at. vaiaarrou cal rent 04..104 Ca , tl4 or EL& Erato& &fig,
to Jame. lleilmmr. doted Play lith. ISM and nrcordr4
In vat. to tam gle, and OnkoM lty eon andannd by m.
dormant on mom Mod to Wm Latham, Jr.
fmass—Ene Mast omb, balanee In metal payments. at
foot and eight months. with Inlayer and mamma or
-aNI7. .00 P. M. 'AVIS. gust
McLanes 'Fern:wage at Home.
Nta Stamm,.
A 11.07 Can
n, ilasetap •-qtds la to certify that I daring
purchased from J. eJohnsou, Dearest. Allegheny QM
cms bath. of Dr. Plotans'a iranalfsse. mound by you.
.and gate doer of aame to throe of my rhlldreo, batman,
the nom of eneand NS Turn and found to my mottle,
Wootton that th•y were rellrred of only Too Elm:ond
Woman varying to length from non to ten lathe. Enloe
that thus they hate all enjoyed Von health.
113.Porthoesre •Dl be moral to sok kr Dr. IIIeLANWII
eIIOADILLTED YLBStIPDaR and tabe nose else. All
other Vermiform, le orathertoth. are =MONA Dr
IrLiaVe Verrgross, alio Ills celebrated Lr tPWt.osa
noir ho had et iD reepectable Dray Btorol In the Vetted
Etat., and thossdo. Nebo gamine without the then•
tore or eth3Oottoll PLZYINGI $3OB
WI3IBKER BLONDS-500 dos just res'a
V V ht itrarass at innutrem and it.
BLAND WREATHS-100 doa just open-
UPat at WM= TrimmloAulurt ann.
11111 E FLOUlt—Primo lot just reo'd and
iah far ea le try mil& 111121 Alt 11. COLLINS.
B LeOK LEAD-4000 lb. for Kilo by
my22l amen first sod Wood fd.
pale by own a. A. TAIINLISTOCIEA CO.
4 : I ENEOA ROOT-8 make for gala by
..7 m 723 B. A. VA IiNISTOCK t CO.
II for Ws by 11"d" lit ffjte.
-100 Wm 1,0 . 2 . 0 Somlor
50 11"
" far ul• bp.
millJ& CAN MUD
QALSODA-25 casks Englisb Salsods on
bsud&na ib r felb by ALEXANDER RING,
NDIA• BEN Ma i-2300 feet of 3.4,
I, and LlOnsh pante, India Rabble Ilydniat ham—
reeelts4 tam ltoo lindon Bolting Oompony, end be
ago 'tine Indisltebboo Depot No Ile Noe. ptrint,
J. t if
lost the India Rooter Pollorr. r i ll i tfrattr p r
LOWS o ks f dlfforent Wu. ler rolo j et A tb i .el r ultr t Art
1.16 leart tame
SOAP -50 Ms .01eine Sonp in sto and for
tab br sor2o FUSSY= re
HYE-5000 bush. Mye mated
Ecry2o TOROTH 800 IT.
CHEESE -2W bait prime E. D. Cheese jut
Flea and tr Ws by T. LTITLZ a Oa. NO. 111 241
LIKE FLOUR-50 bbla In More and for
el. by TON T LITTLE f 00.
SENNA ALEX.-500 lbs for sale by
nneti B. A. •FAIINIMO=•CO.
C BBLB WHITLNO in store and for sele
efUir nr taT5ll ILEUM 511,03.
4ur KEGS VANDYKE BROWN just reo'd
.i sals'br 11.7 30 nZ IIII4O RROIL
I.ooisl OZB QUININE just r
no' na PROSd and for
e by milio ma
I.soEB!ra u .g"V.tinnt ,r alln d
6 2n BBLS No 1 ROSIN in store and for
erur tale a} s ydo YLLY.IIIIO DUO&
I 00 ..I.s.I B ZDs.A NDP AZgrii • cane
300,?!:'„Tds11"1.1Itmoni and
lOt UTTER-s by bbls a minr
Lia ß o oll r 7 e a o , 'd - rd
113 Inn W.
OATS -1000 bus reo'd and for sale be
mot r am! LIGIORTS.
M AOK4REL-1 00 bbls largo No 3:
arrM*ad fir ads by IBTLI.III/, UCIALVI4 6 1 . 4
nall and SO Mood aL
TIMMY SSBD-5 bble: In store - and ON. for
nut sr R. 1113T1311M
HOPS-4 bales just rood and for sale by
ROLL BUTTER-5 boxes fresh 801 l But,
Jost rda'd and kalatathmec wan a
VONOENTRATED LYE—a new article
X.) for waking had and ooft en*. iratzsatod tuporka
to pltpti mry moos, ea hoed eater .I. l •bY
B LUE MASS --150 l a. blf r or Atu s*m um ___t7 a.
11411R,VEST TOOLS-50 Revolving Horn
Bash eseveit toil=
we un n &tips;
011 Ifsßalm
SO g Coggistorr.
2 4000 l'ito AM Lech ea/Xs kph". by
ramieweißlar. •
All Advaresameatit at eanaarts or Pab•
ilaszesemmts scrast Wald tatirnittaty lasdvanta
IL) )ItIGINAL VEZOINLIL 08101.1.1)11.88, hayin per
formed vitt' dletingeilehea sateen In all the prin g
eitieht of the Unien...shdettroaterr of .IWitiresit chars.
;Wharf* MOO Or their Dwavuta Boom writs- the-above v.% g on LION.
DaYasos Bsb .. Adiatiellm ittereite. rutted= In bills
or. the dm,
ir Doors open St Le. Oenr-rt to commence at 13 o'cleck.
Nos. 170 & 178 Centre Sto New York,
OFFERthe annexed twortment and eplen
did liteck of hialme.o7. rfrererrood. de. and would
remark that the advantaged, wg poisen, In having Be,
'foreign wood*, selected by our own agents, and imported
direct. se also In manufacturing Veneers, Le., et our own
haw Billie, Mrd us facilities Moder • lerg. and .atnun , or
arse StAmk, at thg varrff lowest prices, via:
3115.000 feet of llonsgmd.Venseradeart aura line.
335050 Mahogany (hutch Veneers.
335.000 " " extrashaded and Mottled Veneers.
V 5,000 shaded Veneer..
4l 000 •
" Patin Velma,
163.000 . on. Walnut Veneers.
31,030 " Meta wkd &taunt Furore.
14.000 B. 13. Wards Veneer..
Q. " Whit. Melly Veneers,
15,000 Dowd.
176,000 "'Mahogany Boards and Plant
760 gardenia assorted. eta: Cabtrut and Piano Forte
Aleo, d ltoorood. Motioanyi lint atllirnien Cet u r
ilk i l l ere d hi l artincturiere Fbn
Wayside Bow,'
Br Edward O. 000121rio, author of Hum= Iletchts.
O. col lento. Prkw 75 cents.
Va. I. ! mat 11. of e LI W
8111 -
ied P
. .
. . . . . .
TAGUIL 1 vol e Moo. Pries $1.76.
• Parton, Author or the "LID of lion. Greeley.
1 vol. IRm. •MC p Plies 60.
Etylklker York.
Rosewood and Mahogany.
nE subscribe's would inform the Cabl.
net Mann& starers. PL.° Forte Makers andothers
city sod vicinity. that they bare opened yard.
with =Hanle buildings. at No. 370 WASHINGTON ST.,
In the clty of New Tort, where they bare on hand • lardy
and very toperior stork ot the Onset wood to be thund
the United Rate. W• offer
100.000 ft Mr* and extra toe rosewood sane. re.
. .
. .
60.000 ft do do mottled mahognuf Twee..
85,1100 ft do mahogany Waded do
40,E00 ft plain do do do
62,600 ft. mahogany crotch sower; strionwhen.
00,000 to. do dramtratt Toneers,
UO,OOO extra fine mahogany, do •So,
26,000 ft fine blistered noised walnut. do,
40,403 It mottled do do do.
60.000 ft walnut crotch veneers. draw butt slew
61,1 XX) ft do
extra fin e
serious do,
30,000 ft line and extra fine satin good rename.
25,030 ft ochre veneer;
47,000 ft curled and bird's eye =Me veneers.
71,00:1 It mooned rosewood, mahogany. wd main
lewd bawds. plank, and iollt °fell thickness. Piano and
Ostenet Mouldings. 760 diftensot pettasue, allot VII 7 Loco
Prim, and upon as Insurable tame as any . other.estabe
!llama:it in the country. Orden will be Clod with
unapt care end dispatch. lIAW SL WILIA/INIIIIIT.
670dashington M.. kot. Beach and North Mom at.
wadtte Nets l'ink City.
uses OLD aLIP, rsw 0000,
it I sissuesetun to orlon
Bags and Sacks, Sewed and Seamless,
hotuties for
liaising and Prinjag
Zags or Sacks fin Flour, hioaL Bominy,
Buckwheat, Rants, Salt, Spices,
all of ankh they Varnish to ardor, In the moat approved
atria of dad= and pttnir; and with quickest drapatob.
Mr; Imparters and Dolan to
and various Idads of Thread and Twine, both Linen and
Oottao. or .0500 we are receiving. continua Impale.
Agents wanted to seal Maps Throughout
the United States.
rtiErs subscriber constantly issuing now
Nape of thralfeet {deal end SaWthle Character.
VIRPEIBENU seat. sad millets In dleerent forte of
the country are mating trent
8.51/0 to 'woo a year.
Any parvenu man can mate a permanent boeineee
with Ind very null outlay and no riga
CATALCHIIJE and Utter containing hill deeatellora
term; de. aid to sent hero to a good =an who Is In went
ef bedlam.
indulrlon intstrared Dr Mara mall.
Gnat indocatmmta and liberal allowance mad* m done
and Pedlar al minty In • tin batinasa.
nitrate S. 11. JOCELYN. pabllaber of
.to;tdorr. Mw. and ittestranat WAIL
Hoot to and 60 ruurox arlilinT. Nan York.
Market Street, West of Twentieth,
_ .
IToni u and ;,;lat
evastaatly haaad Ism. and salaat amartasant MAN.
TOM, TIMM MON tlyaran, TABLE TOPa. 41 , :a, beard
dmartatma, not waaeLlsd by any
edy a* beauty.
n' ersTWlld r ilts.purantras aad
27.118, foralahad It lb. ehartart math, with Wanda of
arm daetritotasa
_and aattarn, iabetbar /oral= ar Daum.
tie. eta.. !Matted In ft* est. or Mock. an tU most rm.
magi& Wan.
nersattally tarn. attaatian to our 'twit as Egad.
ftzLiya :ca
No. V North TRIED &rod, PRILA'DA
IZILB. sad Impart.= of Ylile.Mlll Mr -mum
KIPP. 4 yoW
Hemp Hose Manufactory. _
AiSTONE, Quarry street, above Second
Philadelphia. Chap mud superior UM; Pin the us
re Oempanies. LOCOMOUTI4. nuesuibeale. Will, Stalin
factoileslmelllngs As It is suede wittiout mints Ie zone:
Keane and tat Km expeneive then Lather Hoes Aire
LAMP WICK Of all kinds fel.l-11
WOOD ENORAVINO executed with deo
at web IN ALL ITS DRANCIIM. tba Imre rty
tba kraut poodbLa CM II CRIOE, by
Oman booth and Nyeaaaora atm. Melo nail. tnala
N. lA—Particular attention paid to Unto loan.
IlaadA Ataam Boat and Bacon CALM
311 M. IL HASKELL, Coneral Commission
liordioat and Atictionort. NO.O Water otrogt. Po
a. 111.
loodarattoation to • ••.- • Indust. angle
WOE the sale oi - Westeria Reserve Cheese,
b"Oiltrdjl'et • P "ig i krggen
DUOS OrAlall n 7,
No. 116 Second et., bd. Wood 3 Snulitfuld,
Pittsburgh, Pa,
• ma TO
Slanktnirs,lllPrnit,'Citlanu Dwpadt Bo*. E:lttilmrEb
nprinicrilartan‘b. PI MY*, Lippincott &La;
mincer *Dtltr, .11. Fahnortoct it Co
151111a"Raluable Newspaper Establishment
un ISALI,--A very saleable Newspaper &tab!lament,
located In the trawler of Penneybeit and 'Vella' •
M a lta iwortri= d for earin id oonses=orofrit
abty of the 'Weise to glee It thal atteallon It de
mands. ted to the Interests piths Amerhan and
Republican puttee. Mae the seuttdence of the Mende of
the most UtleCl movement In Petwaylvanta, 11411 s am.
ealaly one of the most &drab'. Palmer.. Iretweents
most State. Um/erred. the one half of the establiel.
will be sold too • gentlemen who is oonsfitemt to edit
mad =duct the paws for further particulate apply to
the editor of this paper. myW. , wd•
Human Life 'Saved!
Mich., Mirthll. Inn
J. A. DHOW, gap Dear 111.--AN I took_yout medicine
to mil on annignment. "no eon no dal e MU grade
jra t t i gtalArZANTMglT=44•Wrafti.
1114. Of modred:
W. It Owtzug told me—"l had taken tdnalettise of
loon .Wm and eouttnoally run down while
tau It it:inlay e end Uwe was GootWted that
that blood theettarged from lay mouth and Dowd..
nth au. Gement It Inwoodhle tot ne to lire throw=
WWI The donors too did all they matt Ow me,
raught met 41. Nottdog wo any rood until
got iltenWe twee end Ague them
army s t om ata
at awe
painmacho dienep add wawa tomata awl
pain In mratet t l i... andthirlilband moduted a permanent
911.0 . 41klaiwyn bad tnen tatlnr dteditths of
tomed • doctor at we have in our lowety. Lad Laden any
it, Wound= and specifies without any good meld.
team Uth August, to the Utll Doomober Dot
i tiw bow
ara milt=
a n a tt i be n tet,
.6q m = et
=went eareby_oling aIIVO - 1 • tottlo:
ooliKun lbws, bat _both so l d ther broth.
ere lay hI, ease was ths same as W. We. the roadie
oboe to both the day,and
sold!m 'wu;ggedy
nom =a tame ithth otantlty. tateht
Yaws with nem. A. HUNTINGTO§
Deo *tam greats tor Iteell Good mord se it b, it
Do bettor tenor than the atunber ot lite tertleleatee
/ Wee alreedy and the etill agate =mut
that is =tin y pouring In to me.
Ode Mara. Lest yew I bad occasion no &Mt=
them weft—
none onefiew who how talam au Of my
enalate , Ma name uf their 00*ww for suet.
Nan and teen withdrawn inducleseeend their with
LPN e11eum50%,./..drlor Vim ether mediciae my
at man if he dam
Has I takapleiroril wing that the Cents mewed
tit the ewe .Dt. tWiteteads Ague Lislathe Unit W mention.
elyggelj.b e =huhytijoue people wto usesapp
plying to thole poison.' twat all that / oldish about
air lever and Ague (lateor Antidote to newt
=loete l e n t l =ta c ill i fi t glealtrwte , ot tt °ebb%
TertieGy . taIIAILBSI3 OW RIOT . It, gab re= i to
e=tlo. • .0. distimpatth
JAN.A. Itillpareople ot. Protidedwojt.
B. l4:ll•Zign . 1 , 41 ,1 =0 • w i le% Lt. Kamm
adOto Walk •
_ _
HAVE be day =oda 41 with roe am
the le i tlm i. tilland l 4l=
net - Tontlnuarrt tba_Aoleat, 136 liked et, u
ited the nem end atyle °NOUN N /100,
I would take Ms opportunity of ntarnten Elsrar•
tin tt t
to iny old cuumers so the very I.lbetal
•We teenr* sthnon, and wawa
"did tratteennee et pattonada; Ana
an tam nui In Minaret data= ym&
aarthateurnWtrlnnt us "111 be done" in the •M.
gunner, u ¢attn• mid, that my nark tail ,n1. 7 / 1, 1
Wm:, oh4rimi,
• - GL
• .- • :co. mina, Para.
I.Ballyas Wad lad littata•la •
' -
_rirr3BUßGli. PAL
gren caws praatlyallaaa to. _
Price reduced—Black !Finish Foliar.
G(113 IVR BATMEN To amble aro.
_„,...,,thar n ' t " 4 ,..4o. o6 at*na ge" ITALIAN SYE.GRASS—Wr -- bug.
',tear te mews bs
By nem" the c r aunt or lisp, dm= roddi 4. Nair 'of Vals aceNst Woratakii
ulna ta Urn ona littiti prozottr comas Orr IE O 4 0
. 03141621 =1 Tar
041 " ,b1 / 7 r 50 "."4 1 17 (MW °a.
" -----
• 1 9. 1 11 r
, -
Sta:ple and Fancy Variety and Dry Goode,
No. 95. Wood Street, corner of Diamond Alley.
They refer to a long esperienee in this business, as a safe tee to the purchaser,
that he will get the !abed and beat rtyl_ azil at prim u low u any other &Mat
An hanx.tio. Oonde then. no tin to MU. Zonal attention will Winona to Walnuts. whether their
calla be for examination or parthaeet tohlY
DAVID CAMPBELL SAMUEL POLIOCK hare associated together' under the style
of CAMPBELL A POLLOCK for the traossetlon of Gams] Variety sad Oa& kndoass,sact the Xarinare
of Plan And Waved Wu WA Bionldlos.
11856. CANAL NAVIGATION. 4856.
Via Pennsylvania Canal and Railroad.
Capaaity 2000 Tons poi Month each Way.
OUR faci li ties t. T .TeAtat. 11 = 1 .12a LuglyaiMeLedillurifig? Winter,
IburwhahittfeW..., ell T ß d altinr. ir gyLizaboiltigmrt my
,: s 3 4 m rr t f . Po t 4TA i ly=4„nz ix,
va d teb. " l=llol/11T CAAL POTBDUROH. PA. '
mhl9 HIER & MITCHELL, rsoaisrona.
.• Pittsburgh Hedge Farm Nursery,
§ITUATED on Wilkins Avenue
shout mte quarter or. mil e ham the b
to cote on the Emma. and ct Plank
Road. ertendon of Path etreot, and about
three and w on trona Pima:med.
They ac.• itor calm very UlU lari X rltlection of wall_
teem and sherds sultahle tramplanting this mu and
The humeri now =en BomaMr term of mound and
romaine over MO,OOO tram. shrub. and plant and mar
10,000 fruit t 0,... and 20,007 kvaryreens atm atumbw.
of fine elm for removal to orchards andpleasure vonntle,
Plants carefully pecked and sent accorStod to
to .7 part of the United States.
We beg Irv. to ea theattentlon of the lone of sq ruts
bay and venders In the tradato tau undvaled
for the Ting of 11134,et0 towing !wady all the Iv- , emus
nmdly dam= and Issotio, that in worthy c
cultivation in this section of country. Ilan ta 0..11 to ro.
ray d of aunt' thinks annotate to give hmadiato *dec.
Prime modsrata as nasal From otrumers, mutt or sane
solory Wan= in the city of Pittsburgh required at si
Orden addramtd wukta rcn OfEke, tea
Pittabursty Pa.. or att mu stand on Mine days, t
th. Diamond Nunn. trill Sayonmptly attend o. t 4
Fruit Trees, Evergreens, ite.
rt i gllE subscriber would most respeote s t
Nur ..11 the attention elf tde *tends end the
nu ato Ids to largo stork of Pratt Trees, BM
lnaVbbay, Nom, flreenhonsePhusts, ha.
e stock 0 [arcs end thee. Ot Pear, we nave
moms Dies . and Eltanderd
our Dern
chinos varieties. Path= ttrrosand ems VIPAe O t t •
IT, Pfinn, A Gooseberries, trmlias. ad.
Oar tverwe i li=ilk.6.lbet„of which we tuns sonny
thoneande, as arm Person" wanting large tainUtise trill
M literally dealt with.
end see our deck. Fie at.
..„,,, 0,,e0n. Orders lett t. the Pittalntegh rile
s ,,
lir.. DstnnL Lne/ At" the Oakland N WIPPIM De mates
on Perms.Avenne,
the Pfttstsugh Nueser7.ll4 calve
2131:1 o.lJsad. trifler prompts asaanded to.
N. Bot-lea dote neatly to enter.
SOttti 3113hD0On. Ss
3,000 Water maple Trees
PILE subscriber offors for sale 3,000 Wa-,,
Ur Mauls 'hyaena 10 sores of Laud, taw.% be
tine= the Atonottafthela him and Mitedo , Au Yield Tien
Rea 4 two wake from the dry.. The land le beautifully
ifted fora private residence end will he soldlow. Tor
further parttrulent =WY" on the 112.151A.11 of
totaitawd U. 'WATSON.
11121N1.—RALrifk-00- 42 Volta. Az.t. Now Yon
U•loll .411
319, 321 and 331 Liberty, street,
-15.70NtS always on haat Mane and Marble Carb.
melgullAbatle=a e r i lop i wa order.
made b 7 aueldnery, la ten One sad better style than
baba done
to tb e =1 by. facture of
tom =vial libor. Part.d. attention
of otuch we hare • lugs misty of hosutlftil pattenta.—
Baden, and others ere Melted to examine our stool of
Mantles. ss to reel porsoaded that altar oolnsg eo. nod
learning mu mil:Bm (SibandoptardsJbotfewoho ere able
to eon • good hon., .11.1 to willWg_to remain long with •
out procuring one comma Idorbl• Mantle; They moire
n o scrubbing tor MIMI= or. titan. tat an to 0n.l•
meat to • roam are not liable to fate amend do not out
much more then • good too& month,
Muhl. gold low to the trade. llearth Stones made to
. .
Ow 'took of Marble intim ler:cretin the West. enn being
manotsoturest by the best Irorkaten, aided by machinery.
to worthy of attention.
Order., andzessell to me. at 310 Libe rt y et., Pittsburgh.
bUM uith dispatch. mhatAmd W. W., WALLACR.
The Greatest Medical Discovery
`V I 11 . 1. i KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has disco . :
Otmeturva ""' 2:G*l.l.torig st oths awe ama
lie h .101.0 It In OYU .lest hundred cum turd neva
failed swept Int.. moat (bath thunter humor.) ii. has
now to Ms poem.= or. two hundred anithratee of Its
nit.. all within twenty mile. of Boston.
Two bottles are warranted to cure • canning son moth.
Our to three bottles sill mare the worst kind clphooples
albs flee.
Two to three Dotted will moor the .)stem of boil.
The bottle. are ...minted to can the worst canker In
the month and stomach.
The.. to CM* batten an wargtwee ----
4.emPtertelvect•—,. 00...11 hinter
the eyes.
Two bottles are warranted to sure running or the eat
mod blotches amarst the hair.
Pour to six tottlee ere wermlated to cure corrupt and
-le.r.oetr:zi =re wady eruption of the silo
Two to three bottle, .n warranted to core the most der
perste cages of rhismnaUsm.
Two to three bottles am warranted to core the wont
ease of zing..n.
ILn; to lisirtcttles are warranted to core salt rheum.
A Pin togest tattles will cars the
of scrafa
berient le Mays expatierand from the ant bottle te. .
sad • perfect nut la warranted whoa the above tituustlty
tiotblog Woke so Improbable to those who hare In rain
tried sll the wonderful of the der. .. tbst •
ammo weed arrewlog la the pessants, and along oh/stone
walla, should eon every hors& la toe nett= Irat I. now
• Pled Oat. If you ban a Man It has to start. name
are no Ito tor ar/ahem. or Ine• about. =Wag one CUne
and not roans I peddled seers Morava leaden of It la
thesis's. Ity ofaiu` / koow l 4 ethesta la may sea.. It
ha. all•ell done mot of the mitten rate star ,
t done
p ln
eesselars I It to &Ulna •
year ohn old
mplot otneen tout. I t W an M.
Oettt 1.041...1% •
wenn' no o
n teas dean Ina soft sad tabby. restored to
rocket Ara anhealth by tittla
thee* who are subles tick beda,oht.nte battle
wrd tie ere care it. It Ora crest niter to catarrh and
elltatto•ss. goon who henbane crane Itiryawl., / • v. t.r.
IC to. and been resonated by It. Where the body la mad,
It work. quite ray. but where there le any derairearara
I, of the Menlo. or tatare. II will car very sinarar nad- 1
lane, but you nun tot be alarused—theyalwan flleeP•
peer In from tour dare to a week. There is never • tad I
nisch hem It tin t he contrary. when that feeling le over
yoo will feel MUT/0 Me • /me porton, I beard Dot. of
MS CUM extrarattakt ottotaluma of It that Mail over Liss
Grad to. No change of diet, le ern nenerar-est the
beet yea can can I bare Illawise an herb, whl•th, when
elcomend In meet oil. draslresbcrotaloua mlllow of the
neck end under the ears. Price 60 centa Price of the
hiedleal bleconav $1 per bottle.
Da/CUM fox Iles—Adult. oat tabLeepxneml per der.
Children over elcht Tara daunt cocaina% allelesa from
to 10 elan rears. tarapoonftiL la no direction can be
route Lendable to all toraltattlorie. take tuner topper
rata Q. bottle Wins del.
Mr. Kunsan' ern personal attendee°. la Led cram
doll s Whalenle arid Satan. at Dr. ISEYSEWB,I4O Wood
amt. mon Ot Ylten slim *ad I.P. /Lamm. dile .
stertay. totablydeva
i. R. =WILY.
And. Steamboat Agent ,
MrConactostontA and cedars molloltad.
Urn tv--
Moors. u. Mos &Os.
a co.
Kramer * Hid=
Brolm Hirlaatriar
Add Iderchanto
s o 15 1 A u As ,
NO. 273 Liberty
B S tree n. k
Fourth. S
H treet eatilet Store.
w.Si a ,MOOAI A L,T)II,
Fo C urth numt, near wood.
aavlted to our Dreicent Rs* trisetsditt
wtµf Zit &silty Velai4. " rash 'and Paladin In.
aramals and iTepssern mans
sod Blair aprr. Radium Sal
Yu c ca ad Ply Prksd lavas.
toots IzetaltUrs .Tidilat and Dinasstalsa sad BUIL.
QOM; Mt Mans. W from II to Sdi tot Inds Tarim ass sad pricer Table Oil WM; Math Printed sad
Bair.Title Carns. Oefitall sad oors
histaiti soar NSW, Asa Raba Lba. C Bad
sad Dinah Carpets Yeastlsalalcdkvias miry satiety or
Window Stisnes, Orem and Bud liallsnd. ire. de.. all Cl
eblth b. °Mast tar a t TUT axtirst• mtgs.
;WV,* ate slid prop:Au Panda ilarriniitats 007
pet anima.
. Cider end Vineg ar.
lUNEGAIL xaada ',Oxpleasly far family aim
v_ =dna" Wain tams .. tat( ttut:Zatall
tr-4;71,lo I
''`tee aly artboust.
ohtiaiii 47 , l* . md ma te tr eg m
. I . Q , Cl .d dett: s legkragt i l
wtluhe tee V t !=r. • •
The Ittanikai of ado IftmlUes, tort and Oa
etunti7 turthant•Wpszttoulu, Is <Muted eta nat.
cider that will keep sweet oa th next Fall,
ma Qum Vi.nnall sod ma. warmted tetra n, me,
watt! istal. A.BALLOI3.I4IIIWater &lit lit st,
we J 08131% WHITE% - yarje
iOSEPIL WHITE "ilia mripx .* , svn " btasti•
_nes Isilisssseloas postalas. (now limy nolon)
rwEil .c . son (wwwwwoollio, DMZ she rae
r na n a ttgl a t s. tVelti ttlleratt .
. 1 . 1
t Wenn gentleman putchasers th at one s : ... on -
M4l, goostortkyoaroni=no la the bailyst=
Eklant(=deDarnatful=hennwtoimoollet itoor""th"uutnatoriomerhond socol
ust sums insssumussus. a ps it=
mum is Complenktgo wwswoor or Ms an
ealptil!s best ma wet sehleebho ,
Prk‘ h y ' .ospo;wis. which
town 7 • th .
inestennearsjPt caudate. ter beeped apos
tle pries eta ng to WM , owdo.) JowrDD %%go
nig HA monad? mtton onlgog Soon ter then the sett•
arts • 1 . yi ,
.11,--15(trriaga WV/be no big aging, 4106 gip;
ivtom "s. anoeTyl. D., regular
rr wetur s am c u ad s
• . reteustr - Teu7Me •
'at. D. S. Own a-Dosr Inn lean asy of Ad Ware
um pals, the. I Without hi andit olnahn tbign re
ma MAIM, Ibt MEM andhan a, moo
la an ssondelate of the LITVG Ills Doe* err.
meat cold& la the beet Itzunna lib van*
Drawl eild add 7 7,71, 1 an e rra ll * D.
Wcod Ind doeond De. • • •
root 1iiina*.—........4111341 anon,
BRO: : , LBRIS,-Aornar 13f,
sad emithlield atm% Pthti ,
/% 11 . 71 0 107— gm UgiI.KIIIN Wanner teo.,tomkths satl sow
annaladve. Lead Ws:Tuohy, Mb. •a
- a m: iftectal Montt= gino to
rani satt dlasslat UK=Tevairm oo444 . -
ership of James. Irwin & Co.,
rot ar1114:4, la te ld lart,., il
basing= of the gnu be sa dseale WM
rittiburgh. Juluaz7l4lBs2 JA107.4
MEE undersigned will continue the mean
Lal Mama
a& ncead In card bob.,
,ado OWEN
James Irwin,
{a I:U.I%M UFA M ETHER; Bulphario
khr.t Bylxits of Mtn% Nitrio Aft_
liolfnan'• Anodirme Holistic ffdaw
itgtvroit—m; Tt.ra '24
j: RE Co-Ter.thmtbip heretofore existing
a rig.4 . , , tq r g/1 ,:, 2 2 l
uth lit i t . ..blam t ALN is this
A. ja n l n
ni U rl=7:n7l.lV ".. . VI "'WI
It le
CO•PAItTNERSifip_A. A. hy mn h as
this der ./sedated with him in beam* llstban
tins. of Allegheny. imAar tbs Ina of A.A. llama
tztalziE 11i0.116 lin sa ALVER 4O hmine. V I N ritaßON.
.!E WILSON, Wholesale •
Comadadost liandxsatisnd Deslersln • • ••• - • •
it ß:iJkJmus -
00. - Wholesale and
• R•tail Dealers Ist Drugs, Ditztts„ ms. Vszulabs
!in 67 Wood stmt. .
NOTICNOTICE: Jose .h Fle t azim havinL=
wad= 31; iti l lenJointa ABEL t CO. •
DB,. C. afoLAIDra
Liver Pills and Verminige,
1111. L SCOTT, a regular paadnato and
V TaWricion of extensive prsetios• and ostveritooreja
drool by • sozotasulabio dabs to &Dula* homsa maw
ha, as yell as Locustts Las Whetted an DSPDOVBXLENT
rol rho ortghtal Lira Phi. sad Vssitutcorof SDLOIra
harlot" omens those reotorlior as the nrodleat Dart= of
Dr. 0.11 ,•••• for C1.1017_
Oar Itortrand Lbw MD and Vormeasopos proorer
.mars and as mow ad3d to their ohas. than the
Lbw Pills and Virnathir phwarod aossonog to Ur oar
loaf tostedot of Dr. C. Ihr .Wo risks the e. thetwatkot
tmdarstaritosly. and racomorol theratto th hlistad as
beans both plassoot sad =stir and Worn Macs shoo
rtor to any o th er Lbw DID. or Vorrolftwo era we c mrod•
Fend Certificate of Dr. C. McLane,
The Whole World Conquered/
Dr. I. Scott's Celebrated White Meant=
Liniment. •
The unleinal relief affardid by mahatma. ofthte Cele-
Onahel Mao of Pato In cues of Shmostlam. CZ
Lora heao. Sm. Throe. Ibralamh
aro of the Joints. &fume. Paton. 150 ''"'b: •%. 13
or lay other abeam@ or which baba Killer or linomeat
le awl. amble' mm easeravortabrety that Dr./. !WWI
Chletrraeof *has Ciroatoon le the
and pleastatyetoedY yet Oboorlaedlr=4**'
Idling properties far Malmo dimat aged ryedb
cation qtycht. The =ay atteethakme of Oa virtue% gte
;a=d 11=w—lilrr.V:ivd.v=r
Remedy. The most
ti will pig Woe thhur
more than the Moving teethoosky of D ar . maims. db.
tingolehed ae crest roeaa• ofeaedhl eam:her.
H at Ma.
This 4l artrfy, That have =rmtwoo the mrodot.
Ering Ifelnnolo I.roor and' Vonntrown I.lror Pill
Dr. I.Bmt; who Ono bona in the hotosofpnhowino and
nionronat nediana in toy dice duallya th. lost
ninon. Year; nod that: I baton be bai 1.1 , 0110V.XD
IDEAL I nuao the ohm statement the mote It=
ham no isionn in than Warmer. I wood
stet that I bane trennently mood Ida Celebrated Min cir•
=man Llntmeet In my wattles. telth the hephiest wsrta.
sod that I 01111COMCQUI111114 19=61.11:4
0. MeLARC. IL D.
All the .bore bledlcinee prepared eblely nailer the ea
twr,L of Dr. L Scott. & by Drag gine and Iler
ata everywhere.
The genuine Dr.C. bleLan•'n Isapreeet Lam pull wad
haprooed Versal. an • •• ed Dr. L boatt • Co.. ace®-
. .
accoomaded With altnators a. • _
"Le COTT 0 Dra•_. -
Bank Naze, alarrocrown %a-
Dr. um. u. ICEYBIB, 110 Wood a...Pictsbargh. isbca.
si.te Agent.
ILY a- .1.11N0. Attr-Ftteny. war Calleosdpfpot.
Aiw yaw-clay Ir•T
ion B. icalc..-...11/03. a. ERT/0...—.41.LiCtil L. UM"
T. B. YOUNG & CO.,
Of every Description.
FACTORY—Federal St.. &tows Wylie and Ihrincl.
Warehouse—No& 88 t 40 Smithfield St.
an constantlr niannhansurina antaMMOAT CABIN
Cirr ÜBE and CRAM& and Units the attention of
taws Intoransd to larsahltdr testa.
aaa T. B. YOUNG a CO.
QABINJT NURNITURM uea areo AID w tiny warp, rirearmos.
50W. W. respectfully informs hts friends
• and meter:tam that ha hugte=leted Ida goeb
Paredtare, • which is dui and Out el the
offered for ode Wilde thy. t il eite Is datanansa to uphold
tae stoutorttheceemed toaterlots. beet ntektontuldp, end
newest dediont and fro= the extant ef hie orders and
thelhtyln manntedading. bo onnbled to Produce ntr•
motto iItaNITUIUI at the 1011eSt gotten
IL iteetaahraye on hand the Lastest variety of overt
deleriptkom of foxtdtona tosan the chaapmt ee and . plahten.
to the mod eleault end teetly, ki t
. 11at a b ben
00.01.1 t b o ot ed : er The 11=1 . = astufurtand
NW ir amortutait:whlr-b. far siehriets etyte and=
=not been= in any of tte p X642
100 l tow a i sits " Pleah elll B° Mr Dtalntt animal:tat
Clout Tantelt
100 docrtataboginy Cluarr ID Secretaryt Book aures.
ed do Wohnit- du SD P eat Beat 42Ddru
lOD Idah'ny Boeittot Mal= 24 &eking their
id wawa do Co; 12 ladtreWritlng Deals
kftboirsay Dime Hat and Tinrel
60 Wattuat do Ittigannt
100htarbletos Centre ranee Dontenalknt Watts
60 do Plet=llt edi rtems Eltatethin dot
W bead jai- Eareptken
•• dal
...ruaga ;14 .
Glatt& Lod EN.11%.11-4
,PIDIFe *was Tables
CO CaOM7lOOl P0)100 DadAillaland Plat
_ ladlae des
10. Mem= Wazthobse Crtanka Mang Tabor
10 Walard . L71 .4 =14
szul Vlthz3
r Cubs.
Steamboats and=r
MI cream Derceool.l.• istf
a. 111341
Pres . Chug It
end th• tho Olden
Thaes Dun i;•Vida stee l . seem from Ih: t e t t :.
lem n i r Rentz , . Lime and toi al libig
from atria:Leg by U. Mmerta. egret mice of
acme 01exe•thee1/10 Per een, tot he sent fre er
Thr isublertbni Lava ostabtlabod • 130011 daiIISICIT
cin Phlladol pals. and MIII furnish law boot or criabllea•
uoa at Um, retalt ark.. tom of ipt:stags. Any par•sol.
'ti ftawardlog lb* aobierlatiourke• of sas v ol . e at*
CAVerLlVATl=ic a int
luttot oaf vox and • • copy of stove bitalltirg
groins% from olobarg oubaalbla_gt- sp.
l t r&as 31 1 =
t ? . •
• ivairsed:r i ege rali b
C eso
planttlike stonl PLOSIIM. 4ta.oloottocat
Sven doscolptilon of Soviet= as Woxid stmeatedirl
mama andauipateb. Vlaw of .13111141 - k trIES
Routings. Vr a .nkbaltn, l / 4 "
Wloraa Garka, ill. COW/ b 7
tAltu2ll4 Ponor 4. ll44Z pe L Tim at Urn
goact.tanal eau mod or OA* e.
the bulMlos bi manor =n em
Puma at • distance haylaoalestela &Mai v 0014 4 04
Ws. their advantats to adti. thaintlaaa Va
litnalact as manta for tbo sale of th• MOW
roldl7 . rI24IrT twin io south Third stallo.l.ooz.
reIVEST,- . We haveagents in the. tol•
keine ewe. lo ths Milani MVO DAV.;
lora CA r flowevw, thuSiest. e"...7 , -
i brtzst
..,, pal sllaaos a 15ti5.,....1
41 1 .0 ' .Iss — irl Wil• I.
triartar at.
.."._ ~,,,„„,,....
-T....7a- -...w... t/T Ursa co,
gri ti os%, 40. Oa e5=81. 4 7: ~,'',',.%=
. ii rree ... , eat bon even us
al „ 1 a..., ' isow=4 WV 3 or
outio ld ' N ' ba ...,‘, 11 ' 11 .= - ial .to • oars Dom ads rill all lor
lib - . W EU aussoltss sbs masa a Stu Jana,
an wow • t a go nu. aut. latona to sla Or
mot I. i"" m" '... mos . soS 10'441414 with thole 1 xo•
, our ma ' E.WW T-ziii. th amuse or tbscl. .
I tkolo* Ts '''W' '' a WOW!. art raw elven+.
I I . • ,,,,„, a ,, T .. .e. to • Satallsld Wu, Pitabures.
Warrities Varivivea Piro anaWaterProw
goteposit . Mu Roofing. ;
WING heartier the hat dem rare s
. ettoalf ontsaaad la Um nautofsetma af tba abase
=tas ra iblett u" I lea: Ma:l i.Z eltin. a tho
v... bean mats
mans affil. tastanati a !lZLbaea Irasaand and =
at arbannisthat It could to and
Itatbas be ta ta M A I a tTi t ie tLlit 1 757 4 " "
gazszLV um. a to=
&WNW oaf atm sad ....tA - Waft.
CitragllbVii!=ntrarg"""n ope n.
any aslant. vs &• , ¢l4_ooer oar mt.fug to ma=
an attar dtlsoas of Mumma saa tatuatr /ta amp.
asta dotabLUty tail perioat gosintiOatAjbw and
sat, nada/ it the maga anatratto man/ in in...
- - yew bat piketrar MS tos is It= ea=4:
taelito tbs toot—bat re am ttnotfematetee
0,, it 1....6 A men oath anallatoar aft tabus
i5ir. 0 ... 22 , 24 . kaatair, kaki) nob at any ktoa am
its abaci atearmaa 07_ Mb arabodollb the
4 , ==== i nkrigigllgathyeg
=am tuttratatkatiattl Macaw Imam as atom of.
Sao— AW Ittok wrt,:totod. - 4. ICIVABItIat,tIO34
The OM* fades tuT tom= act tbo sti Vintaa --- Md-
Mtwa . lialtw arzt=ba " Si r tr=
p .....
aL, etonlattrta; Ont.
Mi.- 0111:1....... • INV Warabottee.latid e Wow
=Mri v i Ck‘t t o7ll44=
attar_ Oust, atom Petaratimpaals sanr
_Watataraaa.saaatalai above solalmadiaollil
:-•-•';,, • , • •- • , Salt- Madam
••nod la TOO lelle In the ilreit. lin ran
ennst , vent , we Maren im shie end whew lbw hems
Wilda ma he at ler Crli.U• Ai the Burn—
i: /were= not Ihr i to the Mr H Pine.
_tene Mho Wart tin Weet) inet an nu
—t Wa n irep, S ge. Ns 41, -is, U.
al - Viit a " sn7ll " -
, :...5 , :::, - .:.f.LL.7....‘7, - ,•aU7,: . ... . i . . , ... -
•- - ,