GAZETTE --PUBLIEUED . PITTSBURGH : - MONDAY 1801116F-NG, JOIFE 9, 1856 Tenn: _ te/teao, —4llx Dorian per aroma. Wale In %drams. W REKLY—Tea Dollars per sureerleram— Mete all be mpelled:am the tone. l . 4l ap ' Tre are 4/IrAdremeepermut atal the • whoa the everts oar rtne Mien:neva . . ~ . . . ImPubliean Declaration of Pasch)les, oroplatoorztig.PBl=llßOßOXilliniTlON. .. ell lend'igitellow the isttodt=trlgjrlrrtb,a,:i ~ Monies owe iimed to freedom. sad .111 i iiiiist - ei. Ifelmemegateclifihrej4 Vit id.. n tents*: &Leaf - lawny liclle willeurrt. lam snn s Want toms car bietlirem -. the wanivid authority - o l f their ries% ismid rail tr will Med the full weight of trim solit Irtnirer fl!k favor of the - immediate Ornate:tor Miami to the Mike se s fme. ' aveVaisdepeudent Stat. - . 3. nob% tbst the moment issilosel edmlnidislion he samara neat to bo week sadii3 Masud that Its aim Mamma la vow to identified with the magma of the 1 - , WAT. 901.2 to tonal norm:man with t* euluelon of ft•1401:11ram the tarn -cry. sad lath en to doll Me Is s leading ratan of oar ormuasales to ware auil owilthrew it... le'For Telegraphic News see Sd page 'City and Comrttaivis' 1 Neve Nee 9th Eage._ adntotlal Oomersoadenee or the Pittseursh °moss, • Democratic Cenwentiort: Cutamsart, Jan e 6, 18 56 . 1 • Frigm morning. .1 Buchanan is nominated. On the Bret balloi this merning, the Pierce Delegates went over to Dailey, to pay him the empty compliment:of a vote, and- on the second ballot Buchanan was nominated - by aeclamation, amidst the wildest eneitement _ The Thiamin men could scarcely themselves tin this fulfillment of their eieng cherished hopes. While I write, the shouts Of the eiders rend the air, bands of mnsto ere pezattibnlating the streets, and's salute is being fired ` This is a result I have anticipated ever since I arrived here. The Pennsylvaai delegation were resolved to have Buchanan or nobody. They would hear to no compromise, and as Pennsylvania was absolutely necessary to tarry the - tloket, the friends of the other candidates gave way. This result will render the fight a harder one for as In Petuaylvania, but I by no mews feel disposed to give up the State as a few of our friends are. It is too' oon to cabin . late our chances of success, but I am confident that Pennsylvania will be the theatre of as des perate a struggle-as has ever been witnessed In the political annals of the State. While the shouts of the victorious Boohanan men are ringing in ray ears, I feel like taking off my mat' and going into the contest with a determi hation et least to deserve 'access. It is emmn ens for Buchanan, that no old Fogy has been elected by that party of late years. Van Boron -.- and Case were defeated, while Polk and Pierce --“Witaw'elected: Buchanan is an Old Fogy of the *nee kind., His antecedents will not bear ia vestigatloc. He expects to receive the votes of Cid Uneasy Whigs, when no man eo greatly -contributed to give currency to the Kane Letter as he. He was about the only man in the oppo sition who never bad the magnanimity to do justice to Clay. It hi the opinion of all pall& - Mans, who. are here sa visitors, that we can as easily beat Buchanan as Douglas or Pierce. He has ea much In his political history which will not bear investigation, that he. can be kept in the pillory before the people from this time to the election. Bat the battle will be fought on the great qua :, lion of the day, on the issue between Freedom and Slavery. On this lane Buchanan is just as objectionable as Pierce or Douglas. He has never resisted the demands of the Slave power. His whole'life has exemplified him as the Prince of Doughfaees. He le placed en a platform which , - endorsed Pierce and Douglas to the fullest ex tent. He will therefore justly be hold accoun table for the sins of the administration, and the 'Heiner - ails party which has sustained the erne darer Herbert, the ruffian Brooks, and all the long list of crimes and outrages in:EIIIELS. Here 'is ethers the battle must be fought. Buchanan represents the issue of slavery extension, slavery domluaney in this republic, end. on flat issue • helsill be - opposed by every true patriot and toyer - of freedom in the Free States. But where are Pierceand,Danglast They have done the degrading work of their Southern masters, and are now cast aside, after being in sulted by an empty compliment, which was never intended .for any thing else. The Buchanan men have spoken of them here, from the begin whit, with, the most hitter contempt. They have , , derlareci over aid over again, that they could not elect them if they were nominated. They have - Whistled them down-the winci a have stolen their thunder, and have turned them over to the bit ter contempt of their outraged countrymen. It ht reported here that Pierce dare not go home to Hew ilanspeliini, that be has purchased a plan , aeon and elaves'in the South. Be this true or not, he will ge down At', the gave with the exe crations of barge majority of the people of the Free States whom helms betrayed and disgraced. He Is' justly ,punlithed by his own political Mends. , Our "Republican friends here are in good ' spirits. They are generally for Fremont, and hay that with him they can carry every free State except Peorisylvania, and do not despair of that. Illinois is rendered secure by the de. fait of Douglas, and Fremont's name, they say, will carry California. This would secure the election without Pennilylvania. As A Pennsyl. - Iranian, I do not give up Pennsylvania, and lot who will be the Republican nominee, I shall feel like }mall's , on' the win In 'his defence. I • consider thehantest, lies between Chase, bi'Lean :and Fremont, either of whom will rally the forces hfhtedorni : and either of whom will meet with . 'my cordial supiwoit." I rejoice to find that there . taw no,fendsengendered In our ranks with my ' peetto our candidate for President, but that all 'will Cordhaly harmonise on the nominee of the Convention. I am writing amidst the roar of cannon, the strains of music, and the wild shouts of the ex. =2.". tilting Bctohananists, but I can look through all . 114 Wise and armoire, and see the calm decielon ay. the , American People rebuking the great against Liberty and the rights of the =.. of this country, and I have unite .?tra ihe nithoste triumph of Freedom of Justice over oppression, and of - ,, - .2-711 .1“ai ,I , Crtifution over the cusdriess of party and 7 of the Oligarchy. D. N. R. . „ - ' Bath rr,"sirn Sis.—Those who -condemn Mr. for Ming" harsh *and unparllementmy *gimp ! , are, who hare not read the those..speech: Let every imoh mac read: It, and he WI/1 be condoned of the contrary.. The delphip ban Bays: . have react tide speech with great care, sad with that degree of interest which is at -. '',Matted-tit it in consequence of the sad event irhieh follo wed :its delivery. We have read it, we think;'irithout passion or prejudice, and are pre 'Wei to supreme the full conviction that it our bibs nothing beyond-thepropriety of Parliament and certainlynothi that can jeati - !y r* ammetuate the sang° attac ng k of Mr. Brooks. . ' Weitre quite confident that 01e-teethe of the :Itonimtutity would oome to the same conclusion on the careful- perusal of this *each, made eo lemoushy the mad frenzy which ensiled its an - thorwith a bludgeon. We ge aware that Mr. Slummy his been severely oenstmed for his ee verity, upon Senator Butler and Soith,Carolins. Bat the °barge is .without jot fotmdation, sod . so "Ili nine-tat:theta the public say If they take the pains' carefully to peruse hie speech. We admit his eevere,-but it le the Ity of truth. It ier a bold and fearless defence of what Mi. , I!unmer believed tube 'tight." - -'We hope our readers will procure Mr. Sum ,neroa speech and careftilly peruse it. i It is ex, -mtediugly able, end portions of it are thrillingly' e loquent.. ;It presents a clearer view of the oil env pr nail present state of tho Kansas ~troubles "than can be found within the same , compete any -ithere'else." 'We colour Let , every one . POsed to condo:in Vat speed, get it first, and ;':.Madit Still* . but hear. „ Oinedinati Correspondent of the Tribune under - Ws of lane 4: ThomeTartly McGee hie Written • leiter to :Jim President of the .Coeention. dintslidlell the' /*talon of the murderer Herbert of California ' who Is' one of the delegates. Aro toyes Aso been " Wel of it. . The Southern opposition to thews, r '' witb•Eigland Bud Fillibmter ne•lutions aseeed; od in we ft:MY:maw, but it rallitd imezmorl. hay - and voted down • Moderate resolution in _:favor , Of Pa _IX BiUreltd. Tine created eon aidersble . feeling. The States with Fraddential. ",esec44-qee-foled 'ender ads test, but Penn .': Teiee,lo MM3 Tam PaccanstowtaCotrriarrtom.--Tharrillose I of Friday has a long article, probably under the isapresudon that Buchanan : would not be nomi nate it Cincinnati, intended to show that -Fre mont Is the strongest man that can be selected by the Philadelphia Conveation, and euggesting some objeetiona to Judge M'Lean. The corres pondent of that paper at Cincinnati, with far better opportunities to judge rightly under the circumstances, seems to take a different view, and we append what he says: The opinion prevails very largely here among all parties that if Mr. Buchanan should be nom inated, Judge McLean will be the strongest op position candidate. He would meet Mr. Buoban- an In his strongest points in the North—the ap peal to the conservative and timid feeling of our people—while he would greatly unborn!) Fill mare In all the Free States. Some of Mr. Fill more' friends give assurances that, if Judge McLean bo nominated at Philadelphia, he (Fill. more) will withdraw from the eanwies. Again it may be urged for Judge McLean in the possi ble event of Mr. Buchanan's nomination, that 1 the latter enures to itself a large part of that ! Democratic element, including the Benton bi fluenee, which It was supposed could be drawn to the Republican standard by Col. Fremont's nomination. These news embrace a !considera ble field of mind and matter in this "cotton of the West and should be known end considered by the friends of the Philadelphia Convention of the East. The opposition to Cot Fremont teems to be concentrating upon Judge McLean. • ass. ILanner.—ff ha now Claverhonse selectel by the dominant democratic party to slaughter the free people of Kansas, is thus &gnome- Oped by the Tribune: " Twenty-one years ego, when stationed at Bt. Louis, this Hanley, then a Major, was charged by a Coroner's inquest with killing a female slave. The airoamitanoes, as recently stated in the public prints, were these: this female, who was the mother of a number of children, andbore an excellent character, was suspected by Harney ofbidlag a bunch of keys which were missing, and to compel her to confess the supposed of fense he tied her up and commenced a proem of tortures which continued for three days, till she died. She was lacerated and mangled in so horrid a manner that the Jury of inquest wan usable to determine whether it was dose with whips or hot irons. The general opinion was that it was done with both. The husband of this victim, a man of excellent character, and also the Blare of Harney, became inspected of whispering to theneighbore his apprehensions of what was going on; whereupon Harney com menced torturing him also, and persisted in it until the sufferer broke from his hands, rushed into the hlisainippi and drowned himself This affair occasioned some little talk in St. Louis at the time, but soon fell into forgetfulness and neither cost Harney his commission nor essen tially damaged hie reputation. Bo far from that, it is perhaps this very exploit (along with his more recent achievement in •the Indian war of last Summer, where be made use of a flag of truce to get the advantage of the savages and slaughter their women and children with com parative safety,) which chiefly recommends him to President Pierce for the command in Kansas. Doubtless, the Border Ramie would greatly prefer him to Col. Sumner. Mamma. Am, --Gerritt Smith, to a letter to t .o. Geddes and others of Syracuse, N. Y., ex pleases the opinion that the difficulties in Hanna can only be properly terminated by force. To this end, he thinks a million of dollars and a thoumnd men should be raised In New York at once. AS he is no lighting man himself, ha pro poses to do his share of the Work by contributions of money, and ho offere $lO,OOO toward the mil lion I • • • • At the Kansas meeting lately held in Detroit, Mr. Z. Chandler came forward, and said he did not wish to mar the good impression made by the speech of Gov. Reeder, but a plan had been proposed, and he would talk to that. He would give $20,000, and another gentleman (Eber Ward) would give • the name amount In heading a subscription to start a company of emigrants to Kansas. These are the large-hearted men which the crisis calls for. Tin Tire' Yoex HIILum ow run Passim: r= Yancrum.—ln the Hew York limed, of Thurs day, there IA a long article on the prospects of the various political parties, in which It takes ground that the election of the nominee of-the Convention which adjourned yesterday, is by no means so 'certain as the Democracy would have it believed. The following are the closing sen tences of the article: "We maintain oar opinion that not only is there a decided majority of the American peo ple in favor of a new Administration at Wash ington, new men, new measure, and a new and conserrative direction to on domestic and foreign affairs, but a majority, Pierce or know Pierce, opposed to the .Dantooratie party no demoralized under his nigger driving and filibustering policy. The particular ques tion is, bow is this majority to be concentrated into effectlTe action; and perhaps the parties concerned may yet work out the problem. The election will not go by default. We arejnat break. ing into the shell of the great question. We are still in the woods, though we have some gleams of light." Fm/B.—The Journal of an:scree lays there were thirty-five fills in t h e United States dur ing the last month, (so fir as we have informa tion,) in each of which eaves the loss was not less than $lO,OOO. Fourteen of them destoyed manufacturing property; and the entire toes amounts to $1,757,000. The record for the last five months stands as follows: No. of Rm. Aral of Ines. Do. In ISIS. - 89 $1,464,000 $1,825,000 - -85 1,269,000 -949,000 - 82 1,921,000 1,608,000 - -33 • 1,937,000 1,200,000 - 36 1,757,000 1,268,000 January, February, Much, - April, - $7,388,000 $6,348.000 The Cornea or Me. Stains.—An effort has been pretty generally made by the proltlavery newspapers to create the impression that MN Sumner did not show a courageous spirit when Brooke. The following, which we End in the Washington corresponderce of the Boston Tdegroph puts a very different face upon the matter: “Brooks hoe told one of his friends, In the hearing of a friend of mine, that Mr. S. showed sash courage when he raised his cane, by the glance of his eye, that he almost quailed; and that he knew th at if he hadnot 'tuned him at the first blow that be would have been to a "bad enema VP no Rams.—The union of the Ada-Administration forme in Cannottient, and the triumphant election of a Republican Bens. tor, is one of the indication that recent outra ges are dosing op the Northern ranks. It can not be that farther crime and wrong, are neces sary to coifs Northern freemen. We , take the _Ronneeticrat election as one of the forerunners of "the good time coming." Haw Jsnenr.—A State Convention of all the opponents of the Administration was held in New Jersey, last week. Dr. Wm. A. Newell was nominated for Governor by acclamation. Son. W. L. Dayton, late 11. S. Senator, Presided, and the venerable ex-Gov. Pennington was among the delegates. The beet of feeling prevailed, and steps were taken for holding another State Convention of all branches of the opposition for the nomination of a Union Electoral ticket. Nor PERMIT Yir.—The first remark made by Mr. Boner to his friends, after partially ro omier from the brutal *sunk Jamie upon him for his speech in the Boosts, was—" That qua to not finishat yet." COMMOTION—The MUM of BOHM BILL sp• Peered In the list of—Vine Presidents of the Sumner indignation meeting; it should hese be011:ROBILT 13.sitt. In One Of tho MONO ootwpicione corners In Chi ago, is a large mix story building, built by a clerk in the city. with funds purloined from lite employer. When:detection became unavoidable, he leR town and sent back an agent to negotiate. The matter -wen flnelly arranged by the employ er taking the building and paying the thief ten thin:wand dollars; and it wee remarked, so great had been the rise In the value of the property, that the employer made his fortune by being robbed. - • • A Preoldent who has the - Masi:try at his- book sal a hundrod thousand office Itoideas to eta:- timer for him. and irho yet begun with about two.eltha and soon wilts away to ions than • hirdof his partfa nominating Convention, le i rapid decline, and might as well confess it.— CanFranklhaierco be the only, mat among Twenty-five MMus who doean't periwig. db. ' A Maras Brarr.—A blast via fired st the nen harbor of Holyhead, North Wales, recently which reir dredthe labor of elx men in lea for. mafiosi for ten inontlub and • chugs of six tali and half of to explode 1L The visa tity ofatone 'pressed by Hie bloei air calcalstW 1 "- e- Tim PLATroix.--The Cincitinatti; sPeeking of ilieplatforni adopted by the vention in that city—tays "That part at it wldolammeden away North. , 1 em rights and Elated - negro:serfdom upon a par with God's greatest boon to the human race, 133XDolg, was received with shoat' otapylanne. It is remarkable how popular hurnertittoodage is with these professors of liberty—these self-con sainted guardians of the Union and of progres. else Democracy. According to the platform, the sole bond of Union, which we now possess, Is in permitting without molestation, the extenL i l sloe of an institution which is at war with all that civilized and christion men hold most dear —DUMAS LIIIEWIT. It wan not until the resolutions which eptok of our foreign policy were reached that the democ !soy began to divide, and division began to chow itself. In rbgard to the nationality of slavery I extension, the democracy of South Carolina and , Alabama and Massachneetto and Ohio, are a unit ; '° like twin cherries on a stem." Upon every' question in which the North had an interest, the South, or a majority of them, voted nay; and • upon the great question of a road amyl our con tinent, to unite the Atlantic and Pacific States, the South gave a plumper against it, and the' . resolution was tabled, and thus to the poor truckling North, after giving the South all, every , thing, Indeed, that it demanded to make stroog . and permanent the bulwark of human servitude, was denied even the poor boon of passiog an ab_ straot resolution in favor of a great national work—the completion of which is so essential to the well being and future prosperity of our In ternational commerce and the real union of the confederacy. ,And than Pennsylvania, as expressed by her delegation, was so delighted with this platform, so carried away with the beauty of its propor tions, its cornices and frescoes, its entablatarea and Its balustrades, that it was willing to take it "without the dotting of an I. or the crossing of a t," and when the vote was taken upon the adoption of the Slavery extension part of it, which, by the way, included a denunciation of Federalism of which James Buchanan was, while Federation; had a local habitation and a name, one of its moat faithful representatives, the wholfi Pennsylvania delegation rose from their seats as if moved by some hidden eprieg, and gave the vote aver, wishing, - doubtless, to show how docile they were, and how willing they were and their Presidential candidate, to do the dirty work of their plantation masters. With all hon or be it spoken, the Illinois delegation refused to do so 'vile an act. We would rather trust a bold MU, though wrong, than an obsequious, cringing doughty*, and thus Douglas and Bu chanan appear in the Convention, judging of hem by the note of their representatives." Samanz's Srimatt.—We ate indebted to Mr. J. J. Farr, of Allegheny City, for a bundle of Sumner's Speech. Mr, East has the opoech for sale at his periodical depot, in Allegheny City, 41160 Federal et., near the railroad station. Thom who hove not Supplied themselves should get copies at once. Inn New York 2S-istage suggests that the Sun day next ptleceeding the Fourth of July he - eat apart to take up a contribution in every church in the Northern States In behalf of freedom suf fering in Sanest. We think the idea a good one, and would gladly see it carried out. SPECIAL NOTICES. We think we unjustified in saying that no age Pelt. I.' Ramie fo Lieu Comp/amt. bu Wee& so deurestly4 the reputation now elheYed by Dr. Me- Later Ctlibrated Lisa Pins. prepared by riming Elms. ot Plttabugh. A. as seethes Met they Ida au, reed the ibllawbeg cestileste fuse s lady malls; Is Nur Tack eVII . 111 w Tan. Juk.23.1832- Mete to entifyibal. 1 bank aid tkoliverismpiaint trr 0 yaws. and naver ezukt Yeted WWI.. until 1 comattesad win D. atgbrafed Urn. Pen, Met 1/150:dsg arm 1 roKa SIOL:.17.100 i a bl amnit i r di rn e lna SN'etad .11. e . a ro wIA Liver. rhat , loo7,l crre idAss. 304 03 0,0,•L• aL li.sambila"tu b. weal to la for on.wr.ecre CILEBILASID LIVID:t PILLS. etabohletared by PUDDING BROIL ofPtruh.Qo .P.. Tbereue ether Pills barman tote Lives Ptak eul. before the public. Dr. brturee's amino Lira PM. also his eelehreted Verrelfeme, eue noer be but aeon rupectable drug stem /tome Mute. guamdhm of nampaci nacrrnxas. ouss.res THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Nib. Prepare! from a prescription of Sir James parka IL IL Phrdetan ixtrosodliasy to tbs Comm— This deniallabla hiscildiss la natkillni m ths moo/ an the pale ni sod dangerous diseases haidesit to lb*. he nsida scatitholdisrl. It =dards@ all mesa remora ail obsdnistioah 1.4 Wags on ths assathly poic4 with tordarlty. Theo Pula ahisnld he used twos thses woks post ono to one fissonnah goy mew consititsittan.aad bra the sah Suing durtrui labor. enabling lb. mottos to part= bart duties with matey to hainif and &Md. In all mess ollierroosnoo and Mogi Lditedissok Panto idle Bea and Llastn, lillatillClll. Palm, on Plight due Um Palpitation of the Mart, Lowooo of Pyliits,Bystor in. Blot lizadada, sad .11 the painfni dissishi aces doted by i disordered aystaso. Ws Pills will east • .or whim on other sears hays Wed. and although a yowled randy. do not =taxa tom lakr.ol. splawar at any other inbassaL ran direstkos scoompanyins mob pedirach Prim. to Cu Oohed [tats, sad Canada. One Dodo. Ban Amu. Its thl. arourry. L C. BALDWIN A Co. llcebsstss. IL Y. TUTTLIII t MOMS. Auburn. N. T. Osnerel Agents. N. D.-41p0 sad 6 postage as snotostn to nn7 Wattled same, sal Insure • bailee than PM by serum% toutlL Fur Ws la littstsattt. by BLZMILO tan:e. amp d Wood and booth CA; JOS. ABU. owner gaustn and SuilUnßsid sus: JOS. FLEXING. roma Diamond sad Maas at West. and Drossists sser•Cly. dr.ttliretitaterr From a Gradtutte of Philadelphia College at Itoxecmo—ltto to to entity thot 1 -hovel*. mini to nay prartteo, Lon Ito look.= yams. the Celebrated Whits Carmoullon Liniment, oa protozoa by Pr. L Scott 1 Co., and beano it to to the meet .Cabal of soy to no. J. M. LAZZILL. ti. P. Blackni V., &pt. 20.180. Dr ll'Lae, 1n200054 Urn Pills sr4 loyasnd Per also Dr. I. emit% Celsius/ea MICA Meant= Llol. meat. yrryered solely ands, the soiorrl.lon of Dr. 1 Aeon, s Itestary lt.dlgl GrAlosto and Phyrlclan of extra. Are victim. Now ganglia only as yrrperad by Dr.' I. tkott A Co.. M.P. , . rigors. Boat Plan. klorssalorls. VA Dr. Er. Larksh Irepeorol Urn Pills awl Isom:mad Vault are roxsarablod by orrttheate of O. Mahan. DMi sloorelledirbses Orr .wby Dr. GEO. U. KAYAKS HO Word aunt. Wholerele &mat JAIL P. FLUXING. A Ilsogbrey, near R. D. U.pot. .holo sale anent je4.II,IAIrT. Have you a Itupture of the Bowelnl—l fold talxtteneettolly Invite the attention of throe et. dieted wlth hangs or rupttcre Of the bowels to my 414 seicatnienS ?nom attains" patterns. audio Rat mrr saioinalid and maltreat= anasentl.4 In every au% et CM take, Na. 140 Wood Street * Pltlibargh„ A. lin et the Rota= Wear.. Aaloag the Tresses sold by me fill to fauna Oarnt't Radical Clore 2tutt; )salt hussuMnr Mid cr , ..nin Gus Male frig= Children' Trough ItSigeand *able; thebillatt hunts, ohadrent and &M 6: Ebeta's AtilCialt.6l47 re.= Dr. e s iltra's Am.* , Tenn; , The price of Trusts war/ from $3 tc.1 30 . Dentin] or Ruptured patients eon be stated by remitting money eta landing the seams around the hips, gating whether the rupture lo on the right or left side. I also sell and Meat Dr, Bartrriturs Lam or Bali Dina, for the mu* of Pro. isperas Mad, Woaltaros of the Meet or abdomen. film ctpaaaa galytssa, nab any mealcase deprodlni on *week and deblittiltaa coadltion of the *Wombat ' Dr. ilech'a Ahrenand Sarpporta. Znotitli Dios* Abloottnal:Ddis: • ATP Stiatito • nearly entry tuna of Supporter now In oft. I also sell Sksedder Braces .of mos etyls.. for weak. "belted sad stoop 'bouldered menu Mega itiockieot fat broken and valloeis vela". dlusemory Baredare, of all &Mos d nay anidy end patent. and: in fin Kix kind of midtaak4l appliance and In Ili* cum of Om". " Dg. MIMI would statito parkas In want or arum or Trews , gat ho no often mud to milt lb. Watt bl writing. bat It Is olirsio bettor tom es Dailoot and Mr Olt tbo Trois or Ram poroons. A;l4mo DS ego, u. SSZSIA. 140 Wood a. Elio of sno tioldem Water. Dr. Geo. W. 'Phillips'. COUGH SYRUP lOBTSE OUR 01 0 , 124114 DPW. thou. DINKUnsi Lungs, Asthma. Brenda% lanusash Ay *Arm Sum Tboss, Oxrcusztloa. and all 4Lea Ma or LL Tlucat ad Matt I _ rtllO Dr: iszniarto L )71.1111NT PAIN PANACTEA, MR MB RELIED AND COBS BP ythenntettna, Numls% Ltuntago. clematis Paths, Paths tit Ma Me. Made Bathand Swelled aniad 'Palatal oa Jotn ll ta, Weakt tnet Back. OrantThrt, The Wounds w hopaws naed thentanee WHY to their ettaltellt =tea by • otnittnnane• ether nia— To then *Dolan not used than Ira would ' asy2RY 'SIMI and. thej,lll end them tO Watt they see —*pm ante; and that Orr at) tet with satfahls DB. UXO. W. PtlitagrA, Bola Itopetetor. aladanaU. M F a. ar rata rbotatala end a 4 ftti imd c zn i ANl -"- - Allutheat aier. Llierpoaland Philadelphia Ilienuhip Line. twiTnit .op'audit! new Stesmehii) thy owe. tarn% will sal horn Parritill italphia an . lath Joat.- from tavarpOol Itlth Jab: . • !row tdatteladia From kin , P6ol. _ War— awl SUN Ca1w—.4.85 aful fa* Btaataist. W. Btstratw-, 40 piano tlekatil brawl Awn Llyrrpial by the atm liar oratmutdpion by tnt etas Sothic Packata, an be a application to r x r a BABEL a COUTIS,III Broadway. Bair Tart. , o r - - mom TutnaptKlll, no Mali at. Pletaborgb. P. 11...11146. Drafts Bar wate always on haats. idattrrtfT ', • • Ward's Ilentifr (PO‘wder cud Liquid) prepared bT Win. A: WAr Barton Dmitut, Plusbargh. piellint to tW tatb r Wimp the tadAtrom .eadin bienes at sa an 6 sa eta. and Doirara .64 eta at orraws, moan woad gt , aIN OD tbaaaluk Um* In consequence of the sudden illness of 1 The only Nodal Awarded - by the New ! rota. v. , frat% LIFII versos MATH. -Dg, oavin It yrrcH . CO ON r T ea.. .doras erk try 7 ra tm u a blr E nobth.RENtalos.Mniedwombitai.hanirtm l'"nrmecroU=7:l Willtonchgde en IS/Malittnleot to, pesos " 4 r t Ell - AIN Wllitcssrotsges SAUCE. ... "4 f r sk Sind 1 1:41 5 : 11a7". .A.ND 11*' SCR e" OFr i L A : "I'' A e, th e IN yITTS111111(Illuntil , .b" . " , I°Yth " " Im" " Mra'as" i" ha'' ' . ' • BY J. J. FORSTER, M. D. . Satarday Evening, Yune 29t1i, 1856. • • he. e...0.w. Th e ...wry of &I. Some has extended to every guar. Showing Nature's True Antidote for these wt.. b. can be consnited daily, (Sabbath mended) be ter of the aloha, and Its emcees in promoting the general frightful scourges of the human race. together with the health's becroning dal more ohnersei nod •skt..ledit•d. ; , per tremnumt of Bronchitis, !Whom. Boug ht 800 . Ir e en the roars of 9 o'clock A. Wand 4Y. 11, atlas memo ter i Lathe United States it le held to he the most agreeable ' 'Throat . 34 , „.. 4 Da .. y .4 ID . D ... ' condiment, and la esteemed far Ite mole and Inviter... Una Bin's Bell, Eruptions, Tomors, Ilingworro, Bold flea& properties. Ito Imbitstal ase enabling the edema& to digest I sore, and Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Pains and Swellings ofthe the Nod. 1 /data Bones and Glands • and all disuses af.sing from to On th e Continent of Europe. thee , clunl.ties b.'. b..: t impure state of the blood. btelled to by • it"tit.."` who .011.0 ''• LEA A Pm " . mil MO. ' 0 ". 'mitten In plain but forcible hollrtmg.. , and Wahl/ stomeesfal arca raminin , ,. T, without drag. BINS thus .I. havecartied a bottlimf 10. , Worme. lll Wre .1, 4 a; the ‘0 ,,,,....,,, . 401. D„. ....... i.min.i. th.r, ging ofiny kind- end IS Vsengly recommended to the afe -,,,7.7..rt.: tth .. ,: ::: ,:diar., ,3 h p .i .t. ,h ... 41 , fucta,.to b.d..fami.. ~.......t ~,,,,,La:. gold. I can with truth 107 there le nothing In a towel/di bag- in t i,,,,,, c d.,,,,d ; gum so emential to Id. comfort. at Nowt Blele"wa rdll. " . It *leo contains Interesting Information for those afflict as your Barth.l ed with Deafness. Harm.. Bodily Wort:titles ko. Le In India. alto, where it found at the mess of e'er/ trirkfore than 10,000 each hare been sal ar mailed. "..,. 11m , ; _" t ` • .. 41.1 g •.ti•m " " 11 ",. trm2 2"dr" ,.. ~,.° within the tut few weeks , to every pest of the muntry, ..." L'"her loth. ".• b re. " ln• "'' "' W. ' . .- ''''• Yea 10 eta To ne had of Booksellers frenemily. or hi' following terms "Tell les 1 Perrino that their sauce Ls post free. Of bloom BRIDGMAN A CO. ltd Grand at. highly approval in India .d that it Labe 'MY 0 WRI 10 .• Nam. York. '.3 myllandtterfer the most Watatoble an well es the mme wholewome earth mole, Thls ethee Is .nimble for every athetT of dish. and the mammal demand which its excellence Du crested has led to many imitations being offered to the public. under &anxiety of names, but the germlne may be known by the names of "LEA k 14:11RINEr belse Impressed upon the patent metallic mend., or patent glom etoppor of the botele,th well as the.labele and wraplew. Sole Agents for the Bolted /M ateo, JOBN DUNCAN I emir. ias Broadway. New York. CIA IR HOTEL , oh= Pena and et. Clair its. En'aanco to Rooms on Pent' Street. POD DISSA affect ions 21111 MOAT AND LONGS, Aid all predisposing to them. on. PITON sill otos his Psrhtahitit once state hum STDs ST.DIIPPAT.O. ern the first of.inly. where be may be addressed Oa leaving Pittsburgh. The Inidid's Guide and Consumptive's MANUAL, or suggestions far the prevention aid relief Oossnmption, Asthuis, Catarrh, DiaPetaise Peroslstiono• plaints. Icr„ by omme M. /ITCH. A. M. M. D. :Mos in muslin 60 cants.' Ursa berut by .W 1 to oar Dent of the Unl WI States. Mir( mhZ:4l.ols3niT Entish and Cantineital Exchange. SlOlif BMW DHAWN DUNCAN, SHERMAN 11' CO., ON TIU UNION BANN, LONDON, 1.1180.18 0, 1.1. AND UPIVABD: , . Thew:. Drafts aro available at all the prin cipal Talmo of England. Scotland and Ireland. and the Continent. We abut draw FRUIT HILLS on M. A. Grunebaum & Bailin, FR-421KS-ORT to A JUIN. Which earls sea lleadttance all N. JermenV tivltserland and Holland. Parer.. Intruding to travel attroadathrenlith as Letters of Crellt, on vbleb Stoney can be obtained... needed. In any part of Serer , Collections of Dllll. Notes. • rood ether eecarltitts In Zn " P.. 'UI "'iv.P"'"t .tt noon. WII. ee WILUt 8 a Weed. center 'SIAM street. "A /net Tribute to a midi of worth."— If ever the gratitude of a communlty shoold be bestowed Wenn , Individual. or thelaural wreath ofthe conqueror be rimed upon the tom or a`man, it le Donald Kennedy. of Roxbury. Biwa, the fourniet of the "Medical Discovery . hoe joidastered disease wherever It bee met It, and restored t, the family circler's...l a father, mother. troth• er cr sister, who bat for it, timely aid would my be slum. 1 ...10g to the nerve. now filled with humor% it bee mode don. the men crippled by Wasnmstiens. lass made to welt with elasticity and Uprightness. Thle state I mentmer mune* moo le it did ue wriern we fleet bond it, but every wardens ba prwed. and the Individuate oared be producut It reanired. Bold by Dr. OM 11. gicyont, 140 Wood Ftlret, whole• call agent JAMES P. -FLEMING, Allegheny. ielkdkirl•9 _ Another Instance of the Efficacy o VEBITAVEII HOLLAND BITTZgIi; •••. • . . • Poindettor, gyf the. Chian o!1 T. eaya "Fame weeks glum, belotieerionalY afketli with and tuntsnlneta of the stomach, loos of tomtits, and at lbw strong symptom:toot DTePol a.lwoolodueed to trf Tour 1101.1.1 ND BITTER& and I. fool 16 but an act of login to the article. as well as for the good of Woes who tr.?be azftuo with hie de iangeniente of the atomaoh. to date that the Ire of one einglo bottle of this medldne proved of Incalculable beztent, hallo u freal the etoinaoh from 11111101.1 of dnpnwelon. and removed every eyingtolu of LThierala. I would oleo remark. that two other mom ban of toy who were saluted Ina elyallar manner with to TP It were entirely rellii•lnt by the nee of • elogle bottles/Ith." See adrarthwtewot. inyllgawn Reliance lantnal Incnrance Company OF PITTLADELPICIA. OFFICE NO. TO WALNUT SITRAT. GaßitaLsl7l.674--.ll.rts.S=l„en, &mods, Morita% FLEE INSURANCE--On Buildings, Mem cbandhle, kilt's», do.. rpm or corstr7. Tar mat rim:4lN combined with the ascrerit7 of • Stock entitle, the Inoursl to sham to tho profits of 1100. wittumt liability for Imam TL.Script esitibmiss ar tbt. Oompool. fur prone.. .00 sooratitas. st par, Into tn. Capital Stork of lb. CoinPf Tib.ULßY,Prelldent. 11. M. Moms , PLitT , Clam Tinkle?, Wm. Sbamitson. T. C. llnekball, Ro G. bert R oan, W. Carpmasr, I=IIIIL Jams L. Tarior. Jacob T. Bandon. karma. _ TOM I Lewis R. Asiihnindi 111 George N. Baker. Beni. W. TilialSY. Z. tothron. 11.'4 Carson. Robert Wand. i Edward G. Juana W. Messer. a Archibald Getty. Wen U. Semple. Mira. .1. 0. COMN. Agent, _— ... . corner recd and Wood stree t _. PITTSBURGH Life, Fire & Ifarino Insurance Company; (Mee, Corner Market and Water Streets, PPITSBORIIII, PA. RORY. GAL 11.1.1", Per:Wear. Tun. 011..114 1 , 1... Y. This Company makes every Illiildindlno ap wertaains loos eon united with UPS RPM. Anonaalrist Heil and Cargo Rig som the Ohio and Iib.U.4PPI rivers and tributaries. end Marine Maks ow orally • Arid against Loss or_Damage by Fire, And atrabiri - the Peril* of the fire and raill3z. Nestration gad Ilninsaortaidon. Policia ternal at the e.maistaut • ith .. toalltartise. Data .= tiatori Gslwar. Jrwph S. Twagil, !mil t e t 1 4,1 1 r . I j 4: lll ..b, s h ; : ;t fi b. : 7 : 1 : ::cu 1. :11. 2 : 25 4 Jam. Marshll. Plat! Metter. Wllllaza Carr. Jszus W. Ilallatms. Cam: Arbath.ll.. ------ Ymners• and Veonanics' Fire & Marine INBUIVAVCE COMPANY, oz.frinaviLeara. riPA ILOftESer., Prestdvat. • UT. Lirszscru,ll...4 U 7. ereATIIIIIV.Se OP BUSER Cp.& Trom the Tint itsr of c Anotat to tte nurty-ant SST of =iSgaiMM Total promal me. ZIT . VIT. em cabs_ • IN TIMM° AA FOLLOWn. Dond• cl Ante:Awn manly. Pittsburgh and Itallros.i Mends. a. 492 Btatts Leon on 11t Martmo or Beal Entate— 60. 9 21 do . Conntnral. ----- Guth to Haat inad on 11.072 Premiumtowl Cannata:it not yet dn.) Not" not na.n. , 41 Me trout Ace atm (Noxr ---11 1 % 3 004 ,111 13 Sae smonot M bowa bzeurnd but not gt salart.l. 51.6r0 ao - ni. Comps Ay lasi.* boll aod ells° rla• to tto o=l • d tiliadrOpt ~t ff. t i m ttrtea. Itonree egolnet lose err dam. gee by tn. 1 nslly Adjusted And promptly pal 4 Rontaxcet-lion. T . AL Bore. Goo. .1. 11. 241cor.Lead ..we Wood. Yer InetrrineellOllll3lm3 J. J lIUNTItn, Agent. ie3l:tt to No. 90 Water se. bet Wood sad Atarlud. tELAIVAKE MUTUAL SAFETY INSUR- E COMPANY, °r. s. E. comer Third and atnt ms co sta. Ehlindol 4 24 AfAßlYrtsun.ANcsx On VESSELS. CA L I4LIO AN ITIff s O, I a. j e N Ssartat f the wort& 00 Goods. by Meer& Canal.. 1411.. and Lod Centavo, W an plural of tha Union. 71. EN INSURANCES 0. o,emhandtaegannany. OnStoret,Drehnu I4mase.9e. Asens or 000aat. Nor. 6e4. 1656. Bonds acid blortnaavY And Read Eanate..._....—Z101.923 94 l'hUadelptdaelty fax. 00 Etna to Banil. Reorm- 9 and Innlrnnn , I °.M " Oath on ^ . 1117 6 Balance &eat WrOpor—PrOLlO en !Wine Fonda. mealy tamed.—sod other debta 00.660 pd Total amount of &meta— MATO I William BLAIN Josevb Ll.B**4 blinand A. goudrr Jeato,O. Dwria. rgr,l r t rp.. . Wiiii;urilis, John, L. Orlon it r iXrd a inalgato n. James Tennont, F. Jones Fronk.. Jam. B. AlnYorland. J. 6. rohnaork 'Wm °. Indwja. Jain O. hand. Morro noboner, , Theentil ran Paulding. J. T.Losan. Pit.o_luth. florton. tn r el d tl a rt i rl • . .. ilsgh Cn" WI - 1114d INARTlll,_Presidtar. TROSIAPI O. lIAND ViC6 Trunient, - arm Lotoonlra Moen: . A. OLU)Yllta, Agont. aldr Fo. t S Water et.. Plttinutath PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CO. OF PITTSBURGH, Corner Fourth tad Smithfield Streets, Authorised •Opital $200,000. msrmi BLILAINO9 ANZI,OTELEU 4PROPZEIT7 Against Lem. or Elbautgo`by And the Palls of the Boa amllnlanlt Naylpation and Traztelmrtatlon. Wat,ll.Johndon, Jana Painter, W. ItHOHntooks Jaa Tonna, Iho. W. Malta. a. K Para. OtimPpurat. Wald Hampton, A. J. Jonah J. 11., Hama H. H. hall, A, A. Hams r. W.S.•Hama: H. loot. Frail/ant, Hom WICK:WHARTON. VII. Pilnyliott, ROOT PATTHIIPON. fitioretm7 A TM:WM A. A; Hamm. . UOl2 INtizen's Ingurance•Cloary of Pittsburgh. • • r A W2L t af liM e tes. . 01. ICE, Pi WArKs.Rwas . palwar elm oriNitauzialal ifelNAlßDßaftiminl Mr_ . . r ra.. l "'' chi lyt u ".4 :4 41ZZAWatifirof riViZsPos, 1.... . , , . ~ , 1 ~.., .., •• . , . Salartal . i. 0t .S' O P% wm. ,,,, . gt ' . r . e . m . alik 1' Kt.f i m!. . Volta=4,Jr. aulniam thrdenrg .. 1, * et et' , ' . , 'irThn- • J... IL °Doper. John ,A; t 4.11 , !/: Ilwys. 4,0, - - P11.1.1.ADELP. 14 . 18 Fire end Life Iliwarrpieer Company, No. 149 CHESTNUT STREET; orroarrt rmscvniom AM= . Will make all kinds of ineursutea, either etea ar Limited. de4, 1.0440 af PraPititrtar "'"-"°'oMlCTKT'd.l4l2lni m t , w. a uzia k ino.yreaawa , a 4.474. - warm, J. 10,Pricee.WW1% - . i. B utilitrut.}l"' 0: corrnr." . Adis .jo, . fthi coetar szo wood ALEX. 11-1.314TPR ~FLOUR, GRAIN', 0/I.lllolli URA; ;LARD 6114. AN , jj J3BODIfOteGie.??ERALLY, .prnatioalz. 60 doss Crystal 1140. - ia bars; at Geo. H. = y aw& wb amoovintiut. 40,v0e4 et. moss Clattle . .Lininient o.lwayt for it* ,:t4 001.'1 taw .: c a ge " . . • .- , 'IOXISBWOIUI Watt • law audoor svw . slf• Ia oi•dor that physicians may have uniform WMParatione of Bnchu and lianaparilla, made In • caress' marmot, with peeper proportions mad specific doge afgented to thervarions dimmer, U. T. Ilelmbold le pleased to an. noun his nighty concentrated compound Finid.l.atmeta, which he recommends to the medical faculty se conmatra tad preparation', and the most convenient form In whist; they am be inhibited, and being of uniform strength ready pretervelllbr the Patlent. can be admhtletlned with more certainty of IMCCe.OI by the practitioner, and with lets trodble and fixtenra to patient(. under Ohm. tlmuu . Armco this medicine has been prepared exempla' . for the nee of the faculty. aid out no doubt melee their appro bation and encounainetot. Bee advertisement FlelmbohYe Genuine Preparation. EAGLE STEEL WORKS. JOSEPH DICW,ORTH & CO" (simrssons To ooLi(T.T, zeTALTT I C 0..) MANUFAOTUOIBIP OF Oast Steel, German, Saw, Blister. Plough .AND SPRING 8 tiIEEL; AXLES, VICES, SPRINGS, • PICKS, MattockA, Wedges, Harrow 'Teeth, &c. R 611008 E, No.'ir , WATER. STRKIar. Between Itiood gala Etoltlafteld, PITTBBI3IIOII, RA aarr 1 185ftsar.". 0410 PENNSYLVANIA RAIMIOAD. . . SPRING ARRANGEMENT, Three Trains Daily. Paseonger Trains will run daily; except Sundays.. followa Leaves Pittabm - gb for Crestilm at 3.00 A. 11. , .30 A M. and 3.00 P. Si. • . Lamm Crestline for Pittsburgh at 500 A 11,7.00 P Wand 12.50 P.M. Thooll trains all max* rims morections at °ratline with halm fir Columbus. Dayton. CincinnatL !Won thine, Indltumpolls, Chicago. St. Louis sad all point. on roads extending Wadi. and South-west thmengil Ohio, dims and I Meta. These trains from Pittsburgh column at Msenotld with Traim on Eaminaky. Mscoltsld and Newark road. for Chimes. Tani* and Pmchasky. making as mirk and etre emmusctions to Chicago. so by my ether soots. Conroe. Mona ore mode at Alliance with Trains en Cleveland and Pittsburgh Road for Cleveland. Chiang Dunkirk and Buffalo. Pusengas leasing Pittsburgh at 3 P.M. for Sandusky. Tale& and Chicagn hare the benefit et a night's rested Manso aid or arrive in Chicago emir start evening. Trains Rut Dan Crestline Maks elms, e rneettom Iritb trans on Pennsylvania Central R. R. for Philadelphia Baltimore and Nesr Took. Through Mimi, are sold to Columbus Clads natl. I.mtrvllte. 15t. LoaiA. ladl.napolls. Dellefolltahle Chicago. Rock Wand. lawa City, Dunileth. Calm. dzeingfisid. 111. Port Wayne. Clovebmd and the princival mitt. In the West. Through Tickets over this line may be had at an of the atom plums for Pittsburgh' Philadelphia. Daltunare and NOV York. NRW 1111IGIITON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN lams Newilritaltou for Pittsburgh at 7 a. w.. and 11; r. w. Lamm Pittsburgh fo r Nal" Cslghtoo at CN 51M r. w. Par Tickets and farther innwmation. aryl/ to A. 1...10.11.54401. . At tba -4.13. am lindar Ito fionongebela non" Or at tbe laderal great Station, to 0801108 PAIIAIN. Ticket /tont. .1. li. BIOORA dr at. J. ft ELLY. Parootor Agent. rittaboxab. Ifay 18. MA royld Scrofula, Effects of Mercury, Consump um BnnZafi4 P 12,1.9,45. EantslatiAla. Afrai(mi QM n0.....i. maw Direr. Au:Was. riladder. Death* ear A=rsal Siartm• o n WA Nees mat Feaster , do ef..l tUTULA and Genital Weakaasa will mum, taw and othar ehroai: dismal. calm cured Dr. IMAM No. 010 Broadway. Now York. darotea Ida whola Watt to caring thew , and all chrordo affections. Ha tartlet ttry elided to ca. arpectaily lima who tars ra't'ed so kenedt thatti arwatons treatment by other Pbrairiadta. Nlfa wars cared by Dr. Umtbg —Hanna cilbara. 423 wan:. C. Itarava..lama Isuahtow. B. F. tamest. and &I ibaularld). 3l . D. Dhaidg• (draftee'', V. Bubbly, 8. Rica and wife. An Dr Heath is an honorable and Waal phyidclanandaur. —L. Oren , M. D. 2. A. doilth. M. D.. J. K. Snell. N. D. a. A. Loomis. lion. Otorza Petits . Don, N .: B. Dan. t,,,,, tin r state cm N.", York, Roc. Judas comet. clip At fiaw York. ta at a distance ma mosaic the &addl. by Lotter, ate g their mars frill.t. aril Maly* *dike. and a 0 A. ref:Ladies. by ma ll CT UMW% thrtally °Urbana tha tty of •personal 'Lilt. lila tatroductery work. with Illustrative andrartno, will Oa mot fres to SOT ..1. draw. .—sloa.lot at 110,131 13 N.D.-0310r Ent 44 May Dr. Heath move to 101 Spies ettaet• oproete the Bt. Nicholas IfoteL Wardle Due Cod Liver Oil—Every bowel war Tanta to be pars Cod Liver OM Per Mt MT lihrtmatirs. str fAt agratf.itTerea. /V , Vas owe el Ibr lAc same af Thr tAe oat niter. Ar the are edit Skin D ,, esses. For at are V Chrostie rfveweleer. For the sure of Chkair, Sore Eio*. • For the care of Inas acellissr. Far She ewe qt Mandan, &atop, Forth a= of than of the ibr Cho not of : iroossary CbetraPtiat. ibr the aos cf Chrtraiaiftmetatis. Per the cure a Rickets. Iter Ductal et, Diseases ql Los Heater 41.1 ElJamt, • ter /he attv tV conathamca lreakatts cut Gaunt: Debeiry. gal Or Lb* gnarl, geollon sad In tptllits Dr tai t r i VA I=7 'h.:p.." l °l'47 11 " d adY Oft et— ideal oe the. ti olden laehr.' DaHers Elagical Pain Extractor There neve! has been a discovery mado in Materin Minks, whereby ram aut be anletlr allarad. and whine parts In • high state of tullamtu►tion ova to so rapidly railuera to their natural state. nor ',hero wounds and warn oanlso Do thoroughly and rapidly ballad. an/ Astayad Darts rastorod without either sear 'or /Whet. than with DALLY'II suntan PAIN ILSISACTOB, In cuts, wounds, sprees and bnslaes—menetlea to which childeen ere mentantly soldect—the sedan of the gonene Dailey's Pain Extrados. le smithies:ma hoar muss pen and selatinst may not thus be Prevented:— alorwuret, Ilfe Haar le Men dependent main having at hand the Genuine pulley Extractor, and SOL' jestlenlars ot ' , tab I ro*totrallY refer to my tented yemphletu Ita the truth of whieh I hold myself reeponsible: =in =1.1 . 11; . •112, Henry Pio., W.PAU Orders amid be iddreuled to O. V. CIkW.. at SI Barclay at. Now York. I. P/1.a..5. by ORM U. KEYSER,. 440 Wood at. joildoadkos WELLS, 111DDLZ R 00., 86 'Fourth st, tear Wood, Pittsburgh, Pt., Buggy, Carriage, Biding, Drovers' DRAY. WHIPS • THONGS AND SWITODDS, Hoop oonatantli 'on hand, roceiveldirect frees thrdr Ili Yak Cln full rum Isrhod mtamagf u r Alliirbel. m BWo WALTII P•4 4 Wilipl. audio, Amato Aggilao d d bubo. Arrtim ranter of Milmrccotly fthrolohord to ordri. _rnirOirlear Irmo the tad.... *Aldred and Prorntir InlPPed yet Imstruerbrin. 0111-17Laree AUKS It"44:"."Lig HENRY H. COLLINS FORWARDING AND 00:MI81gN MER'O IANT ANDv A4l 9 r 6 CUCX3 ' iUTY2 si Ad4.iro Wool Street. rivLbtugh. SNOCIt O . 7 . MU" HOLMES "." & QOLI INS, Oaxmllou To L L suuniLTDO AgticilltwalWarehouse, • Ni. ll33ll'D.BtCingti • r.- 129 W.ood:Stfeete ap2l-IdittrT. PI TT Sit lilt (ill: Dye for the Heir.—Perl cation ie . nat at tth i a try %damn and otsullorte Le no seroplot road to unleerisl farm Tb• worlt will not be blown Ilke shed Into • channel lodlested by. Imitators. Wttnese the tuts &natant Unit of 11AIVIIE11311 El HAUS DYE. wan by UubtlaPil 'Dist Oblits Slot. sustains! by Its Intrlsole worth stet trathralsows to astute. WAIOUNTEt. not tot 41satryolut thettoyee ot then who use It. Mots and told. orbspptie4, Wlig nototy, R 3 Anodise/. New Ye*. antll►th ebbz tuts Erso..E.BatiDelar en; no others an The Assnuthe Is ec44 In Plltsbursto by GEORGE II — 4DE. 141 Wool - toysl.ll•olter6 il: rlireksoirslLmbroHtives. - The Ctimbrotype deothedly the moat MmMit twmtlfol Mrilbto • ffty)Mf PotiMlt ant Moira t o Ms I'OM tom LIM minty and omp, Mmina Mom ormobednot trs 0844 memo. .llMait I -mug atampsy mmdIMIT brillimt mid pit MP Ms Me NatieneOtne; UP! 114111111.4 011410 et In My amts. PM A eblidnen . 116% 62141012.• paw .11111 M Mt M . almmt inammeMM Tam *lr tla*bY tba Ambirri m Maier Mom mi Ammo bcadso ,„„„ u tow, mmettally.mmul am hinds et, en m i n tyg rib .. 4 =d 2MAImm 96ANILMILY. *l4 row Wm ItMdliat% Mad ,trakt.luar MM.& cad p a bn lion; 7 years cold..of Sue van -ty. mr..lhr /altaram B EIRTBEWP.I4 O W. 041 H o ll o way% Elle, by the dozen or groae tn.nta st. 6lO. IL EllYBlolll, 140 Wad at -80, dos - )I%o_oo - Medical Discovery /It tObga USU. U. KSYSZIPS.I4O Wood it A r ttfidausiVs,' of-an imroved kind, inde. at 11.0 - BNYFEEI it. lionowny's Ointment, gold in iuly quanti ..: sou la - Wood rd. ' 3 JOHN CT UF COCHRAN RS 81OF BROS. MANAURE Iron Hailiay, Iron Vaults, Vault Doors, Window Shatters, Window Ginza, &c. Sos. H Second st., B. 86 Thlit st., (between Wood said Market,) PITTSBUItOiI, PA., novo on band a variety of new patterns fancy and Plaia mltal:Ja for all parpeass. Pullet:W . at Wilton pal to eaelualag Grave lota Jobbmg dark• Molt entlee. ettat3 JUNI7IICSWIRKII Or bontalptireal and tor' vanar • As , mot/ St.= inatrraD APPLES...4OOI 110_ Orita6 D r i e d] anterituy yoqz avo..laa4ftga_kiii xnumlio.wasaa. , _ - . _ _ WU. LIAM et ALLEN. HIICOESBOILS TO ARNOLD & WILLIAMS -" • - - Vinson Furnaces, Wro't Iron Tubing AND FITTING 43=111.61.LT, For Warming aid Ventilation of Buildingv. w. A A. will contract for 'Warming and Ventilating 137 Steam or Hot Water. - Plnea ChilfOref Yuman% Oborellet e Behnola Hcerpltale, Yaeteeles. Omen Maw, Coliet none. Jail llotale or Dveninea. No. 25 Market IL. Plttebot I V. u. sum 1311TH, HAIR HUNTER, WHOLP-SALE GROCERS, 12 4 2 Second and 151 Front Streets, - PISTSBUIIOII. PA. P. SEIBERT, Scalptor, Modler, Stucco Worker and Wood Carver. No. 68 Thlod street. botwooci Wood and Market nroode. PlLtsbozgh, Pa.. bops eonstaotlroa hind an aosortrooot of ow Form . Contra Mmes. for P.a.% to ori7N-17dro NEW ADV E RTI SEMENnz. Auction Sale of Wrongat and Cast Iron - • • - - Scraps. irthe 10th of Juno next, at 10 o'clool4 A. AL. the Ohio and Prone. Railroad Ormpany will at lhaelle Anotlon,et their %seems Shop. Allegheny Cite, about Alo TUNIS WROUGHT mut CANTIRON EMU'', In lot.. aa follows. elm 120 t ,, os, more or lees. ea c...t iron Sneer, 60 " .• eoto mon Cast Iron SemPs.. 30 ' .. Wronzlit Iran eamrs. Tots nude known at the tim J and Ideas olt&ntlet of eel. jeCrltd OS. H. i dO Pittsburgh and Connelsville RAIL OAD. NEW ABRANGEhIENT, Commencing June 2d, 1856. IN consequence of the interruption of nevi- Vann , on the l'onchlogheriy and Idonongahals rive ors, to. following arrangements have boon me& for the conveyance or travelers to and (rem Pittsburgh: Pawners loam Uniontown by Bunting t. Hall'. coach. Am Conat 6 nelsville by P A.O. R. B. oars at 1.45 A. M. West Newton by Bunting Sr. 11.114 coaches at 920 A. M. teflon by P. IL D. oars at 12.46 A. M. And strive In Pitteburh • BE g YURNCNO: Parsangan leave Pittsburgh at 1.60 frerin's litation 4 P. M. Wart Newton 629 P. M.. =pl . :ea ,. ri a set es from Irwin's) and arrive in Fare front Uniontown to Oonnellerthe Wert Newn Pesaro tows will please procure stags tlei . ere 1 4 0 . 11. It. et Pittsburgh. In order to secure their rests anda too, connection with the =sat West Newton. D. W. osumr.m. Assistant. gamyrintendent. Don.. odeo. ICLEBER & BRO. bare just reo'd a R lot of • Carhart'. Genuine Original Melodeons, Prom the oriel:Lai hmentor's fartory.tARILART t 1t5,141/. mud. N . Y, econprising sortaLlesw, with patent doubts. [.cell; 6 " 6 " Pizzo rule, with dc:46le rads and drub!. steelL Also. Splendid Double Bank Melodeon, With two rows of ten and coubhaw atop. bnisb.d In tbs wart aleawnt and tasteful stria. This's wary enperior article, both la tonesad tornltm.e. and we remsecfnilY Invite this attAntion of purobashrs Lad the public in Assn. end to it. Mr Canal In:muted artd.mada this 6.1 Me , lodrons, and his instruments are lookednsrock u models by other makers. ror esle by. R W a 10.0, jet. No. 63 Filth Wrest. Cheap . Pilules. . • NaU. L OCTAVE.Basillirooti iron fralde Pi no, nearly new and la pirfect order. wet arliarmar six a n d A six and • • harms` se neir llosenrosillenu iron Frame. • verry_eut luatrument. reduced to tlose • pan. 4112... at .99. rash. A 111 - 11324 1111.1ftetsresiew Piano. with {ran plate and brutes, similar In etyl• to th e abore-11 00. cub. seer A lot of beautiful aorewood, OLUCKEILING sir. or. tare Mace, hare arrived and ant be reedy for rale this day (Jam YN ) The above with • epleudhl 'nook of Chlekerboa A Eons Ent alas Maw on band mod kr Ws by • J.ll MELLOR, Na 81 Wood et. Assn for Weltering a &am Balton XECDTOR'S SALE—WiII be it'd at Atte _EA tire. on the premlarg. of Wm. Alger. dacettod. ad join= the Ilonse of Refuge, Allegheny county, Pa.. on Thutoory. dune 12th. at 1 o'clock. P. ter., a large lot of ralstabl* pular and kitchen furniture of all Undo. Ain one carriage with two Rat% (norar been aced.) one Tring 11111,042 necrly new. one lot of harnees, Meyer One Cat MI harness. on. new eaddie and bridle. one cheat carpenter tools. two whealbartewe. and Other article. too numerous to unatlon. Omnibuses run hourly from gr. Clair street Ugh& bonne. Tarsus mode known at time of try order of PILANCIS G. BAILEY, . Precutor of Wm. Alto,. deo'd. - U. Cl. HOYLE. Loot. len;duceno... PRIVATE RESIDENCE FOR SALE—A neat. well Wit and delete! brick Mdse. situated . the North Cyamory Allegheny CILT, ecntatnmg etz well thilabsd room. a bath room, ceder and lialehed attic. hydrept le the yard, tolt. property is beousalladly rated, and is worthy thy attention Or Derontslrishman derivable private verily.. %Hai. sol d j Itieer. Apply to PLAKKLY CtlaY deg car Urenth sad emiLlowd rte. HOALESTIO GOODS , -A. , A. Mason .1. Co. I.T•jUlt opkniod 01101 . $( cam sad pkg• of now rule Wien. and Gingham. Mulles. ChM,. Tie•lng and every deeatptiosiot Housekeeping dead,. which Ell' Os std at • comdderable reductM [rota thelmat DM, PARASOLS--Wo invite the attention of the Min to r aw 1500 new Parasols re have reo'd tare morning by hewn., among •Ineh are tamed the moot elegant At degree's etylee Yet nffered• jog ♦.II,IIA.SoN Cti, Tl.6ch it rir t ..A .. . ,. LLOW OIL & ORKASE-- 15 bbl. Taltew OW to.. 15 6 Gm" On eh. Jacob roe to sesift ter laft by je9 ISAL , III DICKEY. CO. URN.' FLOOR-350 sacks in Eton and rer .de by ja9 DICKEY t CO. rrENN. lIAMS-30 hhds in store for sale i•s ISMAILI DUMMY L CO. • IGHT BUILDING LOTS FUR SALE, in iJ the:arVer and of Dorraneaville, (tan:early. flathead) ear 2.6 bet Mont bi 10J fast &ay. fronting ea • w•le at. awl Irk • vary dub able situation h.r • reekleacs It sad al tomb.. AP91.7 to BLAISXL,Y k ILICHBY. Livery Stablo and large yard In Manthettat to nuE. /PAL I. Je9 BLAnNLY t lITIMIT. /PRE Horse's Foot and How to Keep is WRtlam 11211& Far ask . HOLUM & 001.L1118.N0 129 Wood *L. QTRAWBERBY BASKETS for sale );:q j. 9 1101.11X9 & COLLINS ?VENN. WHEAT-348 aka now landing 1 from Emma F. Urea; for sakbr. - MIMI DIMLY IOO. GROUND NUTS-40 eke Ground' Nut: now tannins loom atoonossitior sob br leg I 'tramcar :co. el Coal. • iRDRRS FOR CANNEL COAL WILL vv nvw to vramtly Men. If dropped In the whet borne at the corner of Fourth and Wood An at Dr. Robert Wreirs store kralitoluld street. orProltd the P.0..t0' a. Watoine atm. corner of Wont/ and Weir. ea. Pltt► - burah. and In .tUrdheny dry. et the Coal Depot or nand. Ilene store, eorren rederairsizeksts. • • Large OW S 2 60 cos tongunrd ce 441 2.4 at to Depot. not do II 26 • 1100 Term cut on delivery. 1.10 JaO. WDII3I t Orhe - TAULEL&N. - & IOW: . pußauturra AND " IVRTMEDLNU, '.4GEN . ZS. tO. UT ZUWWAY. It= TOIL . X - "Parohasoarid• Forward all Maier- Ittglr i e r ita m. ,...4 ~,,,,.,.,I . ,,a . c ml ctescatcat il .:l 4 .. Masa U. mut rata. • Jams Wicat ffAutgus, 1 4 ,...a, for-., _ ~ . j Law:seer lueonootive Woska, _ Boston Cnitint Muhl on htsuutoutaring c , Amapa alanntos gocAP O. ' • , KW 'a Palma Car OW. ao Patent Oar Coupling. . Tuck's Meat k Stool Packing. LO deatiti .on'tand.-,and for 11131.11Ei1l 300'Zie ItEnliißeermen Poor, in store eP and toenail Of .103 ' r.e BEIM 100 . 11 21Thi" jr,.."c'dj7, 1 for Mita as Emu., (assorted,) in store yur tu• Lab br .146 Main . .13-/MOIL'" 300 lbs Powdered Bine, a niftior-sir tittr.iast MO mit; awja 41, ODA ASH,ofti unifotai quality, 7.7 aim:Magazin! bi. Lima ra. fadt Man. 00. at Tana. tam. un Mad sag As saw (3101 - 711.11311210 SRO& - tpuP bu.hlo t . . - as 41.ALTPETIMBEFINED-351mgoics, Wet try kb • *" B. A. FAIINISIOMA IXL nusE=-100Jbx. prima cu thong. • XI) IVIED APPLES—...ICOon hand 115 .14 ' " la tarts' l4 It DU OMar LA" -2 kegs No t Lazdlor sale by bbls now landing kJ • ftgti platner_assua mark fotresir FAN 'Div, - Indian •Lin Pal= Hlnaa sad *Um. , Olio in gnat tellvd.aboAlsw - descinki vrigkr.....s 110111M8.17 rtsenlitit. for Onneta"S frW piecm sew ackcjast.?pmeilat lee MOM liartotat. • -AIMILIOAN FLOWERS--5u boos fin* tyrinesil•dat SlOHltrilligaztst t, Dollar Savings Bank. No. 65 Fourth &red,. SIDDLII H OOP. :oars' aaw =ma, r9.oo e :wopen daily from 9to 2 o ' clock; also. ~,,speeday and Estrasia7 ermine. Wm Ito 0 Depiedte reellark Wall 1111:13 not Ims than Oise Dollar. and. di,id.,,:d of the profits dedersel Melee . rear, la Jane and December. I.ntoreet emu declared at the rate of per armory on the fret of December. Mk Lb* on the 310nune,18.50. Beckaeontalnlngtha Charter. Erie et. Roles and Rea aglow 11,0 ? 1 ,ilia t rVeie t e P . MUN 2111317=0_. Disporell Wan, .. J c = w ertergee. =p i'L p, jobtrton. N. Gratarlrorphy, Juan W. Itattenan. Thechald Usebetaetter. Alexander Bendier. . 1 .". IL P.ramek. Wllllara TWILIT.. WLlllarsJ. Ane..e.mem. WOW= John o:2 , Lartores . S. Osmes Rerdmen. James D. Bella. ant Calbertsom John IL Kletristekl. Rebel. Chatte r - William It. Laster. J. GeillinerOoMn. Jebn D.llVord. Alonzo A. Curler. Walter P. AlaritalL John B.Otecrave, WI eon Miler. tMetlee A. pawn. A. M. Peliook E. U. N.ltingt.m. WELTY /.. BlAir..R. tend... 012. Robert Rats ticsrpe F GUlrsore. Jame. Weld* lama 8. Deco. Doors, 8. Sedan. - WWl= 8. Ilaven. Marauder %MAW ambers Tel Tressogrer-CALARLES A. copm hamra , lee 01114=1' Court Sale. Y virtue df an order of the Orphans' Court of Allegheny County. mode the teddtree y- Jul of Mew. A. D./See wall be eIPC.d to iptac sale at the Courtlllouse in the city of Pittsburgh. on X=day thel29th day of Jona nett. 1818, st 10 ovonetle A. if. the flellowthe described lot of ground. situate In John Brown's rasa a tout. the manor of Pine/aurae 2:Lothian the Ho:one/le Illnabegbam, In th e towable, ed bt. Clair. thmot,or A t o Rhea and Boatel of Peemsylrenla, marked ao i Ao . A b o „..A on d ylan Oa number one hundred and elsty (so. lona bounded and donated as bellow. Yis e beginning_ at th e corner Or lot No. one hundred and Illey.nine mullUi .treat. thence %long dill crest 'Nazar feet. (ZO Nelda' to the, cur. net of lot Na one lathered and titter Co.. them* with the Hn.Of 1010 of g t k ° : e g 1;531 fe.o to line of said sweaty Get (3) Met.) to the eon., Na one b u nd“d .Lad littrnine. thence with. the lie, of raid lot one hturlred and tgentl feet. to the then of he. the . a t eme lot u f I; ground sold cod mune,. gte r d ' Year. t e nOn ed. r=zl In the lan:Wet:Ace of I sold County, In deed . Wok. dol. peg 111, end sold and o=veyed by said Beam= and selfater.lobee thetaterolzed. by deed dated Ann 0, 1E54 (a miertgages being ilren row. cure payment of yea:ratan motel. iwontey to mattyag. boot. Tot. 24, Dais 72.) Terme cash. For farther pattkalare =glare of John Heide:an, &doer of John Mettler. deed. Penn meet, am Ward. jebritli eUb A h W oot law.. No . 1 0 34 a h A.t P itbugh.d STATEMENT OF THE HONDITION of tho PLlTtißUltall =UST 0311PANY. as scoskod by ths Chart= To Dlsoonsited Notesandlatts of raebstme—.47oo,Bl3 62 Cash on hand— .... .4161,717 66 . Cash &tab, Banta wd itadc. J sr., [object to ehoolt..--. 100.06127 2 1001 ti 2 klo 241 tou Banking tronoo---- )Uloghonr CoZirgoli•—..----- By Capital Due Cenzunotmealth— . 000 00 Cull due to Monte 21.770 78 coned Mei &ends— —....—. Y. 0 0 Disontots sod Perdonne 42.49/ Contingent 60CS 367 90 individual 41876 61 Detteits on Interest)woon..• .213. , 00 00 59:5,894 95 P#taboxib, Juno 2d. 1856. Je:L67. 301111 D. SCULLY, Outer. FriRE Adventurog of Gemtd . the Kil a. ler, commlains, a Watery of hla ten Tom camp Vino among Um wild animals of Nod/urn Alrle,hy Clutha . Whitehead. (labeled Vane. hla fmetanue and kW Maud& bY Jesisty Loud; Mr. leponoa Spotting Tour, _edited by Mar Forester ; Homes for People. by 0. %Charlene. Worth and Waaltb, maxima for marebtota and man of b br freeman limonlialad for the Geri-t b 7 the autho r Head for the Bollta% t Dlnenooda druni.... C 1 Hallway Golde for Jona A wryly of lion. Chula. , Ilmse norlt Swell In the U. nate:isnot received and 4r ad. by W: GILDENDINNEY a 00. J. 6 OBSTINATE, INVETERATE AND HA llJl BITUAL Conetlphtlop, (Costivenree) of cede 804.1. IT erereome. but ail, comp4tel7 dee toyed, without tidal GI tiler prerestlvis. Inject:low cr bathe, DV • Natural. Sim. DlESehreesblerls nue. rerentlr tame ered Femur. LENTA. the exiles te be 11W. i• • dIDDIII farina. alone NW:Wham an setirle of foe& acreeable to flu palate and inedly 'prepared. The entexTlber fa tally acquainted w ith "'PT's t I $34 aEC I b tiMi • all "rho may eall. it le au ties J. L. DEAD. Agent,_ Methodist Bon Store, 78 Poorttt.BB. DR.ETZ, Physiojaa and Surgeon, Nao. 38 Iliad Meet. PittibUra. • 2.1.. c.. Males Hamer, Waterman Pialmer,W. W. Wil ma. W. IL WllllsmitTlipasa Bell. J. IL .WeLllxs, IL T. Horgan. W AL IL Busalab. ALvEwrr, (Am T. Ilustaa. Joe. lJeCorts David dun; Joint C. Oarth. Ekberg Parlet. Jahn B. rlngocan, John Wrigt4, W. W rat:rick. IL Y. Nat. , . Orsasby .7...5.2J EDIVD T. MEGEAW. GENERAL.sCOMMESSION MERCHANT, dad WhoLesko Dealer In Manufactured Tobacco, Imp orted & Domestic, 471ULTO, SNUFF, .. dc. o. 197 Liberty Street, Corms of &mazy Allen. .1/7THBUR Oil r• . • IzBILLO IRON PIPE QUE WORKS. MERRIL b. JAS, 142 Centre Street; Now York, ANUFACTURERS AND DP: A wro u bt irou /pea. Fifth:MN rd,ddflptlan of apparatuacannaetad Wad atom, w idet and Gas.ltchadding andllghting 13teamata. Cr. ala note* Prhste Dwelllnza Ming •ftla. AntarX l . Vinflo - e4 not* . flatland Italia. Alto, Velma Gmbh ?Zan& Ganged, Baron and Dollar Floss nude to cola. ma Boom Chatted alactdoes are attlraly now, and oo men ratent—wartartod to do double the 1,01% of any oth ar Ordore aolleltedall asotlono of the. oet=an d 'SOL =MI BELL &IJOREIT, FLOUR - : FACTORS, Forwarding ft Cosminigni Merchants. 'YOU TIM MB OP PRODUCE, FRoVISIONS, & Nos. 69 and , 70 Water Street, In% PITIBB9IIOII. PA. _ Now Ileady—liaoaa's . Normar Sinfer. A COLLEOfION of Vocal Music, in our a:Frf t h" . ihr izelx 105 1 2113. Elaccests roll Dud. Atli ' , tactical Dandies. Ar . Lamy. Moans. Doctor or node. Dolma:lt, at B. Yors. Prios.3B routs. We set theattentton of ellerho are I:aerate/I In Mode. 13ooke for Sebtels.l3lzbAchools. Ands:oda, sob Illeclog• cleseesa to this be enr =OA.] textrbook—feeling Its that 11.111 -Wand Ott meet useful stork of Its rlasesrver betted. It motel= • gnat sane, .of tints. WO sottoc, of ths most =MU,. character; srol It has been the Mm of the anther to raakelt uormel =nothing more then aszte. 10 =tabs A tar Ism amount or nutter.l. brinu4 on tud dor tips. ludo one of shs obsszost, as Ire bellelro it to he the best, of troths or Its cissa. on Cop neelvt el the re lestrill Os sent for azassioallab. by oral. pesbfall, tell puce. It ardnvithrotuich bOoteellen=ll7 , Dablfsbad by DAMN tor OmS • IDS AllO Doan' West. NslTVatic ADMINISTRATORS' NOTlCE—Notice is liereby• Own that Lettere of . dobabdetwilou on the te of John 121asiet, of- bleeendleee Toonabbh dee'd, has been greeted to tile anbecribeee. All Demons knowing themeless indebted w odd mints sae towested to claim linmedete bennent, sad &lithos. basing :thebbe aseived raid Wats 'renowned to wasenttbem, po to per lysaltien Ideated. for eetilersent. OONBAD BliFoioR" awdoetweS A. B. 1100010. .• • ater :o: • •-s 200 To= Burthen. •• I IR GALLIEPOLIB k KAICAVTAktait I —Ti`lam 'and -11 ht driastlt ultroce "VIUGUaIA szur,- JAMS U Law. for the sionoula .11 Luterasaste portly on Drag Stook and Fixtures for Sale. Proprietor is about to remove West, sad dralklaii dock adroit , and dttrtm•it.•• f•• • at colt to rhos. EL IL -WIChaARSEL&II, .14 , 6 • • • • CHOICE LAND for .Country Residence for •atle-3 gene of beautiful lend, Jag Won/ the Rhea • Os=stery. on the • plea*road.. _Moe hurt tram shrubbery. Le. Alm, 6 acres near Ole -redden*, of Jac insult. Zoo.. will be fold in lots of 2.54. serna front/ad 00 the plank radon,. • Inuantlyaltnated. Yor prise and t WUXI Market et. ,I\ • ••A I: as: I► it :4 "e 3 offor%awry chola fakir:elm of Woo& Worked Collars. Elerrtaa Batt% UM*. lna t ta a Ara, or . the roma Plartertl, at low wawa JOB . LIOIDINS OL)-17111wIret se - Ast/OURNING GOODS, oonsiocing of Bleak ,Loo Wbl's Crass corm+. Moms sad Setts of Cot , soft bassos. to =Sob tbs boat ttyles. teat* with i tbs low mice, alba [rest i v barrltseorg•abo. vsrloty of (babe and LomYsils. is 7 - •• • . . LIWISXL 27 Matta st. ?CooKs_ FOR SIMMER 13,E.ADING—A lans• uarttratatotantartalninr r ineral and notion arta la the various d ot , Madrid and vartlburroans Uteratrre, ta trbith nowl.neattans ar• ant stantry MA" added. 8.0. ..coltr.. - • • s Metal ILI AU. ribenT• 300=tYth' 1 ,.rtm=rr'.it.g.' Papers Paper Fill Box s uet =a en al. b$ Ittt • Yl,==e BIOS. PaperallMovr Pill,,,Bozosjust real irk Its i.e' 17871001 HILO& 10111ACON - 8110pLDER3-5 :auks for tale tolooteer - DAVID 0. HUMS. DR. RIZSELELL'S TETT= OINTMENT. Olotatait hattoutio - Iwo tam: to fon lotto. caner _,Totter told Hes& /tab_ -fasofoffort" Scalds, F la mm. Womb .I.,ttobt. LaZotatot-ZI 0, 1L :5 = oil oroptt *Mat AM. '14,1! solo 001%. - Ar asaairmli"; SBORGIEL:AND - ztusain t 4 r : y t PILILTEELAWS,:ta.,. of Cortanal, 7:o6wiziazir. Weed strest, ls 7. • QTAII CANDLES., , , &dam:dud from an• datual. DD ansioncuattOri beim et eirsr Claidle4 • =Dolor Artie% Anvil" trr JACIag "oktr OXMAN 153,EN0R. MAIER vi noon—sir 04 attn. Deleca"r u "," Pm*, 800 Le. peal AY. ' nnfofiliPs noir Be atm t 7 njonsuona t.oons i . : l 2 zg. t JOS. 11.1.wAfelf. cor-Dbr 1/1011118111-s . Onake of • Codfteb. on consign- IC/ ant WI be polobr man= amuumeg. ,PWS- -6511 ShO'keltri we'd 1 . 1 , sEutt HLAHAUGII. ftEth - 123-30 6 Dry Font Indes_jr4t . Ink and meal er a - MC= UARLDGEL Q, WASMU= ILAMS•r+.O tradost zeed to , I mmo]. by anima - MIS, - - l op yg iIpl:113,--afintiarticla for sale I.WA-30 barrels for - esti. by . . tisanct.u.coutas. jp.fiZES7l,--2DO bona for- oalot. 1.6 .-'IO2IIITa.OOLISMI. VillalWhitelißh; Trout; Herring, Mack .' ad baa Bbd. for We br QT6140.11-40 lonTearl Stirisb: for sale at I - r riztror IL COLLO& VARNI5ll5bbls LightOogror sale by 07 31--1111"b3 for salb aing a CO. U 4 UFO: 1 4110r; Oiniaamprvuid Bar., CHINOIDINE-200 ors justreo'd and for 7ssupos Jet R. H. MIXERS 03. xTaiwr LE11101.7.2 Oti 131 den's just 'ram sad Da a& ' a- &SELLERS it ea. SUGAR 250hbdLvr n wales of sun twat. fir eto cho'w - • CAlERNMaillatiod Moms ats. tir"ffilia---PAPZE—W Ma dnsw Crant; ' • 1601353 aaalVatislakeir /11 - 2.111 , 1110(X 1 / 4 41 " 1 "V•0 4 . rkirr a. " Irz-rg:fri...' soma M'WERMM mazes 4 4 d. 1 i