-rte. y . ~ ~ ..... ;:r~-, L--~:Y:—y ...i.....:~c==.f::.~ T ir:.7lK7_ - DAILY --- PIT-Tp ! URGH . .GAIF4TTFAT:._,. BUSBIES'. DIRECTORY:. e. . M. 4,-(10:11 ILDTBRSIMG AAMEOII 122 us Ma MUM NW VIM" • • No -to Seta t. nn.d... p o d i renioicitbeneiit nlitontislaudlan[ait itig tre l maw bottlt.? the I.laitad Ettatio nalia • • • for 1858. • muir .Lluti4 9 anii 11 PirkPLicg . , ■ NNW YOWL. tortoni** Wootton of buyers from -*u • to oo aostroollf Ism stook of pima% SWIM - IINOLIUV& AUEB.IO/121 E,TLIAW aooas; o. ASIVID IqUAL fL0W29.24 Tatif*UHW**. tholudip foolooo BO onottorlnt rATTILIUt NARTS. Om noun itves, • . mar o tows! osoartmet* of *MAW BMW= Lod UM of tiot inmost Cloolgui, allot welsh **l to adored It tho *wool row. WU ram. - • toO2CoURIP - ' tl *U Park Mao. New Took: • The British:Plate _.(ltass.._Comeauy, -RAVAULHICAD.I2,OIMII24 AtraMAlX...' • ' Warehouse for the United States,- " it, PLATT, - • • 79 Iliersy Sava, Niff Yost. warn ERE ' Va. be mind a fall assortment 47 1 .. ussr_Boaertor Patteltal Plata for fitene aral flows IffOntefonoor Cam. an. Alao.ttatiza Woof from X lot fi 'whin thlek. tf. —Wootorocaotontorf sal rtforrod to tho Now Stall Rolm Ohlooit Oottuotnus: 'wrath b 9 17,7 " . i t a Plato Glass of MI Crrrary. altl2s:trar .11::At t LI OM MISSIOII 31 . ERVILASTS, Cotton and Woolen Maolo.'nery. team &pima mad Baaert, Ittektatte ANSA Ifdtiev. fft. Linixatari Pad Dialecela lisactaidarrere ArrASI" No. 67 kine,St., New_York. N. Pi.—Ageatil ibe the “W‘XIDACUIR a anion Tam WQ&E&' &aux L zgines and Boaers, Excdsudys Acne,' fn Nrw 'Tort Ibr LOWELL DlAcHl24Bsl4l3ll3ll!Lebldati , Tools snalr, Hough's Patent Photo Skirts. • UIATES do FRANCE, No. 1 Barclay. 'treat, Nos York. • • - LUTtON—Non• art mobs • azoopt ttos km* thil woo of the vatont.q cullcosooftettcrone toilets tto nozinit will be =Mooted ootordlott to low. 130=4 W. JACKSON & SOif. *IRATE AND FENDER MAKER, ne rawyraz & SIO BROADWAY, Mat YORK. P 2514117 .FAIRBAILICS 'PLATFORM BOLLES. 'undersigned baring been appointed ....kw,. agent...air the We ot Raw contrasted manafecoared by the original tomato E. a T. FALRBABKS - A. W., t =r Unite attention of the busheea araothatpl to Oho attars Boole* over all other . Shea bogies We horn outdated to -the 5.677X5.37* rzer .. 4g i tespdattra Ballonde to. be United ,Iltatee ta • , and In every brehohof badmen throughout he d, and thtir halfotha aeoarea and rest Cluzebtla STANDARD gained Om them Atm reputation or hob= 17111 IRON »men THUILE CA L N , ES APPRAL. - We are_pee,pasd to Oil orders for Counter . Pottahle, phrhamt, Wallah 11113, Ilsr, sad maw taloa ot ssolchoorr plat: 111.188.1tY WELL% • • hro. itt6 Liberty etreca Clocoaexclal 004-174 • Plttebarala PiTTHBORGU COACH- FACTORY. if,1311. •—• BIGELOW & 0we...5010 to E. et. zuroum. 48, DIA.V No. OND AL4III. ow Wood LL. . Pittsburgh; Penn a . ioecriES, CARRIAGES, PELETONS, t u t igg i t td ..a=de i rr ,. lp= NSA% pp.yV...Mdb~dio at beauty ordselgo, elnaaelp aloft. 411[1110Na! zulUP . sta durebilittot 0111,11 strell Innt inmate& • a s rantlaeug— ircaisoF. tiCIITC/CEON WHOLESALE 0.13600r...REi. [quince and Commiuion NeFehants, AND DZALDDLI Pittsburgh Manufactured Articles, No. 219 Liberty street, emu+ of Irwin, PITIRBUTIGH. PA. JONES L COOLEY, W EIOLESAL A g GROCERS • ROAI FURNISHERS; DEMI= IN Produce and it Mannfactarce, No. 141 Water Street, 5026 - .P.EuitalL PENNA. PAINTERbk. LONG StLAN A _E HOUSE AND SIGN PA I NTE RS . no. rt tokHlesoee=ndteizeo TH/12/) ar.glar. (Iktrmen'Woodand Market Mean.) All ordealpromptly attended to 111.111atiiimadd In Kinn a style. ' solar -t 1 CIL O. 1.1215133031—:.----.......--y. a =M. Lw. ROBINSON, & =LIM I' , OUNDERS AND ENGINE BUILDERS, sad lisznektonans at desert:oms MIII Ciatlav, Clartzug. ' • .AXlSewaics.22ldarket stmt. botrwto put sad daand 1•38-17 d. „Watches atut4earelry.— ROBERTS, 16 sth eL, to nen rtesing an rontire new at Ovid and elver Patent Larr, maw -sad lonise Nate-6w to annn dud huntinataaasorthamnit celebrated FaßLlth sad i rrtat Aiso. nod evard.. at and Yoh th sly - Ken, .attabstars Moen, Brwalata. Gold - Panaand Cana.Pancil• Utah /NEM beatT• plain. Bet and Baal FIC annita. //manilas. Bar Maga car Plc.. Ott*, Ts Le spit Gant and Miner Stnettelae, nihmrand Plated Bptana, Halm and York% Jet. Octal and Rimer Gaols. A 1.., • large atock or the beat Brats Oaks. at 2a. above stock has boon narcharad direct from the rattan Manorattertina sodceeleeted with wai can far taus rsta , l trade and .111 - b. sold at • cman advance on sett- Watches, Meek= sal Jewelry roccdred; andlta geantna exeentad In the ten manna. laid wear Wars and Jnnoln =ad. to min. J. 81.-B.ollsFra, - 'nth a. near Mutat. 'S. N. WICKERSHAM. 311:110LENALE AND RETAIL , / DBAGGIET, No. 241.1.1testfEtrait.11ead Ellt barah. alarm amps on hand sad E 2 sale a serums and collate asamtment of EMU. Nediolmo. Paints; OW; a &tiro. OlaSa of kinds. Patty. Ealuniery. tent and ToOnolotsm7 ohms, eta' To my h olMds and oustontora—llarbm aoltiont my Drug_ Mass Baltimore, and rammed to th is 4=l tong= ant the Drag Establishment of. Ns. /ad No. 241 Marty etreet. stroll it Italmy to see a fsionds.or the monomers of IN. Nohle2 and shall opus no pans to pima Nunn with anything ilzakza u nt In my ihm ofbmdnes. ' S. N. 14/ dat:l7 • " • tio. 241 Liberty at Voluble Real Estate. for Sale. jOffer for 'age the - two three -story - - brick trolktluts et th e South hest artner of Penn and nand Ueda N 05.131 and 211 ferns street. The late at. each about fast on Pena street by 01 feet In depth. The buildings ere snbetehthd and bans stone fronts - I I slam otter the dad three story , Wok dueling boom on the east ULo7 thud street, No. SA Ti. aft sad 11 sub hear being shout 11 feet 1 Inches to front trysts:rut Tits shore reererfil be so/d separatel7. or tterthee and at kw ;stoma • malt tub psyment ertll be mural and • redouble time Alyea the the per of the balsam ,s 1 r o IL B. WILKIN Attorney et Lam 0.110 Youth street. St. Clair Street . Property for Bala.: LAM Authorized to - sell on very reasons terva.sey nano or thine dna three irtm dooLUng -m the weettely. side of St. CWI nand. beltuthouses 1i05. , 90. 22. 94. 20. Auld O. Indoors Path street and the old Allegheny bridge. Then boyar sr* tangible ra t stores scut dealllosts wawa Wasted. to • good locallty. The lonian each. 111.2.41 Umt. by 910 • 11.44 in depth to an Way tml bet aids. modente cash paymont nth be read:W. and the 6.1. erns allowed to roaathice • reasonable time arettred ;by Its bond and nt..sttioase tl iii ti ;3 Ntmit)O t ety. Apply to oedbef U. ct. '1 .1117 Zoitniftleo r. t. BOOTS AND SHOES. • WHOLESALE AND li &TAIL. MEM subscriber respectfully calls the at li of Ids Mende and them:Mlle gesersky,to an examination of hie extend,. stork of hoess• and ROA, 0.13 remind teem. the Now Stalaod. Manufacture's, In .blob will be fotmd ens hind of - dioa Gents. Illate and children's Bootklialtan and Etna., made out ef the bast matata4 werkirmosids of the latest strait In coda to snit cceratry dealers and Mum who wish to pt . z:4 auxin muds work, he lIIODUfsettOOS end Seelig oso oo hand a amebae. xWek or Mines -wand Mote and MR:Ws an& Youth's Ercesni, • Jolla Bente end add Mame Boots. whlati las warrants. mareneflo Mims be needle/ neebbbEFeeree than tbat be le VW ee all as asap se any othee um we tebtlibmsatlat• elt7. Tbsaltal Ike the bbasl pstroseee remind Si s t =VIZ f :oll Sn. sTe d t grt babbf br.grAe I n • n auteteeben• • J 1 &' . .. 1 / 1 0k 1 B. no 3 SO Iderket et. between lintetbause t Fifth st. DIURDHY dc BURCHFIELD, - Elks sad Ladies' Dress Good a morally, CLOAKS,. TALMAS .&„ AMBROIDERIES AND STAPLE GOODS; .For Eamily_trea. szwdis• eusartommt In of Scam /N 49 2lcetreut trf ageicit i a = " 40.4 9 V €421 -Stoves. Fenders and Hire Irons. 47tat 1 2 . 1 CITY SAWN WANEHOUNE No. Wood stash As th. hat Airdrie nal& tato ass the atan vl at n a m m deldn Atattept re la T jlondad O4O tosaaanda a on Goat stoat. yamwa u rads . oom pylets. Wan dstaminaite tall as ton as Os alma to MI Mits. Itameattas the taws. NO. T. J. 134 'Wm& Moat a . CRAIG •O. WILL A~ IdITCHELTBEE, Jr.. RectiTying. stifle end Wine and Liquor NtEROLIA.NT, - Ng. 20P MUM, Stra. rittstosn* • - - lowa Lands. Jii.IIRAZIEB;•_ formerly a rprident of lattroborgb. (noir of Ions). rill City I . tor ebb Osuoil MM. sod. Mous City ions ti. Csatollsty sad other. baring money to Inrrrt. or Imo rant* to loons. bsy* tools ,Inolneso Anitlifnny; sod SomPaysttooded to. by outing on tams* the Oro mo. Tarsus H. Usly. No. 78 Alaska* stmt. from g A. N. SO Jobs Alassatlor. Norebant. Market It. AttiOnagbf 28, Ilobnos A Alm Booksro dos A• Oars an noble c *ur. clunks was AltssbonT John Yksgrot.lterplBB7l.l.‘ WSCOTT, Death*, POltha • In &an vest of lluket. omee rem a i &t.to 6 La. Removal. lop E. BELLNES & Wholowa D;1113- guts. b.,. =and U. tha s Vpi and tonnnoalon/ ~doom en Mk mesa °Mood Gwynn 0111 47= o slase..roulfaflit a ntatfirl=l lll stoek ' Mena Sow. Goods vananted.• • mg aemovaL DIBISKti_ fdanufaotora of mn3 J. rid/ af i r r tT .4 2MrS i r DOW New Bidghtod Tab and Bucket Factoties. Milk subscribers continue to manufacture a. sad 20_1214,1**** . ft, Tato. Easlas, ST*3 Wu*. Wads sod Wissile, rAwat Wash's's Mutton Ordarl washt4l7 attassiad to. WALE *WALTON. Ellinel and BOden4 gip latent n.nl h a :Tote:antetzd.: ' 44llm° u 2 nada an abort no "al " 41047 I"latt°. zuslNEss ATTORNEYS. ark P; MORRISON, Attor at Lime Me 11.1-Yourth street. bet.san sallassat,Pittstatzti.Ps. ms 24 OBEBT'E. BIILUPS, Attorney at Law, staons.mo. • • fa OBERT POLLOCK, Attorney at LILA— MUM* Tifth MI Oita irtreetiODPNt i tZ,V 11 mpg. AMES J. KUHN, Attbney at ,Lavr, dice math stmt. taw entst. Pittsburgh. Ja1.5417 AGENCIES. Colleo ffitoltigan General Conunisaion and . . . :ton iisetioq Office, OB the collection of Same and Foreign Ideleantfle sad allothaldeniay clams. is 2dlehlgrai pugergriselisseut twa. Paer Wan= 13U, and 1 1:;ailt kl7lBolt,Petrce.i. biletassee. Vrencens Haab-a:nth arrs. Kramer & Bahia, Dank. err, Wee 41^.004 Gazette =an Lorene &Imre. & Co.. Illerebents. wunia c =uda Wads= nortl ai • k.osate es. WM. A. IRWIN'S REAL ESTATE OFFICE, No, 87. Front street, 84.1wrfrom riaz)cok Doolc Lk. Chou , o VS Iron. am Opal taaporty bought and oat 4,32745 itWIZEN WOMIB, Real Estate Agent, Stook, Iderehendlne end BM Broker, eke No. sa urits Meet, adore Wood. Ruthless proutheiri kdi7 setthßed to. - SA.IIIIT&L L. ALtiIt.SHELL, Secretary Citi . setzei /tsarina Company. %Man stmt. M.' GORDON, Secretary Western Ines• . Tan Go" co Wain stmt. - _ GABDIN= . 13OFFIN,,AgentfbrEranklin A. MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware Mu . Mal lamraneo Ckaosen.T. u WatEr farad. • DRUGGISTS. roan nororcu.-:—..i. ris---copaut 'awn .11R0111311113, (=mow TO r. tom a' co WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. ISO WOOD 81:RILT, PuTALWROH, Femiatais of Dr. 1111.szt.es arktorsted Varelltura. far r . to; tr.i. , r., imecossorto pa. 3, t . lirr Vittaloal• and tail. . and Ranh:. "- rrow. ~ .‘PT,.. i7 /11EN P. SCOTT, Wholesale Dealer in Dees,Banta Ma Vezalehes and Dye Star. Ea 2 9 e ebunk. arde . V=rearlys prompt attention. tor Asoat for Bebe neWPaimonle Syrup. mar My A. FAIDIESTOOK & CO., Wholesale • Dreudo.. and aunmenctatiro orValta Le 54,11.1 and imams, ear= Wood awl lme stmt s. meta rats .. . . _._ E. BELL= Wholesale Dealer in • nod Dui=A Dye Stuffs, Olin Via%Ja arranted. me. an, in v MIIMIEGI SLUM— MEN - MEN le REITER, Wholesale & Retail emees Liont7 and it Cs strata SCHOONMAXER & CO„ Wholesale WTWWWW. WO. 21, Word Rua; Pittsburg!, -4,OEOLPH FLEMING, Sucoassoito L.Viloos. & fb.. =lva Disrlot dont arid Damond—goorsoz tua gg Lan osolioomoloto anartsosat of Quota. Porfoooorr, asul ratankm to Ws tragoloo. Mold= sogoortffloos foroffilly pomp ®d. at all boot. MOLT COMMISSION &C. MAL. RIMS FOM S DTPhat • eet -C DT j° ?iiro N 1 .IYIEWMRTTS, Wool, lEllw, Flour, Hama, Lard, & Lard Oil AND PRODUCE GENERALLY No. 7i Watcr St., Pittsburgh, Pa. ' ls ,,A=ENrga• - 0 .: 2141 War Wel% Wisps, Otto. DJoaas.Cmatz Cit Dap Bk. Komntmr!los. I za b o k • O k aitalm. Ban:WOO, Guntsma Thomas Grlaer,lMakn.lliotakes Comm% adne.llV Salm. - A D Baba Co. • 9CO w USIZIZIPMM ROM.= KT Eri n im -- SOUS & FLOUR FACTORS , &SD • General Probes Companion Madan% two prO, Man= mut I* N: Water X-, Mae PECLADELPHIA. •Attst /341 , 11•/. Woodward • CA ITSta. To J D Labour • Oa. Clo, 0.• Guam maul* co, " AD Rollo* a OD. Wool 4.0.1Ter. 0 81ter,'Priro A Co. _.. pr:A.lllll 3 = 4 (4 .1 1•16= A Clo i ", Idarmr i (haler, " " J 9 Cbowomrstb a Cb ° Bryan. ileanody 2to, Pitt . . ipm, L. Witmarth a Co.Preal assW,Ookgesve SON . WI a Liggett. J. iw .Ites, Wattle Wilson, And Pittsburgh ugd phnsega. liontlonta sToorallT. 1•14-0m0 UM4AIMMiII • FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Commission and Forwarding Merchants. No. 114 &mad st.., PituburgA, Pa. I..z.ecarl SPRINGER JIABBAGII. 00211111E21014 SIERLIELBT, Dealer-in Wool, Provisions & Produce generally. . NO. 295 LIBERTY STREET, errrsovwfs, PA. £? ATWELL, LEM & CO., WHOLESALE GROC ERS. Pr & Commimon Merchant% AND DIAIXIIS IN • PrITSBURGH MAN7JF4CTURES, 1hi..13 Wood sty biomes= Water awl Brent in PITTSBURGH. DAVID C. HERBST. Flour, Produce, Provision and Commission • MERCHANT No ROT Liberty dna. P i t t a at; urgh, ELVES his attention to the era of Flour, ma, Earn. lard. Chem, BOWIT, D'a witl3=3=mta lL am. ranaMtals soUdt•d• .5/141 (late of the firm of kingg doM~oorhoad,) COMMISSION M&RC JIANT, DEALER 11V PIO AEC= IND Ek2ONAr. No. 76 Water street, below Market, aPI9 TUTTIMMOIL PEI NA. A..A. HARDY, ownaysTir.uTr3oVilizi'D'Tv'naz' Icazaztr: Agent of the loam and bdianapolls RAILROAD, No. 80 Water et., Pittsburgh, Pa. perils J. W. BtTLEB, CO. XMWARDING &• COMMISSIoN • • CII&NTB sad Destro la all ktoda cf Plttsbar •h Id • AB. CANFIELD, lato of Warren, Ohio, Cnicianinrien snit Toryszdin Mainunt, and MIAs. beak in Wisteria Rainy*n•• •. 1 niter, Pot and Peal dab: and Wentern Prod.* • • y. Water _ . ZOOMS 4.... •, :Ake. dein Stobboa =LS 03.3 111 LITTLE iTholesale Grocers, PitstaVran sa ila. liftrE oEPZE IfaWnnAaßtEeHaOll D=o=it=l3E.d—idllbEbl"iNeßstYan t,sHtu.l agaDMY7I :SAS PALM:Fa, Imparter and Dealer tarresama amerfataWatirspg,No. 66 lisrkoS totwern 119.1.646.64 Woarth atm% el DRY GOODS. JuSEPH 1(0815113 & . Wholoaale and Retail Dealers in TEMITINGS, nutztorpizerga HOSIZAHT 4 GLOM, 'AMOY Goods, io. warligrestitaelYtnria"lawna.mtlo.l7 A. A. Xi= iCO mew= n.. 0. L. AMC= and TOIL AA. MASON 1304 Wholesale and Ratall m=nlayiersaa MOWN/ 00 0 dA "th URPIEY k BUROIIAELD, Wbolassie sad Ratan 3 Gads ant.g. wow rXcrib Removal. Removal! Removal! ROWNsoN, 00,-21r0..23, NMI =MET. I..jAVI*I - Iteurotcd - our Store to No. 23, a Ilith (was motto e. A. M= • 004 ••••• wpm imnund to .cartdt one of *lto. lary•o Stoats of lak• Partod and Anortleasik out 011 C/ot/• I• this xisArt•L• A Marrtaxteat cia De 4=4 — lrgritas °l l% .44 Brun• ' T' a d a.ttel 15_ 4 Can:4=mi • "3+41 and . rai unr"un tjmur, rootherrith time. ri? r, zcti,Ao..wathoozl kw sake/ ~n , th h 9 tbs./it:6*So% ••41 , 20. _mr — Tawikr••••, ,. mot ea r a rmitm •••1•1. NW1N .V. ,34 4 4 . gal k ltil bet vide of 1 1 7. 1 8,72 • Mot lirtUle Mime esNh sae N _ _ G ------- ;ORGE E. ARNOLD & CO iltaANual N winnow E. Ne.,141 /aura And. appootte !km): AWZoweicticess; Cement end tones. KLASTES for Land and Stucco Wotk; Co ms 0 ,. Clitera ma Palle irorlm Oda Stoat; it es bandit alio Mans.fitamele. tatt-ALLACII. v u 3 3 13CtranchtrIAmatesn" linr= flp4 ne a m, ST larced da nat. *pate for tbs. ate 1. sm.. Porta. . ••• IODINS-50 oze for Bale bit' 1134 UMW w.laaotoona ANKERS -AND BROKERS • BANKING HOUSES oir JOHN T- HOMO: BEDFORD BEDFORD CO.. COMERBIO sommuirr co.. NOWT PugagANT. WCATSIORND CO. MINELLSVILLN, !KUM D L O.. Pell. °STOWS NEN W BII.IOIITON, IIEAVERCO, Dwelt' recetred, kgsoottute mods. Worts boo] sod collected, lbaig Notes . Sheds taught _ Blocks, Notes.! other hecurltleo bought an d semmiedon„ Coreurtaudeuns sod onllectluo • stahl &LLU 111.1113:11- 12 . 1) hRAM R & RAIIM, Bankers and Ex ebanne Brokers. Bay and sell Gold and Wry and Note,. tuy= t ra t.. B.agstat• Ora:el= Vlll . %.' j r . Buy and sell Bt ' S ' elts on Comnrissio. 00114.- lions made on all points in tns Union. dtdoe corner of Third and Wood atmete. s directly t. O p 7 oppalte the Bnsials HOLMES is SON, Dealers in Foreign 4 1: , nod Doman. MIL of It Y... oaf, .n.rkst. Oatlfkoibm 44 Bonk Notes and imio . No. 59 E Mond. tte • Colloctionn made on all the inincipal t ti s. lAtlIXEMI3.40:40711:1133 1 11,M- 11 . 0.1171.110 r. iroanral) AMERICAN P AZA„ &M. A 0 E A Or N 0.78 Second st., Pittsburgh, Pa. MANUFACTURERS of Papier Mache Ch.:Lemmata lb:Churches, Dolma. Steamboats= &nor and Rotate Frames. Window and Door Breast,. Trams, Oorneh Ventiletore and Centre Pions for Callinre. Halettel arid Moulding. ofetarl dosodPtion. site and det4po, man and warranted LIMP durable than any other article now In not. 11 .Orders executed on the shortest tattoo. 3 ,“151C 'Wet =lfni% r tn. DMILINB, TOMO .tia Wo.DlSocond rt. bet. Wood d Market aria. rendtf =Cali A. Amos allauaLa UNION POI7HDRY, Mitchell, Iterron b, Co. Tarim. centinne the business of the Union 2 72 a prAr . r i at i t :i hs old litand of PlttiNooB, 111T011- nay satatadtatitre La meal, a lane Lad atonal samtatent at I.I4IBTINEIB, aratplitdag Cooking Stens, Ranges and Side Ovens, 07P/CE AND JAIILOR ETOVEN MANTLE &KITCHEN GRATES, Haar Ware, Wagon Bozo, Dog IronsySad Tea Hallo, Plows and Plow Points, Mill and Machinery Castings generally, And GAB and WATER PIPES td all LULA IRON A NAILS OFIII2 BEST BRANDS, Shove* Spades, Picks, dm, All of which alll to void Lt. tosnatia - tancre prism • enn Cotton NW* Pitts'Oar Lb NNEA y , orrILOS & CO.. manufso Yll nf'l".k _Vhpari 1.4 Ousel Main or all orlon nul l: Zen Ootton Twin% Plough and neon Apt,olo Betting. Grail Arai and daiLdrne a gyj a cte i r v a e llft .t t u thej u lnr b gre Store of Ug111:4 WM.= WILLIAM ift — ARI4IIILL & CO., 61 Penn et.., below Marbary, Pitteleugh, , Pa. 6: TEAM BOILER MAKERS and st ry ET -1.7 MON WOB.SEBB, Idsurrfactorers of Barnhill's Pat. opt Boller. Lcomotive, Vinod sad Cylizolerlioilav, Mtn. nay. DrelehtniZrz Led, tom P i lse lk. (tnisizr . a, PAIS Wry&MWork, Brae Vt . 'Viaduct bona, dons the &utast none. AU orders honk • distance promptly attended to. Rats and Caps. LiWILSON It SON keep constantly on asaa.m7 desettptloa sad misty of Data wad Da both *balsa. cad Those &dazing a small hablionabla Hat a? Cap. cood and tho.P. ' , mid tooll to Cita us call bad. ponhaldric elsewhere. n 011341 itAW. WOODWELL, Wholesale and Retail Idanunetaxer and D..lu In Cannot Wank N. atnnt GROCERS. Wirt P, =VMS Shriver & Dilworth, WIIOLESALE GROCERS, Nos. 130 & 132 Second Street, (Herron Wood and &airfield) PITTSBURGIL MONTROSE MITOHRLTREE, Wholesu:o Grocer and General Merchant, No. SOD /Ant , Strad, fitabunpl. oeo.ly W. a. Mt3lllll. SMITH, HAM el IMMEL, • WHOLESALE GROCERS, 122 Second and ill Front street, Jul& PIZTSBURGH.I - .. NMI 1114.101117 Wallace & Gardiner, 1110L.X.I.ILZ DEALERS 111 Flour. Prtoriedona and Produce Generally, NO.= LIZZIITY BT, BAGALEY, COSGRAVE & CO., Wholo gals Groom. 111 sad 9) Wood street. Pittsbarah. .11,0-17 A CI7I,I3ERTSON, Wholesale wooer and pogialerion Maru.• • ;Dealer in Prod. ..aid Atte. llasinfeetured .A..tee. 196 Liberty Amt. Mt. bare& 30EC1..31C01 130 /1011,------1171.1.11.111 rlDru. OLIN FLOYD k CO., Wholesale Grocers Bb sad Ctomutisairsa archusts,Tro. PM Waal mid 223 Lib. 4 l y street, Pittsburgh. 1.16 tOBERT Idoo.ltE, Wholesale Grocer, Dealer In Produce, Pittsburgh lisnalbettcrws sad .11 of Furolga ad Domestic Wines sad Lamers. N. 311 Liberty street. I. hand a very large stork of amens' old liceasugshsle Whistey. which .Wseni less tor matt. 0•112. WCANDLIML..........WLIWJI KUM L. COMM MeCANDLESS, MEANS lc. CO., (IstiCcea ms to Wick tNoCandtaaaa %%blade (how; to Won, liallkOlasaoottowYarne. and PlWonwith kt•infaahrm coma or Wood and Wasor eta. son 1f0ru............741119 D. Va.,. C. SOIL M ' Gri.r. 4 ROE, Wholeash) Grocers and Gozoodadon MorelloWs. N 0.194 Lltorty strool.PlOta• • ROBERT DALZELL & CO., Wholesale Osomrs,Cosomlooton Momloaats. Dolan In Produce ttatrorgh. Picisbursh tclanatootaxes. No. 253 Meaty stmt. ri DICKEY k CO. Wholesale Oro , BAGALEY, WOODWARD & 00., Whole. se. eromrs. do-221 Must Amt. PIAII , • BOOKSELLERS &C. O. COOlMANfroessar to & Bad- J:11• la.) Wholesale sad Ito Dealer In Boole, lithtivh • err wad Paper 'lssuance, / etzset. 6th doer 6.. E. JOHN S. DAVISON, Bookseller and Sta. Wain •• • • • Mawr, N. 0, Marks% •, A • , • ••• • AY & CO., Books• are and Stationers., Ka. WI Wood stoat. rurt door to UM oorarraintrd. • mh. P. Salmi uld law Moto enartantly Itand L. READ, Bookseller end Stationer, No TB Posrth stmt. Apollo BrtBSTBSB. MUSIC. &C. John H. Mellor, O. 81 WOOD STREET, between Diamond tia 1 11 aNV MAT*. LlN'd- MODE M DRONB and ORGAN HAMM. URA. and dssin In Ulna andlduslealOooda, IL= 11. Kleber & Bro., o 3 FIFTH ST., Big of the Golden ;tilnltt,tx,d-..11,1r tag,3alVß tn. MIK NEZDILAW6 Genuine 1317001:0N8 lIRG A ZI Dalisre In Music ud Mk.lc. Ingtalr MUM A 6 Charlotte Blume, MMITPACTURER and Dealer in Piano and !mortar of mute and musical InAnni• otanVIICTo &gat* for the Ii&WID1110 PIANOS, Woo for ILALLITT, DAV/8 00:8 BoatonPlanOe, vi Wo od wi out Nadeau Attackunant. 11 rt. hH. PUGET, No. 27 Id Fifth 5t., 4 4 • term Wood and Market, Manufacturer e may ornery description and of Plated Wan of any weight of plating. Also. dealer in J min./11n b Ware, Cocks cad Yana artlein Wanted anal* enni pattern' °natant'? ori hand to snit those gessoes who mar win to select articles saw When themplatedto partionlar went. P. N. PRZYTAL 12111#921 Ws Mirada and patrons that he tun Joined Wawa, to L.U. PlAbEr to undertake enterer reins* to the Watch droatment in the above mentioned astablishment. lie hopes that his well known competnew in nip line will wan the pstrolien of thaw woo attach some ireportance to th e nineteen and tnor. moo of thole Name. anti:2En r I. REMOVAL • srara---.....—Mrlicrinerzu. Valley Forge Plow Works. J. S.MAildb at SPEER RAVE REmOvs:o to the • arab story of R AVE huge and . aortunodkoal Werthonee, eon= of &Lam' Liberty stmt. 'thus they bays opiand anortment pf their LitAut leavroved and highly approve ad VOWS, and would then* the Whitton or Jarman and Traders to call and *lumina ther trop CHOU!, Of r,t, , Patent Linen MI Me. Bon Boil, Double WM. PW = Oortoa o , jaw, ant .0021 .1 " 1110001.0.1% Plan b uM2ffli. u*". Id. DE LARGE, MALE% IN HIDES, LEATHER & OILS, 233 LIBES rr ST, froporgotim bead cf Wood. ♦ fan aNcrtauslat of Hoyt's Leather Bolting and Oils, For Alieblauy sad Ooa Oars. gime on him& spll2lrd Ninth Ward Property for Bale. IWILL SELL on roneonablo terms ond psontrals„Oro LOTS, earner MOOS. and Carroll O rna te AIM, ALS. Dobbs' ans. Tbsy handosaaly Ornate ed yrive• rarklarlos. hi" three Wia mita of Marti and Baldnin sta.. SS bet trot auk. Thar ars olaniard Or *Mart srstelan boarding bows or for earl depot—for cosi bronshr by to. Now or the Coanalsrata Unmans. Al.l WW2 I.OTA corewr of Enda sari Wilkins sta.. molts tbs iplandin losproonnut, loontry. ka.. or Pea se& At llart. MO ars wall loasesd Or • sisantaalt ar Oases boarding boloOl on, Or the hundreds of inseban• W ortlot. nsighbOna=. AP.W to =kat( LOOMS H. anIIIOA2C. 113 [Aborts st. To Mill Owners, , RESOII BIIRR art I Lanni Hill Mill Btraes. Spiting Moths. FlDlmee. AIM Ire .. Zama Wire, Cora And CO , Oriodon. Out Lon Prod talla.(a daiderAtum Lama mill) always on Lund AAA. mad. to onier.al BID LiLattr 0-srt.t^qtt FL ra • inteliamd W. W. W AC belittaeatiag andlica trona . IrrIIE Subscriber having purchased the ex cAo;mi!!'"Vg Ti l ia j dr r a tt 4 Ins u '="" i ltac!; rzlaurl IntasungetartnA=sic wareroosNce PoaA l st.. W erposit• Azig./ * 4 " aka=rmal_amsetaroat efUsjokiliz St =i -°4- .2traitharra" NEW YORK ADITERTNEXEMS,. Prom MILLIE, VIELSOII2III,o . OWEI ISCLIRLL. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. ism klimorora AorromMo WM. N0....148 Broodorm, New York A. ARM% & BONI .. . _ MERCHANT TAILORS. I ' 367 BBOADWAY runt YOU.. THE latefirm of A. at G. A. Arnocx. hay. I lag been dissolved nn the let Mt. A. Among. the founder o , the °Mahal firm. has mods , el with himself hie eon WILLI /111. (Jm , of Os Iste tree.) for the poneme of rontinnlnn bogs.. an aterstant Tains. They bays Ulan the More No. 567 Brosidway, between thn gt: Moro. 1 a and Metropolitan lloude, where the/ bare. i v .ut op • fine assortment of Cloths. OsmitarNie Ilsa °Moo of the invest style. Our coatomers ma assured that our et= inn te Ito en. Dance tborepotatlon which forty yenta of attenllon to Mosinee. Mu carted The the senior. partner' and t4t our constant cars ernlbe to hero every mirosens, made In a manner that. for 'We sod workmanship. Cannot .n... Psuarl. :-.132720 Imtv Bewihg _lLachine Spool Cotto . OWES di MACYLUGH7S ihr i i Superior Improved fix Cord 500 Yard Spool Cotton Thce d, WARRANTED 6 Cord No. 60_ ino naive, being 20 Non above ether 'namd mold de 6 Cord; OM! to No 80 Mimlooos *tors othor ,ernes Cord from No. OD to NaNo. pull assortment of Lbls envorlin astlele_AMbla Is non preferred by Lhasa alio tor !OWING )IL OLLINBS for both Upper tnd Lena Tented) jag received &tidier/ sale by the ram of 100 dm. or sedates of f A O I O , I.M6 a im . a. llama At ter 0 1138 a 1111.05121ra=w1r1 !le. DIM for trial given free to barna me tetlant GEORGE W. PARERAI . I, Merchant Tailor, 518 Broadway, evirodte 8c P/lolnolas Hotel myutlmy NSW 110 RK. New York Corn Exchange. 125 BAG M a A nd 127 BrN ITF A oad C Street. TOR Y. B. E. CLARK, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Bags and Bagging, (ISNABDIVIS, Sheatings, DactrAelaz and Cotton Wine. ac 31111 ere, Mow Deem, dn. Ita I/ !Sin BUM. Beandeen tinge. BAGS, Deigned and printer:lto order .raceway Me their ram i. ur assortment of Onrdere le lute. and of miens dealing. and our endanger. an any matter thtf rune ryleti Olut4 leartit ' rare er; a:mobs fa Oat of Farxratr Bags, vist ranges. Bum of all t trims brsods of Dotoz. nen rot/ Lear Canags3o. bent? Drills, as Bat Parton implied with tam all elsis, pri4d to =dn. Provlsian Dealers enyplled with Dam and Beeq Bum Co.. ere. to, Made of plant or colored cloth. We Noe nem designs for etnnuttrur. mrtUr Paints, Oils, Gloat, linnurg Fltiid. Camphene,TA tio-. D 0 R fr , . MA N - 589GRILENW1011 STUMM Oozier &Ja*: TOIK, near Hudson Maar and Eri .Railroad hi, i t RE now selling the above artialz con ..ation wax, • mandato artortmentat a. Dry trench 00, Bruther. Gina, Glazier's Ilicumme-4- , ~r . L.O. and American Zinc Bunn, .11.4APYkse that attar great Inducement. to Dex err and theinnAhnt. irhetodr For tho 1.000_,_000. U. 8. PATENT MARBLE COARANT, _ 90 Thompson street, N. Y. PIANUFAOTORERSOFMARBU MAN ILES. TABU: TOPS, OOLUBLN34I 4 I2TAIS. Sienna, IhrorateLand all Mahan This ar : 11 - ' A which laa melioration °Marble thhetrobaroteally rombloed with mineral =lam e° ne to De raeolnal Into on? Aron 000 ookmily leach a =OW oats be trannfao• tend at htes than half the east of the annarasterlaL wnd hile It alma It In durability and beauty. nig . * Mar blel Iron Ina Elate, then brio sorfsne running into the atm of the roatr. sehhOoto varrlg Is used to elve temporary twenty to the Rlltbak. Man. tles hem VI to Mt Table Topa an, evaahl chow nights for the ihorafnetare and kale or alms fez the afferent States, sehkt, till Insure Ltorsanwrstnrne to Uwe. into:eating thameelm.A n trzatlon fttralatted on U Nllrtg n it &dn. NEW Y oottitlyr apt! French Window Glean. EDWARD P. DICKft, 144 Citambers se., N. T. 'Pro doors west of Hudson Elva Railroad Depot. OFFERS to Denials andOnstomers his oel slnsteS lewd.ro of Fnctk Wisdom Mon= 6voras btstas. Parties Istitilnanforlastloa rIO It* farabbed of slu s wi d th prises onnseelpt of thsty ultras. Otasisaat to say esit sd a nd rusted fres m tillaydy Umbrellas and Parasols. JOHN I- SMITH • WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER, 234 & 235 Broadway,. NoW York. The most extensive in the world. THE late fall in the price of materiels, con y *moan t open the atringc.7 of the Oman =that, has ambled am to stanulactura largady for the /Wing trar and to adar to merchants, at am.y . Mir raioes. the tartest and matt amerlate manual:mat 01 - UMBBRT I AS AND PARASOLS to be mend to aurora or /merles: liatutunits 'tabu; Nes Yogi to buy thedr goodie's, mmymatittate totttatt to all and IMILIA1111) Were:Wore N. 11.—Yhmse eat thia and oat aml hut IC tarts. stew Back lar tsfamnm. ActlX .L 8.331111; Uttattrerttrer. mhZZtontel MIST EREBLIIIN FLS.EO FORTES. STEINWAY .4 SONS, SLANWPACTUREES lin and Iht Walter Street. ELM 1110•1,11 , 1 T. Wit TOM IL? ESPEOTFULLY call the at, tentton of the public to their eplendld assortment.' entiErand andeguare Plan. ankh. for` olume or tote, elearkity. of tooth.lk= of lialatuln short neer thing that readm• Plano are lansarpoind. Th e/ W O OS awarded the First nth= 02 both kindle. In otateUtlon With the poet dletlogulaNecl maker* Loom Boston. t Inlanalphia Not Yen aed Belthaora NEW TEllll4PlllerilneraT S Son Ran lost been &waned the FIRST Preratom WILD MEDAL .11 ecannetltorn at the late Pat"( the amain, Institut% Crretel Palm*, for the NEST tianontes. dot oele:51. LOR MINING PURPOSES, and for lONl aniparkftlanboqiga WET i rd DRY blastfix Di th• B1NCIL; and DOUBLE TAPE WAWII II FYBIL U Manufactured and linld b I GLENN PUTMAN, ST Liberty At, NEW YORK. sir Orden promptly Wind for 11l Mad. eauN POW. DEE,dirr of thp moot athrared tashAA EDON% EXIIIRI ZIONAL /IRE violas. s m PrIIIiNALS, AA' Ac. nola SCHIEFFELIN, BROS. de CO., IMI:ONTIB3 AND DEALERS IN Drugs, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, &e., 170 WILLIAM ST., New York, INVITE the attention of the trade to their large and vsned .tack of Drees. Pahl.; OIL. Par! lem• "Ira ". did= tothenzregolar Imrortallons °retard* Drunk they ale deo reeedvind. dlrut from the sonreee of mod.. time and manedeoterd..nriplies of Tootle, Ilalr and tiall Amble, Monza& Corte, Mortars. Overige& handl and able Monza Lubin'. Entracte, and bl e b `. gr. tiefwnwun,r , nomwdolDrasant. 004" m Ode/ ere SID, enabled to offer 012 the mad advantageous torso. Orden. Mater to berme or by mil. .111 melee brempt atter:tram. fellidyv IMPORTANT i iii• ~ ~:. TIM ROPE RILLS, T 1 Taros elm. and 11 BuWI Rama, NiYam Priodnal QOM 103 /tong oral, New York, , notary. N0a.30..31 and 10 Madam street, Jersey Mts. T ' Propnotore of - thio long and well knoOY. C wn SALAMI SPAR ZST.LBLISHMENT, Continue to prow. the b.st Yearmonneelosl .11roderr In nee, for Ba.leWg amid, Blscult,Tra and other Wee. to.— Thai also peeper. Mustard. Ownaotad man s other mil. elm of dolly nee In every famd u. l47 th ey o ff er upon the next mamas terms meat to dealers atm. NMthem. K. AJ. 0. Ulla • -o==mm advised to toad. to. 1.1 sr Vela, iaOrled. . The Adams Octiress Com_pany, Pittsburgh, Rochester and New ling Neon Compan y. aykNOR the especial accommodation of the to population Moue the Rot of the Oblo and Pure nuts Railroad, between Pittsburgh and New Medan, whom inebriate Maine. and motel nilations require inch Agency, The Adams Sapress Omposoy bare mode orrangement with the Railroad es to enable them to tot • trusty Mean gar on the Achemmodatlon Train.who will Ws thane oft all Meetly Led business entrutt. ed to him. The Messenger will have sultan Sate in the Begiteit• Car. Rhe the deposit and be urr wourity of lebnim. Jewelry =dottier valuables, Ile will leave New Brighton by thellteroing Trarrowouiln In Pittsburgh =I Minh. ny City during the day to attend, to such dmintherlous Ray be entruata4 to him, d return by the Evening Trainorlthla Coeds and C o mm oltdoo• smote& It will be his duty to receive on his up trip ail Petrel&Peoliseee. orders, money, to , which will be delimited to the proper pintmoo Mow the arrival of the troth ed the Allegheny lat 7 Benet. Ile will elm receive written otvertal mann. es to se deltvered to the city—oommunicats itZee— obtain inftmatilm, sod return repine—order sad return taem—mods•uaretnaes. su•sil. • tee 0 Fagga= i ll i re u z Vet A d ll l.ti teill= Mamma without site. oblige, but tt 1000,. mob dell.. 261:7 dtrecdian on pseksasaeorscidir fa:tine. Imam. be At Way St m ations; all =Mei 'Milt* left with the Station Agent atlas RsarcaLd Cosausur, when Prow Harty le bot at Um atidaukon the antra et the Tratu. to recalls The rJaargeg fbr• curving packages, to. end for amine Inulscsd er the Ilassapr. ars Int•ndist to Le wind Amiable limns. W ho mutton:Re of ths basin... Ls lath as to admit of it nodal astraementa will be mods. Ail the yasesnuer le required t. settle hie bills and ints. 11:muddily With the Oompun, and to pay MAU, the tot eons of ttos ithe will plasm not a& him to wait *ill mat thy tor_bie Day, so he has no dietntlevi In the matter. nkaMY B. LIMN has been appointed Messenger, and will occonence tds duties an Monday. Deo. Si, lb erelbill AID AGMS Rat bet* —M F.= 4 3 rti A iu tleepo2_oilicZ w , Zeteleeky asetion—bie. ReCeatee—bie. Wkita Omni Asu.sol ktmsesoo,,. Pittsbursh,,Dos. 20, 10.514 Commercial Hotel, Canto of Girod imd Nem Laws, New °rims. IL STEEL would moss respectal • to ly Inform the traveling notate that b y••• Kan the above named flout, The !lota bee recemUy undergo= • thteroolle repair and renovation. and has been feted up with new arid d irust Muslim% carpeting. Le, ea The prourietor .1 11 eves 7 tare laid &Satini to the condint and wants of rhe Dungan. The table will be espplled with the beet that the raarkate 'Abed. This Dotal tidos situated In the inunediata Vicinlh et the buduteg Put of the oltii .5 well ae being eonvealdet t4A• dientatent Sandia*, the peoptietar Poem that by lOW. attention to th e wards of hit potroas to reovire that liberal patronage that be. ever been bestowed goon WA homes Price of Board por Day, 81,00. The gar Will be stocked With Moos and 1 Iteeco tntert. or to mother beau in Use tits. A good Low-him= 12 to 12 . Also A. ht. Also Wising sad secanmodUloa nitemdmita. jaltl O. lillBol4 SOO. L IL McSADIN & CO., Q.t. Tstylett, t _ COMMISSION DIB.OIIANTS, No. sa LAMA de )U3 COMMARCLAL Br, St. Louis, No., is t c, r soli& a t dDY .D.uPt.y L vsons, lour. Oran WELT° Memo. T. U. Sena £ Plit!br.t&h. figiaid Mt. Alm tiorton LE MON & CO.-TRANSPORTATION LINE-111•Ing mule admits =this winter, so an now proporE l Daiga Wu booboos b 7 PENNA , W 4 old SAI LuitAD, moon to and tom the Llama Qum. We am wore ooTtliontto and all Moog atioest4plit e roots. th e Potost.lkoml sod Eattrood th at to mu *mated to reader to Zoo&m and Angora t. TM atollsoco el Ift! =mirtordsrort it* at Portico Earout vitt ere ft•PIAD WU* . of trtlitti. ox i xtlitilti Amt. et MD sums. TUESDAY MORNING, JIINE 8, 1856 Advance Parnents.—Hereafter no nib exription self be taken nor the Daily or Weekly Garette. odes payment is made In advance. Wheneyer the time le up to wheat the subactiptlon Is veld, the paper .111 to Itcrartably stopped, unless the subecriptton Is re ancsed by advance payment. All transient edrartisinst of every description. mill be required to to paid In ad vane, The only exceptlone will b. whom special Month lee O[ ysarV contracts ars mad.. osplolt. 121.17usisaysk Weekly unseen.—The *neuron simulation ofons Weekly Garde offers to oar boulnass men • matt doe:Weinman= of matins Melo 'tallness morn OUrdrolllolol2 10 Weems four end five thowand. magus 1,1117 Mershint, monatsetmmy and .ho Icsoper 113 Waters Pokusylnalk.and E• 151.12 Ohlo. MOSS LAND Oassra—The policy begun by the present Cougress in the passage of the lowa land grant, has been rapidly followed by the passage of similar grants to Wisconsin, Alabama, Leuislana and Michigan. The bills granting lands to Louisiana and Alabama passed without objection, but when the Wisconsin bill was under consideration, a Tennessee Member, true to the inveterate sectionalism of his party, endeavored to get up an opposition, which, however, was unavailing. The House has been active in this matter since the first bill wak passed by the Senate, and it has followed the usual course of pairing off adopted in everything at Washing ton. One day a free State grant is aimed and the next a slave State grant. Lori g the last Congress the Homemade majority bedient to the prejudices of its Southern le ere in the House, passed the Southern bills a d defeated the others. On Wednesday the Se ate passed the four land grants named above, which had originated in the House. They th refore only need the signature of the Presiden to become laws. The object of the Northern majo ity in pass ing these measures will be appare to any one , who studies the map of the Nor went. The construction of the Railroads orojee ed in Michi gan and Wisconsin is deemed ease tial to the rapid progress of settlement in nnesota and Nebraska. In the upper peninsula of Michigan e l there are at present no roads erne t of the ru dest.deseription, and in winter w en the Lake 1 is frozen, the settlements in that ch mineral I region are completely shut out fro communi cation with the rest of the world. In summer the lake navigation ferniehes fiscal es for travel and trade, but they are inadequate to the wants of the population. , They n Railroads dirmigh the whole of Miebig ti use ave nue, not merely to the copper Ines, but Co northern Wisconsin and Minnesot both now so fast filling with emigrants. Mich! nis the nat• mai approach to northern Minesot But to the greater part of that vast territory Wisconsin must be the route to travel from the East. The river line is subject to the ice embargo In winfer, and is moreover too circuitous. With an effi cient system of railways in both Michigan and Wisconsin, the settlement of Minnesota mast be very greatly increased. The railway system of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois are thorough and com plete and In lowa the roads to be aided by the land bill which has just become a law, will an swer all the desired purpose of providing impro proved approaches to Minnesota and Nebraska. But to render the plea still better, Mr. 'noting ton has just introduced is bill into the House, giving lands to the territories of Minnesota and Nebraska in aid of railways. The purpose of the Louisiana end Alabama grants, aside from the pairing custom, Is also equally geed. We need a good chain of railway conneotions with western Texas, New Mexico, and California. The ahortest route to the Pacif ic through our own territories is In that direc tion. The Alabama grants will expedite the railway connection between New Otlean.sand the cities of the northern seaboard, while the Louis ans grant will finish roads extending to the Texas border. Further than that the United States authorities cannot go, as the public lands in Texas are owned by the government of that State, which has minty offered them in large quantities to stimulate the construction of rail ways. All these grants may look to partisans like squandering the public lands, but the result must invltably beneficial to then& lanai treasury and to the national territories.— its N. dmir can. CULLINAIT Psoaartstost—Fts dal luxuriee make their way alp tries. The delicacies of cooki meet with obstacles in passing tie frontiers of civilization. Roasted potatoes and boiled meat indeed go anywhere. Pork and beans are a la ter luxury, and sure to follow, wherever the Yankee's axe has girdled the roes. Johnny cake is cotemporary; and flapjac s are not left far in the rear. Then comes btiled dumpling, pandowdy, succotash, pumpkin-pies and dough nuts. Gingerbread and plum-cake mark the gradual rise of the tide, jellies and Wane man age to ahoy high water mark; then "floating islands" are borne on the waves of gastronomic stienee. A few important luxurlea, howhver, apparent ly of a very simple character, remain eornetimee for ages unknown to people who are in other re spects considerably enlightened. A poraon of j i veracity assurea us that traveling in the Hoosier State, he often inquired for W eh rabbit, of which he Is exceedingly fond. etch rabbit was unknown! This was lamentable; inch frivolities as crullers and cream-Cakes have already crept in. One landlord told hint he had no Welsh rab bits, bat that be could soon dress him a fine American one, if he would wait while his eon would take a little turn in the thicket with hls gun. When informed that Welsh rabbit (orte- , Pally rare-bit) signified melted cheese poured over slices of toast, the men wee sufficiently nn- I sophisticated to appear astonished. Fish-balls may elm be instanced. Their pop ularity is, it appears, quite limited; rather ur ban, than runt. We have an anthentio account of an enterptielog tavern keeper, who, no farth er off than the town of ll—,—, in Western New York, boldly attempted the Introduction of this simple article. Hie cook was quite stiqessful and the fish-belle, steaming hot and beautifully I brown, appeared on the breakfast table. A couple of boarders then cacao In, seated theta- I selves, spread their handkerchiefs in their laps, sugared their coffee, and helped themselves to' fish-bells. These they took with their fingers and laid beside their plates. Having begun on the fried mutton, one of them passed his knife. , between his lips, preparatory to slanting it Into the butter, then taking up his fish-ball, gave it a modest nibble. Appearing,to tsate something unexpected, be looked at it, emelt of it, forebore to butter, and finally breaking off a piece, put it in his month. After chewing It a moment, with a doubtful expression, he quietly took it off his tongue and laid it suspiciously beside hie plate. "Say, Tom, said he, slyly nudging his com panion, and speaking in s sott of growl, ~ r e, stowed if their ain't /tartan dead in that are ems sake. I This Is what we call barbarism. MEDALS OP GON. PIPHOI'a ADILLALSTRATION. —The burning of Lawrence and the burning of Greytown, will doubtless stand upon the pages of history as the two great events In the ex ecutive career of Gem Pierce—the one painting in unmistakable colors the benignity of his civil, while the other portrayers with equal vi• 'Linen the glories of his military administra tion. That these two splendid aciovementS— the former illustrating the grandeur of his do• mettle, the latter the energy of his foreign policy--argrestermined to transmit his tame to posterity as one of the mosearmarkable of Amer ican Presidents, there is little room to doubt.— For the first time In the history of this nation has its proud navy, under the orders of the Commander-In-Chief, been employed In the trade • of burning negro cabin over the heads of their defenceless inhabitants, and for the first time, under the name of enforcing the laws, have the murderers and vagabonds of one community been employed by the government to do justice by fire and sword upon another. We have progressed fast—very fast—fellow citizens, within the three years toist. The me dals of the present administration are en dif ferent from those of any farmer one, that there is no room to doubt that the march has been, at once, rapid sod direct. It Is supposed to be oar manifest destiny to outstrip all the other na tions of the world in power and magnimity; and we have the right to congratulate ourselves upon the probability that no other government out of heathendom would have disgraced its navy by the destruction of Greytown, or delivered itself over to perpetual infamy, by embodying Ineen diaries to put the torch to Lawrence. These choice bite of eooundrellsm are reeerv- ad for representatives of the sovereignty of the people. Nor or they accidents. They are eig nificant feats. They are the Riga manuals of thegovernment They veal; in stronger terms than can be tninsiated into I words, the epirit and character of the ad.ninietration—em na a decaying and offensive corps preaohes of moral ity more emphatically than any written "Death," however huge the characters in which it appears. —Cis. Coo,. A PLILLBISO VAILISTr. —A stage coach recent ly arrived In Bacremento, California, with s toad of Californians, which may be taken as a sample of the traveling population. In it there were two connect on their way to the State Prison ' a counterfeiter, a hoe thief, a deputy aherlir, $ slippery, rs drafty ud „prominent politician, meo county ollioero, an exprestmon, a collector of foreign miners' taxes, two maces and four Cili um Tnx !subjoined passage, which we take from TheMaals•Zeilsing, the German organ of the Ad ministration party, published in New York, tells some home truths, It evinces, indeed, a degree of good feeling and good sense on the subject of affairs of tains, ouch as may be looked for in vainln the generality of e Administration prints: "The recent news from Facile a 'bits the events which have taken place there in a more gloomy light even than we stated a few days BM and we should be guilty of folly did we not appreciate their conaequences tothe Democratic party, es well as those of other 000nrrences of the bat few days. We are compelled to confess that at the next Presidential election theywill it as thousands and thousands of votes. We may prove se clearly as posajblet-that what has happened in Kansas is notfiiieeeesary result of the Nebraska bill; the reply will surely be that the Administration might have prevented It all, and that this Administration is a Democratic one. The prosecution and arrest of the Free State men was the greatest folly that could have been perpetrated on the part of the friends of the Adminispration„ We may hold the notorious Legislature he legal or not, NUBS much is mere, namely: that a pert of its acts are mockery of the Nebraska bill itself, and one desired to be silent ly delpised and ignored. Even if we regard the Legislature as legally elected, it date not follow that Ile decrees are in harmony with : the *VII of the Constitution and the act of Congiess, to which that very Legislature owes its existence. Suppose it had passed the same laws with refer ence to bigamy, as in reference to Slavery, would any reasonable man expect that such laws should bo respected and obeyed? Certainly not They would stand in entire opposition with the spirit of Democracy, as some of the existing laws ao totally do. It 111 become the officers of the Gov ernment to cause Free State people to be ar rested who are guilty of nothing but a mere hoops-poons, while the notorious murderers of Free State people go about undisturbed. Them are foots which cannot by any means bedisputed away, and we are convinced that they will weigh heavily to the prejudice of those to whom the guilt, either directly or indirectly, belongs." Tem Sins or Pusen.—Lord John Russel has spoken nobly on the side of pence with the Vol• ted States, in a discourse in London, upon the Study of Humanity: "The miner of our separation from the Uni ted States was to be regretted more than the fact of that separation, for they were told by travel lers In the States of New England that the books in which the young men were tanglitat this day contained accounts of that fatal contest, describing the successes of the Americans; how bravely they bad fought, and how ) they had achieved their independence against the attempts of the British Hine and the British Parliament. He was looking the other day, with a very dif ferent object to the present, at the form of oath taken by New England statesmen, and he fond that they swore never to obey any sucoessor of George 111. We might say this was unwise on their part, and that the contest having ceased long ago they ought not to recollect it; but he [Lord John Russell] must own what had been done was an effect that might have been fore , seen of the injustice of our attempt to enslave those peapls. That was bad seed producing bad fruit, ant we might observe that, following the same teaching, whenever there wastany trifling dispute between this country and the United States, there wax not wanting persons who en deavored to inflame It—who endeavored to in duos the Americans to believe that we were al ways wishing to get an advantage over them, or to establish an authority which we had no busi ness to claim. He was afraid that those har rangnes and exeltementa—so utterly groundless as he believed they were with respect to the dis position *diet they Imputed to this country— were in feet nothing but the consequences which we are deriving from the sine of our fathers, and that the animosity then excited remains to • the 'preenot day to be visited on us. If thin were so, it showed how careful people ought to be that they did not encourage any contest but that which they-felt themselves perfectly just'- fled In; and he hoped it would wear itself oat and come to on end; for of this ho was fully persuaded, that no two nations, by reason of their consanguinity, by reason of their language, by reason of their similarity of institutions, and the great cause which all uphold, onghlto be better friends than the Monarch of Great Bri tain and the Republic of the United States.— [Loud cheers.' BAILs.-80- in now cows .g, TILB MURDER Oi STan•aaT BY NUR MISSOURIAN liloo.—As the Pro-Slavery papers have mis represented the facts regarding the murder of a citizen of this state, John IL Stewart, 1 deem it best to tarnish you with a true statement sent to a relative of the deceased. "At the request of your sister I have the palatal duty to perform of announcinn the death of her only son. John B. Stewart. Ho left her the 18th Mareh last for Kansas; and on the 19th of May was killed by one of the Border Ruffians near Lawrence. The circumstances were as foil oa s : A man by the name of Jones was tilled on the above-men tioned day, shoat seven miles south of Lawrence. Word wee sent to Lawrence to come to the relief of the family. Four young men, among whom was your nephew, responded to the cry of hu man agony, and when about three-fourths of a mile from the city, fell in with ten men on horse back. They hailed them, as the youth of the party gave them courage. They demanded whence the boys came, where they were bound, and what was their business—to all which the boys replied candidly—so says our Informant; after which John says—" What shall we dot"— to his companions. At this the Missourians drew their rifles and the boys did the same. The Missourians fired, and one of the balls struck John over the left eye. The,Missourian.s wheel ed their horses and rode off rapidly, but the re maining boys wounded one of them on the wrist al he turael to fits. John died instantly. I have been thus particular because the Missouri papers have the very opposite of vl this, except the death of John, whom they represent as the loader of a gang. I will not enlarge on this painful topic; Mrs. Stewart is distracted—poor, childless woman! The hope of her old age is out elf thus suddenly by the hand of violence."--1/. Y. rima. TYR FIRST CARGO 'BOX Jere—We have, at net a tangible evidence of Japan being opened o na for the objects of trade and commerce.— An enterprising countryman Of oars purchased a vessel in Elan Francisco, went to Siimod►, in Japan, and by dint of perseverance - and good management succeeded in prevailing upon the Japanese to sell him a cargo, or at leant a part of one, of their curious manufactures. Far the present, they evince a decided repugnance to either buying or selling with et:dab:fere. But our enterprising countryman has succeeded in ob taining a considerable quantity of thelr.preciaus knick nackery, and has resolved to put them up at auction next week. The ,collection of goods comprises Emma very beantifnl specimens of.Ja. pan ware, curious in construction, and moat elaborate in finish, and ornamentation. If the demand for such satiates should ever Induce jarge importations, the quality of them must very naturally be depreciated, for the consolations care with which every article is finished, and the amount of time bestowed upon their elaborate style of ornament, can never be continued when the demand is large.-N. ,reses. Tun Pun/loam. Litman Actr.—The Benno has reversed its action on the. Personal Liberty Act. In place of the repeal bill, which, under the lead of Whigs and Democrats, it passed to a third reading, yesterday the House veted to substitute the bill reported by the majority of the commit- tee; and then paused it to be engrained by a vote of 156 to 128.--Roston Post. The Sent action of the House virtually ripeol oi the act which secured the writ of habeas cor pus to a person claimed as a fugitive. This tub. stitute modifies the existing law; but 'does .not abridge Its efficiency. The Art vote was talon before Senator Sumner was assaulted. The'sw ma vote followed that act. It is ..naeless fti as tempt to mollify the South when the effort is fol lowed by new icertats.-4M. Eiht. Jour. A remarkable and elgtrifladmovoment has Just taken place in the Connestiont Legislators Last week that body unanimously passed area oletion Inviting Edward _Everett to delivse his oration on Washington In New Hawn. After the Boston meeting of Indignation. It was found that Mr. Everett, who had himself been a mem ber of the Senate, was not present upon that ;xi- I elision, though Invited to lxi there. Mr. Fitrry, therefore, of the Senate, -arose Monday,! and after elating the facts, the resolution of inrita don was meonsidered; and on motion of !Mr. Ferry laid upon tho table. Some half a dozen Pierce men voted against the re-csonsideration. HAM) TO Prawn nurvil—Senator &marl. in debate, eschews all language - *Mob can be tor. tend, even by the most fastidious, into diadem.. may. For this the Sliverdhly, Hunker'. and Pro-slavery press ridicule him as Senator Sumner spoke out in lingaage of jjboa yet courteous leretity,and he la denounced at a blackguard!" Southern bullies and Northern dough.fisoes are hard to plestati 4 =4lb. Eve. !our. - °zit: Wiats'e Lzrzer......We are informrdliy a gentle:nen from lreahlugton;- that thirty thou". a:ermines of General Webb's` Letter do thd sub. Jett of the emmult: on . Senator Auniner Mr.. ,Brooks, are being printed in pamphlet farts for attribution by members of .Cooposs.--Iff ,Y. Cosier t Enquirer. -• 4 . „ puzganntux atZl.ll.ll. Ate , O m Hamer , —At a - matting of a utombar - of 'the members of the General Assembly. of _-the Preebyterlea Chinch (0, S.) now in session in tide tity,•viho are being entertained at the Bmlthronitia ROM% for the prerpose of giving some public express ion in relation to their Lind and hospitable en tertainment. On motion, Maj. Jelin Ifetufflas liras called to the Chair, and Rev. L. N. Conrad-appointed Secretary. The object of the meethesteing un deretood—on motion, Rev. Inns Wallis Mr. Joseph Bennett, end Bev. - L. N. Conn& were ap pointed a Committee to drauft such preamble and resolutions u ehotild be expressive of the sense of the meeting in reference to the object proposed. The Committee forthwith, prep:tied and reported the following, which were usu. monely adopted: Whereas, By the designation of the Committee of Arrangements for the accomodation of the members of the General Assembly of the Pres byterian Church O. S. now invade:eke thia some thirty-six members of odd Assembly have been entertained of the , 'Smitheonlem House. ” Resolved, That the members of the mid Gea nal Assembly present, in behalf of the resolves and their brethren, take pleasure in publicly ac knowledging their hind sad, hospitable enter tainment by the proprietor of he "Smlthsetdan," (Mr. Sydney Repman,) and in raying that every attention has been paid to their comfort and ac commodation which scald have been asked or desired: and • Resolved further, That we will not only carry with us to our respective homes a grateful re. membranes of the kindsoms sod haspitality shown as, but will let no oee.ssion puss unimproved which shall afford an opportunity of recommend- Ing to public, notice, and to our frieude etrel. ally, the well regulated .1 orderly conducted . 13mithsonlan," together with its gentlemanly proprietor. Whereupon the meeting idjommed. (Signed) JOIIN HENDRICKS, Chairman L. N. Corm" Secrettry. New York, May 28th, 1858. Btrtmr Hamra Casual/men By A GISTLEA6II or ZLIZ OWN KIDASY.—Copy of a challenge sent by J. M. Holmes, of the City of Hew York, to Pres ton B. Brooks of Smith Caroline: I challenge Preston B. Brooks to mod me•ces any spot on Hawn and Dizon'a". line, nomad by himself—weapons to be gotta percha amuse—. I hoeing the privilege to take him sitting' with Me lege under a desk with Ms cane half a inner from him. J. L. HOLMES: Tun DAT or TUC PRIISIDXIrIIit ELIOSI6II.—; Tuesday the 4th day of Novembernext, being the Tuesday after the.flrstldondayof thatmanth, is the day on which" the people throughout the entire country will east their votes for Electors of President and Vice President of the United States. It will be the most 'meinerable" Mmteet that has ever marked the polities of our countriv —Al.scmy Argus. g You Au A lase—These were the first words tittered by Senator Ilutbtr after his nephew's brats: assault upon Senator Stunner. They were Intended to give point to the eulogies of the Pro. slavery press upon his "venerable white halr and noble courtesy."—Alb. Eta. Attr. Pittoburgh Dollar 'lamp Inotittition -No. 68 Fourth Street., =Or ?tic& To MU rirreatiflE Li; IS now open dalyfrom 9 to 2 o'clock; also, on wadneaEar and .80,tardAT madam from 6to ock. . •- • - Dolmens raceltsd of all a= not Ise than Oat Dollar. sad • distdsad of the watts dadsrsd aides a Tosr. In lone and December. 1. ohs:realise declared at the rata o at: percent, per annexe. on the first of December. VW. Hooka cootsthe Mater, BpLare, Dube and Set. 'Lamm onydratlon at the Mike -- H.opinna (ap t :7 . John H. IllawablerlM. C il Vostati ..r a n7 m ixtes Theo N. intt act bakl nab , • • Jaw Panat.t. Jobe G.BoetaLtn. Meet= Joan lientalls. , 1 i URI Itargertn. . Jobe U. Rhirpotrint. Albert Calbetillea. Jobb D. R , O3rd. Robert Chester ' Robert Mem.. _ J. Elordiner Cabo. Walter P. Marshall. 1 AtoneA. Carrier. A. IL Priker.. Jobs & Comma, Henry L. Ringeralt, (.`barb A. Colton, Robert Robb. . R. G. Botington,caa . ',sada rails. lunar a %ma F.I/ilmma, James B. Homy taarlAiare.n. William B. Dam. AlexandarTindia. ItZ2 EapFpNTU . :'Ol SLIP ANIk STLAXBOAT .FIXTURES , No. 157 South Street; New Yofk. WEB CAPSTAN'S, COMIDIOII Iron and WEB Capstans, elmed'•,_ Itotdaionit. and Orowedr. • t Steering Appsratns, Wlndkaa., Chala Stoppers, Budd. Maned.. end Bruen Materna lesdlrur Trmta sod Ilankg Bliss Pants. and Eke Radnor, lime Pls. Ind Coupli u sEihlp Cutts. corulekta: Mrs. sad Itoo unman., Masters, Pistols and Cuslasses, francla al le Llfe Saar, Tesksbru-f•Patantlisrini Life•Preservlng Seats Ws .Maitraises sad Spring dk Metallic, Cork andlnela Rutter 1.111, Presenars. an we...yorKung to the /a. Steamboat Laws, at ream low ;lobos, tootles with large varlet) of life saving appar atus. Also all Ur lateat ' inproremanta la blanUatt Fla • ratillkamd DI3BOLUTION—The Partnership hereto trio existl.2K stades the name era style ef lONTOOMERY k LEECH; is tat. day dissolved by mutual consent. Either or th. Partners ere authorised to settle the besslzeno of said lisma. JaIIeirTOOKILRY. Apr lli. 196 CHAS. B. LEECH,. Rate of Blanmay d teeth.] FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, .:...EA uv Flour, Gran, Rama. Lard and Butter, AND ALL KINDS OP PRODGCIr, Next door to the Old Stand, No. 114 First street & 116 Second street, Rini WI Jut..Mantua]. Exi., Prezidera Parmers' Depialt Bank. Johnß lo.rd tat. corm 6th and Wood ete. rhillips, Glue Manntacturer. end Pittatanab einithanta Ciaserally. Muir, Jame. t Co.. Pallartainhia. Barnett, Nesbit a Garrenion, do. J.O. Butler a Co. Cincinnati. t • au& A Beautiful Country Beat for Sale.' undersighed offers hil4roperty,. atlio i &h• 99 Bln: t a i lth of 15•7 1 B for Ws, inn• aont Tarte from ront fsW, `...=l:lNz t. 1:11o0Dons• Itsm, 621 ft. bog. whams ft anmitad a. Tar comfortabl• new Brick. Cottage ,11 2 1:=40229. annatrang V1.7=.1.-na B 9 oh . r: °xi :WU:wk. boas. italics o ontu, tarmac cwt. etc 'T e ordeal matins. In - treat gale& of ehor Wilt trot .. grnes. stembbery urns. war. ' For putlcolars, quire of THIODOBIt PRON In III.. Nem Brtgetton, mr2Vamd3,l3tter or of J. 0.131113R0V1L.N. PlatiVg. PARIRTAN TOOTH PASTE—Thin' Paste Is eszefuLy prepared under the superristortor br, J. 1. Hulllhns, vise rue used It tor a number of year with great success to Ws mat. 1t to confidently ••••• - --- - —-- . Pended to thepubllc se baled superior to,any _Paste or owder now lb use, for clew:slut sod • besutllylue the . 7 Teeth. remeluz Terter,_ strenathsubsa she Gam; sod I \ w iwnwg the .seth. prepsred only by • O& FltEldldO, , • 41 :00 \ •• i t 4 • ~ . ..end .11 • , ROORRIES-- • Tim bitch. N. O. Ihrrah wit* quality; 60 Ma Loaf and Clroad ham, as.'d numb.= 454 .do N idalusesiprlras Qt tirr to oat coomate. 76 do 81 Jame. but bovahooes 61clasma - 100 bare prime Green Rio Crag' • 60 peg. Bladrand Gram Tear.. . 10 boxes 11 h mot Wm 11 Omani 61 TotateO: IZ'r,:l l ,*`'l," 4 .,„_ ii ___.ut • 10 hoses ' Eloar. arr - S do Pearl Stara, With ao seeortmeot of liplOm as The above article. / nil low tsr cub or motes at Float &seek as totem! retiring from business Is Lear of may votellat J . ly oath bIOSTROBB MITIAIELTREM myl6 • • 409 Libsrsy mg 'HALF CHESTS OF Y. H. TEA ived ey %JAM far WA br awn wm.MeCtrrOnson. HERRING -400 bbls new No r aniving m 7221 WAIT a WI lON. QUAD-3011131s No /trimmed in. store and rosoi. b 7 17'17 WATT • WILSON. SUNDRIES -100 bbls N C Tar — . 60 do testa PO eltoidx • 60 do- LoatrwilioLt6K, 1. , r t ar . to70:1 WATitWILSON. and far ole b lAR, PITCH ROSEN— . No. 2 Ueda. 10 do Pltcla. 60 do N. b a r. b b l . joss d and lot ids by mrago ArviraLL. LIE aOO. tl 001i1Na. GLASSES—Of all sizes. and eleig i nt . ¢l.l4 and Zdsbosany *sum. Also, tor. t e or singl by the box. MTVlgrOTi ltb" sal! .esr. Waal Ansul ittk ass. ill UT R- bbls Choice Roll, 1 lib]. Solid AI Roll, kus 63.41ut raid aad Run I tA insmox. miL2 it UTTER-8 Ws, prime Roll Butter, 2 Ifiby do do do. 4 ND psciod &Oust. no'd awl kr Ws by • •airdd • •ATWOLL:LOO tW. ARD-15 kegs prime No. 1 lezd , just Limed =dice sae be teem STUMM. Lilt W. MACIEBR.AL-30 bbla. Largo No. 3, 20 li.d.rto 3,10 dodo No 2,2oldtbbbt do - No 2. 20 iambi:R.3Jan reed, =Afar sic by m,O ATWELL. rem ` t op, lON YP,-10001nia. Pena. Rye in atore and for Ls sal* tor . HELG k MGM. VIVRITB FISII-25 bbla. and 30 bbla V V Inn mod and for sal. by. H. HUTMIEISON. R" .FLOUR—Prime lot init awed and besolo try -isty24 • 111BILIII. 0GL1.1218. r 4 lloo(llALLTE—Norfolk -. Chocolate; . B.kor'o No 100031 SM: Bakie•BronOo Br *en, In Au* and Ito ode tor, myn - _ nookLIZZ, COEGFLAVE. CO IOP A.IBI.NS--100 blB MR, in store awl for 111 11, 'g a s by pay2l sioALET. 003GRAi3 a CO. anNlysa DIqE.D PAA9lEtN'Onlves) _,_'n‘'""'• " a rvirailionsoN, 319 msn,74. „. Et - 111118.EL DUKE APPLES reed and ;fur o r we tu. =2l. • Wl6. fix. _ . I i il BBLS. N. O. MOLASSES read and I. l lJRbeielebl mytl. W. „ HHD 8. ORLgANS M1(111.11, - rco'd ihnd for Ws by m/2(= YeCTITCHIEON. 90 bbl in istore and for aisle by mYlo FORSYTH At MOW. - - - EPA 00 N-30,000 lbs. Skids, Sidee and 11° " 144 67.4.17 toßmaci SCOTT PTa _TURPENTINE-20 - 11:17:2' J. SOROOI PligLAT — V„traffliv for Iffebbls. No. I Razing jaet dsma!kr zarz Jarsa../41"°'