THE DAILY_ PITTSBURGH GA_ E. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. PATTINOILL •0078 AGM'CIY 111 !isssit trarre, flirt . Your.. .tut No. to, =egret; Bram. W. are Agent. to the most istrientlal and WOO imitating commercial Patient both in the United Mates ad the Caned.. - • • Spring Style for 1858. • IDE, RYAN & AM.., 0 and 11 Park Place, j- tam POSH. WM. the afteptson of bar.% from 11l 1,•ottooa aniousualir lamp attelc•of nig:C.lW SWIM,. E. 01,101 l 'AMERICAN STRAW nooea iItIIPLOIAto rwe'Erto. TlttliSltfilla, foe. o dip; a choloo asoortmant, of PATTERN BONN RTP, • r Ina ricarat atylet. • • WWI a 'OO ant tment of • STIL.I.W VONNETB wad !i A r of liar AesignA, an Or irtelth atiO b 5 cadred the 14 t6S. DA, VELT Alit., U 211 Park Place, Neil oft. The Britiati . Plat.e Glas3 Compeay. 12AVEYLICIA. ZahC.4.21114,t, ElVat .A.N.V. Warehouse for the United States, JOHN R. PLATT, 7 Mono. Most, Now. York. " ;11 be wend a fall • assortment Roues Fronts. t4ole . ja i :e. P° P. l"l Allo 4 .l 7, 4l , 111 . grnd ‘,/ to Ili Inches thick- N, 11.—Westernetuto - a,a , ere referred to the Neer eta. Rouse et Ohio, at Columbus. vaucti i Plate Olean of the Compeer. ANDREW & .TESIJP. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cotton and Woolen Machinery. result Nnoiort and &am,. 104,. Belting, de., InTertert , nd Dealers In AlanaLsetnrers' Articles. No. 67 Pme St., Novt York. N. U.—Agents Ito the .. U'IJODItURP a BNACR IRON WORISS,” Sfeari Eng bte3 and Boilers, Krell:wire Agency In New Yoe for 7.tew ELI. ?lACIIINENIiOPr Aincidniste Toot wtA.I ye liough's Patent Elastic 'Skirts. ATES FRANCE, No.l Barclay street, / 3 ) York. AllrlON—Ncoo Are ithoiske ouept they 1116. th e uthtp of the Went. Ithanfeatufere tad loners to ,oorinO will De oro , etuted sennothth to oth2G.P W. JACKSON 4t son. OttATE AND FENDER MAKER, ntogr sr a t , 30 BROADWAY. XZIV YORIt. • • • _ . l'9lli.BANK' l 3 PLATFORM SCALES. 'rtl& undoreigncd PLATFORM been appointed et dryly° Arent. far the , his of Male eslobratad ALE.% panaGtetured b the orienhl forenforh E. & T. FAIRBANIiS & CO., ps:dolly invite attention of the bis4noss oonnatnsity m _to the anpatiorlt7 of Mass ScalisiVjer ,tI htlserh• Timm ncai.os have been antdectivi to 'tho-WATKILEAC rie.STon etl the rfloc:pal Ballrosde to the-Unita% Btatha n 4 Youland, and In arary branch at busiaeaa throughout be wort, an.t their uniform accuracy htul instatAnzsbilt :l hash gained foe tn.m the reputation or being TILE ST.LNDAND PROM If pleb MERE CAN la NO APPLAZ.. We ars rrepacesl to 111 oilers for Count., Port= Dormant. KotUoo )11.11, Coal Itallrohd ant ,a.lre, at vaaradfaCurryr prisss. U.,S.StY k WILLAR No 415 Liberty street, 00=raeralal RCM, • Plttabargh. i'IT'ISIVJ COlCil VICTORY. .1 L A rertuss.. ..... BIGELOW & CO., to & M. Hiaettm, No. 46, _ DIAMOND ALL.X.! • M I SP— near Woad et. Pittsburgh,. Penna. itacuEs, CM - ULLA-CIES, PI TONS, wsilttol rune , g LL lti=wanner uniUsp NW tr 01000000 fzaaa.loll ofmranip 4:trubllitr o! =aerials r/TAII 0,000 vmantel. itraffroliforr 1101,ESALE GROOERS. Product'. and Communion Merchants, AtV DEJLER9 ILY l'itteburgh Manufactured Artiooeo, No. 219 Liberty end,r - of /ruin, PITTSBMIGILPA. JONES eL COOLEY, w LESALE GROCERS AND 80.42 FURNISHERS; DALLEISS IY CTOlllne and Pittsburgh BlaunfactareA, No. 141 Water Street, ''''7ll-recTierm. PAINTER 6. LONG & LANE, 110 USE AND SIGN PAINTERS. .VO. (Old JS.lling) TIMID STRELT, .(Betreen Wood sad Market Cl:mt. All orders promptly attended to. 1111.111sas evr.nat•tl In • Ignpfriemstria. mhT3 t.l ROBIIIBOI, ruff & RITC I IBI VOUNDEILS AND ENGLNE BUILDERS, sued tasserestarers areal &Assiut's - Is , C-estloSts. [leering. Am. (XlSee. N 0.21 IL...het street. between fire. and sewed stmts. Watches and Jewe 101 IN M. ROBERTS, 16 sth IpJa_er— Is now e.pertlnt: an entire near Anchor arGold sod River Patent Lever, 04 Anchor and Lenin , Watch., to open ...jaw and hmattneeelm.,efthemeetoelehtated f,, Webb fled Pyles maw:dam—re. Aim. :11,. ,e. : (lord Plostd, Tart and Yob Chaise, Bealv, ------"-- .. '- Kaye, Ministate them itneelate, o , ld _' pees and CaartaPenella, Tooth Pecan hears:Divan. Pei and Seal Planar litho, lima: Pins. Ear Itnigs, Cuff Yin., livnio, Plana Lea ova,Gold and Pllver Brectries, Mint . anol Plated Pnoone;iinlvee and Pork., Je , . One and Vne'. Geed, Alm, a !lace go& of the bett. iltave Clacks, at allprice. Thu slyrre. atOsk her teen yurebaved direct from the gaatern 31enufacto=ea sod !flatted a(th graita moo fur the rats') trade and will he WI at a entail eolvan , on anat. Watehee, Clock , an I green. rone.t ,, :: tlndlng and En. amine executed in the beet mariner, and ellver War, and JoicAry made la Cadiz. J. Si =Brim, Mb et, near Market. apl6 __ ________ S. N. WICKiRSE.AbI. VV Ij a C t i g it ...'.,1?„,1:21i RETAlLii.AbeNe.7l?tr..,..i:e. og Wood. Pat lanryh, Pa. al- eve keep, co band uld tarsal. i gar.tra.l andioin Olaf. no, tmrn t Of Droun. Meld., Pallna, eta. Inn &nen, Win:ow Olare el all kinds, Pntty, Perfumery, Partat and. Pramletary Ste& cites, eta. ~..._ To= old friend , anl eastomere.—firvina soil out my IGlrtag.kltolll In Paltimore, and returnoti in (hie city, and bought Litt Drg . getabllshmen happy r. flokuet, No. $11 y etreet. I alls'l le to Coo my old Mende. or the easterners of Sir. Mohler, and an apt,. cancans to ;doses them with any thin 7,ther ;any want In my tine of Duane.. P. N. WiefiZASKAM, 11.4111 No, 7,41 Marta at. Valuable Beal Sutt fro ale. 11_ Offer for sale . the two three skirl brick tnadaeo et the South east wren . of Penn and Rand !erratic, Nos. 071 and 270 ?MD etza-c. feet In lots are each about Ihfeet on Penn street by CO tln depth. The Windlass are antatantial and have stone innate. ,11010. otter the four there 08007 bria dwelling bowed on the east aide of nand street. him 00. SI. 33. Aall 41 each hones being shout IS feet 3 Indies In front lira bDla N'r'lth'it.A. willies add oaparately, or to thar , and at low ;aloe. ATinall cads payment erlil be rrlnlren and • rassonable tams 011.11 ter the Tent of the lialairg Apply to 11. B. WlLifr IS Attorney at Leer 0e.1.641 n. 131 Fourth . St. Clair Street, Property for Silo. VI Authorized to sell on very reasona ble te11.6. goy one or al of thaw . tie thee; tOO7 dwelling lumens on the westerly ado of St. Clair meet. being harms bloe. Zi. 22- 21. ad. sad n. b.tinurn Penn area end the old Alleghona brag. Them heves ere galtabla for aorta and dwolliruni ad ist oltnated to • good latallty. The lots are cab. 18 feet in front by 110 foot to depth to sn aley ten tat wido. • A =adored* mai mument gilt be review& end the toa sae atowod tO 116:6421 OS 6. refaol2ol6 me camred LI en. toad and roartaan a the_rorelaser. Alvin/ to ILAMI 8, Attorney at Lew. - LC if.'W ettlAtl._ tIL , P g I 'hoot areet. BOOTS ArlD SHOES, WHOLESALE AND B STALL. ..rrit:;B:6dal U n b orkg Wends a bcr gelDnitYllocallarst bo nr. to a ala t' IsZa6lll.loll bla tt drendie t Mock of ncfn re and 'Shoes wa nom s found an;'Ernfl An'taNiser.FoTi - finillannealloOts.Ualtars and Ebsee. made ant of tb e best material, werknangdp and orate latest styleal In order to suit country dealers and those who - a lob to get Znod eitstom made Irma. be mannfactures a nd keem onaistantkr on hand a fompietw Molt nf r Roots a nd Brogans, 'toy • and Youth's w arrants. awoos 1300t1 nd ilasMS,sad biltses Dots, which e In racemes to the 'yeses he nnwt Sa/ nothing mom. Irth'otwohtlegt' sell 'Pa . "' o th er a" 213salnl tor the en. ' IDatroasze horeinforo rewired In ha solicits forth. %lona and from bin long esoollenee business las fools anadence that he Is able to Inas general JAY...tin 1141313. no 3 fib Market et . b e tween alarkethonas t Pillb NURPHY dr. B RSURCHFIELDIN , DEALE Silks and Ladies' Dress Goods generally, cL omis, 7 Aim s MEWLS, B.4IBROIDEILLES AND STAPLE GOODS, Fur Family An anasaally ...endra am:talent la all of tea ahm lepartzneatsjust. Id Sad ceßkag AhiarowkAi t lsia SII-Nacts matron:kw Mb And els./ES Stoves; Fenders and Fire Irons. IRON CITY.STOVE WAREUOUSE. No. Ist weal gtr.e. As the seam be a ervivad which Mein Into ww the above named arcielve, we would line lu• Nu tDe attrition of those needle:. aultblaw la our Nutosawzasolastion of our alma. w blab Vino.. 1W and ain. übede; We eve dotal:alto-0 to ttll lout tho loves:. In {ho =noa ttothoother the hltho, A 12,1 Woo ar.t. J. C 11616 Stotowtht to J. hatotolls , • WELLIAEL MITCH/112332E, Jr. Rectifying Distiller rind Wine wad Liquor MER,OIIANT • 4. 0d)1.7 • .A . O. 209 MC*a. One. 221 - _ N. FRAZIER, Rrimerly resident of all•Pittaballgo (tour Woos). will lux° here to a low tar the Ootuell 131 tart Md. Elan City Load thil.rlots GolOtalloto and other. timing tuna to !mutt. oclus. MU to Locate, can bLTa their Inulatta'falttitully and '""417 irt."47; Mberg,tlhimttilla°9lloiM John Jllautodu, Morthsati, at st. Pitisbargto N. 11°12.3 Mti. [ht -loles; do:. Caloomo. euhler. o. clanks B 0 Y,dileleltca7:)cha FlaMajoacoonutam. ISCOTT Dentist, rens= street =1 e'erGams-matofAlsest. Oetalo.• tAr: 1, 0-5 AD 1=7,4 ue BELLSRS Witolesila Drug s los. bays te010•03 ea and '-oodirdedtordi wareboae• as the corder of Wood and hags Serena eta. , when, Me old =Lamer. sal all dridca, Dm^ _Valuta. Var . abates, AO.: Will tad►lard.,and lull ealectsd stoat. Prima low. Oradwarrantrd. . oat ... - • ag .. • -. RemoTel. . . IithISVA3, lialiufsetozor of corm Ira, day of TlALE,Borrrmi TYLNDOR trzass, ula .2. 1 3 7 . 4 2 Y11nt tillSla w...L . Mali r p , a ronbaase. o c r . - no, i owl 169 antLl26 :Int sts, litabarath - - " --- z -r. " , IYAME Subsoriborbaying -Pl,fasitalWact -..-.• - —.......c.---:k o _ei :Tartan dot.r.e.V.l. J.Jains .3. W -4...‘" 13,2um0r . ..,.... ",-- - --- Patel -1.1231 . 0 . ft ex=etcutlastesum... gym ' ---- lit T iiti- - Des3 - as An ..."......---. "e i. . 4 .7 3. . 4% . gbol. b. 1006.40. 1101117 ---------- ' - ' — ' -""------ le tg : "andsufs e it"'"" r " ti Pl"m' l' 2llle* ' r ` a...l "'" l 64 t arAentax s .., - ateam Emus _ . Rol. .. ,- -. -Llarpt./.o.oler!t, .. , l, , fat,_ an d m e , __,,„, nit . GINES ::steam ', thiAtetttill,e±o 3 ntst- - a.'lluivv ,, tetwatis• ,S7aa w W IU-a "' .. jrattlie ri, .., -\. Vt a bs I* Bl4 * ** l 'm 't'. - ."'' - ' ....;.' ...... ,'' -. 1C 'r .6434- -.." -. 0 0 1rr ,:',. , i iik:''.''' ' .. -. •.. 4011 10 1 • . ' ' ' . . . ' ~,.„,,, ~-,. 1 .-,:, i- I : ''' ' '“f • ' iiiin !`,i, 'ii, .:,,,,,,-.„7, , ,,,. t ,.,. , ,;_,;,-),,, .; , ..,-,,,, ~ 1 , 0: , i i, - ''.. . ,,,, a,. , i ff...., 1 ,..., ' •„. ,! .• ~ * , - - • ", -,..** .t -, ! ~ .-. :-' -- - !!' _ • ! *,, „. , .-. o - , - ., J...tttlW. !:!* ,' -7 1**,- . , :t ''. , .... - 4..... , ::•* 14. -- . I t4ott.-vit ,:, ;441 . . ,1r...f . 1.1 .... ",::,,i . , ~,.,,,,,,,•„. p ,„", ~...„.....,. ..... , ' :I*.::**• ' -'".% - ,.. - - j AI. t A ''''itt- , ' :.'',.... -- ;=;, , g l , -4,„, • ,-,.. .: .U. 3.1. 1, "'" -,: . !'.7 - , -- _ _ . -,: ' ' .t.L -", . --%.: ,,..,,-.« -Near-BlighinaTab and Bucket Factories. J rrlii su b so ribers-:eotoilietAvuulnaiztere f a rCenbOicuite%Tlea.Kbilityr.t.ei,W l. kZadtr Unw'saLtalt:taariVfiLTl2l, BUSINESS CARDS. I:V Yi r1~,~:i~l•(~ OSEPIL 8. & A. P. MORRISON, Attor neye at Lay OM* No. 143 north eine. bstsroem Itthfusl3 sad Gout, Pittsburgh. Pu • rarg4 DOBERT E. PHILLIPS, Attornoy nt _Bt Lovas. ?do. 110 BER T POLLOCK, Attornoy st Law— man= of Mb and Gant streoto.onoolto the Court stn.. Pittokargla. me 241143 AMPS J. 'KUHN, Attorney nt Law, office Math/the& Dr/ Onat. ItteabariraL AGENCIES. Michigan Ge Conannicion and Collec tion Agency Office,' iiitqOß the collation of Homo azd Foreign Mansentile and mil other Money elniiian. to Michigan wlia.nt Stater, I nvrAtinent and P•Traenit of Mohair% 14,- t eeet orrad.oo, ruirliamo and Salo of Real Estate and Macao and Insuranto Agents. IT.LTLER dlillEßSON,_Detrolt, Recreates in iltthanli—lleninl. Krannir Hatim,llent• erg White k Gazette (Mee; Lome. Mewed, a Con M.I Womano— . Tan Ago. lee or Michigan front pm - Wltt. A. IRWIN'S t.v...EAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. ST Front W, dna, Sd door fro= Market; Drain. In LIU Chem to Ore, Pig Iron. de. Coal Trrorcrty and eat& i --- t lISTIN LOOMIS, Real Estate Agent, Mock. Merchandise and Bill Broker, aim Be. 92 arch street, above Wood. Beams broiriotir etteridvd to. Q AMUEL L. nassirELL, Secretary Cid -0 nee Ineuranee 031.11..7. OVIV.t. , .1....". M; GORDON, Secretary Western Itstll7 IL' • i 11. 3, Co, 22 Water street. - --- 4GARDINERCOEFIN Agentfor Franklin 4_11 2 . 7 lanoline. Cora:son a:arta-mg corner of Wood la A. MADEIRA, Agent for Delannze — Mn- L • mat Iraparanes Company. 42 Water street. ;lIILKH Rif IA ow TTlntra.... L. =LOU. ! TLXITTO FLEMING B.ROTEMBS, (SOCCO= O,4 TO O. WO • CO.) WIIOLBSALR DRUGGISTS. NO. CO WOOD STRZET, PLaTSBVIRGII, Cu pr ittstoro of Dr.ll laue's entobrarad Verratrugo LI r MIN J trj) Wholseals Itod Retail Drcurest end Nato,. hi slots. OIL. Dyortrofra. ae. onroor 'Wood and Sixth stmt.. Plfloborgh. larttograss Mat fox Dr. rord'a sp.ll 40111.1' P.. SCOTT, Wholesale Dealer in rag. Petah , . Oils. V.:althea and DT. fitUIT , 25 4, 1111L1r4IIIII=VA:o = tt...u.. BAgent for •Nebatkek's nit Syrup. 6= 244 y -bars[ A. FAIDIESTOCK It CO. Wholesale •....VW4t7gZrwlr t a :X AZI.V i fel"gg brult cach7 Fe. SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer in Drool, stole. Paint., Dyestole.Oils, Varasher .1 ~.. an, lkood =sot. Pittsburgh. Ikeda warruitod. Crites 0.. UN & RFATF,R, Wholesale & Retail rtlfteo. ontser of Ilbetty sad Bt. M. strooto! scuoorawm & CO., Wholcs&Io el • Druggists, No 24. Wood stmt. Pittsburgh. ---__-------------- orSEPII FLEMING, Successor to L.Wiloox G e ' ts=kr Ysill k at ress ' Mp L l eVe 11:: : AVYTt E O . =: A . 7..V.414.4 Cito r m sta Pelf =cry; and all artScissi Physician. pruairtiona catatotty aoraptaramrs at au noon. .09,4 COMMISSION EORSTZEI & sCOT... FOKWARDiIiti AND COnatthniON MERCHANTS , PSALMS 1:4 'Wool, Rides. Flour, Bocoa. Lora, L-trit Oil AND PRODUCE GENERALLY No. 7i. Water .St., Pittsburgh. Pa. sl ftt rl l vt , rici,b•Er=iretu.tire , D Jones, CarterClt Dap EL Amu & tierrtizier, PhDs. I sea, & Co.. DittsurDa. baetraDit & Clartetron. losork It Elder. St iklak ObOs. Thorns. Orrirtrr, aokers. lielsran Mem. Ohio. •& D Bullock &00.. retard JtiO. B. ... :Tikiterrifg yei c. licalmsli Rano. Pb.,t BOOBS lIERSTEriE, FLOUR Fn.,A.CTORS, General Produce Celmeniseion Bierehants, Ao r Nora Marv's caul 95 N. LPIIIAuIer .M., beZmo PLULADE swim To • Hagar', WrodwerdLONTIGIA- 3 D Leboter A :A.M.. O. Garrett, Mesta A Co. ." A D Collodi a Co. Wood a 0 tees, • tereoel a Wrier Kier, hire A Co. • fredlrk a Foulde, Cobbe Coro & Co," Morrow a Gettfer. ''. Truitt. Israber . co. - J e Cressooreth ACo .. Brted. Gerosedr & (ko . Cltteb'r, L. Vollrnarla A Co. r infra ageoley,Oreersee a 00. •:. Deb & !AS. J. aNV Ma. • Kett & tlo tiers, . Axel Pittebscres sad Pldlaileirtda blerorranta gomerelle jeteloced MoBABE & ANIZR, A :, A A. FLOUR, Giktit 6li) PRODUCE. ' Commission and Forwding Iblerchants. No. 114 Second al., P ar rP 1,•55n1L17 - 1.f./%___l________ - SPRINGER lIA..PBAUGII. CO2ISIISION 51BACIIIANT, Dealer Su Weal, PrOTielo/113 & Produce generally NO. 295 LIBERTY STREET, PIT " loan J, AM= ATWELL, LEE & CO., . WHOLESALE GrROCERS, Produce & Commission Merchants, taw Dr.A.LER.S 11l PITTSBuRtar MANUFACTIJILES, No. IS Wood tt., tatt,:etta Water and TOBUItGaI. Front at arts PIT DAVID O. HMOS% POUT. ?mince, Provision and Commission MERCUANTt tvo 267 Lik , Were.. COMO . qr 21624. Pittsburgh, plivES hie attention to olio llcli sam of Dour, Nuers.%.l3or:Nerd. art., Baur area. Drto4 HEM B. SING, :tato of the firm of King & Moorhead,) COMMISSION MKRCILANT, Df-ALER IN PlO micraz , 4i BLOW'S. No. 76 lVater street, below A. Dlarket, PENN - A. A. HARDY, xwariro"ronarligg ti f Acme+ Agent of the Iladisea and Indianapolis runaosr ), No.Bo Water st., Pittsburgh, Pa. --- W. J. 11:4 1 &—do ORW ARDING .5c 00MUISSIdN MER- Cu 4 Td. ntailaTa.N. Sre 6trest. rattabunib, 1.440'64 B. CANBLEJ,D, latoo anen t Ohio, Onmatutan and Forwarding ItarcbiaterViois- Penzi Ash. sad Pir iu' astarn I=o s t Watarl'a•st, = I .P Dew.. 11.1,1 wad Wood. Pitigracegn. .111 wILLI IVetfirii.s3: 11 . 4 s a-ta.) irnt4 31. LITTLE , la CO 4 ;Wholesale Grocers, fl• proloco and Oacomioxion Itosoloooto 2 and Dapilo_,ol2 0u2•.. Notoollotoreo, No. 112 &coon stria Zoo WtMU (-)U BY H. X./ OOLLEMArroraalag sad Ocmadadoa hlneluat,azitt Deller UtLeass.Butt*r, Mb and ileduee .25.W.x.atre• sbove Water. Plllsbonth mytil TUOM: SYA ImpJrter aztd Dolor In Shenel, mid 'Amerteszil46lll.66e, No. 66 )11rtst m ,b!tl.: mallard sad roosth strea4 plt6Oursla. DRY GOODS. JuBRPII '101115E'& CO.. Wholesald and MIX Retail Dealers in INGS gramme = s/is, 11011168.1" , a GLOVES, Faticor Iltsods; &a. Nan itarkte" bet. 414 and Us Dtarami. pIIIFIJ iirAeute Ar. ADO ' irMeNfraZOASIt. • Th. l . 4 llnTszoi snd fitolif Dry 06• Lb. '26 11M2. s' MIIRPLIY & itURMIEMD, Wholesale •nd BeLu Leoals Ilachants. coma Tomth. La Removals Removal! Removal! noBINRoN • CO.-NO. !3. MTH 31EXET. II AILING Removed out Star° to No. 27.., prATA tarsi door Vl,4:AlorKfo.""ltti Parted Ina Asturian ''" :es, t4 . and wittClaths 10 this =will., %till:rt....a can he found ' hetrit Brussels ,TVAllitr,6ll7.cArM eapeup__. u.t•Aixt ur gr.r. c ".gra.4 pug V,14.." topumr.dithiseanklaids. EHL I hIS. Dr.ciftl l4 ifitly isi„digi7 of off droalvtfOOK ••1110. xlOff.. • 111fal'imo 'ad Toes tßil WP;a" Boa to.kooikooxin Atio, 14 Block of Floor trll ellottuktas.tot.4l` otfot s„n of whij•Ty tibSel E. AREOLEtiS4 lisamira ui IN., .datker , .„t Orb:446w. -- Ilidergutfi,g'•:" atioes-Work; Co t4kmeeket 4& owns. e 1 AttibMitAat. BANKERS - AND ,BROKERS 7 BANKING ° . HOUSES .J 0451 T. 1101210: BltoPoßD BEDVORD 00., ONeONIERSN't,_ BOBIIIRSETTOr. Pinann.NT. VIEsTMORED 00.. OONNBLINVILLY— RATE= 00.. Poona' UNIONTOWN BROWNSVILLE, ' ' : NEW BRIGITION. ' pd.Rtreonunternede..DraSto btright, told on=tertWr Natal and Epode :teroght and "old Starke..otes sod other Set-urines boußbt, sod sold on onnallesion. Clorrantennonnne sod rellandon• eollcat*r. Awn antains--stouso JtalS3 KRAMER RA.llDl,•Batikers end Bz , . change Throning. Gay and oall Gold And Myr and Notes. n waists loanaAm Bad Palate es 'Stook Sow Vai l dVor h gy l ind 11 7 = d on ri nrjel. lon eo: limo roads on .11 points In lne Unlon. Jake =nos of .Thint and Wood 'trod% directly oldoeita Ana Bt Clondes 110 LAMES & SON, Elmacts salt Dardestle Ina of ftebeme. Oertifestee of Dee •id Bonk Notes end Specie, tintd &Whet street, littr• • dlsh. SET • • • • on all the prteddeed ales • IrCul VAlit It 11 ti C(411 sa.Otnixcm.a.c.ctintoosait.-si.o.nice...ll. u. trooDwain A M-BRICAN P A ji ltj E MAC E PSe ul BLOW caw No. 78 Becond - ot., PitObunti. AxmamsE.p.s . of P a mpa macho Uraam te7liirror and Platers Prames:Window and tc% ii NA Briskets, Ttninea. ennnesi, Vestalstars sm6 Osontro Mime for Callings. Rosettes* sad Mouldings of REIT naktlYtlo.... inaa and &alga. CALM nail innal 411..0.1 than any other satials now Invite lER,Ordersezmuted ols Me shortest nottee • B.—Atuattion of ihnIUSPOOM Raildsrs Ss inpeslohT newt to this Elk.% on movAtemaror .. Iles TS:Second at, bet. Wood•bluest st.s. Ja=3-dtf PITYMICanIy Moans alinniLl----rons a. mama UHIOH POITYDRY, Mitchell, Ilelron & Co. K WILL continuo the business of the Union vcoanv, at the old stand of PENNOCK. Ill Toll. I lga LIV•n7 Tboy milt inannfactura lava!, a lull• and amoral' 'Lenart:neat of IIASTLNOS. comprising Cooking Stoves. Ranges and Side Ovens, (M+loll Ah7).1.1 - 11.1,021 STOMA MANTLE & KITCIIEN GRATES, I lava Ware, Wagon Boxer, Dog from, Sad irons, Tea Rettles,'Plows and Plow Points, Mill and Machinery Castings generally, And o AS and {PATER PIPES al all ran. SON A NAILS OF TOE BEST BRANDS, - Shovels, Spades, hob, d:e. All of which will be sold .t mannUanters. , Penn Cotton Mills, Pitta b. ti ENNEDY, OIIILDS & CO.. Mandso M tows= a— l= d 1 terwry H tcholddnlA OuTet Unman of at oolors and stualaa, Ootton PloZtud and &La Well Hops of all Oros and deacrlptionr datOng. • • Wood • 88 t w i ell have at 8 tiog I•2BLaT • WILLIAM BARNUILL & CO.. 61 Penn at., below Marbury, Pittsburgh, Pa. WTBASI BOILER MAKERS and SIIEET IRON WORKERS. klanufactarcra or BanatMl Pat. ant Baer, Locontotito, flood and Cylinder &Has. Chin, nem larcichan, Fire Bed. too= 1.1 r., Wanda.. don Pa. Paw, Iron 1 - airls, Ws Bost , ato. Mao, Iftadtkoduta • Work, Vridiro and Viaduct Irina, dons at the ahortoot notice. 1111 orders from • dlstaamoproamptl7 attar,dad to. Itaa ------• Hats and Cape. SON loop constantly on C.. toLaa erT[l7 doseriction an dof Hots and pkbottt orbolooolo sad retail. nose deolring [Mat hthtell flot or Cap good awl asap. wood do Iroll to qtr. Inforo porehoolno olotorhoo. .013-t1 - W. WOODWF.i.i -•- • W. WOODWELL, Wholesale sad Retail ! Woe , octulor and Doan to Cabinet Wan, Ka 67 A GROCERS. is m% I. Dwrozni Shriver 8, Dilworth, WHOLESALE GROCERS; Nos. 130 £ 13'2 Second Street, 'Bets.pen Wood and Ecittlleld) PLITSE474OII. MONTROSE ELITORELTREE , Wholesale Grocer and General Merchant, N. 2$ laberty 85,d. neraurra. an-1r V. a. e =.m. SMITH, Malt & WINTER, WIIOLESALE OROCEIIS, 1,22 Strand anil 151 Front street, Gll .1`42. • —.---- • • - Wallace Gardiner, It•UULEBd LE DISALB6S /A • Flour, Provision and Produce Generally, N0.T56 LII/ILETY T. Isac6ll , BAUALEY, COSORAVE (XI., Wholo-] Orycnre. 61.1 Roal ttreet. ritt•lhuitb. AL gULIIERTSON, Wholesale urocerAad Cast Martofaettg Artlel. larl i .rh7rty 477:1.! Flrot • bond JOHN FLOYD .1. CO., Wholesale Grocers I ~, ~,,,d 4 7.,•••70., 71..e.nants. 7:•. 173 Wood and 7.3 Lll, - rcy • tr.t.. idtt.boran. l* ThIPORTANT a.? BERT Ntoont, Wholesale Grocer TO HOUSEKEEPERS AIVD HE4LEES. • i_L e Draler ln Prod.., trittenregts Manatuturet, and l THE HOPE HILLS, • - t.u.. or rartirp nad Dolaostio Win. sal , Yo . 31 , 7l • Mao, man and la Piaillall isms, New na, Liberty Went. On hand • vsry largo Hof* sap•das Printps4See. L Prowl amt. Nog icr: , .,_ old blonizza Dab. Wld/ .. _•2_7,71171eb will lo• sold law for maa. factori. No.. 37 end bh Miami longs Md. norm 1rCa11n73733....-,...aildfaar [Ws.-- .-.7t. L. CoFTIS Tak, p rop fi ew r, o r this an d . ve il. McCANDLESS, MEANS a COe . ~ (succor known COY. HE AM) SPICE darAzzuslutraer, .bware in Intf'=titie.Cdrot ) erWrlfond ',dews!, ta Continue to waxe the best 17scruamutwal ttendol I Ziandta7777rsa ,onerady. acme, ol Wood and WO. sta. saw tor na Limed. Blectitt, Toe and other I:lathe:oh. v.. -W) They alio "Mara Mustard, 00. a. .9'4 many nib., esti. ---- elm of dstly COM in •Inlir family. which the/ odtr who. the P.M .o,iii,-.----J.L. D. ii"....--^,-....... "I• moat reseonsble tenon . tAteiognwi wit to deniers who VI, 'GILLS & ROE, Wholesale Grocers and .. l e.t them. B. IL tJ. U. Ililidg. pr tc....du-kmm,..hant... No. in Innty dr.t Ktu • uS;./i-e."'"","0"1 to 1 . 4 " . " 1 . 0r4: w tug 14,0,itliall.' DALI.ELL Comm, aw 31it...CC1:;,, W an ihollostiLe and Pitlaburgh Manntaciares. No. 2.13' . 1.1berq7 stmt. Plttalanlial. -- = ..sneer M. .- m".l-PnoTOITETITC-0 -7-Wrio"Gale SAIAIi Desk , * }1.1.00* ; 4 Vi C ater aag' rfla If,NFOODWARD & CO, W_ ILI NI& (Mom. 03.1:11.111rist stregurtal.tigplaia BOOKSELLERS &C. 10.0 O. COCLIBANE, (macaw , to S. Sad .W4 lora MG! ondeand }titan Dollar In Doan. mat= • 1,-ir and OW liArddodo..llodood street. bib door O. Z. c. AL.lleibeisf , IDUN S. DAVISON, Bookstall° , and Sts, slow,,momos to Dortrom t Moor. No. 0 Mortise scroot, moor. molds. Illtiburdo, Po. Af & CO., 8001001018 und itat onom l Oe t 4 At tr 7 u i r :z taVaq trlgPsol tod=otAtg 1111 L. BEAT!, Bookaoller and Stationer,No. • 78 Vomit) •treat.lrollotlaltdlrkgs. MUSIC. &C. John U. Mellor, iv 0.81 WOOD STRKET, between D i amond_ 14.1 8 a I.t uI BITNInPfZgArt ). LIN'S AtODEL DUMB and OMAN 17 Alll , lON I. 1111_3,2E1d ooktolt_ Kleber & Bro., Ivo. 03 FIFTH ST., Sign of the clolden 01 Map. Bois dons 7 for NllkotiB Cf . ..MIK 8 (her radArsaGVsine & illilattratilal A A l N Desk. Knee sad Moilool 9,..!_,_,•.______ -_____-___. _ , Chailotte Blume, VI ANUELLOTIMER and Dealer in Piano ANA-Porto. and Inportor of mode end ravatml Imam mt. Vole awoot for eh. UAALBUB.4I PIANOS. also for. LII.MM DAVIS it 03.11 Itostonlisztooorith and ood oz. ed.- out "Solos= AttaFtinuant. my 3 11A W 14 IL PUGET, No. 27 1-2 Firtb et., Rl_ . between Wood and Market, Idanufwetares r; ...Ili of atm dassrlo{lon and of Rated Yetreg:4i FwV.lwlgtrAlld Alto. MI X, . ';`.';'*• to ua r tt d . w p er. ." ' ° A . ..r t , .v.tar.v , r 4 - , to hare tor= wrated to partleeder welabt. .. 1 P. F. FREW W.I. WM:O tds Mends *lO patron. that be b. joined ht to L. 11.. ElAtalf . to undertake ahottrar fo rest to 'ha Watch b on er t hat to lad wrote ,nor ntioned ootabllthment. lie boner that bit well known CsMVelteney In tido Into van wernrotb• pationare att... v.ostukeh porn. Imparts:te lotto correwbowes and rnser . land vetton of w *ZINN Ctlnwnta J.. a 11.......-...- s. .. ' R E MOVAL. Vallev.Forgo Plow Works J. S. lIAJ.JA ik SPEEI litiVg. REMOvklu to ttio Ore. fitory r of of that largo aroll comosoghnul Cranhouoa. othoe • allay sag, hoochhet. ohne way Was Otwowd SIR shorts:neat of theta M i ltaoloct Ina higy MM... to PLOYS. and warah. tne attontien of flrankti sod Trident to all and examine Mel, now Iron Lent., (loath, Potout Lov. lilt plOe. Bub Eoll, Doutaw Will. Cottro Bmwsr, gni .no descriptlOn ol VID.E., Pbtr rolohiLtltlap,ie..conzteetra Wttb tho &soda. ogoorly D. 13 LARGE, DEkLZIL IN HIDES, LEATHER & OILS, a IBVIT ST., ordastre t'or head of Irind. foll oroorthlrikt or Oils, nOrle Leather Belting and OW. • Vor Ilschlntry and Coal Carr. ellromort Irma spirl,— • Nin#l Ward Property for. Salo. WILL , SELL' xin . tossonable tems and JL WW 01 . 0 B . roma of rata oearll Ito. .gi vette AM Cortaro:tree: -Tlierara bands= ely elteet• trr "na. residence& Ann throe LOTS. corner of Libertr awl pedalo stn.= ,leor. front ova. Ttial are ealcalsual tor onto: by beading hottlYes or tor oaelZot—to coal breoutbt , by the 11.1"41o,rerren Yrel. corner eMor and Wllldnaw„. .orpeone the epleodloiroprotroont,ronnary, *O. or lren-: teck t=gratre.seraillartze to == lDn'nalrearteitr. JAYA& H. 1/21.15.11rbl re. a. oT ( * MM. WRENCH BUBB :tux riduirol Hill Attilll SUMelh iroltheg Malta. vtinu”. nmn. Nonown Man Wlta. .00M. and Con dsokan% Cad .Iton 'av a d gums. (a &addled= indaddiu) amark nand land made to artenat .119 Ldarsl st.c.,PlLtsbn trau adin NEW YORK ADlnitalMS. ,I n gfw i ,y immlocgAgint 2,I,4III'ITTSBURGII . GAZETTE. Nee Yank. Nitnathazy . GEORGE W. PLlaritaild, , Merchant Tailat 318 Broadway, innwelio St. Melo Us Home, 21 0 - • • New YOrk Corn Exchanges BAG IVIANUYA CITBY. 125 Mid 127 - Broad Sreet. cLARN MANUFACTUILSR AND .D.S.a.lidielk Bags andltagging • ioNiosußGs, Shittingh .0134 IrLix.azi4 cwwouvewhww. rio„r DatDpier. ranDlied ItP, 21 : 01 ? 11 ?- Bus. r. Flottr,Bitc. MILMRS' jBAGEIii hechrued and minted to order es - prewar tostbetr useuttmeat , of border, helmet and ot.sirkrus destrus. and oar customers ma hure u 7r crutterrhormur wth Out In til• vrtrnattc munch' . Country Merebant. are Iral V to arainin•ear stock at harms . Ilass, Ms remakes 1t.., atoll the miens Mamba Dua, dm. IMF kuian , Csculharith heart ais. Se Salt hermit lupplled .ttb burs &Ids" prlntni to wan. Prot/don Moles, supni4 vitniktstm. filags, cs. do , msderof Dram or mlard eMccarbr starstrtug. cr• r er46.31.w.. Paints, Oils, Glass, Dinung Fluid. Camphene, Maul DORR k MANN, SS9 GREENWICH ETRE= (corms of Jaya NEW YORK, saw Buds= RIM awl Eris Ralkose Howls. /LIM now selling the above articles, in con sontion with s thro ‘ nth Astoless ;awl G Plants, Le it Eriessall alter Feast hadanswats,to Deslaz sad Mama, For the 1,000,000... t., . . U."B. PATENT MARBLE COMPANY, a k a 90 Thompeßlttroet, N . ' . .. ' MANURAOTMEEZOPMA MAN TL E& TABLE TOR, MUMS TAW. Eirran. Droratel. austral Italian . bin. - This ..,,kr,„ .kay jab preparation ls doHazas, ocooda L ic9= lU OahltlVNO, MAO rattan. far ale - • mom= mi. GE PIG IRON KUNO -0 0 Cud sad IhrgeVigltcr 11%17 ~ 73 . 5 • • -- 110.1LL6 1103. BUI E.B-9 obis Immo' Roll this "LtniL RLED APPLES'—'IOO bus tor salt Pl_ 1:231/ - ' HENRY ILCIDLL .. GOTHIP - ,0111311113Y • T9P . ;boa :ou belatlpililttarns tor ci,le bn , • ' • ayl7 : . - 1132ilit IL COLLIN& TDIE-:-Wbbli to arrive srol for by . niV---/zszlr" ealazuaNN Aaa cask 3 Usixis, - 15'do Bhonktare, I 1 do ion• icaraLeoWbaillarlepts atwase amts. eb, • - Astyla ismAK VICILlilt 00. WWI& WIERAT-401•12-Taim - Floor, aao Nibeit Wats. tftDare pima 41~D5.. !EATIEERS-r-10 laeleitiewlsadiag treat gran wile MILIII-Dl=ir k CO. .4--..= - - - . - -- ,-, -------- - GIISAISE-Abblencrelanu. nett= fa salt tri • , 115 A lA►IL TII" --- RANSPASEN T.. 01W-OLOTESS-2, 51, ,1. rda Witteltat,of.dillment ividt_TF. itaall . VilbsCrilWri. s is. PAQUE OMEN Oilm 01,001 tidl6- OU Cant 14 witb. Id , AP , w•Prooc.. 24 no j s n ; rye' ime4 ppulirocr and _ . .str;:o r>. !Mr_Gl - •