PITT SMIII4 FRIDAY 110 ' UDir MAY le, um . .. sidratirssfeictAiloaaticgi .• • -0 oita, W. JACKSON. :floolicier..lt. rt. IIIIIIEL. .. • . Cor..Bfrofbrrp—lLDWOlD J. - fal.lrs: ' ' ThOlo Norfaxtowdegoof oath do Society, ,eiesicloc7l.- SMIUSS fomeorodultli. oovir io oichor of Mt - above ..._ 140 . 4 _ lowif*Ol•oftbor gammon/ or br moll omen of ..." ESSMSDIS Seeretary,./ocerth snort. Isar Smithfield. Paoaamitid~fo,l'‘..i/311 THUD WAYII BOTIOOL 801.10.-41 t a TIO0114111g0( the Third Ward Behan! Doe rd, reargued arthe School ROOM.; .012 Ned. need", rvealeit 4 t hi pe t ant,onAhelltiparipee., remit of tali' earth , eyljoto4 V e tl. eim %!:Ea q ;, President of the Boaed;the following seeointiotuo were offeredand unaniaionaly approved: Beenindt That theTifeith.ef John lilciatiewan; B-q Pmhiont of this Itcard..hte °Pensioned a void that cannot be eselly:filled up, and impree sed the mead:tent with deep arrow. That Wei 'submit with becoming rev- Mame' to this dispensation of Divine Providence. -acknowledging the head of .11im "who doeth all things well." and with tender sensibility offer Feentwytoprithiee to the family of the del:needle their bereavement tad 50,1" r, Resolved. That 'by the death . of John lile- Qoewan, Esq., this community hes lost a most velnah'e member, a oonstent and devoted friend to all its interests, and mkt who by- his, liberal ity and devotion to the canoe of public education bas endeared himself to us all as "the father of the Third Ward Subtle Eloticrols7! Resolved. That, as members of the Third Ward School Board, we bear - testimony to the virtues of our deoessed oolletigne, and esteem his life an example worthyof an.tmitation. Resolved, That we will attend his funeral and that . the schools under the obarge of the Board be, dismissed nein 'Bride' morning, that the tiogipel and:thenhers may be allowed the op portnnity_of expressing theirxespeot for the de `etatetby tailiing With us. Resobred, That the school rooms be draped, andthit the members of this Board will wear the usual badge of mourning thirty days. Resolved, That the Secretary be directed to make a record of these proceedings, and trans mit a copy to the family of the deceased. A. Weenie Casen—Neksow Escape.—One of the narrowest escapes from great deetruotion of life we have ever beard of, occurred yester day morning in City Hall. Mr. D. Bhr/opt, as cerreadeint are all aware,ltad announced a moo ster concert by one thousand children for last inghL • Ills arrangements for seating them were, to have each seat raised above the caber ty egull distances, the top row reaching nearly to the all the children thus being visible from all parts -of tilt:Mall.' About fin - hundred children were ranged en these seats • yesterday morning for rehearsal, when, just as they had commenced to gem the scaffolding gave way, precipitating `Beats and children to the ground in' great con fusion. The crash was tremendous, and was distinctly heard on Wood street. Many ran to the Hall, when they witnessed a scene that ba dge description. Children, screaming at the top Of theh.voicee, were being picked out from the reins, and- examined' to see whether they were Injured. Fortunately none sustained the slight eat lojery, though many must have fallen .at least twenty feet.- Two little girls caught hold et.the large'eagle, - on the wall, just as the seats gave way climbed over-it, sod got through the window in thereat - v . lista the dressing rooms. 'floacciaset hstirfered very materially with the effect of the exhibition, as the children had to ho seated upon a level platform. DtssProunntlutx— All ordinary disappoint ments are trifiesand entry to be borne in com parison witlathe failure of a bridegroom to make Ithe appearance at the hour _fixed for entering InW4he roatiimonial connexion, when the bride le waiting With her attendants, and the parlor Is filled with friends barked to witness the core . Many and congratulate the couple upon their happiness, and wish them a life of joy. Each minute anew the time at which he may reasona bly be expetued to arrive, lengthens itself to an hoar, aid the hours are days. The bride is been sick, the company wonder and feel ill at and the clergyman also,though far to grave to exhibit it upon his countenance. To say the least of it, inch a condition of affairs is very die . agreeable. ".This very seldom mom; hardly NMI in ten thousand times. Bat that once in ten thousand limes unfortunately bappend in Allegheny on Wednesday morning. The company, minister and bride were all ready at ten_o'clock, but the groom tarried. Hour after hour rolled away, and at two o'clock a dimpateh was received sta ting thit the, groom Iran sick, sad unable to meet bin engagement dons for tavern Peewee froth tho Fourth Ward wilt. be taken up to-day: Charles Co 11; John H. Feldmann, S P. Gor don, James . Lynn, Hamilton laicook, John /kWh, P. A..-Shack tier, i3enjamln Trimble. Sattirday—Appllrations for eating houses In the First Ward.—F. Frank, William George, A. Roesslng, John Roth, Geo. Schnook, Milo Thiel man, E?rederiek Kemmer. . List tor Monday.— Birmingham East Binning har.a, Duquesne, Elizabeth, West Elisabeth, Low nneevilla,ldanobeeteicii'atesport, South Pitts hargh, Wen Pittsburzb, Sewickley, t3harpsbarg, Tarsutum, The President of the Baud has decided that applicants roost be present on the days for which they are called, or they will be ;mead. It bas also been decided that evidence must be 'given to , show that gambling is not allowed in • the house of the applicant. If any witness tes tifies that gambling is allowed, the application of petitioner will beetrickan off. • Tint Wan= Cotner Bias:.—Messrs. Kramer ieitahm„,brokere, received yee'erday the follow ing dispatch from a responsible home in New York, in relation to the condition of the Warren County pia, concerning the soundness of which there bad been more la circulation: New Yozz. * * * The Warren County Bank qiu $130,000 specie in bank, upwards of $60.000 cash means, and more than $150,000 in disoogn.ed lumber dealers, paper, due along within forty-five days, which is more than all its eirenestion. Messrs. Kramer & Rohm consider the state ment entirely satisfacrtory. Asoa! to Ts EZMULT.—:- - fhe geourtd - en P ed oral street , Allegheny, between the canal and Lscook , -etreet formerly oeenpied by a row of Inimeitiestrayed by tire a few weeks ago, Is Whig etas*, preparatory to the commencement Of building °potations.", 'The leases have but three years to non; end the molter of the ground Will give' but little satisfaction as to the renewal :of the yet the holders of the leases are going to erect mneicbetter balltllngs than the others - were •and:ran theriek oy reoewaL Mr. Wolff, --- '.ireetirlisat keener Will build one; Mr. Mobley, Ulmer; soother, sw.l Mr. Meyer, three. They writ befnished in a ihort time. .Entrrtitar Cotre.r.—Jonge Williams on the Beech. In the case 'of 'Little, 'assignee of E. J. Burke en Junes Blakely, reported yesterday, the jury --found for-plaintiff for $lOB3. I.tittinel,Ward ~ r a. Alfred B. Carling, 'William --Biehbaum' and- Joseph Cohan. Action of breach - Of eirenent awl to reamer wages and expenses • of tummies the Oakland line of omnlbassee, of which the defendants are the reputed owners. The *mom% - claimed le 52777,87. Tones for 7. plaintiff; %Mims and Rippe, for defendant— : lliktrit' ' ' ;% . Pitimemmus.—Sbe General Synod of the Amooiste Ittfotmed Church will meet in the let ehireh,. Allegheny city, on 71htfide Wedtiesday (the 28th) of May; at 7 0'- ;: Y. to be opened with a 110t610111 by Bev. gate l'etirl• • ~ ..-Ther- C ontinittee of Minions will meet in the B.,oharek,,Plitehttegh. on the Wedeesday Of the , imee.nreeediog the meeting of General Synod, nt . teoteelt; A. M. ,Pannnt.e— . lga.Grathe efficient ogent the liroUPO.;:bito olfriveilin obis city, sad will this tsortiltit Irroces4 tothe Isle: of tickets for - IU - only nonoiort.to be given ln thts oily on bin - difillitho. -.M. Strike& hen been- detained In "Iffow.Y.irlretiooe 4911, by unexpected and one tattiness, and ,tionsequimtlyjo posipon nisiorafrthereoficert notil Monday .high 4 was groat itonit4 tortliky. too and We his Sit • :Cs Slosh every lest will be scared tads,. J! >QLtsi?ectiiauo bang oiis .tbousslid • sielleinoWbOye, the fernier . dreised ',Mini' tainicii i ,=eadireiring 'resitu (intim& hest% Orem,: last evanhogi,. preceded mailiw ,. They were going to Cloy • Alolv!.drstingoldisd wilco being en :aril fora pewterkiliee,thers. - The display was bra. ,c,...-- little 'child, eon of a gin . -- - - — ozoioo K"s ei ti cw A rtto, iru killed on Wodnos ", tlinion - -4 ---. ,L i Rp s d, opposite his fate. ~!tbitP2l, lb* PA.r"4l7 l , r i L a i le r , the' • whe el, i t i o v r , t:itet:hiit ti liaiwi tw e r his neolE ' Th e e. j.. 7 .8 ;:', 7llll o*_ _ _ _IA - 'off, is , be 14•60"/ • " Banmua • from.' window. • ' - iivilfeicardealt :"'" - tittaift I • - poOorfloor.—Wo — dertooid ifforto.ars: tioo," 'mid., do have aups alai mWaig - Ot Proob)tely . Ostia; to be h e ld Obi ' , AS: )1 ,i• Mirth; MinolastOr k videvisi mit of .soling the unfortunate diatom: el La L - . . • ` • n. s -Lotob•rt:..DlA. - V Tgl"alas— S. f OA 4th - -, ...!e; M r . 1 ! . . a.. i " tr . „l a w colonel a _ -r.iiiii -"e— dlini on iif -Pennsylvania, li:plwi ,Begfcl.6o6s-7 ' ` ed .644 . vats bot - foui. -. , •,;," :,.....-taers., go racily . 40rJui eacoun cl l.,. •••4110„,___, am 2 0119 331 0. - Nur• mi t "' • "I"' a ' nuiamiite# greldstbfn WO* 07. - To won llanst.—We refer thus of °inroad= who "tare no hair on the top of their heads, in the place where-the hair ought to grow," to the advertisement of Senders, the celebrated inven tor of the i3aalp Tonto. Thiel remedy to very highly spoken of, and all afflicted ehould try it. frrSbn Great Kn.lnn Itemedy.—Pllo UllLlo.l.— . llvery anther sheuld tuva boa In the house handy In o ear-Ciente to the shildlan." EVDDIN(PS RMSI4I% SALVE. It is Tioitowiewriy of thin{ Tann' stand hut. and la rotortmuntitad bynassielana Itla surliandepondy run, fur Ilan% Plink IBM Conn, Pelona, Chilblains.. and Old nom . every Ida& tor rev. Bova Masa Itd4, sns , d nvb. Banta.. Bon Nipples. trmonnarled 1411111 . 1.) it: a id: l l7 4 title., 1 1 , : h ttra. ties' 131t1 6 p1dz Cratke2 Lips. Enrol . Waste and ' il f..VUnds. It le • by vablanl* remedy and otga, ableirean b.stleal bp thousand!, .b o have tivd It In the do, or Beaton sud nr{ptiJ / at sa" l . o . Watt/ rear. Irma apts.. .111 tate Sow d tk iega,or Internee arl.h ohydelan eniptlena Mi l e made honk the pureet nue testate, tram. mica brought Troia artlelee enuring In tlut cone :L. —and the oroptletors have letters ad h. 114 phyalciane. naPtabut. nuts. , and others alto Bagi tattatacireo,arot roannoteu ‘ed It tooth. eta. Madding'. Rugs Wye Is put up In 'Maths hoot% stamped on tbieorar lath ► pirture Ora hove and a din- Wed moldier, _ahl.,h ototaas ohm engraved on the man. vv. Pan; Ocrts a Bar REDDING &CO.. Proortators. Per seH by IL 0t1N8R..t.130.. No. 32 Pmlthflald ebrint. TEO IL • ERNHWH., 140 Wood - gr. FL. E. BILIBRit 800 oar. Wood aadod sad FIX/liNft agnvi.. - co.Crocd. at Pitt:iamb. BZOBILAII IdeLENNAN;Yoteral fft. aosor. Ihb2l.l.lyeed A Card to the Ladies. ITV& J. ntrpoerolitlOLDri, PERIODICAL PILLS TOR earrectina Innen .sr • ties, and removing ototructione or the Monthly Turns. from "harm cum All Medteal Men Know As wan as PIA&Y Aquas, WS uolistivt can OlAdl Decd heolJe mg.= au is Rva/md and whammed. no obstruction tats planeothetho fromszpionai ooldos spy otbas cave, the moral health lessens Immedia te ly to dedl a e. cal t/ss want °lamb remedy has been the cense of so We canalcsoll'lll n -M1.1:11[ sotmg females. Lisolacina We the olds. palpitation of the heart. =thing of food anddleturlsed Weep most always mime from the Intarruae :ion of natunK and abscond. that Is the case. tha 1 . 1 1 / 1 1 will invarable mouly all thee.' coda Full and explicit Ihrestlons &mammy each tor. drhich undit be atrial,. Waved. and ell dlwsees pawl*. to fe. males may tm speedily cured; Pares SLOP tas BOA. and old by all the Dinemlate and by il•NIP• & 118111). Monts for Alloalisny; PULTON'EI Wisp Ploy& Biradnabamt .101151 ,P Zs beat, • axed A. ft I teDENVENN OCt. 43 Filth set, PIM. ono:, Thor, sAll 'apply thAtrads plropristinft rico. and rand Oa Pills by mall on receipt of $l.OO throNth MONETARY. BATES OF DISCOUNT. ClO/11101TD =ELI IPOS IIMIIIIIO3 01.117,111 N. HOLMES & SONS. Broken.. R. al Marixt st. &boast Third and Fourth dr...P=6lmA PENNSYLVANIA." . Crunch at Xenit“..-.-. li Bank of Pittelnaga.—.l%lßrattosh at Youngstown. CM. Bank of do-- City laank.Chnizatatl- do Nor. sod of do. -bar Ommt. Bk.Chairi- do Bonk or Gooumabea----Par Prankiin 800k._....._., do Bank of North Amato... Laf aye tte 8ank........,.- do Rank of Nortit'n Liberties. Ohio Life Ina AiKrastOkt.. do l s.ui Bank of Penneyirsol...- Weston% Resew. Bank-. do Mink ofbaut .Tonwhip.-par N EW }i' Gommercial Bank of Pa......par NEW ENGLAND. ifarmssreiKtaltankelltriAll savant 8unk0........_ Si Girard Bank..--.-. NEW YORK. Kensington last... - ..._p ar -par Nan York Cit7----.oar Illantaso. A kleoh.Dant -oar Goon - ....,,,,- hi aisobardee 8ank............-Pa - YI•or. o• - PklWtelph liontherark 8ant......---par N. J.E.l%gin .1 . 7.& - kiiiiltSt. trattbarosn'aßarar.-----parlAll soletmt_ _Banka.....-.... K -Ban--. ..:-.171r! .RGINI.A. Bank oflasimberaborgb- ii Bank of tbe Valley...-. L: Bank a:Chester Gonoty--parillank ofYa...R.lolainottd- " Bank ofDartville..„---nar ,Bs. Bank_,Va.., Norfolk . Baal of DeL Go..ttneetor..4.jYanctedar Me( Virginia. . Bask of flennantown...-.rariblerrhants'ASlßank K Bankof Gattyaborah.--Ni , North Wedern Bank-. Bank of Lorridoern----- j r i Itranthes----,_- A. Bank of Middletown ....-.. X NORTH CAROLINA. Kontgoomay Co. Dank—par Bank of Cap. Year.... 2 Bank of Ziorthumberband- Bank or Et. ON. Caroni 2 inamet. , Bk A Lattik•Go-bor Co= Ika%WilmlnPub. B B Easton Bank-.......---....par BOOTH CCdAROLINA. Erie Bank. K Bkof the BLolleKlarolina . Banner.' Bk of Bucks 0.-Vor - ta South Carolina. Bank Mah haws' ilk of Lancaster-par Bank of atma-. 2 Merman' Bank of Reading.bar Plantar% afeehan.Vßk 2 gam. Ilk ofthhaylkill 00..balt GEORGIA. Var. A Dim. Waynesburg. I `Augusta Los. &Bk'g Co gra:Who Mg Wikablogtan.. X 'Rank of Aancusta.....- .. II Barrhibm Bank-.-....... NilLtk of.l3rnandek, Anil B Homo. Bank.- --... BB TXBINEBBEL ladanara Emit- ---9. Allsolventitanks.—. a Lancaster County Bank -par KILVTLIZRY. Lebanon Bank...---par Bk of Kenttr-ky,Loolere % - Khan' Bank of Potant ll epar Bk of Loeders,Tkortdon blononsabsia Bank ---...D. Northortaßkoffiontneky . Woe. Branch 80nk...-..pot Southern ilk oflimatuokr " Wyoming Bk. Wilkmtbarrepar: INDIANA. • York 8ank...........—...Natate Bank • branokes... X Ealhalfots•--...........-. K. . kiIiVOURL OHIO. .15k ofilesi; Otile state 8ent.._,...... W ,NSIN. Branch at. Akron-- ... elo s Malina k An. C o . clam E Bran& akatbons-......- do MI. 10AN. Bruck at Itrit-..... diPardwrittloctualoa•Pant 0 Branch at Ohilia-- an Pentostdar Bank.---.- 3 Branch atClovanuad--- do Inroraneo Oontran7....- a Bractrh at Sokedo--.-- doidtato Bank.____. __.. 8 Broken at Payron—.- do vezx Branch at DaLwara— do Bk of B. AntationTornoto 8 Branch at 001tuntr0a....... do Bk of Um Peopta,Torouto 8 Branch at addenda ..L.k. Bank of Itontraal--...... 8 Branch at Salem— .. do llk of U. Canada. Toronto 0 =snob at Banatlidt---. do BASTERN cscuasor.. Math at Illtday- do On Nro•York -- -.---. NI Bruton at. CSamintiatt.— do On Ptißadelybla---- do Branch at. Waatddatost...-. do.tho Battu:tore-. - do Branch at Cadis.-.-- do i SVCSTKtLY isaaraiiil E. Beach at L0ara rt 0r.......... do!Cdroinnatl-........-.......rn grouch at Elonbanyilla..... do Lacdrvilla.....---. . BELlath at Bit..Voracoa--. do t. Locit.-. ± .- - Braden at Nomark--.--, do GOLD ANDBPCIelbalt a I. Branca at Optin Doubloona Spasah— ,4w math at Mutotta...--... do i do Patdot..-1 S.O Branch at Truy-.-...-.. do Eagle, 01d......------3,00 Brawn at at. Plaasant.... do Badia, new-----.-.1.140 granott . at TantaTillo-....... do Itrol.lokod'uni*- %Si wranda at,Nororalk....-...: do Ten - Ttulara.---.- 7.50 Broach at Ploos-.—... .Sltdaaaa--- D.OO =snob at Cortconontb-.. So .florrolims-----.. 4.03 amok at tat0r.—.....-.d01T.0 Oulldars-...---- .3.05 amebas Baranna---.- dz8aD0naa0d........---.....-.- 3.8 t : Branch at CaTakoza do Duoatt r -......--. 2.11 ipsnokat 1dadd110n.....4.». , Bonondn at Woottor.-.-.: . 'do . FOR RENT 3d l =o; ir.77:r"" u o...%UFsqßhfflsEtr.-d " Common. One on Bepl q Con• Towooond ttu oo.on Milts wt. War por onne tlealnro, ozniil7 to vadl CRITIIBIiar BOXSI start•t .L L—A two etori black dwelling Alt rlOnt.ta an Hwy between. Pmst and Is ie rwr mot row. Inquire of tab2s No. 211 Liberty serer. ILWELLING HOUSES TO LET.--A Very coneaulent Dvellinc Elaine on Swett at. In the O of Lanratirseltla oonsalalon 7 mom; tittle and caller, with a Mee lets tached. near theft:miens Station. c alla with m BLAKELY • RICHEY. WAREHOUSE TV LET, on the Canal ma. near Ms the FL IL Ststloo. 40 ft [mot ant •ateeding In (tooth to ttos esna =MS OLA HELY RICHEY 11 , 0 LET—A nest two Etory Brick house on Ji inn Amt. Mar the 4th at, Ituai. *mai te WAS MAMMY it MUM. F RENT—That most desirable store, No. r: 74. Wood street, ter yultealers anylr et the Rote. et 11 To Let. WAREHOUSE, No. 114 Second state., Woo deem oast of Wird Id. Itnatileo of J. BCIIOON 'LAKER A 00, fel 'o 13 Wood attest- NMLLE RALL•FOR RENT. • Also the 011 Seas b• NIPII , I. 110 Vandlarosovocettiliell by the aburab sad Cestrulaville Co.. and Sum, _.11.b D..lllstqlp_tgusio. Inglays of QIO..W.JACWII. Amu iso. ti Itoort.b rt. rIICIREnT—Te Dwelling Houses in. intrreneeeilin tltree of which ere nen two glory "' beta. containing eight rooms each. gni fronting on the Griensocrgh Turnpike. omelette lir. klakethn Leech'. 1:100er'r. On the rear are wren em.n.r tinellhicoe on Batter at. Enquire of , OZO. W. flint Pitt etreet. hi= or air. JAR YOUNti. _anronettell Eatß RENT —A Dwelling Rom on Ihuid . . !*!roan Libsty and Pone ota Boom on corner of Peas and Hand' it.. A.0.l Mrs on Hand at. Rnit low. Apply to AITS2II9 LOOMS. •419,2 f No 92 fourth at. LEr—A WO and commodious Ware bou,... suited for any wbolingls Eviaw. Eltust• o 12S Wood strut. wit dogs to H. Childs s Co. stn. Q of JOHN listrdn, sun - comer Wood .tut 8.13.0, am. M'OORD & CO.. a • co 1-4 I:0 131 Wood Street, lATELar WILL ALWAYS BS SOUND • yv the leripset ace most complete Work le tor n mar d rflit ai ra 0 1 11 . Z w atIligi " ,711tat !j ar l i als i sTLltllt DAM. sad CbUrros'e Oetele • • Oiled uP.IIrBRY STYLI lIVD Ortazzly: Ladi..s' Hiding Hate and °loyal. • flier are each as to male 11 the Were of per. ofsasere to buten& IfirOldrrs ailed rtOb Ommortools• 0010 RRIOVAL. MASON BBOTuERS, Publishers, NEW. YOBS,_ Nan Rammed from No, 23 Park How, to Mgt sew Store, Noi: LOB & , 110Dunne - Street, AOm Ow, West ot No. BM BroadOot. gad Hous_es„ Lora and Lands for 'Bala and - • , • _ • Rem T!subscriber offers the follovri l y . deg ,,,a,,,,,r,valizttgir.„-kt"4l`,..P' tat, u.... - J,VM: 7 1.1.11;:`,41,4=4: liztia rigelonfitit =ar *lll to sold who* or In acre ita, of In handing las We salt , Lea_ wiry, of pultneeers. it Is • Doe of the Inn known • - inetin sfoperty," 1. 19 acres of heed Ise Peebles To p. lends 0 1 patee.o, Wine WADI.- and Hopp. lesqn. The keten. A.8.-tato a. crag' 4:armor of 11. Tao drat . It hum tine sitr•la partls on this vrorortr. Wailes It within • -bilt =WAN din of no orates of ea Olt,: _ •Al Tho dailsablo 11anefon Ihmt . and Drinntara 0.0 • g . of Os lets Win. Timm in the Boma of ..,_-oe, opa i ts t rAls th e wan dd . of Mud street rSear '.7,2 Zloty d.arth's hoists. ai tha =ma ',olWeb ' % w evig i n stn.', Mk. - ,tvorei,tnaso basun ban last a tbottogls twat,. PsitalW math& .ta— Slum vitt to sold Imre a 91;11.9arkor we FM ~ .0 91. 1 . 9 • •I bo routed!err to afel4 b 111n1. .• Cie 1 Lot ot•groand' 1 4 11 odioltins ttui store bonsai rue sale on_pepoinal Irmo. 7. aLota of ground In Mann Word for 'ado ast•Valleet - Lt le awned amebas-to tire Om arta deserl9tloll of the feregolose pi.* of Deeper 17 —they are la Mier of emus. anstoenreladred baba:mit= /411 bo chlorin/1r .04. 1 10' .. _ . _ .. er mar gulotre of .airareirifoeuZt. TAR OANDLES-4ust received from OM. S ein catt. on • coludiantatt, 21131 , ditim of SI sr Caalle" - - k." Xo frattit. g IBIED PEACHES—SO bush. in store and I • r sea by . -- m)l DAVID a Rama, (I TEATIME WiNDLES-25 coxes - instant sUssititierlebr mso SPaurom nunutuall. WOOLL - The highest Markespice paid in' —Vll nes . liPlLlNClaltalUtlialXlll— ;f. a, bat ca , e eerie to'. AV ity6. It. DA.I,7XLL altai . CUR BD • • $-20 tm.• V. .47 71 +ga 12 PONPP stwrb7 T. LIT1'1118(X). Ct).IIIIITTC.... OP 'IIIIIITP./11'10N.. eOF. IAY. Ora W. Cam V. P.—. 1.3 A. Wasol. D. UT/ roue w. p..„.1% Jon" Ow, PITTOBP ItO 11 :k 1A RKETS Plll33l=lll,daserre Onto.' Friday Morning. May 10.1436 FLOOR—ovine to the break to the d.m olathe Mourn Febeis Heerbot Mee Sear wee offered on the wharf. yea 6.1•11 MU only calm. from drat hands pare 60 bele wan t., .raper eaph 4 eg .146,W; 60 0o extra at depot at V. 150 60 do super and attn. at 6.5.00 aad $3,60:22 dote= leaden at 14,70 arid 43 de super fro., 'roc-NI at 15.01. Frame/re. 160 DM. country super at Pad'. 3 0 do .t S-1.(C)4; 60 do et $5 Md 666.2.6; 70 do at; 'llO 7611. extri, 24 do sail .10 do 16.75: 50 de do at 1.5.01; 81 do wryer and extra at gall 43.15.87; 00 do do at 55,5 m 111400; and 81 hide (=MY es• to lots, a: 06.0.5. OltAlN—eaten from mom of /ISO bat 1011100114. Bed Wheat at 410: Rea =0 bus dellvered from Arm at 45: and TO do on wharf at, 40. GIIOCIEBIES—we lean that, in addltten to the Snaar notlml yesterday as arriving from Philadelphia. • lot of 189 hhds N.O. SUMO has beei bought in Bititlencre for this market Idulasses, mass of 15 hbls Oak at 40, cub, and fA do ►t ad, three rusk: and Zi bide Sugar limn/eat 54.34. BACON—in steady Vainest: mlesorls.ooo 00 Shoulders at Th . , 60 dam 30 010 Its Sides ►t B.Si, woe oreil.: 10,000 Ss do at M. four Moen 6000 ea City /motel, assortal, at 714, gX, and 1033 2)00.00e Shouldered lime. at 104 and 350000. do Ws smokal at 1% and 10!:: 1000 Me do at 1 / 6 and I01t:.5000 Ts weatarn atT h. 0•; and 10: 3000 Os egoin try cored at T. 8 and 9. and 5303 IhiSnuer cured llama at 11X. LARD—a sale of 60 tea No at W.:: sdo do No 1 at 00, sad MI do Q 6 at 10, oath.' WRISKET—saIHof 20 and 50 bbls «/tided • In 30016 0t 23(495. BEANO-4 Sale from store at ;50 boa mime small white - - BALl—sales of 100 btls NOT at sl.o2.andibeke .111,12. BAGS—s sale 0r33 aim mixed at au. YEATIIIIRS —sales of 10 Om voltam at 45, cash. DIMS /POSIT—a Bele of 10 at 31T, ►O3 firm• BUTTER A SOOT—batter Is doll .A grAinlog: sOce of 3 bills Common Itoll at 13i e . 4 do at 14 and 3 do good do al 16. Eggs riles 1015 bib at 10, and to demand. SIM llSTAL—ealasof CO toss No S Allegheny at $3l and 46 do do at $31,59, four mos. The lot of 600 tons. to which we ramrod some time dace, as having been cold ►t Clifton landing, Tensaw,. river. at MM, wan told to go to B t. Louie; and dun then. sandy smaller mice of (Donde,' metal tars been made at $3O, to go to Cincinnati and St. Louts. ASlTES—sa l es of 35 tons dommtic Sods doh at lOe. and 10 eke imported do at private terms. AWe alo of ld al Pearls at 835, four sure. MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL. The money Market fa atla tart attive, but the atttlq appears to be muta tiro toedar L berreer,.. meet attt DM difficulty than yeateulay. tt parer arm. la to uhattste to tote, but the raptly In the .beet is ratter butter.— trit• banks ate Mill contracting their lunar, but not aerY largely.—N. Y. Trib. Corrth—ForleolJee the market le Linn. ' Wa note eel.a to-day of BUJ base crud life at 11):04. We how ens.: or a sale med. =me data Wad, end not preview.: repo:P.l. id 4,003 bags TIM (Pam. oat of the rareo the ea. e an , o e. the theme for srldell have not been made public. Then Is bbetter lee lin g among the bolder. of Coif... and the mar et otorea miff at the atatallapa We puo:e as before. medium to lair Itlo at 10%(4.11`. eta. too • to prime do. at 111.01IU CO • Lehner. at ltrialf.lllt chid not now do without, n.. It ie. he tlehed dun-nbir to the Act ertiturbrir:/,'..plSLl.P.g___ll.."--, oW'lttlifl!.B.:ol4...'effell hank* 00 oto o r ron ,, n co.n ghn. nn PHYSICIAN'S ASSISTANT, Elk- A. wen an the ask. family mielictok lo me t'./Eoh-eg ' Mortgages ..... ... ...... .._ ____ ..... --3213.125 63 Heal F...., tinnk it arta pi...um // sen7L and nauseam Lhe we-L.-kyr( ; sp. but epences ronly, Mon 1 I,7ot:dere km......_ &1 E6l 17 I e n ntione are sernsin. an Eastmagers have Mil 000, tbr r ''" d " I r d'" =s MI trepunhorfrom Mc etistcm ' ,17 ' e d Bellelantalneroute (mu 1.,.t • oughly,and yore to VII 141=77 . 1y C.71.1n. AlnmAT I.L4' 031 mesh/. DT ME 'cre 4 .. ..,,,,, gog ig,r_us-mt,m•rd mm _ Coe. a danr-orour owl Loma TMOLISANDS OE 'AVMS WITNESSES ' peidndeards of One Million km. Hundred Thousand Dale 1 04,377 l's I C!Tn'il:CeLriSron:,,,telftatiii'b"TC.;:lisiialt:lrth..:vin.,fl7lool.,r"TM:EtS7',o,DeitTugliLT b:ah:fft -94113,703 44 ate reedy to testify Wile ottPeno , Elrthecs_indetndetiv ot Moog their ineorporation, s penal . '2l rpm,, thny hats i Penceßy'rtlteneroee.rtneeTetotte.tuargenbuttPto 0119lInn$ 1 . 6 D m en - =— Mr. Joann LT dre, thereby afford/as evidence of the ad its purgative and se/Chiffons ouslitid. It h. cured the worst cases of Dry_sipel. in *kw darn. It 1•s. . Mateo. of Insurance. as lee II se their sbibty NEVER FALLING CURE n „,, dh,.... • over ins reugheedne. n sc•-•- - e y ,,..„:,. 0. far Meadattie. L•Tel Com Plaint. Ja.dtne, ninny Con, Lion to meet nlll promptness ail nslnutins. ' Threr 1Ar.:14 Traa.w. era Womb. wa d plaint, Ihnions rever. PM. lb the Old_, Back. Breast end '__ J. GARDNER CO VITN. A [Ma. osi,LsibP...Ez.47:,,,r_id_.......E.GlT.Ers.c3Ttesda,,,:6s:.EtrEs.lt,„..., iLd. tunes. Colds. Cirerape,WOrmeb Lumbago. illotchea ori the; IMIS _ °I1"I Y . E. '""l' r ni l W fl' d __‘___ °4 _ 34 V ' 1 ' Lc l" u o i t ‘ l." Le ' s ' ll 7 l, - .3 1... 7 (1 05 a7 u u s i r il l e ''' tl nb lac g s t'l :•> ''o LM. '" G * le 't''l Da l'n''r •s'ff' lkl"Ul'".L.. b g h‘ aim ffi.mplea.thatensous, Eruptions. Obstruction. in the t s t stem, Constipatlorl the Dodds, Ditorincrs. Mercurial , 'Western Ineurance (Tympany tout. . Ibis in arnven IT Cincnnett our hour and al irregnimitiem Mori Cane , j/D=U=olliaLm./.. I; cleanses by its superior I ()I? PITTSBURGH. n fo o r . ty ,, MinUtoe t r ain vim of the For.; and. liellefontsine 2o Tu.-Leaven Pittsburgh et 3 o'clock, A. at kr medicinal virtu., tba Weak. humor from the hi. I aria GEO. Daaffss. Pa 11, r Y. Goal/0Z Seer (residue. tkildmlum. Xenia and Otnelonsti This Toth" onrupt bile from tine Stomach area It off hree...ED am Will 'MUSD 11,chillGt all kinds of Filo an d askes connection only vte Columbus to Cincinati. natural chart.ler. It VlTlOOLVrtietla SWOP arta le•Vof the I.Lazine Risks. Ito latur-Leaves litteborgh st 3 oklOck. P. M. icr Cl`c , t'' Naa r Colombo'. Xenia, eincton.o, LonnsTille. St. thuds. einaoffordo Le.oirrent and InilientGolia, via Lawrauceburgh Node. wayentem,...lodeV.ol....l es . ) , ind d i k r t ieja th. to r te .h. at i t i b b. /la br bore er...L.. litedi Thos. Scott. Jaw LRAMs/ Rhea Daily Tr.., ma fc/tontur. Coven. and L0d...c0/ EA DT thserldencs. Those who know n o teotetnonsl.l GPI G. Milian Jr, not noobt Its nenth. J. W. Butler. A. Simi.- U.. Dards. , at TuallooLeares Pittsburgh at 230 o'clock, m. for in= DE Sniff itinoduction. 00 =mild. bas attained Andrew Ackley C. W. Ilicketson, Natiel Roinioti. Creetline. Columbus, Xenia. LiaTton,ludbuoapolle. bast gage eg udmint popularity and its sal. tore 1 n0rm...0. r. ion.. o. W. Jacennn. if. LintOseOtt. eta. Terre lien., 1 Inchon.. ht. Louis, Catro_livansville. beyond the most saagnins. hop.+ a io ,camas.Neigh Vim. 11.8:tit& Anym tors recommend it as asam and Uff EQUALLED Plft&C, w A home itorMtntirat men/toed by Dhnetnn. well num-Leaves Pittsburgh at 3 &Meek a. st far Crevt• Physkia. carry it with them. CIIILDItEff wI I I known in this con.-nictity. a 614 who will liberally adjust line. Columbus, L-nia, Dayton. Indianan Us, LeJayatte, TAKE NO OTILVit and promptly pity all loyucle at the (Tens, No. 92 Water Terre Ilaate, Vincenume. et. Donis. Cell , DlsanievOlio•L‘ after 000 tr.-band precuts ahauld de no ether In their Etre., (ilipeng 5 OD'. Werth , ...) VP ....Pittsburgh. 20 Taus-Leaves Pittsburgh at tl dolma nab for tort mite line; Columba.- Xecit, Dayton, Indianapolis, Lafalet.e. famine, Pmnie livlng m low and marshy remarks, Fate loci to deadly mtasmes, where P.m, /tel.:, and k ever, _-- -, 7- - __ _ - _ . - Terre Haute, Vinoennee, St Louis, Cairo, Evaturrille. de. and bill.. complain. ace mon art to be , will dud th e - N. IL Secure To. tickets flu edam... and too era ((Liquid Cathertia" tea most Inte r n' rouGoly yet tried.- oars of connections 01 , e It • taiaL leall'-'• E . miners Icon. Cincinna(l daily kr Alemphis. Vick. Wholesale by A. 11. 5 C. lands. C. V. tiliolner 0 Co. and ___les og .___ „.4 tough. Nat.., Nee orinsr.s , in be. 0. De Dins. New Tort. —-- - 'r '- it 1 he Column., being the din. route. the/ Time Tables of Pan dtrectionq acetenpanTing each 101 l in Deice 0. sod the Eastern lb ode at's arranged in run lu do. connecelon 25 cts of ten and twenty dare. , _ ;yr with this +-U.:We route. Prirmloal [moat Effo itrmderd. r• •• • a Por Li inlonnetion .0 . 1 Through Ticket', plea. OPCIT told by it N. WICESRIMIAM. '2ll When, St. Pats- at the //bin end Peutaylvania italin ad Unice, (corner.. burali; O . W. I ( AVEASTICii • No(tb lister.- it 1.00060 0, hem) ender the Monongahela dons, Inane , i-d• 1 , d ...1.--• J Y, Tieket Ace.- Or st Fedor-10c.. station. Health and Strength must Inevitably fol- SrEt) PAF.S I X, To o ke : Agent , 1191 s, its Usti. {Q.114 -,-...:::,..... i• iv OTRADER. OF.O. O. FE.l,lc/..VN, Ceuta at Agoct•iffovcovetb BOERHAVE'S AOllOl., 1 . 00.00r01i. d• -0 01,17 , ..1 , -- Pitt:Ana:all and Connelsville HOLLAND BITTERS as ----- .-I-1, - - .. , :7!_...- -- RAIL ROAD. TIM CELEBRATED TIDELAND nrmnY EtYSP . ERSTA, DISEASE OF THE KIDNETS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEA_KNESS OF ANT ETNI), FEVER AND ACUE, A ND tho vaiicus nfre,Aions conne l uent {Laren • disordered Rtninach or /ATM sndlr tiork . keldity of thaatoiroicb y Colicky Palos Ilerirt urn. b.. . APPrat•. Dioniondancy.lastlYret , a, Blind an illnailmg Pilark In all Nerirrom Rheumatic sod Narlooluie AdK Corm, it boa In uutrooroo• 10A.601,1 proved highly latuell• cialourd In others keened • giro:Red cum Hata, finds to new enemy to mrulAt.elth thin do Ilhtful the e••tetn. I.seffee . • are almost vital cal. yet the ruse pdrsanent. It rrtunuintestee no shr.ent .hook W th• els'ent. het b. armtrica Its rust eon., to totate! a-U.. *nein. It to tnrow oil an! aloe horoughly ...rile... the di...ere. %Imo IG ciediqual virtues are en ttniet,tallY •Ahn•l . *lend, and entieuirt , y Nero. wh e r e ULSZ • family metheitie. that It Is "id be want ci toe wore,. n• w II nail the drucwkete. It erno . .l ineto d• len. to OP, further eridencet yet rte the , 'ared ,, iht , "" ems* who hnee trved men* advartl.....l coe and cell Ity•re , ais to erne, more of its dreadful bolas. whichthe f01....10g ceitia.,g. the authenticity of which ing.: be cv,ibted. C 4, 0311,1;1. they dr in .m so well known. CZi=e Wm. lirbothman, I;rst, iho ..II krown lirltrirrantim. yarn ^7 hove Irrquratt • triad th..harie• itolMod al.tors. and dad it Invariably milmrs tonigrrtion and 4.14917 titistiat Eabtorlt y.rr •. I found mirmat mite irom Its ns• I'm a ware tualarhr. with aMth I had ion. rot fervid.. J. W. It nodnath rap, hare dna' Math... Ho land Ilittent mynah tot rommunnitdial It to olhnra loorittia It to be Jart what It Is mg...Antal " Ald Jonathan Itiartr. of Loaer St. inalr. tarn ha•r derived and boned from IV tam Soy weakness thn adsraath and Indirattlon" Lmy m, Marna, ray, 'tatter ',era rbrainatin had Meth Carrhatra's Itotland linters ramored this rain .from tarlatan and *lda arialrm frrm lud.urreloo." Thsiedltor of tba Elltanulun Prrs• tam "Arta,' =aortae bast phrstridnit to this Obi, had ratted. tam , bares flatland Bitters trued my the wont form of ass. ~.." .• ...statta rasauf•Aurerm tract artMCiroir'mtre •• - rsumarsart 'Mr anliand Bittrm unis of Lb. bertmedleltimalts this world for • dbordered sto marb or liver.. I:.r.l;aUwia. editor of the•YeakeL . Ilalttmere, prow - une es It • utealeine &veering the estaadenee et the public, r. lnerhart, the twain= °ern.. Ohyeklnn 0 , Penna. ha. ontacrlred it (tenu•ntly dating the tut 3 reana with rnarinal .a en, in ..eciqtatarl plate, of the nizutlve Cr ean...ref the • 'tette geoerUll. The manager Vinegar Parton . ..am 1 need It streolt. and ww. therefore Indece4 to try it, elect upon fr .If., ltron , 4-1 with the crest debl romu-wa to all a nonrwayttee habit,) awl teallr It I. delou le-t more gutaithan an thing •to her e'er take, - Noricc -Ai hoover of gents to nod In this ft lweerage will be diatrpointet bat to t a .let. wee% and low at hit. It will brave* grateful azomatie. cardlai, t....ant of elnanter r =vital prorerti•e CWITION!—Tbe teat terottlarlly of thl. delight:lot Art` ma bee Itainont many lOUs' lona, whkh the public thooid renal avatar[ eurrhaWng. Be not ternroado Ito buy an thing elm ontlryou here given I trap/even Liollend 61t ten NA, t r i a l. botti• will euu•itrre you hew Loa ultely ottrextrr It to to wt thwe rar3old at Si.® Pre bottle. or o Lattice If, te..03. er thereto Prnarlatore. 1136SJAIIE0 PAO re CO, IllantAattarlaw Phatratatentlata and =r. tlenithre:3 and 3d ate.. Fittelourah. . . . . P1111•411Dtklo. T. W. irrou *BOO% 21otkrot_ New York. Harriett Perk..4)l rya:loaf Duane. Hal. timer.. Corpus Drorharr, (Iva at. mai arena J..b.0 U. Park. Chien:ln. Norio, la•nctoos, 313 tYver rt. Kr. Lout,. Dar - Sand Mat.. A Co. N. ipt..ko.. J. WrishLA Co. _mrll d.l Irltrrt4 Proposals for a Loan of 84.000 Dollars for the City of Pittsburgh. A N ORDINANCE authorizinz tho MAyor to boron Elghtpfolt Thousand Dollars: • Ago. L 6e Is esosobsd by the eltlsene of Putebursh, In Pent mod Common Connell. assembled, That tor the ince; ryu ear retto t ti o bi s igf;ls b a . Ir a t i 1 , t . r i 1a t 1 , 1 , 1 , 7% dot w i th. kelt to Minn, oche the WO or the oltr7th 7 e itom ' Pluttry-folyr Thousand Dollars. and to hew tends ondu of the sad of the ocronntlott therefor. st% shall bare t,lgt cm2lloo, ante.. ant shall bear Interest at rata of eLY, bet Jul ter annum. payable oessleantraallr. on the ton day ofJul and January respeoUreilr t. .nnh tea. at the Bank of Anserles. In the =Sy of Non Perk, without dodurtlon tor to., dal= of Kate tax.. (bunion, Bald Ponds to tented Emil be Inn. of Orle Thousand D 'Pars nth, =ado Darnel. to bea r m, and shall be Mimed by the Mayor no counterslneed by the City Treasurer. `a n ds be rodeemslele in thirty yawn fr. m th e daJo r Bra U. That the faith. is, ,ISTIMCIII.4 cooperate yloperty of %h. City he aro, 1! ey or. hereby solemnly =aunt for lb. reltsuiptina of }nods hereby anthOris. owl to to tuned. and for the paresset of the I otenut scull ing thereon. Ordained ant enact.' motto lan In Councils , this, the • 17th day of Atoll. A. D. 1i56. TILOY..II. MAILSLIALL.Praa't C.C. Attent A. .11.2117rxrn, C:ln C., O. A.nl. PO WOOL Preset pro boa. El. C. Attest W. IL W=Trus. Mt pro Gun 8. C. sio=l.4 to pulonance of tee ry...n010, lirdtweni. tweet, Prelosals antil tb. euptr rttt! DV JUNO. for the whol or any ennfntd Loan WM. ItNUIIAeI. Mayor. Plttsburoh. Aorll 1.850.—. , nn1i10t - • BELTING Pattext Riveted and Tl Stre NG tched -LE4TBEE BEL, From the Manufactory of Reit t Brothora, ..le.g IF YORE. •TO the Belting of this manufacture has ben anardat the (ilo Mendel tad Diplomas from mutt *vary fair cad /Salina• throughout the Dotted mate. the most recent Cr the .amerlean Institute, bet York, at their last meeting to the You la of s• parlor quality. avers Smock of the Menem brio, anodised. arilander the personal am at the prineirfo..; their I.llse a rotated by Inicomehres then awn femme., bp., Insuring Dream:carom cute and =rep, teee•4 awn tannery... Der the babes and shoulder. ham beau trimmed civrsturned Lo New York thou:moan Maned, fresh from Me s. currled coecUotteiy, et and d n t, w @treated on lose eat ttion with every lamina Improrectso VllMeatodd eir and with heir patent mow m, hum which make a pettedly elan enema on both em.. of the band. oeuslog them to run Italy oa the Unlit.. cad Owls power amen than 93 pea sent. over times meads la thoorilosa7 taunter, To mectundes of all kind.. to cotton amtureaden nuosolectorots, runic. P.M makers, airing eat planing establishatente. owners of gristmills, Patton Mae. bison wake, die houses. IS short w consumer, this Bening Is epectelly recocomeadol, phe b...c of ply relirrenem given to the duality of this -Butting. M att s by .DE lAhdE, Et 3 *Aunty ek. onadt. Om of vfnrld. • • end& imsdarnal awn rittsburgh .Female College, ri'lliE FIRST SESSION OF Tills INSTI. cb ,e-thmr,,V=77."l. WHigTICIM."Arg:t Mont, luta • compotoot corm of tlascructorm. • Th. ymr 1M dlTided Into tIIONKIIII-011110RIMIty4Ao I& VIA, no:1 fOlierffin Deratmnnte out h. firth, r .,pu o a cxecipuo, vla: Prlrosey, Aademle, Oallogioto. Loa or . =nor rim wooroo—rsisust 'mew cum. Rini tarond AC * 149.3 PL1:13.116347 Pint... ...... meda; Latunagatilltiieorneacnal . tirsackgraextra. Wind4l u m - air, eying mere particular inforreatton. rill b. 4pueur t fte w iialralm, an d furtbar particular'. ahoUld i be made 141147 to th e Ctsralauel. Jury, innuop eniPsoN. un is y l blve.l4LUT. • . ALSWILIA Ml==l== B. OUTICEIRTIT '42 BON, • GwENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, for thas and S , aSchaLe of Real Estate, Calloalort of nassossina and Laeolas tnt Banda and , Atea,lo , :a_sEsall .at Maw. atsantas -116=1.06. o.lt lu men. aIeCIASUCII ZIA Other S.—. Oaks, Na Oa Mutat rarest. a,s7 izat .TA=. Plumber ttn . d. Gas Fib V In. "" r "VAId. Ptrtlo.ll[ll war 1 10* sad Fri ~..,"*"."":,.,l " ll4rfartes Deny tstaro r tllagluos. de ft ecrip , cion of Flit for MI an d • •Valrtable.rropertY tor Bale (iN Liberty street, adjoinig the Methodist :• • 0 , 0 .y,,,,a,aur Canal IWtia. Thle ts neer the eel, bki*.eo t tgeorzttr fil e uelighbeeheat het al= 121 7, r oo eu t tsrr oo om4 liallroa too d t eete oot Arl oo0 l. tbo Ito wou .i . M. v . yyq 80. therti t o 100 Tto .m. 17 1 ,1= 3 4 iteoral , o b ri ck. blinding o ,A 4 geoil enbetential three limey c Ith 103 the ;;:reetrzel ile z z u bmitmlfi Lorgrtit:foo b een oc• ° egg graben deeleems or mi&o,c good Perveetmilirt i : erilLdo veil 4, eisztlee the premleee. aole.te • • EDN' ?MIER. - - UNDItI.Eb-5 8 bap Sibr . u.,Fam ils Flour; ltYtams iaterGo. row; la begs fin. 4 bt44116•6/66wlr 6. bog r 066.1; )6 PO cud.= • aboalderr. - wbsak, To arrieem etumerell .14.43 icr Nita by , 1.54,1A/1 MANX OM • _ Mbenmum Fire insurance Company ONLY ROUTE WITH TIII.E.E . G ‘DATLY nADIE I on of London. PITTSBURGH TO CLNOINNATL lothoriaed Capital, - $10.408,000. 0.. , L r brokri: Will raR EE DAILY TR...1/..V.3 PROM . ritt:'. o l) al arg ia lt A t t: 1 1 :1 ) 3. P 7t E a N n-- Nt'l l itrANlA lli l lis. ........se. ut pOrtaosle a 1..: Atwood a. a.. Mot amara. Juba Gieg. o..arre 11. :twat. UM% Cleatiara a Co- Om. Magee aC- Powers t WrigrActala, Wl:at, 8.... , a Cr, AND &tont for Ms lthlrad States— LITTLE lIIANI . FILLOaIIICo Ca IC liFoll1) STAipt. Usatea !Oates Resod. ..e. , .. Nu. e , South Fourth street. Phi:40,41,51a A. A. lIAN.DY. ...mat to Pitiebural , . rerun Frau! eollerry sta. t lt"; AS . ;IO - 31 . - , • - .41Wp4;_l • y ri i: W n CP f4 4 3C - 2.7 -7 H:Z r. ::. rfK 74- 1 - Foe the to. r tioraqel of the Mood, and In pttrili” of the System. wend , ,rful preparation and certain remely :r moor dreaded of ell complainte, hoe T °Chemed a r-dutatiou in totrato Prentice. and with. old &canto/ad tortiruq. WHOLLI t ,, PA RALI , LLED. by any ether medicine hitherto kop.wn. It le net deougncd in this ' , hull adrortiewment, to glee trestles en nertdulente nr tunier Meese.% as that In now ready for perneel end can es he had of ail our Scent e. gratte I will merely my that It has CURED CONSUMPTION, when all other mon:llan bent tailed. A21101:101C the teeny diseases Hut thin medicine lien made the meet rennerkaide mane Sr. the folrrwinir • Co:rano:idiom Pleurisy, PronchltLe end 411db...sees of the shed. and lona: lota in the talent; • truth, rerowey.Cuiker of the mouth, C-tomb, OrnlFlll=ptlnn.iluar Al. bus. and W other dhunsee ofths Wongh,tierv• 011.0., Cony uhnon t.. 11 eutsueouit Maws',',. Dyt. pepala. In tiamtattlno et the Eye.. Eryelpelegfileet, Pimpled Yam. Spittle '• a• d Vomiting d Whooping thumb. Dropetee, hysterics. Jaundice. and all dionew.• of the [Jeer. Impob.nry,lnomottnence of thine, Inueneu. the heat nobody ever tried: Mal/ImA Fe- es fl t:, (freest, or Stone In the Bladder, Lumbago, and all Ism of Rheumatism. Mermartue, Pelpitatlon .f the Heart. Tumors end Atedween; armada or Defiant:l:7of Atrophy or Wading tet., Body. and Honeriatlnte .mi l s and Carma t n. oleo, Denliity. "'leveed or the Spleen and tildneye, Ditrlll.lllll of the Head. Plinit nen of dm Breath. Fl :antenna ice Heed Dincoloret toned the n ittimmer Onneplelnte, Ulcers a, ?on" gems ally t ell imonr. Mrs cf the tleod trom whetever ranee • • • BOW IT CAME TO BE KN OWN. When I fiat mmtnerimei practises to New Vert mom 9l yearli any my attentioo was almolt losiocidi tem c•lied to the mansod incr....lnc tame or Perofolone comphants, Lod for which no pertain or ememenful mode of treatment mail he adopted, I began to iota, =year familiar with It 10 ail its soma virulent forme, and tateram year s of el. moat unremitting labor. 1 prep. red and gen to imply the' Pcmfulous Antidote" In tny pripettra th the MOS!' REM Alt K ABLE Si" , CAS-S - I t Roamer Loin Puffery, in me practice aver eight f uses, and eogreat ties the demand booths., (without misertaing in the neweimpere) Soto re. ports of Its cutramilong cares w filch havoc-one from mooch to mouth. tic. I have dercrmioel to sire the thfierinx throughout the country, the o curet of ar werierfixt cur ative properties I can fully aware those who may feel disputed to try It. taut it I, perfectly wti•icsaafte, tan a - Purely Vegetable Preparation. 0 n.l bet made more permanent mums than nil other medl Mum pot together. 1 havelying in my Mak over one hundred UN 10 LICI TED TEI I' IMe : VIA .U.. 7 which mu be men and read by all who dears it. and not Due of them are ordinary roes but ouch a• to trams., the CTMOAr COY YIDEACA In this medic!ne to any. tioweves incredolotte. I eta give wades gratis on atidreas es, teLer .no are dirtmeed to call at 40 Bromine/. h. Y. between L' end 2 o'clock. P IL 101 l ditietkme accompany ease bottle, and it cam be had cd il b. N. WICK EttdilAil. Al Liberty tn. Pittsburgh; S. W: aymatire. Notth Hanover 13 thrlisle. ICS Prima:eel Oman 4o2 lingylway, N. T. &Sled Itelmbold's Genuine Preparations. lIELJMOLEPS .. RIM/LS thffIUENTSATHO compQI,7ND FLUID EXTRACT DUCHU is el matata. man sioaettepthal remedy For Pro ofjelu Blaibirr, AtMuys, (anode 11 2 / I "MaP, Nth/. fete. Sena Dimas, (I•thentsear. Female tbatplaints, and all tfifeeriel of tbe Ire: eel Organs, whether in - *ALE OR f AMA LE. from whaterar mom they may have °richly...a...4 No A 1.4 TTER OP BOW LONG :YTANDLNO atTi b c i t:X.7:l,l 'r e: o nli d n ' teed i' th ' e r rre k' all tt " eV:eV:Li " ! pLo t tTi ' . It march...out the serf rya. of the dluest• during out all the dimmed nada of the body. thou rumoring the cense sod Tendering the core osetais and i on. This methcas allays puraind c an ommtion. whien other remedm ithriably mcise, and be Mirth with tem Meows hot v.penmi to patirout fhb Lutalliole remedy buttered 1., .4.12013 upon thou. - ands from the hands el spreact thi. tcyt, If no; from premature graves. in pro tinfect., be ithmpound Ductal is the only article wor hy &the le r.tioxibilence of the alleged in perfrrsing 110..... .... i. /.....U.../ffrollr7. on other Inf uric.* drug but le •1 la I Vegaratik Cbournuon. It hi eery afrmeable to the Wm, meat... perceptible crier. and may be tatirn by Personae eltbarcel without tandereuce from business tLtnealcal a Mc, ail plan direction. for nee scroteratry e mist Mae. Esselte - , if you Hive shy of the shone Moi r/alias do not neglect them. .)..'aye are dur.gerfrat. With this medicine you can care Yourself, nod thor pre vent all expor tire. rnt TB NMI' AND WILL PREVAIL. Thie methane trim...llly no i effectually cures ths moat virulent form of mteret illenime, end eradicates curry pm title of lufectio. matter from the system, resuming the patient to a perfect Mate of Bro.loll an flargy. And to • medicine which must benefit everytnly. from the eimply delicate to Otto OODerkeal and despairing to no equal in to he found, it Laing both as • them and Pecteustaam of any of the stooge allimeam. lII.CMBOtten 111012L1* 00.1,E1s 7 EA TAD Compocid Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, /Dr purnirinti the lilsod.remomnp allthmascs armee loser Crelt erMerre. cry. erposurt and ife.er..f.e.V in We, thrums merstutional ifunam ararthp from an thwure tree of it. Wood, col Me only re/1424.1 and Mart encore resuagfer Or our, nr , ;:trole-a,isali faucet Neatil lirod, tllctrouorra piste Thies , .cut Log,. H.'s and aseeffsucis ebbe Noma. encr„',...o.ci m o , y...end all .Scaly AnOt.o. Afth e Skin. It le pre- .3 the proprietor ofthee• medicine. to be able to see... 'Le .Ls now snarly three years More the. were fleet ic ed during which time Poser have been extended; if,. AL vartutuforte of the United nuilei, and hose ale .3 to patient and prantthener th e Hubert degree 01 IMO- 1...ct1. In the Talleme eeees [le le Mel, they have been roe whetherm town,:conntry.bospltai. cr private f - c tow, they have inyari•bly can thee meet de , aided a- I fe.-tolvenal malefaction, sod produmed the mom Watery 1. ...,' beticecial et2mta hurarrous Mann have been missed from a., men deneweethoa phyitiolace to the mammy and from the professore of temerad medical medicinesig lc s uper bight,. terms ot h erseer thes and their ority Over all rat- Wations„for such amp/Mots am the proprietor sacom mend. Ilitreerelle preOfereilene Of liarrocartila and teen Bnchn and vie or mode. of pmparing them have teen eiren • allot wtacb of mane will differ maimaing to the tools of preparation which each bodieLlual may adopt. Thee. medicinas 'math, reireilderahlit care in the stniftier. Won and the employment of different menetra• Is au, maim oPerstion to tate ith the extractive matters, amt. In oommethencibere most fret nentlY improperly made, and notunfrequently much impaired. it not rendered Many Lunt, by th e lniullcione sod unatiltui manegromut 01 thaw nnsoquaintad with patemaceutical fire: mystic's.— It Is, therefor...of the bight.. r usidertnioo and impor tance to the posits mat to the faculty that thane should be standard preparation. oft ntrorin strength and tog the suet advantage". To effect Mae and ohs= evil alluded tn. Ihe made • number 01 expuelments to simertath the mat ellectualtnadat of tetrad/bog thevln tueis of the Sarsaparilla and iambi % and to CLISCOTer the meat eligible form for their exhibition. Theasporlmente Has resulted most fie...ably matt is with much plemeure / now offer to the palate sod the faculty my ethilemad Staid Estraeta, sewn ouistam all the virtues of the art). cies they ate represented to be made Prom to • h igtilY min r a. cantrated f and an the roost active proomationn which can Co made Two tabimpounfula of the Nat:reel Martmnse rills added I. a pint of water Le equal to the Lisbon Het drink. and , e bottle fully equals in stnngth one gallon sillMP Mania or decoction as uroailY mud* Imams Mold t Buchu. rests per bottb. or 0 for St. ° eareammilla. ° . eartig of our. and renammendations from distil:i odated pmfaseors and plavitiscs will accompany mob PreParation. Prepared and mid by U. T. anoinut,n, t men./ and Analytical Iffoutist o. 2t21 Chestnut Un Str eet,ade neat the Utrard Lions*. Philsda. To be had of m and denten In every section 0. the United Statee and Canada*. ..4.l, s. llEATUl l ith4ong i Cg . 7 l . ltub..f.h. Wholesale Agent/. All letterslbr the Maxilltabe directed to the petfflietar melee tuftmatUate attentione and gal dellMtries gnus. teid. .443. a. The Wonder of the Age. No P AI F DR. TOBIAS' Celebra T taVenotian Lin 'mat does notcrire Mole ,r% DroantarT, Croup, Calk, Hird i Zrarti, L 3 V lZol i lreter. giertgtltZ, u (VoM a lt re b r 41=6 4 Vie:Mot I 5t ° 4g . 1. 8 17274V

Wye vt , a alanotainatela Sell,. Giun• day. exnarted) at a Lair a. for Wet...Newt°u mocha:tine there with the tr ' , I nit] 'raw f.r Cot:anal - Mo. awl ell at t tt. 11.17UaNING — The :rein i 41.9. COLIOVIIMiIIe ft 61.14., warknaettog et W. at t'..tettan. with the eteamar YrU r. htch leave 'or • :•1...7qta .' 7.S t Pavetkoten. aol freight torrlPd t-lott Sre.. 1011,. For further intarstation apply to the ctletils on 1.,./ . 1 the no•lotoot k;ollon. cr the nreoti at W.t. rewtaa and Outittelleallle. W. Ca LOWELL, apl2 Anetetsat ealadictendr.nt. CLEVELAND ADTD PITTERIIRGE . RAIL ROA1)- • CONNF.CTI!gIi 01110 h PENNSYLVANLA. RATIAlvit VjA IZIA.NCP. PVIIE shorto,st nut quickest smite to Chioa co .o it !AWN!, VIA CLG VBI..AN D. bit re nt. is Hundred 11111.9 scooter and boot tans Lon. quicker than the otr.ruitous one els Inilinn• • Throe Den. To mit Unworn Pittsburgh fa Cleveland. Four Daily Tralts hers-eon Cleycleind and Chicago. Time to Cleveland, 0 hoirrie Chios*, 24 bonne and rit COML. 31 hours. On and after Tuesday. January O.IOOA the trains on Ude road will run as follows: VIA ALLLANCH. The Trains 05 His Ohl° s nd Proms. ItaPitt. burgh at AtUs. n. t B.CJ A. n e and 3.00 P. IV Leave All at 7.°0 a. a. and 11.40 A. U. end 6 ha. Aroirs in Cieveland at 10.060 111, 2,06 P st and 9,10 r there with Cieroland and Toledo halionad for Toledo, Chicago, 11000 Island and St Louis. Pasaangt. fist Condo. Cliloado. St Louis and the North Weer, Isaving Pittsburgh on the LW 31 tint% by golog via Cleveland. will mire In clams° 8.10 nett mowing. Pastrugerafor Toledo, Cblosso, et. Conks, Hock aloud, Galena and the North-West, who wish to go ttirough with. out detantacni, will rake the Train leaving Pittsburgh at LOO A. X.. cc thiM al the only train by which close eon. ricotta., are oriole through to the share paint. The [tins leaving Pitzsourgh at 2.30 1.. a. and Wells. villa at 0.83 A. a. iwis the only once by which passengers can reach Station arAttn of Affiance as Stations oaths •Pusizarawes enteasion_ igkrnokets for Cleveland, Chios= and the rinrol,••..o via t: ellerllle. en void a! 11. OJ lean than vi. The A tri - alas for Cuyellog• Palls and Akron. The traits fro. Cleveland to Toledo and Chic:ace run as cll iv owe—lsemre Cistobsnd at o.ooa_ at e tvo.asul oflo P. a. Arre at Chicago at 10.10 r. a.. 8.10 A. al. atd SAO a.eL Train. Have Clitisnan for hook ut.ed and 81, Louie, as (Aloes—Poo Rock Island at P.OO a. cad H&J P. One 81. Louis at 9.15 A so. and 9.30 A a. Pa/venom ., too Bt. Louis goacer kook b l eed Railer...l to J olle A atilt thsuace over the Cliicsk^o. Allen and 81 Louis ltadrosd to Cc Muria. Ilssaengers by the 016 0.. Le r. nin arliTo at et Louis at 11.rs...Ace craning, and by 9.430 If. Wain at Donn next day, Daus., ettectrd throv s ab to Cleveland and Chloaco. =Mt=itT= Lt CiA... 2.1 Can. 10 cLaar. 1:6 (460. To A111ui0...T1,00 To Lt 8a110—.10,04 613 10 • clove 6,00 • P.0c110640319.95 14 00 • Totede--6.60 .` Cialoria---18,10 4' . Cb105i0....11,00 10.00 ° iirringtol4.lg 10. 10 " Blount 6...16.90 14.40 " Hurlbigtort.l 00 10 00 5t.106!.A-16,60 10 60 ° P00ri0...-1 14 00 P oooo ur - on ororoquoct.6 l to procure tbair Crowns ar the Once of trio C01.7007y. in 61orsoc6abd0 110600, Dolor ti.o. J. DURAND, 0004. tiloooloncl. J. A. CA U 4 lll/ 4Y. Act.. Pittsburgh.. AIR lONE 31013 M 185.5 TIAN 01-I.IOAGO TO ST. f LOIIIS. Eta OBILAGO. ALTON . LOOM RAIL ROAD, Formerly theCliiir Slit= sisippi. I ,, wei Chicago to V.L-ro.tr SAW' Han, Lo RAINS Intro 411 C ecatral Depot, tens AM Ater Atts.t FL las DA, Esptefl, 4elll. !modals erupted. 7,46 A. St...LA.IA hsiwAAn Whits]. Ps Louie Tretziat I h=lareirit, Runds•in Bungsze Chetted throw)/ to It. Louie. Trains ruo intact thrsosh (ZI? =lies) al:hoot chance Of Clre cr haspiew And colos:t, with the Ooszpunt splendid Stesmet. WiasheAter nod itsinieer. remains to ! Ad.*Aonneztion isissenget LIAIDA frond Altno to SL Louis, ttizi saline) wltnant a3Vtll.o.lx nod et Sr. onenrwateel Ca the Wewero /acre. Naas Fitted an with lietto and ApArlAu WfauswriA. r Slag to seweengere Lb, opmtcoitr et re rnevinz the dot t uossoldable in bounder IL B. trwrsaus and ersellna Louis SeriallheAt fecal the sleets el A inns rids To /Kansas sod Netrasks this !tete:VA psoNensrs d ilrntio l s t ..L sved . . o g % pe l and a o ll pintnbAlEPToSso Rom, CuLteeerlsal and Tennessee Myers min tune lOs Important r sTtog 10 Gleresoss, being 72 erilas less to Illooss• 'swum. and F 3 salsa lots to 2.trloltro , a the lo by +AY or root. ThsogglaTieteta over *lt route otzt to precurCrat taa rprlotialt. otkad Lo, New Basta Palle delphia. llaltiaart, ALbany. .1122 a-to, aria at •{1: taro. Ttet*t °Una. threultbon't the !rated. 4.1.1 iri Mlles or at 0f,F,e.:1t0.,48 Daub:xis at. tnnerAta• the Treatont Mc., atrial. the ?.pot ; the „Ltllnnis:C....atral UsUrnini. ?Int r: Water et. • I , ..zaa:te taaa .111 faros' to at taw Llamts ofthe •aricas mula rains tat, Qraa.a .07 POI , duanwl ea tl a = (2". "" IL mur.o.tv' D S:lRTZltettrit)2ll 17e-li`aa , • -rT Allegheny Valley Frinrood• clfla OF ZLt& ()N and after MONDAY, March 3d, 1.836, Two Daiiy Trains 8011 kayo 4',ltttbaratt safollows.— tio. 1. kaprets 8;a 1. IL. etnpolck at Abarßablt /Itt. llta• tcB3,larcutum Chartletn Fccaport, Kint.mintlka 8 84.. ar•lleost tat Illatan cloy at 11 o'clock, a t tr.. Actwattottaticr., 8.10 atoPPimilatatk./888, Bc.", rlvic, at IS ILl:skating at 8-85 C. R. . - -_. .... Ft.taTuing-1.•••• tsitts..lng 10. lollies,: No. 1., denom— mndati,n, 7 .... it., a:egging at an statlona, arriving at Ilttobaren a. 10 a. N. . . . N. eLopring Amoton.. /;4611n.1na Fr.rpart. tlnarcra. Tar,ntattr...llniton t➢Q M.S 0 Invph, nr. ly.n . Pittalnitgh*C7..l, , t.ht. Ctarr• will run tram Walsalllnz rah th. Iralas, Ai flu following 131,L.M. 'Ana r 1 Dural ... Staltetura ... thready's 3.5 Nouse 3 35 I 75 Mid:Melee X T 5 2 'Rod - Meat TS Retrorrahurg---.—... I 10 tf. Corteellie-----. 25 Ilechanleebentr--....' ato lteedsburz...--.—.-. 3 aa shannondale...---.... 3 55 . ' ghtsma:—. .... .. "'he ..' 370 r dir 12 7 - 0 :tr. ra , - , e , r , by 10020,0 the-LW - a.. ez. - rrein from PM bomb :smite at ell the abet° elates the same der. _ifferTiosets to all tt.e ebove_hbeers can to procured at 30113.. t ellm In the Depot on IsTior ercet. Ofonlbuelea leatoe the cOrner of Market and TIM: arot nd Weer. at Titlet tf.and T. at e in con nectioPn ottenn a 4 tin tor O t, N 1119 . J . MOPPED.. Elnecrinteenient. /femoral • • • • TIIE subEcrifier Lac reaaovel Forwud i. Out minion ratabliolunent to the 001 , 1 MIL VTIONT 11 YERRY Aft‘i satyrs be run bo found bore. alto, obit A. A. HARDY. Pittsburgh, Madison et Indianapolis 1 " 16-1 ' 1 0 - ' nib MAD lANAPOLIS RAILROAD T 3 NOW prepared to forward freight from I. the Mot or PlttibarAlt StaoW tato. and with Intont• alai. and spout. All Ito Arno !implants aokooroolottioas each as to ere entire wattootettou. No obotlio for &Vora or coottaholon at rits , llsOh. ThrOottO me , ph. atroo hoot PrITSBUROLI or UAW. BON to INDLANABOLIB; ZHItRCDAMN, LAPAYJCZB. PEI U , CIIIILWO laid otter Inlnts if the 11*.ot. A. A. HARDY, A F gent; . 1.4 Front. and erry rte.. • • PennaytVatila Railroad. Ir,ll' oonnectmg the - .AtltActe cities irttli Wt(Ultri. NeTthWeStArLl. and wettun Instep, br RallWreet,— oad JUNI calumets st. Pltnibrrodo with Una of Stesonara to 1131 ports on the Weetorn Mean , an at Cleve land and Sandusky with •etaszere to p:eta on the goaavotand lakes tasking ths sand direr; shamed .41 ..1.1.42y +alga MB. (Tenn Le fenrstdad to. GO fro= tea - R.Arsy.sifazWriimsDsziTtia anrs.sausaiie Mitt CA811;—/loota abeam. Der Goods • Bataan rusk Fara,Sraletersjos.:. •Y° parlUdM 81:00ND Ut• , l••••• , •• •ics wet Btallonem • Geter Goods Un anti II Riet teso up.. Law two 10tNa th o TURD C jk Lll. age BB.-anClLLlstrzlne. Baranl Wrigjiti!bottlilLer' Stet, 8 .1 15 .• per lOns• MOURTUClLlSlL—Vsh O:na disednia} • ' Yazk ( r _t i) lust Lard Oil, to per NOM trarlttirp 2 . b bl 'l 'Uniatft:l "" t h aer Oit. S e GR A IN.-64 rtg. pes on untd turttev'notlos OCITTON—Z2 per hie not owsvailna toe lea welint. an Ul farther ~..83.131 Waning =ode Into astr . tot Sue of' Phllsdet• IFOC2I I