pt9t'iT;:7 P. M. DAVIS, Auctioneer. rorraireia Dclri Radon came► nr,iFixd and 1146 ED fiLOTHING, • CLOTHS, - SATIN VEST iiL„, In& DRE22817.401.00150N DRILLS, TION-120 H. AtAortla 211eaday.,12ay 20tb. - ensmaaclar at 10 ealaeb. A.M.. and =Unwed at 2 ...Week, It M. •12 be odd. at Ma onsonertlal Sao roonut eon*? Waodand Filth r IVIA NI I I:ri b al a a rtark = s ; nain e w . l,l rot% data sad lawn gaterana dabs. satin vesting% black dress 0110 , , cotton thing fOr panto, bed tlettnite, 'lsiah linen!. bleached mullas. An• WlO P. At DAVIS. Anat. X 70.36 COLWELL ST.—HOUSEHOLD =TOD= PIIRNITORI At Atiettort—On Rotondo? mor 17th, wouninwing at 10 o'clock. will bo owtmo Doom Kw 86 Oolwoli doolrotdo bold and Wenn eansioting In out of motog• tit h lieb= =l t o u : .. "3 fair Dr's, contra table, toolbar, mantle elttlu , bast ond eottanoestUsters, littobinitnalturoate, ko, P. IL DAVIB. and. CATALOGUE OF'ENGLISII. k AMERI CAN 1300103—0 n 8 attistE9 enmlng. tls 1711. atm. reenchal at TX o'clock. will be sold. r 4 the commercial Wee roma. wroth Wood and loth it,. by eatelosns. rot vats sabot.= of Ensile. sad American 11.xdre. which en:- teases rare ' worts in th e original edition, , and man of the beat Radii& ohmic.. from% the modern weer. toroth; er with a large variety of taleeellansomi volumes. la the seal awi u t: found th e Weeks off:lam,, W ord sworth an illiltva's comslete Prose; Lira of the Mad Justus. of the Z. Ett Dierreatlons on th e Ethical sod Physida. betenoes7VollalreallnlosoplaztatNetionarn Lardneee Levities, on *Wm. and AzU' The Prunes' We cbanb. and.Nallsew, cols ()carte l'ictoriaLalible with 1000 Übsatratlone: Chamber.' Information. for the Pawl, 'Dr Gales Worker Cannel of Claselaa Literature; Smith'. AN, Wenn. sad Alanufsetures Wales demons ilisterr of the Gunder; Jerrie edition of Don fluthotr; Life sea Times of Crenate; 'redo** oileinal worse on Chsatister. Dibllca•Ustralea: Arun Majors, Rue& Latin Laticon; ifransees Dl ejnsaltioal History &Ragland. Recyclopella 44 vole; Comb.... Ilyarta of Phrenology: B nbodicislrAllroduols: Pelee* Nov.!/, 9 rob: Poems - of Br mt. etsalsy,lll.llton and, Pets. The Puritans end their erloolDies rir. Artiste of America: Dwarf. Antigun's... /llrSory al Weds= Philosophy. be. de. Also several val uable French - works, unarm whlet. are Rabelais' Work.. I Wag Pantheon L.:teenier, a vole L'/Ibtoire Do Rrolt Na ti:m.l.a vols. Dietlannalre De Relocation, I vole. .le. • Catalogues esn be had and the books examin.l at the Islam of sae. my 16 P. Al. DNYLS. Acid. VOL:2ITM STORE FOR SALE, contain Insraimixa and wall - Relict.' dock, to an ellsribl. Mass laai9 =Hat Enna any oih•tottaa- Xacialr• of rayls n. COGLLN4 Wood .t. LITATEIi:NRES—S tan o Water Pipes, try fro - 4E Collitir.h.atßaroJor de by MEIN EGOS -6 bfls s just reed and for sale by - nrla-c,-, HENRY H COLLINR. 'DOLL BUTTER-9 Die prime Roll But ter:fast reed Antes =NAY IL OOLLINS. GROUND NUTS. 334 bags uow landing from Mesmer Clifton kr oak by mrl3 ISAIAH DICISILY A CO. BACON -6 meta llama, 15 do Sliotddere I do bog rogird. no• landing Irom armor Clifton for Rale by ntyl3 • ISSIMIDICHZY & CO. - rILOUA &I-WHEAT-201 eke Tenn Flour a: 21 do do Ince. now lanabm from form.mor Unto • for sr& br mylo DIOA KY di Co. Racks . flow , landin, - - now an. ng rom steam- It a Clll ton for Ws Sr cIOILEY t 00. SEALED PROPOSALS will be reeeived brthe trodereigned. ontli Tnitaday Mar =4 1854 for farribtlabg inator.olii. labor and creative 11.1 additional bonding to the Valiant Sixth Ward PoNk sdool flows. f i tttatintra; contract to b. outoplated on or before Mr. Toth of August next. Nana and rperificationa cart LK, rern at No. el Penn, mar Atatbury street. TRANSPARENT OILCLOTGS-2,500 .., Green sad I. of different width., for window . • s ea Jun reed from mar manufactory and for We, . • • wholsale .t the 011 Cloth Waterman. No 'ln Market en mll2 I. d 11.111.1141 Pg . .D OPAQUE GREEN oil. PT t'''''''' _6 GREEN OIL OLOTII-500 yds. ...Jr 4 •nd 5-4 'rids. Or window eludes, for tale at the Oil Oath Warercerra, No 11.0 Market at 1n712 J 6 11. MULLIN, (1111dri DOZ. Table, Stand and Bureau jr Chum snorted elm and WWI., utd f dlr. 121Y1P".914tol.71:11.aiVete:t.° oo r "Len. et the .17/2 U. P LIILLI DRIED APPLES-20 sacks just rca'd and kr sale by • a Limn" ACKERAL-30 bbls No, 3 Lar •• • 25 N. _ _ . 9 . I t I• V. .0. •cl• I Oa AT and do do Baltimero. jmt need and Inr nk7l2 R. HITICHINBON. WRITE FISH-25 bbls. and 30 hlf. bbni inattae4 and Ibr I. bl R BIITCI37.NBON. _ _ _ . ACkUTTER-4 bble Choice Roll, 1 bbl. Solid LI Rail.2i*:* do., Int Add and for dee_ by in 71. 2 - B, lIIIICIILYBUN. firEllOlllY SEED-5 bbls: in,storo And for .1. lee by m yl2 H. lIITECEILNSON. - - - • The Taylor Aron Worke for Sale. THIS elegant Bolling Mill, in Newport, KY :ALM offered for rale. Ills beautifully boated on the neat bonito!' Licking Mar. The nalll house lt 21)0 feet bog br 780 wide; has two engines, one of 11) Inch or 1. itt4 rant.:o inch stroke. and the other LI Inch and II feet Natal:4re. whit punp. doctor. well. Iguana ec„ In ..6b, order. AWN a roll timing lathe. eta loon.ree with eX eme of ground. Ile sall la within: tm dais ot befog reedy to manufeetrunilron. The abere described property be raid J u n Yublke *notion. on the nrruale.• on WED leglIDA Y. Jun. 41161834 et I 0 IL. unless pre 01reoped of by private rale. . TKOe moral. to 0. Mule known on the day of tat,— Addles. I.IIWILL. Dtroeseco.. Newport. Br. m7lO Baß Iteg Factory for Bale, B.•JENIIrt wishing to return East, of- E. QM ma tog ' plat bargain, Wm Keee Machinery, Cooper flimp e lllm Kiln, throe norms. cam rale Timber Wamolm• Mro 0.114 le. Le. ml. selublUbment Is in rote awful operation, tuning out from 131 . m to mix beeedred kW rue dar e and beculam•custosams 'muting thatnum. .1. daily. To oar on* that mints to anima lu w meue abeaorr anal km: the brunt Im • nem ebunet. am It himald at a Yam areal bsrgain. 'fban mhlng to yurthum mu mer Ms mill In full opmmikul or ml.lug ?- melte floonbergre'm KUL on Ileelmules at. t • upper boldgo arrow, Übe Allasturor drat. mrlmbue J. M. NIIRPHY, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION • MERCHANT, And Steamboat Agent. LEV= DA TWAY—V 4TH and 571 T ETS., DUBUQUE; lOWA. IllirCkmolgomonto and order. oolleitod. Raw 20—Cmling,Sobortast a Co. &Imre ti ChlWe tCo Pommel:A Kromer ♦ • ISM= Co. Broom A Blokostriek, AA2llaMmoLo gsmaraill Q I:MERLES-30 bble.. Extra Flour; 40 Ws and Mt bbl. Clobion Syrup Mahosecb bbls Roll UMW: be Mir m. fissribsK .00 MU No. 3 Mutual 93013 Uodtbh, to stns and forrals by WAIT .1k WILSON. GEORGE AUNOLD hCU • JEuslawaA- Afium • , Plaster, Cement and Grina-Stontis. ELASTER for Land and Stucco Work; Ce for Clltren• sad Palle Warta. Grind Staaas. • bandat Liberty ritt.burgb. sah2R3aul W W WALLACE. WILLM P. tIV4IIIIIf . %Y 1 P. SLIALL /4 - CO., lmportere ♦ v . ana Dealers In Watch sad Apceleatt raper Ilimilego, 17 Wood Mast, ~./ Wati f i r tint t . f og. b 4. Vd•brated artietarem.r, . Om= Pirrszszok dr Frrucrivark IL R. au 1. Parktnoroh liar 9.185 x. I 21spzerta, MEETINU of tho' Stockhold- A.r. of U. FittsForah and itsuteurille Fun Road wank, will be half on Tutudiy kkh Mar, 12.56. as th e Oine• Or Lb. coropsak_N±o, 114 Fourth Arcot, at 10 o'clock, 4. IL .81DrIET 1. VON BONNITOZAT, Perk. FLOM FOR 8&L&—Wo offer for ealo a jltrar *IMO um sbeut 3,4 i miles hem Locan's Sta wtegi the Allegheny Vsfley Ast.roadJ The Ltoorm. Aunts .4m114 Invert of geed end rooms &Wilzig boom. trams berm. etc- 03 erne of the Lad 1 i cleared eta eulti vated. Inhume thatet. The whole la entered hrexcellent, eerlese. 41polT to All 7 BLAKELY A' RICKEY. Dwelling for Sale. AN exec Ilent Dwelling Homo, with fino gardeq nobbling good &table and out butta nornle2lo2 boat.. ape' T. B. YOUNG 2 CO. - JAMES W. WOODWELL: GABIIIMM VUIINITURI: 31ANCIPAOTUB.611. aces GI un VD toirn entsnr. Ildtdatnexi. • 4 W. W. respectfully informs' his friends . mod enstomorn that he hisjust aompletad his stock o Furniture. which is drldsollly the Isnorst and beet ever offered to sale Joints city. Ashe Is determined to uphold his stock, witharesemd materials, best wortmmultdc.. and newest design,. and from the natant of his orders and rmtlityin L mmmnstorrlng. he is mudded to "calm. nu :anted FUILNITURN at. the 'Direst Whet. Be keeps always on head the =west misty Itte . D , description of fund tors, then the roes t, an d to the met elegant. and ocetly, that • od .7... F. or one, may be turubbsd from tds st or Manursotursd esposealy to order. The *Montag Lcs consist In wt at his assortment. which. Or Mohnen of stela 004 =..1 cannot besurpassed In any of the neatens oitimb lean XIV tete-ntete Sofas 40 Min 100 dons in Plush and Ilan g:0 DinlorW Itmakfact Clocn _ mums 100 doted Mahogany Chaim 12 deentary A "look mew. 40 do Walnut dm SO Dcuen Ouse deat Ch 100 lliallny Rocking Clmira IN Dane /kat 'linking obaainsn 60 Walnut do clo; 12 Udine Wasting Leaks 100 Idahogany In sans list and Tone' stands Id) Walnut do Stlindresc 100.11arbliqog Oentremaoirs lionseasston Chard. 60 do DreWsig li Wmhstan ti do I:llsabetheo •Ms • 30 do s , ttsceplion , dm • - SO incl i,,,1 co ern ald dos 100 Common do W LIM ft, • 60 Plain Dressing Dn.= liothlo and liallehann 40 Mahogany Brdsteads. Whanbints 40 Walnut do Patder Ms&s - Sabbre 150 Cottage do 0 0 Cberl7 sod Poplar lisdiliall and Pia do in.. Wks. •,,, dcs Dti Mahogany Wardroben Calomel= Dlithig Ulna 10 Walnut do =masts 10 Chary do • Inn a largeassortmentof laraltactsit4 Ililtut r Chaim Cabinet maces supplied lath articles In Moir Bas etesontoets and Lintels furnisimd at Das shorties totbo. All orders women, attended "6.. stem T' ------ .._,• 4 +ILE WEST—We have agents in the 10- lowing Wave. Iv the Weatern eountry,vl= Ditherinc, Deana. Anon GIL Davenport. Co at IQ)}}, /draw tap Roe Dodge, and /ort Des mama ht. Lona. and at gt And: ThroarnsoWe ara .thannen, topanneeota, arid are Favored to locate land% to ail the bind dial:Meta to that Mate and Territery, to purchaee and Ott bads on comnderion. Mk* nAlectlons, remit monies meal, draft co Not ZlLt`p.i.°L'Ttil:TieVra;:= and reliable eneveyors ln their cantor. and hays given ne anat . ...a/Whale WO have, through them, •kented WIMP eal over . 1.2.000 saw. which neer nook! eel! tor of tr h. V* the eon frM 07411111 tr to ist, laza In 13 tama.amith 3:6 pa ant. Waal to any tf our tort mere mho rear not to aatithed with their l Xee tiros, or oho ma etir todf u llioe x oltLero. B.k ap , 30;11 , :4 "1 .Jr. :It emitneekt StreittabliTgh. :. 1151 tmoa Eree of Charge!!! TWO RPIANDID PANI OR ENGRAVING& 12NT1TLED "Bolton Abbey in the Olden Timm,. • eplendfd nett engraving. from the We ed Painting 1 7 landaser. sad the ...Departure of the leratUtoe from hstypt.” • large and heal:dinsl engrating from pthatitrg by D. goner's. The retell prim of the •bore angrarlose le Al Per =Pr. but will be mak free of , charge as Toiler= The eat-ember. have established • BOOR. AGENCY Delondehia. and will truntits may toot or Public. at the retail prim free - of tonsure. Any pergona Lforwarding the enbenitiion who of 1177 i or the tiagashaea ends en throne . tioday a, Pato= a GM % frank' Leslie's l'ash.-h, trip rosette the Wag. Wove for one ye. end a copy of tbsatons beautiful en anteing, free of therne_. or. If Or a nd to n' s • -d • SI Wasomine. ends as tee and Challein chrtatian Annual. they will teethe both napalms and a ropy latent/ft of the above engritingt.'. Envelopes °revery demetotton and she blistge at amyl. quantities olleadnat.- Nat Parma Diet Ar.,ant gem demi - Wm of inglaring oat Woad eseestud w rdai medals. end dispatett view. of N Needing'. Nosh of Mathhay. Oortifkates. Hoehn, Cards. sac' AU aria 111 b., promptly attended to. kimono wishing 'Meyer Melt blkUo i rolut madam gad anagmenotype "tag es th b.. ding by . malice enema. • Pavane et • distance Inning maleable ammo. wawa Dad it to their advantege to ertarem • Ow sulta would am is egmets tot tb• eolo 0 oaf:draws tyT rapid] en tooth Third et. PtthAemtsh. ka Yira;ren's Immiivoa Fire andWateirroot 1 ' ' Comigutittan Roofing. -. .. 1 Unirriltl been for the bat elevial esti CZ. Mullen, engaged le the man nilietna o Um Unirs 'rem mash met in an the prigainm Maar tba I Union, during Mtn nu it US bllpit 14,14.1 imd . r ...._ variety orcircumetenne a =hasariconm....WZ 412 d 1 U.47thg." 7:d5>1171112 1 247 1 2:14 4"e"141. ' ~..... rtr'. mgmcco. la /1544 (Itt both ory d bW .: ; f : tuncate! env and tannin. f r o . hth „.o,. ,gltl,urell,TV:,tredttect i nti i t , •lXr,a; au ntentore amMently otter our roonti `t0%,:r4„.."' an atria Miens of Manua and emu... ..,,.. p. urn durability an waes. prcpcbm . I . 6 gback.fre extd mum be it the most metrame ninon In ma, Tin ben pllth for this ming le Mai onirbsUrn au Inn to no frat—but we can flr tanamlie amount... as i fersznomater hitch, grannie ore 1a - nemmand trf OVlsolinath ig gleUrii =lof bung good tight. roots. : WO annul ...n. e WM dour mon whim mail us imundind.. to Intrurr lullarmidkinhlid MdimenM. Call lava ut• Dm. AU work isasuts6 -IL N. &Mum a OU.. ~ SI NUM atrit i l .th : Ittat u rril L The alma rantinnigir IMailea Oa th * build :ETC. i nss/gkalti et eki= t4 lnt ir t . itusteultsu htlakttuatt_WOU 01 •••Osakauttu Cam ,i i at k trirs la= t ill io s i nWs bik litanw Ilttchl i gural Olt!' 1( lAthe 10. Auction ~ ',2a Annan P.. -Di luau :Mast - slast, sturcUlau :ratz , Pay.. 4 ... Washouts. Italuals., Ora twousam._saltlisonues4 i BEM&VAL Pipet' Wit Fawns. Not & tt bDeeatarSt., MEGAtgEE.BROMERS; Papa sad hootbetathanahavoura thlft=ottmlflois of Perthtmere to theft extenolvo atofetthent of Ihufas sad Pave *akin qui:alas. WWI to the virsa le of deafen and fuotothoze la witty motion tu' the =Doter. All mimewtllreoeivo stermpt stuostfoo soft he tilted ol at 10a Wit:Milli &Of Unto to the Valfllf• • iltilOClt cf H.ageleaftled Itz ems= : , W-M astofdlnw Smut /UwidimN' utris 'PATENT . 111711.11: UT AdA -1001420111F thi Yin hini,9l l 4 l ,l l iftiihiraint-aisil whist tb•Prianie inscritli. the nly• an ritirmii by. Cannata* norre- Tlin haw him hie non to Cin nina i Pitts. Ihinth. - (011a ol tbi lapin NW. hn an Winsishil her. raistindkiiiias Yhy..hanienan Inaittilui t dn. nun as an Litany ft, Pittebiat. sublOpsail W WALLalah