The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 16, 1856, Image 2

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p_Atas—enr.mums pataanam. Mt walla to strum.
_azimuth in advs..—
Moto irtli sontiod moms condltlorun
1007006018. 00
2502 Clow (or otonan--.... 10 00
airmminte panchirnts aso ottiru totalrodunod the
pea :, , jooppoo *tat therm it wowed
Isepablicen Declaration of Principles.
L We denims and shalt attempt to ware the repeal of
all lowa erbkh•doir the introdnetion et slimy Into ter.
Modes ogre emiPol'abd to freedom. and will resist as
eoaseltottoaal means the etletenoe of elatary In any
of the tenitories of the United, &tater.
f. IPIW-ilbT.M , r7 196111.11 oar brethren
in Kowa In tam untatitatlonal and manly radatanee to
Wined suthartty of their lawless sdara, and will
gills the toll weight of our political power in favor of the
trinnertiata 'donation of lianas to tbe iltdon as a free,
Mill ti tt i rbat id rbe Mean adralnlstration
,• be sabonn liaelfto Irak tad and that its eon
. Unman in tower la Identified with the of the
' stave term to !natant troproznaer, with ties wonted= of
• freed om fran the territcrf. end lab incresei di.
def l . lll4 • holding lances of oar organkatkm ng
ton doll tnnee
awl oreetbecee tt
I For Telegraphlo News see 84 page. For
City and Commercial News see 4th page.
• z
Tao " Anuatioan" SWIM Comman—As the
..telegraph always makes it a point to fall, when
there Is anything important to be transmitted
here, it reduoes no to the necessity of copying
the following amount of the late proceedings at
Harrisburg from the Philadelphia papers;
Hen. Wm. F. Bonn presented a eeriell of re
velations, ratifying the nomination of Fillmore
and Donlon, as President and Vice President,
denouncing the Administration for repealing the
Compromises of 1850, and the Missouri Compro
mise, and condemning the Kansas Nebraska act
sell breach at faith and an outrage on the peo
Governor Johnemi offered a substitute ap
proving of the action of the Delegatee who re
tired from the Philadelphia National Convention,
And calling a Convention to be held at New York
on the 12th of Jana
Considerable debate ensued, when a. C. Smith
called thipreriortaquestion, which was sustained
—yeas 83, nays 22. .
The cubetltute was then rejected, and the ori
ginai adopted.
Er-Governor Johnston, with fourteen others,
then retired from•the Conned!.
Mr. Edie moved a reconsideration of the re
solutions; to give*. Fillmore time to get right
on the Missouri question. Thiswas not agreed to.
The ticket for State officers, nominated by the
Union State Convention, was !Willed.
A resolution to make the future sessions of
the State Connell with open doors, was passod.
Adjourned sine die.
A public meeting was held tole evening, by
the retiring delegates, Win. .'John Corodo presi
An address is bc;iug prepared for circula
The whole vote for the resolutions ratifying
the nomination was only 38, and 48 counties of
the State were not represented.
The Stet. Connell is composed nominally of three
members from each subordinate council; and as
there is, or was, a subordinate council in nearly
every election district in the State, a Tall rep
resentation would swell the number in attend
ance to thousands. Yet bare we find the repre
sentation cut down to 55 men, gathered from 17
out of the 68 counties of the State, and when
the senders left there wee not, probably, a half
dozen counties represented. The action of the
88 Fillmore men was a farce, and the epeotacle
of each a contemptible handful attempting to
(Teak in the name of e-great party, extreme
ly ludicrous. It proxes,,we think, conclusively,
that the people no longer take any interest in
such organizations, and have resolved to unite,
without regard to farther party distinctions, in
thegreat movement for Freedom which is to be
inaugurated at Philadelphiaton the 17th
of June. It is ,plaht that the great mass of the
" American" party in Pennsylvania took no
part or interest In the meeting at Harrisburg.
Tni Mason= Stun CIABL—The Supreme
Court has given an order in reference to the eel
ebraied Missouri slave
,ease. Dred Scott, a
elate, claimed his freedom on the scare that his
muter had brought him into Missouri from 4
free State. He claims to have been emancipated
in virtue of bating posed over the Missouri line
of 88 80. He also claim. it on the ground that
he had been minted into the Northwestern terri
tory, and was free thereforeunder the ordinance
of 1787.
.... ;
The Court eturpects that thin is a cue made
for the purpose of obtaining an opinion from it,
and orders that the question of law be reargued
at the next term whether Dred Scott 'is a citizen
of any Slate of the Union, and whether he is en
titled to sue in any Court of the United States.
In making this older, the majority of that
body have not surprised those who observed its
progress, or the moditleutione of views occasion
ed by public, opinion. The minority were pre
pared to meet the inns dirostly, and this Post
ponmeta is little else than &convenient erasion,
rendered neeesenry to the dominant party by the
pendency of the presidential Election. A judi
cial opinion, now, 'finning the constitutionality
ltimourl Compromiee or the power of Con
, ver slavery In the Territories, would be
the Pro-Inseury detnocestie party, and so
.eeWon hie been ended until after the elec
Ma. Benuanu.—The Baltimore American mu
tely •sketeis of Mr. Buchanan's speech in that
city, from which we extract the following:
...lie never despaired of the country, though
he was mortified *broad; by the press of Eng
land it was dissolved every week—when the
electiOn of • meeker was known there they.
thought it wu the country's funeral knell—
they could not imagine how • white man could
be &Black Republican. The slavery excitement
could not be kept up in this country much
longer—he thought it was getting to be • final
ity. He could not see how the people could re
' peal • law allowing them to mind their own
business--the question which has been so long
&muted be regarded as ended. After • storm,
the waves, fora time, will dash against the shore,
bat the danger is gone. He believed that be
bad made more speeches and written more letters
on the subject of slavery than any man living.
Be thought when he wee called abroad that they
were ended, but everywhere he went he wee
called on to discuss the subject. He told them
to mind their own business, that we didn't want
them to discus our questions--be wanted them
to let us mind oar own business. An anecdote
of Old Hickory wee recited an illustrative of his
reply, • He addressed Jackson once on the sub
ject of taking greaterpains in his toilet—the
old General remanded that 'he once knew a
man who got rich by minding his own business.' "
i :,-, : : ;i: - : _
-- '
If Mr. Buchanan has descended to such drivel
as this, the Cincinnati Convention cannot kill
him off too soon for his own good. It is hardly
op to the dignity of the inane eputterinp of the
Pittsburgh Post. The fact of a man like Mr.
Buchanan putting a stale Joe Merino into the
mouth of Con. Jackson as original, renders him
supremely _ridieniOne.
The Leer Carr..---We are reminded, by seeing
the name of A. W. Hamm among the 88
Fillmore men at the etuionnent of the late Har
risburg farce, that this Mr. Hamner wee ap
pointed lest fall by Judge Jessup, along with
Ham M. Imam on the Republican State
Rommittce. Neither of them has yet had the
Manliness to leave the position, thus improperly
accorded them, although Mr. Haas: M. Feu=
will bear as 'linen that we' have repeatedly
called upon Mos to do it. Will he and Mr. Ben
idiot do it newt
TIM Boos ht.lllllllllll6l.—Ther papetw pub
lished la the towns on the Mississippi, above
Giro, are burdened with complaints against this
bridge, and there can .be no doubt that it is so
g ains an
,obstnzetion to the navigation of that
rims as to call for its early remoral. The Bt.
Louis Iltpubllean says:
"It is probable AN the draw of the bridge
was of aufloient Width, but the engineer who
"built it knew nothing about the =Mg of the
- river: 'The bridge is placed very nearly length
.c , wise with the *anent, Instead of across it, aid
- tto boat oats get through the draw.without sheik
hog beet ber bow and. stern sgainst the piers--
The Murat ii vet*, tapid--nearlj eight miles an
bostr—and sassily towards, the centre .pler,—
Whew. a boat approaches, the moment her bow
Lets,below - the current ber stern is thrown
against one pier while her bow will strike the
other. The obstruction to navigation is very
- nearly the same as if the bridge had been built
o , and down , the stream, instead of saves le"
ern Ammar rJacre An-
L iu, al celebrated Sager and Mutineer." Br
Copt. Changer,.R. N. Philar T. B. Marion.
John Adamo err the leader of the Madinters
of the Britlsli ship,Bonatr, who nettled the Its.
bad of- Pltoiern., be rent is one:of naafi
histriolitetsfort; tind the 'story hie been Irani
!ski' 'finefering norm Por iry
near & Co., and Ondrfantr d; Ca
:E.:C*l; -.-
■Illl~tfR11.(~ dfF7 , "~a" 1
A W0111:01 0A1:1710j-W0 find In theOlosge
Tribunes timely word of caution to both tamers
and merchants, which they will do well to heed,
growing out of the new condition of thing! which
the low prices of grain will Inaugurate, or they
will be brvolved In a series of disasters from
which they will be extricated only after years
of labor end the interlace of millions. The
whole country has been overtradittg with Eu
rope, and Is now paying a balance against
it at the rate of. a million and a half in coin
erery week; and the West has been overtrading
with the East in the same ratio. The ethane
spectacle is now presented of an - increase of
coin in the New York banks while we are ship•
ping to Europe from two to four millions a
month more than the California receipts; the
&Prom being more than made up by the drain
of gold from the interior to the seaboard. The
balance of trade is now heavily against the West,
and will continue so all summer; and, with the
low prices that must prevail for, agricultural
products, how is the West to catch up unless the
people moderate their future purchases by their
probable means ? Ent to the article in the
"For the past two or three years, owing to
causes which are now well understood, but which
has caned to operate, there was little danger of
over trading, or of loss in speculation. Bat the
climax has been reached; the topmost Fond on
the ladder has been attained; in fact, the descent
has already began.
The real surplus wealth of the country is just
what the country has to eoll. With this fact be
fore them, and all the while acted' open, and
with the other fact—the worth oft hat surplus is
regulated by the prices it commands—full in
view, the merchant will have little fear of going
wrong. But for him who imagines that the
events of last year ore to be repeated In the year
now upon us—that all he has to da is to buy all
his credit will command, to cell to whomsoever
has credit to purchase. to collect easily and to
pay without trouble—is sowing seed that will ri
pen in bankruptcy. As long as wheat was $4BO
• bushel,- and corn was quick at 75 to 90 cents,
and all other agricultural products' bore a pro
portionate price, there was little danger of over
trading—of buying more than the country had
means to pay for. And now, were we not in e
transition state—passing from • period of ex
cessive stimulation to • more normal and lower
condition—this warning would not be necessary.
But it is hard for the merchant who sold, lest
year, four hundred thousand dollars worth of
goods, to content himself this year with doing
less. It is hard for the farmer, who only twelve
months ago, ran in debt for the eighty-acre lot
adjoining his homestead, and paid for it out of
his crop, to believe that the crop now In the
ground will not enable him to do the same thing
in the twelve month to come. It Is hard for all
who hive indulged In luxuries and extravagances
on the faith of good times, high prices, success
ful speonlatlons and easily accumulated riches,
to retrench—buy calicoes instead of silk, Cotton
rather than linen, black went:Sot. maple instead
of rose wood and mahogany. Bat it is evident
that the choice is between general retrenchment
and bankruptcy.
We have little faith that the choice will be
what the country demands. The signs and
omens of the preseut are not heeded. Those
who make haste to gather riches are as many as
ever before, and they are no lees daring and ad
venturous an when the keenest eye could dis
cern no danger in the horizon. The Imports
lions are unusually large, even for the West,
that always buys eo enormously; and of those
importations an undue proportion is gew-gaws
and millinery. Speculation on the faith of the
future is the pursuit of large classes. Contracts
are entered into, and obligations are' incurred,
-as if the general settlement of balanceerand pay
day had been indefinitely postponed. Rents are
pot op to a point where they should be if the
city were paved with gold, and personal extras'.
gance—extraveloince In dress,
in equipage and
manner of living—has remitted the height where
It becomes criminal waste. All this is only pot
ting up the bricks in longer rows, and at more
convenient distances. When the first topples
and fells, the others are sure to follow."
Tu Leny's BOOK for Stun, well keep op Its
chancier as an advertieer of the fashion,—
Whatever literary reputation it ever had, has
planed bway
AN 011MIATI KIM= or TOM Names —The
owners of the late Irving House, New Yore,
having decided to pull down and rebuild, come
time sheet notified their tenants that they would
be paid a bonus for vacating. All, anent a
.tailor occupying a, portion of the first doer,
consented, but the man of etitchas obstinately re
fused to go until he was paid a most exorbitant
price, which the owners of coarse refused to
give. They therefore commenced pulling do •o,
brit the tailor moved not, and they dared not
touch him or his premises. Dawn came the
blinding all but hie corner. The nonreactor Is
anxious to eommenee laying the foundation fur
the new building, which is to be of white marble,
whereas the old one is granite; but the tailor
won't budge a hair. The owners have begged,
threatened and coaxed, but the tailor Is immo
vable—he will not go. So as a demur moll it
has been decided to throw an arch over Ms shop
and thus build him in. Bat he won't move.
Esumtarros ro—The Hamburg cor
respondent of the Augsburg Allgemeine Zeituog,
April 14th, writer:
"A large number of emigrants to Americo,
amounting to eleven hundred preset's, are now
fn our city. They present a curious appearance
and their national costumes are sometimes sin
gular enough. Most of them are from the inte
rior, of Germany. Several hundred yesterdey
visited the Baptist church, whence each of them
brought a mall pamphlet in his hand.
Parinnacius lllmmo 0 CLustigu. Coax
KT.—The Republican' of Campbell county, Ky.
have called a Convention to assemble at Ales
andel* on the 24th last, to appoint delegate. to
the Philadelphia Republican Convention. Cas
sius M. Clay, has consented to address the
meeting. A Republican Assodation is about to
be organised In this county.
Bier el :az On■s:—Here li a ne• thence
to save the Union very cheap—a clergyman at
the Booth writes to the editor of the National
Preacher I ehould have no objection to your
obtaining for me the degree of 1). D. from some
Northern college. lam a very popular man at
the South, and 'think it would have a tendeccy
to harmonize the North and the Booth."
Ir is the law of France that men drawn
for the military !terries must tiller serve them
selves, procure a substitute, or pay a certain
amount to the Government. The nom paid into
the Creamy in this way amounted during the
continuance of the war, to 62,400,000 francs,
representing 22,285 substitutes.
Ir is a note worthy fact Oat the throe prin
el pal connoellors of Gen. ' Jackson—the men
of all others moot admitted to hie confidence and
cherished as his friends—Martha Van Buren,
Francis P. Weir and Churchill' C. Cambreling,
are now In warm sympathy with the &publican
As a proof of the very valuable SeITiOII3 reu
dered by swallows, it 1,9 estimated that one of
these birds will destroy, at a low calculation, 600
bisects per day, and when it is considered that
same bisects prodnoe u many as nine generations
in a summer, the state of things but for these
birds, may be readily conceived.
Istinveztost to Tdmasett.n.—Aocoante from
the interior of the State of Mississippi inform
cup that the water cousins are all swollen to an
unprecedented height, flooding tho lowlands,
sweeping away fences, bridges,. &0., in their
progress, and submerging the young crops -of
ootton and corn.
RAI.I I / 1 111710, May 18.—The flovernor boa
this day signed the Appropriation bill, and the
bill relative to Libels. He has also appointed
Warren J. Woodward, of Wilkesbarre President
Judge of the new judicial district.
The Liver Pills.—The Liver Pine of Dr.
Meta. were Hut paid by nu wroloalsuly In bit own
Prlortloo. eo relcao Soo wore WY In all atm of Una
gompl j dra. that tbty teems famous. sad attroottag the
attataltic of the monad faculty. mood Into moral tow
lbwl sot with great autaluty and ngularltyl the putout
abuost Imatwdlatolyilida the tabulation of his dlaisat. and
la gradually restotoi to health. With atom the abed Is
0119014 miraculous. imam:air amparlsrulna guroedlat•
ndld after barbs for =ratio morbid to drugs sun our.
I r l rwa of snot alr- dloutllloll. In Taill. Miami of tits
floor we WrryCOM/150a In this matey. sad are °lbw 141gb4
(al In diameter. Thaw who aciwrlonertaur of lb* prestum.
null( mabtatoaOftblc &agog= audecuiplkatal army
Swam at wow procure a box of Dg tlfoLane• gnaw.
ad by 121:111110 BROS. of Plltabtintb,andpebo t . th e ,
by. botaysd a world of agony.
ilelattioluntoiLU to stuffed to au tor D 8.11.4311
Elba of Pattoman. PA. Miro aro ottoorPHls otteportHlE
tetbo tiver Pilo, now deo* the MHO, De.. AVldoneo
mambo Liver PLY. olio - Ida ookluotoil Varodllnot, out
now to toot it OH roopoetotdo droit Ohm poootait
Waled thstorondoo o . ' ..,1111=MEIVIMM
A Gopd B#le cif efterthing:4Bl4
War. tbo Molitor onfoboodrii • lisikal Dfsconam bid
adOidad • nip goat Olio of obiottidast he tan ma
UMW with Emu pasta! humor. nth ma Butotals.
Rhino, likyidlwhos. tem otoso him obtlyoly with two. or
Wei tett* of hbr toedietoo. and atom him to U. toms
meetly oinaut awl Laaltbyro,o Ha, of mom bum.
WM tolloaly coo be mats who is soffaisii
from • idmllsz ague to tba ono with latch be wad
broabhcliablo istab Is also mod. sod maxims setwaftbir
land is man& Tbi cOunts7 Is fad of Mao Ilstog ad.
datiditsufoto.•bo fhb, isoostot iso wallas to tooter to
Corinna OftLosiboafir btodleal DireolaY.' -
= av
111oi4 by DRM IL &tram uo_wcos stmt. wbolo
slo i l wa P. MUM% +ma mmy'. •
From slolaretale aid Intelligent I
KronAmo-ardos t..tio .3,4 tried many PIDa I mart ;
.ea 7 that the Improved Ileteme'r Liver Me, prepared by
Dr. I.Eartt k Cr.. Dark nem. Morirentone. t'► are the
beet and mow dremnel remedy for Sick lieedeehe and
Dimmed - Liver, that I ever med. end remmmend them to
the ardinted as being =lid Im their operenon and an ,
tire. .1.11.
Margmato•rn, Vs, Jan. A NU.
Dr IPLands Improved Liver Mils and Improved Ter 1.
1LL1...1.0 Dr. L Boer. CeMbratal Whits °lmamlan LW
mutt, prepared .Weir nntler the Forembrion of Dr. 1.
BLvdr, • Setular MALMO On.lnate mad Phreklen °fest'.
wi practl.e.
No smog. only as prepan.l by Dr: I. Scott A Co,
sob. Pro r totem. Dank Place. Monvantogro, Va. Dr. Mc-
Lane'. Improvrt Liver Pine and Improved VernSfuee
mvonararded by otrtNicate of C. McLane.
AU the Kb... Widnes roesnle by
Dr. OlLte. 11. KRISES 140 Won.] Area, Wbolmal. agent
JAS. P. FLISMING. •11.Atemy. mar It R: Depot. wtmle
sale agent.
Forster on Consumption, &c.
Jug Pal&Jul. CO pages. Price One D...
A Peril= Treatise on the neat important diecor melee
relatlee to their came. astern, and
certain care.
In every portion of the learned Doctor's
book sound practical nenes and greet medical knowledge
I aleph/red s nod It Is oat. unlikely that • cosulderable
Precaution In the treatment of ConsumPllon and Meofola.
will be effected by Ike publication. Xvery :family should
IA In ponsendon of this valuable Work, which, by He ex_
[ems cheapnesn. Is made eceenible to emery ore.
03—Yor eat. at all Bookstores, or will be mJlwf, on re
ceipt alga Cu, , .. (pout Mid.) br BELIDOItAN .t CO., Ng
Unnad at, New York. to any part of the conoter.
Pare Cod Liver Oil—Every Lotto) war
rented to be Pere OM Um OIL
Rer U.. cure PI itheureweire.
For Mt cure eirSlerafele.
Pbr Ns cure al wed.
For the curve Lumbago.
Or the cure Neer.
FIN the cure Vail 'Skill P .
FIN VW cure of Chrome lrtutivelue,
Far the arm of lSere Ryee,
Fcr the cure d Mae 8 , ..11 , q0.
An. the acre of Glandular Suselittm
For the cure ofCariss qf the Bow.
/Ur the cure a/ ZulanonarF CtundePtian.
Far the can of Chronic Rnruch.dLt
Fbr the cure a Made.
fbr Wein otr Messes qf ths ffadder and Kidneys,
Ebr the ours qf Constitutional Tenknats nand Contra:
Sold by tba quart, gallon asta In Lotr.tra by the dasan or
stunts bottle. svas7 bottle warranted puns Ctoa Liver 011,
at the Dra6tor• of Or. CIRO. U. HEITBER, )1.0
Wood et. Ilan 01 the Golden karts., trot ndEr.T
Have you a Rupture of the Bowels?—I
would matt rerpeetfully Invite the attention of those at.
dieted with hernia or rupture of the bowels to my enter•
did assortment of Trusses of Tortola patterns, and to colt
every up. applied and satisfaction guarantied In every
cue, at my office, No. 140 Wood Street, Piteaborgh, Pa..
elyn of the Golden Rona, Amon. ths Truman 6,31 , 1 by
me ettil be loud
Marsh's Radical Care Tram
/reach Truurs, 'try light wring;
Gun Magic Trams;
CAddnate Trion:, single and Bauble;
Unbdiaa/ Truned, dtddrent and adult.;
'Eberles Blip* $6-1140 Truta,
A. 3 & f:dras 44E:parley Trurt;
The prim of Trams my from /2 to tat nenalni or
Huntsman bettente can be suited by nualltbag money and
ending the rausur• around the hip.. stating whether
tba rupture Is on the right or left rid. 1 ale. cell and
Dr. Canine' Lace or Bahr Bruce, for the core of Pro
lax= therl,Weakneo of the Chest or Abdomen.
Mande Dlarhoma, and any nese... dependiret on a treat
and debilitated COlNlitlolll of the atekroalnal murelee
Dr. Palciee .Alidoethri Supperler,
Dee/JAL/att. AtdominaljAhr:
BB Elastic Belts;
And oarly ems tied of au, Pnter
Slicrobier Brdca of every idyl., rev •eat chested and
stoop etweildsnsh
Mastic &e . Wr broken and raglan. velar.
B.War-t, or all kinds.
Syrugres of every wanly oral polLo .4 In fact every
land of osechanicsl appliance need lo the cursor dime...
Da Hulse would state to venous In ranter Brae.
or Trtassee that he can often mend to snit the patient by
esitinig. bat It hi eisters better to eels Os Whet end 10-
ply lb. Truro or Bra. pereonelly. Address
DL GM IL ILETIMIL 140 Wood et..
Siam cf lb. Golden Mortar.
Sculptor, Modler, Stucco Worker and
Wood Camas. No. Ed Thad attest. Lotus. Rood and
Mart. stmt. Pittsburgh. P. loteys constantlyon hand
ao aseurtatent of OW 7OZW7 Cant. Macs. licr whs. AO
maCta.i yak
Celebrated Female riii;,.
Prepared from a prescription of Sir James
Chum. Si. D. Pbrattlan IttUvonttoory to the &hoa—
r:lls lavoluatOs tdolichoo I. untalling to the camel oh
Moo Warta and datum.= dlootatto loctdont to tto Ir
=le eatkot.ltokUoo.
modieratse all anann. remove* W otatraetiona tad
`Wap roi the =nal, aortal .Ith regularity. Thom
FIB. enfold to wad two or three, alma& pooldosie ta atn•
nalsun4 they Fatty tan amaditatina. antl lama the toy
rain during Laker. anabling Ihe mottos to Pence= Iva
duties with piety to herselfand oMl.L
In all canto( 2formonseee and Spinal Araations. paia to
the Batt and Mat.. Ilarrineer. F.llFna on Med kw...
tion. Palpitation et Ms near; Lao.. of Spirits. Ilyeier
ha. Slob thiadaoba. and all Ma painted dlroanee ocea
ahead by • diardend nem. the. PSll. •131 Idea •
ogre when all other &wens hare alai although a
I maven' remedy. do not contain ban. ratomal, anthaani.
ar say Grim nalnand.
dln•licuas aerampsnying pads:. Prim. la
Unltedirtatee ud Omuta. 0.. Maim
•gont• ter Ws ..utzy.c
I. O. BALDWIN • Oa. Rachrlor. N. T.
VITTIJI • 110d/tO. Asbant. N. N.Y.U. ••••t..
N. 11,—51,00 ud IS poets" a ammo coal:and be OM C
tharionl 110.1 , i. MU Law. • bait. a/ 116••• PSII• OT rearm
For Ws In litabargh. by FLIMINAI 1.310 a. cur., a
Wood and lesertb .t.. JOS. ABM. mortar /meta nal
ataltbliald eta.: JUL WIL4IIIIIII. artner Mama sad Mar
lot Pres; bad Draschia avasrelly. 6•2ll4yeta win
Ynr You, auto 161 h, )eon.
New York &Liverpool Lined Packets
street. Plttaburga P.. lo iho onir ieroo lo ob..*
tit; outhortmot to .1 P.m. Orrilleat. kw ors L. a
Meer York .4 Livorrooil Natal.
57 Swath 5t.. Noe Tort
11t1.1,11 an Rasa Mal lan.fts alanaal.
Wage at say Rank la Ragland. tralsa.l. gratland gag
Alm% Uinta wanandars fn. Non Tut and Mad*
Ada 'glad/m:7 • anl BONN 1110/KIIION.
ND. 410 Marts 111.41.
Oast Steel, German, Sesr, Blister. Mesh
Mattocks, Wedges, Harrow Teeth, &c.
W• 8131017131, ha 11.? WAVER STREET.
Botwaen Wood azta ilaaltlinall.
sums, 1 11118Ceisletry
86 Fourth et. nous Wood, Pittsburgh, Pe.,
Buggy, Carriage, Riding, Drovers'
Keep uonittuatly on hand, received direct
o o M nt a orf I s W M h y p , , l n fl uYm; 0 Co.
mo L oo n .lo nrWaclv ra NapDrornt Whips, DryWhi&Planter?
Moth anti
am 47 Whip. (lacrimal and Gob IThlpo, Motto Mom. ant
Loohoo. try ito.
l~Raw.ldes of wairvprmvur throbbed to order.
iPPod p u r e AlilrOr from Um Mode oolleitatl WI promptly
al lostmte
icm.b a bs ./1/4• WOR K WAIMAIMD-41.
DaEars ifiagical Pain extractor.
Inflammation and Pain aro as insepanado
as Ara and Neat Indauunathm produose palm. and pan
Indents talanuaatlon. Whams. than la unnatural
heat thtobblas or 'Waft.. m matter she thar It Is elan.
ed bra tent a bast. a mat poison. rhetunatlsm, past
wide bum or sting. Nam Is Indatomatlon. A huadrad
lacks or a thousand mamma tanned altm or ohmage Ma
eonanslon. To reline pain. and resume mama. latlsm•
saatlon must be rublued. To secultualth this. the *Nuts
of the phyddan are abatis dlasetad. Thousands of phy
sicians. and tom thousand ot the lest and mom amaudons
mum who babe used NALLY'S MAGICAL PAIN IX
TRACTOR., are ocrovlrtead. and admit that Its control over
WWll:mato. Is most mondsrful and Immildtats. Instantly
allaylaa the pale. astaratnlng Tolima, tat acting morbid d " and tandus nature to MO= Ur eonrse, 5.•
.nine tad tains& No burn, *add. sera. or aliment la
too mum to Odd to lea moothlas and autos Intlasnal.-
414 It Inuradhasly and the cure has commsnasd.
BAil ordars should ba addzumod to a. 1 , , 011okousu
W., al Barclay at. Nes York.
sow is Pittsbunth by oxo. n. HEIM= Ile Mod ot.
ndlyamdkard •
(1100CLIII070/ to Z. S. lliAl [LIN )
Agricultural Warehouse,
No. 129 Wood Street,
ap2l•lyd&wT' PITTSBURG 11.
Holloway's Ointment and Ells, on emi
tonLihlag llemady lor ir7doalsW.llr. Henry Tamer, ci
Dm, Halm was saltehel with Erysipelas, lane Ittulde
Napes nun, on Ida Hot and nark, and all sorts or Ms
WT. and dealt* Sr the mans reloadlea he Wed he arm
not benailted. Al Hotta he had noun. to Holloware
Ointment 'and Pills, sod nude op ht* mind to warmer
WISH Hum rwtoodhoe,vhlen ha did. The 'Emit was, that
in •kw yaks, he was parlietty enrol, and hie genera
biett i wenuatfolly Haproved. Miscue boa waste:data
• astuatka in Halo aawl•AlwT
Fever and Ague.—A cost oteight months
itiadlog cured by IUERII4YIP9 11OLL4ND BITTERS:
11103111 NWT. No. 117 NMI, do some NMlthhold,
Pittsburgh, Para
.Last Joly. Whit. ruutgon on the rim one cotton
• bag villa" Wynn Notches and Now Ortuum, I war to
ban watt NOW ang Ago.- • Poi .lght bog month. I ..t
frmulvlth this dreadful ttlioese. The =enter port of this
Ulm Ives nimbly to work, and .pout Ott...tarty dogare
kit glhariat mallcfnas. hat found ea Tentutneot
Tturee weak. ego, one of my Mende hatited upon my my.
tog 11 . 00hr:ries Bollarid Dittos., .011.1 that a tine RNA
'iromptorg, , artarroklng•tt Wrote Week, I mutt nu I
aum Musa mss. Mule tam at work now Dr two
Nuke. lad hare had an nag= cribs rhilla warier whom
I "riUr
't""t"" Vtlit h tr ADAMiII" .
Diamond Boas., or R. ChenantOothia
TO M . it.Lizs.
Extension of Stay. I
Finding it inepottsito.e, from the a conmtdat-
Mg & i .e.. fib .euettee, to leave Pittsbarth as
.1117 as betektoeshmet.
l i ii. vc illaStartibl th svpai otw atil.mtin g .ttits
rltr till the I . t, and l
ache. wberebe may be consulted daily (S ants
abbath et.
0, 2 1 11 1 40 e Boo= at.
• .
comer pfo.lllald Ft. Clair eta.
Entrance to Rooms on Penn Street.
Pram the basin err= tort/ FULMONAR I"
10th. treatment of whlth the employment of ePProPelete
.Cousiltaitimal and Meehenical itemedies en.l Medlcinal
Inhatetions has sil • hint degree of swans, ..bldg ese
...dattenl a par t i al imperfect treatment id thew °tette
nate and dangerous dlseasen sod from ampleestestielaces,
Dr. Fitch feels himself j ified in asserting that when
disease IA so far advanced that the above means fail. no
oCher coarse ean afford relief.
Da.. PITCEI may ale. be ...Obit foe Teed - eh. either In
lb. bud or throat, with the nse of local application. br
Utensil throat and need together with the ob.
' . " 00111 . 1 of nunnery geomsl meuures enables him tore.
lieu in evee oftentimee ofayefir's standiDg. Ile MU b.
''' ll.llk `a td Der Muffs and Chronic Inflarnmatiou or the
Stomach and Bowels, end for Pounds Disease.. which the
employment of appropriate meelissneel erpllaueu ..nob es
hiss to treatwith almost anilErm larnere.
DEL PITCH Will ha wedged by Isis amoebae, 1.41. .1. Si
STKYS, who will ho with him after the 10th of May.and
with whine assistance he hen. to •A.. 4 r .° ""'
a distanocUith ieu ~la than hat heretofore been cam.
' , ants. dhorild Dr. Fitch be under the no Of
lsarini on the Ist of Jane. Instead of remaining till the
..".....vemetmeot *nibs concluded Le Dr. Prime. who
Will W. remain until &Misplay evening Sul/ 1210.
To ecnortaudete his !Increasing and utenolve western
Moths% Dr. (11, M. Pitch wlll
lark June he es Perm.-
neat °Mee. at liudnio, New where he will be. after
leaving Pittsburgh, and where all commonleatiou *lli
henafter be eddreued.
Dr. OA L.VIN 01. FITCI.I wishes it dlatlutlY undm
Mined that he has su looser arty professional anfiteetiots
with Dr. P. WITOiI. and would mai attention tothe curd
which he towns tdesselfcalled up. to publish immeliate.
Iron hi. return from Europe, hevisterfuence to Ott
tou which Dr. S. S. Fitch nnfOrt toiy pereUeded
to Pursue duriesr Dr. 0. M. Witch's Oxen .
Invalids desiring to nusalt Dr. Pitch should call as
curlsaepoe.ihta. my 7 mhEM MewamT
- - - -
Paseenger Trains will run daily, dicopt
Mundane,am fallour
Lira bittaburgh for Crestline at if s A. U. and 3 P M,
Leaves larestlina for Pittsburgh at 5 A 55 and 115° P
Thus trains Wilmae alma conosetiona at Crean.
Nth train. for Columbus, Dayton. Cloth:matt Daslefon•
Don Lulls.Dolin Chicago. et. Moto an.l 111 points on
roads '.isntling West and Booth•.est through Ohio, lo
dious mad 1111130ln
Doth Crab. foam Blttebargh cwoueet at Alec. , field with
Valets on naaluaky. Mendeld sod Newark road. for
Obi%go. Toledo and bandulky. citation am quick and ma.
eonneetlens to Chimp, is by nay other mate. Conan•
Cone ere made at Alliaur. with Trala• on Cleveland end
Pittshirehitoed for Cleveland. Chicago. Dunkirk and
Pamengere leavlus Pittaburgh at 3 P. ld. f r tho au.k Y.
Toledo and Cblumuro, bare tbo beuallt of a bight's roar at
idalutleig or Cleveland. and ..,it lo Chico, early oryt
Through 'riekets are sold to Columbus. bastou, CillGirl
natl. Leclarlile. It. Louie. Imliarotgolic BellJr•ntalua
Chlugo. Rock Inland , lowa City.
Cairo. Spriugliald. 111. Part Wayue. Cleveland and tbo
principal cities In the West.
tastes Navtlrighton for Pittsburgb at 7 a. IL. aria I h r.
r. Igares Pittsburgh for New Brighton it Ili a. R— and
AX r. te
foilledLata and f arilsar In toref t iat .r to . ijblritor.
•1 the woes .>tdoe. under the IdonOniala - ela - Watee.
Or at U,. Peden.; etraert Ration. to
3.11. MOORE. P. 11.
J. KELLY. Passenger Agent
fittet.urgh. May 1. ISMS. nye
Dr. Gee. W. Phillips'.
Chroatut CoLia, OtDup. Hoar/steam, Moorlna Lungs
agthno L Broochlth, lug grog. Spotter" Stra
Throat, Consumption. and all Maass. or am
Throat and Cho, t
• —ALBO—
Dr. Geo. Philli-s'
Itheneasttent, Nearslain. Lnotteme. Betalks, Plc:matte
Paton, Pain in the Pkle. Chest. Bock and Pe..
• Swelled and Palatal Joln4 Week Beek. '
Castap Aare Throat. Preston &e.
The Malmo& who !Ave cowl tbs. ktedleines tuttlY
to Italy enoettent merits by s continuance of thole ttee.—
To that* who dare not need theca ..would nu TRY
Vint end they will end then to ho act they aro - .or.
etattel.and that they rill sot with PLIViC4IIe effect.
no. OHO. W. rot LLIY.I. bole Pcoostotrce. elnetnnen.
_ .
Itn - rale wholatala and Malt nd
u11:KIIAJ11 MerilaliN AN.
WOdyta ,lashant etty
The cuthr-Nedal Awarded by the New
York 111610(Lion to the Ezzli.h or fbrylgo ammo Nan.
haunts bat been obtained. acnons.t nueserono cmznyeU
by LEA a PEnttM. tor their
• Tits eigisblity rf Ibis Store bas est.:vied la every so,-
ter or UP glote, 'sail Its . Mawr In istossiotlng tb• ris k s,
health is broalog daily oars observed Gad ackiscaleggpl
in the Unitpt States It to Wild to be tbe coat sgreiablo
esioilloteist, and la arteeiroiscl for as took .ad - oration
p.ap.rt{r. Its habitual tor enabling the atontarb to al/.02
tM lbot,
Ori tS a Contbs.nt Of . bluing, these wial i tlim Ls.* hoot
taatlabl to by a reistlssoso. pro write. to tEL NM.
MSS thole barii.srlett • bottlo of Sous WOrriestarthke
gum lo a War I aanjait Pettissibul through Isola sod
Ftsitogal.litol 04100 lave my preriot pst s of beaks to
Its ssa.lo2r atm, t.irtetuusbia spa (Mak n.licinal. I
ea. Pita troth dal tarn is notblits In a invoke. bag
gaga F saistitial to ISP spot RIM. al least la 0.. romps/q
S. your Esti.,
la Duna. al, what.* II le tra,o4 at the mem of ev,7
regiment, a calleal genUeman terltwe Mtn !...leaa In
his brother In the. same PrlfolliCl. at IV , preaot-r, In Eh.
h.11o•Ing farm. "Tait 1 ea 2 14rrina that thatr men. to
bight/ ann.:Mai In 11041 a. an.l that It le. in .n.e.o.
the moat. Palatabie Wail at the SIPA lern.laarm. leezna
TEL nw. to suitable for every *suety or itch aml
lb. marginal demand which It. l,ta oreat.,l ha
Lel to Imo, imitatio. Nice raiteml I the poblie, tricolor
a variety of muss. but U.* bantams/tar be Mimeo by the
names of "LTA A PillfliNb . below icomemed UP•D the
Mitont metallic eareolea or patent Slaw otePrer bi lb.
bottle. as well IS the label.. and 'mapper.
bole /Lamb for the ealted etatee.
Jolt:* DUNCAN • ruesi,
aghly Yu Pee kenai war, New Tort.
Scrofula. Effects of Mercury. Cotuum
rum_ Riventrantli, Pyaceprek Rfommenew• , rke
tralomace.. Booth. haser,Kullseys, *Loth>, Demure eftA.
&mot Itlgehas fa boa Jhgemmod Ruder. dr.
PCIUMiIi LA mid Graltal Weanners volli came. tome and
other chew:tit hatems. unless eased Dr LIZATU. No.
*Np pro ra dway, Now Yort. devotee lA. .bolo Umo mooring
them and 111 amoral, affectkram. Ile Invites ths afflicted
to cell. mooched, thine who bare reeradved no !moat from
Marloni tryst:mg by other thysietana.
W. WS, mind by Dr. ilmlic—llarrans Ordbarti. La
Et4041,0T; J. G Berms. Jane L.nyhto,, a T. Mulkey .ad
&PA (blinineask If. O. Limppie Ideisfansie). V.•
IL IT, Klee and wilt.. A..
Dr. Mathis= honorable and .oval pbyftcian and.,
ItteM—L Onion, IL D.j. A. Dale, L. D., J. K. hull. IL I
D. Una. A. Lanni; Um. ammo NM* bion. R. 11. Urn
tom, Auditor 'Ws ora New York. 11,.. Judge Carron, City
Joldge. New YOU,
Atlanta • &stump emt =malt lb* doctor by letter.
grating their mar folly gni metre advlee, and all en.
=afar? rekiedlowe by mall co moms, tbemby obviating
tha ammtity of a persoaal Midi. 111. latroduemry work.
with illustraUve sagraelan, be sent hien to any al.
N. 11.-011 au ant of nay Dr. Beath mu• to to
tiolo/1e...t, ,, 1n.011tw tM Bt. Sithelas !Into!.
Cast Steel and Iron Gun Barn
Cast Steel Plated & Hammered Shovels ti Spade
Pick& el•ttocks.Plodsva,fisamErp.llmow Tn. t h,
WAIL isuovsr, NIL 17 aIAKKI Tot.
PurCEswr! P W AIWA call AAA lambs oar stack boa.
Porrhasing PIMMIAII.•
Fls 0 1:5;R, GRAIN,
No '%MI LH:borer fitroot.
t 7 7.
Iron Railing, ha Vaults, Vault Doors, Window
ahulters t Window Guards, &a.,
Nos. 91fiefond St., & 86 Third at.,
(between Wood and Market,)
lla►o on hand' a ►arioty of new pattorne
ram and Mu. sultabis Ibt .11 parroear• at
tontlon tsl4 a slab nos One Lott Jobblos dots; et
short sells, chits(
British and Continental &amigo.
81W!! 51LL8 DRAWN Dl
Thoso Draftß ate fivailablo at all tho prin.
(bad Twos oftuddand. &Aland sod Inlw4 sod U
Ws Won dr*, smug BILLS on
N. A. Grunebaum 6t Bailin,
muorroar A HA'
Wldeh ecru aa ► Itemittanee to $I Wen of lionnuif
Ihritsarlaseol and liollaside
Ammo intending totravel abroad nuirpronse through
no Lettere infOredit, wattle Honer eon be obtained. u
foOded, in
OUT part or guroM
Goiketiona M DIP.. Nous. and other entail ties In Itin
InPee will nicely. mint attontlon.
WM. It. WlLLiAllin g 00..
sah2:B- Wood. entim TiOni
ChMon Furnaces, Wro , tlron Tubing
for ' , farming and Valuation of Buildings
W. t g, wUI <entreat for Worming and VostUlallot by
Otos= or flot Wats; Moos or ChUnnn's Iltmn" ameba.
banal; Iforpfrols, twtonioe. Orem Flours. Orort Mem
toll floral* es Dominoes. No. SO mortal or* 11/tabula
For Sole.—Handsome Property fur sole,
situate at the ache of the road between the oily and the
Ourteon, oontaltiltur stoat ortn ACNE. meeptee by the
Bs,. A. al. Sunny. Apply to DB. 01110111,
my3tlfe - et—Plttebnar h
Win. L Batobeioii Hair Dye.—No
Bonitos. 1111sterlud Onlniollnd could enr hare attained
the *mineralise? accorded to this bye, Wrr•
Ile falling Walls.. Naar* Is not owe true to henrolt
then the nor blink producer] la the reddest, sterner
or _ wir hat bylt Made and sold, or s.pplled,
ahri private roams) at 'llstrazios's Vag. 7petors:=
geoids" New York. If= A. Batchelor lion 'the box of
all seardoe, others are latttalkns.
nommix. is add in Pittsburgh, by GIOIIOII 11.
817616, 141 Wood it. ionrordAwh
Fire and Life Insurance Company,
Will =Lake nll kinds of Insurance. either
Parnutts or Limited, an every cee.rtptinn of Property or
Ilarehandim, at redeemable mine premium.
ROBIZRT P. HMG. Preeident.
W. W. Ilavenre,
_Vim President.
I L Mae,
Jong. Paul.
Jobn Clayton.
e. rii. — g;Tß,.. I M. Wile,
P. Bucucani. Becreten,
Life, Fire & Marine Ins:mance Company;
Office, Corner Market and Water StreClB,
ROM: GAL r; TILI.A. Osumi. EII,
This Company makes every Insurance ar
vsrunns s to or cow:wt.:l with MYR RISOB.
m bad Caro Puke, an Lim Ohm end
.nmy l*.lwleel rtvers vamd tribotarle.% •rt , 1111,41.. risks son-
And against 1.09.1 or Onmagn by Fire,
Apd analn,ft the Perile of the de& and Talon Idairthatlon
and Teaneportation.
Poltelosieenedat the loweetrathe ooneletent with eabef
than puttee.
aoErhartClaiws• eu
Jotrepb N. Lerch.
JSamuel Drelrlt.a.a. John Fullerton.
aarph Y. °ar ti rant. 11l D.. Msnr&dd It Drown.
John drutt, David li. Chambers,
Juan. MarshalL Christian :tun.
David Richey. William Cam.
June , . W. Waltman. Roteut 11. Hartley.
Chas. Arbnthunt. Jar. D. nrom.
Alexander linntley. fad mr2.5-I.rte
blllllll or Dem:mire by Fire,
And the Pardo of the BP and Woad Natlocation mod
Wm. P.Jobuston, &dr Patterson, Jacob Painter,
W. McClintock, Jae. P. Tanner, w. Smith.
D. E. Park, I. 11rier Homo!. Wads Campton,
A. J. Jame, J. H. nee, 11, R. Cortamil•
A, A. Curler, W. D. Doran. D. M. load.
Preeklent, lion. WC. V./WINSTON.
Vim Pran BY
Secretor? • & Tr.:simmer. A. rlda A. t,
Omkas OD sa. PATTERSON. nol2
Farmers' and Ideenanice' Fire & Marine
Prom Ma Mat day of Anga.t. to them Tbirty Ara day of
Decanter. IFldc
LCIOI2II t nrvlvad In Marino pr.roluma. ,5.X.' , 11 at
do Wino do 39,41.. 62
Total or.nlmno 6.4 Vire Lacuths
13..3. of All.Frbenr. Pittsbunth sud
Pittsburgh ...
R.Uro.l Routh, (kat • . ••.... 33.400 00
On;111 In Dant ;Ltd on hand
. • • • ••
Dor Atom Agents bobourb) br Cond.)
Expensco sod
Total amouu t ol Lostas Incurred,
but not )et atituatod.
Pito 1,&,6 An
Marino- -2,000 at
Tel. Comps ay Insurer hull and mmo QOO
deal on the Ohio
end Ifiesissippi tributerive. Insures egainst km or dam.
axes Di frea tomes Ilh.rall adjurted nod promptly raid
nt/ffatllll7lll-11on. T. el. How., om. J. K. Morehead
Jam. Wood.
For 1"""'" T I I T HIIIiAN J. 11UNTRIL. Anew-
Mara( re No. So tv.t., .t. Mt Wood and Market.
Reliance Mutual insimuice Company
OFFICR O. 70 sAzyur 3777.2.1fT.
Cupsful. sl77.o7l—Aurts. 6722.092, &curtly forested.
FIRE INSURANCE—On Buildings, Mar
tina:dn., Furniture. dn.. 11:1 .11,13 eountxr•
The mutuni prineipla combloml with rim memlty of •
Stork Caultal, entitle. the moored to Mom In she profits
dthellomp•oT, Mthout liability for inarem
Thu flat,. Orrtileuttee of WA Company. too prolta, am
convertible. fit
LIC( TIN Into theULEY Cap,ital
P M resid oc k.nt of the Com ter.
Clam Malay. • • • - Cowls R. Artihum.
Wm. R. Thocipo.. Goorao N. Baler.
7. C. Itooktilll, limo. W. Tingley.
0. W. L•%rDrawl ,
Wort Moon, Z. Lathrop.
H. L Damn,
O. R. Wood,
Marshall Mit. • Robert Tolaod.
Edward 0. Jamas
Jmom L Taylor, Wm. Mane;
Jamb T. Boutico. I Archibald Getty,
G. M. Ptroad. Wm. N. Sample, Pittit'or.
J. 0. 4:107P1N. Mood,
mbar: mer.or Tided and Wood otrosta
*NCH COMPANY. 01P1018. ti.. E. taro, Third and
out eta. Philadeirdlia.
Go VERSKLA, CA ROO, V aNIOIIT. to all parts/ . f ilo ...cid.
On Good,. by Rican. Canal. lAA. and Lou.! earrisdiciL
Lo all parts EOM. Union
. .
uo PlartheruMao ganarally. Oo Stu*. Dwelling Houma.. Pr.
Aston or rat Vottrorr. No:. tom. IP2P.
Bonds and nortewa , and heed Eeah.....:.....-S101.9.1) 94
Philadelphia llty nod other Loaoa... ...... ...-... 00
Btock la Bouts. Itallneaela and Cour
Bate on P
Batson. daa at - itgeoe - law-Peetionisno .117pairaa
Po/tries reewetly hoooet.-eoed other debts
duo tba Ompanr. - . 2r14e20 20
haterrtpthm . 1214420 00
.. A. ILIDZIP.A. Ati
No. 1..5 %Viktor ot- Pittaburell
en324ll'll //13arlinCe Compy of Pittsburgh.
VD Masi
011 IV AND ulasi estrpi 111:10, A G RI ND TILIDUTAILIV.D,
ir /sour. agaleus Lew lkunapet AI, ALSO
irrfla ul lA. 86A eftl /INLAND NA mu rtop
sod rit.a.h..WORTATION.
14.1.01 . 13.1.
Mlll. O.A.p Mark StAlllog.
Amami D. M. E(41,,
Dated D We- Blnglm
u.b.: 41 Jot. tA.I.IIIwW.O.
Isa. H. PonenclL Francis &Dom
Waite? ItrynAL J. Deboonmatm.
Jas. M. amp... I Wm. D. Ham
J.lna PAIDtml. • Mal
•ND W1,01.1:AlL11 IN
Alm Product Onhersity.
No 25, Wand Street. Pittsburgh.
A Copy of a Letter.—Now York, April 3,
1.15.5.—Da. 11. T. lituinoti. Chemist. No. 261 Mahout
at., Phlladelphlw—Dear Ystir prerasatieno ant ast/ine
ears npldlylo this quarts,. I have preen/bed them Cita
maze army patients, and too satins .ay 1 asset yet taw
their admit 7 he, sin wilsersaleatistandom and I .hall
still continuo to nse them In all the Marna speelSed.
Vonra, truly. J. B. JOU stB()N, it. le
Liao adverthement °attains Y .
Nelson's Anbrotypes.
The Ambrotype is decidedly rho most
plowslog.: beautiful and durable etyle of Partralt firer
know to the art. Their tone If left and harm..
namelna degree no Ter obtained by the old proowa. Being
taken on glaed,lhey an exceedingly brilliant end yet un
like the Dafiraernntina. VAT are verfeetly dletinet In any
[le. Little children are petaled net only time
ally hot In almost inarovaclithle point of me by the
Am brotylpii. By no other tenors .an nieiteree be made go
tentiletly Ileatitlial. reepeetrolly rwaneet oar friends
and the public generally to nil and enialne oseimenj
andjadge Par then:m.lrd. Remember the plate.
N171,80:11 . 8 roe. Moe Building, Third
test vms• Yaraea • 4•11.1..1.
Holloway's Pills, by the dozen or grove
(or Ws at 03:0. 11. SC 111111C1111. 110 Wood
Artificialnipples, of an improved kind,
kr mato at mhOB aeon Rcrveß 110 Woad at.
60 dozgrystal Soap, in oars, Geo
at .
li6YRYR.T. .tagaja Oran lit. 140 Ward It. mere
Holloway's Ointment, gold in any quanti
ty. at mhJ or.n. ~ KCVSERII. 110 Promt yt.
Vegetable Cattle Powder—Boy your
harm aad tow Powdor at K kYaift . d. 110 Wood et.
36 doz Kennedy's Medical Discovery
at mhta OMIL R 411•81111 T. 140 Wood U.
Old Palm Soap, 7 years old, of fine 411141 li •
tr. I. bats. Ibt tale a C CIEO n 11/IVaElt'a, 140 lama .t.
Cattle Liniment always or Bale, by the
aroom dorme ar &We bottle. at
mh.lo YU MLR% 140 Prod It.
Delay not, yo who Consider a flue head
of Hair
but.,. kb 14 tat. use
blob restores the healthy conditioner the emir. oaoseo
bar to grow on th. bald. .4 rb.cb any tendency
Wards on (abut ontand bewail:lx thin.
Alar Far 1•11, 01th. plitteipti dnitrifilU.,•ll4 by thorny;
prom., OTILENT. too door. bolo• Omithtleld.
_ .
wOltlitl. now patentee:l In nomberc
Uarteral Atlas of the World. eon Mining 70 mare
drown and emoraredtrom the latest and beet authoritiM.
with deicriptlema and Manatee of all nations. to Inn year
1860, tto be completed In Mt emaleucntbly parts. each eon.
Mining 2 mime.
gicturial Cyclopedia of DiograPhy.malaselort a aeries of
original memolm of the molt dlrtlognlahed person• of all
Vow. illmtratad with OM wood engraring r f :a jtut steel
Plan:NW the completed in enninnenthly
Itariabilean Court. or American Scenery a the Data of
Weahington. with 21 portrait. of dietlnaubhed women.
to be completed in 21 remi.menthli_p•ltAat 20 eta each.
Werke of the British Poeta wilmted auldehronelogindly
arranged from It.. Johnion to goott. Naval:Mimi
crindal notice* of each, by Ur. Atkin and others , to le
completed in 87 part garb- 2 Plant
fifth et. appoint., the Theatre.
mile Agana arc the robin/Borg
• TED bhdo. N. 0. Sugar. =lmo au il:
60 btu Loaf and Cr otbod aogar, soo' a d [tomboy.
156 do N t 1 Abloom.. prtmo no 1167: to oot
76 do Nt Jame. Prot Bugarhaue3 nularesa,
100 bass prim* men Itlo 0 , 170 e:
60 poor Plot sad Oran Tools
10 bomm ll i It sod Wm ti Ono I's soTobacem
I ! T*b." % 6 :jl=/i
SO Woo raw a nd
6 do Prot Mardi. -
With an asorttorot orMptoo o .ao.
Tta above sittaLmill low Lt malice bolas at
charts itO gra ..:1! I y ass t. trArklitrlttliflkarg,'"
myl6 2Wll.lbony 84.2
o i irDS FAMIL ' 8 ilia Sled the moat
ostoplato east of Bose CLOrgata httho tb•
gall Clothing nou% I.h, Witten LO needy aunts
clothing wo hays n toll
f T . ilmtmp's at Sho Whit .matt:2l
Mt gi j of ocampstent hands to al trin d thlz, lest
mottos. 0111=1411 Gothic Noll.
imslo cot Wood et. losion4 ANY.
a. Ws MO do *sec
Mak P. Hay..
I. IL Yrasik.k.
P. Et. PannT.
Q. Elterrams.
J. EL COtYLN. Agent.
owner TWA and Wood area.
Currier Fourth and Smithfield Streets
Authorized Capital 000,000.
Hen. THOS. li. VLOIINIKM. Preadent
Cow. 6. lieureoul, Secutarr.
IL L. Litscini.l.._," 'Secretary
!p.m NVllralti.
Mu's. Kali,
asuituel X. Stzkra,
Usury Pima,
James TriN
William Cy
Joshua L. Pile,
Jame. Tenho.,
Junes 11. iticiar:ast,
WA. C. Ludwig,
Chapin. Schaff.,
J. 7 Loan, Pittsburgh.
P. T. Minims,
Julia U. ran:cello "
API iIIAUTIN. /Pct.& itf.
- —Atl U. 11API P. Vale /read..
Ilm•• L. 1,141•31.
• • •••V
Ir1+11s.o• Marti.
Jo-mph 11.14.1.
Mound A. Mader.
/APAR. Norta.
John /I. Pon row.
(hrorg• o. LoiPoo•
Edwycl Darlingto,.
H. Jon.. krvoka,
J. G. Johnmm,
-lamest!. liana.
ThooptilomP Y. liuto oo u. hog
Vt. R.
flush (
JOO bbis Whisker. (rattled sad Wor)
15 her ni Des srso-1.4 hew:Airs
2 <Assn Port sad llselstra
n baskets llsbisicks Chszowszini
Whit 12q qr. minks Sweet Malaga Wlns,
its mineral anwartmerit, for ule bw
of 16 204 Men, Wwwww.
IDERFUMERY—Lyon's Katharion, Beef's
Autlime 011, itc,,e 'lair Ct . Y e.
tal Ponhad, Fahey ' , nth., et, A •A senment
Just r.e•a and as ado at the lowest prim.. at the dn.
Wood.ratent methela• depot, tin. 241 Labertt. , •t_. heal of
Wood. Pittebdrah. 0,16 A. N WICH
I INSKED 01L-5 bas.ree'dandfor sale
A br x 7l o fIICLLz 1.1120W1T. Water et.
nRIED APPLES -2100 bus reed and for
Sale No. 173 Cheat:ant Street. Phila.
. .
bMoay 2lst,
U 7
to nkls.N a l73Qatnt i so
t e aid. I,ycla
alo., mito.f reserve. the stock of Smith importrk cat.
{outwore: likewise the stocarnanufactured by air, limited,.
compOsing about
670,000 worthof lb. Best Furniture
ever Mined in this city. The suet Lall trerti, of [event
and manufactured .10.004 for private not.,
Rfrom new patterns and designs. since the late fire on the
promises lu December. It comprises every ~ ..0407 of
draajna room, bed room, dining room and library
in iiebry carved moaned. walnut. malsespur7 and risk,
Setkilif sod modern 041..,with Me richeet
ss• los and velvets.
. . .
A Ise. a largo aseortesent ofpWnersttlesof tliulog roan.
air morn add parlor furniture. with t est quality krialii.b
OS-navvy at Le. having been made expressly fur private
mit, the mime guarantee wilt be .teen se if en p urc hat viL
ekt AliirThe htch repo Latina of himfenkat av • careful mad
manuractu ter, entities to the full confidence of
•-.- .
N. from • diets.. mu lave their iiro•ds
eani T Packed no ths p - errilees. • .3311,34.1
Pennsylvania Railroad.
N and after Monday next there ill "be
three daily traias brtoreen Pltteburgh and Pbllodol
, hiultli 1 rtU OAt I. TRAIN leaver Plitabo.rgh
tor Ittilodol 'this at 15.30 A. M.
• TRE NidliT EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Pittsburgh for
Plalladelphis at 10 P. IL
Blairsville Accommodation, ain leaves Pittsburgh dal.
ly, except nunday, at 4.30 o ask, P. AI. Brinton's Ae•
comodatlon Train leaves Pity nryo daily sell o'clock A.
o. o'clock P. AL nod &al Y. 01. Running as far as
Turtle Creek Bridge.
• - •• • • .
Tha above Huey/mug at Pittebargh With the Kati
mad, to angfrom Bt. Lula, Mot Alton. Galena and Chins
°, Ph: Prantbort,Lesitigton ond leul.rille , Ky.: Ter,
Rauh, Madison, Lafayette and indlanatolio
oath Daytoodpringneld,Belletontalue,eargarliy • Tidenn.
Cleveland. Cniumbut, Worsullla, Nasal= and IV/lister,
Onto; also, with tine btu= Packet Boats from and to N e.
Unmans, 1.4. Ism., Loma", not udeutcunt•rt.
Through Ticksta can ha had to ny from either of the
ahem plum.
Y, thither particular., SPA Stand-Mils at the di.lorest
gaging min.. Paramours tkom the gut sin find this
the titmrteg and moat expelltiou. route to Phitoleghis
Ltealiimora, Nye Turk, or Bogor,
J. bIEht6IIIIY.N. elvish ituticetur Ling. Mnehogrd.
rtioA. 5100 hr Anwar. ~'sump, . Lin
176-Iyd trio
111.11tClIFI Chß have jut opened a farther SUPPI7 of
swath, Black Silks for Mantillas and Breaux. Aloha..
and handrome atyles of Palmy Drut BIWA at
Mime; Dimity Bantle, CrUltit Editing?. neat at Jua
na and Muslin Banda. Bruiting Collar., eery cheap.
Mack Lace Mant•ilao nf the sorb. quilt/no a fall se
augment, mylb
P ARASOLS—A A Maton & Co. have just
c opened 5 Mar. essa at fine Yaraselo Malmo An
tique, T.IIC liatin. Bala and Wu - ladling', .10 bompria•
log coma 1.117 elegant DOW gilt.. my/5
A. A. Meson dCo has reed .err coteitaire
gut of White Goals, coMpriaing toe pialn and firmed
°nig and ILmok Jabonata.Corded Ittam
Bur. lituftlings. Bateau. luertiou and line Bumbroldee
rig Ma'am description. mils
1103. !01 31
8041 L 111 00
oLOOO 00
FORTY FEET FRONT on Carson street,
for W. two rentable building lota. each 20 h. frontfbason at. South Pitt. burgh, Dr 112 deep to Miming
Allay. On each lot Is a two story Inane dwdling house
of 4 rooms and roller, rbide trees. £O. The Tionses are
sttuatrd on the • Iley, giving room for two large ball/huts
ca tarts st, lb. Omnibarara tiass erste Gm Wiliam
making thispls. lery easy of wren. Price for both
0 1 .200. or will be sold 4 eArinately If desired.
mylt 8 THEZN.T t BON, 61 Mailot at.
Jdealrable rocmtry residence beautifully nitilatel on
Chartiers Creek, 4 blies tram the elty. Conte:sung lo
news with abownows (=Pang over 11 acres) of rieh bet.
tout land. on which Iv erected a now and ltutetantial two
steeled frame house, containing I roogis; ball and e-Ilan..
out house., te,.; together with a young ocebard of grated
fruit tees* et Tarim. kinds and nearly ell bearing. 'aria gg
hoe.., and tamp of excellent water, not to he
lo the country.
The where property will be mold at a hamaln and on
lons credit,. as tbe GYM( 1, shoat to ch•lagehi, Irtisionss.
Apply to B. id'LAIN h. SON,
. .
kJ trn.rrr wherl And ram. pig fur Ws ny
rullS Ithr•ILLA A NOE
nACON-40 C/18Ili Shoulders, 15 do Hams,
jrlo Lo Palos, ..:716 Sic:GILLS It RON
LAItD-15 bbls No 1 Lard for sale by
m 715 EIefIILLS 811014.
DRIED PEAOILES-20 sacks Ohio halves
Rr sale bi m 715 ' 116.111,L1 kIIOE.
gu RAIN BAGS--1500 Stsrk Mills Seamless
N_A Bu e l pr W. br myls bIeGILLB a BAIL
fk, ACKER/Lt.-10 bbls, Medium No, 3
IVlillonooktoolta Innoction. tn. aalo by
In, 5 iddiLLL3 A COE.
Cooolnol nod far stle by
►TANNERS'OIL-30bbls. fur sale by
B. A. VA11216870C11 a W.
myls co, Visstand Woc.s .L B RITISH
E MR RY —75 kegs for sale by .
tolli B. A.IILTINISTOCK a c.o.
R AT eels by
Wb co LAN FEATHERS.-" 8 sacks
wmt.6.l.lsentbers. on game". Mal...lona to or•
rt... 1 , 5 . mi. by 53y15 ISAIAH blelins A uo.
Cottage Grand Piano.
QPECIALLY adapted for use -
Ac, ono In all blare
U-me• wto re • neat and arm
W ale e. .
pr allz of t desirabl Th
conspy but very blue room, their l engt h
balmy . Ore f.t.
bright Ivor feet arol depth two fret. and are math crizr
Nor lb* 0410.110 re horizontal Plena, In power and
eweetoess of tone. T h e etyloot (mature le nosnroaszeol
t. elemnee and taster..., and their durabilltr
daubted. Delon iron hatenad thronahmat, sad made of
lb. ma. mtaleastlal They an from one of the
Ctet manufsetarle. In tarom uh.rii_they ars net my-
Ddlalaan all other .tyle. of Pianos. rurobaaara and the
Debt. In gen.nt are invindi to mil and examine.
• ••• •
U. iiLaiiaa a ELIO., Na st,
x. 11.—Tbay to fulls 0.'14
AT T a meeting of the Commissioners of the
motion or Oat. W. J.. 141100, Eq. It 1.11
Bentionl, That boon sulteMptlon to the capital
stactof CcroPanT is.OPereed at the fol:owing times
and "Isom
At itt. Checks MCA. Pittsburg), on 19th and 20th May.
At Jarrett's tavern, Waahlogion road.--- —214 do
At Iliclarlandle Gore, titenbenville toad 221 do
At ThioniVe store, In N0h1e5t0w0.—.......---23.1 do
At P.m' Martini, to Idanebeld. —2lLh do
Eirtiool. That •lesander Ilelfer. Monte 'Cher. and Jan.
Trantok. be appointed to melee wobactiptlone at the
a/Jere Grace and 'Glow In the craretry, and.
p.DL James N tattl. John P. blow and Bamuil A LOOP.
ta receive onbeirlptione lu the eity.
" JAILS WOOD, Chalmao.
N. A. Loath NW'. myleidttletta
. .•
wauld respectfully inform
Ma friends and the ruhlie generally, that he wilt re.
clove on Honda: April Yth. to No . SS Aim! st. earner of
Dtamond Misr. he ha will ma heretofore - gody to
Di.sse.. all .ho will favor hla with their patron...
av 7 oIICNTMR.
A. Krebs A, Bro.
Ns. 74 Third Stret. Dinpettch
i:l GRAVING AND PRINTLNO assented In th e ten
stela. at vtendeeets erteee. ta2endllll
For Sae,
...... no N USE now occu otne Eled by tha aubla
, :amabo.r:a. 4 . 9B "flarsZal with
of DeoW
W . Yor pullouts», wiquiro of
• - • - •
kl.&sitt arm orßears &
A . Pattaras. Plasta Tools. eta. •111 be sol , l or 14 11. r
ser of yenta oa samlerate terms.
Or. an active bullies§ rum with a capital 'mall be lee
raised as aOr or as • reaaaort. /alma Lox Ma,
Post 0111 a. oda.
k) elven that lettere o f Athatnlstratlon have
A. ban granted to the eubseelter o the estate of Jamas
Ilea, lot. of rntsboxillo. &cid. All persons kneeler
thomee le., Indebted to Bald estate. me neuron. to make
latmedlatopaiment and all laving Malmo to present them
properly autbentleited fur settlement.
ap2i:lantlerel SARAII RWED. Annex.
Stock and Note Broker,
ic k ONUS,' Mortgages, Promissory Notes and
II Lams on Collataralor neigollstad Stocks bon. ht and
sold oo Vornodooten.
Haring an sat•ostro soonolistaaro with Moalod
utro two e 1211.1014 to , oottotaste loans ontrnoted to Gil,
prociotli awl cm favorable:um%
B. lIOLDLES it - BRO., Pork and
v v Deaf Aaiun. crow of Harlot and Yront et: bare
for oak.
100.000 oleos Burka Elder sad Bhouldur is WC .41
stooks house.
Pork arid Bort
lard Na I and
Lard In
Jars for Molly steo.
Dried et
thaw 11), Ilarbloarr,
Spoor Oand Family Name aslidard•
FRANK VAN GOBDER Ims removed to
af No. 78 MARK T RT., neatly orrotlts to hyoid Mama,
end le
alto lastiliggl tinge customeni:ol:ber
At. o lo+ll7,Rum Joae
nterhel..4 t. 0V!
Market Lt.' starlauteb.,
To Coal Dealers.
IDIROPOSALS are now being received at
11l the oelne of the Clacirmstl Cu Light and coke O an•
pang. For the &limy at =SAO bashed. of l'imahlogbenY
or beet queUty Pitt/Margie Coale. natty@ Elm Wore in Cin
innati. Yrom 64000 to 100APX) Wends should be dein ,
mad oy the Ant day of 'July next the remainder will be
remind In we monthly metal) ntrute throughout the
balance et the year MAO.
The tied Mane et the Company an Quin AtieAm, to
th • landing. El. J. lilLLEA.Presadent. P T.
(Annenati, April 80. 11560.
Meyer,. Stoat & Storg r aaroth,
ScuiPtutu, Stucco Workers a Wood Carvers,
No. 222 Pen, it., stsar
irMURES of all kinds; also Ornaments in
Flutarof Pit 14 llrced and YaibV. eta. in decant.
banding both inala•and oat.
Drawings oat ow/ drialsillon mad fimalshal at Um
!hurt Olt MUM noland
meat (4t rale Tor buytrand sallar. It Is strictly ad
bend to At Ociblo MU, as it shonld ba by sysry aall reg.
elated business twou spry alma Tb: season Re ram.
met Aspis 1s now A t band, a.d si very large sad wall so
tested stock los MEN% spawns wear csa Os formal at
Uoiblo Dail. tor. Wood id and D:ataatui
• itudr N Visa.a • r 0714
O BENZ—Tho Store Room and Cellar id
iot:4n¢ tbe Tee r4•llot=t Wr% ET.; Imams.
stan i d== ite 3 4 • W be rented leer. 141
a gwd-
Ettl i rblie t t i t ;°, " 4
. WLADIS t SON, Buske's Buildbegottli sus:
ACON-6 maks Shouldn't, 4 do Hama,
inp ut red and lby NU by DAVID U. lIMILDIT.
msu or, 1 01011110 Wad Ida.
CommisbioN MECHANT,
FOR the of Western Fteserve Cheese,
Butter is ird i ltar d. a i r k lage m
No. 116So:end et, het. Wood $ l. Smithfield,
0. Blackburn, Pr.
to Maßm ii k
g=r2r i gn,. B. Fahnartod 00
A Card.
- I REQUEST the attention of my Wanda and
A the plablie to my WOE of
Which I think contains • isiger Variety or rich
styles than any other farm. haudisze. I ha,. igen
pains in obtain ail str.shadr. or
desired, sir Pease, Warne. Halberd'. Moans,
twat., Brown and 01Ivr, with nrloue tents of Mesa and
Sloe. I have otesdred the wane cp.' In sekettramY
=Cy Cassameres,
Wt.lah embrace , • choke ac me mf not colon.
aultabLe for 07-0111IIM dives In the Banuner Mess,
with • number of Black Eleatic Flame/ rhsedre alp in
tended for the hot weather. Hr stay of VISTISaidL a•
lame to eau be fond elsewhere, eersprutag,... 7 ,4.l l
of Psdrersr• plate sad filtered linnseintes end Mare
acortenent of dope Cathie's baabeenancreasai
am prepared to MI art order. m Ude bran.% vita mule
sedge:Don to =pelt and borers Ulan bittern,. vordd
call special , atteotlen to a number of srettr mall Plaid*
penyDedip &dented to obit:lrene dregs. 'Mien. I tbitdre
cannot LW to please. ales, Draettem, argentine Luanne.
Andalusian Merinos, French I:ankh:lett. sad Drab
Ball= Clerks. walk anmerone Strfes of Worsted and Ida•
en tico4S, Intended etcher for m•us' or keel . ..Clonal:me
ap.l.3.lmd&ul No. 80 Wood &met.
Liver Pills and Termil'uge,
rega ti li:r . irqdus!,e read
booed by • ann of rrtonnire
og, as well as to excel. b.effected an pao yr:lcon ,
oo Oa original anzltu.audYialunxilof Da. O. WU.
"" of
One Improved Liver PI sand Vernfifugepsasass =star
either and ars me mild lo operation tbaa
Laver Pills and Ve or nal ham Pthoathd ' , thing to tbe 011.2 .
1.1 receipt of Dr, C..llthane. We mite tbia dadaratka
understandlogl.Y. and ran... 4 them to the staslethy es
balng both plea.ot and swath' and ball.° them 'ups.
Nor tn.,other Liver Plll or VormiNgfe ern prepared.
Food Certif.rate of Dr. C. McLane, below.
The Whole World Conquered!
Dr. I. • Scott's Celebrated White Cirsaseian
The univorsol relief &Ended by appliratton. of this Celio
(mond King of Fain Killen in ease. of Rheumatism, Gout,
ihnithano, non. Throat, 801 P
ow of the Joltite, Sciataca, Paine. btedg. /DIMS Rohm,
o rny ottor Drown or whirl, a Pala or Linimenut
used. ensiling into affert • • Davey that era, BMWS
Chletwarled Kate Cifintuato t^iwest la Osumi *fable,
We wad Piwnient reccwly yrt dleorrrerad, pronowituf sato.
proportles fir boohoo disease. cant theproopt pear
evtiun Qiyain. The many attestatioit, of Ilan TIMM Ow
en ty persons ofeedinbubed judensont asni Wirt In
any, ebould induce ail to adopt it SA nstandard 7it.117
liemedy. The mom ineaxinious will motel, mothball
too, than see. nowion testimony of Dr. 4.1. ItcLane.
tionaishedrreat De...owner of noWical remedial!.
READ! READ!! 11.8.4D11l
Dotdainrwa, WL..hept. LI, 18.55.
Taal ia to tkritry, ,,, That %have exaculoet tbo BaceSpt lbr
BVM!'el'a"2:. ktri°,..gollft'efo" ""•r=
t h at in my o.Po, during_
Thirteen ream and that 1 inhere be has IMPROVED
IIIKAL I=az• the above ointment the mire.=
as 1 hare no a re in
n et whatever. I womb!
Onto that (hare (moonily need his Cklebrated Write Cir.
Marko Linia-of 1. my practice, ',Matto haPPihd. &UM,
nod that can 000selentlowly niconnoend IL
C. MoLANE, M. D.
All the above al edlolnesFrepered solely' under the en.
partition of Dr. I. &oft. bold by DrucaDda and New
chente even - where.
Th. ear....hs or. O. J=9,0.3 Li... nu, and
haprorrd Vacmlfuse are signed Dr. 1. beat a Ooy armor
yarded by carats:eta of 0 McLane, The genuine Celebrat
ed White Clreuelan Linlommt signed D.
I. beott Co..
amonoarded elth "'mature of I. Boots. EL D.
DIL 1. SCOTT a CU.. bole DroprtetOrle
Bank Place. blorcantown,_
Dr. 01.11. ERSED, 140 Wool PL. rlttatuarg,l4 Whole.
. . .
• • . • •
Allegt.r....a.l l =kliknWbOl.
alo •cout.. i 521.41 ,1• irbor
o tbal'utillrit i ,gi m h: /a itr, 7 .\l. l " = ft u *E'f. to
fri rs
Log been tchilwhed by Protracted 111 health. toesign hie
charge sa Rector of the ulna. they have been so fortunate
as to secure the valtutble 'melee. of the am GUMMI T.
HIDER, of New York, for the eamenxwithirn, and who mai
tenet onoe own the ate-barge of his dune. Prom
hadhigh end flattering oionmendatlone which. they have
had of Mr. num; they have no doubt aids eminent Ws
hese for the inch cog omitted to blot, mad they Wier. Mel
under his nianagesnant the Seminary cannot MI to psi).
cure • large share of ',obi!o favor
Persons bavrogrdetunter. or wards to .4=U are par
teularly desired to arqualgt themselves with the advan
tages which this institcdloas afford, bolls es Wised.. Ito
beautiful and eelulgious position. two and • half mils,
from the elty; endwise the facilltiee for the thorough and
refined education presented to its etlieient censor metro,
threulus may be ot,toto.d orttlitrotm to the feet..
or either of the Trustees.
Intm 11. v 'hn enhsrcr.
%Vitlisza F. Johlawn,
Oeo. S Feltlen.
ItwoLM 11. Lemur.
apalltadymt • wlmT
Plrraatnet., iteg_.r.b. UK.
ntllttlEf hu this der deele red a dividend or l'lrebar
teat, oat of the grobte of the Jut_ elz months. The
Ntoekholdere, or their legal repretentatlam 'gill be paid
on or after the 10th lost.
IhiSSOLUTIONThe Partnership hereto
s_s ram gale:tine =dee the name mad sty bar
la th Is 41,7 dlooleed br motnal =met. lilther of the
partners are eathortiael to laws the buslates of told
FoliwlaiiTlib" COMMISSION
Flour, Grain. Bacon. Lard and Butter,
Next door to the Old Stand,
No. 114 First street is 116 Second street.
Jesse. Ilarehan,,EN, President tamer.' Oepoat &Mt.
John Floyd CA. corner 61.0 end Wood ete.
Wo. Thinly% 0n.., ilanalednarer.
stod Pittatinch Merchants aeuerelly.
k Co.. Philadelphia.
Inwront. :ambit t tiarratem, do.
J sign
IL H. Palmer,'
Na. 105 Market Street,
Itzellasire attention to ads particular Nadu= maim.
DWI to odor geut Inducemen ts tc pcialthasm. Fab22amd
Wm. Clayton,
out. 11.:" 12:1 4 ggit=rPara....1
win orders yrtna pUr attended to. azilfrAmS
A Human Life Saved:
Donors' /Mob, Martial. 2156.
ft. RIIODES. gro.r. Dear tilr.—de I toot Tor toodicina
to Uon consignment, 'Yoo core no pay.f 1 tate
in stating Its north. Aa reported to lue by thew =ti a" m
who live in this Timm. and their trsUmony la a fate spa*
men ot ail I have r en
W. 8. Coasts told me- , 1 had taken Was bottles of
Christie...6mm Dolmas, and conUnually min down while
using It until my lungs and iirer wer. Co.geoted to that
degree that Wood discharged from my, month and lional!,
ro that ail thourot it impondhle for ma to Ilia through
another chilL the doctrre too did All they amid for me i
Lot thonght I die. Ning Old me any mood until
I got /Mode's fey.. And Ag o. Coro, a/doh .0 ono" rae
Dryad me of tho dlatrium and nausea at my stomaah and
pain to my . head .d toodt. and Pm. ducal a pitananeut
awe Dia short .
/LCONELINeepo !./ had been tatlaz medicine of
es loads doctor as we hare Is oar , aunty. and ten= Vas
quentltra quinine sad etecifice without any good result.
front 111th August to Month December. lint Mogi= hoe
iute It ape rated on ins brother. I got bottle at
SMODFAr IfieVXR AND AkiIIR MUD. whlthseented &pen
=meet owe by_aldng two third, at kett/e..
• P. IL waanot here. but both the clink broth.
era ley his case wea the mamas IL Ws 1 sultt the =idle
due to both the game day. and the muw was ea aleseir
from the nine mall dasstlty. sad I isdebt me Nbenfy,
-You with rented.• A. /IUNTINGTO.N
Tex above apealm for Wait Hood proof 1 1 / 9 .11
so better tenor than the 'sat number cf like rentacatee
I have already natal:hod. and the still greeter Amount
that is continually mating in to me.
line things:ors lAA year I tied sedation to Caution
the Public in three wordc—
. .
....tcs 4.a . se firm 1040 Aare Law! one 4 ay youra.l y
rm. thnr
an. and Mae wild bre.ys rad thyi leak
v.(00 'Leg the, prurtutor Vasty other sew
ar notch
to N if:Lr ' :e e ariettf=ett,tl.-.ltli=
- -
ed Um above oertlaeste.
There are 180411.1 other Industrious people who •
plylag to tbelrpolaserees Ulan all that 1 publlob about
Ihrenl2ll4ue Cam, or Antidote to aleJarle.
th•Cettl4ateeo Dorm and The Oertlfltsta of the eelebrae
tad Chetah; Dr. Jame. ft Chilton, of le. Y. In time of Da
Perfectly . MaltalLehb Wiens Dna. .111.1. to attactai to
m lik:-zar t il , l:l . •ll.7i NITS to dlattnantal
/AL A. 11 . 1 1001LS, ' Protelolor. P.rovldanolol. 1.
For Pala by Jobe
Ueda,. 060. 11. Amber.
N. Wlekereham. L. Stint and Druggiew b
OTIOE je hereby given that the partner
lv ehlp heretofore inning between the tanderagnad.
°odor the same and all. of tleltTEll a RNA& t. ttaa
day diesoleed hy the pozottese of the intevet of Junes
Bee. by Henry Outer.
The beanen of the firm TIDb. settled by Henry Cut...
who le alone entheriteci to nee the tome of the firm in
Wog eo. ' OARTP.II.
lltta'g. Batch3l. 7.656mA10ad 3ADIXS RUN.
Warehouse No HS Water greet, e074,f,rM. ,
. 11 W n cena ib t :Fan um. "4 sr• mhitwe r P :e "a
rared "aer r a. o trrde ilk4 ra l fo "ll :e7lsPre a i earAi
OM., ast rKed AltA Ter We by • • •
reran T.
LIMED APPLES-40 sacks redd and for •rt 4 DAy_lD 111011137.
UGGY FOS SALE—A second handbuggy
for ale by idoChtIiDLEPS, ILEAYM .11 co.
em• W.rd ava Watar rte
BARG or lu E
mber FOR SALE—A largo barge for
mml far nolo by.
lareAlIDLl53B MUNI] CO.
poOT All-10 maks we rued and
ay t 7 arl4 BleabiloLrbd. ME.LNIE 00.
f iOPS-4 bales just reed and for eale by.
MTH sfresrunz_____ l_____s , swan's ack:k
LARD -10 kegs No 1 just ree'd artror
.1. by m 714 1dc41. 1 .10113. NIZA93 200.
'Qom, BUTTER-5 boxes freshltißut•,taiest reed and for ma& by -
m 71 4 IdeCANDLESB. 61BAS0
TM )A r 1 ME,,..49bb1a t o y em
e ntri
City :meals by !BALM DICICXY 4 OD.
UTTER-5 bi,ikurim read and
fu „ d . by Dill. LICIGIITT. Water st.
MO bias rel — TriniTc - ,r iat b,
YZ-1000 bus. Pena. 43re in more and for
skra. a LIGOILTT.
bbls. Greatuir
4...7 5 Ulf bbli isrt, Ursula NW:
tivsl;"ulyipb 11!&11slatr_fIom irtnallownlla
ASEI-9 cub just reedt for
bob b, IRITOMBON. N0.116' Secant'
lILEB-8 good Pit Mules tor sale by
rail; MAX ALVOLIANS, Womlti