THE DAILY ftti-VILY: -. .PIETTSJ3URGIt GA '. 7-! -7.: .,:::..:j . :'.T...i .. •' '...:'1:7 ESTABLISHED IN 1786. '_BUSINESS DIRECTORY. •3 7 . • • - • ;MILL t 00.11 LDOLMITSIIia AGENOY r2ll Num& Arzrarr..l4W .ate You. Touo. ..7 shod. ibleoll. e. Uo. Aiernto for the roost Irolusratal mid lanced roolott=orr.hd Pawn both tb the Uhltod States ad the 13'; le for /858. .A.LL, 9 and 11 Park Plat NZ (6 , YOWL . la the attention of buyers from all Wll at tilll toaab l27l a ETILAW r or firolliit: ' ,lAll. L rummers. TIIMIMIIIGh, to, inelittlithoa ashortilodt th' rAriliall aim...knot tty Ito,•• - • With • roma sisals:tog or STRAW BOSINCTB and FLU% ad tin ihniost,•tlesigns i all of • whith oral be aimed •.alitoi nom MIL 111188 a HALL, . 8 all Park Plaah Now Yeah. -ratilfr.dafet- . 2 sea _ nib •British flate Glass- Company. 2..41 7 WHE411. • -Warahonso for the United States, JOAN PLA'rf, 7D'Marra7.Bfsptt hew York. TIIERE will be aotind full assortment of their Gamier Pothered Plate for Stone er.d Howe Ymits.iihos Ceres, to. Alto, Hough Ouse trove hf tol l inches thick. • .If, IL—Wasiaractuttiuml Mt referred to the Nes State floater( Ohloom Ooltrratrar, sh:th Is elteed with the Plate Glees of the Cocorethr. mtah;amdr - ANDREW k JESUP. COMMISSION 31.ERCUANTS, ' • ("atoll rind Vivien Machinery. EViorS alsalottirsdiscfristed roots. Batons dc, lurcrraruma psalers to ilsourastoress • Artteles No. 67 Pine St., New York. N.iL iVrairri th ;ll6,LClll IRON Waa)lB. - &earn Engines and Baia., Nselcoirs ..Spoey In Now Tort for 1.0 WELL al &CLUNKISLIOPP Machinists , Tools sOCMyr • Hough's Patent Elastic Skirts. RATES FRANCE, No. IBarolay street, VATITION—Nene at . &11 -erupt they hare the temp of the patent. .&11 cumnfacturere sad sellerre In ririmit Ell be progx,attfi McOrding to Lew. h2O -t W. JACKSON 42: SOb. ORATE AND FENDER MAKER, sla .67t0/414.37. I it . IGO ItROADWAI: NAM YORE. Jnal4l, TAIRSANK'S PLATFORM SCALES. •r.underaikned having been appointed vintages denote for the eCt tot • thaw nelehrated nountfeetartat b the =icing Invent= • - • • - 11. , & - T. FAIRBANKS & CO., ..wiri..e.trouy Invite attention or tho ;tattle enoexiority of Moe Scales over .I other, 4 - PterAHltettlee hove 'been lobjectet to the SigirStUrST • :nsrolk ell the principal Italiroade In the Unitial Mato" ad In trinfelte l l ' ;:gfolg " l '"` Tt i- ,dr,et ' r dttbble ty ha...rained for noon the reputation of be SUE STANDAAD PROM -TYLI/Ckt TIZILRE CIAN BR AVO 4.PPE.I : - . . . Ws era_preparsd to 1111 orders for Counter, Pori:obi% Uortilagr, tbulot Still, IL., Onsl, Railroad sal Clonal bombes, at asonaloolgrers• pars" [ t WELLS, • Libertretreet, Osarnarrebti Row, mallard - Pittsburgh. PITTOBI7I - I,W COACH FACTORY. 31.1.11133. ..... asinal .. .„...... . . . ..... ..... ... ... 'BIGELOW & CO., (Successors to E. Al. [Uslmr, aatNo. 46, MAIM r Wood et :VD ALUM STA ma., , - Pittsburgh, Peuua. oCOACILES, CARRIAGES, PHOTONS, Baggieo; and sverr- do•al•tion of Panay Valid. t to ord.. and finished in • manor u Neat,. of datl6, ele- of fain. AM or=c 4 usga and donblllty ot 01...5.14 . faran ',ark marmots& w's • Hide Oil end Leather Store. .1031.2ZPATILICK, . .No. 21 South Third: Street, twee., 3lezliet and Ctestaat tpl i nFOß SALE SPANISH lIIDES, 1)r men salted Patna MN. Tanners' CHlaanners la 11:11 Pada of Latta In the neeJgb webtad. *a* e* , the Elshgt market pate wit! be Zieettle =lt, °eta.= In xehaatar tbr Leafage stoma Ave er=A n d 414 on coaualadsm. .110:003. :W t. cOUTCHBONA CO., VVI-TaLESA.L.E. GROCERS. Product as a Commission Merchants, AND RULERS IN -Pittsburgh MauttEsztured Articues, Si. 219 Latirty sired, Corner of /mix, my* PIITIIBUILCIEL PA. ZONES et COOLEY, WIIOLESALE GROOBAS AND 13047 FURNISHERS- I . IEALEIIS IR Yrenlota and fiiiinnighffanufactarra, No. 141 Water Street, near CA Y elter PENNA. PAINTERt..I., LONG [!OUSEs - AND SIGN. PAINTERS. MP. 7T iOl4 FbefrrOrm Mag k r i EFlD AU :orders promptly attended to. 111WEIVA rut:luta In a anmrTaz style. mh."7.4:1 U. C. 1081212107--.....----1...1. If. laLl-tx. Mt. , 110E11030N, KORB MILLERS VOUNIMES - -AND ENGINB BUILDERS, iumn*tirdri!of all deierlitiT,ls .lall Csathup, caw. tio:llltartet ant sad bealad Mats. Si lit:-WICIEBRSHASI. IV'HOLE SA LE • A N:11 - RETAIL nacyclavr, No. Stl Llberty'Etrdit. }lead of trarnhati alosta kentre .hand end tor T i do a general and complete astortnient or onum. Medicine, Paiute, Otte. Dye Blade. Window Gime rd aU Linda. Patty . Perim:tern zettlat antrroprietary eine., etc. To my old irlende ant crustoittera—TLayliew golden: my Drug Eton In Ilsitimere, and returned to Ohl elty, gad bought out the,Drun—listabllehment or lir. Joel Mauer, Na 211 Liberty, street. 1 shea • happy to me my old frielideeor the Mumme It rs of ,Mr. Mohler• and elan ewe no p t iti t ne o ltalsoglieni with wi t i t ylpho r t a ligotny: In mi dai , No, 241 Liberty wt. Valraible . : 'al Eitate for Sale. a Offer Dr pale. tho two theta story brick . buNdlenor at the South bist ec=er of Peou and Eland Nos. 211 and 2113 l'enn Street: The lots imer each 03012 t. bet ea Penn etreet. by.' 60 Ant In-depth. The buildings are substantial and 111,15 nowt rauta. • I alawaTer the four three nary brisk dwelling . houses 'maths east elds or 11004 nose., Nee:Bs. ST. Bg. - and-al eash lionse Inn alauElll feet 3 Inclum fo front by about • ate= sea soldy. or together, and at kw prim: A *Malt audylancunst mill ba booth= nod a ressonablelhts flynn for the at of the balance Apply to .. . :114/. WELECIS Attorney at 1 av, oe.lbtf , . , ,• . • \..• , n. 137 fourth street. St Clair-Street irtoperty for Bale. Aill:Aelliorited to sell on Tory reasons - Ws tarms.any Deer man of tbree dna Ws. slim ek dwelling thane on tb• westerly aids of Et. Mar deset, bans houses Non N..= 21. 2d. and 28, between Penn Other end th e Old Arlethenr bridge. Them bonen. .alinsaltable stores-and dwellings and are situated in good kcallty.- TholoU are eseb, 18 feet In-7mA by 1 , 0 - bee In depth to ma allay•tar feat wider • A moderate easkrimment nib barequired, and the bal anos allowed tom:Mall dor • gessombne 111. mewed tr .be bond and moniagenAtrlAtircbstrr. , Agyl7 to • 11,„13. , SynAind Attic-MT at Law, CMIE BOOTS e.WD SHO ES, W . llO LE S. A. L. AN.I.E RITA IL. MILE subscriber respectfully culls the at, tatthon of his tHende and tilt , battallo nttltnalit,to ao trzaMtostlon or tds extatialve stock of Hoots and nem fuse yea:stead Cr:. N.w Solland Itardafsetnress, In which will bo G=d any kind of Wink Oen% Allsfe and Chaklnenbl Boca& Oaf Ors and Raw. mad. ant of the best material. net lunsantalp stator taw Wart stylaa In order to salt ernintny degas and those who vista in pt hurt ms 4 e i ns work: la t Losana i Nt r az 3 e i tzicd keel, nosts ant r er ' omaaa, , ro r y's arld Tattles • ftrbatns.- /L . Ina otai and Btudalus, lard Mimi Benda, ebalch bs 'muscats. •, ranarenta to We prises banned MY nottdon.more. than that ha Is avian - to MU MI them. otbst to . AsbUstanssast an the city. . • Ttrankful tha libelant "stemmas tunutofor• melted I • stadia. further Carom and h a t Ins loon am:artisan* I. . he nab