:7 ,aiggrzg-,cm.iszpl•avenFr- RITTAppIaRGH.: Bar 12 1856 • _Kansas Aid Astootition. - • +k14644111.111M3 w JACICAOIL' • Car. BstreEDW.4.9,n J. -ALLIII4; ' formstz - nom bail= blur with the &addl.. or -, lutttoe =Mt Es. What .i t aso li til ill:WI:IL ° ' ,Want Eu t i Al .s. 7 .- f. oz.th stmt. Ear Emittallell.. • • 1,, •• Inaterer Cptlitr.—Befera 'Judges ili#crlitoit In the ewe of .Boyd et -at we. MOrgam_ et al, the Ejectment Clue which'hiiSbeen on, trial for B .olraer. leek. a Beatty Beitty Partition made 'stinting teo the plaintiffs ffty acres of the lend in qautien,tind to the defendants the .remain r. 'ior,portion "of the one and seventy. • nine sees and eighty perches, 'to hold the Bold •• : - s:rzelletnittnte male ink severalty foreier. - ../711111=11., Ouretatin and Co. ea. James O'Hara; opinion by' Judge Hampton sustaining the de. muter to additional counts of plaintiffs' narr. • Mills ins ! John IL Mellor : motion far is new reasons therefor filed. Irwils and Joseph It. Knox vs: same. On motion of Jasper E. Brady rule on ex-sheriff Magill•to shoir cause why au attach , meat should not. Lune menus him for contempt in not returning - the above named writs. " •In the case of L &A. Patterson vs. the West ' ern Panama .nanranoe Co., of Ohio , in which a verdict' 'was • tendered for the plaintiffs for $2124.76, Judge Hampton delivery' an, opinion: at length overruling the motion for, a new trial. Judge HattlPnin then .read ills:Why and able opinion oWthe reserved Point blithe flare ef cam. 1 vs. Dr. Hays, late Prothonotat7, a synopsis of whieh,we glee below. • ve! ."'"' Thee:rat we:Sl:aught 'to...recover .$9,908 61, - - 1. , 'Hip; there being that deficiency in rees.thatiottliMent of his Accounts • si Prothonotary of County. Baits Were also entered against • ."y! • Goodman T..'Coniter,; . and • Ephraini Jones, the sureties of Dr. Ilaye, And verdicts , were render',l against all forams- Simonet claimed *Utile '--!4•-terest, subject to a. point miscued, which wea, that theie.was no evidence-that the defendant had notice of the settleitent of this acedunt by the !--; Midget Ovairsl; Or that a copy thereof, under -;:i••• 'this bandied seal of the Auditor General, had been sent to the defendant by mall or otherwise, according to the provisions of the Act of Assem: bly of , the SOth'of Starch 1811. • The opinion of the Court was that ibe defend.. ant had smostruetirc notice in time to allow ISMS 1 alit, daps to appeal, but that he felled or neg lected to avall , ..himsolf thereof. Judgment was therefore ordered to be entered on the verdict for the intend found by the jury. i• P A retit foil 6,1,w a documentread by Judge nil be found interesting for the ra.y emphatic man aer in which a recent decision of.Jedgo &sok. of the Supreme Court Is COM . wetted ..spene -• el i;in Wan Cot - nsci —Li the *masa should by of, Mil opinion ;Ist the questioner law has not been re-erred In push a meaner as to meet side Lid dawn by the Sapreme Court, they can -draw op a furmal bill of exceptions, presenting ,'. the queetiocre more distinctly, andlt will be seal. std by dx.e Court. I mike this suggestion to the counsel by way . of unties, itioseurch as my bro-.' this Will and meson have bath been entre. , - ~•suuate, it seen., in our mode of reserving qua. thom.. The Supreme Ccurt rr ceutly revrweed a Judgment entered by myself, because the ques don Wall not properly reserved; I allude to the ow of W. & F. Wilson vs. 'The Steamboat Tu. carers. In that cue, the only contested fact in the cue was submitted• to the jury and paes.ed upon by them, and the only question of law was reserved and decided by, the Court. The counsel on both sides underetood distinctly the question of law, and argued it with great ability, both In • " this Court and the Supreme Court. Yet Mi. Justice • Black, in delivering the opinion of that Court, seas:. "This was en issue of fact. A fury was - ; called to try it, and each party produced whatever evidence he had to sustain the issue on bbs part. Bat the jury to whom the evidence on both sides.waa given, were discharged by the Court • • -without giving a verdict, or even hinting an Opinion on any part of it except the amount of • •- the plaintiff's loss." Again he sage: ~ T he jury found a single fact, and on that gave a verdict for _the plaintiff. The Court found other facts, and therenptediamitided the conclusion of the j nry, and gave judgment for the • defendant. Neither _ - - we.nor the judge who tried the cause, have any authority whatever :to do mesh tillage." In ea -other plum he says "We review hero nothing' - but what appears on record. This record is a , • blank.'fr. That must have been a strange kind of • a blink, - indeed, if the learned judge found in it all thinks he did. Yet it meet all be there, for he sap they review nothing but what lap-' . • pure on the reword. He has discovered far ". ...more in thatblack recent, than either this Court , or the learned counsel ever dreamt of. - In Another - part, of the opinion he says:-- , ,"Aniong the children of Israel it was the hard • emus that ;were brought to Moses, not those *WA-were -plain." I have looked carefully 1 Into the, poultice of that distinguished Supreme ' -• Judge of Ism!, for some light on the subject of reserving questions, bat have not been able to find a solitary cue, daring his administration of :Justice for a period of forty years in the wilder - news-in which he reversed thejudgment of the Inferior Courts because the questione were not properly reserved. Nor can I and, after the most careful examination of the "Lamentations of Jeremiah," any complaint against the Judges of Inset for not reserving their pestles of law .. • in a more' formal manner. laadother part of the learned Judge's review of this blank record, he Bays: "We can easily see how this practice crept into the District Court Of:Alfrghetly COUllty.' OD whet page of the Wank reposed this information is contained, - • is more than I can discover. Yet it must all be • . there, because we are - asstued,that the . Supreme •- - Omit reviews "nothing bat what appears on ' - - the- record." Now - I have been somewhat fa ' miller- practiCe of this Court, in the - - Matter reserving questions,' for a period now "bartering on twenty years, udder all the former •'•'" Jading, end feel very safe ID staying, that, with perupa one exception. their mode of reserving ' '„'questions; was certainly no more exact or techni ::,• rut -than ours et the present time. And yet not :::: - .ii - siataif.nstiac, ever occurred of a cue be ••••-•-- leg. reversed for that . reason. No Complaint whatever was even uttered by the old Supreme • •' Beech en that subject. hut this same learned ” ''judge;.in a recent opinion delivered by him in . • 'the else of.Hola vs.'ltittezhouse, has explained :• -• the reason of the present difficulty about re. , served queetious. .He says: "But now, new ,• new lies is the order of the. day." .rthis Court changes on the IST : eragitoun every nine years,: without counting -" - the ch.e rf deal' and resigation." Thus we rim that the - dasuiry has not arisen from nay 'ilort;tlda by this Caurt from the practice of ei , •.71 ther the. chilleen ef Israel in thei Wilderness, or 'of tinj .. .Predecessors cn this Bench; and the - voroleg voice cf. the loereed Judge given in his - ."egasion In Berney. II c:e's case, tended to confirm my fcreur oorkeletion., that the best method of .1., avoiding ail the evil, greying out of these mod ,- era ineevadoni so opt to eprlng from the fro. quint - changes of the Judges,, is to offing more closely• to the lIIICICat doctrine attar/ decitat, eo :etreigly reeesmended byJudge Black. Aimee. dgretuen.• therefore, to the practice of Chief - Mosta La the Wiliereess, and of the old Bends of the SOPrirao Cecil, in &law all the - "her" causes" brought up to them, without re ' gaid the technic form In Isiah they are - - rearrrel; 'Won't' be the beat practical illastep. •lion of tbu valuable preeept. Sarni t,'s Samara Manama.—de there are a lane number of lumbermen in the city Just now, we would call thier attention to the extraordinary with *hick this invention turns out from 20,000 to 80,000 perfectly formed shingles per .dey. Wherever it tots been pat up It has given satisfaction, and a, number of machines ars already "ia' operation in some of the most - ,tbielly,thnbered counties in Pennsylvania. Mr.. Handall; the invents: and patentee we believe - intends rernovh4. to another city P in a short slate, , therefore all who wish to Bee him will `;'.:' - fib to do se quickly. !Ike Forest Dragon" is • to be seen at H. Ryan's Windbag, on Fifth-et. the multines are, manufactured by &B. Paw ' larA Oith who will eve sU beedfal folormatiod dating the absence of Hr. literdall: The oast we believe LI $2BO each. , Timarsta Hendrickson, mate at the eteamer Sheminge, noirlyingat the wharf, cm Satarthy, fell tromi the hurricane deok to the boiler deck, • *faring himself so severely as to peril ids Prompt medical attends:lse was igiittrild, and the patient wee taken to his rest ",••• dencelli Beiter,. 02 board the steamboat zeta burgh; llamas attending to some business on Abe Shaere, l *:,in imstrinnett - need to elerrata or roior ustplpes..! Ind was standing at the eit treinity of it, Imme.distanco' core the edge oldie' IN lost .111slooting In • same manner r aint - " IL Mils= proposer pours° - of lastruationla this de - fightfig. just time Bohn art, this (Undiy) tirsoott/illfe,trin City Coloatereisi, Collego ir "5458f410/i a ,opposite Post, Moe. Ladles' elsioss,lrota 8 to 4 and !n 1. on 7ti 8 . Gen -1;:07.8tO81?olositi,froml to 5 sisifrom 8 tog r. it. • ' 4441 13 0 /1163 P oot r Oita; in a Wfadant. sstior4sy.' use! the coon of Pirko rs Ageism* and t • "Mi.. iStictifirecover - dsouiges for latBngment 4 of PtlrPt - Yigter IFW , " stoectil meeting ofecinnison ,d i trW hi held this main. TLa Allegheny Astir* bi l ill VC Van tinder soli& " 2. I i:Agil.B1)4113) or Ccurraossus offablb &hoar; City, vow& speoPAtatitim. this - . - • • • , • ), • ' ••;='-;-; : - ..tharervlirarseXtrater.- - .4lalseirtibilb'ther The ease - 0/ the Government vs. John Chess— - round, taken up on Wednesday, varrostunall op Saturday. • Shesh. Bentley, who was the Bret canna for 1 - defence on Friday, again took the ;stand; cross-examlnation by the proseentbr. 4 I . . Did not tell Mr. Linn that on the even- Ing'of the conversation with Cooper at: the ' Valentine Hotel that he '{Coseper) Was so drank winld'at talk - to `Hid not say to 'Squire I - Cottons that /had ilia ao conversation with , Cuspsrelatlee ttibotrotinganoney. The eon- ' verattion was to this effectthe said he wanted to ask me a question. Chessmen:l tad him that Cooper gave as Me reason farrowing money from-him that Itel had 'collected money for me 'and need it. I 'said there wasn't a word of tenth in it, as he had never collected a cent far me. . WlUlam Greenfield, sworn—Know Cooper; had .. a conversation with him during Court week lust Noveiaber, the latter part of the first week.— Some person came to the Mansion House and left word that Cooper wished to see me. That evening after dark Cooper came to see me; I had never heard of thin counterfeit business at that time. I went to his office with him. To my utter astonishment be broached this matter of counterfeit money to me. He eald be could. put me in a way to make me riot), and aliened me some few eastern bills under the denomina tion of $5. He also polled out a bogus fifty cent pleas and staid that wag the kind of coin; that it looked well. I Fetid it looked well enough, but didn't feel very well. He-said the man that Made thaernight to be President of_ the. ijnito , Steles. ,He also said this kind of Mount via In eircidatton, and passing current. in buying stook; and that he had no gold to show me but that he could get any amount from one dollar to twenty. He insinuated to me that the gold could be had in the borough. He didn't say where it - cotdd be obtained, but said he was an agent to nil it. I remarked to him that I was much astonished' that he should approach an old man like me, and that I hid lived to an old age, was vary Infirm, and that all my life I had tried to live honest, and *mild sooner die withent Money: to bury me, than engage In the counterfeit business. He didn't wish me to di ' it:age - on him. He threatened my life if I would reveal He wanted me. to go over to hls dwehing, and I went - with him. This wistbe Swim night. We went into the parlor—as coon as I wall eeated, be went to the lounge, pulled out bundle and laid it on the fable. He raid this was good money, that he had been collecting.— He then went to the other settee, pulled out " „Another bundle, which was similar to the first, and laid it on the table. He then brought out wallet, and poured out a pile of silver, preb, ably about $3O, in bogus coin. I don't know whether the bills were good or bad. There. might have been from $lOOO to $lO,OOO, didn't see the denominations. He landed me -a five dollar note, on a bank in Waynesburg, and I said it nes a base counterfeit. . Handed the bill back, and he handed one two other fives. and said I might have them, that they were genuine; didn't say anything about the bask; Cooper owed me $8 and I took them, thinking be would re deem them; the bills were on the Metropolitan Bank. [Ho produced one of them.) lie re presented to me that the silver would be good to redeem my bills. I said when I vent to pay out good pure Wier for my bills, they wouldn't take them unless the pillars were as plain on them as the. nose on a man's face. We then walked down to my Mopping place. I said to him; suppose I had this money, and went to re deem my bills, in what situation would I be placed; whore would it put x me; after we gat to the Hotel, Cooper handed out a fifty cent piece, but in a minute it was discovered to be base coin; I don't lay he patted it. Cross-examined—Live in Beallesville ; keep nubile house there; I lesne my own one dollar notes for circulation. [The witness showed one of them]. These notes are circulated on my credit. Wm. Cooper was not my eonnseL I gave the other Metropolitan note Cooper gave me to a man who stopped with me; the man wee one of our pedlars; I expected he would hand it back; it was in the way of changing be got it from me; couldn't be certain about that; be got it from me in some way ae he was about leaving and I expected ho would bring it back. lam not certain which of the pedlars I gave It to; can't Bay what time elapsed from the time of getting the note that I passed that note; I never heard of the note afterwards; he stops at my house every week; never asked him about the note. Dr. thimble, called—[This witness testified that Cooper wanted to borrow. money in last Novem ber, in contradiction of Cpariefa testimony that he motet want of menet] 0. F. Collins, sworn—Know Cooper, and saw Lim last November, saw him before the Court; Cooper was intoxicated; we had a conversation; ho asked me if FiLlike to be ilea; he maid he had it in hie power to make me perfectly rich; just as he was about to start, be said I would have to use the money with discretion if I got it. I didn't think of the matter until Chessronna's arrest. A. B. Brills sworn—Was book-keeper for L Culbertson last Novempor. Prisoner said he wanted to pay some un his coconut, bat it ap peared his money was not good. I looked at his money, and told him it was bad He Laid he world return it to the man in Washington from whom he got it. I always Coscidered the defen dant to be a man or inferior mental abilities.— His character for honesty in the stare was good. Stephen L. Ernest maalled—Saw Cooper in Monongahela City the day or the day after his arrest. He said Cheseround never got a dollar of that money from him in any shape or form. I believe prisoner's reputation Is good. John Kammerer. recalled—Saw Cooper and Chessround go to Washington In a buggy.— Cooper said he was going to Ohio; never beard anything against bis character for bounty. • Mr. Sheplar was re•.called and corroborated Mr. Ernest's testimony , . John hiaPedejf testified to the defendant's chancier. Joseph Wilson, JOdee Hill, Haney B. Van Voorhies, Blush; Bentley, James Mcßride, Samuel Bickett, Jacob Qualls, Col. Jackman, John Jones; James Carr,' Esquire Menown, Menown, and other witnesses testified to the good character . of defendant for honesty. The case for the defence closed at this point, and the Court adjourned. TER 80/JID 07 LICISNIMILL—The - Board will to dap commence the task of hearing applications for tavern lieensea. The first names to be taken .up.aro as follows "First Ward—Philip Simpler James B. Mo. -per, Alex. Coppice, John G. DTach, Ann Gam ma, Barbara Xtihn. • 'Becond Wiled—Joseph Albeit:, F. Frieboglo, Dena Barnard, Wm. Sesnor, Petrick Ingot:107, Joseph Spencer. "Third Ward—Geo. Attends, Sophia Beck, Andrew •Fontana, John Knox, Joe. Keiser, Jobs Mokiesters. "Foarth Word—W. C. Connelly, Elzobeth Peiht, tilemq. Hare, James Eitertiag. Mono FOS A Nsw WC. Esq., on Saturday. in the United States Court, moved for a nowtrial in the we of United States ve. Danforth, convicted lut week of coining. TES MAT term of the United States Circuit Court will commence to-day. The OW lid we understand, embraoes a number of important Cute. - Pratans.—B7 order of Inspector bt'Flbenny the Int Battalion of the let bused° lath division of uniformed milida commanded by Litmt, T, P. h.'Cabe, will - parade for inspection today. • CriZ i ar.Po7. ll Ar iaa bir Ilig.'l":4Mll4.7lZPße aOHO Ull• EMU, had& Rzallirt,va It 4a Bathn rtheoei 3 Of iethitheading,,asel 1. retonnotendol bypn swum Itte • sursand spew enre pp Nana Pius, Both, Oaths, Paton; Otd•btoles. and Old Sorsa of cray !dodgem. Fever Gem Ulcer. Ugh. Gadd Head, Nettle Ruh. Donlon. Pon Nipples. tthoonnnenerel by Lars..,) Whitton% Plies, Posters. loth Bitee, Gelder Otiose, -Prom Limb. Salt Month Baum Ben and thlithe4 Lthe. &Pe Nose. Warta sad flesh h ands, it le mat naoLe remedy and cam which ewe ha tut u to by thousands Who thee twat It in the rity rSßrstoa and for the test thirty lute. In no Inatome will till 801 th dean WIRT. or Interfere With a ;time deal Its sattotlatut It It wade Rom the strait =this!. limn • recipe brought trots Ithada—ce articled, myths in that senntrr—and Or proprietors hare Loth= Grano ad 'leap. hpD n and r . e Veils 214v.itegag• IL 001$ to ii h t it Val War. ar=eture to Wen anthaved on the amp. per. Pates, Oars • Box. REDDING a GA. Proprietor. Yes ale Dr IL uuthrt 00, Nit. 32 Brelthelel4 street U, &WAGS, Ili Wood pt. R. sigichtxxa •co vet Wend and Mimi, and PLANING P.. 00 Weal Llttaborah. IMAJW.AM iteKNIN aoderel et, Al A- Card to the Ladies. MOB. DLIPOROMKOLDEN, PEIIIODICIALL PILLS IMIALEIN cometlng _lrnsise. rsaxpvinst o!astroalou ot orn', • All - Medical Mon Ilnino 4 • altaisar other, Ad v ii "haws cox' COO 0004 .( 1, 1„h onstra Mt it &raker; anmoter sitobstrustioa taus plug, *Weber froist.oxpiettre. oar other dam. the seutral Anita stet Im=001:417 to astiliso, ant trim went ot tech• remedy - Lae best Me claw at wo: Mar etanuartions *bong Toting tritialbt Moduli% pain icons vide. waltritutioa Ortb• Mil: maid= at bad sod dirturbed alcep atiV•ll.ll, MU" Magi Ito ULM of =Orr, =a whatever- tha t ii It Mb OM. la t rat" hnstablr bawdy all Mae WM4: lOU and MUM. .way nth bqz, whl4 mutt be midriiy followed. and all dimmer pectillisr to IM l"prusata hr r=g r t . .l by All the Dratediut4 by Neldrabi BUM Agars taw OVA t r airi,A ll ll l ll=iiirS,oo, g Sk t.Artw" nigh- Tbs." will rangy ebb grade at. end rewil tbo ..b7 man "roodlit at gl.OO thton Pittsburgh P. QUNDRIEE64 . bbLu4ggs. 2 do: /hied AP; .1.6-iumputt....lbgebsicis to =in s ad gem wAU . by WIT/ DAVID 0. LIXIIBisT, tow Liberty imd Lima rt. '.(710I0E HAMMY FLOUR-A_ trwrr atlas ta Ki.tza,aksirlrAttincita e. 07 zidar.. HfnuiT-14 bbla. , lioraiwu,jas; reel and finsalibr ;Mrs - - p 0 a SCOTT. "DRANK 94Liof sop z eri qualitz t j . usliffceck . 'AP J1"0 i6147: ga kw7,4t." 1111 D BO= lißli.VlAngyr btfultin VMast. awnitrrirca\m, MEM !ME , , _s:tolm - Pri•Pr. - or Laarrs.Anox, . FOR Pt 072.. W, CUR P. P.-4a mL. WiM3s, D, SPC:I3.I . •.: w . pmums, Joao ouzr. PI.I7 . I3IiIIPAH: itittEETB • ,• Preens , UM Mumma Dare.,, "Monday Motmlng. May 12.1854 Dobson vas fain:ally doll On Saturday. DM ,. tided culla Doltish - notre-aot • flute Maaeed O oaretorted bonds; ideas lissom are smatmared, rands. ft Q;55,25 for totastry sopenlas and cars. From bble OW sad sltsa at 25. Z and $5.76 sad 85 do k tra at it.aKtaktl. 08.1.111-3sts an InstMdy deaufsd. and mho ant MI Um Thad at 28. GBOCRIMIDI-9das of 10 hbds fidt 13nym at 8. 105E00.2 1 bolo Oat, at 45, math and 51 do onnts 1120511-in mcd demand; sales 0012.000 Ds CM • des and Boma at TX and 10340.000 Ds do 0000 754.9 and 1034. tonal to emit 4000 Ms Rattan M. and mama at 11td0734 and 01::10,9212. Ehatildsmat 71443 7VE003 Its Sides at 8.14: 3000 Bs Rams at 101 and 4 t. Samar Cared do at 1234. - 2561--s es. on lb. ntossfot 100 sts onatry Donn and abort., at 400 6 0 414 ID 100 5 . LABIs--1 ale .8 200 bbls at 934.totty moo. and 10m4 N o tat 10. Komr--• see of 100 bbls No 2 st 03.31. Mort Mon. 011.-sides of Gbble Not Lard MEC. 1/01111--ssles of 8 Obis at le IDIEKHZ-In roonsan alma 80 and 40 bra prima W. B. I, 10t4,,5t 1014: 419/1 8-44144 of 11 eta Sods Ash at 314, time. METAL-a ale 0025 tons Tennumo Pio at 431, sin moo MONETARY AND COMMERCIAL.. , rb.r.rwas tzeteloott &mita for Eudora lExtbsogo yootaday sad the tomkot mason . / firm stjoltx u.Ttbloo, otturtard tentionty. rtrattontoo an be.TT. ..d the toooly Of inodo.a toino,Ntutool at Ms mom. on Mode:Teo" =no Viet 'mew. bi th ,, or Woe 'thou oto new =moat 1 toms ammo thit It oin wi ne to Onwstottt from tbo Yost to ROM. wld koro tog to to cults ottooit.—Cto. Gas. • We turn from Capt-Inalheas, of the Fanny lalltt. that the Roans atone the lower 0010 and IlUMlwlppl het wrea, hsestoran eluded Wore» Airy tams and at ban tar. rifle The liaany 'Wilt • was compelled to by at Ran• , deie h E t teeatzlOt eti , stoonnt of the vioirum of the would be vest yam were mytertaJnial hat the bou be wrecks& The wine timuUsw . yarfmt hur. Timm tottootliut Mee sad prottrailmy Imam in all dlrem The b eet .. eau Ranh with thee romtvirtElllAbt taut, whlyti amend to extend itself all over the Maim to one limed et of lirs. Then Nubs aruythins would be shrouded in OA mod appalling darkness is the aterning, when• the storm hid char 4 dicta* hsev of it• rase were viable la all diraltioan Soma Ulm or font taste were met with thrir chlitmays ♦erbvrd. aup upper loth! [Maly thatterad, and at Maud lain the kllriwlppl tweituse mitts brute. from T enet ,. slur. with felt wren of cotton, had been mph and dash. al to pleem—S line the river en miles with iragemate rf the wreaks. sod loathes bars of cotton. A lugs lumber boat was glO 41hs4 to gimes in the rams Udelt). and the de . t e n e t h t ettar, which was etrrird tit by t he cur rent.—Lom pour. COAL toll Og rttl I'mus—Tutedes efkrnoon u vele of goal barges under the guidance of ylhge from Jefferson gim,, &mooted to go on! the Alb, but struck the rooks In the heed the chute, just WIWI the mill. end sunk.— The toots stem folltridng each ollitr, and when the. Las., most ott„m& the & gms, tbo other mine In egalust her, and both stmt. Thor were th•DrOPertr of Coleman, limo. & mumagh., end together,. cautalued was bushes of mal. They tem drentog b bet mum A bora Alt but u goon as lightened. the barges will be lost. Although lying In the channel. lig ht , tomm.pou them quite earlli , lAtl. litlur. The Mosey liMitst la 'WI ansettled,: and laniowasi are , e , ee peued to neonate mon very unfavorable tams. The e e ,„„l e , e re my lit valet doe s and by ti t er . eyeehe ean Very duds is doee under!) ye ant . efeei. area stmentsoletriotly end aims ImPer heir beau hotrod this wish st 8 p neat, but 0310 may be considered the meant rates fn . mime paper. Papa at four month.. drawn br heneeri of enbetantial means, It sedan la inane tams st Vite.ht 0 888 °M.' - Theunfatitshis ocadlUmof the Yobeihn lixobsegesis Mimed be heavy ismostarden tom aimed. These an melded, as oonimareW nutters genevate art, b 7 the law foot en th e etethee boot) of envoi, and dement. The dee mud at sesseertor UM on Louden, Para , sad other eit. le .. I. coin, tb „„ the euroly; death is namearily plied by win, A few tottetha will be moulted to remedy this medilloo ailing,. Re and tint lanes by the Importers of Veneta good! and other E uro peans mniee. an arty heavy this mew= and. that orders for farther ehipmente bate been cranta mended inany Gum— Fortunately thuales of Cotton are folly mai ntained, and the tall n tno-atelli will bole acme 'cod by the steads demand tor Patton at priem Y. En The Democrat of Wedzeildar, earn VA zirar comins u 9 ,41 rthialY s hoat. I risen three feet In [a. tweety - four P tt , yesterday. A tire of fl or 8 fret moth would bring Oh. waterth thew wells of the buildup on .the tendln of deft wood, km, plant trees, &o. float pest =lineally, and the current Is wonderfully I pm, t s . The N.. York was tied tip in Dig Eddy, st lest sc. &an m being tumble to stem th e ear. at. The that left here on Monier rimming, did not get to 7.114., WM* day light yviterday. trpv., hub, and me tr e, Illinois striae. Missouri and all ita tributaries high. The Eladelg, from the Mite, reports So feet In the channel and Amounts bon not reached =of motions damage by tna high water, but we fear moth destruction will Ds the malt to many ph... Oscar Rua CoXIIO OUT o 7 TOO 16.1780L111. About noon Maboday, the Me la m a camdrldag. mid remained sta • Roomy during th e t a pith* 6.7. Th.. 61.7. reuse, th. Lem are alroody partially Oiled with water, ant the marchthts on front rarest, bdelenleg to think was lonely shout 01,1 prospect of conimerming to rem.. thole goods to other quartet.. as ham are apprehended that the meter, bane the dime Petrie pmeent week. will boo,. th• P.m0.1:6a. The Ammon. In last night from Wed.. re wets a meat rim on the way from the hoed water. of the liflmourL do peat... the rise, that Oh. make eldionel otitis rim was filled with MAl:rout Yrestou to Brunswick, and the boat was detained went hours by it, impaling bar Smarms down. Nearly all the way the boat was mm. surged to tea on one wheel alongside of the drift. On the antral , Ithe Amason at ltrairmlek. the had outran the Mee. end _from there down, moo alma without throble.— The 71 • hum the Mbreouti Intl begin •to thole keel( hem ILtbj j e ofoirmr., look out fa nes Dan lasel. — TGL Y TDnndky Than is • derided relief in the Money market troditYr although th e improreareat la not nnhersaL Th. demand v.. les. z0t171., and the leadgu l. honem bad money one. The Ranks ate dierounting he Mar esatoroms. bat are moreehary of 101 l loans oh their Wake tantrum an deameleg. A portion of the setnitty of the Money market forth° Ise few days le din to th.opent'oos orate ptrorstal agent. cram sky, who hems been large burrowers in mitinipadon of thermenna It ISO bean neremary to rase nearly two =Mud of dole,., nearly ell of • hid, bee toe City nsdrenced by the Y Bank., to mmt the rolitiMimmote of the Treasury.—ll Trth. Lyman:46r by tbe par.tot Allaahrar Ulla. flat boata, lad. vita cod. tont at Brawn'. ISIPONTS By RIVER. MONONGAHELA. WV= BOAT 3-4 osles• Ws. 01 Do. loom 76 boo glass. 0 A Berry; 38 bbls door, 91. b vn.a. Watt it 191Wton 70 bbl. flour. J W Butler: 22 do. 40 bss glaso4l2 slog corn, 352.1 s WNW) bow d 0,40 rats (midair, 32 b apples. wooers. MICELIIOII, Dr forest Clty-2bbliosis, TL11414 A sow; 1 do, 1 ea botter,ltmbert t entidwgr. a, II II Pa llor. 2 do, B. llntchtosood 4 do, Bs I Et; 70 bbledooe. Depart 0 Aojw; 18 do, 4 do Dowd. 168 90gs wheat, WO. south; 98 pa &loamy tols,_ll. Oolllor; L 8,.1. .heat, 146 do twdsy. 11 D Bro son 28 WO 4oDotstamowners. crjwOINNATI. t7Wontay• Stato-75 bu soap, Y Pollen c‘4 6 Ithd. sugsr,.l Illoyd er, 24 WA makeup% 01.019. ct 16bels fahowtsek & co: 12,0 8 llwbstlch; 9 hllds lama. Um. &Alarm; 169 bow eW1.,'W...6 - dy or, 81 do, Park • er, 21 ail woos. W Bark.; 495 W. top; 20 tads do, 60 TAW 4:426 Ins d rusk bblo 20 kg. twboaco. out 60 b. soap. hMil 69864 260 6699 laasur,l,9 81116bscoa, WI babes Wbn. suodrs . wad grit.W. IMPORTS BY R&ILROAD. Prrroortiou II IL-43 bblelloor, Mann* A Ani C c7= 'mitt. Wow; 82 bre etwolo..) 11000108: BLURHalal:wow do.S/ bOlo guar, ownem do min. * Dilworth; 12 ch. W. W 800. EXPORTS BY RAILROAD• Climbs& & Pittsburghll 11-193 pki dry mood& MP do hanipp,p47 do 0 omo.. 11098 pea Iron. kW Pdis 141 vs Ka1.1107 kgl Dal* g&d. Pkg. kr. plus, 150 pc. autos& 1111 mina & Wes. 643 ka. bud. 4.1 pigs sandrles. etts Worll`.l Indiana R -210 DU. radio, 93 do u,r a1.,64 do hardware, 30 do eveadawar..2ll pm, Ron, 117 bdl. do. 100 .yrlogs arlwa 290 pkg. stur l driga. bbi=6learda R R-41801. tads Baur. KM aks grain. 2:30- 100 taw do. 636801 a dna 223 hi. Nap,. do mai Ka beef, 813 do lama 893 aka COI.13; Lbla do. a d 0,3123 lades, 70 Wm ratted. 03. do Rd closarand,ooB do oil. 111 do whisger„ 00 aharearrawe, 11 ears stook. STEAMBOAT REGISTER. AllitlVED—Jeliereon. Broerneelllo.-Lesorne dm coley ord. Bllzatoth; Botion West Se otonlTlecreio. WeWyllie Vontore, , fitoobenvlllr, Bonet (tl. Whaeling; Batters 8t..% Cincinnati; Buell , Bt. Wain nu W. Walueo. do. DEPASTBD—lettonon., Brogeosylllt; L00m.% do; Col Bayard, Ironton, Elionben .11 Balkan. Wert Hooting Polut CAB, Wbeellor: Pitts. Bred Lorna, d boned. Cluelnuatl: Button Pu lle. dB, Joe Coon. Bt. Boole., XO M Aver/. GoMBo 8111:11.—Ongatuzdaymninz that* Ines /0 we Ditches la the itansol sad *a • gaud. The Greatest Medical Discovery - =. Or THE AGE. • MeR. KENNEDY, of Roxbury, has 1 111061 , . id nisi of( cut common manta weeds • issiody s ureaceertittaaqfibiaserJonates wortfonorWo to es Istetsu Wel It ha aronlerso hundred now and own fulled canon sou ouestbsth (bower hatnar.) bar now Se by powenton over two hundred certleators of Its Tenn all wttnin toady miles of Wawa. Tott WWI* ow war:toted to mon ourelosalore month. Glebe Um to tlbwaws bottles will Cu,. Um 'want Wad af plmalts -- Twe to thwo hottaiwettU Wow thisyptaso of bona Two Lonna sea .warrastad to core tn. worst cantor In the otouitwod Ttaetlem= 2h ara drananted tonco • Lbs worst r of totwo=otthet s. warranted la can all honor of • Two bottles enr was the &Mad to core .toonlog of tha err I sad blatant moos halt, Four as six Lento we manias& Wittig onstipt and r lfte Any -I dire roar snrWlon of the Who Two to slaw botUrstre warrwted to tan LIU mod tee Twonew of rbannathoo, Two to tbree battles ore watrantirl to owe OA worst otos Wolotenesn • Thrw to tow bottlw an watrantra to nut salt rheum. raw to than tapttlos will own the wed vice of wand& A wwils Is aware ewowlevW from tbs that bottle. in •ped ul core bin:nutted when the Wore gosolll7 N o tasos base sololorobahle to awe wise hare In rani tried all the woldernal medlclnae of the dlr. as that • So moo wed growl= let tat pastures, auditions Wish= Inn,. Would con ma hotnerlo wenn: 7tl 11 le now toot. if you lure • bumoelt has to start. Thom opria4i.lorent es het Wont Ratio/ som• cane wa wow I toddlesl orer• trausud bonne of It In tborWaby ofOnCon. I 1901 , 14 ascii In woox data 11 tow stnadr done eto srostatt cores freedom to troswwwww. qui t to Wlliren • rat 01.41. Wavle Watt y. I bare mow war, pour._ Wormy - kokton chlldrn. .bet pets vas soft and Asbb7.. mono 1.. • du tib r . 2 rl , "a rs, g r" v aro, r t an k t I m nr o'IW H br ‘ta.i tuv, !ta b : a t a • Iwo and two rumbled er war. the body te wood ts wow orate own hot whore then la 507 derilligazinst of the Mancuso wawa. IS WU muse Tarr datonsr wok 'lngo but you wort sto slaratarb-tawy Wows we wer In from Sow deys bi mbo Mort Is weer a tod nook front IL. - On Mt contrarr. 'when that Senna War Sat Walled rowserf lase • saw herom. beard wow of tn. man ettrawwws tocoodatui of tt Oat row eire bee twat to.• no dung* of Wet It wor werwaT—eat the =m aw* you ei ta tssi ta t bo n t abie w 114 4.. wl m elaw = borb...w tj hlth zo . wh tt rn llsonsel 111 par bottia. • • Dowanows wn Ow—Adult, tahleswoural tor day. g=cone eight TU., thorn sponlplptekdrem from 1 snt. won. Watwonnal. Aa to ereftlon cats be node topocatleto oonstltutlow, Sato stault Wean , twos tho towns Woo • day. lAA ILAN of nietuls, tt nor Wm mama attendants to tad was Aludeishi and natallost Dr. BEYSTOMUCI Wood One, arust at Area alley. • tad. J. P,,L1M140, Any! On/. • ' . wa IL - Valuable rropirtypr sae N Liberty street, atoinig the dethodist ardedirardoted.rOssallkeln._ =ale odd ttr i zl dw media OrPOPOrt7 tal• oelcbtrattoal not bosalit Pereditesalandliread Oxabay, nob burati yea* dr, carat stroetloolbet no.i to the' ittertiodit ' StirdrigarddiAtiWo Liberty 100 doet iumun `" ri t i Vrocr 6 14V . Isrle t r,Idth edi •tulw nti"i l"idartatln":4tefrithtior" w m d d.huitsbreea. otbersdoscda t abg 1004 todbs . DIAINISMAIRIX - 110TIOE—Notice by Adam' that lottori Athnittittritton harp a ie rtro i t t ßt t = ri Ze tertrtalg .l , g ffistroo tottibOot to mitt misty. 1P Montae to auto twoodtatoott=td satumingMittOorosoot atm • - 4.. .t NOMI iiiii•iiiir7d... ... -, _., --- PR , AbS YSlGiareb li — ANT, As wall agate' cart fatally medicine to deo C7dziren drink it eafthpireerecre. 11 .eel not ftwasette the ,neaten thoser.l. Itynoducet no riving. but operates easely, they onehly, end u ra re to andionie edithrporffiesfrowe the mg.% Vet itproperterkne. Already 2110=DS Off LIVING WITNESSIS ale ready to to Its thiwrior vlrtnee,lndependen. 4 its purgative and antl-billow qualities. Riess cured the Worst oases of Brehm in • few dept. It lee ER FAILING CURE tat Llendathrtilver Complaint:. Jaundbw. Hither Com plaint. Billie IN:MX. Plain 11/ the 4.13.4 Back. Broad and Limb., _Colds.lirampa,Worme, Lamin.do, Blot on the iGn. Dimple*, Cutaneous, lgruptians. ilbetractione ea th e .D tem Ootuitipation of the Bowels, Mathes,. Idereurial Pleurisy._ Perm& Ithegui•rittes. Dowel Cam. Planta. of•lltinden Le. It cleanses by ith superior hesdlcinalvirtnet.the ulcerous humorfrom the bthot and =mint W000;2 the storesch. taming it and ronte the T natural xr retri4oll,thal Mato.l.l , w the intern heal T. I ask my friends to test th e oboe Mad. Wile, and nee • verdict a they shell be lm by Meer' e• Threw who know n e maw:tonal= Lot doubt ii worth. awe Its swintrodnetion. no medicini hth attained each wandeatfWinpnterity SEW its gales nape increased. beyond Mouton meanie. hopes of It. friends. Neigh. brow thcommend It es • tam mil UNEQUALLED PHYS/C phyaday ratty It with thew, CIIMDRENwI!I I I • T..4.1(.6,110 OTHER alter and trial. and Parente should use no other In their famine*. People living in low and merehy comtrieeornie feet to deadly miasma& where gems. Acne and lever. and billions complainte ere morello' to be, will Ond the Lloineid Melanin". th e moat toldl' ' reutadY let tried.—' Give It • triaL • Wholesale by A. B. D. Bands. o..y.Cllctuer A: Co, and O.D. Rinse, New Tort. Pull directions accompanying each bottle. Pelee Wand 2e the of ten and tweet)) doses. Principal Depot. 412 Broadway. N.Y. oid by 4. N. WICKERBILt/1. 241 Liberty It. Petty. booth; S.W. DAVI:88110K K. North I.theorer Sc. Car .I.llisle, Demo4l,.yd BOERRAVE'S NOLLAWD BITTERS .Anon elbenderal Stomacher Liver. thichasthdivisUth. -Acidiqf tha Stomach, Colicky Paine, Heartburn, Lee. o: A . D . Anodency .. , =NT , . lanii r =t g lileeilatir dem, It ham in human= insane , * nand Weir bens& dal and In °there effected a decided aura Thiele anorelYnittlehleriti,, b.mld i g7fg").= Ittlijogerbllli,' Bout. of Its Brut moan In mat of Um European Rene, lts introdectlon Into th e United Statelowes intended soca especially for Mae of our fatherland scattened here and there one the hoe of Ms Mighty pountry. Meeting with greet snore istoo_ng them. 1 now offer It to the Atocrlcan public, knowing that Ito bray wonderful mail mum be acknowl °ants articularly recommended to Chum arsone whose constitutions may have been InAmiret by thee continuous cum of ardent obits, or other Mare of Ipatloo. Can- Ve Itatentaneaus In 'Mot, It hods It way directly to ent of life, thrilling and qulckeolug netToera. ralr Mali the drrotors.apirlt. and. to tact, Infhaing WHANNEBI I I% THE VOIA L ON AND INDIGESTION. Another On Owe Affieid bY Borhats'a Plo//nal T own. The wife of Pieter De WiUa. in Town, ITheboyiran county, Winn:iglu. coffered much ham Weak. nem od the Stomach and InligeStlein. She bed been under 0 phyaidan's one for loam Um. but the Weems emceed to baffle nen his oh?!. She northers:l woe ROLLAND LITMAN at oar Moe. which has given tone to hoc stomach; her spathe Is he anornlng. and we firmly tellers that this Is another treat cure effected by your inedloina We have UM to resod many tanderfid cures °dental by Uils moody, but mut wait snottmropportonity. Gus thing Too m in nay upon, what we have mobllehed yrs fro LLtr m a =4, mark rt.* 4 10 ° s". J. QUIIiTUN, fls'ellglrANVlTsruATTYßlff• " Theodore ville Frank. Yea. o 01 the Pittsburgh and Steuben- Railroad 0fd0e..7: "Nor years I lane been an Invalid. limo Dareppla— Wlth • horn of relief, I resorted , to many ednertisel anon but halal to deriving the anent .taut for, mall I Yo HOLLAND BITTERS, thy harpy , effect. of alas, b. eau the disreeUve organs, and In annum • d, Mated mum, cause+ me to rocommend It mitindetaly ma altering nom Dyeatala e Artollll.ll INSTANCE uY TEM EITIOADY Or MEE Ming% lIOLLAI‘D BITTERS. N. IL-Folndester. of Um Union obi^ min : •3atto woks clan, being !tenons!) , !effete] with paha and uneelihnim of the siounach, tom Of apatite slat at toms 1101, antlitimm sagas irelead entry your 1101, riD . lIITERM. feel It hot use of leek. to the article, &well ea for the good of those . who may be affected with l ikedngem of the stomch. to Mate that the Ins of ova eagle bottle of this medicine woad of inathmlable tenant. having freed the stomach from au mom of darn el.. and removed .000 y Mate= of Dam en. I would alm, mut% that two other mean bereof my Amity, who mew in similar manner with thymic_ were enUaLv alined by the use of • tingle bottle each.. ITRADAGELI. PROM AN RIIINENT CLERGYMAN. Pareauson. July 0., 51.11Raz. root.. Sa AGo —Gentlemen: I take neat 7 2 1 re u saying to you that I made.. of BOULGAVITS HOLLAND LIITTYII6, which I obtained at your we and Mond andel allot ore area hesdaelm. from which I had' loos euffead. and I believe they were of Inn. to me to alining my stomach and head. Very reepectmlir. to, Sean E. BASCOM .UNADACUE AND DILLILLITIf. L A lltala tga . din E avigi a t h itifi * ATl.i BITTERS • remedy Pre Goulash, atul Ity wife luta alao load li iii i r, ' ! 2 A. th il . .r=o. be . of Pi l itel . ursh. oleo remarks that be has eityerieneed moth relief rrom Its um Mr boa _ STILENGITII AND H.P.ALTII RESTORED. at, Sohn Daeltlenti, Ilting ten calla above Pittsburgh. on the lenumyhania, Canal. saya, eWtom I commenced taking PGGIIIATrti 1101.1.. AND MINIM, I mild hardly wait. time 1 enjoy mmehant beeZah" Lardy art ass . . • CUM YIP 'MAZE MONTIDY sTANDING HUM BY BrntlAYS2l LIOLL/LND BITTYHO. George W. Uniderron, of Pittsburgh. mag ....th.. • "Alter antlettrit lor three montlo with ma of the time so mrerely as to confine me to my bed—l b.n been outing/ cured b 7 mint DatalLlVEll BIOL. LAND.RECTILLS. I bar. bad one attackable*, bat Prtind almost ingantansaus ralle in the mine in utdbee. D. 9 1aVir k uMFOR rroeiriafts DAN am cirazo. We an at liberty to refer to Intend wedi known gentle nian.who hare used._theroughLy teatod,end now mono. Mond Boratuvro HOLLAND BMUS as a remedy far Plies. We are not at liberty to publish Mar names. Mot will Lbw nMarsre In raterriut any pence to them who dada. itateMent. ifarflola It $l,OO per bottle, or 0 bottles for 15.00. by theacileProprietore. BENJAMIN nag. as., a 00.... • Wanufacturibi Pharmaceutist. and Chewier., tor. tlmlthde 4 and 9d eta., Pitteburien T. W. Droll s bona. Philadriphia. Banns h. Part. New lota. Jahn Di Park, OttninnittL ll•rnard Adams it Co, K. Lards. And by Denzglate sod Derchanta ronermily WM:mhos. thritsol Hat. ana Uanedna. &WI 'dawn BELTING Patezt 2.iveted and Stretched LEATIIER BELTING, From the ritarrafhotory of lloit & Brothers, ►. : NSW - YORK. the Belting of thie mandacture has hem awsededthe Orelo Moeda not Diplomas from every NW and baselines enrol:mho et the linters' Matron the seal , rennet by the Amain lostineht New Yarn. it their bat ineetenw In tbeYerl of 1•53. leis am patter g unntr. our, Y 0• creels benison twine tondo* eel under the teerschel sae el the nrlnelpsig their bldg erwielentod by themselves se their .101 modelled ton" hurarlng brow= from evis and mores, tanned at their own tannarkalter the bathes sad rhoulderc hare hen trimmed o returned to New York th otonshis tanned. fresh from . TUI. curried immediseely, trtt .n 0 senschod oh ensehinee with every =clan imp beenontest and rivited with their pseud copper ri=o.n. beam which make spy/wily ma outlaw on We eldss en the bend. cousins eMm ron emir at the bathes. and giving • tower ammo than^ypee cent, over thaw wade In theorantery wens.. To mechsoks of all Itlndee to soma wad motion u anniseturer• rolling tonne Doper einem, seed plardene esistolthement• owners ref 1,6 town gins. blwA work% die WOO% in gnat up every anwarner. thiellelthor II sweetly reeoneenendech phi tost.or city refuenoes Men to the quality at thin Heaths. Yes We by ALDO LAMM No. =3 Liberty re, erbeits the beset or Wood. nein lion:Jens irws Proposals for a Loan of 84.000 Dollars for the City of Pittsburgh. ORDIivANC/1 authorising tho Mayor . to barrow Itlghtptout Thousand Dollar.. L Is *MOWS by the chinos et Pittaburahan fiannt and Wawa f:cuntalle estectinled. Tint for unt I;rll:hlgrea4 ll l' , .' t lout trasergratilt: lead to 005000. atm the flab of the city, the In= of Ittgatphrar Thotteanakm. and to Ina bunt. under the peal of the Main n therefor, TWO Pruett turn hp tept cannons et and shall bear Meted at the ..t. °ran Mr Cant; pne annum, peyetae eenttatontal/Y. on th . am ofjoly end Jantuul Infspanhely In each plea, at the Bank of Amato*. to Me aft,' 1tTL ..... 11. thea& deal:union for sal claim of Mew f Imo& eo Wont she to e at of One Thoa It thus eseh. inane pays to bearer. end obeli be gnaw by to* Yarn and onontetainen 01 tr. 051.1 Treasurer, end ahaft t» talecntige 1¢ WAY lean Inns the darn thereof . nen EL Thet, tee Seth. food.. Menne and Worpnrst. PT7l:lllSlttt'Ugt= bh=rt= r s to bebeaoh sod tor toe t.spnent of the Waited warn =and ensetod Into a law In tknustilk Ws, the 1716 00.7 of Ant% A. D. Intik TIIO6, At. ItIAILSIILLL. freak. C.C. Ati;mt ' l"l"sz a Ut y k O ( l.lB6li. Prvet pro WA. 8. O. Attsit W. lI.WITCIMrr. pr•lno B. O. atell.3td porseence of too Ihregolne..Ordionnee. I mill node proato mitt! the I.lllBr DAY UP JUNI:. for the who' or any lan iaII. 131. HINMAN. IlAyor. Plitebersh. Aiwa =.ll4lL—sDatiel . pitteburgh Female College. TIE FIRST SRSSION•OF .TRIS w c it nem on Mae? te n ittilir Hach tdebeebl ir n exm l"l""" petent oven . . etlnstruetars. Vie year be dirttledlnto tea manna ttrentrtiro emu sea. The tobenetns Department* tellt orAtnet tbe tut...mitt= of PeDlle. Mit Prizamy, Audemtn. and (MUMMA. NAM G 7 etatAni rn ammort-moult minium 8 " t t ri Arr dicw.ropillug more genctlealne latutenntlon. wilt bisi =f7stle't tam. m eurtwan. shot% b• r and ' th a ai ggS tete tATM ea PAM MB. W. A.481.011T. • A. MIADL J. trwsuo nrolliffigiff7lc§o_,N - r , 1 AL 00=113810N AttuNTS 10! purchased' Neel WG Collection ot K m th g m •m egaeLD4 ics ' in Loaning' blame ton Rondo and Ito non. AilKO. me niskinglolonEoLvoott 111ounteoe, t Attiologht: hiwicl.: /1 7 . .: ' 3l I' , ° V,-"' Ogres , &An t • , . . , . , virmaAht,TATZ, number and tae v rto. No. Tottrtli stmt. n.-1,113.4r. to 4, Pernstrier.aext doer to Aktisamascp . sonice, sad Pal ersi .I,frpperttr - Babwaruh Urns IStr"lrgransgr. .osla-r aseadatiss or ➢FlUiri t oerr Wigs:4 i 3.. and . IDOILWAES--5 bblo Driod Ptoodhei; . •do r • • 1101 , 1 - rer Oozier Boats , ,;""12.809N. ig /dint . / strodi INSURANCE. Athena= Fire insurance Company of London. dithatized Capital, $10,000,000. EAMIS= VI TOXIADUZIEL. Atmted Oa- Jet= Fannon, te n a ftho On. r . ,,Ff.1 . 1r A Ftln i nr ai re h t Weatuen, Write, Ster.,.. Co.. ft. &ant tr the United :Hon., FREDERICK RATUHRIED RTAILt. nited Stet,. Brenta, (Are, Nr. /Won , h fourth etr..et„ Rtaetelythle. A. A. HARDY, &con. for Vltteburra4 tore.r Front end ferry .it. Franklin Fire Insurance Co,. of Philad'a. PIREOTORS: Charles W. Baneker, Geo. W.lllrhalds.Thoe. nor% ble. ,, ,dosi D. Ism% Tobias B. Doris, Unmet °nat. Darla 8. Drown, iltaLtM =lord. Patterson. MAUI= N. DANCE.= President. Mugge 3. Ihunitidi, lfserstazy.. Thla Company wall:mos to mks InsorearomMozdtlagfit as Dratted. on seers desniptlou Property to and w . "beet rates es lowed are notieletent with axon Onmeany base marred • large contingent stitch, ytth their Capital and Prectiltuna.....ir afford ample protection to the moored.. The assets of the Ccadradr. oa January vie.. .a_Pob• tidied agreeably to the Act or Aaaactddr. fol.Wia, r15—.4416,1Z —.4416,1Z GS It•Vtrata 27.17110 11=w) Math 41:M fa 11,M2 0 708 44 I t * t . = L OT ' 0171 . 11111tn . lrEVI P Lont Cre P losses by Fire, theniby affording seldom:go of Ow agl• maid* of lasuraam, p well sa Utah. War sad dad". I non to meet erlth %smothers all Ilabllltkx J. OARDNEHCOSTIIf, Agent. 0019 Me 8. X. corner of Wood and 84 ate. Western Insurance Romany OF PITTSWRGEL War wircilf, i . it" wei-ga • Blasius Risks. mi=x W. , J. It liflllar,Jr. noitudelnn &att. Jan IdaAalay 4 Button A. t Goo. Darn% Andrew Ackley C. W. Blekatam. NatIVI Holm % c Dams., CI. W. JaAkatan in MinAatat; iall" Al lemur lastito tire it:Z*l bj. Threat= wen lornya la Ws calayalmlty. and • rill liberally at art earl male lly say all Imam &t tba OTITCII. No. 92 Water Wok. to °Spans - AMY* WarettaaaaJ err 941x9, Pltliabtlllab Sal -2 4 '•VirRiCi S - " 0 11 /0 0), „_ For the cure of Scrofula, all disease of du Blood, and rinpuritirs of the Boit= THIS wonderful preparation and certain temper he that most dreaded of all complaints. boo now obtained aLe r S , ation in private prattlaa and seals. out Mr ' WHO GNPARALILLKO, by any other medicine hitherto known. It la not dein/mod In tate stoat advertisement, to_ Ave a treatise osi scrofulous or tubercular disarm, am that la now ready' for perusal and nbe had of all our scants. gmala I will mareir say that It has C ORED•CONSUMPTION, when en other remedies haat failed. Janotgat tau manydistams that this medlcina hat made the most remarkable earn are We tohowinrc • Oonsamption. Mends/. srontbatir. md Wdlwea of the chart • and team Damn la the Chat • Darer fals=e ralle,T. Canker or the month. Meanie, Onsuntmption,Plnor : bun. md an diem. cabs ileintt,Nare• euentes.Oorwtdahm. all =Mamma dhiemee, Dye hi:MlnEammattwbtthaK Erielpelee.Gleet. /me. Brittingand Verona gof Bleed. Piles, all iV drairr olVVer, txucr itrrb . 4 tll= Wear Laflamme. the beet rem Mer hie& CUL aal ()ravel. or in the Bladder, lannbamAnd . sll form. of Rhennutistn. hlmmtnne. the Ilarrt,Trunoes and Atereaseer Anemia or Dedelmanyolßlood;Atrophy or Waiting of the 13..47.,W..FmaqU"?...11.! and Catg'P' creriiiiiiirririasmial tM Troilel7lll7 Maws, Dintaterot eha End. Ehort, peas of Oa Itenth. Illntalenee, Slat Etesdathe.Dthookastinuethe akin Hum= Complaints.. Warn a.. d Carar genersa) , animas , . qf Ale laced to= HOW IT dijig TO BE KNOWN. M When I Brit onnzoorced practice In New York tome 22 IS ago, my attend:el was almost inunediately called to the many and Increasing man of Borofhlorm complaint; could tbr adop ted, no eaten or nomenfol anode am bler te bo , adopted, I togan to make myself ( 0111, IL In ail Its moot virulent mum. and ann. ten Team of al most =emitting labor. I premed and began to awl y_ ttn, .Berofroloto Antidote' In say orwoßm. with the MOST ERNILRICABLE 5UCC.8.3.4. R Menem been known In me practice ems debt yore. and novae Ma the demand (without advertising In the monotone) mo u th mta b. ta miraculona eurea. width hare gone Bon to mouth, that I have deterattmod to the ardlerbig throughout tho oonntry, tha b meet of its wonderful cur Mire proPortire. I It fully name Rum who may feel dimmed - to try It. that it to r.inctir .a.O.one , nod • Purely Vegetable Preparation. Ind has made more permanent cures than all other medl. dare put together. I have now_lylng In my Meek aver one hundred -171V.IOLICITIII) TEJTIMONILL3. which no to son sod read by all who don:* It. and not area of them are orllnare moo. but nub sol to Inspire the rirmosr CONPIDE.NCE In tide medicine to any, hoverer locredniona. I wet gin .1•108. WI diorama, Sonny oho are dletated to toll at Be Broadway, N. Y. between II and 2 decoct. P. N. ran ao.tbaa , ....atomer , ..a beta§ o. he bad of B. N . kal Liberty wt.. Plttaborgh; B. We Usreastick, North Nanette K.. thrilele. Pa. • Principal Moo. 40b Broadway, N. Y. dead yd BelmboliPs Genuine Preparations. 11111.1thOLD11 mama OON CENTRATYD comp° P i I i 4. BUCHII Is • eaten.. KW and effectual remedy Ay Puma orthe Bladder, Nantos,lhagel, Drone. *Mk' win Bred Anew, Cnemorians. Fracas and a ll Memel of the Mimi Organic ertajer bK t "" Olt ?ANAL/4, from whatever cau., the bee orielieted. cad NO .Nll7l/11 Or ROW LONG BLANDING. Mod This War and smells remedy the nor offered Wow , armlets:armee to our alt the oboe...ome It amebae out the very roots of th e dime" &Ming out all the diseased dole, of the tndf. tbm resuming the came and redertue the core carat*and pereseemL The medieluelleye polo and inflammat, which other nmNla learlably mithe, and ma be tat. with Mee trouble ant enemata pathiate. This 100.11101, remedy has rayed %bounces upon thotteande fo.. the hands of Jhratur Quace,_ll oot from premature eaves. locum ot Infection. trio Compound nacho is the only artkde wor thy laths least eanli&om• or - the afflicted in methadon 'l l 4 t coutele no next!. memory, oretherini team &or Ou the c unit Vegetate , " o...vorams. 1 wry samestkle to Mato, cresteeno perceptible odor, and may be tee. by persons of *Worm without hinderanoe from buthieti er maim! advice, as plait amen= 00 um accoamenr the atelleitut Header. If yoo hare wee the above war phdota.do not neOnt them. Ude:en diumenna. WitAttils ctedl Mni ten core roared; and thus pre vent 77iTt /IMP .48/3 of4;cliel od;t . a u;; %be moot z i t a. ji=dow= t o b r/d . Woo every p t t paded to swbot dots of .liodtA ood Ponr/i n d • mr soadidno n i e T =d moot borh bono c t arcv mfilla v ffr ki. say of the above oLlowooft. ltmsntman ntrirours • 8/0/2/.Y 0/1 n/LISTRATPD Compound Fluid. Extrazt Sarsaparilla, mornging the Mead. roaming calamine wit*, Prom thorn arltosseg, esporeasathisthredmos /4,/e, davilfp anuthstioned dansuserinegfrom feepere nate of Me /Prod, and tee ing reliable and effictual bums= Me more gee Paig Ethos, 'aosid Head. Vela Meth andion. ft= t met Pisepksmitas eon/ t end AU that. ammo= Vas Pim .buttra= s ltet tp....D.ist il rein toed= tote teen Inns ant introdured which time l they hare been extremism!, and in venous pinto or the Pelted Motu. sad lesse girth to ;anent and mann:loath the highest demon oimt,Wiotiou in the rerthas cams la .10th they handset, employed; ohetheriu ttsm:y* , ,,intry.hnegitai. or private maim, they ha,. insarishly Mien too mom &- aided sad unalmosipatithation, and pralueed themes t watery mid enctsi laths. Nxmleroull totters ham both thoeiral the mast distinguished thysidaue to the =nary and from the sorotenors of wrath medial retommenting le the highest terms the ninths them mediethee and their enpninrity cam ell other pre. Ithations,ltir nth onapielnM ea the ralrprhaa ric(l6l. maids. Neiman= preperatkrus at p m thd or banal and mulents rthelse Off prepaing them tun ham girtht ail of of course Misr amorline to the mode of si which nth ludlrthisi nay adopt. Tithe mains oothderable eve la the myths thou and the =Moment of different mengthe roe. metes operation to tabu:. the ortmettm matters, and, hi ere wet trearnatlytmermerly made. end Dot moth Impanel. If not resiMath totelly pat, try 41grtim ta — ETZ=ltne. of the his Toderialo= haw. tuft taais battle and to . tite lsoulttr tt that tirz i. should Nf the mat admittagth To Mind this and .halals ertl alithel to. hare male • number at tot te to ithertalei, the man effsetualmoth of . g the vir tue, of the garethartiiii and Bathe, • to dimmer the mast matted Item to Muth exhibition. The ethwimmts have most fthombly audit Ls with ninth. pleasure I .o n offer tote nubile and the tarnatr my . Compound Maid Winne, ninth tothath all theolrtime Of Ath artM dee they or. repremated tote made Moro in * ht.ht7ma rentratsd form and mettle most satin • pf,i loom whieh am be made stet taw...moms t inampa. rills eddedot other Ls easel tot. LW= diet drith, tain oisbottle Wpm& in strength en* IP/1021 othynip slarsaamilla or tam ha uthinw made. main Mad Extrsat /Melt% pl per brie, or our 13ansparill.. Pertificatee themes and reeanothodellone tam ELtl.. , gobbed to 0re.....e andph= win ithompany 000 b ll:Mention. Prellthed 11.11L4M1. ! •eractiost and .thstAmi C LD larithit. o. 2.43 Chad:int Stmt. onr the Girard toff.. Paled.. To bead of Drugiste and Mahn, thery eration th. P. 111,01.1rA L l♦*than. tilt 7. a. xsysiu.lwood. gitittsourgh.. Whhieethe nista& Ail Minas for Us Van* emoted to tae InCVlrt•Wit maim humanist Um. and Ws • detrains mut. hied. The Wonder of the Age. NoP AI F TOBIAS' Celebra T ted Venetian Lin taunt am eat ear. Modem threratart=re 6D OMA gar. kii4 "'l M.tlUnts. Musa ltheronettath Beelithm& oati. B um, Prelim and Yam Weekneer tn the Ll s bn p Pun mid Mat. 4.11) HUMBUG—TR 11*. pr. Tonle the warreated his Liniment for ohtht plate olthent ewe truing • demand made tbr the ratans of the money—ell that la &Arad la to rue it ereordlag to the dl. reattach No Obb will ever be Wi th out it. Ana once ming it Ulan do not dad it better Shelter:7 Wog len Imre mr tried brit. Get Tour Irony Returned Aormantands Cmilluitel hate ban mandved meek. ing Una rare virtue. Mcnredaya We the preetko Ali the 'papers With certificates from unknownor lEins pan newer rued the 1,6 DOLLARS ta rate one vb. srAl wore tbrA On on in:Ml.2nd • fun ontlitests daring ths time ite bee Imet..tds =SULU Wee the Paws. 0611 on the scents and get s Pamphlet containing:lm. anions at abo lartre uof hi. tatli J. asil.* Lledmenr=statalit le numious to o ake it bitnnlik, Dr, Tobias ban taken ins lapwing terlTil. ... • . • I. Eaton L To" of dlr.!' MT York. being_dids sworn, d,E. .eolauxnunt aLammes caned Yin. TUX, and 'the luds ol linlat D Is munsind ore pnleetty ees to rata latarmailr, mt. I. .opubie Lb:ratite , !tersintlit the Dtreetlone necommlard, , New York Jstusri.vtbaga, Intl= to Mr do on= me. • . . Misteatoac Mime Pries Z and kb estits, rad a r . a. 4 pyaiii Mullein. Dealers tbroeuino 1 It Stem& .. , kkirdlan roe eel. De. in Hone Linkmett Di gut. DOWN at 60 gam martsia lx. A2ll4oVe ir . con e. _ . . . . . OthsiPhthtl, 4 Xl,,, Li i PEDI3OI/THEBOW N OUBOV•. pogr .od .M yO iNCCltl47Lll,lacy torn. Pats. 304 Coan=lit r nasZ 44 d reneatt of AALtt MOO 4 &ND r DUWA IO teary hslithsihtX,Ea I hilMOrbvt,Tlvapply _At the tea ft WM MIMS zCO tAva gsV i g= Os, URN OV Axr cum tbeir Bowls Wined OE4 Ilgr aV lTerectlej "Mlii* • EMIM RAILiiOADS. &C. • IssB. ONLY ROOTS PIM TIMER DATLY TITALNB T ou PITTSBURGH TO CINCINNATI; - DALY/MIT ITT= Mt' DAILY THAM PROS Pittsburgh to Dayton &Indianapolis. 01110 AND PENNSYLVANIA . AND LITTLE lEIIAIPII ' _RAIL ROADS. Via Crestline tc Columbus. Quicked .Ifourcfros• Pi:10ml, to Unthread. VONNECTING at Cincinnati with U. S. ‘.../ Mall Line Strsniers, Covington and Lexington Ilan rand Ohio .4 Illasissingi gadroad , uid the Lawrence ville onanedung Ha Colurobas and Xenia. vitt. the Day ton and ..lisoligand Indiana itallrosia. Tb r y,,,,h meets, Ha Colombo, and Cincinnati. to Lex , 'lutga. Louisville, Bt. Lotde. Indienal.din. go.. to., Ha OWnukbus and Xenia, to:ASITton. Indianapolis, Lafay ette, Tare Haute, Bt.' LAW". tigto. .. The Little Maul via Columbus, connection Stith the Covington and LOillgt:4l Sam& D. 3- /lied Line litsavurs. Ohio and fiLississigni Halicced. lard iarrento. burgh Boats. oiliers facilities no other route can gins. sa thrOngk tickets by all. the Om routes ran only be yco. cured Ha Columbus and th e Little Hissol Railroad. Tts rout* train Carviline via nohnom, bent the short est to Cincinnati. wis a =Or= and saik spool. Con susetkas ids tettalti, a me nd - Penngers bars full Oh. for lin• By the sorest rlci Bellofontalneronte homers-et. e. dannerout oxl betak.sock wad is myosin:Land goa -1 polled to othronosthetUstaincs. By the rout* Ykadi Chitral= So auctousti and Indianan. olla, Pnevenginv Over roads ballasted and ionootb-- Br t he fmit pud stai..fontatue routs. P . menacw , -Ida once the mean roads In Ohio. . • Van Daily Trams, ria Ogurabsis and Chatinn .'f. " lorTgua—learn Pittsburgh by 230oblock, g as. ' - Oe online. Columba, „Tools. vandanati. lertdsrWS. ht.' 10.10, L.lngton and ludianszstig - via Lanreneeburgif horde. flit Min attires at Cbconocatt sme hoar and fluty Haute. minute:HD winnee of the Forest lad Bollefontaine. . Tgui—Learn Pittsburgh et 8' edockbv- t' r r Cradling Columbus, Xenia and Cincionett Train maitre comuntkrn only Na Columbus to Cincinnstt go 'faun—Leaves Pittsburgh at lioldoek, Y. /1.• Sor_ertit , line, Oolumtgs,_Xsala. Chninnati, Laulsrling 01. Wins. Lexington pad lndithapolls Hs Larrenceburgh Route. Tioo Dady .nis, rd. thlmbect, Dag.. ant indigo aport lid Tagi—Legres Pittsburgh a n t =0 o'clock 1 It, for Mailing Columbus, Xenia. Dayton. indianaPolis. Lear . efts, Tam Elute. V lawman, 13t. Loth,. Cahn. gregurrllle. et go Tzsiti—Lsaves Plttsbungh In d o'clock g pf. Orr ecot one, golanibug Nerds, Dayton. ianan-dig isfalvdto. Torte Hasiu.Olininarns. Et Louie. Ontrn gm:grills. do. SD TALUI—Lni.a immure. at 0 o'clock r. si. for troth U connitha., Xenia, Dayton, Itallsnalol iL ette. Terre Haute. V annes, Bt. Lards,ileing Mnsruie. ae. N. B. Benno your Haste vix Othambus, and you are sure of conrsatlons Stamen lean. Cindzinall daily for lissopids. Vick* burgh. Natchez. Net Orleans, go. a g The Columbus, being the aord note Timm Tablas of the Eastern Hoedown arranged to run In close conneoeion with this reliable mute tor all information and Through Ticket.. Pk.. WM; at th e 01.10 sad Pestroylranla Italinnal Office. (corm: os. flee.) under theldouongahsfs Bongs • l ' J. ii. CORRY. Ti^ket gond. Or st Moral EtrectStation. . ONO PARKIN, Ttekst Agent. P. lit IiTRAVAII. ONO. 0. :IZSAIOIVA (loam al Azent,Oiceloruyt. Azesit. Pitta.Sh• dslllnolo4l/ Pittsburgh and Connelsville RAIL ROAD. VILE STEAMER EOLIAN mill leave her 11_ wharf, &bon the Menenashels WIT. Ohm. dal eareeptel) at kal P. M. rur West Newton. connecting there with tie. train ertilds haves for tbanelmille. and all Tay stations et RETUBDINO—The train leaves Connelsville • a A.M.. tonneethig at West. Newton. • with the steamer N 011,,. which leave for pi tuthergh at 7,.V 14 Frimeturers and (might carried each oar. Far Rather Information apply tette Dre cm hoard the dumbest Dollen, or to the ligehts at Wee Neaten and Cennelleville. D. W. CALDWELL. alga , - - Assistant Superintendent; Pmwylvma Railroad. rtiil3l T ugh -r' Tesins, between -Pittaburgb and fhiladelph—Tll3l MORNING id.lll, T , iiiit h &v d ea Pittsburgh for Philadelphia at 7. A. aPllXBBTiadtAi=4l3.l6Allo3 at 11,11=ad Philadelphia for ttaborgh at 11, P.M. Acomennedation 3 al n larvae Pittsburgh dal. Wrimm"Pt. Soud a n, at 420 o' Minton'. AC comndsUon Tenn inn. Pitt, or daily at 11 o'clock. A. 3.M) o'clock P. Mudd.= Y. na Warn non connect at Mahwah with Chin mad. ton Lona. Mo.; Alton, Galen and: go, Ill; lestikkLecangton and Lonlerrille, lir .7 Tarn Haute, !Wham, Lahrette and Indianapolis, Ind4Clocier Dayton.Bprlingleld,Beilegrotalne, iiandosky, Toledo, Cleveland. Othunbus, Zanenille. fromand •Woodar, Mkt also, with the Ate= Packet Buds and to tin Oansum,67.l,mds,Lonumus artdcutenusuL Timenniih m l3ckets ean tee had to minim either of the 7R hrthar ahne gortloolars, pee 11.and4d11. at the differaut stating Ponta. Puma= from the West wilt Ond this the shorten and molt eitC . ltas route to Philadelphia Union, New York, or " mos. MOORS A 01247, Passover LI 2dEgirne 1 1. 4gast..Passoupar Linn. h. OLE' • p• :BUROB ;#4. WEIZ • :i• CONNIMMING WITII tII ~ ~ ~ ~ ,! , .~: It= shortest and quieicest roots to Chios go ..id at row. 1, via =n um). routs Is Ous Hundred miles snorter and about gins hours quleksr thaw the circuitous aro via Indian oPtits. Three Daily Trull. bogus. Plltsburuh to ClerraLsne.. Tour Dilly Iralro between Cinema sad Chicago, Tim., to Clerabutd, 0 hounu chi-. 4,4 04 bourn; and Bt. • • • On and after Tuesday. January 8.1866. the trains this road will run as fallow= ThaTrains of theftlo and Penna../Larfroad laming Pit 4 burgh an2.Aoa.. I. and 8.83 a. x., and 3.00 in Y. Leave dillanscat 740 a. n. and 11A0 A. X. wad 0 48. Arrive In thardand at 10.00• me ndos g g and 9.10 p connecting Wu= withaeceland aToledo ltallicad for Toledo. ChicagodlockLahcal and et 'cola Pawners fur Tolorclo, Micas.. St Louts and t ; ho North West., leac h N r lttabnrgh on tha LOU A. St tuna, hi going. via °Wm arrica in Chicago 8.10 next tangoing. Passengers ht. Louis, goat Wand . Gahm. and the Nor r r c tj.l at k =wista to gotbrough with out deterdaan, .111 take 'th• Trala iwring Pittatcrnia. at n.; as this la Wu only Oath by which time con nection:am are made sarong=to the store paints. The Vaina Itacin Pittamargh at and Welbk Yille at 9.09 a. Y. ars e Um only ones by erbieb mongers can reach Mations =MI at Aillanca se Stations on the Thanaganaa extentrton. .llfif•Tlekata for Cleveland, Chicago and the flortlearea t via Wean - 111e, ars sokl at $l.OO Gm than via Manes. • The trains for Clavelmfd unmet at Undo= arittk mina Tor Corahoga falls and At The tralna from Claveland to Toledo and allbSoa.gartro as °Unarm—Loam Cleveland BAD L. K.. 3.10 axed 6.00 r. it. Arrive at CM at 1.0.10 r. aL 6.10 a. let, and 6.40 a. 0. Trate, leave fat Book Wand and Bt. lends, as fbllovve—ltar Bock I d at 9.00 a. 0. and ll.= r. et— Yorßt,loWaat9lBLlt.and9.9or.n. . , F.a.sernrera fro Bt. Louts go ono &et Island Railroad toJellet,ued tbanso tia Menu, Altou and ft lonia Raahrrad to Bt. Lo gi& Parreangara to Lta,91.6 a. u. train arrive at 6iLonla DM cons arming. and by .0.30 B. train at noon nod day; Romig. doctor! through to tlarreland and Mono. Irlia VIAL •LIU51;11 LID CUITICLUID. Ist Clam .26 Cosa In. darn Bet Ctros. To Alliance-UM • To La Saila-16M VA 40 Cloraland..4.lXl • ° Rork LilaadlB,_oo 14 on . .T01•da1....-6.60 • Galena...-113.10 'l4 00 Caleario...ll.4o 10.00 Bpringfiald.ll4:o -1610 ° Bloom 6.90 1440 " linatintaton..ll4oo -16 00 Bt-LardA-111.1.) 111 60 • ° . 'l4 00 06=Wsairomatad to prronne their :Uinta at-ter erdraParrar, In Moranagalols Rowe. below tbs =nor. J. DURAND, Cloreeland. lag J. A. CLAWIII.6IY.Airt. Plltatarch. • 1855. AIB LI6/3 ROUTE. 1855 ca110.A.43.2a) 7_.ouis. czaca icr . Louis . BAIL_ROAD Foriterly tact • , an.= sekaippl. Al= mow to '• to lAA /kerva rr r lr3 tho Enna! Central . Depot, : teot of Water strut st. kit ra,F .c dsily. gundavg eitoilet To 6h. it Br. Imam not " Wardell gho EU tat& Freight Emigrant. Sunders 6,2b et, hum" Method throash to Utak . Trains run 'direct ttuotteh (742 =Lies) ,tithout chasm lot oare baeshre mantes 'lntl, the (.72X13 ouutillfltamsrs Wtoehes• Sohadorr. ez In' exchteinconnecteozmith Permager halos fro. Alton to St. Louht. (ea raw without leading. .I . hele .Boats, foe need, onmotetate d eleehme an: =rammed co the werlera 'Mars, Wog fttal u, itlth natty and freedom t Weehoontes. Wendt= topeterevati the Onatt..ltY aortal tha da t toamotaable to Mummer ht a, trevelltet owl teeetatte • Loots refreshed from thottrecto ea lons o ICsosuzdZ•Vks this thoulott u rottoute l and listlao andel Otisrost "ti npo howl, gamma Chnaberlsod sad Tstownows Maws wdi hots the Itawartastawdzotla diVaaoa WCg7Z ralloa low to Moan. teem, and to miles lua to horld alto ty sox DM* Srr TkV S I n r g cot titV t_h dol SA GA Altman ila tato, walla tam aka thothahowt th• ftolt sad in WV.- - th. omniwura . 411 opootlic Throw= llon t w oul at t i ts . depot of the Oentnal tan will always. batch. Depots of Ida oath= toads goln Lotolllalosso to Meek /Wow" illtollati to sky riat ow eh. • • _-11. 11USUAtt..70tolet 11. J.l) OCIIISEINIXBILOSII.Sias, Noncom havaa AlLegitp.ny Valley : : Railroad.' ... . . . . ... QN and attar MONDAY, ,March 3d, 1850, Two Daily Tralom will tay Piltsbwrg3 u tolloww .% 4 Express 8 30 a. W., rtoDWusat rhumba aB.llal. tent, Tarentam, Chartkra 1/twsteut, /Cistlmlnetas and Borten, imitate as Elstascalog sell dolsok. a. No. 4 B..mmdatios. 6.40 e. L. stoning at sd“lons. are riving at Eittanativg atria P. Z. _ _ . . lizarin I. U. a.lttaantaf IL. blahllrg No. 1. Loom. =dation, T e a. is., stopping at ali atattotut arthlaz at rt raM=2, :tic...slot 314 at. Bantam. liblthalnio• Us, Treetarti ChartWa, Tasantom, Dolton anti Shatpa tweet waving at ?Mahal-0 at 1.40 P. ri. .. titages Will yucc Dm 111=ag la .22asettoo with tha ttalas. Ike the FoIIIPPZLZ _A aura =awn. ..--s sa a .. la agnaciarar., a6O BoolyWW=.— 26 Rana Winly.-........ 8r93 lealwelso4--........-. 1 16 Midd15am........-- 1 t Kaihorabanc. --. Ou .:11ank...............--. 2 TeXas 2 8 8P hoes_.,_.... 2 60[1feth1tgi5ew................... 2 6 64....-..-..-- $ it Idechsalostows..—...... 3 - t0 Ileedibachs.—.... 3 OD blissacrodala--„,.- 3 26 Adams.--- ......, 220 1tmkp1a5...........—. 886 PARS TO - 26.61.......-..---..-...41 26 • • • Adaby ta Na iri tit. L 3 a. E. Tab: boat PM • io et el the shoe* plasm the same day. . .Hera tb all the stove ales csa Eil prCoured at' l=t r alasextr=r hu eeta hri otid 71 rth. and Anitt and "Wa ea at; at TAO A. 111.0848 T.l. in am motto& With Dui " • DV - - A. J. BOPP= ausealateedaat. .. • Souther* tn• . liortluirn Indiana n Tit 1 0 4 WOII Lym • 0 0 =lea • braildafrith Cluarnere• a4mi lot Maim, aid titbit =t i l t ed itaV= R a n,,&, ondartiaa at La Sainnith 'Union Contra gad Chi onto and Illnindo34 Railroads sad Maas River Una rtfrattellit..V6l4.lg:l"il and ell /* . l" FOUR DAILY P GIKR TRAMS. 10.—poprim V4lLTrata UM in unarm at karma 'Nis& at L.zr P. Id. ski—idaraim *now Taft Isms Toledo at 11 LPL. nodtris at 9.01.1..11. 'or Tato leans Toll:dela 1.33 P-114 ardyin§L io atilt* P.M. • 4 212.• ittliziont_ Train Wow Tondo ati.l6 R. 3L, §:- Etna in at ma a. 11 Oa•Tralsoli Itoadaii, Inns Solo& at ea P !L. and atitras at a trr Urour Daily on du Coruna! sloyruidoAlum“. Wing du Ohio and Nnal. Bia l nd the tiandoakr and Martarlidi Aram& kloaresoi win than b. conned ar= d 4.= SUM. We Railroad. or brUa - Opto Railroad at. Allitares, Inn =mama at. Cioveland making Oa noir than UL t ' a d o vis a trti. A. Railroad in Ridloard Two.tL muds co. b• griontnd tin adore of nu ” i Pi ma C rart a boW llz r, 444a t. 4 !. °= " 11 " . RUCRIZEt.. Unit Ontitalitt 6 tar Mb. 1114.—tt tLB. sod IL 1. R. a. • Olio sad Lidians. JUMrcuUt. ' , kth...904 • • eim-POTATOEB-50 i➢L tit ad z lingn •- itst;iirii" s " 4 ";{ l.l ? a "i lutw . --1 4 4 14 ,We ini ` 4 12 " at - 1 - . 4a' inz - cup - -114212 cro. QSEAT , VESTERN =ILAIL ROUTE, ima ATUt i IINDIMM. • ;41 WolD D.Pardlnk Ectaja= 1. Galena luld.Chiaar Timm Ballreet • -" • TO . 11. 4 1 1: 4LaA n IjiDDIINI.DITIL Pareaste A A P it • .., =WAND, 701IPON AND lOWA' LINN. POIDIEDS, rommoz.crazurlrs. Through Passmor 60 A. IL - Thmitb • --AGO P If Belan and -Madison Branch. • " vas Awarr,ArayssynzE =I MADISON. AM. UN • L Paray tt a,.. - 717177., =Dm M. Fox Rae Valley. gatiraad. • UM% 10:910.117 . 17130 ZIOISID.VD. A kr. Pumger=47.-7:===--(1.00 P n. TRAINS EASTWARD. " ants& ram maim, mos IAILIOSD. • ' • • • • - •• • • • - Two Tr...ma% b.= 6 It.-4,rrir* la Chletr, ,„ I.e•vs Dan elth 8.13 A M.— 4.80 P DI. Lin Ihualellll 610 P - 4.05 A M. cmcacio, ruvrot Azi, lOWA lass rattan. Ale A M...mtra I Chicaza 11.40 A . 4 CO P • " 10.60 Pit BLUM AND **DUOS DEASCH. Lee. Foovillo 1 h IO # i rc-axllv• in CtlaLso A r t H. PDX XIV= WALLET SAM. :LOAD. Les. Van at OM A M....artiva Sn ChSeno 11,40 • M. ••• ' all PAL—" ,10.60 P M. a it/All. Atm. tratamoolket with tba crest Makatea! Etnat di q ntn ig ftcm CateLv TOSTVOrikS.PD'it. P. A. HALL. Sort. , (SOttITO) m 124 Removal= .. . 'EKE or eahseribor has -removed his FOrWArdl o ond 0=1711.1111611 gotAblioloment to the CORM 0 ONT A YEltitT ATP. whorl In eon be tom bon. &PM A. A. HARDT. . .104 11.16 ii - 11 44 .41.7311 & Indiana :* - .'.4 - ::: : :':: . 0 . 1 1 7 ,1 a 4.t. THE • NADI N ' :IN 1 A AJB -RAILROAD • , 111N01•7, prepared to forward freight . ' • ae gut co" XIMAAugh at kir totes wol with MASS{ area and .Deal. All Ito ortoAgatt=ts nod arromtlooA ago nob as to dye etWiro potatiostioa. ' ' - No thugs for drams or coonsbolon at Madigan, '.± Throogb_mot.pta Alvan ft - .9 PI TSABUHOI.I. or 'NAM SON to INDLANAPOISS. '/ , 'Z HAM, GAPAYMITX PEatr, C H ICAGO. sad ether poles In the Woe. ._. • • A A. - , . JEMMY, Ant!, . op1 e)1) . _,.., . toraront sad Parr OA .-retolsphOls - '1 *21•0211. i rirlit , crest tral onto connectu3 th; Atlas - tie rata . win Warttalm. ' llorttreresare g , and utbsratarn State. try • maths son Itallaty Croat.- Tbla road also annals at Pttlibmga attb Maly Pm of Staamara to all Cotta oo the Western Al sad ..1 Clans lard and Sametualy wi th Steamers t oil tarts on the Northwest= tateathsk_► Ng the's= &rat, ...3 , .. an retina ran by wblatraitulllam b.. Rewarmed to an from tb• ~ Plat __ _ - HAIM lutrinutarraurztuaveg dII37S.UPPGR. !LUST CLASS...-1100. Pam. Dry Goods 00 . Fn . ioeu Hatntin tame) r:fsadoz. am. Sinn D OLAES-Boota Sentlatody. Dry Goods (bo tadas must La. 7io. par tam na i l . = tan a I,.. 2 n W z roL. A TlllHD atulk.ll . ;=Cast m:I. • Bote ram par Mao Lunar. Oa . booMbe)Aere, it-- I,OIMTEICLAMS. Mab. i =t Port (an 1). sal Lard a pa maw. Ilorap.arou tad. a . FLOUR-ma i'. bbl metal or none. GRAIN-ll S it. bbl min falba man i COTTON-i 7 per bale tot ninth= 1110 Me safest lis , good, fro= Any ontiladol tWel o.. :Pedor to mark AI WA& 'VA Yeast Au Boo& oonalgood to the Aganto of thic. Awl at 73331 W IDALt or ratabangb. itlll bo SomAdo4 without Wootton. Puxaur Aar.—Mow Patter.&Wag J. L. Illlott. Tact E. a. Barder.Ph&Adokta; &Apia" Hoooo,Edu sow Boo...a&WOoAtk. AM:wao A &ow , CLootwat3, Ohl= A. B. mmrhosd. Lownfle. Hya B, 0 t Molarool. Al&llooL &WM*. oe., AL Low. Zs: 3 EeMatt. t Hon. IL H.UOUBTON. Awns3ProtaALAW3. .1-I,O3IILLAIM Anza,Allwa. pa- Jakb PITTSBORGH GAZETTE .PDDIZOIDOD DALLY AND WXYILLY OV . D. N. WHITE. terror as 19196 rasa, Alum !manna awl. - • • D 4 / 14- 4 1 x dpilsravei, I , y .11:91.q Oho mat I. WEEKLY—Two &llam ammo, In adrane... (goo f. will De supplied on the follooinmudationot 17ITa nopies per 7 OD - Ten cooks do • 19 60 Torontrooolai do • 90 00 Sir Afton*. pouneate ar.rotrietly roudr•d. Lad to. PoP67 ttooro4 t.Mm Um rear 17 oat; atom It la cd. • RATES OF ADVERTISING: 0.4 pussy. (10 noes of Do Imatil or Agt/N Do ore Insertion:— 0 00 Do each additlonel liasatiost.— o'4 Do eras -- tTS Do Due, woke 4 00 Do one DO • Do tens 00 Do three 9 00 De four man.. 10 00 " Do tic months—:-. 11 w Do twelve l9 h Standing Dards, (ft lime or Ises par ammo) I Ora dollar fcc each suidltlocel One maare.charktrealge at ulcuormarer az nem, exelustre of 94 %, Yor each ad Atlonslegeae,bacerted over ohs mouth, - an for each alattional mmase 13:sorted uroler the yearl7 rates • . . halt wire. Mamtlechente islceralos • guar% m , Asot ore MUM I.l=pamed as • mitten and halt not acroontso4 for legal eAllverthemseuss Mmt i ns: k. .mouotairl ib f2,r4lmab&stZs. the mme N other adrertleauteuht, „ • Adratbeerared. not =aid. gm . the cony far a neunber of twertioas. eCittlictoel till " gr asthma of szatualids 'Arlen Malted ts their arm ternedia.. business, sad .11 ad tits fe the bandit of otter, Mara, as well ao all luivertisomen, not incendiataly anal:eta:l with their own besides. an all elms of Istemstlsontelast. lts; /Muth or otherwise. be yoad the limits sugared. win be charged at the lanai ratas Tor all sotto amt advertising. bills will be serarataly readarett and mtom .yarriant is dallied. • All adtaU,—.£e for charitable institactions, timeoni , tables. ward, township. =lathe? otabila westing., andal Political meetings and an thin. ta Webs:od haltWae. PM. alpotrietlylin edianco • . • Sierriaga notices te be charged ao emu.. Death notices tweeted. without alums. nohow ammo. sled bT funeral invitations or obituary nottem. and Irbein noteccutuncled,to to raid ibe. -- Betrdeiretlerm and all others eendltnt =no Wen Urn& or mold= note= denizen to rall attention to Bain, renreer, cornertn or nay potato enterlehunere where therm Ira soda tor adml-itU notices or rate atone—eerm7 notice dW..eO, to tr. &rate entanntrotorileolsted - ar trt.ded. moots toarridnal Internet, ren tal? tar Inentert with th e nonsr. elandlas that the lam le to ~the tern If Intended tit . be Inserted In th e loaf an= the soap Marva at thereto of 10 onto pre liae.. - - MacyorSraotieee to be enema Wale wine l'averer Lion= Petition. loon • Zeal Estate dereoleareldutionevendrartliimars se to be elealei ander yearly Mon. intralkered a &sweat • th.Ltizraree atut anorthlaner. cent Asest tn. =moat s _ Izail IL =maxi/ ur m:EY saw' unencitiars,t2asan .41 Ili - sea sthlitkanfinsatia= V 11Wi;5EZWtM 1 := --..??-• •-: . I rk_ •.. . . _ I 1 - ..,-,- • - '"•-=:: ..: .-- NT F... ...:.,A L .ril l -___ ~...:_..., . li,i aa5_.F.77....-,--,e,-ic,,: CHERRY PECTORAL rim= A COLD, o W TdE ila MIA. t D h Aar. KollD 4O lar to hid, ad Imp no won. to oriels dud:nth* audit. ... lOit A COLD AND ())COO. take It tocersdng. ara sad nun& scoardinn to uncut on the tot.* and Oa dia tailty will scan be yoftentl. None will tau wan Qum ado trouble whattney salt own be to_ mad . cared.— Poroona alias* With • sand a n. womb break* that at their rod. Oath; will and by the Chary Poo torsi on on* to not.,Ontria.7 be ruCarscatnil. =bro. aloeyokat onnoment on _nen, t o Mot a n on inering. and Ohms% coot.a waft to Munn wwhone ttanalbotad. ty this innlushis randy. . .., Prom Ito acreaddo Cato in than emus. many CO ....LT°. ta. to forego its unman the oficanDY la It hu , .. TO antawas inriaaa SPIANINS Oda Invanobla. as by its actionu then:no* melte= taken la anti quantlties, It morn all booranos tn • tar bortA b. and wandrdell ylunne AO Naar and ea A la Month mart odareed, and' often whol/Y can az o i da t Obary Pensicoal. Ent tan are anti nano ato yield ontinato, no sondkina Choy Porto& mill:rare tbtar ir thoy Can nand. . BBODOHLTLA as troltatton .n 1.11.0 ... .ogz: don of tar Inuanny In eared bytating Chan al In ..lI .on Damn doom who soicordartabl• cro. . _POS and —Gho au amotiaolattimany. to be Iblinn on Wham. and Inalun done of the Chan Parband, ow It subdues Oa dhow& If taken in sucat, It will l'c' v a LU/70 .. C0T/Gli maybe izoksi VP and Iccc tlttud V.iiiihlfEMTL ir g.'• ' t......4 g t Nyman* Instunn bay==ced wens whole ...r,: Ina , Intoctnt Dan any salon wytinlymana. while Undo without tho Chow Pa:WO won soar. nt Ingtanoia an reported bees of pathrota who ban rand Croat LIVIdiZIMPIALII2 by Oh moody. so zany that than can .no auc„W.of its boding at tbSlS_dip_ ono. It =unto porsonangly tan Ott tho Fon .. tho ado and attar unal In :dynamos awe. 102CONSUMPSION In ti n , ulltaZ Win arts= th e marl= era gaol Phy=tt gon al: Vig - ; In IMIZTEW with • corstal mud to Om }dated ... Um ay tbm tuna tondleinualy- unit ai l n• point t h cmodalty nanadninuatictejs wili Winn ni tO adiduo Or mond cox own= I. ft. want an. rya Chan Ty Pectoral should kw anon dors mdatial to what tAn Paint collor u M tat a d a n n a d s a n n y charam, I Ot - r U es wn, adra rmth M tal posann. Thwarmmay ads nloitt a i l ono the ccrunad. who fal cad say Oa r = winr tear Inn and wawa Math tie ths bas. thutr lan or trial, nand of na==. oo madam In Ilia nedaia, hulas to nay uni =lona, IT . hi accoodian the mart s =i, m ....D. o ' Li = Ade ; temet Netou . n o n4 . mu ... lw ...; onDennl naw nald atlibala and mantas Da :natation ii 'Won. namdimi zsz." , cornaulty, horri:Ad re gl "="7. th . antned they by ma an urn f sari 'fr_ . a arm too n meastranod taco rotor be eutuuttou. ithih: It In • road as the !bat any amo nankin wed tannan . b absaadint nadthat tro:ora Patten omia y., .., war. but statca hirandar tare Da miiiisl.44 fog which 4"1 " 1 "" L them tato wider and Una AB WWI mans tide im od. e ham moony boom the bon rail= to anyy.d, from the Int robin of the Utah= Penn; to the VI." "'MU T% Razz 22 - J: O. AY1411... - groom a Whalesk i lA A.. Wilditycof, A CO A t ~.cytt by the onyx /duo* ha city and sit Dada" norywhoes. c Idanatin 1111181:141.0 IRON ElplM---)11f RE X. MERRIL k JAQULti f 142 Centre Street, New York, NfANUFAOTURIPS AND, _IMAMS , Wight hut rittIaXIODMIN, ora Dthm Stir parstat commetett_ atj,lt ciodita.Mmgdtdthdatjho otismltit-Ctok VMS** %Ifft . NZ% Villain% ~, ei b i a l lt Oda% rataii% i s litais sod Rolfes Rum to older. tdro P • - nww Ow &sow Cantor Itattdossias Mira ,odtat atottstaQ to do doubts lb* Ind* sew ' laantaa. • _ Orders sdiette. • aillpetwej Of .t2d tom b% 1 - ereastla wisadiha ; EDW'D- T.- 12011 Ali. GENxBAL .c0 . .51X MON =Min Thoetee duto , rti th_ cnkas. t a bitt o o, Intrtedz i Lloonwile, .:. --I)*. itl rerial l'irilanznit OA Pi.