The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 13, 1856, Image 4

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    • " '`` 'CIELCIaggn )30118'
T E S.
• moNeliftgo I
"dieid and guar e
add tharlitarlavoated
Feist& on bl ir tllN 3.1
. 11 ; .y2 1
'o4ollll"ellirli6Lbri, the elilleive and
Iderangantr os="evirTrat,i'ZirretT
Ids mot idnooro thoM• n u = cf lUhafall
irnIDI h r ta.p:
; ;Aw ..,...,,,,, 4=4 1 1 ,, L 1gi zi et Plano
dieitiVhdlitatiCY ` ollats
• of , one
try. Chloknina k lbaser.:taindo
ilmturnaliara °Sohn% aom Pxono.faxloo. , that
big to hoop* Pollannils lot that agomy nub.,
of tho mink* imaialsonind ikv- - .4,Erain ih.4con
Pular 5.11.0 n and Mohr. Plooo roma.
Mori sad lowiTiesil'inio pottaloold prodded will
s, Hind of moo oneldiory, and the wolaallio luamer•
- onatetatrodown fats
the fOO I:ltddmr
B. tolz 4.4 noadesi tit promo* no; p
Mann may abo dorpood4l3. a whooillato ..14 - 4stoek al •
'rj'fott=tre Pitry
allOrdloir oho venom pontoon oil the edran%es of the .
Batton =riot without enamour trepata=rk.
• A Puse Li . ' and donaiptloo. of . font
Parleadrood *nom PlatioL roma winnow
antis oamplandan by MGM? abut-vim
tuirmaarof Ili. abort instrolownwth• ontionib
both.: humnow of remis■ to, stoat Foe amnia
i b. o-bh and whinny. who. holiontorehuad
ban In no Moo Oh= Ha dhow, marion
srl.s o bO
to ar.. and tali
groo="ruicioaHOr. tasy of thatt
• ni s y,ab..H. Solar, rtimisig ar. the OtootoollMO
plo/Pilial th• Waitangi.= -Pe
- aollo P
BE . a;
i war . :4 4 l). l... Piloolilal of Ills Zionicath Poioalo
Bor. SWIM sie4l4÷Yrtzu#o . oT the Blatant,
male Sionloarn Pa. •
• Iloof. Joapin Won* of lionwcod Boys
•Asadocar. ow
- :mire I boolliarn Sionnotowo,pb.
1.• • B. wigwag, deadowm Br Tams
Its. I .
V III.. Sena thostiooh.Ptincipsior the ni ,
rsoiXesda.Obics. I
an, ,
ta. ao.
041 Plum Ulm to andanst thorn fall Morin pay
loon% JOHN H IdOoILOO.
- eon moot for Chlonallig goon findworoph aoß
Median Pesawylvaida. Wood st, tonroon oth sod
Diamond laitlydawS
E 00 — E 0 N .
KLEBER A BP.. *is rei tiii
Lk. oeived end fofeeleallot of the stor e
hassomotte wrleb slur eannut ow/
apt noes*" to any =hat made.
11•1=.12IIII1 with E. stops =Ma by ScannibTO. etun-
ear urea With 3 atom by homer A Go.. Btritteard.
Than Instruction here been examined by the Profs*
*resent amazon ef the two rides. who protionnoe them.
' Vint orvolume sad oreettern of tors, folly prod to
sly eMall Oburett or paribr wont treadles ere et.
• toyed that scald of elatit pea./ am not th‘m with
N. Y. .
It b almostsuperflUona lay =OWN; Be their Ans.
The 'enter partner. Mr Waal, 11 We Corm' delsellor of
the *dodo= end the superiority et bis intoner:tents los
nests Jou (motional. Mho rodeo orders fee them
trona all parts of the mertt . tine of their toot and most Ira.
portent improvemeots lett. bonsteswas •hich.while it
earlobe. the hose affords the player =ester •eriety =effects
Barstow. a.• requeetall to examine and convince them.oleo of lb. atiperitr of the aeon whlub will be mid.
on the mo 4 reasonable by H. Blebs Bro.. No. W.
Fifth street.
. 13—. fresh rt./Br. o *mob Rues and other
Piano on the wo. ! Jolt
P kitall1 8.
g 1,,,,
'SIEBER ;Bp), lialm i
....e. on the way, partly_word
the gICLV Ali r ralifirl
They ere provided th all the late end Important
oronmente wash 111 Norse k Cusss Mao.
ohm ail others; viz The •ablagn Alt eggred MM.
Ea; Praia Omar Action, cto. air Piano la fhity
warrwakci, with the privilege togbe Mg' of Murry
Math* came If It plural In any way defective.
Teativirnialfrmn V. tonsloata, the instinollen Plaatit:
Cowoolwayi. Nov. 19th. Int.
. . Minim EL Side Bra. Psttstenadn-9 tanager
Penalt me to thank met doorway tor the ongolll.
coat Grand Plano of nrolVNenoe 1 Owlet"
vy, erbleh von have so laud .., to Jose me ter wilo
'Teresa Tarodre Goa la your city. Thls rupiah lustre.
meat Is oho of the beat ••ver rondo In Amertee, end
. foe street - man sun Inver of dam n e
d, as solidity of con
' strnetlou leave* nothl to be / really congret•
gate lm Mare owner. who shell hew lIMI to to
we axe of the magernirke of Arnerlean IDACUICI7. ri MI
bout/ wishes Itz V= PSPrit. ,l o ,4 .
- ' Your obl snort. kto MICH IiTIUBOI3OII.
Bola mow tor Pianos al Gower =rivets. Plll.llO. at
• IL KLEMM I 1360-Ta Ito. 611/11th rt.,
milli : Shin of Os Gotha, Hula
Trrx ,-, 1 - • ;.,
LYI4 - a t
• . • tI L. ,
. •
cakk.xidsam. ~TATARTyIE•
Sind rooeivinNtlarge stook of Pioxtos of
the latest stem the matuattotretts et •
WI I L DAVIS To..fee et: tretpa_=
UM:4. MoaNaap
L'ort L Aw i tt ; t : toi=e • ?XT . Ut i lit:
ttt:e t o i l.
i_ ott 71r17„zuhtqw:telle= to
se= she
n7teheetwwts have teen ma with a. eu t edteett
width Mott ImiWeemonta sop mkt Irene tur theft ezdte
Where than Its the east. and erttimlS the addl.
wet ciao: treatotertatiee.
• ewes Piano molt by the adeatberlo werrentad Derthat
-- IS ~l' sweat end itirdtten,M .lc tr rri e VII be given It
leeddhed— 1 . BLURB.
; tio. 118 Wood tweet.
Ansel Ruud /Engel
Paislish neia, t4 lS l llA D 'Deal te"4 in all kinds
11301 NtrebillidieZ
Noi. - 1111
• 1 , , • aumiroite. MD
ftilna catalogue, of the largeat and
a =et popular fp tlumoootry. atilltacts ere ham
Wthe masw pabUsteta La the Waal Stales, and deny
pabilsaltut awl 'editing en the sett Xuelo lasned. ot.toft
lee eketo t Trade.; amlostiee, ; Ptoleattott. te. at
axes cliefoont. sod on the wet advantages. tentill.
Ottgoatlet ettyrittdad to umpart of tit, Union, grate.
hysidresslng We stem;
Ml . " . .tu orlon Peroaall, ostefolly and pitstetuene t.
baled to. . , ogyza.fid
Lere-br rialtaXlirrat ,, all, author of Daley Burrs.
r Iturna..r. tr i r i aVat at Or. LOIN le. ay
tralt=ta r lfiatrta. t=l. the Gravasa_ ,
ait= ,t.ll ~ at travel rumors to
• t&MIZY as old Phytitsa.
._ • Puri or Pearl staff. by lira watt:math.
. 4,
atom. of my moths Davallt:.
• Lb* OlatttallorMa, taloa Ilaathern Ufa •
Ic tirt =as Wlver ' tTy William am"' MI ,
b.t. 117 "
great , 1,,r0 , 41. a novel try Caroline Lea Marta
Xoolner , /11roellsutint RIZILDFINO , yawn.
Yunntorlaar," *terra.. aud boo Ara Mond=
X s.l, or tra Qa Mal Dal:tub:err a irdsol puritan Oa..
Heart Da La' tour, or commies to seam
/tarts Mama Itattelloweatiooltritorlbmiteriabir
a - in
....,. • • , i • lith et oppodte the Tbratra.
ilireerrlel, beef hen b7J. 6. eNe. 65 'Wt.& st.
hemp Rom 61 atm Prn-. area en ineenyland& 40h
E7l.l2ehuse for sh• hareem !Shade on onl„
Wino sad ghost, or Demob from hunt Life. 25c1
sod Wild AramsleXer New thin l ip t r y.
p er y . 23 '" tr ier e k .s lPe r a " .....,. °3 11 11712 The . i1 2 4f11:14 .
U n th.e•suebirat, P oolgund and 12 rte. 7, byJ, 8. DA
VISON; 8i Msrkivirt. - iiiar ith
an.whar Mahal,
_s trosebarcll Inman
MOO Sown It Innosi PACs teas LIMNS 7os sun
Tim New 7sannin ECl.gsloyogonnms for tb• 'nand. Pon
BlOLloal Innotyof Joon Bos Board . Non Inotto, by
Olconoodt Monde totoutaSopebe• sad Alidonwo Maxis
Boot of OA. eator, Cloon Boot The Oman. n 7
GOY. The Snot All the Hoots{ Ward's onaunss Vacation
Amosky.t.l3Con.6.ll 4 the msins. by, Ds Bs= Tolls.
Tale of Modern ftossx Tbs Onyx Hinc WdMsn,
111 0011.9,011103--Charles Lamb's Works,
cmWIN.* . b 772 N Wood: ."
Woe &nitres Not, The &mod Novice
TissiVar Balratto., Alba" BilitUM
MOW and 1111 UeligkE9
Irtop Fiat e; Dl•courin
nook sad BM Atl¢e4 ,Wheo.lry:
susers mussed loner. No! elgo „A,
iCtris. LADIES' GAZETTE for Mara;
eutniein,atay di mes ! bc.lll Weras
Th.. Helmond ow ;
" •
" • _
The liartkakkikt ;
Just ?kid sa4 kw oak by W. A.
myth ; tbA ".
gIIORVIN /kin—Beg tem to sanoonoo tp the ladles
:towit.tgi6.l3/4Zrzergilii,,vieicitty. thitury..m.
sad loost. o•leetwi flux& of Trizaphigl it'* =. olerlorin:
taw, °cods, 0I ,0.. Roil." So °Coed Is
tble AU • pipebewel from Itrit Claw
lineof.thechha Of 7201sielphis, New YOTIS.I:I6 13, IMOD.
The loWkw es• neheotfolle bolted to wilUine ewe=
thetseetret (co:5) 711S.rtet
Iea • 1410
of swami with hl.
' l bw Ontsporti
Mhz& T oo Incrs Aronwe tho id_aft hew '
Q. wig 11.015. s of the Pastes= NotoMilow:
mom tto, 801,:and his
Life of HMO. Of Le Icr WWI/ 13sclott . • P•pens
cony 7ltM of the Red ILE;
Jaelmniwa Nrw Orleann
whwl , f Lif. *moo it the Dicemons. 8.1170110 AtWowil
oth Hall WWI. sad h Dim Cut OnWirK
Prlseopter TO. Old tarps Room
of Booblehm
; recfsh: f• Pl .7r.
DiPs OSP tloptrowu Th. Wahl neyi Wele-_Jos.
'MU br core. KAT it CO. Wool of
gr HUNTER'S ;FEAST, or •Converso. , '
' •VoriMoind u•cia.o Nee; .111a.trated. Ms usle, '
• 'hooKiolow. :or • r our to tozdastrk Clblll. 177 6lb
osi 1.1 • s.pootdoo; ,
• • Waums.orAdrentmoltihe Most . to !bare. B ADaird;
Ilestuttlns and Blob LllllB.ltr. la Illotaall • .
indt. all'a 3,1; 4 0. Flans sal tbs iaantSlaalall. COS IMO
-.Holm Iti•Eartpv. At: Ulan°. Fgattmd and thilthlng
• Tentoore. Mu'. tt Peer: I BM., A. a. L.k.pd:
yvyb buyor of Preabottl# ?blltl9 it? 11 tlatirft's C.
: • =11 3 (7:414% tVtrer.4 . r ABd ' .41.-' = 301114 . :
raft% ••••ed ea Osnito2** o• ,
, - , .-R 0 cOolio•NS, Solara% it...AI
left ottoir or Boots tad Paper Ilstibul Merl%
iN,ZGYPTr - 63, "
Ineldielastit In Tslytitistla
S rcL,l2 ..U.lallebill-a!"1/14V111, Weed al.
iiii efluy, Run* sad
fo"igad..ittt imp 45831.
?Y bit ,1,22 w_.2. 22 . 2. 2 . 2
or,.***.d. Y pa W 6,10 sc.
TO snd;TroT ele in
*amnia weNorver 4assieleagi heal Wu
Mew; brriiihs agar's. Oe' , o ltrAo g
for liele be' • • ; SA If ft WA: Wax% et.
; o,o3ofureand dale
carte= miss pf pyratlyr j IrrAnAtlgtd a •
en. 1 nooo2, •
1-10111 W YEACIIES.;49O Anuittatne
"Mfg far WO bi fa) .7.100
/43 ` ?"114 fc4.138 sale
' 315 , 1 L suatvxm =won'
04 - • -11.421201 1 6 D;
ALNS.;4O bi
•1 a •
italltelli NMI
0010.11912,11M.T1011 IMO IMIIIMMI eiIIMLID
N. HOLMES le, BONS, Brokers.
An. 61 Moist rig Warn YAW and Amara ofarlltabseKr6
PKISTCBTLEANLL Broach 61 Xenda---- 31 .
Bent of Pittobonzio.........Nor Branch at Y
Bank 0 3 , do_par City Bank, Cl=t. do
EV at ' : 3' TNarout" lof tto-Dolf Donansfola BkAttirel do
Bank of Canonoroo----Iso tkonaDto Bank.-_...._ 86
Bonk of N o rth Anatiaa-par Lafayette Bank--- do
Bank of Nortbkr Id Oblo Duo insAtentotort. do
=PLCIIIIP."'SSIrDsin. riugz-r-B-k-,e,
b.rii i
fkonntoralal Butt of Pa-. NEW lENOLAND: -
Yannore AtAtetbanks• Bk-oaf An outlast 8eak5 .......- X
Okunut Doak-YORK.
Katatogton II oat- -gar Now Yolk Clty pou
alanufae. It Netts Boat
-por ----- 36
iisehanke Bardn..._ ... --par ---tarr
=.......: Baltimore.- -.--pu
eoutilwark. Bon, N. JAW* DEEA - talt.
I: 4 ,...triudri
Tradonoosn'oßank.. nat an pavent Lanka........ li
'Western Bank-- au. VIDOINIA.
M1er.„ 08666 ,.._ JauftbrlLE--_ ..,.. fi Bank of U. VareT..... M..
-,,......"'.8.....Y-Droottlink of Ya.,Dirlaraurd
=B, ".. toof&only. 116,,....,N0yf01k "L
of Dd. Co.; unoater-por Yuman BUY "
Bank of eanantenon...-ytioyultantea - :•lbooiii3 .. gc 36
Ma i r , .: i f 1=0 : L .:I : _ ent3 B. =drlkonk..- } i .
L a,
Bank of kliddlataan.. Ai NMI( CAROLINA.
lifontgxmay-Co-Bauk..-par Bunk at Caps luos-... 2
Bank of Nwmamoada.yrot alit. of N. Quoit% 2
Dolux Doi. 6 . 3dalßt=lon .... o o 4a B ..
Bank .= 1
Baotou•l3ank... ii Bkoftb. 201311 1a8t-o f7OIOLINA.:
Merman' Bloat Buck' Cks-pso Bank. of BouthW a tus 1
Ihnnues . llltollannister Bank of Charlatan._ 2
fattoofre Bala of Itladloggsf Marra zemeitiii I
mlt:oredworm ~ G EOItSIA.
. Dm. Wayountrana .1.11 las. A Brir Os
36k Waoldngtors. X Loa of /Umtata-- 5
= 3 l j,..._ .. ..._1t.• - ••^1 1331,4 TB / 1 " I ta s " 3
lancamot YtL1tk.............D88 Anardttua 178886 -^-1 6
trouesstarCounty Ikriz KENTUCKY.
labanon bank- . Bk of Itentooky,Lontree ti
211narof Soak of Po Ilk of Loubor o,Tbraltan
licnsonvabate Dank.:.. -- NarthernAkonsuturk? "
twill i
Wait Mut. , Boxik-... SouthamDkoNfontuakl "
E:lgl f la sk.Viuusbarnpsri . INDIANA.
§ank.........-...-..biete.!,..klis, ab x
, cfflia ---- -. e x
03do Mgt Bank-....... W .NBIN.
Etranck st,Akron---.... Karin A .n. Co. ohko 6
Insach odAllunts--- do Oft 10AN.
Restorla at Fr d i= . :- do larournektadosnintßank il
Wall gClorreasout-- -.7. do = DM= 8
Braun st /131046............ do State Bunk. - -....... 3
Btanob stllloon.---...... do CANADA.
1 „,
Easy* st Dolswors-..- do Bk of It. At=o b TrAtto 3
Wm& at Colornbao ..-.. do Bk att. to 3
Branch at Aantabulo -- do Bonk of af0ut05a1......... 3
Branch id 5.......... g 111War".CarricaMagoi 3
MlllatrtraranClooln-- E iP,' ; '_627bodolnii6- . ..3
Mgated" b24 " do "AirrisWrxiiiiiiiii. d4
a twowter-.. ci , ..”... . -Pk
=:gre m eng..t.: ti 8i:10—_,,_...
Branch st Nanark-....... do GOLD AND arm/a 1 Al Me.
5t==....... d 4 Daubloocui.erm.uh- -AA
....... do do Portiot---30. 60
Wok ii Tent . .. do Zig* old----. IO A O
M. 1.6 at Ms ilawant.... do rag* now.-----I ,
Branch s o ganaro3l.--.. do itoodadokod'oro..--- I
Booth a Nornalk--- do 1.0 Tbalera----- ft
Branch at do Ontae
thaneh so Portatuotri= Sovanftto-----
Erszarb at Eaton---- do Ton thouruna----- 3. 65
Branch at Baystau .. do D
onato--....-- 3.3 C
Branch at Cuyahoga -- do Donato-- ..... ---- ill
A =lt L a i g
tt -7 : do
to i .....-- - - - - - -
3 SALM lag lianeriaz, 0014, BAIT NOTES,„ss.
Na TA /owe/. Out. lar Of =l.
Pittsbargh Hedge Farm Nursery,
r t UATED OD "VW( AT= .0
a bout me amxter of DU. front the
eon the nrstletle and Mechanics' Plank
an extension of Fourth street. moi *Unit
three and • onerter ogles from Pittsburgh.
WSL A JAB. SlOlLDOOlL,proprsatort.
They user br ale • very bag* oraleertion of wall grown
treenand plants goltable tor immeplandug this 1011 and.
iditiing earns •
The Mammy now Macre some SO amen of ground mg tre...l4*.._rubs and plantne ned oser
LIMO atilt tress, and 21.. Kiergreerui &ad baren• are
eine...axe ler removal to orchards end Omer. grouoda.
Plante carefully peeked aurtmat smarting to &metiers
-to mast of the United btatm • •
We hire to call theaMention of the burs of snnah.
vender, to the Dade to ma unrivaledo , doe
forth, goring of Übe. mi.e.dng_ne arly ell the Cr awes
Wally. Indigenous and kxotinihat is warthy • metal
Malaratka Das section of country. Plait+ ..0 be yore.
=mai of many thing. dune ion. to SD. barn -404, . 01 . 4
Prism moderate se meat. Prom Amager& cash or astire•
actrew reforma in the city of Pitialicash teen red at et
Ordatis witiresMri to =through Wind. rest um.. au,
leinsburgn. cs ft at onr sten on rurgat In
th. Dlansona Market (a . Win b. nrottitnif atterodwil dap.
. orltelawt.f?
Prtdt Trees, Evergreen.
1113 , :g subscriber would moat I.l3Bpeet
folly ea the attention able Mends arid the
am to his elor ni font
R Rama Oreeabonee 7 = ln t
. tr n4.l3h tre luck La DM end fuu.. Or Pim: "
ism Dwarf sad 13tandard of oar own ' Li
ne, of
choke neicieerai o ttuniliand Mt . = MA.
gZe rtm. "A n= to to het, ir t =
hare i ' astr °.
thossanda e eoaa Perms; wanti:g large oisaalltiee inn
liberally - 4 — ealt arttli.. Mil and see one stook. lee cia
nem wiso weisliOlkei. Orders left at the Pittehareli P. 0.,
hie. B. Daiwa. Marty at. the Oakland iiseeers.l.ol miles
an Penns. Moines, or the Pitteloorkh
_Hamm 'I maw
ran Oakland. vitae w=Dly attended to.
• musing 0.0 owls mrta.
.101 IN fURDUOht. Ja.
HOWE AND , I'ORZ—Wa 120 Wocd most,
...`L'l h. . _ 0. 4 .
___P"a&f."..l7=l.T.lka ft tga . 8 4
'do •ruadsarsaccowea. of allidads.Whcbado sad NW
Ca: lid.i.eardVEL•DlCTlOnt Bcodo. rwdl .1. 1
iihldo TreawGniao. rondadts. Eal sad al
other artirimi weemmeted with Alorrk-emitara lils 1:1rd• II
• Jifi l x_Wood Flowers.
ARRANG,EWVIS have been made with
dike picador= of Bay Wood World °articular saws
cant moldy of_ aad eat flown daring Wade
sad SUlitaiti.
Wart sada* adu etas 10l oalaa Thatch lama
Medan _
mow . . Emelt"
Mi" pipar laa eberaws.
Ord'. Ix downing WILMA, la t.s. also mined al
aWAISILADTWE , Bad Warsaw"
, aD Wned SCOWL
esios.—narzna 130: St roltnn vermit, - Nyv Yea
hinturkix .4 11.01. 0041
- ts,ac • -• A s
. .
AND WOREMISS Of TIM BOUT—fate the Clwrew
ragl i ott to bad. and wrap up yawn. to mat
d' ol . lfr COLD AND 001701{. tat. It ncestbag. roan and
wawa., earording diarclow. ca the Wan. and the dud
faun, lan soon b. mom& Rom willa si so r ffer from
ads nasole vb... awl Ind 1. wen la owed.—
Persons ablated with • natal wenn. w brisk* than
co dear rat at Wahl, will Ind by- nar the Chem flik•
torat on gotno to W. airy now beam of onald.nano.-
on may, and constanent redrahlso raw Ora; rant
Cram inic. and olthwase craw Is offraid to lb .osscol.
who aro thus callatod, lsr this toranwasaly.
liron asamodne:welots. In thou ws. mats end
thatonaliss outriding to arato I. lrbert al.
for Is boa crud.
Invohware. as tit Ito sedan on the accost and luassortwo
tattyln Exalt stnotnides, It rearm all ha traness In •
bar boars. and woad.tfnlif tacreues the porta and tax
itillja u tthe rota.
A Is genisolly math rellenal, and oftrn when)
rand by Oben Psederal. bat thee are scan ewes so
°Wane* s• to die%mends to no coodhcbsee Mary
Pectoral aid ease than Other an b. =M.
BRONOULTIO. or hal:at:lon of a:athirst and uppte n. =
lion of Um Inn^ mar he anal VT_lalthliCh.ww
I. anon and tropottnt doom =a colmcdallabn op.
breadond • woo nikr.d.
108 CROUP-01re= anatin o tantnnatty. to be Sallow.
ed by large and trenwatt dors of the Oxus •PedOwal.
coal It robins* Lb* Waseca. If taken 1n1.111012. It will
not fall to onot. •
WBOOPPIO COME nor be Wok= up and soca =cod
_tom Is the aro PtatorsL
slawalt Mame be ads nand/.
amino= Instanao bare teat patted where salon fan-
One whit.
awn cad tars wtchoot Stu Cherry P. 17,0114. Irlt• radar.
Ins Ten mated bre of Want. who
Ens. baneund from
LOWS 0011PLAIVIII by en MAT th.t.
tbefe COI 0. ItO gorillas of die hearda powor en Was alai.
ea.. It Wanda la setnorratnaly tattoo nodal the pan In
the ads and sear nnnleeo t twine. _
NOS 001031M1 enoN in Its It Ilbadd
T en
man the sane crag Ocedbloasnd
I. mar awe with a wend to to seabed dime
tlons on the annul. Ltjnikionaly nod, and the banal
I. condally annul meantime, It will seldom OD to adage
_ •
Ys eettledUldPlloll le Ito vane ono. timelier
ry Poem' !Mould be a n' In door Ideated co vast Oa
Wind rendes and beer. It abrare afford, some,
eineLendone nelnensently 8921111 than IMO &X. mod de-'
pue all mom There are maw transeXe all
ond the onenter, alba fel awl ear th at owe their
Unread poised heath to tbe Ober,
Wear real of- jagged at tounteten==
conlideseeln this MAU= f .t.... tua woofer lt.
tatloes Or ta b girda. ". llur ba tM rite Inne itt can rde ' rert " M •
and the arnobtae able leneset sonferned an thousande
erdbenveoubl addends acul e= „ e =station It
enjoys. - U" no= teener Mee the
enotomelty.• Wore Wed and ben elbeeided, thls hae
reined binds by away it p h ecelered Winne on -the
annul t they eon urns • aged arodneed cores too
neeeennererd .otaszt •to benergottan.
1171=t t reAt i bei Tr am e4llg i o s =l=ny
roof that& Cherry Noland dole 'nicely's • anneal
bat almost lamellar matte paean. for which
It le eanilorat
Astlma mates lbws bats sod bettse kno.%,
eseSeins Det yritsbany boom Lori
aikted, teem Mof. the Amalabl b rolibt h
t is o
th.9" ”!?r,lMMlllt a rlYD SOLD BY
J:. _ AYES,
• , Prinks' and henvnbentec.
tOrrold at WholesaleWA. NAHNESTOOR CO.—
Allston by ere ,ndst tha elty and ell Desert
erarrebere. • filf4aolana
o , E.
IDI, ... an ImPrOl _— - ne for
rblah Lenin Paint. .. motel to Jobe A. Reid.
.1. Perk, ;Jos: 661,?ha nature el MI lietteto.
mina catudits .a, the zooid 0 PR ankb..:
sae toialege the .g =ht T OP l LLlriztri. ass belt. TM
wins *tow Is b . the dean go in tej d h
ode. of the °said.: Vat I ° . ' t thi a d ' w e g t i s
teg anriog its ereeraro OM .
oltha Weevil's., ••ewropt* mot Igsaa•.gotoggie i
artegi l reve li t e = INZI L
_ d 14 u= joy Other
and oho. hisoil new ths poor nlth wheal It u parte.
him Vomi t
Ph.O. SoFtreavel Ws Rid Pilo laidal at the
gust MI Ucn. La Pula. Than in. stout lemott•alli
clang weir lb 0910S001).AllaTiAglISWIAILOM. ' .
I Bar* Ittighlit.:—Pla 130.0. aol atttee
...-.. too
• ..., • "•" 2
All eleis ate lto Val tew C benc s i r tltbs d rogiCito
Alio, HMI Paton Soil= ena k =
&iambi. meg! Itiei.l*
• lIIIIIthei Ma h. ato s d ir . i 6. . -:• •
ISM so in... itinitak:
sas tece
Valuable rroperl tor Bale, • L A
ffni tu Liberty street, idjoinig the MethOdist
Gime Yu& Cgoal Bae.M. This la Dow rise / only
clop orpeoperty in this neirehhe4mht het tad
I,ViW63 EV.4V.,=loo,== r ;l,ll
autadut G ro ve lord gag, Mot, to Marty 100 feet;...
This pevporty Linnet draimMe so • lloteL The Mill:ling
now on it, • good etibetantial three story tea. w}th .11
the neceeteery toot bullding• has tar •to time hone no.
copied as thw Union Matti. doing • good bulelnest., Capt.
miles mid other. Omitooe of • goodinmstaent,
.111 de ...wt.
BALE OR ISSOILINOR—OstRaiansit 17334 sus. of
mow Saud, shoat IW-of whisk r • dared, streaked la
pastas, otaakeerr. =kn. -ka• thee mum of twins
malt P••••• kistOks•RY.Serows It. On the Um Owns is
.1414.0 • sham house to by 88, two stories MO! Argth
doable Bathes. , Al., • bum Nig 40. There ILA du'
pond 0.1.0100 about K. szr mark. thee hundred besting
:at lOtoM= " 4 l lllli d starwil a l t st: b. tr 41:
aired 30 0134 tare oases of Use Ihrso.
-- wurazatualvretv /to* os staple itss:4. to •
wisdom trade. OfTentst tow and on our terms. Apply to
sari _1 • . B. hielAIN L lON, 6:h at
T TOE LOW, PRICE, OB s27oo—& (urn
of 95 hetes from Ur eat/ of .Ilihb V *am%
Leen weals aldose meollowtslsue• chol thehey• The
=rofel'aretunaltt =lsope d 7Pir
fi t = = el :break %Pa gi b s ot:Vrl a l
sad withal:Moro sod • Ulf ollas tram -MolrYhyllh , Nor
Terms apply to B. ir LAIN 602. o. 20 Übe,
9110, r :' : ~ : • S',_• DAIRYMEN AN_YTAN-
Jl.--NEE.2.—Tor 5a1e,47 1 3 sores of Land, in Westin:Yellin:l
rounty, IQ miles no on ride) from rittslatogli. , tind IX
miles from UMW Water Ptstion. on the PeuV,Ylwinis
'llaSinied. .4.tont 'sees are °learnt good (Mame laryli
Amp irtdch ill • Log House and Ban. well' 0d0r....
CO the rang of fruit: arlt would mike= smealleht Veiny,,
grass growing hartniantly, and timepiece being well mop.
plied with the Swat water. ;There Is en slienulante' of the.
finest tioterrolst Chestnut, Chestnut Oak. (barktinzierri
White Oak, Poplar, ie. It is well worthy the attention af
Tatum», as the nark can oe not to Filtehttrilh. Dr either:
the tak:= 4 and moat of the Landi.erMd rth r'""
Dill De for the vary low pricelif la per .
ear, or It wlllbe divided to snit porrheanw. at tram 14 to
$8 per awe; aceOraing to quell . . ~:
Torroa—Twollifthe In hand. t t o Welarloe In tinill .4 , 114,
simnel repowata. Title Indlepti le. Becolivi of ;.
*AI& TII WOJDB.IS Wool at. '
:14-Tafll FOR SALR.-143 norm of land;
%; d: lloo . l.o . f d t. of hiftrit...ollzrZit: good
oltord a of grafted fnilt. sant 83 eater of Wt. fi ow C tbs .
limo loz • bar 4.
$0 ammo( near 3. Eturoliodes aid.; 7 /i!lh • E.A .
boats house ant 1 It .1s oho*. . , L . l
6o solo, B WON west al Now Dzininton. on li sod tomz
Seronto; Writ t* sold Taylor. . ...,_.• :
Farms of Oo•I, on the MDMOPaOIII#I.II . O O . =4,
. ',zloty of Wow Sumo and mall 'at.- of land In
&Os slob:, its. ntilola Lazo ? doecritel on my ylintT11•10.
Ur pf.. U.B tf "11.0 9 f . 1.1115/1 WOODR. 76 Poo a ct r tll ' olz••• 1
. ..
'lpOlt Tilt Vitt:a—Any person giiing ai
.11•Ing In the Wort can Tarr-hue • slo e potent
portal:de ese hill Hunt for snug State& It 15 5115
be of greet rebuilt a arer conntl7. It ren be hut W Met ,
the bluer eau make manor.
A Min! of igoo4 Copper dtocke on bend to pehrlor Hut
Uta% htre or in me West.
I goo hare &Printed Itegluerof Beal ntatiii . '
on It are a rote at farm, Country Beate. Lt=
We, Stork, he. na. Bulger 1. slyn to saybo et&
delftOunsoredel Bret.. T 5 Math
AL—Two Houses and Lot o on
%, ylle greet, near Washinstc.
Ilinuesand LOU ao linnaylvonla Avelino.. ..,
One lot on Trnenoond tlyeet.
Al.—Twenty otbas in &Mona Porte of tbi tar• oil' to
printeloll,lA wold low on fair tormo—Tbey *to doserlb64
on my d Itagbrtar. whirl rnk ma tom anti, by all-
DS IIL 76 loneth greet. if T. ooret boy. ond3f you tom.
property tbr ask. by coning on nu yon out inkret.jt bear.
the yoblle at laylioarr o m
i m . :.:greig ir '',
US Yourth'yglet2:;
'VOW SALE-1S Countcy Seats on;tho 600
k...a Oat tbe roortli Irma Itomal,_ 3)kmllos ft=
coml. This boom of aka bwodsomaat and moat - Isaalttly
locations our %b. airy. and • most mratable • road Sot
drtylnazt al haws Tbay aro dthafad moat* las fwd.
dame ofJor . b
_billisrland. and adagnios Mbar Ilan
to%and yo .11 3 r0 .- 111S% an an. of th: best Incadto Dalin
Tiolodry of Pittsburgh; or 11 oil b. Fold In lota Oo•or
UM oral:mill barrows thorn. lioardr• of -
arrl4l TllO 1t•• WOODS. ? roartbrr
OB SALE—A line Marin on chard eie
nonk,conueolei: 131 mss. w.O eneomok 0 ./Y. 6
from Oa eddy;shoo, • good name how. and Job new
haul of P•derni at, Allogh , my. It IA ofhasd very km.
I haw • Printed ho•WheY Ruth t he duaLPLIT. , .. Lug
WOR SALE.—A !splendid Country - Rei3i
deuce, on th. Ohio Elver, adjoining the Sous of Ref
nge. on the plank road, at Woll Ran. These hp a .tees
covered with too amount of graft.
errin t r Tg a inntled ia t=fogrtltfi
bomme. 11 4 ta t ogared Itonlie of Robent.' , Deeie En.%
on ibl u tN,lo:ll. am of
TILOS. WOODS, re rOurthltrieL
OUNTY LANDS, for the Soldiers, Chili).
tan, Tessusaws, sad Yotlllaramonalwad la Mo.
I Cfnite6 Mbar Wars, through ladraor alarm, ars, by
Web... entitled to. bounty. Thaw ails :ftrnsistr has
that= claims eaa hax them stroznAli murAg..t.o2
raattork Oral gratis TWO& wasulki.i
aLbbir Boaaty Land and Yawl= dart 416.411,61.
e.4li BALE -I aoreo of Gronxu4 claimlit
for eholo. , bouotocolita.ou U. LahzePtoAlle hhd
ars Plank Road. Nero= the lands f Thomas
Wallace and David Harm, AK., froutlng 3 : 0 3..t on , th.
&Kith aids of odd soul. It is U.• oolS throridr
i=tf. sale M rota Moo low a ta that hew:al:al road—
rio of trtsll.4l TIIO9. W0003.16i iith la. ,
rDrR SALF—A superior Farm in Beater
emay.smus. Qom D*llltorloo l b 4 .100 , 0 , 1 1 e• from
Ighton.toatainlng 100 fez., of which la Under
ealtlntlon. awl Warn rats 001armith in.clardlini
I/0 urn of 0:61 on it. 111, offered low ulna
5a.2541' •MCI.IIAI3 00011 76; at
OR 8.A.L1,A splendid Dairy Uni of 00
eir ' ht. In prim* otdsr. On It am 2 tle " 'rel4l7.
fruit, wit
itc9dl noun. E un sag 8 M. 11 .11 ,
nre n"".. 1.11"
FOR BALE-4 beautiful Country; beata; on
the litlx rtriokt rood. tbisaldo of lost Me. rtY. Th , g7
are .2140! irpopvimad o aht to be amazed b 7 Om
F OB BALE—A Country Beat of 11: 1-2
ot = •1124 . 11 111:4 . 1f auk Country
ntr o oo rma
tr. *meth St
The Wonder of the Age. •
E' D R.
. TOBLD3' Celebrated Venetian'Lin
inent doecialtarre Duni:tam Croup, 'Oolle,
llama. &Mr . I ll=r i ermra== ,
Shenniatitco. Sinilinge jr pid Co t.. Domes . Illeises
ram.m, at Weakness the Lim Beek ard On W.
.21(0 11 ALIWT6
Dr. Tablas bee rearanted his Liniment ftirsistit year.
without ere haring • Amend made far the 'Ogre of tee
money—all that Is easel la to are It emordina to the El
lee 011ie will sear be Wlthsat .. -
After entee odes it, Jr you no not One il hatter MOO at
Wad yob dm ever tried Ware
Get Your koeq Rekasea::
~nand. of Certificates him bean nioal i ve n tt t.;
las dna rare Nalredara tbe ,
fill the teem s itsifiratee tom antarrern Daions..~
g relj o bar . l . icee IL: hare serer amid the tabilinionelecre
to .07) who tr ern that tie fear eatillleed a fuse
dulled Onetime he bee bed him medirine Intim
the Pablie
Cali au the manta sad tet Pediphist contehtlitta.
bertifambe. 1a persona ennima of the hire Of
the Temettsia bit , have mud is Work.= t?
larattiaily, Dr.=Waehis Ishea the iniiiming
I. San= L leidas, of the titre! New 110rh.labilLda/7
nem d swore that I earnanand • Lamar reilsd rasa
inan. and thyt the lagredienta of welsh It le adremobed arm
wholly t.mla.Oto take laisnially. .no in double
LhAtantlry aimed in the Direntensaccompanying aria
• IL L
Nan York January lith.llls4'
ern= to mu day be re.
Ilansana {root. Idadert_
prise dt AO mite, sold by Wi nedljLlO ?Mai
11.41.110 L thIOOSOOOL Ob. OiLLSPL
/WAIL) OM ode Dr. Tobias' Hone Unhand t i Diet
bottle} at 110 emit warrantecteuyelarto any mhari;.
Dr. Waive Mae. 00 Courtiehd A.. die
j. nano 0f66 sem n Wsebbastent tatnielet bolma
musty Ohio. IS Wise mom Welton*, ei,tralin
Maotbedterot thofi /IP rsUrood. of thesbnalerre
66 sorsoleteatered sad oodeenneo. loarromoineta cement.
ofa road log house and onetneoererst nom Wring annum
ese en tho Ism Tbs whole of the Mod t.. oost,of Mom
l=ej lel Tones Gad Is LW nohthtornont,f ea t!m 0, 14
• lot or grower me Pamorlsonls sismea, X 26 hr
- 120 fort (ono Moan.) ADPI7 .
mr4 ; IJABLY j p.rohix.'
21,BULA CO; 01i10;'FOR
MVP. of the belt Mush romodlojor tie day.
144. Mcsom— v
lt 4 ooltb Veva* ttileo,s,theoao
=rd. do roaccumord to toltr a tc, orld4mosaa
&rived tram the ins =se. CoMMutosat t attl " Orrul ,
to thip ismillos, and Wall awes has Ist:wom& " - to 'Oommo
th resportim which Ohs plohim Ma named.
wi e th g e
nt ourstim rai soccor. ThhiM.d lu. Lean daunt= Latta
butte plavat Ind palststdo eud No be $l :um Ala
the bre =wan. to =du sod was tiolf tothaT
pobha littool.
Hort" Was, J a Probst. Was H Itbalkej D Ur%
Wm iiallum,Johu Ltsinitt.
Morgues Galati 41W 0. Po=Phitidat ElArr•
Jr., now Pole Propn=. Do. 164 Wooltt otrooti Plttotureb.
Bold by ortrodmil Dem ithith Tate sh ototi Du"
• . .
PHE subieriber respectfully calls the mt
..: tad= of tais Meals sod the male srastelyi toMa
stasenstina Oa atone= seat of Dmt.4: .m.r i
r oI
L ipoec ti,
lboad si4 fo llia4 ll <&=. GoitlOlnte's sadd
Oletaten's Boots, Gears sod Ems. ma& out ot tal host
made, mrluomialp .as =Os Watt
. In mite to set. paacmy &Wm sad thtme who whit to
at cot =Mae miels Wort. he manaloctots sod sPc
constantly on, hands omiSista .toot ast'a .-ecrot
Joan' and Blossom %Wm sod Yonttj's MOW-
Ito& and Boatittm - omd =inns Boots, whit= Os =moats.
In reams to tba =tom 'al wed a 7 monk
aim the ha goas to MI es Mess si soF oacte Olte
Cabillemoontlictba . - . ' ' '
itcaolthal tits &sal pstrom.igo &num= malted ha
solid= =rem Ilt==l tom Ids Imp 2 .linf• to
WIWI= &Me ISM& Is %to gIMIThi
mott Hwk.tst. =tern Kszkatttemssi = ro ßh llB. a.
Comaissiowand ForwardiutAgellts,
34 commatoLu. BTIiSFiT, ,-
&111 4 1710U18,
Paitimau .tsciuon mad to the sago.!
Provisions. Flour, Griin;
LAJW.IIAD. U. 44. Aso innewaliniala.
4.t11111. ft.h . tdria
IX. liikylittba •
ntSqballta Pa.
° 4 Ca l
limingrt a Wash. "..dit,.' 4 4 • Valla,
Wm. at. Mambos •
• Phafatchrm Pl2PadMabla: it* Cad
FelPt biota
bell-n.eating and Sox how •
It Subscriber baying
aitonazoil.k'daZCozieiniiqtr fu maBa2dLnl . u
. 4f7 2 sr ll t p4i = numialie l7 de ff :.
b ij e
r aw = l : l =
r.rman 1
6i la l x ' tri
UNDRESS-75 bui pima grom7d Pepper:
1,7 aoo arm. Lad= red south= Untried;
so do No.I Ipoaad
• ' bOessorreo :' • •
eh. Triro Odd I=j , •
WI do do
id tato bolosstrut
TS mother Pim
01:1 tortx. ;
4 Sols
au. hot - des. tootle" s esoorsl
iiperehos ash other athelei to our day me, or
.0 • • •2. TTLII U- Vas Focood st.
LE s • : 4!;:mK , ri at; ma
d,s'anand MI itlr AIL Mind .
rM9TMr B M )—/5 bus-fF2l!s_lei)b
BEANS>4 pAirIcIT side by t
rzarli r. , • DALLI:Ii. lk 00.
gagART. ECAND-64110 bbls; 'red
144. , .14 slid for
fatittsu.Ansaii‘:ai; I=U2:"
..mmaM am
41W-- '‘S
. .
: Zire, ° o o o gleill 17 lig h t ito u = t i l g" El:frAl ' ile,
S4CtIV,I= ' 4 '. A "" lll ' no d . ' il '"
- a have tied it mutton in Ind' Factke Ibr upward. of 10
Jam In al canes wh re • good P576 , 1= Alterative
Item molted. and d A SS IS TA NT , do thou It le ihe
La uou .. the sew WU medicine ID un - Clad , .
drfak it with *mono It wail slot teeareatc the lei:abut
2 tma. 11 DrodoLoo=n.but AOPIO.tat conk. Moo
11,.,(thiptod C. ore to ' oU inuourottot from Mt argon
• —"VaI:MAID& li'ING wrrarssass
Tas ready to testily to Its .pericrr vlortnesOndependernt of
INA torttrative mod antbbiliona aculltice. /thee cured the
word niece of Ye-Moshe Ina few days It It a
. tbra.a.u. Liver ComDlolote, , Vpa id gl, C 7i
, flint, far Terver.4lanten L e ~.., , s, wow... a&
BLin, b limpte. Crartr, Bruptioninpetructionj no the
%=1 ...... 11. Co t vgat lo; . & fo r, ==n o zr . 3=
- 1 7, 10111te. sere Jill kinds. to. It elealme by Its .periar
nolacinal virtues, the deems humor fro= the blot and
corrupt bile Crum the ennovh, earrybog It off throesh the
natured channel; re InIII4OREMITIO 16000 nod Neves the
entent healthy. I eat coy friends to tat the above Med
n and powwow a verdict. as they ats.ll be 114P1W04
DT the ni&noet , These who know n • rrofemlmdly will
not doubt its well
Shun Its 602 Ja notion, no medicine ru. attained
ath v0. 4 . 1 W IDOP tr. and Ita sake hove Increased
berond the most ne hop. of Its friemb r Iffb.
bore reconorand itee lola mad UNNI2DALLED PHI-ID
• Phltlehloa carry It with them. CIIII.D.NET will
a breast I del, and ramie O
use IN) other In theft'
udible. People living Cu low mod marehT.untdelh sub.
Oa to deadly mtatmes, where Toren. Anne end Fever;
and halloos loose
are moment to be, um nod the
. Licinid Cathartic , " the moat potent reined/ yet DWI. —
Give It &Teat
Whelan& bY A. B. A D. vund.. O. Y. Clickner A Co., and
0. D. Blasi-New Vora.
Ball dlnKtkna:accoapinyinig,essh bottle. Price 40 and
26 etoof tenand twenty dom. I
Princtal Depot. 409 BroedwaY, N. Y.
told by IL N. WNIIIBReIIASI, ittl Liberty et.. Mt.
par r . B. W. LIAVELINTICII , North Denver et WWl*.
en • deNlyd
awn diendared Stomach or Liver. Boas as Indigestion,
Acidity of the Starmoh. Colicky Pains. Ileartborn,.Lote
tar.a.tntr,=a IlbeamW
tiona, it ha. In nammont Mami
de e: itr r oved .
in taalglr
highly bebe nch etia
_L Where effected • dedd cum
This and
is a purely vegetable rompotod. prepared on strictly
onievalto yeomen. safer themannerof the celebrated
Holland problem, Seerhave, Damn. of its Mvsa
umost Mate Eurcrpean State, Its Inttodoation into the
nited States ens intended more estociallY for Ham of
nannr....4 ecattered hem and thereiner the face of
this Talent) , country. Meeting wittfgema nuotwes moon
them, loon offer it to thwdalkeirtennyntallt.ll3.llrlzig that
inly wonderful medldnal virtues must be ackuowt
rati particularly reconanagied to those ram= etas.
emstautions may hays been impaired by the continuous
am of ardent Writs. or other femme of dissipation. ben
s:rally instantaneous In abet. allude it way directly to
the not of life, thrilling. and quietening every norm rale
op Elm drooping rpirlt, and, to Net, infusing new
' heath eud vigor in the
erGoma Ogre Etheal by Berfeemes Ridtaad Itaters
. The wila of Elam De Witte, living in Holland Town,
Sheboygan county. Wisconsin. rebated much from Weak.
tees of the Stomach and In tlgestion. Sheaad teen nada
• plautelases cot e for some time but the disuse seemed
to baste men hie OHL She ouzel:maid some HOLLAND
B M at our ofd ta an velach has given tone to ha
omITTE RS enta her somad strength am returning. and we
firmly believe Una. ads In another groat cure effsotel by
your medicine.
We have still to record many wonderful cures effected
by_ th is remedy. Dot mast wait mtotharopportnnity. One
thing an rely upon, vial we have published are
tram sons much respected to our community. and ire
ly true.o J. 111711VTUS.
thlP b a . P b gfr NNDWDurtIb'dILIIEY. WIL
Theodore Frank, Esq., at the Pittsburgh and Stout..
villa Hamad 01110. •Mv.
°Par pre I have bee an Invalid. from
~..: =Peds.
With of relief, I yenned to many ad ram.
dia. Dntfoltod htderiting the benefit sought Nor, coati
tried your HOLLAND DIEESEIL-the hatrthfrout• of
which, upon the digestive organs, tool to red • de
Whited system. camel me to rodhumnd it ball
N. AL Eandmter • of the 001st rex, says:
"Mama weeks 111200. being PerinUer affected watt pain
bud madam of the raaatatta lan of appetite,
thaw rtro_ Jrn aymptams Diapspda 111,0.1110.6 d to try
your MAIO ND
and I feel it hot an act of
Justice to the artiste. salmi/ so for the good of those who
may be effected eith derangements of
h is stonladh.
to state amt the rev of one single bottle of this medicine
traced of bunarniable benefit, having freed the stomach
from all now of depreo4.l2. sod tnilOTed Mr, manta=
of Dyge = pf b a..2. 4. w . o t tl also remark. t i t:lt i lLo a tr . men,
lath mysolE were natal, re alma
lieved bythe use of • snXis '
balls 41• LIL.
Prrenatom July 9. ISM.
panßiau. Punk *Oo --Gentlemen: I take freest
s n saylru[ to you that I made run of MaltiLtVril
HOLLAND EITTS.E.S, which I obtained at row do. and
band sorial railer of • morn Walarla. from wlaloh 11.4
long venom, and 1 bellows flow - ware of samba fo me in
ndleflui ear stomach and head.
YolT reetwr i tatr o t 2 AND 4 , A %LA'
Mr. Ella J. Listrailhor litrminstm. says ,
„.. ha n mud in BaßTlrivra-nomAND DITTIES •
remedy be Elsadashe and Debility. My wife hat also wad
It with 1.1. greatest benedt.
Mr. A. S. Nieholson.of Metatarsi:, also remarks that he
has *Apssieured much mita norm Its use for headache.
Mr. John Arida.; lirlog Uremia. &bon MtsburtNa
wan: eta HOLLAND
HITTER& I maid hardly walk. Now 1 enjoy esualarnt
Orono W.
Headman,, H
an, of Plttsb N argla. rays E • •
^After ourterina tor the...maths with HMI.—
=Ta k en ' Irall ' rrlyr=t7 1 = 44' 11017171/WS
LAND EITTMRS. afe bad o 5! t4OGk aim. bat 1.0 04
' l llM 4 tr r
We tee at ittmly to .1.1. to somolltoll kodOo'
maw who hays used. thAroushlytawrlnkand now mom
Mu. We an not at ittlety tO publish that nanurs, but
old tale plum= In tallorlaS aartemson to than who
denims Oki statement.
snows: SIX juir bottle, or 6 bottles Oa 6640 , by
the 6:66Prorpetars.
111iN561.1161 PAGE. CO,
!Lanufactoribe Plarmareatista and Cherasta.
pee IMalthSeld sat Id eta, 1011.100&.
T. W. Drott &Sow, Philadelphia. Darns! Park, New
York. John IX Park._ ClinionstL ratuard Adams Ca,
St. Louts. And by Unlade. arid Merehants gearrely
throachmit the Unliad S .tea Atid Oanadle. d.IRII
Ileliabold'e filename Preßfrations.
11161 IL L
LI • oertal_n, web sad ciboria" remedi
Dikwer atOr. Kidneys. Owed, Dropsy, *oak.
vabs, Swint Durpers.Obstrectbn. Pasts obeeptornts.
and all Dimmest Of the bewnal Urg¢e~ree,, whether in
from NO
14 tilVgritrfrurd
Tt eku darmalar and gpedric remedy in now arced to the
sad gnmenteed to cure 111 the stave complaint.
It seembee put the very roots of the dimes. driving out
all the dimmed cf the body,
‘ tihns re= the ,
mTrl.tad"brall 417:4 o - ina g rogromrau. which other
cyroedtee iwirrAttly masse..d no he tat= with lam
trouble and. &twinge to patients. ml. Infallible renterir
oval throweada moo tlymemnds from the heroin of
{Drams Amacks,if not from premature loom. In men
tro=blertorbr=4or AlieknlV pergauXi7g
4Arratalusue oarmtlnmerear7. ar othed Wm** dmig
trut b sprint, repdabis Ctutportborg. It le way encrvegehle
to the taste, embargo perceptible odor, and mybe taken
byperm. of eithareenorithout tdudarence from business
or toectimi advice. ..1 PPP direction. for tun eccompenr
t g g . g o o lug. geed.. If you bus mayof the stone Coto-
eing. do not netrian this. Drer. an dendgrow.
wrap title memo-we you ran Cur yourself, and thous pre
Yea all
Mb Medicine speedil sad eftectually or the most
Tinian; Ram of grunt aggemen, sod eradicating every par
*loot Psfi..broa matter from the Mn. teeming the
itren e et e real Atrtyq+l ht d •
°snot* to the corLel and deepairiruguoysLiAz t au t i
to to forbid it saint LODI se • Ogre and
any af the OM =Mute.
Compound Fluid ft'ac froia
t Sarsaparilla,
the Mood, atorine ell Strome owing
aucer orrknwTs mVom re ffve riff rial=tffrore tn wt. chronic
renueffeffebol dams areropfrq. on foyers riots the
god, Ms only reilabls notefftetual knesue=r ,
UM COTO tr' MrOffo. bait Rheas. 3.4 Head.
Cp iircet.
jtpteand . inittins est ..setflano claw Boum
kaav Anctio. afeu
tiotraaftLtir=roftbar midi=
were Ant
We dnnof daring wigrmary hors been
sit nriell7 din voltam parts of the limited Mates,
and torn MTV tßylarient and mneririmo• Oa highest
dogma satmorion the rrio eases in which shay
have tourinnplayeei whether in town,Soc' sintry.boultal. or
paws prad.W, May We tovutobly Oran to. moat do .
sa=otiot acdprodr=f , rt
useired Prom the matt dbriburniabad physicians ";
Ito ocuntry and from the prefterom of moral atellool
glesiki:=Tegvz gegtiltelV
orar toms rits sensor
all other pm
s=lenada ammlabita as rim Propristar moansmemda,
m r nierons preparations of Baroluriffa nod'sp
Bwra, and salmi roues of PsParing Mon ham tout
ems all of ihich Mammy will differ smordillit be the
muds af Illraira" which Lab individual DIU .10144.
TOM inellri.ell Muir. considerebia care In to
atlon sot tba employment or different tommtma Ms;
oemila coalition to WmaD tba extraotin to sad,
a mmee rs most feermantly tmos , node s and
en ;Maui larMirob If nbt wall,
not ri
inert, by a treodlekno and onekiltni management of
those onamosloted ably sharsumatleal prepararions
yi of the Wiest onsliartalon and tropoe
tanoe to the WM, and to ths Walt, that there should
I be standard prolmriltions of I n iummaseymaa,
mart admits/cm To effect rids and clie&bities
Via,d te s t have mode a number Cl ainstits to
tbs meet offacturimods of mtrog the vie.
QUO of ths for and Sobs, and to diee ,:.r mtles
mot allsible ton tor their exhibition. Thou my
r bars reeritad matt boorablyond It la elthm pleasure
1 Wearer tteessiblie •=d the feroltl my Command
Pluirttrarils etoch renudn all tha virtues o s f ths
elm 0.7 arip rateeeritted tote roads from Ina highly con
canteeped tormazdviaterawstsett.provitstlpeawklnla
can b• inada Tee fablarprorials of the Mori ilareaso
rills added I , sifter. opraba Is emo
alem myha L ig an is k t
frAis.andap=r ea
Ansa stems summ. St pa tettles err 0 for
oersteca i etimicremmand rromMlumdaticom tram MAU.
etcomiony amp
1":11r4u°16 Pm ➢ armdan
• /rod:Oa and
Natofflint Wert, mar ths (lout Voli t eoMe.
be bell of and dodos In eras wake o.
the Mato 4.
J. P. OW,
GM WiWood Pritsbmigh.
all Wars ha tba medlar:et directed to .ths pcopristay
nodes Mndl" ott49.timi• an d old. 44"6111.=^
SM) 'I°CIIRTS hiaBGrlSenitiOWoo
.tmolog IOW TbsOodter
I ~~
Franklin Fire 1141tra s neeto, of Miura.
P[RECTORS:. Charles W. Lkuaeker, Geo.
W. Richard.% Tbop. Mat, Ilordecal D.- Le 1. Thu.
iamw,,,Adolpbe & Boelei3amuel Gnat.. Darld B.
Jacob R Szolt..M.Loe7la Factotum-.
OniKum liaattle. " W" ," 7,
Tbls Company continues Cr Wm
ItLeunaroea, per. =peat I
loorY desaiptleu of Proporty In town ad
count ,at ratoa Cr low as ar• coaelatent Itb penult y.
The oppany have remerrod largo contingent fund.
algal. with their Capital and Porraltuna. aa..oly !needed.
afford amble proteelon to th o wooed.
Tbo wets of tbs Oesupsey. on ;armory 14,1831. as polo
llobs4 aa-erably L 9 the
Art-of Asearubly. were au follow%
Beal Estato..-----.' 11.1,971 78
Temporary 83,986
Bucks N 39 PO
11,22.1 . 03 411
Mee their Inoorprration, • period of 21 years, they han
paid upwards of One WM= Portz Ilandred Thonaand Dot.
Ws roma by nye, themby affording, evidence of the a&
vantages of Insurance.arell an their ability mi disPbd.
flan to meet with prtenpreava all liabilities.
DOOM Agent.
able Gibe B. E. corner of Weed .d 3d rte.
Berri-Anneal Dividend 8 per cent.
Julyl, 1855.
413111 158111530 COMM,
OF HARTFORD, CONN.—Chartered, 1819.
Cash Assets, Stay L 1855. - - $835,1530.25
VONTIHURS to mako Insurance on all do.
Pa saiptions of properts at equitable rate. Ms Om'
DAls , a m ixi s tAtned • atedtio
pa Afen ftr i r u le dee/hnt for
tnalTe li t=otber droller 14:IrstIon 41 7 th n : d Urrei
State Anal statement of the munition of thle
Cote . ny on Ole In this aloe, to the examloation ache
PM!. IL Anent.
Ms, !:.7th..eatoOrnat nth mood y etr• - • Plite.
teugh. n• •. 4 •
ithenanim Fire insdrance Company
'of London.
inthorlsed Capital, $10,000,000.
mm3=l rentetztgatc
Atwood A On. Jahn Fern®,
John Orl Charge IL Staart.
Bl7ers. C9larn 2 Co. Mtn McKee & Co.
Powers einhoten, White. Stenos 4 Co.
Agent for the United [stew—
Ftltal Stator Branch Oaks, xo.oo Eknteh ItrartP amt.
phis. A. A. HARDY
Agent tor Pitteburity
c07241yd • No. Bo Water strut.
41 1.,
01110 1 ( c1D0
• >,
For the cure Of Scrofula, all diseases of the Blood,
and Impurities of the System.
THIS wonderful preparation and certain
remedy for that most dreaded of all rombialiste. hu
now obtained a reputation to private practice. and add.
out the aidof ail:wan:so
by any other suedicinehirberto known.
It is net designed In this elan advertisement, toglreg
treatise on scrofulone or tubercular diseases. es that
non ready for perusal and can be had of all our agents,
1 , 111 mareirsay that It haa
when all other armadas. ham Wad.
,t0:100gat Cho many dhassas that this medicine Ime made
the mat remarkablie corm are the tollowithr
and in. IlratUt
attains...a Odle chard
and Inne . mn in the Cheat; a
fat moot/. Canker of the
mouth. Caton Cocuromption,Yluor AF
bus. and allother itheWoNers
anallaso.Ckrondslons,olloutaOlammifonaona diOoooo, Dys.
meta, Inlannationotthe EyealtrysitalsaGleet.
Flnipledlacc Spittlngar d Vanning of ilkod.Pllea.
Whooping,C3ogli Brooder!, Bysteri. Jazindloa, cad
all (Daman of the Lim, lanpotanor,lmemtinaam thine.
Indian.• the best remedy aTag triah_Chith and Y.
ear, Drava, or Stone hi Um Bladder, Lumbago. and
all form • or ith....ttao, }wows..
. f the Heart. Tumors and ateorrica /Maim's or.
Dernelancyof !Medial:ropily or Wasting or ta•
Body. and Ihnsciatlca. Adla and Worth.
elm, Debilit). Inseam or the dolma and
Itidvar,Dissineaa of the Head. Plant.
am of the Braath. Ylatnlenca.
ileadache, Discolors/10mM the Skin
812,012ar Clomplainta. Clare 6,4
Bores genenth. all im our.
• Wee of the y blood trom
winter. mum.
When I ant commenced Malice In Naar York eim. 23
yams ago, my attention wu almost inatedlately called to
the many and Inereating cum of Braoftdons surniiialitta
and for which no certain or anomsehil mode of tmatment
could to adopted. I began to mall, =melt faroblar wi th
It In all Its clad virulent ram& and after tan years of al
most mrmaltting labor I prepared and organ to apply
the Borofolons antidote In melba with the 1053*
y humor been known in
me practice over eight ears, annaogreat has the demand
became, (without Mee In the oawapapan) from re
porn of i 4 m mina whichhavagone from mouth
=oath, that I ham dstminitad to Um =Mean
....snout the rmintry. the b emafit of Its wonderful our
alive properti.... I can linty aware a.m.. who may fad
dieweed to try it. that It la perfcetty erbelmoma and •
Purely Vegetable Preparation.
and has made more permammt cures than all other medi.
dim pot together. I ham now tying In my_deelt over
can be men and read by all who darks it. and not one of
theta an an:Unary ewes, but cloth. to Inapire the
mollothe to any. hover. Ineradulona
riil glee advise. gratis, on all diseases, to any who am
end to call at 449 Broadway, N. Y. batman 13 and 2
.ock. P. M.
Pull direction , aoO7Olpallog eachbott* and It can be had
of B. N. WlCHERdllnil. VA Liberty Bt., Pittsburgh; B.
Ihmeratiolt. North Hamm, St, lie Bate. P..
Principal Ofilue. 449 Brialway. N. Y. !laird
(between Main end the River,)
Louisville, Ky.
gABTICULAit attention cLto
chose ond
flour. Chase. tos=thall knd . t
4 11:' , r ht , DCLueo
sad Dizantactund
tb".=&la./ext. cod .rmi odsonott oar.
• room b devoted to the calbltloo and do
of no NW.. Melodeons, Math end Posier Organs
sad Moskol lostnttwota
I ,3l=o M gat ' a ubs sn ' l
Gomm blersbants,
Cainesil it Wholesale Grants snu
Stores- *nallastuntrs,
Ptalasekers Omsk- Le c. 4 ,
Ansurtronsa Allan. I Dealers.
SionSinnuraT.Gssir A Co. wboismi. tn 7 •
Fittetrurgh Female College
rimm FIRST SESSION OF PIUS INSTl""olliir "TV. I..khatroirft . , M. gri•
'dent. sue • competent corpse ef Instrectore.
Tbe year add be divided Lute tremendous of treaty-two
meets each. Th. tillering Departments rill be opened
for there:apt/ma of Pupils, etc Primary . . Academie, bud
Wm OP Tatum Pa Snelor—ratamar Oa .12161>r.
Third thaw-.
!Vier Was-. - 24.00
-7.40 0
elothon Legumes end the Ortuaroduel tireatheeextra
fah dm-Wis./arias awn pertlealar triferateticay
he tamed mat NC
Application the elcaletkee, and be farther particulars,
•ehould he ovate early to the MI &D IS HY l ed.
W ' ti r ir
aßeDhEY itt ,
115 J. ASWFJJ..
IL MEM( keels constsntly au tsad k r assort
masts! Wash ml Oatrattbs
_ltrass, Stem Osk
ILltches or Drew Buckets Wooden Bowls, arse, Dry
Measures, Zane and Main Wash Boards. and ell other
binds of ware in Me Ilse.
rasa-00 mote Thbe. wad 100 Uses Baskets
Wareroom, Msmals MM. MA street, Ilttsbargb, Ya
Stake . -
theagese4 trutehamof Rea lietate, Collette's of
rt.ti, Borrowing and Loaning Wools tua •Boutie and
=Kee. Albs, tell
m 3 1 .2:.
Otlio..,Nerkat 'dna.
Oats,. and Reticules. Duval .%
Lampe psniktar, ivarr Part
Weltlnt m oina ar, Tivoli Boardxat azarg
Back Ounmos Boardic Mese Mem;
d ar and :mire
w.. 4 it
TATA Plumber and Gas FIV
t,W tonna Woof, mar LlbortT. and du
Puna Moot, next door to Ald. ParkinactVole and rod
wid rt. moan* BanuteN urvi dl oZ-
/WrErwr doordrtiort Pima= Orr W . tar odd
:e r.e: '8 :71: :0 - • i : . 1.. et t: :.
ATIOIPATIN e the want of facilities for
Itenu n tte , th =t hvlwpte to d Prot the Eastern cities
stook of Boats, Le., on 7ta
ow to sIDOUBIIII)AILY .3'?
which dyes ass espaelty of 00.0 lOW tont per month
each 11111,
WO saran ow Mende end thaw dlenceett to pacreaten
the stab lempronenunat. there wlll be 50Udf
our part to render
in estnthatlon tr=hic
modern end western Irate: Me vittomptltnfle end des
Ore eott W.M t MITOF11111 •
toe act 't toes". ow. t....
LA' 20 kegs Leaf Lard for sale by
otriS A D QUM!, A 00.
11 - RIAD APPLES-4 bbis for sale bj
v V mr6 • DkLZSLLr CO.
QIINDRIES —7B bbla..Greasa; 2 am Lnrd;
Pag"t; i rtlit: 1t41%"a, WilfaaMit%
to mire es Mama laws 11.7,
_for sells lay
A CONSIGNMENT-415 bblr. Lan J, for
11 ale 67 sub I LU DIZIET\ CO
S ti t le -4S bblt 4p rime Mar3A.Szocgtrinfor
H—No. 1
L Salmon in kitta and at kettat;
No.l aeltrup lo btu. bitts and
I In .14 DU,. Mita ukd ratan. Ibr irslo low below by
W. A. idailLURO.
CLOVER SEED-150 bus in store end far
oo• by mrl DAVID CI. MOST,
VATBITe; BEANS-2S bus read and {or
Tv sale by DAVIDAL nun=
mrl - earner Mad and Liberty eta
MACAtIlarB ENGLAND--lko'd pa r
Mama a herb or u0..0' Unn Ste.
mum and shoo oditinan anortOmElnka ontiani Abhotna
Non 3 kan4i calf wad mn oat. 80 - tan. of
0. 0. 00011 n an it, Athutt.u.
69 808 TIMOTILISJED i atm;cI by
VLOVER SEED-40 bueotaserive thin day
. N 0129 Woo 4
He'd 117 Exprear •
• SO doom Bonnet inane
- Crowns, at .108 QOM 1,21,
tori - TT WitriSt
INC 7 P TNT-5 tuns NOW Jets./ Zinc
IJ~Ca ILL... nz'd sad 42/ sib tir • .
B. Z. BILLIBZ. 6.00.
/AIL CINNAMON-1 pin. jeer reo'd and
%Ala tr rr= wS LN. BALM:4I , 6A 00.
= .143. sure Vir
Itsla paysi*ar t icut 73'4 arge t6l 4 ,
=ANNUAL tiALE 1 7 (44 .at a-Offering
tbeintoli :isca -
ca Emr
sis br
aces& ibbOss t ,
Eaubstt mes, le s
lama Me• 'biaalikralita PIM. • A- 6 - NLASONI 00
CLovira bEED:-.17 bblssima = , in
Ow las Ite mew a. =um a IA
tags D
Pittsburgrto Dayton di Indianapolis.
Via Crestline ' & Colusalins.
9!dcke,t Rome gall Patebserph 1 LincirieVi.
r4924NECTING at Cincinnati with U. S.
vj 1141 Line Stay:were, Cou and. Lexlngtoo 80,1 "
rosd,Ohlo and road . Lad the Lawrence
-omm-cane via Columbus...l Xenia, with the Deqte.
Ltd Xenia, and Indiana Ualloads.
Throuch xine et& via Col airbus and Cincinnati. to Lex
ington. Louisville. lit. Leta. indinnap-lis, ac.: via
Columbus and Yenta. to Dayton, Inchanapolia, Lear
late, VII" /lards, dt. Louis; te.
The Little Missal via Coluntheui, conuactine with the
Covington " Ina LettuTUnP Lailread. U. B. , ffail Line
litaasrw. Ohio and hilariarLppi Banned. and Laverenot
,burat Bo sio other route cmy ghee. as
.thlwrilh ticket , by Lll the crrae mars ran mily be pro
cured Tin Colnnsbna and thalittla aihnoi Railroad.
The route Iran thwestUns Colcunhue being the short
eat to Cincinnati, anablergegfors wed Weryfeed. Con
wetly= We CeDlLin. lad Pawnor' hare full Woe for
mole, By Our eat and pedleontaineyoute from Great ,
Ilinh denuarrout rand brenbentek - gpxd ir receired„ cod rose
Paled to ova:roam the diatation , •
By the route via Oclurobue to Chartnati and Indianan
. f ores ees rata over feed! bans/tea and month
DY the forest and. Dellafoataine mita. Pli . eaullatw Ida
over the roughest road. in Obk , •
rhnn Deily ay.E.,,t5caw.t441...4
Lou* Lexington a e. ootnmh
nd irldianapoliL via 'arra-so-burgh
neut.,. This tridn urine ikt.
0. hour arid
forty =lnn texhi advance of the Forest and Pe
to Taus—Leaves Pittybrciwh at 8 eld.m.Y.,A. 0.
ervetlina. Cohinme, Xenia and Cinclonatt This Train
makes connactlon Gel fa Columbus to CineineatL
3n Thus—Leaves ttaburgh at. 8 o'clock, P. Y. the (reel-
Dm, Columbus, le Cincinnati. Loniaviile. St. Loofa.
Lesitt and indisuarods. via Lawrencetexrah neut..
Tian Dows, Trams wici Chtuabree. /Joyrea end iodurnoP , N
Lae Tuts—Lea Pittsburgh at ..h.40 O'clocka 0. for
Cesstlizoi.Columbrei, Xenia, Dayton, _ •
eate, Terre Haute. 1 incennes. EL Louis, Calroaasnistle.
Sa Tsars—Leaves pittaburgh at a. a, rer Orr.r ,
Ilea Columbus. Xania. 11,7000. Indiana laisyntte.
Terre Liante e Vlnonuies, ht. Louts. 1-V.ll, ivansvilleot ,
Ha Taaus—Leavea rittsbursh a. 0.:. for treat
(kAmcibue, Xenia, Dare., . Lafayette,
Terre Hants, Tineennee, ht. Louis.
N. B. Secura your Uetats via Cola- rd. co er o .
WO of oroniectiona
Btvarners leave (Ended:AU daily he 11e..tyhfr . Tick..
5 11tru th t u nisliern djri lir=roacte, "'
The lb. Haat= Roads sta g :mange/ to run aloes conTetfoli
with thia reityleit route...
.111lor forroat.lon and Through Tickets. Phaae anni
the Ohio and Nem Denis Mar.-ad onh., (onarin or
nee.) and. the 51orenuridiala How..
J.C. CURICY, Ticket Aceut.
Or at Federal/34*ot Elation.
GIYO PAREIN. Ticket Apenc
CEO. 0. 5.10.310N5, oencal figeto.oib.ll.sll.
Agent, Pittaborati. daY.O notedly
PeanaylvEufla Railroad.
PT. Dailyl I: 2 pp .
PlttabitrsiD and Phlirdialphi gh I
—TIIS N - a Eff in e _ff 31A
Pittatmenh for Adiadelpiala at 7 A. ai
Philadelphia ter Muhl:rah at l 2 SU P. H. THE . MOUT
MILPRE.23 TRAIN lure rittenirah for Philadelphia .t
9,10 P.arid Philadelphia Or Pittalmrgh at 11, P. 31.
Blainnilledreonunadatina I al l lama Plttet ar;ir
b o=t ton= atl9D P'
P 41 1 1) s r lro% . s.:kt
M.. 3.30 delock 31:aad 6.20 Y. au
The above ilitageonueet at Pltteburith nith
an dst ILO
roads ond.froat St. Lod% !dor Alton, Galena
&11141rankihrt,Lesington and Louisville, Kyr Tern
hiadlaon. Lafayette and Intlianapoll, IndLgOncin.
rati, Dalinn.filohLitffailertahl e,Pandrusk yff oledo.
Cleveland. Columba; le. Iffuellion and Woostar.
Ohio alao,vith the Steam at. Braga Qom and to Mg
thaw" &Lunn, Murrrau andCteciseart
Through Vegeta had to or from tither or the
alavve plam.
Pbr farther pargenlare, Wl :d-billa at the different
rarting scants. fme Wut . 111 0 . 0 thb
the Abadan and 131010. eßodltious r th oute to Philadelphia
Baltimore. N m eg o lart l gnion
_* hfferfpido.
.I. l llllkleiltN. dpenriur=iner.ratelearga•
• - - - - -
shortest Littqniciicet route to Chica
go an , Ilt.Loule., le CLEVELAND.
route Iv One Hundred mace shorter and about
nine !wore Quicker than the &mitans one via Indian.
Three DellTTralne betevenPltteburgb to Cleveland.
Pear Dali Trains between Cleveland and Chicago,
nose to I.veland. 5 hours, Chingo, 24 Inn.; sad ht.
Loaf A. 87 . timer%
and after Tuesday,: Joinery o.laaa the trains on
this read will ran ue follows
The Thane at the Ohlo and Penns-Bs Itroad leaving Pitt.
burgh slant's. iv. and WW and 3.W 8. r.
Leave Alliance at 140 a. a. and llau a. et and 6 90.
Anil" Ourralsaut atl 19.06 au, 206 rat and 9.10 or,
connecting there with Cleveland and Toledo Railroad for
TWAIN Chicago. Rook Wand and St Lords.
Pessethers fur Toledoi Meath, Et tools and the North
Wort, heaving Pittsburgh on the 400 A II trash 'by going
via Cleveland. gin arrive in Chicago 410 negt mning.
Purangers for Tolrelo,Chioags, W a le. Nod. island.
Galena and the North-Wert. glee gig , to go through gal
-1 out detthtion, w il l take th e Train leaving 'Pittsburgh at
LOC a. IL. air this is the' goal,' train by ohlth cloth con
nections an made Month to the above points.
The trans lotting Pittarangh at 2.30 4, V. and Wens.
ville at 9.09 a. rt. are the only ones by oh= 9theauters
oth nisch Merlons south of Alliance r nations an the
Trimaran. attend=
kete for Cleveland, Chicago and the North-ges
via li tErleville, are mold atBl,OU leas th an via Mance.
The trains Mr Cleveland =mot at Lludson otth teethe
for Cuyahoga Ifa/le and Akron.
The balm from Cleveland to Toledo and Chlakrs run as
ollogg—Leave Cleveland at. 6.00 a. rit, 3.4 and ACC p. It
Arrive at. at 1019 r. 610 a. re, and 11.40 a. iv.
Trains leave for Rook Wand' and Bt. Lords, as
ItAdoes—For hock at /81X1 a- N. and IWO r. o
tor t. Wale at 916 A. IL and 9.30 r.
' news ran for ht. Louts go Over hock Wand Rallroth
toJollet. and theme. aver the Mirage, Alton and lit Lords
.)14.1thad to EL Lords. Ponerigess by the 918 a. at train
trai ns et Louie at 11.20 game eirthing, sod by 9.30 1.
K. train et noon that Clay.:
Benue checked ttuthoth to Cleviland and Chicava.
vasia 011 AUL= ABB 42.61111141115
146 Clam nil anat. lat clam 2if Casa.
To Allisnoe-MB9 To LA Belle —16,09 616 bti''
• Clevaland4,oo Rocklelandl3,oo 14 09
" Ga1ena..—.15.19 , 14 00
(.161eszo-15,00 10.00 " 8 yr 1 n 0 2411.16,70 16 20
- ,...16,110 14.40 " 0 0111 6 4 1015 - 12 . 00 16
atlonlA—.lll,s4l eo 14 00
021, 2 4 =c4 c0 4,:mor i r o t i ...j=1:111 3 tlett k ig
1. DilltAND„.Bo9c,C , nland.
J. 4. CLAMMY- Ant. Pittsburgh.
Piltatargh, and Cox=hville
• RAIL it'
1.. u
MY-eight cilia fro= Plttsburgh: on the
YMT.lirelist ri ll to. le now open ger the trannesta
tion of passengernand (might, In coaarc ,,, m Mr1:1 the ene
gamey EOLIAN. from Pittabusgh to C 0... 4.111 e,
ea Allows
The steamer ISOLLONI will leave bet • .Aarf, *bore the
oneneabela Midge. Mr! afterno-e half past three
o ti 'clock An West Newtonl =meal= tu. • with theme.-
lag Mtn leaving at a. 50 tor (Sonnet. .0 reaching
there at. PIO a. at. la time thr the rant'. • thuontogh,
Pare to Contelryille....--.
Tate to ClDloatomna,s—....
• train lame Oruselerllle - - 417a . g a RID
o'clklez WeetNeertrat, and =nevi
Sollanatl.94, In time to reach Ottani. 1,00 y. t.
/graft= _Qmsonlerthe to Pittetwega- Pittsbwrgla --.51,75
fan Item Uniontown to . 2S
The Local freight and Pwwnister T 2.
rains —. will leave CMS.
=lngle at 1220 tiand Istaraing will lease West New.
ton at.= Y. stopng at all way. stations the freight
a Vu=the assail otter.. Wan will lie over un
til the follcoring mamlng at ELIO o'clock.
Poeta:um s by the &Muds) afternoon host from Pitts
burancan by 013 arrangement go Ibrward without delay.
Icy fi otbar ILlfOrrna.Wa aIPII to the racers on baud
the ortaamboet Zoltan. Or to tbsagent. et West Newton
and OonnellsriLla f D. W. CULLD WELL. -•
069 dardstant Super. tendent.
1856. A.IE lIIIE-2011T.E. 1855-
Former the baengo a7lWhippi.
Jtoa CAtexpoto mit la 15. i ENO%
Bleave !ho Minton Central Depot,.
f 9
a l y r Ea Suladays aseetOe.t; 7,15 A
Ett. lAta. Meta =tu fg ; liatuday. PAO u.
BC Louis Freight Boa ant, Sundays " „SO 0. h.
Bunn Mated thuscub to 04 Lou!..
.foals{ ran
tbrosAlt (AS9 wiles) ettboot
of oars or Daum. and connect tOtb tb/ t/oxoP:
splendid Elteunwes Winchester and Aein&ne. nun D
esclosive =wet.= uttit&Lona .r. PL..= trams from Alton to
StmedLan% tall) , tall) , vitwnt Those Boat.. kr
. ainvattoure atot usollifPWwd Du WA
Was=ters. being fated nu watt Eatbs and mations
al:cedig mrangwitba
mowing the Mut naavo. tat lininnustM i . tisWi
and rowitbus loth tallnutiod Croat the struts de loan
Hanna and !labia this Um most diactroothund
pumenitus destined lb. 0 ocillffintalelo,l Ja
aocallla, Nooks and WI Wats on Misrimewpl.lsl.oarL
Esau.. Cconbalani and Tannwes. =vats T.UI note tint
lcoputant saving ba distutoe. Mug low to Blom
ingtoo. and Fa less 8.11.n.0.14 Una by any otb.,
gh Tickets over this roots can b. procand at the
cyclone kt. B. Motu caaws In New York, Dostao,
AlliedWaT4tlTTibrat...w . e. an st
td oaatDanY / omrq Na qt t
c p" lTlVlln i tirutt
lialinto ' d. awe In Waco .t.
smogs tout will &brass Ds of the Depots
of fla various roadsto Oblast,. to Met Pause*
Womb to sup e olag
.1•4 on Wu MP,
El. P. tl OsuAN 011%
D. 0011 -T 11.BAIZEDUIEN.Onel Are , t
Viol/Igen Southern cr Northern Indians
FROM aafif t oWlAo . o; connect
tosiA clump lei Oterasujl Line of 8 kapaers for
stunned's% She t tarn all the pmt an take
Bllakinit=tl l the ea en am Bonk Wend &anent
In cannsenan 141. Belle with the Winds (nut& and Chi
ego and o .4 =s and Meade Wear lane a
Illeenteee the LI Beck Land, !Minnie and all point
en the Illinois and pie am.
let-ltrobies Mail Train leaves Toledo at 2 'A. al. ante:
Ing In Calm/oat 1.7 : P. M. • •
i1 -Morning Uprise Train heves Toledo ~t 11 A.M.
arrlvb ir t : riw Or=l. l JX ) P.M.
ad-- Train leaves Teledos&UO P. E.,
srrivb hi%Zoega at MAO P.M.
.lily ht Mamas Traln iIe&VIS Toledo at CU P.'111., sr.
Mewl Id at 0.06 A. Id • H
Ocui Tres on &Mien leans Toledo at ILO P M., sad
arrives at Cideago at 1.45 A. M.
Poor Da/Trellis es the Cleveland and Toledo Ballroad.
estusietlog with &heal:on& • , .
z ni r y taking the Ohio 11l Penna. Maitroed to
afessael anii . -tiaadosky and Maisideld aallroad to
Awe comae with .tbe Clowilsad sod To.
ado Hsi -..._ Or taking War Cleveland ead Pittsburgh
giaro.d at SlDeare; will Um commet at 0/eveland with
lb. Clevelend and Toledo Dellroo4 lapdog the time from
Pittsburgh to Mei°. Its M.M. ali. 1. ilailsosd In gi...t.1
Idneugh Marts on to twooared at the Waved or the
Cast Madd sod Pittsburgh wall/do and Penns. Dallscadr.
• =der the Magaggehela Lieu" or at the Depot.
- • - i 4D. liDoll:6ll..Asimt.
pitt.tarin: SaY 4 0th. vis 4.-42 st. i - Il k
.N./. IL IL'
Pittsburgh; Madison lc Indiana p olis
11 , "R t ROUTE
"'SNOW. pre to forward ight fro th
1 the S ► wt or Pi berth at low Total az4 , vich mom*
nee and WOO. 'Alt Ns wrong ezaeole and tooosotboas
are nth ea Wide* =ties latsalettm.
No thaw, tor Change or commholoo ►t Neethent.
Thocrugo 'wept, even Nom PriTag i q u i oe MAI*
MAIL 011.10A00 , and o th er Notate to the or. •••
doklis •-•• A. HARDY. ARrat. No. 11 Water at I
opy# and Wins /MOM
n. ea I ve es e y, undays
mag.firt, at 6.60 I , l . ll3trtv , grr i v ,
It= ritultartls. an
Bmk very DAytos st -Watt! st 440
ILl2llaspoust 10.60
This t.. oal.r vtamatiaa c.sictly Ortatllai
trAttthm wit ItlttaPtlittt
, nr
'MARI Ith:rot+ 4440ituss I
YOULyon‘lo Is
a. . am only atrAmt route Inta
to the attothatypi Sam, Wog SO mhos Mona
th r,Xjagtin li to tad
C s road.learo Walls !Mast Ddiei
pto Voltott
st,lo to Polton
Pxplenzert Or lotato ta Canna, • hoot', taohto,i.d
Johnson o+vatioo. eel throasb to
loomard3rfOnsonta it.Nebraika,
in vud tT. to thou advantage to rural. Octets ioror
Moro..otz ad other, ahSpple .f Oh will dad thio
th, Man' RELLAttI It and EXPIDITIOOd not; ra to
points on I ha allasindppl Oh*, sad tb. Weak
Beloit and Idadited Branch.
Too Trains daft, !for . BELOIT,' JAM:WILLI: end
ILOO A. id. From Chicago. hrrina at Jarotollio
eaht noon' time and Mattson paw
From thlrairstrrive
LZO r. .
I WWI ere..:as and atextq rn et ill.
di n.
ns,. •
Fox River Valley Branch. t
Thla TraLi i =trs - a t y r-ca tin at Oen i and,
o C NoMIFy o r ootr, tiSrit qd r isT l lt t o!rn ti to
Mao! aoaandom lel rata In NOE:MEM WI-MON
ISM. Trtilvt tho t Imre Walls Mint Depot, !W
-ow.. 8.30 X and 320 P. X.
Galena and Chicago Union Railroad.
Mita/ -or ENEEPirET, QALENA and D110130.01L
Value !ear...Vella Street Doi nr. 'LW ea% go..
Won. . .
11 ,00 A . N. e1i13.1.011 PAESMIER. line In
W D AVPT:S i IIITY4. " sd - li;a•
3.20 P. M. pmt rcrazi rveraturo, nribo4u-ommi
MOWS( TIC T 8 can talnnanand at sal the teed
eel ONlce• East and at the Oommorl
W.lnstrAn Depot, tlarmo. JOLLY B. TOILa)LB. Trot.
P.A.lll.Lb..Atet 2 , ufm.
IL WILWMN, Oars Ticket Agent. : • rartzlyd
ligneny VlUlay, Railroad:
A.A 0 2'
3tl liisti
CiN w ill , d after WIPAYL.Dir I I , : , 4 „..
' . l st " oprin[ l at ''' / I t1. 1 + "11
ton, Terminal. Marti ~ Freeport. ELIA ague - 01 arid
Boston, ',Melts st 11 o'clock. A. A
Aeotextroodatles„ 4 r. Ste stopping at statlL •
R.f4l4.lft,lntfigLl z ii n No. Moan•
modatton, a. , stopping at el etarions. arriving •t
Plltabor at 1 ../F
-io. 2„ E.rmW, 5 3. Is, stopping st Itoseton,
tl5. Freeport. Chartlers, Tarentrun. Balton aid ltharps.
bum% aniline' at Plttaboaha37. 4o r. 3 .
BW-es walnut trin litttannthgth tonneenon s I th the
trans. for the following placer.,
260 Beade• - 7re;i:-•—•• 2 2
Pannza 3 25 -.1 7
1 75 Hellereburg. 2 0
Bed 315 Teems . ; 2
Ilehners'ntrg. 60 Bethlehein.. 3 7
earirAlle —.-. 375 Bleebsalothrtrlt--- ... 0
Reedeburg......----. 3 CO eheanendale.---..; 3 2
Adams-- 200 BreAvllle—...... 3 7
' BABE To KfTTAN/57.N/I. 25
Pacers:2 hi tam,. the 8.30 Train free, Pitt -
rrlve, et ell the above riven the same der
elute to ail the above VW.. prLelre.l let
T 1 et 4176 a, In the Depot on Tarte:est ee.,
Cho slboeses 1,111 leave the owner of 51irket and 111111.
and Penn and Wayne es. at LBO n.and3 V. it In; eo n .
motion with the Treina
fen ' J. I.IOPFEB. Burerintstlent
Xgreat antral Onte, coancounK• thti
Atlande chin 'with Western Northrotetern . and
western Btstas, by • condo s o u Itaihray denert.— '
This road in camera at Pittabrrgh with daily Uno of
Steamare to ell ports on the Western Miser, and ~1 Ciwr
land and Sandtutky with Elteantrrs to W parte pn tha
Northwestern Lalrammating the moat direct, cheapest mod
reliable mate by whirl,. Yalilell2 nab* ft:Mud/4 to nail
*ova the Grid Ned.
liat r k ,
ry Goals (in bales) , llard CLAßd—~, and
wata,Lano be. par lona
eher,Droas and Deakin_ ,es Wind,
DOLED MASS.—Awn', Iraneraeg. Bacon
bud Pork (in bulk, list Steel, eoleillbe, per pa ha
loather. (IA bundt,) Ocre.
POUSTIIOLdss —Cott Irlrh, Dunn an:} o3,..
Pork (park L and Lard OD. per LOODO
limp, Iron Wad, Is. &Asap.
bbi naldi further maim
age LN-10 eta. per NUM. until (=tame notice.
corms—sa per tale Dot ex.r,esding in Ito weight. on
111 farther nudge.
Mikan shl DMit roods from any pat* Malt of Laitodoi•
r mak Woad. Viti v reansrybrando
AR Goods ad d to the ts of this
Band at PhlladelPhla or Pittebarthr will forwerda d
without detention.
Taman? Amarrs.—Mar Patter. Boetem Y. L.
York; N.J. Sneeder.POlLadelphla; Motrow 1 Boor 8011.
mom; Geo. C. Pm • rue, PitUburghl.Sprismax DroWn
I locianstl,_ 011 o; 3.8. Moorhead, koalnilie, Nya_
ioldrum„ iedho Ind.; Batelle St. Llmee, M 0..:
d bill
Bon, kranetills, ndiana.
ILLlClUSTaort , 4Prerrbtddent, FRUNV
LOUSAIDT. Exit 41/Nous. Pea. Ir.
:t9 .4Tent '27217th Street,. PRll,4' DA •
and orf ILED Impor
KIPP. felodff.
Hemp Hose Manufactory. 1 '
'STONE, Quarry street, above S4corid,
Philadelphia. Cheap • lid eaPerldr 1102,iee he elm
Compantaa, Locoaiativ , Stearditeite. Blahh
Leeieries.Derellinse, La. Iti".4ade witheue Ream. inseam(
Il i ih m teir r i d e r jes ap d afd dual Ltather
ViTOOD ENGRAVING executed with deo
Dada IN ALL ITS BRANCtIES, Let tbs 4 , 14 'Oh
st tho lowstk,poulbls 0.1811 PRICE,
EF.:I - 3101.111, Art ram 111211ttign,
Corner iOtirth Sta Irmon. Clticlzusstl;
v.i1iA. 151.8.- B. Partleslat u. strut.
....pal e ig . bese ?car& 1111
HAS t .A K AT T Ger Zls 9"n ater ottro
• i
Zrpoelalikttentiou to Oomzoialon traiiaes. sagle
D. D. WHITE. , •
°met 0.1 Tutu mar. Eiccmi
TE11.1518:' .
DI. LI. Ir-4sll dollen bee aulivua, uelyable lull yasill
In misers. . -
%V ILE LY—Rwo dollarsper =awn. adletlei. Club
will be supplied on the following couditlens:
Five cote per
Twenty oopfee do -- .--.--. 00
iirAdvalles pay meut4 etziniv-eeeirelted..wid
P.m . !. atoned when the vv . . Is out. auks. I t r.u..
Oue lunar, (10 lbies of XEnyareil or AssU,)
Do ow, 6 00
Do two
Do three 1 0 1 ww
Do four mon. . 0 00
Do Meer, Do sle:
=at, 48'0
do nen Cards, (5 lime or !owner exotom) t
One llar for nth. B.llltlonellint. ; -
One etuare.tharontsige et nleettittee CVO an
num.. ~xclualre of O .
War each at atinnal etrot•Te..-
adt 0.t.14°.
for tab wttittonel equam tore:Mod nda.tol:7oastrralos
hall prig.
aAvertieements e:aceetting Komi, kral tot vier 014000
Una% oe hartsd o Bowan and • NW.
Publhthans not somorltable far leth i gmustmenu
4. g4=4l . ± " lult r uro l tr: olr oArtt chareact the ems
is 'other Mt< ellse.mesta • ;
Adtvertiensa ota not marked ma the way for
number of lusertkm& will be continued till farM a lf
W yment enerted scoordbagly, .
The privilege of annual adrathers Is aerial Molted to
thar own bratedla Weimand,•ll. adv. ta toe
the haat of ot2ie • mo ss well sm W advertteemente
not Inunallatelya mated lath their own baboes& ec d
all elms., a Adeertleament&Attr4 or aberetre be•
cgd ili ttz :, l , l j va h I=gsetorlll be at_thstemal atm.
at b be. eeparabely
rendered. sod pecoavtPLY•ma
adverthrscunde the charitable inatitumou&Llre eve
Main, marg. tonroship, and Mbar public mactlum. and al
political meetings and notice& to be:charged half e4ray •
able strictly , to advance • -
Idaniage noticre to be tier DO oeum, .
Dealt natal inserted va t charm =lea annope.
and by foneralnyitiglona o obituary cot ens and eras
eo herald .
Regular edrertlaers, and ALE othmi eammunlaie
tem, or requiting noblest degurned ter call attention to
peite t a. emote& or oily poldlormtextetomma
'there'd:terve an made ihr adinittanoto-41 notices of
vats amodationv—every notineidaigned to cal Ammo
byrivate eutermiam calculated or intended to promote
Indirldual Matta, ean 17191) Monied. pi O th
e e n =du•
B e lot na
tt s = " e i elgro b. . t.t aalbr '•
•t be
the rate of 10 Mgr per Ilnaz
Meal. or sir mottoes to be charged tato'," raPie. -
Torero Morose Waltham $ orb
Real haste Agents' and Auctioneeread na
to te chimed under yearly rat e& but showed dime=
thirty three and onetbkl Pet mutt I f O M th e =mit •
hub. .
waist as TiroSIZIST DA= 1.1113 a,
On. Aquae. taw 44
. ga 77 0 Ec re,M . wrilm jscp 6 .66
I: 24 tmetOftSinatloa--....Q5 issith
all traralent advart.boxuatto 1.6 be Tata to advailei:
DIM= 303.83.1X—Eltnato on the . Pfttabora era
Leabenville Tarrytke Mad, stout half talla trona Jame
Year, ccnataltans scrawls land 3 ecom—col irblatt Is WIN*
64 a Witt 13033331 ho It" contatning 6 roc= and *dim
yank*. 064 good well 0 %Ater near. the hina . % Vilmt
rate 61.6136.-aardage bris6a a . tlyarleasother 303
Tilolll 611/66 3360 one Laindt.d ba.6136 fruit tr.= II&
chol3ot. varlety . ,_3634lstleiroplm Ice% Alliatant 3rocticrico,
rar.:IX4=4, Q. .V e' TVIT * A TI ki c enti
.07 lor 613 posoanioo 633653 on the Ito or Armil nest,—
• 33 1 7 to. fa14:43 . 66 ' BL&HILLY iELICHST.
Protestant cktee to do' boa* +cob U the
dd., end three In „Mooched.; Mee rood =dm
ptlrata temillea high .earn raid: a resew irici or 14 er
ib room of se* le voto coo concorr sod D.V d _po_cp.o,
event Loma ImM she la of sant Joug L l,...r.'' „ ant:
fUtto the "."'". ner Gales amt. goad
he wed cued until &ha o .a s :
secd of gide, acd gentlenjo ub th r.i .et th roelcO r
ca. hol . 4z
men es domestlce or conke, hums .
toy he dindled n ' 1 ' """' •
tOR PEOPLE who want to bo comfortahlo
ehotog the twister dawn sag rod tram
a d e• pram of Doctor lilllg by oiling at ldi Mu
• ket et. aid pomaded: their Dry Grads Ibr the:winter, as
he hag mad. mama erste - dor Edo teelszt
ww Nk des they will bend pm".. an the tootle
. 2 . d e bed aid obodorli P ula V bs_l, - dry. i! 0•11 NMI
, • • PA...U 0 '."1 dr at f ,,, te..14 48.
104 Mortetet.—tuu norm' wintang to honohato
now vitt Dow whl tind 14;to thole onvonuote to nal nod
9miss Deo =retool nt Ono els Rhinos,. Mode an
18 ct all dowel:other ear reed one new:
Allendale ULF. idoetwo.Chmlsottae :and 0:1
Gar runr Eantwoldettto vend tho donna. welnetk.n.
B.:—kan.lco.tat attontkothodd to lloozning Goods, at
1.1111431100: tht Weetet st
sat it 201, tisttat at: ths taint
41ti.;';;Ifatrli.rtit. eui ota., s lattescoststoU Oa *brow num,l.M.
Clue thtm out and' will sell 12194 22 want. Yu
sad Posatettaa pm
••!". F rit t rtart,
ik4Ale t el li dutib Moths and to-los
i n kr
Ti0r2.1,0 iti2 attired sad own for elatainattoty tit
eau PAUL iiIIOUtr. 24 dotal:tom Rh at.
ffNUNTRY BLANKETS.-;-Having re,ci'd a
larcos tot, of Coontry and Babb Mattiotsj .laror
yaw lazy Wm Imo. by
Varloariotelt i =gobLkt bvlowysl to on KOLB.
VT Blankets, vbkh systbe ably myth* sythdo
'Wormed boo tom ootton. , :=Yas. WWI* Anzer t res
Ibm" MVilArggdlaleiTAM;
Z i stioTsallootibtb LINEIE
C.I.EspOND 4UIRIMetVALa wor no fitylellihavis;
4t, 0, Tibiae awl taMaa.rarcla cu 4
new lot of Makin& Cloths, all joar
and th e but satonmaa 14' ilisMaaasA m.
top , inar tspnaa rt a. Dravv awl .11
Vri l ar.g .-74 1 1 1.14 Mil fa •
Pennsylvania Etatread.
Do one Ineertien—,✓, ... 0 LI
Do leech nactitlonsilneeetlene.,. 10 23
Do one 70