The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 12, 1856, Image 2

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WEDNESDAY• MOltitiG, MARCH, 12, 1856.
- • -- • ; Ter= ' i .t.
nod... ikirsia.
A mig i nv-Tore
,t af t e . zenr=tl....adrulow
:Fcrot.ooolllpa 00
TeRWO.¢.. saalua* 00
YarA en , •nd ths
Dapr =Mgr& via t l. MaitilMOmnid
DopubZuu:k Declaration of Princriplos.
44;1 44 3 .•144v,aa.1 ,, /A. vv
1. Wed.:nand and dull at tt to wenn tits meal of
all laws which allow tha tottodootton at slimly Into tar
ottatiorabto cotwoctatad to ftiodom. and will redid by
orron. oconalloational moons tho tralsteone of alitrary byway
oft lf larritorW of the
a ltatoa
4. W. wilt =ld Dr
amKto:ww =wow bow broth:re%
ga ‘Si no=autholity of their latida
:yam ._lll.4!..follworlaht of .c otrea=, gntr. in Lror of tim
gynfaf that AM torobant national adidnlibiatton
has storm ltiolf lo bo mask and tblthlamawnd that Ito am.
' tint:maw fulcra. I. identillad with the prowetwo at lb.
alma nitw it. to nod:mai wittrionoey , with sow sanbudan of
libotkoti hwo tba amtv r 7. nod with i1g.11121.11 eleL db.
wed. It to a Meths minim of oar itmotitatibn toloyrooo.
....iiailusiftwi oxitizirsum-4 communication
- 1 Willits-paid tcklaj'a Sias; relative to the
- State conientinti Called to Meet' at • Hertietiiits
'On ) ,the 26th lost. Intended to unite all the oppo
nentsolds ilattotal Administration. . - it comes
fiam e pen'of a true - Balroaposs, - end our
frie thgoughout the *Minty are invited to _
itst to
unsels rboao of is hiendentitled in 46
9t the time tide theta Convention -was called
it wee generally bogeyed that thereArouldbe - no
nomination at Phllidelphbeeiiittio#l,if Pabru
art, and the; hope wee_ Ptterttthled that it might
be,'able he iar the. ay for a:cortilai co•opera
ahronf all the tenet: Mende of 'freedom hi-the
Presidential contest: - Sat the' 'notrdnetAon of
linniere has deranged tilts calculation,.. end.
thrown apEcolty in the woy.which . It wilr be
*,,,7i. to eartionnt. There semis to- he . no pres
ent ' 'prospect . quit the °pips:west of the Pierce
adiligstration will act together on the "Preeldect-.
rig '6iistion; Cad if there li iseparatlen and' hos
gli.on the Presidency, it can hardy be either
._ .
. _possible, or desirableb to - 00-operate at the-State. ,
election. So, at any rate, it ettikee un'-.atfthe
preeeht moment,- and We - would therefore hate
been better :pleased had the Conireotion' - not
bectiWed, or if li had been,lizsd 4, meet at •
de -- rtherin the future. 1
The only thing that can be done now, him'
er,*-11 to lit the COLITeIitIOII Crioet,. Ind - thhii,ere
thhti4-ItirM be dtitY,l( it:,'asa gad a proper
Matesatisfactory_basis of action, /sad if it cannot,
It bad better disperse atones and foraver,) to ad
journ tilt after . the Pretddental noininatiOns are
made, and . until. we shall all: how somethiag
of the ii ttitude we shall occupy towards each
other. . --
' . Ae to the duty of
memento,. can only say that, so far as or
y—ganizetlonit am - - tsernta, thillOreet datyla
• --- -=te Corepiete Mid - preeme.titelr mos organise-
Don. :Bat can theynot dci that With all Mel
ity, and mill take part in this' .Cotwention? Do
they; by going intolt, disband Uterosalreat—
The Wall embnies .4111 the otiponenta of theNa-
Cons' Adminiatratiom" and as suck can theynot
gb into the Convention and test the experiment It'
is invited - to meld If that Convention adopts s
. Platform which they' can approie, and which
does no violence to their:priXolples, they can
- notabjest; while, bn the contrary, if It either
stops short of the right or ventures into what Is
mroog, they.trill be at perfect liberty to repudi
ate It. r•The Convention, it seem to as, Is
merely an exporiment;- end lie oily pos
sible olumee of mom mist depend aphis
its ability to kutl a poeition satisfactory to all.
If It cannot do that, tamlrWims: will be, at en
Oct advice to ill {Tr Itsitnnactut friendi
to give the Convention a fait chance and throw
no obstmotion is Its way; - yet to so not as not to
feel bound by Its comas should there be any
thing objectionable In it.
The Mends of Slnincout, we rinderstand,
nuke - an effort to get control of thin - ern:men
tion and procure its appronifar their candidate.
To have hiMendoreed by State Conremtion of
• men of all parties, would bee triumph of which
they would Min west 7 of boasting. To pre
vent a Mgt no much et wir with - the geranst
sentiment of the opposition ;In this • •
• • kraraurrn - d — irfi li f i fi and al:
%Cagily* may all have bat faint hopes that the
Ocavenflen will be able to accomplish the ob
jects aimed et by its callare, it would hardly bet
wise in , is to abandon at an important me
meat, into the hands of s facticm. •
Tut:onus° ras Lsins—airiiln the present
- session of the legislature 'a; billwas introduced
to render the slay llablajor damages milting
town a ehange In the-grade of its streets. The
tuner .was brought to the notice of Cotuwila by
Mr. Wilkins. and , botti branches immediately
— paned rosohnicois rub:Whig egatrist the peo
nage 'of an& W bill. Ncittdog further wee heard
of it, end It was supposadtbst "mold be per,
mined to ship-Oletly ; but at the lilt mean".
of 000314111 a jitter 'ewe tiailsed num Mr.
CO* iiiiittigitist he 'Doi - 1114mo it his duty
.tii'presif hi Pelisse, =kali OW tlondolta "mild
show him .Cogott reasons" for doing otherwise.
What he iimuseusiEs ~.cogent" *won does win
appear.' The Councils will probablysalters!'
thelr former protect ; and If, the pewiletent Sen
ator and the legislature do; iot,t/iink that cogent
eiongli,- the property bolds's, of • the city 64
settle themsolies downin the conviction that no
more grunt ever beams by the City. Its
financlel Condition ferhideniet it, should ran the
riot of.aults for damages its accomplishing im
proiements forthe betiatit of the public. ,
Duumzezio Klovi-riariaios.-4hlo. W. Ma.
Clew, &leder. Dram candidite of the lowa
Biack.Dianoaraoy, for llecietai7 ;‘of. Slats, ilia
,the MATSU In nonsequence of
the aquae of ILI/act: that he,ls s .gimsr.lStothlng
fa good and reviler standing. is long as his
connection with the Order was known o n ly to
the Democratic leaders; he. non well enough even
with themi.hrit aWsson as the Irish learnol the
Mate ' of theme, off went lioOlearis head. ,
Is .1T gairszl—The Pittsburgh Pat ea-
MEMOS to opeak iif Col. Prethent, se. It it nee
. antlarrised to present him to: the.ptaille
It eaye u.lohn C. Fremont la tallied of es the
•Repabllcian candidate tor% the Presidency.. Ifs
lac native of Benth Wass, a melding and
lallllonaire of CaUforide; ' - son-iti-lair, oteoL
Benton, end probably - the rioheat„than ,In - the
world.- But he cannot be snide available tO the
Republicans, - end will refuel a nomination by a
party. for which be can bare no sympathy... His,
father-In. - We would probably accept the comfit
atloalf. offered, bat he la quite toe old. •We 0-
!joie - 14108 yeari of age." • •, •
It is kind of the Port; which tense u a,torch
bearer to the - Pierce lidittirdstretlon,, to rialte
tot Fritaiont'e interest*. end fortunci Into its
trim' keeping, both It 'au a Iltile - bithter posted
litregard to that ipmilethan, it might be more
Intelligent sal WI& . paid= and Madan" with
the Itepablioars party. Berpvcbahly knows Ids
own sympathies moth better than the man of
the. Pittsburgh Pon, and when the propertline
throes will probably manlfeetthera:l—Buffao
Demean or Nate Yorix.-=Att editorial state
ment in the Jonmal of. Commove infante us
that the national government has beeti,_fer many
months plat. engaged hi strengthening the for
thingion ofthe harbor of Nett York[ by suing'
train; gone of a very Jong tango an d Imp mill
tor Anne pprtaa oslyjln. use. ;,Theilill UT
geed ire nuumfactuted lamest point, , ang
inhaled to the envious military works in the
neighborhocd of New Torleas as the : Ire
1u47. As regards thematori . al of var. - the
/inn& nom that therein always a large Luna
of it aummtdatal in the depositories near that
city, and soother paper says that' t present the
'bore 13 nonsually great. 'The existing votes
have been much strengthened, 'and are kept, to
a high state of etaeloro7. and adiltional defences
ere proposed to be constructed. This Is one
the lessons'taught by the Russian war. -
. . . , . „
ISTIULOCLIT Comastmr.— ; Th e staunch skewer
• Hairy Lewis, which left thls port on Thongs,
last, for New Orleans, 'with a eargo tovidsting of
are? 800 tans produce, was sack to the boiler
dick, In the Ohio river,-at thmderion's Be,. near
Troy, on Saturday morning,, at li O'clock,
by coming St collision with the ttetili - Edward
Howard,, hound up. ,Capteln Collier, .. of the
-H uoli gatcu, - telegraplut mitt is supposed then
were Mar law lort f
The NrcryLewis wasslint danNew Orlon
egouner, main her third season. She was bull,
beri - tad owned by Coq* Emerson, of New .
IflichinoW Clerk Palterear4Of Elpim andothca
aflame on,betntla She was walk about $25,.
-00 1 1 /i t 1 8 . 1 r 1 , 4 •91$ 1 *: ,P 4 ,1 17 /1811“&""
x .
- ..,.
- ' . .
.. p .t y - ' • , ,
--, 4 , - --, - --- ------ , ':..- - ! ,-- -:..-:, •., -;;, ,z, , 1 , F. 2 w fA- , ... 1.V . ,i,,,-,.,..--:.!:,...2 ;4-,::,,,,,,,,.....p. :,..4.0- :_ . ....; 1,0, .. 1 4,7.V.2;;,;;'Z'Z..,..,,,g7:: 0 :: - S , Cta. ,- -: , - 2, V.43,1,;:-_,-; lAi tEi-:-.l'ik4:.!'":':7-1"-..4.,•-,,,,,I;;;All.,-...vj.,.:Lls,-..,,,.4,-.:44-asa;,:,.:::1.-55rie.1•0".,-":XA.
.44 ,5Z,--.4.: /;+5..:" . .:jA - U; :. '"'''' ' ' '.---.- -
boitarim sun aum..-13, reference to our
.i 446,44.4 be sien that=, the:
*mg Mill ot2dentrs4titowa, thxr. &Co r at
gitlanOns, ifferet‘foiliele. In
sMiellenfiainditent ia3 doing a - lOodiMebleialf
and any person or company disposed to embark
tbatmonsaary capital in the iron -bumbles; will
141 dila a rare opportunity. Since the maple
thin of the Altegheny Vailey !I:a to latter:tub&
the mill of-access from the city.
Jezzoiss: Efornies.—We are infarmed that
the Vezina* of Ways and Ideate hut reported
the Oenesal.ApproPtistlon BM to tie ifOnaa Or
AePi r aiatitith:ei. l l l24 that it provides for an in
creme friths salaries of the. Supreme Bench and
the Judges of Allegheny county, giving 14 0 , ( ." 0
among the four Jades of - the Suireme Court,
being an if4POllllO of s4,l3oo—and $7,600 to the
latter, being an addition to the three Judges at
Pittsburgh of $llOO. We are glad to find thi
Committeehavethes far recognised the necessity
of placing the Judiciary of Pecutaiirania upon
a footing in this respect.more suitable to tattle
political pcsAtkm and more neatly occontensoitte
to the value of their services. • _
Thee State Conventicau
Mrt Eprioli-"A11 ilia`beel Issued at liar •
!imbue signed' by imndrpMembers of the leg
islature; for's Stem Delegate; Convention of all
the opponents of the National Adudnietration to
aesettib le at Harrisburg on the 26th of Marefifor
thilicaoleation of a State Ticket.
,The County Convention to elect Helegstes to
"this State Convention will be held in this Coun
ty on Wednesday, the 19,h hist, and the Prima-'
ry niesUngs will be held in the several election
ancient of the county - on auurdiry next, the
-16th best to choose delegates from each to the
To these 'primary m eetings every opponent of
the National Administration, is Invited, and there
is a general' to see' the members of
_branches ,of the OppOSitiatt on the ma
stoa. . _ .
As the arertimantits of the county are all op.i
portents: of 'the National Administraticw, _and:
bitterly oppMeci.M - it hums* its lading and ,
eoetrellingpolley lithe extension of. Slavery, It
becomes • grate question for them to decide :
what course they _will panne Lithe premises, 11
The Ilarrestomt County Committee, lAA
full Meeting, determined that it was not advise
ble to take any 'official laden in the . matter, but;
concludedlo leave every member of the party.
to decide foillmself what was most prudent.—."
The Committee felt that it was its duty to pre.
'serve theorgenicitice of the party intact, and
to look forward to • Bepublleau Stets Organs
'satiate sea necessicy and indispensable part of.
the National OtepedlateXlC but if the members
indliddially felt that they could take part in the
Holm movement, without committing themselves
or the party to any wrong action that may be.
taken by the Convention of the 26th, them was
nothing hinder them from participation In is
As a sincere and . =nest friend of the BMus-.
mass movement, and one looking to it is the
great Lope of the country In the present erLds,
I have for antedate felt embarrassed and unde
cided how to act in Melt:otter; but after •.fall
surrey .of the ,whola ground I have. determined
to Mend the Primary meetings cm the 16th, and
hope that all my Remszatim friends will do the
same. If those meetings ere conductedthirty,
pre-concert or atrangement, end no ad
vintage is ealts• *flood disparity of sicusibers,
nor attempts nada to fora the adoption of pIY
• • lisiPlatfainmor prlnolples, oar presence there
Inuit chi good and can do no harm ; and if, ox
ford:Metal', any improper or unfair spirit shankr
be Manifested, it will bie easy to withdraw. It
Is= duty, at the least, to throw no obstacle in
the trey of an effort, whether that effort 'hall
fell or succeed, tomtit* the,people of Perinsyl-
Tante against the pro-slavery policy of President
Pines's administration. If it• should succeed,
'upon seconds acceptable to us, we . shall then
have no reason to complain ; and if it the
fault will not be ours.
For one, I think this &ate Convention should
not have been called, and in this I know I bare
the oonearrenoe of a large portion of this cony.
wittily, It is not an auspicious time for such a
gathering. With every thing at elms and sevens,
the political . elements Nein' in a semi-chaotic
state end one half of the people undecided
-whatthey will do or where they will go, It can
hardly be poeeible . for the tenvention to chalk
out such a pang me timid be easy of accom
plishment • few months hews. Nips nomination
of. Fillmore has unsettled and disturbed every
thiniB and although it is MAMMA true that the
great body of the opposition will repudiate that
nomination, the difficulty remains to be overcome
of uniting upon a State Ticket those who sada
ter:aimed to fight against each other In the Pried
dential contest-4N, indeed, which is questicny
able, such a union should be desirable, under the
still, the Convention has been called. It can
t anw-b. itoppid. It meat be held; sod it is
better that it shouldbe controlled by those who
Mok to a union of the North upon a platform of
resistance to Slavery extension, than that it
should, by our sufferance, fall into the hands of
the Fillmore men and become a powerful instrn
rosnuellty in their. hind,. An attempt will be
made, When the Convention Meets, to procure Its
endontenient of Fillmore's nomination; and that
must ,be defeated, If all else should be lost.
In this, view of the facts, I think It behooves
the stimmis to manifest • generous con
fidante, and give a trial to this effort. If it can
not be Managed for good, it naybe averted from
doing, evil; wait Is not ,Impossible that an Im
portant direction may bei even by it to the ,
Ue sentiment of the State,
toward this
Arrogarza Paatras or Tall Lam Joint ilia>.
larta,7X. P.—There le every 1148012 to believe
the:, when all is known, it Will be forted that the
*mount et:heads of which theists Mr. John
Balla his been guilty will not be much under
14000,000. , it tmer been esontained be
yond at iprestion that Kr— Sadder bad forged
no, few;: thee 50,000 Royal Swedish lialleray
Conspany's dares, . and obligations of .65
on width large MU of money were raised
This 'forgery alone_ is to the nominal sum of
5250,009, only it is not known what amount he
wad obis to raise on the ;hares end oblivious.
to addition to these forgeries, thaw are fannies
of several deeds.and mortgages_ of 'stews In
Leland.. AlL:eget* those; however, the Went
is not yet taint; but perhaps the boldest and
moat daring forgeries of all see those which re
lit* to the deeds fez the Purdue of property in
the idinumbered.Estints Court of Ireland. The
forged deeds purport to bear the signatures, of
tin oinzunininers, the registers, the chief clet'k,
the solicitor* In the wins causes arul.the corn
mlodaners' seal. .The which this class
of forgeries has been committed may bet inferred
from the fait that the ramp durynlone on these,
amounted to several hundred pounds.-•
A.conaiderable number of formic, on private
individuals also, have iireads been - discovered,
snd there is every .reeson, to believe that others ,
yet raisin to be aseertained. • • -
Those thick hare heel detailed are supposed
to animism to nearly - £lOO,OOO. to :addition to
the chteses of forgeries already enumerated, Mr.
&dila ha., bean gtoilly :of ihs .of
deeds; Mid .in tent. by •Mm to an enormous
*amount. The drafts. all the forged deeds and
=times are In Mr. fisdlleee inn handlffl.
The forgeries of signatures are in.every case
remarkably enosesdki.l Those of the Seem
bend Commissioners are alibi to be so perfect
that the Most experienced age could not detect
the forged deeds from the genuine,
The sot of self destruetten was, it is believed,
precipitated by the einnaustanese of tbur of the
holders of deeds relative to the purchase of one
of the encumbered estates who had advanced
LlO,OOO to Mr, Bailer, basing on Saturday lest
gone over to Ireland with• his solicitor for the
pupae °flaying the deed retfritted. fdr• Bad.
liar endeavored to frustrate the intention of the
Pest% but falls& On the Coallnent, too, When
his transudes* were- to ea enormous extent,
great ilium prevalls. Ina letter which he wrote :
befouleaving Cilonoesteraquare for ammedead
Heath, where be put an end - to -his testenoe,
• e decbsres that without the knowledge of any
human beingornaided and unassisted, he commit-
Old the most diabolleal arimes of which it was
pounds to be guilty; that these mime Instep*
be diseovered; and u they would involve the
into of hundreds , of innocent fandlles, pe bad
preferred to die rather than witneu the suffer
ings /blab they must endue
The crime of enfolds mat hare been coutsee
plated by Mr. Bailer for 1011111 time before he
etirataitted di sot, for be had purrilessed
°On Poisoning," and had evidently read it
throrigb till he.came to tile-chapter on the ann.
'did hit of bitter grimed% when. be, nted down
the page, sus if he bad madcap bas mind '
Tae trandl 4 of -80.-Joho& tool &Main
are hot only,mrseh Muller in amount, but
they are tame compared with hi.. a .•_
They denote eombinstirm of :erhainslity,
*maims, ingenuity, vaisaillity end fad 0 00 h 1 0
the amid miner before witnessed,. _, . . •
Asour.--Nhe ,Deltuntra Omit Whig
aoilealttee of CMOS COO Mat madly at
li Miar , And adopted a repo
*S lution cal
ng a teeetiag of the Whig ellipsis of unnily
to be held at the easseplace on blondahthe filth
inst.; to tunabler the prepristy of reconnuending•
a Whig State Convention to deliberate upon and
adopt measures bat calculated to advance the
futureprospects the party. Then le aims
ins AritbdEnot Nothing Whig WV in Delaware
acuity or silent sight hundred mentbrich Lit
the last election the N. N. egridubiew rm i nd
but *Me over three hundred .sotir, id& the
Ilepublieane riled owe Ave lmare4,- sai ss,
Whip. averitight,lnnuhnd. _The „Fint sew
mut,. tandem Web farlimhts Plitt
Asti's* Sisal Offtent.! l4 ;W Arrsion •
- Obio.ltiverlmprarment ! ...
':'kultotoig, led., March 7: !AK
A meeting coloptied at many - of the leading
Merchants, mitefacterem and Ow Adams of
this city wee Veld Jest evening at the Licilect-
Hotel, the object of which wee to confer upon the
=Vest of the proposed-improsententof the Ohio:
river. and respond to the circular bittar_of
Pittsburgh Board of Trifle, Aiding an exprimiticii
of the views Of the serersi Ohio river cities up.
on that Important enterprise.
- The delegate of the Baird of _Trade and pen.
pis of Pittabvigh, Mr. - COPLZT, who Me just re.
turned from Kentucky, mated to the , ma tin g
what had been done, and read portions of the law
of lilansjimmis incorporating the acumen,.
He also read an amendment proposed by the
Chamber of Commerce Louisville, which hi
Lid sceepted,end whiehis now a part of the bill
before the Legislature of Itentualry. ft b sip
..Provided, That the:improvement of the not=
gallon of the Ohio river hereby contemplated and
authorized, eball be lathe falls of said river (at
lontsville, Ky.) by Dom aid Locks, fulfilment
to tarnish not less thin the feet of water on the
oils at low' water mark, and to paw the largest
oho of boats now plying on the lower Ohio rte.'
era and that said dams and loots shall be coni
strutted at the earliest practicable period, pro,
sided that the stook subscribed and paid In by
iadhidaite companiei and corporations of Abe
State of Kentucky and Indiana shall be @raciest
to defray' the cost of the same, and widett Mud!
be' so appropriated to the extent necessary to er,
foot sild improvement." '
After a full and free conversation on the sub 4
jeot, W. M. Dunn, Es%., offered the following*
resolutions, which were unanimously agreed to;
Resolved; That the ibiprosement of the Ohio
no as to render the name nasigable at all
earn of water, Is a work of great national Int,
ogisnoo, and justly entitled to Mains aid from.
the General Government.
Tor Qv, ffillisburstr 421.;giti.
Repaired, That we are ready to co-operate ha
efforts to accompUsh this important enterptiee;
and that we approve of a call for a convention of
the friends of the improvement, to be held at
Cincinnati on the let day of May next, and that
this meeting will appoint twenty delegetes to , *ts
toad that convention.
&solved, That the thanks of this meeting ba•
tendered. O Josiah Copley, Esq., for his 'forte;
to direct public attention to the importance and;
preoticabiraty:ofthe above hiprovement, and for•
the explanations hi had given us of the plan for
the improvement proposed by himself; that wi
regard his plan with much favor, but are reedi
to armour in the adoption of any mode of
prcmUntinfthat may be deemed useful and prao
Resolved, That the amendment to the charter
proposed by the Chamber of Commerce of Lenthi.'
that the stooks subscribed by Olsen' of
Kentucky and Indiana shall be appropriated to
the improvement of the Falls of the Ohio river,
meets our approbation.
After the adoption of the foregoing resolutions;
tho following gentlemen were appointed dee;
gates to attend the Cincinnati Coovention, to be
held on the let of May e.
E. G. Whitney, M. G. Blight, Wm. M. Dunn,
J. King, C. L. Shrewsbury, V. King, M. 0, Gar
ber, N. Powell, J. Fitch, D. White, 'IL R. Neal;
A. O. Lanier, W. W. Page, A. W. Pitcher, 8. M:
Polies. J. A. Hendricks, W. H. Pry, W. H.
Pitch, W. Clough and J. W. Chapman. •-•
• 8. M.BIII.IIDREt, President.
M. O. Gomm, &ley.
I vas glad to notice the 001111121111 in your
paper of Monday morning, maing public atten
tion to the Virrebbuttiew styling Itself the klmitie
'Association. This la' =important matter and
It is reroarksbler that our mannfaclarers, who: .
use so much vigilance and foresight in their
mediate business, hue not takes some • stoma.
to counteract a more which affects them, so
juriously. They are feeling, a= have felt for
some time,- the Induenesof this setnimast as.
soclatioa. • Then why not speak out? Until
within a few day, no rates of freight could be
obtained, confessedly swatting mat this me,
talons body, without souls, should °oedemata to
carat what rates merchandise might be shipped:
It admitted that our strongest competil
lion is,ontaide of our own market. Estimates
of the dotterel= in freight between eastern and
western elites and MU own, always enter Into
thereareful calculations 6f purchasers, and
peclatt~ofparmbu=mime= of heavy attielemsnd doubt!.
Less many articles manufactured in our city are
reduced in price to meet and counteract peat=
facilities of transportation. Bunglers should be
careful bow they attempt to 'Lamb the clody ,
adjusted arrangements of trade, and when May
do attempt it, it should not be submitted to. d.
moment's retina= woad have shown them that
much lees then they propose to add to the
ordinary rates of freight 'would be an maple • in=
demement to sand merchandise from New York'
"MN= Orleans, to minus points In the Wart
and South rather thect cram= and ship from
=rout city.. Thie , or Condatatkos,,er
ashram one composed mostly of, Menai= todi: 1
viduals, undertook about two years ago-to dta
tat* a bill distil= to our uterchantsu the only
one under which IMO • would realm =velum,
dire. Failing to Ueda the laws of the eonomm..
wealth, they now as sapiently undertake to die
tub the laws of trade. - • •
The question is hourly and eaziouely LAW by
Western merabanteAs this combination Wound,'
and the pnbllo humbly uk the cotottinaticm 'tie
hto stand," Purchases hale been deferred to:
my knowledge, - until the Association 'hall gtee
peaciaticm to the bate under its control to take
freights at reationable rates. It is said a large
fund bee been raised end many boats awed Into
the arrangenient by the secret appliances of this
body. It b fresh In the remembrance of ma*
that the law took cogitating of a combination
eslaulaterl to Wore the Dalmatia of Odscity.
Is not this each a comblustlan lad la this our
true remedy? Or should there not bean bonr
dlate meeting of merchants and manufeaturen
to take the matter into consideration ?
ltdoreatbig to those gaff Mpg from
Esszaccii.-1 argots Reasibitert &Dr. llteLeata of
thrviaLtba• PP. /MEW 17 WM= BltOd. Pa&
. .
aq01912. moils at ourtifkatui reatnpl
hoar olt avitaitipar.
Itsw. Tcas, 'Mimi 4 11311.
79 i tato wally that I Um tom Addeo al imam lo
Maas basdvalsg sisccwns:ue 'hi pita vapid be mamas I
odd nalidtbar.447 act Waist. • Illasrlag afbrallogura
celebrated Um MIL I oat sad g3r, • lxah or 'dash X
took hroadlls galas to Dad. tiro ,algata Mori re.
naiad an satitalj. lows tau bas uar &Wed, sad. I
bars had co roceatorobla from dek haalsebs.
. JOHNSON. ILO Lima it.
' air vlll to malls' to adc arLaases
Ookbratad lasatactaradttriniadaz Bros. or
Ptgabors2k. Pa. AU cast VmmlNialL callterbm ago
vorthlaig Dr.BPDLOes punka Liar Ms. alio his Oa
*holed Varsollaga esti Dow be blot all rogsatable drag
atom Noss gaups 'Moat the sigma= or
ZOHPEL F EGMan i aIfit.
BATOBELOB, General Agent.
a:SPM ilk
• amp
o lg taw all i t ima r t .
r • OM oaaedreser rtm.00097
Put Steel, Sernum,
c v, Bluer; Pongb
AXLES, VICTS, _ SPR/iiaS, /lota
Mattocks, Wedges, HarrowTeoth,
mamma& M.ll, watinurranT.
Detwors W0P11616
• WSW, - BMWS * 00.,
88 Fourth et. near Wodd, Pitteburgh, Po ?
- 11.0aVerilmis
foggy, Carrier, NMI, Drovers'
Keep cantata:du haii
Ere and .Musan Company,
No. H 9 0113t3TNIJT 13PAEIBT,
0F1 , 01073 rl.l2‘op3sor avow.
Will make alr kinds of Mumma either
or Usdaitl. •
4n aria? Proper*/ at
*X. l*
. . -
1 4'14, m
I 11. 4 1 M
• coriirentrit &Wit=
- 11110114 , • •
MASON BROTIiNES - Publis6ero, '
•NB IT 02Z - -
miTilsistined tram INAS Park Mcw, to tb44,: . .
dew Mt%
-Nos:lo9'6 110 Dosa•Stroet,
• • • try esalioro ori•soo otoatosy. • • sale
' P. NEE=
ScalPtcr, goal; 'Otpooo- Worker - and
rosamr. Fa WSW do* Who it'so
sembiretelA *Oriclooskuials irr•
Ike tt!sPl.ttzburigh Dolly Quetta.
The Maybe Areetactaa.
1:1:J :40 IA MVO )1 4 (.11:-'04
1112111mi_a EsoPrials. "' --
1a vir....... , .........) • 4,1
, .-
'' 119. 65 inati • _,_
t:. irr..... • 1 4
va s .. a Une I
"Pqa NEL$Qll„fr.
. or ; isairrtAcrivansvir . •
• .faiketed sa Iron Oim
• - •i Romp BOX 17618.
410 &namunrelShovelti tSpades,
nee— , Steeke iheftastleaufwee.liarrow Teeth. as
14 NU. 17111 A ET st.l
ParshWils - will 'Waseca! awl ssestioe out &twit arm.
wsSimminiralmesere. • • SW.2=l6
You; Juno , 15tty, lbte. •
4ritiOlk klimpoolLine of Paekets4ll
the catty Tessa is the .an
eitw mitheiked to sell Vas& Oortiliales ar wiS Use of
New !wit etni Lturpo.l reads
la Sw i A rt., New York.
9n alflata an head eight. Drafts fir WY aneast.
Phrehle stsay health. iteidwul. frolem• aaaAaaa a"
oleo. WW2 swewstiwil !to s His Teak and Phlislel•
Ph l in ewrit=l l ' 1.4 ' It.B2lllll=et.
Ages VM and idasOnt remedy for Nausea,
1 44
nolortiMMOsins la the Erma and Edo. . Eck
Esarbejnotimp, ' - Comottponom.Ootda Warms
.. a Cial .04..Mbeatoas of 'Mom sad HUM:Mr, sad
Mbar to*aloritho of croamL Do. LII Wright's
"14411d=1 namaiMM beyond moor
...: t oed intUT iCa. - ti latadlonto sos the clod
MugUlaill ... imalmaandfflood, oopeabta maimed orlth
somom, Wiato iMapsa. the Moans throaga t4o Um!,
'tit V* cola man.' tom& animal soda. 'MUM
Mal9aa4 *Moat , fisokna_tho - gathoot media Tao
'lorielatealr =dab., th e etuagest, mod plomma sad
---, Phalan: nuotoiXt the ecola. Soo aoloadooman.
441114. . autliod.
The Mee of the
Pi tsburgh Gas 'Company
Ea buns Bachand to UN.
B.llLnober Smithfield it. kiha' mord Alley
0 • ZAN= M. etteittir. mot
Wit,Halistere and Hop Dealer..
Okayama area. mar Pesaminals Mawr
AND MALT nocre; , •
" 47 4meiPsztei 'stmt. End Parka'. Atm
/arhi 4:* c
;;;b ' .arm es Mad.
,-,•-.. 4
4 Look on , this Picture.
ow tbild keto Illneozllo4l o=l
AXIL atit.astif .OWe he.tors4
• . ,
,'•:. VlHating 44 kr 0404 ,
so rosx ter abblett anostumo
' 1 ' .4111/ i/I WEL
:WSW 1131106111aW The .11
, . r ' 1 .: ;,3,aa dailies attlal &miter ,
6 '.0W440:A.74 Endoblast On d
Y. ' ' c 4,11414 43040 , 040 1, 11 41 la. t o • as.
aciiilidasils sad !Mall st tbiDroubm of Dr .
. 010.
!Lggift 140 wood 41..., ilia eo OM= Mortar.
,sk,wmuits a ALlmi•
14/1010041ili 07
Cklli Farasees,WronlronTabing
fbr, ,Feraiiiy out Vaitilation Buildive
. 111'44 -Cl/11 1 d Wette kr Waives' saa vsautgiss nl
mos et lip% Wair.PtposarChSlicalularsacs, Closeabes.
athrot4l/0190211, hatorlea, Clam Erick &art ROM
aall Rates or DO4IIIIEI. No. ti Wart* .t Pittston
• ,1 BAKER * 111),!*
• 11161 y esteemed by the Medical Faculty
thieanteas the Milted States Air Ito salty' , mot.
and 001.0ot•Poutr.
kaajottly Polliikleat physicians of Phi:L.36ll4gs
Sh•tidaollt2to .tattoo at Mir Mei slipm•M. and •• •
tist - tflater .madras ratanumakt It to We petitsta
tokitirntralfttl In their praotlos.
Leo ta•afj to Oonstatptios. Betooldtl• Atibtoo•
Go* thantitim Otostal Wenn ina on egrotafts
AghlOCMltttastd• sartvoltul, •llldist• • atm or &Int
•Ltorindlitlitirtrai °that *Widow bat* Wad.
15,14, bilgisloy _ JOHN C. ELII3I 1100.,
Na 203 W. Thied davit. Phibutelitlas.
tia:44 . bh tsWto Ptitatnarsh .Isola..
- tiodlAvOr Oil of a Pure Quality,
lirortio ours of Pulmonary oOnsumptio.,
w. aitoreo Ritmo.
‘60,'404.1ir . are.thaia.
Are/dam trZanniset.
Ar Liman, olltam
lb, itiontfad arm ma Men
Pbr thZtaiser COArgabt
• 'At Ad bfas /Map.
splNr 1w tarts , itbUbb and in bottbay by as &ea or
Orrogrobottlic overstoralrommtol two Cod itoo.
.1114 Wbolorsio proproor !Mr. OM R. strata. 140
Moolit, deb* tlbe Osage lbsetbr, ebtl4l•2
2. 111 =
aui-601011111110 t hN /tin be ea duty blue: se rin
toihaiyilikao Wins Ma the vosio~let• nor
tavolistk Yw ►fad am ay &Mrs& :Duo Iru
kat% Alain WWI to Sayfuldiy PI
Sidid•W MR mai sueshattach ha
vosievie4 th! Oldie boaßiriena,u4 glisaibM
Y ' Ads Ur *Mid bad t•ltas albs
: 10 diedulftict st SWIM cqyarattea. JYI ini. or
thetwiwit Wallis low ani Is my Uts. sad le the mum
our do antainesyyy be dlasharp4 betirsga a oust
sa4:battstagula anima wqrxis&
• Vitayiegidely ipill•141, awl bis enjoyed iota !walla
yisii+. It Yr 11m1 row, illbdtt *Mb Ur dist Wahine.
Ye loar 121412118 VetleagLakllty tenet of the Imblle.
scia mai& ir ta. id.opo amid.
sautwierensa offlAtionis the Claws Itaufh
A Wart On
Min *ran aditaalo 6f tb: itugfestar7. Chemin
dwd. aignothe. Abe:rant. amending tte
gta!tdi and *NJ Einem and Motor grata:dui of dos Um•
nag itomedtit
Tan "Ideltlneraid,mont for au Way to ItniCr7 Lift and
amentiati and toning* Imerpreits.
Wad Ittongons .111igraitsgs mostsuos fin 'Tilton,
minas el tlan itnitaiingtodent, dr
No. DoOlkosaw&T. Now Took.
The to&otobory iiik,os Omits Dboaora. sad PO.
moon ConomtkosolkOls ProviatJois sad, Vostroost,
02 01 1111 &0 11 ; ‘I4I I O.PD) !oar *tan. fr. or align.
ego ...di Dr- Mors 117 ift . INN
a, 1
tl. , WW
a 111164 ... . 71"1‘. bs attlb iL
Dr. tiso.ll.•Phillire.
10112113 CORI 01P • '
Orttebs. Coda emu, Wawa,...: ElindlAs Lanza,
44thme. 1/rogeglls, lalluscera. lialpro &re
..' Them Oeisomptkat. asdal diss-ser ,
'Most sot Qat
T Dr•litot
i*surrro rirszir
PAIN PANACEA; > 7 • • '
1011. itsacrxiD Puss
atiianimum,! bunts/P.' tastka• Pound/
- .lam Mos la Mei CUR. Thick and paw
• NW /4 old ribincbtat.. - Weik Back.
Chap, &ft Tbrarkplaritai, ia.
The Uoimeds vska karma themr-1116.01dats WWI
to th eir atellollllaartkak7 a frnaintliONatheb' , Mt. —
To troll who !t►n. not nod Uwe w•Voqid.. irr VW
T0.i....'.111. Awl nom tq bit A Gave .ipprio.
maid. sna UM vi ii ilq. with isaidiggs gent, •
NI. 020 . AMMO% 1101 " iar . OW/0 ".
___.,_,._- r MAY tIitsICIIIIMAX.
` . "'"'"" .l t 3.""r4...2...,0.,"'"'"*`"-"Atimillmr OW:
- - -
r. you. , -.l%,tand
Wm* 'J ,11
r*. Ild Wood et, near of 'WW2
• .ll
or as his& Thome.
eanikft it g=tuademas;al a • soddabettT. grnk cog.
theefil ter Upland Fallout' ow to sot* hr tiFit'
line et telet amber crinehee ecead
the mi.. theetd• Whets&
dirt a r . Itim . o4 ,,, Ali,ts. U. : Doable, 14 St. U.
iattz.taiste.4747.4 - Viv**4•44 whoa
warble, ...-,.,_
w" fit *. i•Tiiiisioaii mp!sfl ili..s.!
suk. Bay +0 :Alma 9tipd - .01011,'
Pen* eoll . t. Ithee)die . Ctipset Mr
maim ; Sew" 114411111 Pt liklritkooo/
glollidal %MO Vial hoe& Neflieb ilWle Aleketteal
Delhi Ihtipshiotto. .tte:•zireAß- - le&he mom to as
aualheiiallgenaragas diMbital .1111* yds aster
sia Vidoll,oo. Tear 1190—doers WO. -
Alegi ishiCilice: Iltolattet!. Ri tegee wed
*44 l llPelleielaid lieesele, le everrnelety.
b• Dr. /C:OrAdel abilob, thaw to Inuit of lbsuis OM
emlplttl OIL Nadu Nisbet by initingi bat ilk
100,4 0 1 . 81 SPORM tli alt4r " i t i Pr 2 0 1 ,$ liad 41.4
tee Trim to inslit• Wiwi
' ' ' 0101tetiII. RUIZ&
stri; r 4ll o.wc4i 4 a ilrgin *my, eittarwah
sad Continental Zuhugs,
PANIIIInT/LIRA ursusurae co. ,_
" 1 417oznei Ponzth and amitbilidd Strneta.
Capital 014111/0.
Amgen Ler !sr Damns b/ Ph.,
And go PLOW_ the !es aitUalsed 2taidatios awl
. •
W. 1tha , .(06. nal... .
w... .110. . Tumor - iko. fr. Bazar
D.ll. Pirk. 1.0 er Sprout . Wat• = 1 1 . 3.
t j ile= 4 .: - • J.
Si v rol ' . • _l4: 1... .
R. WK. P.Restrrnat._
~.- n
`Tr u r. prorr . MLPAITEMON.
Parmei a' and MeOlianice Pire a Manna
Hon. THOS B. YLOBlool.Pinalad.
ETOTZMINT. OF 811812023.
Prom M. ilart dor of MUMS to 'tat I:lartsesot do of
funonat mind la Morino sond-406341 an
do Stn.
TOWhm4 At.... ms Bu Hn nardlin.---.....4101. 1 01
INNTSTID £5 wounwa, SSA= Al;
Bonds or =wan Plbefanza sod
-.-0 1 4/ 21- 66
st y ßanzoodESloo 00
Lam on lthattor /woo °a
Soa ao,aa4 00
Cloak to Hint rinden boad---- 11,092 SSI
o•l49.lmalalbod (pormoont not prt du) -- 91,000 00
Panahun Notoanot MAST 81
Dm non lento (markt et Donao--..."-- 11553
trpenoto sad Cbfoadadosa--------...:-.-.1109011 so
Total tunOotal at law taatored.
bat oot MadlnSact.
Saded ee
TOL Coott;L i tactcras bull sod canto tiata co the Ohio
azd Mash tattooer il=la allattat 1066 cd dam
aTtagraen& Mit. tri ll . s' WYMl. l l7=l ld
haw Wood.
rat Inattraoco avid•
Mi rinV er4.
Width No. SO H ate r at. Wo ad limb&
ame . Me N 011102 / IL X carom Ob.traFad
EIVIR)111 p a B I AS ON VSIFSLII.OMPZIgaI ic e S o rtie the maid.
02/ Cleada. bir Elms. lAnds. Ulm and Land Oartliges,
to all
OW* Unkro.
Vn Idirehmonaslir.‘ °Deur, D.muk k it.a.,
AM= wit TWA YoIEPIAT. or. AM 1 . •
SAd rwtltAgeL an, "NN ZNNI*---
Indolhsr Lo 7 11 , 01 a , 04
Stoat Ittii r ds sad IF/ Choi
Ilaas dd zes o . atiF;;;;Fe;:fiii.Milerardir l -13;
Ponder r•aatly iusedr-asuitah.• debt.
Total =coat OS
• InaZolos4
=Z a n'
=q7177. 1 1 . 4
MUMMA A. Sondwr. Fume] 11. ° 13cosa.
Jam°. Day% • Hen r y Bigons.
Robert ntoo, Jamas 0, 0
Adzia S. Partais. WILINce
gr . 140 EL Jaarwl Taamt, -
H. Josion Jams D. ilealiand.
J. O. John u m aa,w , HN. O. 1,4/dVN.
kamok .
rgarai. HIIIItAw.
lint OWL Jobs H. Poen "
' Huai Imam. Ilientgart
'Mr • So/ . lNateir aL tBbsrg 9 .
Reliant° Elntnal Uumranen Company
O r ZW. TO "2war..Nvr STEW. ll.‘44—.AtudA-11111:1,003, theatertmatria.,
&sadism, ati....t o g a rn ot ra:= 6,n i-.
Btoek tMhiPradr:l:4l"4:l4*l
at the
The pt ' tra l ltomy fat Chia tom
---*-.4arthr aira.—f, _ ---
g!saktlp...._____ Lewis likAmbliousa. •
eater N Bob,at
4711.=.*, rlr.ihMl.7.
..1?"1400 ....-.—.
&toot TolatuL ' .
mamma JAL!, , Yawata 0../aans.
Juan L. Tarot ( litaL
Jamb T. lamottsit, tradIUTALT.
U. it. litrolat, .
mall& mew Tbird and Wood atraha:
PKTOBlllitaki -
Piro & r Marine Insurance Company;
Olkee, Corner Market and Water Streets,
ROBE. 041.11/47: Freida/. TIM GUAM WT.
This Company makes meLtanr:mce ap
vet:am tow ens ann.
Hall and. Ouno. an taa Ohl:. and
. 11I Th tiftatrras antrinalarlis, and Risks sew
Andagalust Lou or Damage. by Fire,
And agalnat - thi NOY (Atha Bo and Ulan. Navigation
== i ar".tha krilildratm txtudstant with anlarr
itobattrial y Jason a. Leash,
.rasinli P.Ossaun, . D., intown. ;e
titaaMhalls =fib Clunnbirs,
- Christian EVIL
Darin RUNT_ ,_ WM= Our.
.ImaW W. nauano. . Antast D. Hartley,
CUL irtathront. Iss. D. letillL
kinsaniiin Briery. . - falli inelislyin
Ottizem's Inzaranoe Compy of Pittsbargb o
" A ' Aru itriuM ll
MEM /kr.
rISV " 4 °
rejsulf ra liMlN i t y r mid L AV tuna,
lora 900 Air: Joh.
Western Insurance
WM . insure spinet,
ll - kinde of Hire
Marine Bl
Preveation and
Bona . ..
m .14. -- TIM. OM; . %
ha ay.
.T. W. ALWOOdr.. Ga.
• rit=s 4 , . O. W. WW2 laps. Kahl
G. W. Jiitftwo. o.l.lftitwol2. -
. Wm. H. MOLL
Agra bow Isigtltaittea vamil i ge Otnotors me
bows fx taiseroamdmaast vb.
,ate ika tamest the Ornm nbs alli h. .l.ll
Iteedmisas SEMI r....e.mosp.states..ll •
Iftni mew • oat.
- ' Itmestscm*W. Y... 3 a11.40. la&
• Dr. Z ••• • 014.4•411.-/ &WWI,. womb no
swasmos slut Intl adrhol roxionadWas•ef leoTOtl.
dismiss Wbbt7 prLa; Ltotwest. hire and tt tet •
MIES MO ail= aika it: dm.
far masted sty tiumrefeks dlagiamraw
X ifedisio sphaity•
cr . Int, , WOOLLE
Dr Wkothatitotat*l tives PIM In missend t oo
t• t.
Nu. s 1 Dr-t Bc•Vi Old••••• - Whtbi ameba Ifni
mat, insystel Ira& isixtir tht tutaltake t3'.l.
&at. faigarr i1k44,11Gr0,4•• ItIttnIlas!•••so
. Hors irookuleis only U tenerrsi Dr Dr. L Wet& & pa,
ale Pro rioters. Basalt Pises..asrosSevt.. Vs. Dr. Me
Sarah lumen I LAS: Pills sad I iisrmo:t VoreilAto
saxcesaidnl outtOromiefli Yaw* .
- 'WV t iM m arir
TAkwilmosci • ilattoi. adie
ck: :):5.4. :4 : A 1.1: - i.4 i'4l •
Celebrated. Female IMa. '
Wept:WT=l a prescription of &Joni eo
auk*. m.n. Panwan ansmotary Qom.- tearluado 14.11ctoskamikrada Ormianos all
thamolitaltaialdiumsreas Oman tirkitatts Os 16
DENXIMIIIOn SMllllollpaylit 011112t11411111111.
briagi_ft the. vorle4 MuillitY. Arm
PIN now bi aim *toe time vies swim Maw
itaantp# they tituy thsams: awls= Ws ad.
War Oaths blew. antatageb• MAW to. PIM, i
44146 TIM -
Is ell ewe or3ernothemeosel Wide
the Beek soaleatboa Itetote 4 31 MP 2284
tkc•ft/P 4 Miao OUP 11 410.1ostoseid 4 041t0, Uldet
41, gdi Heiellelue el& St the ptteMAthoose emit
geoid br ,Slearlerel Retire, thee MlAl to rare tam ether noun bars Paled, eadt $
tthesih •
• toorethd roeili. de het tostopt.ftlemel, a/41mm%
et ea Abet telsreet. •
dlrestkos teisetheallie 141 h ,Peettege.
the WOW Satre sot Ciees,2L Ostlkeke, ' •
battle_ ,
. • . ; .1 Q. itotownl A Co., flaehotter. if. L
Tlk33:o4i6Xlift. 3.oeaseal **Oa
L peorpe end ir, aeopeolieleeet to say yr
!tahtlel4%*l4o64 A1.!4b.".53/kbreus•
roe eshrta ?Mahout. VIZMIL4i emit
. •4811 L, wain
%Vt. Eas Jai •
01110 & rhipsyLviro A RAILROAD.
17 7 'l7. 4
I .7.1141 . 1
'wpm WM' • • IITSBUIIGH.
The Fait Troia lemma it ,2.30, A. M.,
lama to Mott=ll to U bawl aid 40 Tiro
Thom toast itooaaatloaa 'at COattNtka, to.
that otiontatet iidi data The 4ltstrt toots C 3, Bt,
foals is Dog Orla..4llOrsitUomi ladlaasoolla
idles diarist them via Clattisat. Rod dos ley from
Mt/tm* to Bt. Loot 1111.30.• haootal ohm PM .Ooh
'motto* on Taal* .0 JAW* Nth tha'tood M Cientaaa
Ltd at Umtata trlth the void to Noma*. blaanotillo
sad thostalky CAM No Trains soh on
Throe toads tooatot Tat Orsattlas; Tor patients's, as
Tbrmsb Tickets ars mold to Claacizozat4 L 0140,011.
laril4 radlaaaDotitapouo. flak Masa. iat warns.
Wirnimid and W1;21E4141 lonia' gait allies lathe West
The ow .112101ITON tO))24IICODAIMOtt TT
Lama Pitt ilnash at lIPA. a. and OW", or, anC Now
Mat.' ATM a, ml 4 , .
irot . nduOl:and fantd.
.. Or it the PodirslMlO
Altbr . **Ar ;WO" nater'
Pfttehattr.Ney.lll.' MK' ' - TIOIM 40,411.-
j T ill afai " 4lhi L oP Bl")ll*
1101 111 W4 Alan TlMat Taalt ben, Wiadow
flatten, Window liandkka,
Nos. 91 Second st., aa Talralltif •
(between Wood:sad Moneta
Hava• on hand variety of liaw patieno
iftaariannag=4o:o l = 6 . irwavairia,
&map Dui to ow+ ' Anwar as
eon notisa .L. • " • • •-•- • 1 -
1111110110. I l'W 10±1 My/feel/It
- 7-4oWiq siai t 44W.Aat Nate
lialierters.aad Dealers . in
(LINSEED OIL, lulu) am; liacotßa s .
GLASS WARE, piamareay, . himemon; :
We have in store sad offer for Dale, -
. • ~.
Io packages of 26, 60,.100, 200, 800 alai 600 pounds each, I/o*n gasrbutecui he fan wiight,
atrially pure, and unesaystAbA by antialaslity.
pte . o. aarantaa. ores ehuu=tr i r i .ovt ire aro ambled to 01antS111!ititotob. aqopeigllA# ol 4. o lo6
ft. A. Farirsaroors v t imaruoi, furnished with' Emil* Gump, Freaohaiei Spanish dlreetiooa
sozl;llmdtvls I
DB Y GOODS, eal4 .13/ hseSind at rat km tram to the teals. ,
1W31.161 13
- 0112,2132, BUTTER. ,5)11158, MM.
No 25. Cod StreseriVabrargh.
War delivered to families in eithei.of the
tarot ann.
• Orden may be an at the lint, or to oar taw at the
stone a •
LOOAN. WHAM IWO., 62 Wood '
Mann a RlXTXR.eranurt LtbeZeral et. Man ea.
8. P. eonwenaz. _newtons._ tbrpo
27:1Ulit, cam ozurzer.
lam RADA. gIINNIMY a 00.
Dr, lielmbold's Demme Prepatations
lanisecompllshipd mrat extraorlicary corea of . sll
othwe modliini• of Oast absaseto. Thai impale
Ig• blear stmeami of by the medical tkanltT, and lars•
amber of Übe laort astaant phyddszts 13. tti Elattail
out. imealte them.udmlfl7lCe LW/ Tetkut.
Sl edratimanic 13.elmbald'i Gamins Pl.psnab..
All County. is. •
IN the Orphans' Court of said eoun
ty, /n the =attar of the uof ths Er
tate or Darld Llerpef deft, J. Tann,lllo3.
And tom to Ira: 11 .00 11 at 100. Court bolt,
older artd • rale origt terms Inavado4 _to roxoe
tato omt. on the /nth day of dam at 10
oWorX A, IL, to sorrel or refine Matte. ar a pan
Von Onset at the fattntics,. Hy the Mart.' .
.• • JtailLlollllll/t,
.8•ale to as marred On ltobt: Harper and David Blehol
oilp Jou r tltra 1n the Plttibargh Wieldy Gantt* sad ler
noEa datratt ' di • (Irra M l l l B. lnl=tir tr 4
AtOrm 07 perronal • radar on John Itarreir,
her guard ea orraf d on tha othir Zoftleair , ta•Ma
br.isintaf IL ropy of greet •ante• at thatr doolliaz Wows.
at basalt, don Debt* the 261.1 d itgly_crAwil. lOC
ratal2,oorT 811 , tha Wort, JOUN BOHN Et, Clerk.
Now Pianos. . ,
addition to a large •staok • r •
In WON Paulo forts roodrod d
• laat fordo'. Os soboditor oat ?pro
Seven,, Octavo Plano 'Fortes,
Alta wool moodhaso, wood rotor disk. ri Wool- /Mt! ,
with tbionadla opal avow at Ow mows Mad. In v=
boottrany mooed Rot Tor _
She atom pat= Is nor, air sold be
to Goirismo " rbo r t oaratrat It the "us Dist et&s Cl
UP art of florolorto amain&
Pwashoodo hays wry the °peal. lofty of salaam Cram
Q. LIMO Lod bor. do* of MOO Pew oar mamba
to i th, thut ilk er . JOEIN lIILI.OI4IIIWood
" drum tadokorlng rodo—BoooOr
MIRE Pittsburgh Young Bias' . Christian
AweWien Ws reelowei aide Lthrery.ettel Bee&
hay b y
to the mewed st•ry the new tehetle a
hied by Juba& Steed a Co.lltth or
ree. sc wadi eit mu. tOsita
.the thated Stew Custom Must .
B.oom °pot from 7 doiodt Y. to RI P. ,IL hkh in
permms. oopoomlly room. mao, aro w = w tzt•ltml to
9 t . - 1113t.s.sal, &dr. oibiulude
trbAD 1. READ 1 1 .READ ! 11—
Haebsel Gans tab kinsaliklob bob
•kw talbby lama D 21.8esstbwortts
Ilsost D. Lissa dr Caserbass bs , Aram •
.IstlyskiE of /isreisktr Pliss 76 Tss4 .
Tlsp An bt tbin.l .11kasTs :
I =t V '
00l Israse u r4 . ,
1 3 3:1Wskra e telssran ' • -
Prism ot Weitemrilso.
Tbs hear. Trait I,salso Gressospot
ttkisssuld.. Al/ of Dleksm's
=Ws li AostaW - 7
ashl2 dILLMISTIMI T k 00.
UT reed ji
ailat the 4th et. 'Carpet St= 1i lot
norz:Vdttrbi.":4 4, -.:---
.4.7l = oxsunrtrirnatiod War.
le saving to Oarpstataad Oil to IMAM
egpriftlly 101 l thest Atm= mat sad
' 3I A 2 J I- 1, . .
MILOKIPNL.-100 bbloVo No. 3 Nook
afietke Miele to kid Ike mbar •
mb74. IfeCUINOI3:3B, giuNa k CO.
MAPLE SUGATS=IS bbls hand tad
LTA 4 , Ye 01. ;Yr ;M5 .Werrt WILSON.
mo• br - /ILL BaJNIILAND '
2 N 0122 11100414 -
riLOVER 81E.1:80 bus prime Moyer
pia rera w sar. euesneuri a co.
mku , N 0123 Wood O.
LFRENCH LADY of slit:aim. attainment, ,
boring taught in nvirst goon With marls norm,
to Mora a ritunkoiorittionso raidust or a nd
numb Soinbat linnia EU giro robasuoss Ann sums
ter of than doughlami under her
tonna. thst . morgv e r t e n ouir 'Unload Jig* ban
born obis to tly to • kw mann stun
shun of herims. ghorno tent ton tbs Nam of two
or throe Posolossiss lathe Utz or la the manta.
ousrolgilLM ututou nownbntosuras Addrun an
prigBLYDaB tESo..Dta.feDturslA4 Pittsburgh
To Vriggisto &Medan in rancyliatioles. •
iIIBIN'S EXTRACTS . Soap', Pomaites„
Ilrovnandlablta der Sam Oz Manoa , an 4
Ifis. Jiaatina Intl Palo
ClanTi rr.W.azir lil*
• 40ii; , ;i,abaiih...zi.'pAr1s.a .u.r.
It9rem Mos. . . luld Alia Wa4rlilak balk sad
.111 Ifaiß LII II andkarahlipf !tabula sza Taw Vinegar.
IEAWINWIELIbUr .. ..EUariII: Straw. Itabbeny Barn ovals
AV i s iterRAMMIREN-Piainik 'ail& &lath; i
HAI BBU9EUGS-1, Trench WI Haman,
CLOTH, 11.62 am. swain° aiturrn kind,' and
TBBaBATOW/t23-TOwaling. Dasiarkda• • • '-
COMM-Buffalo Dna:lnm an grim• ad style.,
EPONOIO-Malliwaumuu Pans. Yoke sun item, a
TlRAM=ilostard. Inksp, cum S.ll sad bottles.
TAY 193 Astor Zoot. MagammittaltObcco4l^ Wm!,
AlEtlinlits Pot Poinattraditikt•
.' -
1mM1.4 1 . 44 ltk:itTatainis i 00.
=hal., No iJOWOIIan st.lll3V=St. IL York.
• ' Trait :and Ornamental Tries. ' •
ifilmiibeas - aripreparod4o 'furnish,
tram tbdr v eztotostrylusaiss awl Weep .t
oft Quota.
FrulA..rargirt=on.___. an . st
bal, nom to. &a sam e which an vuo 14 . 0,
TM'S. TS171t01; Ca i sitimmyttp • 244 , na . ,. - =
Inbllvd.rk , I .` . .!!,/, DAa n OTObTh 431-s:''
*muse sin nth "at' DA s. mz„,, u ,..
net o imm u lo w o n ' i de . . lb If HAL. wino till
*anted st• limited to ittrat g'-""4/"I
TM, Jr. BSI. •
gem= 2 411/IPlNEFlGiatiairl Stud*
11112.-16. A. *lt=ul-I . * tlttroto-lt
t tbr tb.b. o. Witham to state icon !Lots littolir
71. Toot etooilont: patty toodielooo toot
your orsolfto target/ ta Mr fuoilKoso fro.
100tot r aur. at -tvg , ,rit, tur.
thiajurit LINT=
M& Woomollittodllavo / site Wrist;
Qat I tato tot ortho tistm Odium stotroyowr000l•
lethal ye
- C'Wt uh r'slo4
my me , tloote ' cconttac l it r Li i
4.Pftft s` FI
s of Wood 00415
-rmabyDeuaaismoonily . u
e , iTikei Nod • Wondeatfal Thing . ; '' •
• .
. '
Nothing before . known. has. csiad - ..,PA T .
10 1.1 no. lioursishi, Wine sad 40443414 rf th 4, anereh
4 Le..ztr ik
e ttni: o l44444 . 4lll th r i lt d.. -
bolus the ualt.i 0100 n. .11110 liter. led/ (Wheal awed
flag ash mar othwr sweet - Titre tem sold ttrwit htowe
••••• t• • •••L• su rf•Lti h t JIM*. a.llartlmore.
who bar wtl4 stain wort a - ..w www trier perto&
yam at weeder. arra el lideklitwermitt= hat
*aim tip
mete raitT i ftiii 11 %Tarim May easeherhat
with othw. isiehrissed moat* Ibiltltiestiml Ulu Bit-
L.,....Tki nD ,,,. .o..thcaw tre are met all s
war. The ,11.0 - haiseleave materials. n
Le wiesitilitaill emaLwataded. Y 44•1414,4 -NT VW 441ftS
seat reecasuwaidlwras Utsihhhheeirionti. reran tlis only
rimer. 40. 4 4 4 4 4 th m e a 14444 1 4444T41E4Mi1a 44164114.4. MO
A moar
Dago ha sztesdatuir. - Adm. astir. .-- -
Yet ast., b ithallatil. IMAM Genera 4mt.110
erceel sh, - a and 11:4 444 br id tba wriewewhi
ihmtl y ita4 Is
I. Um D.M Ittstim.
..... t •
The Friezeks of Pireatte! , Williamsonll3kindles Atroeicalia: • -
171 DRIE S tor Bakst Wiakaralutra's Drur
sad Paint let
• Airi= f
I Y e ag gim llabasi;
rty It- e„
Na 141 Libe
— .I7I — fr&SUPPORTERS=.I.4ave
• " pere.ha. . Ida& .
.• • I . .
RENCK BLACKING, 12 dos. or ex.
ftLD BROWN WINJISQ/4130 • ' ; ; , Li
4..sint*d • veva VA*
Jll9. 101. lad
_WE.:-NABWyccontana. - %
. Nor*" mdtekt.
',l..r.:ittam-&:4..5.1z- Zz 42 ..;);.i , .."`.1 , Z44.4 •
B. 4. - , 7 . . FAHNSTppIii t CO.
aucosssoas rctimr. &Erre( & co..
..wg 117.11 •IL
'Llitrt7 it; 8644 ot Wool
AucliWusALEis: ,
. P. Bl.llATlCAwAlotider.
cosummkg estes 4,11,1)
k =Oa Illidai 1801 . 9 Ing. Mindili th. "MO Allost. 11.
Saila 1144 meaty e, .mml4 HaWoel.l 0. WM.
=ma the 'aloof the =Ur* Ainit , liWis i gke um t,
aomortalas Input 00 bigersad knt VW
or troll, taut sal sissy ambeisci) .bexttir.
brasktest ma m. tilde, "ban. baropits• "set
WMink de sad clamors= imam an 4, Wm .
W 1 bar oc= sWw4 lame —moldos eat. aid tr,
/4. ae. Jibe, fine Bay Hars.lo brdortiogs. am
?hands/ tivililss. Meth si 11; shit& Si
the iterabsahe 4th et, trlll beNS.
shoes =Baikal littsbrusis
10 " Obis sad ft. itsahc.a csik4
IS " Mims Dwelt* hsak tese,
24 " ilkehati Valley " -
A OARD-A very deedzable—collcation
sadttant libmigtriblittoat UT:To i l s
Creh 11.4, at. %beam:mm.ll ails• 9° at W. • •
.; • • •••
WARD At Atiattott.-thi_l_ll y_unds. suattit, Ki
10,7:* ogekrt, tee Ut•-•,sute Sulissut...tta
Late at Cut tornatellattnlturea tad Laud its,
buts wet. it ban OS ft as /11/oat at. Motto
taec s
at la ito nu. et the abu Tutim asks
rthat et Newt at Lumoi st.. - utruiltu - but 3SU ft WIN
T art.. Putt utosOnstalf tub; tuutidit. .mottfitortiot tttiu
t Wl:Cue% will pottUuly wad, pk.
dtrostatta. Phan are awned, P. IL °AVM Ault;
Af..EORILNY CO. COMM - At - itt
Astalon—On Thundlor
_4mtabogEhhirelY 13th at 7 . *
at Ma liendtattte =MUM Ma In • 'WU to lOW
2 Ihrapth OW% Clamrty arAtllhatkr MOO sea.
STRILK BOATIL-021 Made ermeloOtesehlithe
so *Week me tee id to - ster amt. Ipt
ardor et James sad 8./2=lv. is., or
the laleßobett dielooth Ix lIM . I
Waist et thatoststa Is the ItteunhVes
Okra 111bor, beWunetteath len at' 1111014;iffi r
terahare M- u they sow he the
Whortasee the mouth of /eels' stmt.; - - -
Terme-arcepee !neared esher. se 4 mil 6 arallhe:
)1121S8-43a Thnzalay afeasems. limb - Mt; Si .11
a'akek. ea lAA Ammar% sill. to Si.a pY reb/r 'at lea
Hwy D. Hails, fi ftLUU.OI
tul Ws i 11. Darla
eloaarkl. that valuate . ,Mond. as tam ,
taw Cm*. lbw WI. Arm at the lamalla.
'Ma Tamsdla Haag la Hollasaa sad lass
Ada, ' amalatog Mr maw and aryraticadisa, ma
whkb Is encial a lasi dr Ilawlaz INDI. AMA 5.4
amble of tarator sat ISA Ws. Maar VW Wlta a
Inas Mama Dnal.tft lloasalkoom Ham I
The IDII magas Ana pate ftrza Unso ads
Clotha tam Dameratail Aciat ila. Dora Crabs
aa4 atlat-baproreasaav The alai' Pant li IMAM
the bat la tat awaatAy,la VOLD 1.844.11 lhaul lan:
m. Z . _tam .lahnlAl - Wan adialalai-tha:Alrly_ AS
. i._ t'n &IN I FIAM 11S . 21 1 =41cirar . , L . Lt ,
&Ye _ =4 - atbarliap Fruit - •_ - rm.. .t• .
*a. lea hish maw mute= m..6llZri d %ro• dhakd
lato 111•011111' IMAM/ amal7 iaatk • maw the
mat lisetentas altaslieas to thavianay af
lw • D'l ..t 1 /1/11A11111ZWWWwl...
IltJoloaalatibia., , ThrisailalribLed - auk, Dr
*armed tao roam with lataarkpejels
. . w ....
SPARHAWI4'.I . pusTapr ; :WM%
Criiiids Haus; •
_ _ glimmer steux,._
Alec dis.ikEntrirs veer Dadnatio !l Ant
• - RoIf.EIGN Mut D0.12601.10-_,
awn* To _
LAWNS, entail/Ma r Balf.buirria.
ulsaraa alitrlnirm
A TIAi HT T 8 , A 111i.g.
Euladaphis Mazathustarod GOODS
Arg o: Kaman asa fl UEBIID TO tai X=rll
HAIII 30W._ OP/IN ros Tx us ,
Largsad Bigeodli saes et
NEW SILK: - AND+SNOT. 000 D..,
hthititta Lim
t E raw ,jraxlll3os:TAr4fir.
alortstun edbadtattalsioadtet. •
Our nosokrai Oslicieli vtisaullillarmadilidrigi TWO
DXPARTIIOIIII to 'ditching?. sotottaiitroatloari
Oor poittoOst too tbs.!, ittots, tiodrrototlat opoltiloo
ottualoa to flak bistast retained troskatteßO.*4llo
sivoimptt6 dm, so. odoottpent thtooto tooloioalit to
• Hallos on outabUsboi Amoy ot:me tOgstitteit.
with& avealber - dour Srecirinaansettly koirm
msailaua tairseatire direct cartsat supon#Wtese .. .llll
fillmakes otos astatn. ataxia:Lt.:me
Attialielted nom.. tia. ace Stork ..
• int *Di tw..l gliatiali ofMX
moor to to Paid pintoes, wlttatrim 41,0 tsrs, Pt. '
a. l Unclialaiicoar y O a l .Xlikrisuporlo47itii
viked.a. oramaiestaa' etimomm'Ab:tnak'ef I, l x
=MU vial* slick if.'doetred. -
• Woostotooty toostitso to lavaaek of otiallotty,loffi
meatit the nis t VZWALVX=Wm angst VII
• . . . ~.,_ ~.
' - Shen, mini ainilltbrt; Priced
VirE invita.the igtention ,of bap*, ,y) tor
' lateen okodethyd gegeetate ' ~" ,- t"
4. cta
• ' ''' '...
:_ ~- • aelfer•Qiild OMt reass.,..''. :1
, voz net la al TOrgo
WO tape to sego,. ma to the man
thin bate asentreat ethology of eels tease lot
lent MOtheaterdolse oest eater& Ithethettle
amsmotutte etalsgtolw thereto Nel,thyes:;ew-
Wiltf= 4:' - sassu t _'l2"" 4, '
-Afar ON Loth ite r . 0 I
ie w t e n
pittltAlLL ttuLthlG • • 0
%% T r : . 1
• ' 9A ter VIRIN !ilk
"LlE93 lEttiliteagre 1 " - ~' , -
1.1 LI 0 atoll 11. - • 11.nytha omelsruHipi .
.11110Aty. , : 2 -,.. 1) , ....r jtillelt t:{II4g3ILIIF,_,
2 I4LVPaix
a ,--. 4
war ntheofN :01)/the
' 114lifillatteyn304114"L
itsafiymw s r AN
x 4 . iiiAviii':7 -
callra t, alaggy o kmeaLivisi;: - .::
Bans—to math we alperegt to.
.. - GU/U.ok ' •Amitisdir, a .416::
Ka. 147 Mitrixe,Se., 44*;4141; Plitodeimis.
; -- •
.— Avp..waologtwoL-4
G EOAGR - qaTif-Vklr•
Los v o lza rarAin ,
" 'Brooromy. -
118 nostmtig..t i utply44 ,04.
.. faciastk) fals-aosisms.
ladot c r
flonizo. Veal: i tch to thole !o . oo
, zOO O oz.
:rmakiesz!as Ora- albzilcift*:_iiin
• 174 Chi
iwakir: rswace.wwa A rt :.
NO, So; 'NATO." Moat
sus, OLDorar, row torr.„- •
}lry and Elaakir Saint 7 and:flininsiiriy,
A I ,
- 1 . 4 ; • - xakoic
ar flasks =lor, Flour,
' Backehosit - Dams,- Salt, -
nor'iba ga otraisitati r a tAt ti v i titi e
FA vadoesl to d AgaTutoo, both idaelooll
^44. lib rekTif Pe. ,•9,5 N 11011.40 P 1 .." 0 , 1 4 16 '