The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, March 07, 1856, Image 3

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pati l o MORNING73IARCH' 7, is.
. .
.. . _ . . .....- _ _ _
, . - ..IiIIIIIIN . . a.ut assomation.
PruCl.7ll-01011015 W. JACKSON. -
/Ur- Jkailiktry,N. IT. lIIISK. -
Cbr, Stintice7=NDWAND J. ALLYN; .
Thoortia•lng buichceme grim use Society, or teak iei is
. Ibraistims concembssi It, elnilt W alther of the sloe
oaresel pram - either Derwin...l' cc by cull. um, 0
the Recoldlog. Feclatscy. fourth street. near Soctthileta
rsox rrx - 25 to mut 3,
• Adult&
lkoolat 0
• - oISO ono — rt rand •4i
ft 2bo
ro to 70
• Mika, Ilatrudea,7; Whitt 12 e1i077 - oa, 7; T0t07. 2 73
Bl order of the Board of fiesith
.00711.101. Con T. --Before Jticlge ilatopton.
The ease of Shoenberger, - et al. vs. John W.
Dditeass, roportedirr yeeterday'S &medic went to
the fury yesterday, but thsy had'.retnratd no
verdict before the bour of adjonnunent.
very tutrestibg case woo MO next one on
the.Liati and involves the possession . of a coned
arable viazatity of land infteebles township:—
The =tee in stated thus:
Bansaelldorrieon and Elisabeth hie wife, for
inerly.Elliabeth Bntcb, and James Burger and
Asenatklde wife, formerly sscantb Stitch, vs.
Thomas It Stitch and George W. Satoh. No.
7887,-Nimnibei iitrm, 1854. /Thaler, Stanton
and Pollock for plaintiffs Georao P. Hamilton
for defendants,
The tuition:le of ejectment for one hundred
. sores of land on Squirrel Hill, Peebles township,
-which defendants are in possession -of under the
Bill of their father, who died in 1863, at the ad
vanced age or strenty.four years. The will be
queathes all the real estate to the defendants,
providing for_the payment to Mr. and Mrs. Mar
riage, who are both blind, and who have been so
• for' nine years, the' sum of $lOOO in twenty
'tamer $5O per annum, without interest, and
to Mrs. Barger the sum of $6OO in ten
without Interest: •
The plaintiffs , will endeavor to break the will
:of_their, father, an the ground of his incapacity
to make a will; and fraud on the pan of the de
. • fondants, they, as it is:alleged, being constantly
about him, while the daughters were not. The
plaintiffs will nisi. attempt to ehow thatlMrs.
Morrison and her husband, have been blind for
aline - yen:l, and that the' old man spent much
time andntoney for medical treatment therefor,
which at last failtng, he said he - supposed he
would have to keep them during lifetime. Also,
that the old man during his life-time held - very
extreme notions; among others, he was partic
ularly strict 'on the Temperance question, ab
staining as far as possible from transacting busi
- zees with drinking men; yet in his will the eaeo
titers named are-In the habit of drinking. He
also held the notion for thirty years that the law
made the will, - and that his children were all
alike to him, and all - should fare equally, and
that he has said frequently that he would navel
make s will.
These are some of the points 'the plaintiffs
will attempt' to derelope;.we do not kiiow what
defence will be set tip. The trial Will probably
Vocupy revers! days-
SIGNOR Btaz.—Wonclerfulle the Sag bag, from
which the great magiolan, Signor Nit; nightly
draws• an unlimited number of eggs, though he
has previotudy convinced every body there were
none in It. Astonishing was the hat, (one of
Paulson'cbest) which a gentleman the other
night loaned the Sigzior, for in it was a com
plete wardrobe of obildren'e clothing, three rab
bits lard a guinea pig. We hare not time to re
cord the amazement of the audience at the
handkerchief feat; the money feat and the num.
barlese Other mysterious tricks be nightly per
forms, nor their intense appreciation of the fun
ny ventriltigtdstiosecne,nor their admiration of
the learned canary birds, and pf the wit and ba
morthe Sivor sp•delightfully . intersperses Ulm'
the performances. And it we did have time we
could not begin to give an idea of the great ex.
cellenee or the performances,-which to beappro
dated, must be Been. Therefore we heartily ad
vise everybedy to go.
- -A AlissmnßLlD AND Hossite.—A fanner from
Indians township -came to the city yesterday .
with a aled,andtwo horses,leaded.wlth produce.
•After dielveips_of his stonk hums hie-rearebto
business, but they proved faithless to their trust,.
sad- alarted out for a ride.- After .enjoying.
the helves for an, hour or two, they took :tho •
teanat the 31aytir'o• Office and from thence to'
-a I..ivery Stable, whore it was impounded. The
miser after searching the whole city found big
- team trul started off very indignant at the con
di...Si...of thitUyo and the imposition of -costs by
-Hoary D. Creel:mit, of Payette Co,
committed suicide by banging himself in an out
building, near his risideno, on; Friday last.
Reappeared daring Di; morning, to be in his
usual 'spirits, itui_in good health, and wne seen
but a- abort time before, he .conimitted the fatal
Nit, attending to his accustomed busbies& He
wao rather advanced in; , years, of pleasing ad
dress, good business qualifications, and much es
teemed and-reenected by all who knew him
WWlsteredand Harald.
Fuur..-1:/n Monday night of last week, the
dwelling Louse' et a Mr. Herring, in Quemakton
lug township, &menet county, twas destroyed
by fire: — The family were at preaching, basing
closed up the house. The light prodgeed by the
eonflagration'was the first notice the neighbors
had,, who arrived only in time to ace the
root fall In. The how, and Its entire mu
tants were c o nsume d , nothing bring eared.
Nsw&--The.dall term is 'fully upon no; the
Mayor's &See is as free from excitement -as a
church on weekdays; and the various police offi
ces in the two cities are nearly in the same con
dition. Every good citizen should rejoice at this
healthy. state of morale, and pray for its long con
think — tho past /3 cseion
long bo remembered by Methodists es singular
for the gefieral revivals of religions, and the
great accessions to the church they have caused
—Dearly every ;taper wepiak rip contains ante
of the successful progiess of religions revivals.
fet Town.-1,„ Markle, Esc editor of the Con
ti dsrille interyrue, is in the city,and will receive
advertisements , for that eheet. The papereiren
lathe very largely in a thickly settled country,
and me that account Is a desirable medium fur
city advertising.
- gatlynian F.nastrusi Sat.r..—At 10 o'clock
ale morning bo atmtmonced by Mr. Davis,
auctioneer ' the 8010 of entire furniture, Bro., of
7 the National Hotel, Water street; near Smith-
-- A Rim Drrr.—Some 'person in Tirestmoreland
oeunty, advertises to give lessons In fire eating.
The speolal advantages:. or this diet are not
0/711/I*--The gipsies are in thn vicinity of
Hollidayebargb. They aro coining money by
their fortune-telling.„ :
Eloanctiz.rostai. fincirrx.—A special meeting
mill be held this morning at City 11811. An In
. filresting ettleian Is anticipated.,
Tan Missions' Anouxsar lan, was taken up
:eaterdij , ,,botjaritEdng el interest was transacted.
0 half chests Ten red(' and
far sits . wm. 2C OUTCH NON A CO..
Ago anoss atxxicAN MUSTANG
. • lANDLENTrust. reed and mr ula by
BBL.S. WHITE GLUE just. roc'd and for
n u, . Fr 29 YLBMINO BROS.
i — nian LBS. PUMICE STONE Just roo'd
1.11J,J1../ atd kreal• by 1,1118 FLB3 I / 6 0 BROS.
ONEENYEATEn LYE—A new article
view meting 111111P.VD• soma worth ton of wroth:
• P
EACIIES--200 bush. prime
Mtn fir tato b 7 'L22 J:l3. CINRIILD.•
BBLS, MESS BEEN reed and far sale
re. •LlNti ROUSES TO Mr—Situate
ftut rairank 6l / 6 1caeny . i d foutatra 6 rano; merk :
.667 " T. arni 11,g rOetfraikst et.
OILY can be obtitin , :d on Ora - Bondi and svpnatiGa.!o
• • : 0 . OisMATCEB Can be
II 00 0
- nbt , ioo7o,lo /theta ~ ....van-i f t„, v.
CHRES--450 sax Rio Coffee - rele'd and
. , Ives. iroomisoN a
DIMS. -111110TILY . SEED reo'd and-for
LANKETS R A few 'morezaira of those
dtro s7.o(frouvratir ts Vet. A. VAl:gtn i Sli k "'
• 1788LE3. 1 ROLL BUTTER reqeived • Wad fOI
'or Awl *Le silt. kr, l+2)•:8111219Ellok DILWaLM,_
Lea TIMOTB161( bushob
It& 6 7 ts.W.d
, • E. R. tirrAMELAND k C 0...
A 3 3 13)AXWARKLIOUSE Smithtierd
Urge Warebtues Wittsr. rt.
r•••• • MA= Iloots so. Nnialingou Woad IL.
,b). tl. 0117THIOULT *EON. 61 'whit et,
. _
YE 11.01J1V- ., - 5 It& reed per
. railroad
to kr kW g, 0 4 117.14 X 00.
Ws:SUMMON CIST, March 4 .--Sxwavx.—Mr.
Brown introduced a bill-ter the constriction of
a railroad and telegraph line from 'some point
on the Miasiadppi river south of latitude 87 to
the Keith; f.kotan at Ban Francisco. The bill
grants about forty.' railllatitrof acres of land for
which the company are to - pay SO emits per acre
beforeobtaining a title; and also requires them
.to deposit half a million of •dolthrs as Security
that they will faithfilly carry,ont the work ao
cording mills provisions of -the bill, and for the
completion of 100 miler within 18 months.—
The Government to pay $6OO per mile for
carrying the mail until the road Is finished and
for ten years thereafter find snob reasonable
sum as the Secretary of War may determine
for carrying troops, mmoitiona of war, etc.—
The road is to be forfeited if not built within
ten years, and alt-the land paid for to revert in
that event to the United States. The bill grants
the-right of way 400 yards wide, but gives no
exchudve privileges allowing any company to
construct the roads when and where they please
and obtain each favors from the Government as
they can. It was referred to a Committee on
Paella Railroad.
Mr. Weller said the Committee would en
deavor to report next week.
The Senate then resumed the consideration
of the Fortification Bills.
The Senate passed the usual Fortification
Rill, That ph:priding new vertu! . was post
% The Senate considered Mr. Sumner's resolu
tion directing the Committee on Foreign Rela
tions to consider the expediency of some act of
Legislation having concurrence of both Houses
in order effectually to abrogate the treaty with
Denmirk, repudiating the payment of Sound
Mr. Sumner argetelthat notice was given by
'the President by direction of the Senate in ex
ecutive session of the termination of the treaty,
which is detective, inasmuch as treaties are
part of the supreme law of the land, and can
only bo abrogated by the action of both Houses .
of Congress and approved by the President.
• Meseta. Seward, Fessenden, Coflamer, Celb .
tandem and Stewart sustained Mr. Stunner's
views, and Messrs. Masan, Toucoy and Qum ap
posed them.
The resolution was passed and the Sehate
adjourned until Monday. ,
Horn.—The Speaker laid before the Houses
Communication from the Court of Claims. males:
log Mlle making appropriations for the payment
of certain private claims, together with the et--
deuce and judgment of the CourL - This is the
first ease of the kind originating, under the sot
Creating that tribunaL
i Some debate arose regarding the proper dia
poeition of these bills as a precedent wan now to
be establiahed. One aide contended that they
should be sent to the. Committee on Claima for
examination, while the other argued, that the
action of the Court superseded such necessity.
The subject was-passed by informally.
' The House then took up and passed the mili
tary and invalid pension bills.
The House proceeded to the consideration of
the resolution empowering the Committee' on
Election to send for persons and papers 03 the
Kansan contented election.
Mr. Boyce thought the irrelevant matter in
the report of the majority might not have been
intended to inflame the public mind on this agi
tating question, but tite committee had given
undue confidence to rumors. Mr. Boyce did not
believe that taking testimony in Kansas by oohs
niissioners would be attended by such sanguinary
consequences' as the committee. eprehend ;
should the power asked be granted we should
have brought hither a swarm of witnesses.
The testimony, should be taken among those
teratories lettioglhose attend to their bulaineas
who have something else to do than running
here a crusade of evidence. He contended that
the Legislature of Kansas which passed the
statute under which Whitfield was elected was
legal, because the office of delegate was created
by the K 608115 Nebraska act, and whatsoever
claimed it should show that he was elected under
the former law Athlch was not the case with
Rieder, who was a traitor if he gave members of
the Legislature certificate of election not believ
ing them entitled to seats . . It was better far to
have retreated to the foreat or to kirt, Leaven
tiorth than to falsify his position. ) 74 - ~,,
Mr. Bingham said the Commit tettAt 'asking
for pcwer to send for persons and pa re, de-
Aired only to elicit the truth, which wrong
no mans This was demanded by the in st of
nations and the eacredoess. of law' *llia bad
been violated. It was sot claimed in thegreport '
of the minority that this power was nor-WI - 11in
the'discretion of the Ileum. The only quest en
is Whether such a case can be made out 133
1 #1 01 01 .11.44 . 1.,Ru5kh.1341 Ineeetigatietn.. If as to
apparent froth the' meinorlaithat either Whit- I
field or Beedoiclaims a seat in violation of law,
the 'simplest, and most credulous man in the
Hattie eatinotliedieve it WAS lewd to hold two
elections within .the same month; that after vo
ting;for Whitfield, legal voter§ went through the
farce of voting for Reeder:
lentruck him; Mr. Bingham, that at one of
these elections organic law wan wantonly tram
pledon and disregarded- If this be the ease it
gendarme all the people of the land to know it.
Theluestion is, have the people of R 1913611.11
chosen Whitfield, or have they been interfered
with by invading armies, and is Whitfield here
in violation of law awl by the set of !swim In
Mr. Bingham proceeeded to make out .a
probable cause to send for persoturaed papers,
saying that the. usurpers in assuming to be the
legislature of lionise violated the orgaeio act
of the territory. He severely criticised their
acts 10 support of slavery which would suppress
tho Uttermost, aeon of sentiments favorablo to
freedom 'and in other reeprote violated the
federal constitution.
The House then adjourned.
NEW YORK March 6.—The Herald's correspond
ent telegraphs that dispatches brought by the
America were received at the State Department
yesterday. There was nothing decisive is them,
netwlthstanding there are rumors that they are
belligerent In tone.
An effort is being made by the Southern
Americans to etart a new candidate for the
The Tribune correspondent says , - thai the
Stevens minority report on the Kanoas election
cane is skilfully drawn; it is in substance a de
murrer insisting that Congress has no right to
look below the surface of the Kansas legislature,
but mast regard the territorial legislature as
rightfully constituted, and its acts as valid laws.
This being established, Whitfield is the legal
delegate, no matter bow many illegal voice were .
polled, and Reeder cannot even anted it ea be
does not even pretend to have been voted for at
the election ordered by the legislature: This
point Is argued at great length Ina memorial by
Whitfield, attached to, and read as a part of Mr.
Stevens' report. -
The South Carolina papers contain details of
the recent terrible riot at Columbia College. Oa
the night of the 17th alt., a party of students
who had a grudge against the Chief of the Po
lice, rude a murderous assault upon him in the
wept; badly injuring him. One of the students
he'd his skull split open. The chief was convey
ed by some of hie friends to the Guard Rome,
upon which an attack was soon made by some
150 students, armed etth knives, clubs and. pia
tots. ,'The eider was again badly beaten and
stabbed, add was then thrown outnt the second
story window. The alarm .bell was rang and
the citizens came together when another conflict
ensued. Six military companies were ordered
oat Mid wore afterwards stationed as guards
around the 'Guard Home and Jail. One of the
student/3 has since died, and - others are not ex
petted to lire. Bedell, the chief, is said also to
be dsud.' The excitement was kept up until
the Slot, when the stadents were still threaten.
log reienge; mid being very active in-procuring
arms and ammunition; the Governor went to the
College and demanded their sense, Threatening to
tire upon them if they refused to deliveythern,
The students finally yielded and quiet was re..
Another aeponnt says the scene presented was
such tui Columbia never before saw. TWO hund
red citizens with guns loaded with ball cart.
ridges oppord to more than 100 enraged young
men with rides in their hands; the order was
given to take aim, and a Bre would have follow
ed, had not Col. Goodwin and othere thrown
themeolvea between them, and called on the oiti
sena not _to fire. By much persuasion the stu
dents were induced •to return to the College.
Some Of the students were subsequently ex-
[The above ositao to us by Ara it k advance
of the telegraph, pester/sy. We give it la the
telegraphic eoltima, !letterer, as as lustaaeo of
enterprise on the pertaf lettraphlo 'reporters.]
Watuirearon ern, Mara O.—Penni,. infer
Illation ;Lat.' been received here that over &be
hundred : men, organized nod well tinned, left
NowOrliani on the morning of February 27tb,
iit the elos.meldp Prometheus to Join Cot Walker.
Therolgeprospeet of a fight. Moat of the nye'
are from the West, and kirow.Ww to handle
issue. free - passage. was given them. Ar
rangfitaittte ern mule for 800 more for the next
steamer,.; . •
. . .
Burrega, Mares 6.—The Lake Bore and Buf
falo; and New York and Niagara .1441.1eltaldreedi,
art again. rendered impa s sable in coneeqienea
of a fresh 401 of Snow..A. (nibs on the :On- i
tral.Boad arrlyedikis nsopelp g tirenty hournbe
hind time. A despatch frop-,Prinkirk states
that the Brie road is in the same condßion.
. , ,
New ateeit, Mee serious riot ' °G
.ett the lid at Yale t'ellette r the etedeate
haviag attacked the =roil of_Fltha tirewen W
tutor, who sae suspected' ost,bolug,f lkty, The
atindowli" and- furniture treesAemdlthedir ,
Ele. - -Breeer vetisieed a blow 'Mitt roaderodidrit
lesenalble for soma time,
Ozowtaart, March 6.—The ertd well of a hones
en Coltunbia . street Demi Syeamore fell today,
crushing tome frame buildiega ht Sycamore in
cluding the Drug Store of George Llght
Several ooeuesala were injured but nous:Ulla
The lose is Irifisg.
. .
DEIM.III4 March 6.—Thirteen engines are
etuok in the snow be wean Dunkirk and Dayton
on the New York an Erie Railroad, awl caw ,
not make any progress until the wind goes down.
Yesterday's work is all filled up. If the wind
goes down this afternoon they may get through
by to-morrow night, but it is doubtful
Eight fall oar Wade of passengers arrived from
Brie at 40 minutes after 10 o'clock, but will not
go on. Buffalo and - Erie might bo cleared by
morning if the wind would go down, but it Is
still storming hard.
Your, March 6.—Flow; there is a fair
It home trade and a moderate export demand; the
i market does not exhibit any important change;
I there is some little speculative inquiry for good
common State, sales 9,000 bbls. at $7@7,12
g for common State and Western; $7,12e57,50
I for extra, State; $7,50®58 for, low grades ex
tra Western, and $8,60 ®510,50 for extra Gen
nessee, included ip the sales are 1000 bbls. good
common State at the Railroad at $7, the mar
ket dosing steady. -In Candler' there is not a
great deal doing, and the market is unchanged;
'tales 460 bbls. at $7,26®59,25 for common su
perfine to choice extra; for Southern there is a
better trade demand, but the market does not
exhibit any important -alteration; gales 2100
bbls. at $8®58,75 for mixed choice; $8,87©
9,26 for fanny and extra, and family extra at:
Rye Flour is lower with only a moderate de- .
mend, salmi 850 bbls. at $4®56,25 for line and
superfine. Corn Meal is nominally the came.
Buckwheat Moor is selling slowly at $1,75(3e52
111001ba. Whiskey a shade prime with &moder
ate demand, sales 300 bble. Ohio and Prison 281-
' (329. Grain; in slew of the limited stock of
Wheat 276,000 bushels of all kinds and tbo small
receipts, holders insist upon better prices, tbo
home trade are disposed to purchase to a moder
ate extent, but shippers will not operate except
'at loiter prices, sales 2000 bush. red Tennessee
atSlX9tasl,7o. Rye la lees plenty and is held
higher, tales 5000 bush, tor all March delisery
I Cora has advanced .20®30 with a better in
quits.. for export and horde consumption and;
Illto supply offering is small; "sales 20,0130 bash..
at 68069-for mixed and white, and 70®71 for
yellow Jersey and Southern old, mixed Western
nominal at 70®72, Osts are more freely offer
ed and lower; sales at 81®84.for Southern; 34
®;3B for Jeritay and 39@44 for State and •
Western. Pork dull and drooping, sales 400
bbla in lots to the trade at $15,87016 for.
mess and $14,25 for prime.
Beef unchanged and in moderate demand;
sales 860 bole. at $8,75(359,26 for country
prime; $9,250511 for country mess; $12,50®
$l3 for Vermont mess and. $110513,60 for re
packed Western mass. Beef Hams quiet at pro
viooe prima mess Beef dull at $lB
®s22. Boon ranges at from 9to llkt, and is
quiet. Dressed Hogs in fair request at 7itg,9l.
for Western and State. Cut meats 6rm with a
fair demand; sates 200 packages at 7} for Shoul
ders and sigsi for Hams. Lard steady; sales
600 bble at 101014. Butter is selling at 17
®2l for Ohio and. 21028 for State. Cheese
dull at 8/010}.
PIIILADsuuns, March 6.—Plour eteady, with
improved demand for export. Salon 1500 bbls.
standard brands at $7. Some tote extra at $7,-
2508. Steady demand supply city trade at
$7.25 to $8,75 for common and fancy. • Rye
Flour firmer, and held at $5. Corn Meal steady;
500 bbls. - Penn's. at $B. Sopply of wheat con
tinues limited with fair demand. Prices stiffer,
2000 good to prime red at $1,60041,70, and
some lots of white at $1,70®51,85: Rye in
good request; sales 300004000, part to arrive at
st. Corn scant. Supply, is'firmer, and 60c.
freely offered sad refused. Oats doll; small
sales Pen's. at 880890. Cloverseed improved;
sales 150 fair at $8,25 per 64 lbs. Whiskey;
better demand; 800 bbls. at 29 and Midi. at 27.
CINCIIIIIATI, March 6.—Flour is steady with
a tali local and some export •demand ; sales of
1140 this. at $6 and 160 bbla. extra-at $6,10®
$6,15. - Whiskey is very doll under the influence
of large receipts; sales of 900 bbls. at 190, Oa
ring with a continued downward tendency in
prices. There is no essential change in Previa
tons, though the market Is loss firm. Groceries
firm and in good demand, sales 320 hhds. Sugar
at B®9; 650 bags of Coffee at 121 ®l2i and
780 Wets. Molasses at 40 ®4l. Linseed Oil firm
at 98®$1. Cloverseed doll at $8,50®58,75,
according to quality. Other articles unchanged.
- The river has 19 ischuteloco.last
lag. • -Wen d-and clear. -- • - - - -
Bacristorts... March 6 —Floor better; 1,000
Ws. City Mills was eold at $7,12i; Howard street
is held at $7,25. Grain is also brisk. and Wheat
has tiff - vabeed 50., sales of red at $1,60, and white
at $1,7001,80. Corn ip doll end lower; sales
of white at 600. and yellow al 56®58c.
conturrxx OP ARBrraArtox. von PiII!WARY.
Oro W. Cum V. P.-o.[m Cnan. Joes P. PILAU. Juno
VIIA.a.t, Benz:, T. L. Ja
Prem..° Gam. Omcs..l
Friday alorsdaz. March 7. 1856. I
FLOOtt—lut taw reported Mk.; Idea kV. sad but little
salt ax: ulna fro. rtmv 0(40 bbla Pamll) Extra at $6.00.
sad al do Extra at $463..
OlLAlN—sales from .ten of 200 bus. of Oats a.t.
rma .led. War at 2.543120:4;,e. Corn. a Pak from 4,1 of 4.5
bosh. at 25e.
WIIIIIKEY—saIas on° bbte. rectified .t 3k.
COFFEE—a ma le 0110 beg. prime lUD at 12%.
PIO METAL-to addition the 200 tons Allegheny Ea I
Winn , Mortar ire lea= (1400 tons more, =ea quality.
001 , 1 et pl. OLT 000,.. whit% nearly doom got the Alle
gheny metal in market
hooon:co—The. receipts ham been mom liberal and thera
. beep . proportionate Morelia In the galas We mop
from this out look for • err, active badness We refrain
loom giving Um range of quotations for diffetrot mad.,
Until he market set. Odd r tinder nay. The ealm of the
mask have been 161 hhda vim 2 hhde scraps at 13,95'and
M. 05, Stlhbde at 1M.1.444,56, 51 at 1 5 65.A5.,1a 01 14.604
&In, 15 dm $6.2001. 16 at 17.4511.0. at 118,d0.901.5. sat
19,055k9.10, nod 2 bhda extra at $1250 and g 13,50
The calm yeaterday. which were the largeet of asa
moo sod not included in Ma •bove, were 66 hhde. vim 1 at
: 4 1 . 1 61 7 " 4 4 KVA1 . 46, ' 1511V%Z: 5 37 145.",
.t gnat gB...egm.llo.mid '2
at flplu...m. . 6U(47.
In manufentming Lotman on not es sales of only about
2AO bra at 10322 tot Kentoety nod • Mna I lot of Virginia
st 60 —Len Jour.
1.0/30 er Vrilloymocauzs — llleatedhoone loaned,
during Um pad year. dye Duadred Willow. of dotlara as
S agland en aulwaurrbills.
36 401 Duo
The Immurement In gamma Waimea resultlng hems the
I pening of navigation, Ma not mimed my great lames •
In the demand tor M. 2.7, and the .apply or being
I ample, the market retain. them*? feature werlonely oo.
ties& and • oral papa Utak. falsely hy the Mamma bomes
ate n.l2lleent, Names fatrorably known in bank an not
offend to any extant in the street, and it le more ditscult
tomato satisfactory temporary incestmente outside than
heretofore. Then is • Mar amount pf capital offering for
Investment In first clam real estate, mortgage annul this at
" trlnelature of thin Mate o. has repeated anet her of the
Melon Laws of the hat meal of that body. Tin We
maaatl Dote and the bill only require. the 'proper
Miniatures to &Welt frdl effect. II the butte of Ohio were
Impelled like other etatoe with good Making t
an i •
raw imbibition the circulation of notes of foreign hots
of lan dratatuatlon thou ten dollars, might betsily on
Arced:and wont remit benagendly to We meoP do-
Primal aa we are of an adecaste home
to onlY
effect of mak •• law Is to came trouble and inconvenience
to • few, whiten is utterly distegarded by the great ma
potty or People. Thie be toe came. the Leztehttnee
tern dY the low tom =tea tthelY. 50 won ae the bill re.
se me the ta k enelaree of the Oarernor. oar bankieg
Lotto= will nd pay out the stoall notes crag bents
Thom pep.? te carlflai to 00f61/1411i.-410
7'he honking connalttee of the &nate of New York bare
submitted • *Dion:doom report In inner to . recitation
mowing them to report upon the expediency of palming
• law prohibit hut the payment of interest on dwells
made in the tank. of-thls city by banking Institutions
=ted etrewbesa denantleg to this report the
ulna due by the New York oily banks very trona
about nine to ementeen million. In the slew of the
conalltare. the posemelon OJ Wm* balance. is env of the ,
nausea or the rated cremations and ourtellomote br the
;My tanke:from th. meemity of using thaw means in all
foam. to -• • able than to pay the lotarp• a awn them.—
There are thy.. methods be which that/ madden Wingate
hit the money market may be watershed in come degree.
1. By harbidding books to allow Interest au dew slim.
7. By restricting them la the amount of their laws.
5 By limng Mau lathe anacnnt they may loan on
potheadlon of Mock .
hi gh* wmanittee reMot In fa** of that/We expedient
Then Irmo little more sattelts In Money to day, !Me
being the tat of almab.•dee of Wee Psyments, but the
It P . P oll a rns th lor l4l :rogZyta 4 :PM I V :mar k' . al"
lan weyrepte eta raper ;met. Thomason'. Its
Mkt qualm:
.Wand lie ~ .. .. ...-- ..... 6 111V . 0. 11 11 4 1 %
MN and 160 e.........---... I 10 m 1234
401 --.... ... ... 1137: l 115
' . —{6l—Y. Trtb .
The Winchester, which formerly nu between beta and
Wheeling, sunk near Alton 011 Sunday morning Met,
While attempting to Perm her Wll7 through a gorge, her
pull wee cut through by the be, and the bola taut In
nine tmOrapor, plop tc . i . the Miaow I than,. She wail rate
lied at $lB,OOO , end waii tot insured: The luphabillty
she will bo reload. '
The elleelesluel let ht.thouls au llatelley vas sad
NU of Posttug ka. The /111serura was open sad two or
three boats were gelling reedy to get up The upper
Atiyi u ipo ewt Apebi were stlll routed. The Granite
Esti Attired at Et. rode on the tel. All !be beats rep
:Led away by the tee, Areeptleg 'the rotten mo a t, heet
n wi e d toop, TeAls, es
e ept the ]Rattails Aa trod
vu =swig. pith aloe kW; to x 44 the- Una:
The Lula May rroa Wog:Mile, and J. W. WM= 144
Intro= 17.0e/owl" arrived at Loaditlia oa Handal.
tha Jas. Gattale. Wanda. Wid.Nay. J. W. Ilathasuang
Ar g oadt, 64,t.tda patios the ems day. Ma Comiar
whartall !day
its vreientei the pat ot
auedy worded. budafts aglamaanea Wawa war
. arm than-baying beau as tba asmszta Wropi•two
sten:bast asztasla. aad tgaatUaral fl.Pras• asa
-$ .014 taa'4l" Male= was la, tadWIR ItaWaaara la Um
dad_l4 - tha /WOW =MAW GM kaaan. • -
• any ng_ ar taPPPW Saardar. Wdaary'Seasaka,
war* CUSlPasuir Um. thp &Spas at the principal
luau Was as aglan:Wastf.eo wawa VOL
yeah awl PPS halt banal& and 0 f2.400 basp Ths
SIT Praataaa being Sunday thy TWAY. oktada.Y. Pas
bot ratuayea lacaliyaatorWli rldati 4 n' I
day among t *anti* -ate racalPal. Mao b.trls Ito
bpi rub prism ttoodiad lOU abaci.. IL s ribMW / 1.
pay: , Ttbe &gamut diplasymi uxa !at*
SWIM'S= bosahrof mast,prraPja al Saw
=At= Pl b Oa stlspall sag
. .
thanteare,jesterday were - rude* boat+ bora
posium and tan dreratchee enumerated a croud
about firteen. 17InttrumM
Un Tow* attennt9ll . there . were trte Lat. reeetrina
and disehanitug fraistit it the Onetneatti wharf—temdra
of which were drat diUNor Otte.. brat+. .
t311'04:18 .BY RAILROAD.
•-imm - r
.AS 0. h. t Wilmssib ACm 4 Akio butt.,.
247 Awl oat,. 3:82 do Au.. 2 ski,- bearm Ido m
poatw, 30 &snit* 30do eOrn.ovrtAn4 ' 3°
b -
yams R 1kr 9 136 teas metal, W."... •
tOR DIN T-4 Dwelling llinise at Mal,
Imo Nem. Dania , a oom and E1...h0u ma 'Ent (Mx.r.
4 mker4;• LLD and Pantry on 2.1 air, goal Inn en• ante or maltiva.kna. a stable. •ei t•rn at a , b 0...
alas anal wall °,M. ....I hnut 1..-“ , ...•
°flown', nle4.44.ntly tltnated nt. Cod 11 t nearry op,.
We Us 'T.allat" baying a Inn 1 Jew of oi 3 river s, r i...i...
de. mrb S. CUTIIAICET a SaIN.
commodioua tines story
brick Dwathva Nobb Frant at. Ith salea.lia
beet bakehonae. bath room.
flalstat habhalartt otyrb, with au, hot amt cold water sod
o tb" otonootaaorer, to wrbiats attack 4 a largo yar,
With grapiwT.ollllMlSllhl LWIW J. all ID pod ord"._
Raoul,. ft' Phi DAVIN, ear. W. and 4th at.
enplei by the sabeoiriber. earlier W 0.4
or without fixture& W. a
V V az_lsllicilveniont Warehonee , eltucted caNteter
between Wood end Market etc. formerly It the aztammey
of Tang k Dm% suitable tor • irrOdunntr commission hem%
or b.f. attae. Powession on let or Aral Cert.
awl 8 CIOTEISAItT 2 8051 1 51 111tVeet. et,
RUNT-2 t largo and Well finished
Bala lickuw• on Di a - It rt.. Lawrenrerilla
atiaoat4 neat 6nithed IM<k Heuea ou ram. et.
I two lam Brick Douro on Prnaklin
A Irrgo Wsreh tow on lb* Clukill Baehr. , •
st.savii's a 111011 fair.
RENT —A well fuzni*id Score on
Market street, betiegt Third and Ifeurth. • good
'.rand for Het: shoe or Clothing Writes.-
A lams stot• candid tt, wear Market tea
well ttrrtdatood War swills on Third et. Rags:o,lot
82Taird rt.
TD a
%lam and oiiininodinusßrick iiituatu
WaterEkhbaom kr,f2=1•,,ffrh;971.71119M1L14.410.
with • largo lot of gronnd. Blanntitotortra or mochanie•
will And tido an excalinnt icattlon for ant . kind of bast.
new told KM at tlaritrt ot.
TtnO LETT-li veiili Dwelling !louses in dil.
fentot pull of *golly.
allfratatillouso *DI 2 acres of land, wlthla 3 =new of
t.tio city •
A lam war•tionpo oi tibertietroet. Apply to
49 -• • - DLAESLY It RICH RY.
To Let.
UTAREIIOUSE,'..No. 114 Second sirect,
th doors east a Word st. ffausulr. of
19:11° NO
No 15
FPO LET-4•A con.dgrtablo eit-tpi
j. 13,14 Anwow.wcntion wa.nt.nw. et, cvn
tan lita
tannins al: rono,o . ArlaL Web. on the emunci floor. hn
calm of lM • XING, 711 t 'berry Pi
to Let. -
rthe story brick buildlng, (store
tor .
b ,lie.e.sukz , t l L L rus i esse) tltusted o. 44 K.
CaahloteL rev In ots. u trail irifielPol°l7l` .
OPPodta Wilkins Na•L tI .
• o'
• _____,-;.._-_.
OBlees b. hievltte Hall Building, notraeetoyted hi the
buesh had Ocarnelreill• EL B. Lo" and Won., with
D.e.hlstittu suds. inotire of QED. W. JACILItuN.
.0619 t • • • Na. LI fourth st.
111 WELLIN G 1.191:15.E4 on Robinson and
Isabella eta Allarbesta Clts. thr rent, lay al. of
. tiKa W. JACKSON. No. 111 V. lath at. ,
1 & LET—ltzeeeteryßrick Store, o. 163
13.21thdepyti,...t. P. It. DAVIS, *cwt.
sail • llcrnir Word and Pafth arrests.
LET—The Warehouse on the Canal
iniotnini sr, - mew. Warobouse . Llberttr
occupied by ttto Poonsylv.lA Salt 31 an
terimettritui Oomp.r. Apply to
1•17 • , BLAKELY i RICKEY.
FiOR Kt large tend convenien
Wardwell.. Na 80 Water it. ao exeelleot locatt •
a Bast acid Produce Skim MOO per year
oleo • Lae* Wareham.* on Water et., below Martel
at present otewliea .y alley a Mathews. Rent MOO
• , • 8. INTIM CRT a FON,
61 Martel .t.
1 11 0 — . RENT—T o Dwelling liouseß in
Leweenewrataltneeet which are tele ciiroated7
trrsole, oentainhe daht roam each. awl &caning c0...a
the Greanshergh Turnpike. opposite Mr. Ma'colse Leech's
On the rest an Meets eiteller ehrellinen on Butler et.
&emir, of - Oita W. Bell Pitt street.
iviar N Mr. JAR.
L'IOR ' ENT - 2 Brick •Lhrelling Elour,cain
g• 4 Tome ear.h. ma Centro Av ll:Agmillelaa
7th Irma, Pormotalorow Immedlatety, Tahrore
ja3 WATT WILSON, WS Liberty Ili.
cotnfortsble- two otoryta
Brick Dwelling. contnlnlng o roww., with flniss.
antra sat Wawann wroon4 Ono, Eofjorro of
.n. an Liwrty
OR RENT--Tho Office reoontly occupied
b ogh
aoee t4 of the eutoorth
B. IL'k GoEto. 211 Warty et.
romutedlosul maims style ifaxishod tbzoo Wiry
Doio./Ins Muss, with dzsandiii back buildings, No.
60 Simian. Boollse,Of . - P. M. DAVIS,
dal Salina Wood dn. • .
. .
rLET—That and well fin; shed
Bton. Room at%Coast sit us... ,c 1 syr talrl,l rt ,
op=te the Cnntoat mos, :
hro olam Bann %hors Os Ito Ittorr, en to-mod
&or. Bent*DOl to
McIALI4 so. No. 9 ruttier_
OARD YARIt 419.1)1341,011F011 RENT
twc. Zit all:Al./Lt.
Lumlor YlLtd•nd y pecuple.l Alpo,
linable and Caniszn trout* adjandon,_
ferndtf J AM} n AitdOlgia.ol. 113 Eann.tylt,
Cider and Vinegar. .
VINEGAR made ;expressly for family ti e and now edldlo more than on. itsV of tte. Retail
y "c jtt l 2kg 's'd
sFon3ad. soY Wikeehedoh
that Days bons eased la It far •
it . lYlee ileicar wads frnm
_ ( i r r =p. Tal to el.tan
"gc LlT u ; d re l itgr,..l ." htl .
rcuibegoodomeadtg Vinedor.
Th. attentioa of
In fisistilles, hotel keepere end the
country ederehente In stortior. Is direclott to Ude Viggo
. ,
Cider that will keep 11Wett until next Fall. Th..t.• yibi.woogikoof ejtiox orwronted, to be ma mire
ram] =ha 4.I4ALLOU. 14t Motor & Ito lot nt.
. . .
turn • , •
- • • .--Wlll3 :c Warr,
( [ P EAL ESTATE BROKERS, corner a
wooth rutltlittsid streets, PlOotnoh. Pa.
argue. Lots, Milli. Portutoot trough,. and /old
on commlodon. Goo& Worznato, Buis, 130 .1.
oogotiotod. N0P00.1.1 • , atteuttoo ergo tooub4l , l4llos
dadaFarto.poolno or he... Ten. roosoosblo.
yo 2
used it Odes tears VIII Ur bostAciul
E.Butsiba—Blre—Nntlating from *add ands:curb.
for whlchl,triod soantrocaivole, ultbunt rbtalrang relief,
I woo prorentad tiOth • beak of 'S. E. tailor? Cough
2listnres'' 1 thing Ballot/ tab% 1 ova What. you and
thapabile In goners/. to plultholy wort, that I had oot
uorot It tut.. till
arreets. - and (nder tho
Diving bloolog) hot
octillion to trash the bottle , . /
twat,. . 1,0. soh arlot wltneroo Ito onto prorarlleo
on amber, ono In it:ool=ler. oho had a tif 1./1
Wart on 000 lane; oorosoforuad •Ith a dist.log
sough. Verily the' only true Paul
(ohm coughs
gad colds afoot who: ordrsrer/ hue descondod atoonget
In "R. ft b u rg h . )1
iii. M. PITA/ ERA I.D
Pittsburgh. Ja.n.l4, lOU 116 W. Bo mt.
Rom.' androtd by R. E SELLERS & CO.
ia2s :tango of Wood and 24 eds.
-1:1 Apply to 'not *. B. cUTIIBIIIIT t SON,
QUNDRIES--5U bbl,.. Grease; 55 du Lard;
171 met Realeum 3 bbi.libolarad; el bags to. eh; 78
NAM Posthorn I• do. Wool: 1111 bales Cottonn to arrive, on
Mower 131drudag lisle by_
ION tierces Lard;
461 bblodo.. Wr Oda bY
GLOVER SEEtialtiCt bus in store and fur
rate by ,norl DAVID 0. 111:11821,
I ) RIED APPLES-50 0 bus in store and for
ogle Of ' sorl , DAVID 0, lIFILBST.
VirniT.E BEANS- - '2sbus re 'd and fur
este by ' • DAVID C. lIEUBST,
nut miner land and Liberty ots.
J.VAL In..* • Aeui iroorot or Horrors' nom . ano 800,
ennsun and dump editing Bootee 12¢0 edition; AbhoWs
Napoleon, oaf and Towne; at Ito-tutor or
awl 14, O.CCONKONE. Al/ashen,.
['LIND TRIMMINUS—A full assortment
Il li Z: r itli l iet's t e`t ° 4' nut!' awe*
COD FISH---5 titre's for sale by
('ILOVEIt SEED-40 aish. in store fur sale
flsiOPS-10 hope in store, for Bala Jy
6Q . so
-0 0.129 Wood gt.
COV SEED-9Q . bris to arrive this day
or sale by R B.OANKIA ND ,t
mr4 . . No 129 Wood it.
roed by Exproar
, 2.0 damn Boma Vraoloc
21 " thowsio, at JOS 110101..'11,
for{ :7ll.ltot.
71.N0 PAINT-5 tens '.Nevr dereey 'Liao oo. tine }aid reed and for Web)
ou3 • - 11. X. SELLERS 00.
irkll CINNAMON-1 can just rea'd and
ku. gals by mr.9 U.N. SELLERS 1 CO,
A .
LUPO SCAMMON - Y---28 lbs. pure Vit..
•Uk Besatzpozky - p,O, itifed anti ta sale by
m. 3 1.1111.1.11C3 • CO.
SEMI-ANNUAL —Vic are cffering
the whole:el' one, gosh tbi Embroideries. litbinn,
Trimmings. fdlilinarp.oode, Upsiter and (novo., en. at
shoat one halt he usedprice& A. A EASON A et).
W Alithll—liasineee < or accommodation
tot Li7l.7ar:i
the rate of tne!; E. MeLAIN FMh
litSS GOO — D - 8 REDUClED—Tbo,wft'oro
Moor asatemtitt or imoth Mariam, P‘ramettm
P good. D Lam, sod other dram tootin. wllt be
doled out sesta mtmitm ndatMatt to
ma • A.A. MattON tt 00' 555th M.
_ •
I kPAL I OANDLES—A pew article, equal
If to tpeatar, and coating hif.'2o boo reed wd
&Job 3 LRIGNIT. Ws3er.t.
(IN FILE,. azli ussottnient of sDade anti
Futl=itjartPill'UVato i ral u it r ;s 4 47;
+ie o malting= prat: not to an ore ontborlsid to
an obis as , . it, %%AIN • Et/N.
111. J bbls. stonrauttbr 4la by !DAVID C altittitT.
RATIIINU SPONON--Itaee pilule quality
init. ned sad Windy by 11. X. 'MMUS tb),,
rub \ • ~,,nanny %boat az; Sr. 4 p.
Ii'LOUR--SO oxits Ohio Flour ieceiv
44 and Ibr Ws by • SPIONGIBIt& HABILSUOII.
balca hog_s hair in store
. A IRD_-100k g 4 No. 1, Dud; 20 bbls. do.
.1„, do. for o r . it. 9ANimix.
intrag-590 f10x431; by '
lutosa . J. B C.ILMILD
EARL ABll.-a".lics
-131wtor Bale by -
0T.01.1-15 mks kw Ole V-
D:K:01S OK!alt) lir_
:he Storo oc
d sad Pteh eta.
A. Md 12.11110.
ri„IVAITUFACTURER of Yellow Rocking . -
j y ham. ("rem aod Fumy Clolorad Wan..
OM. at:the bleouhictorY. ooMoo• of wwhir , ww.
Franklin em,Binalogh pposto Pitt•barzh, Fa.
“rakly 4*
J. k. fficFADIN & CO., •
Bata Triplett, drFtft.,
N. 2S'LittEE. CONMICRCI,4I, sr.
. St. Lotus. No.,
tfir(h.drrs t.r lewd, Remo, Provialonr, norm, Grain
lc, Whited and prorap it
ME E t t uYethAk r TS '
Wool, Rides, Flour, Raeo3, Lard, & Lard Oil
No, 7.5 Water St., Pittsburgh. Pa.
spTinnerllarhulgh •
PittlFin Went, Wells Tana, Ohln
John •• L , I Martin, .`
g I,j o , c.hq,Pren,n,.. Bt. g. on, a Ice...tee, Phila.:
nech * Co. Pitc•nureb. nazoon, %nth; 4 Ciarretena,
Joseph n litio, Vt Loos.. 1 Phan.
Thnma. A (hvin. r
.r, •'lnher, flohn., A Conn.n. uht,lllll.
• Sstenn. Ohl, ll I.) Polka tea.,
roll rd
Congregational Singing:
UNQUESTION ABLY the best and moat
maul liana nod Tune book yet published for the
me of Loner,. Prayer sod 001a1.1:106 Meeti age, Aerial
Wonhip and Coogrestatlonal Raglan, le •
Thle work contain Ore hundred ilymm sod two lino-
dreg Tune, It hag tims, pronounced the beet collection of
brend intent poetry seer issued, and uudoubtrelly erne
rae. a Inner outoter of thermally remelts tunes aireadY
used Mame/tom the length sod b. eadtb of the 1.1.4 than
ear slmil.r work. lt has also the advantage of being
yeraem e d eta very hew prior, taut tonging it withal the
mesa. °fie l 6 , -st all nolimegethas. Tsatna MUDDIES 1.
very °stencils use. nod Is amen.) r being
widely lorrodocal, F,s(trr e fr 0..., clergy onaussealt.
Mg in the hetes: terms ot it, utlllty,are 11, the hands of
the puhinher.. We earnestly knits be attention of, Fer
man,. nod other. who WV Interested In seeming a
Worehlp, to antici
this wpationork. la the Mooing essmins of Dime
To meet the want; Mail. ten edition. of Temple. Melo,
Mes are publithal—one In large. and othir In null typo.
Its other respects, thee. edition are, pan. pap, pre
ebely m that they eta be, to:altogether in the 611.1.1.
magregation The primmer a. tbilown
Twelvema Rd. (smell type,) Mogi hailing per 401.48
The cam .1a leather binding, per dm- 6 00
MU , . 54 (WV type.) Moth binding. per dl 0
Thames. ha leather , binding. per , . 800
Mules copies mot for examination, on receipt W 53 eta.
Trapleidetodieg le pubtlehed 1 , /
t eltvir gm. of the best rough remedies artier day. •
Mr J. e D. l' gra: a lit Is with pleasure that we, the en.
denlgued. do recommend to t
rodpulic, and beads hue
ill. la f articular. the mean neonate we
derived from thei art of islorgmb Cole Mated Cough syrup
lobar 'ambles. sad In MI cam hare Paled I to posses.
the curative promnbes which thepropristor hart named ,
with great cr. This Medicine bee ee nauseam tuts
but la plemant Cod palatable ancol d s. nited upon te
the best mr.nams kg• coughs a nd now before the
public. Mooed,
Henry netlins, J R Probet. Wm It Rhodes, I) II lambi,
Wm 31oClarst. him Liggett.
Morgan'. Gough Map le compounded by JOHN 17AFT,
Jr. now Ito!., Proprietor, No. lab Wood ann. Pittsburgh.
Cold by Principal Drusitine• Prin , 55 cent.. . • fell
Commercial Hotel,
Corner of Oirod and New Levee, Nem Orleans.
K. STEEL would moat rosPec be i_e
. ly intum the [ranting pebU, that he
a the above norm,' tiatel.
The u
lintel has reamitly Utritracue thorough repair
and teinaratiati ‘ rind het been Cited up welth new end ale •
Rent turaltale. carpeting. On. The proprietor will
T. , every true and attentl• n to the eonsfast and wants of
the bosirdere. , The table will be oupplied with the lest
that the market* afford.
Thie note! heicit eltuatediu the Immediate vidnity of
the bomber* part ef the 04, as well as being convsulent
to the Steassiteat Landinp. the proprktor hopes that by
mitt attention to the wants al Um patrons to melee that
liberal patrontge that has ever been bestowed upon the
Prico of Board per Bay, $l,OO.
The Bar will be .tri.-hed with Witte. and I iquars
or to no °talr bacon to the city. A goad Lunch from 10 In
12 A. M. Also obligiug and secoMmOdstinir
.1.22.1 yd 0. titleglif. Supt.
:Market Street, West of Twentieth,
of JACOBY & CO.,
24 and dealers in L td various
Vareign and Domestic Marbles. litatner. de., bane
constantly an head a large and nelext eseortuniut othIAN•
TO/11113. AWN (.1 , 1 ENDS, TA tuavrom se., of ever/
descrietwo.not excelled by..? In the Mr for beauty,
sinunetrp end MOIL
TE/tB, — fornishal at the aortae& non,. with Merida of
every description and pattern, Whether For Aga or Dol..
LIN either fiebibed In the riab or Block. on Use toot Ton.
Nanette term
We rupi:Mr Italia at:ninon to our dock an hand.
_ia , 2lrd ma
142 Centro Street, Now York,
In Wrnoshilzon MI., Fitting*. Tool*, and ovary
PUOU otaptara
o. tus telarlortad wit •irsite, Water 11.1111
OM for heating sud litcsmern., arch., Motel&
Anlam. V ag.., halo-
Pglllll4. afirliV!, Bottom nod Polls!
Flu.. made to ander.
or Invention.
Ord .0, all maim m of the rioontrr. 0115
Prompt], at:WM..4 wce.ll.o
I A farm 'lB5 ems v We/gbh:MM. towoehtP, Oohno•
blies meaty Ohio, 14 Wee from Waterlhe, Aft ranee
from the depot oe the 0 P teamed, of tee &tore farm
66 ter.elechmed and el:darer.. leorroemente omelet*
ors flood Ing hovae end stable. rererel nem felling mince
ere ma the arm. The whole of the 1404 Is coal , of tram
3)4 to 4 feet Mut, amt Is to the oelighbtabefel of...lo=lms
iohoole and mUlt.• •
Alba • lot uf =mlon , I'entlyitabla 11000¢11. TO by ,
l'bt feet (one ancero.) APII7 1 5
out ELUL/MT A ItICHZT. — •
_ •
Valuable Property for Sale or Bent
att the ,Tonwsiks, opposite ttortath'e, =Alike of tesesonst Meant, dialog man and
two Wiens on Met floor, fnutt and beck Per kirt
tnion and klidtelttoot woad stare: Sas • ettambstr, T b at,.
tio, twit so eta oleetetedsztd wettorwatted, Britt state.,
am boomed boost de Awe wowed in boot col
the taandka by ;184 That la depth, Death pan i t g •
datr, with pottag trials:tit gado Isom yor
sa g else tddszer Idesrat, l'adosirivistlediewlttim7"-•
totddtiwtePl ' ' Wsitert.:6lh
•• . •
it! RGAISS44O4bI, fa by 120 feet, South
• of Peatsir A ~ • ipt;loabosadexl nittenteater aud Lo•
tut ea, and of fainlot alien will lat sold *A lamb!,
as the won I. motlng to the Apply to. • .
• J. B. xnpmr. /D+ , trr.a.
sorlrl•rd flaw.woo. "
• •OAI,E 01i'E7iMIAS0A-.o2Anion7Alaw- . c. , o f ,
Ane land, .boat dt'd Vat!! i Aland_ la'
motor, CO tat0...0.a. a* A an* mon of inn/
;r7ml t itrtro,in dis loTgVg 39 4, "` i. " ,:at,Vgb, th r ir t . th h
double pachig, * ii..touroOdt a ld. n 11.6
Pond coning lama .ffi aers. Imadt,d
avid. ul,cl, sod • fralol eft 'roa n at Ma Ann
2Z1°.4.` Parn "vthr ' - ftez,v 191, .. , xtb.,0 , 141=c
sexa Of oLSO3O , i - CoCidi Clit6l
waters. PA4a, ea Al,Stom tea •
Amami 110 N,
Advertisements of Concerts or Pub
lk Araneam-rod moat be paid for Invariably In advance.
JOaspi2 C. rOsTES, SO= Lipßii AND 11 , 7A01111.
Wu. U.
Mara and Partnotta-60 Cal Paint , . Bozo. (latal-821.00
&coo ma. do. do. (=mil 540
Itozahatlr cord persons):2s ca. &eared watts 123 a eta to
AUtrotion of Itste—Door atom at la to I'. curium riots 75j.
NBBdBClttattBto Ilornard DutBlll , 4 MenalS,
ti n3lllB. Julls 11. CNA; MGR .8 Lirelllls, lan Cantor
fter vhleh
DON C kICSAR T/E BARAN—Una ^ 8.888.. Naafi- . Don Jo,
meRG ,e; 7788888; Ilartrana, Juni i. I-Vokeg
Issarlll., Km A. W. ~ root 1118811188888 SIM
_ .
k kl 3. Evros Ann Truzzx a rrnmaline I..x..nen!
New and Extraordinary Scenes in
Amnishing Norddfs in Noturad, Magic, and tie L:arned
Olnark. / irds.
Will nice New and Amman performances at the &bare
DD.. en MONDAY /WHIM:SO, March 32, and every eve-
Ting dm-loathe vent,Tom, ty excepted; and on Tuesday
ur..ley and Settled.. *Demo: an.
Doom open In the afternoon at 2 o'clock, cf 1913161., at
3, Neetdnira at 7, to commence at a Anacter Put 7,
IISTAd almion 22 mate, Mph , . 12M cents. car 2 3,
- - '
annoutrathat preview to then. depart
ure for gurope Wrenn' Importantengagententr Lend. n
and Parte they will give Grand &trowel! Ceteert at the
alumole on Wedneedey March kith, meted by E,
the erninect Barrytone, and Aug Googol the eels
booted Pianlat.
Tickets Si. with reserved scats e. he °biased at the
on sod atter Nondarthe lath. l'rescranazoss st the
More storye nu, is positively the Dols concert that eon
be siren In tilts city. .67
Math Ward Property for Bale.
I WILL BELL on reasonable terms and
PeMeth& two LnTB. corner arenn and Carri.l
opposite Ald. nobble rfflee. They handronely t 4 for !nitrate maidenem,
Also, three LOH& wilier of Libertyand Baldwin its— 26
feet front... They., aim:label fur eitheremoting
W houses or for (.1230m—for coal broug ht by the
Penv, or the Connelsville Rallimula.
Also, wren LODI, earner of Butler and Wilkins de,
opprelte the splendid Improvement, Foundry, ac.. or Fen
neck Hart They are well located far a manure dory or
(*erect boarding hours an, for the hundreds of meeban•
lee of that neighbwhoed. Apply io
felldtf 'Ming B. MORGAN, 113 Liberte at.
0 0.0-PER!S
good ancleheap article for ConfeCtioners,
WWI sod Family are. To be ontethid Innerae re
erne I quantities, with dire...bona tor thing, rf the Brie.
Opel Unman, a...Drew/id, through.t the ;United
r g'P l .: I r ENV. COUFr.
New 'orb.-
KLEBER a BRO., have
• now on the way, and partly mash" ith..7 - 1-/theeli
l et! Ng piste wed ehn tie stock of PIANOS t
from the Factory eINEN Ns I. LARK. N
Y. They are provided with all the late and Important
Improvements which dietio wind, hi... rtinal Piano.
above an others, vir rbe thin's/rings, FY/2 covered Ham
mer& Fernth Ora. Athos& de. Eve Math is Alit ,
marmirithid, with the privilege to the p r return
ing the 6111210 it proraa In .7 507 defective.
Teeth:nonlel from iinudemen„ the unrivalled Pianist: Nov. hoth. 1161 i.
Mum". IL Veber d'Hen fW.rii-ww/u—Orrentatza—
Permit me In thank you meet pla.rnir fdr the nvaßnid
rent Grand Plano of Means. Nunn/ It clerk's unonufartni
ry, whin!, you have been no kind la to loan me for M i lle
Teresa Parodra Mnnerte in your oily. This impart, instrto
aunC Iv one of the very beet ever muds in America, luni
for eeetnem and rower or tone, se well a solidity of con.
atrnetiou knives within:l to be desired. I really oonerwt-
Male Its future owner, who shall be so harpy as to pole
sae one of the niasterwlrke of American Industry. With
tursrtywishes for your hoMiltuvw. ela
Your Nunn , h MA URICIa d i tELAKOSGII.
Pole siNinty forn aark's nurivalle: Plano. at
H. al-F.EIER BRO.'S. No. 61 Filth sL,
n 026 Sigo of the Golden Mary.
• • . J. I. 1.10611..
BELL & L14P , E17,
Forwarding & Commission Merchants.
Nos. 69 and 70 Water Street,
?dm'''. T. H. tieveilt a Co., ritt,bar, b.
'Mr. Alex. Gordon
LIZ. I/OraTll
DR. U. MI/MI •
Liver Pills and Vermil
lSf 00 PFD.
.1101. 1. SCXYIT. a regular graduata and
s Pbrakdars ormtearre practbre and eitcrimtm, d .
ducad by a entomenaabie denims to sambas human *Ma
, mg, as well m toesse4 hu ethatad an LUPBOVDMYNT
! as the arditinal Lam Ma mad Vzsairtaisof Da C. Wham
haring prepared these rams:tikes as the medical parings a/
Dr. C. McLane, far man_
_yy mum
One Improted Liver Pillsaad Vermitogetromma gmater
efficaar and am MX* mlld In their operation than the
Liner Pins and Vermin tons to the
j hut receipt of Dr. C. Wimps. Ws make this declaration
underataadingly, and romanoseni them to the handed..
being both p/sacant and curatire. and Milian than, wpm
Iri o r r6t. het:4l4:g Ibr e. V eelm e r i lez
The Whole World Conquered!
Dr. I. Scott's Ce•ebratcd White Oirsassisa
Th.! rellstsfforded by aoplicaticrts. of this ak
bnatect kmag of Pain MM. Itheammtism, Omar,
L11.0t4104 nom Throat., arming. Swaim, Stratilt=
nem, of the Joints. Sclaraca, Palmy &dd., 8...
or any other dimasa or which ND Hiller or Lin anent
la um& armoire la to smart pnaitlyely that Dr, I, Coo is
tkiermakd Mitt Cammtaa Liniment la tae mad tradable,
safe and picsaant remedy let dimovered, pomemlag Won.
Ming properties for Arrahap disease and Meprmapt podia
canals ql pap, The many streetatlom or Its eirtum, Myr
on by mammy Manilghtened yudament .red atria In tag.
My. ahould halms MI to adopt It an • standard Family
Raturdy. The mrvt Inaraduloas realm nothing
mons than Um following taatlmony Dr. U. aft Lana,
tlngulrlsod sea mast &waverer or martlei remedlee.
Ttir Maseercrowy, /kW.
M Ocetify_ That I have cumin. the _ thr
vi Etii,zLant:w
IW imyrati i nzal h, heitiad Lives
oriontot noidocincr in my Om /tirrnii thr. last
ThMMin rem% and that I behave tie has IMPROVED
2 / 1 6df. I cuue the above statement the DMre
tracefso to•ed thou whatever. I would lumber state tit. / bare nroquently wad bis Cidebrated Mike Pis.
and tha Liniment in my practice, with ft. hayyisit
t 1 mit in
recommend It
C. ZdeLARR, M, D.
AU the above btedltdoes prepared Weir ender the sti
perrislon of Dr. I. Stott, gold by Dru,Rists .d Her
•The Rebohoo Dr, O. RicLase's Improved Liver PHU mad
yo,yroced Verroffusa or. Dr. L beott a Co., utcr44-
molest by certlfiote of 0
ea White Clresobau Linime n teipaed Dr I. bbaitCo..
beeom butted with signature of I. Reotx, .
DR. L EMT & CO., Sole Proprietors,
Bonk ; Va.
Dr. OZO.II. SEVIER, 140 Wood ePLS ON t., Plttehutoh, Morgantown
vie A rent. le.
.I. P. PLEREING, Allestwoy, new fteffii=3,lWhole.
sale gmot.
ibtirgit Dollar Savings Institution
No. 68 Fourth Street,
ISnow open doily from 9 to 2 o'clock; also
Wedneelar and Retarder evenings, from 0 td
Delsnairs received Mall ell= not hug than One baler
red a dividend or the protlte 'declared • tales year, In
June and December. Interest au declared at U. rate o
air per mot, personnm, on Om that of December, 18 0 5.
00(.08COntattelng the Cheater By-1.51, Rules and Reg
ulations Arra/bed p•atbt on athation at the office.
_ .. .
}-}opnen tirobarn, .....John 11. Shootabwrioir.
Owargo R. Whit.. Charles Krup,
William P. Joboaton, N. Orel:tan Manny.
a emote W. Hellman. • Thooteld Mebane:ter
Alessi:l4er }lndict. li v ma i ll'wzr :o ..
Williem Millet,
John O. Reactor,. Jamie EFortimmi.
Hill Barrio, • !rain Id. Kirkpetria
Alban (..olberten, John D.:IMM.
Robert Cheater. Robert Morrow,
J. GardiursCofErt. Walter P. Harebell.
E z ern s. A 6. oarrier, A. M. Poliock.
Robertury. L. finworett,
Cheri. A. Dolton , Robb.
E. O. Edrtrigton, George It. Riddle
Pranda Voile,, Jamas Rhoads , Georza F. Gllrnora Jamie PhiSlo,
James B. Noon. fiworiro N. Beldam.
W 111 lam
B. Nano, iNexander Tied!.
I t. end Tromairer—CititHLW I. COLTON
it3ll , lFd \:,
f• .„,
~... •c,,..\
_/,,N.1',' 1...,4
:! ---- zr,--,
. .:-.--...._--,,
,si ......s :..,, -
i • mg. . -.
form ha friend. and the publie that be has phrase
inteseet of his Lets prztast, and is how We propri•
.tor Of this Erma
Chair Manufacturing Establishment,
The moat eat...4e and comp ate of the kind in th
country. •
With • stook of over ONE NILf lON fast of On:dm Lunt
bet, well reasoned, and a strong fm e of fret rat, mechan.
lee, he will commence operathm• to a few dare, when he
will be
nds and ready to attend to the Orders of hi. numerocul
frie customers,
Will be Introduced and old at low prime.
Particular attention will be given to the manufacturing
of Furniture Imitable for Steal:l36ol,am and Rotel*,
wMich will be sold on accommodating terms, and at:price.
that will deft oompetition.
Made at th Malin meat. .0 much ad for durabll.
Ur and neatness or der will be sold at the :educed
Price of from_ 83,..50 to per est.
saracRou,SAWIN and TURNING of all kluds done
to order.
Booms with steam Power to Rent.
veneers, Varnieb. Heir Cloth, Nulling an.l Cabinet
liarsi Aniline generally, sitars on bend, and will be
mod to the trade at • mall advance on Rastenna met prise.
aelYirdlw9lL H. RYAN,
No. 31 Firth attest.
IHIS is en Improved Steam Engine for
which Lettere Patentiker• granted to John A. Reed.
l. York. ...lan. P, RR& The nature of thle Improve
Ment. 'll the unrente ef power atont .3 per !ant,
and reloelna the wenaht of the Angina twur half. The
!laving of fuel is .I:Seated lebtina the steam ea In cn both
elder Or the , Flindul doubllow the One 01 the D0rt...1
!Alumina the ppenetui. Annoying the•teletlon and night
of the elide valve.. eenentrien. arm heaa..entusen•lna =AA
00. The suwedine ehaptiontkot this Root.-, renders It
numb mum durable and tai manag any other
Diewhen ideal upon the bo sr with .heirs it /3 lawtw
ble though ettwtiv e.
Thww Angle. ce.elval the Met Th.dal at the
great NtlpbUlon In Pula There axe • b,O O li.ventyAte
of theca now to operation. all airing utlefeellow
1 Rom Knalne...--41 60 m
Dollen ts.
awl nttlngs...—allth
w 330 w
All als.4 hurt I to too how/Janet at the ehortamt eel low
• Abu. beed'e Patent Bteani Putnatthealallllee. t
durable one In use, ll:Training water or =PAWN; bone. ,
rarther Information my be hint Ia U T whirmLua
D den Lan a . New RI
. M ai
. Clr--
Carpets, Oil Clete! and Nattings.
Frerah arrival int the 4th at. Carpet Storer of
W. D. d; U. atecALLum.
FICHE subscribers respectfully announce
tradeey hare
dourestfmpleted their orders for the
For gand are a eceiving Part Of • •WrY large
a, of camettn. of ovary deacription. corwiettrot
Velvet and Brussel,. Sapere. and lest,. S olr. faceMy
ingrain., griper and line legralze. Tylh.d. Plain end
Orromon Perratien• with every variety - of Cotton and low
pr f iced Carpeting. Floor till Clothe , fr m 2 to 24 feet wide.,
tiffiwent qualitia• and pricior,
A 1.,. Window Shades, Tante and Plano Covert, Hoge.
Matra, olattlista, Druggek. Stair hods, to. ..11 of which we
11l ten 04 low ex ttoy C.l meadirly be bought In the city
W, D. At 11. 31.013A.LLUM.
.1011 et near Wooed
bR. 0. BAELZ, Physician and Surgeon,
N. 38 mad rtreet. Pittsburgh
-6.4.813f CLIN
Megan, Charin Brewer. Waterman Palmer, W. W. Wil
ma W. Whllsrer , Thompeon Bell, J. Wehlin. D. T.
V. 11,1 %";u w . 1,- ;;! - "it u egten"le,' . 1/ 1 1;PTEant. 8 .1oOLKedg ti h'tf.
Robert Petrick. Johan. Llyintraton. John Wright, W. W.
Patrick. M. F. natal, 0. Ormso7 Grotto ra=nmti
_• • .. •
,ronzr win: Guntsy & co.,
Nos. 45 and 47. South Third Street,
tI . :) . REIGN and Domestic Exchang,e,Gold
and Silver Oulu, and allencarrent Bank Notts, par
l at the bait rate.
BaChallaa on aU available palate to the tette: Stator
for We cc:illations roads with aroniptneet and wettl.d
at euxrent relator Bred:taunt; wiruocrataaas.azonat when
" Coil Time end Call D.roalta. nth Iwtwwel • 1,11 b•
lowed .. theetata of the moo/ market warm:its.
Foreign aed American Lbin famished, tor Shipping end
Curt= P
Eaahuge atsi=7. where In the British Kingdom:
Oat or Old,' dare, In mums ft 4 and tanruts.
Aetiology of Stotts Only.
Will hold. at the Philadelphia Panhavem. mauler dm al
Mocks, Bonds and Pecorttose geownalle. Ye thin body=
(new to Philadelphia.) be will give uoremitting attention
and ellen+, order. for sale or porebasa
Putty domino g wirer.% me drew at lolltht to
Ma Roma of 16 par amt. of market value:aide. ter the
positive, unrestricted sale accompanying ttr• Moot,
Commisaion. ilocludlng ewer7nOmlNO.l4 ot p Yot.
non par vales. eseepe to caveat agleam, whom la of t yg
zNpon melt Alvah. , with current rate of let.,
N. I.l.L h iV of Som.. to,. he two 11. B. with tet
anotatlons oar. be me n at th e Ottics.Noe 46 and 17 Booth
Tided Street, Philsdelohte
Y virtue of a pre kept wider the hands of
Y time D. huakure, President of the Ocort of Commoo
P sae n and fbr the 6th Judicial diettkt of Ihmturylmusis,
and Joel's of the Coartof Mier and Tem:miner, and_gener.
s 1
yell Mowery in and for said District . and William
Bow sod Gabriel Adam. Xalm. Associate Jades* of the
earns Omuta. Inandlirrthe oosustyor Allegheny. dated the
Mot day of February. In the yearof oar Lora one Mums.
and eight blindest and fift.pists., and to me diroctod. lb,
holdlog Ccart of Oyer and Terminer and General Jall
Delivery, at the Court House In the city of Plttahurgh, on
the fourth Monday of idarehnezt, at 14 o'clock. A. la.
Public notice N hereby given to all
All the Pismo
comm. and Constables of the county, that
WU' be then and th ere, in their proper personsoratt their
roils, reoorols. looulaltloor, - examinations mtd other re
inexesrancee. to do them things which to their rcePectlesS
ollicesO their WWI I , l7Pesro to be does—and also those
that will prosecute the prisoners that now m.o.' =Y . 601
In the jai a mad county of Ameg .by. to iss tben and
them to prceocuts wind them mai:tall be tort
Oren mdse band' In kittelutryhthim 2let aay
Of Mammy, in the roar of our Lard. ono LOoviand etglet
toondrethind ao4 of the Commonweal th s tt ti e ritb,
feiZtttl ROOT PAlTußam‘
TAW • it:L,LOW,
NO. 167 emolzwu, nrorcrat.
Vyrk.lLL Buchan and Forward 'an R a t ers
Ws used b7 palterl attitost Co's.;l3taiat
sod lA,JUUNNza,, May o tb s ,
IN* !mist rotec• • • •
Wu. W. Ungar, twk
• lanc.ter Loeolmeare,atki, • ' •
Pastan Catlnglisalaw apanniet!truft , O N
Bostk , n Nand,Ntscop Cb. • • ,
• kn
mi e rth% Pa tsan Atcktott ettoo Stocky 00.. a, - •
S Car
Palest Nu Onytltky. •
4 • Adams Patent CAritrfn •
• Tonklb Patent;. lame 8 i1:i Packing. fe93GEß•lba
-lewa. --
. . _ , . .
Lands. - !-•-
:. PIIAZIER formerly a - residont of
i-Ibbr gli,( 11 0 1 10/teirs) . 1121 lean hose has fete
lamg the Cootte.ll Miffs sod Shrum City Led pletslota
/Mead other , harl. suoney to land:es Wow
.titilito Idols us Ilan their trtstates feltheally and
'DeolospUy atteadd lo:be wades eni hl at the sten room
Ai Teesys IL DIM Na.7tl Nerket ttreeho foot" LA ; A.M. Id IA .-t• - ._, -,,, i - .- - t.
Aki -itikeit,* , .:
„Ai:, an 4. Iteressust Ides=t 4 Ptttod nalthi
moons co t, ptdasso• des A.
o. 4 **.ed - allao Z. -Sllttchean Joan nootataleelsectUttotat,
oz. novars pAT4NT BORING
111 4011111116-4111 mod br
A a. szianil w a co.
, DisitotuticaL
HE partnership of James Irwin & Co.,
was dlawatroi. on tn. lirt inst. by stualmal onoSent..—
baslanoo of the late tram will be aott/ad by Janall
Irwin. JOHN V. 111tHHZ.
Plttatausb. January 10. 18.95. JAIdE9 HIWLN.
THE undersigned will continue the menu
&Kura of Clunalaale noted In cud below.
James Irwin,
aULPHURIC ETHER; Sulphuric Acid;
threat Spirits at Nitrr. Nitric Acid
Haffisurea An*lnc Dluristlo Add
aaus Atmortm. NiL , PI den
Fowler's klotahom J•ZiO
THE Co-partnership heretofore existing
under the firm of A. A. Munn A Co. I. 'hi.
diseolved. by mutual consent. Nathan F. Maim
withdrawine fr in the Moines.. ALMIRIN A. MASON.
Pittattursh, Feb. 111,1856 NATHAN P. MASON.
O - PARTNERSILIP-A. A. Mason has
this day- associated,. with him In torsinem .Yistban
IV JOWL' m Aillemor. under the firm of .A. Mason
by whom art good, business will be continued'
as nsua4 at 26 Fifth et, A..MIEIN A ALMON D.
rrliCi Partnership heretofore existing Ixt
tween the 'undersigned ender the rune of Cohen.
nro. Ls this daydissolved by tontualtornrent.
The badman OI the late Ural will be settled by John Id.
OEM M. ROBERTS will eentinue thee
aa jewels/ timineni at the same stand No. 41 nth
T'"ttUlP ho pnrpoera
.V i igosnoNMa tjaest doer zket
and will unite the two dome in one. jai
• 1.•1 Porsrardlng Merebantornd Dealer.mtral . a
turas. in n a. u NCSZ Ire aTonk e ltront stros;,l4-
—. • •
shtp, under the styl e of D. W. OD thr Ora
transactkno of a Omura! Amoy, Connohotion litArardlallt
Dsedi'Vg= failtAig Tair,
aria forward ing produce guod nuorehaanuo, ton to the ax •
.cation of aLI bosinera that nial 3 los .
v rt u rostist iT to their ease
Bgraa fro—alarke Thaw; IWgthun W
WWI, Cb.; F. &Hes Oa; /Jam Kramer a
Kahan; Elora,. Graff. Esq.; ledehbamt 8. Johnson
gag; T. Bata George Loa*, i4g4 on toast
t4,INOTIOE,—The :ate grit of JONES &
QUXGO having been disoolesd by the death ofJohis
gtjaam b s y tharth o lnet. the blstinar ir , of o said firm
Oar and Ent stree ts, "
Sept. SO. 1864.—0 el ISAAC JONES, slarvic, partner
ISAAO JONES, ➢fannfaatnrfir of Spring.
...14 nom= Steel. Pbangh Slab Steel, Steel Plough.
ngs, Coach and ELptio Springs Brass Nut Tapers. asl
Patent Screw Stall and Lbunmenel Iron etileL—Ooemar
Hose and Pint streets, Pittsburgh
Th R. ROditig -Aiannfaaturers
cornei Iloirces Patent Impianid Steel Coltir•trs_—ollke
con= aflame and lint rittabarrli. 61 4y
40w. WAIT.
—JOH. gram!
WArrii—WlLSisN, Wholesale Grocers
4, k r r =I d = ad LlW:t!..Ar.lft,".
SELLERS CO. Wholesa2e and
• Retail Dealeso Drtuts, OrR, V•roinho
K, No. AT Wood street.
,NOTICE: Joseph Fleming having atm
ath birn ose
Jph Abel. the badness hffeafte
tva wi
vetal under the style ofJOSEH 4.33. EL & CD. •
the old tt•lid. owner of Badthneld end Fourth street.
Valtable Real Estate for Sale.
I Offer for sale the two three story brick
buildings at the South east corner of Penn and Rand
preens, Nos. 271 and 273 fenn_ptra, The lot• are each
about feet On Penn area - by 60 feet In depth. Th e
bulk/Ina are anbetantlal and hove Knee (ante.
alao. ones the four three etcry Isiah.dwel:lng b00.. 0n the rat aide, of Band street. Nos. SS. 33. Mt and 41
rah house being about 18 feat 3 Inaba to Ooot by about
60 tea In depth.
Th. above bonne will be add sersmtsir, tovilwr.
at low prima. A man orb rsywowww nouwea and
a rasoneble thus given rr the payment of duo bean..
Arorall FL B. 14 - ILK: AP, Attornary at I sw
N 0.227 north street.
St. Clair Street Property for Sale.
AM Authorised to sell on very mesons,
hie terros. anL.l=or all of , those doe three May
dwelling on the westerly side of R. Clar
street, being boom. Noe. 20. T 3 26. gad 28, between
Penn street cad the old Allegheny btidge. Thew
to an. suitable kir stores and dwellings wad aft enacted ln
htoed locality. The lot. are Mel, 18 feet to front by 110
a to degatt, to an snorter, fat adds.
A = o detato cash e.r.vot wlhrbe re , grdred, and the het
ance allowed to mato fors rell80111b11) Mpg Naffed by
D. bond and =ater g r p h A Mwr. Anitto
Na 131 - FoT4 st'riet.
reitryha Mantles.
A FINE assortment of these durable and
- 15, beautiful Imported MANTLE] will be opened for ili
t,Clion,tor,,lllnifirt Man In thlacity, at Pate ifinenteds.—
i ti; i t e bi , rf go , be Ittol
in vuta m llll a be A lor ts iod ., at the
ocl-ef , corner of Second and Market at.
T Joasnts
......a...........---0. T. iC0M815m...............3 ILASINJ
- Facolsior CarrAn: e Factory.
: cal Cosah Makers, corariof Rebecca mtd Bc,imOnt stile ,
suhenT C UT, Pa, have on hand and are mannfsetnrimt '
an ettensive assortment of Cerri akes , Barkawaya.lltiVea, ,
!grg,,?:4 l i.*S-em r. In Xi ?4,7._ ,t'VfiTlll: 7l M..`l! '
all work the beet .1 liniats Iron and kaatern hickory. _
kapott. attended to on the mint' rtmarnable terms. They
Mal confident that all who may aTer them with their pd.
ronage, will be perfectly satisfied, on trial, of their work.
The Pittsburgh and Manchester , ulbtuvir rase the bo
tory every lb m.notes dmicur th e,y at=
Book, Stationery, Engraving and Punt
Store, and Bo*, Biztaery.
(From Philadelphia,)
AESPECTFULLY begs leave to inform his
friend. and
_patriotic that Ih• has opened BOOK,
...m.IOD/C,AL .411 , 11 IVEWYPAPNA .46.81Ver, in con
motion with InsilioOX BINDBRY. at No 44 Or. CLAIR
EiTake.T. opposite the PLClair Wind, Plttehorgh.
utabllali wentr.Ore An at eared to, those patronising metiL
Largo Illustrated Worke. Book, of Encrarloro. PoraP
Bitokm Port FoLos,llo.or. Law and'Llhrary Woe tiornad
with great cop old etrength.
sarNams, neatly stainwmt In gold on toots for Tan as.
b For Bale,
T HE HOUSE now oocup:ed by the sub -o- •
.7.11:er. No, 1.413 Seemed Ore.. TU. Grapgrtils...
10 ample te ceder. leralshod with°. and sot az& Odd
Water. b. pertkalare, Grballire of
firm of Jon. & 0c01er.,141 Water =root
F1)13 LET.
Pattern% 1160.6 Tools. etc, Will be mold or Let ex •
gorlem of ye.; on moderat•
Ur, au active twiner 12111 13 with a capital would Da re.
An. AA • .
putnet. or o. • manager. Addrees Box 318.
Buckley's Violin Tunes.
&COLLECTION of beautiful Waltzes
Polka", Quadrille.. (wit , errors fur dancing./ Ate ,
eta Bucklers Celebrated imitations of the 11 . ■119
Yard and the Power or .loofa.
Thin tea cboloe work for amateur players on the violin
T . c owlloectthio nd o u f b I le b r t e h a e nd r R t e eGlsP Mnr vbeo o bo r.P rPiu m blith n t le
Conks milled. postage paid. llibilitalTH BLOWS.
.118 Wood et and dour stove Pth at.,
Pgden & Sanders, No. 6 Platt St. N. Y.,
ANUhand G PACTURE and A:6p ostunantly
an auss Corks of every Tariaty. Oil Cops,
Mob.: Valves }item Stops. tlteam Wntotiol,
Form Pump., Water CI Co pet ] hasp and Planlshed
Eboverr, Pram and. Plated , Water Cocks of elorr
otfla and delogiption. and plumbing ma.tarlol wiluenal7 , •
Broadway, corner of Masten et„ Now York,
InIF GARDEN. mad ospoelts St. Monne Mme,
giggly Boom, 60 mobs, 75 aut.. and I/ rev day.
Parlors with Badrooms. 51.50 ro 113 oar dor-
Moly ergo. mg or orrsyra.
This s w and large Hotel. rawly Furnish-4 and to tb.
math rder. camber or aamorodarlog ala Y-4 400 Kamm
hated throughout by atom. haying a tlys gam lyeatloh,
sad all the aypoLstmeots tha highest xd total% 1 P•
vitas the attar:am attar introit/2g public
I.3o.2uslawg I SID:a • HOPMAB.
Warren's Improves Fire and Water Prow
Composition BAxiflug.
AVINO been for the lasi eleven yearn en ,
UR elusively engaunl in the roandfanerre of the ante
rconng. now much aced in all the prinSpn title. of the
Unlon. during whin Mae it Lunen feared under every
variety of etenroationee, and been improved and perfect
. wherever experience allowed that It °wild e l =
h " t " b ""' ` 4l ° 4 rihr
rthrictle s ,ell . =a 1:454. both c dt In 1563. rdhigPbra;
0.4 menial+ tom AUlailelphlaletw
of eharino nee! nem loaned to open a branch nous
Gaeta.. I. ads eity,and being prepared to MI mien to
any extent. we connently offer on rooting to the patron
lee of the Wilton of Pittsburgh and'•ldnlty It. en.,
donelnliti neon nennahuthin cuut
wow render It the meet desirable roof leg In tun
) The twat plloh for tole roofing le yang onwhalf ta one
Inob to the foot—but we eon under favorable circtuntana
ea tglatoTei=eht.g,nithatier.pitellic lenitive or ale inches
3 'WA .7001. of any kind
roof can
them recovered 'by t hto method with ttue
&dainty of having good Ught non We omen the
Cation omine of eon roots, which mar bennatued. for
ftdr.... g r irund r'roro noA 74_man cat at au of.
fin All Work woman. IL at Whitilltil OCL,
MThe above %aria may &Wren on . ;Zhe tn it, PIA?. build.
int ne ate. Nourth Ward Public
th Ward Public &how lion% Menke
litintee =eliding. &Winded at. stove Youkh: Capt.
Jag. fillaza Dinars new Warehouse. Third Wow
Market Alan's new building. nth st.. below liWthn.l4:
Mitchell. Menem Co's Yontlyx OlVertne_
Auction &mina in dargA..), Done Well.
lirrabi=ergetietrniet...'==74cititga or J47
Cincinnati, Hamilton !Mild Daythu
tG NOSIOZ—Thst the sdrnr•lssmant In the p.ll
litty or n rlral iron* stating than lb. 8 delGet A
Train of the Ottlo awl Pr./annuals lir 1.8, ond qh • I t.
ono which =WM etontotlen 18.onal no Icrt Clad 1 4 , 1 0 -
Inoorsttet. cotrolafihr to docoltn - Ilia te ar 4'a s and a
Pnlt them US CINICI:114y union Comma PI ttoculge and
INAM I Err kit't atlctlVPlL.""ux,ctir...
0.- it litta dear
Y. B~OfIWHDi . "A"tt..thi—bwrh7.' Omer.
fri II fr (1111rolitia, ;proprietors of
rirsßhea T tanartatlou Una to and tram tba
ties. via Penna. nal and Radlft.t /*am lawn
8 111. PIS /Nu. 414 '. 43" 1444' lo
11"1"4"'IHA tC"lllatabottlt.vrtobkl}bbo,
PORT and CONSULSVILLE. losned to- the Pus.
IL Ltd ConnelnlU• eacolsof la bannotLt of
rabecelollons to noel . or aid Cotopenf, tab eirma
inNDn tale toms In moo of Mix - IIutILLU3II ore ONII
IDOLLoIIb eeb. Irwin& bLIC b 24 MT,
naican. p•mais at tbe Mee of
Ozzvony thine city of Pittobtugh; PkTrAM et tinn
mu ontl Anterebt on ibino Wit` - plinmttoot /44
Aktero64 CLOIXI2II, di %bonbon n ham zo mita
c a o ny z mA t e x ercls . lazy bonitdered • rapt
ifipme &Toe loßsuLtbi t owy NionoLbli
114 . 1 4 11 41:14%=7 1 40 ..
Anaus „bliss
W• D I 1• 3 . 9 E A -0 0 r _ Im a m ,
7 "M9b 9 "%loners
iza,= A g n it. AM / 4= 4' 4 142 " 12 a ?nor
," 214 i 1 x 4 5. Yes.
SEVitkriailEN I
a tow
pram, mai : iucl labor ft.__ g mi. :Mau , vu bsud•
miors. clothier., Saddle . _ _
.nt _y d v...,11. d Wow
no tlaso lootioth n• (lame a..rnl smo•
WS" Ma Mr ',bleb to moos Ulan .sn 1* tun
NitlCUit4_ 'tilltatig outhcao the loanotactori arcut alitr
ttoome. Dor dos. , Tomos on bud -hon. oil the LoOtot on
tooremuna, eall and 000 them lo au
'4 74 Wood •e.
1 .2 root di Allsationi Mr. .
irt-OVER:..SEEfItuItI thi5—di—
mad,ir..............,__-.4.-- b. r -.. . =a -
• ~FL A . c t4018.7
riialaTif Fail ...„Gir-0ti,........_. '.
oj sais br ' sus ',ANAL* MOW a m