The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 19, 1856, Image 3

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    uA1..1.17/3-10ITY VITAZTXZNIZ I question - ts 'hoot these rascals on the
borders? -
lima. marauders are hied in the South; and
in the North-ere must find' the men to oppose
them. as proprts,l as practical 'lmmure enb•
earipttone nod [Enthussette
ples 1 •
. .
TOI3BDAi r- 04111807-IMB 19, 1866.
/ ---. A. 1 - •
In nuance of awl !0. - icty":,rgo number of
aitisenvossesbred is Vionitho , Roll last staling
iota into aoogideisttoo the Ofesept:tdondition
0, E porioii or H. H. ;risk, Req.,"llr. gilt*: W..
, , %. . . Et. l' r McDowell, EMIL, were
arotioa Of Ewell Erred, Esq., a commit
tee wee appointod to preparabustnost.
Th e Mao appointed Moat& Errott, E.
Irish, Aldermen Eittele, Thomas Elliot and Cole
man. •
Upotiiiiall of, the meeting, Mr. Eaton read an
artieletwbiob appeared in the New York Tribune,
euti id' Tierce vs.' Pierce ;' in which the whole
MP Ty of the Kansas outrages was repeated, to
ge erwith the several messages or the PIMA-
dent on tie subject. •
Pelee for .f.titerenson" "Stevenson'-',. brought
Mr. Wtn. E Stevenson in the etand: Be - thought
'enosetbing more then words were now needed In
tinusas. But a 'row days :End elapsed since a
free Mil:Smog' Barone, taken tut a prisoner of
war, wee literally cut to - pieces by the border
itiffians.--41: this present moment an extensive
organisation existed to serve alt those who
wished freedom for Kansas tile Brown was
.erved. All we with to know now is facts; the
time for long epeeches had pot; the time for
,otion had arrived (Cheers.) When be eaw
this call he made it Ide blandness to mill on a
umber offending men and request them to at
tesulk Ibis-meeting. . Every one promised to t he
preeenkand.put down Ns name fur a handsome
sum in aid of We molt:meat (Cheers.). He did
not with to say OUG word that would disturb the
fraternal relations of the differentlectious of the
country. Bat his brethiin and fellow 041-
coon W Karnes were assailed by the whole
pewee ‘Of Slavery and of the Government.
lie did not wish to afford moons to Ratisu to
—mete crusades into neighboring ankles, but to
protect themselves, their own libertine, their
• cern firesides.
Was there any one who could withhold his aid
thin cannot who'couhl stand up mid one his
brethern slaughtered in cold ;blood without any
effort to assist them ? Tho eloquent gentleman
referred to the Nebraska bill. Emigrants
went there under the provisions of Squatter
dvvereiguty, but no sooner bad they become
LOllOtt IGLOO'S, than armed invasions , were got
up to prevent them accomplishing their intim
to make Kansas a tree State. The speaker
Term red-in -bitter. -term* 4o these-invaders,- -
repeated the well known history of their out
rages. If the peoPhs of that territory submit
ted to the laws, which are bloodier than any
be ever now, made by that ostirpinglegislatare,
hey were greater, cowards than he. took them
, The speaker was banded and re a d' a raper
containing soma of. themiotians of- the law re...
lathe to gloves and other sots, *eh are doubt--
Me familiar to oar readers.
He appealed to any man preeent,.no,matter
•• what his polities, would he not were he a Teel
dent of Ramage, resist these.lawa to the death?
He plead for • tnesne-to-aid-to prevent these
outrages, end' ebpw to tbe world that the afl
ame of Ramie woad theist 'them. its' hoped
an . efficient organiration would this night be
formed. 'i ei - ;.,, -
Russell Briett,- Esq., from the ,Committee,
reported the following resolutions:
Resolved, That we deeply sympathize with the
Free State settlers in Kansas, who are threaten
ed wittethe vengeance of the Missourians on one
hand and that of the President on the other, for
no other crime than that of daring to prefer
Freedom to Slavery, and that we deem it our
duty to extend to them each aid as a free people
may give to those who are struggling for free in
stituticm i --
Resolved, That the President, in the course be
has pursued toward the people of Kamm, has
• given evidence of a settled purpose to promote
the extension of Slavery. Heim suffered the
Missourians to mike armed Maniniona into the
Tegitory, on several occasions, without lifting a
hilid to prevent them. He hoe permitted them
to destroy ballot-Weise, deter the actual settlers
from voting, choose their representatives in Von
grew for them, murder peaceful and law-abiding
citizens, mid impose ripen the people alegielatum
by force; and now that that mock legislature has
passed laws destroying ail the cherished coned
tettiegal rights of the settler,-aad, the Minim
• rims are engaged in organizing armed bande tit
eziforec them, he. has issued 'his proclamation
!:?.e#-, ,-I,IBP#PPin is determination to : co-operate,
1 -"
rilolllljltifii"lielinglYraith,thetie men, Who
have heretefore, and do. now net al /air' 0.'4-
fience;and 'who are striving to drive from- the
eollof Salim these who hevelairfully and right
fully found a homii there: ~
Batavia; That the antian. ,of the President
In this siding with the theturbene of the peace
in Husint,ls ieprehatisible "in every eenee, and
deserves the eeverest 6:indemnities of the coun
try. Should it result, as there is much reason
to fear,-indoes of Wetted property to those who
are defending their dearest rights, their bleed
be upon as bead. • ,
Resolved, That it is the right of the people of
Kansas to maintain, by foree, if need be, the
rights solemnly guarantied to them in the Na
tional constitution, and the law organising the
territory; that it is our right to extend to them
pecuniary aid, if , they need it; that it is the
right crazy citizen of " th e Union to emigrate
there if be desires to, either alone or in compa
ny prith others, and to take each arms with him
as are necessary for his own defence In a coun
try new and beset with perils; and that it is also
our right to extend te each - emigrants whatever
assistance may be needed to-speed. them on their
way. . ,
Rerely Thetin the exercise otehretrrighte
no la is violated ; and so long es . we remain a
free apple. conscious and 'proud of our rights,
we disdain-all efforts to intimidate us, whether
they come from ai infatuated execintiye or the
reckless minions of humset oppreselon.
Resolved, That for the purpose' of. carrying
out the objects of this meeting, it. Is expedient,
and advisable to fano a Hines' Ail Association, ,
to wadi shall be ;Media the duty of raising'
means and devising methods for effectually-ad
ing the cause of. freedom in Kansas. _ • .
Resolved, That the Presides:4 of this meeting
appoint a Ctimthittee of Ave to prepare the de
tails of /lutist( organization, and report the
same te an adjourned meet:tie, to be called by.
the President on Satierdey evening next. • ,
hir;EireO regretted that the Committee 'were
not able tolprecent the details of each an or
ganization now, but they hoped at au early day
to report them complete..
On motion. of •Mr. Ileum, the resolutions
were mule:trimly adopted.
Dr. Gasman, in response to loud calls, pro
_to address the meeting. Be said wo were
• saw en. the midst of a revolution Irblik • had
dommeninid thirtiyeirs ago, and
-- refer in an eloquent manner to the warioue put
minent iota of aggreselen ,en the, part of the
' -South. He dwelt In so elogent manner upon
the Fugitive Slave Liiir, the Cabe of Paasmore
Williamson ' and the Kansas villainy - end con
chided by asserting that all question" sink into
oomparative ineigniffeance in comparison with
the great -one of resiaance to the gumlike:us of
s hivery. He appeshathall parties to unite-in
tau 'grand effort. The gentleman wee frequent
ly loudly Applauded.
Dadd_li. Fatai,Mere, being celled upon, re
marked that he Indorsed the newt already ex- " !
pressed. ' Li Renew he had friends, school
metes, who interfered with no man's rights, bnt
were there toliaild upatemisleta a home. • The
issue walithal"these Wizens of Ramis be us
. mined lie - litiili -lawful 'rights or shell they .be
ofabial:lir Maris theltara of the Legislature
llamas thi be enforced? He . sotiskided by
agabv.prittenting . the lassie, _which he thought
-was independent of all ,party, .bat appealed to'
the feeling and sympathy . of every Americ an
Hon. George D'inie beteg called upon, deedin
rid on the ground of indisposition. Ho was pre- !
sent to set not to 'peak. He might be better
, able-to iirldreas them at the adjourned, meeting:
Mr.. Fleeeon took the stand In compliance ,
with liked - male. He recap:eel to the history of .
Kan - }MS, lineofTheagniery 4itiestion-Ainn GO '
compromise of liCkli in an effective manner,.
dwelling foreibly Upon tbe more recent and out
most*, futures of the .Hanalla question. He'
drew an eloquent parallel between the causes,
of the - resolution and the eMiation of Rules i
and contended • that the aggressions' of -Miami
rine wat Heat Whetted times worse than the .
Legislation of England for, this country, for.
' this .1 1 0:iliti itidiaoli. ;of " Kintreraft to defend
it. Het- eidxteit , a forgetfulness of place,
ands unity, br sedan - Jo „this Most important
Tiotimii 11. Marehall,Esq.; war; loudly calla
' upoz, and tookthe stand amid vociferous cheers.
• It wee well. - enough, lo - talk of Slavery. and
- praying Bei bt-the tderefor, Sharp's rides and
Colei pistols .litid 'ardved.' The question was
bow many men blithe Raub were willing to boy
revoliere . tael., 'Pietelic" Shoulder them and go to.
Kansas. _Of tithe consequent
is the party,,tbat
yo verge, . ills the people :who 'govern; Wheii
the government violates the wish,of the people,. l
-it teatime tyrseirdmii He refereed 'thrillingly 'I
. to the Border,ltuthans.- Laws, said the Speaker
--lar, qtrieii*Ot said, Ile woad respect no '
law which reeogrami slavery.. No aerie walla
-D s - kiligitene,,pouritY. zooid have held. Paagmare .
Williamson , ' Hie no nee to pray and talk—but
',. iyeek4and gyre bloiN, for bluer "Blithe Border'
Radians, , It is well enough -to pray- on San;'
• day;Pa, tit, Si• most„.*_...POltt tileititPtitt- Ni r e attat.
s fight tlart_al - uttyour Northenere draw,
, its who ish,Sk,Fa° l e-KilliflPP., -•.. Pi 5 .._,”9`7 1.-1 91
work:Ate ,-- ne 4 .=-_,. :Geri ;liar o ust .},,.: h your;
•. t.:= , newtVIMGAVIIIWndIiir der-4tuks - Tke
n...... t: cc's , , nd v.. I,c.ryt .al ts talc .....:7,....: ..; a
..7, - , LLFSI ekia A niatzu 4 - se _ .
=tad • few words In high
. the women of Hawse, when,
tho'ineeting adjourned until next Bst
unlay ot 7 o'clock. .•
"A BTAlNlllner.—lho Young Men's Library
Association of this city can keep up a course of
lectures, while the Young Men's Christian Aeso
elation is,,unable to de It. The former selects
"Witty poets," "romance writers," &A n sa lec
turers, the latter the moot eminent divines, and
profound scholars in the land: • And strange to
say, the latter eau tray from the-10000 in
habitants of these goodly cities, only a mere
handful of auditors, while the former have
orowdedhonees. Why is It sot"—Christine Ad
We do think this is anything : : but • strange
fact. To be appreciated these eminent Divines
and profound echolars moat have audiences who
have themselves spent much time in the investh.
milieu of thedmbjects treated upon': who know
from prpvinue reflection, that the filet positions
are oorreot,., and who tourtherefille intelligently
follow the teen:mere to their ceitclusions. To
say that we have so large a number of scientific
ottisensie to, pay acompliment to tbo city that
we think Is - -ondeserved. And to , expect a lec
turer to simplify abstruse subject which
finds itself cramped within the covers of a goodly
sized volume ko the comprehension of an an
dienoe,!who, to be interested most understood
each step taken, is tioatributo the possession of
a genius which as yoVuureuggoised.
tlhanniug Boys it is - too tree, and a sad
truth, that religions books are preeminently
dull." Without wishing to ray the some of
Isoturers, it in too true that thei4efforts abound
in technioalities to • repulsive .extent. It ie
one thing to be a profound scholar; and another
and grteter, to be able to popularize profound
esibjeols and enlist the feelings - Wild sympathies
of the multitude therein.
The, 4 4 witty poets„",. "remands writers" &0.,
rather emearingtrialtirded to, have discovered a
way to enlighten an audience at the same time
they entertain. We venturaxto gay that so
many truths and so much wildom have—been
impressed upon the public mind though a bril
liant rhyme, or a liyely, well-turned paragraph,
that the world could not very well have done
aithoet them. We do believe that lectures
are to , copte extent like merchandise; they will
not be sought after unless. s necessity for them
in felt.
Tai Taurr Anartauth.—:oo Sabbath the
churches of the - Methodist denomination, the
pulpits which, wave filled by the distinguished_
clergymen who ere, in attendance upon the Au
nlvereary at the Parent Tract t3ooiety of Penn
sylvania, were crowded. Public, ineetings were
held in the afternoon in Christ Choral, Penn
Street and Sotrttr tiommon,' Allegheny, and both
edifices,. we undaiaand, were thronged. ••••
Yesterday afternoon, i meeting for prayerand
conference was had In the Liberty street Church,
end in the evening a public meeting was held
in Chant Church,..Bizhop Ames presiding. Ad
dresses were delivered by Ray. 0.1). Chenoweth,
Rev. 0. F. Rotten; Rev. 0. S. Hare and Rev.
L. D. Barrow.
At Delft past ten o'clock, A. Id., there will be
s-meeting for prayer and conference in the Lec
ture Room of Christ Church, and at thiee o'clock,
P. SI., a meeting will be held in Smithfield Street
Church, when the annual - report will be read and
addraises delivered. .
• • --
The anniversary meeting will be held in the
City Ball, this evening, Bishop Simpson, pre
siding. 'Tlie'speakers will be the Bev. William
Butler, of Maas.; ROT. B. F. Brodk, of the Bal
timore conference; Rev. J. V. Watson, of the
Michigan conference; and Rev. J. F. -Peck,
Cor: Sec. of Tract Society M. E. Church.—
Free tickets to the amount of four thousand,
have, we understand been already leaned; as the
Hall will kola about three thousand, a rash may
be confidently anticipated.
Blamer Court —Before Judge Williams.
A. Morrow to. Joseph Chapman; No. 277,
April, 1866. Mitchel & Palmer for plaintiff; J.
T. Cochrane for defendant. v Action of debt to
recover thirballitica doe on a judgment bond da
ted Deo. 6, 1854 for $1648 84. The defendant
alleged that a portion of the bond was given to
'secure twonotesaf $BOO each, and one note for
sloo—which, he contended, were not the proPer
ty of plaintiff for a valuable ermaideratlon and
also alleged payment of $145 to plaintiff's agent.
The jury found for the plaintiff for $10.113 44
The defendant's coursel moved for a new trial.
Sarah Johnston re. Jacob Johnston. This came
was taken up, but was afterwards laid over un-
Ali to-day. •
Thomas ?cote- aa. Geo. M'Combs; No. 783,
April, '7854; Marshall - Bi7)3rown - for ploartiff;
Barton for definint. Action to . recover for
building the stone work and providing the stone
for a house in the9th ward. On trial.
A Henn Cueroxra.—A giant of a fellow from
the upper countries, undertook yesterday, at the
;ll.eal Lion, while under the influence of liquor,
to give 'Several of the lodgers there a trial of hie
strength. It is to be presumed that they were
readily satisfied of his superiority, [or they scot
with !mete to Alderman Donaldson for police.
Some four or five rtarted, but they found they
bad work to do. In about an hour's time they
got him to the Portce offioe, while they were
cheered on by the sm i les of an approving thou•
sand or so of citizens who had been attracted to
the spot. In 'default of u name, the up-river
enitomer was lodged in jail, being conveyed
thither in a cart, under the cognomen of John
Tall Corrigan trial is still ;degreasing. On
Friday manning the prisoner did not wish to be
brought into Court at all. On Saturday he look
ed . . - very 111, and was quite enemy. When the
'hence were brought in. to be identified, ho be
canie sick; and had a physician to attend him at
ter:his return to jail in the evening. The trial
may riot be over before Friday next. The cotm
mot teethe prisoner will make a powerful effort
for their client, and the probecution will enforce
all' the argninente that can justly be made to bear
'pint kilo. The excitement among the people
is on the increime.
130111.131 DIVED HIVULY.—Oar readers will
remember that one Wereary, arrested for pass
ing bogus coin in Washington county, receped
from the Jail . there. He 'surrendered himself to
We Sheriff of that county, on Sunday, dogleg
that he could not stand the cold weather. He
had been concealing .himeelf through the county
until he who nearly frown and starred. He
Was lodged in the Jail of this county, the Sheriff
being afraid to truet to hie owu prison again.
M'Creary hie doubtless arrived at the conclusion
that She way of the tranzgreesor is hard.
' lbsermias.—The present winter is extraordi
nsry in the religious acme's of Pittsburgh for the
wonderful revivals of religion in operation at
titi. 'Sammie Methodist Churches. The clergy-
Men have entered Into the work with groat zeal,
and the consequence In that every church of that
denomination has received large accension of
Communicants. IQ ono church alone, the South
Common, 'Allegheny, Bay. D. Mitchell, pastor,
we learn. that over one hundred and seventy hire
been enrolled In membenhip.
Rosestur.—On Saturday last, the country
residence of Col. Wilson McCandless, in Coitus
tawnsiatp was entered and robbed of a variety of
articles. Suspicioti attached to two lade named
Philip Weaver and Charley Bothwell, who were
arrested, tied a violin, spyglass, musical-box
"andeeveral other articles stolen therefrom were
traced to their possession. Mayor Bingham
committed them to jail in default of bail. Ray
Made the arrester.
Tea Fru cin:Ssivanas Ifrawr.—,The loss by
the fire on Saturday eight, to the Mars. Pe
terson, will probably reach $2.600. They bad
large quantity of made stuff, such as mho,
'doors, ite.j and a number of chests of tools
horned up.
'the residence of Mr. Little, wholesale grocer,
'on Second AitreM, which adjoined the — burning
building, sins considerably injured. The fool
tore was she much damaged.
—Brass flootwrv.—The anniversary of the Alle
gheny County Bible Bode*, will beheld in the
Bev. Dr. Preasley's Church, Allegheny city, OD
Thursday evening nest. The annual reports
will be reed, a Board of Managers for the ensu
ing year elected, awl ti.ddressea will ho delivered
by the Bert. Pressley and Cookman.
Honra or luctrasti.—Four or floe women
:from litra. Starea harm of ilLrepoto in Cherry
'alloy, were lodged M jail, yesterday to muter
the charge of maintaining a boat.. of that char
/later. The complaint . 11q13 made by a woman
named Mary Stetontion.
RODBILECE.-011 risttudny night is robber se
creted himself in (lie cellar-of Quigley's book
store, Fifth street, mod after the store was
closed, got into 'the store room eml robbed the
till of $2O end severs] eonnterreit hills. The
thief escaped with his booty.
ADKITTLD.—OpI:OOHOD Or Hon. Chas. bhaler,
Samuel C. Menyard, of Cambria county, woo ad
mitted to practice in the District Court of Alle
gheny County. Mr. M. comes among us with
a fine reputation for legal ability.
MOIIOII 701 ♦ tilW the .111.30 of
James U. Power vs. James Power ' s *dicers., de
cided in the District Court last week, Mr. Thos.
Mellon, anumel for defendants, yesterday moved
tar anew trial.
_ .
Mom Pissois B.LOOVJULID.—:Tbred pistols
stabil b*"Wro. Johnston, ossicoti walla dikys
"PP ri g ? 0 441 . 4 K allThl tura Ik lagill *
4," 41
Anarrasearrr Marrusa.-7he aontrerp&e of
th_e Parent TractrlSociety 'veil!' be held in , ,CRy
ilallen tide, 'faraday Evening, commencing:at. .
Speakints t .l.. P. Durbin D. D , op Alnee,
D. D., J. J. Pick;lLLtr,.L.lD.atiirrows of Cin
cinnati, Rei. Butler of Lynn Masa_ Rev. Brook
of Georgetown, D. C., Rev, %Intel! & Hare of N.
J. Conference, and L V. WataonOf Chicago.
Tickets can be bad free of charge at the Book
Store of J. 8. Reed, A. H. English. & Co., and
Kay & Co., and tho Hat Store of Pratt & Benny,
TRULL TO 00111110”.—The trial of the bogus
coin manufattnrers arrested by Hague in Ohio
eomo time agog will come off in a day or two at
Cincinnati. Officer Hague will start for that
Tax Evan's° ltscuaraa, is the name of a new
paper which made itiappearance in Allegheny
oily, yesterday. It is conducted by Messrs.
Water, Robinson & CO.
Au adjourned matting of rile ASPOCialiOrl wee
held last evening, et the Union Baptist Church.
cotter of Grant and Sixth streets.
OBITIMILT.—Mr. Wm. Algeo, late one of the
County Como:dentonere, died on Sunday at hie
reeidence below Manchester, of consumption.—
He wan fifty-tight years of age.
Tne Hirronusson's were greeted with a crowd
gd end fashionable audience last night. To:
night they ring in Allegheny, at Excelsior Hall,
when, of course. another large audience will as
DIITAINRO —Thomas D'Arcy McGee was de
tained at Alliance last night, and consequently
did not lecture before the Catholic Association.
Lecroan—We are pleased to be able to an
nounce that Horace Greely will deliver one lec
ture before the Library Association on Thursday
Tea RANollll.—From' this beautiful poem,
published in Ptitadin for Fantail; and which
has bean attributed by some to Longfellow and
by others to Whittier, we extract the 107%1 n g
verses, uneuipassed as a description of natural
Nowhere fairer, sweeter, rarer,
Does the golden=locked frolb.bearer f
Though his painted woodlands stray,
Than where hill-side oaks and beeches „
Overlook. the long, blue reaches,
Silver cacao and pebbled beaches',
And green tales of Casco Bay;
Nowhere day, for delay,
With a tenderer look beseeches,
"Let me with my oharmedArth stay'."
On the grain -lands of the Mein land',
Stands the serried corn like train•bands
Plume and pennon rusting gay;
Out at sea, the islands wooded,
Silver birches, golden hooded,
Set with maples, crimson-blooded,
White sea foam and sand-hills gray,
Stretch away, far away,
Lim and dreamy, over-brooded
By the hazy autumn' day. .
Gaily chattering to the clattering.
Of the brown nate downward pattering;
Leap the squirrels, red and gray.
On the grsze3find, on the fallow,
Drop the apples, red and-yellow;
Drop the 'rnmet,peareland mellow,
Drop the red leaven all the dey.
And away, wirtfipway
Bun end cloud, o'er hill and hollow
Chasing, weave their web of play
One Week Later from Europe
HAWAX, Feb. 17
The royal mail eteamship Canada, Cape Lang,
from Liverpool on the afternoon of February 2d,
arrived here at 4 o'clock this morning. She bribgs
no intelligence of the Pacific.
The steamship Atlantic arrived out on the Slat
of January. •
The steamer Belgique was still at Southamp
ton and her agents had returned the passage
money end compensation. Her cargo had been
taken out and found to be hat little Injured.
The London Blern!ng Advettiser has the fol
lowing announcement
"We regret to hear that at an interview which
Lard Clarendon and Mr. Buchanan had together
at the Foregn Office on Tuesday, very angry
words passed between them relative to the Cen
tral American question."
The despatcben of the Bunnies government
completing and confirming the. telegraphic. an
nouncement of an uneauditional 'aoceptanee of
Austria's prepositions, were received at Vienna
no the 23,1 ult., and a courier immediately con
veyed them to Perim end London. It is reported
that the Congress will meet at Paris of the 17thl
of February; that very little time will be lost in
the diecuesion of the subject and that the whole
matter will be brought to a couch:mien by Feb
25th. The signing of the preliminaries prior to
the opening-of the conference now only awaits
the arrived of the Turkish plenipotentiary. It is
stated that Prussia refuees to agree to the con-1
ditions exacted by the Allies preliminary to her
admiesion into the peace conferences and that
consequently she wdlbe excluded from the con
ference hut would he invited to sign the final deed
of settlement. Baron Brunow and Count Orloff
are the Russian plenipotentiaries, assisted by
Mantra. Ttloff and Teuton; Lord Clarendon re
presents England; Marquis de Asegho, Sardinia;
Count Thiel, Austria; M. Waleweki, France; and
Dervish ?ache, Turkey.
Letters received to the 30th ult. speak of the
mild weather and the resumption of navigation
more or lees at Palau, Menel and Cuxhaven. and
the ice wee breaking np.
The correspondence. fcem the Crimea from the
English Camp to January 10th reporie the army
as healthy. The Russians continued to fire from
the North Forte.
Prince Gortschakoff had handed over the com.
mend to Gen. Lettere and homed a valedictory to
the commanders in the Crimea.
On the 10th of January the Russians made=
expedition over the ice to attack Bertsch, but
Gen. Vivian being on the alert they retired.
Gen. Williams was at Tit His on the 4th of Dec.
&Smiting Mere from St. Petersburg as to his
We know nothing of Ears excepting that the
town is occupied.
Ltesaroot, Feb. 2.—Cotton , Market—The
Broker's circular quotes the sales of cotton for
the week as 86,000 bales at an &dense of
The market closed steady and quiet. The enti
mated sales on Friday were 12,000 bales, and
the closing quotations were: Orleans middling
6 1 3 16; fair Orleans 61. Uplands middling
611-6, fair uplands 6d. The eaten on !speculation
during the Week were 14,000 bales and 12,000
for export The "(hole stook of cotton in port
was 263,000 babe of , Americaa. The Manch'.
1 ter &deices are more favorable. Brown & Ship
ley's circular quotes cotton ea having advanced
11®1 from a temporary ease in the money mark
et and a light stock in the early part of the
week, but on Friday the market was dull, though
it closed steady and quiet.
BILIADOSONVS.—FIoor and drain have con
siderably declined; prices ate irregular and the
market is dull. Brown & Shipley quotes West
ern Canal Floor at 37e and Ohio at 400. White
Corn 87e 6d®B9e. Yellow and mixed Corn 86e.
The Broker's Circular quotes a decline, in Flour
at Is®ls 6d. Wheat Sd®4d and Corn ld®3d.
Brown & Shipley quote White Wheat at Ile'
Ile sd, red 10e 2d ®lOO 4d.
PlOTlSlol6.—Riabradeon, Spence & Co. quote
_Provisions as generally unchanged and dull.
Beef end Pork have declined. Lard ie quiet.
LONDON, Feb.' let —The money markets was
more stringent. Consols were quoted at ool®
90i. United States stocks are lower, and for
State Securities, prices were eerier but not gen
erally lower. Messrs Baring, & Co's circular
quotes a considerable decline in Breadstuff.
The Iron market is firm: Welsh bur is quoted on
shipboard at £B,6s. Welsh Stills on ehipboard
£8,50, 10d.
The other ciroulere generally quote provisions'
ae considerable declined, there being but little
speculative demand, the market closing quiet.
Beef buyers demand a reduction. Pork Is dull,
the mock of Bacon is light and the market closed
dull—Lard has declined with a dull market at
60e, the quality of the recent arrivals le bad.
HA fill COTTON MATIZIT January 80th.—Or
leans ties ordinary 89, the prices being lower
by le. The sales of the week have been 6600
The town of Ram is uncured by two Russian
bettallione, while a third occupies a camp form
ily held by the army of Gen. Mourivieff. The
captured guns nod other suiunitions of war hair
been removed to Alesandropol.
Letters from Erzeroum predict an approach
ing scarcity of Breadstuffa
lekander Pasha waa insecurely wounded on the
23d. December.
PERAM—It is rumored that Turkey is about
to mesiate between Persia and England.
GREAT BRITAIR.—Queen Victoria opened the
Parliament on the 31st of January.
In the House of Lords Earl Ousford moved an
address In response to the Queen's speech which
was seconded by Lord Allingdon. •
Earl Derby did not oppose the motion but said
he considered the Royal Speech as very bare,
sold and meagre. Bethought it ought to refer
to the state of affairs with America, Judie and
the POlOll4l as well as in relation to the fall of
Rare. He conceived that the Oooentment bad
Violated a municipal law of the United Slates
in an attempt to eldlet men and hopainst qn
apology would be'offered, such Ise could be re-
Wa -ved..
__'l l oiffietted, barterer, th at theca Was
Pbei IMPRIRKF rimy* Lateswd late tie
speech referring to the subject. The 'L. - whole
speech, he said, was.reelelent With water gruel.
The Earl of Clarendon replied by relenting to
'the . "peesentgredatuns with the United Stitee:—
He sald,, , wni:My opinion there Can be dimbt u
to the common sense view of the obligations of
the Clayton-Buller treaty. and yet it is upon its.
interpretation of that treaty that B. &femme of
opinion has seism In such a "see orrespon
deuce was useless, and I lot no time in offering
to refer the whole question to the exhitrition of
a third power, both sidesegreeing 011ie &Onion.
That offer has not been aticeptal, but it halt' again
been nnewecl, and I hope upon further @outliers
tion the U. 8. Government will acquiesoe.-: With
respect to the recruiting
. difficulty It would not
have sided a friendly solUtion to allude toil from
the throne inasmuch as the correspondence upon
the subject etill continues. The most recent de
mands of the United States arrived but two days
sine° an d they ore not yet in it state to be made '
public. The origin of the trouble was this—At
the beginning of the war numerous forelgnere,
in the United States applied to the British Gov
ernment for permission to join the army of the
East. In Consereiencie, instructions were-sent to
the Government of Nova Scotia' to consider ,
whether persons from the United States could be,
received at Halifax. These. instructions were)
notified to Mr. Crampton who was at the same
time informed that anxious se England was for
'recruits, ahn was atilt toore..aaxie us that there
should be no violation of the menicipal , law of,
the United States. An agency office was accor
dingly opened and upon complaint being Made,
Mr. Campton desired that it might be made
public that the British Govenunent didnot re
cruit soldiers in the United States, and he made.
known his instructions to Mr. Marcy, .Who ex
pressed his eatlstsction. After further explana
tions he stated than a carrespondencii of a not
very amiable nature had since taken place be
tween the governments, but the transactions re
ferred to are by-gone transactions and from the
commencem Di the British Government .haa die
claind any ringement of the lawn of the U.
With to the conduct of Mr: Cramp
ton he said his Government- wee perfectly satia
ted, being convinced that he neither intentional
ly nor accidentally violated the laws of the Uni
ted States. The whole difficulty was ehoeptible
of peaceful solution and no'slight was ineant by
not mentioning America. in the epeeoh frem the
In the House of Commons Admiral liapier on
theing his seat moved for papers in relation to
expedition to the Battle, and gave .vtiotioe of
a Resolution to the effect that enlietments for
the armies of Great Britain in foreign cowl;
tries lowers the dignity of the nation and Is
calculated to endanger the-relations-With other
States. ,
Fautoz.--Batioraotion it . AO bean 'igprewed
that Paris has been selected for the taestinebf
the Pews. Congress. Peace is now imaddered
se certain.
Numerous political arrests have ben =admit
The Pa 263 MOIIIIVEr plbrißillsll a. - deciee fixing
the impost ditty on Cotton broltiltiltih o, eUtreP 3 ta
by French vessels at 25 .fnincs per flOO kilo
grammes; biting a rodooNon of S franos- from
former rates
Vissatwaros Cirr, Feb.
Hamlin gave notice of to Introduce,
amend, and consolidate the navigation,. revenue
and oollention laws.
Mr. Wilson offered a resolution which lee over,
;sailing on the President- for informal:: in re
ferents to the etate of affairs in Rattiaa, end
what measures are to be taken to prevent- inept
interference with the rights of the peep4of the
territory by persons not residing therein:
Tho Senate theta resumed the consideration of
the Resolution ceiling for the 'cornet and the
proceedings of the Naval Board. .2.
The discussion was continued at Kittle length
on the Message received from the President in
reply to a resolution of the Senate eortunnuloa
ting various documente most of which have
heretofore 'been published concerning the state
of affairs in Kansas. A letter from Go!. Shannon
details the threatening aspect of affairs and en
closes the correspondence of the !Omer with
other territorial °fame in proof of Lis asser
tions. Cot Sumner in a letter to Shannon
dated December 6th, in reply to cnicOssking his
Pretence at Lawrence, says he can march with
his commatd in a few hours notice Lid will meet
the Governor at Delaware crowing It required.
The Secretary of War in a letter of instruotions
to Col. Seduner dated Feb. 16th, dfrects him to
'hold himself in readinsis to mirth. fief Gov. Shan
non shah find the ordinary coons of judicial pro
ceedings and the power veetcd; in the U. S.
Marshall fruillees for the suppreisinn of insur
rection or invasion of aimed Cornett, bat counsels
him tb act with extreme cation in the premises.
Mr. Tommy expressed a warm epproval piths
conree punned by the executivo;and hoped he
would be sdatained by ,every law-abiding man.
The President had dens neither more'nor less
than hie duty on thin Object. ;
Mr. Wilson said the to:respond - race totally
misrepresented theeftfaiis Of 41[1111‘ He cep
tenthed that the Border aullianethere, had Otr
ried the elections at the point of thehowie
Without concluding begirt way and the Senate
Boum—Mr. Wakeman presenteart memorial
from the New York Chamber of Coriiinerce pray
ing for an appropriatlon from Government lo
pair'the public warehouses at quarantine, and
memorial from the moms for so extension of the
reciprocity principle heaven the United States
and the Csnedse They were referred to th..
Committee on Commerce.
On motion, 15,000 copies of the report of the
Secretary of the Treasury on finances; 20,000
copies of the Providenee annual menage and ac
comranying documents, and 10,000, copies of the
Coast Survey were ordered to be printed.
On motion, 60,000 copies of the,mechatlical
part of the report of. the Commissioner of Pat
ents were also ordered to be printed
Mr. Grow offered p tesolutiou *Mali was adopt
ed requesting the Piesident, if not Incompati
ble with the public intereets, to transmit to this
Howe, the laws passed by the asseMbly of Kan
sas and all the exeintive prooeedinga and corres
pondence of the Governor of the Territory.
Mr. Lane, delegate from Oregon, introduced
a bill to enable the people of that. Territory to
form a State Government preliminary to admis
sion into the Union., Referred totommittee an
The Senate bill relieving the CoMmissioner of
Passim:le of the dut)•af taping bointy land war
mints and eertinestee, end withorlsing the cm.
ployment of a euiteble person for3hat purpose,
wee taken up and passed. It is Stated that the
Commissioner has rheumatism itilds band and
that over 10,000 hatiatscumulated ansigned.
The Committee on . Ways and hearse were, on
motion, authorised to employ a permanent clerk.
Mr. Dunn MtroduCed a bill establishibg boun
daries in Kansas and prohibiting Hievery in that
Territory and Nebrieks. Referred to the Coin
mitten on Territories.
The Reuse then adjourned. !.
New Tout, Feb. 18.—A Washington corres
pondent of the Herald telegraphs that Gov.
Shannon left this psorniug for , Kamm. He
will travel night Iliad day until he reaches
Shawnee Mission. The President desire him
to arrive there before the Free State Legislature
assembles a Topeka:on the 4th of March nest.
He has lull power , Sanderetand; to arrest the
members of that Legielature, is Its meeting is.
deemed to be an overt sot, and ;es such deserv
ing severe punishment: If he.'carries out hie
instructions, it is thought by gentlemen now
here who ore residents of Klima that there
will be a collision between the Federal authori
ties and the Free State mats. :*
Five hundred and. twenty-eight Mormon emi
grants on their way to Great Salt Lake City ar
rived at this port yesterday In ihe ship John F.
Boyd from liirerpotd.
A private letter [tom the City . ,of Mexico dated
the 26th, states that three brigades of troops,
numbering nearly 70,000 with at ample artillery
force were to leave the Capitolin a day or two
to operate against Forney at Papists.
The bark Antagonist arrived at this port last
night from Buenos Ayres, Doe.-16th. Business
was very dull and there wu nothing doing either
for the United States or Europe. Produce was'
scarce and high. Capt. Samuel-perry formerly
of the brig Matilda - came n pisienger In the An
tagonist. He reports the lossief his vessel in
September lasi off. Cape Hatteras while on the
voyage fmn Savannah for Bt. Johns, N. B.
Mr. (freely of the Tribune telegraphed last
evening that Senator Wilson will strongly open
the cane for Free Kansas to-morrow Man op
pprtunlty be offered. An attempt will be made
in the House to recto: alder die vote of Thurs
day by which the Kansas message was eclat to
the Committee of the Whole.
Success is doubtful in the elute. now. pending
indirectly involving the Constitittionality of the
- Missouri Compromise. • A majority of the Court
will refuse the benefit of that act to the col
ored plaintiff olalming freedom under It, but
will perhaps, extenuate thlsOdenial upon the
ground that he voluntarily rettirnad to bondage.
It was expected that the 06nzt would stand
five to four, but rumor sari that Judge Grier is
inclining to the Southern side; There will pro
bably be etrong dim:eating opinion's. The de
cree will be made In o fortnight.
, .
PLULAIOLLPHIA, 18.—The American Na
tional Connell commenced ita , necrehaession this
looming, no busirieen of importance way trans
acted to-day. This evening the members hold a
n CatICUP.
There are delegates here trete all 'actions of
the Union to attend the American National Con
vention to assemble on the 4 4 t.
An effort is making to abcdish secret menden!,
both of the Connell nud Conientiop.
Among the delegates are those from Louisiana
Who will probably LW admitte d.
Amor, Feb. 18.—The *lee gra:Anus of
dd n c m , have beentudtel and will to-morrow
be publlehed ander the joint management of
903140111 V
Westrantron, Feb. 18.—Letters continue to
be received from Kansas repeating the deter
mination of each parey in the territory to car
ry out its paspoees and predicting collision un
less the Federal government interfered prompt
Lewis Clepbane, clerk of the national Era
office wee last night elected by the Washington
Republican Association as the Delegate to the
Pittsburgh Republican Convention.
New roux, Feb. 18.—Private despatches date
that the steamship Pacific is safe having put
back to the River Shannon.
Pnintatistanns,l Feb. 18..-The discouraging
secountsfloy the - Canada have depressed the
market fp all descriptions of .Breaistuffs, and
prices efe drooping; holders of Flour continue
;to . noadtally ask $7,25®7,00 but there are no
buyers Tor shipment, and bakers are holding off ,
in anticipation of still further concession.. But
few samples of Wheat were offered this morn
ing, slid there la no disposition on the part of
millers to purchase in the present.nusettled
state kf the Flour market. Small sales of red
were made at $1,70®1',13, and white at $1,90
Cotton it in good demand at full rates. Whis
key doll, sitiall sales in bbls at 30 and in tihds
at 2f..
Nair YORK, Feb. 18.—Cotton firm, sake 2000
bale". Flour declined, ealeo 8500 bbla at $7,12
for4traight State and SS,3I for good Ohio.—
Wheat-declined 3e. Corn declined, Bales 1000
buiffiele mixed at 800. Whiskey declined, sales
60 . 0ibls at 29 for Ohio. Coffee firm, Wes 1200
baiti at 12. Sugar firm, sales 260 hhda Orteanc
attBt. Mslimes drooping, eaten 450 bble at 43.
Lard Oil dull, sales 3500 gallons at 95. Iron
film, sales 60 tone Bcotah pig at $34, Freights
411. ,
CINCINNATI, Feb. 18.—Flour, the reoeipts are
pry light, email salon at KM- Provisions
quiet; sales 200 Ws. Whiskey at 20*. Gro
ceries unchanged. There was no thaw of 001210-
Timm to-day.,
1 00811 1 / 1 110. OP - AILUITILATION, FOR FKBRUAL6'.
laso W. Cos. V. P.—R0.1.9 alma. Jcaix P. Patti. JliftB
Prrrecnozon 01.7311 . ■ onto?.
Tuesday Morning. Yebrunns IS, j
Von! few salsa wen rsportedon 'Chan.. In Flow Net
Is nothing doing, and *sari - thins slew Is astnsown7 gal.t.
OILAIN--salas from Cods of On bus BY? at 78.
170ti6—salss of 0 bats at 117 as, doz.
HOPS—sir to brewers of J balms Hose salt
hum—Ancerican hansom are Romani', prmlueirm
and the demand hr pig his e u leree, log nirlol
Continue, but holden Are firnier.Mid we hear of no gale.
of Not below f. 27, •cconots from the mmority of the
oonsumlog trades Sr. encouraging, mpeclally for Ibis res•
son of theroar.
Tranactions lo pig or this.eek amount to 2259 too..
Quotations were drolly mainta ined—AV for No. 1,1125 for
No. 2, and gal for No. 3. lor lyre and axles there Is an
I.9”mled leggin, at 579 hr th. tint sod $B5 for rolled
males. American roll. are In good demand, quotatt.•
Ihm al 182. cash. Nall., ghee.. plat* AIM blooms ore Is
ISINIArate Vaguest at former quotation:m-I , lllls N Amer .
DR. C. ffiaLilirrii
Liver Pills and Vern)tinge,
rw3.. I. SCOTT, a regular graduate and
► phyeielan of extectetveprectice aud • p-rino, m•
/need by a commendable darns to alleviatehone. gun,
ad. am well se to excel, hag ONO,' an ILNT
on the oriirloal Urea Put and Vulorttas of 1.. C. WU..
haelnurepoosd thew remedies IN the medical partner or
Dr. O. elan. Pg manyyearn
Oar looproved gam Plileand Vermin:mopes:roc meter
caceetand are more mild in their °pennon than the
Line pills and ifforrellisno preparegu,otting to the collie
reoript el Dr. O. Melon. We make We declaration
anderttandinglyt and recommend them to the aliiimed as
G ing hottvpieesset and anrative. and believe them tepee
dor to any other Liver Yermiluge ever P
Fead Cara:kale of Dr. C. McLane below.
The Whole World Conquered!
Dr. 1. Scott's Colehrated White Cirsassian
The universal relief afforded by of this Ckilt•
bread Kinn of Pain ISillersis earn of Ithetunatisaa, Gaut.
Lutebago, hare Throe; Bettlers. liart.ehei iNivilleir% HUM
nate al the Jabot. MMou., Patna braid, Hume. art..
or moy other diseases or nh • Pain Killer or Liniment
Is wad. extebleer tie to assert positively that Dr. 1. terse Vs
akar/fled PVlaliCtrearnon .inaat Is the most reWMa
gab and pleasant remedy yet discovered, poseassing aston
ishing properties br healing Sweat and Lespreetpt grade
cation Of pate, Tha many attestations at its virtues. BIT.
en /4 tarn . of enlighten e d and etritt ing•
ebould Induce all to adopt It sea standard PreMpy
Ftetiaidy The mien Inerialoloon require nothing
more they. the Ibiltraing teetimonl at Dr. C. ILLant, dis
tlngrdehed es • meet dertiverer of undid remedies.
Moamar:ma, Va., Sept. 15,1566.
Ito cbt y That I have amminal the Receipt for
Ah'r.V.v="blrr la" ; P LI
wino may original methane, in my pg. amino thy Int
Tairterri loam, and that I a tom he hap IMPROVED
1R EM. I loam etatement the morn Mair
st / ham no interest in mAainier. I maid tort
state Mist I hare. frequently mot Ile t
h ebatent White Cto.
cams. Luise.' la cot pra-tice. with te itaPPIPM seeet. ,
and that I ma coseelenllmm/y raectomenel II -
C. McleAllii, M. U.
AD the above Slrlielnes brebrfred rblely Andre thi on,
pervlrion of 11". I. Mott, Sold by Dru•Abte Ar/ . 51r ,
a/WA evarymbern.
Tbo min/no Dr. P. SlftlAfr'n hapnlfed Lly, PUP and
Praproord iferoalfti An. • Dr. 1 hm/U. , arbArb
bselbd by nertaglot.. of t/ MrLanr, if.. germane ltbletuat.
eS PiDlto (Areforribri lAntrorat spro,l Pr. I. PO.lO A 1.111.,
IbbrOtapbals.l Irlfb bbinaturr of I Fr/of.. 11. It.
Uli L 6Clol`r AfAl.. thisProprirtays.
Ila.k Karr.. '..lloYmatogrtr,
Pr 1110.11. litYbli/L, 110 tVmd rt ,Ylttbbalstls. Vito/to
ALP/ Asbbt
J P. V fInIINP. ALPO/my. Attar tialtro.l 11. pot. tl. holo.
ash. Aabbt r/` yeAtAroarl yawl'
142 Centre Street, New York,
In Wrought Iron Plow, Pining&
and ..trry
eeaption orapporatwonansowd nit, taunt, Watt, and
Gara for healing and llghthag Shunter*, I. arch, Wotan,
Pr'rota Dwellings. Iloaptata. Arriconr, rnrto
rho and Italia:
A. ywr a a, cow., rotor., Own, Bottow aD4 Dollar
Flo. made to order.
Our Sum* Cott-LS um* urn entirel, tum.•nd nu
• u Putunt—imuuntod to do doubly tho wort of au, pt b
Ordocv adldte ^ all ...tint,. or cho
• ,• well szt.annat
Units hymn:moo I Coon...ours u. K. Co_
Pituborgh. Ihrtn.k. )
Poll and CONNELLSVILLR. 1.11,1 w tho Pitts
th and Coooolvoillo RX.brosol clomps/or In parto..nt or
sn.OsesipUnor is dock at Mad Comport, •r• otforsd FoR
BALK oo (sir torn. in moos of ON tIUNDKe ors ON I(
INTKIi69T, boyish). arroi.ontostlly sl the 001 e• of mid
Oompoor to t du or Plttsbutgb. nu payment of prin.
wool and hobo./ co this. Bonds I. goorartrod by lA<
.rood Owstxsoy. A. therbore boroughs hors on arm
warn on ASS nark thow Bowls mar ho corildwood SAYS
K ER gori n' Yr i dPrlT ' eg, of lr ' t
l'iPeCo a OLAO
NEVI' U. RAIL . Foote and Liberty Wrests. op stator
regdf ULIVIR W, BARNES. Prordent.
Election Notice
AN ELECTION for seven Directors of the
sris uses' Compsur for the ongoing will b.
their office, In the City id Erie, no the Wirer Kozo
iley of iamb next. . A. Li CAI3O HEY, P. 17
0/rioa Italtal%.Co
triot febrn s G.
To those wno wish Farms 11
have fertile land at a cheap price and
iiarT term., roar attention is ',lied to Ca SW.*
y Pam a M Company, al 25 acre. or more In
potleri anhires for Il2ho, ya
Pa ble In pro
per week, ca. $4 tar month. It is located in rill Co Pa,
ch loamsod In not to be summand
for laming , as examination will ehow. It is all real
land, underlaid Pr rich velter, which on amount or its
vainwthe take Bluest, will Shortly nan0..0.. of Im
The hunhury a kirk /14. perm ireetly through it,
which in now under oonartiotion Rom E.I. to within •
abort distance of Ridgeway. The Allefl i ix Va l l r ley It. R
. 1111a=h 9 : Th. k t ' lltiZi r' n I t i .l r I t t if w the m o cTet ' velootte
kin,. Title ormorptions o birmd mid warranted decide
are given. 1. present's Komi end substantial apportunr
tp to commence fanning. providing for 011ie. children or
making an investment inue to increase in value. In •
short tinielmal land .111 tmible its present prke. V.
they particulars con be hod from the pamphlets which ant
"Mt to Inguirers. Lettere answered promptly. Ay=
address IiAbIL. CATRLL. Secy. 116 Walnut et .
&liable. it.. information 1. contained In thogrTer.
Win. B. Tale°lt & Co.,
-18 sad all Mode Pori:nit wed Dom es ti c rames Alm
leesle Dealer. In imparted mid Watley Ono&
and Varieties.
amingjost opened • foil amortment co articles In o u r
line we Welts the attention of dealers from teeth city soil
country to oar Mock, Menus confideut we MD offer every
Inducement teeth se to qwelity mnd prices of goods. WOOD ST.. COM. of FoiutP,
Bo Jury :7 -110 Arpeal!!
Making 8I On=lssioncr, Ilke
EOR SALE—A Dwelling Rouse and Lot
I tn a tett on South COllll.ll, be tween Federal it. and
ClomMon.Albraheny Orr. The lot ten feet front by
040 deep. The house SO by 100 het, with bath room beck
and harribbed with all the modern eoneenlennee of wits,
mfranegie ttit io 0 41 : , the rear le a bgel v eabl er i: and ear
pirtloslan, apply to th, J. SattONMAICSIt "
Ji2A5 No, IS Word et.
POU BALE Ott ItENT.4-13eIns • two otory Urfa
ding with ► front of 111 feet tad shoat 40 feat to
depth. or•perpettml lease Use .4 fixtures CI complete;
emod dry cellar. Ale& & bask Mann& of Mlckoentelol.
torn rooms now renting for $76 Per re.. The thou.,
morns &bora the stom rent for $6 per month. rho store
room wUI mot for $4OO. Price for the whole $460 Ape
ply to fel3 r. MeI.AIN • BON
Farm of 198 acne of well improved land in Bob
neon townehip. 2 miles Dom the Ohio Mm awl 9 miles
from the intr-70 ache of whlrh:le under fear. On the
Munerty to • large Whit pehand a half et c ojea high,
swell built, large god eubstantlal buildlng, ha.iing a run
f shore, a largo ales engine, tn.,to The Mille run
fourths of the year to y water, Wand by steam.—
There Is also a larim.frame Dwelling House. amongst the
belt In the saunter: a store bowie In whleh• good Wuhan
le now carried on. II in eeileltnated for • firer rate bur•
knees, four nada centering at the DU Apply to
Jade dAwif BLAKELY At Well/W.
SYRUP, ore of the bort cough remvdire of the dog
the hollowing:
Mr J. D. Mcautic—lt b with pasture that we, the un.
dendrued, do reccoomend to the public, and heads of tam.
Ili, in particular, the great and luting bonetit , we have
derived horn the um of Mompan'a Celebrated Cough drroP
In oar fandlim, and to oh now have fouod It to powers
the rotative propertlea which the proprietor hat named.
with great PUCCCOL Thb Medicine ha. no natumma toot..
hnt Is Dismount and palatable, and mu be relied upon ar
the hoot mediclora for coughs od colds! now before Um
Pblic.. dinned.
Ucnrr &Ong Prohot. Wm It Rhodes. DQ Lewis.
hicelorn.John Llggott.
Morgue' Cough Stoop le compounded by JOCIN HAFT.
Jr ..Ow Pole Proprietor, No. ltd Wood Wort, Pitteb_mh..
told by principal Droner.. Price Itt cont.
bee. unpaakini,end marked deiro, to eery low pea. OM'
nook of above good', remaining from iset nth. so we are
amnion, to sell them ,f dare receiving our evarnig
gt NorthVaat corner of itb and filatka em
t eta
We , nailing Winter Goode at reduced
Otien hndear • case wen ',sped. Ratingeinetta
wsrranted pine gas.
ea Der vent. Also, gioeom
rERSONAL NARATIVE of explorationa
•12d loch:Wou in Term , . flew Mexico?, Ociliforole,
enure end alihllS/113. eoeuveccie with the United tlihke
sod Maximo Boandsre Gnawlisten, Awing the Teen
moos Wet on 14 to
Jots. ItusossOliar (141 ts 4
titian Caolisamtooar Quoins that ea fa t Tub
Millt4l/11144.00n5. ode by' La
TOE Part.neof &fele &
Ina been dlalleved by molazal maw& m. wr
bassi of the late be seettlad-sp st see old nand.
No. 112 Weer street. 1A3166 B. HAULM.
\ A. N. ktrABLVY.
(.Wo< Wl3lO BOULIArinn • c 0.4)
Cast Steel, German, Saw, Blister. POugh
Mattocks, Wedges, Harro‘ Teeth, to.
Between Wand and Smithfield,
Jane.) 1. I IMO ad:M7
PituDnTglt Dollar Savings Institution
• No. 613, , F0ura Spred;
rtalr owe m mfg. reeldenner ten.
I S. tlOW`Opel/ dailrEcom 9 to .2 o'clock; also;
d e a. et . Wodnesday and BetilldaTe OSA 11,
depeode received dell Noma tint Mean Ono Dollor n
and • dividend of 'the poodle demlsrod- tilt. a vs., le
June and Amend., Interest wee
st the rata
ide percent, per annual, en the first of December, 1t15.5.
• Book•matatolog the Charter, By-Lama Halm and Hoe
abalone furn i atpate. A Msk a Lbe odiee.
S lovenell tlenern. John
d L i emanlyer.
411.1Cti.wd Gyantarit
Jam.. W. finflenn. ' Alaolkal UmlZaker
Alayandor Bradley. haw 12Prarank.
William Phillip, William J. Andante.
• •
John Gurge. Beck ln ett. June. fDadnasn.
HAD Br. John kl. AlrtpetrDl
Albert trulberteo. John D. hreord.
Itobert Charter.
IWb."i Ma
J. Gardiner Gogh.. Ws.l.ter rm e;el . :telt
Alan. A. Curler. A. M. Pollock,
John D. Groom. % limp L 11.Ingetlt.
°bulge A. °piton, Robert Robb,
C. tr. Fetrlngra... George H. Riddle,
ear, Janie. Rhonda,
(= r
P. 011 more ,, J. Ahldle,
James IA Donn, George B. Belden.
WWI= B. Haven, AlorAtlader 11.11..
, Se t. = and Trergrarer—CHAßLEY 4. COLTON.
Alenufsetorn to order,
BAGS tor Flour, Grain, Salt, Buckwheat,
Elm &a.
Would also call tee attention s,
or Oorintry IlerchAnte to
their worriment or
AND 07
Designed and printed to order, expressly for
their .use,
such that ire an rapply from
10,000 to 20,000 bags per day.
Al.O, impartnn •od Veinier, In
:ma .nou• !or. I , ol 1 rtro.• 0.22,1 14.1.., both Limn 404
toi,. Or. reor,witag colltluttla
4k, vat
A? r 4.
"' ' •
I„. 4 .* I
ti IE SUBSCRIBER wo tld respectfully in-
Ibrm a Mends and the public that be has pusher
e letterset Obis late partner. and Lenoir sole propel.
stern( this areal
Chair Maritifaotaringlisbraaat,
The mat extseette .d complete of the kind in et.
With • stock aorta. ONIMILLION feet of e1.:44 lam•
her, well ~sued, and • etzenglaree attest rat, mech.-
1&11, t ; . k•rill op y ta i re: t e= le • 1' 0 .7 i h t7e=h4
Monde end etuctootede.
ParticaNitt i := ° :ll re 'd e w t/t6 "d %otarbes
of romalmre eltabla far beet:a and
which .0 be lold on acoommodatlog term
sad atprloelo .
that arll3 dafr oompetlt.loo.
mener...o M OO far dursbll•
lay sod :mt.., of dagfro, vlll be sad at the reduced
prim of RUA 2.5,30 to elell per pat
laraeliOLL SAWL.NO and TORNI/s0 of all kbuli done
to order.
• •
Room with attain Power to Rent.
wVenostp.., Varnish, Hair Cloth, NoMos an I Osidnat
tlarte finding Rester/KB), always on hand, and will be
told to the Untde at • small adranoe on Eastern soot pri•es
.I. , lrdasts Nn. St Fifth street.
The won pslndar Calash= of artsxh Jessie eyerWhinhnS
Iu the World / •
ORE than (oar hundreo thouaand copies
the tamuina Urn have Mmady been wad. /t
to born used more ....air. more genorally. V. •
Inner, mar. and with morn .atitlactlnn than any other
col.erto . nit:Much Mud= It hal done morn F , r Conan.
gatio.n.l -Inging In Aturries. than en y other one agar.r.
The majority of then tunes ablvia are constantlr
nerd and loved all over the landj ore from thla book. a
Our edition of the Prim llartnius rams h it be, mart
fully revlerd. the itur valuable matter baying bran omit-
Nab and Ile Ida. bring third 14 them-rt popular Laney
hem it. authee other pocks. hot/rely and at.
Mutt. Mem.. n, of Mono. Itkerctiort. Or.. are ano bar.
lured In rho., Ike Nen (Nrmlus Neeraie Kum lea mod
complete awl pormanrot fans. Thom. choir. may have
etreand all other broke. they ars not fully furnlehed for
.. wit.. onapl ot th. took. La a test-book tor
NMl:ring kebob. Lbe hundred. of thnotands eke have
u.i app... It. great volute. 1'
rale by booksellers geny Pal:the/red
lot , id AS. s h irr New V erk
Blakely & Richey,'
rlrt: 4ko E 8 f ATE li KOK E KS, corner 0 4.
o istrootO and enginflald Meets, Pittsburgh P.
kar•As. U 11112.. VIVIISLIG taro., bough , and old
on noncoleadon Land Warrants, RH* Bond..and noise
negotistol. Esiono.alattention given to sublirldlng
rarinsang dbreeltor of the= Tame reasonable.
eel -dkarg
For Sale
EIREE valuable Fare lying on the Pa.
Control Radler...l. 1.11 miler from Ntawart•r bblitina
and 1. miles from tbe pity; motaintog neer .500 ACM& a
fair proportion clewed. the balance timbered. Three
bowed kw higualweni atter improvementa thereon. The
.bole .ell ul.ptmu PP.**. eirrieultoral o imaging mar
pones Will be wild together or separetely, to omit pur
Terme awry low. Pm hirther_partkulara edam,
J. A. DICK. Waal Newton. P.
PI A lib - 8 AAD MEI.ODBOI7s .
t OLIN U. MELLOR No: 8 1 Wood street,
O? O.c.reero Vlsloood Allot and Fourth otreot, will open
{lto day 1,14•1 2blh. to addition to • torn , .00 ro
YIIHIT NOW PI A 1 4 ,) roam, and eamltlet. and I.
gat. n. rt.. at 11AttON Hill LINS BIOCIEL )113.10
DEONII. italtdAtt.‘
Co.!. and 160 arras anew, Immediately bulk of Nast
B ogiram.
Tbl L tCo.!!. roam tattoo eitythan any other in Mankat,
and offers rare chard tar pnrehatert turbot/ Le
and beaumfutly innate] for Country Gate, bat
30 tallintos• ride troop the dry. 012 • road Or easy =lc—
The atmosphere re <lsar. pa and bride free mt
ana and obiestlont to low bands, rendering It one of the
mist plearsot an • health locations f0r...144mm Weft,
en to made to Wan d i Howa rd. Jr., who awns and re.
Ohs t oo mal e property. tw Is ln five and ten
sere plots or together. at •Ittlnwl, If rottold by Us tllft
day of March, It will be dittoes] of at pu blic salt,
Apply to 0. Pl. T. , J. 0, MOWRY,
Birmingham:or W6l P 11111.11•6, Nan. owner Pirat and
Rosi ids.. or L. C. IlkiPlloll.l 4 l, Ran No. tth R iaiil63rod
WILL Purchase and Forward all Mater
, W
kale used by Railroadd Steamboat Ode, Steam
goggle and Car guilders, ila an nntseturese and other. at
the lowest rata..
Wo.V.TauL.MAX. ). Agents thr
Jam W. Lou,
Leamato . Loal:moths Woas,
Wotan Cutting Madam Monotoefortot Co.
Lipton handftmp Co.
t:norioin liaeldno titatop Co..
Csalth's Pato:4ou Ihot.
Hopkins Patent OW' OMUngt
Adam. Potent Car riprint.
Sucles.Pateat Klutle Steam Pocking. fail &loots*
Commercial . Hotel,
Coma of Girod and New Levu, Nno -Orleans.
- - -
L e
K. STEEL would moat
fu ty Inform the traveling s pa th e th=bnela
en the above named Hotel.
The Hotel has 'madly undergone a thorough nosh.
and renovation. and hes been SULK% upwith new and ele
gant rurnittree. carpeting, Sc., de. The proprietor will
pay every cam and attemtlf n to the ocenturt and wanted
the boarders. The table will be supplied with the best
that the midgets afford,
Mils hotel beteg eltnated to the lonnedlata tidal[ of
the boaloese pallor the elty. as well as mint' eottempolent
to the Stectetkett Landing, tbs proprietor hopes that by
arid attentloxl to the want. of Ms wetrota tonally. that
UMnI watrooage that Lu ever been bottomed awn thle
Price of Board per Day, $l,OO.
The O 1.111 be staked .tD W 1 and !Limon Inhal
er to no other &Rue in the tits. AgoodL o tffromm / 0 to
19 A. 11. Also obliging and
II bull
WIN ROBEIITB, 16 rifth arreot, is
tno. wellingeV his large uti choke e took of One
liateties. Club, Jewelry and Valley Goodaat • very email
advance on fut coat preparatcry to excluding hie store
room and the eporchase of In entire On ate,lo for the
Spring Trade. Demons desiring great bargain,should
tall early, a* ft detenniution to elpie ant hi pro..
ant !clock without any regard to former
Don't for . ast the place; ROBERTS', 10 Ifllth hYeet, near
Market. fed
P, MARSHALL & CO., Importere
yand Pesten In ;Reath and American Paper
llsnafn r, e 7 Wood iltagetpPittebl2lo6
filerleale Agent. Am the t.
o:Prated Alanntaeturnm. Bias.
era. D.donovrt d Pula . -
lowa Lands
0 N. FRAZIER, forporly a resident of.
• Pill"hicllh. (ow of loos), Pill Irmo here ln %a
aro tar the Council Ilicitte and hionl City Land District .
Capitalist, and dtheta having:money to loY".r. o r
rante to locate, can ham their Mainers talthlailY .4
promptly attended to. by coiling on him 44 it" " rm. r°."
o Tnomas Al. Daly, No. 78 Alartet .treat, from 9 ti M. to
4 P. M.
John Ahmander,hforehont, Market et. Plttotairgbi!i ,
Eloloves k hon. BILEIkPfIq do; Osoneron. ndoor. Ms
agonies lino 11. Allenhoty; Jolvo lhonlooh oecoohtnall.
1E R Proprietors of
glees Troaspocts
IPli tiou Lto• to and Rom tho Eastano
vls Poona. Ononl and,Oallroodn, Donlett In Both.
Oa al HAWN PlttAbnirgl
SUNDWIES--poZ) bus W 2
hite Beane.
T . b ., boa obi rm.%
c.o.try Lard 3 bail 4311 Butter,
Bog. Juetroted 'sad Itn'
UUK. c. SAELZ, Phyeieten and Surgeon,
an ll.d P•tr.ot,
• • •
Mow, Charße lllll.lorAson Palnur_._W. W.. Wll.
moron, W. 11 Thonn.o UAL
.J. & B. T.
moron, B MI:LW% A. IL Eagan& B. IL 80r.., Chem
T Bunn& Jos. hlceonanL David Moot, Joon 0. C....rt10,
Robert' PaLliek,Jahn B. John Wright, W. W.
Yount. Id. P. Lion. 0. Ormsby Gregg. ja.lll.ll¢A
IoBLANKRTS-1000 ipalra of du Mast desirable makes
sod dud at Wool Motets, ooUto at ast lanranse naiad
Ova tram - osastrates. A A I:USON MOO.
boa • - 25 Pint. et
ACON, PORK &LARD in *tore for , sale
JO9 OW. W. LiCESON. N 0.1 2 tatilb
Biya, wink, T Mlgs. iced and for'sale
ys 1-44 11'4 t es:
rpartnershimf ,Jaresis,lrwirt & Co.,
e. &wan. on thottel inutunt r
bouillon of Us lAto tbna *nit be mottled ' Jaws
Plototmr46. January 141660. *
THE undersigned will continue the mprin
r.rwre Moat cab pond La - aiiia Wow.
'swig Irwlß,
MAIMS; Sulphuric AMC,
I , ..7!'Sve.t Spirit,. at Nltza; Hain Add%
Merman's Anodrees Mulistio Ack%
Aatt•Alzomonn.Yrk: • Mee. ela
Vorler's.fraut... J. 3 •
THE Co-partnership heretofore existing
undm . arm of A. A. Mason & - Co.. to , his
day Mioolvcd, bymu A
tusi consent. Nathan N. Mum
withdrawing tY.-to the Outdrew. LVIOIIII A. ri m a
Pittsburgh. Yeto, 7th. MO NATHAN
(!O-PARTNERSHIP—A. A. Mason has
this day Associated reith him In Durum., Nathan
Cog. w of AI r. soder Um firm of . bisabo
Ob. by whom Mr_ dm gaols bsubb.m wi ll b oolatioled
st. No. /A fifth et
fe9 ATHAN wurruto
DPartnership heretofore existing be
mn the tandendipued antler the rub or Rotas. . Uric day elbeelsed by utual cement.
The businentot the late arm w will be loathe' bylehu
Roberta, 'JOHN A11../30BIATS.
JOttN M. ROBERTS will continue the
jenelry twainees at the same stand No. 41-
, r 1.7
hr, t "" NiZricrtrgitillgt * Tork ill e alslll . lit.
slid will unite the too steer In one. jai
W. - HERSTINE Commission
and Forwarding Ltarrlaain and Dealer, generally
non Flttsburgh, , Cif • , .MaiU, and other Man sae
ton.. 4e.. rim 93 and 96, Front stirsotiftttaburigh.
under the atria of D. er tin
Mammoth= ota Agatie7, Onnadation FOnsairdlng
and Pnidnebusiness, at tien93 and fia_Fronte . sot, are gee
Wad to ales swum attention to iLllng cadet, nothing
L forwarding produce and maretniaollaa, nad to the az -
station of all twin.. that mar be entrusted to CUD care
rtl E Ctaa
nasal to—Cllntle a Maw, Iligraid
11 . 0114401: Outten a d oh Hairs griatiter A
Rahmi tlenry Una. Wllliaas Faeldbas%L m Johnson
Zwi.: T. flakeweg,Eso.; ideorg.l,,gg, E o. Men_ _ /admit
NOTIOE:—Tho late firm of JQNES a.
qinuti bourn teen diamired by the deatienfJoho
olen. on the :flat hut" the bunt... of
e►fd era .11
be settled by the undanagned, ' their ofiloe, corner o f
Soo. and Pleat Mesta.
Bent 30, MC—eel 16,14.0 JON.Ln, ..1,11211 patch./
ISAAC JONES, Manufacturer of Spring
and Binder Steel, Plough Blab Steel, need Plough
Coach and .Ihlntic tingingn kr.* Nut
—Oto , hot
Patent Ecru. hfall and natuntered loos
Boa sad Plat Amu, Pittsburir6
D. .
j r. n. ROGIERB .CQ. Idanufaeturerl of
IJr • Ewer. Patent Impecmed ' ilts*P-Calthatar.—oeize
ODDIDIT or Rau and first irtmena. Pittilftrictu .&14.17
WAT i f WlLSOlT,Vhulesale n,V (holm
jul,i, c a m nairL=TZt a =g,=nor oo V.
. SELLERS & CO., Wholesa . Za wiu ns; d
• , Rarall Dealers 14 Drain, Palate,
" DI
c No. 67 Wood street.
pliOE:Joseph cming anng fl3t,d
dAted with htm !mach Abel, the bueineef beregze.
1 be oonducted under the otyledf.NSElS ABEL • CO. et
the old stem& corner of Brolthtleld amlYourtb wee!.
Val Real Estate for Sale
Offer for sale the- two three story -ti
bulldhage at the !oath east Corner of Penn and Ifand
meets, Noe. sn and 273 Penn Aran., The :lag aril gosh
about 20 baton Penn street by 60 kettle depth. The
hellidinge are subeteatlal and hare Atone Wird.
I Moo. ofhg the four three story brick dwelling nooses
on the slat aide of Hand street. Noe. 36. 37. 381. mei 51,
m ° et Mates belng stoat 18 feet 3 Indium In front by sagest
foot In depth.
abode house. will be mid megarately, of tmgether, awl
at low prima. d nett payment will be repaired and
• reasonable time gteeri ht the perment of the balance
_at. H. WILELN3, Artarney at Law,
or2Apply, t?,
t e- N 0.137 Fourth Wiest.
Bt. Clair Street Property for Sale.
irtlal Authorized to sell on very resions
terms..y one or all a. theee Brie three etney
dwelling Demise on : the westerly side of BA (.1•
street, being honer Nee. 97. ZL 24. 2d. end 48, between
Penn etnet and the old Alleghenr bridge?. These bonne
ewe imitable ler stoma anddwellings and ere situated in
feetd loeillty: The lota ere eaoh, 18 feet in (rant hi 110
In depth token alleyAen foot wide.
A moderate ouh payment wile berequired. and the bal.
.nee allowed tole:nein Ibr • reesonable time secared GT
he bond and morns ta ri file • archaism Apply to
MU:rat tr.
Penrybn Mant les.
1 assortment orthese durable'. and
A ' ll
besutlfol Imported 31 w be opemolltrr
weettoo for the , east dos thht City, st Par Geottods.—
After tho Mose of the exhlbidon_they will Mt - fe mut st. the
Marti* Rooms of WILLIAMS k ALLEN.'
earner of Seoteml sod MArket
Excelsior Carmge Factory.
exl (Mach Matere,cornm otßebeemi and gelmoiat sta.,
lecheny (111 y. Pa, have on hand and are usanntaMmina
an eaten:o,l"a aimortmant of Ca11i 111 4 ,6 1n , ..k.W.U4 BUftnlei,
I.lFir.g. Cara an.. mad. , to alettmir carious maybe., with
beauty of in
all our wort the ben ;inm ate Iro Mae llni ternab, nalna
Repair. attended to cm the moth rearonabla termrl They
owl confidant that all who may favor them with their pat
ronac*, will be, perfectlyfatietbat co trial, of their wort.
The Pittmbargh and hiancheator onnibtvet port the Pan
tom every 16 m.nutelfdmilin the car. odia
PITST3T.j4qI-1 .
Book. Stationery, Engraving and Print
Store, and Book Bindery.'
(From Philadelphia)
4ESPECTFULLY begoloavo to infarrahia.
friend, and patrons, that he haa opened BOOK„
1.0.100 with ht. HINDRRY, at as 44 h 7. CLAIR
liThilitT, eli p oldbethe litAlhilrflotel2llttabnYwid.
Twee:apnea *errant. rar.l hr„thiait_Liotrizualeing thk
eatabllattinent..•• 4 ' 1
Lame Illnedasted Baas nt .
Boohn. Poet lobos, Pattie. La* and Library Malta. bound
with great eat. and ettrowth. '
Zat'Ntuu re neatly atandie , In geld on beets Wm eta.
- -
SA I.E—nv. piece-, ' Pea or lob, one of
. Irma. an Pennsylvania Amato, the remainder at
donide eta , within e snort diateate or the Alrexat. °Di
a the jots bas a email log hones on ft, and one ati tba
beet eprtnee of enter In Allegheny county, Prtoe 32.30 a
000 heir den., balsam Iv two yearly permeate.
Is= B. MeLAIN 2 OON. 21 011th
For Sale,
TE 110IJSE, now oectqued by the stile-AM
scriber, No, 143 Second atinert. Thissrotortr
to uautielete order, turriftihad with Otte arid Dot and Orld
Water. Far particular.; whatilre
dra. of done t 00.4.Y.141 WateVatreet.
Patterns, Plaint. Teals ate-, rill b. acid ai-qat kr
won of Jea<t,oCmod4itl Venom, I
Or, an acti•O bmfluq Manvith CaDflal would b. OF
ealast ivoll onee. yaitlist,Ofr a. a manager. Addrew:Baa E 76
itunkley's Violin — Tunas.
COLLECTION of. beautiful ifatiill —
tanadrildes. (wit fa . far detudegk,) , Shits.
eta Bueklers Celebes of th e Pars
Yard end th e Power of Mode. •
This lee th oles workfor mks players oh the itiolth
The collection ofJlge and Resta carer before published; fa
alone worth double the prke of the book. Price e.O tents,
coulee mailed, peep ce kAjd. OIidIILOTTE
' ViS Wood et, and dear above, 6th wt.
Xayd -
oden & Sanders, No. 6 ETA 8".4. 7..
ANUFACTURE and Lep wrimmary
Oil hand Llano Cooke of 'ivory Valisty. 011 Cum
tit Lans, (nobs Valves bk.= Stops. Mann Whistkst i
_.... S.
Monte Pampa, Water Omits, Clapper. Bram and Planlatisol --
ttlioverry, arms and Plated Main, Water Woke of nom
Silo and der:J.4oot, and ptomains material [®.tally.
ja}o - .301d
_ ---_,-._
wu.Eioir: — ltiftiistk 'a CO.. • - -
. 114.111t8.1N .
Lands, Land Warrants and &change, '
Fort Dodgo, Webster Co n Lows
the State and entered on I.W. Pewidt4 reeidrad
an ooliectkms made in ati NV pral , Mat oltain
W, ifelt. at would tartnif tbalt earricia to thekr
friends and the D a e -/eneridir. larly ter
°il k
carer* ealsete d. t =Moos loratimos of land t i t
parts of th e b NW lonakal lands and attend to pop
log rasa on bate tem notarial They will
tt U n i OU ' esetry /mating tmeo n.
ail II t tna
oe ..T. -.:
lanct !? n to an for isber. May may transest,
....UN= S. 11M5....--..J.1331 , , 611.1.011,13.1
Valley Forge Plow Word. ,
MIVE REMOVED to the tint :story of
that Tame and commodious Warehouse; comer of
elks aulLiberty etteet, where they h•Te 0p61106
an sasertnuott of their Weed Implored and highly maws -
ed PLOWBraud would Invite the attention of Vannes,
and Traders to call and examine their Item Iron thotree
Cantle, Patent Lever, 11111 Old.. hub Ike, Doable Drill,
entuue, 1110,, d eve desaiptiont al'
rotate, Otet_ irs, tma ry n., consorted mild the tnd ßio s.
s's. no.
Broadway, corner of Houston at,, Ifew York,
BLC S Nit . vargl t ilaurs:
11, $ )I T ADEN, S .d
WO, Rooms. 60 cents, Tb cents. sad 81 gmr
Pariors ostth Bedrooms, $lO to {a pm . AU ,
Afrais oven:
and as ordcovot. •
1111. u 11{11.i ltne ' llctel, novae finale .rand La the
rounb coder, motet.: 01 env.. WO. gnsete.
hemmi throughout br team, ivves . bre ON I t
wad all ctus aepoimunante of tbe blartuen ttota., th.
vitas the attention of tbe crawatins
jaaCamdtwr AWN] , E.OPILLN.
ii/arreirs Improve:a Fire and %tux p row
AVING been for the lent eleven seen ex .
11 .1=1.17 .n=e=ed the 0 " =four. or the above
sow melon need In all the Madre:Mb. of th e
LW., doting w bleb Urns It hae ben totted under emery
of drcurestarms, and bean comov
eo ed'and
ad wherever ea 'bowed that l It n/4 b., den and
wins teen ' = "L oroca by the 11./.1141.:1934 xoyeaod
Lamp./ to do .job In Ude dtym Wig, mad ao t ri to cov
er tne,Lesseetee'LlWoe in Leb4, (tor bothofwelehlote they
terenelorted one men and matemede tem Fhtlaceelphla Ina
bees teem Induced to open • trance of out
buena. in thlecity e and being prepared to ceders to
any extant. cm conndently °Sir our mans IA the rein*
aas of the enlace. of Muhl:midland vicielt7. ttnehisoi.
nose, &mobility and rerteet proteeis..-'ne aigionotteekleve eleti
ester ender It the mom olasirable rooting to me.
The beet pitch for thle nodes la that onertell to ooe
Inch to tee foot—but we can undo-We:rade otrannetemo
e: g l Lll . to ,r a much greater plteh, even Amer twine
Wales le aky, leaky, to" of any Med me,
ems them recovered by to method with the roltiv.
anoint) . attuning good tight mon. W. mow th. [c
anoe of mane of oar rode wialch tan ibe olilitinni bar
further infonastionond uniuncirs, nue call at oar <d
em All work warranted. H. AllittlN t
The atom reefing may teems on trA P te i lirar ' ,L b u,
th r.Q... tenor.. Liberty street; gmfrth Ward Pablo
reboot Hoare, tooth Ward Public easel Muer, at.,ej ee
hontea new hoildles. endtedield et.. anon roortl. Hap,.
Jet 011 are Delmys now Vlo &reborn% Third et, trio.
Mods um Landing. Ftfth It., Woe_ ,10111 1,,
Mitchell. Herron t Woondry Bu
llaog4 alVartney'a
Anshan Booms daephorp IL INIZ=I/.1.
Baser Aunt, atm. ohlin Pour mrs.
Warehouse. Federal et., above natal:non. eal4.laeceunc,e
1 , 91.1011 REICEDIES- - --I have ' ree'd a map'
pV or Um *amiss valastia. Costa. remodlage
Winne* 111 et-Wild Charm • 1
wrap:Res Ovayoundtlyrupof Wad Rion: "
kkbecot.'sPubanale Bawm ,
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Tat:... and Tat; •• •
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to Maar biumnd aziaJOstie,ltteßG,
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