GAR: l*fliSeWits litOniOt wee one of 7 therliniktmen-outs wilinessedln pituborgb for . many ii'day. Itotwithistatidini-the Hutchimons bed thilionse fall at Idationle till to listen to thr , r ;1 , 7, thus drawing off many from the , Fxasiums Luz was crowded to its r. - I,Arat with an enthusiastic audience. The resolutions adopted were thorough and empha tic', and the' speeches were all received with hearty applause. It was resolved to form a Kansas Aid Association, and s Committee was appointed to frame the detaile of each an organi zation to report to an adjourned meeting to be held on Saturday night. We hope a larger hall will.then be obtained, and it is also likely that several of the delegates to the Republican Con vention will remain in town, to address the. meeting. From the spirit evinced last night, it Is plain that the people of Pittsburgh and vicin ity most deeply sympathize with the people tit Kansas, and will extend to them aid of the most practical kind. Let all who feel an Interest in the matter be prepared for the meeting on Saturday night. BY D. D.Xlirail PITTSBUTIGH-t T tr q o - 4 4:J19.1*k114i. 19, 18,Y, . • DA/. 4 41,4.1001ir11_ MUM. MMUS • !: ll WEEKLY—TWO MUM Or Annum, la advance. OWN .1.11 scomni4 on N. ro.lng onclltlrr. Now floArs 0 oo Tenoo per onmcco....—oc and t.t. itr=rir= s tlia Too - hoof.. lc tor...ei To the ltemNi . at the United 'Ratak. To Ree. en with nas what appears to be the general at of ea rltzr.° "Ili* le' g e.. 44 . 4 , u "" s . Mb= re:regabiteg r t! 1%. of main. e ilta tteetettaata New York, Penne v,,..bobk of (h o Witeontin, figt•le by twat. tb• Aeantb of tho b. ..l. b r cud Convention at ElttelMi u nt atte dad of rebenatie 1/16a, foe tbs=ol. the National Oreacti• sties, . 4 .4 be a Nations! Wedge Convention of the Ilepublionn Celli. at Kea* tabeetinent as nominate candidata Re the Pruddeney and W. L deoente be andeteread at the s g a rnuk November. : ~ 1 -. ft GOODACII CIb itds,ea ,L 3 ?I,v,gr c ima i t i m , WIILIAII Li WHITE. of ' W I Bditorial4onvention. tha rb fr i ll'll ak "on fdl i on.lto s renat i r or the Ur' . ite.' t trthettecobte te Pittsburgh oh Tburedsy, the nit. ,=atergLvittrfenaaedt'tMar'=tr. tee of smulgehtente: • Post WAT/li AND CHICA9O 11441.11.0 AD.—A vigorous effort is now being made to finish this road to Plymouth, where it will connect by the Laporte branch with the Northern Indiana Railroad, thus. securing a continuous railroad route from Philadelphia to Milano, by way of Fort Wayne. The Philadelph!a .North Avieriean in urging the importance of the work npiin the people of that city, and frouoa judimons edito rial on the subject, we take'the following ex , "Just such a line to Chicago as Philadelphia needs, has been projected and, in part construct ed, but it is yet' hoomplete. ,'This line consists of the Ohio and Pennsylvania. Road from Pitts burgh to Oregano°, 187 milee;;" the Ohio and In diana Road from Crestline to, Fort Wayne, 181 miles, and the .Port Wayne and Chicago Road from Fort Wayne to Chicago; 147 miles, in all 466 miles from Pittsburgh to ;Chicago by unbro. ken gauge. This unbroken line operated, as it will be seen, In connexion with the Pennsylvania Railroad, gives to Philadelphia the most direct and beet route to Chicago, making the whole dis tance but 818 miles, and at the same time mak ing a route to New York, thrbugh Philadelphia, 61 miles shorter between Chicago and New York than the route now traveled over the. New York and Brie, Lake Shore and Michigan Southern roads. Prom Chicago to Wooster, Ohio, 886 miles, no grade occurs exceeding 26 4-10 feet to the mile, and for directness Of alignment, speed, safety and cheapness of construction and opera tion, the line from Crestlinp to Chicago (278 miles) will compare favorably with any other in this country, and as a through route from Phila delphia to Mileage, the whole line challenges comparison with any other-constructed or pro jected. "On the direct trunk line from Philadelphia to Fort Wayne (871 miles) over $85,000,000 have been already expended. The closing link of this long chain 6f roads, united in interest, as they are coincident In direction, is the Fort Wayne and Chicago Road. Notwithstanding the severe depression of railroad inbireate, this road has been steadily progressing bn its local strength, and 20 miles from Fort Wayne - to Columbia, the county neat of Whiteley county, have been lately opened for business, With the construction of 127 mites , more, this greet - trtmit 'line of 818 miles will enter Chicago, where ample grounds for the accommodation of its business have al ready been secured. While the Fort Wayne and Chicago Bead has progressed, it basil:Cot progressed arith the ra pidity that the interests of its stockholders and the great railway and commercial interests be hind it have demanded. 1i has lagged and ie now suffering for want of means. The question naturally arises, is there not energy and power enough in the owners of the $35,000,000 of rail road capital in the line Bait of Fort Wayne, and in the cities Of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, to push through this one hundred end twenty-seven 1 miles of the Fort Wayne . and Chicago Roads! 'L.. •• • !!) la, and Tepid be glad to see the fact made evident by the work being done. We are informed that leas than $250,000 will open the Eastern division of the Fort Wayne and Chicago Road, of 64 voiles from Fort Wayne to Plymouth, and ensure skireet oonnesion with Chicago, over the short line of road from Ply mouth to Laporte, and thence to Chicago eve the Michigan Southern and North= Indiana Road. This coxmexion, - greatly lessening the distance between Chicago and.Philadelphis, can 'he made early In the aninmer, if the needed means are promptly secured. This is proposed to be done by:a subscription now in progress in this city, for $260,000 of the let mortgage 7 per cent. convertible bonds et the Fort Wayne and Chicago Head. hir: Rdgerton, the President of the Company, is making an effort here to assure this subscription, and is prepared to furnish sooh information, regarding the condition and affairs-of hie Compaq, as will satisfy parties of the value of the securities Offered. Aside from the great - Alms of their road to Philadelphia ',a the oloeitig link in the Trunk hue, the Fort Wayne and Chicago Company rest their claim for aid in Philadelphia upon two special grounds. We are assured that when that Company was organised at Warsaw, Judi ada, in September, 1852, two delegates attended from Philadelphia, representing the Pennsylva nia Railroad Company, and, as wee supposed, the general sentiment of the city, and pledged the aid of Philadelphia to the road whenever it might 'need aid. Again, when, In .1864, the Cleveland, Columbus and . Cincinnati Compauy propoeed, to aid the Fort ',Wayne and Chicago Road with means of construction, the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, tii counteract the ha- Science of the Cleveland, Wernher' and Cincin nati Company, also *de overtures of aid, and theirehlef engineer, after a careful examination of the advantages and condition of the road made an elaborate report, -;advocating etrongly that the desired aid should be given. Hie risco mendation wan not enstained by the etockholdere or the Penneylvania 'Company, and the Fort Wayne and Chicago Load consequently lost the offered aid from Cleveland, and received nonce from Philadelphia, and has Once been compell ed to struggle on m beet it could, through the trying ordeal of Um last two yeare. Neither Philadelphia nor the Pennsylvania Company has given the road,. any aesistazice It now needs aid. Let it be given promptly and cheerfully. as good faith and Bound policy aliIM dictate.— Lot Philadelphia do her part to complete this ' link, In what may, mere properly than any oth er, be called her own line of Railroad to Chica go andthe North west. With reference to the pledge made on behalf of the Pennsylvania Railroad, at the Wares* Convention, we can verify the eteteicent of the North American. Mears. Faasos and Rama, the former a member of the Senate, and the 'at las. of the. Hones, of the Pennsylvania Legisla ture, from Philadelphia, officially represented the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and unof ficially the people of Philadelphia on that ores eion. We attended the Cotivention on behalf of the Ohio and Pennsylvania; Railroad, and wee Secretary of the meeting. i - Fernon and Harts emphatically and repeatedly. elated that they were authorised by, the Permaylvania Company to bay„tpst if the people along the-line of the road, from Fort Wayne to Chicago, would organ ganisa the Company, and prooeed with the work, local eutforiptions to the extent of their ability, that the great Penneylvarda Company would see it through or would aid it to the extent of its power. The Company was ?organised at that Convention, and in view of the Philadelphia pledge; Geo: S. Hate, Esq., of that city, was elected a Diredtor. The people along the line have redeemed their promities manfully and nobly.. The whole line has been surveyed, and • great deal of it graded, and alitrt of the road km been brought into use. Farmers on the line havjinuideluimense Beatific* to secure the benefits' of the work, and poi having exhausted . their means they justly fall back upon the pledge made by Philadelphia No city is inter ested in the coMpletion 'Atha work ea much - as she in. 'Had the money whicii bee been as good as threfin, Awed , on other. projects which will never benefit her trade to any thing like the amount expeouxt, been appropriated to this pu pae; she Wbuld now enjoy the meet magnig.. oertitllste,gf,oontlnuoue and direct Railway to the country connecting the Debiatare with the Bite sisaippi, and powitrattng oven to. the region be yond." We built Philodelptila will redeem hot plillge;by oubsoribing the siu&Staount asked, to what-will henpoyinaßailritad, rit is Cheap ly contracted, through a fertile country, . and is • oa n great,.direct through line.- • Mina •la —r !UM been a 'resident of the State of Indians for 40 years, and I do' not rexolleat of there ever below as cold a winter as the present. it .131/11 been ax weeks to day (Feb. 4,) since genuine hard 'Winter commenced, and the and Is not yet. To-day the mercury is 24, degrees below zero. .Net only the peach bode; but - the pewit tnws are all tilled, and greet many the apple treei are split from 2to 4 ( c ot by the birdfreming. '.There hie not been one soft day in els west& Bed it not been for thernow, which; is• one foot deep" the: ; wheat would - have been ell „West —II. B.A. "Zeck- , , - Tug LIQUOR Liw.—The mails failed us yes terday, and we take advantage of the apace af forded by lack of nave to give the Liquor bill which has lately passed the Berate. It is a very important bill, and deservea to be carefully studied. D. ArrirrOlL& Co. of New York, have just published the allowing works. .•The Confi &Tidal COrrapotneleace of Napo .eon Bonaparte, with his brotter Jammu, sometime King of Spain. Selected and translated, with explana tory notes,-from the Memoirs of Joeeph. In two volumes." The title page eo clearly defines the character of the book, that nothing more need be said. The private and confidential cor respondence with a favorite brother, from the commencement of hie extraordinary and splendid career, down to the fatal battle of Waterloo can not but be deeply interesting, and probably af fords ai correct an insight into hth character as can be derived from any other source. 2. "Tax At-rearm to Maputo, or Skoteltea at fAe Coon of Isabeila t Li. Translated from the German." This is 'rapid and quite vivid pano ramic, view of fashionable and diplomatic life at the Court of Spain, and in the Capital of Madrid, during the late season of intense politioal ex citement which resulted in the recent changes in that Goiernment. The work will well repay a perusal, both in the interest of the subject, and the Instruction it imparts. The above works are for sale by Gildenfenney & Co., P. nil• Miner At Co. Router.' Meanie. or B. B. GORDON.—Aboot two weeks ago, Mr. Gordon, Assistant Engineer on the North Missouri Railroad, mysteriously disappeared, end no little interest was manifest ed by his friends and the community in general, as to his fate. A few daye previcamly, Major Walker, Mr. Sturgeon and himself, had proceed ed in company to the northern part of the State to collect the subscriptions made by the counties in that region to the stock in said road. After this object had been accomplished, the party separated at Mexico, the two former pro. seeding to Jefferson City, and the latter etarting for St. Louis, where it Was expected that he would arrive bout three days before his com panion. On their arrival here, they could hear no tidings of biro, and day before yesterday they started off in search of him. The first in formation they got of Mr. G. wits at Warrenton, about thirty-three miles from this city, where they learned that he had been teen in company with two other personsr, apparently farmers, travelling towards St. Lona, all three on horse back. Following up this clue, they found a small house, about three miles this side of Warrentoloi, where the party had stopped all nigh log their journey in the morning. No in formation could be learned from the landlady, who mentioned, however, incidentally, that some of her family bad found a middle in the woods, the day after they left. On being ehown the saddle, Mr. S. immediately recognized it as the one on which Mr. Gordon had been riding.-- They then,eat out on a search through the woods, but discovering nothing, returned to Warrenton for additional force to continue the meanie.— They procured the assistinne of a large number of the Railroad attachees, and a fine hunting dog, which proved in the end a valuable acquisi tion. They had renewed the search but a little while, when the dog struck a trail of blood un der the snow, which being' followed up, led to the corpse of Mr. Gordon, at the head of s email ravine, not for distant from the place where the saddle had been found. On examination, it was found that he had been killed by a ballet pulsing through the back of his head, in a slanting di rection, showing that he had been shot from be hind, and by a person at the left side of him- Elie pockets were turned inside out and rifled of every thing they contained. There is no doubt that the murderers of Mr. G. supposed that he was bringing to this city, the money collected for the railroad sabecrip done above mentioned, but such was not the fast; nor did the deceased have anything about him of any considerable value. The murderers hove not yet been discovered, bat the two persons who left Warrenton with Mr. Gordon, and spent the night with him at the house above mentioned, were seen to enter War renton the next day, leading hie horse. A person who recognized the horse stopped them and ask ed if they had traded for it, to which they repli ed in the affirmative. The deceased we, an unmarried man, about thirty-five years of age, mid his connexions re side In Maryland and Virginia. He was well known in this community, and generally respect ed as a man of high honor and integrity.-91. Louis InuNgencer. Kaxeas—The New York Post says, that Mis souri Stale stocks, which stood at 97 before the last brasion of Kansie, have since fallen to 86. *poison named White, recently lecturedat the capdtal . of Georgia, on the subject of colonising Kansas, of which he alleges himself to be a citizen. He Laid that his mission was to raise proelavery recruits to triumph in Kansas at the ballot box, but that if hie party failed in this they were determined to achieve a victory at the =DOD's mouth. He wanted the Geor gia Legislature to make an appropriation in aid of the cause. A man named Buford is busily engaged in Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina, in raising a regiment of tire hundred men divided into companies of fifty officers, armed, and disciplined, to go to Kansas. A Mr. IL B. Bell, of Edgefleld, S. C., also ad vertises that he will lead one hundred 'southern emigrants . to Kansas on the let of March.— Buford does not propose to start before the last of March. At Newcastle, Indiana, $lOOO was subscribed and sent to Kansas, and con tributions for the purchase of Sharp's rifles were going on'vlgorostely. The spring emigra tion from New England will be mush larger than last • year. A company of two hundred emigrants is being organised in Connecticut.— In Salem, N. J., a company is organised .whio h will probably reach fifty, all armed with Sharp's rifle. The Kansas correspondent of the St. Louis Democrat says that, after making careful inquiries relative to the various districts, he is satisfied the population of the territory at this time is nearly 80,000. The total result of his Inquiries gives an aggregate of 86,000, but tMs he thinks an exaggeration. This writer gives the following account of the matter in which the snail 'orrice is performed in the ter. ritory. "I Bad that least thirty correspondence letters posted for you in Kamm, have never reached this aloe. Of over fifteen communications from Topeka, franked by Col. Lane before his term expired, not one has reached St. Louis. Perhaps this fact may be accounted for by the character of the post office officials iu Kansas and along the border counties of Missouri. They are gen erally the most ultra polities.= in their respec tive Districts—nullifiers after Atchison's own heart I have heard many Free State citizens of Leavenworth repeatedly complain of . the in security of correspondence, cocaeloned by the ptilitical complexion of the post office, and the belief is often expressed there that very few letters are to leave Kansas from Leavenworth un opened. I was Informed by a gentleman- who frequently traveled .the route from Lexington to Westport, that whenever the driver, in emen ding a hill, found that ha had too heavy a load, he threw off the Lawrence mail bag, and left it to remain there on the public highway till his next trip up. Whether this state of things is - renewed by the new contractor, I am unaided to state. Certain it is that unless a reforma tion has been effected, A* public may expect to lose at leant one half of their lettara." Fran Ides Pitozni TO Daarn.—We leant that fire men were frozen to death about four ,weeks .ago, in the southern part of fdinnesots.—They were in an open eleigh eomlug from Bt. PauL— , the horses went up to a tarein on the prairie sod stopped. The landlord went out and found the .fire men frozen stiff. Their DAMN are not known. PEARL STEAZ HENY.K I/44 ALLEG Flour delivered to families in either of the trot. dila. Wets MT le tens,. go hlill. or la ortr hem} at' the TAILN_, WILSON &CO. 62 Wad sz. • • SZAIII &UV oxen Mtn awl et Citiklyts. • S. P. WNW num SPECIAJ4 NOTICES. Drs hi'Lane's Vermifuge Always Sla 7 MT. TO Win, arm, (Tree 1111r.i ram You. Pere. T 6. lLt This Ia to certify th....t my chilO, three years um trembled with worm. Nome 0 months. I bad krt.:Yu/Ural klithi of medicine. but none of them done any . usoili'lind It sou not until I tried Dr. 31cLithe's Celebrated . Verror flue prepared by Fleming Brat that she found any re lief I gave her the oontents of one bottle. which buticht from her • yin-, large quantity of morns. but they were no completely cat to pieces It wee Impossible to punt them. kir daughter Is now doing walk Indeed, the to cemrletely restored to health. I therefore take cleathre In recommending It to parents. I would say, br all means keep • nUI/PIY of this valuable inedlutheroostantlY In your bonnet I hays known many chlidrith to die end &only from the effects of warms. It also not unfrequentll happens that children are treated fOr mono. when "the choking and coaching is raised altogether, by the hilt.. lion of worm. Therefore. I say again, keep It always In the bonus It ands but little. and May be the means of saving life: and at any rate It will says plysirlittur SIRS. LANK No I'M YJghth st. 1131—Stirchuiers will be rarsful to ask for DR. M'LANST3 ONLIONATED VER . SIII/UOE. and tats none else. Al other Venthinges. In comparison, ars worthless. Dr Arthne's Vero:Mega also the celebrathd Liver can now be had at all rrepettable Drug Stores In the Dolled and Canada. • "'r sale ley the sole proprietor, runitsti anuritim. thana,Nor• N^ .1. Kidd • 60 Wool si. _ . is E eII.RAT ENGLISH /LEMMA, SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female pills. Preparol.: from a prescription of Sir Juni Clarke, 11. D. l'hialclan Hotrfontillitrt to tr ..ttooog,o. fills Invaluable He:Urine le unfailing to the ennui MI those painful and dthgeroul die.*.. incident to the We rule conttitutlon It moderates MI enue... mumeos ail obstruetlous, and brimm on the monthly period with regularity. Mae. Pills should be used two cr thres,werms yreviouti to eon• basement: they fortify the mart.Mstasa, and Werra tb. faring Martha labor, enabling the mother to pelitTO, her duties with irretr to bawl( and 0111. In ail Ewes of Nervous:up, and liplagi Atteetlons. Paul. the Book and Limb., Iteawinem, 'rattan* on 1.1104 ELIO, Mon, Palpitation of lb. helot. Lawn., or • wits. ilyster In•. Pict neut.:she. and MI the painful disarm osa atoned by. dliamierwl ayetmo, New Pala will 4510.4 coos when all other Mean. have Med. sod although, do not rotten iron. calomel. mitimuni, or any other minaret • direetioneuroompesming twoll Peolterns Mow in the United State. tea /.reach. ono Dollar. Bole agent. for this entinfay, 1.0, BALDWIN a 00. 0.060t04t. N. I. TUTTLI a HOMES, inborn. N. V, General Agents. a_ • N. 8.—51,00 and ti Pattatre n 01901 endow.] to SOT ea. Marlsod agent, will invore a tottleol thews NIL by return • for sal•to Plttsbuzgb: ,r MEW; ha/ LUI.A.W sumer til Wood and Fourth sta..; Jon. ABEL , corner Poona slid dmit.bildold sta.; JO. PLI.SILINti. corner Diaatond•ad het meet, and Drus..plita gene: U,. da24.lydamfoT e British and Continental Bzenange. &OW BILLS Lleawy DUNCAN, gIIERNIAN I: CO., ON THE UNION BANK, LONDON, IN 81,J51,. tir it AND ,PWARLIS. These Drafts are available at all the prin clyadToon.ofl:ngill ad. ecoLlnp.l and • and We Oontiniast. oao sitillW LIMA/ cn M. A. Gruikebanm & FICA NIiPOICr A ILAIAV, Vlliith wares se • &quittance to all p•rte ct tierularl tirrnsarlancliacl.liallauu. Perrone littenellog to travel abroad met procure throtte t, us Letters of Orailt, us" •bleh MOW,' Alto be obtalued, . seeded, lit any part of Iturape. , . 0.11.c.0n0 of Bina, Now, and atawr sAmultle.M. to my.. Will mein prompt val. Li. W1L1.111318 1 thi. 4 mitYS• Wood. woo. Third atm.. . 4 - BeILE.P. & CO.'S • MEDICINAL TRANSPARENT COD LIVER Highly esteemed by the Mediciil caeulty throughout the United State. for Its purity, sweet nem, and uniformly lonnealats.l superior villeasy. A msJority of N-e resident physielaus of Pidlateipbui dre this Oil the unction of their high •Pgroval. essd . • test *Muir milldams recommend It to hair pieslants, nod proscribe It In their practise. Asa remedy for Consumption, Bronchitis. Asthma, Gout, llheiguabism, General Debility, and all Smofulous Affectlous, It st.da unrivalled, .Resting o cure or allryl sting suffering when other nitelleines bore Wed. Sold la bottles by JOILN C. BAKED h 00., Na 1011 U, Third etnot, Philadelphia. • And by the Druggists la Pittsburgh mad sleeth.e. noilhad The Rev. Dr. Bonsai of Virginia writes then: Dr. 11. S. —Derr blr: 1 hare been suffering with an affection of the bladder, attended:with great pato. for . over 115 yeses, and has. triad many remedtey .00 intle or meted beyond that of bolus In some 4, , gpie panted's The Compound Duchil haying lately too strongly realm. mended. I was Induced to glee It a trial, and my expet b. manta hare resulted onto eatlafsettrtly. I found roller from the en. bottle, and bane now suoeseted In perform. log • cure by the one of ten bottler. You are at liberty to ma. tor anti nat., u 1 am well known. and It may to the means of affording relief to the many •h...ffer did. licupsgthall bare. lined li BLINBAL. 11. D.. Ilichmond, Va. See advertisement lieltabolds °mate Preparations. felliAterd Citizen's Ininuance Comry of Pittsburgh: W. BAtlALCY,_Presedect. MEL LMILL, Seep OltDa. 04 WATzR. BS T WREN .MARNXT LAW WOOD ST RWETS. 01Min U MIVAI k a N IV - E ( AraL I TinCr S TIKTgt air insures aostnst Loa ar Damage by Arl7. A 1..10 araa qc, eh* C asul INL A.ND rvA and IRA SPQR ATION. D4II,(048: Wm.' °apt. Nitwit Martino; Sammiit T. r M. Kier, Robert Wm. ilizitiham. 8. - ttarimithi4 John h Dilworth. . Bora AL Perinceß. Fr. , :IN Beller, Walter Bryant. J. &La.:mauler Ju. et. Ooever, t Wm. B. [lays, Western Insurance Company OF PI rrSBURGH. kiaMgREiiMM - - :lam &etc. 2.14 , 1.1.7 A. Ntmtet. U.. Danis, 4W. Itletstown, Nwitel Efolarw, Q. W. Jorteon. •. Wm. EL Smith. t GSLYr, Jr.. J W fhatler. Y , m. 14.4 Ittmsen. tar A bozos lustltUtion mooted by Dirschsta %mown to this oitnisolty, mot .bo win liberally adjs..* and promptly pay all lamas at lb. Orne• No. t 2 Water Btraet, ilipanst • Ws WarstiobaN) no stain. Pittsburgh,. Reliance mutual insoranco Company OF PHILADELPHIA 0117 UN No. 70 WALNUT 3211 CA cwt sll7.674—Arrele,E 1,082. &curdy bn.Ce6, INSURANCE -- On Buildings, Mer . dumb" Punitive, to, In teem wi t hun The otuthatl principle, oombined the iteettlit, nl • Ntock Capital, entitles the 11111411,1 to eNare in the probta ottilo pommy,. IF:Uinta liability for 10•11 e. The Arent Cartlficarea of MG Plorapaoy, for pron.',ere sonrerdble, at par, Into the Capital /Goa of theam pl. MM, TINGLEY, Preeldent B. M. iitiecnieGt, Secnnary DrarcToi: . - I Le ra Ida EL Aseku L. W. i th T4'ho'mr•p.... I Gnaw, N. Ulm, T. 0. RisIGGIL 134 .W. Tlnkloy . G. W. OGT.G.G. 1 Z. Loth op. Robert /Rem IL L. Cam, Womt MarsWl BBL I, C4war.l 2. Jam.. Jams L. Tarim'. Wm. hlumer. Jamb T. Brmtll I Archibald I.lllm. Wm. M. Crimple. Pittrir. J. U. 00VVEN, Adept... eornme Third and Word irtmehe. Farmers' and Meonamos' Fire & Manna INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PILILAUELPIIIA. niOn H. FLOR.F.tiVic, ier.4ll4sta Kim. H. !hum., Swrstary =MEMWM • Itrout tb. ru nt day of ftutfuut to ak• Thlrtpartt day of Iteeduttutt. lutouut two.'fed to Math. presolunas. Ju Phu Ju Tc.tal pnualuols OF Ilt• month. OA PITAI Bood4 of MI. tucoaut.y. Ifittetnz3b ;14 Mt. 3.4 37..7'4i 06 .otads, ?j? Los. 40 Th st. mt k, 3l . oll4ll o, o o f 314,360 30.3.4 00 . Omit In Bank and on band 11,092 22 (22042 subactlbod (992c00nt not ,et due)...... ... 9%00n 110 Promlnto Neter, not instant& ..... .......... ........... 00,302 31 Pre• in= Agents (recur.] br Bonds). kr pompom:ld Oornmbado ..... Tot.a.l mount of Loom Incurrod but twat Tat adtosted. Yin Marine SOW 0 , 1 Tblr Uompooy !mums hull sod moo dots no tho Ohio od tillootsflppt tributorim. Insures 11041... UNI/1 or doto• • mbf Erse. LMII4IIIIT-raUy adycloted sod promptly 'mid Itrrousam—Hon. T. M. Howe. Cleo. J. K. Morelia,. 1 Amos Wood. • 1". l'".'"." 4lltMlitli 3. 11UNTER, &gout. • No 110 Water rt. bet Wood ud Market. 1-'IIII,ADELI-'l-I.IA Fire and Life Insurance Company, No. 149 CHESTNUT STREET, opposrrE r9E CUSTOM now, Will mako all kinda of Insuranau. eitkor Pornorrts or Limited. on ovary don rintion or Proporir or ktorchandlon, ktesppnablo rot/root premium. R081094.T P. KINa, President. BL W. Houma, Vice Provident. Dißearms: CON. Geo.W. Brown Joe. it Pool. Jobo Clayton. 00... a. P. Ilaym I. B. lbarllst.. P. B. PAT./. U. Merman. I..BLiaisoans. becrotarr • k i U,COlflbl.dgent. de2logr rd and Wood dries PBBEIBYLVANIA INBITEARCE CO Or PITTSBURGH, Corner Fourth and Smithfield Streata, •• authorized Capital t1(00,000. *submit Loos or Damns. br DIUMMM • Wm. F.JotiMMO, Body Patters:ls, Jacob Palmer, W. Inoollstoek. • Jan P. ?Am.. Ge 0.... Smith. • I. Grier Sproul. Wads Ilawston • GAS * 1 A k . 11. 1. 1 = "3" W, .1 la * . M. • President. Non. WN. Y. JOGS MTGS. yk. President, SODY PAST/WON.. Sdastary l TI,AXSVRT. A. A. OAatut nol2 EITILEICA LNEMLANGE CONFAB Y OF U RGH. JOHN H. STIOENEKROR President. *ROBERT PENNEY, Secretary. W. BATCHELOR, amend Agent. WILL IMES AGAINST ALL ELNINI uV MARINE Alfa :l ElBR ItlsKs, J. 11„ Bbockaberger, 1.. W. Ca" . C. W: Batchelor, W. .. Shack. • I base M. Paaner-t, T . It tralg„ ,, IL P. • W. W. Martin. B. T. lamb. Jr, , 5. Jobe A. Csaaher. Weary B. Bryan, Belden, B. „ David ABC la . : . t I n ns. • . 1, 2 4 1, 50/es euetalned by laanhal tuella 1 dim bythlalbewpamt _fibasllr actitikkia ma it Ull 010.16. 1/9 Watatimpirl si17.118" • E#rnotof alrettor' from Brigadier Gen. IA I RUX, ti{Virgtala fate aundber of tba tamer of Dol. 0 174. k. • De, C l 4—fir. A .hurt time r• a .mall child VI 61T faMhy, Brant 17 month. Ind, vas, tat• n Quito akk, with a had cough and high lever, I obtained a via of your DL lurmono TILIIITVOI. from 111 v. 3.0 .11e6.14, of our town. and earn nire,n'l. to dir.othing whin' .irrhaght from him. In over Sizty Lnpr I Mini it a very 'shah!. Melinda.. The child won re. corerol, add la or in rem good health. ROCIIIKIIB FAIRFAX. Ur 31, l'Ane't Improved I.lrer Pills and Improved Varttl - eel? Dr. 1. Yeott's Cetebrated ,Whlte Chessehto UM. Meta, 41411.1,1 nobly und.r the nuxrel.iou rt Dr. I. Feat. • teruLar !dolled Urs.luste , .d PhygelartOf exten rive iehtethee. NO.! ikoalne ord., se prepared by Dr. L Feat it C.., solo Pio fr lobar., Bank Plokr , e. Alrergararrir, Vs. Dr. Ale- Lane's kormerrsrl Liver PlIl smi ImProrrel Vermiragr orrompataled by rortirt . este of C. Md.., All tL above biodieineole OP pt. OW. U. STAR!: 140 Wood Mont. Woo!emit. agent. JAIL p,"FLEIdaNry, t neghooy, Ater R. R. repot Wholo Pala *Rent. felt:l4dAyT. Another lnstance of the efficacy of Boer 11AVE'L•i 'HOLLAND !Ur, N. N. Poranatid,of the Union mitre, earn - Sinie wnwhe Wro being. seriowly nfhwted with Wan nod on. o ldness at the stomach. minor Appetit, and. at thus "tr..g trh , otif of .I,wp , owin, 1 wasluttueed to try Your II oiland itter, and I awl it but an act ofJustice to the article. em wO l ow to the meal of those who may be effected with If t, anrookwmant of the stomach. to state, that the use of one singieteittla of this medicine proved of incalculable rem tit 1101,4 freed the stop:itch irom all sense of depression. ! rwhinied every symptom of aT.p.p.i. I ...Id .1.0 remark. that two other Members of my 14.11311 r. who were aillicted it, • similar matinee with myself. were entirely Palmist by the use of a single bottle of each. aw iidratlmement. 11.16.dAwT PITTSBURGH Lifoi Fife & Marino Insurance Company; °diet, Corner Market and Water Streete, PMSBUItUII. PA. Iluity.UAL*,(Y, TIIDO 011i..11. gee, Thia Company makes every insuraneo amanitas coos connected atthLlFi KiddCS. ali=r,...tiv e tra b =l , l?l, s, cal ,i t u b: t lT: and Orally Aid against. Loss or Damai4e by Fire, And ileattlit the Into of the See sod tulso . Navigator% and f . h Wd tl et e lowest raw .11111•411z1 with safety taloa! parties. : . outamoun tattliVo r ' k Joaaph S. Leech, John Vullorton, J.Oh.V.hodiarr. at. u., I Mandflold IL Brown. John &lath David 11. Ch Jaw. hardball, Christian Zug, Dahl At Wllltant`Carr, Jantoo,W. haiku. Itobort II Rattler. Chad. Arbuthnot. Jae. D wow. Alarrattor Brodie). NIG rotatzle 0R10..a PENNSYLVANIA 'RAILROAD TUE ONLY RAILROAD RUNNING WEST FROM PITTSBURUi... Tlit? Fast Tirtt,, leaves at 2.30, A. M , I.l7n7aBlLto Lln..lnnatl la 1711°0111mnd 41e ulna[.. . 7tir.. 77,01:1- Tamil YAM ST 11 S. ■. rboattralas aLlmage Moo curuseetloru at Urestllna, ro iltst DaSstnaStS - svolldstentund Tha &root routs to ot.. Louts j now-open, via entail,. and lndtwapall•. Iw mites ifisdier than sla Illnuatand. lirst elan late trota Fleconigh to It. Lou. 118. a.. Ssencut due 11:40u. mAJoidil are tosdn at AllLa a with Ma road to Ctot.O.c d and at 111actsteld wilt+ the toad to Newark. tdonrtervilio and fl{uduskl City No Trains run on Sunday Thdeo roads tvoh•:t at 16,00.1111. bed uartionlatl, 0 . 0 Inandbl.lln, Thscagtillaluts aro sold to elsolnastl. Lounnoos, L0u..0 / 11 I 11 Pol/n. Onlosau. Hoek. Wand, Port Vi Olosaland and It,. psi ntipld towns and cl5l. to Inn W •,t The NEW 11111UliTON AINX/111111114-TION MA I S loam Pittsburgh at 10 • si n snd 400 P. w, and N. 6. Ilrlsbtien at 1540 a. la.. and t P.. Tor Tiekots wad rather Odorinatar.rsa i A ,, At tin. Loo New York awl Liverpool Peahen 001INNLIUn UNINIVILL. b 7 Booth et- New Yon... =MEI Hap. rdway• on band Elea Wrath An any 440 0 4044, raya6Ba at any Book In Knalsn4, Ireland, fieotl.d - Waled, Alan, bringe paroonworr fi,ont Now York and Philadni , phis by )1411road. JOHN THOIIIWN, WA:11.1 , 11W T 6,11 No. 410 Liberty strset. 0110 manna L. Iftl.ool. J&. =MUM FUMING MailllED FLEnISIG BROTHERS, ouocussolas TO J. KIDD a Vit.IIOLESALE DRUGGISTS, NO. 00 WOOD DTALUM, • PI z THBORGII, ProDN•DwKof Dr. !d'Lana'AoslAbratA4 Vlnfoss, lA,“ PIDA An. Lyon's Sattusiron—The ladies have pro elalmed t hi. tr on a to ha, by far, the Mennen and moat delightful Meparation ever uset and fporn their verdict, In ,00h matter" Men le no appeal. Their dee:talon non taled y.well grounded For Its wonderful efficacy 111 nett, mg, premering and beautifying the Elan clamming tt from dandruff and all other ImPurl then . miring nen... lienlitha do.. tdgether with Its delightful perfume, and Its parfait damns, and delleaey, (the rem it.. ofthe great nye liken Mite Preparation) hare made It the moot urd. venally popular artkdact the kind, lu the world. 81111 gold o all rappels ble dealers for Z 3 cents. lie min end ask inftLyon'a Nathalron. to avoid valnelese Imltatlona MATH. WYNKOOP a 00.. Proprietnee. CM Liberty ea, New fork. For Mde by IL N. tutu, ate a 00., and all other deals., • fet4indtwg HENRY. WAR H. COLLINS, DING AND COMMISSI n oN MERCHANT, OHEErIr, DE3.4.1% 15 FlBll, ao Prodnoe Omani! . Wo S 5. Wood Street. Pi tUbnrgh. POSTLEY. NELSON & CO., lIIANCRACITURRILEI OP Bast Steel and Iron Gun Barrels, .50.1.10 BOX VIM, Cast Steel Plated la Hammered porch k Spades, Baia stattooka. Madam. Ilasamarajlmnr ;•I,ciatisduouss, NO. 17 MAIM KT at. • PITTNSIMOII PA. jPI3IF Imam •111 pima. ma and axamin.onr stock Delon. parelisaingolaMbah• lllo3:3oxfa : Hewn's , Anthrotypps. Ttio Ambrotype is deoidpdly tho alma pherolog. beautiful Juntas Ft L or, Portrait .or On.p to the art. Their too. Islet fillvety sod toario. stiousini deem rt.rr obtained by the old proem isosedhisly trillient sad tot on ,. 0 ,..a wn .a 7 p., they ore wholly tl/41.t to .7 ratu.obitaye. ore pirtoret at OM] 610111 hmu LIN.. bit 4. Issepreelehhe holet Of thus by the YisobrOtyro: By oti other woe.. ee tee reeveruolly neturet our him. /PO pe.p.abile=7.7 tol2ii=e...g.. 1' dartaer • Thad L i ficetardeaush . . "ThELANAHE rePrii AI, SAFETY IVOR- ' Short Credits and Sheri Prices! $. K nam. dW E t Sttellti(gl o(4)llyere tO Our NA.t.OII2iNSUIIANCEN *Manlove 1414,..ed arcitmdlt ."), KiXoacco,T., Fab: 6% IRK on vmsne. CAIIOO, PILEIONT. to olt pare , f the .1. '''' . • .NEW GOODS INLAND INPVILANCES, On Glods Er Rivera Cana.. LektSl end Lana lbariagee. Solect.l .td IMPortsa ,0I ono ?p-.• to all Dote of the Clodon• , :mei is diridol Into Throe Dep. - . MME INtaidNUES, ooe door to es. - 14—euablIng tie to ittre mor . Cni Nerebandlm generally. O door Rom_ Dwelling Goias. As acid a batter saeortment of each Hasa fo , Arran Re till Lorrom, NOT. tan. IRS found In any house doing assoeralboLou 1:. Boo.D and ilortereges. and Reed Karate. .-.......5101-1100 64 are moong tbe arrldee took/Rh wederreteete-lai ay.. Philsdelpbla City and otber loans 85.1:0 00 ' LIOUSE PORIVINIIING/ DEPARTMENT. Steck La Bann, RalLroade &addl....MOP Orm 73.000 10 1 LACItakILISLINOURTAINS,TALURA PIANO 00V ELLS. DlFlntroelv Ms ..- ..................... - 180,4-10 IN e ATI 8 D *MASK ~ WATERED MOBJLENS. Crab ml MLA.. ,--....- . ... .... - 2:22.2 . . ....- AtiZ Og I itt,10,12.41N* ;OIL WURNITUREDILLNTWS „coawriv DAM 61414.11, IQUILTSALDIINTLIIPANIN Balance do., at"Agencte•—,'•o,l6l.oo ;lasi, SLANE/DR 1 8, 1foleoreontly Load,—and otb, oabte ~,,,,,, i ps COT rt.:. wit-er COVERINGS. doe the Company. moo° 0 0 • (I.,ENIMIS, TASSELS, de. IDIALITIRB. fLo. SubarriptLm Notes LINEN GOODS DEPARTMENT. LINEN eII.METINGS, STAIR LLNENP, PILLOW LIA.E LINENS TOWELS A TOW ELMO, TABLE Cull:m .2lw DIAPERS AND ORAL4Li , TABLE LAX 'LONG LAWNS. N A PRINK A DOYL , WED EYE DIAPERS, as. sod every variety of SEIRTING, GOAT A PANT LIN ENP • Hosiery Department. RENS' HOSIERY AND GLOVES 'WORKS'S IR/SLIMY AN L; (nom, CHI LUREIPS 1.1..8/ERY AND GLOYEB, Stl LETS. DRAWEES. Au. We .el an lostamtion of oar Rock by none but DOM Rol approved em Manus' BoTres—to snob ye 91:44. Mitt Iti• dam:mots •`• GUILLOII, ADDKED3O.I4 & Co. No. 147 Market St., below 41h, Pitiladelphis. WM. . Tr.tal amtunt Of Aso-4. J 01.1.13 11. Kul. ..E4.traund A. bc..u.h.r. John Da vi, Robert. Ittn - ton, John R. Penrr.... Renege 0, Lei RJward Darlin per. 11. Jones .1 41. Johnoon. .Inlne.r. C. Dr. R. H. llnntnn. II ugh emir, .... lames B. MararlAnd, C.JAN , I.Ig. Chart., Schaffer. .I.T Pltt..bu , RD. D T. SlQrgs.D, !rho R. ,exED MILLI A M MARTIN. Druid TIIDNI A S C. II AND, /la, I.rervirv.t. II INKY Snymr, Seer4ory, D. A. M Agevt, wf -17 Nn 14. It'ster Pit.bursl, Certificate from lleiaware.--Smyrna, I.lftwaro. Nlarrh —Met,' R . ,A. ?ova 0 , • —fintiemm- f f.ol It to t.• my duty tr. you. as well so to the publie. to h2torm Sou of th* woutterful .11neta Poor lord had orjtoble VermlSuLe h no my chtliltwn Onolra. to ken It,. a .t.oIE timewion, nod I e .11.1 In Lay Family Alit. Meta, 1/r. .lotto D. l'erlau, A 1.., a aadoat,oo. he prouounr«,l the ollonult... aesa from and FLhoenta.k . , t ormituwe Amer the child had taken a tea dotoo, tot disttartnot, .t the. nrot•oyetrot ion. Piny Thew of IN Lei pre Warms I over Raw In ely lite. sad to the et-tureee of tbo day nod oroninit ho dierhae Mod Int wee , . • tiu•ri .Itl holt egalton of large worms. Ile immediately Rot cell, and ht en:unreel Rnol honith Ace, it has hod a Rood effort with tar othei eolith-I%y. You may mw Mitt rertiti,att Rh the benefit 01 the °alai, LUILTZ. Mold abol.aala and ratan ny all ttu• principal and rnantry merchant/1 throughout tba.Unltad }nab, LADIES' FANCY FORS, C 3 011 ) & 0 Hr paid for Inn.riably In sAvarao. EXCELSIOR The • Orttinal Hutchinson Pa JOWON, JOHN sad ASA, rd ad, frna tr Aata tow throuttb - the Ratio:put West, It ' sva tb u a pitapat...of as aottening_ to their kind trtarata that that tall KING ONE . tittiliT O . ill Alkgb./. the r-stalalor flan, ON tUItBDAY aNING, Feb, Tickala Ittomata, to be had at the door joirDcore open at 6S. Cohan to conattasoot at t.i. No postpooontent. tall THEATRE - . Sper.PH 0. FOSTER, SOLI . 1././18Eg AHD MASAO'S. Wm. H. !USD -Rafe Hauge, Actingllanager. i I 1! • • •.- 00:66 and Psrquetto-60etarlilats 166000 (6.1—50100 &coo Tier do. da (.1611 ... 6.00 Boxol(for 'dad perando2.6 U. Swami moats 1266 eta:extra sir :Doori opt. at 636: curtain rime at 7Vtlock. Mr. W. DAY/DOE, SUSITEAfi./FAXON, sad ISALOSID RAYMUND , ill Appear TUESDAY 'EVE:NINO, ritli 19. 185; , . PAUL ItliY—iattl ,Prt,. Sir W. Davido; 4.11 Weave; thun,'Dnbutr, Photo, WA M. 1..L...4%,11tti Subtle, Alta. 0w1...WA And' which 808 NETTLE —Bob NOM.. Min Kew Pasch; /ion.. TourbUllon, Mow. Aadriaa, (who ha. hind!? volnn tearlAJ AVaildliore, A. W. Youar VirtirAw. / I, A. A. W. XGLIAIr. To conclude pith THE NICH.VoLIS ALAN—Aap,n. W. Dixidipx Montan. 31.10. nayronad; Lanese, Unto:clad). 1...0h. Kat. Saxon. FOR RENT. L I OR RENT—A well furnished Store on Mket etraa, Thud and Funatt. Want stand t o Hat, Shoo or Clothing A large atone on Third at., near Market at. Ala, tie welt tonsdahnd office combs on Third at. Ennal•• of • X. D. 0-A2.74.11„ .FOR RENT, FOR A TERM OF YEARS-- Mat Lugo and oommodiona Brick Biddin 'MUM* on Water M.,. near tb. POW, former. occupied by g. lletent itlattbaum ll !morn a. stn. - Point Eta. Milt" wt. Way Int o f around. Manufactory. or will find Oda au caoatout Monttao for any ktind of - on. M 1,13 B. .11T11116111 A 800. ei Mara. t01f,4108. lf, 4 1 0B. RENT—A 3 story Brick Dwelling .1' Monett on Um hut Comma% Mite... Qty ..11= now occupied by John Moulder. Bp. It or prooldoo with gu and nat., and haa It stable and y a rd attaehol. Apply to ILOBREtT 1).4.47.XL1.. South Common, or 105 R. ROWELL 4. 00, Wort Pittaborgtr. LET-3 *oral Dwelling Howes in dii letsnt tipi oily. hum home:wadi worts of load, withlo3 ogles of Ito city A largo oratoboomAtt Marti Moot. A r ty to • • BLAKELY WORMY. •To Let. - UVAREHOUM, Np...11,4 , 13eund street, three doors east a viOnd et. 10.1ohy of 1301:100111LORMII • 01, • . r a LET—A comfortable .Pwalling, el Allsghoto 01;y al W r, yohlngton az, media fx roomy, Ida% YU oMs ground roar. AtO. yrdro for, It II HMO, Gil Liberty n. PrO T—Two 3 story Brick Dore A. Roue. on Robinson at_ wit the Canal On let Ward, Allegheny. Time honer are &drugs on ao. taunt of their central location. Apply to Maya A. WOODUOURII. IRE three, iitory brick building ! (store room and dwel.ling atuetud) ntuotod No. /4 I. botwoar. Peon and 1.10.031 nearly o_ppoott• St. Mir Elute. kopairo of N. IL I 6 ESII, No. 1%4 Fourth opposite Maim! Nall. NEVILLE HALL FOR RENT. Also the Mot 111 NoviUs LIAII HuiLtHug, now abargh and Comaolarillo K. R. lb, ar * M by •arkt D~•lllnLha .. m.. Istquir• of OZO. W. JAC 11. J. 19 HO. IA Fourth R. DWELLING HOUSES an Robinson and b'ben. d' d Err.% 21.6":7114=. •To Lat. rianE FANCY IRON FRONT STOREMI oo Wood etreet.oppadt.. H. Childs c..% 721 ' d b y m """ - Vrolhitt. JoVaRIVE kCR rREAT=Te Dwelling Rouses inn aaronerrilla, throe °tallith aro now rarostory hrlet, containing ilont , .l. room tomb. and trantingon the Oncunatnargii Tnnspika. oppodta Mr. hisloara Loreg . s proper'', On the rear aro Orton innstler darellinga on Butler R' : Enquire of ONO.W. Mind, Put streak " /71:tt or Ur. JAR. 'MONO. LAINTIIMOOTiI GIBE RENT - 2 Briqk Dwellingilouresini 4 rooms Trash.. Cbutre avenuh, nod. 7th ward. Poeserskra given haseedistety, karastre isq WATT a WILSON, ?LB Libra-Ty O. LET—A comfortable two otoryill .....11143g.onitsidog 6 =roo t 661.1.: garret arel kitchen oo gmt.l oar. Morpure of jag IL U. KING. No. 211 Libert7 at. "OR RENT—The Office recently occupied Üby Llarbangb • Bowies. over the store of the imbeeriti• or J with entrance In twilit Itnnahs of eW R. 211 Libuty et. L'OR RENT AT $4OO PER ANNUM—The odloo• lamas etyla vali ahhhed throaabOt7 D k Eh. Rowe, oath extanatee Wet bantling,. No. by front et. antiair• of P. IL Dahl& odb corner Wood and INlth etneetA . LET—That now and wail fixOshed TI -- tois Roola'and Cellar shoat.. ~ /Smithfield .t., apposite U. Custom Noose. Alec two Whoa Mamas above tha Tea litorx oa alcOnil now: Haut m. apply 10 sow & bieLAIN t NON. No. 21 fifth .t. rr4o LET-11:cee story Brick Store, No. 163 euteeettotoet. P. DA_ ,VIS slag ccrokr Wood And Mtb 1413 LET --The Viraishonse on the Canal 114.aba. adjoining MAO Woothonsa o Liberty L. at Daiwa ocetrpla by the Panoratnas Oat Mut niketaring OLISAVULT. Affly to 3•17 BLUM! b 8101111 Y. L'OR REDiT—That large and convenient Warattattaa, S in. a 9 Water .t, .n Illtellent loratio• • Boat .4 Pr.loos nor*. POU per yew , At *large W....• . Water at, below llarkat at praamt ocradle• try Shay a klathaor• .twat VW Ai.. , t 3 - 4 CIUTUBBIIT • BUI. (et • at Mark•t at. . . Cider and il Vinegar. 1 vINFOAII mado exp t ar ` for fitmilue and Emir bald be more then ma or. the eewx: UrceerbaelPla . • laibeny, whetter/ewes cha be •, , ,,tr::,—,aty end la tay alit m ew l that have been mewl lbe ivire r.erc Witte from iii , t 7 47 Ohioorted Wm.. weal le thebeet • • Imp Li/d Oder Vineeerthet bear reastelaa one full end stilibigtoodnotailltar Vinegar. The attention of vete Wal li es. betel teepees sal the country merabanto particular. Ls directed to this Vis Ser. Cider that will keep sweet unti o d Heil Fall. nsbure tta rso t U. l Wato l be tlst , fit NUININS . _ . P sliattaL9..B. . II . KLEBER & Elfto., hays i ng i from the 7.11g1r"=OB teem the n..... 7nfNOH3 g C LARS. N. _ 1. Thar are prnvided with all the late e nd important imarovegunsti which !Nazi l. Magill Plasma above all other% vlx The ItrOgreererl Raw eters, With &m at Aram, U. Pilaw ti Agri warruater, with the privilege to the or ritu7 , Inp the same 11 it proem in any way drgertive. Too Wools! trom SI. Nottioeca, cn. tuutratlod Ptiolot Oposorts, Nov.l9tb. Mescal. IL KW. d dm. PitOrboroh..—Eimrsota— o=3=l;tatT,tt CA= :grt e4 tfi g r N th* 'B =. et. Ithleti. 7oa him Woo to kind Ito to Was malbr 11136. Tu.* Natoli% Umlauts Indoor dld.. Thiestrpettaatr. =fa i• oor of Oh. tom toot over sasdo to Amato, and far ••••Lpaso aka*: al 111.11 ea istialty at quo struotlon Ist4 =Woo' to to /aired l really =gra ditto N alma. WOO shell top tiovoy ao Wats ant opt or tbdrazutanraks of laioxican tO4 7.- -With Otatty Idabel foe tow hogodoolo sta. lane otit tort% 11A081016TRAVOSIAL Nolo straw, for Montt & Claret tmlitollid Planar at - 11. KUM. A SRO.% No. 61 lltth ft, alga of the Elokbm Sono . TIOTI NOTICE—A Meeting of the Stockholders of the rennarlrenla Feat lfennfactortan Otannotei o Count, of Alleittetn/..111 let be It e the Othent ln Phi toteloble, on /105IDAX. the /Bthr.y o f ettery,ll3B6, et 19 o'clock, A.M. Ike the.mpaseoltaktni„ Into otesetneration the. Inecesattlk of the o.49.cgit of teal Company to the stue of neo llorAre2 Thoemadpot- HOLLINGS WORTI4I . • CUM!. IttYWHOLD Ilineshoet, ja.VhStrde VIAIMAII /3P 11:4 - -m.. nY_JFHAISE ,N Menufaotorer of roma . out ) , or PLA.I.J. BOIT= and WINDOW PraSer. WU* md Claret HMI" Carboys. A/20,MA Marie every yerletr=oule, .Nomtleemad. end .133 awl US Aar sts. PlttermoreN MINERAL WATER Artesian Well. St. Catharines[ GA4VADA worr.••• rlX a eputstion which this Water has so- LititrZU s tes ir scrolihrtl i a Ur N TON AND I.IIIIIIAIII to o DENS. PAINS, WAS JOINTS, Da ID.X.t_I•3•ANWIA. and thimany Xlll2 plaint. widen INIILats we sutras W ts abstain guarantee but tber urn/bt abort bum. dabs roller bytta totontal cue to embalm itth tbs laths Tba proprietor bat In his po•isedon atuoarous *orbit• caw oi the Th , •Il• of • Patitifen. scolusett to probssete,_ or years labored =War .rnorArsui Nur or routed or toe Wo babe name the m Tumor Ur Abed= rant sa unable to wally rt. ta ec ho sun bar • since. Dros. eba IT babel, to Math. Tres Wane ar offued br Ws, stronta and fres Dom nor Aron or Wigs admix[Mast • is stooratal razed In • bernbat clued water la a sale. lent or fbr an adult. pp thortudolrbblng one bear as 60 obit bottba caret at e Canada Mineral N ;ter is • tub of fresh water Dribs tetopsraturs. • ;whet tent b = . Des nu:WtautU of. regular Saline 4 11. a 12= .. Pa Nab In tares WOW Sob. dl: Man do GO ebs. bp B. D. JOWLS, Dook Stmt. plad.dia Jr al..' Sta n t: W e r t sear i ttnt . Ik' ant plot bri6 onn ul""All' t 15't irto a risporl it ionue, " : stubs, N. U.—Plumns ribdand to Oct its Amite Om etly bart lb. Stab, Isla alder as stem tbr Wan. C birrdtmesl" Stockholders Meet Ornas Oslo k Ilhatravuss thsB. , . Yes 9%6.1584.. N pursuance of authority delegated to a?: 11. sooloaltts• al the sauna totstlsdor dthtloldm as me 416 Jszlsty. 1886, sod the foltoskss notitsloo et ". nosed of Do t of 1.19/716 000 0 tic• not to..ualste• s=at sosstlag of the avid& tiss u 1.111%.1145 4 ntrasetsd to el smtpst of litosus= o b. p.. 41, inoil the UM .15srdst to Ohs law atlas o rb. stlaa 1 , 4 aid to otter toads, and tan nied• f: sad asoria os 446 ad." Holies bsrsby film that • 05 t ..1.1 B t o rla d u ll= 4 . 8 I .Us a T t r . l. fl ik Ne Epaotoi 1145r01105. %opting . With the "24catiL lig Man.. Thom." ii=nl & CLARK'S MERE