J. , i) £21 , , Li/./ A:MED IN -17R6 Bllstsyss -- tr -, 1 1 1 Na."i34 i aweas.. PeiboriucinlnAcentli t lidign l-1 41 " 1 Cho . . JioTT• . 461 MAIDEN Uri% -• cf. FrOki Berea. NEW! FORA TRIPLE REPINED CAMPHENE, .t , ) and 9f per cent. arollol, & N. IL • RIM, • b.aoltuaitt. nai orele7 .1 '72 10.4 lallatet I? m lisai so • . Ate Tartnattne, Tar. Pi ea. MEM Soft and Usti Tar. 00igikr.ami NAVAL OTOILES,. -very doftriatkon. . t BETT.i..DitIiII.47, t 3. JENbiti, Jts. ANDREW JESUP. cOMMISSION MERCHANTS, Cotton and Woolen Machinery. • 4= &wit. and Ikxlers,..ALlO4nier' 2150 U, .Beihag. Linyorteini.nd Deniers in Igenztacte Jiro: 67 Pule St., New York. B.—igenta for the WOQDILUIR d DEACII IRON WORKS." ,Bleayn Engines and Boilers, Exeltinive nnney in Non York for WELL, 31ACHIPIESLIOP , Machinixte Tool. L. F. TIEMANN 6: CO., 15 • •'Fulton street, New York. • "SLANCIFACTURERS OF )1 L . 4k. WATER COLORS, VAKAISHES, 4-C. Imperteri . or, French Zwi White, kt. ead Pri. Lida %Menial non :igtz tn e p. bocribers. 00Tbai Farm' end Fancy Goods. %Villiim Tisker, " I,PIIefiii•PLAVA4T - EW - YOR.ii, invites i. '4 .s cL., attention at &rinks= and Western Slorchanto, ~ COM Stailref Y.,. 'Osinbv, - ilalr." Tooth . and Bkll PerlZ Bn• ..,,itte; Latilrejletloulco, . —1.4 Port IBBn . • • % iti. and Used itrouloto..P Book., Preol Bub , . -.. Phrl and Needles, Booing a Ares;Watob' Unarda; , ....., Ocralned Olson Bead& N a. &kr indta Rnitbrt . n.., einoes, Balls and Tore at every deserlptiotu &l ors, ~ r . ,i,, , .1 Oahuy; UM ' and 4lllt Jeratell7. Aecordadno l '.'ialins,litoluVarik. goners! and yogi Large otoolt of . . t , ,t... Brett!), and Gft.M. II Fancy Good', Edoh Ell be . t t hero? y lotir4l. prices forenob or Ay:proved Par ~.- , 0 :-. : Lnlrir br, intiltr italeeted and w -kit i ttlta best l: ..:r , • -.--- 10 Park rum, New York. F---Platie cut tido out. .. - - ar22.lyr Hough's Patent laastie Skirts. ATE$A5 4 lll,45.lsICE,.liii.,/ Barclay attoot, 5 'fork. ct, pgroicos except they dot s ,(4..44 - .l4tant.. All zommuUtusors awl s w - 13.1 be viosocutod socanthas to l a. . r0h204 W. JACKSON 4 Bois. GRATE AND FENDER MAKER, sr. 4 no BROADWAY, .13R•YOBbt I'AIRBARK'S PLATFORM SCALES. 'FILE undersigned having been appointed ELM, l deal.. imb Ibr , this- - We of these celebrated n ELM, manufactured bp . the orinlual ineentore E. & T. FAIRBANKS .& CO., deepest:kW Invitodtttesttioti of tee business cortimunity co the superiority aflame Pealesorer all others. Them &alas basal theta nutdroted to the StiFIVIESi rear on all the principal Itallrqade in the Onitod name LsTriviwtirfirrittitryrth tiirt.TO A PPE,A.4 We arecgr g ea tri t. .1 e Tor ,C=r6Ertuaa ' J og Olanzu s liemenr joisl4JB c trile autdyd 41 . " Pitishtsznit. PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. .._._YSSfO G @[DIILA~~- - _ IiTADILOW Binconwors to L 88. Bigelow. - IZa* DLLY I° /i . /) 4 21.LEY, * Mit new Wood 4., Nittsbilrgar_fonna. • - colt:c0s;. ,c.tuogmfEs; - ittLETONS, er to m it% tit r r ezt e te i rriptiol , t r, of , .P.er Vt i lelea 4 e.wlr. &Wow. slegetwe of 4= eillt:rwor m row ` oLgi; •nd dmittildcr 01 grAll arort warnatal; • wna il[de oi[ and ; Leather More. D. netßeastak. • • ,No , 2.•2l.'soutti Thitl Strad; Bet* etla Market ea& Obaetant eta, Philidalettle, itiLFOR SAL E.SPANISIL lIIDES, Dr • sad Green salted Pane Mire, Terme& Oil, Mune re en Tan ettle palmist erlcte end the beat Laren. lki-L4/I)Gada of Learh.o. to Lb& mash Irsated. Lr able the highest market prize will by given to nab, or taken In o:change Era. Mdee. Leather aWred tree of =e , ela d eold en nnaelegon. McCUTCHEON vv.HOLESta,g , GR OCERS Pmdace and nuousion travois, JFD DP , tr 118 Pittablrgh Manufactured Artie/es, No. .2,19 , Liberty street, corner of barn; myS"` PPPTSBURCHI, PA. co. coourr JONES. i - cifioak, • WIEOLESA.L., 011.0CgES ..NU... - BOAT FURNISHERS; P70(111/4 and ri laugh. Nennfaciarts, , No. 141 - Water Street, m7/4 n"'Cl lVa l iaoll. PENNA. PAINTERS. _LONG & LANE, HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTERS, NO. INT THIRD STREET, (Beis Wad ond Plarket amts.) 'All ordain pedniptly attended to. 1111681 sins executinaln•enpaioe 4.71*. nth 274. 1 ROBINSON,asia numaii-diliinams vOUNDEßS AND ENGINE BUILDERS,. U and Mininfactoters of all dm:dation. Mil Castings, . Mee, 110. - ati Biszkat stireaU between ?fret and fsaccrad straatg • . Aatlyir gat i g JOSEPH WHITE'S JAW BEPOSITORY! 1 OAFOLlLlLZ.iscor—anatfsa—bui, V nes in Mein:not= nremiser, (now to entarW.) betneen Pre M. Lean noet. nest the Two Mlle Run. ally Melt. the public to Inert hie stook Of CA3.I BUCHMtiotrt And be pu'denter• iy Mentos gentlemen sterchnerm that aae Vrl.. on , y I made, Fourteen years eipeeiresew In th e Imminent enable Mon to before ble patrols' the tame tholes collectlo of CettlKae.erbleb or namkr years pan •la hew been hl partionlar department to aeleot trona the mime end mos talented hasten btanolattareri. The rooms of his new system Is complete. theesonconyof We arrangemente Ut mrt=beet and mod behWneble • Kan nfeet st . viola UneontunberriVhl thou been enetle...WA th°, scooks sor aecapaing nouns of toselmem bee Imirinii= .the prlosaftr (owing to Large reels.),) Wl 012 ready money only, at mush lea than the tun. 1 ~. _ _ ... 1: 7 C131 7 )W :1:4 1i,V2'fl ukruor,z SALE AND . RETAIL v wooe ircup9T. l l2. if! tontrlir. nr.l:llt b . = ..d.;. e t .g na . or Drug.. Medicine., paha,. Oila. BUNN. Window Mao of all Made. putty, rafisaugh. Aledi• To sayald Okada sal calrksmora.—llaflas mold oat fay brug Sides la Baltlatora, and Nta.mod to tblr eNT - and bought out th e Drug Yetabllaluaent of Mr. Joel JA, No. NI Liberty Kroft, I shah th:' baby, Yu mZI frlenda,hh th.hattohurrs of Xi. lSOblo ara'sball spars 0 0 vaas to playa them Irktb ear z !Aut. I. N. o.llaNau.aN, ilottr • . .N0,,1141-Llbettr WP STERN TEA. STORE. Corner wood-awl Sixth streets. p3EFLA:VORED BLARE{ TEA-10 sib bC se.t. a_se.es olialask Pond:mut Ts. Cltore vexed) Oyu Ge tEe S:ongtow ,Cl,p, 110 1 Wee pe...pep2L , VMll • itelarteLlonr nisei les nU I:JdoLußa.. Silks and Xadiet Item GooKis_ gene , CLOAKS, TAISKAS SIILS, NNBROIDERTFM AND STAPLE' 0001g1; • For• Family Use.' Au Eittrisnr aztepidve wortansat la all er the sbor• irpartsantsjust te4 foul laD loireare prices. OrNalb sat %Mar ith ktsalut sts—ar , odt • , ElOvee;iPenders and Fire Irons. 4. ROIT - CITZSIVN. WAIXEIIOUSE. No: 124 Woad itts7 _ et. 7A. the news has ortirat which Into we the shoes =nod ort* , , we wool& ttn7 vitt, atteattenz °Moo nowllzt4. _ 2 to oar line to anexamlnatlon of our otottottiont now WI end ann. piste. We are 4otazannett to pellnehtnr so the !oven to the data- Itentemter the V150e12175,221 Wool street' iinf&TAX MITCH:U=3E; Jr., Rectifying Distiller and Wino and Liquo, a? Library SIM; • • 8445,24 andsolba.oaohr on • hand and .44_4114 41::/4444 4 .11 4 44414604. r= B P th drrlgsz u shn= " te " = "4 no wir.4.46V . . Danal,KNfitian. ' 0 corner 0 • . , . 1, :Bei:CT, DontiFt, Fouirn streetge gioan ireg of Itltiat. I Oft. t tAtt" rtio. • tas • • Removal n-v SELLERS & CO., Wholeiale Diug= alatiatgar• amoinal to Ma largo arid , corractrallolla wanton:mon the VIIIVer Of Word sod Hand atia, wham our obirutornara awl all &slam lu DrujoyPall.t., Var. ulstesa. so., ELlA:tads largo and Inn aslectid stmt. - Prima los, floods warraut.l. crsa: . C - ELIA HOUSES, S TOR E S, volt C.#. ewe' mom on ad Stor r s Mtta s 4 Lase IVarcromaa now sit • - 4riMLititri , Inear . tba water .1, 0. Ai g h elenr, s•Dweabu r • ah'ivide 24 2 trams Dwelt' Josh with 2 eam Owtritto2,l mils from town; a throllio2 House thr.llatl.x who hti; . lWwWWW,%2' lions,cti Clark :hi • waretw 22 at. htt ist Itotuw lestrivn vo arrilk_..ply ja • els: raurar E 0 EXoillaititE FOR A FARM—sa via, , wale Building lotsfronUnron Nand awl ?JAW ' W.:Art .. .... - .9,:gr:rlMlTlcgrit% '"l ..r. ' ti...... Will •«*a^ *lra tills. ha A li k ly ck or Now!' 0ra1 5,..:, away to- :,. ..it. lit'll ik :UK: 1 a. MO *Wit, Wileresstx • . '.. .... gq,Earis-1.20 ivied and fo es et • - Js2el .1131.1. /t4SCHItaTf, LOOMS-50.40n1 •Ooiri , orge*Tirroi JtiSitti Fa4l a 54 inoici;v9,toiolib e arr IrWoir rIEAMEMS- 400 0 lbs prime' • liraoresit"arsria t"dtisq./. -- i 9 :1: - AILY PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. 1, BUSINESS CARDS ATTOtLNEYS. 7 _ LOUB , SCRA4FER, :Attorney at We - , and' Eastern Collector T1C11.0313111118 /MONO T. - 11th AND PLINNSILVANIA RAILROAD, Vle; 8WX*1 7 .40 1 C 1 ....4 Zusesnars4,oslumbisam,Y.lzhiwal , Summit, Portylegiumbnlleilahaniniond abbrs. CANTON, OW, mks. 2 /, ‘ 3,; ') riptios. 0. " Hear, Ors.% 1 news. r. 4 W. M. Faber. 1 . 2%.4.04 2 ,4, 2. rtwo4or, U 4 4 , 44.004 r. r. 14, u..0,141r 4. v. OP,!.111. ______ diW. HALL, Attorney at Law, " Bake • warktnaleus." Gnat street, tot Ween rOost.b. . a t & Salotl Aui.o. L aoPArli. _— jOSEPH S. .t A. P. MORRISON, Attor- noye at L. MN. Na. 143 toorth street, between 111.11a3e1.1 and tirent. Pittsburgh. Po. rull4 110BERT 1 . PHILLIPS, Attorney at 141. W, 11 St. Lout: pla. 111013ERtPOLLOOK, Attorney at Law 1, Garner a'S`Lfth and Grant stroo1.3031)13.11. 1110 00.1 owe stew. P 11.18141151 . my2.1.1'63 --- J4A..M.ES J. KUHN, Attorney at lof .Law, oce Fauritt street. near Grant. Pittsburgh. , 1a16,117 AGENCIES. Michigan Chantal Commission and Cone°- tion4ren.cy Office, 'OR tho' collection of' Borne and Foreign _L" Airmailing, and another Honer chime, in CHOI:en end adjacent Maui Inveetment end Payment of ?donors, Virulent MT.., r mediae& and gials 91E01 Notate mad d lisirstioe .Agents. re and & ANDERSON, Detroit, rdloiMain. At/crenate° PieLrbooph—Ensus. Kromer A Rehm. tine& air' White & Co, Gesotta , Cam Loren& Stewart 41 Co, Ilerehmote. morrd—Tio Agencies or ?diebliran rrom reoPestolnin ?nominee CommMe& _ _ WK. A. LEIVIN'S 1) EAT, ESTATE OFFICE; Nu. 87 Front zroet, 34 door from ?Jacket: Dealer 1.. Labe Chan, 113 Ore. Pia Iron. to. Owl property bought tbard. tu27,1 AUSTIN LOOMIS, Real Estate Agent, tltocß blerehandioo and aster,Moo go. Pk ropriki ,[root, above Wood.. FiriLkOOS DrororLl.7 orroodod rod JTkoilr QAMIJEL L MARSHELL, Secretary Zti 1.7 teen Icounuage C;4l4t.**.tre.t. M. GORDON, Secretary Western Inert- r GARDIRERCOPFLN, Agentfoaranklin ltrelasararim polamp , ,stort.hreet. eon= of Wood . A. MADEIRA; Agent for Delaware Mu P I.44:raoostziassarkr. 4 N4444r 444.444. DRUGGISTS. . friOliN HAFT, Jr, (successor to Jaa. Al'auf ter.) lirbolesaln and Retail Druggist and Dsaler In is. Oils, Dyastufils.tn.,l4l. Woal lamer.. 3 doors below YltAln ADM Pitnlbungill.. .arD•gulas dime ono. Id s Medians. , _ 4 011 N P. SCOTT, Wholesale Dealer in • .0. 1,4,.. Palnta,Oila, Varnishes and Dye Stuffs. Do. lall De y street ail:sham/1. orders will Mei,. pnutpt,antentinn. ,- Aar Agent for Baena/Vs Pnitnonic gym. mar 24.-ly R . A. FA IMESTOCK & 00. Wholesale areaa l rEthasre.'grari t li - tod and of Wbl " Enda it E. S O. 4ELLERSraI , Wheleattle Denier in .4tn, Die Stotts, Oils, Vsraisties, littabmliti. Owls wszcardisi. Prima , mutual nuaa— own. SETS. %L C . ta! ' —IIPII Wholes ale s 11 . R e t ail s SCHOONMAILER & CO., Wholesale a; Draa¢ L ta, No. 24. Wood et - reet 7 Pittebnrsh. 0. OSEPH FLEMING, Successor to L. Wilcox Oa.. center Ma:23f street and Diamond—Neetzz stands on band *loll and complete amortment of audio..., Madletne Uheda. PeenneseT, and all ni'ilWo partaluins tp his business. possess, nregunipticons carefraly =nape anded at .11. hopr4. COMMISSION &C. 114antrrey. siolhnin & Roans, Phaa• KOONS,„ , ,*. ECERSTIBE, -FLOITR't"-WACTORS , • tteneral PrOdnie ,Comminion Merchants, xs it Beak W PM, Hi and 95 N. %tn. bdow Race, PHLL • . LI•glo y. Woalward• Co, PE W. A 1) Lontoor d Co. Uia.. 0. rof , ragl " Atar, Prioo • too. - Fagan& d Foyds. - Caleb Cope d Co, • Ham+ • Liotti.r. lindsL brother. Lty , nenonnovroth Co" Wyn,nod? Adm.( ' viturg, L. Widmann & Co. litte• Mi; "'""" tw, A. Co. ". l att ear•c " ;,,, • And Pittebnrgh and Plalladoinnis blarettanni gonoralir. IdoBANE MIJER, • Tistwoessan to A. LNA. MeLIAL.,I INIALEI FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE. Commission mad Forwarding.Merohanio. ; No. ,114 Sccosd Pettsburgit, Pa. . J. 1, lokAll y )1.12 SAM. B. 8103.1tER - &" CO., DEALERS IN FLOUR & PROVISIONS, GeneralriliE Coga l icti ffierchl:mta, Vu, 3i SOOT. WATER STILE ET, flzot, sO—Mass.... Alex. o..CattelD • OD., Pyls. Otto% Jmo OD.. "4 Wllmath • 00.. Pittobtrgh.. Bailey a Eensits• • 7 n0..3•D0d! •SPiCINGER H,A,P atiat ßAUG ' COMMISSION ORAIST, Dealer in Wool, JE'rovieion.e & Produce generally NO. 295 LIBERTY STREET, PITTRECUILGO, PA. J. 8. . MITILEHY, ,FORWARDING & COMMISSION - MERCHANT, • P.rtsetesr .t . t i rk.unginct_to LS* sew.. of u No. 155 Front Street, ()tomtit. V. Monangabels , Llano. j711, L. , Z l A""". C;ES4Ci PProinced Commissi onlerchans, PITTSBURGEI XANbr.N.4OTUREEI, ;.re. 13 Wood a., berweed Water and Frontal &old PrlTBldlitoll DAVID. C. }MUST, 'Flour, Produce Provision an4l.,Commiesion M C U AN T, Na t 67 Liberty erect. comae Hand, Pittsburgh, OteYES his attention to tho sate of Flour, Pork, B.D. lard, Chem. Batter, Oren. toted ,poodo. ere_ ea Isloomoto towootfall r oollolted. end 11.111,40. HENRY N. RING. - '(late of the firm of king is Moorhead,) I. COMMISSIONMRCHANT, .430 ipE.A.L ' ER PIO METAL AND BLOOMS, No, 76 Water street, below Market, PITTSBUE6II. PENNA. / A. A. HARDY v oltrlV; b 4ll PiEjlitt Agentof the Madison and Indianapobs ItAILILOAD, No. So Water at., Pittsburgh, Pa. jen4yd - - . r.lv lilifikt iiio LjOgWARD/NO 4 COMMISSION MEE -1.0 MOMS sad Dalars In all Ueda efrlttabutO Mate Arad" Lead kip* tad Sheet Levi, No. Met . 8 t. Pittsburgh. - . • • atia.l3lll4 ii B. CANFIELD, Into of wgrren. Wio, evz...--er--- - v - tgt.l . :_vr ...4 - reirl AS/1, ZSISI Western J. Wow itmst, beittmy Smithfield sad = 4 ;iitifkiadu ----- (Lto tamioW.Wodathe aro.) T .LITTLE lc SO., Whblesalo Grocers, • - Propso. soll Oorualesioa Morehonts, sad Psalm to Seloao.O.ctutot, No. UP Poona Wort; Pitt* JolPrka 11.—tliEVAttl[Efi . ,IY U. NU OOLUNPI, Porwardkur sae Oesoraleeton warcrewremart Dealer in,Cluema thetter,,Lake Plat and Produce aerwratirl 26 Wood slave, above wow?. ritutaren --, =Ol g • : 4::Carrier - -- indfge.ll3i , . 'ft Preach and ..A.mprieart Wau Paper, rta. 65 Market between Mx% arid street, Ptttetarub. .. _ DRY, GOODS. JuS'EPR ,110B:NP., ilk 00 . , Wholesale updlistail Dealers in TELEMINOB, • iIIBROIDER7I2. /manna - ii acosx.t. ' Fancy Goods, .ite, ,r, , ,,. 71 afarketa., bet. eta otteitheDlarnotat. tar twists for Bratileff Yarn. . • '' l " Wi7 D. AM, Jr.,. & Bro., g. ' 0.91 Market at , are dosing out their i'n pzitiod, Of ihtticiods at nu immeurall;nt . rot It. Wittiv=i t ra i li t tirivortmitft or the fetirlall , r i nLii . =l ' Alto tr il loth,fT . Clo7 , lr, liort ' lla ‘ ;in e eas i. chltits. I( jtallah dn. •01•111.0 r 111/M. of ViWarta other imamate, with • gnat razieti of Math ( Plerwl hhaNuaite Mid and atrium' fireeatulke. all of tell will 1. ante at • great osar•flei• WA '.• ..7,NIXi : .el4.'' 11 7 1"L it i og i' M T IM= *.a w I , T I TAIIIrsi =l : 7 I , . Im=l t td Saw or a rWtiugN dug.; • ' superior a3 P ri'!l V in • Inrain Ninadlngn In ad and Plain Venni.= rdnetwith limit Plaids. - Inallop, Drags:l4lnm and inlaid • (k.mt as of all deeertytioas. aim. ima 2VagltCnra atilf!itlitiaell=.':i }24Evai,t2..v5.8.31, 211 . 011'U borW - 1 - 1a loWilat otut, BANKF . :S AND BROKERS. BANKING HOUSES JOHN T. HOGG: 111".(4,1n. • BEDFORD CO. 'oliElt2.l:t, SOMF.ITSET CO.. 'BUNT I'I.KAdAN'., W 2. - ST - 310 Ft E . . 'M CO.. ~ .,',NNI:I,LOVTLI.L. FAY MI I, CO, Pro.c ' UN I.NIOIt " .• .. fiROWNIO:IId.R, '..:' KW 11 MO II CON. 11.Y.A V 1311. CO., i /K.p.h., ivcOltei, DlR:ounta c.d., CO., bough: told and e.t.d.& Punt (Si otam and Spode bouelt %rd votd litookm, Note,. and oat, Foecurillot 1.0.00. , L .l . 0 13 , momrdmmlnym. lanrieffelA.r. sod ranmoCoo. mond.... &WES ll.letil.--.—SDVAILD lAIYI 71.01.1,1. k N RAMER & RAUM, Bankers and Ex change Broker.. Bay and tall hold and Shver and :a on., nepotist. loans on Real Betray fir Stock Sect, rttleivarchear Croothaory Notes, and Time BUN on Beat and K set. Buy and roll Stocks op Coninfladon. Colter Bono mad., on all. point, In tea Colon. Aloe corner of Third and Wood atrrate. directly °roman the St. Chaihre HotaL op 7 T lIOLiIES & SON, Dealers in Foreign . nd Domeetic nnu or ktchanga. Caitlin:et. of poeite, Be a ta Note. end Specie, No. aU Market street, Pitt. burgh, Zartiollectione made on an the urinal.' cithit throughout the Suited Stet.. MANUFACTURING. AffigE.ICAN PAYIEK MACHE MA .11LVAT.I'L t I..VG CUM i'AY Is 0 • 78 Second st., Pittsbur&h, Pa. UFACTUIt E RS of Papier Macho IT Orr. sole nta for Churchea, Flounce. Steam bOate• hhips, Sc.. Lrror and Ynture Frames. Winnow and Door Heade, Bracket., Trap,. C.rni,e, Ventilators wad Centre Dierks for Cedilla, IL :ndlgs and Mouldings of moresrription, lire sod oth e r,, vulgar. and warranted ore durable ;han OUT other artgne now In use. o ikti—Orderaongouted on thg ahortget notice. n—datentign of Steamboat Duildwre in denedinlY dl• .1.1 to ten article, on account 01 Its Light neigh, CUMMINS, TUNKB a 1:0. No. fldeoond et_ het. Wood s Market elk. VITT3IIII4II/. UNION FOUNDRY, . Mitchell, fierrou N. Co. WILL CuilLiEll() the business of the Union V - Pottpdr - ', ott the chi nand of PENNOCK, HITCH. ELL k t.%), N 0,104 Liberty' et. Cher will me.fecture as newel. e. hulk seat general akkartment o 1 OAPTINGe., onteprikthE Cookin g Stoves, Ranges and Side Ovens, C•FP CE ANL 1 ARLOR STOVES, . MANTLE & KITCILEN GRATES, Holkno Ware, Wagon Bala, Day /row, Sad Iron., Tea Kettles, Plows and Plow Points, Mill and Machinery Castings generally - And Gall and WATER Pirfin ul all dun IRON Sc NAILS OF TIE BEST BRANDS, I- Shovels, Spades, Picks, &0., AU of which will be woldwt ccuonufiEttifore AMA.. Penn Cotton Mille, Pittetrugh. EttINEDY, , CISILDS & CO., Ilitenufao hirers uf— Penn A 10.1 hsgy 1 4-a Liaaatlnhia Carra.t. Chain uha I rotors and aha.lea Jofton tivd Clough Linen and i. , ash Gi•ta; 1341, el alihmui and deNniptlot. Batting. bairt.deze lett at tl2O Han!Ware Styr, at (k. , ...131 Wood str.44, hay., astaatiact. 1LL1.A.9 HILL & 00., 61 Penn et., beleve Marburg, Pittsburgh, P. QTYLI.:II 31XE.E.8.S and SIIEET io leuli 'a flitrillati, Alanasstortr• of Barnhill's Pat. mat Boller. Loannotlve,llT, arm Cy li nder Sollars, Chia, nays, Breichou, Fla Bed, teem Pipes, Condeneers, Balt Pans, Sugar Pans, Iron awls, Lae Sots Ma A 1.., Blacksmiths' Wore. Blinn, sal Visitant Irons, done at the shortest notice. All orders lam • flinanos promptly stranded to. WILSON dc SUN keep donetantly on hand every drecdirrion and *arr.:of, lints and laps, tooth whosrsale and WAIL Thoee derirmg a nrat fashionable Wtor Capar.l and cheap, w onid do well to givene a mil baton purchasing akw'wdr , r , noIS-tf W. WOODWELL, Wholesale and Retail blanufs...-turor and •Doolar to CabLnot Woo. No. PM ro otra, elll.l. Pe-SIM-VIM Jo. S. MIROITII ShriVeT Dilworth, W I.IOLE SA LE GROCERS, N. 130 ,Ic. 132, Second Street, (BattlroWn c•nd e.nd SmltOrla) MONTROSE IJ Wholesale Grocer and General Merchant, s o . tuu Lsberty Street, ittrutrecrylt. oably SMITH, niSIR dr. HUNTER, WHOLESAL r. (1 E. Ct: S, 12 Second and ird Front, ocreet, Jul , !SAW:ROLL I'd . . ossmi. nsu.sns assatitLa Wallace d, Gaediner, 31. BOLESSLE D GALE it .v Flour, Pruvudern, and Produce Generally, LIChIiTY sI_LE Y, COSORAVE CO., Niaado- JP mle ....re. it and Wool strut, kilLshurab. aonds CULBEItTSUN, Wholeoalo orueor and /v. Commission :dorchana, Li-sand in C.o.— and Pitts o.3.rati limmulactured •rticlas. CAL Wont, Onset. Pima bargb. YLEPTO• eI()UN FLOYD te CU., Wholesale ilrocera etld Comm isnott Sleratetstto. N 0.173 Vi pod end rll I.llr it, street.. 11 tuttasst¢ . telt _..__3 rvu C•aru[ t E , ELT 1 v.relgn 'ad Dome/die IV Inas Lad Lk... 1..1c.ty ..ha hand a vary large 111. cit of auperlor "hi Monougahcia **Mahal. which .111 ha and toyrot caah. COIILIC cCl~l a, DLESS MEANS k CO. (Flumes W \Via Ura.ra, tu Iran. Naha, CiLaaa, Cotton If asha. and Plitchnzati. cla,..i.acturec ~cacculy. wine: of IV.cal and MO,.etc. `IQ L•] 51 . 1•11.1.• WALTER U. US. 'UILLS ROE, Wituledale Onwors and kJ4J & VA (d.....1.1• . 1. Mnr7.1111.1./. Nti. IN Liberty atzeoll'llUo ltre,ll nd .G .th rorr .h und' olora• on hand • :art, aaaartmoot of Agolon Orocerie• and Ana nab —foreign rqddta and Nita, Vi and Ratan. I,lradora inappLed ton love* tub.. . . . . . 11410131,8. T 1./AIdIELL Wholesale IA (imam Cenindittion Sterebeet, lbaiers 10 Produce and eittsb trait, Lionel...win. No. 'lnd Liberty street, kitteboxiat. a,SAL&II DICKEY £ CO., Wholesale Ciro eerq C461.1211111d0. tderetlarde, and Dealer. ha Produce . 50 Water ttrnet, and 53 Freud 'treat. Pitiatnaralt. AOAL&Y, WOODWARD & CO. Whole. Urrawa. •ItAsry es etre•t. i'l.llsLinnia BAKSELLE US &C_. _ - • •- •--- - Book Agency. rvLIE euhsaribere have establiahcal a Book 1 Ape.) la Philadelphia and rill rarbiali 407 1. 0 . or publecatirob at the retail iniee free of ;catalpa 407 palladia by drrwardins theiettbeertptiow prla of any of Ms E.:uvular.. imam. ilarper... U. 1.7 Putnams, lina. 'a. Yrsaa Yeahlona de_ •.11 receive the Mag. adaels for cam year and a copy of • apleaditrilthoilinpb portrait of althea Wsehlweiton,Jahmoni nr 01• E or. if tub ...thing to a 10 wed Espaslae, they will rewire a copy of either of tbe three pertralta It aubectibeng to $0 worth of ElagasLora ad three portral r will be wont walla llealo rurolaheil tdthooe who may rbitt it. PP/valor. of every desteiption acid 111.11 n Lange or moll imarithire tatiadMed. deal I;reeves, Dien, ae.oeut toordet. Every dower/pt./ma of Enlitravtall 0. Wwid With twat...d diepatch Views of liallallosa. llawYralriev Ilreallyw sa w, %largo( Machinery. 800 , Illoatratiolie. 1.04Pe Eartdilmitee. lidahmes Cards, ad. All rirdern mut lly mall promptly attended to. ',moos wisLitip vierWol /twit Lb/imam en ;mead am mod • Daguerreotype or elyalcb ltr u nnud PTtirii f lag? & - I N BIODEL01:11 , 10 awl (MAN II AILMONI. UOMB,awl d. 41112 11.1 e and Mutlal OOcala . . NorO. 03 FIFTH ST., Sign of thf3 Golden Nerd. Bole Agenry lor NI/NNS & ObAllfiG3 (New Lunrlvalled Grand end /Novel PIANOS, and CAR /MKT* NENDUA WO Gmuins MELOUNONtIind WIGAN IlalidlONlUMd. ' Dealers to Musk .d Narked lon i.e.. letl • _ ._ .. . Charlotte Blume, ikiiANIET.M.7,,tIB.ER and Dealer In Piano Fort. , and 10apbtior of mark Sod Ilittliititt Inotru. 0.. nolo egg t. tor tho 11 AMBUIIO VIAIIO6, also Boe IlI k tilt1.1:1'. PAW It 01. , 1 Boston Manna, with nod With out Akkleati OttOChillellt. Uilii 118 Wood at. ST.HOTEL., (, 1..11.11.13 111:111 . 2...) Co(ner "c"' w. pITTMBVI II C. CONNELLY, rr e a l prietoz. eal4-tfebtlYfre .C. L. arfa.43l a ta, ^,, holensalo and Ih7 (Mob, 28 flit!, .ZALD, WholoBaler, raw) to. arxint Fourth tetchum's Mower with Reaper Attach Removal: nrrn 'starer. Store to No. 23 Mom a 0.0 wan+ , largesc etas cf uLt Clothe In :t6l band 11 - NUE most perfect maettine in umi,Avarran jl ted to cut from 10 to' 15 ears of grun or grubn per dur an well se rrould be done br myth. or Price of Mower. 51:.%), combined 5140. For lode er ,144 , 11 N. 0. 4411AN441/1140.12.9 W 044 4. DE.. J. K. FINLEY, NTENDING to make Pittsburgh hie future Derma may Os artmaltml yrafmalanally, .t hia atm, 149 Third Mireet. Maya Exaltht no:ll,2mul 110PEItTY IN DUQUESNE-..A0/101:1011 FOB SALP..—ltelog a lot of 100 relealoners. situate op Pius etrost frontal:lK &leo on tbe.nal TO. property Is well adapted tar manufacturing putTassla hanthi • good stack on It. There te Mani., watts drcho the meal, .4 Also • trunk to earn oft wash, eats; to the deer. Alici,• a 'Ault attached to the prepo. Cy which will bold 1,000 anstatia of Cqsl. Considerate, stone work Lota.tha 100. W rir °l4 N rj . 7 1. 19 3 rk 11.1 4 41091 iota anat. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY MOANING, FEBRUARY 19, 1856 Elate and Caps GROCERS. M US IC. &C. U. !Lieber & Bro,, NEW. YORK ADM TISEMENTS• Irom bIiILLIN, VINICHEN,OWEN 4 CUL N [SWAMI. ADTMISENG .C.C113, Fa MO Brvaduxiy, NEW YORK MLLLINERY. glitßS. SIMMONS' WHOLESALE AHD R mut, itthulv v l c iAN N U EW STltr a. n OOIDDDS A na l a nl A unia. 6 . s . 4 for thenaPte . .. novoltlea far ttio Poring Tad...whiah .111 ready for inapeetiun ott or atantt the ant Of tiara . Southern sad Weatont Urrehinata, and alillinareara tactfully Invited We and !examine the wan be ore parchashig alsoatera Pattern • BOD.CS slant. an band, and arntley .Kplia. 5t17 hdaxos. folZmd Paints. 'VarSishelb &o . RAYNOLDS, DEVOE & co., 104 4. 108 FIA4on Stre , t, r4IRW YORK, hIANUYACTUBEHS Oh• I Palnta, Vangehett WhUbei and Zia. Planta. Importers of and Dealer. In FAAL D. IOLORS, BRUCE mem.01416, OILS, Consfdantly an hand a ism and Derfect arvrtment of ell surhitOode required by AIITE6Td Ind YAINTENS and by the Ared• nanerallY. ► ol.unde ed gondeonLy or PLan A L he Fmaliat good. we rocelye direct from the iptodtiner., a d an offer by the puksgs or other wine, on the most In, Able term, Order. by mall promptly attended to, la thaury FIRST PREMIUM PIANO FORTES. STEINWAY: SONS, 11ANOYACTU1111118 04 and 83 Welker street. tarn utAloleat. fraW LOU, EsPECITFULLY eall the at- w • _RA teetton of the pnhlioto their eplendid nuormtentof .emi-grehdandNusre Plano.. t which. for `volume 0' tone, elasticity of tou Pinto , pee l ed Inehot wa r e thi that reodere• avartled the Fleet Premium for both klnfla In competition with the mos: dletinsuished roster. it,p3ro Bonen. • hiladelphia New York and Beitlloora NEW TELITIMPID-01TINW41 a Pone hove Joel been enamel the Elite I' Prernitua -tiOLD MEDAL (over ell romnetitors) at th e late Weir of the Amerlom Institute, ervrtal ?mem, •or the DINT Pianofortes. del oelB-tft., • SafetyYnie. 1, 4 1 01 t MINING PURPOSES, and for 'GNI ., 'so ou•xnrg , bath tO WRY end DRY tilasUnk. d YOUR different kthile. ThfeCKYITON UlthiPYUB JU ale. the SINGLE thd , DOUDI.dt TAPS WATRIt FURY. Malantactored and wild Py 43LENN PUTMAN, ea,Llberty Pt, NEW CORK Arar Orden promptly tlllodFr .11 kinds or GUN POW Died, of the most approved do. EDGE'S W.XU,BI 21.0NAL FIRE P SIONALB • ke.• Pe • eold dlry - LOOKING GLASSES And Picture Fratue Manufactory. itortAcr - t • SIGLER, WHOLAB4LA A 1 CD RSTAIL SAL,: ROUALY. 64 Forsyth street, New York. 11. would it d uld calf the attention of uae, to his exteo%e L' "P"I'UT thou. In uutooms butigureorosy. Lo the poetweslon of onwittaltad facilattee, he L. enabled to execute all orders on the lowert possible terms. The Sale rooms are replete with cludeeepotimento and • menet moot of ItIOLLOILDINti IN ALL I. TS BkLANUILIOL MUULDNUS, RIUR OLLT, ROSE WOODS, OAK. Std YLE , ZEBRA AND lIALOGANY, In ..err !wide' and constantly on tunuL quiets from all pests of the USITEIi STATES AND CANADAS executed with ptomptnetts. pealed with the greatest or two. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. IL V. SIGLER, y IL__ 0 , t 0 an4rl For the 1,000,000. TILE U. S. PATENT MARBLE CO (CAPITAL $185000.)1 Mir. Broadway, coreWAikor fiehr Puck. ARE prepared to execute all orders fa! 31/LYTLE& TABLE TORE. POLUMSO. mut:sr/a-0 .Iht, se. to imitation-of 'Memo& Eroestel, Prrltural. Besot:MA& sod aVraucT disable: must le rtrongt& b.., mad dumb/14yr° mg =Vb.. and to &0h0...d0 roportor thereu,. andat Worth.= half the met.UeUYe orouble/rod tro slate, d. br slot It is .hold fr. from 41 objeortom which rar drtmt tam=e[ more nat., wad. whore paint, coral Thr.. ..A 4 form the temporzu and besot) of t h e ortle.o. AlAntals from SA to 840 rir 4b lers from Duo.. CAblitot Atakora and °Ultra esd eatisfocrlro guamwt.d. Altmtts for the_NTEr tees. Mt. treated. halt. 4%1%8 trtees.r JdohPll LAMB Ba. LOS EL O. hi/MLLE& 8 , Pte ef adchlyv sciLIEZYELLL BROS. dk. CO.. y - DI LCZYD DILALNII.B LIZ . Drags, Paoli,' (Mt, Perfamtry, 14.,j 170 'WILLIAM ST., New York, i NVITE the attention of .the trade to thbir to.. and varied otock ofDruga; Peanut. 00.. PertOna. rr ie. &IL In added:rut° tam, oraniar Imrortazion• of Staple Ortntr. tiler aro oleo rocelronz,ttirigt from Liu Wale. of peados:: Liao and manufactory, torplinar of Twin,ll Brunner, Bronx.; Cocks, Mortara. bpouros. branch • and i ot a. LArnirea Extrnen. and Lida. tuttally •JuLdar.s4 in Urognists atdoink Wen are sled enabled to p r thr moat nclvardnroonn undnr• I.lplora, amber in porton of ,n 7 IDou CBI rewtm prompt latet.on. IMPORTANT TO 110 USEEEEPERS' AND DRALESS. TI I' HOPE BUIS, 71 ruteos exam, add 71 Nsuaux entetet, N.. Yost. ti . -mespal Cilia: 11137Pront street, Nor Fork. lact.ri. Nur and be Loden street, Jerky Ditr. Propriotora Of thin long and well [mere AND saltsesrotszdxwiesr, OCZLIDUA to AND the beet. Phernerteembera Jot atere to bee, tor lialebly M art . . it, ...tether Oakes. ea.— They auto prepare Obeos, and many otaer art/. elee.or daily nee m erery hardly, which they ofirr upon the cost reavOnlebie tern, C-1041.01•Fetnkt 2.240.1a1 who LLICLII. It. 11. 1 . J. 0. 1011A31. Ti. 11.--Coustuaare advised 'to inquire tor Lame Mlle az' 11A.. rowtrd. NEW YORK COB. EXCHANGE BAG Nos. 1'25 andl2,7' liroad et„ up stains, Corn ExcnangeMing', Hew York. VI ILLELKS, I LOUR DEALERS, &.0., sup •1311 pnisd .ttnmlee(LaCa Orate U.S:. BAIA, for Flour, B,Cl , rbest. Meal. Exit. ia, print.t to. ox nor an ts would eall tha — attentlan of Country. Nlerchnnts Ws saitortotlient of rms& Ihnos... and of rofolllerr and halt Facirws cubit 'axiom styles Of printrun for h. 2.5, nada° I In; Haim l'Yortston Linalsrs toot:awl with [Uhl LinUOL BAGS of et SEI, and ououtie , • lurid.. to uunotittos to suit on ttu attorlatet nation. with-Onis 11. CLAllli...Proorlator. The Adams Express Company. Pttwursrlx, RocAvder anti /feu Brighton Espresa. It the especial:. nceemmodatien of We melt Do, ulatio in.. the line of the Weigand rerun • n • ga11... be n tw.afitieb... and Hew Heighten, whew lemma. tumid. and social relation, require race Age The Adam. Correct Comma. hare teem arrangement wt. ti tie kisliensd ica to b e them to put • trusty Ms eseuger on the Aga Menelatlou ?DJ.. who teske ehierge of all pm petty and bus... properly imtroet , ine to him. TO. dierenger le. Lavean lren bate la the 11.eirmr. Car. tot the dapoalt and be.t. oecnrity oriloney. Jewelry and other valuables, Ile willies. New Brighton by the Wng Tram, Malan 1. Biltaldirgh and Alleghe ny City donna am day to attend to au. comudxstons es may ...rushed to tau zinud stern by the tleaing Train, with tn. liocineand Comtalssions .ecuted. It will be We duty to rewire on his up trip au p.ma, ordeals mortar. go . tete/eh-WU be dearer. to the I roleid party uon alter Um •triest of the us. al the AtieneeenY DePot. ll* alm r.sive written or vertml memieg• . to te delivered In thy eiti — enoteximaimtelob obtstn intora.tion.• slitemn repiles—order and return Unm—make par... large or .mall. free a Da p. of pin. to• • steam taiguns All 00.40, to-. edit be die &riot or called for sa O. two dt.i. ...table distance, without to Naar.. but tc Insure suel, ry. dir.etion on row.. bd.... =odd be explicit. • Al Viay Matti ese ail matter EU. left with the tf t•tlon Agent of the n0....1 Oc.P.T, whontheNtilied Put/ le not at the nation on the tatte.t of the Train. to receive hie goods. The charge. fur earrylug packages he, .d tor heretoe rendered by all Ideningtir, are Inland. to be within rev soniible limits. Where the ustu. of the tntgince• I. each .te admit or IL.e.old Agreenuint• be made. As Um .11. ranger Is required to rattle his bllla and b.. inee daily nltie the Compatty, Lod to pas Infott4 to. v.a. rout of the tine will plop. not .k him to wait next LIMN. r1y ,.. 4 1 , 1 44 : fld.l.retialan motto*, i t comm... his dutle. Aggy h' . d ....... VIRICT.AsAGMS. /11Latnavit , -4.1 rout& Street.. Allegheny (14-14tegmth Elaymilie—Cant. city . Stsinatieu dfal/Mitan , ifor.htacMr. Whits. Natea---Dt. Chandler. '• Noe Brio/Wm—Ur. Loup. UT Nrlca &DAMP KlelaSS( . Patoborgh.lk. 20 . /54b./ JAMBS W. WOODWELL, CABIN XT ICBIiITCItS 11ANUV•CTUttall. .015. snr, MIA" PITTSSIMAIL 41 W. W. respectm,Uy informs his friends . nos customer., that he h..; oat ounapletod his stoat furniture, which la decidedly the largest and Rat ever odered Dm rale luthls city. '412 be it determined to uphold Masatoek, althea...4d material/L. best neritmensMlP... 4 'lvied designs. and from the extent of Ids ceders and facility in manufacturing. be-is enabloi to ;endues nee, rented YURNITURII`at the loweet prima. Ile keeps alwaya unhand the greatest rselety deecription of furniture, from the chemost and PIA/A. to the most elegant an d AII7, that a h0n5e....7 par of one, rear be furnished (rpm hie dunk, or manufactured expreesly to order. The following articles comlist In pee of Ills seemtment, which, for richness of style not Oniett, cannot neenspeared in w.y of the keetern Louts XIV intestate dolleo. 100 &Ass Is Phan and 1111 r Mon, 100 damn 111•0gan7 Chairs . 40 do Walnut do 100 W Mahogan y Rocking Chen% 60 alnut do do U ft /00 !deride Tog Mitre MLA. 60 do Doming Bureaux :0 do Washithendatl 40 Metaled 4do ;00 Consicon 4 ng lo. P 60 lain Pruni flunionn 10 Mahogany iledsteedg PO Walnut do .50 Cottauto do . 000 Cherry and Poplar halsomenal 2/3 Mahogany WardreLaa 10 Walnut do 10 Merry do' • 40 Plain Panama in Dining and BreitkllietTablerl Pecretal7 and Book dung 20 Dolan Cane Beat Chair; 24 Cane drat Rocking Mg= I...u.s . wnthla DeSkr. flat and Toweliduein What-hong MUM/1M ' Papier Ideate Tablon .• Conversation Make: Peinholle dui Sillabethem drg flai l and Pin du • itomptlon 1.41. e • ddpp Paul Inlaid the. , JC•tension Atm 004 Ottomulg flothle and,MllolllMin. 4110,• Imre ildlmrtraentotOononon turnltursand Mx* ger Chairs. Cabinet MAMA. (applied With articled In their line. Stcamboata sod Hotels furnlehed et tin ebortest notion. All VAIMITtIf attended tn.. when nALBIRNIE'S. NIPPLE LOTION pae Moved ail elLietnil Mad epeedy mare far the dtstreww Inn pales redone br Many Mother and Nurses from Bore Mottles. It wee disoarenel and prepared for brr °.° relief and =a by the sabariber's venerable mother about 60 year. Imo, and has ever sloe. heat LLPta la the [easily of the subscriber, sod Many other Waffler with the Nov. pivot remits, In the alleviation and [moral of the severe m.urines which iirlee prom. (MASSED UR SORE NIS - pi,ss, se ..lirprOSlng Yell h- sith ttrs tooulrlte..0:11. enetlen sod often . pelalld Wet/coot spldrinit oistr theote•omatwarattlat - trreley. fatty. at olletao9l4 out. tars. The : 101•Iso eogihins..-bealion.ided 0.11.1112 t to the month of he Infant. ' Orr&sok It le believed from put experlene..s will to onsvinee tbe meet oreptiewl Inealmrs /dims, and saints It, 1t til Bald to startWlat dllecttit Air rowl at 76 cents • hial: As • ituattuttee,ot trenstiosolstot *TNT 0 1 " 1, boar the slsnistdre' f' thew entsserther on the StsOltat stick, ourchasotaithoultl notim before ;enchant TEO& Are%; 117 Ealthnote t• 13•LIIIENIDENIPPLE LOTION may h• bad of ~ E„szt.usics k 00.. deMl cot. Al and Wood sts. iron City Cointierciai College. 150 DENTS ATIANDINO THK.DAP AND EVAVINO CLA34A6. 13 EN MANS 111 P r BOOK KEEPING ARITIIVYTI and Its appllnations to tend taught In Ws *stet:dire Oommarelal School and tuod Manlius Douse, talus'* chum ofLadlss and Genttenwe. Booms utuownteed to all that atletut. A law towns Roman unsurpassed Penn= comet the worst hand Islttos, ' b ' tirgr-r 47 b=4 tlrt b ehtitt b:... wrai rlreePw l 4 lakes and cdcraw. Col/ sad °titian froamews. twarrarm PITTSBURGH GAZETTE TUESDAY MUSSING, FEB. 19, 1856 Advance Payments.—tlercafter no eub teriptliat will be taken for the Daily or W.W.11 Ow.telt , unlex payment le made .1:1 advance. Whenever t_ s u m . I, op to winch the oubnoriptlon te meld, the peon .ill be. invariably stopped. unless the subscription le re neared Dr advance payment. All transient advertitind. of every description, wid he re,uirwt to be paid in ad. ran.. Th e only excepti o n. will be where s pecial month' IT ne Penni) , nontracts are made. setobdAy ifiklttuburgb %k ark iy titizette.—The .:snoops oimulatlon ofour itkk3y araillongero to our bualnoss man • root Mutest:go medium of making Una business km.yrn °Urdu:Watt= le. Datum° to,, and gm thounand,rosehlng slmcet n•ery mamba., manufacturer and illao keeper 1,, Western Pnonsylvoula. and Eastern Ohio. Mr. Brown's Liquor Bill :AS IT PASSED THE SENATE Bee. 1. Beitenaded, are., That from and af ter the passage of this 'act, it shall be unlawful to keep and maintain any home, room or place, where vinous, spiritous malt, or brewed liquors, or any admixtures thereof, are sold or drank, except as hereinafter provided. ~ 'Sec. 2. Th t no license hereafter heeled to slay venders of vinous, spiritous, malt or brewed liquors, or any admixtures thereof, Caber with er without other goods, wares and merohandize, shall authorize sales of said liquors or any rul mixtures thereof, in less quantities than one piton, except as hereinafter provided; nor shall any license/or the said salee in any quantity be granted to the keeper of any restaurant, eating house, oyster house or cellar, theatre or other place of amusement or refreshment. 'Sze. 3. That Brewriee and Distilleries in all parts of the State shall he returned, classed, as etssed and licensed agreeably to the provisions of the act of 10th.of April, A. D. 1849, entitled "an act to create a sicking fund, and to provide for the gradual and certain eitingnishment of dte debt of the Commonwealth." And the owner, proprietor or lessee of any and each of said brew ties and distilleries shell be assessed and regale /5 to pay annually, before obtaining a license, three times the rates or tax assessed agreeable to said act Provided, The same shall not, in any lase, be lees than fifty dollars; nor shell such I I 'license authorize sale by them in qesmities lees - than five gallons. Z Btu t. That the presirioes cf this net "shall not apply to imp. r.r.s • ..sag ed wides, brandy, liquors or ardent spirits, in the original bale, cask emirate or vessels, as am (ported, and said Importer shall be returned, itilassed, assessed add limnsed, as provided by an act to provide revenue to meet the demands ':on the treasury, and for other purposee, passed the fourth'day of May, A D. 1891, upou the payment of three tide.~ the additional,rate or tax in the 10th section of the said eat prescribed. See. 6. The provisions of this mot shall not %extend to druggists add aPetbee.ries who that icompound or sell soy admixtures ar wine. tile, hol, spirituous or brewed liquors, la the preps ration of medicines, or. noon the written pr.,- ticription of a regular primislog pile:clan of ,good repute. Ban. 6. That licenses to venders of vinous, spiritous, malt and brewed liquors, as aforesaid, either with or without other goods, wares and merchandise, in quantities not less than one gallon, and to keepers of hotels, inns and taverns selling in quantities lest than a gallon, shall not be greeted except to Muses of the United States, of temperate habite and goad morel character„ nor until the requirements as her inafter pro vided shall have been complied with. Sc.t 7. Said license shall be granted by the Court of Quarter Seers, ns of the proper county, at the first or second session in each year, from the first day of April in each year. The said courts shill fix a time at a hich applications for such licensee shall be beard, of which three weeks' notice shall be gireii, by publication in the newspapers and otherwise, as the Court may direct, st which time all persons reeking objec tions to application for tieepse shall be heard by remonstrance or counsel, or both. Provided t•That for the preterit year hoemes may be grant ed at the third or any prier session of the Court." sr.c. 8. Every person intending `to apply for a license In any city or county of this Com monwealth, from and after the passate of this act, shall give public notice of the some by at letei three pulieations in two newspapers, where ', the application is made in any of the cities, and in one newspaper where the application se made other parts of the Commonwealth, (or if there bo no newspaper published thereio, then by band bills, to he posted throughout the township or ward, in six of the most public places, of which fact an affidavit, together with a printed copy of such notice, shall be attached to the application,) which publication shall be made nearest the place where such tavern or store is into :ded to be kept; and in the case of hotels, Mine or taverns, bball embrace a certiii mite, signed by at least twelve reputable oitixens of the ward, borough or township, in wimp such hotel, inn or tavern is proposed to be kept; or if there be lees thauflfty taxables in any borough or township, by six such citizens, setting forth that the same is necessary to accommodate .the public, and entertain sir:Angela or travelers, and that such person is of good repute for honesty and Temperance, and is cveqprovided into house room, as hereinafter prescribed, and nolventeu• sea for the accommodation of stranger:l travelers, which,cortificate shalt be verified by the oath cr affirnisttion of at least two of tho citizens joining fb said recommendstion Ssc. 9. No person pishall ho iieocised to keep a hotel, inn or tavern; in rosy city, county town as aforsaid, which shall not 1-ave, for the exclusive use of 'travelers, at least four bed rooms and eight beds, nor In any other parts of the State, at least two bedrooms and tour beast for such use. Elm 10. Before atiy license for the sa of liquors under the 6th eeotion of this act shall be granted, each person applyiog for the some, shall give a bond to the Commonwealth of Penn sylvanta, withAwo gieffteient . sureties,; in the Bum of one .thonsantrdollore conditioned for the faithful observance of all the laws of this Commonwealth, relating to the business of the principal obligor, and a warrant ofattorney to oonfess judgeient; which bond and warrant shall be approved by the said Court, and be filed in the office of the Clerk of Quarter Sessions of the proper county; and in ease of a Violation of the condition of any each bond, or wherever a judgment for any forfeiture or fine shall have been recovered, or conviction had, for any vio lation of the provisions of this act, or of any other law for the observance of which anid bond shall be conditioned, it shall . be the duty of the 1) ts triet Attorney of the proper county to ents up judgment, and institute cult thereon, atidllere upon the same proceedings shall be had, and with the like effects and with the same costs, as now provided by low in the cases of forfeited bonds and recegnisances, in the several counties -of this Commonwealth. For the examination and filing of each bond, sq aforsald, the District Attorney shall receive a fee of fifty cents.• Br.o. 11. That it shall not be lawful for the Clerks of said Court to issue any licensee as aforesaid, until the applicant shall haskfiled the , certificate of the city receiver or county treasu rer, that the license fee has been paid. Sac. 12. The venders of vinous, malt, or dis tilled liquors, either with or without other goods, wares, or commodities,- except as hereinafter provided, shall be chimed and rated as provided by "An act to provide revenue to meet the de mantis on the treasury, and for other purposes," passed the 9th day of May, 1841; and shall pay three-times the additional rate or tax in the 10th section of said act prescribed, but no such license shall be granted for a 'osmium than fifty dollars Bso. 18. That all Hotels, Inns and Taverns shall he classified and rated, according to tho I eatimated•yeerly rental of the house and proper ly intended to be occupied for said purposes, es follows, to wit; All canes where the valuation of the yearly rdntal of said house and property shall be tun thousand dollars, ;Moll onellititute I the first class and shall pay one thousand Monism: , Where the valuation of the yearly rental shall be eight thousand dollars, and not more than ten thousand dollars,. the second e.,SN. and shall pay eight hundred dollars Where the (valuation of rental shall be six thousand dollars, and not more than eight thou sand dollars, the third Masa, and shall pay six bemired dollars: Where the valuation of rental shall be four thousand dollars, and not mote than six thou sand dollars, the dollars,, claw, and shall pay four oundred dollars: - Where the valuation of rectal shall be two thoueand dollars, sad not More than four thou sand dollars. We fifth class, and shall pay three hundred dollars: Where the valuation Of. rental . shall be one thousand dollars, and not morn than two thou. sand dollars, in the sixth class, and shall pay two hundred dollars: Where the valuation of rental shall ho five hundred dollars, and not over ono-thousand dol lars, In the seventh class, and shall pay one hundred dollars: Where the valuation of rental shall be three hundred, and not over five hundred dollars, to the Agin Masa, and shall pay seventy-five dol lars : Where the valuation of rental shall be under three hundred dollars, in tho ninth class, aad shell pay fifty dollars Provided, however, That in the cities of Phil adelphia sad Pittsburgh no license under the •Classilloation of the 12th nod 18th sections of WU, sot, shall bg for lea than one hundind'dol lg& - Sic. 14. All persons applying for licensee, I and classified under the I.2tit 1114 lath sections I, of this not shall be assessed and returned se provided In the 6th, 7th, Bth - and 9th sections of an act relating to Inns, Taverns, and retailers of TiIiOCIA and spirituous liquors, passed the 11th . day of Starch, A. D., 18.84; except in the county of Philadelphia, where the Court of Quarter Sessions shall appoint three persons as apprais ers of tavern Bonuses, who shall be reputable and temperate persons,. and in no manner in terested in or connected with the liquor business The said Board of Appraisers shall be qualified, have such terme of nthco, and perform such duties, and in the manner se prescribed by the 4th, 6th, and 6th sections of the ant of 16th day of April, A. D., 1849, entitled "An Act to change the mode of granting tavern licenses In the .city and county of Philadelphia.ll f Sao. 16. That every person licensed to sell. spirituous, vinous, malt or brewed liquors, an aforesaid, tho u frame hie license under a glass, and place the same so that It may, at all times, be onnspiduous in hie chief place of making sales; and no such lioense eball authorise sales by any parson who shall neglect this require ment. Sec. 16. The said asseeenre end board of op- i praisers of licenees shall fuinieic 'a certified lilt' of all persons so appraised, with the ChlfTifiel, tiOD as made Oat by them and finally determined upon, to the treasurer Or receiver of taxes. as the case may be, of their respective counties; who shall, within twenty days thereafter, trans mit to the Auditor General a copy of ouch hat; and shall receive and collect, with the feel of the assessors and appraisers and their own fees, the sums to be paid for said licenses, hi • the manner directed by law. Sec. 17. It shall be the duty of the Auditor General to charge the acid county treasurer, or receiver of taxes, es the cite may be, with the amout payable by the severel petitions, liti'srtid lists; from the payment of any part of *hich amount said treasurer or receiver shall only be exonerated 'ny producing tethisfectory evidence to the Department, that the party or perties sere turned failed to obtain a license tis aforesaid. 82c. 18 It shall he the dray of the Andltor General to return to the Legislature annually, in the month of January, a statement arranged in a tabular form, of the number and classification and Ikense rates of all importers, brewers and distillers, keepers of hotels, inns or taverns, and venders of '6llOl/9, spirituous, and malt or hr-wed Noon., either with or without other art, sn merehAndiee, designating each Seto. 19. Where any license may be granted by the court as aforesaid, under the classifica tion of the 12th and 13th sections of this ant, it shall not be transferrable, nor shall it confer the right to sell liquors as aformiaidltr nnymther house or building than the one mentioned and described in the license; nor. shall the bar, or any other apartment en called or used, be under, let; but if the party so boensed shall die, remove. or cease to keep said 110364 inn, tavern or store, the bald Court may grant a license, for the re mainder of the your, at any term of the court, too 3,33366 4 00 r, Rh 33 013611 comply with the law it, other rsspects. Soo 20. Tho number of licensee so granted to keepers of hotels, inns or taverns in the ag- gregate shall not exceed in the oitieS one to every 0013 huudred tistsbles, nor in the several counties in the State rhore than one ID cram two hundred taxablei, the number of said text. blee to be taken from the returns of the pre ceding year, and it shall be the duty of the Grand Jury of esoh county, communed `to at tend at the first term of the Court of Quarter Sessions. immediately after the passage of thin act, and at the firstsession of said ootirt to each year thereafter, to make. special present ment to asid curt, apportioning the number of hotels, inns and taverns ao to be licensed as afore said among the wards of said cities and county towns, and among the towns 'and townships In other parts of said counties, which apportion ment shall be made with- reference to the coo- venience of the publio and the riocommodation of travelers and eojournere; and shell be con clusive on the said court, in grantiertthe licenses ttaforeasid. If for may reason the said Grand Ingueet Phan foil to discharge said duty, then the Court of Quarter Sessions shall make said apportionment Sac. 21. That any oale made of vinous, epirita out; malt or brewed liquors, or any edit:datums thereof, contrary to tho pros - Islets of this itlW, silk!! be taken to be a misdemeanor, and upon oonetclioo of the offence, in the Court of Quarter Se,slouc of the Peace, of any city Or county, the person so offending shall be sentenced to pay a hue of not less thew ten or more than oee bun Bred dollars, and to stand committed until the sentence of the Court be complied with, not ex ceeding thirty days; and upon a second or any subsequent conviction, the party so offending shall, in addition to the payment of a fine, we aforesaid, undergo an imprisonment in the county jail, of not less than one month, nor more than three months; and if licensed, shall forfeit said license, end be ineapaciated trim receiving any lioense, as aforesaid, for the penal of five years thereafter: And any keeper of any drug or apothecary's store, oonfeeljonary or mineral or other fountain, 'who shaNsell any spirituous, vinous, malt or bthwid liquore, ;nixed or pure, to be used as a beverage, shall be deemed guilty of Si misdemeanor, and liable to conviction and punishment RA aforesaid. See 22 That any person who shall sell spirit uous and other intoxicating liquors, as aforesaid, to any person who shall drink the same on the premises where sold, and become thereby intoxi cated, shell, besides hie liability to answer In damages under any existing la tr, be tined five dollars for every ouch offence, to be recovered in debt before nor alderman or juetice of the peace, by any wife, husband, parent or guardian of the person so injured; and irviedvpon the goods and chattels of the defendant. . Sec 23. That any person who shall be found intoxicated in any street, highway, public house or place, aball be fined upon Me mew, or upon proof made before any mayor, alderman, or jus tice of toe peace, not exceeding five dollars, to he levied with the proper meta, upon the goods end chattels of the defendant without exerup lioll. Bro. 24. Thst it goal be the duty of the Court, Mayor, Alderman or Justice of the Peace, before' whom any fine or penalty shall be re covered, to award to the informer or prosecutor, or both, a reasonable shale thereof for time sod trouble, but not in any case exceeding one-third thereof, and the reeldue, O. well isti the proceeds of all forfeited bonds as aforesaid, shell be paid to the directors Of the public schools of the respective district, to be applied for school nurposcs; and nothing herein contained shall prevent any informer or prosecutor from becom ing a witness in any such ease. • Boa 26. That no person priming exclusive ly the business of bottling of cider, parry, ale, porter or beer, and not at the same time follow ing or engaging in any way inane business of keeping ony hotel, inn or tavekm, restaurant, oyster house or cellar, or place of entertainment, amusement or refieshment, 'hail. be obliged to take out a license under the provisions of this law; provided, such person shall not sell or deliver said cider,, perry, ale, porter er beer itt less quantity than a dorm bottles,Lat one time; nor permit any of said liquors to he drank upon the premises occupied m said busiuesec and any violation of this seotiou shall be punishable as and in the manner provided in the twenty-first section of this sot. Sec. 28. , Tkat the constable of the respec tive wards and7townehips, shall make return of liquors aa I:10W ikro • ided by law, and in addition` thereto, it shall be the duty of every such con stable attach term of the Court of Quarter Ses sions of the respective counties, tomato a return on oath or affirmation, whether within hie knowledge there is any' Place within, his Milli-. wick, kept and melotained in violation of this sot, and it shall be the special duty of the judges of all said Courts to moo that this return is faith fully made, and if any person shall make iI.IIOWO in writing to such constable, the name or names of any one who shall have violated this act, with names of witnesses who can-prove the tam, it 11/1•11 be the duty to make return thereof, on oath or affirmation to the Court, and upon his wilful failure to do so 'he 'Mall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor,. an d upon indictment.. .lad con elation shall pay a fine of fifty dollars, and be subject to imprisonment not lees than. ten, nor more than thirty days. fixo. 27. That if any person engaged in the sale or manufacture of intoxicating 'ignore, " aforesaid, shall employ er permit any minor or intemperate person in any way to.assist• to each mitalachore or sale, it shall be deemed a misde meanor, and any 'person ee offending, shall bo liable to Quartettes sod punishment, ao provided in the 21st eeetiottot this act. Bro. 28. That nothing herein contained shall be construed - to impair or alter thoprovielons of an act, approved the 26th_ day of February, A. D. 1880 5 entitled ..`,Au Act to .prevent the mile of intoxicating liquors on the first day of the week, commonly called Sunday," nor of the act of the Bth of nay, 1,84, entitled "An Act to proteot certain,domeetle and private rights, .and prevent abases in the sale mad use of intoxica ting drinks;' but the act entitled 4 .4 ti Act tot:c itron' the sale of intoxicating liquors," approved the 14.th.day,of.Aitil,..1/3.55,.mai1-all..other.Lews or parts of laws inconsistent herewith, tiro here by repealed; tier shall any licenss heretofore granted be hereby avoided. lc is not the place,' says Cicero, ' that waked' the person, but the person that ma keth the place honorable. . . 6 firm fidtkapd troctiostaty Fre ;IA tin be rood by smoudiy,oroxrapted by reward. -`• VOLUME LXIX---NUMBER 158 TR' Irish Convention at- Buffalo has take n definite action on the subjects proposed, but whether the programme of operations will amount to anything - remainS tolie seen. Nine ty delegates tern. preeeitt, and the RIM' Dean Kirwan, of London,Canada Wes; presided. In his inaugural address, be r said that there was no seotionality in. the movement, and that the emigrants wet , to be free to go to Canada or 'Ationtecita, tht, only objeel athe organisation being to-provide - a way and fttrakth uth means. Committees were 'appointed- oil the formation of std societies, onlittance Ilnliedatites'and-Cana de bsaids„ ante printing: -The FiciancelCoinniit. - tee reported that $48,000,0Q0 of Irish money in the eavingsßankilet.dte Bodied dates. 'the canto commitite"reptirtedin favor of a plan for the formation of a joirst-ettstk-oompany, for the purpose ottpurchaelng binds west s oftathde-- • da, and selling the same to Irish itmignint aet , tiers "for not,more than ten - per 'oent-on:the Brat cost", This plan , wattadopted, as was able' ti report- from :the COmmlitee on Ormuz' anon, recommending tiut.natablialunentefagencies at Boston, New York, Pittsb,orgh, Bnfralp,Shicagq, • • Bt. Lot:delta ineti pliiies in Canada the del egates might designate, to'give infOrniation dud assistance to emigrant& 'A committee Lwaiati pointed to draft an address to the Irish Canto hos of the United Statea. A motion, ordering• correspondence to be opened with the l!dezlesul. government about the prospeets of coloniiation in'Mexico, caused such a stormy debate that - it was withdrawn. Thu organization commenced by this Conven tion proponee to colonise the Irish either in the Canadian 'wilderness or the northwestern terri tories of the United Staten, ae they may choose. The object is to hake them landholders arid to found strong Catholic colonies. In view of the attachment of all our naturalised population to the republic, it seems improbable that thehyper z corean regions !eat of Canada 'will be chosen by any cor.eiderablohnmber of them. Efenoe, there Is a likelihood of a Catholic colony in hilunenota or Nebraska —Pitt N. Amer. Tan Smarr Bean.—The latest freak of the spirit rappers is the visible appearance of a hand riking above the atble where the operators sit, and on the same side with them. This. decep tion has none of the adroitness of the other phenomena of Spiritualism, and has bean promptly' detected and exposed. A family bear ing the. tisane of al.venp.,rt having canoed con leiderable exaltment in New York by the prac tice of Showing . ..the eiirithand," the editor of the Medical Osietie attended one of their exhi bitions and detected it. The buys who did the tack were placed at one aide of a table, and the skeptics aSthe other, the former baring their bands' tied to the chairs, and all being satisfied that there was no confederate antler the tahle,The gee was turned down, leaving a eery . dim light, and after a few amt .- Dente the mysterious hand was seen to amend slowly from beneath that, side of the table,where the boys were, widely opened withttellailowardathespeotatore; and then slowly disappeared under the table. One of the skeptics begged the repetition of the sight, which being done, he leaped forwark.clutehed the spirit hand, tied found it to be a etuffed glove fastened on the foot of doe of the boys, ao that it appeared and disappeared as he slyly lifted or lowered his leg I The esme trick hod been detected at other places.. ji_T LLAS POWER TO CURE.—“I had not ol.t it :Rios Ware Ifeiti4 tendlcial 'create' Mx, o.;yra—Kin—Autteringirom cold and oodgg, Yen' whl • 0 t ad Maur n.does, without cbteinlog keder• I Wee pre. , witha bintls of .11.. ge. dells& Cough Mute," — I think It a duty whichl owe to both you am/ the publltt In arneral. to poaltiyely weft.. that I had not twd 1{ twite. WILMS it. benatlcial &Wm, and (=dor she Dieing hlealuer) had no occeston thgctleh MIS bottle. I tatty :ten, as to hoeing irlenesseee It. made procerHes on 6.m, if Mine; omen partkllalsr. . .had.a trying attackon it, lunge, ...paused with • dletrmaing tough. Valle the only CMG Recut/Bp txte (where onughe and inle ode. the .fferer) he" descended amonget Ss In 0. Selene Omagh ?ileums," Id. )(UZI BEAU) Plttatkuirb.4.. 11.1656. 136 Welk et. Poprted end told ley R. E. SELLERS & 1e26 Dorn. of Wood and 24 eta A.WRENOEVILLE PROPERTY FOR . .Sd.I.F.—A tut of Omuta 60 lost Iron , on Borough a. Z4tUttnrbk=====.: . l rooms , pod osila, co: buildings, and good de. Thin property L well koala! and .ill be sc -' MV=P , "- - arnotsonabl•banta. "Lilo borlea. Apply to 1.3 0 410alumum5. •• rI,OAJLED PH:OPOSALS will be received forrenti.g the yound and Shiro &tortes of Vilifies' ther tosether or wersratelY, until the 16tH of Feb. Posieseine will be gime on theist of ALSII The P'rob esle may be ill the o.lt/Cf, addresaed Pr le/ Ctortimlttee je253/1 UILDING-)STONX—Ibe Subscriber is b...willing to eon ram, fur farnithlug VA* perchte of .1 kind of building none. at a fair pree Ward/ilea/ Mon he made mon to the embemiberl67.lgylle sc., Math Word Pareone In want I emeiderahle quay um, nen rely neon being fernlshed with the best kind ,yr 01200. Walls. se the 04300 .0 113 . .. , 01,11 0110404 and forma very strong solid wall- fee/1f J. C. C1311.11.1.N8. FFICE TO LET—On sth et., near ItCtrket, () lately occupied py the Allegheny .17alloy R Sit& tit et Oise, Also, 2 Warehowtee on WM.. Lt. Coo. No 149 Wood .t, moor flth Owners of /Swelling Home, de drone to tent them, will ptetaAe 'Aloe rut a calf. no ere are almoot out of :Dwelliog Hous-et with demands for atom g . .g , rnarrr a BON. 51 Monet mt. KoE: SALE—A lot of ground situate in Lawrenceville. near Ote OritonsburghTurropiko Road. klt trout on Allen et.. by 11736• deep. MD lot lies well. stud Is &tillable for a private residence. Apply to BLARRLy RIOURY, 1?OR SALE OR RENT—A beautiful coun try seat, In Robins. tewaship,about I Dille. trona to city. or/staining shout 2i werese,Coiti ander thewhole place. The improvementa consist 'of h dwelling homer. barn. stables. *piing house, eta, are all gand and in W. raO order. well watered with never falling =Man trWt of the ebonies& etc. Prim low and psrmwrite reasonable, apply to 131,AgliLY Bizarr, N OTICE TO ALL WIIO ARE.CONOERN-. ~ having their Dewing done In a uniform and earsirior manner, sash as Shirt moron. an imam; Min:Teem' viotnivra last received from the Manufnoto ey, s fall assortmentnr Sewing Machines, with all the latest. Improvements, different lazes and suitable for ail kinds of .e wing, hemming and stitching. Ahrii riming Machines. adapted top any kindat Mein 7C091 the tweet maninie to tee coareeet clans 01.11-mnit Awe the= at Wind at, - Agent for Alletbeur TWO Story Brick Dwelling /Louse can tainbag• halt. two oaks" . and ktschim. 10.4 . ../ 110 Z:he lot Lig feat fact on Gr . lit 4 3 WO In band 67 00 daaD !recualodar ►t ESO0 B ► Zrrlitaintr a POD. it ALM THOUSAND FLOWERS—The hest U aria. °ow in ulo be.eurri.g urelpg , dump. of the Btia sarbni, canned. ..nom [Amin. to roe dby . kid .108 POTASH_ bbls for sale by fell MENDS R. OOLIMIS QPRINGFIELD FURNACE--Car Wheel 1...7 and Porn. Pni Iron In !LC...ma for sale by • IW4I Mrt7ILLFI 1 EON BBLS. EXTRA FLOUR—To arrive ILO d toy mile by fel 6 SIIRIVREL DILWOHTIL BBLS. POTASH—Received and for Bale by }ABLY LB DLGFORTH. (gOOTH ERN FLOUR. 115 bble. extra fain t Ily m stora for lial•by DO. lIKRBST fel.s Omer Ilmerty sad Hand aaa.~ 4 BINGDON MILLS FLOUR-80 bids. of this choice /tour fur arl• at the O. i ek i n r. b 7 DAVID O. I LOVER AND TIMOTHY SEFDS-1 1 •a_d bas. In ear* lbc .1. by . 615 ' D.O. EMILBM 11./ IJOHWEIEAT FLOUR--100 sacks Forest Mils tort received for sale by It Ct. HERBS?. felb Corner Liberty sire Rind W. B . M ON T -200 pileces I t? L r a fAlralz.b& 4PAIR PRAIRIE CMCILENS end 6t do Quail& not. and for uo. br ~l Wm. mcOUTctie . ): , * W., MO Liberty .t. 51( OROSS DELACOUBS ,JOURT nal& TR R: Y carts Oltro OIL Jure rodd • (huh warp ali r. Jaywaszally 31ed1cb., and fat do by YUCHINO EROS. 12GROSS'1100FLAND'S BITTERS in Btorr; 200 Via Venal l o Conemtratad Ly• • nor article for making EOSIN Oro Lama worth tau at Potash for We by tab FLAMM) BEGS. lIRISTADORO II LIQUID lIAIR DYLr- J.•t received • fellsdeply at the Drugaad Patent calla. , depot, 211 Liberty street, head of woook. Pita bush. .616 WICE.MilaahL BBLS. EGfiS FRESLl—BeceiTed and IL %Mar solo by fan suainut• /111.W0V1 1 . CIOBN StLELLEBS—A superior article lu nf doublk eloclo 00111 iihalers malred Ltd. day by railroad. mai ror J. by a, .11.rKlavn.l 9 waadet. RE.;3s 4,001 AI enn Cobol* digored: LN.abraorea Plaids sad arm yarloty of Winter some Limos. to be found at alien Y 147 litthrol. tOet. at A. linT/OHC.I. ja2l oar.. °rant and Fifth stmt. hhds.N.O. Idussr. u Ol . ll b w.w. by T Jamas a COOLEY. No Water at ... 0 • ft UTTER-1 bbl packed reed and for sale vann C. 06 bi —.LANSAW • CLOVER SEED-11 bags in store and for Ws In fro DAVID°, 111:11.66T. FLOUR—choiceExtra Family brands in atom and ke sole. by DAVID O. HX/I.BaT. dir SOOOD'.9 INDIA CHOLOGOGUE-4 zaanedr for fent . j ad, m. d b.! .1., tea . b o a Pt stno: V LOVE ANODYNE—A sure cure fur tooth- I.) oche. to—lidos reed by JOB iLB3IIICO. I &Wet No. 1 Lard for BalejT MoCAB DIEU. 8411 00. ECKER'S .EYE BALSAM—I have, just nea r. auppli of fkokir'. 'mob:18110 Balsam; .0m f or co ..yttang DO. In VA. io; "ors out Inbustool veto. fey JOS 111,N3111N - 0 YE FLOUR—Extra choice in etora and ror d. by fee • D. C. ilgßasT. BUCKWELEAT FLOIIII-150 tacks •ior. fur siaa by fel ". D. C. lIIMIIST. (111F.BSE-r-800 be,e:s prime W. R. cutting ) Choem, ralw by HENRY 11- OOLLINP. 9 ft." QkL s Nlre BU TT ) .Pfo W kk 1 r JOHN now* 00. ELSII,3OO' and. half do "PlaaktisriA . , , Wbltrateb,Truut, e 7„ for arty by- - -‘ - . - UNARY R. UNDI lEB-400 seandei,i Bags; • 30 bus Dtied ADO% 3 bta•Silab Lit* 60 bbls Lerma: . c . 4 2,l4l4tligar, 4 SOTO, Rag C.I.V• MillpLti Whit* Vhal - TiA... 10 big' Tsanci Oil. Mario k 4 d=!tMl