PITTSBURGH GAZETTE CLOP OF POTATOU BY J. S. {4,—g:teased one fourth acres . Land stocked with timothy and clover ; mowed one year and then winter kilted. Planted April 25-27; with early June potatoes =pat large and part small; mostly the latter. Planted in drills 3 feet apart, untamed In tee drills, and covered with small plow. Plowed and hoed three times, and top-dressed twice with Sahel and gypsum, .sifted carefully on the tops whim wet Yield, 270 bushels, or 216 bushels per acre. The difference In results from large anketnall need, was manifest. The rows planted with large seed finest, gave 12 bushels, of which were of good size. Two rows adjoining, planted with midi seed, gave 8 bushels, 6 or which were of good else. By small seed is meant not very small, but such se farmers are much in the habit of planting. New Britain, done.—Country Gen tleman. ROMErt zoo Mora 1.3 CASTIM.--SOMIS two mouths omee my cow got into-the barn and eat toofreely of apples, causing her to swell terrib!g, mo much eo as to endanger her life. Having heard it said that aux =mica woo a specific, I dissolved about half a tea-spoonful of the glob ales •in about a pint of in wter, and poured it down her throat i . Th rain • relief a was literally in stantaneous, and in a tow minutes sho was appa rently u well u ever. D. W. Auburn, N. Y. 4 BOOKS, Niustc, &c. CHICKERING & SONS' PIANO FORTES. onm ALANOPOOfiffaID BY CHICSERING & SONS BOSTON, ODESIIITINO OF Grand and Square Piano Fortes, ud theiristely Invented ~ P ARLOR GRAND PIANO. For stile only by JOUN S. MELLOR, z /Y.lll WOOD Brad= ber.fftesiond Alley QUA et. MELLOR, the exclusive and nendsed jar .Pafsberok dn- for the elle of CIIIOE. 11. BONS' Batten, Sleet) FORTES, begs to return Mignon nines. thanks to the eichen. of Pitcebunth, At. legneta and shindy, for their liberal penonske. end he tk=l!:.ll"ll.r:rradt ditzt"mtenitiete!Tode4‘lllllll...r. grate Slanufejorie receotly ere:ted st an 02;0119 of oyerr Two ittmdred Thousand rollers, • employed by Chtekering Sm. eget:Wye. for We Matorfacto. of their own Piano Porte. they will be gm bled to keep • full supply at their agency to Slcteburgh, ca/I.ld&.vorlettee manufactured by them, from the most Ocone e Parlor 0 and sod Square Plano Forte• to the and low priord Pis. Porte. ell of which telli he sold. satiably AT BOSTON PRICES. By the aid of new me chine.. sad the valuable Imam wrote Introduced Into the nenufactory of Ch... bag ••arm. they will te. enable dc pro.. better Plano /ones then [ore:dare, ...at ...ran. id. Prim Pi. chow. cosy also depend on • mtels. and lame stmt. of their Piano Fortes being kept at the Waremome to PMs burgh of all the ocyles manufactured by them, the: by affording the western purchsser all the advantages of th e Baton mocked wither. expeossoftr..oortion ar risk. A Plies Lt. and description of , Chletertog a Boos Brood, Parlor Orand and Square Moo For es mrnishe4 Erotte on sopl ostion by letter or othnortm lot toscher.terof the store Outennents, the e ubr r i t e ST h. the pies.. of referting to about Fine Mow.. a n . littatmcgh and "Viotti. who hate oorcheeed and bare ln use Plano fortes from the oho. mar k. 17. and oleo to the Ben' Prtnever Seetarke •ea have Chlthering BO.' Plano Forte. to us. .d bare g kneeler unqualified tenth:mayor the. ruperMsicy over all other. Fe amebas ory. Betty, Inhatral of the Blottbriwrinv - Male mb Mrs. de B. R e Pinto. Priori.l of the Waohlogtoo Pe mW Beroluary. FL. B. Wilton. Al. D., Print..•l of the Edgeworth Female Beadnare, Sewickley. P. It.. Burl lie Shepley, Penciled of the Blalrseill• Ye. male Secolner •. Blairsville, Pa. Bev. Jogeoh P. Taylor, Principal of lienwcOd Bore A''E t. b" . u lEg it . 7 ;l N er ?ITS V S l ere 4 bury. Y 11. LOME" Ar4aVecill Pk Young Wise, loots e Ey. Wm Sarah Thompson, Prieeteet of the Female &IWO.. ri• St. sous, Ohio. kn, AM, to . -Old Laos taken In esohango rather fall rah. in , per mint' • JOliN Ei ME LLOR Sob sweat for Ohl:steno:it Boos, mr Pitt•horgh and Waste. Feenneylsanis, NO.lli Wool tt. 'Alt. ern 4th nod Dimond alley. iellrly diner HARM.° N IIIMS MELODEONS. ILI K BE ft. BRO., ha ere -. WWI and for salsa lot of att• abort inst. atneate watch they era-mat moll twat topyrior to anyothers made. . Ifsallositan with 3 stops made br Poinsosmita. Stott ti.r.oaar. Hx.woxtvws with 3 stops by Valves tea, &sateen!. new instsameoss have bon examined by the Proles , ears sad ametsamel the two dd., who pronotmoo the= in.solat oft volume and sweetness of tOllO, .on.l to stay malt Chamit Ir a parlor Masa The awls s ore so arts. qtelltaita ilAVAhlinLrirAit7rl N lt[DLLAdt Y l. It almost superfluous to 11Ir . anittOne In cher fem. The senior porta,. alrOsuussr le the original (evocator of the alloMon. and the superiority et his 'mum:Monte hoe meter Jews qn.stloned. They ready.orders for them teem all parts of the world One of th.trlast and mast portent improremeets le the DOC= SIMI. which earlobe. tee teas affords the Maley greater miser ofedfcchl Purcheser• are requested to examine and cousin. them. on o mat • mapertoritr of thwave whtch wlll be on the reasonable ter= b ra ieber S Boa.. N0.,33, Plittt street. P. 13-0 fresh stock ,of limas a CUSS'S and other Pi ou th e way. m2l N - U - NN - S ------& CLARK'S FLAME.' • KLBBER Jr. BRO., have -- .. • DM =the 'ray. and wily ...us. 4 .2 - ''':-. 11l a t n:=4ll ll chn ea etoolf. of PlOllOBl , , i of N 0 all 'ARIL IL riktey ars ernovided with the lets and important inierWsuienta which dleiln ilorse • CLAW Pi46o. OM ell others, vir. Toe * ,-.0,1u05. ititwerol Hon mem , Prasch grand Jklion, etc livery Plano is funs uutr".l. with ti. ntoilega Wei, par:Wm of return ing thsrd. Was tf It prowls -- T war defective. . -- • Testirnordal tram G. Glinizulan, the wivalled Mania: Onscatauri, Noe. 19th. ISM. Siam H. IH4O c I Bro.. Piastarren—Osorrooses — Permit roe to thank you wet dowe7 for the 01•4;11•1. 1441114•111 Plano of Messrs. Nnone 0 CLart's mutinied.o• ry. which you have twi so kind se to loan so. ito• Wile Taw mem coveete is roe , dcr. Thi”vve.v 4.U. - mat la one of the tern best . ver made In Unwise, and for woinene and rower of tone, as well as eolidity of eon. stenethon twee nothing to be donned. I really too +Slate its t he owner who shall be eo nappy us to pos. WM oneof the nosaterirorke of Amalie. Wustry. With bratymnshee for Tour h•• 0114141. OM Your otet sere% Dl4 [MICR BTRAEOS.3OII. Bole wanly tor Maw et arsreo Piano* at If.: ILLEBBB. 0 8110.11, No. Vtinvivalle. 'Fifth et. no2B Sign of the Golden Gan. PL&3O FORTES. y • ;;' -, ...?galat'Vst- 4 : 2 . - *V 4 X4 I.-, ' II ,11r 9 1 q,- 7 ,t • - CHAWiIoqTEN. PAR a H g large 'stook of Pianos of r.BtoMtter hot the msno.fsetmios of aid AIiZIYMN t REM. ltnt, llletultb. Vaye..oCabllN6B, Now Yooltt liNlkiefiENßA9g,ldl=Mt va. inz g i t t at t gq... d o, OTtit. l =t • • Mr,7,1. ° 141, t' srurs an 4 Orsad Plsncs • — to base tom . mods with tbs mai:restful.. • kh their tostrtorumts sr* sold kV Or t t tgr . or a la illoolnato her=gtb.,43.4. 'OO and tbs gut:scribe la warrscasd oestOct Ems Pio..rte; b tor In 71 n e m3'w N L o. ° l7li g iglit'stn;s 4 . "slab Anne! lame! Kula. ; • Va0U121.41.2 ASV NULLED. ACHAM, • (Boorissors to P.D. &BE Itootaen,). Pak Halters of Music, and Dealers in all kinds Musical Menhandist, • • xo lel 'fiTilbtonz. rm • 4V ° 'catalogue one of the largest and ootforalar tha topotuinlir attaltioaa• the war td:slo 4;44, Ida •0 otter to it t . tEat.rol=oPro.ang.traaloa. w a rm •I • "Tl l iZrtr aad uttat to any part of Lb thaou.iliattd• tooaOr lV AU ar sailersaLtrartin per gsa above. mail. or -Wally and punctual/ Ird att tended ta. ' rob 4- • &e,-- • L. Harpers Noir Mcnotbl7 Moscato tar lobrttotn Otstmat's do . _ do do . Potorom'o loidta 1,14.10n5l do do: Bolbrio DOW ktootb.l7 do do. • .LeolWo tiro Yark. Joarottl _ alltruutiarg" all M. Wallops toad Lta.ott stumbe.ltoo Eilesbrated LOodon Nitro; otIVI na l ta d tbo n' titnr i g t7 .l l4ll. VA TYthr rink to.. op' ;mite th• Theatre.: VALUABLE ENGLISH. THEOLOGICAL I WORK% Itud received by JOHN S. DAVIZON. 66 Iwo. suntdinaer atti Teaselled Anemmt of IN Printed Test of Um Orrtt Na? Testameat, with a col , eo , lon of tbeCrltinalTasts of Grim back, dabou3LLadonan andllechandors; IBMs illuad 11‘01. tarnns, an introduriNsn to the Moly of 814,6 Berle. , Hebron filcudent.s Neenah The 'Vulgate BM% the lilaptusalot Vendas In &lash; alsoZetbai . 1. 11.1.1 ChrbaSe3 WIT DBltipilt.! Must:stet boo, And the lim, by M . hat Whamley's Oa. Zell Anger pot o n Baum Ay btotheyi or Itroolleollons of Maternal jpagieurdr, Mild/. Or WM T•staannt;Gsacanings on John: Pleasant Ji.mni.s, .or Mn. faVoraoriLßLln 1 OM ef Wlytonburig Aronita Can If 4 Emu , . Barred Wisetalse aWs future Mato Nara"' ay of halm. . =Sailor-IV Provldanon ho. Ilngh's -Works; C u . minds yantilyara. So . La!!! EW BOOKS from Comm Bror. reo' 804444:n0 413. C. Oschrsso AT1446444/: Lo iL yr. juw.cd, V014:11 4.414 = ln 81.1447 Smith. _ Manta Traralkketuropp, tattLN.Vell4 f4.4u4JLatiNdlirlint..4.,wil44o47l o w"118 ILO DOIr . -------------------------7---, Aupera at ki-AZENES far February reoeivd: i Frurne. Oraltara's de; Billeet; 41p; 1 WI goo r, Nitnlenee Mairlulor . 1031101 ta. X : garaah Trl aa• Mama. tar terrft ilits Ina' Airranar)- ada a im a 4; kh.nlll.7'll HigMl a iklit..d; MO . L" Hifi ll.stittsisd Nrararper. far taeak r w Art Journal Jaattill; m, d. and le gala at . AWILDENYMINS A oo ft+/. • nitnarea. wvMN CM BOOKS—Memoirs ofthe Colt . o 4 of IlloadorNaloordNifgo=,l=. prtlootS 1/ 54 0t 024 l it 04 ' , o w ls gr . ... , n p , ! 0rr0 n. ; SmOr. 11 1 ° ma sad hltidarOairt b " Wasl=4 4 1 .1", grabt. f Yoe LA aaa. '313?""f..___11,15 W BOOKS reo'd by J. L. Bead, No. .VB4M.l4trt: verr.; • -BMW OsajselVarrica , *Rh fano and I ll ust: stint. N a :011% . .475 11,8ra Mu Ell. FlOW.r.; po a mautWm , and Trs.”l, Wad Tiolon • ItartuM 41:ciar_12,41: . me% The itoralume Ilsrreat.l4. to Learatur. ,r'llrylEkoolts. J. LAMP:W.4th 4t. MACAZINZS FO 1 F""ARY .-1 4 ut riertYs4 irod - Ibi WO by W: IL Mean:l Co- And, opposite be Theatre, Balton's IdsValpf,N .I.loB3"itnapubse. "l 2" it" 1 11EN'AlitP FIRES Qt A try J B ortaaan Ivo!, 14mei undlel TOM AIM uo ea. woo, et . ADJ ., j ag -1'"•:°:10:X.TliA FAMILY- FLOylir—,.l. so bble. "'''''?l""ri`WllTTEß D "417 lieut ir4°T.lirr" 152 bus 41n actual, w sw Ifilißl3. gamed hispesaufgosalmixe by ia9s , MEE= MONETA*Y. BATES OF DISOOONT. catercom near TOIL 00 I.mOM. 0031 TO. 11 N. HOLMES & SONS. Brokers. Z. 57 AforW EL benoont Third fourth AA PiEEMVA PENNSYLVANIA. ,EL,..A., 01 toots- -- A: Bonk of Pittsburnh.........ll o 3 o ruxh at Tormiostoun. do 6,changi6 Bank of d0..-Por City I Bank, Cincinnati- do M; r. and 31 . 00 r eof do-Por maserdal Bk.Cincin • C do Brook f Bank of North A11161 . 6.4A , etto 8.A..-- - do Bonk of Nortter. Manias. . fa Ina Affrrtbo- do Dank of Penmy Imola-- P2IIRTO Bank- do Mk of Toarrothip...per I !Cones,,. -..... Commercial Bank. of Pe.-.Per NEW MibLAND. i f , armers • A Rech ok.... ardoe . 11k....P p e4 All rtetit a .BaV n a d ir.... it goneington ga b Br. Ita York City----Par Itinnufsc. A Mock. Bank- CetaitrY....,................... N. Mechanic , ' Bank- ..istr I MARYLAND. .thi t. u.il7. - -4 4 . BIM.-- ... r Ak.E. PouttPot ,d mark Bank----. N.. 1 EY A DELAW Traeranan'sßank...-....-Par =rt Banks.-- h Weetentllank. ..... .....par. VIRGINIA. Bank of Chambetnburgh- 34 of the Yaßaf..-- 34 Bank of Chester Coonty-Parlßalek ofY.,lllehmond.- . Bank of Danville-,.= - .Pa r it 4 Boat Y.? Norfolk " Bank of Dd. 00.,,,nne,":-.Par:ParMenr, k o Vireo*. .• hank of GebnantoonA.....-pariMarchantellidech.Mank X, Mk of t=rlL.h*. •.% Mirth Western Bank. • Bank of ord , olAMElllatoun._ r..- h • NORTH CAROLINA. Lositgonicry.o..Banit..._-larßank ot Cal. llcat_ ... - 2 Bank of Northumberland.par Bank of St. oflsl.Chiroit'a 2 Columbia Ilk A Bridge U..tarDons. Bank;Wilmingt=. 2 Doylostorrn Bank- ---par Alerchants sl6.Arlff bunt, 2 last Bank-k_...»._..._..-Darßan I SOUTH OAROLINA. • aria ---- )i BkortheSt.of 8.M1 , 1 ... .a 1 lamer? Ilk of Bunke Co-par \Bark of South fanners' Bk of lannotar-par Bank of etneketon_ 2 farmers' BaftbolOgr:Par PlantanitaiMs• 13 . 1 2 in B dr ‘ c%. W:rneetonar Lkairta Ins. k Beg° , sneeas Bir. WlLlbingtan- q i of Atlifaata-,, ..-,... . 0 11. 2 ..... ---... . h B 4 i c'f TB a"":r1-- - - Lt..... Bank. -v.• , -P. egrinat Rants--... 4 Lancaetor CouotY nana-Par • Luarrocria. 1.b..0.,Mk.;—,.,__.=. sic of lE.htuagif.,..d.e. Is, 1 4 Miners' el rotaer,uotar Bk. of bonier e,_hureton Mormotabola Bank-.-- NorthernßkofEentucky : Wr.t stanch Last_' -' ..P. BoutharstßkoffSontnek/ Wyoming lik,Wilkestan !A spari INDIANA. • York 1iank........---.-- h ;Mate Bank A branches- Belief Notee----.--- 34. MISSOURI. . OHIO. ilk of State of Missomi- X Ohio State Dauk-..-..... :1 WIBCONBIN. Branch st Akron..-..... do Marino A Yin In. Co. etas li. Branch at Athens..-,..- do Inoulasx. Branch at Bridgeport-- Yarrocrellecharder/Bank Branch at. Chillicothe-- doiPezdneular Bank-- ....... 3 Branch LlCleveland- dOIITMIZSIICO C0mpan7...... g Branch at Tattoo_-_...., /Mate Ban c k,.."-iiii . ..-.... Branch at Dayton--.......' do Branch at Delavotra.--- So Bk of IL Amotira,Taronto 8 Branch at Commtma ..... do Bk of tba-NOPUNTUIOntO 3 Branch get Ashtabula .- do Bank of MontreaL—... 8 Branch at Salm-- --- do Bk of U. Canada. Toronto 8 Branch at elanefleld--.... do airraiN Yor k-----ft Branch at Rlpley...--- On Neer York---....... h Branch at CincianstL..... do On Phlladelp da-t--.... do Branch at Washington-- dolOn 8a1amme..—..... do Mach ea Osdis...---- do WBSTSB.N BAC R HAND'S. Branch at Lancaster di Oinlornati*•••••.._ ... k Branch at Steubenville-. dc L0u15vi11e.......... ... Branch at ML Vernon.... do St- Lauls_..-----. • • Branch at Nevark---... do GOLD AND SPAM r A/ WI. Branch Lt Bpringteld do Doubloons, Bparr..-.0? Branch Lt Mviett...--. dot do Band t---lb.on Branch at Troy ....--- do Eagle,old..--- 1040 Branch at Mt. a rcs at... do EAKIN r0m.......-10.00 ilranchat Unearth.-- to Eredericked•or..--.- 7,80 •Branch at 01.0Notvrall.--... do T Branch at on Thalera-.....-- 7,80 Branch at POrtAITOIllb:-... do Sovereigns.-- --- 4,83 Branch at Eaton...--- do Ten Caldera-- - 2,85 Branch at Ravenna-- dorpolsona-..-....-...... B,BC Branch at Cuyahoga . do Dunsta----.....-- 2.11 Branch at Masailkod.-- do "-roach at Wmeter..-- . do GEORGE E. ARN A OLD & CO MER Dralzie IN LICIIA H IN AI GY, C0u+,7707 4 M 1 ,. . .4 T No: 74 1011744 drat, opixeits 8444 al Patb.ff... 4.2„aillTransacilotts M. most Ilbsrera444...mm A - v. T $_ • CATHAKIIC v FILLS. dAPERATE by their powerful influenoe on NJ , the in terns! rimer. to nue.ty the' Weld sod alma late it Into healthy salon. They restore the obstrnalo. of the nomad., bothla liver and other mgans of tbe and, by rertormg their leerier thtion to health. north wherever they arta, rub eras:mammon. se are the mesa of disease. On ...save trial of thdr virtual. bl recta. •nd Patients. titre shown sorra of deute deute ron. dheasee almost beyond belief, were tJuy not thhatanth,te I by persons of ouch exalted position and character as to forbid the suthidon of untruth. Their certificates ere published In my American kinothas. which the ••gents below named are. Owed to furnish has tall inubant. An oared we give Dire-thou. for their um in the csono. plain. width they have been found to cure. Fog Caen. , vas—Take one or two Pill., or each quanth if et to gently more the bated... Oretheme. Ls freettent ly the age...atlas muse of Mae, and the cure ef otm mars plaint Is the con of both. Nohewn oth feel be. se it well while ander a oyti. habit of holy, emelt Amid ogre De, p, omnlly relieved. Foe Diertrue, which is sometimes the muse at MU. , nes. and Oyer...comfortable. take mild &the from one ' to four—to stimulate the stotathb and lire Into healthy action. They dolt ,and the tomotburn, bodyinan hen it ba thd soullarh of dysterde will rapidly dinappetar. Ws gotta don't forget whet north you. For • Font browns. ar Morbid Nadi.wydrite et the an= which produces gams! &premien of the health. take from Any to eight Pills at ISM and enaller doses afterwards. until activity and strenerth L. restored to the s' Ito Hao. m. ...nem Sfek Headache, ..Nent,ll.ll. es the eloweaola, book Or Bide. taloa= four to t pith en going to ted. I f they*. not operate elle, tele he the ma ley until they de. Theme oomplaiuta each be swept out fro.o the eystem. Don't weer theme and kin dred dieoriers Mamie your domed. la foul. For chrlula, Esther/as. and allDisozon of Um Min, take the Pills (+rely tea frequently, to keep the towel. open.— The enrolls , will generally won begin to dimmer. bithy dreadful alone and NOM here been r v a and puZfai eee i effect of them rPate ate the egle t he tar commetuly yieldarattlth,ru thence. leaving the ealler:rgyerfect health Petiolate: poor duty te moiety turbid. you &mild nand. yom , self around the world ea, ed erith Pimple., Mathes. tri ode, area and all or thy of the undtha theme. of the 014 & S ow or eystent wants ele•r 0 ”, lb &Sow tut Yricod..they are the DM mene ever discovered. they elsould hetaken freely and d ie and the frumulties which thy the erode of inenrebie them will be swept out of the system like chaff tefore the wind. By tide utonerty they do as much good in prevtht. lag mime.. by tbe remarkable mom which they are making everywhere. Liter thaparersi, Amain and BOlteasOrdioes arts from moue denumettent—either torpidity. muganien e tor obstructions of the Liver. Torpidity end othretion Ls viti ate the bile thd reorder it toed for thral/ time. Tide e strous to the health, and the constitution la [en undermined by no other mama. ludigeetion Pi the may toot. Obetrnetion of the duet which empties the bile d into the stomach =thee the bile to over/cm into th e ecd.— . ' This prelnoseJsundiope with • lent and Wad.. Mahe f edit thetiverneet or alternetely earthmen and tiler o utevala. Cl everlth symptom., length. low Obit% evarinesa, midweek and malinirthell, with teraldinnWth• ability fo deep, and sometime. greet demrslaels ; tam. times there is germ paha to the dim the skin ald the white of the .lee heath. a greenth yellow; the itmosthh aria the bowels in to the mash: the whole MMm brit e bla with • tondency to finer, take may turn tc. !Ohms Arum billions cholla diarrhoea dysentery hanum , doee of three or four Pill. taken at night. follow tem Or three in the morning. ..I repealed •h. dela._ I re . Mr. the men anti these tronbine. it le wicked coonfrar me, when you am core them for 25 cab. • Shetomortne. Goutthd all InAseactory_Reccra. are rapidly cured by ths purify lag effects of th em Ma thou the blood and the Ma al. which they ,afford to the they principle of Me. Inv thee and all kith.. Ymplainte they should he taken its mil 1 (tomato more therer.ametly.buttreely. ea • Ducera Prig. thh. le both that useful. i s m Pill can be meth mare pleasant to Lk" and' matelot, none 611 e heen madonoreeffectual to therthrtege tar erb.- • din= DUI M mrthio.Ted raVAlLED BY J- 0. AYER, Practio;Land analgeClitealid, Sit 'Bold at Wholesaleiln. A. ykliNtgroug g At retell by 00007 Dratted mthe del dsll theism • ageenalkwil HERILLO M k IRO JAQU Ets, PEPS WORKS. DOR 142 Centre Street, New York, MANUFAOTURERS AND DEALIRS wonrons Mem. TOO4/..A. •M". 7 claimant= emarolocao wss 'cismorataii And Cam fratotating arid tightlim Btamosects, C. mama. uouila, Print* Dwellings. He ht vutaps. des mid Ball. Oorlcla plow ma Vicme. lierliima Boilers Oa Boiler de to order. tazlrreir,d, own paceatrwsrnri astemerittom Order. , itoll3tt , geortiottr <, WOOL DELAINES, ALL WOOLDE LAIN ElS—te non Owned et 161. Market at. Os most ble gyms of Wo9l VelAines hunt .87M eta apetds. 11•7113 g • taw ennenneat of the stele nemed..l with la rnb claw thew ant and will sal tam 215 we amt. lest than 3=lla:N=ler ar% 2 14 t. nee, Crnzob Cloths and eleffljthiSLlE imitable Ps Inattestunat we, all arrived and oven nncr.,exeminanan , nel4 . • PALM JIUGUW. • • ',lour gout bth SECOND ARRIVAL of now gtyla Shawls; eh o. Tslnuf and Cloalls,frof• OP ap.gra.. , iald • De* lot of Cloakins Clotf., on . 1 0.. M•lAt••••••• ••• • MI th: best amortanont of Caisicoom an Clotho fet d. DTSIFtrI and VigLinthimy both Merino and tar gat plots. falai , 6•t a snot rid= ti..o In pflea.b7 ~ *MIL 110431:15. 101 thuzat V— __--------------__ _ CIOE3LAIIKET nng need a J hags lot ®n and Bath nolo& 1 11 .. 0z i =ottri . En" trelar4l3:l%l', m ot e-1 "fmorstrorVis .irgr1:111;71 Watts ibould bsworittlute lass 47 "%tot. It !sil t sgss‘ lc tast"ssetfalots= ieut, auaun. gO — R-PE -----"— OPLE who want to be comfarta — blo daring tbe winter mason and fro fronted rims, .L will says all • ream of Doctor Bllls Dr Idit en 10d Ds+ , kat rt. 'Ad sarchadng tbeir Dry floods dr the adrorsr, az be boa reel bit seeond arrival ar wintis Coeds, ste lea sale Lew tr, tbsy still WM* to web: : as the•coots btv rho beet and eheaptot of _anyita_tAte ty d door , And De arsorod.ld PAUL 111 4ECOND ARRIVAL OF NEW BEMS AT I_l k 111 11 DIV:iFird r eriga l Attre ,10...a egmlas our Orly of Oros de nes, blob. anUdde and lilt of all descriptions; also torfd oar new Idarselliss sob Allendale Coll% Collars, Albers% Cborlsettes ILII4 WAIL Our 210/ Embroidaim are of the ettoteett reDatton. N. Be-rarticolar attanticorpald to Idonsolon Goods, of e. 14 PAUL UMW 104 I,llolgot. RDTTER--25 bzs put up for family; use in . 3 .1, sad= lb pstici4Mi KO RENEWy • 031.11.1218. 'i. INSEEM Oi l baroill this day r• da / ~nd Ica tab by jal /IENKIr EL COLLI.IIB. RY PE&CRES-1 0 mote just nefi 413 7 tor sale br IL COWAN& UTTER— 10 bbln and 20 boxes choice toll Butter but reed sad far eilyrr a owirzth. Vat:lg: 5 bbbs freshre4dnnd 1;Al for ..t. by Jan . J. B. CANFIELD: LARDZ.2O kegs No. 1, just rad and far OANVIELT). DRIED APPLES —lOO bueb6le_jus ffnd for sae by .31 J. B. umstriELD. TIMED PEACHES-80 bash new, bright alm, but eftfd and nr asla 11 . B. cAlcmcw._ J• 24 U . OOKETS-40 dozen in store and for safe -1 0 br tart LB. CAME! D. - UNAPL2-20 bblajrte'd andGL .bTl jz DOT ASH--30 oinks junk reord and for Rale br rW,4 .7 - B. CAN IrcLD. IMAM, ASU--43 (maks just reo'd and for rah by lin • J. B. COMELD. ROOMS--50 doien Corn Brooms jest reo'd eae for ale by NIA 1. IL INBEER OIL-20 bbls just nod and f. oh la jai J. D. CULNIVIELD. M.II.OKEREIr-100 bbls N 0 .4 3, large; fn %Mr 0 roots mil for fair by :l a an Ws • B. 6 1031..5 No. 1 Lard; 5 ke• e dodo. • .5b t NEILS N. 0. Molasses, now crop; ip . 9 20 bat btu, W Syru . , for fele try , 11411TINIZON* 00. 1111D8 N. 0. Sager for Bale by wit. ittourattoN CO eIIEESE-500 bocci; prime W. B. putting trr Ja24 HIM ILOOLLIIS6. L . ARD-10 kege No. 1 Lard just reo'd by jai MOUT 11'.001.1.1110. l I AKE risa-IUO bbls Trout; 100 Vole . s hit. web: lisp pia do dc; 110 half bblil rt. jue, too tad me ode by - 1 44 .. 1 . B•CANrIELD, EG BUTTER-50 kegs prime Bert2l ins toed end tor Huey • az& . a Valuable rroperry zor Sala; tr Libirty street, adjoirag the etb.:44st 0r...n..1, new Canal Thin now the oniT de Me piece of property to th i s neirk.rhood not email bought up by the Penteryleemlaltailr sad tkimoany. 1 wilts lug on Liberty. eu Ebo street lee feet Memos to Use Methodist Gra. Yard big.; niet. to Lltenty 100 feet. Th. roperty is innet desirable its a noted. The bnilillask now on on it, • good substantial throe story brick. with ail the neceseary beet bu 11.... boo fora ion Unit been nes cup Led an d others n Motels doing a good bmilness. Capi talists an dasko. of maklng good ltsseetmeist, will do well to examine the premiees. fi=ats EDWARD FATIEIt. • A PARTNER WANTED—An energOic burinese man with etath capital ot ibout PAO mn semyre a partnerahlp Ina large manufacturing btainere fully and pernmanentlr establiabeti. In enwemful operw ton, booted In the Most centre' part of the city; that hrtd2loZ: pr o tpr. of at kart 500 iv nt; dose United S tate. withou t Tultrer 'x ce:li. Vr i No &ite'uo‘ptore ttinity than this baswter teen offeredfor the embltkadon In business Of an enterpri.lne man which we cao odder. lord, demonstrate fathom desiring the information. A roompOrt..nri coned. statement of the mo o d-. te now in oar bonds far iimpection. Appal to dell B. IdeLAIN A 80.N - .Nt I:7OII.TANT TO CA.PITALiS e Lan for ale a lot of ground altnated an the corner of and Clark ate-haling . front on LAO.. t. of on which tlaer4 are erected three 3 otory. brick dwellings. tom °fel:deb fronts on troth atm ail to good re wil l and each =m = ini six roomeand enlahsd garret. Also , nd. Joining the above,. to. 31 ft. front on lark at, ou which there are entre 3 !dory brick deretli,a el.& containing 0 ?DOM. mod yard, bate 0113. E. Tue owner of this p lo p_ arty will May. of it e ta writes ea be wlehes to intret hIl money in business, Apror to. dell y. iIeLAIN & 003.21 so d. HOLDERS OF LAND WAR.RANT re 9--- Jae stout Wading on .nother ',mirage of Lana V. ermints for bastion In lowa. throughout . ageotu Meters Mai. t itaturatau Fort Des .11oinea. The many location. that bare been made through out dans, 611E1 which Lave SIMI tads beton. warrants Imin promiting that the brat available ituda will be secured Mr thote entrusting us uyth their ordure. Eta 11 bieLAIN t hUN. 21 bth QTOOKS FOR SALE - 100 shares Luling -1..77 ton Genesi Coal Rallroaa Biagi "TAO 100 diares of Aliegbauy Valley Railroad Stook be exchanged far Real astate AIM In cur: and. building 7 10 l will be exchanged for LIPP t : SON. No. al au, ARRANTS--The highest market price W raid tor Mists: ash and Allegheny Warrante er ems; H. Ur -LAIN s BUN. no. 21 fifth M. MECHANICS & hIAN UFACT URE II —sid.rhineStv.p. wat t Foundry. Blackem xis Sloop m. all the mcessary Toole, for carrying oo manohe Lure of Agrionitural Implemsou or Raltroml thus, is offer. safer tans on Um meat accommodating term.. Too Wan lishatent lodinated In • floarlablog town not far Irma the f ay, and Ima great redline.: for the manufacture of it Ml rmad srerialarge orders let which, far wes:cro 110411, be banded over to the purchmer. All the machinery in In order. The only reason for ee.ling Is that the proprietor LB shoot to elnikge in otr bueines• To a practical etas of smell capirtt this lee now opportuolty, ha engage in • safe mid profnalols Sloras. Immediate CUTlllfirdiT a eaM, I poweemlon can be had. I 6e7 6d Marker at. - - - • Sr BEAVER BRIDGE - we have a very convenient reelderare ort rale. adtnated *Rhinthree , ST walk of the Lt. 8.. Btatlon, at Deaver tarldete. The ' hone. contents IA room. Wu a portico In front. en areal. tent well of eater. a fame garden with fruit tree. Co. The lot lose • front of la feet by 110 deep. Vales $lOOO. Terns eeay, or will b. exchanged bacon snag)... Launty Hond a dela 0....1int/IEIIT &IN 00 $1 ***** et. a ETOR SALE--d SALE--A. Farm of 90 acres and 51 Tfmnifew situated 1 mile from It. Clair Bration 4 a. Itallrlad, Lloyastone Mod in good state Lf cola. yeti= A tearing orchard of 60 or 10 young grafted Apple trees. Alan good building. Goal undar the piano. Ilya above la • line 1.0.5100 and will be Moored of on ersy tenon. Apply to da l 9 13. tfloldlo A oolli. 21 bon IA :.• . .- ._ ONERS OF PROPERTY (non-residerits r others) are in formed.thar &aloud to renting .00 walleating Mora, aloo 10 bannal.C., repairs, payment:of tales. to to. Our charges tor such fferyfoefa ere moderate. We tuel,e the •ttetalorrol property owoers of those who rends out of tho City, to tble Mall.lt nch of our twain.. Vf W. glen negotiate harm oh WO., 13 gsglog, procure Octavees partners, du Businere of this kind attenas to promptly and ati ocmmunications strati. other ' All inquiries regartlliag heal Essen, or other mortars, must *nolo.a poet stamp to pay parade on Mir. A CUTIII3hiIT A 00N . 65 :darted eireet. W . ILL be field at a great bargain tot cub, we rerattare 01 two roma all new and In good. 0910, enneleting In put 01 the following Ilorarood Wardrobe, Mario Top Musing Bureau. Wash stand. Nigh Put Bedstead oath 3prma Latium, Bed eat ding airel . As: 1 Card Table and cover. Booting Chu. Cane t (In Looms and Idattrase. Cusug Curial., Se. to turnaere win be wld at • bargain u the orlon ,Lout or Luang the Ca/. N roll particular. aPPIY_ de23 CUTUpEnT 003. 63 Market et. 11-IUSINESS R WANTED.—Ciaod Air Prorates= NotesPAPE of 1.319 else enn be reedilr nego• tiara% by its sub 0016 re. 100 eharee-Ohlo Trap float •er.a for ealth 600 do A'Y It It do do. 103 do DArlu i two C 13. a stock' 10 do a/3 If B. DlaLdlli aWIN. '2l 6th et. 'l l O FARMERS, DAIRYMEN AN.) TAN- A. NER4.—Por sale,l7B acres of iAod. In Weetrooreland county, 142 miles (2 hinds ride) from labPittsb, .d lit mil. from 11111sIde N, ater Station, on Ule LID sit MUSS ltailsoad. About...norm are cleared: good tillable land, tuunwhkh la • Log House and lissu. it ,is well adapt.W :to the raising of fruit, or it would mar.s.t.q.ellentel Dairy. gram growing luguriently, aud the pla plain being wl sup, plied witb, the test water. There is an odrundanon orthit Suess timber, ,to Clwo.dut, Maui , . Oat, (b. 12. tlhibet) Vitae llat,Poplar, sr. It Is well worthy the ettealho of ' Teens, SS the Dart tan Dine rout to Pittsburgh, by either railroad or esuaL Tho ttlwr alone le worth Mort Maio the prise an d most of the land vorild afford elicel. rut pasture when cleared. The whole will be add for the .27 low Floe of IS per sere, or It will he divided to suit purchasers, et from !-02 to s4.guts'z'hytittini.°hlrd„u`lhe balance to t . of 1111=0111 DarrtintS. Title inctinpatabte. Smut. of . oda-u THOS. WOJSS.I6 Wasdet. I .A .AIND FOR I{:t-143 acrcs of Ltind, 2% mild oat of ficitheeport, on which le a ,cord made Roam and 113 m; 110 um.e cleared. a Inzgo of chard of graftedfrnita and 35 acres of Coal. Now to the ..e for • harden. 60 sensor load, near. 31urdock'e garden. with a food frame home oath; it is them,. 60 acme, a miles west oi yew litith w ton. cm It are good ha , MI, 3 V s' 1 0 0 1 ° 4V.17 Sm sr gionOngthcle Elver - and meat variety of ether farms and math Me of 1.01 in Bari e Vy. width 1 hare described on my prired.ferk. tsr al,4-Of Sod I°.t ° Tlig3rAOS ' . 14 " 417.4f1 i Poooth s toot VOA THY, W tn‘.—Efiay person go g •or impit Ira, T rie l o , , , C pa c nor l! . s tzltnitte 4 r u nt ourtapla O. It had op thu 'Wan boyar can cute lousy. -le minty of good Copper Stooks on .rood to nil for Out Estate, hasor in the West. 1 also UT...Printed Itesdrter of Baal Estate. Descrfhed on It are • Tartetuof. Farr., C...trY WU. knock, go. Thin ftCYt.tor I. I° / 7 41.1,11 ° At it Z PI.I MTV Commercial Broke, 75 Fourth rt. KOH. SALE.—Two notioce and Lola 'on . Tile street. [lt. Washington• o Ilausesand Lots on Pnnsylvania. Avenue. One lot On TOVIIINMA street. Also—Twenty others in different parts of the city, or ',blob will. wil6 low on Mir tame—They ate dossibral an Migrated itositstar, snatch you an hay. gratis by all yrig at lb Yorath stre.t,ll you won't bon O.IIU It bars inoperty for swim, by cal= on roe you est bap It bqfar3 thwl39bito at largo in • rays saay way, enquire of THUS. WOODS. Drunnorrolig Bram. sDitt 76 rough sacred. FOR SALE-12 Country `:eat eon the right b "" " jr ° 4 otbre,F°"=LM zlituTnelitZ jotaver clay s . end • moat agreeable poor for riving. all hours. They are Amsted opposite the red. donna al Joorph literorland, and adjoinlng Anton Shirt loy• end Springer ILI arbaugth DEM ibtahns colony. tiara In this, an °ter of the beet lontslon In the vicinity of Plitaburgle. or it will to sold to lota to woo par ting onovrill iMprOVID them. Enquire or Workl.f TilOhign WOODS. Minn :r o l to , - -- J 1 One Farm on Chattier; Creek. contehr3set 131 an , “, well IshpraaC, Only 6 the der. a rood ben- , berm WI lot neer peed of Federal et.. Allegheny. It le 03.. 4 efp Jaw. 10see • Printed Regretter with the dementia°, o f - il haze tonlober of farms. cannery ante, houses end WW. , Elirti sell he pup to eat who wish to buy property they will . flvAdcearibedon It. A Moe esfartacht lar wile. Cell on! 1 eelh-tf . TllO3. W 001,11,16, eth st. ,—.----------------- , 1 4 1 011. SALE.--A splendid CuntrOtesi- ..c , 6..., . the OW Diver. adiololOg du non* of Iler. onrs. on the ;dant road. at Wood. lion. These 1- 0 acres coesnal witb a Large amount or 'mar fruits, overran.. er.6l.74.b.gx.' . ..rii=ra ,- .lr — gx - zt a.m.. it 0 atlend lon. Yendins of Robert WO . Leo.; on the nrotcdoss, or c: oven. TEO& WOODS, 14 lonstkatreet. _ ... ..... all radians of theaounta*. axle gamily.* ISOUNTY LANDS, for the Soictiere, , chup. Ulm Tssowtors. and Pot].Damon angsasd.lo'. soy o. Clo Hod Mates' Wars, tbrowa , bars or •tdoss,.... by • latalor sotittsd to • boriatl• Move who sh me their ellisits can Ws glom proIDOWT attended tafara lam attou Kiva. r r tr t . , , . _TtiOd. W_ L OODS. . 07104.1 Laud and.PanslOrt AC... MAUI rt. 11:0 1.b .RM77fil. g--13 acres of Oround, Cliletlittt - WI for choice Wading Mt., on the Lwrreskreiftlep WI ors Pleat IWO, hempa the lend. or: Thos.. Wallace era thrld libltsee, Kans. Iron:Woe CO frit or th e South side of add erewl. l e t to U.• may superior ! Oboe of grosuld for Waite ao low a rataon um: brautVoL . rout. — KoOtt. of bay2l•Lf 11108. WOh)DB.l6, 4th et.. OE. MIX—A superior Farm in. A eater ac.u9ZrttuntiTTs it=tz.VAIVIT= cnicron and is GM A rate order with g nod ottbard and ali wag °anal on It. It bLonernd Lnplra of an'nkt MOW 001),76,.4th at. VOR B.9lE—Aoplondid Dairy Foi* of 100 r"'"l,_nrric Plant Bau 4 d. D 5 Zgett= imaZ rr um,,wl.Mnst Ilora . na Darn and Beam; nnal convenlanes, Pile. lon, trolls= 7rm,...5, -1441 -.--------.-"-- . LICK 8 —4 beautiful Country Ousts, on II: the 4th street tood,ibtoolde of Coat LihdetY. Thpr ere choice 4,14+, eta ..e apt to b accez4 ip rote woe 14thita24..11(141"':M7!" hATIEN S. '6, 4th h. tl. 0012_1_, i TOR SALF;;-A Country Seat of 11 1-2 11" no.. within 3 trtilso of theca:, on a good rood. tt le offered yore ion. &mate of 000 0. WOOLn4 - - . ~ 6 Won't!, et • • BOOTS AND /MOEN, " WEIOLBSALE AND U ETAIL. PRE subscriber respectfully ea% the at hinotion erles nodd the at aaarraLly, to an eaanthiation of his etoelt of Boots nod Bhoes, Ihi.&44"6llllleur?° the New Eogiac _ d no n L tere a na :. &1114 Cs Boo t s 001 P and Mined( /tot the 1).11 Ja otorgeOrtZtrsrld:sittri and Ugh The with to S" Vtl o"U' l mid"a .:1441:10.111furnml nonw -Wo Foote and urogane, MO and Youth'm Brunelle, Duller Bo n and Busting, and Mimes Foote, Which Pe et ertente.. In names to the prime he need gar nOthing mem th b a=, has 4ng ‘ tn 0111 as &eaves lart7 plan . Oar eft i •Thanithil tor Go IrbLl patrooaaa Weal:bre; rocelrod Wiens (=the; Worry and-from his long_ ispetiento h in =zit. outlaw:ma that 1111 fferral, so 3 b 9 Market et. betrreon Braraotbi r llt.ah. ii ,D1:11 6 +, &C. INIIM autmcours EMMY CO allft fairav Compound Flak 1 s ft"M'act Barsap.arith. PM rertin 11 n0 Ito Blood, romans a datums arse hens exo.., of Mcreury. daiontritand issieraproa in hfe, chronic 4,.mem-anng from etri swami state of Om jk o m/, .4 det only naafi mut effectual newton remeandlie a. 041. e f tkrof. kali RAmanjookl /lend, 13Mentrenu = T . p=iontkitltermid!tae a sr~tp r+ l3 = fet'aesstOpit VII th r nrohrietor of them medkines tots We to titan Ma. It la non nearlX tbeal Mut BIM Um/ mire first Introduced dada Irina time thief. lime been antepidnely used Ins ons parte of the Unita Mtn& .4 wee Omni , ant and ;if aatloner M. blsdiest degree el satisfaction In 1 rut omen In isrbich they basalmen eutployaf whether In town,:noundny,boem, " minty Irrsetl , " Et.,,,,lgabaltritrlably ten rd tr ,,,,, a: m g , d„0r.... I.oB.rielircti. 1 git =Platter: Tut Jo di.: boon %mewed frora the most duttosnied 0157slitintt ZeTritYinerutereffitattA.tVils"rdet te%Vnt .aloes Uwe medlclnrs *la Cash! snerrr. .1,7 1 / 1 o PM. -------- Wetland .for I= ocearasev . . ._ I) Ind mom s.. 0. straress--...-.....------..---4,T. RAM.. mends. I:11.T. r=r 1 ,,, ‘ „.5,,, , %r ..„,., b ! , ,,,,rit . GIIIIIERT ik. SPAULDING. Nr, Vi Qap l ireza. l urive.".ll. , to_ t.N Commission anti Forwarding Agents, mfitgrar,,,g,,4„,:gdrr.td=rali°4... 24 COMMERCIAL STHEK, - Won and the asionlormant of diffsrent mantnits In *no s reetres otarstlon to uses OD the extractive num, sm .' &LOTT LOUIS, ma • I. ¢/plopllllica us most frequently turerstirmage , Ala Putical""'" "ad w th. 905!4" "t toa ''''Vrtgrteueiminn -ungilint ,==rz; Provisions, Floor, Drain, ,liemp, . cp...t...i viq, ph.na.aksi rsnimuoss..- LARD. MU, An. to, AAD 1011. W ARO/NO. t Is, of ilia tunnetit cenalderttiongil IniPtir- 74MiTtiollo ea to the fund, that should unewrentss mato ~ Isaiah IL Robison& /30., WptitrWatrl=.lgifsreeltrratts= ..• 41174.83130 i! l'lt 'r han.e.h. PIL , iseiltill= to, I hsve ' made • sicunber ot ceperterento to =,,hr.t....." 4,011,1 tz,v,xto=ilut:f gcuttAnt. ...,......,,,, .... elnadd,l, Colo al Ala Pr= Orr tun! esholuon. ailsszniertmsnts tt o ••^ . ' - g, 'wt.,' ' 1 ~.; ~ ,___ r: en. roost Ihrorabir and It 10 nlthmarkpleautre •• Wm. AL Alorrt...l A Co ., ._ / .........1.• • Ilte t r ord. ~..trwa.,..r..11,_,..rw,t, 00.,,,,u.d hcx,giou.l2ov sad ins bt!..l;,,=;:nra,:zt,a.", _ol,_ _ beihneatang maa no: 40131) , tenteViltrabilvincia.stii—atrat XlifE. Subscriber braving purchased the ex. ; Matti , •s tst. .1 ,nrit 414.1 u, the tub. dri eludes Might of . J. Johnston s Patent Dos and J. ~ drlnt. and , oebo _tile full, ectmsli In strength ea, Kahan LVlEn.,tnt eallantlak Brnooth. , Iform. Is now ! oi imp senora... el ^ ,,,,,, .+ 3 so ffrOSU7 ItiMini. In mantaansloff mesa., In son _ plum. rrV...l:Fifi.va he keeps oomtinittr ort handit Budd 11..r.5ce.. ;I pas bgttle, ar.l3 Ice . 116, bin nn Tana atm onnotilto dada ()Otos .. Panemsrilis, tln Works, o Ism. to: inntd! oseorunspt of the nottadon Tailor Cr./Aosta of nary and roemsnetastions from dis to warn ba would reeseettor Invite the Anlshsd professors nod phredans sill unorsliareson 1"11--,nn &aim and the pubnq In mmerm. p si smmrmn. Prepared andleoldja ILINGSLAND.AIIeartent qtr. , P 1 1 ,.. I LL T. Rollmop `Maki' end /Pah , -- QUNDIIIES—T brzime ground Popper! la in -drsimouna 0 i ... m,..1 -di 'lO ono par. do 406tooRi 'totoy grain P• 0 1,6 6. 20 do do Aludoc 60 oloOslnstgur, lb Um. Ulsy 1066 c 60 kw 131. Out , . Fang • , 4MO 04 da toinitium.iritil • ••••••1 ..,..t r aw, igoll other artielw to oar 112., rot oda by xl. T. LIT • CU- Tin. 112 P.oood It, rrial•E COVERS -200 dozen of, different. ArkroretViDebigatrieutgt ammo= o,ttia llO 010,1101 K. deTS J. • 61. Milan% lryi—llibblsTortale by 441 91114113 a Azian t,W= em 11 . 0 .TV _ . C- ir, PLIASANT FAIIIIX PHYSIC— 'IL An eutirel/ tvvrnbit 10=‘X:•Eg:;50,1,0= i M . 'm er it"' -iii tii a mt Milualdhllllous &ad./at...tie; tklr i tble if i ed . rflie . u m' es-salve HAS NO AQUAL IN THE WORLD. I have noel Itoonetautly In mgree r Placa/id. tim for upwards Otto Teens to all mew where •st Jan will Modred: and would hot now do without It. It. le the cr'PLINSICUN'S .ASSIST ANT, di wet. as the Meet "femllY medicine In nee inildren delta ft tritkprea.Wre. A tall not nauseate the weakest attnateth.. it produces no gelping, but Onvlnte = vat than cregaly,and es sure to oedit:ahead inipuritizefrom the syttoth if7!i'9STISOVS:DP-trYTAINO WITNESSM nth ready to testify to Its superior vlrtnee„lndtwodent of Nei ptirratlve and antthilloue unalltleo. It blue cured the riot cares of Krl. In 11. few (hue It le a NEVER FAIIANO CURB oir•Houlactts. Liver . COMIMITIt. dentullins, Kidney Dm , ViTgolt: ad:T . o4l7h IVVV gralbtra.sol37ol2% r io nltln. lbsiplea Ilutaneena. 14.uptione. Otertenetiona tu the gletem Constleedletiof the weleaiNtaell,,,V.eira(tr.l rilalug,iiil:rtleeime:Volilltrimet & r lreleantes by Its myrrh; Medlelnalltrtnes. the Olee tolluor from the Noe t and entrupt Ml e from the stoma , . carrying It off through the nature' channel& le 1111.0 LITEISIII4OO and lesych the etetem healthy. I IA my friends to ta t the above Med. tlna . ati er l d propotu T ie: • verge= tlly.Ml,l=reezili not doubt Vtlrw'orth.*" iii * dim Its teen hanniluellon. no medicine hu attelned Such wonderful popularity. and ito Naha have lueseeend Domed the mint eanuulne buten ol Its Maude Netigh hors mom liend It •• • nate and ITe'll.errALLE.o rras,c. Phylaclaes meet It with them: CHILDRENIrI.I TAKE NO °TILER 'After on: trill, and parents should nee no other In their 'families. People tiviuty In low and marshy mantes& rube 'lent to tiredly miasma., where revere. Airne and levee, wed blltloua rompLetnte ant more apt to be, wILI Owl the ~ ._Litiold Ctatbartle the mat potent remedy yet tried.— Vint It a trial. . Wholesale by A. IL & D. Eal4P, C. Cllckntr & Co ,and C. n. Wu.. New Tara. vi Pull dlteetio a accompanying each bottle. Price 60 sod VS Ti of tenir"dlweat=T N y . j ' olnil. lI P . ', W4CIL Eger, 2il bberey St.. Pitt. burgh; W. NAVERSTICK North Ilanover Ft. Ceettele„ Penne. deg lyd tit 111TTERS any Lind.d theiNoar aft . ea.= dpods disordered Stomach or hirer. thichaalndlgeetiot Acidity of the limmach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, LOSS of Ptatite.Despondeursy„ tinativenees, Blind and Bleeding , Piles. In all Nem... Rheumatic and Netara.is Mho. Hone, It him In numerous Instance. proved MEW b.. - Mal. and In Others.... a decided cure This IB ••purely rogetablecompeund.Presidos eirl9UP ealentitioprindolea atter the manner otht mistral. Holland probe., limrhave, Because of f Ite great earners In roost of the States, its introduce...a Into the Unit. M.. am intended more esrechillY for theta of our Wharton. scattered here and there over the fare of this miehty country. Ifeetlos with great emotes among them, timer offer it to the American public, knowing that it. hub' uonderful medicinal I \ irtum roust be saunal. edged. r It is particularly recommenfied to Mae per.. tame en.Lltutlons may have beem Duper. br the continuous use of ardent spirits, at other forms of dissipation. 0011. many tratentsoceons In effect, leen& It way directly to the mat :if life. thrilling and quickening every nerve. tale log tg the drooldn%fnetiri.to. and. to lasts . Init.. new MillirltSB fi r ie o T111; ifT(l4'• W Cli MID INDIGESTION. T hoS& Great acre E d ected by Ed - Mentes Ifakma EOM. of Pieter De Witte, lg in Holland Town.. Sheboygtan county, Wleconsin.enffered much from We.. nem of th Etratimh and Indigestion. She bad beestunder • phYsleAL'a a•te for emoo time but the diem. semoed ' to befEle even ble oursl She pm:ctused moms HOI.LAND BITTERS at offices which Itaa given tone In her stoma.; her appetite wad streacgth are returna, and d by ~ firmly believe that this Le shatter crest ear cd s effecte your medicine. We Imre .1111 to record tummy wonderful cares effected by thll,remedy , hot tarot wait snotheropportunity. One thing yon Can rely upon, what we hate published ere Mom persons much restmeted in our ooramentty. and ore literally true. QUINTUS. I... Sheboygan Nierrenhode. •hetema, WM, DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY CURED. Thebdors Frank, Let, ot Pittsburgh and Steraben. Hilo Railroad Mr, .aye fifer-Jean 1 time been an Inland, from a.— With Min. of relief, I wort. to many advert p =letne dice, but &Bed In deriving the benefit songht ow. until I tried your ROLLAND the harpy effects al hich, upon the digestive organs, sod In reetormg • do blllteood nsteM. atlas no to recommend it confidently to all .ffering from Ityspensia . ANOTHER INSTANCE in' THE EFFICACY OP 11111 HAVE'S HOLLAhD BITTERS. N. H. Polnde3ter, of the Catve rPtar. tome t .2.me weet . an belog mriously affsetel with and unseal.. of I to. stomach. Ir. of ap i pettte, and at U 47 fifilfe.Cg AVES,7,7:M.rIet it A t ac end to t t' il i y . miedef to the article, aiteall for the good of u them who to Itlre aarctwl at! k a ' d e ' a n Dottieuv mar Ord ' : medicine proved or incalculable benefit, hating freed the Momsah tram all some old...slots. and removed every symptom rDi.P.PIII.. I void also remora.. that two other ment he. of toy family, who were &Blot. inainglar mat.. with myself, were entizeir nellarea try threes of • single bottle eaele." I:MADAMS. PROM AN ESUNENT CLERGYMAN. , Prtgrdingsn. July 9 1 1665. Monson Roo. PoeL, Do —Deuttarrienr Ita Prat pleasure blearing to you that ll:cadet:ma WISRHAYES HOLLAND BITE bittl, which I obtained at your store and foculd modal relied of a revere hesitscbe, from which I bad loon Wined, and I balm they wore of Imolai to Me In . BABOOOR. 'l4%.";t:Pecy MIifErA4..IIh:LNID BAW L Dllth itraltinier4VM.+li amnia it for a:l,l.h* aud Debilitr. My 'Welts. al. mod t *nth tbegooiest Learnt . M. A. N 'dolma, of Plttaburitt, also remarks Math. Homed much relief TIMM isfir hot/ache. , ha .."c BfII.6NOTII AND HEALTH RESTORED. Mr. John Doldmn. nylon tenlatter sladm Pitteloorgh. or , th e p,,mosylvertle Coml. are: • "Whoa I commenced tatting IMERTIANIPO HOLLA NDN D esh nivr ems. I could cu.dly watt. Now I 00107 erg ent health.. A CASE OP T.HITNEIIMALIO:A 14A.621 1 4 CURED BY WE Gtwrge W. laden., of Pittsburgh. says • After suits:tog tor three month. with Rheumatism—a pool of the tom. or severely ea to contr. rue en my b.d—l hare been lonely. err- by using DIERHAVE'd 1101.• LAND EITiERS, baye bad one atter!. alma, but Ruud almost lustamanyhe relief In m.dloym. It le, In s'itigIrOTATO.R7CeIIILE CAN IVEINIIMIL We an at liberty to refer to soma Intl Imam gad* men wbo bays Mod. tiorooahly tresterkand now non. Ma Mail AV Ell HOLLAND HITTERS Ilan rowdy AM li Mo. tee are not at liberty to pobllab to nausea, It talts -pleasure In referring aq Parr , to them alto denier Ude statement, SO`Sold 11,00 per bottle, ter 6 bottles En •••0. by the soleProprietora BENJAMIN PAGE, I Li n te d 4 • 14 atm 1 , d g Pharatscentlets and mr. Smlthßeld and eta.. Pittsburgh. - W. Dyntt &Bone, Philadelphia. Bones k Park, New Pork. John D. Parly_Cinrlnnatt. Bart Adams . * Co., •nd by Druggists and Merchants go oally Ma-molar:. the Ullessidee.. darn .llelmbold's fienuine Preparations. 111011 Lint NifTILTRD -COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU • le • outgo, WS and effectual remedy ftw Disease el the Madder. Kurama, Growl, Prmsey Weak. sum, .S•cret Dumas, Obstruct... R. four and ell Diseuseint the Sexual Organs whether n KALB Oil oIJI_ALIO, from ' , ermine' . mom they rant here miginated, wed ,_ NO MATTA:it Or BOW LOAD IiTANDING. dNe Tote popular and amino ar e is now offered to the afflicted. and stiarenteedte core no the Oho. complaint& lt emzerms out the very roots of the dimmer, driving out Wth• diseased noble of the body then teenoein the cause end renderion tb• cure octant and nele mmilcirm alley , polo md Indiums , whlrla other remedies , insatiably cense„ and ean be taken vlOOlOlO trouble and expense to patient. mi. Intaillble remedy has used tbonsende upon trumpeters from the bend. of I Akroilms quacks, if not from premature gramma in wee ut too n. the ilkapponnd nacho le the only artkis woe. thy of the lama oontnoi ot the 'Meted In performstng Ltintams. noutedne no nerootia marotu7. or otbsr Dilutions drug but Is sparely jereablo the.U.0...., Ot le eery agreasble to the testa. rrearmeno panwPtible odor. LeAnny be taken by Prmemes of either.. without hinder... se busluese or maxima advice• es plain directkme for use socampany 11,...„..iid., Reeder, if you hoe* •111 Of the sheffe COM- Oiethtt. OD not ekeelect them. [ 4 :4lewe &Mam v;ltiet.buthia medicine MO outman veureell. cadr e. ee pee 71regtlff.Thr AND WILL pßzrarr... Thte p.dielne speedily and efhwtoally mune the Mart at foral of see; `t diseases, and eradicates every par. tiale at Infections matter from the System, restart:dr the ""rette.toes'i=tutlnellof t.lllhryllayi,lfiltltth"dow"; delicate to the confined and u:l4hing invalid. no e 4saA. to be found. It acting kat. ••• Ettre and Prcoentrmfiss ot .ipy of the aborts eamente, i. : cametnigrAll Inun • Hoar. YLll.dw be tt. • 4and deem 1n Ma Melon a, the 9411.4.111,4471:5nnt1a.,... GIEOi I U iht., 146wad d aL . ,Al',ll:7,44%= , '. l, n a jr ar4i. !.°4". Mr• 611.11 , 7 DBMS—IOU bge prime Green Hio (Jaffee 010 too OW RIB WOO Its CodietO t r Veldalpia,lMlll hxsmin tds i Wait' oo jilted* do. /cod red* wad Rd bY N. 2" Ltd° away rt. APl l 'g m rim e 4 wit( Os WOLWIEIIII, KIM W 4 Erankl 1 2/Ire Insurance of Pliiiaa'a• ' ONLY ROUTE wren TEIRWDAVLT TitAiN B POM 'RECTORS: Charles W. Co. , ancter; Geo.' .. PITTSBURGH. TO CINCINNATI: , _..„, w- k s' o b" 4- 1. 1 , . nul t . B „, ii-t , wri t m,lTN....- : 0.14 L r ROL.TB WITH THNENDAILY rsims ITO" JacOb II: ilitl,,llorrie Plenson. . r'' -' Pittsburgh to Dayton & Indianapolut , CHARLES N. BANCISSE, President. C.c.s I. Being= &nearl. olllo AN D PENNSYLVANIA This Company continue. tr make historntisce, termanent or limited. on every deem-Intl. of Property in town and . country,at rates ss low a. ars consistent witliaectiTy. • LITTLE MIAMI The Company bare reeerved a large cinthagen fund. hich, with their Capital aid Premiums. seeely Inver I .. . 17 .111 " ° P . '" "' W ar t° the " rt.,. let, 861„as cib. • RAIL, .R ADS tithed "'" satr=y ti rso tl;e r lit i. or d ' Sgin ' MY. we re . 4 rd... ' VIP- Via Crestline e• Columbus. atortgasrea-.--...--.„.-..—..MtJZ MI gsockeet RoVelrowystistaoph to toecionats. Beal Estate. ,317 78 gIONNECTING -mt Cincinnati with U. S. ratz..7.203......::::::::::::::: e s ti o ' o r U Mall Line Stammers, Covington and Lexington Bail road,Ohlo aud edieei.sinol tiallreal, end the leestexicre villa Bent. • $1.1=708 44 connecting via Columbia. .id Soule, with the Dayton -. and Xenia. and Indiana 11.11r0SdP. ath. their 1 ....,,,,,,..tk,, .y.„,i, 0 ,/ of ill yeas, thee ht.., Thyeugh tie eta via& u nisinus and Cincinnati. to Lex • paid upwards of On . Minion Font Ilan T8.... 1 1).: ' leer= Louisville, St. In Ir dieter lir, dr- an: la Lars Praxes by Are, thereby affording evidence of the ad. is-4-..b., and x,,,,,i.. i . ., D .,,,,.. 1.,..,‘,11.. Lehr rantam of tiosurenco , es well se their ability end dillind' ette, Terre Mute. St• Louis. An ac. thm to 'need with poraniptlapst ail liabilities. The Little Miami via Columbus , . roa...Aloe with th,, J. OARDNER COT lON, Agent. eneingtros and Leccingicn Balirra U. ri. Mail Line Ca' B. Y ` '''''''' a W oa d and 8d " etweirs, Ohio and limizstopt ruiu-..a...4 L.,,,,,,,,, bank , Mute. offers facilities no other rota. can win. se through tickets by all the abase routes ears only be pro cured via Columbus and the Little Miami Railroad. The route from Creetline eta Ordrunbus brine .hoot. en to Chseatrusti. snake • sosiferws and rOunexa. 0.11 nestle. are certain. and Pawns's" bar, full ttme for meals. Br the ',rad end Polisrontaloerontelrom Oreet• line. to end brrabseck spud is rorsered.cout mos. PrEed to overeomethe &steam . By the route els SAumbsisto Chodanati ma tunguir oils. fores ee Pas.eng rsde orer roads ballasted and sninot,td. By the awl Bellrfontaine root., Paysengsrs ern the rougbrept roads in Ohio. Thew Duly Trains, secs feisnabus and anchisulti. ler igenr-Lravee Patens:7h by T.3oed9c- 14 ., A,...,' l :s t r . ae i t . ! , lts , . ~,r ub ; =. .,,,,= 1. 11 . 1 0 0,.... ~ : 1 7 .... cmu1t , nouns. 'lllll5 Min striven at Clue lined one hour idol Italy minutew In advance &the Toren and Esllidantalne 'touter Zn Tuns-Leaves Pittsburgh at 8 ceclock. s. N. Lan Orestline. 001./ 0 bus, Xenia and CrucionatL This Train makes connection only via Ociumbris 00 Cincinnati. 3D iude-Leaves Pittsburgh at So'dock, r. et for Crest- line, Colcurdne, Nelda. Cincinnati. lAutsville. St. 1.4.21.. Lexiortton and ludist war. ti. Loureneebiaratt Beide. To.. rmay Ths... via (Mtn:lbw. Layne. and fiunancie.l , 1r T....el—Lear. Pittsburgh at lain &dock • a. far or Colamb V incenn es. Day Louiediais, Lars., ette. Terre Mute. St. Cairo, Brea:ovine. 'An. go tln Tom-lensves Pittsburgh at 8 o'clock 10. for Cm. t ile, lisiuminse, Xents,'.Dayton. Indianan 41e. Lafayette. Terre Haute, V ineenne. et. Loot.. s. Cairn Kvs...in..s.. has Tuns-Leaves Yittsbtugh et 8 dclook P. N. for trot 110.1 Colnininus. Ten* Payton, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Tern. Rents, Vincennes. fit Lords. Calon. Transwille. to. N. B. SOWS. year tickets via Uolumboz, end )on are irtirp of antneetione Wainer. leave Cincinnati daily kr Memphis. V Irks. bVZilitthez. New Orleans., lc.An • Coluniters, blind the dire rook. the Time Tables of the Eastern Roads are arrangl Doran in close connecelon with Olt reliarde route. Farah information and Through lickebs. Dies. .5811 at the Uhloand Pemisylvanis WWI& Mee, (corner at fitea under the Monongahela Bowe. .1 U. awry, Ticket Agent. Or at Federal Street Station. OEO PAESI:I. Ticket Agent. P. W. RTRAONR, ONO. 0. SLSNIO.N.I. Oensral Agent,Clueinnet I. Agent, Pittsburgh. • dean nolfi-dly • Semi-Annual Dividend B per cent. July 10.855. ETNA, INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN.—Chartered 1819. PAID UP Cash Assets, Ju1y1.1855, - - 5835,53.0,23 cONTINITES to make Insurance on an do x_./ 'captions orpropgrtz at equitable rain. This OM Atny bss maltrned s position for honsr u bae dealing ftr tull'l,7%.My sitter. sbuilaP=lTon bo r tg d ilitite 1 Matsu brmtenonnal statement of the condition of this , ?t , lortty on Me in this aline, l icr u rb . z4r E nasecalb• Moe, North-Wastrornur Filth and Wood streets, Pitts. c• •- • Attienreum Fire insurance Company of London. Authorized Capital, $10,000,000. WZISIICSS IN 1.11D21.1.11:11.: Atwood k Co., John Farman, Jchn ilvigg. (Nom Molinetan, ifir.l.'Claßbarait Co.. Wm. A Co., Powers k welghtmsli White, humans k Co. Agent for the Opt Mate.— ,_ FILEDIthIO ItATCHEURD /MAIM United Manse IlranehLhlles, No.Bo Smith Fourth etreet. Philadelphia. ,' A. A. RANDY. Agent for Phut:mirth. No. SO Water street. --~ --- , For the cure of Scrofula, ail dieeotee of the Blood, and Impurities of the System. TIIIS wonderful 'preparation and certain remedY to that most dresded of a 0 complaints. has now obtained a reputation In mire. Prectio.. end end oat Use nide advertising, WHOLLY IiNPAR.A LA LL ED, • by arly other myilettse hitherto known. It le not designed In tins short advertisement, to glee • treetlee on norofuldne or tubercular diseases. ..a that le no. Mode for perusal and au be had of all oar agents, MI win will merely nay that it by CUBED UONSUMPTiON, when all other remedies base failed. Amongst the monitions...that thle mediclue ha a made the moot remarkable mares are the lobbying Consumption, , Pleurisy. Itronohlties , and sham.. of Um chest s and lungsr. De'. In the Cheeti • never failing :emery, Canker or the mouth. (Dtaritsst...ovempston„lfinor Al biss.usdallother n of the Womb, Nem ownese.ConeulalOrts,allenteneous diseases, Dye. psoula,lnlammattonottheltyee , gryelpebna tileet, Pimpled/see. Spitting ntd Vomiting of 111.d.Pllee, Whooping (Mug_ s tt Monde& llysterl 5, Jew:aloe, nod ill diessaes of the t o Impotency, Incontinence of tido" , ludoe.a. the best Tamedy ever tried; Chills and gr. Ter, Orasel, or Stone the Bladder, Lumbago, and all tom-of Rheuros 7 . o . idarasolus. Bapnatica of the flout, Tumors and Absees.r, AIMIlli• or, DeholencjoltilooMAtrophyrreWseting of the Body. and Euteelatlots, Dolls and Oseoun elm, DeoUlty, Disease et chelSDitoll and Eldnete. Dimness of the Dead, Pharr, nese of the Breath. glttadenns. Mut Ileadache.Dlsoolosstlonsof the Skin Summer Complaints. tileere 0, d Dimen bl oo d Detour. of the nom • BOW IT CAME TO BE KNOWN. When I Met commonoad.prantios In Now York 'Gm@ 23 Years ago, my attention war Mame immedlatety called to the may end increselng cues of Scrofulous .complahout and lot which no certain or eumeasful mode of treatment could be adoptd, began to make myself familiar wlih It In all Po most virelmit tonna end s fur ton years of f al. most unremitting labor. 1 prigovred and Doom to !shyly the' Serofolons Antidote" In my practice, with the )(PST REMARKABLE SOWERS It haenow been known 10 gC r eo p oi r l7,( i rl tro ' ut a irrtr= t o' rp = ' ;:s d . porta or Its miraculone CST. which havegono from mouth to month, that. 1 have determined to give the guttering Umonghout the country, the o .melt of It. voudertal cue. salve protective. I our fully ammo tines who may foal 040. try that IS le perfectly wholesome. mid • Purely Vegetable Preparation. A ad has.made more permanent ear. than all other medl regrhfiltldrolg'iri2iwW.i.Do°NiPilkYT Saab itru wtig inn be aeon and read by all who clairs It. and not one of them are ordinary ease bet each ae to inspire the fIZAIOST CO.V FIDENCE In [hU • mond... 1... T. however Incredulous • I will give advice, gratin, on all dlsemes, uty who are disposed to cdl at WO Broadway, Y between At end 2 o'clock. P. N. Pull directions greorsysaY mob bottle. And It eta hod of S. N. WlCKliftSlign. Liberty 00.. Plitehurghi B. NY: Haver - WO. North Uanover St, Pa. erincit.al lam 409 Broadway. I T. Y. do3.lyd -- DUDLEY, STONE & Co, COMMISSION &FORWARDING MERCHANTS, NO. 9 SECOND STREET, (between Main end the River,) Louisville, Ky. rARTICULAR attention paid to the icz awe and salo of limp, (Acton, V..ba•m- Dirk, d. limo% Max, togstbar kinds of Prodnes nanntactured ankles. smuts aZ.ciLal. and nrual adrancrs mad, large room Is devoted to the othibition an& We of Piano Forts& Melodeons, Church .ad Parlor Org.& and kitistral Instramants RIM TO W. A. Illell•SLIP0021 a Clexati Man e.% A. Buchanan Co- Wholesale Orman an& tkisa.talasion biazokunts, Cornwall Bro, _Wholesale , 0 roosts and Btar Candle Manufastnrirra Watkins & Owaley Ptak Paean" Oosn. LoaLssii...; Leantrong Allen. Port Dealer., elonterenery.ThevarelOo..Wholenele Drl rittatrargh Female College. HE FIRST SESSION OF TB INSTI tuuo. will owe on Monday' the Ift dilatator, unild f li t. erje ..a gf PVT., S. I ti YOURTS , II. A. a. Preel• The 1.00 . ill dald=ta ' semina r :Of twentrtwo web atr..6. The following Deparunente will be *penal for Ole reception of Poplin, yin Prlnitgrl. Aa.damla, and Rattil 01 WWI= iR LIEStOB-IILIMILIT 12.03 . . . MMS . - - - rtMsthasss.. MiiM Salim class.--....«.......25 , 00 Junior clam M enr l roll cLn ircular, givinsig n d or particular Information. 'rill Issinad mat Armilon Tor admission, nod for p.rucultr., a ' b. made "6'17 to 'l' lE4 ' . BIPIIOP SIMPSON. DB I ALI y 7IOIIT, It . ATWELL PINE AND CEDAR WARE.--SAIIIIJEL im kmrp.=.t.oir ...to WWI sod Bath Tube, 9.."..12 , teadx5;, Oak Well. Kitchen or Draw Dua'nag wood. Bowls: (Bens.. 1:41 kteseuras, Zinn end Chem: Wash Bosade. end .1l abet kinds of due In hie Unk All O-60 nestands. and 100 down Buckets. Warencocu, numb I.lsll.llfth Ilttsbaulk Ps Wain ARM IN RORINSON,,TOWNSIIIP FOR PALE-13.1tuatedgmlles toids Co. city and 4 miles tom the village of Maralleld. oa the Noblostoro Road,— Tha Ebenbanvid• Railroad tong tbroush et. anon cow talus TO writs and. 34 pool:us—on acne tieand..talants good timber; about I saw bottom land: 10 sm. e of coal lit opsn. Thalmprosementa ennsita of. evasforttbla Log 1/welting, new gram. Ram, htabling. and • ILA j'ooein orchard. Tha glace le welt watered an , the soil of the best quality. Po.mo.lon abler, on Co. lat of April most. tb.ll ant get forth= particulars from irl 11. 11. LAIN • 3031. N 0.21 sth It. fat by SALE—A Cottage llouPo and lot Bit. F ate na Zwalt attest, Lawrenceville The lot Is 40 by 1= fronting on two moat; to. Mum is 30 by S 1 ona and • half story flub. eautaina • olds hall, cellar, 4 • room. en led floor and 0 lama moms above. Shoat, n.ar Omnlbas arm This is maRT. • &nimbi* property, es and fortable. with fruit trees, o,lt.otal b..T. 14 The earnerl. desirous to go neat end will thla =party at • bargain. Apply to isa BLAKELY A lIICIIIST. • QMILLL FARM for sale, containing 22, nCeas otralusble land, 5 urns of ituparior 3 arra of moire fruit, and gardennce cleared, gilt, • tramerbouse, stable aid atuehao; &legated In Snowden tognatgp 9 miles 0700 the Olt,. A oboice pleas of goonnd, and offering for 12,500, one cash, Wand In cos and Mortar% anol. to •50 a. - aktatts a SON. 21. f.th • V IS OR .A.Lll—Three several pieees of Land In Peebles township, being port of the eelate of Otte la Water Forward. No I —Col:aiding eight acres. with • choice *election Lc( booing 9Ple Men No Main seenamis. On Is erected a mar and beantlMl trams him" two Stool.. kW. anent Mnoll. sad as the neowegia outdo:xis" th oles !mit. tn. .11% . NOontsiol Wont tea aere• whlca 0. ereoted • front* oottege Ming bonze. 'liable. to,. And rn• Wily colored •Itt, the *Worst Milt iroe easy , all descrip. tlooa , This Pldiellt.nriee law and terra WARMLY • I jag corner 7th and Builthfleldats.; CIUR DREDS 6E14 NURSING . , "resatT tbs suf T.WltlrAftet7l "modem and heals the mouth-rendering • high tinr ternel duty ulnas= mot grateful, instead of thstreselnitlY palnful gowitide by 11. E. figILEB.6 aO).. corner Wiwi and 2ed MIMS. 61:11FURNISHED APARTMENTS in we gf the teat Drina* Wailing house la th e clty. L am. •C about lea,the the tltl Rill sell at a ar.st bareala the larnltta• el two mem. It le all am mad Ingo. or- Cler4 Ammo abeat to go to .bceasthaig can hare a g la the ce• artats. ca tan, bat eaan above I , VDTIIhEaTa OUII. 62ds4et of VIVALT ST. PROPERTY FOR %URI-- ,rA A ht nrgronnd near tbo Chntdbad Statlini., on Zwalt street, AO bllJa art. ItIW •tno otol7 Wok Mau and kitebon; holm= Dr 14 kitsbonlek teats:gum TWA dopd. price jar/ lcdr, and larmAtOtAdnabbs 'AIM/ ISLAnIILY Kiral. - , itY Etc ti ON , ,ENERAL-00111AISSION AGENTS, for therleand purobef Had .istats, Oolloctiosi r, , ,d--r,atarg.suttigg tau fatcul"...llechanla end °teem— Offto. .110.241 inakot stmt. FANoy WORK BAbKETS; Cates sad Baticultia furnaillat part. !Mtge Co_pantorm r t r o u k.i.; Wannia Dam, Back Chamatoa 11.1 , 14 4an r a ! " W.U.IST4Tri gr.: 02 jacal WIIIJA.3I,TATI Plumber and Gas Fit tat. No. 10 Toortrt Argot. ors: Lltorty, and 473 roam ittert..aszt door to Ald. Parkins ter OWN sad k 44 etd ia et kir t ZkVeati o? 04. ibiValrt,_ am, KIER'S TitaIiBYORTATION LINE. 4:TIOIPATING the want of facilities for Armaportingl3l. to ard Mak Mr Isarm alai r na.limLand .A•lbvedi. ri bare hurresAal car rtoek of DAWN AL. on sm. to sDutl DWI DAJLY LEM • WWI , Eitel la a malty of ora 1093 tour Pia month , 10 , 'D OW. • • 104 laral/1.401914 ttos• Ovoid 4,0 arsy. thr istate .0•1=r6Y........,Lbrre Pe -0.006001 onr Due to nada' ' MAI nano sral assrarn GlTJaii al tutager DADA. WU a Idiella Intibsegiu Alleghen , Valley •Eailroad. ...... „ „ ....„ . 18 610 W OPX3I TROVE Pittsburgh to Kittanning. ON and after Friday, Jan. 25, freight and raerengsr trail:us sill isavePittebargb at 3.80 r, N. flopping at all Buttons, arriving at Kittanning at 6.-a, P al. Returning. li ale HlNanniturat 7 o ' c l oc k. a: 31.. arid , to="rer-,°f:4lrittet!kutnglst aorme , tion with the Trains, fo ' i r •the t rollowttist- oleo= 1.32 U.S.R. Rural Villsgm - 11 88 Clarion .. , ... ....-... 13 25 Pailtsburo- 2 60 'Brady'. 8eri11....-...-. 2 26 Paunsa tiroer--.....- 3 26 ibaboning ..... -... 1 76 3118811 mm ..-.......-..- 1 76 Millersburg. 2 00 Itsd Bank------ . 2 26 Texas...__-__-- 2 25 ari Reinteraburg ................2..6 ettilseal. i-.... 275 Carimills- ... _.-- 76 klectuciestrorg...--, 300 Iteedsbrirg- ....... -_._.. 3 CO thannondalc...-....-_- 8::6 2 01. , Brockvills-.-..... .. 816' rilez TO KITTAITNINQ,... -......-..--if 26 .: 0-Tickets to all tbis above amen ran Si goaccired-jit Ticket Office In the pout on .Tsylor et sets Onctilbruiessi will leave the corner at Market and Ma. ape Penn and Warne ate. at gap ri In cOuaot/66 with trio Traits. 4.23 A. J. HOPPER. linsorintonocrit. CLWirELRAT E,ABD AND PITTSBITBAIII 110AP._ .007-.151:8-711770 wrru OHIO It PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, V 34 11.Jad 10 CE. XHE shortest and quickest route to ,Ohicae so oai le is VIA CLEIVELAND. ' • rests le One hundred miles iitureter and about nine hours isiltber - tban the circuitous one via Indian- Three Daily Trainshetween PlttsbunSh to Cleveland: „ Four Daily Tn.ins between Clevels and Chicago. ' Think. Clarehiptys honer, Chicago. 7.4. huorn =dr L fends, 67 hours. + On and after Tuesday, January 8,1566, the mine this rood will run es (Mown • ,PLA ALIJANCL The Trance of theOhlo and Penn lla aroad leaving Pitt. burgh nt23o i at. and 800 e. did 3.00 C. 2. Leers Alliance 617.00 5. a. and 11.40 5. M. and 630. Arrive in Ciervedand et 10.00 5 W. 2.06 r x aid 0.1 0 r K. conceding there nithOleveland and Toledo Railroad for Toledo; Chlugo. Stool bland and St Lode.' Paeaenagers fur Toledo. askew. Ss Lords did the North West, leaving Plttelinnich on the LOU • K train. 'by voles .1. Clevelend. wilt arrive in Chicago 8,10 nest mornivg. Paseengers for Toledo, Chicago, Isc tOO% noel Wand. Galena and the Numb-West, whet whit to go through with out detentuni, take the Teals leaving Pittsburgh at &DO, st. a. We ,e the only train by which elm con. motions are made throngirto the above points. The' twins leaving Pittsourgh at. 2,00 I.a. and Wens. dile it 8.09 s. W. ire the only ones by which peseenlOna can reach Stations south of Alliance er Ststiotis on the • Tneovawas extendon. lrirrietets for Cleveland;Chleago and the Nortbewee t tie Wellsvilla are told st gl.OO lea than via Alliance. ' The trans for Cleveland conned at Mud= will:etre= for Ociyaboun tells and Almon. The treble from Cleveland to Toledo and Mow run as allows—Leave Cleveland 5t.13.00 k n, and 6.00 r. K. Arrive at Chinmo at 10.10 T. L 8:10 A. K. SOO BAO a. it Train:tel.... Chicago for Sock bland and - St, Lou*. N i r ° B l o.. ri:ls ernd e c s sad M.— ' Paeans rers for ot. Lottisso over Bock Islaneruturoan to Joliet, and heats over the Chinego. Alton and Si Lords ltsd. to " 14 171 1' 1r emir " the 016 e. N. Stain arrive at St Louie eresdiag, and by trainat • so4gogo rardjAril to Cleveland and Maga PLO 111 011.103C0 1.010 CLIMAXO. Ist 01000. 2d Chun lu dun. Zd Class. To Alllance..V.M To La Salle.-.. 16,00 813 50 ClerrelandA,ooßock IslandlB,oo 14 00 " r 14 00 " Time -1100 10,00 Sp r gogneld.ll7o lb/10 . 8 . t 8 .L0 Ina g 7118,Y3 14.40 Reor n ir. ' l l B, ' Of 14 00 00/00000. 01.00;10200/01t 0 procure thetrtionets at the Mice of the Cdriyony. In Monongahela Mew below tbs carom DIIRAND,Pct lag l. A. CAIPIELLY. Ad.. Pittsburgh. . Plltaburgh and Connelsville RAIL OAD rEg PITTSBI D IIi i; GH AND COgr s . LLB fifty-eight glom 'N' from a 1.1130912.11. tlll ' YP T rls 411 ' road Is now ape= far the tranthar; Lion of lareserigeni end Enright; In aninection with the e steamer NOLU.N. than Pltistoirgh to Connelerille, ea'follown • The steamer FALUN wilrlesre her wharf, than the Moo.mreliele aria" erral Orem= et half put three o'clock for West Newton connecting there with the wan. log train businget ti.no Ibr Oannelerille end Malin #ta at 'LSO in time tor the afarlbi Uniontown. pen to ereto . . • 31.:6 F treln will tortththlelie In the . iuning• (kW &elk for Wait Newton. and canoed there irtth the steamer 4,14 to telt , raegt . • • Taft from Itiontown to Pittsburgh.. The Local Freight end Pwringer Wire Co.. nsigfUle et r. ratorignif ISM* West Nor toVta.3o it. Morning et eh way. stations far ~tr4gU " Wis urnet afternoon train will Ile OM 1:02. 11l the Mowing morning et gore dokok. • Peerierigeth by the Saturday sferrnoon host rtrinifPlthr burgh m by MB Lrisagesulg go *award without ashy. flu Far further Informal= &gni yto the Wham an board etethitost Eolith. or to the •gents West Norte , . endCpnndlartlle.'A rethri =let t t 1855. AIR LIES ROUTE. - 1855' MU ' d H jig A2G9 ATA ffEiR9Sr T LY j IS . Pa gliti ILAn MINIATILS ROAD, Former y the cago ala . asissippi. Prooochioom to at. Cada f. 5161( rant... III u AINS leave tho - Illinois Centre/ Depot, foot of Wean streot,-; ' St. Day 1..%0r uturt airteVtai., s 4. s a . I. Leads Matt Bt. Golds Walsh& _ Otto Suadaror "- 5 A. ot. M"hbooloal taros= to et. Loa% 113111 tUnict tanner CM Who, vill.hoot of we co taws* and coma .what tho iu ottsadld 135ohmato Aloahostathad Bitadon , I at Ohba conasettOnirtth PooptoVr 'Oaths from Alton to Et. Louts, 01 . 3 mikes) wham% loamy Thom Boatoo tt 5 1 , 1: oro ad t k r=o b oft e nd e = ll , s l %, Th "..., .A. L . Woothrocoas. atto edam to P 551 111 54.. Um aP watt ot t•• thoTlat thq dcaa pakraia.44tik.ll H. travolths awl toottlsla ...Wm ,11W1515i 1 ,54 5 1 1 .. I tso I.= rid T he. Roans wad Notosaka tido tdo Nat dirootrouta,sad r s' AVldeVit M pt=roa b l VdE rgtho l itt. ausoo, Catobothat wad lanzonooelt,tows 0111utto tho • hapottlat what In dlatatoos Woo; lA.adloolooto Alwm luta.. and 65 , mhos lam to Sal.W.wa Num , b? ally oth• . . n e goliditto over thio holt+. hoa to wod at ea t0ri0a0.a...51. Thaw *Matt Ja hew icat. lloototc Philo! d i tilha oi tat=l= s ,lgh l B l = .. a hr o =r a t the Company's ottoa No. 414 Dearborn ot,oanoolto the 1 'Tremont thous. wad at the Nosot of Oa luto Central halloood. foot or Watt? It. ono oonolbk. B. 01 ohms Ws% th. hooch of the acs _ 06 . lem Map to Moot Itoggado threash VOW Polo dowt l4 th .b• 10 . 11. P. it MOAN. h., 11.71 HA. D. 601111:012.11.11911.B.Cleq roam. Loth% - IphOmdltal • . . Nitglig!m Boµth e iu *,lk4ims, Indiana E,....invazteft.. zi p li k a c i ar th gaagaktlP.r. , with the aratottoo att_a, Mott at itallroed la connection at 1 Balle with the fill nobtOentral end Chi cum and Mississini haltroads and Slyer In. Otaamarelbt Bane Hoch Wand, Stionis end en the 'Ultra's and kiiirdhui Went 'FOUR DAILY ASSENGEB TRAIN let—Estneas Mall Train latavee We= at 2,./..14 arrie‘ mu in Chicago at 1.27 P. M. • ' Id—Dforhin gzurge g T o ude b i l eaTee Toledo at 11 .1. er• .4 1 Veten Train leaves Tolerant 1.1.0P.11.. arrivingin Chkaio at 1.1.60 Y.M. thh=re&T!'ntleeratte %AO atilah P. M. .r. ..Oe Train= Blins" leaves Tolled at it.l2 fdra , lind '''';Tea atChicago at ..ss A- la. our Daily Train, =the Clevefend and Toledo halholtat connecting with the above. • Paeeen taldruf d the °Mord M .Penr i Mined to !dot ' ao=trrit t itcreeonnect en erith th ktt e Cleveland antlit le= Railroad. Or by taking the Cleveland and fittabstudi Pallsoad et Alliance. W 111 than contract at Welland with the Crosland arid Toledoltallroadi making the time from Pittsburgh le Ohl cagcy !tn. N.K. turaditi.2l,2emnd Vat/ith Tickets .1112 w p bs aro=td at e the' maim of the tg a v d. ello ul d an td. dPittsbut . uou ande r ltiO . a itt s t bsu d imimixc ensa: A lttafrotels,. .• Pittsburgh. all 70th.1.834,41 d. and n. tU. IL Pittsburg'', Mathiin Indianapoh It. R. r ROUTE. TIM MADISON AND INDIANAPOLIS RA'ILBOAD IS NOW prepared to forwara fr eight from tb. Eut or Eltutnash it t W tabu saS =OM%• seas uss soul. All it. litringetWal 00tineestionl us sada ss to sirs entire &Mussel= t smut.; . . itearg'ssatZl_adar=r4trrlgoll fiIATOI. SON la Maws Mudd. ISERE warm,. _LAP4,kpays. .5.0a1i, I.IIIIOAGO. sad otilsE2Odat. IS the woe. dee'? A. 14. ClittuY. A smt...No. al Ni r star st. Ohio and Indiana , ; =road. • S lane ...Tooted,it tURI a. ix. oz. tha the Edda. trite from PittstrElair,b,sll4 '41'1117 WU. Wm. Ran Road. aniva at oll yton atd.ad PAR. RS Carat imam, or. a th taidlusapa at WO lbws. • It.t. =dr Ms -001mosUISS 4131104/1 aimpaum. Tl _pg. "" = ^ I tTerre • u. ' tuouittostsmi. . J. Z. 4 • ".; Pewnytranis lUiilroad. ---..-"."-.-";...-, ...1.- ....- - :• at, .., ~ , I laute,,...ollrieCting the Boutharottern IZtyllre't exurb rteleste...tthiti .testern..ti..Northawitaro. and Mb road also connects at Pittsburgh wtt/r• Wm at a nStmm. to ali IMrts ott th• Wad" Riv "Z "" Ci s i' l: and Sandusky with Staamers to . Dom au .na Northwest= later, makiall. the oust Mr= ridaleNa tm. th oles . thwdbylkestinich. .173-11.W1.12 ems be to and MST LLB& Boots, hoes. Lh7 Goal. pg,, 00 .. R.Arxsearr*F-VPHILLDELPSZI erirrs , :m l off: Elat.,(ln bandy Fat. IrPaLlaa. A.-• 5.1010 ND CLABS—gookii and Station=. PheTr°'" Indbrecian =. l"r. 7" V.' 1". " THIRD h=—Arrrils. Itait2ng. IWO. and Pork On balk) Cast Steel. 8046513. pa P3Cift, Leather. Go bandeML_Gans na--;} JetrirrElOLASS—Ootee.risn, Baton and Pork (Pana 1 Lard and Lard OIL 500. per 1909.. Hemp, iron Lea& Naffs, godsath. FLGUR-91 a big ottil further notice. OR AIN —in et'. per i 001na until further notice. COTTON—S 2 per bale notnictedlog tik) Ito veleta. nal til further notice aii.Lt..g:"Lk ga r s i t TiLfln mill g. loint ;att. of Phila h = AL Goods realm:L P .% to the, Agents of Ode goadat Philadelphia or Pittsburgh. will be farwarded without datentlon. rawer loam—Ho= POW, }loath.: J. L KW°L.,,‘ N . York.&seder, Ptdladeinkla; Warmer a 20.=5. 0e.. - mort;ileo. G. Prenciscos, _Pittsburgh: Sprigman I Brown , ntaMnrosti, _Ohia J. Ei. Moorhed, Lolk. Hy.; B. 0 Ha deem, Madiaon. in,L; EatelLif a Co.,St. Lours. 6104 3. II kritlL A Son. Eraize.lllr. Indiana. I it. H BMW ,. ll illn P...iee , Sam!. PAGateraß J EMMA Egr. Son , All.ms. PI- APPIT Pialiayiiallui Railroad. ran.: y Through in Praebargh sea Ph Ilatial phi 6.—T El E e b t O W Yblladellh M . zlis Yes' fe l? L 'Th i l t Vi k ''' lagrear =shunt for t.ntsgsi.lut sad 11N1 Philsdalkbla ibrArtaburch at b .Ato F. Ex-ro —_TRAilh=ble, , rittrzira 9.10 P. Train teem Pit , tatnict , diti• girmiTronWsh" itniestgF9ltfsT:aedairi atfl : P olack 7. 2d 3.30 o'clock P. at. azd 6.0 P. . the share lino connect at Pittsburgh with ths 1, roads toundfraft Bt. Limbs. 310.; Alt... °lgor DitrtiNl4l,lnafilletn:nlll=lls, Dayten.lip . tizurfilid,BeUefolicaln e,liandusai,Toledo. Clesslar..i. Columbus, Zarterriilatlitlasser= also,silth 100 steam OULU d to Nast ur.l.oins, Louts's= andeuicosstari. Through Ttok.lo can re had to ir from .gbes of tag • Po rattan particular% eire Limol-bk el at ill different etartring U P , from the West IA find MU the ehortaert and mod eripeolitioua route to Philadelphia Baltimore, New York: or &Mom Ir =pa. Imola idiom Fdarader derni I. dipent, fromerWer Lnua, Yd ph. • ' PHILADELPEHA • - &EATHER FRITZ, HENDRY A CO. No. 29 Nerds THIRD Street, PRILA'IM .11LICE:COO MANUFACTURERS, COUR -110.8.1ad Imparters or PRENCEI CLUS4IMINB, and •ln BED and )AK - EOl,ll LSI:VIER LND HIPP. •C.16,1yr• ---- . Hemp Buse Manufactory. - i A:TONE, Quarry street, above See n4l, PhUadelyblw Cheap and superior nem:, f<4 . tbs use r, o Companies, Lorosootlyrs, rt....accts. RAI" Lana fastortee,Dwellings, he. It Is made w about seam , le must. ILta i in: . ! ., I t 2 . r o r a l xv . . 1,. trsaa Leather llose iel tll7 . • CINCINN ATI. WOOD ENGRAVING executed with do. patch Lti ALL IT a BRANCH - EP, h the a= aTi. It the lowest rapt! t i am t4 Ply . OE. bj ni Cotner Fourth and Bytaincarrts..klfea d tViiic , E. B.—Particular attention paid huge Barters, 811 Heads. Steam Boat OOJ Bautrese CAans. 'PEORIA. t7lM_ H. HAMILL, General Commiesion V Merchant and Auctioneer:No. 3 Water greet, Po Serecial attention to Ocontralation businers. angle PITTSBURGH GAZETTE PIIBLISIER-DAILY AND WEEKLY - DT D. N. WHITE. - Cana i]l( rie nun, inan =minx. rain TERMS: D A ILi--.91‘ alien per annum, payable Lull yearly In advance. WZlKLY—TwedoLlarspr annum, In advance. blob will b auPPllyd on the relieving conditions: Five =wit per annum.- .4 7 00 Ten copies do . 12 00 Twenty ceplas do ..... .Y 0 00 ear Advance paymenti any strictly required, ma the Mee is stepped erlion the year Is out, neete It la renew ed.• RATES OF ADVERTISING: One anuar; (10 lines of Nonpareil or Agate.) Do one imertlott--,- t ---5 in Do each addition' lasertion..- .0 XO Do one week 1 76 Do Do three weete;.— .... ..... . Do 6 cis Do two nconthiL --.....-- ....... Go Do torn Do . . .... —...... 10 co Do twelve sionthei% Ptlll.llolZ Card; (I lines or yes per annum) One dollar fox each additional Urn. One mune, changeable at Pineinv.(Pex an• • ant,,,sclusive of p.m— .• . t each h ei Along swat; Inserted over ose month. no • for additional square loserted under the :laxly rate, bell pine. Advertisements exceeding , Wore, aml , not ont rani , lien, to me barged sa a quer, end shalt Putlishere not =countable for legal advartlsementi beyond the a monist charged for then publication. dunouncin , candidates; fxr ofice to betharged the nine sa , other ado rtimements Advertlastarnta not marked on the ern yfis a number of Insertions, will be condoned till Ralltditla d peyment emoted accordinaly. The privilege of =noel &drainers le rant; Wailed to their own lamed{ Mauer; and all advertisements ler Abe Waft of obln• iron; as well ea all adireniarmeaLs not lamtpaitellr avniectoi with their own businin; and all daises of is.dve:rtliwirensta In length or otherwise. be. vend the Limits eeooaassCgod. will be charged at rheostat rates. p er .11 =en trangent advertialilse will be sererateil raids:lid, and prompt payment Is All advartbannita for theritahls Inetinaticeue Ore eon panlmar; townslidp , and other Tobin meetlem...d it politic notice; to be etarged hailpßrb pal able ...yin advance Marriage notion to be charged au Dents. Death =Does taeerted without charge. =den sicontle , nied by timendinvitations or obituary notices. and *ban en acconpanied,to be paid Mr. Regular advertiser; and all Others wading vointiunica• dons, or redutring notices designed to call attention to Pah; ew e Concert; or any nubile elliarlAlratmllti . . where charges are made Rs silZanai.-e.ll notion of rel. sate anciciatlana—every notice designed to call attention to=t rete enterprise; calculated ar intended to yeomen individual Intones, can ealrll,lll inserted with the taint standing _Own the earn is toybe raid for. If intended to ' be inserted in the local oolunin. the sams will be nursed at the rate of 10 amt. par Dna Rich= or far notices bo be charged triplet:dna TZTIII9 License Petition 12 nab • Real State Agents' and ductilmear , adveridosinnts to he clamed %ma. yearly Won. but Whined • diNd o Dt thirty three and onenhird per ant from Abe emoot o e bills. MOAT OR 17.1.111XCL1 )31 MILT 112 RU. OROthree 4 1 IA Do. • each atZ.,iicii;;;,)=: each additlimal Imertlaa...- - -23 een tr. AGRICULTURAL. &C. Pittabh . 'Hedge Farm Nu,sery, • • takITITAM on Wilk :113z Am= abcrat one pewter at • calk from the da on the Yuma.' and r...dcardre Plane ltud..n artandon of Wort street, and anal: f three and a %luta mike Mrsattarrargh. .. . li. Proorldrr; They et. te a satieZ7 lame colleen= of nen_ sta i n teen and plant' enttalne = trammlantleg this nit r9 ;b l : l l 7llm6 ft~fr)now ;Mem ilia. 30 facial wain& and ". mutatesora3lo 000 teas, identer and pliaUcead .QM '. 10.000 Asa Uwe, sad =OOO livers...ma and Mahe are of apatite ler wawa towchants and plater. 11= t 6H,,... Plarta candally P.a.' sad ant soccedtzuhre 'to an a rt oft e United Matra. er We bare to cal the attention of Melones of amibe kery. undo= la the trade to oar nartoraled eat,. ten 1 1 =3 . 0=4=0 .. ...e c r k h . V . V .t .certr= n e.7!.... ram oattrraiton talkie maton of caantr7. Pant..,.. ' be _pro cared or many things WM. Mrs. to carat:cc..4.W sc.r- Prhas somlicattaaa musk Man "tandem. eah as cake actor, reference In the ott7 af ittte/p, alai reardrel a all • hue . Orders utm.s.4 to a. llama =kis Past Meta Phlatonth. Pa.. or left at our eland on martat the Diamond Market..WM be gromptly aterelld. tC4 ordieldertfT • Ba y _NiLood Flower s . 'AIIRANG&N TS luive been' wide with t abs sraurleters of Ear Woad 13=s 1 , 1 = t rad l igtatr m be th front lja V ir: abort mila ear of flu tabooing Yam& moue • ; Ptee. oarriate l iaVen oculeftk, f=r;. • . Chewbo Moors peer re chemist. • Orders be ifeererr,a, Woo rewired at ookal 11W1bsoh. boed Warehouse, IVO Wend stmt. • • Fruit Trees. )3vergreens. &a • V'subscriber weal. moat, respect x, call tha altantlon alas friar] and the is to his TUT larva anr.k al Fruit PreagaSsts WWI.. Bina IS WWI and dna. Thar. ,Le. .... Dwarf and Standard of Our Orb .raLdnc of allots isolatlea. - Nathossrual thousand ftsaartlll Ms r&t,Pitgoo. Arabl ,,,,, Pasatra r, 1 ,- ... . t. Og r cestQthyanta *a. tbounua=csa Patens writing bags cossirliter crlrl 'bellbaang t WM. can and cas , ago stock. its al, .a2PIFna Orders laft ants Pittsburg P. Kr. L Liberty sr, the Oakland ricthasrg.l L I ocial o 1 .onl .atttle I:Ural:gush bluracryi ISt mile. I.onl .Wb• taackply attended tb, Pt. E.— dabs, neatly to bairn , ' 1 , calladaull . ' , JOllll 2rolll/0311. la. AGRICULTURAL WARE ?' HOUSE AS a.l -TOR.E.-WO: IZI Wood Moat, aabotoa._Pa.—X. R ShANKLAND, aids Bhaad. mg=llannotarer tad Dialnto L Atliett}tura an 4 Impleasota of all Idsolallrboloado and Ito. tall; Mold. Garden sad gloom dooda,llamorseai Snit al nods Tama Goma. Pooldtotta .I.2koadeal delta sad al attar eoliths enamoc,tow3 Titttb Ankaltitttro , :Idl,l7:l,dvAl AGRIOULTURA-L IMPLEMENTS AND timk-Frinurttfroo_ 92 Fulton atrsaL,Trow.fark. halals and I. , •,_ . • aalkao 1600 DOLLARS— A Farm foi sale of 100 sates, GOtborM ad to 09yIlhakm, r• Wit itiadtfmt•r; a Dealus Harm eta btAblot =bet SiSh. a 82 ft square Bumf •- WWI Palm. • "sod t tb• halm mod abaft swat tb• hum. Tb• roll L and tkuo land Ilea owl. *lth • portion of Ilse mood - am. It would mato a good .U.ll Arm .0 eftf• 1t kwd r , 00 ,h, wit.. ttrmalf it Stunted In DatlecOo., sb_at 40 mik. fr.° t-ov.divaa, a sox satuket 4. ;alp • STAI --- 1)} !: an , c ARR7llanktima. —lB.ootuyetfkr=llll took to, lira oritafton at lthe . 0 0 1 .0 0 yaly. . Warritutta to Oita Isom six Weight • ~,., efa pee hoar, with 000 Iten• town, ens ousts% Re Ili& For ode by ' a 1511/INKLAND An • , No. 151) Wood Unit. IT 10 TEEN 11UNDRED DOLLARS will. wwww... • rt . 171.11044 ,1 3 b :t0ry Brick Dlnglisui ‘reit ar24V;tl.a of edlIT tea alg Z i t= , g y r , m p.rty lam: Wm the atteallOsi id MY soa ',Tic is la math of • caultm.stil. dwelling Ina loeeloa Tem. wry; will b• rude lama bre ftlajg teo Rua IRESB tiOODS—Bilks; Merhtbe, Coburga; JP DaLatnes, pietas:ad (Wired; Osattaurreklistie sad ATurr misty of SMUT MIAs Good; W 0,6 fband At seats tan Ilttle over oast st, A. 31.3110E11 M. • earner Woof saA ISM streets. §PRINIIFIELD FORNAVE—Oar Wheel awl rage Pig Irin In store inn far gain by UNDRIES-300 eeasalase Dem- eaahasaatokr. - 3 I , l=ll.rd; EA /Us Berviz sea t . 100 VW Rag Qin*. — :2441113,8 s Raz. bleached Winter. Whale 01; 0 1-14-4 2aat bis asaaaar . au.. r wants* nos. BACON, PORE lc LARA in to for eale tow hat GIEO4IIT. JACKSON. Hoar/meth ot: , VIOROBIA,IN 'PERTH—Jut :0501 s sup uTi,u Li Of of 3ono4;lfldte II MeNttpii TooM lbr whidi Co solo teat an oho dn. .Plttoloffill pad Irided . 11. 14.11 . 0 a, li. :_. W.T. ' 'at" latish . .1%. logr