The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 28, 1856, Image 4

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    tT r B
0441A.Irbigtbdr 1311-ifuu-‘4-sub4atiVoii
' Irsaisiirrativonites us that a (timid Of ids 'Mat
faltitopg,ht taupfl'eturiut gasuo, No.
.A. 0103414, pith .trtach.its.traa- much pfese , d
''CurVeaurtit of Ir. "stro n g .i.etr:r tie COMO
'it:oa hie barb:12111,0o 'O-,t0,90.-104001rettze the
- 11213p1T mad 10. hisastoptehmeat; is the course
of ,s fo • daytt,.the "sting smell" 'entirely dis
,,athated. -tradp m le of it analsed,
land pronid Witt: to lie'ordeth ore than $ l B or
$ l4 05e,4 0 4, -, Toe' istit;.r. foaud the
bags lesrahrangled 'No. 1 Peravism Govcrrimeut
oaca,"::11# tioduebtedir ass a counterfeit—
• base fratal. I bars since found that the Guano
'Chipped to Philadelphia from Now York,
, bals nit doubt it was the remote Milian
snow,' utrier.speor Ir the facts are es
atited,,the purchaser should giro the name of
- {ho person of whom he bought it, to the public ,
-.The decourt has become so.exteusive Per. guano
ant asti4cislmantires,:thlita great temptation is
offered to dishonesty, and purchasers will fled
ft for'theirluterestto procure their supplies from
`jargon's of eitabliihed Integrity.-Counlry. Gen
- BOOKS, &X.
1 3 14N0 'Ficavrts,
ttaticrimorusED KT' .00# 1
TIMM 110.9T0
Graninuni. n quarts
lureTian°ed Fortes,
, ,tharlarawnt • .. s
! Pax esle lowly by JOHN IdEILOR,
irie. tI WOOD 32W KIT. tlir . Dv:M.OIW AVey d4th et.
Inpi:lN If. Al P., L LOH, tbe exclusive and
J .4...14. el.. .Pid-berlityafe• ft , the rale of OBIOK
NU . °tree% Benton. Vic cmt TUMPItde bite to return
• mod. Anode thaleattr the. ttlernebf PitPbOreb, Al.
en, and yids IT . for their bbirel patronage, end be
s no° be oreaser• of Informing them that, or the to ,
'amain!' frehlteelatOrd,d to then.. .td "blended Plano
...,Pate Msunfeetony, recently erected ah ea eePmes of over
• Two Hundred Thousand rollors,
end ensoloyad by Midvale° II eine escluidvely MT (the
acme of dads own Piannlfortm, they mid Da ma.
Cr V. keep hall rubbly as their mem° In rlttubsub.
of ell the verle n
tlee manufactured by the imam th. sums
.. thmoudist Omad, Vialds CI wad hat •nsusrs Pita* Our=
• to tee.hie sae lad Orbs Place Mertes, ell of fldsh
halal sandal:dr
. - . AT BOSTON 'PRICES. ' • •
j 1; Dr 111. ea of n ow...chimer", and tasvoassu sumo.
- i
110 , 2 IntrOlgred
li t
b.. n t , , ,;7 4 mant i Le et or tuf , b l i . t k tjf .
41%.1i11e.nt.i., 50 ., 11 , et esrrsseas fhe Pre , _Pei'
Chemre may elm depend on • outlets. and lan° , Mae of
th Ir Plum lir rt. b but keit at the WaterroMs la Pitt°
b .tals of
he the ay'. manufactured by than. Thor by
\ effordlou the weeteen purrb•me awl the advataseeeof the
s 9 Imaton menet without saguaro( assneuurtion at flit
f' A Mau Lois era dandelion 'if IZMIR. in° • Ewa
''' s larand, ruler Otuna and reue. Plano For es massieuuk
erects on snot Wien by letter or tu herreite.
,lika i at _li, au Ler or Um above bytrudant.,las enbruib.
M m. the pleasure of releirme. In about .1.1. Ssold , ct
fhs, ens an rivet
.ergo and el
h o t.
.he have anrehst d
andloare In oto mo
hobs the store ms;suf•sto
al , . to the frlP , elng Prinut pm e of Putai ant. who
have. tiLMlterlue It co.' Pomo Tomtit In am, an hare
Mara [bete itunnaddW will:sous steads silo:scats over
ell ether:
' ilrr.Chss e Dealer.
of the 1 3 emb.asu l* F.
IMMO et mlnery_ •
Ms*. V. R. limas, Ittmlpal of the Woblastaa Ite
laslo Seetioary,
a i. i e WilseMlT D. Pattueel cilia Illereorth Pamela
...Mar , a.. We., pa.
M." ltsm .l M Ms hbur, PriaclpM of Um Bisim li
ill• ••
MM. demtcsr .. thaltsrule, Pa.
Atarlen Bev. /meete P. Trlgh aylor. Palette of Etnrocd Boys'
r Xavier Pamir Lembeary. Ymoutetn b ern. Ps
pr t.
of a K., Wl.l..nee, LouLallie A.cadam/ for lot=
/Adieu Lona file, Ky.
Mee amen fan mown, Prim:feel of the Tamale Umiak -
TY. at Same. Ohio;
Ls as. to _
00 Pianos taken In tichmugsst their Tall Tabs. in per
Meat AMIN It Illalaill.
ace gut f`sr °blearing a Mau, for Pitt burgh sad .
WlNtern fteneylTents, Wahl et. bats.. -n Oa and
4 Diamond shuy, Isdlas dad r
. .
. • ' •-•-, • - AND ..• , •.
BKLEBEY.i. Bliv., ha A ru f ßi f;;li
. atm:tont to - sales lot of ti. 4001 k
..m. Ekb .02. I,:eb. et., warmat equal" •
not sup eter . ooythers mad*.
lloaato•IOXt It IL 6 sum =Me by Fearroitroos. StuLt
• gsyd. tier...ans.
II .0 %IMES olth 3 obopo by Tearoom urn ., Rtotoco.d,
- Trw o I ustrata.m. ' hark btu aseietne4 by ,be Profits
orWo ILI-I amstoun of tie cwa ct Ix, • b . pa.arttay,a ,t,o,
--hrroittro , w , IMO tatilreltoo4 of t o n e full , •qu .1 to
, • any a omit am au or p•rlor , or.tow. - Tito teen ore so
arrow; -,I LOW,. COV 4uf o‘settt poor e oso oork 1 h m with
&Co. 11111x1DAUNA-31ADE BY UAtill•ST a brADlsiat
A Y.
to is 'Menet. Pstratulut to soy ono th'ut lo thief tevii
'rho ..-Mr r.rua r or Cola soy to the crkrbool t o o o to r o ,
th• Melo tnit .4 n e tpalty at his I...norroht. b.
Slyer ..o•tt ou ol Thor • .k rk Sr tb-o.
from all porta. fob. amid tine at thttr last otri most Im
bortlat Imp , rrom• 'la I. , hvo .cmollorriLi•obt , b .bl'• "
kb-1.0 ' Vag 0. a/ ford. On Plat •- ore., owlet, of off,e•
Pirztilor - ma reit vocaleromtno 50d...0i1.. titer.
f 001.4 or th ruporow , t• of -o
tbo woos wbith sill bo im d
on ho toa.c reset...D.6 terms by IL Moto: ls BM. No. 8 3 .
Ma etreet • '
3.-'-o, *eh atOelt Of fitleti 8 CLAMS 'Ca other
w ?SU. ea the 1,4,7. JeTa
. PIAIMI S t . .
-iv KLEBER lir. 8R0.,. ha v e
al :, ri-p on =W=2=4
. -.. .- 6 ,,,,,b,,, notary of ?I lINNS St. WOLK. ti .
Y. Thor Sr. prodded with all the Into and Import.%
icaroinewnents odd* diminsu.t , NM.* , I,IIVI Pianos
• stray. all othors, 'IC T.,0 Oserstrings. Pelt onard Efin.-
loam Proud ¢Prowi Aios. do - e very Piano ts Ado
‘,,,,,antAs, .Ith MA 1;4.11 Vt. VI Om ToSTOIWOO Of rottlitv
jpg . thil saw. II it provespl avy . way defoodys. .• ' - ,
Testicoottiol hest) ti.fliwooderthe woriralled Plani.t.
arms/aft. No'. lath; tads.
your. a. 'CPU* . tr 111..; Pat.Stugh.-Os.rtaricas—
' Peestilt sa d Planok you most Anomaly tar lb* soainall
teat Wof alma& N6OOl it Clark . * toontilsoto•
rl. which Tow loafs b-on oc, hind IN to loan no* to. hen.
Ysts.WParodrsCono.ta hi you: city. Th swoosh twirl.
vont Is ona of Mowery bad. -war owls i n Atari.. and
for awattord and row.? of ton% 10 awllas solidity of am.
, atruotion loaves =thing to he desired. I. mill congrat•
Mato A O ltd o tutu ,t o o a w s n ter s, worts
of au t o o ri esos oh i a n p dus r o—S lqin
=r wishes l
for your happiness, ato.
- . . Your olltrwret. al . ORME Ella ILIr-dif.
SOU &Vac, tor Swam. tg Clare , landfalls- Plano. at
11. IEtXI3I:/tAt BiIOYB. No. Of Fifth st.,
--.. .- . Sign of the Golden Only.
..... . _
.... 1
. .\,.
~ F ;~
Avsar -
7' 774
• 91-I•o•AnYksmuit
,faikfat:reacriring a large istoek of PiamoNg
ark*, frOW the 131112640. 4,0
• '—kAUMOARDTRN Fikkk.onk,
naiketvir a*AMINSP.SI., Yak%
"- A. B. ItElCHlSßAA%Philsdeltrls.,:, fr. ins
mom! th.
subs. bat esbetsralst, boa trims Hank, to ths
raad ,see
aht. twee touts ILLe style. erzsz u ke t t. o ,
te ate oaf Unto bs theirs :tel.
„b 7 ' bUth ih•l'll""'"'".about the
1.0.44 Woe than.ln theta d. and
Usual met and stet o[ttanepatLtits-.
imeers ppko coi , t br the satkettbat ,tad
°TrAT.I. """s=lWrniretig,
rum._ 118 wood lane
,:. .4 , •
.1.. A
4 -
?; -, f - f - ,
..: 1
-- .t ‘
A... : ,
~ -4 ,
' , ` , ..!1•-'= , :
:ti-.... ,
'sT ;.`
• - *;''.:34; . : '
far Fpbranry voem •
lAA 2145 ab d • Baler,
ilarpo /I“. , TScr- a t
- , 11 1141romour...
•••i•-•-•"••-- • • taierrricrrr taierrricrrr CP-
Zak . a arth* to Th.'"'
~: r~J
0 ,
.g f r- -
. T''''`
r ..4.Z.i .
' '''''''
• ,
~ ...- .3 .
.. , •,''l
t,i , „.,
.A . ...g , ..., ,
.. .
Emma! man. nuct!
w uremia atm true-
Coomercwe er, F. D. fteettelo.)
7abllshere of Haste, and Dealers in all kinds
Musical Merchandise,
5°.711 B"'"arigliosz, dfDl
Citre• ..estplogee one, of the Largest' and
1 1 4 atr . ts. ttalth"":l4 afa li tek " r Mr;
De •
ados an:slowillwei• the ems Du late r La, whiles
we to t • Treas. PereProudefo Profoolose, too se •
try* aleX.lnt. 0134 thit 01011CadigMPOLS teems._
catalogues forerirded to any part of Lees union. •••••
tooel r e by addressing as above.
par AD enters per 1.11, weal and_ptee4.l In
B 001( 8. DI AGAZIN 8. &o--:
llv vw.l'4,lUon h4l.f.rlas tor Yebrzam,
Gr 01101.4 do do.
timid do .dot
• Yvt. r.• . 7 Adle J N .• ' do 4
ze•• Nltor Mouth 7 Glo do.
L.pws•t• V'U Jo amyl , .• -
. *facade.; r 111 4.7 of 2621.666, sit Os .Enka. nal
arthorwl 0n , 14 ti row - .•
• Itroll ' • "thLrr i!. f
3or o'd sod r:rta or w. di. L.SNIF N.!4 7 , ir a oix .
J 26 - - /Mb si«,v2tues
- wo•nr; 3121 t n:eelVitt by 200r1 Q n0r404.-ise
31.itr street; cote 4 . 01 _
' tb...Prlntod Tat or tbs Orrelt New
• T.l•sap.bti eltb • ntreolgro2,l3o riltlealrest? e . lrbe•
trlAln'afur.: VAIN ...41,1irtb.e8jairell1P151,:te_SI 130'11!
len; thers:Stnelme. Mioasb Us ;West. VW; tb•
fio•t•••Int N.rtaina triZoi list; 110 r Whet', ElbsOn
IcbrismlsZe;llPer„jattbrit'!:tifuV":4 v"..str,;
• • , I" on It.y . tlsm; .ny Dican.,..trit.etalletOn .I}lN•rast
ttgaw t..6ll.lrzw‘triligreatt r r i r va i l i z i n n i e , o 7l:l o s
' Vrtenaborya. AroblEti.C.l:ollll•tnic. Erred
lits!oryi;ii! [Jr btsen.ltraLt? of
. beley
!!' 1" -• -"'"fa.
. ---------T--r-----1 " I lvda - Ew , sum from li,te rov.
...t.,„t,y, g gagt, U'illtrik All ` 4 " 4 '
aiTieT. 2.../er.v...=_. 2 % vie
-. 1 ! , l' a cr:;limpb.. . '.
Pri.,,b,TaT!'"'l.l=ti....a Rid.t It
vii.,-:4;l,l.iii.,crmuri ?loth ,
rn vz,4l- I►t!
Teincott's Phillip 1ti.1.4...
0010; BOOK `X•r:SI eMoirs nf iboOoadta
i of 1114.41. of COsTratod
• Mfg/Piro of Ittv.'•4ltrey Yoktlxj.ll*..trs of Btu , Q-uiisn
of Itto , . !Aka o!i•dr • so norellvialovo lquir .11.pweeri
•• -• "Lif. ef the Mos' or lirsipiron: • Or of Cv
—0141011.1 oapatVlTlVMAsitt bis ihoV10;
- la==4lll4
ji2t • • BAY •001, U,
W t BOOKS' reo'd biJ. L. Bead, 43 ;,-.
,•-- • IS aitrthert4tl •,., , • - - •• '.
.. 7 , 4 4. 0 . ou t F ,l *matt, , th mmo mu, 1 ilbmisatina
mas MucluT% torrboolg,Tb* Vey Mt - Nome,: 4
. r
740„-..i.,.. 3X3113.3 VW. 3 Sr 3 4,11 , 30 and Om- .
imommtrys. ',. . -lltlt Et le runnzrn •
.. 0 11-21110 Rill Viva, Da u .rd Ta t icuy
• - Wang WM. 0 1... ft,
triljtitt/11-"F:' ..: kg 1.1. Z 11C7'
Tb.krlitt'*" :" .un;l.l,ltririfitrw'
1 FuttlE.BitUAlM.'—jwit
4:Arstl.•l unl for as) br n ond...ttimiscaa
ft raret, fro Dole'hi, Damn , NAguiu.. N
lodvAL.PlisNolee *Maxine. Day
BMW, oz 2i.
' ritindnalresre-Asw by' 7 , 11 Ortern,to Peol; Stis2D,
ar..00. •
Z.11 —jr.)133. 15"1311
Ipaqice ritna , .. "` "aci*.sirev.
' -'-.-....------....6":4312. 'N►., 0 j"' . !
1001/ ASS 6,,i,,,,,,,,, . n ' ' ft11111 0 i . '?
'-' •'' ' :' ' Af4.114 0g1r 1 ',.. 1 .7. 1 r-.7 '.-T• • IC" '', . .
'j igt4ll4.' . ' -' . • DEMANY ,r I4 4 D tilt ;
A s4l4k4u l "l u ttue the erlgagr s pun.
To .ouoit 3-
a°4.‘ am 7 , 40 . 112 r,
4 , 41_
• aft reol --
4 . 4 10647 , , • v.: •
0.130 M GUILT .OIL nostiVik
N. HOLMES & SONS. Broker!.
/ft. r›r Market ot. Wawa Third and fourth do. Pittsburgh
Pr.NNSYLVANIA. • •Broncla ot 14
dank of Platobarak,..--..Zo=fonWPW•f... do
Connxners Bonk or dn..— CUT Bon Thoolenall.- do
o dd Blau or• of do.= Bk.andoeL. do
Bank of Goanneroo.--..ror,Frazdollo nank -- do
Bonk of North Aziarton-SLAI4, ~.. do.
Bank' tri North . . Laborites in• Wit, do
Bonk of Ponnsylronls..—.
Beak of Nun Tcorooldß—r
Dnrarnonnol Bonk - aft
rt.= e isetuat e
dlrard Bank—
do mom
bull:mark .
.a — • :•&
Bank ofehamortnekh- Wlank of - mava . ef--.
Smoak of ChegurrOoanty-paißack offs.,Blebroond-. ;
asak.oflhamilla —seen. Bank, .., Nor"k of P e . co.:ar:ie-P. yjw=m B 8 of VI VA'
Bank of OcemantoVa.......t. 3screhiadetilimeh. X.
Sank at Gatt2f..--,. M Math Waftera Hamlin:
Bank. of IA
gaok of ntddleton,
2° " o2 ' n " C.• Bank--D a r Bank of Cape reak„ - 2
: 2
Bank of Safthumbarland. Bank of Slt.eaa
Ocancohla Bk k Brldir•On-Pff Cott- 8 201 •CS 2
Dolleatawn Banll---..-Aldsschartte fiv S
But= Cjank.--- BOUTH 0 LA
Lie Bank - . •Bkoftbalttof
Farman' Bk oills - ZOn-Mar •Bank of Bong= 1
farmer.' VIZ of Infadhafft kfaelfareall ?1
farm Mt of &Buz fkill Co _ - , -131COBEILL • •
r.. a Dtaa. r 6 == .. . gu,,kiVilirre 6
i'L if i ll' lL ...,... -•-••••-. ;tat offfran a
L113.114ri Etank..........,48: Allnal•ant Barka-- 6
lantassta Onality. KENTUCI
Worm Bank-: Bk enfant:act • If,
Eine.' Bank affkottaklatink of Louisa - %
nononitaltalft Bak-.-... Northern b1i0nf19............,t 988 7 : •
W."Pra." P . '' Emstbannel
W70.1.1{ iii.Wilkistarrepori . stanZir —
Fmk. liankf.,-.-...... . la ,Btat• rant A bra,,, f neks•- .ii
Bad Notes. .-. .......... ai 11180
ton& 35k of life 6 g ) 6l '19 i. 17 g .- 2- %
Oblo State Bank-- .fil NBIN.
Branch at Alf 0........-- d !Wins IMs 111.00. dila 6
Branch at Attuant..” .-- do WMEITGAN.
unwell IA Itridcoe:,-.
,elehatilnirßank t
Branch at
10, Mrfa• - n7. 7— ny Ifi".= 9
Branch at Toledo..-,..-- dortata Baak-----. 8
Branch at .•••• do -• CANADA.
Mauch af. D a tM- • •••''.'"...- do Bit of ft. Iftna•fannito B
Branch at OnlanfOnli ...... do Blr of th• ?ffinpea., il,
Branch at Ashtabula ..-.. dor tank or ElOl4
Branch st adelM- , .. ~...... do Bk of U. Canada. Toronto B
Branch at•M•11 ,11 -- do YLABTBATI BXI2IIANGL •
Branch at .111................ do On Nava licat...l---- tf,
• Brandi at Cinannati....... do On itrad•fah-••• g
" 1
`" f` Y . I: VlCErtrirriC re.
Branch at- Lannwites.,,...e. ..4%.
Branch at Bt. ' 11. : -......'. • - -•••••-- .:...
Branch at Mount. -... t. la.—.• .• '
Brandt at fialrark-.-- do acit.DAtaueßonste, lA.
do Doubloons, BPOI 4I -•- .0 . a,
I"wh hPran :g.B2=M4 .7.7. p.uta,.......a.5x
` l =lM - tt — .= gl=di :::::::.:T ;:2)
&..a ..:. g i= 80
= r . ffC't:f'r .ao TTS I SL":=7--: 605
we f t. llama= do slivb.-----
Branch at. Cuyahoga ..a... doi • nil
I BWth It CV:: -.1":" el d : .:: • •. -•
_ -
loccra end, opposgs Bemk qj
113.A1111anwetiolls at moctllbersl
. . - Alv.:ll.li_
tATRAII.'IIC , .. , rILLS.
IQPEBATE bp their powerful influence on
the Internal =oh. to posit, the blood and Elmo.
It lotolialthy soden They Mao. 1.11•01.“1120 , thus
of ths suno eth. boestealesFl other ores= of ths lx. e l
au, by .they tbs.'s. iir. nukes to health. o nee
whams they osiet.luth ...Wing= .M. eth thi.
thaws of dims.. :Au azunden utal of =tele eirteles. 07
d amp s.. Yhyslebuss sod 90.1110/14 hens shown sate of
damps.. Watson =met -beyond thilef. Inns 1.7 Ad
sb.tantlaurt by pus= of et= exaltad ',ninths and
ehancter as to brbld the cupid. of 'untruth. Theis
mathimsthe an published tam
iaAg.... A itna... which
thu• imte below ...wad sth to faro= free to ell
bg eonased wiiive Dings= IDs theft us Id the ..211.
plaints .bleb tt ay hero Inan Minato Cu.
ton Cando. cso-laka are Or two pal,. cd such quattlit.
t .7 00 to patty moire dm towela. Closatwaors la tosporn*
ly ths Isamu:lu
o no. of 11.10 s, and WI du, lona cam.
Plaint is
the curs f both. tie _um can feel. oell while
u.ter a e sthre =hit of bods.. - ono= slmld be. an It p or,ptly wollowod.
POI Infra.:. which la sometime. the new or toga.
arie= always unerenforuhle tale se Id armee -from one
to impto sandstone [by stintheit snit =vs into
segue. They eill do It„ . sad the alorderin. toilyte=
=gee" of p,l. . ill rapidly dleappen yrt... 1 0 1 ..
rum don't twed e.t.a oared you. •
For a Fort Wm.'s, or Nowtsid /anction.ttaw Bowl.
-.Wen pronoun avowal driffll.l4. l3 of the ta and End
beets. take from tont to dab; Pllls Ist. Int. end smeller
Sere aftermuds. until meth= and gaztugh Is nu
lo tits .
2Vorroanun. Sick Efeurente. Nona., fhie. as the
Sorsqa. •ve. tor Sidi. tithe nom tar to Jnobt to on
L ln ga ol 'a n tr. O.Q.
4f, radet.r g.P'T . l=paltita trtri setip Goat . fro Los
sour Mute wow UM* seat=
dried 81.. d beams. your etor=li Is to
Ar Safolo. ilepripelas. pusuAtt &In, fake
thnillls tnssly son CroO.od W. bi. SWF the eh Win -
The \ eruption alll neon - ally a= moth to din:lath. end
(lamppost Many dprodful wool awn.l sores boo" boon
ratt0 , 10 ,, r4 , : z 72 .. , . frbm ,....... dt ....
rats h. .
bola* widen trap. rocudstaly ytaldad to do,lo to-
Immo% liadrut tba autforer , o portsd builth.. ?analog
seam... to wen= Nubia that yo =our.'
eel( armed ths norld,conted •Itt. 01-
Per 5...... sod .10 or thy nf the uneleetenstee of the
thin. bemuses your testate* .70th downing.
, Stu.=l. tee,
tholild be Rad. they
Wren Yrs= ars themedkthie OMIT
They endt=ltdik.
and the loans...him algtof eaer the meth of
ass. sill be meatiest of the cyst= Ditched Oak. tr.
wind. Jay this oroporty they nose =let. tood bi
=eau se by tha re. umultm. onria Thigh Creil o iS
erem e tiern \ I
Liao this ' Anted= and aLI IhllestiAllbeantreyb e
from zoom enomoseihi-lultber artedity. ethutestkior
ototruetione of Os User. N-Turisklty and asurietki. be.
. ate this !emend re.thee it. unlit Ix ra This to Mo.
nitro= to the health. and the otioo ta TOW
untarrodront arbor moms nAlgostion Is
town. Obstrodi. of W. duct eh= empties ths I .liZ
the giemsch causeetalS Lila to MAD. Into Eno 01.11. , Protium Jaroutbss. with a long and cl.angorOus teen
of awn& Condon ere or altrdlennlY unhininanand dier
sham. =us= Yerstigs 11..1 /WSW.. kV milillei
everieusn,raglelami and 01710%.41.0. i
ability lb sleep, and sums entersluano maw
Ude* heirs le N.• 1 1 .• gain .In Lb, ths thin •d WC
ohne of the ”slo see 7,s • Irma= ream the
add: tbe botraL my to the toueln the whole eleiiim g =
Inn ulth a tsindont7 tO Tantr.irM.o may twern I* tztniono
Door, Warns don. dlardoen cliannt o t7 n‘ itz ‘ i i..r . nnn
does of thee or four fills tat. IL , till.tht. by two
Or three lath. morning..
.4 so 0 Sur days. by
rao tbe
when all - tbass troub It lawleirig Olinda
thorns= you= core lb= Sir Sli eggs. . '
Blietennirm,Poo. mad all lonfameatory/tierseisre tit
cared by the purifying abuts of hues rub open the
man the stunothe which Uldrat.afford to the vital pri -Si
Inn Low than and all nitrplalnie they sh,o be
taken in mild dome to mom bowel! molly. trutfreely..
As • DM= Phu fhb Is both sugant= RES usitaL No
MI can b• roads more powsitt to taker. and an
none has be= Parlescreignigleal to thrtneflethels t' ail
.., &awe pill le smploifinup •
ii ; C. 41.i-fli,
C1N;3215i, .-
101.8/1!Ist 00:
' 142 Centre Street, New York,
wrrisu tick •?c. c . wen
ogroarstosamtowsod •oisn, ogg
.—Hog ughttea assmas, G. ova..
licatai., *alma* Min, flak.'
amd HMIs. •
Afa, v ago, Oats, 'Palm thaw* WWI; and War
flue as4e tatada.
One rtinir ClattiZlS attrar melt, aid ao
orb Poteat—irsetoated to do 4conso the watt a on/ ottc
a tuntition.
. Weer. soitellte. ,ekaoctiosu of po lotiatrr. oltd
lAmtvs—ts raoi °Peed et 104 116setert st. the most
ble it, tee of Wool . telalnee ttem 2746 elh 22.1. 14 .
hawing • large amortotat ca the stove named. 1 ylth tit
alo them oat end grill sell them 26 per pith leo Uwe
ow, 6 3 .0., .1 1 . 2 th maim+. oina rsnamt... ter 21 eht tat
yts. an it fresh seetrtatent of fletsettle Well Plskte. M.
Ittledose, 4 Crumb Cloths alt 4 trandazal fal4bla Iht
botuebule. nee, eh erdired end epee tor. aitta2.4. th
...14 PAUL. Hulot?. 2gl Colorfrata NI A.
Q&COND LatRIVAL of new style Sbawle;
•71,etfluiveged,„%lymi iii.)04014#14, 4444.0
rtrar lOt
best•saiscout o Canras.4 24 . '6 4=14
bar . war ey4111.. thsirmi 1.5da71414 4 0, bolt
0151100 sad
I, ar
667.0. trarialei=4". l r -
V0U.19110 BLANKETS—Having radii
urn I+4loooonzr7 4E4 134th 51•05404.1 E.
laTeuteg 7,1011%.-gUirP:ral
7.=.slt,:hArgitm4l.= 442=
o=lo 1...,.betb0r twayorartr, ft,
100 5 sr
CtriALI'V.W.% oh Rama,:
4oitptdPrag u lito wart, to be siescifilitabii
e e•entieetit ,witrrcalen••• 104 114
- Va. 6g/21'4=thifIlliv Pgi=al=447l_
• 100411,p4 .01i440! 4ri b
e*tre 40,00 am:
. 4
. I...l2&.,Argziwirfrient ths . 4 . ll " 2 74
madam 00-r 440 e. of WS* 44 mi. 11044;1140k4 4 4_
8014 to 11l 04444etatioar,am0 tied onz 11-404
0404404.• Ms,
Em wool tlie 00014440.
`tnaVB4l6 'l° M l l B .° 4 .4 s'
we in'
.10 010112101414404P*000 staii:
1 DISKED 01.4-7 barrele.tto dal r
a a ind ftgend•tfl,
ENUSS-16,esottjastrecid sad
Jur forests br is.2l MUM 11-COLLI2I",
1 - 117/ ic ia—. lo bblaa nd2Obousco
roll Maur Just nitfd &ad Mr si• tow .
J. 2 4 -J. B MM.
Ebble . frosh Eggijuet read nu
for taro by 1-44 a 11 CANIKED.
A O R de D by-20 IvyN 0.1, j us 4. rd O an n !f.
RIED,APPLES —lOO bushels
Cad maga 32.21 J.BOYNTILLD.
VILIED PEACLIES-A0 bush-nowi br.the'
buals.„ Just rated and dor aidatl . °Arnim.
SUPICATS-40 dosnainske rad for ear
by • ice-i .
IrtEEN•APPLES-20 tibia iris% reo'd and
r.,.R No by • 3524 EL CANYINLD.
130 T ASlllctelid just reo'd and for add
as — j
ke just, roe
o (' and for
P EASL'4SII'4 "5
• J. murrELD.
-2-11 TOol32lpareo
and fartirllSLD.
")t iNS= 011/'!ffl bb 4140JAL Tea
A!!!!!!!!;J 21 1§r.R T : - Ig;
BBLS No. 1—iirgir—der.", do,
UP qt.]. J,..7.1 _wm..gaccrittaccor k
BBLS N:o..2doßums. neW of,Op;
SO loaf Was Byroso Weds OS-
• is ~ - WIC MoOrral-coN SCOz
A . e,HkDB.NtQ, Bikor for sale by
L Iddeurcuutos CXY.
VIIEESE —soo_ bo , es prima euttbr,
)Q141.90. IWO tn. /al p HOMY &COLLINS.
111111)f-1 0 kelp No . 1 Lard just reed by
o , , -DIMLY
ASE FISH-11,10 bbls Trout; 100 bbla
Lana tag !LOW? do dig ItOttallaWari .
11 . 1 hr —tat -
'lees keenekeuste-'
ZIP 2 bblik 9:tcaltsli ROW 1 .thi
0 "01 M d r
Ph •
:fi f .. ~..a.i .~ ~....~
g la% •
Niatabia yropexiry-ror 9.11 N
TLiberty street, adjoieig. the Methodist
Oran lrarkustr Cau5113.132. Thig no• thy - ma/
a.P.7MM tathigfluAgbb9shood uot
bought u tbe peusollrgolsatAaosa Cosougui. mt.
bag y CO feult:,ut Zhu 0.1 100 foot t„n•a to the
liathodlett Gum. To.r4 56% tog, t.. 1 .1 0.0 10 3 oot--
. this properry. la met daeh''l , .l . o ma Etotal._Tbs bunAhls
pow ol,,taygoarbbEt. tAra,rerg.M.., trat
= a ti . d th laut an ge= 4? _....i . ... :Zlorsaigltratta
•4 1 .4.9, um=l ' 3. e" . HOWARD TARriIL
—....P-0T1i.E13., WANTED-: Awrenergetio
AbnelnPan man 4iiii small rapitarot stout Siotilcaa
cenme • partnerdilp in a large manalestoring twiner*
fully and yenuguauntly establlfbed. in mcceeenal opert.
eon. loaned to the moat central pan of Me ate; time
Icela • handier.* ping 'of at least rat per cent; done
etc •AWI for cash sad can be extended throughant the
Voluid Staten without' nacttolo testae' No better oppor. .
' tanlig than tlas haa Mr bean eared for the caiDexhation
in btu isle of an cistaing man which we can sathincr
torus daconlietratetta -,e desiring the Information. A
complete ant - comet atatantellt,of thee* le mire in
i .5.-4, , , .ft. vir. rt,av-
.11 r . t......
r• (7 alit of °el IT on the . .6.-4.
Z . ,
an ined*Clark. eta, hating a front en lowan it-n[43ft.
onwtdcli thexc are arecuod. three 3 *rosy 4.' P,
cue °Millen - fronts ma both inn aft in nrod renal,. e on.
each containing eir ram:Mead' fisclatvd wcrfut. Alm. ad.
Jobilint the shoe. a ht. 81 18. front on •lara. it, on which
Abne endure 3 nay faith dwellings. each captaining 6
roams rood yard, bats oven, re. ha a+ cwr of tide prar-
Pot? call Moyne an at a madam so be eddies to lured
hie money ba tmetnem. no ,
• dal r - &Mtoeal"'
rrpc,ioLoEll.9 OF LAND WARRANTS—
id-nsigs "ug.=ZerAltai
~ t p
MB. Piaturaso; Port Do Moines. The many laeatimes
that bane been made throeugh our eke, allot leblett bare
atjw, 1,010 .
av,=4.11.4.. ag: t t be
a d
tbett order. deg" B BUT 11 sta
-____. •
irtouKS-FOR SALE-100 shashamDarling
ommi o.ll4h:end Steely
01 1 30 sham of Allegheny Tiara Itidiroul ghat
Inn be erchingte Ilhe Heelnmatet thanso
IMO be nosh wenn buirg i to t pu be
b la r." P"l47,.2deltedi ano
tgheat marko price
Wi?o. Zi g.
VT Dl I los Pittsburg S—The
lii h sad .11
Sea • U. cisiil 01
1----------10111g011ANI013 &11ANUFACTURERS
—kider.lntKahr`A ..a r otowiy. Bleektm-th MO
Mad al the nnestehe nag, ton mrelltor ezqbe nennno
One of herlealtuntl iintdeineats or tahronn Usze,ts otht.
Mike t 1111. OM Lb. matt egnonuoadating tones. The Wen.
Win:tent le sheeted tn a &outlives tome not teottona the
thoUltano en the ntenobetnte at
'4;2 age, '" b lin ' r atm fa .I*n. To: --4
Mumma ono to thepavhseet. MILD. tosettleasy bin
0.... 0 for ectinz Is that the
r o=oe Is r ig i t ' r to "4 sonsite in Gant oudnetn To s
oreetioal ono of smell <menu, Ws is • rare o=o%
to ta ix elnin. et sae eltfl hoolluttrie bunt.*
an be he& - b. ounussier 'NM.
Lave a;very l
cessadezin4idea:joce.salt, /waged vial" att.
0 , 110 Mak Pr tb• ar. 441.103 0, 4 41. Dolma raff , l64. Yr , *
loom coutouso room", am • Prffie• frfolow
4.0 f will of 0at0r,..0 VAN eludes with trult.frogo,•ri. Tao
ar•af••• 017 6 foot 47 WONT. V. 50. VOW. Tom.
Toff. or will bo ozottaogoa for an Alloshosky unwary 0000.
6414 • avaTtuSilisr
--------.--r. ---
FM SALF4----/cFarm-ef,9o !scree! lied 60
eseek... lemma& i mik!ceme I. elaaStatlort of
r lialtrual., Irlanatotroaaa tta sod sutra LS' mild-
'ra osts. ga. • tsar= orobsal Oa al or TO song Qaar4 Loots
Ore. /Oro goal boating,. Ima. pada t iro . glow., Tra
above 111 • ta, location wad VU! be airpard of Ola •••7
terror -Aptry to data B. I.lnt.iLlt 4 OW!. 94 Sib rt.
WNE.13.3 OFrItOPEETY (non-reside—eta
or chrts)aro lofbrorod that as atilact to 1...4.41
..• and 0011Kalnil nuata, aI•P IP taliarnac., ropairs,
payssont et ta, to So.. Oar dumper in lash ikarvioe•
ai• amderata. W p 1011. Cho • wawa or Tarportyt °yarn
a s rorsay rboto rata road* ora of the OM. to this Woad,
a oar brudnoss. A• UP trallottata Rana oa boo,A, wort.
Moo,. tmaism pasto.n. art Baum. of this
Cr t ad to praonttr alaG L. soaustrouratiomt said
ip ra " ppfidiatta AU isquil_ris• 0 WW goo YAM* "
other mattock =UK
"r 4".
taillirtrallT ittl. I S" ‘..
as reply Alum, ,
WWV ILL be ecild at • weal bare.: f9r . Will, !
e tie fueevaa. c. t.O t Oato. all tom and In gocri
order. tamp Mos la P.! ot tho toao./..15X .x4
*mint*. Karam Top 1., ...ulna isoroau, Woad.
WO Pat secuma glib dying kattroU. Borrliall. aa
1 twat Table aal
horsing Char. I.Baro boat WWI%
Lo.rogo Oaf 111ottsro. Dcalus Camara. to. 6.13. 'am
tartuturo * 11l OrNB
CIJ 10.14 at • larva Ss o Wm own= Lm aat
Ima Lao USor ta'l
Irthri. apply to
oT I B3 ilarlort It.
Proclaim Nitw or wir du can to 1.0114 dm.
Laud by ttr.saserlb ts.
ICI advs.. (Pc Trap dock 8 tek Ow dm;
COO do AVIs IS do do.
lois do Darlington 008 11 - Btor.l. act
dal!m 'amnia. B I do o.
dal/ O. Kr-WM a EIS. 216th at.
NEIL& —jar molo,alll saw of Wed, to Wiliticresiael
evuoty, Mtolla CZ boas Lilo) ream ase
tom /bade eistor sualoo, U. Yanosykrobas
About 40 ems aro dome: good Ullaeo lone.
=OP ehlth to • Log Hour sailor.. u U yob a•titoe
to" tb0=01,...„ga1...1......=...1.1.narry
oboe tbo boot wsior. rare Is on wt....area Of MO
anon stmber. , ll. (2.l*.rit, (binomial 061. tLaS teLpba4
Ware wk. Poplar, Oa. ,lt Ls anal worthy Lb. ur nfaua. os
Lbo owl es. be mot to Ottabbab. ...0r
or mak -The labor siobo is .oriti mor•
FX.lttkod.sial mat of au Laid would secre !moor
Tt=lo will be aell4
to o
ft ray bre yr*. a **per
sem a it sill to *Mao to eon p stir= *a to
S6rorroo-,fir bi l iTellio Dame bo Lass %SW
stoma poyerrosas. Tato Incisootabbs Raisin. of
ocIP.U* Tathi. INCLIDO.7O Wood EL.
••1 4 AND FOB -SAL.E..,-1.4a acres of , _ Land,
21(_mtles wit of BliXowokot.l • gog
tupllo. o and Berm; 110 .on. • lam
0.1 of irraftodffon, .41 Co woo of Nov I. tbat
Ur. tor !kw:loa.
60 a omot J. 111.4aek . • cud., .Ito good.
4.0 , 1
1.- 0 .1,1,1:4 Poor 00 Uni0....!. 1. 11
• foltery of GU. farms sad ca. ow of 1.4 to,'
41o,vieloCity, vbiall 1 Lim Ovocrtbod on my pentad rools , ,
tar. IAII 11. got oviola oirratAtAroir..m....tbof
• -
14•01 t. TO W.Z5T—Any person going to or.l
living It UN Wooo7l l000NN” .50. 50 P• 0 70.
NaNblo Elm NW BUM tor totual #0,05. It b mall 0
bootcroot valor Ito awe vottaCrf. OMt t. bad I. t , t.
tbA WM. an Make mart.
• NAN/ of pod Vona , Stocks col hand to Mn Oat 104, a la UN Wet.
IWO 0/11.6 Painted BoNotorof Hoot TANN: twortiontS
cht . to s rWarms. u rtott7 Nat& MINN ll and
' Tic 5.9M5, '
4.7.0 Otemosordal 75 W /
VOIR BALE—Two liousos arid Lora on
ra. W iritaradd Lau orltasylrada A sm.
Om lat.= TOMMIrad Area.
Areo—Theatr atlas la dlliarast parts deo ell'n al. ar
anklet& will to odd tau au bar tarma—They era &flexible'
cr. tad adiate; which rpa am hazAradebr call:
ollitnb stteet,ll ram learn bar. II pa. 1...
T 0 30 =W./main ask ma sra ara Imp, it beze,,
M. of large m a verr ray arab ngait` d
111013. Wt/OLM. Gammearsal Dram
--.., 70 Yorstlt meat •
NVIE. SILLE-12 Uountry Sega cha b ril2
.11.-..nogre of tir u ad:rrtnnol d af t = les
Issatbriil ow flu dri, and or raroostdo !nag
drnonsassll Naas. Val ars int oraddso . ro d .
dawn of !art !Worland. and no donors
aginsuirds. sn ofroftist bon Yat
lora t i rfit::
1,14004 of Pittsburg:Molls well saki la ken to sar par
gass ,ow ar id, !ado wllltasorsvo Loom Idracoo
flue Fa= 011 eTs
Oevolirealutzot •51.1, ‘16:106.1606106. 21•I 7 6
6a6 Wee.
bernteraget.."l' i'La'ait'lt oflonoteni
Nit • Printed •11t11166 . 171617 a• daralptlOD
Dot of forfoo, coontrs =ea. baCial 11116 16114. 16 11 1
.111 em• to say who •1111 01 but 161.661d7 INT
enddowsiladrosa IL •au ♦ae.t.N. tor do. OWAt 063
• 00t542 • • .Ttio9. 00118,74, emu
SALE. 4 4, splendid ,(79untry
Awe% co UN WM Wm. sat i joiaLog W. Bawl of IL&
up.; on tag ;dint ma& at wow . tton. Theo Is 0 woo
foVic.3 *lnns =matt of gzft s `
Mt oat boom, All tutorgtod oCITS4t.
ham It Is eland tow. M.—Qatro Of to
Ottlormligm, of of
DU:Min ANI ---- "f fat Boldiers,Cl4-
lairat sAsunisp=7lgi,% l :7;
Ostia& UM& ,
taregzEgtl4.4iTiuttgaica4 i=
iSatboaNAVir r'7. THUS. WOODB,
.^t/ 1-•.,o"ostosk!
-------------'-e--------7----- " I tdic
.OR 15AleS.;-=l3iictoo of Groan , c c
bell''Eton a* . choke babding du on Os Lawrwaytli• atmi
' 'EN tiattr"l. 'oll.4Thglf.
ior ti w _4,ll.4, ll rptP.ho u kpi u :r.s•—r 4
LWit PSLam-A incrior Farm is Bettor
=.urnt..= ico uuswteret eifen=
sal ;a UM is
artfied_th ip; l rr: l and
00 sm. of cxel
Dau7 Farm of 100
Otateotuatry besta,pi'
ith omit food, tosotao al, tut !o_7
.. aireAt l.
21 1 1 sod ttto co overm;a7 tww
.17,2, • itb or.
un.U7sus fox A C :f obo dto on itsoM wort It
onto. •Ithd 2 TaohimA4.,
to teald MT law.
W110.1•7.8.A L AND N NTAIL.
MOE subscriber rispectfully cells the me at? ,
J. tent= of him Mean and the Willer amnia', sal
asaaanailan of his aathiain hock of mid Kat •
Vigrat Ida balkmoa aailtraa ir artralli. 0 att.
Ghanaian thatitinitara sad Shoo% tandioat of the OA_
matialt4 lionnahitna and of the Wass Wks.
la whir to an country daalare and itionoJtha
Pt tool mama mails mail ..he isaanfictonaiaao ats
oonataatli on band_a or b it agvaisan .1441
la. T• 110111.• to tfas prima be nom NY oothintWni;
01141 that tti. to roll fa etesp is say *Om uta oar
lib-r.P.trmari D.rKnfora Rand
itjaz.sfluloratilljtoatliti, ala
m t o
latlificiht, • Kara,
m669 - 11torkat at. Wawa Idsztot hoar Fifth it;
Coanalision and Forwaiding Agents,
34 0031341.140144 L aranaT,
sAiNr Louis - ,
Putnam attatlan paid to Os. pulteur
ProvisiOns. flour, Grain, Remp,
souus..LUD. be. ha., AdD roawkamNo.
R. - Iteblaoa • 00, - I NM I
tcr&,"l3t, uut.tha„,
= "Pr ra s.
mabu ' t c l a°-
MGM.* • Ow, ) IWus Louie-
AbOutettoni *Alm PhilabgAda. scaema
sting Sox incur:. •
Suhearths* having' purchased tho
rat.. t5.m.44 r.
We Putout outlnu Smootlad towsiOt otow
way_ linmaauf tho lu
noallonYlud. s trlo =AV .
.d ritatd4
trisr::;_ausoartawnt of tortwoonYolloo
and bowls= la would nessouctir Unita Um
mondwilid .dsoloro Alko wawa lu patait,
aci4TAV iratiaBLLND.A porbstlyntltr.
sl/1011.1B8 e -4 r
au = 4 brzilio 6 ground roPPorl,
. 40 Moor=
/ min Prl4 l.
Ixrioa 194.1erotor.
„ Ipow e ing . iPA E . -
' '.:4Z.% . twill: visanrsi
aisierolosvo ta *P iwt riattni t rib= ri.
sgain of 'different
i esaatteir r
va4r9MroVut4 4428 J.I -
11-gueD;MIZS-101tblo for
. ,
, E C., E_ - 1 7 .--c. ES L. E.
.' . .
~-----. - .. y ---- 1, D 7- - - 0• T IN
t .. ,•'-
' _l-- ,'• _-... , - ' -_-_---->:
(VI' ...I. n aparattan pleat:sat In the
ig=a , me laser, ••toszarti.
sad want system. Al sit At3billione and Alteratim
conscantly ingedal s 0 1.v..11.1. 1 dtbeW 4 )
rears ta allows , when a Man S 0
arm raiulml. mid would not now do mahout it. it 1.111 the
A... 11 as Ma ini/113:1611.11.1VitrZaa.' unk.=
drink it midi swum. • OM *Orates easily, thar
ftrodsces=aim,upf notOwaye..a.
anatamsd Uwe to
Xm lattrabioMTG. wiTNESI3III
epeg u tag 1
W nady testify to its superior virtues. Ind
"trtV4rdn'. 71ttel
worst mace Sr
NEYd it reraNdano
tAith.u.h.. o.,,,pleare". 2..k.inineffunutcktri.,
imatil m° &Mt wan.. abitsba.:E
Skin, PlMPlai.: " ' Matemecuse kr:puma unsizastieus ult •
14.,...41tinsttpattormt licaske
mammy. belt tratt oool, Ny." . ..=
larre oral ktadx te. U.:banns
medicisal Mrtines. lb. skarn= bazaar trom biro sad
aurupt Mier= ths stunimb.amnia{ w as or sh
..twmientarnalic tii Mace and ares_twri
muss Maltby. A 14ni nap frauds to tat the abets sow
Selma and eisi•00310•• wadies as tbay sball be im 7
17 tbinesidemm. Tams aka know se
not doubt its worth.
Bleb {alas% istrodmilen, wire:liana bunttstraCti
Mei wo.daful yo palarlti..O , ltd . 40 41 i. 1ar
Phnida•Sarn It••• Ms= CBI L ORAN
at 1
alto r ono I rte. sn i t: PariritlVZ: Z ab.r ti l. " gif.
to llear;9=l. ;We rerun Awns and amirt.
min tut rut scluplinsits sto
more apt to bely trl3l lind
.1.14u1d astbantir ins moat potent nuitanr Tot tem. —
GI. Lt. . out.
A,.11. 13.Esiale. C. V. =kcal &Co, abd
0. 11. It'a 41lime sort.
Vali diriettcas ersommumbis sat& ban. Pr.ts 30 sad
13 eta of tat sad [went dome s
rolbirer,.kitiotitriNW N.Y.Liberty eVitt«
w. waraglos, wain 11Sralrer
Pants. dallyd
SO .210th K.
ntrksissu - 7 8 V"alth''"" . righbi:tistifo74; .4
Ael= of tbg fltomseb.Dotbr Tabsoi n . . 4 . 1 . 5
Vot=o w. son F. Atioi nutosfoos bond.
-.4 In Onion effsetsd.•
Th7 ll ? =au
mitgr mf6.6;aorb'in. --- tiair - in , • of Its snot oraeorio
Itt moot al Oa ICaroprota . Natio. Ils=iklitg;tin,rciro.„
°At snrin wve
fibilli!ts son shs of
ShiaShia utiobry . tiostirry. -11T0,=:gosZt
Om; I no* ofht It to Du /Wen= TIM.. •
al7; oiritiobittrid Irrodbolati sifting mut iss stinosar
to thins belie
onugnitions petal
may bar. Impolnin trXtforintooll
WO of ordsot spirits, or other toms of Alsilimittots. tY
Ora bististoneous *Brit. it It it nor dirseilr
gm mg of wre,tritilaoit and goickira..m.z. rat.
ow 2r Taw
WT11624E36 tn , T ni - uSIACTI AND IIifITOYTION.
,Ifistner'Greit fbas "Pe ti by nolft Floßrood Boas.
Tbs wife Of Pharr I. Wittoi Bring to Not nod 'num.!
Kilobit goo windy. Wironioto.soft•rod.oonb Rota Warp
woo of azptoloacit and I iodtgZi i . t. i rdr . e=.=
:otter.: gdist7ll. fAti•norftnamil woo HOLLAND
tBITIBBB St our oaks. übloti tho u s host lona •to bat
atratior ly tbir Ow Omni. nod itioni sturolor. Win
bslbirntlint tins Is moths. great ours sffseW br
Li Voi lum- still to mord sing noonirlW to* Mato/
br tido rinoady. Ott quoit wart aoottortorpigtadry. 1.7t0 I
Wax you eatt noir moon. otat or bar. Inzt , lirlood
-°- --rawet. I
. 41. Abating= tilsoushod% Rohe Vf
Tbsothro 2/12,.. 1.%. rittemoro atilbsir
willeallrosii.M4 . 4g Rom
61 . 115 1 / 4 eshot. I motion to moor - m4;U:iiiislr
tmeltattlvtid.AerbildogiWart ra=rargrj
otatto. opoo tior dlrrthilo aroma., !Lydia troitooma a dor
billed ototirot, w
oC ool ma to
. r , ocoarmoraol it ocialldratli
TNl;l77.lllrtgllTAlaur 1 - 101 ITTIOACT 01 BITS
pall; Ninths Um of the [Aim ie, Payar
n3tobia ONO lines. 'Wa o sniously affsetol with phi
nod usessinsoi of Iris tonnseb. ions of appillio. loooot nod st.
a rr . ; orepoimilroe'ritra 100 as atl of
0T LCua who
Scrotal* tbst tho wild ono • n bittis of
01 . .tomat6
V.sotof blisirowns Wore& awls& fiord Ettoalrob
ail OW. otdoproodoor sad roonor.4 •T 077 Mont.=
of Drif I would al. imam that two other awn
wt. of a-f Wain wiei as .m In • gra. manor
with tallaVorta natav rams byllit as of single
Login •
A. ,
nos AN LAIIIIINT 0L1111311112. •
1004. YAM& BILL Pails. hi AOr —ieafiem at &aim resat
plsontrs brosying rcui Bus I =shim= of sICARHATED
OLLABD BITTERS, which I °Moaned at your star. and ,
forrad sos.tal ofs omits bionsooor.frasi nbieb 1014
loss Whirs& and I intl... Oar can of airflow lb nu In
tartar; try game*, and Nob wt. I. imixoct
t r g r e arAlitalll ATID & A BILITY.
Imo thud lomAtilaVElVeleAlltbogTMO •
Ifohlsohiairlsiiiilir. :Air wig on a i d
Yrr - A- telg "fl'it.'Aolinti imm aisogoonsrlikist bs
7 PAWA rIfYf
idt. Joan lisollootr. tlTtaE tea lobos above Pittsburgb.
oft Ihootrtimois ,so
mos sad sol fs
lIIIIVDI I , I sour Luigi) wait. now rnisioy insolunt
ompi. or TTIBR w l comisism.
W. onion., of Pittsburgh.ihfs . _
/4W nrolfirlog bin Wes moths Mom
of tbs •• 10 combos tio y bmi—l
b.on intrig !Tadao DfalillAYE r i , ROI
L ,
• NO SITTBIUL I ionised a. obloet doss, bug trend
&roost Batas. oar us slut ID thy moss orn /A in
!!!:4412FrE'a21,1%irin" tip.
rt.t.% Sid az.Vi.t
war"srourAvre 001..WD In vs rosily
Mo. it ot stainerwo
ring SOT
pia= tor vdr "1 . 11 0 I
"10/ %Ira hallo Ot Ibrttial Ito lb" 07
ent s 4.4
• 01AAltafralaritirtniaPIP!borIL/L
I`.• Dro ti Bon han 4
's, Pliihidsin. _
I r tbd." . ° A l td t rjg inglss idA nind An
tbrosichontoil owe ono ontsintsu 4. Par
Itelmboldl (saunas PftparaSian&
laaateu r iffifilual .
Is a ontaim otle sad ethanol reroOlv
/tor Davis of Ma Bladder MOWS. GM*, Dram, !halo
asuk • noon /ham.. CiOnLoonom, /Mum
end alt havalata of tits OS
Orions •but= "
troi.. win, anti. OR 5".11.0.1..1 . ,
.14 MATAR.CrlliMrtaregkro
jattrfonr==.lllr.O.A 14471 the
....A Ma.
ii...1-O,USO Tlll7 roota of Zo. s out
lal the aleamothiada US MO 1.0 1 . ! gr the
emu anion =tata eras .wtmo
Tall meats, Matatitauthill. • ohm .
VA It xvoltafito=l4-i let Mt td " ;
11:1 . 4=.„:1.tloruMlagt . t trzsuu aer of
tatOrtressrit i m i katopl:Va =1.%
a t =m uszoothosuatuTeltOthuhtt allola t .V.
WS to .0241 Ruin* amooduom It to very 1
to its UM& OT.SOODO MO. pOlblet*d may utast
'oy wow ofoltharsulathMa hi MO bottoms
re omit* adobe. smash. Mrottkma me sceompony I
tha melMan. UMW, if you Imu any of lb. atou ourn,.=!=rtiewl:ys cra delooroa.
""I"aa IMP 1 ,0 .
•Th". 61.1.52-4 MTh? AND AUL nurfurz.
....atto lossi=l olhoutalljz i r tiu. most
ilreaTh="lll moan It= eritone. raths ."6". T.;
9= 4 lir ith.tinitntliagearov% . 11 from °l'44 t to " d M .
WOOS to Woo:damn add MO loyal l t l ta
to Ite
a canoe se •MO ON. OS
atti Of tha abort saunas.. ,
aert7l.l ll
, amnia C21167-1v 211121 t 12
Opplpsand Fluid SxMaas Sarsaparilla.
Prggyr,v4 no.
dui= front on essnont nal=
mal#fflettni Mum row
' soo m4= toe Klieum. Etakl lli a d .
aflka Throat cod Lou ilam nod ...amp of
lidestiascottle ova* and 06017 a*Rotfau l3 =
mgrallirtothe OrteelaTorafthuanotailos told
OM In alas It lir "mac= Team duo thee
r s reZil t nod I:isnot:a 94:8 " . M tral w atniri
sod lave glom to rathrot sad mootaionaz tha
dune*. aattUation In ate 'orb= owe lo which any
ham bootusodivtt.hogo toVtoustroamapttat.or
VIEI II :0 ri=sroirt:tht"i Z A T l l'''' = th. " 1 44 ;
bon toed...lam the moat dial u ltil "Waage to
the aormor and from Me protasona of enema onolleal
wasps, omeatioandllog to ths lastest tot= the volumes
Wow sudloloms sod toga mutant/ ovor all Othoe too
Sultaont .Ibr sub complalaes al ths ornivistor Mum.
muds aumorous ornuaun... of Baraspatala ond co
Nona and vartalutinodas of morpartps Om tau bout
illtll of which of er=". Intl Mar arse
to the
rSINOPI=OTOZIIIa rOSSIM1 14 :0 1 • 1 Mr *.
=4 O 4:AtriSMAIIMVA , ""* CS,
zirsaolecnotr=ertmtn=rttujerrin tut=
ludo tri Ise Waage sue onatallul saiumuusaut. ot
liasois tam allonlmoutlool sulnavalanb—
ii 10. toperons of am Mahon enuidartalou aut hoPoo
smut sous puidlo sod b" me tuna' that thou sitosad
Witatatard osaPala*Va of t illanuatromatund
Ma thartortedrataiss . jo *Mut Ott sad o the
*vial tm 1 hoot a witoltar ta to
o the out alsetulmoto of tho Ur
, tZafalibtiva lOut I.l24toryvamout the
haell otultorgit fa Tsai' Is withai plartura
data, m e t i. "l l.sob.....cougittr= olPZPV# .
& s ow eoleoutm to be mad* from to • ISSZOLTWIS
slairialld.POSSl. MO ones mootootioeso TA=
mu be suds Tut totaanonlba of an
alla added I , • Ora olgoo is .. 1 .1& 53 ra1=
&I'M,. s( sirsomuillo .0 bottle moats tu =gal=
# promo or anneSS76.4ll
1 Il e_
~._ s 3ll b •i ttb ' °2 .4 6 l ' W r ,
parlllmovv el oltnie - slid oulbuntaal."." IMM" dbilbe
irt"."ataillgUMUltai idli
iyatatulataubllbieet, Use the Omen Tildla
üb:Zdsol Vallollamul at 01,27 outlast o f :
' 4aol elilMal.Cittrkthi'bisigh.
All lettarolbr the wears dhotis.' to the - Prolnistat
"I.ot Isolnealeta latanton, and Nu &tutus,
.."'• .. ------j--""-a.
UDILII.LISZ-IWbop prune6reen
Slo mr rim•Ster. WOO Weed Conele-;
• bbla AILII Oman ' 6 mks * mined Whale 016
• 663 ao llt Bodin obhal Toie` •
:764C;1 7 .: te WATT • Ai,
ItatidiliMECTOlireßH In CBlfl
Oharlers . ;We Co.. °/ ll ' i '''"` a •
ancke- 7 ,2 Geo- ~ PITISHURG LI TO CINCINNATI. • .
W. Rith..d , ,,,,, ~_ „lb..' ~,ur;,,,u ' re' s t
r ;&Zrglo bw . ONLY ROIZE WITS Truax .73 any TRAMS lgoll
AT w: tt.'"frai=l" ..''" " ' " ' Pittsburgh to Dayton & Indianapoba.
OILARLEB N. RANCKSR. President. _ -
This Company continuos to make Inattntnow.Permaurnt
Or ted, on esszy desmiptiorn of ProPertr In loan and •
rate. ea kW' . ars consistentwitb seculars. , " I, I T 1.1", E. - M lii, NE I ,
art.-- 11 --- .t.
The pany have
an d a WO eentingent fund.
m............... j
which„ with studs Capital and Premiums, mods Wrote& • e., ~ MEW .
semi ample protection. to thou:me&
no assetssof the Compszy.. January bd. UZI. as pub. H. A ' l i 6.
1114... , to the Act of daeolubll. sm. ma (Mbar.
TIP- Via Crestliae & Columbus.
...-..----.X711412g dgi 't'o•Lx't P o a eistas PiL'sl4,7 l 4 up uncimali.
111 r1 . tats .--="."-. ---.-......: Sirn TIO ( 1 01. NECTING at Cincinnati with U. S.
Trostiwary unans..------.... 113.1)65Tr i Mall II& Staainers.Cminuton and Lesington Re,
et.."!..7****-•••-• ea s g " °° road pals and Mississippi Ildread, and the lairriSKllP
MAPS Si Mlle Route,
oninoirthig via Osltnnims .4 Xenia, chit the lilt..
andSanilwomil Indiana Railroads.
,Thronsti sic eta, via Odlorsiaus and Cincinnati. toles:
Ington. Lotdarille, St. Lotde. Ice.. lin, .1 - e. la. via
Onicaohns and Keels: to Dalton, LcuLanagodia, Liar
Kt.. T-rre Routs, St Leigh Ss. W..
Tad tittle Wiansi Ma Lois... tonne -Meg vita
Possingirn and ledintotris tiallwad. U. P. .11s it .
etewnirm. Oble
offeC Mississippi Railroad; Lod tainentve.
bor. Retie. twilit". ne others cite can friTh SI
tannish tick•taby all tee al,. mute' no only bp pre
mind via Colombus and the Little gland Railroad
The rents hem Gremlins eta Columbus wins Moab_ et.
..n. to o Qom emal., disable* • anifonsiond atIR ••., Cot
treetlol We etl.ain. .1 Parrelgns hays all tins! icr
meals, By the • o est end Bel e•ontaire route tootaCred .
low a donatrour sad tendrabsssk OMOAU newts., mad cow
pant to overcome the distant&
Iss rt. route sus 0 I u.bstn Cluddluati god indisnori
DUN Parana nib over roads ballasted and smooth...,
By the Wres ts d
Itsil.fontalne route, Pageenstera MAO
ova the roughed ready In Ohba. . •
Vase Doge Tniini. no Cohondoss and Cinc o,o W- 1 .
1,5,1‘...--t,,.. Put.oKnzu er=ockket. L. K. fit
thostitee. lkdpanbas. Xenia. I hnolustetle Igndavins, SU
Lou* isszingtsr , azul ludiansvolli, via Lagrecosburgb
gouts. Ibis traln arrives at Cino rivet onse reird sad
Arty agnsanta advaum of the amen and Balisibottaltle
21 , taltv-Leavea Pittebursh at g °W.A., .1..• R. -Ihr
ti. Thi
Crestlins , Oolsostasa. Ennis and oindonss Tralo
makes connectio nand l vi. Columbus to Chien.=
3D111.11a-leavea Pittsburgh at 8 c'eloolt, r. sa. Or Crest
line, Colombo , Enola., Cinciamiti, Lon edits. gt.Loubi,
Leiff , aunt and lisdietui• via Lawrencebursh I.oute.
Teo Daily Trams, via (blun test, Assn,. w SecnostoPsa
isr Tara-Rested Pittsburgh at 2,30 o' ar
clock a 0. got
Cry, Mine. Columbus, Kant, hey i on. Indianapolis. Leal.
etre. TOM Rau% N immunes. St. Lonis.Calro. livanseille.
Au2D. to
ntsut-Leaves Pittsburgh at 0 *Mock s. st. foe Crest
line. Odom. , Xs:3ls. Barton. Indian. Ito. leaysths,
Terre lusts Wiconutirs. SL Louist Cairo. Evainnilbs.te ,
30 Taans-Leavet rittaborgh n , 3 o'clock v. a. for , rein
line; Colombo , Kanla. Pay too. Indlanapills. Lars) eats.
Teruo Ratios, Vincennes, St. louts, Cairo, anuarrdlw Au
B. B. Secure your tickets 710 Uolumbut, and I on err
u. o cf connectlow
8 , ram era lease OlCallivel daily for Momphle, mt..
burgh. Ratchet. New °Meanie, SL ao,
Th? Colton.% bolos the dtroot rot/10U Time Tab;eeOrt
!be baste. Roeibiare ammo] to main close ocumettai
veltb tete Mist& route.
Va. Intannallon and Through 101Mrata, please aPPIY
K ths Ohio and Per 1.117111310 Railroad. Ogloa, (corner OP
gee., ander the Mononsalit . Reatk a.
Or at Federal Street Station.
• OW PARKIN, Ticket Agent.
OEO. 0. SESsIONS. Clenensi Agent,
Agent, Pirtsburuti. dego gold-41Y
• ' 4ELEIRIBB et
line the& radon. •wooiodelnrn. they hays
geld inwards of One =lon Font TheoteAred Dole
lore Lowe b y Wire, thereby alf °Wag wwidenee of the ad
vantagoe of Inermarose, as wen as thane ability and . dislwel.
Gun to ineet with prompss en liabilities-
J GAR DN ER corns, Agent.
SOD Cam B. E. corner of Wood and ad
xl Hividerul 8 per cent.
1id_,1855: •
• MIA. 1881181110, COSPAAT,
OF HARTFORD, CONN.--Oliartered 1819.
Cash Assets July L 1855, • - 8885,530,23
VONTINUSS to make Ineurance On all de.
..aetkens of prepare, at equitable ratesi.rbis Oron .
WV has mei redtkzfor r i l l dealing tot
MN% es=beralsollar 112 " 3/79t1iM gi r the PW: W I
Item. cal statement of Ins condition of this
lisCbtegooron In this allow far the eretalnation of the
B. TWiC.K. Agent
-Mit/Saab Nortti•Weet corner Fifth and Woods:Crest; Pitts.
in 24-114
Atheneum Fire Insurance Company
of London.
Letbarized Capital, $10,000,000.
Atwood A Oa. Jae Fe i rres.
M.' atql.',..ik ck, 47.11,K..trc.,
Pewees A ehintresn. White, SHIMS :Co.
Agent for the UnIW Stater—
t =taus Bran& eteeet.
him. , A. IL Y.
. hSehhe ttehargh.
tergreird . -.-- . it.BO Water street.
o ff° >K4ssiDo.
For tAr:ea . reef Saeolula, , '<di <Guam of as Blood,
awr ferpurithe of. Ike Sytitag.
PIM wonderful preparution and certain
tuutedy ibr that that decoded of all complaints. hut
tow obtained • mutation WM. InuetioN
and dtA
ost adv
oidot o'''Mul
t7aa7 othor pug:lsaias hhttart. o known. to
o=l=l thiso•=rve=tol
son roads lot perilTarmi oaa ha had 'of all our
9 tt Al metal that It bsa
learn all etbarremedlae have WY&
tb ragr gzataril,grzeitir model.% Nu made
tee howtaid
riaiW• "-Mahlthe
and allmamaaa et thanes%
and lunar to the l/tosti a
toga: r
m lll a '2 t l lA torgg zke W lof thy
=l2lother&amesW l.
lalaonaatioll Ines ayee,•3l7oelaa,dleek
PAlThee. Spfttiasie , 4 Veie Illeod.Pllo4 A
• bcholos'Oeuel,
all dims., of ths Liv l D =tageTrnen ' ttedon di TilAiae.
la T fixas. the terareduler uiea u ebillran.l re.
1.11 IL Wr rar 56, 1 .114. )11=1.1.1tbriore
°S`"=tallWTiC r a 42 l l :'
iwucao d &mut
lanraarr-analealata, Moen d
of Al Of lovas
111.0 of the blcol fro.
Ines 1 dret, comMenced Prudhoe In New Ycrt romeito
to .to. my stfoollon was siend.rt tutmedlatelr rolled to
lA* quay and locrorilai casu of Baoriilaus ,eutntdolots,
endloy which as rexteln or gtommlal mode of treatment
mold b. adopted. I Mien 'to Make morel; tuning: 71 , k,
it in ell Its most *lroning. emu. sod of tar tat yew. of al.
met usreengthts law, I Fred son mg. to .op')
taw Smotslaul anti doter In my rentet.los, with 026.110.1 z
XXV aid( A. 5 AtICCIIM ' It hum", been too.a in
my motto. over sight yes.. sod gourest boo the /emend
teocene, without advertising in thrt newnsapen) Rom 0.-
MU of la entreacdons nerm..whichhevegone frt. mouth
.to moth, that I !UT@ Eistellaised , to glee tie'offering
thronshout es country, the o owed of 11l wonderful nor
side* properties. I can lull enure t. ose who may feel
411909 ed to arnt, that It la nelfectli nhelmoufe, Sod •
Purely Vegetable Preparation.
led hm mode more nenoreort oureithen ell other toad'
cn th att il tdral iP zrbz i tOWED:fM s6;7ll.l/" ‘
m r awn *WI Pd brell • deals it. and not one of
"a'n' lhrrali b atN l4 rEf r i , ' lrf"Pt"
Inthle median. to sof. boner*. lorrodulom.
stye advine. tretlgron all thew se, taus( who.
dimmed to cull se 40fillemelersy, tr. Y. between I/and fa
enact NI.
lull ellredione smompany tea Mtile, and 14 oul he had
of W1C11.5111111 • Liberty St-, Pvtebarsh; S.
Vrf Ilaverstlee, North lignever o.llslo. ra. •
Prlnefrolollm. 409 Bros:lvey, 5. Y. • ars•tri
Plenum Line of :monthly Packets,
• • Ito tblkretas altlApe ban rued; •
SWIM 4 03 WWI. ' , eV Jaw 64>•a 0. tau. 7%117
3:o4ranrCulda24•oo Anneld..9oo tentaAng i
Oa. /tufa 1,460 tam wwW4,400 ton% Clet463.
1102. Oessa X,..... 1.0t9 tom. Zoe.
Cass 1400 taw, 0e... 1 lab& • .
lALO tese. 0.r... ILLS 2 acrd= 000 Una, D•CaDer,
ilrlbraws. 1011 , 3 tons,
1152. Agert,lnanknsel*b: Mt.
Blirre a ". /...WW UM; Warehiliblaale. tone. m
.)etir4l.lWo toga. Womb CeirWeed. 1.000 tons. July
/t 5 1,00 to.. aterll.l , 3l .
It. es of thisline en Wad wiith Ilbserww. Psi..
ventilate. ,wwi carry
kletalbe Ltlwnosta-
The DM and ntagellowd Mod thlp MUG ,SGUI).
71/ ~bO. . Bawls., W. Et. BALM M.0.V3 val ...I W.
se ahlp WILL
Lt.. and will gall
Itr7latourne, Anstrella,
On the 20th of September.. .
Stut ILTI3IO SCUD Inbuilt an Co. th0et .. .91 .40 7 1 .... 1-
T1LVA1,"....0 la oonakWred to be a incd:t
Arehlteeture. now who leafs. • u nut n
me or tbs tloost, sael tadast. C0102.01:14. eye:built, d
eseusepgtiont Way, ea only a limited number of
leti,a . n. .4 tweewiiietd with be taken.
cepatialte WiPla . beard. at Mr 9. gaol,
1111. T. or It. SP. CAMS RON,
i )11011•11 Mewl, 1,1 en tot.
MIST VMS & 00.
ealiffintOttireftWAßDlNG• miduars,
zro.t sztvoi, smelt
(between Main-end the Myer.)
Laidsvillet Ky.
1101ABIROULAR attention paid to the par-
Ad A. V..sf='l,7AtZttt ,T ti'id.aselt==.
old otocturel at woo. ,
tbaolL 4 . osti lowa 64101 , 0 , 10.8 e.
late taom~4
4 1. %L to M. alilltitim apt nit
€4 , i tak
sod %Diatom Loottottottta urella told. rILTICI Organ
Lusa to
rift afa➢►t pp ilEm
Oommlotott !WIW,
OXlMUctailixtat and
Wittlttas thttlay, Port Yitolurs Ckotr rsaintilad r
Wigton gontuotO.
Armstrong I Allota.Peat Dept..
Return. Dattafae.:rtottealli Dry
Pittsburgh Jambi Cofeae
tattoo ow Idooday the lea.otOatoter, and.
at 'MAMA D. IRIVATtIa. S. Prod.
14•11=Lowt . pliant toner of lortruateesi •
The you wtll &Mod lota two !simian. of twootrt•r.
woks with. Ito it.ttowitt. D.tartzoonta will tw opomod
r a Zaeoft l . 2 X!..OiN Atoadarato, • so 4
•;:Or iltl6olll7llgusolP—walL.. ,
=Amos szlramart.
slid tie Orsisamsr i
Ufa mmular, /ptint Ma* Dartlrg. taam.4.4 tt
$ .4 04
Lldirldli —1A—B1811g;5174P8ON.
mai • 4Twewi
- -
Omar Conipual Conzhalll
ss.szzi Iva mixorsit.a.
COUGH • aNA.3 ? s i DROPS?
SE DROViriegainer they have been
innrodlly Lo r poneden to Oca.
lloanna ' la n= TbearalidtWal=r 3l n=
Twin .atl9loty meats in Oats ingrmann:S,
In= ri t s min u ggh m , nlur t i 16°0'
per, xaqZ a VT , "ipona Vta==ral. and 0 4:Val.
eldal MIS° end MU Zunt, May re ,
man all buskinnia from thrxt. and dear and We
i Zand:lb canto • ton.
anW.11:110od it. it Igil l tiVel i nt
I Wynn
- F. BEOWN's
Essence ,of Julia& Einger. •
pssssnalcin is a preparation of cum
"it e r rie ; l i t Et ikli loot pl i ghba d Veznittli n Arob. t
.., ..„ or AnibbAbbb , babas. Daring the
Yeabbilais of ey4Abblio chasm ebb mu= complaints°,
grta i rtho l tt i ratlt= 4 r gnin ' i ! . ladida"
clg-at n .„.craigoretr 6 -:.7-=
Va.ikytoa. solo b l j nypoctabla .4 " Aped= In Lb . •
I/ USW asAyn Eittall by b. A. ilibarroat it
Z t . a ant ,.... .Sul bY Q. I'.
' ' All
8. (TUTEBERT .a. SON, .
tti sn4
il a"" f !done an °3 l l Ms a
fa f dn
M o .
...3 lut oared. saT
a: Cabo awl Ititicuia,ltzabet
g I C3'''' ). 4 ro
' • &belt Oimmou Dowdy, • Clues Meat '
11 :711.VirtIgulTtg:
ulky ILLIAM T AT S, Plumber and
V to. MOO Yourih . atro.t, %ear T. 164747, sad 472
Elnahltriet. put 4gor to Al
ansf. aldnacles9 247 . ma 02
isia oy Ithirsztes Mars, 414.4beuF
.44 st sat
ANTICIPATING tia watitif facilities ibr.
,thaspethara.aotioawl hoitttvi tide= &Jet
Ontstand Nalgutm, Mt. Itionsul cut
irteleh gtvtio s,ctireity at ortr 100 tuna pet =Ws
. _
men -
We unarioist MIAs A.b . a/•414..4
Ito atatalt. that 111 be .
141t."atiZ-Vina%Ell Tl,M a. 4“- -
1 visMl
, " I ` a , . all 11.1:Mitire7.111411'1 ' ,
lOU . WS real
Mi Ite 'WV • n 044.0111101
Pittsburgh and Connelsvilbs -
VILLE RAILROAD ie now Min tom Weld, tiawton
nrielsville. Dna-sight =lles hum Pittsburgh. too the
Totighlogbeny Tiro,
TW• tam first Oslo road 111 now oven the translibrt a
rt. a h aurnurn nod fr eight. ighstuatorion wi.b the One
.teems Whig! , from Pittsburgh to Coniarb
. frthei
as _
The steamer ZOLIAN will leave her isharc above the
tomnrattela Ibidge, every afternoon at half:met three
o'lock for West Newton. connectin SI there with tha
leg ttale leaving at 8.:I0 for Munelerllle, and resotthon
there st 910 A st- In time tor the Mane for Uniontown
' Fare to lbn
Fare to Un1.0wn....-- , 9.11
A train will lease Connelsellle morn
In the ing • WO
dela for West Newton. and aoneeot there eitli the steamer
Zoltan at 720, In Ohne to reach Pittehorgh
Pere ham Uonneisellis to Pittsbnrah-i--.4 1 . 76
Var. from Uniontown to Plttsburgh..-........
The Local holnht and PILS4IIOI . Traits Will kw. dm.
raining at WO raL.and tattehlhlt will itwenWeletliww
ton et aDO e. th, sfriastrig at all way. stations: tor freld,hr
sad tareenews.
yintu•gey the usual aftetioon trato will U. over ram' oll the fallowing miming C SO cfrimr
Panel:gem by the E.t.d./ at'oratoml h 04.. r OM
wwgh rah by this arrathrthadt gra tterard V 14444.17.
tor further Inforntatkot apply to the °Skein op_ board
the eteanobtat Roden, or to the egenti at WINK m. 0.&
and ConnstlartUA' . D. W. OALDWELL.
arl9 Assistant duDerlntaudent.
Northern Illinois to the Mississippi River
All Itailtoadto the Iliasissippi
Chicago, LBurils,gion and Wm-
RAIL Ni,..0%:? - ,:aar..:4 ROAD.
jenieterty tes quota rc,tttsrovo EtEitan, rr.d
Bettroul se ate Cataardr
ND TRAINS run the entire d.,
istrtha from
Chicago to BUrilllooll, 1011114 alent there"
Only Dact Bate to BURLINGTON, LIMEY.
j ots ALL R 4 I I.llAbiD lamas from UIIEAGO sr. LOU!
mollate9tstionionills Mares CantaL Brag Wainan
QOhfo NfdthettotleFtanliV(lblnego on theories' of
Train' from ties Eat, avoant all lying over at, Aga al
Stara Were Borllngla dap. a err ttkara sad Central
lam and trona= Missouri -making the quickest. sad
:}c&rt..r r ., r d zeta T u ne:U . l A i ms tr At= Al.
al:aging than by say other route, Tim
Road. for a lags loran of the gray, is laid with the neg.
wawa an, the =melba% riding and best Railroad In
the West—weli stocked *Dia the most geode= ,Loonlac
lase and elegant new cam
Sielty tal rents areagereem gas a raging eon
want% ant arriving at rg. lads adeartised time.
avoiding the veatioaatay of Ibits end la, 000 datums
of avast.. as on the route by dhow
Baggage descant dame thangh from Chicago, and no
Wiltrlj..3llTlOM.ELAYS'.Onts Can a W.W.I at
all Liu Itallroollaolltize.EAS4Attbis h . ofr safr E CM -
W' IL 00100..00070
a ard:t. thg Bilrbiget;
p.atltal IL onica coral of Lake .4 Dearbora tf.A. 0 8 .
v itrtt T Oh e r.&e '
ale dgged& =d
ft Tzbek..
0. k
General TfeiaT i i , d4 4. ,o
Maw gdocratol nt the
orgligeonntrr- mV..Firndtwg
1.8667 AIR LINE IturrE. .18551 '
°E .c& ,c 2 ATrg
RAIL 110.41),
Former y the ‘lueth.4o and seissippi.
Prom Mafia is St r•=. in VA( HOrn , ".
RAIN 3 leave the Illinois Centrul 'Depot,
mot of Water Meat .
• at Day Ex;evsea da➢yr, gnalart.szaryted.,Lifi A. st
21: - Mrglatn. itte="l., sato
Baggage Checked t kraal . to In. 1.41 e,
Troths ran argot throngb (259 re 11.%) withoot 027
of ear.. Somme isnd connect nit/I'th. 'Cam
Weald, fiteemers Wine-barter ad Mawr. running 13
esclusite ommartion witb Passenger to nte from Alton to
gt. tale, (-= ogles) arllnool landing. ilasao
speed. antresikeno• and slew :tee are ansdnaautril an the
Wes'arn wsian. bins Mai no Bth Baths and egeolone
Wadireerna ad. tams to posengsre the oppsrtnadif of
0000780 Vadat t avoidable a 11.0000., Bat. traveling
ad roll tag: - • haat rdrowe tram flee 'galas! a lone
To litinaligna Nebraska chili tamed dlrecirtgdyntl
I'a MIV, &Nee a l i r iofo i tatnglk i & L ihmahsh=
Ewa. Caesarian t and Tenafly* li,trers 0001 the
t g=" n ...l7,l ° 4ll.lerfa=rtal m,
la - •
gnat nails over chit mite AAA b• —preened at as
mists. .8.13e10s re2t , ulNet e alfr. si llte.ra i P t ha
rateLtielih"?. tiu u Stateio, tat. Mk* 00_1i
the giomratea offica, No. el laza= ak. oneelts nor
gureantagtag thrirfflnb,er:th• I,I W 4 . 4 "P"'
Ullman, foot o. Water
~onelble Baggage men Will aware' tie at thesweste
of the varlowl 0..4. Bolas - latq Mame ta Meet Deimos
en° 4l,k W * 7 P°M d'4l.o4 ll7l lk vatt , N.
N.. 1 11 Kllimaithhenhaewlpuoresnwx t,
- • -
ichigan Southern co Northerti=lndiann
•• - •
, .' • -
Aug if trlth Clamors Lim of lit,fr 101
no, Ullasolm 11=azi111.....ttr a to i r:.=
raccoan ri l lSalla with ide 111 Q. oinuZ and Chi
emo and DO Railroads aad =iota ,
Iltaamraihr 1.• halls, Boot tolar4.l3t.Loula aa4 au t
ark tha 1,111.t.40_:m 1 -
let— :: = . 2l t t;ll7lllaarta Toledo at 2 snit
- •
•• • 22Morolo t tra Trait Lams TOlO2o at U
mritbs 9.00r •
M—Artmoom smolt Train loans Tote& at 1.50
that InCIMgo G.
4 . 12.
on. imam. Bondara,. tw T. 14401 4; fas
61. and
asztrat ar: =mo at . - .40 A. U. • • •
parr Daily 'Tram on the Cleveland cod Totadarallroul.
oottosetim with the alms, • • .
by Wins thoOkto sard•Pasem to
itatMVolth. , adurdosky md Idattallahl.,llal to
mormort OM ttotrart. mat, CtoMmd
isio•BalhOM Or DT tba Clarelsod mut RUM
tboCarrotiLt i inlodoi will m m"rAlia
Mahon& to a
te ,. bLI3. N.l tialiroadto• 21.h00221
Cl=o, Ilokata te aroomod st. Mem of AM
aisd Pittatrarsh sad Ohio cod. Paustaatalltos44.
=dm thor hiorroMrahaia HOOD at tha Depot.
rtttotairab. alTPCth.ll64.—tt . M. B. azisiti.l. R. S.
le:iumrlvaxua lUdiroML
I az great Central Mute, donneeting ,the
Ailoacro kit)... ,with , it'llprßi_l_iPttParZtrii...,..,i aud
tllln tl i k. .Atr:gle'rtir,grviv,,w;
, it..lsiillfairta au tba Waken and .t
land and dfr toptra.ualia
I Zl w64T' ' a ii r a, FRIAR; b. ft.o4doo. to ono
" ---- d , r,..1 - 7,....
Pau* t ltert.
yl4lBl . CLAM—Soots, Elam Dry Goods sio . ~,,,, nab ..,
dr,M , M74 l l.V . stra=6:
_Dr r Geodirths tallayllaythrats. La. 75a. pr I.oolba
tbar,.lland tledf ..t.aa, WooL .
11111tIroLaS —davit% Badding. Bawl ' ,
Tat .
ballt) Cart DWI; dole Mt tar IDdlts,
irou l t r i tr ( r icAm =si i. t., ,,.. t. w ..... i .,,
tgrk tml . ) Lard audgard t a lh}dOet pa lktn.
MIMS' a . 11l • u N ttl i httramt canoe.
DRAIN _o cts. Per Ilk Dx. kall farther mkt*.
COTTON-112 'orr tab mot kozadtag 600 ka wiped, un
til fc t i . lit er rank.
it dal ping good. Dr arta i grtt Vast of Pk:Lad
• Loire/. All doxlts *L oanalsoti to th e d= thit
.Itoad at Pldlartda or . L'lttakkgdL, *DI be Drcirarded
' Tat iam oar Aaners.—Blesaa Potierdloatoray, Lidlotr
York 0-
Phitilelpkik k 4
ag4awll A 4 Moon.. Moon.. — _
..A — narn di. DIII.I u sA&m
/i4Thi" be /dd.; Datelitirttt l t=trztf
Bia t NolL_Drarmillaandiarka. „ . ... _ ,
• P I IMATITT. N IVW4 i" Tia. A i •
Pittabtirgly Madison ft LidiansPolls.
~ . .... . . ..,. .
.. . -.
H.. ' 4. - '.ROUT
•E. ~
—Tgliow.prepared to . -forwar“keiglt4 fnak...,,,. , .
.R. thin:sit or clusourro st• I.* roOrrata_.TltO OrotoPT - =Minh AuatletrritgAmiyAgs,
nasiAnd speed. Al lii± ASIV:Crr , .... M . ,7 4 5 °24 ' AIOCSE .I.lrTillltr - f ^ - i119..4. lft .W 903 amt.'
• aro tub u t1ttr0rn..... 4 , 4 0 ,.....46 0 mki, • : ft.-qt. E. rhllittUtDi (..Wand
eftad, Br. .
i""r r „,%;41:;47,iit0it0 TIMM/931i Cr : rIADIr - ""i a 4 4 .4 ,..":= 1 .1, 16 / 1 1 = 0 r wi t=rni d n.d
1 Et.r t jThDto9,ool.4.ll. 3119119. LIAO 18., t•APATETTA 'toll: Elrld..ftrion on& flower ftetb,,T... fr i tilt sad '
Pit ati,VaIUAV. • AAA 01,2 .'4 4 . 4 . Th• Wor• '. -.• StodsTrser, Goon°, Pootlrqta. ral
Orki I, • # A. lIAKU -Anat. Dlo 91-4Tatoftr. , Odor W
ArAw.tlA4 . nto . Arricril has :... I 4AIT:IntIr IL_
1L1X13.1.1.10Y. VITY : P,ROYEaTY, FOR
. 5A y.r...% ant mt. roiT'tOrk b , Oto 9 0 4 40% timito 21 . -9gßus,-a&upn& CO- 93 tutus& ox - T
•Est frortioSo. 1 "..." 44 ' ' 444401.4 • 4 "` 4, ^ t•w •• lor.t T. , T0b, , ,,, , •;.: ',- ~• ... 4 ' h" ...4 4 ''
j...tAriftwo,.wttb. , manor Itttebotk At 0 dlottor roma:
bur, ball. too •POr/Orli. ONO bol,ro - raN, '01.4 AniattiO
eArret; L.A 11.Mb h . ... 6 . 1 ZAV al "k a ZA r t "i% :10 . 114, PROPERTY . Ali T.i.k.i.E. Eitoatot,.
"a11t,„ 12 t „,,,,re t u i _h... - -, - &,,, g .' - 2. la - Ban reArcnntr+t I 0 200di 11 , 03 , 00 city. kl. -,
9ov i r=l .o 4.".. iiabm - i, 24. „ Zout i on• =. AfistrB,l9Trof striter. Korn
r. sae, I.Uitrd,•79 :.. "' b i g i v a tirreater "Wt. .stable. ita
,etjigat .„ e l
• • WIN:. stai. se:
- le dull.. Ala Mit Al ta• tr I ta I .
, ir Oui4 do wen to main tau F 044 5 4,10)
am oars of iota 41, half •
•J*4l, on • 1.10 • 4
. 4 *spips I
RAIL, -RciA,
coNN scum) %gill
VU Az.z.t.Laza.
BhOTtaS 3 and-quickeat twits , to Macao
raoaoi at Louie. ie Vla CLEO/Milt I 0.• • •
nista ie One Unwired ciliea anarter and about
eds. beaugadolekar than the olrenitone one via
Throe Daily Tian. bdeeeettPittabvegb to Chreel...l.
Tour Daily Trainabetween Clavoland and etdragni.
Time to Cl...eland. boak , C C:l3:ess-o, bourn and St
Lout , Z 7 hones.
Ou .1 aft. Tness.l". Jasn= 8. 1846. the traina-on
thiarna4 gill rose. ollows:
The 'frame theOlgo and Penntallatroadlabling Pitta
bargb stl-n) aa. and. 4.14 X- 404 340 0..,
' Leave Alliance .4 T. 50 k. 11. SSA 114.. ano
engin In cwasta ad ma* .1.0141. 404 9.1 0 0.
ronsecilat Mae vdittels..l.d nod Toledo R 441.3.1 tur ` l / 4 .
Toledo, Chicago. Roca Island and Cl Lorna
Paanentrars ToWdo Chleago, Et Louts and the North
Won, leaving l'ittabnrch on tb. 6.12. a v 'b f going
via .
Ro n , leaving arrlye In Chicago 9.10 next utoralng.
Psarnsera farToiedo,Cbegigo. gaol. kW.* W.A.
awl the North-Won, who wish to pa tbrOugh with.
out detention,.tat. the Vat& leaving Pittsburgh at 1 m ~ .. 1140.4.L. a are ma. throa. this is the o
ugh nly to tb. train abo by ve point., which elm pan.
The trains Inaltng Pitss.nrrgb at 2,80 L. v. sad Wella•
villa at O.M a la. are the out /amen abla
eanapacb station. oruth oralitante , tr Station.. on M.
Toabarao - a• rstealina
ZWTltket... for (n.vel and. Chicago and the Nortt.glet.
rlaKeoerillr, are tl,Ool.athao .16 Alliance.
Tbo trait. foe natoectat Ultima al h
VP Cut aboga gala and Moon.
o . Tb/ trs.lus fr+la Clovelsll . l to Toledo and Chicago run all
10.0,1.86 at 8.00 a.. a.. 8. , 0 sad 0.0011, a.
Arrir• a< Cuts.* at wau r. st- 6.10 .8. rt. sun 11.40 a. n.
Train. Chlaco for
. rock Island and Et, Coda as
roth7z—r- antd
and 11.90 e.
1.44 - 440 00 4 fax ot.
h e go Orel itOCk Mat 1 11.11,0
to Joilet, and
N. core the Mingo. Ad.on and St toots
naarcad to NI. Lord. Lhasengera be the 9.15 aa. train
Louis at 11.Y...taano. evening, and by .910 T.
ar:trato at WOO am dig,
.13aggagenbeeked throne' to Cleallaillataa aal .Cbasairo.
Claw - 100.6.0, - lst dart. 10LItsts.
C 15,6111.01 ,To La natio-1..0 9 1.13 60
" IslandiSA) 14 00
Tcded.—..nAo • 1. (lalena-.-.1440 00
Chigag0...42.00 .10,00 Springnati.lB,7ll ..•16
Eiloonteg...lo.ll3 14.40 u nuelington-10.00 In 40
St•Loula 00 60 PKT15........1941 14 011
PentnenS.r. ar•rottlisktladto:Dracula L 12111? WOW. NY Ulll
Ode* of tr.o Company. int-Mo6 cabela Melee, bah.. tb.•
Pensusylvsuna Railrocul ,
Ewa; La:ty Yhrough jrainn, be . sween
By.B T a
.1 141 1 et i e r ApN is htltraZlTlVelLg and
7.ark.4 Wl= ttfet l a t . M k
h git U ZI
5,11 ei,,and. Philadelphia for Plttal;nr, ' al 11, r. lb l
BlstrseWe AlkOMSOOderiett :rrain Pi i r i rterit
Velar:gBionrrairikgrarlit'a''ritts P ießr et Igrock
71, 2.30 doloek P. i.azd 6.20
. above Ilnesaanioset Pittsintrats trtth the Bal.
toondfroes 6t. WAN, Ma; Alton, Elelerke no te d
nn; 1314 Pren.k.fttAekintg:n and Loolsvilks.._ Bys._.Terre
o end
oot r
Ohio: adso, elth the nohS
u e
.t.m Packet Boots from sad to .Nre
Charstas: Si. Louie, L
an .aclsammu.
Thrones Tlekete an be bad to or from either of lb.
r For r=er partlenlars, tee ltaad.bilL st the different
starldrot polnts. Pasmegers from tbs. West vitt and this
the ehorteet sad rams expeditions root* to Philadskekde
"Mmore, Nen York. or Boston.
TH3I3. 11001 E AOSSI . Ii=c*C. , ik 0 . 4 4/*.
I. : spent. MOM. - lines, /inchtatds.
Obio awl Indiana litalrowl.
Itt S • °sire t. • LE; y, 811111
e=l, at 6.60 t
Buell. LB wa7 of
P.S., Channeati at 4.20
end Indletispolle at 1010 0.
ler tn. only Ilee enameling elireatir Cliwiliva
with tim night twit, term"Pittabmnta
Ike Omagh tickets to ally CT the *ben poln#,
the O. P. A. B. .02 gum:WA:els limane.
of tiin novae Magar.
el I,IA me Pervertatsedest,
No. North TIMID &red s PR/L.4‘..4
RS, and Importers of FRMOU CALRBILINB,
and en srld, OAR E. 9. I.ILLTENI . iXD
Hemp - Hose Nannfactoi - y.
4 iSTONE, Quarry street, above Second,
Philadelt.llls. Ch....ttraud Pm . orlor for the nee
o Ocaupsulcs. Locomotives. Ytequnboate. Shlpediann
factorlnß.Darelnuo , a.e": It In trusde uitbouteemou, sp i rt.
&Viral -4n
11OWE & EUSTON, No. 111 Ni street
ladelybis. Wba sale Dmlnr• irg Cc= Els...
sad WUlow. Ware 0100., 0.):444 Ord.ri
Promptly In.& Id Sty
IVOOD ENGRAVING executed vrith dee
patch Ili AlLolteltANCßE:4, In the e 35 style
at the lowest pneelbls II P I:IC E., by
J. B. lib MOM Ant Union Balldbaseh
0019112 Fourt4 and byneumoreste,Cintinneti.Uhia.
!T. B.—Partiontar attention paid to e Poetett, MI
Hew:U.29mm boat am) tooguren. Germlarg 1.-27..rtr
li t A.
. i SK, Genrol L 972up.i . .
I No.3it at 4. rtmet,
&mead sttAnnicni'to 0011ilitIM02111511111.11. awl,
i D. N. WHITE.
, Fncs ON rata=W. laaTZ etiLtott.
DAILY—Ms do:Lanes ulna. Payable Ulf 7 wi 7 ,
In advance.
WY. LY—Two dollaripsz =nun In advance. Cub
b* supplied ow the fallowing conditions.
Five owlet per 00
- Tents gles . do 12 •
lel9 00
rAde mos payments are strictly roomier& and tn•
napes Is atoppsd When the year Li oul', It le renew
Ou• slaws, cm Un. of boorearl: or Ageori
Do one bawl:ton-, ...... • .. --.1 0 art
Do each adatsyr.e.Cinaert; - .....- 0 90
Do • ta; ‘ :er ' les. ......-..----, , 500
Do throe weste---....-.—....... 0 CO
Do roe month-.4..-.,—...... 0 00
Do .. two coontbd- .--....-- 7 00
Do - three montha--......-- 9 CO
Do foe menths---:-.-............ 10 00
Do air roonthe.---.--.-..:-..a: 11 00
' Do twelve mounts---. .......\ 13 0
i uma ., c u t„, (0 Dose or lau par anuntoT 8 ...
flue dollar for c.a.. additional line.
Ors mare. etungsablo st plerstus.Cper sr, - :
num, , arinaisse: Deper..........-.--... , 591 ' 0
"For eeth n I atonal smolt theerten orrrona alone, an.
fOr Math adslatostal ovum hashed ender the poorly rate.
hall trios . .. ,
• L Advertiorionte itheedligi noire, sod not perrnftern
lines to no -laical ils a wire sad shalt . .
Washers nob -acconntablo for legal adatatiserleme
beyoud the a uonnt thargod ks their publication.
Astounds, redadidates for °fps to be charged the same
se other at;
fidsortatho=garted en ths O.DP for • opialded
number; of balertigns. sill be elostlnned Ull fattest sad
W yment esset.4l strordingl7y.
The roirilego of anneal advertise. is atring limited to
their ors breaslia. takehowe r and *lt ad_ et. 1, . 7
thebenuitt of oth. . tsar; as well as all &Synths:lens
not thusoidatelr en-sesteel with 'tiara own bosa.; and
-ell alsopesof admtassonta, to !asset or othsrader., bo.
M UM limite engaged t sd , will be charged at the mug rates.
For ad
aLsoth , trardienratldn. blasWill 06 leeparatol7
nadesed,and trosiotpsywaent 1. d eaf - .
Ali sirartiorosehts for charitable Inelitntheuo.llto 0000
osubitton , & townsh t p. and o th er nubile mectlMK 004 al
Willettmeetings and not eurto bothegesocilhaliWoAtaT
ablest: 6,4-71 n advance
Marriage notices ton charges 00 eassa. •
Death notioto Inserted without charts. wham =mi.•
sled by amoral i atte nvitations or obituary sothoe. lend when
go atcoenpani be raid for. .
Reviler adrutterne, and all others ondlogeomenonlee•
taus er rethlaing notices dreigned to cell sAtention to
pairs. Owens or any . ..Poddlo entertthinaant;
where are made for aduottesoreii =Alm of pl.
rate ons-erstinothw designed to call attesting
Vaidual=cala on oaln ly be beetled It riefi ' ar
:gaffing that MO nut Is to be weld Ihr. ' If intendod to
+mate in the local stno. tho
at the rate of 10.oenta line._ ..
• BandP or Mr bathos 0.0 ehirgod hale Solos
Tavern User. Doti SS *sob _ . -.... .. .
. Ural Mato' /Watt an /1. ',eationserg gareriasena.- sum Do
to be okawed cod. purl • rates but all Owed• daps:net o
thlitythrowssfo D err tout from the : eermont o
4 .
. au gar was arias. : _ _
One hquars,three, stann—.-------1 1 to
Do. oath trumet10p......., r
- , 7 thWurearlbrilt ',..
On• San,l". (10 on. asertion—....6o rads
. ' o Do.' • wit twertion-...311 rents
ID trasudost ed . tal AO to said to ildratles " -
l'ittsbnlgh Farm . Hurry
MUTED on liking, Avcapfk
about Co. Guar& of • sale from the mama
to tyaLe an the Marne and Ileckanlaf Plank
XsG4 an wawa= of fourth mama. landAPlrt
thaw and a castor miles tam Plastmatb.
JAB. M pram/lame
Ilkury ogee am WO •ma tarp Mil= of walk ,
taw and plants Malta for tram thug Oa. sub
TM haw/ pow cams mom Ea acne or
,a n d and
zontatas oas =Mu teas, shrubs and plants, and on*
1 fruit Utak antlekraltinsgrans and Orate. am
of f m aser m.oval too :chards and ploanam agoands.
Plants amerupackal and Gant =core= to madam
to ant put of am Ulgtod &Mak .
Ws beg lave to mal sttentlon et 'balmy, i-ok•
kat sat madam Intbo trade to axr nurrmalat am.* Son
lathe fliktamarmeernW.aas mama latikera Gam
•=m k ti 4 Aln . th tg. U PWs *sr . b e ipro "
cured or many mania volts lake to are =uat• *amt.
Priam =dents as usual. Pl= sauna-ark mit ar mat e
edam mulknows tbs aft of Patsbuaak rentdral at at
Ormarraltdarel. l atmall Wlran. Poet fIIMG, was
rlttsburgn. Pa., or laft at oar stand on aunt dam. to
th. Dfu/Icad Marta, alll bptoatatl7 alsoudyd
koy Wood Flowers.. •
41111ANGEAIENTS have hem-wands with
tba proptiroarictilar WM( floral
19F amigotax aeon
t =KO or Bovettar sad Ogren dudes_
and 13amova.. I,Wmi and outworn esa Mahho4
Abort notlce attr of that l Sak . ai:. at
r rjx•D#l7,
1=49zai..... •
• . Zet lAA* • ';
17.mraprorr demo.
Chem ticroraimi.34..4orY. also recetrid at
9..-6/1..ELL.1,0 bad Wartive"
Trait Treat, Evergreens. ft.
VW EitbStteiber would most respect
folly & tho ottouttole of hie !Heade - sad tho
to big gorg•loggo 4oek of Fruit "fp...term
s% . bb n eg. atom Cimothomet So.
aSf orp o, t.ll. tusk Is tortro and too. Tor. goo go
armsWOO -Dotal tadlttalettant oglue:1 • eoro of
~,,,,,. m id.g.. pcga, ogigrol almond. Imo, lint
ge7V - tom. Itytiottegbteteg.tkogeestits, Vatonts. ea. •
.u.., ato 6 liti,enritl gra 'tun sew
thousand& on erten* gr satins lams csuottllge
be Ilbetsily deslitegils - con sod .a+ our stork. Ng as.
raos,prazfics... Ottlega loft atilto•Plttottroesh P. Og•
Me. 8.; Dol. Ll'ogrty {t e ll* Oatlaott Fturogrr. log tallow
let A Cr tn. , Pittatoteglo licroooi, Iti =fleet
1! 1g...-Plso•
eclOgttera -, -• ' ' ' . - -JOHN IRIEDOCIL pi.
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