THE =Mil h,gVA:BEISIIED. IN- BPS.INS RECTA:OILY: L IL nrITINGILZ. t 00.13 LDfIRTISING lararchr - • 127 Xman 'mart, Nav•Yozz. :2.. • • • Abut .1.10. 10, Massfru; arigift, laults fle thesagt asidl26,dt, 11=0.11e:,,.p.0rg McCMEADT, MOTT it. 12811:1ND&GE 131 nuoirm upts, corim-of srvi ß ; j r, NtiNt FORS, Dlll CRS ON 'TRIPLE fIfED CAMPO:ENE, ''.Bii , and 91' per cent. MiCOUOIr & N. ili EMI, azso ndlogrhon *Males attn.' loesr anaLltr. and *And 0$ 11 131113,141NG iLI7 . _ "BDMqtutrltinai Tar. PI , en.__Razda. WO and, ITard Tan Rbt' vareas Ooal Tar. and NAVAL ;WORM. 11107 7 811rT1. A6dier -, , .72:01 fJi ANDREW k .TEBIIP, 0031MI8SION.I1E13,011ANTS. Cotton and Woolen Maolilnery; • Stata Ehoistes and Batas. 127ehimise.' 2tots, Waft. dm. lkanortas *WI Doan' 31.aatt9etzusre drqedaii. B No. 07 Pixie - 4E44 Sow York- .A.cornts lbe the • "WiX/DHUIII 4 I:49rt =mg w.04,4 1 g.". &tang .45 . 49t441' and igulustv• Amenery In New Yoe/. ,14e rs gY.l sLa. mocuilnesso sioebtobwo!roola 44947),_—. D. F. TIEMANN & CO., - " 45 Fulton street,' New York. - ' PIANUFAOTURERS Or . , -.OIL & WATER COLORS, Yd It lle _PS JB S, t t O. Ind Impl i rters el French Zine While, 4s. Moo Lists fonnudel yam). tspggv, • llamas, Parted - Panay Goods: William., Tasker, ,19P.Las. PLAOE, NEW Y 0411,: invitee .. attsatkns of Pop thorns awl Westorn afsrettants; ' b now stook of Mu; Comb% - Tooth 'and rood Brasher, ttatioaloa, Perfumer. - bntha. Para 'Moat oak% Jet. and Bead lihsethrtz, Pocket Books, Drew B • tons, Pins and Ersodhialloots and.lipps, Watch Vaud.: Was, Onsland 1 titurflaads.lfadthon... Imila Bobber ns Cota, =7 Canss„ Atha and Toys of cagy j d ato k4 = l .= /17',112.A__°%nsrol thd ja , m g * o r t Witt. Wreath amt.:man Pawl . 1/ mold at the racy toosst Orlon for Cas h or approrsd Paper 1131.thrtsra 07 iettex salogolzttlza . 21 a iht liert 1.1) Path Plan. Nolf Yost. P. . B—llsoao out Ma out uts23.l •Hough'iPatent Elastic Skirts. rnarroz, No,lßarclay attest, UTION—Non• ark onabia Mart tboy bars tba tamp of the patent. tosanfaotoran amt ~~ia• dozing will Oa prawcated aoawdlow to law. W. JACKSON & SOS. GRATE AND FENDER MAKER, 248 PRONTST. di 430 BROADWAr NE* YORK. Jal4l FAIELBELNICEI ELLTFORDE 13CAP113- Xt: undersigned having been appointed admire Aguas fox the male of theme adehrsted. manamatred Diggs orlmatel avatars V.FALRBANKS d. C 0.,.: t zt Lar the tar t r o g r atention of t re, in bli . d u 4o2ll anonnial .. 'Mae holes tare been sunbeam.' to the SEVEREST EESTon arta pantdoel Bahama In • la Onited Bata sal England. sat In earl breach et boainaso througbont be votig. end thma a:dram masa end trea ttar t amain tkpAr.°iß WHlCtrg &raid A CV. arelmored to BE coders the Oonnter. Eatable. Domsoant, 01111, a. 031,1 Railroad end Canal goal*. a pats. HUESEY IfELLE.' • . ‘" Vir=berty street. Colanactal Boer Zama/OL . PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. LOT rt5ram...........,a50, £s?£s? = C O. 46 DIAMONDink Azar. • mar Woo,lot. Pittsburgh, Pena. I coAORrs, CUMULUS, PE. TONS, Hardee 114111117. &IWO= of Yam. Wanosoupsoo otldo. 'L. to ardor. sad itolorod La 11,2 • ,OidolMalasm=of 1111.0. *lll of woiXotooshil, au taiVal loo& Tomo tod. . Bide Oil and Leather Store. D. KELUIPATILDDI, No. 21 South Third"' , Street, Ditinan itionksl dOWnm sb.. ..11=R SALE SPANISH lillitt li ti? and Chun anal Nihon Sinn Tannins' OU,Tannlis .Ww *TWA al the linnetythirs and the bottoms Ural litatiol Lo mat in Um rooshinintal. ea whin th. Minas market swift will Oa glwailnamiluaelakon ointharilo lb? , Ulla. Lath= stand fres of ininzws sa d NOM on caminiwionw mh=v • IMAM WM: X° 9,00 h. • ProdW anc'ruaulawn urva r aill' , • • iii.l o ;2ll.attufaetuiviAitioles, *2.l ' • galtl7 prrre""tvottaf . . NEB 4t , COOLEY, IPROL ALE GROCERS AND - • 504-? ISHABEir Prainio tint fittibargti lanufactess• No. 141,licater Stmt., rarricA: times Irwin & Co., ,MANUFACTUREBB QIILPHIIIIIO ACID; Snlphurio Ether, icy l imi tztrite Nita% Add l • AirriA Mao= A dr. 7 oriel Bolutam ZUSIT • PALNTEItti. .LONG LAN E HOUSE AND SIGN PAlNlusiw, 116,117 1 / 1 1D ME= COlarattircodasul Mules etriets.) All • crrders prompt' attended- to. • • •• - intaT43 • NAM= BOLLES tritirrydnaritition,aultableforPallrbsibe Isidedng , 1111 t, COAL. 'OBS, sad KIM con to retrs: v 1115014 10FTWAotTst tin Old litondopots mon --171gor—cotostaX=1/-41124- 11 SELON itogoot ABBOTT OM. saII44OIBIM - - tossarres to Ellicott Atmou, 1 - 12.gpieg ? '..11.: : El WHITE'S 'MUM UPOSITORY: liffil--- NEM iWHIM now; carrying on 'buoi• • oliotoeweruntripboih d L .... ips th.ruot th . r ...l. fljuMZourcha ffarlthi a.. PlZt Meg& CAI= settles:El psen... * s 0X........RW M 'i ti bl!• _ li rli po - W•O6 thriallsetlo . ww.n id am/ Ids/d.Pdat - 1/.14. blod. hi i ii ‘j to - eale4 nom ma Timm and tad •i : ntad ufaetacrers. The mows at Ida now ' mem Is comp Abe mar= arestmerunats at t . i dit t4.. iu k i a brirthesaso l brigstl '" MoI t" rllludl es tee windy coin at Rudd law than Os !unit.. 1 1 1, 11 /idoii 'edOddhi - fr.ilid bed umered . .dt* •VTIGICERSHARL. )irlio ALE N D RETAIL 1 ....prompt Isre: ut Mat, Mrs Et ! sa " it Dumb Ps 61-sys km. on lima fad ~teIISUSIII2IIII,II and colatinUtarqteninat of DMSII. Oils. Stars, Whaler, Giza m Wl' lambi ratty, Zaf=o7, Patmt and Eves To mcgd ttlend, mai ensf4o6Le tt rr i Zgej sold gratLii mina 1 116 2 1 4 :461=66 "d llsgment of Mr . Jot foram No. usse..l ohtei to. 621197 11.?" P 7 OW Mint% or tbs =Roma% ti r ih r4 owl oar ' mAira t tb=6. tham 6, 11. 41061111611 M Meaty az. WESTER.AST TEA STORE. - Comer of Wood and • •Sixth street,. , _. ROSE FLAVORED BLACK TEA-40 bf. eb...c. of tout Chnlso. Poaohoui l'e. cEt.... os• >gm. Ogoottoo lonian Mop, put_ up In 9 came Mt. Arfsfoof tbk AmorAtio9 of mr.9 Tel Viii Lm 7 11. 7 77 77 777 7 ii. Yi:. ' iscriarico. MURPHY it BURORPLIWN' DEAI t E, 111 • Saki and ladies' Dress Goods mm -L 1L e14"4- ."1"3 811 " a i ODR _____NOWBBIEB AND 81A11 1 , Fol. Family 4ea fa i r In imantsThr wry' ul tr a tgat '4o l b arr l VATA,gr i a.lll,2kst man/ ••• - Staves, Fenders and Fire Irons; RON CITY STOVE WAREHOUSE. mirage tint% At the :lowa has arelrodNwtdeb into ma The An. anniqd wo. would In• - attautlen - of lbws mending/ In Ann daa • f l it•!VV I Xr. l f /Md.l. :Una Inv Irtg li kmenn Mann Banunnbar Os place. Icn.l Wool dm& WILLIAM. MITCH:OI2E3IM Js. Beatifying" Dist iller, and 'Wine and Liquor ME , ROHA.NT, S. No. 209 Liberty' Stred. Pi tenet. c 0917 IE WM II IA Z A G4.6and 601 Is. svister.rNrl lm""'i nss•diml2bgoj f r'ea s •• abl2usW • '• : . - intelligence omce, __ X0.:2.8.1" .•;t LAIR arizsg7A , .gYJIVAIITI3 of oh •desaiptions. stip od - families and Ho 'limp nwEler l l l 4—:'. _ tat OW Ilietitoe sifirManw ; . - ... 4 on 1 1 . Suarantailai tutu. tvrocs: ..' . . . ' , 1 Donaldson, Aid • 111711C1F 4 'ooinerof Ann and bt. - Ma= imP atiAtaly attene l 114.17,1 DOldiSt, Fonicc ItC i teS eili - Ohodativot or Illarket. Oats •: . rrAlitVA i ted. , - _ ... _ li. I. WELLING -ROUSES; STORES, .-_ b.,' 0 7.1117 , T-4. lane 6toro lteom on 7A a: n'lnTr• .. ....lio, 76 Font= no' 9 Woo Warmotoo rn oat, II; g., • nag HOD" •Ittr tam lot, test tbo c nun Argot, 7 , • Moon tag floor. an ?Ms rt.; • Its= Dnrie, " 'S ' lrt ga i Mle c k " Vr .WA" ~!. . r D 4.- •Isram ,_ tut ot.,_ AR . . - am on auk rt; • Visrebrato cn later.;" a YROWAS _" 2:Stanalh Lyn . cotatilt.,_ , part* -__ •" . ,'' " ". ' X eLlui . EXOILSIR,E leOtt A . .f F —Six vol. • , 1 6,10 S Loolkonapit on prollbol sadennOtt Into safall66 Sonont7.4tatni; a. ti/Mo en egurA two illittmlVok t. 11.% XL.nots. 76 ann• 7 46• 1 • 76 6 7 D at1Z6741 11.11 " onantlast__4 to a - 16 0 4 OnT. SW C 1 64 1 ININFIIN tr DAILY ....IP-ITTSOU-P:'.:GH BUSINESS CARDS ATTORNEYS. LOUIS Attorney at Law, to llaztern Collector • Omfllp OFEIP :trizolarzfrAntiv . .m. allitaoan VisT EWS=Mirk l l=ZZL °* = bl''' lngsa.detherl . Wi n Toa, Obit, ~ . ~. 11M1L15031 .1 7 Nam " 14 114 4 ° kn. a co. 1 °411 ' 2 li-ii., tr.ta, . . - am, ...,..... 1. . blearts. LA 11:424510411,14. Mirej . rou.a. an. Wadi,' ' . iILW:ILSLL. ' ..Attornap at Law , " klako. • . stit Dianne Gnat swat tx•vor• iswwee 0 MIA. alsx.ritT lOSEPLI 9. & A. P. 3101URISON Attor gaidtfara=l= "VA.' OBEETbro B. painaps; Atto - tney at Lem, .0t: tau. ; •.• • b't KURT POLLOCK, Attorney at Lim— Tome °W:lntl:hint striett,otpaitt= dem 111 tt. I A MRS KUHN, Attorney at Law, 05,00 1101 rtii stied, mar Grant. Pitubctrgb... Jandly lI .. .ASPER , E. ;BRADY, Attorney at Law, t 1 Na 139 drestalttsbalgh. AGENCIES. Slob/gar* Genwal . Copuninsion and Cam- Agony Office, OR the collection of Homo - and Foreign ilforsaiattio analllothooMooor dam% knoldgoo .4 p. ==tlaeasi . d i. P=at=l Moto and lormezokoo Asulta. . PELTMA. A—..¢a Sertlosa tormomorra Emmet it liat Ma um o o ooi l ttira QO., Quotto oOlons Lamm Simnel a 00, Maroloants. ri =z—Tooelto or Itllordigoo ft.m rdointr W. A. LBW BVB VEAL ESTATE OFFIOE, No. 87 Front amt. to door Man MarkaU Comber Int VEAL at Irpn• Le 4 ** l ProlweT bought sad sold. &E USTIN °LOOMIS, Bea fatata Wit,dloo and Bill Reokar, olhoo A rth ortatom Wood. Budnor przostptlyattooded AMUEL MARSEULL, Secretary Oiti mvercrommoorerear. erwateretmt DiL GORDON,:Beeretar7 WOMATI Inen wMM. Cta., 911 Water street: IIULDINERCIO)XI2I; Ageit for Franklin ' lisiriesaosp runthlsiii cornea of Wad I-ILNMMM:kAoAforDellawiteMtk. tulgAi*mmOmmxgr*Pft*lgnma. DRUGGISTB; TORN HART, Jry l ooessoi 111'Eluf weow.I.kkant... wttre' d 4= l ": . liesbufgh.. garxmithzi kr Dr. y aN SCOTT,..Wholesale Dealer in VimpliasioNttr. !Kalb. No. SOO racecs,• Vom==kl774:-frilw!.:-.----24.1.7 FAIIRESTOCK & CO.; Wholesale i-Drill.iinsizasaufictscrers orwhiedona_,Ead and /swum am= Wooel!tail /rant stmts. itE. MIMS, Wholesale Dealer in Ar ilges it xv= otectvarnunwc, t ' . ,11 .0" =ittrts. =tsar ur Ltbsr,tr mut . ec ats igtoma 80HOONNASER lb CO., Wholesale • Dfluesata 110.24. woos rend. Pltabont- AOSEPH FLEMIDIG, Snares= Wilcox *Oa, coma Maria otred sad Diagnoad—lDU Jya~a ma band saul ccolet. maiortareateg Mallatme Chola. Elthosum lad an to big 7.7 =as_ rZ:= . =daily ,ceatitiii‘l $l3 COMMISSION &C. 'MoBANZ & ANIER, to A.. 1 L. ammy] DIME . FLOUR, GRIM AHD PRODUCE. Couuninion and Forwarding lierohanta. Xo. 114 Senond Pet I e burgh, Pa. P 44 I. Vatayj Jan 0. S. WOO= BABI'L 8. BHRIVER, & I . ,§ ej: . •: • w • I s • AHD General 17criamistd , :n Merchants, • 144 "'i f piri4LAD.LtIAK, vp—Mrrs. Alex. ft Cozad. OP.. Pp& A L. Wiln.rtbigt. Plttitatia. Zan a itessabsv SPRINGER HARBAUGH. 0010LIEBION MEROBANT, Dealer in Wool, Provisions & Producepaerelly NO. 295 LIBERTY ETREET, rirrasouva, J. B. /111113PICY FORWARDIN a a cusintissloi msaoselwr, Pattionlor ottinttion otroa to the oda of 1.1t0D1:1011. N0..155 Front Street, , ass J. AMU. ATWELL, LEE & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Punka) & Commiuion Madan% AND DIALS= DI • PITTSBURGH HANUSACTURES, it., B Weed tut between Water mad Wrest et mat 111211801188.. DAVID O.HIMBEIT, Irknxr, Produce, Provision sad dourniseion - . _____ MXIIOIIANT _ , lea so uereforoo. eareeretiana , Pi tisbnir WES hie attention to tho of of Em_ , Park. Boom. Ls& Cup" BOW, Grala..l Thir4 B"d4 ". trarestraly .e. mt.& most 10111:11Y 13. SLUG, (IMO of thii,gral of Ring A Moorhead,) COMMISSION MEACHAM ' , NeNtffly PM Anwar, AND =wits, ater street below Markel, Gest • awn. rzimA. 0.0. aur-RKt P- ruts po aTETI siLLB. PealaA° cpronim mrenwa, VOILDOSSION 31E1101;4NT% ...u.dro LlllBBl7 fITN Per riTIIMI7IIGII7. PL. A. A. HARDY, INAVALTOTOtarita , Agent at ue Whoa and Indlanapous BAILEIDAD, No.Bo Water et., Pittsburgh, Po, .117 w. BUTLKB. & 00, g-Pit.WARDING COMMIBaIoN CIDLICTIIsnd Donlan In ill 10~_Iltytrosi41.= 1= 14.41P11'. "abm" '''alkir4 • 31.10110311 AA:BISON. & 00. Wholesale Grocers, Imednet Disicvseut Mstotuatite. and. Pt 'w•=. $ .1' • t:4 I, • o ."arson; thin, liana In Wam M Edam Ihnter%4 ngo=atr o a= . wit,/ And., isgriCZ 4 CO " e PecdueesolidionadmilaktaLs . •,• • • Maindiatzures. No. US Drom ft% e adl . . . , ti. Ascria HMIS WAREHOIIEUL—MENBY .If. re°47ol9P::*l-r• E t tOMIPILLNER, II : I F.Vr An ae tDeslar f DRY GOODS. JOBEPIf. HORNE & 00., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in TEIIIIIIINOO, 1103H0101:111121. EIGNERY s Grzorss. Fancy Goode, ho. No. IT Zarfstst. Dd. a cad Ms Matisend. AjRIIL lot Egsdla's T.l.ea a 61147 IN Aid, Jr., &,Bro., , glpia4ket se , aro closing out *sir ail', the stock otTry GaAs at wit JAto•n•• . dhotoont tion, nrepuston to Krandag War *Mtn MP ply. ' • true on band • fkos sotarttnont °t o lls A..ln Wild'eltledbNianWs,Popi*besti& NnAllib Chintz, foLtnint. It 4.,,,M111i3=. roam =kr We& toad other namAw, vita _a. pigt many* r 1 i MOO 1 r 0 a Itroorn• PUN sad Drum or TWO inn bold sin wont wortik• .. • , '. ' . . Mntif raw and ita4eDrr Ovabyi 45 nth URPHY & SITHORFIELD, :Wholesale /at SAO aeaN Ilaabiptili adampir foga taligiMi - - Removal -- Remowd I n emo i a n Box,. yew di ..Carlia 23, l'llififirszar. &HAVING 'Removed our Store to 1 No. 23, .1 i'lLtatidttetgent door to A..,3„„ a 0 ,. ) ... • lArind toadied?. one of tbe et lee • sal Aaserleenaellettegtsee M i ta ttbls sentet.' la w? suertgonit 9irt op $ o , Livriwu"tuncrrigtg . 1:n10-we ox 'TVAarawmas /dad elitaloreviOe vniz th ii i ~ rillaitnlP l 9./ 0171111 ' . 613 Imnsor sad lee /wake - , Twined gad Plea weeltlesee itsstiteretth Scotch Place. Peltier& Drestelenti t aA4 tjt,ll2=l: Sig. Bi l l tr d Ex%. l - Vsl I ott pitt ypa Artily 1:10 Oath, • IA, Wow etial, Da ,11 41trI Cal n G raPs t y= -C6 1 bth ti; St * Ret vit3 A tl f e r `*V....:_.9. 1 " 4/ . _ 141 8EZDOIL- 4 3 bbIL reo Thrj -4V • mum in. PITTSBURGH, 1119NDAY' - : MORNING; JANtrißr 28, 1856 BANKFiIiS AND BROKERS. BANKING HOUSES . JOHN VHOGQ:.. Bt p am i o stoa c m roma paisairr, wzdTmoarD 00. ooNNICIASVILLA, PAYF/411 02, Nuns' DBOVarila NEW. BIISOIMON MIAMI CO, Der.* easrid, irtusta Dung bought, sold •nd Mak 0 A Sta' bloSll@tlit , ,stad rod fitteks„ Notes and caw Elsourib* bought mud sold on sogssgbrisn. nosssinst.sdssm.suo mind t.d. K i rliumnaa r .....azi VAIL, Wi5.—....../LaLluip twm. &. %U M- Bankers and Fa unas* arnrart Thas and velltlold aid Mrs and 'Nokia. nitleana galas] Sstata tx:Eltock Eu- Ettlsadrebsas IsinTelotssoead Maur Ellison East and Wed. Sew and sell Stacks q_nOotaxstselq, 'Colleo. = Mau ma on all potnU I dt n Ins Edon. Am E acme of land ft Wood streets rootly omits Qs t. Chaska inylas H. WILLIAMS*Co.; Bankers wad 1 1- xdualri . Dro • kaig.' trathiast" tow a Wood •ed • stm nttab • N HOLMES in FaTeie a.ra d k i kogs sad 814 Wa " Atic= Nttr lilltkolts made ma MI .eze—im cities out' the Malted BMWs. : - MANUFACTURING. Mlll^'MTOMlTrrcrm•lwiiPt - rm - : . 'Tl UNION FOUNDRY, —Mitchell, Herron di, Co. continuo the business of the Union litmudry.t the old stand of PAINNOOS. 2dIICH• Ilf l yWl" .. fte l t b :4 r :l'anna large and acacia] emantment at tIAAINGS. comprising 000killStrIL TD RInm o and Side Ovens, • isliN MOUE§ I MES, Hollow Ware, Wagon 80re:4.09g irons; Sad hone, - Tea Settles, Plows and Plow Points, Mill and Machinery Osaiings generally, And Ottll wed W AT= Ptri2l of ell ate. IRON A. NAILS- OFTWE REST BRANDS, Shovels, Spades, Moira, &0., All of CU& will be 101 l wi reansdantorsce ;,lees. W. W. WALLACE STEAM MARBLEWOBJES, men .ea atom era, mann &W I*: &IA MONIMENTS: tombs', Grfive Stones, Furniture Tow, t o Stones, ways on hang. and amide to OVilei. tuenbinery. at the beret pion Three bundrel. .._ and ealsotod dr dims tar ktoomxnents a ta,22u head:. Bleck and Blab Mar. bin torsdahed to On Trade at ttslmnstriColl. arinte liLlsd vita despatch at 819 Mart) , Kant. Penn . Cotton MIX Pittsburgh; KENNEDY, CHILDS &00. Nana= of— , , 4A c e i l ri p, ..,, i , n ,.... 121. . , °''. ITI ' eat . • : itti. ' !iaLl dug and daofta 1 Batting. rr thlt 'ift 7 C"4"2.'i r . a irill Wosteet.tifitta . g L a. 2.o7saarps. anaalli--;., itanunav J. L szoosi.— asnivaL Livin.ston, Roggen & Co. NOVELTY WORKS, PITTSBURGH; PA. riPOK and Depot Rails ad Soeles;Bey, o add drain do: inattoto.`and Gatuttot dm; Dow of all sisto, t3oz. Druz aod Thumb Welton, Case We, at mins MB* Pitt .= Dolts mad rutoaln itd Malltattlo Inda arrnrr go. dots In form add Colt. • I A. BROWN, would modcrespectßalyin• 4.ftat 11115* teat `,l79A"ll.i,r.ttiti,au toanortment of flan MUL L. epolugLEhat ars nude tomes , hrtte beet los total prod to the United nate. tilt cao to mound without the Lid of . =Elm &leer lisrin =trued 114 'Wok. too*, pod wood of B.s °Most .hll.h Elanwey Me. Iland, I sarlrerperied to fond& their old automat as well Y tM WA. Pro..ith to their Mb. *5..7. Dia • Wood stmt. Pitts ma= WILLIAM BAFINIIILL A 004 61 Penn et., below Marti Pittibrerh, Pa. (a TEAM BOILER MAHER9 and BELEET- I 0 1603 WO/MIK% lisantionuirs or Barnhill's Pat. sntßollsr. Lwasiottys, lined azadllythstlor Boners, Clam nos. Bnactan. Firs Bsal, eta= MBa os. Oondeaserrs. lt Pans, Bazar Pa, loos Yaw Basta ate. Alsw Blartemithe W or k. Brides and ls. Viaduct IrOsks, dons at thastortestnotio► Ail ostlers from • &gams proratia attonlistl to. Raiz mai it:=WILSON & SON keep ametantiy on . bend oniry dsonloticar - sad mut, of ILL end Wholesale oad rota Time &Olaf it wet Flat or Cop, good dad _ehsap, would do well to ND. as • call heft+ parettnethst oold4s LW. WOODWELL, Wholesale and Retail idgandutozse sad Nabs to CabilvetWark N. stmt. GROCERS. fain iscrns.—......------acara I. meoarn Shriver & Dilworth, WHOLESALE GROCERS!, Noe. 130 & 132 Second Street, Woad auld ElatittLeld) PI7TEntthOZI. MONTROSE 1111TOMILTREM Wholesale Grocer mid Genital. Merchant, 14. 7DD Literty Stred, PatensriA. 0d).17 ==a=l . - MATH & Hlnnen, WHOLESALE ORO,O.EBS, 122 Second and 151 Front atreet, Jall3. P/ITZlitataft. FL Wallace & Gardluer,• *ROLIIBALE DICALS.B2I Flour, Prmisions and Produce Generally, wo:zsa LIIMRTY 6T. 113047 1./Aif i tIST. , COSEIBAVE it 01)., ula Groans IS awl 20 W 6,4 strait, PI ttotrangb. .co-l) .c¢uaa nom 4 0112CYL0TD..1.00., Wholesale 1321*er nOBERT MOM, Wh_9leslo _ Grocer, Dalarku *M* rittsbegalMiet4., sad 414 *Mania, NMI IXamals =a Lame" No. ILI mem one- on band • very melLruintios Dow anansaas----onuule sun • A. awn. noCANDLEBB MEANS C 0.,. (name mars to_M a kezulters,l Wltofinale • Ordeals. Chniim rms. sad blltUrbalgh %Lialatsatans offesua of Weed sall Wata sta. nap rent-_:--wilzoi a. us. MM GILLS & ROE, Wholesale °roots sod 'WILLIAM A. MMILIMG, Grater si 11e Desier, rem at Weal sad Sixth Meet; item as Intel alms tiortarat otetteestitsterse me Teee—/faress Pratte tad Wits liolimet sad Rat s% Asters snyhtlal es the 101,114 tarsus: • . frAdarbidiffi r roo: - eh ca. t 1 11 1%. irk rasta slave; stdEntt rtnet. Ma in ?"4hli*4 BALULint.MDWARD flor BOOKSELLERS . &C.' - 10113 T. 1111.11TOCE,__ • Book and lob Printer and Publisher. l eism, anitlfUtiabovs Smi th field, (0700 Dididido OOK Misitirat'S end Box Maker ' s; Straw Dumb ilijl 'ex bad& Mao. Ikeeke, Paton em 4 0710 0. 0001tRAN8,Uff 0 0 0 essor to 8. Bad fora Wholoo•loath Bo D•alor in Boob, &atlas fraT ksandYspot M •111. tlonE o,llr loto, /Moroi Wolk Oth door & E, o Wor* MU, PIN JOHNar maw. Pl B. DAVISON, Bookagar ,aid Sur Una. !mw, . .40• Abie • Arnim, No. 0 Market wcuainn. milt. 8. 110SWOBTII, 00 • or end Duller la etationff y by. No. Id lutteS AMR BM AY & 00., 800 I : :fat& St&*mere, • 1 .1..66 Wall • Iseadcastethe • otThbd Ma!i3EM!Zi;llil music. &V. John Q. Mellor, V' 0, 81 WOOD'STREET, betweettptipia_otd a :MIMS ilt7b ViStm"WRER : tiVerd" ,11,116% - leS es.u. . :Charlotte Blame, I ANUFACTURER and Dedetlxl %Ito rte . sad li t droVf nal6upd , p cdre iretgl alllbotonllidosiodkodTre; out lunar Zar-I=nd. arid ood MENET KILMER, •Dealer Istrtremmem mod Importer ealtsmo • „nu mtk L ag= T i a n tlfze r m A i n l rin Mama - 4 crArrt, Corm inn- ;id 14.- Glatt A gireetsi WA O. P cO I4I "NN B EL. m441016'66 Hetahom's Mower with Reaper' Attach . - . miat perfect machine in uze,,ntrran. e ggrld ka s V i ZALl E Trai r drlC comtanipa suo. Paey. &by • ail .. t• C. u. suANELAND„-= Weed gt. • • DE: K. :FIELEY )INTE:OMG to make Piaa;Vii Wm bnta4. - msy b. totrulted 4 149 TWA Pmetisbmrsillattikb6 43.141111415 t 1 JIROPERTY IN DUQUESNDBO OMIT ma ille—Eadng loa 01100 OS lan tn. Wanst• taa 1 , 114 Anna MA'AM Sum .11 cw. coma Tirr. nowt, kg 11 , 4 adaptfd Ibr saganbnenindPnVoinn having laved Owl on Than Is mans 'wand tram Um wad. and &ma • uonk m..tz7Qft wags Inas •an Ws atm. • Also. sit. on•ow to me prone ay .111 held 1, tr4 u ala Oaad. cotudder•blar riot* •ark-os the lot -a. ttesaltlat 11:213.11AVE'S eat OPOW la NEW YORK ADYKRY‘fararrs holzt URA. Oes• inulloiwmpEß Lorzernom. Liosti. 06, . 6 Broadway, No; York. lotasT, nunaunr mark FORTES: STEINWAY & SO mortinurtutzne at and IS Walkittatretit./ auIIIZOMIIILT, WSW TOR. • • • / - 114FSPECTITILLY call the at -- .Kartemum.onhapie?lloto 15.1rW.0111 - usortasektOrimmilrand.depuuerleort, • t • whlebs vole.* -o . i tone, elaaticiF at . ' &pooh, beautt of Ootela.lll abort ev•ry Oat modem Itlf:t e gi d gtir i t = , i T d b .:o=Wi d rtet moat ed .meltera fre'44s.t.triihAl4elPllle. NEW THJUlttElild-ftsunfar fa .13oelf lure ' Pat two swami the WlNta.:,.remlmi. - .90L1) MEDAL (over a/1 eotonetitent at toe tate Pair or%the Metrltekn Inatltute, c 4,4.) pnteae„ , er 01.191.1' Plen..brtee. del oel4:tfe " 13004 Fustr -T..' • KOR 1112 inti IiIIBP.OSES,atfor - • HNC) rlittanget.t.l. fn WIC!' sad. ler , Iblutlnin I 1 1p, O tt y s trazat .p iag o3 TIIIMI; r 17......Fr u p o rsu Orden proms Wed ggl ds. BBIPBI , au T tMoiv. fAXILBI. t ".- 4 ri• LOOKING GLASS: And PiotOro Frame Blannat,.... HORACE V. BIWA WlioLl:mita 4.%D 121tr1¢. SAL WOOILI. 64 Forsyth street; New k. yrt. H. V. E. moiald call ttto ntion of gr....1ta1y., tal, any, =A es ' tly Dust In I iol_lonstwo .'214.4 4111 , 80(03.15 AND MIINGINIO7ISO. i. t . - In - the vooonolo n of ttuognalltt he me te to oteaOts all olden 011 the lowest paindble The Mr. crrdiTlAMtriinilllt3gaslk.• M ItOOLDP. , GEI. A.lOll GILT, .1101111 QoDoi R, ItAPLII. ZNEDIA'AND MAHOGANY,• off Orr :Oorbnoy end =IF D 0. blind. .- ' • OM ail oSOR of thetreiTriD 607115 AND CANADA Atottetll ,l o Drto 2 Al NMI •ICD the Iteaate tusoo of mit la:Iwo t. to inae.,_ T.IfOLEB. JENtam_Sr ektgLA 9 So_dre Ter. X. Forth° 1,000,00 Q: , THE 11. B.TATENT bLA . RELE CO. mierrAvvies, cce4 ! J .. ' movie itmupgansgr-wa, New tort. . RE preparettqa ' execnsilldl orders 'far MANTLIIIg TABLIATOWMDDISH. PILDVATAL aa .. nts B A. ' i j ea ' a .111ar i r — a.E . .qual b t P = L tk. f and dueobilltito Taal manbio,'stid La lopotiemeete ,or thereto, and St JIM Vino half the owl. Unlike ..oldollsod IBM. trecdostatato. IL to .tutby hos from all 4 1 = I iii 1 r a%! aft o t ter' it al l Irm more efi= '`° F. l l . , FL,,:lbintr o t tae t t: =II= to . L,4l . Edx .. ' 7iitertrarozonteed• .46.0. for tl2tEdo.r du e trAttt4 tri _ . exult DAttAll et- JuASKI MIA Dm WYO. G. suuntss, , Pros. oet2Dlyv _ . BOHLIMSLIN,BRO_ CO., DIPOBXX ADM Dliklart3 IN Ilsogs, Paints, Oils, Thres, Mimicry, ke.,, 170 WILLIAM BT4 New YeAr, INVITE - the attention o the tridei to their lornandoorforl Oak of DrOss. Points, COls, Perfume. Miko.44. additiatothstresiolorlmoMtottobodfirtfolarruM. tremor, aim ormartrur.grmot from T o th. mum of Produe =4 of amistror of War =lldtPorriarimoart• =Ziff " ' 1 7, . ° tlkor n l usually. moaroom prooolata Mocks, voirL- rimy w'ogrrs.:l= to fo7soTort?ey'ral/.o4,6=sromUrm`t strontroo. orrloo° IMPORTANT TO ROVBEHEBP.ERS AND DICALESS. • THE - HOPS MILLS, n FM= fala, Arid TI IltaxaS astat.lllll liriaapa Wt.; 103 . klimt area, Nes fork. Ream tt05.20,87 Iludsm stress, Java USU. Propnetots of this long `llO AID 11PICE ranmasilimr, Caltima toUm boss , Plaromalatoa. ibredb/th um. tar Brad. Illaeml , t.Tes aid othsrr sla paps. Alostad. L samothor 'att. dm dally um to wary thity oar oPOO lb. most ressonabls tams. lataloguss mot: to dalas who "lamas them. H. IL Is J. 0. !SLAW 8.-.43amatamsdOssa to Molars far ihms t. W sr. tide. NEW YORK CORN miCHANOB BAG MANUFACTORY, N 05.125 and 127 Broa4 at, up stairs, Corn..Exohange Buildings, New York. 4 . IIIIYRS, YLOUR DEALERS, &a., Bop ws sub LINp. for illotadinoltytreat, Huth mut, ack., printol to Tbo' onhictibor .wookt cal the ottosittotk a< OrasttiT Merchants to his smortcowot of Fannon' Skim. sod of fogAtWW2* sap wits sets.o lled. to Us nriccul .tyles ot rintin S. a goad iso If. Vacs. Daniel; so with HAM HAUL B.AO oi Wilma owl quatimo Matiftod qu.sotltiao tO nit oa ths ntotrtert 50192.0 B. K. CLARK. Prootiotor. • The Adams A:press Compaay. Pinsbuvh, Bechar& mth titio BrilAron Strath. sm the especial anoommodatiost of th e . alone the Ithe of the ()Wooed lino hallrostl. between and first Brighton, [ manee Intimate bonuses and MOWfluseurart netatOtneetetialll snob dowry. The Adams t Irma+ Comma. teazle math arthstganenth the Bellrred ae . e o.put a trusttheore or y 11 meager OP the Ara su t... en /Men/ end rus pro entrust, el Whin. The /stipend. e. 1.1 here as 1,.0 lathe to lb. 13thethe pr. for the depwelt and be tar ~corky of Wooer. 4ltigggri=nltngNgt==?eV: ny.thly daring th e day to attend to math canto loam ea T am ewtraeted to him. and return by the Zernied Tram. with los Orr di sod Comzeindot teurnted. I will be dot 7 melte oo tds trth 01170 10 . .7400. money. die which will be delivered to proper =Depot 11.0 wilrererree ' e d pre written ce= 4" 1 oto a 4•Lata4 Sal rar.aleataltakintetthrenor— obtant toiorreattori , and reruns repiler.irder ds. and 11•41139 Wa s purchase% iaree at small. Vs= • de. pee r f Was to • Wl= sewn. All go ALs. ta t will de. Ilve or it du •to toe two Mire. wit. to .thonabis Wean.. without extra third@ but Ws , Seth dem. Zii.tth Ws- ett, pactuteerorpenenr trlgt.t. hops Ctrs A nt W, to. ell niliter will Lelia with the /heti= 7 Ase of theltetinnd Qoutem.7..hen the roPlir Ptht7 tr. es the Station en use ante./ ol the TAW. to retede• gEolrene farerstes reeleate. &a and tor write a •eneupe. ate looeuden to be within... month]. Watts. item tenn Gnaw of the business le etwa. OM up ethos et 11 esecialeerewnente witt Ala. As the kteertugar le required t• fettle hi. Dille and boo. lOW Awl, • fts. Comp.,. and to per Weil, the pat. Tool of the late wilt pleas' not ask hint to emit MI nut trip for Pis ten me he hes no diserstes. to the matter. BAilith it. /SW/ ei bee ben appointed ltweenger. and anntheare lie &Weems Mthday. Dee 14, • 1•1101111111 D 841:111 rtablift4 l -66 Poona Meet. ct,ry-Torcsab 02 °L tesllit li ti;.244l3lll2l4ll. ta. , Pim Ma.-11x. onto inks/ NOUN iltsbaret. VOL - 716111313 W. WOODWRIIIy WASENXT PORNITIIIII NIANIIIAOTUBIX. • rms. 97 aim 91TErsaimar, mammas 4 W. W. respeottully Warms his friends . iss asts b n i est tis hit r . h= t.slen awl and bast ow ofhp%l.l%==Lur Is dato to uphold boat tm.blu, sad bls dockortta newest donor% oad4ro tom`.' came of Ms codas and tss=ln orsnufsat rossinado pro dsms lOW 1/111041Ttifttll the louse. .. T. mom ahrsys canard Um grot varlet/ !Loom . dsoniptlon of forulturs, hum Um Mumma sad to tbs moat slausat MA costly, that • Oman orst• dens, mu to funtlubod from his Mock or msnaMotursd ofmlCto radar. The tOrmins uttolso consist Mt Y •martmont. which. fOr Maness of style sad COS. 4 Maarassrod'in,sar of tbo Meant MOW Laois XIV tatan= c mai 10 0 =10= 7 1i UAW 40 do Walnut do UM Waimea:LT*loMM' Want 'VW 60 Welsmt Dimas ds do , Matmoisnx • • 10 Walnut' Mt • • CO Marina Z ei rrlos Taman , 1 10 - . do sionsuit , IP do sahatanda •-' Onnabusd o lOW Common. AO PlAn"Domotat im Odrosant l ' 60 ntsbouso 10 wawa as • 4.6ooottaus. too oh — srWout Paid . s . Doistran 10 lithoriso WutlAAmt 40 Walnut le 10 Oborty - 04 40 Plain Bm4a10; tilitts sad lasskflat'hidit g rt: t o= sa lAut• &At Haskins catalill 111 Whir Wntlist Dot; Ras sad lama Egad( Wastollsrut _ climax ci Pt ranks . Ta rr musibstosa ' =Mx CI. 144414.4 dot dlet, &ad Wald s hat.E . latsadanDlatad d lidsde • arm • Ottawa; Oattdo Mai **Ns carat sasasldasssof Mama Moults:lW Cab 01.044 mum 40701101 wiltb artlalmi t 0 their Dm tltsembost4 owl tornithed at tbt Omits% oda& All nrdmi prvmdlir 0.4,04.1 k tom Mead from the Staffordshire Potteries. A LATE ARRIVAL OS QUERNSW ARIL AT TII*.OLD STAND OF HENRY in , eta at Jatsone. r1:113 asoortraent embraces ems rtiwaad - 110103 11741.1t11 of .bit. Broalegirt. Ming .4 wit of bet Raft whitirows, Rom .1 of ,tbs Ont wanalictwort to England. Also vitrified Wn. and while Iron Mons Won forlacWisomeg • wry gonstal Ond War Twisty of all µVelma? glint Ols. and other Tam ada.4 Wks Rm. ory age! country tend% WI of Tieing flu I. • nf at low Teo. onlm IF;ALEURNIE'S .LOTION hag woad as atrasaasfand artdp crataatrlaa W Came. a . A p rza th i r .z .,=. l4tf ; r . 4 . 7 .... f , rand atta euelpba aubsergretzterle I:atin:tont 0,14,6gitt.,'01. pSeat reaalta; In tala summon Kap amoral or vino. trireiroVZheiginil ) =.lro: loattap aad afal atmotato apPla/PM al l 4 MA. ' msaic:lz a other=g;taLly.r . rt w mat ' tMa math A r giVat. Om l int a lt 413:10.2raq t „ Inv= 111 1 :59a . r ii ra=rl=ll P 11/7t alra , prltb Alractlavitailarai at anb tit tb +la i =alt . aj ;3141!=ti t r . 0 M7)=2 . 1 1 arbiatt tweduuera alung4 wake boa .0 maths:tic • P 4 Plirgi= 4 't . 'iaaittistiri =Tx m a S ad ~.10332115ity gonunerciai College. •I, 150 STUDEATII • Iftd.N.DINO MS DAT Aso TlTNripo CAASTAO, P,IOOIE.KJEAPING, IL A AITHMIFTM, sad fro Applicattoof 431 bream& , Maght. to • this mtbmilvAllommordal• School sod.• Emig OomAlos Boum. la Mum elsiresar LAMA mod GootArmon. Somme sorotatood to tbst4 MIMIC -A row looms from on' nsurarommoOL mum M oot IMO Moat Azad =Wog. ••••. • . • ••••• 11=asilmolzmoi 5 enadir soon triet t •imro la rM took ImormA Aexommoto sad claim, CNA Ind tarn opooloorms of William Writing—A &mls? O•or Inf.r sioarm—orioodro Moo Port COIMAttO:IIAMMI nALL. 4311 • Dia:caution. T" p artorah i l heretofore tftei 11N, Dor • cat Otto Orel:ll,l[ls6Q ttill Lir liglll7l. Or . ti. i r A t4o l litstOlt, wt. 01,4,0 0 ,r:tire. retTo.R xi wutours 13uRonnunia.mmr A'.. - =,tlc="w" - PAS'Atach.. l , gb es• •• Mom Mob barmil PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. MONDAY, MORNING, JAN..2B, - .1.a66 . Advance Payments.-Jitiiiiidliti:...ho eab• ~rtigic..lll be Wan. Ns the Dilly os ldeatiyinleptte. onlao payment le made le advent* . .W/tearlatl. cm. se op to which the •oEe@7pthon 18.DWair tbapdas We I. lowasiaNy stoPP.I. anleve tnemelerriptionlilli mewed by ',drum payment. All talent edverth dnit. of gem de...Wien, Put be required 10 lb Pad In 141 . mac& The moll' eiorptione..lll be when epeetehdeuly ly er 7tlsif contract._ et. em kith 101.kitt•bargi, VW eclair bimsommertio or.unaro olicolatioo °fair otfm b oorlculueoe loon • coat desirable osidl•at of making. WO tatejaap kacar• • Clateiroulaticom/ii betiroontbnr Elro - thOW•od, slinoistm . ry morthasit, tOsatesevuer and Imo kat➢or In' Restarn Poo.7ltistlLL and Lorton Ohio. Oarrespo;ulssup Cl 'be Coolturdal adiartaer. Mr TEM BALTIC,. Nolight has yet been thrown - to litsak On un certainty, regarding peace or war:',The funds during the put -day or two have experienced' Consperablo ficotastiuns, the market being een sitive to the slightest rumor. %Viten influential buyers make' their appearance it is assumed some private telegraphic communication boa been rinelved,'and every one refines to sell ea. cept at an advance/. AnoppOsite - fealing pieta& ton like extent whenever an edverie operator oobitta In and hence a few bargains, one way or the othee,,are sufficient at any time to alit, the tone of prices. It may be stated, however. that a(thoagli t he inaredulitrof the general public on the prospect of peace remains undiminished, the. impression that it is not far distant seems In theAlplomatio world to have. gained. strength rather than other. wise. Two due ago the German papers teemed. with reports that the reception accorded by the Cur to Count Easter-hazy, the Austrian Envoy, had been at.the Mat ley and onwelecane char. ter, and that • Raman &spat* 'which was -known to have twen sent on the 7th 'anent to the Coureof Vienna, was slummed to cousin a refusal to entertain the terms offered, . These howoear, who aresupposed to rue! ve to but continental information, gave a differ ent interpretation to the cLutestances.— That !a despatch has been transmitted frau St. -Petersburgb to Vienna in relation to Count Esterhasy's communications, and will probably arrive to-day, ia beyond question, but the belief is that it comae. no rejec tion of the Austrian proposal, but Almply some conoter-proposal or • ragout for certain .modifications, the answer to which is desired before the Czar finally decides. ' The probable correctneu of this vieir Is sups, ported in many ways. The date upon which the Anal reply is to be given is nederstoad to have been put off from the 16th of the present month to the 18th, that is to gay' to a week from this day. Such a postponement would give tithe for the arrival of a return courier from Vienna, and it is of course to be assumed that if Bessie Is striving for concatudons, she would, in the interval, cause repbrts to be dr- Granted that she ,will never accept the, condl stoic as they stand. Other facta which Indicate that there is certainly no Intention on the part of the Czar hudly to dizmin the OpPortueity for negotiation, are furnished in the private mercantile correspondence from St. Petersburg. Although the force of: these communications .when they reach London &week after their date iticlimituebed by the working of the telegraph, they have lately ootitained many detail's which, in the absence of any..positive news of Go oppo site tenor, are calculated -to create an opinion not only that no unfavorable decision would be suddenly arrived af, but that conclusions bad already been approached each as bad greatly in creased the probability of a settlement. Ordinarily, the letters !rpm the St. Peters burg merchants to their London oorrespondents strictly avoid every allusion to politics. For the past fortnight, however, they have been charac terised bylesa reserve, and according to state meats from come of. the most tatinential houses, it appears that although immedidately after the arrival of Count Esterbssy a report, supposed to rut on high authority, was generally circula ted that the proposals would be at once treated am lindminighle, a very different impulsion gain ed ground directly afterward. hutted of an lostantaneoue rejection of them, a council of the Einplie was ,to be convoked far their, disoussloo; and tbe more favorable feeling thus awaimned ebortly received an extraordina ry stlroultis from the arrival cf Baron Seebsch, and nem% ledboatimse which followed that eient. Baran &chub la the Saxon Minister at Paris, and a von-le-law' of Cocos Neaselrode,— ilia personal loStienei at Bt. Petersburg Is great, and Me preeence is alleged always to bettxtreme ly welcome. Daring the recent negotiations, he is supposed to have been very busy as • mediator; and when it was announced that Barony and thwarts were inclined temove to a certain extent in , harmony with Austria, considerable significance was na turally attached to the patt be woo, known to have played. This wee increased upon Its be ing known that he was .about to pay -a vidt to the Russian court, end , It now appear' that ino machete!, on hie arrival there was a greet stir at the palace, and that on the following day the Idea of peace was excited in the minds of all the Bt. Petentorg merchant., from a report that the ooantlathome of Baron (heights, the Court Banker, had been besieged by high mili tary and official personages anxious to boy up the new Becalm loan and alias stocks and shares they could obtain: The /amendment Belga bas published the pre cise text of the conditions submitted, and they ere In adeordancs with the amounts of them which had reutuilw appeared. - The point Most likely to mite resletanes seems - to be the der viand for • eetodenof put of the DenOblen fret tier, and it is en this probably that some moth- Section may be entertained, especially as the fall of Ears may be considered to offer a reason for any moderate concession. The coarse of Pronlanontinues tote the jest oikEarope, bat It is understood that, although In her mortification she will not condescend so• tall; to follow Mettle, by endordnalhe prone eitlcnes, she will stroegly recommend the Cur not to miss the present notoudon Of making peace. Bite had indeed no Alrerostbre but to take this tone, Mime it is an unezitirpled pecu liarity of th e present war Unit Bitola morally stands alone, and that even among her friends site has not one _who dares to brim the verdict of the world by _6l.titmpting a word: of justifica tion for bet. Orzotemos. Talc rzeOz PhoneaLl. . , The hadtprndese• Bello gives the following as the text of the prepoeitlons submitted to Russia by Coma Dsterbuy:— • . "i• 7 4 2 U54X "Complete abolition of !helloeslan protecto rate. The Danubian Principalities aka receive 110 organisation conformable to their wishee, to their wants, to their intarests, and this new ergapitatlon, respecting which the population Itself shell boeoneulted, shill be reeoplied by the contracting Poems and Sanctioned by the Sultan as emanating from his.sovereign Initia tive. No State shall be able, nodes , any pre text whatever, tinder any form of protectorate, to interfere - In the question of the interns! ad ministration of the Principalities, they shall adopt a definitive permanent system demanded by their geographical petition, and no Impedi ment can be made to their fortifying, In the In terest of their safety, in inch manner as they may deem advisable, their territory against for eign aggression. exchange for the strong places and tent toriu occupied by the allied armies, Russia oon sects to • rectlfloation of her frontier with Turkey In Europe. It would commence in the vicinity of Cbotym, follow the lintof the monn tains, which extend in a southirastarif direction, and terminate Duke runt. The lice (trace) shall be-defieltaly regulated by the general treaty, and the conceded territory would return to the Tklncipalitles and to the enseralnry or the Porte., "IT. rn buns. ' , The freedom of thoDermbe and el Its months shall be eglesetatedi assured by , toropean ulna:lone, In which the contrecting Potion shall ho' equally represented; except the pirttoulu posittonsbf the lords of the gallon the :Denis (do runerates), which shall te iegalated upon the principlegestabliehed by the set of the Congress of Vienna as retards the narbpition of rivers. .Eaßt she emitrantboirTowers obeli hiiri:the right ,to keep smear two =mil vessels Rationed' -at-the meoth orthe- river; destined to assure the execution of the aiguladosa rolnden to the freedom of the Danube. 40 /IL_MTBIPS/11/031.01 . 1„113 macs au. ..This sea shall b* open. to. Merchant closed to ;gar note" (medulla 'militaries): WW I • qnently no navel militaryarsenals shall b& ern; sited in'tettintained there.- •The protectibisof the nommen:dal avid marldese Interests that nations shall bea,enrodisthe respective Vence! . the - Math Bea by,, the 'establishment Of; betitailens comfortable to International law, •;lam l to the 6sustocie sanctioned In smelt matt:ere.: lUD - taro ' oven which hold the coast engage-thenisgilies: to mahititin Daly Ali:number of light thileelikof a Iliad lorce, neneitiery; - for thee coed -ear. doe : This contention,.; eicaseloded.,,separately between there two Powers, chair fern Pert es an annex, of the general treaty. r after receiving the apipinvithof. the,. centrurtleg ',parties— Thu issitarateconthethin tiennottio entmliethoy hied.? thieonsent thCalga iregy the general treaty—. Tha*athisst Will admit the MeDtiele: !emery vessels mead s r tier ;. . - • - • 'jec "IV. ensurruar eneJkore or ram Poh. "The llLlMOnitieB tee, the Porte shall be religiously preserved, ',lth— aca Infringement op the indspendeuce and lig-, pity of the Sultan's crown.As dellberat one are taking place ween paatrls r Priem., Great Britain and the Sublime Porte-to rano the Christian eubjects of the Bolton; their re. and political riglits,Bozzia shall be M. .vited, when peace is made, to amoebae. er self : thereto. . _ . . ..!.The ,trelligmeet Powers t m. settee the right which appertains ,the of producing in•Bureptea • Waren 9 13 4 g lions over andalVire the .fetir guamenteen.l! . ratt Wi g from St. Petembergh, , the 10 of December, e t that the I tusa.... of War hid cloned, and wee reportaa : se way tlO - that In the mint of atuaherrAklila. the Oritocaelual be given up, and, the O . power , of reshstenee be coocentrated' An a . points; M even believed that a pet* of , the Bassalarkforce in the Crimea boa idruidy pe. Mites orders _to . retire northwards upon the great central army, while:slather_ porttoc is destined to reinforce the army in the Cremates. Itfs oleo intended to fortify, as far as L oossible the entire north coast of the Bay of Pinhc,4 from, Abe to Wyborg, sad behind these lines Co concentrate the, old, of the army, to be reedy for any attempts that might be mode against' the capital.. Everything points to • removal nt' hosttlitdes from the South, to the _North of the Petmerimane Lmtelarecia.., ' '• samm.-4an Boucher, read in plane a bIU to looorpotste the .fluffalu, Bradford and Pittsburgh Railroad COmpany. Mr. Wilkins submitted a preamble and reaola tlon our Senators and ritineisting our . Representatives to urge andaulvocate the pin esge'by Cangreee oftinoh lets as trill apiropfl ate ampleautne for the completion of Ptyrt , Ders. ware, on the Pea Pafettleland, and- for the non.. Direction and armament of all an& additional battetteir as May be needed to give that comma crated sad etitabined ore ripen the channels of the river, whleh would render their passage Int. practicable town enemy'elleet. The resolution vas dlseuseed ell &rand Lid °Yen . . Houss.—The Hones resumed the considera tion of the bill to repeal the Aet to restrain the sale of intoritiating liquors; the question being on the indefinite postponement of the bill with the amendment, which was discussed tin the, adjournment, when the Home adjourned to Monday, . Sine:,.—Jan. 19.--Mr. Jordan eubmittets resolution, which was adapted, calling on the Auditor General for a list of thaw bank, which base foiled to return to him the amount of un claimed dividends and deposits. A large amount of unclaimed money Is said to be doe the /Rite from these banks • but they treat the law with contempt, there being no penalty for ncn orm. plianco with it. The bill to extend the provisions of the man ufacturing law to those who extract oil, &a from coal, was passed. Mr. -Wilkins' resolution, offered yesterday, was discussed till edjourntoent. Sexara —Jan. 21.--Mr. McClintock read in place a bill to incorporate the New Castle and Darliopton Railroad company. Mr. Jamison submitted a resolution request log the Canal Commissiosierato inform the Sen ate what is the number of Tricks now on the Portage Railroad, fit for use, and what measures are necessary to bring beak the trade to the Main Line of our Priblio Works.; together with pooh other information as they may deem proper. Bead twice and adopted. Mr. Straub, a resolution instructing the com mittee on Militia, to inquire into the expediency of introducing • till-for the improvement of the system, which was adopted. Mr. Frasier moved to proceed to the could motion of the Senate bill No. 62, to erect a tiew county of parts of Fayette, Washington and Westmoreland comities,- to be called hiletnnts.; beta ; which was agreed to, the bill being on second reeding. Mr. Flenniken moved to amend - the first sett don ' by striking out all of Washington county, embraced in the bill The litleadment was disagreed to, and the bill passed second reading, by a rota afl6 to 18, and was then laid ove6 The two bonus_ then went into Joint conven tion for the election of State Treasurer: Henry Megrim had 79 rater, Eli Slifer 42. Efroan,—No business of importance was trans acted. Jan.. 22 ° The two homes went into joint convention to open bids for the poblio printing; but the printing committee- having • mew pro ject to submit, the bids were not opened and the convention adjourned to Feb. &tb. Elanaria—kir. Wilkins read a bill in place to abolish the Northern District of the Supreme Gonna • Mr. Wilkins' resolution, In hwor of an appro priation for compledng Port Delaware, was de: bated and passed„ yeas. 22, naps 8. Senate EDI Leo. 62, to cited the neercounty of Monongahela ont of parti of Fayette; Weatz o " - laud and Washington counties came up in order, and passed finally—yeas 17, nays 9. Messrs. MoClintook and Wilkins both voted for it. Mr. Wilkins called up &Mate bill No. 90, to explain and modify the act incorporating the Pennsylvania. Railroad Company. Mr. Wilkins explained the object of the bill, to enable the company to porohase certain prop. eftlor a depot in the city of Pittsbur gh. T tilaidl gaud 11E1'W/oral Evading, the title 'befog iimetided'tO noidorui to Its provisions -maktog itkead ' , An sot to enable the Poway!. canto Railroad Company to purchase and hold certain real 'Mato In the city of Pittsburgh." Home -•The prints calendar was taken up, and a large number gawk among the rat the Moving: "An Act to repeal an act regulating the pub lic pawing In the north part of Allegheny county." "An Act to S ep set, entitled 'An Act regulating the - mode of voting-at epecial, town ship and general elections in Beaver and Law ranee counties,' pasted the lifthAlay of May, one thousand eight hundred and fifty four. The Bill providing far the collection of claim against steamboats, canal boats. and other water graft, and authorising proceeding, against the the same, by name, in the counties of Brie, Craw ford, Mercter, 1 Lawrence and Bunn wee loth 7eaa 48, payee. • The-supplement to the charter of the Lebanon Valley Railroad Company, coming up on second readiagrwas amended so as to reimpose the ton. nags tax, which habeas' repealedand was then paned. AzerveL Peon LAX 3 Borallos.-;-'Doct. M. L Hewitt arrived In this city this morning from Marquette. The Doctor left Marquette on Reducelay morning, January, 9th, to a double sleigh, making the journey to Green Day In four . days. The snow - was about two feet deep. The mercury at Marquette, at the - Take level, bad' been-down to isg , below sere. Two other teams also came out st the same time, which were loading with pork at Pon du °to return.— Teems we coming-out every weak, and no drive need be longer than twentydve miles. he doctor teports *tall sell" at hirequette, end In good eondition and spirits. apsolled trout are caught In abundance by tutting holes through the ice In the rivers. Provisions are plentysa Senors! tbing, although at Ontonagon some wades rule high, owing to the failure of two freights to min 'at that port before the dose of tuthigatlon: . ''' • lieu Teu'ideejinu spent after the manlier of the lest of mankind, in calling upon each other, and bountiful tables werespread and pad cheer was the order of the day. The Cleveland Iron Company have finished their relieved to the mountain, and have the cur ;malty to deliver a cargo of ore each day upon their spacious dock at Marquette. •The only question 114 whether shipping facilities sufficient will be-afforded to tatty of the ore The - Sharon Lem attorney will be able to place daily a Ulm amount upon their • dock, and sterythiog premises the liveliest coming season since attention tea been called to-Lake doperior .reeouroent.• The - investment of the Oloveloget Ooknpipzy ls over Two "-Hundred and flinty Thou. • sand Gollors, and not . until now hes the Com- Puny been In .full operation. . The point to . which "the , Clotibutd Company wUI ship ; will be this 1 city. Thifolisroti Company will-. ship aids' 'bre to Erio, , tbeetockboldoto-to. that Otoopsoy bea tog !stunted et that point. lota Chimplak Ore has berotoformiotiti R*ltetrpoo,;a4 Leto tt tbo,utoot of: SO,. - GOO tent Mit/IV:tin 14a S# peuigr otoyrill • drive the Champlain ore out Of the market, the '.fittOir Witt worth intr: thi 100 Is 3 to /. tgspeteind Redd. LunrikillanOrPOTt,rllW Bu sr " ° E, 1 4211 illtifilandliUliaiiiihibur-lr. sic greiteObini - tiltbidattP 'rankle atttribntedd to "Tontine haelejnakin the toatlagement of err ereVeribilinpOteoptinetatii. In working they AmPosiiii.ntgeppialmo inch per diy, "eying ee ugh irrary,:week., Tits. cash. inkedtip the, best anetztesof the table agate:a-and Alva a lifOntniir before seen:or besed:of no the sugar Cube and ear Eionthon States arelitetlto hits; in 1'1617 few yeah„ Zia oppor funky tetatenireeide - by :en et way *geld tercel,' aeatlUrd Musters' of free,and stave do'irstlio ihrilrok“ f thirmselves. . 74 . km% UME LXIX-:•NUMBER 184 &ores mt Ealuo.--ffirdney Smith declared shot the 'Ulmer he Heed the niereltrieiii ..ced_thar. the apothecary is of mom Otiportaace titan Seneca; nod lhat half the ,tintteppitimmin the Wdrid - proceedi fronsiltitir n duct 'clineett up, from food prefab:ll'in tie titrotig.Plice, 8o The 'deception," be "nye, " pratitica upon' Inman cresturee to curious cud entertaining. My friend imps lite; be 'aim 'tune won soap. then W' lobster,: . then some tart, andlte dilutes these esculent earietlei with wine. The next' day I call' veld; blat.!'"Me to going to Belltda house to London; Wad to -retire into tbe, the country. .Hd fe 'alarmed - for. his eldest &lighter's ,hatli.b. Ma expenses are hourly lucrualur,,Wethlng but a timely retreat can nee r ildte front rain: All this is the lobster; and whetranierezetted - nature - bar had time to =sego thin testacionsincumbruce, the dough. ter recovers, the finances are in good order, and every rural idea effectually "excluded from the mind." In the lame manner, the witty assayist goes on to allow bow old - friendships are des troyed by touted cheese, end bard salted meet hoe led; &young lady re..iding in' Ccunberlatid County while sleighing alow nights * ago; was friritou to death. She had coMplainedotcold, but reseed to got out of the sleigh on Its arrival st - a tavern, saying she felt comfortable etiough,hut on arri ving et home she was assisted out of thealeigh In a state of stupor, and expired shortly - after. Tax report that Mr. William Russell,j 'the' Cri mean oortexaondent of the Loudon Thnei, - bed been drummed out of the British ounr for his etposurenf the drunkenness of [Witten, is de dared to be ehtirely untrue. Josephine Loans Lee, lately of New York, the, possessor in, er inns:lshtar onithen dred ind fifty thousand dollar, has become a Berman barman, by marriage with the Baron Louis da Wasebter, Chamberlin to kb Majesty the King of Wortembarg. The New Orleats.Corealar atthastier' the. eot ton crbp for 1855 et thria and a half million of balm The first killing frost was ma the night of the 25th of December.- NATimalainto/.-41n Blaine Leglalame ha* repealed ape law of lass IMMMM prrIMMIMg the State Coerce from rittomlisios Om& Valuable Psdpetty. foi Bale.' • RY 'trine a•mt pant:Mane Of an order of tbs Cowl ofelonosOn Plass. of llitilldfiatan county, In tin Btata of Mao, toads at do October Tortn, lass, sbassof, to inistato *nolo/mato pon4tnat4 wbseolla CasaP" bd. rob.. Uela vacs plaintiff's and tbs.Ziwasvill- hog. log WM Col Sad Maw, solo dofoodarsta old s oftor to T at th e &or of Lb. Wart /loom *Coal moats, at o'clock. M. on 1431:11L1DAT A thrust do* cflabcoss7. 1486, span tbs tam. sal cawing nobsaal nonaloto ed. Ms tub/nine NM a of land gloat* In tn. gay at •Zsglaasillalo sans calmly of Idocklugson, that Is to Os 1: A cattalo 011,1 Of net Oinveysal b 7 seal of , guat chain. so Wall= T.Dacla, M Masa ganok Jona I/. Jews, bast I/angina. J- h,, gatom/n Loud ~d Jobe Xmas patturs ttada In an nuns Cr 0.21.. Janolit Co, ay Omar loltau and .11stgang Laca, his ohs by deal of quitclaim b.aring data this 11.10 day nook 24'. . In Me antsdont Teem of sold oo.tYln nook No: lava 070, to and enticapal by 4.02 f quit gam Learms Oats t.b• MO day of .1 aro, lala by Um asla Joan band' and lfgaaLain :saassl 01. •, WlLlan. T-Isaro sad Da,. Mr w Nos Jun. a.d Samna Jam,. John James and Mary Junes Ms srlfc, Bonanza, Laudgtat numbest, Laud I:ot.ohinturo.l2o.ltooapi7o.llllng Merced.kl,4l4:,* 01....T.00,11.2n ant no. Aj ti Vt:r.truo4hoo.oalcr=gle% rdl=4.*:. town auto eityi ot 7...atoTtotk It Mos ttia bailloos of land astcad a 7 loonidaal. fismllloalataagstoosnald af I n. Moo, the Ctato of oboe, 001 null3b•ni. io lots as Ina Normand i !add asulition asnolabla so • teosislof gma of sald adultlan .o 00004 the ficaddsga ogloa of sald gnomon /2 county, which said lot of land au canvas ad to Ilia Bald Zoossalbs fbul lag NIL Csropany to L. b. Haman. one atolta..a //amllue bls sgs, tr,Daaloternott thotr oktort.toT Act boartno duo tno nom 0f.1aan517.1132 ana otoordef to Too • Soo of SW 1 I a gaskingciton.ty. Boot ea* one 16 W lott taltabom desarlted puma of land Pam Men appraised at- the sulfa of Shpt Mew 1 booms& flaw Uwe Mars, .154,tt0k m r bir MU as • ir amid op= the tam.f llowing, to mt: a hof thamondriallara Moak In band. and the Wants In thrift, tonal pat ntazda.pas able in me, two and gar yeas. from Me day to min Mtn tato:fan trona Oats, to Da aleissed by Martgart saran the promises. Zatiteekle Polling NM la Mimed tiponflte4lierra deferr bed • lint an s Maio learnig framaers. an axis ammo% hammer and Mtnw camel. u tun:Mama iCarlAtO asisa fa gooks two i and all the otoulaf Oita,. to :aeon acto:. co, th sosand li kJanaln oar Oar: tarot.- ed eitit too eogiase. a orkiamsr and hammer: ahem to mad mall inkloortM sod .rasa NW/. too:P* 41.. um roll mane, slob , aall =ado.% liso bollittag bang nub, Mr • . and plessangty Jointed. qd Um am ma Of ma ut th e toommot Mb mill la nalfersaly manend ortmen. Al ant and orate Whopamnia of water la toesfanaggaram Maior * * man good mel at a km Ist* ma be .041 Ot tbaltallailbons delay Ma yaw rota I.- • : Parties mating to enter at onm neon thogiumkatura 'of lam am regmeelod to 'ands Mose mina. tote veleta licaLl 'Mika taliost gam in amapate rsordag ardor. aDIiN 11 KULP, Amigo" kanamllla, Okla Tiertmletllmais - •- - iksrarratUs6arler4 • Wium•O's Improve* Poe and Wfuer r Prow Conumition begatlor the last-elovies pars =- IA alonlnai ensued In t emmvtctuf wof the atone• nennt. tn. Innnb nwn '2* an to. Prinerted Metes of Ito , Linton, dada' widen &Molt to. tem lamed ands may twisty of onmunstances oast teen Imbotreed aptly one. MI eemy*, ermtenee Wowed tbs. 11 andil be &Altos wen b. .flownianna twernsto to do amt.= tds r city /641r.and Wolin to roe. ea the /mei to 1144. botbortbienibbe they trewported ow men and materials trims Pl:Verne Waimea oberge,l we haw Wen Induced to own • of con Waimea in this rity, end bang bremedle3. orders to say caw= .41 mumidently Mier our =Ana to the flatrow etre Mine eithens orPitteburgit - sod n • lesMty tre cheap nela. &crab/111y sat perseAsenterno wommilbtejla aced meta Mader It the meet deedrable =nog in we, . test pitob ibe th is roofing is tram cont brat to ow then foible lind-..bat ire ems off Annesbiectroametano Itg i lelVertmett n irldswo "" nisr " Mint MWorened by Ude wand +tee wer mettles =of Webb{ Anal USW moil •• I. 5 1 , Pene LW be some Mow tOO% widenmill : amazed. tar notber btfonnattonend sit at oar or. Ons. All work warrantwi. "" M W. 411855 f 00., 24 fifth stert,Pittsbornit. Tree abut* twang May balm on the busing bin*, M.10•1/031 . 14 . 0a1r a rar Wad Pttilki linute•P: =Ann ding. Insdafied4 51)0Te kourth; Cwt. • Jett (film Detane• new Marabou" Third below Sleeken Almon hero ruth on, below raid:dean Illienell. Herron is Y /foundry BraidinAm ItTerusefe Anotton Itcorem in admbear etsr— U. Cato' fim. newer atm; snow %do, Peter Petexamre new weeebeew fedora. rt above sootneon. sele-Irrodi net.% JOHN Wm. GII/HEY & CO, BANKERS; Nos. 45 and 47 South Third &zest. PHILADELPHLA. VOBEIGN and Domestic • Exchange Gold ju chased at an* W the ee khes Cline sad ell comecesd Bask Slop% pare e ream Kuban" moll amnstis "Into ln the Mated list" No min tinoctioos oudo *IN onneotam". and oottl" at canna ma" Ntorontm Insnott oninothollott wt." " CM lima and Oan Ding" each Pant" lend" [boots" of the mono matt" pima" Sonignaml Asemissathin nblionne end C =ony whorro. ova Nlngdolot OntO too nt7 nt.l4 to Mkt • W. nomina. • NI.LPJ 07 BTOCIES Br ArPrION. JORN Wm. OMIT, ' .Amodopor &cob, Onho bola. it amendphis Zoe m" "VOW min Of stmts. Poolla renalum momin. To Oft booth"' (Den 3n to he nth gin, Intreitting ettantion soot iondta aim tor mai at Immo" PoOns chum oarsooro. tan aloe" iron at rat to , tho fawn" MU po cont.-0 mutto. volomontas tbs. Oom positt NOG many anylas the pea, , thiChlohne 1171147 Nottor cent op" Det vaJno. cunt to mood "tam" oho& It 01 tos coot. noon oath odranco, etch carom PM of kiln" mil to N. ii.e u rt of Stock in. In hi O . ,11; 1;Ith late" quotation; an booms at Ono uttosatos a l sad .7 Moth Third "mot. PbßoM•folgo. "15.4 NMALLS -176 kcite =ea sites In 'wine and kerb, by ,at LU. W. L6O PIEU2BI-4 ' " 7.8 ' 4-4 .. 64, 6-4 aad Float di Flo Oil Meth, beeatlful stets+, bet Teed • the Pallilpeellie • 11 theta Friary and be We el ow .• aromas. tio. 110 Menet et. J. * El. ell/ LW*. MOLASSES -100 bbla Pontation !Gial -I`}7_o to auto pet swam. liaahrwroa Cab for dmIJOEI2I ZWID• gn, 2 I Liberty a. and I:s liocd Wk. DYE FLOUB-40 tads cltoioo Flour jcat "At"' "'"*"'" tim • co. 'F. ?I;es-6 flub aqm'`Lol fluEtar..--75 Dome prune W. it thatnig fcr • I. W tiltlrlit I DILWORTH. ItEANB-6 bozos Wait° Beans fur •ale by Lip 1.16 tannin aluwourn. 008-1 bbl medal:4 for solo lir .1:a 2,16 BELL "e LIGGETT. UAW Y F 'a►tons nds c 6• Ice 2: ss,,d. bs lets L"! . uonrrr. LIMLE SOAP-10u boxes AS nuiiiar's l'ede ii- d f"P. • 12 ; 44° T "'kirks *tryrza. nRT&D precuEs—vo soaks for sale by .11 • .4111 • •eYiIILYAIIt lIIINTEIC 1 8 THE F 17 RTII"Continandimenr binding outruns,.trti th. normisoodase tow/Lah U,l mdi.. Jag lantrillqvuolvatg.. TUT. PUBLISUELV-Lookia. ??A's/Z, °l.Zeigtin4grvon= gran: . I:4 41 V rac• t fr 1441411 A Was TeCed—kkk for fide b ' • 3110 BELT. k L'COCTI. jix:)..-45 lacks Pagohea for at b, ant uaosr-' (308-1. box Eggs for eilertu . . 1:4 JO. • D 00. C 4211.31 —6OO lbs j aat re.:7,d and fte gala* LOU AI . aTU.LERJI /WO. DYE )1-100 bbl,. reed and fa' bs tale J• 11 ULL t MOM. W. a, PENN: rbol ,mn it aura l I !by alib)' /an mug MOM aOO CORN 'BROOMS -104 dos; No' 1 and 2 ar Oars Branmannninlns on eanorn ATWILI. t awnt. and gala Jal4 far XTRA doles large due win nee Yana Enos s. mu Um mut slaaattapira tat sue tmtbs or Trail enannial vi 4 W a. MaCIZEG. bblsNoiLardutstore taultor LAtaibr • ,Jar at uourr ,111/CKWRZAT 110178-5000 MR. reed. 11111 *.ifthr bs 1.7 - HELL 'A Marl% URltargE D Gum su t l ar er p. tv ueaciartirceiabiemn in k imes ay /a -9 uabinitie eats iclanta m at s Ur Mullion I Milt= br QL ) 4 ,4 . 01'