n. : • PITTSB Ten Aux* - ha . eguyatgri*i, Suass.,3•'.iSS*lfr -•trigi•td Atata' 7 6 o paper Rae; *Wks, 8000 engines,lsed frollathigPithe,reut: 2 T o,ooo ,o oo . lioupde 4,f-paw; 1 414 Je. Tank at-10 agate , per ponn4l,TV,oo6oo:l o T , rUthiei cs o otity of paper 406,000,000 poliedf of rap te quired,-11 :pound tor lege Deng r -Iterteeinil' Ottf make .R d 'Pf M g r . ; ,TE e .n l O of these rage, sF '4 - olautts!Potitia , 011 48 A 0 4 000, . Thu cost of labef;ht nirenr - upou each pound of papera The oostielehora there fore Red tit 675,000 1,--year The, tOgt CClastlattitligt% wade from latoPilidil -1 6, 5t, 0501 ;90'; makes (be' fetid past Vao2s,oobat rfatnntaiitUr-, lag ;taree , 5i01t114447,000,000.• :Welinpose'regis for thisltiltStussr,AclltlfsniiniX countries, the'.asaciunt in 186neiii 22;766. , .. 000 pontde,"islittiL'„s9l3; .. ,07; • Italy to this greatest solute of ''sUppli, banging:tell/ow mop fifth of the islible;:eittalsat e „krimliti , ..e9pgr_bee ben grutko;Y Eoglaudyre.tsaposteuaAtainAllis-pourda,ln 1853.: The corouf •Ituroste4=sage- hat titteyriterolisstel: —lOO, 3.ol , :aenter3E6l;3:464lista; 'Mg: 8.42 onto; 1855,''8.110- , erehte. ,.. ThCatittetynytion of paper in. the -United - Statei hi -tq that - OT N za Franco -.figettieikimelb fags% slue,, , 13001MMURIC , &C. P — Lek NQS. ...Eo)Witzetrisensignorot:. N VV.ARK.I' ikrx xo*.liitvlbrawk v" , " • " :KUSER 8R0.,_ 631 , MliEtzeit,"i 'abari iroktbs. - 4 , 44:45j14 - .7: 1 lasl}seseivek the, first few .of ~mrtrWGlig • ...ti oo i• 4 r, 2 .4 2 Zf #` clign r Ids aboies 56 will ovosriNe " 1-174778 d .( oterNiVsls6 tees" 1.• dee r*•577611055Ne5t7911116,1 ..!P 66" .29 55. 159 5 5 7 . 571 , 56..75105 51 9 25 7_76 1 .:k. " Nyi ciotifflo. aoalbiiiikr‘ emu* imisau;said.: ri „„isamiimkis4o44lA d e*L: ,. .;,t. , U . .l' • . 4- 1 14 1 1 , 1*. 4 .A4kt 21"."3111 1L1116.14414g4_ lotr d gusts for rutabisegh awl now 5095 " t i gls " tit. 7 4s7 ti114551145a. CHIOS:B=4G &SONS, ,- 1 • iloarepriop , ong Alta 3111 , -:!. , • - • JOHN. U. - "lfft 1.; L 0 7 14" , . -- 1 ". : - -7ka:,'BlAlttoittltii+4; 7- : . ~, t Am / iusT-ItEtttrkl) !SWUM'''' lir l u ismzewmem Too of emir YlndttitassSnwVlCll Ptata i ri . . is XIV . 14 iltdroarreladan& !Vol WOW n:a As. Ant UM odd SYS= amta. to try Persons o_ _..t• sta„ _to tw 'Um nag boantlltaWladd now mad. mot Two YlfsLora Oka lIZIVIA i i LLP/ft44lVags3 =V"tar ' "t'...4441r4.1.1= alto Iv,. ;data &WAS losniaraira Surly v • Vil m lbslewl book and Ir Mon atoll- Two Clarvad Roassoad V arab. Mr• gybe Salad lawr, carved ram tad n 11.4 "ow-Dew:Laws= • W=2,lW3 back and boat aft. "th Mb Manta sidatalkt 2. _ , WwWWO. &ratio 'Teerwl 'caftan, _'-The..ax oetvror. wawa aser Inalitallkwandarlthfltddr. al'ings Patentirod Mum Prim, SSTS rob. •- Saran Ilanawood and otsck ul y . kHz Oin i E i lanc• all =ads. wall, and seir 60 dzsi class Plana. and wittk‘fka_clwiTiPaanit S. . . , la Rui. N' , .r..144c0 .-, ,-,.,, 0. otablaSuitorrirfttlA.l4llllskhilieftsin; GRAN artaTielloe Iniarnerval neat: UMW of lonsorlth alkatrltm MONYAnInow. vista wow dant the taw* so Bed and Slasila that - It Tab. by the wonstialbads UMW IPtineallW TT-71347i TIIIVNSW- PARLOR PRA.bM PIANN*4 - .: ALAN'otrinftftiniiiir tik pP . tatJra , Y nawlnalou:luntl ter .... . % ZitT 0101,124, '] t: . Ana , tr. bolay 1,..1.144.4 . . , C EtkittiOlta4k. I NO. In .122 SET. rnrssoßez- , reoLtrs ritigtire stook of y e il . rfoo:of 11'111PC t zli A " I cxk ii mr. ; 11,1 N NA _lo.*.ou • Totiktar ß T4 ' mpt c P. "'"*" .:i.d. , fr= SUS SI.OOAI . ri•la rah ina niiiiciron tlai = 1, 14.7511. nom Qrsevel Anaftsirmisto bars bees anon uttiiiike imatilibeturuk ' by Tibia t*iriliativrelonti amnion limer WON* outs d'earnertr b. 6 lUD the imeortibrint tli• 66,11. Evert Mon not 1 Mtb..abamtwrrl..arrwtd eaetiat In erect rev, c . t 011 . 11 a Initial =sane irilisturni Nnsiol 'Mum! Mullet- `i• (s....meTs to T. _ Thablixhers ofActeno And Dealara m all luau 'Enka :21eitkvidisep Pia in Ilatil2 r atA rvorv . 0 11S diatgg 6- or 1.!.:43P:1it. I I all the Le; itatip cma Z pategttrt4 au/in . ..an of. to 'La* Vitae,, dant dtahL sad. au the malt yttlatkereene !,tats. ..X can rOtTar.iel ....i104c6f5111 3 1,,,, ayt t.wWirs.fdtee.ehMrga7,ioit,r_i.a-..= Stand ,d ORE NEW-Atilk,-6001),BooKti juit Av a 1 .110 ar t ginwsava.vpsiquALgi n i i trLi b "-rmiVatpd-aos; Wir...",____ ,•• . . • 'rho Pfrokoorwror Thy% . ? Xmiii@e . ,. pw• .. . -.:, •:, : Inukto low's WOrl g ' .' ' A ; • N it —"Ore %a tibilijsmod.. Ppls mond ow tbo Ps iltdi ' tr: a _.orbwaa' &at 'ingot wor; T r soak w lawair TRIAI , IIS,=. Curio , or Fitotorp , Ooottleb • ! WIT tor - vita% Kato Kilboro, orßomptog o& roller ot.roankr khxdowk lorbouw, at* Jo Are-bow:do= posarPo Hollow Ezetottfool if Oa Coarch o r Meld, • 000planout toad of roktrwaray ismoboorartwk Do Torooorlier Dom.. —-- - - - TUE HISTORY, OEMLULDISCOVERY ASIVIMITLEMIPIX4O pan t n i sto . %ke t atd , v e r ttir tor_ to .LLttEirM" VAl74,Z e `tio• ireti% _ _ cxQ gummy OF &NOLAND. frositheterraeldn'orulhs Omar to the death of .ILe PLlNent*Goldniallig WWI • oontiaustim ißrogrurd2W ..".41r9jabr Feria I-7 BOOKEW=The ,Airdiiiiiiinsi . . a. Tom illkelsellin Tibe. A* IltelOtsra 511414 g ., IN - D , ortirgWteVie a tiu Althea 'hovel's la allellfesud.ladesit flew zeta 0~l a =mu borsoms to , l'aM. , Mauna Imo Boeshor'e totter. to the Peophs.Aban.Vd ri.4.4......Likka1th. talus sardrlahllbc 'Haw istabllahtuest, Iselle.rl, .4. Al rteltr 1 . 1 ?•,r ; :k r !l a :V I . 0 ii -16: EZAT4,70 , 11110 . .: . 1 uladiliGlS IVORlLBOTnifarin.:&clition, • i ,ft: The Ead or the ProemialMrlto Of tibia okra &Ebb die rotfon./ To , •,, ,•,• ~. q.... - '' 1f ' ". enzpVra 110 int errlfirrielm{ r I . nf.„, Do on in i !.. 2,1141, 1 ,1,. ~ I . ~ . nix= o ftnk iloink - oirVinortir.Porn sal Tattoo, I vol. Minor W0r1u..1.41f1 owl 24 raise, Ivo4 ..,... r . = • 1= 1 robe llentrin . • 'nf ‘ 2ll faiA;i l . ; ' ensrlotio - nrobotlet Worinl l2l . } ". - 6 '."'' ; '''' ' Joys Manioc eteillif RIPMPIIy Cools. Amory • . "IrgaVai Ilf‘"Pau'l,figkr Ii: "- . ' Now to from Atorrfesin • :11, IL Uolon and Proobxttrion•Dropearralfol' 1 14". 1 1.° 1 1 of bootn ono non syn UM In On O . " •11.11 &put mate Diaries lin.l . intensrAt j . , tat urn/ a . ---- in , ... — isrtiv - Davisoci t g , Thiatrloginly Bans:jutgu naffarkst.rxr ib Eth at ~ :.....,. i =ll l ltrotoe ;.u.% ' A .,, i T/ .. i: 24: 3 2::r 1 4: ".. If I; ' rastr.r. Th. ino , a whd. NA It mil l l l 4lll s l7 Niint =ion 'AVOW , 1.. NNgw PUBlaCaiOn a lei. Aiimebteir. b. - raft asolluir t = of ..r.sw Ualeais=r l =l=trishe Zaktmassa4 ua tkelaapritotentlirrilmllawatindOrl:beop ,. 41.2 k ataprvt •aminAlkumical b.27...vvn from letuei 14brurnfA Perko of Alui einet vpswaiguip, aidltigtOnt.n. (*idiotism i lts. =lstail; T y en at ... 1 1 4 Vit i gotravd tti N. op. Sl= Nametrof , Drapluo: mare Jsr vin snentasest of W. lca . TraTIO. Ihmalftll4M7trir . Br oOK3vOTIQO CtO 01fFouT SALW-+;. nowt e§savennvimna+PAtatave haw oath. .1V:26 1 11470 7 1g:e 11=1:11"Xrd r 1 Jtiogui!WllVl y trt art lettnatiodlo *et mum ttrt Welt. ittittotus P'l4, at low itievi anti tistilne ; TMPOILTANr NEW J,AW . BOOK —A, 'i0 A07:1311'74 . 1411.17`,"= Ror JILIti - ir WOMIL.rt., lgApaliltl l l. !WARM() PAPER —Joh a. . litdigi„ _Lad it. ism llet s itte Z i rtet=rtar 471 * taltaidslimLejl3664ll‘ Mt; Tilitedlif Plum. esamthl Nett ta bindsta• num.) imaittie.ltatimapinajtermomiPsiper% Ect..t, Writs eik moist WNW W! riga, ArOC.CO, BELTS44ffe have just; ..rtme4l Pri Fuer*** 012**mM:rate, PAW orml Balp. . oat , - - . .- IMb- vike ' . , T,M ". t 00»-ES Irecd West. p w , Al tan APPLE — Gambrel ad sad foNee*DY 4,w vir Voila*lll didthyl,_ 0 42 . &..104171141- BOXESIV hit* Pipme for eidetry f Baxialion . 0050 C Tr acclo„ BLAOK LEAD-10 bbls, , bescrWarlAmd, tzikrfiro; RT.).* 4:101100MPLUM 00. ethritibefilloirvi fat asto by oak !""V Afwaym-- swan. - - - SYSZSIVI-kr t ctiggild f -• 1 MONSTARIE•e. Itilll2rOit DESCOUNT. ~,- , .. ,-.OBIIOI.IALTZT WIZ MI 111.1111114 TX . 4 DT, AINAIN3 /4.80#. zoksre- say ifarbil li &AIWA Aini-aidlYWaistPtigarries P C ~.: MINIITLYANII. Snaudist Xmas-- % :Sank of Pialr; ti., Cia=l Z klaarsra et de!— PC Clir .113‘,ChnieL 6 . g'"" ---:-.t. iml.. . ~.,.. „gi.,..776. - . .10 01 • Pt=sbitA. d."-"" . eauVride.s.. l{.l 7 111'' ! i 3 . 34 .10 i . . ) e nk ' 6 4 • ' idgf.l4l24l"i. Kansthirtca 8ui1L....4. tit lAsin_af•lszeMseb.7 -.0-10•- •istk Bask.—...--1.9k 1 / 00100 "°t N k kr.. allaathßilak-----1 1 . 01askoftlio - ale7 ot e l r . "7B ffaßkstgrnfW.A(ga.;:2:i*k wraten — Bank-- . g Skl L" E "riltn a LlarOki t 2i g t e l e beda te ar • CR;r r e 4 1 . . y. • vra 4A 8ank....-1... • Uso •ts 2 likoteust...revAßZ' Pels=s6A VKirB E. k us t an ea meebueriii . arkesbtas. - Skkissialos &WOO . ♦ k W.ehlokba. ru k ol i kketW z , ar _ Sk k a r guelleckt L Sonorts Til s u rr i rt= `AI Sink* Lisak..4l a.ac~.: ~ ~T: Bank of Pot • • • . t... n ir B , l4 " ' • at . _.._. , ..........3the...,... ailliMtot.;: . :do Eat maalrara.......^,-do at 4:kdolobari.a.:' do at Atatabola..... an at ailat...ULl2f... • Beata ltlagttaitt _ :.;.: • •• at t taltatoa.. :; :t a+ at at= " 4 . 4o-, 01 EiMili .titi:-......eni...4 - ' de ..... _.- er : :..........«...ry, MAI94e - iii' • 1446. • '*- ••• • 1 0 2 L I. de En* da , Z . -...---... llt I = L it- 7:i de l qa d gt-724: 1 ;Z• , ea ,et 114.4........ • dia Ofeldeede*e. tjt . :A u. . —......... :4011,0if IRSORAcCI .1 •7'.; • :41utiatesix • Nam Pref.44itmi. ~ QH~ pitutiv ..sedietziri ihiriani... i t, SITUAT's on Wilkins AmenA di a. taraba'irur t ab l Wm IM .th. was . trood di rimllrillitne t". 11k1Vllnil Cir m .....,anr......, - ... 10 ,.."'"Zr ' .ovoralor,exrust andialel TM= r w orettard i ro an IX t. dinft ll7 Ditto=lrd rat oTtortlac to mpromame Wo lave to atratWimtlif , GEO= r tes.. kor ! railk= t ic Zit! dr " w lgttoe • 3t..mdigoatmo ind ..... Yr . Mt 'a eibleVd. to taw...um warty: note r Vr ol 4 W w c i i=ite i silf ., Adto ~.....,.* ...1111.101=77:1 c . i Eltial retbrinal tnik atpittaThimilawdrid *I 2 1" ag =r thma d il = l 1 tatat"ti I 11" .!!. C r. Eo3oll6ll4sumeramvaMutrarwe.u -: .1 uotras.AND Ir. az a ill- ik aw: . " m ''' hWi lt " w rrt,,;:niMilf=ri m ik• art eld.GaNsuaa now /4490 ettarirttaxit a m=bidvitli lieseidestei,admithWlCV t' - Fru* Trem•ETlrgresul. .-. • -;,. .11 ot tid.mi mist a te: Cnt *aro teopeon4 m.. . ~a to Mime, imp Matta rimso ..4 Vki , I parr. Ram I Vitra to lam at Divar,wr__ v L a , woo Dwarf awil at awn i . allee rh t. imitsik w im 7ai. rar Xv or law .... :6 4 thimaada. are waallarlarprwaratWee Da laterall tl iatt r a l Mt and ww . pti Xi WIN Of '‘' OrderaNtt a ttr =Xi r. .p., Mr. It aa,abe Pragerr,lA = as Pam Awasa,42 : jaa t=tavasxr. ail Dwa Oakland. wine 1 4#1ffirkIFILD6011.12a. • - ••' • BATY/God flowers _ ARRANGHOUSSTS ham been ink tes Poserfotoes ree Ray Wood Ilersalhseretre saw t opepOror . lorositorrod eat Slams Ar d lo A sa Stownwer. •sekabeo owl gentleman ewe be Werm od oat sone. - tr . Orders Iter eo .hVk.l i ateakirstl At 411111.Weiw W 1 1 1 r„:"." :., : • ,_.' .. H ::.: 'Alt . E. - IVS - CATARTIC'PILLS. DPFIWE 14. their paweria. influence on do incronal Trarosid - roilitilllia Mood - and Waco bro lga b, == . lbA.Tah 1 11 T ml oar=oo of b=„ ~ mad, by restoring taw hairdo wake to roatiboaffrok whansTar root dal. se kmlnocala as sea lb. Taro caw. d 5,ac...., da anussinotstro of lbodt !lama. a! ,j.lb puma scs,..... tantalum sad Palau Imo* shoorearr of : dlsower abesolacc sire roma• : tnotistos - ro _lassabi. Prof. . assitid owl . aharsetsr c mho froblalha anaticiai . af.roallat • . 4.,.. ortilicata On tablisbro la in y nrs ard tint ammo. bb bit ,• es airs ,• Diadroar for • throe mita tho de la w Peyton been band to ran • • ism dinstril casco two/414day. ruck assail, 'dia.:to zanily moss rod towsis. Clootto.n.ta Is fronacalc. IT %ha assrirostrog easciat Wan ad, ha a ro s atone alia.. NW. tat can of both. No _Tan eau fool 'rat alias mil* • a strop habit of banT..aroscap Amid ba ca. li . pm b. 41.40 Pll7 ~tt, •_ ~ . . 1 ~ : ~ , pro Dromass. il i ntocroilana the calm Cl Tlsstar, 'ac as. and always anowaistrods trnaroichroron On t. Im—en stincalatethaltblataii itrarrdwaihr . ...,,,,,ig m,. . 1 : , miu..t rw r di I,m. 5 r ~ b o=t u r i a Tor a Toa=allcar ,- )daddy ,Thleic Trodunss mural roltoroldro of dile and Z ia: Meath. Vast tram Scar Os ahroarttlant sad ; wastist Sand Oftaiscarlia;ltatli;astirotY sad 11,1 . 6100 . ' p er ircoarasts fask lleadidor, .IVosrhfa *a tha • Ar it /6 ,t i, act lei , - italari: a tnas -dm ars t i r Obt u ra more franrot IlaTiraiil they-de.-TM semplatiar VAS to tan ,t aro roan the masa -I:lattirmse roam andisla A rAr . . ‘: Wiab..fra. re oaci n tractn a tflat iraa;roakr• sat FlUsfessly riamotly. •to Imp the b.srcNlS op ear- . Ow Irosiation will= y raw beam. to Mar ad =way! M any assalna .1 uries wee* Cl neer reh i stAseee . b." cildrocaina carassawrir kialan,ld to anza• asSa lola system Savo Ora IWISI' . I lathelrda Mama Wads* lroic NAM!!! . , I pray dot, I/ modal Sahib tWeryar abroad/ =iota.. •istfatawod the =aid Marro with ThaPisch: sk arn. owed ad Au or 'sane tha Amur atemer •rota.' ctila.tansaaccarzlerot tift wagt tai1aZi, ,, ,, , • , • . 4 , 1 robroP il° They alrnloa la int*, row dy and iTsaarrol . 1 li Zanclir S. Unt.'lll4,g lb. 'a t a g= , ..i . .154. II ten: plo;lrt ' 7 1,./my 11=30elsealtulerrsat.: Niarobillasa lIT 10 4 rT , Procratart aroalarodela SW rola I°l . ' h naliai , • aer ice &• id am( Liam 4. GA. I Mar tors44ll at. 1 a a /Aiwa - Tarr lil . l . lawslortisa Tiro. ata tha bloc anity,%..,: an. *malt Ihr t,21141a= astratui to eh. aoadis. la issilaraditrobr no ...ma • I Yen. roma total Obaanction roll./ duct which oanaloi tba tros Lahr clai dossarocasnala tha ti . L i a i r ararlaw Morose hised,o and danitaroae drab Irh Ardr,Onti ll" j = k .: alamilar,acattismiasad Our Prendlll, Protriab ronatoomaisontwor, law arosita, 1 sonrostlarawa and naclaarocsnarith srolattaas la I Achill ' , unsnap. sat noinatlasa wort .damitsinalloala aroma lbw* la wsa sofa c• In the 541 theaktn aro AY lip of thenyes %mom • inronlsit Tallow rocastoassalt , • - 'dal towns me to tactical* Oa whole *Titan initir 1 tilth e Palmy to lam: which lowans latilllans • larai WNW= shoUsc cilantro& droartaralto droorocua: 4* of thrro at Mar Metro.. 114 mint. alaiMa ht Pro •or taros tsr the atornUcx, sun meow a lbw clays:will Tr roam. thcransai of althea IrliaMma +lt Mislead to Darr rcirbValna whet you can anowthrol Ibr 25 contd. • . , by bbbyb„ Oft'atitiqcaa bi l f ttaargrez * and rohnahis w t , f iim .., Winc TI =el thomaroMkta Ma Illy bo . 5.7 . 121 .. 1 ... tiro itaVo th z=all' Sun as vlsacant 'acr taitae sad artidaly lobe has tow eactrosallirohcatro . tOtherirdawfarithiro a droner VW kit ' ;... ' E II: . - .0; ;A. T.E.11 . ; . . ' c ileilsitttsaimlNEdit. ~ ...?...,.;-_1; -ttrAj t asarT.twa w iro a - al. I MATtry• finalist in A dis ty • Xolyteiguile . Dokartmoat iiff , the : lCCity:' Falb:;': 46 t 1 1 .‘ Pc .ii4 4 Ajrndoi - I rr;=" iu- sitt n : .4.6.51 1 ' dwiEVl' . . i c / Val 0 1 11 444t#: MilOng pit WIIIIT. ,• • .., C. • '•ii lOW eons. In ~ te . ' 2IA hi cameedle sad sairWS . I•lictir. ...; • , seciforo Una Wilizalar dia. -.• 4 , :: , 411%) . t 4 =3. ‘4;01 . !111 4 4 . 4 . . Tirataaaaa taro - . 114,101 . . ... , . ,±ll.l a pow ikaa Mosta bandit", IP tb. ait,, tats 0 .11IsrollT 1 6:tillai broom oaLhalroolilllds, .. '46 0 ts .. 'I Troche otorsionsatalroiswiat. Nina of Vs , twitWeausr. aiblaid maker. . . IMsattop a =dt =Staid; illiWilala ki ' '.l " i 'm 1 . 1 14-1 1t ist r i estieu kai i -: • et r . ,6=illislis,_ 41 , z•hltissi',4 --- b f.' , ' '''- ''' ,'• , 7 .- Teira x < ii i f pin : : =One t am INTIMPATim the ATIOit =NV went aftellitits To . "Zr u .,,. arigggstl, w .ftWail lessietdeitik * -- ' ll, 'Ol-ligPirtrglarmWstarfA. Vaithfilisidirsse Itto.. """" Pic Ow i tut to liye,_ ,A,rg..._ RG - 47-r. , - - loci. i . ;., ~-..6-:-,-,-.-44 • 4., , ~,,, kiejludi &ION: SWOr .acteasedl W mA k al Urasm : teas.. titikrw appia l Via l =laranft= 2 . , "mob sad bOo.kr. egad% Nkel gels Arm pat : t rAr "- ?! . a 3 . 414 "Nr4r II sP.anca 444fft,Wto „ To Th ilti=ai Trrtet • •- ,. ;-::1,' ., •.. , :'.! , ....' ,. .' , .; ,, ,- .;..,-.,--.;,i'!;:1.'.,t,-',',?.:--.*iir74-. i t f{1,4:1,1r.tr.1;!:, Peremptory Sale of-TimberAirmis., li&ouloori; bar will=positively • -abooSMOOmosorebobio ib? id tet lak,cosrty, ea, . nag ths ate They vest sad wilt Do 1011, isidxrplweloolla ean;urthat. .DDI En " ausetalloaunamia magma • . ... _ Netk: - , 0.. or te•b'sit P... to wasiiiine64 meter ; tr... ; „11.. htir0t... 00 00150teiM ........ -Gate•Zoolo-, eb•a•-•-' nets • with •.• bumyttati.77.tbittatialset. /to rll - ; tell totomU iitely ter toostia llattal "WWI, Pioutstrotti trims plot* and dziolserthe cut bit Arm •• ant title iltrasszo _WM b• ooktlnk• tody %mt!. ••, I liroloabls :/lopitrizr tor SaW. iabertY *ed. ediolAiethe Methodist, I.l's Vis y sCumil Okaa... nts la bow tb•NO•I7 olio,' la mikattightorbood oat •1•1•1 W ,• oln=trAtamotattiltallonad Comcalbouto tUttist Onveirr too int. -!!"*. ' •e. rtotott/1•1184 • [lota Ilt• banding , wag ea It. • 'col au •=6 . stomrtott....... , •titt . :s l, UN 116.3.11nry trek ouploid •• tits Union 4 . IIo L OZI7Eai - la' - r 7 •5. - .• .4:l= tailats Wad others &etiolate • rood #4l•llMt•Sh will doval to eauntaittle . ' a"MI WARD > rLPEIC . 1 t•IIBLIO"SALle OF 'BUILDING LOTS. ildie ral ToWs= 9 *.on'trri n trea. l/ 01... 1 0dzi.5........2.... H. Itre a tr i ori?a i r47:4l.s, mow. I ma, toad la veil •• • opt . Tuanto Motatit,— Th. onOtetty 1. of cloy s , eau. out . • Oxat altow of the fit. tim p reltz, .T ror v t,.: ;mkt sameetita tO t i -.'' 0.21aM1 tmt. 4-, ' 4I MARYLAND." 36 Edusar."----aPPrs OWAIAND,-*ltfAttPlicoo4:li4iii* en , ..3 tibi lui , _kenas.:• Millet 41; • an. Parytyott .r =ltPlealooli Dot klolnat, 1 7.—.. 1 . the ♦toots ortettoit, mein atul location or ; .......rnr=N-1104 1 r . 1 1, .... MINI to. The 'putt .5.....—./t . . i14.,:t; . t. .. .r. ted 114 r l t pundittp=tatatittllt lig , ' astern wt. - ileglas..=A . Ar• oath • . •i i / i 3 . eyors, well actulaijaidlyilb , *Pantry la oml 'PIA . 1 ..-,... fiL Denoial at =to soltoti• Map Amalie, et For pox- PPPI to 002 IL.PIeGAIN t -A 6tlt* , , ",7„*." c:','NA , nt =l . !ktf,V=AZTe , 4, l • SID Liespadimiliamti TO IST—A new : ... 1 21 2t t.re . alotlew m ff ig i amtni. • • .11:AIMISAPER4Frie. Nostwja _ sanable vT sinalleneitoann b be Post bulb- A Rom on Market ; • ir a NnlrChard 4= t ,it l irktt 44 T• 4 4. --AlbsObt Wannib. "r•Athee' nal • .“- -- E.007/11111Cr 1101f.1~6 I SINNSS S AND AN I ,, DWELLINO 4444,1t01 built Throe plea Howe • Lot. otrlbtociesstef Rot4moP. IPI faibeqtrofillarhasmt ‘lth•q;kal.# 4 i' r== " l "" Wllls r" Ca i rkuraz 11-‘l4 Zni00:1 415,6 • 41° ' #P . S rYk t i: : k " . • • " litflteUtira'rbe'' T.•S - F t ARMS !--ANatorttf 62 sores, • tnabons Wearrlikk ObbAltr ALIA OPrierl43o%-, 1 1/:1 litto c axitar_ SMIVr Z 7; A ilArta crtst mega 7, 4 1. = 1 ,44 """r"= .a.ifrOm • scue.••••F•osc.:, FINK. MILL - ''' I'-: • • ' i'_ • z An: • ' Animate In i.. obnalgsztao!.9•MMltm ttlo sm. ma Comic. 6 .341 m from LW, U?e TbajmoOnt mdmmoodd IlaortosidillemolialMCM Ira lowmplodo maim miI.MOIMMON co tummkolk vot .7 1 4. 4 : 1 1trort i oriVeZiliad lu erva r ... twf.1aiL — . 1 .4 4. ....1. — " • - 4 ". 41111*%eS '" 41"1 . 6 " Zraltei bit K. Witt Milt Ohotom sod duo • , V : Mli • mod boriadois z l mALA nod. is .A . . N.42 ,,.. 5tu H tt. . .. . .. . • - FARICIPORMUO-;43ittiOtd 11i \ _ ~ = ' - 4 . f ', 2l ""nvial4. • •* ° "% T. 17 . 44% . . • WI ir.o Mood, el, =lt = ill b t im Ili blink." A l = =1.1.., tto Mee of , l ? il mu nram.7, .24 "4""k6 , ' A ; ; l 'L !, i* 1 ',• • , lio:19rMllsook -, •e. YOU/ORPialgiA q/ .9B ,igtik W iitio.oolo.t... ,i .oporlallt 1 'lll olitL im ellgoolos. -- , Poroom - Seems - wimp ornmoulmot illielair Vint MIN te UMW@ the • , -, • lON XaMot4l6, , Ar WELLTEti V "---- .4 7ag . : l 7;: MMal ... .P4)ElL a i n FOR n.... 11 . et 1 . 4.1 room Ma Momput =mod S tm mo . MOL l MM l tol=l i bri W . to• 4 • , szeG .o.au , se•tiins i 0 7— t i lb ir? fr ° " itrantra-Xew=tOifth'st if WltrO STAMM EROPIRIEK LIM RPM Aht t KLA ID = Al as 4 = pod* aajFiodet=ilgt 15. arta67. som:Os PirrIIUNDREI) I LIARS PI j4=l:l22.Ali' d =zsr l i Wu ll ir' to a, no 4. al qi2l ' . . : Illtrlestarves. rrO_FAILICIUM:DMEMIUMANITAN= x laillaAlime inde.47ll sem at La* lit, lir rat Ormin=e t rair qnfor d4 l%l ". loposirbkilisto:= g e nera. r ita well im= ti=t i.. celtd INA .. i 4 2 1.= =WU r at i tta ,.. wila t :Ga n et=„tar l Tseurprs lkthe emit ais I:::ortiVU..V either rano:saw iWt. ' . .1111. Ilibbotjokes ironllk :pop 'thaw the xis sislia sea 0( 004 Ilpi.. 10,m , . wire Wawa— _ , ,-.. ...I=l. tirlik lbw , sdiribriitvirs kaiak* or -11!).• 7 ..• it Inu r• tunt.4 4 ,, 000 1117 7 01 1 lly ';!, • A' .111' IhaiMolall., .4.A D : ... TOR SALL-143 limes. of lomds lone tom or xpcoio4Hot,-ota - inset mascot ot C• la rl ook V: or m: ro kr, - 4:h °6. 0. ' ;WU sr. rgattiberagOlho.;•tut a i . kM lan c iwg .60 sow l . ' . itztrA ,• * v .. „ 1 . It„ 1000 . :'=froir a=trisa the am,= l) lti l rall a ga ur D.Vi1bagt ........ ..). vers . .nse: . saw. !".7 icitrootif,,W,Troosioiiiroot VOW= *.vgit::..iny periop; gulag tO or triaon N u eo i rdrotreibues •itio..—piat orvadg...i.surtroosmary. it oi t WoOtio. te st aTiiii. . 42, wr . • . ihistiotbit#3o om *Olga . of Donthed WINNIN , 0 4. ,'"'• - , , / . , ' i ~ .: ' &At ' .t'_' : t i '''''.._`' • .: ' , v 4. .71 4114 st: ;En 641"4"'P'traiiiiie:ina Itorbi -1 ,v linaiiii;4~dib' -•• ' , t• , ' ' ..' '' '""Prre#l4tori .,l J,,i'l of tVil , litrii „NVlONlLiZ zr b!il*,..etv ,4ls- II frourth an,41 . 1 pm IPOWT t .- ST.l6,:ila at luso I y Ma rightly s • vv . v ova' IP in • .., . • SO& wow” • R SAL —llB Country Seats on the riaht . ~ ...hand i tirrt- stasolti!6pt mar Emu iwatlaili7 ' l tir • ../.' suet • V' Al,. / ftli --- 6 , tar ivi r imO r ti im". ; _ w V ' 0 P : '*-r-- t - t - - ' `.. " ' Thl "" 1.1- ;,'"t! i .• .' • • eidif • - - .. ck„Ui, 2 , - -,, f. - • 1: 1.1 1' 1 ;6 - STORX : BRlOli s liqiglii; bmt,l=toAsafew et sh• tat. 1 st=f l7 - t 9 .'•.; iiialbilatiltENltti i tgai. ‘ I t ' • • • AAllla hum", cin Mhartiers. wi t. , op . .ki, u iranifes na ' vau,==. 4 .4: .., hZ' p ...... fna=L... t r ; ,;11,,, 1 0 - =l,, E2 lm atif NY:I. - 4inEtitil Iwamoto, totO, it = 4 otowerrlo wish to May .M ...,:t !M o . - VOWS & ALL-41. ilatnairettlitV A: book Um =rmatolidots , %=.= riAarteAtomosototenketo 1 41=0=11. imos.bortooadigorinioolls. wit: .Woa. It s ro= " %r. =of =Volli r4 94 :4 "c ! t ^TumwoaDfsaimmuumtiell:. B l:kuNzyuouni .. ' Oll • triggsaV e n i;.74.' the's. ' 4fe 4-1! -:64'4 Nr C ie ps aAlir,o OMNI or tiitunkistitilat;, Moire "It b anirogit u a l ' unle at.F4 •eareoVlL - „ . I L1A. 114 , 11 .10.1t. O p elthikiak — rs - Viarrd• IL *ec, , ,• : u splendid Nary *UM ;ri zzisi b nz ez : l l7 ATT"...tra WOOD 711=' VOIR :'VF beiatifallotin ifealgote 11.23 u tittli ims4l2o of Ilhek • . Thrr 11110,1? tOwan 4 '" 74tetil: camel couithr: sow buy 12 iambi • los: onhig n e o lockfrooll. Y el vat bin Saws 01,,rNe WOODS, PkOnter woof ,ettsagna , -.l:fropi • 1 ' !Se* Tofirldielbinltab.,.'l'.' ' : , 4 , 114831.1 r ch r 0 MN GIVITZIA ETJALS '" ':. , :1: besnOdidssulfensitioalipper no =MON lii/Aiteliekbtol=tt e rhr •.en Yr swot , i, . wt . il ! l nfftrill .". ll !Wood SUL ' 1 1 .YS, . , . . • .• • 7 ; f •r• IMEibbscriberring.purobnamithernik VT . r+ • . . . IttA Z C I • • MI. se Moral • • .'" ,„• • • • • . • ' d re w --,mo ot • • 4311 • . Meld itrliPili'a-al/4011nP44 inform th.ir ativocamoirms e it H."' Ztr. irtu tt.fr e . ""l • t 4 n +T. at .z- 4 : 41 , b riv l / 4 . a CrTAd`rat,'lLlVEE„i le tlara g ,_ gag: twits to tottota 'Mow litrentioto- , .4 , 7 , 4, A -11 . • . , • ; •- . , '" .IDIMM?,.. 111111144'5. Geitihie Preparations. -..-lAMPOUND-PLULD'ILITRACT-111701111 14 ' 6L6 10 Ursa ea, =, • Ma _SamAterst Dimas l lALlVisamis of taw eds.,u.&,(V:ablitbarla • I "4:4VrEI 1474 4 , ,, ,, l O h rarv " .r.aVeg l irbiA ;:ta.11:4 =tr, Girt= cam_ pliant& It mactret oat Ow Tay *ono a qt. aftlaka atillta toe" all tha dimmed Made of the MIT. tan...ming taa was and manias Om tort oromm • Tt 66 Ineeda•Almi Pa. aItSIaIiMMOMMIOMai Mbar I femedies laysmetor mats PAM cen b• tam lath lone Moubl* mit ermines by p&Mltts %WHO% teteadj • osean=le mom tbontds fp= thollaptilmt If dot froillisrm um, pima in mai , ai l ltas Compoosi;econ to me ontr artten, man t e lt ma . eonnt the Waimea I. Terfandint t aortabm no osmotic. morootT, *other Injot • loll: Lizza . ,...tr,cmitmc,i.t,g, mia .r g=l laallitallataltatlefts Man& blrolesum from basbasis forMoolna erielossa plan diawalons tor use ocansmar ,thememet.m. mum, Ora MT. awe the &bare =lx VAnda do not nealmat them. iklayll etre donowom, • , loth ebt.. e dme e , yap to ewe yourself, &ad thus pre TOO al ri e rAT,kvarPEVAIL. .• Obla inedlobto, opeedUT tool aftectuatl R y two, the 6.4, aletalatlbrin Mame& dlawss ereataMa . ororT Ml t it=tz 571 . 1 kitte Mich amt tmeat evorybody. from the Wooly tottwomazoillnil tiellaltiaittomilat no is • laaroaa. ectlogboth as o Clus PromfMa of saT octla , stove oUmtnta. . IMATROLD " YlEGlu.rooNciumSmin Coalponadldvaii4tractil • ' At , Pwrielaa . ,_ , AaarrArtot&=t • Rood, osif W W way reprobia aster „ rateipair, Ortwo rh ek a • ,f v lawrittons • , - r hITT 410Miaml 68 -4 66,464 #. 1 -f4 1 0 66 ad t i2 l ~ I sm afiallgt . farbe teoprietor et thaw medlars's ; to to tole ore ihrtravoitlaragorts=ltt n orliVe tLT or l. tenaleoly ukt tweakolilL a tarbUtt i lt,..U 6 lAM ttsr=rgPg.- n ir,; d d,—"Z"- ib —i j milaloyea &Outlok. ontrTamoDOM Or Mint praetten, MET Moe Inowlebly loan tbe mat ds etUnagallwal tatteatilt% and ptoduaad thy moot ", mi.:Ai harm tho P er =tht=r;tlalgalta bs i: toe Minter and Lima .tait oftWerma ot wawa toodkel mamas motenoreadiaor Ist Me SWUM %MI r at rase of tame &mealtime soil tnetr..uperiolity otor all otba perstion t e d le , r tariplelatA oath* lifooraam , nem& pre moods. no DenstarlM end of Barad w y= a=f prrina than Moe bant Oren, of white. of cameo MO 4 111., sereedlon te , time a tett=itrgige h err_ Met AM. ra sout tat impleimaL amorist menoreas two*. moSIM am.almae ilAoltit the etiolates Maws sal, la tanaequeacreTo .% ato4 fropreltroprolli weds o • at "41d 101011 f =l;;Turicloo inru ontig Zotro nt of Kr=trltrttret:Arer=rior t :ltVci: tams MO. potato sal to Uto that UMW ,40.1.1 In otstultedstmeestaan ni rtrateit &ad jimpew IngSammeralmatatee. ‘ Toretiotz ILO ald MOO. Me ri Mit:Lir :I= %Arr. a rt r e st M b go t lo trt tam Os taromisrWA a cr d Boats, sod to awn* %ha sad endow am IM Mat ortabltlon. alie assortment, 1001,...011.4 omit twasbly.siot It Matta lamb Mamma I met ofantWaho WOO VOLS. toeuit• .Canuaan4 nalA Itamota. Math oteMila Ow admit off the Iran plat bef ore rwrowettst to be Wade lo s Mao matretal Orpossod erotaktmall!MlM loos Milano malrmttatilmoxanuAer tl=rtt yes aided to ilalstfla i i , atirr la most to the datult,mlO, se toga , *mob etratith tow ogle* AlTTP(mialMerna Cr mutton fis motair mods itstrte. 16.6. n on. $l, or 6 lar 66 . - miOertadeatsionareo and aemittstalakew.tran Odom L. , l= mompenT mob kl.. ti Obootont Btroot, P =. 0 4 4141 = C1 . 1 . 0 . f 6 a: To to MA ot awl distal la o 43 Warm imam at bti .v ,11110. R.X216 , .1,1 Wad V i Zafintls . *AWL OM &Ai Mallehar alrettifOlo Ow TroMbati' mast baloollassOmManan4 leihmeimximes As Amodio Ai.V=iM i lligr...er w to 241r . r. 1 , V' 'PAM: licaccj"l4.2Bo2 ki ' / Ur ' .. - , z i A.59 . 1 0420. 4W e ir D r. NI N A .. sa . lic i a s c At2 .A. 9 =w all. mfr Fre e A7O atoms awl Puri lawn limitbr. thoassads fat .... _ ... ...01tviugl 4 .... wils %%I sit " emod c let j . * 99s . ...Tarirß . 111. 1.. qi 9 liZMii. 1..... 7 ?! . .!! 's c i Mitsr garif: ..td 7,-, sUs raUf: thstames - 4 Pittesms 4U4 .9l 4 7; 1 9994 = 7.9t boor mad It s. 42.9 . zgra g . l c .99 , s e.. .tit.. =A t A i tel i f: tra ctra t A% wog oUtattais 5ui599.1.4 9.7 431.920.9 er- tei999o dowa tit . the my c 7l . 4 l l:ll,=79tu p at Ism visr hfi , Ir .. dr . Min c ar i :li c alt 1 ifii‘ar . ..I 4. 71191j - itiuslr c - Si ot` i a " 4.r* him rins9994. sU a . tat Mateo. li the ar .i p .......... . sh art it. TA. I ° TAU. : - 9 .'7' s • . D c M %,31911 '''' hiSt ' it* eihniliz'osit Atjainii i sifit 14 Mess uss Mit eststell sit , 9.119. " 1,. ilNiiielb o tt 'Prlirr.g!.4lr7.-, ~ , : # ilit N IV4l0 YYT . 'ld Pfli o ; , i Dyspepsia, Indigatitin, ifeautao e. a 0 A ppetliaj k ibi li ti.C"Z l2eB . l4 . :," ‘• v ' - -•• , Bftd tinFlAßlirodlNW. *yo w l , she . 't et.' i nr a & mi l , -14 , talww IBM IL l ND'ulnix =.' ,', . ;-; •‘,' - ' '•• A 4 Vc* i, tic ol! l_l ' lin ItO ...t , I . biii,,,OVlVaintigialiiis Malt ,, 411:4C" . .." - it iniM mil 111Mr5tvit tent, ~ ~ i. :....1 ... .':..-... i.. _ ... -: ;; .. k .::, , ""—,- 4 ,- vm . td , j .,* i z.-... *ithtt ", air..fst 'li": :tr:..a ''a: iji .l",' Irrn.',llEal24 ten Wzrp; 3 4 e h. aft as.aulsr: at. I °P' • • Mem • • • A. ' , ',,,' . ig * *4l4 :4lm P aseszt .. 11 Itrx ti s ' A m,,l=V:if =i) pide W saYi senbsiZiAS 9 , ?: ) . s o f ra z ga i rs pia .* -- , ali Colletin COUghelt '^ • .." ' ', • B L 1 Jr. iro A/Ta l i/iv 0 rsat:str : ' ' Rffi';6IIIL,ABABIC , .: G4it . re.El.' 0i • WDUOP6' I:I nmi.o. • W . Oilher tho ti vaiiii wi l ir n .ata T ra m owany .1 le ti a , ::....i. • air 1 mig , .......}1h. ' E•fm 44l u& 4l u ' lirtul l ,1,..... ta...vi mit a.u . , -I 1... , Buoliraluaar ama , ' ''..- i W r y . .... 4 , zu Ilikt.k. OM SOP , -.4 11 .191 1 10 . 11 , 120. ono% , , di t itir 4 ' 4 . '.. ONIIIIOI 'II 1 11 114 2 = 5..... 11./.1.0.0111 , 11X10.3L..11.0.111,006,1106. AA"s .141#.1 . .g&k•MAC • • itAlafT4c - rusara , CalitP447,, , N 0.78 Second at., Rittebnce,Vit. ANURACTUESIM iPapor /tube • t4a .I*lfamtr,,,fs • Cwi* V l4°Nia t** varnal In 1. ... 2 ‘ 4 -). ; tialiaMiAti 4 petiqkr es litr.,W4 Aft TI Eisemiral=g4 Abl Jr. Bt AVE att -11.1 dis •1 r" L' , olll,lr tt 44 ,0 14 m IF, 03. ibide • • 4 2d€ l . , 14 I, 14114 .6 w.,, Mattlie§ s PfrJ l4° "- .'';;:a: p r .••• .-0• 49 2Mae .'14r; to Pir o r took of " 16741 • 51.w:4141044r t'" awc .f. 014 if* flo4 4 Mme.=, mstra.txag. ..EfeliiirirelLittai,Saftityl4#lol)4. i' - 'frotrAgiP i %ec i tiett t W * ' °l7 plN l Zl • 11 ;;. 14.A= 1 , 0.4 ./2 1.14 0 . t . • •IsnAND•lis gaid br3ltnnit ma =i • - t Itiur m:was—On Id.welandlaa imarkuy. on Stanis, a llattbi • l'WW • . . 1814. ladtadt ds:Olty., tster, W.der Amid= and Andnoy..o- ii i i . ~ss o 0 111W)0104 , Wiedm 11.00nd_lnoranc• , la * MN 12 . 100. 0 0 0 00 • 075 .5 ;VD 711 aw C. land, 'Dr. W. Mo Jo.. Sea. h Theorits.Panida& W. Eirp r at at JohnY./Lama &Rada. amp R. Davie, • -' Jannosahns Oi v ards. Hugh era teems ' nrsKoll;" 4 , Pan h il l oMt John Pnl/9144 F t 3 1 7 .013. yap% . Samuel It: Wet. 0-'Ln.t7l..K., /L4T " T i lltt. n. P aaj em a h ttak I; T t. Da_.° da .7. G. Jyaudon rreasoros, , • 1 00iit ja n %% M A • I an. of Wm 0. (jell.ttj • T. A. MADIERA., ' • I- • • MIMS' ANA' SIFOLIALNICIF. I 1::!! , F I RE, : Ad.A RI N E: , .A N:E. LI F E , : , INSITRANOFeCOMPA .. . • ...- i . •.:, . OF. FLIMADELPOIL L.,. : • , . 44 V2MilriaOWENTWV4Faii:74Fignir? fp . S•Cotorgeffeoto•Firelonnennee on •I • Ulna.. ForoOdolo to • Motbriosorpuka ILM a ,an r.i.sa,. :: : 1 1 ...xm1ibm..1.7t. g0 .5.f...41.2 • 1 1 F= .....: 0 ri.. . L‘u 1df r.4.60 d t.. ...7 1.4:49..c e : Abu. ooml. 11. Nkdooao - diono E. Fold,L,- Eljoi4r.tie u r a i m . •,, „ rd. O. Briondor. .: 'F.'', • , T11011A11•11. iirId)RONCK, Voildoot... 70W . 44.1Ooldoodo,Fmoota tuen , , ID LOTINBUROIL two. It Bowe , '' ' ilkoo JAL Mt took , . ' Matt= - • . 7. 81 3:1 2 71=: 164 • • ...., dag.oosopto. ',, Wllona WOombooy 114., '. 1 rle..lm-,-... .a.... , 4‘.....,... Too ORM abdroCloopsay Worths l OridabinG nridito°32obrop='7wk!swd 'MYP . .g . 4 •IP.:. .• Iloodooon • • Carotid stAluidindAto Ooioclatal ld its ,doorosoosoot, nod lotoreatslVLock bolder ~ ' „ ~.4 Franklin Phi 'lnsurance Co., or Phihid's. ' i MORS:, Ili ho.. c r l ti el t i W. B nrdeaf rimg:,... ;AT= Zof*Sotaosi (kW, Amid A, limn.. moo INEoll,l.,Motris ratterknx. , p ..m ig • I.ll=tonlo4.4o:oaAl;smai.2l gt. or Um I Oti arini 5,,, :1 .t., 1 , th ht= 4 , mid can ~t, at ratAi .. „. I . 1 .. e. ,i ta i. v . t 1 ileb. n illaegi Proadoe; IarIT I iiMilid. IX ord 14 rm . miry ~..."I ,o n r, 4 , ..yug. i951:4410.1'' listat ftlars. miry - Ad 'of Amisoblr. maw rCo Is Wir'-. . " ..L.:—..........::-.....:.:....4119028 IMP. ph tqm5, '...".... ....... -.. .......:::: r a it ', % ' , 447:::-.1........—........,........4 44a4414 . ,a 1. 4 their looMparsifulh 7 66 ,1141.71C.1.. upwards of One Million oar Vaito by res, thereby` afrONI!.. of Um lid- vaatypea of lanweitn. At V . 7 t e m , W:: 7. 1 , .4 pipad., 13°4 !l m*" .41' P":"'' :I. OARDNlt6turrIN, LPi.t.' ' • , 101 •• Vim B. It , xprose r af Wor4 s,sta. ~ . - Semi-Annul - Dividend 8' per 'ant. ' . 1 i" - - ' '''l - aIyT,IBSIV - ,'-',. ,' - - 1 AT IV COMPANY; '''' Or IitARTFORA Onnr..--91iiiitired1819. PAID VP'; Cliel o i s lntyLlB4 " ‘ 5 88 3, 530 , 28 cSu Easkolniftifototeilo on do ' Ulan of propuretr a* tigltatio Mail' This Om! pl r.i l zud autl*tminal a batttion ft. boartsbla &Was res. mat ta nnearborod Ibt.rtiloadblllt, ead_babe. ta a - maze: sl o tior tu a bst t trx In Ur i r r attet ,thia Clotta.T es Us la this Abu, ix tb* lea or et EL 0.01515-YYCIL Asset t ... W% tfc**be-Wiltegnar Mb "."*'ikairrtntg.' Alliatens Piro . takartnee ConPuil, • - • of Londem.' - • Authorised Capital, rATAIA.,2_ . si t nlli b Urti ft aVt_ TOAD' sime, States Branch armO,.. N0.11043.0.1k Yourib. O* . • . • ILARDIE. • Agent far 'esttabasch. .raara.. . • irsow • ''A' NIMENTAIL STAINED .GLASS. THOMPSON & SCHISM . 4ASS'STAINERS, , Ne:435 Third street, rq the. stowtr of the ee 46.1 " et: 6 I teute t."". rted=or il =es,Vbit neeitotteseeteTALNllD GLAM. et their‘ebildoMet. for , i; t=t l r w ed . aloyear 2 , 11. ... y 0.=. 641 4 4 1664. They an we tamest Glue of eeery 2 "., « g ra. .. 4l ... r t m vv t lipl i tok,=. ttaxiActeltly;lnencbeiensy6tiottofeharetwe I with k.Lltie 1466.6 66r1 mod MAIM . 1 ,..... 0., _ end ~LILL.. dearglptkul nts i r ts. 8 . edault ty ei - : 1 14. =• M . = =lire i realr a. prbami {dux:7 Doti** There= point to wort eltemire=4 4 .4 * 4 .l - 16 11 reelt " se 4 , 4 h 1 W 16616 or =17.V7" ' '- 1101,2 , ~.-:, , EACIL SIXTY;'.DAYS ABr ,P 'lime- law of JiinglisrLPicikets..7. - •-- p.i.girata.,47w,„ , z a ~."., -le, ..........A. - k0 r r.1.1.,0. "IL MIL ."1161 140 # .., 4.4. 1 0 0 . U l tii tc ,Mi ' tkSM 4 ...*.zi's awiipeui,4*.b.r. *0 4 i45.7 6 4, T .46‘,44** ,1 / 4 ."3l:wth omigt:.. 406 i!..)4.juir at:tivrA" 2 4., ;i:ti, - . , :..o:iHt ....t. y..ntataniumgeMlT but. ' ` Its as ~....,e 45. , 1 . • !.,„,ongrlU 4 Snitmber— ' Izetiltortor• 7. G .EW= lam, te th t.ll".=',ll l l , . Thom &atm • A% wait*, _p !m __ th '''".l"4.`"`"&ilgragli="4.• 1.1 rAM 7 3 , 1 7,,,,,,..?4!..ife r ," . ...i.. ~...e.,. , -, „„., 1114 Waill ars* blow York.; • Ohio sad itidanC italtroad. rAINS les* 'Crodlitut B=lE utrothej et& liatd, P AClThWe i ßlss,l s i, ttt:etn 4.1 , , the alstit train Mee Tar tbrouth ta m s , 37 of the sixr, &ell P at thi Roam sw“.l/4—Tf.lfrlaitrii gOIYEIRKBEPING- , liaiLDWAitz.- , , ,,- ; - :.'PICO' itaShotweli t — • - . Iffy ortiii and 1a36-i - of Enitiik - Frisia and 1101CTS FURNISMO ITARDI JA.R.A . , • - : j No'B3ll(iiial*gie i'llti lir Laie.ll: r '-' - - 'tai itunitiotiot Sdutheriadirciii,- 'a m . 41g inf.ilarpi l.rtr." 46 1C:er 1 SIL fz.tri - : , th. /I"b • ITI MI N I eta. igl•fmtdelh in 1r UM l 'l tarnr,Fm4,4k bs ti • =l . . r oaf ... v o l t g: i ..jar 1161 2 . = .4. .3 It suorwm.. • - . -p. iL-All4 Ilit ,tearscor a WI. lialtaallycoa4lllk ks. - -4"ez Utair 44. -, ,- • t : - DUDLE I I4,BTO.II 00111116910 N &Fs:IMMIX A. 4 - , -410. i1.M1... 2 1RA , I , 11 i , 3 . . " :.1 i .1 1 0F, 1 004 141 4 I A . Tett, ~.. -RT,, U t ilinatriaii Ilttaltjaptf - • - I :&;seffEr n Arsa li Mit t6 %' . 4 , ...,7 , it IN Bilkibl lA ailt f la . ...thi mA tc r wboL= f h, ~.",11=1"4 Warren'. gar_ , Vdrovirirnieteinifirr ' imitiwkite; ':ZrVIVCIV ~.....f i lillel e 11 CV seL"wPm"the 46 * " 5 11 1 Ct .- t% 4 2= 1:1=1 "%ai 4 /Owe 11.kft 1! Stiollit; Z*o74 te= 2 .4°l7 " . Me of t wa Vali M lClWilbe .414, ~.... ir oirnit : va emu US. *I-, Ism the= nooraskl. • ..1.=. 4 7. mr„,„%r:- 1 tim,.....4 ..„,,,, f . ,!...., ; N o w 10..a4 ._,, 1 M#, . ii t4 4 ' ) :14r4S u Mu = ' . vt renstittes firCp2itc. t414 --.. Tai l z getiroo mt‘sw .woot '_oql4.l! - - - " 1 Omar ot• ills MUM i, i - pierixa *ilk!), ___ t. t .., ' "Ins ,L= -11.41-bnig itiet.g.' "41 =L i : 1. ;; Alr. t11: "It yl l A . t e 4 e lr 1 11 . 1 I 1 7 1.41 1 fPr ra 0 llit WlMatit r ItiVirMlt i ridATTlr 'sPoWo* . To7l-000:rd*ii, Ver It", 1- 1 11 !,"!.. 1 ::'111111t ° ll. O. : - , 0; -Teiro:4o , bblent, vow. Outs iisioteara t ep t i zo is r . Pr f .1•11.7... Y. lAt n -2 4 SIZZEMEZEI=IIIIEiIIiiiii rtI'VMMrS I RYMPI, Rittiburgh r • ' • A: 01111 4 Vint RATLE a ' M CiOn radalew t t h i tb onenfli e efrelittalb n mbaymbe T Vgaihri=tendlb httinnan fie the ttatl4idit don of pamenteing trelintln anmenits. brit the Inn • awayZ n OLTAN, ban Pittantrih torn Onehrrille, • aa Moo Tba Warner MILIAN 'int lean tier stutristote item nonnumhela Firldint mem afternoon at half lost throe .brook Mr Wen Morton. eoratentog there stilt Me morn , beg titan bating et 11.33 Lr Connalnll4.. ant smoking : , there at ISO A. L. In ttme Inc the binge ter Tore to Oanotbrithan-........—e.____iven F'ret's ntoritin t ri in • " 1 -41 _train still team Wedltertin. oat maned were NM the ateamot • * 44 - a ' .474 0 6 tom U rela=9l t tterml l o" P .VA L • • irre tom Ihstentomt est PUtstanratt--4'....., hit .• • The Local height ant Panama p rah lease Von. nettrile at 10.110 st,and returning bill leant Wert lim n* ata3o et, doming It all emr. ettatin lbe blight ja /fn =the lined *Minna trilit *in 11. eirot -th Me fallowing atoning et 510 Irdoelt :• Passmin by the hatuntar edam= boa hod line., burgh tan br ttlie unmanned go Stroud tritheat deb,- lor Mahn l tbasppll2o tb• Wheats itklemen the steamboat Pollan, or . to Ma write siZeatar tote ar CLBVELAND AND , PITTANNEGIL RAIL; ROAD• , 7 • ..3 EtiaLWZ I MAA , OHIO PEN 1713YLVANTA:TRATLROAD, ' -,- '; ,: 1 ritli zi4ll'eit. , -4 ~,,, ."0 -1 MEE - shortest, quiokest . and most reliable -.. i , F. , :orimi , k.Al. Ner'11.'1"4" ! 1 1 "..c . 414 • • root* lii millutviti inllio mortar sand 'snout ' piny bvius dulidtar than Marko:Moil ono . via ladlaiar, ILVAM nue Deily Trail's Min Pittiloarghlo elsveland. ' • A l = eg l ifv . W. ra gr wx, "I= 4 .44. On and attar Idatulay Soptanabar 34 1888,A0 Isla. On, thin!'" .111 n''' "figt "' . AGWAY/OA . ',',, • ' •%iia TiVina of ilia Oblo and Yonne. lulirdiallOsviiiiiiiii;; burgh at. 2.01 a. iv. and FLOG Alla,' sad ilr: w.;' teen 'et at . Lilt at 8.00 4,40... iv.-and 0.30 r. AO* ibUoirat• Ti..ra for Olavabind lam Anions at Ba. ii. 'Man W. and B,3ii r ar., tannliabidg at liadoni with- traind for Owyaliond Tons .4 Akron. and arri r lia ,Clavylandittlidu A