The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 07, 1855, Image 3

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lIEPTEKB I 4t.7, - .185t1
vouprrY Ticomr,
r.,4 0- .1531 2. ?! 111211111=1111•:
W it ai m lNCloilfas
• mum LAMM Alkibia.T.
THEM= lignig, Smillaprslbareasti.
as s
•...tlotoODAtill t. 0011YANCRacap itirat• mod.
*M. M. - 11171WIMELA Pabki trnimktg'
••••,. Alto - -
- trot avattosi tem. 7 "'" '
. ni.avaaais; em) .. .
PO& 1111401./ it 10 .7001.
pi u rio ns , mycryterem..=The; 'Azar kli of
rile z 4 z ia• B. Thaw, of Phlbollipbtll4 A ise
&Its Ookieotica, Wednesday *venlig ; Arles
limgakd to the cesdidite . fer canal Oommlasionar,
wen n ei T A with deep interest by:the 'eu
! Mr..Tsones said -he kne , POOSZOOTO
-NIL We is as thoroughly codified to ea:the of.
:doe of Canal: Coluniaelcomr say men in the
Slate., 'las in , ofirtion. was that of tioonveyan.
ear,and his tailgatesis ProbablY More extensive
slautstbiref iFirmitleaken thatprofeetion in
Tui4Oirlit.- :Eft; hie t h e ' entire . confidante of
tstre Peo s, InbLsterling integrity of character,
•audiouniversally beloved. ;He is a man emi
nently gasified for the position for which he has
has. nominated. .With• regard to his polite
Mn Themes knew be a ,thorough.g4ing
geplahliese, and a voting °Wien. :He will heart
:.lly antlered the platform of principles adoptid
by the fltata 00ATOOtiON and will ablde by them
now' u• he however done heretofore. It., has
been intimated :that Mr.-Williamson is et - the
1 11 10 9‘.4. -
swam below never moo an active partin volt:
da, he has Meals gone to the polls and voted.
If Mr. 1191IIhresoa,be diecharg ti from his pres-,
est ponibement;-Mr Ttioniss:l4 no doubt he
tembiltiate ah icth e lo the coming can'
.vaaa awl labor earnestly to
.stsoto the 'muscats
•!of ReliiibUoin Primsiplm.
at:gent/am= asked Mr..lrtfllameon's age.
..4.1k rimless replied that he was about thirty
-61: age, and in active, energetic roan.
4ltttynr- or , Eturroeso..lareagaii.—Geoige
-Meatuse,..Fsg., Secretary of the board : of Guar
#TWOtgui of Plttabittgh;. appeand. , be-
Ina ;thigillefor this morning, and made oath
• 'that WaCillary - MollertnOtt, alias -Miry ...Loins,
:had been for same lima set ; obtaining gamey
Moard - of "under. yireteace
that she was in destitute circomuttaness, and
Illalgat seams of obtaining_a n
lirelhood and fur
,thersoore,_ that he had go .reason to be lle
'that her representations were false, she haring
s'eoneidersble sum of money in her poeseesion
; Q this informadon a warrant was issued, , land
Attested; on` being marched one hundaid
i sik& eightj &liars in twenty dollar gold- pieces,
were found sewed up tu 'her tinder clothes,
Thigh-money was retained by the Mayor as col
hateralmecwrity for her attendance at <mart to
Wagger fie "practising imposition's Mari *ge
lbark - mmeiring measly. mare or leas Wont.. the
at Guardians since the death of bar bus
dead 'summer. _ She formerly resided in
initiabaigree alley, but was married to a mad
Vitatitflaisaa 0111=4:going: and was removing
to 'the liliamored. 43h0 bad a dispute - with her
fintlier4law, and:sister, who by thy. may of
istalimion conveyed to Mr. Fortfate the hofor
=stip upon which Chi prosecution was foulded.
• - ' /-•
Bsacrnor or Oman= rim Mazaffier's
EXCHASIOIL—The folio - single the ticket chosen
at the mussel elation "of °Sam haluldoriN:
President—,l.- •
u.Pt • VISM-Piosident—T. $. Cake, l3cor;il
The-President, O. W. Cass. '
Treasurer—N. Holmes, jr.
Beeratarlimee-P. Bar.
. Direotors—,John P. Pears, JamesO'H. Scully,
jr., W halal-Dickey,
Samna Di worth, T. lkUpdike, J, B. - Canfield,
Willem Phillips,: Dead' • MoCandlen, 'John A.
Wllson,• , Hera J. Taman, John Ors" John S.
Cosgrove, Henry lambert, Jame O'Hara, Thos.
Bell, Willimo Dawson, Samuel P. Ehrhart-WS
__Dam B. Lovely, Reese Owens.
. ~
Abrams ,Ottaar Boaszir nt Ausaamer.-
-- On Wednesday sight, the house of 'n German
buteher, tamed Hemel or Heatull, Befits on the
comer of Zest and Second streets, in the Third
Ward; was entered through . e side windarpsad
large aheittoreighiag snout 250 tianadw, taint
from it, and carried up to the stone quarry, on
the bill best orAlleghttay, sad robbed ofabout
seem hundred dollars to gold sitti Illeerallie
ehest,wse so heavy, that it moat hare
four pumas Ad least to base carried it np. No
' clue la yet as to thdperpetratora -It is the
most actensire robbery:perpetrated in 'Alleghe-
ny city dating the present year.
lkwriaaar, a woman ruined 'Barbara Bower
appeared before Alderman Wilson, and . made
four separate charges aphid a liquor seller In
Lawrenceville named Beck: -Pint- for selling
liquor to her husband alter liming been notified
not to do' second, for melting hint' liqaor
ktioving him to be aztlnebriMili thlrd;. for sel
ling oho Alqwer whilst - be was intoxicated;
tow% for .ananlt and battier comnaitted.when
ebe went teßeek to remonstratgagabapt. bit Owl
rageons conduct ". On the list- three ergesi he
was bold to ban in S6OO, - and on Cho bat Oa*
, Sou minereeitt threw a hearyaskitele.
'the tract of the Ohio At Penna. Bothasti .en
Thursday; between: hterwilloWead Ciaton.r:The
I eadisteer of .the- Ewen - trait) , pereettedit in
time; and itweesded In aheatiad" the ;,steed of
the'trath, bforii the locomotlve stew* Sad
It not been obinerred to time. it ;orb= oxidant
nal:ld MOO been anavoidable: Muth credit; It
due, the.oltorre,of this Woad for their strict at
-tendon to their thiljn.—.llrdietin, - ,• • • ; ,
• 'irwooinwarar ihuottnaa.-- The School Di=
teeters of tie iffiath .1•4141 snit on Thuraihti
*lnman, nii.tleetiod the fenentng Awaken rot
the nnanden yew,
11. - 11,1Gly;ItegiTrip6?i_pak'htlaide
, ter. Mari Prckudfoot,!lL, Huitien,.. Hanties,
I 11.. Gsretn; Anna Idetret, lif:'.Bratt,
Brett and Idre
The rheets will open atildowelv,nritt,
Pitut.—A ire oceirrred" .on Wednesday . even
. ing in • houstiooneided by it 00111,11/1 oa Clark
strite i lMstalhOtk.and.., ,Cquart.-
ftrf thratehleit- bad- been gathered in the
WWI of a very preparato semoral, etanykt
Ere From memo unknown and was partially
burned. The house., wee but little demei
Fallj kernel in the Otate •
, , • ,
t Ten nit dmililitrinetirmecr Synod of the
West will hold ins .nert'aantal meeting in the
Bound dareols,thiefatunid,flimeth;Pitthbergh;
tioniminalug on -lueeday evening, f!eptenthey
24th; 24ii , impount. ftallt
.-;tiasti=o'nelcielet.dauvindt by
Moderator, Bay . . Alitandek Young, of &Maine
;Biztios .AdOtniuriA YOnsitiermin snared
GoillebSiebert,- ued -twenty-three oi terentir
four years, wu spiopaly, ktjani on Wednesday
by the When t, which be wu
eat is oa,Om corner ,of Ph*
and Idoet streets, 41hoghuy.. , One of his arms
was broken.' - 5 ' •
hirat which inn stolen from the
stabil. of Kaaren ,* BaTgaia; l Seat -la IN., is
Allaghanyaitysltar afghtnidnoe,;fial Nand ao
Tabby bight-abiding- 116,14' nun
diabanibnugy. baern a`jidad'doadliion;
marthongtelie beenherdridden sad poorly
Wo -would baits" the Ws be at
• *lam. by, order ittkplaa's Coed. of the
my nlwota neillai Mill and Penn,
.knewn '
as 'the Mutt - tiers Creek,
I • ON Altera* latiThoczy atkthlt, at 8 o'clock, by
' P.lll. DeviekAsetkimr. • ,
Moir Conrolnrkf mood Tholopooo. while
tooling Motbrig Wow- story !mumps Liberty
street, opposite 1110;mbralt of Meth; fell to the
( 0000 d, sodwao orrorelv %brulsod. One of hie
WI" IMOICO, he'orsolotortially Injured.
BtrittitAttf a Buotuteatt - Tolooloi
MEM foie penis entered the direMog of Mr. J.
l ottuirAttotbpiontiofEtlriniaghtiat,ordtobbod
Mica sow of --tonaoy. 'Woottittlos to 'about.
$18(,)::-?fo Moot tirtlie add Ma boos °Mei . mid,
. 1 4g 9 }idi;`e._ •
—__.r..b6itiatriiir:ll4rtii" Cor
r/tub' thiAtty;:tebiliectiogi
— tanthy. ;Refloat* 'A Int Ora • "ireil..poif.
"I•Nout afro golden lapdof MR fir Pacific. -
. .
'111 : 0111 ) - 11ap10114 ebout the Ca 0
thebnl irie atm* on the. mad yesterday by •
brick 'hid tell from thblvet beck was
*like! and; ee vu the head.
brlonthk' to Ibigh Zannr. Third
Warr; Alloili:roylrrio stollen o, night or two
pigthrTe s
Valk. t. , :nstra.yea mATlfila
5.4 alltalbrildebr
&WA: • 14:4 -% 6 In e — Ttr ota n s % naork
Jana li ss ag
.44:4:4 01 . 111 Lee* *ft "611611
:►=i[774L Os, rail ATLAPPric
line Toms, SePtelliant - : s :—The Steamship
At u nt k,' arrived' from' Limpid with dates to
the Stith August- are Goo week
The Attwitio briny two hundred peetoters.
Rho passed the Ahloo•fes the wwwihm or the 26th
Bkorriee. -„.
The weether has bui • millionth% for the
crops, much rain hating Wen-.
Nauru litiohardson, E
it Co. quote - pro
vetvhs‘ as generally and the mar
closed 'steady: • Blob: ptiera area lower.
Neh avel Stenuo—lldwritet sbtaily' and Ohms an-'
L011d0n..244,--Coansoht for money are quoted
v.t 914 ,lldeeers. !eat Towne American
etWaks is tinE, at unehaiired priests. The • bull
ion in tha Bank of England - dneteuelli
The - steUnthir' Ariel arrived air Cowes on the
rraornbig of the Zia, aid the ateamship Wash
ington at one o'clock. P. hi., op the 24th.
Nothing Sather hu occurred In the Crimea
We r , luateinterestine „details( pr e the bombard
taint- of - Sweaberg • and -the recent,Utah - of
Teheran-ye. The papers say that.thri, Enema' n
los at . Strasburg was only' tarty !killetilput one
were 'and
stroyed, - - • • • '
Two British ships 'WWI . fired on lEga without
effect. • : '
r • , • .•
The sqoadrott ittAio ithltelifo; otottlnneo to
dietroy the stares of the ettemp7;.''-'l".*
The ftrithilt the Bea atAzoir Lail blown ap
ind onkel the Bullish orarlicßer
*Atli& Bay, :sl4lioriits - 1. the -sal:4*j ot:,:tio
gun &spar, liid•been weal -
ed in the sea of Asoff, . and, die ltkundare had
thilliniai boo .k: -='• • • •
Mare triftwe BeteatoPol* are 'quiet and on
ohanted._ • • •• •
The Russian loss in the battle' s of Ti itir
.bridge - on the Tehienaya was needy 4000 killed
and wontided„ - end of the allies 1000. The . Iles
ideas were not punnid , acmes. the river ' but
held their termer positlona. .
• Thins ••are various rumors current as to i
new peace - proequict, but: nothing authentic le
Qlll9llll Vlotorlarui realised most entimslastio
ally in France. ;
It is 'rumored, that a, rupture has °mural is
the Austriaa nabittett:- .
,Issitr tie Ittionlan.::--, road* / 13atualsy
morning, zAliguit 215:=4,fueeit'llibtoria will em
bark on.fdondny,froni - 13oulogne her return
to England.,, The EMperbe Will ancompany her
to Boulogne.
Advice* from Piris stets Wt . addithmal•rein
forcements of lily thoasondme* are to be sent
to the CejniOlL
The allied sinadron in the Whit*" - Be. o*-
tared two Russian ships, mineteitiser..: The
squadron inprepsting to quitthit sea.
Berlin Merv' state that Austria his,ideedared
that she wilt Viet awarding
eastern law
every individual found tampering '. w ith saste
soldiers ',Wititli`view of inducing them tojoia the
Angio-ladian keen.
A Russlius 'division between -Kant and Bret
roun haring beta *don*. had maredoid upon
Henpri-Kenrand dronkthe Turritish troops from
their poetic!' 14,4allintill,y entemped three lesipies
Buie, AVIA 28t1L—A, Buda' wattles
m eE lsis mat to nage s loss the the ..teedell.gerferti-
. .
• Darrno, 'August Rileb.`-' , 411 the mortar ves
sels are sent boane:..Adneir - al" Seymour has re
lieved,Admlratllaynea- off Croastadt.
LoanOs August : . 24th, , Evening.--Entlish
funds unchanged, with but little, business:—
Money still easy. At Paris, to.dsy, the French
funds closed 'with a further decline of I. Con
sols have scarcely varied through the day.
The 'Most interesting nice is 'the details of
the battle of Breabotg cod -
. Tchernsya., The
Vies 'of life liCflireaborg is •Atute smsl4.but 'the
details thus far do not statehmilbtudi ot Sues
borg4uis tinisAmtroyed, nor baanifich remit...
Rumors are' 101614,4 new negatistimos f :and to
:the effect that the ~mmession of apille - Ac the
- Western *Ulm* is ocupplste,' - andtharid , ben-
Mark aid Steams:ill but ssttfled
At the-battle of Tchernsys, thae,c.,enbitic upon
Tcbernsy. was commenced by Clatteedithoff ; the
Russian forces pansisted:of eve,dbetthem' of 11000
cavalry 'and 20. batteries -oTaitillery._ '• Three
Russian guards were killed.; IFricosh. loss
amounts to nearly 200 kuua sad 8001rotted
ed. The English 'General,'bad . !lea` tilled.
The Russians sated an' ermistices:,lfKlum, the
dead. .
Pell's:der MLitt tire tekede; menber ;berried
Inn 8829. ' •
A despatch dated this littl;lnyithe ;artillery
had 7opene3 • A1411)1 . 1: Sibildolllo4 : bat the
bombardment aria not ectounnosti. '
Fottr, Itanden atesateni;".
Boy, had been blown up by'the BagU b , and_ the
'abutter of the - loan borne& , ;One Ilritieh gas
boat went *shore during the attaeek; and waifs
keo by knoziana, together math c enifileie
code of the aUlee lig 11.111/l._
Clorteckakoff's despairth from flehasto
;phi, an tho 21st Baja Are of the alike
-haskensibly diminished. and does bat very Rule
From E.lllllellti there is no political news of
• Broxs.-,Senor Cocalante, the nen' minister
trim Spain to tke tialte4 BMWs, has left Madrid.
Anitria is -said to have 'Omitted a new pro-
ject for pine*, and toms oat decidedly for
• There is *natter talk that the allies will per
manently occupy some portion of _Turkish terri
tory, and reeonetroot the nap of Italy. •
According to tho Bunion adidnresooonnt of
the bombardment of Sweabmg, the allies appear
to have done bat little damage besides burning
the, stores. He sairs no damage whatever has
been done to .the foetithwthms, beanies or guns
orate': fortk end elates his dispatch - on . the
mania' of the 12th than enemy resnale
at their old eithorap and do not renew the.
attack. nig attack cra:ltiga commenced at 4
o'clock ori the morning of the 10th by two Est
liih minnows, „one - two desk* sad one frigate.
Tiebombsidmmit oontinaed
,antil seven o'clock
the enemy doing apparently no damage."
Litwin& Mananaw,' Anvist 213.—Ossaistem
& Co.'s Cironlar goatee Cotton' mien but net
qtotably „lam the Market closed steadand
quiet ;Abe sales of this week wars 85,000 bales,
of which
.4600 ware takes on, spettalation„ and
5,000 -forexport;.!Prlsans 70; O.
nibbiThiy,. 0 - 7-16'; Upland fair 60 ' -Upload
midd/ing= The stook of Atolltkliglrbi ratio
Brueffraire,--Brarra, atipley Menlo
grates Breed:haft a. having slightly adrasead
Maur hat, etleaatted 21; Mint Cora
~111 est. tea amid floarliOsta4la Philarholphtit
Flom40• Bettimon, 40012• ; Ohle
Float , 42a ; White o42B;
Co, 44046.- :Yale, Cars
6d®RBe ; Mixed, 87s 6d. ih• insiket" st
the elorairaa delft- Bed galstil. -
Mairealst Paw mos 211=
Peas. Wear 1694,
90.1; PeatieiCietzei B. B. mg II:limb Central
Loadee'Reei;M idtriet, 244.-aggist
Co., report Iron nackaagaft,-witk *good kora&
Sagan *OW st 'Linseed *Seim Cott‘hi fa
fair denim' sod iiet; named datt tier ea
theand sellamicr, epir' its: Tetposabl latter.
Desirusosa, Septeriser
Oat. this =maim NO biserithat Z 1 drain Da
iiVried at Postototillt patents', sad b 4 st Nes
folle.;;NeltherlEstor &IL Mr. Weill
ars deaf, es aussizsoed by the Petarierati
press... Both of theta as. Isitirtidoir, No is
striven published at Norte* yesterday. Mr.
Hunter, has . sad Mr. Osterood Is sick. Mr.
Dickson, Sea.; of the firma( Dickies 1
dead,'sad /fillet died 'os Busihy. Dr.
Cain, Preeldest of ths Batista, waii attacked
- A lasethat 4agess fsosa freer& Ind Bantoses:Botel- this raprubmpv-04 tut
oat bimdredl atid, Sfty perms • Imo plant.
Dissatlsfsetles ass expressed at the refusal of
thsPresideut to Mk:2We Port Were.. Another
otetalttes has beak soot -down So sae Nit eau
:be evacuated its tea 'days' it tieesisary. The
, Presideut of Norfolk Packet Coupes, has
,offend to move all the trooPii Di; Ant Mouan*
to l'ort Wishlsgtiat 2,4 Um". vith their
rkluiPatelt& ' - • ' '
. , , _ - • ,
Bezlmunta, thmteither 6.=T100 soothers mall
bear Nem.Orlew,piper.of Taieday last.
The boye,a y Chaiteiteia .eluned
with the murder of Cm* Ayrea, of Um able
Arlol, , mutually - Ctlfoll2lll4, one _another. Oil
!stater that the ladeemsient for th• committal of
Alm mania was to.libtala" the largo amoast 'of
epees known to be on board the ship.
• •
i -Oars laissos,"Beptia&rii.—Aisatsol Togg„
ost,ds,-Nair Jen% was drownittyoldisy
Isttirwoos„ West:obi/wad Bound, by the seoldsts;
;tai aim** or u boot in 'which-he, with two
Others, ' , were fahlog.' The two Others saved
!themselves by ellagiag to the boat; being usable
to Wm... Pogo. who vas is good swimmer, st-
Sampted to swim whore end- perished is the st
-tempt.. body bes sot been reooveted."..
Rentsoz, - ;..Wte., September - the- Be
pablbsen - Mite 'Cowen&Jon, ; c the Ist formal
ballot' for -Gomtmr, Coke Scebter4 124
• tee; Holton - 87; - Seatttnitig 8: -Bosiitord vas
nomlnattel; :Anti-Knownotitsp "isolations were
"&d . Opteti C. C. Sholes,'Att tentehe, was um:d
eleted for Unit. Governor on the 84 ballot.
f3aptainber 6.—The cannel e.l this
plies on the Camel Ohio /taros& caved Is
Mahe Jollity; lbs tunnel will oot fee'elearatee
I 'l' l o 11 4 2 dt the pep or' esea Toe OA or eight
..Passaupre and teeteht.ittip • lieleets..e.rf
Be. Lome, &platter 6,—Tbe Hanna Leg
islature adjitated August 80, basing adopted
the leseiotiri eodii of Laws, when not locally 121-
1611Plidobbt neinuensistant with the laws of Kan
sas already paned.
The pro-Slavery convention nominated Gen.
Wtsitaileld as Delegaterto emigrant. •
Boston; September 6.—On Monday a colli
sion took place on the Vermont. Central Rail
road between the express train and a freight
train with a passenger oar Red with Spiritual
ists returning from a convention. Sonitiof the
oars were badly smashed and a few paamagers
'were slightly injured. -
Quail:mut, September s.—The Coroner
held an Inquest upon the body of Capt. Ayres, of
the chip &lest. A verdiot wee returned of
murder maths the Stet mate and two aPprentl
Homan, N. H., September 6.—.oen. .Tease
la now peying a visit to hie native town, Exeter,
New Hampshire. " '
PNLUDILPILIA, Bepteinber6.--Bome little in
quiry for Flour but at a price apart from the
views of.. holders; sales .600 bbls. - at $626 for
Buperline and $7,75 for extra; small sale for
the eupply, of retailers an4.baters' at s7so®
$7.62} for common end goOd and $7,76(x)8,26
forieleot brands; the supplies of Wheat bate
materially Allen otli. but a very meagre 4iaplay
Ounpleci, on.,change and most of .0011111 of
poor qualify; salmi 2500 bush. at $1,60®21,64
for,Airin4'primo and Southern red and
$1,70551,80 for white, Part in store.? Coffee-
advanamm a cargo lit 6200 bags Rio taken ton
speculation on prlynte terms. :In Prorieient
there is brit little dbing. Whiekey dells in late
at . -42®48 i n and
New Yonx.;Beptetlober 8.-Btocke improTed.
Cotton tjulet and 'Emilio:aged; sales 600 bales.
Flour usoltanged-40:moderate deinsnti; ayes
11,000 bbha Wheat' firm; eater 18,505 bushels.
Corn unchanged; dewatai tooderatec eau 10,000
.bushels:..Whiskey althea' sales 876 bbls at 420.
firm. „Pork a trifle ',inert' Baba 800
bbls at:B22 25. Biet. dna, with - upward ten
dency; 860 bbletold. Lsedtrm; sales 250 bble.
s .er - i4ertms I * . id *Votithin. ls . , • •
Crstaimart, September 0..,..4104,4a10i;
Out quotable &sage prb3es; eisleiao :bbli at
BaLea 800 bushels wheat it $412. " Provi
sions--nothini ageept a fey retail salsa
at $ll for bayou sides, and.= for mad pork.
Whisky-4alea 860 bbis at &1(484-4i farther
destine and dal. Sugar—sales 89.hbds fair at
7f. Molasses firm at 420. The river has !Wm
three feat sines yesterday.
Beirrvieon, September B.—Wheat sto 10
cents better to day; sales white at $1,60®1,75;
red $1,60®1,55. Ohio flour very firm and ac
tive; ealett.22oo bble. Howard street and Ohio
at Arrik, City, mina 57,25. Corn imehanged.
/A. NUS emitted. in idarde Catalpa 1. fn abbna wax
ma • short thnn JO Innar the ont'do-11X
•=1?Yl.. Itc"h r
t w g
Ow ...bolos. (now ho operetion or to the soi .. .saw ,
!um haa Dela irtZed r At two Team i ...12d1Ar0
giiiegmamOl a Vatita ill.nitselu.ria
Mmti i aa ;
i A s tr.d . anustrpit i.: 4 111114 e:
enka • ah r ZlProv:
lawn. B. 14 Wain a 67 4 and to tor
wont on the Joreoftea. mu.. Wow Ontoset, eo k ll.T.
on the :leer. sad 11. J. Zeattn. Moo
ALEX-B.AZE= br ale Warner.
DR. R. T. FORD has returned from hie
run to the counter. Bs avoid be died to mat Ids
. them who ere laboring endrr Climb Dhows, Dr.
grVidor sad Breathitt. *Motion, Dram Beattudis,
eation of M.S.", Ithesonatina. Nestral in M j in—
Alaa, eatinner Complaint, HMOS
W 701•11 4 lerersnit A gail!u 3.l V 'Ku ll al' Acute tad
Maine& unleantleted emcee. It Beare sad
e Mears V not to be Band In coy ot the
ortha pawn! Any, othoe, Wed and or liturtL=
Road re Patna daemon tadtabad
-rpm enbituiber. take's this .method to in
n.. • ( win We *toads 4iod atotootorobbot,b• ootwatoooo
&swing Ott Um moon tat ►Ow 10th teat; sad wilt b pew
=orltrolah bla mortar Alas. &a, la an_ va=
Tbo bleat toutlipt v a
tic.. amtk peN
Onion awl Tobitaapoliml Go low town.
Pits stmt. ritkaarch.
ANTED-sU lima . good , dont, enber men
Valar i der. Apply e=ll 6. lAlllssase Of.
*a' .nab
.thrto to to to the taunt',
apply at ..aurs' lawn....aa thew
oe3 ICI
WANTED --Pittsburgh,, City Williams at
V T Nt nitfth W•et. • t B)N.
C 2l ARAWAY SEED-40016x. for sale
n. A. PA IDOWTOCE 1. COrkt .
sn ' ' •
First nos Ma it&
VIEARLS-10 tons in non and frr mile by
111 - UTZ./ LTOOKT .
, a ATENT MEDICINES—A Lute and fall,
f 10FITZ-250 bap Bin just reasifed and'
4,_/ bar We by NMal Ytli •
I.J UGAR-100' prima N. 0. Sugar [ n or
w. cs saa O.IIITIT MATS a
rrOBACCO baud Rosen Robinson,
o&er binwl• 101. U li tr W ar& ran. M ; I
UNDRIES-- OU boxes Clay Piya4 20 do
Qe'rl :'ait ta b l " I
. ta 1 3k 680 l a
a l ] I t o Imbit
GEMEX-25 MIL in state for We by
sat, • ' - .15/11Att DUMMY aCa
N(L-lite/M-45 Ithds. in store for sale
. a. ,, . MIXT CO
SAND: '269 ber
1 8 = I rritiolor
man incur a 00.
ILiLDmF.AßlDEvo„H ati AT a ruel i ir g eo
■( Bale. ,Butta, 6 ; do.
1.17. w. l ivrtrrinmos • 00,
DIG if&TAL- 4 6 tons
= Tenn. now landing
- %.27 °,11 " a " mua " . bt
u many a CM
111IIRGUNDY PITCII-1300 lbs.
v for pale
EMT 8, A G. I . III3A T IreI
—2- 16 t,
!(ALLOW OIL-40 MIL In • .aite" — for gala
a by son LULU 1:171010111' CO.
AOKAREL-14S bias large No. 3 Kam
etaiwataUFA loot rein •RON
I INBRED 01L—lo bbls. Linseed Oil in
4-elfin b P. er sou nneisee one.
VHEESK-1130 boxes -prim W. R. Cheese
mu day esl4 tS Brifir 11.044.16_
ez JWIDDID WIEBBA--A : fa rt or itfjole
_ i rwtsfautmenuits. bone A Mates
INg--150 bbb. Limbrille Lime tor site.
V.P .44 " 61.1 "7 4 """inn0tv nouns.
vuitzo ; Aß-24
=putt " VFW" Ma!
h7tiligt - CiITED-Tbobisbartiairr4
i rirrat0., ,, :...„,,
- TOC — IIING - Yiiiiiino:tioav46 004
Ay oar lien NOISAPIII 4 AW/V.
- irlifflar'iCifit4o
3 .1 , 1- , -0-9proarailr,
••—t-- , ---
/LAVE 011.-aiiiikoto, gouts oak itoii,
. triFf; kr* , . ii, 1 PPE, - 0
~"—fAItRA D , ,
W 1103 4 SAIO 7 S-16 bt4o.'lo/41.02
orl A /40140194)11 , AA A
,(10 Ail W
. f,.4_,.. # ,_
BITRA k SUPBSeIitek.LOOK oi 14f.
jacrip r sas, 119 Ithaf i ligistE7
udrn z 1r Tad g
a4.r4lftl4ifii'-d:l4mi to;
i.m4 1
i 44 114;
If il-
kkf-ttiVlk4.l.W4Ml-WAoakrTO, -
r -
6 41. " C aL" .I"A gi i m "1" 446V, I t ,
.....vsairauiwo .1 Piaui.
WATS-4 t 23 wo i Amoovat A
ks Osl4 sgtrin ' tirs ol, i:
omi el Or AAA to A. n
' lAlritararraA en
do. lw Ms lir Atox, *nom 114 MOM $4
GliZgarr 100 bAZAITifGriI ririi nee
°IS lar4 "IV." ai l ki l:14 . 114 0
TimWIAII46O-144 04_fi 1 r Rim 4 fly
*ewe' , • - 11,W1PAIA a 011irlittA. .
MUD 1130 *Ala:6 fig, - , fiii
, Aso Ay - 1 41, .PANWONTOOKAAL
P TONS ZINO PAINT Arritinirtit4 ro t
Ws kw I. A r‘torm A itNionoitio,to,
1 -60 bOsei 6 . 0 NA
Jos- LOAM A 1 1 41,4 tial
Ofti g 'larded sta
AA. IS II 00,
25 ,( I :TnYt -
WlLOtra•-01408 brig* of Etta' Yasolii
L a iv " . " 7l l.l2 l A4M i iiremed I.
care.--..? bitit*Lentlemi s'.---4
%Jliry • ono canner
ISE120,"114 01) .
'WO IRON-200 tons if
B a r gait twa n g
- '
81 , es or *slay
T. 47 5 014.41000 owirn um w
111110111 se2, o.ll.lloo2llMain
,‘ 'OOl-"whalaii•lbar
L73131=211 OP ABB I T ATIoN, r oe AUOUT.
W. !I,: BiuOrs. V. P.—C. W. Baxemar. B Burma;
• • 3110. &Davos:al, /WA Pitwor.
Onics Paramus earn* 1.
Triday am:du& Botruabefflj, 1863.
FLOUR—quite a Umber of boom:time took mace. but
thor sem newly eli ,malt rake ma irbert of OS !phis au
Fool= at IVO: 03 du at NA le do. extra at 343.3 t;
Virlok 100 ari. eleriee odes at. 86,1500 from stair, 50
and 103 MU ttra at suet 40 do $t 34.244,110.add 7 3 do.
at 36.76 p sad 32 &fat SW. '
GRAIR—a Ida or 3000 boo Taman Wheat Ott tot‘eur
Una; on the wharf 100 bus Oat. at 30nasoamitat.
- IRMA-a sato.° flO blab &kat Ft. on gm. and 10 do,
folly fair to it Math auk
BAcox 7 .*de: or coo r. abouldionr 4,10)4, Axtr car,
moo itm MIN at 11X. moo; woad iso iht. lig and 1000 15;
cmis a)Gralfmg-. NT AN -4 (4.ll. odl t :mi ble :bu or mrt e rs.oo, kliwg •w% ll2l3l2l.44.- =` "l '' ' •
ldnouffir w th. tomiottruo of dour fr , r Jet
dogma tu fhb
, • • Jeff. .Aofraot. Total.
• VI& 22,029,
.?11 liT '
= a 100' ' ,141
700 b ' 1 Wit
Tei Nzw You dzioilintereThe Way common
etent of the Whlladaphla Lewin, after elating tones:l
am Wades of Wooten,. Star an dam to W. and the*.
19 0 $ extra Ohio. which at the ant of lest nett bernaht
ne hea
vy Saonre .•&
4 •
OnnintasOi the decline. lows ao sot an
Weer Tay donnas to en and, one ,oeeasloaall, toko
anal paean
ll . The byte swpfar saxbree to radon than
stoat. and to keep then - redden. fa
m ntatpatlea of
sta 1 4 adi thakm 't :tit
lawn trans.' The !soden of Watheen dant shawls,
off. sad holden nee eztelbit • tloa to trowel
& .-- eenket dawn flood eatelare lear di tir babel:A
at 1£1.2% and rin extras se kw as it. to
s t = ilm .hV m tler=e the year; and the
Snag to yternat market from ro=lintos eery
low tent enttoe a•good Tanga Shrine.. .
There Is • lane aotlelty
..marl i the.,-. IIII W - A
sonaneetil name havtogunesien. a teatunit
Downer are ent pet larger The' ennemeat
as NW loan. some of the teats. deeming It peeessary,to
still farther coanwn Ttie Rowdy aeon*/ .14
ample at the toanamet rate of Intend. 7 ant Ittlizt
Mama& balm an taking wed paper at the lan..
(Minn II Inborn anon thews% het Wm.:Laurens de:
mutating rapidly tilerthe lantentalWlPPLtwa nod
ere wow att. pont which enables lams WM..
many of the orders which thee ban 'MeV bet
sot before endue. Mon has fellealthl *fel din
coc to Tte W Ink Wheat IT to 1130 I bean, ant Corn
abase be W
• good damnedmenet, lane ore - well sostanel and Is
. • • . .
In regard to lend ierrarn.,Thounetna linnets' nen
MI. demand for Ins and late Is tally null to the nen
ply. ISO la Misr supply, sad the dee
mant tw i t : We MI thennere benne and wallas
at the prier- • •
Us and 1006.: , ;_......{111 p
Dino t1hmi0.444, A R-416 11M6 do orhott.
11c763.,.d a dr i.n... /dearth Vat*
. Naomi. 54 bblo
3=4;3 7 / 1 06313444,17 do. idie s tob — iltettudoe: fa st.
wOO% Rhona it a out i f r; rialyz a rtik
rivirosl=4 Roo littneon . 16 gristared.'n:
12 03to apoloa, akelvor 179wortto 4 an. dock,
raffia ,10 . 49 1 614 dammed. 691 Mu do, OM do es* 146
do orboo4 S dbl. ow. /1 -*sr batter. 194 bblo door, 36
9 4d 6 64 14 7. ovadrT oraldoson • • ,
Manua" Prnsimmut . .ll P.-10 An gsh.b e l ie 04n.
844; 144 bps 4 rbee4.ll4lea *X 1011 hWus.
114 ebb Seur.43l boa qua, suety ao.fOe«.,
ONION 1.1101-210.628 abb. 20 Iggi 411,
Claalialt 6. 2 d Nevin • co. 6 is t herst
_l9 aka wool.
tiarasagli eat 64 do tem Noll /0 bad 001/00v.
C Mann 44 pkgstOasorata. II sr 70 bids nosy,
12 ban odavoi Lyng
_ . blooms mindt7 caloWS.olo.
MONONGAUI/6A WYNN, BOATB-887 : bna 05ta:174•414
batboy, SU 661. tbor, combo, 1408 boa vribaL Wlinuirtis
a oi 476 do: Wpm I ar . , 16 bbla d00r,,,} • W gm 100 do.
1 0 Zeztib • tn i tti t go
ttrid . L ..W ri l a r i p l C A 311 d 1.2 ,
: k m Lit t t az , v= 1/,
WIDUILIII/1g0arr..426 wa, Rpn L Daladk 1461,614
=7O As mo s,.. a r opy a al o aat aka ;Vasat. ;It
oomoc i ana anaaa, =1,71 ea to ma Zrri de
I=mt am tr i o r.
m eal
l a one . / J o r t
boobs. Livingston =lO Alai, 176 bdb MAW 43 bb4
f 6 eM.
Bows Bondrr donsigoaea.
ZANEBVILLII, y gidgbtar.-11 bta wog. vast 14 •lo;
2 2 bob 06242.776 do lionr.J A anion BO doßell • Lisle ,
Lbbla aggs,Bayalay A In.
CINCINNATI. by Ikaa-419 Vkalrbat: 4 Wilisarti. ea
986 dm 466 Mb Bony ao 6n mlb soap, • oil, mat; 100
MAN Boar Watts tem; 10 Mb lead OU. ?War rot
t h t.1 . ..t, 4 146. , bon on 74 bbla moisaaaa. 277- de
CINCINNATI, by Baby Qoaats-6 boa books, 476 Mb
Awe. ea* 82 DLL wislakay. MOON 6 likkainenn 100 do
=i2012. Aboanbeagar • 0410 do lard. Lb do whiskey
CINCINNATI. by Ibilavdo-119 bko amain. J. ar. Rao
Cl aka wool II Barker 41 bib door. W Carf on 6 btd•
oIL Nada A sot MIO ate oboe. gyn. • we 00 kb map,
711.1•14 ad. 40 bolas cotton. too isbia,Soar,
.766 Pp whoa;
et wawa' Ohkhed-dra Ihr's . DI
mad 300 Iddrdad Drhard 100D Nom d oer Ul
a, Dlckarr o boom r..
82. W by oca. lard rieditillawbritierek
=LID. a aro brew. ;Nei d,
Idols doer, dash Id 01.0 1 ) de DDlrdr7. Prbdl7
LOlHlSTlll,ll l tesrhe Gordon-OM him hbrak
iag NT do. 611 dolbrai. 234 bbh Sew and aq
Muhl erg 1211 ID bed stdreb; 01
dry Doarldhroll. - c.
erxussxmsa flue.Ladsaer—idd Weld, ler
se it er, 106
i.: id area ed MIAs Sea. W Hm.l
U klikulde ord.
IT. LOUTS. bs . caloddde-7 leis 101 n• üb•A
Leal, • Gord
ioa rrbd ti tutr. bes=. out. 1u bber
•.8.13. . as set.bem awn MI ieu
enemy sowl , erlda ex.
Lll.ll,6ll:.4Brarrantlbr: Laura. Y• 00l
Bayard. Ilkaarrth la. 1. llrrdsviEr, Clara
Flabdr. - .Wrot Warm APB , . Wjarallar Plan CErr•E.
Claahrast.l7l.diatrera. dal CUMIN EL LOOM.
. ,
DIP/OMB: ~ liornisrinaL / rd.. d'
Bayard. illaabrUd lroalrud. Baran Mar% rldr- . Wray
Iladtda: 11. Wynn% rd 11 1 ,..
Rivaa—Ori yerlariaiavoligt tiara dada Baca Ideher
la tba abarmal and Brlldeur. P .
Pittsburgh aallor Savings Institution.
Ka. - 68 Antra .Btred,
mu m TO etrumma SUM;
Voir open from 9to 2 o'clock; also,
o %Amway vac Saluda! oraidasa. from Ito
Doran. roadraa of ell mai Dot Doo than Shao
awl diridand of Dia_yrollta dadatool :An la year, la
Juno and Dorao=r.. Trooloak fs
ea t =go • armaraotao=trnibr I irloir
Dawn, le
Book, ta h roWtso Ohorter. Priam% Nubs sal Dr.T
oul &DOW Do at ta. oftin.
. . .
nogre a I L T . , , .7 lyboentorram
W 211 ,r - roratsima; . 411 4f1Pb
/MN . 4 i ‘& . 04.
fllllßOTa tim ' :• * . Sr ' -
'PA ...illou. ' W , : • •41 . 5 4 .,
I 1, ‘ ,,
2;9ltrik., 0 V• ,
e Le iri.ti lL i t lM. mei 11 44
Waits .107.0 t. L , ALT . I•
fard and ngindrorA•ollAß , LXo'A. &art*,
cesstiska sad Forward hog Agents,
mama, otarUilit4;ta*Uvarolw •l
PArristau, Moan Orals, Hemp,
LAM:k. MUM 401 r. Ass renwsstusq,
airrogno 14111419
rtnewnp, Ye.
• k 1M, 4 0 •
IPA! .-M.---t9l * o .
BAGS AND 11141A4
No., so WAY 44 . til'illigT,
spy op Hat s WI xopc
5 a iumwtsmory Po a ,
BAVS Or 111 rot& WI licteliwkakt.
W 4014 it* 414 NO 1 4 1 14 I r tilitft 4 1 1IT4INUI 4.
44044 , 40144.0 0 I
IMAIII/4404 Plit VAAPP' 1140, •
op Pir
Stliilll4lo4 l 1140 8 1
N4o,44ooHirt 0 cirdort a*liivilidy rAT
tow Hoo,
tow kam,44 ra NA 004 it Pip pwfir row
iofooo I. 80.000 1111114 PIM , 41114
mo, tropposeao4 Palm IN •
alitiPiY IMO § AND 114EIGINft,
4 0 " * " 111 4 P :,4,1 4 4. 1 411. 7 ,121411 1 4 1 , 4 47. "4
tlxixt7h ~,. -____:„...
itt ;m i d - 1 0 ")1,11r
• 41 Aln i 7:1; 4 4
.....4 4 . , .. ! kwo 14 '
. 1 . 1 . !
_l , : It o t x
LION IfITI6M4 — ' a11 e . 001414N64;.,
fi! " r°6141
. 1 41. r"' li itirt
~ 0,14.4 " I 'l l 'o awl*
t tl " mi I ittig sti: et p ' %AM!
4 ,,,
nia lryy 6-4 AraYifrA.St
iL I,";'elLVAriteltgt
t.?, f, tmill* I ilk,
ll' - i t - iiiiiii - 1 - 1, - 1 - t - 4iiii7Piiiii:
/ itix MIXT bESSION - rill open ou TIED.
.f 41 E1: 4: Mr A i ll 'iNIIIIP 4 ` ""
- - rffi t to " Tffl'ani•lrs; Pit y ." 1 " 1 " .
• 14/1:° 1 1%.
st#lo4t bars
filittelitEßEV—tizon's bat Mut iota Oro:
xj,a t ' l44 . l " qtaL t"'" No NBPAINtkir. a to.
virkini=soTitig•Turw iiiintiNg fro si ym aist .
""w w r .,
.._— iiiman wawa a at
front - 118
Sane Wm Ibt Ole INAIAII DMA! CO.
1110VAM BORAX-18 cues BorailiA
Alprimorseimailtirsols tri 1. 1 1 01100XMAKIlli a ve.
go OZO:..Qllll,oll,o4llabalitaau
r~u:~{sx~r~~~ ~'"4~a~u'
. ,
"' . ' ;,-' i' . • t •
- ' - -,---- Atm:lunation , : _
Vil HEREAS ~ : iii aesiL by the' 13th Section
T ir of the /Lot of
1859. en
of renntylva
• Dia, maul July lid. BOW en ••:1 n Set relating tot.
eteotleas be Mt Commontrathh. 111. 4.3010- oa the
gherigoferery 0021.1.7 . to Om aortas of troth beetlena to
to held.
_and macerate. each notim *betaken vue to
be emu.. labomeanortitersabr, WM. RA9lLL.l3heliff
of the Omzeit u af . .dpeighenk , dothendbr rho ittgent e ati
f l, g ` riel: bat s q=r3o.4ort Irtn e ee barn'. oids
coulty.on the BEccgstri 1131S3DAT Or OCTODIfit MT.
at the seem! elution MA.. herzi. . . . -
The *lettere or ate First Wattle the city' or Pittsburgh
to mead at the loose of Moi. Jane Little, at. the coma of
if.wth rad e.. stmt.. in add Wed. .
Ths electors of thereto. Wud of the obi" of rilJahlwah
to meet et the Peddle Othool Ram th e sai Ward
The elect= of the Third Raul of city of rittehltrith
to meet at the hemmer Andrew hothrettra Emit .
The eleetorsof the Fourth Ward of the.) , or rattalsergh
te meet at tbe PURIM BONXII BOUM ill we Want - •
'The electors arum tette Wool att. tit, tt Bittrimblh
tinteet at the Pennsylvanialionuceensied by (loth.
du. Mt. Ai.. Sturard. In asidWard, , - •
The eleetour of th e gi rt h Wardof the Mg of Tletsbarith.
to rout at tbe Puldbe Del. Bonet. In mid Mud. _..
. The electors of the gerenth Weed of the elty of PUP
burgh. to mut at tro Public Mee Roam. Medd Werd.
to Of the Itibite Ward of .the oft, of
burgh. to tout at the re blidgabont Mum. In mkt Weld.
The eleetors of the Bigot Warder the DM, ofTT Ishugh.
to meet at th e Public. Baba Roue. In ult Weed, . .
TM. elector. of the Pint Wool of the el l Allegheny,
. to meet at the hems of J. Worilimee, in utuketreet.
The 01.0,1 Mho armed Wad UM* ef of All.henr.
to meet at theism. of wider Thimmum. meth-welt ett-
Able of bide U. sada Stumm . -. .. .
The deg eng of the Ward of the di) of Allegbanr.
to manatee rnbile d lion" et Bat Wed.
. ,Tha elector@ of the Fourth Wavle the okra Al=
te meet at the house ofT. BMlth, et thumbed of
and band.. newt..
The amber of the borough of Birmingham to meet at
the teetotaller WiDdne st„, tre add borough.
' - The idettorbef the berm. M
of But onk :IMO. to mug
at Ur Bail.. aloe otelleor 11. Ormsby:ln tald botaitgh.
The ekebre of Duquesne borough to meet at the Petrie .
Moo' UMW* odd
.. , The Nee tomer the =4Law UPI. to meet at
Me goblin &Mod Roue lotehltitetioil: : • •-I
The etude. of the boron/h . Of Bharrebneg to meet et
the ofJoha Ettoora-hr mid borough.. - ' .
' eke., of 'the botoigh or Molteeepert, to meet at
the 11.11 In laid_ imiongh. _. -.-: - '
, em
Redo e Of the bar.. of South Phubbotte to -. f
f at' hums liontelp eimmeled-br a abbdushi 1 4 .th.
tad , the lipmentoehela Do •Id borough, - --.
Th elegem oft. bereards of Wort Pettotargh . to beet
at bows of— BOSOM '
- The *beta. of the borough of Wen idisbette. to moot
' att. Pottier &Moo/ ROW. Inlaid beemik. ' - - -
The Modem of the toroagh'or Talent.. to meet at the
Potreo &tool add birougb.
...itei=tttlkerough of Idantleettr to meet at the
The ember oft. kertigh of lesteth 'to meet et r the
bozos OP--.... Sirie.m. Sum. tempi. bp John:Walk.
tt iblp mat et .. he hoz.. Jo
'lsliih c g Io
i=t me thf h •and Prenteme. Tam Pike
mat, ID sold Winub am quad. totem raid
a mettle. No 4. sod 1 " :th e. sald distrkto to
pll.lo*obi .t go Mee in the Nlath Word 4.4 .
'The tiettore, et Nob. town to wee, att. house of
.Aoh_a 8e... In tbe.rilleg. of Llbert7. .. -.
TO4ohotota ot MIN= at° mutat tzt 7 l:arato of
ama, t o the •of Esst LI .- ..
• The ode.. el WWII. town. p to moot at t • Imam
ofJohn !ham. me stri, , rah Turnpike law, le
The elute. Urines innertdr to rust .at the bone of
John litagennille.legield to. ..hip.
The ebettorref Patton lowndep to moot at the hoop, of
Abraham Taylor on the Northem Turnpike. In odd town
mbar Gk.. o f Dr® t0..1e to meet at th h of
R. Ilon on the toed bum Bd. in the
t.... of TAUB. toensidp tomtit at - the Public 1
R=l i i i=r u"
, f 7 n tr tvid
ku tiri.,:eliir w.w./.dt
Wit I
SI 12 liere
1 10 eon
Y. Tribute.
. The &dam of Zlisedestie township to mead rib the house
of Norse Wthetw, forsowly <Wei:Pied by John Wenn. m Misabeth •
be elect=ifeasons thernthip to mist at the hones
&se. 'brandy oompled by Jona gin. in Mid
Its electors of laden township to met at the hones of
Samuel Wilson. Ibrenerly compied by Junes s If. Neel, lot
sold township.
The etestots ooVow N. Clain township to Weed- at the
boom ofJea Conner. In said township. • •
The electors of Lowman. fihdr tow - whip to meet at the
housebr E lf i i=al Um emotion - of , the Her
minibus andOoal la said toothed o.
electon of (tharthedownship to meet at they house
Of Win. Ober.. on the Pittsburgh and. Steubenville Torn-
. The riele of Robinson township to meet et the house
of Sarah Winstead, ibresserly.Addirey Xdfarland. In mid
The electoiflf thinehip towel ittl# l: l .4. rot
, esoieg
Ideakiland mow, drmerly °matelot by J.
.the ethane oft:Sidon, in mid
The alactors of Moon township la miort. at School Rothe
No. 4ln sald lowashlie. • • j
The donors of Ohlo-townedelp to meet at tha haus of
Jams? V Thempiese.ln said townehip. • ,
:The *Mon of franlJtolownehl=ert at the home
occupied by Joe. linesmen, to
The Weston of Ramon towneWp to
the ilebod
Bons No 11. in mid townddl ,
The" Neon of Baldwin townehip to meat at the houseof
John Cowen. in mid hwinship. sees..• ,
The electors of Snowden to • nighty to mod at the house
of Pete , 8 .7.4 Ift mid township:
The electorsof South , reyetta -tisreship to meld at the
boom of If. Nays, on the fennole. Y.Cloolter. in odd town.
electors of North - Fayette tejsuatelti to most at ths
I rgsr... u near w wiset by Frands. Jamb..., at .Hoge'. HW
The electors froddp, most: at tine home of
Jacob Ooltsusth. en the Tranklin . Road. In well townehip.
Thetas:sore of Moe towor.ip to meet at the house of
9rCrochney. fre mid township.
e. whetters f liVandheeterwashioto theist at Whams.
of Shoup, In add township
The electors of Wet Dser township to meet at the hien,
of Nathen (boles I n salt totrootOtt - •
Tb• skidoos er fast Deaf totoo.bto onto at them:dale
Sob.* Haase: he ties koohith of TIWO
ire see ors ofneet to
_lgnobly to mesa at School Howe
No. I. (htheetter to be called Clhaplin.)
The electors of Sewitilthy township toinest at thshoueo
of motel Ritchie, he Mid toroth's. ,
The electors of Indiana , township to meet, at the house
fortnerly.Occupird to Ale & Tumor. In maid township,
The electors of Maier W. - whip to meet at John Shales
1118. In mid township.
1 The stultified toter. of that part of Ilidleoa township.
filet:boor <Canty. redoing - Within thee Moridog
earth ol esendarlea, to wit: hoginnlng at • paint oh the
Allethenf thepith. Nos or the ham of - JoheaCr
1 14 and r ot ai n s p northerly sews& between the home of
Miele and John Boyd .0 the meth emit. corms of Cr
s Ihree - e•tteroor rannisen a rusted,) foam to the Sbr
hr township Swath nth a manna I
automatise:oat forme
loth Shaded in Conninesbasei dishollet., - and known as
the liter taste, wt he odd. twendasies. .hell tamealter
TOM at the seneral In the immolate of Shumtholthe I
at the decal= pod n< saki
At which Uwe and places thentothtiodeiattents aa alter*.
Sold Tilley Wald sobs - ,• • -•
censor. t:
pew. Ibr tostabere trimonthly' Of Ihnosyloseela
One em cee
Mr Sheriff. - •••
One person It
ht? Canal Conankidesser. ' •
Ow perms Tecaturndaryt •
O pppm r . e
nitr/ at
Ono perms Ibt-Trauseer.
floe = a lbo o, Vgy mod: .
person lior Potent,' Cat rel
Use perms too Auditor libr II •
- tom soder my twd asd seal at 011tabsiewle, this lid
fay of .li ttesether A. X. apt of thek Isidnete
the O
madkenert • ..• WILLIAM-MAO ln Sheeilf.
mighstaLlAiths, °Moo TlVWllll4ll:Aparl f
not eiP A :d ri lto vita to told at Po ' ltdlo Actettoo._ol P. 'll_,
Dolt*. moor filth sad Wood ate.. on the ItztignD DAP
OP WetWHlttt owl% to Pot otwirs, sod for soookrAt oboes
l i grd ritua n tex t . ,
i i AIM mrd'i..,:)k mallYl l l l °l l4
.., 0 ,....:16 ). . ) t1 a. ...a 1t.
.7 W Baker do 1 do,
kinagrotalgor. do 1 dd , ,
AMa te. Meow, Ps, : . 10
- • 1 ri,
- . do 1 pkg.
fiE's rjd i Vatkr,
11BN,O,Nditdhorty, • ; • 1 dn.
PUN N glom Mom",
11, 1 rotntrtai4 1 4 . . , 71. '144.
- • 1 . 1 .4.17
1 tee,
ir it 1:6 - e se - an. ii; I gar, •
.1 A Colladay. to I do.
11l A nOog b %o t lo
nfirb4o7 . , , 1 tel.
SI i
1 17 . ... p l i fze m brit ei tr. ,
~., , , 1 1 0 li..
I *.e.
i tla lri -n t' P lf` rlak I r
Login. Mb. do I Doi,
.' lioltdd. it Itott
3 , it'llguria. Pti t tgiatt, 1 "lir"'
A Uodo. do g garret%
it u forifflio nh aLk b tlt ? P lo w '
11:Prigl iA ‘r ' 1 t "i.c.
0 Pog o
f r at, " l, t 1
rNr do , \
i r iarict. 1 ara 6l6
' Maid ''oda. t z.".00 * .
Ig o (on 14 0 Wag, clUo 161 too ,
~t 1 •
... , , iiitwitt I 1 14 '7*
ir 1" 1 4,41,
r, i 4 Nortek mute's a., t moue..
Et t...,,,,,,..iii....,.
..,„ /a
li t m.
, " ‘ : l7
n% L u Xl 4 ''' IrA
l u t ' i l "gr ‘ " '' * l .4*
atir t h 0g0.0.41 " Wok
.g r i` w liki,k 4 1- 7t w i
Ilt h \.
l .
'"1 gclri . i
t 4
4,, 14 MI T t
i z,litabatitapekiss. 11 ,
fint mat e.
all , tee.
I l e A tddlao:o. Nod flint.Vett%
49" ' - IfII.ThIaOLL A ,
tru ,, A . £4OOOl ions ow
1MP V;124 41 -Irititviih'i Pill, (gettable), in
, 1 '
e :tes Pier....
1 is Stir t '
1) s "` " 0 lf
. 9. ~=
q /
~644 mei, * ra l,mtw iel jrZr il lartraint u 8 oLat2
Om. t s,ugar; '
• 41. 4., = 111" 11ta.- 3 77= Noiaadod .
• e tterlodo Orsos
Ilison ' doe
Lai ; ,b " 8E 114
logo No. 3 Ilookondi
t 1: 1 1 #1,6% do . do do,
• Is • . 4.
ACIIZATIIREI--Justreed D of superior
r s iel li ra t th ' ilhlth 4! uu 'et MA
VARNISH -3 bbls. Jisgsn, 6 d !.15 m do
wt's' atiosalxima4, l •ThILI prow tin,
ORN—aid bustle received ani
by sell BRIX* MGM, WON it.
ItO0h18—&S d sten COM .Brooms in store
atut es ass Dr sal SILL h ISOGIrtf.
LOOP ROOT-- , p) fchquile.b . ••• ,
. y. . or •
by ' ACCO.
ERR ' ` sr • • • 1 -7 . :/ 1 • ore .; •
renOlvell Ilbr *dein AriritLy.
. WE - 8111 , 1111I0k 'LIKE.
.., ; ,L 1865'
.St .
, ANDSPLEND STiett l i
for E
- this line velll lee, .lowl a nd kr Lake Sunnier,
passlog through the SKIP CA NAL and mortal,. ... 41 tb.
nelnotnal Poets on toe oboe. 1.. ke g ee folio-or . .
NORTH. STAR.-- thp. 1 , . O. *nor, dolt.
• ilo."' ek'd01."d....2.--Ar"der.r.htrgth.2A-: '
Lewes . do .... ...... ItAtreda., Jol7_l9h . '
/Ammo ,do -- ..... woods., Jolr 00th, . •
Lams ,do —.........a0 0r0 d 0 , a‘ ,...„,, b
Leave. do ---- slonaor. Augtot 20th.
' Loam ,i do ...... —Thuneter. Austad aOth.
~..w . ~ do ......—tzwis&-lirenber
Leave. ,do st. *,..
Lesvos do.. ..........4loodar. " &tob, - fiz-
LIM. do . * ........4.-Thweday. (motor 11th.
Leaves .., do , ---L.lionday, October 22.. L.
loons ,ao ....—.....Thmsday. November lota
Leaves do ..........Monday. Nov. 12th„-
, - • Lamm :. do . ............Thorsday.
• SIORTHERSITIL—.....O.2. d• 14 - T.....% M..ter
Lanes Oevetasei..—.....kionday, .4.17.. d. .
Leaven - do - . - .....z....ThM05.T.,1 2 th.
Leaves • L. do . ................fondar: duir 2241.
Leave. . , do . ,-. ........-....Ttottsdly. August Id.
LearAs . . do. ........Mondandollost 142.1., .
• Leave. . do —....TbursditS MM. WM. ,
Leaves ' do: . ....--.3ro= )4=SM. Ild. •
Leaves do ...--Th tit meda uar,
loam do ' ....--.:-11. 24th,., • ;
Lesvos do ...........Th. .._ l ah
Lewes do ...........Mond.o. 0....
Lesvos : do, , ......4..ThnOttober
Loves do , , ...........Montlay. sovember 6th, i
Leaves. do : • ...—......ThurMar, Novesster IbtlC
-., loan. ._do
............,' ....2lnallAr. Nolmber 96th= •
The Boats of tt lo LIM . ban large sod mono= amen
toodation. Ira sad alio for freights, sad aitor
Weir soak. D.T. from. Clireelastd to the Stet!
or hake Sopoior.oarrLing ths I.ISITBD *TATES MAIL,
ponneetlng at. Oloveland and , Detroit with a/I the
of Itailoods and Steamers , The hOsta of the store
44 .......M...4 In point of BPSSO *Ltd AOCOMIIIC.
DATIO., . &India. telt . , Lake Superior'. I. one of '
rhoseritest In Lb* my and tho undereltpted prepriette k i
MI etre thelzlltole a the bonne.. of Tlll
LIM, sad hope . hypo:tont:Dem and despatch, to merit'
-tifsur=triornme4 Iri L th . titliktios Prosoorrar.
Bosco a Lino otirasrouTPßomures roinglit. the
to all the Ports of fake Superior.- , ,', _
13. * A. SITRIPRIL—....... .....—Froptistor,
Of Stammer NORTH BTA.... — S• IIiTIITNIZIt, and. fro
, L • RUSSET .1 ;UM:MiI% Aiianti,
Chreeland. 0 I.
Lake Superior Line. 1855.
27th. the new,and Let steamer PLANST
tain kJ. IL
to trill me between 5e,,1 1 411r, Tan.
Ontrameton. ro il stab impertant port.. es toliontr
US. T. Detroit every Monday at &dark, .M.
Leave Ontonagon MO Thunder morning, arriving at
Detroit on Baturday.
Ely this szteagement osserragere can go tolAtre Saprtior
•d• 11: 1 1 iag _thiedate. Those ebbing to go
to Cie
trainedhrgalo or Chicago. oan tag the evening
boats and on Mrs:TIM at Detroit, and arrive et
tams pleats on Sunday morning
This lithe only line running to Tote litaPrght that °f
ibre AM mat transit up and bark, and the only one that
remains In part Om Sunday.
, Tim Planet Is entirely amt han built expresely liar th e
L.A. generic* . trade and l onges and most sub.
stantlal stemar In that trade. Nothing has been spared
to reader her the mast oh, attractive and mafortable
boot on the greet talm. B. D. WARD.
C. A. TIUMBRIDO g. Agent at NUM.
lentil d3m L A PIBIICE. A g.n tat Cleveland.
IiTHAMBBIP LINE. (Via Nlauserna c t =
Roduction of Priem to mg the dews. 2k. suld
r. libatt. Ames Hundred Miler Morro mil
~,,, .....ft. A g. ard avaidLn,l& .. dorall . ....Ethoza Amer mg
• T 11114.10 LN AD ii 7 Mig OF.Tfig MiILEI. -
T e Accessory Transit Co. -(of Nicaragua)
fig• Prbpriatom.
R, all ant CLUI eteamehips, will leave Nee York on
the sth and 29thgf each mou th . eanneetbog by the Rio
arum' Transit emute, (having but twelve miles of land
tmorportatbm aver • good maradionlsat road. in trot clue
cerriageopth the stemi abipsSIKRILA NDVADA,UNCLII
FAM.COR PACIFIC, end DROTIISB JONATHAN, one of e eit:will lean Fan Juan dot kw. the Racine
ten:ohm If the Trinalt Rosie, vvh4re the Peale Steam.
thine receive the Ramage., at the Companys vharf I:n
-=4y on An tbelr anima l .
E ril a vroa me r . d=os to -Bar b a
T ip.
Per Intbroastion, or pervege at reduced mes,apply
only to
3 et-terPF - I. Bowling Green. N. T.
Emmet Like of Austral m Packets from
New York to Melbourne, •
lIE beautiful and favorite Clipper Bargee
NIMROD. oloatert4l3 Alp of Ws line, will be t •the.
on Iter swooti %met t le hielbooroa, co th l t n t..ll
Epp, Celli 60 u 4
Oat Wll5 1 . &
P liimiat *Ono , b l .; ed;"4:hret..i n aup rpu..d.
pei . stav
•Apphr bOarl at el.w 0. Riot Slyer. or to
.14 W. 0414ERON. 116 Well etreet New York.
.. . ...... ...
Yeirtue °fa preceptimder the htulds pt
Win. B.•lleolare, , Preddent of the Omni of Oomnioh
in and for the erh Judicial district of Pounmlyania.
and ustioeof the Court of Oyer end Terminer, and
ed Jall Delivery In and foe raid Dietriet, and WBllam
Dodge and Gabriel Adam., Ems, Aanciate Judge* of the
tame mute. In mid Mr tbe county of Alleghenyolated the
—day of July.' in the year of ode Iced one theme
ind eight hundred and tiftydre. and to me directed, for
holding a Court oftryer and Terminer and General Jail
Delivery,. at the Court Meuse to city of Pftteburgh, on
the let Monday of October nest , it la o clock. A. M.
Publie notice la hereby given to all Justhem of thaPeam,
Caremer and Constables. of the county of Alleghemy, that
they be than and there. in their proper perpons, with Malt
mile. reande, induldtiona examinationa and Mbar*.
membranes*, to do them tithing which. to thelemePictive
whom, in their behro appears to terdostand oleo those
that will ta the prhemen that nor are, or XIV be
In the )all of mid ouun' of Allegkulny. to be than and
there to prmeoute agalert them lee shall be inst.
Given undermy handle Pittsburgh, this fliteemth day
hStigma, hi the year of our Lord, ton . Maenad eight
hundred alidfifty.dre, and of Commonwealth the 78th.
aulitd • • WM. MAGILL Sheriff.
q i iEw JOSEPH WHITE'S int.
MIME - - 1112081T0111
-10SKPft'WHITE now own. y inn AnShi
*JP nee In his mato= prembeee. (now latarr enbst)
Pitt Met Lawrenmeirle, near, the Two
tine Ron, y • Invitee th.e paella to inspect hie
stock of CIA GU, BOMB& an dal ha meander.
'ls Intim. sentient= snowansers, that one pekoe cm is
mule. 'rotate's!. mars experinleo In the business. enab y
lilt= =his petrome the same choke colkction
ram twat It by been hie
Miteular..l2 . art . s .. ..4l=egrat Ti te varions a anlmoet
rystan t ritte, the erocesomr ot assensremantawlli
imime. beet and m fashionable Mannie cte mo o desrm at
measnabered by
_them homy expenses, which the
anent for demeatina Amuse 9f trtgaismo has beanedjnein
to. pd. anwds, (owins to loot. wow.) Jw.Pn WNW ,
win man n reap moan only, at mush tees than the surn•
if.S..—Stwrieses moire; to the but stamen oda the;
Moil Foil for Bale in Columbiana Co.i 0.
MHZ eabooriber offers Me Pll3llm for !b
eontaintngl3o •are nlnaty elear.telanft.M ,
In Iromi ninhori, lOW am choke Orchard on. sere
Kitchen Owderti erosion., ar omen twt palinglateee large
Prams Dwelling. thighs& 33a0 fee., good
Wood and Coat Mum lase Hank Han. Carriage,. Wag-
Hn. Waal and Spring noun', three acne. Lawn In front of
owe. plentad edth Shnsbe and Pratt Tree., with board
fence an round %be whole, balm, well wateradoall tamed
ana In_prime 10 6
PARTS& en,. Llbertystreet, Clttebash: iMDFIDICR,
Dakar, All.theny City, or the proprietor, $X taloa
meth of Salem. on the Liston road,
• e•B3tdli3twwr BENJAMIN. BOON.
propoesle to thle 'tamale FARM saattl the - *TRIM
OVEMBIIa NEXT. when It wIR be. conveyed to the
telly haring made the beet altar. - , •
It Is Seely lasted on the OroostdoitHwe rtete../tx Vets
tornado, Allegheny econty—oostsbas Otle ann•
dr.! and Ebibtaett Acres sad allowsoce, AAA by Railroad
oreenvoniud wowsthe city. n. now In the owsw
patter of Capt. Woad.
8.1. Woo& .
A good UU • 6111 b. "haste,
• hro. 6 wylle etrees
Dadrable Coal Property for Bale.
I I HE undersigned is authorized to offer for
asio very &Waite brat prima attar Waited la
rya% 0:11410 0 abli, atli=ass u rath ot• . Pitts.
Z r .fobstgelits s a g" of sicaUsat cost i tC l =l;
In dabs • tlitoa T trarxre L edi .
arc .r to
rake tt h =iik Inirresost... .•
arc et the locklArkr. bur. Jr—
.l.-11. 8 /Atm. at Lir
JrThdirB4/ • No. toe And .treei.
4111 E PROPERTY of Sixteen Acres
talara'r.Arbg,'dir.44',,..ll l .°l l ,l2=
.2 th a5zA 14 b331.3 a...0 2331, th e niEdoe al 11. 12 sad 13
3311.131,e163-, ' 21103. MILLON.Trasts3.
114 &reigns ol i tand Iron totpratorl and
Atm.b. a . •t. to• Rtle" t r,m47" We ° , :...hi u n''
TWyp.ll.., limy Mat tvvai. c , .. '4.4 Wed Mem.
lowa. &0.. act Atom* born soli stalky win& bout%
p r a ri mpps4. tro d noo li t ,3 1t.t r.p.p. t.0 411• " 4 4=1•11.!
-. & CUT MUMS &BM lb nail rt.
SALloltooloil a tor toltboat .11are Ittaticor• 011
Ittt .1. r, & It.t Nob ottlop tote soot*lno war It maw, Au&
ILO eirj
~ !I: . I br, i [ 3 : . : a , 1,1 4 , rat V_ k r a re IE ,
. e , L• b n :
tt a
toorvatoot to Itaboolo, lthrothao '''. toasty of ecootrt.
tOo above oto to eliMilind lia, ths,Mtlip% aro attired at
• too trio. no ray Olor toms. ' A rto
nu 41* SAri--ihriirAn Chant ort Nooks stroot
0 .4 7: orko nit lock Corr . rut to Otorre Won tr. , 11 , 4 tot , ...a, n.t. eh lA= or ku, on ',blob
41 p • it trir pp l i tree pp
p a= , =trot 4 ox in tti v
batlttomo IfoO oothord of ogled troll. Ttdo oropirty
,o4foloo AN rast&toto ottozoot rrootttroll, *Oa. Prio.s6oo.
Aafir to - I . nlO /WAIN & 3C.N. 21 rt.
MALL FARM FOR - SALE, containing
Omen norml,dl or width is a..t dandincnithie
tksii bslsnoe■TO4l Meet the pima Is nU seatosed sad In
tlrllent b i=lne s % U rt i ortrs e r riei t aidt l ub . i St
MOW,' obteseite Logste Bbetiten or the alieschneY Yeller
' AAIUN. tio: NM it.
ii•ettretifroatarl'a llad leash treis Aih r mr.
de. The boon Amish:dr 4 room sad good teller. This
=1.7 ti hit noon arderj and will bed on tevcanble
• Nei . CMS N0 N,65 bartet
WO good Building Lots on Mt. Washing
.r4=l4, r"Z
11M pAd.,-
11 Par D• • a. .1111? Se N. 03 Wald aS.
AMR BUILDING LOTS at smakprioes,
irtrunnterr kris Matket -
A HOUSE AND LOT, pleasantly situated
A6B M lthibonly Qty. Only 1000. OA • •
u remia's ?Er!? War ehraplim fbr stn.
jrtitlNKD trU.GARS--85 bble. Leming
nmetatr i ltP• bl e g i 4 11 1. 411, MAIR MI MTH.
4, II sad 4 Sly, dace 1 to 10 . 1mHasta1Hdtk,s1 Na Ile
rlua H. sel J. it 11. PHILLIPS.
140LA88138k SUGAR--. -•
lOU bbni; H:'o. . DD flo.
Est, neon lad.Ne 1% , y T. La auu UN. at
GlRo4B.ol3enntus Matches on band
3lin, sad A. Pats Ds. Jona Rarr.4l..,
g'ILIEESE—.BS prime W. R. Obeelle,
ib.paa 1,7 . HORLSON it OD.-
MESS RK-200 kbla..hrAyy Men Pork
stilt 11.110W0
g SPatIOS-751t0r. io th ila.
Ves Atiiitod
A 1311ES-20 casks - Pewl,ish, 10 mks Pot
as Axe La Or • salt 11 BORIIION rOO, •
j1.1A133--AJI dies Bellaternoa brand, all
par N. 111. brand. I* Wel* DEISILL CO:
Wvi ,
avaEts 7 Abmpi l wug:
it; irilit7l7.nrei:ror —mi.
DERR LNG=-20 bbli. D. B. Herriikg. this
ILI. eavnea owl tar Ws by KIINAT 11.03BaNa.
FT1'.17.2.?.,bbbi.-= 99
la , Ba L0U8.476 Mfrßasa o6Lliskumaiii
tues 00
teal' ROVrto OHAROO si ttlii
saibrweistir salA DAL a op.
:...,_NOTICES, -&C.
Disatillition - cti 6)- - Rarin — erahl& zazt .
eiXOTlCßithetellAtitliileit the -
nandap undottlicatamo and ntlynt
MITT VVlrM ala ra ,a 4factlc=o f
city . f P1M. , ..1, Mt daY.
to tar articla 4"44 or 194° 00.16 ; itueri "1 b tle. the Wlttiar ' ilmat'7en tot the '''d''k" m
eignot. toombors of taa W e d tato Ilaa; aro asaliorbod to
mak the bunions, at tante calf. 63 Wator oot.
Planlata, 3IIOIIT3L/LIA .
Pittibantn, August tat, 1314. "• i• • ' ' • 4,,i0
C;:idersigned will continue the =shu
t/bet-my of ifleaVow Glaiejlotthe. Viola sad ali_klnd a
o Gladvara as
adoooisor to Lonna a Wight -
meant t *ld stand, No. ttl Wand nad. ,i,.. . •••. ,",
hoot las anorkozoo In tat basins'. sad lading oint.
ecl at . best or ./..emr twlioew br strint,.... sttsnttds
mo a andantinos of thatnactoosia t 000... ., --
ad to Lb mialoarna,
ains. tattoo the nano 'rani Of ant oid 31411n 634
• tnclatinny rotalind tbo moat Moetotiod mai nada msa7
. .,—loot notatraunoto. Do den exoldont be can Ina.
.ST , ..Ptis anal rel , batorll7. - 3 . rt• locair 3 / 6
Trretiring frotiitbe Ulm basittelet I ttke
_gloom* In antonomodad my noway Mr:l:X
nanT, to the fanods aad anaconda of thiold eatias
boingraued to rend. gad tatletatlon In tho oloota -
Ma o Male an,in and cod In totim os. thowndl eon-
Odom , - Old. , . 0 111A.N.
11 DigiCt partm ill erph tina ip art hetreto bi foro, exus P Zing
T bran Us tindentiond. las ehLs du
Thivtnasfum k nA : r e :
b 7 441114`fir44.stift4k44r 4 Vali
pitiabamb.'Oth;ll3ll6. ' Malin!
/Co-Partaienbip.-;• •
1: a
HAVE meoccisted B : • Amer With r •.me
hi the Verirsrdixte. Cbtainteibe end Pi e d i troal
an eeek
.111 tontine* learetter tilaterztbe IF.y
. t of
• Meßane 1 Anjer,
(Ammon to A.! k, A: Afaßanej
nati,LPriffecas and Prot=
:nb No. ma steamt
intolmewPs. au
Dissolution of Paitnership.
inimNpav a nion.t. 991109.1 la
999914 19 WI Arm rasa Parroaot to DU
= Alas armorial, autaaataaa lonia op Um etuarmair
Firtratil4i9;9, 1966 i. DA37LLeDL, Jr.
Nn. 91 Morkat atom, touito Lb* oroa
BR°. Zinann i b.Piwtd?
Inntlanr . reartazdand,etka above
the hona• and pi, public stanFlll3l
ruo-Partnership het.
betweero the =dad; 4,d, wader
HANNA; CO.,11116111.14411•7
aabasiness att. firm will be
and WM. IL HART, at Mete& at - ,
tut Hatt &Co. I FAT,
Ju1y . 1656. 1,3*
mom R. Rat.
KOTA, HAAT, & Co .(e
mer. Hana AHM)Mllnaluhw
beelitztten the cam lertoet
tre r itinelnfthaittat r rem t att i riS
IN retiring front brisinnei4
roe am& tho. sl,oll4olplatiod,
maid the melee composing. the
HART AOD a deeerang the
eneral. and Mauls of Mie eta tam a •
g .jilated
AVLNG sold ply. Mutual
Povidsr wad rase SitaW.l7.: tri
y recommend Edna to cox Rim& sad
Pitt buret , . dint! 2.1136. ;
• Co-Partdizsta
HAVE sasobititild Toeeph
• m. In the Powder Lad Oom=fssio
entatlrue banana ands tbs . 1.
t 7
Pittabsugh. April 10.
Du Pont and pitiard
Pitair ii;4siiir t.
VERY variety 'Sporting,
Blostlng Pander re on Imml
*aloe. on favorable berm.' . •
181.5forchanto sad others Irlll.l,loam mind In
dots or 5 P. 11. for &Ovary Sort morning, sadby
for . denvoly In the 5fta . 1.332. • apn
btito -
CPartnerahip heretofore axis g
battrain 8. A. LONG and JOHN PHILLIPS. I ' the
of Belles Founding sod Chu, PlWpb. II •dey
dlmolfettbll mutant aonoW,. ' - -
no Modsmo. of the Into firm viii be *rood by -A
LONG. who alonols natbodind to collect "hat lodoo, And
.fr to dobbt.. • t ' • VA, LONG. •
obnotb, ALAI* In s . • JORri P •
. .
PIIBEE business of Biwa Founding ead as
PROM: .111 bareslter tie, ansdnete4bY the wider
.ifflrlh.t.VPht/tadOrn'!lel I° "VO L IIIIVIA b ege .
PLItLLIPS I. 00, will bail. thi Ord . moult 11.817tt GAIr
In retiring ham the Bal lonmiltlOia Titans
buena" I moofonmad P A GO. I.) my
Glenda sad oadonters. • nvso ' , LONG.
r OTIOE---Ilavin g lhie day tJult2d,llBss,
my entire stook; toohj i ta. to my former
ccllee . 41°Ad . lambi eollodt An Wm amtlemattre or
the- oettdlred slam Me. • 1011 On• kilo.l.ll'
thomielme hwebtedlo are MOWS to calt audarldla
vo, aa ',dodge losehot the 'city,
_Collet" dal, as
threlsed to settle all dolma JOUR aszueetaits
-1:11 HE . Stove , titeunees and Tin, coliger tea ,
!Meet Iron ware maMeal Its bmatehee.
• be onaltated at the OM litao . 114 Wood otreet.'
der the dam sod etyle of T. J. filndir A ,
Jed . . - .TUOB. .1, CRAIG.
g .ta
OTICE.—In conskgenoe. of: barint old
oir Aroma ' to thei Uumbebe, bun Ountua the
pbeeei existing undatbettrutof pboollit.
ICA b iltß. a CO.. 0..31 . 1 1 11 . I , a r k iintmenvie ,...".
OHL at=e, Pupae% ere
both thwart& Ibei 'but.
nna VIII be settled up by the meaments at the Furness.
and George 8. KW, mho ere sittbecteml to use the use
nettle respottee amain aottlhoeup the Putnam,: ~ s
Mcreki L. Isa. , ra.n.stil . . icaIHOMBRIMEL
Tom. undersigned'have this day- entered
ww and leaned far term of
grap z e L lera . C . Vigar p f . ty... tertratlr =acted Lt... eoa ,lttt
tenet fur the teannfeetare ofe i t 7 .ol.l) ao = 4 lf nary,
ararlptbe., ./teeeeettr, Bonier Cbisery,_Thurit.*
Ang.l7. MC—faun tf KIRK RHORN.P: •
TEIE ffiin of W. R. MouuTtawcoff is
this day dimateed b
Dadtatien. maloserTher
b,Ali te Mmeteted o =mid . J r%
oontit="4 the earns et Liberty sad levier sta..
under the atyb. of WILYGOLITCHCON fr who will at.
tend te the se t
tlement of the boainem ag the late firm,
Pittsburgh. April Ist. , WM. WOUTOIIION.
Dissolution at Partizenkip:c-,. ,. ..
ymlltrytnere er hip formed birluslin .
o.,..=s i sAr r e, ria c rumit c ymw
hit l yFilfraf al "" L. !Tiejlibtuiaskt,.
sad otbor I ==.
tirakika. Snot stmt. Pittances*,
The undersigned hivinglina ed iwparimer
abb. wait d•Bs D. W. Rsarnws to.. 17 tile
maned= oft Gaeta Amen penunindon. Animas(
=e l d P re 2 =lltta to otZrA.,./.;
a mnion rsidteur produce and msnnnsan•ss, tad the in.
aof all Madams that waste ste m
their own
Swim wo--Ontics it Tbs.; (led W
Wthend 10n; W. banns (50. lirsinl4
Rah= Henry Ors% lbw MMus S. Mama
laid T. 00 almielkisig:Oler01401b. X 894 Bt.=
OTICS The -late . firm .of JONES ' k
QUItS3 Latta" been dissolved by to delathaaebi
moaths TM hat. the blifillllol of, mid Sraterll
Dr Ds Loo vokargoo»k . to, shot. wool; f
. • • ••- .
Pm* 1154 . — 0ta , ESAJLOPON". F° 111010.11 " 4
, .
CAO - J9N)3B, ' Mannfactarer ofSprit
i a
andffiketist NW, Piousb Ebb Stork Steel Pks
Emma =Uria= i re s og Zr4s -21 ,rOomme n.
samaadllowaitrobtialtiebargit. . ' ,
It -B. ROGERS CO:, Mannfactureneot
Patank Lavnmoct Nod 'l7a/lbstor,
<mot of Seas sad VIM sta... Plttatandt. • *UR/
OTICA—Ma late Inn of Wiok a 111Tand
iauu biol./ tom dlooolood WM* &What John; D .
oa DMA hut, Um Malmo of MW. llow will: b.
' 4•Writ. th. " AVM ' h.b erriTfratffgr d
EO•PARTI4ERSIIIP-Thiundeivignixti o
kt. ofWldich WadeU. td4..2IAT
ud With Wok WILZ.IAW MUD W. 4 "a"wrf
COFFIN far We pont cooaDoodoli WtodoodoDoo
dry oadClodeddiou
.0 47, od ofand,voloor
Word and Wide oU ut, i ,l i w, %et the DAWN log
lho of WCAND
oft. andloasooo of potordaaWri= li
Dluolutton of Co-Partnership:
00 . ton of the YittebarshMeeltr Watit!.. 4 4
d by tb• death of Mr. robe J. Romper oa rae /4tb
of Mach hut. The bugs«. ta• , -
Novelty 'W o r ICs.•-•
... •
tie win tae. little Woo safest tbot pinsinst. N
Lirs A Pes2.
Pitieblosti. icor 4Witit . W. B. ooesutuk.
11Ilk partnership i heretofore a t ieti ng t+
swam esossnata bat bap fala day eagelyypd
by maul mime. Those who amp *Jar aims* laa
late Arm of c al: CWYC I Mist Urn taesitilemeas
- - D j ira D.
rd a t e rtal i 4t:Mirithariim from
emmuns / o3V . i .. ta - M - Rmi Volt =I riga
rritt P insts lA* V iet m agriat Ortart
3E. andetii ad: halt emaciated ~ theta
cm. In kw Onierr Ininiii, at it:Wield d ant.
meat manor Ike mans and it* at we a
lIIILW 1381 r old MMus" win ba orled tin.
' rettamat.. /icy Mb. me. .'.: - - , aco .
- into ..
Al ro
AC= a1t...:. :. ..L. -......'..C...
ATT.& WILSON. - Wholesatil t
Jm i seig.46kirtaziftwait
vill)-PARTNICREquEELL.Efa • • .
iu al. watt irtik as tn ail Deg - thlt hil
rivairres tam Wit imal, Euler MO
Jaaaarrid. Mr" - •".."," . " .',.., t ; , ":1-"i i
tsotsu. ar in a. l, ES " : 7 V t 6
........,; ' . ...Jr.
I" . oa tDnum : ipihrtn :Vitololslo ikild
law. ir wood itimie—• •-• 911'!'"1"Isint
-p. .• •
wltaifn 1,14.1 y obti . i % twig 2011:14 al.
u 9 ' ktin.riail
' . inskyr-4—__ .
raittalor-Wtt-kt"' ---Lt
uutugs Maid's ' 41‘114111:"ALMOI Biwa':
7 11 ,i - . et h l, IliCat- 4 ,1 41111M , _
EL : ~ .
E.L!I i` 11. •,V "., , ~, t;Isog: Mil t, ' , ,'
• U..t ‘ , 4 •4 1 ' ' . 3: •( ' . °l: Fi; :' ''
iTh81414167001,0161 . . .
,-11. S. 1t1a.,;,: