The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 07, 1855, Image 2

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    ~.-^^~~a`''=s:,.~-sr =-~r- sue. -,..~: --^"'{'~"^-;
prri'SßlTßGil -41 A ZETT
ruzusunvD; , :
llllT•Adtvertisers.—Nanbar 4a• suadA Zoom
est Plisstaillitatha""the Oar Owe*, a* open ad
ailla igr.-AlRMllla"*"l"bethariaoll.• so aipplou
athsParie Alßadar mordnit. TAysos. bald them in
Won latsbedwos
oral Wipe lboalia.—The
diValbablerlllli IftakbiGaselk lfuriko toorloulwa met
of assila qsair knan.
tostinisltnlr Ilf•tbocuand, males
Jet inundiewa and illosOureyer
Rotors PIMUIrrIVIDIS. sad Itutost Ohio%
pierne 41-;-11.birenitei • no Sub
.".iiibtleei inn n
bents , . foe 'Dune or Weekir Game,
wool eeiymest nuts ,the
edeente. , Whenet tbe
:useleveo to yid& thoi sibeerlptems the r.s A il •
•• WI be Inesesbar itseped. unlasi the abandon le re
Amorldts bellow Persint, An tesareakt sthietbinS.
dentiptios. Ina be niqstredt•te be Pint to Oa
Type MA only eteeettrela Ida Wynne non& :loath
rani entreats are 120116 •
_ -
,1144a1/1- ntilw "act, page er_Usta payer .
PAssMuivil WlLLtaalson.,
nisi:amigos nomination of. Fenimore Wit.
'tisilson for Canal Commissioner by the ILepub
"-tpoi,,,lliste. Convention, will naturally excite
inquiry as to Ideobersoter and anteuedents.
lPe`taeinforinrlbJOurvrell*ollll fellow eitiv
BOW& .req.., • civil engineer,
'thistle-hes berawell acquainted with Mr.
jymsas?cr7earn Halsanephew of Willians Wil
lim's" of West Chestu,st one_titniepealter of
ribileisWiffinlieit-d4eindille oldest son of
;:tboinat?llfililansson..`one of the moat eminent
aoa 4 o reSsers in PhiledelPhis„ and • man die
for. him high alutracter and extensive
5:.401-01'Llendtitle! in Pennsylvania.;
if now about thirty.ilve
'agel,l4- las wife' and seventh child-
; hia been briegin , up by his father,
Itsibeen in pillowslip With bleiss a Votive
tyirimdtasseeprer.. Mr. Boberte Informs 111/
7:64;:1114, a man of excellent ober
atiter;Lita 'Of ilia , totollitionoe, and altogether •
'..yieiwerlie .. .thaii to those whom the people of Penn
:. veal&
]sere been the . habit of electing to
;of of Certal Commissioner.. -
wag the high character of Mr:
" MA . au .the qualifications for the othoe
goont, there is no valid reason why he should
Wet naive the vote of: every man in the. State
F who thinks Wm the victim of a judicial wrong,
behaltof the arrogant domande of
th e stall power.
".. tieltaputhicanConvention, in presenting him
may aloe it present within the gift, of
Shit,K4.6' of the Stater, did net stop to inqthre
'that Wore Ids political antecedence—whether, he
well Whig. a Deinecrat; an " American", or •
, -,=;:lfrit Soifer.- vierns' had nothing
lo di silt lips selection. The convention was
aettheth "solely by the desire to give the voters
..• r of the Commonwealth an opportunity to rebuke
an erattempled act" of. tyranny_and usurpation
iwepernthed to thrsir midst, end upon their fellow
, thtlati. 'This thing of redicing Res' white men
tilaseee 70i:one that episode with*, irresistible
three to err, unit who values his own rights:
of ties rightsguaranteed to the
people by tie ocastinstion can only be preserved
Prtootiotio 4ot thole of every bodieidual
elbow Thetheinent we permit one man among
us to be stritina down and robbed of his frau
- -- eldssekiliat inconentleireaken our own defenou
aid' etig'fcrf, their„ deetrnotion.
ytri*win a man thus stricken
...down; aid *kitting done to ' hint s wrong
due tester; man' in Pennsylvania. To rise
Up, therefore, In his liehthf, is the dictate of the
ofmilfireUrvall . on: We would be faith
1.. to oureelnis rind cur itlgitest • interests se_
" UM, if n suffered his 'irony to go tuiredre.ssed.
The South has set up _s claim to the right,
sat 9 21 1 -of olloYiOS: olorik - thrOolth ono Imo
lerntory, bat of bolding theta here as long u
prove convenient, 1 .Senator Toupin has
entered the inselthig boast Slest he yid yet call
the' - roll aids thaws upon Bunker Hill, and
held than there In' dththice ;of northern con
. _._thiltdthos Old btu -In the Use of Cot-Whet
en's slaves, Ilearnarettaismson set himself to
to this claim, and nominee; to those slues
the mead legit taformatise that by the laws of
''Petheryiesein they were fro Tor doing this he
Ira has ratthesely wised :and' reduced to the
esithrien of askew •- The snored writ of ha
bees corpas'iiria Slit abused is being_ mired
upon him to require thefprodectirm of persons
. claimed se slues, our whom he' had no con
"trot, and than it vas deeded-to him. whem was
the ithstitationdright to Upon a false
_Sad frivolous pies of contempt he has bean
Privei of his liberty, thrust Into prison for an
seltreited term, era, ' left wit h ou t remedy' 'or
parent hope of relief The purpose of his it.
legal itoprisontleatiCpthth. is to punish
.hie foe successfiffly gaesdonmg the oisintrist
southern rose to hold game opal :oar soil. He
is an example seleotedfiy?..the. slave power to
teach us not to resist whit it is pleased to de,
mud. Shalt web° frightened by the example?
'Or shall we" rally , ; to: this Bide of the victim,
' and by a timely stand•tindioste 'lath his rights
and oar_ own f ' • ' .
The of IKOO - • has been tilde to Mr.` William-.
• eon that hkiithie.'Se ietary of as Aboliticth'floci
eti. 'We b ths secretary of a Society, isiOsigss
rated ty t e legtslsture of able 'Shoe Is the days
of the Revolution, for the amelioration of the
Sandition °tutored' men. Of this Society BEE
- axmliaanutur and fis: Ruin ware active meta
, and otharre; and Pastmore Willimosonisbut
_ mama= of- those Woethyand venerableinthi
'.- the *Moe which they Red. 'Franklin and Bush
- _ Itemise! the lithedarathrn of IndePendenne--
' - Weethi faithrentnerit Do'4ll6grue
to him to hold s place which"they hotiored and.,
by width they were honored in. tun.., let those
railratl at hies. who will, on that amount. We hold
it no discredit biltiat to hollow in their illostrions
Tuamotu lemiususu is native . born
Penntrylvanian=tho Amami, In' the broadest,
Deese of that lie b hlineat,Utt faithful,
.Why, thenothouldlienot re.
oar! the
.united vote of thoethiglie ire - United in
Sympatlifsbig with - mar hiiiiiinget We ten
saneelie of no good resew!. He is, remedikas,
aid is the only., method. left ne to 'give him
*helping hand. If upon any silly pretence any
..pordon of the peoplo.should beheld beak from
eollzoLfor him, and ao contribute to his difest,
nepouibilitief that defeat 'Mei - upon
time who Imelthe power te prevent it.
Palmas Marincorm.—The Republican Con.
Tendon of lenience County met Ni de 3d, and
nominated the following Ocketi--dsiembly, B.
B. idoCosibs, , Neshitineolt; Prothonotary, Gyms
"Choke, - Occur ShOBI: - Robert Gaily,
Borth Beeves Treasurer, Jamas Mitchell, the
mow Conimiedorper; J.ll Van ilcirder, Perry;
. and Beeorder, jobti liceman, 'Sew
Owls j Anatomy Borth ler
Teti 8 Yeeiei . ,.Trni. W.-Drake, WilmitigtUn, 1
year; Beteeer; Phillip Miller, lief c
The Democrats of Delaware county hare nom
inated O. G. Madsy for usembly, . The Repub.
Doan nominating Clowciiition meets on the 20th.
The old-lino. Whigs and Dedocists of Blair have
rod upon one tiokl.; D. B. Rohl' is the non.
lase far iMseteloly;.
The Itepribliost of liontgommiCinutly, hare
militated for Seusle, , £ W. Ceeaoq Aisagolt
Geet Kfibi VsOgisr:W11 1 1 1 1 B. 134.?.n11, A*2•011
1 Cuter
The Democrats of Bnli en county hare nose.
anted A. J. Dietrich for Senillor aid; Jams
Mk= ter'dfostehlf. '
• Tim Whig Vormation of.DaiiPhin . ' Alconty,
whidi rgst in;:idoncisi, the Bd, broke up in s
row after vela attempt: to organise. One par.
ton, midsr the lead of Jules In; Beg., and
cionsistitig of old;iinsiShlp,, - withdrew and Or.
petted se • separate Conmintioninnd the hint
2el that wu left beidnd did the same.
; The, seceder,: wee
.tnuch the - /smut bodY,
dolmans being present from mat of the county.
They nominated a Atli ticket, 4: A. Fisher and
Roblacni being the csnaldstee ioi Asseni.
lb. , lAA Pow, M. Graydon and 3. Bombarpr
- were sleeted : delegates to the Fate Viniention,
striang anti-EnctlYoUdzyg imiolutioniclrere
The tither 'squad declined to nominate
*ticket, but itoO)titended the B. N. nodules.
:Wiz Colder andlitOrn'Athiston; Jr. were
elected 401 500 to the
farorof *bait" of
%a. .tc! Gal 4 A
- • ..E.4
• -
- ,
'4A=o;t? ,, Tipp - •-•‘ 4- • •
• •
The vastuajority of the voter! of Pennsyleards,
are attached to tlieVonstitution, and are
to belleve.that it guarantees same rights to the .
South is veal sato the:lf ortb;-:-/Utraurgh Mai*.
NObodithsputis thotthe eonstitulion guaran
tees equal rights to all the people of the United
Stater. • Sat • does that give -tieveholders the
right to extend their local institution, existing
solely by State laws, into the free territory of
th - etroioti, where it does not and cannot legally
exist, unless the bout:ltalian was eitablished .to
promote slavery is wallas freedom ? Ig eirven7
a national or a State institution t If national,
bas not Congress, then, the supreme legislature of
the nation, the right to repeal it ? It sounds sings.
lee, fnim Pennsylvania paper, this complaining
of aggressiorkupon the righte of the South, be•
cause the people of Pennsyluni, in convention
assembled, utter a calm protest againet slavery
.aggressions in litaruntis, which even Penney'.
wants Democrat, - appointed as governor, has de.
pounced as lenient, while no word is uttered by
the same papa against: the constant anti lawless
mambo of _Northern rights by the South. tPe
should like to know what one of these Pennsyl
vania donghfaces would have the North to-do
Lai the it territories of Suomi beoome•for-
ever polluted with the foot•printe of slavery
Yes. Let Nebraska follow suit? Yes. Where
will the freemen of Pennsylvania then Bad part
lands toe herlons and daughters, as her paring
men grow Up., and U6llll to seek reek fortenes
in the West? Oh, they can go to Kansas 'and
Nebraska, and If they do not choose to become
slaveholders, they can take their position among
the opoetWhite trash,"' Us the ion-slaveholdere
in'the Bonth are termed, and r imoome the obedi
ent toele, the humble voters for lordly Valais:id
eal, the ruffians and bullies for future Atchison'
end Stringfellow'. Thisis thebrillisnt destiny
worked out foi the young Pennsylvania freeman
who wishas to enjoy his share of our heritage of
liberty in the ones free lands of the West.
That was not a fantastic Idea' enunciated by
Jadge Jessup in the llepnbliean Convention, that
Pennsylvania Is in danger of beoouting a slave
State. There is more probability of that ireful
lapse now, than there was two years ago that
the Missouri Compromise would be violated and
slavery introduced into the ftee_tertitory of ice
breaks by the strong ban& of ruffianly violence I
The eame.Pentutylvania papers that defend suck
violations of right, snob treasons to Orty, would
advocate the establishment of ell,larY In our own
oommonwealth aereaddy and* MN:Lilly as •
party mad administration meamaY", and their
()quint" would not Wolfe then, thka it Is now.
,Tun Biala= AS Nossom.--Our &deices from
Norfolk ire of the most painful character. The
epidemic appears to be stilt on the increase, and
daring the twenty-four hours ending at noon on
Monday, carried off sixty-one scale from the re
duced, copulation. This mortality is. frightful
whealeis considered that not over two thousand
person• are now left us Norfolk, end that a con
tinuanCes of it would ,soon entirely depopulate
the place. The fear at New Orleans is 18E4, '
when it amounted to a. plague, did not exhibit
such an ntonate, mortality as this. We are
glad to iron that active efforts are about to be
midst° remove the remainder of the people from
iliiiiiiticited vicinity, and that as the nearest Ind
most healthy locality, the Government has been
petitioned to grant the use of the public ground
and buildings- at Fortress Monroe. The appli
cation will no doubt be promptly complied with,
and we have hopes that this measure may be
effectual in cheating the ravages of the disease.
The gliction of the citizens of Norfolk and
Portsmouth bee given occasion for a noble ex-
emplilication of the generous impulses of our
'people, and the part that Baltimore his borne
in the matter may properly be dwelt upon with
pride. Our °Wiens haws promptly and almost
without solicitation contributed to the relief of
the sufferers, and their charity shows no evi
demos of slacking so long as the calls upon it
continue. It must be remembered, however,
that, liberal as has been the ciontributions - from
here and elsewhere, thtcall for , 10. a ' to feed
theidarving, to nurse ice slake-15A to provide
for, the daily sustenance of a people who are
cut off from all their usual means of mainte
nance, must be heavy and require illiberal and
constant outlay. The effort that le taw to be
made tireave life by removing the people to For
tress Monroe will involve an additional expense,
but we are confident that the Charity that has
been thee far so freely offered will not be back
ward at the moment when its need has' become
i the greattat.—Batiworr Amerinra
Panx sus Bio GRASPIL—The Brownsville
Flag, August 18, says: ...Matters across the
river roman about;as they were at the date of
our last hour Gee. Vidattri, the chief of the
insurgents. le still at . Mostairey, report has It,
regolating matters With the Church. It is said
that a letter hats been bterepted, written from
the curate of Monterey to Gem. Cruz, at Baltillo,
proffering a loan of a hundred thousand dollars
to aid in quelling the rerolation. This proffer,
it seems, fell Into the hands of Vidauri, who
straightway informed the worthy curs that as
he bad detested and pit to flight the valiant
general for whom these important ...sinews of
war" were intended, it would be a pity that such
an amount of. "materiel air - should remain
idle—ee le would take the plate of General
Cruz, and be himself the recipient. This large
amount, added to his other resources, has made
the•-revolutionsai chief quite easy in his ord
nance and commissary departments.
It is. sista said that a force of 1290 home has
been sent by Vitlawi,-te aid in a preasecknaselo
in Zsesdreas, the people of which city had asked
aseistance, offering to add to the revolu
tionary fond, the considerable "cam of $BOO.OOO.
This is said to be the cause of the present delay
in the march of the insurgents upon Matamoras.
lu this meantime thepronsseiados of Tamaulipas.
ander Gana, Ceptscran; Tejerins, 81111111 and
Voldomar, have-possession of "the entire State,
with the single exception of 'Matamoros, which
'they-look-upon as 'being entirely check-mated.
and eau be captured whenever they see fit to
move their pieces upon it The genetal move,
it is said, will take place with the concentrated
fonts of .the insurgeate about the 20th last
Meaux Fansr.—From the Ciintote County, N.
Y., Age/Micas we learn that there was quite a
eevero frost in some parts of the country on the
night of the 28th August, particularly on the
high grounds back from the lake. In Redford
village, water In troughs and psi* exposed to
the north wind, froze to the eighth of an inch in
thickness The weather -continues cold, with
dry nortlivrinda. No damage has been done to
crops on the low land near the lake.
The Portland Atheertiler of the Brd of Septem
peat week has been vary unfavorable to.
the farmers of- Maine, and from many sources
we hear of killing frosts. In some cases fields
of corn are being out for fodder - A recurrence
of last week's - cold cannot fall to largely dimin
ish the ma crop of Maine, now In a very floor
ishingoondition.' In many -plasss the rot has
showed itself in the potato fields,' and It is doubt
ful whether. plass will recede from the present
range. Hoy remains at sl7@lB per ton, and
very-Ars.. The crop of bay in the state is a
whole was a fair one, and as the old crop was
nearly exhausted when the new one was har
vested, the present yield Is all consumers have
to depend upon until soother crop. In this state
of affairs, prices, as the season wears on, seem
likely to reach last year's rates, potnnbly may
exceed them." - •
POllllllOl7lll.—A oommitthe,.oonalstitig of IL A.
Worrel, Dr. MoOsbe, of Norfolk, and• Dr. Joseph
N. Schoollield and Wm. H. Peters, of Ports
moith, 'mired hi' this city yesterday morang,
end proceeded &reciter Washington, having for
their object the obtaining from the Government
the use of fortress Menthe, at Old Point Com
fort, the the citizens of Norfolk and Portsuiouth
during the prevalence of the epidemic in those
Places: • What was the result of the missions
we were unable to lean last evening.
• A -latter from Noitik:to the' Richmond Die
path speaking of the proposed removal, says:
“We 'Understand that the federal sod State
governments will be appealed to to ald the
general removal of the inhabitants to locations
on the aeighboiiog thane iod'Old Polpt4-414
troops 'encamping out; in order to 'afford' tho
accommodation of the barracks to 'the unfortn
nate fainillei' of the affileted elties—etad' "that
Col. Wright, commanding tbe new regiothat,
oommonly Gaited' from its -peniler drill, the
"shanghai" regiment, has volunteered to protect
the towns-Dom 'Mine" sad Ihvi,* during MI
exodus of their- lehabiteuts. The moral isottrate
required to fete the plague, 11'ms rester than
that remethary la Abe haiart' is of the battle field,
sad augurs well of the new regiment."
Wan:mares, Sept..7l.-Tha low organising
genus Unitary restricts; the session of the
Legislaart to a-term of Amy days.- That re•
spectate body tost,-I bailee, on the 2nd of Jo.
ly, and, u thusdays are- not legthlatae days; it
must disperse on fi'riday, the 7th Inst. Its !Mei
proceedinpinll give - the Administration. soma
nobbles. 'WoOdson, the Gawp!, sod felons;
has sanctioned all its ontlarer cantoissioned all
its officals, audited and paid Its bins. 136 ma ot
them are too ecandalou to .uceive - the - open
sanotimi.ot even the prevent nod:duration;
which - nem:raged and Mn paid tor the
commission of tea worst previous muse. in the
territory.- The approval St adeeoldental sot•
enter will divert teapondbUity tar. some of the
latest &bp of the tub peaty 0001111/A;
~,IMOnmsagg P. 0., liflberirms7, Das tiol
A Mainmem Bagnewr-Bs e,-.4olnMa Maw ' I.
0/1177. —The Lie TilOtarg‘.l% Cll4 lo g* ,° f this t .
city, hat maditi'ra male* bequese. l ' to the
town of i'Ashbar%on,;:-5o Ilforositee enmity, or.
which plieshawse a native: Eli - left - by will al
large portion of his estate for the foundation
and endowment of-tiresuninariek of (learning
to be located in Ashburion,the. pee ,f9X . 71 1 .4 12 L,
and the other ..for 'frutslee etwaolsai
We hear_ that _the bequest , of intestate the
neighboring towns, is the benefit to be derived
from the schools are to be et4oyed common
by all who choose to Mail themselice of their
advantages .
The property teqeathed for the purpose above
named, is nowhvalued at fifty thousand. Whisk
It is to be held by trustees until:it has accusew
bawl to $lOOOOO when it to to. be applied to the
schools. At the decease of the widow of Mr.
Cushing, certain other propertria tope applied
to the same object. This Is now estimated to
be worth fifty &maid dollari more, E. that
there will, bathe magnificent 111* Ofi one hun
dred, and filfty thousand dollies to place the
sohobt upon I% permanent basis.-40tokrreas.
Eistatorti docannsr AT TIES .luxes"tmunno•
—A very serious seoldent happened :Yesterday
afternoon at the Thus Banding, eorner . of Beek
man atulltassiit streets, to two compositors of
the New York 06server, named Thcman 'Steven
son and Wiliam IL Si mpson. It appears that
these Individuals were riding a box. whieli ou
tlined the "forme" of the °Aa ricle,. from the
Ent floor to the highest story, and edren it the
fourth floor, one of the hoisling &Simi got foul;
and while efforts were being made to elute it,
the chain broke, and the box, forme, and young.
men 'fell with great force to the hisement,. and,-
on s triking the floor, the hawks and shalp edges
of tbb chases tore the bodies of the young men
Ins shocking manner.. The sufferers were im
mediately conveyed to the New York hospital
and there attended by Drs. Dash, Thuaston, and
others. Their situation Is Artily horrible, the
nature of their ioluries being nth as almost to
preclude the possibility of recovery of either—
and Bmunson is not expected to live through
the night.-21f. Y. Colmar.
' Paorsurrarrlimairrtu.—A oorrespondent of
the Chrittitm, (940 disfaocars, writing front Nor;
i l a
folk says:—
“Therelias beena pinta Win to befie the
Protestant t minister in 'our Midst, se Well
as abroad. It was at first F redioted that they
would not eleit the slot; then asserted that they
had refused; and !may, that thefhad ail fled.
And while they are busy day and night tramm
ing filthy lanes and alleys, hunting up and vis
iting the slot and dying, Wit the impression
upon the 'minds of some is, or the report is re
peated, that none but the Catholle . priests ' visit
the siok with the frier. The frith' is, • that
With the exception of one denomination; the
Protestant minstrels are as Indefatigable in
their pastoral labors, among the sick with the
yellow fever, as any priest here or anywhere
Tun Galveston, (Tetas,) News, August Hist,
gives the following latest intelligence from Capt.
Henry, the filibuster:—.Capt. Henry, who
headed is party of filibusters, writes from New
Laredo, Webb county, to the San Atitoblo 'Boa-
Vaal, that he felled to enter Mexico at Eagle
Pass, from want of milli:lent force to protect
those who dealred to pronounce against Banta
Anna. He complains' that persons whom he ex
pected to follow him have deceived hlm. His
party numbers about forty men, and they were
about to join the army of Vidatirl.
Fes. ~ . ~ ,
Mr. D. N. Whitc --Our election for borough
officers came off yesterday, with the following
(C. for Citizens' Candidate; K. N. for Know
Bernie—William H. Hill, (C.) 88; Thomas
Lynch, (K. N.) 98 -
Coor 9— Diniel Pollard, (C.) 96; Alexander
Miller, (0.) 96 ; Thomas Penney, (0.) 92; Ro
bert Skaw, (0.) 91; William Cook, 88 .
D. I. Hendrickson, (K. N.) 88; Wm. Mouok,
(E. N.) 87 ; Lewis Matthews, (K. N.) 88; Jas.
IL Barnett, (K. N.) 87; Thomas Metilll, - (K.
N.) 81.
Cmittabla—James Ewer, (K. N.) 98; James
R. Hendrickson, (K. N.) 71.
There are MIAOW apart from Knownothing
ism for the election of a K. N. Burgess.
Both cauditites for constable were K. N.
The vote of this borough is near fourhundred ;
so yen perceive our vote yesterday was very
small, but I think the K. N.'s were:all on the
ground. My Impression is that after we have
a Republican meeting here, we will be able to
poll an equal share of the four hundred.
Toms, respectfully, W. E. H.
6 McKinnon, September 6th, 1856.
htaIREID—At tbiOathedral, au Thumday[Muth&
th. Oh lad by him Ihabbm, JOHN MELLON, Saa,
SP° Advertisement headedHelmbold's Gem
vim 1.7.:pr0e,w, Mar ban aamaanshati LM mat az
tavarlinarr tatty ae W otbor ttmllai tamales.
,yon a Diseased Eiden--The pea.
don. tbotoM startllos, L auflkemetlY sualleonWn
Um fart is lateen tam amoideratkne that Mamma of the
Lira bees become met alatenttucly ?risen% In the lint,
ted Bonn LIM& thaw an few foreseeable at...... that
am not in mum nay tanombla to &amnia data 01 that
houartant mum Many of Um eoesslatnte nenally clamed
umber tha email of Corrumution. beat that. when be the
Levey "Any remedy that uoul4 besure-riefellarity and
healthful action In thallyen would bo nbinning to mev
Mae' boa bees the azatematkne of thomeinbe That
remeetY has bum fount it to nebula 2131NL When a air
MIA has boon atbardad it. Wmm now been lumen to MIL
Emden balm TameMamma Um Umn elmene
which 7012 bellerre foun breath densagement
Lom not* moment, but 'mama • box of Dr. Mlneeka
PM and they will maims yen tohealth. Is the only
remedy yet dlementmel. in which texpllett
. onMeno. .07
be plesid:
• P. & Dr. fdlords !celebrated Tiormlfoge *la Lars
riw,eon sots obtsbrd at say of tas ropeotsbl. Devi
Mies tbls Sas. .
Sr Paroassnirtllpleue be rerebll tarok mass UM
Sofa tat DS ltl&aS Teradrese and laver Pals. There
ire other venom". Sad rills sow blase the SOUS tat
for sale brthe sob prowleteat
salsa Soorsesoro to J. KM A Co.. 00 Wood ,et.
----Headache and Deteivi—Mr. Silai. .1.
Llseambod tiredness:a: mix • '1 h►nlbnad In Boa.
bars•, Holland Mittens remedy Mr Headache and' Del&
itx. MY eta has at wad It with the greatest tettellt..
Mr.*. B. likboben. of Pittsburgh. aim remarks that
be bas experienced mach rend Enna Its me Ln Ikedneha.
Take a Ulf tairePoonfal three times a day. an ham bt
pea nee. Met moderate y, and Om of wbelmante decd.
and you will dad that is redly a nnaidy rat Mak and Mee.
toga Bleal.b.. Nslmea. Of any End. COltillooos god
Piled. Bolas peellently simple In nespodden. tt mai be
taiten without ha by the tanlid. Poemedag a One mot
math door, It le max gratenilto the debilitated Rama&
Bee ettemtemmet to Weber edema. MAI . •
British and Oodtbsemtal Szottauffe•
. .. . .
- DUNCAN, anti/AAR- ii CO. ' .
. IN lOW 07 it ITPWAILDS. '
These Drafts are av ailable
ilable it all the priti
dies Torno of Elea ad. Boothe& sad Indimd. and Os
W. also 400 r BIGHT BILLS Cs • .•, .
_. . -
I. 6. Gronebaas & .Bailin,
.. .sizArtztoar • /lam..
g6l& eons so a notedttooot to sll - forte of Offinsay
Birltartiond sad Hama. . . _.._
Paso= Intending to tisfol olmoodfoll7= 0 " _lar.. 7 .
no Lotion of Credit. on 'Web Yowl mut* obtard, NI
Malad. la os7 Doff of MEM.
Oollootioaa of BM. Not ' and OW& ~smiths filly
lop. .111 molts prompt stfantSoo. • - , ~ • ,
Wood. =ow 7200totellt.,
• •
nouns, macnrz *, co.,
tuannfttrfirstme OP
Out Steel. Serum Saw D , Blister, Plough
Mathias, Wedges, Harrow Teeth, ko.
WASINOtIIII, ho. 112 WATNA num. •
s•tvren Wood sad eiAlthied.
iron Milian, Iron Vol% knit Doors, Window
Shntton, Window (huirds,.ke„ , •
Nos. 91 Second at., & S 8 Tklrd rit.,
(between Wood and Market,)
Have on band a variety of new patterns
buy sad Pulp. mita& he all pompom. Paitlgulse asp
testi= *II to sadodros OM* JObtilag dolor Mt
short. Dories. rob 9 11
lOW, JUDD= .* -
88 Pourth et. near Wood, littebursh,: PC,
Piga! Carriage; Itidlagp` ; Dreyer.*
Seep constant 4 liind&ked direct
th at . thel=4llN,. uprAinve,.r
r rs...twrisw,toittsa mmitt
icrre e "el_ he ir otriii t ionottrautei .
ted riartr
jafro r k w i Alwrientiritll7 :114.11RAN!ZDarit*,,:
=awns To • •
Milton IPirsaces, WrVtll4llllTablig
!kr *away cosi voodiai .
* A. visa nosteset Warmatei mai WWl**
* G rim 110,Watitalb0R0141figiniftaliftegtellm.
The lintategt IstligS. lll =o 4 #7 ": It:WELCH 8c
1".4t AGE. ,-,. PATENT GROOM- SAWS.:,;:i..
NfiN. nip hair h d tiich.Bed Wra.Erbathi.
thW elhaufeameannsertino weeds. remedy aid me *Nu bs. Piont BIOS, thelike use ether
ktm Amor, fres as tome Screfela I, a cratmos '
w id en
we beve pad him• sum. and we are
Drietnn tale "'stmt. We will row/ say
He ha Izled. It la arfa alma bawl:ague*. sad vers_ the
.De We
l'i4wg eiltd °lithe mom
W WI ..Pt to cbc14111.11,1"Illueqd 111„.bae Th ie l it he only ear lawmted that win dried
laddinft tWw hullalvd . e.lttat.4 B el It., I:2..tiothitti 1 . -11441° "'
nine. WithbrtWirety *aunt Holton. • They wlll mute . * fatt--Ifill not beat whilernwilaft
Two bottles ats mariated to awe nalneing
of womb mo oth, - L i, ids, time
oso tathreetatthe will ono the went kind of Venda, it= gni . othet Bilr niole•-•Pa limb]! 0.""
. TWO to Om bAtiii willname the nib= er bop. „ my .. y
Two bottles en Warranted to awe the-went canter 113 steel. ialPartri
the meth sad stoiteeh- estthri irmealt
Sane tstpritbotb., shown:Awl to awn. it. ward We reettealln ,
mat ttettlit' • that ho emir melba
Oat to twO*l44 are ;taitftwl ldllenzt b mum 12 , is of towbar Steel
. _ ,
the Wati.
i o....,witad to ewe running of teen
aid blotches anong Mahar.
ipar flo lot "roestranted to maw eur.tat sad
, .
begoeittona Odanienlipowa woe etiln.
Toro to three bettboo hie warranted to nose the now deo
Two to thiim; bottime kr. walwantod .an ,the, want
"I Thole to hoar bottle* are trisratted ratesalt ohnom
flee to. hlbatllrs will ewe SU •amt oloae of oorofola
k i Ict to aim !ziorriesood f"'w the Chet todtio.
Gnaw falba awe to warrantod when the glare anantity
Nothing theta . twitenoblo.i; I tteeelehelitoo vain
Wed the ortadeodll" ..dsd.r thftar, that •
mama woad Farb* lo wieharti. awl data old
idone vallikenotdiatal bloom Idea nand: yet
t 1 Ti you bawl &hamar
Um aloovii.likhdo endow: hum at bah ot gains
wise son oindlOot lannt nieddh'd ordr a. thousand bat
oda at Blob, ilohalty.a,lbletal. I taw no abets In
everitaeo.: ll:Udldreertddll• nano of the wreatintwina
SW dot* Idinowohtuetto. Idmlt to abildrim a year .
chi; Weld people of ient7.• I km wen Wow, pinworm:ly
Weld= eblldwil. !thaw flesh Was iolt l and tabby. oestorod
to a herhet Rate of *MI by OM DOW&
%thaw Tinian witijaa b. • Mk bolid.b., ono batik
spn.r...a. It. it Owl "East oldie to =WTI and
- dip:boa. &nu irba lave twin enothe Pa yam. hate ta
ken Dad been retailed by it. Wiwi tho body to wand,
It work avite easy, hut whore ttielte h
'attntnnatinu of ustar..loo mem veri sragdu teat
hum bat yob moat hot' bihlarawd-Alley always divvy
.vase In fr any asyf Thal la norm abediw
salt hum It. Oh tholcarotogY. intro tbat
ta foallois Is ten*
,d *ow iiko anew person, I , heard awns of
the wood watromigent enioniamo for It ibat man ever Ili
.tined to. Itokhaageof dletliever Molted
Yon en set -I bar Mew* az barb. orbleb.ennon elan
awed In swat on. thwolood tionitokao andlinn of tlit
inch and =air Us eats. Trion In onto, Pram at the
Koh.' TtocoTooT SI palatal ,
DIRBOTIONe TOR lifiTik—Adult, one tibleenwand
day. Obildnon over eight years. dement epoontak children
t:e (Awn Wand. As ylo dirootkno oan
to all donetttlitiono. take enough fa
OU tOlittll t.idt►
Ito% PI/MK" gin , S P.M.a.a attendance I. bad woe
" -
Boidorballotbsssa irilitt-st tor: ISEYSIM•I3. 10 Weed
Inst, amine of Virstu allow. .• • - • liattlarT
To XOthinl,-Wlves :and Daughters.—
n: &Nat ativwv to The ids:tease malaise. and the
otie which has, sad will costlnue to tecms, the Vested
Ideadait to the lanais bunny. Is the ...Ufa tvetemetko
lament se IfiashaTte Marine Cletbonsa•
It le defined , to owe the L vevious alarm lofideat to
Magee, such se itoliessi• pain In the beck, veskoese.
esteem gdoetration nom rowing sad a Ittutend ably
evils In their train, have almost able Mb burden tam
"ed astdaziotlnto a /lady and hearty acres The most en•
Ilichteald siidleeribollegee la the
world, esanll es he thlvonontrii Yon held the enhied
lq eittlouseonalinitstOn, sad Wu have Swills debts:an.
'id !bit the old method of treattns thaw an long tad a•P•
evstedlimse *stall raeS s ead that aeondatsiowd gnat
, we lie Vast eras rettolrod. It lass old Mean that
mot tad* stove annely; and eat* the Yeaulty we en
detvadas to halvaotase thelt views sad divot a MU.
1:4 genera Sreatlos, DrAroutavry: &Shills's/a atth It•tY
TOM •XPirieriee lathe Maier - of seam sad Shlldata
reduced this thwarts idattda teese, sad dletdveled • tem
ollY ',blob tine asrali sad all =re eighteen oat of efety
twenty entree sow Oldham In tom some where' the at
I """ r ß iaan mead aai er af *has thellisl•Vbeen mar ,
/7 Witted hililtaltrestmeit, notldas tan be done
but to al/f/vlste dui Jrnaptosts. .W 6 Au* 1. hoyden 7°
odd Btdeahsm. Own:not leader of the Eruillett await:Al
echoed. sad, tlonedbee, let actor &Oar eatal th/Sream ,
dr hail bee n thlthfolly tried. Thew wide Preltollot sad
Q. B&W of ea Weeded phydalas—voisoti for your
allnue—wee what the romodylas dome tbrotbees,andtben
soon with a strong faith Is theamoreatstbat fbashelre
Uterine Ostholkon le no "dun* remedy,*: bat • octant:lds
tatstdneldm of medical virtues, which wm pnwrn , tho
ronstltation from destreetion: - ant semi the taddlone
app..% °Masan and tutors. health to the already tar
pared vital waren Price el,bo per bottle. gold whete•
ask and i.Lll at DR. 020. ft. ILSIBEWB Dyingßtoe.lfo.
• 11.14/ter
Joy for cut the follow
ing tom' the 'ndledleildna:Satorlaa" . 00 sr
taermond oar rennet to pan= It oststolly, and time
colhaine 'Amnia not 4e207 purchasing:
Dl4, riparian:hi Gam - thrriaa—lnds celebrate:4
prig =1:. o..ll—Janaoll, at too lm
eamm non o 1213 Arai Moot, 1. seed
USair...4•Uted on Wntksa.. and the alsatletm oho
la colsmtlde physician. Is telling immintse quantithse at
IL T. 'Mon of MI. many aro so telly out Ihrehl.
the exteonal notice att. to bo ran Ica on ad
aoltunna that then le barna ene_roanieft the lasi=
ot It. This mush on any edd—Of the long nein of nhaa
teal Ina to which MWART I. huts, there lc Done man Ms
treninjtban mend dsrasgssnent of the donative
i= r ot tbetr b‘iira es
=•=b ats==h ,,, , t hrgagrostltet fart ?.
lar.ble - and antltua attengota Una di assent
whin-ban Weed the still of ablest Donna ban
bon Winnmail hr
Osman Dlttera'
8•0 $llllll e e . • asoladeare
Lnurra Pile Ointment is iSsertsisi
ears lit that dlatnadnit dhow, PM Man In nil that
• varbsd Inman Itbasbsen nod** mans than sixty Pam
and basal:halted th• swot Smarr anata in al =no ,—
Ire pabllsh the aglautne mune@ or gentleman who L hasa
taset cared by Its Aar. and aboo after rafting Ibr Tan
.bast anhaaatod mar mown a( the nallhal rreendon
. .
Hai; Zs& D. Wishxdt.
L Pomona. • IX
Ilartf 8 desstorfrom liorkk.
SC Ravi. ithronote. .
Ches. W.
ors foloitZo erd, .
Derlt Lut. WWI
ni...,./ 1 . VIM diNb. 244 Cirsororich if
st. t r
r, i,
SM Chambers ••
J. •th.c.iL ita. chicrornam -
'Ms stem Ihrt might be inermond by thousabeth but
Omoith haa been *boot to Woe owl =Mom' to dye
the Moody • trial. bad mboisiOstrad SOW LT Gam L.
lisfoafr. Ito. ISO Wood maim of Then OLT. -
f at Ito
Reputation in New England.
a..IL, Jaw 9th. 1863.
fb B. A. fithosetect d fo.•-• •
iimpruelow—gar live years pad, 'I ban used B.
Fehodstedes ireisolfida ay an oddball:11one In •my pros
dog my attantion was tired called to It in a otea when I
had failed to &dodge won= with ealootal, pink and ewer.
bade.. • bottle woo obtained and used with &shade et
hotortne• then I hays peiddited It to bandied, of yr
heats, and in • tarp toijoeity of cams with wonplabe use.
taw. In one ma • mingle bottled the inedietes brought
away frontons pedant liVadOßOhl Wtlvie; Ibore on.
ee knows It to do ham and I am lodnad to Ptaks ells
.tat hat hem an hawed amniotic* that It la the most
valsabla Yenedlegaret• • hums. But bit& madams
In eta voiltedßilte pewsre, that I receraltddtilt tooth -
we phydataal he this section: and Waldo than erith the
artkia. IL CI SAYLOR, IL D.
of W m awl chitty 11. FAMBIBBIZIOR it 00 ro se
ood at chi
Tons Xathafron.—There is no surer
tagi of tho arairallod unfits otaa atlas. this els 'Ping-
Inig up of cantina' lait.tloo. nut tonlinfldte Tab
Wan liarsainz. for nownht.
rinoriginutheauthitiagtho ilatr.:to bathe wet tom
sztku ST.r tosparso• combining s. nom the trans=
of the otootlelaan &Wong with tho non infanta. no.
dentin Ohilithis, ,tied ihtlroli without ent.-
ladloolon Aocteld that no tollattotdo lo =Soto
without it. iad U& gal dirwriminlkor rah& tho world.
To guard against witluoloar itathotion nut cauhttalblto
always oat tbr LTf/tra werluxaorr. .
aIIaiI..WYNKOOP 004POgrlitOrt,
for wio bry.z.'nuiais Y GO».n4 aStotbar darn&
liver-Disease.—Cutie• sp!stish NU
tiers ea moody fbr lloor Coo" w4thuumbor of kr
1311100f arils coolootod with • itlaorrif
,Ill,lkl stabs of that
aram.bsEldvalliPC ,, ll ,
Subdriflo aroftglkistm Int silo ratifid winos of per -
4offillolnfr In Ibsen,' ot Mahon& Too bo &ut
Orionis oltiotod. t7 Ciortooto IStsabik letelatft 1 9 . 4 him
of Ramona
only room to ref* to ttio crtroortbsus Coro
Dtiffkor.losti of the AM OM:WM a Mora; Bootofilon.
liiehmrod. Tfo. who woo mod by two bottler or Oortor's
O i m adi Aarts". ottor Moe roars rolbutog tom 4losso.
*Otter.: Ito 1110111totioolosto¢ Um lOW le wondoiltd.
;Uttar Quo all Yes - Et/Wm ha fad ow Ulm. and thew
ItArrooolosootalo trtilt:Afo
oatiosuporT, ,
rim Tau, dipif irstli; 1855,
5014,249''.4i0 Liberty
Adroit, Pittabuzehni..4 the oaf pale*jn. the sawn
tits sutheabotto all Noma 0111* 11 0 1, -Ibr Use of
Nor 'fork la Limpid hialostil. ' --
Has ituils on , hied tNSM teats br sny amms.t.
Math 141,7/S*lk IF 1bi414; IrOilaid..Bootlaisil sad
Nini.Tork ;aid
*do bi JotnunioaresoN.
.1004blkwif ' JNadi inot/. JUNI.
Flour dialt'eired tia *nips in either of the
"& s ut t i e lisi : u. tat :tthe iiut, or ,
te air iimme at the
Ita M InLISON *CO" 61Wtod it. g -
ar:hLML,==sszer.• 5 161 i
! 61.
CI R D ec,--
_N0.:131 ,Weed Street; '
onn ions ions non mama -
Hue pust - reeeived their FAIT Style' of
*Kg name
No. a WOOD,SMA zair, -
Okluensoss so 1. sin k 0:13
at Dr.lVlames aolebratel Temasis P ~ r ilrie "
D e W r. ll. 111
- 24:115MKballtOett?itiOdirgh.
, .. .
- New Gaguen . lat Gallery: ."
ML NELSON wonid - respectfully, inform
hllii mi
u7 = big I re m =der U.
a. sad bascale=
a Zeal
Mom il =!ltitp itt emp io trori Ar
mole to m ei Utz& Gasatr of Got I
T For els ore vin.ekatteAt hisho
mod forliseit '
imistfroeithislieteteehment tett *hat
• utiekshaushire the Taumet
• wafer* then sly Bar in es,
- woclowau. pp. .
' • .roomiss.
I DWELL"-&. Co.,
Jos. W
moo,/ RECORD • brizairr
. Joa•dEm: .
0 --------- 1110 11, PE lIIIIYLVANIA RAILROAD.
The Fast il lea at'M
2A. ~ through
•I t 's
to Ciadunti in boors sa 40 Taut..., • _ .
Man. Tao nu nIIa. N. -
Bann " " AT BT. IL
TWIN Udall MAW sbas aconstiots at Crastlintaand
lb. NO taro co at =not. no, onet vane to Bt.'
halt Is now via Cantina and judingapolis.'loo I
TOT" Then. na Blisalsad. ' Counotious los modal
at lisollald wl the Noranaad Paninsin On rod' I
' igad sit CosiWas tbs thin moil oontentrattals c i,lors I
For partieulars baa4bllls. No trains run on Otani
Thrtrosh 1 tants ars c r4o Cliolunarl, liminillga' Bt.
or.;.adisuarolis. Ron Islas& .Fori.Wains.
d nod tas nine! town and atlas In tbs; Wad
Ts Pittston* at, 10 it it. sod 0.10 P. ts., and, Noi Bliat
ail a.u. and 1 r.w.,
For Uinta sod hrtharlnttrimaton, apply to • '
. . J G COUP
At thiroartiir dies, undarrhs lionangainn Boon'
- •
Or tio lisdnal Onatiltation to
Maori% Jolt 73. WO. ' ', - . '. Mast Bon..
- ..
Life, Tire Ma - Ana Ineurincei Company;
Office, Coilaii'Mailet and Water Strada; .
. ; . • ..; - parsament. ea.
BOBZ GALA 1", Prei*ksitr . , JAW D. aloft; ker.
This Company Makes every Immo% ilcs.
Potalung to ormeend with Lin BOILS. _.,
Also#OW_ .4 Bull sad Cam HUY& bll the Ohio int
)1 W4alriv o"lWibutlodsla and Marina PAW pro
wally L . Loss or
- ,
And agumst Loss or Damage by Fire;
And agaionita Podia of lb. Bea and Inland Naittatiott
patio at tits lowniratm posslataat nth oast/
in all tartlet
Robot Gal . =sift Bradt,. •
sot 13.17 u.
J j a . mir‘vano g ,. ratosal w lindami a .
,Th : oha6 - i,ily g iN l . D. - Lan kituthnot. I .
John I= , • MOTO:Am
• Motto N. Lot IClttoning.
innWOW. I in. torligarin
Rehanee I ) llLatiuil itiniiiiice Company
_ _OPrRaF NO. TO. WAIN= Bram., ~
alma. at Au-Atids, room amp* loam.
FIRE MSETRANOZ-rOn BuiVings, 310-
Ivrt s.t.
etustillic, . tom l e.. ix I'M or country.
au Tta
i fi l i w irV li n elle, th. ccra=l i t ratlis t r u tA t t
or tlic Osman . Inttamt Welty tar loam
The Script of Ws wmptcir, tx 'profits. trii
anivertible,' II DUI UM/ thli attest Melt of O. OctiVT•
tux =GUT, Praddrat .
pqp, t•
ri •ri. ,l ti• Ko r Exrettarp. .
Cilist . • •• ' tails IL Arb.horti.
Wis. Mpers, ... fitorg.N. Win,,
T. (3. tl• MM. Dom I. W. Ticsitr. • •
O. R.Orrimatri. Z- Lothr o S 4
• Rabat - Stem' . U. L. Canes,
James L.=
Jacob T.
G. at. IntouG.
liannni B. inn..
Wm: maw.
Wm '
Wm, Samna, Platen
001/IN, Agent.
Third and Wood Inman
Pill 4. • ELPHIA :..-
Piro and 15 Insuranoa Company. ,
mik Lilo
• o Ivor Tog mirror mom. ,
Will e all kind!of Irusuraxiso. either
=. meow cm rnlloo. tiption cdPropmrCT or
ra it M b 1 1E1 #4 LA h•co P l ai dori a t •
Y. W, lidi n M o oor Prraddemt.
4 , 1...
.p.,,...., v. a ow,.
11. B. Cleo. W. Hoorn.
01 . BC=l.:r 'r . ohrt i blo " gm . L.
p .l
.. adadtoo.
'''_ I E . •fik.•
• 1 ' ''.
3, 0.'001712i, /uncut,
ots-1T fo• roma Third and Woods
ROM= FINNEY, Secretary.
C. W. BATCHELOR, General Agent,
o:llil=tir. TC: %nes 14
I w itaao . w ll x.u i Nara, 8
.7 D - . 1341z ,.
B. T. Ueda. Jr., Sabo A . OaaatraT.
Gangs 5. Bilde‘b . . • & IL A Braaa.
WAN imam Sagild=l 3 1 1, 1 a=laldr 9 d
abet lama by thaloa. nay add ho Manny ad
molly pala atlta Offica, No. 99 Water Wan.
citizall 4 s Wnirsnee Comnr. of Pittsburgh;
j . Miv a tee`4.lla:Li. se, ,
OltI(I6 liN puma. lIKTWEEN mamma AND
OffttrlialS' I".UISIAAM;atg,2I)*MIDEZaII
sir J 1.441 ar. J....LEEpsbyt fat, -.ALaft
apme ch. BSA d , 14 INLAND NAVIOAI7OD
and IWOR AVON. - .
, -
ftas.l .EL M. likr, •
Rabid NJ?. . ._ John E .
, EL IbErbough.
fl i.q K. kynno.t. ' Maeda &Masi' •
WOW Erma. 3. Sebocalloalue.
.1.1 'Loam.. i Wm. IL MM. - '
-_ -
Western i Isunirance Company
'aarss.n., earj . IA Mai.
WiD . EZISIIre 111/: s.O lands of FllO and
Ninne Ea&
11.3121a,7e. ,M• J.& *WOO'
Mane. A. ll= Der.
Wm, I,loq , 0. W. 10WW11031. *WWI Elnla * • nn.
annum. • , al= ...Landman.
WA bane -.lsuntution anntsgsd br 1:01neon brdl
Imonn Mb amannaltrogad nun will away_ *Aunt
d mama, All at Us Omcs. NA Wntar
rtreit. MlAslyn Werandnet) cn) Aden Ptnabmnii.
1855. AIR LINE ROUTE: - ' 1855.
°I - 1MU09 ,, ,iTsll9 l3l s•
Q, : , NIA : . WS
RAIL 111111.111IMPIPT. .... ROAD,
rormirly,iii - e Chicago wad Miesuuseippi.
- Pivia Ckisn' polo & Lomb Iri tbli Sown, -
S leave the .thinoir Central Depot,
foot of Water &nob , r;
1 ' fPnal It.kd 'P. 7.11= .7a 4 ed . Let o tr
Stt. •
Louie height giant. Sung sae - .! PitOk. R.
Baggage Whooksti thrinuth to St, Louis, ',
PraTni - run direct *mei (255 :USW withog in eherr
of earn or baggage and. connect' with the ban
iplinagid SteanwraWinehisner erg Reintleer..ronning n
ess,pe connection with Passenrer grains from Alton to
St, Loolk (th soiled viitiout blab& . Th ise 'Wats, ibi
oeed, convonionew [dotted lin are; , on the
Vile waters: be op with . Baths loos
Wooma afforitog to puresuprs the 0 er on.
n i ggi=it =Lob= MT h % R.Lrogu r l
w r , =is sadNebrastAthis thotoc;st diteetronWand
destinedillairoington,SpriageelL Mick
p=, Naples and all point. =eh. Rissirsippl, Mout '
Chlintistbint and Tontensonigrer• .U 1 note the
portant ming in &dam*. ininglil miles Les to Bloom
ogton. end 58 miles lose to Springneld than by any op
4rmuts. o'im____ zeasime .i lite
alhmime. IT*, thil in X ltA s • Beston. Phil.
Bail Aleany A lluilki . o . • gisiesel at all thee.
Moos thro et toe States, arid in Cltilisito at
be Cosepiare Na. 48 - Dearborn it omoirlio the
t Maul sat the Repot .1 the /111., '
Railroad. Piot of Water it.
Responsible Baggage nun will &WWII tie at We i mpo se
lof the •1140.11 toads imbw I*ot:tamp to Cheek Beams
throtith to • 47 .-P °l ' re° tu ' b. "'". Jr.,, R. P. - leitGAR, J Sul.. .
H. J. IX.IXSTERIRRRISORN, Seel Pationger Agent.
wT eel
_ .
: .. COUNTY - PAIR.'
( lc - ' Fairo ft he Alleges '
P nu!. Sixth Annual
will oe Den .4 WriMenee, On the Id. kl, 4 "end
alb of Oetobie.lll44. .Atook a milato howeneel
mile or the aeoaaniodstkei • at ii... sett - Mnalaso
wewpair Akan up ter the insider of geode._ Tin Grounds
wW ts aboodanUT stoppilon With MAW WIT end allow
Ow the we It the salmale; mill be toridensd stag& eed
Chain at the, lomat market pike: Pa ndonit to the
onwantwfl3l.oo an 027 ownwititioe., Idonibeiellin
or Venally Tioliete. ilk ela • somiwion.46 ante All we
Woke intended for ash! . Mat to the redrew OD. P.
nnhen Ni, lltinbargh, vill emirs preempt otteatkm
• ancipeteat Polk* tons will be on the. GlVlglal, do ant
. W — paitlenlieri kw Lin Me. • • ll•V‘daL
'r NO. 79 Third'atreitti . ,
. (4.24 P°.t°7l7,2•Vaant.. PA;
11-4ar pele, vbassabo inad. Wall at ,
iWar awatty. es* 5t, 0,4 2RAIAMItat.
ALT/BOLD 7,?Aldd SOAP—Nr etas by
'tube= in • , D E woos rnwt
" •
I«f:!rer saki knr is AND VERMIVUOS—,
o l Won NS
• mmml 11" a '
At itNOL
AP °tibia „ 0r " . .. at
_ Corm Wood gt. ing Virgln war.
OB:EA,F.!BT AND Dtgac iats-, „,
_ _ 140 wood strict
I '01:TON--13 • haw to arrive foi
ie. by - ISAIAH DICEI f 1 OD.
rt. 81,00118-1000 noirlanding fro m
ig,ION Citkiii*ll4. NIL by DiALUI MOM
N( T ' ItiPLOYD4
lA= K 'lll.
ilehabold's.,Geilllie Preparatiou. . . AUCTION
nTID -•
COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT KT un""li - ii,,..„„ Aa '' 1. „„/ 1 -_,„.„„, 4 , 'D A 7,__l_S: Matiorieer.
~ _- .—.. la • ortaln. tab and elesteel moat • ' fr .- —_ ._____ _
__von... Med aid 70/1 Wei
it,..De .s.rd , ,...of i.... tuzaziamigh,..., G,2 ".. a . i " sv v yja wk. ' OUNTRY SEATS' IN OAK LAND AT
and all Diseases of tho Emuslackabether in , AUOVION-On Saturday oternoma „
from wtditaier mum they mav ben oriemnd. out dec d .
he Itimloadors., Foc off tL . Wem4u '. to
al= cd vi m ik Irak. commelk- IW cr.
.NO.NAT7IIB OP BOW £OIIOTAND.M. ... • J deed. the vainebl,Lbte• -, 0- - •,
Thie tomb? and roodlie remedy Ii lin. armed to the 79 and W, in Om clime laid Out l i aj i _
.Blde and suannteed to core aU the she,. complaints.. ',Mg thliktwoM
It searthee ont the wry roots ot the on. driaing out lisq--1110M ot l Mltta 6a tin sami t em. a.m." w
all the
on dulds of th e body thus rammimt the .1.1,19.90, di, XL SI. say n. . Th.. , ow = a ca
ono Wondering the Boyd anem Mina •o• a 11 ,000 / . 9 d , - mwi , er OoslyWem
Tad siteNilcOseallayetelin media , which mh• r - Atria witerflon madmem mu for eal • The Ilenal
reamdles ismulahir cio j t ems - It %Men with law l Amnia lineal Mesdnentee mood. pait..... b ..
trouble and asps:web> - Milt Infallible reamer i daily; Terms Wu • - 4 . - XL n Mit, ,f,mm
humeral thousands Imola ho ur
Ina the hands of 1
-Aram - Qaleale,lf Darrow pnissiure gem.. ,tn caws
ot Infectio'the Pompasal Poke is the only article woe ,
Aar oft/. InitaPlandelete Or the affikted in Polowdott
, t entains no nrcatinmercuy„ *rattler Injurious drat
, trinr u l a c y riLi ct go t == . l. t w i tr ery Te&=
by millonaofeithareluldthodhinderametram bonen
ar maid advice, es Ode directions Ibr use accompany
a ....a. r . Moder, If you have my of the Mon war
plaints. do not neglect them. &Oman dameroes.
witathamedasne you can cure yearealf, and thus pre.
• nt ell .
WD7ritllll3l` ARV WW4 PREVAIL
Tbb medicine noddy asuf crotually earn chi Diet
cholera Sum of puma Wenn" and eredimits every pm.
tide of inleettotle matter .framo - the Tam, restarts:4 oh.
P"W" tearn=astre'nit e lir l h erf,rgt. IV , ! °--, 1 .,Li el eimp4 .
used{AtdeD o
be fogrunt rainetalLitzhnii - 4i:et ' Iss 1,1
any of the shave sikswelta.
• .iirdar,r cpraveritlPED ,1
Comptriinkilnit Bilrati ti. Sarl.arilia•
str.obwho en. Brood ; ii,...ko halfway, an-saiii Pon
namOrtritrainf, mann maaleadvd 4 .. -
amadeMeal duaus arising from an sum air Ma
Eked, and taw only rebtableasularldeal toneurnaerthe
tha man ettaffelo. Hall Reno,akaid.ero 4,l7lco.a. "
arfahc.l7nroaa and -LPii‘r awams.^o l OM Dona
-Pam; Naegto mike Mot, coda Xralg dirradeew el
Ms grstirrine to the prodder oftheiiinicitgeo to be
able Lost ate - tnat It is mu. nearly _three mos Ouse they.
were Mst inro:Mos dwillngth time they here been.
extangedy rued In yarkras
albs United States.
end ban aims to patient end ersetitiamr the tdlthelT
degree untlellastion In Me various mos In which ths7
have teen employed; whetherin town;muntry.boaritaL au
pion prow.. they hen Invariably given Myeloid de. ,
aided and =mantel ,satiallotkaa, and produced themost
Watery avd banana.. ewes. numerous Otters have
been repeired from the most distingoined . amides. M
the ocentg.' -za c =m tih.etc=oft.
this aztraeif
ae ll is ".. nuadicirms and gair misarkaitY * Mr :Il tha Pr..
Tarldionsfilr loch: complaint. sil Lb* panatet:r wecoM
Minds: Tamen= ne of ked. Of
Bualm and maims modaaat preparing Mein Lave Own
'glom MI of whlch ofoonris Will differ scondlem to the,:
made of preparation the emir iminidied mayarlopt. -
• • These medicines awake cansidarable are in Me Prom.
Orion and the employment of diffmnst unmet:rim in me
moirs oserstion to take up the extraetive matt era,- and:
to consupseneuers most fronentlytmparmaiy made. and
by Impaired. If not rmdoed totally
Ineet. by We Inludicious .
pharma c eutical wonsgement of
Moo nuamuidated with nintormam .-
It les ebie, at the hhehest. &melds:nation and therm-
Venal to Moliettollo and to the bonny that there should
be standard preparetions of , nikametomith md poem.
Log Malmo edam:deem To effect this wad obviate the
mil alluded to, I have a number of aspoimente to
@scoriae. the most effectual mode of ed - Oull- the 11 ,
"tube af the sanomills anerßoshee - med te - illecover the
gv,=.117.1 lot
farl t rabVV, I d ' it . is arithm==s%
I nor otter to the public and the fawn. my Compound
lieddSztnets. which contain notes el:Masa-of the esti.
,:meathey are reproented ten node from In a highly
a m som,and mementos: motive preerredlom shirk
to mum. Terotabbstomfitla of the Tatract Sant pe
a nd to stint of water Is equal to the I taboo, diet
,drink, and one bottle fully womb in alien uth one gallon
or Syrup Sensomilla or dsorMion o =MUT Mad. -- •
num .
fluid IlMinct Boehm Si PM bottle, or. 0 kw Is.
... ; cattacam oreures and recommendations from disUn-
Subbed Minoan sod phydstans miff atiCoalgeor each
vsepersMon. Pitman& =amid by
• . . H. T. HELIDIOLD,
. .
No. 253 Chestnut Street, nem the Guard norm, nu dm.
; To be had of aid eles -, tli:0117 , leation of
Ow maw i Beam
P.IL O AlletbieC OUT •
~ , e tso. a, moral% uowJa.t.attamma. -
_ . 'mufti. Aguas.
Ail letters Or the toedlaills dlreeted Pe the propristor
"metes Isoinediste sttentum. and esfe denveriesimeren
_ - . .
Essence of Jam:mica Ginger.
HIS ESSENCE is - a preparation of nno- ,
anal exoereno... ordinary dlarition, lirdgent
tire rea.
ftroitoigThltaloir intetl f mst P % 't rlit or eiring the_
',maim:not epidemic! cholera and aurinor onnplatal a or
ehtldren,tt peeallarly adiroalonia no randy. truilirldual
or twain . atiould to without
Prell7reo I—B.b? Y. B_EL opWt h e
a l g t.
o pa l d l ver atol,
t a bu s` D rn artiteh
More. N i t CoracroLlVOll and Matra &vas. ffralc.
=Bar =Er frtt."""1..4.1001=1., in the
an a d ,
bUT "
li. l l=ll4 `
cs a u i ii t a fil .nd in ny:
BW MUSIC-Oft ea dewy evening falls;
The r ask me Within:lk MOW- • -
- net- my heartwipe mom.Alleella
' My early Wow A. I.rta= --,-,-- • - - , - -
The kw awe food heart. The red rorer,Meo.;
Had I nem, never known then•
.ell ane tn the woke we haw. ' ' ' *
MY earfirteklet Al= Mawthrowt -
How meet to roan_ My .0121 hs &lir.
- efee thalowl - W. V. Warmer,
Theeawmill, (DM Been Mollie.) .
L It eartedee badmen Wallin/We rowan
Sweetly err my ewe" Wallet: ....
Dame °Want %Mimi. L. 7.1 GottachWC .
eartanten.aho= . ,r - N . P.
Striggrki'r-: ' N I:WM.II4w Polka;
Algler's Polk., W. V. Wane.,
Crown of now owl wenn . .
The Anneal e Wahl initimatd•r.
Al.O, a gollbetlon Of iltaf USlitar 11111111g_t nit
l in DOT
ltryrete ondthr We by CHAI..I.O=h Bt.
yea No. 111 Wood street Id door whew t'b.
A —.The oadoslirosd isocutces - of the last grill of
1..0 lass, Isp of allosh.or . ofistkly, doosuod .11.1
all by yyphiks Wean the ms • Ufa du/ of 00-
toter Dna, fal that Used *flood- Waste la Snowdon
toswhip I. sold oostaty, sdiotoing, lands of Thorns
Bisitbow /dotrla, Gomm C a carsa. Jam:MUM
sad others. coo Wallis shoot on ImptfOof sodsli , Tatrati
pith deellituf haws sad p.m srodtid tamods.; sad trait
tressof »duo* llads. Zusui Sado toOors on My' of pd.
sodatwo JOHN KING 1 - •
. • Nam) Kora, ; Phazacors--
Ll' 12
NEAR TOWN F0R• 3 52,200- -
• 12 saes of van Improved land fa 22.2* 2,1111 * ma
80nn222 of enx222, end good - ham.
2nd. eloable, Carriage 1/22.* 820 M nom* uk4
me 2•2212221 also choke fralla of angry anc4
11122 2 2 .*4121.221n...-.20.24222,2222120n: Abri. - 10 I. non
-2,22 02222, Innurnate parendon lr requlred. entmand
In 1421202 sod pbresut .12222222 22 *man - 24.4412222 n.
tho point r,,.- qta r. tbe 292122ninni .
T ag 'l LL= of UpteggrislWrit2•l2l2241 lt fir "" 1:4: fal
nom the city. C2III2HRILT, 4012.
lee • . Usekat, greet.
1111ITZTOSB- , -Idehivehdd ti
a Mingles on the alma& of the Tustin gime, adjoin
ing the resides= of Alexander 'Rhin, gm., fronting PP
immspeoylm p• nis Ammue S and ll,ut dkoludisid flak. Smut.
This rty will he oldehesp ni , ha may malt hand
mousy, the beards eittnnasin as long. as the pardmier
nithey by,MYytait intge.f. fat gluts suA !on_ st
Ahnollins of '
• of Nem Goods at Opthla Hall, T 4 Woad wart
emimerlberlmaJo44 raq'd tram thoilkelaraMizkam a.
larmeamoMment orOmd4,aultald• for F411T14.444 ommtd-
arCie l ' trlas: 1141* Y
teleutgam wm.4.1411a lig:West rite, 4.44 1
sad mod. agmarad MANN the bmlmaischl sad mamas*.
tan. and mill Witham at the lemma Daab Petal.
Halay. mbe may FOAM similrto •
MAT . OILiSTEtt, T 4 Hood stma7.
:To Zrl ` " oan . •
a gfl i tig pr i ta p a t ir t a . a f =, r t r i t : .
i t
me on Um slootroesonstio boom
%Intl to ono . ~ tof + , ns km* on
1 1 110EW BOOBS -14notionl Obsermtiono on
i II some of thel:ll~tiClaki itiettan, Ulm and Coo
PooltOry IL Dr. Bode
No plhooc e om s, otteo i ntowoy crA
nDa7 Llookiodl
Sr frash
M ta odel fas Km qf Buis+ I. 1 3, ,
mil , _ , • • „. l. nip. 78. 4 Am
EFerßAYStzayed away from the:Sab
scriber_ Almost SO, fed sad whits cosr, SCh yhlte
ld White hot. Any poms" . • • bss to tbollats
Board of e and Vs , • :
Irßegular Mutably Meeting; of the . .
etodstecae well be baron PlelnlYoue) et 4 , ifflebeale,
& when tbe Annual Baborbwill be reed.
, , berretse7.
200 ;:and. sal !be taw br L
_ _ _
11.01fte4 am to, les sy
E. BBL& =IWPISKEY—Juist lreceived,
ler nu WALLLO amatrara.
MCIWITITOBARS--Jusi reaeid, swath
"d .' " " Ir°1r0.• 114.33/AW4 Vale"
- • 9.6 a
MASON It 00'•• liscal - jnet tecinved
gi=sab,"Vrl ts'^olVer=ter=
z k i r u lZrior,szoopt o
Myttgrkuie= . b 7 riii% rf: a%) .
COFFE2S--2AO ;bile .Xtio 'Coffeeln Store,
i.6 oteter ale t
rrElO3--123 Half Ohests Young itisou and
ZackTra. 110 ban
1 , 140114000=-I*'boxis 5213 s Ilia 1 lb& Lrai, t► bnia)
()RAW, ADA env.. lbe
AnZt ili ca=i i i= jbaZl.l43
Arjak,it4V -ba4 et uu
11:11,8 00.37 Woood It.
Vlt 2.(3/543ER;EROWNISESE3 ooflexid's
Ayres marry reataral, 0 11b m 1n , Wed fattioni. Nom•s UMW
ftrordao and olntomot, Ittuaton'e Ord um. oil, &a for
..LM air- R.I. MILLERS d CO.
BEAT-1734 sack' Tenn... What to ar
rive tee pet. eve . 31M.Au inoisV a 00.
pinta -22 bbls. now landing from stew
- ar.Brasil Ave We br ISAIAH DICIEST & CO.
. , OILVLOTUtrat all wid p ale ran
w g
, from 2O to yoga' vide. aaa =osse the
WW_Wpotroset 4)02.4 the Oil Clothes
room, No.llo l m.- ll.olill.lalP
. imam swag. aol4 wholegage sad ratan at the
th Werereasaa No. 115 Mutat street
•_ _ _
"'WINDOW 1311ADES—A Inn' mortmer
{Tv cetbo ortAdOtittlostrlio of TrogOlossont Shoals.
toth • • • ola soma. tbil °Toth _
1.4 &Abu loci* ilimaiolithmaga
FRENCH BLit. 11-4 have;reo' and
11 • Wide of inn& -Ignatius snooks to any now m
vie. It =l .. t . pond wool to latent tenths?. ant with
out int imams that nibs article should
nail as 121 • lot. . .1 .103, IMMO,
111 . HAVANA -VIOAIIB-1 - •
reed rolgsed ot swam Hanes Mows.
Tby lip toße " bicwix4;
irs " l ' 10 = 1" pitilitt it 00 '
DroTurTAL to... Rapier
Natal MO 100 tons WOODS' 011 ate‘itiStj jcr . Oolib to
wits Itir ails td
TALLOW cra wisAss -50, r,..
MC OMNI toySri"' teb attralllT . . MI
.21frie." lea Soli
. . . ,••••
• I
IL; scioxa--04 Saar* efteldra. Sort Eth e abaimeas
i bur ae , A b e t; emu he 144,2, 43 the 4,anionstel Wel
i armor Wood sad fah 44441r4=4.1140 .
$l3Wk. l a
ta teror'lhosrashato Cm af
1 lfth „ . 7.4c T4ll c 0.,,,.. =
a.„7,.... x .
~, . tihntmsce.
' "14 " VTlu7Dtadsue ehutostVliou stot t
1 11.4. ft i lL . V ao son Jammu% WMft, stoliedh of
,II todlitstos IMO of Wordreffhou mama. ofthS
'''' 4ftedia of Caul sarmircti.rm= .121 p. of dr e e= gan "Wi n Uatraftslints,th %at
\missl ed War Amax.). LUG e s;
•=teßiUh" A otalinnary. ao e als! Wan ' Prelsau ta caw
will& aro nosteadli -, . N.M. I, ..M.Miet. 4
nod Carhops' .Court Sala au Saturday gbm's .
roptamher Mb. at a dafttc an tho tworoftfte r
_ , SE • rlfwa..._
by order of Ohs Nary B. IMM k 41 1 . 1 s 1 T , '"Xj . ...—e''' 7c.
James 11. herrhe deassol. that isluotdo olg a r a za . .
Ira. an Chemins Oradr. liner Mlle from.
t. wo ....." W.b.rniii. Tumults Road Is Roblo.:1 sad Qualm
io ho. eantahabot four softwood warraypftwoas, aa
which lo mooted a and Mug RASKIN tr I t good
order. affable ilt Mot= oat ISO bids 31-ur am fi weia
• MUM MM. 00. PG, 4 11b003i4b1.011.' 'The nail eastsins
- Pear yoh Sorra UM. mug Boluow Cloth., throe eftwese.
'two Smut Marianna Cam ameba and other
manta. The wstartomew le often the taut to the
ty t so a hin l i t .a s tr b il e o= toz aa 400 tt ! . at elAte
.1 ......
ee t"tra: Darla amtattdost?torards otiM
aura eft had, with Mae
Soma 1 m: Stab
attuft ' Trutt Trios. Shroboor, sa.,in : I =
state of rah Mika, width may be Sri Isi. tato
roam, cquatry rams helot sup no eft most &What&
tastlone lu the vicinity of MU out] , so .1 1n s adohboh
• "TIt4 I L I =AW Th ll,o "On.ndfd, alohe.iiias. is
0 ,...4 tic, yi r ,, :7 1,1, ~...!. 2,.._.......0.
P.M.USW& Amt.
TinaAid-Ws ban now•
of new sad ran `rtylur of Mau Visiting., =rig
this dnatuanii•os.
• • • gists, embracing tai atM. and A Ann ankh
na prays satinortory
n oon-loopert • -aulik•aatio. sad Ti
it =
.11,thboan, iloru_lramea„ du -Ts unto le • tin
Wanner. a:notate. taardtasense, it WV Till riniN
oa terms
How= 090 surn-Our inn of they. Aliening ben
• Anted with Ant ea" tar our rind iog.lnda.
Own' Volarr.lll6ll- GOOM--Hers MST t . * LWOW
yortantax to Os tarialddalLlAMMAdt:. MAIM A'
Asp, . great ratl lty of %nor !AMA unsay hunt 1w
.Iroyw a dd. Mod. mod witioh tw
here. Pareduesn nay trety mAng
the Anna YAWL JOB. Hada a daa..ll dadWIC
The Attepiice: pi the ladies
TS reepeadly ininted,to.the LAMM, ,and
Bammorn, isiartiriitit A
Phu irealet, "orbit' Oollani.
do do L'I do '
Whin and EMU Oran rotia.
Cennttos. Pins dna, in,
rzosid. Dimity. Cornets, ,aa,
Jost owed by D. A Jr. BRO
, - Pia Market strai.
A. MASON k CO, hove just received
Ong. variety A auplenrEnd.. of ddne. Mud sad
Rai Aiiiired. 7-7 ' . 1 • i.. 1?
AN EXTENSIVE and well silivied• stook
of LIOUI439aIPING DDODB, at Nn 111 Xing&
D. ADD. Jr; a
rem DELAINES--A; :: meson' .&
opon'on Vicatdar,eat.l44 -4 50 pl . , *LOME wry
sed dutiable Arlo of Pten. veloalues, „
Ma A.
Cremar Ducar
ritielli4lNUt and tors of •thiS nk
UNICP•I -lAA= onaelx...v ,
mix manias, aq sad the 14thIES:01.„
1. Mecum& Bus Prerateatil
TBEStOOkhOlderB ot the hiouhatiietf:tank
of Pitlahurtits4berewit.iotLeed that theft lasts/.
Mot of 111.50 per be doe on the 1000 of Oot
next, sad the4ttkend lest Inneslmeavor. 512.14 pee abate
on the gesti. Nov. famine.p as low :seem - st ot the Ward
or Diwtogs , Po.bk ..ttm pahlastallenada matt Meet.
sel.Mene GEO. MoUßlM:Mibler.
Patinae attention iron to Cut ale! at •
No. 154 Front Street,
rte onnoetta the Itononerahehe 4teniss.-
10110WDERED BAYBERRY-20a ,lbs. for
rr frfllf4 Wn0Ven4,16..1.
1111MBING-10 Ws: No: 1 BaLimo!, Her.
11.1. dna Ibr rale b 7 NS WATT. t WILSON.
rinaihr. WHEAT--1464 vas on steamer
n. L.cobb to ora...fac so. or •
VLOUR -462 bags and 24 btdo, on Warne
R. L. Cobb to ant,* Ilyr rah 007
ni.u61.1 DICK= t 00.
rJUNC - WASH - BOARD;J--, dos,
ZA ant Ibtabbi by 18A1All DIORILIkIX4
BOOMS-50 dos. Corn Brooms reit'd and
far ode br we.,, Kinn IL OOLLIELUI. •
itzmi - TtFUL - -Al[edition
IL/ ts.:FC.-trwt , Pf. deklsn. rIVIS FDA
at the Vir Ina
mrhet tirashllMih Ito. IrA Warts v. idea.
4 raioVelLialmotit,......,.„.. eVerY
Width in.
QUININK, folaidely
eel • •.. B, A.:PAUNIWTOOK roa
t { I Ctl:~:}.l:lrl''i-Gql
ti l
I . - :: s • A: s • . " : : -Sri, _I; '
forEdleoad Ciam • ll %. . Dr► if ;
w ! s Pig inrS t
a l i t corer riLty
BLOOI4B-4cmilitaOva Forge Bolls
Abaft" fitraiß
1110SLie A D VELVETSUGS, of rich
A3ll. lad alrennt etylee sad =keg ilied iod fbr taL it
am% Carpet Wand:mm.2W. Matta stmt. .
QTAIR RODS of every size-ma deserip
zi the la don uld 16r age st the_ 201074„Warithowil
No. 112 Market Om -111•01acitvux BEM.
d=ips aid toll= need . tbiCArrpkt_ Wsretrass,
TS Market Iltrust. . • flao=.Bliol3.
I : :41 :r1: 1 1:41 " " :Ell
ratrit-- 50 bbls.:BaltitooreGolden Fivap
la be sL b 7 sate - MUM& DILIFO
tieives: prim 6 Hilo for ale by-
UESS PORK-18, llt in g:no Meas . Pork
om saeBo. *IIIINORTE.
REARS in bbla, for 'sale 14 ,
=BO Ixener Wort, ikatl Thlid1111411•18.
F LOUB-1-21:10,bble. to arrive per "Winions"
. sada = • canna itherty and Hand Wok
B thiw i ds4h T reoeivl.3 . 4_i_bi:'
BRIMSTONE-11 bbla: "stare
-- for ads by; ; :mu; momsue. .
Cl UGAII--250 hbde, Soitatior!saleiby;:
- aus4 • • . amuvaluttta,w,okm.
0- ItiI4WLSSES--2(X) b=m• e Mobutu',
IVA bre* Dr u2O , DILIFORT/i.
VIEIZEI3i--50 boxes W: ft: Oatting_Oheese
• J ibe sae by . sts3o 61131 1 7101, s DILwOIIII.
#lpol i tact - for Web,
• . e'ors.; retdiuguaigk.
PIG NET.A.L-115 Urns Soft. Iron or mile
bs BHatirt 1 DIEWOMM U 0• 2111. 241 it
nn LB& MAMMY .I=9l/j kust, raced
Our WI iter'aibW SIMARD CO.
5 .
ClOTTON—,l3.balertist reo'd`er nem r
it _I Chicago fter mal• br - .10 11 A ; Menft'a 00.
— TEAMED HONEX--4 bias. on lamb and
.for We by ..•m 411611113 MEM aO4
UMACI-300 Ba c ks in'atore sad tor:: sale
,e 7 ens ISAIALSDIORIT • 00.
eao toonare or • .7
Q V 1 011i— , 215 dos. best quality, qta. and
1.7 IN' 1.38. 3. BOBOONNAM 00.
fl 'MN! BAGS-1500 in store and for ode ICATAO DIO NC CO.
JUST reed anotherlot, or imperior inter;
iroot. arnatatedi • • • Loathe. Bahl
I , lb, magathwer •IL =ow Abf neund Bawl ••
THAS-;-100 half cheat
L Young' Hyson, 50
bait ehjurs .. i t
2, 111:1 . 110144ki Isaul Ilsek
•ass -
TEA WEALS. Olt-4 iiaalti
Whar.oll_ imlitied sad Ihr by
IMOD R.JS. Erlasiia it 00467 Wcod
BTIL& FINE'FLOIIII, - in More awiTor
. 411 snl4 WAtLAOIII.Ik
.;: ;:t§. i , . - ••.
13QWDZAED BLVE-300 IbiConliaid and
.WllO%. Paw
iM Ibrsal• by sat
CY. SUGAR-33 bhda. N. O. Sugar_
ima. lb/ pal• ATWELL.IaNa 00
1111'L30'bbis, N. BP Whaleand (Tennant
•t:). Oil Re rale is sun SNIT% mama trouTsg;
.I 2 dos.
..n , sus Mak, Bpierchut reeir
13Akl.NO POWDIM-12 dos. or 4t
wow midi studs estabest4
I: ' " ". --127 - bags rod sad 32 do
',boat° nty e Re ads y yailantoour a 00.
bre* sayply of th• stare yolytebbi4Mal 44
by sari- JOS.
1813.=::27 hf. bbis: Like: Superior WM
tirto ts ' ie N .
010110000dir0.0310:i t bT ir u r s i ,
' • Yid 70
4 : l v OUir-4 =doe: :rtn •
01INKSAU 6 14 - bblik`feliatili
r 10.