'. " ! .-- T'f - :! • . - , 7., . . , . ''_( , :f i r . ' - ':V, . . PI f• ,, , -'; ...r: '" ''; l ", !,,' 11,• ,, ..., ,: _ _ , 1 ri• :. , ‘.,,,•-: ,* ITY , 1 . ,-.1. ~., -,, ' ' ‘ f B _. „. .. _ • . _ . .... 'i k. .1e) -., . isipr,gs',.bnitotbitir.' ... d IlitGilAaiav ASAL.OO. lITIM ILADIIIMIIM ADIONCY hVlii• . ' . * A t. A'd . I ' 4 ; . 2 D .f. 1 ”!. A b f g ... 7 t.' , ~. A aret4l,4i4 i 4 ii.7...oh:s.:wia I.d iddiodd &:=asimAsi man both fa the Nalidd.Btates 1 Como' Fans dad lam Goods. Taker, -l Aill'Agx. Max Nor .yoaK; Invites Lae me,,,,,a50.......1ifi5tans .gym _•;;• ., ,L .. ..iitnr=of • War: PlOala ..„, N .V a izz aZt i Zl Chlattil llabbar . and 'Mpg jErt.w_•lt.m pa l m , " wA t o prier It u rkitiMpw...a .'w Agromy.lacr MOW sad vg; -6i rt - . in:tibia , -1!1m!..15:421°A,L Ho hI Patent Magic . • RAM k FRA.NON, No. I.'l3artbsy skeet, 40. —Naos ail jprazdzi:i ezeigh thd f4uos=rllttir. *tarp.P.:: W. JACIICERI. ell nr kikTßAND FENDER' wAirßii. -, ,latorrar.; um aao,apw.tr ,lyzwz9RE. WAR 1111011111; eNOA-N, 1..ENV13 A' BARTOW; N0.'161- street: , 4. /matWady of PAPIIIR Bec4o. • `. • - -•- Printers, Hookbladm. llanuflatara; • 2° T. I 4M:DirANCT, GOODS. 4.111B0118.&. To.;l4 . Briaii tan ~I. I V A A U or itairAtad 217 LINII7 stre.‘ hoportanwetto B. rII •r t 40113.6114 ~.:i . • . /ISAAC .L. PL1TT;•:,,...,' - . , Xxl . 2triita t of Polish** Plate9o4,,ftvar'th!i' -cad eittablisbarrinarestiotoiy otthe - - IIRIT/ 81 1PLATZ - OLASS COMPANY, 4 .1 ~...1 - riwerto. LANCUSatIa. ENGLAND. :•:. ; LISHED PLAT& of .allnaises ? suitable br,. Window* at Stems .a° ta Blum thaw, •fmalla. PantinlOank_em,,eanstanUp, ta es. 4 st , - 1611 ateboome. 79 tiIUtIIBTICAILT New oars. , CA LATE GLASS COXPANY asZp, ' WidliMile..‘l , : I. • , 'PHISIef eibeariberlitiVihk tah t likkft ener . of tta atom Oneepanp. b st &eni to . (Malan Mate Oisite. Mr .c 77 . 471.1. Pavement.. Ma quality 'metier t metal artias e and at mush berm Intem . — " JOE. B.,Plearf. jai WWI • -70 Mauer Pant; NOP . Tort. RYf PRA OUT. ON. AUCTION AND IMPORTATION OtO. k. TRACY & CO. sketl 4 7 llll " , ..c=e n gabre Lmarkw: E rork. Oeptleanisa's lIMNG 4aticrmined, - I to adopt the cash Irobiette bapifeto aletherettoa of thdp may brit= line mei roll meeemeem e . UW, Gabe rn saupludars. 8 wake „•ee Nee:gees Tim. PC IQ weembio, &a— tom estesgrea Ws be tbe bet twenty atemenrr, Itubeesesem se ttaw, Use toses auk' . ftesa iOM geente %%Vet :say neehiser sr lamest I¢= to e=te t t . b=t Val& sad egllto may be Ibun4 b•ro. • VA% GMBN; S. B br (emu Apc . ob yt.ft ta..‘ , • Celebrated oolor_as now Bl 11 actienr ete: so to thy 311131113 , 11D' OfiT 1 0 em muff, iffrerAlWrlfll UNlfp :'I,,AITY of sell pgi a l ft )41=4 fiZatutrAlettt=l?-!!",‘, ti... Irt""nr, •• onward dry e p =Mk aU. Oat ,up *at. wt o tO ,! Ma dlant.st patio, a a fiat! sarportrzremter. 9fyfpn pe fr rnaustoo4 tO tMV raj All Wins fataapeo-laThatad to 42 . 1 11 7 r i rletioommitemoitria•myr aprvp Pm:visit* amid. Qdm wieu. i 4 limb . T 4 A. 2. Oupettigs, - ;: — alottui andigattings. I ry s- ROBINSP.N:kb A:lo.'4k . . 117 7 - laraßrltiii, Nl4 B. WOOll. ,1 ILltaow receiving a large and ohms inp .4lkomettsat of CA R I •'*•'o ?COP .16* aan F. a. .Ith wria 'Oseriptioa of !ap, wwoo r s eu FLOOR Dead OIL CLOTHS, . IncE u. .. ll4 .i nmawldk ncuintim sud *•• •• - JAI" Oilabum =rata mess Oil 42,614 *nor slags= Whalow Shade% Plato and mime bet-, ` l Vihrt= l3 :3." . . Wdr'irliVa... PAIRRAMrB PLATFORM scums: ~ ax , undersigned timing leen appointed . Amt. ter thi Mrs of Lbws ealobestrorl assioliefoolooktryik. original tomato" ; I , .1, rt r al kar; • FAIRBANKS c4i CO., • etE rld iseetray rte.. 4 o sal tubed othort"ltir ttir rear b ras h" ' b."' etal=2: 9 l 6. Ridr ~..z. - glory broach of boatooot d t; thrgr er ookUoa of 4 1 4 , lA z._ _ m a r wawa mess a A,Ar tro - ?4,.. ,.... .nith Yet ei oniiis!iii-'6= itift i.--7,0 j rnmutsiir a Atte. • + se!!! '. . 1 1=71.1tortg*rot, Cktuaoroigg iniai l i • Book as Jolatinting. ' ir.:: ' [, l __—.„._ ._ 91111-:T. ; B4WOOK ha n ETopood x.o.lic_uul,mnix. -. • . .i. ta5...;.:.--zaa,trwig.. * . s Entasite t ir mi " 4 " - vottir= t ' I'" -: ' ' A . , 14:4,* (1 9,4 . ' .: -;' ' ! tgi=p at witeaaata, _ L . betzt ut ag , 16 1 10040LEakt.F. .4:113.0 . 0ER* 1,4 * 4161 b '.... - t". ~'• t% i t t-- Ptiitu* . * - 0010Mili46 Mentbuits.' k F . -.is_ . . 1 t- - osera mre Job leitni thr la - • . , - ..., Ain> DIULUZU .1:11 _ -.:- :. 7 .me z yPit r A the seg:oearee siud..o 3 * - 2,' . • - ,EITTHEarIIGH N. 4201040177,2135, .• • bee-.simeistraw retT. - --e , 111231 4 424p0 i d mli etc Ws.: • . r.r. 1 .r." , 10 L i 14448. Wes/ a 1 ... biewsesiqs,riat Press at • - "rartilllatiill COACH :•IrACTORII4 . !4_ •' - ttfor"Sr 4 "N .4. - ir ;" -- Airr'" t -_-iz 7* ...,,..., ~.-to E lm IL /Kant, . ' i % t rlitalKV. :- 16Ati l t•Ii '' T I am ' k..,, AO =43 antitausk• •: . I : Ha "Oaks e4sierbilkft of 7010 , 1 r V. to mo. lattfinfobod to ldaT oo li • ~.....0 1 L im , fiV1M.......ed• • :0 , . • ,1100.- -"” AW:O eat Leather Store: ' ! _ it, f vernizzuz - 4:1 ! -- I .1 , .1.- Ilia , al Mu th Third Street, ~ .I,.llitilme 9499191199 MOM Oa. • POE itaNSPANtatt i l ttin 'hu ' d ta,tir. ' e um isLoo g ‘t Pato* Elm Twaireoh.Tor. - • t. -^. NSW rotorlow sod the trot r loruM ahl ar rta t i nif ...._ ..... lalos. ,Vtintwo7/ ~, -1 ........-......, r - • . ~..,—u,..ve..T I 'O2 ' , AIL muctrroilrolrco . ,.' .1 W44.01,E8A1..E' G r EtCiCEria. ,- t:'•ledetearal Cruelutte. Ittrthiutts, .. 1 ,-....4 ‘ lr. tw i z if maxim lif - - . , o --Mb lesolafacturcd Ardeltis. 1 .A.....0i, _ :liik: VStMet,. et , nsiKattt'fillifiei i MR: i, :r : . , ii: - :111 — •• ...• - rIONBir & coolgy -- " 444 .-xt GE,OIOIIIC' - '" ,Pkiditiriutd langaitik#4 —, I I ;.-• • t. A hu , r , ;•• - ' ; iIIVANIITWOTUB -- bigtrisPHI3IIIIYAOLD; bitrun4 TOM Ael • ' Oiak wr .-- iat ifTireeMpahralkeit woRKs.- -.IIng.rD&VMON .& 110.0( ; .1 ANUIrAbTUBRits and dealers in MX va i v irif== p rmwe , • to '' ,7 ' , 3 - :;'•:ISIONCIfile. .11 "..#9 I M I •AND:. ; `IVUXI4. 7- ; •if a. cr • . • • - rr•C- I n g tic s ''f • • -... • I 7..• , ,f. ! .•1: iiabataibelitait art Opened • an Isitet Mow e lnarjpflki'Ub• • 'stmt. hi the vsl. • • •f •n&lerietirsa l i P ar A Ctiteg ,;, ',.igi.mtatmeretiattasbli....our acd al . r o PV: H itet w •I 6 , ra wd If twasiorri re. WOOL . "• • " s. • ."71}' ,11", ~ . - , -Oil Cloths sal lltttutino: . C1a ,, ,,, .'. 4 . 01:11:32 1 :22 tO Wigate ß y l 6 ' , 1 . . is' hero bad tholes mouton:l et .... 1 , 444 _ .....„..,........ „ , ... .=.- , ..iw.:=., „.:„.v.t.r.:,..,..r.....r.... ,P. late f:7'. nil eke"' With i4r t:7 , „Ioe4 * i , 11Leragstsazirli '. . Ve=ll, of Alt draciptaoau P P ims ma g i s s tr a ri t i 74 rawer suirramr,s :i,,,,, :. , r. aidrll~aldrun ;: tmaat; • - oraet.ot •!q.rtiittiatt llClOTTlikatutarze Atzwrr twoL 011.011_ -o ? I B '4 7 IIIFICard - r, 77 "M=4 M= itao kfifflqi , :4341,E17 . - ",,:.; 6 4::. -4;4 41 of -1," -1 rrn - • • Lilts ' . map4taitiati. ' . :id elavit , hits ,•... , t ' • '-',:'.•;..:;, i' !' i'.:"•• ? 2•';';.f . q , ::!.!4 5 .: , .:' -I '-L-*4 '' : ' - ..'"' .i' . . 3 r ' ''''' . '. : _~~ii w- ~.. ..... --. .. . . . __________________„________ _______ _____ : 'ATTORNE..Ya.: - ..',:•.-. i - -. , -:: ..I t OrtBl7 ' - UGH! ler ii Lit, and ' laiitent*t . , • lir 1.... 4 , 5,ii0 ... ORI A AND PEN ,PB.l4l47TiskikassiMmetts NielZ:t. ,".. , ,till,.llik.:64ai,&,4.}:idki. i Mr rar M in w r ,-- )l 9 lests. " t u rViLltaba tpaatir*, .14. - Z. - W.- • 211011P130/V A ITO R IrE•7 COMMISNONIX ..02 PENN 1517.9437.4 ParnirOrq . lowa t WiLL'Bray; Silratd*Loatif 014 ind ac. wanazt* Par raps. wadi 0.14?".w.n 'Le ; lleor, ifirus47lTraii7 littabtirgh.' • ---:':4--fira - 0 . 1r,. '.. .. 1 .b. ‘ e. TTORNEW AT- .LAWi. 03noCalunsti:or Duna * agifgro Bakepra9yxwea ti ca!,4 6 it" ', liiiiiiirlia• Iba. madivities - df 42•31:11. _ _ _ se Us teucirasalustoa cIiST., .41.2240.14.1* treued•llllFulin6ll4.i.i. • -- AV. , ItAILp t -Astmernat law; hfil3 stampige:4 pm's, troir... - kpLaiter _ sar? , / aPH 311MISONi-FA r ' 'Alwarritra:tmroWth'itlps444loen ROBERT' aiLtw, :KBEITTOLLOOK...Attataits aA La*— , Carom of/Ilth sad Gnat otopealtioNatht 111.1=4 jrAMES . JALltu i rki : -..ll=ce IFASPER , . E.-BRADY,. Attorney, nt:l4lr, to ej . rt, etnet.v.itObanft: I elagew:lll , lltkitigno ahi~attliedel~aLiCobimut~oh`and Cori ataaratilletarkgo.ilwaftt Payakator 111Dtbsp, ParaminaTssar, 4. ! s rAni , Evtte t 'earl rsansissAWassolai-netn.....„...Lk .ern — VlEr . * 01 4 4361 W* 7- 011114,4 ;Imam IPANO lierikhd. , o!r lachigan rm. ms Alite itoldieri 'Bounty Lauds i lk Claim! agaix!st the Qamtraajaim: ' LWILL win prepare. - Bounty . land*M Wiaxt macaw Ibldfam Malt *Mon mmt,"lnor wftl i lt,==4=t Of ,2,2 isbUshed 07 eitdi airOtles. ci,I!!! v ~ A,.. oat door mbar+ B.ob_ N a rlOrd , , „ CHARLD3 Pe wit - Wltuat.l3lwl4 eit % v i a ummiron pmatsaaukent. U14225.riN ;..44111132ftv Mock . Bal.Altoker. Aka 91 t . 4 ' Coi*Erßiaji. ZILARMERI4_, ' Beariltais . o*- fa isseibmesaas UmumaknA4 Water stzset.,: . VAIL - GORDON, ISeccreteo' :Toy= Wu •riapolla,llll %Air 02•14.- , • --- GA.RDIKERCOMN,Agentforn Eivitgrammir..,"o":u.si,prot.Wq.od Delaware C sa )HN TEMTar.; inionto4nr.2lP43o- gsuo„ Da..14.1 red sarket.• War Mr.rie li A . - W;ibtria.. 257/114matir Dont Dr. •ioL 21.0711 N P. SCOTT, Vio%idle Xtedi In Drorri. Mirk Tanabir aail Oro Drab ! De. DM ALL " S ira t re taxrDdiZe l ir ciL Mut.i itar24. - F AXWBSTMIK & eO.; .Wholesale ir;ZlEM•sid.riasaahotariei *firths Lroi&Biti amber. ircirti rad Isola stmts. rittir 3C fEi ' Vraaosll4, 'Duda ; to • "2141" ItAlr ir NA.111111 814 , Wholeadir.k. Am,. of 4Abestr oat In.qatr . CtHTLEMING; Ela tOS.W:aleti , conme s ilhowstrii4 Disayorai-LU ea ax sset4iii=maiitat ve=ordi !whim. aaa au iessatiMais r:andir iiiniouidid - ai in h: COMMISSION &C 1/48.71D c.,11101113T_ Blom. Prodtti* Pond Odnomiasioh _ M.$111:111 A>K T - I r Lia . , rifts idiaitidlifOn: to"thli crbea*, • rukceo,o*.tar. Doo 1411.0aidieleat, ransethals /1- 4. , ' l:9 . 1 : B;raga (late of the &lid &Itfoixefread,) 00/11MIs8ION • /1 ENT, - DZ4ZJI:I2rro JIERFAIL" ..elflrUoolB, No. 76 Water e7reet, below Markel, PMEIvveIIiPANNA. I ' ' ;••••••••••4 - 4 , 11411 „ x ; -T w o C -35 . A.11 S._ ta• , 41112527Z111111; ;••=, • • ! Li.DlAtt MEW Wool Dolor illy! Com , info' lenkut, ;ur, U 9 Libeame ga t ; ii `Bib'4 l 7 i rigai4"‘ .1101pEKOVA I L- - Spiriti_ger iltAsugh '` a go{ ..- 11 1" 410 "• 1 1 5 _ 14 °SritoPec- ; • I lIIIMPIMMUIIIIIII.-....... —swum& scaml FU4RialiffilAlsooew litrke&r:ul='`'. rrtaavian. PJL 'wit= 7 1 } 67 r t glikaMtagith w i r : , irt.suw..k : *,,,,,: Pitfa Pi: . --- zwri.amc uo COMMISSI4 f cariss i sfipk=ses"- 11!" RO N,A,C • Teri . Tea 1' i• .B.rommuci,l),•late'ef Warren, OhiN I t i>aka ck r a'"T•Wa' . mr'ent... 4 sol l . ll Z ;iwilas as tellarAwc,l44tia": •,;-- • • • ARCM.. 5a:....,.ta.n-i t 1 ,po:.p_tn2Rob.4b.. . .... . iim./.OasMel.)qM. I R% . , n 6um."t 4 ' .iim oiam k , 1.; n u ! 4,. .A..,,. , f&RXHOI7I3I4. Mt -NJ ooundain.aod Lar relit Owes, Sita, usbil ,• • IlFr WWI stmt. w Pfetallarldt. • • ' ~ZII 4 I4IIPAIMEER, Imparter sad Dab) 11 „W a t i V r eurv - se mat; IuSEPIL 40 :lir 4 . 00 ' .; "iniqsalcittil • . 1 %gm XoB msonvisuza =suer d 6 1 1:09214 MULCT 000011, ' • , 'ige&iettntrilrajti?‘="4-'; a; 11 i - J ,•ro., Muketst are doting 'out their 1312 pty. ham on b Tortmeptg om • • wit* 4 1-4/ ' 4 li . " ••• _ A z g r , Stri=e2= • Dq"rootsi,ai 11111[ I •sf.• *•I ' I LELD, •• • iSI. arschiefibriod I. it., • Ca 4 MNSI= AGENCIES,' DRUGGISM!' "LS~~isY's':, PITTSBURGH, BANKF AS AND BROKERS.' NEW YORK ADVIDATISKinam Bats a. i luau lillaLlaN, sT wasomta,owiaa a sonata , on. a. watts :_...:.. :—.1»;:::." -aolsstl FaMO seat men AEITZSESO 8 01 /41. Zile Siff .ThOatfiltU/ ________ WI L KIN S . & C 0:-. 55. r"*. ________ aanasegoas so a. Isciass a c 0..) NAZI ZES &'NXIMANOZ BROXERL 1 FANCY GOODS 1 •i f a n "URTHIZZARE PirraalThiall 1 Glassware,Toys, 'Archery, Cricket. •, the nuaoaroua suspensions of Bankers i.tYshCroa ths cosut. ,try datists the lest l And ISPORTAIRNS'. Numtwrs. as erearel Shaba almost nen Instance , their tron ban grown oat 61". &mum, from their I TREODOR BOLLFJIHATEN & CO., lanthuate bushman, • • In therefor:w to an mr. = 4. '' tU e;"'e 'bit na hn. 1 64 LIBERTY STREET, cy .• or ....„ m - • • i legume' tem% us ..„.1,„,. b.11 ,,"„; , . • • 1111'W IhNIK,' , -1-, •• , Z i t i be bi at i nans .ll guilt 'rann.mitta—anranr—liai IJAVt now on hand9and continue to ;a- War, bat Utat In istesitese Saab a oZnis sli.sliall Pro.■ ed eeneteatlvesol ',WEB that offertottleir s j n ante oar own ultimata bsuallt, fell LWISALNI3 a co. an the Lade at un 110 sins, lease anartorl i te of German, Irma eacluZia M...7-~ Eitel R.IVIIIII. 1 : 0 4 ,..... L1Ma ig 1ig Pt grin, deiXia:"Zrittl{ll. Zen* itillThttl4 - 4:l4ol.oCrit ^Alsteaten. *4 nun Rama no Chinaware; See ineersebsamaint otturas °subs, &Wien PerforeerTU t tners Gann nag dm .1,1,1=g;,..: .va t i t aa., ~ __ ,-- gt.....r.,37....!;it Die Twataere. Bea _Bleak Ookerde Bottles, Mb aut. outsa.teturrs TittVilln HOUSES 1.2 , • BUM r DY F I N &i. V 14.1. PAT , : 02 4 ' ab 4 Nano DkD Bvias, NSW BILIGHTON ' SIAVES_ Demons rocolzod, slooosurra Wadi, ~to boudlat, mold and collected, soak Note. sad Opole Ogosild and on lortnrkttLerkQtl4"3:olfsidtlfka.tVArdlll,l. '" vattazut 1111" .EALMER;HAIJNL:4 Po. K u .Gcedegxe to M ow: Notes, NO lited•—rt W eanisr et W, _ rat j j =siativetaa , Wt.., tosi - 6 o — f - 467iitted States!".ca ,rin ll iilstrit insmlost • void foe Audit awl- imam' , • mad• :ecuigtuamt• rode •14Pp ," ed Ittmeal canna. = NAN CO., Bankers and Exata - Wo paaapkaa aa:Wooa am; abranotnantaiaa a:deal Beak Notamand 001. Mama Thai ait t p nawougi m" toe l sk tr p, sadaaln ir a their Pln tetts=taillath• matters' na to a Babe asthma 111Lradaara rarlukago =titan 6=•;11 Aliaw i r A ir sil .& %OW_ A/D CUSUIL RABA - Bankers and Ex abasaananacC Bay had aarthila 1104 Mamma Ithia="=”°•%l4.,._ RILIVALINZ. d Weft. Aft" •1211 , 5e1l stocks cm COmmaalea Oak*. pas roads aa all pants la tas Deka: , aiena Third . 4 d4 .0 3 7.01.1.athe Us IT. Maio ••.a .:"H. t WILT TA 118 & 100 4 lig ul b ro A n d. __ Lstha TttatV. Nerth W ' 4 7 au lased bele% sad Irmamtly attwadad N - HOLMES & SON, Dealem. Foreie b.,!sti Neer sad tlrg. N0.1 11 ! .r . ; numb- • OolloalAnns• math.' on all nno tluo tho`Onltad Stataa MANETFACTCrIUNGr:',' small 1ar0a15..,..-..awis mnamice .311 tcbeli v licirea a Co WILL eantinue.the britirmiAlf the Union Ta4c4rainz a r tee adz' rpanlorF.ia crew. 10-1 u 11&ias , .1:loottra tor* isivand Orens, 0311107 LBW F •^ll STOJIML , _ MANTLE pI'OMEN, GRAT ER , Hoikno Wart , Wages Bouit,'/Ing Traria, &id from, Tea lettleskflows and Plow Points, Mill cad Machineorry Oaetings generally; •Azd OAS and WATER Prrs9 sssa dam IRON & 'NAILS OFTA E BEST BRANDS; Shovels, Spades, Pleb. *O., st Mi ithatt Ell as sou at soaalekturime prken sn7Mr BOOTS AND SHOES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL' A 31361 .40118, .60 lia4cet. aid 6 Union. 664gadew frail the Melon took Eittabas :1. illArAtert&r:e" Sammie • • •SI ' 1 0 614 3 / 1 1 : DOW Imo • ottioladleilitivitml, • • ..e — • • •• . • L . anti taw an . . W. W. WALLS STEAM MARBLS WOSEa t WAR mil =I ;416r4, *rya, 0pm616 aimio OS, Aff r adt. ndEFPAUMI7 a. - 431 Sni le & Nr" ir rg . 1. Bud, do Co tbs i tete gt Lb* Mod dispitek 11191414 Petrt Ctirttgat K MINIM I • & , " 0 01 tarns of- Paul •!WI bow 44 Str•Ust • • • o 11 '484.10 =1 :44 -Wood m rit a - W4il it attost, itallave Weida 1"114 JOY b. Wank MO onto ma r auerßD s. rms. in. wasmoiAiLe' ' HAT AND CAP BUNUFACTURKES, AND DKALUSIN ALL WADS Or YUBA. WTIOD ANDI77IIIBTRAM Pittaburch, Pa. i iii a . r ..tar itask embraces evevinsiStiannitAmit LSI Mu m Ba it pa Ifs and rm. !bans,: • - • L.Lmmanaly....osismai sooaamis 3. J. B. Wu I Livutestao, Roggen & NOVELTY WORKS, PITIEBORGIEL PA. EOK and Depot Railroad ScaNs, ca. Lad Grata do; Droritnt Mama I:idl=b Oodo.; lkor *tall dam, 6 wr= of vulvas Do l l and ~ Iron msittt,. rfortr la ram p la d L. • i lr :A. ; ' I Wig; iviii4d ntotrttet*Ctray Lp , kootrati Et Itlvii , at tritmirtltoft l itti e t u _to At. reopetment of Veultiso an eon& tn'ttrilmAtathiag . tioe ... V4 : alp In the times atetow. ate be without the aid or • mew . lieeliz t uF lewd well* Whist =or * ' Van to Iltuith their 6 ....li . . e.lt =a larreon=hb, ge 4ipmay: ik, 6 Wad street . rintelaJAMia"" IL MaWax ,t 0,, 61 Penll et., below , ItyyyliritZgablitTlL STEAId BOLLEB MAKERS and 8 T , ' • Hatiranil:oo4.7. LI WILSON dr SON. leen • ootuitaiiti UnktriltAt i vuon ug , Apo us t. a tratinh .MM n "tt WOODW4L, Wltolesaia and •_ usasach. Drlrrr claidmi WI" ita -;-, 0144:10Ettfi1.. , - , i;!. , _ -1- ;,.. 1 I . i um' w; Nam.— ' 4 8311112,'Zita it WHOLE Ei-A,LE. ea o.oz ft S. 122 136amd ind tisl bent dater.' Pinsavaost; 1'4.1 I rAllAci ••••••••••••••••••••:"...••••01. "MIT . • Wallace t Gardlaeri *n0,1.44414 DIALER S 1111 Irkiur,Traiicons and Produeseenerally, N 0.2136 LIDIRIT ST. - Jaao.l7 AGALSYLIOOt3ORKar Wholi JI-P °roof'. 11 4.? ) Wo", AiNt. -1101101. - im„,,„l"="Mantr.4 400 i 11A1111..--aimuas OIENSIAM* 00.,, r o t e A O.lO anacccu m i t vgaeltiikt s "r9 6 PT ll .l. =lt kO, BERT MOORS, Wholess44 Grocer wen Dlstiller Daslost Is Pr . s . st , sp, pm. - sod sil al , a all , pow i d law= k , - 7 •-• • „ .. . % • Vow , . •• ,” , 71 ; _ .' art %.Ma 1 lir . 11. lilitli...::4.4.lllllftilli NIL fe & ROE, Wholesale wooers= . ?tarrbp08.40.1.9A M ". 71 4,* - • 1.... L. na raassus..!. 117.1.fia vshasi.L.:44.. - oCIANDLIC ANIE.A.NB lb OM; (rat sayl i as i whigzairti A, I 47141110; Oroolir :An* • ra i gr i Q hm trm lival. r iric ie l s. @sum kind Mew. onract....DAlZALTias•O navel* MAW; WOODWARD , * OM; Wltoi p ioni,lll4.lllllligtot *..t. : _ .111:11ki 8, DAVIBQN, /8994e4er,,and 8t a. arampr, ifts ilitotto 0117'1 4 I =.=f Z ' ,/I'lll/ a~ °T ~~ "AY 6,004 Booksellers-seed Stationers; ;Bookseller and &Mil" 11(044, 3. 1PAx,..J.;:i • BOIIIIIFEBLIN, EROS. 00.. n DITURTIDB AND ;MAU:RS LIU Drugi, Faints, Oils,'Byes„.Perfeasiy, it., . 170 surzudliST.,'Not York,— TIMM the titteetioi'of ttietptcle,to their I..lstirrand sarted'afdek cdpsads.Dsday,DDi. Artamk. rOdalarktriordildild•Dsliirc a i m sisaa r roarivinir,‘,Wai Srultlkaarvaavat Iti m tim: 11""1"1 riiiriSitchtsdid ta Dramatist' 4 tur sr* ars isoi orhe au the moats& Ordets.rilituir um - ammo' "Timmy aril 111M BAG _M youx ANl ata. courl itetY a ;1. I N0e. 1 120and1.27 Broadret.oltp ateirsi Cora Exc hange - RUN Yotk. ILLEB; - "FLGUR DZILLER4 sup tit siti,i.vii..."o4toteektt,.t.i. .Itilitteerti:erOwa Ci.eLity ttenkmtt earartareat of • Ilarmitd d ol Milian and dare Ihuitert Sakai "dam' for p l AWaikaao . lll. 7i4 ; , , in ow tad tomitta to ew te.therteft made. isitidmrs,,'D..: Pragebildr• _ TO 111' _RUH THE HOPE ; IILZ Illuanur Now T no m ,7,7,C 4 4 . 7"..Za st rire . rat*. • .S r 9/".4.re . 017WEV;V ir tri t . o.tft - " te foe we! Wow Oftiti the *far nog minsitobbe .3liftgel'aff. 0.,111181311/I IRWKLREit , uwiren9ey Gleedr.- ,, • %MN Itabooribeze. Namibia' new! of prim hi *Am. szeieses.e_ - - -r'' ' nod = CLOCKS AND TLME=PLIMES;.',.., born. Totte Waitaki to that. hetraed of Ocoarlast to boy Tour mitt Goole. , rin rl it it Cr 4 lb. 'Olt OWN= 114 Mo at Mt Otto-, ett prim. • ant atotito.t I n pno r ..9;fi1.tr0...pi .usa ladpco • • INONLIILOrt 411140tto`o se cos E tes w es .sesse,Ls..r. l Itl. Phot figr9 lll ° and INLIA,7Pe rkeiayeeduiivslestabli s dii*O t * CoUntry. ILI kt nON, litweasiime:to Hoak & loNtrlA=lll,=wsriqter.rzit: mat • brie • last*. tormisedlulibiria shale mint xilitries 1112[1.01 ou loi gf °ll W iknr rllThr74ithni.77o/100. r'DQSIC'SC Charlotte IthuniN ' - ILIMIRERapd Dada ill STIIIIIO M12411=7=1 M! VAVII fri/MOL . r i th i rd lth . • LIZNBY KLZBER. Dada inAlitu diruastremmtkiedunttl4ll2gr .snag te.amput. Iho7ht . _ • . isikr.dloM k I m OIC/,1Lr.1L.10 Re gOm D bloaadksnotlki: n Sa ePinmteo Fa Na hr l . Wet t iselas,idl,i I AnscELLANEoUia.' TA.113111 . 14r. WOODWILL,_*H Clhomen AFURKITURA- tYAkitAIIfACITURag. WM VT AND al Tim. 121..160,IninalmoiL W. W. • redPe ' %gat fie tds 7ktoWVl ..w ave atbak t . "b" Oddo:lnb.. rv ' We slam . aim ' hashirahraysterbiue3l.l=taeletilm. .semis _ina otemerisehat foraidon.; from the despot .10.4 to the twat elven and mein that a Donee eroa ft"`"NiUsd... LlTArltaiteret4luitiltst of ass jot - wart - which, Ibr rielmanr Alia sad alma, moot, to ang i t t tba Edatooomt,oma. • 6000 doom 600 61 •00oluirtErsidag abilti • 100 60 Moeda On Dimmin woe • do VO do; Wombat." Wltazesas SO Waal: eimar de 'lO • MetePoptar Behaaaaa • - =. • M izti a~mraveeoomTablem 740.1-2 1P)444*144, L tr4'!•*s otgrkowntotCkeuvra leatitare Mode • 11 %n su maiata =wow vith magi.. tit Ilea . rtrageof graitrZt=g ''. niffiroNfi; fateiz & co; BANKERS. , ' *aa / I t ND' - ATEN TA aseier Luivind Warrenireakeba* , l'Otecodkim'etslw•oo., rows. ,- ~.r3-I,OO=D La -ALL ..PARTS w 111 11 11. A 00 SI: l: lT i .ta r .. 4 .a. d.... 4 * .. -...... ..xid ,rui ~...„ , ,„. laatt&litt . I mwm. ha Darri ... . I t li nm 'iiiraletit 4. a t I. "...L.. tratatra. ...,.._ n4 reari : cinUell . /atom -.-, . itifilin4W BROTHERS i#, CO - -., .looms Id*Momaleatlatmai Old id V a i l lWaL l a l o a s e lt, win, -... 4. owr il Late oirlarkeirera 7iliti t 71 • 6 -4 ' l ra t . %rat r qt r , . l tart la for lat . 0rt..... ST. QLAIR HOTEL =Nll! mut. • Corm ieniutd u me Stmt., 3700 , 1014iNgi w 0 N pro • ooKorifirro t , • ' Pr"4"' a mis ' l ' L irffifitalifilltit__ 1 Ge . narma. COMMISSION AGIGNTS, i 1 t a im ae si m pe Beal L or ast% Oollootton Z.°, 1reMu412,1".746.1"44 D6,— ~a----- rlbr Y.r.....1.1. mod s: 1110. ill Market end. an an _ • ATTIIIBOW, AND SAID • 1 ad j:4ll6ollllldratiald lux T. • gooli oild Job Pfister and tobliskor. ormoolma owits.l4 4 °sot* *te e , ot t i ) . 0::. BINDS& 8 an • d 114 Maker's Stray Mai Oran on bud., Also. Ipplygrapre al , ll win I Ketchum, tower with Enloe:Attach macthineklAiei=l ,n g l iZia e rM 7 ~...p.mrot • i r" .. i. NO 7 1 111 INS: A' I , 0 0p.:if ~7 441tc z. n. ] IL.. 20.7 014% Igy m:i - ;Pp= bo,swittliseirida. 2 . ...... - Thiiiisliimni tamt:Plttatingbm; , _ WILLIAM l*AW.V,l'litribatind Pii• V tar. 1146,111 lowa .194,*• Naar Liberty. mad gig 4 2 1:17+: otiralr. tatelarsaill:ll W!N . i 4 35 Isllla XnaIiGIDIE BUUDISti ibt r otiNt o ratiANLl deNauaze inn awing; Oaay ,03 satiro7_. imi! owinr- 1 1-koticarippi, maul* lAMStuunialn Iret'Orsv. • ! CSTernLY -ON HAND- AND- FOB eas a irt 4 4 --;;1 BaluiturAlra """'"^ xalatilialtrrets' Ny P. ~101MARY-,MI) EM3ER . , 7 i :. 1855; PITTSBURGH GAZET E: FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 7, 1855, Wismar , Mixon= Ain um M. E.'Hipluott. —The Western ',Deipate is; a 'paper published. at, 1 Independence, Mo., in' its issue of August 17,. ffi contains an ocial' report of the pfceeedleige_of a public Meeting or' the eitiiems Of . ..lichee!' county, for the, purpose of getting up II reteen• strange ', against the holding Of the anwitiliciril ference of the . Methodist liplagoial, %grab, North, " in Independence,' as agreed upon at the leaf mission of that conference. i The meeting. was orgaoised, ,t.ellitrititien.of .7edge,Brookide, ~, whether at present *atria* a meniber of the Pidroiall. or so: 410. bed , h3t courtesy, we inn* '.u O S —and the following committee, whose mantes 'Ought tii..be immortalised, were, appointed to • 'draft Pieties otiesolutirmar-4. Stonestreet,.R. G. Elloark: W. D. Howard; Itobirt gtole, tan ARON Smart. . They . reported ns follows r--i Where s; It le known that the people of w ..": t ill Missouri have *en 1,01 still are , groat', 7 ,.. cited 'open the slavery _ question, owing tr. ..:• --i. proxitultytO theiiiiTitog of Hen*, und'i.. ,. . .: claret denies *CIF kicwn to, . the .put & -. ), elutrasa It known that . the Methodist Pt.. , e, 11 'Llkneeb,'Nertb',.iiesige holding their oc,;•1;•..; i,; : ro , femme hi this place in September or '7 , ...,. , ..,er itzti and, whereas, we feller, that. the: .-.... , ..E1,... of said oeMPerim§ir in ,this piece, ,Li . ..,';ge of ties 'state of public opinion here, and tie ,5 . q , e.., , ,ed atitielaiery . 'tenth:cents . end oiteiorns , C .the qiiii letters end' tither's:whit will edionit,,,,, mid oast , ferende, may lead to results 4.1 'ece: s to be le.. glutted by the citizens; Of the - 00,ncty-we deem it but an act to nolitY tbe min tore aild-dthin.,conet#4oll *A. orPulsrsuell of `the ill tP:i r cPhinlrOlike ;sea eani Pittiiregnetting them to nom said conference at soma ptherpoint where leas excitement prevails. Therefore, ' ~ Batehwei, That for ;the reeekiLle, above , mated ' and set forth, we rerMsortally,recoototrate, with the t e l etetetet'lehePe, and .ottien, wha will .constitute sold ocurfurenoe, against, . ibis ;holotit . ' of the Mie' et N. place .in M Sepiemberorllber 'next, And, eertmitly..,Xecinest 'them ~ei,friei,: se.nt. - Conferee* at ,seige. other this cr1, , ,e.. 1 , .."t enoliement misfile Upon this vexed - 1 •ii..:v, , ,.t. 'or slavery., , Resotota , ,That we deete it bat as, isOtyz..ium: to onrsel l es to ash for 'peace and rapes" t:-...... the slavery griestion;.,nud .fur thie ' reasoP; se '. well as for those airsady . stated,- we trust the I ministers aid otheOcOtodtutingeptill conference" Will hold the same at seine other place. RetalvaL.Thatat she . ministers and others .conetitteing.Aidmekferree shooddi'After this ili PPPilird rtilloastrritt_os. premist in ,holding the' ;f ne;ahellhoitlourselvee follY sequined from from apy,immequeeeet tbat may reeult there Mliimuishierelde cheanssion, on motion of N. t i • ma *irib .thPresolutions were adopted. il k Thezone& then, adjourned.. Jaktia. Camas, Hbairman N. B. Ihnutly,.'fieoretori,.„, ~, • Had this meeting etchivairoui,.Missourians contented theureeises with pruritic the.iirst two renders, they .teight. mot have lost the respect of the' ..fedlow-citisenerand probably. Me con ference, out of deference toy eo'seemingly eel: pectin' a request, would, at: whatever. immures: nienoe, bare been ready to comply with the wish' therein ,expressed. ;=Bad' the :shi e d. eisphathm ' been, se we believe it would have been in any, city of the North, a declaration; that *Mild the confers co, for reasons that . seemed. sulhelenr, bons ned to 4soliet compliance :with the regime • the. citizens composi n g, that? meeting would.'protect . th e members . of , tbe ebuference its the fall. esarroise•of their 'redoubled rights, a na ;strong aspreselon :of approval: and :admiration would. have, gone forth from every pait of t.) , -,. I Union, and from no section of the co Mtry , Witi more , easinteity ,and Leutenity thest , leor the free States. But; the tenor of the 'third .1 t- , ..1-.... , tion as r eported and adopted, shows yeti plsiel I that the ..first, and second were not intended at, e ' respectful request,,bot .as a dire,* Intimidation of the ooefereece and a probiEltion often eessien at Independence. The Central Chrialian eldro. , *314.. in.,commenting_ upon these proceedings, says:— • The above will doubtless s ur prise exceedingly r • -our readereln Illinois and lowa,- od in Essay ; parte of•Missouii. It. whitens" us to some ex tent, but pneriope evellta had somewhat prepared no for thbasiLdevalipment...-,-..* •' * • Some week. ago en,inflository article appeared in the Western Diveteis, above quoted secompa nied by•extructs•froth such of the' ultra_ papers •• thmueeted vette our church; going to show that t ie what had Jpeeir obargairtgal t ua wan trne,• that we were an abolitionist c and cousin ding - by witehtrig Preachers of e 460111.1 Con-- .ferencs not tomestin, that al ' , sad indirectly cellinguinn the eitinnts hist'to pernilt • ;bent to do ueg for,..setiefeetory.-remona we. took no notice el this - einicle;'"belleviht from the, ultra ahareeter of .thOthem,referred : te, that 4 Aid , not moist:it-the feelings of a majority-cc the clam= oflodependence,-or of-Jackson eonnty. •No--entsaquent Asincomtratike having- , been made until lhe - meeting abons - -repnted,- and repeated • lariat* trent •• Indevnidence ISOring aeltiSkUil of the_qufet at the city,en„.tlasoub jette;Melitsd tome to.indidge timitoir tlisti;_the• .conferenokwould,be permitted peaceably, to-y , ramble-at-the • apptinted , plies :of ineeditg, and traneactiti mmal-reutine , sf cactesleadcal - busi ness:- r pitthis . - rdeien . irinsrir :4 ci,4l - ctirise. - The bingutige '; eitiii•S'ell.ie iii•lki*.e , afttt're , PPerOdi,••d Onion o riki. 4 - ? . napas ;Mentioned in the report ar e of gerittemen of undoubted. lutes- , rity end ptudence.., ,• . , • - - • Them totronoes ' induce - Ma=te give the matters consideration which itotllltritiesimnald *not be entitled to:" Pot ,whileiti_nrenttt: dis-- • Pooldj• It4 11 . 1 4 ; •W ell ' illuM l 7..rdingtdalt I.,ain gle right which the lawi , 4 the r land imamate° to them, and whiten rigid 'dilemma , ?e , then* righte tirattici:bld!..thein v aeall bawds, and., throw the inteponsibilitj of an unlawful I nter = ruPtbm uPOII. tbOes who 'Right .41alltrof it, I yet; If an oPininfof.ciiiihne *hose character its• unquestiousble, ant San Nave- messy means: of knowing, the 'meeting of the conference in In dependence, In the present excited state Of tha nubile Illind In that reeve, I. likely to lead tci a disgraceful dleturbuce, it Demise! • Metter for brethren to, decide, whether Cbristhm prudence' does notdilotitethiSt the place of meetingn:tf °an tenna ,beLidauged. „: There• is. another feet beating on the•thatter, ;which it may be well for as to mentlont• ThroughinitateSource . ' we-learn' ' Vtitilo darm•whiterer Is to be apprehended' from - thnsltJsens of „Ihtlepettlenoe,as.ll Jackson' counties, but that 'a County agricultural fah. le to be held at Itidelientlenets during the solution of conferetioejvihing Mill nsdnibtedly draw to vamp tarpoonotournafraut adjoining counties, and that „ablestonsAinster the apprehended dilli ;•eulty..! We knowlhat is clungs•bithe•plice of conformism at. this , latte hour, can only be made at the greatest Inconvenience, and will inevibt. bly create great oonfhtdon •itt'''&ll•'praVione ar renew:Sant-and its grettlidePietate- the neces sity which would lead tb it, yet it Is for brethren to consider whether It - will, not 'be 'better ph- - fishily, and , in thespirit of the great.lllestai, to bow, to the necessity and,stibmitto'finc leenve-' banter 'rather thin beAlut aeoselonssf - a now pesos:al eammunit7 ~ being - thrown -Into a - dis graceful excitement-_ - • ••• • i--• :: - - - Truly,: heal' Is a' Melancholy prensentation. Unit wine toll:dist last, that a .purely emits siseitsal body, wheat Mile, business to with spir luta! thintitscli teit_sotspellelrlihiough` , ' fell' of mobviolenop,nsabingaitaaegols r ip li pp o o,,al place `Of theetinef 'And for 'v•ihattl'' Can any one tell? Solely:ltetrantitt,' hi 'thii language of the' abeam; repartibif the Knipposed imbelareirSin timents Lou ntigistera and other ' s who wilblailetitutetheitEd tollference." ~Ana this la floe and.tiligtitened Antinica„i'thi land et the frse,and Imams! thlthrlMP , '•iadit ill !tate of thlignAs to.. centitirn„ "khan& any,. effort to staithird roli Abe Partyttf.: the powers that be, we,serionely recommend to the next Legislature of Menhir' to submit' an amendment of the Bild• licndt•fidzt t? th at P*!lidelt . . lo tiforlema: , iiittnel folk* f-• - •f . , ••, -; •,.• - , . - ~ •• ••; - . 0 11 st the gin Snit'eseential prin. tiptoe' ofilibirer sidotrii geseriniteCnnirf be To oo ll ll lW,stigidliietedeelikrefi. *' Thottotitteett hate naturni,noiWnropidbli 'right to'iroksblii dhtifigy: Atiod,efloto!diod the dictates' of their „ ,nsehtpont: 4* ' 7 . that no hateine sieth' tY 'cos *patrol or inter', dere with the rightief. eoriloWee; 'that 'to ',per.- isms ass 'lmre belly* *cleated oereetrilnedia prortesiobe brileithifentiOr hide not &tart, °therein, their religions worship." And POW.* khatginl oiritti 7 ,aiavery ; ,ce *!tt;s is end_ mire.' ! 'Einem moehisknisi,sdetire the Christbui •P eqitittit whefhte oa te n. 'tx 08101111 4.04 emit* toil's! In :Otis ilooteeoi r ifehtelide ,o ia.tidnk It ; is Srdetr.w,hich thirtkent here or li , mit reienoe..ire to, their, felhierfoltii. • •?:"*hi'ltil'piktithe.;;lrel*-Itikin Weasonri ~I.6,4 s panise holdingthefrwikr;• :eon - The. stithadtsketili the t items to Eta t -Ashler this .eottrie wanzakianyen, thoes2dlettleeten:t ',Vbirto no ' 'lmitative dm!. thecogeMatr. sons platen any agtatiod of the shivery queition `or won to asks the slightest illusion to, I t inlito'4nnte Iti session. • vtie timid ri=tetiiatnthe anti.si w s ay y snun t se ' t and=' um' and ,Wm . of t hem. 'LWa,oonhrenae, nb lead ib —ctor" a olioneentge s •d.' ch ii I I been notorious -lbolitinalote Indnetators, and had thoy - sioinmi thettiiiiire*Of the wlioloossatoLot tie aosnorsriownor:dimisidoir, 'rosoltdions :Sankkoihibini : fi8O)-.=41.-at . , • even to add to the prevailing agitation soh i s to make it dangerous to the pnhlice peace, ens might hive been some propriety, under dlt:pe aled oirounistances that ' have transpired tn RD gas and on •the Missouri boder, in mak_ ,ing coati a requast,t—though even then these Misisotiri braves shouiChavuremembersd that there ow citizens alone gaped all the agitation which him been pioduoedr and that they did this, - 11 t by the peaceful 'and legal exercise . of their rights as iii, proposed by violent - breaches ef the law- in fringements of the clear tights of others. • , „Bot.the - ,blisaourl confercnat,proposed no toCh step—aonteionlated:no ouch action. They . sign nly prbiolid te - Meet at Independence, 'in -., cor i i &nue Stith an arrangement made a year ig , es_ a body of Ministers of religion, having orga , of various, churohek i to trammed the. ord . ir.Y business of such , a ponvention, Which . bus ells l nototiOnslY consists of the examination - into kaeh . ~i ber'e raleistertal -- itiiii`dier, conwirsido4 to itrtir pastoral datieCrellgietts exercises,a en ,..,,l -,-,,• Jir of tie work. in *Mc& they " en : ',•;'" '-atk We-arrangement, of -their .sph of ••,•• ! `or the folleatingye.cr..They haveno lotgia 7 . • ~, power Whate'ver and even had they spo . at akor'pesild any rsiolitiona, 'on the lOC,' .!. Jt of slavery, which is net at ill probable OD. car _existing, chrumstance.,•enah a - actunWirwalit' have bee n nothing more, than an expressioUt of , opinion, and we venture to say would, ave been of a character to ally rather than protooteig i - ' tattoo and excitement: And we may ' fu het' ' addobat probably sunk a -oonference 'nay, 1 as ' sealblo in any olty without sainting° a masked influence, for, good, in the, promotion of ,older aid morale, hrotherly, harmony and peace, and, tine religion. , .1 ' •• The resolves of - thine' estorlins them UM" amount to•this.—..Because we Moe a stqplplon,that.sonte,nf your. body do. not up 7. PTGTo kilflntertaln 111 4 0 0 %.. 11 dftr.5. to that. you eholl not be pertnited to assertible li'thie wi know thai - Ybd 'hlwe as good a tight arinomelves. to meet - fif'ldde pendence-rthat ymmobject in to meeting it to converse un,noblesiastical and Irligioutt. ottbjtoSii that , yen "rumen of law,,, order and „peace, , and In every reipect gbisibitmens, smong.Which three 'of-peiba bfy meeting i'n'your ohtt4ol4' konsultlng upon your own 'Strait* bit ,weJ c..1T ,, 5 9 Plopinititur- are :not In d, therefore. . it ie et yens • yyour.constitutional .tDick it is the d uty; of eo7lebietati` ,, of men iiitelio= at mob diotateon. We cannot:scrr.,., t!;-it le of Miasma el would permit' .tI,O add' to be thus palpable oultlfcefi I, any nibilier of the citizens of that we Would faiti hope , that the Conference'sdisregard the threat, and meet to trioselict business si" usu al. 11 vioteetty . ibterraitted the Sta te thorttles are hband ii.Proteet 14 and'if - elk); tin not Missouri mill he iintooitillydbigrio Xork , OosuitiereW Achhicahl"" • . _ Fame Namrott 14111 Po tteltount.—The news, from Norfolk and Portsmouth is truly appaling., The epidemic Instead'. of demeening, as it was -hoped li would a few days ago, Is steadily. be. coming more and mere malignant,' and the itatly list of victims eirellingto a most frightful fir Many who have nobly braved the diseiss, slope:ln first appearance tri attendlog =upon the . slat. and- the dying have; Mace Saturday, fallen victims themselves; 'and others whwhistacled from their distant. homes. but recently to ihevi ate the angering of their fellow mortals Are now: down with the disease. The medical uncles-, anion, it will b e ' seen by the letters below,. have lost. another 4f.tbeir camber,.. fir_ George-Hal eon, and several Ten lthatu,nomtst,....Tee disaster th Inthteatin, Miturraph Tim betneen Johns and liertfonedieed. kept, Ig7i midi cocci 11/11/ , „P a rnbikeintreehri. The cable,bas Ga. bees .`+ 'WA, only t , :**14,101,'! and siningsmonts min e . .nOntAIMM/AlM,on.mito ~grit: The lire, it , ' •walOdflifmr s hid beim peldent.to the distance of earns milek ,mheav by• tome untoward oculdinat,the:Mmaeotlan :oin , hoard the stetZ • broke, and tier**. napped: and dropped in TOPIOMeer the Whei and :go on the troth, thuseemperacily interrupted, It will t 4 iletesserrtoberdsaddibult op eashwitilz,Zo b end, sad folletr the Use to Its etliateatatoivi 1.E.. That titinterAtehleinkl• Ranges, must be • delightful-Vise, — it le the' reetdeliee eflbe no teriou.s Bdingfello*;*iitie,,*lten . Opt his dues„ will ,be glossa sbest, 'the Spatter Mori*" at tbet2lst August, contaltie the follouring lastr bit of intelli- • "A itin-flanitliviibi.fipme ?res. soiles; was badly - beat:in . -biz Etiabido;`,4lw, ln this elty, by n:pro-stavnt ins4e:arbc4, be bad TWW other Organs af4ellatutild Free coil Tie,o, were knoakgcl.oier . and_ silenced on "het. SUDO day. Abolitionists la this eternity are in Inues.P „ oat among these • brides, it is considered good end sulliciewt e tteltiloilenocking'/ Mad 'down, to know,that. berpsost*ps, giros/0404w," In othsi'worylinitt betiesia:file -betier_tss be" ) KanOctXrrniillftßi bliVwwt A clamed with slavery., hese, aosnadreis ars Aat ~praparing Ibwpbfndai rata oelhip Noisb for any action that may' be nbasaigif,ll3 . tnibiah" this 'OIR -, a/e -ons preenmpdea.Ohie - State fiscianTAiminfr..iteaip Gitai Britirn , pairs uiicrir or oyes common' rosiir, 2 antrthir' k IWO:Mile/zd Ja, Bo that.zo. , aattnal ban stray , betraftralirain, Irkirb, titiaNtaatt7,T thwestattaaa attire of .‘l,,,trif • , Pfitedt Belf-.. img (Auk' ,' 41'n i 1,, ;,. ~ zorit.o,4,,i_iraofftglk:Th..W4"o 7 1111111!.:i TR.--- usaxerol.ftasmc''''''' ' Ijil ulit,' . SSE ~0619 3 . --*.bigh.ara T' , ~„y „ ...6..k.:„..... ii!,:, out., tiaaariamal , 7MOG 411% , . , fin Ij I Mgr 141 7 4.=/' IIV IC .IO ' - off' &l pUt. 1117 ' " " ti n aVil l - l ear" i b in"A 1 . I*.h t . . PN ol f°l ll 94#o l lt l l44 4 1 . 1 diatatabaurn. Mitt" 1a 44 a% qurijiod4p R 00 d . eta:maul.. ardectiamom_, .IP C Ia URN th.C h blNikris."4=llA.`,l,7 ..i. t .bcrw...:l" ~...v.4 ' " 41 ". .:40 . Lee Mgr adetnatai sat mar aira. a lefihtit W LE: 1 .1.1=, if 4' !a * ! r.:01- Vii:l2:4 4 etair DI? i ~,Eilt:galulyipt —"&"&"a7erTatitt: 4,1 :M: t '4,! 4 thEPilin"i; 4 , Th da , ! la ! r ie! 4 1a3104,1 • ;Pa. • •• • • • riimmeniesmag °ni g ,0 0 ;„ sartwi n limit Cant bin Malmolled ad to Menu. IPTlVlt e nra,.=':infrbV 7r*""tirripPtt memintr NA. b w rur dm. pls. Vet re So.f-,loe4lng tq NM& anni mr at Um r ptioutrAninnin °brunt, * ! A n inennion`nont. SUR fill ? :n ° !ln k _k rm P i tiP 4 M ll* Nl4-1 Msaniertmenro of Tin, Como 04.1teorteitom • Ws" and Awes Storm, innter. Itaidom %barn El at, • , _Cider andirtwar 4 ~ INE(i" lnrrag w. Itiaj n *tan Dn . !ew•.44/ix , " 9 W tI P b " 4 ... 4 , l . = .4g„gr''''.l===bdagaslohais.o asonuyz.=r'PO ixt4 Cliki thiiiq 4 ` . .a :7 ' 4l:l'4lr4Pail. . DRACIIEsaymai,R The autocettess-artil b. i i throuzh the soon arltli Nanr ulna alwaten auternier. fon thtV Innen Moo irpArkrivgz,VehWMi, zar.ula.tekotar 25 1, 4g . 6 4 =istesi . 1 1.1=kont.thess to !Mx in{ to sola altion4 Corr Of - Wood sadd A Sixth stralta. inuig ormatA.WlNi VINIG4l4also, L Whin add Ortueut Buten, tos ls ktlska at nun Wcod and •Istari% ." Pekin Tali, Store. . so. it O. etwirovelleultV tilejfeteßiaZiiistk, CIREEIg 4t.BLAPICTIiAtV caaapiaingi all P the dile...tit Read.e In gae. enteitvuiett direct r ilrom the lemma% tbr Oaf b.'brniesat Immetettenorenttated he& sad ofeuperlog Ran; eta soidoeildlettale mad mall. at the lowest Reeve' tity3S ' S. Jd Y NEI& ,BeesonWitawatirtilic Ltme .91IIE under 'ktieli'cbtiebiiltb , Aiii band alwarre Kest Witsterredr.otthe bsetveldity.tr.Tre attrition °Man dad Rolldere of [nets. Aequuste, Brtogem .. qesseeeke An Water Warts. kr, is this - requsted to ar The well hero re_444.4*.mt . 1211 p 6 11/11914/3011110, rater," skinkeessfetk t hi s Cesowit. readers It of tint neosewre sp,ezustpreu .!dqqMt ,thestetimq errata or deer: ifs/Ward ! KirntamaluctunpprlN. • Removal--; J. Lynam - nal/II !In:lrma. WILKINS''& co.; A , - mow." to 4, Iranian Cb. V Z removecdpeir Aga tkkNo.7.syourth t'oftbilr 614 to .n.r. they • Stmt brotorta cantinas tb. Sa t t=nd 'aln.. In nu Zs Vrannol. tininnt-111.• Mane Illinfisolgra Bank U.ea.' far ." " z r. ,k l7Hl l-*' ! ‘ - ' 2 4 P I rdattpr & Tbt.L . • , -Rem ov a r , IRVRIRTIT, Idannfisourrer of ero'va• kl=9 Yva r trora z iottlioniqh tral TaiWilegt" L E Wain, OQBDON, Qommiesicm a...11=1,41,7264.• —T*4 to N°ll2l itemivaL CQTIIBBRT ,H 6 SON ' have removcd I ther Rra sad o• • ,Aoroy Qffloo to Nc • '•• Mammal: = iseun DICKEY 4-00; homeramovetto N4xlerrxtrentia7AB*."-"!ne°-°°"Pir,V7 TII , W.7IIIRSTINEW-130. • Irtn 'Ha If Wats, argot =roar of 4,O2 % 4 AWEIMNIZMIOOthet of tut - i ltant e rilmt Ana Ar wV .c leritt • ..„ , 4,4 FI.PMLLIPII.-H. EMS', VOILN PluttgEß--, An A:celo:it pct arta. Jr di atiag • PPlifted .‘1 11 .4.1).11013-743 bake la -Cotton,. 4' .bbla. 'llai",-I°!triThiftlf/aMiltaevbaatitkder -boador litot gtiality tot sale . .7 COLLIN& rj 6t - • b . .QIERILED OORN-120(hbtathelieTlittred SO rat Gam hi gas oacstoyakksr7 A 4 HANDY° , • • " ' ' Na 50 Nato.. ottort.• IQ HOU MEWL-40,000.1Ni. city , ea!'in aims 01, aner.n:, ,111:taTLD' inmear.,- an 6 man Liberty:nut Sand stint& AO IIGAB CURED „HAM; -..Chojecbr an d s on band and be man br DAVIDHERBRT. suit . sad Haul 1.. 0111,9LANA,L124/4t-14-bbla,ld !se"-iji,777,*71.51!191=10Mk , IPAS..—dthoiokostectioit ofLisdi6d Mo pp "!•°''=" 1 "A l i a ti t /llfi " t a ll Bas4aates RICAPPLEB- 4, l6lFaiti:iift) "Ise 'WORT H. OOLLTNIt. 008.-11 bble.trish aggs rbeitivad nsil- Mel2q-'44,4lALlMln6;mi3s4:f4ii. OPB-42 • red sad. for aalb by :111MR1F-11.(MIGLIIIIIL pun LIQUOBB dleyary desariptioe; :'for , an.s.Prrr'Ajs":"7-"Zeritriftlolo `TORN !sifted, in store and sakbtf blktf. , lllltßalliff 41 OD. 11tOUND.nint260 seek* in store for • • hr. - - 1-44 A 1411 dlen CA. _ . D ASEIra:COD 141.g.491ie—.4, froth asp ' or of Midi t nwa Scs.vi,emiNa, J AYN, P , TI , 4 ,, LT°, I IW7•°uPgig.g. , 3 , U7SEND M=3900 fbr ialei•by iratauteroara 01. _ ..Ip,XT.IO O /LAUB -Dziwbsaduaild toi arrive su!. r. Dom t OMIT Lionly 1.14V0N-gam:'Bldetit iiiidAltioulderei - in 41 Latin ankni tr. 11.1 .IDAYIWO, - 111ittw. amt. Lltmity fadjund 14, ' OtNintrgB-8 fuz iw oldoosiim•- - incxxl . a alvr _ ap/44341.ti,.. Rfor.gleby MAAR 4 HUM & 40 BOXES . Si?la Caticiltnt foe. AAA 4 %Him 11 . 4111 A lIANTER. a oz Boos tor vale; by • '" • BBLB 8. a MOLASSES for WV , b# NaLIMIT. MAUI t:811 BLS. 00/61" Sri ealek mama TIC IiIINTI.R. tp.41.1.3 urn 8. , Lk • - I I IBC . in " b fal l ey' A I ) k „ MIRE , BRABIYZ4I giver an ireyy 4 -, .reporisietteuretrare bread/ imilmulpregv. ses. Thq•P rumps • li" , ° #4”. reNLISEW,ft riARRIAGE a 11616 - o,'"Of theflinnindled 41,46.0a=0 oniAz i ll a dm i tullearent Nano nr • son, • • A :fr” iiroZrzne. likLl4 AILOTLI 411/W3ll-44.Abw,beervis l3t.WA s t° l ".itt l="2. ! ; F . 1414" Z bi"; 714111°"jlit. latintrai lighto u l nkru, ra 2 •JALLI COMB ULU% , ks .. - tAtre N.,,Afpr law by tf =ww,c--1/140 , 14 WW I " Lertusitudge. WAVES jostAmind ," , f ? " 1 ti#lll9trY,-.lll4:"Zak I& BBL/LIMOS nieQ iind sib ~~j": hive . ce reidved