The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, September 03, 1855, Image 3

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    1.1 ^
moßanN4i-uprE4aga 3 1' /856
' ' • 001TITY TIMT
11 • 'vow num=
IWleAla , D. GLOM -Pitt township.
FOIL 41111111 MIX.
AVOW P.. PENNEY; Pfttsbargb;
MoIC. SNODGRASS, Mb' township;
JORNJUBSEL, Sr, Conn toinublP;
-ADAM REIN lIMAN, Iteserre tcrororAlP
vox 'Namur
GEORGE & RIDDLE, ileees47
101 riareosousr.
; XW:ODtIRE H. NEVIN, Bowie:4ly borough
rot 7111.13111111. -
C4OODiUN Y. OCIII.TER, Booth Ale, tut tp
rola ' oombarriarsr.
straosraw, babies taW"hiP'
HEZtheLill NEW..Aneithon7-
-, - p ox Atr ipxos, pros jam.)
JOHN a miri,Laa. Pittsburgh.
rrocisorroz, (hro rue.)
THOYAfi DICID3ON; Wain' toraoldp.
lOW 1.131.11CT01 or rui 1001.
ROBERT 0/1111PLE, 24aaandUsi t owgi m p
Augast. 110-dta - ,
- Tin citizens laf Punasibmnii, 'without regard
to ibrmar.P o44 4 tartitwOunk who Use willing to
untseln's new.tion to r e sist v th e further
*Wu' . i.of 13 Iwailland.the inertia's of the Blase
ilkiritf 1 01 , TOViested , to mee t in Mass Colman
tithrit=l:l4 on -Wednesday, the 6th day
will - IA:look, A..1d., to ew
pai f linroiLmse party in this Slate, which
Ghat glee =premien to the popular Will on the
subjects involved in the repeal of the Missonii
Gomprounse, tad co-operate with other organi
sations of a similar character to other Slates.
Geom. DAIIDI, Allegheny County.
.-Ifitnuat -11011111now;42.00egkeizy county."
Chums AVIA; Allegheny county.
DAVID TAGGART. Northumberlitia county.
G. W. Gams. Butler county.
Joai W. Hawn, .Crawford County.
Jose S. Mass, Potter county.
Joan Alsace, Beaver county. - -
Joan 51. Sensor, Philadelphia county.
' . :"lnstra Mazzia, Weetmoreland county.
13111fAXID1DICIL, Northumberland county.
Mama Bum, Blair °aunty.
IL - Faanota, Susquehanna coung.
Coss, Tiogn comity. • ;
It,`:Cli - ,Wrtame,;.Venango county.
:21iitritonsa Samna; Lancaster county.
.Agater.:4loilutam, Franklin county. '
'Abram IlAriaml, Indiana county.
Maramoz. Delaware county.
.linsarse Bereonns, Lancaster, county.
Sabi Wl:mamma, Huntingdon, county.
J. EDWARD BADVID, Schuylkill county.
Barks county.
,Paperbloodily to the cause . TM please copy.
Altaftegfilitl_ Ire Makhig a-Noun the attend-
MOO from abroad of embieat , opeakers, whose
nankin till be duly announoed.
3.11111610iD NAZI 10 1112 BTATI VONVIIITIOtr
Wm* authorised to say that persons wisldng
to:ltiltdtd thttgreat . ltepitbilesin Convention to be
heia6.rtbiburgh on September 6th, will be
ablitsioddalit tickets, at the stations where *h
eti are'neaki„ in the Sae of the Ohio and Penna.
ltailiwitel,lt. the - Mite of a remit farvfor the mold
trip, which liequlngent to halt fare, to be good
for three ds Provided they' notify the ticket
Agent at the; time of parehasing the ticket, and
procure a convention ticket from Aim
Mama of those who will attend the Omen
don front Bearer, Lawrence, Mereer ma . other
carat:Writ - that' emotion, Ind from Ohio; WM
.30M11 over this ?co% this is a most important
A 'hailer notibtaticet to expected from the
Of . thifieeeini3e Vey; Lovireooe
sod Miner °Mintiest will please give notice of
this arrsitgerneet. •
LIMN cornachrworr,
— Prom Crawford, Eric, and the other counties
Inthinorthwestern pert of Stag, are hereby,
notified that arrangements have been effected
With the Cleveland,' Painesville & Ashtabula rail
road Company -mud the Cleveland & Pittsburgh
Railroad Compaoy for miming all who may
attend the Convention from that quarter, for
Itaiffews, hers and back again.
Spacial ticket* will be issued for the occasion
at half price, good for the round trip, which
must bsi procured at the stations of the Cleve
land, Palnerrille & dehtebelsßailroad, to Penn
The:oMo & Pennsylvania railroad, which con
nects with the Cleveland & Pittsburgh Rithroad
at alum, will furnish ticket' under similar
azzengensenia, at all ite Matteis .
Tam _ searvutatgare suss CONTENTION
Who will nes the Peonsylvania railroad in com
ing to and requiting from the State Republican
Convention, to be held in Pittsburgh on the sth
day of September, will see by the following that
delete at half price can be had at all the eta
does on that road, during the time specified be
• TweaspentOoa Itepartment Ps. R. ft ,
August 26, 855. J -
Upanloll , tickets. will be .old-boat all the
stations on the Pesneghasda.ltailiced
.to Pitts
burgh, -on September ad and 4tb, cm Eastern
division, end SipMmber . 4th and sth ois_Westerw
division, to delegates to thellapublleen Comm
dad held In Pittsburgh ," September 6th—
goal for return tripe matt September fith; 1855.
4 -chul itl a lgig Owe 0/7- •
. .
Amiciestonsos Bert,;4lessodir foisith,
who trekoontreitted to jailsome dm eines by
Alderitell :.]Glee, on le Worse rlot, woe
broughtbefore /edge McClure, onSatorde",.and
en application-arm node to 'Meese biro on - bail.
The defendant alleged that the idderaouthsel re-
fused to bike boil,
Ala. Major made siltetemesti of _the ewe to
the Court;. Ile had not refused toll*. balk bet
been ?dor tialiC thy:etre,' Van ithieh het"
The Cour t ritheetto igreit the ippliostioa,
and rem. - ' F l myth to the jail.
4 ~.
" 4 " i_
larimmortale,:lfe learn . that.. on Monday
mongag.lael, wirdered And wail lam& on
the piabUe road, user the residence of John Da.
videon,,in Big Beater toanship,r, It was entirely
sakidosiad meted to be but , a - few days old.
it' , throat that bulimia that it
bad bias ideelts& -, Besides this, there had been ,
• kalifs Anal late ibileftsidey which est ceded
Into its bovele; , ,llevessi who of violist°, were
also issa int !Mimed, sad • est ea Inch mad a
half in With news . The ex:adder. Efforts are
being tub:U. 6 nd out who oonindtted Shis
&malt set; but. as 'yet,, the asaminatiod hes
been tinsiemodul.
BAIL Or Nair amtm-:-The steekhoiddem of
this inettbiden met, menial' to notice, it the
banking house of Dickies . ' & Walyttiomb‘. on the
80th alt.; fel tili Vl**. of, eluting Menton.
Ike foil:mkt named gem= gem sheeted C.
T. Whlpio,' 'Joseph A. CramfonL J L
Yell., 0 irate:Dark, IDCheibt, IL Cothran,
Ged.''Peanon,l..f3anlsay, J. P. Sherwin, Wm.
Stens" Wm.' dalrm;nnd J. PUMP. 'The DI.
enema slid then erginhed sad eleetidCharlen
T. Whine, Preeideet, aad . bona Netter,
Osablit: !TU.-Seek villeonnaseem ortstkete
, , ,
Bin c
Hop , an . ar'Bunnrreo..:-Qa Saturday efts
-1 . nooti-hut: a WY; aria Mu 4 4 mug nib.
i ehbe Berm erne • drowned 'Odle bathing IA the
Alleybeny rim.. The body VW r.oono.d Mu*
~f, after, and intrigued hold by Coronetputy. A
I i matt et subleetel &maim tom nwiteed.
, The ebutesteseteittetufbitideeseualty sea
, .I -der It- pecodiseij,:eitrovfol eees.. . Mr. Bury
• the..brAfetber,lirriredln - lbw ally has .14 1 '
hod twiintosthe leo. About ten days sine.,Ms
wife died; 'Last` rick he burled tee of Ms ddl..
due, sad aletioles wee tbs bad of the family.
1 He Is hit salary sod Mose, istairatee, bemired
1 , 1
loostiosrof tbs IX Asir: Sots!,
/* t i bia e'. 4 1 0 0 , 1 1,Terulaiesde . et far Beam
county oatr to, stop st IL, - Ibis:posts to
somf.ostiOrsatt dts.soansaodstiOsa
TbsPiaptistoi, 11C-0. Otomelly, Yr 4, Is the
man to keep the *Os Aba at a
lama. Varistalitable Ed. &Moe Is slims to
bs cooed''toed/ to . lablalstst to.tbs vats of
ass wasz a issosts vita patio:6the bows
fonD.-19Lo body of tho young hid,
81it114 , 41t Dings, who yak drowned
the Aunimin was found on Bata:day monist,
Comae Lowry haid;oo•ingmat, and • nrdlat of
agad. l . l o4 inmild*Oras rendorod.
Tas Ninth ,
Wasd ,IPublia &hod Boik a 2g t Li e
nble # =lla r eirday.
is 16441614_111,
/Mtn a, post la SO be WWI
Ifeseisiodienelle Clarrielms?
p u ny:mime CoMnrithilii n EnwsmuL—
Hill' Bo 4 e.tiThr"Alt o Rifigad , "—A.• Seek
Maws hie received • lengthy
letter from the wife of the man who _paved to
this city u the husband of Mathias Edwards,
the elithoWsmC Prolonts the piclarill of •
Mishima& folly and'a wifs'iipathiat forbearance
and lasting affection. .It Mimi thM the dab
coyant sod fortune teller, who claimed the set
uomplidiment of so much good-in this city, is
but • piramour,-• idstreas—thring with a man
whom she lute" had *amiable and heart bro
ken -wife, who, faehis mike, and the sake of his
agedmother,_ retinae to bring them to awaited
punishment ..We withhold - for the present, the
names of the PirdOic aid will give a condense.
tient of the lady's:. tette.. . It is dated:
nennerm, Masa., Aug 28,1866.
"ffir:-.41r. Edwards is my leafed .husbeed.
14, * Pliall ago,rhe and I, In company with an
other gentleman; started - together on a profess
ional tour as mesmetisers. The gentleman who
secompanied has, :las a clairvoyant subject. I
traveled with them for about three weeks, and
then lett to visit sty Mations in the country,
leavingthem In Portsmouth, N. H., where Mr. B.
beciame acquainted 'with the lady • who now
dal= to be his wife. - In experimenting he
found her su 'excellent clairvoyant imbject,eind
persuaded her to travel with him and myself,
whioh she consented to do. About- this time
my husband became involved in pecuniary dien
s:mines Se returned to Lowell, and borrowed
$lOOO to pay hie bills, but, instead of doing so,
he left again for Portsmootb, leaving me at my
uncle's in the 'oonntry. ' I did not know of his
borrowing the money, and returning to Ports
mouth, for some time after,,when my uncle
formed me what he had done. He wrote to me
from Callum* Atoll:kg that he - . had' intended to
call for rue,after leaving Partainouth, but fear
ing his oreditore-Might have him arreited -con
cluded not to-do um; I felt' extremely bad on
the receipt of this news; shd retard home Im
mediately. My husband wrote several letters to
me thinlobg I was still in the country, but I did
not get them until two months afterward, when
they were forwarded by my uncle. In one of
his letters, he informed me , he was sick of a
brain fever, and lat once resolved to'visit him,
but was prevented by his mother; with whom I
amliving. She feared I might also be taken
-sick. We then sent a person to take care of
him; and when that person returned, I was in
formed that Mr. E. was WINO with another woman.
I could not credit the story, we I. knew nothing
about this clairvoyant lady being with him. I
regarded it as an idle rumor, as we had lived
together two years, during which time he never
spent an evening from home mint in my com
pany. Na was affectionate and kind, and we
both belonged. o the Methodist church, in good
standing. • I had • the greatest *madame in his
fidelity, 'and could not believe the report.
"Last-fall, Mr. E. wrote to me to come to
him. I did so. The story was too tine. When
he got an opportunity, he told me all lie mid
the only way he maid reap ime there, -witheul
having her expose Men to his feilutth was to
promise her that he would continue to' live .u,,
her husband. This was agreed to, and I re
mained with them for a tame. When fully con
vinced that they had been cohabiting, I was
deeply distreased, and Inabsted on returning
home; but he plead so hard, and felt so bad,
that I concluded to stop. He told me all his
troubles since he had left
_home, and how she
had abused him. She treated me shamefully
when I was with them, and threatened to take my
life. She boasted to me that having the child
was her own doingsand that he should never
live with me. I have seen her strike him, pull
his hair, and pinch him till the Sash turned
blue. I could tell you a story that would make
your heart ache, but I will say no More this
time. I. bate written this with • trembling
hand and a broken heart _ . .
"I was obliged to leave theta, and eversion he
has been trying to get rid of her ' but it seems
his attempts prove untrucessfnli. Although she
pretends to love . him, (and I have no dottht
she does) her jealous , disposition still prompt'
her to abuse him. I know he has done wrong,
but have xenon to plead in his behalf that ha
I has been enticed by her.
"I have neither , father nor mother. I reside
with my mothtelii-lair, ilk' Intim holitiq
about my husband'e misfortunes, neither do I
wish her to know. - -
" I see by the *De in your paper, which my
husband sent me, that you blame him, sad take
her part. Bat I feel, .the only wrong that he
did was in taking her clothes. She lets him
have no money, fearing that:he might send it to
•• I hare not yet spoken of my feelings, nor
shall I, as language is inadequate to Impress
them. I hate wept . —l bate prayed—but all
seems as yet in tuba. I need only lay, lion
my husband still. Yours Truly.
Tna Pisa of Mg Toe 01 Vag Conlon Rona.
—Some poiek" who most have had the flag on
the Ctudom Bowe in his eye at the time, ship
thus mellifluously :
"0 mit, teal o.l,setseN poem of klotht
1414 wet red mad white sad it. pubes
E i r panted cm troth 44
44 inwitia Intend &tat the neatk Whey
Medd ar • bddln
oal abe* eat ben I ondastO onto
. Grete g OO4
Is. and Una az ye. 444.4
How as nben an non little, and not match
Biggar than 5441 plane of Idonb. and
A4eat es tender se a era plat of anise. 70
Wes Waded all then the rosinehen
An and hate sec re thaw dreg
Bold no Ter h i d
with dlEfflota end
laigritroistrgall nd. sad 44
Ti sit deem cd of the fanoth and git end.
QoatateL or Idt ontbe bad • Wank of
Wood. or hung he nd asellar
01D111 of C 01717 BSSITITI. TO 1401131 M.--
Rulp McClure, on Saturday, made the following
The Court of Quarter Sessions of Allegheny
County will entertain applioatiom for licensee,
and hear all persons making objections to the
same, on 'the first day of October next.
Adopted September lit, 1866.
Br tura Corm.
This rule is mole its conformity with the fifth
section of the sat of 14th of April, 1865, which
le sa.followin , . •
°Beatles V. The said Courts by their Mee
°shall fix a thaw at Which applleatloss for
mlicansea shall be hear!, et which time all per
making objections shall be heard."
Rita nom—Mr. J. WS. Snodgrass, of Mif
flin townebip, presented us on Saturday wits
=means speobnetut of pooches and grapes. One
of the peaches measured ten Stokes in drown-
Strome. The spacer were of Slack Ham
burg variety, very small, and the bunches very
Diensurrou—We understand. that • party
of outlaws, on Thum* , night liet, after the
aAjournatent of the Tarantula Camp Meeting,
set fire to the Preacher's stand and boned it to
the ground. This is a giving outrage end the
villains should be brought to condign. putdsh•
B.intorcu or us Janson's Omar.—The Po
lio* - Contaduse had • scaring on Saturday
sight, and authorised the roofing of "Wilkins'
Hall," fourth Meet, front the first of Anril,
1866, for occupancy as • Mayor's *Moe and
: welch house.
A Gutwair girl woo sirsotod on fistordity
morning jut so she' was Lavin on the misters
011411, charged with haring stoles $7 from s girl
tumid Elisabeth Stool, st Vehro tavern. She
e V's mossy back, sad was sawed-back, to &tart
APPLICATION lel I:Wrest:lL—hi the court of
Cowmen Plass, es Iletseday, spent:ellen for Al-
Meelots, stadalby Willem Rey from !is wife
Muu A- Asy; sad try Mary =pa trots bet
busbousd lasses AlUBlets.
• , ,
itasaasia.—Stattkiaa Haas, who sras sommit.
sol Wall on Friday astral/sib/ Mara Yob, was
! taloa before AM Wilaw, »'
Mk of tie *Wm Amok a( Iso • of
WAR. W.W.l's, 'Sabo dd. •
it 10 o'clock at the mows Ito, 116 LAW', isnot,
1 / 1 1'. lo t. Darts, Asodosser , .
. .
Joy Bosnia Is to lottgoo sou now* attar
to; to itoiffir. Bia tarbYre WA dol
eau on ribiet dot &Fordo-to fiesiott!!
"El --- XTRA TLOCIR al Wad sad to,
Mr, , Pal ojins w „
folAUo2l—lrsate, Moodatz oi illoi r oaliw iu its
Lip - 'was:wrap Dstr
6) BBLB. 00080. ED 8110 AB for silo 14
irce• • urn! 1 '4 8 4 FY ) !M A
BOXZB Stu Osagis ids ill
ki ......_ 1113)8• Suez for sale
No •
BBLS. S IL IitOLASSIStot aisle ti
gonsitotaut tttlllllll/3.. z
Efoooirrig for iakk,
• k oat Ilarilh Uala*lftaripat
01/1(018;130Arfer talih% a
AM-Y 3,
1ND111313-4 bbla;
1 72. 6 C °14 °":VI'' , i ren . sm hig.,k4lL los ,l
WirtAT-4000 but . to Aai un t w o tr uvA sollai I
( 4 4,,3111}8 ou,
1' ARO ossau,,.l
- -4177!!!'"7-71M311-nilliiii:
ragAg#9.ll,o,l3kstb, of 411.4
Psturnststus . , September I.—The Coroner's
Inquest into the causes of the recent accident at
Burlington hen not yet. been concluded. The
Jury thin afternoon adjourned to Monday morn
Mr. Gillespie of Hatches Miss. one of the vic
tims of the disaster died this afternoon; bin wife
is very low and is ;linking rapidly; she cannot
survive. The rent of the wounded are getting
along comfortably.
The wife of Commodore Smith, another victim
of the Burlington tragedy, died this evening at
the house of Commodore Storer at the Naval
Asylum. This makes 22 deaths from the caiant-
Boleros. September meeting of the
Kaceas Emigrant's Aid Society was held last event
ing. Three committees were appointed; Ist to
devise and carry out the best method for making
all the minister' of New England life-members
of the Society; 2nd A committee to correspond
with the various religious setietien in the State
on the wants of Kansas and to unite their con
tributions; Bed A committee to raise by a gen
eral contribution throughout the State, the nun
of 120,000.
Itsyrutosa, September I.—The deaths at Nor
folk' for-the 24 boars ending at noon on Friday
were 16. Aniong the'number is Capt.
B. Starke with his wife and daughter. At Porte
month the deaths for the same time were 14;
the disease ilassuming a milder form. An abun
dance of Physicians and nurses have arrived
from Savannah, Charleston and New Orleans.
The Southern timed this morning does not
extend beyond Savannah.
Humanism errs', Sept: I.—The President
has removed Richard P. Hammond from the of
fice of Collector of Customs at San Francisco,
and appointed, Mr. Marcus C. Latham, late M.
C., in his place. Latham to for Guinn in the
pending contest for the poet of IL 8. Senator.
Naw You, Sept. I.—Port an Prince dates to
the 16th nit., have been received by an arrival
this morning. It was very sickly there at that
date, particularly among the shipping.
HALM.; Sept. I.—A despatch from Edney
states that the sub-marine cable was lost by mis
management whom,4o tales out. It vas insured
for $70,000.
New Your., Sept I:—The steamship North
Star for None, sailed at noon with 100 passen
gers and $125,000 in spools.
MADISON, August 80.—The Wisootiabl Demo
oratio State Convention to-day nominated Gov.
Barstow for re-eleotion by 108 votes out of 126
New Yosz, September 1.--Cotton firm; sales
1200 bales ; N. 0. fair, 111; Uplands middling,
12. Flour s trifle lower; sales 7500 bbls at $7,
50®9,50 for good Ohio, and $8,82 ®s9 for •
Southern, Wheat a trifle lower, with sales 8500
bush. Corn firm; sales 82,000 bush. Whiskey
steady, with sales of 226 bbls. Tobacco firm.
Pork stiffer, but not quotably higher; sales 1400
bble, the market closing firm with an upward
tendency. I.ard firm, with sales of 200 bbls;
the market is bare of Bacon. Better and Cheese
firm. Groceries firm; sales 4800 bags Rio Cof
fee at full prices; sales
. 800 Mole Sager and 600
bbls Molasses. Iron firm. Lead better; rules
1500 tom Galena at 81. Tallow steady ; sable
10,000 lbs at 121. Stook' in fair demand, and
prices unchanged.
SALTEIOI.I, Sept. I.—Wheat dull to-day and
prices irregular; Bales white at $1,64:01,78, and
red at $1,60(41,62. Corn selling at 880. for
white and 900. for yellow. Flour dull and with
out males; Howard street held at . $7,87}®8, City
Mills, $7,76@8. •
maining In the dace of Till LDAIP9 IMPRIMIS
PAHL N 0.14 Fourth Wert,
_Ptttatrer/h. . ett
1 1 :
rot tailed *a will be eeld st Allele,. by P. DV
D. eneter Fifth end Weed err.. os the ISSOOND DAY
or wzoon sat, to pow onmud how
, • .... .
is m iiirdatalbl. ~ tab .... m..
n EL
T M - Torrnoli - Pittamnt . ... --- E . 1,...04.
igas=v, 40 ao.
6. o.
I tr h wikto. Ilktort.l44, d
do PIM
VIS I BI [i Ler. ON
tit:Thitho.lVaffo4. do.
O 7 Beethasbam,llsreentora. Pa. a 4.
DH Dant. Plttistraith. do
id Cur.. do boa.
rt ®aamao. do
J Calming. do
A Oconto. do
John Cat do
Ccolo =a _
gDistrict, Pittsburgh.
11 do
gimmick, do
R trys do.
W Phnom. Pitraborah. 1 oackara
A p Mbar. Oonstsautrilis, 1 do
H Yoscar, isromr. Pa. 1 de
Mai nimbus, Pittsburgh. I do
A Poem. do 1 do
Imin Omits. do bol.
A do 1 1
0 Ilsiorld, do • bastak
.1 times. Buler. Pa. 1 :
1 packagu
0 Hoes. do
f . do -• 1 torroM
A 0 Johitio n
Rims, Pittsburgh. boa. •
X 16.hlros do 1 insimina
P Rms. do
D .do 1 do
W 0 lApsocuita• - do . 1 Wt.
0 Linchunssa. do 1 tootaio.
• moo, Proollto. FA, I do
J 0 moober.litaiosegh, 1 hog
D B Ilorrts. du t MAW.
W M Middaugh. M IP. UM
Dr Mathews. Iwo 11a Ow. elttoborsb., bo..
O Masada*.
J 8 McDonald. • . do 1 do
Mir X Nelson. p.• S. 1 pecksga.
riloek" *Pi Vast.
B Parry, tags of P llogrb) Pittsburgh. I Isdlidllo.
Mho J Pump. Pittaulth. Pbriudd•
Rhodos* idiom do I do ,
I 4 Rainer. ' do I bais h •
0 11.1ndball. -" do : 1 do
Mary, 40 I do
hoda. Pranklla.qh. I ton,
A dsooopr. utslngla.l
J Spumor, do 1
J Schwttor. do
J P Smith, Proaktin, Po L k do
j Ya
A lll l= l / 2 =. 11
6d .z
7mtle ThoalAJohamo A im‘janNl Mll "
16110 Walt. • •
'.7011107.11,5. co t
Mrs Wollants. Pittsburg. I I do do
P Motto. Pittsburgh, 1 bag, .
ihnutt. . t
Dam do
1 b %oz.
oodlo. '. •
hook Mdfor,learoaldr auks) PlUotoudb. WSW ,
B Satan MM MBA, btu. .
J Moult. 6o I papaws.
ECM Olta TIMM, do 3 hug.
Thompson. do I Ana
R 0 IRMO. do do
B Martha.
do I do. 1 wirgathalt.
1 2. ll= do I trust:
Ciontom do L
Mtg. mlltgn *l -5 " Tr' "m t r 4
J 1111110, lateobe. • . 1
Mantra, Aaron
,Art. of th.lisisianiiii
CZENBrandrettes PUI, (genuine), in
1 dors 464 RN ; -
112161621 Topa Ai. T . 060.
OD, do HaOsseo
r . 210 orary.
11124 do 17A rpoterga.
74 do =I ttin.
SO do 22641 e =Oat.
• •
66 do 16621466's
46 do
1. 4 4=6:54 ,..... p0,
4. 6o 166nra's
12 do 6•21611a= .
duo 14264
run ELa/WRIT=2 1 A2 1,12211 6
2holooslo Norm OIL mu.
1 IVZR OOMPLAlNT—Rnothnoure pot- I
114104 br efts th• aristeslomir tree awl gemdo• ,
. . Autigai i iti
Mr. R. Mors —ls A my lain* 60 ,
= L IG= r , !. 0 41:1 vir
.. 2: :
uit s i r rw
• re
.." pea is ~r ,
r i. c j , I
... „, e,
- 4Zi ssisii i
..... lad
iii Visall se WV
.... 84 W•
' ItMpia4iif .Z. Mr
4. 1 111Z7
- - Jailor glow.. r , I ll=
[Mmaiiii-46 am/. N. 0, & gm
•mi . , , i t ,
1 0,Lutra , ..
~,_ 4 ..V via.. .141.. • , . 1 MC P 1 ,
t 1
Mookboldor# of flii* Mgo
two ill i 404 ;•.•
Aono gr
', x I rt lit oo
- 1 : - V,,,,, vvi 4 4 13 , 1 1, , ,t
• ...A.L.,,.J, ..,,, ~,..
tv idwiamor l i,o4 latuto ,
eptijwitika#4.o.oiittaint i
,opkmoy k •
12,4PIPX_Wltb7/ 791 3P1i 'P ' - P - - 02:1
MNlM7gigitgi l : 'ill' 1 r 'S
'&.-7' =4;2l__ '_ 7
e 4 1 1 - 4447_ 0 PAsaga-AN
(-4 , 7 4 9re1,m-AvoiletVel:WqFfi ,
, ,micortrOpo# AMmlivi, -- , - „,i,.
E XTRA FIAOI---4 § Mgot t gimiwg4
tligtOViiii PlTt3it—ivirri7474, *
girt, ' . 14 trtgit t gV4* 1
TrarrieVirtiii•Wlal of ripprra - liitoi:l
40 I.C"iiVAI A i Piligrj°
31 * / '''' / `*e" r l'ab'
W. IL Biesx, T. P.—A. W. ItscAßNicar. B Runt,
3sali.Darores. Iwo at; Panne&
7 Oritca Parma:max ettartgo
Maaday Moralag, dottaanbre 4 1866.
BUMA-14am remain as Oa rut_ Baal from aaaoa
and on ithaidat 3/3 and 16 Ala turn*. at KM Wt.
at Pk= and dot do at 8638, from lOW* AS Dbl. =pandas
at $6,2:4 do do van, at $687; WOO tbok* do at 88.54 sad
33)30 at16A2.111:141,75.
$311.3.1N ot. depot of 260 WI . RI. at OW malt:
boo Oittai on the. otlital at 31. f.
WHISSZT—des In lots of 37 bids rootillod at VOW. .
ILLY--otoody islet at sages of 11 loads ot snow per
BACON-41m taiMmt vitcbtlak; ISM of 80.000 ts.
10maldas "and Hams. an mints tsr , K 1 0. 000 . 38.030 awl
6000 soda at 101( malt% msh: 9000 Ls ationldas .410%
silty dirir. 1000 be clammed Biala at 12.1(a 1000 its d o
sugar timed do at lax and it tag Ocr u 16 cub and sixty
dares II
Tbs home. aunt= role of thei num came off to-o.y.
ILaoodetM me.ILL 6OO rfr ilneesra o rgr Una ,
simelin.delsins of
of thritoportatlerif l ttdrtme, Nl=
Co. The Wee drew tagether a itarybdlie windiany, Ito
the bidding was uheated. The pilto old et *bout gqi-
vat* sago Odom sad pald a putt ,on the Improtedue.—
The &blue ware °outdated to ble uld. ID lie.
of the feet ilia the goods wen, Item remaining over O.
ter the moat d..losble lonhad bout wee •
good one,LN. Y. Tribune. f.. :
The money market m smolt sister tools,. uid some of
the erred institutions an intramdrig their cell inert. We
think the use ester than oh 'any der hi. week.
erneddersble on of the. .0.00141 of. Monday arid Tues
der wee art! el, °sued by the movement MOOT two
leading teerio..wrio =ma abed the street do:lulus
money was tiner more difficult tr. obtain, and borrowing
muns whkh they did not aftuword esti ibr.—Triti.
Ocam—The Cote market oultinues buoyant. We have
revolted today salairof 600 bode prime litio st 12 ete,looo
bap good fear du ht Digo, 100 bus ammo do et 100, and
CO eau rejected 00 14 1144 Ebbe aro veletas, to.
day e o ts t yra M' Oofb b nrt P M ll44lNlVl4l4 ln3 rilkl: lik u Nk et".
Some further Winne bars beau reorinfffromi a New
York. The new. lerreelffe for the hoiden Vol..,Coffee end
tle market elms today very Mr.—Bait Alltarkau,
BROWNSTILLS BOATS-74 bba Our, owners: 381 bu.
bent. 2/5/ b. do, Bryan * erg 1W boo 004_A1200 a wc 02
b. aloes, 0 Mann: 40 tibia onstant, do Wray, soar!
WHIBLENG. by gcllpor-00 ibla nbeet,2ol alurdo, WO.
J dirt
crc 62 do, Bryan a 0,; bblo Sour, oat; 34 do.
ul* co '
ST. LOMB. by /obanu-090 tin wbast.ololo 114
do; 1410 bblo Sour, 16 do *Mc ey. 31 !Ude bacon, boo
nu. W1:0 Dbl. ecru Iron, J Wood S co: 12 bblo "Mak.
W H Brittur. 147 do Sour J SOCullya to;• 170 do. Walls.
aarainva 100 do. W Ilantloa on 017 do, O'Connor
broo to.
COLLIIOBI,INIS-154 bbl. hlitiwino, 159 ski wool, out;
1011 sts whoa., ROD= do, Brno k egg . do, Wilms:tat
Wrrt= Bcb t a 7 l4. n . r • a at, tn=7o,Bwth,4
ITSION 1.,11011-130 too. lrtoors, owtottr. 20 boo chow,
/1 WWI los 24 do. II o...ewa; 250 2W nowda,
wortiva ex 44 tom Moan; lit 0011, dour, ninth., conolot.
arriwo , antmouviß Tolls leather . 21 keg but
ter. 6 sks wad. II Us abort, sis,lll. do. R Robison • co;
bbb, Imp. 60 ski uses. lb J a w ass; 22 ao,
300 bus WA J sou; lk,bbes dour, 3 do potator.
. . •
t •
Ono L ?Tsai:marts R 551411 btu- sus,J i W R.;
273 boa obese. arson as Sirens Isaac.... al kat batter.
45 bbla dour. 3 bbli mirs l / 4 5 d 4 ass. 71 do balk. saa: 229
tau rya. BO bdis twos. bar Ocramd.. YU bus 4444 215
sks ms. 55 b2B.dour. ld boss . ID dos bockats. sundry
A.MLIVM4 . 4 4 4 4 , 1 3 at
MAW' Wmt Prowtes:ok. Wheal= 1.0.00 , 4 15%.
Louis, Nu. taxinule. Stentetqlus.
DIPMITID—J,Meme. *mem Loseme.
Decant, 1 lbabetto
Amon Olen Meng. ec
Nwton; Michigan No. 2, Mellon* Nally" Wheeling.
Baterlay mrkg them name bet .11
In the channel enl felling. t.
Pittsburgh Dollar 'Savings Institution.
. 68 Astra Strut,
nix tam to taitirrrnarasa Sawa.
Low open daily fiOm 9 to 2 o'olook; also,
Wedreaday and deienday evenings. has I to 9
Dnadte nadael oral nits not Iwo than One Dollar.
and a dlrldind or the wont declared eat. • Ton. to
Jane and Denonber. The "Trona.. In Ma tarpon of
farthorind Ma !annotate oblates a the Inetthato have
enlaced into • ntersoln latiid. thereby giving adtll .
i t: r S r eore. •
Boonton the phases. Brlawn ad Saha a Bar
elation. Ent* on applkation et taw oda.
thaid.a—aitcizzaz Azaazz.
GHaw rsn Roptara. Jot o z u. k IL K lShoostwor,
Minim 1. Jobastm, N. Orotton ' T= .
Juno* W. Itainnon. Sboobold
Alonandor beibna. Imre IL 14%.4.14
Wllll=llllllllol, inWLIII AseditiOn.
Join ( 1 4= 4 Ammo 11= riaL. ,-
: Jobs
John D. W.
Winn; ".
ILONA Megan.,
J. Guano Man, Weil. Mamba.
Alam o A Owlob ": A. N. Moak,
Jobe S. Cloocrovo. Mary =Lyon.
Mario A.:Cobon, !Cohort
F. idrbigton. Oars. R. MO*.
panda Mtn, Immo Rbanio.
Goons T. Gibson. ", Joann 82114t0,
Jams S. therso in_ ...M.'
,WOUsla R. naves. Alanannor Innen.
grijrl "d -
044 -
v. ay.sime--...t...4.--....—....—:.5. Ir. srarr.tdm
Commalssion an Porwarding Agents,
'. SAINT - LOLrlB, MO.
• Netkralar att. paid to the varattue of
' Provisions. Deur, (ham, Hemp,
: - LAID, LEAD. 41.4413, AND soawaszera,
samernals mato
mew. i=' 0.,47 1
w. IL Ilarseitbi I PlCtabargh, v.
LILILor nutevilt • oatt
PTO&Af & OvobtiL
Ci'dm'4.l 01.. I .
Twenty Thotunad Dollars.
NICIIII yawed. to .Inr.m Ootllintury, which wa•
run *abort War 2.000 indtrain 80 looms th. cum,
Mays, nprirstime, bazar, Mims. storehouse. add
fromYo to 40 num of lab& with coal .1040. wit fixture'
for- •htling• toors I. ogrratino w to On sitars ) The
mW boo beat stcpot4 Nit two 7.1.. Tbl. runway will
b. rat hat • taint Oak CuW.W7 Len tbne
mrpetwal ebannturitutut 0 1, tbrk AUL of Lad way.) sit
• wilittitims. Abu bL.Blfred Jett , .
finut Ibridestruzz. Pw to wan Minn Soon,
48 Beam "trod. W. T.l Al ia O. btowai. ow Otimum
Alfred Jenks a Sow. Mph* lino- WWII" Alb Pry" ,
Innee. R. 14 twig , t L0a1ant11..167.. and to my
muut. on yeemlnom eilku beicir
eo tb..Obto rfver,_ast il. J. Kuno* Haul
ALIT. R. 111.A.RZT,b7 Ida attirmaz, Ititury . TrNair . :
pr . ANTS—Cooks and Girls to do house.
work are wanton la city owl aoslitirt tient con give
nine doe seat Way. Oita/Mau ',sated
rows•vrezzito ne
ni*p grim. • gen or maissioat ,
lows • trade. • bov n getta•44: 42 = o
irinernatial. la tau eau* "mg wakes • Amur
tam MI traveling ego or 00 MUM, goag
names alma Aging id BAILS Intalligiate
410 Unarty Wait. •:
yvANTED --50 good, stoat, sober men
tad annisat •sploymest on • Ratiros4,
ra WA per 43• Y• ~ .spor at BASS'S latellit•se•
11.44 MO [Aborts
W ANTED—Pittabargh 111 1 N t larr e r m at
aIIOCKRIEB-92 00 bblal. . !detainee;
t w ara t pinte l ittlers. tk c ir/t
monor l ik so bewail,' .ttlt.i
01 / 2 b•Otbiladli Sa that SIM - 1, 7
sale lORINUM
E l lBll-417 Itf;i bbb. Lae Or r White
rate #
es taw WbAs W t s.
Is Oe Na
Ssii So also sesiesursil, VW*
14ADIZW EATl3.Thet beat
sod beital=o2.l2loy—Etr:
Ituz Balmy NV—Tho beat SF
Ritart3"l"bi!l • I %
1 = L ; 1 1"
al annitAbilW
NNERS' Bank and 2 do
1 n BELE. -Primo Packer Butter, 6 do.
I X lg. ' ja"."46llMoinn II aOa
Di 10 METAL ,-5 6 tone Taall, now landing
--,,,r-.---, 7:ol,2l.p.muntAw.
Ti iitt t—iuou plimpi Limed 011
u I knish b ° mai J.11009 1 04,PU1 a 00,_
qt m BWe rifiNt BAVA +.4 TX R ANDS
u stot rade""wi*.itigtrintwojii. I
LIVE 011,0;:i6 Whit.. %Arta awl nifi r in, 1
iwur ta , ~„ kr ji_Kik2444l4igis qc!.
0 psoif sitlit-in mat 114.140i1 m.
141:AitiCiiitiitirt 'iaTi‘
q4 I2Ic:""6 AM II X 9"I,
BRITIPII744IT igrOoo - 1401tai -- -
it eme i veottlimenta,
~.„ ~..,,
villa' 111 AYE APPSETS74
klF ir " riati°•ll-1134AtUr I"
to -
Prq DRAypir,,a iaill 444 4114, iiii
da. fiAt'W,VAPWriviliar i
;Ka ;Wit - ,b.1,11-.4oitai, N . it , I .
4_ or :t, • II 1 1: 1 0
vii - ii Ig : 1 .4pritoniAit f1.w,1ifi c,0 421 , 1: 1 74.
!pp/ •igi• PF •. - i tviNvtA ,
ivicroc.__ 4 ,
_vw,:ti , , , , , ,mtrh a pp4
- ......:_,....- .
i4vf,ForpHs,.... Q, A . - s s t , 4 ix ,
.. _ ' t . ,
.., glll • :,114:. t. 1 . T1V . 1.1.. 5 ,
g i i —. .: ' giolpTl 4 ' ntim
e .
AT: :' ', 443110 90 4' . i.
~ p, , r 4 aOA ; 4 t 4:
rin at ollm-5A:274 , l r , c.
4 0,110 T 4 ~ ,=ffa t i h
iiiii - 4 - 1 - 1 - :,40 i : . '091.1 toß4 , tof lii,
lit c
&#.. 661 *.rN ••• Ni i .i , --kom,
Mipli, t o 444e,f l iW
e i t4 141-ig4,0i.V417.' 91 M 9,
... st.v.:_._..._-•-v .4 , ~ . 1. t ,....
7 11 4 - ~, 611
tr o g Hi lw t - jl.) -- fitg l !lk.
.titlLlWatntit , lnt.. 4
vv Ax a jou s_ puii i p l r p- a s mill i 17
A b Institution for the ItnidnenChtet..
3. 1.11%Li0n
' 14% g i ltillgtU L Vl t i e et Vit ZS . la I t l 4 . 4:
. TireiltMl i tratera t al t alleistitutiter tti .eitilo.t.
the fanner, mechanic. arectiant and crofeelonel d an . la
various arm that are not tent ht In other Mum
at the wee.. eataidiat
All perenoa that • ha. eat mil time since the •
meat of the institution med. orransemente Mrntrue.
Om lo W. Collet:B.ft etill entitled to attend free of fur
ther &wen
"Rammer heed not but cal: ern , 110 prireinal tit the
Pemildia CloVette, rine corner of Wood I Fourth street..
soon &Moline lien. env:cite the Poet • Inca . lel
Conker of Ma Common sir' Washlegton Melt.
Al'tawny Vicy,
PPEFaII term of this institution, eatimst•
of= weekt erillectuunsuns no Monday. bra of
September. Par particulars are citeulare. to he had at
J. 11. 31enter's Book hinr Pittsburgh: orates. 3.l3addler's,
Allegheay. mud aim at the Echal Rooms.
cher of , atiih'Aird
Westminster College, Allegheny.
CLASSES in both Departments will be
opened on Monday,Botemberad. 1.41)1EN CLASS
on Honda,. taming. Ten:monad reignlstinne
nelkind• J. .11.. NIMELL, ..••••• •
Locust Grove Senunary—Larreneetrille-
IC:IE NEXT bESSION will open on WED--
PISSDAY, September - 10th. 105 - 5.
e rector de bee an early applicsion on the Bart of
sash as d.lre to amdl tbemesiseit or its advantaps.
Por drealara or adettludonOMßlYA7m: II: OWAS.
anlo4f Pitteburab. P.
Am. Wakeham's Select School, AllighenY
SESSION commences on Monday, Sept. Id,
1866. Studenten/4, rtque.ted to be punctual In at
tandanc.zand sn mule nypildaton V dedrable on , part of
nave pupils, to tbeilltete the tbrarntion creams.
Mr. W. mar be hood at his residence, on North Com.
=O, utsrem byillral end Bandnekr et. staiand.
School, for Girls,
rs. H. MYERS will pea
PARADORY 801100 h DOD Gin% on DNS*
D Zepteethersth, ot the oorner of Nem sod*no on fmther tolbeniztioo. etioulte at *bore. su4S4wd•
No. 220 Penn Street,
Will In rt-opmed on MONDAY. ad ftt. •1t•
Msaufsetare to 00301% .
liAttli for Flour, Grain, Salt; BunklFiheat,
Hama, dm.
Would mho 1111 tn. attention of °mita lindranta to
tlkotr amettoont of
AND or
Designiodand printed to order, oxprosely for
their use.
Our Acilltior ore anon that a. ma supply tram
10,000 to 20,000 bags_per day.
Alio. Impostors and !Wars -
cad Inuiono Mad. °filmed and Torino. Intl fLinan and
Cotton, ot which Ira aro molvlns continual oOldlod
• • •
Between the 314r000liten .ad !smith Hote/a
the best quality, et moderate prim.. We hate 'the
establishment sad beet meortmeot of !really good ..
you Tornitare te be toned In this dry or
pountrn to which we !melte theta:WM& shanties of
ourehesers. got &ad
err Ude valuable TARSI mall wißfrf
attIeITZIX NiXT. when it will he colored to the
party having made thebeat alba. .
. le hourly lasted on the Joosblogh , y rear. lo Ver
se/11as townahla. Alleghaol cautdr.—ooniel On. Hon •
dr.rd end Elghteen Am sod p so allowsnot,andib n• y
of oroveolent west to the city. It la now In the mew
panel of Oapt. D. f, Wood.
♦ good title grill b. g 0...
soft-01kweerr - Vo. 6 Ware gnat.
Dewed. Coal Property
gran undersigned is autlionsed to o ff er for
I solo • very &Wale boot of sots* located to
lasor Nt Ctotr tontatilp, stoat Wks tdoth of Pltta
bomb, costal 'm onsiortisath the{ isstss Dm -
ISon of which Is •
_yea of ozoollotat ..7•2 toad I.
1 4 11 . 1 Oats •nsztojttlt.
W. It • dells* Is toesttatont.
I tiltall"'"Vt7l" soW. tratot"h. P"P•r+
St• 01.11,. At lair
jai:U.444f so. 10S • as ste4t.
- - - •
lu satz—vapo fo. II aeon °Eland nen 3nrprovad and
a eardbrrabi. aortas, norm of 6 rooms arid ood s nen...
albrats 3 =Dm from too Point Ferry. on C ofasnlo6l.=
l'aroplan Are fruit Croon grape sin.. good sorftrn
lie fah is. to. A Emus barn and .S.6* WU, bow*."
mad oartiate boomil. 4c. all to a Mtn'. no
lol ' os Is nowt sod obraa ond rho parch our bars Inv
sdboto so salon.' Varna fair.
.j ono S. CUT iIDn'ILT A FION. tio Third vi.
-- - -
sALuottuwa . few 'w.f.. .Heck Ration . on
sdalo A P. 6. It.. asen of Om lobseoet.los neer 6 acres,
trent.. the Ohlo Rner hall Road and en.. Hoed. eedelo
lag tb. rendes... of Jest Wllnda b. 4. Ear'nelghborhood,
tent to &boob% flhurebes and bea ty of ems.,
the above cannot be equated In the want are slant at
• low price and owner,' .4.7 taaL etp.o to
11. k 1110N.I.
rrIHIB FINE PROPERTY of Sikteen. Acres
Mir Batt Liberty Etatlon. will b• sold on NONDAY.
lb. lath Peatembem, at 10 dr.o.k. IL. the Co e d
Tents—One-foarth oath. UMra Idw st 6, 11 as Id
months, wi th Interest
aulldaresta TLLOO. gßtstOti, Trustee.
BU RO 808 SALE—Hosing a trout o • Poloist street
Hot sad sztanSiso. book 113 fest to arose oiler. to
tug lot N. 48, ha 11.1. Curling's plan on
L otonts4l • B story Promo Bonn. coo tolning 4, rooms,.
.n.ll of posy ot tho door. !ALA, 011112111.00/1 out
.dbn, gra w t .i oll f . ne a tabisi t propera .
Apply 10 SULAM I 3715, 6t h et.
stoat 62 41 of 01d.% la slowed and In cultist,.
Lion, balance wood tha gime is oolSwatarad and In
a goad imlattbortnd: 'Rusted 18'.eollas from the on/ id
lad Parr township, g o 1 amtla from Ow lisar and tom. ,
dlataly oppmita Lpgan's Station of Um 6lleglaml
klala zi romt. Prim rarr l. l3T i atez to
sisseau.s Med itur batmen, lisailet,•
with •
IZarr.V : 6 l4 frr t art 0110.00 asp • tram
Prim inewrar.
0 goottßuilding Lots on t. Washing
rwr plimeatlf ultentad. Mao 1321
0, osrttath N hall,_.mulsl4•l. lo • ...l soma
slparosetti . OUTI3-313:3- 41, ,03 Mulul it.
- _
AAA HOUSE AND LOT, pl. tly situate ,
I Aiughw etti. Only 100. Frir sole all—
an2l 53 MAXIS= Wt.
arnhaidng ow of Mow &sip Ho cltiratTakr.
MA thy rpo'd and flor
band sad Obr '
Will b. Ku "mai low to *V • to,
DIG MEM—a — tone So
T 7 mama aDI LWORTH.
MB-4 bble. fresbzi 'TO by rail
s/ road WI 4ny sad ' •
0' woks remised An. far
IL sib • -
C 11 /I: IfaC WOR .3 of ovary description, for
I soasssat 5931.01. &Wall ois
aye . . 11.111CM4311.
MOAN MEAL-60 bbls. sifted, in atom an(
.____lM sib ataarma a OD.
.all , Et:lDArzl oo half b
0 - Y-400 dos. of La. les', Gents' an
al ON SWIM fleaey. or my./ dsieriptto
jell Owed Of wag A. . MASON CO;
N irlf* n ALS 011. casks Bleect
•4 Motor Wboto On lan wad for Ws br
T is B. & SALIAIion IST Wood et.
casks for sale by_
B. A. lAMINATTocK I 00.
lALLB OITY 8. 0. 11Aft ,
64"4 "41 7 forT , er taagti
6 , 16 Shot
1... 3 11.0Z-40 kol
a 1 W
bnlo. : for 41 1 4 7. 14
IlliatVaa a al Lwaag.
" n -k k---H 11,11k,Iiiita• for Wei by
VI muyin- a Dv . L7kT",
mito 4z—rat
.I>y • IE4 I
Alt ors 0 •
-15 b1)15. '
I 4 1 1 , titTlL I VAiTIW4 0 41111 , 1,
t_it tok lr a t 0 4 ,4 tor
.... jm_t: , 4 NI 4 % ,
I)irli 5
TIVA_,P tc, R4 I ? 04141 %
.1 JO 4 44- V - 44: 1 ,
A T . W r414 1 4k4114 : '1 4 4
- upw.paglip viA.ig 1R.6,41;-5 litat fia
f Au, Iv 'll 4. -- tainisoop44
5 T: g1iq 5. 14,1400; w4 -i i4 . 1
fur oh
tlt ii / igreitil.t lC 2 t ilt a4 ,o . , .
_ _
( ximr tio-AveLo.rne
6 4
r - 14.44g 4 N.
5. , heittr ".llo 4 l34,4 * 4 V.
, 5 5 . 1.44-s.7xvicapacjaMg
_44 il l. 3
7 2 00 kwis lA,
?#44" 4 40.
14aik W
t i atV i dito.
0171116;4100 trealisar 4.lUcarattf
I sallomalaii. , - . 1 U. ma •
• '
11 -7 1110 - Pi AND 1% "
•fflat 44 ) %
iu -'''''''''''..'". l 417
of& comltetahla Dwellive.Honee will find It to their
interest to leo& at ...valuable tele& House. No. Ill•Pederal
et., with lot of 25 It. feint by Mb ft. deep. with tile alley.
The boobs is now and will be sold on favorite. tonna. It
mnWna a teal, patine . dining room and kitebet..4 ohms
ben bath room. nth }tot and cold wet T. • 'hewer both
and • room lltted up for anal:dog and elnitta clothe& cea
&attires. eloeeta and elothae prove., &cis good dry cellar
tinder Um whole bows.lto. property pleasantly eltu.
&tad and well worth the att. ntbm of tea doeirousofpor.
shoeing a aced bone , p. CRII7etLAT & 80N.140. 24 et
, TO
LET—A Warahotaa on Water .trees Two. ro o d
otots tame an Market at, eat. Two ohm TOMLIIOII Fourth
stmt. Ono mall start roma , with gss nature. Thi rd
near Pinithgeld street One atom room on Weal mitre
near Sixth. A dwelling holm in Alltgbent city A
&rolling bows in Lawmen - IUL with iratnedtate pawr
alma and at IoW rata& AWL to •
jag_ S. E. C E CRT t 50N.140. Third as.
FOR RENT-÷A comfortable dwelling house
of b.' parlor; dinlurixecu.kiteheu and illud rooms.
• good nailer under thew bOlO b 0111:. • . well of exce ll ent
; ter t. or
I rmo In Ib u t
c it Zeta, aanomen. dads, am.
low to, tljtCrißEAtr
.04 130 Third Emit.
g pon Market gavot, near Third. Also, one on Foorth
street, ono on Wood greet, on, =Third stmt. and one
on Water ttroot, with tromedlß poomolloo. Apar to
cutautat a sum 63 Market in.
LET—A two story brick house on Ea
rns= street, Allegheny, to good. ardor . Davila boon, S .
$10.4a, month.,_ Von
taltua tonna. 'Avoly to 8. O ,, THIIERT it WEL '
►` p er LET large three- story
STORE sod DWELLIn corner °flint stiA!u9y.
fit la Teets. Itosaedise.
5u274.1 Avizo ACO
°TWO STORE ROOMS, in good locations
for businam. ona On Wood and the othar on 4tii
jai in"'"4l". lMf i al:MT t BON, IQ, dd et,
fn, et Coo, we o Ith st., for rent. Apply at
nun ba MARKET ST.
frILET--Tho commodious Datellinz ana
ator. Roan. No. 64 SIM street, on
61 poe1to Masonic
11•11 . M. DAM.
—Threo story rt tore, 0.
Patlthtleld.stteat 2 P tt. DAVIS. Anat..
Anl4 caner Ww.l wad Pain dm eta.
VO LET—A Dwelling Douse on Third et.,
now our Q. & CLITIEBFAT k 80-7.140.04 at
°LAKE 811Plail .11. LINE.
I e:
AND SPLENDID ST 01.1011 '7:
of thl• lio• will leave Cleveland for Lake Stherior,
paring throtuth the SHIP CANAL and moth= tho
prineiral Ports on too stove Lake, ea follows
14011111 STAR..—.-„Alsot. B. G. death Master,
TAM,. therthlarL—
o...... Thuratay.June2lth.
lathes do ----Monday, iOl7
Leans do -.-Thu-43 , y, Jolnth.
thane do ----Mood., July NM
Lea,. do Thoreday. Aug= lab
lathes do ----Monday. Aug= 20th.
Leaves do .....--Thureday. gar= ISOth.
•-..learea do --.......M00day,
eith. Sloth.
Lesvos do Thor lbeth.2otb,
Loans do ---.-MOnday. Dasher Ist,
Lathes do . October 11th.
Leaves do --.--Mooday, October 22d,
Leaves do ---.-Thormey,Novomber 14.1
N ,
' AM
Nownisroin.. .NZIUM.A , A.
Leaves Olsanana....---Mood ay, Jelly
Loaves do --...-Thoreday, July 12th.
Leaves do ... ---Moodar, July MI.
La= do .. Thorolay. August 2,1.
Lethth ...... --Monday . . August 13 2 1
Leaves do ..- -.-Thorday August
Leaves do ..... ..tte r gg B•Atelitbeir
Leaves do
Leath. do ..-. --Motolay.Vat h. .
Les , . do ----Thursday,Octob er ith,
Lesvos do ----Monday. October UM,
Leans do • --.... -Thuraday, October Dish.
Leaves do November fith.
Learn do -....--.Thersday, November 14th,
=yea- _ —m.un Moths= NU.
The Boats of tole Line have large and imakros among
modatione br Damengera; and also for heights, and alter
nately make Ten Day Trip from Clevehuid to the Para
of lake SUP4lor.ftrreoli the UNITED aTATES MAIL,
proomumeting Mmasad and Detroit...lth the
of Railroads and SteamersSteamers The Boats of the al me
ere =mother] In point of 11P2110 and 1000V.40-
11/Tlirf. and the trip to Lath Sups= of the
pleasantest to th e world. end Um underelgnel 4144.
wW eith their whole attention to th e than= ofTHIS
LINK and hope. brlnamotoau, and derpatoh, to merit
Pu lesto hoer =met= with this Lin o f Ptherturer
lioato• Line of FRIIIO PROPELLEBI 11m through
to all the Port* of e are litnathor
s. g /1. 111ANDB,--- • .-----Proptierter.
Of Steamer NORTH thAeL - N . OKTEU{BNBB, and Pro
111188 BY A SINCILBAR, Arent%
.0124-10 e d Clthelsod. 0 ie.
1855. Lake Supenor Line. 1855,
111th, the nee and rut steamer PLANET
tat!, AIITAIMACC. WM run bureau bet
Ontonon. touching stall important ports, se loathe:
Jour. Detroit every 11100 , 11.7 at 2 trelook, P. 11.
the. Ontonagon every Thursday morning. anteing at .
Dotro t on Saturday-
By this arrthgement reasenthrs eau go to Lake Superior
turd berg doing the wet day. Those wishing to go
to Cleretand. But= or Memo, oth take the anther
brats nod trains ma their antral at =rode, and attire at
them Ida= on flenday menthe. •
ml..the. °sly llos running to L at he Superior that of.
bra meth rapid =nit up and bath, and the only one that
mothne Id tart over Sunday.
The (9.601 A 11 .011t017 neve the built ethrther for th e
Lake Superior trade and le the strongest...rid mart sob
toanamer in Oat thole. Nothing h . been Mated
to render her the mot safe, sitisetin sod othortetable
boat 00 tho a
great I st k settelOPlDO B. A sett B
s B.
sol&d3ot L. A PIEROPIERCE,A vet at ulthelaud.
Al virtue of a. precept under the hands of
Wm. B. Moelurk Prealdent of the Oren of CeensoOn
In and for th e ISCh Jusildal diarist of Pannayleanis,
and ustioeof tbe Cannot Oyer and Terminer. and vi =
al -Jill Delivery In and for mid Distsiot- and
Boggs and Gabriel Adams, Esq., dmodede JOUse of the
game mode, In and for the county of Allegheny, dated the
day of July, In the year of oar Lord one than.
and deka hundred and littrnve, and to me directed. to,
bathe. e Court of Oyer endTerminer and Depend Jill
Delivery, at the Ooltrt Douse in the
the l o
tober nendty of Pittsburgh, on
Publi M n na eb O eby 00 ve xat l 0 url k oeo A th
Carona, and Constables of the county of Allegheny, that
they be then and them In the proper pereonk with their
roils, sewed., amolvitions.. examioations and other le
menthysnres, to do those thins, which to their rentedd,
01501 , 0, lu their beheit ane.. to Wet mon Wee
that 1011 propervite the edema . [Mr are, or may b y e
In the jilt of said oorin”. of Allegheny, to be then and
there to prceecuta againd them as te lust.
Glean underlay taunt In Pittsburgh, thls fifteenth
i ta
of August. In the year of our Lord, one thousand el
hundred and lifty.dek and of the Commonwealth the 7 th.
aultrtd WM. MAGILL. Sheriff.
1 °SEMI wairt now carrying on tasi
ort nee In hie rpscions prembes, (now lete[y
between Yltuper end Lawrenceville, aser tha
e )
Mlle Hen. fee idly Invites the public to hoped, bis
stook of CAR AOILI, MOM, do. And he pertl-nlar•.
IT harems gentleruns pernatracra tram nos ptls unb7 .l
hide. • Ifouttern years experience In the badnem, enables
him to place before bla pstrona the suns darks celleetlon
of rearms, wtdeb so many years past It hes teen hie
mrtleaber departments select from the swims sad mart
talented henna hianisfsetbrers. .Tbe mesas of his new
eletem Is complete, the economy Olds arranaserente Pt
amply the beet and meet hi/Womble btannfeeturei at
moderate prima
Ihrenewabered by thole heavy asperomortdell the
wain fur deraratlne non.. of terninese bee heated upon
will sell
of m o ming to large
.rernts,) Josiah WMte
will sell an needy ey only, at much lees than the ne on '
N moats. • .
N.11.--CL-rriarres rewired
I. the beef simmer, with die
, adeb
THE undersigned have associated theist.
sane In dr Orccary bolas's. a n d danin.
Libeet7 Anat. tinder ths nalm O. nriCarr
WELdON. Thad ad Wildman win be addlld tb• erd.
Pletstarib, July JOUN AIIBON.
ATTE WiiiiiiiTviKoresEdo arocers,
Oommtoolon Morobsato and Dr/on toZroduco ana
Idounfooturw. No. SIM I.lbatrot... Fltiatm=N.
A. F. imam
-WILKINS & C 0..,
CElmonsionb A. Wlllana
AVE removed their offloa to No. 75 Fourth
stmt. Woo:Loo nßanhlng mat at tb,la, =
ttand b aka , Itt and.
Steak bran os
business In all Ito tau_
Manta% mantra. shares llimehanles Rank atom
Onaurrant and brains bank DOLIS b29101t it 111111% rates.
tnl2 W/LEINIS a CC).
Mi. on n
eggs on.
Iron for aala
tio a an. rasa
. .
t k i IHMSE_ j ki Manufsotattir of eveas
. riot, of VIAL!, BOITL/10sold WINDOW '
B Porter Wine sold Omit Bottles. Demllohes
Oerboro s &Illot Glass l la every_verletr. Warehours,
Ism 104 sad 133 ma 1.141 .14 N. Plttabstrib,,
• .. • lo
.na Po Nerobant, SY seakeved to No. 111.1
• SenioviL ' • •
CUTHBERT & SON t have remcvad
their Itsal rotate 'and Gemmel . Agency MO tO NC
• Oa
I SAL&H DICKEY & CO. two removed. to
Its. SO Water sad U Prost sts, irsrshomos
anode N a srds am. On Olt •
W. HERSTINE & CO., have removal
■ rtollealS Witardnoßtornerofebanewrians.
1161LROAD HOSE,. of 6,8, and ju inch
'calibre, India Subbrelao.h. Ihr ton* htLrhon•.
• at thy laylik Rubb•hD•pot, No. Ulf Itlart•t street.
8-4000 lbe. in
Do. AintliST,
siva Huse mr.u.
SUNDRIES -8 bble. Grease; .
5 swam Tattler 1 no : ou mow. wry land
Ali D 10111! 100.
foetal° by _
a buxuaxa.
'Moss Pork Just
it I EiltArnarii,
EAD-50 rigs St. Louis Les& •
I " ali. Bl einiartit ibterift.
'FLOUR -100 bb a. extra, rnWesona..l(
e el "' arm . lattly USW sti4t.
§ I IIELLED PORN - 1400 bushels .
01,11 in otors owl its oololta A. it NA
No. 1111 Water street:
bs, a y eitin store
Sli ir ? " 3 "- 4"r ' ' ulAr t him i Ta l ats "
- -- t OURZU aMaz —Moioe brands
mit* awb DAV /1> 0. WNW,
=We iabmsy smatasim
' 5001. ;• for a by .
N: A. /ALUM/VW& • OA
/ICarIiNNA - 45(iffir.6/ 18 . 1.
cv 'AA & k. II I t le,llol=[ • CO.
fAO/1114-304 bap air to Iprime kr- sale
PT' A trbttla.• ka prime
fb. ow by x alum &CO
COY lk i'4oo itall42o oz. band awl
& % of, manna saw.
Plifaktfi 1401V-44* lb QA .hand
L 4 am+ on .44 Dr: waft IttAMLISM
AVVV I) 0ne.400 elms on hand
ikws 4u5 4+00e3 , - ilia •ELNALIOI nor:
1414114 -
oohs rot thal•At by EMUS. UM OD
"IL —3O bpa9 . N: *hale sad Tanners
yjrA isms i 4.144, WS% Matz
SPAUf.I-101 Otis liki—Wahs.
4...imagboal W
wolf W 1 OM we*
Bluets—Another tot of,
m enerseeetter aremonezirea,„,„,.
WAVING POWDS6-13 dos. of Preston 6 ,
WYN'sPI" " "WO itiup-441:
L D S emu ow* imon"di liglatiktfi;
_ • kbA s i , t ,,
smai Ito
wI: - .1
Dissolution' iof, , Co -Partnership. -
NOTICE 'is here lil &ea' that th . C o .p ar t.
nershipbecetokhreattaing sta4er the ~...1.,..0.
city crilltrttl i gn. 31 tkotikk i ;T i* ai n . 11 =h th A
Frederick. Lorene, iiar lukkv= t h
e. rakateined
Irk the article. a co- D. lithß AM the ender
[seed. lambs e a 'sad /ea arra ere safberial to
wale the trainees. at theler.,Na.- 63 Warr treat.
Pittsburg. , • ; - THO& Wlollllllidl.
.! 11:11.. LORYYL ,
. •
Pittahurgit. August Us.
omit • oattintukare at that patitosalie
ed to Lis
tlasto• taken the oratlre stock of On cdd, erg and
thonottgaly taapalred the asverslf arteries and made rose/
Important tmwoee-+M., tail cells sordidant h. dIED inter.
dass prompW andeati P. B. WS NZ
47 -
1N retiring [rem • IGlau bueineen 1 elite
in'eweetneetene 197 1.10 reeor,• ?Ir. F. It.
R.ENZ, to tha Moods line mum:errs of lAN, aid &to ea
bring eraperod to readar-goed eaktlmorkat th. asarn
tit. Di Male ordars ••• one bx whom thar ••_plso• sow
tldance. auli MO& WI0111•31*N.
Dissolution .f Partners h i p. ,1 :t
rrinE Partmeieblp eretoforo ,. ' , exisiiiik be
t te.n the end L ... • Nu ibis eft) Idltd , dirddrrid
hi rantdd waned, r• nom of thentrat •011 ho ret•
tied ty gam. or the ergo... , tbidr
at lidk luc. d e t i . u nb b. b .
°"llid.ridy'Bol.-I,__ ANOUB Meat
t i eh
IHAVE &ie . ;
t utt r e t .. R. . . ja. , cirithme
to th e ramirding.,;Os solatioa sod Predoi bylirda
sad did mations c oder. th io stybl 3I
t ANJBILL • .: . • L . A. eBANS.
Mcßan L t 4 InJer,*,
(Baceeseore lo A. & A. Moßene,), ~.
1 j caelers.,D.i.bork.r.plovhdostg and Product
gmdrraby, So. 114 adescid limit. Motored+. At ,act2o
Dissolution bf Partnership:
frIPFI ItEACiAN*.:ABLL' is this
sy . stssalrsd :eocoesit; AD , Zetenn_ lo said arm aui b te id boedlste psynot to Due
nt . Am., Jr. who Is seta. to m Mtn up the Mime
of the ton. • A RADAN. --1
Plttabossa. Aug 7th./ 6. .DANLN1.At1...4.... ,
morn. M tatitirin "totatensiithirllbeW
eed ...YU DAY GOUDA tendons. et Ins old. Am&
N.. c. 91 Naha Kento* e
n. the arm of D. Ante•h.
Blto...ner• thereat be Penman Watt IYOL_Th. nene.
.1211 ottL LW farm, . - b . AllhaLt,,
r • - • •
I corffietly reymcoyd above ths. to tin cottony.
of the home and the aoblle yanshy. • •
eal6 A, ...HAGAN.
lIE uo-Partnerehip heretofore existing
between the astleeshoteet, meta the stile of PAL - .
HANNA& 00.. Ties tali . !Ley dlatotredby emboli:s%7 .
Te.beet.....rta. Lecd rut b. ..atue - b 7 J. - 12AN9ta-!'
rod WILK. sear, it uottlte or their Irmo
os. Hart I Co. WAThail
Penhatatthe July Mat, nee. WlO. K. HAIM
UZNA, HART, & Co.(swimseesorti
mehHannah Oh) vill continue the Berihingind gar ,
boairme In the aloe heratofore oeeneW to Pal
tito . r i,u.i. xt t Tr a r ti. td= hostas. ,
IN retiring front bueineee, whieh I hart"
for some time aouteulidated‘ I would obese/ta..3W
mend th e yard.. coon:losing the now Ina of HANNA.. ,
KAMP er OD, se wall dwarfing the patronage of the pat ,
rocs an L Mende of the bpi arm ad wall se the PAL DahWElL.lia Ise
JAPING sold thy Pdapabis and sioali.Of
Powder sad taw 10 11. AAP: lIIDWILL. I aboar#ls.
roam:ma Mat to mar Mimi sad crostomos
Pitt.bursts, April 3. /•• a , "A"'
. - .
. . . , .
j HAVE won J 22 13 .1: Worth. 'with':
Lme In the Polrd -03 .
t adored. and mil„
alotb..os naroallar fad r the Wl* of DILWORTH-Arr.
. .. . ... .., ..
Du Pout and . Hazard Goo Powder,
15 . 6 raotirr wart. pirrsausair. -
B:2RY vaii Sportang . Mining 144
Blaatlng Yoram. way. on hand and Por ails from
a. tamps tarsos.•
lELAIneh : s ' Ats and ea .111'61am • sand In their
a.v. o r 6 P. 61..tard=rat =ran& and by II A- EL
ava.u.v,v In this • aSl.l4t
PEE Co T.' ership heretofore existing
at S. Ai LCiNG sod JOHN 111ILLLPS, in' Um
v ot;lros =arol IlMine...M Gar
Th. Molar of lab &MIMI be ostessers. A
LONG, who arm it to collam whatir Aso, and
1,11:Zt-isi •1856. - .tobplatips.
'ruinntiness f Siass - Younding end-Gas
ittenirmill b r modootod b 7 thrurdoe.
gffigLIYPVI II GO"j I. Na.
" 6 !"J s kil Wharf: *
D oo l ,lll Mao the parkstal RUGG &Ay,
I. Whims from 4. YonnOloff:loki 6,0 rinse'
budimm, I mammas Xmas. 0t)to
rot- -
m; ' Attila day tialy2d,llB4 s i-
Motme,m Meek, tool; ha. to am Wiser.;
ir: nOild solicit Ibr htet Um einettooame of,
beetetd upon me. Att, venom lettng..7
themeelveo Intebtod to me ere name ..d °Woad wale
up. m I dedget Lae the city.. T..Y; Creld le dtdr mit ,-
ttunisedto settlel snide/am_ JOl4l A.ooLddta.. , ..
BE Stove bitontese and Tin, Copper ei , *
pmt Tr.. :„..i. , ... z . v t r , _ln all Itr besandut. :.
be onatoned at the , 0 •d. ISt Wooketteet.. ,
der the .• e and et I* ot T. J. Crals d 0, -
Pad 1 • _ TH03:1: cniac—,
NOTJC.E.-Fin consequence of havint:solct,
oar Owner :4 lp: the •Umbria Iron Cowpox, thi',
Ei nemW m iali v er , e 4
inu e=kg r andia the %mot o
Wo iirght •
wrehlp antethay wader the fL1.110? - ar 41110Fairt
GICR. at Carohr l ea th roa, are bo th dlwalwal. The • IMF
Amu mill be matted Ise by th e wanettwe the Pure= a
2424 Nears 8. atlas eethorlsed to we the num
of the re 6 9. 4l Tgdr I.tt4lng tW
. • BORO STINL) . '
Kant I. teat (ahead • P. BEIDIMBERGISK:
CoT ditership Notiob. •
%IRE underspg.ned hare-this-day - entered
Into eaeartneremp. and having lased fort taiaCof
IratihiMP O
er g i taile rea
exs Vly. exacted aj. ,
teed ix the thane nn BklLEtoll 9 o " =f steel :
//War Cbeeety, Fanna."
1535.—1ean tr Klatt t RHODES. -
, I i ta rissolution. .-,
► &111 o W. & B. McCEPTCHEON is
i. tar day{_dl red by - Ilatttatha. The "earths' ,
to rit tm. 7"9 =Viljrholla=l:!.art
irlll 6 maths althea:wow of Litenr and ireih egma
haler tha stil4WM. NeCUSCIICON k CO.. who mill-ht.
tend ta the me ant et UM btaduas of The ha* tom
Platatrchvh. Avail lat. 1165. ~. WEL ICOUTCEICON.
• - 77 - 1,
D on •, e ••
HE min .nhip formed bil k t Jomdermi.o.
affea. in ram Au_thiti t 7&injt
ths mum and Az*
&MILLS& ain°l " 4 ' .. JOHN 11...
s. Is wind- ...-----...---aaa fasters *
. sal radi m , ! IL
... seiliTh ag zi Doil,Wl •
&as - 91 -- otalod,
oop,osto. to..nyk.oo D. W. =ll & tall*
tookabotka oft Oamtal Adore r. Oomadoor. soal,
sza=gos===sa t rlgns=
sodasurseding *Wham sad a- .1. 1., 1 sad 'OWN; tom ""'
make of all toudassibst aow to to sole _ ,•
e.n...i ,
mi EWS Di vrt CHBAL
..7. : ' w
Thr : W .
yonoa. Tho late flan of .10 . z To a'-
QUM rif bank a by . dhe Of ..i ~
Lo tit t
tlUsuodualausdthaul . • . at tladr af o* 0/ ii ,
Raw sad rot struts
aut. 30.11104. l aa MAO JODI& sonata .
rsx& .. ./L0 tJ NEB,' Manufacturer of :. ripl , l
od Maar Etteal. Plaash D r ab' d
Woad Baur
tuso U5a5—.....1.---....-....—..a. Imes . .
71 B. Ex t. x, ib O o .. L hin OS
agar ot Bass WAWA
• V"
i W Sat
1 e
r , T•'ll
D • ntion'ordo-Pelitnentkipt: r...-,
of LIVINGSTON. .1104.10DN4, ,
co. atekeletibartb Dareite Meth. irst - --
be the deage et az. Job* J. Ratan Oel the'llAt4- 11 .,
of WA. The beelesesoir Abe -.. • --• .. , - , ~ ~. 1 .
N:0 volt". Woirlis ~.'.--',..!
1 1 111 be contlget to AR Iteeraaebee be the eareiebeiPlibi .
ilviNasTON, OovELANG - tc CO..
,_ erbo will sZeORMAIA Up Or siOnat to. late esee. , _ ye:‘
tubutib..... . ..
' r i rlilifa ' --''" .
7 , ,
jir: ., , ,....44..., , ..........:
. -4 ,..,.
THE arehip hentofore- meting be. -.
I. twat Use anderagoed blob= toll des dleeolted!. i
by 1011t11111 itpim . ii. nor who have wine again* Vert .
notuanr=tlsert=thr" I'!"1,
- il t rard. l i tliM i , ' .
Tag . • Insipid .ba .. tri a mittidni-wi itam '_'. :
us ' tb6cl
, iamt I . lft triaass'= "i m ir ilit ::;4
es Abe bermes:
Vaereb..isse I.itEr w y l i a l?- 3, ZHU, D. CARD,
IVOTIOE--The late title of Wick
• at oDasomiefflrg
D Bartiving Zs=
tha 111P—Me Th O 1
"Un- tad Iritll int ll ltaVtreh i lthrt i vt'aetait 6 t - i
DUNK ten Pi mpolp o,ceontlusi_nir botes•Di ,
c.f.) sad o=aliiimases, at t he old acme
:Vert Z V MireATAVV r t M14:,•: ,1
Ms • acmtlawboakof Plartnalrfla p n
• • 4—..5t7 _ ..•
_ CollartuaiNkt , aeeociatea a.
tb• 91 dayet7al7.3o2l. It. IItrOUIRC.... I.
MARV:IA . 4.
1 1 4
veithbl JOntl'r?"'"Firi"=g
a • bani zt, namtbasati
oantiebod ender .4.1: 2 3U1 ABM.
Om *AEC a•Vett tahh 01ld sad 7.emtb vtr.oti.
~wrr, • tuut • "T•, .. Mes- - -.-..-...'''''
re MU OF W. NOLINTOt kagos.4.;,.
w ..d .rdairtgek& N W u ell a dik s ="4. r :•-i..
, .
pi t . . a. sot:Aa."`ltas -! N ~ ' 7 '. - '• l'
issolution oz Co-Paztaership• 1
r l i mo
Partnorshi which heretofore cc".::"s
.r. 4i a 1..% ~., i t a, In. 1 ,p, -, ,'in -1 4. :
feta l .... t=wffe5....,,,.,.., ; •,: 1 _,-; , : ::.
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