The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, August 09, 1855, Image 2

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PITTS'EMR4H:''-': -
,Adranoe Paymenta.--Rareafter .!no, Rik
eetirtios b• khan ibr. the Galli or teeth Gazette.
...airs, wawa k rd. la ...Meeks.. -Whenever. the
peso le he •to which the insbecription Is pald, the paper,
-GUI be knitted," kopped, Gahm the ettherriettoo le re
ailed hiadtaato Minot. all transient advertising.
of *very. deeetteto. .1 1 1 req.U.d. to to p.m in ad
'Later. The oak ezteptlau ar here ape..ded month
17 or Tearly cooked, are ma.. are4Ati
te.plitiberio Weekly (lazetto! ixtftsin
demillittop Off= IRsity Cknetre offal to our Wilma inn
•moK&dMk medium of Making %M an i
Our atntalatka la betvienll,o2ll/141 ivethommad, madam'
emed•varymorebtat, eisantedttreer and ihopkorper In.
Wasters Pennalenals. and 8441.4131M11/1.
ateaalea Matter tat • taeliesse 'at Ma 'patter.
Tan RIMOVAL or Gov. Bantriu.—The Philo
- delphis North Asterium, - in" article on this
. . -
salderst sap:
borderirffare very much afraid
,thatlhe effect of alt these transaction will be to
Beunie the election of Governor Reeder to the
- Vnited:Gtateo Senate from the State of Penni:7l
- which ease they fear that'll% knowl
-,tedo of their iniquitous doings might be treed
, i&geinit that with effect in the Renate. We have
seen no mention of such a parpole as his
anywhere la Pennsylvania, but hevis un
doubtedly& strongman with his party.'
With the honest ',taiseee Of the party he is,
unquestionably, a strong man at this moment,
on account of the treatment he has retnived; bat
with the party leaders and managers' he has no
strength. They-will cast 'him off at the bidding
of the President. Already the
,Peneicele . d and
Mercenary premises of the National Administra
tion, in this state, are lifting their coitus in con
damnation. They regret, they say, . that he
should be removed; but, they regret still - more
-- that he should have given • cause for that remo
•val. In other words, the Goveinoris wrong and
theTiesident ,It is plain ehat trim his
party, as a party, the. ex-Governor has nothing
to hope. In his own immediate neighborhood
the party trill revolt in his favor; bat it will be a
mere local outbreak. If be expects to receive
the justice at home which the President has
denied him, he must throw himself upon teepee.
pie. To most the administration party for a Till
dication would be, orse than leaning on a bro.
This two leading charges upon which the Pres
idea( originally predicatod his threat or removal,
were "purobsses of Kansas Half Breed Resorts-
Stour, - made by him in the Territory of Kansas,"
end 11180, "other epaiulationi in bads of the Ti.
ritory of Kansas apparently in violation of sots
of. Congress and of regulations or the Depart.
mitt." • - • _
- With regsrdto the first, Gov. Reeder thus Ins
"In relation to the firetcharge, ofpnrolutee of
'Half Breed Kansas lands, I have to say that I
Lave purchased no such lands at all. With otb
ors, L have agreed to purchaie them in ease the
contemplated purchase obeli receive the sanction
and appmbation of the President; and this, in
my opirioa, is a material and substantial differ
ence. Until the President, by-Lis' approbation;
and the venders by the execution of their deed',
consummate the contract; it precludes us from I
any intermit in the land, and even tho privilege
of metering upon or possessing it. — Vendors and
ereudees until then preserve all their rights nn;
changed and unaffected:: and if the President
shall not assent to the oontreds, it will he the
BUM as though _they had never been made. If
there is any wrong In the matter, it is not a
wrong'committed, but at most only a wrong at
tempted, and,-in the faceofallprobability, &wrong
which we expected to be sanctioned by the
- To the other charge, as specified by the Indian
agent, G. W. Clark, viz marking out claims up.,
_ on Indian reservations, he errs
"in reply, I have only to say, that es stated it
untrue. In October, 3We, several gentlemen,
. ^includin g myself, happened -- to be at the house
•of Mr. Ellison,- in a portion of the Territory
with 'Which we were entirely unacquainted, and
had never seen before. Being informed that de
sirable claims were to be had . in the vicinity up
an lands open lo pre - emption , we requested that
hi would mark out force, end knowing - that the
-Kansas Half-breed lands. were in the vicinity,
but utterly ignorant of their lines, we molested
him carefully to avoid entering upon them ea
we bad no desire to trespass upon those reeler
vaticlw, and knew perfectly well that the mark
ing of a nisi= upon' an existing reservation
would be utterly Made= and nugatory, result
ing In the lore of our labor without the least
eintuen of benefit.
Mr... Ellison preftssed to know the lines, and
mewed us be would avoid there reliance; we
left before the claims were marked, and I have
never seen Them since, nor do I now know wham
they were epode. I do 'not believe that-Meagre.
Ellison and Kraemer mad* them upon these re
eervationi, or if the di d, lam satisfied they did
.it in a mistake of t h e ' linen. Finding that we
build not Personally occupy them, and that with
„nut earimaney emerald not acquire title to. Mem,
'we abandoned all idea of them, and hive never
looked after them from the day they were made.”
• The Horientar aubstentiates his statement With
the following testimony:
- I, Edward C.- McCarty, of Jackson county,
Ifiluouri, hereby State that in the early part of
the month of October, I was at the house oflrarit
'Ellistm, in the Territory of UMW; on the south
side of Kansas river; that, In company with Gov.
Bui4Ag,', Judge Ellmore, fidge Jelutaton Dr.
&QM" of Virginia, J. -8.. Dennison, O. B. Donal
eon, emit'. A. Williams, .I staid all itight - at'lthe
-house of Tarts Ellison and I. J. Kraemer:. that
'in the naming, whilst the party were preparing
to start, Mr. Ellison stated that_ there was dut
iable Led emus the met open to pre-emption;
and span inquiry being made bysome of the par
ty whether It did not interfere with the Kansas
half-breed lands, Mr. Eakieo' pointed out the
A, — strintral'elites above where he Said the
breed Kansas butd-ioided,and pointed out
the plus, • severalmßes below, where, as he said
the Delaware reservatieu ended. -I was myself
under the 'mune , impression as to there lines.
Bono of C10v..-Reeder's party, himself included,
than requested Mr. Ellison to mark claims there
' for them ap c o rn as he would have time to do 80,
• if- he - could make them, as he said, clear of these
reserve, which Mr. Billiton agreed to do, and
the'party left. These claims were ao marked,
but' lam satisfied they were abandoned, and
suiting done by the claimants after they were
• In the month of November, or uarly part 'of
December, 1864.1 stated to G. W. Clarke, Indian
agent, that I Intended to take a claim there, and
Clarke, in a jocular wen mid that the land was
in his agency, and he would drive me oft.
• B. C. MoCARTY.
Shawnee Mission, June 26, 1864. •
Nothwithstanding these explicit .denials, and
this testimony to beck up at least one of them,
the President persisU In regarding the charges
as tree cad making them a muse of removal.
The letter of Mr. Marcy to Gov. Reeder,
delivered to him just as he uselasving for
Narwes, ,Idnied it certain other pave accuse-
Ilona against him, besides these - two, which be
totally otalltid to specify. The Goveraer in re
PlYou7s; ,
"I would rtspectlidly requestaoms specifica
tion of what is alluded t 0,,, to enable me to re:
ply satiefluttorlifto jou u well so myself,. It
is to .1* Implied from the charge that some com
plaint has been made to the President by some
one of specific sots done by me in violation of
law or regulations, and ' I cannot' suppose it
would be received and acted on without being in
writing. At but -
,it, mast have bad form and
shape, and arse though I may .not know my
accuser, It is not too much to as h that I may
be Informed of the particular , sot which I am
'charged with Italics committed, sad the parthr
ular law I m chaoged with having viohtted."
Now the reply of tits government to
this very reisiiabie unmet:
You assn
me that when eireturistances
in th e conduct. of a public offmer, m o n
the question of hie dism6wd r wo „ which
)eau 10 be
cosoldosoil, it is the duty of the Eseentive to
ask e toilet epeothentions of thane ; sod um
this erroneous presumption you withhold eiple.
nation in 'regard to -tie matters 'alluded to, at.
though they were peculiarly within "cis ? ow ,
- knowledge; and you could not but be well aware
that some of them, more especially the underta
king of sundry minions, yourself bolo/hid, to lay
out now elute on military or other reservation,
In the Territory of Kum, were undergoing of.
Halal investigation with n that Territory. The
incompleteness of that investigadon, at that
time, prevented its being spoken of explicitly by .
this deparnrienk but it was taken for granted
that you would have Awfully volunteered ex
. :planzdons upon this eubject, so far as you were
emeemed, more particularly an you bad sum.
,mooed the Legislative Assembly of the Tarrito
-17 to meet'at one of the places referred to, de
nominated in your proclamation , PawnsaCity..'
.... have, therefore, by the dins:Sloe of the Pres-
Hint, to notify you . that ;your functions and-sta
u Governor of the Territory of /Lamm
are kamlby terminated.' - ,
na, at; rospeatkilli,v r oi obedient siernint,
Acting Secretary of : State.
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ministration would have informedidin of the ne
tom of the vague one f ehat he might be permit:
tate° anforwrit' also. ' , Mut it ryas` not -desiredi
Silt be stauld . elearAirmudf, altAidrue #ec
liiin to hiiirdld dot epee'
Renee a loop-bole was left for his removal upon
a colors Me-pretext, by therinwission to specify a
°tiena whieh he wan required to refute.
In rcforence to the charge hinted at but not
specified by Mr. Marcy, and now for the first
time del Oa 'the letter conveying the Govern
or'e re moval, the,WasMngton Union says :
The aseocion for the so-called Timms
City,' In which allnilon is made in the letter of
'the acting Searetary'of State to Governor Reed.
er,-end the articles of association of which are
given uoite, was an organization to found a town
upon a tract of land which lies some distance
inside of the exterior bottridary of the military
site of. Fort. Riley. The limits of the site, as
miginelly.deciared in orders from the War Do.
partment, embraced a larger amount of land
than the Presidia deemed necessary for military
pupates after the extinction of the Indian title,
and the reservation.was reduced, but this 'Paw.
nee City' was inside of the reservation thus re
duced. It is proper far us to. say.that for per
witting this encroachment upon the lands of a
milliary site, and for complication In the acts of
the amociation, and for military offences eon
needed therewith, the commanding officer of the
post of Fort Riley is to be tried, on charges pee.
ferred against him, 'haters aeourtmartial, which
has been ordered to assemble for that purpose."
We have no doubt that Governor Eteeder can
explain all this as Satisfactorily ad .. the other
charges ; and the Prisident evincei his
tion to thet effecAfremoving him before he
can have the opportunity of explanation. .
It is impossible not to see that ill these alle
gations-art trumped up to conceit] the real cause
of removal. Even the Westport (Mo.) News, the
special organ of Vice President Atchison, says :
"The Preellent in our opinion, selects the
weakest point of complaint—the Governor's spec
ulations in the Haw land.; bat it enables him
to' carry , out his - misereble policy, originally
adopted, and we doubt not, the decision Is al
ready made, and delayed In its execution for de
oeney'lleake, -or it may be that . the__ hearts of
the people may be prepared' for the royal edict."
Fortunately for the cause of truth, we are not
left without evidence of the motive which actua
ted the President in this 'removal. Jameson
Davis, the prevent Secretary of war, in a recent
tour to the South, spoke of the appointment of
GOT. Reeder as one that was not St to be made,
because it stood in the way of the purposes of
the South, and gave the assurance to Me South
ern friends that he would be removed; and in a
recent letter from es-Governor Baown, of Missis
sippi, the truth is plainly revealed, that there
is no ponibility of misunderstanding it. That
distinguished luminary of Southern politicians
esys, "The appointment of a governor of Ken
"sus is an mot of vast eorwegur.nos to the South.--
It eoggeets to neat one. the restoration of the
"equilibrium which was lost In the admission
"of California, and the extension of Southern area
"and Southern km11540;14. These are consider
"lgloos which elevate the appointment far above
"the petty considemthme that usually surround
"such acts. If the president made a mistake
"in appointing to this poet a man of strong
".Free Soil proclivities, we UM she auurance of
his territory that A. will qmeelity' *et the rustier
This was some time ago—before any charges
of hind speculation were brought forward. The
removal of the Governor was promised, am; and
it was only because the President bad not the
pluck to remove him boldly, in aceordanee with
his promise, that these land epeaulation charges
were resorted to. And when even they tailed of
being substantiated, the Presidenk, is compelled
to; put fbrward ► new charge and remove the Gov,
artier before he can have time to explain! Nev
er was device so pitiful nor trick so transparent.•
THZ EXPEDITIOL—The expedition of
COL Kinney to Nicaragua, which has made no
little noise in the world, and which mulled our
government and the courts immense trouble,
seems to be a peaceful affair after alt After
great may delays, and several arrests, Col.
Kinney made his , final escape from New York,
with some twenty or thirty followers, in a small
vessel, which iwas afterwards wrecked on one
of the reefs of Turk's Island. All the lives, and
most:of*, property were saved, and re-embark
ed in a small schooner, and which arrived at
San Run, or Greytown, at the mouth of the
San Juan, winch was so gallantly bombarded
_by our gbvernment about a year ago, on the 16th
of July. Here the. company landed, and Cot
Kinney had an interview with the Nicaragua
and Costs Rica authorities, at the house of the
British Consul, to whom he stated that his object
was the peaceful colonisation of certain lands in
N i caragua, to which be believed he had a valid
title; if the validity of that title should be dis
proved, be would abandon it, although he had
expended thousands of dollars on the euppoaition
of his lawful ownership. This explanation seem
ed to Ore sal/dun:ion to all parties, and the
hospitalities of the place were warmly extended
to the Colonel and his piety. At last accounts
he was building a house in Oreytown, which
would be the handsomest in the town when com
pleted. When done, and poesisidon taken, ar
rangements are made for excursions Into tie
terior to look idler the Colonel's lands, and to
Make preparations for settling them. Such is
thefts., of the affair at present. If Cot Kin
ney has any filibustering designs, the ridiculous
psucity of his - forces will prevent them from be
ing carried out.
CL/MILASD 4911) PlllllOOlOll RAILIOAD.—The
receipts of this road far July have given great
satisfaction to its friends. The amount is 9 69 ,- .
101,94, being an increase of 61 per cent. over
the corresponding month of but year. The great
amount of this increase Is in freight, mostly from
coal, immense quantities of which are now
trensported over the read. The Cleveland Her
ald, noticing the road, pays the following tribute
to the ability and Sdelttj of its officers:
"No road in this country is better officered and
managed, President Rockwell is devoting kis
time, talents, experience and IatIOIICO to the
advancement of the beet interests of the Com
' ploy, and Superintendent Durand is an ener
getic worker, who discharges every duty of his
depart:mast with sound judgment and signal
success. The employees are selected with ref
[TED°, to skill, sobriety and faithfulnesa. The
prompt, economical and general good manage
ment of the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad,
and its consequent_ freedom from casualties, are
the remark of ail conversant with the Lice. To
Cleveland the road is of incalculable value, and
very muck of the increased prosperity and
trade of the city within a few years past, is
directly attributable to the opening of this im•
portant thoroughfare."
To finish the river extension, from Beaver to
Wheeling, and furnish the necessary additional
equipments, which will require $950,000.
Towaxds this sum, the Company now has
Beaver county bonds
Allegheny county bonds....
Individual subscriptions....
'lt is expected that the extension will be com
pleted In the summer of 1866. The price of the
stook- is *drawing. in the New York market.
Tii PUBLIC Wet ne.--The Philadelphia NMI
sap: "We learn upon good authority that be
tween thi present time, end the meeting of the
next Legislature, : the Pennsylvania Bail
Etnapany will forward to his Excellency Gov
ernor Pollock, a proposal for the' purchase
of the Main !iae , ' which for . three years
Pair they hared deioted thne, labor and,
money, to decry and depreciate. What may be
thought of Ode contemplated application by the
Closerbor of the Legislitare/ire, of course, are
not prepared to say. The Governor In the per
formance of the duty assigned him tinder the
Act of Assembly, will have nothing to do with
the proposal but to terrord it to the body indi
cated by the Ant, and that body, if its members
shall represent truly and with fidelity, the sen
timent, of the eonsUtuenoy whose agents they
are to be, will kick that proposal from the halls
of legislation."
POLITICAL Konizzarrs.—The Know Nothings
of Lancaster county have reaolved"to hold
open Convention, with the usual maohinery, for
the choke of &count'', ticket.
The Sepialtems of . Cissford county hare bad
orgs,trd,' and balled s county eon
' ntkontojneit on ' the 10th of September, to
aominste s :county ; SOW: ~ , The Cantos:MS/
Bemis *adorns ll* isovesentiotartily.
Thr Espatikuns of Ihampielisans county nom
hlati Wiz %los* tiokifoYYaadq MU.
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U the i:o — ei;eiliTtic;cl:rile. eaten'. ,
We passed,.'lestenttlity4.throup thtiforele kat ,
$n election. " As provided for , by stantniethe
:polls were tietened,'ancl , ;,priviligea Oanted,, to
such as were "...right 'on the - gitlise,"•With-'-iifew
exceptions, to exercise their elective franchise.
Never, perhaps, was a greater farce, or as we
iiiiiiidd d eem it, tragedy, amide& 'Hunareittrind
.. , ,
thousands were d eterred RIM voting ki.,, direct,.
acts of intiraidation„ other', through , fear of eon
seenences, and a multitude from the Itiekinf
proper facilities. ,The cityrindeitg, Wee, dazing
the day; in Possession of an • armed Mob,- - the
base passions of which were infuriated to the
highest pitch by the incendiary appeals of the
newspaper orga n and . the popular !endorser the
Snow Nothin . party..
- On Spiday night large detachmente of mien
were sent to the *bet and Second Wards to nee
that the polls were properly opened. These
men the "Americna Executive Committee" sup
plied with thi requisite refredunuat, and, es
may be imagined, they were in very fit condition
on yesterday 'nothing to see that the rights 'of
freemen were respected. Induced they.: dis
elierged the important trusts committed to.them
in such manner as to commend theni forever to
the admiration of out-laws! They opened the
polls ; they provided ways and means for their
own party to vote; they bluffed and bullied ill
who could not show the sign; they, in fact, coc.
vorted the election into a perfect farce, withoht
one redeeming or qualifying phase.
We do not know when.or bow their plan of op
erations were devised. Indeed we do not sn a re
to'know, when such a system of outrage--inch
pirildy—such dastardy—was conceived. We
only blush for Mucky that her soil was. th e
scene of such on rages, and that some of her
sons were poetic pants in the infamous swindle.
It would be i ossible to state when or how
this riot common ed. By day break the polls
were taken pose ion of. by the American party,
and in pursuanc of their preooncerted game, ,
they need every tratagem or device to hinder
the vote of every an whu could' not manifeet
to the "guardian of the polls" his soundneds 1
on the Know Not log question. We ware per
sonally 'witness t the procedure of the party In
certain wards, an of these we feel authorized
to speak. At tho Seventh Ward 'we discovered 1
that for three hours in the outset in the morn-
log it was impossible for those not "posted" to
vote, without the greatest difficulty. In ti r e
Sixth Ward a party of bullies were masters of
the polls. We saw two foreigners driven from
the polls, forced to run a gauntlet, beat minter-
Welly, stoned and stabbed. In the case of one
fellow, the Hon.. Wm. Thomason , formerly a I
member of Congress from this district, inter.
fered, and while appealing to the maddened
crowd to cease their acts of disorder and viol.
lance, he was struck from behind and teat.—
His grey hairs, his long publio service,lle
manly presence, and his thorough Americaniemi
availed nothing with the crazed mob. Other
and serious fights occurred in the Sixth Ward,
of which we have no time to make mention now.
The more serious and disgraceful disturbances
occurred in the upper Wards. The vote east
was but a partial one, and nearly altogethei
on one aide. No show was given to the friends
of Preston, who were largely in the majority;
but who in the face of cannon, muskets and
revolver., could not, being an unarmed and quiet
populace, confront the mad mob. .8o the vote
was cast one way, and the result stand before.
the public.
In the morning , as we state elsewhere , Georg e
Berg, a carpenter living on the corner of 911!
arid Market, was killed near Hancock street.
A German named Fritz, formerly a partuer at
the Galt House, was severely, if not fatally beaten.
In the afternoon a general row occurred on
Shelby street, extending from Maio to Broad
way. We are unable to ascertain the facts eater
, earning the disturbance. Some fourteen or liti
1 teen men were shot, including aloe? Williams;
Joe Selvage, and others. Two or three. were,
killed, and s number of houses, chiefly German 1
coffee boozes, broken into and pillaged. About
4 o'clock, when the vast crowd, augmented by
secessions from every part of the city, and arm=
ed with shot-guns, muskets and rifles, were pro-t
reeding to attack the Oatholie church, on Shelby
street, Mayor Barbee arrested them with a
speech, and the mob returned to the. First Wird'
polls. Present] a large party assembled with.
I a piece of brass ordnance, followed by a number
of men and boys with musket& In an hour af.'
I threw& the large brewery on Jefferson street,
near the junction of Green, was wet fire to. 1
In the lower part of the city, tiro eas
e dloturb-
ees were obarecterieed by • greater degree of
bloody work. Late in the afternoon, three.:)
Irishmen going down Slain street, near Eleeeuth.
were attacked, and one knocked down. Then
ensued a terrible scene, the Irish firing from
the windows of their house., on Mein "treat,
by repeated volleys. Mr. Rhodes, a river man, , '
was shot and killed by one in the upper etory, , '
and a Mr. Graham met with a similar fate, An
Irishman, who discharged a pistol at the bask of
• man's head, was shot and then hung. He,
however, survived both punithments. John
Hudson, a carpenter, was shot dead during the
Sifter dusk, • row of frame houses on Main
street, between Tenth and Eleventh, she pro
perty of Mr. Quinn, a well known !Attnelß
were set on are. The names extended seem
the street, and twelve buildings were destroyed.
These houses were chiefly tenanted by Irish,
and upon any of the tenants venturing out to
i escape the dames, they were Immediately shot
down. No idea eimld be formed of the earn
ber killed. 'We are advised that firs wee wee
roasted to death, haring been so badly wounded
by gum shot wounds that they could sot as-,
cape from the burning buildings.
Of all the estormitiee and outrages committed
by the American party yesterday and lan night,
we have not time now to write. The mob cue.
lug satisfied Ito appetite for blood, repaired to
Third street, and until midnight made demon
strations against the rout and Disseeral tams.
The furlong crowd satisfied Itself, however, with
breaking a few window panes, and banging this
sign of the ?ism °Moe.
- .
Al one o'clock this morning, a large fire is re
, giog in the upper part of the city.
Upon the• proceeding' of yesterday and lad
night, we •have- we time nor heart now to cam
meat. We are sickened with the very thought
of the men murdered, and the houses burned
and pillaged, that signalised the American via
tory yesterday. Not less than twenty corpses
form the trophies of this wonderful achievement.
The election during yesterday war, aa_near
as could be, all one-sided, the most nniair means
being resorted to by the Know Nothings to crowd
other voters from the polls.
In the Putt Ward the most excitement pre
vailed for some time, and the polls were surround
ing vo by
ter ap proache dlapro e crowd
tho c Whenev row er a d
no K
w now Noth-
as hoisted
right over the heads of all and landed at the
door, ready to deposit his vote. Several- dis
graceful tights ocotmred, and one man of the
name of Burch, who had, with - others, chase d an
Irishman- from the poll; was in tarn beset, beat- -
en nearly to death, and knocked senseless by the
man he had been chashig. Marshal Hidd, we
learn, rnbsequently arrested the Idahoan.
In the Sixth Ward several disgraceful scenes
occurred, such as six, eight, or a dozen men
pitching Into one poor Irishman and driving him
from the polls.
In the Seventh Ward everything appeared to
go on fairly and quietly, but in the Eighth It was
a one side matter, none but yellow ticket chaps
having any chance to get to the polls through.
out the day.
[The Louisville J0U171.21 lays all the blame on
the foreigners. We shall give its account to-
About half-put one o'clock yesterday after
noon, & portion of the heavy -stone cornice of the
splendid building being erected for the Ohio Life
Insurance and Truat Company, on the loath
liras& corner of Main and .Third streets, gave
way while the workmen were in the act of hoist
ing a atone, and fell upon the sidewalk Tithes
awful mall. The laullding is Mee lofty stories
in height, and the Inns of masonry which gave
way MY about duty feet in length, and im
mensely heavy, being more than two-thirds • of
the cornice on the Third 'duet front. -
Asuffocating cloud of dust .rolled up from
Abe rubbish of the fatal cornice, the massive and
graceful appearance of • which had been univer-
sally admired, and in a few moments • large
crowd collected, and the mangled remain' of sh
men quite dead, two gasping in their laat ago
nlea, and two other, badly Injured, were speedi
ly taken from the subs.
are as follows:
H. B. Curtis. the buliding contractor.. He
resided on the West side of Elm street, - near
Berenth f and - learn • wife and three daughters.
He was instantly killed, and awfully mutt.
lated„ being so dlasgnred that it was time time
before his friends roximenized
-Robert Cameron, muter builder, a well
known oldster!. Ho redded on John street, be
tween Hopkbm and Clark streets, and leaves a
wife and family.
Balser Walden, a-resident of Jamestown; Ky.,.
doing business -Bolton, being of the firm of
Walden & Vance, owners of *steam aser•milL
He I a family.
John T. Chambers, boes.ollTonSer, whose shop
is on the corner Of Third and. Western - Row.. He
resided on Perry street, between Plum and West.
ern Row. He teams wits and obbldren..
• Michael Donbeen,. an Irishman, a laborst, who
linden Baker street, between Walnut and Vine,
with his mother and a sister and brother.
'James (MIMI.
evening last, an Irishmeni, -who - cams the
city on 'Monday and was 'Stopping
with Doaheen.
WM. Dawson, a stone anittr, who resided on
Richmond ethic below Beymiller,oi man "of
Hear" Tymmann was dremitelly mangled lad
taken to the Hospital, whim be died ha like
evultni..7-011. Oats '
Ermsktt's Lotz_Printatise.—We have
utikunasC.lirsitiad.trir 2.141t,C
which Utak:oo4 4 : , irrivitig
at Bfawsßii on the istiiiraypniksits,.(the DP ' )
tamed alittedronifiemetary xotoy utferititng
him that he had been suspended. The Berakl
of Freedoms glires.the following facie in regard to
tlseiands far speculation in ethiciso...T. Reeder
.4 9Critimber" of half-breed 'each' per-
Aimed of -Government a quantity-of the public
domain-U . 4e 'mount of. one mile square, end
loiated it on the north side of the Ramie river,
Lying between the Etelaware lands on the:east
and the Pottawatomie lands on the west, malting
a strip one mile wide and thirty miles long.
North of this Milli was" that prettiest prairie] in
Kansas, and all open tosettlement, but there woo
no way to get to the liter, because these ma de
of the Kew Indians intervened. Gov. Rev er,
judge's Johnston and Elmore, and District t
tdrney Isaacs sew this awl they conceived the
propriety of buying up a few sections, no' doubt
Contemplating they would ultimately be greatly
enhanced in value . - Accordingly 'they entered
into an arrangement with the Indians, by which
agreee te eonrey certain lands to the
aborts partici (or $3 nu acre, as soon an the bar
stalashould be sanctioned by thaindian agent
and ratified by the President. Until this was
dine it was no contract."
nil Hon: /Oak : L. DAWSON arrived here es
terday after an absence of several weekei. He
diAlnes the appointmeni of Governor of au.
alic.tendered him by the, President during his
ahsence. The appointment was Itusalioited nd
• Dm—on Wedands? morntnn. August Sth.
AIDE HOWARD. Grant daaahtar of Robert S, and
loth. R. Kennads.
Rae funeral aOl take ?hoe ran x0929:99 at 9 0%104
On Tuesday •99011ug 7lis last, at by o'clock ItAnliiY,
thirdam of Hams and Sane Earls, In the 10121 year oShla
His friends and thane( Um Wally ere repeated to at.
tend hte funeral from the might.** of his ;PPM Na.l9
leirth street. on TROMIDAT; °Week P.M. tor.
eyed to the Allegheny Cemetery. The Memel serene will
tge conducted MAL Peter'. Char* grant prep tat
_ _fltu'is Celebrated Vermifoge And
Livia Puta—A Amulet combine/ km, bat eery endue.
etbettlowl. 111 ahmer-11. You. Nov. 20. 1142
Knowing. tuna experlonra, Um Valuable...l.lWe of Dr.
leLmie'a remalupe and Urn" Mk. I have for Nome time
bark Comddrant it my duty; and mike It my hod..a to
make Woes article known wherever 1 wentkunont
Mende. A abort time ago I became acquahtled with the
tar of a yoringittrl, who eteroad lobe troubled with
and liver complaint at the mom tome, and bad been rulTer
lai for mme ten mauttak Through my persciadon
mrathaeed ono bob!. of Dr...orLsooo Vererajorra, and ooh
bat at Lou' Palk eatich obi took aeonntoe to (buratto.
The noult.s. the pared a large numralty of won., and
tbluks.that ono tot more of the Ms will menmw by to
toid , ct: beelth. .lier mato sad makeup. eon he leaned
br oollkir te. t.
Dwelt Dragulak erne of flutters.
ktOeree athle
P, L' Dr. SPlarkeir "teletrated Vereollhire arid Liter
Plitt esa both he obtahrert ►t ear of the reepretata• Drag
Moir l6thYdtJ.
tr. Porchavorreill plasa weal In wit brand WA
none but Dr. Illanon Varnilraza and Lirer KU& Tlunn
an 'Wm Yarnsisnang and P.D. now Inbra U. Dohtk. bat
Fat eparaundy
Nor ode by tha pale prorniOnnl. '
ilsocoalor* in J. SW I O. 40 Wand se.
Nausea and General .Debility.—john
ButtkorMs4. No. 90 RAM o Plttoburoh. ham
Moo 111441 of t h e moo Mitimotno ken of Dpmepois.
byth• a.o 44144N...41 Maud Ant.. ; purebsout Oyes
otter malfortmo Ihr Mow mous MOB Umbel*. astoui mot
1144151 &batty attmadiog: toMmottom t atm' tool Por
footh• 0rt0n4....
Ws lump% memo Rom Moo of our 01504 And loin
'mooted dflunts. mooot Atlte butuo. Mo 1141114 to try
o moy Thuankti. ton. doim 'Waft you of Hammon
dist •
Ne advortl464mt . l4 another <Nkomo.
• learned writer. Dandy,
.s,sys: "Dryden,
to many his brilliant tattoos artery at. raw 15-ata and
Kra handl& Mooted tam mama plan. dross is and oaf.
&waif am no Ann. Was datandatit.' Daatitta Porta for
praaarlottanfot mat and pitatlas damns stridlevad 1t.,.
sth.r tuantr. ladiaittke, and that
...,, conillUon
yid* la lamed a writ or itritahla tuts
at* Dolifid of rittona Tb. inittodiata or'
Inthstmee arayl.Uon, le totally altatttut the vista •
and the dlipooltion 1 raking' =manta, it o Sonora Its
tower to dynast taw ohnalation of at btato , tnd
amnia fanutlat to An, Nook who net to 11th
may tartlyant ',inerrant narglaztre Gonna.
Dinar," told tatitudvely I. this tountay by• Dr. C. If.
Jaoliaoa. 190 Arab and by hlt *Mt.-
whnithenitnts. aniklant
The Greatest Iledical Discovery
MT KlauLedy, of Roxbury. has &seemed
la on Orval. acme" mutiny wee& • randy tad nun
of /how. Atom Airard ACIVISieto • CE......11
if. hr laio4 It to owmr olive* liwatirM roam sod voter
&W.:1141'1mo( bi two Gum cloth titaMer th
now le Wk tomato* caws tiro hoodrod owlithoros of its
salvo. all wields tines, allot of Sono&
Tow Ileum+ Si. witiastlif ti dim • airslnit aro moat*
Web throstotuss son tiro worst Mad of iimplin
tbe tica.
2* to *bile hoittho ow e►ar lb* rrirtoto . at
Too hottlao ate warrant...l' to cm. tho vont coolie, la
inoutb mod lamed
(la. to taa WA., an ■amwted to ears al Immo in
boa:Wan warrantor' to ours mantas rd' tb. oar.
rW Iblotatewassood Unfair.
Four to de bottlers ane warranted to cm arrant sad
musing lama
etie kettle •m ears mar waunn of the ob.
Tin to throe botine aro warranted to Own td. m - otet
ranger ringworm.
- Two to Mae bettlie are warranted to WY. &ha 611,4 des
mate ram* of rheosnatlas.
,Tbs.. to Ora bottles aro warranted best. ma ream
nen to debt battles will MIN the MITA OM of armfuls
A. tomtit la always experienced from the drat bottle,
44tikan. print rare Is warranted wben lb. above 43 nantlty
.• On g sog looks Improbable to lbws be hoee la vas
tried al the voederfol asidkines of the dim as that •
otailisa void voila( In ths Visistsve end eh./ old
steno wells. mboold cure ries' humor to the rntoric ret
Vls nova Said SW. If yea tame shams Whoa to Vast
Thom 0141 0014 iniana• hosts or bob about la koalas
Valois vuotearaot won. ooddivlover • thousand W-
U* OH (a thaelAnltr loton. I know Its sabots to
osetT cult taboo shwa) dm . oflhogrenteotcara t
km 000 Iv Masochisetia. km It to shlldren • par
obt to old social of lair. I hive awl )orailnier.nomS
esokbas oldletron. whose lab vie olat Oad flabby. rewired
lo *perk:toast. of health Dr vie bottle. •
To those man Maw* to • slek lisodesbi. ono bogie
VIII liken tt item rest to.
to Wank mid
dinhvis. 80010 Ida bare area teal% fee seam hare to.
• lon' sad boonregolosal by It. :Wham the bodr.te mold
l i
rust Sans owl, Lot when Uteri Is sok dons r ot
et thr Tonetlinai ornate:a. It will oeue env .mi llerseel
brinkinst roe Raft 004 be alarmed—thsr &inn Wino
.1/004 . 111. enne lbw dare to • voila There Imitator a bedew
" It "" Oh the otaditosT.Vtlidithat feeding le ova,
roa _,,
Ml round! IR. • nor *von. 1 hand some of
the moot ezthevasant encoulutse of It that von ova h.
basil to. Notheap ofdlet Mit ninerrers—eet Ct. best
Ton len set: t Ives likewise as herb. which. when she.
awed to meet oil, dissolves tiontakets avelllnz or the
vordi*ed codai.the Mae it omits. Prko of the
DliecnotT flair bottle..
UslL—Adalt. oft bibkon.imr.l tio
day. ...01illanin e argibtron.deoret iscoorok children
rani AV to el teerspoonfol: As no direction eau
t .l l aLcoo l 9tatlons, tato ocough to
.112 KENNEDY strselte ' 4Vittendianie in bed oases
litritoles•lS sad Moll. at Dr. MEWL 140 tiood
tart, tomer of Arian 06411
To ',others,' Wl.s and Daughters.--
Th. 4444 dthenter In the Mena or atedlolet4 and the
the whith haa, god routhumt to prove, the etheteet
Mandan to the human family. Is the stadloil prepanelion
thrown aa hilothelre ItherlaeCatholleott.
It le dathroott to ethe the various Omani looldent to
fonalea. theh I. protegee. tole la the beak, mho...
ththwtho thutratlon hen anteing and ra handfed other
tone la their trala,
lute almost' ins& abarden tuns.
ed ethane. luto • &Mr and hearty our,.. The lead ft
lighleaed problem of the =Oka colleges In the old
*nth; att w.D att In tale :oonottr. bare held the ..!feet
la online conilderatlon, and they have dually determin
ed that the aid teethed of treatise Owe ea local sad nth.
8114 'dif~s ••• ill woo& and that a constgational troth
seat; the what vu require& II Lan old edam that
inat wag. mon, iftwi r; and While the Poettlth wms. m
dg. , thloif to bannonlee thetvthowe iuth divert • theta=
*I ! ( gig! Puttee, Dr. Poeterop. • phrthelan with Ihrtr
Tian Marlowe In the Craw of nom and children
reduced the theoti to dm& than and dbrotired a two•
ithlett hie oath aid .111 earanighteete out of every
Wrath new now *Ohm In wrath woes when the or
warn here bent ruptured, or where they hive been avert.
if Wail by bad 410:ileti treitsaint. nothing nth he done
but to 'atissims the srmptoms. 'Ufa ma ishathiner
odd Iltdenhim, the great leader of the English toed/cal
othool; and, thezeguw, let nano demob until thle
dvillth bee n folthfillt tried. Throw ankle pridadlot and
Mt Melee of air hatereeted phystelaa—rethon. for poor
melive.7nee what tha remedy. hea dons lthothem end then
go na NM a throng pith la tho theasuos that Iteraludill
Uterine Othhollant la no 'Nowt remedy.' but a adonthlo
eteildnatka of Inedkal virtues; width will prawn the
anualthtlon than, dostraelion. loth wroth the huldlotur
!Wilmot* ordinate, and reston health to the already hu-
Poked Thai. power.. Dthw MAO 'Per loth,. &Ili whet*.
tali and Mall et DR. 0/10. Drag Stet .R..
Ito Wood street. . Jraddl.
LW • Fire it Martha Insurance Coinpann
Offleo, Oornarldarket and Water Streets,
"eciurr_a4zlLl ,enotident. lit;r.
This Company makea th eiv . g m • i ii a; . iasaranoftnp•
aqqas t. 3l::thrasssaal‘'S:Z=Zigrat :Id
And against Lam' or %maga by Fire,
LAlr,Leilut Um Path of Ms eft "sad lalaad Navigation
—i oGai u =tetlonando`miiikat with so*
to all pain. -
Jazaqi- IlallecuarY
ohs'. drbatbnoti .
libretto N.Li.KittaueLot.
Ps. , • earlsol6 .t
L... ll aVit i Xook w4n
111 *
June Mamma,
John MU,
1111Umr. aann MUMS
• - - oroomon to a. row a oa.)
31° ' I° FOOD MUT* • •
.fir,BLUS' attistod • f rllibli g , LIV
GEoRGE B. 3IDDL.I4_ of the Oity _of
ettakeis. len:tee iteteliiiMetiossetaimett et
imam, aesthetteeessoodfaa.
11,ANING . 'purchased from ML Wm. Smith.
InOds Ihlnt ltletit , ftir crindloatpleenLr And ofbe
Ifaught chlereeink' have pad him sla@se men. ism ma*.
the mile momieteni of tale patent.. W. Intl recant mu'
tenon &tor Information of tnhi unmet@ on the atm
-Übe is the only lisehinn net invented then Mazda@
• hew Perfeetftomen In thkimsea:
,teiy,erOottehe inmheith—th4 not heatwhilererdnee
—ea man smooth—lsm lambic—and keep an edge longer
thihi my othirsinm 'auuled aho neet - 111ble telecom@
Ali our I sWi sr's , zindi f nisi jof Get
SUIS. holurtedellueMr lbr our own are, &tomb higher
We rorpeetfar lakaltrat imiureeturits of:Luster.
thot no Sow wltt be mut floutthiMbit,WLS,ltma but what
of molar ptsi, awl AkinziLlyt . tb. TWOW-eutS be
!Mod mire Mmamdeughtrut then um Sim In ors'
Orders recalved by JOSEPH ,WOODWRLL 00.
sat. -T. z.
111P011.221t9 MID MMUS 121
cozvza or wow) a swarm traw,v.
•Ju4l•d6m prrimitau.
The Fast Train leaves at 2 A. 31., tlirotiiti
to Cincinnati in I.2ltouni and 40 vitality&
HAIL Tama lawns .or 8 A. x.
Run= Taw 0
. 0 Ar Br. m. •
These trains &Ratan!, close connections at Creutilna.ind
the trot tiro.congeet at Allienos. The dined route of Bt.
Louis is now open. via Cresliine and Indisnapoilll,;loo
shorter than Ma Cleveland. Oototootlooo an made
at Manseeld with the Nelrark and Sanduskr City toad;
and at °hotline with the throe roads °ea.:oat:sting Mors
Tor particular. see bandbillit No trains ran an litindap
Through 1 !shots are eold to etaysiv&u. Bt.
Lour. 7adlanapoßa , °Maki , . Nock Island. 'Fort Wayne.
Cleveland and the principal towns and cities ha the Wort
leave Pittsburgh at 10 A. It; and 5.15 P. g.. and New With.
WI 4 7 A. w. and I
Yor Tickets and 'Author In finmatloo. apply to
MART, ' •
At the corner °Mee, tinder the Monentrahela Roues.
Or at the Federal Street Station, to
%Menotti. July 81 . MB; • Tleket Aunt
Letter from Hon. John Minor Botts, of
• July 9110156.
Messrs. Wm, I Beers tf W. Glstt--Coorlderstlois
dray to the 01944 'alms. prompt ins to mid yOu
voluntary tortlarodal totter met rabreof "I.4lrhoor
Aogousii Ilielen - e," for test slorotlncresbl• dioroOo. &nr•
. - . .
Without being dlaboted be damping It Uthasaas 7 to an
Into the particulars of the ea.., I the MT that the aitose
lahlua result% that haw. bey Traduced by the um ot that
medkina on a somber at sot' thrWithallY, sod under my
town oterrsatlOU and siracrlnteastsnen. utter the still of
he best ohyskians bad been exhaustsd and an the usual
rsothdlca tailed. MITI wetly me In recommending It lase
to ell who may be safkrintS from that dreadful maid/.
I do ant maul to say that It is adavent to all rau4llte
lions, or that It will afford the sawa rebirth ilia/licit, fors
of mum. Imo know nothing about that—but tioth That
I ha , •then of Ile elbessa I Wotdd boCiaudtate to use It In
any and every cue of Morals.. with proms Ow ' , whom I
fall an Interest, or over Whom I youth exert-be Ind amuse or
contthL Itrarectfunr your., sees
it from Csitaibit.—Quebec. Fob.
7th. 11144.—Marrys.B. A. tatunicitork & Ort. —WII had the
Plciestituarrotirtult. tide limning. the *Milo outfitted.
of your Yenalftto. which -will be Tory grattrytud to you.
as It tow sent V. ark outhatten•Youre.nr7
truly J. afUtISON it CID.
Ocursitextr—Y7 UHL &master. 4 nor. old. and tor
asti. older 1
. etre tbr a considerable thus andertog boa
:arms. ptiffhantd two bottles of roar Vomitus" of
bkhll giro ram gr: dat&rrt e
iood r%rtOR3BIottCr.toVIWHCNDRWI.
treordttary brhath of from IT to IS turban
Efurint otPut no.d to much of the &radial streets.
'roar Tormilne. I fad It mr duty to Noun mud It to LIN
enbile as. ear °pluton. one of tio met edleanious now
ebee net yore. weer Tot &UM therthAf
G4'..mA.11"."'" to b ltirtirl ' kW. LIM tar
helot& vertant,
Propuied wild by IL A. PAIINESICKIK & metier
of Wood amt Plat eta. .• turled&orT
Nit YOU, Juno 15th, 1805. -
aiNew Tort k Liverpool Line of Packets...4k
— llll. JOAN THOMPSON, No. 410 Li rty
etreet, Pittabarrity PAL, la the' a n y were_ to -the stereo
city sothorleed to roll Roan Oerttßratei Sat ma Lips of
New rook and Liverpool racket.
.87 &ratio pt. Neer Yost.
Iles Omits m berth bight t AIN be AMY
payable steer Book in rarslasel. 'Wand. leotland artil
Also. blies. Moony, hove Sew Tort and WA Laiboo&
JOUN rnomftioN,
J.2)11:41-witT au! No. 110 Liberty 'dr.&
---------- - -
Balance Mutual Iniukaace COmputy
$177 074—1W0; STZ3LOO2, Sinerrip Daersfed.
FIRE INSURANCE ---On Buildings, Ider
&A.M., Furniture. M. th Ilene or toaatt7.
The .atata polo $ i...mldhad PUB the erourity er •
Btyealltioe tbe bowed to share to the extras
ftetepaoy. ottbont liability **lows • •
Tte. &slot OfrUfkatee of this uoutosay. Per profits. aro
coneertibio, el pm% lanai/1r PANtal *took the Lbatip'y.
• • lifi.V.,?ght.,
• D
It h & rip aa . I • es ' i l' ea ' t ti . M a c
T. O. BorkhllL Beal. W. Tingley. ,
(A. W. Cares ober. Lotluop.
Bober! Pawn. ff. Oararn.
a h. Baf,ert Talasd ,
Azov L. Taylor,
M. li shall MIL' Lbw* O. Jur.
r_ople .. efeerr, -
Jacob T. analog. I n.loam G.ter.
O. trond. I Wm. L. ample. PILO*
_J. ,t COPTlN..lsent.
TLlrri rod Wood atioets;
•an's Insurance Conip7 Mtabargtt
tr.Witet i aivirn3;ey.
0172C1, 94 MATICR, AR? W7MY .9L4RKZI'.IIIIt
row, sr ,kerrs.
OUTUAND lltrJy.A.•(Dfl: 9 11 "S i=
Pr Aurora opting Loot or tonoloo• !! - 4 1i Osio7. ILdO
tadwor. o,.. t imu ß vitryk and MAN° rioAnoj
R. Baer.
aaaa 71 Ramct , . 1. Tori 1.1rA,„ •
Wain. ihr.n. 1 J.ll l .lmimmalter.
Wm. B. Ilark
44.14. °""P". John Pilltton • 4421
A. noutEs; a BROTHER,
Timber, Hill, TobaccoA. Cotton Serowe,
Apyling and Aiiiintfur .11foOlimne.
Car and Bridge Bolt., with Timed sad .Nuts
wweerm, N. 112 W cria aro Ur rime um .. WNW
Woos Ars Mono= on.
WAII 'Fork warrazded.
88 Fourth et, near Wood, Pittsburgh, Pa., ,
Baggy, Carriage,. Riding, Drovers'
Keep oanstantly on lend, received direct
Roo that? Trott Pg.,* roll stul istl.l
netmtot of ,Wltio d The i r
pi ttzlkbok Loudon Watron
rOurla and b inloot, Rao rlgitil
ZrNalistjiat VntlO• PUT torolotted to ord.,.
ai mitizt• ETA ps• • •ollettod and promour
sli.rfAL °MRS RANTSD—Iar
.lalbi - _
Iron ilailing, , lron Vaults, Tann Doors, Window
Shales, Wind*
Non. 91 Second it., & S 6 Third
(between Wood ,and Market,)
Have On hand a variet-y of new patterns
t lllDe7 and Plana imitable Jar all altrianon htztlala.,
iltkal atalndna Grave, lota Sobbing done at
Matt =Una Gear.{
waiter •
Fire and Life Insurance Company.
oPposint VIZ CUSTrilt Zorn:,
Will make all kinds er natirenee. either
.i,.12;e4 Yr i ntlibtk i l r i f. ° Ol At i gitl t Pi° "`!" 4.
ilialfl t i rge . t ln vgl i P4llt4
Chat P. Bair, , •IL B. Eleas. -
NL B. knallab, 050.. W. Peoul4
flaret7, J0a.13. Paul,
CL Sharman. John Clay an. ' ... ,
a. J. Nfilallnise. X. Wile?. - ,
- N. alumnus. liardwr
ddrArre" .elie, fid?...2 1 :11 7 411.,,trt
Western . • a Comtism:FM
11..... i1a40(1%=Pi.
Vfill- Infure againsi -kinds. of File .and
'Maxine 'aka. ' ' .
J w. Bald: A . 1.0.
mu. jr ttos antrer
a. WW,Zt. W:WEsholi,
Sr.& nom. inatltr".BalU6
knows h pi r.. AuAimmE lni=, l l7 l ir
t a
o.o.llman sr
ju m p=
• jmt,. (8 " .4 A I W3l4killug
- statue nistruircsCOMPAßY
O. W. BA.TOHNICIB,. GenerW..ll49lit:
Will -Insure Agaukst An rindr of .
' it shcaub6iiijuu 4 ret
ei et
4 ?' ! ..,w iv ' t iruhfwgrxe,'
It Jobsi:_/- : Jobs
rly* 8..0.147 1.11 )11 1.A17r.
dreadraro r _ps_s t b7.=- -
' Tu & ito , fraßATikatmum
(I,Eaztals t errla, awe, ruo;
76.03". smosMiniak
DR. LIBBY'B Pile Ointment is a certain
care by that distend. the Ms. In All - thee.
varied. IbrsaL4t bash". verld*r marl th. slaty year*,
minus a2bibited the [wattle., greets In all maw--
We publidt the ibthMllig namee of rent/ men Irpo hays
bent mend by Its nee, ind she after sadraine itiryeane
had! exhausted every resource of the medical sr*sion
es vale.
. ,
-11 a4.1iRfseedf, -r.& direalerfarealiderivia.
/. /tree. re /ha dreaaeronn
lice. tv.. Ipse hoa.JaAY ea, Rartford. Ceara,
Erne - W . 4 &,/ efig. Weehoptors.
_ nC7u Cke6=l4.:lL
1263. W. Nazsea. Chief .2r Alta,
The Made Ust might be emoted • bribroesside- bet
sande has been shoen to Indite every sufferer to el.
the remedy a trlal.- boldebaleiabe and retail by iico. L..
Keyser. N 0.140 Weed omit Of Tirade alley. •
Prier SL_ ,
fflorner of Wood and Sixth streets.
f, We 4!L Zd'OLURG.
Our Teas will be found on trial unequaled
at the pleas In the eitY:
Marl. Greent
Oolong, 40, 50, 62, 75, oungHron,so, 62,
1,00 and 1,?..5 peelb. . 75, aptull,oo per lb.
Etigitrefikfair.,3o and at_pgial 4 G. p., 75,.
; 75 eta. pee lb. 4OO &. 1,50 pei. lb.
..' Teispnepp tn'istier boxes trout 6to lb• for: farcalr
us.. • liberal tincetust. made to Mall dealers.
COPPEA—JfIra.Z. (k 4•113.. ••• Bic , Cbi••• Gran ...t
stra Aft 441;;IriaetrLied and
• Aiao. Otocolates, *tees;rya, P
• • mla
• _... ,
Have removed' to their new . store ,I 131
*ea acrd. 5 dearr abred , Vbb grad" Mach we have built
with the exprom adiptetkei to our irioreasee, bush:bele
Thu first floor boa been fitted up to 1110DE8N ova:.
saeltudrely for our ratan trsde,Where Will &brim ben:mad
a complete' amenrosot of the MOST PA£WITONABLE
STYLES of (eats' mid Youths' Draw and Bon Usti add
.13spo,'.a, wuD , to LADINW HIDINO HAM and 011/L-
IlitliWil GOollid, adapted to tie ameina We atisillie
pressed tops our Mends at our new store.
The four upper stories are expressly for our,WWOLX
BALI ,TRADg. where will be Reuel efull Mock of Rats
and dips, embracing doses; Sta, truiri variety. loft. Es
puns, Leghem, Brads, and Patin Leaf /UM; tilikfPloub
end "Loth Nye. add Children', (Mods of all Made.
bierehauta Mating our city will fad It thoir
searidiis our stock. its our Lid:fifties are both' so to isable
us to compote with any jobbing bouts is t h e *tern
and Contineitil . Excaulngi):•
SIGH 2 6714,8 DRAWN. Br
: ON TITE' trivrox - '. 13A111{, LONDON,
IN BUMS OP El AND 7 - Pveitun
Theso Drafts are available at all the t,rin
eliwaTowerefEtartead, Stettand Ind ltd. - A. omit the
We shoo deer 810 HT DILLS e
Al. A. Grunebaum Bailin,;
mad, oerr. M Remicura. to al Data. of o e,raay.
13 , aridsl.a .4 Welland.
Pumas inteudint to trarelaltmed may preearothirough
us Letter otCredlt, oa whichaloooy eon b. obtaltied. se
booted. in any past erEurope. •
C6 / I "di." BUIL and other =curdle+ fo Eu.
rape. .111 roceivopromDt ottorraon. •
tuba, Wood. toner RUM street.
JOUR M. sorra.
• • (aftllll.ll OP
C hils on Furnaces, Wro't IrenTaling
AND nratra akaa.Aux.
For Warming and Ventilaticn of Baadaga .
w. a A. will eintract Ihr Warming and C•Atllatllr ?"'
WAN= or Dot Water, tipeiorChunneivorones.Wits„
&hoot.. &mama. arimi clown D 0.,.
Jall Unt•throrrividltena.-No. 93 Marten.. Pit*atir ;
New •Daguerriaa Gallery. Ir.
3111—NELSON would leopeotfully faform
'Mt Month tad the - steel 'esossitle;l2ntr to - ddie to
*wet the dollylocerabur *mood Ste Ids poppoolopotst*P.
tio has lad ha It sod bos tow oomobsted ,, Over the 01:
Pod Oaks. Third stow%) 098 of the met: steolono sad
autrodhoont Sty Licht I.l.lledos elm toostruchd Re Da
SaarladtrPe to lb. United States. Woos* mw
Proleotd to *swot. nobles 0111 disproad. stiles, in
ate *pother from I lad. M.llll 4 edact P. 31.
'Pipit Prom •11 ollebtod.whothor Um. Lth Llt
ntnnt. •A v•re. fil4 1 , 4 OM. .
Flanr.delivered to familiar in eitheivilthe
trot orOd. • •
't o
Odi , o may ei len t in. or INA 2 r •ToorNol V Nor
m of
LOGAN WII.SNN &CM. 52 Weed •L - - • - I
BRAUN MOTE corner liberty ARA ILL;Clatr
11. 1 , ARRA AR
' C4
MR* TA7lS.slraifiTil
For Sale.
A DRUG STORE favorably loemetlelaithe
corner *r Mama. and I.lbarLy straat, , ., Allkadaaar4lir•
and &hut good Wail Laudon's._ lot rutin:din tei
of , • • 71413tnt0 1/16011.,,.
1.191..14k. At.
Gl= tienlebtatent.tosten
• Lc, 91.1 . .. bmilust. berm r ° rad by
• the enbseribern - This unrlrallrmi meta o •
inotenmentale en gormand Yell known le tbi.rialtdity
It's almost mamerfloome to gap anything-1a thole
Roth partnere of tar gm sragretdiond Plano maker",
and iihrm kayo trained migbearthrm gm ta trmlinadr.
Arlin barn all boionto skilful add •rmilli i ng antes .
Seers' Mammon% tamed ontrm trm .rma to tam
the sennlni.lne examination and rendre he firmating '
touch at the band.of the gm and tbelr talented man I
Nagar A Ctaxin am rarely. irveer til.•to th eir. anima. '
N mem. and almost daily_ applications Fromail meM• or'
titb. alubir7..lbr tbe agmacy MIN& Plum. tune Mgd.:
toatlr tyre 'armed by them, on the ground 'bat nn piano
. la amt. air *bleb Ma not passed throng'. their own *di
cidstat Aftwoh—stbing altogether latioindide weir tbq to'
inerearirbelr alrad_y enormous octaionahmont, "'flake.. -
Waverly Magnalne. 10oaton, dentribm as OrWorm brith•
}litigOidlilin Durability. - 1 .
Sinn* A Marx Pianos bare! bran 1.2 hag lithe Gr.
Boa. Judge Elbarm, for iii..'rthi4
•, ' • - - W Pail ,
Jam* Worm. " " - - - •
19 e. •
Tho lat. Judi. Dail n, " " -.- • 0 r .. .
U... .. 0 ' 7fre tog+ 1c..a.. r :,.- : , ,-, - 21
(hot eli.Vo3_ 'far tuortardeof - • -20 r
The arms rm... 1ia...." .i .... , , 7‘4 : •
The Dr. llionowall, "• r I • •
"rm. 1..1r X.--
'And main otin in Ma tIND titles and rieltdir. ..
Tim mined madden, teallemon armada ham; . •
edtbrmadattration of 91 enui& Chiles Plasm In Ilia
est to
W. Um undmodgerm. haring thermnshil; tatted th•
eamettim and onalatil•• of Noon, 01 , Unveil Pismo; eal
itTIV: r: M7T H "..h.it1. 111 ""'...b. u . i!,°triiT` - ` "" s*l.
Ulmer 2.32 d ,
on indltland their tomb dallghtfal Ilir moinntimn mid 1
nimbi ....noinitbor Well milentatod tollannieg the egle
and too oritarnam., 'I . II7TOR DA 818.
.. PI. gINDLti.
Nunn. di Claiik'n Plano. will in an mar h. Aar • .
raiihrt. and minhaemm am offered the nalco. advantage", aa
.111 .. raelorrrn , •!bri'll, P* o ll l . o d 4rirr fir. Plage
Purchasers doodnormot obtaining • model Piano; o npee
that will but a We time, ano•lorltad to eall and exaMll2.
our *Welt , - ll. KLießitß. a BM. • . .
---. • • . _ ; • 1 11 0 g or lb* Golden tai
• .
• No 63 rltth Knot
Commission'and -Forivarding Agent -,
serNr LOUIS, Z.
Particular attintioic paid to tha porch.", of
Provisions.'Flour,. Alizin," * Hemp .
, LIiA,D, to., to., AND FORWAILDISG.
3 !r s i t ... 1041/4W °E.
„ • . l'ittaburgh. Pa.
Prootac . , k (humble. ' j. • - •
=ar. Wooten. , Placianatt, Ohtu,
" If. lt kik ocriatiO ri TAMIL:
Meentobaon A MMus. Pnuaaalobla. oultliOd•
, GR OUNDZ allWaltaate hi thi auoath Now ThAiuth
=man, uh♦lAN,
olt, lie,
gatdoretrawbettlesOrman tuttitaltduit•
iamb variatyotaooros h ,
411 othor f l immolation
aos. Baal ia—maw a •
Pouting* opt Nithuir Particoiarktipgy• hICLA
gents, troAn
• ado Itr lota to volt ouscbsaam.idtaata Wegartl
ost Market divot, mar Third. Alm. ow on north
t. sue on Wood shwitioas canard attest: and on.
M Witter streak with lemoilati piqoput. Apar to
.4 11?j i°4 4.7-Idenrelattiress.lsrl'it
QIINDRIEE3-43 bales gotten,. 4 bble
4 ""' " ti " f " ° Win Inlet *
' • .. Bunins! Bs t: • .
Iry ooDB.-MARKED- DOWN •TO , bciht
Ir —
Corlatt to the lotectete of td mom. ere hire bleu
lo noel to reduce oar prkoe to enable •as to dodo out our
&muff .took. sweetens to purcdtadug our. Ihdl aod
tor S.Plitr. Thliu
ttieutuAletiltum .Ittr .Toroeutiug 'Deliriddo Rambo tn .
- -7..
jot endleee traitor •
Wet sod Iffotkuo.
111 or ewe!" egetPdoofth tail buyers et tar
sulablo Mee., we elderly_ tu attest:ton to mos
• • BARB BAB INS Fa ll
BO -RIBBONS. - • •
Mu* in aro Ns
to does out &Caen, before tit-
Moro UM imply for tam Fall bed* •
tartudeado .red Nadi lingretted t 0.914!
olpe_tbe e -
• strimmamb... wires bad. ' •
jugrobliNcEpowi :-REDSTONE--.
tortnti =r ti roZoT .°l4
Rad Sta". "
letntotom to Zen Vornrioo"R=4"l
- -- A D. „Ttook fortoorprloo woo t o o -
.. " .7 4/1( . 1 4 1S. rakor.ttle. wbolooolo7ood
.. , Rare CChaacre C lothing -
HE - undersigned offer* for sale hia doie,
.' • htth4 keetteriifTWacot 'end , Wattrhttwebt, - with er
r0am. u t ,.,.. 111 7 1 /el airii.T . l t eel l'i r.. ted t ! Zdwali t in c ett" . ....""- rb :_ ; M c i
'thh kr it Iht greater t that et an otheraadnw
•Um shy. i romeition• stun leustwilittely r Tor fi r ths .
pittleslanispply ott thw matins to • ' . •
A - A. MASON& CO., have .jnist, opened
' issottm Lazio% of N./ liloodg.""ruths
r.. 10 lest sailusof Domain 010sasaut
90dif bmit herds Ineaebut
Williwkne• anotbsest of - Tesido
8/611X1111b ta
aet 191:0 bilotrend
- i Atm a v e,2 4,nift.oui fluttery 250 u , 33
08, sur, og_UOlLklin—g3etween Ert_..a wwzrz.,„„, *64: ~ . ;
, I ne reirThemiall a* WWI! it Mak. , , sii rr , it . illett.l4 ..
i ' ,.. z .o znetzttz.i...triin, - , - o , - ---- ~ .., _ n _ ___
z,,v,rmr=1..........,.7 , .3.!..;
,‘ le- - ,-.-, , • -` th.ailMikatie ardlik 44 1 rc,t
, E 1
cx,, V:I S Aucti,amer.
,rwei Aka. Roolu. Wood and Area
11+oia pnalurea .. 1 4 . au& Bth, •t Lor k t at Lb*
81 , 1:rxear 4; enele 44 . thß
sub e • • • •• 7 - • '• P. 111. DAVIS, Meet.
, 11.21*0N —Oct ThuradaP Prehlact Anvil% VW an dletk.
st tbe Merctuale Exchatin. ith at, 'dß be sold. by VV.
der of /calm llama. Treantrec: . . .
_shin.. maze ' lilting Oca Moak - Scietted . *lines.
payment of ameagmentx. . P. M. DArls, Anat.
nicreday ccortdcg, A ug. 9th' altatosadrut at to
k, sill to alati. at. Me cceacnerclal odes roman, emcee
Waal and 6th at.. 1/.. waßacal aseamticest c 4. 1t",...,
DPttlt`l• Ihlalx:dt.:=%=,"'L":2ll•''".lllaek"Ntg
0110, c; Bleached MatUaa. Pattlnetta, Budan amießrom.
&dim Bummer Vaitlaga. Tallz, Thou:oh, $.4
Gen Le Glom. ATV .W.M.,.te. : • ,P. Di. II a{ lELAckt.
rimilry:s 1 -: 4: — IN; vs-4•FA y
MIL Al APCTION—On Thittailireisah t o. a -
at $ ololetk. it
oil s' Etthauot, .11. 3 0„ *„.
.11 sold. by order f m er e.lva, wane Ofilrlttlaat,.
Dish, that brautlfot sad hlghllblUnti tot of
%gtoo - ti, so Troy Bill. bah= la.tlMiLtoe,e. ollAr=
Int= IMlTe k t l =l . OA frn r ' :x7 4 Z n eat
insdern, tonrootancell.. The artanda hatln.: a Ono Va. of
tha Allethro y river and ,rorronadlng soenenrvaboisaft
tholes fruit trees: arm.. Tinos, shrobbery,
An ba _ On
the prstalats are also an exnellant stabl e . =Mee us
and other out bniktingA. 'Ms Drugetty tan be 1.1=.1
o.r, that tcstitquito talc , Tema at Mo.
ah 4 , , , , , P. M. _ DAV/B. Amt..'
DAVID P.- HERBST S: Flour, :Produce, Ptroviaiort and d ' omriiisaion
• lire. 237 Zefeerryserred rower ef Hawk'
i Pit tSbUiller..
Aril l aS his attention to, the sale of Flour,
gie Prier, Bowery Leed, - CEireede. Orabe, /hied
Corner Pow and St; Clair • Shia;
• • prrTminrean t .P.A.,. • ^
W. C. CONNELLY, pr opr ietor,
.-.2444bwa0 -
B. 017111921T,'....:
' 4: 801
lug thende sad Dunbar. of Rail Estate; OornWouof
Rents.Bcereirinx sad I.catttlitt - Mepseir Boadrand
Mortgasee. for making •nabq Prodao. Maonika•
toad AMMO-4-lElr Vermars, **sofa aliVolliera.—
Office. No: 63.3tarkst ittnet. ~ • -007
—_ _ •
ALM 141131.31..- ...JO/MM.& imam.
P. Importersd,
. and Deafen In tren and Anaarlean Poil*
Thmaln re. 87 wood nowt, Plttoauran " • • -
vars.i. Anonto far LWoolobtated .
oro:Del000nrt k Co, Paola ' sof
tUNDßlE&—.6qbhds: N. 0, Eftiipr., 1 „
60 blab , . embed sad palvialand Soaaric ~.... . • ..,-: '• ' ,
I to l
bbl& ICO. MolianS• fa 061 . 8 1=0 Ammon _2:.•• '
16 do laddan !Syrup: 226 Da& • prim
n. e: 01resousib
76 bf. ammo Orton awl
~Clo Soc ~., . %,, ..,:
- 76 bzooS It rea beat lirukdiTobirc.:, -..': 7.7.:.
20 h•lf bids Cub Soda; . 2
mall , OVA toe% _
10 ream, B f.. Paw; SW 141. Straw Wen raPar;
80 , bk.. N.C.Tar;. 76 ream Sae do' :dat
1/0 do 110. 2 Nod= 100 bbl . . largo No. S Xsabmi;
la 4c, 0,,,,,,, 100 IbL do do do o.
for ~1. by ' N - . ,INATT 4 1 1 6 714 , 014288 Lfbartydnt.
Diseohition . of - Pixtrierahip;
rpßor, undersikeed:have this.dar.diesolved
Xi. Quit ptirtvervidEi Abe:
Ana Tare" betetoMl cafrlMl cm.,antler Tao arm of
.11117.1L1181 BRIT. 11. Moeller: Iv to antis th• 1.4 K
th..kbal era. obi arm find -make the cone,Exesrof
ft. el.lsor, each' to Del hie own;taints deXa. • Mosul,
boihnomlll to carried on
.701 IN P. tor !lath of ' thina m mrapar,
ander b
own fi n e . • • IL P. X
• 111714x.
Mom 7, Lelfrft . io.l 4'fb..,
VITANtED 'l'o -FILL Ali , 0111tER44-,'
, vv . Stock of the Hanka PI •
Rni7 kind of Ptoek bought mid SW omanduks. •
co., Com. Stook
1119 - MEND BORlPotthe Otrk and nns.
%Wu hut 13vtt sad butes of othre brobut bombs
bought at highest tabs. INA # CO. 76, ath mt.
ANTED. - -2 . 04. Cooky, 8 go' le to Ito
• . - lan . nralt, la thel==.:
i t t dener.alth Road
and English: 100 to do batman', I. Pon t.Oem►
.was to int nano a child; 'a Col t.f ' 4
7 eeee out, he he
given vat Ull ha I. awn a Youna C -H o f f o trtudnate bah.
Ho Indite to be etoptoyed in &Atom el keeper, and
- mfeatalloattlaittan ho enpalltel ,wlth .lapin; • diather
mia& and domartdon and gentleanta of laminate no la w
'rasa Mews AM taborets. both men and
WI . :..!' .BA RICH Tattatiaenoeodleftal at:
'd *Jame morn:gent of riga anixta. Co
tnanint liar, E &tin .anfillair Stool's; Silk and aotth
adkfa. n001ee7,411 . 14 , 14 @Menden , eto., et*. ' Al" Mt *
43oet.a. Wein° 4,Lal Gum - lindachhhla .uktf , ftlaltata.
arldoh Ira rilpell at todaced trio.. . , e
. aa2 ~ q..-., , :OS. nian.vs a CO . rt Mirka d.,..
:vi.ANIIIIIALE.ALI.—A. A. Malan k Ope NO emithito
tbarsole Unmet the month of Ansm4.- _Thar win waft.
=Ark . &v. sad - AM further nidps AturArlaes of their
stock. &me too hundred' zoom nu m. Ar.d•=l:
am reds will: Ds oomocl..rendaing r .thatt
mat a:m*lU lA= at the apmlng orps . Aar.,
OPS - 4:.2l . tacke itaeiatatand: for sale'by.
t• H.
uoo 43414.44 .bbla. fresh eglia . ascaa'neti by rail_
an7lecind this AO and
LIKE-415 ' - b1)1 1g: 1
CI will bisold,wer bw toWbb consiseamat ,
CBQDE.SALT ;nature
ar .1. by
__sue 'mug Dims? !OW
— CASTILE '9OAP-=-50 bdzee for aa.h
emu Tint awl Wood Ms.
11FLOURSTILPIMI TR-6000" The. for sale by '.
-440 10701
;MT , nen! Weeteri Town.
ere !heal:Moo
ma. for We -J:3 Baltruult, at TOM Erma: )
THE WORKS OF DR. RIO S 'est reed
J T. 811117DOK.: 'Alm: other .3 ma
Boob, at at Titta stmt. amrrdmlt Il& aaG .
MethtlLOOk PLASTER—A supplyttis
eeset 'nesioer Tutteir.szio, cerg7_sr .
ks i re
Ara flastn reed br• ' JOS. rimairlf
nAKER'b COD LIM 011,:---A fresh ert*
sir el telt eiziollost ell reed br JCB. MMHG.
DE LIQUORS of emeei.dp, r i p a c ,, , , for
m ies...o4ml 'mem 11.1
a 011411,5-- 0 001ba.- city out in - stonk
1..7 and for al* Irs • ' • .." DAVID D.' IMAM .i
AM , -•7. ;. , mintsrAAlsrt7 and Hand itrosts.
•DALLS. CITYO7.------- lbs: in
V threes IbissAittly ?. •
=. • , DA.VID.O. MUM
..136 '• a LltArtraml Mad anota .
LlLOtrit"—WO bbts extra, ser Wepona.
.fir Mott
i.TiAI6H Dzinutra rat
Na d ..' 1
. Tiugl , elt 1 0i 1 • iwaat. ,
?bras! INAWDWIriftCO
... O. SUGAR-50 Ikhdit.l3 liadlriifor
.!+de , amp iauAn,Dunsxy.:Ar•a)-
EiINE MOBLIAFECOLTEC 4 -Idonison'a eels.
isle hb;""2",i6nlWilatt
QIEELLED ,CIORN-1200:bushele Shelled
f.ji Oen luster* wad for Ws 14. A...HARDY;
moi - - • • , Wiftwatesit
meiflitias for
MUM SIAM it Mini
R fol.. t i g e. ,
&ma ;i4;ls,ioAr'fialnighil::*
An_y_mnL. BrriLltak
25 2 18 . 00
_ p Tor dale by.
/2g luVe JUSS ree'd Sor
FLEl....bwms Ito
: 04 1" 0-- j . /be. reed and for
11 W 67
01 .Vit.4)imitfted atuS Itaal•awn,
hbrii,D. S. sHei7iny~, this
I,jrthrrreettand kis br . ,
pOtASH--5 g 4 i4kMailthltyllity for salB by
4 , 11.1•Fte gamily nktit relatdi Ike the ß s i tt
2,!T!, rwp.nd snit
tor obis by od JOEL YLEIII_ . ~1(0
Uabnam'sK oAerapklvfthis
nt atmai* Ned 408.
VITA% MATOHEB,—A largo ink,,
X V Ilea Wax Watch,' we% br• JOL
rtkt. formew
UR tuußiiril
V u rraisii i bP ) ' • Iftrob.trilmudwrit„'"
iA. l l4N—Hami; Sic* =diShoulders in
0xp . ,,.. 4 Sit rt. by DAM Ct. •
kJ onland mati . bittoki try worm mitappr„.
UNDRIES-8 bbla.
$,7 lbw( Old Ooopm- I gn i tria ximur i. al
lIEROME YELLOW, 42 •:*Ej . . , _ktases on
' Imam! sag rnm=oll3loll.
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