SM=M!= pirrsnlTßGn'4:4Anwt. _eunumw wr PITTSBURGH : FRIDAY MOBNING, JULY la, 1865 - • ohl; Th 0111110&• ofßepi the Intteborgo Gazette boa town sosoov.d to tbo anr bitthtlot rfth th. otr,ot• Crecrawart, June 21. re the Members of the afenise of Commerce of Cincinnati: Ossrisinte—lf it is possible during the ap preaching session of the present Congress to ob tain something like jastioe for the Wee; I shall endeavor to procure an appropriation ample enough for the removal of the obstructions to the navigation of the Ohio at the Falls. 'For twenty-five years Western commerce has been subject to the'delays, extortions, and inade quate accommOdations of a Canal at that point, and it is time that our eiti'tene should commence a movement that will command success. feel confident that the deep interest W I.estern States have in an improvement of the Falls which will secure a free transit for any boat their citizens msy build, can be made felt in the legis lation of the present Congress, if concerted ac tion can be obtained, and if Cincinnati will take the lead—and it is plainly her post of duty—in the agitation of this subject, it cannot be a mat ter of doubt that other cities,, above and below the Falls, will join in the movement, and in that event the Representatives from the States bor dering on the Western rivers will feel it their do ty to old in a work of such importance to West- Seadtus Mauer ea earls sage et Ole paper en' commerce. Advortfoors.—lteither m. Editorfal Room ar Printing JW1gi30.h....t of the Daly idemette, aro crprood to swear. Aznassccumbodedre tbalz outlast° ippou Lonely' morass. win Rtosas baud them Ir bribe. It Sams. oa BKnrdaT. " Advincie Payments. Hereafter no sub .:dm:loi will te taken lbe the Deily orlireekl7 bud* ...hie pentad la muds In Advance. Whensem ttno m tin to which in. imbeetindon b laid, the taper ow b heyeeinhir Moppet; name the nutieetiptlan le On mend by sthence payment. All Imenaltat advertlelnil, U weetr deoerlphon, will be requited to be raid In en num. The only emerpttons will be when medal month War lnewly contraeta me made. wrpltda, hileeinttsbelivii WNW, tiaserme.—The °tummy 4 1" "kk ' D atc "" IHaktiheetieotrerato our beldam, visa • isext Modest& aiedlearef =kb= their bottom knOWD Ohr eireulatket is Wyse:oo= and Mn theestrei, reethiell eieseet mei merehaeit, nissestseturte end eltuttekerea Wagtail Preneyleaols. and Eastern Ohio. !WYldr. IL P. MUSLI.IIII. late editor of the ..Iteofe lane sod now otetnecteil with the Plttsboreor Cowie,. to - authorised to eo➢dt zuboortptions sad edvetthoemente for the Pittsburgh Clesette.emonUng to ottrUmbllshool.termo ilttaleFrittt, Marsh L 186 b. Tun WHIAT CROP.—The harvest 005200 if now _so far advanood-that we are able to form • pretty accurate idea of the result. In the South axs parts of the oountry the wheat harvest is about over; in the middle portions the reaping is now going on with alacrity; and in the north the hereon will be. general next weak. There is, consequently, no longer any danger from the fly, or rust The weather, which, a few weeks ago, was eo wet as ko give rise to serious apprehen sions,. changed about the time when danger seemed to be the most imminent, and It has einem been favorable for maturing the grain and secu ring the crop. I 0 some sections, considerable damage is reported es having been done by wee el or fly, but we hear no complaint of rust, taint, or other misfortunes, and the harm otherwise is confined to but few localities, and is, even there, but partial, and limited in its effects. We are, therefore, in • position. to judge, with tolerable ascuracy, as to the general yield; for eo great has been the anxiety to know what was the state of the case, that Information has been obtained much more extended and reliable than is usually the case. . The Cincinnati Airs' Cearatt has some remarks an this question which seem candid and well di gested, and which we subjoin: Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and New York, have heretofore been looked upon as the great • wheat-producing States of the Union, and the result of the harvest in these, determined the iestinithes for the entire country. AL very marked change however, has taken place within the last live years, resulting froth the large breadth of lands brought into mit:intim in the western Ettatei, and their adaptation to the culture of this crop, and also from the increased attention . • recently given in the southern States to' he pre ,- &titian of grain, where, previously, cotton was cultivated almost exclusively. While, therefore, oie crop in the four States srst named is per hates below, and certainly not above en average; there hist large increase in the western, north • western, and southern States. It ie a difficult matter to determine what an average crop . reducedto bushels, would amount to in any State, for the reason that se:ditties, collected nuclei. the authority of Government, have been exceedingly defective. The yield in 1850, according to the census returns, was in round numbers 64,000,000 bushels, in the States of Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and Virginia, but, an average crop in those States is estimated at about 75,000,000 bushels. The crop of the present year, however, is slightly below the lat , ter.. The severe drouth of last summer and fall • ' prevented farmers from sowing the usual amount. • of seed; ens it is generally admitted that the breadth of land sown is lees than usual. The increased yield per acre,. and the im proved quality, make up in part, however, for ,this diseresse, and it is eafe to estimate the yield of thilit aresates named at .65,000,000 bushels, „Which; though Wear ad average, is an increase , as compared with last year, of at least 16,000,- . 000 bushels. . In all the other States, however, that grow . wheat to any. extent, there is alairs increase, some of them having produced twice as much as lay previous year. .Taling the products as . stated in the eemsus retunth"for 1850, for a ba sis, and estimating the probable increase this Jeer over that, we have the following result: 1850. 1856. Ohio, bus. 14,487,000 16,000,000 Pennsylvania, 15,867,000 18,000,000 11,212,000 1.2,000,000 New York, 18,121,000 16,000,000 Alabama, 294,000 500,000 Illinois, 9,414,000 13,0.4000 *4214,000. 10,000,000 lowa. - 1,:a0,000 2,600,000 2,142,000 ,l ii I 4.925,000 . 6,000,000 2,981,000 4,000,0001 1,619,000 3,500,000 4,286,000 7,000,000 licatnoky, ?Mauland, Michiglin, Missouri, Tennessee, Wiseonsin, 92,086,000 114,500,000 This oalmilation Is a men approximation to the nanit, butit will-Ai fur general purp,as. The yield of 1850 was doubtless much larger Shan L slain' by the census returns, and the yield of - Abe. preeeut ; year - also Moak above the Agnes hue given; but taklngthe,eim-_ sus returin as the basis, it is pretty nearly l oer. taln that, the yield of 1856 le from twenty to twanty-flvelonslsrger 'than that of 1850. In 1854 the defloionoy astompared with 1.860 rookemd to be twenty-five per cent., of one 'fourth; the aggregete.of 1855, therefore, will show in ineresuls over last year of at least tort, mMlims of bashes. As to probable - prices it is idle to 'peculate. - We leave that to those who can see fertherihan we can. it is worthy of ooncddirration; however, by all those Who venture on inat Calaulations, that the yield of all kind of breadatuffs aad vege labia beam wren more than a proportionate in otleisei to that of wheat, and that cheap oohed ' tatse for Boni will be so abundant that ihigh prim for either would Mal unlikely in the en- TEE LATZ DILTAIALTIOd ♦rßosrom The'tele giaphio despatcher which announced on Monday • hairy, defalcation by the Treasurer of the HateternliMir*Corporstion are confirmed by titti:limpere,cf,Monday evening. At the dsy mowing, the President stated that within lrfev. ' asyo. - the into Treasurer bee given inter- suigiioit that he-his deceived the pireitore for •••• *- and is a defaulter fora large =aunt, ' which he' Lai coneecled OntiOni ways,; noe -1 • 'irithetandin the carotid eiandisation of skillful • scoot:atone& The whole dedicetiono amount to $201,000. - .The Prisident stated that the _Tumult? was' disposed to'do' ail - he 'cOOld - , , Inakik . geod the above- lots to_the pompany,i and • • would girO up his iiietepripSity • ;* the &Mount of which; Li not fulti r and heel at Newton, sad 'Ow property are aoerdd-- . ed wooth. $02,000, 14D: bends an treasurer are This statement pioadted considerable aurprtae, and some oont'asion among the mom hers of the torPorathit.." , • A stockholder airtight it very astounding . thing , that ,this great lase had been ping an so T l ;b "i ttr ° ll t e thought that trat a, tio 4 us 4 7o.. thw o g i the - Company were owing to the inditfarenoa " and want of attention on the part of the dine - Mi. Huntingdon again vokacondentsdng the present railroad system as being the foundation of all the defalcations which hare alum place. • ;• _This is a, gourd Impression .0 to the manago runt Of all railroads. : - Mr. Milli= Parsons, of BOston s wanted to hare iimity vastly= answered—ws to how this • ' lisdidoarien *mild heti happenelf—how it is that the Dominators and other °Mears of the road hare become rich ,eq - fast, and why the man wto has robbed the corporation of $207,000ii Talking the street to-day? ,. Conslderraldcesoitetieitit 'Mottled, snit the . • • discussion was continued for some -tate. The •t: • • meetineftnili-sdjonitd aftei AO; sprdatekeut of a committee of lijrieet4gstion;', • • .11rononsesT , '—Theee of our !laden interest ed are' referred to the adeertistentst of the Pittsburgh. Water gars institution,. situated at g a d rlua , on the Ohio- and lienar.stelude nada the carge of ihe Messrs. Prime. The sitgetlon Is a eery *meant len r . ter . those 'holdallr to Snare to the .00nntry and try the and MUT SOMINdIiC 'NV Ild7ttilli• gvTalkimaty has COlahrilid the deitei "motor of WSW or . lowan Mims. • . - • - 4,* • ' '-" 4 "` tar . "14 "-,74-44:4A Af;:v.f4.‘34.5.4. , , , • "'" , , - • ' • • " • eau. Atterrameis PALM—The mereliaits of &mingld- ere nsitt, urging, the imiortanoiof another anaml around the dills of thiOldo at Leuiseille, or such saiimprammient of the rev. ent one as will remove the present obstructions to navigation. A meeting of the Chamber of Commerce vet held in that city on the evening of the 10th, when the following letter from Hon. TintOtiky C. Day, member elect to Congress from that : district, woe read: We of the West here paid into. the Treasttry of the United States in direct taxation on onr oomnierce in canal tolls for miserable accommo- dation, more than a million of dollars, and we have the right to - isk for at least as mach to give us a permanent, ample and free improvement of the falls of the Ohio. To get our rights It only needs union and determination on the part of our Representatives and their constituencies. Convinced that the movement I suggeet should have its starting titbit - from your Chamber of Commerce, I have taken the liberty of addres sing you thin note. I would also Suggest that the most practical method of getting this matter before Congress will be to employ a civil engi neer of reputation to make a minute survey of the falls during the low water of this summer, with reference to a dam, which, if practicable, will certainly furnish a better mode of transit than a canal, which can neceasarialy afford only a partial relief of the difficulty. At all events his report and an estimate for either dam or ca zud will give ns data on which we can rely to press this jest claim of the West on the atten tion of Coogrees. Trusting that you will see that there is a work to do in which all interested should co operate, and that you will prove that you are ready, I have the honor to subscribe myself Your most obedient servant, Twenty C. DAT Mr. George Graham, by request, then gave a brief history of the efforts and plans wLich had teen made at various times for the removal of the obstruction to navigation caused by the Falls, These efforts commenced nearly 40 years since. In 1817 a company for this purpose was chartered by the State of Indiana, which felled for want of capital, In 1825 the Louisville Canal was commenced, to which the United States government subscribed $lOO,OOO in stock then, and in 1831 $13%000 more. The Canal was completed and went into operation in 1832. It was constructed for the commerce of that time, but we hive entirely outgrown it now. It was built with locks 180 feet long, and 60 feet wide, but we now have boats 850 feet long and 60 or 70 feet wide. This Canal had paid over no money to the United States Treasury, but had declared regular dividends, and the divi dends belonging to the U. S. government had been expended In purchasing the stook belong ing to private stockholders, Bud now the general government bad beCome sole owner of the stock. The Canal had not actually passed into the en tire control of the United States government, but would, had it not. been for President Pierce's veto at the last session. Now, the question for the West to consider was, whether, after having already paid a tax of $1,000,000 imposed on our commerce, we would continue longer to pay it. Why should such a tax be longer laid on Western commerce, while so much was expended for the protection of Eastern commerce ? To ,protect that a navy, requiring an annual appro priation of $10,000,000, was supported, and 450 Belt bonzes, the all for which coat over $150,- 000 annually, were erroted and kept in repair while along our Western streams, suinasaing in extent our Atlantic coasts, and bearing ea rich a oommerce, not only were no light houses erect ed; but we were taxed heavily to maintain the 'emir work erected for our benefit. The government had collected $1,400,000 in rolls from the Louisville Canal, and by the outlay of $280,000 had become the sole owners of a work worth $2,600,000. Certainly she couldnow afford to do something for Western commerce.. All that was necessary to insure this, was union and conc ert niamg Western men. —Mr. Graham then gave a description of the different plans for the improvement of the Falls. 1 They were three: let, the imProvement of the present Canal, at a cost of $2,000,000; 21, the construction of a elackwaterr navigation, which would *oat $24100,000; and 3d, a Canal on the Indiana aide, which would cost $1,500,000. Mr. B. P. Bowler spoke of the great necessity et tmlontrad concert of action and offered the tolloiring resolution , Braileed, - That, a committee of seven members of the Chamberbeappointed to correspond with the Chambers of Commerce in Pittsburgh, Whee r ling, Isruiville, and other rinr town., with a -freirto call attention to theimpertance of a con certed and general movement to induce Congress to make such improvement in the navigation of "the Ohio riser lathe Falla as the extent of West ern commerce demand% also to request the own ers end masters otateamboate to appoint a com mittee of the same number,to ad with the com mittee of the Chamber, an prepare some plan for the general agitation of the whole subject, and that said committee be requested to make their report to a general meeting this evening three weeks,' The resolution was then unanimously adopted, - and the following committees, appointed, viz ; Messrs. lipoPer, Gritham,.Lemerditint, bird, Merle.* and Wash. Milean. ger A meeting:of the Stookholden end Bond holders of the Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark Railroad Company took place at the Astor House, New York, on Tuesday last. An ar rangement 'was agreed . upon by WWI: lst Mortgage Bondholders are to saarlikaiero years interestand the 2d Mortgage Baud/Widen are to take 60 per cent of their claim in stook at' par. The entiredebt and stock now amounts to $4,- 000,000. This arrangement is designed to re. duce the bond: end stock to $2,400,000, to wit: New series of bonds to be given on the whole road in place of the'preeent, $1,290,000. Stock reduced $1,110,000—52,400,900. It is suppo eed thet the road will earn enough to pay In: tarot sad dividends on the above. The prelimi naries for this arrangement were ordered to be aireied cat.' 'This was one of the that roads con strnoteff in the west, and was built In detached pieces, by different companies, which have lately beenomolidated. It wee laid st first with'fiat her rail, and has had to contend with difficulties from the boginWng. It !snow a gelid and prom blageasid,.andthe above arrangeulent, seducing the capital to about what to good road would out now, is& wise arrangeteent. TEN MAIN LEIIIO.3YO that the direatim of the ' Petnirytvaidelialireadi hare resolved not to make a bid.for the ptirohase of the Main line. We think this itakloa right, taken solely by itself; but when it tomee 'to be considered in connection with the previous course •ot the board in pun:hailing the ilea of-trans porters on the canal, it may bear's dlgsreat nerd. - „ The New York movement for the purchase of the Use is, still agitated there, but the hint Is thrown out that Pennsylvanii legislatures might be emotionally tempted •to embarrass a New York Company, and that a repetition of the Erie troubles is passible. With regard la this it is grefficient to say that the bill authorizing the sale Pledges the faith of the Commonwealth for the enactment of alibi's and 'petformance, of all acts necessary to carry out the true intent and Meaning of the lan. An effort is also making in Philadelphia to get op a coutpsoy to buy the Main Line, or at least 'to bid for it. A meeting' of gentleman- disposed to cosbeilt.k. the enterprise was held sithe La' Pierre Boisi p ihil,iliat city, - on . thii.2d#f July,, Which adopteri a. resolution constituting ifs mem ber*. a'iltioiAtteeio ascertain and 'eel:unmated ash foY rsido the emu uf.5109,1±90) on or fort the. lark ,hyrt.l iioosiosy to tie hal4 at tie• y'Amalliaa Zama; in HollitWntit; when a report will be =ale end farther step taken. The gettlemana who hare made this primary move are "solid men." The oommitttee are L. Porter Wilson, Michael Malone, T. J. P. Stokes, John Snodgrass, Thos. Collins, Wm. Mailer, Dennis Kennedy, J. B. Baker, Jl6 H. Kerr, John J. hinny, Jos. B. Flanigan. We shall probably learn in a day or two what is likely to he the result of their action. Tee CALIZOILXIA Goss) exec.—The accounts received from. California continue to represent the miners as meeting with excellent returns-. for their lsber, - aild the amount of sold now extract ed as extremely large, the year having been the most successful one for the miners since the die. oovery of gold in the country. The Northern Light brought sB2B,ooo'l° gold, and the Pons= steamer is known to have $1,063,079 on board. Add to this the sum in the hands of passenger's, and the whole amount will go considerably above two millions of dollars. The product of the mines this season is estimated by the Ban Ftan7 clew press as equal to sixty millions a year. Every Indication, remarks the San FruncisCo Herald. satisfies the belief that the yeild for the year 1865 will fully equal that of any previous year since the discovery of the mines. The branch mint was coining at the rate of $lOO, )0o a day, and the gold dust, on deposit Was largely in excess of the ability Of the establishment to turn into coin. An effort was being made to in crease the capacity of the machinery to $3,000 1 000 a month. The dust was coming in in quan tities ranging from one hundred ounces to half • ton, and the demand for coin by the miners was very urgent. Quarts mining was looking better in soma of the districts. GxulWt COLON! in Sotrru .CAHOLLNA.—Fottr years ago there was organized in Charlestin, „South Carolina, a German Society for the pur pose of founding a German Colony In the mein teinous portion of the State, in a place which cannot be easily matched for. beauty, ealubrity and fertility. On the south-eastern elope of the Blue Ridge a tract of land of about 20,000 acres was purchased, and a village laid out in the aim tre. This village, Walhalla, has now shont.6oo German inhtbitants, and is growing finer every day, prospering in business and trade. The whole colony numbers about 1,000, and enjpya • very eatisfactory degree of prosperity, partially perhaps owing to the fact that all settlers pos sessed eufficient capital to eel up their business. The Society bid out their entire tract into farina, had them appraised by disinterested persons. have sold at the appraisers' prices about 14,000 acres, and have about 6,000 acres to sell. These farms contain from about 80 to 800 acres a-piece, with the exception of an extensive mill-privilege near Platen's Court-House, which are not to be sold, and for several years are not to be leased. BOUNTY LAinD Wsasawrs.—There have been filed in the Pension office. at Washington about one hundred and eighy-seven thousand applica tions for Bounty laud under the not of 13.1 March, 1855, and the number is increasing at the ..rate of about five thousand a week. it is calculated that over 800,000 applications will be filed under the law. The Pension office commenced the issue of warrants on the fire of June, and have since been engaged upon claims filed from the passages of the law to the 24th of March.— During that period about 17,000 applications were filed of which 12,262 have been allowed, and 8,788 warrants Issued. thereon. It will thus be perceived that several thousand claims filed within a very short period after the passage of the law remain tinaoted upon. Claimants who are expecting the receipt of their warrants will have to remain patient. In a few weeks the com missioner of - Pensions will be enabled to issue at the rate of 5 to 600 per day, whilst now the amount issued does not reach half that number. Kansas LIADILATIJEL—The Kansas Leghda ture met on the 2d Inst. Thomas, Johnson, of the Methodist Mission, was elected President of the Council, and Richard R. Pease President pro tem.; J. A.. Holderman Secretary, and Mr. Grover Assistant Secretary; Daniel S. String fellow, Speaker of the House. Mr. Lile was cho- Eien Clerk, and Mr. Martin Assistant Clerk. All the members were admitted to their seats upon certificates from the Governor. .It was the Legislature would adjourn to the Methodist Mission on the 7th. STASI 41.01101111.—Alab111:11S, AskailAN lowa, Kentucky, Missouri and Texas hold their elec tions on the first Monday in August; Tennessee on the first Thursday, and North Carolipi on the second Thursday of the same month. On the second. Monday In 'September the election en Maine occurs, and that of Vermont on the first Tuesday of the same mouth. In Alabama, Ken tucky, Tema, North Carolina and Tetnessee, Members of Congress are to be elected. Tin CANAL WAR Itmairi6-41it•ther outrage nas been committed on the Wabash and Erie Canal. in Indiana, in cutting the Birch Creel reservoirand letting off the water; thereby destroying the navigation of the canal through all its southern portion:. from Terre Haute to Evansville; a distance:if 160 miles, and conse quently- Gutting off all navigation from laike Erie to the Ohio riser. - - A Huy! Einava.—ln s' Case mealy beard before•the Insolvent Debtors' Court in'London, England, it appeared that a bill disocrituter had taken £8 discount on a £2O bill at three' mcmtbs, besides £2 as commission to an agent who introduced the client The Commissioner was not surpised that parties following that course should become Insolvent Th=War naornlng. J* 16th..28C paw. cemra. by Her. MIL Van Datonr.ZUSAN.dnuttu tar of John Oblahtt. Far. of Minds:ugh. sad JACOB D. BIMLL, of BraskrUks. Canada W..t • Cm Thursday morning. the 16th Wit, by thihavrW. A. ft...most Ws dry. MOIR TIIOMPS9N, Or Wilkinaborz. Arai !dim Mary fL.' daughter of DiTid Ball., &O. of Peebles tornkahly. Anaghna 00. " ! - Illy., Lyda ydasan •697,/ SPECIAL NOTICES.' • - Pacts, without COmment—The Public mom Lwow tsui—Nno Yolk. 0ct.10,1361.-11an Harder. No. IPS Suffolk Mask wrltw us that gam haa bean How Mel with norms for aggoeibnia TM% and that As aged /ma end of Dr. Jfelona't Ckkbrated Vensajkon width bnambtiagarovarfflk ionn goggmaL neranu4Vx.dh•ath gmakedlatalr returned. ldra Qngsby. No. 102 Pim at, New York. Midar data or Nor. 23,13 62 , mites gm that she bad a obildnibkil had been unwell far batter than two gagratnn Hag lansingd bottle of IlleLana's Paradigms and sAndsdangint Tba child isamed a large sosatlty vroinsuk Ate* days ass as Dtarty• at over it bad Sam. Parsato. it* tooD todirsoar Wats tbiaaahoald not botttita trbaO than le am. mecca to itattit4 wortoto• sad • low no time in Dricar l tag sad .bittimstrins Dr. Memo's Terminate: ! it lama stls. and it pertootly Ws.' • . ; • • • ' • ; ICll.Pardattra be cereal to ask Syr D&It7.11111r5 01lLYBEATED VISEXCIFUGIk sad take Dow elsk. All Mbar Versalliegeh ooloaellahh. an Warth/0 4 4Dr. ir Lang Vamlittgo, also hla oeloblatad Wert lilleosin 120, Inatad It all reetnetable Druz Atone In tha Ilaitareglatas and Erma the eels yrotniatan;" so ler male try the sole seoteletork 'LAMM) Etooorresore to L it Clo. lllTWortgeat. Headscaul, Loss of Appitite and Ximtal Dirmaar-hittolaa Behartor, Itstns cm Cloot MIL ISM-. "My idnaartot thanks Aro dor to the Mond roooniatrad; los roar Rolland Bitters. -flartag radars& for 116200 dam with headache, losiStanotdmaattfol aolfflimich, fact soma dlsordar of tho ontosta ant 6.11.`7f af mbar but me belt* aaasektoa al retards( bolt& , • , Plttabarthrhaanot d 4.1853 .• • - ; 8.. silsorttatrosat In amnia aohuari4... fdr'dhia - The circulation of the blood .. L iejtistli . ear teem• 4 the =Mum codloatlon of DI A* rtarldaaon ter that batty 4 .nerm the his It Ls driven a" all parts af tn. systom, ghlt visor sad wtraturtli to tba complicated onchlnary ofman. Tbls Ilviag' docd. vbattarr vro or wan., mines Madly through to. malaria, and Motor softly thzough the talon .Llow DICOBOU7 that It should us not boa from all Immunity. and yet bow ; lonllarot many an rillreetilletais gnat aatantial to the ritiorraint evaded health. farrammalant In Uta LIMY ono Nam LI mioeratly the primary mum andlaitadl* Indlamtkm. and all tbr hamming thaltagenttandtentdob' makes Ilfo banho,amathr from IL Botelrlatitrold nil& ly Palm mikado If them was no earn No min would Me: TM long If hate IN* to obtain /bottle of Lloadand'a "Mr tasted Gammon BRUM Miami bl Dr. Oat.Jarkorr; tbsytandy fan In elpettag • pennasant aura. , advattanand. itallddw2 • HOLMES RABE & noasesos SO A. IL HOLKOS & BIUML&R, assmumnuru oP SOLID BOX VICES, HAMIMEEED LEON, AX LES, CROWBARS, SLEDGES. !Lit- TOOKS, PICKS. Tiniber,Brill, Tobacco it 030 *nr&rielnir ffl.nsoodPfeSooo,l3r 1/ookitserth ' • Car anil Bridge Rohe „ with Thread, 'a Nut, . complete, PITTSBURGH, PA., wainciam, 13.9W=0, Asa 101 !twos. Wm. 0.100 . 00100 03 . 0 &gremlin"' werreeted . _ , • , RE M 0 V,A:L., 111aCORD & CO., HATTE&B; , have removed to their new "store, 181 ' withmot, 6 dart aim rwk stred,lrhkb b••• tb• coma sthptstlea to OW hiEllllll4 baton.. Tb• that ba• boa litte6 wo ts MODIIII2I Onus ounninar sis ago wan tratbh when win eltranthlothut • ,•••••••• , ourrathot,tb• MOT YABlitol66lll.ll MIMES of (Mate rad loutel Uwe sat PR Usti and Caps; •• will se tADICIP RIDING ULM ant OHM. oßstre QOODS; aloft d:11 the boom diap be •thurtd to i•• ow, *Sandi 4 . 00 ittir stem , Ms bur uppet *aria. It• Out WHO= BAIA Tun. 'wham will be Jband *MIA** of Bats and Ow., imbrattat Beam 61114 OM= TrA 4 7 ,llol ‘ Ps puns, Wont. Babb. and Palm tut Miti :Ant Mob ad 'both cafe. sad Chltdron's th‘cd• tot kindr: .kawbaiita 'JAW( madly wlll ind tbidr Wart ta mamas ear Mak: ea worthtilltho an silek , is •••bbl te menses with raxT Jobbth6 • b•••• , th 00.000 7. tithe. - 'L - ^ Jar HENRY ...H. :E2fLINS, COMMISSION , MERCHANT t t. nr/1,04 t/E14#902=0.4144144441k—* ti The SheritaY. JOHN Ilfrb. ausic of the Second Ward ; rataterrata !out - be ortoodiaoto far noodiontios... tb. Manlius Wks; to be Todd fir.t the Moeda( AllogasoT .la42td<woT GEOBtiE ft, ILIDNAE, of the City of so w n.r, trill be • amildate Ler the Aloe of Sheaf of Allegheay Oonsty. et the eiffithtl elocatem. • KR: mum Icaamm of Elizaboth, .01 be aeea4ldate be Sheriff of Allsahoor Oemeatr, rob Poet to thi doesstos of the ansUlfedl obsetats,WhbP. Num ante sad Marty UM of the dlettlet. Ellsobstts, Usy W. 101. air23.4llrtfor Niw Yoax. Jona 16th, 1855. Nev York idiverp4olLine of Packetz.4l JOHN TlToslisON, No. 410 Liberty dreg. Pittiburgb. Pc, Ix tliCoolr Lawn In the ahoy otty out/mime to nil PUMP OortlSottoo to my Lino o Now York sad Ltlorptol Nast. nu away, on hand Blight Drat. ft. .o 1 rennet. Voroblo at any Bank In Eoleaud. Ireland, Soot/sod and loi. myrnim mammas from Fox York on.l OULU y ads by Pa4lroarl.. OORNZLIOB 014.1211111.L.V.F Irl Booth ft. Now York. British and CAintitunital lizatinge, vain itzus DRAWN DI . DUNCAN, SHERMANCO., ON TUB' UNION BANK, LONDON, • IN SIMS 01 Al AND O PWARDA These Drifts axe illvailablo at all the prin cipal To= °Meat/Ake. Scotland and Inland. and the Oontinent We am draw SIGHT DILLIron M. A. Grunebann & Hillin, imarirfrosr A RAIN,: Wblch arcs a. a Ilornittaxim to all parts•Ai 011192..7t Swltswiland and Holland. Plll,Ollll intonate to travel ahroridnlar Imicomottrolteti um Lettere of Credit, on wldebitioney can be obtained, needed, In any pert of ammo. dolloationo of EIS , Hotel. and other mcoritles to Ea rd/w. will remise prompt \W WeL H. WILLIAMS t 01. • Wood. owner Third Wrest Western Imre= Company OF PITTSBURGH. Will Insure against all kinds of Filo and Idcrine Wits. . 'woe Ott. Mira, Jr, • Moe Scott, .fiu. Masao J. W. MALT. . A. Nlmirk. Geo. Dante: Wm. Lrosh 0. W. Rinketsso, Nara Mow% 0. thrum G. W. Jaeteon, e. UPPWwW. . . hartui In:Muth= managed by Mostar, snit known. In this onouturar. srig. olio .111 PetunPar P.l all truss at the Omen Nn and Street. (BM= A OA Warehouse ' ) up stars, Pittsburgh. /MN . • WESTERN TEA STORE Corner of Wood and Sixth stmts. W. A. M'CLUEG. Our Teas will be found on trial unequaled at. the pries In lE. city: Maria. Green". .oolonir, 40, 50, 62, 75, Young Hyaon,so, 62, 1,00 and 1,25 per lb. 75, andl,oo per lb. Iblgßreakflur. -50 and Imperial & G. P., 75, 75 ota. per lb. FOO & 1,60 per lb. • Toga put up Woaday boxes from 6 to 2) lb.. for riangT wit A literal amount mule to and dealer". COME—Jaw, Owtru, oud care, Omg aM Sodded.. 131704.14.9—Loorringes and Beklures.LoafjPolrertmed and Cturhod Bogart. Also, ithatototut &tow Rates, Nat and Dried hElAug& JOHN COCHRAN Sr. BROS. MANUFACTURERS OF Iron Railing, Iron Vaults, Vault Doers, Window Mutton, Window Guards, ke.,_ Nos. 918econd st., & 86 Third st., (between Wood and Market,) • - PITTSBURGH, PA., Have on hand a variety of new patterns Fancy and Plain. Suitable for all prunow. Partioular at- Utak= Paid to inninling OM. tots. Jabbing doss at abort =Um PHILADELPHIA Fire and Life Insurance Company, No. 149 CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE THE UITSTOZ HOUSE. Will make all kinds of liumrance. either Pabst& or Linetscl, anevert de of Property or Kachandssi, at reasonable Mee of precohun. ROHM P. SING. Pendant. hi, W. Bs.untmr,lirlas Prnddent. • r Diaserona Clia. P. tam. S. B. B. B. tinelei. - Geo. W. &aim PL B. &var. Joa. & Poe. ' 0. Ottoman, John Clartm. B. J.tdescarres. K. Wiler. 1. Bl.Will=ll, &MUM, J, 0. 001111 N, /trent. corner Thin! and Wool streets. Behan' ee Mutual Insurance Company • OF - PILILADELPMA. .0171CN NO. 70 w.A.L.Nvr anuarr. :-,- . - 111771.674-4m4171771.092, Secterdp /waited. MIMI:MANCE — On Buildings, Mer l:banns% imam% la., it , 7 7Ini 0. 007,7 e7. TM as principle. Aohildnad with do aecoAdbr 0, •• Mott - erdithatho Inowninia abase In .sha pronto :err&v. ;without Ilathlty Ow loran of this MmarrL, Ins wets ' aro 1°"-',ti!git"ClakIIt""LCIPIrat=t, '." . 2.. um; . I . 3 Al t its 3 ears, • ......'. !awls IL Arbionl4 W. ILA l rdpooss. ' iherptti t _Bakar. 1 714.=thor• Beni. W.Tlnshar. Z. Lathrop, ::. Utast nowt. ILL. Carson; IL If t ' , Robert Tidand. Alward G. hoists 'Jams: .Tarbtr. Woullawar. . Joaoh.T. Bardhor. Archibald Getty. IL W. Ilittosid. Wm. M. BoAlPlo. Pith/ • .1. G. Corm. *wont. t. . oaths .r. , . carom Third and Wood otroata. . PITTSBURGH I.lira I urine Daum= Company; 01Bee, entiner Market and Water &r i le . te i /win Jaws D. YoUtu.. Ley. This Oott y makes every Insurance air PoraD.l.4lDerixszuwebod with m a ILIUM ..... == u, a i ttrzt= ... I= tato and starD" And Lose or Damage by Fire, ALI Amiss{ Um Pa* efts. 6.• sad alma Navt,tkok "It=="tbilloireatirsiss wads/mat vitt marts lOW DIMS& ifoi‘tDalwa. • Jam / 1 2/Alt% • James 'Dam IDOUI r . R 2 1.4. 76 DV* on • =Wm* Ammndeer Ites4 l' ataama tarami J._ W. Habow;, Ohm Art/Wilmot. , David Rktwy.' oZttilZg N.Lit. Paw WC 04.1 • • MIN TEA • STORE. a:JAYNES_,, N. 'SS Fifth fr tr't t . •: Caspooszin ru nesunni.i.m.. • PITTEIBMGH, PA. GtEN, AND.•BLAQK got fh T r . = basixt . = r ih t..P. itd . adra right. to. - AT THE LOWEST tRIOE3. sia jar l eitt r = ° = "6l2 - 71"th PACKED TEAS. A';' 1.0"0"//6711418W. ettyreeely for the US* Yowls Uri/Melee% igiV e lsi. AaA Odossi X*. L Se, S. - awn heat i'veattegt 9 , TPTIerI.• a:7l;s reartenth ameba Bral. - otibmatnisiset. l'eu of all Oahe by the Half Cheat. corns-4.. 4..4M . 800.113.11—CM*14. - Omar Pulverised. =r d.. Wait tP lai r ". .Fl ;T4 lr Clad"d• I : BZWIt SWIM 00001..5e (=MUM ke.. &a. Zang Modem U tbi teams, ranialinAtft th.t aur Castanet in walla ealn pue• =aut of weal PrOWIT • 4 / 0 .4 gr spkau ippgahmag.for w ak of 'DX SATXAdOI2 . 4I23ILATZD PANSY 112DIU7RZT, Jammu, JO a x e o x ~ ° °l ; . . L uiz ' 4c* WELLS, WPM. & 86 !north at. near . Wood, 'Pittsburgh, Pa., marantecTrazas or , &inYi Cirriage, ,Drovers ) . DRAY, -- WILIPg; 'IIIONGB AND,. SWITCHES, •' Keep constantl.l . On bend, received dinet Ikon tha yort il l l rl: 4 1 , kilttr id. lll vailed T=WA Ir • and reaa r a ttitceseseee ewe mow ere . thrH wa ireareelte m z ii , ieleireawee ' =mu: nouturoz comPtarz OF PIirTSBURGII. JOHN X SHONNURGEN; Preridaut; ROBERT FINNEY, 13soretsry; O. NV. BATOHNLOB, Gemini Agent. .W 1 Immo iagaxist All Xfilds of . 111/111,INIC ANIV,VI RE' RISKS. • • P.n24 R. T. tba . A. Can.sbirt.' - r • - Dive.•olm bratur„,...„bm 6 di a pi..„%• the b this Car. s till at Itaotie..NOOWATlr4 • ARIYQLD`` M73:14.1AA1113 • 7 luiciaaraslis air .ClillssaFarnacescWroPtlreaTublag AND .IrEtTINIAIt , /Or Wwssito and resstaation tr is= a.* W. wui wwWio.wir . WwWws and Yea b 7 etalatic ilokiVster.PlDisetealkesPismadeAtuadm. Moak licenelik Irsatadm, ftwiklicrossi, Omni Um , Jill Itaolsor ovellhuts. Sk MAW rt....Plttibent New Dagtemulliallerv t MK NELSON would iespectrat gif"M fltsiAatitad di stir MislitTitirial Day aperiktal — roieW Po p = L u sh w pregisgAßax 1114- iggati The Greatest Zedhal:Discovery OF THE AGE- . Mr. Kennedy, of .Roibary, boo diecioyered In one of one 001:i101012 partan weeds a randy that core new hied of HlCbr, from the, wore /Scrofula to a mere weirs. •,,, He baktried It In One anon hundred corn. end soar hind snot in tea eaten (both thlllider honor.) He her now In his posseadon one two heindlud ontlesatee of Its i value, allnithlnterntrmitti of Itortors.. Tee bottlei are warranted to care i naming wntno to One to thnebottin will cure the Worst thrtkof pimples of the hoe. Tyro to three bottles 41116 hear thesystem of Ulm Two bottles are warranted to can the worst canter In i the month and stomach. Thin to An bottler are warrinted to one. the. wort on. of etnipelse. • . One to two bottles are warranted to errs n 1 humor in the eyes, Iwo bottles are warranted to nee running of the era and blotches among the hair. . Your to six kitties are warranted to cure corrupt and runalzur deem ...... . . Oise bottle will eon only eruptio n t h e skin. Two to Urns bottles an warranted to Gun the wont en of ringwonn. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the moot des - paste cues of rheusaathm., Three to Inc bottles are warranted to onre.selt rheum it,. to eight bottles will cam the worst ease of erroibla A tenant is always arparienoed Irma the Pest bottle, and a perfect sure Is wensnted when the above quantity I s taken.' . . . Nothing looks so Improbedde to thew who have ln wain tried all the wonderful medicine. of the ;Say, as that a common weed growing In the tram& mad along old stem wall., should ems, worry humor In the sane= Tel 1* I. DM • Aged Lot. If you have • homollPhi• to inert These are no In noranda„ hew or bee tAboiiillt felting mme mare =fleet route. I Peddled am,. thmurand tote Mee Olt In the vicinity of Gorton.: I know Bits Cads in every sus. It ha already done some of rho ireategtAures ever done in Maswacheatte t / I gave It to children • year arch to old midi of noty iI here earn poor.Put4...ormy. looking children, whose fifth •88 weft and gabby. reamed to .perfect state of health by one bottle. To thew who ire =Neel to a Ka header-he, mm battle will always cure It It aloe. 'oeat rale to catarrh and diadem. tome who have been native far yeas, have to. ken and teen reginated by It' Where the body in round, It work' utdte am% but whore there Is any derangement of the Ponetions of eater. It will mum very singular met bigs, but you mat not he alarmed—they alma, Wrap pea In from four day. to soreek. z Th ere is never a bad re mit from It. On the contrary, when that feeling Is gone yron will 6.81 vermeil' like Angle =ram. I hand some of the most extravagant enconiums of It that man era 11.. tared to. - 'Nu Mrinaior Met Is ear negagary—eat the hat you can get. I have Intewbre ea herb. which, when sinP raced In swan oil, dissolies &riddem waling of the nag and under the ears. Prim; 40 cent. : Pace of the Medical Disorret7 SO Per bottl. 0 O.IRE(7fIONB Van IDIL , r-Adult, one table-amorifel te 7. +Children eisigyeers„ dessert spronfek children from aoe to eight var. tmarpoonfni. A.B no direction can be made applicable to all onalitetione, take enough to operate on the bowels Wee. day. Mr. IiILVIEDY gives personal attendance' h. bed Callal of 'morels. i &Id, wholearle and retail, at Dr. 11.11Y8NEPP, 140 Wood teat corner of Virgin alley. 1 feAtherT DR. LIBBY'S Me Ointment M ascertain me for that distressing diem*, the Pile t In all their Tatted thrum it has been need en more thin gist/ Yea?", and has exhibited the met happy effects In all wee.— Igo publish the following name. of gentlemen who have been cured by Its u.., and who,. after euffesing fox leme had exhausted every reiouree of the =did inset. Ron.Jia. D. Wetted; Senator/ron horida, J Panne, Bt. /Ina. Jt!anetota. di.: Ai.. D ef t _Pd. ass, hon. Jokes .wero. Vita. Weehinotote. B &ogue, d.q. 2483 . (=fi et.. N. York, Gko. W. falsoll. Esq., ChWAI . The shale lid might beitioneued by 'thousands. but enough tisi boom shown to Indust evet7 intfteret to give the seutedy • trial. goldoeholeesle sad tetsll by Qes. L. Etym. N. 140 Wood, wetter of Virgin eiley. Pries SI. • s To Mothers, Wives and Daughters The noblest discovery In the whom et midldna seal the one Thigh has, =Vein nontlnie to penis, the greatest. blood:op to the human famlb. I. the malik3l preparation known s liar babe IlteilneCatbollom. It I. deallined to ears the various areas Ineddeut- to females, each as toesoilim Pala lath. bath, matins, extreme prostration.from nand' ag and a hundred other evils la Oak tisk, hasealatost, mode Ilk • burden tam. ed existence Into • dally iad hourly eon*. The roost en lightened professors of the tagileal colleges' la Abe old world. s Well as In Ude reentatry, Fare held the satOet In antic= considerratiom and they hers finally deter:oft ed that the old method of treating' three 0 tarot and ep erato disease Wee ell wrote. end that • coestingteend treat, mad was What was rpnlnd. i It is an: cid • adage. that glut bodbm more slowly; end •Clille the Pecnity wen en , . mirroring to hernumim Choir Mews end digest • system tor general emetics, Dr.lirmeroyos phyidcien with testy Teen experience In the !Weems of women gad children. reduced the theory to simple room. enditlemrerred a rem edy, which bee cure eighteen ont of Or= twenty our now some ewes whore the or -gene here been rap or when they hare been 'mere , ly injured by bed medisiil treatment, nothing mos be done but to alleviate the sysisptoom. ...No maser te 'hopeless/ . odd f denture: the greet leader of the English medical ,moot, and. theVlft#ll, let no one deep* until this fame. dr has bee n &Maar tried. Throw amide preindke sad the advice of an Interested physiriew4aseon for vea -1 eelme—we what the mom& Imo done forothire, •nd then go on with • strong faith in the semiterios that Alentheirs Uterine Ontholicoa is rw•Nterk remedy," but • wdentiflo oothhinatiOn of medical 'Tirtneit, whkh Dream the Winstitution from destinotthr• utll.artret the 1a 01001 mane& of Wails" and wetsme health to the already ten- Abed ritil power. • Pricrsl,oo Per little' Paid whole sale ma retell et DB. 0140. H. ICEVEgIt'il Drag litere.ll‘. 140 WoocLathre--:/.. - • • ' ing•thw ligament from Cletadeabee; Feb. tthoese,:-eteees. B. 4F took Onr—tie had the *mu= of rumble& Ude inorplng.thilUthln certificate .treat Tirmlfugd welch will to ray eratifyling to. you. at It waseent. Wki an, In a thitolr o r c r Venaltun truly fizaTuleas—lfy little 'daughter. 4 .years old, and my win. Naar, wen fdr a two torfiesof considerable time etifferfur gnu . norun purehamet your whiehl gave thou three duos, according to dire of and gunge bray, In loss than tone :doors Um . - en lustful& YlVil HUNDRED WOHAIB, some of- I.CI IW. trurdluary Ingth Uinta 14 to lb Inehea. lianig ea e.. to touch of the henellcial Wade n root renrauge. I frel Raw duty tt. recommend ft to the &Me u, my ordnkru, one of tb• nut edlewilmunumb warms ern yet offered to the pohll. • GeV lirrim. helloes MI to lieyour much °tinged and humble tenant. ATHAN Libß I.ICATERS. Premed and old try B. A. FAUNA:STOCK 110., corner of_Woort and llntste. . , anylltilAwr Old Sores, lacers,-end all er4tione dlerasessuiatrut from err Impede or depssiod state or tb. ticod.::_heo the crtraordbsarf rare of Wm. G. Harwood. bistdr mewled& citizen ofAllebspood. CM be. Ihrteee Beesdeh MI to% • Ile tad Wean sad sore. of the worst descrlptbm. and dully got bed., he was =Ale to we& 'except on crutches. A', bathe of Certree litrateh' Mrtoze." the greit bloat wasiher. eared blot, as It his cored .bandords °thaw Who bare 'offered with Amis • matiest. bed Warts of :roereorn sod POe and taeal , °f the bowie andjohtta. Bee advertisement,' jeZ/1111.8 OHIO & PENNSYLVANIA , RAILROAD. THE ONLY`!RAILROAD RUNNING WEST nom PITTSEURGH. On and after MONDAY, March 12th 1855 , .the PABBINGENTSBN3OIIII ritn an knows. nil:U . 4a. Fur Tient . inin tan jar 2 .. a. Mealasts ," ••• av 3a. a. ; larazu Yank? " , Irt• 3r. x. • Mame Trains a ll run %roach to ieeUld.,wdeonwot tars with the Comagens inneinnatt, T Olikkaut balk am and Baleitatekha and Zahn. Railroads. at win. Said. anneektions are nads:r Newkirk, Zakarin., Mow radii. Sandusky, Toledo, "awn; neu and at Alliaria clealand. te. - .No rat ti Simla i Thrash 1 lanai lanait4 Cineltunaß Bailor 16, St. taut., Chlake. Rink band, Fart.kWayika. Cleveland and the Prineleat towui lUldnielur intl. Were The NEW BRIGITYCIN ACOO3.II4ORAT/ON - TRAIN all YTS Nitta:wreak at 13 A. a, and r. sad New Thigh ton at T x. anal ton - • - • ; Yee llama sad furtha inkaantan, sekra : At tb• coma *Sok ilidrr ttt• blancmga , " no . " , Or at Or !slang rtiset Statfou, N. ,OZOROW Pltiabarsta, redi 11441846.., Mast 6nut . Pennsylitaniss ompany. OF PITTSBURGH, CONKER OP POIIRTIA AND PAIITHWELD HIREETPC AUTHOILIZEM d4PITAL $300,000.1 INSURE BUILDINGS :CND 'MS= PROPHRST„ LUAI ST LOSS; Olt DIVANS BY. FIBB AND THE PERILS OP Sea and Inland liviitatlon and Traneporlaticii DTRIPOTOES.! . • Wp.../..lohnaDm, ; W. PPCEntoek, • ; 141. Dram Donedy T. Mad, J. OtioraponA ; ;;`.. H. oao; . • . • • , 4 r atot4 1 JurtB.4= 4 - A. A. 0f.t . :7 f B. Harm OTtidAd•—•ll - on Wax T DEautAD:' ' • ; los Proklerki—EalrPattanon. ; ; : =o , 4x 2. 7 ll 7 2 Bl " reir k g °3 7 l" e. ' • ; ms's rugurano!WY ox atiatonni SAMUA~LI 0.1 1 7261. 1)4 WAfti1i r T=1114:,42117)....414R ThNB O! 011 *A n it U MBStraenD E T-RWITA , 14trirOVII :11.61:44"NAPG'47 Wm_44ml j r I: A I z . Z, . • -Job's. 1 I Jr. ° " P '`' saes sataitax• • , NI 0 N. INSURANCE Indiana, - Tennwasefi, Kano ha, adallien; allamenTrant Bank-Notes, PariAlait - at ZOIONN 'AMIN Man Wel attar linsit. , TM mama Mang PAID JVIt OLD. ULM. MILT /MAT= on`l p ow YodA PT intl. AL Loa% and tAi taliattpal OW/. of tba Valtia 'Btalataarabbed Inmai to salt at LOWIDT SAM. FIitE . AND LIBINWPOLICIES OF MERINO : Maas rozpattalis nanstux ow lANDCA, Wane., $2,500,000. sad the GRANPID matinawal 00., of Nil/Vatic Ati; • • DOONNOII.OIOTMDI. 1 DD. • •-• Husaiati, Itthaass Brakes and Insarama Asti; al/Ala fp • 1tc.16 Wood at. one &lath= IN. Intaat. FLOM PLEICENO. intOTEDDIC iffin:0801 8 104. 1310 a' 003 WHOLESALE DRUGIOISTEt,' NO. CO woo:l9pm MAW% ' "Al 2 UV' PEARL STEAK inir. ALMIEENY. Flour delivered to fernilies in either of!he ort ,„. . 7.. eitinat tee te teeerlbetteist gt"`w toa►it 'Flues wood • • sadSt.pair eta, MO* • 140; WI9VAN4 ;40:1D4kilDikohl '!Eaecmtirts' Bide of Real Estate. OrE tindamglit4 Executers of , ttus last '.lll and teetament aflame;if Cardlaid, a, deed as authorised and diverted. fn the will of mid Wallas", tall MI at mus swiiiiiitammr bL at times and places below namedoic `,„ At Ittersborg, , Alsthossina (134 Oftfo. me MONDAY. at ea d igtr 'e r "t °'"A4 bf tettSPSsffi' 1,4 s on • acres. • Lot Nab . 164 pare Ls. Lot N 0.17. five sem. . Lot No. le, three ssrm i*, ands f. Lot No. 20. one ilm% A nn'Zia:=3ll. 21 0. I on ooth sides of. the roads to eitatioo: sontatalnul3 6 sere, of land, now oson by Wm. S. Waileae. On the Marro are two good mut:mule of grattad fruit, sad Several arm fall Ins admire A' lma. adiarnina.thesbomlririu teth eldest amid occupied by Dr. OoMn, oantainlng gulf ay. , Ann, about one mile mat of Petwaborph, In North --p a ssed, towaibly. Lawrolue Oo , Pa., containing, (as ear pose,) 100 sae. On tits farm le a Toney °tenant of 7&an pd fruit, =OD wall Intend. Au g ..: Near Nona Jackson, Lamina Cti., /4.. en 16/41). pagemsy, the Wl' Aro!. LW, on Mereirefreu • IS seas, irrirmxia. - 1 "-- W A Vas nLodland,eontalnhuf 86 scree and 110 Perth oe, adjoining. ttm r`Aleo-.At Dmimoton,Numer Re..ort mussaAr. as 9th rd finfimf 1 06 . 0 , Tung* Int. on by la • D 6111.111 Hauls, 0111. aisd Stable. now occupied by Martin. TONS Or Pentufr—Onfrfourth of the muebsee sooner tiare4 the balance In Ov I.. al:gnat im ardent r ip. con v ... Sstart. t . irv h . /tared Into waY irier ,sad a deal will be mmto on ppimsst tie p room. Other etrodDlos, 1 0 , r eap,. poessalon, aft; in j a c anwr z nalte r 1 . 167, • JAYS:WALLACE. Jr.. hg.3416 . Ezra:dam Noes--Dr. Caw ;,111 offer at public at Petersburg, , on add 000 dor of August. /tee ACM of Land. Dediolptait raid forty woe aboveesmidsed,) on whist. Is situated nit Howe. B. as. • _ . XTEW & VALUABLE BOOKS as Davison'a L" Booludare. 66 Merger st. near 4th: _ Alttory of tbe ChristianCboroh . Obarsh. by Dr. Haan Prise gamut Them. the Witness of *aeon and Natare to an allarlee and beneficent Creator, Evenings with the Romerdets. by roymawl a with Jana" breams author, begets:el:a Wt. The Note Book of an English Opium Eaten Papal Conspiracy Expand. by Beechen Catholic and Protestant Nations Compared to their Threerfbld Relatlwte to Wealth, Knowledge and Moralltr. bY Tbe Advance:4s Ainy. Lee, by Sew Charles( note. ' Nobs of a Theological Stndenn elm Jamleson's Common Place Bookof Thouebte. Mem seise met Yen:og Star Pepe.. by Beechen Which. The Bight or the Left root:ltem of St. Paah The Deed to Christ. by Phalli. Colville. by Kennedy: The giords and Mad of Jeans Kitten Clekmedla of Bell:done Llterstunn Be. Alcott's Werks—Tbe Vontg . Houreksetr. The Tarti. W e'birigh l = ! I nl i trkistore T ar g Cu mmins 's Works Travels In of and tlw liekr Lend: Blank Books and Statiociery of ell kind& aim. Maxilla Wearlrus Paper.. Nor ads at eastern orkee,bv S. AVISON. Mies Onm t Piga& Ransom Co. 1, • Pittsburgh. Jnl7.loth. U 55. i ricHE Board of Director, have this day de -clued Dividend of Pone pernmt. for the sin months enng lit lost...poyable ifl Ms dock of the (*romans. di por at their °lgoe, 6th st.. nu and after the 24th July. , The Stockholders New York will to rad at the Bank ing Rouse of Winelow, larder I Co.. 62 Well etrreh In ',leo of the additional equipments In motive power and are required for the Inatome of the road. and the arndnai retirement orthe "hosting debt," the Board boo deemed It hest for the Interest of the Steekholdas that the present dividend should be pal i tirtio li sr m oNo c f . the Cruird[22 rath er'A." Treesurer., WANTED IMMEDIATELY-A Eitua lien by *Young Man 19 7.111 of age and of good addrees, in a (good enuntrr store he Western Penna. or Eastern Ohlo. He has a thorough knowledge of the Dry Goode and :1009g brisineogalm4 the hardware and Gram. Can ;Mahib. the tery owl Philadelphia mfierenoes Born preen& employees and other.; ean keep amounte and earry on a Nurtures ocnespondenre. Any ',Medfield or firm wishing suck-a per= will plume ad. drew,. with name mud rime aloofness. • inl34ter3 0110PAE O. PHOBIAS, Phil. P. 0. Mourning Goods. JOR. HORNE & CO., have just ree'd a new sad beautiful snort.ont. of - CRAPE SETTS. • - - - - Whits Ond - Alm:a Am now MO. ot - Whitl ohd Mack • Crape Collars and Sleeves, To which Sher hafts attention. et T 7 Market wt. inl3 . EMI-ANNUAL SALE—A: A. Mason & haveree'd another, large kit of Dates., good ttel.alnee at 61(e per Td. Gold Medal do 123ia; dna Brags Del alms 10 and 1.214 e, worth 23 and 260 Inl3 GRASS SKIRTS-200 Ike Gram Cloth Bicht■Joat coenta And foe ale at Oa at owhalf the A. A. MASON A CO.. 213, 15th it. . DELL SMITH—BeII Smith Abroad, Bine! testad by Maly. Walcott and Obrireba, to 1. yol. Mi Conlaollon, ttu atom of a Womathi UM, atid other 1 v01.12t00. , for lair by jolt KAY t OM, 66 Wooeistraat. irONCENTRATZD LYE, for making Soap Gash e rerd= t ut t ' .;' ‘ b it t SELLE RS INSEED OIL-12 bblo. for see. by talB ' R. B. BELLIES it CO, Si and st. QUPERIOE CARB. SODA-100 kegs for Ol• by IL E. BELLE:BB k CO., 67 Wood et. JWDERED ELM BARK—A fresh le jag reed ara for soh to R. P. BELLEW! CO. - - - - - - ITRIO ibru-11.2 lbs. just ree'd and for nab, by jun R. &SELLERS i CO. ARTARIC AULD- 7 -300 11" 'net read and R.I. by JIM tn. I. almuma a co. CORN STAROH-reaqi , ln L land fmeetvb.y tirIITTING-7-25 bble: just reo'd and for ea. by it= , FLEMING 111109. 5 DOZ. MASONS BLACKING in 09.. and an ride FIXitINCk BROS. VENETLiN'RED=2S bble.rp_rire jiist re outralaadlbe.sals by. =Ma Nu BROB. GONCEPTRAMED LYE, a reiiabla artial asking Sow 60 boxasin atm s d tbr grlia ivarro pi n=tktut e, ASPHALTUM VARNISH just reted and (ac w• try inlll 'TUNING BROS. We're Here! Here! Here! Here! . FENTON'S ETHIOPIAN THR-11811MS ♦ STAR COMPANY OP TEN -TATJLIUND PREFORM:ERE Put= this wit& at • • ' *. MASONIC • HALL. • JOB BROWN, the gent Jamie= Jig Naar and MARLEY PERL, the greet B•hjoig ,01 .PPear , Oghtl?' hAtildt, Removal • " W " - ILKINS & 4:30;. ' 1 . .: (Thweasortli A. Willint deo. r - ,D AV& removed their °Flee toNo. 75 Fourth , ..u..c.; two dons east of adds.:Ad dand,ethen. May eantlwee bl ur ldwe lte=nd o=lnlnaelt. Alta* balder usi In WI It. Wanted. taatdpely• sham Yeentanlere Nadi stank. Unearrent and neokan bank =tam tonente at be rated Jan . :, . . •,- . • WILKINS t CO. OsMaGLIONITITT. Jab gth.lb66: rrorTrustees ofrthe Pittsburgh Gas m vanT bare this dor declared . diridond lot m. Dor coo tho Capitai Stock or the COmportY.:oot or rho Wa tts of the 'lx month. ending drat fwt.. routblo to Incokboldris or th eir iqral mritorltb. st ;the Moo of the Cemosny. . J/017.9 CHBD3TY. in10•10t4.• •• • • ; • i .2 ••••• Dividend' Notice_ . • • THE eitookholderi of the . . Pittsburgh aid Allabial a trldr Coropalkyd3 and atrooka on hem on I :.l.,lgatal Brack dt ° Ol f pony hoo boon l baan . "drocithard' of So salaam of the Bat Mx roordlo.' POO& - rad Of. floo of th'llosaraar *Khali . By ardor of Br Board of Batumi. , , Jaa.batl ..13119. B. ARNOLD. Troloarer.• • • • Protaatiaaa, Jarna2516.11186. TkIVIEDENII--The .President and BoardOf 11 Mioadria of thi NotiborOLlbeffaii 'Relax* 000MM' amaio'. tido day &eland dividend of 11240 ou each lawn of the Olultua Stook:of oakt Compan, lbw oama to to to raid to tha StWetWldara ea or 'alloy tbelOth day of July moat. • -, Juklirdo • 0. WARNAII. Yroaeuray . ... rS INSTITUTION will ,be otieb for boo -FR1...0n sad abet JULY-NINCIL but. TORO LYS en DAYS hays bum Axed izn au the Ofigoant , day. Notes foe dimeosnt to be odlned u ir L ftwiam • • • ' Mechanics Bank Eltook.far-Bale. UNTUBSDAY. JULY 17th, at 7,1-2 o'clk, P.ll, lit ?fir Haehante Ezeha 'Fillb order l amid far sale 1173 dmr.r. ores eta* or this Muir, at the Beard of Director*. - B. MILLI& a, tradtd Prerldent. 4MURES . Citizen }' Insuraneo Co.; I 12 steam llonolopliola NsTiaStion aw . 20do - Otdo Ammo. Rallroo4 • 10 'do '.oltuoneDoidod2 Baur. U.' • d °. ;- Bidela wi l tich% 034.11-IcOnth t4l ANTED—SIO , OOO Time Bill ,e ha*i_t • noel to T month rum, _to Osmotic' from P O O to $lOOO. Artist to - • IL ItaI.LIBI t 13021._21 RRLI. ArORANICS' BANS - 10 9lui,res of ;the stook of tbklOomoult kr a OB at • . WILKINS 'll Fourth •t. - • STOOK &US$—W. - O. itioOARTNST. licnosen—W• , the hrkerthe deeirsble CASH PAP FOR viod. By 3119.1, • J. B. Munpay 090.1tiabiXargr, 14 700.1.--64 sak e in store and foe 'sale b 001,Csalt paid for she diffeimt grsdl Wcol r by SPRINGER 111)=17011 00., FOUNDRY METAL--Nos.l ainiTaarehrtfr. sto. Elie= Boot No. 1„ Nu omoi ,tl - IL S. Co. No. by.. ja .8 .& KING, 115 Aster stmt. WOO —Bedford Forge Chorotodßloom ` SING, Na TO *stint • MILL 3INTAI.L, No. 3 Anthracite:metal; Juniata metal, Coke metst am /M eV' , • •: • MILL 11. & Ito le Water Meet. lAMB DYES—I -have 'need a largo and tonnoloto otock . of XOl. Dios. Win[ of noleby Hozslo7% AlosailOal. e tto y tti t ti a. _. • vacua DisszamisoOl ] garksO otroof. ~ .:.:.0 .. rt •p , it; .. , (MAO! 4141 , 43 pssdtr:sliof Ids ..itterO. li..kag 1 ..hi11.7 • IBS PAPER--2fr bogs. for aalo by • 0..10n J. 501100Nleitt18 a co .24 Wad It. 12 WEFT OIL-25 doz. be qaalitj, qta. and A. 7 Ati, far Ras by 3. sonoonictitm a - pa. NDIGO—,4 cases I=l as. Cases rum a ri d. b r J. lOROONMAICIEL CO., • AC.))sbbls: . Reg '• 1111:4: i for .- .y -hat • - BOHDOMUKIR A 00. LIQUORL:I=I bdle.:Rot a bist, ro;easels 16,1 . VinoVivicuriert .111 CO. R3L3I-01rTHOUSAND V IWEAS-- dos of w. agotastsd wiltd• rodclulsitkinsix fI.BEASE TATZOW bbla. pm°, ai7ta ;we* sambi salcbr - mini' s :twit:xi law BR- HOOPS-40,000 ash - Bogy Ponca bocssistindaiiidgket al th'. - ". ' •' • pum44.50: ; mkt reced eindjo* flpfai—V24o btu.Ued for tab ital .1111Iti2 AUCTION SALES. P 'X. DAVIS; Auctioneer. Olornereist 331 a cThr mal mg! PIM sired 50 KEGS EDIERT AT AUCTION—On Md., mar I L J 1,78 t .at n eekdr.. at tLa aremord+l W.. ma.. coroar Karl awl /Kb MOM In kt to pay advaace and amaze& 60 lop EI:I.M = Ol, NM. excell.t. iMaktY• alms, arty dig OM rams GrAr POO- , - • P. XL DATDB. Amt. rt - Ina e - Cowl- hood Books, cm Bator -4"..,.,000. July 1411.*anmanetna abll 'cio 11 bo mold at tba emsuner Wm room. tomer Waal and Pllth street, an eat...anti and 01l &dread of non and oromod band boob, coraprialog dandar ' ll i Z t _popular works 1n 411 the tasnates of Lltoratarn Minot and Art. • Many lonia of arcoodbra Intorrat to mites of remearoh and otAers. IN orear In tba Ws, that would, to I4lll6cult toltbtals olranbaro. ; Alao alarrantly hoYndl.ol of the da.t3 Mo. With Marl plata& and Clbranr•Mont.. , .. P. 3L DAUB, Anat. rIUS EFIS SALE OF REAL ESTATE ND ETI3OIO-0 0 Thunder smanlng• ebek. atthe kleruhentsl S.MMange lockeui eoly DT order of Wm. e i Tr, T d or o lltit u ; That valuable three Mary - bri.M . Dellhni Room; *o. , 164 Fourth gt:. t h e wined halt otnetins flee OM oightydive feet, itielnithut a Cum stdrimE to mortgW, Sl. - a Megtone w elts s= N ot 4 and 16 having a front ofirmitY 014 M.,. extending back one hundred lent. Ows undivided Smyth of. log Ti 0.12 In Ural tof lots In unbent City, bwri.ts that of twaspdixt it. amen Ituthes en Anderson id, Lextending hick one ham di...1.d forty het to thay's sing. Sit hots In the Borough of Manshader. boot. ash • front of twenty lint on southeb . side of Chausios7 tending back VA IVO inchet to South alley. Wag In B•kestall'esubdiviskst of ontiot No. 217 in resernd hut oppalrta Pittabstarh TI.. undivided thrmfdths of two hundred azid Mgt!. aim norm of laud in Rosnouir. towlmhir. /Mom V.g; thsmoth.wom & of the Ohio rime, eked Nos. WI, 21 and 02 0 0 tha north. No. el on Ina =. 1i ,Ne.411 ou tha south, and No. 46 on the moat. being 'Mind la Loge district, gager the degradation surrefil • ono dred'rVn2Aand thirty amts . WWI in Med otolotniro:. -filtsch mike telow Parkersburg sad them miles Litrom the 211.10 tkvar. which Fs !a...a " 471 sett egt= Ortwouoicia In•Ltowtiedp 47 nor th a range 20 Inlet, MA dlstdat of Wide. autMet tomb at Sant ilk Marls, Michigan. •,contalningl6o awes in Kar. Quetta tonnage • • 1.1....a.w0d. quartet. id Melton . 19.1 n UnniAiv ~wsh armors 25 west. loth* district. or lands milder* to sale at Sant St Marls. Michgan. contain=ll sired and fortymtlue sores and fittygonr The northwast quarter of section 21.15 t township 47 north of range 26 mit. In the district of hinds mined to .sl. St Sant St. Marin. contending 160 acres in Idemmonta township. • Coe undivided g mitt Of /no imam damper and mitical- Loral land. in motion 6 of township 48. north of ,nom 42 Ind, In Oakland comity, MkhirtarL II shsees Otdo and Pennsylvania Railroad Cu.Stodg 183 North American Alloln • do . Ings 60 » ForeM City Rank • f Chmehorrl •-• den Pittentrsh and Cleve... 4 II IL dm 10 - Steubenville do Connellsvllle do 5 Chartiers do Co. dcs 38 Pittsburgh 004 Mil l'unWilts 10 dig 66 Torom m atioeville Flank Road do dal 4 West • eleton -; • • • do , do dm biso Bluff ng . • . • do ‘,2lts, 400 • Iron at, • ikc 660 Fire Steal do .; do • drt 200 'Pittsburgh and Yale Royal Minlng der, - da: Pittabargh Mlldni . CO. Mak.. Terme at tale. - .. 7 .lel6 P. IL, DAv IS. Aug. Iron. City COlinernial College, 01' Wirsrairx rEivwspirANie.- CHARTERED APRIL, 1855. And Fully Organized:. Ts Institution *Hi be kept open both day and arealedg the entire summer. BOOK-KEEPING, This beautiful art, n can to Inquire. to natal to star badness loan, and, at ah ^ avocation,. for mote lucrative then mat trades are, an pe analted In a Pm fined; be ing taught here at it a terughtsotoliaro hex. Thbughnerr • • • treatise on this sublea Una tan be had. taro the of ads college fir the free tun of the .rodents, AUL theao one of them la exclusively followed, for thermion that teacher otltege ooft?t w ha h t i cho p g a i c n t a i t m simthhieo aI f. both he and his pupils deem greatly, sumacs to say laid down In boob. ln . alaT/IMESlthtahe method of nudists used tun (and here .1r) to no rely for ender toss:tarn bait le also mach shortm. plainer. earl better *dented to gen era .basinees than cm bet found In as ant balms the American public. It hat; been .ealad. sad not lonaptli ismotztica. MAGIC, from the 'extraordinary heattY mai which true result; are enamel with very ute. dimethz In WRITING, the adat am I. to Impart to the student • bald, beentiful, nadir emended hand, mated to Bunt to and )to businen gennelly I = .. lionsladng.thello tot -Ilegiefled• Mara" oo of minor lungl.ence. COYI: LAW—Lectures on thla Mint aril nth end dinned "by e blictdy dart mamba of the ; r l ..i fo=t i our man. If ion wup.ld the idnuallon of future , acme and spend the next two months. or la% the Iron City Oallege. when yna mill find arced wan ventilated room and .Tory appliannfor rloyelosl eMert and mantel training. " Summer Retreat. , . T STO N E HOTEL, . Huntingdon 42104 Penna., one s in h er and teirivuercer aarreare h. andante sia hare! ride. ra:. naigatestnr dame =del.@ of rebbarelort hod on tbet= .. i the ^Slue Janata" at the confluence of.Pprane eleia muter, trout metalling watonvbere Odom" - It and carmine Its co brinnra coneert.aatbey rah down the gorges of the Mutstrul. The ear central poatlon ot 'this hold am did. rade place et eojom-n tor a lb* wake or dam has ge of buena... and their families—jaded and enavatededth the turmoil. bustle and knot 'tithe eitzCituated cm Penneylvanla Central Rallened, w the g yrated ham the Snaquebanua• end other eoneentrates• Twang Nur easie and Ingram. several thaw a dare the mit nod ttoallt. to 4 1630 .4 PIMUO/11011 the Mountains; ,The Home Is anew Left. one. itaretorla high. aardens nod Vrarar. n•wl7 P•Pdted. panted end !addend - Ik= . basement to attic, with an the modern lanrrorasente and appliances orCald Bah& la It he oleo Amer TeralletkL Mae are superb views of nary department of the Moan. tan aneenu—tbe nslotione mundane." the "derma , _Ms.' Telegraph In the MIA always reedy for week—rend the taroprletor ready to elation at ankh ante charges.' = it. /. 1318141 T. Proprl tor. tainoaio'otr,t no, sea Liteett ''''' l Q ,b il ti rrr= l . 6ll4-. A=. 11 e 120 ; , .Poi Ettelyargk Watt:Due' HIS Iruditutien, taunted on the river and reit:roil& meat oft hetity. limn= Breritaroth. TUN. diem of DramC u altlidlit.lieretalbre nth, Poser Onek Me Water Cm. le nemireedy am the .ternle •tion of pnleata W. hare_dart =Med oar Mew Math Home. end our bethl c o are min triti We hare ea *Damian Winne soft oaring enter, tea. denim thirsted to emplaned to thy peat of-the boom. threlMe tridAtirlaja l itl=eM=ldeitaiteaelalat. thy Mew ociteptelata peetteraolia are hinted to trr.the nettles of the Illarmatlde moth = tram ear load intediromard meow la thetreettoest of hundred , of caws of theme, of nearly. eria7 ',tiny., die. ems 0111ollas both eetat thades.Creat mar BO Teem • emean; ea are eaableala • meth tilth -Yeti of the heeling peen of W. Water Ooze Britten. - 0. P. It. ernes. a groduate ante tie* York Hydroyethie tuts. end the Medical College of 01:11Ae b ld. y the alp A7:14=1 . . ttg a girtbil . phle inent, rioh. Pa. Sio 1304. B. D., O. I.'.4.3liiiiki, CoNl7.c74WOTlT , i'mwi: - ' lapin. The Batten , one of the toot eon ch. • r‘t In the country. and 'which le shwa y we! rot net to bort°. unmaitet t edet ItllnhitT . iFtArn =ma CONE an CORNERS ea mrs: • . • .1111. If one of the lame othited mid ammlng Wine oa • thistle atesitt and city moth= whlth bac %hen th ear • : hay ha JOWLY • day; It Is the wutrrtmaster: The that. enters are meet atsoblesUr draw= shit thothth aunt et • them am carlentoreh• yet then Is en emelt ot truth and hteln them, that gray otb stqualated with •1111.-• end • city 1116 . .111 Immiati man the 'esightate whom PIO -84 tone sr* Imre hettreletL• It la ht. tte end sad sou as he Womb* Tantersnee -Tale, --The both te.:-tesittlhar • • To_ant ma remitting 111 26 II Ki k aer. IMORNMUO..•III -be mut bx,mith _pooh sexteratia..k.r.Win.d.l27 . I :7 Pette cld r esta .efl b SP lie "e ind lisChea nt L an PhlPLA uf k' ac rrtlieee 'tory r o ' f freln :le . the • BRITISH PLATE GLASS COMPANY, , • RALPHEAD...ZAJVCAIIIIERS,ANOLAND, EfaOLISHED PLATE or all sizes, suitable r Witskros oeSioroo al* Dwilllsgs Moor Ouns Lamps Balleckd Oars Ss. oostriastpr as Osal se ttstWarobooss 79 lIIIRRAYSTEXAT, Nor York. , , - AMERICANPLATE GLss COMPANY Factory; Williamstrorg, ,L. -I. RE subscriber baying taken' the A% of the &glove Oomfoini. 15 D. , COW./ 4,0 flu Roush Plato M.O. FOR Syllgto.o, Ifloor4floo' Pairesosste. of's curlier pumice to us • toprtfd fukd at muck lowa rata.. JOHN S. PLATT. Jollers :sa s s - ,, - 79 Murfsf InZIOU New York. '. .110011.8, BOOKS—Oabin and Parlor; Two II _lt Lim. or To 13rim and To_ ft ' Woman ta Aratelait Dwane of Itmerint.Haatn haMat Afloat and Ilahand Shady Sag :Thajtataanat of Tr.*. Mad end its Ihno noun Peo_ple I Rave Men The Fean of the Pals P. Tam and Undlnent tl=darrLtabite. Rad and Ida* Sltrar Cap and Boarkllag Thum Hftbnd Teaatt Weimar Mauna Del_Drantialltearr or the Death Eherstllead,at larm TES Illartnu or Wandaithaas: 'TM HOME canoe• LUle of an Aalan Ynah lhaaltta hook Ircatig Ladles' Ham. Par aid• by . RAY .A 00.66 Ward pERFUMERY—I have reed a large sad . saortormt yienma7..,filidilthlig of Mu Itz• Inets. PoesoSai i it Chlizorars now via= Jori=7o, jun come DlimonJ iC Muka tie& AIR BRUSHES & COMBS—I baffle joist: redg e =a: inseasarteeent of Amami seg l ithl ' a ccu=? 4:" 4 maw» zor stock es-7 we ea: bt. llarbt re and damper wade eau be tbieltY. . .-.JO3..II.II=6,earAVVIA 'Embroideries ! EMbridderies • VINE SETTSAXILLARETTES and COL- L to GharlaMlllo.o stit - irsisadeami iCa111:07, °'4.ol32llt_.2ir,r7"TilTharnt:tr'..7ln,':7rlik.STtOLl". 'HOTTED SWISS, MlTTS,lll.4,44lurphy irt Boatetteold Iv i v reed bi s freaT atoll srartasapt • Ott l ===rbwr r b , QEISI,I4.IOIIYAt SALE-LA. 4..;Maeon • areePital4 that numutirbieire Irony aut„ r o cox=x ii % . .fatexF,„!•, , t mtuesiang u start, " tald . Oß4 .7iTADS. Jeans. 'A he mast 87 tYllidl few thsti.l _e t. u_tr zing : Whlth Jull r •• • -I. A. MA niuN CO.„ 25. Mot. _ . REL 8, - RELTS—Elastio and , Leather - Yrffo li altUti)..77 Ilarkst stmt. . . aRMI-ANNUAL SALE-Nfl. , & i• Oa ail atheist the labels of tsehieitesatea stook of err and Mom at a roduetloo of 211 to Or pit test. ;EA: $ —s 00 Zaino autos, whit. t • Tzbaal • . . _ TRAY . LEAVES FROM PAULA ND, Jar bolt and ler* atwaralgatiolui rem taithretut. mob and Wittman Urban: 02 J. Mama Tt_tylar. in 1 roL 12 ma. ka sae trr • &kV C 0.4 06 16006 at • JOAN OP ARO' said OtharPtems, loy bralbaziwittilllautralkan Jaw WNW, tot vaL (TAl:bagn =MA) la ado by' KAY it . 0 S. S*OBEWING.TOBACXX); a lie bblo, Tutm• Gib BleYrinit - bILW:11:11M000,,pat Toed sae "widow 6212 - SUMORZON a cp. I) LET-The STORE ROOM in the Build_ "'lag Otte Ohio and Peana. - BaikaadOe Ilfth stmt. • idr• of SalCbakraai.updtairs. Mit.-TURrEtSTINig:4O Mils. for_ sale 177 • , B. A.../AMI'llarOCK 10%. kin • • annex Wocdtal hoot sio. • - - LCOHOL.4OO tibia. of different *trawl's /os dm by . , •- & 00, HATIG 13ligiC—:•1004 ,Enersh for, sale by • Jen • A.IfLUMINTO= &VG. 11ORN MEAL-95 bblo:lresh reed and for imaibr id BILL a zabgarr.- o.lM34ooJbusi stiedAtut kir Olitc r I LACK ORM% d'ESEANGuiphy ,- I 6 666164146 / 4 7 16 444 salt