The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 23, 1855, Image 4

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    BOOKS;.t . .1111.,1(7, !c,
Cheapest Musical Work in L
the .World.
UI ;Eau' <BUdt ' Bkwmu
COLLECTION of pew. And admired
iwastltal.y nbratratad with ga Bkrkant aad *prolate.
Dericas. la Alt.L•draidi Br Arldooa. of Oa tollowrwa
1 19. i• Kilda lkwnd..
4 , lllart:
pAumer. P. Jolla& 519
Broday.ldt. Brow Itarr !ark. ,
TB. awn. sm walzaa wn7 cots
*N'UT ""itardit tiOl.lL 6 1 9 iwiw.
pt...wleholso Hotel. New York.
.OEI.O ac'•SON SONS, •
OHN' j.:tegi,froN-qqSo.•. ; •
jt_ 11 ,
unworn Yotartrt .' st. ' 8 : 1 *
. moms A i ll..e&rAat=from the toutz
.4t r i mq. Firtltts 0 /3imM.. (two
grtraiilshter , loiter vii;;;;ltyte ' . l. Z " lnfßablArit=
vim:UV!!!s_lk: 9. Instroment. All tb.
•ne la t ilietaaMiat. , ‘Are tremnoted, will
be etti4 istartatly Badm: mon , Prue..—
Ohm- - .17.112110/1-48MerM•emonaiukad Plemom tit r eto .
Da. sattansfi lis7 Vb. r =Va .
tcd...l. ch. moutzT.
Atteot faiths We r e thdehoZt
jee Na 81%01 eh. bet tart ow+ 111.11 Alloy •
• To , the X -•
area[ Lmeresfemest le the. Coverbed et •V ladle
Lanka aend.o. rpa,5.0.1.) .
introdonUig , his new Cordes ne Violin to
1 Me mimeo( Proems% Amateur. sad tbs Peddle:et
J. Dose Ma great pleasure to announcing that tree
perallarenefhat of preparing flume &OW. vas eaufrosule
mud to him by Sae.. ell,olU, the only Pupil _ f the late
Ihesea ...nom diming hl. 'Melt to this soushrfOrad 1.
Wmtleal'"elth • bad .looted on the ooutloent,
them med.. hes, been hithmto temsehotared lb. • these
cite Ttolleebeta They er. beautiful la •DP.usam, aor•
bb mal ease sod Mem
of Too* unequalled byeay of Me, stem. P.V.a saw:
=MSC lehlt=l,omAdentzao.6 Mien les2 mesh;
Violb= Stbase on.
ableh ha me Maslow am e y recmoseted. -
Il Ico `v
eAmoulsta from the dalcoeine. mese of the meet die
bumble.. erosh hem tees
imam :mar °th
eta• . .. • . •
6.mehloorb . li. Vieastoosph •t. • Abed° Tutu. •
, A. Mom, f.l
, Ohuberther;'
V. (hit comer... Lll Daado:..l•
. P. daintba; cue ; diMat ur..
• rur • • '
nlw ,N 0.116 Wood et., CI dear above 6th et.
Padasandblaple. 'Madan/ ViollfsatMlb
- • Ohipslotte Blame, • ' , .
AIiUFACTURER and Dealer in Piano
L "4. .... awi wo ul A n A°I f
iradell 4 P 8 4111 1 )IIITo t Z
11 wt. DA, 18 t u
‘,... HoetonPtanunotith sad with.
out Botta. Attaching:lt surB 118 liced ti.
Music! Hone! Mude
• WalOgainin +.l,
cassassor. to Y. D. Beatela.)
Patilishera of Mums, and Dealers in all kinds
• InMee Nerduludise,
••'.l Ira. 161 Baltimore St, _
. • - • DALTIMORIy'IIth
OU . R °sta l l:FL:3 h % - tine '4,lh:will:Ft% shad.
1.11 N. raxiintilleged the t galed State., :ad duly
publletdng end receiving ell the - new Kash. Woad. which
oNer La t . Trade, Smlaszies, Pr:Anion; to., SUS
Uwe. Oman; and on Liao noxn. any Antollon•
o..udaee yvemcde4 to
m. nat. Ot the 05101 L,
tOnslv, by eddyuculcur se • •
par 555.
aud punetoulll
Soria's' Stook of Hamburg Pianos
• • • • -
IYDIIIII WOOD 97 . 88117 . ,.
wodonbtadly ropaim . to sll others in
ef / and posseri: Thoy •
have not on lymire the hoot mark. ,
or nrabobwtion float the bed NOW Poowida, each so
LIM. T halberg. and att....who Imir. them constantly in
thetr own we. hat sise tromoor rosidart ihntossors.
The followil b. &lN A sn ...treat from s letter of
trrig octil hp .Itrel tfrts d
square Mem, los . spooke so brie ' "nor in:ir cruellest( quer
"MT WM. danntitor. , rho Slays way well. mart. with
me, beraa good inotrument, and YOURS sre the only one:
.c.h can reties . sos
•Lnotrossonto sr. °trend me 00' Dm moot socanimode
gtnytmtinli.L do no
tow tploo tbro .:tlmy have not the .1..-
amain yours rospoettsdie
.11DNia noiraocK l ,..
Tor We only by arnamorrPAtrik
st the old ostodilishad Mono Depot
ill Wood A., la door above BM et. Pittobunito Pe.
Aim. who agent Our rittetturith and Wetter& Penns— for
Natoli . Co.. Baton Pianos, (which in the eastern
d&..0. considered on porrier to .either Chiekering s or
Noma i Clort's., bet which INA Ls vat ext.v.lvely
so they tame Ma lately been I,lo*M:teed hies) sod other
Now lark sad Yhliodelphis Plasm alike beet makers,st
prides roaring from WY. to 1400. mh3ll
110011 S, BOOKS- • . •
iv 13hernsoll'OWorte. Rebind the Curtain.
Edsrentaties do, legends co the West.
=We do. Curse at Clifton.
Dern Senate or, Elston.
tVrf: ro alben, •
The Betrsthe_d,
Itretßellt . a Brerner's Winn Bram Led ni Bathed.
lal 7 =tt e. 'e WV. to g t i nr=ea.
Dean BMWs de. Cantina/ of England.
Wartalr tienele. .. larsnce,
Horse Moe Boblown. lleeeltip at Weotilmt.
Nights tn 6 Bleck lime.
il lar r tt the Bond. Norma Wetland.
Bonne of guinea Vole. Una, to. the Bison Bird,
Wild het. Hello wed Artlinr.
Untla,or the Young Btot,The Victim of Exelterdent;
Ares Bitill aud . o Quern of Inn gland.
. Henry the Ittla. ~
lialt.loo.. Id Wend et.
I* 17aleat
<W \N FARM BOOK, or Compered
et Air. Maack Aarlenalta a undid trwtt•
ea Mamma. Inl HAIM o . l * ,
l o ‘ Mal• :,:itV:l7lTtaltrigr...lll ,l ltras :
arthalt at jaaatlai. ealthatta and_praaantleaCkor atar.
1%7 •L. Alias ! to I roi. Ire.. law ona. try.
LAI- it OD, 55 Woo! street. -
tdt.Xll & Iteenoeies or Celebrated Chub.
tam Lomarti , es fltdorrof tbe Covattbetka of the United
At Curtis: ilogllah liteatorlita of Illtte Century, Thaek.,
err, Travelean the Maw Rourtre. thee. 3.a.: Its,
to tramps a al tb. bast. Preemie 2 .etc flerofel Tor ble.
CeMelea: do, do LIM or the berme= We
a Worbe,tos id =pt eel= Worldly None;
role lereburVlA=Dook off hi
Tb. god of Controveney tbotronoted, Irbehop Elopldolc a
thetarot of Wbie standard sod rabeeneaeotka
, sob by , • • A. lidDLElt, Anagttear.
k ATSST MEISIO-Come.where:my Love
nes /K 4 4' r
0144.. att ' .
A jUnt DrC.
r ifßainee We Tealsb.t.. eom
Psi listat u rtbefiptiaz Thee.
Tikelaa Masts sea • ~'
WI% • Ea. eta. ets. jort . Ua ft - 4 no.. '
- .:-
i ' =. la of the Wiles Harp. No. 53 Mb it:
..1.,--A. alas 4 ismalote eleortimeat et•NtINNIA
t i c j r Y. asead sad equate FIANOEt. oho.
-clifl re,... 8 r TEE'S NEW BOOKS, at Davidon'a;
as Motet 4t4
r, Verson, at Mil Piety DisoPl
.._=ColvstiLtrL.bromo.Pr'4Bbaltiorr brochruu.sedr;
lirl VllborAprof. ll ISt MW.= Stab .s .:
rb., am hi .ft i 1 Om& Ksto. pronof. sod Mora bi
Dr. John Draw. o.r of Etroduonorlst
W h rgi f ll% A = Psal' B acorAfe 'r" Tri ob Dorr•D '
.somour of Obbfibr, . ' Lob sad Poor, br PYI.I.
Ashton Dolby% nomad 'bats Toms:
!bologna of Bt. Psul, La m La. Btabionar of an kirub.
Waspploif Paw.. 8... ar... b;. , J. S. DAVISON.
o."Thted et. Unjust raid the followingeholee
ma l vr os Tri t Ad, by lawman,.
llow Sweet the Noica.Wth s I,.N'nsl eokand
11» . 10Ssic Blue .1.1210 L
wane Without acme-,
Mad ewe from 'Ho_pais Pantillan Mum
st.thidi l
o Vjg=l6 . lh=ltaose. by Wroc
EmOdeee 'WOW. Tones s eoneetam of boaa , :fu I
raw. swim" Ildhottleb,•td tonalcf.l of
d. Bookley Don& of Booklefe tanonadera."
Alao,s awned secalseent of obrdce and popular mask.
srelgs af the Goldin Us*. No. 101 Third
ICE—On the first of. April next,
Weide &CS and Pfau: Wessecoma will be rt.loneed
to Nala SS Nitta ergot. mat dim twltagonie
most spiesund new *to* of NVNNS :41 CLAIS'S
OS. tesethes with • &aloe .l oo k of If odd Merehsadlee,
la OR 11 518.7. and wlO onwoodon the thwt. sa above•
( 11 5C 7 N t- Hits) 010 --i 0 Q(/ The. city. eared n
ip 'Aoki sad Ibr sale .A.ll/NLI. LTC* CO.
A.T.M .7 -2 1 0 bbla..extrs; Salt;
stnuntitiruar.ikunthallatVg. ;11 e"
TOPARNES''PLLZ LOTION, a certain an'
to b. Um beet Hat. DT* Is thy vrotill-8 olot.
• JO& PGIIIII4O, tot. Market et. OWL Dbsumd.
I:lll.tratettir" when r im " Ita Trirat.
CLOVE ANODYNE—An Immediate :and
wows CUM Re the tootbuto suLlo b/
mss. a • 408. /LAMING. .
COPPERAS -50 bbbs for sale by • -
;gin B. A. 7.IIIINMOOR A 00.
%HITE BEANS-75 bus, a prima arti •
tutnotelyo}..od On mai bi
• • 1, •• W• HUMANE ca.ea 96 Vrontlt.
5 .
n 88S. SHELLED CORN just received
il vra be ba• b 7 odd? A. CIII.DERTPON.
h.0....4...i.t.,N., Cm+. Trbbalag o
- m r
_ _
knuasEED e FEATHERS-1U bgs tlax
8.4 2 blas. an, and 17 maks &eta re Iwelaailaa
ii....ftweson mai by MAU II MOM a CO.
(10844;300 dos. ncrw landing from daun
t/04:min br P 9 tun mossy a 00.
tea 44sly and lbs AA.
WY. AVOTOADOW A 00,116 tarts st.
by - la 11- tants. Au.diuny.
abas.l4lll awl /I took TrlNASmodl
untsaa ponstil u i i are r M er = •
.We try is woccurroos. seg os. .
gANLY $750 ions wor.atrinkliki , twv
(- COM pttrks sad teat, In volt arbor. we ptheteg,
hornlstmt with vita. awhlnti tote t fawn+
antpla.2ll k teem
t. Th • e lot IN 201 L !twat an t=d110: - br
i • 1.9' .. " B. OUT RT 80t4:,
gem im44gdALL PLACEB-:-Nino salvo, -with , ;ink?
jp , t 24 sem. a of It aci4l;ll wan 24 , :=
japroved assd neer thil tan lbr We di
pr222 , b7 • .2. CUTIFII222 ow 422.
WANTZI4.-60 'hair Ohio boil I,'earn;
,1111,404inmmur ,niht
WINLICREL-419,4bleiahf, Ws_ No
minim* als,litiUktoo, -
- 4 11"21"1",
. , ,
- ' - ..;‘,,... - —•- 4 "-s. - - • ;•• ',..- :. -', • ..i:' - ' , ..c •••••• -K?",.•••'--.1.14.-,ii.Y.A.till,:,,,t...i.•,..A.f4;i...-r•i,;^4.5,-(..4-=,,,,,..,--.4.;,..•eit,.••,-41,-..••••:,•447.s.4-',d,et;;;EAs---L!kk....1:..4.1-.1xdsii-,.:4-,g,is.:eits.z,„•2i=3..t.T.q,:2-azAi....k-.4,+-miti.
~.e.?•A=Y'...":"- ,. .,:- •-.•.-.• - 3.. , t , . - .„ , .•,:?.. - ....:•11.•;. - - - :::••• , •_ix;z 7 V.. •;•;: , *:.; 1 ; :,",:t..,5, , , , N....ext..: . • • •••••
tt. ,•;.....-,..-L.,t.. 7
,f.t..•-..,4? ; -,- ikce.'.:,•`:,,-4,,...,:ftt•..4,-,Trg.,-1,1•k:,:-7.- 1,Y.1.10,.,..9t4
• •
-....:Px , z.v0: .1 . --.. , ..•=e . 1"- - ' '" i
..., , ~,- ...,•••• •, - , .` 41 , 4 • .;•• • ` - ,,, t, ' .-- .• , .,!1, 2 .,,, ,e , i'' - . _ ,
. ~ I.
• addions wad fad tin SWEGENAnd gamma, AT
' 'N. 11.0LISIES..k.SONS,.Brokers...
W.. LI Node N.Gthoon• rldtat and Nowak ita.P lfbb f 96
PENNHYLVANIA. Dna& at XaddiA....«.....1
Book of Pittoborwhi........ BrAndh•tA• youogotown.. do •
nsehoon , fisoloof 0.:,....4161. (Iltana Olowthrosti-• do
L ook - Of nd Guitar li of • d 0... 111dAndr-• do
-Book - 'oefoldiertot.per Book --•, .. ..- do
Beak ofth Atoodoo- Laf rottw 800k.i.:......4. •do
nook of Ii Ana - M.3ow Oblia LlferosAlrrostGo- do
Bank of PNlno=.... t . Western' Readwellank- .1 .3 0
Book of 17.1121 P-. fts3 NAw0..._......,-. • . _....-
Otonalite: II Bonk ofPx.-'..odr km, ANGLAND
lOaname o.ldedunde BkAdw All obtfant 800k,...-...- 11
Oltordalsok.:_ _ ...A.: .......-- . • • NNW YOBS : •
- .ca 80ak....:-... -nos New Yak MT -- . . , -;-1. ,
bfechatdo.'•l3ank-..--...4af Iti.”")*
=Alt I r a s r:• - • ' ' ..."r I . nn i ty:r = 7. ' .. -7 :::::::r
Soudan. , .y. ank---'.---par N. J•Nnna ATI - ) ' MAW ANL
'11wi1d0xt00'58ank.......•.....»... MI lofted 11atit0.....-. IL
'Western l'ouk_..-.--....i5t jlllO tb.
1 11,10 . 4 ..: .
.. 1
NON off honateriburkb- • ..
Bank of 03ewtorCotantr-pArronk of Vo.,Bdnwrod, .
•Bdakofr oarilte.-.-....-pd iss. - tk .." , vp = zqc.fwa • ..
muktei-;Lw..cbester.-pa Torandw rk , k g
ItaWfirtr 4 ==r rueth Wedeto 80t.k.-. i .
; artgoinfddlotowra..-....1 NORTH CALLUM&
Hootoce,ry Oa Book-....par Bonk of CAP. Tdow' II
Houk orForttnon
. borldsoLdtro Bonk adBt.ofN. Wont a
Colowabb. Bk d =dire CODD 'an.l6lwakWlNG l6 l oo . 8
Goilmato , o Book--.-per Moodwodo B New two. 8
- •800TII 0.. a LINA..
Me ikn. - • .-.....;........., BioNtballief .. a
.. . 3
Vermont' pi of B
Lwa,te r uda Co...por• anik g
iv : in
.. S. g
=We ir ' gta 01 II 1.13=1 Alk is
Tord.lll OftifkOlDDlPA•rd
.T.t. A. _
Woo A Dare. Wsyneobarg.l IA A.Bk's Co
yrdnodo Bk Wswisltuftott a N ir i o r.
°r ef Aulfall-ti: 1
ll=ilstur.-- 1
_a u r r . . ''."‘
Unwed. 800k...i....-,.;...3w1 All I
lasandtd Couot . Netak:-.por 7 "' lW '''. 4lf.
totenoti Gan k-...-- -......par Bk of Kentoodel .
Glom' teak ofl'otia7Bk of lonise ia,_Thundou
Gonwogsbela Bonk- • NorthownHkOTHeutnekr -
Weld Brad& . 8w0k.1.. war Boothortaßkolloantswkw -
: Wyo.:dna Bk. Wllkombornatu. •..-. INDIA_ _ NA..
York .1t0rk.......;:-..—...1 • i ßtato Book fi twill
Naiad Not 11........ ....... ........ /, . ILIBBOINIA •• -:
• - • • 1 4 . i um ok .. 1. - Jlit of Moteribwoorl-
Withal at. Akf0n........- doildartoe k litrarlo: 00. olds 6
,_ - - MICHIGAN. . _
Bah 6.4 Ild el lraporl z.ta -. lormoreldwadLeo2lso2 ;
stOirreboad.- --• Ineoranee•OldpGAY-- 3
Brendt at T010d0...-...-. do 4".a.t0 Boo..; .-...... 3
Hewn& st- Ds
-... do - . .. CANADA.
Brash at De10anD0........ do Ilk of N. Arlolaa:,Toratito 3
Afton& at Coltonbas...... do of tho Poop* Tadao 8
Hoorahatdobtobolo.-- do Bank ofMondani--...
_.• 3
,Itcanda at Beldo_.. ~...-.--.. do Bk of 11:Gooado:Tacosto 3
•Nnuacia at MandAdd--... Ow NAIWANN TICHANOIL
Bomb at Wale . ..1 . -...-• .- do Ow New Y0rk....:-.-..,. M
Brand. of ClweionotA -- do On PtffladdlAdo--.....,.... d.
8...0b 33 •Wondollow.- do INlBalthwano --
......... do
• Brandt ot Oadis....:-.--. do WENTSIOI NNOU &NO A.
Brand. of Isoortor. do Clawaow.. ...,...... xh at tll.oburlo.>= ... ,:i,
li.unatat do ai:Louis.
= l l Navaxlr.-.-- do LOLDAND=VAL I I O .
Branch Patsiot..=l2).o
11 B =riVaqsa — Zu7.:... tw t. l_ -...
.--••• 13 : 30e
Branch at Zanos.llla...—. do Itnals
T tickad'u.s........-- TAO
Branch at Plona.
Branch at Portoubout do Sovert§mo.- 4.83
Brandt at do Tan Guilder; 11.90
Broach at Rannua...--.. do Napoleons.— ... BBC
Brood, at Burobolol---. d . 2.11
Branch at Mudllou..-- tinter.._.... do .•
, I,ALERBni MILAN 08. 1 ,e11,11ANK NOT M .
N 2.74 Forrth sera; ortwite iiaa'ar=A
m _lMlLllTsaassetiona st most Maul
Pittsburgh Hedge - Farm Nursery,
51TUATED o n Inking Alrontio,
about One quarter of a gala from the Wend
to ode 011 the Farmers' and !Afghani& Mot
Rmd an esten.sksa of , loarth stmt. and shrill
three and a Quarter stash= Pittsburgh.
Wit. JAE. MUBDOCE, Proprkters.
They oder for male • very large collectiort of well God
and plants suitable for transplardnur this tog end
=log neon.
The Nurserynow COllll, some BO scree of ground .sod
contains 0ver2.10,000 tome, th robs and nod on.
10.000 fruit freer , and 40.000 Evergreens and Nitrate; are
of dne glee for removal to orchards and &swore grounds.'Planta carefully pecked and soot accordion to direetkele
to any part of the United Plate.
We beg leave to all the attention of the knees of shrub
and readers In the trade to our unrivaled mile:ll=
fOr the duri of 1534,embreclog poorly all the i ammo
thirdly. tha n la g
mus and Exotic, that to ercetlyy L
of genend
coltavation he this section of conntry. Plum ow be prp
oared of mug things quite /ergs to gine inentedlate effect.
Prim moderate ea ulna Prom stranger.. =at eetio•
actor) refgenoe in the city Pittaburgh required et all
twee .
Orion addrceeed to us ituougl:Wilkin Wet Odlon asp
Pittsburgh. Pa. or left at our gond on .nraket day& In
tn. Mammal Market. gill ho promptly attended to.
Frait Trees, /Ivergreems,
rELEtuliseriber would most respect.
rally sell
.ry the attant
sto lon of his friends and the
mare P' mr,Veribbary,lx... 13 of Frui t
TS♦er Pria,a An -
Of App NI the stork lam and Orr Or ° Psahr , es
some 61/DO Dwarf And atandardrot our raising., of
choke maiettes. Pat*, worst thnuarsk o a..., . Mar
ry, Kann. Aprlookilaspberrhs.OvesebeerlacCdretnts. An
Oar Coatroom. trom Ito bfeet,of which - ars many
thoniandsoun tn. Pees.. wanting larva rotas litho urn
be literilly aloft with. Call and see our stork Itir aL
mays gine arfrafairm. Onten left at the Pittabur h P. O.
Ih, R. Dabs k % Liberty at, the Oakhuad Nursery. 1 . mtiw
on Palma. Avernus, or the plttshargh Nursery. 1 miles
ram Oakland, will be premapir attended to.
N. 11.•-Plant Iris dohs imatly to order.
nerthrlAna • JOON `URDOCH. J a
110UdE AND dISED STORE—Na 1= Wool .twat,
burch..PA—li R DRANK LAND, Oats Ruud, ate.
worms a Ct , ..) Mau*tater and Dealer In Agrkoltersl sad
Hortleultursl Implements, or al) klnda Wholesale and it..
Dal; Yield. Garden sad Flower Fruit sod
Shads 'Veer. Guano, Pondretto, CD Snits, Bud ID
other Widen °Demoted vrlth Agrioultora
derhirdsr-E1 •
- Ba_yWood Flowers.
RRANGEW.STSIimte. been ma- sii - th
L tbe iiraptfelmas of Hay. ood IWO Clanbenalta , " cotw
• t annaly of jilmorttne and oat &wan daring Winter
• Sommer., UAW and itentbsenan ono tot tlayntrhed at
• mtbak any of tint tollonins Womb twang
eynt = ialaipa Pride - VaiN6" l., awetrfaant
. ; in Beienea.
Renarra. • •
• l'imi pax Les <Ames.
°Mara Itor &mating plant@ In vta. also roaort‘rd at
IL 'I.LHANIE7.ANWB geed tv9 Wood Wareham*,
tan . styset.
FLREDS..-RALPIL A 00.. 22 , FaHon irte M., Now Volk.
linalo and &gall. .641
. _
Let thaldflieted Riad and Penderl
An Anfonthle ..thmayihr Alen:Ada, Bete Bett, Renena
bee, Obstinntg Mmikams Ei-atione,Poepfesor 1 - Wheos
on the Ruy,liteltdos, .W 0.4.44 24.. d
ic Ahre Ern. Ring Renew Tan. Said Bend.
loganmeri t ant tan of the and
orders, Lesethool., Chet.
telliilW sod 2.l2Dleasgs atm
umtadpwor hia.o=en
er =2 . 114 .7 '
T I TS g . W . , 4 alterative Medicine and Nai
to. et Raced bt now went by tbothands_ of gratefhl
ea • frenn
eti Wh - , United 11Vhe teetlff
11 1 =a
.0 three the test Of
.thla nam itheatostleal tams. eall pOo oetbe
~ Me.
/nem, ilk &SWIM ad Rl4-
nom Disease of the emthe Ocanplente, Belem
and Arldniof the Ilona and MAU, are theedlly pat to
tll .V.L.thiedceestaln=l,lll,.7.=
11 0 71L 4 g a teme r eeLbe tt ly u etwf ..o l , ll lo ls , a l V
ettheithees the Dthethoe, , thee tow to the ennaset,'
enksa the We deaf sod healthy, and :Intone the Coro
etthalon, enfeebled by Ben." or broken dawn br the es.
theme of youth. to Its rebtlaV i r and strength.
11 . = leult . t. lope= better than all the
fof Outer'. lipenhth
townwill moon ell ealkorthee of erathledon. Wag the
inthtilan tothe dent, threelety to - the 0.14
and Improve the enthral health the reserbahle deco.,
bertha aIL the wear
beard of.
Theism* number ortifloodoe width hare Beeped
Rom pawns from pate of the. Bathed Metes. le the
boat evident* that there le no ilamM' ethat It. The
-Cr . 11 kr=4:C=t;;_ h. l.l74dtoelr aro *
el y fr a tVo 'enthde%l aide of this Oki ' AT BLOOD PeR ' L
thi ei tnt end Minglie l rat il l 4_.l,anee,entl
Aar Um go:rrf mood.
None genrdnennlamt Melted BABBITT* BURR Pro.
P2122:2.N0. 2 p.2.14.reeti1Ueb22024. 1 a to 'Thorn ell
ordere Ihr awhile. and youths meet 'he dressed.
lthr ale 'B.A. neetoek A Ca, of Brat:, Jos.
11. - P.llthwarta. Athens, City, sad
kr Druandete • . Mll49rdtlnl
For -1 - 111prmg - G ODS Bummer,
.Nadel street. •
E WOULD respectfully inform the La
dies' that we ham remind ear midi of Dry Goods
far ming and glaanner, amongrt Thiel, will belountl a
Teri u des t arab4s sacrament of •
D GOUDS Of the chased Dettamm and beet mate.
" ktalkOWlollll3—Wei here everything that le new and
bahliawho T s a e, la V the l or of woked and
lase Dolark
U I IIOGOODI—In t h is
nes of oar badness,
we Won muy hill amortnsenk and can 'May challenge
• 'e n ti llaT.—Ons dock ar niNtert Is emrs, sod has Wan
MANTILLASe aoma/dug
for New York aa went
as Insmaht onk the newest and obalt styles of Malta.
AUSTRALIA- .h. : ,-
Pioneer , Line' 'or /lon, Naa.
CARRIM 1 TIM , 977141: 1921 , 4 , 41,4
sg W
Itr. ow .1 7L. gra . l ity Ars Ramer. 141X1 iOOB4 3dr
_ We -
Aloutatooo !wooing Dadtrakidadoo tonadnir
dawn 'MEd tans. Sept Montle r aj tig t a,,,,,
Ooso„1„,600 torw, Vlet..,_ , , r ,.. , _ ...,_—_..
=...VneTO ' 6TZ" " ' I ' VZ ° Z '' ,.: '
18,13. Albert 1ntb....0.... ,
ANZ.h..d. 4110 We; Muth 1868. Ighlafabh , ulna llay
Oretow; •
i11..Mt,1,000 too; Marc hANlL Gertrude, l',( Th 4o - Ulna July
moo num .' • . _ •' ••.:
. Ulm of tt4o I. an
,_ . olth llananno.• Ihtuat
Vuottlatoro frul m ours WM Ltlahoato.
I,7 l. l l r7OrAtur ug' Or ;L i n " I MZ P ,V11111 2. 4 1 111 . "
Gartrad au am...nth rhlp atthli ammo Sad Ina
Ihritollawsmo, A
. .
__. OIL arttli:'Of 1300411hbiti';
_.: :'' ,
- Tho 11. II WM) haunt oi (ha moat apyrolott Mod.
and Isaanddared to be ' a oorlbot modal Of
dneUteetaxa. MOM who doll* a quirk nor Is
. ..,, a ftWiro.t i gl at fastautolluorrltalpo eve:Bo/U. alma
amay, as rely a [lmhof - tuutor of
tat iseu Zgralia lIIIIMELIVIRII
-- r fOlusatia oPlaYon.bwr h tt.a 3 lo 110,rt
21 " r _..-a! .111 •-• : ' li6l6. l. lloWitirk .
, wa• 1 ..?;11 ,
Pzpetlawirthl Clottis sad-Zattmags.
, " - - -,-7 1t011180N"ic CO.; '
mar . rilx,rillutßie
•;band, and to ithioktfinf are•
liA now on
sad • • • I t 1;.,• tUbl.
di i i r a mpA d oi
von be
AyEyrs pTT.T
' KNOWN OV 10.11312 D.
Invalids, Retiand:Judge - 411 •7 1 r.,
for Yourselves. '
JULES ILS.IIEL, Esq., the *ell-knowt No-
Warr. of Chestnut et. Philadelphia...Um Atka
" I t g 'B. l4 ati - Org
Mond them be tr ' fimuy medleine tor COMI4.a tine than
soy other within ray' knawkdge. .31.ur7 of my 'Mends
hare realised marked benettifrom thentand redact !entth
to to be/Raring that they prams atremdinare actors
•or drivang ant &sews and caring the sick. They an not
cdmaK malts V . ln4l ant i t a o . b i e ni Crei? ia l a rr . ll4l.•
are klatntn.
There , nerbe Claneelke WA.ILDLAW, snit, from Natil•
mere Liith • •
"Dd. .1. O. Aricm—Sin I. hats takea ymrr PUN with
.neat benelitain the I.lsthernme. laminar. lam otappertite.
and Moue tleadarbia which has of
nears overtaken
Mein ill/P.lring. LA*. doeeenfNonr fille eared me. '
bare need yourtib ersT , Pentoral Many'reere ta7 WWI,
and with middling stremne. Ton make
medicinal which ma'am:al Nel SI "'leasing to commend
yon En the boni co, ban don. and are 4 15 1 , 1 r
40111 P. BEATTY, 1..*[..,f hen' Grebe Pens. thalresd
! • - • tem. PL7a., Den 12,3853.
bier I take pleasure In adding my testimony to the
efliema of your bothring dolma eery material
.ketralit from the no of year Pectoral andCathertic
Pills. beep nerroWithout them In my fernitt; nor alll
eon meMeut hi. oldie my mem win promo. them.' •
The widelytenowned E. E. STEVENB.II. D.MlVeritwerth,
N. It. we item
Haring used your Column Prue in my lisataka.l
,n4tuy free that. they me an I t halo pur
Wive. In mom of disordered' functions of the Doer. calor
tog headeelm. Indication: eortlvenem and the greet
variety of Mew. that follow. they. are • surer remedy
than any other. In all came where • puricatire routed,'
le required, [ confidently' recommend Pill, to the
torMr.a• lurieriet to &Brother there
l o'They
err sure fr, thew operation. sad perfectly Vie, remit, {
Lanmake thew inminable article Mynah nee.
ham for Yeen known your Chary. .orol as the
best Coughtn the world. cud them Pills are in
no trim {Marine. to that admirable preparation for the
treatment of dlessees."
Acker, M54,4170e. 25, 1855.
"Da. A. C. AM '—klear have Mesa Anlicted from
my birth with Scrofula In lie went tonn. mainoW, saes
tweet • Teem' trial, sedan untold of amount. of nannies.
have boo crouttely coed in la for weeke by your Pills.
on g t=i2lt g l i b:;M ' urnir l inrlicr.
"Aevili Data now ban I ben free fretn, this loathsome
disease in come shape. At times it attacked my eyes, and
made me 'boost blind, besides, the unendurable palm at
°there It retUed In the imelpof my head. and dreeroyedmy
hair, and haw kept me partly bald slimy ago= sometimes
It mute oat in my fine, sod kept It for month.. raw eon.
"About nine smoke Iwo 1 conansuced taking your (he
thartioßDla and now am entirely beano= the; complaint.
eyes are well, my skin le 'fele. and my hair Lim am
rammed a healthy growth: all of which- make. me feel al.
t'ltdyl. ore
may be the mean, of moieties
a=t . beamt
infermation that Phan do good to others, I am, althorey .
senthromt of gratitude, Tours Au,
•'I hare known the above monad Marla Ricker Irmo ms
childhood. and her statement Iltetliedly true.
ANDREW J. lanan.vz.
Oirrowt of the Yretnnotith Manniketuring 104."
Capt..loltf, PRATT of the chip Marion Veto. ham .
Denton, 10th April, 1854:
-"Yam Pine have cured mer from • billions stack whieh
von from demnirementot the liver, which had beentee
very melons. IWI failed of any relief by my Plc Medan..
sad from *eery remedy I could try: but • fewdresee or your ,
Pills hare completely metered me to health. I have ate
Tn them to my children for worms. with the test effects.
he 7 neen'PronititlY cured. • I recommended them to a
Mend lot emitnmr, which bed troubled him for tonnthg.
•ne told inn in • few days theyhad eared him. You mate
the beet meelleine in the weed, and / am free to sky ""
Road Md. nom the dlettelMiehed Solicitor of the fluprame
Murk wham brilliant abilities have nude him. wan
known, not only in this but thenelghboring Matte.
"newt Oriente. 51A, Aiwri, 1854.
' .1111, I haws great eatielhocion in anuring you thee my
self end finally have been very much Wheeled _L by Y..'
ondlernee: My at:. a.. eared tine plan rinee, ea manner.
Yamdenigrorm moat.. by your Omar Prernat. and
ahem then has enjoyedmike health. kly children lan menial times been mrs samba o thalnflmomand
f amp ty it It la an invaluable remedy
- pldnu Your Caneunc Pitt for tt s wee from
me tor
e m
yeess,lndeed this cure te much snore Immo.
tank nom Me Peet that I twiddled to get relief ?rem the
beet Mode/am whicti Ole teethe of the country ;duds,
end from any of Manometer:l remedies 1 had taken.
You *mai to as, Doctor. like • providential D
blindrig to
.or Y
milt. and Yon ,
may wen suppose we arena unbind.
fal ews teepee:oy,
. .&hata Chinnber. Ohio, Apnl 541.185 e.
"Da. J. 0. Arga—llonorel Ply. I ham modes thorough
Wtrial of tbe Cabot., Tilly left me by mr jigent.and
been eared by them of the dreadikflUeumatism
der whieh be found me lanai og. The end dose relieved
see. and .o mat dome have entirely removed
the diyea.e. 1 *el I. Netter health now than for some
year. hero,* whiela attriente mtnely to
your Cell Pills. Yours with great ts
The above ate ell foot Demme who me publiely knonn
where they reside. and abs would not make them state
merits without • thoroughomisietku that they were true
Prepared by J. 0. AYER,
Praotlesl sad Atmlyt,%ml Maoist. Lovell: Kw.
farfald of Who:esals by B. A. PAIINEBTOCK s CO.
AtWall by .'ui Drusilg la the .14 awl all Dotal
hr f 4 t.rm d Pds..sparou. Grown. and alp 25Wooss And
ChoAttutiosol Amu..
IVEIISONS who are laboring under ibis dia.
w,Adog unholy wilt Sod Ito? ISGM'ABLE
TIC PILLS to Do tWordy woody ova diewoorod av
coring ar Wolli_
Thew MlDswot= . claw tho 11411,,.1.11 sys
tow sad, W= toy are 'mated 1111,1WeilaY f.
Erse th orAl be Fa dof 'al D.
with soar erne. ~Dow
erolroos ordain Ws boon prootzsted or ohTs ' curreo Iwo any
ouro 14. hour-or. In throat rowOhAot. or 5 1 Ww. a.
=dins, roporicolwod norroustoes, LW) lurk co
Prior 1 .5t0t Dor: L or too Dozes Ibr ‘5. DI
tho dty. otteinoing rocolttww sin ban. tho Pills mat
Own through tee mad, Iwo of For .d. D?
SIMI P. 13.10:CY., No. 1118 codthooro Aro , O. IWO won
ltd.. to whurcadors from oil prirts of tho L W,w mart I.
For Wein PAW:rush. by FLEMING FICIOS:.
rt. or.ll-
Es. le A C 2 I 3 IL Y re,PuFl'4" Coughs!! ! _ F ,e_ ,
COU4H cliCilar DROPS
TgEsSE. DROPS igharever . that' Ewe' been
Introduced. temrper erwerredeS 0 Co
LOWIRIL Wafers. for the relief of Cooed.
Fl osneneen. Twoat gut all Pubstoustr Deletnontioos.
neva ° o ro p y W it o y
theirn g p U n e t
/.. m end esb.
tbrir precast sop= 'without istirefering with diet or burl
nese, or rendering lb. gyeten sore eueseptibleof
Tory ere the soot suitable Rs CIIILDRBN, and very bra
atrial tn PUBLIC SPEAKERS sod SINONtir; the
stare all haskirom Own On throat. , sod dear *l and .
unse to the yoke. Price 11Di mg SS mate s One.
Sold er Worsts sod Mall br , PLIDIINO WWI!, MM
Kidd A Co.) No. 0) Wood it. sod mod Drus sodLN.4. 7
- - -
"Provo all things, to that which is
Uincr+ea deuread forthis most plmal
tvg. nct ud
t. smedd
. f , i34 Lah=7 .
am tows. it withlo Um , of, ail Its tosParhrt•
t b. rormr ..pb taola rw. sitair i ia=ww w..b te 44. 57 m tht saz„ bzo m-.
of Maryisod. Prom Ono.* N irldoht, , rbo Id , ro
ey e
e item ,
ofits sihmeywheta thot ma remedies V.
Lash anti by
of oar tom'. pedeettoble mitiada
who Mee mad it la their 6tadlise both seveenttre sad
tam with nett- Moms Ibt TM last tamer Imr.
during width period, vita auT naa aid -from advents
Miti it itati rodaan7' Mated its reputation vets tho
Latin. .ta mous wirmat
Colds, Coughs, Boarassiesa,
It vises immediate Mk/ sad Moirolly rafts Ms day or
two. witbmt intarbrios with diet or bastatm or maw ,
lag ths mettna aron smeoeldibisot Cold; to dbreast
Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, issoo.thr
tis, Affections oleo Lungs, -sad •
Coastuoptloa, , •
It I..awsas .dry beradidal. sod 'skim fells. whim mos.
Meusd thrmto yorliwt • cam Pita . .16 sad 60 cents
Wbobetals nod masa *amts. Mom , rum mo Bads.
ate Kidd t Co.} No. to Wood a. omlte:d
ANOTIrEIt Pittaburgner testifying to the
roadorrally rerstho woos of Dachau's liellmol Bit.
Attn. V. rk. .. JR. ,a Pi'ne b.-0411410114.0 . . -D'. eth CrOr i er... r
ZW I b *vs beep very orrloody
. fm=, oi.
moth en, tbst my Amu* teased b iet
ham Mint Allmon every roman • net The regimen et serer
al Dbleidatta, b.orlictr=ltlinte.ttni.obottli 1 M
aor i mes
lief Almost otogulting to air: I - linnet It• otßeerloo It
rertoebto th .moue me delllityoomelootel by Ibis disk%
sad getberetly se • Mole It. waiver voila mad %tperer
llowootiolly JUDO W
by to est eneraieV i trellaVltlb
tent 'YU most poyalmity of Mt menet. Me Mewed
moo Imitation& obleb the public sboold Irma d ooziest
ea tbe-tvuoltee lOWA - wee Holland Mt.%
Sad at 1 rey bottle. or 6 bottle. for W., by p
RILVJ. PAOK,Itt *Co. tor id It tlmlth=tar'
i1 24 111:10VMSL, 6 11113 1 =: ' e ' • .
dofg.4. sad Musette stmmedlY•
DES. DUNCAN & C/0133R0N,
NobVA Weld Sisfa Peed, beheeen Rose and MP streets.
- • curcauvan.
/LUIS OFFICE wader the - management of
Its tomtit prOprietors, We pane Imyeasin it In reph ,
ta br superior operatious to Mr Artlfedal Depart.
meat arrow:Motu far the last ton Yews. and na
re scent shall be Treating to she satlsflotion tOWirho
- may door It with their paterarsofe
The enhearthers would WI attention to the fallowing
" Nn lf tarlitt7." 7
1.1. 0 . -P 2E="' "" ,..l. " ..rf'd'at * V. lc ' 2 l4l 4 l
m terfog the natural napearture of the week, and ea-
Ity to notalleato, in all of which they are } noted la
saitoo r ther_r_7lo.= by TAW , hi Pa da
aunts. i t i nniarlfalf deUrem:larlY tereTed try suabon.
All opa allow In Dentistry pnlbrated in the most thin.
c' etrig—CPriltlerina the stnyerlar character of the
work and toe guarantee RIM. they are the most restos.
able In the West
Ter Met Gad Pre, $l , lO , n . e . e1600. "
• •
The money ream:awl If the Teeth do not prow. eattalto.
Miplto the ItMansura% of thom at a dtteare,
wenld stale that oar Meath's tier siela_ that we _ wt.n
to tb. finat dyte. tun set Of TWEl t g t frwm Et to
a 8 Itenmasol ea= lo motartlon. Igt
tlort awed ap
' •W. C. 'DUNCAN.. 1
delaly Weet Oth et. Wt. Mare t Elm. UM.
110, THIRD ,13T,-For Sale, a Aug
tic. mdaonilxt,acgtraai
rem and =tete
Of hest ti VW ir
Id et tretrVri l en i t t P/A. ehdleury Woe et Daman."
. 2.1" - the bons, ettleltlng the shore; PI. 20. .
OUTIIIIRItT 50N.140. M Pt.
SALlit—Dolneati;thrait.l • disoninnll aendrof
liowdlet Zlk eannty, I tim only 111,60 per awn.
Us land, era laid off in tracts of Tarim algal to snit
pirenhaatra, naafi _ 15.1daTialld SOK
WoilD SE 4 LOT FOR B4OO—For sale, a
inr Irma. DwellingMaus. 'MU rod lav i i . vr v ilMr
Ington, fr ain tawny V:1141' ttl i unr oi
011 i ret.=" 3 l.l2,4l%rpmel.' 1‘;g1ILIZ
wallow! WA,. ear. orlat4, E tpis s r s.
ape & Witt&
jrL ANLNO r.,:iiitll.,,lN ;,.ALLEGELENy
....,..i CT I n ipt 8. 1 .. the la NV well arranged
until La p.,4ga0 kr i z ..„.. 1,7 4 , ...atpx
...wit Wet. _r W. k two.
stori•d WO, • 401 y _46 pet, and a back Ito Marl -
Laltdhet•. : hirdiethed 'PIM ISO iddiPAII. or to sad 12 Ina la
aiLltts and S3f btft Arciter. tqwo :.woodworties mama
-tumbling. +Whin thsVmprraortudre
47 . 0.;e1Tat and uptight pa% War Cr id- 12 : to elmlu
tne mut meat oue Inthr mem - rod tk i ta bul , with*,
,71krir to teadomy in slow - •71111:1404011 gilt to :ob.
I 'coded trt' ' . apt ,. •./Elr WAIN a CO 41. Ma gt.
WANTED"—A porolitf.sor r 114; ono-Ezsa=at of
g- 34 Vern= 4 =ati
' 114 r T", g 49 1 ! " , t bu tAg l iiint aT a w. rand i rt:,
I AU= inthe Gisseltaßfutdinglikeßent:
•:4 , 17ELL LIGHT - AD ROOM' . on thei tieond
I ,titer pe l g r A w l . bi dal) oaittolhadiall9l.
Nm 4 mat %Bookbinder,. il&n."4le '
11 0. 11 $ VARMS.
Rl2 AOILEg OF LANDi eitnacott ' 1:1-2
tialtritrumitainiViderVlUM to IsprrlnellOck..
ammo damn. belenee In ema tlaWr
Venom Holes, Barn steaCrebsrA. Routing xe west
of li ttleßarter. Call SULAM SON.
I:4JW/a—alltiTtielfeita, FOB
whist(eighty aareent essetimiLlentl is lows ,eounty,
lows, we will : esehene • in; Pitts" Blanch*.
Imrd ertlehst..lwegy t 0 80K.
sae ea giningeelele Dwelling =4: i& Pular.
Tbs. I t ti t=er i t. an Utea WO dente •
of good water and Dump la lb. ' '""*".'" "t'M amble
garden andiratt train. grata!' eh.. rtagn. C tZ;
ail in gad emus awl wllrbe , it r Whir
tainainder at 3 Taira , 8: CIIT BERT , ,84 at.
FOR SAL splendid . Dairy Farm of 100
ett antr=ild r as c f u 'rtk.norl. l 2. l sciLiottr . roo
osoftrffrult, with rood Uousito, Bono azurStagarrutt X
err earmalroce. Pepe low, 0t.865 /WOOD.. Roods of
flu' - : ' WOODE, Tb e ith at,
IVOR SALE,.A Country' Seat' of 11 1-2
,f,:=°o9l!.3:ll',.",g2""rittiogvt. It
Gaff ,
75 Fourth ot
Itzlatlgomurceikr.otia..ti v.tamro.4
tßoUitty, 60 mom nano, ride) from Mubarak...aid bfi
rake flaw Water nation, l ea 'the Peromy Irani*
beamed. 'ilhootakema are deem* imet' Meade=
aporialatohir•low Lionee , and Bern. It • .
to the mieton of fredt,i;eii wuojdniakeen emallent Debi.
grjrulriaslasurtantly... wireftr.
Lem timber, b ettOU " isfizii3Oheetent Oak, (bu Three: as r
a n n e x, Peak". ills well worthy . the of
Tanners, as the oark ma be meat to Pltteburnhi Dr eittur
railroad or onal.,i,Tha: amber Moon la worth more than
the prieeeeked.and Moat of the lead Weald afford expel
ealr=Blo=l. . 3. •
8.8 4 , , • •
tow.. It will rtdg,M tgidt plaseers. st from lor to
riffttlaielgres B 2m BBBB ,bahMee in three equal
annual paymente;i , Title la 'Comdr., of
oal-tf . T 011. WOODS. 76 Veal at.
__ %hatable rropeFty,sor,Salt ._
if t N Liberty:Street, adjonui the methodist
Iljror•ye SW, ow C5i11a1.134.1. Ms Is now lay
deemsbh, Voce otpeosfearb thl=rheddh.t. 1:
Ittri t l33. rt.-gilt? :t.r.t No EITMV4 to the
Methodist tare ltsad NM WS. td lAhoe.7 / 00 6 . 4 ",,, , ,,,,„,
Tido p. ty le meet dxsimbi• is • ItousE The
our va It, wecoglabanathl UM Wet, iiti7 - 0.
the neoothizy et bulldluda,hse the • lou
ood fjitle been 00.
=eta s eed tt h. here Teetto4l 9 ;:silljs gosod Inweateoe non g,
Oil do well 1 0 exualue the•rvalw-
-A- FARM OR 5700.-2 tracts, ackjoiaing,
of 40 ikeers itich (80 lull , altustad
Ohio to 4ir r a:tf
1 has 1 Ohio, 71 1 0Fgertraltr With 1 i 4111;: i tt :1 3.
it'"ir ca•r d ,'="1,1 . .. b.:i1y...i.t9. 1 1 , 1*,.=
we gmand la i0 r5V 4 M 11. 14,..M . 3 1 ?A M.,. t.
by PPrb.B:4 .- 0 4- ...,_, . ".. j,; 4 1 4i , ~ - • ,
mutual P. 5.".. lra , ni • 80N, 14.111. 611 O.
4012 - • t: • LA
AntLOTS FOR Gorinanlown,
rfielifisnigitZ,_ ll . op to iulnu '
the .frioadoot for
price of 1140 each, $36 in 'bead' arid UP per lenr-'iheY
anght Lei/ .that, pd.* for - 4175 • if you went
bargain Lad • cheap honee„pcni cennr4 parshes• too
goon.Engedre WUQUE4
74S Fourth street..
1191 - 00 S E ,ti LOT FOR SA.L.E Rl_ EAST
• ' LIBMRTY; iiita•te4 *Rhin 3 iiilnutee` wire 'Of the
road Sta.t.kni; The lot W.I. • front of UM feet' on the
theettelmED,Tiiropiltelllo4 Yatands boa 110 feet to • et.
The belldlteone.stenti r tar:r a ley Back pßuee. h: . llthd
Yor=- I °l.."=eraimrkm . lutt Ifigr. 1 . 061. rfe
son.-.Tettul AMY R. MeLAINt 80N.41 fi ft h et.
i SHAT WR HEN beati-
A 3 tifal mu•ttt • • short distance hum the dtr
" ".". 110.474%tiDii. 4th et.
atl44,t '
1. 4 F0R liouse and 2 Lota in Bridge
agrost bast viatZirith
WOR SALL—A spreaidia .Country '
li dab" on du Ohio Rim, adjoining tbe: Rouse of lief
olin. on tbeglastk rod, at Wood's •Ron. Thom to d acres
colowad bur
a of
. 11:Leywr b, g , Z1To.
=WA aba • Ailiniontlad to mG'sNotolgttb4
bow, It in adored low. Nl:quirt, of Robert Da , b , Lon,
• THU& WOODS, 14 Jantrth Etna.
r - 0 S superior Farm in Beaver
...or. A mum from uarllngto. d g. , 5
ta n z S w fra
Itrighton,,coqtalang leJ Aerwl4- W .
ultirstion, and in Ant raft order with g ood orchard M r.
bOx. of aw.l.,ork it. ligari s loT 4ot itira T T 4 1 h 4.
14AOtt SALLY'—A fine Farm on Cku t ti! , n!
coo ni Nl.l Won, =lt a
stars ttoloity; alio. • good Ilmoso boom mid t near
Lbo tuisd oflbxleral ot. 5.0.51011. aabrod wa7
I boo. • Pritated Itoatotor wAta deocriptlou of a lam
number of farna, ooutklxi soots. WOMB and lots. :bleb
.51 be glove tO soy lobo ••1•11 to Doty mon: the Win
6n4 dooeribod ea It. A One omootasat ppddss 1501001
r' TllO5. W 00115.11. 11. h
g - ALE:—'l`wo douses' and Low on
w De ems; aw Wu
floaaeassid Lotionbatarlliamla ATM. ,
Oa. tot on TostiYandatnaq.
alyo-larant„yatberslyk &tram; pato at Lb. city. all a,
whirlsill be' palalloWbsi tale tans.-Tbay ara deterribed
0=44 17,01.1 a. ylralla by afla
me at Voartlk itare,lfyou mall bay, an or yo.
Ec7,o. ROL by calllag cat yau h.. it total.
PU a "
watt ; • • 75 roath stroot.
iit4l,Stiii%ll. SALE.-143 acres of Land,
.41ts .an of Mato/apart. on Which le • good
! use Novo end Han, 111 van. einem', a largo or.
chard of ars..=nit, IlkOd 33 area of pool. Now la the
Ur. hue a
40 aennof land, art J. Musdnero 'gird.. with • good
frame bonne 00 It, tt to cheap. , .
40 acme, 3 odlet won of Noe Brttot.,Utta It an goof
lm.smeofe; It will be roLt ewir WI, .1
3 Yonne of Coal, on! (be Monoagattela Myer, and
vatialy ,tf other farms and !mall war ur lead lo
i/doltr.whlchl taw aiieweve 00am Riatrl reglr
tor.-Coll and get one, yon yeauthareodue, of
ofd•-rf • " THOM areulirOML-73 Fourth stroet
. awaiweeave veers at pinball/An the Penpnbr
I 'trent, tenth Ante; attire
r. ,
MOW UM: eath bovine s front on Yahnol Wont of IA
boo, and running baidi li/0 fent to an wail 10 an vidv• —
ita h rw , wVAtrvillielL P* te..grAtt l y 4, ' Arse
bar an aderod wt. Um low went 4 0
5 " 3 ortelfougth
emit ID hand. thd •L 1,14 U." 7. '"'
Perms retooling Inellna totrobotaa or! tha LYON,W, win Iwo,: to N. ROOM •
oar u I Bankerennd Inolonw. CT, blArket at
1. Lot of Iltrequed. at preeent ocaorMed by ,/oho
gay, (lothlet on
L Libertg stre4, between Ma th Wart. . 1O
to leaned for term ar yrs+, fnon ArO neat. Apply
• to 4bllti Iltnibt, 112 Moult. rennet,
agand 13)1g1t1 inflect •
nayoß SAi7I.E.—A around Rent on valuable
Isrpronen penlonly on Tian etreet,.littebargb.. An
AtbeliAnettett. tlelietr .
16" 4 1)It Sia OR TO LET.-1, will sell 'or
rent myWODortTin Manobootor, amulet of aithcot
. too otoa pbkh e.ra meted.. 2 too 11o=m
one containing 0 and Lb, abet 4 mane
Woodasol Qoal lion.. nod s amortment t .:ll4ll s t
itrr -O
orrVttdirtu 1"1"41T ItnaW test
bado4. trona. - and. l near U tbe
tamAndel, 1 rill taloa. or spatial ortny hind
tam and ninald pram stalatuing pouroolon until tot of
rtor. Aral, to • • 11.-M. lOU Liberty otroot.
L I OR beautiful eouritrr boats, on
Ira Mg lariat rood, ad...mum' nut I,lautr. nur
um tholes rpm, and ought to to mum% by 11000 lib.
oink • datigiatrni country boom. Mulatto or
etabltt . - , VW& WOOOO- :6. 4tb 01.
RaL7ol4trotaing 50 bet on Wsinut ct-, on
lot of bin M. rituuraout naming to •
o !but , • Thb lot to moll alturtrui, and lb. Woo In
TounouturiotolUo Wing testy.ileModoa vistrantoo d..d
0Wb0.g17•41.; Sirwoort. 4119111t0 -
JUSISPII Ewa, At Wrna at Law.
Ly,n otos
Volt 'aims of lona oa Whits
OA Bottom; I rile ovit Ilogrepork . Tlii ber224
Wag 04P- 4. IhSZIL te. V . & Vi o arraty
to, as gtaeribed on my Mated . or and arm
d'"dstas"6 tOsti roil d ad
noT•tf 71105,, 140100. 75, lib ot •
A Eno• situated as tits !limits , of the AL ► .
y aud:Oidn Rims, basins ► froutot SO test so bunk
Ls., mauls' Wok bst to &Atom et. .Ths. Improv«
po. and►hatf stAries . Ids*.
111th i=trigt ‘ ntlel=lldittp". The urmauls - Aule
VII id t ‘ TenVidr * Ar=a f t m 4;Orm . .
nut kttebset. 21'bU la moot doubt one et atm most ;lola.
esti plasm jars &serial miasma. Is Or about th• ter.
dm. Arldr ea= lk IieLAJN A ttON.
991 M) DOLLARS for a good brick dwell
ing bourn. of roma and good War awl.
isidArdttutt, an, The an, rroyerty In 004.4 mi.., At.
ast.s. I , te it» above OtialtlWd. Terinaluoy.
Isooo-AlerdidweWns Lboys. No 53 MN it-. for tbe kir Me. OOO. 40,01 et.
a woo hair llnhnitt.ra, banibniely improved, .....
ore wltala 1 mllo of 'I'MM% ArMATOOSIC I V.
R . I:=lo , , P ialh ' l . o .' 4 l F h tralcSt: ll ...
40 . ~111:0147. 7 42 ,t P W.W=C006- 1 4,. ..
Ti L lbeilYZ=l7; - IC - 4100. 00 4000 tr. Oh/O. fur
mu partustilms of 1.1.• Ow 1M0...0047
mbl4 ; • . :.B Imams • SON. 21,11 th of. ,
SALZ—Eittatad •In Itoolttaspnrtr - /Ethics
went fin lOW fritia Maliett•-- ao bi Bo
ma, tam Aortas MAL h.. Mao tau •of barn, two mat
alachlsar aael all other Aztarea of a atst.elass mill, lii.
.'al; I ,thatblo anailso of • alai oilladar ind
~ :1 9120 10X01111iTIKLed oo the tore. approved *an.
A WIWI), * largo Arm saw ma. Also sttanbed aro two
. team :dwalllaaa sad a lam. warshow...Will•b•
gad at stasis baripLa.- por tall particulars aPPiI to •
tabli , • fI..IIeLAIN A PON.
BOUNTY :LANDS fot tlio Sailers. Mop
,p, t spy 0.
• 14 , 141=Wam thymigh bolts or IrMows, we, by •
t i Vetrilur Ut rui l = "Sl.• pArtZrart
• Taos. m. 0.,. •
'l l =t,f' Doqy Load awl FOAM AgtmAtti
13AG14.4. flow! 40 . / Lot. Oloo&DUT .3.`4•1 on •
esoloonos moos log 1; Om of lho whole,
within short dtitoooe of, the 84111.4.1 gallon. • The
ROLM 42 11.41. by 150, „sod plsotl2 Tations MOIL of
Irde teowsod obro tu m or
Tbl briogi frell bullt;la tooArpo t 4l: . ;onto-Inlng
MOW altar , . Also, hops ololoyok, arrani4O
41/Ith • sad amble of WWl= 7 17 of ,7 *
at um, dov.- A 150,4 loia to tee ma. 'Oa" "'mil sitZA
orlysto residuum. All =chic moor, All Oa mold
" = ,a r ri ! ; B. Ilth P
01S; ray.V-4ny pal°,
nvt.sth the vat wi furotnuor thltiallts yaks!,
email l
%WWII aisht ri at• N;.l.2=
,trt lulus In raw rountry :
trim maks moue,
.i ott , to O, R tt a
.o'4= %M. - ,• •
• Prince,' Staghttaryltol &Uta k Desertl :
ou It.••• • •1•••,.... Ultirti2n•apargtutty_ll•6 011
ig44 , BtOral/41''' 71.11011.4 WORM. •
idebtfr Ommarelia litotes. th fourth rl.
CUTEUIZRT /MN; Motor the We o.
eAutlTlNtir OlCter Rik=l4lllll=
0:011r ailair realm, prom:Mhz
U P.""" tet tuyariAt i rnTrudYiViux tgrilattFarblosoar
FO4 seu —84,000 w orthof Certificates
of: dArgorthr...ri - W.. Lu4m
ar, Jr
r . k.O4KISINESSIII.EN---Fiii Rale, ti eicOl•
kat tmEr.o9l99l•ral 9.01/1919 Moue. ae., situate
Pg.m„. mlompo, Mb. The home b well orra9(L 9
am ohm 9 mamma ktlebioun CP, Portico In treat
Mow a tism Moor of tho Oblo Pomp ik Pro Amp room.
U 9 tem pod ob.* window. moll 9910be01. It ban the
W 9 m 919.19 otomar pc. Um P-13...D1P09 mot liver. ;The
UI PP 11.1ropatm WPM ot., Dr PIO imp to on altar. A
Load imam for woks. and a 990.05011. sovehouso on the
'a i :Ll : „ ?.. 7,h t a o k =is imnicaolo4 99' tto 19 9 9Pri0t0r .,“ ,.19 . 91 e
r l / 4 9 3 P.a. eon oe gdErwt.d. , . A onoWoi - 01.
_gh MAPCO Pt , 7.AT has Mm0.M..11419149499.—,:
1.711* . I . '' ' T 141 : 1 0 eio g l haPd t _ _ bib, ' al . 9 :• 4 l7l.‘rM i ti 3
gVlA ll agrig„, Nswara F.-...........gu0! 4,
. , 19 1,9 9 .' - ' ' - tIIPTIMPT &MN: 190.1444..,"
Pit tufix.Na.,.),6 do. /f " ' 414 : ..
,awar,; . : ootro4orsttp.::-.1 have used'
.., mr.6.Editikm—Par . ems Wu. T./ • ..'
~•43 ; .i.„
• 'kb Plitat..rl.... • • • /Mt"' aV
NM Ds • .IS 1 .. Y. ' 1 I • ....
Wed • hlgh . „____ •" - • ' ' , .
! . /elot4. • ......a . „ , . ,', - ) - 1/ •.1
~ • 1
Delaware litutitu Safety Insuraice Co.
fIiFFICE in the North
Room of the Ma
li OILiNTW 7111 tit attest, Phlladelphl.
Munn Lasratexaiii,4:ll2.lreeals, Cargo : and F.ditht, t.. 11
pmts in the world: •
Din= lasintincro—On•
Etooila ;snit Lam
an 4 LandCarthig• to 4, toils of U. pion, inslu
illtustile brFlu: until tsttlnt. .
,Yriut Durusinon...ldetelniudiu, 0.305L7: on Must.
; 00
United Etaton - tate or Pronsyltazda. Phltn-.
Oltr, .13andsu and Asnhot Uarol44
.nd other
e Ral/roi4
Stock In Hant5.e. 1 .44 1 ?!..."..C!! C*" .- ! rt 3 53
211 qs
06 5t
Prelnhona on Manias 1oll:1st rocently Its
, • , - : • . .4510,T8D la .
Willem ldsrtin, !Jams O. Ilaud,, ~:Drell ;M. linstOn .
Joeeph . lL Beal. Theoph. Paulding*:Wt. EYTeI.
Edmund liouder. Isms It. mhos L. rnm,
John C. Darin. Hugh Orals: , . - .Is.gsts U 4
blei 5...
l j
Robertßurton, Seencer ttson," Jason 8.. 'Wendt, -.
JOhni. Penrose, Charles Kelly, = Jaa:l9.ll'Tlvionde .
owrre 0..-Lsi.per.. tunnel E.:Stokes, .• iTtn."O. Ind**. .
Ello'd Darlington, Ilem7 Sloan. ) J.T.Pefroorltil , tt•
H. /onceßrooke, James Trwak. D. T..4.10rgan,, do.
J. O. Johnston, I WILLJ MI ELADTTI4, Tavoident; ,
. THOSE. O. laLIFIJ, Vlce dent. Pttel -
JOurn W. Omtsn, &damn'. -
APEressics of the Oonatekny, N0..95 , Watrobtliat. rltt.
bi.ila. - foil.l.ti . p....t. MAMMA. 44Psot.
Franklin Pies, b:torsi/co Co. of -Vollia'a.
pIRECTORS: Charles W. Bani3k er, Geo.
W.ll.lehards,Thoi. ilart,4loidecal - .D. Leath Tobiassteer,
steer, Adolphe X. Bode, Would Grant. David S. Ibo.e.
Jacob Alkolth,tdorvis psttosos. .i. -
011.AILLM N. BASOlilill. DreOhleht...
MARLS 3. aximrsa, Secret/arr. . ~ • •
TbD.D=PonT mou s ses to =AO tosuranoes,etoosurat
or limited, on even. descttPtlon of ,Pronev47la . to*n__, and
won at rates as low u are Mantnent wi th IS , Cnn: "
.T t g4l ) ;Ftra Y it l Vrrl2Y4ll2/9:=T2 t •
afford ample pnatOction to the o n _
The to of the Copany, on Jao ash , 15:14,51, aspub.
thihod to' the Act of Assembly: Wen . fOn.rg ,
. .. .
.. . .
1 0rti=••••••:.............................59/Pati GS
.. . P4e22306 44 • .
. .
pair ' arde i rrM. O n ic P .Ml= 4 . (n=d inn t447
.lars =. by gire,illereby al:ranting weldor:4 of the od=
vantages of Ineurasonow er."l thr obilltl and distoodi
tic' """ with P"'" ./ .* . tr,Zitilotatilf/IN.AO;M - ;
apt') Mee B. S. corner of Wood and 441 its. !
Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation
.li:entrance. - -,
TILE Insurance Compan of North Aratirica,
Philidelphls—Chartared 1 7M. Capital, .8.4.000..-
Anent Jena ary la, Ism, $1,001;255 50. Will make ham ,
re bal l aing. and. their sontente, hi this city , and
,abo on property of every devaiption. shipped par
vtaaraDatta and other rearms. cities by Wand. transpor•
*Um or on the reas.
anuecroie : -
..A.rthur . r....Thn.-Pree . t. Thomas P.Oulea ' •
:„... .1 . JO.ll. John B. Nat
J. wart mith. .
Diehard D. Wood.
William Weld.,Samuel P. Elmra.. ' , French , Ilrakine. •
Banned Brooke,ayinr , B. Muth. Allibone.
._- CherleitT. WM, E. Bowen,
litembrea• White. George AepiOnali.
Jacob Y. Thomas, James N. Diekerst: •
11. - Morris Wain. • - 11. D. dherrerd secretary. MU hi tha ol d est Insurance Compaq:in the United
lotatm. and from Bahl& etandlon, tong orperteneei, ample
- 1 i.,....4,-..e.mdi....g.rdt;ti,-.:f,z.-4„er. l -4,-4 -
&Tobin,. WlLlJAll 6o l , :i d fil l
. . . . . . . .
rose9l arose, turn gram, Trramtann.:
W. W. respectfully informs ; , his friends
Oe' Ma customer, that berhae just nompleted We dook
i ill Yermalture, which. Is decidedly the lamed mad land ern
Offered Mr sale trail/ city. ..Aele le determined to uphold
h oe i Ver j = nelhorn the extent 17fItla orderri . sod
facility In manufe,etnring. he is enabled to produce war.
ranted FURNITURE at the owed
1010i:et - -
Ile Dope always ou hand the meat.W., variety of
description of furniture, roam . the cheapest and Wet
Id tbentost elegant and costly that • house. Ca.. 7
of mut may be (=Walked from Ms stock, or mnnufactured
OsTertaitly IP Order. The following articles
an Invert
f Ide assortment, which. for 'tames of style and finish.
=not besmeared to mly of the Eastern citier.
lords XIV teteestrte Folios __
100 Sono to Flush amt Ilair Qat.: • .
100 Mahogany Chaim .
• 40 dodosen
/00 11 Mahlaten7 Booking Chairs •
9,lmat o
10 60 0 Mahogani Div d do ans.
PO Waln do
100 Merida ut
Top Centre Tables •
' 60 do Dreeduirltureauu • ,
30 do Wadortaudg '
. ...... .
.c; .
60 9farDrese Burs
40 ktalio ' a ;any li
In Walnut do . . •
150 Cottage . do '
0 1 1 0 Charrfaad Poplar Bedersaln
Mahogany Wardrobes '
10 Walnut do
1 4 1 0 ) =weans do
'ZI , Dtatng and greettkatTabira. . '
1.2 Nerretru7nad Bonk rants '
20 Donau Cane SAM Challis
21 Cana Beat Rocking rhalnr. . :'
12 Lodi& Writing Derkg
Mat and Tavel viands What-Nots
Ittignires . Papier Macho bade.
Oonvereation Chaim rerotonna do
Rilentathen do; rfall and Pier 41. ,
Banetsion - do. . Ladle.' do
Pearl Inlaid dm fttondon Dining Ten.... :
tiflt 1 0 lad n.litt.m °""'""` , - • i
Alao.• large aasortroentorConnnon Furniture and *lad
der Chainetn
Cabimaker. 'walled Stitt at-Helen In their lir..
Preamboate and Hokin turnlehod at lb. thorned notion.
All orders toranotlr 'attended to. • ath2o .-
. .
AP' 110 9. •
NI i TS F. EATON, No. 19 Stith at., agent
.i.gius rpm' .11.1128=7
en to NO the lotteetest y patented
Trott's patent Oda lobe. fte teana =ewer.
Coe'. paWnt Drat ksr /rota
NW. • WWI Drillititrased .._, . ___
Idopatand'a Stationary Water ttle neer MA,. •
.10raselbree Means and onesL“. seta •
Urietth's Wrosight Inesltallread Chi& hiseldnea..
nage &Minim have been examined be teactlcal ...bat.
In and Carthago. and penacensoallasperiar to any In sae:
11, la alio antbarleal to ,aell Weds to mak. and Tend
thew articles to ear part of the ananhT..
Ile ham alio for We tot-prseeed Notts and Wage:mind
enleteal krassWork.
Ile le also pert to take Agenda.. iik as We ef eite
.. patented RI te and nen Inventkals. and xis. to the
belles.. Wilde and constant ettentleu -
Lk ratans to the totiowmg
CARD. . ..,
fo i•;*
The antecaltrte hare nn o acquainted win jir
• Memo F. hatcu. me have no bealtation la parrenontnelne
bhn to all whoolar *deb to etonlor his RerldeM.l4••• et.•
demon of undoubted Integrity wad fnrta strr
In adman exertion& everital.h.ncerge m e= r .:
l ' An Tl . l l= C atetiL
_. I. Joilutiralcana, ..
W o o. . . H. ChM& A en. •t
N. Mune I Anna .
P. It. FYl:ma.
itrinlep ad. ' Emeet4t ., b :Et , .
William . Jo/motes,
inlant•Phllltin. 1 • Mahar Fulton.. -
A. W. j.oomle. • I Whew Aleoanal •
PrrssirAaa Nounnbac tlt4ltit.4. ! - .
Si Clidi Hotel'. • ;
thr,u, etes and a mar set.. NabsmA, J.
It undersigne4 „formerly of "Brown's
.row." burin Wm: Oat lionteandeonnoodlonello
te and haring netted ft In nict Milan% Kyle, w Gehl re.
Enay Invite bin !Wends salt the tzstalee Path. le
r lam • WI. Admin.l. with the anentafienee of the
and bit ions ea perfesee In the bashumf. he eannfee
et=tictlizo. anti hie chums 1101,Mokisruat.
Pittsbnr..h Riding sthooi
thrNer e Mowed &art Tred Own, Alley.
. . •
rrf ILE subscriber respectfully unnotinc•os to
,J,„ the Ladle* and (knifeman, Pittatiargit, that be haa
recently *rented •,ItIDING $OllOO4 ' width, In robit of
alse, taannodlintanear and adaptation. Andnasbly erode
T 7, dually netabllahmant In the United qtabse. lU lore.
n le Wk had all parts of the db. w Inc high
'd dry eltuation render, it repedall, suited to the imp
=Una of health, b y . thle• moat agreeable exernien., the
taxer are docile and • well trained, and the 'proptieted
pledgee himself that no polo. or expense will be .Doted to
mate *hie Tettibilebnient the lint in the tonadenee of the
on2idt• •-- PATTltiltiOlt.
qLA SS STAINERS, No. Third.street,,
• th. PltierM A TATlttl i al
o Ltivla n tra n Vglg tr opg ir lf
'X '' t
I N build privAe rertr i nens or church.. to tlud!'
rpecimens INV/LOUD GUM, at their eatablistrit-Ati for
which Slim Medals am* asrardod by tha Pennsylvania
&at* 101563, and tae Allegqooulity alr Ite
IML They are prepared to moats ed i Gisas dewy
rati ; mt . do n sf o gmzearsl=p . riz 4 V raganz
ornaminTaarsdcostlyancrOsur she Cocoration of elms:diet
with LlfsLilts Apses, scriptural and allsruinal
and cm ultker •doserlprion Of OrnamUd Wlndfur4
un tirtort .v... Trallest ep
=lairhtl6 .Th ltAt ,
ty of NM work. Mae of new and. tiandcome
.Pertorlsa Iva and tr/ Isamps, and Lanni for
notela Rataurants, gosuaitlolloMlstyltrataltor
notko: —Titer can WV. to work ' already executed la tbl
clip and other Macao; lin thumbed, 'tambour.' and totrat
dpeillujaw *Mumma of their canarity and a .t
• • • Eatilleatuag and An . Irony
'Ka° 821)8611 W haying ,parishaeed the;ei.
oluslve tight at J.Johnstswes Sitent,lkorlutd X
o tales Patent Felf•lientlng Smoothing lrons;'hl4ll7lP
aftelliTaii engagd, Inmannisebuing the mama , illlOO.
motion with lite magma Is keeps constantly on band ot
hls warsroon4 on Mont stet opposite Anchor I)Mtott
Mr, . nw.. l age rd
• W..:sior m ant.tsf tbecommois Wipe
l itterX — o'firtOles_ this
4 ; l " Vn r lr t i t i "
• - 005.1g4, •U. KINUSLANISAILIten ' Tilts: Psi
N. EW WAIL PAPERS at 4 . 6,Pitiorltixan
of IL liatilsr.,Yeduni Art; Allsgbeni. •Surrshimr Ot
We& BpAingsaleg A chains mrtment at' lion=
Lor •rur=n rperMisintsillt.
nag ogicintb finagle, st priory Insuring • antinomy*
the Ilbersktplaltawl benitolhre'readved. pomod.e.
;or Hangars reeogunendog.
WAR; Cholera and the Ministry of Menlth,
.411.2.41 Yle Denim% MD and the L itritfiab
rroot brasmia 7.0. 1911kInion,lLY4 fm•ln
ation.. Mies 26 and . 166 Ws by ' - • ;
mbl ' . J. L. /MUM Fourth it,
lArx6ry.xtv-toisTspiemsci, WO
atain r tigat i l i Vglitl t traliCeiti
1 10 4 1 . 0 who Wm woes thhrtasks
dhendatiew those Wei ha. not Wells p rwd moo thos
'op Mal - woe st (Hemet ehtoeFothisolohd.:
-1W boaC "t 6RDTN 200 biut:tirled NAM, i '
bble In !dare and for dile by
Fr „,„„ nAnnevau*oo.
lIIM. 7 )THY SEE_ D—.Bo by- folteuaZiL'
filtY PEJLOIIES- 200 bus. - for'esiely_ i *
hy mtrlT - II .00
- _ .
' . OlBll-10 0 bble. No. a Disoierm,
30 tar Fa 311
.sepria .
PS q?. l. .:
. •• imdunC.: ' .-..-
i ,
.4. Whit. HOF. . . a 4 . 1.06 whit*
1 7
glue CHIC.4O 0 :
, 1
Fopnerly the Chicago tua4 2diesissiPP. -
totnitto fir if:Y.04%4640z O 'Mrs rtad e' X 1.2.
-•. . . .
eiE i , Dim:Vend ' hable Route to
Itti. i . l . sun HOOth'llrieV4ifenty ifiolt - ibOrtmr'.
reo room' flfl tiAtio tutt:T.raitorn frt..
it. Laub, D r 1 " : 0A C rA g crt........, - 4".. .....: 4 1T,Airtt
Bt. lamb Ntil li t i .. i sztorlo 00 e. rt.. • 2,r5 'r. sc.•
Trotos run r thrOttgliortiga r i•to — of Aim or,
cV% ,
• idoioti at - uioi;:tawiroto-4:I. I
=Ara OONAIXITIONEI—AtAoIIotorI. ttlet Rook'
Id. in. , for Otto.. 1 LAI* 1 .4415 4.1.4 spdi
tot t lr 'n roAnita4 ' l. l . l ,,,,2 "d i r g., '''' l,fl i'''''
At Spritgfloltat wolra 14= fO Jack -1
at sad 11110010 Mfr. • ~ - -., .4 ,^ .. 0 . I
At Alton. With Dolly Liar, or gekots for lionolool.•
Qulori and Kea.: the moot ropedltloor .4 ralisblei
. mots rep sit trelions_ ttf NorthottotortCAttomoott. 0 i i
• At St... Loulsorlth Dolly, lint Ms Mamas for N.
Ortaaortrol fotormedisre*.tooo the Lwow Mtralrepol.:
Vol r==r, i tyz K--,...15,1exer
... m.k.solors.;• • R. I . MAGA:. Sur.... .
' L. VAY4 III6 . 'Aft.t. Masco. Ili,
• 7 coNNi(7roa - wrrtt; - - •
Ohio and.Panna. goad,,._
Alilanee! '
ICLIE shortest, ia lokest 'Lima moat re7tsLle
• Rhein. emetypeltylotill;illiernitend
"fhb nit:te . ii One 114
nine hours pulekar tha n -the' eireultoui one Indian-1
Three Daily Train' fromiTittebnyttin to Cleveland..
Tteree Daily TrOindtenn Cleveland taChlman: '
TOM to Cleveland, IS bourn, ,Chleago. ,92bourr. sad
Louie ST homm.
Tho Trelusof theOhloandPennmitaileciulllemingPitte.
burgh at /UM, et. 0.019 a. it. and 300 Yoe. nonneet VD. '
mum at 630 4. r 11.46 0.8. and 030 r; IL se fogawm
Tram, 101 (denim,' leave Aldan. ►t 7.130 a. would 12.00
and 0.38 rx. nonmetal:wet lindens with imins fpi Cuy
ahoga Valle and Akron. and arriving 'la CleVeUnd at
10.04 0n.2.90 r. tr. and 0.00. r, •
._ Par/Barer/ atm Toledo_, Ch , 4..cluis„ pet Island.
Calms and theliortteWeet; whOwleh to go i•Mnitel
.ontdeteuttoa.'vintage the Train lem1018„.. Idttidatilih'ot
8.00 and arriving In Clevehind 2 , 49 P. ae that
le the aWy Min by whkh elate nomneetlone are ..made
through to the above point., Pateengem by thin -trate
reach L'illeeco at 730 nett monolog. and at. Louie at mid
The 13teMnen ]forest CHI and Diurnal 11111 leave the
Monongahela What/every morning, (Mondays. excepted)
at 10 clock tor .Wellevill eouneadall wit: , the. tvele
leaving Weihrdlle at 4.30 P. and anteing at Cletebond
at 9.00
An dcoommodation:Traho will leave, Mellnille
with aye excepted) at 040 p. K. emonsetlng At Bayard
with gums Train striving in Cflevelend Xr.
Trains terra We
and Cloven ad, connect at gap
and for Carrollton. Waynoeburg, Dover and New Phila
147Tlekete for Claveland, CMOS* and the Noethwed ,
its webrrille are meld at a lees rate than via Allianoe.
Thetralne from Cleveland ta .30 0
.8. Chicano. ran
followin—laave Cleveland. at 7.30 r.w.2.30 0 and GJ6,
ele.anive beChleago at 11.00,r. va,7.00 a. and 10.00 a. r
Trilna leave Chicago dog Ito& hdand and gt. Louie am
follown—Yor Rank bland at 9.00 A. X. and 11,00 0. m. For
Lonleat 0.16 a. 0. and 10 05 P.
13t.Lentle go mar Back Island railroad to
/air LT thecae over the Chicago and Mianbelppl.
road to diton. and
by eteambost (72 miler) to M.
Lorde. Paix.XXXXII by thr 9.10 a. w..train arrive M Sabot
lAnde at 11."% same evening, sonny th 010.05 r.g. train at
noon nest dry.
, itge rod mr o e t rked (Develand. and there nv
7001 rt. Amman Om minum.
lad Clasr. 2d aau. lei due 2d User.
To A111an05.r...20 l o i%/ 2 111:1;118 1 ; 92 66
"Caleas...,-18.26 14 (a
Chlomo-1 $lO . 60 " Springteld.lB.7o 10 OM .
" Bbom p 14 41 14 40 r Thullogton..2l,ol)
Pawerngere an requested to procure their Mobile at the
Otom of the Company, In Monongahela llourevtelow the
corner. DURAND,Pnpt., gimeland.
m 1,21 J. A. CAIIOIIICY. Pitteburn b.
Northern Illinois to the Mississippi River,
10WA, 4 7L800111t1,
.811,1taihoad to the Nis pi.
Chicagoe Burlington. and Itali!ey •
RAIL filaiiitEllo. AD;
" isninonens • the. , Maggrg 'Trod
Railroad irsme Cbeigged,
41. ND TRAIN 8 run-the' entire distaneo from
Ohkago to BurlingWa. fora without chanf r ot ram
Only Direct Enure to BURLINGTON. CENCI:
0KU14.,_ If ELLA
FORT Did .NOINZI O OOUNMfjth.III7bge s i r
modiste .of
on the Illinois Central, Great Western
and Ohio arei StleidatipiA lialtrcada
Trotta on the above Una lons Chimera on th e atiiind of
from the Out. avoiding ell &ling °To at." of
iege. leave Iturllngton daily its Boothe= and Ceara(
Tows and Northern Illasonri—meting the . T point. ,. and
most reliable route to resell all the Inowortan poln west
of the allsauceopi as far as Idonnell Bluthovith from fort'
to lift) tulles les sta,eing than by any._ renter._ The
Hoed. fora loot. portion of the VIT. said with re era-
TIM elle nen. t hesturotheet riding and ben gal read In
the Weet—wel. stocked with the roart.roodgni,le?conne
Item nod elepint new earn
13,.8y this route lelleSeegoel ere ewes:of, mitking.Ose
auctions, and arriving at et. Louie on advertised tins,
avoiding the'vegatbins , elay of lloviwd lee, and danger
u,• route by alto.. •••
Ilagrage c "eked direct through ; 4i,ra Memo. siad no
&lora. glint
wgz a l oi v.r u pr b . =gi ve b.p r g...t 0. ...t.
poy, enrage, of Clark and take ita.7ln7its Le Etnildi
bun at the Lenotof Us Galena FL. and at the iteldsuc
Oen Owl a. N. *face. comer of Lake and Drub= a
~P ont. Tr.monLllo~~
by mits,wlU webs linmed.l
- deepateh. O. 0 HAILSIOND Seel.
• soLwerr.-
llrrickett ccohe procured at the
ones tbe ram assess •
Lcerr.rrri.errimsTntrV:l - tl$:1
:111. • as popular is pre :to
. haw -,nt freight Into the Intertoe of in . froin
Feet ar Calehratii. et et low re 41484, 10.,
the itv-martm Rollituretook awl much loam
to Its management, thla mad more! more itutneemela
l'...gfr".,4=l.4Zttrft grartileelAtt
Goal. 14 the intetior will be neell' in . 111adtaxii &MX
rentPreard /ft= of any . charge tor - range cad mr s .
VOA ...MIT On otter rare hausmuouts 544 U
ad with tlaw. en they
ha While Botrf, ear
;Whnrar. The , • . ads ean ha motet free GI &aro tag be ,
' lnor ani=ix tm ation or Ate. of ikiftib , lall oi A. A.
!HARDT, Atient, ClU4Merge., whit Cstre
Anfermtton. _ _ J 0 1 1 4 . ,
• IL P. Jena; "Jtagiirnatat—ja294l3nx.
.2 j
,- • Pennsylvania. Railroaol. s ". - ,:-'
'LURES 'Day Tkirclughl - Trabis; tittivien
Ante'? "' a Pti or , — tro4fret r i tc_i a . kll24
IPlttobsugWoet , t. 7, ... at
LINg Istiel b,
. T i gl i,,,,, A
TIt t eSIVAIN laii,elPfdledelpl I
aker Pittsburgh ith lis.",
P. M., and Pletthearah thr Plailsdetablo .110 q, P.R..
The st i, s:‘ , llstes comma st. PI still ...the heti,
mid. 111.
lasi" Mot A slats Sad blllilegtj
rds 7 l4 =un s u h i A thin% 1 a s a
a l ;El 1 ,Ind:
aeti. bertuttOterhathsld,Bellelhatathe %Toledo,
Clsretsatt,,Chtesebus,Zsaltsrll/S , sad, *gams P,
Pathe /gate trookszfd . VIA.;
thassas,: 7 I,oltheall thattgLirt.• • 1 , ._,
Threuat - aaa b. lea , 1 . ?"fr‘bb S tz t.t. t, ma
For wile:dim les Iran ki. • . L
darting points. Pessensars from the •• est tit&
the shortest sad most expeditious 706 to ..p
Denham, Na. Tes or Boston. - . • . - , •;•••
11108. idthiltll. - Jirsgasser'lsneheto2446434.
J. MISal sucx..k...l. .Lian. ‘....04.
-1 1i01/ lifa l jfea ri a). • itiecii i.
1 1 11 . n , t1 Mamma& Clemig
ned enejt i via m tsare tar
ir.vgAre.ratariaVothrima== ,
...,.., fileil Inillissigurd minni, Myer Line,
Stsesners tbs. LA tien=l. l = Looha 1 4 .4 41 . 1 P °1 4,‘
en the 11111301$ and
t :-
, Ist—ltt Ittllgnilli bares Toledo et. 2 A. )4;:arriv•
14—Marn TaitsteutTieln have* gelato At. It At In.,
c i
Tl l l l —Tfteincini c Tmem
..,." "°
P. o ll iestne . r.vo ot.,
arii•lng In Maio at st.wltt. 4.1 g__ • .1, 2.•, ~ i
4th—St Nunes TWO: Tee Fah& WAS P., IL,ltsi
dens In awn tit OM A. K.
• Ono On Buny's lams Tsbits at gib P lg., liuld,
Val a l Ai s oliCte i ?2 ` 4 . eisitd aitd iolinio ' liaiga, .
ii ii teil al ' an al % Colik. }led Pinta. fillittAlng tcb
ontogrlVisit . thire an =rigth 2 tedie ld ri i nsl= . ltii
* into Aniline& Or bytellWlle Cbenilesul=bursito
2 vitt
11 1 1=14 so Ml Tolg l i l ltattroed ."4 =_, g the thn • Man:
littatmishtMign, via Me*. Anitund triZunrrst
c i Ttin w,,,u Vt nut be lit the ;othgtes at , the,
and Pittsburgh sag and Peril" lie iner t
under the kinningiteilallousA L.D or it a u t tbnDepo Art. t.
~. ! .
, Plttsbirgh. 7nly gAth.ll4l.—tt M.ciima. It. eadri, Li. fg i'
Ohio and Dobson,: listft.C":
rime ..Crestlioi a .
r 'neapttEatigit Eme l t got sante at the
and w ay of the lamot Mon"
arring - ir at I go.. at Cincinnati st..4or.
andlunianonolla at WO r: t
ITtga la Abe only Ilns cannoning dkyttly; at Orcptlina
with ntght- bah- frontPittabtushr •
ao a t H lat e tagongLlAat gis ponaaMia
1M411484 loona r_ r v
riligiamand linaughogiont,
-r : -.Peeerelbrabillr RalbratilL.,;.-i . 1 : .:,
rgreat Central Route._oonneating.iiie-
Ailing* eltiot with Weston, .1„....v
atlmatetn Stitlll, ny i con3F 3
resell'itio eatuiletast IM _. It at
to al ports on th. W sumh 4 .
L i t
awl: 11.6netuWi , vith litfrarre t iztb.
moth *Wart La =WWI.*
rttiabio re m tEs = vbf Alt,gatii/T 1... -- . 4 " - Ui iiik
Rarxs Burritzurrinrazuuriglrjrzstwzg*:
i n ciSs - s-. 7 HS'.7G, 741. " ri "! : .
pry ck.a. pa )11F4varf. 1 44- . 00 6..§». i%.*
T mit' r ea.-tir ---* Elial „„, . , ~.,,_:,!
43x4 1
r(VE&ad k OA balk
1:1; to e. :::
" )latd . th lt aild f6aV - fiCi ' lb:
} 11 rodi rru n ir,c
Ird ot rbiumupb.lallr . ' ."4“.
rgr Aoures.—liramie ter: Bostcar,l-L-1111.e.
J. &leeks P — ____a ,
ain ow% .a.
thee., Ithar num e t . L .ZZiat
Il i ilitiiilioitgli:,..,.- : ~,
. A 44 4, 4 4 , Ts 44 , 4"'""
OGS--34 lizivee Arrive- zed for Wet
B ASQ ILE 8 - —Mu ri b y'k Btirchliold
vo timed MU* sa m tadma Embiola
f. vd r
=a Iterallags t *ftstlnit. ArdUligObr
!fnnir!)ced and ftrt deo by
Banerar. metals* aei b tLitiMaltliani •
nue% Innis ul ter XTaraen . ,
rtyott irr
f :pg m a e sD a tli!Kri. 1,.."..--,E,
s ,
= C • • —
of the Bei: lamtert , -, . -.
Locale stmagerA,; i ~.). • ; t.,} ...-..
.. - .
, 1 N - ' l r.; •,,i- (7 --- , 3 . *
' in" by tr' , .:. i , -, J. L. - 111AD.It'VoittWoitut:. v
'•,. • 'iNEIELVDAL-4 - loblp; i prim* asild skit
i .
.. - ~
""--..• Ti ~r'..~~r_+s-i[m~:ki.~ntJS.iY!~AY?s+frr: c:.
'11111;ADELI PH
Rosellrguififici •
43 Tomr. - /AlanftyliateK lat-1 363011 _4*
WM1.3140116 Map *ad .4=010'3 ..-
Ooternanlea.l.oonmotilva,9 bp,a,
last= ~1 1 71 4 Nni.aal -1 1 .tannedenetannell -
B. 2l P , W " la t nnllNl ' n7g r - . .t 4 W 4441 .."`"Ti1try
: A ,
Oil razateiiiter
11-uuvrATRICTi,, N../ 21 -Saab, Third
nuakthir ovirk.s.amikaboodi
Eaeu,.-11arelbr esie amnia uldm, Dry faiOneak.s■ll
Tannete.oll4 . l Titbater , ll3l4l*M6lll
'T0019; at the loro.t miter ao4 a;rl the baot
All .P.lndbc nr w l Altak
allleb the highest market prir niit ix or taken In exetsnue Illdes. ‘
.rbsathar oat fry. orettara:o, ark ijoidjl(i.
ItoOWE & EIISTON, Na . 111.N.,34k.e4tet,
pbjudeaolga,leufloßid, Do h Urals,
od and IVlllow
OOD . ENGRAVING exeit'utlaial i 4j.
at the tweettyprit6Ml A
?mud Fbartlil and ' ll - . ,)lialile .7 ill'etietri4CF^etax
—rartkalar atteutbardrialt° larX• . •
anas. Steam Itnlt Heal Coates. I YJOc
Wld.; IL KASKILL4-IGetjlti:Voin . 4serce
antt Akietionsa ll
~..6 417•tht.,-T:e.
Navedatatiehtiot,644t' *Wit,
, .
'0 Met irrunr
TUTXD nirnc.ix co. ri /4"p
. ' Ty.ll4lllB'-' , N ' -'' ''''
Pd.LLY-.411 11 , 24.d0 per moo., 4,,,,,bw.-balf•s"4, - b,
Wi BE 1. , i- , 14#4, delleiliehugu.4, jCI
kk 4,,;,.. bib.
/1 1 /RIUPPU.4M the ltdlowto cooddlo - , •••• C , TT
•, - Vivo cook. P. 2.0.00- y-
—,•• ..0 Ila.- '
• Twenty 000los do• -.4. ..... 20 00
psto l :lt i otratVoitti 7itertl l 4.l.lll rn4t;
,piilt", (10 71 6=4Prfugo 4494 e
• •rt 1 ,0 . :41% • law , •
Do one month
Do . two ..... 700 •
lb L b rir l oToVtur., , T.7' ' 7" . ."" : 77 10 66
Do astairtbra 11"00 c ;
Do" ~
• Btandlog L'arthr:(6' lineaoiler; Pit adman) 6MS
ono dollar Lt. men. Juktitlatial '• •
0.. ennare, thanipAble et
fore.% •ddltlorml•Maanalsr . irr . aistarrotalti
ror sad. additional pasta under Lb. yearly rateli
Avert*. made ..Wing. • aatinrisiluol not ever Moen
Mum., lb ' •amiod as • sonars and • Datil.
Publiober• not •01 , 01311411,10 fay:legs; 'advertlinmentm
beyond Mir, • Bona titaigewithflt prilllloll4l.n.
Announcin ra.4l4qtre 6af.ttclire tO rnarntal rfb• 70•••
air otbar •41,-Ilientents.• '•
Advortlaerounta ro•rjted .on the' ruirilbr attU
•Vof in, Mims; relll rauttnueo„ t.16,11=
ea C1am0r...6 setordlnatt. -
Dririlatn ananaladtertisar• II xtrlin'lllnibt4 67
their ,ren ig rant . busisters, And all id • nt•lha
berme ova -1 yam.; no rill sa Ail advertisement.
alllnunedistely.,. .erred, with -tbair-,.• • bashes.; 660.
all easier, of klrertlar.rontlk In lengthotberglae, bet
• road Um Malts entrainsdorill be rbsrgr ~.
the tonna rake,
For all, 'nob tranalru atrertlaing,Milr ".01 belsepulter
°twined. and prompt parrnent Ie
All advertiseuteina Ibr obaaitable , inatltUnona: Bre mit • •
Pao in , ,arard, township. sad otber pOblai torsethm7W4Utal nOtiors. to be otuo.d half tit
• abl•Maleta7in advance
Marriage 'rotifer to be dump. takeenta.
Math notiora Immortal nltbout,Milra-rgargi 110110-..
tiled Irr foment IneltationOor obituary r int 1
accompanfed,toDePaid ft,/ ,
Itmawatmtimi.. aM abaft 0.."14 ,0 4 =Mit
Con., ,or genuning.notkof designaa. cab
Faint, SOlunat. tortantiar or, IC voteetainsaanna
whore dark , ewe nude ads• t oe-all rooMeee l 611 ,
rate amooltdoriaanverynotkof 'to' nilf
to private eutargeleek 611061•16:1 Pc Intruded , tir
ladleidult Intessat.ceus only b• Inverted wmia th.,nader!
_that the Was to - b• pallafor: 'ft late=
be Warted In Me bed colunin. the A ature-sdll b•
at the rata of 10 ovate Der line. • -
Mason tv sir notkeila brObarned t
'l3:l7lM u rint•ra t ilnal ofte4oLti'ertlanimate no
borketrrat,nniW7lool7 r•tre,, bate n.ured Abram* •
• thirty abnel =4 , 6..0104er dear flow: tbri 'amount b'
bola. .
*Matt ok_ramnitaiv '
Om Anus, throe Insertion 00 . rr •
• vh. reeiralationalluerrtion.---'
aurrargrramors warn` . , A
&Dwo: a ' n OaPl l in a l d o m o d . l l t e o na lqou --2.atita
•I 1 trateeneldrertemntato belSMts m um ~
B 0 E R 11,•414Y;VP.:Y.
Edit gollaiulsch •Bittbrefi.
EVO years have-slaosati sinia Abe fitted."
wes... a this .nizzr.Ott IfILDICINE LttO a:
Dyspeptia, Inaitotion,` Head-ahe; LossA
Appetite; DebiUtz; Gootiretkeof
Blind` 'old Bleodbii Piilee
Malay .tom 1110141•0,thr iittsautiwtlfr to ItamOialie
ful efficacy h all alisatloaa Of the '
AM ApNxo.
gam. baa bum ligualial. UM merit smite 111 . 0
'Debility, or W alatim ofin; lima is ,
! -_ litatOtarteelle. ."
AN rs ER.VOLIas. ISITHU USTI° AND, maw.= AyynglA
E c Z=.: l lrt olhagn:eaVr347ll ar ones
Ma" ! •
Wbet, ombseV obzoielseesloreibegsod tbele sletloi6 .
antudtatle mammon moo toariotelo So
detest, sad own, Wt Its WSW tot ottroolvost . , ,
.f: - • ;,4: l o c o;
The met posselositt ortb4sbeleisAtaltAßo3lll.baltile
dosel wont belealooe, width thebutele.slooebt matt
vinchadas.,,De not' bir 'to bus
ArpirlustarzpzuslmileMirlA.Ml .*.
Italy stonier It lots all Mull ttoltati ten
AgreolA r =lest battle, ova bottles lbo- MOW V/
- - -..nacriairmiAol,`
ME.o4,4l4o4,l=esetbsto Met
Ala Sn Dm=
avail -10
, . . •
TavEn....„; ‘ ,,ab ~. .,1 0.1 ..A.L.N7D5., ,;
D i ..A. - 4 ....: 1.A,, x.,...,
I. .
CHRONIC or NERVOUS 11 ... E4.1141: t)
DRUMM arrmnrwmus ,
And oil DisOises"ar,bl4* in I,.Dbicitizi;il„ `
Liver or Stov,
), - ry KIN, ruthaelit of Blood to'ree . m.d. Additmalc i
litonweb. ifitavall
oh. .Itiatthora.ll= ... ftok . ,
TV V II.= I II the - Pit or de itorneeb. Swims ton ki irtz
WNW. Dumb& awl Diligent Dreerhin . llottegi ' ne at the
Wart. Cbekturer af tVie l L
i.v . t ... m .
eratrnaddall=in is the ' lia L. • 1 °
tho. renewal** of the bidei aagillegt
Beek. Clint that*. an. Negating nub* of tbeit.=,
lox in the Theta,. Cnowtant buntlines-at. Celt era
Demme= of
L aalt,
r " 3 "... 4 *3 ~,,
t Pik ft mon
CELEBRATED' engolgo,l3 - rtalk;.. " . *
rib.pARED.By ..
-, 4,. -
~..• ~..
Dr. C. ', M. J'a r k Ce - 0 -;
No. 120 Ara Btrin P..k1yikii,.,,,,,- ;
.1! 1 1 ; itrica,•htertingternt P... itat ;
"Wit h Aped pleasate % tewnirin Me. •
men BiUtre. home time rime 1 weer'eghhtliti
with a &ma. ot the liver fie *bleb tl ed mamma
remelt... but with no .04, natal wan ladoesd
to =war Mita% P . sat_ i!aw Amy to *WI Ws
74.41 ). . 4 1 ) 141tat0wit. Pa; , Jamollllil t al biatilu I
'&11 iai eb tint l i girt beenunahle to liar " j '
.00sielan or s=tint. that e mookt benefit burin flea
11 0 . 4ay / t Metl et r tUtong et JA g., wt.
.®at or oleos wile 1. then =11.1. ---6? at bkm NI "
i stuogoz===trater e ft /
abet ant Valued to.atate that the me of 111.7 awn• g
&we her mote wood than all thet sowlidne she km bank,
tan Wan I vbb you to seal me a half Om het%
ittri. w i a Ne4=4, 1 t
. ta1t=1a .A. 1,16 .6 .1%174
fraeli "trail sad atOrinharallattuftatios.j i PP '
lanai 110% 14 =W411ligitnIe l
atom mad la Ir a
k q' 4alaptis.madMaa,.± ' `,LL .4- ft
4 gl l on. fn ...0 7 = tt.. P
th =et.. L !
t rittk ow t:
gmew a, *mad ralavo49 ow. tbst. Wham i
ift, rietedty 'WAIT
UZ I° Ilittl iar .14•11 P ams.s. e ft" "cm
_qv. .pr.
..„ ..... ir i lw e etrodialska At ga .... 10 0
171..371g. , 140 a nd
.I Pttabarghr IL
rat= t 4 3l 'r d .. " 1 "" r t '..
tc*ZigOTEI CRAS H 2500. of di
t .
sod i i i . , aala t In mar k m
DU ig: Um, ar
th vrwrvant P 6 o. l aPt*Lti stE4OI4I.OIKE
AftintpHY iii've„"--
or l their imp mrpd .141140 trateifieshr wit 4
rtanoIDERIBS-4ase D 4
hos now etert.lthetwp.bia t • ;ISH
latestoll so oorookoO •Ego
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