The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 18, 1855, Image 2

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MONA! 11011111171, .11:1N/1.18, 1866:
MOITICZ •of the fitteborgh'Oasistte
Isis ai=k W a Cartat i rAdidas the
Ants....-ingtaar tar Iltaltodst italat
a!Petidtagibleimeotottb•Dratimsgie, au copes
o k t our. Awisila.hodadre tbdrimikesto emu
ixtbspow es Amoridaig.
.11,1,1 a. *band &bait*
WWI So de*. el altantk 7l . - ,
Advance l'aymen*—lteres4v pitb
wm b. tame stit. tae zisitr*wsiair ca.tu%
sides fellee!n ie wads In admen Whenever: WA
thee le we W which Wee selventralw bell.WwWWee
.•1/111•117 'rata th011b0241411111 El re,
rust VI Moue pswiest t trengleeD stroetbien
- id weer develeflore be embed to Do pal le on
now • nocen be where model leenib.
. T .4.l:..rofivetetracp u e . ends— - - • rp.2.4**
• MlXltuilrini Waal? - -
Mel, audit adras to our badnado men
• most of making tbdr tooliser Imowa
Out abealstian betwalialbai aid thetbownand.reiablas
alma crnittftedemas, saaabotarwriusdAPP-krPor
ariardlt. P.111:41;la1lt. /Os olltor - of tha Oasts Zet
rW.Ir lad maw eaussated grit/kale , PlttabEW, ,CQueiaCt ,
,asthorksid itablealptioni ia4 Damlllecissits
thiPittOuro Ganda" jewelling ogr,Val!llabect. *iris
Ilttobarith Marelll,lBs6: ; '
Patin—We have now arrived at that , point ,
poNtkal affairs,l* this country , , when ~ rraiy
%pause,`and take bearings before we , pressed :
farther. There are some fasts iseertodned,
midolt it Is proper to note.
r Ast. Thiee years ago there were three Find
' pal political parties, which National
Conventions, and nominated emendates Or the
Presidency 1n1852, to wit The ' , Tema:ratio,"
the ...Whig," and "Free oil.';. •
. • • 2d. - or these pasties, only one, the DemOorst
-41; now exists in anOpranixed state Aitbough
it bee been greatly !castled by the s o me muses
twhkh has overthrown the orgardintiOne-Of the
other- two, jet. always being an essentially
pro:ilavery pasty, and having its chief strength
In the Bouth„ " when these disorganising effects
'hare not *Pirated to the same extent, and , having
also, the posseision of the National Government,
and being kept together by the °coked, ePower
of Will* plunder," it has kept up souukehom, oC
8. The . Whig party lain a n utterly disorgan
irad tote, amid them lotto probability . thatit 01111
orreorganiseciht any number Of Siates;
and trim (hit . Anti-Fibieety .proolivitiesi ; of Its.
• Tfaethern end string wing, -there is no possibili
- irecessating it as. a National party.l ,
, -4. The Frce Soil party was disorganised by
the same 0111.011 . which • diatteted the whip
pFty. . • • . !
''6:.Anew party has suddenly grown up, and
for a time promised to be; a powerfnl
organizetion; but on its first attempt to form a
National - Odium, it has been broken into fray,
meats by the . sime" disturbing cause which tuts
slathered the'Whigs.
These Ire ascertained facts: There 'abet one
organised Party, having randAcationi in fall the
statia--thedemocratic; -and this Minot the pow
sr of aiming anj earth= state, and atit'bari-
Ely make • show of any strength, except
'Annie and New York. . I
Tbe Know Nothing party, as it now crusts on
the platform adopted in Philadelphia, bare ex
irrenoe.but in the South, exoeptin Now York and
Pennsylvania, and in these States it is hcisilestly
in the minority. Indeed it is not probable it
could now carry single state in the Dillon.—
It in, also, like the Democratic party, iro-ala
Frain this hasty review of the existing state
- of partite, it is seen that st the - preeent moment
the voters in the northern states who hive the
destinies of the Union in 'their Meads, bemuse
they:Milleleat majority of theoloataral;oolloge
and theme : zithers of Congress, ate.,Politibeily in
a dimcgankied - ethiel What is more desirable
than to , unite theatregoer into 0 . 19 cohere t,
. r r P I a and solid body. - -
- Them elicageas are somposed of men mho.
have formerlyacted with &Tithe old- puttee, and of
many who havolotely acted lathe, Kane Neat
' bag Orgteamadose and ham reocial by their Rep
ragentatties at Philadelplda. -.There Islam Bab.
Mantial difficulty in the way of focdng three Ma
meats into one coherent whole, provided the
different parts will consent to give up ar lay by
nowevescitial differences, to coma onto s plat
:- fbran an which there las perfect unity 11
mint, end width all - admit to he of e most
vital Importance. The difficulty is • lees, also,
beam= the came elements did unite hogether;
in morel of the states, last year, under the form
of WDepribliath ceganinetiogt, and pined Most
sigied• .. victorka..... The canoe which Impelled
this cohedira, thee, exhitin all their pristine power
Dow„.and the', Totem in Ohio out of the Demo;
erotic party have acktiowledgedthe pcitenoy of
thees ceases; sad hare buried all Miner our
- woes and lave 'united to:forM one gm, Repub
. Ikea; Party. ,
Why Miould not the movement be 'general,
What is to. be gained- for say One of these ele,
meats by maintaining a separate orgatisation
cannot smote the encodes of any
ive measures or -principleik and will most gum
redly risk the lota of these important prihciples in
width all .The. Whip end l'imsoileme
meanly .nothing to pin by keeping up
semiared organisathons, without any heed many
tangible aim of a practical itharacter.—dnd
what bets the Snow-Nothings re the fine Sista,
who lune seceded kolatheNstional Council„ , to
gain .by keeping up aa s paeate orgameation and
' standing aloof. from. their fellow citizens who
bold the same views on the encroameneuti of
shivery which led them to break off from their
Southern brethren?: If:the question
O f slavery
aggreakileras to them so vital that they vrere wil
ling to risk Wilms oftheir &ablative principles,
for the mks of resisting it, what mason can
they consistently give why they should not libu
doa their 'present orgeaketion, and Unite with
their fellow citizens on,the simple yet eignincent,
practical sad - Broad platform, "No more slave
' Eitatefi—no mom slave Territories?" l •
Shall we not, then, inaugurate a grest-cmpub.
%au party, on a platform similar to that adopt.
ell In Cleveland,' which we publish today, pruned
of some extraneous matters which, though
. proper and *portant in themselyes, Should be
left out - -of a Rational platform. We ask all
Anti-ffebrasitemen,—ail pertains opPoied to the
,leirodiaMon of slavery into Ilansair, or into any
territory now. free, .whatever may have been
their previous petit/oil 'affinities, to ponder seri
. onsly proposition, and eel. what!objection
canbe found to I
muck praise lades to the milkers Mem
- UnliKthtriL Courentioe 'Who stood
up so nobly and so inanfally for Abe cause of
freed**. We are il•Sifily opposed to, the dis
timgoisidng feitorst orlfsur Ifotithniistn, and
• " daaPha the *anthill bigotry on which it is hued;
but It is impossible to stuthoid sdmiesUon from
lime Whom bsokbotes were Strong though to
km; themonect IA *Stift of an ininaliOng horde
of alauholders. In Congress and . In itational
Comelier's, hitherto, there hue teien fsw
men hold "encumb and gnaw enough. to mast
the South hoe to fitos;iami maintain' s sort of
urtimie for fradont but rumor beforiwas the
South so ecothoWted re the was to this lutuum
war did she bear, .before, the Srmiind .
aid Ida 41? an skeet united North; lud
• • La air ih• billiarY of thu MU" , has ake• been
labia to sea" lessor, Maths North * plod,
an animate her sees with a apish as lgrtn
sable a' that which'hat hiihtirte•chirseterlsed
'Uwe adherents of Slavery. At last; teeth we and
' the begin to Wand to feelthat thereto N alb;
for which let nib* duly thaakfuL _
• I
Not that ibis istaallasse which Ise* length
hdleskupoti the North is Ike- prod* of . Know
Nothrogina. War from It. It was the , outside
prewar, of public opinion which andeth* men
They knew that the pall:exiled of the
North wili.wriosht up to the point Of *alas
deterrefestiOa; and that if the:dl4' net bring
lireiseelenfete harmony with It the would .
wed ae eon between thealMftept: -
*Sri; therefore; shaidi °beast to ohe . public
::" sialtiteetat %or* bet thielliSie ewe&
_ . .
n -:~:2.~:C~.
pent extttal independent, Ind inspito, of Know
PotLlnpem r
'Nettettlteiga‘te theillowt it due tkii4nted of
lutt4tedjgabitiln *silo tii . knoiiiita not
only bitter oppositlon,, Doi retirmg,sid mockwy,
end the Boom of hthnistal Sontliernets. It
iitas lifted oidoll to pais; ind the more eictidd
it had never been panted before. And now that
they bansabeadonedihe slavish esitedasse 1/110
tmepoisred them, and seam detentined , to eon
thole the aesertion'of that manhood whish.they
hate sista/nod . so! nobly, they shall have our
pititude, at least, for reminding thi:llorth of
bit perllniof itraluidnit lite people to a Oetleoe
their paramount duty. ' •
;but , .
Noz4soresas.—ln the oorreapondenoe
of the Xork Treiwes, misers to the N..N, Con
vention, tis stated that ..the deleptes from Penn
sylvania and New Jersey will also present '-
Northern pled:nit" and that "the spronnnola.
manta ofthe Pennsylvinie end New Jessey,dele-,
guidons is intstantlallythe same as that". of the
Seceders. —We hive looked vain for - a env
firmadon of this intalliginom ant - the mall of
Siturday ereningbriegetas enough 'Mt satisfy no
that, vrhatoverizeiniti the Tommylvania .delegA2
tion gave of reldstante to,tha &nth, has all amp,
crated. Even when Afro tote was rakes on the
minority platform, the 'Pennsylvania delegation
iota!, ea NOW, with MO . :Nina:* The following
,ts the vote on , the Adoption of the - minority re-.
Pairiliblek Mai In ihe folletting Words :
Resolved, Tha4 therepted of the 'Missouri Cotn
prof was en infraction Of the plighted faith
of -Nation, ind Shat it should be restored; and
if e ifs toldisC end shall.fall, Congress should
refuse to admit kany 'Bette: tohniding Slavery
yid& dual' be toward out of sny portion of
the Territory 'from which Viet thlltitiltiob was
eardeded by** Compromise. • '
NCIO Haroptairs . .—Bbermaa, Colby.
, Vavoatt—Hatob, Barrett, Kingsley, Guilford
Matrachatrusl-Butlington, - Foster, Richmond,
Carey. Wilson. Rugg.
Ccoutectirtd.—Sperry, Booth,-Clark.
Nati Jsruy—Lyon, IdaChdlen, Weeks, John.
eon, Lisingston.
indiana—Orth, Slaughter, ilisrvey, Bryant.
.-Riinoir—Danaenhorrer, Eastman, Pricket;
F'helps; Gilson;
Miskirrn—MeNanghton. .
- Wissonren—Cb.andier Wood, Cook.
Ohio—Martin, Olds, Morley, Morton, Ford,
McAbee, White. :
loma—Locktidge, Thorington.
• - F•InCULTIVIINOTant.,;•
Xer York Barker; ‘Etammon, -Mallory; Say
monr,l3quires„ Lyons. . •
• Nerri:JerseyDerthler, Andrews.
-Peenyisaseia.--Beg. JOHNSTON,'Freeman
Coulter, Lerfalorton, Sea7l, Vandeve.
Loririand—Harly, Banos.
4inzor—Maoall, Stamp. ' -
District of -Coloothia—Ellis.
Micriesippi—Riby, Harpenden Hiller.
'ikniefrs---Henry Randall, Harlon McCall.
Akthirom—Stewart, Bradford, Harkins, Moss.
Arkaluaa—Logoo, Pike, .Neill. -
California —Mattheino, Hitehooak, ,Olbson,
Olds. • - ,
TimuretteS—Brown, • Stokes; • Tapp, Shannon
Sustucky—lPileher, Girder, Purnell, Will -
Alison, Bartlett.
Nistosible, Harris, Cunningham, Price
Hawkina • ..
Delaware--Jolinson, Clement, Johns, Bmither
Brigge, Parent..
iforyfianr—Ohr, Purnell, Bleand,Codat, Alex.
fader, Winchester, Mitchell
Virginia—Bolling, More, Billion, Boteler, Ar
Mar, Burwell
North Carolina—Littlejols; Raynor, Wharton,
South Carolisa.--Cotiniagham, Richardson,
Russell, Darla.
Giorgio —Pos,Cone, Rill, Davis, Ulmer, Rea,
Wan. -
On Thursday, the Mowing lame and impotent
prolate, signed by four of the Pennsylvania del
egation, Tea presented to the Council, and placed
on reoord. It goes, as will be seen, for (rioting
the Slavery question:
The undersigned, (Athens of the United States
and residents of the States set opposite their
names, solemnly protest against the introduc.
Son of any, quash= connected with Slavery in
tothe platform _ of, principles of the American
petty--beilg Convinced that no Meth haulm were
intended to be embraced within its purposes and
That we beano in and shall defend the tight
of freedom of opinion and diammlion on that
and every other anVeet not Intended to be eM
braced within the design of our orgardeatMn;
That if the' question of Slavery is to be passed
upon and mad* a part of our liational creed,
then in that event we cannot consistently, act
with fldelity to ourprinciples and former
professions with any Nationali:organisation whose
cation on the question of Slavery will rerun in
endorsing the K ans as-Nabenaka Act, and which
' refuses ha sanction to the principles of the
Missouri Compromise Act of 1820. That we be
lieve that time-honored compact was an honor
able and fair adjustment of the question of Slav
ery. We desire to place the protest upon the
jourasia of the Council, that in no future time
the "undersigned may be charged with infrac
tion of express or implied faith to their fellow
members, in Paling to support the majority tea
AC F. Johnston, Ps., B. U. Guilford, Vt.
Boonmus Bell, Evelyn Pi Vt:;
D.:& dm►ll,'; Pa., George DHatch, Vt.,
B. Coulter, Pa., ltiollord Claim* Del.
John A. Prirket, 111. —E. B. MOClellso, N. J.
A.. 5. Livingston, N. J., W. D. Doonenborrer,lll.
Joitph B. Birrett, Vt., Dub* B. Brook, Cepa
Homo Ilinalei Vt. •
Subeequesit to tithe the Indiana delegation pre
sented' s mere sturdy protest, and, with trite
manfiness, at once withdrew from all connection
with the National Council.. The Vermont, Con
necticut and Muria delegates who sighed the
Pmmeybraals- prated also . withdrew from the
Council; aufkie Pamylemis *Ayala remised
Isiand, content' with recording
.a rain remon
stnnoe, and ire stilts part of 'tie now unques
tioned pro-r national .organisation. •
There boo remedy for the Anti-Slimy Know
Nothings of Pionsylsanistbutlnstant withdmraL
So long as they remain whein'they are they must
be compelled to Mud on the platform of the Na
tional Coma'', to millets they stillreussin rubor-
The Know Somennxas.-The CleselandHauld
says that lu the Know Bomething Convention
now. In session there, nearly ail the Free States
are represented,' and two Slave States
Virginia and Kentucky. A number of the
delegates tro6 the Know Nothing Convimthiti at .
Phlladelp* Mapped at Cleveland on their way
luaus, and took part-with the plow . Somethings.
The followiNe Is the Platform which was Waited:
•.Aa servility to the Slave Power characterizes
the national teganization of the existing political
pzwtles, and as this aervillty is pernous both to
ttie Idsirsoon of the 'North awl the Ungar: of
'the Republic;
Ws declare--
Find—That the UMW before the American
PET** whether Medama shall be ibsited to 4he
.Flw Stager oilrhather Slivery shall be limited to
the Blare States.
givotuTha tbie lupe has been forced
upon the cormby the MATO Pourer through
repeatedns, and by acts latch have
violated na solemn compacts, and mr.
ared coreziants.
,Third—Thet these aggressions, especially the
Nithrtaks outrages with the brute' manialt upon
the elective franchise initiates, bye aroused the
busmen of the Republic to a jag sense of their
daq and their danger; sod though they will in
vade no right of any State, tbsy, will maintain
eery right of Freedom, and resist the admission
of another . Naos Blots or the addition of another'
loot of Soot Boil.
Nbarth--That we shall meet this bane, thus
firmed upon us, In the ephit our fathers met the
lime of dub day; and believing, as RV be/livid,
thus, rightfully, 1121112 nun hold no; property in
man, we will maintain the Nauman= -d free
. .
itibi—That freedom beizig sue in ahn and sod,
the world over, the . Mends of freedom An this .
Republic should make le( and CAoreeter,
not Bizth-plsoe the test of on to citizen
sldP, =UM 4tollltltational rights
dnd fierder deelanc--
Fitzo*--That. the right to worship, God scoor
ding to the dictates of individual conscience be
ing inviolable, we viii labor to stmlgthen this
great immunity through wise 'State law; but
ire will repel every polithal in
terference, in political - Whim by; potentate,
pontiff or Priest, or their abettor; as &Stigm
,. alike of this Bight and our common .14b
ertaikeeato—That Ist
temperer= being w evil ire
recommend to the myna States such action for
thurontotion of To esmpenn as will eztend and
cslieh,that virtue.
—OO4-.4hat Fr= 84=14 Prie /4a,', the
haproyements of Sinn and.Harbers, an honest
egmbhome eforiai, RopramminUon. Abtosdi • all
mesa= • that tend to drab 14411, estabAsh
the wilidal property. e¢ tblksowiti7:o44,
1 4 1 4.41 . ittha l lla4, shaltreachre ma! hearty ,
ei:4lW to grieve practkisl
wi~*vhato Win thidatinlati maaoinndwst
edfa6sgri4jrandiobrisy, ofekilitjarld amuse to
resist aggression upon Bight, came shin, whore,
or in what shape, limey.
-Teach= net tar these objects; ♦ltQ . tahke; ta
Humanity and the . Itemahrse,"Jima{ ready c t 9,
unite with men, order whatever mime or* ,
gmalsation, who rent aid m toearryteg into sum ,
aesstal operation,: these great priscaPles.
• •
There are-one or two resoluticom; tha t t is,
would' haw; been vbe to omit, in the preatint
stag of political affainr, but, altoy4er, :the
platfarizi is a good one', and; so far air we are yin
concerned; it expresses 'clearly the
views for which we him long contended. Ws
can haeir no fellowship, however, with enser
met party; awl although agreeing in doctrine
with the Snow Panetidarm, we want"ir opal or
ganisation of imams; under- the itionsuwas
Give us that, and it will secure:the hear.
ty . a-operation of all tree haters of Oppresidon
in the North'. i .
Tae Pinrsnacutu Beaysf 'Fut ebmes off at
Harrisburg on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday, the 25th to the 28th .dale of pep.
tee:ober. - About seven thousand dollars are ap
propriated to premiums, which are Awarded. to
all the mind uses, with the addition of some
large premiums for fat cattle and dreMod Meats
and poultry, to be eurdiii at a supplemental
exhltutien to be given In January. Pamplet
copies of the regulations and remials can he
had of the Secretary, Rom C. Wanda, Huta
bath, Allegheny county.
Mew Mown— IL Bieber & Brother, No 66,
mthstreet,have just laid on our table the fol low,
lug new and choice maths, just received ikons
the extensive music' publishing home of Maws.
& Bon, New York, to Wit ,
"Bella FagdaDe TApsore."' By Wm. Viacen
"Da Magic of a Rai* Smile." , lion& 4 ; Po
'etry by Mr. Fratuota Crosby—matao' I?) , Geo. F
44r a ita ist
y Uo Dis." SOng. I
Pl "Slowl moyetb—let blot pw s
the OKm. Fishing t°
Words by F. P. PlimidOn—niosie by my. C.
c.:conyeise.. •
..Okt Ilimestead." Song. Words by J. Arlo
Bartley. Mania by J. M. Deems: ;".
0 Whisper - of Loos." Bobottleb. BY Francis
R. Brown.
'ghats/a is Ike Girl for NI." Bod& !Limited .
to Wallace's beautiful melody, Nue :
murtugs." By. W. Raplutelaon.
We desire to all attention to the aid of Wars.
Williams & Allen, who succeed Arnold & Wil
name in the business of Warming 11114
Mr. Williams with those who have been at
soeiated with him hetutofore, lul; emsceistelly
warmed some of oar most elegant private ren•
Mimes and slso some of our largest public in
stitutions, thus making a permanent establish+
meat in our midst of this most eseedtial, but
hitherto neglected branch of busineas.
SYs rlatferie eta* /UserlkalUi Pinky
Tho following are the "Platform and Princi
ples of the Organisation" as finally decided upon
by the American National. Convention, at :a late
hour last night We have obtained' it with touch
difficulty at the moment of going to preen
L—The acknowledgment Of that Almighty
Being, who rules over the Univenie—wha pre
sides over the Councils of Nationowlio non
ducts the affairs of men, and who, in every step
by which we have advanced to the character of an
independent nation, has distinguished us by some
token of ProridenUal agency ,
IL—The Cultivation and development Os sen
timent of profoundly Intense American fleeting;
of passionate attachment to our country„,tis his
tory and its institutions; of admiration' for the
purer days of our National existence; of : vener
ation, for the heroism that pros:4l6'W adz Rev
olution; and of emulation of the virtue, wiidom
and palliation' that framed our Constitution and
first success:fully applied its provisions.
Cf.—The m aintenance of the union of these
United States as the paramount
or, to use the language of Waohingto% . "the
primary object of patriotic desire." And henoecL--
lot. Opposition to all attempt' to weakest or
subvert It.. .
2d trlieroPeallontogolilatetoororY Prill
ciple of policy that migas It.
$.l Theedirossey of s fed* 'adiiitment
of all differenoes ,throiten:Lts iw
toglifif or PorPetigri•
Ult. The *oppression of all tetiefieles . to pc.
, Miter &vision, fronded In ..geoingthioel
coindnatlons, or on the belief that there Lei reel
difference of interests end rive beteisi the
tiolorm seclions of the Wm " ! :
sth. The full recognition of the eighth of the
several States, as expressed and reserved in the
Constitution; and a oareftd .avoldatios,lby the
General Government, of ail, interferes:Si with
their rights by legislative or executive action.
IV.—Obedienes to the Constitution of these
United States, as the supreme law of the land,
ssoredly obligatory upon all its partO and Mem
bers; and steadfast resistanoe to the spirit 'Of tw•
notation upon it principles, however epecioni
tim pretexts. Avowing that in all :doubtful or
disputed point' it may only be legally sacertoluod
and expounded by the JoAleial pont of the
United States. : -
And, as a corollary to the above
1. A habit of reverential obedience, to the
Ines, whither BatIonal„ Bide, or MunlidWi un
til they .4ritt either repealed or declared cam
'Situational by the proper authority....'
2. A Leader sad word regard for *se ants
of elatecreanship. which 'are to be ,contri-dis
timpished from acts of ordinary' legishitlon, by
the fact of their being of the nature of Com
pacts and agreementr, and so to be considered
fixed and settled ootional
V.—A radical rnhdon and modification of tbe
laws regulating immigration, and the settlement
of immigrants. (Wining to the honest immi
grant, she from love of liberty or hatred of op-
pression, seeks an asylum in ths.United States,
a friendly reception and protection. Bat un
qualifiedly condemning the transmission to our
shores of felons and paupers.
VL—The essential modification of the Nati*-
Balk& Laws.
The nrpesi he the Legishitaree of thi.reepeo
live States, of all State-law forel 'vets
not netundised to Tote. L 4
The rapest, without retradire operation, of all
sots of congress =Wag grants of land to nn
naturalised foreigners, and allowint 'Oath to
Tots in the territories. : .
. .
VlL—floatility to the corrupt mesas hy which
the leaders of 'party bare hitherto forted Upon
we our Mere cal our polities! •creeds.
Implacable enmity whist the prefect demor
alizing rot= of rewards for politicat Fabler.
eh:wry, and of punishments for polifical (oddpeo•
Disgust for the wild hoot after office which
cheracterisse the age.
These on the one' hand. On the other—,
Imitation of. the practice of the purse days of
the Beptibikr, and admiration of the maiim that
"office should seek the man, and noteosn the
offies,". and of the role that, the JutsPOdo of
asoertaining fitness for office is, the coObility,
the foithfuhiene, and the honesty of the ineum
beet or candidate. •
MlL—Realitance to the aggromive policy and
corrupting tendencies of the Boman Catholic
Church In our eountay by the adiencemeut to all
pollticai etstions—ozamtive, legislative; judicial
or diplomatic—of those' only who do not hold
civil allegiance, direetly or hoilrecily,: to any
foreign power whether civil or eeeleolaitiral;
and who us Azoorima by birth, eduosildn'and
training:—thue fulfilling thentexim, 4 .,filinuciaue
oneness &we AMLIZICIA."
The .proteotion of all citizens in the Inal and
mOper exercise of their civil and religions rights
and privileges; the maintenance of Me light of
every man to the full, unrestrained and pease.
ral enjoyment of his own religious opinions and
worship, and ajealons resistance of all attempts
by any sect, denomination or chord to obtain an
over any other in the Bata •by
means of any special privileges or exemption,
by any politiaal combination of its mentlars„'. or
by a division of their civil allighmee with any
foreign power, potentate or soolasiutkO
IE —The reformation of the character of or
National Leghdature, by elevating to that Mani
lla and responsible position men of higher goal.
Ideation', purer morals, and more mulableh pa-
X.—Tho restristlou of emsontive pitronsge, -
'Specially In thooutfox uhstmeuM to of
Ifoo,—so fir ult msy ttedly thi Con
istaition, and amaldent with. the phi's:good,
XL—The education of the youth of our eau
try -.ha schools providtul by the BM* whkb
schools shell be c om mon to all, without": &WU
lion of dead or pirty, sad free from say Info.
smear dlrectlog of a denominatlonal upartluts
And, laismiud; is Ottrietisal
'gallop. of nearly all the SWAN by the &Moja
of the mast eminent judicial authoritlesi and by
Mamma of the people of AuttolOV. is con-
Mead sa Amman& of our pollttosL , ryston, and
uthe holy 111bItho at once the soutoe of CMS
doultr• sad the ilepoeiterylad fitaitelft :of .11
chit sad rollslous fteedom, *PO 4 7 01 7 114 ",
. tempt to exclude ltfrom the Schoo l , olU mow
1111ted In the &mu • -
XIL:Tho.. the Auteuesi party, hulas arlO'
41- . 19€14 4 110-114 In *to Of the on**
; I!
g - Oattr-4 , 4: - - -
,nition,o; the Whig; and Dentocratio partbm, Cl. potbethelilin any ebtailliHriespoisible lb? the ob
!1(4612 actit*i;viniatiet Plidgeso eithe:and
Aheaystawietfif astitatitiref the Shivery question
igthis - II *time hatingldevated mittiosudhottinty
into a positive - element of political power, and
brought oar inatitatious into peril, it haa there
lore became theimperative duty of -the ,Sineri
ben varty,te interpose, for; the purism et •giv-:
Aug peens to the *lintelatu4 trem stuity to the
I - Union. --That as experience own it is let
pomade to reconcile opinions so e as those
which separator the'Esputantk: and as there can
be no dishonor in eubmitling lathe laws, the Na
tional Council' lea deemed it-the best guarantee
of osmtnotijostice.and of future pesos to abide
by nod maintain the existing laws open the sub
jetdof Ellevery, as a final and conoltudvii settle
'tent of that /abject inspirit and in substance.
bid regarding it the kasha! 'duty. to avow
their opiniods upon a subject so important,
,ffistinit and unequivocal Jamul, it is here
by declared es-the sense of this National Coun
cil, that Cougnes posttests no Power under the
Constitation to legislate upon the subject of Sla
very in the filteW or to exclude any State from
admiesion Into ffeinsion became) her Constitu
tion does or diem not recognise.the Institution of
8111141743 . 11 pert of-her social system; and ex
pressly preen:Wing any expression of opinion
von tbsltkrer of.Coogrees to estabbah or pro
hibit Inavarjis say , lerritory, it la the sense
of this lacteal Council that Congress ought not
to legislate up 4 the subject of Slavery within
the Territories Of, the United ; States, and that
any interference ofVongress with Slavery, as it
Wats in the District of Columbia would bo a vi
olation of the spirit and intention of the compact
by-which the State of Marjland ceded the Die
triot to'the United States, and a breach of the
National Faith."
.... .
ERl—The policy of the,ateentnent of the
Lilted States, in lie relations' with foreign gov
ernments, is to exact jantice from the strongest,
and do justice to the weakest; restraining, by
all the power of the - government, 'all its citieens
from interference with the intentsl concerns of
patient with whom we are .at peace.
' Ellf.--This National Council declares that all
the princiPles of the Order shall be' henceforth
ber \ wie
everywhere openly avowed; 'and that each mem
ber shall be at Ilbertyto Make" known the ells
tence'of the r, and the fact that be himself
is a mem and it recommends that there be
no concsalm et of the place of meeting of sub
E. B. BARTLETT, of Kentucky,
President of National Council.
0.D.. 'DUNI" of New Jersey,
-._. ‘..- .' - : , 1 • Corresponding Secretary. •• •
Jamas M. Stamens s; of Maryland,
' Recording Secretary. •
ISrumtra Found! Base.—Capt. James Corm- .
ley, telegraphs us - frip Evansville, 'and Capt.:Z.
hi. Shelby and Mi. C. 11. Clerk, of the Courier,
from Louisville, that the mall Passenger packet
Fashion, boun d St. Louis, ran into the bank
at' tile foot of Three Vile' Island; a abort
tamb above Evansville, yesterday morning, at
four o'clock, and trunk immediately In nineteen
feet water. Atirof her passengers reached Eva
ansville in safety. The Fashion wan command
ee by 'Capt. Joseph Reed, and owned by the
Cincinnati, Louisville and St. Louis 11. B. mil
Company. She was built at Louisville about
three pars did, and was valued at twenty thou
sand dollars, and partially insured in Louisville.
C05.:15044 • ,
Kilser to the. Qua of $ll,OOO, has been ex
truded from the copper taken trod the Superior
mines during the past winter. '
The farmers in 'Todd Co., Ky., commenced
cutting their wheat lest week. •
Another Case of Fever and Ague Cured
—A few days lido wit eaxaded an aitsnidixid ems of Fever
and Agee by the use of Dr. MileneS Liver PILL. Weiss
now wither to mention, sic that of Mr. Jesse Sharpe. of
lhallsonborg, who States that he bad labored under •
way nesse Steed of Ague aid Fever, and we ens re
eased by the se of then Fills. Mr. Blurs abo spree*•
to an opinion, bonded on obeernitkin, that the Li:stale
Aso as barite MUD= eamplants sir offered' in Mem..
tan of scruntry. ,
. Although Wog known as a neemign remedy Ate stannic
maw of IDPetio dastissosna or darts of the Liver. the
proprietor, of Dr.Melere4 Mils were not prepared for the
thiquesit, but drattrast evident's of its. irenend
end mesas tspadty. In this resist, this invaluable
median& bastureeeded that:most smiths expectations,
and iodised thew tO hope that it will be Introduced Into
every Dinar in the United Staten
lituthaess will he mrsfal to aka ter tat. AFLANWIS
are other PM; ps , P to be Liver fills now Wee
the maim also, his , Wated Fennifoge, ern now be had
at all reeneetable Drug those la the United Mated also.
It: ash bythe sole proprietors, MOUND BROTHERS,
I,frateassire to A. MUM A Co. CO Wood st.
Perms of Sedentary habits, who ore
moray dodo* Nth Yoffie. .Looloser deed Zsasortion,
Amur and filiodide. Pon In Ikerks•olt liOkland Bates
grotiial moot!. It afro stnagek Nod 11111111 Er to a.
'Who, othoulatectbit &Pais, organ. sad arm*
WM" orsb.wwwiwu' -
wrowat-wwooluroofiaotowswasot o i war
imay . todbitioss ot the dilightrol'Aw. To ow
ins; boalllis. INiAllipleol to *di !or Donlon', Heald
8.. savertiiimat la saothu. edam.
86 Fourth et. near Wood, Pittetolrgb, Ye,
1.4.1r714C7VP.ZRZ 01
Baggy, Carriage, Riding, Drovers,
Keep.• constantir on hand, received direct
tbdr &Atom La York 1:g Po,o sod Tooled ma
io n ot air lititrk Thooat Foi fomdoo Woman
II Dooms' widoit, Dra:101 Plaster.' "moth wad
Voodoo asel y t*o Mil w
t% Otago Stook. and
JOZ=4l . lorl e rb . l=4:4 l = to order.
tlMotT — tpor wave loos. iww"tii
*gram. wolfs liuswm—er
yuanyaikite • •
ekilsoltrarames, Wro , tires Taateg
MID 1111111.13 (11111111111.7,
Pr Warn* and Vestikilion of Bradiaon wain.* Ibr Vanillas sal Tritlistioir by
nor.. net Water. Apr orChlbrao`sisrases.Cbanbes,
Moab, timpltal‘ Pretoria.. Unmet Ilaames. Court gloom
Jril flot•li or Dv...Masa N 6. 26 PtiUbirg
Indiana, Tennessee, Kanawha, Massillon,
Illinois, and all unenerent Bank Notes,
,Plerchenet at LOWZR RAM Una any War. /Awe:
MORT DEAF& en New Twit. Palladelphia, Main
WI, BC Lads, sad the nrindpid Mel of the Uni
litateaklandidad Is nasal° salt at LOWENT RAVI& ted
nisvm 'mums PoLiciss OF RlBOlllllO
mt. vat sus Mitt= 011011/3111:11 OF =non,
CAPITAL, 13400.000,
sad the OPLANIPI INPURAIONC CO. of N., Yosk eity:
Deakin, Nutmeg, Woken and Innusne• ARta
loyal= fe Ns: la Wanted. one ikar Rom Ist et.
P==Vvania InSuran
R SolmiLanY.
coirms or ern imp A g i ngrina l grorrra.
AMU eamAL - wOO.OOO.
4110 TIM PI MIA or
lea and [Mud Irrigation and Transportation
hwl salmi" .o.9nsimmi,...
'IL ,
. i. !Apply T. Menet.
' (C u b .. • hate . 47 . 112 - ,
i t
11. It I,
..4 7. .!..., . `,
D il . f
Z n". .riaalt i ' dy i4 Pit l en ia ni 4 . .
fiscrogary trourer—.l4l.oartire.
Amistdons limiday--11$ woo, trio 161111/
ibtretreseohd be it Oa& itealhatea <if
Cristadoro's Rue War Hair Dyes
Al rod doudi deittaa In iI. talliaht,
dad Wakes um Names Mu &lulled.
Bo Cainatiosob Mono' 'moth
2b Matta* hat that tedly tarsoth.
Vim mills elk ounaloaly Web= Um Peal
Whim as sway diet. 641244 am little ramie;
..Dot ae pidokOuireeoao will Moreau the Holr,
With Ida On of all dna mo.idtelott sad rend
Chlatadonh llzoolderEablDro la mid orholteele and
tall at Dft. 1[111112111,140 Woodetrest, at the Wes Otto
Life, Ere & Maine Ingirinee Company;
quioe, Corner. Market and Water Streets,
Rol* . GALliAtPraftko4 ." Jimu rn irkirattlie l i:
Mil Company:makes avaLsuranee
. ap ,
.110.44deitlactrikettltiaWylthi. ItIBILB.
1 04 2 rtis u Lt i 4 1 ° A= -at
111110 tow
. And A aorta or Demme tly Mre,
and t Or sad handl frartitatke
.as tbill !conning, **dotal with/ Altai
6 0 L..du
et , ` - " "
,Rob ii••
'•.. ' .- - , 40611 Th 141 1 .7. . .
• Si
" • 4 .,.,• • . , . . ill IL c ,
• . pm • fil, D. ' ' , Ohm,
- 47 , 4, .' 4 i MVlo ll § 247 ':
fi . ,
n. . Gn i Itlttimuttut.
P 2364 ; 113 (*at WM brew asi NCI: -, - . ,
. ,
, .
A. H. 110 B o ECIPER,
• mororramits or •
1"mber,111111, Tobsooo & Cotton Boren,
• arnavernitnilagfirAniumnr.' ‘T'
Usr /361 0 Thread
i iit's Aie 119 w om an A ir* tin:ror
• ..Elo.• 38 Filth.- street
WIZ 04024101' O E- 142 =Mali ice.S,l
&dieted-I,VA icrentenre.' sad narelteretn 'Min o h
mi cm Mt
ll=ear CUL The men consists Alta
Savors sod pedal qf Tin neongla• na
ltbs= i aiaarluA t 004 Wi:1:1 be ann!,
WA 1,0117.... Y 11210811.
asrarrius. GROCBBII are IsolNdto call and got meat-.
Plant and learn our nek.n.
Poi up whim arpremnylbr the trifle:
Ymatti . /envernil. Nix I.
. • • WA : • ••
lin nt
: • N 0.3. Cooke.F. f l ea:
Meer Na
Gonnezeler, No. 1. No' . Bnetehrst ' • a.
RaVoa cl g_Buok :
'has o f 'grades by the Ches 4 .
001/12—elme on .. d 040.'
LOVERIIteII SUGARS—Crumbs& Comet Pen mined,
Palemisad. A. Whit* ambled, C. Italklr Clarine]. and
. .
1311111R.8 111/011M COODA mlolloool4= ae. 414.
Loasexpotionea In the tsarinas I. • ears {etas that
77 - 4 . 1 k.=
lleateistke cily. ,
Outman an waned not to piano no)! iorifidesce In the
ofporomi lbemerly, pi MU J.
Alan. tbst Wine as
Laoturami &On nexlms. ac.
Corner of WoOS and Sixth strode.
W. LIirCLIMI., '
Our Teas wdl be bound on trial+ unequaled
st Ma prim la tbsclty:
. , .. ... .
40, Mack. 50, G 2, 75, You Cntems.
Oolong, tigHysoll,s6, 62 .
1,00 an(11,25 per lb. 75, and 1,00 perlb.
gagßreak&ss, 30 end Imperial & MP., 7 5 ,
73 eta. per lb. ' .1;00 & 1 , 50 per lb.
Tom pot op In mrloy boxes from b to 40 11.: for WWI/
um • Ilband dbornot made to retail &slam.
COPP7-B—.lnon;La Onaprn, and Rio 04/11z.• Orem mod
SVGARS—Loceringet mut /kkheesLoofjP,lperised and
cucotata, lUtta, Ruh <lllld ' Dried Pnat,
HENRY, O ' 11 6 ,.FpLLINS,
• And Prodaes tmendly, •
No. 25 Wood '
ASearetfor the Ladies77-119w to preAervo
Bann—Don't owe White, of any Of the so.
welled cosmetics. to conceal a faded or sallow, couiplorion
If you would hi...thew:Wes brought
n ob tot= ohm&
-' dear, beelthy end traiwparent mkt n„,and lib and vigor
Infused through the epttem, get a bottle of Clartees span.
lib Mixture, and take It wording .to dtreeticink It
doormat taste quite ea well as your serest-nreahs but. If
alter C low beams do not find your heath and beauty
TOThing step audio and'elterone r the whole sys
tem refreshed "and invigorated Me •ellpring morning,
then your ease is Orrpsiese, and all We, nlaabla oortia
Woe we posy, so kr aaughL. It Is the greatest tinnier
of the hired known; is perfectly hormiese, ead;et the earao
time powsrfolly eilkseione.
Is. advertisement. nirtsodawlaTill
• Statement trom Canada.nebee, Fob.
.Itb,l2s4.—llleitri. U. A. Ihhneetorls A Om—life had the
Pleurisy of raraising, this morning, the within oyetldeate
of your Vermiform whleh mil be vary gratifying to you,
as %ma sing We are, yertleinenouri
Indy . 110880 N 00.
tiganamor—My little daughter, 4 reefs old. and • my
me. older. were fors mmiderable thne isofibrin from
'ammo. I riumhaaed two bottles or your ' , fermiof
which I gam them three doom, moralism to dl
and strange to my, In let then three boom the,
=i t ne MUM IItINDIUSD MOANS, some of em
length of from 12 to 16 Mae.
. orpmienned 20 math of the be neticial egrets o
your Venodfege, I feel It my duty to recommend It to the
magic sa, In my oplnkm. one of the wet edleselone ramie
afm ereirms am' yet offend
t i e thelert' ilesimm,bellayeal• to % much obilmil sad
`humbimermant, N TIIANLICL LEMINII2I.
Proppand and mid by B. A.l =TOM 00 corner
at Word and-
sto&di; i; may he lett it the Hill, or to our boziM the
rm or
LOGAN. WILSON *M. 62 Wood it.
ANITER. eerier irtr wet 2L 1 31.41' 1 26 . •
IL P. semr..... ARTa gu im i ny t e rik , .;
MAN nava W•Afdy A 00. •
A Substitute for the New Liquor Law.—
and rare remedy for Worn of
. .
. A aonaratestad ••••table cataast, masa • tole Is raw
sjaabid. Tar th• Moving complain ta It la s moat Taloa.
Elm m•na.. DorPda Liaa' Cta.0. 60 . I :P a c" l4 I**-
raloia. Pam Awn ea kW& Da _rts. Wan'
of Zabady. TblemsdlOn• 1. Intended to Nadine a obappe
la Lb* andaa• and • distaste Mr alcoholic &Wm. Several
lastaaan wham we ban mold It, as Wm had Oa wit
lastlfying, ,molts so, to venous lobo an redly &draw
of laresalag oe/ {h. Waimea in latagleallas beinaadek
lble disk will be • oast halt'. Bold at Ft PIIT bottle a&
tin Drag Store of DIL U. 20.. IL 11:11413.68, No. 140 Wood
dreg, mow of Made air; dins of tdd. (*don Marta+.
cite Insctrawle catop7 oI ritts • • it
wit. vel, Tr: aisri'l.
• • samtnn t.. maitionu;..fimer-
orncir. ea WATICIL simmer zuaritrwro
01110 A
adama Inn or DIONIMM by Are. ALSO
gr_senna r t tin DNA and ...11rL.AND.WATIOArrojt
sod 1171,1710 N.
IN w F.Mi • •• - • indiall Floyd.
• =I 11. kt. KW '
Jl. Wm. 31111= 16
.N.... Jlll.O. • - - J. Behoonsnakon
' Jan IL Cooper. i. Wm. 11.11ap, •
• John Indoton. t don
01111117LICIUNI. 'mom
TO J. SUM a . ..x.4
Plzrazweca NlU , PA
PnVigeno -WlAnkle7o.lll _LW Vannwan4,lft,
An ounce of. fact is worth a .pound! of
!vim: and the wafts or condom:. -a tban'enner
wind ihat, Inioniparablo sommainlos, iloodassra Goi 4
man Mises rammed by Me 0.1/. /schwa. Philadelphia.
mbiblhannt flambee as • Male min restoratbro. are mach
as strain seemed latiodially Itself hoes qmatticsilen Ito
oMiiitr. In all manor Mamma ot tbo stomach. wlenhor
mato or thrienc. It stay b. nomemendod lit Its siotblog,.
medial and nom:meting Winsome Dielonshis beirtbimt.
kor at appellee. maws. carom Menton. toleration and
dsbllltr. an, am toner.' by the BMWs la a nor abort
apnea of Maw soda potamniam in QM* use aim DIM
to wort • tbeningb mum Pm mbertlsoniont. inl2,,dastT
Balm of a Talmud Plowam, [oilman
falitax be 40441044 Taa. Primus
sad humus 117., ta. 1•61. UAW Pr Ilerweri. 140
11004 ilrert.; 0.1646•11
'llszth's Radical Cure Trues' will core.
Immo. envy no oriblateala• Oral s,
!tomb at tubas priest slwly.on Laid.
CliMb** Trar•Prardllbmt lama sad atbogth br
• Mutts Binalain tor Varlocoonr larrad Palm,
Abdo=foal RaPaorton.—A down Mama Ahab,
Props La iE. kupport and rare of Mac
Mon War Bran to Mimi a erook Id sod Of Ibraltd cOn•
alb no tb• Cheat, and many Allaniao of the Mott.
All t 0.,. artaloo EMMY to bad or , &troika at DR: KRT.
Wbolnato and Baton 'MOM DRPOT. 1 0 Wad
at; dint Gabe tioldoilltortat; or to *tat to ant Part
of the country by aredlai tbi ISOM and intantra.
Hallam Entnal.lnsurance Company
gl77.6l4Asseti. I ~M MAtin. Morrell/ sfed.
FIRE INSURANOE-n Builrbngs; Nor
&audio, Yoruittuni: ft.. In twit Of ttnaUtf7.
flto Mama Oflotttdo. oamtined .Itb lb* warp, of
took Malta. entitles tho.iatred to mu, U.. manta
4&.Zr4"01.0 I=tghtitsroat=
convertibly. otallotourilaypinalllnge Ware/.
, • Dialartu .
iva. ThAll 6 - . bnis Lation.n.t,
, ,01101fral. lalerrA
.• R.
tom, I. L. Carom
. =IA; 'l6t.rt
( T VI 4
Jatoto.T.ltontiom relbsig
O. M. Yetfotk4 tin. M. amok. Fitter.
.1141 1 14 :
m44lneenar stria
Watt= Ituinnutee Comipal*
Will laguro agaana t all kinds 4;l= anti
Main Malts.
, . . . .
. . .
Wm. liyou. - •..O. W. Rbtkation, - . Nib.h 'I Upham,'
O. lbamso, '
.:O. W.,,bobacm, .... y Llpplbeatt.
- .._ .• - Wm. H.22:lth. .
AIWA 1 1. lasilbatbm maxima by 2.lrb2MbeL
in.. in. examunlty. sad Itho bib Uterbby imi
Y man pay all_brum at Um Ornmakla 2 atm
it Zt (S 4 9 °. ! Wl* " . " " ,"!°' eittab "."'
• giro and Life =arum Comp ;
wpm= rna =TOM .00T1Z.14.
Will.make all. kinds of
m o b = 'en :
?alohaat Undtall. on erea l d of Proportr or
Worobandlips, as roala :
- - . • ' "B %nu ' P 4 1 1 , 14, =rat; ' - :
Tat . IiA . T. a....
3, Q. Calfritf. Avant.
de2ll4ifa tonna Third and Wood stra.U.
Nano & co., HATToRO,
Ban remova to 'their new store, :131
hod itn 6 ekroviLbovel(fth street, whkli or• Novo built
with the oriStros soletlothe to one lorrawool badmen
The foot Scar he. be.. tined up in MODERN STYLE
esehudrelr kg our Mall tomb, whoe will shown be baud
s ennoble hooortolent of the MOST '
STYLES of lhootle Intl Youths' DM. and Soft Ditto end
Gam so won as LADIDP 111 DING • RATS: And
DEISM GOODS. sasPhol to lb ,- life Oat too
Ildsokl to 1111 , ear ftioods st our now stem • • •
The pour savor stories mast moss* far our WUOLII
mum where will be hand •NI "stack of 'gals
sad Com carotins Ammo, Silk, miry misty', lioft„ P.
.....-Loshosu, Brads, nod Point leaf Data; SIM Plumb
sad qbth Ohildrotfo Goads at all kinds, • -
so Musts visitlad oaedtr Ind It their intenetto;
o ur ou our hattitSiasis' madly so to enable
ros to Oland* with 10710!Glatf WOO is uremia.
I ap,ortext. aad Dealers In_ ,
Ibll n = e t tan " .°4 l r : ih t . tb a= to tabs adraa.bW of an &Salta la Um market, no ant enabled:
to well Ibr mhos
_to -Oa daabos ono. b e term as spra J o nara. .
Oar brand of warmitt!=to a n•rasrantsa to be OTIJOSLY.PyItIi and FULL. • minium nt4 • adroassed by ul. `
Or Ragllsb. Orint . an. head* arid Spardri'Llrastfort
sp i Imt. ck WalllittfrOOEVB T6ll3ll7l.lollficralabad wig!
• 1
Duisolution., - •
firm of Arnold itifrOliaros is this day
tt r , li imotred Ey &natal oossomt, Mr. Aroola sotkiiit
A 3.
MULL. booing oamolotol I.lth Alm Kt.
NE. tlio Amino& -to tontioned ander
Oho stria of ••11IL wi LIll Anotoibro,AMS & ALLEN. _ • •
Plttoboosts. JonoloLlBB6 •• isio&o& '
R -E 0 H ANIOS BANK—Aa adjourned
swung the Cbuunligaings w il l- be held this
T. M. at 3 o'43cek. P. IL. et the now of the Mee
ettantelttehsese. Punetaakatteedenee b nxtuelted.
J•11I1t ' ' D. OAMP LL. Com.
• A Rare Opportunity:
beenAD WIFE, hung been
Principal and Prseiaretio of in Academy In Kama fax
=arty four ymmorcsald - like to enmste In an Aawlearl.-
High or Ilelectooloomembere to Term. or the- Wen.
They have teen irminentir atereadad in their weatk.
bet mould like s c.ace of climate. Th. UPI Wen.
.4 are prepared te teach the Le.: Greek and Fran.,
Laesusipssil the Common and Meta Keel. Drench•
reols mama orwring, Painting, Ortamental Keane . Work,
Worsted and W. Timers and Wrought Prams Om Tic,
tor. Thom Trades. -Agents or. Oommittseo wanting
the manic. of these Teethe., please addrem. OMAHA
HOMAN?, Hanover. Idareacbusettm Mating the probable
aalszy the character of the mhool, the bealthfolnere •of
Mang. to. 1.1121• Te.
. 201 - m . DOLLARS for a - goixt Brick
Thane of two atoll" &mango] 'with -hall.
•pargliWur roma and Michaud' awning, end finished
Mare.. to.. 104 nydrant in the
_yard and kittenr•-•
ofteiourth in hand,' balsam la 1j- 1 and S ream—
Also, a now mei bonne adjoining the aWrs, sultabie far
two dwellings °Tina:rico= etch. aliln oompleta order.—
Prise, $l,OOO. aanictornis as shove
isle • . • COI7iIiERS kNM in, ad et
ZR9 BROS. & , CO..
Drugs, Paints, 0111,,Dyes, Perfumery, ke.,
170 WILLIAM ST., New York,
'INVITE the attention of the trade to their
large and ruled Meek of Orris, Paints, Oils, Perfume,.
to onidition tottedriegulartmoortnilone ofStapleDengs,
they are ohm receiving, direct from the sour., of produc
tion and manialletureg i mpollos of Tooth , lisle and - Nall
Browne& Brooms, Cm Mortara. 'Sponges. French and
korai& Perfumery, LC
u'oNstraoto, and manyother or
tkleo usually saahroned In ,Draggling Mocks, which thee
are also mumbled to offer on the moot adrantogoons term.
Orders. either In person mall, VIII moan prompt
ottention. - Je18•11V
School MAN
Marl 21U111117X0
THE subscriber is constantly minufactO-
A - i n gfirß A l ßB. BetrethnaliT o tgar r a zob
all or ouverkw quality. sad the roost aPProvvd—
t:lo would aloo=ll .l =or Mate on voloretuts for
4 .4ltteard. from wret7 part of he wow
ohowhig the verkroo styles of ftwolturo
mot on noolleatiou to • B. PATON.
Jellidate . . No. /4 Grove .t.: New Yorti.
N 05.125 and 127 Broad at., stairs
Coin M Buildingik N e w York.
LF,Rs Ii TOLTB. DE ALERS,I de., top
i V l Z s a i rarae u trp' ' '
tA.;rnisalatrog.d to
TOG inaboiritor. would CO the !attention of Orunlry
Iderehnotr to him assortment of gPariners' Bsors. sag or
Milian and Belt Futon tobla Various .stristot printing
f". P e raolialittitp triteltAll BLOB. • Brleg or .
ell list stait and qualiting raraliga ndentr In
CI rinnstiats tO molt on
the obar ialit B. B. ABK. Proprietor.
• •
• AWNS'IL- MARL New Yoit.
MILE. -PUBLIC' of Pittsburgh
and allegingary romestfully Melted
to earl at the Endo Store of therbars.
No. GS MUM street: and examine a
Pullilrand Piano, Price,lo. 000,
froat.the irso - tem °INURES CLARK. Neel York: TOD
elegant, lnetrament Is made In the .SLIROBSTELN
BTYI.It." tee ornaments. front Mee. and Iteng Wag elab
orately earnd out of 801 AD ROSEWOOD. It la fall anon
Mame. etthe lariantdiresnakets, and. la point err:Mama
team and liquid montages of tone. le levant/mad alto •
The oath. ansurraseable
nalareribmswill .be happy to _nodes the tiglta of
their sts.o4, and the Duane, = l. l and ahoy them
through their elegant am m
lingsr of Os Golden Ram •
BLX . ECUTORS' NOTIOE—The undersign
ed hating tom appointed rammatoro o ftha LUAU of
Ittetnydoed.,lsto of !Indio. township, Allogboor
oosmty. lama? gin oaks to all scrim lodobtod to mid
estate tomato poymout tants smdandUgnod, sod ad pop
mom luMog elatomagsbatt tbo mom ato wo
rn% thoWacootnto, ;dowdy ot_bontiattoft, *o tondo.
Jus-eftor assoir a lIMIdd Inert.
VORSALE--,A; thst,rate hardly HORSE;
saal dan 9999999949 - to bbNly 9
1. dalableturar sus mil
...19pti= 19 tie lA4 9.40=9,.
bur rollglolood by Harp& t Dm, Swain aro. pa.
on Nall and nil won =An
)ianeCono ltannon or • nodal and lidlnlono anonson In
nancroWi lthwillonles. now irnpplr.
Mary Bartoo.Aptaln Manly= awl orbit now Hooka
roWn by 'Jon SADLNR, rt. Anowoonr,
a tTAR PAPERS, or Experiences of Ari and
Naue, b
Je w Ward n KATt i n OO.. 6y6 Idnin.
Wood W.
FIOLFERTS ROOST and other Papers,
enn nee collected. nr Weshingdom. 'lrving; In
m 4, fir sae IT EAT & CO., 45 Wood it
BLANCHE DEARWOOD, a tale of mod
ern US% to 1 voL 12 am, far Ws by
BAY - 500.,W WOod It.
NEW BOOKS—Abbott's Life Of, Napoleon.
Boma • . irktiLA w. 6 vac- • •
Caro Namur. la *Soda mad &aglow Cisrimabi
st irszi ilattl'sfrols i i r tL ti Cbto*, -
Ilabotes at thip l = of
Ramat BorPhllosopben
n=. 8 77 1 a st.
lbe alit* . /*VI • ..
gOrr ACRES of „land for . sal% situate
asse Case= Ratios, Dahlman Ohio
rasa, be mkt altasethar or is malte n V
ato *
Yd Fr pat aera. abla - LOUT UN SIN.
1:11ON'T FORGET , the sale of Ocitintry nate
.4 building tot. , wed.h todsr, at Bakt-
P.lPerti twaikty
tamt. It I. wawa • than Oaxaca 01 the Sten0.•1110 rod
ros4l, and bas .thaalte Imprarroarola netted therooo.•6
itive Mawr will he oarved OD to thaw, attsztolo; the sac
Onalbanek dart al 10 Weloek I. fr.a . tavai from tba
VOR SUMMER-4entlemens under Ga r - bibta, b Mao Staved. Gain., 111bilimn and am,
taw AI" One slats • of boat • maks. - pocket bars. tier,
meatamts. HMIS and iltaadlng Oolters. 'A
ANE C !arge snO.ort
just ree'd bk • • $l6 - • JOS. M .
t the hemmer addend delivered by 'Am W, 8.
ew. D. D (DC 21/.1854: sewed «num. prk. 6 wet*.
Abeb Pb Treece. Tree& elegantly Donal. -1.. 1 mot by
I,DII. For ebb dboleisle end I by
jejd ""ald ' N." ' JODI{ L. DONISON.66 Market et,
9UR $4 dollar Hato, sold at No. 91 Wood
6 J
atm!, are ocual to any nat. sold In the el ty tar .
nUFP23 8008-BEEPING—North Amor
. al lean detonating, embracing Moak arid doable nu
try, Ikvirkeeping nriarltr adapted to ties Inland and
maritime monmerce
.the u_niteel
.Btatot.t . opgrrion
=rodent Isine d.,,,. l ,sti uln Um:4.A
tho.d = .
embracing an improred plan or hatrontiZP. Thar,
re rue bt ion KAY At CO. 64 Woad amt.
DENINSULAR. WAR.—ltigoti. of the
a War In the Nada=la arta to ta• Bau of Prance;
from Um yarlini/ to tlw raw 1814. er R. . Nankr.
In 1 vol.. lee ado by • KAY 00.., Wood at.
yri IN THE SIIADE gol —The wfmther-witte
%JP taalkt that ira aro og ti a ray lat now,
tar. %b. bar. tharalisra be Ii known hare
to all ,pasons who
hare wham fate:Ml= ea haattaa sad. th•
Whit. lloastaln• to rustiest, during the 'Oog dark to
lat cam at elllttllltWB - and proem. cao or soon of
thaw Madams White or Colored - Melt Omar, grbka an
Maud" gana ada r t g . al
i rk , to is am, aad can is
43. 411fittitt7 "g1171.1 4 11Z1,. 74 Wool et.
iormst go Waahlryama.
cans Ilan wants • satnatiht In a atom
A mart Boy al' Beata 01 111 e• TOOOl6 Stadion. Both
Gums eanimosollneocamtaktlod. • .
• A good ahoktslth an .'tout Labors (both Oeratin)
what strplartothti eau do all kinds cc Won ,
Alas soma smart Olds (to do home ask haat sltua
Ham - Apply to - isle G. Bah% 4101 th atty st.
008-3 bblp. for sale g- y
a IANTED—An active and entirely nom
- - .pstetat busingue MAN wham. to *lmbue in inter.
in I nspielabl• sad omit establlabed Commercial as
snoliescri sn ~ l rmahnes Stm., from s3ooo btrl to $3OOO ma
i stiedrei , 1 F m.. .wei sarsi g leiTEß.P7M 800 it i r
tat (1117 Port OZak. . Pleawd•
WANTED—By a YOUNG MAN a isitua
, tkra as redasnan or Ifsvelllnd Aterat for a . /der.
4111 ar Manaltatartog llstabllahroent: In ar ou t albs
Oen bar traveled daring Dud fear through farl4 of Vida
Nana. and ,Thilnla am Salesman Ibr a Oommnalon Home.
and la wWlandendated with r=st l e a„ ,
i nt attoll oirr k
manta; Gerd city
War 44 littsbmnlll - . • ielnitd•
NOHAIR HEAD DRESSF...9--4 doz. new o
stria izq reed b 7 OM: LIORNY
. , ,
URENOIILACIE mrrrs'or superior qua-
Its; tong sad stmt. •t 11.012NRIB,17.UszkeEst.
nu ILIST/diACßOAßS,4lwill.this
do , vapdved=re end asicatment of ankh*
Ms Ci n ig ir °a " , & ra
gts,' 1r"
ids • - Diarca.4 aiuttiwk.
1441)011:-.41ibble bist.vmditl.',For
Limas 127 .414 1.8071001471M0, & CO;
INECKEDOIL-30 to wftranted pure.
jiOV sae br • Jolt J. OONIGILICRIt 00.
- -
‘,SEIATINE --1 'ease best French. For
%Amu J•l4 J . 1301100MAKIIR 00.
Ii EANS--.5 fresh. For sal.
or • isle . 7 .801100.1411L111R a CO.
s sfresh. For sale by
javE, 011,412 baskets best Salad Oil.
lfar Ws by J.SC__IIOO2IIILICER 00.
4ilBll R00P8—.30,000 ash - flour Than
bows rat 4 sad fbr
J. 4 T. lama 00..112 2.1 st
Eg/NE BLACK MITTS-Ladies will find
triso"zzira„.kitArritagg,b-mer vv....u-
LIALT PETRE-45' bap in store and for
I. deb by Jets, MAI= MCKIM A Oil
OUISVII4E - LIME-100 bble. in store
Au oh by j•l3 'Bann DIOKSIia YO;
aRETRY - WALL PAPER—Two new de
bro• of &tido entry welt pultrizaa4 tbr
,stia zaz,:for Tdautiljp, reed
aro Imbilhumum mamma, -;
AL'llAIT18; Anotionete. I
ammercia Aga Bonsit. orMicr rood "Rh Mimi
lOn Mamba* avnlng.'tone Mak .1 o'clock, v, au!
bante -Exchange. 4 th aka will Waal. lb. boontlfak
lbamtc t goat or Mr. Jams Banned, odsndad on kb*
ltronnnllla Plank Bark asar!Ooncord Church, about 3
nallaa tb ila c v. a r . anc , ls coag i utli ol aar, an a
hied.* eel anS Bombes, Cbarrks. Grape* and o th er oink* arA
idanlag to bear. Tb. other bannootalearl aft a Ila• Inv
modern built MO Vary Idanalon llonsa. or 111bovd owl
MNftKatt*, to. The above atm an *valiant op .
c! any:twins a desirablesoon , avidanca
• T a rma—Pnaguat ina b, namaladne Inoue and Iwo 11aolb
-lionosookna Oven MoWiatalt, • -P.M. DAVIS, And: !
..Rl-01. nano lay miming, Am* 3 otloek , at
erobante , Kaelianire. 41d. West, :veld be mold, by or,
4.1 of J. Knox, hp. asolerms, "the southwest quartar .em
Mori o(Nn M. townobla 61. rang. 70. In-Pentland coaritle,
.00ntalnirig 160 areaeholm land.. Terms nt we.
:..jelll ~ r.: • - . -P. M. DAVIN. Aunt..
krflLi6TEEaiSirt OF itouse,s & LOTS
: =On &turd.? afternoon. limo Mdl. at 2 o'clock. on
the pr o mise., will be mid. by.ord.r of Robsrt Wood.. Nato
. Tnistes el Danl.' Madam,. thaw, three ... I , pmbp, we,, •
Wand. Minato on Liberty at.. between .'stew and mom:
nil WWWW 2 b• PA 8 - 77 . Repot. on iyhth are erected 3
story Drick Buildings- Also, .one to ofLatourd on
Wafer it, near Um mansion Minty and Water ata-1
Thersborepriperty lox: dadrable forbosinem ourmmes.
Bargains may to look d ihr as the Mile wilt be pnoll;: iii i
ITornuo-Onsithlrd residue la , ono mod two
with Interest, payable annually, tonal sy_tomds au
Mortgage. ~ • . je .'
• .....
t t
- E . OF, FSA - 1.; ESTATE
- AND STO(Mili-OP Thursday iresnin ... July 264.11. at
8.0 dock; auto Maretr,gxe= Fourth rt.. will be
mid. by.orderoi Wm. . Roam. or • Hugh D. Nhog,
ito.following valuable RAW itstate mon Pllnelm. Mr i
That labrahle them story bride: Dwesiln A House No.
No Yourtnot. the lot Moles a front..l nineteen net on
4th stsextendloir back eMtitrlin t feet. locludind a ttirm
f. "„11 , ,,,r, ,, j31 in eat to
Cotriellio aUl ' oilrhicri 07 Drith
Bac 14 and lb honing a front of twenty feet on Ouch'
, extending. bock Imo hundred toet.
" 'One tuodivided *mirth of lot. No. 30 In Graf. - Man of
lot. In AliMbenl City:haring • front of t ack ft.
seem inehenon Andaman ot., extending tack one ha*
deed and fifty Tent to fimylt alloy. - .* ~ i
Oh Intl in the Borough or - Manctiester. !haring each a
Lunt of twenty feet on 'motherly Md. of illbauneey rt, ex
. tending bask 12/3 GM 9 Mdse. to Smith alley.
DakewMrs rub,llvlsion 01 out lot No. 217 1.,. reserredque%
. 7611 t n i P alled thne.ftbs of rod° hoii,dral and mixtP.
Dimmers. of land In Economy' tolecohlY. no loner mantlf.
on the norttowsot sidle ofthe Ohio liter. ouijoirt , a l 7
Noe. DI, 21 and 22 on the north. No. 41 04 the Ufa
on Um math, and V°. 46 on the West. Moen treat a. 44
i n Le
t et's district, N 0.2 of the &novella*. =Ten. Bub.
On set e
hun n
dred ano thirties:re. land in Wend serunty, Va.,
Dineen tulles below Pada:oat= and tines miles from the
Ohlo deer. on *doh are a saw milt mid log hone..
huttLectttejti b leti=9.,.•,,kaiiii
rt,;emiolgp 47 nedli I l id
ttrtlei .lcnin rr t e th
bi ettab b igtino g nlthi l e:lll) norm 't tn a ter.
• The southormt quarter et election 19.1 n township M.
north of . range 26 west, In theAktrict or laws sallied to
mile at Neat ift Maria. Alklibrun sonlainde ono haw
deal and' fortyordne mum and filty4bur hun to
, The =thou:tuna:Mr of section 24, to townstdp 47,
north Mennen SO west, to tbe district of lands sulifeet to
mats at Sant lit. Malls,.amtolnitiglCOMMOln Maannotto
Ons undihal Tneth n 7166 airs. amie. and mtrientl
tural Isnds I nn ection oof townsbip 40, north of nags 42
west, bolliklail Monty. Mielolgan. . - • . ~-
77 iWare. Otdo and Pensurylvanla PoilroanDo. litor.M
163 " .... North Aoiorkan Mining . ' do
60 . .. Forest My iamb .. felevaland
, 6 ..; pitithirrub aLld Meseta
' zi' ' ..
'''.''''''," ' " 't . . :.... •
. 6 " ' hiaitlors ' Volley
__ •
~. et.M
218 "' , littoborgh & tb.l B M Tl6 -'4. :5P 'f-7.',..0:.i..."-....,
.n:.. "p o .rd:o.. !o741!. 11. tor itdoi d o `1 7, 1 ' , ~.
• do do 64
odo ... .• Bluff Mining ' ' du do:
400 "
rs Duo atet,l tho
d og do d do
'- .. ou
IMO " .Pittaborg¢sad LL Moyol Khali& do .d% •
SOO " `.PlMaboritA .4.1010 g Co.Btoek.
lA, do do.
Torras at sale. .. 10 3 E P. M. DAVIS Amt. I
Grand lalm
01:11 , U 11. MELLOR; No. 81040
Wood et. between Dianomd alley and
et,allialienota liattredar r Jane lath.
U his moo Yenta Wtherthese. ton
thy •
431tAND KOMI, from the blattuthetory Obktheleg
bona Becton. Th,ua Igatnmouts no among the dna or
ati Improved Roe Beek, recently invented and antitheted
by the idesare.othaltertntot tat= aft !geetally Witted
to call and ethettne a new • .
The firth and only' !adman:Act the kind la the
The above instreetenta with • bag. stook of. Wotan Pl. •
awe. have tom selected by the, enbowitiat at toe Maw
dodoes In Bathes, and wilt on datind i this the
oomlagweet. .. •
Ageot Lc, the este of eblekertog dont theme, !
!• - for Pittsburgh end Vietnam roits4
Wool Wanted,
CAsh PAIOIOO. WOOL of all jr i t i O by
To Contraptors.
=VIALS for building the main story
• or ug lu t sfra late erEtthe resteollbe_ twenty
of Joao. The vlshe and speae
Tout= 0.°2`49.141,41"T"
LAKEFISH-300 pkgs. White Flat, Tarot
e!imo" . raDevaae, Gar .ern
—.500 lbe. Ky. Rafters lb.
Bri t 3
tT liga 7 lIHNILY a. COMAS.
BROOMS -90 dos . earn Brooms for Bale
by- . HENRY 11. COLLM
DRY BIDES-500 just reed and foveae
Rib: • Isa U. RAIBLOOR a OR.
II 3000 y4s of 33, 35, 40 sal 45 Inch v 101404 or and 3144=
ir sa
. in every nowt. nt
fl: - : I ' :4'4: - 'll : °imago .. ems:
•• •
• Stud • audit:visa C 0..?.. . . vliolaule
11:, .„
OUBBILEEPERS in want of help, ,
Glenna •t. *Wish ems be , vlll mmapfled'bY
• a, 410 un'T otroot.• -A bores Uryoszo wants
pieta with • Amore. Anottoor boy of I.ll'woutta
.osont &boot an Mks in Moo OUT. • A Gorman •
4aals a • tuition. so•otirsals. a situations
• 3•1
Semi-Annual Bale of Illy Qoat.
A. A. MASON & CO., 25 Mk street;
NNouNeEs aie ;riming of their groat
Congh• Syrup:—"l lutve L need . it
• ' • • !.
•M• NiW Maio: 31sekhuorao Oct lamb 6.181h1.
.. 1. liikas-...P0r some tho. than Loon woos hat.
era lel lb tin Wotan effects of' nor laporfral Morahan'',
hod hays mod It toothouralr In mT tranti.e. • Ihilaratah
Wed of Its MO indica not aura too
'coon for to 11l Mono se I end_ myna coned ou'lbe
it. Your*, ! • - • J.D, monirant.
Plirs4 br BELLERra 004 , I
• fIiItANGItS lE LEfiloNg 7 torialenw
ILJF to doom ' DICKEY 00.
, -
I. EATLIAR 3 ---40 Backs in store, sad for.
I ARO pili-90 bblE. No. 1 for sale
.OSIEN-130 bbls..for eale , by
. • • A..PARNEECTOCE/100.
ENITIAN.RED-100- “Cooksozes",
laported sad to site blB. A-. PAUNENTOOK%
.1 Ir. IA:• . :I :
oft oonanstable Dwelling Muse "11l lind It to thole
t.: wrili - to look at a valuable Mick Muse, No. 31
ka ago ft. front by 12b ft. deep. with Ma allay.
• None is new aud will be odd on Womble Wino. f
2 4 hVAA 111111 § 9111 ifigiffirkViiit' `.
ad • roam fitted up lb, washing and &AK &Own
and wVar ie the att re s et teda d ul
ell worth n o deidintisof
Warr a good house.
FISH -50 bbla. new No. 3 Mackerel, km*
60 half Wit do . do do
and the wale 17 , JOHd IVILLON. 26d Mier
SOO do ..'_ • , dt, 1...i1 y dc ,
' bee de
own o. - ---- tiihier; 'dm
jell . • WALLAOS lk GARDINER.2BS Liberty it.
TEE public ere rogue/Red not to forget that,
.Art a l . egrut.":l ;114 4 =ff: o n n'llf,T:l44 on 6.4"
on Abe thootardllo flood. Tale toopaty Is In •
on rtf
tinhm to admantlfol vane} on Um bonbon of
Minims Croo ht err of Moven and olionothm one of
the moot Mtaatlans In Um mint._ Smut
-41 of Ms kno Lantz tonart laprovaaosts mnottd Th aw
Input of s leo. Grist 11111 with tall pad
• aomatzaidpmada • Thais camaatabl• Dwel=sad
an !Visage:4ld hada avec larpart LA
plirla . law - B. MaLAIN & 80a. SI 6tbk K.
—.. .. . .
4311RESkl WATER --A large appl y of.
if;Gt loarmanrr".athi.
plyad Ude estatiatedlOdiains netp a _ .
vaPPir."9lk7 Rarluih ke stmt.
ta 2 no re.
STRAW FLOWERS just real_ at
.1.12 - 11013711417 Market it.
Ilea:odd 67 }silt EfORRE* 00. TY Market at.
. _
MSS bILKR--A. A. - Mason .t Co. Ire
,21!5_4$ =zt,u,l,43ateigglazstatb,cnut
=sant Plan M, at• griat "ltr a .
A. M .
ASON & 00. will offer their
40.18• idea 0, 80 k WIC litzsw Boo2~Blft
limbroktaisa, Wbit• Glad% Aim uowa.
taw, • Moab= of 20.t0 80 re; .OmBLIEMITarIa
4111ELLEII COEN-3041 Vas:- in stun and
tri& by .. D. W. - titan:Mk tOO.IO Weak st."
ATS-300 bin: in More and for sae 1 . .7;
CORNMEAL -16U =bble =jaat.roo' —r— d and
*ink by- (13.71 , Wart
A . AItM ACRES situated in Moon
tmtesAlßEslittiPs. 4.4 tb• Obto
‘ri pus
" aa o t s a P o il h o ib r r s
itsekema; 4
bliDdi inkslsnum" t =mooe fut& etiweut
gal Yeats Oaks of jakffim h 6t
ha 2.
1811. , --50 bble. ktgo (new) 80.3 Mack-
Jer k ba , ta . " !' l . B 63/11ViXtrierge.
rtonx—isooba k iaausa, , in SOrik.Luld e r
Mrhlir 7 ., --- ._74Ulaamma
.. -~,