~ 1 ~' 1 ri ~.~ , `r , PITTSBURt;II GA Z E '''-Wititriurllimoraeotiaxie.=PrisadentPierdic 'of Weitern ..Baserte College, Hudson, Ohio, has resigned and the trustees have unanimously elm , tedSo;.lleltry L. Hitchcock, pastor of the am ' fad Presbjterlan church at Coluxibus; lo the Ts.. rant Vtireuevolent old lentlentoceosed to give runty 'aikoil`to the poor by the turd, in order, as ho said, to have it regoided above• Lela' SALVO Or WorsT.—The "Fredericks burg, Vs., Herald leires that controctobove al reedy iiesu made io that piano for come 20,000 bushels °flaw wheat at $2,00 per bushel.. A Taus Hausa:,7-Wke .New . York Xrening Tom, says, ...The Navy is $ good place for bald boys, and a bud piece foi good once."". 800K5,.; (MUSIC; &G . . ~ Cheapest -Musical Work in the World. . . PRIOR ORS DOLLAR. BEAUTY'S ALBITE . . - M . Of • BURR! , Suds' and Blossoms. . ~ A,„ ~ COLLECTION of new and admired' 3... Z i XX! MIS. MAZURKAS tad SCUMS' , SCH RS, FOR TIM PIANO FORTE, yilloPtestiod with Six Zleitost sad Apponpristo •SIONIIOI4. hl UthOgrapil by D'Arigoon, of the tollooßkg lableatic . R . ?. 1 Magic pound... ~ ., ..r. . i i . .. =Mirror. • Coosoktlon, Pablibibmd .and MN& by 13A31U[1: O. /OLLIE, 519 8100d.67,48t. Nlobrdsa ElotoLl Now York- • Tbok atm* workwillborot i r bzzra . V i o:r ... X so rt of tho-. l'etn't".'4"l ll l ol2l/1. (I ) . ° JOLLIE. I.l9.Dmad. ay. say2s4.aul • • Bt. Nicholas liotal. Now York. • • • NB W' STOCK OF CHICK-ERIN-0e SONS, • giAN Qs: • . JOHN 11,1;t1441721%.N1itiA11i mond Alley. nae iced rvei frreu the mann. Inetory of t sou. Boston. a new and full =pet/ a then. First G4ass Stoca. Oda. liana "eV, lOUs 4/1 the late and raleable. Unprovetnentg of their plslner and lower orloel styles, Eatable Ih Al r.tnn.e Wtn="4.444=gtol= Vrun'ut. a.NAAI teenrioehr Bork. - 11edeiry - Prows. • OLP 41.4.N0.1-dereral seoond-hand Tlanos. In good .der 430 mho at 00. S6O. $l6. 411541.7 , 0. SIM SM. ite. • wa n dplo.e, fall sand! or 11.1.1. 3 .6 er111.17 n nd twantlftd patterns, a fi V il llton the beet .reann ke tones In the naontrr. ats46. IPS, 3100, $195, and 1515(1. JO N AIRMAIL Adent Or the ale arCadekerlUt -a_BonV Manes, kr_ Pittebtatvlinnd - Western P. 0... je4 • N.ll Wood et- het. 4tll et. an! [Ned ABer -To the Mu foal WorltL Great . . Improvement to ike.C . everins tt Vlo. Martin de P -° r/neoe ot i d Y' • MANUFACTURED ONL 11T JAM DODD. introducing hitiaew Cordes ae Violin to IL the notios of Profietiors. Amateurs and the Public at large. J,Donla hoe groatplessure In annotlricing that the jpeodfarwieMod of rooming theme Stritiv. communk ated to hint by /halm Scent, the only mail of the late BIONOII PAIUX/IVI. during hie atilt to thiwoomitttry, and to Identleal with th.t adopted on the Dantinent where thaws isudes hare twee hitherto tearinfactureal sec t hr great Violinist, They are beautiful In appean, me wed with *eel slaw end preen • 1.011130,0 and brilliancy Tonennenualled lay r, any of the etrlngs in preeent no ~nattier, which he feels confident must insure the appr4 allouo• the Mahal World. lie ham oleo manufactured Vielinnello Strings , on the mute principle; with plated are which he can litewlee confidently recomcartieL Tee timordale hem the iblioaring. mute of the most die. PrOarew.re. bare been reed among =AY oth • O er". groUlo 11. Vleroctentps, AlferdO Patti, A. bimon, Ches. Murtha,. IS.. itottiontot, • 0. Camisoles, I. IL B. Dread°. Reht•Linie.T. P. !delete.— 9.1. Pigott. Tor 'tie by oaketurrn tiLusts, No. 115 Wood 24 door above Lai st. JUio.Oeurdne Padua asidNaplee (Italian) Violin Strings my 29— itifANUFACTURER. and Dealer in Piano LTJLlnxise and importerof made extd imaginal Instru manta Sole agent tor th e llAlillUitti PIANOS, oleo HALLIM, DAVIS L W.'S Boston Piano., with and with out teeine, Attachment. Mra 118 . Wood et NINES & CZARS. New Pork. TEM PUBLIC of Pittsburgh and Allegheny I. reopentfalir Wilted Wong et eke idneloBtore of the sobsoibere, . No. 5 }llth eland. and examine • anent+ Pull Grand Piano, Prate, $l,OOO. from theireatory of NUNNiI t MARX. New -York. Tble elegemt Ineldninent la made in the rELIZA NYMAN 'BTYLN.. the ornaments. front pieces and Inge being mealy earmdont of SOLID ROSEWOOD. It tefall wren mgame, 01 the largeddituermlotte, and. in taint of TOhltnii. Dower and liquidrpanable ewmtneesor tone, ie Townonnoed tether onen The subscribers will be beer/ to eentare the ehate their friends and the puhlio In general, and snow them through their elegant new egtablidanent N. 'MEIJER A BRO, Born Of the Golden Mortar, • • wig No. 66 Fifth street Bookiellers.Paper Dealers and Stationers, No. 65 Shod st., one doorfrael the cornered' Thirst, PITTNBURGII. theconstantly hand and for bale at the lowest lance and well selected sack of Leo. hedkel. and bileellan eon& Book.. fins and ' plain editions of Bibles and i'myee Books. in ~ 0 7 Tann, —They raspenthilly solicit the attention -- of &Boni 'Anthem memetedin the Instate—lon of youth to Mgr msorten int of Mittel Books. led , * le very attend... eielthelile the most saittabis smelts-now in cm. MAIM Their Wet of mask Bootibt Tory Eo>ll misty of Account. Banned and Butimenat—Leory variety or common sad fancy Bta =, indoding Writing Platen of every eillalit7. Ste. I news deception sad pees. %Mule. Eta ifenthents, UMW,. Liftmen.. and Minot Committee. • 4111:1R catalogue is one of the largest and Kb'nrt popular in theeountry. In addition we have Mude pabliehed In th e United States, and daily -VC nablhdling and rateivinn en Ora naw Moide innoid• iahltn we nem t Trade, titaninaries, Profeeekin. te, ati • laraationiiont, and en then:wet advdntaavotis terms. Want fberasdert In anrpszt of the Union, genial- Warily. addroselog as above. ' ti Mil t lordera pad earefeUT and terti=liyat- BgrßStook of Hainbarg Pianos. CHARLOTTE BLUME, Palle WOOD ATRESZ PITTSBURGH. 801,11 t ADENT. HABIWITAX PIANOS are.v i undoubtedly superior to all others lo of touch and power of tow. Tb•T have not only received the highest marks ' or approtation from the test Aloropeast /Unfair. met as , Thalbergoand others who have them constantl, In their own mie, g but C *6O m frt. our resident Prolemore. - • The Itellemnextrnet , from • of Proreeeor ..P.ohboak, Alter &wadi:dna . th • Mlette r OS./. .45/.. g l ieW which he want., brills own we, L one Greed sod one Bern he eremas es follows of theiresoellent quall• " Ilitle dsuAter. who plays miry well, must. with lUn c r . W r tgirb=ent. and YOttra Ye LW MIT on. ; "Instruments aimed me am the mad - ..emnami.dal . thrl SIM; but Ido not like them , theyhave not the *lea tb. tom I inmate rum reel:mainly . • HEN t pi g t o . laff ' Yornid• Only by • CRANIA/T=BMM 'at the old eetabllehed Plano Depot _.-1111 Wood it.. 241 door above 6th st.. Pittsburgh. Y. 'Aiwa mkt agent list Pittsburgh and Western Penna. Mr • ma re Co, on Plume, (which In the osatertk M coneklered sunnier to-either Chickening s or - Nonni Chark's. but whkle Cast Is not extensively known. se they have but lately tom introchwed here) mid otber New Wort and Philadelphia Hamm Mite. beet snalt.er. at prime Meng Doing= to $9OO. otht.'S Grand ant Berientine Pianos, Bt 311D111118 ok CLAIM, NEW • YORL &K.-LEBER bag just received oßt i Ineefour of aeholorlot of NtIYNS A 8 Impeder Plano% and among. oth• . . eel of • Fall Grainl Plano, fell size 7 octaves, Tide .011.LND . le gotta up In a style (dandy elegance unequaled by anything ever brought to the Weeder. country. with weed balls of solid ItosesoOod, 17...1 wit all aroamd with ou r curved ornament,. &eh and light slides of fret • Iry elaborately and Wee. tally weed_ . eta ete. . dIoo,—.YULL !WINN PIANOS: . •• : rot% iritu' ' . .... : l yw go l outtitus. pasts. : ' 11. ILIUM . Sole Agent In this Ay for Neo ax At Carts' Manua No. 101 Tblul West, re netlee CR be Itheli of the arrival of the lababe. Iftara. = • 117 MUSIC, NNW MUSIC—II. Klebet, .• tio.,lolTitird et.. homiest reed the rollinriart choke, - d . _ '• • .Howril ethe UMW, with beautiful waned via wee " Olds on tie Dark Sloe Belo - What's Home Withouta Mother; dad hen ham lIom~C Pewthlion I.wtlef.PWYa le IloeluDastae deo Fem. b 7 firer _ggtt r • Truery . __TlOl U regAt of besurfe ete ono poe-d ay 71=1 -L- 3clM ti =l.i'll raerMeriC. Mea r s of awortmeat of choke and wilpular moriu• ifirilLto et the Golden Mow. N0..10/ mho • NOTlCE—:Oixther first of April next, my Mode Store and Piano Ws:reran& will be removed . to o Mb nowt, mut dear to Mamma ItalL ciaßKl , tiItANV arib l ittit PIANOS. ..I . ' 2'!U DINITArd PIA , / 011. tear th a choke dock of unieal Iderrhaudisu le on tive war and will be opened co the find, ea Mu*. at N. EW MUSIC--liomewood Polka Masiir la. anew pleas composed by J. P.; Waroelint. p&. owls. ithq, you seen Bator hisis eiV .." :4l cowl° mug. Mr. 1114 asidLiana. Hari come sindo no room e. O. Vaster. IfaerThsys," at Ude world le coming to an end] [WIZ the wi t e o lga of • fairy gay, r Wsoi•o.tl. ."!"' • TOO abOnl aft reeelved tosetbst with • terse setertlon °foil the rooster JOlNthe der, Pore eby tahltt MULLOB. SI Wood street Second-Fisuid Piano For Salo nbiE Mak 'may six octavo Piano for $lOO, Iftes&bY 1311MILOTTE JIMMY, A. 1&A.130N & CO. will open on Mon. iday.,l4oe dth.lB/8. A wood Oust cad Othocent, at Vaud age pee pied; do' 11,4 cord Deana,: 0 Ingham, at 10e 4 , X 'lO 4o - attache , ' Malan; reduced 2 sad 3a dce Sabah,. Drown do, do -Re do: Yard .Ida English Calicoes. at - GoldlLedal DoLeAnam, at.3B3ie ~• Treed* La Juw,,a4121,4...18e ma. aoraicee, mune', retnee "Masa roomed onto than cow _ _.. Jed _ _ • -- URKIE'S' BAKING POWDERS.-- -I5 gniln.li sod g lb. am ento by' it , VA fIATESTOCIL * Cu. TANNERS' 011.-25 bble. for gale by Sa - TAIINVIDICK +OO. FIIILAVORING EXTRACTB-40 gro. Pres totes ixtroot—loooon. Roos. Itoovb , orr atroontim Altoona. Ax• sat* Jo' ranitraTom a Po. ATBSTPUBLICATIONS— IIJJauswom. umurma anmiumpous ETs Sue's TreiriChil the Muer Dumb% • ' itim,"i.r&TS. by Jahn D. Nom • ..Ma; j! • - .. • • - 7.Z i rw al -•'', • ii.u.b.tenmth'sizist; Charlotte • Blame, GRAND PIANO, lAD, lIT KAY & COMPANY, Musto! - Mnno! Mule: 11.61241.111 AND MAUL MILLER &BEACIIAIC -4 'Dealers in all kinds Blnsleal Merchandise, No. ISI St RA r.ratasr.z. YR. reed and for We by Int /MIAOW". MONETARY - - :./L O ATESAR , DIBOOOIII",..,.. 0,111C171, IMIL 1.111,8 It T 81111 tairrrns iousit ßrokers. tuners. 711 N: - --11 SONS, .... '67 Markel 4.lwlntas Thirst road 'Fourth an PrZfabuovh P.M:N.SYLVAN/A. .Branch. at . 1nde........... I brook of Pitt iburgh.......-pi co tiranrh at Younzttown... do radiators Bonk of do--... Dar City Bank. Cincinnati_ do Mer. and Minoaf's of do-per nimerolalßlnClaciel- do hank of Cm !wine.: :.par Franklin Tank _._ -.-. do Bank of North ..Arnarirs-par Lafayette Bank -._....._. _ do Lank of Nortin !Abortion Ohio Lifebse.raconClo- do P.,101 . 1 ' . . 1 •Vr01e..-.. Western Resserreßank- do Bank crem unship... Bono .Notea_._ __.. I Counostrial) auk of Pa., . NEW ENGLAND. Bannon' 331.xhanics . B1r-par Allsobent Banks- •-. 3( Girard Book .....-.......--par :-.• NEW YORE: Bons-lotto. llank. -.par Nay York CRY ..... --Doi' tleartfan 0 Perla. Bank.-.par Country ilechaniese.B.alk...._ ... :........par MARYLAND. Wi:wain: Ilank----Par Baltimore-- --" ..... r Dar Count~rpyy Pouthwark Bank -.-- Bank ---pr JE EY k DELAWARE. Trodenotan'elank...---.par All pliant thud, --- M eson:oJan- • VIRGINIA tank of Chaythenburgh...r. Sank or tho 1 .....___ '.1103 - 4 .- 1 .. Dallk rat Cho., County-P=IMA orY.LlP.=',7 O - 4 c lii . Bank of Gen. oaauern.-.-.pa Meretunno *Meehalank- Bati l4° lll -1 1M 1' .. - (2 .-- eter ...- .- .P.' pa ran. Bank. k:Filrenla _. Bank of Gatysbnah...- 1 North Unions Snot- ... Bank. of Les Istown_--.. -I Munchen.-- ...... ..... I 3 D i enk 3w..33.3 orkl e i r t tri . ro. L -. ...-....1.3. Bank of Cape Y en 3 Dank or Northumberland-par Bank of St. nn . q. c.on . 3 kolumbla lit 3 Bridde CN.l . ar Com. ilank.Wltoarton, 3 il ' llt7 t* Tr ' 1. a"' ... k 7:::::: - .. r e•I ' VarCTRIHrN7: a lie 11111 if-.........--...-. 1 r Biroftbeet-of S=1:1 1 3 1 runners' Ilk .4 Inlets Co-par Bank of South Faroterre 130,0 Lawman-p ar' of Charleston...... 3 1,...ne Hank of ttesdlogun Pluderek Meehan's' Bk 3 Yana Ilk orr . i nmo st Oadwri GEORGIA. Pennon. Dror. liarnostarre.l tAugosta Du it lik'd Co ilit Wisahltuaon.. %Ulna of Augtuda-..- 3 ilanisburri t‘ flank....„.--1 Ilk ofß sanertek. Bruereikkura. 3 1 laneaater Dank - —.--par Alleohrent/tanks—.. 4 Lem:akar Connty - fiank --par KENTUCKY. Leissnon Dar k.....- par Bk of Kentueky,Loniseol . Moan? At, td , f . i 3 rts .... r_illeparri=niss ealtnrston . reires h nek Dank.- - it ' outhortattatks wresoing Ilk. Wilknberre. INDIANA. York Bank...--- ....... .... rear l ',State Elank 3. branches- I rselief 3IIBBOUIti. ogla. .111, of Btate of Minourt... ulna P tate 8ank............. I ,W'.•• NIALN. tronek at An0n.,..-. .- do Marine A In. Co. dike 6 • Branch at Atha_ -us-, ..... do 3110 r GAN. Crunch at . BridAePortr..... do ParotareMaehaninnlank 8 Branch at 01.11:1e0the..... do Perlman 8ardr.......- ..... 3 braneh atelsvoland- ...- do insuranoe Comport?--... II Branch at T010d0,........- do 01.3 0 BAWL... ........ --... 8 Branch at Daytun--....- do CANADA. Branch at De!aware ...... ... do Bk 01N. amerlea,Toronto 3 I isueh at Ctiumblos ---_dolilk or tin. P.A.. T.... 5. 8 Pratt& at Aebtabula..-. do. Bank of Montreal 3 Branch at Belem. •...._...... do Bt of U. Canada. Toronto 3 - Branch at Mansleid...... 'de EASTERN EXCHANGE. Branch at Ripley- do On New Y0rk..,._......... 141 Branch at Ok leinnatL-- do On Philadoilthia*-. do Branch at Wastilogton-. do'Qu - Baltimore.„. .. .. -..... do Branch at Carlis_.. ... .-... 'dol WESTER:4 EllbilANG K. Brunk st Laoranar do Crincionatk---.--- IN Branch at Steubenville-. dot Louisville- ............ .-...... '• Branch at Mt Vernon.-- do Pt. Louis Branch at Newort....-..... doIOOLDANDSPECIE VALILTI , , - Branch at Spriugflold..-.- do Doubloons, lipardsh.--1300 Branch at Marietta. do . do Patriot. 1 3 .60 Branch at Ten 10.0 Branch at. Mt.VieiSw - ti.7...: goiF F lTl,l, ;' Oetor • 10,40 Branch at. Zan0ni11e........ do Enedetieksdtan- 7.00 Maori, at Norwalk.- do. Ten Thakus...------ 7,30 Branch at Mina-- , ... . diOniskasit..- ffisitetk at Port...nu - MI-. do Sovereigns Branch at 1iat0n....--..._ do Ten Guilders. Branch at Ravenna--.-- dorapoleons... Branch at Cirrahoga do Donde Brandt at M assillon_-- do !hunch at ooeter.-- ,do 4.00 1,1i3 . 3 3 .r c 2.14 GEORGE E. ARNOLD k CO BANKERS, r-ALEBE 11N; SXCIIANOM, COIN, BANE BMW, Et, N 0.74 , wt.!, rtrnet, opposite Rant 4/ ,a3d eb r Alliranaictions st met llbersl AGILICULTITRA L. &C. Pittsburgh Hedge Farm Nursery, - 1 5ITIJATED on Wilkins Avenue, itt about one quarter of a mile from the wand to to on the Ferment and blechemieW Plant Road, an utanzion of .Fourth stmt, and goat throe ands lv i i ttaitej . Alei l ebrora ( l , , c lktsb i ur jo y o,c They offer ire sale a large °affection of Well guano tie°. and plants aultahla,fir tramplanting this Mil and °ming stein& The Ntereery now cover. 14,014 30 acres of ground and mutates over WO,OOO teem s e and plant , .. d urn 10,000 fruit treas. and 93,000 Evergreen. and Runlet are of hoed.. fter removed to orchards and pleasure ground. Plmita carefully paokod and sent according to direction. to am rut of the United state.. . We lender. t h eheattentlon of the site of throb bony an ve to trade to our unriveded. °attention for the Spring of 1851,embracing nearly all the rvergreen fatally. Indletenorm and Exotic, that I. worthy of searral cultivation In this seetlon of country. Planta am be pro. mad of many thine:Smolt. large to 11.0 immediate effeted. Prices moderate.. tesnal. From strangers, yeah or Belle. eatery refeennce In the city of Pittsburgh required at all Imes . . . . . Cont;re oaaro.too efttittoz Main Not cm., a Pittsburgh, or M tam stand on ..111.ktf. data I Ut. Diamond Market, will to promptly attended to. reltdkatfT Fruit Trees, Evergreens, &c. bubscriber would most respect fully call tho attention of friends mid the pa ir to hie very large duet olgruit Trees. Deer. 6717krilufgra, Lo emned3lo6 Dwarf Mid Mand ga Ld or our rararog, choice rarietim. Ikea, reread thou and with Cher ry, Plum. Arnim`, Raeyberriee. Clooneberries. Umrsintri. to 000 I:versals:lns, from Ito 6 fret, of weigh we h.,. moor thousside. are line. Unarms wanting largo nualititlee will be liberally dealt with. CMI and ma our Meek ' We al. IS gieesatigkiorims. Orders left &Übe Metalline I/ m i l e .' klm R. Deluell. Liberty at. the Oakland Nursery. I . on Penna. Avenue. or the Pittsburgh Narma7. I' , mi le. rota Oardmid, will be promplr attended to. N. It—Planting dohs omtly to ordeg. JOHN MURDOCH. .11 rITTSBIIRGII AGRICULTURAL WARE, 110 USE AND Oil o STORY.—No. 79 Wood etreet, oburgh. R. MIANXLAND, Oats Shand, Pte. micron a Cast iiiinfacturer and Dealerin Agricultural end Horticultural Implements, of all kinds, Wholesale Mad Re tail: riMia. (tartan aria newer Reedit. ETOMIND, and mad 'Shade Treem guano, Youdratte. Chemical Aults. and all other article.. con o"Mo:twilit torrimilture. degfilramS • - - Mg Wood Flowers. ALRBANGEMENTS have been made with the proprietors or iter,Wood Floral Gardena for aeon. Want nitwit . orDi _nettes. awl net tlarrere darhset Winter sod Sommer. Lat lea area gentlemen an be ferradred at short notice wry of the tolinlring lorench feetor tende jk laern tareer) Rosetreer reoe Wel at Searl Werebowea tea When ALtICULTUB.M. ISIPLEMFNTS AND BEM.— RALPH it CO. 33 1r1:44,9 sts New Val, • sad DRY. GOODS For Spring and Summer. AT HAGAN & AR'S, No. 91 Harlot street. W E WOULD,re : pec i: l 2l ll ! 4 . n fojm r the . L a fur Spring fad runnlicr. savongwt whis3r vitt be r lound re 7. ellte!rtkle !.ploartment or DRESS .. S GO • • ODS • of the eholeeest teetterne end beet ova. Aisle. In . F.1.11/10IDElli Ell—We hare everything that le new and bandeane, In the way of worked and la. Collars, Chemisetni, dotrk ac, 110 1 / 1 3EKIIEINNO GOODIt —to this lino of nur business. we have very lull camortmenk and can vilely challenge sompertitinn. UnSIERY.—Char facet of lioalery la large, and hut been seleeted with great ca. MaNiTILLAn—We are receiving from New York aa soon aWtaillight out, the nereet and choicest styles of Metall nd Ulm.. : CIRTKEt'i 4?l , iii I Ski the Affiroted Acrid and Pondert • . An infant* Ssonst ., throZßErefiftel, Kinp i s Era. Menace Rtes. DOAlm 2 5, Z4 1 ... runpie, or /Wades on the Awe, 11. Beds, *rue awl Aver. (Arne te *re RPM Ring /Rens or 2liter,Seold Bond. l'elofnenent end Pans siMs Breta_gen , i Male, utobborn iflorm,fig~c DU , ordere. Zweetwoo, blinenti pialets„ and all Deposes twin ing frees e n honetleious we NcreNar. . • prudence De or homnsity the lama THIS great alteretive Medicine soil Yuri der of Blood le now used by thimsando of grateful pa eon from ell pvte of th United Mateo, who testify W to the remarkable cam performed by tbegreateet of all mediamest . UAßTßlPP SPANDIII kIISTURE." Nees rWria, Itheometlem, emote* Eroptione on the Skid Lie .o Di.ey e e, Neer.. ukooo,cdol Per. a A Beetle. of the It Id neya Dimes. of ti e Throat. Femur Oompudete r , pethe and Mango!. the Boom apd epeedlly pot to gfit mlng thle greet and inestimable remedy. ot all &mete, of the Blond, nothing Imo yet bees tbond to...spare with It, It elates,. the ord.,. of all iniPerl tie., arts gently and citblently on the Lim and Kidney.. strengthens the h ealthy: gl tone to the Moven. make* the skin deer utd and restores the t elltatkrn, enfeebled by dimmer or broken down by the ex c... of youth,to It. pristine 'lgor and ettenofts. For the Ladles, It II Ineompeusbly better than all tics comedies ever used. A Dr dome of - Carter's hpenleh Ml* tors will remove all ea/lownese of oompleolon, bring the tome mantling to the Ipekrriloelasticity to the ace, and improve the pose! health Ina remarkable degree, yood all the malkdoes neer heard of. The Urge somber of cartldeaten which we base remised IPrea persona from all parte of the Usited Rehm. is the bort ofeldenee that to.. ete no Mambos'. about It. The pre,, hotel keepers, maglatratm, physicians, end public men. weliknown to the eammanity, all add their Malmo. I , tr r tothe wonderful areas of URTLAT BLOOD PURI. Cell On. the Arent Sad get Menhir and Almanac, and read tb. wonderful etude th l e truly ma s t sot of all Medi eime has performed None genuine natant signed & 6KBRA Pro. priertors,NO. B Pearlatreet. lUetionand %a., to whom all orders ter IT t •pliert &ea wendes met bs Mdrmess.i. For gals Faboestock Up., Fleming Brno Joe. Fleming. PI sbargtu IL P. Barnette. All Olt, and by Druggist. uenerelly. oeDnird4wB ' AUSTRALIA- SIXTY_ DAYS' PASSMIE. Pioneer Line of Monthly Packet'. CARR TING VIE UNITED 811IPTES MAIL. . , Theloth:ole% MIT.. hem mike!: Mem, 1,800 . tam Jot Bka flame, 1,700 tem. - July BbalBsi. 1863. emettax.l.4oo WM. , ' Lady feeetWMBoB thMAMI WM. 1853. Oeem Photo. 1,450 cr., Sept Edward, 1.400 tom 0et.,;83. 0w.1851. Omm Mast; 1,800 totki,,• 1500 tom CM 18-52 ' Mum, IA9O tone. Dee., 1852 Otrame 900 tom Dember, Beihmmr. 1.330 tom Jul., 1863. 113:4 A !tort Ito ektiek Feb, 1854. :I=l tom Barth Niptit i rte, Mar tons,s,Muth 6Mtmente. 1,0110 . tone, Juke - • 1854 Nimrod, 8,00 Wm. April. 'l3 • The Shim of this lam method with Itmeremer Tatettl Venttleteteas4 tam Vesheie Metalle The atm AM meignitioret Cllpt.. Shle NIXING SCUD, 1.713 Tem heed" W. 11. it..... Mats : will emceed the Vert:Me as tllghtemth Mir orthl. Lae, eta .111 WI Obellelbomme,,Auetrells, •- • - On-the 20th of September. . 'The Is balite, the meet amm. ed mod. rege'ZtrtrianTeee"lhto° 417.1,73:04,1! t o ette laths ItheotM.l treet,Cl.lpmelll4 . . vgd by . " mum hamMlTlthon T. as, aely 001,341119101,11 Y. MUM taken. • • . Zee rmlahlor priehith, MO/ en hard. et liore • 10•10l4 B. W. 0/311.110N. , • ..roe plaset./Ir. Tack • ••• ' • • I - pupet4ngsi Cal Moths and - -ROBISON & )204 nmr fintEEnf.'OPPE I ,4ITB rilz.nacaires. AVE now on hani , t, and to which Way are. an y maiwkoarim anortmeltt.ot tbs, goods,frtar _ width, '4l : 1 1 1 1 In * mI M 10140 MEDICAL. A YER' PILLS = ARE CIMINO MI FICK TO AN-a EXTKWY turrsu .OKYOKK • KNOWN OY ANY ICLVE • Invalids,P.All.l , Read and Judge ^ Ira for Yourselves. th u.4 e . w ip eaknOlVll .3. fum~r, of n.und at Miam ut to. i allay taint. Nem en= ant eloe Prod happy to ea , of your erotism:lPM* that y hoe. *mad them a he. ter family medkine tor COMMen tem than e lb.,..iridn my knowledge. Many of my Wends I nvl h at t hey ftrom them and coltul44lth me n believing that t ameam g rm.amb. r , Be driving oar dlevasee mtd curing the flak. They are not only effeetusa but ewe end pleasant to be taken , qualities which must them valued by the nubile, Chen they re tn. irn" The venerable ChalVailOr WARDLAW, writes front Ilan& mere. lath April, ItOh U. .1. O. Avem—Fit. I have taken rour Pills with great helmet, for the e. emem, hogs.. looser appetite. and Bilious Neadach *high has of lute_yeae overtaken mole the erring. A few dome of your Fills cured ma 1 have used your Olt ever Paean' many TM2II in my fetidly to cough, mut colds with .vmfalling Mennen You make meilleinee which cum stidl Relit • Namur to commeod you tbr the vend you have done end are doing JOAN Y. BEATTY. 1,1., Sem'y ofthe Penna. ttallroe • Th. R. 21. ran. Dot /1143: - 1 take pleasure in aildi gamy testimony to the Allesey of your medicines. buying derived' very matarial benefit from Um um of both your Pectoral' and Cathartic Pills. lam novis without theta in my family. nor shall I content to be, w Ails my Means will procure them." The widelyrenewingi S. STEVEN 8,111. D. of WentwOrth. N. 11. w. Reg 'glaring hied your CaTILIRTIO Pala lo my pnsejeo, I certify from experkoce, that they a.• an Invaluable nth , satire. in rases of disontered functions of Um liver.oesue In, headache, indivrilon. a:Nairn:less, and the oest varlety of dims.. that follow, they are a enter remedy than acs other. In all 0n.,, where a purgati•enregleily zequlral, I andldnatly recommend tbese Pills to the amile, as In to any other have ever round. They sure In their operation. and perfectly sake, qualities which make them an invaluable article for,publln ass. I b e ese for many ea,. known TOW 0/wry sal:Coral as the bet Cough medleitie in the world. and them Pills are In no wise inferior to that admirable preparati,M fa the treatment of dlerszet." , Ado., Nu., Noe. 26, 1665. . "1... i. C. Ave —Dear hove been afflicted from my Wills with Scrofula In Ile worst term, and nor[, after twenty years' erlal,vaid an untold °remount of, iroZering., hove hem completely mood In few weeks by your Pati, With what fading.. o rejoicing I write, oars onlyte agined when you realise what I have rugerecl, and how "teveru.l.ll now love I been free front thie loatheome diem. in rime Asp,. As tlmeelt attacked my oyee. and made me ahn.t !veld. the unewhil.hle Md.: at °there It tattled In the acalp of my head, and deetroyed my hair. and bee kept MI partly bald all my dare: toornitlmes It teen out In my face, and kept it for months • raw an. ...Vend nine week!, ago 1 comme..4 takittn your the tharticPUle, and WV am entirely freeform the complaint. Mr eyeaare akin la Oar, and my hair boa moored •healthy growth; all of which makes me fret al. ••1141731=teinent may bathe mane onneeying Ingyrocatlon that shall do good to other., sm,sitli every ventinimit of gratitude, Yones. ik PdAlt•A RICKEL" "I have known the .bur. named Marta Bicker 7rOrn her childhood. end her statement la Aridly trite. . °veneer Mkt. Portsm Ail tro p t "W h Mantbet .lll. tui eS n ß A V Q .E. ... Capt. JOEL PArr. of the ship 'Markin writes hem Eton 20th April. DCA: "Your POI, have cored ma from • billions attack which arrow from derangement the Ilea idth become twyncrioita I bad failed of any h o t (ri by my Physician. and from every remedy I could try. tatm deeuof Your Pills t itre completely restored me to health. / hats el. Tn them to my children for worms. with the boot effects. hey were promptly cred. 1 recommended' them to • Mood tar costlroriess,which hod tronbledblM for =outing ho told me In • few days they had amid him. You malts the beet medicine In the world. andl tm free to say IN. R from M i l l istloishedotor of the ihrorold• Court,whostant abilities have made him well known, not only In this but the neighborloOtatos. "Soo Orleans. Ith April, 1014. ...nu I ham groat satisfaction fo assuring you that my• .elfand family have been tm• much benefited .by your medicines. My wile or,, cur two pomade's, et errors and dangerous mush. by your Cuesar Preeasat. .fad elms then lam enjoyed perfect health. My chitiron hart went times bean cured from attack. o the Influsnmand Croup by It. It Is an Invaluable remedy far Mani com a plaints. Your Cerattela Pius have entirely cured ma from ad : mangle and mailroom*. which bee grown cum me tor tome years,—lndood Lids cur* Is much montimpoe tank Rom the bet that had failed to get relief from the hest ph. etching which thle rection of the countrynllnda, and Romney of tho numerous remedies ] had taken. "You seem to 0.. Doctor, like a providential blosMog to, fowl h f mlly, and you may well SIII) 7. 11.011.• en sot o It. TO% re•peettull LEAVITT Tft AXTP.R.. "Mask Cgiember. Ohio; Apra 6P1.11301. "Da J. 0. Ain—Elanore4 Sir I have made • thorough trial of the Oathartla Pills, left me by your agent, and base been c Mond y them of the droadhlighentnatlem un dor which has mitering. The first dose relleeed me, and • few mesa-getout diem bate entirely re moved the dl.eare. I feel la hetler haslth now than for enure yeses berm-, which 1 attrlltita entirely to the *gotta 01 y our C'!h."' Pill.. Poor. w L i gliffrlt.WAlLE" The above are all from perms. who are public:lY known where they reedy. and who would not make they Math month without • thoroughnonvietlen that they Iwo true. Prepared by J. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Manila; LowyU. Man. 811-Sold at Who:male by B. A. VAIINDBTOOK A Op At retell by every Druggist tu the city and ell , Dealer. enerigheire. ter-dada-eh FITS! FITS!! FITS!!! THE VEGETABLE EXTRACT EPILEPTIC PILLS /WU carvq, Pf.rs d;,.t .nyyarms, C r ow s ns, and oil Nenpas nod lations SONS who are labeling under this dis c/4El4'l'd. a ul i o!ry° th. oor i lVoiwoy. 4B4ji. "rw l. nor(/ i lipilepoyor /Wang Pim • . .I:ll=Fett i lretino action an . tr .,, tegog . .1.. pu -W radar/It% truly . 1 band of especial bet, afir an ~a.stna .al.. with Weak Wen., or who. orystem hut., prostralsat er shattered fn. agy .. . :7 , whatever. In shrsalo emplalota. or MO.. 0. Iml standing. supsainduessl by nervous... ahoy a. •a. Wall beneflel.l. thWIT . I. a .7I= ' l7.l!:AttUr. i f :lll e gaZrelltree l 41 them through the mall sres of p.t.na r.. ...b. by S 1 S . 11 A. HANCE. No. IA Baltimore Ft.. MM... RI ..to whom ord." from all parts of 01.. Union moat be .4 ! or sal i ergthuraki. by PLkallNli BROS. No. Wood FL onal—lnvlrisT •• Coups! Cotighill Coughlin!' !um. RNLI IN - PIPE JITITITTS - 31 •i % TTLERMx-1121-.4ll l slit yv - rnEti OIT II c iarp irdr : ol sl" have lly Beer ree T r ll a rt7er " Losenum. were, an, km the tellef of. Coughit, loarairom, Stem Tluted and all Pulmonary Oonenmavtiooa. Their superiority 0112102 I• in their agreveMe !florid, theab. Mom tidally emus drug In Weir compoettion, and to Unix prompt oetton without lnterfertng-ertth dbit tleK. in mitering thi mums poor* eumeptibleof t v Tt me the most stultaMe IM CHILDREN. andvery bootv leil to PUBLIC a PEAKERS and 800 Had; they re move all husktnere Irma the throat, and clear mutt eV. tone to the