The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, June 12, 1855, Image 2

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    Advance Paymemts.--Herenfter no sub
gdpuo. wID M tam Pa the Daly;or Weekly Gazette.
mar Wawa II toad* la Mons. Whtmeter the
thee to up to' whit& the yabecrlption la paid, the popar
will be hrraristar suitvw, now the cabers'/Woo
awed bY lldratleallaysoant. AD traaaloot adratbd.d,
ewrr andliSloN be reurdred to to pald Is ad
.:.tense. The only uteeptlooa vrIU by whore Ode mouth
ky or rawly Piatrosta as toad*. andulka
—..---.--euist I.IIKU Ilti I'.
.mufti! magma, JUNE 12, 1866
Baia .
Offlifft, 01' the 'Tit-Cabaret Gazette
hu reamd to . th. 7 . := 1; %Fifth itrrt h .
I—rt4rFt 3 1•1•12 g
IIMT• Aillverttsers. — Netha. taw It&Wrist Roam
or Ptinth!Stitatadatutof the Dna, twtanie , ate omm
, a ih n .da. Annassimairtiodestre theft 'notces to appe
maoday zwesint ! vill Dings hand them b.
Ilmdbee be doer. oaßatsnlai.
Weeds GaZBllo.—Tb* • standee
cdreatatlon Of Mir Mak& Bonelte oda . to oar bustnena min
Mont dielmbla msdlnna of maktng thdr biuMem known
owe etrealation Is bitweenknor and Eve thousand. readdwg
• &Mod nem me:thank manntkettmer and eboo-keeper to
Wootam Psonwsivanta. and Eastern LIMO.
srur. ti I%M:IE4UB, lata.oditor of the StoaLs zd
ahtecousedad Irith thi Pittobarra Court., h
hathoehed to pollen ingactiption. and adrortloomonts for
th~Plthhur{h Maetta,lieeotdlum to ourlpubllottod temp
PUtsbishth - March 1.186 h
geadlig !ratter as sae► sass of this raper
Cumomit - tr.—The Cadent to which elaveryame
degraded us ass nation has never yet been folly
appreciated, nor is it generally known that not
only our religion and our politics, but our liters:
tore and , our school books are mads_acceesories
.to Its support and propagation. A correspond-
the other day startled no with an allegation
that the books Issued bi a leading religious de
nomination hate been emasculated of all utter
&noes againit slavery. We are not prepared to
state this absolutely as a fact; but it will soon be
=paned iftrue: We know that Losorma.ow, with
a Femme= timtmnat bamedegraded him La finite
iy in his own esteem, consented to an edition of bill
poems from which all his anti-slavery sentiment.
were expurgated; we are severed, too, that our
aunday school books have undergone the same
expunction ; the American Tract' Society is also
charged with dealing with its publications in a
similar manner; and it is not, therefore,an improb
ability that religious bodies may have yielded to
similar influences. If they have not, we shall
,be pleased to know it ; bart — ff they have, it
will only serve to show how omnipotently, in
church and state, this gigantic sin of slavery rules
'am. It silences the pulpit, wherever it can; gags
tlis newspaper press wherever it can be reached;
endeators to choke off discussion in the halls of
legislation; sets up :an Inds Ezpkrgatoriur
free oam religious and literary works from words
of condemnation upon the accursed system ; and
is as tyrannies! in it. censorship generally as
was ever Pope cm Despot in the old world.
The latest butanes of this offensive and of
amble censorship is 'manifested in our School
books. The matter is thus brought forward in
the - Albany Bosomy Journal, sod,we ask often
don to its developments:
.. "Look . pt your boy's school declamation book
--a reprint from an English one: What has be
came of Pitt's stirring denunciation of the Brave
Trade Where are the extracts' from Fox's
speech on the Emancipation Bill? Where is
Washington's 1 6Pill Emancipating his Slaves 1—
.Gone. Pruned out by the Censors of the Amer
ican miss. Look at your girl's Reader. What
has beoome of Cowper's lines, " I would nog
have a Slave," Ai.; once-cinotod in every edition
of it Where are Hannah Mote's Letters on
the same =abject? Gone. Pruned out by the
scissors of the Anierican censor, Take any
school biography published in thin country.—
Why does it omit to mention what Jefferson and
iiimilton and Jay did and said about Slavery,
when it does not omit to mention that they were
Shmeholders ? . Why does it omit -to mention
Latfayette's opinions on Slavery, when it does not
omit to mention his enpport of m6narchy 1 Why
does it leave out all mention of Wilberforce and
Bharpe•end Clarkson, 113 if snob men never ex
isted ? Whydoes It so faintly and feebly allude
to the Ordinance freeing the Northwest Territo
the mises t Te , "litioet — penlotlt
American " Censor.
Pick out, if you can, a Geography which dares
to tell t school boys what the real reason - is why
the "fertile soil and salubrious ollmatelf of the
South is less productive than the veld and rug
ged North. You can pick out a dozen which
tallthem "the inhabitants of the Southern States
are noted above the rest of the Union for their
hospitality, chivalry and love of freectom.."
Read their histories. Read how daintily the
historiantonches on the evils of the system, and
how vigorously he paints the evils sure to tow
from 'disturbing tt. Bred how conclusively he
r. lays it all on the shoulders of "the British, and
. *ow satisfactorily he 'proves it not to be our fault
at ,all.- Read how minutely he describes the
/Wiliness of masters to their Mares, and search
,in vain for the fact that masters over die mod
slam are ever wild, Compare Ids tame account
of the 'old man eloquent," when he had attained
the height of ambition, going back to a enbordi-
nate piano, to labor for Freedom and to •die in
„ the harness"—compare this with his glowing
eulogy on the brildant statenianship of the South
Carolinian who spent his life in endeavoring to
inrerthrow . the Union. Read the history year
children are taught to Whitely and say-if you
honestly can, that you believe it yourself.
Even the stories of Mrs. Swann and Dr.
• Atha, which talk of Slavery a thannand miles off,'
•or centuries ago, are expurgated before they are
submitted to an American public. Sunday sehoo
stories are
_Muck from the list, which inculcate
the - duty of ehristianiiing black-heathen any
where.mept in Africa. In one edition, at least
that - we know of, hymns have been left out of a
school hymn book, because they thanked .God
for Liberty!
Who are the censors that have taken updn
themselves the responsibility °faltering our whole
Educational System to snit a temporary and lo
.cal Institution! There is no organised board.
There is no Gimmittee, no Teacher, no Publish
er, probably, that would acknowledge it. Yet
there be such committees, such teachers, end
such publishers—for there are the books, expur
gated, emasculated, mutilated—in order that
"Thrift may follow fawning."
If persons choose to get up books for the South
ern market it is their unquestionable right to do
so, as often as they please and as profitably as
they can. Bat it is quite time the schools of the
free States were relieved from distorted histories
and mangled quotation, from American oratory.'
It is their right—nay, their duty—sot to hide
from their pupils what their forefathers thought,
and what all philosophy and Christianity concur
in saying of the institutions of their country.
No one would deprecate more earnestly than we
should, any attempt to introduce political fir anti
slavery text books or to interpolete political or
MI-slavery sentinieate Bat we insist that
History, Biography, Oratory, Poetry and Science
should as they are, and . not be garbled
said perverted to nit the ti mes.
—ln. our capacity of journalists, we Ire called
- .upon every week or so, to commend some such
• pubication to ,purclupsers. We take this ma
n= to warn our good Mends the publishers,
. that if they want such books praised, they man
send them somewhere else than to us. Always
anxious as we are to forward their enterprises,
we nevertheless feel under no obligations to help
to pkpetuate what we believe a serious Injury
andperversion of our National Literature. We
cannot conceive of a true American toik—any
more than we can of orne American man—
that is either afraid or 'ashamed to let schools
teach scholars the love of LIBMILIT.
Taos. Essournores—A correspondent in to
day's paper suggests that the Executive commit
tee of the Meow Nothings which is said to have
adopted the..resolutions lately published an the
platform of the party in this county, is composed
of a mass'of offioe-seekers, and that the resolu
tions are thrown out for the individual benefit of
these Committee men. There is some force in
this st*gestion, and it isprobable that, lithe res
olutions ever were adopted at all, they were adop
ted by the persons and for the purpose named by
oar correspondent.
But we will not believe. that they were adopted,
even by a gang of mercenary office-hunters, until
some avowal is made by these who are said to
lure passed . them. Let the officers of the coil
mittse put their names to the resolutions, and
let the public know in whose name they 'peak,
and then they may claim publili credence. But
nottlU then. No. - The resolutions 'Elbe I:smit
e:l as a fabrication, as they deserve to be, so long
ma they have no better endorsement of their gen
uineness t h they now bear. There is a great
laugh - in the public heart at this !Windom effort
to palm off as worthy of belief a platform which
no one haa_the hardihood to own—• genial con
tempt of the used who think the public. can 'be
swindled in this nameless manner.
RIM Wu atliiill, lon _ edit or
Pittsburgh haa beim ftei,l,,t,
id Professor of Mail Litanitur• is Allegbyrii
~-y = < . ; P. ~ tr.•_.l,.S-iii.
/or . lb Pittahozgh Daily Gault.
Trim &meow 'rum TB/ :DAILY LAIITZLII.—
Mr. Editor wis hugely amused at those reso
lutions which are Paraded in the two organs as
emanating from the K. N. executive committee,
in opposition to slavery. With what a [By Au
thority] air they are issued! No names of offi
cers or office-seekers. Notice, too, the kindness
of not publishing these resolves before the Vir
ginia election, lest they ndght'intrt the feeling*,
or injure the prospects of the patriot Flournoy
and tho‘e would-be Congressmen. Yon seem to
doubt the genuineness of them. They were
drawn op and offered by a Third Degree K N.
to Wei the anti-slavery votes. He declared
*that the election this fall was a mere local affair
Ind that the Third Degree, pledging the order
not to interfere with slavery, would be inopera
tire until after this election, and these resolves
were necessary to conciliate the Freasollers.
Your inquiry for names is not, pertinent, as two
thirds of that committee are patriotic citizene,
able, anxious and willing .to Berle the dear peo
ple as Senators, Representatives, Sheriffs, Pro..
thonotaries, Treasurers, -Coroners, &c., with a
spriukliag of several expectant Jape, Prose
outing Attorneys, Mayors, &c. Several of these
are now buy canvassing the Councils for nomi
nations, and, as not more than a dozen can ob
tain this poor compliment, none Of them would
risk the chance of political preferment with the
K. N. Third Degree Slavery President whom
they expect to elect. CouxoN Suss.
nerLant—Diepatohes were yesterday received
from Dr;Chetwood, who is at Niagara in atten
dance on Mr. F. Leavenworth, the principal vic
tim of last Wednesday's dui. Bin condition is
represented as mush more comfortable and en
couraging than the Boater 'expected previous to
seeing him. No effort has yet been made to en
treat the bullet from his left thigh; it is ascer
tained, however, that the balrhas not penetra
ted the bone, but lies upon it. The bone, how
ever, is fracittred midway between the hip and
knee-joint, and it is thought doubtful whether it
can be set, while the constant danger of morti
fication renders the situation of the patient most
critical. The wound in the right leg in also very
serious, the ball in traversing the limb having
Passed within a hair's breadth of the (emend
artery, which is liable to be ruptured should
there be any !sloughing of the wound. We do
not bear that amputation of the broken leg is
contemplated, but should it be possible to save
that leg it will be considerably shorter than the
other, rendering the unlucky . duelist a cripple
for life. Both his father and mother are with
him. Ilia second, Pendleton, as well as Middle
ton, the second of Breckenridge, have been in
the City since the duel, but are now in conceal
meat here or elsewhere for fear of the law.
The wound of Breckenride though in no re
spect dangerous, causes him great reoffering.—
The ball, as we stated yesterday, passed through
the calf of the leg, and. the indentation conse
quent upon it is attended with excessive pain.—
As to the present whereabouts of Breckenridge
our reporters could not obtain any light With
regard to the circumstance, Of the duel we are
in possession of some further particulars.—
Though the parties left here at 4 o'clock on Mon
day afternoon, they did not reach the Falls till
21 on the day following. The fight took plane
tl2i o'clock on Wednesday, the intermediate
time having been chiefly occupied by the seconds
in selecting the ground, a process which the ne
cessity of exciting no enspicion among the reo
pie of the neighborhood necessarily protracted.
They fought at ten paces instead of eight, as our
reporters were informed on Thursday. Both
parties exhibited a coolness which would have
done no discredit to Bill Poole under similar cir
cumstances.—N. Y. Tribune.
STAXPIDi or SLAVIII.—WO copy the following
from the Cincinnati Requiter of Saturday :
. The negroes had been w.rked and paid no
wages for many you' on the plantation of Mr.
Byrnes, of Bourbon county. They had been ob
served on several evenings to mysteriously ab
sent themselves from their owner's premises,, and
on Wednesday night they were watched by a son
of Mr. Byrnes, who saw them in a secluded spot,
about half a mile from the house, in convene
thin. with a couple of white men, with whom
they were talking for upward of an hour. In
forming his either of this occurrence, the latter
became alarmed, and dispatched the son to a
friend who resided tea miles from -his planta
tion, for assistance; the negroes, in the mean
tine, suspecting something, stole off, and were
followed by Mr. Byrnes, who, observing that they
had bundles with them, attempted to prevent
their leaving. This they resisted, and their
master, In the melee, was severely handled, be
ing left senseless on the sward. The slaves, in
the meantime, made trucks for the Ohio river,
where they-cr ossed
m about. ten miles below this
city, and are supposed by this time to Is out of
the 11111110t1011 of the Fugitive Slave- Law. Mr.
Byrnes, Jr., arrived here yesterday morning, hot
Dome to the conclusion that he was too- late to
effect any good.
Soorcu Pm-Irma—'Pook 811777.—There Is •
very general belief on the part of our country
Iron-Pounders, that Scotch Pig is superior to
American. This old error arose in 'this way:
As long ago as 1830, Bent of Albany became
_widely known as the manufacturer of the best,
.smoothest, and lightest Hollow Ware—using for
the purpose Scotch Pig, which was then made by
Hot Blast. Neelson, the inventor of the Hot
Blast, was a Scotchman, and introduced hie ha
provement first in Scotland. The well-known
effect of the Hot Blast is to soften the metal, (if
not weaken in,) and se Bent's ware being thin,
required free-running Iron, it was found that
the Scotch raw-coal Pig hod the property of li
quidity to a greater degree than coke or char
coal Pig.
The mamas of Bent's Hollow ware manufac
ture, established in this country a fictitious char
acter for Scotch Pig Iron. And it has coat no
millions and millions of dollars.‘ Scotch Pig,
weaker and softer than English cr American, has
been brriehly used for Mill-Gearing, Steam-Boat
work, Machinery and Engines, throughout our
country. It has been particularly used in this
non-Iron-producing State of New York. How
much disappointment, delay and expense, re
waning in losses and frequently in bankruptcy
of enterprising men of small means, has been
thus produced, no one can tell. But it lea well
known fact r that the gearing and running parts
of our machinery are too soft for durability.—
Our cranks end shafts are too weak tohear the
strain Indicated by the tabletin our Handbooks
for Mechanics. The consequence of this false
reputation . and great demand for Scotch Pig,
has been the keeping up of its price in the mar
ket. We now see it daily quoted in NOW York
at $2O to $2B, while the far bdter or stronger,
tougher, and firmer-tatured anthracite Irene of
hauls are quoted in Philadelphia at $22
t e D X
and $27, varying in price according to
the use to which it is applicable.
The sooner our F0111167m1111 and Machinists
learn the fact that Anthracite coal produces bet
ter Iron than Bituminous coal, and that our He
matite and primitive ores yield stronger Iron
than carbonates,lesperially the-Black. Bands,)
the better it will be for their customers. Scotch
Pig is good enough to mix with old scrap, and
- then to be cast Into sids:wallt-grates, Imp-poets,
and Inuppipes. But for any purpose where
strength and firmness of texture :ore .reqotred,
none but American Fig should be used. "Es
pecially is it the duty of Machinists, to use
American Iron when, by so doing; they mare
money. The Scotch will be extetteively - used in
this country for light castings and for stove
work, but Should be entirely rejected for Machin
ery p u r poses.
Oar Railroad superintendents and steamboat
proprietors—our millers and manufacturers,
should set their faces like flint against Ranee,
and go in for the far better and the cheaper
American • Irons. The best evidence of the in
ferior qualitiew.ofEnglish and Scotch Pig, that
we have ever seen itprint, is in a letter from an
°Seer, speaking of the Russian mortars taken at
Bomaraind, being but half the weight of the
English guns of like cilaire. This shows that
the charcoal Pig of Etuais Is double the strength
of British Pig.—Bufalo Denim
Bit= wtrnotrr—A machine is soon to
be bronghtlo this city for the purpose of m anufai3-
taring brick by primers. The bricks are made
by mixing in certain portions offend and lime and
submitting the compound to a pressure of 120
tone, by which it is said beautiful bricke colored
like the sand of which they are made, are pro
duced, and which in texture and str ength are
equal to stone. These Nicks are net laid in mor
tar, but with a thin cement pot on with a brush,
by which a welt becomes entirely solid. These
brink are offered at about one-half the price of
oreinary brirnt clay brick.—Ckedand Herald.
A plan is spoken of Paris to effect the destruc
tion of the garrison of Sebastopol' by famine.—
An expedition of some 40,000 or 50,000 men is
preparing, it Is said, for that object.
PAOPIII.II Seer BAWL—Daring the administra
tion of Governor Wubbarn, the last Whig Gov
ernor of Massachusetts, six hundred foreign
paupers were returned by Wm State authorities
to the countries from which they came.
Granville mountain, near Digby, N. 8., is in
an eruptive condition, ideating smoke and stones
one of which was th rown into a house In the vi
cinity. -t
AA OLD Ancintanor.--The oldest eoclettlestio
now living is Samuel, Archbishop of the United
Armenian Church at Lombnrg, In Galicia. He
is 106 years old, still vigorous, and strictly ob
serves the severest fasts.
WOMAN'S SPEMIL-12.1a0k beetles, mice, rats,
lipid.* grate, bill', wrinkles, milliners' bills, and
long-bearded 'Frenchmen,are undoubtedly - the
most recognised and starting objects of Woman's
The balance in the -National Treasury Is tn.
dined to eighteen and it half millions of dollars;
being 'lt falling off from the idghest point of
socumulation last September. dram Chan to
=Moak of dollars.
Intereing to those suffering via
Ilsaurcr st
.—.A arias. Rued yfosold il• Dr. McLane, ak
Aw n. fplknthm fe movie of eatiSaital twelve:l dal.
17 ham Ina ore althesur. -
NEW Your. August LIDA ..
This is to certify that I have been subject at times to
mean, headache: sometime. the pain would two severe I
could regnelther day rum night. Dearing of Dr. ] Picnic celebrated Lives Pill.. I mot and got a hos, of which I
toot t wo pub or, going to bed, to two nights. They re.
tiered me entirely. Sorel time hen now elapsed, and I
have had no more trouble from sick headache.
M. JOHNSON. 11$ Lewiset.
01=will be careful to mg int. Pit. SPLANWS
ED LIMB P/LLS. cad take non. .is.. There
are other Pills. I).W , Z.'t.h.Wto be Live: 1111 L now belts
the public, also, hie egetented Vennifoge. on Dolan had
at ell rens:table Drug Shinn In the United Statac
for wale by the sole Drugristori, FLEILLND BROTHERS,
Mildkern Fuawiier. to J. Kidd At Co.. 00 Wood at.
strength and .Health Restored!—Mr.
Joint haymow, living tan maw above Pittsburgh, on the
Pennsylvanbs Casul, stye -Wheel I camunroced taking
PlowhaveY Holland Hitters. I you'd hardly walk. Now I
enjoy exasliemt health.•
Bee adivrtbemesit In another column.. tel4lWeLavB
Chilson Furnaces, Wr o 't Iron Tubing
For Warming and Veatuation of Building,
A.! W. will mat.. I, Warming and Val:Milano* by
!Mom ar not *star. Pin. or Oblhon'a Fnrn.m. Chiumbas,
noapitair. Factor.. Omen now., Ooart Ho. %
Jail floral. or Omani's.. No. 26 °Lark. Pttt.b
Marsh's Radical Cure Truss will cure,
neatly irety ewe of redunable Hernia.
Tray. at 'wino, mime slimy. on hand.
Children'. Trusses of different foram and attength fur
Castle Stocking., for Varicose or Edmund VIA=
Abdominal any sorters—A down ditrarant kind.
Pib Pecyla Serthe menteart and emu of Men
Eitionider limoe to relieve • crook ed and &brawl on,
dittoa of the Cheat, and many dieleawn of the Cheat
Betspension Bandages.
All thew arikles may be had or applied at Ult. HEM.
SKR'S Wholomale and Itendl TRUSS DICPOY, 1 0 Wood
at; sign of the Golden Mortar; or .111 be aant to any tart
th. ocoentry by eendLog the money and mow...
MAX177A011311.1113 Or
Timber, Mill, Tobacco & Cotton Scrawl,
Baecmf,..sliduys.frr Nw*uwnt
Oar sod Bridge Bolts, with Thread and Note
Waszaom. No. 112 Warn AM 107 rturr rm.. tarty
Woo Awn fizrrwrno ors.
WALL work warratital. mtsi•tt
Reliance Mutual Insurance Conipany
an 444. slll.o74—Alsecta IMIAIP2. &curdy inverfoL
;FIRE LNSURANCE—On Buildings, Mer-,
shandies. Furniture. to. In time or tountrY
The mutual princ t iLe. combined
rattyw the moiety of a.
Stook Nitta'. mutt the harmed ue ha the protti!
of the 00411141.1 Y. en t liability Aar lemma .
The Script larl:Mees of this Ompany. Aar pro Sr..
soneertibls. at par. Into the Capital Block of the Co mP . 7.,
LRIIDIRILEY. President .
B. AL • -te.s_ .
Levis R. Aslihnia . t.
WI. R. Thompenn. Gone& N. Raker, .
T. 0. Rocthill, Baal. W. TinedeT..
G . W. Otrimitter. Z. Lathrop,
Robert dim.. H.
0. B. Wood. Robert Totaled.
James L. all Taylor, t )(Award G. Jima..
Wm. eer.
Jacob T. Buntialt , Arehlhaldltim Gettri . ..
G.M. - Stroud. 1 Wm. AL Semple. Pitts%
J. O. OFN. Avant.
.. _
nee Third and Wood streets ~
Western Insurance Company
anus xru.o. woonzlos,
Will Insure against all kinds of Fire and
Wane Maks.
mc.. IN;att, Jr. Nom.,
A. NWbaR lek..
toe. 0.0.
Den* liaboes.
PIL ida Nst
O.W. to m% .I..l.4pplibeat.
t. W. ,dA.
- - .
111 . ham In.titution Exanagal by Dtrentora
• • etl iSI this amnannity. and wbo IThandir adja.t .
a promptly. pay an tainna at ths Omen, N. Olt Mat
jag.,040...4 • On'. Wandknas..)aD slam.slam.Pittaborp.
On and after MONDAY, March 12th, 1555,
the PASSIMGEB iitaN3 ran as ker. with tar
&ha notler
PUT Turn In. tuns LT 8 /1. N. ,
MAIL /Malt "LT 11 .
Sows TUX, " AT 3r.
Thus Trains all run through to Crurtlina. and
tiara with the Commints and Cincinnati. Ohio and Indi
ana and liall.dbutains and Indiana Railroads. At Mu.,
ILK conroctions ars made (or Newark. Panassilia, Yon,'
Sandusky. Toledo. Cbleart. A.; and at Allis:go
Ibr CLtraland. la No trains ran on Suatlay
Through Ticksta are mid "to Cincinnati. latiinlila
Innis, Indlananoils. Manama Book Wand, 10.1 Wirt.'
aad th.t.laalial towns and ellim lo tb. W.
ea vs Pittsburgh at. 10 A n. and 5 I. w. and Nast thigh
ton at '7 4. la. and 1 r. at. •
et the alma alike, under the MOIXRI /109eli,
Or et the Mend etnet Nation. to •
Ticket Await.
ClUsburgb. March 10th. 1166
Corner of Wood' and !HZ& streets.
Our Teas will be found on trial unequaled
at the prime In the city: ,
1.11,11. TILIONL
Oolong, 40, 50, 62, 75, YoungHyson,so, 62;
1,00 and 1,25 per lb. 75, and 1,00 perib.
Breakfast, 50 and Imperial & G.P., 75,
71 eta. per lb. • .1,00 b. 1,50 per lb.
Tess put op In %day boxes ham 6 to 20 Its. !or *all*
us. A liberal discount nude to retell dada..
CO PPZE—Anma, La Chtayra, and lib 041 x. Orsill and
Bautost •
••• •S-U• •
GARS—Loa:fixes awl fkkAveaLoafaHaverisid
Orudied Swart.
Alma. Mawlata. Etoten. PtrJHar, AreaA and Driac
ffc- .
The Greatest Iredic4 Disecivery
Mr. Kennedy, of Roxbury, ban dierviyred
ID Doe of our ensunon pasture weeds • remedy Mai anti
nary kind qf Motor, Asa the If Or tkatthas too asasass
lb hob tried It to ism *lowan hosulrol own. atottomit
Wed except In twookato (both thunder hamar.) Ito b. 4
taw to hletootstlon ova two hundred eartillestw, of Its
ulna. aL within twenty miles etBoatnn.
Two tottlow an warezotod to ouzo a noralog owe rho th
Om to throw bottlao wiil wort the word kind of whitploi
of the two.
Two to three battles will dear the imam of Wes. :
Two bottle. are warnuted to cure the worst canker In
the mouth and etomech.
nuts to are both.. an warranted to.carr th. Irani,
ow; oramapalsa.
Mt. to too bottle. an smerantoo to can W hotnitr IA
the ergo.
Two bottles an warranted to en:, mantas or thi.oori
and blotches among tit. hair.
Pour to oh bottles are warranted to =re owritat and
running Wow.
001111Crttle will esker only etaptlep of the &tn.
Two to three bottle aro memento' to enrre the irerel
Two to the. bettlos aro warrsuted to ewe tL. mOkdoil
perste cues arbutus:W.lam.
nuts to fora lottlu an warnnute4 to ewe sat rlignOl
MP to ad% bottle. .ill eon tho waft?. coos
A. benefit le shears experienced from the first tOttle,
and a perfect our. Is wuranted whim the •Lon eueiitltf
le take*.
Nothing look, mo Improbable to Lhasa who have WY*ln
tried all the wonderful madlelnas of th. day, am that a
mammon tread crowing In the pastor... and along old
Mons walls, should man ovary Mannar In ths spasm: pa'
It Is now a fixed tort. If you ham: shutoor Whoa toitark
Moos an no If. nor ands, hums or hale about It suiting
ammo maw and not yours. I peddled worn thotwandbote
Um of It In the vicinity of Dadra:. I know Its affsota In
ovary aim It bag &heady done .one. Of Shansi:lto:tad:ad
me done to Inamachumttm. I Faro It to dab= trai
old; to old Dona* or sixty. I b. , * won Pnw.nanY, wormy
looking &Wrap. whom flash was soft sod flzbby, yartored
to a swami Mat* oil:math by one bottle.
To Chows who an ..bleat to • Ida b••••ob..••• bit*
will always cum It. It alme great relief to catarrh £o4
arsine... Boma wbo bre teen motive At years, bars
ben and bsen regulated by It. When the body to mound,
It work quite ...y, but ohms there le any deringepprot
of the fundions of Datum. It 001 anise mry alaspdai Mel
Inge. but you moat art be alarmed—they aiwart amp
Pear la from lb= day. to weak. Them Li never • bid ne•
milt (ma It. On the =drum when that (*ding le emus
You will bet 'mired: 111. new person. I baud some of
lb. moot erstravagant europium. that Man drier Ile
tenor to. No ohmage of diet le ever —eat the imet
you can get. bare_ likewise an bob. w when alM
mm.d I. met oil, dlesolves elmansiou la g of the
mot and under the mare. Prise 60 mute. Plies of taw
hiwnsal Dissrannw II per bottle.
. •
'DI/MUT/Ong POlt llBl4—idulk ono tablespoonful' pi
day. Obildren mar eight years. dome simenntk oblldr.;
from d.n toetyeara teaspoontaL As no dkeotlon can
be made a fable to an wynatltutlona. take *math to
anent° on e bowel. twine a day.
or. r. KE na NNIJ/Y ¢l. oolong attendance la bad Oiasi
- • ••
lioldorholasele and Wall, at Dr.ll3YoEl'Be 140 WOceil
Veer. earner at Vixen eke. NM.?
OrdOil olay to loft at tint MI, or On our brim of sae
stone of
LORA UN GAPJ, WILSON it C0..62 Wood it.
Bit razor Moody sail Bt. Clair Ito..
P. Par i gta tu ttrufftt i ievr .
tad* BUYAN. it ii t CK).
Citizen's Insurance Comyy rittsbitzgtt
WM. BAGALIST Preedent..
• •
yrArz.R. wr WAWA JUI/1111744la"
1 - seuKra HULL AND OLIIDO Wen Ott T •
sr &so. spline( bat or b aws tgq pm. ALE
apassstAbqp.sqls qf REA sad :MIND VIGATIO
LS:. mnig
WDI. Etatftt, 4
Inse IL Enos%
Main Bens;
Jsa ld Comm iderrlsys. "•• - •
Jobs 81.1s4sa. •
FaarairkiLditer Iytlp
WHO agn I a ir k
No.= WOOD IWRIECD .... -
allmiabme urtionalltr MS
,u 4
nairessaurn &
Canifnlly, prepared from none but fresh and
teenier !km+, euderMie pervatal irapereirion of their
J.Q. It 00. tales great Niagara he othering their trend
01 OM wldeli, on ameduet:of its saseriter mode of prepare.
Preshrseas end puke, au be taken without &meth&
by tha atoet ddiente..
• It is enemeosmou to advert to the peculiar valency m
OIL remediable and ederdllie rased,. lb mama in
the mire oVehranie ithsumatlaro. &mauls, and Lung Die
sans, when ikuitigly applied and persevered In. Is no
lager %matter of oordeettum It Is rum , aelmouladged to
Moms hailing Manes slalom inumutemble to arty other
eledde. Bold In baths, Miolesale and retail. by the man.
edhetsuirs, JOHN O. BARBS g Co,
No.loo North Third It- Philadelphia
And by Druggists In Pittsburgh and eland:tem
We offer for sale One Hundred Lots, very
advantairkusaly located. In %a City of Dubuque, and re
nlnlegfully mast proposals Ibe the same. or any portion
of them.. .
She ertapletlcat of the Great Moore Central H. IL to
tble city—the largo Upper 111 .rt.IPPi River bud...
trtaseeted here—the heavy leeet trade. together with the
preempt :lividly appreciating valve or real estate. martens
to prautlee dertzsble results to the! wishing .to inner le
City Property. _
Any Inemsestlon VIII be plomptly eammunlcat.d If de
dyed. 'Addreas . T. 14. JESUP I COMPANY,
Fire =tilde Insurance Company,
. No. 149. CHESTNUT: STREW'',
Will make all kinds of Insurance, either
Pavans or Llmlbod, on otery descriptkm of Property or
llercluatUse, sr. namable rake of presultua.
ROBERT P. KING, President.
11 W. alitAltf VICO Prooklortt.
to 1 1. 1 V C . c rel rn
John Clayton,
E. Mier.
Cb... P. Hayes,
Z. B. lbwllab.
P. B. Sam/.
0.. Fllaermit.u.
A Secretfor the Ladies—flow to preserve
Saam—Don't neiChale, LIDT. White, or any of the ea
called noemetica. fn conoeal a faded or sallow complexion
If TOrt would liar the tree brought trek to Your ohrk
a clear, beelthi and transpageot skloord lies and slum
Word through the system, get a bottle et Carter's Span
lab Mixture, and take It zenordbag to direction.. it
does not taste quite ma well as Tour swestmesta but,
altar a dm doer rondo not end Tutu health and brut,'
modeled. Tour step shirk and vigorous, the whole .
t.m rufreehed and Indionatsd like • Spring marl:dog,
then your rise le harken. and all the valuable earth!
eater Ire were, go toes taught. It Is the greatest purifier
of the blood known; fs reedir barmier, and at tee same
time Powerfully ellearbms.
fire advertleummt my2iudiswlmlin
Statement from Canada.—Quebec, Feb.
Ithand..—Molors. B. A. Tabulato& I Co.:—We had the
Ph.io2o of readying, thls morning, the within antidote
or your Torudfogn nhlob , rdt b. rerY grent2flfog to M.
;Wee tent voluntarily. We am. illtirt j oarrejr .
Osammann—My llttle daughter. 4 701,1 old, nod my
um, aide •ene Me • muldwable time nrufferfog from
rarh ift • them rimes jo . 7l=on o a f
mod atm; tony le lea than three holm they
no Meath= YIVII . IIIINDIIED Wogl4B, 11.10 of
intordltsarrlongth °Mom 12 to 111 What
Liming expaioneed moat' °Me nekhd effeete o
your Vermin: me, I feed limy duty to recommend It to the
rotate as. to my opinion. one of the meet elnesclous rem.-
atist norromar yet offered to the
Geothimeo,lmllere me to be your much obligedand
humble servant. NATHANIEL LEASERS.
Prepared and mkt by IL A. PAILN&TTOOK A 00.. corner
of Wood and notate. myl6.llMeT
Have removed to their new store, 131
Nbod trod, 6 &on &mu ARA gm; whkh vro harp built
with Umo moor adoptatlorito our loccoand Lain.
Th. first floor has beau fitted up fix MODERN STYLE
.r•fudrd7 fix our Malt tads. whoa Ell salmis to found
s a:motets assortment of ths MOST PAISHIONABLS
STYLES of Gouts' sad Tooth,' Dross and Soft Mats and
Cap., so yell as LADIES Rom HATS sad Cali-
DIM'S. GOODS, adsptod to the sestons. We shed to
plesood to um our Moods at our mu store.
Tha Old[ apps Viola. are osproroly Ito oar WEICILE
SALM MIME. obit. Will to lbsoul • fall '.took of Ilota .
and Cao• ombroolztot Amor. ELM. etre, oartotr. Son. Po.
toottorro, Bald.. nod Pala, Loa hula ; Ellk Plmk
and giotti Chops. and Chlldrereo Goods of all Undo.
eoluusto rlatttai oar dtt will nod it their Interest to
coatoino our Rook. as oar foolllttoe aro ouch solo enable
no to miprtar vitt! any Jobbing boom to thtto•larti
Melt • PA.=
British and ;Continental Exchange.
alarm emr.l 7- DRII WIV BI
These Drafts lire available at all the Fein•
einalionitteoflngli:nd. SenUand and Irel.d. .nd the
W. also doa Stair BILLS an
M. A. Grioebamo & Bailin,
Which moo ma /Admittance to .11 plata of Ogrotany
thritioirlond aid Holland.
Parsons Intmmdlnit to traTel nbrond mar /Awn , tkrough
Letter of Credit, nu whlchiAloney tan to obtainad. as
auscliod, ID an 7 part dt game.
oaucts...or Bflls Nobs, sad other nnnuitnie In E.
rep% will Troth. PninOt ntnnatin.
L. H. WILLIAM 000.
WM. • -A wraps. Thiod etTliet•
Indiana, Tennessee, Kanawha, Massillon,
Illinois, and U uneurrent Bank Notes,
Poreaaneel of Lowgn runes th4a any other Muse.
EIGHT DRAFTS On New York. Philadelphia, (Darin
anti, at. Louie. end 'the relnelpal.Cher of the United
Stelae. fteredshed In came to snit ot LOWEST RATES.
mum roe ran surrenrs, MOWN= ar soraos,
CAPrfAL, $2,500,000,
and the GRANTEE lIISURANOE CO.. or New York thy.
Bankers, Verbena* Brokers end Insurance Ante.
mid-lm fa No. IS Wood at. one door from let et.
A Reprieve—We do nqt refer to a reprieve
rive. Capital Punishment, Thera Is a eon torture from
which armpit. b ay/sully deal:able. We refer to dr etnP•
cola—enard In which ell the horror@ of hulimeetlon
esormsed cop. ,To the sufferer' by it& painsul and bar
rand= dimensions mu bold'ont toot only blight hone;
.W 4 thearteinte of inunedlaturellef and tuneunent cure.
There lea trade, cordial Ind alterative principle to Ikea
land'e German Meru which inevitably weds and
change, the !afraid action cd the stomach Me the mar
tin organs, resume the disuse, and restore. to health.—
Prepared by Dr. C. ht. Jeckmeo. Philedelphla, Pe. ad..,
thement my3l. dier2wil
P4magivama InmanAte Oom_p_any,
Sea and Inlan d Navigation and Transportation
Wm.-F Johanna, W. Wellatoek.
L ig. f" treon
Y Pat . K ennedyT. m,
ii,Wr BFront • J. H. AO..
Wads Campton, irre l &gi ll esVA
A/A. Curler. w. 8. Karen,
D i p Park.
0 088.
FrertAraHlon .Wm F °ew 6 ton.
MeN. .randeat—Rody Panama
&meal , ond Trieuurer—A A Cartier.
Antreant Sewelery-8 8 Carrier. [fsl 1•16.1.7
Add* dadgeded by a WNW ittddiealfon sf
• Criatadoro's Excelsior Hair Dye.
• Jui rid clouds &alma In U. tdU Wt,
And blaakeit over heaven'. lane skylight,
su Oktetenesies fIA6 Dv tarneth
To black the haly that redly trarnath.-
The taittie delimitates'? hideddd"Uld foam
What' 11611111/612) , & it/ at the anew. lithe gooier.
But against Caurranoao will darken the Hag
Wltb Ida DU of all dyesmageißehmt and rasa
Clrlatadayes ltreelaler Ilair'tle 1. told .b°l"." and "
tail at 140 Wood Weed, at the Aga of thie
Golden Mortar. an27Klaw..
jam,Piro mPITTSBURG arizus Insur H ance Company;
unto, Comer Market and Water Streets,
ROM': GALWAY; Anithmt. Jana D. Hoorn, tho'T.
This Company makes every Insurance av
methane re smasaed with LIPW RIMS.
Aho ^phut Hall and arse oa tha_Qhie 4 . 4
it.rnaMiliflgri sad tribatartai, sad Marine tusk. goo.
Aid against Does or Damage by Fire,
nd seatanaho Palls of Ike and Ward Navigation
the kninartratas ounnatant with sandy
e 'WM= hniefil.fri u h
1.7.14i i k,111.
mr.a.lifo Mat COPY /.1,
Killing, iron Vaults, Vault Doors, Window
Mutton, Window Guards, &a,
Noe.' Si Second at., a so Third at.,
Attetwoon Wood and Market,)
Hove on band a variety of new patterns
run and Rhos. statabl. Or ill porpoise. Partkolas at-
Wutian AU to oteiogns Grays Lots. Jobbing doss at
dont mhlStf
L'Otibeti tate for the New Liquor Law.—
oaosains AWIT.IIAOOIIANALIAN 111.1X1H. • alb
a.4 . 2 • 04 mdf fht the cure of
A urromrsearoz.
thitosetritheit vegetabli extract, and aa a tomb Ls nee.
AMAMI. Tar the Mowing complaints It is • mod meths
bi• wedkarm o ',DiVoreia. Liver thweidainf, 0:0000. Xew
raider Plitt, AVM of kiwis, Delirium Trietur. Dow ,
medlethe interthed to predooe • charm.
In the eseleth, and • UAW* lbe alcohodte drinks. Beieral
lestancewsrhaur we hare meld It. we hats had the Meet
Nesilffthl. runl4 ON to pirithe who are really &thou
of breaking id the ladolgenta in Intoxicating borruedur
ehle ellalwwill be • wrest help. Bold at 81 per bottle at
the Drum Store of Dll. ONO. 11. MUER. No. 140 Wood
week mower* White &kin elan of the floldetiNortu
Nint Dammam Gallery. • -
.11R. NELSON would respectfully inform
his trtda di rli the Pubilts ortuirar, that to enter to-
Cr . 1.4 L i tateminp m. autad tter o bastr o u=r o n
Zat wa4 ollo.o. wa t iLaz „4 l tbe toont .i =l . sg
I , = **" ttn =S i g I tra L sod W fs, " tt
fri tteralt N u , ' g i n &Labor. a4 b oce
ss i zzywest — osnsira l AUL raid stied
isles:Led with E r is! cam,
Theid pc rehmel vs% ham the
4 =
flavors and "` er ' Of 'eroostall the
the American market, and will be add,
warirsule and rdoil.
IiirRETAII. GROCERS am in sited to cell and get am
plea, and barn our prima.
Put op in mehrlfic packages, crpreasly Or the trade
Yong Iltion. No. I. Imr s erial, No. I.
No. 3;
" • " No. No. 2.
°°k : 4lo.
laiLver Lary .r l , :za Hymn. r o tt h t . tl i cza flognsg,
No. 2. Ping Young Soucimog•
English Breakfmt, Obi tbsuntrr Black
Teas of all grades by She Half Chest.
COPPRS—Los Java and '
* LOVERINGIi SIIGARS—OruabeaL Coarse Eeimi.dr
Pulverised, A. White Clarified, C. Yellow Clarified, anu
test New Orleans • • •
. o .loniterPorionce in the burlimme Ii a MIN srosrantee that
n e Ve ., : t r i ggl s t t oe sexpze i sentr . t .. .. m,
horse in the city.
Customers are warned not to plate any onitAdota in the
raresen Wh taAmsanf persona formerly emplored in this Re.
• Also, for the Cale of
• L. JOHNSON d (5011 TITS, INK, do.
Dubuque, low.
Balm of a Tnousand Flowers, for beau
illylng h. Complexion...l eradilstlng all TaF, Parise
wad luouse ernio the hoe. Sold: .t Dr Reyna* 140
Wood otro.t. folitos..El
And Ihndnee GertorsilF,
No. 25 Wood attest, Pittsburgh.
Xi frd 0.01, Wood rtrt~f..
DIED—On the morning of the 10th lost, - JAMES AR
THUM ho the 00th year of his Ise.
Ills funeral .111 take place =la Mimeo at 19 o'clock.
from the residence of hie brother, John Arthore, at two
nallik loom the say, on the Bruldock's Meld Plink Road.
The Mends end acqualotanon of the 6mllf are Invited to
attend. Mr:Law will leave the livery kohl. of.lia. *at
thew. ndetreet, at 9 o'clock. •
Oo Momh , ./. Ito.. LLIZADITH 11.614R0N.
The N➢R►l will take plus THIS srliasoes,et 3 o'clork.
from the r•aldenee of the Res. Dr. Dorm. The - friends
of the : funny are invited to ►ttend. : •
IeIDVAIMITJA 91111:10i0 I Wo
Dedication of St. Pat's CathedraL
THURAL will take plebe on SUNDAY, the 24th
loot. The mammy will be paribrunal by the Moot Rev.
F. P. HINE_O ,K Arch4lisimp of llaitlmons, andeted by
several other Mahal* and Clergymen.' The merman will
be wrea th ed by MOM. Bar. J. lIDUICL9, Areb-Blelsop of
Sew York.
An admission tee will be rtarged hi aid in defrayi the
.net of the building. The Committee on Pee. il l
be la
attendance. at the Cathedral. os TUUHSIDAY. ilth. FRI
DAY. lath and SATURDAY, Nth, fkma I ant l l o'Coek.
to root Mate for the oamelon., Appllmitiene made to them
by letter will be attended to. ' JelNitd
of Antstlean Astleoltom beton a praetisalltsatite
a Us, Mamma, Wainny . s ,2 ,.risstion, Grimes, Grain,
hoots, Mita. Cobb, o, To Sugar C.vo, Rita and yr
,n 7 staple produet of tbs Tin ted litslteaorttb thkbest
methods at planting, =titivating and preparation 1 mar
ket,Ae Ea,. Am.:4104 net. 11... 14 rle,er
Pal ' lig.T a 00.;61, Woof! Allot
For Rent.
THAT very desirable Dwelling House,
situated on Rank Lane, Allagbony 011 y, Ohrtnerly
" roddszasor Mr. Wldtion deed.) The lot la 60 by
RAO and welt Riled with Fruitt'ate l p i tsp• Sloes , bkpg..
hat7 , ,ko. Fkonly• of Irr JO RD FLOYD,
et warehouse of Blown. Floyd k
105 Watatatrwat
coolgq wash woman and
a Garman itirl that eadetne sad do honiework...
LI wave vill be Orem Apply be G. BARN,
lel.l • No CO Liberty et.
gnawed MALL►
lame of • Prot dn. haat mosey,t he beet
and moet.prontable lomat. Pittaburgh with • large
ran of Prot else. fatally matzo. • very aim dwelling con
nected with store. for an enterptielus man with small
mesa. this it andoubtedly• most excellent opportunity
to embark In aa eetabilshod boatel.. Addesa, put pad.
box tato. Pittaburgh P. O.
t LICK WATER-15 bbls. of this
I,JP celebrated hiluenti Water reed by
J. 19 JOS. 11.UMINU. tor: Diamond and Market et.
14EMP A. CANARY SEED—A largo Imp
air of frott Hempand Canary -deed meld by
2 ' JOS. /LEMING. ord.Diamoad Bud a st.
of thia ealabratad (Mogh. Ivanadr, also /Am of
Ida Comp . Cathartic PI a na , e'd "JOE FLZMINO ax .
TAMARINDS—A -large aepply of good
aad frank, Tamarinds- med Dr .704. YLZMING.
CONGRESS L WA:eI:IR—A large supply of
Ude celebrated Illneral,lVater reed direct/em the
0...1e0 by jell • :JOS. YLEMINO.
-07 of this celebrated di. dieite• iitte'd by " •
je ' JOH. 'Ousted..
oldy recd for llintlllas.
IlololWS.l7l(seket litreet.
STRAW FLOWERS - just reed at
Jel3 MANN 77 Market at.
BLACK ENOLISIL C' • '.in a Anal
Ws reed br .412 WHISK t W., 77 Zdarkoc at
LiRESS . oILKS—A. A. Mason & Co. are
°Maier, their eplandld stork of Kite. ,coastatlng of
"..Stallped. Batted and • Insured Dn. 8111 or. 'Poniard,
India, Brocade and Plain Black sake, .t • I rest !vibration
lo prices. • jell
.4A. MASON & CO. will offer their or
. toosive stock ID , Allk 444 RM. Bmstets, .15140
,:zt.Ter= . l , ;Neto , '3lV4ll7,litt Tot•• '
11.j laberwood's Woeke, tlehlnd the Curtain.
Idutrorttia 'do, Legende co the Wen.
Bulgaria'. do, Cum of Clifton,
do, Dark Dream of Illstory,
/112% ~'
FrederL Dream. Wke; Dream I.Od by Daillght.
Marry att'a Works, Campaign !Dumbes t •
Yielding . * do. Itollbu a Abroad.
Duart./Wellt's do, Carallortof Boehm&
Waverly Norel " Franca..
Horse Oboe Bohltuon, Evenings it WeodhArn.
Ibealkrer Dun, Nlghta in Block bowel.
Bob of the Bowl. • Marmot Warlaud.
Mr.; vole. Ita:l°. Boor idol.
lAnda.or the Young PEot,,Tbe Victim of Idielterneut,
Acne. Stricklard's Queeus of Co gland.
►a do py ,
VELERSE— r SOO bxe. 'prime new
NJ Maw receiving this day
Sale by
...1 T. LITTLit k 11.4:21 at
SIIELJAII -CORN-300 bee. in stein and
forma. by D. W. IlEil4TtN2 A C70.,,76 Water et,
ink ATS-300 bus, in otore and for ;We
11l jell D. W. LEER/MIN d CO, 75 Water 4.
fIORN MEAL-160 libis,_„just, ree'd and
‘_) for .1* by . D. W.IIYRSTI!.:II &CO.. 76 Water ot.
FARM OF 60 ACRES, situated in;Moon
ttornoblp, Beaver Co 2.14 miles from tbigOblo
r its; In boo state of eoltlratlor t . ooplrodld Orchard la the
bastquality of trait; goad Proole Cott6go D 61.11.166 Ilona.,
ow Hoak tiarn. and other bulldog, 40 act • Ti l l.
ante yell tlintv.4. For further Inftlimed.'
Leal gelato organ of -14 MOLAR. d 801
Assignee's Notice.
_.• •
undenfigued,. Alisigude of,l. F. s ap.
r.!-f,,, trlll troth IVebetar on thtturder, the 9th. day of
one, and ill Pittsburgh, at the St. Charing Motet, On Wed
needo7,-the 13th ot June, from 10 o'clock A. M.', until 3
o sleek P. IL Us desires persons Indebted to Mr. Sansom,
and thaw hosing Hainte against hiro,to meet him on th e
dare mentioned . jef4 MI6 WILLIAM A. COOK. Asignee.
New Intelligence Office. — '
THE subscriber hasjnat opened en 'lntel-
Ilgenre,Olhos at No. 410 Liberty etreet. In the woU
knownolgre or John Thompson. Chip Agibt ; mid am he
has Mew Exploring agent for thetroung Hen'. 131618 poet-
KT of Pittsburgh for nearly two Tema, h. natters himself
that his knowle4we of the :It y and Its Mamas el% os him
greet feellltlea In fu
rnlshlnsr Eloarekeepere with help , and
W.O ha finding places foe Dem girls an 4 all others reeking
employment. Th e patronage of the public Is solkited.—
Terms nay. and sea, effort used to sire trammel' satis
LANUS., Bancroft; Memories. of Celebrated LI ham,
t 0,,, Lamartlneg Illstory of the Constltutlontd the United
Eitaten, Cortlx Rewash Ihnnorists of lilth Oentxtry., Thank
ernTravels In the Chinese Reoldra. M. Hoe, 2 vole ; 'rese
als In Rumps I id Oh. Rant. Penis, 9 vole; Bayard 'Enloe.
Central A Dies; dodo Land of the Saracen; IV•PIIIDIr
ton Irving's Work s, caudate, 15 cols: Waverly Novels,
Abbotsford ed.. 12 van, Marshall's Washington, Ilvadlsy.
12 volt Loathes field Book of the Revolotlon. 2 vela. U
The . End of Oantrovenry Col:amended, Bishop Ilotlflng
large ammo talent doable 'standar d sod toiecellaneouS
works, fag sae by S. 'SADLER, Allogheny.•
by. JO 8 SADLER. AllesLday.
3nn BDIo- : ,, RAG WRAPPER, asecirtrxl
slue: Blue White .0 n Brown Tos raper In
atorerLY for sale by e. BADLIII. Allegheny.
hags boneht et highest market nem ineg
011ANDISLIERS, tn.— Morph ! Borchtlel.l. hors
rep d White, Blue and Pink Notts. and Tarlton of eirriode
color., Mr abovopurposew oho, urroultellettingbel the
rations kinds stld widths. • lit •
Oursairetanent of goods of sll kinds will be twirl rinw•
snail toll for so advanced part orthe mum haringiost
aomDl" opening
• 19.11717111?rinnMI111.i).
j. 9 • . earner itt. and Marcos ste.
Alexander Brunk/.
tv mad htWluritan,
Jamas IP. Heilman,
David Ma Arbuthn .
ltoratlo N. Lee.Klttanulng,
•oar fist col.l
.14 Mesta 9,12 and 19 feet V . 2,44311:1413 0 1 tralinos.
need by leg W. WCLINTOCK I BR OM
ONLY $750 for a now Brick "lonic, two
withd bizetnent. In ad , order. l'Onnee PoPeewl.
fainiebed woo amt., t, out Ovoii, /lc; add.
sivarreb tree. The lot 020 it, host on Roberte it. b.!
lee " °'
$5. rah ' LTA RT a ioN, ito,ta at.
§MALL PLACES—Nihe florae, with Im
trameltg.sitdunres, 6 t of It t ' coal:aurae 25 v : writ
tam= sad Par priewbr h.gOSAn'
ohWANTED-50 shares Ohio una POEMS.
E. R Steck.
9010-110 shores W.OLRILI Insensate Co.
irriKsrd 1431 11. WILIJASIO.
4ACKEREL-150 bbla. and hf. bbla. Na
9 Largo old =odium for We br
I AKEFISII-300 pkgs. White Fish, Trout
PialurroL &a , lb: ,149
. lam n, R. tx.MTANO,
FEATHERS-5 1 1 u Ibe. Ky. Feattiere for
pale by hob HENRY 11. COLLINS. •
BROOMS -90 doz. Corn Broome for sale
lriint Ifiti.F. o o ilia. reo'd and for Bale
ill AT • PO 1 A HARBAUGII a co:
itUCKW - 11 1 / I T -10 bus just reo'd Mid for
. ado by J.O . --. B. nannenott A Co:
FLOgit---200' bble extra family in store
and ft& a. U&RBAII011 & OD.
111trLS-5 Mile bleached Winter Whale Oil;
1, wt . wow OH; 10 bail fitnilt's and Beak 0111 10
Lard 011. ; APOILLS t RON. •
A n off) PINE SHINGLES to arrive
/AP* and Ibr mile by - IWOILLBI ROM.
HERRING -3o bbla. New'.Dry Sale Ball.
Rates As BOAT ELM assns.
No. 38 Fifth Street,
On ir , aronn Or rat iscnina lan
Usury the Bth.
HAY .t CC., 66 Wdoctivt..
Importers and Dealers in.
• •
fre-11Inn for RUM ...den with promptness end &match.
slog resident tartness In the Eastern eitia. to Ms adrantego Praltrh...nuiew_b. the .•1014,1,4
to sell ita cash or to pro
time &Wasson as favorable tem as oast.= Irmin • •
Onr brand of WRITE LEAD we snare:dee to he STRICTLY PUR and FULL WIIRIRT. not mamma by say
da. dramas. and whiteness.
- .Xll. FAILNKSTOCaIi vErainman Imi.bed with Bngllib German, ?melt and Soso% Diaesjion
• Notice to Iron Workers.
(SEALED PROPOSALS odd reseed to the
War Commiedarters. endorsed "Proposeie tor
Nyught te ripe," will be reoelved at the oilios or - Water
Works In tide city, until the 19 day of June. ler the malt
ing and delivery of ',Stand Pipe do Wehrle diameter. aver
thiekners Inch. and 160 bet long an Inlet ripe 60
Inch. diameter. 3431orldthitir and 300. ?e0t kr14,1. Cbitr
•ey Tao. 49 byehea olareater..2l6 Inch average thieknem,
H 6 feet to and • River Pipe 24 Inches diameter. &A In.
thick...s7D feet look. The work to comments on or before
the 24 th day of Bane. 1566. and to be. completed end do
livered to place In Ltd. city on ;whetters theist day of An
suet slihmong. For further Iniormatlert i s= at the
Moe of the Water Wo r ks.
T. R. Iny ord
3CO erof the
11 Ynglneer.
Cleveland. 0.
Boldness:Tax for City Purpoies.
- 11: pursuance of '-An Ordinance providing
dm lb. Wrens of the Revenue of this City, tamed the
.1 Ayr% 1114 r,! I:lotiCe 111 hereby siren that the City
Armor has left at my Mike, ibr examiestimi br. I .
rtested, a list of the perm= doing' business to the city.
In einlbrinity with and Ordinates. -
Sec. 4. If, upon examination of mid list, any pa ems
IMO , think tileires aserhord by tit , said wells.
meat, they shall state the same In an afadavit, welchaf.
lidera Omit also stitain a statement of the true amount
of their sake, m near &other can be asaertahmit mid affi
davit to Islet with the Olt, Treasurer within two weeks
from the date of the list publication of the notice afore
Sec .d. rh , t no apml shall be taken but by the afildig
vit of the perm or Orm aggrieved:said afadalitto be can
elusive erridenoe of the fast. stated to relation to the
amount of maim
appeals must be made within two weeks hem Ode date.
June 7. littad2w JOHN O. DAVITT. City Treasurer.
hold their June Exhibition of Fruits, Flowers ► lind
At the CITY RAW. Intim Diamond
The Hall will be mad, for the rerePtßel of the arione
articles on Monday. and all atlas; competing for Prete•
yros to ho In the Flail on Tuesday before 2 P. M. The
Judges are requested to attend at 4 o'clock to award - the
The Borietr eerneetly Invitee the ro . operation sod sax,
petition of Cultivators. The pricer are open to ail, end the
acids attet7sttedfor the hexed all.
jeggtd ROBERT IiPENRIIIT. President.
DRY PEACHES-50 bits prime halves in
store end for sale b a IIARB&011itl
CORN-5001ns shblled, in Store Dad for
...ale by leg S. HARBAUGII &.00.
DOLLARS to be loaned at ti per
ittr s tOrr 1115 1 ,13007;rt t l'roltarraTel. mmeetbn
The whole to be word Dreamland Cartage. KOootn.
of . WILICINB a 00, Wk.&
woo bonds, 7 per tent of tide lkenpany Fele by
• . WILKIN Ibr S
PA alma of the 'tack of ti le Compslitrain
VILE news from the Crimea is anxiously
looted &won the arrival of the stunner, to am whet&
Srst who hu taken EIsMsIMPoI, but that anaiety Is not
half so Intense as WElgela kneloty_ti know when mother
vas naught take !Mato Goths, RMI to get elm a pretty
snit, the mom as Jotmlny Smith got, • there is plants'
more asyretty as It Is at • OIINATEdi 8,
WS study
to Mass. .fs9 ' 71 IV. at
R ITZ r Oc t
. 0 f 80 11 . at the in
H.PHILLIP& 110 Mule att..
E WO yds of SI, 94 40 and 45 Inch wide, of a gnod rot
or and warranted peon& in may rennet. at 114 Market
.east. .5,6 a. t IL PIIILLIPB.
ABLE COVERS-200 dol.4ssorted sizes;
sz i az=. B int 111117:i r',l7 k 11"71ta'rrs.'
fLOOR OIL , CLOTHS, of any width,
mharmt .Lnalltt_goantlty and style. et the Otl Cloth
reroomos. No.ll Market mt. J. IL. PHILLIP&
UG:AB-213 bbla: prima Maple Sug ar
1...3 reed and for male by JOHN MLSON. 2.68 bertY et.
s ALT—WO bble. extra Salt;
100 do No. 1 do re hand atid Rir
We by PIIIIIVER &I/ILWORT11.1 3 ,1-an d 13:4 al
k NISII.-_lOO bbls. No. 3 Maoterel;.
16 bbbi. Dalt. Herrin,: 25 lad& Pbrkbki Hearin& lar
a. a by jo3 SILILLVER, t DII.WOHI'II
QYRUPS--100 bble. Steam Relined .Ss i t•
CZ CIGARS lOO bbla. Stain Refindd Sugars
I_7 for'sale by PURIVER t DILWOII.IIII
GOODS—L.A. Mason Co. have
teed a large amortmant of flowLairrt =alma&
Tliora„ Bangs do 4i nee and other Dream Oooda
'a .111 laVolfated at woof radoetlon to ream io6 •
40 R3IS. Me. Med. Bag Wrapping Pair ;
60 do do Crown do
Jo 40 do
w trz e ri c daVoir x tb 2 / 9
BBLS. EXTU..Y.A-312 2 - ' '• •
in Awe sod Iz
A. A HABi:
SALAD OIL—I have on hand a large
nortrorat of fine 13a1a4 011 An table bee. be. Those
jel 703
v O I IN-1500 bus. of prime lowa Corn just
tk reed and Ihr de by B.HA ItltAllfililk
0.5 Liberty rt.
N rgzu.,, ! . d A nt Tßlm g rafip s. o 7 l ; ase.2tinds
WRENCH QUILLINGS-30 dos. jtuit 0.w..n
. and a large stook or =HwyGoods, arid W1211.s
Bonnet Rlblloos. at. HOMES, 77 blaAort.
EOR BASQUES- Murphy & Burchfield
dare reed Wlrlta and Colored Zorbroldaried Buhr
ns, for Ladles' and Mimes Baartnag• at lon prized
and line Banda, Yknureingn Inarrtings and Edging.. for
trimming Barnum mr,l9
HIDES - -469 dry flint Hides, to arrivo tO
d.y and Ibr ale bi jai 9. OA MIAMI 4CO
tiMl' IRON-300 tons Springfield Furnace,
dunietts Rage tad to wheel Plit /Mr:tat
ACKAREL-15 Obis lirge No. 3 Masao,
ellusetti Mattueljust ree'd WOILt & SLOIL
hnd qmallty '
doz , assorted sizes
LioTEORD DRAWING. BOOK, containing'
rogreseiws Informal& in Sketching, Drawing nud
l' it Landscape Scenery. Animal. and the Unman
1/Innsw, with a new method of Practical 4'es-synth's, by
Nathaniel Whlttock, to whkh le added lesao. Its Plower
Drawing., amnia orphans. by Jo tree Andwrew For tab
by JO • HAY A CO. Ed Wood street.
• Gooaraptneal and Pnrdoal
.mount and .
Podtion of thaw Tmltorlirg an amount of the tm
'rant Cclampantoa, emd. "Knell°. Loa:migrants, by Ed
ward E. ado. in Tol. 12aux for udon ,
:rod HAY It C0..0 I% Wool it.
PARASOLS—A. A. Meson Co, have re.
calved another lot oral% and GA rionable Pane.leto
w they invite attention. • Jed
THE best way to ascertain a fact is
to try for yo urself. . J. WILSON & SON. No.
ood et. mill yell the am owt/Ity ofSILK HAT E11 14 .,_
Syr St. Tenn essb.• 449
LARGE assortment of Summer
liata and Cam for We 10. Mr cash at No. kat
and . ieo J. WILSON t EON.
EGHORN, Beaver and Felt Mingo"
1411•11 at, No.ol Wood.troeL
.1. WILSON it SON.
/On BSS. W. R. CHEESE, it; good atdp•
.4111 J Ping order for •
iea N 05.15 am/20 Wood .heat.
00 BXS. C.ltTja y S . aP ß E A T E se i f o i):y
4 1..5 Nos.lB cud 20 Wald Iltreet.
, ebok• tem% fir al. by
No.. 18 and 20 Wood .treat.
good White Ribbono for Oa:o dump by
JOS. I.IOIINX k CO., 77 Modest K.
AU PASS() COLLARS,--A largo lot of
• , be•P Conan and all other klode of largo
put opened at • [ei, 1101tNr& 77 Market et
prime Oats in Backs just
fee T 9.
101111/IPER 'ILAN G ING 8 —A mother supply of
8 1. 5 "11
Bthd" t a f?l:lnkgb...T.
B. •
WINDOW SIIADES--tuterns lig
plelt VarguaraghreFAMMlll.7.
WRITING PAPER-32 rms. Superfine
Man ael.d
Er ...d . dee assortment of Co .
M itor al f, Pin li k * on ta d i Vilbo Note [`dyer: Eandopm, SLOting
CloYdo, •0.. aro rapply nerd by ISADLNIt.
-NBWBOOKS from Harper & Bros., Car
rbre I d le . ; , : t m, sat othisvore a rg, with a:SItIMV ,
P I°,, L air ) 6.e...d.llapeer Catalogua•Pint IseLL
Their publkuttimmarpiled Winter ac New York prl es.
ont:ulna.' Pohlatoent, by BA, N. Went, D. D.—
ntedaqd kr by ' J. T. MISTOOK,
Jet 83111th st., Oasette Bulding.
BALL, BLACK MAN.—This is a Bonk of 410 12sio
=Mazur pawns mud it siS Me of the the. L to ter
books no. In print/ • Published and an sale, 'dolo
r's and Wall. by JO 7, T. BLIRTOCK, 84, bth et.
REAMS Medium
e ßeig, Wm . pping
1..90 r ree'd nod ter sale b
P %ht. mrouTonzo:s a oo.„ 219 met,
'r LET.—A Boom, .15 by 40, on :.;
- .nr of Water AL and Cbarry alleknadtable thr
Sneaks as 141 Water at dOicra a COOLEY.
• Steaks Wanted.'
10 SHARES Citizens' liaeurenee CO.;
12 sham lonosobols Nailistlon Co;
20 do Ohio* PM& HMS
10 do Minas' Deposit Sant: 6
60 do Bldg, Maio/ Co.
.191 • • WILKINS it 00, II Fourth Gt.
'GIDE SALE-400,000feet Dry PINE,LUM
_y 'GI OR
full lailtich How& be &crime. arta*
that quell ,-• noir in exeellent condition tit immediate
fix ID14•18 teed In Col. Morgan'. Yard, Hank of
tawdliewhiniLillac, Ninth Ward. and will be mid stem
•I•a • LA a itl h a tl ialiVrot i lit t E nd a t tre r g u''
.„. .10117( ALEINDIO7,
' • ' at the atom otThomea Ai. Car,
• it2l2ed ' • • No. 78 Market rtn,ei
I , 3etimor s eaterring;
tug ;at+, t a itlhi fio d iiiN at ga l 0 ° N.tfat&ira."
cIOFFER-100 bags prim& tireen Rio Cof
, keitut'sio'd sod to Ws by la s h es WILSON.
e. !Aborts st.
LEMONS-45 boxes in store and for sale
1.4 bl - YELAI*II Dlcaum a 00.
LEMONS &ORANGES- 4 0 bxe. Le/X101M;
bt '" t° pp
DTllHYirk 00
le to •
tYIABII-50 casks first so m rts for s
t ale by
IL a.• 'mo= (XX,
isiaW Woof luld Iva Oh
• P DI. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
Orwmnelal Silt
U. corset Woad mid FMA &MA
Oa Thuip4sy alog edoek. at
tee Merehatne L7ehaaße , jib at, wid,
17 ebar44 Merehaatst atol .114aaraetmtre Bank no*
24 tsate Daub • cb:4
3 4 ". Ohio.l Pena.. Ralltaad Ca: 40.
Jell DAVIS, Amt.
(wows., /LT Aucniox—On Tosaddi wanly&
on 12ttt. at 8 o' th• solossenalsl sales toosiss.oo.l.
of Wood at& Mats. ba sold, an erstesslys saratcont
ofg; tablo,rblpwksitiottsrL, ffooffttti llust7o.lo‘Z
see. SS&PRof Talton; mds& sand DOW. Ball
nommen& balsas smart combs. sloe
ktd•vs, bust
les. padloks. lased plux.combs, fils‘bsadsessic
adorn,. trallsaw ales, °off.* mills, brushed. • vorlst7 of
May goods. &a. jell P. 81 , DAVI& Aust.
Merchants' and Citizens'
No. 108 Wood Street.
TURTLE SOUP and other Delicacies every
day varradin the best style. Jd-lird•
0 shwa Pitts. I'l Maxine end LIN Timms* 00.
257 " Groensburgb & Vittsborgb Turaniko IL Co.
10 " •Pittsteash & Steobenville do , do.
111 - • Pittsburgh k•Wseddrotton ••
. do
100 " Steubenville Railroad Co. •
100 Chartists Valley do do. •
20 ". Allestuoy do do do.
20 Elempfeld do do
6 " •••• Pitts b ur gh r-14111 Run Rallecadoo.
20 " Butler Monk Road 00.
10 " Theta= & Mt. tiossant. Plank Road 00.
10 " West Newton Plank Bond Co.
10 " Reonnavillo sad Elisabeth Ptak Rood Co.
200 " Bluff Mining Oampsny et Michigan.
The above stooks will be eOlO at 0.8110 sale, as THUM.
I) l s . ;l 6 2l t Vig t Angu . .it u n t e . g m t. 2 . :Lopt, RV=
eat pfivste sae.
51R - Croditors of Geo. Lochner oho melte purchases of
the shoes stooks st private sale allowed tom by
dividends iteerldng to them On thole reeteollro
Pad/toter THOMAS 11X1.1.0V. Train*.
, A
FROM the Coal Works of the subscribers ..•
is.Taniimesses,lll. a mall iisy Molaland al Um kit
Ltd . nd A
ttilw=l=l l / 7 .2=gillt= 46i th. •
.roeb•rdclaltw OILVEKL a COLLINS. TamporsaarrUle.
• . v, vv
Pounce • • Iron. J. B. Bunk,.
Bon. Wit. 111011.. U. IL. A. PIM, Zed,
Col. Wttaotr MoCakokima, B A.. Fanssaroak.
Col. WIL 1.10113313, • . go. 001111.111=..
. li q
N. P. grrnaluS,
Fhb Institution la &or undeilta abartWr_ Arid
Li In fall IM2 Tger ...inenlopnattost under th e =ow
ing edirkwit
LLHITOIICOOIL,FraaIdrin and Fiore:KW of Um rim»
nista:ant., and of the art ofßonk Kraplng,
JOIIN PLEMINO, A immolate PrOlivior In the liana dee
Partmint. -
,CISOILGE , If. HITCHCOCK, Peon's... of Maths•
morn. and Teariliw of Poozonnship..
JAMITi U. HOPHInS. bat., of the Plttaturgb Bar, Leo.
tarer on Commetetal Low.
There aro twocooraeo of etudy i on •- 00 manirolali btu
other a Mathmathial ono..
There will be heroifter,quarterir pnblitt Unathisticam
LT Finard of EZ.l2li.elll. for tho awing ot
!Bodoni^ enter at sol notal ard na• at plume. mo
Tallow leaving. return when ao Mayoral. •
hera is In preparatiou, and whlwoon be hinid;n pree
Parma of the instituton, with a eataloof the maw ot
coward. oral() tau lents. who bare mauwajitted.tns t.b.
opening of the Collego. In Naomi...lBSL
It to the arm amt Meadfut determination of the
men who have the manueminat of tide Wham .IW l tt
Walt tiot.imeoine PKtalli env other of Ito Minh and with
thk pried:go. thy reopeeifig/ y label! a anithination
that Vow ypatn i nae,e which ha. vo signally dattnantidied
theme.: p thia 'Pied tutlon Tram Ito commannweent.
Adorer. Ttrei et TV en:AA:Gt.' Pitubur - 12
. .
Picot At Shotweili
linpirtera and Joipte , s of Anglia, lirnek out
No 63 Maiden Lane, •
INDITE the attention of Southern and West
ern ill•mbanta to a large and very ex:Andre stork of
118 la their line.
arman EEna m or . aniannia nate.
Tinned enlled o.kinelLitenelle.
us. • Ire_ me, Yendrra Wire aria -•-
Bronx.' Coadlesticks. block Tin Ware,
Our 'took comprises *vary ankle In our lbw nf pp
ail nt . whieb we will mil le &alma! the Mar IZWM
ordered by letter will be peteeted,wlth great oirelaad deo
patch Ana pat up In the boa ma nna. -
PICOT & 19.1101198L1.
_ _ ' *. PS Kaden Lam, How York.
P. minafeaturen fc very..mporka• artida
Plated Spoons and York.
Administrators' Sale%
Y virtue of an order - of the Orphans' Court
re " 's t a j = r farslitra' m b.
* V " t° Path'
1/11, at I Wag.. P. M., a. "T :l J ,r,iu
Johns. late of the townchip of Pitt, the.. go.
tale two couthrucrua lots or taiga of Ground sitesakron
the Borough of Pratßirmingham, roarked aa numbered
In John Bougie& plan °flog. Berl and ri
2. bactudad tad
deeerited so lolling, to wit: On the anal be aatmoar n't
ou the guth be an allay 20 art midair the east by_ lot
ourotair twig (111)rjr . t i lr
m ug j a al . sruintaz tam
Rtr n ia, c' inil *aiding back outwardly. Vogl alley,
Harmony attar atid extending trek city tesirkw .
which la mated a two dory Prato. norm., •
:particular% gitutre of MARY JOHN ,aa
sAkitilL PA t.r. - gamicAt the elm Othillebell► Palmer, No.lll at. bating
Smithfield ard.Orantsta. - ja&dtd
situated on the norms ocChestnut Meet and Bask Jan%
haying a Rost on Chestnut steed of 60 list. and alien&
ins bock on a hero with Bank Lane and the
sires 103 feet to afiden Alley. On. ths Citestut i t=
lino is mated a large thlVro . eters brisk holm arsanirt
gn.atosa slut dwelling, with gas and Tatar listerma and
L o t
rents aor CPO to • goal toast. ths 111.1.T.0f thy
lot is ereetedtslarge ammo holt" seitite wbsits
rent ;ID. fig per seer. There see abo two vacant lots scl•
joining the laWrii ssopestr.. This who's_ property Lois ,
ed tics serf tow mice of $40000( In hand. beim* to
oa• and two seam ps the owl= very anxious Po
West. hinds scan jeT B. amentaws.
pAOON-20,000 lbe Shoiddets: •
Row Ms Blame. 10.000 ke Hama
B. 7Mi t r a l
100bblo largo No. 3 bizolrarel;
230 bait bbbr No. 3 lidsekarel; ' • • •
60 Ms medium& do; 60 ballade do. dm
bdatu on, ,
do Trout 60 'wt. 86631643 26 bbh, • d
Whited H 636166:
25 kWldalplAik• 6316 d: 100 half bbto Whit6ll2l..
tbr 661•63 ••
CCHEESE-500 bxs 'pnme new Cheese, for
osta by JO • ; J. B. CANITILD.
liktLED FRIIIT-20saoks dry Peach 20
Ijoacks dry Ayidu. Yor Ws by J. B. CANITELD.
Sll2B-30 crake Pearl Ash; 10 casks
Paull , For ie. er .1 iA' -a. Osamu).
OIL -10 bble Linseed Oil • 20 bble bleach
ed WWllOil.irk by J. B. OANTIMILD.
M 2,1:1 310nruing
. . 14
awn, kitiestrodd at E J.O3 acouriVh
boccie, on essiterme, le crow offered by the orbiartb
era W. ban • number of, beentlfal .Buildlnet lots ,
tale at eery low Drifts, and sok espy terms of .c0t...-
Tber are pleamently eltuated on Mount Well and
are wall laid off, fronUng on wide etnete, mid connexion
of Amos. On moat of the loner* fine Inna. 4 Tool& Good
water eta eosin beabtalned, sod at mull awns. To
P. 1 1 ,01111 who wish to 'ban *bone bstbe pure Or of . the
°mar sad yet be tear sonnet to attend to bc=in
the city. Ude affords • not Offmotualtrx _twins • .
for minute. walk of the city. AL lot of:enft.lrcotlll2o
deep can be had Ibl. titto.. Terms, onedenth In lan or
=older In fs equal annoMpaymenta A lot of 1 fL
front by 171 bet dem Ihr =lO. Prins Own WOO up In
di9s, A plan or the e let• sin be even at our odic. .
la . B. GOTHBEAT a 80N..440. Ild AL
Barehadd bay. set:N W mother suppliat Bum
ed Sta. vary therm, a: North. East saran 4.5 and
Market . . eT
tILACK TAMISE, iltlack.English Crape,
0 31 =D l i gt t =i tt tili fo emili , of different 1N
TIOTtSES A WAGQ N-2tged kood 'Draught
uu Eton we awl I entirely aew Oar
for rle kw by DI 4WORTU I
awaer Watsr .1. aa4 CUM ABM.
lIIEESE-9.00 bx* prime new W. IL
Llamas nut ree'd this la. and LT ale br _
• T. urns A C 4).. 119 &mad AL
BACON—AOOO Itil:Baicon Hams;
lug ill(' da7 from Mot. boOtol an ••
• by°l4."L toady
- - T. LITTLi t a IW iXI NII .„ IIR Second .t.
LINSEED; OIL-7 tibia. prime lasewl Oil
na'd iud Pada T. LITT= &OP.
)4A.TEST MUSK- - Limo ichere my Love
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op,oo•4ltbilAttieNtlots: I •
A Little More Oder.
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.• • 11. BUBB=
Alga albs Melded Lam N Alltb '
N. 11.—d oldrradlet and madder. 0.53 t
A MARA'S celebrated Grand sad iftSiet
of DUNIII.IIT N. Y. llanateetsro. Bowe Pl
IClarrEwS law BOOKS, at Dirminon'e!,.•
63 Market
V et- war atit , ' . •
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Min Coirhls, a
_Oorenaatres Story, by On,rogsamody;:t.
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• 'WV=I,, , Meeks/ 1 _ , .•: . '
Wllberlbree.tbe Christian Etatesnur,►_' :
The Peelle Chris their Nate. present and .7 . 1
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dueed prim. Abe. • nin anortmat of MOM sod
IllfUd Ru g g, Mac Putlinind .t' - No 114 L IMA
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MEDICINE CIIESI's—I hairy on band a
wort mat of Medicine Obosto:'Man:
dintilMph *tombola& &o. 11=
A mow , ROOll
large lot of rant. fine