ETZRT Sivitereze YEA/M.—HM*II3IE6 are Said to be like that species of locusts which visit as every f,oveoteett years; in support of which the following years are quoted Ea peculiirly distin• guiehed for high prices end scarcity, beginning with 1803, 1820, 18.37, 1854. SOAP Mans FROM Locurers.—The seventeen yearlocculta, while in an underground, grulistatr, are said to be a faserite food of vorious specks °tattletale. IMMenee numbers ore destroyedby the hog . betire they emerge.from the ground; they are also, when in their perfect Ante, eager ly detoured by - chickens, equirrele, and many of the-larger birds. The Indians likewise consider them a delicate toed 'When tried, and in New Jersey, they hare beenturned to a profitableAte count in making soap. BOOKS, MUSIC, &C. . • • (h4eapest Non icalWo rn r 'in the World. PRICR ONEDQL.L.d R. 11.2.1.:11fiy.8 AIT Of !Install - Buds and L B lois om X s. A COLLECTION of new and admired POLK /EL MAZURKAS and BCHOTY WC HES. Beanur• FOR, na PIANO FORTE, Bartrated with Flu Blessat u‘d A pprOprlst4 itatompb by 1:0#71.goon, of the lotion's N . o. 1 Yen, Bound,. reetutralthvor. tltectiot r. • O. Conaoratton, Publiebed and Emma* by N ew C. ICLIAII.,' 519 Broadway, Nicholas Rotel) York. The above work will be rent lar =Jai to any part of the receipt of ONE IsC*l LAB, ad./reamed to "at" an. re BASIC eIL C. RILLIP,_ teI SI9 Broadway. mr/S.lnad . St. Nkhoo, New York _ lae H To the .111zunoal 'World. Gresu Jhaprovetneut lo the Covering of Vlolla oOrlo os•• (Cinvies Rain de • Pnyanini.) MANUFACTURED ONLY BY JAMES DODD., IN introducing his new Cordes'ae Violin to ••• the notice of Proferwors.pleasure Amateurs and the Poldirat IN J. Donn of greet ln announcing co lb. PlC•ii6lmeNod of preparing there String: yes nlrothatnni neted to him ter mama. swot, the mar purl' of the lite tenon Paosnort. daring hie visit to .tbis °mar,. and is Identleal with Va‘t do tee on the Oontinentorhere thees - uonles have be tnennfactercd fen these heat Violinists They ere beautiful in nppearane, toe awed with tool Meer end women, • softness and brilittney .Tot one sinequaliedhy anyntthe string, it present own which he feels omndent must ins,. the appro . betion • the Atnithsl World. He hag also loallufattured Vtallnoallo Strings on the aline. princiPlaa with Plated. willoh he pm likewise confidently natoolmend.- _ Testimonials front the &Wowing. tome of the most. dli 14ngnithedPnGroa, have-bout toed =wog moor otb fm • damakp Eltroti. U. Tieustempi, Alfordo .Plattl, O. EraUlan, A. bkoork. Moe. °Mahar. Br. itotweelot, . CI. Guronovr, larder, •allatork, fee eel, by • ' - P. S 1.11. IL Deodo, . &Bt. B. I. Plgott. • CHARLOITZ BLUME, max G.a. _.N.9.. US Wood et, 3.1 door alerro .sth et. PadornadNaplee (Itallar)llolln Strings. ientl - , • • • • • Cluirlotte Blume, paANUFACTURER. and Dealer in Piano AN...ratio and IMporter or mu•leand mueleal Instru• moose dole sweat tor Ow 1141.118UR0 PIANOS , MIRO Mr ALUM, DAVIS S CUM Boston Pienoeo.ltheud.tth. otit Bakal: Atteehmetit. my 3 US Wood et. GRAND PIANO, MADE Mgr • • NUNNS h °LANK; New York- • ". 1J". PUBLIC of Pittsburgh aid &Gmbill:ly b remeafally Invited to call aitthe Mende &tonal the eubsulbena. 141 lfitth Meet, tel examine a tomb Grand Plano. Price, 81,000, • from the rectory of NIINNIS & OL.tltit.N.w York. This elegant' Instrument le made In the "ELLIZaIIETILIti &DIU'S!" tee ornament& front pieces and lea bring elab orately eared ant of soup ItOBEWOOD. .11 is full revert octaves; nt the larzestdlmenai Ma and. le point o:volume, parer and liquid ..reetners. of Lone, Proneuno.'d other ononrpaseable The enhem Thera 111;1 be hi1D1 , 71.4 receive the visits of their friends and the public in general, and glom. them UMW; their elegant neer establishment 11. lELSBER 11110., BUM of the Golden Mortar. 'ens Na. 113 Fifth street. - KAY & COMPANY, Booksellers; Papertaalers and Stationers, N 0.66 Wood st.., onedoorfrera the owners/Third. PITTILO AVE oonetantly on band and SB for O sal ea t the lowest nrieers a large and well selected stock nt eel, Law. Medical, and Miscellaneous Boots, due and plan edltlonanf Bibles end Prayer Book., Weser) variety of binding and Arm lionnet Boora.—They rerully enlicit the attention antrooll Teachers engaged the instruclon of youth to their aarattraant of Sell.' kaochlch is very extensive., Victimising the meet valuable wort. now in use. Marra Boos—Thelr stock or Slant Woks is earl onm Nate, embracing pray variety or Account- Meanest and Memorandum hooka. drrerrastar—itnry variety it conuon and tistriy . Bt. Monery,'lncludlog Writing rapers oratory quality,Stral Pans of very description and Prim Ink, Quilhh ha. Merchants. There, Libraries, and Schad Commlttes• •nntiled on the most mooned., terms. mlll3 Music! Music! ALOI.LIALL LSD ItitALL. • 3.1 kit LIR &BEACHAM, (suo , 4ots r. D. Denteen,) . Publishers at' M , tsis, and Dealers in all kinds Musical Merchandise; No. 151 Rat.baur• RALTINORZ. MD. TIUR catalogue is one of . the largest .and IL/ MOIL mats.: In [two:gantry. In &Witten o. have /lithe Mnek Imbliehsd In the United Stator, and dally sataseias sad tos,i+loK all the new Musts leaned. which we ogee to t .3 Trade, neminaries. Preemie], eke, at a lame dlasonnt, god en the [nog advantageous terms. Catalogues cwwarded to any part or the Ujdon, gratul eoggv, nvaidtendng lalsortt a t. rAaordtepet mat!' carer and pno m tt bui i rci te • Springlitock of Hamburg Pianos. CHARLOTTE BLUME,. NO.IIB WOOD lITRERT, PITTBSUROO, - 30Lit AGENT.i• lIAMBITRO PIA NOS are • pthdotibtedly adperlor to all others t o ' &ma and polar of tem. Thar 'fin not oalrrecalati %h. highest mart s of Ca' "b orarablgr4PTieP""d'U' 55515 t ee their own ass, but al o from am. relent Wrafeterte u . 7 - in The Molting la an extra. from • letter of Professor trop[ Tigit, A ltratlr i tgg th 7it p. VT . nit ttnl yk ei Sta•ra w Plano. :Rank. as Slows of tael;ejlent gol n l• lleta t„,ll9 l "anmt-. "Z,V:rxg.f:'Lmxt; _ .• "Inatromenteare errand me .m toe meet secommode. Ling :Arms, but I do not likath. a. they have not the *Ma tte tooth nod the bone of teem." I remain Tours reeteetfonT =suit aorruoca. "Por ol:tly ' CtIdRLOTT E 27LZI it the old iistablished Piano Depot UR Wood at.. 2d door above bth et. Pittsburgh. Fa -Mao. rule agent for Pittsburgh and Western Penna.. for 11/diet, Davie On.. Boston Pianos, Orhid. In the «Astern eases ere considered superi, to either Chleketing • or Norms hi:hash's. but.erh3els Dot le not eatenoralr kronen. as they have but lately been introdured bezel and other Pine Pork sod PldJadelphla Pianos, °Rho best makers. at uric:reran/dog from Sri to 1900. mhOl . . Grand and Serpentine Pianos, MADE BI *MS & CU.: 811... NEW YOB3E. • JILKLEBER baerjust, reeiveAip i . - Invokes of a tholoolot of NCI Ylie asof . 13 superior name, sad =Dog oth . . Full Grand Piano, fall size 7 octaves, •.IIILB "CIRANtele gotten up to • style of eoetly elegance uitoyualed by anything ever brurbt to Otte Wang= r ,..ii , Lt2 With IIN i d th tILIBVI4 0 slad d o Atm srl . p= and light elldee of fret wor4lyre elaborately aed taste. 9=filtitulzszurE PIANO.' - '. : ..1.0 8 118 ZlTtb. . . . . . " • /tOUNDMAIMS. Plan. " " SQUABS ." .. IL ALE66R. - BWs Ag."la tLL dtT t¢ Nunuiwi=t, 4214k00ii01100 Ida* Ghana tbe anteater the abet' Thum ,• _ .EW MUSIO:NEW MUSIC-4P. Klober, n.F.0.0x d !wind toed the thllowing choice thanehine,nene ballad, by Imorrence. Leree Ve Trot do 'rocker How Sweat the Reeen. etith • beautiful colored via witty, Williesop theft:lolloe SeY,' Whsir Henze Without& Mother: l i tel i derAilks. by Mai home 1., Wel l, I' d% We l -1 4 , 4 6y Prey: Ftentoidge'ot celebrato d Plano Method: Booklefe MUD' Toms. . collection or Lesotho: Wafts*. Polhno, quadrille lish, ete creamed 1 1 J. Barkley ! ant..of Boalora derreaon.... • Almon semusl savortutent of choke and popular ~ml,. AcirSign of the aolden harp: .rio. 101 Third rt. NOTICE -,On the first of April pert, -Musk M my Slaty and oo Waterman , will be removed INo. 03 Itf t bstreet, natadnar to Mown% Hall. • Ametaplendld now neckof NUNICS & CLARK'S GRAND cod SQUAIt6 PIANOY, oho, PIA- O& nowelhat with a choice .took of Motisat Metthoindlse, leamato way and win br opened on U. and, as sbory ran ail MIK. man • gq.Ew ),1 De 1117 6 I e--. 1.1 omewno . 3tasnr. ka. • w pima Conll,ollod rq J. P. %Yamada. price arida Lan You men Barrit a am4tal condo mad. Vlilkhai sad ids Dinah. I'arl7 Hod Thomo,-yogtay. • .Yew Days.",or ttae world b earning{ to ma eadl . Bad / tbr.whidg or • fair/ ffat• • • h.r. , 4 Pm a heart to exam ade. pa tos Bello BramittePol“: ' aboramt meshd together with a larz• arladlon otall the popular idea of the day. . For mie Dl 41.b21 4 • JOHN 11. AISLL,H. 51. Wood sided. NEW:BOOKS recd by S. Sadler, dllogho "'lre Stetee• In Pule, during-the Mr. / 86148 : with m:ames Ulastrationa • . - • The tad O CC .nvleyConttoevrted. isserins 00.3.te15. atteireend Araop Se nziee. - erßelthenge. 4 .D 11 7=6 * . C ItTaTTlaelplels or Ch.nalstrY, 114 v. tret:4 1 ;7: rerently. eummat expert:cents. Lamle traetleel A. , trattniait i p . el/el te .4 tdes. r,"leilt.figreilnAu set:erieLtb: igld. vit.:7 mere; prainillare a Hoek* In tenvlitna' .d•Rerteiente, *WI Trabler.4l:l=lle..". """.. N'tAGAZINEB FOR 'MAY—,karpor,Put= nia 2 . 0 . 4 .70 3 .b..i Dan.. Pertorm • . hank Le.. rpm' IStury Boole, nor and P. toed br • .• mart • - OADlMlL,Alfestyni. ...;... DOORS ST, .R,SCSit lia."--ci'mon' gji-eg mirk* *Li-- ' ' ..'.' ' ..'. ' . 8 ' • Auger mina Commostati— Th eentoto • Ito,* t*A • • - - ' CtisUo'llolldeng • : -Itifolf ma isook, Al& and root, An , , .-31•Abobs of Oborilo; - -' - Allbtoek 1.-bitilg,, !Me Paeloe• Dao,blor; Ito Forest... no ..alu.wea 7.121 . r .. , (. 2uuntnances*,snoal; ' regge= • • a, E C _Primo; . . : - 1;loohnOo . 411 4: 1' ller n of th y ...r . H1 , MIK.. lt.rt. of Mati:w flono . ; - • . All Oho various DA WS .• - ,4.A. DA Vliso.N. 0.0 Market, It neer 4tb., Beeond-Hand bal:to Pbr Sale. 11.0 Malioganir octsva.Piano for $lOO farcal• by taT nnuntorre '111.13112 jmNDIA lIUBBER OLOTIIING of nit :weertekt to earl of ibefAlowlor amt.: Pcs ac' Jado.ti; Maur eID.S °wax ' , maniac skno fists and_...olov., of th e bon gwilitt InototheanaL Babbor, IllorEet H. • • I• a iL - MASON - ib CO. will open.on Mon .acvb hat oolars.4 Lawns and iguan a / a t 6.lodiosor rd. as 4.17 • °4lbm aiathaii,i4 ioltr ° " - II . 4 21 1Nturtisau . tem, - 6 " - 63/osebod llooltdo zoduaod ID Wm Morn .40 - d.,2n do. 10'dopso dommot Storni • do 3640. 4 BON BrBBONS--12Mirtons Wiped 11 111 10 ',MP 110.11 k. 114. ' -44.L.,444;,V)* Mrn it liAfit44-.-76, ' vFIA.:4,5 : 9 i VV W ---,,,1 1Wi z Tk ,,, ..1 0,, p 4-- y 45- fL,,ipV,iol4ci ,- A1ni , ,,i,,-,..4 . , - , ' %los J:4-4 • t i s.„ • - • . 'AgF4WI , • ". - . . . . • RATES OF DISCOUNT. emarrare Pant 000 Tall Mum= 047111; al . N. HOLMES it .SONS, Brokers. yo. s: _CorlartzLbeitnees Third MK( 'moth sfr.-Nitto t a v h I'ENNeII,VANLL ' • -yt x.,th i. 1 Bank. of Rh teboralt.--.. ithr ,A y " do I:schist:V.3'oi do:.-.lrar City B On =WI_ do 1 ~,,,.. xcnuPs or 30 -Tar Co Illt,Cluctu'i- do pii kn ic d, Bonk of Cisnmeros- :.parYrankLln Bulk Bank of Bonk AmrsiM... - . Laf yetto Bane .- --- do Bank of Nor th'u I.llnatlea 014 - Llfer -- do , Rank of rev IrMdc.:.-Par Western liters. Banis°- do if:...,‘Sat,=. hi 11... !mall Notes-- .. 1 . 3 -Xnk Or 80.--rar - New Eseilaiiii , 6... w c ~ ..k—ite Bk.nar All solvent 8ank5 ........_ ' At 1 '""/ /3 "'"•-•-z.z:•*---. New roil -- - reutinstiz. 5......_....,..-- • pu Nate York CitT-- Ps. fdanufse. A Meet, ._.par hairy-- Mechanics' nank-___--par - MARYL.ANE -- 1 L 1 . 00, ra Bank ----Pa satin.. Par_ I.keark 8ank_..........-par X /BMW DELAWARE. tvasile,m,,,vsllank------Pra Allsalvent Batika...--• X Westerraluidt ...: - -. ' VIRG INIA. Book ofChnsuberThownh-l ' kof the Valley...-. 1 _ Bank of CO lster Count7-1•1111ank of Vo-Rlchromol- " .Bankdf Dan r111e.,.,_,... -.. . .-parftn. Bank. Va.. Norfolk Bank of Del. Co, Chester -pa iYarmerr Elk of Virgo* " • Bank of Clermantonn..--oa I N Nan Meelts M as " " E6 Urburfltd.-- 1 North Western Bank.- cr Bank of I. stown---- 1 Branchea...: - ---........ 1 Dank o f Middleton.. -..-1 NO ETD CAROLLNA. Montimery Co. Dank . ...,..par Bank of Cape Pew-- 3 Beak eiNor thumberland-par Rank Met. of N. Sandra I Ooltmoblarr At Bridge co_parxkra. Bank,Wllmlnaton. 3 Dank__rl3larchants'Bk. - Newro, 3 F.tran 11r0 . k..-.....--.trar h e r CAROLINA. ithalsak...- .-..-.,-- 1 OlkoftheBLof Brarelbta 3 Fanners' ir,o(llueßs Co.-parßank of Booth Caralma. • S Farmers' Ilk cf Lancaster-par Bank of Charleston a Parrol?" Br ok of llosolinlt,Oar Plantered Meehan' Rk S DFARGIA. F r . n 'hx . n a . r i Uttettylral , Fo.rr Ilk'n OS Franalin 111:114aVingatt X Rao r L f......- S Elarrlsburg Rank......-.-1 Bk olDrunanlck, Aidra. 3 HansedaleTank...... ....... .. 1 ' TENNESSEE. Lanoaster 100 k.....-....-par Allestrent Itanks..... ... ' 4 Lansaster C.,ranty Bank-oar RBNTUCICY. Letsuran Be 0k:...---,...ixr Bk of Rentucky,Lordsra 1 Miners' Bark of PotterMeparillk of Louise . e,Thurston " M onotrashe!ft Bank- .. .....4par Northernllkonlentucky " Wert Brooch Bank . ya..- Bonthernßkofirrottlek.7 Wrrreslog Ilk. Wilkacharreyr, INDIANA: York 8a15k....----:- .... .1 'state Bank dbrauches-.1 Belle( N0ter....,.. . .1 '- mie..R.mra. uulo. • - -...- Ilk of Rate or Mlaeorel- Ohlo libtre Bank I WISCONSLX. Bransh at Akron..--. _.. do Duras A Ilre In. Co. &Its 6 Branch es A th , ne..-...-. do MICIIII.3AN. Branch at hrldnerart....... do Pe rmereMechanim'Rank 8 Branch at Chllllreihs- -. doiPenlnsular Blek-.......... 3 Branch at (...ereland- .-- dolinsarance Company.— 3 Branch at S'oledo..--...:-. do . Stuto Bank.- ~. .... . 3 •Branch at Dtyt0rt....;.....- do CANA DA. - - Branch at Dslanare---. do of N. Anterke,Tartrato. 8 Manch at Columbus ...- do.llk of the People Toronto 8 Branch at Ashtabula-- do kof Montreal..--- 3 Branch at 5a1em........ do Bk of IL Canada Taranto 8 Branch sttedandiehl--... do BABTEILN EXCHANOR. Branch at 1t1p1ey...,-..-. do On Note York...---- X Branch at CVldntuttl.. do On Phtladelphla...--- go Bk Branch at 'l , , arldnoten..- do On 8a1thn0re......,..,-,,,,,0u Branch at Cadla.-....--.. do WESTEILN EX.Cldla NO a Brooch at- Larrander.--- _do Clucuat , - 114 - Branch at bit. Vernon.. : ._ oiLouherllle - Branch at Mt. Vernon.-- do r. Lords- ~...........,.. Branch at h e ark .._...__ do GOLD ANDBPBCISVAIXE. Branch at Springbok:l...-. do Doubloons, BeetLieh---id.oo Branch at , 3larletta, do' do Patrlot...--16,60 Branott at Troy Branch at Alt. Pleasant-- do frlatle, n 0.... Branch at Zonerrllle...-... do! leraderkkad'ors..-....- 7.80 Branch at Norwilk-.-... do Ten Thalars..-..._ ..... . 7,80 Branch at Manch at Portrosouirt:- do Bersrelon . Z..--- 4,83 Branch at ston.----- do Ted OWlders--......-- 3,96 Branch at Itarenna-.- doiNspolcons--...... 3,8 C Branch at Cuyahoga 1-- do Dtteats..._- ..... -.-...-. 2,16 Branch at 'thscalllon....- do . GEORGE E: ARNOLD & CO IRAN KBRS, 1.E112 LN C.XCEL .05014901 N, BANK f 1461`..:4*(5.. IV, 74 Fourt l 44o . o2,.P9mate Bank O =h• IPl—AllThaud.otiols at meet Ilbara • I I L. &C. Pittsburgh Hedge Perm Nursery, to§ITIIA?'ED .on Wilkins Avenue - , . o s . about eon quarter of rolls from the second Rate on the Farrome and klechardeto Plank gue4 %Verna. or Fourth etreet.and about three andAgnarter mile. from Pittsburgh. t JAB. kIURDOCK, Proprieffn. They offer Ayr sale a miry large collection of well grown Veen and plants suitable for transplanting this fall and 0.1.4 eping. The Nursery now corers none 30 mesa( ground sod container over:00,000 trecw. Araby and Plants', and over 10.000 fruit Urea and 70.000 Evergreens and nrubec m of fine else for removal to orchards mad pleasure grounds. Plants easefully packed and rent according to directione to any part of the United Btatea We beg leave to call the attentfon of the loran cf ehrua. - bony and renders in the trade to one unrivaled collection Ihrthe aping of 1854, embracing nearly all the Er.ogreen fmnilY, indigenous and Exotic. that is worthy of general cultivation in this faction of country. Plante an be_prO. cored of many thing. unite large to give immodtele effoct , .. Priem =dente am venal. From strana.ifs, mah cr esti. artery reform:me in the city of Pittaborgh Molted et all Imes . • 0U11;ra addramed to as through Militia I•ort (Mae, near Pittrnurgb. Po., or left at our stand cm market dlr.. Mi tile Dimond Maritat, wilt to promptly aturadod to. • • -•-" Fruit Trees, Evergreens, dto— rlL'lflE subscriber would most respect -I%bl, call the attention of Me trioxide and the pn lc to Id. ray large stook et Fruit prom. Ever. eo rf u t e l / 4 45 '181 k b aVan.1 11 ill' furor Ot.ertbd.arodlhapr:OurPdri7ear, on r 01 thoice retietles: Pala, sacral ttuoteand One, with Choy. rr Plum. ...Wall, Respberries, Gooobaries,Enrcents, do. Oar Everyone, from 1 had wantingwhith we h..; many thOneands, ere Ono. Persons lay woo Uies will be liberally dealt with, cat and see our Mork 11l wow DireaUsetotten_ . Order. loft One Plttehar P. 0., Mr. IL Delon, Liberty et., the Oakland Nursery. I tones on Penna. Avenue, or the Pittehurgh Nursery, I 4 ralee Noaklavd„ willbe prompt) , attended to. . B.—Plana= doho neatly to ord.,. nelnalawn ,lOUN NIOROOOII. Jo. 13ITTSBURGII AGRICULTURAL WARE LIOUtIL AND SEED STORF.—No. 121 Wood otroet, .1. bm - R z. LIANKLAxv, (lam- Ehand, Ste. vervae, C 0..) Mauferturer acid Dealer In Agricultural aud HertleuMmal Imrlementa, of all kind', Wholesale .od R tail; Eleht, Darden and Flowed Sash, grargraati, Fruit mud Shade Tr.eot Guano Poudratte, Chemical Naffs, aud uI other vtielte enameled sin, Acrekralttu, delfardecal Bayy Wood Fktwers. AIIRANGEAMNTS have been made ritb the proprietors of liar Wood Moral for seen; t eopply of Boonettes• end eut &mars during Wintel and Bummer, Ladies and gentlemen cao ho fornitheil at Wort notice any of the loiltoeingFretich forme al(rntorarbilj b as e nt ... eartefr, AZZ.e. • Itelonpe. Llama& Roadta. Flew, ph". Ira caroms. Orders for noworionair oleo reeaired at E. SI h. Swd Wanhouit, • 12. Wood ateonL AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND I 3 MaY3.—RALPFI t W.. 23 Pnltna ?few Tort, leral.. and Retail. DRY GOODS For Spring and Summer. , AT HAGAN & AR 'S, h. 91 Alarlitt stmt. virE WOULD respectfully inform the La for 1r Spr ing) that we tam rear.Protd our Sunni,' of psf Goode Spring and Punttner, amongst which will be found . "IVlVlrett6norf t tee . "'ehlfoost fetter. and beet tufa d4.6 PRROLDERIESWe have errerythlng that nen au4 handsome., In the way of worked and lore Collars. flyover, Chatolcottn, getta..te. I.IOUFISKEEPING 000D8.—In Wells. of our business, we haven very lull emortnsent e sad nen 'slaty challenge ee . EloPlEnr..—Onr st.o.k or Milan , Ware*. and h.. oaken,' trial grealure 31ANTLLLAUF—We ars matting foul lima York soon ea brow:Ent out, the newest and citoforet etylaa of Mantil las and Totem Nonni" CARTER'S S r 3211 .111 X rtr IL 14; let the Afflicted Read and Ponder] An fnAttribtißatuzlyfor Scrofula, riep's tbJ . Randeet. Wm, 06dthors atfoncous Areigken. Ptespin or /bank D. fee no, sum., .tka,..4fte sad .4 1 Wt_fArorr to &re Exit Ring Hiess or Tilter,_aeaug Heed. En/onment and finn of the Bones ant", riletrs,9l.Theitte DO. - Lorribapp, Ahmed Cbet. . • -7 sace, and .12 Quo.= eds. *sof,' jr.47r • ase rn z kr,..o. ". =. 4r • ricTs groat alterative Medicine and Nei der Of Bloat Is now creed by thimands of attend C . 1 , 5 d ilroln all p k art b i of th .11nited Vase, the testify all tfteolcittq'll ' AltTElPP BP= M1,5.44V. 1. fee 4, l I Walk Ithetintattinn, &zonate, Eruptions 00 the Hkln. Lte. er bleeale, Perm, Clears, old Fora, Affeetions aft, Devi. htseasaniof Ake Throat, Vernet. CoroPielete. -Patna I Aching vr the tines arid Joint.% are otomllly put to /light by toting tble treat and inestimable remedy. For all oleos.* of the Motel, nothg he ti Tet bean cam pp to compare with It. It etuaapaa the ',nt 14 ed troperi . the. seta gently mind efficiently on the Lives , end Kidneys. etrengthens the Di aireatone to th e , Phsenacift. snake* the 'kin clear and healthy. and reetoren t re . Con. stitutkin,enteebled by ammo or broken down the ex caw. of ouch. to its pristlne eider and stream. . For the Leolee, It is incomparably better than al i ke mime-Ica errer weft- A anadome Carters Ppaniah tureerill realer. all salient:lm of ~elersion,..brlng the row the cheek, airs elty 'to _the step aa d intwore the antierel health In a remarkable dente% . beyond all the onedichtes ever beard of. •• 'fielie large nunther of certlficatait which ere hare /waived from persona front All parts of the United. States. As the beat ,erridetee that there Ono numbed aboot It_ The ' cot% litonde:fulegem of this tenr.Al' BLOOD PURI. ;enTliirign'ar43l Wing, .4,4.4'0 ( * 11 1 °44 al N a has Portnhed.- - Nap. pro al. anima; signed BENNETT it DENIM Pro. totetare.No. Arearlatreet.Uktustood. Oa., to who all orders for ant-plies andaitenrks moat, addreeeed llca eats by MA. dahneetock Co.. Pg 8e.... Jon Pittibbash; B. P./intonate. teoer Cltr g and AUSTRALIA. SIXTY DAYS' PASSAGE. ?lonelr Line of Monthly Poach!, o.4Eirre?277/ . TRO 11711MICAM 1. 1 00 tona.,lolTA . waii.m . 4. , ....k..1,140t0rkartn ig Lady Prankthisgeo 4061 0411 T . 1652. mune Amis. 1.460 ton; Bert EsieentltKl tom, 044611. 1662. Mesas hmas MM. 2 463. E Scams, 1.450 tong, Ine.. InlRSn Outh l eee.l)3o ton; Desigeber s ctimere. IAO WY. JIM, lila. hitt. .11tmentiliss.114. Essitmni, lA* ton; March sektheme- 1,0611 tom. WT Orme; 1,000 tom, litarch (Antra; IJBr Cny. JIII7 hem; 4,00 tom. Amil. ^6.3 1664. The Ml* of this Ltn• ar•Atted witln Emerson's Wee* TlP4.64"erPnr"l V'u ni 1 ttert"rritau Tons eirister,W. R. Msetarostil mighumnith likie or this lion, siaT II SMIE Mellsmen; ustral* On the 211th of September.': • re. wrosa TEED is beat on the mut ern prlstotplee and. Is considemil to les m mod.mod.• NM Arrhitectare. , Throe who balm &, . am or Mottled and dittemOlislier__Pdre imnsueente ylthout debit, 0.. r • .1011.2 Ind MWMPSIMI If 'Yoe Itelitht Mlliss". & Mt,?AUG rest n 0 of to • wan unotarew Tt6 • Ii Car!Wangs, Oil caci th i and sLiturig s . . Apnrizamt oßrozune nirraznii. • , AVE now on hasid, and to which they We dont &MUM a Ism aid tholes toost 11% gootio,hoor lour* to Ito blibiotusati I be midst ototorAbs— aSo. jay. Voisl o r 04fit Htit ! A YER'S :PILLS. .-. I 1.- ~.,..- i .r.., I roll ALL TUB PURPOSIV3 i. '` .l-- ir FAMILY 1 tiv . l.Fut 1 PHYSIC. I RE has lens existed a public demand Wan effective purgative I n which could be relied no as cure asid perfectly 'cafe In It. operaUom This bits I been prepared to moot t demand , and an extensive trial of Its virtues-h p co cinaively ahowu with what ent e cat It ancomplishem the moons designed. it ta essay to Re a physical pat, but ot easr t.,:l' make the beat of all regt—one which abould ve none of they objection., but all the, advantages , of a err other. This. ham been at tempted hero, and with • lauccesse wa would neglectful- Iy aubmit to the public d on. it has 'been unfortun ate tor tbe patient pith that almost every memoir. medicine trecrimonions Bis rioting to the ela— nds is noL Blau; tt tb produce,' south mining Pen and revaltion In the er an to MOM than counterbid. artotalte good to be dark from them. Them Prar pro- doze no Irritation or trailloulem it aria. from a meeviomm ty..ealating olgtrnetion 0 derangement In the bowel.— MIMI Purdy Vegetable, harm can Wife. from their use fitaturelgz.:; brt r t . itis i !s L ettor th=ty medicine enle veered arcane to which they are arprlde are .117: critics lam Among Al ia complaintm which have - een L speedily cured by them, may mention Liver Onaplaint In Ito various, Puma of 7 undies, Indigntion. languor and Uwe of Appetite. %MM.& Irritability. llama Headache. Dliiima Fever. over and Agne, Pain in the Side mod lattiP, Sir in Mu a/1 theme are but the .1311...,. nuance of diaeweed action ti the liver. tut an aperient, they afford prAnpt and e c relief in Coatis - enema, 111., (Polk. Dysentery. Ito ore, Coracle and Scurvy, wide with • -renew. of tbe ' bod Ulcers, nod impurity of the bloods in abort , any and ira7 moo where • Purgative bi required. 2 TLa L h 4' o ' irro;. 4 .!U ng ::l, 7 Srls " n " r ‘ pe 4 11.. .mlpitation or the Ireeirt. sins in die lak. c toms ano Bide. They ahould be ly taken in the aprmg of ' the Year, to purify the blood a d prepare the amens for the change of. Pelllo6, An stoned does stulates too nomads end bowels Into h thy action, and restore. ths azz= . ta c d t rtree. Th e? : ,.11;12,. the bloot . l•4lL , by th t e h t: 'strength of the I.. ,' Sl n y, and ettore the 07 a wasted or dimesmed Gnomes of the whet. organism. Hence an occasional dome le •deuoingeous, even thdugh no action. derangement exist, but 1.111120.,.../ ddvieg &odd never to carried ' too f.e.. erny pargstlveiptdicine reduces the strength. when taken to excess. The thottmand , mama In 'which • phyelm I, r.v.dred cannot le etturnerated here, hot they ' =Caret thememlnem to the room. of everybody; and It le woondently Mb pi I will answer • better purism., than any thing which has hitherto been available to mankindl. Whet their virtue. mecum known. the pub lic, will no longer doubt what remedy to employ when to need of a cathartic medlei prepared by JAMAS C.TER, Avower and Practical Chemist, Lowell. Maas. Pe2.seste.. per box. Five saes for Pl. Sold by Draggledan Dealers , In -Misch qr , ttuourrhout tab emotion. , . (WM d. sr IS - ---- FITS! Fl i'SlI FITS!!! THE VEGETABLE EXTRACT" • • EPILEPTIC PILLS:I Sio'fid Emote/RS Pasas, Camps, and all /Mamas and Obasedtetional In s eam. I)ERSONS who are laboring under this dis tressing ruled*" will end the VEGIirABLE TIC pile pizza to betheng only =mar ever /hoovered tbr curing Epsy, or Faili Fits. Them Mt possess • • I,fic action on the nervous rys. Most and, although they are proyared especially far the !Wirt...Zip:dna F1 . 111:1 will be fon d of especial ben nerrons eyets r treaa beim proatrater I k .Zt7Q7M "I" I . azure wbatster. ln chronic complaints. or dlet r dSm " rO. lontr atcmding. imperinduoni by nerrousense, ceedingly beneedial Price $3 par box, or two home for $6. Persons out co, the eity, e , velosing• remittance, will bare the Pills sent Meet throturb the maC tree of voltage. For tale by SETLI S. HANCE, No. 10S Baltimore street, Baltimore to whom orders [tom all parts of the Union must but addremed.postvold. Wooda In Fittetnargh. by PLENUMS BIM.. Na Wood at. • COllOlll 001105!! 00V113111 *ll-881.4 P rrE .str ursaf -ex TYLER'S GUM ARABIC COUGH C A N],. 4 gr DROPS PAT TIUS 1 HESE DROPS wherever they have been Introduced. have xpeedtly naperseded o ner Losengea. Wafers, as., for the relief of Coughs, Ilosusemen. ••• Ths wand all Pulmonary Opole= Woes. Their suparkwity consists In their agrees* flavor. thigh- moon °four hilurions drug in their compoidtlon, and to their prompt acuion without interfering with Met or brut neer. or rendering the aystem room somaspUbla of mild.— Toe, ure themost so:Waldo ibeCLLILDREN. and very hen. eficial to PUBIJO SPNAKREN sod SING NUM they re. move all huskiness from the throat, and clear and give tone to the robs. Price 121.: and 26 cents hog. Sold wholesale and retail by FLNYLINO BUMS, (lot. Kidd 1 Co.) No. Co rt. and most Cand Dr.. end y Mares. oe2(wil "Prdye all things, ;coop to that which is Good." TYI,ERS A., N Gull" ARAItIC SYRUP . yren.E. increasing demand for this most picas ant, sefo and Meadow remedy for all forlmonar7 alm% has enabled the reduce ath price4to no to oleos it within the r -er therm% euperi 1 ty over most similar preparationeb attested by many em. bent phylidarts In Baltimore, Washington, Ac..the whole of Maryland. Pennsylvania, Virginia, de.. wbo tyre been epr *Unwire. .fits ellithey - wheo the weal meadire bevy failed: and by thousands of our most respectable tithens who hem totel it in their familleg W t oo ts preventive end curs with noes-falling summer for the twenty rears during which period. with very little aid from advertio- V 4l !e a %luso gradrudly unread its reputation over ths n. antes etheoent Colds CoLipie Hoarseness, dm., ft ofeer Oenstalral ro • arld generallyrue In le day or without interfering with diet or lea:l u ne.,mode.. lug the meteor mom theeeptibleol Cold; in chroni or c tame, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Cruup, tie, Affections of the Lunge, and Consumption, • it LE alway• very beneficial. and seldom MIL", when eons meneed to time, to perfect • mare. Prlea"3 sod 50 cents • baths. Wholerale and Retail Agents, IIessrs,YLEMINO BROS. ate Kidd .4 Cot tie. to) Weal et, ' e!2,04 NOTIIER Pitt.4burgeer testifying to the eronderfttily cantina povareof Brerluvre'a Prrraecanu Otg, 1854. Mr ars. Ilmj. rum Jr., it (b.-4lentletnen—Yor a reer past t have been emitted very aerionaly viii 3/.1.14/3. much en, that my etonmeh reflateti to retain anythong. I but, tried almoet.erery mealy, mred the regimen of weer. al phyvklitta, but rritlocut sikvlatrion , twill began the nee of Berrhavebt Holland Bitten, and have tam found"e• lief almost amounting to a rem I Ibund it egimeirros removing the mtromedebility ocengloned by thie disene. and generally as a ton it Wean . equals nod no euperio. Reepertfally. t o m Werra34 at, below Market. Cannon—lle careful to oak for Bo...haves Holland ter. Tim great pominrity of title medicine Ma Induced p n=litntlona width the publ le 'tumid gun against ana l as tbe genuine Ikerhare'n Miles:l4 flitter. SoL a per bottle, or 6 bottler for s6„Lby proprietor. BILNJ,"PAO g, Ja it tlio a cm. 34 Bmlthneld Ma. OMIT% a P. SCHWARTZ, Allegbanl, darer, and Lb - unable generally. ARTIFICIAL TEETIM DRS. DUNCAN & CAMERON, DENTISTS, No.„150 Mist &MA street, nevem Ram and She krsci. g, OW!C,AYA Ti. THIS OFFICE ander the management or Its gement proprietunt has been ill.llllfilg In rents- Munn fursupetior overall°. In th e Artinclal Depart ment of Dentistry In the lad ten yeare.and no aspen., or effort shall De venting ta if,. satisfaction to all who mey farm It with their patronage. • Thesubeeribere would all attention to the fblloging meentiel pants pertaining to Artificial Teeth, elm Beau ty and naturaluese of appearanon, quality and 'etrength of the materials, comfort to the wearer, and naefulneee in restoring the natand anon-sae. of the speech. and MAl ity to masticate, in all of which they 1124, warranted in mying they an exceeded by .to and wi th by few. TEBTII Monied from mato a fol. ted, with Artlfhtial Owns. • Cal and Ilairßetainvarlably !mart.] byttuction. Ad opetetiona to Deatletryperttonnedin the most t mann hat- Vtit3lP—nrisidering th'e superior character of the work and the guarantee girth, the, am the Most teen:m elds In the West. . Tr TWA tiewe,ae Gold F7o . lejt&Oee Tor/A, • - The looney ettdaded SM. Teeth do not Igor Wry. Wier the lahmaathm or Mow Ming at • Sham., em would state that oar tlatilltlet ate each that lee min make In tbe Attest Mete, a fall set of virrn ha from 34 te 48 boort. and small eean PIODUTUO. 40 that tmdetete Mon need to SPPmhendmi• W. 0.• DUNCAN • 7.6. CAMERON:ID•taIita• d 01847 1ip.130 West Mb et.; bet. Ha.* Elm. CM • • NO. 22 THIRD , ST.—For Sale, a larg Wick Dwalling lionee.eontaltangihall,two Vali= . IX X XX and kitchen, foot diesel. and liold at tle: cant Halt and well built. . Ina of bee malarial will be iiold at the low nine of22,ooo,atai aea.t . hiwnt.a Palmonl- Alan, the house adjotaing (h. abo re, No. J. mha • TIMBER LANDS IN ELK CO: fi)R KALE—Batsmen three sad four thounand aim of land In Mk county, well timbered, for only $1•0 per ne.. The land. ara Lidoff In tracts or MOM. slaw to =A nnychsoors. n:1120 11,11e14114 • 2014. 21, 6llt aC , 41IIOURE it LOT FOR 84Da—For gale, a' now Promo Dwelling Mouse; with goal lot, palling h, fruit trete, !e, pl.:mu:4ly aituatel,l ow Mt. Wash. Ingtoo, within LI) minute. walk of Um city. Yerttna of .mall movio, animas of living out of Q. oily. lo Qs purr sit. let within s short cilstaas of theit plate* of latiotwo. will Cad thin apt .6 taro opportnolts. Apply to M. CIITMIIKUT it 80N. 140,3 d at. LAMING MILL IN ALLEGI/ENY - CITY FOR BALE—We neer for anis wallarranged 11111 twoperty, In Allegheny, having hunt on one of the priluipal_ ,ata 1100 test. extending lack 140 ft. to. 10 ft &natal thereon ars Welt banding two stories high, 40 by 46 tent, and a book two story hams building. furnished with two *aghast of 10 and =lash uga i dete=ii tbo . t n traf b rk . o w itioodworthl i tar i zt a erellar and =gist saw. new 6.1611 •!o. The tol the most patent outlay, acid was built with slew to somemy In gull partioulars eau be ob tained ot apt 0. MeLAIR t 61/11.21. 6th ANTED—A purehm ser for one-half - of W a mannfsetnring witabilshmen first. untehinerr, for a :147tl i tti knili . '" Xly T ts puked. nibs* B. CUTHBERT k HON. 140. lid It. Cl a la j afflifeL ' o th m elmm 9x11• containing 76 anima 40 of which Is elms& 6 ° 4 Umber. on which Is emoted wool inabstantlal dwelling w i tll finished. Alto, %mom enra. , 4o b r It t ibtlbt' is 417,- v.,..r,rc, 1 .11.11" fruit. the wh ris arm rm a . Hoot on the tus Lea othg7 HoLAIN k. 80. .ZI Elk .1.. 9N THE OHIO AND PA. RAILROAD -40 arise of Land lit Economs township. DMA' CO. t 2 nano from Sadao and Reenalartost Stallone. on. 0. Rana& The Farm le watered; 20 earns of the droned le cleared. the Solent, well timbered mud lute erected therm a emelt dwellbut house. Penn Ilk sad. ease payments Ayer to B. McLain k NOIV. 21 Fltbn. • • VIBE ACRES OF CROWN LAND FOR NALX. W weU Mama, amt Meat* 8 miles boa the Wwltl22 7 lloB=Zirt k grit made, coal hooey fa Tom wraps arbors; saw ape, pos.h. ..pear. quitme. CI and other trate two. all beef hf and or ettoim quality. Good water and momatent— Prim 'Lew Term, our. 1 CIM188:11T MM. mh2 ',140.84 at. PFINE BUILDING lONS IN SEWICIc UR FOR MLR—Than lot/tare allr: tainted ttibt a aunt distium of Lb. nu Ireed dep ot, snob ftnytols is front .n a wjdot stairt, or 30 Inst. And , * alit nti ?E j urn—and tjtzEgurg. of slre. tigni. Unhand and flu Want* In two nor. Aprar to D. Ito LUX A 8001. SI Mtn st. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE-A g.wth... defy &la D wellinwllotim with a helm ken Room. The lot bawl front on Smithfield et. of Us. net by Whet to ain feet alley. 'lbw Dinnllt: t tpx • parlor dining =MI; litteli9o ambers sad ■a a .. ti lre ' s a . W ., ol%;;;FNiggr 4 _l4TZ: " " 4 ° 14 --,4- .. - rB - op reasonable tetta,.a very nestvertg l44 l3TEAM.o3 /Mk 6 toe% Cyptal.r t IF) •boke. a nry . piporlior IYHIBLIMUMETZAiI 1101126,14 int. 66 Maw 44neter.. For term. Ay, • my:', .Itatioist, Nan 6t., eotner of } A.'.: cr Olt SALE, 13:- large Draught, Urns Z 4 14"% r ad I " II A.Vr. itaant. ma/uur EARTBIIRN Addity of Stomach an bee:direly removed by the me of Dr. T., Terre 'tee Lounges. ..Tor sae by JOHN 1111IT.Jr Altoom lathe Gazette Buildiap far Rent AWELL LIGHTED BOOM, oniffixecigod 1.42111 . 1,111, of sewn. In the Claatte wdbutui t arG 1,714:1= n ,. zrlyr4,47ao t • N t fa...s , Maintaas.-.mpi re Antzt sm. York at - priariskAM LOON raced on 'maim. !MOM, / , ....4.1 1-2 ACRES OF - LAND, eituated 1 1-2 VV mallet framiinuti Va/ey Rialto°. In Inorxence Co -0 KZ. cleared. ba/an-s In good Umber Llng:-.lth gOoll FrUne Ilewse,Harn aid Orchard, fronting on west brawn of Uttlolleigrer. Caron B. Hanle k Sta. rIVATLANDS . TO - EXCHANGE FOR PITTSBURGH MANDPAUTUR.E3—We hare tour bun landeigkity wren of esneUrnt land In lowa nom:ay. lo . Innen we will eaehango for 1t,.11,bn.1in.,..... Lured artiden Apply to • 14AWRENOEY/LLE---$2,000 ONLY—For Mae a nom/eatable Dwelling MM., of WM. Mint. In g ronen. kitchen, goal erOar and four nen mum— The lot lb, strong °fee ft. on A/len et. e by 100neer. I well of gong rater tirld pomp to tllo . tchonn ont.oren e table garden and fruit trees, grape r ee of eboine quality. &.e., all In good mei and will be nill for 5;000, 0100 in Rend. remainder at 3 Team K. - CUTHBERT it BOR./40,3d rt. POE SALE—A splendid Dairy Farm of 100 acrekninir the Perryssida Dinah Road. S mites loom :=l.. Ills In prime order. On It are 2 fine Orchards ert fruit, with goal !louses, Barn and Stables, and es. 017 convenience. Price low, st $62 per acre, &quire of fink • r THOS. WOODS, 72, 4ta - - "OR SALE—A Country Scat of 11 1-2 a • within 3 miles of tho city, on a Brood rusa. It 1 offend 0007 low. Eluture 01 Ge 2.41 73 Fourth et rilo FARMERS, DAIRY3LEN AL) TAN roue NEl34.—Por rabe,47e acres s W.tntoreland LYON: toll. a howl nil , ,tt.burgh, and 1.1c,' miles lrom Ltilleide Water ~ ts the Petineylvania. Railroad. About 40 werea ar good dlilable land, neon which le a Log House it le well adapted to the ralaing.offrult,or I t w•ublinateagereellunt Dairy, Keetringlon.tant/y, and the idue being well cob plied with the best water. Time le an abundance of the tine. timber, rig Chestnut, Obentnut Oak, (hark timber) White Oak.Porday, to. It to well worthy the attentlnn of Tamura, es the tort on be writ to Pittsburgh. by eithe railroad. CanaL The timber alonelle worth more thal the brie° muesetiottid moist of tee land would egged eat puture when clamed. The I towle will be sold kg the gt aut.: or will be dlrided to snit p. ah /Tesig —' l4. , ..Vtiosln to hi l dterle ulna. veyurente. Tftle ingspub 0.141 (.1100. Valuable Yr , perra or Sale, kN Liberty street, adjoin g the Methodist lifiGiatm Yard, near • Lasla ThLs Is now the only desirable piece ofproperty • this nal hborhocal not alrudy bought up by the ettnnsylvinialtal ad Company. Irony /1 on Liberty 00 feet, on Elm etre° • 100 feet thence to the tog (have Yard feet, WI. booty 100 feet. This moperty Is most desirable. Hotel. The building . now on it, • good substantial three tory brick, with all the necessary back building. , has h. long time been re copied as the Union Hotel, dein ► good Monne. Laid- Whits and others desirous of a good Investment. will do well to examine t h e prendses. azUHlt EDWAUD FADER. A FARM FOR $700.-2 tracts, adjoining, or 10 acres each (80!n all), situated In Washington umnty, Ohlo, within 4 miles of the Ohlo Him. Lot No. 1 ha. :0! urea Mescaleffectually. with &Loll:46in and young orchard t yanftal fruits; also Darn, stable and Tobacco House. Lot No. 2is heavily and thickly tired:trot We ground is level sod rolling. The whole is well watered AT springs and small rims. lanes .14 down, Wane. in 4 4 4441 Parmenta A,pply to 1613 H. &LAIN A SON, No. 21, 6th wt. 49 °LOTS FOR SALE—hi Germantown, with,. 16 minutes walk or Pittsburghoseyoda 10-10. - -.4ls9r,rolh:utgad,-Ap". y=r, o,,tgh, tO toffs poke In is tow day. it you want • I.o'oo/32 .1 • cheap how, youoottoo• Yurolto. too 0000 , Enoodroof TRURO/3 WOUDB, • . . LIOUSE ic LOT FOR SALE LN EAST LiggRTY. situated within 3 mltiutee walk of the mad Station. The lot hat a front of 100)Teet my the Oreehaburgh Turnpike and extra& bath ltd feet to a pt. The building onehate of a two story Brick Bowe, hail and room. Including the kitchen; Stahl,. it.e.; great •rerietf tif Fruit. Immediate poesehilon can be given. Price, $2.; YOU. Teazle easy B. DIeLAIN t SON, it Fifth et. lOUNTRY SEAT FOR BENT—A beau tifulCouutry Seat a aticrt &Mance from the city. on au enial, route; for rent. Appl =, to m etti•tf - TRW, WOODS. 70. 4 thirt. FOB SALE—A House and 2 Lote in Bridge . 'ti" . °a".°4 . '""*" VOll. SALE.-1 splendid Country 'Huai ,: donee. on the Vhlo River. ecyohalthr the Holum a Bef og, 60 the plank mot, at Wood Una There is 0 Loren cowered with ►huge amount of grafted (mite *fernroom, asteekborrys atg . rion toole d en and out ho trended to mote o earnAmabia home. It Is offered low, huoulre of Robert Darla Deo. on the prombee, - or bf • eel24.f. T 110.3. WOODS, 74 Fourth Street 1.,50S SALE—A superior Farm in Beaver eauoty. rollm from Darlington, sod b mile., from Mighton. containing 16d atm, 1... V good orchard der culLtraUoa. and in DIM rate ondar,vrith and 60 Rams of mod colt. It Is oflOned iMattlns of '%3lA$ IN;(a)Do. 76. 4th et. SAL.V.,-'—e fine Faim, on Chartiers r f orett, containing 131. u, wall: Improved. only 0 rom thwrltY: al., a good flaw, haute arid Inn near the hood Ofltad oral It to OtforodNery 1 barn • !hinted nwider wad, the dowerildlou,_of • lar ge number of forum country. wont. tuutfoo and tote, witlrla wall be {alma toarty who WWI to buy propertylboy will and doseeibaattan It. Arline mocaamonat for sale. Call on) tledtotl__ • THOS. W00D5,76, 4th et. -VlOl JR SALE.—Two Rouses -and Lots on will. West Wathington. two tiousesatid Lott on Nanolvanla Aventie One lot do Towneend street Also—Twenty others in different part of the ctty. all or which will be sold Low on for terms—They are dicoribel on thy printed ifogister. which you 'an have gratis by colt nii at 75 Fourth street 'typo won't boy, and if you have Propene. for fiele,bY Mahn* cn me you ma have It bears the public at large 1.• ietr Wa y. °° l moo THOS. WOODS, Comniere al broker. of spit, 73 Yourtb street. - - miles east of McKeesport On which le good k AND FOR SALE.-143 acres of Land, -2.% uge noose and Barn; 110 acre. cleared, • large or chard of itraltedfrult. and 36 ewes of lost Now is the time for a bargain. 60 scrams/ 4rid, Dn. J. Murdock's iParden, wi th a good theme booed on It Is eboep. 60 acres, 3 meet west 01 New Blipto9. on It ere good 4 7.1''TP= It PLUI,".... L iar.f...:. - e ff .i.. Meer, and great varistyof other .fia ' rias and meg lou of land In .he which I base drecrliied un SIT printed mgt. ter. Cali and get loxe s if you waut bac gains, of apt-O TILOMAS %WOW. it fourth street FedeEDERAL STREET PROPERTY.—The undenigued Mhos at prlvete Gals the property on ral etteeet, th ell., sou,. Rothis, 75W/a LOTS, mat sou hawing • front on Modem street of - 33 0.4. and ranotzto Nook 140 feet to an alley 10 feet wide.— So Woo • body of wound. lea riadtien ea eligible, in ecte teddy now not to be met witb to Allegheny City. 'These lute are agered at the lowice of Sp .oteb; one-four th cub in band, the belga, a ll, 2. eol Perim. who oar Melia.. re tbn terms KIP misted. e, apply to .L3IEB iON. oel7 CI, Market et. A - RdE CITY TO LEASE—The lot of Oround. at 041 I'l Obi by John 3SCloe ay. Clothier. on liberty street, bre eve be lealied for • terns arrears iron —pill let, next. Apply to 141137 No. Market street 11 - 0 1thlir POOL kourth street. 013 SALE.—A Ground Rent on valuable Lammed propartr on Fifth street. IlttebarWre (I at the Gazette me.. 14 -1 0 R SALE OR TO LET.—I will sell or root my irOperty Mikweitester. aortillaine of enact airs of Ground. upon which are .rested. 7 name Houses, cote containig and the other 4 gnome btabling. Car riage, Wfod ari n d Own House, and a foie neortment of fruit. This property to eery pleasantly situated War the Ohio Mom The buildings en sha.l b trees, and near the Omnibus station. will seti all, o p . portion of my Puna. tare. and 'maid prefer retaining poSeewion until let of May. Apply to H. LEK, lan lAborty atm,. .FOR SALE-4 beautiful Country beats, on the 4th street road, nisei& of East Ll4rty. They ehoina note, and nett to ho seemed hy nose who win a dblightibi country ham. Blinllire of Tao& Mtelod, TD, 4th et. 1.40 T IN TESLPERANCEVILLEI6/1 SALE—Fronting Se feet on W.lout et i on the youth 10 10.1 1 11.,. `1•& lot Me. well et:VA, li:d11. tidt,4l: ZlNC=llia telex newly settle& • warrantee deed Terms easy, Apply to MARI% EMUS. Attorney at law. T 1 Grant Wire SALE-2g^ -280 urea of land on *bite that Bottont 1 mile ham McKeesport The troprov• into ars Masson of cleared Wad, • good Muse sad bun, • young otebard. to. Alm, • Lugo orchid Real Estaato. dtocinod on my Mated licalaf, aap ono alsadnac Inl o r c ieal neat., would do a ll to 000 It at IC ighVlCagat as, to nod nor=tf Tllll9. ', 71. err et BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE FOR SA LE. A thurnekboarsitusted an the baste of the Alto g if and Ohio niters, having • front of no feet en hank une. rattail:us tack 250 fist to Rebecca et. The horror°. meats einelet cf a neat Mites* one sod • hell shier, high. with StabN and ether out building. The around, are ' t h en 11 "" teng the kitchen. Thl, la without doubt inae of the not pleas. art places ter • steed - 11l residence In or .1.00 the two MI.. Apply to mhZl • It. Moldif N dOSI. GlOnn . DOLLARS Corn good brick dwell- Z4aVS:Vraat ics f rAird, to @cod order, tlt. as on PC It. shore tualth ekL Terms epy. $ 2,1 X. 0 -41 , BRIM dwelling tionwA No. 7.1 Thltd Pt., for the air • knor nth:. N. CUTHBERT k tON, 110.41 et. cg 31.41 MOl LL F3'loll SALE= • 44'23 wtreWnsat Uniontown. bstitUtnnely intprork. scot within 1 win of Forepart. Arrostromerniaty.. - is Remora, to, Marro eorraty,_Oear Rota 41 'la Beaver co.. wi th in ji,.ralLe of, Nom Rio lon. 47 to_ V"" :3117 rOVierajttiga w arTa . 2 ibrty 'me tracts :It asn h ingtOn count,: Milo: For ta tgtl iMia" 'the abm. ll.M 4 Prtili c k al, 6th «. INE MILL PROPERTY IN :OHIO FOR 9 / 1 1 , 9.—Sltuated llocklusst i , tiheue Corti. i trinEtti l!rtt u bt!" L.': wg.Viar d= tZtrgi r t l ".. L'are' 4. "7l . 11,1t.d ♦Cra%at etralm, coostruaud th. A wl t tr i f..o l 7 amltt'thl rell=ll3_7l: TAM L' lntre ' bombe be mid at a great bar Mun. nr particulars apply to ' mhl7 11, Mol.Alh WON. ~ . ... . . ftOUNTY LANDS, for the &Wien, Chop- Wu. Tmastere. and Yotlllamnn fingagr.l In Amy 0. • Unlbicl Stat.' 1 , 7 v• tbrunalb halm or *Now.: sr , . by • &savior , entitled to - iiimoor• no., o ho fF.l.,.m° tbelrelalnzsean bays them reonnUY •‘ 1 ".. , 1".. I •4l.o•Airani Rat's: ,: • . • THOM. 1 '001)8. • Mbe•U Bounty 1. in4'an4 Penolon AO,. / 1 ..41b .1.• EW BRIGRTON PROPER:Ty FOR, RALIS—A Home and ion PigII.IIMIT "Ourn4 l ohninanding • view of the whole towa, and within *snort din mow of the Railroad station. no lotto 42 hat by LSO,. wad plantiot with 'rufous kinds or fulltinanand rinnidagT, . hnlna 1..411 Montt In mod rrnitrylo containing the ~.‘ t iol o ttme and kitchen': • Am; a large be l ch clatern, r uzyg • 'Amino cajoablo or holding 0 0 . , M1 at tinfor. Also,a Wt. in tb. 1.41, 'Hine, sitaik.d tbr vat. tosidottog All under Imo. All aRI be mold 111 • vat madam u.i ‘n D. IdcLATN ARON, 21, Oth FOR Ti tablf t W EbT—Any person going: to or Ifrio[U. %Venous radian a valiabin sating HUM for orartal Static it a tt ...nii-oVralt naught n now oonlittT.; ... " t. " 4Tina trans mono/. ,O:l4,Car4P- Maras on brad to roll Iralltal I Mani n Milatatialotor antral &iota Morainal an It am s oaristy_ot Farina Uotaitra Brats IMaioo .and 4 0 . Mora. Thio uralstor wint e l i ni& D r• d., • tioninsotalfil Dinka. IS Wroth st„ fiomnn HUNDRED AND FORTY, THIRD y 7.7 ,nlitg r :r.: 4 B.oV/lIIIWITA 80N; Mil far the taloa ..._LeseViieo4;notn ALl=lrttla j rate. la d ; , evlies4as note, ; comin g Permoiiiivreiepeorerty U dlgnr o of, and thew Irish 12,141.11 , 1 and lt to their Mutilate to call at our t4R , 14,00 P , e 7 -th of Certiticates 1 4 , : iV ir ' '' 64t !'" w " . ; cVoOtee. Übe!, 70 BUSINESS ..1 Ft excel pal t bistionttaitan:. welnan hot:" de; intuit* on Lannon 0f... w. le; • • ,r,l ' the house i. eon arrant., t t i veva , s room fruj hiniaor,torillo male* In front n • new of the, Ohio neer, a kW,a store: tooth. *lnt r . t= ahow window", will thilitto. It Is lin the Mtn Litho 11.14 Depot nent fiver. .Th e lot is ftlititgetn " Llitnta it. hy =it deep to an 111107. annt olnOttli leor . wino . ..tut a twet story wardroom on tho ir .atort 14..t i tow r otaindoLt d ttlacoprie lo..n nhlll , t dr .. . eau 0 46 :L1 Ifthi l itzell. huitioni of 10c 10 a 11 77 0 4 000 . 17=1 . 11ellA rn t fair ronto— ILOD In hand, Wan. os . 1417 md , sr - a.- • 4,02. &NIX to bud—. iimRLtEES COLIORISYRpP4-1 *4 vie' d . , iiim l_" 4a rra . - ' ow,liiivas.u. , .R. 4asciwzi-torifte• UM. hem o, ?l, o XV•lard' h the ant r , a= .th.. l 7 l33= wili Ai! j e u rze : TO 111.0 ' its_itidA64%.*that. 7. * 17 lOW. : ~. . . ". . . N57.711.-6/f2 ' .E. Delaware Mutual Safeiy Insurance Co. ` ifTlEin the North loom of the MER -ItZa_,l't.'3ll2.lttl'''bi• 0 gihl i.l..4hVeseele; V 0 and freeght, to all pelts In the wand. Leuze° Lescaasmn Goode bylaire Canal and Lobe*, and by Lard Carriage to all I4rto of tbo Ualou, larle- FRt dl¢¢ t e rte=l i fe tmtll ling OF THE fiIIIIIPANI Nevemam. 1, 1643. Moeda sod Mortgage. —. 5,000 00 Onlttel States, Mato of Pormoyltsnie, Pboa delptila CUT. ,Cameert and Atgor Itaprestl, and other Mena_ 140,03 Oa Stook la Betake, Karen& ''''' loattninoo 19,787 TO C/It on' band-- Premiums oa Marine Policia. reeelitly • Issued— 07,t0T ButeeMptlon Notes 100,0.. q 00 issicr.mis Witham Martin., 1.111. v 6C.. . lUr. R. lineton Joserh U- Seal. ITheoph. PanlAng. Wm. Zyre. Edmund A. Sunder, In. R. Dayte, rtshns L. Prim. H John C. Davis, ugh Crain, Snrneif Ten , nt, Robert Dorton. Inreneer bleUrtln, Josetb It et twat. IL John Peruse,!thanAt. , Kr.nYti r -11,7;e7ka',41%. tieory 11. Jones Itrokr, .Jannselnalreir. IL T. n n u t. do. J. 0. Johnston, WILLLA, I ItAILTLY, President,. Zion. C. /Les, Vine Presidentl Jumps buM°"'" Ij2litirn''''ll.l. • t. . . _ Franklin Fire Inenrancei Co., of Philaa'a. DIRECTORS: Charles W. Baneker, Geo. W-Itichards. Thoa llarr,liotecal D. Lewis, Tobias ue:, Adolphe E. llorle, Samuel rant, David 8. Drown. Jacob S. Bralth„Marns t Patterson, i ARLIZ N. DANCICER, PresidentCusatiVi. Dascrm, iSecretam. Thin COmpany coral:Mee to make mummery primal:tent or Ilmiteth on every denmiptiou Pt .rOPerrY In toWn .wd cuntry, at rates as low as are maul tent with security. The Company have reserved a esti contingent Dana. hich, with their Capital and 17re Sums, safely invested, afford ample protection to the Wort. The assets of the Company. on Ja nary let, 1851, impute ilaticil agreeably to the Act of Asa MY. were ii. follow.. via , - , Mortgagee..—........ /...-..5918,12.1.68 - Baal Ea tate.. san" r. Watrm'Y iS;;;M -2 . --- 1 -7 1. '''''' . - 1ii. 74 3A if • law price of le per at from it to .ealn three equal e. Enuuln of 00D8,75 11reckt ref. 1 . 1=2,708 08 Maalnee their a,:: l poan l,l:ela =VT of On c e " tenae o f the to of leanest.. as well as r a wl dlimod• time to meet with 'gash:amen all lial Iltiee. 0010 J. G ARUN (X.IFYLN, Agent Moe .1. E.optie f Woad and ad eta. ktarinti•: Fire and Inland n. ransportation • Insurance., HElnsorince Company of North America, Phlladelphla—Chortered 1194.1 Capital, 8500,000. Meets January 18, 1851, 11,001,265 50. Wil l make Itom carmen 011 building,. d their oontolats, In thin city and vicinity; also on p roperty °revery do , eriptlon, chipped per itearaboato and ther' yeotrele, either by Inland Cream.- atket or on the eras. 111:11.1=011.9 : *Altar a. Cc..., Preft, Thomsen P.CoPI4 Smote' W. Jon., John It. Neff Edward Smith, Itlehern P. Wood. John A. RICARI. W Ullat: Webb. Bennie] P. 2inith. Francis iloskins, Flemu:l Froks, S., Atn , tin:Allibone. A Ch ir ' i 'j ' o T%trli'll; ile, ',. • , 4', - "."4 Jacob M. Thomas, Se !meal • larns..... lekson. 8. Morrie eldest LI. D. Sayre/IL Esseretary. This Is the eldest inmate. Censiiisny in the Unhad Istatest, and•frinn its hlnh etendlnc.l,l: t'sperieneeounDies, end eroldlngall risks of an extra Masan:low Mar inter, it may he considered es niTerinn ample eetenity to thopublio. WILLIAM I'. JONES. Anent, fel ~. • 80 end 81 Water street - -- --- M ISC ELLANEO US. FLMES 'W. WOODWELL, CABINET FURNITURE 51ANUPACTUA/4/t, One 97 0111, 911 man writztr, rirrantlton• et i W. W. respectfully informs his friends F . dad coar ki ttra t tAlatlie di lma t ir i t eumpleten d l his stoek ' offered Sar ' Ze Intldelltr• As Is dr=n n :l io upoemt grog his stook. with seasoned material: best workmanehdp, and rusweet dmlgng and front the extent of .his ordere and facility In lannufarturing, he le enabled to produce war ranted FURNITURE at the lowest prkes. • He keeps alwaye on hand the greatest variety of every description of furniture from the chespeet and plainest, to the moot elegant nod veal,, that a hones. =any. part of one, maLbe f urniehed nom hie strok, or manufactured 11 wton article. mend In part iitM " a l sreortmenl r .,.'wh i l l g, f ;br ' siebneer. of tyle and Ilnleh. =not heoßmeot , surpassed.. In any of the En s of I. anis XIV tote-a-tete dub.; 100 Sofas In Plush and lialr Cloth: • , . 100 dozen Mahogany Chair; 40 do Walnut do 100 I.l.a.hcany lkalng Chairs' ' 60Walnut do do , Wklahog t any Di d v.; • Walnu 100 3larble Top Centre Toth. 60 do Dressing Bums; P 80 do Washstand; • 10 40 C l ommon do do nclosed 0 60 Plain Dread_ n 5 Prawns 49 Slahogany Bedetes4r at wme e i do 159 Cottage. do 000 Cherry - mud Poplar Sedetn.p; 2./Mahounny Wardrobes. 10 10 CherryWslnut do . d 40 Plain-Boman; o 2' 9 Dining audltruakfartTablen 12 SceretaiT and Chair; :Whore° ante Poet 21 Cane Sett RoCklnB chair; 12 IssdleselTritlnd peeks: . Bat and Towel stand; What-Pots, Ethrulrels Papier Mach. Tables Cnnvereatl. Metric Pembroke do Elltabettusn do; Call and Plar do Iteueptlon do. Ladles' Pearl inlaid der. Ettenslon Chain; Tatiena Ann , do. Al . ' Pnrriltareaud Wind. far Chair, . Cabinet onikers supplied with Wild., In their line. Steamboats and note:. furniehed et the Aborted/ notice. All order , promptly attended to. altill agency. 40SES F. EATON, Ni. 19 Sixth st., agent LW for , mllled and haying I;.J.TENT /WHITE, Is now ant tined to well the follorrlngeately vatented solicits • Trott's katamt OltOlotes. nett, •Ind tem; Ooes patent Drlll,_ Dritllnd Iron, • !man a Hoek WHIM& Alerhhres. Calmlend's Stationary end Ps table EaW kll emeritus' Wr ough tan Warerilumbre, end CIMINO:I'e lron Knikard Pheir Thee artlolm here been ertuntnwl by praelimt meeltaro kw and meehtnlets, and prononnoteteupertar tuna; louse. 11. Is also euthinised to roll flights - to emir and 'rood thee. artlekte to any Part 0? the Re has also for rale honweassed Nutt. and Washer Land Galahad Uses Work. . Ile Is also prepared to tate Attend. an the sale of etto sr patentnal !tight, and new Invention& and give to the buslnere fedthltd and constant attention He refer, to Um Ibilowinf LARD. The suhavitere have lend been notfuldnted alth Itr Itoms and bare no Imettatlon reoommmbhts Idea to all who may wish to mph) . hie eartdearrar • Wan' tleman of undoubted InteCrlty and Indelatlersdestry In "kglir:lzigw7ri Nir . 'Wm, Latimer, J 1 John On= " W. H. Dena " 11. Chit& k Os', • James; Woo 1,. N. llolmm Enna • ' P. /t. Friend. I Kramer k Rehm, Y. Lorene, I 1.. It. Ltrlndeten. Keep A Wed, F. Johnston. WUbaPh'lllns, Andrew rodeos. A, W. Tont'ht. I WM.= ItoCandlom Patantee sits. 27th, In/. -•• • • - - - _ , St. Malt . Hotel 'v....a I. erne w . ribosurph, ru: THE undersigned, fbimerly of "Brown's lintel," hiving Won this huge and commodius lloce ok.VINSIXt'AtiI ol ' ol,1 1 1! to nint • oak Ashamed. with the convenience of the. 011116 and hLs long copestone In the bustnelehheenn give r entire eatlelotion, WS ohArspictnferate. s s - feWOOnid . Wit. O. IXINNIILLI. PhitsburAi Riding School • of Diamond Sheri vat Mem , Alio , F lIE subscriber respectfully onnour,:es to 'the bodice and tlentlemonor Pittsburgh, that hobs. reeentir erected a HIDING ACUOOL whleh. In roint of - AIN rommodlourneas and alaptetWo. nodeolably excels any similar establlolunoot In the Uttltal Stela. lts loco. tion ace,rosible from ell porta of the city, while Its high and airy situation, renders It especially suited to the pro motion of health, by this moot agreeable .asteh, TLe hors. aro 4,,e11e and well trained, and the proprietor 01.1011 liltusalf that no polre or aXpe2oo Will he 'rand to • make Ita 14/ / tatablishotent the Ant In the ornadeno, or the peGISh ca. IL 11. PATTEMSON. ORNAMENTAL STAINED GLAiS. THORIPSON de SOBLBIF (LASS STAINERS, No,. .135:Thlra street, l{' Mttebb h, rtrtapeettuU to•it. - th.:lateetlon o,r C4l:l6rt tAulldzriiiielUre=loirkgrer:.l LTA' 114711V 4 1 74 11 4? 14 1=1:Ph i r r All=1: 1 41 Rate Vol. I/11560; and. too Allegheny Ooanty job - tor 1864. Tboy are preeeraltoeseeuteStalned illsowof evert sayle and &dans :or ehttraltematirate tikellimrs, or steasoboati.ll . om t in ; plitilmt nbearess to tin moat • ornamentalondontlylneludina the demratlon of shruchas eitti.Life.Llka Azores, earlpftual :and ellorleal sotmte, and ever utl=lole n rlption of ar.tiniutiludnancalao. httrodgind Yin% P . tr g er t B n k d r i *l- 1 ; 1 =1 ty of moll work. Enamelled (11 .attners:and handsome' rotttir .Atitoevartirrfonst.andinT Ur, and Tempe ' t hey e a uraale, eau point to i rAcra l4ll %;Vec t jt i ttlin l et - altyjmd other plum, lbr ehurehwasteambeate awl privet tbraUlnar ovidencos tbdr essmaelty and • • • ' • • • • Sell .. .mating and liox Irony • rohE . Subscriber, hating purchased the ei- . inlve r oot it of J :Johnston!. Putout-Bon and J. o mina's Patent t. tendon firouotnlng Irono, to now ireelloTXitt btx:i ; r l. o , L ,lrt er zo. ma d itl o n d ral ozogtr h. AncLor . .`ttgL nor ereund h oe3rd_~. th w hil , I . naru Pa. priV WALL PAPERS the, Parior Rilom . et& Sadler. Federal at, Allagbeni e oLrottanid Art a earir Spring palm. A choice aseortraint et Ihioin and 11 •11PaPer Uariglito, - cheap Wan Paver to great verist' t Border& Ceiling, Testerendliartala Paper; Treatment and oilcloth Mader. at prim laauring • oretinuanee et the liberal patronage heretopinr received Competent Ps- P e ribuixerateeemmended. ' . . WAR, Cholera and tho Ministry of Ileaith • v zto,.° 4 l4 P E l Orgl! s:l l'oriVb' '2 P lif;' ' 1: 21'11 . , tuiAD. 73 Fourth Nt. CtEVENTY-F,TVE dENTS--Ladion en n tuti %TIN, teat quality artist Motes for 73 ote. pee pair, at VAN 00111)111t11, as be wishes to close out his stook. To .Iblias who havassoru thts mays, .111 seed: 749 11.1 , 9 at Ztpiell; these who have not. M be blessed bleb than , • tAll rase atA3 blartet corner of Dlaroott4. r,diriTsns. 'SUP: &EXTRA FLOUR; VLF% NIL' Dried PesehrA halm; 71 -• • box Cloir.r.l3enl, Orr Rev by .02.0 ISA LUCE A GARAI:NEL= LE 14 1 LC -- ipg-:-450 — bble in store and for sale by, 111' t 01.13 p, TIARTIATATI kW. -31 1 1.1410T.HY SEED —GO bug. for Welly nth!: HKNHY cOLLIIOI. itypEA _for , sale by ' ''' OSES -200 . bus. yll.ool,fies I) z.bit. • 4 " 4 " Foolaby • 3 I/aettnd, I,3rge., ISII-100 bblo. No. .., ...,. 110...;*•14 . 4144t .t 15- - 'ftalu°4 80-..- indialW 1.:13 -trotin 1 pla t? .. •"- ..z. -• . taw Lai•lsboos; ;PK"I4 m‘ • . i ,t11.0g71111014 le • . , - RA IL ROADS, &C. ~Q~~T 'RAIL ROAD: Opening from Wert 4Wwon, Westmorekrnd County to Layton Station, ie Fayette County. ( I N AND. AFTER THURSDAY, the lith tly boo of May, until farther notleet,UM Trains MR rots between the stave pointr. no follows, Lave West Newton at 5,1 , A. M.. stomping at Part Req.. al, Smith.. Hill and Jamb's Creek: resetangLey too at Ott o'clock. Retturan. Lure Layton at 8.45 A. L. reaching Wert Newton at 720. connecting—with the steamboat Thomas Shen°. for hltteburgh. malt. Pittabstrgh et 140012. i , t . ond Train rill kr. West !is knrint 13 recl,x/4 rap laytco. and returning, , wlll lesan Wien:. at e B. N., d° 4e, p ag at all way stations. , from Pittsburgh to Lartrot - ' 43 miles. One Mar. Stages for Uniontown and Oonnelbrrille will sonneetwitb. the Trains at Ltyon. Freight will be tranoyarted each way 'daily. For iates apply to D. W. CALDWI.I.I., Andatant Ertnarintan dant. West Newton. OLIVER W. BA ESE'S. Pittsburgh, May a President and Soyerlutendent. Id, 1855. AM LINE itUIITE. 1855. MEM CHICAGO TO ST. LOMS Via CHICAGO, ALTOh:A MI. ST. LOOM.' RAIL Zgit„iim ROAD, CJieett, Sacretatl 95 Water atreet, PI MADJiIItA. Age Formerly.tbe Chicago. Cam4ing Mt Great Amorican Zazorest and a Moil_ TRE only Direct and Reliable Route to thr, Booth mud South West.4ooent7 VRee Shorter ark Sur other Rout.: • Two moron "trans num! MILT. trorsmis &rcpt. ien . ver • Oiros . sio .— . • ...4redlitt LZrrir. Bt. Loth Das. Express.— 9,15 A. ..... ♦ St. Louis Night brprosslo,llo n.... ..... 2,46 mr. Trains run directly through without shanks of care or b Wri,icopo is .St.i uir trt 115 N Ileum IMPORTANT CONNE ' CTIONS—At with the Rock Island Railrnad for Ottawa, isslaUe, Rank Island and Central lowa. At filordnigtn with Illinois Central Rallroacllbr Clin ton. Waynesville and heosttrr. nod with Stagesfor Peoria. ~At Springfield, with Great Western Railroad fee Jac k . ranville and Illinois Myer. At Altoo. with Dolly • Lion of Packets for llannihM Quinn,- and Keokuk; the moat expeditious and tellable tont* ito all portions of Northsasin, slireouM, At Rt. Lonis, with Dolly Pint Class Steamers Ibr New Orlon. and Intermediate oirtson the Lower Mississippi. and With Regular Lines of Packets for Kansas, On. Joseph. and all pointson the illasturi. Tennes , es, Cumberland and Arkansas Riven. It. P. MORGAN, ligSupt.. Bloomitot, iIL 1.. DARLING, Arent. Chimp,. 111. apibtbadtwT CLEVELAND AHD, PITTSBURGH' RAIL ROAD- CORNEC7INR" wrnt STEAMERS FOREST CITY it- DIURNAL, VIA PERM...eV/LLB AND Oluo and Penna. Railroad, VI. Alliance. TILE shortest, puiekest and most reliable route to Toledo kftro, Reek Island. Galena, and 10.1 s V!A C AVll i tteln4l may's shorter nod about elan holm quieter than the efreuitente one eta Indian. anent, • . Three Daily Trains from Pittsburgh to Cleveland. Three Daily Tralurifrom,Cleveland toCiiiragn. Time to Cleveland, 0 house Chicago, 32 bourn and 81. T..012/PI, 37 hours. VIA ALLIANCE. The Trains of the ()hi° and Penna. Railroad testing Pitts. burgb at 3.00, li.oo Y. and 300 r, 9. connect at. A 11.5 rocs it-ti 30 •. it., 11.45 Air. and 6.50 r. st,as follows: Trains tor Cie...dandies,. Alliance at 7.ziu 9. and 12.00 8.. avd 6.35 p.M. connecting at Hudson with trains for Cuy ahoga Fells and Akron. and arriving in Cleveland at 1004 5.8.,2.30 P. P. Rod 9.00 e. Passongem for Toledo. Chicago. AL Louis. Boa Galena and the North-West...who wish to go through with out fletputlary mill take the Train leaving Pittsbumth et 5.00 N. and al:101,01n Cleveland at 2.19 P. A., as that Firthe only train by which dram connections are made through to the &Imre point. Passengers by this Main reach Chichgo at 7.30 next toundrig, and Et. Louie at mid• night. • • WELLSVL The Steamers ren t C City and Lgurnal will leave the Monongabela Wharf every morning, (Sundays essepted) at 10 eelse.4 tor Wellsville, connecting with the train leaving Wellsville at 4.30 P. . and arriving at Cleveland . at 0.00 r at • • -•—•.,engslat lots Teslavvrir 41;teretonacalatIon TralArill learn Wellerllle dallr. (Fawley. excepted) at 040 r. a. connecting at Bayard with ErynaseTraln as riving be Cleveland •t 2.20 r. al, Trains tram Wellsville and Cleveland ,reenact at Bay• and fur Carrollton. Waynesburg; Dover and New Pblla• delphla„ *4 - Fickete for Cleveland. Chicago and the via Welicrllleare eold at 01w sate than via Milance. The trait:L.lXX. Cleveland to Toledo and Chicago. run se foLlorw—imave Cleveland at 1.300. x. 2.30 A. M. and 13.21. rFer.arrive infehicago at 11.00". 0 , 17.00 A. 0. and 10.00 A. is Tram , leave Chicago tor Rock island and St. Lomb Ss fel:owe—For Rock /eland at 9.00 A. m. and 11,00 P. x. For St. mule at 915 A. m. and 1005 g. te. Psalm:were for St Louie go over Rocklidand railroad to Joliet, and thence over the Chicago and Niludeelpeirail road to AMA, and thence by steamboat (r. 3 miles/ to St. Louie. Pawnor* br tho 9.16 0. IL train wive in Saint Louie at 11.33 same evening, stony the 10.06 P.ll. train at noon next day. Baggage checked through tO Cleveland. and there re. checked Ch cage and St. Imola .. . . .. ... Nag VIA 1111.1.1.1(alt AND CLTITL.,..' laf Oa ri. 2d Class. lu elan. Id Clam To Alllaode_s2.3o To La 24118.-16.00 413 60 Cleveland.4.oo " 2 , 4 . 416146616,00 14 26 " T01ede—...6541 " Or.lena-....18..15 14 00 " Chicago 13.00 $lO 50 " Opeingtleld.l4.7o 16 245 "Doom'o.lW 14 40" Duzsngton..2l,oo 0 6t.L0ai5.21.00 16 601 , Psaronsory araestruenal to procure their ticket.. at the Odra of tne _CoarpLoy,,ln Movong4.l.olo now% 1,41 o.• the terrar. J. DURAND.sopt.,.Cle"eland. 1:A27 , J. A. CACCIII22. AO, 1.1454hta2h. CENTRAL ROUTE NEW AND. DIRECT ROUTE OPEN! , 711,R01N11 Northern Itlinoie to the Miaqhmippi River, lOWA, lI.ASOI7Ia, KANSAS & NEBRASKA. All:Railload to the .Mississippi Chicago, .Tharlington and . Quincy RAIL fbrynertylla. CgoipTl Jfilibrey Tract R'14 .4 "". '71 4 1, ND TRAIN run e entire lance from Chicago to Bur li ngton, ton, without damn ob v cs e xp e Only Direst Route to BURLIAGTON. QC( . ithwara, .111;SCA.TLy tpstp):44). LVlLl' , ll4.lfati.TuuNiZtafgib to 'ft sit l 7.ojl7, BLOOM INCTON, GMATON, DECATUR. ; CAIRO. SPI2. IN OI,7I . 7 .I I ,IACKSONF7LLE;NAPLEK and inter mediate Statkxs on the Blinn. Central. Great Weeteto and Uhl° and illiseiselppi Railroad. .‘ Trains on tbe above Line leave .Chicago on the arrival of the Train from • the gut, evoldbag all lying over at anger Stint. Stages leave Burlington daily for Southern and Central lowa and Northern Miaeouri—makint the quietest and most reliable route to reach all the important points west of the Mlemsalppli as far se Con dl Bluffs. with from forty to ilftT etsudng than by any Other route. The Road. for • large ceirtlon of the way, is Ind with the COS rumors ant, the sonethnt riling and been Railroad to the West—well etooltml with - the most modern Locomo tive, sod elent new ore. nvelea y , and emi rou t :tug at St. Louie o tro.m. an nld=e7dniiroZ avoiding the vexation.* eelag of fog. and In c sad dangers of avigaio. ma OD tali mate br Aon. texpLee ebeeted du of tbmtuth fete ebbleago, and no oh T e ll ' artrU h lrrigtiVetiitTslTl.t. on be toeeheted at all the Railroad offices the•Tast; at the nano( the Coto. piny. or of Clark sad Lake di, the granite Build. lun at the Delano( the Galen R. It. Mutat the Michigan tkat-al fl. nitre, corner of Labe and Dearborn ets.. op posite Tremont ileuee. Chicago. BIGHT conlgued by h im mete will mein tat medi ate d.epatch. .G G. mixmoND, Sept,' 0. Z. FOLLRIT. General Ticket ktiterit e ch i i= ot otair - ge t h h e e tLenbe ,. procured at the lingional.,, n dterd - 3ladisoa and IndutnapolikitaLl /toad. IJu 'ol an poptilitx• ad >5 propfq ki ransport freight into . the Interforof andisiii., from l Esat t or Patel:crab. at aa tow ratans anyother, root. flaring more Rolling Pt." andanuch moreexperlems. In its management , this road ran offer more inducement.' to attn. , " in Securing dispatch and oorrertsers at Tor needing atoorlti than. spy other line llbods tor the interior nib be received In Madison and mot forward "PEE of any charge fee &nag. and ca... This emarang also offer extra indoeententa to -Saab' to land with US v.. ma they have Large Wharf Boats and liharvea, whit.onto tato be 'tared fr. of charge and be yrotetted (ma Its .„ weather. Poe soy infintaation or taros of fr . eight; call on A. A. IIARLY, Agent. at Pittaborgb. who glro the desired Information. J. O. D. LILLY, dept. iI.Y. Joage. Oen. Awl— Pennsylvania Railroad. rrIIRE.E Daily Through 'rrnius, betwoon hlladelphle and Pittebmg.l_ MORNINII MAIL T AIN leaves, Philadelphia for Pittsburgh it II,: A M., and Pittsburgh for vhilebelohla lit 7, A. AL TIDE FAST LINK res ha Philaoelphia for Pittelnargh. at sod trl T i n it:V4 l°U ltlT, P. Koss.' Pittsbutith far ftd1.46101%.1_.0•f!--.4. realrtbs =grp. l .. - wp;ltt r . g ainvil t d - ctt: fa, 44 4, ..ratlgn„ -ry Ar Ant atzvotbr: ton.gpsingdelatellefinstaln• Sandusky. Toledo, IStrtissl 4;'Flikurt?l=s.4llTtisie.gTuirm &t. LnCis:Lounirtua, andeaccntn. 11Through .Ttekets can be ha , t, to er hug either of the , ,7=r oartiettla, ea. ttmnddlile at the different etartlng poluta. Passengers then the West will roll this the shorten and most expeditions route to Phliadelpt4a, Baltimore, Nese Tort, or Wotan. • TIL)8. AloolsE r AGM% /Werner" Lases..._r_PAslodelpAis, •J. Alf.BßlalliN. JUtavver P4n.l-Lt...A!••irr Michigan soutitent R korthern Indiana - - RAIL -ROAD:. rEon TOLEDO -TO CHICAGO, coimiQct ,:igVitiChleakel with Clomeneseameng tot• llehlgekuoregiEttlgra 'anaalltlVlTlVlJk' La coaneetion at La Salle with the 1111natetOentral and Cht gaga Afizeina!ppi .Italiroads and Myer Una n Straatimt MT i.e awls, Rack Maud. BC.La!II4 en d a11:L.446h *a the 1W and )11asSulpplRlrua. :kg:WE - ita TRA M INS. ine-Exyr... Mail Y T here. T M oladriat 9A. .. &MT. burin Clikagoat 117 P. • 94—MornIngress Train ham Toledo a 11 A. Id.. &miring - ha C at OM P Id. • Al—Afternoon :prom Train haves Toledo skl.ho P. l l. a l i tV3tgt h l i iirreerMUL Toledo at 3.15 P. M., ar . then in Moine at 6.43 A al.. • • • . One Train on Sundaye s iearew Tot* it 8.16 P 'rind FP= rarr:r.rogitta464 1,,,,„b; cionnaotlng with the. above. • . itZvrolnit:ldadtl72: Mourorrllle, wl thine tonneet with then (loran. andTt lad* Itallroad. Or by talrinntheCtsrattlidand PitUburgh. Ithilroad at Alliance. will then *Minot at Clereland with the Cleveland and Toledo itaihned, =Wog the time from Pittsburgh to Chicago. vi. 11. A.B. I, Banned lo' 13... n 0 Through Tickets can be proctned at the . Ohm of the Clevalandaard Pittabmith and Ohio and Pmts. Ilailrosibi, ander the manumgahela Mout, or at the Depot. • kitUbDTll,44.l.7.2otb. isa.ltY, n iuN a tlC sij . . - Ohio and Indians Railroad. rtAINS- !care crostlina ,Sunda4a erowaid, at 6.804. 11. on the mint of L t nl t Iran lattaburgh. and br war at an Idag aer *Ahail d. mate at Darten at Lao r.wy tandunattCan r. W. and I nillegneont /0.80 LI the only Una contenting glnear at firettllne with the ttlegt tkala awn Pataepgli. .Bor through tioltete town of tho shove Pointe i t Igr i t the l o.'t. B . 41. Oincos,Mononastrela liana, PI oT 't 71 3 •14V' Ilalegt • Itentseer awl tenetintenti .t ! , Pennsylvania' ,Railroad: , TECE.groot-Ventral Routti,-+Xinzioo,tiiiethe AlJanda athwart/h. Weaterin Northsreatern. and nth/seat= Btales. or is nontinuan. itailwar direct— Thlt rand also connects at Pitts/aran 61th 'gaily /las et Steenura 44 IN Parts on the Wastern Rivers, and at COW-- tlzt4:ll4 ' Pandalwl . l o h a lanar . r , all pats oalki ` ,lnk rear< b la MILT /1:14n Pawned=anul RATER BISTNI l'inaeatELPllL4 .1-4717:58N1X7P OLANN—nano Mei. Dry. 120041:: ,ii i . tx i s i. and , Stationedr, - - .':„r7 W on t .loalfd,) :4 7 roN Lel.' Mr MN/ _,- her 4.-.ll X6xtrlltilsa Bacon Gds. per 1 00111, • PPIJV ktinMatprt6;;;;lf .. . /aria/Lard Lard On . 40 a Pew //041/ M i 6 1. 3 o il v a i i . homer pt z t op /1 Bert on .otoabisi . Read 64 P All t=iiMudPtantlop g i u& t : k" ,:iit Vit' . 4",44 roman 'Moods Pdttar,Hosiosr..T.L.llliSott,L' Torin E..T. B=2ra/it* Macaw a. rep t n orc4.__lldth9,_ PittfiddrAl3-/... , .•_„,:_ . .,...2'; -4t307,8714.6i • e PHILADELPHI 1. _ Hemp Hose hitumfactor;. STON4 Qi.tor.rj, urpeet,lahOC, N , Seutmd, armtv.t.',La-z!tolfuMiNg tba; &curie.. Dwelling, as. It is mule wltbnat..tuissnikeb Cinlirag:ll ZslurtZ.:l.l.-4!A° Ride. Oil Mita .r,itter Store. uar KIRKPATRICIC , 2,I . South Third llf street, Philmleiehis, netwien7feeket nail Manna ctetzwe r, teglloA . r . sr lint.. Dry end fiteep alit i 1319. t lo'w.t.Afr ir" All kinds of LEATIIEB in the rennts..W ,rbkh thsj highest rear/ref price will be Kl•en, lit ue,ieffe or taken i 11 st, inwfilne, Leettymar,l gee of etnernwera tw. entesnlielec etrie nod a rhn (clot* I.VlArent. in A.11,0n d-Willow • r rnmptlytiled. Wan, Olockx. (bNaRi to, =ECM 1,1700 D ENGRAVING ex.c.inited with T T Patch IN Ala. /TH lIANCLIF.S to Oa 0392 . stla at the loavat porAPA. CABIL PRICE. bi _. J. B. MAMBA. Art Union .t ididUpp. - • N B. uora, ,, Fourth and Spe, nom sta., CM7S MOM. Mae . Paz - tient/it itu.otinn Paid to WA.' B.tark , 81l Bead. Btralu Boat and BUSIN-3.13 Cubs. Wif VV . M. 11. ITASK.ILL, Generai .Commis f li on 0 4.. m. lierch ua and . Auctlooter, 3 Water stmt, -Re • EtTkoOot attoottoo to Commis ion bupine, P iITSB URGII. GAZETTE vlBl=lBllo DALLY•A.ND IFEICHLY BY D. N. WHITE. once ...• nun enrcr, Itrcrary luarci sawir woon. . --. • TERALS-1. us . TE RNgI_. . • 1.P.1.11..r . .-Sla dollars per !W.., .ParaZ.Z. hale. yew* 14 -Thodollarer.r stkourt.ll3 advance. ahate '' `k:;lii;lr will he .applied ea th e followloi. eunatloo, . nee cooks par .01,1331.-..,........... ........... 4 t 00 Ten ,eoplea dO ..---. ........... —.-. 12 60 ' - 'l`wehty tordes do ~._. .. ..--- ... • _ Ito Kir Advance payment. are etrietly'rwMFed Co dthe Da le !Loma when the year I. oot,Fud.iegivh, retie* ed. iiTEr OF AD VERTISI NO: on. giuvie, (10 Una of Nonpareil M L -A Rst4 . +4 Do f, onlniertion„ . .0 50 Do • each addithenalTu7;rtjen-.... 0 2.5% DDo three 'make.. -.-. 4 00 -, o one ..... 5 00' Do tad - Do • •theoesmonttra, Do di months.— ... --.-•..-- 11 00 Do twedre Month, .. 18 00 deanding.earda (5 nee or lens par onnoto) 000 dollar , ner each additional Due. • • (n o m mune. chandeahhe at plenum, (Per an• nuno.excluelee o: taPen- ..... 74 60 Nor each addle/oval ona. o aineertd . orer one month, and baitach whinional senate handed under t lamb' rater. 'Advertise moots exceeding alienate, and not over Moen Huns, to a , etamed US moan sod a belt Patabh.ra ;aunt • 0(4 accountable for Imeal advertisements an the charred for their rOhnalion, nounelet emedidatee for odloe to he earned the same se other ad, alsemente. • ,sdeertleenrnto not worked in the mere for • ereeeltad nolober of itm,rtlone,, w il l be continued LW (Orb d„ and "coglavi„Arzgliaert,..ri, in striceity Mailed. to [hale men Immeje- lonlaceo, mud all odererthatmenta der the benefit of ors .eons, an well on all Arimtimpme s ant Immediately- toted with thole or,, businese, and all dames of aileartlemente, In leneetle or otherwise, be yond the limits engaged, will be charged at 1.00 untal rata, Yor all ouch transient advertising. 1 11 h, will he ilePatatalz , advertiseptioe:= chirltnit'sle'rnstitutlonee 'ere . lien f,tielel;Evr,tr.adlitownehlp. other un bo pile m , atinas, and al atg. , l nolfPrloo. Pay ableatrietPlinlgsg:s "*. Sterrimee notices to be chorgeo aumom. • Death noticon inserted without dwelt. anima acinenta, died by funeral Invitations or obitturY eeed MUM so tapaid for. Regular advertise:mend all other. sending cot=lene B:Ione. or requiring noticee deigned to. tall at o n s. tioirma,, Concerts, or. any. peddle entertain:newt where.ehargeo ere made We admittance-an hakes or tale etwoolatlrros-every notice deafened to tell attenUot ousirAtzeremerfeca,..... ealcepatil or Intended 'to promote to taFtl7.^:soL° la pel for. wi th lf intenueseld'iro let inserted In the teal. column, the w mum VW be obarged at the net, of 10 tante par line. Tavern l Lop teferseT4 at,o grot d ra d est r e d . tr4l° ' adriertlemieratanot to la chased a Deal Yetate n&r yearly rates, and Aaecln but allowed a Omani o thirty Ulnae end one...third ails. per cent from the arectint o • • PRIELT Ol T111.1311U.1.13 DAIL!' NUMBS. Ono Egoore, throe Innentoo. • .81 60 Do. Ault rehlitlonol Ihrertion • sr .; Aenurrrezo ta VIL . KLT PL. H. Ono Femur, (10 Ilooa)000 10tr0rt100.......60 Bitten,. rEwo years have elapsed since the intro- thisjilL9BLE-114/NCIAP.-brfo the, ulryzeiti: t irdPer,l:7l2 T i" Al • 111:1r2OT 702 FEVER AND AGUE,. Dyspelsia; Indigektion,..Gesd-ache, Loss of, Appetite, Debility , Costiveness,- Blind and BleediniPilei. Ilan poem. most worthy either'ss testify to Ite wonder tai efficacy in all affections of the . ' STOMACH AND LIVER;., AA T, • Wm, has been equaled, A. Pf ONIC r the Yaffe it aftaxis he en. Debility, or Weakness of any kind is alms- inettantxamus. . . . . Ls NM VOLTA% RIM:MATH) 'AND NEI7ItALGIOAPP6O., TIDNB ss ass In numerous butaness proved highly beneficial. sad In others afrested a decided tom. . _ , .• wfien elaW=t physicians prescribe; and their south. n tingyrecommend. sareist ersaaym al t t o s , eagey test Its virtues for Sunman.. • .... vantion! . • - . Thai:rest rptiderity of thb. delightfal. ARO!jj hai ie. Maned many rei am terant., •ghleit the . nubile should mai , itt l y ' Alee until =ha p' 74111.01:PlriAgAdEca,, MITES a Lk trial._ Ono bottle will. omits" you beer': latnitely superior it Is to all theca tations. • - ..., ayr..W,lat $l.OO perhottle• or 6 bottles Are PAO. VT ' 0, n*P2'4411... lIENYAIIIPI PAGE, J - i ' •'' ' asou.adv—r t lEglharsoaanslstasa i th e a v And 11 Dna 1 Ats ' . 2 s . It% 12 rti n'I %tA t r t ,Tli tik _ pd4g— ,l+m, Afiaamtr„,:r asat'rempaajeu .. ,, ..agakarmarr ~• . ~ ............._ LIVER: b0N1P.L.,..a...uNrp.• 13 Ir SP }1 PS I. 4: 1 - ... - .. 71 ~.. LerDicz . _CIIRONIC or NERVOUS . DEBILITY ‘ ' DISEASS OF FBA' .57D.1017. , ~ And all Diseas e's - arising . fiii m a •Diaorleied Liver or Stomach: Q. Cat AS CONSTIPATION' INWARD 1 , .. - 3 Filee. Puilness alibied tithe MO.' AcidlUgg - . eieNtociaah, Neur,eficarthatt, Dio= t hr - Poot wa. lu ' t % tehl i t ' t t git the AT/11m r.t‘Oxisech Swimming Oen% 1,„„ 4 , tr.niert end /Alcoa Etreatiolo4 the ". ti-ere. choohoa or fiufforattng Denactious when in 4 yet ute, in 7.7 en. of Vhdom Mint 'Reba before the Verne uiddiall Pain in the Heed. Del d..*Jor ti—.. 'Yellowy., 'f the baba and I:ym, Pals In the I hac Chest. Linde% an, Eitiddeti Plurbew of ned. Diato., lack, ttn, l'lnsh, Qoultant Imainlute Of Er% end Gnat Dominion of Annie*. .- • 4 1 Jaw ne cirnorcom "tin *r ' DIL HoeFumn . '- ,' -- .. ORLEVATED GERMAN 1 3 ITTERS;" ..,. Dry. Ce.:lge, , J at lc ti n, No. 120 Arab ;• Street, .Philadelphia, '.... ' '', TESTIMONY FROM - PENNsYLVANLL7 • '''S r. p. W. ratuntborm P... , w. 7, -220. ISM. +With much Diem:el I testify the min Bitten. Roma time Mote hi I no svirtuesevereolf roar y allihted 7 with • disease of the . 11 **T. Dm which I need- unbent .... remedies, but with no beneficial 0(.0;mi/1121ms tm tor your Biltem i which I.m. nor Maar to otate hatia.i' T entitriy cured me, . im 1.0„..... Jhne ... "iii• i l lidi ll tu e rs= l. lafflgted 'chi; a nerrOCU • %lay I sTea ' Seat 10131. elm which time lime beentinahhi to DWI u r t L.P.!: at l e tll e irT e g e eki db OM t to `, town. e fer age tinei dr* of Iron. an deeciftad to him 1 .rnim.h„... O f to wirc hit then handed mesiotOt aspota., to r e .o. innorur Which 1 found one drectiblu listiollak 1 Itittfrs. I imaterilstAT P... 11 d . L ikriv bottITA.,. phi, . and ens aimed to &eta thee-the tue af the Bitten . has 11done her moremi , than all the medicine rlgkagonereme. . .171 1 { . : bilo:4ll:3ZlAtrarlrriX;V:;t:k Jut, 7 MA,' ''' ray: - *We arealmoet out of lloodand's Der manittere. le i . is N.lllDic well and aims general eallotholion.* ' .„ Joan nwasts,Dunrannon. Pa.,:tiro 0. ma. n_rir ..1 • ' here been Dolling ntilte a large quantity of your flotsam , ~ Dittem and , end it a matt tillable medicine* Jana I. tenon. Milton, Pa, June 4, 11/14t, tayar She ' ,dstiml tome Blum ts Increasinot 111 Plain,_ _ln MM. , poem no tem' tentrkable cures that it has p..... R=4 ttreapitatjoateolji„4 rue,44,...0... . i... ..,...._- _........__. the Intent .4 none mamas[ it • ............"e`g nn fleo en i d irti r Il yee t" . /40 IWoEl777:ll%7untirei."P.lic mtoob hwaata."." Alhate i r=a n d by deealawiyousukth e irennany 6 11 ~_ ZOO - ds: .of .a7"%rolitiot7l.o. la lithe add dark adorn. Add deed hem ahs.raddm., ane Jonah, In any tmantttlor. at the 011 moth Warefooma..No..ll6 Marltut at... k11.1"11.1741111. ktURPHY A BUR6IIFIELD have now 4: to gide largr e maratecad iol+l4l , or Sprist 'ad Rm. llama will MU a ttn7 /arge, &ad' waded aw aorta:Lent at 'ow ream San bm.BROIDERIES-40a0Ph Horilo & Co. hays nom rrosn thole aocond Bp7:thg. supply of Tana ea art LI as low primal Etobroioanas 'mooted tit at tha 'meat hor, m ICS/o l. toloos, sod at pri to aolt aoam_o orer & Maill7.c - pOR 310TRNING—ib9ar ,ThSieeN'*hiteiil4lk - -1101 AZENLY G00D4: 7 4. At. thVZtuangV=Rtnlg.__2L__u.,lVg;•trt;tm'lV"- -C a NTS — . g d stm&kronantlis' to gait costo;nin k .. hOntitenshoZWindom Oka. Pl en ty b"k Ct a rr i4 410‘ .61Cirket.t. pa - reABLE OICCIATHS-4001doii; ordifer- A-zggraUse'llln,"l"kB4l4"" FLPISCopPia lessomg Iteoloroodan rtakil and Itomucltilims Doroldr o 'ot saa Mstbsalss KRIM BOOkl. LIBOTICISed or L os shoo poLotYlli oftiodloo !soft! "ItitApSES reed , montirargar,gala.,,, irmon.,RDP -po c4fitbbbl. "ul44ede - 4 Noir anzaan . / 1 00 MA 41"/ Q METAL-4w to Tenn: tatm,l Metal; titope•Nogml/4moriscau,.;:f "3.l4.4,4l2llVrtAicstitia no. . Itzty cp:x.tXllllA 9E-TOICIs7k-- pa=rrz 9 t art woototootoio 0 ; tu wodir • maw ' almsllll 1 I •11 111 ~,y "~k;~ _~~" F ~,