~,-,, i,• ,- .. ,c 1;. ' - i .. , •1 I ''TN* i . !) T'llyl Up:l7f .4 , , , 1 _r' . • ‘ 1 1 '' . 7 ' i •s . . ::::-.. '.... .:,- - . i ESTA.I3I4ISHED IN 1786. DU SI N gs§ tilitECTO M. P IT T/ M IL' 00:13 ADV I rATI 9 ING AGIINIST 112 1321/.li .111.11 W Nara You. And No. 10, Bran e.g., Donor. P. k . 0.. Ant Agents Jar the peg Infltuaglel sad lan= tf misting houtaragel rintarl the thiltr k and the Canada.. To the ..Yttblie 'PHE'BRANDREI4' HOUSE is nolitztn . si l ib ll, =. 4pad. if ,7 7ol 4... C r t in ..A. o . 9V i ftrt iu r af in a : j ultu v t u io . ..l3 . BruAret.ll Ilome, $4..416 Broodorsr.99P.ll. Nam Hr 104 N.C 1 . Ori Tate entrance No. OP= n.—Nor Ymk. ADdl 0th.143. . -Brindreth:ltonse liestatmug, 9PPOSITE NewSoren -Railroad Depot, ramp:won Llimnard and Canal sta. /Imam serval ia Loam opt.. t eretT ae and noon or te,T Itio""PuVilt i ' r; Int=tria lattl o'nloen In t r m g :ftarranon. Ikon°, Slater, ,mo at the Now !total, "g*li"gbd. l.r the aTe gk nT 4 o; i gn= t ait Ave equal cause Ibu_antiar tZb, mefunrd art. and Canik—entautes *Maw West. • - . •1,79:17.7,er arid Supper pucks wt ne gectimmodsted intb.l . nivsto mons. If destrnd. • , —Hcragh's Patent Elastic Skirts.' RATES& PRANCE, No. 1 Barclay street, Vsurios--seee r.,_wmulao moot Mei Wore th atioxpet the potent: • All nountlittuton mot tenors Ito f rinsing .111 be orotocated ►ceo~ dlcg to low. mh2o-1. JAUKBON & SUN, of the late. Arm N,Jeekeon. Sot* Orate and render - MOM% 240 Yroutert., = t 030 Brcedway, New York, tame ,awcultaallt on hand every variety of, Grate, sad Yenadrill Also, Clreelatzlaaara';(lerolaatllea . r Unto. 'Whole sale uealaft • • • • 30124” - ,-, . 7 . 7 ---- SVARREOOBII. . . • . PAPER • • sl:lllMANLtic r icsi ILUITOW, No. 161 William stroit.,A groat - RAPER for Book, ors, Stationers; Printers, T kisaarsotorors, ksiriTradosourn kenossEr. -..,•.,' - • - WOMB TOT AND /ANN!' .%.+4IILBOILY. do CO.; .54 Maiden tam, — .(ne Asks) And 2A LI bats street. brivorteri,..f TRU ,and I t GOODS. :, .: • ...-. Spiritual Telegraph. ,THE organ of modern bptritualism, Fonith fol. -- coitasnerrealn liar.. It contains the fullestre -091 qUilat. of Current Facts =deplete. on Spiritual in. larecharse. Published weekly et =per am= else, ell rrdrithal Books for sale br PARTRIDOE4 IlignAri. • . . ent4o4. • f B 342 Broadway . New York. . 0 1.472 , ..t Book. &sat a .2p1h24- n163.1P Ccimos, Fans axtd Fancy Goode. .:, William 'Tasker, • - - II) PARK PLACE. NEW YORK, inViter the attention or goithernand Western Mercants. of Pans, Goua. lia`r, Tooth and NMI adios . Betlaules, Perfumery, Seeps, Port Mon.' 1, - "ere;i,m and Bead nrarts, Pocket Book., Deers Bat tons, Plot and Needles. Goose altd Erse, Watch Guards, Wax. Garai and Glasirßeade. lateklenes._ ,to • India Rubber ..1040artes, Palls and Tors otit.Q76elC , lPti.:4 &Wane' .ave 4 eadlintlerr, Vold and .Gilt Jewelrr,rordeons end Thum; inninang • general and Per Jar Cock of Busillst,Prentliond Getman Puny Goo Is, o kb will be bide at Lb. 7=7 lonest , prkn for Cash or Approved Paper • 1113:fIrdeti err letter selected end put up in the hest • • WILLIAM TASK,— M 8.4 " 10 ?m, New , t* • Excelsior C Factivy. • WINSTON, -BROT praeti-. .; cal Cheek Makers, earner of Rebmca sad Delmont stn, ..le=4llty. P r s tl ign f or ( gt i nd Til th =tattufsegi u rati l / 2 1 e i tel " rellytt b lotirri - tHllll . lgneVitt4olrln , ellmr,wor the best Juniata boa and' Eastern IlloinnT. stunned to on the moot reasonable terms. They pse=Pdent that all who may besot them with their pst ronSit perfectly .ent oilsarof their wort txT tra M i rm L r d izarcirlinethe der., "'"ileen°- irtzwasr. AMA GLASS WORKS, - • "WK. DAVIDSON & .ANIFFACTIMERS and dealers In Vials, Baena sad on listis orate...a it flint 0 lomorare, Moo, ktorkot stetot. Plttitot= Partlealor attordiou void to prlvoto tooolds for • Aro. 66 dreh,litreer,. reuatmpets, Importers of O. a tlee's UnTivalled .A.gmita for the most Oelebrated ADOZZY TARNS, HOMER Y: zurit um MURIA • • LIRA 1 7RA de. r TSBURGH COACH FACTORY. BIGBLOW At CO. *, . Disda MXto Ha 1 46 wag " DIAJNOND ., fte rittSaqh, Penna• . . C CIACTIES, CARRIAGES, - PHAITONS; sad envois. ileterlition of Faitu Vehicles b t - to order, End fialstud In a chanter twectriper•Sti for besrefbf design, et ea on, of Sollb, sk il l of workmaostal. and tiorablUir cal:matins/Ai All..ork ererrsoterl.. "Inoo _ - WIC A. 111. WIN'S _-- ,11.EAti ESTATE OFFICE, No, 87 Front stood. 3d door grom—bigrleolu Doan In Lao Chou: it. oOm Ptg lam, az. Vogt property bought goo/ owl • *.er..anitr a OLD, -I. BEARD imam.% PLODDERS AND -DAP, =CRS ISt and 122 /lira save, Via. AX TANITF "AL I TCYUR E allkhutsiof 'Water. Chus A on sad Stem Masa BDaseDffKed lIP vitbaikaail =HS . E B. . t - )'' reit - A ll R. DY- tb CO. No. I'S North • 1717.R.D - Street, PRI.L.NDA o I9I I I .I 3 4 ROCL 4 OIILNITFACTURERS, COl:tit qlltitlketutllmporta• of YRENCEI CALFDDINIA s oto.D4•NRD and 0#1; BOLE - DEATIIER AND IaPP. 4 . , ---.• " -•". .• ' .• ' DlAlym ; : p.aeuno i . .and Mattings: oFte: 34 • - Inenl", ' . . Bnperr and ow Incraln, .T•illad plain Vaultsn; , Irtd"g i l,q l 7 7 ' d.aviPtion 11... p. Cotton. sad ;P ..OIL •01.0THS, - Irc iT kLn peel qualities and_ prima. Lbw ths..*4 and gram Ott 41.11ndor 11 Maar. Shadon Piano anoi2Mable fn. * Drognata,puos and Canton Blattl. sal. ands, Vanlttan , . Bunn*. ma. ar of vabSolt be of atilt. karma cosh Ninon =hi!) r..8001t - and Sob Printing..: 1=1: SHRYOCK, having recently re: =ma au Jeb Britt! AO. to 82 Fifth shalt above Ossetia B ts would respectfully vsslielt *patronage of melthan,.resnufactruees and others. and Wan provided with slam rower and superior honk. /Ant rat'dPrefer, ha is ambled SO eXeCUte 411111 T det Uolloo biwk sasel- ukeroutile job Prird , ait at abort ettMatid.istripedarate pilots. - - .i tid. a 14 . 4rAer Mr WO Or • SU Or dot sat n SP7., m i.llll aker's straw Nifty reams Book rstrehlisp, on luLnd sat Emma . . --, . = tarn . • o • • :4: 's P • TUT P E. Oc t" , ntideinigned . ' ifl prepl..red to supply OARPSKTELL OAUINAZWAIDISBI3, and Workout • sti=4.4"bis Paun ca! it Vomit inatoble lo ess on t.r. nng. .ono mew int. ~semi row 72ie fol. lb % rCri * e essreedare r. b" ---n " / "Aba. t rar b fabi. to ~ '''''""'"" • • • . Prnistrwou gas= them= liscroat,t .. 1 gebrossy '112.11164.. - Fin i Z watlif otte= FM ..AIt dud de. = =oh= tad= IittMUNI • itiobralli•r so oners Fa= al:a mot he f sraite to esennetend It to Cstdrurt-hakeri end liaromiters as so. Ito Bay other Pm= in am W. coadderit peetelse. I *3_l 4 planing oak, chari7i war.= and hi .i.d. nS =al. and Wir pluton =clears, It le Weeper= to the 1000,1 of sonsPhrg. besides being • great toeing of time. Ono ta•n:by sting this Flanew will plane 610111 ve neers thrin Ain men ow do by say =bee limo al method itl~fafgaL . PAM, gad: _ - 4 • • , _ , dKr—L ban =weried •Hoppedo Patent Ihnith Plalewars4 beano It teal.• moot mraillont lotto's for the me far welsh it le Intanded, = . mu Mustiest of whine dog and l ie Fr s ta r d ri r k r o a &V to Vi Viol. tarot ve ? rr, tht d o 1 1 1 niello . ,end. 1 lole no doubt...hen tt• ProPlatios th e nomll tam% oat Oath will main= impsrod• s 70 - iiiriTtiidoss nod =torte= enstom. . . 1 mot etworfally rearrom•no tt to all persons- In the Oehhort topeamo. ea flow my know ledaM j : =me Is nothing its weU SU= to glee. smooth a= *ow that =ash to =raft s• =whopper 'Patent hem* P lan _. _ .. - - • asno W. WOMon=, tore Wasaxmrs;97, lig Tiara st,. Pittaiargh. - „VIA, Febroory 27,,1551. NI 1:8 F. IATON. of =Welty. Is inT polo Agent for the mail of Mimes, ar of rights to nobufsetarm an eilt toms Pitaigrial. M • _ _ .. OO _- • th • ___:WAIL . WIL O. lb 'Milt. othlngiso: C0.,.- • MAN 111 F AA - I'll .4 OF 4,031,111171110 AMD; Sulpfatrio -.Ether; ATlbreerStioteltsaf s l ll4 ; tiltzioAddi ~..11 = 0. 4 141d1 ItcArkt,p3latula. - ' • e mmgEe Well"f cif)iiit4hanlit ." Pittsburgh -Aleaufactitrixl Articles, ish. 218 4,i6erty ~. stmt, co ornet—of Irwin, ving Toughloppay Flag Stone. TUE subscriber is prepared•to lay or tar der sere meant ofTsvassest, Casty Cleassias. aC ".." erri trAirrtot r e i lii . , the Dispatch ysec war posidisskas hatingtheas at thethotot icbtrty st. Dan oltil &hos in feet Stonsi laying there, and the balance . .reitTsqqkfte wtszk E =fineDniiie Jones 00.01144Min,”&-M inyto44.-:1 FIDA d.. oppodte Eschews Ranh. -JONES acoats , IVIIOLBSALE GROCERS • Pail' . 'F,UBNEWEIL.I; DA.m.sa.4 . Frahm and Pittsburgh Mendacious, .No, 141 Water_ &meet, i rt r cb .gfriß i adli PENAL • Ae`Young Ladies' iniiitute.% • 1 1 1 , 88 . . W West Twenty-Third 'et.; NTY.. Psn •••• -Zia. DANd'WARDiind Mrs WARD. , A i "! 'l4 br'tgliterraitlNTAlU'lS.D' "4 . • .11wAsakrsiess . sod aitiLlitly. 111. 11 X 3 INST/TuTE , a nts mp.oya ,Profostors of • tks first gra*/ In al riamsta;-.=l: . Or %Ids, IststininDeswhsg, sad Of fin NOM% Lf. n o r . o patina M BollOPLeffill OWN kr VMS JO ; ,:ratil i rt atilli i tfolilt i w rit Inalt= •Is =t 12 . 1 .• Ints,B.4.;;dth. drossasaitrW' Yong nr , man. I' Winos of Ow lafflitnte, mita a filt of Sas astir, nanny snd saw ths plan of shad annad or iftdr nor So sant Irs (AM= on • . xsTACo» wood J. Nam ja. • . , . '' ':..- - ,, - ' - ' l, ' -r...,. --',- -- j ^ -...- ..,- ~..!:-,.., 4 , 3 ' -'. l ':-.-: , ...1 ,. - A: ~ ,:" '-' ,' , , .-,' .-',. ..• .-: - - ... -, ,',* .... ~ . 7 2 ' ... ..t.' ' .. - : -. .....' : : . - ;P ! ':;;'; ' ,.::' , r 2 . 7 - 7, ,,c4.47-V ,7 ,,i 7- .7k 7, .‘ . :;',,:j:::;, , ,,-:J.Z;1:t% ,. .; -.l. ''' ' ' ''''''' ,2l ' ,. ."''''''i . ' ''' ' '' ' ' ''' '-' li'''''i ,4 2' . ' - ' ' '' ' ' ' ' -.., '" ,,, 'X' . . -- " : '' ' : )'- ' ,,: ‘ .--,- - , :- •- ' ,. ' ' '''''' ' ''''''' ' . ,: i ' '' .- CK''; ',l „; l :4" - 5 7' .?.,.:';'; ',t ,r , ::':" .' :4 1 ,- , '": . ,., 1 - ":1 7 ;t%-!:; r i '=', l- 7 , r: - ...! - !'Zi .,,, ,t17't, ','7 • 7 ,4 7- ' ,,, :f:',:‘ - ',.*: -. 1,, , ,,..,'-:.7....... , :r.j1,'"1',. 1 `7 , qinVi:711; , ,- 4 .... , ' ........"6-f'- .... , -........e.4.--.4...-.,-.4 - A .. - .. 0.4 . ,,, , „ :„.54,2 , .. -^ ,-, , ,,cf,, , ,,, , ,,,',4W,W4" ,, .... _ '-',--,,,./::',%;, ',..,',, , ,,`, ,, ,,•4,!'ii . `r.; , :-...,, , -,..*"-,;.:-.NV, , ,,*,',11, , '.,,tc,,V.47112 ,,-,- - , ,...*, , Ph , "`' - 'l .-,, -,;\ •"4 , 4 -:-",,,-,, AiL''' - ='•%'''' ''):,,, --'"'' , • ' .'"f1: - .F , ra-,` a-, ,,, e , , , ,,,t ,. . ~ , ..4..,1F.Vet i 0. - , 4,0' - 't . ~ ''' , - ,; . 4 - ' :- !' ;: a i:9: %l' ' f . - -- .. - 4 - : '--.: ;:: - ... - i . ‘ - :': -:! - ': ::' ; : :'5 .- 11 ,. ;' ` '. :: '-''!;'-'• -: '' '- ' : -* .. 1- $ l-;- :' ' Z -,:, i' ,. : ;-2. 6. ,''',:, : ,-., ;: - .q: ' ; ?, ;C .2 ` -;, : '1 , -' ' - % ; :i ."- 34- ... e t : : F ; ;Rf.l 3 -if °°':''''':"- . '''. '''' ' ' - . , ' • ' '. ` I -,' r . - 1 -' : '-75'4 % --4 4 , 4 , 14° , 444A;5T - 14r0r . **e4 . :Ag..41a. tI te,,t ,. e . ' *''' ,--,, AV ,, , - ' -,- ,. , 0 , 4 ,, - , ` , ' - 'iq i. :". -- ' - '' ' - '5 - : - 4‘ .4r - ' ,-. . -- : - : ,4 ., -- ti_ :-.-. N , li , "` S, `: -. :. t'' ,' .'S`.., - 'l - 'l L :' ,- '' , .,`''''''- r i,V1?,. ,- P . , 0 -, , , :' , . , - , .. , ; , -1i ,, ,,,,1 ,, -. - ', , ` , ",i - A- , ,, ,, , -,- - - - , " , ' - ' 't ; Z l- t4% - 51f+Wf.i. 47 i , C 4,..,,' 40 4" 441fff1,4=4 . 4V,.. 4 .ZL ' ;' - ' ; , - .**4 7. 4o 4' ' ' '' "...- - i • ~., .. , . . „ , , ; 'i_..r., - : „ . . ~.,, .- . . .. ,:: : - ,'' - • : ,! ,:. ~ ~ , • _.. .' -....-- : . . '.' --- , BCSINtSS CARDS ATTORNEYS. jOSSPII S. & A 4 P. .110.1tRISON Attor dzwiter,,ohl).',ltrif;'r b e. p re . ray.el• I W. 1 .; Attorney at .Law . ,f Bake , :311's Bundir," Gnat stmt. betwoennitintVrad OBERT E. PHILLIPS, AAorney at Law, at.LouSa. Ito.. I °BERT POLLOOAttorney at Law— Corea. dr TIM ate Ch; s 4 stmts. oppeolt• thsesstt huss stets: Pittsburgh. FAXES J. KIIIIII,-Attorney:at w, offree eJF Fourth and, mar Great, Pittsburgh. i•ltdir lASPER. E.'-_BRADY, Attorney at` Law, VI No: 1,11 Flltb stred.Pittabruldi. BANKEILS AND BROPIERS.;; • 4 11.:3 IF211.011131.:::::11:DWelp WIDE nouscielcsauts, E RA„F.- & RM.131, Bankers and Ei . change Brokers. Biiy and sees Gold and Silver and Notes, W 3 gotlate loans on Beal Estate or Stink Pace.. titles, purchase Promissory Notes, sad .Time Bills on Past, and West. Buy andll Edoolut on Oammillsion. • Collec tions made on all poin se ts In tan Union. JtHos center of Third mud Wood streets, dirndl/ opposis. th e Bt. Wises, BreteL ap7 , toyi-ly C. 0.. WELKIN. ......, LIMLEIG WILK i • NS & CO.. • (“UCC2B6OED ItO WILALLIeI • 00,) BARKERS & EXCHANGE BROKERS, NO. it Pd 1113211 5TR.81.7, PITTSBURGH: • IN the numerous ,enspeneions. of Bankers and Broken; thtbughOlit the country; during - ISe Last mmtbs, we aro satisfied that In almeet every Instance their troubles hare grown out of a departure from their IMMO:MU buniuma and we thereure take oremion to as sure the pnibile, In advance, that no eseenleirean to • "few' my stooks,'" or other • outside opmatione Shall tempt us from the Meet and legitimate line of our buetnela buttbafilta avoiding ail eush lereetnienta we chill not only be better able tonerre our meaner@ and aonore the? nalhdr, but that In • adopting molt a bourse Ife Mull:pro mote one own ultimate benefit. fat iIfII4I.LNS . t 00. 11.101 NAN & CO, Bankers and Exchange tracing:O. Wood street, corner of Diamond Alien 11412 d mil Bank Netesand °dn. Distromtne Exchange. and. Promissorr Not i ; make Collections nTin all the principal cities of the - Union; demise ..Depoalts ' call andon interest...and give their prompt attention to altnth or_inatiera ItPPeStaing to a, Broker's badness_ • ICM..nartcdn eoustantir for tale. mh.Vidy ALKEIt, EINNNA lc Co. SuccesBors to Uomen Mama & Pankers, Ha:Swage ilrokorsand iweign and Ilorneatie knehanipa Oertllkatee of tinpodt, Bank Notre, and Speale—li.W corner of Wood and Third-etreeta. Current Moiler ...Wed Depoelt. Sight Muscle ke .al ta and calla:flow made on nearir all lethal pal_peinta of the Waited States. The /deice annolam pald for Foreign and korarimn Gold. • • • !Wynne,* nude on ocfnalinumnts of Produce, ohlpprol out on Moral toms. urm Vi r f T.T.T AMS & Co., Bankers and Vl ß rb ln p e brokers. North nut corner of Wood uld Third 'Un' th.ril ' slio i lr= b Ork liberal tame. slid eolleet/ooe .115 0 .17 irtomptly attended to. HOLMES & "SON, Dealers in Foreign sad Domestle Bin. of Eschew% Oertlflosle Lp.m Bank Notes and /3porie . No. 09 Market stree Pi • .Ifrealleetlous made on all th e =lnd eitle. Menasha= the United States. BOOKSELLERS B.C. L. READ, Bookseller and Stationer, No fal TB Fourth ,treat, Apollo Bolldlrt. DON S. DAVISON, Bookseller and Sta ll flow to Davison & Agnew. So. f Illatkot exalt. cum moth. Pittsburgh. Pa. itDdITRY S. BOSWORTH, Bookseller and es2Ar in Inaumm7,Bc., Kw 82 21.21E4 Ansi, war ord. PittbtErgh: IL:CO., Booksellers and Stationers, No. 65 Wood otroot, mat door to =erew of Third. Pa, &drool and too bo4.)cs constantly on hand. M UMn ATWELL, LEE & CO., WHOLES AT .IPI GROCERS, Produce & Commission Merchants, - AND . I)E&LIVEL9 za PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURES, MN'S Woad $l., between Water and Front. et PITTSBURG IL HENRY B. Mir (late of the firm of 'King, do Moorhead,) COMMISSION MERCHANT, DEALER LT PIG XETIL AND BLOOMS, No. 76 Water street, \below Market, 'pl9 PIGNICIL 0. g • . s cgrr- lgLaitlett WELL S, PORK PACK\ERS, - Wholesale Dealers in Prosic ns, GENERAL CONISIIMON .11ER&LANTS, No. 925 LEBESTY STREET. \ PITTBBUICaII,, PA. RAIL . . ....B. L. lIBITOB. witc, co., \ w 110LESALff GROCERS, Produce arid V v 'Coomis9lon Metehsats, and Niko.. In PittaborsiL l lllananetung artiolog. No. gl9 Liberty gr— corner or Pittstroxfsh, RE4nOVale-S --- orinffr liarbaugh /r. CO., harrwsicrsad to ko. Llbirty dros • -• • • • • -- §PRINGER LIARBADOILE CO., (Suomi, nue to H. ) ierbactaj • Commlseicu end Forwarding . releautr.Deskes in Wool lad Produce gunman aio. 993 Morey AFtreeradttedouute. ePe A. A: HARDT. Ao.mrwei.d b .imft•ooA mmmmigui , ANDFcvmsiemmiaxemiNsi. Agent of Madison and Indianapolis • RAILROAD.. • No. 80 Watt sc., Pittabtagh, Pa Jaaaiya a cwARDINo COMMISSIoN MER CILANTS,snd Nears la all klralatf Plitelbangth Ma*. : Article% Lead Pipe and Sheet. Laad. lip. 91 Ylnrl Btreat, Pittsburg/la au617d14 do A. VBANE, Commission and For &.- *leo Pgat tuttl! . f..4"11. CIMCWOrIei ikitangigh. ape -17'63 Sr. 13.20118011 ROBISON Wholesale Grocers, .614,41nee Comoleitid Aftrebas.W.Nl?. Pao - ILERCER & ANTELO,. Deherai Commis , ziosi MerebrZ t Phlladelphla, Literal ac i lar CANFIELD, late c Yrodoa VVitrrim, Ohio, et." . Ifto r '" u l l4 Ao fc.nri l i ge^fe lL f d en__ u tterttg h'i. d . Pearl AZand.Weatoexn Pralane gene - mut Weser laetwean Smithfield and Wood. Pittsbarith: $ 11101“3 trert.T. Pi-- ....A.S. LIM; -$7/1. $ L) LE or fiia - iii;tiaZiAtt.4 A co.) Z. LE & CO., Wholosalo Groben, irPicodna• azul Commbedon MerehintA,ssal Desk. la best Ma2ulseturea . No. 112 Blood 211.6.72 a. '11011SE:=1:(ENRY H. V " oor,M, WA E ,dco."l°"""b"m•i'd •tgOltLitS PALDLER; LinporSer and Dealer French and Amarlaan Wall Papar_, N. _66 Martel betvraeaTalrd and Focul2tweft& rinsianan. . , McOLLNTOCK, Importer-and. Whole- Redial .Dealew Ft. Corpntlng, Awe (HI 31 %Ulu , Table sad Plano Omm Wliadow Bladed Boat No 113 Harks/ Mace,- DRY GOODS. AMR_ AS CO, ITMS74III-.13. L AXIBONT CO.. 1r: TOII. & A. AL&SON & CO., Wholesale and Retail • Dmlere tri ata. •aer and btx•l• Ds7 00*ft. 26.111 th • Pltt•bar MURPHY & BITRVILFIRLD, Wholesale and Ratan th 7 Goods Morchastn, cars= Ilincetbszul mks% stmt. Pittsbarsh. GROCERS. I/Ala Thum-- - Wallace &Iner, RII OL .8/JAL'S DZAZERS Flour, Provisions and Produce Generally, , N 0.266 LIBERTY T. 1•30-ly 11AGAL EY, 00SOR &V.E• & CO., AV hole _LP iah Orow.. le and 20 Wood And, Menorah. guAIT . lot MALEY, WOODWARD & CO, Wholo to 12 metAt .a..& Pbtlid,4l,bl.o ho . le , sa p tecTr . !: JOUN nen -........-..140811aD Indl9. ...1..—...N11.W.11 Mtn. 0.01:1N FLOYD k CO./Wholesale Grocers sa d Cammledot itterchutte, Wood and 2:/t Lib AMA. Ittlebtrst.h. telt ILet°BERT MOORE, Wholesnle , Orocor, Roc, tlfrtna Mttllol7 Deskw is Produe. Pinata:web Men. and eil kind. of i , r 'ad Domelotic. Wine. and nom o. SU liberty itb• 4)n bead a vory lam stock of roverlor okt blononasbele Wbbeel. which aid be WSIILLLS & 808 , Wholtwc!do Orocomand I=2lMkil Dimlnats. N 0.164 Liberty divot Pittw WILLIAM A. hrOLURG,- Grocer and TIIa Dl. it man of Wood sat Kith strata; has aa - lukad a taro aasortonat of chap. Oroo l oloa sad ra"VarPlTY r rea i " . ,"" a lon:otilg 110111011: DALILISLL It CO., Whokitile Mp°,74, 1 T'sle=L'uritArirbP47= 7 . ntteargb. CULBIIRTSON, Wbolesaia uiooer arid Cksomiestoo Mesebett, Dealer In Prtalle• sad Mgr tiatt Altentiteetorsl 196 labert7 street. Pitts. batgb. Dam eckagnaaa....-- 'mum. A. (A TIN c,O4IIs7DLESS, 351 E -ANS LCO., (gucce4s. tear toirlek Bleoandlevi,) Inzambelk Grocers, i min lierkg= „ olass.. Cot eoroer :rim , s to d d cr4ll . • ,74/0 Hide Oil and Leather Store. No. 21 South Third Street, e Between Market and Chestnut an sts,_Pbtlsdeltdds, IteS rPit SALE SPANISH lIIDES, Dr lu gmegt o rt tt i m ltar a zrze u rarmr: ..th.eWoktiisnasteti=iit roreihreaVirtiketitt ginr hem°4 ELTALOOTT CO., (eueeessors to tom glAtmitlitsig luerainGliared•,-trwei Wood stisit, amber cd Fourth. ` Pil atSi g rktualnite ritral tlri " M Pluses. always 0* 14/:6ICNBEBAGESi.6I I d WV , _; Iwo titer *. germieIUIPIAWBV" PITTOURGH. TUESDAY MORNING,";,JUNE 5, 1855. AGENCIES. • - S. =EBERT & SON, gZiINERAL COMMISSION' AGENTS, for I L A the sale and parchase of 1k..1 Ext4te. Collection of Rants, Neg st otiati .. ng to Loins, cm Bond. Morigagm. &a. No. Michigan General Commission and Collec tion Agency Office, FOR Hio collection of Home and Foreign Mercantile and all other Money chime. in Michigan and Auljaoent titete=rV i att ui r o a=te!f Moot Payment Of Team, Cate on I Stocks and Itrenrette &gouts. PELTIER A ANDERSON, Detroit.Lifiehigan. Rerrrenniin Pittsburph— Besets. Kramer & Rehm, Bana -1 ern White & Co. Duette Man Lorene. Stowart Merchants.. Wrm—Tiro -dcencies or- Michigan from rospeletaido Ingzumne.- msio4rd USTIN LOOMS, Reaf;Es ate Agent, .fitocA. •Meieliandlee and Dill Bent , &thee No. 52 ourth draft, above Wood. lingoes, p ptir attooded to. erlintly ( I ,IAMUEL L. MARSIIELL, S rotary Hiti y smelt Insurance Company, of Water greet. - M. GORDON, Secretary Western Ineu • nave Co., 92 Water streoL . 11 GARDINERCOFFIN, Agent for Franklin ga k_ f ra, las u •a ,. ...;•• Oolupany, until-ewe M.! Or Woad VI A, MADEIRA, Agent for Delaware Mu .1. • tual trmurance Company. 42 Wnt.or MUSIC, &C. - 401 IN U. MELLOR, Dealer in Piano Fortes, • Mule and Magical Instrumonts, &tool Rooks, sad • totlonc7. Ede agant for Uhlekerlues Plano Fats, for Worts= Pennsylvania—No. 01 Wood street r ay KLIEBER, Dealer in Music, Mu , skid Instruments, and Importer of Ration &Macs. . ruh =r4lll .3 = C A I ark's .1 c tt.npm .rA d ALo 7 , 11 . . r r e r, Pianos DRUGGISTS.. OLIN DAFT, Jr, (sueeessor to Jas. AVOW'. for ,) Wholassie and Retell Dm:waist and Deeler in nts, Oita Dyestuffs, de, 141 Wood street, II doors below I..l . o , 4!l:4lrA e pittaborgh. nill - iteguler Agent for _most EI OLIN P. "SCOTT, Wholesale • Dealer itl b Drugs:Pa/eta, 011 a, Varniehee and Dye Stalks, 1 , :o. 4901 erty etxet, Pittsurgh. AB orders wlll reader prompt atteatunn. ser epee fir Sehenrk's Pulmnalo array. mar 4417 A. FAIINESTOCK Et CO. Wholesale D.d...inTff=e:Laclner R'ood end tarereof W hite L'4l oittie Bed burgh. mad' AE. SELLERS, Wholesale - Dealer • in _Denim, Paint Dye Stuffs.. 011 s. Varntehea, ite e &a, bWood Amt. Pittsburgh. Goods warranted. Prices - 71.101131C1 IMAM IMOII 31.1=1,1. RAITN &, REITER, Wholesal e & Retail Dragiedia earner at Liberty and Eit. Clair stmt.. 1 SCHOONMAKER & CO., Whologale 'ay • Drualr44+. Na Si. Wood stmt.. Pittsburgh. J . OSEPLI FLEMING, Successor to L.Wiloo: a Co.. comer Market .trout Mod Dtenitmd—Keem small, OLI bond • toll and complete aesortmemt of Medlemee, Medicine Chests, Perfumer, and MI .Pertaltthr to Me Modem., MANUFACTURING. Wlll.l. a.fettnn-. WILLIASI BARNHILL 61 Penn et., belciw Marbary, Pittabnrgh. DOILER MAR FRS and-SHEET-IRON IVORKELS, alanufacrturere of Barnhilre Patent ere.ChkErnern BAPS. , /Ire Bed Bream Pipes, Con densers, Salt Cam. Stivaar Paw. Iron Yawls or Life Boats ete. faro, Blacksmiths' thee •b Bridge end Vlsdnet ea. • fleoalrlnn dorm on the ahortertnotlre. !fW. WOODWELL, Wholesale and Retail irt Marreturer and Oder In Cabinet Wnnk No. 83 TOHN WETHERELL, Manufacturer of tl PATItYT BOX VICES, stmeeine artlele, SOLID BOX and BRAZED BOX:VRIES. annum at Anderson and Bob. loses Meets. one quern ft= the nand street Ra o. Alldne keyhole)* CRT. Hats and Caps. WILSON & SON keep constantly on r .l b rartolyZ n ilar 41.1 Es.Tiauablo w li:Vor Cww. lesale w a good and etrap, would a. wellio wire an call WU* wurctuwiug olsowbore. nol&-tf M. M'CORD & WHOLESALE AND RETAIL VA :MONAD= HAT AND CAP MANUFACTURERS, AND DALLERSIN ALL ALTD9 OF FURS. CORNZR OP WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS, • Pittsburgh, Pa.. *3-Thoir stook =brans oven qualify suelidylsof aa , d , = , lll, Boa., Cuffs sod Fur Dome. I. S. ISVOCOSnrs.. —saint( austs..—...r. K. 11003811. U . 5000 L W. Li Eton, ifoggen & co. _NOVELTY WORKS,PITTSBURGII, PA. XCRACK and Depot Railroad Scales, Hay, AW< sad Grata do. Plathaux sod Counter do.; Doar of All sisr4 Bpriug, Drop Lad Thumb LatAtten , Corte. Mills Or/S.IUL Ichutu Flint Mills. _lmanid Purturrd4 Bolls mad Fiudeutniq .Italloolda rahrMus to form arid =ma. at( W. W. WALLACE, STEAM MARBLE WORKS, no.a d 1 Laser ro•se.. mrssa, smassass stysss, PITTSDUHOIL Ik/VAIUMENTS, Tombs, Grave Stones, %LTA Furniture Tope, Mantels. Imptelog Phines, AA. al 'aye to hand, And made to order. by tauldnery. at the loweut prima. Th hoodrrd original and imitated de som /or Monsmonts, de..;onlund. Block and dish Mar ble furnighad to the trade at the hornet Rheum All cniars Allad with despatch at HID Liberts atmet. an= W. W W. ALLACH. Pew Cotton Mills, .Pittatntrgh. ENNEDY, CHILDS & CO., Manufao tscreml of— . Penn A So. I hoary 4-4 lihootinase, Cariwt Cbain of all mhos and whadur C.Vot Taisg . •• Pkouthlnew luni Barb COrd: . FL` ting. Hoye oral] . lee. dmaiwtionr Bat a n tt tTai rt "i t ' lalr "l'"n errais elhaenr. ai TO Drusixas IN WASHBOARDS. o l Lt : 1847 0. RICE, of' Cincinnati, invented • e ;Ire& bovveev...s. ,Torrerurda . for lettieb he OP ' gratOr Tr i l; oth=b,e mud th ere cawing them to ingi ( ur cut then way Into the solid wooden sid, or bras of a Weebboanh the methods tittykruSly employed, harlot beenteplenah noma or rata morn. to rendre the row tulle plat. O. RICE subsequently cold 60e antre inteong n o ownership in wdd Patent to the naval , _bee nos. now Son Pmpolotor therm/. an.neltae way aulterneel efacturer elf 0. RICE'S IMPROVED PATENT ZINC • IVASIWOARDS. harlot sneoseded the Into dnaof Wynn,Dailey Co. In that Inisinna ludo.' by the populatityand etteradva deo( said PatentedWashbOardt. VITC I e ? Zodo=71:Vo l trl; seonert In mold. zegliss secured by saki Patent. Punt have beer, et,,,n-need And and now pending against certain partisw, known to be Ulu ngatoal, and, Ic Is Intention to prosecute for I .fringements 111.t1 MY Itlrla and just tight to the ext e nt. of the law. All 'tweet are therware cautioned against cumbering or dealt, to Zlne Washboards , made after ihe manner patented Mot orlon, branded "0. Moen hemmed irdehtwantr, todrd Orr., 1040," mote/her kind peeve... It may be , well to remark that the variation in the shape of the crimp, or the employment of any Patent ued Machine to nail Washboards, So ns not Pjletberight to se littratol Foriarop Proem &bore devalbed, upon which the ea/swot the Eased really depends. Wlntiosale order, for the penalne article reapeet.fully solicited and Tromp* ezreuted at as law prim as auy_tof the wan tlwaised makti. bY JONEPLI W. WAYNE, Bede Proprietor and blanuhaturerthenw. Claes at Hardware Stare, N 0.196 Main et.. °welts 6th, 0100, SCOTT, Dentist, Fou,ta street, . Avell., doors G wen of Mphet. bboon tn a ;z: . it . 9 to r. ALI A. work werranted. • lan Barlow's Indigo Blue. B ARUM'S INDIO° BLUE is now well CM athe beet article weer offered em Blue ing Milieu It is entirely free from too or anything In lotions to the Dowd artiolet. Al ilonsekapers whorls,. not used ft .rlll tedlt moth cheaper and less trouble than Indigo oh any other nrtlele out. The gnat demand for It has brought out invent Imitations. If ounekeeper. and Consumers .111 be careful to get Bretthin BARLOW'S. pot up at ALFRED WILD ILERGERGI DRUG ATORN, No. let N. BECTEND RT PHILADELPHIA. Storekeeper.ea* get their tumuli.. from the thweenand Druggists they int with. at otiose ! , h ihrela bem. f/1 1 .1rik /NT& EARNLVIER Dr . thingeh. du, with Arsurate assortment or every thing tb. Storekeeper.. Phyalclaus and Manua*. annulled at resmouabie now. "`"' Ahytxtl WILTBERGB. aptl-em Na ICON. flooorid t.. I.l=phia. Intelligence` Office, NO. 2 4T. CLAIR STRBIIT.' Ell.Vel3iTB of , all descriptions Ruppliod Pittato funThet sir Hotels erg respeotfalltsilleited avail thowel gres of t &citifies now °Dared. Fait kW IrNoftored u .ustsutes lot Wm". Lyon. 11.—Garectiono grotositly stLeuded to. , f.441.yd J O B. LEWIS. ' O --- RAILROAD--Wanted ---- 1110 & PENNA. RAIIROAD-antod 20 sharee of Steen to comple i lhiLn K e i r .s r a co, ' . Banker" an d Cotonelesion Etoeh Broke...R. 4tit et., 41 Rai A. BROWN, would most respectfully In . the public that he keep, on hand, at hi. eau On the west vide of the Dimond. Allegheny_ ow, • MU renessurtedaut of VimitianilltrotAAlu, Venitian Shute waL wade to order In the brat . le. Warranted ,du t,tei the United Rater. Dia It ode cam be roomed 4, tbout the sld of a m l ow defter. fallow purchased Qs tools. and wood of the eahinet Utahtlihment el r . k McClelland, I ani prepared to furnish their old are u war. e the pnbilo at large. with evythu %hide line. - dgenoy. No. 8 Wood stuot.Pittebter motad J. A. T 1 WN. JAUNDRY BLUE—Tho nttentipn off. ...- it," .nd ...I*wousen II lowttPd to this Rios, which Is ,i, lodltro dlosciired, boring oh Its properties aloud. i. L., :m d r , Ng. ip.r...1 1 / 4 0142 the 00111.Whed ingiro b . advontsge of importing • better °Dior to clothes, of h. 1 g touch more simple sod onarenlent for oas, and of be -1.0 a swims of shout mit half. owl.. to the fact that not 10 , re than one half of the Indigo coo be dissolved ht-irer r. It Is esti? dcotltuto.of sus DroDatwiatntioutto < tuD Vro wc dadle:it a ttls4 sod testlSitobiu w priesu, aisle tri ' ' :MIN dee29 N 0.141 Wood- . : Pagan S. AIM, - c.., 0. 91 Market et, are doting out their en tire stook of Dry Good' at an gatoooridlaoonnt Erma 0., preraratar. Lo pore/minx &belt opripg imp D '7. , lehavrou bud il lino smostsoorat It fOlkm/o/1 lk PUlLlligt. 84 Nionoli Merfuos,_ Wool' Wain anted PAM., Itsdolans Myth, Timm Cloth. astolatlnm Ilth PhintS,l l Yatellati do. Moilloo, oujhr =X. o k t . dt itgaltr4:ll:raglhstriZt Dft. 414,r0f . leirwilllo mold ate crest amide. '1129 : • 13p_ring of 1855. •• I 811.111PBY - L.:BURCIEREBVD • eommaum ormtrA • O n Monday,. March. to Their early supply. of IMMO 0 • in A: MASON & Cfkara now . • a.. 2 sad paekage UatMlM A teZL. Asa u= mush leo num coot of losautsetura: -, : sp. MS—A. A. Mason & ao.will open,ou ,Y=Orig / " 1° 44 : 4" 2141'544.4i. oIiPLAIDS —, L - A. 2 E4mkkikk.;'ios "4/Mila 10•IrastAdeliaisraig aria a NEW YORK &MISTIME:On • From VIHSCILBR 1 SMELL'S (learn] Admitslag . nova, No, 3.1.6aad 3.18 Broadway, Kwlrprk. (late W. 80 (Pseautirtreet.) nadniterated Bran DIEM, 020 N Tat 020.282. r9NE of the principal and great cantos the high prim of Brandy in this market, is the mores from which It is deriveL Moe tenths of that Imported Is or:wired - from moreantliabouon to Cognise, , United buy of the farmers In that district andahlkit to the United States, at much advanced prima. and froaneuti in an adulterated am.. Wel.. of them fanit.nnd for 'nuns.* of mooring • fair prior for their product, a unto. of brandy grower, France has hem Accompllalied. wi •• ' the rein of of to the United diets& • The name of .the consolidation is the Central Society A' ; Vineyard Proprietors of Comma, render the general-me . • agement and the direction of E. Redden, Presidentrt VI . • President, and a Committee of niarrenoa Of:debt...me .• bent The society Itself numbers Ore hundred 0 1007 • ?in= fbru g oUt rtigd m lf r tg the m ot=ln d s I under oertall by-lawS, the entire growth of i p vi • telto the general fund of the nodd y. the p t - tal of width la three million Cranes. The advert piste • . obtained from fhb combination are so applorent`ar to re der unnimorary Loy furthey moaner , ' on the ruhl nerrerthelees, It may to tr =iy of obsorration that, features In this soctoty a more. striktnitclaini public attention thou e fusion of Interest ethmted • tween buyer and miler. Moe all are *hazel. dere, I y„,* becomee the interest of each Individual; toeon. tribute b erery.nrsana his power to oPtiolittbe men.' tattoo which the societyl. endeamring to earn, for shill meet of the best qualities of brandies. =Pot this purpose aelatine introluord in the otatutes tartlets 40)) render It larva that shareholder . ha/ 1 enOPIT IngetY vet lhe very beet Cognac brandies. otherwise they our tbei I tddlity of an entire tbrfelture of their shares, The uudersterted, eohi, agents . In the. United Start Me the imam.' emwtr of .Vliveyard. POOPHOL O O2 of 022224: would solleit the attention at merolisnts, hotel-keeper moire and Other* to tee vintagew now ppaa hand, confident' that they wilt compare more favorably tb23o with,anYllll-' cle now In the market, and et pekes krbelowthe standard of erect ordinary Cognac. DE VENOM?. a IJUARLItS. Myalmy 199 Pearl street, below Wall. New York. PAPER -HANGINGS, ITHOUILUZ LID =MIL THOMAS FATE & C0.,4 256 and 257,Broadway, New York, Directly *noel te the City lIaU & Perk, ireRIVE. unstaatly on And a full stook of American end French Paper lissidrup, Bards* nis. Print., Curtain Pity.; Dad 'Tatters, Stnttlek Lernle.tieleotn. of Ireery style known to the trod. elerchents laying in their stocks, can boy from • • hands. as we matWactere lentelynred import direct t Stench h M oo nurern Far 'whom wear. solo went, in • '• Unite Sham . Oar retail de g artment mowing the dished delve or ...—.?......4„.datan1=4:P"',1'VL.. • o d 144; 3 1 Hangers Prot etLT Part of the United Statec mhl9•SmT . Iws. . inuatnawf. - Mrs. WM. .8111 MONS, 664 Broadssoy, N. fr.. IS now prepared to a:titbit, and offers fo sale to Ole ale and retail Buyers, at the lowest pa e nub prima, the largest and tent selected eteclr French, English and AIIIMICdaI Mildoery and Straw Good ever osioied at any one astabilshns& this city; eml If not euperlor to her forum Lox one. The Iron selected with great care by :celebrated milliner, Madame lahallear. of Porta and Mrs: Lambs. LIM, a:Moods 014 _ . P. &—Pattertiets oonstantly.nn hand„. Orders be matlynnotaall. . . y attended to. . Mrs. alMid0:01. reZT:kor . 664 Broadnee. N. York. agnerreotrile IlEiterials,ll2). Monadolo r :a„ ,a aja i, o , to show Mu adeetiOe• to ay_ MeV town. A:THONrS General Depot of Material& Ibr the Desperreotype.aridtbr pietaree on Itcperaio Catalogues forrtielled oa applleazion. .r. . Goats tau be mat by moms, payable on &a wry, but Patter with whom we are nosozPaWatt. Plait Si. ester enat ea to their ability to pay for the pads on orrlral, or re i t ch u a r, z eranoughto ow err mass at Uses. A:A2aHONY.3O3 Broadway. N. T. Mew York Bag Manufactory. nakAM, Flour, Feed, Grain, Meal, Hominy, Bbot, lackeriest. Salt, Guano and all other kinds of • made and minted to order by machinery nit der Adana, av above, 17 Mattered, Nem York. VONlteri WM. SI.M_ MONS, Wholcaale Dealer in STRAW GOODS AND MILLINERY, 272BROADHAI; N. T. S. BROTH:US & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, NEW TORX. How rewsei&l to 1Ve.170 William et, ese.itnionssus, IMPORTING the leading Dntgeirom their JIL original =lke a. both to Niuroisi ane - Esitindlee wad else French and English matmleaie Perfrustarkl'os . 24 Nail and !Lair Brushes. list" Glares sad Milos Trieste ti POUTS. 0011 S. Saes*. aVri 6a them oa the mostressmible Wpm ‘lledessei thlieeSeißor b 7 mil, will xeiwire their best attention. . leLl-mmrs ALDERMEN. _ • L Donaldson, Alderman. iiFFICE, corner of renn and St. Clair eta., tittoba_rit. AlYbosismas pertaining to the M a oo arm= ortll Po promptly attended . to. to6-17d • Patrick ffioge nna, ALDERMAN OF, THE THIRD WARD. irIFFICE corner of Grant and Fifth streets; El 91.1 by & Wyman Lima.; whn. ..1.1 boAtrien par r taik.og to the °Oleo of .10dendon of tb► ream will be promptly ►ttoMed to. -42. ft. MISCELLANE STEWART & BILGOILP., MANUYACMUILIMA OP COOKING. HEATING. AND FANCY STOVES,, ; ORATES, FENDER% Pipes. Boxes, and Foundry Castings of all kinds. • OFFICE AND WASSE 10 USR, No. 267 Liberty St., corner of Hand, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT H. PATTERSON'S LIVERY AND SALE i ANL, STABLE Diastolic( sired wad M A erry Iky, PPITSPOSOII. PA. ASHLAND. &Hell STREET. ABOVE SEVILVTIL BTaiNT. P 11 I LAD EL P f 11.4. H. 8. BENSO N, Psornmoz. ifirrrtat of Uovd. 11.60 per 6ety-.01 May 3. 1144—lvd WALTER P.MARSHALL, Importer and Dealerlo Fl,ronal .d Decorative Paper liaric Inns N 0.84 of street. PlLtsburh. • noletr t i V the celebrated soan t abetures. %stn. DFASUIOSS FOR 14.1)LES!DRESS, K—The Pubbirestilonsforallit amet per steamer be on We on the let proximo by MRS. 1.. 3. vrnsom, N...satsc Penn. above Hand atm& ~. LR1..««.««... A 1. 70Sq.. MEI= 'BIER, JONES lc 00., PROPRIET?I4II BIER'S PORTABLE BOAT LINE, F°WARDING AND' COMMISSION burgh. SIKEGILANTS, Canal Basin, Ssrenitt street, Pitt. Pa. Bacon, Lard. Lard U I, Masi Pork, N. 0. Hams. &Ida er. tra and No Clay . lt, Anthracite and Scotch ME Iron. Mbar Brick and Anthracite Onal. ie. nryl9 BANKING HOUSES JOHNS. HOG ' NEW lORK, No. BOUTII SD T. PUILADELPOIA, PITTSBURCiII. AILECIURNY SOMERSET, SOMERSET CO., MOUNT PLEAANT, WEST.MORE'D CO., Felitle CONNELUIVILLS, PAYFTTE h'iniTAITELB, • D•Pudta raeolval. Dtnnounta made, Drafts bought, mid and connoted. Hank Notes and Spec% bought and fold Stocks. Note* and other Seetuttles bought and Fold on Ourt.noOndenne and eolleettont eidlettag n079-tt LOUTS' EICHAEF Attorney at Law, and Eastern 'collector tlf TAI CoCXIM ALONG Tllll OM J. AND PRAMITLVANIA RAILROAD Mr on ttur i tir .st.d ayosi . olm i Tamiss .x.m waCo m l awm omblans. thr llleh o ra, CANTO.. OAK • • m*r* - Virg * }Tha n!' tVILI • 11 " .41WA ' VN• tae,. Iratanntk Theodone thastainttar, 34.9. • • li, P. MAI, BOOTS AND SHOIO3, . _ WHOLESALE AND; RETAIL. . • TAKES ROBB, 89 Markit and 6 Union eir As. third door from the Marko* Rouse. Pittsburgh. tom .t his nounnono friends' lad tuis o ' o%lll all 'ark tlu,= l tt 1 ' 12.1 Vlrriet n o t I. the eastern ob Th• particular otteatlon of the Ladles labwilod to Oren matted stock of Gaiter& and Panay Boots and gllspers of all deettipttnitg abo • ntee *Goat of Chlldraus" °WWI and Taney Shaul obi* wasearefolly sanded Poiuleatleinen. .ba his nor pattern affarmyland Waving artialea. Put. stases for tub larto=tleo suable him to sell at. as lon price s on any Walt bmont moll In the atty. - Bo WI. continue. to Man . SS hanYentnnh any Mad of Ladles' and Dentlemene wow. In lb* beweit grie onElOl the best materials!. . , , as2l4r. 400 54 0 1NZE1,N . HoUbi. AND biatiAINTKRB; • NO. 90 ru/sM M r sasr. (Between IVEod•nd ast t treats.) __ All orders promptly attended to. .seemed•onnerintntrin. mbar -44 1111CILELL... ...MCI S. 1111:11011..........M1L INCITINIOX irsioN FOTINDRY, Mitchell, Herroll4'.ooi. IT ILL continue the business ortbellnieic r N undry, at L the ol erty d stow& of PiNINCH, AMOU- R.L O_ No. 191 ib st. Tbsymltl utanutactufs as usual. • lone and mast Woultuent of (/18TIN0 cOMPrIlln/i Cookin&Stoveg k ßanige and Side throne, one, Hollow .Ware, Wagon Bores, Dog Irons, Sad loch, let:fettles, Plfiwa. and Plow Points - Mill and Machinery jettings i lenerail*. • And GAB sod WAlwc . Plalll of slue. • • etak • ; • IRON & NAILS OF THE BEST BRANDS, Shovels, Spades , Picks; - 416..; . All of which will be said at rowsnifeetdrehe my 7-17 • JOHN T. _ -Book and Job Printer and Pablieber.. No:82 Fifth street. Met. Smitbdold, 'Duette 112111 Int. 'tiOOK .BINDER'S and Box Maker's Straw nker& shwa as hand. Mao, BoOkaaPaten sad Cider end -Vineg ar.* • • VINEGAR mad t !) 'expres 3 l 4 lrfamiluso ig l ig7lttakegired %%boor. ,irkeZt, _Path. ce• mywurebeguie that him owe unr In UMW iigill.6ll3 gte D u . gaol to the hot Im arder-iLvp • bi - tim eednehti . oh.iultaid i;, o • b " °I Vparitagar diteeted — a ea" 1 17,..,. 02,0308 # thb ix . everespted to he ettersee. a= J. U. wake a Lig ams. ;PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 6,.185 THE DAYS THAT ARE PAST TO O. W. HOST. Profegsor and TeacTer of {lade in Wail of tb. Maid Feturds of Allegbeay City. thesestasuasattrldP.dthali 'ltisetibet • W. WHITIVN [iksperintezdent Ninth Ward Pribilegehoohi i ] Pktsistrgh. "Alan bath • weary pilgrimage Ad through the world he winds. With hearkens be mists his eye AnUpon the read before, • still remembers with • sigh The den that are Ite more. • s ltwhen I think MOOS days het are pest • thoughts will intrtudeely swell ln my breast • And I gbh. oh I wish, How I wish for tha hours Wha=m ytiattrwasAtrweredouly with nankin* and lowers Bowel FatNirt and Mottled—how quick to my and llama woßdi wi th bola, joys and endearments now start 06 brothers/ Oh sleterel— Bush Wendel now amd. But slime Jere all yantehedl's. lonely Indeed. Ilene to mall the bright days of my Yodth The hoPlidied,„the to. and the dearest to troth: Po careless, so artless. OaaOrinhOy, so gay WOO.eILTSCIItiII a:enjoyment all, all paned away. 'Whin tt Was ' beds= full. foil of delight; 'Weli the fields and thearoyes halm s. enures for say sigh*, And the birds, the us/ birds • td the blob. sweetly. trilled And lay' bent witliak rapturous melody lined. • < - Visa himulahlp and love and all truthfulness dwelt In Ude boom umoherrowad by trouble end guilt And coy Mewls youthful friends— h those YrOdgara noer gone Oe th.yra aluinewl Mu . 11 etsw—or now dreary gad 1..1 rartre7gliiiratligrifitoPes away— coAtr. iettualbe Waite liapia that I sing Is Ma Aral. nu, • . • ntie•NWID TfISGO were published Ite .. ifitscriy Yap:eine o [ f T Marl2tb. trot. with the addition of inwthe stems and • manna emendations. the writer would here te de thane. oflu scriblng than to, hi. ntoehed friend sod emend= preceptor, an token orchid= remembrance!. • inv. the Cleveland ruder or fiatardar. EXEctITIO r N OF PARES.; - The ereortfal career of this. remarkable man tinniested yesterday afternoon. at precisely four Anntes after one. o'clock. Home faint hopes re entertained by the more humane portion of wino - neatly tharbis wound would prove fatal, eridthat be would be founddead in the morning; but fate seemed to have decreed that he ebould be banged. During . moot of the night he slept 'Soundly; and in the morning ho eeemed more than usually cheerful. He spoke of his approach ing fate with groat calmness, and expressed a readiness toundergo his terrible punishment. Notwitlistandlog our 'exhortation, and the ear nest request of the officers ot the jell, and a drenching rain, and a full consoionittess that only those who were invited would be' pertoThed to witness the execution, alarge crowd assem bled at an early hour yesterday morning around the jail yard, and on the fences., end every where in the vicinity where there was the least chance to catch a glance at the entrance to the house of death. By what 'strange infatuation they were Influenced, we know nor; but we should feel dis posed to treat it as a mere story, had we not personally witnessed the fact. It I. not too much to say, that if tickets had been put up at filiation a handsome fortune might have been realised; so eager are men to gaze upon. ouch horrid spectacles. About fifty persons were present at his execu tion; including the sheriff and officers of the jail, his counsel at his late trial, reporters (or the press, and citizens who had been invited. There was a strange seriousness in every countenance, and a mysterious silence in every cell; for all the prisoners were carefully looked up. Parks lay on :a pallet to the corridor, securely bend cuffed and manacled, presenting a ghastly pic ture to the'speetattirs, who beheld before them the pale face and the rigid limbs of the man who bad for more than two years furnished the peo• pie of Northern Ohio with an ever new subject of conversation, with a Bever-fading image of ell that is cold, calculating; and fearless. : And there he-lay With scarcely the power to harm en insect--a picture, which, if it had belonged to a better man, might have moved a heart of stone to pity. At ten minutes after eleven o'clock, the sher iff asked him whether be was ready. He replied in the affirmative, end his limbs were unbound; not hewer., before be made a mostaoleum prom ise that he would attempt no violence upon him self, a.promise which, it ie but justice to say, he faithfully kept.—Marshal FITINI, Di. firms°, and Mr. Boswoaru, the jailor, escalated the sher iff drew him. They put on him simply a fine linen shirt, a pair .of dark colored pantaloons without suspenders, and a pair of course woolen stockings. He then called for a cigar, lit it, and =eked calmly for about fifteen minutes, during which time he was evidently trying to quiet his nerves. He even tried to seem cheerful, and re quested Dr. &mono, who he said -he had learned was a skillful phrenologist, to examine hie head; but he spoke in a tremblingand tispulchralg ; one, plainly showing the terrible emotions obi be 'endeavored to conceal. At times his nerves were violently agitated, and great 'droce of. cold sweat would come out all over his face; then he would wipe off the sweat and - seem .perfectly calm; but the terrible imprint of death, seemed to be written there io plain character!, legible without spelling. Perhaps no idea Connected with the tragedy was half so painful •as that of the - pale-faced man cloying his nerves in order to be choked to death according to law. About half-past eleven, lie inquired for a cler gyman, but was told that there was none present. He then called for his brother-Indaw,John Dick inson, and gave him directloneaslo the dieposi don of his body. He wished that' the.publio might not be allowed to gaze upon hitu.suspend ed from the gallows, but wished that he might be taken down, decently shaved, dressed and de posited in his oofEin,knd that theme who had a curiosity mightbe allowed to look upon him. Hi also requested him to refrain from writing any thing to his-friends and pantile in England which would inform them of his true fate on the scaf fold. At fifteen minutes before twelve, he finished his aerie, swallowed a mouthful of brand,y end Water, and told the sheriff that be was ready.— Ile mounted the ;scaffold with a feeble step, but with an undoubted air, and after reating a few minutes called for some brandy and water, and made a speech to the spectators, which, though desultory in its character, contained - s ome ex quisite touches of pathos and eloquence. The following Is the substance of his remarks, which we give, as nearly as possible in his own words: ~ W all, gentienten;;there are - comparatively few of you here. I have bat little to say to yott. = Bomb of your haulm, familiar to me; among them.l dispover some of the Ja4 - that eonvioted me. But I entertain no ill feeling towardsthem. Yesterday I attempted to take my own life; I did It for the sake or my wife and child, end for my posterity.who may follow me. I did not wish that it should be said to them—Your ancestor WWI arose. I thought if- I committed seiclds, that they would be saved from such a mortifica tion. Moreover than that, lam note murderer, and I thought I had as good n tight to put an end to my life as community but. I have great respect for the laws and constitutiotnof the State of Ohio, and do not wish to violate them. Ido not complain therefore, of the Injustlie of the luinahtnentfor murder, bet I em 40tgoilty. • If was a guilty 'roan; could I impose upon myself and hide it from myself? It Is Impossible:" If Wm. %stem did not travel with me upon thatliallroad, and tall through that bridge end kill himself, I know it; but I solemnly assert that it was so. I knoie right. well the reading matter in the public! .1 wattaliklemn - which you hawe formed your opinion Of ma. Everythiugthat could be saidagelpoinue Ma been said: I have been - called a "deliberate mutterer!' a - "cold-tdoOded vitally' at "hyens,'! and every, Other name that aould •be Maginot. But not one word has ever been said to my favor.— People have had held blears their eyes 'Manna ally the sat of cutting Beat/mei head off, and they at once denounced me without considering that I was environed by peculiar eircumetaneee; I that. my, previous character,was : not what it ehbild have been, and 'that what would have beep prudent for another to do would not have been oh : for-me. ' • , I may have drone many's wrong thing' in my life; but I never committed murder old* pre meitated or , otherwise. if I could have my full liberty now by walking through the blood of my fellow-man, I would not Miro it; no, would not take it. • If I murdered Bestaon I should dentin mY faba-and my wont punishment would be hen—(laying hie hand upon hie breast.) ' I was soothed in tho jail of Summit 'Bounty .aoma twenty'montbs, ..in the care of Sheriftqle ward, who wan - always'. kind to me, and With whousl ‘ mijoyed freedom of continuation that . TEO . few would believe. I niter made a request of ihsialtut four hatw tantio re o asonnb l e, bitt it Wei granted. It the Jill of this . :erounty. Mr. since I w Spat s g c°fi le:bual In lud wsys been very •kind to me,for idth (turnig t o Spangler) I thank you. I was brought hero became it was. thought that was not Bo much prejalice 'against me is in Etnmif county, althouglrhatinirma had auialant rea son toonvincomesstiaoontrary-,i'fwt been do nosbutoihejlicat m76ktedmtio difflumlt for Men to mist cdf their ~ T hey may think they tineeAtree ettu theilurk about theta in Spite of ail (twig g o o d. ja - rem o ve them. although they may be unconsoious of it. B ut R.I. ,eit over now: 41.-it commutation-of my :matinee' tiara "offettudmi ;now; *ha.' goon to iitit Se* 0 . 57 1 14VitikarrarkliMag — bir.40414% nom asked** Morey. .•• When an innocent man is put upon his trial, he can never be certain or en acqnitaL stances--innidental eircumatatunts—may be ex aggerated, or highly colored, or recut; may. be forgotten, so that innocent men may sometimes I be convicted. I know this from my own eiped- I I would have escaped from this prison if I could; but notiat the expense of any man's life. I ; I have' a wife and child, who are left, as it were, destitute. tI lease them with yon do with them as you pleaSe, but, for God's sake, cut tio reflection upon them. I have been in primal two years, and my wife has been an angel 4. • me, and has mattifestedvirtues vaster than! eV- I or thought she possessed. • I owe her • great deal; but I can na i ves repay her.' Iffy death will fall heavily upon her. I hope that you Who have sympathy will stalikin her in her trials by; enc kindnesees os may be necessary.--She has bee to me %good and. faithful wife.. • I havanot the language to - give utterance to ray sentiments and feelings. I have not' aCant bridge cr Grfordi education; bat what I have I. have obtained by my owe industry. I have at times, since my imprisonment, felt very low and humiliated, and fttlother times I have felfbitter; and, perhaps, apPeared vindictive. But if at each time! I have ever said anything that I ought not, I hope those whom I have offended will forgive me. . It is a sad thing' to be cot off in the Primerof life, from a wife who has done so much for me, and from my child that I loved so tenderly; for I had some tender; feelings left. And my aged parents, nearly eighty years of age; oh, never let them know.the, fate of their son. 1 thought I should have been able Ito keep loom them' the news of my ignominious fate.l6(Here his utter ante was choked by sobs; and some time elapsed before hews, able to Proceed.) It was for thee* of these dear ones that I attempted, yesterday,to put en end,to my Ble. — llkish now that I had sue= ceeded, and that I had limn found a corpse this morning: " Bat' oh) spire tny poor old father and mother the news of my fate. ''You observe that I am not attended by any clergyman. -I have tried through life to &soar thin the right 'Way by the study. of morals and ethics; but I have hot always done right. I have read the Bible thoroughly, and had I conformed to the precepta'of Jesus Christ "should not now be here; but we cannot undo what luta been done. Would to Gbd that I could; but lam not guilty of this murder. (Starting suddenly from his seat and stepping on the drop. Ism ready to meet my God. I am not guilty of Murder either premeditated orortlierwise." He eat dean, wiped the cold sweat off his face and his limbs 'were pinioned; be then rose up and the rope was adjusted round his neck. He I requested the sheriff to permit hint to give the ' signal, and a handkerchief was handed to him. Just before the White cap was drawn down ov e r. his face, he exclabmplin an audible Voice, "I eta AA INNOC/Zr hale He gave theeigital, and at precisely fain , niinates past one o'clock, the drop fell, preciiiitating him about six feet, and breaking his neek at the first joint. The weight coming so suddenly; upon the rope caused it to stretch, and Ids body rebounded five or six inch es, and swung rapidly front side to side till' one of those in attendance stopped it. He made no' persepitible stragglit, and seemed to die without any pain, though one or two persona who steed close by, saw in the Contortions of his face, which pn a close inspectl i o i n could be seen - through-the thin covering, nn 'Makable evidenceethat he did not immediate y lose his consciousness. His pulse beoanie very feeble at the end of three minutes, in eight minutes it cowed to beat, and In twelve minutes his was pronounced dead. Thus died James Parks—died /18 he had lived—a stranger td fear, a mischief to hitmelf, an incomprehensible mystery M others, a contra diction to the laws 4.f human nature.. Elam Dare'Lator free callfonda. The steamship Star of the West, (of the Nita ragas Line,) S. W. iTurner, Commander, arrived in New York on Friday evening, from Punta Arenas May 24th,lwith 300 passengers and $415,000 specie on !freight. Tne Star of the West arrived outward at Plante Arenas on the ,_ 22d net., connecting with' the steamship Cortes, Capt. Borns, which Jeft Sin Francisco on the 9th tilt. The Cortez called at Manzanills, a p?rt 'in Mexico, and received on board $30,000 in miver r and arrived at San Juan del Sur on the 22d 51t., with 400 passengers for New York and New thieans. She brings dates to the 9th May from .13Ms Francisco. - , • The market , ari very lbw in San Francisco, and business very dull. Flour is $6 per barrel, potatoes 20 cents. pet. bushel and green peas, new potatoes, and straw:berries are, abundant - One thousand tons of flohr and wheat, 26,000 shovels! are loaded on the itaamship Charmer, ;drawn's sail for New York. I i I From The California Moulds. - SuKXotlr or i Nawa.—The steamer with the news of the stoppage of Page, Bacon Jr. Co. in St. Louis arrived late in the afternoon of the , Ist bast. Th.at day page, Bacon Jr. Co. had shipped 1 $300,000 to New York. The next morning there I was of course a heavy run on the house, and it is said that ,Soopoo were drawn out before ndon, at which time', the house was closed by the i Sheriff. It will b e remembered that on the previous stoppage of the house, creditors of the ' house holding claim's to the amount of $400,000 • were 'educed to acbept certificates payable in ro two, four, six and e ght ontbe, guaranteed by j a large numberiofh eavy business men in this city by subecrintio to the amount of $l,OOO,- 000. It is now ourieudy reported sod, generally ! believed' that the guarantors held a meeting on. the evening of theLf.th, and—after having .re,- j cinented the oldest Member...of the firm at present 1 to execute them a Mortgage on his property at St Louis, which Matilltsed=thij passed &rein lotion declaring t t they were not legally fit morally bound, Ind 'that they would contesrthe matter at ' , law. I It is understood however that several of the gintriintors express their determi nation to pay all they have subscribed. „Ike pa- ' per of Page, &Leonid: Co. is now selling at fifty per cent. disoonnt and less. - ' ' The .ruing oflttto:Strpreme Court of 'the Tinl ted Stoles in the, Fremont case, to the street that a precise definition if boundariee is not nenesia ry to the validity of Mexican and Spanialigisints, Is likely to create ochisiderablei•eroitentent. On the Bth, the United States Land CoMmission can. firmed a claim 'for Six aquae leagued of land on' the San Joaquin' Byer, beginning at the bme of the Sierra Nevada and running down stream." The foundatloh of a German Church, the first in California, via laid in thw City' on the let in stant. It will be oMmpled by Pedant:ants: '• ' ' The Society of Native Californian" organised to move in a coMny to Sonora has done nothing for several Inonike ion actoint of internal' dia. cord, and appeals to ; be defunct -.. . ' The brig Vesta, destined foiNkairagna, sniak. ed from the harbor - It -1 o'clook on the morning •of the 6th instant baying on board . Wm. Walk- . 1 er, ex-President Of Sondra, and 66 kindred Sidi= its They are all fighting fellows, armed to the' teeth for the purren; as it is nuclei - mood, of to: king part in the as it of Nicaragua. The Teasel was in th hands of the Sheriff, at the time they left, but they managed the keeper by threats and let him bn shore At the entrants" or the harbor.. , . 1,. , . A flare-up has taken place Between Mr e. Ma °lair, Manageress of the Metropolitan Theater, and the Italian opera Tionpe of which - Madame Barill Thorn is-theprisu' tinuta. The company refuse to play for want of pay. - It is said that pteparations are being made. for the establishment of • Jesuit college in this city. i , There Ii some ernitament at Ban Bernardino about gold mine/4 - 61M toltive boon - dtsoorerod in that vicinity. A cargo of . t ornveus from Austrsilis for 'Balk Lake. is 'expected le naive epee at Ban Pedro. The Legislature Nu passed bills.to relcoorp o . rate this city , to provide jpr funding its debt, end to submit the Prohibitory Liquor haw goes non to the People at the nazi election. The . Legislature adjourned on the 7th. _ From the San Mancha , Hin ts, Mei C. 131781 , 1X814311 - 0i Pans BACON & Co = ls might I naturally bo expected , from the • news brought ' by the steamer, a run on Page; ,Baoori& commenced yestertley as icon a the Banking Elouee wee opeinid. - IA large fora* of Police Was stationed 'aside and every exertion , was made to preserve order. Thiv deporitors were admitted min by one, entering at one 'door Mid going oat at another. We were informed that before com mencing bueineis Pige, Bacon& Co., had $817,- 000 in their vaults, which was all paid to Bride positors and thosewhe hada:queered attachments' against the titus• on. the preceding night. In the morslngrapt, Bacon & Co. sentessed meet foe the 'stun of $400,000 tenteer of th e eterintors of the time nertlSCUMliseled 'niter the . Ia pursuance of this rmassoissi o llo l ll= l , an &tem:thin wan isined and pieced In th - of Sheriff aorta* who' a'fayr !hinnies - befOrilig o'blook effected in_entrance sod Ie i.d upon the remaining prOperty of the ism.' The dooriwiti ' immediately - closed. It Arai stated In Tha /AOC', a/d of yeaterda* that among . other ittaokmenti' one ' bad been issued-for the eon Of $700.;-: The complaint was iiiiireiiifterernidulthdrii* as the moneilted •been ti`'lsneciat' depOilc - itrid 'Under the 'circuinatinceir no l proitan' of LW*** necuseasy-fiir irootery. 'We'irett' inl'Ormed that on the cloahignt the house there *ianotli: ing In :the smile but soine .$6,000 or $7,000 in gold dust which bad lieetiplatied there; on epeeist deposit and eould'not- therefore be toadied.' . A'' judgment au ids) notifessidljesterd4-by Page, Bacon& Col !natio-of F. 14,‘Italght; Tor !the of s2,ooo.art.s!prinuismeg , ;' t} able * s it ty g a p. . . ad-z wacuac..r, What : the -unto eta -we bate at Present no VOLUME LXVIII---NUIIL'BER 244 mesas of ascertaining; lint ft la thought that. both here and talk: Lonis they , will be more than ' sufficient to cover the liabilltiee. — Censiderable anxiety was felt yesterday itiregard to the $BO O ,- . 000 sent home by Page, Bacon & Co. by- the Golden Gate, but it is thought that in accordance with the ruling of the Postmaster General on a , former occasion the gold /trust sent home can be ' seemed for the payment of, the drafts, and that no loss will be suatained. Some time after the bank bad closed, a poor: woman contrived to gain admittance and pro eented a cheat for $700: There was note dollar in the vault which could be made available. The poor woman appeared very laugh distressed and Mr. F. IV. Pure banded to her his watch, valued at $B5O, and s2s—all the change be bad In his pocket. and also informed her that he would be personally reeponsible for the remainder. By telepthplilast night we learn that the hone° oil Page, Bacon & Co. at . Sacramento paid elide. mands„presented seethe counter yesterday, and Publiihed a notice stating that there was suffi cient funds in their vaults to meet all dentanda. It .wu expected that the Bank world reinme business thin morning. PAO2, BACON & CO. IN BACHANIINTO.The news of the failure of Page & BacOlt,i4JS Tha State dournal,.received loot evening cauesd con sternation almost equal to that a Mandril. two since. Depesitors were alarmed, and. IA grand meth was made toward the offices of the.Sbegiff and County Clerk. Depufy Sheriff, le on duty-- watching the Bantifigtlonse of Page,' Bacon & Co. to see that no treasure te abstmeted. • Allabbny Ica. • • THE subscriber laving ,provided sk.lvocid I supply of PURR (CZ Wropome to' l'arat.h Ida forsa..r au omen and other, who' may favor himarlth their Ole Lange through the rammer. at reawraable rates.. jos b fandshed. heretorwe. at the Federal alined Mao tint of the 0. & Railroad for rho. midlod la the. yid. IV of the road; &lariat the Dowd. of the Parma. Italhftd for those who may remittals, the vicinity of aid road.. - lea worm on Rebecca &Mat. Residen&r. corner of Thlrillt. and Dort 0019190. Orders mar ahrb•be Mn 4 tam-46a Si this 4r4. myfilmdMtler JOH. JOHN InIYN. Valuable Baal .Eitate for gale. THE MANSION SOUSE „AND LO T. Liberty street rant Ing through Ma% alloy, now In • oeemeatiey of Mr.o. Anoint. ' , NNW.. of, • Mr. I Vnlftlietei. '"i lil l oat moo =root t. J. R. MEMPHY,._ Wool Dealer and Commission. leiebnnt, No. 155 Frcnt Street, etrelowe Pirrsaunign. A Card to the Ladiefi FL. .• EING desirous of ibduiting sour stook es buss 'amnia &lA:mita sumanz selrffrotientimiues en. Jane 4th, to don, oat tha Nalgraf..= Cam o,4l=l.lhAttri • I , n EtotWoldedea, . dam Mores, MM. Wats, Marta, Veda, Sr., at a great Tal dual= from former pries. Tho lars who ars &dem, =rebut 11:1:= at low torion are larateCto , awn . 1140.914 AIM 91 Markai atre4t 1.W116 W. MACE., =UM • BLACK da/lELLON; A TTORNEYS AT LAW,' (Successors to aprrlth , " Mellott3 Belonfigylf Grant et, undertake the 4:Prompeuthm of Claim,. War hecoott of %dm& Wsihinvon City. .my22-3todkeT N 0.911 }(RA tf.. olsidon Zeid 111 as -Mak: " BEEN A. BLACK TBAS, comprising • ell NT the different grades in use, purchase& direct • item the Importer.; for cash. crescent importation, 'warranted fresh aid of impeder flews, will :be cad. wboissab sal retail, at the lowest prices. mr2B ,B. JAyN . _ . Commonwealth . of Pentlrlirathi. ea. ..egramia. °ova , 3lnims . Dieraftr,l 9 Ilarrleburg. Idarpd. 1t 5. . xr le orderedthat 'write of error and appeAs from the deisralOtauttles curpodug therWestanide net of the eupreme Com% aball be Med* roturost..A. mu.... onto farther order of this Coat,' Slid WWIIt write heretofore honed. andel( agenalehera non 'pendent, abaft Int noneldered - returnabni i alL, l t i l ec. a hereinafter mentloned,_MM .•• ," P 2.. n. &soloed, Warren, - McKean, Jefferson „apt ittuk the ed ut rd i L.Mcircday In roer,icOototer. ire*, cud aud d dic portate fing:h Weetetterelan ,r) Armetrontu Indlana,comerset and taw bria-On Abe Ifth Manderin October, or the Monday rue. reeding the fourth Mandarin OCtoher. Fayette, GM51.0 and Wsallenton-On the And Meador, Is November or the Morrtar etteceedincthe zet3rn?.olo theiVe*Goreland'ldetrlet. Alleghenr-On the brat Mender ,after_ . return der 'far the Payette Markt, nbleh nal. for the' present year, be If Monday of November,. Cap to belteard tbrtM, area If neeemarT. And it La nuttier ordered that notlee hereof he even In the Ledo/Journal audio three nevraomannpubllatted lo the city of Pittebnruh,lbr taro In • • • • Leer a [ the above to be eornot-tiopy troz o n f tk u ng Wan tha Prothonotary. of the anoretne Court vents, Is and Poe putrid, .1 ramisbasz... th e whrrear; I have.berenoto eet'mr - bann, and AZ timed the etal of ehltl4)teute this =1 dab et Mahn. D. 18455. I mr2ll.2nd ' Proth'y Supreme Cotirt, .• ' Nottoe to' Contfactore: ~.,.. . SEALED PEOPOSALS will bi 3 received at the °Moe of the Enicineer.liiittl torlday; the let 'day of Jane meat, for the gradiet. MteladeVi e M nf th e Alialthe• ny and New Manton Clank Roa d the anobenter Hee to the edeme , ed road 'at the. corner • Clamor a Yua's lot (diatoms about too miles) Alm, for xredinia. Mid& lot 14 lo;',l, r zr.i - r a ..