The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, May 17, 1855, Image 2

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rntOFFICE of the Pittsburgh Galette
a l laaa reasarvad to the new building on MTh Wee;
lat ukcaaatior Budth
Prateistaut hald,
iuduediataly sole:tiding taw
'III2IMIt !CgTertttli.m.—Neither the Mitoriel Room
gr Print's* ratittaltitcrntot the Decay Gateett... OlNnied
en Sunday. Ihrgithalmrthodcalre their notices to appear
Jithelspet on Mordsr nunnlito4ll Piesee head them
Derck.. be • - on entardny.
Adeline* Paymenet.—Hereafter no sob.
entre:km 1,111 be taken Par the Daily or Weakly Gazette.
anklze payment fa nude In advance. Whenrrer the
time Is up ter utikh the rnbecrlptlon Is raid, the paper
ern' be InvarlandY stoned. unless the sutecliption Is re
awed by sdrance payment. dll trandent advertlehun
or mu description. Will be required to be paid In ad
vane.'. The scaly exceptions share 'Pedal =nth
Ir . a ly year 'contracts are made; senlcikn
' 16.21usbarsit Weekly Grieco.—The .t.lllll.
°aeoal►Lbn °face Mena Ektoode odors to our badness soon
most dadostdo =odium of making thole looLdrao. !own.
Oar dreulatkan L betweenfour and five thonsaad. 1,11.ah , 4
sham% stay malebant; soaraffsatoorer and shopdonoper
Mortara Pinasylnaals. and Fara= Ohio.
, WA?. H PACWILIMII. late.editor of the =yd. Zoo
tm.o, sod smr etetneeted with the Pittabareer h
euthonlewl to eolldt extbectiptkees end aZleertisenenu for
the Pittatorrglifiszetta, wending to eta eublhhed farms
Pittetnnsti Muth 1,1136 b.
Iheadhse Matter ota each saes of thts 0000?
Tax Soya StCOND Trionourr.—Every now
and then a conviction comes creeping over.the
minds of those northern men who have been the
allies of th s illouth that their, yeoman service in
behalf of very is a sickening thing, degrading
'to their humanity and hateful in the eyes of all
beholders. We have seen frequent manifesta
tions of this feeling ; but never has it been so
apparent as just now, when the trait!' of the
Kansas bill are mstruing,'and those who sup
polled it for party's sake are to see
their labors turnell,to the destruction of to
principles on which our government rests. The
Philadelphia Pennsylvanian publishes a letter
from a gentleman in Washington City, in which
a consciousness is shown of the degradation in
earfed , by yielding to the demands of the South.
The Pennsylvanian says it is "from one who has
tattled long and well for the rights of the South
and who will still aid it in all that justly be
longs to it ; but it is very evident that his feel
ings have been soured at the conduct of the
Missourians." The tatter runs thus :
"Governor Reeder his a proud yet most crit
ical poiition. The murderers in Missouri pur
sue him alone because he will not yield to their
demand for slavery by illegal votes, in Kansas.
Had he done so, there would not be the skeleton
Of a dethoerstlo party left in the free States.
He might have . purchased ease and place by let
ting the slave owners of Missouri take charge
of 83.113113:. He might have been Governor or
Serator, but he thought of Pennsylvania and
the No rth, and of his own honor, and he acted
as an honest and a patriotic Democrat. He goes
back and will sell life dearly, if any effort is
made to do him personal injury. The fact ir, the
South arks too much of sir ''" lam sickof their or
rogance---lick of their A dele — and resolved that
however ready lam stand by their rights,
I will not sustain their wrongs. Slavery is not
God atrecuted—itir rut divinity. It is a load to
carry, and we mug not have it made heavier by
arrogant exaction,"
Yes; the Southasks too much dna; and it is
time that the whole North should be, as this Wri
ter is, sick of its arrogance and violence. -
Ile editor of the Pennryircezian,too, speaks out
freely in the same direction. .He says:
' "No one could have felt more regret than our ,
selves at the course pursued by the armed bands
of men who left Missouri, not with a view to
settle in the territory of Kansas, but to overawe
the actual residents, and control the elections
there held. We saw clearly, that public opinion,
even among those who are willing to go all
lengths to protect the South in her just rights,
would not extenuate. much less sanction, so
grass a violation of every principle of republican
goveramtlirt We have heard Sonthren men de
nounce the act as one of madness, which' would,
in the end, produce its bitter fruits, bytaliens
tingthe patriotic men of the Middle States from
the South, or render them lukewarm. Already
the effect of Missoutian violence begins to man
ifest itself, and Senator ATCHISON is denounced
in a manner which will very much damage his
reputation ass public man, and a good citizen.
Some of the papers not wedded to Abolitionism,
dhim as a roving bandit, aimed with a
bo e knife, revolver and rifle , and marching at
the head of an infuriated mob of misguided
m W greatly fear that the recent conduct of the
Id urians In Kansas, who merely marched in
' 'to o rawe the actual settlers , and then rstorn
ed their real homes in Missouri, in military
array, w il l operate most disastrously to the fu
ture 1 peace and harmony 'of our Union. It is
acareely to be supposed that a Territory con
quered from our own people can readily be ad
mitted into the. Union as a :ztate, with the agents
of the violence at the head of affairs. If Sla
very were established in Kansas by fair means,
there Would be no doubt of her reception into
the Union as a State; but if at the cannon's
mouth,,rio Northern or Western man would d are
east his votein its favor."
Tice following, from the came article, with re
gard-to !Senator MC/1380N, LS new to no, and
,ieltallenges attention:
"The story is current in Philadelphia that
Senator Arcamos remarked to a number of gen
tlemen id Washington City, "that the duty of
establishing slavery in Kansas had devolved on
him. He had pledged his word it should be done,
and by all that was holy he would do it at every
hizarj.' .His own salvation depended upon the
imcoessfol execution of his pledge."
Our readers will remember the . eipression
Made by this same individual in a speech to his
banditti brethren in the Platte country—that
"he would rather see Kansas in hell than become
a free State." Prom the manner in which he
stakes his own salvation on the issue, we should
judge that be expects some such fate himself if
he fails to succeed. The people of the North
will, however, as we fancy, save Kansas from
either fate marked out for her by him, and leave
this "border ruffian" So work out his own sal
vation as beat he may.
To those Who vainly. imagine that they can "ig
nore the slavery question" and turn the public
attention to the work of personal proscription.
there is abundant feed for reflection in the re
- cent4nanffestations of anti-slavery sentiment in
each a city, even, as New York. Daring the late
Anniversary week, Senator. Sumner , of Massa
chusetts was announced to deliver an anti-sla
very lecture in the Metropolitan Theatre. The
night proved a stormy one ; but in spite of
that, the vast space afforded by that building,
one of the largest in the city, was filled to its
utmost capacity—pit, boxes and galleries—by an
intelligent, educated and enthusiastic auditory.
This, in New York, was a triumph; but the mar
vel does not sad here: the same lecture has
since been twice repeated, first In. Brooklyn and
afterwards at Niblo's saloon, and both times to
• crowded and delighted audiences. The people
who bare thus flocked to hear the eioqunitSens
tor plead the naked truths of anti-slavery, were I
not fanatics, or cyphers in a large community;
but the intelligent, substantial; leading- and in
fluential men of the day. The world dou move.
The same lecture was, - we believe, delivered,
' in Auburn, N. Y., by Mr. Sumner, on which oc=
cannon Mr. Seward introduced him to the As
sembly in the following hearty terms :
"A dozen years ago I was honored by blint
chosen to- bring my neighbors residing here to
the acquaintance of a statesman of Massachu
setts who, was then directing the, last energies
of an Illustrious life to the removal of the crime
of Human Slavery from the soil of our beloved
country—et statesman whose conme I had cho
sen for my own goidance-+John Quincy Adams
—'the old man eloquent.' ,
"He hes amended to heaven • yon and I yet
remain here in the field of toil ' and duty. Atd
—now by a rare felicity I have your Instructions
to present to you amdher statesman of Massa.
• chusetts,. him on whoop,
shoulders the mantle
of the departed one had fallen, and who more
than any other of the many great and virtuous
'citizens of hit 'native Commonwealth illustrates
the spirit of the, teacher whom, like us, he .ven
crated and loved so much, 'a companion and
friend of my own public labors—the young 'man
- eloquenC—Charles Sumner."
We shall avail Ourselves of as early opportu
-2 nity to lay en abstract of thii lecture before our
` readers.
SLLII or TB:11 Mere Lurs.—The Maeda'phis.
News complain/I,r end we think with reason, of the
very meagre character of the Claremore &dyer
thinnest offering tins Main Line of the Public
Works for rale. Last year, 111 a similar advir
deemed, Go!. Bigler enumerated the provisions
of the law one the several conditions Of 'sale, so
that parties disposed to buy could gather, with
out further trouble, all the information necessary
to guide them In the piroilisee ; now the &Ter .
. .
nor simply announces time and place of sale; and ,
refers those who may desire information, as to
the condition and, terms, to the office of the Sec
rotary of'the Commonwealth where copies of the
Act may be obtained. The News says: •.
"For our State authorities to Content them
selves with such a notice of salenf State Proper
ty, worth millions of dollars, would - indeed be a
penny-wise and pound-foolish policy, for which
they would be mach more likely condemned than
commended by the tax payers of the State. We
hate seen many a notice of a constable's Mlle of
property, not exceeding in value probably a
hundred dollars, whose size, description of the
property to be sold,-and distinctness of the terms
of sale, would , pat to the blush the advertise
ment referred to for the sale of- the Main Line.
Had our worthy Governor a farm, Or some other
valuable property, to offer at public sale, he
would surely not think of saving a few dollars by
contenting himself with a bare advertisement of
the time and place of sale, but would give the
fullest possible and best description of the prop
erty, accompanied by a clear statement of the
terms of sale, and take care that such notice
should have the widest possible circulation. We
cannot think otherwise' than that the notice re
ferred to is but preparatory to a more full and
extended one, embracing a creditable description
of the value, advantages, &c., of the Main Line,
and the conditions and terms under which it is
proposed to eell them. No doubt ouch a notice
is being prupared, and will appear in good time;
we hope so at all events."
The law authorizing the sale of the Main
Line imposed upon the Governor the duty of ad
vertising the sale in Philacelphia, Pittsburgh,
Washington City, Boston and New York, within
ten days after his approval of it. The short pe
riod thus allowed has doithtless operated to pre
vent the preparation of au extended advertise
ment, such as the magnitudanf the case seems
to require.
Fee the Daly Onsette
Mn. Enron:—Proscription is at all time,. od
under all circumstances anti-Republican,
when fostered in &sleet and matured at midnight
it becomes tyranny. This principle is most stri
exemplified in the modern hobby of Know
Nothingiam, which would exclude all foreigners
from the rights of citizenship, and thereby reduce
cur country from the high position of liberality
and equality, to a level with monarchy itself
But it is argued that, "Americans should rule
America"--admitted—but who and what are
Americans? Only those who are born in Ameri
ca ! Certainly not, for to argue thus would, be
to deny the principle of adoption and to ostracise
a largo body of American citizens who have be
come so by forswearing allegiance to their native
land. And is not that man who on account of ty
ranny and oppression forsakes the home of his
youth, seeks a country whose institutions are free,
and by a solemn oath renounces all former preju
dices and opinions, and resolves to abide by the
laws of the land of his adoption, to Le respected
Common sense and common liberty answer in
the affirmative, but thedark spirit of Know Roth
ingism answers in the negative. It goes farther,
for it would proscribe with titter uncompromising
selfishness all who have been unfortunate enough
to first breathe the pure air of Heaven in a land
other than our own.
But let us suppose for a moment that Know
Nothingism will accomplish all it proposes, and
what-will- be the natural results arising from its j
power ? Time, the great revelator can alonere-
veal, but we can by glancing, back on the past,
and looking forward to-the future draw an infer
ence from all, history and common sense which
will bring us to the irresis' table conclusion that
the tendency of this party is to sap at the foun
dation of our civil and religions liberty. We can
notavoid the conclusion, for if we would deprive
all foreigners of the rights of citizenship until
after a residence of twenty one years, we would
harbor an internal enemy in our foreign popula
tion which would suck the very heart's blood of
Farther: The very esseence of Know-Noth
inghon is anti-Christian and tends to degrade
rather than ameliorate the condition of mankind.
Its very secrecy is an argument against the pa
rity of its motives, for good works love the sun
light, while evil ones seek the silent midnight
whose darkness mingles in unison with deeds of
But the question is asked, will the Know-Noth
ing party of the North bow the knee to their
brothers of the South? We answer: it mast,
for the Slavoeracy demand it. It must submit,
.And crook Milpregnant bingo , of tho tam
wh.r. thrift inay follow a...WM
or be cast aside as an old garment by ttes South. ;
It is true that there are many honorable men
connected with the Know-Nothing party in the
North who will not sell themselves to the hideous
moloch of elavery, and we rejoice that Such is
the case; but the fiat has gone forth—the !oath- I
ern press has uttered an edict which is as unal
terable u was the law of the Medea and Per
sians,—that if there is not a satisfactory con•
cession made in the Know-Nothing Convention
to be held in June, by the Northern delegates to i
those of the South; there will be a dissolution—
not of the Union but of the Know-Nothing par
, ty. That such may be the result of the delibe
rations of thateonvention is no doubt the earnest
desire of every true Northern man, be he a
Know-Nothing or not, for the recent outrages in
Kansas urn the Northern people to beware of
making an alliance with Southern slaveholders
who would sacrifice the dearest and most sacred
feelings of the human heart to extend and per
petrate Slavery. In the days of Cicero the ex
clamation, "I am a Romennitizen," was a pro
tection from tyranny and bondage, but the glo
rious words, "I am an American citizen," di..
not protect, in this nineteenth century, the free-
Men of Kansas, from violence and insult:
in a country where &liars "born free and equal"
the ballot-box has been made to subserve the in
terests of demagogues and villains, who in mar
tial array marched from the State of Missouri
into the Territofy of Mamas and took possession
of every election district, and after haling ac
complished their deep-laid schemes of villainy
returned to their homes.
Bat the facts of these outrages are already
known, and consequently we will conclude this
hastily and somewhatimperfectly written article
by urging every true patriot to be up and doing,
for to be idle now would be criminal.
. .
Ms. EDITOR: The Bar of Pittsburgh And the
public are very much pleased to learn that Mr.
James Dunlop, 'Esq., is willing to become the
Reporter of the State, and we think that the
Governor ooght not to . hesitate to bestow the
appointment upon him; he could select no one
more competent for that post. From Ids acknow
ledged learning and ability, we have no doubt
that the Governor could make no appointment
more acceptable to the whole .public than the
selection of Mr. Dunlop. We are no lawyer but
we understand that the Western Bar particularly
are of opinion they have been degraded by , the
miserable manner in which the decisions of the
Supreme Court have been reported, that the ju
dicary character of Judges and Lawyers have
become deteriorated and sunk in public estima
tion, and that they want each a man as Mr.
Dunlop to restore them to their proper estima-
Bon. -
As far as we can ascertain the condition of,tbe
South, a general scarcity of breadstaffs prevails,
Since the opening of spring a continued drouth
has retarded vegetation, and in many portions
extreme suffering has resulted. .The Dalton
Times says that many familes are without corn,or
any means to procure any. And beside, there
is none for sale. In some neighborhoods a bushel
could not be procured for love or money. .POor
men are offering to work for a peck of corn a diy,.
If they plead "our children will starve," they are
answered "so will mine, if I part with the little I
have." Horses and mules are — tirrned oat into
the woods to wait for grass, or starve. The con
sequence is, that those who have land can only
plant what they can with the hoe—they cannot
plow. It is smitrusly argued thal, unless assist-.
ed soon, many of the poor class of-that section
will perish.—St. Louis Repub.
The Shenftalty
MR. SAMUEL WALKER, of Elizabeth,
will be • candidate for Shedd of ellegbenf County. sta.
jest to the derision of the ntutlified eleotOrs.Wldirs. Deme—
ezatl and men of the district.
Elisabeth. May 10,1850.
A Lady of our acquaintance, Kra. Pow
al, No. IS Stanton rt.. New York, was troubled with
r Complaint fora long time, and after trying ma 67
earned! tr., was advised to try DT; McLanes Celebrated
User Pills. She did so, and says that-with one box she
was oftectnallY cured
indfoutica, stoppage of the mesa; mariposas. and par
cool frreputarfrs eat bowels, are all diseases m1010164=
in the same prolific owe, as Is ales that dreadful scourge
YllsPepsta. Those who we afflicted with sayer tle stare
enumerated diseases, may rest !moored that the source of
WI their maladiew is the liver. and Ow its correction the
best remedy ever offered to the public is Di. McLatte's
Celebrated ldrer Pills. 6 17 them. The money reimaded
Itnot saw factory.
Porchwers will be careful to now to ult. M'LANSPS
CELSBHATED LIVER PILLS, and take none else. Then
are other Pills. per,lagte b. LIM Pills, now bailor
the tnablim elec. his Celebrated Vermlbasa, can now be bad
s t i llisi ts itsbie Drug Stores In the United ;Later, ales,
ET sale by the sole proprietors, FLEMING PIHOTILENtI.
ntylldger. ihascessors to J.Nidd t Co.. 60 Wood et.
lye offer for mile One Hundred Leta, very
idyiniagoonsly located. In the City of DUITWILIS. and no
irp.dgany 'wont proposals for the ono, or nay portion
of theist
Sb tonryletion of the Great Minas Central IL IL, to
t hi s do r .-tbo lama tipper Blialladyyl River badman
trinarotrd Len-the ham lout barb. tognihre the
present riLlAgf Ifiratiating value acres! Mate, combine
women. dratralila malts frktbnia arliblna sto wen in
.. airy irdbratation la be Proinfai laillufalitea tf di
menu. Addria TAL MOP It COMPANY.
. ,
Chilson Furnaces, Wro't Iron Tubing
Foe Warming and Ventilation of Buildings.
A A W. willow:and for Warming oral Ventilating by
Atueou or Hot %dor, Pipes or Purnnat. Churches,
Behoolu sobniou Green Daum. (bart. Houses
Jail I.lotele or DereDi O.& No. 2.5 Marko! er-7 Pittsburg
Reliance Mutual Insurance Company
Oh i pafaL $177 G.4—Aida. 112=092, .0 'lv hae,ae,d.
F RE INSURANCE—On Buildings, Mer
chandise, Purnlturr. La.. In frau or emantry.
The mutual principle. comblue4 with the security of •
Stoat CaultaL entitleethe lmftrod to Mare
Ioo a the profit...
of that...pant.. vothlut Ilatalite o for
The Script Oartlfleatev of this mpany, for profits, ars
convertible. strAinto t, tl o tedtpltal Stock of the Compyy.
• "i t.l.7. t.
Clem nuclei.
Wm. IL Thompson.
T. C. Itoekhlll,
C. W. Carpenter,
Robert Et...
O. 8. Wood.
Jame. L. Taylor,
Jacob .T. Boating.
Q.kl. !Inroad.
Flour delivered to families in either of the
tirot tiles.
Order. Beery be left at the Mill, or to our boxes at the
stores of
04 .00
/AXIAL WILSON A .62 Wood et-
BRAUN A REITER, on er Liberty and Stash. sta.
IL P. SCRWARTZ, et,Alle them . .
Have removed to thei new store, 131
Wood gm/. 5 door" oboes erfri. ' , bleb tee have built
with the express adaptation to our increased business.
The grid grior has Men fitted up in MODERN STYLE
erehairely fir our retail trade. where will always be bound
a oomplete assortment of the MOST YAtIMION ABLE
STYLES of Oen& and Youths' Dress and Soft Mats and
Caps, as well as LADIES' 111151110 MATS and CIIII
PREVEI GOODS. adapted to the au... We shall be
pleased to see our friends at our new store.
Th. (icor upper stories are cm-prewar for our WHOLE
SALO TRADE, where gill fonnd • full 'stock of hats
.ad Caps, embrudng dearer. Silk, sun varlet,. Soft. Pa
P.M. Leghorn, Braids, and Palm brat hate; Silk Plush
and Cloth Cara. and Children's Goods of all Mods.
Hera:unto visiting our pity will find It their interest to
examine our stork, as our faeilitles are curb as to enable
us to compete with any Jobbing luau in the outeru
M 0 N E Y.
Indiana, Tennessee, Kanawha, 'Massillon
Illinois, and all uncurrent Bank Notes,
Purchionl at LOWER RATES Nos any othrr Howe.
SIGHT DRAFTS on New York, Philadelphia. Cinoio
natl. St. LOWP. and the principal Cities of the United
Staten. furolaked In autos to suit at LOWEST RATES.
CAPITAL, 82,500,000,
.JI tbk GRANITE INSURANCE CO., of New York rit •
Itsggers., gzslssoge Broksts and Irunsrance Agts.
mr6.lsts ft ::0.15, Wood mt, one door from 110. at.
Life. Fire & Marine Insurance Company;
Office, Corner Market and Water Streets,
808 T. OALTS , AF. rnuictont. Jam D. Mtn Doer-
This Company makes every Insurance arr
penguins War connects! with LIFE WES.
Altn,agrilriet Hull and Cargo litelts,on tbe Oben and
tl lastaelptil rivers and tributaries, and Marina Disks gen
And against 1.1068 or Damage by Fire,
And against the Perste (Attie Sea and Inland Navigation
and Trauertstion.
Policiesat the !Watanabe. eonaleterit with meet)
to aU partira• .
Robert GuluuT. ..._ ...
Alexander Bredle7.
Jame. & Nome. John Fullerton,
William PIMA" -emus( Metharkan. ,
John Scott. James W. Hallman,
Joseph ?. Namara. M. D., Chu Arbuthnot, t
aaeile.. is .
Meld RI , h•T.
tharetio N. 11, Klttaithlng,
John MINI. Ps
mr2s-1..e1e (Post ropy thear fat ooLl
Fire and Life Insurance Company,
Will make all kind: , of 111S1121111Ce. either
Poppet=or United. on revery description of Pro Pict/ or
Merehtindlss. st reasonable reir of prowlna.
6011P,P.T P. 1i1243. Prcrident.
M. W. Pittore,'NtosVlte Presidcrient.
I w
E1t.g .,..
Jas. 9. Pawl.
Mum. P. Hayes.
L B. Xnall.h.
P. B. Ba•.r7.
C. Eh•rm*a.
1. BALtnroNA Seeletorl.
J. 0. CDFTIN, Amon.
d e l 17 re anaer Thud And Wool streets.
M om_p_an
Sea and Inland SaTi,•ation and Transportation
W. P. Johnston. W. It'Cllntnel.
O. IL Lone. A. J. Tom%
Hotly Pattmon.
ij K l... 47 . d x.c= , 2. Viand. .
J. Otter Stronta. 4.i.ara4 White,
Jacob Paint..
Wolin Ilasnyton.
A. 4 W. P. 118 , 4 n.
D. P.. Park.
flotnital—lion_Wm Johnston.
ride PFV/idi—elljßadr
SA-avian/ and Tmeum---A A Cn.-rimr.
A55i501n454... 1 . 4 .,. 8 8 Era]
Citizen's Insurance Comry of rittsmargn
. WM. DAOALLY, Prrsident
°TYRA 94 WA77tR.OD B
ia . /1111/7"/ 69:lin111 LOU Pawage AY PVC ALSO
eggru,n , W. ;was eat SEA and .NLAND VIILI VOA
Wns. Bee . T.
fla .
&holt me
Dun p:Jr,
R. Ilarhenih.
Law 31, Pennock.
WoJnor 'MT. , .
Jas. Cooper,
British and Continental Exehtiage.
These Drafts are available at all the prin
ipalTownsofEnglsod, F. 3 Laud sad Ireland. sod the
M. A. Grunebaum dt Bailin,
Which serve ne a Remittance to all porta or de mans.
Switzerland and Holland.
Intsodlng totravalsenpulssuiNwurathrouub
us Lotter. of Cridit, co whlebalottay eau be obtulued.
rundsd, le tor Put
Collettione of Bills. Nate., and other Realities In EA
rope. will receive Prompt eMentlon.
Wood. corner Third street.
_ - - -
We have frequently heard the celebrat
ed German IDttato, .old by Dr. C M. Jackson, lia) Arch
Street. MOIL. spoken ale term. of the highest commen
dation. and vee honestly holler. that It L. one of the best
medldnes advertised for the complaints the . hleh It I. re
commend/d. They are pleasant to the taste. and orange ta
ken 130,16 r any chromate:l,es be the most delicate dom.
ash. The peen Car and wile. here united In sommendlos
this Invaluable remedy for dYM.Poin, debility, an. and
snob meth. heallug Recta of this panacea, that we hope
It may he loin:di:wed to every family lei ere dlePereht has,
or L. likely to have . victim. Bee advertieranent.
Statement from Canada—Quebec, Feb.
7th, los4.—Nlesere. IL A. Pahruatock a Co.:—We had the
pleasure of ecweivlng, this morning, the within certificate
of your Vecrudfuse. which till be rei7 gratifying to you,
as it... wont voluntarily. We are. genet MUS lemen,youre very
trul .f. SON CO.
Ou y
rnegcs—My little daughter. 0 years old. And MT
eon. older. were for • coneiderable time eufferlog from
worm,: I. ouretianed two bottle, of your Verrnimeol, of
which I gave them three dolma according to directin
and etrange to my, Irrlees than three hours they
no lees than MITE HUNDRED WORMS. of 1ic . ,77r . .
traordloary length of from 12. to lb Inches.
Mewing experienned so much of the beneficial effect• of
your Wenalfuge,l ti my duty to recommend it to the
public as, in my opinion, one of the molt efficacious 1•19.8.
diawagalosi wormierer yet offered to the public.
Gentlemen, believe me to be your mash obliged .4
humble 'errant, NATHANIEL. LRATERS.
Prepared end mold by B. A. PALINESTOOK ACO.. corner
of Wood .0 Pint eta. myll3 &INT
As a Spring and Bummer Medicine,
0 altar's Bpsadsh Mistuze etande Preemiesnt nbca• oil
ether. Its shignierly diesel= action on the blood: it.
strengthening and rtrifylng qualltieg Its tome fiction on
the liver; its tendency to drive all humors to the surface.
thereby cleansing the system acairdleg to Natetee own
prescription; Its harmless, and at the same ems wanes.
dLnary grail infect.. and the tins.. of 'rum testified to
by many &the =et reopeetable eltlsowl of Richmond,
Va.. and elsewhere. =et be =elusive evidence thatlbers
is no hembug about It. The trial of a single bottle will
satisfy the mood 'skeptical of Its benefits. gee ;Wrestles
meat to.anot her e 1... lmtlkeT
A Substitute for the New Liquor Law.—
.4 me middy tar the cure of
A concentrated vegetable extract, and se • tonic is uns
oiled, F o r ab• yollowitus ocomplaiste it to 4 mixt sato..
toe moliciar. .ff/ioXrds. Liter amouanr. Epilepsy, Na
n:dots, Pilo, lbw, al aA lisdr. Dadritult Trance; Omer
ut Debfle7y. TWO medicine isintendol to produce • shunt.
in the Marro, and • distaste Ibr alcoholic drinks. tleeeral
Instance. where We hate told It. we have had
fir thraced
gratlfylug, Mullis to. to polio= who ar
of e ms
brealting off the Indulgence is intoxicating bererlon,
Mizell:lr will be a greet help. Sold at ft per bottle it
the Drug Stare of DR. GEO. 11. HEYBI3II, No. 140 Wood
street, corner of Virgin Wen Ash of the Golden Mortar
Another Instance of the efficacy of Boer-
W. N. IL Domani, of the Delon Moe. werc -- ffame
week. gem befog *nimbly of with Delt end leex
slew. et the storesch,lese of aptialte;Alta, tin , " itrp "
symptoms of dinetwis. I embedment to try your /101.1 end
Ititters r end I fret it bet An act of Jostlce to the id kl N 88 '
. 011 " an' the =Ol of Moe. whores, b. effected with like
denuattement of pte etemacb, to state. tbeittbe Ins of ow
dog% bottle of this medletos proved of lecelcoleble WO-
At, bevies freed the etelaseb from allAcese Of dePrlalliotte
'end ronoved every symptom, of dy.p.x4d.. I woald Abo
remark, that two atettiter. of my, &MUT. who wen.
allioted to spimilac manner with myself, were entire/
',Mond by the we of o chests born* of each.
- igoo.dairr
I:earie It. Aebbnret,
George N. Baker,
Beni. W .
Z. Lathrop,
H. L Careen,
Robert Toland,
Edward O. Jame.
Wm. Mann,
Arobibald Gettr,
Wm. M. Pame,
J. G. COFFIN, pl Agent,
• er Tkdrd and Wood streets .
N.M. likaard Fiord.
j ;IT; italailrAt.
J. reinonimaker.
VW= IL Hart.
1 - 11 - 81.31 - xi OP it AND TiPWARDB.
Carefully,prepared from none but freih and
Maar there. Under the perscse a.rAnidon of their'.
agent at the Metres,
3.0. B.& 00. take great pleasure in offering their brand
of on, lehlch, ou santuat of its =parlor male of Droner.
tics, freshness anlpouity. can be taken without distend,
by the most delicate.
It Is unneenwary to advert to the peculiar of 0.
this very valuable and scientific remedy. Its success in
the men of Chronic itheumathon. Scrofula. and Lung Die
wee. when skillfully applied and persevered in, is no
longer a matter of sOideettlrer, it le now acknowledged to
P. healing virtues tames In somparable to any other
speedo. bold In bottles, wholesale and retail. by the 0.11-
ufsetunre, .1011,1 0. BAHLit it CO..
No. 100 North Third et.. Phileciolphia.
And by Drugs:lee in Pittsburgh and elsewhere.
On end after MONDAY, March 12th, 1855,
the PASSENGER TRAINS will run ea lollowe. until fur
ther notice:
Ease bum rug mars ls 3
Mau Tau% " K.
ItLYintiss 'TRW " ar 3P. r.
These Traits all run through to Crestliner and connect
there with the Ocerunbus and Clndm►ti. Ohio and Indi
an► and Rellefontsdno and Indiana Railroad. At slanr
field, connections are male tar Newark. 7Anessille, Mon
marina. Bandunky, Toledo, Chicago, An: and at Alliance
he Moreland. go. No trains eon on lituiday.
Through 'tickets are sold to Cincinnati, Dmirrille, St.
Lorde, India:tap:lßa Chicago. Rock Ulan& For: Warne.
Moreland and the principal town• and cities In the West
rare Pittsburgh at 10 a.. h. and sr. and New Biles
ton at 7s.zandl P. at.
For Motets and further information. applr to
J. 0. CURRY,
At the corner Office, under the Monongahela
Or at the Federal street Station, to
Plttehntgb, March 10th, 1800. Ticket Anent-
Iron Railing, Iron Vaults, Vault Doors, Window
Shifters, Window Guards, itc.,
Nos. 91 Second st,, & e 6 Third st.,
(between Wood and Market,)
Have on hand a variety of new patterns
Fancy avxd. Plato. Imitable for ell purpnisee Particular at
tention paid to enclosing Grave Leta. Joblens dome at
abort notice. mbD-tf
Corner of Wood and Sixth streets.
Our Teas will be found on trial unequaled
0 the prime In the dtr
Blanks. 'rntnd
0010 n, 445, 50, 62, 75, iYot . L . ng Hyson,s o ,
1,00 and 1,25 per lb.' o, and 1,00 per lb.
'&gßreakfast., 50 andllipperial & 75,
75 cta, per lb. ! 1,00 & 1,50 par lb.
Teas put up In osday bates ham 6 to `RI lbs. for family
use. • liberal discount uncle to retail deniers.
COFPES—jana, In Duayra, and 8d °VP , Cron , nod
SVGARS—lnnenna'l and &knees loaf' Pa/eerier/1 and
Drusned &cars.
Also, Mandates, anal. tiddeL Fred, and Dried Feud:.
_ .
Ease and Comrort.—Tho Confonnator
lately Imported trsm Paris. ...UT sults the flat t tn.
peorullar shape of th. Iteeston a now last le am s..r an th.
head as .mold ate. A geattlt and a g od Hat may be bag
a t :7 Worst .t asTS•tf W DOUGLAS.
Marsh's Radical Cure Truss will cure
snarly iirin7 miss of soluinable Dentin
Trusses .t muds.; prim on 'Mod.
Children's 'Drones ordiCre'reut torsi and strength Ed
Eleatic Stocklus fed Varteone or EsslamitlYeloe.
Abdominal Sispcnytere—• dome diffident glade.
Ms Prose, for the support and cure of Piles.
Shoulder Byres to centre • stook el and deformed eon.
of the Chest, and Maul of the Cb" .t.
Suepenelou RandAgest
AR thee...DAN osier be had es applied at DR. KEY.
SKIDS Wholesale aselE•tall TURFS DEPOT. 1 0 Wood
elgu of the Golden Mortar, or .111 In not to au, Dart
01 Lb....try by enutlug the mousy and sumunsre.
dgmli _ .
Timber, Mill, Tobacco & Cotton Scrota..
341fhiv asafrakt.s.F. , Mandincm•
Car 3.0 Bridge Bolts, with Thread and Note
Wk. anarea. No. oval.= a: Fran es, PCM.S
WOOD soli num:F[44st*
Kr An anal dearradded.
Ft.trlttndrdald, a :met amitn,tion tr
Cristadatet'sExcelsior Hair Dye.
As red <lauds dartiti to thi
And bNelcan over tiara"'. blue okytleb?
eo Mmancradv ewe Pro
T. black the bate that rodIT baraath.
Tha cuttla dab creandlngli Kaduna db• RA=
When an deaanty Saito at et. amer UM. anon:a,
...Hat as anlekearatiliaao Rdl dark." Me Et t:.
With Ida Dye of alt Doe cant effildpant •,
Cristadreed XxialdnildbaelYda [amid ere:grate and to
Balm of a Tanana' Flowers, for beau
utrim: M k .oalotairiring all Tao. P 13111,1
.3141 ?um= 17143 Rio tsee. lit — fit•rovvet, - ;
New Ilaguerrian Gallery.
MR. NELSON would reopeetfully inform
hi. frtiwida and the public generally, that le erdw to.
meet the daily Increming demand eu Ma Daguerreotype.,
he haa had built and h.o now onto ploted toyer
Pat Officw,Thlrd Itreet3 CM • et the moot merino. and
magnificent lite light Oelleriew ever conetructed hir D a - .
gun vvetrpe pm•Peerm in the United Mates. Ws are INM
prepared ta emenig. Wiener*. .1.11 Mem and Myles. in
Sits weather. from 5 o'clock A. M. till 4 o'clock P. M. A
Mgt 0000. al l le wilting&whether they wirh for Weer.
mor not. Name. Old Poet Ohm Dalliting. Third .treat
And Prod.> thuurslir,
No. 25 , Wood street, Pittsburgh.
mown_ Imam
evannsoss EsALE TO
Provrkettese , 11111.04•10016 "Mad Verultart Lint
Western= Insurance Comp_any
1111M1011111114 St. ....... ....r. t. ooLuotr, 112C . T.
Will Insure aping all kinds of Filo and
.Antler. Jr.. Th 0.
os. bcott. J. kinAnlcy
7. W. Butler, A. Nlmick. O. Duals,
Wm. Lyma, Nadi! iloimm,
C. Ins.. 11, W. Jackson. J.
Wm. IL Smith.
W A bona Inatitution managed by Direeton well
knot,'" ID this community. ma .bo .in liberally_ adjamt
and promptly pay all iNr UM SI too OM., No. 92 Water
Street. (Swag A 001 Warebousaj op stairs, Plttatnarnh,
'sato %
The Greatest Medical Discovery
Mr. Kennedy, of Roxbury, has discovered
In on. of oar more:ion parture weeds • rrrneds that Cute
trembled of ilimeor, Pon the enrol derufuld to 1001311011
Ile hu bled It to over eleven hundred oaten, end never
felled extant In tve moo (both thunder humor.) Ile hen
now In hit eneeendon over two 'hundred tertlflests, ny Ils
value, all within twenty miler of Boetou.
Two tottles are werranted toe.. enurelou ewe 100 tb
One to three bottles will ours the worn kind of rim Piee
of the fern
Two to three bottles will the system el biles.
Two bottles are warranted to can the worst rant IT in
the month and stomach.
Three to hie bottle. are tenteented to care the worst
our of eryidpetes.
One to two bottle. are haerauted to core el humor lo
the eyee.
Two bottles an waresotall to sore running of Lb...on
and blotthasasoons the Mir.
Clow bottle will ere seali ornotkol of the alt.
Two to throo bottles ary warrantsEl to cure the wont
Two to three betties are warranted to mire the meet dee
Tecate eases of rhearnatlain.
Three to fets bottles are warranted to core flit rheum
Five to sight bottles will cure the wand case of 'ecotone
• benefit Is ewers experienced ft= the and totele.
and a perneet run is warranted when the above Quantity
le taken.
Nothing looks so hnmobable rn theee who have In vale
tried all the wonderful medicines of the def. es that •
common weed revering lo the pasture., and along old
stems wails, =mild cure every humor in tho .totem:
It is now • deed tact. If you have a humor !Pima to .tart
There an no We Ism any, hums or ha's ebout It suiting .
some cues and not yours. I peddled over a thoneand hot,
ties of it In the Tidally of &don. I know tie effects In
.eery can. It bee already done some of the greatest merge
ever done in Haseachosetta I ger. it to &Odra, a year
old; to old people of duty. I have me Poot•Poef , w e. "
behleg dOldren, etudes fled, was soft and flabby. restored
to a porfeet stet* of health by one bottle.
To thaw who an entsfect to • Wet headache. cue bottle
will always core it. It ghee greet relief to catarrh end
dinhness. Some who hare teen Mein far reed% have U.
ken and been regulated by It. Where the body to sound,
oftherllnnetione ornate.. it will owe Teri ' e ° l
quite easy, bat where there is any derangement
Inele,St wor k quite
yen mast not be alarmed—they alwary ding.
pear In from four day. to a week. Therefie never • tell ev•
milt from It.. On the contrary, when that feeling Is gone
you will feel yourself like einew perecm. I baud ea= of
the meet ..trlag.t emoolocres of It that man ever Ile
tensed to. tie eheinte of dled. leer./ neormary—eat the best
You en get. I have Ilkewlee an herb. which, when dm.
meted in sweat oil. diseolees ikrofelocui eielling of the
neck and under the ear,. Price 60 cents. Price of the
Medical Dimoverr fl Per bottle.
DIHNOTTOTIII YOB ChM—Adult, one table-sweetens! P.
day. Children over ehebtyeare, &alert Illsonlhoh ohildleu
from live toelight years, target:mend. Aline direction eau
be made epplinable to di constitutions, take enough to
operate on -the bowel. twice • der.
Hr. KENNEDY gluts personal tettOndanno In. NA arse
Of sada.
• Bold.wholesale and retail, it .1 40 Wood
-treat. corner of Virgin eller. • frideriT
RETAIL DRUG STORE, favorably locat
ed, It the earner of Mutant sad Misty Ai, Allngham
City, will be sold sit tetacmable tam Vor icartleulan
quoin or - VLSIIINO MK.
Wholesale Drintinti. Vo:0)Ifood St.
'4lB.bgALltir: - ' Rlitibitith,Mag Ea•
A Special Bulletin for the Sick.—Dr,
Horner h.riporcifixo Cbraiiii relieves with wonderful rapid
ity every divorder Incident In the dineative apparatoa re
nom, the appetitet renews the etrengttg barite. them.-
cleft braces the nerves, dye, ebietimit7 to the epirita, re
milts the mental enamel., banishea deerponduncy. Imparts PITTSBURGH.
to tho attenuated flame a mom robust app...., spar. ' e
irritation, cabals the tfietarbe4 Imagination, halide up the Importers and Dealers in
shattered ennetitutlom mud may be taken without fear
by the feebleet maiden, wife nr mother. sa It le eompoeed DRUGS. LINSEED OIL, (LARD OIL, ALCOHOL,
solely of thejuices of rare Oriental herbs, Potent only to MEDICINES, VARNISHES, (TURPENTINE, T.A.NNRILSI OIL,
invigorsto. exhilarate and restore. • CIIE.MIC ALS
lithe eystem has beeume relax.' by Improper Mantuan- . • . ~ WINDOW GLASS. , PAT. MEDICINES, I SPERM OIL,
ma the Cordial hill infuse a more vigorone vitality lot, us- , DYE . STUFFS, IGLASS WARE, PERFUMERY, \\VHALE OIL,
cry organ. The laskittide resulting from late bourn or too : PAINTS, SURG. INSTRUM'TS BRUSHES, SPICES.
doer .PPlfration to labor of any tied. le quickly removed
by its action. and halm eugagod in eedentery wen teak. , , , MANUFACTURERS OF
aud Bahl et to inconvenience theretrom, will find it a Fare
and healthy etitoulant. Where thecirculation of the bliael WHITE LEAD, RED LEAD & LITHARGE.
le elugulah. Or any of theft:m[loo.°ra. body are ...Mei& : .
ed or imperfectly performed, it will restore the natural am , IN
Don and communicate permanent energy to the mereti re ' facilities 10} Piling order" with prompt:nem and dispatch.
[laving neeldent partnere in the Eastern cities to take &Yawata,of all change. ln the merket, seam enabled
and dietritutive orgins. . to eell for rash or toprompt time dealers on as (amoebic. term. an eastern iobbing houses.
Thom who are brood down by phyalml debility, and ..3 Our brand of WHITE LEAD WI. guarantee to be STRICTur PORE and PULL WEIGHT, not egirkasse4 by an/
;able es tO despair of ever recovering the vigor and mien for
and whit:omit • ,
efirit A PAHA ESTOCK'S V EILMIFUOR furnished with &lOLA. lierman, French and Spanlh liireak;nll.•
of manbmal, are invited to give thie wonderful loeinorant .0., : ,,,,Lp ee r
a trial. It missile. the elements - of their, restoration.—
Before 'they have consumed the Peat bottle, they will be
conselotui that the recuperative principle le at work in et
ay debilitated portion of their frame( and hope, moon to
be realised in their thorough recovery, sill Orion UP in
their heart..
igoThe Cordial la put up highly ertneentrated, to plot Dot
51 . Prlee 53 per botle, two for Pb, ids for $l2.
C. 11. RING, Yropriator.
No. IYewo BroadwaY, N. York.
Aourrs.—Pittaborgh: 11.gauso Ilgos., No. 60 Wood street;
. 11. Krystat, 140 Waal at; R. E. 5.14.ga5. 57 Wood et.—
Ilegheny Mir J. P. Fumy,
Sold by Druggists throughout the Unlted State., Cana
do. and the West Indies.
DIED.—On Wednesday. thx ltith BREDDIfifi 11
Infant AM of John P. and Marnarot Quinn.
The funeral will Mart at 3 P. M. te-day, from it' moth
er'. YeeMenet+ corner of Item end Third !streets, end 'Pro
ceed to Al'enheny Cemetery. The friends of the amill
ere reymectfolly Invited to attend. . •
Small Pox .......... ......
IV ooplng (Xouxh
Co oltloo of llownix
do Brat....
do Lung...
.Chroule itrouchitla...
I)ro Still Horn
or v. alto. Tllttt flat
Under 1 yoar
Footo 1 to
5 to 10
10 to 15
•• 1.5 to• 20
40 to fin
to Go
•• to 70..
e 75 to AO
4..9 to 90 1
Melee. 11; Female., 9, IVIallo..111; Colored, I; Total, 20.
By order of the Board of Health,
Physician or Board of Health.
iidren. The .. l a u n k, azd .
of horse. or go out Wi h n. 3 , 1 . 1 1
th • 0.
doors rerrlscr. and make
himself generally useful In doors or not. or any kind' of
farm work- The alfr a‘ll do hour, work and attend to •
few eowle of Dairy. Apply by letter or person•lly to
myl7-341. 105. 24 et.. Pittsburgh.
Administrator's Notice
114,CTICE is hereby given that Letters of
.i Admlnietration hare linnu granted to the rehaerther
nn fatale M Itodolith Slenriet. lataor Peebles t "enable.
Alleftheer dor'd. All pernone fumed. themeelree In.
dented to said PALMY are hereby unfilled to Make Immedi
ate payment. and all thorn haring claims to preaeut them,
properly fiethetf Crated, for
, te t tf fl leme t
PAlt n li'All. Ade,.
Conine Toenehlo.
Administrator's Notice
NOTICE -4.4 hereby given that letter o
Adminiatratinn bays Wen granted o the eubawribe
on the .tats of Jeweph M. Caltonn. late or (hewn town
enip • ikacer rvinnty, perm - ins knowing them
eel,ee indebted to ml 1 ..tats arenotified to make (mm
diet , payment. and hem having elalms to prevent the..
Properly authenties.l for nottlement at °lamina. Beate
myli , ltar JOHN CALK/HEY. Admit,
Important and Useful Discovery.
gncd informs the owners of
L (Toeholds and Looms of :lona. Fruit, teat Wham dbr
ra r le n tti! ' alr orier4rml e n ge b 4loo t 7n " ;al l 4 , 7Totoel t . N T a e
fruit. To dimemlnato tale h'eratog In the •horteet
he one publlehed It In a T...hlet .iih dreoriptlon .4
Itutruotlons hen to dettror them.r.talnad
foo heN
o svlglet"r;
y 77 nuy on bLs mem, It the*trat troth of bin
ameit./on. The pamphlet. both In Englith sod Gorman.
I• eold mr UT note. at the twodutore of J. G. Baokofen. be.
Lint ' s et. -PIP PVEVYKIT,
Home P. 0., Indiana Co
[Plop .t. copy to tool P . :and eturgn thmett....
URPILY h lIIJRCIIFIELD have just re-
J.,1 rriv.rby Ittpre-ht. Frmardt Organdy hone, TOIPIII4I,
baragre and Preach Worked thdlare, at Knotb-)Toot ommer
at Ito and Marked eta my IT
, OltN-1,700 bus Shelled Corn. in .tore
•e.-t Fr val. br myl7 A. A. HARDY.
IPLOU i-xtra Family, in store
and on nal. by mrt7 A. A. HARDY.
I EAD AND SlloT—dull pig land; 10.1.1 - 00
ba mall hay Dad: 10 taga nod...sorted • , aes,
atle Al lvy m 717 ALRN ANDER IIoRDON.
I /loos lead rim. as.rtal all, enna'abert lead a.
bad tbklanan, for sole by AOA ANDRII GORDON
' EMP-150 hales 31issouri D. R. Hemp,
a Z.
It. etdre and tot eat * by ALEXANDRIt GORDON.
1 ) R1 t
pl d v O r. C r l l L!
b l N F. y
d X
01 Gen LOU'.. toy City I'mporty.ladoe a general assort
ment bf• ocontry .Wee, Lnqvve of
T 11011 AR WOODS,
pylllatf Coln roarmal linker, 7 tth at.
.13 t CO. hantjunt ne'd atom, of tbone net and vary
Datdonable Sion/la. my It.
• nod to) lot. Bayou). superior Hid
(Goan.myle , A. A. MAlb.lN A CO.
lIERAGES---A. A. Mason it Co.
O_ bee. Alat teed a larin assortment of all mlbra Plain
Baran, otylb
L 4 EUTURES ,n 1 the Nature, Sabieets and
Mode of Ctarlytimk Daptlym. by Ite. J. t. Dyny.dy. D.
U.• I.llDon. whbet. I. welded Ilaptlitrud
frd• u.e nt Ntynday Schredy. rubil.hod by N. Nadley. All
deny. Odd In I!tlshur bat storey of J Dtriniin
UST PUBLISIIED—The Saerarnental Cat
ass. designed for but ructitm In the °ratline!e. Do
-1 Stem of the ihmet.nsoessary to, and ronnected
with. the per obeereartrenf the lord'. Popper, by lire.
Andrew Ritchie. to which it added an essay by See. Jr.
diarhaugh, D. D. Fries 50 rt. by mail (6 cis.. for sale by
, myl4 P. BkbLER, Allettbenyla
Nbbls extra and superfine in
I • store and far Sale by
znyiti SPRINOItit IiaRRAIII3II d CO.
BACON -100 cake Hams and Shoulders
,a T ir t r°.
DOTATOES-2.50 bus Neshanneeks, in
L 'tore and for we by
nirin r En nanuacan a co.
WOOL--Casli paid 1r Wool by
hjIEARLS-15 caaka received and for sale
by myl6 BELL At LIGGVIT.
ACON-10,000 iba Country Dams, Sides
and Elmulders. reed and for oala by
ChINSEED OIL-10 bbls in store and for
ula by 9;16 BOLLS LIGGETT.
(lIL CAKE-3, ten/ reed and for sale by
OATS -1500 bus in store and for sale by
BROOMS --50 dos reed and for solo by
m7lB ROLL & Limit:yr.
dir )PAL CANDLES- 50 bones from pure
lTn.arlna, far summer ulto for may by
PORK-3l bbls prime ree'd and for sale by
R. melt BELL a LIiiOEPT. Mater et
EMONS-20 boxes to arrive by railroad
Jon consignment. mein ISAIAH DICKEY a 00.
Joel received:
PPRP It's Literary and Historical 811scellatile. 1 roL
8 A
Journey through the !Chinese Empire, he 11. Due, 2
volo„12 mo.. incomparably interesting:
Edinturg Review; pillory for Roy,
Me Nations of Modern Europa, hy John P. Eagan,
finely Wustratral, prier fA e
to _
No. C. ipurr's Rory Book;
Harper ry Molt No. a, land 0, bated;
Memoirs of the ()contain of lticesinntorn
Loomis . Practical Astronomr, rooter'. Chnolgrr:
Peasant Roy Philosopher: illarper'sGaretter; with all
theft latest publicatioui for sale by
J. L. READ, 4th st.
ERRING-100 bbls. now (1855) dry scat;
r 1, 13 .na or we by 2.
o yls •do
J. it.cghlt,i) d '.
MAC K E RAL-100 bbls. No. 3 laigo;
00 bble. Nn. 3 medium, 1001 W! bblo No. 9 large,
just r'e'd aud for sale Dr . J. 13, CAN FIELD.
ARE FISH—TS bbls. Trout;
J 100 half bills Trout 50 bb, White AA:
100 half bbla White Fish. Justreel and for Welly
TIONS-8. ZADUSII. Fellers/ et . AlleoboOT. roorWst
ftnlVer . (3.1:, " I t gol/nrolYroYlr:1 "- e. * .g, " 11 ' 1.:1;
loolosOwl o t ipurchlowe In Ulm eastern cities. A t o rso s
loW , mont o Throloginl and Bt.:oar,' Relighms Worha
valuable publiatlona of It. Carter A Bona, and other lead.
lug houses, of Ameriun 0 1 8. union
f Trzt troll
016~s, nor
loan edltlomc nre t eNel4= l =l . 4l ‘ at ' lti:o u 4s of
led ityln of binding. imitable for Writ. te o l lll _7 4r-k .
Mounds:4 Commentarion Atattoemr en
Fr ion.
BONNET RIBBONS--Jast. rat'd a larg
variety of new styles Bonnet Mebane.
toyle A. A. 3IABON &CO.
Meson Co. will exhibit on Mandan the/ 4 th 1 . 0, •
etT. Of splendid now styles of Lim nod Silk Metals,'
p ,A 260 zE t iT d TOOLS-U 0
et 0 doa =maw. 20 d. ." th " 4 PIANKLAND.
sale by mylo
34 - 11:ASOLiosey:h — liWrie — A.Cti: - . have
/net received another lot of Parasol. 1l the nn
atylee and at r" - urib 77 Market
BONNET WREATHS-50 bxs assorted
ay Wreathe; Moo, .other lot of Frauell&gin re
Bonnets, iust ~seised at
oryb77 Idarkst street.
• ___ .-
IEW MAPS, 1855—Kataaas and Nebra
ska. treakrn States, United States and Csstsdael;
et SW. alive sinvt's &stag River Gold.. to., for
Ws DT svrf , S. SADLER. Alleithopl
An BUS. CORN—One thousand bus
"Cam !tun and ita l lt b ilannua Co.
BUS. WHE A T —Taro thousand
lilti hfedbnreda=l,:lof,plack Ines
Aosgrm=sgd Blak BUZ
and waling
'4 l:e r nrod: ( ll/h
M Rlnts ‘ sfhsadsomostylino
N TreneikCnln — tso4
IN Goods In cost seniets. Dn. es a nd
V pbutatche.qr!q7WP.asiortarmt at
ancelhallia= lICIVISthizetV446.
Franklin' Fire Insurance Company
STATE3IIINT of the Assets of the Com
pany. on January 1055, oubllebtd r , ,ninradtr
th the prorBIODA of the sixth pettiee of the Act of As
bly of April sth, 1512.
' ll ' n ' arthto 9--betnw Bret martes on 11 , n/
Estate In the elti o rd county of Phil.-1
delll l llS except pso In Slontgnmet7.
Rucks Sehaylkl and Allegheny cont.
Ilea, Pa.
Esserx—Purnbasedat Sheriff's sales
ander mortintSw dam..
Eight houses and lot. 70 by 150 feet, on
the eolith -west corner Chestnut .d
Seventh sts
A house and lot,tr; by 71
on the north
olden( Spruce street and west of 11th
.. .
A hgreet.
ouse and 1nt,111.7 by 100 cart on the
west side of Penn Square, south a nigh
Two brumes and lots, each 18 by SO. feet
on the south eldeof Spryer et., near Elm
t,enth et.
nye Louses and P CA, each 17-0 by
Noe, 159, 111, 163, 186 and 168 Dillwyn
".a.....b.7.7:::Vmk,1 4 . 0 1.3 . 1r111.7 . 10rir.
t. ext.
A lot ofwround. 17 by 57 feet on then/nth
east.rorneror Twenty monad and Spruce
Hotel and lot., 60 by 81 ft. en the moth.
oast corner Cbeennt and Beach etc.
Five benne. G eo rge e
mt.. 42 an r SO It. on th.
north ode ofowest or Ashton
Set. noumrs and lot, 29 by 117 feet. on
the east Ode of Berra street, south of
Chestnut etreet.
A t. 0111.9 and lot, IS by 30 feet, N 0.96
Prtewater et., erode( Ninth et.
A wround era of/30. Issuing out of a lot
13 4 by 40 (Lou tbe north side of of
street. 40 ft. west of Leopold eh
Lover—Temporary Loans., on Stooks arr
Collateral Seearity
Thoueand Dollars Aloe
18.1.0 Loan. E. per pent. (Interned 010
13:19 she,. Bank of Kentucky
-17 do Nor them Hank of KenterekT.
100 do Union Bank of Tent:term.
13 do Insurance Co. of the State of
200 do Southwark Rsllutad Co.
37d0 Corn! 0 It. It. Mt. Vicksburg
300 do Senna. Railroad Co.
01 do P &with, Vlre Inauranee Co
2.t do Slarrantlle Library Co.
do Colon Canal Co.
IU do
lkill Railroad Co,
Notes and Receivable
Untettled .....
Cavh on band
to hands of agents.-
91,108,432 52
Lorsep by fire
during the yr. 1954— 2/11',294 39
13v order of tbe Board: ..
CIIA 9 . N. BANCKEP, Presl.
Atteet C. 0. Dancf.ce, Seer.
O. COFFIN: Agent.
N. N. enener Weal and Third street,
Ito! for Kansas
rFilkillE flow of folkiwestward is only equaled
by the run to thenoir Clothing tablishment oa
h 'gr e et to. 2/.. next door to Daly's tacking Feed:ill'.
opened by WM. CARVILL
He hoe • full Mock of fresh and eemroable
hleti be laelte• the attention or citizens generallx,
To hi, frlende end patrons be odd glee baogr gre,sitta,
and to rear ones the best lineation. Call In and look at
tile Moak.
1111-11ors' Currnmea Munn Tc
mrlihtdeht: M. OAKVILLE.
Public Sale of the Main Line of Public
Works of Pennsylvania.
NOTICE ho hereby given. that by authority
sad •ct. of Anoint:o of Pennsylvania, apyrovid
S i ray 41.1955, will to garotted to Publie"Bale, at the Mr. ,
cairn' Facto:ma. In ob. City of Philadelphia on TORS
DA V. the . 41th day of J oly 1.45, at o'clock, P. M.. the
whole MAIN LINE OF PUBLIC WORKS. between Phila•
delphis and Pittsburgh, ouneirting of the Philedelphbo
and Columbia %almost the Allegheny Portage Railroad.
inelnding the hew road to avoid the Inclined Planes. the
It.tern dlvistun of the Panneylvanis Cows!. from Colon ,
loon to tbe h • •Inn. thd• .Inutotts dlyielon of the Pent, t
estae Con • be 3 h ton to the Prodern terminus
of the .0.• not tread. and the Weetern di
vision tr C. front the Western tertn•
nous of the Oiteaton • P•rnsit. It•Itrood to Pittebtergh.and
including alai , the bride-••..•r the Suadurhanue at Dan
'.s Island. tocet her v. d 401 the surplus water power of
sold Conon ch
, o o't tbe Resorvelm. !Leith:tem. Locomo
tic,. tore. Sou Ito Stettdoory Engines, Work !Mops, Ws
ter notions. Toll It ledens..dtork and Materiale
whateoever sod aheressover the - mut:do belonging. or held
for the are of thy same. and together with all the right.
Intrreet. claim and demand of the Commootinotrn
ur Prlas2lo,,da to nil property. na), personal and mixed
belonging to the Paine, On the term. and cotralotte pro.
scribed b the sold Act or assembly. millet o which roar
Iw ora
btt'ed on application at, or letter oddrcered the
orb, of the NE,etary of the Commonwealth, NO. Ramie.
burr.b. Pent:myriad:Li. JAMES POLLOCK'.
Governor of Pennsylvania.,
ExiCCTIVs C. 11920, Ilarrloburgh. May 9th, 1855:
my laultd
Irving's Life of Washington.
NERGETIC and respeetaMe Men are
Uawanted to .11, and procure.berribers for ebb. work
Immediate applleaticu le co emery toensure the earls,
dre coutbd of anycity or county. Ageute will Sod the.
the work will sell readily ard lerirel77 fled that uo work
has PT.' yet taw. published that wtII prime of rush int.
veiled Interest In all - sections of the couritry.
For Specimen Coldest. which will be tbrerarded free of
postage, on receipt of pr1ce.V.2.04, Subacriptiou Hooke and
full particulars, apply to thelleneral Anent, C. T. EVANS,
Tr 011,7 Habitant, New York. hrrlG-3td
To Capitalists.
IFOR SALE-30 .hares Citizenn' Depoait
Batik N Cock, with the dividend accruing place Ist
weL last.
Acidness Pot 117. Pittabutnti Post Gitillee. mylEeltd
Three Female Teachers Wanted.
rritE SCHOOL DIRECTORS of the Eighth
I Ward will meat at the Scheel Home. on Penna. Ave-
Tile. Eaturdar. the 19th inst.. at I olekek, to appoint
Three Female teachers. None but ewerieneed teachers
need stilly. Salaries, S2O. WMO and Sarko per annum.
WNI. EVEltiliOli. Preed.
Jelin V. riAMILTON. See'y. myl6-6td
• Admi aistrator's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of
Adminlstratio n n . llll.l. been grantee' to the embeertber
1.. 0 d ery fate ' t r y , j tee ' 4. "Wit' te "Itp""Vrt1211•Ale;
teitstdret to s ee d estate .re hereby rotttrd to ake tome
Mate raiment. and three having elalma m to present
Users. dcly authenticated. for settlement
myldlaerdthe Allegheny - CET.
l' RESIT ROLL BUTTER—.I4 boss this
day reed and for Asia by lIESRY H. COLLINS.
it LACK SILK AIITTS-100 doz, Ladies'
_LIP Mark sax Mitts, of every quality. just reed.
N MX/ i
mrl4 A. A. 31 ASO till et.
• s.
4 navies attention to their splendid assortment of flna
trench Lawn& Saronsts and Muslin. sari .
AJ reed at milt ILACILN lk
SPLENDID lot of French, Swiss and
Austrian (loth= and Sleeveejrrit reed st
milt WALLS a MIL'S.% Market tit.
A. - d 1.)71 t 1.).11F.. PLAINBitt I i i C AG K A . r S i I A LK At T i LUSt
AUIOR SALE--50 to 6o acres of choice land
in Jeffenon co" 11 mike on
wnerille and limetown toed, 40 acres cleared. 10 of
prime b tam land, Tarr rich, with a dam or chant for irri
gating It. The wood land is hearT white oak and lomtl.
• at , ne query. with abundance of mat and Iloteatone.—
• ie farm see Welk is canny-and not to be toatehe4
darn.. • . Theerotie will be void If:required. Apply soon
to ntyl4 TIIOOIAS WOODS. 76, 4th et.
LINSEED OIL-25 bbls. pure Linseed Oil
in store end for tale by T. LITTLE t CO,
niyl4 No. ll 2 Setandebroet.
MURPUT BURGBYIELD hum, eximmeneed morel,
lug their third eupply of New Goode, and will be ineeiring
dolly for eon. time, at the north.east corner of Rh d
Market.mrl an 4
aMOKED SALMON; Smoked Halibut;
17 do. Burlington Berri= for male by
mild W. A. McCLURG.
V . RUDE SALT PETRE-80 sacks in store
4._/ of extra good quality Tor de by
toll! IsAtAtl DICILY *CO.
BACON -30,000 lbs. Shoulders; 10,000 lbs
Side& 10.000 Ito. fiat., Justreed. for We by
VIIEESR-500 bxe prime cutting Cheese
In non, and for ..f. by roYI4 J. B. CANFIELD
11 1117.E.R-20 bat fresh Roll Butterjust
UP reed .ad for ealo by myla J.B. CANFIELD.
MARLS-10 bble. just.ree'd and for
by tayl4 J. B. CANFIELD.
POTASII-10 casks just roc'd and for sale
by • myl4 J.B. CAN VILD.
UIL-30 bbl 3 oxtra blenched Whale Oil in
store and for sale by' myl4 J. R. CANTLE LD.
Book and Job Printing
:isnonN SHRYOCK, havank.• recently re
ored hie lob Printing Onion to fifth street above
mithnold, tlasette Building. would renpecifully anlld t
the patronage of merthants..manufacturen and other,.
and being provided with deem rower and cannot hoot , .
job and card presses, he Is enabled to execute ever/ de.
scription of book and mereautlle job print ng at short
notice and very moderate Prices:
Also, agency for the nal, of a superior article of an
der. and bog maker's straw boards. Piny ream, Book
Parer. 24x38. on hand and far sale
_. esyll)
Card—Kay 15th, 1855.
gAVINU just returned from Nen' York I
would reetteetfully &unarm toner patron.. and th e
. o
that we ahall open tots darned continue to meter.
during the week • large assortment of DREIId and MAN;
TILLA TRIDIMIOOB, fiereuels kitobrallmira, linefer/.
(Hoven. MULL and a large Monk of Bonnet itibWal and
Milliner/ floods As our purehanst are made direct from
Importon4 we coo oOer our good
7 h TTI b.
HALL PAPER—A fresh slimily of."desir
sble petterae of Room sad Dill
dew payer Headhunt reed br B. BADL
FrEAS-120 half cheats Young Ilygon, Gun
11 powdar and Immerial Tem_
. 60 halt agate Mae Mark. Tea: • • -'
2.0 Cadles flue Ooltrum
' 60 do Young Hymn, Gunpowder and
COYYSR-230 bars Prime itloOolrem.
30 do Old Government Java. .
TOBACCO-400 bored 6 and 8 astortrobbnandr, •
do lb Lump do,
10 Catty brume 3d the do
gun and-60 tdds 00000000arro;
40 do embed Soma. ' •
SYRUP AND SUGAR 11 0 U010 :5101,ASSES-110 Mar
• 37 t' b r' bIsrolren SlruPt
Ice brdslouldana Sugar Rowe lb - lumen
"Z halt bbl. Sugar Rouse I•yrup Molayser.
11811-100 bbla N 0.3 51ackeral; . •
VI do No, I Ironing • • •
TAR, PITCH AND R051N,75 bbla NortlrCarellua Tar
25 bbl, Rosin: • -- •
10 do Pitch.
RICE-10 Tierce. prime Ries.
CIGARB-150 bores smarted brands.
DI-CAROONATESODA-100 boo (Leettßraid4
0081010 SOAP-03 banes (51arsell)ea) • .•
SALRRATUB-60 boxes ha Papers. . :
PIP S'S-60 boxes clar Pinata
Thibboto goods non In store and urtring bT Mal and'
r ei n wt, nbjeh together will a general assortment of
.Plttaburgb teanutaotonot articles. .111 be offered to put
dna= on roatonablo tonna by. applying . to
LEE dam,
111,18 Wood at.betwetna Water sneerer:if oda
FLOUR --100 UM. - extra lama W hi t .
i alustYloula starrarattimaitter
Power's Celebreted Statue ot the Greek Si c ave
411 et , DetWeen Market &Ed Woed. •
TRA-Adminion ^3 amt. - •
P M. DAVIS, Auctioneer.
Onannanial Sakt //now, corner Wood and Fifth
Eon May 19th, at 4 reelect, on th e premlms. will bes %old.
~ , „r• d er of Aobb k McConnell. to close th• Estate bf the
late Anthon y DIDTO. those two lots of ground havir* each
24 Galt front on Bal.r street and *I tending Tack. feet
to an alter 20 feet wide, on wr Mel Is ..ree',l a two
~,,,ev . Brie. Dwelling , formerly the ho lt of A.
Pray°, deu'd: atm, Mt No. 32 In the oun• WAD of to laid
out b' Peter Draw, having a front of 23 t..t ors vo at
and entonding bark 150 feet then alley 20 Cot w e.
'forme--Oned.bird mob. residue in 1 ILLd 2 r lare..vlth
intereet, secured by bond and mortgage. • . 1
royl2 e. M. h 11.V1D,...,, Anet.
2 At nrugt,
3.8. A 30
. p TJON -On Thursday °genius, Nat MSS at7d( elk,
lt the Alerehantalltruh E ß 4th at, will Beaold. Rd.
owing_raluable Real in th e Borough of
ham: Two lots of sround. :co. Illgand 113 at the cern at
Carron and Wirer sta., hating a fronVol GI feet 8 in se
on the north side of Colon rt., extending book along B
eer street 109 feet to Ch stunt alley: On which Is
a 0.::2 eery euperior three . n ory brie% dwelling. with bank
building. Alen. lot, N 1 and 122 hating each arrant
of 24 fent on Canon nt , '430.0041nd bask 100 feetl:o Wad.
nut alb,. AL., ono-half, of 10t No. 11, hnring_f_fhOrit O.
48 fret on Water et., (010 1, 41137 fonodrY of BOUM= a
(lands , et) extending back 290 fret to Bingham street.—
Terms—One.foorth cash, remainder In two years within
tempt sayable semi-annually. myB I'. 31 1.4810 -Mgt.
T 1 7th. It 7h. o'clock, at
ilet7Nl — eg n han ‘ jt EVehsTge rd ffiii at, will-be sold, by , ordsr
of mlminletrators, .
30 OW . . Ohio and Pa Railroad Co (Uri, ..
4 do Pittsburgh and Cennelerille R. It. Co. Stock:
14 do Citizens' Deposlte Rank dot
,0 do Western Insurance Co. dm \
20 do North Amerima Minims Co. dot\
.2 6 do Ridge Mining Co. - do:
2.5 do Pittsburgh a Isle Royal )lining Co„ A.*
30 do Pittahurgh Life, Firs 0 Maxine,: ns. Co. do,
toyl4 . ' P. 31. °AYH, Aunt.
..! At cr.t,
1 z 68,095 50
ovfining. Stay 17th. at the Merchants' Elehange, 4 4 th at..
will fordd, • number of the mort 1?1=1 .
now fonale In the nourishing Erroughe cf B
and South Pittsburgh. among which are 'IOU on Caroni.
Bingham. Washington. William. Gregg:M.or and Illfwe
greet& In Birminalum; lota on Cwreon and Manor striate
and Brownsville Turnpike Road. In South Illttetrurgh.
TERNie—flue-foorth scab, remsinder in too yews with
interest, parable eemianimaily.. Any further intbrlnar
Urn can be obtained from LC. liehborn. Esq .. Truatee of -)
John C. Mowry and wife, or of P. M. DAVIS,Axtet..
dl AT AUCTION—On Thursday mornbsC, tier nth. et
10 e'el-ek. at the late residence erJes. W,Bnehanan, deed,
en Pride C 1... near Bluff. 111 ward, will be eold, the
entire Iloueehokl and Kitchen Furniture. cominisingmee
began,. secretary and book ciao, cola, cane nat , fancy end
common chairs and rockers; arm°halm, dumber
dcod stair carnets. ruts. clothe. dry Isms, fenderre .
ressing Immo, ewe slut wash stands, dteseinircese,
bedsteads. beds and .beddlne, eel U. seerdunne,cartalus, eon.
ire table /eters, eTT clean, debt day clock, cupboards,
tables, gISSP andqueeterwere..knives and AO.. to. Abc..
°poking store ens futures.; re general , car/et7 of Md.'?
furniture. erhe..lbsrlosr, b Wilde 'robe. tools, te.
seylb DATIP.Auct.'
Ifi morning. May 19th, et 10 o'clock. et the comusercbd
rales moms corner of Wood end sth stti will be role
bee prime Rlo Coffees a 35 chte V. II Teal
2 bide N.O :Mtg.: 3 do Gunpowder MR
sdo do Molesson• bile Machereh •
10 bee Softy end Candler. 10 Iles end kers . Ilfeterter
OP' and Inlst Cries, Madder. ZaneWee/Ober*,
Broome, Eruener, ee...l y ssi so. trate* China and 0141.1¢.
WILTO. P.M. Win%
sredey areal.. May lith. at 711o'cinck. at the - MAt-
Erchenge• will be added to the da of nods fie
SOP, . .
15 shares Pittsburgh. Cin,usnd Loulowille Tel. Co. Stmt.
eerie P. M. DAVIS. And.
On Saturday ervolmr, Ilse 19th, at 7% o'clock, ertn
be fold at the commer...l nal• a mom, corms Wood and
Fifth rtreets, a mush!* collection of •hboks from the
Wiest* library, of a gentlemen lase og 11.4tY.tahhdt
ecohm,e man y work, or moth locoman. and nee and ,
morn on We. in l'e4.!a Letters. Illatory,Theclogy.Twrile,
largenumber o: Oegantly Mar
trate , boo a and Koldtala -0411torle of Weivtia warfare
art. Ale), ere cmira or aciparhiltYke
or bindlom heat ...111.9ocanf ettodard authors..., en tbs.
Bridal, roe., and Dramalate, Addbon.riotarsh,Robtrin,
Dick. Wabinle church triAtmir,..Dletio.xr of Arta
Slattualturem. Prra.,......0n.rbt French Hlstarfe*,
llarper'a Mag.lne (tom Lb, um:, 11mAndit'lLtrarta,ke e
A.r. Min • ' DAVA• ACM.
.. . .
Steamboat Disasters, on,. the Western
Waters, - •
Tat, undersigned haven w in course of
press tit
. tre lamed In October next. The a - will eantaltrover
two hundred Dues. 111 minted In the liest.atyle, and neat
ly bound Ina durable manner. It el Ibe intent the most
Interesting books over published, en will be whoa that
will be Interesting 0431 classes of people. The STEAM
BOAT I•IRELITOILY will contain a agnblete 'Hat end dm .
ription of a ll the Steamboats now afloat In the Western
and Southern Waters. The length. model. Mee& noWM.
and tonnage °teach beat, where and by whoa, built, the
name of the boat, with the beds she Is In. Alm, the
..=,.. of Captains and olikere, her age, Sc,, do. The pl.
rectory will contain • Ilistmy of Steamboat. and Steam.
boating on the WeatermeWaters, since the Intentional
eteann ahm, a eketeh of the drat host built far the Ohio
Slyer, with the name of the builder, commander and
. .
The Riser Directory will contain a 114 and description
of ell the STF.A.MBOAT DISASTERS that - here OSClrred:
00 the Western and Southern Watell, beautifully mute'
tinted, with a list of all those who have wished by their'. -
burning. sinking and exploding, on the 'Western and
Southern waters, since 1801. The Directory will contain
Maps of the Ohio. BiseleslPPl. Melon& DUnnia
me. White, Beek Ouachita Yazoo. aniLlother River& with.
the Tow. and Oltim laid down, with correct dinars=
oleo, maser other litres andOommercial - tteme of Interest.
to the people at large. The book will contain the cards of
the variant U. S. Shill Boats, with the trade they me
tn.. to. The Directory will also contain n complete list of
all the responsible Steamboat Licensed 0111 re. their •
es of residence, /M.. ke : the new Steamboat law, • Us tr
(min:merit.. and all the Important C. S:Supreme Coast -
Steamboat Decisions up to date. the Rates and - Important
Commercial Privileges. Bills of Lading. Important Pmts.
lons of the various U. S. Lkunte to regard to Freights Lon
and Damaged, dc. de, with many other things of interest.
Ttia Directory will be Illustrated In the best style And
printed In the best manner. The author baster Ms. years
beep getherins together all the tithe and Item In gatd
to the numerous steamboat disasters on the Western nod
Southern Waters. and now Intends publishing them la
book form. The price of the work • mlll be put stile low
sum of :hoe Dollar. Five thousand copies will be lamed
for the batmen: ell others deshons of enbecribing
have to do so at one. se none will be printed mikes ert , . - -
dared to advance. By remitting one dollar to J.T. LLOYD
rt CO.. you wid reeelve & copy of the above work. Tbe
work be Lewd In October.
Pittsburgh. New Orleans,
Mem phi& St. Louis., Louisville, Wheeling =a
Cincinnati. will wait npon the eteambast commanders.—
For fall tarticulare see theulars 1n the hands of Agent&
All lettere should be addressed to "
myl&tf JAS. T. LLOYD it OM, ClnelonatLOkdo.
WratiONDedmierca Co
May Wu 1855 • . •
THE President and Directors of this"om
/say hare Ode day declared s, adder.... of Stave dol
lars For iharo on the Ostdtal !Rock. VOW,' to Etfdelgml.
on. on or after the 10th Ust.
mye . ' F. M. GORDON. WY. •
Notice to Contractor&
Q EALED PROPOSALS will be'receiv
1,3 the office of the Ihegineer, until Friday, the Int da
June next, for the grading. bridging, an. of the
'ay and New Brighton Plank Road, Ilman the Manettestee •
line to the traveled road at the corner of Cooper & Pnek •
lot (distance about two miles) dLo, fOr Juwung, '
beg, et c, from • point on the preterit moist the corner of
land of Campbell k Knox to J. J, Offlesplek land on add
road. This section emesee Jack's Ann, and will include
the Trowel Bridle at the ,Iton, (distant. about three
!north, of • mile. • • '
Bile will be rem red for the n hole Work, or in sections.
•lar,s and Bo g lee of the work may be seen at the
olffreof the• Engineer. R. tK. el'Clowan, an Penn street.
(Utah:mph. Any information nevem:7 for bidders, may
be obtained on application to the nndentigned, or of the
my 11.dtd • JOILNIIIB3I/51011Ati. Prank..
Ketchum's Mower with Beeper Attach.:
filuE most perfect machine in use; warran
ted to cut from 10 to 15 scree &MU or grain Per
_al well gm would be done by ecythe or maffie. .Prina
of Mower . . .3120. combined $140.' Weenie br •
mill E. H. PIIANALAND. 1281Vood At.
moot rich and deeirable small figninni Meet Sfficn
mylo • . • A. MASON & CO.
85 Wood et—Road by last staitoesv new designs In
Tapestry and PlatnlVall Papua. Border. and
net Decorations. WALTER P. 11148811 ALL, 85 Weed st.•
fiIIEAP WALL PAPERS—Now supplies
e (JUL reed .11d for sale by. WALTER P. MAR/ LL.
VENT RE PIECES, fox Chandeliers and
j tiedgead4 for sale by WAITER P71L1.11211.161.L.
LOUB,-108 Extra Fnmilg 119nr
(not in good boot:Peng.) temlrfegß on eomigomeut
andfor W. by m 11 : ATw ntaxr. (v.
POTATOES -40 snelis Galena Pptatoes'
radd on nercull gmniont and for sal. bsp•
`TAR CANDLES---5 4 bsa. Star Car;dlea
0 Jun reed wad for role _ ATAT.LL, LEE2 OO
I I ; a UNDRtES--10 bag ' slax Seed:
kj 2 bbls. Max geed; I box ObrOosper:
I Copper btilb I bbl. Grease;
17 bags feathers, tnatri-ra fur sale, by ,
min . , lIIALiII DICKEY ,& CO
Vll/ ANTED, FOR, - ADOFTION, in a small
I'Y uuaur.nectiagularthe city, a aim. as la or la
Immtlago. An (Intim 'preferred. Apply to
myll. 8. CUTI.II3BRT t 80N,148.884.
1111,ARASOL3--1000 I'arasolo, comp:WAR
"enure oknom new ati let In Notre Matigos,
an some Large slue mataio.e tar PM" istel 2 6l. - orp
rot 11 • • • •
SILK SHAWLS—A 'largo:Miortment . of
I ,l .lo.ll:arta sad Mae.: BILL hiatiwd. _
A. A. MASQN (xl;
VISJI-20 bbls. Now No: 1 Ifeninti teed
.ua tor sald br xuTicl ATWELL.IOKE 00._
It - J .— RAPPING PAPER t . 7 4.OO teams reedy.
H OUSE FOR SALII-=A 4rood - BugAN....
7"1"14.1"n. 8410"WPTIO1CbW
- s& wxd stri. •
CLOCKS --0. G.. 3 hour - '
Rd. Build. 30 hoot' Rd. t ßamd. B dal
81r.lne.h Main . Kossuth. daY;
Eight lath do; Amorted time& bYt.• AM
dor os, at low rata". ,Wll. TALCOTT CO 4ll,
• mrBlird
v ILLOW NV ARB=Waggous, . Cradles,
market. Trarehng and Taney ekatr •
Work Beakata. Taller? Rasketr.
A new sasortment of all. bath trt stylakalyt,
just reed at corner of Wood, and lth tett
ntlB.lwd - WM. 11. TALCOTT • 00.
MRS. BONNAITOMiIviII ' I V - 8 ==or
mum= Thund, ,y Kai ts bet at sl "
t, No. Toasty oust, Wm= aal sod
_ ,