LVJUl=L i s j=billUL4 ==CMZI4 '-- PITTSBURGH: WEDNESDAY MORNING, APIELII, 18, 18;1 lieTo Advertiners.—"ieltber the Editorial :too= or Printing Establiehment of the Daily Gazdte,are opened On Sunday. AninaTlS gite oho desire tbeir notieee tn appear Lathe paper no Monday moining,erin Pleneehimid tbem In litiforo no clone. on Saturday, • Advance Payments.—Hereafter no sub. =lotion 4111 he taken for the Deily or IVechlY ea.ette. neflose payment I, made edrenre. labeneser the time le 'no - to which the evbeertption le p.ld, the toper will be loesrlably stooped. wile.. the nobecristlon Is re neved Fr a.drance garment-All toteshnot sdrertiehath or creep darriptkea erlll be required ,to be paid In ad vanea. The ouly eateptione will to where oloniol month ly or yearly contracts are toads. orDltdaar aTl.Pittenurali IYeeklr Gazette•—The antenalro circulation °four Ttr4t , Garrige offern to our basilicas men moat ticricable median] Of =eking thcfr businnsinesern Oar ciniulation is betecen four end ncnthourand.reachinff . t . rc a nut, manufacture — l' and aleop-kcapar to egunri PentOrlietti. nod nastern Ohio. _l Mr. 1/.I.IIUP.I.LER, la•✓r editor of the Flantr ZU r e ," end over eounerded pith the Pitiebarim Conti., is "tporlyd to eoleit enterriptlone an I adsertherienta for the Pitiebdrada Garotte. an,nriling to our published Lerma Pittsburgh )(stub I.lebb. Removal MILE OFFICE of the Pittgburgo Gazette j 11.4 been rvm•, to the, rm.. bifilding . 01 , forth j u .t abol , Smltnll,ld, •nd Immediately edjolning the Nethodlet Pntettant Church. lafts The "Buffalo Democracy" a spirited and • • pleastio paper, manifests rather extraordinary ignorance concerning the importance and value of the Ohio river, as a greatcentral highway of trade and travel for the mighty West. Speak ing of that noble stream, the "Democracy" says that ”from year to year it becomes less reliable and 'serviceable, as a regular channel for com • merce," and that " it will by and by be alma_ dosed I" Among all the silly thingswe have seen written in newspapers, that outspent bears off the palm. It the editor of that paper will visit thiS region, he will be surprised to see the im mense tipsiness now transacterl on this noble river, which bears'ou its ample bosom at Pitts burgh stenners of fire hundred tons burthen, 3.3 bitli accommodations for travelers as mug nificehtf as Aladdin's palace, and which on its course df one thousand miles through a region of unexampled fertility, laving the wharves of great ,cities, receives the waters of numerous streams navigable for hundreds of miles! Talk of such a mighty inland navigation being" aban doned," True, the Ohio is sometimes too low for navigation ; but this only proles its inestimable value, for then it is found that Railroads are not and cannot be a substitute for it. They have their appropriate work, and their great utility no one questions.: but they dwindle into iasigfi nonce compared with the noble 0.,i0 and its trib -,-zitarie4s., when the productions of the farm,• and •the mine, and the manufactory, , are seeking a market. Bete it is found that Railroads have a limit,;tind a narrow one at that, while the Ohio can supply all demands and honor all drafts made upon it. Would our Buffalo cotemporary agree to abandon Lake Ene because it is frozen, or not navigAle on an average of about five months in the year? Why then abandon the Ohio riser, which waters three times the extent of country, and which is navigable f••r at least as many months, on an average; as Lake Erie? So far from the business of the Ohio being diminished by Railroads, it seas never greater, and so far from being "abandoned" it promises greatly to increase._ Even New York, which now deeds her chief western out-let - through Buffalo, will dis cover the aeceesity of striking the head waters of the Ohm, andtateans of its unparalleled in land navigation seOhre her share of the trade of • the south-western States WAR STITH SPAM—The New York Poet states that a prominent merchant in Louisville, Ky., an intimate friend of the Secretary of the Treas ury, has advised his correspond of the re ceipt onetters : from a high source at Washing essuriog him that There trill he' a tear between the United States and Span tralzin 'Lay or nicety. days; that the enbinet was divided, but the war ' party .would prevail, and advising hiU to ar range his business, which is very extensive, as silleedily as possible. The gentleman from whom the Past derives this information also communi cated the following intelligence, derived from an officer of the United States army who professed .to have beer: advised with, yoga the matter to which it relateS and which gbies plausibility, if not probattity to . the rumor above referred to. He says: ••Wblle the difficulties with Spain were most promii,ing of trouble, under the Soule regime, nue government quietly concentrated several thousand troops in Florida, convenient for em barkation, and actually loaded one or two sail ing vessels with heavy guns and ammunition, and had them ready near at hand. The port in Cuba was selected at which they were to land. "The plan V 23, with the regulars, to run across to this port. which could be done in a few hours, surprise and seize it, throw upc-sfm, works with all speed to defend the position by landoeith a fleet sufficient to keep the ',port open. Thus shuttled they were to call I.:, volunteers, and tan to fifteen' thousand would arrive in a week, self-armed, and of the fiercest quality.— They were then to move with all dispatch upon the principal points of the Island. Quitman and some others were in the secret. This was the programme. "Such was the position of affairs when that singular ruttier came up that the Cabinet had changed its policy, and henceforth was to be pa cific. Whether this last position was a further ruse, a mere blind, the result must show. One thing 'seems certain—the government does not show the expected activity in respect to the Sioux campaign. They are tardy about it- On ly some 12 or 1400 troops are yet assembled nt Jefferson llirmcks, and it may be that the new regiments will haris'another, destination ye. - The Post says : "Ilow meth import once deserves to be attached to this report we cannot say. It is understood by our correspondent that the "high authority in Washington" is Id, Guthrie. There is no doubt, that more than one or two of President Pierce's adviseradesire a war with Spain, and are willing that the nation should disgrace it self, if necessary, in ssekiug a pretext for it.— But we have supposed that a wiser and more cautious spirit controlled the foreign policy of the government, end that the President had come at-last to the conclusion that he could never be sustained in the prosecution of a war which-ev erybody would -age had its origin in no deliber ate wrong, hut simply in a desire of conquest. It will be - Seen,by reference to our telegraphic reports, that Mr.,Outhrie drnies the trutffotihis . report', so far as it relates to hip. TIM NUNNERY INTESTIGITIO.N.—Mr. Joseph Hies, a member from Boston, has contrived to obtain!, a most unenviable notoriety for the part he played in the nunnery investiglion. rho "Joint Special Committee who were appointed and empowered.tO investigate charges and impu tations made in an article in the Boston Daily Advertiser, against the committee" on visiting nunneries Ac., made a first and partial report last week as follows: t; " In the course lof our investigations rumors of a painful cbaructM affecting Serndhly the conduct of Mr. Joseph IRAs,, a memher of the Muss of Representatives from the city of Boston, werede veloped by the evidence. AN the rumors relate to conduct not ctinnected with the visit of the committee at 11.6ihury, we do not feel empower ed fully to investigate or examine them. If true, they are of such serious import that the expul sion of the offending member would PPM to be a measure called for alike by a decent respect for the opinions of mankind. nod ordinary regard - for the character and reputation of the Rouse. If false, their immediate refutation is a measure necessary for the reputation of the member, is wallas or the House. They therefore recommend the adoption of the acc9mrinying order: "urdcred, Tata el:inn:ince of the House be. appointed to examine, -into the conduct of Mr. Joeepb Hiss, a member of the Rouse from the cityof Banton, withautbority to send for persons and papers." Thi4 report 'was adopted without a disseutiug voice, so Mr. Hiss is to have a committee for his own especial benefit Who is Mr. Hiss? The WorceiterDemocrat furnishes tho following bi ographical eketch: " Wts hear considerable inquiry as to this gen tlemanly member of the Nunnery Committee.—, We lento that-he was formerly a tailor in Barre, and rap away from his creditors in that town. He still owes hilts-there, which he had pay fore be takes any pleasure trips to Montreal with Catholic sisters. When not engaged in the nun nery- umatigs:tion..Mr. Hiss is, we understand employed as as a catter in some tailoring estab- Yaement Boston."._ The Church Property Pill ceased bythe .ork Legit;lattan and now law, vests all property .in Trustees, and provides that any is held by any ecclesiastical officer at ia of his death, it shall escheat to the New T. Chnrcti where the CrIYAIII;COLTNIT TR/A=llM LOOK 047.—1 t is generally supposed that the County Treasurers have a right _to'.gaant licences to merchants, Brewers and Lager-beer selleis nader the old law, untilsthe first of October next: and already under this impression a large number have been issued. The following proviso, which was ad ded to the Bill "to restrain the sale of intoxica ting liquors," make all such licences utterly worthless. It- was added in the Senate, and adopted by the House, and entirely escaped the notice of our reporter, in mating a copy for publication. It should be added to the end of Section 4, and reads us follows: .Prorided further--That so much of any act or acts of assembly. as requires a license from a City or County Treasurer, to authorize the sale of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, be and the same is hereby repealed."—Harrisburg Herald The California news by the Northern Light, is of less interest than usual. The mines are re ported to be in a prosperous condition, although the invoice of gold by the steamer amounts to less than $200,000. No further excitement has been felt at San Francisco on account of the financial crash, and business was fast reverting to its usual channels. The prohibitory' Liquor Law was making progress through the Legislature.— kleiggs, the extensive forger, who absconded from San Francisco last autumn, has turned up at Taltahnano, Chili, said to be in poor health, and destitute of funds. Affairs in . the interior of Central'America Are said to be quiet since the death of Chamorro.— It was rumored that Col. Walker, with a band of followers, was about to join Gen. illunos in his revolutionary projects. ffrarsu.—We have now most beautiful spring weather—soft showers alternating with warm sunshine. It is an old-fashioned April come again, and gives hope of a joyous summer and a plentiful harvest. Although the season is very late, later than we have known it for many years. peaches not being yet in blossom, yet it is highly favorable for fruits and vegetables, and wheat never looked better. Grass is also springing up, and nature is rapidly clothing itself in a robe of green. We advise all our agriculturists to plant liberally, corn, potatoes, every thing which will afford food for man and beast. Prices will undoubtedly rule high, and if the season is good the profit will be large. Tux SMALL BILL Law in New York, remaining an the statute book a nullity, the Legislature has formally repealed IL The law in this state on the same subject is equally a nullity, and our Legislature would not wisely in following the ex ample of New York. OBE BOOK TABLE The 'Messrs. Carter & Brothers of New York, have laid on our table the following excellent little works : "Asirrow COTTAGE; Or, The True Faith. A Sunday Tale." A most beautiful little book, in. culcating a lively and ardent piety as the only true sourci of uninterrupted pence. "MEMOIRS Or JOELS FREDERICK OBERLIN. Pas tor of Waldbach in the Ban De la Roche." The name of Oberlin is as familiar as household words, in almost every pious family in this region, where large editions of this little work have been circulated. The Messrs. Carter have brought it out in a Landsome style, and many will be glad to add a fresh copy to their libraries or make a present of it to a friend. Among the latest sets-of the Legislature, was the passage of the joint resolutions proposed in the Senate, in regard to Slavery and Secret Po litical Societies. They passed the Assembly by an average vote of ten to-one. - Their tone is dis pasionate, but they reiterate. in the most decided and emphatic terme, the determination of New York to maintain, so far as lies in her power, Freedom'.of Speech and Freedom of Soil. While recognizing every obligation imposed by the Con stitution, for the return of fugitives from service, they demand the repeal of an unjust law for which the Constitution gives no warrant. While disavowing all-intent or right to interfere with the institution of Slavery in States - where it ex ists, they denounce the attempt to thrust it into new territory Once pledged to Freedom. Re leased by that act from all obligations of Compro raise, they demand that Kansas and Nebraska, when they come into the Union, shall come into it Free. In conclusion, they reiterate the warn ings of Washington's last address, against secret combinations and associations, to check freedom of discussion, and open, nntrameled and inde pendent political action.—N. SPECIAL NOTICES. DRUG STORE FOR SALE. RETALL DRUG STORE, favorably locat ed, in Alleghen• City, will be sold cm re noble tea:m— ine particulars, enquire of FLED Dltos— Druggists, f 0 Wood eh. splS-lind.htT Pittaboegh. Penn. The Stomach prepares the elements of the bilestad tb ..lord: and it It does the wort A feebly and perfe< y , Liver &mese is the 'certain result. A/ POO, rro e, as any affection of the Seer Is peSceived. se ma/ be sure that the dines:De organs are out of order. The Prat thing to be done. is to administer a specific which wiliest directly upon the Wommh—the.maimpring of the animal. =whiten.. Pm this purpose ere can recommend limiliand'e German Bitter,. yrepared by Dr. C. M. Jackson. Philadelphia. Acting as an alterative and a tonic. It strengthens the digestion. changes the erudition of the blood and thereby gime 7.a - rd. - Ay to the tnusla Pee advertimmet t. apla.liedaser Dr. lffeLane's Celebrated Liver Pills are Cut sttpereeding all other remedies/Dr liver comPlelot sick headache. dyspepels. to Below we give the certiii. *ate of a hidy residing in oar owv tilt. In ,rich .0A: - clime the public mutt bare confident,. Brie Tont. Tairriet :0 1 I do hereby certify that I have teen at/iced • ith Liv er. Complaint for 'one time. and never mond permattent relief °nth I warn lii. McLane. Liver Phis. By their rite / hare ken completely mired of 'bet dreadhol di•eite, sod nes take plea..., in recommending themto all .tip are trnabled with liver complai t. headache. or dricp.o. Ptierliceints will be carefal to aex for Prh 7PLANE'd CELEBILATIA) LITER PILL. and take nebe cite. Them are other Pills.mne ta be Liver Pill.. now befice the public al.. hie Celebrated T•reolfore. mn tow be had st all reepectahle Draw Rom. In the Gnitt.l Stat., Co sale by the cede Proprietors. ELEMINW spi3dikwa Eitorminors m J.Ridd co.. Go Wood et. Beet Known when Tried.—These gentle n Lae ;dean:are to testlfylow to reword to B. A. Pa). me Termifture, become, two of the era hors cued it In thole private practice as phyelamece fat • number of yeoman:id they htle . telowo obeematton, to to wood No J ply 4th r 185 a. Mum. EL A. /.11/ume..ek . - - 4hirowanc—llaving sold deur valsmble Vercollhaw " far some time. and having seen kneed for many yearn, we t-would recommend lc u. us • rare ha ve efficient remedy fnr all CAP. of worm, In no Merano* have we ere eeen nay evil reraltarollowlng Itsaludnietratihs . bat alwara Imo It answered the purvoca for which It was Intend.t, and been entirely aatarfactenT. Believing that everything that has been set forth In re gatyl twits virtues I strictly In alsottisnee with our ob. SerTItIOILP, not Dalysa inactltinnent. but as men of buil now, we would unhesitatlndly ear to all .ho read this, that ills the beet Veradfuire now in use, and that Be vir tues are best known when hied. . . . . 111)(Si - flit & MELT. Prsystast and raid by B. A. FAI?NEBTOCK & CO.. ram.. of Wood spa First a saitditnT Unturrent Money, Go ld, Silver, Stocks, Le Wenill purchase Indiana, Trans. Alleghe gkeny, Wl,lconalu,llllllol3, Newport Safety Pand and an Oneurrant Money at lower rates of din:punt Man my cdh er bonen In thie city. . The Eliebnit premium paid for Old P11,.p and Gold. Forty Mares SI. k PI. Bank Stock 'milted at blithest Market value. Bills or Ezelowge on Contra C. Bankers, Tandort. and on all other parte of Carom furnished oa application to some to snit purchaser, O'CONNOR, =arum & co.. Bankers and Ex /lunge Brokers, AgWrds . tErialtable” Sire Insurance Co. of Loader.. and Grinlte Insursore Co. of N. York. Office. No. 16 Wood etl:1 d6or from Idrit et ml3l.lada DUBUQUE,- I6WA. We offer for ealeljoe Ilundretl Lots, very adrantageansly located, In the City of Deboeue, and re. spectfully reqneet impute!. for the sime,wr any portion rtmopletion of the Great Illinois Central R. E. to ibis city—the large Upper Ithedealppi &leer buena,. transacted here—thwhewry lead trade, together with the present rapidly appreciating mine anti estate, combine to promise desirable result, to Mom wishing to invest In City Property. Any information will be promptly comninnicated if de sired. Adams T.B. JESUP & COMPANY, t0b2.643r010 Dubuque, lowa. Sick Headache and 'Neuralgia of Eight YZA. 5i.1.11141 On= eY °MIST'S DUITZ6Trfi /3MM.— Mr. WUILm Trimble, Iti'llelers Row, Bayarditown, Filth Ward. says he was cured ot Sick Headache at eight years standing. by three bottles of Oskeley's Depuratire Syrup Ile has tried misttu physicians without lcmire. He is now atirely well. Oakley's Depurative I too Rheum, • Us, Scrofula, Tel*, and all eruptirndired. For sale, wholesale tort retell, at DR. KEYPSIt'S. N. 140, Wood of. Bien of tits Gold. Mortar. ml3B Price 71 cents pm Lottlo Nettralgia.—This formidable aware, which arms to batElo the Atli or phyokisus, xteldo Ilk* magic to Carter'. Hpanlalatixturo. Mr. P. Borden. A:man/7 of the Astor Mouse. New:York, and late yroprietoroftheExehanee notel.ftlehmond, Va, la one of the hundreds who bare been cured °tamer* Neu ralgia, by Carter's Spanish Mixture. _Since his our,, be has recommended It to numbers of others, who were iaffering with nearLr every form of dis. ewe, with the mat wonderful mazes, lie ears it ts the most extraordinary medldne he has e'er need, and the' mud. blood purifier known. See advertisement In another column tote29,lwddeek ratSe and COM2ollo — nitt Conformator lately betartal from Perla assail) rafts the Hat to the peculiar shape of Cho Mateo a new bat Is ss easy on the head as saoki aaa. A nestet tads good Dist may ty had at 77 Wood et. ap:1941 . W. DOUGLAS. M'Ciintock's Family Medicines.—We .iith,..tuntiolortuaasoirsamiwa abut. to tto wetwawat on the truth. pep at taw wawa roar The Greatest Medical Discovery 1 Gough Remedies.- -<- Dr. Iceyser's Pectoral . . OF THE AGE- l e m fp will ewe yam. , , namaanos Patera/ Sirup will citea.Brathitth Mr. Kennedy, of Roxbury, has discovered , , Dr. sisraws rieucslerk.patu owe tan-seta, . to ono of our ~,,,,m , ,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,tu „ ....,,,,ig. remedy that ears 1 .. Dr:Keyear's Pectaral gnat. *theme Imineraxa the bead. of 11,,,,,,,, fr,.. mood Scnifulo to a common Dr . g eyser's Pectoral Byre:ls.llU core a cold to the bead. Pimple. ! Dr. Kersey. Pectoral syrup twill cure Incipient Con- He he. tried it In neer elereen hundred mem. and never : ~,,,,,,,,,t10 , ,,. felled except to Mame, (both thunder homer.) Ile hoe I A recent letter from My. J. W. Teach. of Solusby. Ohio, now 10 his Meese= over too hundred cartilcate. kits . qqm value, all within twenty tulles of Bottom. --I ' l 'I 'want you to send me !two bottles Of your Pectoral Two bottles are warrantedto cure a nursing =awe ID !. Syenp by mail Thera Is • lady here who has • cmigh and One to three kettles will cure the worst kind of Pimple , i the doctors can't ewe her. I was lit 'he seine way. and of the fen. _,.. I tried everyttdug without benefit, until I. got • rattle of Two to ttow' bottle' will elor the .I.t.t. of W.I. . 1 your Pectosal srrcP, I took it bit twice, and it cared me Two bottle" are warranted to cure the wand canker irl I mond and wall. the mouth and stmnach. I Ask fur Dr. Km sm . " Po runts STIMP and tale •nn other. Three to flu lottles are 'cemented to ours the meat..P Price. PO eta. Sold M R' Dr. KEYSES.o. 140 Wood et. =le of erialpelas. I and at 3. P. PLEMIN (PS. Allegheny. coh•29NlawS One to two bottle. ore warranted tour ce all homer In the eyes. Two bottles are warranted to ewe running of the cam ' and blotches among the hair. Pour teal: bottler are warranted to mane corrupt and retnnbag ulcer.. - One bottle will core scaly eruption of ths skin. Two to three bottles or. warranted to cure the oust are of ringworm. Two to three bottles are warranted to the most dee Pecan , more of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure salt rheum Fire to eight bottler will cure the worst case of scrofula A benefit in always experienced from the Mat bottle. and *perfect cure le warranted when the &bus quantity Is taken. Nothing looks no Improbable to them who have In vain tried all the wonderful medicines of the day, as that a common weed growing In the futures, and along old stone wall, should cure every humor in the erne= yet I it Is me a fixed tut. If you ham a humor it has to start There are no ilk nor wide. hunt. or ha's about it suiting wee mere and not yours. I peddled over a thousand hot ti.ortt yiunityoritc.t.. i know ii. iirwin in every case. It has already done mine of the ereatestemees ever done In Ilassubusetta I Moe it to children a year old; to old pecple of sixty. I hareem. Pow•Punr. wormy looking children. whose flesh was Loft and flabby, restored toe perfect state of health by cm bottle. To them who are eurnet to • .let hmeleth , the bottle I will always cure It. It elves great relied to catarrh and &mime. Some who have been melee for years. have to. ken and been regulated by IL Where the body Is mend, it work elite .ar. but where there Is any derangement of the Dthearons of nature. It will muse very singular reel Inge, but you mind not be alarmed—they aloe,. ding pear to from four days to • week. There Is never a Mid ne salt from It. On the contrary, when that feeling Is Cone , you 0111 feet yourself like anew person. I:heard some of I the meet extravagant enconiume of It that moo ever lie ' tenet to. No eh Inge of diet leaver neceeram—eat the beet you on Cet. I here likewbe an herb. which. ohm elm- lat. M 11,13 in meet oil. armoires Parofulnue swelling of the neck and under the ears. Prim SO cent. Prim of the fenl.lrofelind Medical Dreamer]. 111 per bottle. DI DECTIOSS S 11t USK—Adult, one tablespoonful ye day. Children 0000 eloht ream desert epoonful, children from toe to AMA ream tereepoonful. A. nn direction mu be made apc e lim4 . l: , to ail confitutione. tate enough to 'I' M " ; t' K ' N ' N' t N Ely giv " es t. perso "' . mtl y ettetelance In bad more of sauna'. .led, wholamte and retell at Dr. KEYSER'S, 140 Wood tint. e miler of Pine% eller. feSderT A Special Bulletin for the Sick.—Dr. Marv's F.reporatrep Cbrdaa relieves with wonderful rapid ity every disorder incident to the digestive apperatua re stares the appetite•, renews the strength; hardens Memo* elect brea4 the nerve; sires ehretlelty to the SPIAtio is remit. the mental energies. baniabeedeepondancy.imparte to the attenuated (111/98 a more robust appearsoax Wake Irritation. mama the disturbed ImaaleWov, halide up the ehattered conetitution; and rosy to taken without fear by the feebleet maiden, wife or mother.... It is composed solely of the juices of rare Oriental herb., potent only to invigorate. exhilarate and restore. If the system has become relartd by Improper In lelgee oee, the Cordial will Infuse. more vigorous vitality into ev ery organ. The lensitude mulling from late hours or too claw application to labor orally kind. le quickly removed by Ito action. and ladles engaged in sedentary occupation.. and etilu . ,st to Inconvenience therefrom. WI fled it a ea& aliealthy stlundant. Where theelroultstlon of the blood la ugaish, or any of the function, of the body are euspende ed or imperfectly performed. It will mgrre the natural ac tion and communicate permanent emerge to the occretire and distributive organs. Tho•e who am bowed down by phyeleal debility, and PO feet:leas to despair of ever recovering the vigor and mien of mmthood, are invited to give thie wonderful invigoraut ►trial. It embadlea the elements of their reatoration.— Before they have eonstuned the first bath , ' trwr will be conneione that the reruperstlee principle Is at work In so. ery debilitated portion of their framer, and hope, noon to be realised in their thorough ricovery, will spring tip In their heart. The Cordial Is put up hlgbly arneentrated. In pint Pot tam Prize ta per both, two Mr 11. el: for 112. C. IL DI NO. iroprlstop 80. 10 Broadway, Now York. Aorres.—Plttahursh: PIXICITI Boos, No. 01 Wood atreeh 137.0. IL Errom 140 Wood et 11. E. Batas, 57 Wood et.— legheo7l:s4: J. P. Ftragrd; Sold by Pruerteta throughout the Prated State% Nos do. and the West 171 01110 & PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. THE ONLY RAILROAD RUNNING WEST IrROM PITTSBURGH. On and after MONDAY, March 12th, 1855, the PASSENGER. TRAINS will run se lotions. until fur ther notice: Fur 14• a taut Sr 51.1. Ezra. TILLIN AT 9 , • IT 3 r le There Trains all run through to eventtine. and ornmzert there with the Co.umous and Ctrodnnati, Ohio and /Alb nun and Ttelhilbntalne and Indiana Railroad. At Maria rrinneritione aro made for Newark, Tanerwilla Yon• meanie. Sar.doety. Toledo. Cltleasro, An: and at killiano• for Cleveland. do No train• run on elanday. Through Irarts are mold to Eltitinnatt. Lotdrviile. Lein.• Indianan., CU.., trod a reand. Ter: Warn. Cleveland and the pill:telt:al towns and eitlar taros Wet The NEW lIRIORTON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN will rave Pittebursh at 10 a. ■ and S r a . and New Drlgh inn at 7 a. V. and 1 e. a. For 'notate awl further Information. impll to O. CURRY.. At t h e owner calm. under tb.. lionotorabela flown. Or at tbo Federal street Station, to GEORGE PARKIN, Plttabarch. parch 10th. ILSS. Ticket Agana. JOIER-C. BALPA & CO.'S TRITE SIEDICDIAL COD LIVER OIL, Carefully prepared from none but frerh and bealthr item. sitierfin Ixrioual supervision of their snot at the Fisheries. J. C. B. CO. tate great pleasure In arming their brand of Oil. which. can Immune of at, monior mode of PreParei tkin, freshmen end purity. can be taken •Ithont dbreileh by the matt delicate. It le unnecessary to Ideert to the peculiar *Mane of this eery seinatle and wiles:tits remedy. Its success In the cum of Quante hhetuatatlem. Scrofula, and Lung DO meek when skillfully applied and persismead la le no longer a matter of conjectimg It la now acknowledged to pawn healing elstnes &Mame lucomparable to any other sperlfo sold In battles, wholmale and retell, by the mart ufactarera JOIN C. DAICHIt No. 100 North Third at-, rtilladeltihin. And Id. Dru Aegis in Pttitharith and eloonboro DA4mdi;i JOHrsi COCHRAN & MANUFACTURERS OF Iron Railing, Iron Vaults, Vault Doors, Window Shutters, Window Guards, Sc, Nos. 91 Second st., fi 86 Third st., (between Wood and Market,)' PITTSBURGH, PA., Have on hand a variety of new patterns Fancy and Plain. eultabla for all purpose. Particular at tention pall to eneloalnei Grave Lot. 'Wiens done at fbbrt notion. WESTERN TEA STORE, Corner of Wood and Sixth streets. W. A. BI'CLURG. Oar Text will be lound on trial unequaled Y the price. la the der. - IZTAIL MILTS. 131.11. Greens. Oolong, 40, 50, 62, 75, Yeanglayerm,so, 62, 1,00 and 1,25 per lh.. 75, and IHI per lb. Eng Breakfast, 50 and mperial &G. P., 75, 75 ets. per lb. 'l,oo & 1,50 per lb. Teas pal up in -aday bare., Prim 6 to . 6)lba. for Papally tue. A liberal discount made to retail dea.lers. COFFEE--Jans, La Guoyro. and Rio thft.. Green and Roessird. WOW ZS—Low-rine.; and Belcher' I Loaf,. Pulaatted and Crtiehed aware. Auto. Otocoiidel. Dpiees, Pied., Fresh and Dried /rude. dr, de. lethlf British and Continental Exchange. Amin , HILLS DRAWN BY DONCAIi, SHERMAN ic CO., ON TIIE - UNION BANK, LONDON, IN SUDS OP LI AND t•PWARDS. These Drafts aro available at all the vin algal Towns ofEnglarti. Feothad and Ireland, and to Carttlaeafr We alma draw SIGHT DILLS on NI. A. Grunebanin & Bailin, / FRANKI , ORT 4 MALI, Which serve as a Remittance to all parts of Germany. Ihrltzerland and llolland. Preece Intending to travel abroadmay promirettireugh m Letters of Credit. on relfich.Mcnsay can be obtained, as needed. In any pert of Prole. Collections of Bills. Ofte.. and alum ramifies! to En• rose..ill receive prompt attention. WM. 11. WILLIAMS t CO.. =tat • W. ed. corner Third etyeet. Dr. Fitch's Opinion of my Braces. D. Urns. Rmsoc—Dear Kr. In reply to yoUM Abe 13tE, lost, requesting my opinion of your Shoulder Breese, I womb] my Chet I (smolder It one of the beet ever devised. and would add that. I luxe myself teen ken In the habit of employing a somewhat elmilar Them with the greatest advantage In meg of contraction of the amt by sapping. whether from habit, occupation ordeldlity, more menially where there is weakness or irritation about the 1..0„..1 more orlesepredopodtlmtoconsumption—with the eitilownhyof Ito offsets In these welt. yoU ore of muse acquahited. In mum forme of heart dim" a stays Melo excitement of that organ, I have aim found the ghoukler Bram of advantage. Ido not hesitate to recom mend your Brace In all cue+ where a Brim Is regnlted.a. one of the meet emy and efficient yet In am • • • Very truly yours, CALVIN M. 7ITI:18. Sold' wholesale and retail at Dr. KEVEIEIrtI. 140 Wmd garret. Pitteborgh. Pa elm • complete weartment of Dr Deb., ordlor.r. ernstently kr Frio r0b641.1.. Tender Brok ea Breast and Li are II spples —Mail pain az swelling begin, rub In Dan ere Pain Es tracery and lay on a planar twit» • day, than no breast an break: hot If already brohn, lay on piasters three Ones • clan all pain will end directly. To oars Welting, constantfir karp the talre—b fa taw dressinda =IT. any olnnte, no nutter if for exam:du 1101. or =LAT rotted off, end Jo bad that the lady will arras rolls bring tomb ed• inlitinclly eyed, and cured rapidly-111.11 It off to nurse. oornAcnn—Put IltunDalley's Pala listractor O 4 too and apply to the brdlow. Dirt. and rub some an the nheeb, the rain will dor. Instantly., Some lobo him bad.. daily without Interm baton , the ammt Daln tbr We* weete by en dolor. h.e bean cured bstantdr, mh27-2vrikwT flew Dagaerrlan Gallery. MR. NELSON would respectfully 'inform his friends and the rota', gemmally,-that In order to. meet the daily !terming demand 'Or blip Dernerremt be has had built and haulm, completed (aver tbe rP CTA Yost °Mee. Third strew J one of. the most gawk= and magnilkent film lJgbt ever cant:meted for Dar M er ry parimet, tne United Sttes. We 13211 Prepared ts crewed,' Liberman' of all Maw and u arm, any 'weather, from o'we's A. Id. t il l o'clock P. el• .tut honk au Is aollelte& whether tom Pamir ae Borwak.ol4.roct ago .m4m74 Equitable Fire Insurance Company, OF LONDON. CAPITAL. $2,5' 00,000. POLICIES ISSTED AT THE LOWEST SATES For this highly retipormible Company, by O'CONEOIt, BROTHER & CO.. Bankers, No. 15 Word st., Pittsburgh. mh3l-Indfo Penntr OF yania PITTSBURGH ? Iv H AUTHO R Fo IZED CAPVTAL I SY.3OOOOT.i. INSURE lICILDINGS AND GTI7ERPROPEG rs. AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE AND TI P}31.1L3 111' Sea and Inland Navigation and Transportation ORS. Wm. V. Johnston. I DIRECT T. Wilintoek. D. SL Long, A. J. lone, Rody Patterson, Kennedy T. Friend J. , irier Sproul, Jacob Painter, Wade Hampton, 4. lj :loi mii r , uo .t ~1 , ..t . ~1.,L '11, 1 . T i CI : A. A. Carrier. W. e. Haven. • D. F.. Park. OFFICERS. Pregident—flan Wm q Johnston. presidmi--findy Pattentan. .tirerelarp anti Tn.:maw—A A Curler. Asti:fan! Srmetary—S S Carrier. 1C.51 ia lB-1 1* Athe n mum Fire insurance Compan3 of London. Authorized Capital $10,000,000 ILLY r 6E3021 IN eitnAnetwilia. Atwood k C 0.., John taromo, Jobo Glint. fiarrge IL Stuart. Myers, Ciswhorn & Co.. Win. )IcKee AL Co., Powers • Weiwbtmen. White, Ildevens k Co Arent for the United Btates— M== Molted lii.i . t.;;ilieZeK Fozwth .trout, Phila.dolphia. A. A. HAMMY, Ag. , ut for Pntelargh. fet'.l.llnrowLlnd 14.!. X Water pt. Citizen's Insuranee Comp"' col rittsourga • WM. IIAOALI4Y, Pre.nelmt. SAMUEL L. !IA ItSIIELL, &eV. OFFICA 94 1f.A . 7yR,_11E77271K MARK ETIAND WOOD STIIREiS. 1/3„.INBUDRS EMU AND CARGO RTSICEI ON TUB 01110 AND MIBBISSIPPI RFVE.FA AND TRIBUTAIIIBB AT buvres orminte Lo” Damao. hy Fir,. ALSO afainst Mr perils of Mr SEA rind ,IVLAND I'/GA T 101? and TR.A.NSPORTATION. Marron: Wm.Diehard Floyd, Bania n Nera l : ' SI. Kier Robert Dun P. Jr. Wm. Bingham, EL ilmiranah, John 21. Iri/martn. Lace bL Perinnek, Francis Seller., Wafter Bryant. J. Srboonmaker. Jae. 11. Cooper, I Wm. 11. Bama John Fhlotrin don Pri'TSBUROr H Life, Fire & Marine Cot7.pany; Office, Corner Market and \Voter ritrectrA, PIITSBURiiii. PA ROM: L 11A P, Pxsidant. Jan. D. Moti.L. sw'r. This Company makes every Insurance ap pertaining toor moincetad with LIFE RISKS. Alan.aaltart Hull and Clara° itiaka on O. Ohio and Mtanniinni riven and taibutartaa and Marina Ma. Cato arally And against Low or Damage by Fire, End sawinpgorta th. ratite of the Eaa and Inland Naylt:stint, an Transon. Polteltwliwited ti at the lowest rates ennslatant with ufrtr toll parties. Robert Oskar. 4'rur o. 4tlii., Job. Joveph P. Ottratra. M. D John MeAlpin. Janes Starthall. John -FOOD, mr . .Z.l.rte [Poet mot . 1.1 PHILADELPHIA Fire and Life Insurance Company, No. 149 CHESTNUT STRIEJ', ffirlffili==== •-•- • - • • Will make all kinds of Insurance. either' Perretua or Limited. on o•Pf{ do.cription of ihoperty ur Merehandim. reasonable rates or premium. ROBERT P. KING. Preeid.,t. M. W. Bat.nene. Vire Prreldent. DIILECTuRz‘: Char. P. Cayce, 1 y, R. Co R. R. F tlieh. I iho. K. rim.. F. R. Pevery. i Jae. N. Pant C. Sherman John (71ayton. 8. J. Merarese. I IL Wiler. P. 1.11-ac.casz. Saa•tarr. • - OF PITTSBURG Western Insurance Com p any ILIGT. WWI. rL, PM?. ....... 0. 00P.U. altfT. Will Insure against all iiinds of Fit o and Mt:ine Risks ll.Matar. Jr.. J. IN Balser. I.Ton, Ct. Masan. Stu. 1. 4 cnA1.. Jos. Sib/Idol A. Ntmlot. Ono. Donde. C. W. Ittnbotwon, Nankin Iloismon G. W. Jock., J. Lamnineo , tt, Wm. IL Smith. .r A WM. Institonkm nomatund by Dlnnotorl Weil woust to Unto rucammliny. o ne .111 n qunot col promptly my taboos. .no Oran la Sot er Groot, (Amu • Ones Wu . .. Comes) lay still, Pituburgta._ .1.4b0 'Lemma Mutmal insurance Company OF PUILA_DELPILIA. OFFICX NO. 70 W.A.L.YET .STRESF. .• , . rapool.lnt 674 Assets. 1r..".41;01... &Lyn y Mreeed. FIRE INSURANCE—On Buildings, Bier amns.. leurulture, to. h *tn. mem:intl . . Tbe mutual prthelpla combleed ottb the nemarity of Stock Ceta4 tat entitle. the I teturel to Mare ILI the profit. of theCrtopany, atthout for tomes The Perlpt CarttLeate. or tttl. (i7paur. tat pro.l_ta \i ttq z gratt: te 4 l ‘. . , .•=tir Oomp 7. Et L. 11.0110., Ae , zet.f. DIF1131•7011S: _ ... . Clam Tincicr. Levin R. Aabhurat, W. IL Tbompiric, Octirar N. lhaler, T. C. RAckbill, 800. W. Tingley. O.W. thopratar, 7.. Lothrop. Hobart new,. H. 1.. Cana,. C. 8. W. I Hobert. Toland. Marshall Hilt B.lmard O. Jams, Jams 1.. Tarlac. Wm. Homo. Jamb T. thiciticAi I Archibald Mettr. O. M. teMmid. 1 vvm. H. p..rte. Pitts . ¢. J. O. (X)FTIN. Aarcst, iriblicfc mama. ThOil .DJ Wnevl ...4.... HOLMES,R.BE & CO . tiCOCIIS A SON TO A. H. HOLMES & BROTHER, MA lIt•IACTI'A[EI u r SOLID BOX VICES, HAMMERED 'EON AX LES, CROWBARS, SLEDGES. MAT TOCKS, PICKS, B ROS. Timber, Mill, Tobacco & Cotton Screw, Car sod Bridge Bolts, with Thread nazi Nate complete, PITTSBURGH, PA., WAN:NOVI; No. 11: War= aND 107 MIN rm. warm] WOOD ISP Nrrrelynn ert - sat - Au Part rxunntad• 0th3141 . FUMING BROTHERS, WHOLESALE 0TA14:713 WHO a ISTS, NO. 6.7 WOOD STRRET. PITTSBURGH, PA. ProDr;starsat Dr. IrLarallealmtcrstail Varaftwe. Lim ARNOLD & W ILLIAIVIS unriacrcava