The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 24, 1855, Image 3

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The OounfeiUl-Meeting,
-ncw. D. i» ; swirn os rax" irasn—
CXST— HU 9X3 —oloASB—cnxxu—BX-
About three hundred persona assembled in
Washington Halt Wood street, on Friday night,
in accordance with a call for a City and County
Convention,'to take Into consideration the sub
jeei of the : election oT United Btates Senator;
:• nowpetnEng in our State Legislature; and with
- a tfcir to the selection thereof of a candidate to
whom the interests of the West-may be the more
atfely confided*
B/a Sawyer was called to the Chair, and Dr.
BoUcd appointed Secretary.,
James Biddle, of the Amtrietni movod that B.
T. 0. Morgan be a Vice President CoL John
Small, WiUUm Alexander; and N. P. Sawyer,
Nrera alsoappolnted Vice Presidents.
Mr. Alexander—l decline, Mr. President; I
am a Cameron man. -
J. B. Sveilser stated the object of the meet
ing and moved that a committee of fire be np
pointed to draft resolutions expressive of the
Bense of the meeting with regard to the pending
Senatorial election. Carried.
It was moTea that the house appoint the com
mittee. The rote was taken.
0.0. Loomis—The noes hare it
• Voice—That’s not so. v,
Mr. Loomis thought the shouldn’t in-
Tsult the chairman Mr. Sawyer
appoint the commutes.
After some indtserimhiate>BparrtDg, the Toto
was put, and the yean and naya were about
eqtml. . The Chair decided that the yeas had it,
and appointed- J. B. SpeUier, C. 0. Loomis, C.
J. Bigham, Alexander Nimiek, and John Small,
''as the ; Cbmmittee.
It .waa announced that one of our represents
tires were present
. Loud cries for Smith!, Smith! Hon. D. L.
Smith! John Smith! Pete Smith! Dare
Smith! 4
The Hon. D. L. Smith appeared, hopped upon
the platform, and in a bland, affable end effemi
nate manner proceeded to “Spread Eagle."
- He ssid he appeared here to pre. Us constitu
ency a true idea of the position of tho Allegheny
delegation on the Senatorial question. We went
there as the representatives, not of the old de
funct parties, but of. the great and triumphant
American party; (Applause.) My constituency,
seid Smith, has a right to demand of me my rea
sons for the course 1 hero taken and the rotes P
hare east. 1 will give a faithful account of my
stewardship—l do it freely and openly as a Na
tive American. Representatives are bound to
abide by the wQI of a caucus of their party—,
this the Allegheny delegation didl (Applause.)
Doing tbr* L we deny the right of any man who
is not a member of the American party to call us;
to account for our course at Harrisburg.
' Smith wont on to detail the history of the K.
N. Senatorial caucus at Harrisborgh. Notices
of that caucus wen potted up tvo days before
It met, a nomination was
the House convened.
made and we abided, by it. Cameron, who had
cease, out from the old parties and embraced the
American dootrine, receirod27 voles; Curtin, 11;
Johnson, 10; Moorhead, 0; Ac., There was no
nomination. On the second ballot, Cameron in
creased one, Ac. llere some members from the
West demanded as a right that the caucus shonld
nominate a Western man. The reply was—pre
sent us the right sort of a man and we’ll go for
hint- On. the 3rd ballot, Johnson's and Moor
head's hopes, were vone. Gov.'Johnston owes
his defeat to the opposition of James Cooper's
friends and vie* vena*' Nearly the whole Whig
wing of the csacosWßS concentrated on Curtin,
an’eastern Tn * n Now, gentlemen, I represent
the atwirtmi party separately and distinctly.—
But it Is true that those of that party who were
formerly Whigs have got almost all the offices
'gained by the votes of that party, I therefore
demanded that a Democrat should have the nom
ination; as ft matter of justice. It was evident
that either Curtin or Cameron must bonomina
ted; it was evident that if Curtin was nominated
It vouM be a victory of that old, rotten and cor
rupt party, the Whig party. (Prolonged hisses,
with some/cheers.) On the 6th ballot, which
waa to dedde whether the American party should
be tha resuscitated Whig party or the party re
presenting the people on principle, I and my col
leagues voted for Cameron, a democrat We
never would have'voted for an eastern man if
there had been any chance for a western man.
Voice—Was JCrkpstridk in the caucus ? -
Smith—He was. ;
Voieb 'With a brogue—Misther Prisedint; I
.moves the epaach be suspmdedl (Laughter and
cries of “go on, go on!")
Mr. Smith went on. On that 6th ballot Camer
on had 46 votes; Curtin, 38; Ac.ln a 1192. This
was one vote more than there wu roteza. Mr.
squie length on the course
of the 4 * bolters, "with that.peculiar force of
logic aoi entirely characteristie.ofhis speech.
As to Simon. Opseron'a moral character, sir,
which has been so fiercely assailed—l went into
the caucus prejudiced against him, but vhenl
stir the xnen vho. were maligning him—David
Reporter, WHEam- Bigler, Postmaster General
Campbell, Jobs W. Forney—l felt that ho was
aphre man, and I defy any man to lay his finger
on a single wrong net that Simon Cameron ever
did. • . r
Voice—Simon points down. .
- Smith continues—He has already been in the-
United States Senate.
Ycace—My friend Bisham want* to know in
what manner he waa elected. Smith opens sot
his month. - .
Voice No. 2—ijoa Voted for Cameron—how do
yon reconcile that with your oath to vote for
Smith—Nineteen oat or twenty meetings
(councils) held in Yittebargh instructed me to
vote for ;
Voiee No. S—When did yon join the N. A.
' Smith—l voted, the ticket in 1845.
« Voice No. 4—’Shaft a lie.
1 The now become a very Pandemonium —
ehonta, groans, cheers, biases,' criea of “no gag
law,” crier, crier, until the calm voice of the
D. I*. Smith was heard above the storm.—
He wont on to tell how Cameron supported the
Tariff of *42; how he shook his fist under George
U. DaHaa* cose; what a strong WUrnot Proviso
m«n he was; how he loved the West; in fact;
hhw cata pi in all tho attributes of
greatness warSimoin Cameron. “Was I righlin
voting fbr.-hlmt”
v Somasaid, yea—some, no. _
- ta Chaiman of the Committeo,
’ offered the following resolutions':
- Sttolved, That it is the people of
W free gcverameri, that they be represented is
the body that has power to make laws and con
trol the ;appdintment of great officers of the
State; and ***** their representatives be as eqnal
and direct as the nature of the case win reason
ably admit of.
feieictd, That the State of Pennsylvania ad
mits of a ready and material division of. Hast
and West, and being entitled to a representation
- of two members in. the Senate of the United
States, can only be fairly represented and the
whole Interests thereof duly and properly cared
for by having a member in that body from eaeb
of such divisions.- ;
; Raalpedj That as a United States Senator is
to be elected at the present session of the Legis
- l&ture, and the member bolding over being from
the Eastern division, the-delegation of either
House from Allegheny conoty be desired and in
structed to vote for some one well-known and
reliable man, of whieh we have many, who shall
be a resident of the Western division and none
C.O. I'Ocmis said be was pained to: witness
Smiths’ efforts to exenso himsolf for his coarse.
Simon Cameron never east a vote in favor of the
interests of Western Pennsylvania. (Applanse.)
Cameron's role always baa been to vote .with an
eye to No.l. The records irill show that he vo
ted with Dallas on the tariff of ’42. Our repre
sentatives knew we had men wnininentiy fit for
x tke cffioe, yet they deserted us—they misrepre
sentti&is, -
• Bmithr-rdisUiielly arid I supported * Westora
' mau lour*. ihert ores tope- I soted on two
ballots for Johnston. Gen. Larimer naked ns
to a bow that be wnsnoteltogetberdespised end
forgotten at home, »»<• Goy nodi toted for him
an n bellot or two. Of tbe two-eastern men, we
cboee the beat
: ; 'Mr. Loomis—;Tbme members of the Sense, in-!
dnding the speaker* to my knowledge said tbst
if the Westers delegates would unite on a West
etnm»n, they woul4sopporthlm. Yet in slew
of tbls fitet mid the foot that the Allegheny dels?’
erilon held Urn belsnee of power, they miiera
:;btydMertedta!.(Appl»n») . :
i in Cameron's Araeri!
: cenlsm.! Cameron bents eterybody. jilhanklng
pledges. When be «u running for Benator be
for»,nfrfend enggested tbst Jfr. 80-nndno,
-■ whose vote' he might get, wee e stiff neebyte
ritn. ' “AHrigitt," says Cameron, “the Bet.
Mr. win attend to Urn l"
■ 'Well; there's Mr. —from Phllnddphia, a
staunch Bomnn Catholic." . .:
’"Very well, again,” says Simon. ‘Til set
Father Mebon at him in the morning.” . (Leugh
**jfc:Brndy gaTnjSndth some eharp dip. ■ He l
did’nt like to hear the Whig party called rotten
Mr. Smith ehoold tarry at Jericho tin his beard
is grown before he sees such language.. The
West con famish good men.. We have them
- hefsinßUdnagb- It is sold, too, that Came
rou repudiated’the American party in Boptem
ber last, -■
- Mr.Poeter--I)i < la , tGof. Johns ton do the earns
* thing? * • *•. _
Mr. Brndy—Don’t Know.
J. . Beion Foiler eaked if the meeting wss
called to giro nttersnee merely to ahrieks or lo
cality T Thers sre great priodples nt stake in
- this matter whieh most not he forgotten. He
offered the following resolutions as a substitute
fiirtbOM oi&F*d J>7 ***• Committee:
WftssxAS, The choice of a Senator to repre
sent our. State for six years in the councils of the
nation, is a question in which every Fynnsylvs
nian should feel ft deep interest; and Whereas:
it is proper that our representatives should ~bo
made aware of the l views of their constituents
upon the subject; therefore, be it ‘
Z&aolved, That, in the opinion of this meet
ing, it is.due to the people of Western Pennsyl
vania, aid the great manufacturing and commer
cial interests of this section of the Common
wealtb,~that the Senator to be chosen on Tuesday
next should be selected from West of the Alle
gheny mountains.
Baotvcd, That the man chosen for that sta
tion should be a statesman, and not a mere poli
tlrian—that ha should be a. new man, fresh from
Tanks of-the people—clad in American raiment,
and not in the east off garments of Whiggeryor
Baolved, That our representatives be ear
nestly requested to support ho man for United
States Senator who is not in favor of the follow
ing measures:
1. A total repeal of our naturalization lavs,
or an extension of the term to twenty-one years
—with such guards as may be necessary to pre
venUhe.enormous frauds now continually per
2. The repeal of all acts of Congress in any
way sustaining or recognizing chattel slavery—
and the prohibition of slavery in all territories
over which Congress has jurisdiction in this re
.3. The encouragement of domestio manufac
tures by such duties upon foreign articles os
may be required to raise a sufficient revenue tp
sustain the government; and enable it to per
form its duties to the people.
4. Liberal appropriations to the improvement
of our. rivers and harbors.
6. A total -prohibition of the importation of
the criminals and paupers which the Old World
is now .vomiting upon our shores.
Benlved, That we deem it inexpedient to re
commend any one as/Arman to be supported by
our representatives; but that we earnestly re
quest them to "unite with others, in tbe Halt of
the House, In the selection of a man such as wo
hare described, for the important station so soon
to be filled.
. .JiaoUxd,- That copies of these resolutions be
'signed by the officers and forwarded to onr Sena
tors and Representatives at Harrisburg.
1 Daniel Curry here got the floor and proceeded
to pitch into Smith and the otler delegates, right
and left. He sold in ’52 and ’53 D. L. Bmith
stood up and ridiculed him for being a Native
Bmith—That’s false!
Curry—l: can prove it And, moreover, last
year this same Smith was a Whig candidate for
Council, god was whipped, in the 3d Ward, Alle
The lie passed between the two gentlemen and
huif the meeting rose to their feet. Curry at
tempted to speak but was hissed down. Volleys
: of groans and hisses continued for five minutes
with cries of “order,” “time," “no gag law,”
“put him out,” Ac.
Curry—Rome was sated by a goose that hiss
ed; I trust in God this hissing win savo Tcnn
Voice—How are you on the goose question,
Curry? , . .
Mr. Cuny then read a resolution instructing
the delegates to Tote for Thomas H. Baird. —
Voted .down. -
After remarks by B. T. C. Morgan (non-com
mittal) and T. J. Ttigb&in (sustaining the dele
gation) the resolutions of Mr. Foster were unani
mously carried, with the amendment that the
word “new" be struck out of the second resolu
tion. There was no vote taken on the original
resolutions. -
The meeting then adjourned. It waa almost
altogether composed of members of the Ameri
can organizations. It was one of the noisiest
aaiit rnn«fc disorderly we have witnessed for a
long time.
Fax—We learn that the dwelling hoose of
Mr. Ycung, at North Washington, Bntler county,
waa destroyed by fire one day last week. The
canse of the fire we did not leant. There was no
insurance on the-property.
Also, a house belonging to Mr. Miller, at
Zetienople, was destroyed on Tuesday night last.
The canse of the fire is not known, but it is sup
posed to have caught by. accident. Mr. Miller’s
loss is supposed to be about $5OO, on which
there is no insurance.
Cut Psopxstt sac Sskbift’s oaxjl—Goisa,
Goixo.—Sheriff Mogill will to-day' offer for sole
at the Court House all tbe fire engines and hose
carriages owned by the eity of Pittsburgh.——
execution is maUo on ft judgment rendered
against the city in favor of Mr. Graham in the
sum of $5OO. The safe at the Mayor’s Office is
also to be sold. - ■_ *
' What’s the matter with the City Treasury \
A Colored Impostor.-;—Jobn Peck outdo com
plaiat jestcrdAjt at tbe Mayor's office, tbat a
certain coloiad name unknown, is engaged
xa colleoting monies from the charitable on the
representation that he is a runaway slave and
in circumstances; he is an impostor, he
is about five feet two. inches high, heavy sot and
wean an old greasy brown coat and a glased cap-
The police are on the look-out for him.
DiitMCT COo2*.i—Before Judge Williams.'
Ia the cue of Adams vs. Kramer & Bahm, the
Jury rendered a verdict for defendant.
William Yondon vs. Erastoa PetcivnL Yon
don was prosecuted for peiyury some years since
by PerrivaL The present action is to recover
damages for malicious prosecution. Damages
laid at $5,000. On trial.
Tbs young ladies of the Liberty st M. E
Church will pleMO nncept this publio acknow
ledgement, together with the warmest thanks of,
their cantor, for tho handsome forse and its
irolden contents presented on Thursday evening,
the 22d inst May Heaven’s richest blessings
be the abiding portion of the generous donors!
Lwmrwa to Yocko Mkh.—The third lectnro
in the course to Young Men, on the relations
subsisting between Christianity and trade, by the I
Bev. Dr. Howard, wiU be delivered on Sabbath
evening next, in the Second Presbyterian Church,
Fifth Street, between Wood and Market, at hair
past 7 o'clock. Subject—“ Tie Trials and Dan
gen of 2fm of Busmeti.”
Accidot.—A fireman, named John M*riin,
had bis flkull fractnred at the fire on Smithfield
street, on Wednesday night. The accident was
caased by a brick which fell from the chimney
of the burning building. The injured man wttt
conveyed to the residence of his parents on Con
gress street, where he now lies in a precarious
Aptcioatjow. ton Ditoec*.—Two *PP>''»-
tieraa for dimes were made jeetordny The
firat waa made by Mary A. Blley, who waa tnar
ried iu Scptembw, ISM, toWilliam Bday. She
aUegea (hat aha haa becu badly abuaed. The
second caae wae that of Mary Jane Lowe egamat
Thomas Lowe.
Rmnnn LIQUOB OS 8 USt)AT. —D. Dougherty,
the keeper of a tavern on Webster street, had a
hearing on Thursday, before Aid. Major, upon
a charge of selling liquor on the Sabbath day,
on oath of Elisa Todd. After a foU Investigation
of tho case, he waa fined the aom of $5O and
Sisnrosn’s Opxua Tsours.—This popular
troupe open at the City Hall again on Monday,
the 12th of March. Glad to hear It,. Come on
<*Bam” we’re seen you, coco, ami we wantto see
won more. Bring: Wok, the dancer, and Cool, tie
joker, with ;yon, and well warrant yon good
houses.' . .
Muxrsr & Buftcimiin acknowledge the. re
coipt of the following contributbus-for the sup
port of the Fourth street Soup House: •- From
Archibald Stewart, Esq., Indiana ooanty, $2O;
Thomas Bakewell, Esq., $10; Robert £, Paris,
$4; Mr. Miller, $4; cash $5; for tickets $l,BO.
: Tbs suspension of the 7th street Soup-House
haring causodan increased demand at the Fourth
street house, an appealis tho charita
ble public to sustain it at least through the
coming week. The additional whef afforded
wiU be widows and aged persons.
5 Ir people triS act ia accordance with the laws,
if nobody wflf get killed, shot, stabbed _or maim-,
ed, and if TheophUus Turnjp wtff disappoint ns,
after a solemn promise to give us a half column
article, bur readers muti excuse us for the lack.of
matter in the city department-to-day.;
Hoses Kuasd.—A valuable horse ownedby
Hr. Myers, cabinet maker, ran off on CUff street
an Wednesday afternoon, and butting his head
against s hriek wall, be was injured so that be
died in a few moments.
' Iktoutaxt Conusonox.—ln our report of the
sale of stocks in yesterday's Gazelle the composi
tor made on Orror in regard to the Pittsburgh
Trust Company. The stock of that company
sold.atss6,l2}, and n0f552,12}, as wo bad it. ;
. Bbuqious Noncx.—The; Bev. Bishop Simp
son wiU preach in the South Common Methodiit
Episcopal Church,, Allegheny City, to-morrow
. (Sunday) morning, at 10f o’clock.
J would call attention to the Administrator’s
of a valuable Law and Miscellaneous Libra
ry this evening at . 7 o’clock at Davis’ auction
rooms,: ■■■;■ < } '-k
«g atebj^
j Afl LBS. jUIOBARB to «fare and foi
i»S» «™iw
Roll;* '■
>» M>> jwtad'.***• fc t r
Sxxats. —Yesterday* a Proceedings Concluded.
The Bill for the extension of credit on ddties for
Bail road Iron was. farther debated at much
length and passed by a rote of 26 to 18.
The BUI for the settlement of the claims of of
ficers of tbo Revolutionary Army, their widows
and children was taken up and passed.
The Bill from the House making an appropri
ation for, the purchase or construction of four
rertnae cutters was finally passed.
A communication was received from the- Sec
retary of the Treasury relative to the erection
of public buildings In Cleveland, Ohio, for a Cus
tom House, &c.
The bill relative to a collection district in Or
egon was then taken up and discussed until the
Homs. —Yesterday’s Proceedings Concluded.
Humorous amendments Were offered to the CivQ
and Diplomatic Appropriation Bill and several
of an unimportant character adopted and the
Committee rose. The Committee on that sub
ject reported a resolution appropriating $200,-
000 to the completion of the Waabingtoo Na
tional Monument, after which the House ad
Wabbisotok Citt, Feb. 28.
Sksatx. —Mr. Brown moTed that the Boose
concurring, the President of the Senate and the
Speaker of the House be to adjourn their
respective branches of the National Legislature
at 12 o'clock at midnight on Batnrday the 8d of
March. After debate agreed to yeas 28, nays
* House.-—-Among the many reports made from
the standing committees was the bill amendato
ry of the act for tho better security of lives and
property in steam and other vessels ; the bill es
tablishing a Telegraph and Express mail between
the Mississippi and the Pacific; a bill by Mr.
Benton, Imposing stamp duties on bank notes
and paper currency of small denomination, which
were referred to a Committeo of the Whole on
the state of the Union.
Mr. Perkins of Louisiana, reported back from
the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Mr. Soller’a
resolution calling on the President to inform the
House, if not incompatible with the pnblio
interest, what was the objeot of the meeting or
conference of American Ministers at Ostend, and
whether said meeting was in obedience to in
structions of the Secretary of State; what said
instructions were, and what was the result of
said meeting or conference T
After an ineffectual motion by Mr.' Chamber
lain to lay on the table; the resolution passed.
Mr. Letcher from the oommittee to investi
gate the charge of bribery with reference to the
Colt patent and other bills, mado report and the
committee was discharged.
The bill to carry into effect the treaty with
Qreat Britain,providiog for the payment of claims
fixed by the recent commission was takon up and
passed. The" amount duo by the Uoited States
to British subjects is $277,000: the amount due
by Qreat Britain to American $329,000.
The Honse then in committee again took up
the Civil and Diplomatic Appropriation BUI.
Mr. Edgerton moved an amendment repealing
the duties paid on Railroad iron between June
1853 And 185 C, and admitting dye woods and
tho finer and coarser wools duty free.
After considerable debate Mr. Lotcber movod
as 8 substitute Mr. Houston’s Tariff Bill, propo
sing redactions of about 20 per cent, which was
agreed to by a vote of 99 to 80, and the amended
amendment was adopted by a large vote.
The committee then rising, the more unim
portant amendments were concurred in ogd the
douse adjourned.
Louisville, Ky., Feb. 23.— The Know Noth
ing Convention is again being held here. The
reported object Is to nominate State officers.
The Santa Fe Malt arrived at Independence
yesterday, bringing three passengers.
On the 25th Dec. a party of Apaches and Utahs
massacred at Pnbio 14 men and 2 were woundod
who were left for dead. Three women and two
children were taken prisoners. The Indians
numbered about 100.
Great excitement Is now prevailing in Santa
Fe on account of the general warfkre and hostil
ity., of the Tridt— in the territory; they are
swearing Tengeance against all Americans and
On the 2Qth January Capt Newell of the Ist
Dragoons had a fight with Miseanleros and
Apaches at Sacramento mountain* 12 of whom
were killed; the loss on the American ride was
CftpL Henry W. Bteanton and three privates;
i Gariand has called into service fire companies of
voldnteerx fur six months anil recommends Con*
gresa to appropriate a sufficient amount to pay
expenses. Cob Jones arrived at Santa Fe and
tn« entered upon his dntios; his office will not
be troubled by the lndiansl ■
An express arrived the day before the mau left
g. n «it stating 400 Apaches and Utahs
were coming to take the town by force of arms.
LienL Btsrges also had a fight with the Apaches
CO miles from Santa Fe, routing and whipping
foimi fiwt recapturing'some stolen, stocks r. .
The Governor is much censured at Santa Fe
and the Territory on account of his disapproval
of the action and oourse taken by the people to
suppress Indian hostilities.
WASHisaTCJi Citt, Feb. 23.—The editorof the
Union has received the sword of General Jackson
from his famDy, and designs presenting it to
Congress. -.
The Union of this morning announces the fol
lowing confirmations:—John Appleton, of Maine,
Secretary of Legation to London; Samuel n.
Cox, of Ohio, Secretary of Legation to Fern;
Robert H. Swift, of Pennsylvania, Consul at Mar*
: acaibo; Oliver H. Perry, of New York, Consul
I at Canton.
Cmcuoiati. Feb. 23—The eleetion for U. 8.
Senator eame up to-day in the Indiana Legisla
ture. The Benate elected Isaao Blackford which
the House amended by inserting the name of the
Hon. Joseph G. Marshall. The Bcnato refused
to concur. There is great excitement and but
little hopes of compromise.
Haettobd, Ct. Feb. 23.—1 t is rumored that
the Know Nothing Btate Convention have nomi
nated William T. Miner, of Stamford, for Gov
ernor, and William Reid, of Pompet, for Lieut
Governor. - -
Assuan, Feb. 23.—The Republican Conren
tion hate nominated Anson P. Morrill for Gov
Naw Yobx, Feb. 23.—Cotton dull and un
changed, a moderate demand; sales 400 bales.
Flour firm;.sales 3200 bbls. Southern at $8,70®
$9,25. Wheat firm. Corn dull; sales 9000 bush
els western mixed at 94©94}. Pork firm; sales
450 bbls. old mess at $13,50.' Beef firm; saloa
country mess atsB,C2}@sll. Lard lower, sales
at9j@9|. Bice firm. Whiskey, Ohio 81}.—
Groceries quiet and steady. Btocks better. Mo
ney plenty; Cumberland 34}; N. Y. Central 94};
Beading 75}; Cleveland, Cotambos end Cincin-
I nati 103; Erie 45}.
CiKOixsATi, Feb. 23.—Flour firm at $8,25®
$8,30. Whiskey 20}®25. Provisions firm;
mess Pork $12,50; sales 250,000 bulk sides at
s}. Groceries firm. Molasses 23®24 for old
and new. Bio Coffee 11. Sugar 4}©s. Clover
seed lower; 80 bbls. sold at $0.50®5b,75.
The Biter is stationary. Weather clearing
off; cold. •
niRECTED by sßoard of Visitors appoint'
I}. |TWjrt Point.
Oollw*. with tb# addition of » oor* extended «x*T***nd
Of m Bo«a.
O UNDBIES-1500 bus. prime Pcoohes, hair
4 «»»**PotMb« a pur* a»tW*i tn ftor* **d fcr **!•
Louisville lime—iw bbu. to arriv
fey geilp— frr mJ» tar I* * 00.
>OLL BUTTER—O bills, fresh this da;
I. nSA —.l o ml. hr T. LIITUS*OO.II2. M »t-
TK)T ASH—2 «k*. juat we'd and for ualo
CINCINNATI- SOAP—25 bx». Hill's extra
R'OLL BUTTER—6 thin d»J
reMiadforolabT HKSBT H. OOLUSB.
r! £«i.bT fax* uoo«rr.,
OBN—3ooo.bu». in store npiyor WaJ>T
£ BELL * IiaOBIT. WldtT tL
Murphy & bubohfibld tw® jasi
rtfdbxcxpna moiliir lot of work
g E ATnE^OO^,.in^ndto- 1 .
20^ bla -
[I AG AN k AHL ham just
with to pocrol>ißjKamd- tl *‘ ,tWtlt * TaWß " , j^
\7IEfJIBON for sals at Boss, Patton
J Oocsfa*’, tB OMPtmood .
BUCHWUKAT— 50 slcia BnekwhealfW
OrMbtir jmX2 iAR UoIhOOBUB.
W. it. sura. V. p.—Gxoegi Rues, J. 51. Coora,‘C.W
RrcxiTsaw, W. B. Ssousb. •
. Oma Pmsxuxaa Gaxzttz,!
Saturday Morning. FSbruafy 21, IS&S. /
' FLOCK—rerx Uttls doing: • mis from stor» of 85 bbls,
supsrffn# at t :'' ,
GRAIN—mI cs «t depot of 200 bos »t 80; tram
tian SG7 bn*. to at 60 and 300 to at 85.'
MOLASSES—Mice oa the wharf of 50 and 80 bbls. cypress,
01d.at24, {bar mo*; from *tors,soto,at24,fourm*s.,and
30 to at 25, cash.
WluSKBY—a light demand: sale* of 25 and 15 bbls. rec
tified at 33.
POWDER—talas of IT6 kgi. Kodt at 83, cash, and 25 do
lUflo at mm*.
ABIIES sales of 41 eka. Soda, Imported and domestic, at
BACON—Mia aof 6000 fee bog round at 6*. I )i and »,V
and 8 tea. Sugar cured Hama at 11-00 days.
LABl>—sales of 110 kgs. country at B}s, and 24doand 3
bbls. to No. 2 at 9. cash: grease, 8 bbls. at ?}., eaah.
FlBH—a sate of SO bbls. No. 3 Mackaral, old, at tIQAO.
BUTTER A EQQS—sales of 3 bbls. common roll at 14
and 4 da prime at 19; and 2 bbls eggs at 2X
SEED—a Mle of 60 bus. flaxseed let SI,GO.
BEANS—sale* of 20 bus. small white at s2*6o, and 76 do*
In lota at depot at $2,75, cash.
llEEB&—Miss of 60 bxa Western Reserve at 10.
M£TAL-sales of 20 tons coke at 825, six mo*.
There waa still more activity lo business to-day, and
transactions in groceries and produce ware (jolts large.—
Private telegraphic advices from New Orleans report a
buoyant market fur sugar, coffee and molts** Barer has
farther advanced there ,*4<gSCn with an active demand,
and light stocks. This demand, (however, la consentient
upon the opening of the Western rivers, and a large West
ern demand, and the water not yet beingsafltdent to bring
sum iml iiiiiTiisnifrnm the plantations. thabrtook* aUNew
Orleans are necessarily light. We notice that the|nrw
crop (molasses which nu reached our market this season
Isvwry raperiorlnquMifcy. The provllinn market Is active,
and price* have an upward tendency.
The demand for Cloveneed being quite United, the mar
ket Is quite dull [though the stock u not lam. The de
mand for this article in the Eastern market u not active;
io Philadelphia It Is worth Sdjfrln Baltimore $7 fl.buihsl,'
add in New York UK ft ft,—lCln, Oom.
The Bt Lonl* BepubUean, thus reports that market for
U *A*redoction of prices, wl>h the prospects of early ship,
ping faculties, have led to several transactions, The stock,
stated In last revisw at 4,600 bales. Is now more than half
reduced, and the pmepset is that the balance wtU soon be
cloned out. A good demand appear* to exist for the Ohio
and In the south and east, and purchases are made for
these various points. On Monday 407 bales prime at $lOO..
and 25 do. good at $97 V ton. interlay, 27 betas at $lOO
note; 34 do* private, and 104 do, at $l6O. * ;
WesxxsoaTj- P. 51.—Exchange remains quiet at
premium for Eastern; New Orleans Is- scarce at ,'»©l pre*
ml am. No change took placeiu Mousy matters. • .
The general markets eon tin nM to exhibit increasnd ac
tivity. In the Grocery Una, a large business Is being tone ,
utbe'regularway. mvlstonsarwfirawltha&lrdemaad.
■lea Pork has advanced to 81X50.—{CIu. Gal.
Gold roa-Pscx A Bicow,—Five hundred thousand dollars:
1a gold, the amount of a draft' hroug&t on by Ur. Bacon, -
was transferred on Saturday svenlngfroci the U. 8. Assist* :
snt Treasurer to tbs Banking House of Messrs. Paged
Bacon.—{EL Louis News.
■A letter from Brasil, dated Dre, 25 ays.' n
“About 180,000 tags of coffee have been sold for exporter
1 lon since the Ist of this month. Aboutloo,ooo begs an
or the United States, Pricca’are as quoted in my UsL
Tobacco.— Prices continue to befullysopported, (bralito
baeo In good shipping order. In mlatgivan betowtbelow
eet figures were realised for tobeceo that had to be repacked.
W« continue our previous quotations, vlt tobacco In good
shipping order for new lugs BXSO to $6 aadold at sti to
*l5ll, new medium shipping leaf ftfi to 87 android at SX6O
to S7AO, and mauufoetnriag leaf $7 toslo. The sales of
the week are only 143 hbds new'number* and 18 hbds re
view*.—{Lou. Jour.
The receipts of the Pennsylvania Railroad for the month
ending Jan. 31.1855; $298,777 1 0
game month last year, 28X153 08
Increase,- ——- —518,624 OS
This shows a very heavy businea and a very handsome
increase on last year's operations
The lom of three of our best boats, all heavily freighted
with produce, will befolt severely. The shipments, how
ever, will be mostly duplicated, and thereby keep up the
demand tor eon, oats, flour, Ac. The market Is quite hare
of the chief step lee, owing to the continued obstruction to
navigation of the upper elver*. by 1.-e and low water
The weather is moderate and pleasant but uot thawing
enough to make any swell of consequence In the rivers.—
There Is foil seven net water In the channel to Cairo.
We find no particular change la pries* of produce since
Our last report. Oate ts In better demand than any other
grain just now. Corn .is vary dull. MUlertare not as
ready to hold jrf wheat since the deciles In flourfat
New Orleans. But little 1* doing In pm Irion*. Wwhave
no quotations for bacon or bolk meat •
Lead is declining. Mioesri soft, mH to be eqoal to Ga
lena mines sold Under at S6AO $llOO ft*. A lot of strictly
prime hemp sold at $lO5 $1 ton.
Meesra. Base A Bacon opened their Banking house this
mornltg, and on tbe closing hour had received on deposit
1165,000m0re than they had'call foron cheeks andeertlfl*-
cates of deposit. - Their receipts were s3olXoooand upwards*'
against $135,000 payments. This looks Uke confidence, In
deed. liners is probahlyno stronger banking bouse in the
< °oSnaUh« of ths 17th from New Orleans have been rw
eelveiLFlour was dsellnlng. Superfine was quoted at
pork $l4 60; Lari9Qo£e eorn81&lL10. oate
11,25-Dacon rides, ribbed 7* sbowtor* 4!fe.—{BL Louis
oam ajro Pcnmnvasu RinsniT) ■ Wl Ms hay, Brice A
Steel; 510 bujfeaU. K Braee£o4, A Sl’Elfrmb; 64 bus
do. JBaederson:loodo.Beksdr fruit, owdsik 7 bbla but
ter, J AW BeaTs do. W Bingham A cot* ska IrulL 3 Mils
xneaL MriSurkanA cm A bills papcr. J L Bheel3 pkgs
wire, K Townsend. sbbl* butter. Rhrivwr A ex ridl has
com. English A Kltcbeww: 302 to WM Hay* 801 toJ A
W UeaTzlSdo J Cralr. 213 do 10 bn fruit, 2 bbls butter, C
R WlUls;B3hides, J Deal! S bfol« feta. BfMpMey 4 «M
to governed, Sellers A so; 12 sksfrutL!l WbllloUer. Bw*
Sell A etc 7&sbus wheat, Bryan Aeo;300 to, L WBmarth A
SM pea meat, 10 ska frail. 2 bhlFbutter. JJ B Owtekb
DO pkgs bean* J Ooopen2s bxssoap, Bailey A Kenahaw; 12
dowh&key. WH Snt ton; 2Ssolls Uathar.Stca bam*. Jttam
A DennyUl bbls butter, 1 to eggi, 30 calves. 12 sheej>. »
•ks fruit, owner* 23do,78bbliflour. Brown A Kirkpatrick;
60 to W Hunter. 6 bbls butter. East; 2$ hogs, llanna A
Dyer, J _
' LODWTILLB. by «4o
Ibltettei,JuocaADenny: ISlbele* h*r,McLaughlinA
do, Algro A Co; Isi hide*. 3 t*bU tallow, fl Her*
Laugh Acs.
: WILBKLIKQ, by Kxthangw-lOOaka «*»*, lohhdangas,
BrowwAßfrtotrlck;-34 to baeem Alttretona, MttJ
van JoueeADenny: 13 hhdaj anger, J A Uutehlwo; U
, j HobOTt to iks wool, cast.
ZANESVILLE. by ClmtoU-* bids Urd, 2fldo «orn ma»L
Bell A Liggett; «do butter, iS7 do floor. JAW Baa; US
sks meal, A Jodi 755 bascoro. Hbblaeeranlron, owners
BIS bos com: «& sks do, 200 bus oats, 51 cks turnips, 3 bbU
CSX** KeU ALlggett. _
a ttttl Whetting: Bwallow, LooiivUle;
Chorott, Zanaevllto.
DEPARTO-KQa, On.; W Bayard, fit Unit; Empire,
Uto4 Venter*, Wheeling.
Rjtdl—On yeeterday evening there were 6 fret in the
ehannei and foiling. •
For St. Anthony Fall*, Min. Ter., direct,
And all Landings on the Upper Mississippi.
I The new and anbaiantial i
-tgsgggg Steamer FALLBCITT. d&Sda
built and finished at WcQirUi*,
J.B. GUJi&BTHosier,
ift/ILL leave Pittsburgh for the above and
WW all Intermediate landing*, on tb* early opening of
navigation of th* Upper MlotwdppL F« fteigbtor mar
sssK »•'
sss-iTtfgs £“»
nr Falla. Ula 4 K. Morphy, John Jaeklna, Minneapolis
Burbank AOo♦ fit.PanL . . , . ...
The FALLS CITY la in entirely new andepeedy teat:
powerful machinery built by(Ww, of tbit light dranght
•*<«wKWMiiaHnpei will be rplenaldiy furnlihod
and flnlibed; built exnreoly tor the fit. Anthony Falla
Steamboat Onapany, Mia* under the immediate roper*
Tieloa of KLCaUar Engineer and will too a* a regular
Packet from Bock ■«>■»«* or Dubuque to the Fail* of fit.
Aotbooy, through theacaaoe, and be intoned by earetnl
and reliable oQm> and men. _
Mttnuw " jTB.OJLBEBT.OeneraI Agent fovOo, L
Office fit. CharlaeJlotot. Plttahargh;
Mfoeourt lunae, WellavUle. O. :
and O.L.CHABB A 00., TreaeurenofCo
* f#2D-t Aplb fit. Anthony Falla.
For St Lonis, n«u and Hebraika,
4ND aU landing, on the Missouri iJaLe
niTer. The Pamrog** Steamer VLtR-JSSSSSk
, OapC Dalis, will leave for the above and aU inter
medlateundinge on the opening of Navigation. For
Wheeling Packet.
mnE new and Bnbstantial steamer \
Exchange oonoeeta at Wellrvilla wlthUtePlUabnnrh
and Ctoudanoßaltniad. and a* Wheeling with th# Baftt*
mote and Ohio Railroad., For frrigbt or p****S*i apply on
oard or to J* D. 00 LU NO WOOD, AgV, WaUf it.
«7The Exchange U an entirely new and apeedy boat
rade . «” a
from Wn. 11. McDcni.d’a Advertising Honan, No. 103
Niwwaatreet, New York.
STEAMSHIP LINE, (Via Nicaragua.)
tsi icccseoav mxsrr covfasy of mctaAouA, vaonutroia
WSnorthern- light, &tar or
trfhß.aU flntelaM ataamahipn, wuUeave New York on
the Uth and 37 th of each month. When theee daya frU
on Sunday, the Monday following will be the aatllng day.
by the NkaragnaTramlt .Route, having but
twelve mile* of land traniporUtton, mr •good ««■£*•
JJvlHf' AfflSMb'jSil
PACinfe Md BBOTOEIt JON ATlfiSr. one of which
wmicara Ban Joan del Bud, thePadfleteßainnaof Tnuit
Route, for Ban Frandaoe enthe arrival of the paaengera
-MOROiN> iltn ,
boOAbw 5 Dowling Oreen, B7i.
Letter Bags rv*d* tut a* the ofltoe—Letter**2s.eta. per tf
cunoa. -
For Helbonme, Autralia, Pioneer Line,
Carrying tit United Stater Mail.
rnHE A. L Buporior Clipper Ship OEB-
I TRUDK Win tnooad th. and jjll for th,
SntwlnMand Uguora, eoan and lo«l*. The length or
2a*agevar£e frmn 75 tolw day*. Mrrt Paenw#
jf tnd m™ cl iron Omds. 80. ,
TManEtl OIL—IS bbi«. Linwed Oil in
HE ASE LARD —5 bbla. reo’d and for aale
• gKI.T. a LIQQETT, WaUr rtfeat.
a. MASOti * W. nave just rac’d 100
CSUNDKIES—2 bbl«. Lard;
Oaff* Qt T.»
10 Lard lost rob’d on
B. niftnrcon » on.
ill il 1300 tracJgrUd P«eJi*«, h*lr»c - .
v'-'Vioft bi£tfowß««Llb*ml*br ‘
HtSO W&UOT *OJfIIPINKB. ass Übtrty A
MEAL—IO bbk Frah Ground Com
i M M | « | r , i.»> ■ . JAa-MgAcon^
GROUND NUTS—IOS saeka.oow landing
ttomtttjmn J—atft for tih hr I,iiw»iUU*OlV
PERM OANDLES —10 bis. Sperm Can
t itM*—<6*oU» lb.> <br»h'br WJL MeCUBQ.
ARD—2O ieg> No. 1 Lard, • ' '. :
i 6tgrtcliHn-1 Lsro.fcr«*]»by j.rnoTPaoa
HOPS— -0 baleaOnio in btore and for Bale,
br - W- ..81wawooB*.:
Pittsburgh Hedge Farm Nursery,
SITUATED on Wilkins Avenue, ag,
9 about oat ouartercfamflo from the .second 58^*
t&ptemWfKWfii HechanW Rwk P»Wk
BeadTiw of fßOth (tMti iM W®» <•>■»
three sad * quarter aOcefroniPUtabgrgh..
tneaut]frlantssuitahlefer transplanting this all and
ns*WraSw' now cetera soao SO acre* of Hronnd and
contains orcr2M,ooo tmsjshruto and and orrt
10,000 fruit trass, and 20,000 Erercraens and Shrub* are
of gnostic to remoTal to orchards and plamra grounds. _
plants earefully packed and amt according to dlreetwna
•“WBSJKS B 2& of ttjtom. ef*n£
berr and renders In the trad* to oar ujufruod _coQecticn
tothe Spring of iaM,embridng nearlyall tbs Erarcrwn
fkntliy, Indigenous and Exotic, that Is worthy of TOetal
cultlratioh in this section of country. Hant* eap oejro.
cured of many things unite large to giro bnmonlste e»eet.
Price* moderate as usoaL From strangers. eaah nr satis,
aetory reference in thedty of Pittsburgh looulred fct all
•Ordcra addressed to os through Wilkin Post Oflioe, near
Pittsburgh, Pa., or left at our stand on markst'days, m
lh» Diamond Market, will be promptly attended to.
Httsbonih **■-
nOUHB AND SUED BTORE—No. 129 Wood rtreet,
Pa-—K. R. SHANKLAND. (late Shand. Bt»
Ttuon AOo~) Maufieturer and Dealer Id Agricultural and
partial Itarmllmplement*. of all kin da, Wholesale end Ba*
».n- field, Garden and Plover Seeds, Ererneen, Fruit and
Shade Tree*: Guano, Poudrette, Coemfeal Balia, and all
other article* vitb Agriculture.
; Fruit Trees, Evergreens, &c.
f|lHKsubscriber would most respect* *s9u
I folly can tht attention of hl« frjradi
pattUs tohlj rcry Itrg* *tooJc of Fruit Tree*,
graen*. Shrubbery, lioete, areenbonjePlooU,
®ApjaTw* rtooK U l*rg* md fiM. Of Pe*r. we b*T,
•pm« fiMo[swf juid
•o his
.**,Bl rob
ApTOe. th»>
iSDtwOO P»» ~, vou
Onr £mi T*?a»,ni>mlto66*t,ofwtoleh vs hire many
thousandi, arsfin*. Person* wanting large Quantities win
bs Überallr dealt with. CaD and sm our stoek. TO a*
waMfiivetaUmction, Ordsralsft.atttoPlttsbuiyh P. Ot
firTK. Dslnu; liberty sfc, the Oakland Nomrj. 1* miles
on Prana. Arraus, or the Pittsburgh Nursery» Ilf miles
.from Oakland! vIU be promplr attended to.i
N. B.—Plantlaa dons neatly to order*
Bay Wood Flower*. .
> A RRANGEMENTB bays been made with
■J\ the proprietors of Bay Wood Floral Qardna fora eon
ftantettpplycfßoqu#tt*s*aDdeot flower* durtiig Winter
•ad Satan**. Ladies and gentlemen can tie famished at
ibait notice any of tb* following fmuh formtj
Pyramidal {» tttrUUSStm it* sarfcftflCß
Umtephtrigua* #la6di'p>i»e“
Ai Mileage.
Obqtuttt Bottttet,
Pieunpourlu /wonts.
■* 'S'sMraiaffia’sSs ■sx&s,
t»5l 1M Wood street.
Fruit trees and shrubbery, a.
The sntecriteroffere ft>r gain, a eholee assort-xSSP
and standards, some of a hearing tiv* Net Jersey
Penehee,PtumD*,Cherrie*. Apricots, Oocesberriea, Currant*,
Raspberries and other fruity Evergreens. Hyacinths, To-
Usa.aadCneoaKoota.fiir blooming tn winter and spring-
Implements for the Farm aad Garden, of most epprored
Booatniettoa, from tbs Heed and Implement Warehouse,
W ANTES—Good Business Paper to om’t^^
SITUATION WANTED.—Wo wish to pro
eon a situation for a Young Man In a Wholesale or
Retail Goods Btore. lie baa bad 6 rear* experience la the
Biuinaas and can give the bestreftrences.
felfi 8. CUTHBKKT A BON.General AgL. UP 3d at.
WANTED— A married man to work on a
Farm, to whom a house and garden will be fur
nished. Apply to tbs subscriber at hie mlderae. Plum
.Township. Allogbsny County* Pa. CALEB LEE.
Information Wanted.
iIVJB- JOHN TODD left Ireland for the
LiTl Doited State* in 1852. lie landed in Haw York,
nod started for Pittsburgh, Pk, wtthariew to emptorment
as adrll engineer, expeetingtomeet there one William
H l , an engineer. Any Information concerning aald
wIU be thankfully received. Address Sarah Elisa
cue of Bor. Baxter Dickinson, D. p m Boston. Haas.
the services of an active bnstncea man are offered for
iteroatin asafe bualnera. Enquire of ... .
• atfifttf TIIoS. WOOPB. 75, 4th at.
TION for a Young Man, as a Partner. In a small
maauactaring establishment. lie li able to make him
self useful io aor department, and baa a capital of Six or
Boren Hundred Dollars. He la a good plain book-keeper
J litHf io. tb. .bor*uuniton. rastw. on
In tb. dtr math U hut
pioneer Line of Australia Packets from
Hew York to Melbourne,
cungizana rue initeo states mail.
rTWH beautiful and favorite Clipper Barque
■ NIMROD, nineteenth ship ofthli line, wfflbe 3l»
mtebsdon her second voyage to Melbourne, on the 20th
last. rasseugir accomißoaatlous tmsnrpasssd. JUtee-
Safoon.«axCrimCabin.*l6o,becondGaMn. 9125. The
Nimrod will be foUowedoy the celebrated Clipper. Ship
Hew Leather Btore.
1 O. MOWBY, late of the firm of B. Bard,
; hp 4 nVr n hae Justrettnnsd from the East,and 1* now rr
CO'Fartnenhip.i ' :
fiEO. R. WHITE hiving associated with
It him* in the fener Retail Dry Oood* burin***, hi*
troths-JAM K 3 WlilflLaudhl* Oonfiteotlal Clerk. Mr.
JOHN F. LOY, The buxtsesahmafter will be ebndueted
ÜBtfot tba name of GKO. bTWHIXN A CO.
Aiitb th* intention of ths new firm to *O7* the puN
lie veil, eustomu* may rely on getting a good article and
it a price satisftetery. Part of their stock they Intend to*
iraoort, and to purchiw from first-hand*, so that every
thing In thatr line will be at the lowest cost. ToenabTs
them V> do so It wlUbs necessary for thorn psmas Indsbt
ed to Geo. R. White to parnromntly.
Plttsbergb, Feb. gth.lSs£-&»lmd
California Piaraftprf Tins.
itfcbed. price <5; withcnxt chain *4. Those Pins-are
ennal InGrilUancr and appearance to tha real Diamond,
and are mally worth a ririt to see. W# Invite every one
to »-h drtlltr to non-purchasers gratis.
1 L. AJ. JACOBS.4O7 Broadway.
N. B.- A small history of the Discovery ot these Stones
would not be azalea. Professor Jacobs, so veil known ibr
his superior manufacture of
Hiring Agents
there tent him a spsetmenot the Quarts Rock, which be
Immediately sent to his manufactory in Paris to be eat.
and u»d In tha Inlaid work on Aceorteona. his agent In
Paris being struck with the beauty and brilliancy of the
Stone, alter being polished, sent a Quantity of them back
to usThsnea tbs manufacture of the above Plus, at a price
of evsrr description, prices marked In the iJjndow. and at
jrt pur cent, leas than any other store in the United Btales.
L. A J. JACOBS, 407 Broadway. New York.
Tbeee Pins sent by malltoaay part of theUnltodßUte*
tjr enclosing amount, addressed L. *• J. JACOBS, 407
BroadwayTNe* York. _ T _
N. B.—A specimen can be men at ths Counting Bcom
of thieofflcc. • no2T-3md
Pioneer Line of Monthly Packet!,
The following Eblpshare Bafliri: _
Romm. L3QQ ton*. July & Ranker, 1,200 ton*. July
1863. . 1863.
£pemno*dajJ,4oo ton*,Aug Lady PrmJdin,Vto ten*. Aug
1862. 1853.
Oaan £aoU, 1,460 tons, Sept EJvarth 1.400 tons. Oct., '63.
1862. Octan Stead, 1.000 tons. Not.
Onseo, IJbO tons. Oct, 1862 1863.
A*MO,£iaotans. Dect, 1552 ChrtAaw, 800 tons. Deember,
SauSortt Um tons, Jan* IW.
ism Albert JVunfclui, Feb. 1864.
Aphross. L2OO ton*. March ATipAtagnic, l/MO ton*. May
ton*. Mart* Gerfnak, 1,000 ton*. July
J^! SBls£t!rSbtonJaS ttodwith fcamra’i Patent
Ymtßatarsand eatry FraoeiV Metalto UJw-Boata.
Thenewand magnificent Clipper Ship FLYING Bc&D,
LTUTon* Register, MN U. Bias*. Mutarywlllrueeeed the
‘•GertrodV* as Eighteenth Ship of this Ltt*. and will aall
fcr Melbourne, Australia,
On the 20th of Septcxnbor.
The FLYING SCUDUbullion the mosAapprovedmod
ern principle*and isconsldered to be a perttet model of
Msrfcs Afthlteelare. Thom who desire a quick run In
onaaf tba finest and fMtwt Clipper Bhl|»
secure passage without only a limited numbsrof
Ist and 2nd Cabin passengers will be taken.
Caruetinfirs, Oil Cloths and H&ttisgs.
& CO.,
DAVE now on bond, and to which they aro
H dally adding, a large and ehotoe anortment of the
fttwegooai?ftOßiws lowest to the highest grate, which
wlUbeeoldateastoniprice*. Also—Bugs,aUtsTwindoy
Bbrlfi Venltlan Blmd*.P(ano and table covers, BuflUol*
land, amenolldoth.and ail other good*ustuiUT kept la
irg houses. to which tbo attention of purchasers £• to;
Selfrueating and Eox Iron*
nraE Subscriber having parchasod tho ex
_l elusive rigbt of J. J.Jahnstcn’s Patent Boxend;J.
Johnston 1 * Patent BelPUeatlng fimootoing Iran*. 1* now
extensively engaged Inmanufheturing theaame. Inepa*
neetka with the above, he keeps emtstanlly onlmndat
Sis wartreoa. on Federal sL, oppodto Anchor Cotton
Forks, a large and good assortment of the ccramcn Tailor
and Sad Irons, to which he would respectfully Invito the
attention ofvnolMai* dealer* and thepnbllo lagewral.
oefidyd O. KINQBLAND. Allegheny ttty. Pa. .
.na ftotaimjJl
Plain and Ornamental Penmanship. JOHN DARBY,
Prtndpal ofUw Book-keeping Depsrtment, and Lecturer
on ail Important business transactions. JOHN DAM;
ING.faatnor of Fleming's new and Improved system 0!
Book-keeping.) will examine and
on ths tclenoe ofaccoouta. JAMES IL nOPKINS. mea*
her of the Pittsburgh liar. Lecturer onOommerdai Law.
Although but a short time estahlUhed. this InstUatlon
1* In a most prosperous and flourishing condition, now
numbering one hundred students, whleh exhibits a pop
ularity and tueessscarttaps never attained in so short a
tims Inr any other Omnmsrdal College. The Book-keeping/
teparuaenk under the able Supervision of Mr. Barry, I*
unequalledla thl* dty. Prof. IDilarß Bro/» system cfe
writing 1s entirely new. and In many respects nperlor tou
any other system, fisr the oonofwnUcm of whleh thsraur
peal to manypersons In Pittsburgh who have already
calved Instruction (Tom them. ProE MUiar has tauFht
penmanship in sll the principal dtles and towns In/thl*
oountry tor the last eleven year*, during which thns he
hsslnstractod upwards of fifteen thousand persons:.
Yeans w«w who dssire a thoroorii eommerdai edoca*
sd In ths Wwt, Let It be distinctly nndsrstodd .that
studsnt shall get a diploma ftam this Collegs/iantess be i*
fully spable ef entering «n the duties of mercantile lub.
Rrery satisfaction guaranteed./, . ~
Ooum npra from ft A. M; till 10 P.U. mshtrtrolfnU
at any time during the-year. . _
• gyNo extra charge tor Arithmetic. • i*3l _
• v * mlnUtratiqnofD. A. fahnegtork's Veanlfuff has
always been characterised with sawess. always proanang
'1 u the Mings amaritsdoaue tar the betty. Any '9B» who
trieslt can safklyeonfitelntv and tho most dsUeatotnJhnt
cannot be Injurwl by It* use. Adnlts. too, are; freqramtly
nfcjeet to worms In the rectum and small intortlnm. wha
nmAtwo'botGes of B. A.F» ns»*
took'*VermifuAwblehI pwchaoefl ftam youragent; It
bad the dtsfredef&et In bringing away a Urge number O
worms from my wtfr. I purchased another vial and gave
U to my child; It had the same etect, bringing away grean
numbers of wcmZithere&rereeußUßsnd it to the put*
w °K.iinHKB l q&?ge-
JslMAw oottMT Island Woods**. ■
thebestauaUtyofKldQlcvssfbr Ttcts.
lsdlm who Imre worn this maka thsrwUlneed noreecoa
mendattomthem wtohar* not wiU be pleased with them
ontriaL Call soon at 83 Marfcstsk. corner of DUmoud,.
“DOT ASH-10 casks this day rac'd and
Sew fork and Philadelphia Ad’VertiumenU.
FEOM CRANE , 00. «7 Sontb 3d it. Phll«Wpblfc
and 101 Na»n street. New York.
To Henron* Bnfferer*.
A RETIRED Clergyman restored to health
/A la % few days, after many yean of great nerroas suf*
firing, laanxlous to make known the means of cure, will
aeod (free) anywhere, the prescription used, on receiving
a letter (post paid.) Direct toßar. JOHN M. DAGNALL
67 Fnlton ah, Brooklyn, N. Y. _ feZKUc
Removal of Millinery Establishment
MRS. BURKE informs her friends and
patrons that she has removed her Millinery and
tfovffig Establishment from 172 tb 301 Chestnut eh,
two doors above Eleventh, south side, Philadelphia. These
arrangements are made for the more extensive carrying
on of all branches, and convenience of easterners, by ap
propriating the Store and Ware room to the Millinery, and
second story to Press .and Mantilla Making. Etot atten
tion to Wedding and Mourning ordora. r«l9-3mc
18th and Chestnut sta. Philadelphia,
V M ANUFACTORY of every description of
for Decoration of Building* consisting of Center Plee**,
louldlng* Enrichments to Cornice*. Capitols, Trusses. Ac.
modelled with ear* and ran*? to drawing.
All orderaftnm the country punctually attendrftoana
warranted to carry safely. ftl9-fimdc
(CAUTION.) " ”
Armitage’s Mousehole Anvils.
IT havinccome to the knowledge ofM. & R.
to imitate which Is felony _ AAWHAQI
fel*-2mo • gotA _•
THE subscriber continues to manufocturo
hia nnrivalLed Patent Fire and Burglar Proof Bafts,
warranted equal to «nr and superior to aoue, ca the many
which have (mb tested, m published and noticed hy the
press thronghont the world, for the last 16 years; and u
so'e proprietor of lliill’s Patent Powder Proof Loek, both
having received separate smlala at the Wood a Fair, l/jn
don, 1861, and New York, 1863-4: the patentee (by
muchaes) of Jones' eelebrated Patent Combination and
Permutation Bank Lock. (IOOOin gold was placed In the
Baft exhibited at the World'* Fair, London, secured by
Hall’s and Jones’ Lock, and offered as a reward to any one
. who would pick tho locks or open the safe within 46 day*,
'and although operated on br several skilled lo the art of
lock-picking, no ooe succeeded in opening the eaft (no
change or alterailoo of the lack* or keys having been
m«di> during the time,) hut the money remained tn Its
•aft depository, and was restored to the proprietor, and a
p,«rfUi awarded fur the champion saft of the world.
Cauttos—None genuine except those havlis the sub
scriber's name on the metal plate,
eczujere uaiu gILAB C. UBRIUNO,
Green Block, eorber Pine and Water sta. New York.
N. A—The above Safes and Locks can be had (adding
freight) at manuftetw eris priwtof his authorized agents,
oJI tne principal elties of the United States and Cana
Casn ana Hnart Credits!
Pbiladelp bis.
TERMS:— Caeh buyers will receive a die
eonntof hIX per not, if the mousytft paid In par
runds, within tan days from date of bllL
Uncarreni money only taken at Its market valoe on the
day It Is neeived.
To mcßsaots of undoubted standing, a credit of BIX
mouths will be given. If desired.
Where money la remitted In advance of maturity, a dis
count at the rate of TWELVE per eeut per annum will be
allowed. Prion for Goods Urafbn*.
In again calllngth* attention of the tradlngeommnolty
to the above terms, ws announce that notwithstanding
tbs general depression In commercial affairs thronghont
the country, the system of business adopted by ns more
than a year rioee, and to which we shall rigidly adhere,
enables ns to offer for the coming Spring season our usual
assortment of
Comprising one of the
to be found in America; to which we will receive constant
additions, throughout the season, of new and desirable
goods from our IIOUSEJJf PARIS ja!6-2mo
B. T. Babbitt’s Potash in Tin Cans-
OF 331-2,12,7 pounds each, assorted; 143
I be- In a ease, warranted equal to any In use at about
t&e same price as that In casks, with full directions for
nse. printed on eaehcan,.heingtn amoeh more portable
condition for retailing. Any person desirous to try It will
please remit 10 dollar* in a fitter to my risk, or through
somefrlend la this place, and I will forward one ease as
above, 143 lbs. Thl* article has been In use for the last
three year*, and glvce tire best of satlsftctlon to all who
haTtmetwtthlt. Also, super Carbonate Soda Soep Po w
dsr, Yeast Powder, Castile soap. Cream Tartar, Candles of
all kinds, and the best Saleratui In pound papers 60 In a
case, or other paekagee. B. T. BABBITT.
deOOmc Noe. 68 A TO Washington it, New York.
f Phrenological Cabinet.
Phrenologist* and Pub] libers, 231 Arch
street, below Seventh, Philadslphla, furniih
all works on Phrenology, Physiology, Water
Cure, Magnetism and Phonography, whole
sale and retail, at New York prices. Profts
slo&sl ex* mi nations, with charts, and ful
written descriptions of character, day and
evening. Cabinet free. my&lyc
rTVI.T F.T_—A small well-fimShed and fur
-1 Dished STORE, with Urge show window, next door
toTh* corner of 3d and Markst W*. glvni lm
mediately. f»-3 E. D. QAZZAM.
0-LKT.—The STORE on Market street
next door to the corner of 3d st. occupied by Mr. B.
i, an exeellsot and well-known stand for tbe clothing
O-LET,—Ono of tho lores STORES on 3d
st. just below the Ladles' Writing Boom of Duff’s
gr. Bent $350. fW3 K. D. OA2ZAM.
fpo LET — A good Brick Dwelling House on
I Wayne, nowoerupled hy Dr. Kjjser.
>lßetloues is convenient, biying-two parlors.dlnlsg room
%nd kltehen on first floe?, with good chambers, Urge yard,
low to a good teoant. k.ogulr«ofK. QEOKQE *<X>-, Lib
erty it. cr STEPHEN HAGUE,
Near Ist Ward School Houm.
ftTl-Std* AlUghsay City.
For Bent.
TIYWO fine and well-lighted ROOMS in ibe
1 large new building on ntth street adjoining the
Protested Methodist Church. Th* rooms are suitable for
aßookblndsr, Lithographer. (Sngraver, tie. The building
has been leased lor a term of jeers by th* publishers ot
, the Pittsburgh GaseUe,and tnerooms would salt well tor
persons Allowing a kindred pursuit. Enquire at
*ftlfcdlf TlUa OFFICE.
T) LET—A Three Story Brick Dwelling
situate un Water st. abov<> Grant. Pooeesrion given
ms insist of April. Enquire of . __
To Let,
DWELLING, with offlee attached, lo haeement, rit*
Quad on Liberty rt., between Pitt and Hay eta. Enquire
at L. WUmarth k Co.’» Ftourin* Mill.
FTtO LET—A Brick House on 6th st., with
1 a Ursa yanl. A Tararn Stand la Birmingham. A-2
«Gry noose, arith a Urge yard, on Oarpenterr alter. A
Hoom of 4 room*, hall, gamt, on oth soar Grant.
A Botua on Grant near the Public School Honan. A
to at., at the head of 6th. A
i OSeea In Splaln’a B nil dins o».
im on 4th at. Apply to.
TOTHBK&X A BON. 140. Sd at-
tor Lease.
a formerly known os the
it offered for lease on flmnble
bdnßiitasted ou the ooraerof Fourth ud Grant
*tfc, star th« Court Hour*, tod about mid war between the
Monongahela Wharf anil the Peons. Rail road Depot. It
la one of the meat pleasant, convenient and dedraole loca
tions In the dtp. The Hotel will be tarnished U desired,
and leased tbr stern of years, oommaodng from the first
of April next, .For further Inftmatton. appljr to
Ja2»lmdAwTQgra, No. 143 Foortb et, Pittsburgh.
For Bent.
r|IHAT splendid Now Hotel, known aa£Q
I “Bro»n’i Exchaner," rituated 12 ml la from theJEx
dtr of Pittsburgh, at (ha joectkm of tba Ureensbnrg Pike
and a Plank Road from Pittsburgh, containing 40 room*,
and built In the moat modern nrls. with an (no eonvan*
lanea efa Cret class Hotel, foebai lot and Smoke House,
Btabllngfbr 80 to 100 bonwa,anda fine Bara. The house
la at p aaent furnished With the beat of Furniture of mod*
era atria, wbkb will be aotd to tba leaaoa or rpnwrred aa
desired. A fineQaiden attached to the House, and from
tlrtr to arentf aeres 01 fine dear land, a greater portion
ofwhleb Is rich bottom, Irlfig along the banka or Turtle
Cnek. There la one or tbe OantralßaUrond Stations on
the Farm, within one hundred rards from the Hotel.—
Persona ean go anil entna from Pitta burgh twice a_ cay.—
Tba ileoanal* good euatom m aaammar resort forjms
inaa manaT e-iulss,- Tba watmmrj amngamguta Jtor a
Hotel are ala fbrsale, omnibus, HerawHsraas, Oowa
and Tarmlng utensil*. There are also a Store, Seminary
and Poet Own doa to the Hold. Tba Hotel and eppur
tenaneM will be load with or without the Farm and
The above Farm, together with other land adjacent,
eondftlng In all of 200 aeraa, will be aid entire or in any
•mailer number of aerue, to cult purchaser*. lor Country
Bead or tor gardening purposes. _
Peraona desiring tolaaalba Ilotal or Farm, or to pur
chaa the Furniture, Omnibus, llorws. da_ Ac-wiH ad
dras the undersigned. ALLEN BBOWN,
jalfrOmd Turtle Creek P. (L Allegheny Co- Pa.
[Dally Pnkm coor Smo and charge tlexotta.l
For Sale or Bent-
4 WELL finished Brick Dwelling, adjoin
ing WUUnsburs, ud Muto Ejlboid Btitkm.-
loue oooUlna 13 roomie ib4 the lot, on which there
iiMudin nod good itibllOßi front*Mfoet on tho Jarn*
vlh» *nd extend* 2M feet fa depth to » fifty £»t itreet.
Thli dretreble property win be eotd low mod on eery euy
t«rmj or wUI be rented perinufta. _
For Bent.
TIE Brick Dwelling, known heretofore aa
••Oar non*," in Diamond Uler. 5*V
mood and Wood at., at pretest oceupUd by Hr.Wm.GU
i>jfhjr- For terms, apply to
loti for Sals or leaf e.
finddoek. ftuitßitw* sod Brady its* sod Lon Pans*.
b> feu.ocirtS mn oiUouw ,n J I A JS?.,"”*
FOR RENT, situated in. Economy
_P: township, Baaret conatr, 1 mUeßu*-of Freedom;
SK) uni. ixooSr which Is rtmlMtM thsMtoMtolimj.
Unbar. The hapTormeou sr* s two story Stans Dwelling.
OrehsrdaDd BsnL TbeOWo sod
«»iit fhrta.. Apply to B. MsLilN A BON. -
FIR RENT—A good House on 2d et, bo
tnn Bmlthfisld sodGrsnt its. JUnt *2l per month.
Sf” THO& WQQnS.T6Fcartb«t»
170 K KENT—The 2d, 3d and 4th story
, «Sa
■ nOK RENT—A well lighted and famished
JLußsasßT , w^iattf^
To Editors and Printers.
1 STtHE Building occupied for more than ten
1_- yarn by the J>ttitu7p* ttaerffc. *nd which U esntrsV
lylbcetsd oa Third sUnsar Martat, ITnow FOB KENT,
fording a seed eppcrtimliytoKdltersor Printsrsof •*-
L mtii i ■ nit Irnirm rtiort fhrtholT Imiinfss
ffTtrUdhretlT opposite ths axtaaUra Pnnttagand Hsww
paperastahUihmsnti loßlngariy'i DUBetehßaUd!«&--
top tarns, spplr to ■ • E.^TOAEZiM^V
Ja33*f lisrtat at, between M and iih.
IJllowbH Houses sxtd Eton Booms: r
TOSiffasssss o '*.® 4 ”” ““*•
A Dwelling Honss on, shot* Giant
Alfatssofßrocki&s.onltfgust . ;
A Ilonas of 3 rams, on Be&brd it. •
A Dwelling {loum in Btxminghsm. •
A Inigo Tatera Stand in East Blmlarbsm. -
ALaroßtorsJtoomcnitha&'iisarWood. •
Tha* spacious Hall oo 4thetnow tawwn ss Cargo s CalL
jtt» v , Apply to fCcPTHBEKTSBOS.IiOMst.
ELEASEOR SELL-Thepropmy known
the Juniata Rolling Mm, sßaitedlnAUcgtePr
low tbs old Brian, si the juneUanofthwCscai
sod Allegheny mer. There an onths tobblmS largs
work shops, ess sf which is used ss so engtes house. u*
taehadtowhleh isaUssofshsfUagwttndrams, andea*
togas with sppanLtasfor btowlasth*
gams by ten. Ttsre l*2t
fsffsaffigiss: gjaearai^g.a!
BOARDING— A desirable oppqrtanjtyds
eftrad far securing Jtoyas - ***
burgh, .. .. . , •; •—• .]r°r .
GO-PARTNERSHIP. —I have this day as
sociated with me. In the Coal and Merchandising bu
siness In the borough of Trcnpermneevllle. Mr. Thomas
Coliioa The style aad title of the firm will hereafter be
iTGILYRAY A COLLINS, who are prepared to furnish Coal
at tbs mouth of Saw-Mill Bun, or by wagon to either of
the cities, as well as transient team* at either of our plat*
forme, upon reasonable terms. JOHN M'IULVKAyT
We have engaged the service* of John Smitley, who i*
thoroughly acquainted with the above business. Persons
ileallhKwtthmm on our gcconnt will be *atlsftetory to the
VIOTICE —The late firm of Wick A M’Cond
ll| teas haring been diiaolradby the dreth.ol John D.
wlcjl on the sth lush, the business of said fim
eetted brSsMdertiroed, at their offlro, comer Wood and
Water sta. - SnrtiTlßg Partner. •
r^O-PARTNERSHIP—Tho undersigned, ol
V/ the late firm of Wick A'M’Oandle»»kM tflfi JaT aa
smated with bbn WILLIAM MKAN3 and HARKISON A
COFFIN for tho purpose of eontloulug the WfaolemJe Gro
eery and Commlsaicn business, at the old stand, career o«
Wood and Water its, Pittsburgh, under the -Dire and
style of M’CANDLESS, MEANS A 00. ThflT Wffl3C?JOTr In
vite a eontlnuanee of the patronage eoiigjaMrj>BE*-ced
to tbe late firm. D. SPuANDLBrP.
Dissolution of Co-Partnersliip.
XHE 00-Partnerahip heretofore existing L
between the subscribers. In theGrooerybusinets.ln '
lame of John Watt A Co., has thl* day been dlmolved
by mutual consent.
Tbe bosißem of tbe late firm will &• settled byjohe
Wilson, at tbs old stand on Liberty street, and frsr that
purpose he Is hereby authorized to use the name of tho
firm. - JOHN WATT.
January Bth, 1856. JOHN WILSON.
Inrotiring from the business, I cheerfully remmmtnd
my late partner, John Wilson, to the patronage qf cur
former customer*. JOHN WATT.
TOHN WILSON, Grocer and Commission
CJ Merchant, N 0.266 Liberty street, Pittsborgb.
The suberrlber will continue the Wholesale Grocery, Pro- .
dneeand ComMistion business.-at the old atand of John
Watt A Vo, No. 206 Liberty street. JOHN WILSON. V
jaS> , ! •
ip O-PARTNERSHIP—We have this day
aaanrt start cureelres in the Carpet business, at - No.
112 Market sti. the partnership to date from the first day
cf January last, and the business to be conducted under
(Eenime and firm of W.MeCUntock* Brother*.
Pittsburgh, May Ist, 1864.—my13
Builnegs. ondsr the-firm of HAGAN A AHL, atrioe.
M»krt«. 4 BDelon«n.L. JLJ ; aAQANi
m h3tf DAKIKIi AHL.
VTOTICE—I have sold my interest in the
i w buslneg* of tang, MlUsr A Co. to S. JL-itemg, *“®>
with Joo. Phillip* wlu continue at the old* stand, {Io. M
Front st. I cordially recommend the now flraußnithe pat
ronagaof my friend*. I‘. U. UILUSIi. v
FltUburgh, July 29th, 1864. i
B. a. LOOT
O A. LONQ Bell and Br&as Foun*
(31 dsrs and Gas Fitter*, invite tttenlion to their stock
orChlandallere, Brackets, i Pendsot* and other fixture*.—
We fit up houses with steam 1 and ga*. make
of ail kinds to order, furniih Railroad pumps and tank fie
and keep anti-attrition metal constantly on baud.
NOTICE —The interest ot air. John At
wall,ln our busioesaceaaeefram thls’late, by agree
ment. Our business, aTWholreale Grocers, will be con
tmerf bj the frof
Nos. 18 and 20 Wood at, Pitteburgb.
No. 221-Market sti, Philadelphia. .
pj (taburgh. Dec. 19.1864.-de3l WM. BAQALEYAOO.
XTOTICE.—The late firm of JONES 4
i w QUIGG having been dissolved by the death of John
PTQuleg. on the 27th InsL, tbe basloess of mid firm will
be settled by tbe ondeislgned, at their office, corner of
ISAAC JONES, survlng partner
TSAAC JONES, Manufacturer of Spring
I and Blister Steel, Plough Slab Steel, Steel Plough
Wlnas. Coach and Ellptie Springe Brass Nut Tapers, Half
Pateut Screw «»n and Hammered Iron Axles.—Comer or
: Born and First streets, Pitteburgb.
min pi*r« S. EOOgkS.
DB. ROGERS 4 CO., Manufacturers ot
. BosK'.P.leDtlmproTrf SU.I
coniCT erSog M, Vint «n»u. PHttbmuh. felV ly
HOTICE. —In consequence of having sold
out VanueM t. th. duatet. Han too»nr. tt.
lerehlp heretofore existingunder the firm of P-SHOEN,
IEK 4 at Mill Creek Fnmace. and ateo the oartr
nenhlp existing under tbe firm of Kliifl A SHOENmR
QER, at Cambria Furnace, are both dissolved. The buslr
oesi will be settled op by the managers at tbe Furnaces,
and George 8. King, who are authorized to use the names
of U» wti. enm In Httilns .
ur»eh U ISaS. (wthSttfl P- BUQKNBKRGEH.
n. w. BKzenas xichxipm.
Tk W. HERSTINE & CO., Commission
19* aad Forwarding Merchants; and Dealers generally
tizProdnee. nttebnrgh, Clnritmati, and other Maoutac-
Front stmt. Pittsburgh.
The undersiznedhavine formcdaco-partner
•hlp, under the style of D. W. UERSTINB A
transaction of a General Agency, Ctommlsalop. Forwarding
audProducbusiness, at No*. 83 and 96, Front street, arepre
pared to give spedai attention to Cuing order*, receiving
and forwarding produce and merchandise, and to the ex
ertion of aU buxine** that
Bzrxa ro-rCUrke A Tbawi William Bxgxley A CO4 W.
MUullr 4C0.; V. Seller* A CO4 Hajrs ABl«lq Kramer.A;
Eaq4 i. BakewelLEewOeorge Ledlle, Eaq4 SkdOßioj&UxieT,
,,,, . : ..-ZOX. fUJONO. .
VTOTICE: Joseph Fleming having as&o ’
I V dated with him Joseph AbeL th* business oermfrar.
O-PARTNERPHIP.—Tho underaigued.
have this day entered Into copartnership, under the
nameud style ofJ. A. HUTCHISON AGO, forth* purpose
eftrertsacting a OommlMlon and Grocery
Pitteburgb. Fab. . *64—fee A. M. WALLINGFORD.
"10-PARTNERSHIP —Having associated
1 J B. 8. Ward with me In the Dreg btuuarSt the barf*
bm will be carried on bom this date, under uwgtjle of
8.8 SELLRUhACO. j . ' .
January 2d, 1864.
a • ffSIURS I, - - S. B.'VIIS.
J E. SELLERS & CO., Whojeaolo and
i. Ratal] Dealer* In Drags, Paints, Oils, Yartdslus.
No. 57 Wood street. '*4
J 5 desirable end very popmar FWDRISB UllliSrad
BAw MILL attached, are now for rent tow, u tho pneont
proprietor* Intend embarking In another trainees. These
UilU hare one of the beet water power* in the country.
hriTig supplied by the Little BeaTer river, and Bandy and
Beaver Canal. i Hi*t are 4>i miles from the Ohio river, or
ooHet Lock of the Canal, and the MtUburgh and Cleve
land railroads There la In contemplation (and has been
surreyed) and will be built, * railroad from Darlington to
the river, whlchLwW mate the communication to this Mill
B< location for selling goods,
has a good ran of custom, doing a good cash business, of
about *12,000 per annum. Anyone wishing to engage In
a mfr paying business, will do well to call soon on she pro
»3SSSM!SE t "
Spear's Mills, Columbiana Co., Ohio. -
Poetofßce address: Smith’s Perry, Bearer Co.. Penu’a, dr
Union line. PitUbnrbe.
DYB .ffI&EP ,A >
And all Diseases arising from a Disordered
liver or Stomach,
Pflfff. of flood to the Haul, Acidity of the
RtSmachTNaasea, Heartbarp, Disgust for Food, rolhieM
or Weight In tho Btamecb, boor Eructations, Sinking m
Fluttering »t the Pitof thaßtomoeh; Swimming of the
Ilwrriod ud Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the
UhtL or Soflbeatlrg Sensations when la • l ring
VUott. Dots or W«U before-tbe SkhC
Fever uiddaU Pain in the UtiA, DefleiMiey of Penplrv
tlon, YeUowngs of the Skin and Byes, r H n ?, n
B*ek, Chest Eftibs, Saddsnißashe* of Uaot, Barn
oglntheFlesh.Constantlmaginingsof Kril,andGreat
, * Pm,ion ° WTOTUAU.V'TOTtB *t r .
Dr. C. M. Jackson,
No. 120 Aroh Street, Philedelphis.
Their power ot«t tha above diseases is not
squaUed, by ut other preparation la tha United Statue,
aa the cores attest, in many cues after .skilful physicians
had filled.
These Bitters ars worthy tbs attention or Invalids.—
Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases of
the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most search',
In* powers in weakness and affections of. the digestive or*
aan&they ars, withal, safe. .-attain and pleasant '
J. D. Bnaso, InceyrUle, April 0,1864, says: **l can
get yea some good eertlflcstee fhr yonr demon Bitters in
this vicinity ifydtt wish them. A lady purchasing eoa»
of U this week, says that it Is by br the best medians ebe
ever knew, having done hor and her daughter much 1
CC &*h. hawses, Bernard’s Btore, Somerset Oo.Pa* Aa*.
16,1863, eayc -1 am maeh attached to ysnr German Bit* ‘
ters, having need two bottles of it, which I procured from
A Kuril, yonr agent at Somerset, and found great relief
(torn it in <hsease of the Liver. I find It has great offset
on my longs, strengthening and. invigorating them,
which, as I am a publlo speaker, is a great help to me.®
Pm Onn. Newton Hamilton, lB6l, sold.- **l
- used myself half a down bottleaofyoarGerman Bit- .
lets for liver complaint and diseases of a nervous charac
ter, rwulting nam tbs abuse of uercury. t was poisoned
end afflicted with neats from the use of the Jailer artP .
els. Tbs Osman Bittsrt laths first article from which!
obtained any nllel I have also given, the article tomeny
dyspeptics, with the most salutary mult-. I think ae
manymore bottles will cots ms,” .. . .1.,
% , saa^sse!ha^Basa^v
ams andGMUTeuese, for which fused many dl&rsnt
remedies without relict lat list used your Poofland s-j
German Bitters. I tookafcw bottles onordlnedojdirec
tions, end sS completely cured. I have net been, so
Mnltny for ten years eel nave been lines I look your Bit*
wre-wnlch is about one year ago." • •
A* Bitters ars atirdy vcgttabU, always strengthealsg
tbs system and never prostrating it. •• -i
-i Bolclbr dealers In medicine and storekeepers every
where, nhd by Plemlng A. Yabnertoeh-* Co,
Geo. 3. Keyser, 140 Wood stTPitttburgh; iL Pißchwarti,
by dealers to msoiclßs generally -■
§,LASS STAINERS, No. 155 Third street,
Pittsburgh. respectfully Invite the attenUoo of the ; :
in, and of Archlttstt. Builders and Gentlemen, or Tru*
shoot to build private rwidenoea or charcbee. tn their
specimens of BFAINXD GLASS, at their establishment;'**;
which Silver Medals w*ro awarded bj the Pennsylvania- “
State Fair 1n1863, and br the AUsgheny County Fair for ,
1864. They are prepare*! to execute Stained Glass of every,
style and designs,- «or ehurebes. private 'dwellings; l « ; -
steamboats,ftom tbrplslnest and cheapest-tothe.motfv.
ornamental sad costly: lnchtdlng: (he dcomitioa ofehurehas/- 1
with liffr Like figures, script nrS oadalleg^csisutoeeti,
aad every other description of pniimcEitmWintlowejaJjo,. <•
Ornamental Doors,TraoOTn*,Bltl» Lights. Bkyljgbtt, she.
Introducing Landscapes, Pruitt. Flowers, andsTOT Taris- 1
ty of scroll weriL RnameUcdOttasofaewand hondmms
patterns tlcnT prices, and Kntty Umps, and Umpr for ,
Hotels and Restaurants,
eon point to work atrodriweutai JSiJS''
*J®ii?fe2^S^tSSerw?ilbsfoSnd of espscialbeu-;
dlmssM o, s
nervonsnesa, they are ex* v
c^Meel&< 'two •hexea for J 5; Pertone* out of r
a remittance. WID hats the Bile sent '
SetssTuAKCß.B<x 108■ Baltimore etrset, BaUiuors:' 1
Mj^toirtma«dMsftomallparttof tbe.Uoioamtuith..
by FLlillNG Jfa CO 7
WoOdfL •• • . •••• •- • . 06.H-<U'SWri«r , ■■
IHE —luO bbis, fresii iLoaisvilteXiiuc io
PICKKT*,ca ■ ,
|f|A LBS. BULK PORK for t^o
'I b, , - 3. Ik CAMfItU).
iKGB. LARD ibr naie liy.
' fen - j. il u.t?jyiKLi>
A ej bxi. Roll Butter I'or.alff
1 Mr J*CMI»• ;.