The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 17, 1855, Image 2

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r Pdatlnjf EstaWlrbrnentctaba Datiu GeietU, are opened
ro«Bobdiy^' AMOmtUvl&destretbelr notice# to appear
a the paper on il«id*yyßcftilag*vrll] pleaee band them in
«for«Sdeioek* : eaSat&nlar>. \
WPlttibßTl* 1 Weehlr 6>Mtte.VTb< »it«MlT f
o isolation tfeof men
*looetdedi!wbtoffl«dißm or makln* their tmalnemknowo
t nc la tetirera rosr and fire tbonnn<3, naebla s
• looit manß&cturer and (hop-keeper la
lraida, and Uaalera Ohio.
Advance Payment*.—Hereafter no ffub
*, Option ■wIH b# taken fof tie Dally or Weakly Gazette.
> ; 'wnla» payment i» made In advance. .\7L«miBT« the
hw. t. itp to-which the cnhaßiptlon la paid, the paper
will be Invariably stopped,' tmlcet tbe mbsrriptlon la re*
oewedbr advance payment. An Iran dent adTertWne,
ef every description* will be. required to be paid la ad
- so- The only exceptions will be where (pedal month
y or.eartycontractearemade,.. eepl:ddw-
Ou* REPBMRKTATiTM.-rEyer? one of oar
ire; Assemblymen, it •will be sees, voted for
SijioxCaxirok. With; three of . these men we
have nothing''to do, as we ted no hand in their
election.: They were the Chosen of a secret con
clave, and it is to be that they bays
. followed the legitimate leadofthelr party. Bat
with the remaining two, Messrs. Mesa andGirr,
we most claim the. privilege of a few words.—
They were bronght forward, in the first instance,
as the .nominees of the Whig party; and the)
were afterwards chosen as the candidates of the
party/ on the basis of Antf-Slavery
resolutions adopted by the Conventions which
nominated them. - In accepting these nominar
tions Messrs. Mdse and Got tacitly indorsed
those resolutions; and that their constituents may
see what sentiments were contained in the plat
form which these men assumed to represent, we
giro the principal resolutions, as follows;
Resolved, That we will maintain tpp) defend
the true purposes of our national compact We
will have no more compromises with Slavery.—
We will recognise no law that aids and sustains
Slavery. We will resist the introduction of Slav
ery into Nebraska or any territory now free, and
we will now and always resist the admission of
81ave States Into the Union.
'Bekloed, That for the future the South must
take care of itself—take care of its peculiar pro
perty, supply its own bloodhounds and doughfa
ces; freemen of the North design to, and will,
crush out and exterminate the breeds.
Ruolced, That in view of the dangers of the
crisis—a crisis overriding all former party dis
tinctions—we hereby pledge ourselves os soldiers
* in the camp of freedom—we inscribe Free men,.
Free Labor and Free Lands npon our banner,
and enlist for the whole war.
There is not a sentiment or principle in these
resolutions that has not been violated by Messrs.
3fcßE'andGtnr__in'voting for Simon Cameron.
Hfe is a pro-slavery man, a friend of the Nebras
ka bill, and in favor of the extension of slavery*
each, at least, is the tenor of his whole previous
life. He is a doughface and a friend of the
South, and stands in bo direct opposition to the
principles and pledges on which these two of oar
representatives were brought before the people.
We arraign them before” the people of Alle
gheny County as false to their plighted faith and
the well-known public sentiment of their con
stituents; and should either of. them come np
again as a candidate we shall feel it to be a sa
cred duty to oppose him with all the influence we
can properly use.
Sioks or the Times.—a meeting. .was lately
held in Chautauque county,New York, of all who
are opposed to Enow Nothingiam, in which Lt-
Governor Pattkesox toq£ a very active part—
A committee of winch hewas oh<freported a series
of resolutions denouncing the new secret or
ganization, and among the rest was this one:
Resolved, That honesty of purpose needs no
concealment That we have fall confidence that
the honesty, intelligence and virtue of the mas
ses of the American people will regard the se
cret workings of a political craft as evidence of
evil and corrupt design?- and relying on theeage
maxim that “eternal vigilance is the price of
liberty ” we will unite with such os would per
petuate the American Union and its Liberties,
in placing and sustaining in posts of honor and
trust those, and those _ouly, who are opposed to
secret political organizations, and stand openly
and boldly before the people on the common
ground of free discussion. *'
This meeting was composed of old line Whigs,
Democrats. and Free Boilers, and indicates an
approaching fusion of those elements. The
Albany-correspondent of the AT. T, Courier $ En
quirer, in this connection, says: *
“It is of more note than anything that has hap
pened in the Legislature, to notice the extraor
dinary article whieh is found in a very recent num
ber of that paper in Utica which is supposed to
be the exponent of the views of Gov. Seymour—
the article in question being probably written by
Ward Hnnt, Esq., a very prominent political
leader-- It is abold attack on tile vacillation or the
President, which permits the sacrifice of a friend
to the howl of a faction, for thus lightly doeathis
press consider our friends, the Honkers; and it
warns all the Democracy—that New York is
about to pat on tbe anti-slavery uniform. If
this were a Whig article, it might seem as a wish
rather than'an opinion! I heard, within a few
hoars, a prominent Democratic leader say that
“if Seward had been defeated, there would have
bees a revolution.”
. I mention thesejmly as incid«nta*of the times,
and as pointing to .the probabilities of a proxi
mate onion of the Free Soil Democrats and the
anti-Slavery Whigs. Nor does this belief lose
strength when one sees a man so eminent and so
distinguished as Lt. Governor Patterson lead the
preparations tor fusing, as it 6eems by the notice
of recent proceedings in Chautauqua County he
has' done. Fuse is a good and expressive word;
it is the thing that leads to combustible, and if
any one sees a pacific sea ahead in political navi
gation, he mistakes. -We are in for a storm and
the.compass is set by the North Star—and to
Key West.” •
We hail these.indications with pleasure. As
against the secret order which has to be met in
the field, the old organizations are separately
powerless.;. They most be content to forego the
old routine, temporarily, If not permanently. A
onion of the elements that have hitherto been
kept apart is essential to the future success;
of those who wiabjto defeat: secrecy in politics.
Looking at things in this light, we are not sorry
to note the defeat of the gentleman recently pat
-forward In Philadelphia as a distinctive demo
cratic candidate.. There is a. decided anti-Know
Nothing majority” in Philadelphia county; but
it cannot be rallied of tho old party
* If a new war - cry brings together men
who were formerly at emnity, a decent regard to
the feelings (not to say prejudices) of both dic
tates an abandonment of the tests which were tho
cause of their separation, and an adoption of a
new platform which they can occupy in common.
The late result in Philadelphia is abundantly
suggestive of this truth; and we commend the
Chautauqua resolution, which we 'have quoted,
to aD who agree with us, as pointing the way
clearly in the right direction.
IteKosßTtUTiosa against Know Nofmxoisw.
—The Know Nothings of Warren county, '■New
York, having burnt Mri Wells, member of the 1
Legislature, in effigy, for voting for Seward, the
people held a public meeting, and passed tho fol
lowing resolutions: -•- *
Resolved, That the organization of any political
party, holding 01l lts deliberations in secret, and
"“in depositing their votes for officers of State or
National Government os dictated by some remote
or central power, and being thus compelled to
Tota under pains and penalties, is yielding to the
veriest despotism, and is entirely anti-American,
- in the fullest sense of the word, and is highly
... dangerous to.dvU and religious liberty..
Resolved, That the const ruction recently given
by the “Know Nothings,” so called, that the oath
or obligation taken bytheir members is superior
to, and-of more binding force, than the oath of a
pnbDo officer, taken when entering upon the du
ties of his office, is of most dangerous tendency,
and should be indignantly repudiated by all good
citizens. ...\ ?/-•
The Ogdensburg Sentinel contains a call for a
“fusion” meeting Of the citizens of Bt. Lawrence
cormty, New York, without distinction of party,
who are opposed to resigning the interests of
toe public Into *h» Wds bf on “irresponsible se
cret organization.” • *
Bnios Cawisoh has not the sopport of a single
. paper In Pittsburgh, And yet aD
tives from this county go for him 1 Speaklngpn
* this sutyeet the Daily Post says:
“Tfe had thought there would be Very few men
ia toe Pennsylvania Legislature who would dare
to so outrage the public conscience by voting for a nan
who hoi been' repudiated byevery political organisa
tion, and whose venality is a household word where
ever he is known. It any doubts were heretofore
entertained in. tide respect, they must havo been
dispelled by the events transpiring at Harris*
hoik sinca toe"mwtihg of. too. legMatore.” -
Philadelphia FixAXCxa.-=The Philadelphians
Brt'UOt troubled alone about the finances- of
Pittsburgh. Their own cause them no tittle
anxiety. A writer in the Ledgeri states^thatthe.
city has lent her credit'to different Ea tiro ad com
panies to the amount of $8,275,000. Of this,
$5,000,000 is in the Central Railroad, worth,' at
the present prices of stocks, 88 cents on the
dollars ■ The remainder, $3,276,000, the writer
asserts, has no marketable value whatever. He
lUARY 17^1855.
“The Soobury and Erie, Hempfield, North
Pennsylvania and North-western Railways, It is
tbo generally received opinion amoogintelHgent
persona with whom I have conversed, will not
pay, and that the City will have to meet the in
terest on the loans subscribed to these Toads by
increased taxation.”
Commenting oh tho above, the financial editor
of the Ledger says:
“The great matter to be complained of, and
-that which needs correction, is Urn right of Coun
cils to mortgage the property of the city at
pleasure for speculative enterprises hundreds of
miles away. . While that is conceded, the debt
of the city will steadily increase. The taxes
' now paid by Philadelphia property-holders are
eqn&l to a moderate- reut, and at the rate at
which we have .been going on, owners will soon
occupy positions tittle better than tenants to the
Commonwealth. That tho present debt of the
, city will lesson we have little hope—that it has
partially slopped is owing more to a want of
credit than to any disposition. to eounomize or
any determination to shan farther liabilities.—
- Within tittle more than a year city credit has
sunk 18 to 20 per cent. This is tho effect of a
, cause very apparent, and tike causes produce
like effects.”
x We ere glad this subject is agitated, both in
Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. It is high time
I for tax payers in both cities to look at tbe con
r dition of their financial affairs with a resolute
determination to understand, and to provide
remedies for difficulties looming up In the future.
As the first step m the path of reform, there
should be an unflinching determination to make
■ no more debts—to incur no more liabilities for
„ any purpose whatever. Without this all other
i measures will prove abortive.
What Others Thisk.— The Buffalo Commer
cial Advertiser, speaking of the Senatorial elec
tion in this State, says:
'‘The general’s election is certain, if he .can
rely upon theso fifty-eight men; for he ean buy
eight or ten more, at a moderate price P*
What has brought the Legislature of this State
to so low a condition that it is subjected to the
sneers and taunts of the whole country, and is
everywhere considered to be composed of pur
chasable materials? We do not hear such insin
uations thrown out about any other Legislature
of the Union; and no such insinuations are made
abont any other candidate for the honorable post
of United States Senator.- If Gen. Cameron is
elected, it will be considered by tbe whole coun
try that he purchased tho office from men who
have set themselves in the market for a price!
Pennsylvania fallen so low that her people
can bear to rest under each withering disgraco ?
Help rottTUK Pooa! —We are informed that
the Howard Association, which established the
Seventh street Soap House, is nearly out of mo
ney and that unless prompt aid is rendered the
practical benevolence of supplying the poor with
food must slop. It costs $4O per day to defray
the expenses. ; There are 370 tickets oat, 3CO of
thorn to families. ‘Every one of these families
are known to the Committee, their number, their
occupation, their resources and necessities.—
Great care is used in distributing food, and it is
believed that every one of the recipients would
bo destitate of food, but for this supply. Tho
Committee are anxious to keep the Soap House
open for a‘week or ten days longer, by which
time it is hoped tho rivers will be open, and em
ployment more easily obtained. This appeal to
the benevolent we trust will not be in vain. Dti
nations can bo handed to either of the Commit
tee. Messrs. Wilmarth, Noble and Chester.
Gret Ssow. —A letter to a gentleman of this
city, Grom East Hickory, Venango county, states
that on the 7th inst, about a foot of enow fell
in that region, on about six inches which had
fallen previously. Alter the storm was over,
tho people were surprised to find the enow was
a grey color, near the tint of Buckwheat floor,
and, in depressed places, the color of wood ashes.
This appearance extended all through that re
gion for miles .in extent, in both cleared and
wood lands. Can any of .oar savans account
for it?
gjgj"* Th* New York Courier and-Enquirer,
Which h&s strongly supported Know Nothing
principles with regard to Foreign Emigration,
speaking of the oaths roreaied in the New \ ork
Legislature, says:
“Will some of our readers farnish us with the*
teer deaths allndcd la? If they be ns represent
ed, no honest man will continue in turret conclave
with the Order.”
Cccrapcuufonee of UjeDiily Pittsburgh (laxatt#
Washington, Feb. 14, 1850.
Vetoes on Vetoes head accumulate—The Spoliation
Bill—The Lieutenant Generalship—The Texan
claims—The Florida claims—The Seven steamers
—More Mexican Territory :
The session draws to its close but increases in
interest. Thick ooming reports of vetoes sur
round r» on every Bide. The President’s action
on the French Spoliation Bill is yet undecided.—
Many believe he is writing too veto message,
others suppose he wDI sign, and a third class o f
speculators imagine that he will allow tho bUI to
become a law, by permitting the ten days to
pass-within which his signature or veto upon the
bill is required, unless he acquiesces in without
confirming toe action of Congress. I think the
chances are stHl somqwhat in favor of a veto.
The most interesting, on dit, however, is that
Gen. Fierce is actually deliberating whether
to sign tho resolution intended •to create
Gen. Scott Lieutenant General in the army. The
scope and effect of that bill is more extensive
than was at first supposed by many who voted
tor it Gen. ScoU, by appointment under it,
would probably be construed as entitled to all
the emoluments and advantages of the rank
from the timo of his starting on the femous ex
pedition which resulted ia so many brilliant
achievements. This was latoin 184 G, moro than
eight years ago. Now toe effect of the resolu-/
tion is to revive the act of 1798 under which
Gen. Washington was appointed to the same
rank in the army; and by which a new
was created with a salary proportioned to its
rank over aQ other officers of the army. Under
this construction Gen. ScoU would be entitled
to receive from six to ten thousand dollars tor
eight years, a very considerable sum of money.
Now too question is whether this was the inten
tion of Congress. . It Is sail.that the President
fMnVn not, and that he is contemplating too ex
pediency of referring it back to Congress, tor its
authorized interpretation; and upon tho other
ground of hasty legislation.
My own opinion is that many members koew
that the resolution would have, and doslred that
it should have, precisely this effect ; but the ma
jority probably knew andjeared nothiog about
it On full reflection, I toink, the President
would be justified in vetoing the resolution, and
In that event I ahould hopi that Congress would
promptly pass a till conferring upon Gen. Scott
$50,000, a sum of money which it is understood
■he needs to make him independent of the world.
And certainly no man has; ever bet tor earned a
competency than this great, soldier, and, good
man.' - , . '
There is, too, some expectation of a veto upon
the Texan creditor bill, should it pass, as-now
seems likely, in the shape as first proposed, giv
ing to the sharks $8,500,000. The Senate has
adhered to the latter view, and the. House will
probably yield. When the robbery proposed is for
the benefit of Southern operators the Senate al
ways insists, and the House always obeys.
lam happy to state that the new project of
tfrgt worthy economist, Ur. Dobbin, for building
seven steam sloop# of war,has been sent to the
sepulchre of the Capulets. It did not touch bot
tom nor sides iugoiogthrougb. Even the Sec
retary's attorney, Mr. Bocock, the chairman of
the nartil committoe. hardly ventured to approve
ofit, though he stoodsponsor fbrthTbiU.
. : The Florida claims, as certain antiquatodgire
~ tensions to interest as doe ou the awards, under
the old Spanish treaty ofl819; on called, wore
alropnttodeatoby Uter nearly
the wbote day had been consumed in debating
them. It is only candid and-just to eay thhtthe
most effective oppprition to them earns ftomtCol.
Orr, of B. C-t Jones, of Tenn./and the Southern
men generally,.althoughall the advoc&cy-of. the
claims also came from that side of-the House.'
' There is now but tittle doubt .that
trigue 8 are going on for the parehase of land
enough of Mexico to make two more Slave States.
Tho price is various!/estimated at from twenty
to forty millions of dollars. Tbe scheme is much
farther advanced than I apprehended. Santa
Anna has run out of money, and has not sup
pressed the civil war m the west The sinews
of Civil strife can only ho raised in the United
States, and the dismemberment of his country
seems the only alternative to his own downfall
and banishment.
What perhaps is more surprising than any
thing else, is the cool hardihood with which oar
goTernmeot is -preparing to appeal to the coun
try for moro money to be expended in extending
the areo and power or slavery. Uis the shame .
and humiliation of the North that her masters
do not now affect to treat her as anything clso
than the ass used to the burthen, and the ox
broken to the yoke. The executive government
from the President to the tail end, is a unit on
this' point, and thero is scarcely a doubt but that
; within two months after the treaty
will arrive by which our Southern line will be ex
tended to the twenty-ninth parallel, 00,000
moro square miles of Mexican territory will be
taken in, and an indefinite sum will be taken out
of the Treasury
! Worm Specific.—Tho follow-
Inc.' from a easterner, shows the domand which this crest
medicine hart-rooted wherever it has been Introdooed :
BLosancaa, Tioga Co. IV March 30,1850.
Gtnll<mtn —In cobsequenca of the ffrrat eonnauption of
roar “Worm Specific” in this place and vidolty, weliave
entirely oxhansted our stock. Ws should feel obliged hr
yoar forwarding, via Corning, N. Y., 20 doieo. with jour
bill, oa the reception of which we will remit jou the
from the wonderful effects of said specific In this neigh*
'torhood, there oould be sold annually a large quantity, If
to be bad, (wholesale and retail) from some local agent.—
If you would ecapentate a person for trouble and expense
of Tsndlug, I think 1 oould make it to jour adrantago to
do so. Yours, respectfully, WM. il MALLORT.
Mtsrn. J.KmndCo. Per Wm. K. Porto.
Purchasen wm bo careful to ask tor utt. U’LANITS
CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, and tako none else. There
are other Pills, purpcrtlng to be Llrer PUls, now befbre
the public; also, hts Celebrated Vermifuge, can now be had
at all respectable Drug Stores in the United States; also,
for sale bj the sole proprietors, fLEUINO BROTUKRB,
fel7dJhs:S Soecessors to J.Ktdd A Co- 60 Wood at.
The Greatest Medical Di«covery
Mr. Kennedy, of Koxbury, has discovered
In one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cure
crerytind rtf' Humor, /rum the writ hcrqftda to a common
He has tried it in orer eleven hundred eases, and never
Sailed except In two cases (both tbooder humor.) Qe has
now In hie possession over two hundred certificates of Its
▼aloe, all within twenty miles ef Boston.
Two bottles are warranted to core a nursing soremouth
One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of plmphai
of tha face.
Two to three bottles will clear the system of biles.
Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker In
the mouth and stomaeh.
Three to five lettlea aro warranted to cure the worst
ease of erysipelas.
One to two bottles are warranted to cure all humor in
the eyas.
Two bottles are warranted to euro running of the ears
and bio tehee among the hair.
Four to six bottles aro warranted to cure corrupt and
running uleeru
One bottle will cure scaly eruption of the skin.
Two-to three bottles in warranted to ear* they worst
case of ringworm.
Two to three bcttles are warranted to ears the most des
pent* eases of rheumatism.
Three, to foot bottles are warranted to eure salt rheum
Fire to eight bottles will eon the worst case of scrofula
A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle,
and a perfect cure Is warranted when the above quantity
Is taken.
Nothing looks so Improbable to those who have in vain
tried all the wonderful maiidnss of the day, as that a
common weed growing in the pasture*, and along old
stone walls, tho old care every humor In tb« system; yet
It is now e fixed fact. If you baveahomorlt has to start
There are no lft nor ends, hams or ha*# aboat it suiting
some cases and not yours. I peddled over a bot
tles of Ilia the vidnity of Boston. 1 know Its effects in
eTery rase. It has already done some of tho greatest cures
ever dona in Massachusetts. I gave it to children a year
old; to old people of sixty. I hare seen poor, puny, wormy
looking children, whose flash was toft and flabby, restored
to a perfect state of health by one bottle.
To those who are snhieet to a sick headache, ona bottle
will always cure It. It gives great roliel to catarrh and
dfrrineax. Soma who hare been costive frr years, have ta*
ken aod been regulated by U. Where the body Is sound
it work quite easy, but where there is any derangement
of the fooeUsw* of nature, It will cause very lingular fae)
logs, bat yon most not be alarmed—they always tlltap
pear In from (bur date to a week. There U never a bad re*
salt from It. On the contrary, whan that feeling U gone
you will feetyoumdf like anew person. I board same of
tb« most extravagant etwoolams of it that man ever U*
tsnsdto. No change of diet Is ever necessary eat the bewt
yon can get.* 1 hare likewise an herb, which, when elm.
m#*ed In sweat oil, dissolve* Scrofulaas swelling of the
neck and under the ears. Price SO cents.
DIRECTIONS for USE—Adult, one table-spoonful per
day. Children over eight year*, denary spoonful; children
from five to eight years, taa-spooofuL As no'direction can
be mads applicable to a!) constitutions, taka enough to
operate on tha bowels twice a day.
Mr. KENNEDY gives personal at lends era in had cases
of KTofnla.
gold, vhnloaU nnd retail, at Dr. KWYSKR*S, 140 Wond
corner of Virgin alter. ttbdkw't
A Special Bulletin for the Sick.—Dr.
Marts’t Amporotta^CbrdKi/relieves with wonderful npid*
Ur every dleonler loddrat to the digestive apparatus r»
•tons the appetite renew# the ftrengtb: harden* the nme
clee. brace* the nervee, gim elaatldty to the epirlta, re*
' CTnlt* themeoUi energies, InnUhra despondency.lmport*
to the attenuated tram* a more robust appearance; allay*
Irritation. calm* the disturbed imagination, build* op the
■haltered confutation: and may he taken without fear
by the feeblest maiden, wife or mother, a* U i« composed
solely of the juice* of rare Oriental berbe, potent only to
lUTtgorsxa, exhilarate and restore.
If the *y*trm hae become relaxed by Improperlndnlcra
cm. the Cordial will In/aaeamore vigorous vitality *ota *t
try organ. The laasltsdc reealtlng ftnm Ute hoar* or too
done application to labor of any kind, le quickly removed
by It* action, and ladlee engaged In eedentary ooeapation*.
and to inconvenience therefrom, will find It a safe
and healthy etimoUat. Where the rirenlatibn of the blood
1* ilngglah, oranyof thefanrtloneof the body are raepend
ed or Imperfectly performed. ItwUl rrwtore tho natural ac
tion aad communicate permanent energv to the eeeretive
•od dUttibatlf e organs.
Tboie who are bowed down by phytkal debility, and wo
feeble m to dcepalr of ever recovering the vigor and mien
of menHftfhi, irt Invited to give thlr won d*rful tnvlgorant
atrial. ItembodlM the elemanta’of thetr mtaratlon.—
Before they have «"*«""*< the find bottle, they wIU be
eocaeiona that the reeuperatire priodple bkt work in ev
ery debilitated portion of their (nmw, and hope, soon to
he realised in their thorough recovery, will spring up In
their heart*.
The Cordial lr put op, highly concentrated. In pint bot
tka. Price (3 per botle, two lor IS, tlx for SIS.
C. H. RING, Proprietor.
Ho. 192 Broadway, New York.
A «zn.—Pittsburgh: FUKOro Baoa, No. CD Wood atreet;
Qso.ll. Exists, HO Wood at: JL Jb Snuss, 67 Wood it.-
Allegheny City: J.P.Ftnuso.
Bold by Druggist* throughout the United State*, Cana
da. and the Weft Indie*.
T.ifa, Fire ft Marine Ininranee Company;
RORT. OAL WAT, Praidenl. JuooD. McOiu, Bma'j.
This Company mokes every Insurance ap*
pert&inlag to or eoimaetad with LIFE BISKS.
AUo.mlnit llollnnd Garffo KUki,on tha Ohio ud
MhalirtpjrlriTßriandtribuUMaa, and Marina JUiki can
•nllf. _ t
And against Loss or Damage by Fire,
And Pit tha parili of tha San and Inland NarissUon
lowwtrataa eonalita&t with nfetr
to all partial.
' Al«x*od«r undlojt
John FoUarton,
Btfitul lloClorkso*
Judm W. ilalimm,
Ch&jL Arbolbnot,
D*Tid BIdWT. . .
llontio N. Lee, KitUnnlnf,
Robert Galw*y,
Jiictlß. Uoca,
Jobs Beott,
Joseph P. dimoit M. D„
John MeAlptn,
JMM M*nulir
mx2Mjlb IPoetecpy
Clttaen'i Insurance Comp? oi Titttburga
WM. nAOALEY, President.
aar In «re* against Lett or Damage by Ftr*. ALSO
against Me perils ijf the SEA end fIQATIOfi
ffm. Benley, Rlrhird Floyd,
SemaellU*/ SL M. RW.
Robert DonUp, Jr. Wn. Blnnhim,
8. Utrbeugb, John S. lnlvarth,
Fiue M. Pennoek, Fraud* Seller*, r
Welter Bryent, J. Sehooamakar,
Ju. M. Cooper, ( ffm, B. Hey*.
T.k« OkllrfAM >1
fire and Life Insurance Company,
Will make'ol! kinds of Insar&nce. either
Perpetaa or limited, on erery description of Property or
Mercfiindi**, *t mecraabl* rate* of premium.
11. W. laiiPmldeDL
K. IL Cop*.
Goo. W. Brown,
Jot. 8. Ptul,
John Clifton,
Cb*». P.H*T**.
K. D. English,
P. B. B*T#ry,
O. Sherman.
8. J. JlagargM, _
T. Bucoraure, B*mi
~j, a. coffin, Anat,
Third lad Wood ttrMtl.
Reliance Mutual Insurance Company,
Capital *l77,l6o—Audi, SZI2J2S, IStcurdy Invested.
EIRE INSURANCE—On Buildings, Lira*
lted or Perpetual, Uerehasdto, Pomltur*, Ac., la trwa
or country.
Ttumaiaelfriaripto, eamUoed with the aeearltr of a
BtoekC*AlUl,%UU«nhelMAmi4ti>«bArelo tfc* profit*
o \»£*2?sP.*sr».ff lU, <* u t llibilUy Par loaea ■
TlwsSeript Certificate* of thl* company. for profits, w»
eonmtlhle, atjw.lnto the Capital Stock ofMnaOoap'y.
cLgkauNaueYrpre*id«t. .
B. M. uctcmitv, gaereUry. '
a«a Untley, . o.M. Stnmd.
♦ Uwi*B.A*bhttnt,
; svflsga-.: aswrisa
Robert Steea,- ■ tTuthrop.
mi ;
. Jum. I. Tutor, ' I mntd Ouu,
Jm* I. BraUw. I x,..™.
■ i:c 'raiwliSsuSWoo
Carefully prepared from none but frerb and
healthy Llven£ under ,th« personal supervision of their
agent at th* Fisheries.
J. C. 1L k CO. taka great pleasure in offering their lirand
of Oil, which, on account of its suoerior mode of prepara
tion, freshness and parity, can betaken without disrelish
by the moat delicate.
Uisooneertsaryte advert to tho pecaliar efficacy of
this very valuable anil scientific remedy. Its success in
the cure of Chronlo Rheumatism, Scrofni*. and Lung Dl*
eases, when skillfully applied and persevered in, is no
longer a matter of conjecture; 1 1 is now acknowledged to
possass healing virtues almost Incomparable to any other
spedfle. Bold la bottles, whole*ale and retail, by the man-
Ufactnrers, JOHN C. BAKER A CO-
No. 100 North Third et- Philadelphia,
And by Druggists in Pittsburgh and elsewhere.
If you don’t want to bo Straight don’t
wxaa m* Snoouxa Baacx.—For more than two years we
have worn Dr. Keyset's “Washington Suspender Brace/*
and feel it a pleasant dutr again to recommend its use
to all of sedentary occupations. Combining tha advau,
vantage of a Shoulder Brace with' those of apalr of Bos-
Kndent, it i* light and comfortable, and effectually eoun
raets tha disposition to baeoma sloop-shouldered. Those
of ournadsra who are in nsodof snob an article, should
call on Dr. Keyser, on Wood street, corner of Virgin alley,
andet amine tots Brace, which has recently been much Im
proved.—Pittsburgh iHjpatck, IMormbcr Ma.
Bold wholesale and retail at Dr. KEYSKR*S Truss and
Bbou!der Brace Depot, 110 Wood street. Sign of tho Uold
en Mortar. )a3-dAw
fOBg floonq,. l. wilcox, jr..
wholesale drugotsts,
Proprietors of Dr. M’Lane’e Celebrated Vermifuge, Liver
pills*. Ae
New Dagnerrian Gallery.
MR. NELSON would respectfully inform
bis friends and the public generally, that In order to
meet tha dally Increasing demand for his Daguerreotypes,
he has bad built and has now completed (over the Old
post Office, Third street.) one of the most spacious and
magnificent Sky Light Oatlerles ever eonstroctedfor Da
guerreotype purposes, in the United States. We are now
prepared ts execute likenesses of all sisocand styles. In
any weather, from V o’clock A. M. till 4 o’clock I*. M. A
visit from all Is solid ted, whether they wish for Likeness
esornoL Rooms, Old Post Office Banding, Third street
•d«2~dlwa „
Timber, Mill, Tobacco A Cotton Screws,
Shading and Puiltyifor Machinery,
Car ant* Bridge Bolts, with Thread and Nats
Wauhouu, No. si Wood bt- bxtwixs Fust asp Bxcoxs
work warranted* mh3l-tf
Du Font Fowder. —Every variety Rifle
Minin* and BLutlng Powder, la all «lxa package* alwar
on hand and tor tale from Uagaxloa,ln lots to ault pur
ehaaen,onf*Torabl»ttm«. JJao Ba&trFoae.
D. W. C, BIDWELL, Manalactarers’ Agt*
1&& Front itmt, PUtjfeargb.
Important to Persona afflicted with Her
nia, or Bnptnre of the Bowels, and the
danger of Strangulation by negleot
The right course for any ono to pursue who
may be Afflicted with Rupture. Is to procure a good Truss
well adapted to the ruptured parts, iu order to retain the
protruding pertiou of the bowels.' This U often Deglected,
and the bowel becomes strangulated, leaving the petlent
net only In a suffsring but dangerous condition. I hare
always on hand, and dally adapt, the moat Improved
Trusses; among which is MARSHS RADICAL CURE
TRUSS, which will really produce a radical cure In ashort
time. Of course there an cases when nw Truss will cure,
but In a rastmajarity of redueable llnrola, or Rupture,
this Truss will cure. I have every variety of Trusses,
from 60cts, to 93U; alto, a largo assortment of CHIL
ELASTIC STOCKINGS, for various broken or enlarged
veins; I ‘ILK PRO Pa, for the relief and core of Piles;
SHOULDER BRACES, for men, women and child ran
SUSPENSORT BANDAGES, and every variety ot me
chanical appliance used In the euro of (listen. Call and
examine them at my Drug Store. No. 140 Wood street, cor
ner of Virgin alley; sign of tha Golden Mortar.
N. B,—l have also an elegant truss for children, which
invariably cures.
t&»Ask for Dr. KSYSRR at his Wholesale Drug Store
and Truss Depot, 140 Wood*t.,"fUlsbargb. Pa. felbdawS
Agency of Dr. Fitch's ceieoraied Med*
COita. at Dr. G. 11. KBYSKR’S Drug Ptofr, No. WO, career
Wood at. and Virgin Alley:
Cherry Pulmonic, Pulmonary Balsam, Pectoral Eipcc
toraut. Pulmonary Liniment, Derivative Syrup, If sari
Corrector. Humor Corrector, pare and medicinal Cod Uv
er Oil, Anti-Dyspeptic Mixture, Cough and Cathartic Pills:
Nervine, Vermifuge, FemalvPills, Finals Sped&c, Ac. Ac.*
used by him constantly anj with unprecedsnled success
la the treatment of
Oddi, Qnijki, OonnmpOtm, JifAaa, Heart Dueau, Pyr
prpfio, EbiM Dittatrs, Rheumatism, Erma!*
CbmpiataU, Pdtt, eic~, tic. J*r, JVcA'i uaegt tailed
f'simt .Silrer Plated Abdominal Supi>or(rrr
Dr. FCck’i Improved Spring Ehmtl
drr Bract. Or. fileVt Silver Adat
touTVAs. •
Also, all kinds of Profxfjtary Wed Woes, Trusses, flap
porters, gi-oalder Brume, Ssmember Uw place, Dr. KKf-
SSR’S, ItO Wood Street, sign Q? tha Goideu Mortar.
etnek of FANCY FDKS, eohrartli*; variety of
r.\ i..M ah. vicroaiNEs.ccrra. huffs, Ir, to W hio
Umy Invit* Um al«atl«o «*f the Uillw.
Plttabarsb. No*. V. ISM.—fo "
“The whole press of Philadelphia are
out In favor of Uooflond'e (iennon Hitter*, os they ore
prepared by Dr. C. U. Jackson. W* am glad to recorJ.tha
mw of Oil* tilialil* remedy for dyspeptla. as we be
lieve It "applies a desideratum la the raWLoil world long
ntrial. The wretched imitator* and ooantrrfciter* havi
withdrawn their noetrums from the market, and tb<
public or* spared from tne danger of swallowing poison
oa* mixture in lieu of the real Bltbin. n -//craU.i
(to Advertisement.
Ofl o* »T KumurfifjlnfgantiCfianttittntU, Philadelphia
ornoERS or the ihbib Philadelphia
8t«pb«o It Cnvfrrd, Paul B. Oodd&nl,
Rani. W. Tlnilvf, Utorc* U’lltorr.
AmnroM W. TDampaon, lAwrenm Johnrton,
Jacob L. Plonmea, Jamea DiTmu,
WUlUtn M. Godwin,' William M'Km. -
Pnridtnt— Stephen R. Cnwfbrd..
ffae t+uident— AaltoM* W. ThotOMan.
Malieat PHtlbafij
Aiksbraf City, B. li. llnwj
jVnS 11. Wilton, 11. D.
U. D.
IB'k. ARNOLD, Agent,
74 Fourth rivet, Pittsburgh
And Prodoe* Generally,
No. 25 Wood street, Pittsborgh.
Families will bo supplied with our various
grades ofFRKBH CROON DFLOUR, by leaving their or*
atra at the Mill, or la oar boxes at L?g*n, wlUon A Co.'*,
Wood(tmt, or Braun A RelUr, corner of Liberty and Rt.
C3alr ft*., Pittsburgh; H. P. Bchwarb*, or J. T. fiaaipU,
** to foaiUee (neither ofthe dtlaa.
r™. CAM * c.
M’Clintock’i Family Medicines.—Wo
all th* attention of head* of famllina.and other*, to the ad
verUacmontco the fourth pas* of thass taluable Family
Medldoes. J
Consumption and Spitting Blood—See
the certificate of Mr. Tamer n. lUmier. for many yean
proprietor of the Parmer*' IloteUfroderieksburg. and.
late of the City Hotel, Richmond, Ya.
Dr. John Mlag«,of the city of lUehmond.thgogh a reg
nlarfrhysldan, and of course opposed to what ho called
quack medldoes, iu obliged to Bay that it* good effocta
In the eaeo of Mr. Raasoy, were wonderful indeed.
He had been given op by ieTeral physician* bad trial
moet of the quack medicine*, and vu on thtfYerge of dea*
pair, a* veil aa the grate, when be tried Carter** Spanish
We refer the public to hi* fall and lengthy certificate
around the bottle, atatlhg his core. Boa advertisement.
Pennsylvania Insurance Company,
insure Bunjomas and other property
Sea and Inland Nnrignlion and Transportation.
Fa. F. Johuitm. ” IKE< w?M%lttitoct.
D. M. Long, • A. J. Jones,
Body Patterson, Kennedy T. Friend,
3. Qrier Sproal, Uoorgo B: White,
Jacob Painter, June* 8, Negter,
Wad* Hampton, 11. R. Cogge shall,
A.A.Carrier, W. B»1Utob, •
D. K. Perk.
- officers.
Prttidait- Hon. Wm F Johnston, s •. 7
rice Preridcnt—Kody Patterson.
SurOarv and (Veawer-A A Carrier.
Awtontikcnricry-aB Carrier. [f«6] ielfi-ly
£aie and Comtort.— The Oonformator
ately Imparted hum Paris, exactly salt* the Hat to the
peculiar shape of the Dead, to a new hat lias ea*y on the
head aaanoldona A neat fit and a good Hat may ba had
TTWcodft. atffiLLf W.DOUQLAB. ,
uavrAOraxu o»
ChllsoßFnrnaces.Wro’Uron Tubing
For WcmihgandVtntilation of BttUdingt.
A. A W.will Contract far Warming ami VfnU>fHng by
Steam or Hoi Water, Pipe* orChUasa'sFureaes, Churches,
Schools, Hospitals, Factories, Ureen Howes, Court Houses
Jail Uotals or Dwellings. Vo. 3& M«Tlnit *1; Pittsburgh
All YuieUn of Fodder
■ ‘ Safety Fase.'
na L. 0. QBAFF. Anat. Vait A- PltUburAh.
CO-PARTNE RSHIP. — I have this day as-1
sodited with me, in the Coal and Merchandizing tra*
sißcsa lo the borough of T»uip*rAnc*»ilW, Mr. Thomas '
Collin*. The style and title of the Brut will horrafUr be
M’OJLVKAY ACOI.LINB. wboare prepared tn furnish Coal 1
at the mouth of haw-Mill Uun, or by wagon to either of
the rltU«, as wall at traosfenlteams at either »f our flat*'
forms, upon reasonable terms. JuUN M'tiILVKAY
We have engaged tbeservice* of John Pmltfey, who Is
thoroughly acquainted with the above Lusiom. fireoog
dealing with him nti oar account vrlllbe satisfactory to the
firm; _fel7-£wj M’Qn.YRAT A COLLINS.
) PLOYED! S-i,.WO WANTED.-Pereon* reckiugan
investment for their cash ran purchase a Ground Kent of
$ll,OOO on valuable City property fur Twenty-Five Hundred
Dollar*. For particular* apply to
fel7 K CUTHjBKRT A SON, 140. Ad st.
of prime land, SO of which is timber and tbo bal
ance prairie, situated In Mill* county, lowa. 3 miles from
Ulennwood, tho eouuty-«at. Apply to
tol7_ B. McLAIN A SON. Nou 21. fith at
Tin, copper and sheet' iron
Ware Stand roa Sale.—We offer for safe the entire
slock. good will and flxtnre* of one of the bast stocks In
theritr. The stock la large, well selected, and of a superi
or quality. There am two aetta of uochanies’ aud a eoui
plrte sett of hands’ tool for manufacturing tin and other
ware. For terma, Ac. apply to
fr!7 B. MU I N A_SON. No. 21 Fifth at. _
C' LOVER SEED — 2U bbla. new Ohio rec’d
J and for sain by fol 7 PELL A LIOUKTT.
LINSEED OlL—fo hbla. reoM and for sale
PEARL ASH—l.'i oaks to nrrivo and for
aala by fe!7 UKLL A LICIUETT.
SHELL CORN — ISOO bus. ree'd ami for
__ ** M 7 BELL ft LI'IOETT.
—cociißAg runiao
No. I*o North THIRD Street, VRII,A'DA.
-IYI 1 HR?,, »nd Importers of FRENCH CALF-BRINB.
and Dealers In |CBI> and OAK HOI.K LEATHER AND
iiIPF. felll-lyjW
Steam Engine for Bale.
A LEVER ENGINE, including Pitman,
Shaft andCrauk; no Fly Wbeet 15 Inches diameter
». -iUnder, and 5 feet stroke. *5O will put In all In good
running enter. It has a Bump Pendulum, but no Bump.
For furtbrr infcrmatlan apply to
Wheeling, Va.. or to
felfiilwd Water street. Pittsburgh.
partnership heretofore existing bc-
I tween Goo. H. Thurston and H. Bcliovyr, Jr H was dlw
solved ty mutual consent on the 15th nf Fchreary, 1855.
The publication or “Thurston ft Co’s Counterfeit Mirror
and Financial Gazette.” and General Publishing Business,
will be continued by Geo. IL Thurston, under the style of
In retiring from the firm, I cheerfully recommend my
late partner and hla pQbiieationa to my friends.
NEW BOOKS from Carters anti others,
just weired at DAVISON’S. Market at.:
ad Exposition nf Proverb*. 1—0; Da Costa.’
Israel and theUrnlitcje Bridge’s Manuel for the Young:
Contributions to the History of tbo Jews, from the
Present Dan
Words of Jeans: The Footsteps of PL Paul:
Follow Jesus; Come to Jesus; It is I;—by tbe author
of Words of Jesu* Swote’s Familr Prayers:
The Gnat Journey, by author of Morning and Night
Watches: Hours of Devotion, by Tholock;
Night of Weeping; Morning of Joy;
BTwraty Pictures Rum Switzerland, by Malan, D. D:
Phillip’s Devotional Guides;
Christianity and Statesmanship, bjr Hague, D.D:
Tbortiwell’s Discourses on Truth;
Home Life, by Dr. Hague;
The Fireside; TheOhriitlan Household:
Christian Retrospect and Register for 1855, by Dr. Baird:
Mcholl’s Uelp to Reading the Bible, Epis-ed;
Kurtz’s Sacred History;
Saxe’s l’aeme Notos on Duelling;*
Afrajs, or Life and Love in Norway,
; Bancroft's, ti vote fte Ac. For sale by
fold J. B. PAVISON. f-5 Market st., near 4th.
FINE SPONGE—I have on hand a largo
supply of very fine Sponge In small and large pieces.
CONGRESS WATER—A large supply in
pints and quarts reeolvad'by JOjt. FLESIINU.
by fclG JOS. FI.KMIMI.
article for Promoting the Growth nf the Hair, 12 dot
Waived by JQB FLKMINQ.
R~" OSEMARY HAIR of this
celebrated Hair Oil ren'd JO». FLEMING.
jt\ viusnc Pills.—l gross ol these celebrated medicines
reed by felfi JOS. FLEMING.
Q/Y/Y BBLS. Extra and Superfmo Flour;
O" 111 100 M.l* Rye Flour
luO hue I’eachre. halves: 100 bus ClovemetL*
-Overboils’* old Rye and Wheat Whiskey In bbls a hair
barrels. felti WALLACE ft GARDLNKR.
QCIIOOL BOOKS—A uniform Rories for
Cv the Four Wards of Allegheny City, as adopted by tbe
School Hoard of Control, Feb. 12. A full assortment ecu* I
staatly on band, and for saJu Wholesale and Retail at l»w
prices, at the bookstore ol 8. SADLKK,
felfi Federal str.*eL Allegbeoy.
I/ NAPP 4 RiOUTMEYER’S Copy Books,
e\_ 21- numbers, for sale Wholesale and Retail,
foul S. SADLKR. AUegbeay.
(IUM DROPS—Another larco supply of
W very fluely flavored Uum Dt«|ui roceireii l»»
(elfi JOS. FLF..M 1 Nil, DUmooil an-l Market *L
Groceries at Cost.
THE undersigned wishing to doclinc busi*
ness, offers his eDtlre Stork ol Hoods, comprising a
Runeral ase-irtmeut of Family Grooerle*. at cost, for cash
or approved notes, and willpc-sitlvsly eJc-ee out his abvk
pricr to the first of April, asols lease will expire at that
•late. The attention of the trade and famllum, desiring
choice goods at low price*, is respectfully solicited.
J. D. WILLIAMS. 265 Liberty SL
AT’ThaTlxtures lu hla former stand, 122 Wood st, oon*
♦Dung of a Counter. Cases of Dfawer* and Shelving will
be add at a bargain To any one dealring to engage In a
similar boshteas be will offer nrre Indncementa. fe!s
Female Diseases.
T|OCTOR BAELZ, No. 38 Hand Rt., treats
IF and cures all dlscawe o| females, but e«i>eciaUy Bpi
naß Hip Diseases, CuugesUon. Cancer* and Prolapeusof
iue Uterus, iu a novel and safe way, without supporters,
aod Invites, particularly, eases that have been bedrlddAn
for eny Uugth of time. _ f«I4-lmd*
To merchants, Hannfhctnrers, &c.
A NY ..House requiring the assistance of a
f\. thoroughly competent and skilful lYactlcai Book
keeper may brar of snch a perwun by apolviDg t»
frtidtf UEO. W. SMITH. Brewer.
Election Notice.
Orrtrt Cue Caxal Company, >
Km,'JthF*bniarr,l9o6. {
A N Election for Seven Directors of the
f% Kr»« OanalCoppanr, lor tb* -entuiog year” will l«
held at to* Office of tbo Company lo Erie, oo the FIRST
Oi For Sale*
N accommodating terms, an improved
convenient Residence ontbe Ohio and Penua/lvani*
KaHruad.SOO yards fronieFUUon. Tlicproporty contain*
12 ktm well Improved. For particular* apn! vto
_ _ ravirff WILLOCg, ST Water et
A FARM FOR $700.—2 tracts, adjoininjz,
i\ of 40 arr*e each {NO In all). situated in Washington
County, Obi-', wtthia 4 miles or tbo üblo lUtct. Lot No
lhw3oarrx> eleared effectually, with * Log Cabin mod
young orchard of grafted fruit*: airo Darn, Stable and
Tolaeeo Iloose. Lot No. IS l* heavily and thickly Umbered*
the ground l* level and rolling. The whole is well watered
by springs aod email tune. Terms >j down, balance In
annual payments. Apply to 0....
Jol3__ & M’LAIN A SON, No. 21. 6th st
j Burchfield bare a fail assortment ol Plain BUeaSHkt :
or the various grades ot quality and different widths,
among which are eeperior English Silks of heavy body and
high loetr*. Also, striped, Plaid and Damask Silks of
newest styles. M 3
FLOUR— 500 bbla, Dayton Extra just re
ceived LyTUllrnad and fbr ealeby
fel3 iD. W.TIBRSTINB 4 00. 03 A 05, Front iL
Notice to Owner, and Consignee, of Fig
Metal, Bloom,, &e.
A ~|WNE RS and Consignees of Pig Metal,
\/ Blooms. Castings, Engines. Mill andßuilding Stones
and other articles upon the Allegheny Wharf arw hereby
notified that unless the same are removed by tbo 20th of
February next, they will be snbjee-ted to a charge of 60
coo u per ton for every 24 hours they are euffeivd to re
maiu after that date, to accordance with the provisions
of an ordinance regulating the Wharf.
Wi>. SCOTT, Wharf Master,
- Allegheny Wharf.
IjRENOKYU'ItB.—A new term of this School begins on
WEDNESDAY, February. 14th. Eanr attendance Is re
quested, Application mar be made to the Hector.
CsU-itd KEY. ffM.Il CLARKS.
STREET.—B. CUTHBERT A SON; Office fbr the sale of
rarms. Mills, Manufactories, Improved and Unimproved
Lands. City and Country Residence*. Building Lots, At;
also, for negotiating loans, collecting nuts, procuring
basinets Ac.
Person* haring property todl*poseof,'and those wish*
log to buy, will find li to their advantage to call at our
office. * felg
more than 4 mouths to run. can be negotiated br
applying to • fol 3 B. McLAIN A SON.
Powdered add Loaf Bngsrs, from the Bt. John’s
Steam Sugar Refinery, in store and for sale by
foia j. a. mmmisoN aco.
O Steam Kefinod 8. 11. Molaass;
JSfibbls. La. B. If. Molasses 231 bbU. 8. !L 8. Mclams;
170 half bbla. P. IX. Byrnp Molasses;
204 bbla. Washington 3. U. do, in store and for aalo
br M 2 J. A. miTOUImm a 00.
<5)O non LBS. BULK PORK for sale
KGS. LARD for sale by
A ($% BBLS. and 20 bxs, Roll Butter for solo
Linden Lead Company of Wisconsin.
'THE Corporators of tnis Company havo
JL owned booTw for subscription to the Capital Stock,
afTbeJank ug Houae of Messn. A. WILKINS * CoTno
*i'oorth «U .Pittsburgh, where pamphlets containing)
Charter,Geological Sarvova, Ae.ean beobtaloed by partly
deriring Information relative to the Company. ayd
LAUNDRY BLUE— The attention of fhmi-
Um and wash-women Is Invited to this Blue, which Is
supply Indigo dissolved, haring all it* properties retained
The Laundry Blue possesses, over the undlsaolred Indigo,
the advantage of Imparting abetter color to clothes, of be-
Ing much more simple andconvenient -for use, and of be
ing a saving of about one half, owing to the fact that not
more than one half of the Indigo can be dissolved by wa
ter. It Is entirely destitute of any properties Injurious to
cloths. We would solicit a trial, and warrant tt to bo as
reprwented. For sale by JOHN HAFT, Jr..
d«2O No. 141 Wood rt.
/iL sllaaled on Bank Lane. Allegheny City, -with a
large Ixit of 26 feet on Hank Lane by M deep on East Lane.
The Douse (s well arranged with Dali. Parlor, Dining-
Hoorn and Kitchen; Wash-bourn, Four Bedrooms aod fin*
shed Attic; good cellar, hydrant, out-oven, stable, A&, all
o good order. Price *2,400.
hlfl 8. COTHB HRT A SON, 140, 3d st.,
T ARD—KegLanljast rcc’d and for sale by
j ija'JO 8. ITARBAUOn A CO.
* a certain corrective snd preventative uf lluartburn
Aridity of Stomach. F»r sale by
ja27 -JOHN HAFT. Jr.. Sole Agent.
1/ 10 ba*fl superior OUI Gov’t Java Coffee rac’d and for
sale by Ja 29 W. A. MoOLUBO.
OOLL BUTTER 20 bxs. extra kill BuV
-1 ffi.ter this <lsy ree’d by IL IL for sale-br
DRIED FRUIT—2S bbU. Dry Peaches,
60 bushels Dry Apples, for sale by -
Ml A Co. will alone out the whole of their extensive stock
oißlanket*, consisting of all the different makes and slus
at a redaction of nearly one halt the areal prions, .
ills. rec’d and for sale by
E‘" GGS-9
I>S ■
GLOVER SEED—IOO bus. prime new'for
salsbr ja22 .. J.AW.KBA,T4Watarst.
-100 bus. for eale by
A Musical Jonraai for the Million. v
I contain* annually over Om Hnndrcd n«w* of Nit - • P.' M , D A-V1 S» Auctioneer.
Musk. t*rid*3 a Ta»t amount of critical, iDStructmana Gmawrcuil Salst Koota±.eomrr Hborf astd Fiflk ltrtrt
rnUrtahUac reading also, a wpA (published In chapUr*) . - *?
H *f w * n Maaoo.ambodjlat: the. practice rrtulu, a*; *P* A SSIGNEE’S SALE OF A CLOTHING
piled to jrraciteultracking, ot bis MxpertcD<v. dnno£ alooß f\ STOUr-Jin p.i, .* inr.'<aA»fr
and ii.dutrinua artcr. uUn antbcTand U-aeber o i um*lC. /^eCommeTd*)
And yet U>« J/arioU. Kerim is only com dollar* Tear, or . \V -in Js_-.17. Kooai * «*n*»o£.n«ml.*»a6Ul
•I* eopU* for firs donara-i».fl«lMr InadTanwf Anybody • ££ jEStnU^tS?ESS****°™3£i«S"
fwllorf ao Interest in the cause of music. Is incited to C«t : . o f flPe .O^hlng,
upcluVandlorwardsubseriptions. Published fortnight- ; JdS I ?*™ftSi I \Sfi «^ tr *. h i£*“2Z
c< ” **> ,
k ! i U?siss2!ffil
yfawywk. ;wrt , Dett ,, twd*. jeans and
rajbmer*? and UarcciUsa restlnn; and a central variety
of tmnmioßS. Ac. Ac.
Al’ - SM
•I urdsr morning, at 11 o'clock, at the Commercial
Palt* Knomt, corner fWuodand HfthitA*will I»aoia:
Onetnperior new Uuk><>« »ltb l tvn '
fc!6 P.JL DA VlS._Auct._
C H. WllsttfS.. „ ...JoSt?U UJDCWIQ
__ . ___ ('•ccctsbojyi to a. wjtxms a co.J
N the numerous suspcnaioDH of Bankers
kdJ broker* throughout the country, doling the last
bis mouths, wearveaUaUedthaliu almost ever; Instance
Ibelr troubles bar* grown oat or a d»i>arturfl from tbelr
legitimate busiue**, and wo the re tori' take occasion to as
sure the publlit, lo advance, that no »[ -culatlon* In “&n
-ry etKk*, or other * out»ld« operatN,,,*-- ,h*tl tempt ns
from the strict and legitimate Hue of ( ur businc**. Udiev-
Id if that in avoiding alt soch' l-ive»UMnnt*. we shall not
oolv be better able towrrs our coaUamir*andensure their
safety, but that in adopting such a course we iball rrv
mote our own ultimate benefit. Ml WJLKINB A Ct».
SUNDRIES —60 bags Dry Apples;
66 bags. Flaxseed; abacs Flaxseed, to arrive ol
steamer Quaker City for sale by 18 &lAH DICKEY A CO.
SEIDUTZ POWDERS—S gross very fine
and freshly prepared Seldlits Powders on hand and
for sale by JO3. FLEMING,
jaO cor Diamond and Market it.
|i AKER’S COD LIVER OlL—The best
IB article of Cod Liver Oil now In one. 12 dox rvaeived.
HONEY —4 bbla. Strained Honey in store
and for sal* by ISAIAH DIOKBY A (Q
G 1 ROUND NUTS—2S sacks in store and
f for sale by ISAIAH DICKEY A CO.
TJ AY—l car load baled Hay, for sale
AI the O. A. by
UTTER—2O bbls; Roll Butter; %
6 bbls. solid do for sale by
SUNDRIES —50 bxs. Soap;
60 bxs. UoulACandles; 6 bbls. [toil Butter, for tale
VT ~ fed O. WELLS A CC„ 326 Liberty st.
FLOUR —400 bbls. in store and for sale by
BNTTER —3 bbls. Rolbßutter in store and
for tale by fed , 8. HABBAPQII ACO.
\/ffUS!fAßD—Genuine Lexington Mustard
XyJ In lh, }% lb. and ‘4 lb. cans; „
Durltam Mantud, put up by Crtitso A Blaekweu;
JS“ * Co -' ll K°»n»n y'tifccto.
BLUE VITRIOL—2UOO lbs. tor sale by
deli B. K. BKLLKBB A CO.
A f\f\ LßS. RHUBARB in storo and for
1UU ealeby jafifl FiyKMiNQ BROS
I INSEED OlL—lo bbls. pure for salo by
J j ft 10 J. BCHOON.dAKER A CO.
SHELLED CORN—3OO bus for sale by
Jsis J. A W, UKV
Murphy & Burchfield havo just
ree’d by express another lot of cheap needle work
MOLASSES— 00 bbls. new crop N. O. Mo*
la*aes tor rale by R. DAL7.ELL A CO.
ANO, very nearly new, at a rednfwd price, for sale by
JOHN 11. MKLLOIC 81 Wood st.
FEATHERS— 500 lbs. in storo and for sale
E*OR SALE, SIO.OOO —A purchase Mort
r gage to amount of $lO,OOO, having 0 yean to run.
bearioK legal interest, improvemsnte on the premises
worth *3,000,--Is offered at a Bonus of *2OOO. Gallon
fol 6 ; B. McLAIN A SON. 21. LthVt.
»?OR SALE—A bond and Mortgage: to ain’t
of *4.000. haTing two years to rug; on property
worth some *40,000. will allow a large W-on*. - r
»>fi 6. M’LAIN A son
30 bbls.'Crushed Sugar:
O liObbli. Powdered 3O kgs, Ya. twist Tohamr
J>o No. 3 Maekerei; SOOaoa. cotn Brootac *
30 do largo do do. !a star* amlftrnlo br
■ JOHN wll^ON>»CBugrtY»t.
ODTliiß—lu libla. prime Holland 30 kgs.
■ V oackstl Dnttar, noMtmfftir ula br ■ p
joum vmnos.. aa Hun, , t ■
f*OFFJ3E —50 bgs. prime green Rio Coffee
\J wiring and for sate by JOHN WILSON.
CODFISH— 10,000 lbs. arriving and for
_ b r ■ feu John Wilson.
•a? 10 * tu -.* i>iu ocr ° M - i '°
BROOMS— OU’ dot. common Broomsre
wired aDdfcrqJeby .BEU/**»*flQCTr.
13 ARLEY—IO sacks prime Barloy for sale
13 by jfcia femVEttADILWORTIL ,
('IORN— 200 bo* Bar Corn for sale by
/i*x % gHßivaa is pelwobth.
fol2-l wdAw*Jtu*T
disease op the kidneys.
And all Diseases arising from a Disordered
Liver or Stomach,
Pile*. Fullness of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the
stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food. Fullneas
or Weight In the Stomach, Sour Broctallon*. Sinking or
Fluttering at U>« Fit of the HtOBMb, «**>““?* ®C Hj?
Head, Ifurried and Difflcult Breathlse, Fluttering at the
ll«art, Choking or Collocating Sensations when in a Iritis
posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or W«l>* before the Sight,
Fever aoildnli Pain In the Head, Deficiency of
tloo. Yellowness of the Bkln and Ryes, Palo In tbo Side,
Back, Chest Limbs, Ac., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burn
ing in the Flesh. Constant Imaginings of Ltu, and Ureal
Depression of Spirits, ••
cur bi imcmuT opso bt
Dr. C. 81. Jackson,
No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Tbelr power over tbs above diseases is not
equalled, by any other preparation In the United States,
as-the cures attest, in many eases alter skilful physicians
These Bitten are worthy the attention of invalids.—
Possessing great virtues in tbo rectification of diseases m
the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the moet search*
Ins powers in weakness anu affection* of tbo digestive or*
eanr.tbey are, withal, safe, -ertaln and pleasant
J. D. BFUBO, Laeeyville, Pa* April C, IBM, says; “I can
get you soma good certificates for your Herman Bitten in
Ibis vidnity If you wish them. A lady purchasing nine
of it this week, says that it Is by far the best medicine sha
ever knew, having done her and her daughter much
Lawson, Ben lard’s Store, Somerset Co, ra* Ang.
15. 1860, says: am roach attached to year Germs n Bit
ters, having used two bottles of It, which I procured from
8. Kurts, your agent at Somerset, and found great relief
from it In disease of the Liver. 1 find it baa great effect
on my lungs. strengthening and invigorating Us mu,
which, ae-I am a public speaker, is a great help to me.
Da. Gttxa, Newton Hamilton, Pa-. May, 1851, said: I
hare need myself half a dosen bottles of your German. Bit
ten ibr Liver complaint and dlaeaeea of a nervous charac
ter, resulting iroxn the abase of t.ercary. I was pc boned
ana afflicted with spasms from the use of the latter arti
cle. The German Bitten Is the flnt article from which I
obtained any relief I have also given tho article to many
dyspeptics, with the most salutary result. I think as
many more bottles will cure ms." . _ .
J. C. Youwa.Ksq-, of Dauphin, Pa., writM May 5,1851:
“I was afflicted with General Debility, Shtestinai Weak
ness and Costiveness, for which I tuM many different
remedies without relief. lat last need your Hooflasd’s
German Bitters. I took a few bottles according to direc
tions, and was completely. cored. I hare cot been eo
healthy for tea year* u I nave been since I took your Bit
tens which b about one year ago."
The Bitten are enUrtly vegetable, always strengthening
the system and never prostratieg it.
Bold by dealers in medicine and storekeepers every
where, and by Fleming Bros* B. A. Fahnestock A Co*
Geo. If. Keyser, 140 Wood eLTPlttaberzh: H. P. Behwartx»
Allegheny^ by dtalen in medicine generally
Water-Cnre Institute. •
TkOCTOB BAELZ," Graduate and Practi-
B I tlpner In the Old School* of Medicino, Allopathic
and flomocpathic, and for the past temyeanarucoessfnl
ilydrooathut, has opened a WATER CUKE in tho above
location . , '
Th« perfectly safe, direct and immediate-effect this sya
tem has on all Fevers, and all diseases acute and chronic
—while It is mild, graielul.and invigorating to the weak
and debilitated, renders Hpeculiarly desirable in families,
who will be treate-' at their homes.
WUv —4ll IW UCSW ■, HnU HUU.U..
Allopathic ami ilomapathle treatment will be adminis
tered where desired; but, after long and thorough experi
ence, Doctor Baris gives a decided preference to Hydropa
thy, which has, throughnst the old and nnw world, prov
en so eminently *ueee«eful in overy f rm of disease, inclu
ding Indplent Consumption, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, In 1
flommatbry and Chronic Rheumatism, Asthma, Cutane.
Pus, Nervous and Liver Diseases. Testimonials bf cirrca
from highly reputable eitlseus of nearly every State In the
Union, can be examined at Doctor Baeli’sofilee. The Rev..
Clergy are invited to eonsolthim gratis.
warm water being used in the e-wnmenrement, and of
ten throughout the lea luxury instead of un
pleasant, aa those onaequaluted might suppose.
Kxvxbkscxs.—Messrs. Charles Brewer, Waterman Palm
er, W. W. Wilson, W. 11. Williams, Thompson IlelL J. It.
Welden, D. T. Morgan, Wm. U. Holme*. K. U. U.
M. Kerr. . , . ,
The undersigned, havibg visited Doctor Hael* • Tnetitu
tlou and witnessed his tunwsaful treatment, cheerrully re
eommend Mm as a thoroughly educated aud skilllui Phy
"ll(Umrl*s T. KusseU,*. David Hunt. John-
C. Curtis, itobt. Patrirk, John 1L Uvlngstno, John W right,
W. \V. Patrick, Moees P. Eaton, O. Onnsbytlregg.
ja.Jlmd ,
4 NOTIIER Pittaburgher testifying to the
/4_ WOOlle rfu]ly nratiTS ptrrerr of BcerbiTa’s Holland Bit-
Mttrrt. Bmj, Pane, Jr., <£ Cb.—Gentlemen—Pora year
pa*t lb are been aakrtad Terr ecrioiulr with dysrerria* »o
aoeb an,lbat my etcmaeb refused to retalnanjtbtng. 1
have trim! almoet tjerj remedy, and tbe repiimtia of sever
al physicians, bat without alleviation, until I began the
tut of BcThare's Holland Bitters, end nave now found re
lief almost amounting to*core. X (bond it eftteactoo* in
removing tbe extreme debility occasioned by tills disease,
end generally UA Umlolt has fowleaaals and no superior.
KsrpeetfaUy. Jacob Wan*,3a fit, below Market.
CACnos—Be careful to uk fur BoerhaveT Holland Bit
ter*. The great popularity of this owdlclaehM Induced
many imitation*, which the publ is «bou!d gun- d against
purchasing as the genuine BurbsTe's ITolland Bitters,
bold at il per bottle, or 0 bottles far*6, by proprietor*,
BENJ. PAGR. Ja_* oor. 3d A SmlthiSeM ets.
JNO.U. SMlTlC&imlngbam.
11. P. SCiIWAUTZ, Allegheny,
de23-fe anil Druggietsgonerallr.
IE FLOUR—6O bbls. r’ecd imd for sale
J 2 i,7 BELLI LIUQgr.
HAY 65 bales rec’d and for sale by
HA\ —10 tons baled for sale by
ROLL BUTTEK—SO bbla.choice Ohio for
_ sale by ja22 SHRIVER A DILWORTD.
I kRIED PEACHES—IOOO bua. prime hlv».
U for sale by BDRI VKtt A BILWORTH.
XkARED PEACHES—3O bus. pared Poach-
I ea on hand and to arrive.
CLOVER SEED—2OO bus. for sale by
dels J. B. CANFfELD.
f*l BEEN APPLES—IOO bbla. in store and
* for eale by_ _ ja22 T. UTTXL ACO.
C 1 LOVER SEED—3O bbla. Ohio Seed for
/ saleby ja2S> JOHN FLOYD A CO.
OEACUES—2S bbla. Dry Peaches for Bale
WRAPPING PAPER—SOO bdls. for sale
by ja» JOHN FLOYD A (X>.
JL JVF store and for sale by FLKUJNO DUOS.
in store and for sale by FLKMINQ BltOS.
(lIIERsE —50bxs. in store and for solo by
DRY PEACHES—2S eaoka in storo and
SALT PETBE —70 socks in store and for
sale by fe7 ISAIAH DICKEY A 00.
■LEATHERS —3000 ’lba. in store firii l for
auction s.
\ J &tnr4»r etonlng, 17tb Inst, at the Commercial
Pale* Room*, corner of Wood and Sth will b* sold a
catalogue of valuable Kngtl«kand American lioota,'*mong
• bleb are. Kirby’s iVtnderfal aud Lreentrio Museum, b
vols. plates; World of Art and Industry,.}!!.; Strickland's
tjunma of England: ?haksp*are'a Hwki, S volt; We|s
liaeh’s.Meehauiraanii Knglotieiiug; Smith'sDirtiooaryof
Arts. flci«on's ami Manuflielnre*: Hogarth’# Memoirs of
the Musical bitma Cue ptaUe; Mrs. Opto* Works. 3toUt
Hums's England: Glblioo's if nine; Rollin'# Asdint IHsto
ry; Knl»hUy's History of Kugtand; l-yrard * Ntoevib;
city Architecture, :*> elegant deaigOK Ulstory of al l Kelp
glons Denominations; Sbakspcare. Collier'* edition; Works
of lien Johnson. Milton. Burns. Pops, Bcott, HemattL Ac 4
Miltoti's Prose Workr, Coltnan’s Agriculture; gear's Wot*
den of Ills World; Pldurlal Library and Bible Biography;
lluffoa's Natural History; Dowling's Romanism; Rnguih
forests and Purest Twe». Catalogues uow ready.
-T T Will be sold low, at private sale, at theeoimnerdal
sales rooms, and £>th at&, IM pieces,'all wool,
grermlxedTweeds, 3 bale* blaek mixed DonetPlataL*.
f«l"St __ P. SI. DAVIS, Aoet.
Me Agent far PiUslatrgh and Wttiem J+nntyttania, for
nßf*-- i NUNNS A CLARK'S mX&er-'i
erfnyßl unrivalled
EBobsSS grand and ftiUARK gSasEiflß
P « flap I A N o S;PiT7d
TJESPECTFULLY informs tbe irablio of
IV Pittsburgh end vieiMtr that a splendid fraah Atonk
o! Jvuanr a Clark't superior Plano* Is now bdogprepared,
for him. and. has partly own received.. The lintnensa and
vastly Increasing popularity of Nunns and Clark’s Pianos
has caused the llrm to add anstber wing to tb«ir«ocr
moasestabllsbment. a description of which mar be found
in a late minber of the Waterlff i/apaaue. tlx:—“lt Is on
doubtedlylbe laraott, and, if we are not mistaken, the
oldest bouM>deToted to that branch: of business in the
United States. It wss established upward# of thirty nut
Slip by an Ingenious and enterprising; Piano-forte builder
wno acquired a prodical and thorough ktuneledet of the
“art, trade and mystery” of znanufoctoring tba beautiful
instruments for which this boose has ao long been fkmoua.
If patronage is the highest compliment that can be paid
to an wtnwlshment,and Imitation Is tbe sineureitflattery,
then the firm of Nunns <£ Clark have ranch to be proud oft
for they have norer been able to go abend of their orders
sufficiently to make up Pianos for exhibition and speeula-
The above remarks from the ivsr of a Aston editor os a
jWte lori establishment are jpruJiarly turd hie and air-
of J font. LAZAUB, the celebrated Pianist, •
Uavlngin mostofmy concerts made useofaadcanfally
examined the Plano* made by Knnns A Clark. New Tork,
I freely give this testimonial of their superiority with re
gard to volume aud power or tone and their promptness
aDd elasticity ol tonch—qualities so important In forming
the hands and improving the style Of play Ing of musical
students. ■ MARTIN IAZARK, Professor of the Plano
at the Royal Conservative of Pari*.
Opinion of Madame MIS VM JEK
The accompaniments to mys-.ngr having besnplaysd
in nearly all my concerts on the Piano* made by Nunns t&
Clark, t consider them admirably adapted to bUnd and
t mite wltli the voice—a great an J Important consideration
with vocalists. „ HO3A DE VRI K&
Ojnniun of MA UKICE STIZA KOIIB, thf celebrated Pianist
and Qtmposer.
1 have ror several years part been using one of JVurbs
d- Clark’s Pianoe in niy own’ lamily. and consider them
preferable to any other, both for private and concert par
poses. Thoy.har* a peculiar delicacy of tone and touch
added to great volume and power. __ _ _ '
Opinion qf resident Prrfestori.
Having thoroughly tested tbs capacities and qualities
of iVauur <£Uark't Pianos, w« feel noastralued-to hro
nounrethem superior la every respect. Their tons 1* ir
reproachable for volume, briUlaney and cqua'itv, and
their touch delightful for promptno**and
gether well calculated to improve tbe style and: touehof
icarnm. VIOTOK DE HAM, •
JEAN MANNS, and others.
H. Kk-ber give* a full and udisfaclorp marrnaf with ev
ery Plano, and will positively veil them at Nsw York fa+
lory prices, without addition for freight, risk, etc, and the
money refunded if the Piano proves defective.
Solo agent for Nunn* A Clark for Western Penn*.
- . No. 101 lliirdst.
P.B.—Also a choice lot of DUN HAM’S highly popular
Plano*. * * Ibfcdim
4 N Election for officers for “the Company
f\ far erecting a Brlilgo over the Allegheny liver oppo
•lie Pittsburgh. In the county or All.-Ltbcnr,’* wUllw hold.
oa in tbe ofHr*> of tbn O.mpan;, *1 the north endoftho
bridge, on MONDAY, the hUi day of March next, com
uiV,.fti,V- .11 »clotk. l\ a. JOHN 11JKPNS,
fcb-iiud . Treasurer.
SUCfI of our Depositors as have noi-yet'
had their accounts adimted, are requested to bring
in their books aud certificates. A. WILKINS A CO H
f-rti - 71 Fourth street.
Jl> Me Laditt r,f PiUsourofi and ’JlUifhcnv CYfcrc
r ADIES, lam and have been engaged for
I A thel*.-Ythren yean in copplrfoff print* boom, with
Samuils of all descriptions. I bclioTetnat ray baaanaasU
both needful an<l respectable. Mr terms have been"and
continue t/> he moderate. With the beat .of .Intentions,
the nature cf my buaitirM La such, that iio doubt, In many
rases, entire mtiafartion haa not been given.- When In
formed of that fart my emires have teen cheerfully ren
dered grulU. I rerpectloUy ask the contlumncooijroor
pntrnuas* aud your tforl ©tflara .with , rour ladr Mends,
thereby eu*taioioK a bnyinraa as necessary to yoorarlree
as to me. When arrorod that employ weut ran be obtain*
«d«u call, the U-tt description of servants will come toob*
tain etuploymeot, au>t in return for your favors will nae
uy beet exrrliona to reuder entire --,• •
' " JOS. LBWTSv - '
Intelligence Offlce/Ka-ggi. Clair at-..,
VrOTß'E—The undersigned having' been
i.’i »J»puiDt«J Hoiter of Weights ami Mnasnteafor tl a
County of can bn found at his oQe*. No. IQ
gmtthfl»M Pittsburgh. fr9WjA3twB a L.iIAQK^
LARD —20 kegs No. i Lard, -- r
S barrels No. 1 Lard, for sale by JLTLQyP A CO.
HOPS— 0 hales Omo in storo and for' ga
by _fe2 BELL AIJaQETT.
flOLl) CREAM.—A .very excellent article
for chapped bands, mtd Him. Ac,; C dox. freah prepar
**Tand for uh by JOS. FLKMfall cor-tJIaM A Markets!
4M ANDLNE—An excellent article for
rbappedbsnds, Au6dos.reodby 7;
13 UTTER—IO bblfl. fresh Roll:
13 e bbls. packed MlUi 19 kevc*. ja<-Jca<i solid, for
wdeby fol 1L DAL7.KLL A Co.
CiORN MEAL—2O bbls. fresh White Corn
) Meal to arrive and for sal* by <T.,LITTLK A 00.
PEARL HOMINY—UJ bbls. prime for
sals by D. W. HKUgIINK t Ob. MA 95 Front ft. .
Remnants of silks— k. a. Mason &
00. will oOar oa Ratnrday, Dee. 10th, altrgs lot o
lunanants of Silks, at almost ope-half the ostial price.
LIFE'S A MARCH, and now upon tho
morn of • new campaign Wit ns we that we an pro*
peny accoutred. Knemlesare to be smarted against—are
Sin equipped? If not,co toOIIEdTKU, 74 Wood street,
enaod Boy’s Clothing lost abors cost. ' jalfl
Whether of Frionde or of
Frost, Esq., can be obviated by a good Coat.—
CtIBSTBB professes to be able to pat everything la the
way cfpoolnoss on proper tooting, by the application or a
‘ »!°d Boys* Clothing la great variety.—
it. ho charge for ahowlaggooda d»
JNDIA RUBBER WHIPS of all sixes,
wholesale and retail, at the liubber Depot, 110 Mwket
"I3ACKED BUTTER—IO bbls. pkd. Butter.
JL 20 Wegs packed Batter, In store and for sale by
J* 32 T. LITTLE A 00. -
LARD —37 kgs. No. 1 Lard for sale by-
RICE— 10 tcs. fresh jast rec'd and for sale
>r fol it. DALZBLL aoo.
i^iHEESE—2Od bxs. primo catting Chocpe
yj for sale by fol It. DALZBLL k 00^7?
BALED HAY—7S bales Hay for sale by
i»l2 'a JAB. MaLAPQHLIH.
TI7"OOLEN' i FLANNELS—White,Scarlet.
TT and Yellow, Plain and Twilled PUnnelsJln. in
mease rartety. A. A. MASON A CO. aa. 6th at.
EAR CORN—SOO bashols- Ear Corn tdr
Mdshy Jala , . JA3. McLAOqnMS.
OyjrSr| BBLS. Potatoes for salo by ~
/4IUU jag J. B.oXNPIgU)j
Y3ORK.—II bbls. Mess reo'dahdfor sale by
Sundries —go. bbis. Oreaso;
3 bbls. Lard: ■ 99 sacks Dry Feaehss
IScaeks feathers, to arrive by steamer Yeatman for
sale by ja33 ISAIAH DICKBYJt CQ.
UCKWHEAT—SO sks Buckwheat Flour
. jaia JAB. McLADonuy,
SUNDRIES-1506 bus. prime Peaches, half*
100 has. pared Peaches; 250 bos. Drr Ar>n!«i- - '
tIORN— 500 bus. in ear for gale bv ~
JJS J.«w.b ßA.uirtu, ,t.
A Ultm Putorr «nd Walnnt it.
> T ARD-5 kegs No. 1 Lard for'aalo by
—l_ - . ’ R. PH2ELI.S Ck>.
-LrayTOES &DE LAINES~A. A.“155m
-gSiS^oSte& ,tal M °" J *
LJUQAR-—3O hhds N. 0. Sugar now land.
KJ tog. *Q<l for mV br JOIIN PLOI'DACO.
HAY.— 5 tons baled llay at Depot, for
j»a BnmVfat a DinWoßTii.
H ? P A 2 ? r irime enstern just rec’d
U.toaii>rm.i.r. g. mtAiuiSm a m ;
LOVER SEED—IOO bushols prime in
V_/»tore and for sale by . . s.HAltn4rTT>p j> rv,,
13 ERRING—2S bbls, in store and for sale , . fo7 f . - v a HAKBAtmn JtOy
LIME— luO bbls. fresh Louisville Lime in
itoe and for sola by ISAIAH DICKKY A CO.
S*Ho KiJ Cloth C!o.k^
.which they are closing out at less than hh price. feis7
,IvJL Ma*on‘A Ca bate oo band a few Bay Btate Uonrn*
logrhawts at &nnlAnptiai pricey. fol™.
nCjYE FLOUR—SO bbla. fec’d and for hide
At;by _J-t . A, t A.’McBANE, U*. £d st.
ROLL BU*l l KR—u bbh,. freah for salo by
. A.AA. McßANß.ll4,2dst.
LAIID— 5 bbls. and 8 kgs. • No. 1 Lard for
_ sale by fols A. AA. McBANE, IU, Sd sj.
POT ASH--5 casks in store and for sale by
~ . : MoCASDLEiW.UKANS 400, •
: J*L.—: corner .Wood and Water «L >
DRIED APPLES—'IO6 bbla. in store and
forsafoby A CO. J
BOCKWIIKAT FLOUK--4d sacks just re
fJOTUiC JUALL.74 WOOD sT.~Sop*rior
w OiitaiaMnhwJnt, , Mallbo.
j L_ • • ••• ' Wtrtndytoplow.
COVEBS. of • different’ qiuditiefl
: *J® 3Uod mi Bow Cwm* '
.WhatattW tt»t nteU tt thcOiKMoth-Wtr^
*””?*.*- J. * U.PHILUP*, noMjjtrtef
T>£AKL r>A>ilf--5G r barrels •
■ •&) KVMSMi&M-fSgf-f
I '