PITTSBURGH GAZETTE iIyUBLISHSD BY WHIXE w co~~.— PITTSBTJBH: - I FEBRUARY 14,1855 «%.Ta Advertiser**—3eltfc«? the Editorial Seoa. rPrinOngErtshUahmePtofths Daily Ourife, on opened on Sunday. AnmCTmwhoderire thrir notiew to igpetf n the on. Monday jaornin#, will pteoae bond, tbaa tn B ft» re fr odoefc, orißotcrday. ■ '■ r : Weekly Goxeue.—Tba ixUabn o rcolotton ofoar Tfcdefy Qcat&t ufflsrv to our tatlnea man botlncMkaown Oq? drenlatlon ts toweradburand fiYe'tbonauid.mehing almost every toerehant,. manufacturer and in Western Pecn*yirmi*,nnd Esttern Ohio. ■ Advance Payment!.—Hereafter" ho eub ' optionviQteUbao.b7 tbe DaQy or payment ii mad* in advance.' Wbabever tbt to which tbe fobecriptton It paid, the paper wfll be invariably (topped, unices the eatacripUon it re* paved by adranoe payment. AH transient admtWns, • of every description*, will be rwjulnd to be paid Is ad* vanoe. The only -exception* win be where epedaiaontb yor early contract* are made, eepUdAw . Th* SoutbeiwKxow Notbzsqs are endeavor ing to exouse their brethren of the North for permitting such Anti-riaverj men as Gen. Wil •oh of Hass.', and Mr. BiWAnD of Not York, to be elected to thatTaitod States Senate. They say that the Know Hotbingparty is to pat down sectional agitation, that is discussions npon’fila t«yj and tbotitis tobea purely national or ganisation; that is, to let Slavery have foil ■wing, for on no other principle will the South consent to a national organisation. The Haiti more Patriot, the Southern organ of the Nhow Nothings, admits that. - the election of Gen. Wilson is inconsistent with* these principles, and it offers the following excuse: “The American order is very'powerful in "but'notsufficientlyeo to over come the Free-soQ They contend that it is much, to have nearly divided the House of Representatives and reduecd the Senatorial ma jority to a single vote. Theycootcnd.ffiat each member of the order has the right to. express his own opinion upon the subject of slavery,. (which is a sacred and undoubted right,) but assert that Mr. Wilson will not intrude, or express his or their opinions in the Senate of the United States, •it seems, of course, difficult to imagine how he can avoid ah expression, of individiul or repre sentative opinion, if the question shall be brought : before him in his legislative capacity. StiU, we shall suspend our opinion, in the hope that these predictions may be verified. Mr. Wilson wIU soon have an opportunity to speak for himself, and the question will be definitely settled, so far, . at least, as his own good faith b concerned.” - So, the brethren could not prevent the ex pression of the views of Free Soil men in Massa „ chusetts so far os the election of Gen. Wilson is concerned, but they say he.agreed to have a padloSk put on his mouth, and they have turned the key, and hob not to intrude his Anti-slavery opinions! A beautiful bargain, truly. If South ern Know-Nothings can.be.caught.with such chaff as this they must be most decidedly green. We incline to the opinion that Gen. Wilson nev er heard of the bargain and. that he will , soon show that neither his mouth nor his soul is fet tered. Then they will say, we suppose, that he. has broken Us bargain, and that Northern Know-Nothings are not responsible for Urn.— Will this satisfy the slave-extending brethren? Weshaßsee. In regard to Mr. Seward, the excuse is easier made, for the Know-Nothings apposed him to the “bitter end.” The Patriot says z “ln-regard to the. Now York election, the ex planation is more satisfactory. It is said the order was not strong enough to control the State at Legislative elections; , that the friends of Mr* Seward and of Gov. Clark surreptitiously entered the wigwam of the Know Nothings, and procured themselves to bo trusted as genuine members; that the trust thus reposed was vio lated by bestowing the votes confined to them, for the election of a sectional-senator. They assert that the order in New Yorltfb on the ad vance; that-it will be surged of all local and sectional tendencies, and the gangrene of aboli tion stayed at the precise point to which treach ery has extended it , “To] both these explanations,'we Incline, with a heart disposed to hope much from the in tegrity of those who conduct the affairs of the order. * * Our sympathies are still with them. We will await the result of their patriotic pur pose,* and if they shall fail In good faith, they «H*n have cur. sincere regret for their failure, and our thanks for tho good they have achieved. But we must teU them' that they must purge the gamer, and bum the chaff ‘with unquenchable fire.’” Look out ye abolitionists and Anti-Nebraska men, an 'unquenchable fir©* 29 preparing for you! • The Patriot is assisted is its attempts to con ciliate and caha down tho Southern Know Noth ings, on account of the Ist© reverses in the north, by the Silver Grey Know Nothing organ at Buf falo, ~the Commercial Advertiser, Mr. illlmon’s quondam organ, which says: “thaopmioD seems to be quite prevalent that tho re- election of Mr. Seward will operate to the prejudice of tho American party sfctbe South.— Wo a different riew of the case. To us it seems-as dear as if we could demonstrate the proposition mathematically, Jhat the organisa tion win be consolidated and invigorated at the South, instead of weakened and demoralized, when it is known, as it will be, and is even now, at all points 'lmmediately accessible, that the main body of the “American party” in New York, are conservative; that they hoot made honorable exertions to defeat Mr. Seward; that a majority of thirty or forty members of the As sembly were elected by the people under pledges io vote against Seward; and that the people have been deceived and betrayed by folso and treach erous men who assumed the name and character of “Know Nothings” for tho purpose of-decep tion,” • ‘ Know Nothings, who to to for inch an Antl-slaTe rjmui u Mr. Seward worn “false and treachtr eras,” says the Northern Organ—they“snrrepti* tioosly entered the wigwam,? and f*fiolated the trust reposed,’* says the Southern Organ! There is no reason for Southern- Know Nothings to be dissatisfied, for-thoir Northern brethren-only did not elect Dough-faces because they ooald not! A BAcnxa Oct.—We conn ottering the “Pilti burghCaihotie?’ op to the ¥ork,of defending Bp? ftgftinrt the charge* we have made *of permitting and sustaining convocation and theft to a certain extentfand in certain circumstan ces. Our last quotations trim Lipwri,' £caari «»we and Cardinal Woman, seem to hare been ao unanswerable as to suggest to the- editor the propriety of beating'a retreat ini time to sate ' his beloved Romanism from further revelations rather mortifying toany manliving in this free and enlightened country .He tries to break his fall by an attemptat wit in which he fails as sadly ,as he does in logic. He i&ys we “ *toU onr thunder from an EogU&h Magirins.,” - He dees a little of Roman equivocation here. We certainly “ stolo” nothing, for wo gave the Eng lish Magazine credit farall we took from it, and “ our thunder, ” as he calls it; waseompcsed of quotations from ltennfrh saints of high authority, whose theology and morals the .editor wili not, can not, and dors not deny. -If he desired it we could giro him a little more of the same “ thun der, ” as we have plenty of it left, but he stops his ears and endeavors tohlde behind a parapet of email wit. He has sense enough to feel, iioir - ever, thathb position is.by no mecM enriable, and hetriee to fortify il by the following burs! of conrage and dignity superinduced for the oc casion: • , . y u ghould he-lmagine that we will follow himas he dodges behind every no-Popery ranter, from Fox to Peter Parley, he is sadly mistaken; any thing from him to require our attention, must be original—>a commodity almost-as difficult to fidd in the’ editorials of: the GoteUe, as common - sense or dlrine' charily. w He wants something “original.” Nothing else tHH do this Ajax of the press, whose lofty soul -wearies of the writing* '-of the Fathers, and of Bellarmine.ondJLfgupri, and even' the Bulla of Popes will net satisfy hint, We beg him, how-; ever, to come down from his stilts and talk * lit-1 tie common sense, and tell us what he means b> “no Popery ranters, tom Fox toTeter Parley/’ Every quotation we have given has been Aom the UghesV Romanist >WhoritiOr-ftnthoritie» which no Cathode pretends to deny. If heis not satisfied we w& give the. original*. and ftOpept Bishop o*Conuo**s translation of thesis. ; We be* lieve that gentleman will reuder them fairly. Or tears it to that Jl.th.pil.hri Prelate to Kty whether the tranalattoai tre gate in on last STO comet or sot. ABw desire la t?'getbe ftro the American people, end American Csthe* lies also,the grosssly immoral ami dangtroui doe trinea taught by Bajiinuiti. laocqiu. aad other Catholio moral teaihers,who arereragtoMdfcy Borne »o of the-highlit “4 to"* “t ® thority. iWe Irish'to ebo« that tho laorala of Ijooo&t are taught in entry conftsnon»l, ; end yojienthe door to tho comnisrion not only of venial, but also of atrocious crimes. We have m^de. our.eotomporaryafsir offer.' Wears ieadyjb try Romanism by the t&thontive Cach ings of her acknowledged standards, and hoi by -Fox, or say other ftoteitantwriter, *nA to traea and mark out the natural consequences of such teachings upon the morals and lives of her vota ries. We give the. editor of the “Catholic” another opportunity*of retrieving his honor, tar nished by deserting the field in the midst of the controversy... If hd still declines the contest, we must infer that ho feels his ground is unten able, and that it cannot bo defended in a conn try whero a free press and free thought exists. SscnxT Political Pastizs.—At a time when a mania seems to possess the public mind to rush thoughtlessly into a secret oath-bound political association, it requires some nerve to resist the current which seems to set only in onir direction and threatens to beer down all before It T)»i. has been our position. We havft never for one instant doubted the correctness, justiee and pro priety of our course in this matter, nor felt the least hesitation as to perseverance ln. it, at all hazards; but we havb at.times felt that we ought possibly be overwhelmed before returning sanity would produce a reflux in the tide. That such a reflux will come we have never doubted. That it is even now beginning we confidently be lieve. Under Some discouragement we bave also causes of oheerfulness and hope. The best of all is we have the entire approval of our own conscionce and judgement, and have maintained our own (elf-respect, which is more to us than all else beside. We rejoice to find with ns the best suede in the country, and are daily cheered by the utter* anoe of the most ennobling sentimentsby men whose ability, reputation and education gives force and ehareter to their opinions, and who from their elevated vantage ground are able tb look over the proecriptiveness and bigotry of those who would narrow down‘Americanism tea mere span of selfishness and prejudice. Ameri can glory and progress need no suoh adventitious and surreptitious aids. Truth loves the light, and manliness eoorns secrecy. The. following remarks in rebuke of secret political societies, are so just and so forcible, and embody our own views in so cogent a man ner, that wp cannot forbear the opportunity of strengthening our position by laying them be fore our readers: - “Let us ,notshelter ourselves behind the se crecy of a party organisation bound either by oaths orpledges, for the cake of averting a man ly issue. The support of the American system is too just and honorable a motive of political or party action to require or consist with any covert measures of any kind. All ought to be as open ns the day under that banner. The ex ercise of-the elective franchise, the discharge of a citizen's proud duty, is a solemn and responsi bly trust. It seeds no veil of initiation for any honest measure. 'There is' no man that doeth anything In secret when he himself seeketh to be known openly.' A party in polities, whoso members are secretly initiated and held to prin ciples not openly avowed to their neighbors, must sooner* or later excite an alarm greater than that which called U fats existence. If our own plans and projects, which are intended to have their effect upon pubtio matters, are expo sed to the oversight of thosewbo may differ with us, it is not fair for secrecy to cover one party, while frank professions and purposes disclose all the work of another party. We wish to know each other, and to know each other’s business. We certainly have a right to know each other’s plans and aims as to interests which concern us all-alike. We are suspicious of all orders and plottings that work their way In the dark, or are perforated only by crevices, into which a spy may peer, leaving his report to uncertain ru mor. Wq are suspicious of all manoeuvres in cur political affairs that open on us by a surprise, and ebow-a plan -already com -1 pletad before it had even been announced.- Under the first flush of excitement, partion ; larly the excitemont of success, a party in polit ical affairs, acting through a secret organization, may pass unehallcngetTby a community, exeept oo the single score of its unwarrantable method of proceedings. But by and by, as the possible and. probable incidental abuses and mischiefs, and.outrages even, to which such a secret or ganisation may lead, are fairly recognized by men of cool judgment, to say nothing of alarm ists, the fatal tendencies of the party will dis close themselves. Though evil forebodings may then exaggerate the harmful issues, the conse quences will be bad enough when contemplated as the legitimate effects of the introduction of an entirely new and dangerous element into our politics. The influence of a secret party will be fesred in the conrts-ef justice, in the concerns of business, and in the relations of private life. Uen will discover as enemy by their aide in one whom they supposed to be a friend. A man who is held by a secret pledge, of the condi tions of which we are ignorant, to some par ticular method of action, may be placed in circumstances in which that covert obligation vilWmpair his fidelity to his manifest duties.— If there be really any reason to dread that des potism in government or religion will renew here its old strifes, let open, honest, bold measures beneath the very light of day, prepare to meet it While a proscription if foreigners would be a most odious policy, the sharpest reproach of which would be made to sting us in every re miniscence of our-own parentage, and of our own tenure of this soil, we may proscribe all foreign institutions.. We may ' insist, with the spirit and purpose of determined men, that the traditions: of feudalism, and the plottings of despotism, and tho.dk tations of priestcraft shall not transport themselves from, the Old World,, which is weary of. them, to this New World.— ; But no secret party organization is needed, eilh-: er to mature that determination, or to make iti effective in practice. What, is righteous and just in the object designed will prosper the more boldly it ; is proclaimed; while any secret proceedings may vitiate the simple integrity of the purpose,. and involve it with , iniquity. In one word—-end this ought to be a decisive l one with those who profess allegiance and devo tion to American institutions— a secret party don not belong to,-and u utterly inconsistent viih the American Mco* Q. B, Ellif Thank* giving Sermon. Corwondent of the Nona American. United State* Senator. Hjuuusbtso, Fib. 9. The Americas eausug art list evening usd bad a Ttrjr long ud exciting session. There wem*t the beginning, 62 penoiuTla it, of whom 4 several had never before acted with the Ameri cans, and Attended this esacos solely to aocom pliah tbs nomination of Simon Cameron. Among thus vere.Musrs. Crawford, and Maxwell, tbs former of the Union and Joniata district, the latter of Colombia and Moatour, both, of whom voted against all the American canons candidates : at tbs opening of the session, and acted with Uts old-line Democrats; Messrs. Gross and North, of Zjancaster—the former a supporter of Bich&rd son L. Wright for the Bpeakenhip of the Hones, And the latter a non-voter on that question, and both eopportert of Ephraim W. Hamlin for State Treasurer, against the American candidate and others whom 1 cannot now romembsr. Tho canons refused, by a majority of two, to repeal tbs secret ballot, which was considered partial ly a test'question between the friends and oppo nents of teerMy, and of course rendered Mr. Cameron’s nomination extremely probable.—— Thus, these spurious men, expelled Know Noth-. logs 1 tun iufcnued, who were Americans for a special purpose, ’decided this very important question adversely to the dictates or both policy and fairness. Other gross Irregularities were practised in the caucus to such An extent as to hdneo about 80 of the members to.leave, after he ftwfli baQot. On the seventh, the nomina tion was declared made, Ur. Cameron having receivod-44 votes, three less than a majority or a full caucus. "' It la needless to say that thejm pression is genoaS, the belief universal, and the assertion confidently made, that only corrupt in fluences eould hate secured such a result ;•••’ Uno. P. S. I am enabled tosutyoin illiief theyeae undhayg on the motion to'retain, in the caucus, th» secret ballot, on the nomination ,of ». candi date. I hope it will bo examined closely, and that the Philadelphia Americans will specially notice the course of the City and County Deleg ation. The vote is as follows! ■' : Txas—Messrs. Flennikes, Hahfeoan, Ellin ger, and Mellinger, of the Senate; and Messrs. AHegood,'Barry, Boal, Bowman, Caldwell. Craw ford, Criswell, Cummings, (Philo. county,j Cum mings, (Somerset,) Donaldson, EyiUr, Fletcher, Poster, Free, Grose; Qvy, Gwinner, Haines, Hubbs, Hnfe jßrhptUrick, Krtyps, Lane,. Leas, Love* MConneQ, MixvelJ, Meigle, Morrison, Mw, Northj Beese, Bitteubouse, witter, Bherer, Smithy (Allegheny,) Smith, (Blair,) Steel, Steh ley, Strndevant, Weddell, Torkes, and Ziegler of the-Houee—4C for secret vote; ' Kin-Mem Crahh* Fr. M' Lana’s Tarmlfoge, also his celebrated Urn Pills, can now be had at all respectable Drag Stem In tha Unitad States and Own tha sola proprietor*,' TERMING BROTHERS, fed-dkwS Successors to J. KJdd 4 Co.. Wood street. * Opinions of ibe Press —The following is from Gen. Gee. P. Morris, In tha Qoma Journal, of Nor. 7 2840: All adi ton pro tea to bo the guardians of tha rights of the people, and to-keep them advised, through thrir col umns, of whatever ahall arise for their benefit. We will lira up to this latter, and Inform them that tha meat won* dkrfol and valuable madldne for their gv&era) use ever In vented. Is Extractor.” Ita virtue* are eo rare, mighty and eccentric, that often they appear to work men Uke miracles than by science, so effective, electric. and astounding are Its powers on the human body, that, though now U is dally tried py thousands of people, not one of this gnat mast:but is delighted be joud eomperiecn. and eandlily aoofees they, on no con sideration, win am again be without it The Inventor, Ur. H. Pally, has wisely kept tha aae rat to hlmsalfi Counterfeiters arelbusy about It, but without ruseere. Its overwhelming merits defy all competition, and Its peeullariUas analysis. W# oonfelantly commend aft parents to seek ita acquaintance, for surely such a friend, -who laughs at death 'and suffering, mtoras tha blind, lama, halt and searrad to perfection, and all frtsa pain. Is “a friend lodeed.” W# wish the discoverer of this mighty blearing, who is » real benafeetorto mankind, Godspeed. For sale by GEO. Q. KETBEB, No. 140, corner Wood stand Virgin alley, 4ml by all Druggists throughout tha United States. JW-2w-dAwT Ths Greateit Medical Diacoyery OF THE AGE- Mr. Kennedy, of Boxbnry, hoe discovered In one of our common pasture weads a ramady that cure rvayhmi of JTtgser, fruj*o*mrtt fierq/Udfo a otwmm IHmpU. He haa triedit In over elcrea hundred mees, and never felled except lh twomses (both thunder humor.) Ha haa now In his poteen lon ore two hundred oertlfl tales of Us value, all within twenty mike of Ccston. Two bottles are warranted to ears a earring ear* mouth On* to three bottle* will ear* the wont kind of pimples of thefece. Two to three bottles will dear tha system of biles. Two bottles era warranted to cure the wont canker In tha mouth and stomach. Three to fire tattle# are warranted to euro the' wont ease ctf erysipelas. One to two bottles an warranted to rare sQ Earner In the eyes. Two bottles an warranted to eura running of the an hVfrtiM »wwi| hair. Four to six bottle* art warranted to eura corrupt and running ulcere. One bottle win cure araly eruption e.‘ the skin. Two to throe bottles ar* warranted to ear* the/wom csMofriarwcra. Two to throe bcttlM are warranted to eon tho meet Om «M«P .MIUIMUaV. , , Throe to tour botUee'aro warranted to cure ealt rheum . Fire to eight tattles will euro the want case ©fperafola - A benefit fa alvay* txparteaaedtkca the firat fettle, and a perfect erne ta warrant*!■ when the abort quest! ty is tskau. _ _ Nothing looks so Improbable to those who have In vain tried aQ the wonderful medldnee of the day, as that a eoxamoQ wood growing la ths pattens, and along old •tens walla, should eara every humor la the system; yet It is now a Axed feet. If joahsveshsßQrithastostart Then an bo tft nor ends, hems or he*e about It suiting aotoa cam sod not your*. I peddled over a thousand bot tie* oflt in the Viatnlty of Boston. I know Ua effect* la cveryes**. It fas* already don# arm* efthoewateetmea «m demote Mwachewtts. I gin it to children ayes? old: to old people of sixty. 1 hero sees poor, puny, wormy looking chDdros, ebon fisshwae oft aad flabby, restored to a perfect state of health by an# bottle. To thoee who an suhiset toesfck headache, 00# bottle win always am It. It giro great nllet to catarrh aad dictions. Both# who ban been ecwOre ter jure, hare ta kaa and been regulated by It. Whare the body Irseraod it work quit* easy, bat when then Isaay derangement of the foaeUo&s of oaten. It win nan Wy singular feel tegs, but you most oot be alarmed—they always dlaap pear ia from four days to a week. Thareis oarer a bad re sult from it. On the contrary, whan that feeling is gone you will fret yourself like anew parson. 1 beard seme or the most extravagant eacoclnos of It that man emits Used ta Kochtagsof diet Merer nsoswary—eat the best you cangft. I ban likewise an herb, which, when rim mend InsweetbO, dUsolve* Boofeloos swelling of the seek and undertheears. PricsflOeenta. BISECTIONS TORUSE—AdoIi, one tebtoepoonfal per, day. ChMrfn over eight years. dessert spoonfafcbUdrstt from fire to eight years, tswepceqfah As ao dinettes eaa be made applicable to all eonstftuttens, take enough to operate on the bowels twice a day. Mr. KENNEDY gives personal attendance hi ted cnee ofecrofula. Sold, wholesale and retail, at Dr. KRTBER** 140 Wood street, corner of Virgin aUey. fefidAwT* Penniyirawa Insurance Company, OF PITTSBURGH. CORNER or FOURTH AND SMITH FIELD STREETS. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $300,000. ‘ rysims BviLumaa and otbks property. AGAIIBT 10SS OR DABUGE BTFIBB and tub perils or Sea and lulafid SaTigalion and Transportation. DIRECTORS. ; Wb. r. Johnttoo, w. M'CUotock, ' D. M, Long, A. J. Jos**, Body Patterson, Kennedy T. Friend, J.GrtoSpreul, fJcorg* K. WhIU, Jacob Painter, Jem#* 8. Negley, Wade Hampton, n,R.C«gg*iHalJ, A. A. CuTiar, W. 8. Haven, 0. S. Park. OFFICERS. PntUat— Hon. To F Johnston, •• Vie* Pra&ent—Body Pattorson. ’ Beertbxty end Tnatarer—AA Carrier. Attitient Secretary- B 6 Carrier. £f#6J i»10-ly Henna, or Rupture, a Curable Disease. —DR, KETBER, of 110 Wood Street, begs leave to aaooaao* to tho pubUothat.be has mad* anangements with Ur. Kmb, of Haw Tost, to mU cad adept h» Rawcai Cou Tscn, which reedred the prise medal through * rergleal omatnfttoe, consisting of Jrcftaaoc Burner, Pmtt, Gan soenaw, Cuts, Lomov, and other*, alth* New Trek la duatzlal Exhibition of aUNatlons. Dr. Keyser haaancf flea hack of hla Dreg Stow, whara aH kiada of TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, LAOB STOCKINGS, BHOULDERBRACES, PILE PROPS, and BUBPHHSOBT BANDAGES,' an fitted, and satisfaction warranted. Trasse* aievtry price eati be obtained, aad of a quality superior tosnyothara Ur the market. Tba gnat prevalanre of Rupture has lndaead the Dr.to give especial attention to three earn of dlseas* nculriagmachanleal rapport, with fall confidence’that his long expretanre In the treatment of raeh eases has u»*' bled him to meet the laeraislng wants of the ana enmity la this regard. If yoaharea roptur*do notfall torelL Ask to Dr. KETBER, at his Wholesale Drag Store and Trass Depot, Ho. 140. Wood stmt, Pittsburgh, Pa. Elga of the Golden Mortar. ja34Aw A Special Bulletin lor the Sick.—Dr. ibntt hivigonUn^ t with wonderful riptd* Uy rrtxr disorder lnddent to the digestive apparatus; re atom the appetite; renews the strength; hardens the mas else, bnoee the nerrea, glTeselastldty to thesplziu, re> er&lU the mantel anandac, baalihes lmparts to the attenuated frame a more robust appearanoo; aQars irritation, mins the dlstvrbad tmaglnaUon, tmQds up the ’shattered constitution; aad may be taken vithont frar by the Dwblest maiden, wifr or mother, a* it b coapoced aedely of tba inleaa of rare Oriental berba, potent onlyto invigorate,aohllarate and restore, . . . If the sjvtam has beeome relaxed bylapropertndßlgen cea, the Gordlal will infos* a mete vigorous vitality *pto'«v* ary organ, lb* laesttnde resulting from late hours or too dmseppUeatlfia to labor of any kind, la gukkly removed by lta getion, and ladles engaged la eedsnttry oorapations, aad vohl to tnoonvenlenoe tharetrmn, will find It asaA fWmwiMit. Where thodrealaUonof tha Uood. bilngglih, or ani of the foMtlowof tbs body are suspend ed or Imparfrctly perfumed, itwfflkestore the aatnrat go* tion aadeommnnleate energT to the eaereUv* mid dlstribuUv* organs. Those who are bowed down byphjsicaldaldUty,aadao Aehle as to despair of aver recovering the rigor aad mlaa of •*">***, are Invited to give this woaderfnl Invlgorant atrial. ItembodJ**th**Uments>ftheirr**toraUcn.- Jaftre they have ooasnawd ths fart eonedonatha»thareenparitlv*l«UKlpl#l*alW«km*v>- cydabiliuted portion of aadhope, aooato bereansadlntbalrthorengh raoDtvry, wfflfpnagup la their hearts. . ’. .'.'•‘•l . The Cordial ijpnt np, hlghly pmcentrated. Is pint bot ties;' faloe S 3 per botle, two to S 5, N rix far >U. a ILBXIKMwprieU*. Ho. its Broadway, Hew Tork. AamixA—PlttstorglK rtoono Baoo, Uo» ® Wood streets oxo. H. Kama, 140 Wood st; R. SCBxuxu, 67 Wood st— Allegheny Cltr J.P.FUUOW. ...... r-\: 4, ' Sold by! Dragrista throughout the United States, Qua da, and the West Indies. ... £asa Wtd Coatort—The Oonfomator ately Imported from Paris, aaatlri salts the Hed to iha peeaUar shape of the Bead, »o a new hat Ig as easy on the bead tf anddo&a Ansatfitaadagaodau maybehad ItmoeiX. -■ aVSRtf • . W.IWTOUA JOHN C. BAKER * CO.’S TRUE MEDICINAL COD LIVER OIL, • Carefully prepared from none trot fretl end healthy livers, under tho ptreftPS l supervision of their agent at the Fisheries.' J. 0. B. 4 00. taka great pleasure in offering their brand of Oil, which, on account of it* saperier mode of pwperlL anlFTrity,hutatan -without dlmllih by the most delicate. „ Itlsvnmeeeamry to advert to Q» peenlfer efficacy of this very valuable and sdsnUflo -remedy* It* success lh ths cure of Chronic Rheumatism* Scrofula, and long Dis eases, whan skillfully applied end persevered in, ts no longer a matter of conjecture; Uls now acknowledged to possess healing virtues almost incomparable to any other specific. Sold in bottles, wholemle and retail, by tbe man ufeeturere, JOHN C. BASER 4 00, No. 100 North Third st, Philadelphia, And by Druggists In Pittsburgh end elsewhere. feO-imdAwT New Dagaerrlan Gallery. MR. NELSON would respectfully inform hit friends and the public generally, that la order to meet the daily increasing demand for his Daguerreotypes; he has had built and haa sow completed (over the Old Post Offlee, Third street.) os* of the moat spacious and magnificent Sky Ught Oaltoriee over constructed for Da gTirm-nntj ini pimicia. lu ilia TTnlfrrl Plains We are now prepared ti execute likeneeM of all sisetaud styles, in any weather, from 8 o’clock A. U. till 4 o’clock P. 1L A visit from all to solicited, whether they wish for Likeness ea jr noLßoomi, old rat gffloe Building. Third street a*>44w3 Consumption and’Spitting Blood— Sea the certificate of Mr. Turner H. Ramsey, "for many yean proprietoroftbiFarmers'lloteLFndericksburg. Vo* and lata of the City Hotel, moimend, Va. Dr. John Mnge.ofthedty of Richmond,thougha rag- course oppoeed to what fa* called quack medicines; was obliged to say that-tt* good effects In the case of Hr. Ramseyrwcre wonderful Indeed. Ha had been given up by seretal physicians; faadtried most of the quaek medicines, and was on the verge cfdsa pair, aswell as tho grave, whan h* triad Outer's Spanish Mixture. We rafer the public to hit fall and lengthy certificate around the bottle, staling Ms cure, Be* advertisement. ja2Mmd4wT HOLMES, RABE & CO Buuueaoun tv A. H. HOLMES A BROTHER, tUXUPAOTUBEBS OF SOLID BOX YICES, HAMMERED IRON AX LES, -CROWBARS, SLEDGES. MAT TOCKS, PICKS. Timber, Mill, Tobacco A Cotton Screws, Shafting and PiJltfi far JfocAfrury, Car tnd Bridge Bolts, Thread and Nats complete, PITTSBURGH, PA., 1 ■ Wabzbocsi, No. 81 Woco unnu Fjut in bkc?d. J9TAII work warranted- mh3l-tf Da Font Fowasr.— lSrerr variety Kifie Mlningtnd Bluting Fcvdcr. in til dt« puIUN tin; oo hand tad far atUftcm tt*culn«,la totttorallpnr rhMWfronfcTornbltttmi. Alto Btltty Bata. D. W. a BID WELL, Ktnufretsmi’ AgL, Ui great «tmt» Plttobarglu PITTSBURGH Life, Fire & Karine Insurance Company; OFFICE 65 FIFTH STREET, MASONIC HALL, POTSBUEOII, PA. JAMES S. BOOR, ProidcnL Oiaus AOtLNS, SKRtirr. This Company makes etery Insurance ap pertaining to or oonnoeted with LIFE BISKS. Alo.aoleit Hall and Gann BliXjl on the Ohio and M lnlaapplrlmt and trlbntanw. and Marino BUka Con or* And against Loss or Damage by Fire, And acalnat tho Portia of tha Boa and Inland Narlcation and Transport* Uoo. PolSdao janrdat tho fcrreatratea conalotenkwlth nAftr omoroxx: JameeS. Soon. J Wn. 8. HaToa. Samuel MeClareaa* jaaoaD. McGill, WUliam PbUllpe, Alexander Bradley, John Soott, John Fullerton, Joeeph P. Gama. &L IX, Robert Ualvay, John IXeAtpin, iimwiiff tuynolda, Arm- Wat. t. Johnnon, strossCountT, J aiaea Marehall, II emtio S’.Lee, Kittacalnf, Oeorre 8. Bolden, PtUnaßtove, Bearer, nr&ljfc CPoeteopy lreerfletcclll UNITED STATES UKBINSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TRUST COMPANY. FinULOjZLP&IA. 01UB3ZBKD APJU2. Sfl, Pnnnus. CAPITAL—S2SO,OOO. Qfttx 0. K.ConnrUßi»-nui.t. AwpcAsae rwk« ok raw OUJO AHD HlitflSSirj’r KCTJDIS, AND TRIBUTARIES 0* /*nwe* fffeaiju* Lou or JVe. ALSO deffMrfUuwrilWtJw SSJLmA JiLAB&irJKTIQAZIQA Sod TRJTferORTATI ON. - • Richard Floyd, R M. Kier. Was. Binanam, John B. Dil worth, Frand* Bellen, 5 J. Bebocmmaker. Wsl B. Ilaya. >tCTL i 8. liar bench, Ueao M. Peeeoek, waiter Bryant, Jas. U. Cooper, John- PHILADELPHIA Eire and Life Iniurance Company, No. 149 CHESTNUT STREET, ■ OPPOSITE TUX CUXTOU IIOBSK Will make all kind, of Insurance, either Perpetae or Limited, on every deeeripUon of Property or Mprhandlsa. at naeosahle rates of premium. ROBERT P. KINO. President. M, W. Balbwcs. Tin Prceldeot. ~ ■ DIRECTOR* ChajL P, Hayes, i R. R-J^r*., B. JDL Rocilih, i U«o.W. Brown, P. ©Barery, I Joe. R Peal, U. Bsermaa, 1 John Clayton, ». JTlslecarjtee, | B. WUer. P.ldcunu, Beentary. > W J. 0. COFYIH, Agent, deCc-lyfe y i cornet Third and Wood streets. Behanq# Mutual Ineurasce Company, -Vf OF PHILADELPHIA. .OPPICE NO. 10 WALNVT STREET. SXU,T?S, ISeamtv Inxtied. ' FIffHINSURANCE—On BuUdiues, Lim tttdoihmpctad.Merehaadlm, Fnrnttore, ln tiwa Ite jnaltttljfalirtpla,. eomttned with the aeenrity of a StgrfttoStoßihtlUee the Insmed to share In the profits of theCoaprar, without liability to loess* ZbeSmvtCßrtUioateaofthisOinipany. to profits; are eosmtiuk atrwar. Into tba Capita] Stock of the Oomp’jr. - CLaU^HULRvTEmIdoQt. ‘ B, U. HCtcmuv, Saeraterr. „ DIRECTORS: r SCl«m>Tleglay, .0. M. Strand,' 1 a. U. Thompson, henls R.A«bhnreti 0. Ilixthlll. GSorga N. Baker, G. W. Garpeater, Beni. W. Tingle j, . Robert Steen, 2. hethrap, 0,8. Wood, I • ll.L.Caracn, Marahell HUL J Robert Toland, James L. Taylor, j EdwardG. James. Jacob T. Boating, ' J. 0. OOPm, Agent, -lrfe . eoraeitThlrd and Wood etreeta. HAZARD POWDER AGENCY, ill Varieties of Powder CONSTANTLY ON SAND. Alia Sufety-Fuse. dsfifl L. 0. GBATP, Agent, 133 Sd sUPlttabnrgh. M’CUntoota Famjly Medicines.—Wo all the attention of heads of fwaihetAad others, to tho ad vertleemcnt cm thetouth. page of -than valuable Family K edicts ec. J . ; - Agency of Dr. Fiten’s ceieorated Med entn, at Dr. G. IL SRTSER’SDmg Store, No. 140, corner Wood ft. and Virgin Alley: Cherry Patmonlo, Pulmonary Balsam, rectors! Eapec* torant, Pulmonary - Depuratlva Eyrnp, Heart Corrector,‘Homer Corrector, pur* and madleinal Cod Llv er OH, Antl-Dyipeptfe Ulxtor*. Cough and Cathartic Nervine, Vennlftige, Faaala Pills, Female Bpcdflc% *O. *c., need by him constantly and with unprecedented aueeeas In tha_treau£ant of Cbtdf,CbtipH CbnraaaptfMi, AfOtma, JTearf.Diseate, Dyf prp&iy (Sbrafrdo, Bk >a Dim**, Ehaaatim, Fmalt Dr, JfttA'f unentailed ' FUtnt'&Ucr Fitted AbdcwtOud Svxperttru Dr. JOcNt Jmprot*T,BUa SprUtg Shout’, der Draw. Dr, iVck's SBrer fatal* , Also,eUkSSsrffeopriftaiy Medldflaa, Tresses, Bup porters, Blonlder Braces. Bainembar the place, Dr. SET-; SEA’S, 140 Wood street, sign of the QoldenUratar, ' ; WdeAdhwS ~ ' “Tba' wbole pres, of. Pbiladelplu* aro out In favor of Hoofland’a German Bitters, as they are prepared by Dr. G. M. Jackson. We are glad to teoord the lucres* of this valuable remedy far dyspepsia, as wa be* Hove it supplies * desideratum 1° the nodical world long. needed. The wretched lmltatcri andoounterfrlterv hero withdrawn thstr nostrums from the market, and the public are spared from tn* danger of svaUowtng poison ous mixture lullan of the real Blttors. 0 See advertisement. ■ -, ' ' fiiT-3wddwT' X.ADIES’ FANCY FIIBS. M’CORD; & CO., CORNER WOOD AND RIFTS STREETS. Sa-ARE NOW OWJONQ THEIB LARGE mrr : oAfili&p MARTIN, ■ FITOH, . . ’ SQDIRREL, : i wnxT ‘ " CONEY,; • .... SWANS DOWN.. . ■.. ARNOLD & -WILLIAMS ■zJ m - ■■■ :..Munii flAwtsj."** • €UIBob Furnaces, ftXo’i IronTablnr ' ANDmnHaacSxLLT, For Warming and Ve^tiUuiojio/Butldingi. ■ Ai * W*«ilUaatiKt to Vitfmltt* »M VnittUllng- bj fitanaor Aof ftrChilaba’a rarsMp»ChsrefaMi J»II HoW 4 ctD«ni a «.Ha. »luSlt7u nttitank PEARL BTBABI MTT.T, CANAL BASIN.* ALLEQIIENT, . _ rr«iox. . yaaflifl* will bo soppued with oar various zrid« ofUtESB OBOONffj&OOB. br WViu tbrfr <*? &T»UU» Hm.er to am bn* U^LTwiS^bOaX to tkmiOH itttUhtf efth»dlto.: nmn 4 co. - . If you don’t want to be Straight don't I «T **<£““ mow .than two inn w> I h *T , ,-, O .'P Ur. K»re> “'Vuhlaatml SwrcadCTßnn,” and feel It a pleasant doty again to rwoommod it* use ■ to all of aedentarr occupations. Combining the edvan- - noU«« of a Shoulder Brace with tfctee of a Mir of Boa* I penders, it Is ligh t and eomfbrteble, and effrctually coun teract* the dupodtloa to become *toop-*hoaiderwd. Thaw of oar reader* who an to Deed of raeh ao article, should call on Dr. Keyser.cn Wood street, corner of Virgin *ll«r» and ex ami Delhi* Brace, which has recently beeu much Un proved.—Diipafsft, December ith. Bold wholesale and retail it Dr. KRYSKR’B Tnu* and ghouldsr Brace Depot, 140 Wood street. Bigu of the Gold, an Mortar. ja3-.i>3 a as. Front at. Notice to Owner, and Consignees of Fig Metal, Blooms, &c. OiWNE BS and Consignees of Pig Motai, Blwnt Outings, Mttglnes, Mill sod DallSng Stone* tad ntbilr snides upon tb* Allegheny Wharf ere hereby notified |hst unices tbs asms im removed by tbs auth of ftbmrr next, they will b* lubjwted to s charge of to -«nta per ton for eteryfi* hour* they sn ■offend tore* ntftio after tbst date, in sceordsaos with tbs motUSoos ofauerdmaaeertgulating tbs Wbsrf , W3*. SCOTT, Wbsrf Muter. AUegtourWhart A Mosical Journal for the Million. rpilE NEW YOKE MUSICAL REVIEW A, «®Uins annually over Ons U and rod Ptef-es or New Mode, brtidu s rsit smoant of critical, Instructive snd entaUlnlng reading; alto. • worklpuhllsbed In chapters) by If»ril Mason, emoodylarlhe practical rtndU, u Jwted to practical Uadung. ofUls experiences during s long snd Indutneusemrier. snd leader or music. And jrst tbs Murtcuf Mcnta it only one dnilsrs tost, or ■U copies for flee doUsre—lnCexildy inadrsacs. Anybody foellng sn Interest in tbs esnssof musk, 1* Invited to at npclarv.ssd larwsrdsubscriptions. l*utllahedfortnieht ly. bpseisu'i) sopiu nat on receipt of firs cants, or two postage stamps. Address, postpaid, • _ « iMAbON BROTHERS, felfi-IwdAu2m*T Z\ Perk Row. New York. tho Honorable tiie judges of tho Court JL Otroaral Quarter Sowiotu of tSo Brace, In and fbr tbs Cuontr-of AUeghsny. Tbs netiuonof JsnesNesler, of-McCsndleM Township, In tbs - country aforesaid. humbly tboweth, Tbst your potlUoufr bath provided himself with materials fur tbssccomaodatlMi oftmeUrsand other*, at his dwelling bouse in said bd snd prays tiist yon? Honan will bs pleased to mat him s llnom to keeps public bouse of en tertainment. And your petitioner, ss Indaty bound, will •ywprsr- x .. jamksniskley. Ws the sabsmbers. eUusns of Uts township aforesaid, do certify that the above petitioner Is of good repute for bonertyandtein»er*ne*,andl%well provided with bouse room and convenience fbr the srcuminodstlon and lodging of strangers snd travelers, and-!that said tavern Is ncees- P. Mosser, D. Baprsr, Qso. Wriaht, W. Me- 1 {Hotter, W. McKinney. J. O reamer, John Pie res, M. W. Wallati*. K. Pierce, f. Morrison, I*. Bsmr. follMtw*r T OCUST GROVE SEMINARY AT LAW JJRBNCBVILf.K,—A sew term of this ikpnoi begins on WIbNIWDAY, February Mlh. Ban? r? Queried.. Application may be made to the Raetor. ftUHtd REV.WM.IL CLABKB. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTjY, THIRD ?THBET.—B. CUTUBZET A BON; Oficbfortbesaiaof rarms, Mills, Manufretoyl**, Improved and Unimproved iAnds, CltT and Country iusidsac**. Building Lota, Ail; bnSiieM y°** eo^ec^QB rents, procuring Person* baring property to dicpose of.’and those wish ing to buy, wUI Snd it to their advantage toeaUntour offloe. . fe!2 GOOD BUSINESS PAPER, taring not more than 4 months to ran. can be negotiated by opplylng toj feta B. MeLAINA BON, I QILKS-fA. A, Mason & Co. will open on MondsrJ Feb. 12th, 29 net. of rich Plain and Plaid nUki, Including a few pcs, ofthose 4 4 Plaids, at >1,60. Wf 00L PLAIDS—A. A. Mason k Co. are IT •eUingjout the balance of thslr Plaids at a discount of4o per centj - • mU fijEMLANNUAL SALE-A. A. Mason & KJCo. will open on Monday, Fsb. lSth.loo pea. more of JOB RENT, eituated in Economy through saldShm. Apply to , B. McLAIN A bON. BEFINED SUGARS—IOOO bbls. Crushed, , Powdsr4d add Loaf Bogart, from the 8b John’s m Sugar Refinery, In store and Pit sale br fti* - J.A. UDTuniSONAOO. CUGAR HOUSE MOLaSSES—324 bbls. \J Btcam Refined B. n.Mcilassm; ase bbls. La.B. 11. UolaoeK S9l bbls. & XI. B. Moiasas; 170 half bbls, A. Q. Byrup Molssser . 2M bbls. Washington bTiI. do. In store and for sale br r ftia • j. a. aoToiirwnw * oil in non ÜBS. BULK PORK for sale )U«UUUbr J. B. CANfIELP. 6>iinKQS. LARD f Q r sale by 4UU&U . _ J.B. OANFIEUD. A 0) BBLS. and 20 bxs. Roll Batter for sale l*4>by W 8 J.D, OANTrgrj). Qfl BBLS. TALLOW for sole by. : OUlabx '. ... J.U.OANFIED. -linden Compaq of Wuconsin. rjiiijs Corporators of tuis Company baye JL subeeriptlon to the Capital Stoekr tfgm Banking Hcnsa of Meam. A. WILKINS A 00, Na nyrarth tt«JPittsburgh, when pamphlets containing Chartgr.UeologleaJ Borveya, Ae. can oe ootalned by parties desiring Information tainaTa to the Oanpany. f- oyti T AUNDRY BLUE —Tho attention of fami- JLi Dm WTuh-womanJs invited to this Bine, which is ■lmply Indigo dissolved, having all its properties retained The Laundry Blue poamaaea, over theundissolved Indigo, the advantage of Imparting a better color to clothes, of be ing much more shspls and convenient fbr use, and of be ing* saving of about one half, owing to the Act.that not mors than one half of tbs Indigo am bs dissolved by wa ter. It U entirely destitute or any propertiesiniarimis to dGths. We would soUdt a trial, and warrant it tube as represented. Forasle by JOHN UAFT.Jr^ aisa • • No. 141 Wood rt. ■VrOTICE. —CARPETS, CARPETS, CaR JJ. PBTB, receiving at No. 113 Market sL Velvets, Brnvsda. Tan. BrosseU, Extra. Three Fir. Tap. Ingrain. Extra Bop. Ingrain. Fine Ingrain >e nitliuvLUt and Hag CarpeU; also, every Variety of Door MAtsiWindow Bbadse and Mmmingv. with a fine fine .> eoruaeotof Floor OU Goths, ftmn m tbet to Ifilns .'s .-wide, wWcb we offer at arednced.prioe. We invite i e attention of ow customers aad riwyeling community ;> call and eee, at W.jtaCLINTOCg ADRoa.' , MEDICATED FUR CHEST PROTEOT- Iy ■ 08-To all pereoMof all a«ee and conditions tlm spi^eetorl*recommended asathieUagainstthoe* fear ful disease*. OonsnmpUon, llronchiUi, Asthma, Oonghs. . fwdi other afllleuons of tha' Lange, whkh arise from tha exweed state of the chest and continue! changes of opr rllmatoT -For s&ls, : wholesale .and retalL Fork --^R-R-BRLLEKBAWwdV"*. tUST ISSUED—B. ilSUin .& Son'hare AFjostissnsd thilr MontblfOrailar for February. It cantalnaa nureeroosUH of Town and Country PtMertr foTiSrandrroLVctUand get one, at Jl ' S' UdAB * MOLASSES —50 hhasTiSS AMUSEMENTS. OS* AU Advertisements of Concerts cr Public Exhibi tions, mori U paid In Advance; - ' CITY JTAr/L. EEMEMBER THE. FOOB! nnHE nOWARD ASSOCIATION would I autmuun U> tbe citizens of Pittsburgh and vicinity tn&t tbezild ofl^inai S AB L E . OR PH EANS, (CONrtiatlNQ OF EIGHT TALENTED PERFORMERS.) bare kindly volonteered to gives CONCERT. for tbe nf thr> Seventh it. Soup Houw at the City Lail, on THURSDAY EVENING. Feb. 16th. MB. J. BIYTHE BOOTH, The ronowtiotl C ont ort ionis t. Professor Clark, the American Flre-Kinir, have tin vcloiiUrnid. MfTiekßts of edtnluion 55 cent*. To t-» bad at th* Jlnsic and Book Store, Hotel*, aad at the l*v>r. girDaors open at6‘,. I'erffirmaneo to commence at 7; a '. THE SABLE ORPnEANS would respectfully announce that they will give their D and mst Concert on Fri day evening, Feb ifi. M 3 LJVEB COMPLAINT, - CHRONIC or .NERVOUS • DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS. And all Diseases arising from a Disordered Liver or Stomach, OUCH AS CONSTIPATION INWARD Q Piles, FuUnes* of jnocxLtc tbs Head, AddJty of ths Btoraacb, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust {i naai or Weight in the gtomacb.-Sour Eructations. fiinkinE w Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming oTthe Head. Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the llrort. Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying Mature, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever andduil Pain in the Head, DeOdeney of Penura tlon. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Jude, Back, Chest Limba, At, Sudden Flushes of Heat,. Burn* Ing in the Flesh. Comtant Imaginings of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits, out u cmcrouiT ~uxtd st DB. HOWLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, PRSPAREB BT Dr, C. 91, Jackson, Ro. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above disot/M Is not exeetled. If equalled, by any other preparation in the United States, -a* the com attest, in many eases aUerjkilfol physicians had foiled. These Bitter* are worthy the attention of invalids.— Possessing great virtues In tbe rectification of disease* ot the Liver and leSKr glands, exercising the most search ing powers In weakness and affections of the digestive or can*, they are, withal, safe, witaln and pleasant READ AJfDBR CONVJNt'JO).; J. D. SrxiflQ, iAceyvllle, April 6,1864, says: “I can get you some good certificates for your GermAn Bitters In this vicinity Ir yon wish them. A lady purchasing some of it this week, ssystbst it is by for the best medleine ibe ‘ever knew, having done her and her daughter much Lawbox, Rentard's Store, Bom met Co, Aug. 16,1843, eayc **l am much attached to year German Bit ters, having used two bottles of It, which I procured from 8. Kurtx, your agent at Somerset, and found great relief from it in dmease of the Liver. I find it hes great effect on my lungs, strengthening and invigorating them, which, as I am a public speaker, is a great help to me." Da. Goxs, Newton Hamilton, Pa»Hay, l£si« said: -"I have used myself half a dozen botilee of your German Bit ters for Liver complaint and disease* of a nentraechafao ter; resultingirom the abase of t-ercury. I was poisoned ana afflicted with spasms from the use of tb» latter arti cle. The German Bitters is the first article from which I obtained anyndid I have also given tbe article to many dyspeptics, with ths most salutary rotulL I think as many more bottles will cure ms." > J. 0. Ycvya.Rx., ofDaupbin, Pa., write* May 6,185!: “I was afflicted with GeneralDebiUty, sts*tlnal Weak nm and Oostiveness, for whleh I used many different remedies without relict lat last used your Hoofland’s German Bitters. I took a few bottles according to direo Uotu.andwna completely cured. I have not been so bealtnyfortenyearsaslnavebenslnee I took your Bit ter*. which is snout one year ago. n . , The Bitten an tnUrtly vtfftiabU, always ,ttrengthenlng the system and never proetratieg it. Sold by dealers in medicine and-Storekeeper* every where, and by Fleming Bros, B. A. Fahneetoek A (h, Geo.IL Keywer, 140 Wood etTPSttsburgh; H. P. Schwarts, by dealers lamedTriutfgenerally WILKINS & CO., (HDCCISSOBS TO *. WILXTVS k 00-.) - BANKERS & EXCHANGE BROKERS, RO. 71 FOURTH STREET, PITTSBURGH. IN the numerous suspensions of Bankers and Brokers throughout the country, during tbe last monCha, wear*satisfied thatinalmoet every Instance their troubles have grown oat of a departure from their legitimate btuinera, and we therefore take occasion to as sure the public, in advance, no speculations in “fan cy stock*," or other * outside operation*" shall tempt us .from the strict andJegitlmate line of our business, believ ing that In avoiding all sueh Investments, we shall not onlv be better able to serve our customers and ensure their saftty, but that In adopting such a course we shall' pro mote our own nltlmata benefit, foff- WILKINS A 00. Water-Cure iMtitnte. HAM) STREET (SOUTH SIDE) BET. PENH STREET AMD THE RIFES, PITTSBURGH PA. TkOCTOR BAELZ, Graduate and Practi -1 ¥ tloner In the Old Bchools of Medleine, Allopathic and Hemcepathle, and for tha part tea years a successful HydrocathtstThae opened a WATER.(JURE In tbs above Tb* perfectly safe, dlrott and Immediate effect this sys tem has on ail Fevers, and all disoase* acute and chronic —while it Is mild, grateful and invigorating to tho weak and debilitated, renders It peculiarly desirable In families, who will be treated at tbolr homes. ... Allopathic Homerpathlc treatment will be adminis tered where desired; but, after loitg and thorough experi ence, Doctor Baelx glvea a derided prrferengc to UTdroja thr, whkh-Bas, throoghoet tbe old and new world, prov en ao eminently successful In every f na of disease, lnclu ding Incipient Consumption, Bronehitia, Dyspepua, la flommatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Asthma, Catena on*. Nervous and Liver Disease*. Testimonial* of cnrea from highly reputable citizens of nearly every Btete In tbe Union, can be examined at Doetor Bwlx'ioffioa The Bor. Clmry are invited to conaulthlm gratis. . . Warm water bring used in the oeauseneemeut, and cf ten throughout the traatmenUt I* a luxury instead of un pleasant, as those unacquainted might suppose. RsrgaxVcxs.—Messrs. Charles Brewer, Waterman Palm er, w. W. Wilson, W, H. William*. -Thompson BelL J. B. Weidea, D.T.Mnrcin, Wm- B-Hcimea,' eTu.Enguah, B. V. Knr. The uadersigned.harihg visited Doctor Basis's Institu tion and witnessed als snceexsfoi treatment, cheerfully re- as e tborengluy edneated azu akillfnl Phy- Charles T. Ramils Jot. M’OmneNs. Darid Hunt, John C. Curtis, Bobt. Patrkk. John R. Livingston, John Wright, W. W; Patrick, MoeeeF.Eaton,O.Onaibyurecg.; - jaT-fimd , • ~ . • : • A NOTHER Pittaburgher -trstitjing to the wtmderfuliy curative poweraef Brnthave’emllandßit* . PntSßpioH, Dce»6th.ltot: Mtcan-Benj, Jr* tf-Cb.-rOeoUemen—fora year paat 1 h in been afflicted very seriously with dyspeteia, so maebsn,thatmrßtomachrefnaed to retain anything. -1 bare tried almost every remedy, and the regimen of sever al pbvsldans, but without alleriation, nntil 1 beean the uaeorlbErbavv'a Holland Bitters, *Dd nave now found re lief almost amounting to a cure. I found it effieadonafn removing the extreme debility occasioned by this disease, and generally as a tonic It has few equals aod, nomporior.' ltespeetfoliy, J Aeon Worts,2d ih, below Market. . Cacti oa— lie careful to ask for Bor hare's Holland Rit ters. The great popularity of this, mulleins has induced, many imitations, which the publ is should gua «I purchasing as tbo genuine Bacriiare's Holland Bitters. Sold at (1 per bottle, or 6 bottles for S 3, by proprietors.' BENJ- PAQEjja-A ©x, eor. 3d A BnulnOmd sts. JNO.ti. RMlTlLJUmiugbam. U. P. BCHW ABTZ. Ailegncuy, degfi-te andDrngglitsgeoeraßf. QUN DRIES FOR SALE— . 6 hbls. Roli Batten IDO dox. Brooms. . S bxa “ • ** 3 caries Potash; OOkegsinUd “ - likegeLard;: • 40 mols Dry Peaches; 25 sacks Dry Apples; Z ,18 “ Feathers; - 10 “ Tanners*. Scrape, by - J a!7 M'UANDUESS, MEANS A CO, RiE FLOUR—CO bbls. r'ecd and for sole by - ! tax - BELLA LIOiIET. HAY 05 bales rec 7 d and for sale by •jaXT -t BELLA UdGETT. HAY—IO tons baled for sale by JaS3 . . . SURIVMBAOILWORTIL ROLL BUTTEK—SO bbls. ohoice Ohio for jale by jafig SURIYKR A DILWORTIL DRIED PEACHES—IOOO bos. prime hlvs. for sale by BHBTVRB A DILWORTH. T>ARED PEACHES—3O bos. pared Peach-. ■7 eeoh hand and to arrive. BHEI.ygn A DILWORTir. LOVER SEED—2OO bus. for sale by \J drift J. B.CAKFnSLP. GREEN APPLES— IOO bbla. in store and fbr cals by js23 T. UTTJSL A 00. Glover tbis. ohio Sced for sale by ja23 . JOIPTFLOTD A 00.- PEACHES —25 bbls. Dry Peaches for sale by : ja2D JOHN FLOYD A 00. IITRAPPINU PAPER—soobdls. for sale TT by - jalB) 1 ; 'JOHN FLOTP ACO.• 4 KA LBS. CALCINED HAGNEEIA in X a/nFatoroytdforiaieby FLBMINQ BROB. 4 f| BXS. BABBITT'S WASHING POW- H/DgßiuigdWkga-forsaleby FLEMINO BROS. Ci UNDRIES—6O bags Dry Apples: O M begs. Flaxmedr ' S bass Flaxseed, to arrive on steamer Quaker Cityfot sale byIBAIAH g pQ, QEIDIJTZ POWDERS—S gross very fine O and freshly prepared Bddliti Powdars on hand and formdeby JOH. FLBMINO, J* 3 cot Diamond and Market st. |J AKER’S COD LIVER OlL—The best JLf artfcleof Ood Liver Oil tunr in uwslfi dot received pt 1 i»9 JOB. Ff,BMTW^_ /'IHEESE—SO bxs. in store and for sale by V«' I ISAIAH DICggTAOO. DRY PEACHES—2S Backs in store and ftfsalabr fk7 : ISAIAH DICKEY AOa SALT PETRE—7O sacks in store and for sale by f B 7 ISAIAH DICKEY A 00. HONEY— 4 bbls. Strained Honey in store and for sale by . ISAIAH DICKEY A CO. HEATHERS—3OOO lbs. in store and. for r tabby , fe7 • ISAIAH DICKEY A 00. GROUND NUTS—2S sacks in store and _ for salt by ISAIAH DICKEY A 00. T 1 AY—l car load baled Hay, for sale jl O' ** *'*'^ l>OP ysn 7 BONN UORBT A UUBPU B OTTER—20 bbls. RoU Butter; 6 bbls. solid do for sale by JOHN FLOYD A 00. SUNDRIES—SObxs. Soap; OW bis. Mould Candles 6 bbl*.Boll Better,-for nh by fofi . ; C. WELLS A Od;aaa Liberty at. FLOUR— 400bbls, in Btore and for sale by fcq : B. HARBADOn A 00. BNTTER— 3 bbls. RoU Batter in store and for sale by ftfl .8. HABBAUQH ACO. MUSTARD— Genuine Lexington Mustard to lb.; lb. and H lb. cans; bam Mustard, put up br Crosse A Blackwell; Finch A Co.’s Has ihigtlsh Moriard, for sale by jaa» ; . ■ ■ ; •W. A M'CLPBq. : OLUE VITRIOiv-2UOO lbs. lor'sole by IF deli R. X SELLERS ACO. A LB8; RHUBARB in store and for IUU snk by Jafifi FLEMINO BBQ 3 • LIN SEED: OIL—IO bbls. pare forsalo by mo J. SOHOON Jl AKER ACO. SHELLED CORN—3OO baa for sale by: MDBPHY & BURCHFIELD hare Suit L t~dbT«pny MOtUrlot of cfe»,Medl,W TXWQITE CORN, bbls. patent - " ■ • W and 04 Front at. • VAI-ENTOIES-S- Sidler, AUozhenT.h*) * ndiUtt^S» 4 A BQZ- YOUNG AMERICA COLLARS ; ftl ■ VAN OOBPKK'B. Mgr bbi, ' M a^r SECOND-HAND OIHCKBRINQ PI- AUCTIOJf SALES* P M. DAVIS, Anctioneor. Otmwunidt Atta Ramu, comer Wood and Tilth kimt* riLOTHING, CLOTHS, Ao. at AUCTION. \J On " edneedej morning, nib imu at the cotamßt cut aalesrocta*. corner of Wood and sth sU. will be aold . _ 100 owtimer* end ttlioct Pant*: Bw dross Coats; OrereoaU, •JO Itafcfine white aol finer Stirt*: ■ ■' -• ~* 1 ' • 30 “ knit woollen Socks; U piece* black Binadelstb«.Canlmen« v Ratlnitta.TVool Tweet and a general variety el Dry OomU.Triauni6fn.ke, W 4 r.M. DAVIS, AeSt- r w I'ibhV WATCHES, JEWELRY, GUNS, O T UUItAILS, VIOLINS, AC, AT AUCTIOS.-On Wed- Mth Inst, at 7 o’dork, at tb* oointnmial tale* room*. corner of Wool and sth-stju will be told: 'floe KO>d. r »ad«Uw-«ftW'l»ei,.ip>m jewelrj, taraealtts, lc**et«, gold pens and pencil*. , .„ . „ , 1 Superior jp>ldt>iUnt lever aaleli, full jewelled. 2 Kitra flftf doable barrel ffunx, etabaod tvhb 1 rinoswood hand mltor, patent reja,eort $3O. 3 ** otil violins, uocfcodaad lined. 2 caaea stuffed Wrds. •%* 1 line vlolincello, new tranks, le. , „ , I f„J3 P.M. DA Via, A net. VALUABLE STOCKS AT AUCTIOjf.— On Thursday evening, l&tli last, at ?o*dMk«at tbe Merchants’ Ricbangw, *tb *t- will be sold, •) shares Trust 00. - Stock; 0 “ Kxcbaupj Gtuk “ 25 ■** Citizen's Deposit Bank '* 60 ** National Mining Co, M iiQ •* Rockland " “ . feU BHY GOODS, io. AT AUCTION.—On Thursday mom Inir. 15th Inst, at thneommereUlaalea t'-otar, eoraernf Wood anil 6th eta, will be soli) from Uw ■lielTcs, a lartrc stock ot Seasonable Dry Goods, embracing a general assortment of foreixn aud domestic articles, jwa ___: £M. DAVIS, And. WOOL TWEEDS AND FLANNEI&— V T WUI bo sold Inw,at jirlrat* tale; at theoominßrd*] MIM rooms, corner Wood and sth sti, 30 pieeea, all wool.' Krermlxod Tweeds, 3 bales black mixed DonetFUnel*. . feia-6t P. M. DAVIB, Anet.’ minus ASS CLASH’S PIAHOS. SPLENDID FBESII STOCK! HENRY KI.EBEB, j ’mbSßsSclKSV 1 ’" I '*^**" ; titfyfeaa nnflTailed r Sd tflnpTa’n“;^MLol OESPEOTFCLLY informa the publio of r ‘ I«/ Pittaborch and vicinity that a splealla ftesh stock of jviuins cf dark 3 ! tuptrior Pianos Js now being Prepeiwt Ibrhim, and lias partly been received. The immense ami vastly increasing popularity of Nunc* andClarh’i plane* has caused the firm to add anether triaz to tbeirenot* *■■•• moasesiabllahment. a description of which nub* fbond: in a lata nttnbcr of tho WaptrlyMaoamu, ftxr—’“Itlsnn* •. ■> doubtedlyth* largest, ami,lfxr»areuot mistaken. the oldest hooM devoted to that branch of business la tha ' - . * United State*. It vtl established upwards of thirty year* '" ago by ao ingenious and enterprising Vlenn-Fart* bnUd«r • * who aoqaired a practical and thorough LuavUdgi cf the-. ■. “art, trade and mystery” of manniketuring the beautiful 1 p , Instrument* for which this bouse ha* to lons beanflunean If patronage i*. the highest compliment that can bepaw toancEtabliahnent,andlinltation tsthe*hicaxestflatunr» • then the firm of JftßffljdC’iOTkhaTotnochtobeprouaofi - for they harenerer been able to go ahead of their orders- u suffleienUyto make np Piano* Ibr exhibition andtpeeala- Unn." • The aboxoronjArkfl ftom tho pan of. a Boston Editor on* - ; Aina York establishment are peculiarly fadhle .and rfg« nifleant. Opinion of ilont. LAZABB, Vit alibraUd Pianist. H&vlngin moctof my concert* made nee of sudcarefally examined the Piano* made by Noon* £ Clark, New York, I freely give thl* testimonial of their superiority with re gard to volume and power nf tem and their praaMne** . • andelaetieity of touch—dualities eo importantin forming the hand* and improving the style of playing of m osteal 1 student*. H4JSXXK lTzabe, Profewor oftbe Piaan^ • attbeKoynlConservativecfiSrl*,' Opinion t\f Madanu Dk YMIES. The accompaniment* to mye-nct haring been played in nearly ail mr concert* on the Pianos made by Atom* tf Clark, I consider them admirably adapted to Uat4 and, t t*iU with the role*—a great an! Important consideration' with vocalist*. RQShIIHTBIIS.;; ; * djkn&ncf'jLAUJUCESTRAKGSU, VvTcdtbntel Pianitt anti Cbmpajtr. t. 1 bare for MTeril years past bwa using ono of JVknnj t£ Clark 1 1 Pianos in my own tamilr, and-consider then - prefsrablo to any other, both forpmaU and eoaeanpur* pOML They have delicacy of tone and touch. , added to matTolame and power. , . , MAUP.ICB STJUKOSII., ' r * Opinion t>f rtsvunt Prtyatort,- Havins thoroughly tested the capacities and qualltlfi' of Hums a Uarct Kanos, we feel constrained to wo nounealhein superior Inererrrespect. Thtdr.taaa-lifrv. reproaehablo for Tolamo, brilliancy and eqca'itT, and their tooch. delightful ferpromptneoandalsiuclty—*lto« . Bother well calculated ,to Improve the etjia and touch of . learners. \ VtbTOR Uli >IRX_RO HJUOCK. C. ANTON, ' * .N. SCIDIiK JJSAN MANNB, and ©there. 11. IHobcr jrfrey a fuR and mtitfaetoiy warrant with err. try Plano, and will positively sell them it New York foa my prices, wWtout addition for ct&* SOd/the money refunded if the Plano proves donetlTe. 7 QKNRY KLEBEB, -Sole agent for Nunns AClark to Western Penn*.’ " Alio, CJIRUAST* NKKDIIASI’d peautas MELODEQN3 No. 101 Third it. w Also a choice bt of DUN UAH’S hlghl^w^olar Election.: • t N Election for officers for “the Company - t\ for «*>ctlo« a Bridge over tlin AHeßhenr rlrer om.. ittePitteburgh.in thecountyofAllegheny, willbehold- •' en In the office of the Company, at -tne north end of tin Bridge, on MONDAY, thn Oth uay of March next, eom mtmSnK at 1 o'clock, P.&L . ' JOUN UAUPEJV . fcß-lmd . • Treasnn*,' SUCII of our Depositors as have not yet had their account* adjusted, tie reqoerted to faring in thd* books and certificates.: A.WILKLNSACO, *•» ... .71 Fosrth street. unici Ohio AJO p«Bsa, E-jCco-hI _ . . Pittsburgh,dco. a»tb,iaM7'/ 5 \rOTIOE is hereby given to the Stockhold-' - l\.ra of tfao Ohio and Penna. It. R. Ov. that att'ank if. • w the IBOijUy of February, t Dirldand'at Wire jwkat to the lut #tx months, payable lii the Block ofthi Cbm- " • be pifd to th» Stockholders riffirir’ +■ attwß *t«*l on the boot* of the Com puny otr the ijlfdar The Stockholders oh .tR.-Pittsborgld Book* will bj paid at theoffine of the Company* and thoeeon the New York books at the office of Winslow* Lanier hOo— >■ •* Serip c^rtlflrates wi 11 be toned fbr'th*-fractional 'partsOf ; ‘ **s"»• ’ - ILS. FLKUINO, Tms. jgtypapeCTQopy dal y 1 week ami weekly till FcVlb | , A CARD. - T m L "% :,ry 'J ? n ' i An, ' ■ 1: ■: I l ara an l nare J)eoo encomsd for ' ' rMp«tablg. My terms hara haan *od wnttnue to be moderate.- With tha beat -ef. lntenttoSa,;- ; «STi i* tbit no doubt, fn may> JJs®s» enttre aallslkction uiDot been l- ■ •* • formed of that tact my.-aerricea have bewfiptsgjtfnnr wg>- »✓• deredpranr. I lespecttußy ask the eoutiunanca or your R^£y* j ; our .*lth »ourladr folouda, thenbrsuttainisga barineaaaanecessary tQ yucrwlvm as tome. Whenamurod that employmentmahaobtain- ' Mon call, the beat ducrlptloa of servants will <«me toob* 1 - tarn employment, and lo return for roar'Avon wQluss my bat exertion* to render entire - -~ foO-lwd- Intelligence pt /VTOTICK —The undersigned having • been ' - of »nd •Measures for tha Aflarbeny, ~ean be found at tils office. No. 80 '■■■*'■ gmttfaarid sk. Pittsbnigh. frOlwdtfitwß C-T..atlnwn . MEAL—IOO bbls. received and for • safe by fo2 DI LLJ: LIQaKT, Water it. OATS— 2000 bus. for sale by r r - . t . . U£tJLA-LIQUCTr. i T INSEED OIL—2O bbls. for eate by Ufe2 ; BELL ALlWt'grr. ROLL BUTTERr—IO bxs. fresh this day . Teo*d hrß.B.toaatoby HENRY it. nnT?TWB J XF ALED-IIAY—3S tons Timothy inrstoro- ABl>—2o kegs No. I Lard, ‘ . I 5 bamt* No. 1 Lard, for me by J. FLOYD AQI HOPS— 6 balosOnio in store and-for sale by - ft 3 BKLL AI4QOKIT. VTEW HAMS, Sbouldera and Toneaes for bbls Small Wbitn ttAftny tobby jais - - JAB.MeLAUQHUN: 71 CREAM—A very excellent article 4MANDINE-— An excellent article' fdr - chapped hands, A«u:6 «!ca.reodby. - . ; ; . .. j' ■ 1 • - r >• JOS- FLEMIHO, • |J UTTER—IO bbls. fresh RoUr- . - \ CORNMEaL— *2obbls,fre*ahWhUoCofu Me»ltoMriT»anAtoiWl*by TjjTTLH *OO, ' h PEARL HOMINY—IO bbis. prime for •' tel*by P.W.gEßSTPfE*bo^ga*»Jropt«t. ~v 13EMNANTS OF SILKS-A. A.Maron'i ‘' t JLI/Oo>»lUplT«ronß*tard*T,D«. lOth. tUrgt kif o. - Kemnanta of fllUo. it almost om *i«»f the nrud met. v LIFE'S A MABCII f and now upon the mornef n ne» e*inp*!gn tat ra*»tbhfc»a-****»»• ' peny fteeoatnd. Eaamiesire'tabejrttantad ' Tpa «otdpMd7 If not, so to OU£STkll. T 4 WwHtnK.; - r Hen and Clothing lartabcrocnet. ; g- f^OOLNESS. —Whether of Friends op'of IffSS!^SSSSSi?WS^S^£^ U Wood ft. No charge for «howlnggoS£^ INDIA RtTBBiiH WHIPS of all bW \ irhobttl* and nruU, at th* Enbbw Drat,lift IUrS j tjaokedbSttjer-io JtTa) keg* |»»ek®d Batter, la itorß*adr&«a|*iy J-* 33 . r. LirrLK^m. T 37 kgs, No. 1 Lard fortmle by - u , I : •- R. PALZELTtAYTi R ICE- 1 ° to . t p, ah j 0 pMgdgyjjto ClSßgr B^ ■lpga* HAY-75- ' - manxoTKriatr. “ ulSl'jl t mo BBL ?o potatoc3 - • E K ~u .. CWiiiiaiJH-btf bbb. (beasej- ~ ' ' R^TCP^-- 50 sfcaßDokwheat Root frlS lfcLAPQgliltti , butDryAfpk* • .... b 7. ‘^igyv’-r f^QRN—SOO bus. m ear for gnle hy \Jh22 i*wn.KAM?*ix r fl AKPENTERS'. SHOP FOR SALE, situ 17 *t*i on Hit*nr rt- Fietory aad Wrtnofrt* Thp *boß Ison S?L.^ artt wr t*rtleti!ir»! ooputr* of