The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, February 13, 1855, Image 3

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Tub CotfpLADfT Book.—lt did admirably on
. Sunday and Monday last, and wo can evidently
sea our "people-waking up with regard to this
_ : matter. * We copy the following complaints:
* That.the gutters on Becond street above Canal
Bridge are fro ten so high that the water enters
the cellars in the neighborhood.
' That a doggery on 4tb street near Smithfield
• kept by a man named Pampas, is open every
Sunday for the accommodation of a few sly ones
,• > whom known. (We understand this Wflidna*
' Ball establishment has determined to keep open
■ in spite of the law. We look to the Police to.gee
. * ; Mr. Bombas brought np next Sunday. Now let'
<s us see who fcmaster!). " ~
That the saloon in the Theatre was open last
Sunday night and liquor Was sold there. Com
plainant thinks Manager Foster did not*know of
- iti:
That the wall of Worflweirs building on 4th
.stmt, naarSmithfield, lately burnt, is danger
tons. A thaw may result in the fall of the buildiog
| and probably in the death or serious injury to
'■ That several of the hydrants between Market
and Grant streets have burstand flooded the side
walks rendering them at -many .points impassa
ble. .Those opposite the St Charles Hotel and
Mr. Woodwell’sresidence should bo immediately
attended to. 3
That tho pavement opposite theSational Tele
graph office is flooded and the cellars filling with
• - water. ■■_•••
That a pile of brick has been laving for sooo
time in front of McKee's & Collins* warehouses
«.Wood street, so that drays cannot back. io.
That a certain chimney in Simpson’s building,
.; corier 4th aDd Market, is so Mopped up from
soot that the occapants are annoyod by the
, smoke. -
. That .whilst passing through the'alley in the
rear of the houses on Wood street, between Dia
mond and sth streets, on lost Sanday morning
daring ehureh hourSjComplabant discovered four
young men in tbo beck part of 000 of these
stores pluyiog a game of cards. Complainant
can giro names.
That o gang of rowdies assemble on tho oor- i
ner of Washington nnd Webster streets, insult- j
mg passers; by. Their conduct is did graceful
and should beputa stop to.
. BIIC7ITJB9.'r—iTXXd llbek and There.—Tbo
"V Jbiquesho Dvipot ia finished and is now occupied
fur the purposes for which it was erected. Wo
presume the unsightly old concern on the wharf
will'now be removed. A fall description of tho I
new building, appeared in tho Gazette somo I
months ag0,..; The attendance on Dr. Plum
eria preachinglh,Allegheny is very lsrge. Wo
hope the trustees win make early provisions
for the accommodation of the hundreds who at- (
tend there, XAst Sabbath, as many asahnn-j
dred-iwtira compelled to goaway... The num
ber of received Into the Penitentiary I
during January was thirteen. Whole number
Jiow .undergoing imprisonment, 1G8.........P0ti-1
tions are being'circulated for tho pardon of Link,
McDonald and Carville/the convicted watch-1
men. On what. grounds? A young man
• named Dilwortli had bis arm broken, on Satur-1
/ day, by a fall, while skatiug.on the f
hels.,.. The weather moderated considerably I
On Snndfiy. During Monday some snow fell.-—J
We may-sborUy look for a thaw, in accordance]
with the old saying, that “first it blew, then in
anew and.then it tbew.”... A person applied]
„for charity at one of the Soup-houses- two or
. three days ago, who was found on enquiry to
own two or three houses ia the city. Look out
for these miserable Impostors -An old toper
last Sunday finding-it impossible to gethis mom-1
iog dram, went down to the river and drank the 1 1
pore, unadulterated article, declaring if ho 1 1
eouldtft get the “whiskey” he’d take the “Monon-1 1
gahelo.” I
. .Tint .Count or Comtos Pleas.— This Court
» davened on Monday morning, Judge fi’Clure,;
i: dAQts and Boggs on tho Bench. Judge fil’Clufe I
- gave uotice that the holiness should be comple- i
ed in as expeditious a manner and at as early a
period ps possible.... The hqnra of session will be
from 9'to 1 o’clock and from 2 to 5 o’clock. The
following cases camo up on Monday:
Wo. Young: vs. David Davis and Wm. Fitzsim
mons, (No. CD December Term, 1845;} verdict
rendered for plaintiff.: ...
• - Joshua Kobinson vs. Thomas Brett, Plaintiff
took a non-suit alter the jury hod been charged. |
John Glenn vs. John -Quinn. Verdict fori
■plaintiff $5; be'released on payment of costs.
- David Brown; surviving, and Wm. Brown, de-
TS.Pavid Campbell. On trial.
... 'RsLKUOtfi revivals in the
~-Aleth odist churches of this city and Allegheny,
to which we referred two weeks ago, are still ,
- progressing. At Church the in- ]
,teresV. 4ms somewhat. abated, though the work]
'.still been added
. .Uie Liberty Stmt church—sufficient, wo are iu-1
formed to make np.for the loss the congregation I
will .receive by the opening of the Penn street I
church. .AHwge-number have joined tho congre-1
gation worshiping at Asbury Chapel. The re
vival continues Beaver street chureb, and
has-just.-commenced, at tho South Common
church Allegheny.. Bence the meeting of tho
Methodmt Conference, three hundred and fifty
persons have joined the church in the two cities.
- \;Pmsßtman Post Omen.— The following sta
tistics of the Pittsburgh Post Office for the quar
ter eoding December 31st, 1854, may bo inter
esting' to oar readers.
• The. amounfor postage on unpaid letters re
ceived for delivery, was $1,875,45; pages of
'- mail sent," 1818; amount of distribution $12,-
- 328,43; amoant ca regnlor newspaper s, $343,02;
’ amount on. transient newspapers paid by
stamps, ' $214,52; ditto paid by money, $143.-
" 32; whole amount of. Commissions, $3,689,80;
excess of* commissions, $221,62; number of
clerks, exdanra of P. SL, 14; are rage salary
of clerks, $700; population of the city (proper,)
according to the last census, ‘40,600; number of
drawers id office, 158; number; of bores in office,
1554, night clerks, 4 all night.
Fissn.—Gain jo hear it.—The impudent
fellow, John O. Berry, whohas been braving the
Sunday Law for some weeks past, was informed
on by: officer Bougher and arrested by offieer
Moore on Monday iast; Tor violating the ordi
nance. This Berry last week the pro
visions of the law by gettingßeiraeti,- bis next
door neigbbor, fo .“go halvera” with him. They
liras informed against each other and saved $2
each, as half the line goes to tho informer. On
Monday morning, :'pfficer Bougher was wide
awake. JfevwaaK.bomjd'rto pluck a berry that
day, and be didliC > Havinggot the fruit of his
Tigilancoabout 6 o'clock, said Berry was brought
before. Alderman Major and fined $4 and costs,
which was paid, said Berry pleading guilty. <
pjwmaiGXA&BecoAns.— cur mdere
hasnotneenanoldbßnd manstandingon the
-streets in frost, shine, and rain, in front of one
of -our bonks- Thlsold man, as we are inform
ed, is an I&liaa,nais6d Christian Louis Kossuth,
(too street beggar,) and
; . the old man was, oa Monday ; last, arrested try
' officer Trdrißo: and committed to jail for ten
days. We nt first thought this rathera.hard
case, bat on learning thefacts v Tiir th&t-this bld
man Isamember'Ofagang of'professional bog-'
gars,: earning a day, we are not sorry
for liis commitment. - .
. A - Liquor. Cast—A Paopm Fixe. —On tho
oath of Mr, Hogan, Frank Wolf was brought be
fore Alderman Wilson, Fifth Ward, on Mon
day lafct,-; Atrial was hod and Alderman
Wilson fined Wolf the sum of $5O
Wolf became indignant (as wolfii always do) and
refused to pay the amount - Wolf was informed
that hercoulan’iplay the fox.and an execution
on bis property wm issued, whioh he -will have
to satisfy or go to jalL. Poor Wolff
Street Loafem.—A number-of young men
- wCre arrestad on Sunday by the Mayor's Police
for < < loaf!fog*>4a Sunday. - We publish their
- names, v follows; Robert: Cranston, Peter Bai
ley, Saitb,' Adam Foster, G. Kdffor,
David fiipplo andJacohSchsmmberg. - Several
. ...were fined $1 and costs; Smith took out a certiorari
and three went to jaiL
“Wuas Ganx Mars Guxez."—Two : great,
burly women, who officiate in the Diamond Mar
-kef, got into sonjttiag on Mon
day- They had beta Ukinga “dhrop of tho
e»ato cratnr”«ia.f«tt somoiliit omberant.—
Theiy *ood-f«eling fihafly ■ aabdded Into blows,
and what would have been the consoquesea we
know not had not Hagno come dong Just (hen
' and and parted them. , \ .
CffASos of Gabbuso.—A black man named
Jean Baptiste was brought before Aid. Major
- yesterday on a charge of gambling. After, an
examination the defendant:.was released from
the charge/botwas fined for disorderly conduct
•We tmst.lhe.'officera under Aid. Major’s direc
tion will use their utmost exertions 10. ,extermi
ns to the infhmous gang to which thlafellow; Bap
tiste, belongs.
Tub Poos-—SevcralalJermen inform us that
numerous' and daily eases of applications for
commitments to the County Jail for jrajayancy,
Occa>—many of these instances bring meriwho
in ordinary times would make a respectable and
staple living* Who will say; there are no poor
amongstus? .
• liouoa SxLUKfI. —Before Mayor Adams, on
' Monday, James Patton was,brohght: up charged
on oath of Ellxabelh Williams‘with selling liquor
to her husband, * confirmed inebriate;: : ; Patton
baving : proved an alibi, wts discharge# High
v'ConstaWo Scott, keep a sharp eye en this fellow
> Sunday, if you please. z .
DtSTXicr Coubt.—Before judge Williams.
This Coart convened on Monday morning,
when cases came'up..
•Wm. Magee vs. R. Henderson & Co. This is
an action to. recover the valuo of stone deliver,
ed to defendant on the first section of the Ohio
and Pennsylvania Railroad. On trial.
r The Allegheny, Duquesne and Reserve Relief
Society distributed on Sabbath, 11th inst to
I 028 persons 150 gallons of soup and 600 pounds
° n M ° D< k& l2th they distribu
ted to 1240 persona 200 gallons of soup and COO
pounds of bread. . F
— A >»<•. sixteen years old,
named John ° Itdey, on Bunday laat, etole from
nis father. Franom O'Riley, residing on Webster
streota raltmble gold watch and ley, and from
Mrs. Niemer, Wylie street, $2O in money. He
■ has not been- arrested. 3
Usitid States Dxsteict Oouet—This Court
coureued ou Monday morning, but nothinn was
done except the call tog of the Grand aodTrar
eise Jorors, The case of Swszey will bo taken
“P this morning at 10 o'clock. '
. TvEnom Fkykr.—Several persoha are now
sick with this disease. Mary Bruce was sent,
to the Fassavant’s Hospital by order of the jail
property/ She will bo well cared for. j
Mubpht & BuncariELD acknowledges the re
ceipt (through tho. Post office) of $lO, from “a
lady,” for fuel for the poor, which has been band
ed over as requested, to one of the ladies of the
Benevolent Society. j
| Grand Labcent.—On Monday last*Jno. Stolls
was charged with stealing from the United Btatea
a $6 cob; 1020 francs, and silver ebango from
tho pocket of Mr. Michael Crist. ArgnoS and
continued for trial.
Distbict CouaT.—Before Judge Hampton.
The caso of Craig vs. De Bois went to tho jury
on Monday afternoon and has not yet been de
Tub Eleelsior Omnibus Lino was (bed yester
day for leaving baggngo wagon on tho street
during Sunday.
All tho Westmoreland prisoners who were
confined io onr County Juii went back to that
delectable ccuuty on Saifday last.
Liqvon Cases.—Two cases ooder the Liquor
I “ aw wiu come op to-day before Alderman Ma
'jor of the Sixth Word.
Cassius M. Clat.—This distinguished gentle
man lectures before tho Young Men’s Assooia
6on on the twenty-second instant ‘
Tin;. New Bark.—Mr. Darsie has introduced,
an act in the Senate to-" Incorporate tho '*Ccm
meroiol Bank of Pittsburgh.”
Sevebal-persons were fined yesterday for
leaving wagons and coal on the street over
Washington, Feb. 12.
Senate.—Mr Houston offered a resolution
asking the Secretary of War for additional in
formation respecting Fort Leavenworth. Agreed
Mr.. Jones, of lowa, presented a memorial of
tho legislature of lowa, in, favor of on overland
mail and a liae of telegraph. Ordered to be
printed, '
| Mr. Sumner introduced a bill to secure wages
to seamen in case of wreck. He said by tho
existing maratime Jaw wages are made to do
pend oarthe voyage, so that if there is a total
[. cargo, the sailor loses his wages.
' This hardship has been removed in England by
act of Parliament. The bill I introduce will re
move it, so far as this country is concerned.
Mr. Seward introduced eight separate bills,!
pursuant to previous notice, for improving Lake I
Harbors, which, on motioa of Mr. Stuart, were
referred to the Committee of Commerce.
Mr. Seward called up the bill to remit or re
fund the duties on goods destroyed by great fires, {
reported by the Finance Committeo*on tho Cth I
mat. . Passed; ’ I
I S lB following is an abstract of the bUI:
The Secretary of tlie Treasury to remit or re- ;
• I rand the duties on. unbroken and original pack- ■
■ I ages dcstroyed by fire, which weredmnorted bc-
I tween tho jth' of July, 1838, and the 28th of
] 1854;, the Collector and Naral Officer to
be commisriohcd to ascertain these losses* tho
j goods muathave been destroyed within 5 years;
j if imported subsequently to the passage of this
I aev Within two years from thier importation;’
j testimony tefore' said commission must be in
writing; pro ratal allowance for damage when j
goods are aotefitirely destroyed; if there Is nol
j naval officer within the district, then the District j
f Attorney, or:aQ&te other collection officer and]
I Collector^to compose tho’commission.
] Mr.Jrouccyaalkd ; tho till &üblishi«c a
] xrifCTit cotoramh* United c3iro
r-1 nia, which was discussed and passed.
Mr. Pettit called np the bill fiixing tho sala
ries of the District Judges of the United States.
1 |The Senate then took up the Indian Appropri
ation Bill which was debated at much length,
variously amended, and passed, after'which the
House.—The resolution of .Mr. Jones of Tenn.
was adopted that tno remainder of the session
all debate in Committed of the. Whole shall be
confined strictly to the:question or proposition
under consideration, excepting during such eve
ning sessions as a majority of the House may
order for general debate.
On motion of Mr. Bayly of Virginia the House
suspended the rules to take into tho Senate joint
resolution authorizing the President to, confer
the Brevet title of Lieut. ’ Genera! on General
Scott for military, eminent military services.
Passed, 12G against 85.
The bill establishing an additional land Dis
trict in Wisconsin, was considered and passed.
The House then took up the joint resolution
for tho payment of certain Florida claimants un
der the treaty of 1819, with Bpaio, and after
considerable debate, and without coming to a
vote the'Houso adjourned. - r*
Philadelphia, Feb. 12.—Senator Cooper has
resigned tho Presidency of the Suubury and
Erie Railroad, and Ex-Governor Bigler will bo
bis successor. The election is now progressing.
Wabuixgtor Citt, Feb. 12.—-Hiram 11. Rob
inson, has been nominated for Marshal ; Iliram
H.:Wilson, Judge and Hugh Jeiett, District At
torney for the new Judicial District in Ohio.
. ; New Oblxass, Feb. 11.— Twenty-six business
houses in Miss.. was burned on tho
•4th. The loss ia $163,000; insured for $50,000.
3000 bales of Cotton wero burned at Troy, Miss.,
on the Bth.
•Ohqha Citt, Jan. 30..—80th houses of the
Assembly of Nebraska passed a bill locating the
capitol at Omoha: The Governor has signed (he
• Ceevelaxd, Feb. 12.— The engine and six
freight cars ran off the track and went down an
embankment nt Conncaut. Two men wero bad
ly hurt. •
¥ m *t Feb. 12.—Cotton dull, with de
lft 0 * tendency; N. O. middling 9}; uplandm id
dhDg.BJ,> Flour unsettled; sales 9000 bbls good
Okto Southern firm; sales 2250
“?■ firm. Corn firm;
ealcs 28,000 bash mixed at $l. Pork, a trifle
if^V? 108 bMa atsl2,B7for old mess and
$14,31 for new. Beef unchanged. Lard dull
Groceries unchanged in price; but dull. Linseed
Oil nominal at 74> , : Stocks hlghor. Money nn
change# sixes, 94. N. V. Central
93}. Canton-28}. Pcnna. Coat Co., B. 30,101*
Cumberland B. CO, 30}; Erie 47 g; Beadihg 76}.
PinLanxirniA, Feb. 12.—There Is no now
feature la Flour; no export demand and the only
sales reported are small lots ■ for home consump
tion, from $9 up to $10,374. In Bye Floor and
Corn Meal nothing doing. * 'The! market isbare
of Wheat; demand moderate; sales 1200 bbls
primoPa. Red at $2/16;: white held at
Braao : sales. Bye at5:i,22@1,24. Corn scarce;
yellow in storo 97. Oats steady; soles 1000 bush
Penna. at 54. Whiskey. 34.
Cixcissatt, Feb. 12.—Floor firm atsB,lo@
8,25,. Whiskey 24f @25. Provisions firm, but
not much doing; sales; 300 kegs, prime. Jard at
9}. Clorersood $G,00@3,75f yith an improved
demand, v Eastern Exchange d&cUned to fpre
miumi; Money easy for first class paper,-
The river is iriQl . closed, bnt the weather Is
mild and thawing rapidly.
fi-F. cad Prixt XedoU h&v* fern award
ifjAtorUd*laklwohia CindvnatU
fter* tfnoark, dkio.Xktobcr,
Stole Fair, iiadivm, la. October,l&i*.
AstUtantrMt Miultr atCiacimatC
*&*&**&***- *• MS4-Jb JWL JtaHertahd Oihm.—
»tmil ItUifßcuJtto procure
Smfs2isfL“A ,l ?6e t »«* toour dty^br-jAisJ.
W ® iwaniasiid lb« wHb
Po,t AOtl Gommordsl Urn m
11. 61NCr.ApLAtttdantP.M.
For sale vhobnlr oud nun
f u-g-aELLPa. 67 Wood stmt.
WSSBJ?? m ADULTS-Tho vi*
item.&AlMaatoct£i£.’ m ’ s - r - IMS.:.
GsmiKUri-I uTI Hard t*o vsn
fork’* VrnnlfoOT; wbkh I punbuM itotn
hid tb* detlrS?rffset la **;
yormi ftwa my iri&,
U to mjr child; it bad tbs sum ®*!s
nnmbrrseTworn*. lltbmfcro
iiew a sure ntuodr tor worn*. •
FwwJwtisoiabr p.AiFAHNßsrocfearaP 1 '
Jsl&dlw cnasr Ist ud Wood It*.'
S? arbitration, for February.—
r.-Gtoaci Bticx, j. m. Cocpul c. W
Ricxtraox, IT. b. Esoiao. •
Omcv Pmsacwn Qumti
rrYkt-R Mernlax, Fobimry 12, 1565./
./«/r P *'" niirket duU; and 14 bbU. roi-rfij*
90 <3 °' fiTW at
ORAIN-toJr* &cn stow of .100 ba*. Cnrn at W.
aißDFnurr-KiJMorss si#, reifies fct. Oi ptui
md »to?. Apples st
<X)l'PEi;—a »sloof2oh«s3todtrtr*ilaftt
U-AY-aales at Elsies of2i losdsu»2t@s2V 9 ton.
Ths pwplsofVerttlltos.Kj. hare Leld a o«Uo S to
| ttYethemseiTesfromthe«ll*e«-Jltof*latcrreriDj to ere
| vent the octet lamed lor the Branch Bank at that nU«L_
They that th*r h*d entire confidence In therd-
I vency of the Bank, and that they th-
I : bnt ‘ h ' r Tr ' M molauma tatlms rorth thrt
r^r.r'f: L r
[who prennt It Ibf rml«mptlao !1„ thli of
.« do not K* ho» tho Mpor of th. thi
pass cOTent. When thepeople Inlorfere to >aTe * Bant
term the pressure of Its note-faoWcm. kls a , ,
i hU " —'Si«"
WD-lmrotaU. Our dl w ,[' It,
th.wln. at Cincinnati.
.n%“(lS^g o it^SS“s*™WJ h Wt ft Cnnla.
I that there it Terr little snov flSm»lnforms .os
1 from lier perilous position . lflwn remored i
‘bo up-
I Cld. Com.
plentr i*fsnow hank* aMr? < »lUi'rtJ,wiw n ‘ Uon . nftbo ohln !
water, but the »»&«Wt£h? I ? dUM,pI ? fnr “firer
their eapadtr? Mwww mati«ifߣws? r •* •*hlbltioa of
Bins to areuine tome actlritr In * r an d trade b*-1
tlon of naviffaUmi Is antic!Dated. «* fall 1
| the ritv given wiy ATn trbJ B " belo 1 w BBd *t»ve
i Ohio Hirer boats readied this r, } nnitJ / : sovenil j
winter quarters , thtlr
alnco tbo dose. " '“•J f “sJ boon tcmalnlog I
righteh«k* l re^i^Su l j£s' , p^ l *^“tiiteration. Eastern
preminm wiling. Thedemand*S. w* bQ f* n .?« *°d Sign
prime short paper Is . tnd
The xenexal market. cf Interest
I drafts sTlLab SnM^wMorr I *^ trmn *f er
| morrow morning for that eTry f ■ r ?w£‘ r ,*^ d -, J®*ve to-
I or a branch of their house ia ttSr It 83 cn i
j malnlnff *» their acent tbr the il- n e adto J’ w- 1
I reason to believe that the
1 steamers, which hare erreed^wsi 4 ? last few
1 tollllon ordoi ire.were to^at^w^'i Wwme half- 1
?. , Si ntr ° rt i ,,ir -onia 1
I hars. uniouthe EnauS 0 * moant of
B««on fir the WedSeSar wIU ®«r to
“s? to refuse j
LuS?p. UlU *”' lt »““* w£SJS?teES
tifimw ire tnuninent. Horn. I C°“ , f r h - , f f I
jjwniM fcr xiso.oreL Turi < l ’ on - h ' r '
. -IN. r. Tiib.
Imden Lead Company of Wisconsin.
I yprporatora of tats Company have
T 1 *™ VfVWett «wtafn»B«
T —The attention of fami
.-^iT?..^ I ?r- W £ 4h 'Worpiral* inritM to tbU Blue, whleh la
R h *I io ««“L U PRyertlMilujS?
»WmJ££ » T poIMAMS, om tti aodlßaoltml Indian.
of UttpnrtlßK a better color to dothca,of &
Inf aafriiEESyS? l ? l * 4 v7i nTeWeat for UM, andV b£
* **T»ngofaU>nt one halt owing to th* £ant that not
It “« l» dlwmlvM by wa-
HQthjt ll w?£&& iS!j* uU *?f V* PfopcrtlM injurious to
r*rus£.«in,i*i£ l * r i lc i. ta trial * 40< J warrant itto bra*
Sf^ atwL JOHN lUFT.Jr
. No. HI Wo.«l .u
,£**& US Market it.
BruuwU. Extra Trra#
•ortfarntnf Floor Oil Cloth*. Iron Si foot to
i *l|*{* hlcI *w« offer at • reduced price. Wa Invite t *
attoitmn of oar caitoinm and traveling community :•
«all aod«e._at BSQSJ
A>Lt-..9!L~' T V P*' r * ci ° a pf aliases and condition the
_ Protector U recommended m a fihtnk! asaliuit thow
C°°™«PUro. Arthma, Coogb*
U>ldi and other affliction*of tba J.onn. which aria* from
J}i® *y pow J 1 »tato of the cheat and continual eh in era of ott
climate. For rale, who Male ..and retail, at NrwY«pfc
-•cKSON & isuxv, os ttie lata Ann
tk V V ; J# *V?s,h£ Wb*. arftUaad F«d«r
|““? ra< ,r ja Pfojt and 030 Broadway, N*w York, hat*
b *>'s) ■"«T wlcty of flntri ao.J Fraden
££&n""u%.'* r ' a,n °" BIW ” <ln,t T.i^,°-
tki£l Th M™!f. Feb, Bth. 150 dox. more of
ibJJf n°il«T. •‘■l'll -m be .old et
about bne-half tba pieai rate*. f a j
rpABLE CLOTHS—A. A.. Mason & Co.
-An SST? * D * n of thoro JapaonisJ TabUGorrn,
*iK 4od u?' P ric "t»-W and S!/»; tiro, 130 mow
of tho— tiguart Woolop Hhaol>, «t SO . r«J
FOST ISSUED—B. McLain & Son have
Ml WlnJ e .t. oo“it“i virit, r
I'GAK k MOLASSES—SO hbds. cooti
St ft 11 “4M kw*. Win. N. a MolxiJS. fit
iSO.T trr 8.»1rw,.t .Tj.lojrt Itti™, r»r ml, br
JOU?,' 11. MbLLOIL. 81 Wm] it.
lVf.t f.l VAN (IQRIIKR'H.
MOLASSES— 60 bbls.newcropN. O. Mo-
U'««*tor»l6*»)r R-DADZELL4CO.
Obbls. unsifted for sale
5! J. * w. KEAa
(''ORN— 2000 bus. shelled and2ooo bus. old
J ibanad tbf and to fcrriTA by J. kW. REA.
I^ORN— 500 bus. shelled in store for sale
V' b r J. a w. uka.
HAIR-25 bales in store and for
Embroideries reduced—a. a. Mu'-
* 00. will, on B»frard*r, D«. lfitb, ndaMtho
* nu ? enM nompridnjx
upw S£?*®*«®® of BleSrei, ChemlMtU, Collar*. L*.
ee«. Trtmnlng«>Ag..Jo»tcponiML jjgg
IURAPPINQ PAPER—A fow realms ex-
T ¥tr**ii*for Dry Goods le*l«nC
4r"A by jmlS J. kW. nVjj.
'ASULJd Fi7SUR-250bb18 "StorrAMe^
nam" Kxtra Tamllr. for r*ie br J. k W. BEA.
V/V. n b ,S? d a wcrtfflent of-LASTS. 800 l
lf*rir*t«*r«J» ,ra ' MUwntflri, oonurof Diamond tod
fS“VE R SEED—IuUbiH. prune new for
ua J.eW.HEA.74W*t.r,t
TS , hSSSfcSi , ?‘i ,d A 58
-MXi T.i.KTUHoa' 112-im .»
Embroideries— a., a. mmou* c 0
aaag M * »Bgg&
ZINC PAINT—S tons American and
Frenchftr sals by. ISAIAH PICKET a oo= •
IpSAfiL DOiTiNY—I2 bbls. just rfcoM
and Jarula by D. WkBRBSTISBtco, .
7 .«»» • 1 v 93 todB6FtcntsL
Ma. choice In store andfbr sale by*'
■Hh: . ,D> W. HEIMIIWK ACCKKSand 91 Fronts!.
BOS. Corn, in thooar, for «ala b,
j»s J. a CAHrreto.
\T|RIEP PE ACHES—2OO bush. Ohio' halves
-ly wewfdmdforola by : BELL4IJQQKTT.
TOUISVILLE LlME—loft bbls. and
litofnloby Mia , B. BOBIBQH A CO.
DRY APPLES—IOO bus, juafcreoU and
fbrttlabj:' - Ja2o ' B. OXOBACOH ACO
12 BANS—IOO bus. for sole by
llocfig buriyer * DTT.wonrn.
-1.-~ tea sad. MsrrUl'a fins MsnrtedFUrorlng Extracts
sßtt. Sl4o* Pmton* Merrill** liailng Powd*r,-eefuJoi
Tatartarttonwln mw.rscttbr? JOB.FLBMINQ •
■jifESSPORK—OS bblAtfou PorOeavY.
lTjLjartrttfdftrMUbr a.BOPISOy*COT/:
ROLL BHTXER-4 bbls. fresh >Bolißut«
t*r just we'd tad foml* by . .ft BOfflgQHA CO. ■
C EVENT Y-B3VE CENTB—Lndioa colt have
bo mom *
tacndaUcnitho#* who bate not will ba. plaaavd «Uh them
catriALCaU soon atw Market it, oomjt-of Diamond.—
Frm Wm. IL MeDenaad’s AdvertLilng ir™,— w* » nq '
N#» is atreeUNw lU ‘
STEAMSHIP LINE, (Via Kfaragua.l
TCT ACCESSOttT TUUOTCOgFAXT OF .Tltnuaui. EXorkirro* .
JL TUB WEST. PKOMEnuaia. cr DARtptTit^;
SfErL all first rta« steamships. win l<, T . NeiyJk Tn
the 12th and 27 th cf each month. When these dava
on buinUr. the Mon-lav fallowing will be j7_
Connecting by the Nicaragua Transit Route, having bnt 1
twelve miles of land transportation. orer» good ners!aV '■
mized rosd, In carriage*. with the steaoihine 'Blpop* !
wflrieave San Joan djii Sod, the Pidßeterrainuj of Tra.n«it
Boot*. fbr San Francisco os the arrival of the naa«m-iw»
Por farther Intonation apply to v °*
, ... ft Bowlin* Omm, N.Y.
Letter Bass made op at the oßlc* eta. ner «
For Melbourne, Australia, Pioneer Line,
_ t Carrying the United Stater MaiL
A. 1, superior Clipper fc>hip GER
JL TKUDE will snocod the Nightingale. and nil tor the
above portion the first of July, as seventeenth Shin of
this Line. Tbs Gertrude has proved herself a remarkablr
Cut sailor,and UCheonlyA. l.hblp now loading at this
port for Australia. The Pioneer Line Jiaa gained a mn.t
enviable repatatlon. ft was the first, and fi new tbs onlr
regular line. Everything Is provided for raeaengsni ox
eept wines and Ugunre. soap and towels. The length or
passage varto from 75 to loOday*. First Cahln p»~«
KOO and !his.«eond Cabin passage SUSand *l5O.
far Crtlahtor raasage, apply to B. W. CAMERON.
pjSO-tfK 110 Wall strut
M and manufacturer of Ivory Goods, No. 3 Udrit b i ’
New lork._ oc2Wf *
JX BEEDS. T RALPB A CO- 23 Fulton street, New Tort.
Wholesale and Retail. *
For St Louis, Kansas and Nebraska,
A ND all landings on the Missouri i, ICgr a
IV Riter. The Pawengw Bteamer lIER-igiS&a
Xro. Cant. Dmav. will leave tor the above anTall In”
mwUate landings on the opening of Navigation. Pm
freight or passage, apply on board or to a rar
feS -tf G. M. HARTON. f Agent.
Wheeling Packet
. rilllE new ana substantial steamer r fCSr w
V packet between Wttsb3rSTS
ingerery TUESDAY. TIiURIiDAY «d
same hour. ■, *
TheKxchange connects at Wellsviil.'‘withthaPittslmreh
and Clevslaou Railroad, and at Wheeling with the k«ltt
more and Ohio Railroad. For freighter MSaeeTaJirfVon
■ardor to J. 1). OOLUSUWoIIu, AJtrv®ri P ,|. 7
Exchange b an entirely new and aneedv boat
k* “»onimodatlSni?' y «pi«
dWly finished anR fnrnlsbod-bullt eiprewlr'SrtSs
■ oelfl-
[Fidneer JLino of Australia Packet! from
New York to Melbourne,
$.^ utl!ul an<l favorite Clipper Barque
NIMROD, nineteenth ship of this Unef will be 3**.
nawmed on her second voyage to Melbourual on the aith
[wt aecommoontlons unsurpassed Rat**-.
Nimnw will be followed by the celebrated fihi«
Windward. Applr on board at plcrO, East River or p
0013 R. tv*: CAMERON, ill W,’.l mi.t i%”o{t.
California Diamond Pins.
*7m* * s ' 7 ltnonl chaia w. Tiu*w Plnj 6 «s
-if ySP*" * l*® to the real Diamond.
**“* f**Uy worth a visit to nee. We invite ev«w m»*
to call, elvillty to uon-jrarebawrs gratis. • ' 006
a» » . .... L. AJ. JACOBS, 407 Broadwav
small history of the Discovery o| these stones
his superior manutaetore of ■ 101
ITaving sent largo quanUUes to California, \ls Agents
there Btmthim a snedmeo ot the Quarts Rock. whts% k
lmraedJatelr sent tobls naaabeto^ta'Pule &t£*Jl
1 Aoeordeons. hi# agent* in
PurtsboDig Strunk with tbs beauty and brilliancyed the
»i? nr V. aft<r .k* In ® sent a quantity of them haak
s®,?* ®'the mwjufarturo of tho above l*lns, at a price
within the roach of everyone. 11
of every description, prices marked in tho window and at
epileptic pills,
13ERS0NS wboaro laboring under this dig-
ApmSfelr'WMli™ rfOSTAELK Erl-
I ag.VfiL"”*’ 7 ,TO «»
I action on the nervous in
i?®** »h*tover. In chronic complalnu. or dlmra i.
iSSSS'fISSSL 1,,4 °" 4b '' aa * mma - “w “■ «!•
idlS^^SsJl? fhJm * Up4rtJof U-Dw^mastb
WoS iL* h. by rLKHIN-G^BROa^e^CO
IF&tMt VAN GORDER has just roc’dj
l/li. *s?®* *“4 beautlftU assortment of MouralngJ
Collars. tfJ*+TM and Setts in Cnpn, Tarleton and dwlsal
VeUs. Blaok audGlorerf
I Alexander A Xajcn’s best Kid Gloves oas alwaVa hJ
Ifonan .163 Manger grurirr. wm.r<.r?S
Wnllirosnj- fbP*et3
Haarr, Elrmeth and Purttv.
and warranted to Improve by ifcwaaSßß
For sale by the barrel, half
i *£iit-£r nen ' t 'T»J nrrt »d in
riLOVER Dairy. —The subscriber Is pro'
iflffcalf'tliWifwfti 10 ®V n , Ci «r PRRan MXLSaad
CRRAM, and will be thankful fiir the patronacwof Lla
Sfeg l *" “4«5* >«■ COWB will be Mon gofvj
fihP' having associated with
JUli.% ► . UJY. The QQtlacM btfeeftrr Till b* e hivtii»«aJ
under thonameorGEO. H. WillTM * CX>. ** « Bn «urt®4
A* it Is tbs intention of the new Arm to aorta the onb.
Ho w*U. nutomna mar rely on- pot tins a good artirlo and
MH n f if *^ U£ * < ' u T y - i>«eftheiritocktherlnUndto-
import.and topurchaM fh>m tirst hands, to that <m*v
ihin?i?rf^fjf» lß Yti r » lU l ** t tba lowest coat. To enable
S SiA wu. Ul . 1, * ,ltw *“ , T frT Uioaeperaoue lodebt
™ Mtiro. Jt. White to MrßTomßtlr.
PltUborsb. fob. Bth.lAta-lftO-Imd
Intelligence Office,
NO. 2 at. cl a lit stli a y t
S™ V ANTS of all supplied.
Ices oftre-laaguarantoe lor tntureiinjf*. " "
pi “--Ooi ectioos jiromptljr attended to.
Notice.— gen. larimer's BANK
ING lIOUHK wiu bo open a few dire ffcr the adjust*
™™*lvxonat*,*Bdth* rooo'pt of ail balances’ mjle£
J»»Depodtpn wIU please 'hand In their book*, and all
porwmi knowing ttfetnavlvot Indebted are respectfully re
quested to attend to this no tin* without delayTu a Urea
•mount of money i* required to be raised Immediately tot
th J Pweyzra'Joo of a part of the tmit property. • 1 ***
f"®*3W THOS. HELLO*/, Trustee.
SHIRTING MUSLINS.—T7e invite the
aR!!?* 1 *. 11 ??*!?) 0 Stayers to onr assortment of Shirt.
»o« MotUna-indodJag the eery heat make of these anode,
nf medinmsnd flnenualltlee. Also British Long SoSs
forShlnlns, and Shirting Prints and CUqUm “ “*
We eonUnnn to keep, also, a superior article oT Bosom
Lloen, vwnmtert fntrt/tax, and Mug purr based from the
manniiittum* through tboir ageDt In this eountryf raJi
be sold low fjr quality.
Hut SMorOneptof Pillow Oase and Sheeting Huallne and
IJnens 1* wy full, and of llousekeepingfloods generally.
*°d to which we Invite the attention of all wanting any
goods In this department. f*nezs try nu thr tiauj '
__L*! MURPHY a ltuocnyiKLp.
WJS3T—Any person going Urnr
living In the West can purchase a valuable nitont
portable £w Mill Right for WTeraTsuiiS: It is£wto
mof great valne In a new country. It can be bad so taat
the buyer ran make money.
A warletr of mod Oower Stocks on hand to nil for Rial
Estate, bereor In the West.
3 also bare a Printed Beglstnrof Real Estate. -Described
on it an a yarletror Farms, Country-Beats, Houses and
lots. Block. 4c. toany wboSalL
de7-tf . Commercial Drofcq. IS Fourth it
KftOESKN topteonutantlr on r
went of Wub and Bath Tub*. Qom, f
Kitchen or Draw Borketa; Woodnn ,
Meararw, Zlae and Üburry Waah Boi
kinda of war* la hi* lias.
BMt« Tub#C «nd 100 down t
Wtreroom. Muonic U&U. yfftb ctrwt,
l£> Peach m, 1200 tra« Kofi Matter,
Paekad Butter, 3 bbli; **
•* “ 4kn PoUib, Oc*
QntH Z*rd: 3 bbS FUx Deed,
Ch«M«, 100-bxi- In •tor* and for tala l
Ja3l_ -u ailulVKlt k MLWORTtI,
BOARDING— A desirable opportunity is
offered.fcr saenrlsg 'Room and Boarding for two
small families, In a genteel private boarding hoop, ton
mlnnUaaalkfWatheP.O. Applications oatUmidt
moo. Addr**s*orJtb name‘and location. Bo* 840. MU*.
bgrgh. Ifro-tf
Tea, Tea, Tea, • I
WE ore receiving from New Torlc and
jfw Philadelphia3BolTAL?CllEBT3 TEA, eomptiilni
Yoon* nn»a, lmpfrißL Onnoowdcr, Oolong. Booahong
and English Break fat, all ofwhleh h*T* been ctnfollr
lected, andwill be sold u cauel, eltherwholesalo or retail.
J '? Pekin TaaStora. street.
Sundries for Sale— t
ft bbls fash roll Bottr, Cbbl* Onions, 1
IT bb?s Green Appl&s, 13bbf? ' ■ \\
* 4 f Oil. McOAN 2 ACO'
T ARD & BUTTER—SO kegs No. I Lard: ■
.MjC 30 kegs puked Halter; 7. bbls/nriine Ron natter'
jStreo’daadfoggaleby JOfltf WlL&JN.sSsxiberty tU
SUGAR— 10 hhds.primeN. 0. : Sdctar 'ar!
rived and tor Bale by JOHN WHQy, tlUrtr at.
I IIABIES FOR’ 1855—A large
Jf crwaric*ftrlB6», whlfthl will fellaTtfalowest
ratea. Allnereonsnetmpniled withtheaboTe nLfni
tides, can save 25 jw*atl>7 call Ino at aDOT# n * wm
Ja9 ; SAM'L B. IJLWjTEB’B 87 Wood st. ■
T ARD—KegLardjußt we'd and for sale bv
JUlSrtO 8,-HAttßAtfOg A CO. •
:i*sSir“'stsa”B?a?g^ T ' ,o,; neut >»s
rona mir.Jr.. Boh jfejn*.. i ;
MOtaHnipniorOUOot-tJm* Oplftirtc’d unlfcr'
OLLBUTTER 20 bxa. ektra 801 l
tor tliie dor roo'il btB.B. for Okie br * •
DRIED FRUI£_2S bbjfc'Drr Peaches
i=i- - - JOHSrLQYD AflfL
\J3£™»*«****- a no'W' and wry
M*ft.»SBJM?TOtUi» % *h£,Uef their extestirvitock
■f vfi > .&fSf* ,n *fe** ai F cf *H tb* dlffcrot tBAkM *b4 ■!**•
■»*,i*gqEtion of nearly poo halt tbi o««*» !»»*«»■-■ ’jtfa .
[GG&~-9>bblo. retfd aati foreilo br
Pittsburgh Hedge Perm Sursery,
CIT DATED on wilkmq Avenue, rfp
kJ •bout os* quarto of • xaQo from the eecoud
toO gatoeo the Farmsn*' and pi,nV
Boad, an extension of Fourth street, and alwut
tare* and a quarto mile* from Pittsburgh.
. U ii. * ]&&. MDRDOCK. tnprietan.
Tatf cS&r Syr sal* s tot lare* ealloetSon of well 'novo
tors and plant! suitabl* for tramr lan tins .this fall and
i . nurafTT cow covers som* SO acm of ground and
; ?2 , 15f“ 0 . 330.000 tree*, shrubs and plants, and over
| 10,000 fruit trees, and :».000 Evergreens andShruhs; are
: or ,„ DC * i:e tn orchards and pleasure ground*,
i» to <u ” ll ““
i 'l a k*vs to adlib* attention of the I oxer* ofahrub
o!r Ala TF 04 * 5 ?,? frad* to our unrivaled collection
£*,¥? °f lßif.embradng nearly all the Evergreen
enrttiraiiSSV*!£«“* “V 1 B*otle,that Is worthy of genera)
2i™! 0 «> lo this section of country. Plants eaitM u*
to glr* InnnedlaU effet
... * mtvKrate as turuaj. From rttuniti or satis-
U%£? rc ‘' reo « la the city of Pittsburgh required at aU
r<tt?^ J^? d £f 1 " odt i q J P* Um,Tleh wiikig Port Office, dm*
*mPtaa#otfc of rtU& &£
»nd Flcvttw S«ed«.KrergTwFrSf «*nd
Shade Trw* Oceno, PoiMr-IU, ?
oUierarUclw connected with Aaricaltiur *° a w
Frait Trees, Evergreens, &c.
r I subscriber would most respect-
I fully call tbs attentionofblifriends and tbs ftraßL
pouie to bis very large stockot Fruit Trees,
greens. Shrubbery. Roses, G roe nhouae Plants, Ac. *lT*
Of Apple, the stock Is Urge and fine. Of Pear, wesSri
same 6000 Dwarf and Standard ot our own raising.* or
ebolee varieties. Peach, several thousand fine, with Cher*
K, Plum, Apricot, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Oornata, Aa
ir Evergreens, mmilto6fect,ofwhlch we here many
thousands, are fine. Persons wanting large Quantities will
be liberally dealt wltb. Call and sea -our stoek tfi at
vmu mntaUtfiteUon. Orders left at the Pittsburgh P. 0..
Mr.B. Palwll, Liberty sC, the Oakland Nursery, l« miles
on Prana. Avenue, or the Pittsburgh Nursery, IK milM
from Oakland. irlUbe promply attended to. -
«. IL— Planting doba neatly to order.
oclft-dltrfl JOHN MURDOCH, Ja.
Bar Wood Flowers.
RRANGEMENTS have been made with
tb« proprietors of Bay Wood Flora) Garden*for aeon
itenpplyofßoanattes*utdeot flower*daring Winter
_ gammer. Ladies and genttantb can be furttlibed at
)rt notice any oftha following French fhrtnis'
Prnmida) {at varktti Va» <en tcrute;)
Beaitptienjue *• fTabdlaotmt M
Biaolart Tricoiort,
Eu MtUmot.
QWdU Eautits,
riam peter la chaatx.
Orders for flowering plant* in poba also neeired at
(t9t E. ’<• fflliNKLAlAvs Seo^WarehonM,
I The subscriber offers for sal*, a ehoiee Assort* w§9B*
mmtof strong, rIgoroo*PHAKTIUSKS, botbdwarft*HPS
of a bearing sins New Jmr
I ?^ , SS* rr, 3L ; iP r *S 11 '
P** 16 * F*“t*i Krrrgreemt, Hyacinths. TtS
Up*, uadCroeoiUooto,(br bloomingin winter andsprlne:
tagtamta for the Farm and Oarsen, of mortam£!™s
S£'w&ff stiOT. froin the Seed and Implement Warehouse,
<0 Fifth street. [nolfil JAMES WAItDttOP.
WANTED —A married man to work on a
Farm, to whom a house and garden wfl) be ftxr
ANTED—From tho Ist of April next a
,/T Dwelling House offrnm three to fire rocms; within
110,1 ° a ” ra ° ! 10
_ Information Wanted
F BENJAMIN MORGAN, formorly of
Soothwella, near Ponty Pool. England. Tie left hla
“*/• l Wfl - *»F Information of
'*?lTed Ly his Father and Moth-
STli. U 0 ®? 411 * ' alley, near Frostburg, Allegheny
“H^. M 5 rjrland * JOHN MOB U AN.
jnlfratwg ALICE MORGAN. ■
tOrnca Oia-Ltarrr Uohpaitt, \
«r A +' m 3k Lm &' Jn ’r • i
|<OAL WANTED—Proposalswtll be reo’d
,V< «?.£ i Y?? ap *V£ “P bushels of Pittsburgh
Ooal, of the best quality for Gas making jrurpojr*, to be
dellrerwi at the Company’* Station Works, duringtho
*° d Jnneof this year. Bids open
untUthejftthofFebniary. 18i5. ■
JaD-tlSftb JNO. R. TRIPIOTT. Asst See*y.
M Information Wanted.
R. JOHN TODD left Ireland for the
United States' In 185‘i. lie landed In New York.
***£*'• *?* Flttsburgh. toemployment
1 engineer, «xp«dlnglomeet there on# William
vli* ,lifi n k^ a ?j£ e< 7k-,A nj ' information concerning said
. M than Unity reoalrod. Address Sarah KUta
Todd, rare of Key. Bax ter Dickinson, D. D- Boston. Uaa
janitawiir 1
A-r tb* eerrioes of an active bntineas man are offered for
in a eafs bosineas. Enquire of
THOS. WOODS, 7ft. 4th *t.
TION for a Young Man, as a Partner In a small
J2!r°£ ia Su?T in * «t*hHahment, Be U able to make him
»nd has a capital of Blx or
He Is a good plain book-keeper
and aahieman, but would prefer being employed In or about
tlwmannftciorr. .8. CUTUBKRT * SON, 140 Sd S/
ff City warrants. Apply to i °
I** 11. McLALS A SON'. No. 2L Sth st.
Pioneer Line of Monthly Packet*.
_ „ The following Shins hare sailnl: . 1
l ^soo tons, July Staßwper, 1,200 tons^Joly
Lady£nn}din t KQ tons^tug:
Oaan Eoelz, 1,440 tons, Sept AtfwmL 1.400 tons, Oct,’S3.
*«*«». 1.200
*.° oo »"0h «*>•»*.. _JI.OOO.tOM. Joix
'£V»fotL gjib ton*. April, ’l3 . * )
pT*}?. » ofthlsLme are fitted with Eoeraon’s Patent
TentUaton and earry Francis’ Metalie Lift-Boats.
lSaStal^ASnSii!*® 1 ' oru.i.Lta,.
On the 20th of September.
The FLYING SCUD la built on the most approved mod*
SS^ai I M»!S ,laet, s5 <lw<l w to *» * D«met modriof
Marine Architecture. Those who d«lie a adekwrun In
St^?Lmi^ e ? tC,,ppCT ? hlll f «T«™islfeiheuia
?S?L?/S???lij lUw>atdeUT «HP aJ f* l1 «*‘® d number of
Ist and food CeWn pasaengen will be taken.
?*"**** apply on board, at pftr io East
Blwcrto R-W7CAMKBON,
llB Wall street. New York
~A Kb now offering their entire stock of
XjL'Carpethir. OUCloths,'Rugs, Matting. fitt, at eoat.
SS2*Sl?v *#assortment In tbs W«sfc
enj market, which we Import and mWi rmm ♦>..
moat n>lebnt«d man txlfcetarlee Id tbo country- Oar stock
comprise* la part tbs fiHlowinjr. Tit unretoe*
1-lejtant Velvet Pile Carpets.iOil Clcthi.
Tapestry Brunei* do Coco* Matting.
f* I** 1 ** , do do . gpanlah doT
SSEf???! 0 * I **?. d - C«rton do!
lmperial do Chenile Kan,
Was Ingrain > do Tolled <£C
do do Stair Bods.
TwUL«I Ven.titn do' Trshapewirt.Wlndow Shades
2« n . . do Piano and Table Covers.
.dj Piaotpd Woolea Balte^e-
Wtti a full aisortment of at] other-Uoodirand Trimmings
&E. t, ! 1 \ c *sJ ,B A Wawhonae. ThSS irtSjtrafo
will find it ta the”
aurantac* to call, as now la the time to procure the beat
JSViSI"" “‘“•S” 1
Dubnqne Tribnne,
__ T _ . Tie Qfitiaf Jtiper qf tie Cttg.
'I’HXS is one oftho oldest and most widely
ln IOWB . J
: Carpetings Oil Cloths and Battings.
• TinunTSE£T, pertain rax nouns,
ft-l AVE now on hand, and to which they ore
IX dally adding,a large and choice assortment of the
tlie lowest tothe highest mds which
i , v <l Also—Koga, Mats. Window
Shsilm, Venltlan IWmL«.Pfan© and table coven, Baffllot
' and., Green oil doth, and all other goods uaaur kept In
iraet houses, to which the attention of purchasers u in
' oclO
Self-Heating and Box Irons:
rlillE Subscriber having purchased the ox*
JL clariTß rißht of J. J. Johnaton's Patent Box and! J.
Johnston s Patent Self-Healing Smooth lug Irons, l* dov
extepsiralreacagod lDauutMhtriagtb«mn}«. In con
nection with tuo abora. ho keeps mnsUatiron hand at
Wt warenonuon hdenl opposite Anchor Cotton
Works, a I area and pood assortment of the rninom Tailor
and Sad Irons, to which be would rwpeetfalbr Invite lb*
attention of wholesale dealenand the public in reneral.
ooQ’lrd _ a RINUSLANn.AU.ehanTOitr.Pa.
J LaikyettoßoUdJnMjWoodft. *
Wadnal of the Book-keeping £KSS
on (Ul UaporUat biutlnwia fransactlona. JOHN fLBU-
I NO. fauthor ofFleming*! new end improved eyetem ot
»U 1 examine and deliver wwtJr lectores
„ Jaujw n. nofiUN&iMn
tbe Pittsburgh Bar, Lecturer on Commercial Law.
Although but a »aort time eetablUhed, thla Inrtltntlon
la in a taort prosperous and flooriahinir condition. now
numbering onehundreditmlenU, whJqfexhlbttaandp*
uUrltr and ftteeemerhaM never attained in u short a
ttae by any other Commercial Ocilege.' The Book-keeping
dfpartmMnLnndertheabießaperTiiionof Mr. Barry-, U
nwwna! odhittij city. Prof. Millar A Bro/a system of
writing U entJWlj new, and In many respect* superior to
anr other system, for the eonohoration of Which they a>
p«l to mauy perrons In Pittsburgh who hare aimdr re
calved instruction from them. Prot Millar haa taught
.pcomanihlp in all the principal Miles and. towns in this.
lp Iwt It be dlstlaeUp understood that no
student shall Mtadlploma from this College nnlewhoij
' d “ u "' " >“*•
rtSSXVSSSSK.^.*” 10 p - ”•
charge for Arithmetic. . Ja5X ’
, „ ieatner Btore.
.1 of the firm of B. Bard,
and OIL, haa jut retimed- from tho Kaat, andiino* na
BKOOMS-100 do*. Corn"
°* j«a . . jpgsmiTDtco. .:
pOBN MEAL, Hominy,. Buckwheat Hour,
M*OOMBS> Diamond* • Plttibrrrgn* < and JroeMi
«■> amignur. . ■'.■>>■ - - : • .••jaaa .
SAISINS, Currants.- Plums, DryPcaohes,
■leKUnr. \ , • - iatt •
PLANKETSof a eoperiorqnality, and mo-
BLOOMB ANDXUMPS--T^ton» offhand
«lHfcjnri«br i«a ■>• A. miTgIUBOH A CO.
t QP
Tn BBLS. freah 801 l Butter, .
li/ffl bn lV*«hßc4l Butter, ; Ca>t»iAbr
-fra: • •'■••••• ■•••;:■•>. ; • J.B.CAH7IEIJJ.
SOOMSj-Ct> dc*. t common-; Brooms
,. ,; Tmj f^xJQQgrr.
i eaokii prime'Barley for Bale
I hr - i«H ■ - - MBIVIB ABltwouTg.
OOBM-2OU Pus JiMCom i for«atobg m I OMa lot eala by^^^
Jitw Vork and Philndflphia Advertisement!.
IKOII CILANk * CO, K South 3d n, IphllldolphU,
*nd l <n Sum street, Ntv York.
npDE subscriber continues to manufacture
■ 1 “f veiled Patent Fire ud Burglar Proof Befcs,
whiehhS.e'SSii nj K7 l ° r to*™*. of tho
w .proprietor of Ml'. p,Unt Po»d“p£»FEs t£th
safe exhiblu-d At the World-t F*lr C jiodJS *£•
Hall’* And Jones’ Lock, andotfered as a rmrftatM by
who would pick the loeksor open the J& s«°. U 8
ynd ownaf or, b onesucceeded to opening
changewiitarAilon of the lock, er key?bShTlg;
mads during tin time,) but the money remained in ita
nf»depodtOTT, and waa restowd to the proprietor, and a
medal awarded to the champion eafc of the world. *
«?bSfs^.Tnffi n sfifjse. ih ~ b * , '” sit ” -<►
„ ... SILAS a ngßßiya.
Greenßloek, eoraer Pine and Water IU. New York.
,N- a—The above Safe, and Locke can be had (addins
«*«• * ’ feg-gme
__ Emil ton, Clark & Co.’j Cod Liver Oil,
'UHE late firm of Rushton, Clark & Co. he-
J. lug dissolved by the death of WM. L. RUBHTON (the
fplr.penctnoftbenaaeofKn.bton ever connected with
tbeflrm) the business Jn future will be continued br
Surviving partnersand solo successors of R. O. ACo.
... IW. 278 and 511 Broadway, New York,
discontinued ,tor * No ‘ 10 4*t<* n cnt*' being
Uegeman has been, Connected with the ectab-
years, and for twelve WarihaslSn
and2ftv r »»? d i b4d J th * Prtnclpal charge or the business.
«Peri«a»audthe combined
e !““ enb «r of car firm, we trust to merit and
Snded to ?.? tianin “ of the »liberally ei-
M# . . The Genuine Cod Liver OiL
hitherto made br R r erS 'Citi t /L 1 V 4l * .
br us—it wasnE; 5; C Ai*S?’ * UI In future be made only
superintend its who F* n * *° Newfoundland to
OraimfflSiibSffSfiWuif *. TKnm it pur,.-
United States." 7 mo,t TW P«*t*hle druggists In the
OLAKxTcof S uSS‘j£fubSf t “; g"“ “nEaEMAN.
“sg&i?" 3l b ° tu^Stl -A 1
Cash and Bhort Credits!
Philadelphia. ’
rirEKMS:—Cash bnyere will receive a <lis
-4^&2S?<S?.^BUh?BK Tb * IO •"
day tfbrKlwd #7 01117 Uk *° IC * nurk * t 741119 «U»
undoubted standing, a credit of SIX
months will be (riven. If desired. -
Wh«e money Is remitted in advance of maturity, a dis
count st the rate ofTWKLVK percent per aSmum will be
•Allowed. PrteaM Goods Untyn*, ,u
#« fv* attention of the tradlncoommunlty
to the above terms, we announce that notwithstanding
the general depression In enmraardal affairs throughout
the country, tbs system of business adopted by us more
7ai *L CB - “d to which we shall rigidly adhere,
enables u. to offer for the coming Spring season oar-usual
assortment of •
Oomprislngoneofthe '
which we will receive constant
additions, throushout the season, of new ■"«! desirable
goods from our UP USE IN FA SIS. JilsSSo
08. T. Babbitt's Potash in Tin Cans.
F 331-2, 12,7 poundfl eaoh, assorted; 143
r^lf^fji?lV 74ls t *tl^Qa Al to *°r In use at about
H** ia »s <ka j wl th full dine lions for
rT. can. beiog in a much more portable
lag ‘ r An /y«»a desirous to tir It will
l ,4 «lnajettert° my risk, or throucb
abovo*lS < i»!? t TKi Tlla f?i' 1 Si* forward one ease as
I®. 1 * l^' cl ?, hllJ to for the la«t
S5?mSKSffu Bi s? lh#bcato l “t ,f f«tl«> to all who
nave met with It Also, super Carbonate Soda Boat) Pow-
SifcJjhf^SS^lfW l ? Cn%a TiuSr, ofadl £lt
tho best Saloratoj in pound nepers 60 in a
can, er other packages. B.T. BABBITT
■ deftJmo Noa. CS A7O Washington sb, New York. •
S Phrenological Cabinet
work!enPhrenolocr, Phjslology, Water
Cure, Uagnerism and Phonography, whole
nle uul retail, at New York pricet Profoa
sloaal eiaai nations, with charts, and foU
written deacrlptlons of character, day and
evening. CaMattfree. , myg-lyo
r PO LET—A BnclcHoußO on 6th st., with
JL a largo yard. A Tavern Btand In Birmingham. A 2
*«j*7 Home, wlthal«ge yard, on Caixenter/aSy. A
House of 4 rooms, ball, garret, Ae* on &th sh, near drant.
Pnblla BchoorHonsc. A
riory Honseon Real eh, at the of 6t£ A
o?i* Ull i‘i oUh D»* la Bplaln'sßolldlnßco
A large fitore Boom on 4th rt. Apply to.
. Hotel for Lease.
TJ ILEY'S HOTEL, formerly known as the
“Sll*? stss:
Pot Bent. •
THAT Splendid New Hotel, known as®
“Brown’s Exchange,” situated 13 miles fttnn thefia.’
ac l of Pi ttslmrgb. at thej unction of the Omosborg Pike
“2 »Wjrt Road from PhUburgb. 'containing 40 rooms,
and built luittemostmodern style, with all the eonvem
lenow ofa first class Hotel, such as loe and Smoke House.
to 100 horses, and a fine Barn. The house
with the beet of Furniture of mod*
which wttl be sold to the lessee or rtmovod as
desired. 'A fineOanleD attached to the House, and from
J?r^M.^7i o »r»5f??* 0, . l ?? 8cle^ pl * nd * 4 xreaWportion
of wnicnii rich bottom, lylnr along the banks ofTurtia
i" onB of^ b * <>o tralHailrtaid Stations on
tbs Farm, within cue hundred yards from the Hotel,—
Persons eta go and come from Pittsburgh twice a day.—
Sl??22Jrf ! .KAff od u a summerTesort forous
«£?*.n>ra^'families. The necessary -arrangements^fora
-Botel art abSLib? rate, Omnibus,
*° l ? feylaf Then are al»aS toe,Seminary
The Hotel and tmnt-
will be leased with or without the Taro and
,-‘ D >»ab°re with other
*U QfffOO acres, wdli be mid entire or la any
to 7011 PwreliMsrv lor Country
Seats or for gardening purposes.
Persons desiring tolesae the Hotel or Fsrm. or to sure
, smfb^ s
; - For Bale or Kent
..A WELL finished Brick Dwelling, adjoin-
XIL lag Wllklnibnrsr. and nor tho Railroad BiaGon.—
Tbellorae contains 1% rooms, and thalcSl™ wblchtbere
!•* garden and jrood rtablin K, front* sfl flit on tho Turn
£**• *od extend* 2M feet in depth toa fifty foot street;
This dr*irabt« prorvrtr will be sold low »n<l on nrr easy
terouL or will bo routed for |UW per annum.
For Bent ?
A DESIRABLE Country Residence in Pitt
. For ;
HEBnclc Dwelßng, , as
» 111 Diamond alley..lfcfcween -the Dla
■ J>l, ' tr E.D.QAZ2AM.
tota for Bale or lease.
???!•*• am * will bo aold low on easy terms or will
S^s r fr
■ CTW-tf MStot tti. }
! pORRENT— A good Hoouo on 2d ot, be
-■-tween Balthfield and Grant si*. • Ren tC«I per month.
oc2a TUPS. WQOim.Tfl Fourth H. -
IPOR KENT—Tho 2d, 3d ; and 4th story
ii "U™ * *»* US* Brora. andTlernaa:
* Caw Banking Iloose, corner of Wood .st. and Diamond'
alloy»/entr»ncaqff H ood st) Tba above room* ara -each
40 feet front by flO fret deep, and well lifted. Forterma.
>onaira of deSO-if jfwiLBUN dSON, 91 Wood atT*
li'OK RENT—Awell lighted and furnished
JL .^^^” tStoro,ccr n«r of Third ant Market at*.-
Kent Slop per annum. noaw B. D. Ga? 7 am
To Editors and Printers.
npnE Building occupied for more tlurn ton
,JL year* by the ajid which ie central*
lFTooaUd on Third sU near Market,la now jftJtt EKXT,
wodcpportanltT to Editors or PrintersofftA
corio *.?! *!f} ttnownetaad for their builneaa. Thlsprog
erty is directly opposite the extaaelre Printing and New*
napn establishment* in Blngerij’a IWtch BulhllrSl
J, °,*i«“*.*PPly*o - _ . U-*D. GAZZAJI/^'
_ Market between 34snd<{h.
I»T popm» FLOimiNa MlUJiind
BAwißUbb attached, are now Ibr rent low, a* the present
wnrietorslntond embarking In another business. These
Mill* bare one of the best water power* In the country,
being supplied by the little Beaver river, and Sandy ami
Bearer Canal Tb*r ar* 4tf mile* from the OhtoriverTor
onW^i^eekoftbeCaim l , and the Plttsburth and
land railroad. There U la contemplation (and ha* been
loatlra fcmMlßßßOoda/
?KJ,!fEonSSL? reßftom » d ? ln K * Rood cash business, ot
about *l2-000 per,annum. Any one wishing to engage in
*®*lbp*yhjg easiness, will do well to nail soon on ioenro-
ESfe-.^ r " d,ta "teS{Mf“ B lS , v^,”" o^
te Po^o» KU ™m ß^^.'S^s?M^ or
” • ljT , r J-D.STuAftT.
Onion line. Plttsborba.
fJOOD TENANTS WANTED" for thclfol-
SS"®” M A
A Dwelllns Uoaae on Water st, aboTe Grant.
A Horae-o? 8 rooms, on Logan rt.
A lions* of 3 rooms, on Hedibrd st . '
, { Horae on lions, at head ofithtt
A Dwelling llonse in Blosilngham. ' .
ffX) LEASEOR SELL-Tlio property known
JL ?f P 1 *Mill, (United (n ADeahenr
wtr» Wow thaQldßridge, at the jtu<tl nofthe cual
and AUeghany rtver. Tho* ara on Uu premise* 2 large
work shops.qn* of which.Js need as an engine boose, at*
-taebed to which Is a Una ofthafUng with drams, ana ex*
tending the whole length of the bonding. The other cen
talnsle blacksmith fbrgaa with anparatas fc t blowing the
fame by fin.. There la on /the premises on* Jarg*
building with ihafUng, dratnaic. Tiia liVms of tb* best
-beatlon* West of thsmeonULo* ibra Machla* and Ea>
gin* Shop or Gar factory. The whole will be rented fcr a
tana of or the Usie, building*: and machlnery .wfll
bosold at a great bargain. B.MI3IHABON«gI 6th st.
Hagan & AW, • v:
\r0.91 Market rt, tyre closing out theiren
-1 w tire stock ofPry Goods at an lmmenw discount from
SrmerntioM, prewuratoryjto porchadng their spring sup*'
ply. .We have on hand a fin* asnrtmsnt of thetbllowing
TMPORTANT—Wo havo on band, a few of
JL t£«e ch«p Building If Uln the Tth ward, fcr whlck
Sta .... B. McLAIHA BQy. gl. 6th rt.
T ARD i BUTTER—2S kgs. No, 1 lard;
Ad I? J?!!: 1 *?? 1 ,« bblAfhS T.n Butter,: imt
wd and for sale by ....jald ILjtOBIgOH *OO..
U A Burchfield Invite the attention of the kdlscto ui*&
PLOUR—IBO bblß»f extra ilour- oti bond
XVaadforsaleby - ■ - 3.- &, HUTGHIBOIC 4 CO. ;
reel'd and
17 fcrnlAtir IriA .7. ttOILISB.
CANDLES—IO bis. Sperm Cm.
f dles,4 anddtotha Ul. fcrsaleby W aTVcCljG^|; : .
NOTICES. &C*rr, :
I\J OTICE—The la to £nn of Wick. A ftl'Cand
-5215L u, *“®eg^' i Sa{S , gSS“ 4
/^COPARTNERSHIP underarm ed, ol
V«d and Water sts, Piltsburgh. under the zm^b\ and
•Jfl* ofMtA-VDLEEi Bl^NSXcdrt.iS^Sai/fn
a continuance of the patronage wo UUfeSjßSajed
totheUtoflrm. n^fPnß&pFp?*
Mn .81,1554.-RU2T
2Hssolntion of Co-Partnership.
rco-Partnorßhip heretofore cristinz
.JL between thesubaeriheis. la thcGrocerybujinesa, in
of John Watt A CaToas this day been dissolved
oy mutual eousent.
the lata firm will be settled by Johc
Ju>s»T,tt r uis. _ . joa» toSS.v.
raj U l^-.V -1 1 rMOUHMv*
i»mS’cJSSSSk JMIaWU *»- *» “»'
Oroccr and Commission
pO-PARYNKKSJUP— Wo have thia dav
■. ■
a&jsisa ss^jsss^sssrs?^
*ahl. «w
VTOTICE—I have sold my interest in the
c : °X long Fco:;~BdT^rfB t "S£ 'lwJ'
KJm ter* #ad Ou Flttm In rite mention to thth- *toek
ofDhydrilOTt Bracket* Pendent# and otter
Bt up honaes with rteanand ga* ™*V?bran“nfflnm
Usd»tqorder, furnUh Railed pnmpf*andtm»v #{£
u kwp meUlocSSSSirMiSJlt*
'V'OriUE—The interest ot Mr. John At
r ° ”7,ffi«fSss;'
• Kttabarsb.
®m« * 00~~
. nttabOKh. D«. 19. Sj^KI^WV
vroi'icß =
i Im - •—The late firm of JONES k.
1 •* ■«** SS«“ 30, ISM.-W 3. ISAAC JOOT3, TOTtag putA«r
1 SA A,9, J ON®S, Manufacturer of Spring
*„ii'nSS”.«?lS? , .i ri Sa h “*5 Bt “>- IM PlooeS
WiO , , ' T. H ' BfWMf
T) B. ROGERS & CO., Mnnafactarera or
■ F • Boffer’*PjtrntlmproTed fitwl' CaltiTatcswiOeo
ecroOT of Bom *nfl FLwt strata. Pittabnreh. • ■ foia-ly
SOTIGE.— In consequent:* of haniu; sold
MmMpKwtSbi? *&*»**• IrOD OmbwEr th»
■aSggggjsre & ig«&.Ras;
Btodi L lEa3. fmhß.tn P.^SHOKNBKRQ]£j£
n w. A^smT TmT'S^^k
Uurduau, ui Cnlcn imnlT
E^^c t s b s&. c S“&trHia»’sF Si^
*Ss£,J2fcSr t s*!s ,to * , . l >' w.bebstine *o&, fcytbe
trepiactlca of a Ueiieral Ageoer, Gooualsaloiu Fcnrardlnir
IbluiB «*j »* SoZn&ullEvivnt Swet^SpS?
p*r>d to glra eptdai attention to fuhsg orders, receivlns
*ad merehandteriStauio ex*
ecatloa of all tmsiaees that maybe entrusted totbilrcar*.
* D. w. iiersuneT
TJ»« W.
*C°4 n ßSellsre * dx; Dm ABuwßnagr A
Rehm; ilenrx Graff. 1m WuSam ficbbanE&JkJobnSn.
T. BakmU,b,oq7GeQrseLedUe,
“5: •.: ■ ' Ja£dt.
TWTOTICB: Joseph Fleming having .osso-
Joeeph Abe), the businesshereafter
sg^fassssjsiiaiSsteiggifi?* 4
riO-PARTNERPHIP.—The nnderajgned
eftranjacting a Coainl nion and Grocery bualneaa. Erie . tt-Ut if&wjjJfflßKggi. 4
r^O-PARTNERSHIP —Having associated
*• S. wlth me In the Drug boSuesa, the hn«i.
W'SS.lSagag “>»*“• ■»«. "■tofirS-
January 2d, 1354. . ~ ,
a. t an.™ -' - —.^l
O E. SELLERS & CO., "Wholesale and
**** T “^»-
Coughs! Coughs!! Coughs!!! ‘
PATENTED 1837. ~
DROPS -wherever thov have been
lJu I ”l£!S£s* h w.*.S^S l,r Con
artificial teeth!! ' ■
iCo. V* Wat Sira Eli Bm, tfrtcl*,
TpHIS OFFICE under the management of
me Hr °{ the tact tea year*, aad no exoram*
Q °A?^lt Dd , u f? f^ t * ,D »“s‘ bl T inserted byeuctlon.
onyi! to to the ncttthot
■^£ffffip7r:ciuiJflrtn l g the nnwHor character of the
abufiatteWeS?** sln,n *- th «Twe the moetreteon
• rwoJWA *TVwe,onOMPldU t f3Mper7ixdu' ‘
. ** Stloifi* b* * *3 00 '** * * a* •*
nooey refunded Jfthe Teeth do sot pxore Mtis&e-
Infiamaticn cf'thow Urlo* at a di^tanc*.
• ' jr.C. DONOAN r XrLjJ >■
W n , • ..„ J-G-CAMERON, /Dentutfc
d«lS>ly Wo. btt. rW* Em. Ctn.
J BROW, would most reapoctfnllv In'
iriSumt£h£*fa**?**. ,Qlj Wnriaran ha reaered
Jrtthrotth»»jiiof utnvdHnr. OtTiof torebiMd tb»
jaefriQ ■• • •J. A* BROWI*
•Trove all to that wiioliTj
rl THE increasing demand for thiaxnoßt pleas-
JL aat.«afi»4nd amcsrfoiu remedy for »1I ralmonar*
&****» a**ra*bl«lthepronrietoto Tednw&eßTieeeo
*j*° *“J!P frmfljeeboth 4a prerentlYe^nd
curt Wlth nerer-WlltyjrocoOT tor tbslavt tweiitY Tears
dMJn*,»blch period., wiu» wrUttle aid froir. &£££-
if&ra&SfE^sfetreSSt 1 *“ °™ lh *
. Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, &c.,' £
Rjgfafiffliwftliafareßcr, and ganmnyaoraila tdar or
lnterfering with Set or bcrinwe. or
ijSttwepefomtdotsineorottbleol t OoliUlnmbnlo
Asthma, Whooping Coueh, Croap,: Bronchi
. tis, Affections of the Lungs, and
meat for three . T>gjSt th? i ftp*?’
■^|ste^&ggJ^‘SgS£«g6 a . tS
_ Orphans’ Court Sale. ■'" ;
■<KSSSa-Sfc'ig& &£ &2SSL
jiaowui i ortoSSgßu&g&Tg^t^igtl,.
kehtucky muitaby nrsrcnrrE,
inWim42otf Bui. shell
-V/lwnlaby 3. JtTr..SnAryt-p,i^ tl r
2i^L?w'® ,; ■^Vwfcla^i^^rTire