ESTABLISHED IN 1786. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 3. a. PETTJNQILL * CO.'S ADVRKTISISQ AU E.NUY 122 Niasio bykxr, ttr*< Yoax.. • ' ’ And No. YX,SLaU street, Boston. P. A Co. are Agents fcrthemcai laßoreUal and largest bftth.l" the United State# advertisements. The fellow ln g list of BoAlaea* Firms area »•„* tw Ust andnueireJlahlela the dtyof-Nest .York. feOOORDBON strings. A», I>RUNO, WEISSENBORN & CO., (Into C, U Brani.) U»p6rt«f «nd U«oia. -COTTON SAIL DUCK. TOHN COLT’S Standard Cotton Sail Dock; «f IL'O.'BBACH A UU-, N0.7l Pice street, Bow York* sol* agent*. Cotton Canvas frumaeTeral otbor mills; also, tHNAttUKQ'S Print OloUrt aod Coppdf Roller*, tie Oalleo anil Pwintaf. nOlb-ttaylC'&& DRY GOODS. O OWEN, McNAMEE & CO. Importers of 13 Aia*rkaQßßdPv*l£aßUkandFancyUood*,ll2a&d fHßwmdway. ■ : - Upayss, f.VCOTTKNET Sc CO., Importoraof French 17 • and otberßoropeen Goods, No. 40 Broad stmt. tapayte .■- ■ • . . • . I? PSTEIN k liONIG, 100 liberty eL, aad .El Cedarat, cor. Trinity Plaea, Importer* of Lmbrelderie*. Bmi. Ac. • jei2-6ra:t*p3r6fr TAMES OWEN, 15 Broad SL, Importer of •J DreesTrimmings, Gimps' and' Friases. Bilk Cravats, .Lane UUtsead Silk Goods ssnshllf. teuglW'&S fIOUNTSCU LIEPEITX U AAR AUSTTm .I3 poArrs of Gorman and' BeUrisn Broad Cloths. HHks, fioilffrtM; da, Mo. 60 KrahangoPue*. tapWM TJETERD.MULLENj Importer of French £> :G«rmaa andßwtsa Dry Uoala. Satina. Velvets Mori- Ao, No. S 3 Broad street, New York. Bertrand, erkres a uenry, im porter* of Linen Cara bHc* and Llnou Cambric Hand* Llaea lanu, Kmbtolderi**, Ac., (owamanufxe tore, Mlntn «t. rtnflHial'&S Vf k MAIOIIOFF, Manufacturers It! ofFkshlonable Dree# and Cloak Trimmings. FrioF**> QUnpeyTmjaela. Buttons 2* Day street,. Jai3-lytjart>S AVJLHATCU&CO., 99 Chambers street, uTV Importers'of Gentlemens* Furnishing Goods, and ltanafecturera of Shirts. Btocks.Se. t*ug3rb& lOIINM* DAVIES, JONES k CO., Im •JF portrf» brOanllemanj? FurnlaMng Goods, and Mtno tacturftrs of Stock*, Shirt*. 22Warn*u street. -tapSF&C ' • i ___ A CERTAIN REMEDY. TTSE the Mexican Mustang Liniment irr TJ Rheumatism, Bruise#, Bursa. Sprains, Cots, Piles and Sores, an effbetosl tore for all external oompUlntsof man or animal. B. ,W. Westbrook, original originator and proprietor. 304 Broadway, N. Y. - iyaHjerab . - . DAGUSRKEOTYPRB. 1' GURNEY, No. 349 Broadway, the oldest •1 **ad moot extensive establishment in the United States. . sepKHytaajt , 3l , S3 EXPRESSES EDWARDS. SANTORD & CO., Foreign ; Express, No. 33 Broadway. Goods and Package# far warded to and from all parts of the world. Agent in H ttabnrgh. Adams A Co. • ~~ aaia-lr.treiS^fifi FRENCH AND GERMAN FANCY BASKET!}. ('IHARLES ZINN &CO., 52 Maiden Lone, J Importers of French and German Fancy and Travel* i ok Baskets, and maaoXaetareroof Cana and Colored Wil t ow Furniture am Jenny Lind Workitands. Ac. JT^-tjalT’ii GRATES ANDTENDEKS. WJf.n. JACKSON, (formerly W. A N. Jackson A Bans.) Grate and Tender Maker. XBl Broadway, cne door above ltfth New York, pels tja?-&S 'INDIA RUBBER GOODS. rnn e Newark india rubber co., 59 1 Malden Lana, N. Y-, Uann&etarure ami Wholesale Dealers in Goodyaara Patent India Rubber Bants, ilboas, Whip«,ntothing, Balia,Toj»,A&. Aa. fe6-iy:{jasu , &o ENION INDIA RUBBER CO., II John it, tuaka-all kinds of Robber Ck>thine. ClnUta, Drag* Arthdas.Agj Coats (Tom toS6,tt) each, fcbgi.irttoiyas . . ~ , MACaiNiUIY AND MACHINE TOOLiC A NDREWS A JESUP,No. G 7 Pine et, Now xIL York, ComtnVsaioo Merchants fir (he sals of all kluds ct Machinists Tools and Cotton sad Woolen Machinery, root tha beat makwa. Bxdaalva Agents tot Lowell Ma bine Shops. • , • . PAPER WAREQOUSH CYRUS W. FIELD A C 0„ 11 Cliff utreot. Importers and Wholesale Dealers bi rieman-and English PAPERS, and every devmprioa ot Ptpey materials. . taac3VLs rk UNCAN, LEWIS * BARTOW, No. 101 JrP WniUza street.—A great Variety of PAPER Sir Book — Stationers, feinUr*, Bookbinders, Manufacturer*, aodTredasaan gunhrally. •" tila3*6& PAINT "AND COLOR MANUFACTURERS. ¥) AIN BOW COLORWORKS, Rochester N I%j York, Depot 13b Malden lass; Bari* and‘Chroma OreSa, Ac; . . feg-lrfeO SA 1 DEFIANCE SALAMANDER SAFES, k 1 w QeQsh Jlaliants Vdu and Cron Bars,' ROBERT M. PATRICK. Mannmeiarev; 183 Peart a tapaPA& f TOYS AND FANCY GOODS. T AHLRORN k 54 Maiden Lone, •I *|nn stalrs> mad 3fl liberty atrssC* Importars ofTOYB and FANCY GOODS. : tdeSOTM' TILES, FOE FLOORS AND CHIMNEY/ TLLEB 7 ,CQATES k TOULE,* N0.’279 . Pssrt'jfimek, .EoeansUe TUes. Gankirk Chimney VttiiiH?atioi>li,>tiUia*» • vt»ng3i'ta; — wdtdow a lass, paints, *<£ T H. POILLON & C 0„ of tl'«fmeb Coach ami Window Glam So. 3* Damtay s&aat.’ -■■ ■ . - • tapStr&A boots & shoes. WHOLESALE AND RET AIL, JAMES 8088, ' , Qf\ MARKET and 6 Hnion sts, : 3d door Olffroatb«BUrmtHfmi pi a« h tto I Fie> torTtreryla m.pttflHdcrlnk the flat. oc-* n M. WESTERVELT, Venetian Blind y*. No. 13 HU vtrMt, rpo STEAM BOAT OWNERS—Wanted to 1. bur, an Internet In a Steam Boat, for which cask, stocks erzml estate will be given. Ktwaireol 0e25-tf THOMAS WOODS. 75. Uh St. FANCY CDINA STORE, «S WOOD STSZtr, PITTXBUBan. JUST Imported tad now open a fall assort* meat French and English OQt end White China, OBt •n 4 White and Colored Stone China; Cotnmmv Ware eolUr ble for eoaotrr trade., ealfrlm M.UPDKIMBQM. wit. BATH*nr...~. n. crwAiaa...-—sttwaat, jETNA GLASS WORKS. WU. DAVIDSON & CO.. H/f ANUFACTURERS and dealers in Vials, iVI Bottle* aad all kiodsnf {Jrewa and Flint tilaaawar* Window dlasa, te.~No.lS Market street, Pittehorwh. r* Particularattention paid to prtrate moulds for bottle* oc6-dly . _ __ FDR SALE—2BO acres of land on White Oak Bottom. 1 mile from McKeesport. The Improv menu are SO acre* of cleared land, a good house aad l*rn, aroungorchard. *&, te. Also, alargevarlety of Reel ae dtecribed oo my Printed tUgUter, aad any one wishing to bar real eetate. would do well to get it (gratis)-at my dace, as it is the quickest way to Sod where Wgaloaeaa by bad. Enquire of , THOS. WOODS. 75. 4tb *L STRAW GOODS-1M34. rpnos. WHITE & CO, No. 41 South 2d 1 street. PhiUdriphla—HplaadU new utUWlhmrpL New Oood*—targe end onequalledeaanrtciept. ?mhM:iy ; STEWART & KILGORE, . jumwaoturisks or COOKING, HEATING, •. . .NO FANCY STOVES, I : ORATES, FENDERS, Pipei,“Boxes, and Fonnciry Castings o, r all kinds. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, “ No. 267 Liberty Si, corner of Hand, Pittsburgh, pa, Wo. 66 Arch Sam, rouauipiua, Importers of 0. A L Gee’s Unrivalled NEEDLES. - Agents for the most Celebrated' WOOLEN TJLBNS. BOSXBT.MBIIINO SWUM. HARDWARE FOR SADDLERS AND CARRIAGE MAKERS. B. T. Leeeb, Jr„ A*. 131 WOOD STJtKET. riTTSHVHUIt. Also, Cloths, lane, Damasks, Moss. Twer Hair Her* SVattor, Springs. Axle* Varnish, *«:, te. WM. A IRWIN’S DEAL ESTATE OFFICE, No. 87 Front Huk.UDub* In I.k. Ch.m- D“J de. ; Coal poverty bought aad sold.; PITTSBURGH COACH FACTORY. L. gr«Dggif« -...,~, nfiT. ALBUT , BIGELOW & CO,, . to E. St. Bigelow,) ism vPiUsfnrrbf Penns, rtOACOES,’ CARRIAGES, PHSTGNS, Ef of Tumt VehlrJo BUSINESS CARDS. ATTORNEYS. JOSEPH S. & A. P. MOrIuSON, Attor- O neysatleiw, GOre Nr ealA and collections made on nearly all prinep paJpoints of the United Stats*. The highest premium paid Ibr Foreign and Americas Gold. Advances made on consignments of Produce, shipped east, on liberal tsnaa. van. wiuuiu. - „.j. B . x’Tkr. H. WILLIAMS & Co., Baokors and TT Rxebanre Brokers, North East corner of Wood and Third streeta. Pittsburgh. . All transaction* made on liberal terms, and eofteetlons promptly attended to. jalt-ly lkT HOLMES A'SON, Dealers in Foreign AN • and Domestic Bills of Exchange, Oartlfioates of De* posite, Bank Notes and Specie, No. CU Market street Pitts burgh. ' xrOOUeetions made on all the principal dtlea thronghouV the United Btatea. BOOKSELLERS &C. JL READ, Bookseller and Stationer, No. • 78 Fourth street; Apollo Buildings. J'enN S. DAVISON, Bookseller ami Sta tioner, successor to Davison A Agnew, No. 6 {Market street, near Fourth, riUstmrgh. Pa. • • VVENRY S. BOSWORTiI. BookseUer and 1 1 Deatsr'ln Stationery, Aft, No. K 2 Market strwai, near IhADlaiaond. Pittabnrgh, P*. ’|/'*AY & CO., Booknellorn and Stntionera,. ■V No. &5 Wood street, next door to the enrner of Third, FTiudiurKh, Pa. Pehooi and law hooks constantly nu hand. COMMISSION &.C. S. L. IAUCOAST & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Nn. 17 North Wharves, Philadelphia, Sol. AR.aU Ibr t&eul«af R. S. CIIILDS A CO.’S' „ L AMP BLAO K. jgyAU orders Jbr the above article promptly attended to. noll-fimdv j- W. BUTLER & CO-, & COMMISSION MER ‘.L CHANTS and Dealers In all kindsef Pittsburgh klan* mactured Artldrs, Lead Pipe and !Uioet Lead. .Nn.PT First Ptreet. PltUburgh. . aub-lyd*M A &A. AI’BANE, Commidaion and For ia e warding Merchant*, dealers In Wont and Produce gexMMllyt also; Pittsburgh Manufactures, No. 114, Porond streak, Pittsburgh. apC-ly*&3 aosr. ami- a. aostsos li ROBISON i CO., Wholesale Orooem, .I 3» Produce DeaWa, and Cocun is* ion Merchants, Na SSXiWty street. Pittsburgh. jalo treixarx tuxaMMH ihtixt,., sobsttE SPRINGER HARBAUOIIA CO., (Saccos sore to 8. Harbaash.) Commlnkm and Fkmranllng and Produce gvueraUy. Km. 1*& nm and lift areond strests.PUUbttrgh. Pa. atO-ly a. A. Hienr—..... ....vm. r. joia MARDY, JONES* k CO., Snecesaorg to ATWOOD. JONES A (X)-,Oommisskm and ><*imh lerrttanta. Dealers In Pittsburgh Jdaao&ctaroJUocda, Pittsburgh. MERCER A ANTELO, General Commis sion HsrehatiU, Philadelphia, liberal ainwi matltt. on eonsignments ei Prodore gvnereUy. ja!7:y MHXWITT __JOH* WILOOS. ?¥OUN WATT k CO., Wholesale Groeera, >l' Onninrimlen. Msrchaat*. and be* lew In Prod oca and ittsborgh Msgatactoftw. No, aaft LlbWAy «C, PitUbufch JIl. CANFIELI), late of Warren, Ohii • Comabuldii and Forwarding Usrehant, and Whoto saw Dealer in Western Ksacswa Coses*. Butter, pot and Pearl Ash, and Western Prodace generally. Water street, between smith field and Wood. Pittsburgh, y ; taolus urru, sa I— ureu, n. flats of flna Reblaon. little A Cu.) T LITTLE k CO., Whglesalo Grocers, • Prodnee and Ooeunlselon MerehaahCand Dealers in nttsuHrgh Maautaeiaraf, No. US Seetma street, Pitts burgh. ' jalfryAd till ELSE WAREHOUSE—nENRY H. ) COLl.TNS,ForwsroUmhant,aed Healer in Cheese, Rotter, Lake Pish and Prod oca generally ■A Wood street, shore Wator. PitUburgh' mylll YON BONNIIORSf & MUKUHY, Wholo ■ale G rones* and CommUsloo Uerrhaots. and Dealers In Pittsburgh Mannfrrtnres, No Water street, Pttta borgh. P*> ■ FTTHOMAS PALMER, linpcrtor and Dealer I In French and American Wall Paper, No. fcS Market Itroet, hut ween Third and Fourth stmt, Hits burgh. mhS-T>3 - ' IIT McCLINTOCK, Importer ond-Wliola- Vw • sale and Retail Dealer in Carpeting, Ftwr OU Ckdba, Matting. Table and Plano Cows, Window ghades Htsam Boat Trimmings, NallS Market street. MORRIS A PATTON, Wholcsojo and R«- tail Grocers, on ths Eastern side o; las DUmond, orgfa. Pa. v OBT GOODS. SHRANK VAN GORBER, Dealer in Trim. 1/ IngK, Ilbstenr sod Glores; laco Goods, Kabmlderles, Cu Ueat’a Farubdilngtioodrasd Fancy artkiog a fali ac •ortmeatof which can always bs had at No. <3, corner sf Market street and the Diamond. Pittsburgh, Pa. apll4y AA. KASOk A 00— rHTBSimiB—C- U A.TTHONT A 00- *. TOBX. A A. MASON k CO., Wholeeale and ILslail XX. s Dealers la Fancy and Staple Dry Hoods, 25 Fifth foset, Pittsburgh. MURPHY & RUROUFIKLD, Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods Merchants, cornerFourthand strsst, Pittsburgh. GROCERS. .j. 9. boonk ww. HiasArran jj i. aoosi ’ BOONE, HARBATJGH & BOONE, (GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, T Dealers la Wool, near. Prodaee aad PrcrMnsa. he 3» North Water rtiSt, imiadelphla. HARBATJGH & BOONES, DORWAKDINO COMMISSION MER JP CHATiTH. Dealers in Wool andProdUee ofallklada Pane. No. 211 liberty treat. Pitta burgh. Pa. mhg.lyd DA nil WALLACE lAS, OARDiyUL Wallace A Gardiner, n lIOLEXJLE DKALtSR.S IS Floor, Provisions and Produce Generally, • ■ • NO.SS LIBKHTT BT. jaSO-lT max rtnTp- 7..aicnA*D norc wtiuaii ru>n>. TOUN FLOYD & CO., Wholesale Grocers #9 CndCommlttkmMerd}aata,hb.l73Woodaad£tB Lib rtyatreoi. PlUaborgb. ’ • lelC iVOBERT 3IOOKE, Wholesale Grocer, Rco* IV. Ufytag DldUlar; Dealer In PrcHlatw, Htttburgh Mas* martorea, and a/1 kinds of Foralgn aad Dnmrirtle Wmaa aad liqtu>nLNo. lil& Liberty strvnf. uae, 141 Water atreet, PitLdl«rgh. a>pl2:y taaian diced... Diem. ISAIAU DICKEY & CO., Wholesale Oro -1 cm. Commlaelon Merehanta, aad D*al«n In Prodoee, No. &G Waff street, aad 107 Front atreet. Pittitmrgh. ' JQB* ■'Otu Jiwta D. M’UILL WLLTIXa Ml" M ’GILLS & ROE, Wholesale Grocers and CcmmUakiD Merchaata, No. 1M Liberty atnet Pitta- j • ....™jocnr a. ccaoufs, . -BARTH aiOALST, VV. B4OAUTT w. a. woopwakd WM. BAOALEY A CO., Wholoaaio Gw cnr*. Noe. IS and 20 Wood itreet. PlttAburah. WILLIAM A. M’CLURO, Grocer and Tea Dealer, corner of WOrel and Sixth atreet* baa always on hand a targe amortises t of choice Uroeerleaaod floe Teas—Foreign Frails aad Nuta. Wholesale aad itetaiL Dealers supplied tm the (owcut term* 'fjOBKHT DAL/aKLL A CO?, Wholesale 11, Oftvgra. Coc»uhalaß Merchant* Dealer* iu IVmlww aad Pittsburgh Maaotkctare* No. 353 Liberty strivt. PltUborgh. . john d. wiat. r„ M ircmusa. ¥. tinOK & McCANDLESS, Bucocssors to If lLAJ.D.Wkk.WholeMle(lnMr*Vonrardiagead launlailat) Mercbsat* Dealm In froa, Nall* tiles* Cot* srn* and Pittsburgh Manufacture* generaJr, ccroer of Wood aad Water street* llttebargh. A CULBERTSON, "Wholesale uroccr und /m * Oorotdlidoo Merchant,Denier InProdoecandntt* ftpgS Manufactured Article* ltt Liberty etreet, PlU* JOB* —..........eic0Aap IVTO. ■§- &B. FLOYD, Wholesale Grocers, Cora •V .*mtakaiMerfiu»l*,BndlWJCT*lß Prodoefr-Botiad Cww> Branding*, fronting on Liberty, Wood, and With streets. Plttabwrgb. ' '• ' • ' w*. BiOiLrT, jon* ». oonuti. w*. *. wooi’*i*B,~— -...BAira kieiur. • jsva«TViu» • RAGAI.F.Y, WOODWARD a CO., Wtals ml* Orrww. w» Wl Mtrtrt str—♦. Philadelphia* BATIB **CAgplX*C;....... WIUJA* A. COW* 11/fcCANDLESS. MEANS A CO., (ituceth JVI m (oWMt t MoCbdU»J WlolrtfJ- pro.*., Aalerebilren,Nilu,Q Us*. Cotton*arm,and Pittsburgh - •: ’••Wr gfc, ALDERMEN, J- Donaldoon, Alderman. . OFFICE, corner of i'onn and St Clair sis., Pittsburgh. All buehuas pfrUlnln* to tba office of rman willhepromptl j attended t 0.., fcMyd Patrick McKenna, ALDERMAN OF TIIE TIURD WARD. OFFICE corner of Grant and Fifth streets, (formerlyoccupied by Alderman Law!*,) when all bojlneee P«taJfrng to thaoOae of Alderman and Jcattae ofthePoaea wiUbo . PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 8, 1855. AGENCIES. a ccracxi-r.— —a u ccraua. S. CUTHBERT & BON, GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS, for 33 Lhesaleasd purchase of Real Batata, Collection of Bents, Negotiating Loan*, on Bonds, Mortgagee, Ar_ No. 1 140 Third Pltteburgb. Pa. . au3-Iy Michigan General Commission and COU6O - Agency Office, T?OR tho cnlleCtion of Home and Foreign r MareantUe and all other Money claims, in Michigan anlladjawDtatatea. Invaatasnt and Paymsntef Mnnsya, Payment of Taxes, Purchase, and Sale of Real Estate and Stocks and liHcrance Areots. PKI/n HR A ANDKKSON, Detroit, Michigan. Bcfireneatn Pittsburgh— Memre. Kramer A lUhm, Bank er*; white A Co H Gautte Ufilos; Lorens. Stewart A Merchant*. Wavtsu—Two Ageneles or Michigan from respectable Insurance Oomtandes.' mjlfl-lrt! 4 USTIN LOOMIS/ Real Estate Agent, J\ Stock, Merchandise and Bill Broker, o&ro So, V*i Fourth street, above Wood. Business promptly attended to. * jySidly SAMUEL L. "MARSHELL, Secretary Citi ten's Insnranee Company, M Water street. FM. GORDON, Secretary Western Insn a ranee Ox, 92 Water street. Jr GARUINERCOFFIN, AgCntforFranklin 1 «_Flre Insurance Company, north-east corner of Wood .and Third screets. PA. MADEIRA, Agent ibr Delaware Mu s tael Insurance Company. 42 Water street. MUSIC, &C. . V OIIN H. JIjiLLOR, Dealer in 'PianoFcrtes, M Music ami UsMcel instruments. School Books, and StatfoofTv. Sole agent fbr ChickcrinWa l'iano Forte,'ftir Western PnrUjliuireNfl. 81 Wood street. MENRY KLEBER, Dealer in Masic, Ma steal lutrumcnta, and Importer of Italian Strings, igsnt for Nunos A’ Clark's grand and square Pianoa, with Ootsman's Attachment. Also tot Dunham's Pianoa. DRUGGISTS. SJOHN HAFT, Jr-, (sncceasorto Jos. M’Guf- Whotreala and lLctalt Druggist and Dealer In nt*, Oils, Dyestuffs, Ac., 141 Wood street, 3 doors below Virgin AUvr, PHUtmrgO. AST Regular Agent for Dr. ForeTs _ mb3o f OHN P. SCOTT; Wliolesaio ~DeaicTin fi Drugs. Paints. Oils, Varnishes and Dye Sluffs.'Ko. 206 Qt«rty street, Pittsburgh. Ail order* will receive prompt attention. tar Agent for Seheock*# Pulmonic Syrup. mar2£ly O Ar FA HNESTOCK CO.TWhoicsaTQ 13* Drnggglsta, nnd manufketurere of White Lead, Red Lred. and Litharge, corner Wood and Front streets, iHtte burgh. meh7 T> E. SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer in J3 JA Drugs. Paintt. Dye Stuffs, Oils, Varnish ct, le„ Ac., No. ToWood street, Pittsburgh. Goods warranted. Wee# low. rnznXBXCK n.IuX.M..- n cynanq UITU. TIRAUN k REITER, Wholesale k Retail corner of Liberty and Bt. Clair streets. J SCHOONMAKER k (X)., Wholesale __ .• No-8*» Wood stfset. PitUburgh. ’ J OSERH FLEMING, Successor to L. Wilcox A Ox, oorTMer Market street and Diamond—Keens eon iW, 7 00 band a fail and eomplste assortmont of Drags, Mcdidoftt, Medidne Chests. Perfumery, and all artkuina pertaining to‘hi* business. Physicians prescriptions carefully eompodnded at all boon. jaikly wool* MERCHANTS* B[ LEE, successor to MURPHY k LEE, 1 • Wool Dealer, and Oounoisasloa Merchant for the of Amerkao Wood Ueoda No IST Libartr street mr4 MEDICINE. WM. VARIAN, M. D., Office Gth atreot, below Fmltbflaid: Offict llbwr.— B to 9, a. 2 to y.x,* tuB.r. il _ n>y*Ciyd . I SCOTT, Dondst, Foot to atreot. •f « five door* west of Market. Office boars ftfsn 9 a. «- to 4 r.«. i n r AU work warranted. jail MERCHANT TAILORS. 13 CHESTER, Merchant Tailor and Clo- JLlre AHW, No. 74 Wood street. Part lea Isr attantha p2a to Bo] *’and Youths'Clcthlog. nol&:y 'V?C/4LLIAM DIGBY, MerchantTftjlnr, Dra* If per and Dealer In Ready Made Clothing, IRI Lib erty street. ___ WATTS & C(S H Merchant Tnilora, iKI If * liberty street. —We are cow rnreivlng our Fpriog stock of Goods fur GvnUemen's Wear—Cksthi, Ca*. suneree and Testingsofthe newest stylse and S&«etqnality Our friend* and eustocnm will please give us a call. |mh! MANUFACTURING. viuhi utiiHiu . nans WILLIAM BARNHILL A CO., nOTI.EB MAKERS and SIIEET-IRON 13 WoHEBRS, Manufacturers of Barnhill’s Patent Boiler*. Chimneys, itriehen, Fire Bed Bteam Plpea. Coo deasore, Balt Pans, ttoger Pane, Iron Yawls or Ub Boats etc. Also. Htaoksmitttt’ Work. Bridge and Viaduct (runs, 1 <*. Repairing duaa on the ehertaea notice. nufiu-lrd, ¥ W. WOO DWELL, Wholesale and Retail fhli% Dealer la GaUuet Ware, No. U OHN WETHERELL, Monnfacturor tf PATENT BOX VICKB, a superior artkU, 80UD BOX and BRA LED BOX VICEd, eore«r of Aadwreon and iUb hisos streets, one square from tbs Hand street Bridge, Al legheny CSty. ocUChudl L’MBROIDERED ANiTaPLIOA MAN JJiTlLLAli—Material* marked (hr Bmbrotdurr and A> uSiWnrk by MRB. L. 8. WlubiN, jefitf No. Sis' Peon street, above Hand. Bolivar Fire Brick'and Crucible Clay Man ufacturing Company. THIS COJIPANYIIAVINtIENLARaED their eagartty ft* maaotbeturlng, are now prepared to meet the Increased demand fortbelr&Brtefc, Crortbfsand Building Clay. Orders promptly attended to by KIkR A JONd,Canal Bads. Pittsburgh. September n. Itth Boot, and Shoetl! I AMES ROBB, No. 89 Market .atreet, 3d Ag doorfrom the Market llouss, wonld Infiwm tbs pub lic that be baa now a Very fell stock of eeery thins In the Root and Ihn* trade, meb as LadlW Gaiters, half Gaiters, Jstrnr Lind Padnrss, hady Franklla and all ths styles (bond on ths Eastern eitwg also, Mlsas' and Childrens' Gaiters and Fancy Boots and hbosa, in all their rariaUec also. Gentlemens' fine Opoa Patent Half Boots. Fisncb Gail RocU. Congress Gaiter* and bhoss; also, boys’ and Yoatfaa’ Boots, fine Frroeb Celt Please give us a emit as ws wttb. to sell such gn article to all whoferor us with their custom as will glys sallsfae tlon. Remember ths plains, BS Market stroet. my 29 Hats and Capa SJ WILSON A SON keop constantly on s hand etery dearrlptlon and variety of Hats and es, both wholesale and retail. Those desiring a neat fhahkn*l/l*llatorCap,cooda»d cheap, would do well to glee ns a call be fir* purchasing elsewhere. oolH-tf M’COIiD & CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PABHIOKABLH _ HAT AND CAP MANUFACTURERS, AND DKALEBS IN A I.L KINDS 07 PURS, VOKAK& or WOOD AND FIFTH STB&STX Pittsburgh, Fa. 39. Theta «tock embrace* etmrraaantr anostybof Hat* anJ Cape Haiti. Boat, Cuffs and Par Bonnet*. ao*»Q-*plg;ij« Coach and Carriago Factory. J WINSTON, BROTHER * CO., comer of Belmont and lUkana streets, AUagbas* City, would ropaetfolly Inform tbair friends, and tba pututo general]?, that tb«y an* m*»nEartaring GarriAßte, Barvnclwe. Hock sways, Bugcia*, Weighs aad Chariem, in all their various stylee of ftulah and proportion. ■* All order* will ua exteutad with strict regard to dura bility and beauty of finish. Jtopaln will aba n* attended to oft th* Doct reaaoaahla term*. Using in all tbalcwnrk the beat Eastern Kbafta, Pubs and Wheel Staff, thsy feel aonfldent that all who favor them with their patronaga will ba perf*r«w ban'lrad original aod aaketad tie* algna lur UoDsmeoU, AOm hand. Jltaek and Blab May bla fumlabad to the Trad, at tba IcwMtprVwa. AU usl«« IlUad with daapateh at SIB Übartr atteai. aoBJ W. W. WALLAC*. New Goods and Fashion, for Gentlomens’ Clothing for Spring of 18M. I? WATTS ft CO. beg loaTO roanootfullj 1 A • to Inform tbair nstsamaa ro*umm«, I. a. tba pao* liegauwaUp,thattbay baTa just rrnalTed afreab asrply ofUooda ailaptad to their patro'v«ga>-t,r.(A« beat (Aa Aotf* cm wuurlxlt afflxit— and that tlwrara ready to raealraor* dertfor B > akioKlbetnaj> ls*ri iaaaaalaup.rb atria.. Tba aatlaJkction ao cmaraj.y ezpraMad by tbair ep*to> ' BBera bltharto, with thdr hnmbla effort! to please, atiath laUe them to Crab axertlosa lb tba aama-dlrattloo. Walk In, gantUmaS. ' ■ ; Nota—Htranirera ar* fsfonsod that oar hoaae U No, 176 liberty etreet,Nortb aid.; above St. Clair. ap2B. Penn Cotton Hills, Pittsburgh. IT ENNEDY, CHILDS k CO., Hunuftw: tami*ANo.i heavy 4-4Bhaatta«; OarpatCbaJn of aU aotora and abaiMe Uotlos Twins; M BodOnrd* *• Ploogh tinea and Saab Cord: -** Hope of all alaaa and dsulpUoßr • ■ - < Batting. gfyordera left at tb* ntrilwan Btora of Logan.'Wßasa A Col. 131 Wood rtmt. will have attention. Taifoly HAFEET & OLD, bkasb poundbos. plvubbrb and gas nnsss.: l£7.o*d ISO Firti Stmt* fO&are*. and ntsvaiL snxif, ovkwitx muois fTA«ng, allmbivt. MANHPAC’rORB all kinds of Water, Uaa .odStaua rjtou.' U«UM DM a, allhAjjpd fiOLBS are not always Consumption, yet ‘ S-nC \< -Cf:' HEW YORK ADVERTISEMENTS. . From Visnuliaa A ■ BCHEI.L’B- Oon-nl Aa.vrtUln. Uoan, So. .I,f. »:v.l .Uo BroaJ.&y, Nc. Vork, (i.La No. SO Nlmuitmk) J rt* Vu Pity if Net* TfrrA. A CARD. &8 CANAL ETttKWT. ,HKff V.*OBK. MOLYNEHX BELL lifl'OJtTKJl A.VD MANUVAf?WRKR OV CLOAKS & MANTILLAS, WOULD respectfully inform the "trade that his Imported and mairothetared Stylo* fbrths bpriug Trade wiu be ready for mupeettoa on the/l9th of February. H». being the only Uantllia merchant from Nejr York who is petsnnally viilting t%rl* th-s season, may reasona bly assert that be will have later and more varied styles than any house Is the trade. - no tire of dealers iscalfol to the above, shd they may rely no*** every attention. jaUkSmv * Charles’s London Cordial Gin. j ■ WITHOUT the necessity of citraordijary puWJrity, with scarrely an effort on Che part of Um' proprietor, this superb Gin. In the.nhort period which hag elapsed slneeits latroduotlon to the AmericanpuMie,has srtikvcd a ponuiarity beyond preredent |n the whtdgi||t of alcoholic stimulant*. - Ths LkrlijSeala r\f oner ISet Ttiousand Piytuxkl In England and the UoitedStatM. proclaim its tranMa&dant tnerit*. i It la upon tho sideboard of the family and the bar of a very well-regulated hotel; by thebeUalde of the sMc# as 1 poll as the companion of the healthy. - Pres fmuinioxi eufincfvua/iH/’.s, It l* harmless la its adoption. Thrlbebri ate, by Its use, find* it a slight stimulant, which, while it feels ths appetite, gradually wsasa hfib from Ute horrors of delirium, and restoreaasnattAred ooasUtuUon. Its great rnnUatiott is derived lrom It* ahsorut*purity, lt« dalldou* flavor, differing entirely from stery otge* gin, —ita.great utility as amedidue id caeaa of dyspepsia, goat, gravel, disease* of ths kldneyr-and lonumervudo oth er malsdlos fee which aa a remedy and prevontlvd It baa noe<,aal. . 1. - Tb traceltrtit it indispmtablt/ mcfttary, diapoittngtha annoyance* frequently engendered by change eff water, etc., as, aiwvagua, brcr,andmalarianf overydeserintton. CHAIILKB’ WINIKIN CORDIAL GIN UpotopbiMnaru bottles, stamped with the proprietor'll name, a lu simile signature upon the label, and parked iacaseseftvodoxfin each. «’ Beware of imitations. The genuine Charted London Cordial Gin can be had retail of all rcapeetabiedruggists and grocers, at all hotels, and wholesale of the sole Import er*, DK VENOOK A CUABLKS, 138 Pearl et. New York. Agents treatedwith on liberal term*,- . j jsT-lmdv SCHTEFFELni BROTHERS. A’CO, -WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS' ” NEW TONE, ifaae resweei to So. 170 HUumsL,onr.o/Autiaeii, TMPORTING tho leading Drags from their 1 original market*, both In Europe *nd aub Fttmoh and English Chemicals, Perfooisry,. Tooth. Nall and Bair Brushes, Hair Gloreaaud Straps, Pari* and Trieste Bpongaa, Corks, Boaps. AA. Ac- they oact them on the moetreaaonabie terms. OnlarSeither in person, ot by mall. will receive their best attention. . jeUMihnv Extenuon Tables. HEERDT, 150 Wooator bL, between • Tv Prince and Houston New York, Maanfiurtnroi. A largo assortment always on hand. Orders Ibr Shipping punctually attended to. .. oclT-dmr . k C 0„ Wholesale Print Sollew, IT publisher*, printers, apd ManuCacturtng Artist*, Oolormen, Paris, London, Benin, and Nn.oCd Broadway, New York. Cafalogoeesvnt by mail. The ugnal discount to the trails and Institutions. Picture Frames furnished Prt7«3mv ' MISCELiLiANEOTTS. ROBERT H. PATTERSON'S Av_ LIVERY AND SALB 3S STABLE I Comer Diamond strut and Cherry AUey, aplfi-lf PnTWBUUUIL PA. ASHLAND HOUSE; AROU OTUKCT, AUOYBSBVKKTTI KTRBJET, pmi, a d jzl r m a . Hi' fi. BENSON, Pxopkfstoi. KtriUce of Board, $1,60 May A, ISM—lvd JOSEPH. CHAPMAN* WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN IMPORTED CIGARS, 63 Market street, JftUsbttrffk, Thir .Fnwrtk IV ALTER P. MARSH ui.J T I I*e*l*r la Pl&ln.Flnr«4«sil Detxntf »• Pipor Jl»rg lot* No. 86 Wcndslrwl, HtUtairtfb. J N>2« Anot of lha c«J»breteil miaufcetWM, Unm. I>*lU court t (V. of (‘tri*. •.< . mb3-M I»ARI.-> FASII lONS km LA UIES’DRESS- L. I>^-—The PaxUti VMbiocM(«JVAlB.dl»etper>teftß3r vTu un ulfl oa tbB l»t pnaliao hr ' UtL& t*.& WtUM)N ( N«j#n W PrDiwabsve Hand rirwt %. *.»U«a.V. JHTCDUL ETBBt JOHSB ft«t, HU* Umuo. UrA LATtIOII. SIMM Pcrkv&C. riftSU, Kt«r , «eT' tn ui>l No. I tU't, Anthr&fit* uni Sa&th Pi* Iron. Bollra fcrirk ami C3»t, AnthrwiU jujlV BANKING HOUSES OP 1 JOHN T. HOGG: Koja BOOTH 3D BT. .;PliSadBs‘>l74, 1 PITTHBUKOH, - • ALLSUHftftTCoI BOMKKnrr, *• HOM£R**rtL#r SfcarfUa Uiusbt uJ eMnaUnton, CurrMpMiU&raindeulbcUpnatAliri •oaK r l v,i. 6» aMHa* aad Lovlnr PATENT KItIQTS, l« bow anthuriiMl toteH th* Lmcwin* l*t*lr rwUnud ArttalMi TroU’a petvot Oil Olobnu i* Hteam RaglM*; Co»*arat«at Drill, Hr Drilling Iron; Itou/t R auUuirin'd U mU lUitbta to cuk* anil tauJ thMa utlelvi In say part oftb* enanCrr. IU hMaleo far ■*]* hot-pms*! Nutta and Waahm.and flnlahMl oraw Work. lla W ahn pn>r>aveil to UX» At»mri«* H>r the rai« of etta •r paUotad Klsht* and Dew lutroUraa, aadsliato lha ba*lnMa fUthfai and nmataot atUatluo Us refer* to ths foUowia# CARD. Tbs tnbaaflmn hats taasUso anjnalotsd »ith Ur M. Knap AWade. William P. JebnatOß, William PhUltpa, Andrww Fnltoo. A. W, LootoU- 1 Wdstra MoCaadiaa, Pmukiss. Now® bar 21th. ISM. «|tf FaU and Winter Ooodi. edmohd'watts. MERCHANT TAILOR, 1» ÜBKRTT STREET. T lIAYJ? now on hand a large Stock of Fall a and WlnteT Cooda, orereoatlnfftpfanUralr n*w dMdga% Flush V«*Ungs of Uw moat beautifulpattarua; Franeband' BnglDh OanimsTaa, of **vry »t jla atwl shade Is lha mar hat, ail of abirb 1 vUI staka to order «a tlm mottiwnn able term* aa4 newM to sol* me'^s CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, Ac. WMCLINTOCK & BROS, are now koU • Ins off.tbflr astir* stock of Carrattag, Oil Clntbi, Ac, for own, at prlrM tower than a*er cdforwf in tba waat arn market. Onritnrk (v-oalgtalnpartef tbafoUnwiag. vie Hkb Velvet Mta Oarpate, Tapeatry BramMlc Brumala. 3 ply. Snperfloe and ootamnu ingrain: •- Damaak, Twilla«f and Plata VeslMan; Lilt and Hag Carpeta Alki, (HiUotba. Kau, Window bbadea ntalr ILhln, Uattlag. -\ luedlttga. ami filati of all klsda. With a fall assortment of all artldeb generally kept In a eamt waraboaan. iWeonawlihlnffto furnlah Steamboats, Hcmsea or Ho tels will do wall to sal) amr. as now |a the time to aaeur* groat bargain*. He member tbs place. No. 112 Uark.t sU near Ltbwtr. oej HEW .PLOW FACTORY. vAi^fiappMP BK * HAVING 'commonccd oooTatiooa in the NKW PLOUGH PACrrOUT.Is Manebe«ter,wa an uanoßtrtaring PLOUGHS of avrry deecrirtloD of tba moat Improved patterns. Among them wllfiw found J B. liali t Patent Dontde or Drill flnuub*, J.JUlairß Pa tent-lroa Centra PlmirUs, Improved Laver nousbc also HU! Bide and KuNBoll, Cotton aadftogar Ploagha, tngeth ar with Plough Points andCaeUogaofarary aeamntlon Our I’loragha and Caettaga ran be nbolegafeand Hrtall, at oqr warehoate No. lt»3 Liberty vL, Pittsburgh aaJWSmdAw*B Continnation of the GREAT SEMI ANNHAL SALE OF A. A. MASON & CO.. And ■ (ill grrater reduction in prices A A. MASON & CO, will continue their • sals through tne month of rabrnary Their lm. maseoitork .wHltw again marked down and offaml at *tU»gr*aUr radoetton Iq prtaee. • fol Carnages for Sals. rpilE undorsiKncdbas jnetrooeiTedoßSJO I ojuflHAon w,««.aafes»y nt*UHB, altaatadnear the Two Mila Rnn. Intwaan Pitt**: burgh «InwrancavUla, a anlsndld assortment of Vabldeg of every dswwlptloo. and will contlnne to raraira regular : Iw'.rMrer.nod OAHIUAUBH, BULK 188, BUG*' UiKB,Ar HRIED bus. prime now ■ F Dried Paacha* imrt rop’d aod for sale by •Tie.. • .JOHN WATTAOq . SUNDUrES-1500 Peaches, half;; IflObci. pared’Paache*; ®0 bn*. Dry Apple* 1 100 k««. No.lLanh_ bOkrt-Packod DutUr; 86biiiapfltaaRoliBnltcr;}itHa.Klana; i A aasca potash, a pun artlele.ln atom •’nd foraala: by ■ - • aggiyßßA DILWOKTIL ■ baleeOnlo In itore and, ftr si ; DgAAiiuaßn QEMI-ANNUAL SALE—A. A; Mason & tjOa announoe tbaopanlngof their Sami'Anaual Bab,, orlbatr IstatouM stock, sad will eoutinus tea cam* thro.’ tb* month of January. - All tbair who la mb roosts will b* .oponad to tb* ratatl tma. and tbs ontlr* stock In all tbair mbsraoma wfiibamarkaadown and doskd.nvt at from: 30 to lO per cent, Isas than TSgniarprk**. dsdd * PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. THURSDAY MORnTn’Q, FEBRUARY sTTgM. FltOM WASHINGTON. Corrwpoodwo# of th» Daflr Pittsburgh Gawtt*. WAsniSGTOH,' Fob. 4, 1855. The stale of the Treasury is interesting!— Its approaching depletion is a national blessing. The remarkable decline in the roTenne, daring the past and two preceding rnoglha, seems al most a direct interposition of providence, against the designs of the destructives. The decline for January in the principal Atlantic porte, is as certained to have been $2,500,000. Daring December, November and September it was making a totnl for the 4 months pf $0,450,000. It was a premonition of this ex pose, which I have been very particular to im press upon the minds of the members, which influenced a portion of the Democrats, the more Conservative among them, to turn ths ooldshonl 4er Rpon Hoqston, when or Thursday last h’e modestly urged the llooso to throw aside, all Other business and take up his last edition of Tariff Reform. I do oot know whether I have mentioned that Although Houston is only Uie organ and spokesman of the committee of Ways and Means, , he has brought forward a new plan for reducing the tariff, upon his own indi vidual responsibility, whioh contemplates a sim ple reduction of fivo per cont on the duties levied by Walker’s bill, preserving Its schedules and klassification with certain transfers of articles from one rate to another. Tho concoction of Jthis important scheme was the basis for th* rn*' snor that tho Democrats had united on Gy* ques ,tion, and agreed upon a compromise of the sev eral plans of roduction. In truth Houston*s jhill has no more claim to he considered a party imovement than df it had been presented by ‘Johnson the carter, or Thompson the grooer JHe became brightened at the aspect of the j fTonso and begged for a conUnuanceo of the cose !to the 7th of February. On that day he will be prepared to withdraw the papers and retire from I tho field. Coder those circumstances, I think I -can assure all these whose business-renders them ;liable to be first affected by a chango in the tar ‘iffi that the danger is passed, and that the pros ipeot of any action in the premises may be rep reseated, by nihil, rein, nix, naJa, any thing in short, which moat condenses tho expression of a negative. Tho mere details of legislative action for the bripf remainder of the 33d Congress must bo of : little importance. It is tho spirit of the whole which will alone interest your readers. I may state then, that oo tho day when 1 last alladei to tho pet scheme of tho administration for rais ing volunteers and Indians to fcght and massacre other Indians, that project received its quietus in the Senate, where it had been thoroughly de bated and canvassed. It had never been per mitted to enter the House. Instead, however, of this kipd of force'ihe Sen ate voted an addition of twoSlmgoon regiments and two of infantry to the army, os bad been previoasly-recommendod by the 'Presi dent. Though I believe these troops to be neces sary, I hopo and trust the blouse will reject the clause providing for them, wljiph has been affix ed by way of amendment to the army appropria tion bill. With snob men as Providence has per mitted to occupy places of authority, and with the timos of disturbance and sectional discord whioh are sorely coming, 1 would much rather see tho entiro existing army abolished, than that 'a single additional man or a dollar of money should lie voted to increase the strength of the artny. Rather let the general govornmegt fall to pieces for the want of support, and the authori ty of the Union decay from inanition, than that the spirit of liberty be “ crushed out ” of the North and the independence of the States be sup pressed by the paltry and unscrupulous cabal which now* controls tho federal councils. This dismal prospect before us will deepen into dark and bloody reality, if wo bnt place in the hands of tho executive the power to carry out the poli cy of hid advisers. Notwithstanding the favorable symptoms which I described a few days ago as attending the condition of the French Spoliation Bill io the Senate, It seems likely to fail by the secret hostility'or .the negligence of that body. They adjourned over Saturday although that day would have jaat sufficed for action on this bill, and but twenty-four working days remain. The Colt Patent Cane came ap la the House on Saturday hut made little progress. There were several passages between Letcher, Chairman of the • Committee .of Investigation, and Pratt, of CL, a personal friend of ColL which seemed likely to load to an encounter on the bloody scene of the Bladensburgh rouL hut they came to nothing. The parties dispensed with pistols and took their coffee separately.— Tho ease will come np again next Friday, and so on through all the Fridays to the end of the ses sion. It la a dead cook in tho pit Wise made a great speech on Saturday even ing at Alexandria in favor of himself and against the Know Nothings, exposed all the secrets of the Order, and exposed himself on slavery, tho pnblio lands, and other topics. His audience was composed of one-half Democrats, one-third members of Congress, and the remain der Know Nothings. lie made a good hit/but cannot make himself Governor of Virginia.. We find in the commercial column of the Phil adelphia Ledger, endorsed as coming from a most respectable and reliable man of that city, and odo of the largest holders of Tittsbnrgh bonds, the following communication in reforcnce te our city finances. There are some things stated in this article which are easily explained, and the explanation will occur to cur readers, without suggestion from os, but there aro others not so easily oxplained. Wo dislike to lay such arti cles before the public; but we deem it our doty to lot the tax-payers seo what is aaid of onr mu nicipal affairs abroad, and to ask onr oity fath ers to give the requisite attention to tho reputa tion of the city which the charges here present ed seem to involve: “The interest lists at the Commercial R*»v of Pennsylvania show that a very large amount of Pittsburgh debt is owned here. The interest is always paid at the day. And yet the in scription six per cent, loans of Pittsburgh—a large, rich city, subject to the laws of our own StatorrseU fonabout 70 a 7k. And no higher price Is offered for tho debt, (about $200,W0,) which falls due Mey, 1859, four years off. .That is to say nobody is much dir posed to lend to this great oily of Pennsylvania at disrate of about 16 or 16 per cent a year, during tho term of four years; and. the credit of the city is getting worse and worse every year. What is the cause of ihirf? It is because people here, without knowing much, as yet, fnlly believe that the finances of Pittsburgh have long been and are how mismanaged, and that tho financial system of their city is unxoUled, temporary, irregular, (it is believed nothing worse yet,) and before long will end In opoa failure to pay the interest at the right: time, or in the right way, at all— There has long been an ‘instinct’ to this effect; and ‘instinct/ says Jack Falstaff, *is a great matter/ It ia-vory greatin eulyectof credit end finance, and is generally an atmosphere which Is the breath and precursor of proof. An ex hibit la tho Pittsburgh papers, two years ago, stated that aliout $89,000 of the city debt would fall doe in 1864-6U5-7-8, and about $200,000 In 1869. lias the debt been since Increased t How was; the debt of 1864jiaid? How U that.flf 1555 toWpald ? Ari) the Pittsburgh Councils *on eidering howltheywill take up their heavy in stalment of 1869, now close by ? Jfo* «the tn ieruten the debt vow paid? Has tho principal of the city debt bpen of late increased at all to pay Interest? ■Mowaret&eufactef ■ On the 6th of -April, ISSOslaw waspasaedby the Legislature of thia State, to limit the indebt edness and to provide for the gradual extinguish ment of the debt- itj^aa.declared that it shall not be lawful for the said Councils either direct ly dr indirectly, or by bonda,cortifleatei of loans, or of indebtedness, or byvirtue of any contract or by any other meaxisjor device whatsoever, to incroato the indebtedness or tho said city, be yond a certain com named In the act In any view of good faith this was a contract witlr every per son who, after thia, bought the city debt or who thqs held It, that It ehoold not be increased.— Yet in April, 1652, an act wasptssed autborif ing. tho;: city^snbeeribolargely to the^itU-, burgh and Steubenville Railroad, and in April, 1853, another act authoriziug the city to sub scribe for not more than 10.000 shares of the Pitts burgh and Conffellsrille Railroad. And 1 belive other acts to a similar purpose have alsq been passed, one for a road somewhere toward New York. What kind of faith is this for a great city to keop with its creditors? “In one point of View I have nothing to sty to the city until she fails to pay my interest or prin oipal, when I must cue herfor the debt At*the same time it is to be rememberod that there Is a process oalled injunction, which sometimes re minds corporations of their duty while they are in the coarse of its. professed discharge. The Commercial Bank, where the city of. Pittsburgh pays its interest, has heard of it An injunction troutd, jierhaps, teach a city who borrows, that ihe is honnd to keep her credit in order, so that her debtors may sell their debts if they want to •ell them. City and Corporation debts are much more for transfer than for ro-imborsement.- Twenty persons sell for one who lives to receive re-imbnreement . “The Finanoe Committee of the city ot Pitts burgh owes it to her creditors bore to present to thepnblio without delay a full exhibit of its 'whole debt of every eort;’ giving the items of the aggre gate—dato of origin—purpose of creation—rate of interest—date of falling duo, and every tbiog which it concerns its creditors to know. Such a Statement I have, in vain, tried some time einee to get, first from its Tpeas or or and noxt from Its Mayor. They should inform os how far the sol emn iojanetions or the act of April 6, 1850, re quiring them to oreate a sinking fond, have been complied with; or whether they have been oom pliea with at all. Its creditors here and every where, I believe are in the dark, and oan’t get out of it The city creditors need not not be planned at my communication. She owoe me as much as she of them. Thcsooner the city credit—if she is temporising and using her credit badly—is broken down entirely, the better for them, as welTas for it and forjme. When the Devil is to be met at all he is best to bo looked id thcifaco. It Is time for the Pittsburgh City Cdonotis to get on gravel bottom, which thoagh not quite so soft, is yet mnch better than the mad where they now seem to be floanderiog, maoh as if they were likely to swamp.” Latest raou tiib Feozejj Tracts. —We oon .versed this morning with a gentleman, a citizen of 8t Louis, who came down last night from' 'Springfield, and who gave ns some information of the condition of affairs on the railroads. Oar informant left Bloomington last Sunday, and by dint of severe labor, in which all the passengers toiled heartily and laboriously the train succeed ed in making its way through. At one drift the snow was so deep that it overtopped the ears, .and the train bad to root its way through, com pletely hid from view, and enveloped in tiio bleak shroud. To aid the engine, the passengers turn ed out, and having a lot of shovels prepared for an emergency, worked for several hours in throw ing the snow off the track. The intensity of the cold may be imagined when it is stated that the thermometer indicated thirty degrees below* zero. Twenty-soven miles beyond Bloomington, a train of cars was frozen up in a drift, not able either to proceed or retreat, in conseqnenco of a lack of fuel. The cars were filled with paa . sengers, many of whom are women and children, and their sufferings may be conceived, when we state that they hod torn three cars to pieces for fuel. . While our iofmmant was at Bloomington, an effort wosmado to reach the sufferers. Sleighs were started off to tho spot, but after a day of weary labor, in which the hones were broken down and exhausted, they returned to Bloom ington, having gone ;only twelve miles. The great depth of tho snow, tho difficulty of get ting through the huge drifts, lyintt at frequent intervals along tho prairies, the terrific force of the wind, which filled the air with whirling snow, and the almost insufferable severity of the cold —made the attempt to reach tho cars with nleighs, a hopeless and futile task. So mueh for the suffering on tho Chicago and Mississippi Road. On the Illinois Central, affairs worse still A train is frozen up near Decatur, and tie wretched passengers suffer, not only for lack of fuel but for want of food, and, shocking to reUto, were oompelled by the bitter necessities of their condition to tat doge to keep from etarving. This fact is reliably stated in tho Bloomington and Springfield papers, and is further confirmed, says our informant, by the testimony of individuals In Bloomington. 'lndeed, it was a subject of conversation in that city. We oan imagine how deplorable must be the situation of persons, aod to what extremities they are reduoed, when they have no other alternative ♦b , n to eat dog-flesh to drive off the demon of starvation. A Mr. Morgan, nephew of the Superintendent of the Chicago and Mississippi Road, had both bis legs frozen, and it is feared that many others hato suffered similar calamities. A like condi tion of things prevails on the Rook Island Rail road, though no detailed accounts from there bare reached us. Gov.- Matte son had sent dis patches to Bloomington to have the track cleared, trains might come through, at any ex pense.* It was supposed yesterday in Spring field, that ~s~sufficient number of the absent leg islators wonld get in to-day to constitute a quorum in both Hookes. We doubt very much if the tracks will be en tirely cleared for several days longer, yet, an iens human efforts are aided by the melting in fluence of the sun. There are business men of Bloomiogton, anxious to get on to New’ York, and others at Chicago, who are anxious to re turn home. A dispatch from Chicago, yester day, gives little reason to hope that the track will be cleat as soon as we expected. The de layed mails Will-bardly reach here before Sun day or Monday.—A. Louie Eve. JfaeiJ&d inst. Axotues Ikdus Wabl—The Administration, under, the lead of Jefferson Davie, the truculent Secretary of War, proposes to enter upon an In dian War along the Missouri Hirer and its tribu taries. The immediate object of attack is the warlike tribe of the Sioux. A bill passed the Senate on Thursday last, to raise 3,000 men, and appropriate two and & half millions of dol lars to carry on the war; and it remains to bo seen whether it will pass the House also. How the difficulty has been brought about we proceed to explain. Last autnmn a body of Sioux came dlpwn and encamped on the frontiers of Missouri, in Eanx&s, awaiting their animal supplies furnished them by the Government. While there a party of Mormon emigrants passed that way A lame cow belonging to the party strayed off-and fdLnear the camp of the Sioux, one of whom made beef of it—a circumstanoe'npt stall wonderful, it would seem, among a com pany of hungry travelers on the prairie, whether eivilixod or savage. It ifas, however, regarded as a mortal offence by & peppery military derat the frontier post, who dispatched a caval cade of five-and-thirty men to demand thejculprit Of course it was not easy to have him forthcoming. Thereupon an attaok was made upon the camp of the Sioux by our party, and blood freely ehed. The war thus opened, the Sioux fell upon their asaaiiants.ond destroyed them, every one. They then took possession of the supplies which had been sent to - them by the Government, on their own responsibility, and under theadvioo of their chief, withdrew without making an attack upon the post which had sent forth the assailants, and which could easily have been carried and its force overwhelmed and destroyed If the Indians had chosen to attaok it. Ik is for this aot of the Sioux in repelling a hasty and Imprudent assault, that Mr. Secretary Davis insists upon making a fierce warjupon them. Gen. Cassand Gen. Houston both counseled moderation forbearance, and the Utter especially deprecated hostile measures, and finally voted in a minority of seven against the passage of the bUU It will thus be soen that the war now imminent, and which Secretary Davis seems determined to . push to bloody issues, has arisen from the most insignificant cause, and owes Its existence wholly to the conduot of our own military authorities on the frontiers. We trust the noose will put a quietus off the atrocious soheme. —A' Y. Trib, Tm TaaaißLß Show Stork in iLLtxots and lowa.—The lowa and Illinois papers are fuU of accounts of the great storm. At 10 o*dook 4 on the night of Saturday, the 20th January, the snow began to tail with unusual rapidity, and It continued to come down without.intermission for thirty-two hours I The Keokuk Whig., says that during , the whola time the air was so densely filled that it was impossibleto see at the distance of a few yards. .t-The wind blew tgi tDendouslyfrom the north-west all the while.proe touting trees and fences, and scattering shingles from rooft and branches of trees wildly, among the iuow flakes, Themerooryinthe. course of a few hours fell forty degrees, going dbwn to. ten below sere. The jrtreets and roads were so .blocked.op as in many Iplices to be quito impassable... The; fltrongejtJcamsj cbuM not get along. The Carthage {W\.) states that such waaihe force of the wind that there was not a house tight enough to keep out. /the snow. Immense .numbers of fowls were de stroyed, and cattle, bones and hogs were froxen Jto death In considerable numbers.■ Wells were ’filled'with snow. ' The “oldest Inhabitants” never saw the like. Communication between the ‘different towns and neighborhoods was almost ; entirely cut off, and, Indeed, for some time few -persona were hardy enough, to venture out of .doors at all, : and it wouli'have been impossible. ||for any one to have been loog : exposed, to the jfsry of theKwlnd 'and blinding drift (the ther mometer indicating ten degnes belowseto,)-and ‘survive. ’ \ h k',>l VOLUME LXVIII—NIiMBER 144. The annuel meeting of the stockholders of the PeaosylTAaU Railroad Company was held on the The report of the Direotora exhibits the business, condition and prospeots of the road 'as highly satisfactory and flattering. The gross receipts' for the past year were $3,612,190 — about $700,000 oTer those of 1853. This was appropriated U follows Tolls Tonnage Other expenses Dividends on stock. Interest on funds... 3,078,825 *ai«nU 1l I t ki b £ a,I J? of the total receipts w J 816.083, whioh, after dedoctinir $28,652 appro onnt.«Bt«oraa», net profits. Of this am mint $lOO,OOO was ap propriate to found a linking fund S' F ° f “ t ’ rrat 10 *• « amount of unfinßhed work on tho eecond traek is wtimatod at $1,386,000. ; Tit. cost of ;th« whole road will not-materially eiooed the amount stated in the last annual-report of the Board. ; There aro now on the roe 115 freight andlo oomotite passenger engines; 86 wide passenger cars; 34 narrow do.; 27 emigrant cars; Is:bag gago oars, with mail apartments; 1053 8-wheeled • stock cars; 102 8-wheeled lumber andiron trucks; and 90 4-wbeeled coal cars. ! The whole number of passengers carried dur ing the year between Harrisburg and Pittsburgh jwas equivalent to 157,100 passing over the whole .length of the road. Being an increase of 25,- 1864, or nearly 20 per cent over tho previous !year. The total earnings from passengers was $l,- 272,681-18, being an increase of $222,840-83. After deducting tolls paid to other road, ($234,. -737-77,) the earnings from passengers will be |51,057,843-41. ■ A resolution was passed by the meoting, ac cepting the Report, and approving it, with an or der to publish. It was resolved that hereafter the annual meetingß should be hold on the second Monday of March instead of the second Monday of February. A Muabßßia Nstob Saih—ln Mendocina ;County, Californio, recently, a young man by the name of Frank had a dispute with. an old man ( named Minton, about the possession of some pro perty. A short time after Frank called at the •house of a neighbor add borrowed a gutfc whioh ;waa loaded at the time with buoksbofc. He kept the gun a day or two and then returned it to his friend. In the mean time Minton had Buddenly disappeared,and his body was subsequently found lhe man who bad lent tho gun to Frank as tho wadding which hod been placed abovo the buck shot, and,he identified it by producing the account book from whioh it been torn, and fitting, the. scrap to a matilated leaf. Following up this clue, it was satisfactorily ascertained that Frank, 1 after receiving the gun, had drawn the charge, loaded the weapon with bullets, and shot Min tori. Ha bad then replaced the original charge, but had it with a new piece of wadding, and had jleft the old wad oh the ground, where it was ; found and used as the proof of his gailt. The was committed to/ await trial, and will ’probably meet with justice at the hands of hia fellow-men.,.. ——— i rkTARIES FOR 1855—A large assortment jJLr' of DUTtaa for 1865; which I will sell nt iha lowest 'tmm. All Demur net supplied with the above ussful ar* .tldos, ean sava 26 perrent. Djr.-eatlltiir at - J«*> .SAU'L B. LAUFrJtR’S* S 7 Wood BL D" RUOSTORE FOR SALE—A good Be- UU stood, by de3o-twA FLEMlhti BROS. C'MBKOIPEUIES BEDUCKD—A. A. Ms , son* Co. will, on Saturday, Dee. lGtb, red tiro tbs TrieHaof tbelrinmenaastoekof Kmbrotdsriaa, comprutiur upwards of 60 cartons oftaoe-ws, Chemlutts, iCollars/La fto*» Trimmings. icst opened. dtld •: • OATS— 2500’bus. receiving and for sale far ■ i*ir BELL k masxT. ' OAHSAPARTIIAS—The •180*3, «orn*r-of Market BL and tiiftliUuioDd: j • • | &and’aSanac»rMß; . 'Jlul\’a UamparUlv -V , ; QayttU Town end’ “• ; f*S4 fi.RAB~ a ClDER—lObbla Very superior Craft yCl«tor ntfd and fot nl« by • w. A. STtCLDRO. EESWAX—I hhd. now lan dine fromS»B. Ja*n*U torby eo IS 11 AH DlCggY a QQ. PARL ASH—S 6 iarrela 'first' "quality ♦ , ; v - &:DALZgLL?A 00/ \ REMEDIES--^AycrV-Oherry Peo WUUrYßalsunofWitfCturb; . SwayntfaSyropor. C« - - • Balsam Llwwortaud Tar MUJw'* Cough XJRHC PjuUl6'a Da Paris; ' cellar* do Co. • ■ L aboveeeleteatM r«madl«»ean always banro- J*34 JOa. FLKAILMI’K, . DAVIS* PAIN KILLER-2 'gross of .thig celebrated article ju*t rac’d by. JqS. i packed and 5 bblsprime roll rec’d and for Bala by . BBLL A- FLOUR— 400 bbls. Superfine for sale by J.S W. REAJT4 Water tl. riHOCOLATES, BKOMA, Ac.—A full a* V>*°rtmar>t fmb jutme’d. 7 D°ull« Vanill*, iYOQdj, Chocolate; Hwaet Spiced' &k Baker’* No. 1 jot •** Coeoaandßroma; • If AMS—B csks. In fine condition Cinoin* jlio naUoor * d * t>r “ l * bT J-fiCHOora^E,^ LINSEED OIL—IO bbls. pore for sale by- J* lB J.BQHOONHAKEBACQ. 'LACK LEAD—IQ bbls. extra duality tor » sale by • jaio J. SOHQONUA KHE * 00. bbls.. N. O. Molaves RIO bgs. prime*just rec’d agd foriala by SIiaiYBR A DILWORTIL ft LOVER SEED—2OO bus. prime for sale v7_br jag aHRTTXa SDILWOBTH.. CJALAD OIL-10 cases fresh OUve OiL Tk UTTER—I 7 firkins fresh Dairy-packed HONEY —II cases this day rec’d and for «ai*br d«22 HKifttYH. optutfg. IREEN APPLES—SO bbla. justroc*dand I fettala by da32 HENRY H. OOfctTNS. T ARD—2O kegs fresh No. 1 Lard in A stow. ' ia4 B. DALZRLL A J. HENRY, Attornoy at La\y,:. .Office, • corner of Third and Sycamore streets, ClndhnaU. : fS6, I^LOUR —100 bbls. extra and superfine ■ Flonriart rec’dandformUby R. BOBIBON A 00. . W. M. SHAW, Commission,and For? warding merehaot, No. T 3 Walnut st*. Cincinnati, ltyths.Hcis.-~T. 8. Dngta l if salo bv* 7*lo A.aA.MeBAHB. C2CHOOLC6PrBOOKS, No. 1, mads O rapartoe l*U napsw 100 dor_ rac’d from Undnrr bv J*— - 8. BADLBS. AUeghsQy. ! CORVMEAL —10 bbls Fresh Ground Com U«lfcr.ri.bir i JiS.’MtbABQnUN. , J . 10 Bmiuul.u it. VALENTINES, VALENTINES—A fine T woitiMt M Tulmii orIML Ibr br ' -S-I.r 1. UHK*».7» lUirt. NUTS—IOO sacks now lauaioe • H-from Btcamar Jwntt for «al» br I DJt’KEY k QO. Louisville lime—xoo bbis. to arrive . or rtsamsr Kcilpsa frriafa by' 'I. PTCKBTACO.' BOLL BUTTER— fresh this dAy • «hw’J ami C w «aU br T. LITTLX k OQ_ 112.2 d TTNDKU GARMENTS at greatly reduced \J priced, at d»e caiaTkit’s.fs woodst. X>OT ASH—2 cks. just, rec’d and .for sale -IT br 2. ««OASDLIBB.MBANfIaoo, - % % . c«a«r Wood anAWatatat. . AjJ REEN APPLES—IO bbls. this day rood V and for aala by lIKNRY.IL t^P, FAMILY FLOUR—CheSv^Fort fehnont Hills and rttW vde tgan s in staara and for »ala by Bell 4 Liaflyy. O^M OF ! SELECT ■ ::v: E ; f -tasftek :%% . ■ ; BdeetWritings,'. 4.C0; . • t:_- ■ - . . bytecUonsfrpm thegdlptrgrgJonW.Y. ; lor sale by l JU.B.BoawoßTaaaL afKSgy^. «•“» i w.Bff^yJg-- FINABLE COVERS, of "different nnali+ina 4.1- *»*. and »tt«ro*; atao-BUnds?Bm2?<\£2L iMbdilM, Wtataai* and mail at ti?oi S?2?kSKS? Iftft MS. BHDBARB. in lUUnllbr i:- J»88. ] .$618,025 . 186,479 1,295,180 . 670,801 . 863,840 mdfor' ». bbq»;