Bf WHITE *OO. PITTSBURGH: 1 FRIDAY MQBNKG, FEBBPARY 2,-iB6B. AfTCTdwr-Siiaff th» Editorial Boon r PriatteiEit>Mhtnßßßtofth> DaUg QasdU,% r* opens* cnßuaday. Amatimswhodwlrs their nottoetosppesr a th» Paper OH 4>m r w— fc f | n Mfortftodoei^cpßatnrdir. Wtoklr G«xetter-Th* istosiTf o mutton of our nfefyauEgecffarrtoeurbuffauo&ea a moetdsrfrablsasdlainof suli&fftheir businessksoirc Ctf etmiHtlon la fastesanftm-mit wartihig * haOitrrgTmarefofcnt, |hep&rtf*r 1® Western Pwuaylr*"**, nun. • ; Advance Eayraimtg.—Hereafter no ffub nriptkm wffl be the Hafir Weaklr QazatU, select peynsot is sudsta adrasea. Wbtnmr tbs ttaslsop to whkh the sobeerfpttoa la pald,tliepsper vffl be iaririsblr stopped* onlao thea«bsalptta&isre» MvedbradTaaespsTiseet 4H tnmsis&t 'admtiil&c, of vnxj daesiptioa* wifi be irwjnirttl to be paid in id — vanee* The only exceptions will be where special sumUr lyor aerireostnets axe made. sspLddw Hooding Matter oa Mtinw.l thU gaper Wx. H. Sswaud.—Th6 senatorial election in Massachusetts having bees settled by the suc oess of GeiL Wrijjosj all eyes are now. turned to New Tori: The eleeiiojt in that State takes piece noxiTuesday, the 6th instant The prin cipal, and uiXaettheonly candidate whose name has yet been mentioned-is Wjl Hi Bewaiu>, the distinguished gentleman who has filled the place with so ranch, honor to. the state and nation for the sir year* ending on the 4th of March next ■ Mr. Bnrann’s opinions and antecedents ore too well known to require any elucidation. He has ..giTen his name to certain political principles which havenbtained extensive currency and in* floenee in the free states of the Union. He is - the head and leader of \ lt Seteardim, ,l _ 'which term is' understood to define the principles of . the great majority of the' opponents of the ex tension .of slavery living in tho North and affili ating with the .Whigparty. u Sdver-Grtvitm” . which is understood to represent thCpro-elaveiy sentiment cfNorthern Whigs, is antagonistic to “Sewardism.” SUver-Oreyism has been merged in Know-Nothingism, and its opposition to M*- Seward has been intensified on account of that gentleman's liberal views in relation to 1 foreign .immigration. ' Mr. Seward, then, is the candidate fur re-election supported by the anti slavery sentiment of the Whig party, and he is opposed by the “Siivcr-Owy Know-Nothings” and by the Democratic “Hards.” The. Interest manifested in the result of the . contest is by no'meaas confined to New York. It is scarcely less out of the State than in it— Z&e whole South on with intense anxiety, which it makes no attempt to conceal. No other Northern man is b* much hated end feared. His independence of character, his transcendent abilities, which are not*disputed by his bitterest enemies, Ms incorruptible integrity and his un doubted possession of that rare Northern quali ty, “backboxx,” have caused him to be both dreaded and bated by Southern slaveholders. * As an evidence of Southern feeling in relation - to this question, we take tome extracts from the New Orleans Bulletin, a moderate Southern pa per of great influence, andTedited with manly ability, Whig in politics and utterly opposed to filHbusterismand Southern nullification. After •expressing its joy at hearing that the Know Nothings had determined to prevent the rejec tion of Mr. SxvraxD, and declaring that “in its . heart of hearts it experienced a throb of grati . tnde to tiie mysterious order for the credit of having thewQlaodpower.of effecting mation aodeveufly to be wished,” it proceeds: “Sxwaxd is the impersonation of sectionalism, abolitionism, and antagonism to the Boutb • - There is no true Southern man but must depre ' onto his soocen in any of his aspirations. Should he succeed in his .candidacy for the United States Senate the roadis open to him to a still higher elevation, with Cur prospects of success; amt should be reach the object of his restless ambi- - tion, the destiny of this Union is, we fear, inev itably sealed. The so eonrideredpolitical eon __ vnlsions which the country has encountered da ring the last twenty years had never any alarm tor ua. The insane and inane efforts of nullifi. aation to dissolve the Union we always treated with more of derision than seriousness; the at tempt was puerile and entirely impotent, be cause there was no union of feeling or concert of action.' South Carolina stood alone; and so ar rogant were her pretensions, so ridieuloosly im practicable her scheme, that she failed to enlist either sympathy or co-operation; she encounter ed as successful opposition at the South as she did at the North, and nullification received its deathblow south of Mason and Dixon’s line.— Bat let Wx. H. Skwasd be placed in the Presi dential chair, the ablelond intrepid eM»f t>f the abolition party—the man above all others most formidable .to the South, because to eminent mental endowments he adds consummate tact, unflinching moral courage and indomitable en ergy, and the South. will rally round a standard as one mao; and what every lover of the Union must prayerfully deprecate, a purely ■ sectional party is at once organized, embraoing in its ranks every Southern man. On lie other hand, if Sxwaxd is defeated to limine, in his in itiatory step to the Presidential chair, he is* for ’ ever shelved; he is not merely killed off; bat consigned to a sealed and inaccessible tnrnh f from which there is no resurrection. ; "We again say, if the Know Nothings should be the instruments, by and through whom this con summation should be affected; they viU hate tr on the lotting gratitude of the South, . Their particu lar idiosyncrasies,] their imputed errors of doc trine, or theory and. of practice, will be over shadowed and eclipsed by the brilliant and effec tive services they will have rendered the South.” The uprising of Know Nothingism in New York, with pro-slavery proclivities, seems to have carried joy and consolation to the heart of every owner ,of human chattels. The Bulletin grows eloquent in describing it. After giving a description of the state of New York polities, a short time previous to toe last election, it say*: - The PlQmore Silver Grey Whigs—os true na tional patriots as ever breathed—eaw nothing j . but utter discomfiture before them. The Hard shell Democrats, good and reliable men in aUre- { a spects, could discover nothing but defeat | The Union men, of both parties, were about giv ing up in despair; and it seemed inevitable that ttejblack waves of fanaticismJwould roll over the Empire State unimpeded by any formidable ob _ stade, when the orker of Know Nothings rushed out from their secret lodges like the sudden 'emerging of Boderiek Dhu’a armed men from the copse and heaths of Benlodh **Oa right* oa left* above, btlow. ' _ Spang up at one® tha lurking foe," and spread all over the State, from the great lakes on Its western boundary to its mighty com mercial metropolis. Every section owned the otenhadowing influences of the “Unknown,” the “ Invincible*;” Everywhero-they .organized , against Seward; everywhere they strove to break down the Abolition organizations; everywhere they warred against those who; sought to array one section of the Union against the other,, in unholy, fratricidal strife; and everywhere they' tried to affiliate with, aid and assist the national cause.. And they were wonderfully successful, considering the short time in which they had to work. Although not completely triumphant, . still they had won victories enough to cause tribulation and wailing' In the Seward comp, from which, not long before, came songs of tri umph and shouts of exultation. ; ' The Bulletin is now clamorous for the rewards of so nearly obtained. The South de mands that Seward shall be saorifioed, solely be-' cause he dares to represent the free sentiment of a free people, gid as a natural conseqqence, Is obliged to resist the untimely, never-ending encroachments of slavery. It appeals to New York Know-Nothings aa follows: “A great issue is offered; the Know-Nothing party of New York .profess to be a national con servative party; they avowedly abjure all allegi ance with or affinity to sectionalism of any and - every kind, whether Seeessionism or Abolition inn. Their sincerity it about to 6$ tested; the great agitator of sectionalism and abolitionism, the arch enemy of Southern institutions, and the most formidable enemy of pesee and good order, Is a candidate for an high and honorable office, his election . to : which is opposed by every con servative or national Know-Nothing. The poli tical destiny of Wjl H, Sswabo is in the hands of the Know-Nothing party of New York—they absolutely asd control this as all other legislative elections—ln the House they have a working majority of 22, which places the choice 'of United States Senator entirely at ; their disposal. We shall wait their action with hrtniw' . •—"! She ButUtin, we doubt sot, legrestlj mistak en itt supposing that the Know Nothings bare' a majority in tho New York Legislature. If they had ,Ur. Sxerans would stand but little chance. Although he is opposed with bitterness and zeal by the Silrer dee, and Know Jfpthing prose. no pains are spared to accomplish his defeat, n i boiiero ho will he re-elected next thesda j, had ' that a vail of disappointment and rage rriil go up from the whole alarumcr of tho Hmua Jami 0. Sub.—Thto’witty gentleman, our readerewiUbear jbrmM, leetaree on Monday Hating. Sand." Now that Gen. Wllsonis elected to the Senate frcrfe Miasachnseite, tbjT K. Nr papers at the South' are trying to -explain away- his position.— Thus tiff LouieciSe Journals- r.' r • - “Sam” has not elected an abolitionist to the- Senate from Massachusetts. Gen. Wilton it not an abolitionist, lie did go for Van Boren in 1848, bat he hoe separated himself from the aboli tionists sines thattime. «*Sam’' may be a ead fellow, but the Democrats h*Te no bnsinesa to call Mm an abolitionist Be hates the abolitionists." . There it is. The old game_of: the old parties Is thus re-enacted—one face "for the North and another for the South, and facts distorted to suit particular latitudes. Think of the coolness of the Journal in saying that Gen. Wilson is not an abolitionist, and that he has separated himself from them since 18481 Why, he presided at the Abolition National Convention held here in 1852, and was, up to November last, the candidate of the party for Got era or of Massachusetts! We give this extract from the Journal to sho.w with what facility “Sam” assumes a different face in the South to the one he is stminzto as sume in the North. Here he claims to Be Free SoQ In principle, and points to the election of such ?.warm abolitionist as Gen. Wilson as proof; while in theSonth ho strives to show that the General is not one of that despised class, and that “Sam” "hates abolitionists.” We are disposed to give the Journal credit for frankness in this latter avowal. We think it true that “Sam” “hates abolitionists,” and think the election or Wilson no proof to the con trary. In Massachusetts newly the whole abo lition party were Induced to go into the new movement, with a view to this very result; and the Senatorship awarded to their leader is mere ly the consideration paid for their help. It is the fulfilment of a contract, and therefore not to be regarded as evidencing anything as to the prodmties of the Order on the Slavery question. If-“ Sam” did not “hate abolitionists” he never could eucoeed as he is doing in the South. .. Noethxhs Hasqmas Foote, of Mississippi, was for awhile the great hangman of the Union, having acquired that distinction by the expression of his ardent desire to hang John P. Hale on the highest tree in that State, if he should ever bo so fortunate as to catch him there. Foote has probably got over that desire, and his vocation has fallen upon the shouldetß of a northern edi tor, who flourishes injtho latitude of Harrisburg. Tho editor of the Herald, of that place, vrho prides himself on being'an organ of thhso-called “American Republican” movement, has turned the eye of an exocutioner upon sundry necks, both North and South,* and he longs io try his hangman’s hand upon them*. Ho is a very am bitions Jack Ketch. Hear him: “We regard Southern and Northern' ‘fanatics’ with equal displeasure, and vouldhang them both as high as Baman. We mean by fanatics, snob ultraists as Garrison, Philips, Greeley, Beecher , Ac., at the north; and such firo eating, sectional agitators as Keitt, Wise, and their coadjutors at the South.” “ We are constrained to cry—Give this fellow a rope; and to add, Give him enough, If by that means he may be induced to hang himself. Popular Soverxiostt.—Congress has just gyen an evidence of the little value It puts upon the doctrine of “popular sovereignty, ” as wit ness this item from the proceedings of the House: 4 “Mr. Cutting, from the Judiciary committeo, introduced a resolution anuulling tha action of the Minnesota Legislature, in chartering the Minnesota andNorthwestera Railway and Trans it Railway companies. In the debate on this bill, it sms said the Governor and Secretary were to be largely be&efitted by these grants; and far ther, that the District Attorney had already been removed for his action in the matter. The reso lution passed.” The passage of this resolution—(there were but 1C votes against it)—strikes complete ly the last session of Congress, that the people of the territories hare the only and exclusive right to make their laws and fix thecharacter of their institutions. These were the arguments used to force through Congress that iniquitous act, the repeal of the Missouri Compromise, and by which it was attempted to be sustained before the people; and it is pert!- | uent to inquire why, if the people of the territo ries are sovereign, and hare theright to do their own legislation, they cannot be permitted to charter their own railroad companies. The present Congress, which is the putative father ef the popular sovereignty doctrine, coolly under takes to annul the action of the Minnesota leg islature, as if its power to do so was unquestioned and unquestionable! Wg think Congress did right in thla particular instance. *We have always contended that it has power not only to legislate for the territories, but to annul whatever territorial legislation may meet its disapproval. We are glad, therefore, to see Congress come back to the exercise of it? legitimate functions; and if the legUia. tore should undertake to logialate slavery into that territory, we shall expect the next Con gress to aural its action with that freedom and unanimity with which the present Congress has visited the territorial action of the Minnesota legislature. Wiscossrs Slav* Case.— We learn from our exchanges ihai on Monday, the 29th, the Su preme Court of Wisconsin granted Boom, and KracftAfT in prison for the crime of aiding fu gitive slaves to escape, a writ of Habeas Corpus.* When about to start for Madison, where the Judges are, all Milwaukee was afoot Two thousand mss formed in procession at the Jail, and amid cheers which made the welkin ring, and stirring music, bore the prisoners to the BaUroad Station. The Supreme Court of-that Btate, It will be remembered, pronounced the Fugitive Law unconstitutional on a former oc casion. ' The Carrier on the main route of the Daily . Octetu failed to deliver the paper three times within the past week, much, to our mortification. Ho pleads sickness as his excuse, and being an old man, and one familiar to the many whom he supplies, they will be the mire disposed to look lightly on his failures. We desire and design to supply cur readers with their papers regularly, and hope to have no further occasion for expla nations of this kind. FBOM WASnUCQTOX. Ocfrtfpoudsnee of the Pittsburgh Oisstts. Wabhujctoh, Jan. 80. . It la announced On competent authority that t the resignation of Mr. Bonle was the consequence of a serious disagreement with the president and cabinet. Ho was Instructed to present a dis patch to the Spanish Ministry, stating to that government that the United States entertained no hostile designs against Cuba, and would cause all the rights of Spain to be respected. But this document plainly and unequivocally informed the Spanish government that the time had arriv -1 ed when a settlement of the other questions with the United States must be promptly mode.— These questions related to. the Insults offered to the American flag by the Captain General of, Cuba and his subordinates, to the. imprisonment of American citiiens, the seizure and detention of vessels, and depredations upon American property. The object of the dispatch was to disconnect the question of the acquisition of Cuba from that of indemnity for outrages and injuries. This oer tainly was a wise, statesman-like and eonaem tiw proceeding.- Butit amounted to a complete * S 9 6 * poUcy; at least to an abandonment of tot poUey which Mr. Soul. had adopted in «m- TUa thwefor. ha rMhari to present, and returned hla reasons for declinin* to ober Ha iastrnetlons, by the rteamer of the 80th jw eemher, accompanied by a tender of his resigns tion. It was Immediately accepted, nnd Mr. S. waa anperaeded by Breokenrldge of Kentneky." TMa ocenmnoo la of Importance, because it ■pmes that regular negotiation for the an nexation 'of Cnba ia at aa; end for the remainder of this administration. But it does not follow that peace with Spain for the turns poriod to therefore assured. In truth, the newsttitude of the administration to lose firorablo to the msiuUintinco of peace u»«" tho inceessnt wrangling by which the attention of the publie ha* so long boon occupied respect* lug a_notorionsly unattainable object. There to but little reason to boilers front the past eoune of Spain towards the United States that she will pay much attention to the new demands for in* demnlty and apology. Breokenridgo, it may bo take out peremptory instaructioß* not io allow tills question to be'dalhed or trifled witß. -: ; What then csi' be done. Buttwo coots* es are open to this government. Ic will be com pelled • either to abandon ail demands against Spain, ©r to resort to reprisals by 'sea, and per haps to actual war. The considerate attitude assumed by Mr. Maroy indicates that is his expectation. Tho proceedings of the House were diversified to-day by a fight between Mr. Parley of Maine and Gen. Lane of Oregon. Without the slighest provocation Lane called Mr. Farley a-liar, to which Mr. Farley responded, in a voice hoarse with passion and fury, you are a G—d d d liar. Tho two members, or rather the member and the delegate, then proceeded to adjost their dif ference by a regular sot to. It is impossible to say who bad the advantage because they were divided and obstructed by seats and desks, i thought Farley grazed the cheek of Lane and left a ■slight mark upon it, but could not be certain it- Farley was excusable because he had giv en no cause of offence, and was guilty of no vio lence in deed or act until earned beyond the bounds of self control by the insolence and ruffi anism of Lane. Though very small of stature it was thought that Farley would have peppered his antagonist had the sport been uninterrupted, for he hod handled his dexter and sinister with remarkable skill, rapidity and power. The House took no notice of this interesting little episode, and the -business went on exactly as if nothing of the kind had occurred. Lane is the same per son who has won such universal regard by his elegant dissertationsin the House upon “aculpin For such conduct os ho was. to-day of, oxpuision would bo not too severe a punishment The day was consumed by the bill whioh occa sioned the fight, which was that for tho es tablishment of a line of telegraph to tho Pacific. This was the first of tho three days appropriated by special order to territorial business, and thus* a considerable slice of the time designated is abstracted from that class of bills. Houston gave notice that on Thursday he should move to take up his tariff bill. give the following article, at the re quest nf a respectablo merchant, without know ing anything of the facts it states, or concurring in all its views: r-". , fot tho Pittsburgh Diilj OtletU. . upnng the present excitement white some are crying out in no mild terms against the Brokers, and others who ‘'knew these times]were coming*' are boasting of their far-sightedness, 1 may per haps be pardoned for using a few words to prove that I am' not- altogether a fool, though / have $2OOO in a suspended condition. I saw some remarks in a weekly paper a few days ago ex pressing surprise that people so readily loaned Brokers and jet refused their honest neighboring Farmors. The experience of this writer has cer tainly been very limited, or else very different from my own. I hare not unfreqoently loaned to, or held claims against, this class of'comma- 1 nity, and my experience is that generally the money is not forthcoming when due. If urged to pay promptly as is expeoted of business men, the reasonable reply is—“ Well, you know my farm is good for it—when I can get the money I wilTpay—you charged me interest for it, and I think you need not be in snch a hurry.” Tho same writer says the Brokers are “great borrow ers.” True, but Banks and Savings Companies arc borrowers in the same sense. We deposit money with a Bank or bay its stook, hoping to receivo a profit or place oui money in a secure position. If the Bank is well managed ceite the advantage; if otherwise, we must suf fer the loss. Those who now cry out so earnest ly against private Banking, but a short since thonght quite otherwise. It was the “true system” a few months ago. Our opinions are very much controlled by circumstances. Had the first failure occurred with a Bank or Savings Company, every one would have run to the Bro kers. In Cincinnati the troubles commenced with the Kentucky. Trust Co., Newport Safety | Fund, and the Savings Bank. The private ! Bankers became popular until one of them, con nected with one of the failing Banks, suspended, and then everything became donbtfnL We do not mean to deny that our Brokers have acted imprudently in taking money from country peo ple, giving them interest and permitting them to draw without notice. Is there a merchant or manufacturer in town who can pay all of his lia bilities at oneef It is not possible for * Broker to pay interest far money, and yet keep it on his counter or in his vault ready at a moment’s calL lam told that the house of Kramer & Bahm hare good bills to the amount of nearly $200,000, much of which they haTC beeircompellcd to renew eocae* quent upon the state of our rivers the past Had theta billa been paid at nfctarity, according to promise, it is not at all protebl* they would now be placed in their present unpleasant posi tion. | A Broker or a Bank maj bo perfectly safe, | and.yetnot bate enough money on hand to pay all liabilities. Look at the statement of some of the Trust and Savings Companies of oar own State; they are called safe and havo sustained good credit for years. The following are the figures as reported to our Legislature Deposits..!. Cash on hand.. Another.ahowg— 3>ep««ta - $040,000 Cwh $29,000 Dtie from Banks 05,000—94,000 Now, these Banks norer baa a difficulty, nor is it probable they will have, but if any Broker in this city made as poor an exhibit he would bo considered broke at cnee—and he certainly would soon be, undertime present excitement.— One Broker in town told me he had money enough on hand to pay every liability, whichis probably more than can be said by any Bank in the State. I would by no means seek to justify thejim prudenee of men who receive money on deposit and put it into every wild adventure. Saeh men cannot complain if harsher words than dence” or “recklessness” are used, and I do not write to shield them from theirdeserts. But I have some sympathy for those who have endeavored to ao business fairly and honorably among which number I certainty class the House so lately suspended. axt. SPECIALi NOTICES* Liver Complaint— The oijly remedy ever offered to ths public that has uefertfdled to cor*, when directions are followed, l» Jl’Luae’s Liver PUL It has beta several year* before the aadhss been Intro duced In *U eeettonsof the Union. Where It has been need, It has bed the most triumphant success, and has ae> tuaUf driven out of use aR other madldne*. It has been trlod under all the different phases of iiepatla, asd has been found equally efficacious In all. * Purchasers win be careful to ask tor uk. ITLANFB CELEBRATED LITER PILLS, and take none else. There ire other Pills, purpetina to be Liver PlUs, now be toe the publle; also, his Oblebratod Vermifuge, can now be had at all respectable Drug Stores In the United States; also, to sale by the •ol*'tproprtetors, FLEMING BROTHERS, fe2d*w£ Successor* to J.Kldd A Co-00 Wood «t- - JOHN 0. BAKER & CO.'S TRUE MEDICINAL COD LIVER OIL, . Recommended by all tho Professors of the principal Medical Collages In the United States. ALSO. jonir c. BAKER A CO.'S ;COMPOUND FLUID EX TRACT OF SARSAPARILLA, one of the best articles of the kind known. ALSO, JOHN C. BAKER A CO.'S VEGETABLE VERMIFUGE, a certain Spedfio to worms, and pleasant to the taste. ALSO, YODER'S GERM AIT LLYIMENT, a mart valuable arti cle to Horses; also, te&bsamattio, a certain cur*, for tale br JOHN 0. B£KER k 00„ Wo. 100 Worth Sdft, Philadelphia. delf-fltadAwT. And bT Druegfsts generally. Piles.—W. Jenkins, Esq., of Columbus Ohio, Secretary ct the Ohio Insurance Company, who wa* , taken to Nrw York in extreme dsWWr, with to hare an operation performed by by the Sr. Mott, u the only chance to nw hu lift, accidentally beard of the PAIN BXTIUCTOB states “Foryears mydlseandefled aedleal akin, and grew worse until Ufa became Intolera ble.'As soon as I commenced using this SalreX rested in bed for the night thtjtriftfiu in many monOn, tbs ft* gnesey of th* discharges abated, and In a ftw weeks the dysenteric secretion ins entirely suppressed, and from that time to this, I hare felt no pain, no 'arenea, no dit trat, and am now as strong and hearty uerer.** CORNS AND BUNIONS can be cored with DaUn’t Aim Jarfrador by rchblnggeme of it in, on and around Ciepartfcjaarnlng and erenlng, keeping on a small gun* tlty spread-on linen. It completely draws out the Owns. Persons lamed with Corns and Bonions—unable to wear boots, and some walking os crutches, bars been complete* ly end successfully cured by It. for calc by GEO. IL REISER, No. 340, ja23-3wd*wT HAZARD POWDER AGENCY. All Varieties of Powder CONSTANTLY ON BAND. ALSO, __ Safety Puse. tea L. G.'GBAfT. Agsnt, 122 2d it,Pittsburgh. LADIES’ FANCY FURS. M’CORD & CO., AND FIFTH STSEEIS. etcopenkq theib labor HAnTp orTpga - wottKiua rmr of ; ■■ MARTIN, FITCH, SQUIRREL, lynx; • ... . CONEY, ■ SWANS DOWN. to » ! _ Conrunption and Spitting Blood—See' I the csrtiflmurcfSlr. TurtwrH. JUaief* foe jussf ymi rrc?rl!tcr oftfc* Fuuut»* Hotel, frtdti Jesters. cad latocf theCttr.Hotel, Richmond, Te.: l>T.Jahn SOnfe, of the diy of Blehxncnd, thrush * rec* ularjibyildatt, and «f com* opposed to what he celled quack medicine* wu obliged to ur that it* good effect* m the ea» cf Mr. Ramsey, vers wonderful Indeed- Ha had. been stna.up. by sernal phytielao* had tried most of the quack mtediclae*. aad was on tha verge of drs palr. ae well as the grave, when ho tried Carter’s BpauUh Mixture. W« refer tha public to bla full and lengthy certificate ctwmd tha bottle, slating hi* ooro. fee advertisement. ja»-lmd*wT . PITTSBURGH life, Fire & Marine Insurance Company, OFFICE 65 FIFTH STREET, MASONIC HALL. PITTSBURGH, PA. _ . JAM£3 S. BOOK, President. Cka&lx* A. Coltos, Secretary. This Company makes every Insurance ap pertaining toor counacted wltbLIFJs RISKS, tt null and Cargo Risk*, on tha Ohio and Mlnlamppi rivers and tributaries, and Marius Risks gun* And against Loss or Damage by Fire, the Peril* of the Baa and Inland Navigation ana Transportation. * toaUpsrtta!*"* 4t lbelcnr «tr*tei conriatant with safety fiISXCTOKs: Wm. 8. Hare a,- Junes D. BleOUt. Alexander Bradley, John Fullerton, Robert (lalwar, Alexander Reynold*, Arm* UoraUo'&jSefcSttanninff, Hiram Stowe, Bearer, ear fist coU Junes 8. Hooa, Knmnel McClurknn. Willlsra Phillip* John Scott. %h£Vd;ar' si - D ' Wm. V. Johnston. Junes Mmy«h»H. DOTTED STATUS LIFE INSURANCE, ANNUITY AND TEUST COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA. (HURIEBED APRIL 2fl, IUO.-Cniun PzxnrtrAL. - CAPITAL— B2SO,OOO. Ojrux 8. X. earner qf Third and Chetnui tindt, Philadelphia OPPICBRB OP TUB BOMB BOARP'AT PHILADELPHIA boxcnu ? Jtoh™ R. CrtwihrJ. gwl B. Oodd«nl, • toSTnji HSZu. WuSSsnSS?' •pT* < S^n® l fP l * on - K. Cnwfiiri. Fiae/Voirimi— Ambroeo'W. TLomptcn. tons ."••■—L WTtcoTl ja — cochran nuaso FLEMTNQ BROTHEBS, _ _ TO /.HDD * CO.) WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. NO. CO WOOD'STREET, PITTSUURGU, PA. vm?E #tOT,Of I>r ' &****•&&»*** Vwmlftis*. Liver HENRY H. COLLINS, /i w«» , „ FORWARDING AND . . * COMMISSION MBKOIIANT. W OLRSALE DEALER IN CHEESE, BUTTER, SEEDS, FISH, __ * Ana Prodnee’Genvmlljr, No. 25 Wood Btroot, Pittsburgh. FEAK£ STEAK HILL, CANAL BASIN, ALLEQHENY, NEAR THE RAILROAD STATION. Families will bo supplied with our various ?fFM$!rEt OROPytrgLQPB, bf luring their or* dereat the Mill, or la oor uoxm it Loffan, Wiiwa A Ca’e, orßrtiui f, Heiter, corner ui Liberty and St! .n 1 «• P - £bw*rt*. or J. T. Sample, Dnwaiete, AUeaheajr. to fenlltee In either of the da Tonne, CASU on delivtrr Gftuen's Insurance Comp*y oi burgh WM. BAOALEY, Prtiidtni. SAMUEL L. MARS HELL, f&V. OFFICE, M WATER, BET WKFN MARKET AND .JSFOOD Srߣ£T&^^^ ashcaroo RISKS OM thi AND SUSSIHarVEI RIVERS, AND TRrBDTARII’-S m Lon or Damaotttv Ftre. ALSO < “ 4 - NL&,J - VJ ™*riOi f DmCTCM! Wo. Ltrlmar, Jt„ 8. SI. Klor, Wbl BlDKh»», John S. Dll worth. Ifrlneti Seller* g Wm. Bunl«r, Buaual Rea, Jr, 8. Uarbaacit, Imm 311‘oooodt, WaJtetßrrtot, ju. 1L I iiV iTfUn John Ship too. PHILADELPHIA Fire and life Inrorance Company, No. 149 CHESTNOT STREET. OPPOSITE TUB CUSTOM HOUSE, nmko aP kinds of Insurance, either r«rp«tui or limited, on crerr description of Property or mcrehnad]**, »t reuonehle r*u* of premium, ' RODKaT P. KIKO, Prwldrnt. U. vr. lUlnwnr. vice President _ „ „ DiaECTOHX: c „ fc "- r. n.ra, i e. r. cop*. «.RE«tll* I. brtoWOPW IMulOT css, the Omdlal will l&ftueainari vigorous vitality «nto ev ery organ. The iaaltnde resulting from late hoars or too application to labor of aoy kind. Is quickly removed byluartion*andladlestngagedinsetientaryoceupations,. and subs jA to inoonrenknee then Iran, will find It a tab and healthy stimulant Wherethedrculatloo of the blood la sluggish, crany of thettanetlonsof tbs body are suspend ad or imperfectly performed, ltwltt restore the natural ac tion and communicate permanent energv to the secretive and dlstributita organs. »ese who are bowed down by physical debility, and ao acble as to despair of ever raeorttlug the vigor and mien of manhood, are Invited to give this wonderful Inrlgorant I* embodies the element* of their restoration.— Defers they have consumed the first bottle, they will be "‘"“fra* that the recuperative principle la at work In ev- *P®js®k®tßSrftortion of thilrftaaiss; and hope, soon to be realised In their thorough recovery, will spring up In their hearts. . . TbeOordial is put op, highly concentrated. In pint bol tlea. Prl<* S 3 per botk, two to S 6, eix to *l3. ■ C. U. RING, Proprietor. No. 193 Broadway, new York No. 00 Wood street; X wn£ “• *• « ' ¥ “‘> ■ t -= “* Kn “** BulM> c *”*- Hew Dagnerrlan Gallery. wonld 'respectfully inform nLß*t*tK < SLti ai « Seusraily, that in order to the United Statoa. Wears now s^^2^J x JE BU, « L * , W io P* ,or > u si**# and styles, Jn ffjft frPtn* o'clock A. H. till 4 o’clock V.IL A . oU te eoUritod, whether they wiab for Likeness 4*Z4Av^° mt ' ° d * ort OOaB Bhildlmr, Third street Reliance Mutual Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE NO. TO WALNUT STREET. Osptol. il7T.HO—Asset* 1212,12*, , &cu7Tlp7htwtab INSURANCE—On Buildings, Liin- CTCOMitCT^y I * Men)hinat * s In town ’rtth the security of a rn £**•****«eatlUaetheioanrarfanrt«f«ip the nroCta to Mofits, are eoniertlbio, •» e |S«yntotJ £ o f p J gjB g «4or SoompT. ; ulutLjShhUflt. ! SWiSS?; Marshsdimu. fefctT^Sd, J*nw«L. Taylor, EdwardG^Jemes. . Jacob T. Banting, TO. ' j- o“comw, Agcnw •”“ toner Third and. Wood streets.. xaw and Coaiort—The Conformator ately imported from Pirfs,txactJyi suite the Hat-to ths peculiar shape cf the H«d.*oanewhatijas easy oaths “ “i 14 Beat St and a geod Hat may bs had i n Wood ft oyg-tf. -- Du Pont Powder.— Ever? variety Rifio Mining tad Wasting BbwderJn all aU* packages alway enhandandto sale from Msgaxlna,ia lots toroltpur QhaJMu»ra&vmbbt«tti. ilsDBsfttrrum. - If yon don’t Dant tohe Straiglit don’t jtzaa nr Boocim BU(X-£or mor*,«»aTVoy*m wo Dr.Koyir’f "Woohlugton ftnwrwprff ftnn,**' »ftd o gdeonntdaty mla to roeomarad (tout a w h . tah BoldwfeohialoaadyottU at Dr. EETBZR’B TMcatad fl&onldtffiCM»Z)tpok 110 Wood ftTMt. flfevtf tho Geld* tnMcrtg.w y > • .•■■■ . . j»m*w ad .09 a Mortgage, fbr.ona ***** B**l E«t*U, eitUU la .Uu 4*t*(r *92odoWi Of tW<>yOW*»'Wi j£aiioltb»«ttr. complaint, 1 apcttow samcb, ] 2S?SS%»^ t^,«aij,tteof&c r !!t o rlto SS;Si I , S; i g|i ■ DISEASE OF TU£ KIDA-ETS. J ~ i£££S«£ , y;S*&r *'*■%:?*' *»,- Misi sf frc "P . a Di^rdered Eup^ESL™ESTSKIOT?^noS?D?p T BRicS:! 'S p?*Vn S c °^ s "hP ATKIN INWARD »S: Ipshps&ssk obtained, and of a oulltr inpnrtor to anr other* to th« i hA"i h ' Pwiminlajr ol*th* £“*"• “"'i ? rml ” n “ of *«‘s» >■*■ todo«d ; “SS.S3Si“ a ß?gsl! ‘JS&Ss&i fSgsftsSjj* th. Dr. to JIT. erpeet*! .ttonUon to tho» tun or Jim, ! POKor., Utmoi. of V|3£KueFwiKKtK toAYtog wqulrlos meehaoleal support, with full eonUmt. lh*t fS'o, r -f,“u ow Wljons.nwri.oc. In th. troUmnitof j ISS. ChSTLta&“L"^5 a J“&'K?H»n® e ' Aak for Dr. KKYSEB, at Mi Who|«ala Draff Eton sad E/'SEEJfT ™ l> n Ttofs Depot,No. 140 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Hsn __ T DR. HOQFLASD’S of the Golden Mortar. ja3 The German hittoni la the first article from which I obtained any nlief. I have aI«o given the aHleia to many dyspeptics, with the most salutary result. 1 tnlnw as ! many more botties will ear* me." | *«& nes* and Costinness, for which I used otany different remedies without wilet lat last used your HooflaadV German Bitten. I took aftw bottles according to dlre» tlons, and was completely, cured,- I have not been so healthy ftr ton rears as I have been aihoe I took your Bit ten. which Is about one year ago.” t- Bitten are entirtly tepefoKe, always strengthening ue system and neverprnetratirg It. i Sold by dealer* in medicine and etorekeepen every* whenr, and by Pinning Brcu-D. A. Pabneetock A Co., * Iw Wood eOittsburnh; H. P. Sehwar£ by dealers in med Sine generally * Chemical Krasive Soap—Give it a single ma-It Is one of the most practical and useful diseoTe riesof the day, by which 60 per cent, b saved la the tlm* and labor of washing; til pounding and machine friction, b “Umly dispensed with.- And Uttt* hoarier labor need be performed the ordl* nary rinsing and boiling. The elothes will look much whiter and cleaner, and last bngwthanwhcnwaihed In theusual way; Itb warrant ed'not to Inlure the finest fabric; Thißsoaplsemlnentlrfupericr for the toilet, and the rsmorsl of oil, wheelgreaae, from *ll kindj or silks and goods. ItwUlremora moth,[Un, ; *c_ from the sun, tearing It soft and white. trial wIQ eot> rlnee the candid mind, not only that It works mneh anlck er. easier and mom thorough than,anrnf the common browner family soaps, but that it e*ijct* a earing lathe Printers by keeping a strong eolutfoa of (hU soap on hand, will find It inraloabie In the cleaning of type form., Ac. salt remove.tbelnk mdUy, knd wlthontinjury to the type. , • ***' thB dimcnltr heretofore erperi enced with the hard watorsof the Eodth and West, Is en- Urety obriated,and the_ water heeds; no “breaking" or “cleanring. It popsen**excellent properties for use in fait water, and Is therefore renderod 'a ralnabie marine soap, Thu proprietors offer this In merchantable pot up In poxmd bars, and each bar stamped with the proprietors name, and warranted equal to tho recommendation, when need according to directions. t P»®>^; t fl *oneb may be washed with thlssoap without being fa led as with other soaps. Traders and the pobllo generally are requested to glre the Chemical EraalTe Soap a fair trial. Bold, wholesale and retail, at Dr.ICEYSER’S, HO Wood street, corner of Virgin alley. deSWAwS Extract from a letter ,by tie Bev. Mr. CncacHuiLL, of Boston, who is now traveling for his health In tho Ksst: r.VZ.I j£Sj •WjJerusalem and Constantinople, we peeiheach,«» Qp a shelf behind the eross4egged Mussulman are seen the Bottles with tbelr UegUsb, Bpanlsh, French and ► ?"*?*?? „ f ? £ *?, tnr P ßd to the crowd, ere trld that foreigners ere not the only purchaser* but th* true belurn-s themselTea waive their trust In fat* to SLTA^S«i5£ , '" ,ail ' “«■*!! . I hero yesterday that the Cherry Pectoral ISftfSSSZ* »nd I*noVin «St uee In hie harem, and In the liospltals of the Empire.” Agency of Dr. Fitch’s Ueieorated Med* ams, St Br. O. U. KEYSER’S Drug StonvNo. HO, comer' Wood et. and Virgin Alley: Cherry Pulmonic, Pulmonary nalsam. Pectoral Espee torant. Pulmonary Liniment, Departure Syrup, Heart Corrector, nomor Corrector, pure and ««dHnal Cod LIT «r Oil, AnU-Dyspeptie ilirtnrs, Cough and CatharttoPUlst Nervine, Vermifuge. Femalepflli, Female Specific. Ac. Ae? oeed by him constantly and with unprecedented succea in the troatment of CMfr. (height. OmtuMpHon, AtihvuL, Heart Disease, Dpi pepata, tScrtifiila, Skin Diseases, Rheumatism, Female Cbmplaints, Piles. Dr. Fitch’t unequalled Itilent SHrer I’taiat Abdominal Supporters. &r. Fitch't Improved Steel Spring Shoul der Brace. Dr. FUch's Silver Mail- ing Tube. Aba, all kinds of Proprietary'Medicines, Trusses, Sup porters. Si oulder Braces. Eememhor the place. Dr. K KY. SKB’d, 140 Wood street, sign ofthe QoldenJlartar. deS-dfiwd ARNOLD & WILLIAMS" tuatmcTcitis or Chllson Furnaces, Wro’llron Tubing AND FITTING GENEBSLLY, For Warming and Ventilation oj Buildings. A. A W. will contract for Warming and Ventilating by Bt«amor Hot Water, Pipes or Chilean's Furnace, Churcht*. Bchoolii Hospitals, Factories, Green Houses, Court House* Jail Bgtele or Dwellings. No. 26 Market sL. Pittsburgh • Dr. Hoofland’s German Bitters, prepar ed by Dr.C. SI. Jaeksoo, are justly reckoned among our meet valuable medidnea. In cases of dyspepsia It acts like magic, strengthening the tone of the stomach, stim ulating the digestive powers,' and siting ruddy health to theeheei and brightness to the eye. There are thousands In this eoomonlty who can testify to their virtues, and thousands will hereafter add their testimony. See ad vertisement. ja2t-tfwd*wT H’Clintock’t Family Medicines,*—Wo all the attention of heads of (hmlhesmud other*, to thead Tertisemmt on tha fourth page of theaa valuable Family Medicines. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Patrick McKenna, ALDERMAN OP THE THIRD WARD. OFFICE corner of Grant and Fifth streets (formerly twcupled by Alderman Lewis.) where all P* r °f Alderman and Jostle* ofthe Peace will be promptly attended fb33m For Bent ' T nE STORE ROOM, No. 75, 4th st., now XcsuMkr w. tOiMmOmr * Co. ra. I, tla wawt aad uo«t dtvirkbU Hand in the dty for a literary Depot, and willh* mated on the moat favorable terSZ *Wb»of HOLMES, RAMS A oS^ JtJ-lwA* No. 31 Wood strait. XT ALUABLE NEW BOOKS—Tho History °f fo Ejpodltioa against Fcrt Caanacoaln UM, nwnt. with StaWt Plan of Fort D noueana, IJ&L of«n,?.s2 d c£^ Cc iS^2l!”f»^*CoßtroT»rUd. A reflation °\iv» in a series of latter* to the F 0 * 1 ?f* oc if p - Kenrifk, K. aA„ of Baltimcra, by John H Hopkins D. D„ LL. D„ Blihop of Vermont/^ *™* «* Fort f T«an Ago, br Anolo C. “d December. a Tala or Wedded Lift, by Mra. Hub- Cmamlng>e Work*. new supply. Minor Works. Ac. pkatebS? let and & antes. Olshanjen’e Commentariesea tho-Now Testament, nenretanfcen’a Chtlstoiogy. w * Howsoa’s Life and Epistles of Bt. Paul. Uwli'AniuianE portjnni.n.asplendidwore. Forml* by »e 3 J. 8. DAVISON, 65 Market et-,aw 4tbT^ p’OR SALE—A splendid Dairy Fann of 100 JL tha PerrysriHa Plank Road, 3 from On U an»2flae graftedfrolt, with good noosaa, Bam and Stables, and ay *rfJ°.sT*ai*nce - Weolow.TTfWpafanS. ®2SSSf fagtf THOB. WOODS,7S?4thgL *OR SAXE—A Country Scat of 11 1-2 3 ®Uea efthaetty, on a good road. It “Ss*«? d nT7 lo "‘ £B ««*»or • THOB. WOODS, T^tr 75 Fourth it. 'IORN—3OOO bus. in storc and for sole bv J BELL A LIQOETT,.Water et. ThALED HAY—3S tons Timothy in store- Of O. A P. B. TL, Allegheny, in prima condition for aala br BELL ALIuOETf. MEAL—IOO bbls. recfiiTM*HD Till be raid to the Stockholders u their Btoek atoodotiUiebooKit of the Comnonr on the Ist dir iiuCTd «G fitubSSSUK JJiy.'S Pw* at toe one* of the Company, and thon on the SZhJZ&M 9 at ., l A*°.»® of WlwSnr, LuSne *oiS 1 Scrip eert Ideateswill betuued fcr iht fmetlonal narUof 1 *./«?”• ftHwd**t!A& U. 8. FLEMING. f r~.. ■ lOlty papers copy dally 1 week aniT weekly tUI Feb. 16 j 5 i KON city commercial college. nHfeSJ*'? sr, l, £“°®£h tog_*K>ortUrns Mtabllsbsfctblslnrtltat^n .srds s£ntr?e» P ** lael P» l dUe* and towns la°thls rtndUMn l ***^rtlncUr understood th 3 *o fa?ivS.n^rJ??L i . d iP Jom * t™ a^ UoUoffs nnlsnlwls ■amVSi sSS‘ t s.^*t tulll >P-“- KWftaa.nV _ flg-So «ttr» chtrrT for Arithmetic. - j^n 4 ft DOZ. STAMPED COLLARS: . ■» *>«. K»o* -WortSit OolSn) 45 2 do Embwldnrln* floors: Itreia, hr th!» mom. Kiprea, .t . “Van oc/iidkh^^ ' al S 3 Mirkit tt„ comor ofDinnoo.J. TJEILDINGLOTSFOR SALE—A lot of 20 •feS" *J-. br A a “P- Utmtedln Blr- Binabtoi. ?riceS2so.. Ata.2lou alta&ted la East Sir* “»«*»». e*th Larin* a hunt of 20 ft,oa MaadoTrstTbr ftrfetofeachlia. Apply to 7 »* B.CUTBBBBT A BOS. I4Q&1 fIOLD CREAM—A Tefycxccllent article j^ggefrlasiMßSß^jfewaag A MANDINE—An excellent article for chipped hindi, 4a; fl d }jf ■ ft 1 '■ •••■•••• JO3.ILIHISQ. : IU'JUYIS KXTKACTS FOK HIIKFS-I W„ BDTTEE-10 bbia.iUesh.UoU;, • : FITS! FITS!! FITS!!! THE VEGETABLE EXTRACT epiii-EPTic Pills, Ibrthe Curiqf Fils, Spasms, Cramps, and all tfeavousand Constitutional Diseases. J PERSONS who are laboring under this dia tresririK malady will find the VEGETABLE EFI - PILLS to be the oalrntuiiyinv discovered for curing JSpllepfy,or Falling Fits. | These Pills possess a specific action on th# nervous sys tem: and, el though they are prepared especially for the snsissssfega diftSttftas'Sis nervous system has been prostrated er shattered from any suae whatever. In chronic complaints, or , a. 1 ' «w « Prtoe %S per box, or (wo bekes for tt. Persons out of the city, enclosing a remittance, wilfhgv* the PlUs sent theta through.the mall, tree of postage. For sale by BETH 8. HAJ.OB, No. 10& Baltimore etrect, BalUmor/ Mi, to whom orders from all parts of fie Union must b addressed, post-jiald. | California Diamond Fins. GENTLEMEN’S SOLID GOLD CALIFOR- V* MIA DIAMOND CLUSTER BREAST PINS with chain attached. :uries |5; without chain $l. These Pins are equal in brilliancy and appeamneo to th* feaJiDiamond. ♦?* l r r orthaT "S to ««■ Welnriteevery one to calLcitUity to non-purchasers KTaUs. i f uT» . C-A J. JACOBS, 407 Broadway. M. B.—Anaall history of the Discoverytot these Stout* J *" ! * *°! '" J ' k ““' rnf “ r „ • AGGORDEONS, Having sent large quantities to California, his Agents there eenthuna specimen ot the Qaartaßock. which he «Ws mannfitrtory .lnParis to be eut, and usedln Dielnlaid work on Aecordeons, his agent in «S^ b !i? S, vs? ck,,ri » 1 v l ? **“*7 tod brUUancy of the Stone, after beingpolbhed,-eent aquantUy of them back tons, hence the aanafortureof the abo re Pina, at a price within the reach of everyone. - i . 1 * WATCIIEB AND JEWEIiBY prices marked in theiwlndow, and at 2 r ‘hsS d i , *£? ofM^" Slm ” ,c *° b * ooao S_£ m ' ROfk BUS. Corn, ia the ear, for sale by VHU jaO J. B. CANFIELD. DRIED PEACHES—2OO bushl Ohio halves received and for sale by ■ BELL A-LIGGETT. TOUISViLLE LIME—IOO bbls. rec’d and jforsaleby ja!6 R, RODIBON A CO. SUGAR— 30 hfads N. O. Sugar now land lug, and for sale by ial2 JOHN FLOTDA CO. [AY. —5 tons Baled Hay at Depot, for I sale by Jas SHRIvETt AIDILWORTH, HOPS —20 bales prime eastern just rec’d and foreaU by 8. HEADAtfqH k 00. '—7s bales Hay for sale by JAS. HaLApqnLDT. WOOLEN FLANNELS—White,ScarIot and Yellow, Plain and Twilled Flannel*, in im mvosamrirty. A. A. MASON A CO. 26, 6th st. EAR CORN—SOO btuhels Ear Com tor mH by ja!2 JAB.McLAPQHLIN. [AY— IO tons baled for sale by Li*22 • SHBIVEB A DILWOBTH. OLL jBUTTEk—SO bbls. choice Ohio for l» “J® *T Ja23 SHRITNR k DILWOBTH. DRDiiD PEACHES—IOOO baa. prime hlva. for tola SimiYEß* DItWOBTH. *pABED PEACHES—3O bus. pared Peac h -gP % SHRTVZB * DILWORTfI. •LOVER SEED—2OO bus. for sale by !isl? J. B.CinrrttT.T> fJREEN APPLES—IOO bbla. in store aid " . Ja22 A 00. LOVER SEED—3O bbls. Ohio Seed for Vi tale by JOHN FLO TD A CO. IE ACHES —2S bbls. Dry Peaches for sale J'r jag) Irony rxoroaco. PAPE B—SOO bdls. for sale J" b r • i*a> JonNfLOYD aoa 4 50 CALCINED MAQNEEIA in * r ttoroandfor tale by FLEMING HBOS. inSS S,BABBI^rs WASHING POW aJ PgR m itoro and for ale br yi.mfTKQ BROS. S*SP^5F B —tag 8 Dry Apples; ftEIDUXZ POWDERS— S gross very fine nthlT * n l* n 4 SelJJlt! Powder* on hand and JOB. FLKMXNO, —*rr *er Diamond and Market rt.- OAKERY COD LIVER Oib-Tffe best A# artklaof Cod Lire* OU now In tin. 13 dot rewired SL £*2 JOS. FLEHINO. FLAVORING EXTRACTS— 24 do* Pres. Jr «*? ? * n s HetT i u ’" fine aaeortad FUroring Extract* • dot.Pmton t MtrrilL’t Baking powder, ewtalnit a nett article now In nw. rac'd by JQB. BEMNANTS OF SILKS—a. A. Mason & > Co. will oflte <» gator day. Bee. 16th.- % larce, lot o. naaia of BUia. at almott one half trrW.- T IFE'S A MARCH, and now upon tbe lotos «ee that wo art pw perir aeeoatnd. F.ntmletaro tobaninled rumlntf irt {£n?tDf I £S*irH»S^*? to . C 5“ W.lttodirtrtS! iun and Baiy Clothing lost abtrro eott • jal • piOOLNESSv—Whether of Friends or of It Wood it. No charge lor ah owing good*. deo 1> LANKETS of a superior quality, and mo mj dinm dOftobe had at lowprlrea for oowitr. at atAr* MtmpJlY k BOBC^n?T.n. A MOi.ASHES—51) hhda. good Kj xwwJSimr and 200 bol*. prim* If. 0. &Tolubm fb* BaßlvKa 4 dilwortoT 7 TNDIA, I™ E WHIPS o{ aIT sizes. tadreUU, »t thtHobfer DepeMia Market • d«l3 J. Jt iram,g»h» VVIi WISH TO PROCURE A SITDA- "B.^OTster»SosTl«3aJt ,t fJAOKED BUTTER—IO bb!s. pkd. Butter JTSO fast l«ek*d Batter, la rton «ad 16rnj» W i— T. LimS lOfl. it?® -37 k B B - No - 1 laid for sale by R. DAT.7FTTrACQ CHICKERING PI AKO.TC„(„,Vo,ny,.g,£aW^bT IDOZ. yodngamekica collars “ ftl VAX GOEDEH’S. ]VI 60 bbls. now crop N. O. Mo* -LTXUt B.PAL2ELLACO. KIOE —10 tcs. fr«sh just rac'd and for sale *>J» fal R. DALZELL * 00, X^HEESE—2OO bxs. prime catties Cheese V/fortalcbr 3 ftl ft. DAXiZKLS A QQ. . 3 PRODUCE SUNDRIES—CIover Seed 100 rfrwSjM, 1200bo*; Rofi Ba?t«r, Ftbhljf racked Hotter, 3 bble; M w 4 bsj; Grease Ltrf.f 2 bhS* bll* Cheese, 100 bii. la etore aad for tale br jaSl BHBIVBB A DILWOBXII.I3O and 131 2d it. C UNDRIES—CO bbls. Grease: OSbbU.Urd: L DOnoka DryPeachec ■ WMekaPeuheij.toaxrirtbytUaßwr Teatmaa for itftor ; j>aa isaiau dickey a ca BUCKWHEAT— 50 eke Buckwheat Flour fcr»l»br Jtl2 - JAB. McHDOHLTN.iI OF s2ooo—-A. person who ib —5OO. bus. in ear for sale by XJim J.*W.BBA.T4W«» SALEToItu A/SS S? a“nrjt, between Floor? lad TF«l~i ,£ enqulnof °*iloBo fcmllßnadaog.-^^^p. 4 kegB No - 1 lard for eale by TUvauKLitv. £IALICOES.tDE LAINES—A. A Munn a*trl*^JnJ ~~ " ■ ' ' ' B’sSKnJse. 'AJr 85 balesreo’dandforlaie~by Beta KtmvSil DlLWClfni. 90R«—30Wbu* for ula by fJOLujjmaavEß Watches, jew- Sffi^SfaKB.¥d?SSjgsffi;ffig&£fe: a - :! •; ; P.U.PAYI&Sia,- o cloek. at the Commardal SaUa U&sma+c&rzißrcf'Kcok &££&siKStidjSXSS lustrated London News, 3 to&j Lardache’sUfe of Nawle on. WOengs; pictorial Half iloars, 12 rota. 4 to-plated! Gallery of iieripturw Kngrarlngs. edta»d; Pictorial GaHS*? offing useful andornaaental Art, 2 Tola. folio; fuller on the Varioloid and Small Pox. colored plate*; London Laa*' cat. 2 toLu Modern Stair Caildflri' Untie, 4to plate* Greek' ana BoaanCUale Poets, Stols; Libraryof Sataral 111* tory, 40} eng* Cyelodedia of useful- and entertaining Knowledge, platcK Upbam’t life of -weehlnfitoo, Stolk Dictionary of Arts. Science* and Manufacture#, Ulnatmted, Knlshfa Cyclopedia of Zndnatry of all .N'atlonvnumeroca plates; Life ot Dnke of Welling on, 2 role Bachelor of - Salamanca, by L m Sage, 2 rols., Aty Ac. Catalogues are now ready fal P. M. DAVIS, Anat. ft RICK DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT 11 LVUAKCHKarZII AT ACCTiO.V-On Satnrdayaf tomooDf Feb. 3d, at 2 o'clock, on the premises, wlll be sold that large and valuable Lot of Ground, sltnaU on Bbef- J C"ldi pc** thartier* *U haring a front on - befleld at. of 61 feet o inches, and extending back 133fc*t toan alley * snlatantlaV well finished two atory Bnck Dwelling House, with back building#, a tramp of good water, fruit and ornamental trees. Ac. Terms at M P. M.DAYia, AttCt. Notice to Contractor*. Ornczor Mrraopeurxa Kanmoap Comast.) Georgetown. D. (X. Dec. liO, ISM. f SEALED PROPOSALS for the Hi., . iisSfiS-SaSSStS'* SSSSSSiSSS' ud Obi" Kalllejd* by * ; FKEhon. Chief Jinjdneer. Notice to Stockholders. Omcx Aluobett Vnur U. R-Oo_ “7 J.. . , FUtabgrgh Jan airy 1, IBM. / N accordance with the Charter, a general meeting of the Stockholders ef thS JUUaAeny VaUtu No. 74 Water street, Pittsburgh. on the flnrt Tuesday (Cihrdar.) of Psf * l 1° o'clock A. M„ st which time and place the Report of, the President and Managers, for the nast ' ’ Water-Cure Institute. jhOCfOR BAELZ, Graduate and Praoti-" AfirllSS" 94. B*o6l* of Modielne. Allopathic it is mild, gratemi and Invigorating to the weak wddebilitated, poders Itpsenllarly desirable in f»mUuT Who wUi he treated at their homes. eWopadhJe and Homcepathie treatment will be admlalx desired; but, after long snd thorough sxpsri once, Doetoyßaels giTes s decided preference toHydropa- • haa, throughout the oldand new world, nro£ en so eminently raceesaftil in erery f rm ofdlsesseTlnda ding Incipient Oonsampt&n, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, In 1 fiommatory and Chronlw Itbeomatlsm, Arthma, Catena 25*. Nerroos and Liter Blsesses« Tatimonlals of ears* from highly ropntahls dtUess of nearly erery Bute jSSs ■ Union,can be examined at Doctor Baeds'foSoe. 'Theßet. : Clergy are inti ted to consol t him gratis. , "yin water being need In the eemmencomenU and of ten throughout thafrwatmeatjt Isa luxury Instead of on- • M Rxro °* T ' Uorg4a ’ '^BeHoWs,B. The undersigned,h*Tihg TUlted Doctor Baels's tloo and witnessed hie successfnl trSatmeot, cheerfully re commend him as a thorough] y educated and .skillful Phy sician: *_ r. Charles T. Russell, Jos. irconuells, Darld llunt. John C. Curtis, llobt. Patrick, John &. Uvlngston; JohnWrlsht-' V. V. Petrlei, Soeee i. Eeton, 0. OmebrfareS JaJ-Omd * Mjss '-. ♦ * A NOTHEB Pittsburgher testitying to the jfjLwoaflgrfqlly curatlra pcnrers of Bcerhar®’! Holland BiW *»*. *.■ : 1 J***,* ** BTglSeil aCUetftd Terr Mriooilr•with dTrrvtnrfn 'M>- - al “i? f l eTl sCC wo#l l? f »* nd - t « gdgjmrflll u »toniolt i>u (StSSff.H SIiSSS* 3^ass^i a! ? s S a * , aSS' ■• is@ssa»!i At/rSI SuttMTAßiz, AlUcLar« -V • ._• - -°* g *" ' and Prpgeiitif«mt»p»ih T - . . ,?/ tots for Sale or lease. '" •' ..-VAs^ ‘ NUMBER OF BDILMNG LOTS on n»d4Dck,Ociianian»*na Biadr itevaaden me. Than Lota an ell*iblyja&*Sytelffi.t!iS?b •; I? "*H ** n .T**n Q III! M BUT relt tIUM ' IW fo, jv.alij «' !L £!ai2Z&,T at _nji7«tf . Market ft„ k-frycnSd andtfh,- _£“£en lead Company of . 3Esa»si«ißßec~ igaaagaa&Bai, FOR 1855—-A larco assortment iy* ' ■ ' 6All'll B. LA.UfV£B>S» 87 Wood ft. •Mg?* DRTOSTOSE.FOB .SALE-i^J^rs: -toilituuHit. daSO-lyd rr.Trmv/i t>t>rva MTB-2.500 tz 1,3 sale %P§Pi§l2 sii ? —~~ •od > , . • i«oj . . JSL IHAlin PICKET 1 00. 'fig 8,8. p£AHL ASH—SI birrola first qualit * •- CQ' QOTOH KEMEULUS-Aje* ChonyTeo. 'AVIS* PAIN KILLER-. of th?g AF celebrated «tkfaJmi we'd br > js£.¥£ißlima |JOT ASH—2 ckfl. Just rec'd and fop Bala ~ : -ttgngrWoodmdWttftrt. ; HAIR BRUSIIEj^—A largo and fi ■ ■■ «ortmantof English Pifrnyn.fcL. ,i.y . 8 ■oruaoat of Kill Brakes, we’d brJfla.%* ■« i’XTRA FAMILY IXOtTB— v ~T DuS)i“ BERS ’ SERI£S~OF *”*■*«*«« '* lUporttorr! *9 <*<* “ i 1 d S ”£■*■>■ ■‘waa^eft^s^L, jiOTHICIIAI,L,74 w6oU'sf~"C: '' l '*- i —I • v ‘ WajMaMSHT^ B^viibiox^sowj^^- WBDT ;■ jiM TT.EMTICTI . ■» JAVA.-, COFFE&— ' ' '* — ■ ■ ■>■" W-*. -WtfLTmn XIDTTER-20 bbla. RoOSte? ~ Va ' »**■•** “C^b, ■*= JQICJ TTAvn Xoa r CDNDBIES FORBaLK-- a ta£ W iot i» ftooki, ttktntoUd ** 3aa4*Potu£i' ■J-MtaWtah 11 ;.. IW| « - . —— T'3uim>i.«« ■EggggSSSS.?'