The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 27, 1855, Image 3

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"Louts rir."—Bev. Mo. LORD'S BsooND
rcas.—The.audience at. fir. Lord's lecture on
Friday evening was inexcusably small. The ee
veritt of the weather no doubt kept many 'away,
bat even the snow storm will not account for the
appestat want of interest felt by the more in
telligent portion of the community in this ad
mirable 'course of lectures.
The Lecture on Loafs the Fifteenth was fully
equal' to Mr Isnd's previous effort and deserves !
the Itighekeoutuiendations both forbeauty and
strength of - seeirullerinasterly logic and pro- I
bend phliosophY. •WePresent a brief abstract.
'The - lecturer considered that in the reigns of
those - tyrants who sat on the throne of Henry
IV during the 17th and 18th centuries were
found the most efficient though indirect causes
of the French Revolution. Referring to the
reign of Louis X.V, he considered the derange
ment of the finances_ one of the most cogent
cause, of that great histbrio event. ,Louis XIV I
expended 1500 millions of franca - in war and
300 millions, in palaces, bequeathing to his sue
cosset. a legacy. of 3000 millions of nation
al debt. The position of France under this
tremendous incubus ha minutely defined, and ro
ferred to the appearance of John Law, the Scotch
Financier. .11e established a hank which was to
make every - body's. fortune. No less than 6x40,
-000,000 of its bills were soon in circulation, and
the people eagerly, wildly, rushed io its doors
and gave their gold and silver in exchange for its
Drississippi stock. The value of its ,new world
possessions was fearfully exaggerated, and the
people had soon exchanged 800,000,000 of gov
ernment bonds for its paper. The bank became
the treasury of the nation. Law was consider
ede benefactor. The nation was saved. The
amount of stock held in the Mississippi Company
finally reached 3,600,000,000 francs. Every
body thought themselves "rich and 1200 new
ooaches weroset up in Paris. Who ever before
heard eta nation being saved by, a stock jobber?
lint the crisis came; :the Prince of Conte, whose
influence had been purchased by large donations
of stock, becoming dissatistied,presented his bills
and received the gold. Others did the same. A
panic ensued. The babble burst, and 400,000
families of France, who thought they were rich,
found themselves beggars. The shrewd Scotch
man lied paid half the national debt, tut the eon- Anussr ON A mutton op Fesocar.-,John 0
- fidence of the people in the government had re- Backofen appeared before Alderman Parkinson
calved a severe stroke, and here, thought. the ; on Friday and made oath against J. G. Bowman,
lecturei r was the inception of those ide is which charging him with forgery. The circumstances
--ultimately overturned the throne: ; of the case areas follows as alleged by the prose-
Undeithe - Cardinarde Fleury the finances im- tutor:—Bowman came to Backofen's office and
proved.. 'After his death Madame dt Pomp'. ! said be wanted $l2 which Backofen, as agent
dom mime into power and the nation vas again had received from Germany for a man named
deeply involved. Frederick Hetzell; he said Hetzell was sick and
Her reckless profligacy and extravagance in.: had deputed him to receive the money; Back
creased thedeficit. All sorts of iniquitous taxes ofen gave him two receipts and told Bowman to
were resorted to. The system of taxation was take them to Hetzell and get his signature to
so-oppressive that the pessant was compelled to them before ho delivered the money. Defend
pay two thirds of the produce of the land to the ant took the.receipts and afterwards came back
state, and portion of the remainder to the with Iletzetrs name attached to them. Backofen
• landlord, so-that he received only one tenth of ; thereupon paid him the money. Subsequently
the fruits of his toil But not one half that was 'as he alleges, he discovered that lfetzell was not
received went to the royal treasury. It was in the city at the time and - he therefore charged
wasted and plundered. While the poor man Bowman with forgery.. The accused was arres
paid for everything, he was deprived of all priv- tea, brought before Alderman Parkin/eon and
lieges. Edicts were passed forbidding hoeing committed.
and digging lest the young partridges be killed
and the nobles' deprived of their game.- The
people could not bleak their fettere---"there was
no retreat bat in submission and slavery."
The lecturer depicted - dm splendid condition
of the noblesse . They were feudal lords, living
.in the utmost magnificence. It was not the no
bitity:of the Guises or of the house . of Valois,
bitten effeminate, dressy, shallow nobility. They ;.
were 150,000 in number. They wore velvet Boat-
that cost a thoutand francs. What with laces.
jewels; plutees and mortice dress a la mode cost
14,000, francs: hence was one great toilet, and ,
Paris had - he' , 120) wig and powder shops. An ,
instants of the frivolousness of the age—a ;
bulky volttme was published on the Philosophy
of Hair. In their cuisine, they were equally
great. Cooking Was extolled as the highest art 1.
In morals, the noblesse was infamous. Alen
boasted of their gallantries and women of
their infirmities. Licentiousness held•undispu-
ted away. • These dissipateclootertiers bad a mod
el in.their ding, Loizis XT. Louis-XIV. was
a Nebuchadnezzar in pride, Louis XV. was te
a Sardanapeelasin infamy. The lecturer shrank
fromcghowing to what depths of shame he
went:`" Fifty millions of the national debt was in
curred for. purposes too scandalous to mention
It laid in hisrsign, "God having formed
• man, took the mud that was left and formed
princes:and footmen." His mistresses were
- more powerful than the suggestions Of minister, '
or the remonstrances of Jesffits. Yet logis XV
was ..not deficient in ability, in logical acumen
and wit; He wasnot insensible to the dangers
that menaced his throne. -But so enslaved and
enervated by his vices and passions was he, that
he had not the - moral courage, the indomitabl
. will, to overcome those dangers. His latter
days were most melancholy. He died miserably,
et small pox, in his 64th year—the 58th of his
Mr. Lord adverted to Madame de Pompadour.
Bho is great historic personage, because with
her is identified the fall of the Jesuits and the tri
untph.of the philosophers. - From her earlieit
yearsit was her dream to seduce the Sing. She
did so and became cue Minister. She received
a million and a half of francs annually, and en
joyed the greatest possible:privileges. The Bos
tic was the fate of those who incurred her dis
pleasure. Even Montesquieu praised her talents,
and*VoltaiXe, her beauty. Her equivocal patron
age- of : literature and the arts was referred to.
She was the friend of that new school of philoso
phers wideh sapped the foundations of the so
cial system. She was mistress and. politician.
She reigned twenty years and lon her empire
only by .death. Madame de Maineemon -ruled
Loulit XTV by the power of her ,virtnes—Pompa
dour ruled Louis XV by appealing to his worst
passions. - •
Under this =owe of profligacy and extrava
gance, the shop-keepers became rich—they be
came sper . venu arinocracy. They,began to dis
cuss their rights. Public exhibitions of art, and
the opers, led to the club-room. The people
began to think..
The lecturer referred to two evehts in Pompa
dour's reign *which had great influence - in 'awn
tling the nation and hastening the revolution.—
First, the expulsion of the Jesuits. Second, the ,
triumph. of the philosophers. Pompadour did
not like the Jesuits: not because they were the
worst enemies of liberal principles; not because
they were the perverts= of education; not be
they were the consistent friends of des
potism; not because they were the spies and
minions of Rome, or the boastful 'missionaries of
Japan and China; cot because they were un
compumllsing disciples in the school of super
stition, or pharisaical pretenders to. piety: but
because they disputed her claims as one of the I
powers of the age, because they interfered with
her supremacy. Their attempted assassination
of the sing and the failure of the Jesuit Bank
at Martinique, -gawa Pompadour, their arch
enemy, the opportunity to nee her pori.—
, A decree of Lowe confiscated their property,
took away:their charter and suppressed them. or
der; and it is a singular fact that the weak mind
ed Pope Clement XIV himself'was forced to assist
in their downfall. He signed the edict that dis
persed the-best soldiers of absolutism in all En
MIS event, remarked the lecturer, gave an
open field to all aorta of impious philosophers.—
On the one hand, there existed a most execrable ,
spirit of despotism--on- the other a ferment of
distracting ideas.. The= waswar between abso:
lutism and unrestrained license,. He referred to
the literature of that period at more length than
- we have apace to follow. Its ultimate influence
was s mixture of ..good and evitand was a most
efficient agent Ilk -overturning the throne. ;lie
thought Voltaire with his 200 volumes will ap
peer to future ages only as a pamphleteer in.
weighing against.; all religion and all true pninci
plea. After 'Voltaire came the Encyclopedistsopen
ly declining whit helad only hinted. Then fol
lowed ROBSERII, the infamoub blasphemer, the
type of the modern socialist. • Summing up all
the causes to be found in the pages of history,
the lecturer concluded with the inquiry, can we
wonder that a revolution took place in France
Ills next lecture (Monday evening,) will be
on the Revolution:
Stalinßoacznao.—But a few years ago
doren.atage-coachee rattled over our peromente
every day. Sow only a solitary relic is to he
seen of the "coach end four" regime.. The rail
road car boo sapereeded the "slow coach system"
and ushered in a new era- There Gs 0 - delight in
going thirty or fortmilles an hour, but we can
not help thinking that we have losts a pleasant
thing in the sGasing away , of the stage-coach. '
There . was something pleasant in that style of
traveling. Well. do we remember a delightful
j o urney we bad once "towards the setting sun."
But the following ,incident is, a iletter illostra
tion than we can give: "It - was just at sunset In
August and the road lay along ayocky rip: .
slyer, shut he by hills It sma - a 'lonel road,
and w -
the twilight came on, and the blue hills
became . purple - and then ' deeper; until lost in
ono mass almost ' black, there shonsdnit - one star
froterAeleile green sky. The sky darkened as
the sunlight-1 faded, and the star - shone out
Mentes and '-- Obese; and then timidly and
nithiloireting:ma light, came out the lesser
stars one by one. Then, a turn in , the road
brought us in view of some distant; lurid-brush
ftresburning on the hill-tops, red and Bickering
beneath the starlight: We were disposed to be
soleim,..and were.thinking of things not found
by :the road-side,, when we passed twalittle
. girls, bare-rooted and wrapped both one
phew!, singing together;
• -' T hen kurivy tind, Cu. fii
with 'Childiah TOieek not: in the least heeding the
stage is it Pissed them, but, frith arms mutual
ly embrucing Ind keeping 'ethyl: tirlbeir" hymn,
cuneintH we could hear no morgi ror the die
tance. Thin. trabat voice of - the night, which
we hope never to forget, and firr . which we thank
I!kLumbiLi McCoins has bsea Bested M;i:Wiiv
bioW thtlleilittire the
COURT or QUAie.lll3. Szeisions.—Before Judges' Tan Da VB/211 CONCERT.— OUP readers will
M'Clure, Boggs and Adams. bear in mind that the concert of Madame
Com. vs. Henry Williams: indictment, selling De Vries takes place this evening at Masonic
liquor to an habitual drunkard, on oath of Jail. HAIL
3lcHenry. The defendant was charged with
selling liquor to John 3lcHenry, brother of the APHIVED.--.Bishop O'Connor arrived in the
prosecutor, on this 18th day of August city ot*Wednesday evening, and, we learn, is in
Verdict, guilty. , excellent health. Numbers of his friends called
• Com. vs. Henry Williams ; two indictments on him during Thursday and Friday.
for keeping a tippling house, on oath of James
Mcllenry and John Wagley. For the prosecu.
tion the confessions of the defendant weregiren
10 evidence, as also the fact that Wagley, saw
the defendant sell liquor in October Lest. For
the defence it was contended that the house and
chattels were owned by a man by the name of
Hugh Kelly, who had
_defendant employed in
the capacity of bar keeper. Verdict, guilty.
Com. vs. Andrew Stewart; indictment, lar
ceny, on oath of P. C. Grierson. This case was
continued from the March term, 1854. IThe
prosecutor failing to appear, the defendant was
discharged by proclamation.
Judge M'Cldre then discharged the Jury, the
business of the Court having been finished.—
The Court then adjourned over to Monday at 10
- TEE SOCP House.—The crowd of applicants
at the. Seventh street Soup House on Friday ex
ceeded that of the day before. Seventy-five gal
lons of soup, and one hundred and eighty loaves
of bread were distributed. There were 118 ap
plicants, thirty-eight of whom were widows with
out families and fourteen were men unable to ob
tain work. The latter were mostly Germans and
Irish who have no trade, and are dependent up
on odd jobs of work for a livlihood. They are
all ult/MiTo - work.
Of the families which appliedfor soup there
Were Fix having one child; seventeen having
two children; thirty-one having three; thirty
four having four; sixteen having five; seventeen
having six; five having Seven; two having eight;
ono having nine; and one having fifteen. Total,
332 children, supplied with bread and soup.
Today; one hundred gallons of soup will be
'.distributed. together with a corresponding
lity of bread. Hours, trona . 12 to 2 o'clock.—
' The ratio of distribution is three pints of soup
and a loaf of bread to n'family of_three.
TEL END or rice Bsocn WAEX.ANT
long-winded case came to a conclusion on
Friday. Judge Frampton-rendered his decision
to the effect that the defendant, 'MUM m M.
Duncan, find security for the payment of the note
endorsed by R. tl. Smith or boom:mated to jail
in default thereof. The note was for $l,OOO, on
which Smith pald $6OO in the Bank of Steubenville
It was afterwards protested. Mr. Duncan gave
security for the required amount and was there
upon discharged.
In the other case, where Duncan and D. .1.
Rogers are co-defendants, being charged with
obtaining Smith's signature to another $l,OOO
note through false pretence!, the plaintiff agreed
to discontinue the prosecution on his name be
ing erased from the note. This was accordingly
done and Mr. Rogers 1111.3 a1...0,,,,eged. "Thus
ends it."
FATAL ACCIDENT.-A fatal accident occurred
on Wednesday on the . premises of Mr. Wm. Mer
cer, near the village of Florence, in Washington
county. Joseph Ch dderton was engaged in dig
ging a well, being thirty-five feet below the sur
face. A bucket of earth wbilth was beinT3icist
.ctl, fell, the rope breaking, and inflicted a fatal
wound on Chadderton's head. He surrived but '
tiventy-four hours. A wife and two children
mourn his loss. Ihis is stated to be the Second
accident which has occurred in this welL :la a
j former attempt at this well, the workman. Wm.
Wright, became Weeded by the foul iir; lie
Icommenced to ascend in the bucket, but becom
ing insensible be fell to the bottom, a distance
of twenty feet. His head was so seriously in
jured that he has ever since been a raving
' maniac. '
NAN rou,glL—We learn that a man was found
dead on the 0. & P. R. It., about three miles
west of Alliance on Friday, the liOth inst. His
name—was understood to be Adam Secrest, twen
ty-five yeam of age, and residing:between Louis
ville and Strasburg stations. When found, he
bad about $7 in money and a broken bottle
.(which had contained liquor) in his pocket. He
was a single man and is said to have been worth
$lO,OOO. An -inquest was held and a verdict
rendered that deceased. came to hie death by a
stroke of the cow-catcher of the second express
train going west the evening previous.
motion for a new trial in the case of Link, Car
an,l,l4cDonald, the watchmen convicted
of larceny, some weeks since, was decided
negatively by Judge McClure on Friday.—
James M'Donald and James Candle were then
sentenced to pay a fine of 6} cents, restore the
property stolen or the full value thereof and un
dergo imprisonment in the Western Penitentiary
for one year and three months each.
W. L. Link was sentenced to pay a fine of 61
cents, restore property. and undergo an impris
onment of two years and one month in the west
' ern Penitentiary.
BstoW.—A very respectable snow storm visited
- us on Thursday night and the snow continund to
fall at intervals throughout Friday. The streets
exhibited some symptoms of sleighing—not much
though: This White Manile.of the earth is destined
,-to vanish shortly, we imagine. We are oppo-
I Fed to these abortive attempts at getting up snow
I storms. Give us the genuine thing, old Boreas,
I or none at all.
DISTRICT COUTT.--ThiS Court was occupied
all day yesterday in hearing the case of Jona
than Buhoup se. King, Pennock & Co., in Which
$.50,000 damages are claimed by plaintiff—hia
daughter, as alleged, haying been killed three
year, ago in defendants' Cottor(Pactory through
their negligence. The case will probably be
concluded to-day.
THE parties charged with creating a riot at
the corner of Wood and Water streets on Thurs
day evening, had a hearing before Mari Vol:
on Friday. • -George klosely, keeper of the cellar
at which the disturbance took place, was
fined $2O and costs, which he paid and was dis
charged. The four negroes were committed to
jail for ten days each..
A. 41 EXAM:PIS TO Et IMITATED.—rte hotel
keepers of Cincinnati met on Wednesday last and
unanimously resolved that in future, the local
law prohibiting the babe of liquor on &may .
should be strictly and to the lettor observed, and
that henceforth the bare should be closed, and
no liquor sold or given away on the premises on
that day.
Tvrz attention of the Strierrommisiloner is
called to an unseemly and dangerous aperture
in the pavement in front of an umbrella store on
St Clair street. The hole is directly over a sewer,
and a gentleman passing there the other evening
came within an Inch of breaking his leg therein.
It should be attendedtoimmediately.
. ,
Loss or LIIT.— We learn that a horribla'accl.
dent occurred a few days ago at the'Great
tern Iron .Works, up the Allegheny river. A
workman named tlallaiher was caught between
the rollers awl drawn clear through them. Ile
lived but it" few moments after,
Tuts evening, at Davis' auction rooms, will be
en excellent opportunity to the lovers of good
books, for purchasingaome very choice volumes
in English literature. Catalogues can be had,.
and the works examined during the day at place
of gale. •
A.Gest.—There is a world of beautiful and
consoling hope from this gem of Alice Carey:
Even for the drerl I will not Mod
Itro:ro..nWell g age i t d.4
• Sly golden Irall Uri totrommed on the other 11001
•. -
illusAr.—Oter one tandred bushels of wheat
hare been brought to this market and sold with
in the bat three weelth, at prices carping from
$1,7& to $1,90 per bushel, to the different flour
ing toillsiu the two cities. ...
MILITARY--We are informed_ that Wheel F.
Ifurdock, of the Sixth Ward, has received the
"documents" from flit _Excellency, Governor
Pollock, appointing him . Aid to that dignitary
with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
. • .
A typographical error in Frklay's ilazcife made
the role of 20 shares of Merchants' and *mu
tat:torero' Bank stook at $26,50, instead of $56,-
SLannta.—Tha Prothonotary issued a nmilisa
on Fridayin fin actialL or alandes brought against
Christophir Itoloy by D. W. Boyce. •
ltwoloes.—The Hev. John loth of
Belle~t, Ireland , will preach lathe rust Befoko-...
ed Pr,,ibytexilus. Church, to-marrow oftanuoti
21 o'clock. . • •
- A vett - report of the Haformod.:Prosbytarlite
Church Casa will app*lrl,thp- Weekly Gault,
of toTalarelw! .
Ctrl Pouce.—Mayor Vole his made the fol
lowing additional police appointments: Col
Elijah Troville, Joeeph Knox and Edward M.
Ws ,understand the Philharmonic Society in
tend glvivig a concert in Allegheny for the lien,
fa of Oe Laglie.? Benevolent Society of that city.
Tea number of deaths in this city for the
week ending January 28d was 28. We omitted
poblishitt the official report yesterday by mis
Raul:note - Norms.—The Rev. Bishop Simi,-
eon will preach in the South Common 3,L E.
Church, Allegheny City, on Sabbath (to-morrow)
evening, at 7 o'clock.
SLNATIL—The President pro tem. stnted that
this was private•bill day, and the unanimous con
sent of the Senate was required for the transac
tion of any other business.
Mr. Hunter asked the unanimous consent for
the purpose of taking up the Army Appropria
tion BilL
Mr. Pettit said he would give his unanimous
consent, if Mr. Hunter would allow hlm to have
one little Bill passed.
Mr. Hunter said the consent must be giten
unconditionally or not at all.
Mr. Pettit—Then I cannot consent
. _
The bill for the relief of Capt. Philip F. Voor
hies of United States Navy was postponed
until Friday next.
On motion of Mr. Mallory the bill settling the
claims of the legal heirs of Richard W. Meade,
deceased, was postponed as above.
On motion of Mr. Stuart the bill for the relief
of the claimants of the private armed brig, Oen.
Armstrong, was taken up.
Mr. Weller offered a, substitute authorizing
the Secretari of State do adjust the claim of
Capt. Samuel C. Reid, ;the owners, officers and
crew of the Armstrong, and pay what is due, if
not exceeding $131,600, being the sum demon
deli of the Portuguese government.
The amendment was agreed to.
Messrs. Clayton and Weller advocated the
payment of the claimants of the brig Geri. Arm
Mr. Stuart opposed it.
lionsx.—Mr. Fuller from the Committee on
Commerce reported ajoint resolution authorizing
the President to give the requisite notice for ter
minating the_Reciprocity treaties of Commerce
and Navigation in cases where the terms stipula
ted for their continuanck have expired, with
suck powers and states as in his opinion manifest
Illiberality in their commercial, intercourse with
the United States.
Mr. Haven..said this ought to pass, in order to
get rid of: some onerous impositions on our Com
The Resolution was passed.
Mr. Boyce moved to reconsider the vote.
Mr. Fuller said the resolution was referred to
. .
the Committee of Commerce a year ago and was
in accordance with the views of the State De
partment. The object is to enable notice to be
given to the Danish gyvernment with which there
is now a treaty imposing onerous dues on our
commerce going into the Baltia and Elsimore.—
Under the language of the existing treaty it is
considered that the President is not authorised
to take the initiative without the authority of
Mr. Bayly - hoped that Mr. Royce's motion
would prevail. He wanted the resolution sent to
the Committee on Foreign Affairs. They had
already the subject before them; it was one not
so free from doubt as a casual observer might
The House refused to reconsider the vote by
which the Resolution passed.
The French Spoilution Bill was. again taken
up in Committee and discussed at length, and all
the amendments offered were rejected.
- Without conchiding the subject the House ad
New Tons, Jan. 26.—A fire occurred in Bondi
Brooklyn, this morning, consuming tire brick
buildings on the corner of Atlantic and Burnam
streets. The principal sufferers are J. A- Chris
tian, restaurant, T. Cayanagh, dealer in liquors,
the Waverly House, A. McCoy, boots and shoes.
Mrs. McAlpine, fancy store and numerous pri
vate families. Loss sio,ooo.
DALTIIRMV., Jar,. 26.—Catty Jlarlet.—z,sl)
head of Beeves offered; all sold :silent] ad
vance of Giffiititi per cent; prices s.l,ff:*..i6 on
the hoof; extra selling higher. Hogs in active
demand; supply light; sales at 7, firm. .
AIMANT, Jan. 26--The Democratic Hard-
Shell Committee held a meeting night and
resolved to stand by their principleg, They non
sHer that the recent election /OA 00 test,
but clearly establiehed a want of \Confidence In
the Administration. They strongly Coders°
S. Dickinson.
Birreabo, .Jan. N.—The riot on the Buffalo
od Brantford Railroad hati been quelled and the
Lstructione removed.
PKILADELPHIA, Jan. Iln.—There were Iwo inch
es of snow lost night., which to now melting. At
Fl,sston there were rive inches of snow which Is
wilt tslling.
Ilaaatennao, Jan. tT. . —The 110119 C of Refuge
passed finally to day.
Urgers - sem, Jan. 26.—Flour quiet at $7,85®
7,80.7.1 . Whiskey, '2sfily2si. Cheese in fair de
mand at 9KUIO. Hogs declined to $4,75(3
4.90,: with sales of 500. Provisions quiet, solos
8000 lbs bulk Meat at 5} for sides, 4i for shoul
ders., Lard, No. I, 84. Mess Pork $11,50.
Sugar In good demand at 41a.51. Clover Seed,
$6,73(0,85. Eastern exchange firm at pro
. The river is falling. Weather very cold.
PittLADELiuu, Jan. 26.—Flour very quiet,
but little inquiry for export, and the only tulle is
500 bble extra family at $10; Superfine held at
$8,76058,8771; no sales. Rye Flour and Corn
Meal . dull; the former at $6,25 and the latter at
$4,50. But little Wheat offering; sales GOO
bush prime Penori. red at $2,08; Aides 500 bush
Rye lit $1,25. Coro dull yellow 90et,91. Oro-:
ceries and Provisions unchanged. Whisky doll
at 66„
Nnw Yong., JAI. 26.—Cotton firm; sates 600
bales, Flour dull, with declining _tendency;
sales ;3500 bbls good Ohio at $8,50(y59, and 800
bbd !southern at. tho same price. Wheat firm;
sales; White Michigan at $2,40. Corn unset
tled. 'Pork firm, with upward. tendency; sales
600 I,bls. Mess at $12,60®12,66i and new
prim $13,26. Beef unchanged. Lard steady
with in moderate demand. Whiskey, Ohio 34i.
Oroci , ries unchanged 'Enid sales limited. Tobac
co, ltentucky, firm at 8011. Stocks rather
bettep. Money unchanged; radians fires S 3,83;
Missouri sixes 92; Morris Canal 13; Beading
78; Cumberland 361; N. Y. Central 891; Mich
igen 'Southern 8611; Erie 44.
To Millers and Mill Owners
In llpter, Allegheny and Washington Counties.
Rucloahmt Flour toe made colnitcos Wheat
IKOUR • attention is invited to the examine ,
pan ex Important thaprovsments In the prop
of- stones Mr hulling and cleaning !lurk
heat. and. tor scouring and cleaning Wheat and
Byrn pnd also in the dress of miliwtonee. These Im.
prorlvents.are cheap and entmorolcaL The grating Is
simpl and needs but little power to drive It. Borkwheet
Flo mu be made by them san d te as the finest Wheat
flour. and enUrely free Ironand dirt. The subscrt•
bent duet MI you roamer tifig t azty nnrertal t n tad:
tialiZirr"te=t:Lbe rredirrgrett;ocd: aeliT
put in operation and kept in order, and save elute
and Ihbon and in Oaring them to you. the aubscribers do
so with the guarantee. that If. on a fair trial of the taw
Prevenient& Tl7ll cannot mak e better }lour than you bale
.VTl3l,SliCnr soon made by any other Owns... Om! will
charge nothing and reams the Machitte at their own ex
-71111t$":"s 3111r1=otlerld'On'aelr7, 1741::1'=;r1iig:
31,,0r Count
tramples of liner and Hulled Buckwheat may be Num at
Heuer.. Logan. Wilson &Op.'s Hardware Store, Pittsburgh.
Per forther particulars. address the sube.Mhent at Wolf
the it, Mercer Do.. Pa., who are prepared to mil rights for
MBA or Towns/tine in the above Ononthei.
Ja..2mwT ' HOBT. P. DEAN.
(Washington Itelmtor mgy 1 month.)
11 - iR. J.' R. SPEER, in addition to the
, Me/. of the usual trartrhee of his orotheeloo, do:
TO eptelal attention to DLYNAIOGS OF TER FNC, nor
all operations morrow/ for their relief.
• nu oa:. to Seemed neoeenen". to correct no error-inane—
heir= Vrevellidotge=erna of the conotry,thne.
t' Nen ItrigiTh*street. Plttetorieb ' ,
i Pablic Sale of Real Estate.
ny virtue of the will of Go9rgeeraigheitd,
deed, late of Paters tovroohl it; Pte hlogtori county,
dendoned Neil at public W on BATUR.
P DAV t .ttli m' cif
to 18.05. at 1 o'clock, ?. tc., rt- tract of
,lognd. bolouton to eeld deo d. to tald tounclup,
lotnii sexes of first rate land. to a blob state amities,
tiont!id,ioleilog ofJoHtikAlarltreciihlrgte otn;
etileiTf i rit, n and Itr tit tl r l ffs convenient to
grionts.u*lZOttiroberand. Alone of solo mute
kn o .en =day of csle bythe Executors.
Wastilniton Co
• - Land for Salo.
WILL ce112.50 acres, being the principal
put of whst Is knownV the "Wcolse7 Yam" eltuzle
tbe farts of Yousty Itostrarer tolreehip, Weetroordend
county' out tram the Yonfadoithenf fifer arid
nIUu Railroad, and Ave miles from the efortonge
hele4 About one hundred smears well timbered and the
vaein xi der
=cle a p r o e r d
t s . a F o w ur e t h A r d
dl e a i r th s oAMgeritcultumral
be veld iradmifiche remitidermay_remala tea
F. on Interest. If required. Empire of A. MIURA,
fittibursh, or the itutecriba, sear the .1101h.L...
.• indisputabli. 11e0irtft - DAVID PORTY.B.
INTER LAND 014-25 bbls. No.l for
pie by . Leatwormassamo.•
W. it- Etaolmt, V. p—Atu. Davin L. PAss.:J. Mc
Dmrrr, dcl. Scars:-
Mitre GurrrE, ,
Sxtruday 31urniva. January
FLOUR—vies from store am; hble. oneerbne
thirty dale. and 2.• do. extra at exato. rash, Rye Flour.
2 Mlle. at $7,19. •
11111_ti0-sales at/ere:lt of 422 bus Shelled Corn at 60.
and WO do. Far at depot at same.
way—dull ; mates at lefelt of 3 ton, baled at 017 do.
at SI. ; and 1 do. from atom at 02R
BULK MEAT—s We of 6,000 e. Rog b oun d
and thirty day,.
COFFER—s sole 001.1) bra. Prime itlo at 117 a, four moo.
The weather yesteMlST wl4O Wintry, with snow failing
at Intervals. About two Inithes of anon fell en Thursday
night. The Ulcer is falling, and starirstie• must soon he
suipended. If this weather eontinues.
The Indianapolis Journal brings us Inferroaticn ofs. de-
Neatl. In the Fanners' k Meehanks' Bank of that City.
'Frank May, Its Cubic+, a young EMI. broke open the
vault, displaned the hinges of the safe. and made a Mean
were of Its contents—from'S.:4'',o o o to 1.50,000.' The
young man escaped, taking the direction of Cleveland—
Col. Mar, the owner of the hank and !uncle of the Cashier.
haat...nods notice that he will make gond Ito the deposl
torn the sumo abstracted by his nephew.
7wroastre Comussetat Pramerece.—The anneted 'tate
ment •mhiblte the seine of merelandlse Inionrted into the
United SEE, from each foreign countrr. end the .alas
merchandise expetted from the United etates to each fo.
Me Year ending June 30. 11344 •
foreign Donn
47 773
. 1,041106
—140.266,7 1 1
4 3 7.469
telltie.Ex port,
5 1125 521
..-1;555.1572 -
4.7 .5 5 17 ' .41
Prussia ... . Hire:..._...
SSernden an . d - y
wedish and Went ladies-
Danleh Weet
Dutch l lodk
Dutch Wmt
Scotland ...... .....
nibs - Mee
Malta .. .. . .
Dritieh Nast India , —
liritieh West ladies„....
liritleh Guiana
Cape of tidal ilore-..... .....
British Ammican Colonies
Other BritiehColonien
Ca nada
Go -
Australia .. ... . . ••.. 214.=
Franconia ['Le Athantk 3:L5142,0'21
Prance an the Mediter n
French Ratans....._
French Wert ........ 161.11 ab
Spain on the Atlantic bi1a,504
Spain on the Meiterranran 1.1579,074
Tenerifte other thanarka 39,588
Manilla end other
I.lamin 2.20.5. 253
Cuba 17,124,=
Spanlah W. Indies....•••• 2,8k 0,133
'Portugal 213,692
nasal and ..... XS:Mee-- ..... 21.54
Cape de Verdes
5 1 :1 .1 111C\
Trieste and other Amman
Pmt. 741.9110T0r kor, Levant, Le. 113.114
Mesta-, .. 3.4d1,1P0
tientral itema . b. nfAuterßa.....
Neve Ormond& 1,478 611)
3,07 .. .810
Bratil.. . . - ...... . .. , . ......
Orleatal Re_p. truier. ...... 44 * , R
Arematim Republic 2.114.971
Chill 167
Peru_ ..... ....... ...... 1,00.'2,400
Dmad kttt.l4.•
Arts genff.4q
Afri-A . .
South America sromenlif
South Se. A Prafle
Nan ...w
L..twib 'elands
n A =en pLsess..
5:01.494.094 r.252,041,5iki
She above statement of exPirts only leant!. rionteatie
Mend:n:ellte thinned to th- photo, dettignotcl. The value
f ItOrytirn Merchandise. during th e max ending June
1144, was te=.7.0.614. This makes the Total eaerrs thr
the year t.E.5.706.:02. This Includes 002.1.70 of 001 , 1
thd Silver Coin and Bullion. The commutative tobie alien
above tholes the extent of our Foreign Trade with mutt
The New `York Tribune of Thursday Jaye
Tbe .tee In Exchenge today has nod the street with
rumors to toward to Specie thiptnents. me amount to go
by the atelaner 0-IU , SITOW It vatiottelf 'anted at $2110.(0)
to The amount enraged to this caal... we
learn tato. •Pplicatinn at the offlceof the steamer is S SA:
MO. all In Foreign lltdd and Silver Coles. Fume of the
bootees anticipate a continued export of Geld during the
Spring. but other. are equally confident that the prownt
StIVISSWII in Exchange Is only sposmull,
The tendenry of the linuey market is still to tome.,
ewe. and woo. very prime paper has been plucti to-day tn
a moderate extent under I II cent. At thla Oder.. tot
beet wrt of e dloterate ale , command tonne Pt a fell a
unt recteie
f - iatd third else. WWI. !Old
ace:mt. but net in ecporisma with those, ruling of
late. The .0.100. eistement is full ?
There is more demand fer Sight checks on New nricano,
and Banker. ennuttatni I prem. Thethiarket F.r Pastern
tioeltonge was unsettled today. and nu* Irrationalar end
generally Etre, hankres cheeks mold be Warta at !,
pr.mlhm, and In the oneet nenotlattons weramade et tate
>a. ace , rding to eirrontettances.—ltin. Ont.
There wt. 0202.' additional hush:mut done In Sterling Ea.
thane. ails forenoon at 109 ? cant. The rates are hoot
id then festeretay. The howeeer.wlll tyfor the
peer wet in t rmittencea, loth of bill, and hotl', since the
bat January. The apprehensions. attempted to be rat end
aesteetiay, that nonolderable emr!..illipmento it t nnitl Aeon
reounted. Is not well fouttra The lestibtx Backers who
have been bertha cheap hiW for Ole or weets restated
Vb.. colder the fevered.. turn in the 3'l°,t morket. are
ade to hold their* below,. on the. other side for letter
drawing rah, are doubtlese tons to have Exthenge
role nearer the par of Specie thou it Ilse done sine, the la
levamber. but we know erne, porpnee to nee kircaelto say
two, twycetta nad.C. cot otee,ne
r e ;TerotodTplatth eilrer, English tilenereigne • tad other'
Enteltou Coin Which has been serumulatibg horttliir to. or
vie weette pad Ilde may and • market. if tLe advance of
Lille In er shove , 109 111 manta trod. Tit. 10.11110 he.nli
learn $75,U91) Sti.ear, it s lute been suopertel that
the 116th:what Anent. aro ditpottil to hiP (lola mein
without very partieular rexarl to lb. tr i o, Etrhottoe.
to answer other views than the InaT. frectlenalprollt on
Ulla entertained In Euis L011,1:11. But on Inquiry tc.
day, we and tot athletic. of II?. nor .made Few anything
lu the condition of the Specie melee now held by Itunkixto
ranee any olreaelotane hen operatien in,were attempted
Anal thie droner wont. let neltheicroditable nor pooottar
The rateset Money an. the otter.* lost week on call end
andl, abor
t. b busk...paper—am lea in denouel at Bank
602 cenorer on prima 0 40 011111 , te 4 months 1.111.
saY ata,lo rent. while ,yorno fair moues ere done et 12?
tent witki th e di/vaunt tirokere.—[N , V. Tinann.
Onto AND FINITLVAM Pun...A—AAA hot mon. B F List
-1.•t: MT :In. tl C Ilotbgo 000 do, A A /A Nl'llano 1:2 do. 31
hst, J 20 las otarch, It Moore: 104 Ica lerl.
Jones . . Ihmoy: 2 carKesttle, I .1,11.T:2 41 :WO butt. , 71:k.
lan(,o d o (cult, to bu t .. / 1 0 101, 2 . .10 otc:, :AO req: IF k. 2 .
lard: ooner. 270 bus aus , rookl. 801 l A MOstott: 13 bblo: but
tot. pork .2 do buil. 40 k0t41.1t131(C. , .‘1, 10 do loath
er. rant ett.trraps..Faltneslort A cc, IIA on , pork, Mr1:1,
frult, butt., 2 k, bt•,11.... :4
llalbsuch A or, 14 4. J 11 oks ohtieet A ro:
lA,oper Ano 14 balt 11. Per, J Is Shoo: 3 Jos book
ett. Muller A llktottont 1, .40: fruit, 2 do fmtbers. Cartqco.
WIIBELING. hr Dlorntl—' 7 l , sl. Imano, 52 do ap01c051774
bbrs corn. 0.70tr7 Ul halo Raver, BT C Horgan; do. JR 17
Ilerd TO do. d Sullen 5 ,in.
. Weidlo;l3 1.1
9 kg. bdttcr. It 155bleso d co
WY BIIOWNSVILLE BOATS--76 this whisker, O W
ASHVILLE. by Yorktown— 341:1b blcomm, Nthalek.
ARRlVED—Jeffertionazol Ltsurns. Bar
art -
art Elizabeth Shelves. West No oleo Vorktosta
; Forest City. Wheeling.
DEPARTED—Jetleraon and Luzern. Broausville Bay
ard. Elisabeth ; Shrives, West Newton l'itteoursta
Diurnal. tldiestlizni • Grand Turk., St. ;
sane, Louisville. •
Mll - 17L—On ',nerds' evening them wore 4 feet 6 Inches
la the ehannet acid &Ging.
• •
Wheeling Packet.
TFIR new and substantial steamer
EXCIIANOR, (Not. ilotisMcg. wine».
or ran as • regrder racket tedweett Pitts urt an
D W • h" Y au M VllTLl Pi of tt' enc " h rg w h eeTa ri t
lug every Tilkli3DAY. Tiitiltelniir and nATURDAY; at the
same hour.
The Etches' , . connects at Wellerilhe with the Pittsburgh
and Cleveland Italicised, and at Wheeling with the..llaitl
more and Ohio Ynr trot imor cameo. apply on
card or GPCOLLINGWOD, anda et.
girThe Exchange is, sit entirely ne ePeedY boat
of very iloht dranght, excellent accommodation.
-any finished and furniehed—bulit expreeely for
16 this
from W IL d
IdeDena.'s Advertbag Mum. No. 101
Na. au etreet.New Yo n rk.
STE/0011 1 P LINE. cola Nieeragne.)
R. all first elan steamehilw, leave New York no
the 12th arldl7th of e fo l l ow i
ng When these day, fall
on Slander, the Monda will theaelling day.
Contemting by the NieerearnaTranolt Route, haring but
twoloo mike of land trenepot , tion. over • good anemia.
7 EhEA
4‘lTArlll,d4ll7lsrlt'LLlV4h T.lltV. 'h lTK ' e ell
'PACIFIC, and 611.0711 ER aONA.7 HAN. ova of widen
willleave Bar Juan del dud, the Paellleternainne of resit
will Sara Francisco tho arrival of the 1411buzimri
arthcr a VitliVl .7 MORO Agent.
bet Bowling Green. N. Y.
Letter Bag s made no at Um oflien—LettersAeta per 11
For Blelbonrne, .
Australia, Pioneer Line,
Carrying the United States Maie
TLIE A. 1, superior Clipper Ship GER-
TRUDE will Meted the Nightingale. and Mil for the
above ports on the Hutto July. ea eoventomth a
tide Una The Oertruhoe proved herself eretnertrahlt
feet Miler. and lathe only A. I.Shly now loading thla
port the
Anatrella. The Pioneer Line hex gained a moat
enviable reputation. It Oa. the dret, and Ls nor *leanly
regular Ilne. Everything le provided Mr reborn:rem er,
wept wino and flavors: eon, Aare. Male. t The length or
real " rr V r Zneo "r n l d s C.Tbin plto 1116 and . 11,41 1 : '"'"10
yor frenlathtor paidage. aPPIy to R. IY. CA aLERON, .11.3 Wall ire t,
atlY and niinieferturar el Ivory Odods, No; 3 Murray .1.
•ew oCkbly
Aogiocratriall IMPLEMENTS AND oAR &LP
& 00.. M Fulton streg, No , York.
A - A
17 , ifobil , rfilisTs:
• !MIL
actnry, Yoeogsteerie.3htrionning Counts; Ohio. Tel,
of the Clcoe•
d and Yhfan4:=ll.rrsiartte'lntrab'.lrot
The works are of the moot annferrod c; notion, nditly
all new, and in perfect mooing - order—easeible of mra
. 00 , 7 g ee tool per week of Uon and The
eresituated within one and a belt mUesnf th fob
Briar Coal Field& and a le ardfrom the Mines et
The muditp of the Coal considered the best InAlia
world for smelting Mai It possesses decided adventageohi
obtaining the fig metal,j.ust as It is wanted. there being
lb= blast .h.tronces Yonnirstown, and others in the
neighborhood; It has In addition earl/Access to Lake None
n or Ir., In point of tosilltles for. the Salo of /run to le
not nortuteoed, , lsolott th e amts., of a rick arid Penton ,
egicultetral district, and commanding. the whole Lake'
Tor fo ?Um Inferniatlon. stair Jinigo NAN:
NIN, of Youtesstaro, or to
of dllesthear qtr. Pittstmult, Penni
Administrator's Notice. .
TM Estee of .14...661 )Icak2l, Dassierf.'
ti.OTICE is. hereby given that Letters' of
Admittitration on the Neste of Robert N. llmlett,
la of the City of deed, have Wan granted bf
kb" Itegister of AliegnenT minty. to the subsminer. - dku7
Sou lode tea - hi-the deceased are requeeted to make im.
nsedlateXUlment to the undersignedd at the stose of A. A.
Grier A - uo., No. 270 Liberty at..; Tittaburgh.and :those
having claims to - present them. duly authentiestal, for
sottlernent. delSGtuti 102IIEUT 2.111. EN. Adm r.
0 bhlo,Rp - ClOo doz. 8fC0.3.4 .
t} t: ia ' ~ - ,a.... r ~ ~.
F1t07.1 CILSSE & ADVELTIS liore.r..
Pittsburgh Hedge Farm Nursery,
k about one quarter ors mile from the second
Rushton. Clint kr Co.'s Cod Liver Oil.
a,itttarta r miles foam Pittsburgh.
11..1 gale . , , e ,., F r an n :: r eer ,n nud Nhichanice* Plank
there add h etreet, and about
HE late firm of lb titan, CLlrk & Co. be
ing acme , dby tho.lintb or Nvm I. nus TITON (the In. 0 JAO• Melt -
Th i . • DOCK, Prorriefors.
ey ono. : r • a o a very term. colleetion of well grown
only person of the name or ltudtton ever orinmotted with trove and plant. imitable for untie:l.lOn • II
the Emu) the bovine?, In footed *,lll to continued by timing ?Prloo. .1 thin fa and
fIEGE3IAN, CLARK & CO.. The hereire now coven, nom.. 30 a. ow of gro od and
Sur. lellor riettni coil s'ile vcconi.oniof IL .' A ein , ...octal. riser tree,. ?brute and Nonni, u nd ore
lot, Tr: toed all Brow - Iwo-, New 1 or?, Io.MIO fruit tree, an I .20,01,) Everet". 4 and tib%l. II
R are
All eonrovitto. , nab the store 0, Id .temp theme being ti1, 1 .1 . e r, , 11t . ....".a ...hard... l' o , mo. ?gonna,
die.,..'n tot ; pi lane rarerolly packed and sent according to aMectlo
Our Mr O.:ro man has tr... 41 contmeted with the estah to ant - Part -if the United States,
~,,,,,..„1 for tortes „,,,,..,,,,,,, b e ,,, , We tea leave to call the attenbon of the linen of ?hoot.
a partner and roil the Principal charge or too businen, wry end venders In the trade to our °oersted collection
and won tn. Iwneet of hie expert... cod thecombined forth. Spring of lOU, embracing nearly all the Evergreen
effort... 4 e'en toombor of cur Stith wo trust to merit and_ family , leoligronto and Exotic, that in worthy Of gnineral
er ecultivation in this section of eountry Planta an be p
reeve.. a month...too .1 . the P.1.....e so litenalY cared of man thl nl I . I a '''''
v...i.a to n,.. y mrsq te large to giro namediato e set.
The Genuine Cod Liver Oil, 1 Priests moderate as mood From stranger*, cent? or oaths
. curacy ref In the city of Plttaburgh required at all
hitherto tondo by it. G. tic tl. will to future lay made only mew
h e n n—lt was nor )Ire Clark who gent to Newfoundlaudto - Orders addressed to us through Wllkina Po-ft Office. sear
Kuperintotirirs man„ facture, and we warrant it porn.— I tt %burgh. Por left at our eland ou market days, to
Oil In a.:1,1 by all ton tenet respeetablo druggists in the I t Desmond Market, will be promptly attended to.
Pottod Sest,a : .24-dglett T
Cactlio,—Be MM.! to ..,• that th e name oIiEGESL.O4.I
CLARK g Cil ,e In MI warn label, and Owheigoaturo upon r r ITTSBURGII AGRICULTURAL WARE,
tim cork of each bottle, ..Mot whichi,l- tod genuine. NOUSE AND SEED STORE—No. 1 Wood Street.
nett lc _ ttabutigh. Pa.—Se W)
It SIIANKLAND, (lota Shand, Ste.
Dealarin A
Cash and S h ort renil` ! , TronrVrinfigil)lsmitr‘tmeun't7, and
kinds. Whol g'l rwsj i = d fdlt ‘ f l .
I Icre'Veld,Ci ,,, arden and Flower Seeds, Evemreen, Fruit and
M. L. HALLOWELL A: CO. Wenr;Tlwirbuminht,,,Vddirhetriaint= Balta. and all
SILK WAREHOUSE, t aiiiii.l 2 r' •
riliERIVIS:—Co.qh buyers will receive a ills-
moot of 010 pee c. oh d o ts. money
lb paid in par
fond, within tee say, from f t 011.....
thoturreet naunny only taken at Its market Indite on the
day' It is et robed.
To merelicron of undoubted standing, a comfit of SIN I
will bo given, if denlred.
money I. retnitte I In &drawn of maturity, a dia.
count at the rata of TV+ ELT si per twot sew... no will he
allowed. Pyle', for (;outs rovfirres.
In again railing the attention of the tradingcommunitY
to the abore term we announce that notwithitanding '
theimmeral depressi .,
on In commercial affaLre throughout
the country, the cerium of bnainens edopted by un more
then et year since. an
the which vesi shell rendly adhere.
.uablem un to off, fur coming Spring onamt oto nom]
assortment of
Comprising one or the •
to he found In Ameriec to which we will semi se oonstant
addition. throughout the ....on. of nos , and dmirable
goods from our HousE IN PA it IN. talb-fttne
B. T. Baobitt's Potash in Tin Cans.
UrF' 3 1-2, 12, 7 pounds ma, assorted: 143
Ike In a rase,warranted equta to an y In um itt about
the mama prim as that In casks, with full directions for
use, printed on ese i h can, being In a m uch loom portable •
Tle n Le re 'm ug rfitillat n I,n n i; &TT .7 1 Z.V. %.",-"ii. t .7. h
rlTlv " e f .ll 9 ll6.a n t tiV.Tii<t " i i ....; been i': 7.,' a LT' the lent
three year. and glee% the lost or satlsthatihn to all who
hier not with It. AGO. super Carbonate bola Soap Dow-
der. Yeast Powder, Castile Snap, Cream Tartar, Candle n of
all kinds , and the bent Saleratus In ppund papers MO In a
careen other package.. It. T. BABBITT. i !
deg-3%0 Nos. es 4. 70 traehlngton 4. New York. !
..----, i
Phrenological Cabinet. ,
.6.,5 a
..,,, FOWLERS, WELLS .t CArchQ., 1
.C. \A:4I Phrenologists and Publi.ber. n il Arch
sii ! c ! .treet. below icrenth. Philadelphia, furnish
!, all wort, on l'hmnolp;ty. Pnyelology. Water
(Inc.'. Magnetism and Phonography, wholo. •
ruin anJ retil. at S 07 Cork gr a ph. Profea- i
- sional examination. wilai eharts, and full
written description. of character, day and
uranium. Ca fr., mrfr2-I pc
2:/:1 1 ,4 1
651.6. A
2.. 2,513
. .
.... .
-• I
The Celebrated - American Horse Powder And all Diseases arising from a Disordered
A detain, NIP. Ppeelyand Effechot/ (Afro'.' . DAD, &dem I Liver or Stomach,
r"'• ''''gh. r'u't" ww " . • L ''" ' LT A ''''''' ''.l""' I LI Uell AS CONSTIPATION INWARD
rims kr &sd:. dr.. el,
T ,, Proprietor of the above l'owder take 1
pleasure In miens yonr attention to an article 1 . 3 Pile. Follnese of mood to the Head, Acidity of the
, Stoma , . Sauce. lienrthrum. Dinalet Tor Anon, Polltese
.., ! or Wenht In the Stomach, Venn Tructatlone. Slotting or
w tell ettothe ent MM. of the kind l'Yer Yallui. her Al l ''' . i Flottiding at tn. Pit of the t‘tntum.22l. Swimming of the
'suction and petronnge. , l'm& hurried and Difficult ilranthiew, AlutDring at the
It bee skeet the test of many Year? .9 , ... 1 .. , F , .r , ',.! ~ I thcert. Choking or Sulrecating eensatlons when Ina lying
no trillior homiete . 1, op .. 5.1.0."1
000 etyma '
I.rt manure. themes.. or Ti-ina, Dote or Webs before the Stet.,
rtlrie euletantially and folthdally preps"! .1. rout te....1 p„,,,..,,,,,, p,,, ~,, th,„ Ho „ , mot ., of rof ., oths.
entirely of meh remedies as. have Leon found 1.. prartwal the, Yellow non ...0 the Skin and Eye. Palo In the - Blde,
eteodenee to he .ablate. for the nun , of the 111 'wer .l. 11. Dent, Cher: I.lml. An, Sudden Flush. of Hest, hump
which It is recommended. inn in tin Fleet Iltmetant Imaginings of Evil, and Great
It should ha In t h e hands of every Venom. Ferrier cud D 0,,,,.„ e! Spirits,
Drayman. No owner of homes should le without It. It c. et 21 , 12.C20.1.2 ^UILLD 02
sill pave, If used properly and ire time, the Drees of umor
trainable anmals. DR. BOOFLAND'S
We auk yon but to try It. Confident of It., utility. we
deem it unnereeteary to cuter 110. any lengthy detail' 01 CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS,
its virtuee, but respectfolly eultmit it for the patronage 01 - PREPARED BY
a discerning public.. Aim— lire C. 11. J a cli s o n,
The Celebrated American Cow Powder, No. 120 Arch Street, Philuleiphia.
4 N ''' "a "' "' ' D "'" '" ' m'"'" u''''''' . 10.40 power over the seer« distwees Is not execiled. U
thorn and ore, Disetwalnewber . 11A-nritClol2 ,
Notwithstanding the numerten compounds which e `o the
bY any - other preparation in the United State.
daily offered under the name of specifies, yet there has lona as .t.d the 000000 attest, In many cases after midltul physldane
fall .. •
boon wanted. yrtra , sLuo..,, t Y . ' ",, 0k1 ,..,,,",,‘'',.„.,,,.., s 0 V,..' ' ,.,, n0 ,..d These Macre ere worthy the attention of invalids.—
' le ' t " j 4 t 1 ;., n , " „!„,. ' ,t....',-"•,,„'„L---,r,...3„,,,,--„---0--,,-,,,,nuan. Pocsr.• ing great virtu. to the rectilleetlon of aerate. or
,;,X,.,; ., "' iiiZ, l . ;;; L r,i, - '
r, of ' A r Tril.tgrt, b, to . the Liver and leseer glands, merthdog the Meet erlarch•
&IL all three whe met Owe mitt- afflicted wish dheare. to Inn p.mers hi woonowse sod affectione of the digestive Or
gan they are, withal. sat. nrrain and Tlerdeth.
. 0,0
A lil-lictne noruclAset'd ill any l '''''" ! coo, ' ff ` ' ' ''' ' ''
It reontiewition is entirely different fro in the Horse Powder, J.Lceerrille,A r pr o il .. 6, 6 l . B.s4, saym ,Rate
can t.
being adapted expressly to horntel animals end their due
get 700 mote good certhlcates le y _ratan BD
Saa r i. ..03rUral and ineonviereot to administer theren, Ode vicinity If you Isiah them. A lady purchasing's...
e e tele th sped,. fo• the yore of entirely different of it this week. say. that it le by far the hest medl6ne ahe
ho .. 0. ,,,,, , ,,,, ~, o ~.,,,,,,..dy 1,,,,,,, In. kn., having done her and t he
do t Mu th
ditties. What mac
etsnetals et.t.ely ins, tiro and took , in the other. We good.'"
R. Lwn. llentard'e Rom Somerset Cdie Pa-. A.R.
Am --
hove.therefore tsemaren two rentellecoldislotilermatures, - ~ ,t, Loth i
...,,Ic, ,s.. ,rerriet to eradicate the dieeaces for which they 15. 1.1.... mute lam much at ed to your t icemen
are reroccdre n .1. .1. , tom. horiew used two bottles edit. which I proenred Mom
l'eittes.rticle onre, end we venture to cat you will not ! O. 'Kurt, your agnrit at Somerset. and Amnd greet relief
re with, o t It after_ ! ! form it In dde.e of the Wed.. I And It hoe great effect
It hes lore third ity mvoy intellerent farlr theviugh• !on ...r lunge strengthening and invigorating them,
eut the tolled blithe. Intl untremelly given,7lle, higher ' whleh. to I am • pub: , speaker. Is a great help tome."
dyen. or cansfartlen Vrepartd only lir ' D. Calm. Newton tharnilton, Ps.:Mrth, 10.51, , mid: ...., 1
dt)11,.; E. ti, Ahsy. Wheheale init.:int. ! have wed DI yaglf half a dorm tattle of Dior Denman mt.
South West corm. , If Alb itn.l Tine , 0 , -, retl ,l . l eta. . term tlir Liver complaint and diseases Ma nervous eherac
.W...neepeetable Stontkvoters and Dron,thne wante4 to ! Mr revolting rom the abuse of merenrt. I was Pols:3.d
act its Agent, • nthll-IrwT ' itn afflict-3 with 'prime teom the use of the latter girth
.. .
- . • ! rte. The German illtems Is the first article from
_which I
..._._ . _._!__ ... ..
1111, 04
4:0 11
• •
Pitt ~r,,,F,;!.,',1„..'..A.,"14.1f.,;5'. 1 , :3:lcia iiit ..-. /;1.i..-17.4i:.i...rti.; V; zr,..7-,,;;;;,-E;;,iii,,7, ti; ~...,
JlSrof deposits. and hal:tures of deposits, • 1 T ,,„"";',„ `1 ,., ` „. '• ,ijitlb,„.°l;rgr,,"l,C.,‘"rr 00°1 ' . 1 thi. o "
Ant 100 dollar. end upgrarda which hare remained un- .1.13. Eccad.Fede or DauPhin, Pa., 'mitre May
Leval In the Bank bar the, maks : wan attlieted with llenaral Debility, inteetinal Weak-
A. F. 4 . 00. Hsieh 1n414.1a51-... ...... .... ..... $7.8.1c4 ; newt and flostiveuens, for which I nArt molly dlffererit
A. U. limier. July 131st. 1851 10.45. , remedies without retie!. 101 Dud used your Elootlandl
S. Puke, Nor. Nth. Ilii . .....__....- .... _ 441,00. German Bitten+. I took •fif IV battles according b o o nm
toter( Swan. Apriillith. 1 - 0.(f1 .. ..... ...L... . Ic:(7. . Mae, and wee romPletely eon°. I 0000
Dell] Torre
the April
4t 1131 , heelthy Ilm tem years as I hem been Mom I took year Blt-
I certify that the stew, atateument le correct, to the best ; tem. which Ls about obeyar age?
of my anctrledge and beli..f. The Bittcre ere entsrel emighle. always, ctrenothening
JAS. El 41GFAY, Caehier. ; the flystem
de al never pmetratiog if.
sworn end enmesh - eel teem me thin 0,10 der of
Sol.l by dealers In medicine mid atore-k , Ve. e'en' ,
boo ic: W. Eitriiiv, I. ...Se's, sad by /laming Ilroe, El. A. /oboes - Wet & Coe
ielellawDrerlt Notary Public. ; Li.. 11. Nevem, 110 Wood mt., Pittsburg/1; LI: P.
-- - ; - - Allegheny - City. and by &Lime to melieles generallr
EsTie n titor's Sale. , oral-lyd& - wleT
IV 111 , be eul , l bo order of the Orphan'A . IPI TS! IPIT:it! 'PITS!!!
.c..n.o.s.t.m.y.Jeuttarr2-7th I a 55. et 11l o'clock
A. SI. On LIN• pretnisee. all that tract of mud situated in Eked ! THE VEGETABLE EXTRACT
Drer township. Allegheny ,OU 'Excl..',
Tt, .OEII4 talvlng:Anrr. mom ,
m hog ifeinded by lands of John Mille, 1..' MIR, EPILEPTIC PILLS,
Joseph 111:ler. fahert Lloyd, and -Aber, Being R
the Fame ' Am the (Dreg/ AU, Sgegnou, Cramp. and 01l ..Yenarefs ond.
land eeld by Dr. J. 11. Go•-mlw in L, David Stotler. Into of , Ihriggiational Th-vases.
Wmtmereland count - , , 10- . 1. A mmtlchni raid Ined is 1
hilorrred. Terms w1,.0 N'Tlill 011 - ,
4-. ERSONS who are laboring under this dis
.lt.. Be ef 0 Gns-id Fanthq-,4len'd. I trrilaing malady will . laud Um VEGETABLE Krt
... -PVC .I!ILLS G, he the only remedy ever diecurered for
OUSE ft LOT I R SALE IN EAST . co,iaa.E.:loM.Or railing Fits.
LIBERTY, Pitliated within 3 minute. °elk of the
1. - E . hesc ND , poomcia specific anion on the nervous eye
ha road Station. The lot bee a front of 14M feet on the , . seal. alth , ougq 1...1 . p . r . epaypil . e.fjp , :elally for
. the
creenelnrch Turnpike and eaten le hags 158 feet to a et. l P O 'n f ''' 'rg 'UI II - .I 7.!-A°:,:k " e O 4 7, l ?+;3 ° :r.
The building rem/lets of a two etery prick Rouse. hall and .f, or Pm - con. °
7 b ruit, includism the kitchen+ Stable. 11.4 great variety ; ..""....TeAm 300 boon Yeestested er chatte red loom any
of bruit_ Irnmellete mesemlon ran he Morn. Prim, th- i anm Wilaterer. In chronic oomplair.M. or disease. 0.
.200 Terme ea.. IL IIcI.A.IN k SON. 21 Fifth et. - ' long etandingonmerindureel by nervommesa, they user.
_ -.. , , °feelingly henehdel.
oricE.--11AliPETS, IILPE
C,____ _TS, C A lie. , Prier AZ per bo, er two box. fools lg. - none out of
PETS, receiving et Nh 112 Market et. , the ftl - . et/doming - a remittance, ar the Pilol sent
iltrh, lelvetf. Drawl., Teo. Bruseele. HSU, Timm ' the. l'E-imoDel+ the mail. tree of 90. 7 1 5 4 r. For .de hl
SVTII - 71. FIANCE' No 168 Baltimore stn.' LtniUtriore
vir• .: 1 . ,, • e‘ir= , n l '• r"e'. Fin° ingrn ' I ma. to ~aoo 3 orders from all ~-uor the ai0...., 0
olden. List bu d Hag Carmth also werrY , ar.iar of Door aildrewed mmt-pa'ol.
slnt,. Window tilted, and Trimmings. with a ton On e c s ,
scrurniut - ef Flour Ull Clothe, from 4:4 feet to DI in thee 1 „ . ,t , .... ina .. ;In Ditta'ourgh. by FLEHLNIII BRCS-. Vo. fa
wide. which we offer at • reduce.l Prim. we lovite sue I !!''''''''''" ocalelkengiaT
at.ntlen of our mutomers and traveling community ..:, I
call &odium. at W. 51e(31.17471X1K. & 111100/
n,n- three Anry Beck Dwelling /louse, of 11 room,
a term+ e.tere Boom.. boll ,lt, (+alums, bath room
and plod ,Aloe. No. 13 , 110101 et.
A two story Brick Dwclllue Ileum, of :Imams, a hall and
Store Ilnorn. cellar and o.d hod attic also, a hack build
ing.euitanly fur a. dwelling house
A can gory Imelllng Roam on 3d at.. containing three
rooms and e Stoto lineal and finiehol attic, with a large
baleareu In the cellar. S. OUTUBERT & SON. 1.14, 34.3,.
It!. ,, G d UERp. O l:Ol;y . P t I. ( : 3 S— Ami l , ;( B pu , c o a4 sge .t ti n u , il
getting a I.,ql7lint l LTll.+ o l - ea; id youreelf. - plil ' flp in tam In
style. Parente" children. brothers. Meters and
riende, Immo Gdey. while health ellewe, ibr 'Us eshl .`to
- I. omnd only in the More calendar. Itoolllso4.ern
der and 4,1:11 - 1.7. Men, to cult all jYfielw&S
. .
Afi.OOHE SRAM , LS—A. A. Mason A. CO
hrevejust rood 0 large and eplendid ascertmeut o
mg and Square Broche Shawla
k Invite attention to their esnenalre sescrtment
of Blankets. consisting of snore than 500 palm of the
ferent grad., all aching etla/paproint.. leas therilskt years
prime. noti4
woßns EVEN TN ADULTS--The ad-
Yt/ or li. A. Pahtiostock's Permit - age hoe
always been oherismerised with encfo.l.teen PrOdUChIX
In thegeetiOßPMlSlSTkhlthSl2ge for the better. Anyone who
trles It can safely monde in It; and the moot delicate , Infant
rennet be Insured by Its me. Aduite, ton. ere frequently
übjeet to worms in the rectum and mind intestine. which
always Impale the health.
Argres,lo. Y. June id, 1553/B
trssn. tt .d. rishriorrock sr (Ir.
flmnreitic —I here need two bottles of a A: Pa nee.
Melee Yen:allege. which I muctuseed from Four swan:: it
bad tho desired eff.ct In bringing away 16 large number o
worms from my wife. I purclumed another vial end sere
It to my child: It had the MMe effect, bringing ewe', greet
umnbera of WHIM, therefore recommend It to the pub.
lie cure remedr fur filTrlElt.
Prepared end walab7 U. FAUNMOCK A CO..
relfaikw corner Int and Wood eta.
ILOVER DAIRY.—The rubneriber is pre
(UZI": earwrirti:utttairk."lr7l. of hie
Wends and the public. Ilia ' Wu Ral ' u. ted -M inn o g,4l
food. nod every Cara Will bt, taken to satiety 'Ma
customer. Ordain addreimal to Wlibine Post fhalki, rising
the No. of the residence enii excel, will be punctually eto
tended tir. incgdultf I 11. PARRY.
Carriages for Sale.
rrE undersigned has jugtreceived
from the F.ast, at bla CAMLIACIE IVAIII:IM
II AMR, rituatml near the Two Mile Run, between tts
burgh k Lawrancewllle. a oplentili assortment of Vehicles
<damp drusiptine and I
end .....p.a.r4rJaVIRYFA' 871.1.(7F,...."74
trillrat,"whith h wilt sell . cu the -
vire lowest twang for
msg. Ilnting ha d twelve ward hexane In the business.
and with Ida well known faellitlea to the hest, ha Batten
ttimeelf to putting down nil commiltion. ._
Moen wiribl i eglo r grchnir , e owe cm - meth:illy Invited
li=l, and pro, rapt attentr ' c ' n bell to repairin g of OW
wpm on I mrhlakwri , IhiSRFB NY MTN_
111 1 for tale the stook. tlatnres end good .0f of a lasiily
Grocery Store, In anent the ben liwntlom In the city, with
an established wholemie and retell trade in Conn and
try. For men of emall capital this fe a rare chance
to obtain poesetsien of en old Cud well known . stand.—
Term may. Yossenelon will outhalat old.. AP
ply to Cold 11. 11cLAIN d 101.:1; Ith tt.
J J AUNDRY BLUE—Thu attention of filia
l- lice and wash. women le Invited to thin Mine nhich
meter Indigo diteolred. having all its prop mart retained
.She Lauindr ylllne possesses, over the undieeolved
the advantage of Imparting mbettl.rer i or I...clothe" orbs
' tog much more simple and ronvenient ter um, and of he-.
ing tavlnzof shone one belt. owing tofeet that not.
more thou one half of tbe Indigo ens be dlmolred by me
tal. It le entirely destitute of any proPertlet MI intone to
eloths. We would eolith a trial, and warrant it lobe. Ile
represented. For role by JOHN HAW. Jr..
dot% N 0.141 Wood st.
CiNcrNsAgri SOAP-2.5 his. extra
No.i Petra Poirn
Diu. D ill's Varidedst. lB4 .b;
10 do 0141:H180Sr 10—tan. amour Som.. for
• mid by 11.16 W. A. McC.I.UItG.
Viiti&-- - •:..9 bales rime Ohio reo'd and for
, %VI -.0 ELL 4-LlO6l:Tr, Wearr et
-. _ --- ---
,•., _...,!.gtlYPMyr , kEP7•1 4 9.2 4. ? , _
K NA. I I 7 TO-2'bolikets for e ale by _ •-
•'1,,:t744,314 I' Slfltat..S a 4,40.
BLUE VITRIOL-- . 6aiiii ills. for sale by
' - del4 'R. X,. Si:LLFJI.B A . CO. •
iyAgfiktirkSfigarrki; l7--fittAmr g h
City warrants...
aL4ltx A sa ii , i s r o. 21. 6 ,,
ifk)ir V; B.ESEit US 01? - gi; i,16.f .
iih‘mbens • Parne for uo roP 4 . 4014
•• Itawllenr. .., ' 1 g 4m .
iteraecoak, b CM
6 dm
. .141'4ningo, .
, g,,k,,,,,tku0 AI. , the Ndlotrarg,TharuaL
.10,, ,... i.
bi ~,,,j i lsrrOßTll a CU., 82 Mute. st.
7i --- Go --- ou -- ,o p m. dff.rsLoT .2 mt.' fi4III,
spa t b MO deep, t ot
vrtda . %1147 2
14i.1%11,..5.r.':Tet5na1:24 ~ iihand. lealetc,=at 4 rsarly par
mow-t2.L_A4_ C. TTllll:ll,Ta.t/Sl.l.4tenst
-- --
hEdeN. - .4lSuzu , lantli,
;12,t.o.TAfg2rIoDi:Aal JuagYmmDaco.
. 4.4 0T01C 741474 WOOD SL—SuPePtv
Itmor nwociothinitabrmenwa tors. COsteksasi
Ts7lndnq resdro ressostal stteutt•al of Ws ror
ittgr, / .4 1, A SUrcjAKradrn ;WI 01' the . baritaf2=
.n aulA - • 'Ste
tt; itt LTITRAL.
Fran Evergreens,
r SHE bubscriber AVOtild_,,4st „ s p„t„
g fully eel] the attention of his tricti thu
p in tcr Ida very large
Fruit - Pr0w.Ln,..,,,,
greens. ehrubbery. Roses Oreenhove Plants,.
Of Apple, the cunt ter and Mac Of Pear, - ,..
noun, 1,00 Dwarf and litaudard n 1 our own
choien nulettes. Peachonivcral thousand PEW, Vit hat
ourlum. Apricot, Raspberrive.Gcoaeberricts, Currant& &a.
Evergreens, Cann Ito Erreet,of which we here many
thou...audit, an/ rue. Perm,. wanting large quantitiee wiDI
be liberally dealt with. Call and see our Monk. We al
ways piiTrakeuction. Orders left at the PittaburJh P. a,
Mr. 1L Detach. Libertyet., the Oakland Nursery, 1, tulles
fro Penna. Avenue, or the Pittsburgh Nursery. I.l{ miles
m Oakland, be prompt attended to.
N, D.—Planting dohe neatly to order.
oelonLkwB • JOHN MURDOCH, Ja.
nay Wood Flowers.
A RITA.NO EMENTS have been made with
. n. the proprietors of - D.7 Wood Floral lisrdelLe fur soca.
eteret eopply of Inisettele sod cut tonere
r during Winter
. lalulrt' ' rfftrZ r i.y 00 rb:fl= l :A ° ' .:;. h "' fo ''' fi'rrd'h*d
Pyramidal (en retried)
Ed latiange.. = Taseriele;)
Ilentispheriqw .• Peelle osse ..
rreuctte Scuctice,
Fleury pow Ger Oen..
testers f tiowerins plants lo puts, also remised O.
is3l 120 Wood street.
• The subenriber offers for eale • choke, unmet.
:vent of etrong.trigurnos PEA It TiKE9, both derv&
andsmuderde,, some of bearing rho; New Jenny
Peach.. Plumbe,Cherriee, Aprien,Gooseherrien,Carrante.
Raspberries and other Fruits; gee: weans. ilgadnthe, To.
Ilpe, and Crocus Rooth for blooming in winter and spring:
Implemette fur the FILM and Garden, of meet npprored
wont - motion, front the Sad end fmplement Warehorme,
49 Fifth street. looltl JAbLEd WAIIDROP.
Pioneer Line of Monthly' Packets,
Ibe following Ships have sailed.
Reremo, 1,300 tons, July &st Ranger, 1,200 tons. July
Ifigne l fnaulat,l,4oo tocotAng LA,[l,es. Fr.-W. 1 .0 00 tmMAult
852. l
(Aran P 11041,450 tam Sept Edward, 1.400 tom, Oct ;53.
1812. Oscan Steed, MOO tons, Nov.
Onna, 1.500 tom, Oct.. 1852 1853.
$,1,50.1.450 ton., Dee, 1852 ClulAnor, IWO tons, Deember,
5080 more, 1,300 ton.. Jan, 1853.
1453. Wert Fbertklia, Feb. 1854.
Esplerma. 1=) tom, March Nig/We, 1.V. , 0 tons. Ma/
Naga, tow March Gertrude, hOOO tow, July
1353. 1854.
115ntrod, 8,00 tons. Aril, '5.10
The Ships of tide Line me fitted with Emerson. Patent
Ventilators and carry Francis' MAWR. Life-Wats.
The new and magnificent Minas !Ship FLYING
1.213 Tom Register. W. IL Rams. Master, will succeed the
'l3ertrude Ei
"as ghteeth Ship °lnds Line, and 1.111 fall
for t el Austral n le,
On the 20th ot' September.
Tie PLYING SCUD le built on the mat sepnwed ma"
ern pries] pies and imemidered to be a nerfeet model of
Marine Architecture. Than who data o qtdek run In
one of a... Ducat and tartest Clipper Ships warn:flit. should
noun Passage thomdMay, a 4 only • limited number of
let and •zod LuLt E o v....a.m. - 1 2 be Mitars.
For height s Waage, apply on bard. at Pier 10 Rat
River or to A. W.
I. SERS.—FOr 5a1e.478 acres of Land. in Weetmoreland
county, 50 MUM (2 hours ride) from I'ltteburgh, and
miles - Omni ilaleide Water Station. on the Penneylvania
'loathed. _A..Son:4O acres are cleared: good tillable land. '
upon which Ira Log llonee and Earn. It le well adapted
to the raising of fruit, or it would toake'nu excellent DatiT.
grew growing luxuriantly, and the ylaoe .being well
we plied with the beet water. There le an abundance of the
Sueettimber, vtc Chestnut, Cheetnut Oak. (bark timber)
White Oakt Poplar. tn. It ID well worthy the attention of
Tenney& ea the omit can be sent to rittaburett,b7 ether
railroad or mash The timber alone is worth mare than
the orlee ezkod,and twat of the lend 'would egad excel.
ant NALLY! when cleared.
The whole • ill be told for the very tow wine of $0 yet
acre: Or it will be divided to snit Duna r, s.t. from 94 to
Is pi. se., rev:online to quality.
Tortue—T wo-flftbe Su hand, the lialgthee in three wined
annuli payment.. Title Ind Oputable. Enquire of
oe2l-tr l'llos. WOODS:IS Wood
FRANK VAN GOELDER has just reed'
~ Imp, and boantitul asinrtment or Mound=
flare. Keores MA Setta In Crape, Tarletnn And Swiss.
lack lawc and Gann Wells, Black llos , ary and °Wow,
In carol. cotton'and ellk—ltibbons,
.Belle and Creme, I
W sunlltlos.
bAlexander & linjon'it beit Kid Gloves cm Guar.
Ibund at 53 .11AltliET STREET, acne? cf the Mamma
. . ... .
pi:oilier Line of Australia Packets from
New York to
12 I Melbourne,
19' beautiful and favorite Clipper Barque
19.1 liOD. nineteenth ship of this lino. will be Jess
W olon tgrri s o , reonet voysie ti to . ble= the 20th
Saloon. $2OO. irst Cabi m , ' s ' l6o, Bewail Cabin. , i 125. The . '
Nimnsl srill be fnilowed e by the eaMbretted Clipper Ship'
Windward. Apply on hoard at tan& East Meer, or to
oelh IL W. GAMOW:S.I I n Wail street New York:
'lte Liverpb'oland•Philadelphla •
.4 . 2.,
lapsed Bailing their Favorite Otwatnehlree
Orrl" OF MANC11E5TER....—...212 3 , CaWL Worn. .
orq OF BALTIMORE foes) 2.5. m, c.ot. Rom. farms.
CIT OF WASUINUTON de ..,txypept. oar. Larital.
i PROM ..11ILLADELI'lliAt • .
FROM LIVI:OP0OL: • , • -
prt4. OF 'MANGIEST ER—Wohtetu_tar. 11th Yob., 1R615.. ,
frO.,S PSULlMirrtm. . _ _ . MN. WittlnaL. ..
&Joan BelliM $g ( B Imo i ' . ' T , tl .A , 2 1 gqii 4l4l .
141b1MIp :, , - 56 F onru f d . w jk
R 1 .6.4 - rneladnut ittewead's Fee. . • "
• • , -7127 RD CLASS PASSENGERS. -
A Rotted number of ridrd Clam Parsomrera will be ta
x...y.o. Philadelphia and Liven:col, and Wood to yawl&
nom Philadelphia, • 130. I Tram Umorpool. ' SAL .
CerOtleates of plunge will be Ward hero to pu.. who
~,,, &gleans of bringing out their Morris, at . carreapond
tog rate.
Braila on Lir. .00l from R 1 upward& • . ,
, „:d"
.Z will
I:illro.tPri 4III 7
.o LlI.
r i vg t or...4 . wail audonewarei. ioo "lo
i rpm , r
Pa 410
WM. M. SHAW, Comnussion and Por
'lrardlAt merehAnt; No. 73 Walnut it, CIAAIDAA4I;
ltArivr,..- I) . apcAn & co.. Tweed x_glblAr, Calm
to a ser, Cincinnati, blor
pby Craft., Nlnr °Nam; A.
Cullortatm, rlttsAcirgb; Triptett, AteVadera A to, St.taors.
ilna 5.„.....,„ va,..biohorse,:,perfee,J,
. soun4, ease err bbrebbne, Foos. ell in bbsr).Viey
_ s very gentle:
_t—,—.---------. ncal•tt • Pe D. 6171. ,........—_ - .—.-----,
'FUR Siit ..--=-4 frantifcil onintil beats. on
tbdllth strerot rend. this side el Feet liberty'. TbeY.
arerbalse note, lasi nrurht to bs cevrred by those Idle
yrimb rt dell&Mfal country bow. , stolbtra er... -" - - ' '
. ... 2 . 0 .r _
.., • . . . ~7 ein&WOODS. 76. 4th et,
la sk . k.--.5 tons ...talbil Ban_t f Depot, for
0 0 sale by '' fab' - Sfri. yktylilWoVan..
ick OP 8-:-.211 rales . l)rime - eastern JO, rem'd
tied lbe ri)stcr I ERA/lawn &
. ,
, Zi - , - . OTIOE—The lam firm of Wick &
been Meanly. by the death ot Jo. D.
e . :kith hut.. the baslnesaof - taldio. will he
sot!. by the underrigned, at their otace,conaerWoodw
• Water eta. D. II'CINDLESS. Borelrlng pamper,
K0.1"4-11tTNERSIlIP—The undomigned, ei
the late of Wier: N'thinclleee. i inte tah da
led Pith him WiLothat litEa2lB .d UP A
(3111 PIN Par the.rPose of criptinuinr the Wbetleallii Oro
eery and Commission bit.iineae, at the old eland, neater co
WOid and Water ete , under the
put and
ett Hay l e sof llTANDhltiolkt.tha CD. Th t
y .
VI • contlp.tora of the patronage so .Pred
to late Lt. ......Y7 . D.I
Dinolotion of Co:Partnership..
RE co-Partnership
heretofore °meting
tiai.atattriWa. in the Grocery hallneas,
Ttesalsof John Watt a. Co, ban thtb der been rtlnielveo
The tatenteas of the late Arm be.eattled by John
Wilton. at the otelstabt On Llterty street, and fa. that
Er le b hereby authorised to nee the name or the
January lith, JOILN WATS. •
Inratiring from the boatman,lel:mortal) baoaronend
toy late partner. Joh. Wham to the patronage_ of our
Ammer cotton:Lent JON N WAIT,
10IIN WILSON, Grocer and -3;*sion
Ilerohont, N 0.266 str , ,t, hat
The orldteadher Unue the Wholesale Pro
duce and Hom3lbeion hualne., at the old c J
ant f ohn
Watt a Co.. No. 2dd Llhartl etzt,t. WEIN W/110:4.
be). -
icO•PARTNEESIILP—We have thin day "..:'
viu saVted t s h onathrso tibl,CroLetitterer m the t
ofJontooT last. atlVlr lhi ltandttes• to be conducted under
the name and firm of W.ldoettattich a Brothest.
_Mute:ugh. Merlrt,lBs4.—m)l9
the tr= ed ,, b rat I VIZ 2 . R= " gU t .
Businsaa. under n the firm'of EIMIAN * at tit*.
31.11Ket and 8 Union areetw es .
A. J.
VP, TIOD'-1 . haire_......---r - ortZrest tit* the .
41, business of Long, Miler i Co. to B. A. ig. , .; alto,
ottis Jno. Ittullipatri.o amtinuo .t th e ate stand. ee. I{tt
Prout et. I cordially recommend the new bud to the pet.
renege of my Mends.PAL MILLER.
Pirburgh,July ritb. 1854. .
...---.........-....zen. *enure.
s' l I A. LONG dc CO, Ball =I Braes Fittitti
i dere and Goa Mere, barite \ ttenton to their stock
o tundetters, Brackets . Pendants and other natures.—
We tit up houses with steam and gas, make Mau coatings
tall Made to order. funtleh Ballt pumps and tank fit
tings, and keep antioatritton metal confitantly, on hood. .
XT OTICE—Tho interest of sir. John At
well, in our business,
_onset ham thia data, by wee.
mind. Our hardness, as Wholesale Chows, mill Ee oan•
tin. 4 by the rewash:thou partners, under the firm of
Not 18 and 20 Wood at, Plttaburgbe
N 0.211 Market et.. Philadelphia.
Pit Dhaka, D0e.19, 18.54.41,21 W3L BAGALEY k CO.
TAE Partnership heretofore existing ;be
breeds the subscribees was dissolved an the lart
by mama consent. James Marshall and Usury McGeary
..11l wry on
_tits laundry briefness as herstatoro, in the
name 11 Marshall a McOsary, JAMES MAILSWI
Jan's , Dth,lB6h. JOILN ALLLS.
J*l3lwd,tl..s9 •
"Prove aG things, keep to that - which
Eincreasing demand for this most ploaS-'
drut, ware and Mikado= niniedy for all tocimonasT
sass, has enabled the proprb for to reduce the price go
to visas it within the retichof oh else/whits superiorli
tr 0.T., most similar pmparations Is attested by =or em
inent physicians In Bantams, Washington, itro..the whole
of Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginla,ho— who have been.
eye witnesses of its ramify when the usual remedies have
felled: mad by thousands of our most respectable damns
who have used It In their fan:ales both as preventive and
care With rievebfallinginiccese for the list tweutr
during which period, with, very little.l.l froubsilvertis-
Inc, kr. it has gvadually spread Its reputation over the
whole Union. In oases off nt
Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness. ,to.,
It pia hay -chat+ retie(, and generally rums In ads' , or
two. without Interfering with diet or business. , or renderr.
Ins the epstem more susceptible of ,Cold; In chronic cams,
Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, Dronchi
tie, Affections of theCtings, and
it Is siivs very beneficial. nd seldom fe/ls. a lien mire
=eared Insy a
time, to rfect a rime. Moe 25 and 50 at.
• bottle.
2irbolesale and Retell Agents, ideIorre,FLEIGING
(late llfdd t Co.) No. 00 Wood et. mead
Coughs! Coughs!! Coughs!!!
Tit - ESE DROPS wherever they have been
K. Introduced, hare spredilYenter %di otimr Con
fect.. Lozenges, Harem: de., for the relief of Coughs.
Hoarseness, Slam Ttuoataud all Pulmonary Lloncrnptionc.
Their superiority son dsts In their adreentileflaver,
ime ofarfT Warfel.% done la their mnapneitinn. and In
their prompt action without Interfering with diet or bb".
nee% or rendering th r rystem more susceptible of nold.
T,:er ace the meet suitable fnr CHILDREN. staler/ hem •
*Pedal to PUBLIC SPEAKERS end SENtibliti; they tv.
mom all huskiness from the Wag, and clear and glee •
tone tO the Woe. Prim RBI and PA cents a bee.
Sold wholenale and retell by FLEIIINO BROS (late
Kidd t Co,) K 0.60 Wood et.. and meet Drug end *land)
Stares: oefled .
- -
IjfIIIS OFFICE under the management of
rresent proprietor', boo been increasing in repo
tatioufer superior operations the Arti9cial Depart.
root of Dentistry for the Lust ton years.and no expenses
or effort vhall be wanting to Rif • satisfaction to all who
may favorit with their patronage.
The subscribers attention to the Paola= .
eueentiol points pertaining to Artilicial Teeth, TIC Bean•
ty mid naturalness of appearance, quality and strength
of titer materials. tomfort to the wearer, era neaulness in
restoring the natural appearance of the speech, not att.
ay to t
C h ef in as of" which they am warranted .in
sari Rtbeq ""Z°7 4 ' om d m
,IY.Zrf.ll'l2,u'lg b lgiliets . I
Own. Vull end Nell Setsiurariably ins4te ' dLy ruction.
All °Orations in Destistryperformca la the mot them
°ugh manner.
7111018—Considerfn- the superior character of the
work and the guarautte given, they ere the most reason,.
able it the West,
.Tee Teeth dr mere, on cad nale.s3.o o Per Tooth
saw,. zoo
The money refUnded lithe Teeth do not pros e &Minor
rEilr Par the Information of those living at a distant.,
we would state that our
e e l (oins are such that we on
make In the finest style, a full eof TEETH In from 'Zito
48 hours. and smell apree In in-or.tio., No that nout. , - .
Von need be apprehended.
J W . . O C . . cAu DUN EI, O O A N N :
daggy No. lit West et, bet. Race a
desirable and very poptuar FLOURING 'MILLS and
MILL attached, are now for rent low, ,the present
proprietorsintend embarking In another basins. Theo.
Hills have one of the bent powers in the country, ,
being supplied I? the Little w Deaver elver, and Bandy en 4;
Peeves CansS. y 4% miles from,the OhlOriver, or
ont4et Lock of the '. .P.nal, and the Pittsburgh and Close- •
land railroad. Them to In contemplation(end has berm..
stirveyed) and will lie bat , a raiiroad from Darlington tit-
the river.
y',earhick will make thecommunlcation to this
T *EH,
Is TORE Is • very desirable location/be Selling goodA
has • good run of custom, doing • Hoodnthbminseo,
about 11.2000 per annum. Any one 'etching to engage In
a slob imying business, will do wall to call soon,
Proerittorr, as they are determined to rqrollimmens
mentioned above . ' DANIV
BDearl Ohio.
PoetoOloe address Smith's Farm imam
J. D. 8 - ruART.
tO Union Lips. Patel:mho.
A. BRO d mostrespectrully
o v e. tym t
ode offl. t it torkra k e I%,l,id i t t . liliete 3 l4
dd ittm
etc --=l,lzi,..Anvettra %fra Shun ' ,
eq uo ,
to any to the Vetted States. Ills Stleds tan be removed
without the lido( a screw &ha, florins purchased thi,
dock, tads,. and wocd of the Cabinet hdobllahment
Ramsey k McClelland, I a N wrepared to furnish their Ob
customer. as well as the lle at lure, with ef
In thetr Una Agency, o. b Wood street, Pittebtrir
SALE—Fronttegie feet on Walnut d
gnd rue i Oa thei u
lb foot 1,101;."4:Artoi -
Tempers...olle beteg ne w est' settle& warrantee Oise
will be given. Terms eaer, Apply to
40SHPLUKNOX., Attornqy Nod
Tlurant etlet.
Astagnee's Sale.
HE undersuped will offer for - eakup_on
the premix. on SATURDAY. the 9XI, of ANL/1-
,18A at 2 o'clock. P.M.. th e nod www Wts
tureeinailecielnary known ae,"Wliele7 &Blurs Torts."
Dereons deekoue or en pusing th e botnees. Dd this
o o unit tor investment.
"'rt . 1102. eLIRSDALL;
Dittaburgb. Jan'y Ist, 1816.
P.S.—The Assignee an be found at Meat:Roe elie.T tines
?mime eo the 20th hute br Mien' &dm" Va•rb.",'
YLUlD.—Dipleetswasei Prise likdi+
W livid Ink. by Ohio Nedat&ies
ON-roe 18.54 ; Ohio Statt this ttesdarktonio adobe.,
1B64; gals /tan iladisZa, - la. °dist , ig s4 . •
yof a Idles fro= r Assistant it* Naar OWLdfoi.h.
etscman.Seot.l3.lSSA—To /Us srsd WW l .
This office fy a loos thee foond Do l t
sattektery arena of Writing and ww". w re
iptlre a seedily flowing yak that weal not f ,, Zi t ZtOtr•
ryntgbied i r b. y. ostunegrei'P=tile- Writiog swoi
usoyina. waortfeettned Wr city by Jam J.-
Bonn, ego
this we bane rethAwßd by the doter
thr the on of this etas. We
the abase with.
Sootblesee to Fret A:Teeters aw.taerelal.. Yea rec.
'esalty. .J. 131N14. 111 .., Asalataut 11,;.
For sale wholesalland retail W_
HDIXRB. ai. *nod teat..s
California Iltimona Pins
ached. price Or withott chain W. • The.' Pine ere
Must to brilliancy end slower. , to the: ceertinerxamd
and are really worth a ktrt.t•to ere. we hone evert o = 4
fa • rtrtoolw
N. 11.—A hhoory of therecovery' ot theseeronwt:
would not he ataheri Prot:mop Jambe, ect vett known Ste
his aureole mantracture of • • .
fent large 'onantitSee to Californio. Us' Ariente. '
there sent tom a ceded= ail* Quarts Rock, which be.
tratnedlately sent to his toanuktotory In Pate to be mt..
ter nerd In the Inlaid Imes. on Accordenne.,_hia .
P.ra WWI struck with the beauty andbrdlitancy of'
Stowe. after betas polithed. ant a quanaty.of Wm haat_
tone, hence the manufacture of the atovraimt. at Nitro
vitt= the rout, of (11rITV ' •-•
°tenor description, teem marked the window. and et'
hi per ce y r. I h rja cra a r d t4e 11 er r t y 2:4,
Theft Pins itentbefteritoany part of tlrilinited_htate...A .
rtilak 'Mimed L J. MOM. , 4 ‘ 14
11.—A Zecinien.esa be own arthe Contrtl2 Rom"
AIR. JOIDI TODDeldt, 'lr.,•-kood for the
l't I 'Jew sta. Ist r.11%.'",.. 1
,tu,47 1 " Y„1
.x . 4
and stdriod lan Pit . - - i - 7,,, be t
i.m.ittc. th.,,,... ..4' aeroi
as . dyll engineer.
Millar; an aUrt:". 7 . ltd. • dilates Saab Ml*
Sold "1 /". ib'''' L y n am, D. D Holm, mass
L ugr
'TV HITE 00E5 MEAL-100 bbLs. latent
rtes.= &lad.* choke aztlEGI a flualg
lawn Pad Pa Pals ;D. W. HERSITIK a-ty
iVa • ELI Ed9s F Drat
IDEARL EICIMINY=4O bblB L .prbne -foe
L b., - D. W:HEISTINg* C 9, 93k 44 FyiZt
RIED PEACIIEDIU bus.for ratebg
Jab 11. W. itERSTIMILIk 030-111E4_,_61Proatzt..,
EW RAMS, ShozdarAtud - ,Tgoes for;
W at IttElitißATTOtill 11T0N1;t41 . , W41,';
.ice GM Ysattot tt otnAttuittr;:..:
INSEED 0.11-13 . ale. Limed 'Oil:rase
Jurinev4 *mow or: cf,,_:-Atatcan,
- nii eui.
- in; LhC
bbls. Mesa toed tad for sale by'