ESMIILIISIMU IN 1786 DIRECTORY. " 21 f. r jar*40, ittre.„ &dm . P. tbs mod tatispitial mel largest aommatlal Await toth 1.32 the Unitad ptatas • d Vas FIEW.TORIE ADVERTAMENIS Tae m,loclisi of flo4iDem Fir= we ozonly, Liu boot and moot Polio.. in CA - AccoaDArkarmas. pNauNoi VEISSENBCIRN CO., (late C. assmoj Importers sad Whulfeile Dezian (hrmst . a. lea2t sad Italian Muted lastranuata 1.1 Mateo, h. stdea Lane. •• • h.124.4631'66 JLTtStaiulard Caton gad Dunk; ei O +Ca 4.00.: 24: etniat...Ssr• Tark. mt• stmt. Oaten senrgisl nth., milli ./..• 4s:UW:4IOI Prtnt_Cloths Coypu': flnaen. O. OW.* sad Bfillaitt Mater, ' • m 164.10613 • #C4Vt I4.. ;. M 0 ); MEW& CO. /171porter3 or Loseiena and f iolgo Elk and Fil.7 and Brcadvi.t. tap3o73 , COTTENET CO ., imposters of French stdotliar • Gcsda, Na. 40 &Irma exert, ra" 4 • . Ft. PSTEIN lIONIG, 100 Liberty et., and 105 Calarst-acor.Triulty M . o. lzoserws Lac. I.zo tdaies.Blll:s. .1•124.a.ardr55 IMES OWEN, 15 Broad St.; linporter of Drew Trizmilao. Trlnallatli ilk Crvata, Mlttr..and taneo4s giORN, SCHLIEPER & ILAARAUS, Im -porta% °moan =I 13441.1 Cloth, Rltk., bnieg of No. 50 rashange Broa4 tualms DETER ft MULLEN, Importer of French am, , Ceiv•ta !krt. nn., ;La, No. 33 mag eawt, mp 13.17-3,1.5.5 • _ B ERTRAND, IMREB Er 11.E.niRY-im tert=nirtzJma n - (* lr'sktso n digies. 4ihs Jh ufat. treltild'66 ~,~, ~~~ y s1.:i~ I o ' ~•.~, . 1 .~i : ~ fig 41.• . HAT011.& CO 99 Chambers street, . Imy@tm of Gattlectlut Pordshing Good. sad umfbeturas of fittirUt Storia.k.¢. au :4U AOLIN M. DAVIES, JONES k, CO., Im- Ne.imaciitak....ePoraliblair , • (, and M. wan of &oak af AA, 51e5.1.4 Wm. Amt. tILTLIN U=Dlr Mezionn Liniment in ti a lllisiosattsoo, Endow.' Bums. eta.slos : Wlos • Bcooto. ciroct ear. fur all orztornal to of moos or sodroaL ual W.Westbrook, oolgioul °Agin. seta prooototor, - .104-BrosillOaY. N. Y. ATZKiona 2 11 GU' T.lCro.ls4.9.Broildway, the oldleit --. sltaListowneln the trn itel tat . , _ • e altDll-I..rtatuarsi ZIPPZSIM3 _.- F)) , ...= ,3 iti'.c sANFORD k CO, Font ,1' -. ‘..., - ;',..'7- ' . 411 :7ior ' en " : Vr .= I. 1 . ...,.. 4 . ... - 4 % Da ' a1.3.11 . 4./31. 5 z- at- 'f JLID GLEC.V63 TAtitT. BASKET& 1 a'fkii LES ;ODIN .L CO., 52 Aralcien Lane,. pd.:.ara of ?mach and Gamma lanai and Traval. , ts, and nmantaeturars at Cane and Colanal RLF rat,enan Jam , Lind Wdrtstands, Le. •••• den ~ 4 y ~,i ~ •v y+~,y a r n_~ VM. H., A.CKEON, lformerly W. tN. lattam & ESms,) Ors* ma Inadm Maker.' 9111 4,MsT, domallanl9thr.... New Turk, ooltltm:—"sa LIMA *II2IISII. IJOurs. LisNEWARK ItiDIA. RUBBER 00.,59 ktallen Laiss,-N. Mammtlearenr wasl Wt olesga telOootrouh. NtweLt Ina% Boots, St.; Whlps:Cloadzr.B.llLlVlkba., an. ' , • 126111ti530.56 I,_ 1.,' ." 1. 1 . 1 . - ;,,..": . -4 * - .. - Za...,gv, Fr.a:~i9a:3i.~~~:►RK:~+.ra.~ ~iti~ AKan', JESITP,No.. 67 Pine et, New. York. Cancalaelma Merehantalar the tale of ell kinds aohlaista Sails and Cotton and•Woolan Machinery. fLila best autism Machleire.Agentor tar. Lovell hixte Bhopa dellatoxyl6l3 PAP - ILIZEHOUBB f IYRII SW. FIELD & CO., 11 CE abeet, ,il&sartera and Wholesah Dealers InAnanicaiharreb. German and Snallsb PLPEDS. sad elan' deennedlsa of Paper Slam:Ann:inns epeterlals. • • tanesD4s ITNCIAN. LEWIS BARTOW. No. 161 WRBam fftreet.—A cmt Verlxt of PAPER Iter Boca- Y 1N 007,01 t liAsurevroarß.s. anuAINI3OW COLOR WORKS, Rochester N York. Depot lB Hakim Ls.; Pula sad 'Ovum I tti 4 trti4. . . 5 .r.1.1:1-1-r.i.,‘,.-13 TOYS ASD PAECY GOODS. masolusr ,t co., 54 Maiden Lane, op Va ci sts , 17 , 367 , 120 Liberty street, Impartent oflllll TILF.S.,IOII /WORD AND CIIIILNET TOPS. . , !WEB, COATES & TOULE, lio. ,27s I Amid., Zilemmatia Trtem,.Cliiaktrk Chteemm - . I IL POILLON & CO.. Importers of . Pnineh Cam% wad Wltedcw sitar . at Rweb.7 - - BOOTS" & SHOES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL; • • • '•• • JAMES RUBE. • • ' • • 9 MARKZraaid- 6"• Union sta.„ 3d door tbo !Wan Ikaolo..Pittobutab.noaLl Wan= I 5 Woods .od the nti. gcomlly, Unt. teo bat jnot teed W.W.11 Stock of Moto and Snow in el their miens,. .All Stock inono of tit* Isms* aver *ward in tr .. th artornin o tt=2, , ronan d t,==r WI Ito p lease Fes azokt mea" .bokrianns in; atecting. the eholconnoodk, an of 'whirl he wszranta. • - ifs also conUnnon to snanntonunk as biontollscok all oniptkno of Bogor lonl Shook ar Sun his • loci oincti. 2° "' ent Ultra: :hTligillna l4 ni b ila 'r rot nabonncey bm War dealt . -..e16 s l i CU° iT : 2 7 .P tl a ttM tS .1 11 Kamm' t'''''L=rtim="l2= lalt‘ . l zdrinu CitYBTALB .111 be envied on as nenel by tbe reeitebaalr 00rtner. All ardee 0710 . dgan j aitreer tn. • Wf Nan t. .701M201 , -..-..4Anuns. Bccelier CO itilitiSTON,44ltoT...R.94. praCti ealtiisch lidaken. area cdßehoorasad Bidmoutsts., lll=Citrs !LIM aniz z ys =r ge ngirei=eilkul n _ .ll WutMlegirtUrnt gial maim* thit best:Amiga sod Lana llackary. 2=attanded to en lbw mod Serum They 11derittha.t. all vrbq may Ilseartkaat roes" IWhalstal• dke.o Drogrlst Deal. lv ZAL Dr. 1216, 5e.141 Wood meat, 3 darn Wow Mond Mr Dv. fibollN P. SCOTT, Wholesale Dealer in r o, pa itre. vans. Tarnlsheo !Ind Dl. Stank No. tit o ' rders .1%11 :emir* rrounot •ttretton. Wr A mat for Load= • O A. rdurbto family madtelltre. fru 24-ly A. FARNESTOCK & CO.. Wholesale Drworists. and Iscavelbetccrere of White Lead. Red and Labarge, earner Wood and hoot stream. Pitt. nada• E. SELLERS, Wholesale Dealer in orssa.Pituts. naffs, Vandabee, • • sod tosot, o Plldebarah. Geod., erarnuctsd. Prizes rIMIMILICT N .016111 OTT. ARAITN &REITER, Wholesale & Retail .1:= dote. comet of Liberty sad St. Max Aorta ° SCHOONMAKER c CO., Wholesale J. Dtaastetr, Ntat4. Wend test. ?mamma. aITOSEPII FLEMING, Successor to L. Wilcox ; a co.. comet Rorke: street wad Dtameed—Hem asoll7 on band tall end complete smortment of =ram, tt , etl l e . h. Cheats. Portumat7, aad . n Pam= preamtplkocs meal], tomposadat at au boom. natty WOOL MERCHANTSO, DLEA successor 14.751UP.P.11Y ic LEE, Wool Mester, and Ocen.mbeetees Merehant for the ot atnertan Weal ficesdalie 131 Mere , street eir JAMESR. i RING: Office and Resi i de i n m e t e . .. ALIT WM. VARIAN, M. D., Offtee 6th street, BEolthSold• COM /ions —a to 9. ti 1 to 7 to 6, r. f. mi26-17d MERCHANT TAIIARS. IiCHESTER, Merchant Tailor and,Clo .. Wee, No. TO Wood otroot Portkvltir itddotioti d, Bone and Youtbz , CcloWd. Wt./ LLIAM RIGBY, Mend:wit arty • pa. sail Moder Iv Reddy Mods Clotidde.lll LL Wort.. 1;;;av .EVATTS CQ,.. Merchant ,Tailors, 181 c Liberty gtreet..—We are caw receiving our c otoeir Goma. far (lentlencro, Wear—Cloth. C. MANUFACTURING. •-,-• - --- WILLIAM. BARNILILL It CO., OILER MAKERS and SIIEET-IRON WORKERS, Wanufnetnrer• of Varnhtlf• Putout Ekimnow. Maw., My D.d Sloan. Nfoo, Oort. clonsorn. Sale Para, Sow 1114 Iron Tonto or LU. Burt. do., AI. Blarkstalthe Work. BriAto and Viaduct Iron% Booth - Ink done an tho /Wariest swam. r 030.1 rd. cr.W. WOO/WELL, Wholeaale and Retail klintdortaror and Ogler In Whore Wm.. No. 33 otrow. JDUN WETHERELL, Manufacturer of ; PATIO."' BOX VlCM•sopertor artier: 50LID BOX and .BILSZED BOX PIUS, wow of Am:W.6 4.1 6cb. tamp street& ane plan [ma Um Etandatrost Imbr-to• att. • XMB R 0 ID ERE D AND APLICA MAN- TlLLAS—Mataries=arkad f rzetbroktery and AD. arty MR.S. L. &WILSON. OUT No. MX Porst - ii:n.:CatorrOllOll. Bolivar lire Brick and Crucibl n e Clay Man ufacturing Coraß rIVIS COMPANY MA:VINO ENLARGED their °noway for manstiketuttot,on tog= to coot the IDGIV•PIid destoad for that:print., polvi lK CLT. Onion por a r s at i trai Plttatarob. Srytotabot 1653. AMES ROBB, No. 89 Market street, 3d traVtiathls:j os m '" 4 'fordo:rid ba-rtalb. j , Pig; Picol and 15boe tta= ocx.-Titaltteas, =alga P= e i de u x .lac. Pliaror ld agi l B,HZ,V7 Cattalo and Fancy Bane and /hum in all their varietraw altoi Gastlernene One Opera Patent Mum AL, ame Calf Boob, Yowl. 111lIkota Conswere (Whew and and Youths' Pool; fowl lb•each Call Pb... Rh* ea a Wise tr. arta, to aell eadt moo article to all wbo favor as with their condom as will dr. ntufte • non. a...nater th• Om; 89 Ilarbet Kraal yap= Hate anit Cap. WILSON d'iSONAeap coni_lnntlY on lasdonont dtoatJolit :'ond Tarmtf 8w MI 11. 'rivals& rata. Thaw demisin . mai Ws Hat Of Caporood add