The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, January 08, 1855, Image 3

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    11,031 E
Taraz-larr:The fo
aes in the Diatriot Court
log.Mands*, JarmariB
Hampton:— .
owing is the hat of can
for the week cow:clews
:tit Task tem. Jadgo
254 Barna n 222. 1.
.313 Noble It iiSkyd
6.lAteNell n Burr. adzetr
414 114 malt Patera.'
421 Walsock's tx.r. n
CO MU 11.0
453 'Udell es Unite's metals
Wi Clark eustlleubees Salut
ler Meek Hese
irCreed. ass es 'ell et
.S MW.n %d 1
SIS 2 lisslett Wuxi et al
Baltreep lot use vs Rob-
4t3 y, Hum& •
e 67 Be An ll
faoler Goebriae
e 6.1 County of Annals./ vx
176 Carothers vs Yass
493 Holllogden et nv. et Ca/ •
= lona et SIX TS Wk
Ineon'sed ear l
.70 Bylnetott et a re 27eke.e
i5O ilallortetets“•2leyel
205 'lantern). re Bolts
21K Omer re Dretntret
22: Allen re Knaz
- •
371A - Imltt Hos rr osata'
31r4Valmar, TO A.. 11
400 .M.,114011. 1)4414.4C*
.24T St/11 vs Iti:oy at al
3T4 Walter vs bottitl t .300
Ponith l2 °lip.
r 4.3
1%1 Lottlta n p
n Peteranat et al
1111 tame Ts •1111
201•110,12 d :ABM
asll Ititwa tea vs latayth
Perani n pc.
- 401 Cundib Ira W e ate
v. Atr
Before Judge war
70 Vent:lrk vs Patterson •
Pei lloman .011. r et at
113 Anwar:mg rsCole et&
131 Belson as Patters:at
442 41 .alnir 144 Igarrar
144 23e.ben1r. Senate
153 Owen as Bonatisr 4411
142 44444Mi11ar oo n Ar 00241
101 31111er as Not& •
103 Connltorilosin 44M
/00 311tatialf et . sl .Rankins
174 Woods va Wagn
128 Vankiric n Walker et al
1 UP Shaba. vs Wallace
20.0 ween of B.B.llsaset
Inman P. B. ?stole
210 . Forties n Lewis Dalsell
• T, NeedlesveClarke.t The.
279 Craig ea Lgat• agate ,
X.. 13 /Lap vs Hardens' adult.
WI lay. Xxx ea sate,
, t Angara= ra Wee+ls
le= Elettbaum TN doll et al
412. Tanner 4to et Olt de gar
422 81ilaalger et tm Igagne.
ot al anToonard
Sit Paxton to in attitoa
. .
• VC.ortna
• 5 MeElbenny . Tzel.444Lers
34 May we Wrucht
.33 WadavorthraWa....l4 - wortb
45 Bethoup to Ely, Pen-
... .
Isleek t re
7 Moore re Itablnsile,jr
55 Ersns re Ilemlrickrent
129 Mum TX Mendez sue
117 Hem.. Ilse.
164 516,600 es Kirby A 011.
, Ter
OM 5,0500, TS Leeete
273 Dodds VII °rabbi at al I
240 Blaadall va Cla42 War 2
••••• - • .
P Tel co
244 821147 . 2 errs K. 117
242 llsy 0224.1 et a
•=1 Waiver v 2 Caradvgbam
2,ti Hine varennoWsna w
:NA Dana n urn
CLlrk k3.10/111n , flame
453 Yoodou vs ?<velvet
Conic OF QOARTIIS Bessie:vs.—Before Judges
DPClure, Boggs ao.l Adams.
The case - of Com. Te. Na. Stetting, Jas. Ster
ling and Felix WAlahon, was resumed at 9 o'-
clock, on-Saturday morning. Numerous wit
noises were examined for the defence, but ihe
majority of them did not sce the transaction it
the street, Mr. Adams testified that he heard
some words , pieta between James Sterling and
Peter Panderer; when setti ing the bill, after
which Vandevort went out, but soon returned,
saying- 7 "I can whip any d—d Irishman in the
house" Wm. Sterling caught him around the
body and pushed him towards the doom V.'e
coat caught on the door, saw him strike back
, Witit the butt end of his whip; did not see James
Sterling strike Vandevort; tooVVandevort's whip
Out of his hand and put it in his wagon; during
which time (about five seconds) Vandevort mast
hale - received all his injuries, as. the fuss was
over when the Vfitness returned; did not see
any dogs until after the row. Henry Han
sel! - saw Vandevort struck - once inside the
door, did nut-see James Sterliiig strike him; saw
Jas.-.13. go out of the door to thepavement; a crowd
gathered about the door; went to the window
and saw Vandevort down on the pavement: saw
a weapon used, but could not tell whether it was
a whip or poker; three orfour blowy were struck
with it; saw 7andevert raise up; saw his face
see James Sterling—strike
'lll. one.- -iv turned rowed 'after the
- ~ling behind the coon
,. shoat dogs. A great
called to testify to the
,!..,:deter of the defendaLts, after
~ ,:cation ceased. The intention of
tte ~,, to finish the case, but two of the '
re-o very: anxious to gut home: one of!
,esidedseventeen miles from the city, and
aeringfrom a chronic disorder of the leg
_also resides in the country, and
most Sargent business.. The Coors smarted
',cat the jurors should be free from'. all uneasi
ness and anxiety when they retired, oo thsktbeY
might deliberate calmly and comfcritabli," and
that it : would doubtless be well to - Continue the
caseozontil-Monday (te-cley) at 2 o'clock, P. M.,
wbicli time it will be resumed.
Ca. ft. Biddle Roberts thought that the inter
ests of the cemitiodwcalth required that the bail
of the defendants should be increased', owing to
the length of time elapsing before the werilict
be rendered. Ile remarked that a great many
things might take
_place in forty-eight hours,
and reft4red the Court to the case of an indi-
vidnai tried for perjury at the last term, 9,110
was nap be found at the time the verdict would
vas reastired. (We presume he referred to the
Linton case.) Col. McCandless, for the defence,
- objected to an increase of bail; stated that the
defendants were freeholders; and was surprised
that the -hennaed for the prosecution should anti
cipate a conviction. His honor, Judi% McClure,
remarked that whit was said should not by any
means, operate against the defendants—bat the
Court:was- bound to perform its duty, 'however
lumpleasant. , He therefore directed that the de.
Undoes be taken into custody until .llonday.
• Col. MiCatuliess hoped that such might not be
the case/and asked the Court to Is the amount
-of bait The Court then ordered that %ley give
two good freehold seeririties each in 51590. The
Sterling!, gaye the security required, and Mr.
M'llahon wan committed to jail. The use ex
-- cites considerable interest, and able counsel are
mimed—Cols. ,Black and 'Roberts for the pros
ecutor, and CoL McCandless and - Mahon for the
defence. ,
FIRST Wigan.—The Citizens' Ticks( for Conn
nfl inShe first Ward ia as follows:
Cameil.—J. F.
Common. Councl—John B. Warden, John D.
Railey,-Benj. Singerly, Wm. K. Niinic.
This man exceedingly etrong'acket, and will
in all probability be elected.
SECOND Winn.—The Citften's Ticket for
Councils in this ward is as follows:.
• &feet Coaned.—lsaac Jones.
Common. Cowica.—John. M. Irwin, S. A.
Long, Adam Wilson.
The ticket- which the Know Nothings forced
on a so...called Whig meeting, in this Ward, con
haled the name of D. C.llerbst for Common
Council, but Mr: Herbst IS not on the Know
Nothing ticket, as his cOqichninees are, and he
declines running. •
THIRD WASH.—The atisens' Ticket in this
Ward contains the following names.
Select 3 1 . Pollock-
CkelMol2 Conneil.--Jos. W. -Lewis, — Walter
rirklatriek„ James iierdman, Wm. M. Edgar,
John H. Kennedy.
Saes Wan.—The genuine aticens' Ticket in
this 'lard is thus constituted:
Select Councd.--iiip. F. Murdock.
Covimcm — Counal—Wm. C. Barr, James Dun.
tan, Wm. McAdams, Archibald Kelley,
The. Know Nothings have the impudence to
advertise their ticket in the Diapotch as the Citi
zens'-Ticket, and assert that it was adopted at a
meeting of the citizens' on the 80th ult. The
meeting on the 80th adopted no huch ticket;
but a sqww.l-ef Know Nothings gathered togeth
er instinct room adopted their own ticket . ,
now falsely parade it lithe Citizens' Ticket.
- - Utah:mein Crrr, Dec. 30, 1864.—Purausat
to it regular call the Whip of the First Ward,
Allegheny. City, met et the School Douse, end
nominated the following ticket fur Ward Officer,.
Select Centucil—W. P. Sawyer.
Common On: moil—Hiram Powell, D. T. John
eon, Wallace Morrell, John Burgess.
School Directors---J. P. ROSS, J. W. Kennedy.
Assessoi--Jobn grans:
Judge of Elections-Wm . - Phillips.'‘
Inspectors—Henri &tigers, Thos. Sample.
Aldertean--A.: Faye.
Krisx, See'i
DZSZATIXO A' licsauth.—John BollloDet of
Phibubriphiii,appeared before Alderman Neillie,
of Allegheny, on Fridsy-lant, and stated that in
1852 be started Cor Australia, leasing behind
him young wife. .On .his return, be ascertan
ed -that she had gone to Allegheny, with one
:John Andrewa. Warrants were .insued and
placed in the lands of officers Swayer' and
White,.of. Mayor Aaiun . ? police, - who surzeided
inrirresting.thein, on Seturday, at their board
home_. They were both employed in a cotton
l'actory, '.The matter vas compromised by the
- /a 4 Y-a&Teciii.g to return with her lawful buseml.
They pasted with great reluctance, but_ the set,.
oration was the More easily borne with, as there
ireriStio'children to weep over.
Hoses Tares farmer residing
in the 'vicinity of New Lisbon, Ohio, lost a value
-ble "home on Friday last, and stipposing the =I.
Mal had been 'stolen, 81 ,,, ted In - pursu i t—
He. riaebed Beater, nod_ lowertained thit- the
: thief bad pained through on hie road to-Pitts
burgh. He then took the oars, and on reaching
.Allegheny, mode information befiii. yd vor
:Adams. who yent Long and Pyle laweareit of the
thief. They forma hint on the 3taneheste,
leisurely ti , Eng the horse he had stolen. - H. was
taken; examined,. and committed for trial.; He
gars bis name as lames Stewart.
BILLAVIU!Schro.—As- floe. Chihriel
Adams wag walking On Fifth :street on Saturday
' laet,afront of the Ilaw building of the Ohio
Peraitilwinia Railroad Company,"a hatchet was
.accidentally dropped by a .workman near' the
tip of the building, and in its fall struck the
Jim of the , Judge's hat, and glanced off hie
. ,
Ems. Elstrrrs.:—Plestos state through your
\ that the tumiersigned . declitteS being s
essahlite for Conanon Councilman of The glee
;ion on Tie edey pelt. 'Respectfully &c. -
Ws are pneea o l earn that all our principal
Jewelers. hare agreed to close their stores, from
this data until the id of April, at 7 ceeloek
illeE4en.43;'excelitii4 fintar4°ll., Purchasers
Lsscrarr.—Plioeba Moore - eras .00nnititted to , - COM NIE RC 1.; 1..
'jail by Md. Major. on Saturday, charged with -
stealing some hourshoM articles from J. 1). w. Coil OITTiM OF Mt BIT V. ATIO , . It Itt JAN, - .I I: r
White, on Wylie street. Other article! etippoeed w. n. B ''''''' V ' ' ' ' ..-A '''' " '"''' """' E ' I."'"
1.. t. rmlJso. Fam.
to him been stolen were found at her homto in
the Sixth War&
Lowry, on Saturday, hold
, Pit-r=nrcup ti arrT,
an inquest on the body of Margaret Stueroy, of ur,oa,r 31P rn rtauct, January .
Allegheny, who had died in childbed the previ- Eu
nuAttulny les.c Renee. Th. .otherr
one day. Tho jury returned a verdict of • - de.itli doudf •tul inessen open, but with nut rave:
from uterine hemorrhage." no the •Fhsrf.
SS,2ro. 2.0025 do. at and lz. , ratra at At
ACCIDENT.—A man named Michael Dougherty. ' bbia, at,...rfir,.. at sa.! Irnm`.."
who resides on Washington street, in this city, .
URAI\--ral.. on the wharf ala at
had Ida droll fractured by the fall of a brick. ;
from the top of 111 newbOildin Itl . beCCA 3100ASSt. , --a ..le nflO bldg. at. at . 2.3. esab.
street, Allegheny. . 000110.1: ule• 0.:11.1,1.1. at Ra, at
WASMaGiev, Jan. 6.
Horan—Mr. Maxwell asked, but did not re
ceive leave, to offer a resolution calling on the
President of the United States to furnish the
noose with the number of persons holding
station in the departments, and designating
those appointed since 1853, and stating the num
ber of foreign birth.
Mt. Iteadny offered a joint resolution whifih
was passed, excluding the Public Printer and
tad Superintendent of the Public Printing from
the benefit of the resolution passed last erasion,
giving extra compensation to employees of the
Legislative Department of tho Government.
. Mr. Clingman asked the unanimous consent to
make-a personal explanation, as it is due to some
gentlemen as well as myself, he said, that I
should make it. There is a statement m some
newspapers relative to the remarks of the gen
tleman from Virginia, Mr. Bayley, Chairman of
Committee on Foreign Affairs, the otber day,
upon the question of offering our mediation to
the European powers non engaged is war, which
xis it has gone out, does a little ininitice to my
self and' other members of the committee. I
wish to state that when - the Committee, two
or three weeks ago, with very great unanimity,
authorised me to reportohe mediation propmd
two, the circumstance alluded to by Mr. Bayley
was not known to the members of that committee.
In point of fact it was made known to tee, as
well no to the gentleman, only on the very
day previous to my speaking on_the subject.
This fact ought to be understood, because the
members of the Committee would not probably
base acted as they did with a knowledge of this
circumstance. I say further, that when that
communication was made, I informed the gen
tleman of Virginia, that in deference to the
information, it would not bo necessary for him
to call the Committee together to reconsider the
subject, for then I would waive the right, for
the present, to report cu the subject I may
further say, that the information does not, in
my judgment, change at all the propriety of
making the movement I suggested ; but. for rea
sons which it is not proper for me to state, I de
cline taking any steps at this time. This much
tdesire to be understood, injustice to the opin
ion of the Committee and to myself.
The House vent into committee on priuto
bills,. and after having passed seventeen
adjourned until Tuesday.
80,10.1%, Jan. s.—The wood work of the Vic
toria Bridge over the St- Lawrence nt Nlontreal
eras canied away by the pressure of the ice.—
Ito stone abutments and pier are as firm as
Atar.,T)t, Ma., Jan. G.—Gov. Morr mes
age was delivered today. It occupied half an
pour in delivery, and is mostly devoted to stnte
topics, but is strong on Temperance, Free Soil
and Naturalization.
The Legislative to-day elected Aldni Jackiou
Secretary of State.
liosrox, Jan. 6.---Gov. Gartner will be insg-n
-rated to ttay. , His address is looked for .with
Crucial), Jan. 6.—A bill paased the House by
sk vote of 51 to 21, repealing all the licence laws
of the State.
Paostneaca, Jan. s.—The Roger William,
.11urgess bueet, yrss destroyed by fire
this morning. It was rained at $19.000. and
vi.s insured for $5OOO, and $lOOO so ib org,n.
Tiscitsart, Jan. 6,—Evening—The river has
(mien 12inches. Weather warm and cloudy.
Flour deelined closing at :37,506i.7,70. Whiskey
dell at 24_ Hop very dull. no Eater. Provis
ions also very dull; green hams 54. Groceries
quiet at 4i to 5/ for Sugar and 20 (or Molasees.
Pnuanctrnia. Jan. ti.—Flour unchanged; no
change; shipping brands offered at $9,37; no in.
quiry for export. Rye Flour and Corn Meal, no
further sales; 11, quote the former at 50,50 and
the latter ra $4.2.5. Wheat, the receipts are
email but the supply lx about equal to the dn. I
mand; sales 2000 bush good and prime red in
store at $2,10€62,12. Rye wanted. Corn in .
demand and scarce; sales 2000 bush new Penna.'
yellow at 95, and 6000 bush prime Delaware
Oats at 65. FWhiskey dull, smelt sales at
New Yo4c,liceil.--Cotton firm; sales 1400
bales N. 0. fair at 10c.. Flour unchanged; sales
5750 bbls. Ohio at full rates; sales 1.01 X) bbl,.
Southern firmer. Wheat unchanged, with limited
demand. Corn firm, with upward tendency;
sales 12,000 bus. Western mixed at $lO6
Pork stiffer; sales 2,250 bids. at $l2 for mess and
prime. Beef firm. Lard stiffer, but not quota_
bly higher;:salce 500 lbs. at 10/0t Whiskey;.
Ohio 37. Groceries unchanged. Linseed Oil
firm at 81c. Iron unsettled; Scotelr, pig $256'
27. Stocks - better and active. Money Unchanged.
Michigan Southern R. R. 80; Illinois Central
fil; Michigan Sixes 87i; Penr,sylnmir Coal
N. Y. Central 863; Erie 40k; Reading B. 15, 7-1 i;
Little Miami EL S, 88.
NT ! O. 2 Collonade ROW Federal et.,
Ce,. Tble b'l2s; la le er.mpleto ,
ruts of repair. nactstn• lY racm.t,ls furnlahed....•
with r.a.e. hot And mid water, bath- str.mer..le.
ipply ,
W. MI. R.11111V:4)N.
Igo. I, CAlonsub Row.
For Rent.
situate ea Waterand Front ote. now 02110.41 Fia.
, Jona" A Co. Enquire of the enteeniber or Ifartly.
Jones Co. W - t( In/BERT BECO.
For Bent.
ADESIRABLE Country Res idenerin Pit t
township. with Two Am. of inimind. nmt
l.bery....othaneer, will be nwsiteil chno. end Fa
. tetn.. 4 - tiV i r i tkOw o i, r
at the otlift a if a .
To Let
'IWO FRONT OFFICES en Water atreet
env Market, well finished, vary ennead* nished, for hint
ranee olllent
Also. a pro atom/DIA Dwelling. with etable and t Sete of groultd: eetthin three minutes walk of the ItailreAg
•Anan at Fest Liberty. Enquire of
tatlwd - OEO. A- DERRY. 70 Water et.
Rte 'Warehouse on the corner of Front ^- ,4
Az/et AAA CLuenteaT lame. Pcsueee /peen no ,
e LAW' rent. toe.Aeraie Apply to tee Au
!ben, new in posseialen.
D. W. izensnmg A Co.
yor. RENT.—A Country' Seat in Pitt en
Toemerhip. - Alen. • ®.» Erick Ilme• .be
t Lta.
nerseill• ith Ward. P. t.. lanardlatelr.—
Zelqulre of (Al) J.llLe; WATT &CA. Ltheeer c.
Fl l O LET—The three etory Brick Were-6/9
bauoe. No. 90 Water trtzeut. with
nI . 2.1
tab Phi to Imesnot Co. W 99. R. 1101.11/CS a BIOL.
deatollui. lo Nu. 90 Wear tire.
- •
EOR RENT—The 2d, and 4th gtory.
moat corr.!. Wllant Son'a Wit Fiore, and Tiernan
llanklog Home, earner f,f Wood K. uld Dbonood
(entraare of! Wood A.) The above rwnite are web
40 feet front by 00 feet daep,und dabbed. Par tonne.
enquire of . de2o-tt J. WILSON BON. 91 Wood et.
For Beta,
on OW, by the eubseribee, eft tutted on Penne,
1,911 f. and near the 7th ITant, and. bathe( Lone^n
mum with wide hall, end oat-houpee, nix:—
Row, Spring eith abundant supply at wades
Wech hews, ke, The Ice. which Unrested 'halts*, so
shrubbery, has • trent albs. btuldre4 feet, and in 0.1
a mile from the metre of city buodene.
husinese men deaden to obtale.on easy tmycor, n.nn
try Dome, pomades . • tee clew tithe threes, ate losiod
to examine the presort', whle.b. it spoils:anon be Inch
on or before the Nan, Ihexhteer, he urnfsebied •
af yea ra. to • DataVe. POseeselne, cdrsu the boo
deintrre. GAZZAM
• •
RENT-T le lane and coal - camel.
anvil on Fourth pt., Wrong ?Staked and Mood et,
odor Move ntono occulted by Mr.
llstely. Genteto Enna, /bent low ord
01441 E. D. UM:4AM.
RENT—a well li Lted and furnished
Rosemont Stoto. won& of ?OW an] Morkot Mo—
t 111441 cot mann.. nohtett E. D. O.4=A at.
Philo Hall Building.
1 4 •01 i. RENT—Rooms in the above building
see aeon. Y. OAZZAM.
no=f Matte. it.. be worn 34 and 4th PL,
Biota and Shoes—Wholesale and Retail.
JAMES ROBB, 89 Mutat and 6 Union MS.,
Id door from tb Market !tome, P1M..., wonld
dall the attention of hie friends .4 the piddle generally
to the feet. thst be by hand the Ingest and best
lieltedel aux.t ofIiOUTS and hIIOZh. to all their ...ties
.orb yet. wornpr the ladies and ran... of Mills. N.
Yott and Boetondwedeb he trwrts caanot fall to plow all.
HI. ark. me verymach red o ced. and be mile Ladle?'
tlaltare from 11.12 to Sd.f.4 Usettletnente hoot, fnm irtgb
to 40, and exadient lientlecoe. thiltere, TOeth end
Cblldrene it Mr at estraordlnare low ptleee. rife she limo
ihome to mairinfaeture as hetwtorme, eld'deseripttorit of
ladles i .d thinthigimor Boots and Roes, of the bed
smilltr m d the Wert style, sit of whkh be warrant.. A
rglirelerZrageg47l l _ 4 ;l4l;:gri.7 4l2 t
dwoo will favor him with 0.1 ...twee wid oe ' thirty
ean 'With. • -" detttf ,
'LOVER SEED-300 bus. just reed and
tv JOHN WATT k 1:XL.103 Lard/ rt.
fPEACIIES--50 bus. prima new
144 w-rt.:b....NA uwa sad Ibr de ls NIN WATT 00.
b k 't„
25 bblaVas Roll Rau/alba.. Zrawaa;
4 calk. tub. past art e. la dare 'Bator ple
try de2B (VER a DILWORTH.
. .
irxer_en bbi e . ',merino Rolland Whiskey on hand
and ow Welty nt li.eurruN. ti 0,12 wood
A. Masa &
-dtCo. sonoonew the Inisitin&of their Fonal.Annonl Sal.
Wady imicenee etoek. and ww emulous the HMO Moo.
month of January. All their whoredom., will to
on..a Mall poet% and Ito entlyeastek la all their
mt. we
'Wit* Mit down sM
_nkOed ant et !ono
We to awe emu Wows& raider 1114. - •
MALT 211,11'N—sales of N 0 bus. Malt at 11,Lo and 10.
Lis llor.a.nootarn No. I, at 40.
NW or 400 it/a at 41, malt.
LARD—a sale of 301,1.1 a. twd No. 1, on private
of 10 bbh. Linseed at 02. and Z, do. Lard. No.
11,1175. Amu to
TALLOW-1i sal,. of 5 4Lls tkorrho-1 at 10. each.
Flll:lT—sales of . .3/ bun, Dried Arrl. at 41,1. , and Z,U
do. Peaches a 112,00.
`,SEEII3--laalea of MI bat CloTatarect at MUT 4i
$01,1:5, earl].
POWDER-IWe of f. flock,. at VI. cash.
llAV—.ale 0111 Loos laded at 424 ? ton. •
Bak, of 500 bs. rottotty Rags at 34.-
I:Alt—sales of 50 bbla.,N. 0. a 14.. z.
Turcansx Erma, De. th, ISfel.—Tho Money market is
by no LLICALIS ear) . CO th e borrower, and in some quarters
there is•preasing. demand for eerummodations. Dudek
the nest Irak or two the wants must necessarily be large,
and parties are all mining In at once, SM. In many loran
ees for mon than their share. Very gmal short paper was
done today morally ie etint- and nemodonally even
Leer rates had tolee submitted to. tin, evliaterala brus
are made for • short pedal at 12 111 mot and eomndeal , m.
ensal to I'Ve.,2 /1 cent, It mouth. She, flanks are fell,
nod nen hardly do pane,: to their rummers. To-day , of
fering. were large, and to a - great extent from outsiders.
net keening ae account In too Hanks when they made
their tenders. As already remarked, we hare •oretty
tight time ahead tc.r the neat fortnight, but we an per
no symptoms of downright weakness, and Oars no
doubt that ererything will 'vitae down smoothly.--I.N.O.Pie.
The annexed statements glen the total value of Imp°
arui exports et Note York for several years
Seir. 1.118148 Free 1.1.9011. 1104.11..
1 , 0/...5119.1310.7(11 3 1.. 410 110,1,173401 112....7,41.02.,
1451_ 11..Z.,...21 0,710,771 2,10..43 1:1.:011.:.:,
115.0101,0,42 12.105.042 2.40,325 121441.13
11143... 1711.512,412 12.156.357 2.420803 101.007.012
363,494,984 15.168,916 2,1(17,573 191,3:1,474
161-4, ICa ISM.
..511..1-4412 $11:5V2.0.0
1r ,turt
Fourth platter
....6; 37.1,11:4
The Ikarton Joornal sal . The)limey market
and dry at fmns 11 td Is e! rent. Nothing ,bat the t
Santee which rime Into Ntate-et_..lll imee• •1 th
high figures. and it Is quite as dilltrult to I.s- le on
lNiuntertnit Tiients on the !ilereharite
hnee.aile their apprenticing, in thie ilty. They ere
i sod are eerrtliteli dn.-1r.. . rbe name -ft
Bank it n tieninan text and! aoo' nosh N. the era
the It her ein. rather Ilea The
terDitlinly easii, he detected 1.1 n e
wnt..l93hunitehurette at the tin , or: the hill. C 1 . 4
twill eußraseiL
se us, Mraarr. J.u. - %Fere It not for tho esrarity cf
M 1t .I.llgin sod hl•h rater:of tnv
ha.t ever sera at tb.. commeosemest of • sow >mg Rs.
eeirm of prmlwee fur three dayspart have Lem lnusuruse
cs , ..ntstre.l with Other assascs 'I he rem.. hrartu weather
aud ril4ht rains gate um 'boats lu the 1111 tots alretsi, Mad
ed, a chants to .grue out. and we Lase Ltd Mad pters:l
arin frourKsokul with heavy trelahte Ihdtr : gram.
h r og grsturta, kr.
There WY tut IltLe Im.ulr, for an, lartlele. The rdaor
tit the failure of. heart hsues 11. New ....leans frith willsh
atstyer here Wal rsonasted.d..l not Impart moth activity
to the Market. ilium were:ft.:tat the ouir on
'Chance. bu, ins .heat mod malls.; eustracta :sr their
whmt bold. up to last week's rates. Flour un
changed_ lien lasklatadog : prism white la u 7 .,
(57.1.. and prohablr .cued not rslrh the , •tter hvur.. ryas
•skids lower. Whisk:ex much lames. fug list a gagerslw
lb's. last seek
" • b." °^Oln. in I.‘Zu The market a .ell
uarptlud sad ,uirts irro[prut•ably nary Enucti If aun
faun laut 15,0reu. Parker hi r• tuuut curl. for Llirr•
r , rl•at US;. on acusunt of Ito 'ram weather, sod of
man. mere eat umurellrl top url... ite nnin
uominal rak.dlndluu unOV —:/nte2.
The Failure of i1e.211. A. U. Farwell * Co. under ear tel. ,I
40 .. .P111..1 yesterday. ewe !benne alluded to 4* el F.
teS. In nut. tint nutter oft e Whale of Bele.b.r Brie The
.171endr1 of the hum. had • mteting at the Bent k 1 Con,
wre.. !Hkekun) yeaterlardett drelded that thele.uwen
rwt .:Wiped. It le underektk'ki they
SL-.1.1.1,1, the artpde of their earLital. Beleher 1t.,.. He
D. ulvierel from Philadrlg.hia of the failure of •
heure In I . l.llawielohta. 5.e te•• !Ise,
frump petrel , - kf the aua n! tnenri•inker, Bara d.
ndth k !)-. We are .n7ul to Meru nn.. Loni• that iva
farther fallurre Fur, talc!!! Ware, and that nn Ml 7 ••Fe
Cut ideated. in tole city we hr. of 0... R 11 um, tee
,mie.kut 1 I rikturo ben., neither of them nf4^ , a 7
!!no l
nunursof failure, were adpet, but
witle.ut I,undatlrn. The varier...inn Meeat 7 r
....rth a Sheldon !dill ernatel tuneh ettitenarnt In the
!dike, •clar ven t not. v., nnutt 1 1 1 .11...7 7 1 1 Wet h" 11,111 -
!khk. r , ek•cftheukonPatUrilaro f
Ae . which abrt a ..ere • ont wed wlion •'I.I 111
tlkn.utrh the Klehan*e on heeler merning. do !ler re
Wee! thert.s.:rea enttrelimansted with ttyteacearteet
1 le Men,marart I. di/M./v/11r earner ft, ken.
the Bentsen! nu...freely Th. .31eriors •alvi a
milelial !Peer-eke. nreel• id! the :!..1
~ e The Charkteeeet- -• fleet. ar/ In the .trot
P , lend tn a.; Fold which th-v
Be tseveruterat .! I t.edr, redeemed 71, sue-erdes !Mr
aratal a F. dteeccat
11 ^ r'11a r s4' .. aL l l; . s l7l.ll e " td, r' i;:ia rresaukg tbemarket.
' lT;:i t' s 7;te'r
La, ul!culte yea Ike awe anticipated e
ti.! I ,kl.l ..en t e ...shoat tu Biter, !tante but
lunk Pltaternentll le anUelteted. will ghee •
further Inerevue the ' pd teekeree.
he New Coati. Relined tewnpar, de-11
re!! • dividend rent ..ut of the nev't• of the !set
n...nthe 71. i. di,31e0.1
ne‘rther letth t
the •em • ! 3k- a
Ank3ter. leek and then !!lax-el !kir,
mf. n
01 rterth - Idera,will Le paid nest remoth in U.! Verktne.te•
rtre Camper, aaassa,laa. at the ,
the: IP . K.- Ca.°. 11 , w+de thr
wv =1;TV . V . ;2 . 1311. I h Stan ' ..l:47l
thw Ana - ust dividend up to rebroa, neat
. Y Trak
ineelation to the failure kleeenk Feterell. A C.. .7
Ikwuntk The Beetea Peet ears
The amount inv3ivrd la apt tar fn. of vehleh
am, liven, F. A Co., bare lantirireted a ml raid elect
The !IMAMS.. of Mee,. Varela! A 1.!..
w•lde (zees the •tevrl arernmoamtleelr email. and at the
Bank of Commerce. where Mr A. G. F e bal too[ ben a
flalhAil and valuable dirretce. their Ilstlhtle• elther a
Flee n
mlearre !kr endersere, r any ..1. .
and In WI. their awn k'snerwl redraw 11 tAtain-ta
hap leen Ina great 4.Fereana ttelr tem The.
eeer oflerel aloandent aid rant
sakernrau. with Leleber Cu.. hut did n.,t tq•ir eve
1 Inght tranafer owl! a burden front themlielv. their
UN - ILIA:. by .41e1:•--311laol, Enter, Paoll t lArAoott
II a^ h....a, a too Kra; 155.a•sart.l. !tr.., A ...•
not . do. read, 531 elsom torrAnnot. Noo pato .ohomt. 1 ,5, 71.1,16
ao+.hatooo.: 10 it atakon. 5 olt, LAM,. Ito 1. lAri, IN Alt. ,A
ct.A. 10 tot Alp tnt AK, fAtT1(111.
CINCINNATI. bT nuelt. Sta.-40 1.1.1-. J
lAO do. J SCCull,c, do. Flh. ”, ,
A Matbe.x. 70 AU. g, du
aptrlta. W.. A 0 do nen, 16 do vAti..ll.ey.
I. tI,1:111,11 hair. IA 1.1.8 s 4 , 10,0 J.Ara A
whisk,• Laaabrrt eng , A.A.L.
t kJ. hay,llo l taA• A Ao
AVIILELING. 1 , 7 VArrmt -GO t.tar .brat. It ilmarth
co: ficrial2; do. Brian A bLIA gram.
Peal t LIALArti.• ILI t 4 p. A I{llloo do. &
U 41A. llptrAtl,..o A 0.; 1.140. liar A , 7:1 JOJ
I. f.amr. d , ..K.1....0.0mer
'o :l!7: .4 ; ' :ll7: '' f `'`"'.l'4"
::.,q41.;1;,„:1,V,t1 1 41.
Alwaard: do .01, tJAar,lAs
Blli/WNSVILI.I; J Poroutb. li
110IscArnent. English t rc.; 114 140 Plu.. INnT 1
%ND Plrlntvvrit ltaw hog,. 7.. A !ma
FAG hatter, .14.1 , ) spoira, IN, 41 VnatM,, aao•Yft
2 1,, , s battor, ha lard. k• ha.
Vn..lllsh 1 ea, 7.4.5 do. Phn.r.z. t eti 70 ,10, W.lll a :ado
• brat, flay.* {rattan 03 11. hay, 113 Ar.l. einty, Drll 1
Li,c,,tt, 041 tem. metal. Slinfrk t , C. 7 btu whoa]. V,
* m:101,11. JI. Fhor ta,lat,sitGr, ;A.
beer JII Can 5.1.1 hhia appal, ,". ut Pant 70 M.
has, 61 . 4
r4ll,Up WE aortal/
- _ ~
I.camne, I.onett. thnerneThi,
J.Cn,. , n fU.,. Ilmarnsvllln.
T. 11. !quiver, 11.11,ic1ue... Wen Nms - ton
" COl. Pular& l'oehle,
Convoi. WAlft, Whaling.
I..rrsa .11/-nre,
No. 2. Whlf. Wellnille. -
Marna!, ,heg , herd. Wboolinsi.
AlTelluce, Wheohng.
T. 11. hhriver. Ihnolthltern, Whit Newton
C.A. Bayard, Preapleic Ellr.shetb
17,uvoy. WnlIT, Wheeling.
Sliehl‘an N 0.." Whir. 11ellseiile.
Inuftylvanfe...'lLlinefelter, Cinch/
lieltanowr.lllo. - iunACI.
Forret CUT. Moore, tl baling.
A rshls.(l ßms.-tn. I.latovieT l/vehin.7 there fern S UN. 0 'orlon
In the 'harm , ' and Minna.
• • -
nod ~.a.'ilgtft IMl`f "V
Into.reded Its ,13t101, snA , lnortror—ou. 1er14,1 °sat,
lan Lb.. The cw.irs as, I. AR gang.. a th.
0.11.17. 4r! , J. C. IR VINJN. It Marlin. .1.
I ATER YEARS, by the mother of ''Ohl
11. an br the Rlnr..
(r nn.. lort th.V.nronle
_. • •
&a, dd Idu do. Ree'd NEld•as
rrnm li.rper& aro • by J. LASEAD. to. ath et
6; TORE ROOM Tb LET, situated on 3,1 st.
1.1 Dwelling Down on Carvroterg ail., Alr..n Dwell•
Ind nnn.enn lngan Immediate et
ahnen can In had exul lIE CRT & SON, lc, 3.1 et.
rrooTil BRESIIES.I have ree'd the larg
ee..l &nest amortment el English Ton•li Itruehe•
ever offered in Elttaburab, noon, in want ur • gnml nr•
wansad genulan English. tan sin., pro.
et4re Shinto at J 0..., Y1.P.311NG • E... , Dia d A Jla , kes
1 4151 PROPS—A vervlargo assortment of
tin Dronsreed by troth Jog. VLF:MIMI.
VINE SOAPS—A large tuotartment of the
' Merl 'Toilet VAN& reed by JON. IVI.EIIINI7.
wtLLlSON'exi•EciliSM, only 25 el s.,
for Pak by J. P. DA VIPON. f.•. Mara. ot
• --- - •
hI.TINo hAVe jut Mid Mtn Andion neveral valu•
a lots &ono mod s&-nnd hand. Ed.&&
er Ann Jir Pow TI arn
" a ' ? " P 4.4" ' ' '' .I44"t J. 7 I;.D.tWISO.N. fEi Market at.
VIRE KINDLING — 11l packs Oheever'. for
a i.lq deli .. J. D. WILLIASII7!.
A. 11.701101.-75 and 92 ner rent., in rare
uri fur eels by H. SELLMRS A C 0.47 Wood aL
ANNA'III . O---9. barkets for rale by
dell It. E. SELLA:RS A CO.
I) i
VITRIOL--gOO9 s r le s by
I Rooms-50 doz., Corn Brooms just reed
11 and fat ash, 17 31cCANDL/042. MEANS A CO.
r' ) rtM or qnayry at., ladmaana Santora . and Walnut it.
Ir n f A or STW. I r atT. 5 11 r.
I All. O-5 kegs No. 1 Lard for sale by
I A doli ' IL DALSELI. A Co..
OLL BUTTEII--2 bbli. for sale by
6.64 Z Y: D. WILLIAMS.
j pow mnlng unwed. of 7D OW or SW
Co and Caltmt.. •abl o eb will be ~11 very low;•14a, s/n.e
,aaoakanant ntnol ayleo Mona Winn., at nearlydana
LARD 0110-10 bbla. Burckbnrdt's beet
IL/Jaye yYdd tor !are by J..130000N11A AER k CO
anet keire. for see lay br J. PCTIOONMAREIL k CO.
DRY --- sacks rebit and fer
sae by WI BMW 1110011.1311.
FOR TUE , 11N - F - FT.IV): of
. .
.1, THIS LINE if. en.1 1 1111 ,11,1 i
el nee.,4
ere. utiay uallkirm gpolei.velelfdat.
Is the may .rough daily line r 4 meat. l'erkete.4 the 1 .11.1..
river. It eonneeto vrlth fte I
!qt....ern (....en Cineiuentl end
nod frvit:lnte ere taeni 0.1
l it' dt', Tv, now ....mere have I.e.en nailed fe. the
noir conelet... of tbe fa— au.:
• . , .
Cl.pectorri e
. - .
. . .
CRYSTAL PA LACE...wm. t. annrx W.Kkwitlay.
..... t t•Avsru.
kritla, •
PIINNSYLVAIi ' aumr.m.rza......ziatuntay.
harp daily at to Selnel, A. N.. yarn , mly.
Frnight nrel•nd aft, wolonk. o the mornitn: o
for Partinulara. apply on board. nr to .
.11)11% FLACl:..ternt.p.
Wheeling Packet.
THE new and substantial steamer
EXCILA7 , I) Capt. Mi-Ci.uvai.
a ter un ra reitular acket liiitien Ptatioirrh
Wheel r ing. learine Pittabu p rith ever) in !lON O it A Y, Wk:TiNF,
DAY and FRIDAY of each s cat 10 o'clock and Wheel.
lag every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and a ATURD A Y.. the
nine hour.
'Th. Faehen,, maa cte at Weliarilla with the Pittanurgh
ud Citivelanitßailmad, ad Whetting with tho Pala,
owire Slat Ohio itallrus4 Oar freight air ram., apply ou
oaril or to J. D Lii/LLINGWOLiD,..I... Water at.
. - .
AlrThe Exelmage , le nn entlndy now and At.` .11" lent
nr v..ry llcht draufbt, osevllolt scr.turnodetlons. x1)1..11-
.1.1411' finished wad furnished—built expretsly thls
CITY OF Pl.T.sllCliall,sa.
IN a....ord,,uee with tit, provisions of AI,
Set of the General AosernaNy of the e t of Penn. I
tan?, providing for the inc•aporstion on tile thy l'ltta..
hor...h.s-..1 of the autpletreent of •mid Aet. 1. V Kit DI AND I
K. Kola, fis,or of .n.lCity
_d" le`ue er ,, futtt.
tion. ,Itaduiu: that on the t+F.X..INID TUKSDAV tIV .lAN•
PACK, A.D.:BNi. bring thy lith cly of the month. ..The
freemen of <nib %Karlin( said City, ' 9uslified o, not, for
nhere of the Ilowe of Renr...entativee of tin, Cons Inao -
-outal. • ill poet at thneerersi rill,. of holding election,.
U. their reagaacti re WILMA. and elect hr ballot citizen of
...aid City qualified to M eiect.d ft member of the Ilouer o
Itepraaa.outtivee tine I ,lrl,l3•.toor,titla. u, ta. of
MLd Cita; and that on the eau, .1a). in ro nforrof ty
!.., reviled authorttien, and alo, to the tUditutucem of
diattict lug paid y. the vill,tts of tho
Vir.t Ward, will eket by ballot one purport I, to a wen,
Ler f the aelect l'nuned of maid city■. sod four .~crone
'o ...tuber, of the Ccrumon Connell of Pahl city.
itruonot Ward, toy prreon to a foecatsr of the Select.
Tthrto prrnoto to he man:hero of the Common ..doei
hhat Ward. one person to be mead., ..1 the
awl Bre peranne to ho members of th e Common Cuunril
rourth Ward. one members
to la, a
of' floe :•te,..
and ton persons to he suet:tam. of the et.lall , ll
Fifth w en to to e gtetut.erof the near-, and.
One pereon• la. of the l , niroon f !ono, II
. .
W•rd. I.e. • Sellret.
vvr...nor to I+, thr 0411111. 00111,0
to-voott. IVett.t. out Mrrot to Iw 11111,216. r r , f the
and two p+re•u.l to M us..,..berr tl+.. Glalmou rouneil
Na ard. ono person to lie 14 motel., of the nolo,.
and aliree Femme to tie itieinheri oleionam
Ninth ~ 1 1i' r•on he el the tieleet,
and tar openmit, to 1,.. mem ..1 the Conmeni
a, ...bow ithigl 1.. qualified to wet,. ainenther d the
11..igie of Reptmemtatlves of till, Commenirealt h.
Hai Under Mr band and the era' gity ..1 tilt..
burgh. this 2iith a., Dem.inia.r. .1 li.
FKI:LIINANT. K. 1 gla., alarfir. I
Pittsburgh, Liar_
i'IL.kSS STAINERS, No. 155 StreMl,
Pittehurch. mere-gully Inti. the attention of tn..
Ititllderem , I gentlemen nti True
tam Omni to build admit. rmlilenereer ehtmelma,
ermitnene of ST its, •111mIr moValtehment. for
.litelt Miter te airairdiel 1., the Ihmnevimmla
late hair MIMS,. and the Moatity fair tor
They are prepared le. execute. Staltmil mere
etrie and tlag.ina. lee choral..., prima.
otianifaege, front the pialneot z.l the mog
ortimmontalatidevagy; including ale de,rathlel ,ehurrhm
with figurm.iimirtgral an.l sileamgml
pull °that' Mmelgittion tireameotal it
imeamental Door, Tr...mem. tilde
Landemmeiniiimita. Flo anti every .nroe.
Cy or meal trerlt EnaluelLel tibiae orsies
rateerns at Far ...d edit, Lang, and Lunt-.
wnd ILestaurahts, g,-tut Ina I,lmA...ix:no 4,11
many_ her "Cu L.{ to 'AAP .Li.
'it, - and ..ther places, for elanreheiartemnimito mot regale
dvellinme. of their mLI.II , ‘I
.1014 idiltvT
Carriages for Sale.
lIIE auctemigned - h. jußtraveire.l
tr. v., ralo. tila
se ' situated near the Tam Mlle Kul. lietaieM to
Loral. & La•renemtlir. •pletalt.l saleortmee, orb •-ry mem,. rem,,,
11, nine .1.1 mmiel harm Mgt [bole, Sl.Litti..3,
Ar_ .bleb be .111 tile v., lowrot lora. t
11,t hoc Lan t ,TALVii In tb.l.uPlArii,
ay, with /4, known e Ea.. he flattima
in mg toot .1... n Ali AAliAtitAni.
pu.n•hr. TlO.reet . illill
k••:.<1.1."+" ,
1( .11T. ,
Executor's Sale
0 hat u tit u i 47W, Seat. cry
it'll' 1,-t
. i;f Al.t.shmt 11..041.01. tt
lha•;:itarrilter t..r sale the %,,,5..,, Et nu. •,
stattr• ntetttd.and. snatrnslo s t I•ets tens*, as
k! ea •
btat state al lathrntenent, with the
lat,tna• thoraon. sin A IV, 11,11, Flsettind
Itarn.ltarstnato II t..- ataldistd nd attser 1.1411. cat
tairdt Its• saan•tantatitt 4 l • rs Arad...11%.
r. -it, n..• thates.l. the d•rtlthta Us.. real estnta
nt Al.rahatn Itordtett. Sr.. hen father. Awl new d
.1.1 ae the nastnent nt lettt• and the ntsint-nahte nt
ear chit...a Inn, t.. nu Le 0.4. th• sat's:tett
at • rtat.terahl A .p.rt ta n.t It, hatch.- la ttset r... -
11. - nlars and tern., thanedeattnno .4 tvrehnltste. • • 43 htt..•
...I/ tat the aularrtlar riiou tr DAVI/at, Far t s.
Arst•ll• sty
u•al It ...ea L IT , t. / Pit Itx 1...T..4 , 1a. Whet,
far •h,. It,
trhtd tn•lt. t-sett •44 .nt .1... et, rt. , .
1 intsta,that •Itt • P. %U..,
pijaarn I thlnk rt a dut r .Ittelt I oe• st.4•lte
nal its in vetnst.ta OtaAell U.% ha..l
It tali.. beta. I 41 heat.4--tal and, thy
1a... Melo., had tn. antaut, h. nu the I
letntly at.... , : . ice . srstoesotest
tr. ads at =Mt: in s• • tsh.• tted 4,19141,14.•
attret •nillenert ha. destast.de4 • ncatt tte Id V. a..
Stettent Cutnth )(manse !I.
a arresJan It. tall
Itrananat de V •Et..1.E1-.• A rt.. '.l 4 liantl st.
Mr. •Itt• a( land It. C...
In —•-rat [sans diftentot Itttest. .A. 1... .41 .I: •t
th- es tearedtnarr tan tat, ^1 stn. n 414, a,el . If,-Fier
Trart Nto. nttrt•lns I.sst set,.
1,..• titan Its no•thvittionaTle.. Inteitsa artatnally l.
. sisal rn-as tbo Slate Orr 21.• lud U aaad fartn
hsa land. • atittitattered situate In • Cute 4.a111y It
' eat , (thin • •S.c. • ni t.t•t tl• hot;
seat The alttashets. Va. er.,l tt
Kr,- tun
rasott• I•4l.•gat
Isettit4•• danthatant yd.. to
I den , Ii 41,1.415 • +wt. 11.14.11 st.
r.\\TEl~—lna u~re, n moo.! Geno-.n.
t W~rIML l:uansh, • a•tl 0.6,1 , , and ...Al, amp,' me: .1111.
ata.n aalitfactaty ealeretava 1.11 la rot airo-l. laptt
at tele,. - dell? , 11
ir t ! AlititYS NKW STY LE !Lk. EiCEKI I
' TY I . E -t•Noverttst Pattralta Naar. la At • Tell her,
It - flat..
rib ao I dursitla.ant Ma
the art. ILonan• ~'enan • • M la I' tf
Outtlinga. N. 7a I,arth 11,4enct. 1.,
4 .1 ,,, JUA :, .4 , boE t nu
ItaFen, ttn.l 11T.G.1t.,: r 1 4 ,:;x1 . :-gr It ' cut ;.•
n1,11...L ler... ...A V.A.,
urA Naar- trrst.
Yd. ?RI, N'pT✓
. _
- •-
I t 1)11,E1.1 NIAK KliS and Slip:F:l . 4 Rto.
thn ' nerx. ,upir 'tFa
Irnn Ta•la
et- Alen. flla-karnltha Wort tinig. and Ylalori
en Ilerafrlna cloy. on th.
- - •
notice---Pittabrirgh a.nd Steubenville
Railroad Company.
Annual Merting Id the Stook h.rde.x.
of tn. 191tal.nrir/1 .n.l 14141e,-41 t'nfatu
ny t. h. 1.1 In ara , dant-a nlth la.r. 511.% riA v. It..
14,), , tAky t.f Jan nary , 1 at thanffl, tha On-nran, .
14, ',I .t_ rltt•borah..l. In ',lnd,. In a.r•ansaa, 1.. .
th. nurrs of nlea-tlna a ana twa/r. tarn,
.11.41:1.ta ri A V IYal.rn t.
Pittabalrgh, tar. 1 , 4 --Id
- -
VOTICE- -Thy irarre,t of Mr. John At
... 1 ...a. in ..ur th, ..
slur s. to
thalami 14 th. retuatrana partner., under the ftrm nt
Kali Al.lll, V N & (1./ .
Nem t Ina Al l'lllebut&h.
PAO/Alt:Y. WinlUWAlttla
• • =I Market It- l'hlll4.lphie.
Is.ttalatreh. Pre. O. 1,4,141 WM. ft:W.II.I:V .4 I'o
Chartiers Valley Ratlroad Company.
MEETING of the St.:Ellol.ler+ of the
Chanters Valley Itallres•l re. Intl be.h.a.,
as,. wish the prowlsino..lth. Charler.:m StoN I, the
;Ti ' rlVF'i r ti i st n,..V .. ?:; . :l t ne T rlo hi ih?l r trrl.?l, ' f--rib. ,l
eleatinc. • 1,601 r.f Ms..oars far then arnina
year. dellta.4 4. K. altfrOlt111.:All. Nast
lit/LINE ur . REFUGE Gtr Wyttern
P.dals.,at uou MY° ad lb.,
i ualn•
11,. matm. un,
11'..aletu Judicial I/Unrict Nutt. roundoo
Vorsos .1 eon, ,an oldalidd of tin KuiudlntJ ~.lent at lb.
flowed of 11..fuge.,•4 thal.oczedary. al Itu, ulllm ol
ii ' 7l r t ' l ""'
j1117111 " :1titrItt IN. Pros
l'a,• • •
r.l:lAlwre. Munn.. .
to the Inittl,
tio, pleas. orpr.
1 1 0/t THE W permn going to or
hying In tin, 15,11..r0n purrhaso a ral uaalc
the. Imier eon mak. mono,.
EAlat, honor A ...Int,or Id a fd rood m
v. rya. Cop!..r P , lnetrs on hand to soli (or Real
I al. , ba”.• Print.]•taraf Mai Estate. I)oseriheti
nn It aro a irarinty of Worms, Onion, ea.., 11 , ..a0r and
gtnelt, ls This Register I. giron 1 , , any who rail.
do 1.1.? .r.gtnorelal isroltee . lb Fourth st.
enuotantly: l n . ?Ind sad for
MAN vAcruit
No. 76 Water Sired, ntar Marhet,
00113311:443ION ME ReIIANTS,
N. 17 North Wmen, Philadelphia,
Vole Avant. mr an pl. of
ha - All onion fur b. alxm. porn •tt ,,,, ird
to. not I.amthr
Another PittiblLlgher thettlying to the
wonderfully curettes pOWOI.If Orthavo'. Minna Bitten:
Ilerstnnloin. Dee, Ctii, 1e54.
liner. Benj. Jive. Jr.. IS{ M-41•1141VUW11-4"1 . a year
mrut been afflicted very
to Ed , tirsiurde•
ach en, that rny etontenh refused to ndain anything.
-LS TO 41.1 a/craxic .err remade, slul the nu/linen of Meer.
nei almost einuuntlng toe rum. (found it eftleuelone In
removing Um extreme debility nocauloned by tblediyuees,
and gonersily &illicit hes Pm annals se.d no superior.
llesperifully. J. 110611 WILITS,:kr at. below. MaTket.
tru es
careful to salt for Barrhare's Itolisnd DIP
tote. Ida hr. , ' PePulatity of this medicine hoe Induced
many imitations. whieh the nubile ehould Sala d egalnet
purchasing en the enuldro liecrhure's Unhand Bitter.
, "&rentresisT.47:lllltiagg:!" .
/NO O. ebllTli uirreiriunaus.. ; ' •
44.3.1 it and linignisll Month,
PTY BARRELS—riot) ompsy ; Barrels
anetur t ba
tei wc4.4
i. ‘ olll Wm. IL 31cDon•AS'y II .
IV Y 011 R A S c ALlyo s
Az. I I:7th 1.11
lnw lw w.lll.lii der
:‘• 1,112•41:10 itPla,
•- z ..• • iiwiwwwri (Pm, cArr w r .1 nt,,,
. . .
a, I::..711Y.11. • hirls
leave tha ISritieterrui,; TranKt
• • -0 tba oxriTal t
Par farther o.trurtamtiota i lkiA.: ,
n. tis-en.
L.r.trz 13,,m up C. ,- 4.ts i.e
J W r 31ERIDEN :T. have..n ha.:4
PARHAM'S Patent Iruprovrd 11,114, Artimt
potty , . of all riawt xulues, fseh rb.s, railrua.l eat,
etationa, etc. Cuts, with full pneticUlart.,Pany he had on
( - 11ENTLE)IEN'S Fine Gobi California
Ihanp , nd Clua,r unfit Pin, with Ch nine attached,
equal 0. , the tool Dtranond. Prhc. cO of without ehain.
S.m. linters f•• 110 1 / 1 t.nclustu.: the monk,. or by
exprees. will le promptly atten.b , 4l to by whir , ossinit
1, a 4 JACOBS, of Watches. Jew,lr7.
lliatnough, Er_ 407 Iipr E IE E ,. \ry York.
Childs S Smith,
No. 449 Pearl Street. New York
RAND..., AND PINS Ilnlnn front tLe Tr 1 in New
rk or at a dlatanre will i. g,r,mptly attended tu. Alm.
c.nstantl, coy hand, W0r.t...1. nn.l • DAM Ae.g.
I,olt US. 1W I N SHADE:4 and
all of whlcl; [bar offer at grtallY ..An‘ , /
World's Fair Premiums
Marc L..rn inard.xl v..ry ele,,..arpl Rupert°,
Pi AN( ) F()RTES
XIIIIIITED by the ,11,wriber
LA at the CILIISTAL :u tual.lng
the lie), autumn... tonne. eutati take,
thir opportunity to returnthelr thaukr to
(tent auetenue. (He., f the etteurive anal rat•
hereto/sere vitn{l.l.:4 It. the., and rurt.tre them that
he [Mk. dull he ' , pared h! rurtain the aattertua reputa-
Lieu tUteJni, attalhed In order t. w t the areal ty In
-11,1-:.71"v4 u t taft 'irk tu r' rVtrlat ' h ' lel h i
u eUsl.l, theth n .h u tuturv ' to rrumptly meet ever,
ever [runt !
.11..••tt hand au ars,rt[n. ¶.l ..1 very •utreri..r Mr..1,111t. I
au.. Al I.,rr
Mita rEEN Itreadir r. N I
1,1, dune: ,t rockets..
Anal - Iran Inrtl
air a ler auever•len. aue-tr.4unu
No. 70 Chambers Street,
PI NNE() & Cl<)
. . J..t/L-r^6!
. . . . .
RICH MILLINER \ 1:414)1,s,
whi.-A the, a, enablett t." au!! at 1 he I,, lad
ahtttntot fa , ntab:t. ter., 1 . 1 ~,,, h.. pur•toaa•r lky
' .1 an. amalso arts
01.14 .ITT: Till: li.' , Ist: iktl N. V
For Melbourne, Australia, Pioneer Line
Carrying the Unred State..
CM': .1. I. euperikor Cl.tpper ,ilir ihtf
ii the .all r.l. 1:4
ata , .! porta • the neat et' Jul •,-41.-eTP tit f
[him Mu.. I ha. ~,,, a r-,arta , l,
ran matlnr. and the onlv.k. ph Ip now at ,h{.
,t 1.a,..1
en•lahle tryouttu.. It yea the fmat, nh.l
c.unl. lite. Ever,thing 1. pr,1.1,1 imtert,..,•• •
pc wine. alt•I Ibrun.l Wool. Th•
r16.3.1,,111itriel ora, a
rind 00. in Ps,r..t.:.
aJDIf t, kM; Et, •
,}DN run:E . DEALER I ~, vi ) I,ly .
an, •maynalseturrr $.( lv"ry
ult,u •tre.t. N. 7
orrivE znann:oment a U .1.11 th• Artit,r,l
rnr•tt ••1 oz.!, yrArs,
• r , lort tme novalcu r rat.ta.ti.krk la to.o , r
u•n, (.1,, ft th•ts•
rai t• ai m 1.. •
..rttatormin •nsi 0.41,1 , ••• ill
Mt ...aural app.ranto •
ta, .•• vatatirs, an all o f whttl. tl.. ar, eartar....l
gat,. arv.atta.l...l , r ^...'•
rt.t:Tli ins•rtetl trotu Ity tn •It I
tum• i•?1,a.1 11:tnet•Ir.tttrAn•,,
roc ••
ti n,,,•r57)... airs
r tb• 11•111 c s.l •
• - •,a1,1 stabs that t•ttr rvl itt tbar • • oat,
ma., an tb• • lull •wl Tbl.lll •e•.tr,
ra. wt,4 ri••••• •••• .• •,“•.•
tt..11 vi,.
Irautht:SALE 4-VX . IlEt-IIL D.....11.YM ~.v
53 .Var , tel rteret, Plal.' urp , ,
%.: PEA It. , A111.1.s Pt II It t, NT _Ti„.,... g . rnnrtr
.“ ..-r; p ptier ,t1..11,1,, , 11l I • xn: AUSTRALIA.
...,u ~ +l.l ottah-1. arc e. Pr lit her iott, pers.
Vcitis l. ..g ''''''' ; ' l;.?t .....t:•;;;'";,7.--- SIX...y DAYS' PASSAGE.
1..,,,, ' ...47,.;i:, ,: ,1,.. t „ ‘ ,l- " i1..,:.1,7,...., ~„!, 4,;;;',"`.....1 Pioneer Line of monthly Packets,
1,.., ten.;.l h•tz ar 4, ent. re to fret t ihlo of ..r. ;1
.... cAIiRrING flit' rarn:l , , TATA-S MAIL
.CD , lock '.l tn.; anal. on I th- IttsfOstr.t4 ;; ; ; ,t ;ft.. .r 0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ts . I fallout! Then'. In centeli..tet; o ..n.l ND hewn g r ....,,,,, I,..fhp tnect, Jol;;Seh nenge.r, 1.24 d ton, Jolt
•ofect .s.” ant vitt to oet • a -in 155r11,,,..c to
winch will ,O, the -sertwshaep, to tn, MID ~,, ........4..”1,,50 ~,,, M., b.,,t• ),,,,,,,, 0110 0,0,10 U
... I -1I: 4 r thre-,
1 111 ,Cll7. leo fere heirehts Pc tth-n I', eelltng sel• ;sea. /Zip,. 1.4.4 c tor.a.,etse,l4;cont. L 4,1 tcoo, 1et...5.1
110 , • 10011 ron • Pf, 1,1001. rt .01i • AIIIILI t. , 00..-a5...1 it, .4.,,i. 1.6./ torni, Nov.
st.o t t 41.L.e.; ter Annum los .I, wlshing to eng,te In e Mu, 1, 11 0 4•101. .1.-.... 1 , 7 Pg.?.
tare pa 'lnt- •041toon/. 1r10.1.. W., I , n/IAI WI, ;.• 11,. ~,,,. 1 •I tor, Dr_ 1,2; oltrOur, 1.01 Lula 10•010M1T.
11 ,... 0 1,,,, So 1 0 0, art. Setc-o, •to Dont I, :her...row ,n a h.,,,,„ . t.g. e ; w ne , j a ,., is,.
I,SILI. s IT , Ph. la, Agh•-rf franAlem, Fct. 1451.
`,sett • ;13.4 . Pnt.. 0... ' I•g 1.,,....50rs 1... ,, 0 ton, Mairb.Xigicantrale. LOW. ton. Mar
^. Ftnlflt • ler- tweiesr Do Pchn aor D.,. IVA.
J 4 STL 4111' Cfro.n, LOOP 4.a•, March Ocrto-selc. lON tor, July
w.D. ff • renew nee. Plttenorhe. 1,, 1411
• NDsto.f. s.a) ten. April. 'it
Dubuque Tribune, The ,toro cf lb, Lune are fated ;with Pcscrone`e Patent
toe htwiefort tf t tes. / Du too Nentllatoste mot carry Francis' Mewl.. Ll,l4rota
new and trtae-nifeant Clipper chip Fhl !NG KIM),
y r iiis...,,,, "r th. , , „i,1,..., nr,.l ~,—, ..,,tly , .7, 1 ,', 1 •„„. ty.,t e t er. fp, 11. it,,a s , m e ,,,,,.. n il) , tal l phg
co:coll.-I • 0w.," , fr• in I. -.... I YI nen.. •.• Eighteenth 4414 erthla Lino. an l pall
,t tr or. :4 fie-rte., ;to is irtst lets t I ;wog,. 3, an4l•lhnurne. Austral!,
to .n. 0.... f Lo,anne ...,1 the I p.c.-. flts-iesipp.. ;OD ;lo OD the 2.1. 1 th of September.
.. , t, 4 wt..) 4.-tr r.lteftts,...cot• :. the DI 13 ktri , PRO:
l's O. cht-t: l'ol'i r.-t•. •a , TT , ....%.1 I ant n.. FLY I Ni. MM. 1•D h'uilt on the moot approvel m0d
h...,„ ~,,,„ ‘,,...,,,, ~,,,,.„ ...,...,,,,,„,,,,,,,„., ~,,, ern prlnciptes sot I. entedderfel to to • Perfect nokl.l of
to so , . I ; re crsh ,to ;D., legm.• eels it Marl:, Apthlterlion Those vent.; deo, • quack run ow
..,...r [[Le tr....a I,, ndtatt.mactint. ,, lar•• ,-, baili.thiclid
Fall and Winter Goods. paseage •Itbout delay, ito only • liraltal number of
41 . 4, t 3 3 . 3 ChM. Itatatengere will be taken
, For freight or prowea,. apply on .ant at PI. IP Mot
EDMOND WATTS, , Riot , ' or to IL W tt111143.041.
;tut lIC Wall krzort. Nos York
DO Libkhrr sili-t: t H. PARRY,
n RAVI: now 5.1 Land;l tort:. :- . . ,,, t, t.I ran , ENEII.AL COMMISSION FACTOR. --
. 1 .1 w 1„,.. ~,,,,.. ~,,,,,,‘„, .f.„,,,, no . , 00 ,... It Nlllll ntten4 1.. lb. pu.hawe and wale at Nlercta,nd'iw,
lini; t 01001.11. ol Ma ;meet 1-o out 0 ~ 5 t,n,fr,,,,,, sn j thourtate. le. and Lk, orantlatlon o OWL, Not., Mort
ono.,ll I a... Wore, of e•itry st tie and shale In li, ono .4. 3114 the et.llnrOwn oftuoney t. Ar
t..t. all .0 • Iskt; I 101 l nest, to order nu the meat reaa. , M"0 44 . 1 ...tact 1 4,11 t0 Pa..' -he 04 Ic
tea , a] odo ot
•'.l• town, .tot ea, tatol to ruit. ...‘, Pt: Metal and 111.... ms E1an.1.4 sopetionew In thl• to
kaettnwn , a 414V...1 eattoftiellon .ill Ime given 4 Furnate
Cleveland and Pittsburgh Railroad. ' ,1,"11,1h,,"„L?..1*:,=`;'.t,„,11 4 1.,,:,n:r•- ''''''" So"
011(.1.: ~ 1,,,-01.: c i you 1501 the Annual i 1001/020(.......
sll Meeting of the . II of the Clore.and and ;0 T Morgan AO, PTO., a Dilworth.
1,4 , wren hailresslCts w.II .1. h .11ori •t thottlir 115•1,1 , 1, • W MwOor. /14Inget... 411tchell A C.,
~.1.1. it. , 1-votol,l, no •• 00 I 1:IIII•li. January 'O. t Mapeliall flea.., •G. Mulct. Brew.. a 1.,..
1, III /' loi 1 0 I .rtes I.l[o , I'l Dirrotorr win how., henna • t. , .1 , Niclestw , • Payne.
tor, I, the roach-, t.-fr I Ales to,thltn. ;St ii hatter.
111 h rt. FOLJAMIIL, P.c . ,. ; F. torro. John
Mei nria
ClecelansPe Nor 1.4. 1,4 . no.VPlarodete ' It m It.c.rtt; John Pt ital.
--- - . Alex coot, Ito. Mut Addhena
.ot n Mcwaddc, IVin 14111 h,
- Allegheny Gas Company Richard Carl, 13 II Ilartloy,
111 I . : AttelptlVllV limn 1' ' ,...1tp3114 h. dedar- a rm . 1.1 . "1"., IS. U. era}s,
' I I cd • dlel.lot4lneFnur Do cent on 11..C.apItal twort. .1
'''''...'...'''' lik; 1111tettergro,
11 Darlington sap:tint
~..1.1..n.,11... 17 th Duo'. at ths Mltse . t It. O. Dail,
Tree . Mat, of NI M. SIiAW, Comnuasnm and For
-M..1.0A nr flanogere hare directal the ule ;of w 110, ; VII I .
th. attionet ; ' noel, which can I, honest at the Man. ; .„,,,, ionsllng taweeltiant. No pl,Walnut et . tliwinitati.
i ttiontity hi Coke for sal. at the Mork,
It. 11. DATIP, ?Dewar,
Ofttew neat doct to Ins nets Peat ;Mace
Atlnghenr, N. 5.1,44. -n. 41
I Iti.patch cot,
... .
But.iness Stand for Rent.
rN NI i NT ~ 1.1 Dad well-kn. , 11 Store, kftuate
... 4.14,61 sh. :Minor trout It, Ctlantotot at prwornt
Dtc.l I t John Death In Ow; Ort 4eel. s ...Ono,
I lasing watt A larger neon tur onr totstnre. a•.l , ssr• bee
lir the present stand. when; 10in...
lOC unit.; our stoo:1
onsO, which will be found to
aiel complete. a
•hore we hope to tort all the ott Irleitdo if the house.
se.ll-2.n1 JOHN DEAS A CO,
, ctla 1154
ETTEILS li Administration on the Kstate
g A to !oho 11411. lot. or',.4llo,hooyroot., doe.h LA.
1e... Mi. day arahto.l tto , ueoterelo,r. Thy4e itkrtLl,T,
,11.1 too wrot..kureto,l to prreont 1b.,•0T thole 1h.1ebt...1,
to to, 14rthvith, 111,1iEltT 1,41M1e.
%lona rtrwet.
Dissolution of Co-Partnership.
r v istiE firm of IVAtINER, P.llth
.114.14 on the ke 11,.eeber,18teh r:
{ 4rnor 10,Intr TleponoT el bit Intern.t I, held ; sod
JR341.11 I.,er m01.14r01.. Nita,. The bueiness latt
lino pill twAtettle,ll, the undernlgunl, who will contlou.,
rosutifan.oire o the:on Sta,lixo., ra,niand Wu" at,
'tell, ' Cool . , 'newt • uthler the oityl•
and inn of PARR. P./11,414:U ro.
ntrin E. PARR,
To rt ' h! ' l,la t ;Lag " ,., " ,;; C lZ7d i e l l n j, ll:: Tate firm.
II W.\ 11141:11.
Warehouse. No. 149, Ist, and 120. 2d eta..
c1e.. rr.fflt'li !di
mat , v4 , ..buxlnetl. Add,re.` A. I): 14. 7111,S4..tAGZIs
- - - ' ° 'l '. ' " _--
Cbina for Christmas Presents and Family
UST opened thebest apreortment ever open
rd In flits alty, and at ettrer to and the titan. at
110'11(1N:a CV'S as Wood at.
Monongahela Navigation Company.
VOTICI, TO SVOCKllol.l)EltS—'rhe Au
/ Mfvtlnf tint Stockholders of Inn iiinnonga
hal% Navigation Cornltne will be too
nan 11111LiitlAY, lee 11th ..1 Jam , latin the o
or ortlia (hantiatiy, No. I.lrant etreat, In the City 01
Pit. , 111,41., .t 4 &dark, P... air ithe auction or aloe.
Omaha entnin4aar.
j[lltANK VAN GORDER has just retitli
• lan, and beautiful aradtment of blooming
Flerna and 0..00 In Crape, 'far!oleod swan, Snack ?now and thins. Voile. ',lima Ifoodory andanliluven—
in wuni, evtion vul Mlle and Crams, lu
all qualities.
Alzandoe4 110.54 beat lildtilorca eau Stony. I.
fundat lid MAItIiKT emtitgr , corn e r of the LLatnond
_ .
S.ILLE—A valuable florse, perfectly
a pound. Ow, under the seddta, Kam 'sell In Foetuses,
sod is reel Ceulle. no2l-1.1 FL Ir. OAZZA3I.
- EIDER 4 . N130 WINE I••=r4
' r ' 11.1 ,„,. • • VINEGAR
• 4 •" --- '•• row lIVICLINY; IL I'
e.ST, ' 77
w (
4 64 known v.TN
for its thin ..wo'. •
xI inuar.anwock mut ItcrUp. -
and warranted to Warman br
llog Onia br atgkitank%l. bolt -
barrel or gallon, LIAM
r.ab,lg.T 184 gloat aid Ild Watar at.. Plttahorab
Assessment Notice
1111If3 Stnekholdels-of th 6 Coning Mining
II *CM. arobbtobs totlflod that otionerfmno,
Any. avg. pars bar boooripttoo thontork of mid
.611 A % Ztrigifd :Z= 2 .
.. • .
/ . •• lN F. .. F. 1., ADVERTIAINti lb .1,11, - - - --- . 7 " . 77
. /// rir)::1 , . 0 1 - .. PHIL .I. F..ll'lJ . ? A.NII • (211 A Rvrozc; No, -,...: WATER
s c li rT ",,nufart,m, of it 3. 2:00,0s lkillttfrtl)
B. T. Baobitt's Potash in Tin Cans. , : , :' ,,,,, .- , N
Thr. teari,, ... is n. a, 11..1:(44. and eheap. It lints corn
0 f 1 . t.i 1 t, ; , - , 2 : I :: ! ;• ,7 rrnte. afi l d r ' inaT ' u j .: ', . ',"l : l',. . r se t' a .. t " rlr l t l i t i ' , , Vhtl, 'hr eo7f.t. ‘ ,..! - ,v , ,r, i. rt,tfi ft- , .:,,P,771: 1. ---t.
1b...,m",„,..,...,,:, meta a - it: ~ .. ir, r.r Ilaring Label,- herr, „ l tt, rr. tehins
ar k s increasing toe
„,,,., i .,„,,,,,., „„ to ~. ~t,,,,, ~ ~,,,, ~ ~,.,, ~. , able el, of tbe roil,. et, ... r uml vitt r.. 1 mk, irtery MVO.
'''"' 46 ".''''.-" , '. ~ 1.ev. , . '• •.•.,.• t. I, it ,i 1 Ittir, rt the !...-,,, • ~.., •,. ,„..,,,,,n
pba, remit Ir ...... •;„ a 1.40er 1.. 1.,, . r..,, , r o,r-ugh 1..1....... • ..117 t... 0 +.4,.. ..0 •1.. :-.. .lit{ of the ISeld if he
~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, In ~,,, , ~.,. ~,s I „..n ~,,..,,,, ~,. ~,,.. .. eboro• Tl,'• or: , r , ibrl r.. M... :• re me, tr, sold from 217.. NT,
err,. It- ii. '', • -,, , ...,1r Lae 1., , 1,, o , t - ~.. last t. 11. N 1.,1 1.-11 l • N..- Tu1...,., tn the rite of the roller.—
tl,,r. !, a.. I. r i , ~ ...t.•l. - , t ~, ttrb. , Th.. ,nr., r,,, r, •t aL , ,,rl that this tomdrine has 000 n•
LA,. met with ,t A.,.. ..L.,n7 ....W1....1..1.. ~. .1.• ... a, 1 , - , .. v.. , r. c.M3
drr..reast Pownler. t . a.tile roap. t'reao, Tartar. Car il. •, ' .mt...._t. I, nr
all beds. and the bat ,•11.1,111.1R il3 poood patrre rn in a riu.bonrgii nedte Farm Nursery,
~ ",, th , ~,,,,a,,s 11. T. BABBITT.
4, ITCATED ~ e 'ilkins Avenue,,.: Nts., ... To IV ashiugnon et. New York
I Stout one quarter of a mile from lb. amend
/c ....... Phrenological Cabinet. to gate on the Farmers' and Mw.htmles' Plank
Mad. an esrandom of Fourth !anat.:and ahaut
FOWLERS, WELLS .t.. CO., three ands quarter miles en, pitubun,n,
L. Phreno:oFiet. and Publishers. TO Arch W3l. a JAS. 111.:IIDOCE., 1,,,,,,,, 5 .
Kte r il l Mreet. below Seventh. Philadelphia. furnish They „Orr by mle a very fl•rijii r.011,1i , .1 ..I . wlll giV•rn
all wort , on Phrenology. PtriMology, Water trres sod plants suitable hd. transplant., this tall ~,d
co,. Magnetism and Phonography. etude- ominsrePring.
Nile and retail at Neer Ybrk prima !Toren. The Norarre num ewers some r.rl sm, of mound and
~,,,,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,„„10, e t,„,,,, , • ,,,,i rull metals, nsr . .sX),,io trees. ehrub• end Manta and over
..., _ ~ „,,,,,,,,,h„., 0 1 ~,L , ,,,,,,.. do r new 10.1010 troll - tr.., and MMain Etergreetts and Ehrolan are
evetrom. Cabinet free. ~,,,r . 4.1, , of tins sire Mr removal to orchards and pleseue ground,
Nan, canfull y packed and sent ammrding to directions
to any mart.of the United :rates
We be leave to dl theattentlon of the lovers of shrub
berg andve)rdori In the Made Moue unrivaled colleeticer
, Zzi t ft;. ' e. "°'' Lll 3 : . :d - L - V. i;,“'tti'ant' lerVo l rth e y t ' ll ' Ff .""'
i cultivation to this section of country. Plants Ilan ne_pro.
cured moderato things quite large In give ImMedia. stale-
Prices se wont Prom strangers:cash or !tale
, .t.DIT reference In the city of Pittsburgh repaired at all
I in as.
lir dem addressed In us through Wilkins Poet delm, year
tt eh larch. Pa.. or left at oar stand . mszket day; In
Diamond Market, ralli be era:anti> •ttonded to.
TO . U nd L l t: . in t Lorn tt ltiq:ir ft:ier to ds
[belt.. .mate Fah Mak Comreriing of e ' 2:l , Z . of u ever r ;
damiption. from the haat Vtllvet and armada, to the
antmon Inaaln. !temp, and hag. Floor 011 Cloth from
an to debt yards , veldt, na design. and car, Mon. Coma
t\t. ‘ n i d ) r a a nt ga ' r t . t k r e. ' b lPe '4"t 1 . 11 t o afia ' ro i. trq ' tflt d cali
and .x.tane their stab- Stmstntatats, tiara and 11,1
anat. forstlthed on the mart reatmable arum
• Ifir - Small.Frofitaandohlek Salta.'
1 .4 SII ()NIA . e 3
I 1 ACING commenced operations in the
I ii NEW PLUM( FACTORY, in Manch...ter, we am ! Fruit Trees, Ever greens, &c.
urseturin4 PLOUirldiS st' every d '''''''''''' " the . (' lILIE subscriber would most respect,
las. inint ,,, ..l patterns. Among them will is , towel J. .
C. Italia 14. , ..nt Double or Drill Ploughs. J. .1. Hall's Ps- 1 fulls colt Sc. attention of his friendS and the 44st
tent In. ( .t,tre Ploughs, 1mm0...5 1..,,,t, Plough, also, i nubile to hls very latge stock of Frolt-Trem. Ere,
!fill Snip end M,1 , -,11, (Yd.',
Coon, Ploughs, togeth.. green:, Khrosbbery, Rua, linwnhouser Plants. Ite.
.s . l i t . n 1:(!:!gh ,.. 1 , 111 , , , t: n rcul Cartinattzeulzs4r , Sztl:,: d I lit ..:I:l , ,, lath , s , t r e;,:ls , h rtfL e . r p i f ,:, E ; ...?f o r , e n ar izr. r e
R. t. . - • •eh 0....., W. 171 o binerty st., Pittsburgh.. %nice Taristles. Peach, several thoomand fino r vitt) the o r!
L , ,• , - , • f ry, Plum. Antic..., Haepbenies. Gooseberries. UnrrantS, de.
_ • 1 Our Errromono. from Ito t.fert,of 'blob ore h.Ce rpm, ,
UERREOTYPES--You can save time , th".."..r. n. "' P....... " . . L .Z..."" . " . ".
i 1 , ,,, ti „,
mn, , ...,.. ......„. • Ibe liberally dealt with. Call raut age our str,4l‘ Hi ca.
Y 1; ' I Si i o " n ' ~r , , A,R.=a--•,'et.h"hi:','.d. 1 mays per ntheaction. Orders left akar. yletrimr .11 P. 0.,
rLitf...',i,'l,!."'ic,o,,o. A,0,i,,,,,. broths'? 4,ig . ,, ,
..a i Mr..lLDnisull, I.lberer l e., the I lalt,land I , ,ansell, 1 ( miles
; some pillhile health allow, ftis said t.... K ' W:i,.."7l',Tru•btpTrup P i T lldr.
..fa b ea•L'""`',' i '' ''''''
s , ormw" to i.und yin the there =lends:. l(re.nas open
V. o.—Platitaug doh., neatly to ofd r. • i
4, and evening. Pricer In mit all. 118-4.4... , osiOdaleß JUIIN e 3I),IRDOCII, Jr,
California Diamond Flap
atJim A,Tiat lilt KIST
areST P I with main iarh.,l. prier 05 without rta , la $4. 'D1..., I.inr
i In ,eth
t.,lirr ;and
..d. a -Init.., errry. an.
N ,nel hirtnrr. thr.1.11.4%••rr (.1 thane
i. eninne
PruirsaurJa.-51 , know,
utum of
ll•irreit i•xs• iinnutities Age•l•
it this n spi•lnit• iit Q.ix.xl.s. 11• , , whinn Le
Im e l tlat I t rent h his rriannhailnry in I'm,. no eut.
awl uni•l ta• wlahl whew Acy•irilenw.•. bin agent In
1•Ins rtru-k with the beauty aril rit the
whir hiiins sent • nu:LT.O( :hem
his, th. rhanutartuninf •t prin.
111[10, ti.. r•• 11., •••ir? hn,
umikad in the and at
per (rant ra... othrr
• .L . l:olt..ll..tata
.1 4113 13..21..., y a rl,,
Tlicce I.• mall y yas
atn. ant. a .1 2t
11 , //1{ 4137
1. , .1 crt.
1.. ....1a.., can at tht.
n .111-3 And
SSIGNEE'S NOTlCE.—Wilere, Joseph
, -. 11 Etllutt, .1., anted 111. :IL 1,1. h..,,.made4/
1L5,4111P.1, Mr...11t. afar eval.
1t... ',taw In Oren an a.
In mal.l,l 0••11..a.
1.4411. blur to prvarnt then, duly' authentlrated,
l'lttal•uro. Oct 1:1,1.,143.1 —1,23-law% Aa.drrare.
The Liverpool and PhiPadeiphia
I ner.nd uun..c the, Ifl.eW Strarap.hipr
CITV Nl'll
ern 1,1.T1114.1t0. Cap, Pamt.
try op 44 I,IIINGTON J., 241, Capt. lbi. r. UST..
K NliAlttfo . . Capt.
PITY tIF tl.l ST , IIE , FEIt-Tlturlttlf.F. !Stlt likor.
KAM/ Thunti.f. -
. .
. .
CITY i)l7 M N17117:11r -11,,lumwday..31th 1 1 ,4.
I( or P.I.SS-14;E.
r •.rt 1 , 10,1.R71. lltollcn
Aar. 11-rrthr l. Antr , al Benin. gulereu.
' OS 1 )11.1oh1r. 17
Y 74 war' sr, Furrevard ••
Inrluding mterrrirt'r
MANS l'ASSExtir, s
. .
A 11..ite.1 nnsuber of Tl+inl Clio. Ilseeerter• will t Ca.
e. ITtladelphla LJperpo..l. and I*•uof in proYia
rrem I Frrwm Laverp,.l. SO.
Ilretltrate• er Rural, .11l INSW/1 hrry le who
are lertryuserlPlnting out their Meal, at .prreaputul
li.."en I.lrerp.l from utellarlr.
1%17 4 -
e•rps.l Pr (hr. ardwl aflth erenetnr . L"lfer,"elr n h.
Tot freight .4. poiruge, apply to
SAMUEL ' , MIL (vent.
t: Walnut .tent 1.61!a. or T theerel. Ay. York..
Autt— ILLIA".I INYI AN.A:eut.
I Tn., Ilulldlrure.
IIY. PAIN TIP))11,4lS. (ant.
ueZ: 410 I.llerty et_ 11.6yr:h.
..... S. Dugan A se, Tweed A Sibley, tYrsorr
ter A Fonl. eiscistastl:Slarstis A (Imam, Nu* °titan, A.
Itsnterna. PittsPurgh; Trislstt. SlarAttsta A co.. St. Laois.
Fresh Arrival of Fall Goods.
'lMall Lt.:? ?,'.;";,`N
they ran b., purrluveitoth. dry. Welt ormoist,
I llAinVe i •k% l 47 , 4 ' . '"""r
Figrct IlAy Kato
p , trirywt " Illk Thlnet
L9.2". :11tVV11 Lilo
“ nic n 1.10
.1.)1,11 A figur.l Weleh
Fl)..Cashmon, Ennl.mlderter,
Canton (.loth: t110v4.• and
toltlr all aryl. an..l color, Ltal.‘"S MICIII
NW:.ti at the very yrtoym with an eata.U.ut asw3rt.
Inept L.( licauta.
owil Iron Yront tiniktlnaa. N.' 01 darker at
Notice to Shippero.
graEollioand Pounsrlvania Railroad COlL
!cony I. preparnd torarryVosight with promptness and
disittric. Through Insight Is carriod ferns Pittsburgh to
Cl . ..tilos in itlnstoroc hours. and them are two ern:rooting
HUH front Creation to Cincinnati,. that shipper. way
rely upon the Cincinnati,g of their goods. HAW
fem. Pittsburgh to id. 60 and W rents pc.r Ito
tbr ihn three classes of freight. heig ht is Ihipped
through at low rates to various points in the Wrst. Apo
pit in J. MARRS. Freight tooth
OF D. ff. COURTN HY, 31aster of Tn.:insulation.
Pittsburgh. July O. las.l.—yri.l
Liverpool and Philitdelphia qteatnehip
Company,cin of PIIILADF.PIIIA
-Ai tAsecTssA. SATURDAY, ..:A.l . Sestestlse.s.
Inst.-I.lst sit. Sertstml.r prerlously advert...4l,
SAAIUET.SMITU,Asetst, IT Walton sc.. l'Alladelsills,
4e:ow 410 1.11.4 t. 44 1.11.14,1mrah.
iIARM FOR SALE, or 132 Urea, situate
J n tho Youghinaliony tutor. 4 milot aleave aViteew
le, and M) from the city; ho acres to a good ago of :mitt
esti., 50 protium bottom Haid. reinitioder choice timber
and well watered. .5 two atom - Mirk hon.,. hope frame
barn with stone bawmanti alao, rideable out-buildluira—
Appla and roach oulmrdwith ahundanna of other Bull
arca. of chat... n.11[1.. Price VA warawe. Terms easy
b• bad the stock and fxrml 1 ¢ , 1. 4
.14 horsepower Cutilug and Threohind Maritiow
Will tai mold at fala prim,. S. CUTHBERT i SON.
meld Beal Estate Aide, .140, 311
Tea, Tea, Tea,
Vernet 11 ram. aupertil, Gunpordre, Wives, Your...
and Enedleb Itraakfaol. all odlehleh haw, lora carefully ler
1.1.1..ant1a 111 be .1d at wend, eltacrwholatala or retail.
Jytl-tr Pekin 11.Ktore. ho. S 6 fifth ottr.t..
=any yonnty,
and ft
11[ N Orphans' Court in ,r Raid
W_a_ Co utr. No. aa. lion. Trna,lso.
i matter or U. ot et iValAnn; Trust e
seated. of carte. real atate or Bev. C. elagrge,
.Icred. •
And nnw, to wit October Llth, 1854. the demote of
Rebett Watson:tha sitid TrUSUM. bet Is ',mitred
and directed thet the Chrk &kW Court givonotke of the
'Minuend exhibition of send Aura/not, in the Pittsburah
Level Journal and the Pittsburgh lishotte, for thy, w,its
and that the told account will be allowed on the ilth day
of Noyerniuraixt, unless ranee by shown why the saiden
leant should oot be athlete& By the Court.
••• JARED M. BMW% Clerk.
Notice to Consipces. •
IintEIGIIT delivered by Ohio and Penrin.
I LL rt
. mwt ederal street tat•az of
tb•••=• a•T: a , • al,•,•• or
•L 4P 1 . 1.1 ' fir, r , ' ,.! 4 ' "
Pub itillßradAng_fOr Rent. •
wo handsome Stores in - Philo Ball Build-.
Jr. lug; .Itt at.. near. Market. . Beet PO far rad, et*
from now till let of April Bert,: Y.. D. 0.A.U..11,
twIDI.I .. Mien Market et. between $
trand atb. .
A P I PLES-100 ;Golden bb Russe Golden Gates, r
2 - I= l4 " l lAu lwAt°4 "Wrdirocra
! A.eVg u ti: E pi " V.. 6 l } j.l.l s ,:ari& ‘ i,' - ,i41707,4rg
1.111.1 II C 0..) Mann:Laura,. and Dealat in AnTioulanral and
, liortienttond Inn)inar:An. of all C10d.... Wholasale and Ra
i t ' s ' t)r. f g;Za ' Vgor ' &ll: ' , ' 7 d alt=il.7ll ` ll
other connent.d witti Asrlenlinfe.
Bay Wood Flowers.
RRANGEMEN n 'TS w hure . been cruido „with
.tuvr;V)E - v„. ,, ,„ , :! , , , , 3 , } 1 - :tr..= . ..c .. ...z
and Samoa:or. les awl gontlowou 'so rkfrolabod at
short Lootleo soy of the lollomjno French t.ruot:
I . yraorsidal Kr. porulel Vaoe i im eartc , q)
der.isplvriy, • wlne ••
Fiat,* palm . Oterna.
nnlero flc : 7l . 7 . ln s iteilllll: :„. wtg. s ol t Z
ii:! Wood strmt.
ri rG. notemiber offcre f sal, • cla,;..G, ..wart.
nprn cur strong.% twurova PEAR TREEli,botAdwarli
anl ...ands..... tome of • hearing aIaK.N.• Jerr,T
Pr. h... Plum t...C11.41.1ra a prinyta, Gnaw berri.a, G.. rnttm, r.v , • Tu
l!pa. eM Cronin Iturta. for Glum:Edna. In winter and ednior,
1.13 - Wenunta th. Fare. and tsarden. of most apword
,tatrdcflon. from Oh. and Imrloment War.lndue,
to 41:th m 1:. „ J.1 , 11:S ft AI:DROP.
1 4 1 01)11ER CUTTERS--
2 etnelalea 1.44.1ttm0r• Propell•r enttnnr.
lb di dot.rrrant, fitted fin- hors. JAMES WA RDROV.
BIRD CAGES—Li doz, various sizes forrolo
to nols-3ttir JAMES WARDROP.
And all Diseases arising from a Disordered
Livgr or, Sto h .
1.7 Pile- Vannes* of Blood to Slur 11.1. Atlkilty of the
Stomach. ..cause.. Ileartburn, DIAN-tut fir Pcamt, Yonne,.
Nei ht In the Stomach. Sour Lructatlone. SloklhaL or
Fluttering at the Pit of. the dt.nach, Sielmmtng of the
Heat flurti,l and ifficult Breat. Plott..ring at t• Moll. Fu D!ng ...ten hl tatian .c, a
'rhea in • lyin h g
tomtit,. Women& of VIM°, Dote or W.b. before the eight.
ii.oddull 1t,,, In the Llead. Deficlenry or Perailtra
ti..n I*-Itne - neeo 0.1.5 hkln and Eye., Pal, In' the Std..
Pack. Chen Limb, le , Sodden Plumb.. of Hoot. her,
Ina to the Flesh. Constant Iroadnlna*of Evil. end Gnat
Ch-piligtabau 0: epi44,
CAN crrterraur
Dr. C. M. Jackson,
No. 120 Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Their proms user the *hose linsses Is not eacellot 11
wynalltal. 11.121 other premeallon in the Unltki Stake.
the ettrae, tn many eases after ekilful physician.
had failed.
The. are worthy attentleu of ineeilds.—
Pssesslntr great rlyttlea In the rectification of .thwases os.
the Liver and levier clam!, exercialrof the most earth-
Its w wren in wealinem and affect:ma of the dlitestlee or.
Mink they are, withal. saf ertaln and element.
J. D. AMIN, lescoyellle, 1'.., April 6,1111. same "I ens
get Mut mine wood far Yodr.Clermito Bitter. in
tide vicinity if ye, them. A lady purchasing acme
of tt this work. eared:tat It la by far the best medinthe the
oVaL knew, haying dons het and her daughter mach
[met . " tr.
S Itentard's Store, &Incr.!. Cr. Pa, Aug.
14.10.53. saya am moth attached to Snit demises lilt
tens, havlew tired MU bottles of Ite which I promirod from
6. Rum,. 01 , 1,1 •rent dune not. stut found great relief,
fn.. It ILI &ma. of the Liver. 1 tad It has great effect
on nay lump str:nwthanbag and Invigdinting
erlath, m I am a public • great help
Da thus, Newton ilsnalitno, 1651,, saki: .. 1
have used nay,elf half a dozen bottle* of your German Bit
ter, for Weer cemplaint and disesees or. Immo:Latham,
ter.molting the elm. of marred?. I IRS poisoned
and afflicted wi th mamma
mamma mans tbe use, or the latter my
cle The German Bitters is the tro stride frem which I
obtained any relief. I haves's, amen the article to nom,
dertsertlee , with the [3.2 Writer, result- 1 think as
umny more bottler will tare me'
J. C. Yorrro,Ben., of Dauphin, , writes Ray a, IMls
-9 was afflicted with 3meral Debility, Intestinal Weak.
WAS and (Amtivenow. .11.1 I used many different
remedies without relief. let last need your Iloolland's
German Blume .I took snow bottles according to dime.
Ar?aAtyar.r"te. ones
ter,. • Bich l. " 11. year ago
The are rerreelw mptcht, always stivetathening
the nyatem and never prretratir It.
Sold by dealers in umoDeine and stnrekeepers every.
•bere, and by Veining. Broe,Fahnortnek Co,
Bee. 11. Keyser. 14U Wer,l ti . Pittsburg', P. SrlomMth e
Allegheny tiltr . and by dealers In suotinine generally
ocablyddwier .
MICOMPOIN to E M. TIM:e/ovt.t
No. 48,
agar Wood Ft-
Pittsburgh, Penna.
F* 7.7rlw. V. '4 l r l t;
, f ocancr of firdsh. 0.111 o ° l 9 wornmsanorp
and lurabliit ) .4 canteen.
/0"All work watrnntel. , veo4l
Carpetings, Oil Cloths and Matting'.
AVE now on hand, and to which they are
J• 11, &darts. • lure sod choke usottmost of the fmtn the law... 10 th• highest grrle, which
eola eant,n prir••• Abe , —/tugto. Me. a, Window
Shaile, Veoltlan 1111m1•.11ano and table onvere, Buff 1101.
land. Liman oil cloth. and e.ll other 4'004 ‘,ltally kept In
arpet hour, to which the attention of purntwers le Is
FO. vt ALA b;r STR EZ f.
Inamond aud M. •
ARE now rmeiving an extensive:ind splen-
Old anaortment of Lai.. GOODS, to which
thet. reepoetfolaf inelt• the attention of the okkblie. Their
melt ododsta In part of the &Moine&
l'iald um! atri rad SIR,: Plain and learnt Jaeaurter,
&monde do; crane mad Tblted Shawl&
fault de Pal do
Claahmera & Bataan do
India Sc
Bonnet A Mantua Ribbon&
Black Sidra of all grader. Embroidering of alb tlnde,
Plald an* Malik drk•nadirmac Threard, Lansaw' Edirtrikno
Marna. Baran. h TIAIIIIOIG llkatery. Maras and Mitt&
Mourninn Dee, A complete ateortlnent of
Vine ferment Lawn.. Illortokkewpindlin.l%
.. • . . . . .
Main d Plirured 2.11,1nkr. BILP - " end
mlortd Lasta.l2
Nurnmer 411nrst. forLadlm,
Naval Stores
Turventlue nntl nmotantly rectivluertan th•
&nth. and Gm mile lots to ...1"
ON-Zlms 37 S. Arbarrpo and 711 N.
Pioneer Line of Australia Packets from
New York to Melboarne,
rrlIE beautiful and favorite Clipper Barque
NIMROD. elneteenth ship of this line, will be dee
meet oil her secosilzwar t a . ldiginarnoxi . th i e a altz .
belong If.hai " ,Vlfat Cabl 1160. Samna Cabin, MS. The
Nte., tilloweJ e by ths bi4tabiell CUPP. Ship
Windesmi. Apply on board at pier% East River. or to
cots. U.ll. CAMEROS. 11 , 4'0'411 street New York.
New ',cattier iitore.'
r 0. MOWRY, late of th 4 firm of R. Bard,
• On.= W.W.I' afoatama to th e bfa.l or Wood
stroot, wholnsa/e and retail sr lo LeArgra. HIDES.
It OIL, has Jun rebutted from Om East, lad Is nor elf
IZPa ' lt ' t:a ' trre "'''' ,LeathO;, ut rgl:S:lra ' :g o gelig — LTll.
Alur. )I ,, rceet, and.Kido, of all descriptl^on Ilballug awl
Llalaa Stlaut and a general asaortoosot Ehallaas, Qat.
1:11 For, r
Lxfure k . Pg.V.ots
m, Aver
mOlt (0. ItOWIIT.
cLOVER DAIRY.—Tho loubscribts is pp]
pared to furnish to famllitek NRESII !SILK and
blendsM and will bi l e.u for the patronage of Ids
.d the nu lllo COWfs will baled on good
abolemmarood, and emery care a ll l!be taken to satisfy hls
customers. Orders addomeed to Wilkins Pest Dire,k!shit
the No. of the realdeneeand sr.reet.kill netnalicat.
tended to. to4Calti I I 11. Vallat .
"1 M'CLINTOOK BROS: now sell-
ern Inarkes. Our meek mnslotainpyor_tberallonalog. clot
Web Veiled Cun. ramaselx
Crusae. 3 N aet ne mamma inkran:
Damask. Twill Plain Vanithark,
1.14 and Raw Carpet.. 011eo, OR Clothe,
Roma lalndow abed* Male Roder. BMWs,:
Dm/11mm and Mate of all thide.
With • Rill menrtment. of Mt artleleh Weneally teat h. •
Nome* w4hlng to howdah latemnbaste, Rouen or lla
tele •111 do well to call now, se now le the time to ware
inwet baraalne. Remember thepob No. ILL Market Ft,
twat Mesta. "
- -
- - - - -
1=t!!.!. !Pn,
Pipes, Boxes, and Potanisy Castings o
all kinds:
No. 267 Libertj'St.., corner of Mod, .
A MOTU, or Roof Ravings in dor Boot h
01.. fet o‘. tura Ob. 66 W.d "
1101 #OSR rolorkPod Bnek.
Howe of 6 moo, wad Ism at uaW au Craw
o...illititargh,. NN be MA al *1 MAO. o*.**l*. •
UT= ?'"i • reett&l4 4t2t ;OA:
, ,
NOTICE—The Into firm of Wick & ArCand dleefivel by the death at John X
.t o the . .10th hist.- the boshiam of mid Dna out be
wialeil be the undershmed. at their dim memo Wood and
Wain sta. D. hrOANDIASFS. Surviving .Pertner.
irO•PARTNERSHIP — The nadeTsigned, of
I,_/ the late firma WIOk t blVandlata has take day_ sue
amend. with him WILIJA3I MK& tt B .cot LUMMOX A.
COFFIN he the purpose X continuing the Wholesale Um.
keery amt Oommtatkoi Octane... at the infi stead. tarter m
oril ual Neater its , Pittsburgh, under Um name esul
style of IPCS_NDLIXe„ lICANS OD. The ise.
Ti. continuant* or Dm patronage m I=4
to the late firm. D. X
May 24. 1864.—mx27
I RAVE this day purchased the intercM of
l i ti j b= h DU IZI r e_P Et,4".Tial'orr&W.lfitisi
sad I.l . ,!,Secand at. andle ttiO sty]. of wawa. a
July 14, 1034.
0-PARTNERSHIP—We have this day
samoblatod oursolve. In the Coma.
_ftebbeeo lt A t s T 4 f ,
.11orket *h , ttot parthorthlp data from tho dOT
°Norman' Last, and the btuittow to be boodobtod ander
the aszte and ern of W.McCilotook t Motive.
015.0/111E L. ktbIaLLNTOCIL
Mar IPS4.—toyl3
EMOVAL—J. 8 NV, Rea have removed
sty Son 74 Water and 90 Front ea. Pittatnash.
dereigmd'hars this day fanned• eo.partemereltip
the tesnesetkes of the WholeesJe end Mali Der tialds
Bosh:test under the ilrat of DADA:I et MIL. et.A=.
Market end 8 MAIM stmt.
tah3tf DAN I EL M U. '
OTICE—I have sold my interest is the
beAsfls. of Lean, hinter A Co. to EL A. •Long,_ Atm,
the old i enAL LOW
Root et. I evdtally recommend the now bo pat
row.. of air friends.
l'aitArgh. July = I 4M( U.
LONG A. LONG & CO., lietil7aiirasa EC -
a ders Lind ilea Bittern, invite Weal= to their steel
o lundsliers, Brackets. Pendent* Pad other tiztates.—
Wu Pt up homes with steam and kw, make braze castinies
.0.11 kinds teenier, furnish pumps and tank Be •
Hasa and keep antnattsition awt.l consiantls on toad.
ivi! , sr. so 11l
- ILxtreeL, 3d door Ouzo Marken Dealer In Wu Chem
u Orr, Pin Iron, en Ccal [mewl, tought and ndld,
THOS. WHITE 4. CO. No. 41 .South 24
etroet, rbilactelphls—SSisw2Sl
New Goods—Lame asst tams/Ailed aszortment.: LAMAS
.THOS. 541011 MAN
LORENZ & WIGIITMAN, Mannfacturers
or el kinds of 11AL.S, DOITLFS, and WINDOW
SS. ti.l Water .d Vront etreota. Pltttorgb.
IL—Varttnular attention paid to odd tiara or Window
Mate and private otould• fr. , : Bottler sod Vida JIM=
Notice to Shippers.
IN and after August. 3d no freight will be
_r remind at thermion' Meet etaU_no at the Otdo ant
Poona. Railroad for shipment. alter the near of er oclock,
P. 31.. fills Lading mast to handed late the r i be4tt
!tee been 7 &clock. P. P.M. J. A. D.KA
au2-tr - ?night Ascot O. P. It.
IN pursuanceof a tesolutioa, paged by the
t "a t Council the City of Pittsburgh ND Wouday,_the
ZUth day of ter lest, I. FERDINAE. VOLE, May
or of eal4 city, do hereby offer a reward of TWO Iffig-
DRED Ie)IsLARS Rd theapprehension mad delivery of
JOILN REIMER into the hands of the prOPM enthiod -
Om, oho stands elinrgod with the mum. of Terrence
Clarke. late corer,. to to. employ of Mr. Wolin AgssiT.
films Manufacturer.
rho mold John Krameipsithhe time of the etude[ wag
summed as a Itns Wooer IM.Air. stmorses fartos7. he is
a shmt athletic German; alkint fret II or 10 inches in
stronidy. merked t he Ore by the email V.=
km. n hoar , maw whiskers. and between the ages of 19
and SO Sem.
Given under m handand pal of tem 18.2 d day of
November. d.. 1).. 183 d, at the Maynfties odd city of
Pitteburdh. no 3 ' FEED. e-so P.. VOLZ.3I.arOr.
'Trove all things, keep to that *doh le
T/FILE inereaeing demand for thismostpleae
ant, tof oudeillescione rintedy far an pain...?
has enabled the proprietor to-reduce the +I ml
se to place it within the reath of all dames, its tiaperloti
ty over most sitidlarrte . rallow . ds attested by =ay ear
1 o7:17 911=1" iv
eye w
efts efficacy when the usual nnnedies hare
tailed: and by thousands of oar most respecteble cltisens
who hare need it In their Amities both as pteventive and
cure with never-falling litteotelll Lou the last - twenty met.
during wnicit period. with very sate aid frt. advertis
ing. be g It ha. gradnally spread its tvOntationlMi the
whole Union. lo nays of recent
Colds, Cooglui, Hoareenese,
it oim.: immediate edie. and setietallY eon. n
or doY
Lim without Interfering with diet or bosh:gee, readies
ins the eastern mon susceptible of gAid; In chronic cud.
Whooping Cough, Croup,. 'bronchi
tis, Affections of the Lunge, . and
It L always vary Ileuefidal, sad orldom fallAortica-ann•
menad in lima, W perfbct "'cum. 271 m m and 60 oe2o.
• tottle . .
jpilrfal tht ma ) Pg 4 ted , A u gn3p . , t limera,FLElJlSG BROIL
/In. Ow Vareqf Orymptand Xamats and
EERSONS who are laboring under this dis
_melegy will and the Dram:Eats !CPI
.T.A, PILLS to he the only remedy aver discovered fm
cu be lisilesey,or Pite.
Pills pacer. e aotith on the nervous sth
tem; and. althcothh ther , ere premrzt u eep. daily for the
i giTi " r "A
yasls}'!lblW 0.
of "Pnro:C
nervous withm has been proutratelt er 1/44.er0411 fries gar
auee• ...Lathrs. to amnia eumplanth or discuss cr.
t ui n etvolLot eusednduesib. barentumwes, they als as.
Prim Der bog. or two boxes for U. Person nt ot
the enclosing remittance, will hare Pot A& ertit
them through the mall, tree of postage. de
gETH S. 'With:. 10.5 lisitlectoce sure; Beltimure
Old- to •b .r oui we t orders from all pees of the Union must b
W ood
roe ssle thed in Pittsburgh. by FLEXIN Gor2I.i B110504;130
Coughs! Coughs!! Coughs!lf
- -
DROPS, wherever they have been
introdof bayiPPeedily sups all other Md.
tirclo. barmvd, ed,
do., for the relief of Mott..
themes.. nom ThiestandallPulmonary Oonsumptions.
Thule Ropertority consists in Muir. miresable assoc. ths
om , oboe Irourions drug in their composition. Mild
toOrr comet acuoti without interfering with diet or bash
neat, or cantering • Mi. esetens more stoteptible of cold.—
? me the most imitable limtlilLDltY.N. mid very ben
efeial h. PUBLIC sin:AKERS and SlNOtisilt Una mr•
cosie all huskiness from the throat,and dear andNglim
toys to the rni , e. 1234 and :A eons a box.
Mika wholemle and retail by FLEMING BROS. Oats
C.c..) No. Wood M., and most Drug and Osedl
Storm. osef,d
A. BROWN, would most respeatfully In
'turn the public that he keeps on hands at Isle stand
ou the wool nth of the Diamond. Allep.benr City. a coral
Ettr=gold; ' 7l i . o t the treekt h V"a td7 n lit
41 our In tho UnlteLtat Ills Blinds can be rein " ed
without the old or a screw m hiser. Caring pit _seherrthe
stoa.. tools., soil wood of the Cabinet' Mallet:anent of
t McClelland, I am prepared to furnish their old
ntwomer• as well as tha yublle st 'WS...lth •
In their how Aneocy, ho. 5 Woalfftteet.lttsbu " W " _
such 26 J. 1. BBASITS
?I SCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street,
• Ore dam moot of Market. Oaks ho
" :11 ' ;w7anr e =tod. ' 1415
L3:41 ter& Con. .om:tend ,
CAPITAL bTOCIi_ 113000011.
1.11114.1 L BRACH. Profident. ,
liatntio.l Tudor,
Want ,WpodWidgs,
.Ckl tzA.,i
Robert Ru „ •
John L. leonre - 11.
Mlles A. Turtle.
airrollete* on Rite and in
Ole berme, by Glittßa
11_, BALE—F oottn.2o feet ott Walnut the south
*Quitting lot ofllns 31.Philllpeatnd ranitln* leek to
Issg 'llls lot Is well situated,. maths tlew b
Tempontnorville.being negly . settled, a ...mate* deal
will be siren. T/6112111easy, pply to
'• JOSEPH ENOR, *Mane, at Law
gays: arant .trs'et.
Et1%..4 4 4
ira Z. Pratt.
un 171=1 4 ,
Z. ZV. I.
. uctl Rinks
RNOLD,A IssiudOD tlaer
Fourth 4mA. attabarnb
Lots for Bale or Lease
Staddact. Con:mama said Brady Ma, and On Palma
tarti n n ‘ ga hTo h ,q ' ittruTt o' bllltig. tu grllt i ll 's ,o7l
be Lased for tats Tenn orlon. as soar nit Ewan who want
thorn- For Oartletnars, atandre of E. D. OAZZAM,
myEf-tf • Market at. b nreon Sd and 4th.
Linden Lead Company of WistMusin.
„ irt, llE Corporators of this Company have
opened boo - ka eubtetiptkom U. Cooks! Stook.
• t e Banking House of Mown. A. WILKINS dit CA., No.
71 Rooth st.. PittobtoNtu triter, pamphlets eoatatotoz
Chartor.Oeolostical Slurry% le. ow to otalsiad by patties
dtottintriottotnattots relottteto Mt Company. atyo
Penn Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh.
turn!. Of—
Penn A Nal bawr as ffn.elnen
Carpet Chain of all eolore and enadan
Ottonp e ri d s
Pbmteh r tned and Sash Oort •
Rape of all atm and description,
Bateinin. ' tha • •
D.—Old Diderana, er diaterial Saps re Wagtail:
taterialma e Da early Wastage ill lag t •_ilaieseDd:
!lllrgefiL'Vti%!;teglr. iiomll...D'Asmr
us marketrcreet: stear orirld.
•ha - trade nrailleS, and Wage aides mad. kualkia
Hall.4th st.. le now open*, We nicepticei of visitor!.
and costement. The attention Of the public is directed to
Remedial location. ample recce and amens facilities kip
the pendsictica of artistic and Lifelike Dignensotn.a
3lateliale of the beet AsAllt7 toed, gni prim ',esker
Out dam picture*. taildten team' in few seconds \
.the hest stele of Mean. Call tild IiZILESLIN omM:emu
- Am... 0 rtmunses, 7 4 - 4thre.—lletnrau - Sakan to ill
k 1 , t014.e41.1tat la th• Inest•tyl• of mbleh the art l• our
crptibk, at varr teuottable Imay. Othaziaszt Mangan
au 1.11.1 atoll and ex,atalao logett.... Itootnaopw.
4,, , ml 4 evening. . ,t1•1111g1T
Ur WANTED—How it tbe Uwe to oak. • good mita.
111,,11.12e11t. ICU Nell those gnu Lox 10 traranatom4
••,d,j•k• lk•lird, D•YM•nt. - I lt s tia; / k VA'. or
gloo pool'
„,,---0,..-bu. 5 , d4 ....--ei ''' ' 47 4gm pin . % aria map
ilralty•lil. - .Yxiiiltio, OK t.,_. ••Il ml. l l - 70. •
bx e i ,
logo call ,aulseroltrs • "...v.% .
.44x _ , „ .... . , =OS. WOODIVIIiAth at.
• ..
ll if Eso3:E. CAR t o,'Fashioble Dress Ma
4, =as mu, ota. ;a waste -at.. atatuat atm.
...„... as ta m Qtrtto Palms. D•andarlariGailarr
b a,,' „ t ", 1 2 0, ... a . U.* atattaginaties.%==
ea. in, mad* op Eat liktat.• and Pkgeigalea at My.
Modesto sda. liametn altdrea isaAd ••=a4lostrto
direetiow, and coatis Auxl WU
. 41417 PfIOo•UK. Gk.= •
B iII T E B kegs ,Reitgellattii-for Bak
•V*= bbl . blesebed for sale
IISZARII--25 kgs English Mustaid fotr
limo. by - 4.14 , Z. nuns _
ITLI-37•bble.Akr. n ook '