PITTSBURGH GAZETTE NA:IIO3AL to .Mr. Be Bow, the most valuable.erop in the United States Is that; of Inch.' n Corry estimated in 1850 at two hundred and ninety-six.millions of dollars,—and being nearly' three times tia valuable as Wheat, and mini than three times ais ininable as Cotton. Six times as many acres of land are devoted. to. Indian Corn us are circa to Cohan, pia thine timettits much as to Wheat: The value of Butter . made 'annually in the United States exemb_fifty millions of dollars. There tire only 547,626 shiveliolders in tho United States, of whom only two oWn over ono thousand negroes, only nine own over five handred, only ft/ y-rir oWn over threol.moired, One hundred and eighty-amen own over two hundred, and fourteen hundred and seven trnine own over one .hundred. The greatest number of elaseholders own more than one and less than five; too number of this class is 195,- :Them are no less than 2,393,950 farmers in the United States. The laborers number 909,7E6. The 'ponvauers stand next, counting 174,971 and then some, Cordwaincrs, 130,973. &o. BO )KS;., MUSIC, &c -Fresh Stock of-Naivas & Clark's Pianos. 1 3E . it tc r , eize t ia h r . nlly antsummt noon th e I:astorn rale, oot with the Ito rand meet mIIMItt. entask of PIANOS lion aid urery reepee, N. x. ilt's Oat. hare recerrod the firm alepsiste woutol• both in title country: mal und they am yousitienet by the umete.pmfeettun ..-selmje In goner. as al tngether warimard anti unsquattnt The Mimi will invariably he tha name as charged at the fertimy.orithout whiltlon They rougerrom $2 , ,, to SLOW. Stenos Shebat Int of Dunn.% well known and highly rep . Dunham's Play. wore =Mug it i t 4 t r tirtle ' rtmul they hare tort us smart am iablerepo Mans to thl, lay for enneriortty of tone. Wa sh drga- Tbwalarra brt enutprittee all style. area misers and an er. ory ittstrarnent .11.n:..a for We by the erthariber leatreful ts trawanshlresenamert by him, he myt In ell . earts, gmtranten to turn'. purchasers with • mai reliant, Piano. antl atfustoris pr.. rrreeome laws. of n meal Ilium will ftmllt to their Interest to toll nod ex amine bet. buying alanwhert. HENRY' KLEBY.It Vole Agent fn. Nunn. A (flark'n Planar ALsn. Throb.'" Plano, • No. 101 Third ettmet Alamo( the Oaten Darn. /Wahl Mt. taken In OS<• • mat their full maim LUABLFE BOOK S D, c. 1. ...in t , • Vnirps of the tilehU Voices of the Day: , The Tent el the Alta.; v 1 o. - token of the Death I m ecrleture needle= ... .. . Cherth before the Floon,l . I " . .Benettletioneint the Mewed Llk - _ Lactates on Apatttrome Lectured on I' i orrrd • norms' 'Motor nnallorie4 Tho Fide: loorrotirookrdlorcricK - Lad of T. norm, The Mrsterfouo Pardo:ken!. or Stank Llornoe. I osy.. try IL W. CUM Axton, Ilarlooctor. •Prolueorhy aL D Mrstockocio Rohr/op, nod Itorir to Beorher. bS it•O'or. AK the tom publications of !Lyon ro. moo se rub. neod. nle " • J. L. HEAL , . TS, 4th ot. 'NTH- W BOOKS for sale by S. Sadler, Alk ali," Sarum mid Tatiana, ler Newman Ilan. B. A. Macneill and Ilwanrds, R laybin - I 'a Celebrated Charade= Old Redstone. her. Joe. Smith; flarbanahls !leave - 114 , 11=Ln Saluted Bead. Wad's natural illstorr. 450 &wig= Prerlan's roL 19. Abbott's Llialunea. eumblete eats Of wan with roans other new lainknfor este as above. • NEW MUSIC--'Twas on a Sunday Moin— . 7 1 , 1Tfaglit I MI Ireland. Llalon • MIMI@ Beetle thotY. Dent: Harm Fit; .• Coital* the Pen yi*. I Weihe ; la b oe i d Ibir Pollea btartrka, J. T. W ameba k; La Drachmae do 4a Do Hamill: !Weida Writs, Mayeallboei • '. ha Cloymandren WILDA. filoYeil 'Omar 'hushes klareb.AVelhe MAMT a L yei o e M ree u nd W c h a l re w ll . y .elected worth:mat of Inset:deg Niel, menially suited to tbe traute of toiatta papite. Thu . above] cot reed and for min by 1;106 JOHN fl. BIELDeft, 61 Woad It. .:Y NEW BOOKS, ac.—liighLife in N. yB. filloiq ItanertarD* Molina States, 6 yob; Trent liatetto for Noy.; Woad Taylor'. Mew of the orienh Thletutio America, n rypthiso b b y AW.. Ch ambr; Stork ha i y roaGalut WhitioTh Imobliat.a lint, by Ars7 e B e by N. D. WIRD; Tenpin f teem met, by dm, famous Perinea and Dime, by dn, sad a variety o(ofh,o d minableminable toloto,Dust reed soul ibr rat, at, th e Book and Stationery' Morn of toy I. It. LAUD/ER, Si Wood of iOOKS just reed at DAVISON'S: GS Iluket street: terlarr lirroalna of Winks G. Clark. .• . - Dimon.. at tbe hanximation of Dr. Koala. ilibleothem Faders and TlisologlealEitsVeaTi roir.qfro • 11...A:e.0.m.; cheap. SM. and the froth. 144. and iliorkspf AfeCtioyne. ' IlaneroWs lllotMTsha. F.. Synonym. of Nor Tesimuent, French akintlern Painters, Stones of Verileo and Leetrar. im A .Maeturo and Painting by Fmk.. Inc Stars of the Ner Wahl. tegArs Theancna of Word. and Ptirmina Autgpsphs flo. Freedom. Utah and the Mormons. Several Vipers nil Cab. The American Cottage, Eirader. mob Basket. Soroll'a Wit C. IL Taylor's and Cooper's Straits an Tiles. • noshi WORKS ON LONDON—London Pivtor V allylllagrataa. by Cbaa. Knight,' verb. itlllCr Pbtarmlae , a'alba , or Laaan I , ctilnJnacee Saantaringein Gondola. • _Beyoracla',l•lap of Lonann vita IWO rearrnata • • mat by IL BOSWOILTII a OU. At. -I.IOGICS at, DAVISON'S, 55 Market - greet: Daniel Wacker's Works, Slit Life ore', James Alsaktrttode 111yeellsneons Works°, da Alsneraft's Weary of the United &state Ararcid's Illatary office.: I " " of the later Roman (HinmorarerJta " LiH and Correspemderter. btriekbanl's Queens cri . ..gland. ebtati Mersa's, lleldatebk Patchett's, and liseent's Wort, Sptlr'hiltntr's Prose Works, Preantt. IlUdrettra.-.1/allam: ks• A Corresontalanee cr Iteroltstioni Ileete and Poetry-4,1th.. nrlent Greeks. r ,— ..Prektlrratlvenients In Dednal. Peraictr. For ea. nr ft. orate, by J. S. DAVISON, GS Market rt. 1 4; AGAZINES, for Dec., '2.oe; , . • Poterenot fbr Dne... 17 as: Tbealtiol Journoy Work, by NA 8r=11.14 Esq.: Booms, by Amens, &Ws , . by P. Grant Wltttrd llsitYr " Prto " =,:f "o r -7.-r -.la* rod IF, Rumen, et the anon Bankston. , nf ao:11 . SAMUEL B. LAUFFF.R. 140 Wood pl KW BOOKS just rec'd:—Martin Merri sal.br Paul Cyr ytun; • .111taildreur' Trial it by yunsen Haute!: thlisot l'opotwr lluvernook Maims, uy Allot Card. For Wt. bY uttr) KAY & (Xl. Wasd rt. • IVEW BOOKS—Cabin Boy;by the author t Nlrthe 014,Dnotor, I M. I . sina. ,351 b Wator Babbls, or Life cos the Ware, by Mawr liostinpdo, yol. Otis Scenes, or PeriLs and Idcantian of Um Deep. 1 rot. id . Cho Cook of the ocoan and Lint on the Sea, 1 vol. idnio; Oebk and Port, Hot. Walter Colton. do dcc Land and Sea. do dn, do4l, hlorleeks and Marton at Sea, do dn. aura for cabs by HAY CU. 45 Wood at. I•O.2EST MUSIC—IL KLEBER, No. 101, A,34 st-. basjust Yred Wn_NnoYons. ronoolon nr• enaporitiodu. nut Wood by Mtn. Pond.% Ont N. Y"ti. lon ararlansa. Polk% Alasorka. •no draimtna 1.0 Ilbor Womb, 'toward. N Uns city, by Y. do flant. 'fhb Sweet Itriar, Insuitudrs nithnery_p=and raty V i u , i4tlom. °unposed and drdlcatod to Ms by J. Y. I like your handln mina, Minn. now wag—words by Urn. Y. Norris, marls by 11 Klabon • Tbre Montainta Mazurka. romrot and dallestod to Dr 67•1114'y_1n.L' tfa r lforo;fh hsllsonN; colonnt tltbr by na W.. 1.1: uoi Ilnoya,new gannt..l•Yd• tto the Booth, do, BoUsk. • Lapt flood Nicht. do. WoodberY. Somdthe Coon. anamie medley soon .lnd gra • Elm tof them o4 . yealar bnncr, Pnikm Wain:mate., of American and FareigLl poldics. tion.• OrPTOSIO "dotted Sur ta l l.arket- N. 4 ,—A cit.:4.1,4. of ms • i kLZßlff i 3(401, nvae 141,11.1.. saannlfrinsyrr, alto, of D: ham's well kooky :1mM...wt....1 during Una week. noln Vl l : U Clst n in F z% B V l:K) o .. ites K ote . ;lOU .• The Teat and ItnAttan VOices =arof tio.l;ach Boadhrmor Llncrala Bethe god. _• Posuallettnna no the Blamed Ltal •• ••• L • o,m a Z• I n APDpa aorrraaailclThr a r. batner Naps tanioh n Th.Pa d i m h PLUS; lacrynthun in Awning Ufa of Isaac T. I.l4MPtro The Birstraiorm Parchment or rOdcon",Lternart Unarm B. W.-Cart •- - • , . rai t rre 3 b . .l=ye i tla t e . napga b i=a n - s pfkir a rr O Seetherieree.Bl pablisbeeL Fur Bala by F. ILICA I), jy72 • 78 Fourth street NEW BOOKS---IllustraUoas'of Genius, by A0 1 = 1 4: Stnry,....ll4autirat Haman ..ee vin are. sn4 roelll/1 by Elbe Allan. Hems and tt..br..k... by P- 11 . 11 : ibLr KAY t CO-.66 woad el. VIEW BOOKS for solo by J. L Read, 78 Atb street' tenet's Livr , oft:mil:end ChrtattUm Young Slitede The* Knowledge; ceonnang's Minor Worlue Leetnees on Pitableer; " Dante!: Cobbett . , Melee, to Younw Mete •Dleldo Paten. Mete; • el toetkolie Bernme; lamartlode Laid. J. It/1.111). 70, slt.Ltdel. ' VIII AMBERS ' SERIES OF SELECT L., cams: Gloombent Poems for Um Pooplo. 61robq 111/0 dm ItemodboT der. • " Boom Hoo. 0.4 ' Nekxl Vintiorm. Folootlona from Um 60Intomtoini.J. , NCR ytle b 7 _II. rf.. 110nrOATL1 t 0), MJ Market .t. i , aLOOD BUILDINO LOT. on Mt. . Wash ' Inxton. ft-tmost. b 7200 deep. to •We .olkgy— ,• =O. Too 0, ICO in bad. tmlaromM4 mmly osy merao. nal4 8. CIIIIIIIELT 803. 1(0.00 nL 16TO LI NG FOLKS' O T•RF BOOK—This work IL 1..44. a arm. OM Hundred Oavyriat savor 1.414,n0Ter berm harmonized. tavddes tne choke. rel.,. LL+aP MM./ream which are many •Ame from the mthe whole art-Aal manner far mt. wd *mond Swami. T ntenor lan nd Mem Voleer. deslAne4 -A the nee of Sieving Clams, Cke.and the eimk, ha Chmles Janda CPA , : A re Aunty of tlo J atzvejt rved and Am rale by oel OHN I L MISLIAIIi. Wood rt. • 4 • - e cheapeet oat ' .perty on Ms llonoimbels rdrer,too miles ••••• 3lnpon ,^ Ls eltn - evntalnlng 100 scref of coal. *lth tensat bowie. for Wnillege • gond •••r .111. good ...Mon and •tnr• honscsom4 IGI som of rood farmland. The pits gud Faw•T all to mod ratire c l• offered el E• 11 Dal TUCK WOODS; 16 Fourth Of. - - 21)0 LBS. BURGUNDY PlTell in WIT and fbr Web,. norf FIX311111:1 BRIM gi - kri KOS. PURE WRITE LEAD for Kile j% my by . rosl7 _ _ ILUUNG BIZOS. itILANNELS—A; ' A.. Mason . & Co„ h av e on hee4 venlarge a.artaseat UAL !Width and rumen, Alas Ma heat qualittesof Waicit and Ylannah, arlakh • bp mold at ter? Io wk.,. :f94. SA I' nn stets,. prepared :by Wm. Undenrooll dCo • rke^n• pat 100000 of. . rob, !brad. , J. W. *cIaJtLANI.,. .Co.have just IVioa el? t. 1111.1ilUnztrve4sawatawagt nrUlotb, utti Veltet Cloaks„ with Use richewt wtykwof Muir I I • s ,1 - • s p a y . the Whter. Remember that. Gar gen awl lb,e C. . gn to CIIE7TEM. 4 . 14 Wood at- 2io.chano for iltAl/AN A 111.4 No: 91 Itiarket st„ bare G ;jut reed a larga seaortakera orWN Co laved smtwt , ...meow, Rich Drees Uoode.ar.alr erradec Uatbaugealaie - taa-hea c r oil mak, auth 31'elth, ralatrale, tZeraea. MONETARY RATES OF DISCOUITr CUM.,. WILT rat Tar. torrennmon oarrut. alt • -N. 1101.31 ES & SONS, Boe!. No. 37 Aker:. sL betsessn rd anti Fsorfhaft Paldnole ' I'ItNNSYLVANIA. :Brandtat Xenla---.-. Ilt Bank of Ilitlekrtrztt...--rarlllranrh at yattaatraraa a do Coeburn rank of d0....-parleity hank, ChninnaLL_ do 3lnr..a ]restore of du-ttarKlnonnerstal Itk.Cluctolo all Bank of Cotntuo...--tu&Notoklin [Look -t- ...- . do Bank of No to rth Amoritu_par Lafoyette Bank dtt Bank of North'n Lllterthunar (thin L' le Isa -I,l"nuttko. do Bank of Dennoylrsoia...-.par tyoso4,, it,d,,,,, lank._ d o flank of l'oun Toduothipt-Por Small tinter_ i t , Onamerrial Bonk of Prt.....por NKW fINI) LAND. Far aSlothaniete Ilk-Petr All advent Sank, tt taranrllatta.. intt NNW YoltK. flowing - tan' Itank..--. ... par ,:r.,. York CRY • ..... 1 -. \"°. Montano. & Wok k_ -Nalcom t ers ' L Ilartranicti.lianit--..-.....pari 141AltY LA ND. ''' Sloyarnousino Bank..-.....parlfiuthooro tar Phtlatlelphht flank -.---par'canntry AIRY Southmark Ilank-_-.....-ou tr. JEItdEY A BOLA WARY.. Trodeotrun'oltank...- ..... .par AB onivont Banta-- lii VieVteTtlitank........ , -...-..mr VIRUINIA. Bank of Chantbusnorob.- I Bankof the Ya11ey....-. IS Dank of atrorter Coonty-Pul Bank oflia,lllelannna to . Et.kofftedujile___•__Ntrißl. flank. Va.. Norfolk " _BUOY ¢f BA. Oa. Charter-lar Farmers' Ilk of Virginia. . Bank oftlerataataaro......-.par Merclunts'A Mesh:Book 0 Bank of Oettrnborgh--- If: North Western 11auk.... Bank of Lesiolown-I ltrotaltea 2 B a ofnk liiddku - orn..--1 NORTH CAROLINA. ilbotronnorr CI, Bank par Bank of Cala Fror..._ II Bank of Northootherlatt-fou flank of St.. of N. Carnlt'a 3 Colturthla Ilk it Itridu Co_rearkkon. llant.Wllmlnglon 3 Dootesharn Bank- .---parlVershonto'llk,Nurborn. 3 Bacton Ilink--.-.-.......nart SOUTH CA ROLLNA. Brie Dank-- .... -...---10oliknftbrOtof SJCurtlina 3 Tamen , Mot lltteks Co -tar Rank of - Raab Otrolloo. 3 Farman' Bk of Lanrnstor-.polltank of lltorloston.-- 3 Fanner Ban *. kof ItesAlne.rou Nutters'& OlrehanY Bk 3 Farm. BS of 3nhorlkin Olt , Vlo 0 BONI I A. Var.& Dow. Waynatbura. e r rt Anntlitta Ire. A Meg CO Franklin Ilk Wuhlonton.. ll Illank of Anunda- ILszriebUrg nAnk...... ..... I ink of Bunoralek . Aug'. 3 Ilrootedok Rank I I .. TWINY:33KB! 3 Lanouter Bank- - pulAllrnlrent Ranko lunouter tkdotty satta..-par KICNTUCK Y. Lebanon flank-- .... - ...I. Ilk of Kentorkr,lnolor's Il a Minors' tank of lo , tUrs'illnpor Ilk of Lonbrre,Thornton Iloonnonhala Bontr-----.por Northern IlkorKenturky . Wtat Mulch Dank Bar Southern Mot Kentorky . Wyoming Bk. Wilkutharnmor INDIANA. York Raul- ..... - ....... .... I ,Stant Rank & hronottro.... IS Beller Noteo„„. ..... .. ..... .1: '51133/OUIII. _ _ ___ . • . Ilk nf Sista niktbonorl... WIFAXINSIN. klnrlne k. Pim In. Cn. ellkn I kannern'Alnebankn' Bank 3 iikrveroment Stnek Bank 3 Bonin/mien Bank lingursnrn O:Bunk Mato Bonk 3 BAN ADA. Ohio Slatoillank Ornneh at Akron doi iiranch at Atbens..:l do arsnrh st Bridcrport.--- do ltrar.6 at Cbillkatho....- to Brsurh ateleTeLaml-....-. do, Orindr ttrneett nt, ' do Branch At dr, =l;t22d2=l icnen sa a~i~ea: Lk.nf the l`tr.nic,Tnrntdn 1. thud: nk of U. Tnmnto W.ASTKRN XXVII ANI.M. on New YnriE - 4)n Pllll44l4phin. tin to On Italtnnor.. Ao - Una N'l ;/ TEILN NXCIIANII • Branth at Ashtabula.-- di , awned] at ldansasii-, It ntralt at MIMI+ at Branch st Yisablnturl_.- do ll=E=l ~~~ =!MM2 Itranal .t itiaibrovilla. dr - lirsb at AIL-Veinon. . „— lat.. f 0a 15....- - aIOLDANDFXVIItt V Al.ll K. Dnublmon, 1apant.41....-Ilda , l do Patriot If..fril Ird.le. ma.' • 1(t, Ezoderiekdd'ory...-..-... 7,tt , • on Thaltdd. ........ -....- 7.40 , , Guinean ft,oo t.'.-.....T1'.......--.... 4.!in ITen tloltders .. , •3 ,4voltotas 3....‹ / . .• Branch .t Nowart.--_.... do Brandt at Sprintirld..--. do lirsoolt at Mar10tta.....—... do Branch at do linnet at Mt Pleasant— do Brame, at 7anertille....._. do Branch at N0rva1k.....—..10 , 1 Braoch Portsmouli_... `do ttrwoolt at Eaton do Brand] at Itareona_.—... Branch at Cora/toga do Branch at flantlion-.-- do BranchWectstet.---. do GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO •RA.vicpes.. DEALERS U EXCH./Lt.:llK, obIN, BANK ?WIWI, ay., No. 74 koortA strett, morale Duck .If Pittsberrpt 1 .AllTranmactions at moot liberal rate-1W ael3.lkul. CAMPBELL, BREDIN & CO., .BANKERS, • NEW CASTLE AND BUTLER, PENNA A ANNA . Partnership, anal, tho name. anti otylo IIitY.AN, 1‘,P.14 N Y.lll thr narpm. of trammeling a general hu,iorao, In th.. Cllr of AI. leeway JuliA I lAIIIAN. IWIIKRT T. IiKNNEDV. P. BRYAN; WM ttiAI,MY. 11. CHILDS, A. P (1111Lla5, lIFN 110 I'. sellwAnrs. mrt(:lvrfeAtfl Canal 11.1 n. 1i.41,, , hen, Pit, Jan^ IV. 1 W. lIERSTINE & CO., Commissin, rr7' 2 In I " te "u 1 toe% at, no. Di ..I illubugh. The undersigned having hrrnedaen-partner ohln. under the wtyla of D. W. II EItSTINE A 00., Mr 11., transartion or s 11..urt.1 A Zsne.T. ,,, nmiAtlon.. Wor.n.ling And 01.7NDIChn.1inc-se., at \.M RI and ',S. rront street. are pr, pared to cive special attotiticko hung rmst.lnk And rt-m..11w: prl.lonsan , l nifirrhautli, nod to the rt. tnotion oral! tang:mi. that tosy entrunt;rl to their enrs. D. W. lIMUSTIN.E. 11110. GICIIIIAIIIII. It. To—Clarke A Shaw, MIIIIuo I.lagalep A Ca; W. A W.; 0. Follooro A Co.: Ilnys k Meek; Kramer A Mann: [(nary Graff, Rm.: Ele.hham; S. It. Johnson. T. 'taken-ell, 0,..; Goon. , INlir, 0,4 :SolonnznStnnsr, N,O. JartJt. JO, Min .1014. OTICE: Joseph Fleming having as. N elated with him Jampb Abel, tb• betellontoberetsflAr '' li n be id on o. nd mu meebeJ m uLd o e f r i Lbei style_ (JOSI9I ABEL &AAA e t LbAckl Four stroa...l . . . . laY 00.1'ARTNERPIIIP. The undersigned lJ batethle a. enterwl into en I , trtnerehir, under the name and otykof J. A. IIUTeIIIt4IN tUl.. for the purl. , Pittobursch.Feb. . A. AI. W.ALLINMFMII.D. 1(-PARTN EltSI l'---ilaving associated ) r.Werd with me. In the Drug bunitwww, the mutt se will he carried wn from able awl., ander the slyla of U. K. SKl.l O llll$ thl. Jenvarfltd. 1854. , a 4 • • IL 111111814 - AE. SELLERS SCO., Wbolesale and • RW4II Dmlern Dr.& Valets. 'Oll.. , No. UT Wood streot. 1.1 13INE AND CEDAR WARE.--SAAILIEL KIVIESF.N keep. ronntantly . hand cond Kitchen of Wn..11.41 liatilTunr, !tor, ntnanahnat,(htt Weil, Kitchen nr Orem Melton,. Wilodll Down, Churn., irry MIMPINII, Zincnnti 'anal . ) Wu& Boar.ls. al. all name kinds of mare in MI lino. Alno-60nostn Tuba, and lOU &son Bucket.. Warnroorn, Slacoule 11.11. Yin slanet, Vittsbnritn. rt SPRING STOCK 01? OIL CLOTHS J. it H. PUMPS INVITE the attentintt of Wholesalo and 0 - tell Buyers to their large and well tomartso stork el :ode on hand, trmsistlng In pert of the following: , 4000 eh yds. limey, medium. and light sheet Eloor tt%o 0 s0 0 1 . 4 1 1: 0 1r? "1 NOr ° v i ta 21.1: far Window athsork n." WM yds. mt 40 A 451 n. do buff 011 thoth, to do n. •o 0 do 3 0 •45 otsadnerrroen do do do ta 740 do III) Cloth Crash Or Sham. 400 do 0 A 5-4 Borman A Eng. Vornitureoll Cloths :ZOO do 4. 511154 Patent Enamelled and Plain On, '0 00 Cloths. 1500 yds. 4,5, AO4 gurnltumoll Cloth. figured and 11 tenon of wood and Juldos. Table. Bland .01111nrosu Corers, wed 00 mar Trestsimarnt Window Shades. ell and dry th: froda to 11 ft. long. n. lOC 40 • 44 In. 1.11 Ifollstel. mr Window Shahs. A hints asemtment of Window Shade Trimmings. /15 With what we are daily. reerdrlng Chan own and Eastent ManuAinturors , we are ensiled at all oor lltnes to el for the beetand ehearest stork of l/oeds West or the biotin. tans. WI and examine before sorith l s i eln i r i tlNTs. Oil Cloth W arninams. No. 110 Id:whet et. Fall Dry Goode Fall Stook. V YRE t LANI)ELL Fourth and Arch sta., AiL rb olu l lg i gtVo n trielf:ll: 2 ,...lL:ll u tt=7l3:* will be eery Poll, and babothot trout the Neu York and IltlladelPra. Auctions. doily soooised Yon strentwent of the folleulnat t ShawlA Plannele, Neu PUPA M 11111 1 ,115 Vrenrth Malang Wool libido khonue Table 00.115 Mona Nadu= Illanaorg Caahownen Quilts. Ae. Own. to theeneraa of Importatione, trePtbaLl be daily In rerelpt ofprourjoic from Attain°. HYPE A LA NI/141.1., YourUt and Arch at, Philadelphia. papelt e pey Gat mutt. and prima Per woontinall. etalarer LEAD-29A pigs Onions Lend Iraq this day, larvae br J. A. [wren ISM ACM IR O d I . 4EY SOAP --Ztjt a ir . ge 1117:17 v n uerhireAtactml ralbr NU ALANKETS.—A largo lot of imperflno Manta , WNW, medium qulty. Just red at Korth mmer 4to and tistket MUR nod PHY i DUILCIIVIELD. FOR smAr„ 400 nano of Land,aituated 40 bottom below Iftwelinz moor Sordlir, shout . 110 art,. r bottom.. =CI oat& ondor_ oPPir It wattal with . rtziot;ll,l :AZ4V,lgrt= J elm el t r ' ltAgeth ' er 41ir14.1 to mut ponhiornt. noquir• or watt ,rwxi. we--- O(iNbNu . EtAltvie. 3 bbl. n 7 oupertor_qualltr, 1847 re bunt and Ibr We by 19: 11. tornorbond sod reoot rte. i t y'REAT WHISKY ! --11. caAlcof vory liupe• rke orttelo for We la (idantlttos to omit, br ... . W. IL BUTTON. No. 13 Wood at. ~,,li. arAis l 7. - Ciii: iZY,:h;.;',,:in'ilia..3;97l.ch l / 4 ,44, ..I .11,her Loans . ... ~ . ........- ....... . N .l \ i i .m. n9 . Almlt Indtants, Railroads 644 d Insurance C.a., 19,11. .0 00 11111.1tnedreatdo 'S, a. 1,. sAI.IIO 04 4 4 Cash on I d )„, . 4 .703 04 too Marina PollelcasiCAntly Isaned.-\ ' &ll7 CI —.....-4-4---- \ - ssiopir 13 \ 0.1.7013,, WIII/AM Alart.l IJarn, C. Hand, ill,. It- SI. /full,. 1 11.14.441, . rheoph.. Panl.ll4ur. Wn , , 1tt1 5 e..14. 4 \ 144thisud A. Small, Isaac It. Carle:, iffflillll, L. NI. Jnhu.C. Ita n .1. cr.ig, , .1..... Tentsts ' ls ILs.bstst Uurt...n, \Sr sneer Mel nd/it rceeplirl.llurnate. .Intin 11. Penmen, Iltarles Oily ~ \ Jas. It Sl'YarlanWs 114sords C. Lelper, Manuel IC Stnkna 's Vrio. C. Ladish:, \ I L Iddlinuton, I s kenry Sloan, J.T,Loassl. Pltt'ers, I .I L 11.71.1:T; L L,L N j %ll.i.i.Z.Citknilloi4=: do. Tuoma 4.4, 1.1./i.}o, 1 fehlsr,l.lent. st. art. w. Ontatt, tseeretary . Airt)rnce.e I the ennt=s, On. 06 Water StlWcl . l( . .t. h o n l6, 1 r ,,11 .if I 1., I'. A. 31A i41414A, Agent. Franklin Fkra Insnitrince Ca., dr,tkilad'a. tUIRAqTOII3.B , Charlps W. Bandk . b.r, 1 .3 Co. w iik...henik 'rho., lien: 1'Am4 , ... 1 / 1 1 . Lawitt /Aim ner, A. 14.14,14.. Fe Boris., Sandie! (root, thollsAiC•Jlrnwn, it.A , t, IL Sradlatl..tstls Patterson, \ 0 , 4 (111 ,_ ta A (LUIS N.TANCKIIII, Pershle \ nt. 0 ,1401 . 1 IttAcitad eretarr. ‘ 71,14C.,,,v41,1 mut l ny.... t. , ntakelnstrances,rerdudtant , ,111.,.. i...., ~sosrr dear ~.,..... , Plsopert, In town and 44. s atessae low It. 04. .....stand.l 4,11. n s,rarlt y.\ ~7:x.%;.',.,rx...N.74v:fL,- , :':14,7.`,'4"4 •fl-rd anddc mt54t,.... L. VS. aseureslA Ills ..... , 44 of lb.. ‘ , 10,111:1 on Januar', Ist, 1451, as put.-' 114144.1.4,c4.41.1, I. tl4e Ast sul Asadnl4rAwen. as follow*, \ H‘1.1.1g. -e. ..... - .'.......-% .1h,r4,10i to aar n ary ' 5... .. ~. ..311 7 , 1 'lLsop.srary 1...4.,4, I t sin 17 ~.,,C., a t gi. ' iti \te ''- \ \., 44, 14...n . .2.t0k 44 Slnct , Ihelrlnd'srPOratlon. adcerlud 1 .11 4seaniqr hart. mid upward... CI I ruwMllll.,n }lnns II .I,lTh. d Dol. , s O A 1 . 4 .'s IV Ain , therrbt OrlddinnAvittance DI 4 .e. vantages nt Insarances, OA well a. tto.ir itbillty and \ dknati- Con to meet wltlkprumptneas alillahllldes. . J. liAllldl..Cll LIIFFITI, Agent itnlg s. '; fib 8. E. minds ot Wvd and 31 lktA, 1 0411 - tEI TITUTUITUICe. COißlPany ' OF P air ITTSBURGU. Willzakk , 4 . • Will Insure against all kinds of :ire and' Mcino Risks. OnlAcTnna NI . Emit. bleAulny A. Nlmlek. Dar raterner: . I=c' Wm. 11. bir:oltb. /fir A tonne InstitutionniaAnnwl Dlrontorn well known. In thin nundmulty, and hrbo will liberally and promptly POT no 3tt OM, No, ajWnlnt , Strnet, (I.lpann eo's Warrhoune.) l'lttAnn4s.h. je4he ' K Miller, Jr.. J W Rat! r, WM. i.T , . CL Ihmmu, Marine Fire arotaland Transportation , Ininrane e. • . FilliE I§t . ranee Company of North Amoricit t 11 Phlladelnials—Cborternd 1714. Capital, 1500,0110.-,. Areelm Janoartz, 1051, 11.04,255 W. Will atakt, Ingo- MAMA on buil age and thelfteontantx, la thle city and vicinity: almn n dtropetty cloven , doscriition, shipped pet tteambnare and 40 Teasels, either by Wand tearttor- U= or oo the ' Arthur A. Cotlln.,Prret, Thonise P. C.." • Psonvel W Joon,\ , John 11, Nei!. rdoard Pmelth. t 4 lehard4. Weeel, John A. 111 . 0011, \ Williamit t•lnh, Pronnel P. egnith. V. Prandslltetkino, 888nnel itivoks. \%. i g. Austin AllibumB. L.llOBlBB Tayloy,. \ Wr0..11. Bove.n, /tgle . Ti., \ yoargaAerMBBll, vmaa O. 514,01140, ' ame Mengel. ¬ary. This I. the oldost Hearst:K. Corniony In the 14110.1 thatto, ankfmon itn high Blanding, long expertlenee„ ample meant, and arolding 1.1.1 .‘ %0t0 r(., an extra la rhar *entity to grellie. * \'.' ''''''d Wil.LlVllV " .ll4TV ' twat, fo ottlkod 81 Water...U.4. JAMES W. WOOtE.LL__, CAWS 913,1tNITA/11 MA MPAUTUUSIt. Am. Mtn rultn-rnmer, Mum 41 W. W. retipectfully infbrOs his fricrids o thiaca.MertomerAAhat he has ne6pletedidy rnltute; tiWieeidedly larpcod and beet ev ,offertal for es/Alnthla dip. A. be la dater/pined to upholl, hi. ;tuck, witharmoned.lnaterlabs, beat .. , y6nuoudalp. and nmeot duatunw \ and born the extent of hip' anima anA facility In wanutarturinu c , he Ls enabled to Pnydnee war ranted lUMNI22MAM at the loseAt Niece. lln br•ortt Aloatk i on hanAthe greatert earlatr eaerl domildlon qt. ture, frOhl the ...beam. far t) to the nowt elegant had eostly,, that • ticket., or Any part of nne, rrob'ut4:6l2llrllcUtqrtikeit:nrroTAlrlpar7l of Ids aLancin4oll46l, for rlohners of ,irto and bole cannot tern 1 InWby of IM,Esetern \ Len& X 1 tete-a-tite\Pota4 • 100 Pam In Phoch anW Cl lOU dusenAlahoMn2 (MAMA 40 do ' , Walnut 1 Ito 100 Mahng.y9wtjci.g, aw n ,. \ lltl Walg \t \ IAI M larble Ibtat7,Talier \ 60 do Dread i n 4U W 0 lodated `da, lUUlnmmou 50 I.laln Mnotalng des \ 40 Alahomtny Ped.trwic 2, Walnut, do Cotbworc do te) Cherry at6l Pop la r ' ' Mahomny Wardrobe. 10 Walnut • , to 10 Chrtr \.`, do llama 40 Plain and nee Mining d f 12 reeretary ba . ad Posen Alone Nett In t Wretiny 'Lot and Towel t•aLoalmr. • Table/L s., Onuosrsa/lon Chaim •'s glimbothou drt \ Ilan and Pl,r "h. . ROWIAIon do. Pearl Isdol.l drc. Itatanoinn T.Z4 0 .: , Atm do, Ottumwa, ' Ilothir and 11.111:halm Alamo lame aemortnw.n‘rt eninmon Yornitnteand WI. am Moir. • • (Skin.[ makrro sorriled with art' felon to the), tit,unlovato and liotolo turnirhod, .t the abortort &Aka. All ordora ornguntl, ottondod ta. ttate..tl. ifirrl VKI:INNII. . A ' STEAM:RS. X ntci ..V. i. a 1,.. ' 4 c.o.pt. tx.ra.V. TID NNW YORK UNITED STATES The nip" " cluoporini AT i'eCt i+i O.eeDHCA~I'IO. r 'II ESE Ships have , rer Oovernment ta in their .mutruetion. • etrenwth and creed. and tbelr gem unequalled for elegancy , a Prleuer Pa... frau New Clot n.IIPAY. exeltugge cur ri e In reread Cable, s79t from and LMI. An erperlenned Surguen.edt Nu Berth can be PeCOll.4 Azu PROPOSED DATI ram Nrw Year. INA. 1 Saluntay. January 7. htanfal. 11. P 11449.44 4 . 70[110150, • lg. Saturday. March 4. Saturday. Saturday. April I. Saturday. Saturday. " Saturday. May 10, Saturday." 27 Elaturday.dune i O . slturear. " Natunlay..lWY 41 . Kamm's,. 702. Saturday, August 5.' Saturday. Saturda7. 47,4 Strude 7 Lß Saturday." Saturday. bu„ Flatorday,OcUrber 14. Saturday. " Saturday Nurntober lA. Saturday. " 10. Saturday December 9. PutuNay. " For Freight or 4,1C14:18, •0 A DA, en Wall etrael ki Now .i l l ad i eigMAl H AI UNIIOOI . Vletolm. Parte. (IVAMON 11.1 been built by contract, I Sorxtre:orerr ear. ti n Nora so In Lino .Rmtinva, tr. manta aecotn limn L Murano andft un ,t, , York to LI espoo In Yfnt to 41.1 sou. Room. r..0 , t Llverrool to 'Pop Cork GM .ed to nett 61.0 v. • is Vl' P.AlCrtin. YanY Lrrau.01.,11154. [WedUe.lny J.usry. 25 .\ Wodnnpiay. Foormial VlrOncotlar. It! t=ar y: Mar c h a. \ aZl444ar. Apr t W.1net . .14 . : May 3. IYeltr4sy 17. Wnluesdnx, W•dneadarJall IVedneedayA " Wodnnalay' Wndnesday, " 23. W adnelal•; li•42l.9lnber Wednesday. " 20. Walnasday. Ontater 4. Wedsday. Wedne ne sday. liovnar 1. Wedneedsy. ^ Ita W edaeaday. 151;" Wad:many, lanemben.lL Weidnesthay. 1y t. 141/14 MID K. 60 .INA ma; DROWN. 81111.1. & & 13 K 1 • Aiwa 1.711! '26 Run Notre n tants •as DllAl'Elt. Mane. flo 1. 1:147 1 Prernr=t4 we domed thersfor, ags, 1.1111.0 of them Ship@ Gold. lhallinn, Metal& croleso Ellk of 1.111.2 valus thimdu expreammi. NEW CARPETS-BPRING STYLES, AT TEA' CGFRAP CARPIfT WAREDOUSE NO. 82 Tniltn AMU . . rl ARE NOW RECEIVING and 3pn ee ono of the largest and choicest stocks of (AM I l tr NOS, CIL 0107110, MATS, MATTINII, HUGS. An, Z eenbited weal of New fork. The Mork has been ere lotted with croak care. Comm !omelet of any article 11l our line, are respectfully Invited to callandesamlna. Our assorbuent marmot. In part of thelelloarlng, as' RRoyal Velvet and rhumb Quiadinen TatTarinit''''aresitte • Rob. Imperial and super Three 1104 Patent Tapeetry logralle, • Superfine and flue deg Worsted and Woo Caroad Wool and Cotton der Venitlan, 24, 641, 3-4. and 44: llornatinets 6. 4 o rZep th White anreteok tkratuh r itatat 3 - 4, 4 4. 64 10....1041 Cocoa Matting, 24, 34, 44, 64 and 44: lipanlah klattlng, vary ebearg • Klement Mode RUM ShOkier pen Asneinetcr. Chenille anal Tuna' Rugs, all prima fancy knallah Sheefeklie Mate, 810 per pa To dri do frOM tip meth; igrleril7iter I l ir "".d"" 'W" A'"1" Inuleerried and printed Chatty Table and Plano corall, of ntirely new designs, very rich. I, Mortal Pl yank no and Table eOTVIT. also, Wurstad Da Damask ast y Mor t al Tollett, Doylies, de, A great vunholy of patterns In door Oil C/otb, Isom SI to r 4 11.4 wide. UaU ilollande, Dr windows, 30.7.3, SI. 37, fris db. 42 and 44 Inches wide. (Mid hardened Radek entirely new; vary dal , Window Shades of envy deartiptkin. Oval Am and UnthawUnthaw Stair Reds: (hornet Dindlus, Tato Moo, the Mold Tolled Dab Toad, with sdasT thins sally kept In a (Nowt , Small profits and Quick - inhtelawS 11.IICA CO- ST MOM - Carpotingt, Oil Clothe and flatting'. NU A ( M:lLM ( io„fLicnifon. RE NOW RECEIVING uIIiECT from the liiz Manufactprone,kholr cholaa and asene anlostroent s . r t itt , llsand Ul lloth.[nr Pprtukaalsa and 10 baton. Royal linallsh Poiret Demob; Crawls and Tapestry din kolineenne, a n dew allelic lin i portal Suter 3 1...11R * lretlik i arAig: Carpet/am Ch Tapartry Star de; Tailed and Plain Venltlans, Together alb Wool. Dutch. Hemp, DAWN AN and desaialon elbow robed 'roods. pk,or St Cloths from 2 to 34 feet oble.Preiboand Mad pattern*. of all qualities and rem. Alen, monk. chenille ITa i d i m, " VilVtintli d nlVAßT.l -au t 4 ;t7n7i Isn't stair nals e dee, do Marmus-1110ta and cheek 411100 mating, be, 44. fed and 64 whim also, 0000 trtatlnb24, 34, 44, 64 and 04 aide. all of 'bleb 0111 be neared at the fatal ash priors. ruhld KAMM & OLD, 'IRAN roUNDY.ILI. PIAIMBKIIII AND , OAR 111/2713& WI awl 119 Ara Stred,AlLthergat. •nnAL OrMIZT. MIAOW> Rlfl9lf /3.1.30110 T. N - J , A N LIF ACTURE all kinds of Water, Gas tvi=smissa. Unser fitted up wittala. and ni•'tf. W. ALAD OIL-10 eases fresh Olive Oil, 1.."3 bands' 011ew a.. ULwyty. Adze tb. twat tmscutaLlte OW.- UTTER-47 , firkins fresh Dairy -a D. s ked NAP Buttes , , not 4 this day h 7 y i t a v • • Buckwheat fromiNew Brlahtow MI of beat quality met, bi nolo W A. kleCLUltti. A . T z -33 bales .lay net a nd ßLL, fmal i e by QCOTelt ALE—A small: lot of this solos bratad 110, thla day and Mx ale Dr the &men anal eask.,by wC7 W. tt. SUTTON._ BurrEit_ioo kg. prime butter just re reivei and far sale by T. LITTLE a 04., 1112..2A Yt. ACON SIDES--5000 ibs ree'd and fur We jj secs BILEITZII £ DILWORTH. VA IL ROA Dt . 4 :_, 'AL C. 8131311 - 01 V., v Atir4lL ILO 3 CTA • MEAR utelpb* ÷ to A 1. il4 . C,I),NNECTION • WlTrt \ \ s , . The Ohl& tad Penna.‘,ll-aiirotia. •k, Ni 4 rren,..E Aortestl. , Vtickost and moat reliable m , V 1 Toledd,. lAdca.to, hod, I:iiAnd. a., e 4 ~,.. LAulr, la VIA CLEVELdUIdh .. This r ate Lr One tranoital miles atelier arid alvitt richt hour; quicker to Ittdcagn, than tbo circuitous \ ''.. .14, " 417,51 i tm.„ b ,, „ib..b Illld CIAAAJA. Threeltelly, Train/. betvereA flovelend and Chlreg, .. Time to ClAlatel. it t...m,„ . 1;,14..... It= ho 7 .. 4 pt. 1..., :17 ho . VIA .11,1,1i1WIE. \ Trains tor Cll4viand leave Allt4ire at 7A3 a 0.12.0 u K., .d 0.10 t.... aal t atatina at Matioo with tt. 4 o. Pt , C . ' y oho/. Falb and 'Akrvu. and artlill: at Cleverail at 10.0 l A. ot, :LW The Tralna of therthlo and Penna. !road !caring MlAs burgh at 0.00 0. 0.. 1541 a. a. and ILIAiTlar„ all ronnertl •1 AlllanAt with Iniina. villa arrive iir.lll \ :Land at 10. A. 51, 2.•Ji P. Y. Anal Pkr. r. tv. . raasolvAre Cr d Teled.Aii.ffilt,l4., 61 1441 Ilock lalan4 ‘ listens and the Nortb.P.Ot, atm. vrialt loVothroturh 011.1, out .Idontaon. will take tkr Train tear gt./. 'Pittsburgh at , 13-0. , A. /1., end arrivinu In ‘ereland et =0 W. en that 1 , .. th e only train I.y Althlt eI.A. ,met are tPawle 'r‘VITL I V ' L . b „ltt ' T !ZIA eV ' in 44 . 7.7:::rai , ,t,lth:, TIT_ ~,..K . 11 be tined by ‘olnu vla ClAyeland 8 houra.... 1j . Irattia trout Ideveland toNToledn andLlAcsan. Mt, AA I , 4ll2lSlC—lonve Cleveland' At 77,1 i, and . 1:0 A. 1a.1.45 /,/..., &Minim Chicago at 11.01'r. at., T,OI/ A. n.and•ITJAIA Trail* kite for Itnek - Inland alid St- !Aura aa 'Filo iric Lea...chink, at 0.11. , at. atoll 0.01) and 1110 r.a.` Parnelm kr At. Lama Roo rrr Rock Irtand rails:A.ld to Joliet, arx 4 :hee over the Clifeao,an.l Alionlimipphyall. matt - to r, and then..., by rtrikusbent ( . .0 nal.> to,SL 1,*,. 1 ' nurta Id- the 1 .10 A. Y. kalu arrive In Saint Leuni at. I lAstune even Ina. and brtholl.l.oi, r. at. tralviat noon neat dY. ch ltal=et , %; , l %Vet b to . lleitrel, and there ok `.. RD CLCI . Atp J .A! Vtl .. =. '“ ' t . A: 111. .-tiul. To Alliance ..............,42.00 e Chime. -.'...11.50 1t.50 Cleveland ...... .3......... 4.00 .IA 5A11e,....1.1,'Al 12.54 Toted. ......... -...... knit ''` Reck 151and. 11LJA , \ e Detroit. ... ,fl tal ' St.LAula. ..10,14 UAW Vl...ern:err are t ot. rtd to pmsurn their Mn "rk at the W.." of thin Contl to IdonornlAbela llon. , Wear la. anftp , :) , lIIIILAND, Supt, Cl olr.V. ne3ll . J. A,. CA1)11111N. Art PAUL gh. AA ,TSNASYIcV . , 7 RAILROAV. \ \ iiiii4 - -- ''. . PX... - ' \ PREIGAIT 'Th. FT \ (191410:NCING 11E0E5 'ER lit, 1854. \ l l \ ~. Xi Flratchip—Drooma. Cedikand node. Ware, Vcatli; A AA pnrniture, recend hand; tura. \I or. ronit.rY. taint.. In - b.:Arta or ltßaea 91/... f lot 1 4 \ Onnod eLerr—lnied Fruit. ha lt,, 1 r Skint., Clover an.l TimoUo 001. Mamma, Ilatdadtre. tat, Wool and htveilit.l - }= 4 .lllt,',N . „_. '04 .1 t 1 ,=. In 4. ta.,, or barvelaJlerup. Ilides, noatt. \ A . ldolr 1110.0, and ton unentaprerroll ‘ o.lo "P 1001 , , N , 0 YodrthettAA—Alco4llacon, IkAtAnd Tor*, In rakr nit ttter; Barley emd oAndlea Chveie. %meg end Lard OWhiakeY. Cott. ', Okrannerard,‘, Leaf 'Y \banal 1.5 eta 100 Ita. (Plot. sloollbbL no2o 0k011.1.13t 0. FANCISIktt. ARO \ IMITER /111434151GENe4ITS:, 11354.\ \: 113"' PtNNSYLVANIA. IiAILILOAAL \ IGE MAIL TIiAIN wig 11,avo everl , ,moni.:\ A„„r t r.6 i +t d tl4:: 'Pl il ls 3F...l. 7 4Ml7l: P .l l l l A;` , ... l,l , 000 I.42rin *d leave rlttebnegh‘daiir (eareriniNno dam) a DWravlll ol . e . trErl . App b ati , rwl4,:a. , .i mi teoz, „ • to. ,kc''.:.7. - I viiVih rbn.del",lLls .t 'eliwk the . ..At. \ no AprvesTraNtwlll leave the Po err ery ervenl4 trz \ v..° nr•geN) o'clock, stopping only attire...l be, Lock mport, Jolmatown. 8P...hi11. llailltaln, Altnetta, Ar., Lecting \ at, ILarrishiug with theell•raln 444,tiatt.., arriving In Phllagol iwil i orilaltlanre MN drift)... 0. her..Aerecrounntinilott n la leave Plittrintighevery afternoon (eampt lintnlayin CrelOo'clorit. -P. K. Writing at all reiftgar dationa,and moving only an far attlnagn ville. The NetOing 0000200010d0t100 l Yraln leaven daily (except Augur) 01 II "dock, A. AL. llipPring at nil r a .b.• •''.... 1 ronntnn only irgar se Drinton'a • fteiorning.M. arrivw in Plttelpiugb: Pint Arrorringt• ' • U °....4,0 ' • UM N. Br' NW.m arrives at 1...-4 P. 51-I Attend Ateorpip V ion ardor ..V.OO P. M. .11s11 Trait. arrivro at 11. A. midnight: Fan Line arrives 00 2.20 A. Nib, Yarn to New tort All.fg, ililladelphla sll.l3altlinore 11,- 60, Ilerligrarstifra,2o, \ . Baggage checked WAN gat.q on th e Pent.. twatroad: and to Philadelphia at. Balt vv. ' P• 800000.0 porrhasfiko Urge ,In rain will ler en...wed iro oars teregdltion tollta stilton nice, except \ from stations whet. the ComPliby have* agent.. ArPennterlian. ntonitt, and par fowls, only, reeelv.l na payment foe ileketw . \ Noncs.—ln nern of Iwo." be Company wig hold thoro wives nwiwurgi. for rem \ onlYl. ainl. N ., ..k amount not ettreallng }lOO. \ N. x ll , .—The NKCI:L81011 o,iffitltlil LiNE e hem ern. played to ronverpaneeng ern ,.,. =Ate.wpage., to anti from the \ vego4 la • chance not to • irk INA. 0300.0 00000031 , 01'. 1. fir • RAILROAD — TO — CHIC 110,. TIIKV(7) Pr IL , Chicako and Mims' alppi Railinad. 'AN AM ia.).I,ROUTIV FROITCIIIVAGO TO ST\LL)IIIB. %TRAINS leave Chicago (14i1y, , cSilivlave NAll:grid d igUritin= 4 , ° 7 M l .' ' m tltif". ..=. 'kl"Nrir‘h l u g ; 4 4 4'IAL% 0. At. '''•\,, Traltuo run tbrouglato R. Loon, In fourteen tennti Intanolngton. IlpaingtOnld.dAltnd, toilAncaherng , qf nr firweve, 031:Intetlo#gt Alton arltllnally Linn of Pucka\ for Ibutnibal, quiver. and Senkok.incrat St. 10. 1 .. W VI UST CIA SS STMALIPX.S TO NEW 01ILVANA and Inlnr \ szta . tett...e: the , l , Mpdil li feiln It re,, line ol I\ l6w TINV PROM PITTSBIIa t h TC) )17 . . LOU.. Mi: IIOURS. ragnana checked lbrouatt to St. Mob Intoblnan, Centra{ and Sout.hern Thane., andatthenn In (Inman IL I'. lIOLLISTKII. o, . nava AganL . AND r 11.MI/Ali n . .Thrnuffit tlrl i jno . ..Z. Loidat4thin io . nt ar' eat. "l" Takr " lator `ed In Pittahurg at MIMS of etnarlana a " Nttano '''',.. sod litato a renn's Itallnaola • ichigan Southern a Northern Indiana irteg.„E- PmE. RAIL ROA)? • •• • 41RONo TTtOoLRDO et TO ci'nLdAep 1 M . e conned- iltvatmeer.Shlh C m ement dal i n heps m nLake SPleld.n. and •Ith LWeagn a nd husk Ishan Railroad . In hinneetion at la Nallehltb the hods Central and Chi cage , and 31Irehrippl Railroads and Illinois litre. Line o Strahnerifor hn , p(Oki, Monk Inland. ht. lends and.ho print on IV, Illinois and Mississippi Mew,. MIMI. DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS. lid — Paprees Mail Train Inky. Toledo at A A. 51.,„ myth- In Clihenrn at 1.4 P. M. , • . Nom. Train leaves Toledo at it /1 M.. arriving IrAChleahn 9.00 P. M. Ad—Afterpoon herein Train knit.. Tnlndn at I P arriving to Rlilesiro At 11.101 P. M.l ith—Ntght.p.rprinti Teed releareirToledo at 5.15 P, x.,sh. Piens In tilikaini at 6.4 Aorphan nn i rLeti a iiaalnin Toledo at P kt„ and . Y oop Daily TM.," eon the tleveland 'sod Toledo Raltrvad, enarreelln, with al 6 , Passerigers by lnir the Ohio And Penna. Railroad Manalield, and the dusky and l ,llansli4d Railroad kinedneville, willthrip notated with the (Neveland and To, lean Mathew& Or by %siting the C l and Pittsburgh , Railroad at Allinnoi, hill thou nonnept at It with thetilareland and To edo Railroad, rnaklnA the Mine from Piltetursk talgigo. $l. MAI the nr igl Clevel= and PIMA, rgh" - and Oldo and Penn at the adial/road under the Monongah r ela Muir. fir at the Dennt.‘ RUCKER. Anent, '.. l Pitlabargh, July :ash. iksi.--er kI.J It N cepto&REIMBYLVIFIA Ban 110 AD. \ summvß ARRANGEMENT: \ Commencing May 18th, 1854, Till kg THROUGH TRANS ,vp I) Er ANTI ON A T CRAZYL AIL TRAIN leaves Pittsbtrgh at 8 4'. elock A i re lt e 4l3l* at Milano% and r(h.es Mansfield T'IRAIN lonia n tetAtTlYgh e. in, takes to at Alliance, abet marlins Orestilne at 11.15 p. NOW RXRREAd„,TItALN leaven Pittalionrh at LAO a. inealthistr at Alliances and reaches Crestilno I.OOA. r. All of throe trains Wake eines connoetions at Crest line, I'. Coliwn=ton. (Anciratl and indianspolleA , DellePiotaine rttl==s k Lir .n ljily r tf"tlit . t r ia " ! xolls arid tawns in Indiana. tkmnsediens aro mad, with Cleveland, Marie, Eildidttsky i Tolodif,Dettoltandaileago with Bun Kniclarldnisky, Forest and the towns on the Alan, with Monet Ternary Newark. Taitervillo d tow - mon the Planiniedd matt. Fap to (Nneintnitig7 04h th Indianapolis MOO, to Da). ton 0.61 h to Toledo SPih= i,, Onittmlins $5,2.R to Pared\ Title SAX: to Moraha; Thronghtlekets to Lori , villa tit tPlnee'd 1 . .. _ . . RETURN TN_ TUB BICP111:33 TRAII4, ItaweirCreitllna at 1.15 P. ti„ BectreathA L Pittebortili at RAI r.te s makings dome man, n with the fast I:aonew Train Dr Bidiadelphia. 1111(2)NDIMPRK38 TRAlNlearetrne at 4,23 F... anJ resebnllttaburgh at 12.30 ialgis MAIL TRAM Ms.. Cratilue to a. L. and nvieh. at Pittsburgh 411.40 a. w. Tnitnit ed. eanneeting nwde maks dm conrrectio. with all Otheen teal. at tireetnnw NEW BRIGIITON ACOOII.IIOOATIOxi, TRAIN haw" Cittabtagh at 10 A. N. and 4 20 P. it" and Hear Ihighton at 7.30 a. .. and 1.00 P. 0. \ FILYJOILT TRAIN leave. Pittabet\gh at &161 N., Mil a. 0.. AOO T. . sad ant.. at .LW 4. 7111^.,N. *.The trains do not ran mt iiiinddk . ~ Yew Vegeta or farther Information. ply at'. the Beget. otioreinf th e Oldri and Brans. Funeral puny wf J. U. CURRY, atthe oorner aloe mules thehlotenigeh4 Howm;. Pittebturb. of ~ r \ ' am pek.R# 2. ll ket Atto,, JOILN KELLY, 11,110sqqat &VA. Plttsburark Ito 17 1834. • Ohio and Indiana Railroad, „ RAINS leave Crestlino daily, ',Stindaya An=vl.7li=tntil— i thttgl_7l.Vihntl it tent. arrive at Dayton at1...0 a, at CleehotraU re. Dir. and Indianapolis at 1040 P. gt. This Is the only line connecting directly at the Do rlth the night train from Pittsburgh. For through Wants tunny of the shore point., nArl at he P. P. It. Othee, Monongahela House, h, at the Station Doom, Alleghenyllty. 1t..13111411011A11, twot. EW CARPETS, reo'd this 'dtty 1 Itaannul, .t the cruet WitteEmu', No . n 2 retet , i ser .... h nd . e . le w st otila Ul jt , ETIZi oda: es 7 ICLIWKIIt# TIROS §UNDRINS—SS boxes Saleratas. 16 du OroaVe6 Tob, 10 dn2. eaten long betleordg 100. resmo med. wrap. Wee: 25 half eloort2T. N. Tea; 76 " Met 1 172 n fftoro and for solo by 00 T. LTITIN: it a WIITTE - R--1(T, kegs pri e Glade But r .ur mr family two.inet raid and f ode T. LITT • A Mk. 1 6 2„2,1 st. 11 - 1 LASS—IOO Bxl.o - Wiroir - 01ags; 76 " 10212 • " " Itu '• '" 25 " 10015 a4 18 In atom and Or led. by ‘T. LITTLE AOO FRENOWS N' , l ~. .tes on bie Parald \ \ Atodl WW -25 • 16 : 10.3W08T . ACON-80 000 Shmilderi Elden In anokehoneofoi2ole 62126/50017 3 0N .11L INDIA RUBBER MACUIOtNEattho LTlti , Malabo,. and thlskoomo. cll \ MA. No. 11.0 klArkAt ' NEW STYLE WOOL DE A t . N a Lon/Ooloea I otpere fly kl o WA Wool DelsljoL., — . Wcof, DEBEGE—AU W Debages pea, 'angst Mawr pl. At oa A. A. ASOMA 00%., Ft AlLil"BB—stiAl"W'srl344c-All 714:14:\ .4s\t)Tl 1"*" regB4lll°Q:il. 11'‘Ieleati°116\'.\ iN 240 biikrec'd ..) m\ ..._ ..\ .... .pmx.. ••\ gl_. -- Fast 'PRINTS—Fut coDiStli s c?,.t . 4\, \A5 .N.,,,,,, 0(. 7 1 \ #. 1 . 0 ( N .o ettscornes .d. 'natura ou itu; 1 Jll 5 sad 500..55 =a ,'A. a' ' : r i7-, \ 0.5 row We. 74 V0n.1,21 . 0.,_, „ e 51.05.• t. , rikam. ‘ ...,,,, ~ . .A. A. 1a Cu , .‘ s e,IKII. at. 7 5 ' 1).5 0 . 0 7.11, 4 h, n ii i , 4,,,,:::\ r tEARD BRANDY-3 q ua r ter ca . !! • . of it s i s - vtatiHrootimiereaulartbmr s .; _, ,.t 1p W4H , ..141.1TS - Wilprz.. 'Pitts- \ 0 .W .11.15UT/0 . v. Cr - 1 rliNAMON—lGOlintaitT olu___Y. , A ` \ , ..._ ioi I, X. BE_I. ' tinms.pAtops—, .0 .er loz Rapp. sof • 1 mmotsm‘proe./.. • . i , TM, \ \ , a co. Itroro , 4, 411, .w •-, ' a. , a ... ~ . \ \\ \ \ \: \ '. firoCCIFFEE--200 bags, Tart v JAM nQn sa4 IhraWs Aillinrir . . PHILADEE:PIII,I:\ ______,_____:„. Hemp Hose Namcfatory- \. 4 4 STONE, Quarry etrook above &e l and, Plate44,thlA. Cheap .4 mienior littlit.A.rttutpsik , q.=l)=:,77Vi7:,ll7:lL'V' 417611.1 :8 g ht. r , 1 .n.a.... 1,f.......appna1ve than Leath; Liam. MA/ AMP ~ ~ . " ...._.'____ l' 41 : 1 1 \ llidg„ Oil and Leather it ; ,KIRKPATEIC,K, N0;`,21 Solkh Third nnql*bestmat einmbAiellnle for min llpaziel; llhlew, ry and Veen,/....1t Innuern' Tatan.r, n.I qnrile 7 . l, l iol,4 ' ,l4 6. .thel.. ' ”eneAltleen nn.l WA , . dee Ant tem •‘" All of I.EATIIRIt In the ' , null • which ;Le *ghee; mutt; ,rtlee be X?..en. In I,,Ae or taken In eAcbanga for Index. Le Idled inn; of etarge... l . 4 ' , oeS;tltAn • 11 .Ael awl Willov, Wnre, Clean. Vordaan In, Wbotn } Drains to , entern pneirtly . ;,13.15. -1' ____. NEW \ W YORK. \ •,- ~•• ‘ •c• o•t. innv YORItSURIIICAtiiiiiIiA IrANUMINAV .\ __BAT & BliniCir— ...,—. a BRiNforeltil(iit, kintriNr9trot AND Ipir:X”LE IItALFIC! 1:11 ” C T ININ 0, , , \ I , lLhi c i= e D is MITA I. I NSIItI.SII,VIS, k: l ffitl.l. 'M,V..I ° X e6 PP) ° I , .: 3" ' \ Irbl , n, c 41.• to deal., , on M. EFIN4 91....,1 tor., Y 12 Iloco L.1.1,11.‘ a.l 11ti..,L.t5t,.... yo.‘ PG Vatiory I Willinn,tburelt. • • • \ BA\, , rfilif)RE, ' \',, t . roar 'n, \ln.,. of, alturirii \ \ii; - , ; . B.\ R. catuolyrE & SON, .. 0 ENFIIIA 1 . 1, COMMISSION MP. (ICI IA . TS," \23 stw.l irs w. ( l UP, Lt.6.172f0HR. \ \ , ncrMascas: Thetan—. , l...phrnl'illon . ON \,74:1 , 14.; , K1in i 111gt,., Fol-, hanker. 66 Will atraet.\\ 44.114,,,r. ',Win Iro . p . ktn., rt..:lVivaldeat Ilerrhaot,, ‘ Hal*, Manna, nr,glt. E 1.43.. Pleal,l, , nt Wpat..n3 Lank:\ \ , / k 0 r ) 4:4147/, , ,!.n. ;‘ 1. , :trr Yarm,t3 I Illrrchante flank: \ \ \ll7.o4indori, ~ , ,,,,,,o r .l 1 lahirt. Ilankem ainl2l.l ‘,„ CINCI N NATI. _ .. . 1,4 --- '4 — E N cii. %VIM] e•ii h‘ll •h I s V 1 OE4 . l ' i ' At.J j tt plt.. 4 .Nllll.S ' ln'th} ' n it 4 tt P lo . ot tho lo govt jr,ot ' I ht. V. •+.ll 1.1:IeN, by . . ' . c" ' ' \ ;girl; Ml " trr I t' Art t i d.,ll7ortrnt i t i l ' Alo. 1 N. It—Patting* ottootom plaid to lorNo Porton% /111 flood, Motto I'+ god liustrso Ct.& Jr. N-u II ILAS 'ILL eneml 00 .o.i In \; h N. 11. sod 's ' . • • "u"' . uctionor•t No. 3 Wotot .trod, Po 0ti4111., Estio'rint attontlon to C.N'Tentosion ', knolooko. ittntls ' \ '3l F.: 041 \ CAt r ~ _ fh ~r -.. 1 '1 7 t. 11'. 31; HS ;4 :I.:i . A.... al.‘o 5Fi iz . v o ~.. ~, . \ g. •►t * • \ •tP...,,,j •;.--• 4. \ • t ., --- .7,-.1, c•, . ~..4 g 0....,. : ... ~,,,; ., ,,i , ..4 ! ;$,,,,* • . AiiLft-,-1 ~ . t:OffiIIIAVIFB ELAILII. .111113431.1 CAL 6111.11 A,'. , , avvr)virll 11024:AND •Aerraza. .... Nge 4 %ROM LOU A. IYISRAEL'B, Ch' let 13/11 Plotru,acon L. of Aniaterden4 the only alan g, t Jour, A pon.ly Vogt ble Compound, proparecl on 0 V.:1...01e prinaphr, • .1. the ett.nor ol the colebra 11011.0 Yrnfooor Ilnerhaoo. tocattee or‘s , l77tr3=ma,. IVa:::•&t.'" , := l ,z.V,r,A!`4,"giey . F 4 tho l ee t :f o U tl '. fall' Land Nattered harltand theta One, the fare of thleX ..' min to muntry. I blortlngSrtaysurress•lnOlt R ttintn. 'c . •, , Ino offer It t..., he A i : , n rothl rt logof k or , = . te \ \ I'ol7 /"'d'I TI F IN A HUI& ItltaY 004 f llgrtaPointP l 74 . rMa:trtgi:tot h . 'nn4l.Okort ir taa te th; trr t tbaf , f...er tatlzor t \ tlOa g eta/ne lanleur At exhaltetton. ' We of avyatlte, dospon' . ky,drowaft tow, Impaired elyhtan oaemory). ' ' of ful a tln \ 1 7, d ,tgoVad and' all dl ''' c ‘. . 1 \ X ord state nd X. .. .. • 1•11 i LEV Oft gI'OSIA fL, . t . It le Stertondarlytoe.pf Mended. to thcatleamena mow contlltutionn may hard bean InfrOved hrthe math:alms of antra rylrltc,Or other forms of cloalyation. Mu. orally Instardaneone In effect It dads It, aoo' dlroetly to 1 the met of life, tholllnt .d Italekenfor neat leery, rahh tee no tho dtooplng FOOL.. /OA In foot, loft/ding cloy\ he•altb and 7 Int. thlteytteto.. \ A 1 01.1' YAM:llll4ft 31 ISLICIIII \ \ 111 tkl oars Pinratrra. 114 it ebolic,l'bobrn, Volt., \ an , t the elan Y 'on yle•seard, effeetedOtendlna a changb of Ur 'ollcuale \ , —‘l.- \ \ ' \ trrtcl74.c.f lir, 16,!. Oleels.l k tfe.h.oftoo V Oto f earr,.103.0 , N N . llon4 amid Peat r.en tr: t would .s 4.1.44 horn Iwon ntlinlnd ran. a dlen•trowf the`glentael, P.,.rim% ka of thr Inntrt.4tyll rn,rnos headache tar t00 , r4 ollcan \ , roam and bu t hopen{ Nano busnlrols of clonnro In mks . to oftret, son, Woo purse.. After haring toeol throe to ttllof , r , .ar 3.... .,P i leal ... rghein .nv. l th cO ., Arhoa l , to , r ,„.. \ll ,, ll n a ti 'aLhlt Ip...latfood to toy toosinros •Ith aleeouri s .11,1 artonc . tliorefc , re recommend It to all the., ate, are etntilerly al the(. 4 - • Prrnooncoo. Ane..241=1:, Ir.ll.lllent. Peat Jr.-11,11. 0), Hy olneerrst ltotAt• ILIF duo t.ho Mond enranntnendllig, your Ilollnod tail;;`` —\ Llarlivdrefferal for Hll3l, tlllllO. ritti=tt in riP t t , 'it' MO V " trZ.Vtlt . l .‘ :lo ' 4 on. bottk , , ft co 'n olrerace a. ' glltAmiTealto. , \ . .._. . • (lilitnel) ' 0111D01,U5 SCIIII.ST.EII.\ .. limy. IN., n Jr, beg. Ihrn Xi, I, L beve be. relieved .\ the movteli.ernig lona or Drel.e... by the Itro c 4 hon. \ !MVO . . iinii46klllttcr, (purehneed 0r10n)... , iryfrenlis \ • for a yearn brit h ...do, nausea, ernj general \debility •,.. •ttr''.liot Ili4/./I.lon. I now reel per fetit ri lvegtorinl. • Yorue.reere&hally. . . JOll4l It k.RFOR \ CI .90 W,UO 4 Pltteb , L • ...Boy 141:1110/1111 "Holland tlittere'rand lab 4 " 1 tbor. Sh.ld it.4.41n en, Inn:l4km.. nes , as ne . ;l W3ll l ,trj . .ft n nTed. n. \ '''', " '"u nl.ll7lllh ur. '' \,.,„,,. lir. sod eb.n I MIN VIIII and bl, OW ate AlOn, h e 'll 1 1 . ' aix.1,k JI A Co, IL K. 51Tr.be7 .. .1..11l Key... V 1... I3rotbd\elrol J..lieboonmaker AC Flit. burgh yr. Jam . Um i ltb il lil . 1 1 / 4 banr . ~,.... . __ \ , N I.T. 4,h....`bn., Ail. ''''r.' I ;-.7.HVIZT ° •• • GRA . ! J. Ji ‘ etheleni—A Nor, " sr• Roan-roe • •,. . " I,tiIFEIV kIiISORDS on t os. ‘ Rational Treat- \ ... men; without Ilinlieloo, of perventorrhen, or Locel ‘ v... Nava. DebUlty. Low 114t4, Ireallude, It eel, \ nem of the L i mbo . 4 the Beek, In Rion ..I loceiaz - city for litudy .1 he.. Ihrllneeno 0re1:14340n, le.° \ memory, Arend. li. '4.00.. Love n Solitude, Timidity \ 114 /Istruet.llioslneve.llo.4ehe.lnr notary Ilioebere.. k. n.lnl. In tbe 81414Affeetion of the Nyes,l. 'mid. on Co. Ism nal .J,l4ttergnl , l , rthltlre It. SIMI.. ' .. a rmportant fact thi P t ‘ ta L SlLLtar %IL n Inal to remorod nolloncrlletrizior, IN In • I . ' Ll U trae4 d.nonetroted, and thetlltirOi7 [l4. M. It , bly en. treatment. to Molded by tlie awl.. ally xpledre eof vbleb arm nor hie aelied I - • into analog ihnlenstiveritek ant. 111,0 Wing P ~, b y 0 nontrinno Of tbe • address. en... 4 4ren in • ....1i e. .Kos ((past U Mv u l' '' :Urk. 1 • r , , ‘„ V 71 ------ -,-- 'P I TIS' URGH GA* t V PUBLISkI i3I ) liiiiia AND Wt - -'tyy ITI3 & C. DAVID NYE W1T4 „. .1 - . IDA3II . Orr! la SW. BIT.= 111 '1 ....._.._._ MS: AII. V —DU dollars r .R wurnni. PC \,. hE aMlT,T,r,V=taZrtl conk, pa. annum coplue do ty ottlas do - • G•r each club in be d dln In adman, No." • the year expinet, unlrau the 'l"eW Tire ty The and to be d to wed afte t renewol. \ RA 'ES OF ADVERTI One remare, fl.O lines or Nonpareil or tad\ one Do pleb additional Werth Do one week.--.-- Un th weeke ; Do on =tab— . Npo two mouths_ .... loe. • thrMtnontha--. - IM F eb ltt t aionthZ- -- Standln tnnla, (6 ppm or tow Pet dol 114. meh addi fiend line. One worn ennurroble at ploortire,( i num,) eidnalm of paper--..--- " Toth DdaIL , D , LIDID , T.LOWLed oTTT. for men addlltion Kuno lowyted under 1 halt prim. 7 \ Adrertiretnents ersoodinn sonat W a agnate and a Altreltera i th %Talou table for h T n eo U unt=4lloy lbo od t llr ttott bli elire - eirtlm our. Ka other advortbanetne. -. • • • Advertbomente nOt Marked on the copy for apeollied., numlaw inoertione,.tUfie oanthnuot Ill) Paid. ond r Welli;fl:/re t°4 fr . o/14artirers etrktly Dmitri! to their own Ininituallms, and .11 adrertbeeneuto for the bairn of other permun, an well as adi adrertherinents not Inunedletoly conneettal with their own builnre. and all dui.. grertlainnento 1 ;1 .4. b . .1. r _., -- W -1 2, 1 tai 4 " redoontolr, Aland, al retwr, DrinortParromef • All adrortiaements 101. ehatitatie lent tutlont, Ern mule Mle. ward, townetdpeedwowe public TarrenCt. JUDI all ' meet/riga and notken to to noirrtito. Vey• able etriet-ylu savants. Marriage MUMS t.O tharp.l 60 Mia, Death notion. Doomed without Marge, Idol by funeral Inellatione oe obituary ma k.. sod wilen • amun panto/140 bo pald are. VI all other. sending riontroankae Mom, or requlrlor ootiom &Picot-II to tall ettention cowerte. or an y pulalicrforLa.haDMlLß. • to • herrrebernesam mad. for I .khnittancx.- of maim denlgned to call atton. rato __ ,oo9d. ....a..=erZealeulated or lutendol to remote In/ 000 only be Itoortod trith Ohl under go/00r tbot the wne Ie to be paid for. If intended to ni l e ,In the local 031 01911. the mule will be oberned . 0 tents per Ilue. pia.. . antleta to charted triple rim • ISM. • Petitions each. Real Re- ter • "ate and Aortioutent'sAlrertittootato ant bet .7torly rates, but alloarad a discount irty.three • • . ••• 3rd pm cent from the mount of , 1311FRITUT AMU W.A. !•13 wwit Itionallneartiou.--.. thVareaS • caw hantkre1,...,....D0 nerds. clonal amts. . .otato ie raid to advaace. 1 EED '- _ SEE I ' "() bus. nuporior Farm 0 thaw 4 .. Mr F so big, for pis 6y • Pt \ u J i A L W m— ARDRO . P. 1 ' ASL 7 0 bus. or aby )5r.• o rO.oI fr rale