1.-4 ' ,- - - II OMB MATTERS. ° Tao following is is list or the persons drawn and summonsed to serve as Grand and Traverse Jorors, at the Court of Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Sessions, commencing on the 4th Mon day. of December next, GUAIM 11110 MS - _ - Robert Forsyth, farmer, Franklin tp: Andrew Kelly, clerk, Third Ward Pittsburgh; Thomas Wallace, farmer, Baldwin tp; Thomas Murdock, laborer, Manchester; Thomas. Morrow, tanner, Rose tp; Hiram ilultt, farmer. Snowden tp; Michael, O'Brien, tanner, RnbiecOn tp; Patrick Mohan, Manufacturer, Pittsburgh; Alexander forland, laborer, du; James Kennedy, carpen ter. East Deer tp; P. Preston. manufacturer, Pittsburgh; Shaum, baker, McKeeepArt; Samuel Large, farmer, Jefferson tp: John Met calf, alone-cutter, Lawrenceville; Joseph Justice, policeman, Pittsburgh; John Campbell, jr., far mer, McCandles tp; John Willock, farmer, Mif flin !p; Cyrus Ewing, laborer, North Fayette tp; Sohn Saunder, laborer, Wilkins tp; Robert Walk er, board.mewarer, Pittsburgh; Stacy Lloyd; clerk, Pittsburgh; Wm. Lowry, farmer, Jefferson tp: John Campbell, farmer, Pine tp; Thos. Mor: ton, farmer, Elizabeth tp. David Aikin, farmer, Franklin tp: Semel Gray, tailor, Allegheny-Jasatt Sevey, farmer, Jefferson ,tp; Ezekiel Day, tobacconist. Alleghe ny; Chas. Gibson, farmer, Pine tp; Glean, 1 toolmaker, Pittsburgh; J. S. 'Brigham, coal rue,' elamt, tp: Ferguson, laborer, Alle gbeny; Lewts Stuttenfield, farmer, Wilkins tp; Jacob Kiukerly, glass cutter, S. Pittsburgh; Wm. Eichbaum, merchant, Pitt tp; Thos. McKelvey, cabinet maker, Sharpsbargh: ,lAin Kennedy, carpenter, East Deer tp; John English, farmer, Pine tp; David Edwards, carpenter, East Bir mingham; John Chapman. farmer, Ohio tp; Martin Sehwerr, earpenter, Pittsburgh; Wm. Cray, farmer, Franklin tp; Christian Stoner. farmer, Penn tp; John Jack, farmer, West Deer tp; Ezekiel Miller, farmer, Eastr*Deer •tp; J. Dougherty, boat builder, Elizabeth bor. I. A. Sargeni, hatter, Pittsburgh; It. IL King, grocer. Allegheny; John Crawford, plasterer, Pittsburgh; Henry Jack, file maker. Ettaburgh: Alen. Mc- Kee, carpenter. Moon tp; Henry King, grocer, Pittsburgh; J. 1i.41,,tch, tracker, Penn tp; John Martin, farmer, East Deer tp; Jacob Stotler, wagon tricker, Penn tp; E. W. Cook, constable, Kms tp; C. W. Earnest, notary, Allegheny; C. G. Hushey, manufacturer, Allegheny; " Hobert Barker, tailor, Pittsburgh; Fred. Sty, bricklayer, Allegheny; Wm. Bentz, plasterer, Pitt,bingb; John Waltour, plaiterer, McKeesport; John Stewart, coal merehant.McKeespoct; Jas. Eakin, clerk, Elizabeth bor; Joseph Smith, farmer, Hyper St. Clair tp; Josiah Wells, bottler, Pitts- Burgh; Jas. Whittaker, farmer, Jlitfin tp; John J. Reece, farmer, fens tp; Elisha Kerr, farmer, . Elizabeth bor; J. S. Ramulay, —, Allegheny: J. Luisly, Jr., grocer, Pittsburgh; Alex. Wil son, Carpet.ter, Pittsburgh; Isaac IVliittaker, torperittr, Mifflin tp; Thos. Vanier, Esluire, Pah win tp; W.. Douglass, boiler maker, Pitts burgh; Thos. Sour,lers, blacksmith, Pittsburgh. Tun Eamon• 77+linivt OLE LiELL is on his way to this city :or the purpose of giving a grand ioaul and instrumental concert- A telegraphic `4e patch received by Mr. H. Klelxr announce. rfint Lc will be tuvivted by Madame liertucca 31Are!zek, MvAlame Amelia Patti Strakoih and Maurice Strakash, the whole under the direc tion of Mat .Maretzek, director of the Italian Opera, New York. Fare Um:am—Hon. Walter 11. Lowrie will deliver a lecture this eveniui before the young Men's Christian Association, in the Second Prep= byterian Church, commencing at half past seven o'clock. Subject—" The Institution of the Sab bath." D.THICT Count-Before Judges Hampton -and Dilin Ithoy vs. Itohert Crooks. On motion of Mr. Leslie, judgement against defendani fur want "of appear:wee—sum due liquidated at s'2lo In the ease of. m. J. Smith for use of David A. Grier no. C•ish Mutual Insurance Company, the jury had not returned a verdict when the Court adjourned. PAVlNG.—Workmen ar_ engaged in paying that part of Fulton street lying between V. hoter and Cud rtreets. , FINED.—The Pittsburgh rind Connelsville Rail row' Company yeas fined $5 svid vests, by Mayor Vol:, yesterday, for permitting care to stand on Liberty street. Connr or QuAr.rrit SESNIONS. —Before Judges M'Clure, ragzs.and Adams. The court was occupied yeeiterday in hearing the testimony of .. .witnesses in the case of Cum vs. Michael. IrColiongh, noticed in yesterda y 's pa per. 511.6..rN. - 13 ACCIDEST.—A little child of Mr. Wm. Yoang, resisting in the Sixth Ward, was horribly burnt by felling against a grate jester. day. .It was blindfolded playing with other chil dren, one of whom lay down by the fender, cau sing ;he child to stumble- It remained against the grate until its screams attracted Mr. Young from the next room. AJIIIISTED.—Geo. Booth was arrested yester day on a eapias, to answer a charge of defama tion of character, preferred against .him.by Jnn. Brian. He was held in bail in the sumo(' $1:000. This suit was previously noticed, but no arrest was mode until yesterday. BY TELEGRAPH THREE DAYS LATER FROM ECTEOPE. =6! New Tour, Nov. 20. The steamer Africa arrived with Liverpool dates to the I Sth. There is nothing really later or important from the mat of war. A puree has ensued in the field-fighting before Sebasfhp'ol.• The' dispatches of both Ituisiana and ftritish say that the siege progresres with rogular;ty,hnd that preparatioas me malting for an assault. . _ . Both parties are in want of reinforcemeutg, bat thekeseigers are worse off than the besieged. The Ru,slans begin to want ammunition and the allies are reduced, by - battle and disease so which caused much alarm in England and France. and the utmost efforts are making to send instant reinforcement_•. All the mail steamers are chartered. The winter is setting in severely. Thero has been stormy weather on the Bleck Sea and two Turkish"frigettes were wrecked, The !great hosjiital in Sebastopol with .:2000 wonnded, was burned by the fire of the allies. There will bebo mail until the Pacific sails on the t.'9o.l,the government having taken the Niag ara off the Halifax route: . . A larce Freneb loan is spoken of. Liverpool T7rty. Hit—Cotton. gao reprt, the anise of cotton for the week at 39.000 bales, including 2000 fur speralation anti -1000 for.eipot ; Orleans fair 61; middling '5l ; Upland fair G middling GI; demand moderate : priceslinfavor of buyers, but quotations canter- Denubdon quotes Mobile fair . at ; 5.3-10 • N. 0. middling 53-IG ; upland middling 5,11 2 10. Breadotuffs—Western Canal Flour 435. Flour has declined (IL Cedar declined Is per quarter Tailoa 45a white 40s. - - Mayan, .15th.—,The Cotton market has under graiu.nn quotable change since our last. The sales . wern 1000 balers.- 'Ae.Menchester trade hail largely declined-du ring-the week. LOODOS 31.snictr.—Trdneactions in American Securities were email, and - Stocks hare de clined. • • Beef market firm. awl prices a tribe. higher. Pork a trifle higher. Lard easier 'en I net quota * lower. .the Africa brings fit passengers. The news by the Union from Southampton will he four days later, alter which there will be a ekip of a Week, owing to the Withdrawal of the si+guru The Austrian note in rely to P prossia's note of the 16th Oct., urrised,at Perlin ea the Igsh. So far as its contents have transpired, Austria gladly .99epts „Prussia's protoire of support in the priumpalitiee, but lays greet stress on har ing thin•assistance, which is vII:14 ed as a logical and neceiaary consequence of the treaty of April - 20th, rather than a new arreng-ment. It was expected in :the French camp that an assault wcii.ld be incite bn thereth, which would hare been laulnot the 114nel-ens attacked the al lies on the 4th. The firing was slack ou both Preparations are being made for an assault.— :dealing Lublin bad been ordered up. Four /11224411111 sunk in the harbor by the allies' fire. • One of them was the Twelve Apo,tles: The .typtus..f,:ar load broken out at fiebalde pot from the number of unburied &ad. Confla ;gratioca -were continually occurring from red hat ahot, pad water Was getting exceedingly coerce. - The jtuscians are preparing for street testing. They are posting cannon to sweep the streets, fortifying hou.sev, ( tc. t The English o cinl account of the action of. the fith'ddd not nth London Mita the 16th, owingto the telt phic interruption.: Lord Raglan sup, the enetny, with in on im mense force, attached yesterday, the dawn of morning. the right of the English poeition..-- 1 The battle was extremely obstinate and not until poet noon was the mem' , definitely repulred.— Iliey were forced to retreat, 'icaving the held. covered with dead: - 'Several t:indeed prilloneis wire tarn. The number of the enemy .much exceeiliol . that st Atimn.- The losses of the Itsiv glans were enema our lam hat sloe heen Tory . great, tend tiorneitia. Sir Geo. Brown, 7Santini:lk, , MEE =MIMI MEM= The conduct of the troops in the fact of the•en- • c.rst , i ITTE • emy, Os superior in numbere, was excell,nt. or FL 11,0, , V . A Ituseian official letter ruye thearrival of the or . #. Grand Duke proluceti such entlate , iesm iv the mane that the General tho 071.7 It Ave n to 1,0 it to account. Consequently MO garri,n wade SRO sorties, the first at one 0 clock in the after- ,_ n; h.", Pre - nt,r.. :I GI. r crr r ImfAia, Moru:r.. N..l..zzilwr ~k,. 1 , .. , .; noon against the English, an i the 2d at two o'. i .„,„.„_,,, ~ ~,,, i ,, n4 ~,.., ~,. i „ . ~...,„ clock against the French. The affair with the aot 1 , Ltd, att,.erfm.. at ...111. at 3..,..” , 7,. :,, and . English *as of the most desperate kind. It to t.t.i.. ',ors sc., at 19,:..4. , ;,, •L . a t I. said that the Russians succeeded in spiking. their 0Tt....1.. guns. On the side of the French 13 gun, were ~it.tiy_.s . i... of nu t..,.. ;, .. . —. _ .. also spiked by the Russians. After this the Ear a , . Russians retired in all haste, when the French dirisionpursued them under the ver y Wan, It ni ' l'rEtt l'ach , d at I Was received with a most murderous tire and they b „,. n ., had to fall hack. A sanguinary and obstinate F.1;;; ; ;__,„,„., struggle ensued, which was prolonged Until nightfall .Nlenscbikolf admits the loss of 40th), t.on• roast. at 6... and adds that the loss of the allies was at least ILICON , /..% , kr , and narn , in teu. eqUII according to his account; 1'2,000 Russians at of :610 howl itt s'. and :3.. wrt.,,. were engaged in this affair. - • w lll uat SK 1,01. t00t.111,1. st 31enbcisikati announces that he is about to can- „„,„, ni „„ . „ nu , t,rin„.. a. centrate all his forces at I.l.llllailisaval, Simper- an d th o s ; prlth• at ra.h. opol and other places. Mot-I,S bbla...k and eyprus o.perse . Admiral 51achimoff reported dead, it is said, &V.:5. f.,ur mos. has recovered and resumed his dirty. IONET,IIII' AND t't UI NIERI7IAI. A Vienna dispatch of the I:sth,'sttys that des- Th. following. navesth• comparathe value of thu patches from Rai:ski:lra, dated the Ilth, were re- to t and to „,, tmtin „, ton „.„,, ceived that evening, according to which another '" u• I, • great battle was fought, in which the loss of the 1,1 ..... Russians is 0,006, and the loss of the Allies was ..... ..... air° great, but they remained masters of the I.a 141, Sickness is on the increase to the Allied camp.. 1:y: ‘ , A Turkish SO gun ship and frigate were sunk Is., in the gales.ls't The Russian news frau/Vienna stales that Th. bolizvlll.. 1h.u..,-.. ot ,I-n.lny. pa, the arhi,l4. front the sth to the Stls; nothing of importance ,nun. , , , no, , u ,,..., , , u „,..„ ‘tur „ a3 ~ i,hr.., ,,,,, has occurred. The bombardments continued,but lb.. FON le th 1.11.1. OILS I 4.,..., In the ynp. Anil s iren [tn. the breaches are always repaired. ta,..siau trawnet.l,,n. ilurin, the In-, lon d., • . tit. Petersburg adviccs report that the English us heapa sr the h011 , ,,,1ng 70,, an-h,. .2lalurtly sad fleet left the Baltic. ~.,,,s a , : 40, hr... ertrns,mi 11 , e.s. .t. . .1.1$:, ii-1 , 0. rnxh,N.l. nTrrs.rf h. Ph. C . ...nr1..t :...A.h : ~ .::, I The winter has set in with unusaal severity. al. i.;. net—h,th..n . 1.11 , .......:, h , 1 L ..:..5 . 1 , .f1.,./0 . ,. rrh. , ~.!:,..,.. Palmerston did not leaveamdon for Pans an - ;.,,:,; . ‘-',:',,V;;,,,,, - ;,,,11,4 - ;,;,L, i L,;`,,,n„,„7 . ":.'...12 . ::,,1 tit the I , ;th. $1.76 anti to .1.,t, on I I NI, The official statement of the affairs of Allen The Journal 1 , , a en• Van...l.mA ello,ly mare 1.- S; Anderson is published. It states that they . boson " b‘. 7 k" - s- .‘" 4 'ls.'s!' us "di LolUiup will pay about fie on the punt!. • A French loan of bial.untijaal of francs is I p.ll, :1,. spoken of. lc,lttettn., .... clerk ~, . . ler the • lat.. The French troops are being withdrawn - .Wert non a: -I o r e ,•••el nod I tt.t the haat lau •• atttie.l naiad this ~.,hitt- hro after le log detcted — ln a Saturday.—Sir George nehetne ef elnlwltletneat It atll" , ” that al the al•ettll Cathcart and Generals Strectgaway and Gouldie were killed in the action on the sth. This is of- . us,tar Odd hef•al. the Itectal. •i s d en and ail Ithrear Feint. unere..tantahle red. tie. In the ef out-tatultha iulatten. nine,. the t.n•rieut. dez,uttl tat ..•I a,. Shlt . A mass of telegraphic despatencs were recetv- e0.i..1.1e1, nt telt the Inr.etes• ...old et. t ret: ed during the night. The folliowing are the only,: items not previously published teill to, toat elnattattha net., /tat 11, Dates from the Crimea. on the 4th.stote thatahlinry the Duke of Cambridge had his horse killed un tenahn, t , .. S wits the Itlte der him. Thehod 201)11 killed and wounded. The loss of the French was 151.10, and' rehee) te n.te been tsatnumnte the oest the Russ h. ian loss between 7 and FOOD. the om it. Euopa.. un... alt, leclt • mad ta clear mit. Wll3l•Rt litlei• 11. ,ax, hale tacell Prince Napoleon arrived at Constantinople, pr,aratten. ne*l., ot the dehelt an. male ta 1..1111 retetrn elrenlatlen until hrala The ha. ..• htllTering from a diarrhoea attack. es nihi ne .o. le ilo. prompt nten..tre• tn . ...at ea the Go the sth 40,01111 were engaged, the relloubts l'vesoem v.00.u.1n- , m were taken and retaken. Gen. Brown's arm was ... . . .. .. • _ . • amputated. . 1 .T.7 . .L Y t is.'- 7 . ..0'i t'; 5 4 1 :7•1; r '7,":1.,,, " , -"`, The Rits.ians Lail left the heights of Maul, „li.. (r3-11:.11 ..I. So . N..rk I , •,stral. th,.m. I rr.1;..- laya expectirig reinforcements. ~ . ilosav ••• a totr.ral ....nod t..r , ibe larl name.. amt . a scar It v •t.. t t , r .13a...fiat.. d , ,,, , . lb, enc.. so. pr.., The allies well , tieing continually reinforced. s eit 'swirl., ht th. arters...ll 1t.,ar.1. Et,. rr , ..,.., `s ?team frigates arrivell at Bateau with a country . .1 ,.. :::Vr:.. i i , n7. 1 ',...,`:! , ',71C..j .i i,T . ..:1.:,' , 7 . , ;!f . .. , , , ,tx“ 1 4.'irti,i.. of 4t4gl troops to th. Crimea. ; 1.....1 no nan tt,en. tall) nett., than .. Inat.trdn. ann. I Letter, from Constlintinople to the nth store •' ';;;!,.1% ! ",',!,1!' r , t9 ,Z. ^ „ ^ :ft,.. - ‘17:::',7?';, - .'.„'", ! ,!!'"V;, ; ' . ,,, ' ",",. ! ''', ' I that finrin French sailed from there for the Cr'- ' ...,,,iitth.:,,rair n.n1.1. Inn. 1 11 ... Si . 1.. - o;„;..:,, uteri with a favorable wind. • 1 rrii se fn.. 0nr1n500........0. .oil •... 11... ..n.tonala ....; It. una Krt 1,1..4 i1dna1...... ti10....r. , te.thea ed. The Sultan has dcgraded Salesman Pacha, I ...arra and ..In at nd. ...4 ...OIL twIT,,, tt ritm a , , ~..„1 in i commander of the Ottomantrnopv in the C.rimea. , vt, ,,, ,i:,, n r,,i- f ia. , :.1„•: 2 .•;;•:;:, : , , ,•,., • .. , ,.. z ..‘„ : 1 The Turkish man-of-war Abadisehe, founder. 1 f..t. It. Odin,. or M.. Balta. ma 1... as.O ' . ' ..4:; . : . eil with the Turkish A.dmiral and 700 men on T, . ; '',';',:n", , ',3` , l'4, ' '' .7.7.,fz , , , :.;;‘, ~ , , , :!--zv- -• . anal It. board. Not d-ra t Th. Orlin...nut tont • nr, tb... Ito ...mann, • Au EgYP t!.! tt i g e • te ."'' lost in the Black Se.. ' i s ; r i7.!Vr:tr k ri:J. ". .7i r iiii . o h. a t tlt ' ir ' ri l S ' .:Tt7:7; l l=7 .4 i. ' r: f t .)lirs: Nightingale with thirty-seven nurses for ! Itr.d.tOtnnn. No. innnnt. Tbn fori loa wt sill ii....i... ! the hospital at Scutari, arrived at Constantinople 1 L 1 ' L r: ' 1, " ,,;;;L ' ,.: 6 , ' „;;;1 L ,;V:,7, Ti-0;; . iv• 0" ,, . , .. , "" m! on the kb: ! a authnritira 0' 1 ttinthotn and N.... Jena,. .0 ...11......1 11. Ann Atho . Tie London markets were generally dirf4 arid . 7,2 ”1 1:7,11, i :!1:;1:;:: ' ,U7„ " .:;;; * „;; f r i l ; ' ;':,. ! .! ' ;', ! :,„ ' ,Zi r ::: without material change in quotation, Iron . ori ', Mt at mat., rate. and a Ota... ..1 the 11,1,... a dult: liar is prated in Wale" a! E 7 1 " ! !" X s, ' raii " ir i VVC " Zi l i:n . :V.o . i s , l :!lir.;r:i ' t.T:.. " l7... ' it ' i!.. ".L .Z.:i rails are quoted in Wales nt .C 7 . Scotch plc inn, •. . ~..1 ...nand arannttl....... t.. •tiradOlot .a... T 1... •In. nt ltin Natt.....1 Rank .rA. talk.. I nt n the Ornet. la quoted in Glascow at 74a. aoi .1,1. an , thrr td,a t,,.....t.t...n. In the. 1.11,..-ro; ..t . . - ~. . ~ . .. . . . , American Securities dull end a trills lower: V. u. S. bona, los), (" . I S9/ Ii Pm". s's. bonds. 76, tr'ita,9l: Va. Vs, kr.3(u S 4. s NV. Tu•-•:11, tt NEW Tons:, No, .29. In, RIVER INTELLIGENCE. Stockholders of the Park ..ilroad .. ... r• .11y. held loot evening, resolution were n , hwed a -I ST EA NI 11l lAT ARRIVALS AS Li I.E.P.AETU RES knowledging their liability for the whole over is- • vued rtock and concerting measurer fog reorgud icing the company. Yesterday Captain's Robt.lECerroti and Beatty of this. city, were Ilrowndol near Sandy Ilook7l while on a ducking excursion, by the upsetting of their boat. The Grand dory hove investigated the cause of the loss of the Arctic and New Era, Nrw Ockhass Nov. 2s —The elcction for State Senator took pta• on Monday, when the Democratic nominee was beaten 2,20 d votes to the Indepeinlant candidate, who Was 'orlon-NA by the Knot. Nothings. The Cre.ment City nrrived from Havana with 1 The Crescent City grilveu dates to the 24th. There is little new; of im portance. A private letter rays it is rumored that a general Prvounciamento tool: place on the ; 14th and passed off quietly. Later news from Texas Li received by the ; Charles Nlorgan. The Galveston Times says the Governor h•s declined to issue proposals for mother footrace fur building the Pacific Road_ Cotton unchanged: sales• 501 n./ bates. Sales 1000 bap Rio Coffee'at COLVSIRIA, S. C , Nor. _9.—Two men were frozen to death in Mobile last week while gun ning in a boat. The Governor of Tea., in a long letter to the , Slate Treasurer, refuses to atcept the stock of fered by Messrs. Walker and King, because not' of the descriptiptrrequired by Jaw, nor good ac. par stock. lie therefore declares the contract null and void, and proposals for a new one will be received. DOS TON, Nov. 20. There eras a gram) Know Nothing festival loot evening in the hell over the Fitchburg depot About 1500 persons were prevent. The nom :inirahall P. Wilsott presided and numeroas speeches were deliverett'by prominent members of the organization, mostly congratu latory of the triumphs of American grinmples in Nbassachusetts. The proceetlingit were interest ing and highly enthusiastic. • it....113108C, Nov. D.—There is no mail be yond Mobile. Twii New Orleans mails ore due. The State Department announces the reception of official information from the French And Eng lish Governments of an intention to vigorously enforce blockades in the spring of the Ca=-inn ports in the Baltic, White, Black' and Arof Seas. CINCINNATI, Nov. 20.—The steamer Pacific and the Grand Tower carne in collision near Memphis: both sunk and are a total loss. The passengers were eased. The Pacific was downward and the Grand Tower up. llonroa, Nov. the United Stote.f Circuit Court to-day, Judge Sprague preahhug, the Rev. Theodore Porter way arraigned nod gave nail in id:..00 to appear on trial at the Marais term of the Court. Clachtaary, Nov. 29.—Flour dull a t $7,70, Layers are contending fur a decline. Whiskey dull at 31: Hogs firm. 1300 cold at $1.330c51. - 50. Sugar in good demand; 120 blots sold at 31. Molasses 18(u;20. Coffee 116111. Ex change heavy at The river has fallen three inches, weather mild. ?kw Yo i Nov. 29.—The Asia sailed with 91 passengers attls2R3,ooo in specie, and a, very large cargo. • PitiLancr.rimi, Non. nothing doing except xmall lute at $8,501.8,75 for common hod good brands, and SO to 9,20, for extra. turn Meal not enquired after ItyifYlour $7. Wheat offering at former quotntious; soles 2200. Lunt. good fair red at $1,95 LIM, no.! prime, Penn'a. white at 22. , : - •• .td in demand. Corn in goal , : alLe 54 , 0 bush. at 88 for prime ,i•I • ellow, and e , ", for now. Oats dull s soles iamb. Delaware at 50. Woiskey dull, in bbls 41 to 42. NEN! Yeas, Nov. 20.—Cotton unchanged at • moderate demand. with sales 700 bales. Floe .soles 3'5700 bbls good Ohio at .5.41,:',000, r southern easier; enTei 000 bbls at $0,26( (ci.- 7 - Wheat doll. Cora dull and declining; PIIIPS 26,- 000 busweatern mixed at 900 - .51. Pork a trifle higher: sales 1000 bbls mesa at $l3 ®13,121.- Ikbef.unchanged. Lord stmdly. Whiskey, Ohio 42V-3. Coffee heavy; sales 1600 bsgs at nut. tionnt 820.10. Sugars dull, Orleans 0l(5 ' . Illolassn Leavy. Blocks variable; money on -changed; Canton 181; Cumberland G's 3, IN; N. Y. Central 8.10, 841; £rie 345: Rending 671. VOTIOE.--CARPETS, CARPETS, CA.R -.1. PETS, receiving at No. 11:: ;tartlet at. N il Mon, I rivet.,itrueiwla , Tsp. Egan Three ; Top.t i . ipgrafta !alga aim. !avant. Vim! tuata u i_o ot - oortment of floor Oil Clitthr, from - 1.1 feet to IS inches wide. which we oiler at a rodoweal prim We Invite the attention of our taiitome. and trsweling. nantanniti to call ultimo t W )ItelLiffaieLS W. FRANKLIN ST: PROPERTY FOR SALE! —A new 3 shirr DOA Dwelling Moo , of boll and mom well amoral inaiLliliaaiautlYAU."'""' 0'0"1° t. , near the Pees Itorie Th nt etingeh. e lot 20 ft. front by Of goon to an slier, The vr OLIN propertf..twe riding In 3 •0 Tort City, hive anthill:ad no to sell Vi"L'" to tft.V.VI;F:11114.1111140. 3ti QCIIOOL, SARDATII SellOOL AND T.A5111.1i WM:AMES —l.rmaili wishing .goo.k. *..j; 7n 6 nrca 'h 4t h g, sr i rtn . :l::= 7lol. F - m• .4;1,A Mut., mg; Fourt.h.,_ .7.13 I 4'OR SALE—A valuable Horse. perfectly und, eths. .der iref. well In hate!+4 and tovon pantie. . 02,4 * Y. U. fIAZZOL . VIJRAPPINt4 PAPER=2.OI) reamis Lusa, v tbr rwri muty COLLIN& OM3II%.IICIAL Al 14' TTSBI:1113 II M ",‘ `L , , :•S TO 1,6. rke. Snh nL al ".,., nix h. ,K a;,,1 =l=lll BM= T 11..rolri , lon. Nen . , , r Col IL" Elz.toth c o n., Wolf!. W heollng I.uo•ror. Itrowt.,ll. `o-or orlo.I.o• 1.1•nr. - ••Clortonatl. kao , 11.•,:.1•11,1•11i•11 111, t loroLoAt., sOuisz c t.oollne. T fl ?1.1,••r. ~,,,, v ile 11. T a I in...up. in I'm,. 1/ Mit,: • f•_t In tho rbantlrl an.' (an, Harps, Meicdeons, Guitars, Sneet.Music mtsicti, GOODS,. t the St. pre , • f JOHN H. MELLOR. ,rat:Er rill HE nil etali"ll i.i . Tnneitt-ro. -e -- - , a 1 . 9..N.1,1-1 cr ,[llll‘•Ft..., ,r$ I the riii iijot pti , .3 , ....MI in rein., tun, it.. it-, 111 r,, Mexobti.o. i•t. min.. Mced end ili m in. Ives, I,etrlT... iWi ~ •011.1 r u m 1 . [ Th.(unc l. 111• t Yourm [ tot • whim mintlar •••...1 . 1 7.lfr t . - p, :',., 7, 7 :';:,',";',".`..%,"5,.:!,".11;1, - :;[""'" .1 ' t .11 ..• .‘,.....; For ...noun Mile mann...elm; are rim- •truetwl In thy Gam. autet•ntial ntanre, , s a id, tibtlro. r nut, Patent trim Fame. and evert In.trummit len, butnltyriel In p:tit rtimeo. ottatom.J tin the ound beard - I- reliamm whit wlolt Neoldet.4 Chit-Sen nut-..,.. slian• • oa i nncy will Vb.... ti..... r. ir th • nue' limo. they tam i lew en bi present ntlttaam 0„.. to; l' i to a merit f•- "...or yartscal.el Ibwrormot ..; the , mint letautitu dwit-rlntti.... • 111, a . matte and rule ly named aims:dingo • n the rare, bat and Lyre. named ha Awed by revi.4t..:••. ul slot/ am I 1.0.t0 tn.. iidtaidt, you ono , VoULII••• 11,4 ..tat nth any tit I their Inetruineet• 1 11, T •ox. Timm, and My le ..1 fnalelo ..f Ole "hien I. rt.-rennet tie mritaceol Na.. 117 or. i tee Ten e,i- ...arm tn....wend id ih• wane sd .yuallt, en.? style tif nnielt a. the aly•ye, bu a t , 117 , 1 id • bum price. Ste. 11.12 , Are bnur Moon..clam Ittmiwtald Pitmen. -rm. Imido 1 in Mule ram, nuliolool no leautotil tit Ic i it7o; r with mum: rumen, Imnl and :wet, and ...total 1 I, en t In bun, heoch and hirer", tirdrh it. the hint, , tutprimol inetrtramit No. teamlo s .11., mitase Plain Itnoewetm. and i err eulo• ; Ti.'? In the nnallty an-1 quanta , t.( 1 ,, m. Now, 11 1 12 : Are 1. - ..ur I. otts.tr Menu.. In c'enarit num 14 ,0 , i caned em. with rause: front outlier.. ellulnw 1471n 1 , nand, deep and patent Iron frames. Thla Mon 1 14:‘,5 , of touttruento haa hail r immueme lg. rt 1 Oren m uttleental AAUP/Art.l n Noe. 1477,2 I Am: - -Ix Irian Fiume. Itt ST lib ut mem. i 14,21 with trent c .rtsent ninnil. patent Amu rano• - 117 , 1' innd .II /Inn ileolt. T item Porn to r - hotsilscete. 14,4 i wiry itmel and Trey eta or. alid arc lwritenlar i Minim , Is d.lr•hl• 07 th.O. •F IP , ....l • .1: ~. •.+' io - 1;0/11 tat-nutria at a Itm. wen,. tioon PLEASI.. NOTICE that the al - wee Inotrumeuto has. 1 bem all as under the new hem id CHIC IX MR I 'di A nt)o rt end eibm the death 'if the M.:muted .I , ,ti•n 110 .kerinot i the idl i clushir and binniler id the unrl.l IC I rettebneltment. known twi -,711 , 1." ERI vat.g 4./ A No 1111 M: M I Try - •.1,70,1:1".” Then nantifart otrlnti Imam mutt no, 1. , ,1 under the mum elittliful •til ',portent...l ~11.r1. 1 1rfrt..i.n. •ndi IV ret n.,..•. amt id ' the Mimi Ammo! Mr. Chletmlou wham '- mel Inn, A. there an., he mrwrem whn lum that at the death M the elders hlelterinu. the Om, td the treat Inane lart. mauls emir bail departed' and that there ...nil he ie. Inert- Chlrkrrinn Planner ii.”. wentrtnilly Iv. . , . nieil that their .Itie AlatturdrlJ,lts romp yetet.M.L. which will ennui, the to lineal.of their uttemallml Itettruutent• IiLLSNI“. ,111S,31•ANIM, C.syro and Pomo Mit-tax• lud Sixty Pianos a Week!! To cutlery all Mum. of 'it. doublftil mind. - ' that the Nano Purim. Manuractlinut under the yew limn at Cati-artnem • iYa. aro led onlY wlnni. lin , 'AMIT ii i.."‘ .. " . any I -a. yltmody made. they are Inel.dte mime and try alma fur lbeamelvea. sad Mimi •ith thets. cur bliilSTba- ,,,, 5.7- ....ht , um' be w re .n.i.teil pod . Juan The enter-Mier uuld also reepertfull - y yli.r IA Dm i II mltladle.r llleo end ll w entltTmen who ham riwentlY nurebawo l - 11 wme niAnni . .r . tOred by the new nrm ertitunaarmit . SU , I, Itym. Junes Rodger. D. 11., Allrgherty City. Jahn Jenning. ten, yt . : ., • , _ ~ ..,.:: lie.. John T "'molly. D. 04 Rev. Chaa.C. Matti. D. D. Plenbenville. Ohio. Thew Megennan. - 11. 11, Witeldructtat Ini. net Alec T. MIIIIII,II, D. inne or Prim...tun, N.J. Y. 11. D Ea rum, t, AlLeglieuy Air. Fee Jnho D. haelo. q.- IMMO...POL. i Mrot. Y. It. Mhos. Waehlualen Female FrmlttarT. Mrs. Anne 11'1111unr1, 11MA:turgid Francis Mile.. ii 0• . 1 in it. IL YrliMen. e J l/ nhu Chlelytt. Mon.. Allegheny lloot. Jahn N. Purvieum. butte, i'•. h 0.116, Jarkoun. V.M.. I'llt.liitretli. Itry../..1. Ilenilerwin, i Nerth newicklny Fmtulnary. Iten..Sam'l II ehmley.lllalroville Froattal. Munn., JuortiliLlintlorntl, Mom , Minint Inessmul. l'a. David Critelli'', Moot., Alltighnny City. " James Man islc7. liat.t., l'ittidiurdh. Masi. Ai Com City 11.4,1. - rit ' o ' 4llllW h in ri dlTitin . li g , ;Mir:wood (Willtinaborif.) _ lIT. N111111..1 Futtim, Pitt/burgh. ii,:a. Solden. ern. Prof. 0. It. Wlllistue. offo Priori:ad of tha Fetwirklel Female Seminary. onw Louis - tit e n ki. And about ruin oth.r. 1f1K5P13.2.00111 be had oh atipll Tho public [my le agroccd that the lcuirtitheae frmo the cetahhohnicht of Cuca A Soso 11,10 hlwero le Mat ther ore rewoctotted thee they will be wade In tho hoot woolhlemanger, an cold at. the pep. loectt erica Mer cm b. &MA'AM. ;V I A L iV,5/ I LI/ O il . / I ,V 0 of liter make ' rs., for sae Mory roduroCr I , llcer. JOH . Mrlf. DICIXOII. To, bl Woo.lokreet, Agent T r tho kale of -..ralCotrx.crakr. k Ikonk.ll.l.no Plano /fort.. no3,k"twlar l'lttobokirh Wealrrn ?eons.. • .I.(i AN & AIIL, No. I 1 Market st„ Ire ,unk re r ed Lars, novrt r...sch Pro.r.,loedn, of all yrakek I , otheng,kl.l. finnrotn oral' make., ouch Welch, \I ARY k AiM ANAC for 1855, for sale by 1.7 note J. alts of i1i...k.81313.R1ES —5 bbls, Eastern Orion )k b..rtlel nod by It. IL. by W. k. S Id.:LUI , G.' lilkLA SING CARDS.—llighlonder, Eagle, Llorry the I.lgbth. Etki And Striped baikt ikklo by W. 11. kI:TTON. No. Wood rALUABLE. WORKS ON TIIE- MIDDLE Y AO ES--TMDMIA'II ChrOUICIVI nt.t1444 Illtdale AVM Italtadet 'Wear . do do •du J. lor 14•14 , be " rtnagleateet . It CO ., &I I teln - 44e4. , IrlioNZß4-4Dittelt Metal. Gold Leaf, Grain -1 ' 1 Ina Intaae, Glatog Pelican . ternlnlah I.... Annum. lorrio. Mud he call VLlallNa Ilene. - '4110! FOR KANSAS--Foisniaa gcaA Brick Itnunynt 6rd '.ad lug, Int. tansted on tr., :torn et, ealsbarea. : Wal be arld at • gmt, bargain. .a Abousnwrl•lialall.4*.AAW4 4 EASuI . a . : 4 tu41.41 ' 4 -. MO.. WOODS..I. Übe. STEAMBOATS Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Loc...sville, and St. Louis. T!IE PITT?Ilt11, II 1 FT2.. ACK rr . . . PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT, I . I • ‘TI. Lorl ;VILLE IS LI N.Fr: , •••Itir..,•ll lr _ „.l usl-011, f.r .r.fot nnet• -Tenn. na.-kol• ot. tt, Oh, It V Slatl I.: n... 1 : 1 1.-antor. fr. on tine, nn.. ntol w.f.:. tot...tong,* ntl.l trot:flit:A nrn wroldril dtr.t., Two now mt...anter• hare to..n t. the •.I ,I!irwitsg MOM M=l i•lt V.1 , 1' I. I . WI: ‘s . . .1 1 •.1“...11, PIM, 01.1.141 I • •- PE5..... , I..Pnss. , 11.11! nt n•rrired cuoroiu.: d' r.l . V , a;cirtilar, art.!, tas l. o t• .h It LIVIV.,,T"S. ‘I•K. lit.u. l'Frrsu. ;Ira, Nr.v. FIR I'INCINN ATI -Th., 1,1.1:111.k. It t.• o J ‘.x,.t l = l l l : . ,1 1 V .•: ., m..ix. l'llll 1 N -TlOlk:.t 1 nt 11 ..I.:••xtm Wheeling Packet rj'll E ne" and •1111:,I111tai etelmer ll Kxcii,t,; vv v , v. wlll TlV:..7l,ll:a:ll7tcTi ' N:l•ll7,2l: ' ntr7 TI7N Dal awl h RID It ol wt., at Inciehr, Whnnl In: es, lISLIA I' and $ ATLI:IIA Y. at tIJ rn hour 'I h. tl.a..hangn chnnnell. at wlth Vitto•nruh and ••nnonan.lllntln.a I. and nt ,InInlIn; It IlaltE ah.l F.n.frnlglat or 1... A Z, Wahn . kirTnn harlualv. I. an entire*, in.n• and ,n,ly &kat ar , nrantndathnp. .pletr •li Dolan/n.l mid fornlAhn.l—butlt nshrn,l, thla trndo. MMANI.n[4II. N.. 140. i•t“ I (Tlt'l.: Ti ) STt K II( )I,I)E Its _Th e .1- 11 nuttl h I e t.tnettlo. ier. of the Itillmborutt I.llr. a.l C.• the 1tn[1....• er•tee[lnn wet.. during rear, vlll , 1,14 nt the 4•11, of the entrebnuy. •[ ..1111i. the .Ith 4.1 a I>\vvml.i prat. e 1... 1. 1 1 It , hr..", Ole Ilvanl. . • . . . "i 1 SI. I. kllttlft/t. . I' t• IL 11. (5. As. potlit, ill I rt.t• t •tieta, 9j Itetntn. Att.. No. 10, omit., FFltlttteltl 1tr,.1 Y rr: l'it.t...tlturclt, tt..l Business Stand for Rent. AT ,!Id nod well-known Store, V,iteral 24.155545 from eh. liininistut at iimannt iicauthaal 15.5au. tio ;las In.( built a Incluu Pauli• aosur n th,irissss•ltt ohs , ' lula• will unite our shirk of will,. 1 , 55..51 and riiiiihiete. and ha, S. mi., all thy. 5.11 ithuhlii uf the buiviii ii 5.11 . 4.4 5 -hill DU., 51 CO. ET'EFILS AdininistruGml on the E.tate Lot. 11,1. 1at...4 •l. 1.• thlt.•lott ,rthrtl,l t., ',now Lanni ar.• r••••tot.1 tt. t, 1b....pt....W.4,1. nl t.t ItttlIEKT C 1 v.,1%11.. BARIIAIN FOR M.INITACTI'Itt:I2S. ItlTeretl In Atlettmattotr. at Dent 1.1/, Pla I v., river. ettottlotln: •tt 1.1 •Ittrt, vmtet p. anA 1.. lan. the vrt.tve tvott, t• ttlitt ••1 the le,' ta tint r ut: it and the Ittt• etre etlrttrt.l at t:rent totramltt, Ets , rulte tt , Tilt.- 11,411 , r...7,, itti rt. MOURIIING GOODS. 4 1 RA N.IN I;4)ii.i.F.lt fin. jtu.t ..f r.n 'lt -wk. Itlaelt or, 1 E=l=lM=l i I ,t1.110it..., .11ealtn.,r R Ita)n, alma, 1. 00.1 at. h.: MAP., ET 'l'll 0 , .rt1.r (b. ,temputt Allegheny Gas Company. 'LIRE Alle¢ht•nr 11:t4 'ontititit v It eelar tta ni . E. , .tr per eena ene. Capital eh... 6 pa . al.learter the ll' th ner the of,/ PI 1.. If N., 1"..-h•., If .ter et. • •• b. IL•anl of m amt, .. I,nr. .al, or a Ilm amour, t 5t1.1...1.i..A elan 1.• tbr • or OA, I.r of nt t. 14. It. 11. ILL t L. .11h, ',II .1.• to the .‘ ilewben• Nf.i 1,1 tv,l .t d Sealed_Prop . osals, 'FP PR die sale oftipe Staztepart Engine., new pn ppu th,-. .lily ell liwlrt %lon, , 5., I, 13...1.1 al. P. It II :I iv, 1 , 7..1 .1 1,3,.• An.l tho LI .• 3,34 03- Great Attraction in Dry Goode. A. r.‘:-. , 41N a. co.. • ILO) 1.0.5. , o.l•t portivra, Lt xse.rvir • , . ...as at thr. f•en.mptnr, rali rat e. In lb" a•t ••.I a &II I U...111.16b.11,. , Stltl7 futitt. •••1 Nirrlnr•.‘ a•laanmrk, Varamottl, Vi , • , l Maid, • , ,a•••• I`rllrwra. Volalnr, at.lrb tbny u•unl •. , 4 , 0 'do r , rlrA Irrra. It , rl•Lrol at, 1., sI • III," I ),••, -1• • •:•. ."1••••••, Talraa, t .. at Ineitl..l I ar,:n 13=1 • • M.., • qiell .4 , 1 at au aril ,••• I la.zu .k 3300 ILEIVAIII). plin.ultnee .t 1 A n'. btatbee pa..ervi by the tte.ee..e tAttshu..o.. Nheet". tl+. . . . . .I , IIN 1,1,1 .lt 1,4,A • *Lai. •rl. h.., • lo• with tt,tu, 1., of r..r,1 , r. Itr, •r,r 14.rmaT • r...• 1 10 , rtn•11,,,.. 1r rt rail st. , l 444..-..01' 40 .t tr ttml ...RI • r 1t..21.1nr li:it!. Y. 1.4.2. 11••• roft REST. .I...trat it. an.i ..ttiar ait a anti att.-1,. a.. Ix. !.. r.nl ao tin. ph... IA krt th • •-•: atit.! in tit. rttatiirt atinnlital•lo ifttitt rit.. anti -*nay anti ihata, anal 1 . 1.••• ntt.a tit- "Mu ria.r. ntit. 1.! ttf [lto 9,1 tile illt , •uririt n.] Ist, ratienati trt ennt.an i•••• 'anti i..., •nt••••••!...it anti I..l.tini. 4 MI:P.4A (inn. itattitittn tne rivrr. atttell 1,11 utak. ti ...nutintint.ali.a tai .E etIIII 1411-! ' ; t 1 .t. •' - ut *,•'!"." antlum Att. t.n. toitinf enga, in •mit• !a!iitt• huant.... 111 4•t.a1l -Mtn nn the a. tar. Art...natio.] t•• nvt fotr th.r.aa.or in.ntintinti .. ... PmlurmIJAAA Pet, ttrJ, /Amt.:9:ma:l4w, PA.Ilh , Irrry .11,mw- Pot Pmmn,t. /1: J. I: /TPA HT Unimrs I.ln. Pt:extmirb, S. L. 4.ANCOAsT & CO., commissitis m E CHANTS 17 ! , :orth 'Wl):try., r-r of R. S. I'llll,l l , A: LAM P 131,A C K. l uo le l W ah i rc lat i e v firmm n Metro.. .t . an, o.el toorleol, , every I too soot lOoolete A.. CI, mool Non. tor.onn eilver hrs.% Whole elle heeler. •uoollol 1.121,e 1 4 '1.) It 12EN T large arid co yen ient I WM. , on Fool, oe_ he... Market And W., eta 1.1 1., a.at .nd semon elvon Intunoliatol,• K. 11.11AZZAM. Fall and Winter Goods. EDMOND WATTS, ERC II ANT TAI LOA I$ I.lllr HTT STVEET If •k nnw on Iu 4 larrt. Stock 01 V a il anti VI tete, "tattt e. t tettt.ettlnt, eft...telt flea tletelt , na t ...tinge el the tneet lea tit If& pattern, Fro-nett and t. n ,t e t t Patent...re, el overt . ett le Anti eltatle In Lite atat• ler. all et • bleb I trill 113 Mk, eel, nn the meet rereten able forme. pant narr.nuel •Itlt. ne,i I h ts. Dres• ••••• ..ntrannt• t.r. Om Cry r tal ...r.r4l:a7urrtlafi:ll:7; Mnutills, 01Mit , In lb r Inl +t gly naLl ..n ttn• thortoat Chlllmtfp , Ar.. madL , up nit). z,strn... il•plarl., st ‘.4 , 1 ni ,, l,nt« D.1.11...•141+- n d 1 a 4.l ^r^' Lltili to .11,rtion, and nentty owl csAtnfully trlounr.i. Give. • ra w jr.V4l.lrt. Allenteny Coullty, ss. ; 111tifIN the Orphang Conrt in and for .id Vtooty. rat Iro. Dr. 'fort:l,lSW. torttnrof tbo Ar,ont of Watoon, Truster snin of mrtolo rral rstralo of lir, C. 11. 11111410ro. tol on, In wit: 11,01.0 r th. Amount of 10.1-ort Wat.n0f.:1....n1 , 1 nit I. ordrrrd god ,hrrele.l tent h f LI, CI. tic. of mid Court giro main. of the vot 0rt.11.111.41 of rail Annosol, In 1110 l'lttnlttafth Lo.al Jnornal nod thn Pillnlotrgh .iefrotte, for thro. frook“ of the fel4 sr.rooa will I. ralloir.ol on lb. Ith to of N.0. , 111 , ...r twat. onto, more. I, 'Acorn vrlf r P• .14 to rhoultl not Ifo ratio n... 1. thr emir{ J. 110.11 M. 111111, 1 11. nor' . 1 ' 1 ' 1 " 11S111. , Gil COACIII4CTOILY. 11.1.1 AMT lIMETIN L •Ift•111,1,.. ...... —aro. ALUM,. BIGELOVi & CO., to C. I. ingolow.) - • o. 46, D .V N O.Vp A L I.1:1 Pittsburgh, Penna. OACIIES, CAI:I:1,10ES; I.II:ETONS, .1-urrtntlon hut, Vehicle 4u It to oral.w. Knot 01.1,..4 0. manor, nnaut-rwa brutal nt .4 111 of scrlmaansl.l end 40tublIttr mat,lal, zirAll work warrant., rot` 1 N unexpeelt , l run upon my flanking nt taws., 'ram, Isscii am is/ rusaris mon. Instansly sstflatils Is cash. tiss niziotreiti esl ifts to ausisiesil pa, tail is . '" • Tarr Uirtiritler to thrive iiiiiirrsted a ratlsiseciri rasst of vs? affairs. wait U. It 4., , ,E(..1:11) HAND I , lANOS— p m si Hand PI &NOS for aale. at nnland g, 1tr00nn....1.1 artn L inn. mad.. I, Dan. haven, !..nr York. tnarly on.. Instawnis oeuvre, made hi Danis a Chamber,. Imo Mat.ogany.Onctsre, mods by St....lart.. Wnrnnt.n a Dunham. One It.mwoud..uclave.madeb, Nte.lart nearly ' F. Illusue. clarkening—about ',wry Thu abate 1111... 1.1 , 1, for r Ort.T. St wan . Jaw A new lot Ed Chlktwlng'. Igen. will be t 1 , I.nda. tlwo Iltb. Yee sale by JOIIN 11. NIELLOII. uwlo Wtod rtiowt. _._Country Seat for Rent. HANDSO3II., BRICK HOUSE, N. itil tw COFF :pockets superior Java Carlo reed by .. :;?.. • W. A. 31eCIAIRG. ( 3 ) ... st A ~RI:Eb yW IIISKY, ;no VG.. ma. CT NMI, • W. weurrok N 0.12 Wood ot. 5 ~.~_~._: _,,,_........___....____ _______\_._\____\ , - \ -..-J, -.- , NEW YORK ADVERTISEMENT , rn. t,DEII'II IA ".1 DV EKTISENIENTS. ' ' \ AG te \ l \ rc UI: , ,PE. '{A\L, &C. , From Wm. H. thlou•ori•ti Ile...ming Howe. No. nj rrN'• 'A • 'V ‘ r erVADVI/RTISIN. ilitt•Slf. I• \ •.. • \ . v • . Na an *Lm Now V , rn ,•• j. IX , 1 1...rViru..1 Thurvii 4 . 1 .‘ ‘ )(l . .. ill Aqt a LTITIN, 'O. ii,2. WATER\ .r v - •,' ,- -: e rr ~,, ~ ,Aurrr ••( 16,J, trfs•a, LIIPROWED ): LA"I . OR.K A N I) 4' .I. LlFl)it \ A \ ~ . ii. 11 \ ~, „. .q., : , ... as s ~,/, „`f 5 ,v,,,..„ p i „,„„ , a, STE ANIS 111 P LINE. k 1 tn ' , l'm , -,...r h I .‘ , .q. rti :no s+ PI. i- T. I n T IPd ! . .. ' Ertite h :; : r24A. " 1... ' r111 . g.T;* , ".. , . V ‘, .1 4." ...rt , ..r. rrilE NOR 11l ER 4 LII.II I , :.,rktt Ut \ 1 , ,,1 , , mI , EL. : \ I ~, . h.. ..,,., Al. ~,,,,,, , li red/. rmyro a aith aor/IntoT.- Iloilo., Ishii Ird enrol' t 11.11011100 OS Inctr...lng the 1 nil'. I' E , T. EEDEETD 1.1. ' "I' . .,lCArr EL. 'MM./11 - toil/rt . , Fr 1: it awl l • thorf y Sit .h - l e. tottil 1.,1n..r4,•AL n.r. , 111.0 t ..1.,......411303,... .10 1,,,,.... %. ~ ~,. F I E .L it., t ; .,0 ~I. \v „ ,..1,.. A ~,,,,,.,., i, ~,, ~, , t h,. ..,,,.. , ~, th., . , ,.. 1,1,,,,,,, ~... ..,,, the 1 Ith and 17 oof 01.3 Inttltlll. 11'h on these .lA. /al. , I. n 021 itt IL.I. tr 24 2: ,r. tint n.ll.llSof a,.. dehl if he on eunlay tire /dm, lay arlhorring will Iv the rollinxi • • It 1' dr • lar.li e , olff I , or.. ~,• t , , ,,, ,....1)-- • •,. r., •-,.. -.... • ~,.,. , out /4 wlidtistlin NINE \ tvereo miles of Land limn. , rt tird.. r.` •r A /Ire. "e7e• L' lirrTlNa. ''' '- -• ''' '' ' m '''' A •-• ," ''' ," i :.: .. • ;\,.., i,..ivi . ... :hot nlf_hinektas oh r;u- J. t./ ilr X. V tali br. WADI:. Ihrl:I. /. -N 1,1.1.. sIN ex rotIA.., .• • . e.,:1..... N • -.". N :., • . . , 1r id •I lel. . nu! 11...T11 ER J.NATII AN, one of a blob ' if oJ. ..''.. , pittshnrgh \Re c , e s yAria NUrse , ' • . will loam. ~,, I Ise .1, sod. the Porifletermlous Jf Tratudt / e•leA/ro •. I ~. .. ~,,,,,, \ Route. a f naa I 0nt...,0. an th. orrltal .1 the pareet.,:errfr \ rbelrl\ r. ....^.., J. . . ' (i.I I l'..k I El , AI, ilkinA Ave, For f nab', lot .rmotiou apply to \ '. CIIAILLF- 4 MORO I.V. agent. \ '!‘ y " "" '! - .,!•,rTr.',','A, Ih" 1 "N '''"'' L•tter. ~ Dowling tlne.n. N l \ • 4 '.. ... - i.: * , '"r ~1.,,,t, one quart , rids, r Ile filin, 1, hr , r,-lind 1..r0 ,au est n .1 10 , .. 121 about, th 'etrol a Olitrter nallvelpen Itter . , ouom , \ 11'11 . A. Jls 11l JON '. / ,Cx: ., dom. ', \; EM DEN MACIII.NE I'oNIPANN - \ ~. ~,,,,rp.,,, , ,,./., , ., Thst nn, fdrarolo a sem 4..rge . lb, ~, , , , ,,,i well grow • pw,,, ~,,,, p, ~ „,... , ~....,., ~......rafin, for 1 , 41g . e. tn... anj pinittesuitablr for wrau.adan. 4 fib JaR an,!l\ g , E,T MERIDIIN. ,' I oar. tr lom, 1 and am -r., of 11.... n.. (hid I'l4 4. oroantlorr I roterhitlos 4, ~„.„,,,,pa i n , -` IX ;tont li making. LATHE , . PLA "I. Ir• n... 1 et lier .1 `LA. .I.goola b.' t .4 , nt..' si lke(, serr 1.1,2, and ...lug The Nn.arre rem careers arum : acne ft \nund and ' CH 1 IST 4 ' Tian., or Pt/horror riu.d• •od h." '''\ ''''''4'•• nol L. nt sq ,,, nrof . •to.urs,".l.l.lo tn.,. a 11.... A. I ala l tts. and reser I,I:IIAM'S Patent Dunn mei lamb, Aellitt I , llltt I, , ' I. In .roirt tr.., nosl ...0. (forme t. nod, Jul. are 1.1 111. S, of all ..., for 11111.1. Worm, rolls-lid water • R . r.l 's Spool Sil . N. of fu....... a. v.'l'lo In ombords And Arrosuae Prounda roofed... et. Cut. a ills full turtleulars. ora/ Iv had •,r, V ~,,,,, ~ ,,,.s , .fo . f , . s, „ „ is ., ~., , as ,. a. P l ant. mm i ii pankrel and sent tyro lug tU ‘ Arectkous atralsratmo. to any part of . Unittel Etatet... . 1111 f .I IS, ell kr,..,,ra, r , ,',11./ / a s in., ~,f, np,‘,o, the We 1...: loom krall tb,rittuntlon of tit Ines a/41 We d' 1 - FN • 11.1 . :311 . ../S • S Filio G. 1 1 ,1 C.i.f. , . 'I 'pod, ,4, a . r.,,•,,, ,a, ~,, a,,,, la, ....,, odd in , rm . rind ronder /c , :to,frade to Our mild ivied ' \lit . o , n If ii 13.11. 11l Clue, r 11nro. Pin.. with Chalne attolied. , i a ,,.„„ an a nt... to oli r.... d the I nrten r. to.. \ Ithe spring of VI. oMlrrooing morlY• 44 pa E f • , eluol . the mat Ploroond P.m. J.I. ~. without chain.. It in wartnnted nos. te , 1 , 1.... f. 1 toiss h. ~ spoolann, Jr , Dr • Indigo. , nd /Ix., that or nor rof dor. 0,1 ‘,lO O . •«u 1 I, 121511. • 201. elian th tr. ~,,, ~ ,orby , DOM,. mu -h as the tisual Xi ~ and w rh e i, tli put up 4 _ ,. ,,17'.!,!" , i_t , , ttjr!..tati:.... , ( nmortry. ~J .lrtli, l n full , 1 in. ot IrrI7:;11 . ; 1 . T ., 1:T=2 . 1 i ) . ..1.1 . - 2 , 10...1 4 1 1 . 1 , 1 , ..1 . ..L17 . .1 1 1 . t r I 1 . 1 1 . .1Xa11 1 dotes spools ra , TllO =lien conni 60 dos. ~,,,, ' ,,,, 1 . :;:i4; ‘ ,... , Via1 . trag' , f , =5 , ,,,„ 1 . ~I L ~ fa .. - \,. ....Witnat triornond.. a,. frof !Ponds,. N.a 1 ,./I• Ti ' re Silk tuad ,- P.r s ,,, lng ‘ h. , . i , .. , ..1 , I , , I '''''' r ''''''''' l° th \c l " .. " l.-4 "' r ^ h . " 1 "' 4. 7 i ' ' ,L k ' I oullo. ehoh. and to aloe , who he um !0 , . l• onl ”m" . , Chilliti & tinilth, ! hemsmoY, 1. 1 . Vt: r out the artiol. , .1, ,, ,..11 ,, r , ,, A 7,1- 00 lll , l rier\.ditimel to f tlXthronvir ITIMIn• Porit loltliv, near' ti• dfr ... I t JWpor Won , o market Maya its, No. 40 Pearl Meer!, New lork. I kor arll, the Foto Agents!, I. 1 uliol mob. ... , ,.1•0rt.i.. , Mselet. wil l X. , ? Prrnliat , •Ilondod to. \ ' ) NIPORTEtts (IF wiNDOw coItNICES.I , c,voi ,i, u.,a. ks , 1 ~,, ..Pala /Off T 51 North Tlin .t. Philo:l4p A ' I s ' . RIAD. , A .II Il\ nt Ir 101-r In in the Trak In Now , It , IRSTM AN N. BID all •1.‘.1 A I.LI EN , I 3"l' Sat: it , 111 A t /1‘ CU laul2 A L W ARV, ork or at a thstoon. r.,.1 P. or-rasa!: sttooded . AI,. , • sulaolt, a Ilaji . .ntr.. ‘... lor . ~ ~ ~., ,- ,„. ~, T. Jrustantl, on lonia. W or., .1. mIS •lot I 'ott.d. D rril 1... h. • • \ • ow Ds . 1,,,:r.t,q, o 1111 1., .tr ~IN In WI sIIADI.h• and i 5 ' FLOOR 011 CLOTAS: . P.. '" r' + 'h' : i ' le ,._ ; ' ! ' ;... 1.' 11 ' A .. . 1 (T E Zi7, V..1,• " A "1 ...,;, ` 7t.., TI lIIM 1 N.... all of a trioli fir er oft. rat ~..11u y „ .. ., . , 1 , , , , ..e/f, , \ A I. , i i,,il („) s: 1 i ( . \),,y T , , • u rli rt •o p. a p“ C r 0 , . ,1 1 . 1 , 7 5 n , p1, ,.. t , T , e , r ,, :r l a n br i r ,. /rtA o Ler ,t. ul i tuzi d l an ik. ,l`, , prim.. tells .. Fl,. .itardettpin t a llow, sn. 4, h.e.vg-ren Fruit and 1 15 Clll7Oll ALL Er. PHIL ..1 PP ..1.11.,1, 1,,,,,,, r ..,,, ~„,,,„A, Invlrn“.. choral.. halt, and aid World's Fair Premiums. \ ther ortfrlea ornotrUed with Alirted.lture.. TIIIt E E I' II IZ E NI F. D.l L S ' 1 ',ill 4ohn and V, 31 and 33 PM, or ~ - ,V. Y., •Inl7,l}.d.rzS S \ t \ a_ ;, - Hare Isom swanl.sl to the eery elegant and superior Oflor taf,ll.. Tom,. ota favorable Prins n f liNlievk of ' Finit Treks , geeEverns, me. P lAN( ),F( ) It ' r ES'l r 1,.0 0 R OEI, ", " T . ' ri t IE t nl., nil).rth,Aro nsPt, rp ' spnirt 13 ' I[ 4 l XIIIIJITED IoV the Sflber.rilrer • • r , I ill. rall ji, ' l. atteutk•n of his tnend.,ad the nt :no 1 . 111nr.1. e..,..,... 1,, ~,,..,,,, -- 1 "1": t. Ij k I.E 61 L CL()TII ' ,,, Air ~ hlairfn Mr, riltrof /soh TraVre, Fe. , le afenesnuotio, ..mt. .the) wruid fete' r' . ' grooti., hrrible.m. It.se ,Jresulimm• I . lArite. Art (or Amoritan MO ',noon uMnrintot nr... .1 I X. 1.. I Atid lli ll'lt , I 1 .0 .1 , 4 1 . 1,1 r..0. 1 1.. 11 1 \Pt. , `.. thi• opportunity ondo,' then, hook• to ...Jr ulltsint.nur friends. For Clore stormy. nod 111.,. pat. ' l ' • 4 ° O .. yr ".. •• """ 1 ''' e n' ld ''' "''. l ''''•'"` '''' . / 1 sotto. teak Dwarf and Pland,rd .1 our or/an roloing, of n.nade liore,fore ....ended t.• them. and engu, them that :4 T ..\-. 1 It o I ti. f.'l LoTli S. \ .. -1, ..i- vv - t , .... t."'h....•' 1 1 Ih"""•o'l st‘r. - ith , c..r , donolo. Shall be •tramd to •untarn the nattering roputo- pl. 1,. Iv and r= hi. wide. Are,. \ m. phi... rind Raspborrievallpasehorrl,OCupoote. Au alron.li art aired. In order P. imort the groo'l• lo• , \ , our Pinar ns, (ruin 1 Pea fre4 . ,l .111.011 ttrn'Vt.o-...1 1 .3 orea.o.l demand for thew Iraq...dn.. the/ ham. added ; E.V.4 if EI. I? I) C' AA' I - 4 ,S • , N alolo4tild, s e floe. Pervin. wake,ing barge quart Ulm Will largelt , their ulonnforturlng lore la Irn. whloh they trn. , Of the troy I...Poem:foe um. Alp,. 'be literrolly 1 +lt with. Coll a em our stead,/ 112th. 0/ • sm. elm sin , Wen. Orders left fit the Pittsburg. IL rilll enable them n Daum Pr pomp.: moot veer, dr. ' SIIIIET OIL CLOTHS. . r It. Delsol , iherty AL, the IhaPtsnd Norm,, J miles mend. Alwr. on bond an assnettoont of r ery •upetlr M EL. dig- I , 1 their own manntonture.44.l end n 'ord. will.. of New . o Fetifus. Alum .. or the l'it.btinh humor,, rat, lull. ANS. of over: Atli, 1.021 al. los a.m.. rand Leading Patton,. togethor with a stork of lighter ' Mir rrakland. 0 1 It ProMPIV ~ . ....trt to. \ ' riltx. koTEVri A TRU:Its. , " or . p ern ,,,i,m,„ va- , a .,,,,,,,, I L ~,,, ~,,,, ~,, ~,,..,,,,,,,, pH .I" " t art am Hoed at "2". h.- Ilantlnohe. /molly to ormer It'll , It • orrg et. Ni..0..1. II ell ' the 1........1 llntkrl ITless an7-d,no 1 vip dawn .11.1IN"IJUP.DOCII, Ja. - " - '7 10 ' 1 ' ; hen - jl P Xl; 7 olrit ' er ' lcr " ;•=o:Vo% .' oootro A r m'r • l i ' i t' o'lMl lo : n- I ;•411511''''''"' . Oral. LATIUM/ oratflia 1 \ Bay Wood Flowe . ,', '.. • - - l • RICHARD NORRIS & SON, , i ' RANGESI i s cTS have bee made Nvi* N 0.76 Chambers Street, . NI ~ mitts t,( WOW( /TIN' EWII It KS. 1 ale •lamarteton. of Voy Wond Floral ftliteu• for a noW. NEW YORK, I Mont e pal, of 1ib.0r... \Lod cut noire dpring II hat, P. , th I bn , s, ''''''''' .',” '''' r ' '''.. 1....1r ' .d, 1 and , t, , car I.adr, op mmtlenom cett I..lundatted at PINN I - 1( / & Co., • PHILA I, niqui. , abort no ins noy of the lot rg flerroh form% ,It I..A.NF FACE ( 4 Hi: LOCONOiTI VES ex- , I :', 4 ra ili 0 ". t.,-.4 1,,Y .- 7" :4,) ' illlpairtel• And Jober. of SI!, A.\ R1111P , N,,.' 1 - KL , K rs. PEA FUER ti. FL , 11 , 7.7 , reTti..,is.n-i,,,,,.•-...„ Pion or nt ail. elm do•lnrd. in the lic o V , ....c . . , - A -I , "^ Al A, ~,,, . .1. rxer ll ae log offensive wor .1. .P. dlled with/he N. x . r le. T.a.t. espornsli, aeloirtort to their huxittesa arm can ‘-.E 6 N'h f.ll . \ , ~, Are now eve-virtu: a lrroo nod emsralet. a......ment or \ I, Mottoft.. \ , ''"•••••-•• RICH MILIAN EII.I . GOot/S, ori.orde .v , l ra eery prompt on reewmale. terms and ... llternlersett , Iforrling. nod lowntoor T, re. furnished at , , ~ . 1 r7r ~.,,,,,, c ~,,,,,,,...., ~... ~ u 1.14, tho, am mra..l., to v.,/ At the lowers p.n., 01,1 on ono, Ad,. /I enured Inn Wr.r,rt 1 , 1yd...0.n.0.- .1.4•1mn 1 ` L'"` T. '''• .17 . 11;ff,„ . U...„ ,'.;•,„,1 , Ny - ia:4;,,,m, 1.1 Wood strlit. tiro roost fat. nl.l. torm. Tie.e who aumliem . 1 n.. 1 1, 0000 one tornlll .1 10art, a..., noon: ad mu /nests are , C. D . EVAN S . ta.9l remb.rd ..11mot 1 ron, tf,. oroorst.dri-0r,,, Freon.. . 1 ,_„„ LIPP,P7,II Till tP....01/ , No. 21,Tiorth Fourth Street, j f r illICIT TIiDES AND SIItWBBEH.Y. 76 Charol.er, .t.. I ..t. , 1..., N Ve-t ill' liFfiallWity, (. kiln.. I DELP/HA. 1 • The subrwribeiv.flor+ for salt a "tlorlew isosort _ OPPIOSITE 1 rib IR, INO 11.C.J.E. N Y , Boca, siloy: I\U GAITER UPPER : ~„,,,.../ ~,,, yigntrvili PEAR Tit LE. , ,botladorlirfs n 6 n VI•VG222t II PI ...........1. 2 and ...andante, reline nf a boariog star: \Near Jerp•T VII , . mud MAN - 0 P.A.CTLT Ii.ER. Peathes, Plum haelorraro . •, I prlentalbsercherrimUfurrants, rri, and. other mils: Evora/Paw. Hy Um Tu- For Melbourne, Australia, Pioneer Line, • . 14 deLeILP,II.. ,, t Imo , rr;alr titlr.l cur ill. I.t, to ' lit, P a t ' a ,,, ar r ,,,,,,,1.,„„a„ 1 / 4 .,,i,„,,,,,,,,,,,6,,,A n a„iZ, apr i,,,,,- ....ion non' , •Pd f•• 4 ' ritlo tit the 1'..... Priu . .. 1 hitnemenfa fo • r • ti/e far o And Gerd., 01, snostuipprtreeri Carrying th e Ur/10d Sintrs .11011. French. En.giish and American ) ron.truction. boom the .' ',Land Dont . ..lout WSlnnhouse. rrlIE A. 1, .perior Clipper Ship GER- KID, CALL' SK IN,, PATENT LEATHER, ''''.' Ilft , E ""•'S'''t ..Iliols . , JAM hp \IVALIfIILIP. II Tlll' OF am arsessol the V.xlitlrmale. Anti .an for the IND 'll t• FT., n 01,10,, 1p,)1 1 DFAI. CI crm ~."- \ r• ' • 2 , •1.... aorta on the first of Jul r, a. ..stn stun . f \ . • .., in 11 Baltimore `moon, CLAW., :b. Llmr. Lb., .:.t.trade 1,.. an,...1 lorrodi A resoortabfr • ...e x ,- \ Phrenological Cabinet. I to ,L, dlo I rue Pile. titled's,' horse fa. sallor, met t* the tidy I 1 ohlt , Imo loodrog At tl.f. r....i.4\ F (,) wLE Rs, 6E: I, I,S & CO„ , power. noirxWerT 4 0 TIES W Alallityl.. port for Australia Thep 0000 r 1.10. lia• gamed a me' ~ . .1, .... ,,, •1i . r.q....... ft was tbe fli. , • , lird I. or'w theenh . lor a .," r' f '"" . '" . " d I '''''''''' - ' - • •4 A " E B IRD c Ali ES-13 doz e vil.ri./114..17.eS fpr e.,ale, regular one. Kr,/ thing Is or-ruled h., posemmom'..•• ' r -,.. / I slond. ledow Soranth. I•htladolidlia. furuish . _ mat •Int • vul Ilgut.r., rent. nod tow... Fho length ..: s ' . 11 . works no Firmrlog• I•hisiologir• W at, , ...* nolf.litwT JAMES IV ARROP, es. go fart, from I, . lon de , . hr. I' ob. 14./..1e 4• . , E..." ( ''' • .4 4.4 "'".r." , • '`E n l' - ' 1 ! pp ! ag ed J...- , ...00r.n.1 Cabin folio., SIX/ and el, • 1011.••ird n•loil. at //rw Y irk prima Prof./. - , s . For frolxl.l or passogeoapply to it. WCA 'I Erns , . •ionsleson.onationaseitst obit., arid fuE Lif e Eel CC) . 1N1.14...A I N T, , , ...,,, try 110 1\ o il etre... pr - Z , :e..„ . 'risen de...rotation. e/f ob a rao.r. day ugh a ~ , m ug. Cabin, fnv., ) D I" SPEI' Si A , I (MN PH YEE, DEALER IN 11'01tY, \ . - - - - _-_„-_-_== . JAUNDICE. , OP and maw/fart or, of I VO, I i./.11.1. ?iti :1 31, •Pr1, ' . C.\B. READEFY & CO. ' CIIRONIC or NERVOUS ' DEBILITY, '. .„.., ~, , , GRICI: L'IT RA L I)IPDEMENI'S AND - I .1..1 LIS -'IA 11 1 flt 'l.. Fulton stn.. New York. CHEAP ' CARPET W A REHOUSE, 1 ' DISEASE' OP' TIIE lilgLY EIS. ~,, `..! MI BP ....v.-VE.IR m.u,cl, - Ar ' And all Disease 4 /(rising ftVm a \ Disordered 4.1...,..."...ti •,.l it.q.:tl " '. ' •,,, ii r oll.. 1.1) re.ileetfully illforin tileir friend+ Liver or Stomach, \ .___, v v itrol the pol.llX generally. that they harm In store SUCH AS CONSTIPATION N WARD I 3( )( ) r .Fti & S F - I( 0E...4, ttorir r ninnies Fall Stock ,-,,,,,,,,,,,,, o f c ar h o r s of every I Piles. Ettilne, of Illnal to the ll.sel. Ad Rye( the dereripthr, from the korai Velvet arid itrueD to the R - , - ,, na ,„ v an ,„... ii aar th n „,„ Di a , f ar p a° p a ,,,,,,„ WHOLESAL,F. AND JAMES ROBB, ..,,,....,o,:ht yard. whir , n)....1 , ign. and tory doh. ems. , gi,,,, ac aa a i„, pia of , maoh, Spiormlitit a the worl r`arrtnir Matting, Druggsta Itug., Mat.. Stair Rod , i lira& !tarried end Dilhnult Ere/Whin, Fintterink at the /( ) .Sl. O 11K ET all 6 U 1..11 ale ., :',l do w lode. - Shode".. ,, Eer•.^ . , u • • •^J "re .' 1 .. -1 . r' lll 11-aft. Choking or Suff..lng Serwation,thrtn in's ITlng Sand «.-mine their ..... ptsoml.,aLar smelt And o. ' . I p.ort um. ((mils, tor Vision. Dote or IVO.. trefors the Wight. fn or the Mort, Dors,. Mt Dtbuodh. would Inform ~,,„,....,,,,,,,,,,..,i „ n ~,,. ~,,,, ~..,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,..,_,a . , 1,4.0 r •,.1.1,411, Palo Dottie Item) Dotteloney of Perspire/. -r 1.1. ,chyle nod Ow I 2,110 criternllyl that I* has,. m= :l td. I.: et......: P -Is arid shoo* In .I there , Trax ._.,fl r 4j ° , • •, l . a l j ' i r• , '' '''' l•."''' '''''''' -'" . a L.., 1"... .r . 1.1 the •"-' h l - ' l ' ... 1 E. ,' ..• '''...3.1" the E.''', . Rork, Chest .inirw do . midden blushes of peat. hUrn- Pm In thelire/h. Constant Imaginings of IfeiLandOrkst riir. Ht. and em M0....a, /hr., An.trn Ity 1.110 lad,. of NEW PLOW FACTORY. I Depression of FOWL.. ahr,•.l• lohla Now I ork Slil I/ ". 11 /Ml li,rn.ts canted rail to pletwo ail 1, mot 05 . 11 '"""" . 1 `". . . 1 ' .. ... VA LI ,IF.: 'N." Fr . )11.G E NV( ) HRS. 1 .._ C... 0 111 treIn•TrALLY CLIOACD 00 . the ohms.. :nod.. all of whlob b. v arrant. J. S. lIALI. .r.. SPEER, DS. 1100FLINWS Ile ala.olint Inn, 12, tasotor.. sr It.r.lolnit, .11 .1, ...1.,...nr 221 li.ttn ntel .Ino n P.n.! 'ln•tti 11. it.lid 0111'01 lIA V I Nil ..t..M1,11 . i ‘ • i . • . i the! - CELEBRATED. GERMAN BITTERS, e. f lit 11l l• Iln 11 r n , . •tr 2 ,, 2,1 ~.rolo ',mon,. I n t i d e cit,. 1.. h. coact P.R.E.PARLD Br NEW PLinhill F krefillt Y. Itt 11attrhortr,. It, It 112 rue.olent rt narnult.o 111.1 tb.....1... tam, 11143 n•It11 . 11 1 V m .,,,,,,,,, t :,,,, ,p, ..,„, ~,....,,,,,, „,. , unirttna., Wilt I. furl, .104.11 n Ito Dr. C. Ir. Jackson, nood itopmee.l pout,. an,ortg illern nill./n. ,u1,.1 J. ~, • Drill I.l.riglo .1 st Hall'. 11- No 'Po arch •treet., Philadelphia. . 1 ) I SSOLUT IoN II). rAwr N E Ito II 1 l ' .' -- i " l,.„ ' il n ,:„ P t7.; . l ' , "' i•i•! ' ;;;; ` .. inner. , ,t 1. , :, ei. , uam. .two. 1 ' ' - - 6,..." • Th eir power neer the 0,...-0 diem,. In not abet , il Noun. .0 her. by /...r. 'hat tb.. I art oorrh,p hem- lin, old. end mai. e..,1. Comm And surer Ploughs. Goth- equalloil. by auy other pmparatinu In the Calterl thster./., ~...tion nod, the lino an .1 .t •lo ..f Fr lEFER A , afth 1.1..,.!, Polots nod caarit.....l every deseription , a,..., , a,.,,, ~,,,,,, i ,, ~,,,,,, c ....„. a,a,„ skilful 0 ara i,,,,,, a i Kt/IN/it ha/ lev.o.llisolmol The ~,,,,,,•,,,„,„,.. VIVI! ,ror PI rig,. land oastln, 0,1 1.2 It rut Whole... Ln , l I had ',,,,,,,, ' 1•11 Vs FA 1.. 4 will inured r.n ... • natrat by the 1...ma1t:11.4 11..1. nt 4.11 P warehoun. No. 1,1 Lihorty FL I•ll..brirch tn... Ritter* are worthy eh. attention of 1/Mitt.- 1 '''''''''• '" ''' l l lO7d.;l ' lViii iP: ' ,.. "- . : I,- -. so I 1-omdawas boll ~ 11..e.linowo. swoons , Camages for Sale. the liver and 1....., gLandr , premising tbrr most aearrh. ' 2 Inn' p•orltrlt lo rwealwrountand aff,lboor of the rligestlm on • J. 1. Jl,lOOl-00..... ~ IP T JF4I, 4 ItrI . A x.....- LIE undersigned ha.. justreeeivedgw, 1 gen. the, at , wrt hal. ru fo. TM... and Ple/uWOL / Excelsior Carriage Factory. .. ,:1 1 : ,....341 . 11,..EL.C. ,, • t b1..:1141.1 1 ,1 1 n ,,, 1V A Ft . r.. , I 1 i p ~,p4 READ A . ' N , 11 . 13 . F.... , 11 , ,:f i 1:1 ., ..7 ,, g1: : ~ . „ 1 OIINSTON, BROTII EIIS .s. co. praeti- il . r . Oa . .5 12:11. " ,.. ntv v ile. s th .0:Z1;4 ..,,,,,...'4; 1 .” ` t173 - ,h1,..T. get Tnn . 2 1. "1. 1`. 1 . 1 1,71 . 1,1 k 1 j..... ' for 'gni Itolln '' l nittervln ! ral Coarh Maker+. nom, of Sonoma and Delmont als o ' cif e'er, dew-notion- and will nmtlnun to rare regular I this elnntty If you whit. them. A holy eur:h..sioa some A legheny elty.l•a_ hoe. on baud alit are manufaoturing ty. now 1..1 .}pant CARIII Pilfa. 1 4 1:11.1f F.S. 111:(1- .4 A this week...yr/that Wsh, far Ilse Iv. unallotne erre ao 0n r..1.......p...,,,ntit'nrrin,...112..h...n Ito ,V... GI ES , . ao . which he frill /101 l ,m the veri 'ow.. ,rins 'lie rwer snow. having arm , . her and Mr daughter much Itarnteac• e ns. •L 0 . Ina•I0 In sJI :holy earrous stylm with os,r. Haring had twolve /ono, tear 0,.• In the huninss. , nom!. • A,... ~ rodent to duralollt Ti and bonutr of bor... "in. ..1 and •Ith h.. well known In-It/tie iln •1,. Lsot. he daft ' n II Law.o.s. Ihmlanlbr Slum. Somer.. Co ~Fo.. Aug. I ali t . ur work the Iv. Junata In.. ant 00,. 11. ,r, tAnoroll In putting l down all romp-tit lon , in. ~.... ..., a: .., am mind, attached to your ...roan RIP ' in , ouns•ttert lord to ot, the areo: man n• 1.1. ...rm. Th. r Those wl.hlna P. tryeloree am nlidevtfullT Melted , Prra ha ore ri.o 1 two iedtie• of rt. • men 1 ans - ufed from ' S Forts. /..or aro. at Sore end f , 111.1 goe. reit. -.on, 1.111 bo ~....n ..,..1 t Rat al who ,0,...., Ina. 2•1 tn-tr 0-r .. kr{.-0"..•11•1 yrrnrl 010,1109 In ti of CAA , front stln drooa, q th, Lim, JOnl It ha. groat Ow. 1 1,. PI/ tsbor.l. and 1tar,e1,....- .onosbue, 1,1 I.lle 014 •0••. ae ,n.,1 , .1t x,', , Jri.gl.ll kin- 'on my lung• strengthening and itrelgotating Lunn, . • which. a. 1 o aau Alt •vmaarr. in a great help Pr u ,. , .1 lAGEERREuTYPES--I,tt van .ave [u m.l 1 na. 4, :1,.. - 1..a lumitt..“. e . ". sta, 1 , ...,1, MILL •• I • 1.1 NI WESTERN . ELT, V e.a.01.i...tn 'Muni . ji r aad ,m., 'sr colieg to e.A.ltri , os Vu 74 It hot sad , then v' , ' r'"df h•lf • f 1.. botr , e" of !mrk...rm. , ER i iii. aa al a if • • i ia,l i , tem for Meer D.:mei/dal and din.avaf a nervous chan 'er Wanufneturer.,..l., a d. pi a , s a rae a. plit•frfjsZhe i .tun •• Ir ia ...sr'''. , J`mr . " • 11. ' ”R " '.• . ter msuff in um/ the Omar nemesia: ry I wan poisoned I.4 . ana. , licct imitable of/ le Yvette childen hrothora. ..... And , I mord*. rofnet,-day. • I.ol..llialfh allovia :or VP, nold :P .. . I N,. ...„v ,";: r . '1 1, 1 1 , r,,, , , r4,;71 0 4. , .., .. ,‘ ",1 1 , ,, , b,.; ,. ,,,, ,,,..;, ,, ,... , „ , 0 , - 116-sT EA 31 111 I.ll' 011 N E RS--W anted Co ~,,,,,..- I. Mood mall in the t` , .E. oaleSnt.. Rooms ha, no 'utor..l to a st. am Wort. for winch mob. r ‘ i " ..•"' ''''' Ehuf. Er. "" 0 " "'"' 4 ' 1, ""' 11-1-•" d ' t h rlflt. " J ' ltirlhe ' m h .tr7. '". sartif l 4 ' .. th au ' lr fr l k ih t' ilil 'l : wttator nalestate will Iv gime. En., trim "1 many more bottiev Di onre me teftitf Tll , lllO 10 .R 1 1 ,.. 15. .11list JOSEPH CHAPMAN, • J. , ' r. ,,,, ,c.-..,r Dauphin, Po, writ.. May 5, 11../11- - I was .111 1 , t.-1 with dem,. thatiltty. luterdluol Weal- FANCY CHINN STOILE, PIWL.E.S..i LE AND 1iKT...1 V. fiKot LER LjE no. and tlmtreenosa, for vlateh I used many dlftereat . 1r5..511 SrUITICT PU1 ,1 111: 1 :11. IMPORTED CIGARS, .., ~,,,1a....111.,at 0.-a.r. iat teat owe/ your Ileotanire ' '.rman !littera I Perk a few tottles annoming to din, .1 UST I alp ,, rte.l an.l n ,, ,, open rt full a....,,r._ E. 3 .11,1,1,r ~,,..1., flmouryd4, I t or.. and a. meoplefely cum:. I bar ot town rlo Pletit FeePiett and 1,12611.1,111 , nod Whit. China, tint ... r ~__.. 11. thr f.r ton yearn Am I hese ,wn Since k 'Our Bit. And M lilt. And ,dorod :roe 4 too. 1.411111.111 l , ftro •uota • • • lOll. whirl, is, &mut one Year age '• Ito :or nun:roux!. ...11 , 10. II ...DR I•l•stra I T 1 . , ,, Niters aro entirety 1., ohm/ye c litheninn the r•tem 012.1 110.01. pn•ral1111, 11. .. .......... , AUSTRALIA. --ETNA GLASS 'WWII, S. SIXTY DAYS' PASSAGE. • WM . DAVIDSON & CO.. . Pioneer Line of monthly Packets, Ilk, A NtiF.ICTI , RERS :‘,,tl dm... , in Vial-, _ CORIII'I,VG TM, I".vrrt:l. ST I TES 31011- The full, it, Klt.a Ingo uglud . Vli / , ‘ , ....." , 1 •II Ittndnur g m., And Mint gat.... re. a..... 0. 1 jl4/ t• - • 111, • July Nut lion), 1..) ....1,17 1 t 1.;1 t . nldsrm . tegdntleuLar Itteugun 1..1 , .1 t taMAtenu gn, Epunnun3)f...l,4o/gonKAtm Lu.ly 00,1111.tan,901, ton./.onit ' 111,0 1, 1 (11L SA LE- -2,0 ...r, ~r t.. 1 ..” whit,' ' - '"," < ,'''''.`•'''''':-.'Pt,t": . i,',Vi.=",•„l:',.,"`;': i nat. flottum. I mile fun/ llelinnuurt The Int,. v• Om, ,n, 1.,t1 tutu, ..1... .1/21 . 1,.t. ,Ilt• Ar- n/ arm ut d e land. • to. 4 Inusto mul KA.. ...,.. I 400 tumt. It.e.. 14.,ilartiuum. 900 tow. Decuaber. • v.., uteltanl. se- de 01/.... • Kn., ,m-01., ••I !L.., 8..t.',.. , ,. Ijklo tun, .1.1. ISI . /.1. Kg..., • A /111,11../..1 Innetud Il,igor. Awl •, l,dl 01.1... rt Pranint. Fah, 10.51. nue ent/10,... 1./g sal ergot, At.uid du well I. m.t, a au,...z:lJ-OAI tans. NlArrh/ A•ightaute, LOGI, ~. 31• T mrstlm At ml uffluo. out It g the nuse4opt wa, 0/ Illid 1.53. she. `grun/nA ran 1// had Kunum- of M., tt . / A.?, 74. 4th .0 ' . ''' ; ' , "l. -1 ""' t'''''. "."I"'"'' ' ''' L"' '..". 'a" 11 .7 tf 10,4. N....), .10/0 Kul, 0,11. '7O . . ❑ ,I 4 )...k . :!;.9/ 1 SOO (/ , t , 1 ,: e .. 1 . 7t , •t i 1 , - ; , 1 , 1;,.5 oto/ „ .1 .. c.: ,,, ,...h i II , I . T .4., :i 7, 2! , ! .. , 0 1. 1t,.t .. 4...1 , t‘ t c,, , ,qtc,1 , :11 .0, 112i:475in. , r . , , dn y t/ D 0 a' , ORI NNE OR ITALY, Le M,,,1.,„,. Il e 1 1 4 7 ,, T.7...:.1 , ;'::1 1 V7"1,.. ‘ .21.' 1 1 , : ,, 1Ww0t ‘,..:1 )t..: I% ~.,,,..1.,..., ~, 1.,...1 ,i,.i...ith wthmi ,r. •; ,Sit,`,r;,: r :: ';,,`,",','.."7th ' O . , "" 0) . 30°. • .. ' t nit) ." ,/./nt ' , the /goat., L. 1 1 : Land-, In 1.1 IMnu, for mile I • ' / e • ',., • u<2. - 1 K Al' ~ 0, , U , unt 0.. I 1111 1110 ,JOh of sl.ternber. 1 The VINING Ml' n 111,111 //n gm nunt Ihr•,.•••,I mod- 1 4 1 011 RENT-:-.‘1, - 47 , 1 lb.— on ....,I :4.. 1.-. : ' ll VH ^l-111 '" ...1.1 I. `` .l .;: l ‘ b • rl• •'' '••• le• 1, Inn•fl rd.. , r' ~,,,,... A rehlteeturo mu/ Amu • /nen/ a /In e Ingt n I t .2: .""' S"Ath'"'"')1 1 " 11 / " 1 1 ,/ . ' l . , 1 51 ' 17: ).: 191 •47, r 1 r 01,71- a" 1 ' ..7e ' re ' r ' r t .n./ " AV t a .' lt " h a u f. r. ' lo ' ," Tr / r l/I ' ‘ ',l 7lC.7lV/o.l 'l , i n t lnt . l b /.. " r " •s ' ---- - 1 7 . . t n /1.1 MA 1- AKIIII/....... / .. . 1 . 111 1 , / Mt.. 110 FARMERS, D.% lItY3I EN AN _) TAN- I 1 . //r 1.1/tht or nituutuu. AV 'IY ~,, I•egg. , PI, I rAut 11. \F . ' ' F lA, - ri d w t i 1 1 Ri '"' '"'.. - It. l , 0.1%1K11/IN, 1/141 WAII,r,t, Nosr 0,4 utt/M.:01 toll, T 2 mum rilllntlalnuJlK and t l . , _ ' miles Ira 11111.1.1. lt at., MAK., .0 the Pulen..l.unt Itmlnuml .II .mt . a.m.. Are el. mug: uu .1 ttlxl/16 I. i 0,0 1411./11 II A Log 11//0. 11144 11Arn It 1,.•11 Aila,tokl tug/. ongona g frult. or It 1./11.11/10/.•11 0,4 • 101,11. N.,. 1.17:;:.=;:,1::.: ' ,: 1 Y..7. '. 11. 1 ,. ," r.: , 17,. 1 7, 1 d ,,, t. 7„ . '' t 4 Th ' ; ~ .„,,-. 'lt. 1, I I OAK. t , drkaltntert Mtge onk.l•unlar, lll , /./.11 teurth, tho attAntion of l'Annom. A. thr hart ran nu emit tu Intl•buruh. In el., ragruud , mug. The tin., alutn m aurth emgo gym Itu urno m/kon.and nuot of tho lan/1 .011/1 70r.1 eared ont n•Ature Who'll eloared The • hult. vlll be Auld I, the vory'luir mimed DI per Aeso. ur It vtll lonllt Moll le/ , 111 purells•ere. At furtu 111 to pi per vr0.../r/11, 0/ qualltr. Tornut-T/.llllho In hand. the tutlan. In an , nqual 'Annual mg tuunt... Title IndllmmtAhlo. Enot . uloo 01 nee tf Tlll/_ WOl - 1115. /1/ Woud Pl. • Self-Heating and Box Irons: RUE Sol.,ribcr having pnrehdttett the OX rliglre rivet .1 ght /.. .1 Ju tu hnsn's l'atunt In,. And J. Jel etttee, ',tont 'tog Ilentln, ennenthlna Innth 1, nu. , •.--- - •' - • ..tenoively thnirtinie. In vim,- with th. stogie he 1.e.,r timid hi. iin Co. ton find goo.' of the rolismon Tailor en.l Amidto which h. would rissrinetrully lur ite the whilemlo &hire.l.ll.l public In C. 111Nii,LASII Dubuque Tribune, . ri, , ! Moat I irlo-r ~I me My. T HIS is "Ile of the oltieet arid tenet middy elreolalod NRwspaper• In lowa. In...burgh Merchant,. and other, I ...c r1.1.11t0 to ure tho I.u.neaa of Dubuque and the Crie MIIRRIRRIppI. will do well to Rend thßlr adsertlxements t_. the RW1111.871: THIII - li. which I. Inon.ll Dally. Weekly rqd Trl-W,Lly, and h a s R.resoy a largo solvertlolng Pa...a ~ .. oclB-tf will le poet. .ley re l lere l ner hi It. column', - HARDWARE FOR SADDLERS AND CARRIAGE MAKERS R. T. Leech, Jr., wow, STREET'. PITTSIWRGIL Al.. Cloths. Lrwv, Damdgkot, Muff Jrrsey Nrrlno.. Vq.raleb, de, do. No. 60 Arch Sirtn, rooadlopoio, Importers of G. t I. Gee's Unrivalled NEEDLES. Agents for the. most Celebrated •n.lngnnhla?y.al.wMwaPlw&sg E=l 1, 1 01: SALD;riA and Indin Njw I Brightn. alra.aat.ir • 1, “• 10 4 1 . 0 n • matll rm. rammantlanc • viva of the what., lawn. anti will, n Tarr ninon distal:am al the Ilnw.l rtatbas. The 1.,t A 12 0,1 ar 130 Pet. alan.a with nrinur kind. of fruit ra•lnphrol.ary. Tha amen I. built ru.lcrn rontal. tivarraorna and kitchen; a brink Oster, ar.. . aa.,l with a altar, and lapablo of hal.lloy 70 bbla nt the door. h.r p',than . lEL shshloners...2.l by VA feeEnquire t. In !bout. hvwn, aril suited rivate of null IL )IcLAIII • e1)N..21. 6th st „PITTSBURGH AI.I.EGIIENY CITY wAIIItAIVTA WAN'T VAL—Tits I - Aghast prl, in rash II 49 Pahl the l'lttsburgh A.11,1,ny City Warrants. I,y"n2t D. McLAINKtiIIN. YL 6il st. HARRIS & CO.'S NEW YORK SYR- R ? I•P 1.61, 11.14. n tynth this day reed ant hr ..I.hy Wll htTTIC, hn. Wnnd st. 11111 . 5 E it LARGE LOT NIL..U6I—For • Frame lino, containin4 tru.nurraud WO ~ of 'wall capital. Enquirs at Oh 14.1iht1a1e •"2/ X. CIII lIIIEIIT k Kt/N.110.11 pt. .. ' 4.: . e A LED II E ti i li IN 0 —ls , l, , T4. m f3r ti at A le Nt lq !. - 7 no? - lk 11 ATCIIES--50 gro. superior l'ereussion AT Nletcbrot.mit re ..1 sod for uto by J..W. Mel , ARLAND. 7.41. t I.lborti . at. LION NETS—A. A. 31a.p.0n Sc Co. are daily I p Bonne t. . IsteSt and uovt forhionablo Nall) mod Volvo Thelr uo•ortio•nt campfires upwurds of MI Hundred Ibnuots, of all qugitioa. off=3 f . I ITY PAPEIi wAyrEux_—ss,ooo to Toth nu gnat City Vapor lia.lng Gann. d*Tr. 10 n mont h. run. Apply to Jlll H. , IrLAIS. VO i lt SALE-2.00 acrom of prime Land,. on _fp.. ..1, .11p.m. , 116“112o Piver , ono mile below MrConLero , Vt:grr ' Or " 7,24.1ri1d lViNs,Voiiirs7:; l 3. 0 111 A!"' — 'I4EALE'S PAI.NII3II.UntES on handl:ina Cr W. by peAl It. Y. f.ELLYES 1 CO. MEN if ENER.IL C031N11.9,510N FACtOit._ tnn t.nnt tin Heal r.lalr. Rr . and tho n0...010Am 1.111111, Note, Mort. •n.I tho rollrotlon ~,,, .rt.to Sreelnl latontlon lov L. lb. rtcraur. and unit. of Pic tlotal snit Illoorrm Fr.. loric this tlr '="r. 101 w Llnerty an.l Pongrlr. • ' • • ,bovnr G - 4 , llwnrth.l 1,3 onrk. , htet".l! • Co.. T Munran & CO. It. A IV . • Noonan no - nonl, A Cm. . tiroNro ••, .•' • ••• • CA.. I.Nltalln. Nichtilno. 1 no V.ll Bain, John linamm.% int.. I, !Dr. U Addlaik Mtn. 1%111.4. , 111. Ti 11. Craiz. Sllitentwrg.r. 11. 1,4r110.4.1...n. Inrr• n I I n l “rth 1! 'v... Jahn %Ir YYIJT I'lrlmt‘l I ant. tn lad r J I .erns rt - - - IV M. M. SI I W, Conitn.slon an,r. For vr.dinc torreltant, No. TNIVAInut rt.. Cl...Luta. ItrrtArr,--1 . S. Poo., , Gar, tor A Ford. 1..--T orph„, d erart... rlren.. A. l'lttotolrAla; TriolAb Morulon A ob.. At- 'AAP. Fresh Arrival of Fall Goods A(IAN h MIL are just receiving their' ohniere Fall Gonda. to which thy, tow'. the it...notion ' 1 . 1 " ;! . .1ett471 . :11 . p t ui a r r ft7I n ZTI L I... I 7I ' .I 1t:7 4" r 1 Iti . 4 111 lir porboor.lln the at,. Their 'cork oonettota, 11:to k l ttak r t, " n"rin'— litetl Strlttett t. 1.14 ❑ma Sham.. lonitl , a“... Bay stat• llla Thibet •• •• CamhmareShawk Chinttp and 1/Ingbanaec • tik k enra de LanJtlnahrinkable Elannehg •• griped 4 flawed IWolatz ne Fi CaAhnwraN Fanbrulderk. Penton Cloth: Vlore: - end 'Hosiery; l'n ran:att.. all color. illibbonw. With allgrade' and L l' I.V ER) , at the iwy lowrat price. with nu alto:Heat amen ntent .(llolockt*Tioa le.n Front Balldinc., N.. 01 51srkot at Notice to Shippers. 'Frit F. Ohio and Peansvivanta ItaiizladCum flpnorl.prep...lln eart Weight sill prnmpine...and .11. p Itch. Through freight la carried from Plttaburgh to i...rertline in ninet.en hotly.. and Mery aro t wo entopetina lin,. from Cl... Aline. to Cincinnati, w •that ritaporng may lb.. ' P , r tha throe deg.,. to ' frolght Fren,nt throogh at h. naval° TRIiOII4I point; In thr HI. AP ply to KS. Freight agent. or D. N. COURTS Lammt:Y.S of Transportation.. Pittsburgh. July 20. •_ Liverpool and Philadelphia Steamship Company. A', OTICE.—TIieCITY OF PIIILADEPHIA hl lu r.ll for 8 ii Or .411, T1105111 , ..N. .t at. 410 1....rtr at Pittsburgh. 11 4 1 A12111 FOR SAI.E, 1.V2. acres, s4uate ou On. Yr...hind - bony River. 4 udder alone Nftßoo,. portand from tho ; ...Are In a good 'tate of zddld. ration. of prime 1a. , . land. carnal odor choice timber an.l vratorod. A tau 'dor, hart hour... a lardo Cr.... lo.rn lelth stone baaemout: A 1.... audable olotildloof-- A Mule and l'oarh on-hard with ohundanot• .1 other raft tn...,4ch010n fpuditles. ref at-re. Term. eaay Ab, can bv bad the ntook and fn. - ming ImidelneutA • 'fai rer trine. and Threetaing Maohln.. 11' 111 M aWd at fal l ; u prield. S. CETIIRF:R2 A RM. Roll E.tate Act, .140. 9d tot Tea, Tea. Tea, „TE ore ro'eivin g from ' Kew York and rly lln son. .mprrini, Unn AL ~etwdsr, E.onehnnn Ind hnglish Ilmakts.st, orwhich have bren cwrefully !retell, andwill be sold ss ususl. either wholefalp rc le A. J F CtiNES. TV. , f Pekin Tea Stun, No. SS ifth stmt. SA,lect School, corner of an.ll.lberty sta., is nnw 11.•1011. u,ust 155.1,1. 1; , 013. SALE. to art,. of Land on necom ii sandatinc Irma.sdiolnhaq !lAA Lthertr, lying be. tw , ,en the matral i 15.1111.4 and Frarklutyarn r i nk flood. Enr.. , llltt ROBERT nA INNESSOTA - MINING CO.-2,0 chlirec IT t.l this Aeolrahle f.)r - ssto. A. WII.Ft I COI/' GENTS' FURNISILLNO GOODS always n haul it N. 83 Multot i vAn EINE 5.,441 by b, dra' In , lut , an• , llc and otyretret.r..,, , ..r.r7- 7b , r , . and by 001Ing 11rw., A. - .t 1,01. 11. kiuyror. 1.1 Wool.t. Pitubur gm: 11. P. B&hwar4. A.lgho b ny (2;4..4 by dealers la nwalcltit gent , ". ll 7. er...31-1X,1.1 FITS! FITS!! FITS!!! Tip: VEGETABLE EXTRACT EPILEPTIC PILI,S, qrk.,'‘A';:gfl:llf;ruTrZ;d. ttre laboring. under thiu "vying. maladr will And the I • LGET ri.„. F.R PILLS tt\ be the sill,. manly ever dhmvern4k for eyeing Epliep , Y.or feetio. These MI. tee.re , A speelne nett,st on the nersnus tom and, alth.ateh the{ see prepared ...pecially Inv toe ertinSl f n a% c O tlf w er l l l Li " W ea u d 0! ' ; , ....57 i 1e l Levi uerroue sPdoh. n its , beeh Pmetrated sh‘l.red from soy sus. wl.rover. 11, chronic outuolslntrk or diseases o. 1(m..: standing. sanrinaltseelb nerrouress, they aro ex. seeelingissbonsfetsi. Price Viper be., or two ' , boxes f ,Fseeone not of the site. ontioduis • remittance. will have rho Pill. sent 4t writ through the tn.ll. tree cer tesdag, For We by. :ru 'LANCE, N 0.105 lialtlmorg Arcot. Baltimore, thl.. to whom ‘ordere from alfverts of the Utdort oust be moldroseod. ptd. • Ser ...de in os Pittsburgh. by VLEIIINtI 11009., W.eel nt. or:11-Uselasier carpetim g!: ,R!4,,Clc 2 94.a il 4 Matting!. C=l=M Fr Frit s - rEkxr. OPI , SITE 'II7E 171EATRE, I I A\ E now on howl. and to which they are sibling. a largeand eholeir maiiortment of the aliiiremiiists.rnito the liiarat 0, the blithest mule. arbleb alit It sold at eastern pile., Also—iitua-a. 1t.;.. Window Shade, enithars Blini.hi.i . iann and tali. revere. Buff !lob land. Oreen oil eiritb. and all ottnq tneehl asitalll kept in arta., honed, hi which the attention of purchatiora i ht: otted. eel° HAGAN & 11 , 0. of Y.I RAAf srnEsr. Iletw..ev the Dltanoni nad 511, RE now receiving an extensive and splen lA, did coo•rtmerit elanine SU 3131 Kit GOODS, inwhioh I thorr.eneettuily Invite the attention of the pablia Their goat enrolste In Pert of tho fk l lochn. Plaid nod etzipod,lllue. Plain end harred Jacnilebto lipteade do Ccvi. and Thiltrt Shawho Poult de Ed' CO Caahm , .n C Harem , dta ludiaßonn. A Mantua lilblanuo Mork 1 , 4110. of all Fradelc. Embrniderie, of .11 kindlc lOald and Plain Orenadtseeo Thrand, I.nevod Kdoinglk Challia Minot,. Tleeneeo ( 1 1. , .. cod 1 1110 K Ihte Debooe: A rumpled.. awrttneta, of Irvnrh Lawn< Housekeeping ,lootor, Plaint Floured , o.lw 111. k and coltood LaPtinfic 2flumtner 0-coats for Lodi.' GaJtem .0119 T. Naval Stores • AR, PITCI.I.. TURPENTINE. Spirits Tunrontln. and Ilnoin,ron.tantly remlrini from M. td. and tor sale In lota to Fait par , hawers, by C. K. bAVL 4,3md 57 N. Wham.. •nd tN. Vat, xL:Pfdls. ~.neer Line of Australia Packets from New York to Melbourne. • • THE UNITED STATES MAIL. ITN E beautiful and favorite Clipper Barque 00,,(l31111110. nineteenth ship of this !Iris, will he des h4.7.e'r'''nato'mlZilits.on•M=X:en. th FlaS ''at Intl. I'l.l0 e naloon, SAW. First Cabin, 0140. ikoond sl2:s• The honsd It he followed by the celebrated dipper Ship Wtodwa Apply on beard at pler9. East kisse ur to oet3 . (Ana:RON. 11. t Wall street Nese Took. New Leather Store. 0. 51 WRY, late of the firm of It. Bard, a No. :kid berty Atm, opts:elle the head of Wood wholesafkand retail dealer In LEATIIEIt. lIIDEA. and OIL, has stilt roturned from the East. and Is now re Ponta Largo alsortment of Leather, eousistlow of—lied n Deltisnore fis.ather, Philadelphia not French Calf ! .loon Moo., aus6 Kids. of all drAcriptioo4ll3l.rainc nod Lining Sition and k general aasortment of Flotillas., 111,1 teti i ltrea l st y ' l t tVartn:ieVf Cflr i ssrl clamant , my gods helm purch lost conorhere. mkt% G. DOWRY. I LOVER. IMAY.—The suinieriber is pro sl o iv f irt L ,: h ttnET:i m a . t IcS ' i l a n e K C o f friends an d the public Vile COWS oil he fed on geed 'minden.... food, and re. , • will be taken satisfy his esostormers. Order* uldre .1 to \Wilkins Post Ofk,gloinst the it, residence ala street. will be punctnallrat.- tended to. lueandt 11. PAIIItY • CARPETS, OIL\ CLOTHS, &a 117 :kreLINTOCK ABROS. are DOW .ing off their entire rte.% of Carpstho,, Oil Clothe. yor east,, at prices I,,,rer thate,syer offered In the west ern marl.. Our farce runalata hart of the rollowing, rlc Men Vslsst 111. Caly,sta, TapeatYY ltrnestd. Ornools, 2 ply, Superenn-an4 omnztonlneraM2 Damask, Twilled and Plain Venillare Ll•d and Rag Carpets. ANc, oil Cloth With *fall assortment all artberle.2ler.r.LlT 5.11 In a carpet varehonaa. Persona arialtint to furnish Steamboats. liolowe or Ito- Oda 0111 do well to call now, as nen 11, time to, recur. resat batman,. Remanyber the pysta..Nek 112 Marla at, near Liberty. eta STEWART & KELGOR.E. MANUFACTURERS OF COOKIIqG, NHE.A.T‘NG-, FANCY STOVES, GRATES,' FENDERS, all da Pipes. Boxes, and Foundry Castings o. kin OFFICE AND IVAREHOUSE, No. 267 Liberty St., corner of Rand, \ PI T TSB ORC 11, PA. .; A MOTU, or Reef %wings 'the Sou h ttl . a.a Si% • stanthe of advratarmat th.liawaltaa.G. and fkerty bond,, by I , ..brard T Pcrtlrs. to 1 to mho Si KAY 4 PO. 65 Wood et •, \ rTICE 4 I --, ~ISOTICE--the late faro o ', a r u tr Al la,a 4iJoblyed by k fi L tAe andegt ed h ..A . ritZ , P' titer • H. II Ewi, I ~. --.1 etti-PARTNERSHIP---41 IL Atho late dno of.lnfit d With. wwish,l, with him It 'LUAU „MIAS. LXIFIrii tot tho pun.. h" ..i.h.u., , . twrl as Chqualadon bathe...Olt the t., Knot] ...i . %%Aber . 4.4 . b, 1 , 4 ti - ' • xtyletof VANDL Y ENS____y.ft Z , , 4,h -t• 1 glilXVt°7 wane 77 Si•b,diti.r. 4 3lay :It. 1854.—myV ITAVEathis day purchase:OA inier‘t Joetoph DilWorth to SHRIVE'', nnortinTn a qo. o busioatoa will be rsantioued st th e ahr t hd, No. ~HIO &ha IT' St r ovad it, an der the •fylo of h RI 11. KR k. DIL WQIITII. t, .1011 S 5. IktiPtpftTlL July 114.11.51. • fi lo- . PA. i. R , :IN . E rp.... .XSII l l . Pzte , l , lf b ly liike day Itklarlot tit, the play to el: rro.„. L .. 1 ~,,,,,a : L.=,..1.-=0ftr.a.m....7,„,..r -, 't , IVOIIIIIUTVN MoeltlikattE. It ALKJLANDER IUceLIN tl COW) It L biceLLNVAIK. PltetbuyAb, NA, 1.1,0510-mll3 , I irESIOVAL--.1. ,b. ' ilo r. Itet iln v° ream ,• . A ix 1. :t.,,,..71 %Valor ant' "10 r is, of eta. hIL T hfh he : I . \.',,. ilf "io-PlwrsEltSlllP \ , .., a..) detrolvlrd have, this. di } ft d • mr . t.noradtt , 19.. T,\ ttlto tr•nnoti' l n of tin, Wbointale ad 11., .llry_,tmood• I . ‘, \ U nix., la . am i t.h,;:jua j.l HAG V , A AUL to No. t ..: 1-;, , s-, „ °. A. J. AA° AN, , DANIEI, 411 \1! • SPTICE--f,hare sold my interest in the • . ,!'l ‘,,, .. busirotos of ',chg.. Hill. tt (It. to lt, NI.. 1.21111(...rt1 , b ''.'_' , w lAA, 1011110 ',di onntinuo at too ohl.atand. No. 10V ~,'I \ Froo• 50 I cordially sTatlamood the ma hint to • the vat. i.f., .71;tat , 14 , nly,tb., 1104. . P. IL .4.11.1..A1L ~ i \ i \ It \ LlAla 10 k • •, - 1 ' ..rI4,LYMILI7s. \,, s \ • Q A. NO & CO,, Bell and Brasil Faun- ~,.• ;:ft:\ to ttterttioo tot Ire %bock '...; , N ,ttliV,i'Z::,.' \ 1 . th "il."7;rV.t. WI hat.' d•• '...' hf . ,• Ot .111. houirlth ptcaqi An 4 AAA, rbAk, brA. natio 's, 41,11 t. \let to or .tr furnigh 14III•pamPO•hd V•ht h • II \ k tict, • d kr, at t tl-attrition t•etal constantly re lyibblL ''. .,,,. \l, , 4 \ . ` ' - -. .4.' ' Wk. A. UIWIN'S , , • ), Iry EAL I:t.STATE OFFICE, No, 87 Front • . , : a 0 II stroot. Id 4hor from Market ; ',valor lo Lake ChM ; 0 I 'h.. , it, rig Ithh. a, .:cal property bought and bbld. \ 5,. , ~ \ sulT.Ef • - - --- \ ' A . ~ VII., h hotit,-11',..14. ...,, ' ' lIOS. WIIITE & CO.. Nol 41 South :Id \) - ,•1 • .., t ftl,tt, Iddlatioilthls -.' ,h , I 0 did now ontahlllnneel— -0 finttdo--t•Large and an.,4l e. 11 , 4 !IL...Klan:lent. lathlthly ALEX. F USER, •Ornamental 'Plasterer, • • 30.1 Wm() Al!ephatv My. tA;RENI.. SR.. .. PENN aLASS 'woßics ; I( OREN Z Si IV IG LITMAN, Aldnufneturere. , A _of nll kinds or V lALS, IIOPTLF.S. And WINDOW I. \. , '.. Y \Via, and 6.5 Front stzerta. PittAborylt,_ . IL—Partieular attentlon pnl.l to odd else. of wlndow il 44,!1d orivatm wool.. f•-• howl.. And Vial. onn.Z.. \) s . :l, Notice to Shiopers. Ai N \nnd after August 3d no freight will be , I,.... 7l ll ,7, l:ige . r d en , ll7..ltrg r btglcab at Or f ?Igo nod P. 51 n . 't . , , PIM( Lading mud be imnded Into it r te o nelg74 Bee befml , o'clock, P. 31 , J. A. 121/3AILKS anrl.-tf, , Prol.ht Acnnt 0. A , P. liR, • 'Prove..: , things, keep to that which , - 1 1141. R. S COMPOUND , 6ki 31 ARABIC SYRUP. ' riltit: iner l / 4 iig demand for this mostpleau dik to k " 1.. ..':ii 71 fl : rt ". e i p c ;•4 ri,tTria.r, Liz a' iii.:1,7.,. — .1 .. to plat ' t wltlthl, the. retch ad classes. Ite eutwelorl ,li 0, n. t nitaturqunarstunna 4 st4sted by many em 4,..nt phi . rians in Itlrinme. St sahlogton. Ae- the whole 0( Ilarylandrunay I ante. Virginia. a, who hare been ek •Itneme oflts efllewey when the tieuel remedies have feiloth lold b _abut...kande of cot moot rvenertable titles. \wha beet. lIAKLIt In the ravines Loth ea PrevetilAte and ewe \with neer (taloa s fur the het twenty years. Ori+. which ye al. wt very little aid from Weenie [km lov. a., it has natty read Its retattatlon over the '._ whole Edon. n ot rat.. I Coititt, ' ughs, oareeness, Sc., !it pi t , (4 i tisrthill c . r atj. and oil... Lily cures in easy 'or i' \.,.. 1.1. i .t,, t h s n . t . .113 , = \ 11 ,, ::11 . .t b t , 1.1, , d2zs t ij , te , sts. fi c render: \ Asthl a., ilhoopi \ ay, 6,OUg , Croup, rirortehi r\ is, Affeetiml? Of the imp, and \ Cot7mptiolb It In erway eery benne.- 4, and 'widen. falla,when insta nt• need ant l e, , to ter. , %cure. I.l \ lce;:i end DO cont. Wholesale a l4etail A 1114.1, S.IeserOLEIGINO Gave., ( Ist. }Odd A .) . tai 1t0...4d. • oetiatd Con "s, congav coughilu \ , ~,,, R , L i , is. rii - Irc tr/ArIfTESES, TY LE ...iikic title \ .COUGH DROP \ ' , I .. • TRESS DitOl ty haVu been \ ', 1 Introdue.l. hav lt il o7Vit i gt, \ \ pets, Leaent.... it )74.i Ilusteenees. PO MI Conentoldluna. ~, , Tb...trsuperinri eor if:Aso, Mesh- .. Ufa, Inc ou o , in.. ~.4 • N .. {{deli PIVIIII4 acaamt oi diet orb neva .w rendering \ t.I ..' - tole of mold_ N. \I , '', V41'L1'17%731.1Pi Nt ' lßd sere te& \ ~ \ itil: * they ne,ie all huskiness cleat\ and give toov‘to the v.dee. Pr, t dn. wholvesle and al 1309., (late , Kidd } en.) No. Da y mg an 4 Candi I.IROW, -. l '- \ . spectra ly In- • \ • tie . thepubi s , ,tl.l. at his stand . O. the .e t c A, M.`,X.7.1'..r7!.',41..' .... -. ~..... ...., L'i-,E... el c:, "E t l 7 ,,,,i''` : . ' . 1 . ~., in the I - nin-d ' rtatee. ' . tits Mode un be r.nnoved • a Mama the aid of • KT., drt . .... 'Devine httitrbeeedthe , • 1 etoca, 4ede. ...a tr.,..d of the ana l to e,nakuAaeaN .1 N., Ream., a aleelel*d. I ant teesanal to turnlalb their it \ . x Loi,:o„..eu ... tn. puhl4 et larire:WWlX!erT,lbigit' seir line. A5...7. SO. 6 Wead ettwe , , rlAerg .-, h - -M • ,I'lr rL .-.\ I SCOTT. Dentist, Fourth street, ~•-•=- , ) • . L o' CI • are dour, weet GI alerket. Mee howl% .. \ 4 t ,, Ivan a t.. n., tub All work warranted. 1 4 , TN .1 INST HANCE COJTPAL.VIC ' 'Llart - ' ...; turd. C“on. Elia.-tered 1.519. It \ '‘, CAPIT-AL ,Tte:K V.oo.tent TR,. K. [MACE. President, ' -`-- . , TILOS. A- ALEXANDER. Secretary. , ',. D[II.II.TO. , . . . Theta. K. Brace. Ebeneter Flower, ',...-- r.-ani4,l Tudor , E. A. Bulkaley, - ' Ward W4.lbrhige.l I Roland (lather, \ , .Innerb eburrh. • Mtlig.IRPA. ' : \ '' Pr...lerirk Tyler, R.1,..rt Buell,, t Ileary Z. Pratt. Jain L. thewell. , 1 Atsetut Dunham. . ]tiles A. Turtle, a. i Junin. B. alorsen. Gustavus Y. Davi., arri , l4les on Fire and Inland Rivas lasteston heves ble term, by IJKOILIE E. ARNOLD. Agent, a \ .\ 1 ' tall.ly No. 47 Fourth etreet. Pittebtuhrti ' • \ . • LOT IN TE3IPERANCE VI LLE FOR 11 SALE—Fronting 26 (rot on Walnut '(t- on the south ' adwinine tot or Mrs. M. Phlllll'.. and ...lug back to • ' 10 hed alley. 1 hie lot Is well a IN mi tted. will the titles In Temperan , rerille being newly re , a warrant. dead \ will be •Iren.%. Teri o us s wi i . n tr . f x, to , \ 1.'17. 't'FfilnttlSt;r:st. ~ k Lots for Sale or Lease. A , • 1 NUMBER OF BUILDING LOr, on i -- ,11. 8 . r.d . $7,••• k. c at:r.""Z.I fi r :V.=:ry' l ':Oi P irzl.; business how., and will te , mid low on rosy term. r will t•e, lease 4 tor ten yeers"or IF. as may suit those who w t them. For purtieularih enquire or E. D. GAFF Ali ruyl7-tf 'Market et, to tween :hi and 4 Linden Lead Company of Wisconsin. , 4 9111 E CorporntoM \of this Company had° i_ open. books Ur aut.ription to ths.CapitarStock . 4 ‘ at tl. Ranting Hon. of Messrs. A. WILKINS it CO., No., Ti Fourth at.. Pittsburgh. where r dmmtOrt• mmainina \ Cherter.l/.l,sgiod Sztr.ya Lt. can be ordained by parties \ drebitu} Information relative trt the *Hapax/. mr6 Penn Cotton Milli, Pittsburgh. KENNEDY, CITILDS , ..t. CO., Manufao tom. of— Perm A No. :If 44 KlstAhaWK Carpet 121..1r. all ecolar4and..gtuder. tilito6 Twin 190110 , ales sod KU& 0. 1 1 , • " . Rope OFall slses`and &wetly ri, ' . , • . . . BALMER... , • ter Orders left at tbedlardtraro non of 1.55i5a....Th... 1 .... WI Wood .to . . arill bar. attention. 14517 _.. _ *--- VIRGINIA MANUFACTURO TOBAG T elk-84 boo. Daniel .t River's extra U.& ...I .i.b ' fin `. Ida • , Lc.. Rucker'r It lanc a ban. nekertt a. 5 do lto,all .t,W , Tatt's 10.45 do Jaw. llaroalat .14 do T. L. limn... 10. :10 do 11.. Pile. ill. ;., 0... i_. , :un, pt.'. 4 an. WA: . 11. butt. F. W. John . .. ilnlttet moods •' . Ott I'. Londe mond. 3.5 hoe. Ju. Warren'tloa. , The above Invoice. are dln.et [runt a. artanuCietorars ' anti .111 ho I,old at Eaotern peon , br rel 4 11 ARM. JUNIIII 40).. 101 81 Water at ' \' ENV BOOKS BY REV JOS. SMITH, D. 11 11-01,1 VA detour. or Ilioooorl Aketchne of Weetcria Prialiyterlanlem. it. early minister, Imliertloostime.anddl \ It. firm 'mord.. or J..rh 00115. D. 0 . 1 1f 5 . 3. e 4A•••' . 'l•T' Jolt med mid for rale Of ., m.. "1 t i1 . 111. P. D- 1 11 a.. 6. The trade mppllea. and Coulee melee Mot. *f moll to ' . tinter. ---'''''''''T ._ .. - ' . . r Hall. Jth et .IA noia O Pe O Ait Oia re 4 '1 14 ...t . / 4f ... rti 1I E ENTERPRISE GALLERY, Irtlkin' and mistrimern. The attention of the publlo bli dfreeto4 te .., Ihmeritral location. maple rooms and impetior DiallAlmi for • . , the production of artistic and UMW., Daartermaittpea.— Matmialy of the hest gaallty owl, .n 1 Prio. tern 1. , A , • , Amt elms picture, Children taken In • few maids the Mat style of themr. Call and examineorimatiminul, . ..'. jy20,11114 1 A ' \ - \'\ "IQ UNDRIES--100' Ws. N. 0. Mo psHes:• '4,. 1 1 7 20 hhd.s. Papal 20 half' rheata N. N. Ten . 2014,1 e. reieneel N.O.S uva: 10 do do U. kjanpilS • 40 ht.:, Bs! 108 Tobscect 15 do do 0°1042 •Chti. • 40 do ij r 1 , 17 , , dot lan 1•••, ~, 10 do bud Tata do: -40 catty bra. do AA de 5 do Nem,' Leaf dot 40 do do prim. hymn To i''', VOqlC., N eA l s e n,r4l' d 37,.. 113 rdif;',Tri.7,;, • \ :,, titeroold i'dlp o Candle, 20 do A I . 4 .AA 1 \ t 20 do etar • ' des 50:1 cans Mustard: , \ do rain. 5e4... 110 bra. Farina; , 20 do 110,0, dot ' , sdo cmo-xterent,' \ • \ lo do Ca 4117 .Ir5J ' 10 do Caws k ChneOlatia GO do AlaiNd 8 Tollet Soap: 1 10 do Verroloellat -, 20 .10 011ite a Tr...paint dm 5 do Matrarml; 111 do Military 05 1 0 4 dm 1 bliL NottootA , . ..Y) dna. Fatrart Collor, .._ 1 do amine.' 10 do Lettinn 0 Nautili.: ''•'" Ido Ciannibor SOM.. llioenfroe; '' Ido floor Atilphstr. 10 do Leroy ra a Jan. dq -1 tl, roll firimaton4 \ smo, mond 1 dot Ido CremtlV: ..., tio 2o d b oa oo t c 7 th Cordic ' \ ~ M o mataCom i 1 50 an Corp BrOrdtd2 . 54 . 101 / 1 1 E . 1 l is z LO ke,dt puroL:an: k ii do &an r driaa - 4 . 100 do miairted Nall, ), olion Torn. 844 4.1 1 .1 t. .' 0 . ‘. • e ' ton la olTirfna. t J. D. A 1221t00d et 1 ...,..,t,,,, (11.0T11§, Crosae.l ncr . . estsngs. and Over- j Coathiev. of the mret approvol otevofertmve. nom /nen. nod .fif be mal• to ard% , 1:41,i , v W.... Totter ' < ft , .'"'"4” (.I4ESTF.IVB, 74 Wood et. . we= . • - 4 - 7 - A ‘ N v.. eI I Y "‘! S I T:I i T L'"' IO , N . IIRY \- - - S. Sadler, Ails cheer. h.. recd • rhdoe esve r itroret of Fancy' PlA s,•th• , e rrv. Ink.. Av. reeelvlo. no nL sod 2 EA S Letters ofithninistratiotk .- :, ..to the ...le of Jlorms L. BMA.. Late of Alla , . ghenf (It,. deed. have h., meted to the oratorsiban• NI Indebted h. the ealJ erhte .13•74" What ...dolt the sameAuv preVent them. duly Anthenthated, tor eettlettleat, fv , ' ' W.I. A. nrackN,. WM C. FRIEND At the offiVe‘pf_Wm.o. Fared: go. C.th ' sf.. voA.lawd6ll, - - (i l V l 7 l l.\c -M T i nv A l l t ttnit i' m t a N k?• 18 M ?! " oa InTostnnynt.. 1 . 4111 sell 0.. lino Lots In gennentown. And t*k. the nr.4 Mrinent In Ohl°. Indlkno Took d o g. og d no slt t till. tow primer I. Vtrl b Ad. Mu:nine !D , § Val Xita - Inie to ran and .nulnr talt Ile the LAIL woorr.4..7s,4tifitZ:' L StIA VLS—heed and 'on: taixd";. ifiIUEDIPEACIIES-150 ,- .bna, reed:AZle null BELL k-LECNICETa_ . - . ~~ `e ~ ~ f 4.,., .:.,...-',