The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 20, 1854, Image 4

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    Glasclaa . liivakieaya..beeti , ter Or
Hof saying a little, before going t.
bed. . ':4, _:1
A fiat evenings• since, all things being road;
for.atiethg, kad whelile , wam nbonf tcr kneel
his niCit.bery knees, be hopped and looked earn
7.eetly 4 iittoWeintbeest Mow said:
“Mitzllil's. -I `ratri 'tried o zoinebod;
edse'e prayer,• mayn't I make one - myself r
`'His mother said, .vcrusinly Lay kapyi'if J ot
jeelly wish to.
very reverently and clasped Id
bandit alien-with the - earneatneas of sumffaccei
Oil/No.l *aid mild,* mother.
.31attna, If I get aback, will you kelp in
Dswici7:+iu s c , sic
Fresh Stock of Nirmis & .Clark's Piano:-
PM , en4lle that heti.
refurranfintot tbe - tioneen cities Vial. the .
/trent and mod c earlein ct-no, tioios .
exe ormitCht thisietrr.•.Th,,, aro foam Um . eeleiont-
Inmorrd SCI-114 CLACI4, and ere nacre...A r
eem.7.1x40.1.. S. C Plana tare ercelerl tt
and clam - price wedatr_hoth Itde entinto , and introl.
and tr./ are fret-dd.-rat ny the m'nrient penfonton so
nlrodethern wino/tor not cetrn'tn i j- ° —
Thome. ariltharariebtr ne-tbe'esole na - chow ,. or to
- tositedtainaintblitlon Thor otter troortTa to di-.
Alan notion» tot of nonituen nen t nor n, andld ehlr yea
altoronnin *noon arAvntriong the rite- nee
In We dtr. not T.:,Y hot! ;ii-Dt. Po• mart rneisidar.* ,
tat- n to tiredly F,r,rotterlornT of taco touch and dun
T.lni Jame Lir 6ot-erre/all s nind when and ea
ct 7 trortrument nff-r--4 Orville Or the nubocrilno 1. mot.
and tborourttronotinnt hr hint- ho con. in oil 'T'.
Irtorentee rttenbh intrehoms with n
str/ el.'' , Phan. and atfisnoo Terimna in to
— an rind PiSlati alll end ft to thew Intereet N roil and en
. 111911. banns hanitarebeiveherv. • • lIKIINY - IiLEBSit. -
Cale Arent or Saone A Lisette Koos;
No. 101 Third ,Croat,
• • •
filtraOr the Einlien
earrna :Wlra taken to exesnrn... at • r hill rah,.
ATALUA..BLK l3thJtas
YJ: i'!l;le.kbt -
- •• ' itTe t-14Dikvolccaoftea e
. 8 ;1tl ' c. r. etleCM
, •• • • Chureh Defers the Vledelkl
Benedictions:or the Wooed Lige,
Lectors mt Avehewlleee
• .1 Inuturos on P ar.!. .
Marna.' Notes on Thwart; - . P Sidr;
Drepotinalu Atorrim . /444 of !nun 'I. Hopper:
TO. , Iyurnriour Parchment, ur ' , ••••-ro' Lineurn
Iloarrn, by IL Cisrs;• '••
1144 eris /bra Dan.oh
rt. 6.1 1, Doh' t ,
Atithu noon new pulnktorts of nur i orhO ireo noon .4 put
.11shad, frr rale Of . 4. 4th rt.
i.Ds:thapp ins lat.. dab. M 64
Thr Taht &ode:el-1W:
- " Vnices .fn. Deack
- • .
Lector. on Itooassz
.3hurelt 13elhre the flood;
• tionodletiont or the blessed Lift
Lestres on Atneslypend
• on Ihualeh
• . ' Pablo •
came Notes on. thosleb The raridb In4<
Incointhon In Anse/dm • Lido oflotoo T. }Wryer.
Tbo Hystorions rannunont at &tank Liocans.
Ildavord It. W. Cladin '
Mato. Worse Doctor. Dr. Dodtt
tz... te r i=yitt o r l if 04 ,. /d pkte t‘ f i t rnlv i..
11^UmLbst. an, of pulatbol. Toy dale by J. L READ /
- Jf2
.itl Pourth dtlyot:
VTAY BOOKS—piseplions of.Genius,.l.
11 "'" °n ' ;
alf Cablo Bore Sterem4Xsatiear Rammer.
gyre tide. a ferias or " Tain an& Nesse br titre LIU.
liaaieurablOiableaba s by r- X. 11 • 11.
HAY 0.1.55 fiord sL
10 - ENV - BOOKS for sale by 4. L. Read, .7'
Trust's Lives of Smi sant Christian;
Tonna Saris Book Kirmials;
Cumeisn's Minor Wan;
• . Lectures cm P....shim
- a " Dankt
Gobbutths Andes to. Tema Mem
Disk's ratans arms Stdetken's Pam..
lamartirses Hear tatatt • .7-/s. Math 73, ithlnat
• Ll 'e l4 "'l . lle P liar r _ the
-Ittwooltnry . 1 • • 6 d a f ,
" Bolert, Writinfls, , 4 da
&Ire loos Ymat.l.64l6l , ninmleurnaL
Sale by-- • 1.8. DJSIVONTUt et./., Ed Market et
earwirta of carer One Hoodnal OwnretflAt 49011.7, r..
rWrrr bora", laarropol.d. herldmthe .L #3.
flan of slew-among woirll are 066,- pair (tout the 0e:
man, the whalar.rwancod ins fatnlllar amount . fat fa ,
anJ wrwni Santana. Tenor and Ilan ‘3..elFued
tha :ow of &owl Get Maw, swith.O.S.flual
t, owl, Jarvis. 11 - Ico 31.04
large , flopply of Um •bnrsjuyt zve'd ara flw .2.1. by
oclu 1011!: n.-qvu.nir,o Wool rt.
ÜBBER - DOLL HEALS fif. all , sizes a
t:m 133. la tubber bepo7:ll63farip.7 rt
. • J. • H. PHILLIPS.
TOUTNAM FARM CREES . E-200 ba. thl
do. n•edbr to 3 TIES - KY 11.C1LIL1-
011-31:38. DRIED BEEF just rea's per 0 0;
4.1_, P. R.A. stbl 19r by A. CL71,
gn BASKETS etrimeAtaNE woo:
orms-0 4, ‘ i.POrtatioukiort. roo'd .an for ',lv 1,
5 0
S; 111.2 , a)E RS' BOARDS for sale 6;
ir7D7CES-1 6bL Quinces;
"foils 2.;71;'. 31, .I rt.
r,i7INC--I.oBpkgor. New Jeraey - ,White Zane
,Ed do! ?remit Nr!.: .1o.1!
4...1.411. eels by r.c.3 ISAIAH DTClitiTt
a r ebw/ C 2 6:+ ei r e a )e Y w Ll ia K ezw: T hYtt — teb ß ez en h r tl:
tbe trews:ad went., (Ad 7.4.4 can 2,1
Swlee4 at is es PAT fto:' , l Ife'S.MHS' (Lae More,
Zwr3larptri tb-bleareed. eenew4 doer from Malone w!
ler. It eery theohl dww4 the troves:lmM. we eallei
there to try ebrewhere ar.d ttee , try !cam Peke 50 se.
Tecrote sec ! re.:
-3 bbla. of ri4ontle osaity..lB.l7. on hood lad far gab
br xy. n..U170N. t9roor Wood owl Malt
KY-1 cask a scry.supe
V " riot aritt:e raTettu gorxeltirs to tpltbr
rryt. . ' W. IL 2CITLIY. Nor 12 Wrsul rt.
JAVA COFFEE—tS pocketillittperioaar
Coffee recd trca
20.88L5. EPSOM. SALTS in Stare ow;
far We Or Cr-Z , FIX-111Na HEM
m W.< ..-a for stir by ELPIINO lbtft.
FltEzLI PEACHES--92 cans Fre . sh Peach
es raced MIS ddrand Ralf.
J. TV. AIeVARLA.VD.74 LlbestYdt,
FlIgS:11 SALMON and_Lobstere,. prepared
t, . by :ntgol:Gooei tr.
PLOAICS• 7 - - A. A. 31vori & Co. hare jnet
It) otwnel ushigwatandest.osive siiihrtaant of One.
thulu sod Veltwi'Clatla, with U. &hest miler ofTrim-
PTS. TURPENTINE-30 ails. in -prime
► ord.., for als by IL E. BELLIES a CO.
TA ,i ft s TARIC Alisp-5001b3.
for axle by • WS 8. t CO.
—TtA Telma or Courerattlous tho Duportauce 1,.
m Mad or SAS ex 12.1rx, to . the author rt `Mit am 4
Prrah, nada= " For sale at DAVISON . B Book
Matto: street: near 4th.• -
10 COFFEE- VO Ittse,pst Ter prime
irr 4 r M.
TREES—Peach; Apple, .Plum .
_I Chart, Pors soull Qcdoc., okle by
tsca • • K. 511.1 a: KLAN 11. 193 Wcod st.
VERGRUNS--Juniper,,Aibavi tea, .W.l
- ram Pk% Norval. Smarr. and Cedars. far oade by
ma E. 1311A-NELAND.I2.) Waal At.
UTTEII- 7 15 kge. Batter thAa day rec.'4l
firl.9 lIENTLY ft. CULLUM
ARD—IS kgs. this day rec'd and for sat
Ld . .y• nog HENRY 11. COLLINS.
elated 4ml es west flarnmes, - and ).; 19110VMM lho
inarletts .Itanrud. ennuetnlng 1,0 acres
100 ' of Isaiah are e!aand and In a craed state of mdtleation:
stleddie orchard r f:140 trent The Improvements aro a
lame tar, wend frame stable and a ansetnlable
`Rowe. Shis wen is decided:l , the bests
- rata km in 01
teeintderdiscent. and writ sratered:' Price 1117 900 assn.
and ' /2-11e1.41:4 it SON. :nett - et
m ALTESE COLLARS just rec',(l at North
AN 1 East ear/math sad ita-ket etc: •
LEATUEB.,-22 doz. Kip Skins _ree'd ar..t
EAU. irale try I . 1.6 A.51e8ANE.114.2.4
AW ROOISSChitty on Yielding, 3 Tot,
JLASIIIttp oa Oiptrart.. " - " Mac --
.LL4lc4.gabr,,,M ,r 13147 Pert=s
V.-.=ulTy 'nv,.'7FAlsbairi;2w6a.l7oUki
*Joao pcB . - PJ...14 Wood st..
AIR CUSHIONS of ofi s hopesan sites ...t
um Tata Itubber . Dert,lll3 Marktt rt.
. • - J.l IL YITILLIPS..
tut_tltd., at the lode !tubber Deett. II Menet*,
ATIPPLE STIILLII3. Whillavale end
eual.ettheloanßUbtezDeyoi.J.2 11. I'III LL'I•.';
% , 0_1) taskjriztree'd by
400 .cre ., or Landoitunted4s
—11; =it. , beim, Wheeling, urrem Far , ll.c stout 114 art,
• trv.n. lmt , oak. 'VA *ern. no rattivat rm. 1 - 2uo
an 1 giber I t le asll greerd .10 rt..i.r fag':
1r g ar , rtrr: I 4.01 MA, and tarts .alit ban,: Ili t
l',l.o4rredf:Z;(llqta.C6';',.. Ilen"aitta"7"
gc4-11 , W. , 4.3. TS. tth
•SSOCIATION nfid.±aft Gme nature I.=
- varicK—A regulmr Quarterly 3leeting .
.01 of ch.. r.Autx «NM:4B IT(n 4 . Is 0). cll be Uhl this
erem•tus a 7 easslt7 - By orderer _
If AVRI , 71A7h. Prsedelent.
'burgh aid .benubeby Warianta a szte4
mot _b. N'Ls rON. 21.5 th st.
.pramr.FßEsu ottio BUTTER just reed
. • • . Eoas, PATIVN )Ic,z/NILV.
__n ! tax skte of Lb •ixarocl,L
EE AY FRU.IT-12. eko. Dry Apple=
jj :7A n
k.e ot..wl.rj,LCZ itand, ilth gas 'tutu., and
lAerin inonuitease ulade ,
so:4 . azdatx I.ION. :45th at.
HIED PL'ACIILS —, ILO bus. ree'd
{ter. GO 210 deep. to • wide wlley—
• Tem,: hand.-tati•em•s4 yea e , y
maul , ix.l4 • 11. CUSLIBtatXt Le.W.140.3c
-pitiliSAL.F.Tito cheaficist, Coal Property .
, ~,, . - a- , ,,,11it• giter 13r . . crillt lartiw now
th" ,.. X . "--- '-.300 a6cit a nni; with tent. t
' ''46C". .v. - • 11. rood ims.atto.n..4
utur•ke . . •
• ~.. 3 , . Iced . The - xlq,
.R , "fr r "" ' -' - C3. , n - ovi. , A• . D 6 ' ... ' - '
. , • .1
- -- •__ - , ... -
day eahi ,
kw ; Amer.
:44.kt.ct.ure kr ilk by • -
a• - • , 4,I,I4Ii•DICKET 4 OW
. _
:a.: S-1 • ; :
C3MITii , tULT a Tv rrrnsmat
II oLmias &
N.; SONS, Broker!.
,Clty Co ak, Cirairmati.- 2
tank of rict,b,,,,6.- .....,Ccragoraclal Ilk.Clactrii- do liaoS. ci da..--r.Er,f rautliu_Bank— -... do
~..11 Marror 1r ..1 da.-p.lall.afityette 11artk -- - do
•,, r ,k of . 0,..,,,,-.N . ....1.11 . Ohl Lifolus.lTrosiCo- do
iyak Of •Softli Aroerki-- par, ‘l , •4tero Boon,el•Lsok- to
:vale of Norftir. t.ll.ertle.s.p•rEth a u Eou,__ . ~
aut of
ant of Peon . 4o:or-hip-Oar •Ulrolvent !UM.- ..-•.• 14
•mamerrlal Mink of Va..-.par Nk.W ColfE.
armor? .1101orlahled' Bk-pore . Tcrie. ekty f , or
.rafd Bar:Jr-. .... -.. -.-par C o O o t-. _ I',
erddrodot 8an1f.._..., -....: ... Ear 51 . ..1 . ............ -
aroffd, d Medi. Edok....l.drOt:Ato.uorne...... .5.... ...... . oar
al s fir-a,14,1,f , ‘ii-- ..... Mr;I i .JEI:SE`.: 0 . 4, 1..1.11 , . ..
.utldirrak Book-7=11 ' 4 ' .... -' ll lo 4itEl E. ."'
'folderol:oak- ...•- -..olr•Band of rs-Itkhrpno.4... .
.r..EloSC.Samberrbaril-. 1 Pp. Hank, Pa. Nprf , 4lr .
ank of Ettr.o.c.r Cimatf -10 , Foxrrien , Mr of VETALIC ..
"frikof Pan ri 1ie__...... 140 .31erchante2 Moil.llank ' f.:
.1E of Dd.. Co.. Ceekr...t.•North W r , r , ro CE01t....
..ok .illitertantrmu. ' , an Braorhon. .. ....... 1
ink of (ietfyaborsit .1 SOlfTil V.i . P. , ?I.Ef A.
aolL of troriftworn -.Bank nf 0,,,,- Ertl. , 1 a 41Wer.oro.---..1 ;Bank rf Et. of 3. Cavil"! ,
-a , ofirtot4ry Co. Conk por corn. ltdolt.Wllrolsartnn. 2
L ADY or North mot.orlan..L.vat,.E.orhant,' 114,Nool•ro, 5
• - .1u3914. US* Bridge , BOUT3I CAlIOLlnd.. -
,flratoart Boa.-- -....14.E18r0fth..n.0r5.fy,,,8. ...,
in! Pan .o! fr 140! Camillo, 2
aio Ban A.
I% Dank of •Chartestmr...._. . 2
.., -- nnonf -7- 114 of Ilucke 17sater,',4 Altelrasee IA 2
Arineve BA of La.u.sir.r...par f OE:W.OIA.
Ar.ers' Bank of of I toa7llak.oar Auf...of. Ina. d Oleg 03
.a. 1::: 1./ 9y lk ili C.,. er flank of A utpoda.....--,..
af.& Pro. WnTloß,Aure t 111 Bk of PrnnalrirkcAlm a.
ran All. Mt WOO/3/1.4,1, S TBN:VB.B.sEt.
, rnaLOrC hank..._ I lAllarAreot Rankr ..
aredal“ hank- I ! H: ;INTL:cIi.7.
....Ur 8... ... ... —par Ilk of Kentemky.Louiria 7
...aster C.iunty 13ant.....8ar1111i of Louie r e, Thurston
- ...par , Northern Pk of RentAteki ..
Iners 6 ' n Tlttk i niTocfra.l..pastßantlo.rn Bkof FlrAtne 7 AT "
10notashola Pank...-......earl INDIANA.
, rf A lirahrh Bank tar :Late Bank k trrattehm-2
I - fel:Meg' 73 -WilkoalaLrfol , ar 3fiSSOURI.
I Bk of State of Slifsourl...
tetlenfofdat....--- ... : ... —2 '_._ 1.1.I.17i4)1:I. .
• .6111 . 67 • st.o 4..1, 6n.<3., 50
-too State ' Bank of Ithuoit 75
ranch at Ahr0n......--4 drd WISCONSIN.
-ranch at Atlarn, doi Marina A. vino 10. Co thha 5
mach at llrldteport...... dot MICRItIAN.
ranch at Chillleetho ..... do Fartners'3l,hanlcallank 3
:ranch stCloveland... do Government :Rork Bank 3
.nave at Toledo doilsaulnanlar Ihnik 3
ranch et Payton do.lntormuca 011:12NUif...... 3
IlStfit St thismnro ..... do-Stato Ranh / 3
math at Coln:tam. CANADA.
ranch AtbiaLoola..... doollt - ofN. Antelloa,Toronto 5
nook at-
...-... a Toronto lto People, Tonto 5
tooth At 11ancrold...-.... d 0,1155 1,
da.oth at Ripley ' dollt. of U. Canaan_ Toconto
nook dot EASTNIIN EXC11.37:013.
:raor.Lltt Warbin3ton-... do On New
Month at Cad's. dolfho ..... do
:ranatat. -Lancartar---- do!On Ralttmoro `do
hatch at Starthenelle- do WESTERN RECUAING F.
Ranch at bit . Vernon.-- do 1.1.4
Tooth at Nererark..--..... do
haachat Sprlngfleld....-:•-do.St
:machat 111.1loaxant.- do, do Patriot- --15.50
Month at Eanorrllk....- do:Eagle. old.-
oatob Norsalk.:—... do thorn, nelf ..
:7ancit at Plqua----.- do Erederichad'on-........- 7.50
Ranch at Partemanth-- do. Ten Thslon...---..... is d
:ranch at llavoom.
raw St 1.21d-ohoym ...... do Ten .410
traoe2lsl 3.5 r
oancb eat Woopter....-.. do Docate . 2.15
. • •
raveh .101
Younprto,l-- do,
Nu. 74 their; em.ite arer ',. , P•r , ...g r h•
IL. All Tri:mellow at MS: liberal re
- BLUM. N. WM.
Iturr.—To John Flnytt k - • .
Ctum P. Bpang. Oro.
t. White. Junes 31artbs,11, Pittsburgh; Ftma, Gurttt.
cf.:44.41.1A a Co., Raeder s Bros.. ceiartd.
1.% 11: -1 kt..v..1 - 14; . ----1
k . fp, 4 ? ;
• tt
51•\r# the nernefints diitenverie‘ Science
hee.Ariod. It this g-ntration to fadlltr.te the bUrl
ns of IlfiLlnaesee It; enjerneur• and even prolonilati,cf human ealrtemeet cow, can he nazae4 of more
rat value to minklud. thee thhruntributbot of Moab ,
, r`r to the Umlaut Art. A va-t trial el' Ile vlrtura flue ,
nttider' county:. her rruTol. bfr.4 a .I”uht. that
reetll6ne or meatiest:en df. luedie , ne. vet,ltP.A7n. can
u merely ore trAl and OM. th - var147....1•:; . hf put •
netters . dl-earn tLat have hitherto crept fr.4tir tahbt
hoctaawle and thousAntla over 7 Tear. Irrle.4 l -there le
ow abundant TCJA,I o hcileve a has at b-o.rth
vet found winch ma be relied on, tu cure the wort deo
:error agoetinua of the lungs. Oar .ran bore tilt tot
' , rout tato preAfelt any Onemrtluo of the'enree affr , -ted
T its use, butte , !actald present tto. Arllorria,—mart n 4 r
urtberenquiro tamp American Almsuar..whicht'ao Arent
.10", tuttoodor7:l die.. to pleauul trfuralrh free. there
la am full uarticalera. sad lethetertabie poop of the".
-Omit GI TIS+7,7OII.TAIioN.
Laurens ILIL. S. C. August 4. 145-1.
•J. C.,..4,7-D,r f Ftr:-Aiy Unto eon. 4 vare hat.
qft rectrere'l from •seryrevere at cray4 suallanynnt Sear.
Yew, bistbmat. was rotten. Ina non. th at 4
. ..1 bins nenn.yanned sin. • dead data. I (arta z teed rear
any Prcsontt. In thilsfy.tnts 10 /Lt.. *lute? a Mel. re •
emery attack of lirouthtlia tub e4tl:4 aurae I n 44 Ire
.and In try It on any little bor. I :are hint a tea ..
errs thrne hoary, comenenclaz I. the ann'n•ner., sal by 10
,e1,4,,t 44th.
I triad a .0
41 Hartle y hetyet:er
•n.l efr three day 'a near benne nth to ent or drink trlttg
att pen.
`Tv toe In the those usenal 41.441 WMFeVre Emir,
.14.14 frost prntuiture-trase , out the armlet( a
any stunt' went. For all alfeetions of the throat and
'anea.i hellos, It the teat 111,11eIne eNtallt. A 4=11.4 01.
the deetert ..,14.11 . taw In ulavresiagayes thaw
Jr:ea-hut tlr 4.nar trotanlant disnrrezt, tryt., 1.1
.0111al ItOir hare been In are:thee world;
Thar Mot. Co.) 1 , 42.
• Pr. I. C. .ty.*:—.llfra 'nor tome-: ine *Oa.. b..
..,rater dro.l ththawotf/ attar cottor nata
alr sa. hove ever It ou
Is ...Lev a bat... al ay.
otasural Drab.- by who have roam
1r.0me...w where th. breaker raw *sr af It tl flat too
touelt far the rani It h.. 'I I Li. ohnauto In eeilioa
I Co,. that I m - Oslo. tor .11.0.0.... the
aorth of theft roner.uod I ai rratlber in ...tor the
...e'er {tonal...
•.- • .
home am Ir. a tarthnt baleen me
• with retnect. • doll!: C. VS
Y. F. AnnPst. armantbel of sertacarseast to rut you
arr. with Its
Asszeta•CL tlunetnt,
r. MIA may eter2l7 that I hare mei Tour
Prevnita F. r upward. , o on. re., and It
dursre lulna Una should have he In my greet era thlt
time if t had rOf.. 10 has tonalme tot a dam... , a/5p•01....
-f the hon., and I do not anntotam mronmarthwit when
tat, rut It Ma mentlr. - •
Stns, eery pultte.rorr.
Attonrrnt Inn.
Fero. :O. 1 , 50.
Dr.!. Dear Mr. Your meal. Is mush at.
proved nth)) au.e who have ner.ll hem. and its coup - y 4
nowt, rush a. lnsure sod malnhalu It.
Inv*Manly v ...ra e n d It. I'vr pulmonary ...rte.)... at G.
mahtr °tour mitreipal thdairimm.
I tat de. friend, Cif nI7I6STEII. M. D.
by Ir. J. C. Proutl. ..1 and Armlytkal
Ch r ts=e - Pn. Ilaw. and told Mlt 8711,,e-,13 and Maier.
In Zarin. threhmbnot thit sateam. ma:4.114s
•fl ANAIiX CAGES-6 doz. .Fancy Lir
Oak, net, styles. Prio. from PI. tw rd. r.
eat at t 7 afar a. idl3 J.Atl WA/Slit:Ant%
,t-re , 29 b'r , Or-4 . .n.trzym.wctA. ,. .. co.
51tL/9': TARTARIC ACID in stare
i, radamsal.tri. R. Y. Sel.LEr.s (Xl.
. SARSODA in atore and for
ILY ul• by 5¢224 Y.. C bELLEas t CO,
OGS-4 bbls. fresh, this day rec d for tole
by ' &We nrcsitr IL COLLINS.,
D RY FRUIT.-4 Inas urr Apples.
" do do - 'Pranhas.
nab doA lA ,
1 d? • del Pti ' nkes
. .
Fne ralefiT. Fli HIT Ell. DILWOhill A CI)
L.ll f ,!uk"g,ciz, := 71..d:.=r1
n balabn haal nen A.ACI I I
Al st,
;ion SALD—A superior Tavern finumf iff
Itnehaltef. 2G enlhd Lola. Pittahanth. at th e moor
n of two CaElrnsolo, taw Ohba thaw is doing a ;mod
bualneva, and 1. lathe 1.1 kind oft loeatlon fur waking
money. Enquip , of .7 . ...14r TILOA. WiJONVG.4th FL.
FSALE—Afine flume on Pfinm otreet,
nearjitt. f, sale at s nra, Y.npufn. of
oe2dAf • 1"11011. Ith
U111:ITOE--500 bzr. ree'd awl for Role by
A PPLE6--10 bbls. for sale bY
UP PLIDISP., at Datsoa'a buck atom C.:,Statiat atraat:
neat 4th:
• • .
The Gram or Chrl•L 75 neut. P 1,41 Fern,. to Little
Children . LT, eentr, ll.n Fteazlr tny n ulth traet
Friendly Letter to a Toone 51s. eine of the Tungt,
Ver. , . 'Meditation , . on 13nTe name; Woke end Were:
Wo•tern Ferrtarrh. rarthentk narratieet-llow to n... 1
the Eltpte: To an Old 14.1p1e. flew brind op Clotlire,:
Inuet Die;.er the enul [mixt pie; To an ON Per.,
• reho bao, nn hope In 1140.1,.
!Ps,. 5 ASO Salk' A3ll ANTI-31ASONItY.—A
p hiethre oftlarqnry wlt he* *doted lu Peannyl*A
nut nue., Valle •hich the true prlhelplee of the Irtrilti,
thni ere' end • nit et cur. the curtest*: evewbee, reporte, eta.
vet . ' • KAY A ca. LA Fr.ini et
•W et
• I 'CLBLESALT—.SOO !Alp gronxLd Liverpont
Yalt 1.4 Azle t. 7 J. L. e.A.N VI FUJI.
jOW DES A:. ILIIECOILS--1 harem! habil
• olsoza 4e •PaAndft Haf•Rt "V ff ho uc w .3:llll.l awl
A rot
dlaw.proureltat ELEIINI'2.
N. I meat of (tom kliortio Cowl,* an.," d-veriottento al.
, • large antorttnent co veror. Online, c'eonet, toed ty
yolk .19r. Yttlitdlott •••tood rut , ”"", "
fOTICI.: BUILDEItS.,TiIo suitm,ie for
N unto,. h,r rard. rluk/A.-satrt eixt aim , : le.. or
varla Pitl, ft the A griestit and Work, Manth,P.r.
the 0Z. , . 4th rt, rA%:f.. WAIII)1201.4.
ri KNGS IJTTEit in ntoretlfr::l7l)7B.ilAB,,ig,
1 AKD 011,-2.5 b 1.1.1. Nu. I Lard Oil ju.,t.
j reed and P irLte •oro T. Lin LE L
j 4 'OR SALf: —2 Steam Ituilerii, 32 inel in
: 41.101 v., fa . ; ft Wog, vrith rnoot. Merti
ripen. EU al to
sold sold at*
illl - *3 .Dint Lloithr lard.
sUIs;DRIES,-60 1,b15: large, new No. 3
etteral: ' mule Rho, todEsic
bel4 ne• CloleerSael; • 14 ttite.Tmothy 14.64:
bee. new reqms iess6eLjnet ree'll and be Mt hi!
• JOLIN IWATrir Laortl et.'
Li' 0 K RENT—A camfortabla
a7Vn g laix b 'AllP,ll:lrTrtZ
Coated.. til tt:man: tnj I '
• • JOHN wiY7 a CM. Ulartr st
n UTTER— 25 kgs. wked and 20 jars do
N , br=-A,firgrvElL,t.
•.• - -
ot roe...vitt alir l etiror,nn t" d ' of CA) rt. front.
en tb ktrranniilarta4.4l2.4 &b. , / Itup ioU inSouth
.HlSldnaren ensndann. .11n3c
Le; a lars•ls4atd, out Oren 4c.. Tbahanse
weil MIX - md; i r i c.. I Pone,, an. • Catl. and stantlnn
!1;47., 11 ::;_:,, , ..":".Z:Er1grairi.% 140N:14 &fie-
Or OR,
'l.l,o7,lelatinn sestet:lad mentos* or the
wan jecteralancten t a Masi nottnnthe
Unt monied, 5r W. , p oke tarker,ln3 yotwl-Slna .
One irie ter -- AXIL 4=60,
,Oe Phi7.7drlphia .Vediral
A NEW FBA 711 E Ill...Rail'
P. , r afar llydl Inv for the Ent as. vanetl.nnJ L: if-
111.11 a T AUTIfottITT IN TIM r7..ft Ifdstff , ..,
r?" 111: iindervigned hare thy plca:,ore .p - in
e E.r ming the ;fuddle that they have mine arrant
efent•lnfith the gush:feat I,..tvrt , r .I AM FY MeCZA df T `f , I
M. U., of Philadelphia. knnwn far more than a gnarl, rt
r. of Medlrine and Aftr.fory In fhb. e4vniff rya ..r in Ear; ; .
fnr lb. put.-have of L.a r.“.inar..and the toted aratit.a . 1
ecru. vs( F.llll LT MTIvICIS FS the: name, winch nu; e.
pat, In a ninny at. I lannffer sna, Weikel lf.r neis.ra.
and eul,l ktin. vtznt preradnad. 14101 MA Tha n
raLle.threiffbra., abnr -.1 the want astuadle •Iffnovoriet
and dnufblnatinua ce, i.... 1 .01011 for the flare nt dire., rh,
art the frnitv of th , 1,1 , 4% yttfaynd'ltzw.,•ll.3.l4, the •fd
eve rr.sf.stvh. and tin, aim- at unannalard can, ed.. , fdnner
the wart nh,ntana Mid, ane F,.h refned, taevt , v. v , d ,
I a ,,,,,..1 in ndne deovitabr: /bra if dar.,.. It. ft - , q,..15 , nre
I nftb [h.. Inc , .' fveincfplts of wader, fantrv•ff PT, ce • F.antf
cdtbeandadvverliee Lava been. Lind. Ilnyrneed, end IL-.: it
iner . . - ted. In theu.itrint tar an &idly, and MAO r mad
...ver.d •l.raetieft. ant r al, in Phlladedithla, but thtoughant
mfov , dd•da , tT tentldna ffl th.:ouotrr to whirl, hie steal
nl,, .1 Li. IMP causal tumid Thal; nature and evert are
Imo., and lannfrott nf !fiihuttolrnflr of renular trlfd.hdam
who have 1n.,, hit e u.retila.'j and ....II their Innedeinl re
it. In Dr. dlcl24fft. :to'. utatv haa4, ~Lila thav ward v.v.
ander bit taltinc. ta the Cbtlefaa of I biltalelphladCnatle
ton. Pittaffeld. and elvrivheie.
• .
Tll9 1., to certify that I bee t (bard In the bends
tl A.Cualmann A Co, Now lark. the ceoltra of .7
rFamily !Indictee." with my full anthority toPrebare at.
offer them far paradar una They suet. m I lure Loon
la ihr and preeeeihthg for many
year, and their composition to well known to Itundroom • f
phypichtnot who base hem, any pladants. and wt.o
aro Luny of them Cone frEetiiiilK with alistingulahed
ft: all parts of Ilia taluntry. My And.went" foe thl7
step cre t:tituorvdtr .oa r nf the most oegent I. thatho alo•
maw , for rat ran:toll, hap toroth. to Is e, thromth pr
esto rrtoot of their otiecoop , as to Mahn lbair prroarat
~eat a draft anotbre la, thfsrdnaated
atlintethms of Itay , fdonds and yatientp, In the tartlet. that
the :rowed la trubb ~ tin of toy rtmeallea ...old to in tom.y
roppocts a public bonefitt nnd family. w ho AIFI/, 00.0
operation of Me. Altoandce Cualnatan. lra (11‘1,041 ,
otinealad.Chemlat mol . practlcal Apotho.,7 0(00.01 Teal;
expert:nee, whorehy I .
ma erattled to - .turn the public
that they will La prepared In tho Amy. ennoot and nu.t
perbet Nam, canine of experd,
JANINN AteCLINTOCK.7I.II. Late PrnAtleer rl
Aeatonly and Snegery in the PhiladelPtoa Collage t.r Med'
bine and Acting Pmfdamar of :tildwiferli.ono of tht .
It'malting Threat:lane of (ha Philadelphia llospit.a. Mord ,
ll fate moniber 1t the National tledlcai Asaxiatlon.
metniew of the Plailadcl7bir Medical &deer: monitor ot
the Modlco.Chkettralcal Of , ego of ThiladelPtd. fbmerll
Tr.tdent and Profenece of Anatean)andburgary In Cae
Teton ModLcal Coliege, Valmont: and also. lata
of AIWA.) and Pht .1010,7 tn Earkett. Motile - ad Neil.
.tinn. Its._ Se.. he.. Cr
We need Feeney remind the lutclltarot pubila of the
Orel imbcavity which exists for the Introduction of • rt..
of machard reliable rvular Itatieirsta which n‘ , IY ho eo ,
dinitirAmbipted Into bunlly we and depot/cif an
lo'4lte absence of • physician, an being tlim legitimatr
Prod actions of SearmaStiedy end Eiperieres_ to area eent
ie ot4led to prove the iturienise noperlinity of such melees
of remedies ineir the nosupounds that are dell,
Doted !obi not!os by lanorantand rankles:o teoa, eolety for
the purpose of enriching thenialtim: et the atPrtim of tit
tiros' and health ry their fellow beluga. We trust coat
&air In the anal 'ndeeof-the maim unite to summit no In
this °d art ai astir°. As the vest public evil of Qiim•bcrl
by nixing • -ambit perusal to the Miloving Ile, whichem •
brace the tint Mr fiTO remedies of the aeries. and which
iminprima amino:the tenet valuable eminittcs ern discover
td Orr the Ringed complattita monnerated. 11 lon or nod
of pi.ur friends are au Rung, one no ti sac in pro—ulna the
all of thefind sertficirt_untilnrify of the 4y..M ittainbis
and airbag • trial to',uoh at these medicines se are adapt
to the case. iVemill especial attention to the emit
being moat sieverally demanded, at Ibis
melody. tho
The Great Ptuifier of the Blood!
Lot the Afflicted Itend and l'oniler!
an InfatULl, far • Era. j 0,,.
, - !um, o,,,,ms(Cla im nto Reoptoois. Paaapetar /I,stules
on . ae Fset. ICAddirs. 11..::-...pia•nd F.......,;.....
[_.._PECTORAL 51/11.71'. ,e s„ E.,, . R, O O 011.eniur Td,r. .St.ulti Ife../.1
TM. ineslttahle. -rup. -hid, v.. , • , .bi• , . I ba — , - -"' 'ad "0 L k ''"" ''''
cosolvatlt.losa. ha. boe ' n etupto,ed wlthwonderful ttioceast,r 101 a.... ofti:d.orn Lirer1..5, ,, , , ,,e Pis
T years la %tut mato( din-sees of the Ala F 00310.300 I woe., 1:14.‘ 4,.., .4n u.:l , :mt.
1.. - ......• U. =yet eatuatun disease* of Mem orgsso arr. plain,. and ..I1 Disease-, grit.
irrite.Lt. unol k.tranantution .1 . the Mucous ,lerobrar. , in.. fro. 0.. /of...curio..
Width Lir. ltata Er ttliaor the loop. 1 •se of o.e•nd, . Jra.
Ear uly a tbeeetbroa. of dissmee,_
_whether showing them- 7'.i.'";1;4.4''
~ 1 11: =0)... 5 ,1t 1 4.0 ,, ,0f, a i ,
,„.,,,,,,,,, I . t l O
1 ;11..el oi
stn/. .r or lams qt toior, am/ /Icric A.Y.IC. na. will he I TIIIS
i t alterative Medicine and Puri
stic/idea with the happiest re....1t.. IL Is recommended to i 0,„,. i hi,,,, h „.„.. „,,,i 1 0( , h ,.,„, , „.,,,,,
nue of the best toad retest medleinee for all form. of lines , Pail. F r ~n Si , ~..,,,,, 0 , 1 , i . r . 1", 310.0,.. wh , , ~.,,,,
c-'.itts ma/ ann.f.scu. , daily tot'e rertotrtal , l. cur, nerfornie.l trc the or...test .1
A -0 nom ^el , r•s..ttian ./. t^in....... awl , r'...tx , .0 j al: ineoleinee. - CAUTEII. ~,110.1011 tt IA 11 , 1 t. - Neu.
18 .-,-o
f!LLICE (In Pint Bottlesls.l. , rsiiii.. Ithrumstlon...ornto , .. k,u { 41.•00 na the ~.1., 1.4
II (...1.11 dIiDCOUIIII -ILXVIAII,.. , er on•siles. fee., t!1ner...• , .1 .or a. tV!s.tinso or [fin .11
for recent oonghs, cold.
Irritation al the thy al ..: .
n., DLeesses of t .. 1b.. .: . ie..t. Com 1 ia.101., P. 2-0
11:00,(11. It la ospecialif ral•tatio for &Mr.= on httattl• It • .0 , 1 ....1.1n.: of l' c Woes ant Jiltits. ar• eo,....iiir ~...t o.
aka . cb.KeAblo ttimat, shout.' be without this .':.Emil ni , ,,, h 3 ~,,,,,,, i t hi ,..„„., ~,,, i ,,,.„,,_ h ,,, ~,,,„,,,
r.0ut..1.f. whirl. If talviegan the Ent srmph:co ~r .44, ' for all .101.(,• , 0 ~f Vi..l Ihts.S, •, ; (1,,,,, has , e r h,.,,,,f,,,,,.
I.,u4dore.ent y at - swat kof nronehills-on.l a fata. , r- , .. si.r.. wit h •A. It .4, ...the . . of •:I 1en,..-1 '
I's. lc Consumption! , . tI.• a..t• uenth an . .l r,!telenitr o• ,to M, en. li,ii..• ..
_., All L.1,64a5.. crm-rpurnifen qr . plitarl. ITS amp share% ,1 . . 0
~,,,,,. o b, 1,,,,,, v , 00-4 ~
lb. .1 , 0,0 ..
01 ..h.,,... FRIG,. Porlvltlo.... cent..
to...._AsrunA .. , .:A., WihkeYlNtl 0.0(01.1 ILE.IIF.DY . .7 . ; t 1 ,,,,„,_,.„4.,,,,,;...„ h ,
. 11 ,,,,..„ , ' . r. i ~ •
Th.,. t......i1 , 17 Itistee.elng tn....7.r. lute, to .t. . 0 , •,..... of ..“-th. to it, Pt i•Lttr. .310 ..r.g• I it,,lii.
T . .. , ..k 1 d.R. ,,, 14...1.1111. purely .....ietall• oI•, erhl,l 1 ''.
for t
It ia it,..t....-arn;.: . 1.,. et I hat, 4:1 h , .
am isern benught ,O rrrfeetion /WM ir th the . ur.e ~.1 ! 1 .,,,,,, h ,,,, „„ ,_,.,, 0 ~„„ ,i,,. -1,• ‘0 0„... ti ,,,..,.2. 1,...
mn"' >ear , ohm,. LtireA. -211.11 is ail that Is r........ 1 h i ~,. ~in net .If 5en,0",,,.... ~noni.-.1..0 hrir .. .....
pn ... 14 eCo.s , 7 t , s thote who larse oev,o. etnl.l — ;ol 11 I roe , . e.antha.; to the thee), •i•.. el•elat. to Or. s.rt
PRIM p, Duttle, Ltt .a.e.t. ma..l Impr..• the genera/ nl.ll .. a L.,a..e15t.1. .1....r.e.
1 , ..--DIAIIIIIIIZAVINJJIAL AND CID:14E11. P1.1.V...S . le. o .1.11 t - e .•1;eic.,.... ur 1...ra cr
11V11, , ire 1,, num.,. ,1 cert,fi...... • 14.-0 ..e. bat. 1•••••11,•1
.1 ....,,,, 5,, ~.... ...,,,,, ..f ...,..., ~.n. •..,..... 1, 0 0 . 1 fro. pernoir troin an plill• •
4.1 ltr.., L. sutml 'rat, L• 1,,
eouri.. Cholera 11.01;us sod Astatierno4ora. TT.I. pre.wel, ; hwt ethletcu [tot t 1.,..... I. u. nowt,. •,...... .0. T , ..
tiig 11•., In Si rut'ur. Diarrhoea; anti lo Ilex:, 00 i nr ., .. h"t.. 11 .., ,- • ....z 0000, .. Ph, ••I' ••., •^4 o I fl ,
it Is ~...ur our,S. In 0.00. ..117 stares of A....;:. ; '...
~ ._,,Lyi ..-- ~ , b ,....-....-., , -, ,,. .-.0,.1 , y, . ,, p -,,, , .- 1 . ...,yri
,:..:..r.. It will he .. .Lod e
toraluatie 1,.. Colic of 1n... I It/ t_ . • ...wi-cIO --.- 4 . • t'... t••• •. ;.... . .
cad eb•l.ra lolantnin It I.• ••yeresan reutedy 1,111, • .t, , t,
~., .
_ ,,a,,,,,.
14 00, ..t u... ...on ran, 4.13. PILI,E, ,r 11 , tt,.. ' -,. ~ ..+,...• ~ - , . •
.. bO. an,
2., and :,...0.t.4. read thew on•t.rrul eur. , 1.•• 4 , 0 i‘ ..- ...I 2.1,
V..,_1, .7: IC .1.. f 7.11a21.• .114101 ein. • ,,f tn... 1
• ,
t. Co. 03, 1 . to c...a......a,. ...a. a... an Uhi,..,...., eh; 7.etter. 1 `.' n ',...,Z . ( 0 ,' .. ..... t , t° -. L 't ,t t....! .4 .‘ t .' ? .`!`!:._'. Ir:
6,0 r•1. , ^ 0,111 !•. , . , o,o, )° , ^w!''''' - t.' . ;• '" s ''''' ; ;;;t:;:',:::..n".:00',..":0;:i",..V..::,-t"!,;:',1: . •.::; 00: I' '''
th,,,,,, ,r,:e1 . ..:. King. 0111, tt hi I.wellinit.lloitt• , ,
__, ~,, ,_ .
„. .
.. _
~,,, 1 ,
~,,. ,
w o n .. :. NI, I ULAN, 1.,;.111. Ulu., an. :1. hAkt. „•_17....',....... x!. ••
.. ,
.... f . ' ,. _ . . ~,,..
......,,:_ , ~...,,..
1..5.,...... Chron.k Ithe•smaCulin. tiou.. de. 0, N0...50u.. I f ' o ' .. 0, .. ' •""' .tn. 11. .. ' 0 •.- ttr_-' , _ , , .t . i.. ,
SOO: 1 41w LL.f.•!..r.• a: 2.11 cows. ITinoo - ,Tonalgo, ...Tea. / nt . t't...n.•• e . ' ,,,, .. _ - . ----- -
tar.. ,11.. ans All *list fruta u 104. 10 1.1.• 711.0. , ~.......... • • V • • • •
1...;‘ ',hi. an eltcratkua oi me Secret . ..lo sad • gotboni.i ,10 : r oz, c.„,,,...1N Lt 11 Oil.
ntaastiost of the Wood. For fhb , 0.1 .• T.... 0 ...It. 1
0.:11,"0000, whkit •co
the ...rtate..4 .ofs..M.,
.... resselicenlitnl toll. diserailtot nate of th.5y......•111 e-- . AIR 110 K L I,VG s. V. AUL r 4......—.......,
N fontall wwwilerf:lts etteetlrw. l'ltlef.. 7 01. nt bottles 117 I fri, - 14,.. ,-, 1 - YE
~.,.......m sr. ,,,c ~.,0 0, 1 .
.... 11,11 kn..ari. Gtr nn lino
Diaro-A ar itarrder.l dlarriksk, may to ailed Ulf . ..1..•'... 1'•:',..; / . .4:•••,.. , ...n00tA P•rit.. , kw,.
st, -` Dint.. of Antertris. Its •Imtao aru lies-tazh. - Ira. , in,r..,.. to
5, .
„___ ,
' '
hincaae aniern...- ,
C,TPLV:I4I sphlts. .11itaileesig
tn.:anise ererres leteer the eper. ital. of the tv-trlia
dallneiis or hevia. end tinaing la the ear- 114 a ,reea.,:t.
-Wt. in the earatvertists theebevit
I,ailty hrenthitrai retie. of ruloration 111 .u.; atiab
lbaawendin , etaira pairmatitnuer aura" foellna acut
tn. heart; Irri.zuler 1-netinii appetite: laude
•tn Ia fulnee. of lA,
%Winner, said me:Cy...lw 13liort of jhees.
I me* ell lit
w 0r..r..... •
tan wear uf lbein at the was. tin, en. at difiriant time*
For attaektua. abase Yrntent ...fraptme their eeet lad
...arm, TIC .ierenaeit eou.tition nf the...Urn/me fattetioun.
the tharrerrn , Watt eamitinvoi all the valuable In znellenite
4 tacit the Tit.. lb
the. yr,ataiiie Puramtire Vais In axe here
then. Le math mattreneetia tir grab Aathtlillhaie
where the fourth , . id the liver am iLI I.
It 0111 6e Rvand x matt retinal tru..ll.
bath.) 11.
A &aunt; eaatell. ersabinatbri O. tee ear. of Rheims
Nettralyie and Minima/ 1 r finenta...-
We wed, I.,Xere.l attl the aheml cua.e?e,...- It hie
used Criel exiraeively awl le en a." Oman? 11
Xiansiandie ineritees ea the ...mid hat ever ' , at. Paler,
Cat Inii.v. I alto _
La InEtil,`.le.i
. timard .1. 1 1.A1.. id, Ott 01.11 M..
rtmild or u•urvair odria, sprain.. swelling, Elf [Wk.
tinntA-rti thy JviltA paia rd.tilarra, tact ar !bah.
it frua colic, sod imlna In tM
it.ino,rb and abilmip.n. An aor Inter irritsat,li It lavalo.
r.i.14 In 41 eafow 11!...r• Ist•rci.l si.l.olant Is ...Med.-
.i..311CP.; per Bottle: L./ oentr.
rinstalcat And ter.ody: En hi aid Wit
Int,natly and eV...rally, for rho 04,11e1 Of MISS, 0010000
%WI" n. In Idowiry, Pa kis in th• Chest,
to !Le a l tha Fair, Nininilbric I,M...el.:rei
n. found, la the Stotwelt, lArsr or kida.r ,
la raddi.n 4t.twks Pillow , CAMsod of :Ana.
or iirarei, It .111 give lamellate relit!. ' PHICY.,.
X..... TUNIC )IIXTC . !E. or. rtrecamm.
A jureand r•A rotnady fir inn. and Agata,l
latamirsant arrr amot Its kat, and Po. •11 dloalar•
- .wring par.:ll,oy. n rishla rennoly haa Doan triad a:
fullest alleat., add lout Gaeak Mania arardne acs far a• any
aindidna can In rialth..l. that noun, I, nraysionmnie•
[nix arata.tiarair.. • ivere hmicr , an nalsdred. awl la all
man of f , catralion of atrength and rant of wavon. Me
l. II it nut in Em n d aingrulyalleslowl. PRICE, Per lint'
Yon tho nn.fuf Comsvarrram, and an Ito pa.latiorault,
nur.r. DirAarna, Sick iitornarh. /W.. and .1
ibtainiptoala .nurasrtled under tho 01101,.'
In al. mime where parntine 14 tented. the.e 1.111, •ra
ad a.. • tal , sad .111.114btd affleifffloilnduff a. No Ir.ra:4
trarrner atcruld to trillinat than. Paler, par lint, .2
fen LNr iLiamplalute. and all twroa ordireasertalog Ihmo
rtttr ,„ h, earn, a/Dow. furred taunt.. pain In tbn rtniot
ze4: n.rtv„%rXll,V
prolr.rwt etrnila net. rue. Pill; If take. In
rot Wanted' hilioun and Yellow. or ether Weirerm. will nom
trolls wart n 1 the *Math. car nk Dant,.
Tlnorideralyned, imarteaptitait the ProPrletnathlP MID
Jam. Ileclintanntio Faintly Mediators. would move-trolly
stata to Lk* pillnlm ebb.; in Me pm&n inn u Mnicacina
Chenolot, for near:, dintion which time
Aw boo hewn antlenty tonionnied with the Lent phut:atrial
eat entaiDaturinnto In thin country.. Le Liao had constrint
, acianiort to roe nub prepare Gh. preen - Intim. of Ilia mot
e - Attient plo yalmann.anmen whom he would name Dr. Mott
Dr., Parka,. Dr. Plant., Dr. Chevron:lan, 11r. FT.0,114 71.
Whittaker. Dr. delimlittln Dr. Ilo.ek, DO. Klumn, Dna
Pratt and rannz. Dr. Dr. (linen, and Man/ other/
n the City of N. , •
Tito experlaare than en:null - ad enatilre bin to Cltalwl
Main with tangetenne hetwetto Irgitinsale notatirt
.tientwatlatatllp. to' an Went... a harmonious rbrminl et..
union with thnir hinhennt thmatanntinal edinta, an.
!In insreurate mitturn of quackery andlanbranrmiatherm
la. 117 wont of knawlo.lo o In enroltnlnt
test rninunntrallon arid dwitroy each trthar.nt
~, o pt In s snhetanee hlahlYdnotoricinia and contrary to IL
.1.12 n. It !SWIM pinworm, thernfort. that A"
that (ton pricrrit Dm. at 1.e./awry SlCUllotonk
t only c,copmand N Ito wait manakin mnallnal *lent.
..runrn 1u.1112.1 hatlttuilly employed by, nor bit Pr,: ti.
mtra In lb. trnationnt nf the neveml ditcanne whlnt,
.hey arm lat n. 1.1. tut tier are .101,Incl In web acme,.
.C - liantionn. in Marlins to their rbemPail aO.l aselleoeal
trod., as to meurr the attalamnnt of the utmunt
.tthnir r..0•,7 and •ninietten.
In onnnliolon. will only add P. hinted f. (Lek lam GAI•
"for with ennliJeuni to his pant earner. an AL iilllll‘l , l,
the rt&ilit thot tic.. wont rennin. In 1,1. harper will 1.1
In etriet annadatte with the raw, tie
.1..0. of their ditiliwoiehni
tatze ,r 4 Tria:ta rf M. r. OWlsga.,./ i'Farovacy.
ato-ro :1-d4,n" on, No nrocur.d. at •holrotle
Mb I•inlrMirt, lid o New Vink
And of •il the priori:ad Drun44ta In Win city.
' Alen of IL. 11. K. fildill:4l..
tonon cr'xii sod Pl} ',t e 4., I•L•llwdsly4le
A,/ or D 6. X.12,11:5
ffrentort. ?far rrre , . ..
Pica UV/ it. HP:PIMP. duefft, me. cr af.4 • '
4E24 of J. P. Pi.Y.MI:4I, MN:fumy aft.
itz ➢lei be ordered tbeeerb
.•vots7 titraeteeker to any vett erthe ecuutt: el; •
Fisk's Parent Met:llia Burial Ca. ca.
proteain4 awl pret,erving the dmu:,
B • fur. urdwary lartemreut, cad stbto for
TW prutristurs are pirporsd t tusks
. rorsid• stronger
aunts ult ruldsrtskori sod others I supply tiums
Ptruples to be seen •0 srsrshouse lif,truesi
st., and at tan alittory. emus, Srua and Oilers streets,
oir the Water v'orga, Pittsburgh.
n.uttro—Koe prourtiusUy ou baud rite Moor tlako,Oirrety
Lou.ortur uuslityt Vault Mors. irua thutturs, s•Veutal
Lrettoes, Vase, and other wary awl!, L.
ituppout 1.11.4 Nurititura otutt,Cseture4 au4 at
nisurostra 'lrks-shy iseplplool A. IPPLIZMI.
S t Akt! i ---1 it per tna . :Tb
t *ref . , ' op= rbe k A r etl i d l a U . Zinow
ram of SOO oarb. T. 1.5. hougl sod 81:3 , per 1005—thot
porta lomat P. Um/price la for day. jr . pop 'Ault
Irrprits and s' cheap r porellaso too
tam. En4tPeo 1111. MAX
Itointis etre.t.
Ay r %
SILAWLS 77 -4x; .rO6l.
-.7 • .soisitot wilds of Elk Ttabot Matols 'et largo
ad recta and -z-G".;
ws4r. ova aw
kr. • ow -.°1!#14 NAM% be yei
L _ .
410 . • ^ s
11:!sburgh 'tidily; School.
thaw+. r, and
TILE sub-criber nutiouFwel• to
to.. Ladiaa nod t:ratla, Pitt3l , mch. that 14.1. an
raearitly ea.-eV-I a RIM
M1 , 131T110diall•laC..1111 ,14,LM.111. ti.t.nlabl, • In
mar almgar antablinhueaut la the Unilad meta... It+ I•aa.
tam wavrnible fn., all narta ••f thy eity. whit.. it. hi.,
and air), fall, tha
IWOat az, axari
m, rd. na.
ha and wall tanka and am prt.l.6..tar
mhinanalf that nn aalao rr anpanar will n,nra,l to
mak• thin mtaollah.aier t Mutant In lbw ..r
fah la actl tf It. 11. PATTEI,,
V. VA a J. IIENRI". Attorney :tt : Office.
I anyner nflitied and ?yeomen, etreeta. etnrigAmti.
114•teh eopy to the tint or 02.00 and ehatimfia:ctte.)
Valuable rroporcy tor Sale,
a N Liberty stree, .Ijoirtig the Meth..ttt:t
R'Grave Yard. neat Canal tlmln. MIA It now ttm P.ll
deelralde p orn,rty In thin nelatibrrl,..o.ln.)l
t..ught uy by the l'enn•pl•ap:a Railroad C ,, atnany. tilt
In., ettoKllpt "rare Liu i.tberty
Pant MN p 6ret, on Elm rtrea ILO
pp fort thrw..P , the
- Chi* pmpwrty It toter thwiraMem • 11..1. The
now on gn6,l aubstaptial Oak., ",) 'lwirk. with all
the neremtary trek bultainga, bag for n Lana time lienrw ,
andth Union Hotel. dolm: Ca pi
tallite others 4Cl.ll2lllll,lmAking a uotll ipt-rsimtonat.
cUt vt.ll to examine Pl. ,P-rml,p,.
an2:.-tf EDWARD P.\llEll.
fll 4l ,''''t;;-\ - •
• % 1 41
• r
. •
• -
rll f.c
For ea'.• hy he'r -
tart-i or walne.. 0. 111 Lint'.
.wdlwt lea and It. a•er •a V. , t • . .nteh.
To Capitalists, naradarturora and ne
chanica •
IE • Bentrer Maritifitdturi rr Colorant, '
der • rlt.,cx ar• I.oastun. el 0rnit...2..a
wit a Capital et.trArt......yn , noer eetradlah, In the tit
rano err Realer ..n., rarer )L I:3I,ICaN
rad a.. extenelvaillil.l.lNa MILL mat. tiro rawonalli
etaneorT and hp/a - rains ta the prieluellueuf Par trona` heat
Iron. Mall, Steibes. Ac. Se. nod ag won t ra.Nlrafle. •
Mill for Rs/Irma( Irma
Tow furnish xecomplishril en LLD. hjert they
har to the aypmnrtate tars and am a nets Lb.
orc , sLa togethrr with the trceresarY arr , unt el WaterroweL
the ,.. arlllwe fartling, coal. lent. Lce. clot. Lull WON
srou tient., trill t.4' wll.olt they have In great ant,
drenres also. dwelling, merhauleohops.and viesurt lotr,llsr .
thooecureeng of cpwrattoes an F i a t, eararato •laadha
and treanotnileaumenr Fiat, Lot wide. fie the nage
onteenient and ardindant envoi, •,1 au,. end Irt.r thy la.
oageofbrara to and henn th- werke. and 11. evict saltier..
buildings In which to es.-ry the rontomplatad mamas.-
u!. "tanner, water r.a.wrr. erne t imp...remente arat
rtl:r= . ' t7 ' Sr '" rea ' r ' tt ' e:. ' rri ' trou . 7n=iltnT. ' 7.r th a. ' t. 'd al
kmweled, and c:ortreottraleepeeriett.. CI toll
[ and willing [...wordy Ch. roseldner.t . . the: am.infeeturin,
Islam. Sad •a I..‘rtion.of the • mite` ma. ea . ntja The
rerfholm'. to tht, rho rent. 10101
thaw who identrty them:elev. w it) thin entert.iine; and
they sneadlagis odes equally liberal Indutertnentr
. eetabliehmentaf maul i.ther tran...... id .1 earrr.,,
aserere, not shove enumerated...dans three.-eldeh trod
to the more ostensive development of the mineral atom.
by what: their yeattan avremadeel, and their °wt.
grnonds richt) ami extensively pervaded. triees
I est...don of iion otannfaetures ',doer.)
W the , A.,111 - are onw rapatring• their Cotton Farbry
and tle.nrint s od are 0.111100 torant ..,rrsetk-st end
respecteihie Pertiaadtbaenr bulls tor alarm of }rare. cud
pupon Wend tortes—that Uoir awn/attention may Le tour.
artlenals ri y .11 rooted 16 the ea:0.11 , 1...114ml - utim
!of other branches, wan* wrilrh hare been onumernhel.
and to whiell they enaild width, hull/Mg of Inuanorieeer
mrs, - ronibusers. and the malting a pottes,
arabrirk and gram ir., fee elartz they here tee material.
open thalton, grnuml, and In praletion and aim,
danew. ?ha Flouring Millie earaidenfteaking.saal Liarrela
of tkaur worry hhla of kith dried aura 10111.
:gl ' il.ran ' t, '' )::l l :l7 " M ' ' . = ' ;;LlV:i ' ) ' ,l ' ,f, ""
...rot of the with
Peet geld Intista addrennod to the Agent, will twelve
ItcreartOra—Porson• la the Kluft wienine to krowtore
of this matte, and Mute part:.. g thy t:.' moan,.
arwres_petlfiall referred
Wr. Hiram LT:tee. and Chester Bedell, °I
the city of Now Torii.
John 1.. Nowl<44,
John ThoniCsotNllale. /Lank.. Wakefield, Mtn. , Wend.
11. Baldwin, I. T. Dalisand eras. I. Tn. - tires, Esro.,
adArrarthea h. Yr ,
tr , %Theater Tracalcil. Azrod INnn ran s.
the Callao calls United 6tates liraneh hank. hr. IlMeht
on. Beaver Ca, Pa. Mr, Truesdell la hrepareel to show Lt.
frorcrif In all It. detail., with map., Oats. dee , rinthme.
straw. m.nitillo. and fuLtrre in , Prete theOrmNenr.
so, to make to:anat.. 1. Rua elerdn. At.
M ratan re Prance* to the propertl aro tall. thereto.?
N. I'. Fetterman and Edward enulaon. Eats., Plan bell I`
thra. Cunningham. kaa Wave/lb.. Pa!
R. L. Baker. Leer., Lammas, do du.
' .13usa. T WLlrpo. Newcastle.
Archibald tokerLeophare lirightnn. Beaver Co., Pa
wu'Ras.,Fa Toua.l Anent,
or thcateee, Maaufseturing
M Cionkl, Secretary,
New Iniabto. Beaver Pa.
We taro within the last new mouths wen Popo.. olio
Thu.. to a new br min.ral, and Ind o
are converted at daddlito ...ought wen. without peados
Ihri.„ll Si,. in.,. tulloo. awl extun.l.. step* Into an.l
fend the p it metals:au, aspo• genoralif tar
Unltod Matra
Thla rut prdiss appears to.ntlnlng favor r 501.117 In
rsrlu °tour nruo try. It was Ilnit hcardolat,n.
tut. to
owned eittanriett , the. at Cle•clan.l.
utak In Wiwonelto one inuaullate eldnlty. Mite
Ltlrgh and .. I.learsTelly..
• lure no n .the prntr/t• a...twi1it...1 the rasoll.i. it •
hare... the Min/Ma /41.1 and the crud. ore. alter Wu,
...debut or putreirlud . ao.l uti W lu Fultahlni prnuortlena
put into a lioupey.litua bald groin sta eihottry toll!. and
hare coat It , when auttilentli durtiOr.d. Ur
thrnugh roil tut titlx,r, nt Tiuniteno. mina Loth
WitteMull 4011/ Into nottilling T.{ the Pint 0.
Witte tub. or chamber, apparently Ilk* so mph rod hot
rand. and without had. la molted from Dot In Oat.
ire liner Teen ttila Ind sand. by the dodo
niaritk,o nt Ile pa:titles. awl the Taunts... woldloa
thd. partlelta. under the tuanlpulationsof girdled puil
-4.1.r. poor Into a nos,pact inass,and like MIKA
kin itsc..aan with dury toru to the elan of the lar.e.t
•Vte turn won chic iron pumpkin, or ball of rt.! OM wet.
al Iwo ht introolla nadir a Lorca lodide?. •04 in
than rue inlintive It mu ri , ourted low A luautlful
01. have,. die ',MP I+ol o o tar. thydigh Use MM. ape,,
awe forth ne dealer Iron, e. idled lud. WIT y rail data
Sik, and it m. 44,1 or, ,
Au anurtoulate furpikd
tagee mu ha mooed lot lan Slur). andeni wan health.
an stn or uu i 'pod, n th Ind nn In it. Tidally. so,
a thouwnil.lolir-rs I. 111/0 Itx leis dire than it
would roonlre ereet a we dill or , 1/1/4 1 / 1 111.113,011 thr.
...running anon hi. ownproutia....l die foot untie n
owl batik • alit. shell Toro out daily lito tout 01 Ildt TatT
Glum. at A rt. Veils, 111 V t 4,, ,S though worth at his own
door FAX Wing 111,. a pron.., vid a oar
appltalof Piot, The "hearer Irinuh.ctuyitig Company
du row,' to furnish the gri.ionil. (La col , the Onn ore.
ter ids—e and widest right a/411141p, no. so toutiti
duly diorite. with others who lure wino capital.
Tall , end loiltutry.
Tut tin... who wisti to know in of this Wetter, Incatiln
of the undersigned. who knows a...hout 14
T. O. 1)0U LP.
RoTheeter. IlosTer Ott.. Ps, Jan 10. 'Ott 1,9011
1 011. SALE--4 beautiful Country Seat‘, on
nrn Vine tth n W t i ! nuous btEb.ten entnl b by er Un
nib n ir yntfol s utrybort, Eunnlrn
atbitti U.
OTIIIC RAIL, 74 WOW.) St—,supenur
7for nannawl bore. Cortouter,
TA lortug 'Wt:wart tt n pr v trunal otroutlon of therir-
Oriegtr=r f'd W "
aul9 Krug,. topless,
Into .1. PA. R. IL STOCK-03 nharee for
11. sat•• At Na 11. 4th sA., A. WILAINA AO4
LINSEED 0[l:-L-50iri stare autri;
ma. by po ItAHDIC11111(X).
OItN-300 Luc for'salo by ..7177— ' 7
7 . ---
Gt 072.; DoNNlfulaT AUTEPHY.'
4ICE—IO tr:11, now Willing. on :conflign
.,t 0h...1. by - TA 1.1.0111011t3CY it 00.
F pap AIESIFNO. '11314t0On; ke it t 1;
!toted' WM& d prim. Mess NA d.
.? astiolo. j .n
mod by 3. cw.
r m XIDOLLAKS,Nris Dwelling amen
Otli sti nazi aria: lt costato. • p im tl
roa. prat ili a estlx W
r‘AllO n .
t IT !'" -. ' • -
1 1/I:TRY FOR I. "..
k Iff „; ( . .. uotry • r`• rn
- •
S. 1 11 1.11..: A 2 Uridgt
Jaen. T.O tin. till,. lilt, iteliwititch the
nt.. r•s,t. 1L... 0 , f . ,„
Lflth n.n,ant rrutt..
11.iw tliii W-4,1
torwhow.lwith a hrtiir
it wa n.wwl.. wut
)f• SI ES, It x TETI
Lt. arr L.
• LAP: t•Lti,....p. ttNel2rt. of
TOMS. 1V.1.r0t.7,. tth•t.
y p ARt; E BUILDING I.t 'TS Ft) lt
It wibl; 2” n.ilLett.• LLIk nt th- tor
ut.4, fro I resyb' WirClootLic
ralA i:ICN !..IAN 11 FM: SALE A five
jf-aro Lose nt ti,. I.fot farm:: Moat in the altr. <MP' ,
- ..t.ffoolotfit ntont htly•fadrra the lineffte
f t
h•fin 1 f fn. , . a to ran. Ann!, t. 0 1:'1.4I\ a ItiiN
4 1 0 it Zo.k LE—A muloorittf Farm in Be .s,
r.:. t 4 lint/of !non bariltifttn. and 5 inn., flow
Ift,lttno, eon tainfo, Ifff ano , 12utft which lo under
oltirari , o, 3..1 Prtt rat, orflorfaith wool otelfatil and
,11 ere, or coal ,ffs it ft. In olTeroff hoe, Enrolls, of
Lf "1":"•12'Y?2?.1?.er"
f) SALE—A. lino Fartli 4/1/ Cliartn•rN
oaftalnin, 111 act,. 0. , 11
an et front Ino In) .111 ,, . afffol (rani, h • un. and I f `r
the brad of Federal aile.thenr. It It f 01.,. , 1 st , r,
1 I , cte a Prifftot Iff armfin, tfencriati ,, of 01forge
softaff, .4 atm, oftfotry ootta. Iff n•...ft1 , 1 lof o ‘0111,2
.fillr 8200110 any 110 alai, to to- no , to'fti 04.0 .111
60 , 1 2e411104 on 11. A fineaferfrtat , oft .ale. Call ott
L .,•14 It 11. fa ,r
1710. RENT I;,...,:•Tronrth
1:41010 , 01 ta if.a, 1,7 , 1 a of,. ft,ll
aoltlfeft Count... Tea!, t.lnftr the, for to,
ofaalfle t , O n.. nk • I:rt.
.\LL:.—Twc ILrm.. and 1.1.4..
now. WrirtJnoitiiii
T.+ • !Liar , and in a w.t.
kiwi Tr . ..hi! other. in .111!,i, tr. at Aty. ail al
r will wild row an fajt tortii Aft
Loy eruard Itritiatrr i whirl; too' ,0 hare gruisti, mati
ng stoat..
strool.lf pot woin't liu;. and It 'v. Lave
pro..ort, h4 noon ran ha, it bettire
puLiir r 00. of .
o.{.11( to Yourth
I AND FOR acrel of Land,
2.. Vorirepport. on which Is a
lot.cellouso and Ban.: /1.1 rirrord. • in
rhard at gra...lf:Wt. and it ail, of Sior is
Ulna ,argain,
lane , rae.l. tltultort. • dard,,u, with •
:Tame how. miles ..alt ehety
Si) aunt, t \..e .m It err tru...l
„ , at I „ thrr
dad virtu!, vrht•ls I hat.. ult printed real..
[v. Oat! tu I vet one. wed.t dpf
alott.l TllO , l Fourth etreot
fr./ Lin —A well tinishec nod well lighted
Ilaurnuunt Mune. corner 55.3.1 • tl Harkeret.
lent .tared for • Confeelltutaxt orl luthin•
fl) I:. LI. IiAILZAII, Sat h.:4 et., bet. It' 411/.
T o LET—A Two "tore it; DwellitAgar4
li mut.. rlldtat-lon tth *CM, (Iran!. It. 1i
mit et. ILe of April Eurttlr, of
111-Wit Bt. It It . Watrr xtrcet.
undrrrl,tta oils, at ' , lira. ttlt the sunny ,
['dent ruullt ..‘ r..n•ltdatur
EltlIIT 1../TI I ,I-3 , 11 hal ins a front . Federal strrot :to
fert. andruruln.,• torch 10t, rt. ti all, frot trlde -
ro large et q ho. rt Itud. Ir. • • :lot ILE, ecr
Wt.; rot I t It :Irv.
lii.u prt , dtt , each. .mu-feurth
-nth It ht, ,d • at I, 4 a,I J ,are.
who tra3 1t..., to put- ,rmA 554-
•IS t . 1 It: 11.11 E,
. Aar', .
1 ,, suttln In , nnl.l
par.. Intlll, rtoti../ 1,141,
it). thn,t n.I LI, 1
wl tv,,,sn
. ~, • 1 4 rn , l , •
fr Tl 4. LA , ,r.n Yr.t,t UI,-, t, sin*, An In.:band
•xtecol [met: eV , , I-4. 11 ,
II 1.11.1N,1. ail, it.
- - • -
k.l. Llvthler. ••u 1ai.,.1 f alm•1, L.r. • r..,, Falb stln t. mill
t...lnaned • tenni -art Imul .1 - iI 141, nn.s,.. ADO,
.15•11% IT 11l '„. ,
It . con,
111, , U1t S'A - lirouud osi valuable
lltort A . ••, - .1(.1•••,r1 f•v hetaburuh ra,
S.%Lr. OW To LK; —1 xllll ,t•il or
,• 1 , , , 71 1.1 41.
i. awl r• •1.• r..-F.rla..lllq•hru,
• ix •••• r , •••••••111t, • tlem/ t/o.pit rhe Latlll7., tr• ••1•••I' tr.., x.. 1 th.
M it LNT .1 s o, 1 1 1
•'ar 411 t,
. ,
ri.ttt 1.341 4I:
t.v.rl, trneing ttt,ed.•., o t r
••famt , l r ~..ttr:tt, tAtt.:4 fnm• elm • . .....trt
rill) , LET. rt . t •, d• ~ tltes,
' • .1, . Vl.l IV.
• .
. .
Li.-- IL more-. of 1..v0i
tn, 22,11
F OR S , 7,1- loory Suind .
1. eh.. and
crtr, 1•1'.!
oTIC E. -1t... late Erm ..t ./ , }N I.S.
Ql - 11:., lan‘Lnctr.-I , fku,
..t. ,•I ••t4 Urn,
•t that uglan,
h.rt 1,54 • 17. k kr
it 1. 1, Lace brio I I?, B 11()14:11: ,
•••• t...1•••••1 t z tt, Itr tents... st 'heir r.
itos.• ••••I ••••• Is st .1 • • S.,
'• It S, ottr• . g Istsrtnor•
0 . 1 . I—Ti :,u l'lnn of (t . .);}.: .k 1..
j,.., Co, by
utJJF.JaI h. .7131. IL, ~ttrlnewe .1 lb. Jaid
br.n will 1. norti.l
1., 1 1C JON U.
1 .1..1
rl I,llfa
kk.s.l Pit4rl..,
SA AO JONES, Multufn• turer Stain;
t ,e: 'trot. 4 1..1 Plough
it 11.1..G. - 11..t1 Eli par {rrin, 11. 1 1
I'Mwtft •Istl Ilatzaturr..l n , Pt --t,rtser
1.... .).t1 Forst strn•Le,
A 11, ItOliEltS St CO., ILlol . 4otutera 0 1
Itxteut t.tyel
eyrt.rt tht !L.:Altana lint rtrerte t'ltt,ttorxty
ettllset . itiote ill Lay itlg
t r t',:'..rm u aTrattk!
IlttlttiElt (Xl_ at 11111 Creek Plll - 1.4,.• , 11.1 also th . e . 11
a it
ne.7 eiti r te:eqi i ett . thr etwet._tert Itt lb. I tatoxety
_ .
Ilarel, I. lA.?. , AlloNNI.11:1:11
1 0-PAItTNEILSIIII'. -- The .underniplu.
thla day entPre4 Into r.. i•artorr,hir,. under S L
Tim. rty lc ...1111:1! h NED Y C.,..t0r the purty!
trartfarth. a avuens.l Ifililua th , of A:
.11111, T
IN r114.1R T, nitY.lN..
lAn. II AO ALl',l • If OM IN.
A P *
P. Cllll.O, /IL!, `t I. i,lllB A
or4.l:tafeAlf Canal rho'', A r.lratt.n. cttt..lnnel2..,
W II TSTI & etglutzig , i,
'ir" . "
lute, ae., Nos. 9:1 Inq ut,:biur‘ali..'"
Thu untkr,ign.i f,roli.,l:lcto-Nrl tier-
L” - id• . rADlnor D. W. /I rt.., E S., or
ttan,set:l,ll cf • oornsi .U. 1,, ....otnirrlnn, Ft.rwsr.ting
~L.,, 4.1 and t.
nttotation to 1./12, or d....,
.I.nd th.•
•111..tlaltme• ant 1.1•1 thnir aery
L. W II Vits , rl,l:,
Atom. That, Wilil.en /a
I`l'alty .10, . At
urns Oran, tr, William EkiAutts:,.
Eft,'. I , •kerrojt. i:SQ .n ton
XT 01 , 113 E: Joseph Flotirt4 114:tir ,;,o•
44th him If Pu AI.I, tl.e lAtnlnoralv•rrnrool
mminet.l.l uuder tb. h 'I:11 / CV. a;
the .4 , lNtand. npuro , •trtv4
lfgr.t itTS E [WI i --Th.. tooler4igilt43
:banrl ,ftron9ketin4 Larrauvoluniti•lftn , A. . .ery n
11ttfl 4 r/r.,h. F.l‘. . -L.' , A. I.
IN Al.!
0 -PA RINE RS 1111' • -11., to
4 s. 6 .r.1 itrua I.+.
n.ot thle tsd.r rho
Istrunr, 19 , 4. a.
. .. ..•....... ...... ..... ,
,;. SE Ll,Eits A CO., Wlt4lesnlo . 11.1
x 1.... ...) L0 0 ... iyzi 7 : ,7,0 7,..,. l'a,t, MI, Vet !:: m ....
i itiNi EAND CEDAR 11' A I:E...—SA NI LI EL
ili_ - filtip:SEN F.:p....4.0 ly ... 1....1. ~.1,..r.M.
alag, ".:I,A;:',ltulLll.:h, l ,lnz . ;, ' o:l.'''. ,1i,'. 1 ;t,".?,";
i l , ti s 3r „... , nfe ;.,,,,.,d,,
:Inc. W0..11 17.-mni , . suil n!l ,, tbrr
.110,N it 1 T anti Ilk .lun•o buckets.
Wsrmou...sl3. rile Mil. Fifth otrwl. l'ltte.ur,h. N.
5020, -.-
N - VITE thomttent ion of holeaala and Iti,o
ten flora. to ther la part
aawnrtml ni
14,i4 on 10.01. 0.1011114.4 in part of 64144114. c
40441 no. Idr. Hewer. modlum, •0411“10 /Mord Flom 03
4, 0, 0.1 Ildbr oheat Floor 011 0100,
1001 .10 :30,..1.1 4.,:e lroneporent www‘ 01.41.
1,0 Wln.low P ' hndea.
oaoo 0
44 10 341, no
1, 5
40 11
Ofeldne d ln u ir . d 0 1011011 e f
foth, do 4.
: do,
70) do (1170.3ttk 01.3, td- Malyr.
100 do GA 144 oerman 3 10.4. Fundtorwoll Clothe.
311) do 4,34.04 room: finootellookao4MON CSrrlrte
01.. lure (..33 1 / 2 . e I
' - "`'
L{ parr Tahla, stoo4 ondlturewo Coven, a...A aiaer.
4100 pair Tranaparent Window Shmlda, and del - PnGh,
frOrn 10 11 ft. 1000.
314:10 10k. 44 In. Vat llfdlattil, 0, 0 •
with!Mara of Window ode Trlmmluna, An •
.4.4 we nre daily raralrinn from Arpr. wan and
t he
ra tnusturars, we are Mtn
'at thorn to of
the F t and elampaat alocfrold/muts Watt of thu 01tran. 1
tan,. Call and wumlne lords purrlmalne elrewhem.
• J. l l-114 P1111.141,.0
Lobto .Gll Clatlx Warm - t0m...N0. Ad3olarnet at.
Dr thiddo,Fulf.;Stook. 7-7
yu, LAN DELL, t dorth Arai nti.,
Philadelphia. gill be ehln to offer ektra trolut.. - voleut•
o vh e thearr Mayer. this FaU. at their etort of- Ow&
etIII h. *err MO, soA bastrelbe hoot the Neer York wet
Phlledelphis Auctiner, daily reeklud.. sceorteeeht
ef the colloerhur •
ebserbe . ,
leer Eliktk ••
Vo:lltV r '.: f rial " doe' . , n; , ,
''Moue I.4eintec • • ' •-• Ittenketle •
()wipe, herbs elope, oflimputat ous, trebyell , h4ll,
nftlyt prrerjohs,ftreek 4tletleat.. •
0 , • • 117113 LANDELf,
• Your% Arch
=nos gadkisad wk.
\ ,
\ \YI - 11 1.Ati} -. 'r.plfi,A. ,
_ ___„___
WINTER AREANGENEns. \ emP lloreltuniilttctai '- '
1854. gis:___-c,--_.;:=.--.-_s-1.,--.3ser-, 1854. §I,ON}I, Wan" , Ntieet, abci4+coiia,
..,----...--- --,,,. , ea.. A:11.,,,uti1,,,t,...121,,Ar1f,..i1Nri0r UOlETP.Atrthellae
PEN NSYLVAMA ItALLROAD. : (.1 . .. D,, i11f . . , ~ - ltihietil=l\ tir't,tbim.:ill,li
T ILE )L UL L TRAIN Wililuae lb, epV morn- 14 5, ' " ` 1 '''''
- -I- ' %`.."'''''" th ' - ''''''''''''''-'' .
„,,....::f.:i'L"= 7 :::..,,,.,,3 la Phi ' lailetid: ' ' ' V 4 ” 41'
L M.'
' Hi t d .'. - il.'-'"1/a-I.ietiiii.6..A . - tO . re7: 77. '4" ,
To.str, ; at I ..' hack t. .
laat , - , , .?4,3,X
darlhZa'tiVet‘Tk..'rali!nrll7ll..Tr'bw;ii'''.o"l;ertill:U'rg'N'trn'M.,'-1 - n
KVIK} TItICK; No. 2t South riii,:a
111, 6,, Johnatt,wii. It Innorn. tinlilia, AI.
.L, . ~.. t , l' 0pu ,,,,,,,„ m ~.
te ,, na. te.,arrivin, in,L..aaab n'tba:k the mkt 1 streeta,-Int ' a
11.0 bpar..lab lam I,r4ndJt.'
in , ing. ' \ ~d. path. eb,, niters' , - and Cltrrier4 ,
The I..x.prios Train will barn tho. bop, mar)
at i..3ii o'cloet. at,Pringsual3 at iirnnnaburg. Latn , 07.1.74 ` .. I r xiliili t d i t h' n ° 1.,£., ' ,1 ' 't
•1'.. .k.. ,
' , krt. Johretown. bbinitierinil. nellitiht. Alt ,, n, 4 which ht• Gish , t ' Ik . MD. Al
' , in C. 1.511,
...1,..2tE612 at 1/arretburg with :Jab Train for 1t2.111¢1,22 or taken in VI. oil'
in 1 t,211-ins in' l'hllvleiri...rtialtim4,b, at 1: ciel.,..m.r. b.\ i.,,„.,,,,,. 4,..., j y r „,,
~..,,,,,.,,,,, ~,,, „„, t,,,,, platx!.nr,ci, every dbi; (kilssieta.
. 0., n00.• taaealk sirndankt ~ , ,d . a inek• P. ,1 .. ek.olong \ .--:_ .. _l_ \
~\ _
. all rezulnentationn,and maniac only a./4... , 1.u .. .. , , )0 w E , ,,e, EL.
viu. lsreet,
1 1 , see , n4l . I, ninintatalleit Train lcatna 011517 (nsrabt t Pliliaatelphla, 2 LlTlOnlis
'..0 2 .l' • ,, 1• ,,, i. A. 11...2.6p1Us stall statute. and i al and Willow
r.i.tuln:ont, ma frame Itrintntia. or , iptly railed 0lialV"
brturnto,,, - I raj. anat. in l'att.LuzCht 'tint Anikunina, 5.... -
dation arrl,n at 5.144 t. Al., arrives at 1.. t.) r. ‘ , 54
b... 5.0.1 A..up...don arren. , at 7\1,0 l'`, 0.1 Mail Train
San,-, at 12. a, .1.1n1a1.,t; Fart Lune arrlyea an 2,,-t3 A. M.
tarn to New York
11.teriaburg:rui ._ll.
:k1 111..., P 113
h.Ladelbida ,11altinnou s'l.
Lagoa., all atallorti cu thn Canna: , Raltronul,
atot b , e1,414.1./Ithla rm.l itaithnor...
ea. , .4a+rs burnhaning ticket.* In can will be ellfilgatt
. era, in eiddirbu, to t. 1.4. statl.n rare, btrabt (ma
a.tha• whre. tha I,4 niPaur has. no agent., s,. ,
411 . • i onn.l...larkuitny,ao.l par fund. , kb!): rakeired
ru 42 .1. rat To ti<ktts.
5.4 ,- .• .--.ln mar orbs., the Cornea,/ n ' ll i ' lr' l4 t ' ... an *
Ft• responsible tor mr•braa: haggsan oniy, and 4 r
granteit rant exe,,,111,..; $l(..
• It -.The EACI.I.. , Itra. , OINIItUr LINE haro 1...,b ern
pl.., I I , troTt., Da and 1 ..,...u. 1...4 'a ., m thy.
1,,,,,,t a .h. , ... , 00tt , ,5....r/ 1 , 4 cta.for each 0., neer.
and .6et, Die raeh trunk.
1,, t_ to antar b. J. kfI:SFII , IEN,
i,..., at at the e..k. li. Pt Tesset Statinn,on Libertr et
ellteinirg h. bn0.15 ,It4N.
IS k‘iN N }VTR*. I,riri, --' ' - '
\ The Ohio and Penna.' ailroad.
TI, Alliance.
r 171.1 E ,!lorti-tt, geicke , o.' and nn , t reliable
it 'P.O. to Toledo, 11...0‘272 LOCI II , I ( "last.. At,
I'hll b taiale Ono l/air.,4:od inllcs short, and .lout
4.1. ht h tire Tticket tb 1 :k4.3„:0. that the 'e \ I lona Ott
eta ludhinapolla ~-,- ,
Thr...elkill retina b+trrren. Pittsburgh and laPolattd.
IX tit. lialty Traintivtwrbn Clareland and Mica •
tixun to Cirt,hand, t,' hnurx Chleagn. L'2 hb and St.
Lunn, oi intrrr.
Tbijr, 1, Cley•lan4 learn Alllanen at , u. 12
~.1 ..,.., ac-nto•ella.: at If Lidron with trali, f r ,u•
in.:,' '.q....,..! ‘.:::::..,..tg1T-.. " ck-'."4: , '
The Trite; nf tn...)11,..t. ernna. itallbuadlt , asn t Nil '
I ugh at k.oLiot a1..P . j,11.>. S. bud 3.00 a st;, arrive In Clott.,
t ' h 4. ... lll h n° "tb ' rn .A n . g 3 i i i - T ' ;4:l7"fol . T ' n ' lrd a 0 '. ....C111,"4.1 . •: ' , l ' t o r. , t " k " l ' il e
btu! bt kn.' ,
• 31.21 . .:OS 14 \ Pay...rigera (or '14.1,14, Chlra,,,, St. l , 01. and lb. :orth
sl,4, thrlr In:oil...ran:a, • T.,1 , 1 .4f t:1 , Sr*. they bask W....tVavltur ;}sash , either of that nitirnina 4.r af
aid c.pnaral. of O 111111bn b , inelluteired ', hourand nil. i+rio+ol br ain \ k3' ' , inn rik C ,,, • 1 ". 4 . wi ll arrire . 1, PM'
ar- 1...... A 1, Fir, th,r,.l, ab..rfinv evid, of tto. ad, , k-0. In \lran , lef tt. *yak.), eta Mansfield nrany other
eaut, i. ~ e Ittgiuranc.... well 4. their a 1411.... and War, a 1... rutin. iine award by ,b.hb,. 'I. ch.neiand a h,,,,,
bon 1 na,t a al.. pr.. , n, ion,* an Ilaklutlet Prtn•en rra guidu toil. touls or any other nnint, w+xt of
J ti A 1:10 n.g, ,,, rv.5. Agent. (.11,0n. w.,111 Irate, the clubs} ennnectrons and abitkeft
1 , ;'lra: eF- bon+r nt , A , •• ,, 1 and 2 , .1 Ma tine, he
} tai l ing the k. 1. N. train from Plttnburgh. \, Pao.
Insurance Company I eernibiu olliNoll“a inetlar. \,. a
CIF PI TTSBIT11(; Fl. The am. ru elarelrbid Ca 1 , lego And 1 hier,, , run
, a• bit1a.....4:-1,.. , ClusAstslst ftot,nd YTS, t.5.1..,1 grad
1.5t1 TILLS/. /s.. 1.4.41..... . C. k ~,,, .2 2 .2 T. ! I thl RI . errlis,” 1.142,3,6) at 1.45 ash Ilan to. rk 6;0 242.
Vi ill In.ure agaim , t all kimis ,31 Fire hid 1 ..''' 1 . 5 . 90 T.i. " 11.° C . " K . 6 .• I 'Lknd and 01 - L'..;!
al r..,1,,.,---L-,v'e I hlerignat B:bi ~.w. and 9.30 a It. \
MI 'int; iti•k6. ' I 1 . 2.2202,T2r2 f.r tit. Leuti`gu over Ronk bland railattrad ice
, I Jndia. and therm. vver thb,Chiragn and Allaslasipol 0 ,41
It ..1:1:1..t. Jr,. Th•ra ;brut, , 0 ,a, 5at e ,,,,,1,,.,, , rind to Altnn. and Oboe, La a teen.hbat e.:l iallesl In bt.
J. lA. hutlf.r. A. Niblick. Ce.o. Pars, I L 0.2. 172 . 2.nci r• [kr Ilan a',.ki 2 21. trals , arrlts In Faint
,w . ra,k,,,,,,, , 1,,,,L,1 v,,,,,, Lou'. at 11 ...1,2.ane., or a l ti,. mad t,y the 4...t1 ,x. train at
‘ Lron,
Ihturss. .2. W , 4.2.1t. , 5. .1 . hlPhincbtt. , n.`n 00 5 1 . 41 ..•
Wrn. 11 X'aiith •, , nage*, ahrek• , 1 Ila:tieb In a
\ r'"; , relatt, and th.-re re
ad \ A h....., Inatltuth.n m \ ..4 .1 1., 1 , 11, , t., ‘ rs ••• , i, t d '" l '‘ i ''' ''' ' ''" ilf.l/;;,'''''''' , I,t. 2rtri
, n , ....1 . \,:r in), cb, eatuili ,. .. and whir win
. .o.,:rall7; , linat \ i ~..,,,. 1 '..,,,, s . ~.,,y,s, .. ,>,,,,,,,,........, 1 „, 4. ,,,,
'!''!':;' - g',"? . ';%:.; ? ;%,-;i:,',l.,`A ! Vi."" ''', ti' - '4.l: ro,\.. .... . - ~ .\emi,....14., 0 12,5,,
1004, \ • k -''''. ''. .. i\. Drtro • - 6 , n, .• floc), I , :dand...l4SEo I:l,en
- , •
Marine; Fu e and Inland Trea,. sportatien lA ' `t. , •. , , , g , >5,1....-.1.115,1...,1 is tr,„-...
Insurancey.-% , .1 0n,cr.,4 tblakkuirany, in 31 , nntlxall
, I ...,,, , J 111.1 i, . the
It, M.,
I:HE 11 , 1 , , , , ,,, r , ...i.,.!,, niN,AI, .tmeriut, 1 t , \ J. Al . r I:011,n keg
Pib.n. bl,, '... -5 •1i22,22.1 1 . .... l Pats' al. a.r.tai.i.. - 1 ..,... u .. \ ~,.
...s. t. 3./. Itr. ,'.. 1,1, 51.4. , ,..:_-, flo. It ta maka in , :n• „I lt.lBVllTgll.,‘ tat, LOUIS affil cans
1...-• ~. 1.”1,11n nat .1 tts., Lest, 22, t hl. city and , pw..., ,_)„.
tr k , terernit,, Au. Perd t•r i 4...„4, i.....,..,,,tp - 2.-„,.7. - . - .. - -1.7 . .." , -. ..7,.„.. - 7,....., ,
1ar....t...• •..i . ~r ..r.,k, either 1, n•land tranreor
u ~r on
ton it.
X l; tlivr A. s....offin, Pkeet, ,pu , ruas F. 1%,,,,
tsp. W Jon+, \ ....tin It. bag.
• tward bialth. X ilirhar 4 D AV4,41,
s JA i n A. he wry, \ It illl/.1. It sirs,,
, a url P et:4lth. \ , 4,7 an''' IT ''''''' , '
\'‘,,;?:4'`'''`. \ ~.,,
~ ...k L1. E . 1.L11 , 1 ,r 11 ,. . , 7 nt.
kbi en Whit,A ~. kw 11
I . .lrUe 'r tt N.lickwi,
xe ',,, AI id,
1t5 ,. .. 4.4 o •. It. high otar,U
b .2. h er22n enabl, ,ircm a,. ta r y lli. \ a
22,214- ILatrar,kh g.L4gw the 1 , 1 .
, 2S
1•113,1 A
gtrko, 4 ‘ei , lit.g b and ka ef \an extra .-rdo. Or,
trlar. It yy .a.
a. •n:holug axbelt seettritT ta
''''...."' ‘" \ WILUS‘t A' j. '"'''''' ''' ...e •
ti.l •
~,,.r.........\\...17...... 0 and al „at., ntr,..t •
), .T , A 1 , .X, , ,5 , s ?. , 1 , . ,
, V4 - 01 i ll.) ,
..,,, 7 ., s 1., r , ,
,: ,
; ....V1?, ...22. 5,24 T. VAN... 1 .•:. !• .
W W. .4 itt, I: ii lIN ltslerMN,ll. friend:. ,
A>• X 1 • ~t ..1 bra , abea....:
t.,:tkebl.,lls Ito i.as44,4,aud ie., 4 , r , ,
..4•; ,', /, ', Fk ' !•?a s h ," rn ' tlx .. , ,, ,t'4, .I.i . lin i..1...b.,..eit.,1 a. tr,1,1 , 1 4
5' .. i , ......,..... 1 At , terts, ".•1 5 , .2 • ttlarkshly.,...l
.-• I `,1.1.2,Eis ..od r.. 11,41,,, ...rut IA A, k,rders ical
ar,,ty , b, , ,,,pitkibrt \ x
. 1., 0i.11..e. ,... t0 bnktie... • -. 4,
W, fr .1 . •:. 1 . 1 ':!.) /111 ‘ ;.I ' N., ' : " 7;:. r.:... ; ~ .In ,*, EX,
~ ~41...1i. ~ ! 'ibridiure. '9, a , t l e . 7 4, ,a1:t
.r .Ez rj.i . ,
' ,:.\, " ::V!iV‘ . ., : .. i.7lll.nteibtr4,l
xpb.wk, lo kvd,, lb+ a akri. • arttre.• ,loLwar. tnspoter
• 1. ,berrib,*,,Q, u hltli. i r ..1 , 1e,, , :: , ...f , at c ,:t . r1 tati,tl,l
\l.• , '
\ ,
~ F , ,i r.r, t e.An i
vp n. t
lb , Arab. asp
\ •_• , 'Wk l o.rt
. a up ,bdirv , 0.,}
‘r, r.. ~,,,
.-`,;, I \
1,,,i.T.,,,' 'N
sr\r-r,. \\\,.
...•, ~ ,
tIotTII O .
stishoFl , \
• ..i.
is 1tt . t.../ . .
'na ab‘X 11reak..14tTI,Ider,
un - \\ noot Mae.;
t ana iont Chalr, \
-st 1 skin: , tis:rt:
wra , Do•kr ,
..1 1 and.: trat...;.ety
Paoor barb'VV.* .
'.Lai ~ do
4- \ 114,11 and lyre do
r S ottomani u d
1 ,.. .kn , .. Fdri4 , ,tre Gt 4 Wit.
.1 wkli anklet lb 0. , 4 , 114: ,
. ttruttied at the ~ , ..rnkt bone,
deri to. _ ixitill)
if - tpI KE ----- As
Lure aro the ~ "-i.
:Cr '.Catd. Lona. 1
11A ,TliXenet. Comatna'
Rea .F.dety Insurance Co.
A bi-
. 1 IC ,. in North LoWu of Lhts
11.,0T,'n:tr,t.rr+t ,
111.:11... A.SIF 1-..W11
St tn.,: /,•,v 1 uer., c.:44 •.I
• tl
I ar,n,, ‘,l ,Art•
)111r, ( 1 .‘“ . .k NT.
- t
ii . 1
go,. I, r II u•tnn
' l •7 .l '"'"'l. , v . '
t . 511 l Prot, 1.1:111.1n rennant.
pl.lll-.1/+, It.S4 Fez's,' 1.
Antrun..l W u . p. Loa I.ortutgt..n., Sinn, \ Isssan, Pitt .1
11..1.,4. 1 11 , ./.c. ,Jcluen lesqusle, P.l. Stru-san. no
! 511.1ap, Prttdent,
./ .1 11/0 let C. 11,1 1 . 1 11 , 1 Prssidsol.
\m/1 C l ll',l. , -rntarr.
uff 'o'" . !):17:1 ‘ ; ' , 511' 7 15 ' .........................
Western •138f/IP.IICIe tiorap'y of r itsnurgri.
.1 PITA mit
Wib oil Winds y' Sirs on 4 Rat, r. owl eneurcits.W.
, n—ttia...,l direct,rs oh , ars w.• 11
known in ths nntucnnltS, end .• ors Us'. rmi , rl
srunt,.tLuuts and 111. st-silty to moluto u thu elan- ' sr 11111
ths, hat, ovntinsd 101 offeritslt II • ts.-st ttin
wbn to Insulyd.
/ 1 4 11 1+11/ 1 4, -Porthnn Jr... 1. 11. Bun.!Tl.. IA , I
WI hmtnn. T. k...Ninnisk. C. I illniets..
W. Joni.... J1(111 (lenem,NtaboA
11.1..0. Jrunr. I.lrylne-ntt:lnn4 11. San 112.
turn, H., V: Water Ft: s,sse
as ss3lll.ll•Utshoruls. pt.1:111,
- -
Franklin Fire lusurance Co., o -
EcToßs Charles W. lint, - er,
y !:(:herd,. (In , 5,11 1) I Ps
Sarlrt.:l I:raut, 1,714 s. Brow n.
PIIAIZt.), 111!;q.1.i'..
.2:i.e.,: 1. Ltsstkos, Slan•story.
cnutinuns maks asp rat
htnitetd. on over, drorrltdlscr er Prols,r4 In. tow and
.suntes, et rates.. kw' its see Isdlslstrut ssithancorlt
Tns Penupsny has rts . trilstr. lugs cu.nankmul. .d.
w.hich, with their Capita/ .11 Premiums. rarely d.
ogned ample penteetfurt I'. the
Ths oosst.s.ltho eetue.rly. un Jtnnery 1.,,V1661. as rel
ehse the Art •sru as fono,s,
Tempt..-or, Lan,
. ‘., .
• .
1, ,
11, ' 0 ,
p, , •, ,
l: ~... I'
l'‘ • n
' iZll, 4 \
lial OW ", s
' l ' 72V4r.;W:o '
' fr, \ ' O .
Azar 4
11,Ittle 111.1 s. ,
A 1..,. ($O4O n 1„sl
• nr \ len,
4 . 4 . 74 1 :" ,
reTlVP ' 74.4 ' tgrln.,.
All t,k1.14 . 4 4. , .0,.n.
um ' i lm ritE s s T F..
ATE ...i ., ,:,?. j i T:1
7F('. ,411. ,1,1; , .. ~,,N 1,..... U • HAP
'''''`Njr,.`,Nl . -f.t,\_ -', l .
Anal ATI,C. •
,ri F.C4I i•l'\!livn I,nvelm ,
,1,,,,,,.,4), a, , , ~, :,,..f rin...n‘ :40 • .
7, .7.114,7.5iThi,4.,,..'•°,...
F',,T.Tc , ','!:',: . `::' , '.%''''..,°;.;',,`;‘' . ,'",
60,11: oculdoloutuao of 'extl. al- 1 , ..
In o-cond Cali,: 9; troct I.otoci
t 0n,c1p0 , ..11 .. ,..11 atlictad n, . ."DIP,
' l ..r'h ' ltir • ..l± fl n tiVa)g . ' 3• l' .:Ai r l . , a
F.. 1 iLt , l Vont. 17:44.' rllel LIT4-lt 1... a.
:ntunl:A..:snuar, 7. 4 . , Xednen.lal J , cy 11.
tr , ' 4
s 3.
lur 1... t; \ 1% \ ••••in ” ::1:1., r"
.2 i
l •l :a n to u ;' 1 . H. , :h 1. l'..
\ Pioalesolay• Itur,
Satanic,. - l 1
ektUrja, .tki 1. I• 4ltiolZotsi. April \
' 4 4,4414-.1n,, • 16., 1 .1 1 ., t1110 " 14 I' NI: 1 '
nadurde I. .. • '-..
atunlat• Mity N . ...,. j?Podnellay . •••'' 7.
Sotuyla,. 1 .1.
Nat lards., . J 1 , .! , 01.1‘ i !i1 ,` ,4 , ,W:J. - „,• - i ' i. \
11 - ,,1nt.1x, • Al.
nr.tnr.l.l. Jul,' •• \ ;11todnenda„ July 14.
'.turd.,„ - .2.. ,
' ;:546
n4l4:j:i . t '''s:"' ' ltk 147,4 ' n ' 711.4.. * 2' :: " :1.
~ , , ,a0,1•,,, ' ~t.onner 1 . 3 Wednenlcp. fot.,-Inbor 4 ,
Snurnlay - 17. 7. Wednerl•y4, .• 2. 7 .
t tint', , n : , ...1. ,:•., Wvlnently, pet..ber 1,
~,..n..ii,o, , 0-0 14. I. 44<anc5.1247. \.` In.
4.,,,,,..4..., ..7.4 %, 1Y0.1n475.1.77,144renn1nr I.
AntenlnT :, .0 u.t..r 11. , t. Wr..lornlay, 7.. 16.
Ant nlvp. - .... 4, 11" . .. moos' T, Vo
. 1,./.
Elttarday Don, P. , na,...1y,,, ;n,
' • ‘‘‘' . ‘ lo ',. ' • ,7 '..: l ' , V7i;ktil. ii\ .LIN, '
,7;7.,FE41`1,1r .":1`:1;.! , :i4,1,..1 11 fIrliv7. glii.PLl:7 ' .4
f: 2 ;;..1 i nt: . ; . 24 . a E NI 1. 171 E
1 1 . ( 1 ' ;17, ". :0f1i.1,,, A ;1.:.;
, ;,„, In,. Par111. 1 ,11:0 •OP, H. 11/114•1111. Harr, _
T.. •1•11•11nill t, 141 b 41•411 .1 . 4 VIDA In c. far
‘11.1.1. ?11•,.. Ins 4( .. 0, .0,7,. .1,404 K ., Invvlou• S rivs cr
71,44514, non,. 11i •nr 44d1r;nro 14 nn..l therefor. a 410. ,
.alum tlurrlo 4,4. n , .nt \,. , ,
~ . Tit . _
N hIV C.. 1 ati:"[X-SPICI&A SATLES, . `. •
A T ?Ilk, CI 1 I•AP OAR P.E7'\A"..4II,'.7IOUSI•:'•
NO. 0 7 011(01' XTHE FA
F. , NO , Ny . , 1t i P , ...CJ11 t y1ic , k'; . ; ,,, d .0 . , ,r , 1 , ,.-
t.y.71.01:Z., •
;;a, " 4.•jiVril ' er . ll.l l hc ‘ ‘ NI .Iq , rl to ij . nro e. ' a;..
.n.rns! obi nil nry.lnf No , P York:, T. 0ny1i.111... 6,0 1,
1,1,11 •?I , :Acent k rn. 1`01.•0n4 ni,4 - ent 01 n`44)c.nrtlrin In
...lir lb, 1.0 ~, , ,ituil; 1.'4,41 [...nil tbd rtAit . t... Our
..44..rtment , 0n..1.0•.1n cart nc . the ..,f1 , 7.1n .4. 71
f;n4 01 Vr.n...t\ 00 , 11 4 rurn.14 4 4,r1.. 41,4 " ,
ag•-an Urtom.l,
111 , 4 , 11 , 0 OPlrt.opc
~," InVorlaCnudoupor 'lnt \p.. ht,; %
\,,,,,u,Taw,11,J,,Tu'l ..'
400.111,... and 1741, 4105 , .
'4 \
Worr.tednlnt 11', , n\ s 44nrprt% % ,
1 aa,4 ,N , tt.,. , ,‘ L. , \ ~.., ! ; ...
~ aaitop. 2.1.. - -4, ,4loud 4-10 ..
tfatnn 4.. •.2.4 , .. En, rnntsl..l7 . .7. ...
1.41..11100t 1..11. , , ot,y ratt ', , , _ \ \
' , ..'2"'4':A,'Z't.e kr,l.V.tit.A" 5 1 ''- " -1 ' \ ,
1 p,„..h m.‘6,. ~if,1,..n.
V;"4.V;::i`ZA1'.::,1',V4e:, , ,,Y,?„,., N, pri.,.. 1
:el i nz . ;7 ,.. .n . tifsn 4.14.,00k1n . 714.4.. IA n ~.., cAly,
li.up•thot cr ' 1th01cy,,....0.Z..0.,,,rr•,„t r ?, 1 4 . 1 , P . .,. l'i...
i1c.1 , , , ,,11140 1,1 Itoll (1104;n, \ TIM: and l`lnk , co.oo .of
.10,....1, 10.0 . 11.01 n 0,....4 - 11011.-N .
~„7 Z.3 ; , 1 , 1 1;44, : j. . ... Tf11t. , [1, , ,T al., 44 0447.4...1)nzu k
.1 woo{ ...Hui, .1 . 1.4?0ri1m In Fin, 1.)11C1011t. INm an
14. tint 401 e. 1 '
Ind( lloljanctn,%,..takm.,,,ao, :14.,‘.34. 37. 1...1, 40, ,7 and
1, Idol., ultle.
Ilt.ld Imotynad eh dott.n \ ealculy no, y..yy yid,
Window Mod... 0.4 400.41 . 41.nrrint1 04'
147 . 1 ,47 . 1 ri, , ... \,....• 'Polo: C`root It 1 1 ,411!•:. 'nu Y
Al, tit, any* Tut.. 41.14414 'l'7.llnaitti . nert• 111'
outaly knin In Varpet Ilnion. ,.
Atnnil pronto .1 onlol, extol \"
..111.1 , 14. - P 11 .11111 , 1.1111.7 9 Ctl.. , M't ThITI on \
Carpeting", 4\gl, Cloth s , and Mattlng6,,
RC t'iNISC)'N' , &•, C;cl . ',
„ So 41 . 1 'Ft , • Vit. P.T.T, :1: EA a I , IPp . D. \,,
i HE NOW Ittil V.IVI NG ViltEOT from f,ItO;
&11 , 37 , 7h1: t a ' a t. 4 "...I?ei":l,ll:3liF•'°,llt%."`,l'z'" . `
clit•un nt
• natal linaitch
11 4 )'1 , d olt •
Urnoyola and Tapostry, dot \ -
an huciont., a 1,4• 14 - 0 , 11 • , . - 1
I"4:trYZ!AV V''''ll'
i ltri, ' ;•ll 4I• \
• • 1:1.1. and ' clns IN ''
,\`• " •
Clllirch Corp. ors • \ , . .
T r "" \''';
' l.
. . aIIINI .4
. l i. rn '1". I ,lato,
Tncelbot cotHi 1a.,1, II tell, H p. Cot ~.., and. brow
dou - tlptlon nt.'s. prlnull .700.4.4: ; ‘,,t,i '• \
. Plc. OP Cl.lll Huta aln 2.1. loot o.ret 1134Cblutc
l'attorno, u. all a milt, and.peltia.• I"' nit , obenille
'n4101114 RUCS 34 , 41 and •
In re Ind'.
slminh yealliant.llpdr and ...ortUll clot • 1.11101-
1.4: tub . Puly.tU, at, . ..\
'Marrianc.-I , lillotind rho* canton m.l.lnp. • .0-1.14
ant 11-1 trl.lic 'atco. ,, Talllntt 24, .1-4`, .4 a•••• 1
1.1.14. all ut 1.414,41 74111 , nr0 4 411.1.141. the LI • we. to
• _nit . 4• . _,__ . ..:_,•. \ • _ .
,__ __, . 3
•• •-• ,
.., MAPT \ & OLD ro3Nolkts. Pio, murals- • AND ' d AS l W.t.'
• ' -,-• • 1.Cr0n1,1211 Plc • Mr.. IWYGurpta - -
AIM Ptnlll.4l. M.., autana ..•
lANUFACTUDE 0.,11 kinds of Water.. Oar
e ltad.SWaat Ender. ..vatted 4PW 1 H 112 ...d . .,
a . .1 atto.ll.l. ,_...,.......• 4 . . 'l' ...?_. 144 . , • %.
j.4,LArilYr:#ll,-.410 ca..sf,q.roth Olive Oil ~,,. , ',
~„.i i . t - ." , ',-....,: ;,,.. ...,.,.. i._d_l b_\,,_, l :" -
1 ".., :•-u., a ,
ak t4 ,
tn7l:ii. tt,,'.e'
ITOTTEl34l7:lliiins f h: Daiti*: '
I .4"..bui4"'l lrM
4 -
,1. rll7iiii,
.: „. . 1 ......:; , .....,,,.A.:i.,1.....
. • ,
\ . \
- ' \
• ..
\\ \ .
built 11 contract,
ewe h.e beet
V= . 11?
I.A u. 3
. 17
. hl
• P. .4D TO CFI ICA 13() . ;.,!
Chidago,orid ssisappi• Railroad\
.4 .1111 UNE I.! , lrrE }vavetizrAao ro g er. Lo
PTOLA INS le:110 CliSpLu:o dui I v
4rfitzfl • If inlnnYlf T-fano of 311c1f1,n ,
;fr.% St • tone, ta'N• n I
k•••nfaff f• f•titt Ex Re's it IA 055,c •
Ai, thrng,' f lb.tnatrn L 11114,116
1:1 , i• tumor,. ft-Nu-rad chaff, , , ./(ltr.
Z'nf A
.Lti:.T. , 7IV• . . " OI I L. L .T . IVAI r .4ti
1 , 11 1 : - V 't2 • ‘.1:1-!....1.Si.• end ' ln ten
ran 4 .4‘,.••; tn.% ”ihrl•eirri b ellttfithrennlat lac of
,rtiViTr77..,l4i 4 ; t r, s Hof - RS.
thlnnett tn• et. Lear. •••0 nlf!ntlizaff,
•int ,••ut , •• • n rfftn• .n . d . at ff••• f•••t in fJ•fr,n.
• '
7 4:• . ( 1 . ' n t ;A l' IY•ffl ' a14 ' 1 ..
••77nzuffntr.)s.t Innas nf
• •alo nvilnuulm.
_ -
Michigan Southern cc 3 t
1r,,,, a• ,1,1,,.. with Llea,egre Lone 05 S•el,men , tea
Itacine. 3131erukee.,1.eLe,,a0 end all the In,rts kx:, Lehe e
11ich1,e.,,..ed t. itt. the t:/iics..l I.ek 1 . 1 ..4 leiefiread
In c.,a,,,,ertfet. st La ...Ile with. o. the IllinelaCentral add etil .
,".=t; - L i t."2.lll. R lVN, l 7l,• d rallrld. P1 i t ,' ,:f.,n7,,T4 ' .; 1
0, ta:e 1111011 e and ulgaleefl'ld 111 , , n - a.
1 ..t... V. , ,,ere,. , al all Ira Ica:es '1'41.4,.. at 2 A. 11., aerli, I
lug i.. Chin, at 127 P. ]!. :...
1,--No7lllq, 4:2,, 1 - 04i43 lea•rs Te,ele at II A. ILI
eerlllna 10 Chloe, at I'9l e„ II
3, A at. 114,41 !overawe 'Fifa hams Toledo at, 1.51 , P.M.,
nrtle leg in Chlraao at 11..1 ''. It.
4:l.—NlMerftren Tian re. Toledo *lB.lll P, ill,ar
de. 4 tllmee at 6.46 A. U. , ,
one Tralnen lin:ldays, leav 'Tried° at 7.15 P or. and
arrive, at V1AL.,,0 e.t wt., A. IL, 1
F.,er ha 11.5. Vella , on the flee ad an 4 tu.:ln?..d..
comer - tit, eith the above.
Pret,,,,,tah . , tak.lo. the Ohle ar, c l Penna. Lallrkad , ,to 1
I l ane , :ehl atel an. Sanate.k.e and. anefiehl liallecaat to ,
11, :ne ,, ,.111e,a111tIrreeeenert with he Clrtelend sad T
,1 O,
with \ I
^ .NO
ac.T . 1
_F , •
on at 514 IN.S . ' -.-7
t\i,........ ATOC.3:I". i ; ittlbail . h t '..
o. X. t.k " : l
. 141 Nni/rir.:01.4 rename Cr ratline at . .15 ‘ t.1t , ,. , •
Pregrvar .41li t d= T=Wrr ef?gtl-1-1-',1A":1
' Alt lif there trains 6114,14 ninon eenneetipus • () . 4.elline. for
voL-cr.,,,,-,,,,„,,,--._,,,,,,%-fti1itt:.Q0.1..."44 ' ‘U . I . 4 -
11411.fentsino aaa Innunle Railroad... Ear r /koala.
Ptnis MI 1.4•20 In 14440..k ‘ 4, •
tkonietions ars nta•4 Ith Cleveland. 71 OM.,
f...du•kl:,, Wf4l.4pl,DettPi4 litClll ,: rCe 7 , , 3 1 ,3 !): 1,, ,ft..- , wil, ::
RZ.P.""A1r::::..116 Iftsr%ll4L , town s
... , ,,Wo., let
,-,..*., ,;. 0 (•• 71 aorn 4 i , rf.4 l .'• \'' -A- . \
Fare to Llorlonati r, (4 o , , • 44fk\ditorspelle 7 1 1.00; a Dl,
ton, .iToledo Sarre I! Jumbos $5,241, to Eines
411,4 lAA: . Tol e d o $1,02. ,111x0och Octane to 14411 4,
4E44 %troll... Anton A A -. ' ,
N, RETURWG: ' ' i
TILE EXPEESE VATS leanfe:Crestllna at I.IN, C. i.,
,44.1.1,3--rhea Pitteltrogh at 120 IA o„: o i par , ticlnca elosort , nceo,
' t‘ I.N/111/ h i.'lrillaMlAT;tll. fat VAilt h et . ,..b , ,....
and reacher Pittrloon.l4 at 12-10 niar,f.
_:', ,
aAI L TItALO leave" Ovrtline at LAM 4. i., and rrseh
""4"'44'..h "11 1 '6' 1 . ib IZlri b igdl l &f• MTN.
° V l7l %lll ' 47l7ll " E ' ttlf " .47l 4 7l3.4(lllATlONlTA! ' tll.i 7... A 1
Entstnu oh at 10 4... a. and,A.oo r, /4 4 ent/1:14.4 nrichton at
, qp
1. VII10(iliT 11l UN torrA intt. tuza t 69.13 A- x_, and
‘44) , .4
C. n. and arrives at 4130 k r. a. and 4. 7A.4-4.
eel -Tee t o do not rail Vn Sunda, -. '1 \
11 , 4r u TInk4t. to further Inenruatkrts. applin: \ tbo tl4et
ott on( the Ohio and Peons. ' dirt Om up, of J., fi.
Clal E.alehn non. onion undkrtheNfononualepta floor,
01 .0'.eiVKIN,Thle.fisiwt. ,
A \ ,, a.,a-ai traavaimiaa.;
loam Ram 1. P.x.rnger \A - vat.
,!!..7. 17, ISUL \ it\-‘•:,---
' PA // aYroV,AI4IAA II.- Ortaft., \
\\ ' SUMMER. TARIM'. ~ '`a
i 1 0M 1P,1% - t.%; • G APRIL niiNr, 1851 .
x_.: rtr.e.las , J4 L l cu. Cedar and_Wpodep Ware. featlr`
Fornlnoa. I,and, Fan, Ilan., \Poultry, wine
" best.' I'Vir 41' 1 \ 044 3kiar Clover
az ' .rti a . t .a774Ze:4lNll44a;o. 4 1 .74 , t ' : 4. are.' a • Ai 4 stal
'' 'N ' T.T4'l ' 2l=l.a. l eu ' igitEil i l V t ' n't444, i n .. '" en ;tido.;
,k4t's or barrel/a llidn4o.netner, ...Nap, Wind al a. laid
lAonal norrawraaand. ler WOO it
e.4 1 1.VP, ''' , ,‘, 7, -- .l, , gtlYttt c l . l t een: r i l at74l:l=
44;, ' Wool , . ‘ , l4lsrePLAnivn \pr tool olranno 4U
-" EtN.:11:14 EEL iipl X 1?) ,pe c_ RANCL 4 .1 4
hi.o ailllndY " 7- lis 1.41024: -
1 1
c ''
r §IP,A NS leave I.lretttli 'p , dails, ,,, Sun; 31:,..
trla WiZri •?: 1 1 G l ' I ' . t 9 vultgre it 1.7., ,1'
A....i...i,„ raTt0r.°:3,1.,711. ' Cindo . 41 .1 , 4 •
a. and Indian print:4l in.larr. S. \ , .; .
Xtii . i . l. the , alr, ihg on Tgtrl i tah- h a .kaly t ta , aelaa.
vita, i17,441 ' ,,i, .4 en,a7 of tin ‘4 , ..ird-Lipir !A ,
Or (A al E. IL IL. 111 lit Iran.
ry y ‘ t. the Mad. IPTYft, Allo,:br a tia'Clep.s. ,
lel, ' `, EntnaeuT &PM 9tt'tnot
\T, ;1 1 rirAlE1 5 1 2 -A — r7tjd s `,lllli ;117 1-' 144 51 :1:l.
Ili Eallrned, at theta:or WarEntise,Pfu. ' lc4ler et
4 4 1 4 4, e 5 1 .i . ,„ %d444 4 4ran ,, 1 : 4 , 144 , , ,t T rl.B'Efty 1, I 7 , 911 a CAI 4.",
~3- , „rikla, ,i , a \ : ..a.
4, N.1).)41.E 1 4---1"..5 bt\%o Stilera:aila. .
4 10 . 12” 'llnan es to Tat. E 1 :extra lank bed /A
O r as " leinrftwo ®ad. i!Ap. nagikr\
F .i l ) , 14terlte_ellt i l , . il , , t Teti ?.....\ cron , ~ , i `..,
In atom rad 0 35'a11.,7 Ott
T. Lira a do:
.. --- 4
U TTEIS-A0 Ice.gti prs , Candfl,/WITIr
fbr farailkn Ittrerued awl' NAibi . •
, a, - -, , T. Ll Cf
.. 4 114_ It:, 2.1444,
III(.1 - S4:C.-4 7. 1.(14' - ,E;4 - .IX lib . W111 ' 144 GIIISI \
• \
lif \ lull 1 \
• \ i . , ,,, , .\;..\\ .1 , ) n, 1 \
In okoO L ann for ti. by \ \ 'T. IMMIX d_.. t' - tri if. .
, ' --4-- ,
1:41041Nell'S Isrutr4,,arttlitel'arablilkko\
V+. .‘ ,
4. le..o•prAage
4 \IA
\ .ll n tu osvO ll rktg_
floo\-IitC,OUU Ilto. i , attaa,
latd44 in s etoliketpuen for eshll,r, E,IIOIIInON ~., _
INDIA ii.Ulli,R 3tAWNE BELTtf$
I ,) t::V i iiii 5t4 6 ::? ° %".7 F q,:i u ,,11111 , 121.Ng.
v, \l‘ . I — ' — lviiiiiNi / , 'I - --. A‘
.11 id l ',.' ~,8 2 . Eovithart ror'4 a larfre 1 of A.
1 A
n, did ifolditelsitufn N .
r _ . A__ _ ..~..
ill 0 . 0 I; iitlfFMk,:iir%ol ITe gos tial.
, 3
y y itt.let a1dp. , 1 ,1 \•!.. : ! . 361. A. 'A. misows WA.
iiritiOD PRINTS,-I.NuTi - c 9 4.76iiiis at 4,
‘ . .a a a.d, 01.1e.1 Mc • . \rt., :a . ..LAXMASIA.I4 . ws, : \
FWNE!ili — i n tlials ad 'i.: - gt.go 'Fru.,
9:ATI DT -ii n 7 ,Th -)yk -- -- 3 iViartYrltaakeQffii,-
kitty. ans. iocte,,t .itta•we hi sis.
by Wil•ivevrros. 'X4II Wend atzser.
-.- SENNA rliJXr
‘ elWMan - i l 'fate L by . • \wk .: A. , 44F,1C
At Cfh, :''
--, CASE FT{E.N4q4Y.P 4 , 5,.. It . * 1 / 1,4 ) - •,_l....„ ' ''' 2. 1"
tile \ ' ' -'24 . 4741-:,.-'''' '',4l 4% .. .'"''
WE*, n.,-';W.N," 4 a ana‘..la4 4 11 1•,,...
~,: a: • \.,, \ -. . -- ' - 'l - :,,,:c •> •
. . ,
\ \ \ \ •
\NI' N t ' it ll iiiiiiii__. ,, zl.iiii •.7 . 1',..%g1it t' \\ • \ .\\ ,,,
.', AIN iik Si:WC 1*.., i :
OF ' .! ,
utVvrActu A ANSI •• MALAITA MALAWI:IA ALL , ..; • ,\ 1 ,
, .71 7 1: IeI.,I.AND inf,ST.W.INSTIOnir,
,i 1 \ \
' Bsea' IlinVVmr"''
xtEr.olflcsrrrucr...,. A ..y /.1 •
~....z",.... \, \ • . . ..1. \ -,.
ii cru \
5t,.., , .,,,, , ry It wytt.c.b.r.b, \ \
\ .. ; ' : ' . k,• \
\ .
\ \\\
\ A.
_ .
- \
\ 11,11.4
• - •
• •
R. R., ii.RIFFITR . ec.sq
zENNIA 'O3I.3IISSION 311.41 V \
ny; WI/AV. 71 le
1 , .....1- 1 14,plirtt Urn 4 - Co. k
t' t\it ‘.
11.1" Chalanny rn , • Itr.Wnt
Jnhn Loney. lir,. ("Ar aruarrA4 131e42
t en, 11..,rt.
P.1...-eozokan 1111"T.n 4.(k=tf
si V 001 i ENG NAVIN • executed m'ito
Toady TN ALL DRAY, ttok
atsybo !wren possible C.IP,YI I'ItIC
J. li4EYAOVIt. Mak, .111 trip.
\ Corn, rourtlftko..l 6"l.=uttoro
.ftentlnti Told eo largo 1 11.1
am! fiesotto Cuttek '• y tf
y - ::
eral uiuu je, ' p
S R'~r sitm[, C
vikTNl.'ll. I I ASlll4, '
,n. Z ul Moroi:toot nod AuctlOo4
lipoo)of ottontlun to C0L.21411 Ly
J=Clill,i4ll 1: new. ~, Ingle
', ROWNSI IL • ". ',,
a - Houses of John r:'.. oggi,, .
-, \ NEW Y oßii', A,
• "
T .
,NRTUttT ,T • I
omml, \
IPupoalts "coolant Marnontarnade, Drum I,..uu,fd .apl
and nlaatud, ,Lauk ;des and angle booul\ault qd N
iturk, Note, mg! Ulla., Sa-rusitlra bouuld al ru ap
\r , ..ulagan, Curresuundapec and anneal...el 'fad. , .
1 s, anyli,:t
' , .. 1 : ; i
. i . ,, N,' 9 ' ', , : i i = - I,—: , g I , 0 .„• „,
- ' t . !.‘4 , 1 - '
-: '. 4 .7h j t 1 : -; : " 'kt. t s . -i
. 0 - . :!1.1. ' ;'. 1 ;: :'4 7.1. ? sv- .l 7ll '' ' V•W " , ;'-
Fit - Fifft , •___,4. ,, bblA,,
i.4.. -- '....-.,itt.V,
GAINITINE IfniI.A.ND virrE.44. 1:".
1,•it031 LOUIS A. D'ISII.A.EL'S, \,Chekl.
B': ottot L'ltarto.son.ttint. of Asnatindon, the on/Y.Xidi r
tore. r,T,',4,:,go:Ab);t:--,:,h,PTiv2itr;-:Z
Ile , Rand Prot erne lerelude. Broom: , fha ?ex • omen
in mutt t.f
P.m - visas, i. , Lktull, itt lyt, i. 1: ,o to taw
' Dui tal
Lend er&etr wee intended mod. eatesi s ' fsg ass. Of ss
Pathre andered bete ad tiosfsnyel ttos fen•
mighty denotes Meeting with and nu sosong the
I mos ohs, It to the' American public, kr/ wing hatl
hell ooviort - ut rood icinat virtue. molt lot se leotard.
T" , r efel hnlnl, le-Preem, tee,
erns and Fool ottsnatb.infenetn, Estado, lo ...Om.
'" • l. • :. 7 ,l' n ' T, ' lnl s ig t : , d•Titi t . is poisTiTen h osealros e ert, ."
Vey, extreme Logo. sod oaks
1,...1 of appotit tio
optableor drootob • • ' :
\ • mem ItapobA t ight so. tomotTe
tbs.te uulreeree of dem. In • ' '
eth bead. and all Taus \,
' tle l i enesdady i rm b eredidedi to th7 i ni
it e i rsos ern•
t ' ..o ‘ f Ist l ieni ' 4 l dita7r otTertrte r lf &ration- 1 1r
I, etlitet,4 Rode Rs way direct];
!0..L., wen t a of Be ttnilllini nod dencßetting gty Sierieiaals.
1 ' ' bs 2' l7••• Th ile ereeitTo% a 11%.. ''''
at. l' Is' '' la '"'" '''' \ , ,
~__,„_' ,
. In op corm. of fifarkLon BlesoteT.Ctolk.CApien
and the man tiplasuot effects ettoadne, oliani \
wafer or dna \
Enrnfteire .1 Ale. 'll\ Rieste7talta Janke of Me ' coa t ffect
Mt. nolo wino 1' \
iii :i 'll P " .— . Lantr "°""' Ssri I wi . Ojai, y-thel h . - • t °
ans... Mined Ve of the etesantE pee „ 1
, ti's of t.I re, ~:t. au one headache rogues, to ,
. , I\s, aod '
-e l • s opera Inn locoilrede of doll s Inv to - ' ,
ells 1 a eundini to no p5O . - After hashogived sew
1 tate ...if.B Leh -a tntrostheadml A.roina , or liotland 1111 .' \
', ,z, - . 4 r Pri,,%,.t r ' - g,rt. ); ',, , 1ih1 t .r..0%_,°.1 4 d,0t . , \
! theseV7=dpenti ,t to\ ati s t•rae ieno ass &wiled , nkteJ. • '
D.B. lii(elLA . • \•• 1
Be. Pen Psi:An—Dem :AK -T 7 c.1te1t..r.." ills. a.
I,d. to Um Mend obuttoondlbit, 'loos Ilolland Bitten—
easing eaffered ror Imo time kitiVssadeebe, tau °fan.-
, et, ...fled depemsinta and 4, reek general /Intl.. of the
f ernes, } n0v4..4. after Ming leave bettle;conartona o.
returning health. 4
, (111.7.1) \ tft*LlB SCIICBTRIL
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! Be ii t l iiii l i t a,, , ,dtlkei.—Aor rin• I bird been ' , diesel 0. ,
Ins dhareasifut lona Ar Ilyrrepds4Ytbo um of Bowe..
l' foe ' ryoare thfi'r eillnftaeo, ent":"Virt.d!°l'' " Cart? '
.. ,t1,, t 0,t4. tom/Tttoo. I nif , yel_perfseVoyed,
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Ins Bay ' MULTI'S ^Bald Utitere'plosi lake.,
other. Would It fall, In any /manna to ettert•ae tatted. '., .-' . '„
I and mon- than the ailveriteemeolcipnallor I t , roue mso.,
Ott be ref unett. • RE/14A.MIN PA ,titr 'fie., \
Ding and Ciarodeandlenn . \
Cr..r. d4 ,,teid and Lesion andtlAleetn, o
I Alm, by lb A. Pahnestook A C0.,,11.8. gediereeDrAlea fl \. •
fLerandleming Bsothesa and J. nehocitnakor A Itißee . \
Bergh \ , , • • .
. dr. Jam Q. Smith, Biroologhan \
1' James T. Ram p 4 IL P. en arn JO.. 'P.' Yismi t a de . d • •
' ter A. ItsinElion aCo .t.OHtottly 'Tram t .- t ; \ „
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' meet, idtutiut. miekleiot se..tee.R.e.oe.Letal \•• \'' ~ .
• tre:onrj, 7 7 .=t1I L dille " Parl t ' ll= litlo '' Lr : / aell: *4
eity - fur Etl i dy and Later, ledlneee of i lt i tte i ttenion, lewa t o \
gilVe l thosalreTnl:= 47 .lMeoloorgy i t n ' 4d' '. ,
Ewe,. lathe' ittle,Alfectlen babe .es,Pitrattea on thoRR 1., \
' , ....mual &oar InOrmitleo In elan. -I. • •• 1 .4 I
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amity be renemaldedrint idnione.
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'esr, and f..s We by ocdf . T . LITTLE A co. A •
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