The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 20, 1854, Image 3

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    = `3 iii iE y StA.TTEIis.
- • Tatar. Lisa.:--Thelpilowing 14 tho.liat of c.r..-
let in the - Dist.cict.Court forth,' week:totem:l..-
1n; Mondsh -November' ptb, ,. . beroie . Juke
.'* 1 ‘ 91 ... 4, . c "iiii. , .;i^1 zip Emttfe. t :13.41 ia..tier
-4; Mtn vs ' na
Ic_.:Ca.o .. tPa ',Cardoran ! N
23: Moan es es 11ra
In. Abraham er: aididarken kto re nli .
ith 'Friel et uVre Cain et in • I . (llteure• re re es M1 1 . 4 4 ; 1 •
/ 0. :, 634 3 4 ' 33 ears • -,:ri , - 1 - - . '''' . --- 4 - riaTiy ter .
l i t - F W. II:g a "'" ra Y ' 'l t 1 ILI F 1 N P
Fll g r 4 4
iflf=gat ,l l4:l`..t'iff =ll a i. li,:v<,
41„, 5wth5...i.7.1.4.,.. Q. 01131ttin 11100,14ra-
Pllin.= • •I • F ••• 4.."' ~I,i 4a a
113 - Armature n Chle et reir tri tnia - n„ tu ,... A ,
lird Inman re Nista. -Ur . G;;t7i,6 . Bolan At e,
hen tea
171. Sun eurienter a Mottar Mlinlabt 1 co re Parker
I 1 Illhaner_ , Itro Aa, y e
123 Fano 111/...... ,3' Arnds.agh et d
LT/ Peach vs NMI* , .•
VZ LOgrertiser is NeCtdds. , ...61 Morehead- ee Wawa , et
34.3 . gat... olearacuan .et lit
_al , _
• Coruna et el - - j 711 Ploiptens•-re• Rode 1
I.4,ltiger •11Stedleg et ria' . drinaon
itft thielarean re earth • - I - 319 - 11alass_vs reterrnin
la Mtn% sire r! 1?!4.91p 327 lidil d its TS Wicker
rare Man
lit Johnston re Mining 1 =I inln et hun tame
134 Menke* re zr.u. • 4Me kit n DounlMy
erreabat.- ..... , r, - -• • • ameaasta
134 Alexandre n. -lit Marie ea Beyin
136 Sara es Mat •-. ' I Ida Paitne C I:3. Vs 4tilss.
196 .Lyn riL eltsdparnouset" • - (Moaner Pm • •
al ' - -•• F. Johnston et al as 11• Cal
2•15 gene
W i ne sYiairieinh - I • lira • •
n. 16 McMartin i Coy ei3o; 'Marker T 1 Ala md
=7 Baled ail Joanna Oar _ 11.1 thiglan .• 1 1 .9.. et d
2- . 1 Elute ea nee _ ' 296 • Emi le se khan •-,
.1S Unterta vs early " •"- ' PM Wkile v. Vritrul .1.1...
=6 Perry TS Dlgby
Rate oar - Acenix:vt—Ordi Max
On Saturday piornitrg,,about 10 olellrk, as the
runner of - die rstreet , backing in a
number' of empty- ears In the local freight depot
on the Pennsylvania rillraitd, .he was signelled
by the conductor to chgck up, and immediately
after, to stop as a, ear, which wit.. 'ahead of them
wan seen tojump off the track. The loromotive
velluiatoPped,ead on examination it, was foubd
that there had been twh men-working undee,the
o nEllosi was- thrown offHlney whom, Alexan
der Edmunds, was initintli killed; the other,
debt. Brinkci;reseapeirivittiout any serious in
jury. Information ofthe fact was conveyed to;
Corouev i ,Lowry; wholi,ll an inquest on the de
ceased PI the afterneoe. The number of per
sons examined by the jury was few, none rof
"dram saw the Inca ntt?e time of the occurrence:
The fallowing is a synapsispfdlte. evidence:-
- James Ramsey, swart-Ant engineer on the
Pennsylvanin Railroad; _ koa on the locomotive -
Alagrippris when-the Bevident -occurred; there
. were talent tenor twelve cars netween me Pod - .
the car under which thirdeceased was .worlung;- ,
was - comingup:Sliiiillpheit-tlio.e.andtretor gave , 18--The C'"*" ardived
Fay the signal to checkup; stopped asirsnOn a 3 I et o'clock with darnia dates to - the 12th.
add; was mulling three or four miles an hour: There jo n P tbin i ni. i 'P °r4a ' ce ' a" but "le to
• hen we struck the cad under_ whicli decearred known relativ e . to the reported out-biesk at Pu
. as, were running atriht the rate of t ore- miles can Principe.
The screw steamdrit. :I.gow sailed at noon
ti hour; conductor 'feria to uncouple, and
dgual to run-slow, immediately after he jumped for Glasgow with 1 : 37 fl ,, lctiffers•
out and gave me the signal to stop . , , as a car woe I The frigate Congress. is Pitting for cc
run off the tract; first intimatien 1 bad of the {nil possible dispatch at Brooklyn navy yard.
:eoeaced was,
4.. a person told me a .man was ood efforts are being made also to get the So
'died; it is 11461 to repair on the siding when We "adir
there is bat a small job to do; did not know I . _
-there was impairing doing there to-day...
John Allen, sworn—.tm conductor of the yard '
truin; was on the gtonnil and gnee signal to
• beck in; was two lengths from the car under
which the man was working.: uncoupled thee:am
then an. '4
car jump the track; raw on one
working under die ear did not know there
was any body under the car till it, was
MID off the track; the Oars were empty; we were
backing the carsin to have them loaded; never
wan notified diet Rtkre - teerit men at work them.'
Wm. Riclint4o,iswern—, Anr bdikesman on
yard train; 4111 hot Belly . there was 'nay person
working under :t he isfs; - „always let. the cars
come; mittia3htin cupping 31at from
.the tracle;.raftoithe bumpers Mutia7togettrer; told
the engitiiir we Bad killed o tem; 1117...Rainsek
blew tli6 wbistlelfircea times;- looked for
ward to,:ise if there' was any one in thi-way
when coo herobackingin, butuaw no one.
4 A. Ward, sworn—have charge of the repair
ing; gave deceased and Robert Brinker instrue
tiors to repair; the men` had five or six - Cars to
rehike;they were to work wherevetr theltuund
a et 4 needing epairs ; ',when a car needs much'
woik, we mark it .ahop," and scud it there; the
mettlrwho work under dais ire expected to take
. ear tof - themselves by attending to the signals
dec.-lased worked freyttently in the same place;
think deceased -11.13 .4iushed by the Wake her,
fro a the tie marktrokais 4icast; it is customary to
Tu. two men together, One of whom. will look out
for the Imfetfrif the other. • .
lVm. Best, sworn— a clerk in the employ
of ;helcompony; _hove charge of unloading and
'delivering local freight; was in the office at the
time of the accident , heard the whistle; did not
get the men under the-cara; heard acme jump
the track; .rup tint and, saw the deceased on the
track; told the lie turd inn over a man:
The jury returned' n•verdiet . that the deceaned
rume-td his death actidentally, by being run ov a cir at the outer depot at the Pennsylva
niaTcillany.], • . - .
The deceased was a married man, and resided
nn Pennstreet, in the iinth Ward. Mr. Brink
er residekin the Thud Ward, 'and Lin physicians
think be is not seriouly iojared,rixtd will be well
as namil in e, week. or IWo.. •
Lanced.-Jantes 'Steer woo wrested on Sat
anlay antt etraight hi Aire Mayor:Adams, charged,
ctt oath ot.lanitrick Smilh, with the larceny of
$6O. Steereoniessed ;to haring taken' $2O from
the drawer of the_ prosecutor. Ile was held to
bail in tha.itt'af.s2oo, to answer the charge
Lanct,'.Hams, writing master,
wan held to bail by Aid. Eyekmaster. co Satur
day. to answer a clil-eg-e of libel, preferred
against hiatiby Prof. IV. J. I.: Miller, of the firm
of Aliller Th libel; it is- alleged; was
contained inn eard Enblished in. the Chronicle,'
is vrhi eh Mr.'Villhunsistites that teitain 'epeei-
MCIN of ehli4raphy, 'claimed to be the work of
Mr Millar, were executed -by a gentleman in
Sraalg.ii . os. - B.lisces.—Jadge . Hums. 011Sn
turday.evening,ileft his horse, andbuggy' on: the
corneeof thin! and Wood streets. while . he was
attending to some busineas iros store; .and when
he came unt,ll could not fled hie property.'"'We
lid notleriinlibethei it :was stolen, or whether
the lone had walked otrwitgoiits driver.
Come •or OunwrsT, Susertuve..---Tho. Court
chiirged, the jury on; Sean-day mottling- in the'
aural CS/31e9, iituherizing thew- to intern n seat =
ed verdict, in tram thes-viOug.uoi Kr.eflirring
the dui:: 'Veidiet rims_ 'yenderect when the
&ut adjourned. •
• •
. . Claculy Comet —lil . ..the Of ,
Botha:on is.
'.illen. tlui Gourt.charged theijury an Ssuallay;
.t .iimittit')g itsta, to TV.Firp a pesle4 verdict.-- •
_ , . . ...
DIATRICTSOITILT.—AI Cr amtkink. one „a: iris;
list rur ther_trisuing weekiand transacting tome
huninens of minor importnnie, the Court nth
, .
Tun W avetuuna.—The motion .for a. 1301, trial in
the C 1.48 or Link, Stelionaltiundenrville, }went
ly convicted at grand larceny,-.was; brought up
on Saturday morning, in, the (limiter Se sine.,.:
and the argument pe4dned until Saturday nest,
in eonsequenea. a of the hll:munition of T. M.
Eaq., oAe of the counneL
THERE were niuc tottiMithiebialo the county
jail on Sltorday, for-tliaortlerty enniluctlisud va
. . .
4. •
4. •
Fauns Parrerreco,—.lnttrotiy. V., com
mitted to jail on Satniilki;by .ftld. Steel, charg
ed on oath a Geo. aialthowse, with defrauding
him oat of $l2O worthof goods in July ) ot.
A SPLCIAL SALg Or Swhutble stocks will be held
this evening •t i o'clock at the Merchants'. Ils
change,„Fourth. stieet„ by ht, — Davls, dues
t tioneer- ;'..
Di ILDERLY Contiver. = llieliael °untilll watt
fined $.5 and. torte, by. May Adueo, mr Satan.
tley, tor disorderly nondaet- George Hell and
George Coagleton were each-ined Fl'and coAr;
by the aamo magistrate, for raising a row at ti+,
depot on Federal - street:
Ponca,-The invited the - opening
of the Ohio - and Jtaiincia'road celebration:
a-o requested to meet on Taesday et-enin g-, at 7 -7
ilolock, at the NiereVaine Exchange; on Fourth
. _
M. ;Entre:is - In your local eolnmti of 'jester s
~,y appeared come strictures upon the conduct
of those persons Oot.dereen'in the Baptht thisrek
rose whietris npor7in Biurt:._ Being interested
nal,' as a defendantiit the ease, lmmUot
to root under those
,strictures.. -- -
1 aireemitte you that vvieh .nlattera eliould
never conic into court,or before the public. •
Ttliat t coMplalnotlethtiOliat you I did - cot
; partiei,'eo sato let the o'inm as
well na yOur - -tembro .:rcet!,txpoli .. those. - Aim
! brought ttreve March IlitGcolties into tire court
house, and not also and equillyUpen - ttroei, who"
eleeldS 4 taibere in.seltdefense:
• Mr. Santaellailliatne 'entered tie!. Lent suite
against Roma siiiii6gbt , Remnr myself among
. 1
the ne.ibe.r.., - .l 7 l,litlila,tll; -, ughtupon that of
thateriilkaly suit egoinsi ' Altboesb be
trim - gttilq;oinq Outrage upon Our rights,
To were; witruigtalatto the matter,aettleil in an
eeeleeieVileil req.: '
To secure • tali, trier.riegalui get oni,
ay before the Ccieff,=.eitee of cog pasty who had
been subjetita of amotalt fronx • Samuel ‘Valiame,
entered cress enits.; I ask you : publish this
.4)expriiiation t in justice to royeelc suickfriendal
4 ' Yours; P.,IIARE.
il di
pREDIT is generally "precated on lapn
-•-; est.:mud srLannoes. nimmnrionnare tamma unnn
Theraßar thenartinscraf ott,
mmi's fortunes Lnen s. his.annt. &Mei Imm 7.110 r
Ummdm• with cank., 'xnenter nc hie netrynni
' llitr l i et- L . milt
mixt, No setri - sr
si.orlss owns . ' ars otsat to
pLANNEisLeL , A.
iaLo:i*.nawne wbite ul4
Mandy .11te best nitiditletatWeltb. gag
Silt ftrattlit, 'Met via be mat St 117101 brim,
-------.-,--,-- -- IY.,IIIIITTE OF lulu r. it p. t. Pot: .Vii r;.• IMF •
tioarrnaniaCT., 'Nor; 1 si , ..faiett . i- excitement w. R. yr..,,, V. r. -.Y. 1 , 112.a.r., 11. K. 7 . ,m. a, - .1 '!.I.
here this moitung, the, Roman Catholic Iti,tinp PeNNutr. W. P. J. 31.,
having refased_to -allow the ?mains' of Esther
Brady to- be Buried. near. the • Church. In conse
quence of some difficulty, the Bishop had eospin-
dert Brady, and the treatment the latter recessed - rn.”4.r. It-rme•l .ca (111...,r.
Monday NI. rmln -. Nuielutw, 11, Ih.i, 1
it i5 . Bu PP ° T i ; indneti the disease which territio- 01,MR-the,' sal a .anif...t ,I,line In r...i....0 ~a,,.
steel in dual. TID; peopteotpou,e-i Brad . ) 's .11,, , 1., . Fairs Irma first 1v0)... t , ', su 11. I 1...1... nupwri.oo at
and dug hiti grave yestentay, but the Bishop had . ••• , i tvt n0.....11.1.4 a. , 't::..' ' :.• ar... In lata.t.i , .4' .. 4
it filled up. The people again opened it, old '-' ''''• '''''' ''''''.' ''''
despite further opposition from the Bishop. the GI:AIN-rates at d,..t .:: '., ..:
. K. ; 100 .1... Osta at 114, nu I
,funeral mass, eta, was earned through. nit bur. Bark, fine, .e..,..1. , i! ":
The Jury on the Great IYestern Railroad colli- - WtiltilillY-sater In name:nut bble lb / t "..SCi ,
sionnear Chatham, found Kettlowell,the Engin- 'Jc. •
eer, and Twltchell, the Conductor, of the gravel , , it.outt-..,.., ..t I: 11...1. llro. et .3',. nr.ta
train, guilty of manslaughter. , 1 1:.% .:i.N -.a1...., 2.1 A, 2... 0110,1:derti and Ilata. at a ~.#
--- - Pmtanstainta, Nov. 1tt.—..1 duel was l'Otight i RAY-sera Of :".1 losis et rake. et t , 2.161 , P Lm.
CREEBE-tuties In I..te of 100 bss. Westrrn 11... r,. at
at ft r li cg v oo , I. Y.; - this morning, betweeo two i 104..
gentlecienrof this' city ; one was wounded in tilt, : Fitt:ll , , mats of 5,1 bldg. 1111,n Apple's at 11.2...0n 10 bbl„
arm; and the other in the thigh. Their friend, an4 31 bun. Dr/ciao. .t ;d.^l.
theninterfered, and adjasted the difficulty. ASUE S - ..k . a1l , ka Do.eatle ,i 'aia Alh. , Oh. ,to, .
and I 4 do. Imparted et 3..t..1t. .
sal,t9ft) hales, nor:crop Feast,rn.
- • - HARTFORD, Cr. NOT:, 18. • rateof .4.0 M bus. barley Malt .t $1...
The . Windham county Bunk was robbed lost.:
night of $25,000; $BOOO of which was in gold. k't "
The watclanian was knocked•down and gated.
Ww9IIIBOVI9 CITT, Nov. 18.—The Mayors of
Washington and Georgetown have issued a proc
lamation for Thanksgiving on Thursday next.
The Union announces'positively the withdraw
al of the expulsion of Mr. Soule. It is presn
`nett that thli.e.tplanations- of .liapploan will be
Qestme;Nov. 18.1,,astnight the Legislative
Assembly unanimously voted $lOO,OOO to the
widows-and orphans or the allied soldiers who
fell during the present war.
The government purpose to alter the tariff re 7
during the duty on refined sugar to $2,41) and
row sugar; to $1,40. Molasses: $2, Coffee $l.
WuccuwirratlSftta., Nov. 18.—The pail fac
tory, dry honqrs, kc., of Whiteman, Jerhett
ElaNts RAM destroyed by fire last night. Loss,
SI•_',OJU; principally insured. , , •
1 o9rOs;3Cer. ). Schuyler, editor of the
Goaette, was. presented by him friend. in
thiA city, List eveniog, with a maasive •ifirer
g;,hlet... •
Ilofros, Nov. 15.—fate papers from Pt. Johns
mention a .thrfn on the 13th and 14th, whieh
did great damage in various parts of the pro.
The rivers and streams overflowed and
dethged the low lands for many mile.. Bridges
weroswept away and great quantities of timber,
Isty, were trashed down the streams.
CINCINNATI, Nov. 16.—Nloney matters continue
to improve. Gold boa declined to 2 per cent.
preminm, -Eastern exchange I 1e,21 premiuml-
Weather col ff.r.-' River Inland -•
Ni:w 'lronic, Nov. l7.—C,otton unchanged with
limited lMiness. Flour easier but not quotably
loWer; sales 6000 bblikood * Ohio at $8,62(a,5,91;
- i.mthern steady, sales 1800 . hbla at. 58,7749,25.
Corn cooler but not lower, salts 87,31,H1MMh 90
(.015 'for western mixed. Coffee declined 3;
s':.lesßio at 10. Sagan and Molasses dull, with
declining, tendency. Rice dull and heavy al i ji€
•I'ork,. a trifle higher. sales 8501.4 a mei§ at
$12,626 . 02,75. Beef in moderate demtroffi un
changed. Laid firm. Whisky Ohio 40.
'Oil doll at 70. Stocks dull. Money unchanged.
Virginiasixes 901; Cumberland Coal 27 ;iCleve
lvmd 'fioledb R. R. 55; :Reading 4183: N. r Cen
tral •.
• rattanELPHIA, Nor. 18.'3
No change in eotton—Floutk inactive at $8 BO
withoutaales—Cont meal dullitts4 121(7 . 1;84 25
=Rye Flo;Ir . :mall sales nt Si—very little wheat
offering; sales of 2500 bush prime Southern and
Penns. red at 81'08; a einalli t ut of ejloice wheat..
nt srys—Rye S.7.2CornacareeoutleilBoool;ush.
nt 75r. 80 for new and 8$ for prime old South
ern yellow—whisky. better, 45 in bids and - 4 - 1 in
CINCINNATI, Nov. 18.—lour at_.s7,6s(in
7,75. ' 'Whiskey, 3040!„.31.. Hogs firmer at,
53,71161 - 14, but not many,salea. Nothing done in
provision. Small sales
WORKS ON LON DON—Lunclon-Piaitori
-35117 Illuaratai. by Cl.s.Kidat.:
Miller • licturemno -ketsher London.'.
Frbleadin,r's Sana.tenings Lnudon. -
' besnilis' 31apy olLno t1;31 cid; 11)b);;Iareneast
Tor sale by 11. 0. UtetWOILT.II t CO. by Market ate
;sl;viir.thilsirs=ritoisevuorl; o r M l B . ..l * ;: i sig taq * ";
Addle Age?. 2,31, tidy stoutalus . e11e.... 3 vela. Far
sale b.L. nol3 11. EI.ILAAVOnT)I S(VO.
IiIIEESE--.4100 bx o , prime Cheese for sale
1 l'br : nol3 01. DALZELL all).
RUTTER--I 5 kegs:Butter for sale by
=l3 . It DAI2CLLI Co.
tiftliO3lS-200 iler..-ass'd sizes for sale by
Irk REED APPLES-100 bus. for sale by
A or .04 a. DALZLI.L e'en.
no. 03 31erlierst...oerner of She Diatom& 11 the slam
. and a lull sasortlasut clears ything you want in that
Jins. noll
V angeginent oflgnoleri Ilitta, long and anon.
neltati , es. Infante.. Vietotiore. gekrinee. Cala
ins. Scokejlittenp, Cloven and evertblng !Ma in that
ag • '
non 53 Market IC4. tamer of the Diamon d.
Mit Printer. 24,:ltegrienabt, that for Men and flee's'
uttau.r. co to CIDISTE.I 74 Wood mt. No enure Cr
.ehoalnir ;mod..
o•t T t then 1 will .ehthue Eon INs [n
aie. the fmt.l.7..aat )Moil Ind nn. :No ow
lm7+hle f 2. d Intl pposer. ' nit% Le n tind dir ervd fi l yea;le. g:i7;irr snood;
Examnitie Oda aro, xi , It will suet ton noth
ing to ta ll and otiontre abont the lota.
nollitf. 11OOD8.:5 0 4th ft.
Printer - who linderstands
running an Adams Prsas: and Preto Wm lc gram.-
ally. .Cnristaot grrea. Apply. at 9 PPM
berries mid by It. it.. br • W. A. Wetting.
IZKEEN. `APPLES—S. lads: Vnndnyers,
AJ. nuntwa and Widen gib., wed br
House odetorion, 3 ran of stemma. coca 'cracker.
pant machine and other gratin a and batons neeennery,
and all In ample. order. ALA • era 'NW, emote!, :!
Darllloc If/ntanaStable and other rota ballollana 20
hente of doe Land, W a alt/ coLtiratlon. sasnalnder la c cud
holcr. Tbe abort , `remand y elttutrd no Me Sonickiey.
al snout 4 miler fro. ecalek/eyellle. A ged.d
1.1 done with both millet. lentordlalo Ineanci'm ron
to nal If dreired., Yor prier and call at tan Ileal
' • A. CT:2111110ff • PUN. 140. 2.1 rt.
itAellElLS.—Peltures Outline :Slaps,
edition. just 'd.' WM *ell Mita for
08 +.l Maps and k e "Pc y. • bleb It Tort+ Lb. ever Ka
hi. eftes. Call at P. B .LAUFTBB. 87 Wool ottext.
-pitiAktuis-iuti tons bhade . Furnace, hot
bLast, Oc aila by FIIRIVER Ak
,al4 . and, 123 &mod at
P.PLES-30 WA, Apple's - Focht per Rytit
ib r, ad. by bon earnR.IIALZEI
ATEW Liforin'N. York,
by S. Slick; Baricrofte OrdtsZ States. 'Sehr. *Frank
wh lo eat T hies s t ekleerte lio7:4 eby . W.Chsto Ilaessd Tsyl beretthahesoes Nem.
puesref th e
Sthebst.hy Oren!. Inebriettesllss. by Mss.
A. Suutltheyth; litury-Orsphs, by N. P. Willbe /
hate rash hy do; Dunne, Femme and Nosey,Nosey, by de. th s
variety of other new end eshable tusks, jest 'reed eel kr
West the boot end lattiC.VY
• . not; • IL Let UVYttt. Nieset
-A •
new 3 story Brink Dwelling lionszc of ball a,el
mom% well &meant and pleasantlyeltuatedou PratAlin
bt near the Presbyterian <torch. The lot , teAt ft. bunt
y CO 11. p to an The owner., of Unit property, r..
riding In New fork City, have =oho:tied as to .all It at
a bargain. Pena. intermit/at will please call.
'ad • ' ' It. OUTIT . INIT fil/b,141), ,a 1
4 OR SALK—M acreil of laud co White
a ant O a k e B na t r oa m la ei l r e a rt n
la n Wir . e. a . e p l house a n b b d t or ,
m iota. orchard. to, Le. Also, lariprelet .1 Prat
berate. ea dteciilvd on my Printed Iteester. ADIS owl
one dishing to boy real eidate, woad do well lo gat it
(anti./ at my erne.; as It the quickest way to lnal
ben •••"."'''''' by b" TII . P OITAWIS. 75. alb ai l
na74f '
k. )lawn aCa are nom °pealed upwards of lad to
atylds Plaid and Watered AI In la all colors,
Idb/ill rill be mold .t M. for pried of 12 eta. per 7 add.—
tO dUrZbiel adara of(lhadmblo Al pataaa at Ida.
kp,s. plcd., - Butter, prime; •
fotaroit Nab. do sr
rtdadd• EL
a E. 'SELLERS" celebrated Liver P.
• All cater Pills called Liter rots are eounteralts or
' tairstiove.
&Her' Imperial Cough Syroppronotmeed the mart
.plemot and eilleacious cough reread , Pow In am.
a. e. Fallen' VemiNpe—lt le moth used sad hhiblY
, reeemherda, by Dbl.-Moe. Tor We by the proprietor,
No ,i Wood et, cod IT Artateeta generallz end
./1 IkATS-800 bag: -
to amso and for sale by
N..) ad • ---, ., BELL A LiCiOEl7.•
. • •
' QEItiltED CORN-500 bus. Shelled Cant
kJ )or fabtlow; by CORN - 500 _
not - ?;0.10 Elvdtbflol42l.
A PPLLs,,,:ill Idyls: 'Fall Apples to arrive
LS sad for Ida by •nol I.3(IONTI'. ,
JUJUBB'PAZTE-500 lbs. foe sale by e
• • - v.AmswrceS &.
SiTEN noust.s Te.LET-L•A Dwelling
Two how., 011 L.R•I3. Ono of bzatodfol yllert '
t h'e g e"" r/foe2elitrCa ,
-.1 Pony rooms ofillrft floor, of, ia,o s4L.
to ,
• oe-M 1:1.41 - T1EIVIk a {lo.ybrt..- •
ITAY-30 bales flay for sale by
("LOTUS, Casbipaerea, Testing& and Oy er .
Li nanttgg, r tin mat apyroild muntueturs, nor
see will b. samtb to( \ on.W tbe mar,.. onthibecer
Mb.; cadet prim, to the theca at
11Nt =tag., GooDs—A. „L'.llhociri ,t,
Ca ore mehluit 1111, 4[01itt.1ii...61,4.1 ,, , *J.
jortwest ale.. awls. env Slut and Fig•
in.. ,
and Ents. 1•10.4 , 1.1= 1121 ==t
41V0th RUM CaDslabai, Le-
PITTSBC &9 11 11 A 13,KET3
!,•,, rer eV= LI
^ .burst 00. tad
TlieChl^.a. Tribune uya that 9r panic In that city re
We are Wye to to anon.= the Lot that the
Hank and Mune, Faille In this eity-ina great &rearm*.
has sithaided. and that the madam:el of the public In our
Monetary Inatltutions, is almost entirely restored. (In
yesterday them Imo ter Pdreet excitement worth 'mention-
Iny. The hot itta if tills of oar Itllmrie Banks. have ow,
rent:, taken thoadigre 01 , w then by this.mid apme
otheniathe Ott, raters, and kept .tear oftlat Ilmkersand
abater. No di:Unitywas experienced In tmoilnit a) or
our Muuer. and the good otand taken b y many of
Our merchants and binders, men. mid advertising to {alp
Illinols uttliboruis Momly at oar. :tended material* to
(tern tins the purille confide:me. Them eras tin mu upon
01 of our hank,, that. we heard e 4 and the deposit niter
gmal sitar., of them ohs eery henry. Nu failures r.
took piton
steno to note eaCrpt • Valet market for Flour, and
altuhtly If.rer nnoes for Coln and Oat. Wheat nrtn.t.rune
and chain. aelllng at esdesire or met,-
toe.. misrd tmu fn saaa.nd hand sack, sold Fr die.
tiller at.+e, larks included; prime yellow In new
gun...mat 41e. and smeller lots at ,2 tilte
vaV at a few fete to atalsies sod fern stores s l
the highest. It:irks ... l3l,W turn.
t. gout, ea4ka return. A
ismall hotof Ityn at tad. included. Provisions and
irocariesunlet. no salsa or the Fraser and but few sates of
the latter. IS P rilskes 37 lie.- liar S.. to Hs!. Potatasse dull
at 31.45a1t0 for the Lest. flaxseed $.1.25 to 5t..1. , „.
%VW. Beane 81,:.0 to 51,65. In the staples. Toleacpodictun
and 1..4. but Little &Ana and no alteration tram previous
rates. Las.l Hemp SIC:S to 1110. for a ,, .1 and penile
undressed.—(St. Lunts Into Intl,
The Art. York 15,d says •
rho of tin. itiereancile tounnotil ty is nits to
, aintra‘ , their httarnetia Rhin the meet rertaln limits of
calety,,t hereby; leowilui: Ow demand 1211,13, 1 e. .,,,,,, ry
eseeeds the anDlit por 14.1:
Then , la a wool hittiir rin.ertheless, ft, first-due pa.
Der at 12 ? arc; but the paper taken mad he without
the breath id suepition.
The street 4,11114.1 wet, outline reeling. It is 11 that
the lan" , antnillos of CaliGarnle are plot .04-a2
Ri: mutt toeitnutelol the demand irttleh •INiOtt ha. tem,
ti (mut the totyartlitz. harrrantitti Ilanklagletterretei
The elidlnuenteursr...k would toe
..den The mil i tia ea,rta tmiro 1,.,i1 than ia
desirable. aneatost of the idillitnents ATI sat ten
*aloof obtaining adteunet them.
Tourhit, the rum.. Ititlaurrtt latt•ern thin ntandry and
Banns., ai
. r Now 1 rrit Trlbuita remark. that It - cannot
tittaital that [lot large odeliatient oltiold is out so marls
the ntault of ararrar t.l hill" an the.. ern...turn... of di.-
tat-, antotat mitt s. , raid i. strut to many vas.. wh e n
eatirbt a lwdehearter. Theta, 1. allot thla Jet, a• a
avian antonti I.attlery tilt. alual dravitat stitalnal
rredits to Ito lot. .4,1 I, ration WU' mutated - later In [lts
"canon. and ti In addad tn. dls,sadtina Ihrtuota ron•
nortard sane,. %It , tho ability to runt", llottn_orla
trosie. posaittle an the other aole. IVot presume there
bas ti..t'for 'ran Itern rz. thorough a liquidation ett tw
deldrdsiera beta-ran Ilankinti-lottown hoer and thrtr
handents In Elm, an at preseut ealata The raunes
noted have rodurval the "apply of flat:arra' lilt, aid Iu
dared lar.tor gold ahiptueuta I.ltati would othervire harr
been made."
Tho report.. I n rwcard to the rnnetral of business lu the
llohdere. and Elsyrerth Canoe hare mono
bad the limpLro trash enonlence at Portland. and
other Eastenttowow. The lthlrt [lank a:oat...dud
null !or a few data , lo enno.,ortow nfa tnlstunlerstandlow
in reward te pooltiost and en.l Itr. hills an,
now red....toed at its own counter, ant at the dulrolk Intuit
Watnn. The purtal el the Ellsworth Work. The
Bawl, of Hallowell. th ou gh( t mlo..ala Ita own counter.
in uht to ludo, to rudeetn at the ruffolk, lv conieu nen,
of w Jae dlttlctUty hotwuwn the two Inatltollona. •
nhipuwnt ye/denlas of nearly 31,1.w.X1 to Eu.ntee
by the drabut. tot•ther With the enntinned reporldt
Inwlble In tbe Wend and else - ahem. he In cut a
'further gloom Gyre the I•lnvk marlado hare rtnelllped MRIIOI. NI dl&
cul•ed by the mint baneful. In fart 'sprcuLatiou foe hie
unman:tent has almost departed from It. The outside
orwratdrs, abn &Sanyo Ihrtu the herd of bull, u,l an has.
cure among the fancies noa, and were It no• ins the hear,
aim aerWither niland in their ehorts wr sustaini , ,
miler Wager their enutracy nnfill they caw In 140.1/
&wed, the decline miabt otid•,..eater than we hate tet
altnow,d 1.111.1n,d. - •
Ins Mask r, NIT 7. mrtflmt for Iron Ia
rtat, but the levtium makars . t‘talrordahlm adhere heady
4. the miens detretnlncd at the quatterly meeting. RIll5
are Inver. and ran he Innaht at aNutt. t7 ll ton in
Wales. butch lir Le (areal at LTV ton In Prna
rut nuetations In Ltrelmmd Men - rant tsar. .f.:l ball
Rut, LIO ions 1100111, £l2 Ins!: nerta, f. 12 10. No. 1
Sontekt 11 .C. 4 43 .
23051 iltakcr —Tim Vora market WWI dull In Ile early
part of the nenk. It eltme. irtth*n ImprvAed. demand, at
daeljne of II hbl In Flour, 0r.14 ta MI - el 73 1r In Wheat
la nuarter In Indlamenrn. Western eau. AIM,
la, fin,flnnr.. - it tad dna' , 44ta Italtlmene and Pldladelada
°Nu 41.1 , 4011; SOur dm :::m447.:
Wheat. 4a 71, INN 1 251411. MI Ned and Sae. d dn. 11,,,L1
Sol relkna and mixed tuft - in - tom - a 43 an,
• hit. do. 47+;(4.44.
Thera is 1.01. stir in entree West
an bu,era beinn In market. There nen. sal,a la...estr
dal and tn-day r , tue ...On tan, wand fate itio Colt.* I,r
Onnannall and Laulaallia at 10 4 ., and hap Inn fair
dn. tn the nit,. trade at lo , a e_ As Ire antieloatad. the nava.
lug of theohin Itirar hainaranfoned ..ander:nand fortA - dren
fur the tanatnrn market —!lta.t. Amer.
Corr*. Sma by rropell, Glob, from the
Minot...Ls Min*. 73 m 1,444 Ifrichl.: 27 tuns V.*. and
62 LIA. we! hinc 10 ton* 172 to. Nerbraska Alitar
wolzhing a tan* UI als.and 13 Ltd. weighing 3
North .merlonMine 27 mean.. wel.hing
4.1. tons 1402 14. Si =saes weighing taut
e.—[lake_ua.arior Jour.
The antlety lbw public Wind. to regard to the Gerwl
nomento of the future iwatnctuot to Llw titan., tension.
anApie molt aboard rumor, woutd train erelenre, though
eh were prne....l through our xtreets by a luoalle
krt ilurtrati,n of tide aiorn tn-day. I n the nub..., of a
pretty an.wl pr.-14,110k, by 0.01 one handled of J. In
doldnam chiefly Iron, lb. upla r Part of the • It,. ruvhing
into float e..mpany Kant a rnun It at openet
anJ withdrawing their detowita hut ISndLog that the num
her of depooltoralar erneded the number of those who
catno for the oth•r par...., le, were wati•fle4 their alarm
wasundn,..t and the Tun after enntlnulug near!,
ono hour
. . • on New York is toryteeetY. and materiel) ,
The Trust Omunany and firoesArk t me., dre•
6 h - their cm..., nt rr , m., bat oot,ia, n ranging
fr , ml 4 . le were obtained. There ar, lo,oraJ parties
limrhange a.r the purpose of ob.'s.;aver* fur thln
Market from the ntt, an at the present rates, emit a
ahreulatinn hays well.
Fly tar the lu.. imte•rtaht Oche of intellihrnm which we
find in our telm:raphfradek«. from Liu. E at I,laa, is •
dorline.of 6f. net. In I thin R'. /gooks. On the hr. thla
,nth, Ohlo 6. n 1 1 ,601,1.1 at 101. and the lot on..lntirn
bok•et to daywas 0a1; but it the telo:rcaph report
thee. sue bucks hyld,there'to.dar at :05. Whether Itis the
diatnrhance itt the Stock liankt of this State., ee the het+
ornteat of the; thate.TrPasurrea' drafts. In lees, York.
that has produend ltd. 'await It It prew•ht difficult ha
na to dochlr--1(.1n. Coosa . •
The ..A.tek hvn..r vre ettn, c.wartrtahle• In marn. INlure
Tu l ,4y numb. of rho flat*. and manhln
h. letter dt.,:spd to pl. (undo at call. The rban.
howerer. 44. 4 tnere.ti:e
. 1 1 CIMA 1. and taker. at I'2 71r....,• 11, 1014
11sts name* with . exceptioct Ikt. CVO,-
Jpri,mo. Lawn. ItrownsTill,
I.nzerra,. Bentart.t,llnDrtutrilt,
T. U. Sbrivvr. I fe.trickson. U..t N..trtoo
Itot.pull. Prebint,
II art.frml.
emturn. n wo
on rr ion flearet.
ichigau . No. 2. Wolf. II elm
JeffrrAnn, Max.. Ilmrtnitrith,
lAIA•rn, DrownArill..
T. 11. 2 4 1 River. Ilendrickaon, Naar..
Bayard, Probira. I , ll.aDeti.
Convoy. Wolff. Whoeling
Vanturr.... Gordan. r..arar.
Nn. 2.,
7.1 , ar
Grani Turk. Gallatin. Mprinnall.
lien Franklin. Prrir;
ltlirTS, -On Satunts, evenll.loll , .. went fent:lll , lH
1p th. , hanv.l end falling. .
• 011101 CIA trbb, apt.l.. 1 Aln
Ins t1...r. kir. J ltralBg 12141, air, It To•funcyat
I.'BlB, lei Is. Gracla .I(l,artln: 11,1 Cot tta,,L
id..aeloyermnt..l9 sks dr Trul y,
t,.7.1 , 14., botler.3Blo 8104 a
8, , t: t. , 88 metal. 713 4.7 & I. It A Grier: :A[AAA .1A
81.8. Ito 18 , 18 , 1 boss, 3 81.1 a bultrr. I I ds,ZP. t,trners.4l, , ,,
• u,1.1. Vatilleld; ta.ata, , L 15 , 8rds.
Ir r‘-ttar.n. UI Du. •I,Bat. Itryan k 88,',Lg., batter. A
nhrlrrrk rBt b
Sta. tam: 1,3 gpi , ll.. A 1.1. 18.88.
ZY, Ids bay. ~,c ro.rr. 10 . -11 Mr°. A At A 31 . 11•Anr: do.
y3l PAI bblo flottr,llaiitta 1188.8, tiq 1,18 brmp. A
Cu:sty.Vs prriinrAcn E. lt. -10 l• A spy A, 1,1. p
Mace, IV Yrntt: eI pkgsllAL,..llll'ssGeht 4. 61,1 A fl oor.
AUK. 4 cc; ykks tacos. ALA 31 . 11sne.
wELLSBURti. br abbb,
lii:ROWNSv 1,1:14,r. AL Itul-
Ivitfoto 0 kasliard. II II Coil', 1 57 bolter, 11,1,41
tlottr. 111 IT Syr' odlor. Furry lls Jr; 40,0
A Hem; %Ids, 11A1do on I, .0 do Abort,. ll'ii•lrd;
100'1,1'• •Ndrs. A PoualJann: Id. lAA oat, 0w.0.r.
Hertford—lll tddr, M'Coco A
Vounqx t:l7 MIR g
irorad & .70 LO tl
ridmey loOt,
LI loltdet. A n.
& A l'rdLor.
‘LCOTCII ALE—A small lot of thw
k brttrd Ab., t hi, day reed. sod for rale Lv dneu
and rank •hr IL:4IMA.
. _ •
Ladles are mat:artfully ugh
that them hive
t Ito Yarna, that have been la 4 uch mat demnd. as...
rhe'd Oda day by Exprss. and a ill be add ale,/ e. tha
To , 4.1.411, NI, I e or FltA Aft VAN t10111,1.:R.
WiliTE BEANS-150 bldg. on hand and
for sale le. her reeh. IB ettentltlea toerslt ingress
err. et pnTroN k
nw .14; cr ih;DlA.Wsid
HUTTEIte-40 kepi prime Buttoi:
Al, 10 bids. .odd do, In st.As and
lur sale be 0010
tiEANS—'2S bbls. email white Beano ror
minor onto JOHN }UM/ A. On.
TIMOTHY SEED-50 hue. Timothy Seeo
kraal. or relle 7011!: FIAJYI/ k do.
A PPLES-100 hue. Dry Applen for sale by
ix o nto JOHN' /tar na_ co.
T'• saPeri
.G l) rleb,tu.turn.nd 6e
.. no
6lifkinin ' LBS. winTE CHALK in otore
;41411JUnii and for .de YLESIINO 1111110,
00 L" . '"' UAYRNN in more
and Mr halo FLAWINSt mws
OjtO CVX'SGiLATINE in ot.WritTOr
• note Lot_m_
46) 07.5.11U5K. -
in store' nnl for sae try
cola -1 YL7aIIXII OR 9_
a 3 0 rarlegnted, In stare awl weals by
A . l Bock 'latest fron4How bet;
pnt ree'd by • ykolo A. e =au_ . ' .
TaHE 110YS - ate day ; are to be the future
Pyiddwout. &baton, Governms. Gown& and- 'pm.
t tm molars lot them be hordY. Yobod oosb. let
vainglata*sp a ni a enz bone
sad ma.ele
extrooOlt of :bebotia:e ' tbeoa to CU iIbTAIM • v S .4
trod." sleet °law And Bop' 'nor. IMMO* Chloe
I to tAo . ...yo.;*,,lseioded Woody As ammo ito
bales Hay Teo'a and for rale by
4 • • BALM & LIGOLTr.
Notice. - ' YEW YORK. ETISEMENTS. PHIL 10MLI'11tA" TYVE1111:•••
V.ll AnErreted r , n. ul,tm my ILLuking Wm. 0 • 0 •••• • .••••, •0" 4 M•s 01:11 - 1711TIFING
• •In 1 211.NA11.1%.),N. NO.
Mtn,. t 00•, I
tn. I n tt, in E •
‘,Sr Kr. ; AND cA L, \ A
t o
to t n ‘.llo.l*.r.rtrf bTF:A-USUIPIa3,I , .. (1 is ..Mtatl4l-Ca , L\ - " UN 1•11S•fl , 1:
of m,¢tralrx. 0.0-.11 VI. 10 hIs0:
A CI L . 11l It I
_ Trtx tt.roottrostusy ..00--Yr-00.41.91,rr...0p5tcr , t
VA: 0 N If AND PIANOS— rilllE it'VREUN L1GA.,Y,..--STAI 1.111l..001 , 1,111!1.1 . t" 0 ^ t•nth *aye with
F., , • • (P T. c:.l El, 1r F.l/- riftlrlitld ri issrts t,. :L.. '
0 ., 0 0 - , Vet„,
t e.Ol tr.t , iii•-•-•titessn•QX stilileter-s.'es• .•
I • II . 7 :the . Is., nil% .t s
I.k T , IL La Mattn.y. 6 °eta., male Rr vu , DIA
Ooe ,ictave,
•• )lattrvays
year. 014.
Th. ohnv..llll. raild for easu orst at ter , 16. prlaa.
Cr.ict cri,“;
ire Vite;ii;;;
Ith. N. !A I JOILS 11. .
n.. 10 NI Ms./ elfY
Fall Supply of .11.ardwsze.
ULM: I .
YS ti GETTY, 71 31arket st, tPt
near 411),
a are now reeeiTin, thrix St.cla 11.n.r4e,
among w Edda Reek, will be ran otl.
iMill Saw
_ ,
Caai: SA*, [:.roan and 11r;;13i;;Ira.
English OWt.r Merl. Mann, Slagla and Dott4
Stool Flea Irona in seta, AR,.
Towether with a minplete woun'tzawnt of all kinds`f Pont.
trrlM 11, Span., k Mune eole.bratod Fn.-tr.:7. haElgin.
Country Seat for Rent.
1% am,. of firno-d. on an Omnibus mutt. a abort din
tame frtno the city, tor rant. Apply rat tine obtn,. o e 3l- 1*
JACKSON SON.nrthe late firth
, •of t%. N.Janitaon Sm i.grate and Fender
Philters. Froot at-. and ikiattmad....y. Cork. tune
roustauti) on haialrai•ry vari.ty ui Orate, and i'..ndi.ta
AL, etc/tufa. aryl Aria, German i4l•ivr flratra. Whole
We NALL,rt soprilad. Jrl.lye
Fall and Winter Goods. •
ininery .STNEET.
HAV E now on hand a large Stock 4 4 Full
o, ,revo drolzw.,
I .1, V/yetln. tot... .11.11 pattern.: Vrestrti and
•••er, Red .bade In C. L.a
tle t/ all of •
sod hlri twan. I sill mttke , /rdri . tho moat TRW.,
rtvm, wed In volt.
its. S. F. CA RGO, F:l,lll,.nable
tra aud lllllruer. No. itt F.orth .t.. serum! qt.).
same ruts/owe. to the tit stal 1211.13 Dasuorrientlallesy
11 Niantldis. et,. mad. In the
lattst stop, tad nn the •Lortsst notte.. Itsm
vrltb ttestneso and dl.untch. and et v.ty
rale unern Bonnets altered awl dyed aentmllo2
irerthito. and neatly sod tastefully truattust Illys un
It. IT:s1.1/1/etr.
lle heny Cotuaty, ss.
j I N Qrploure Court hi and far said
t estunty. at 'fa hV , D.,. Term 111.1..
[hrht .sterns the Amrunttai ItobertTes ts. ettraesale of reetatn real ...tate of Her. C. Msculr..
.tud une a se.
Z rlt: ~.t. 14th. 1411. the .I.,..trut Cl.
rate 1 rusus.. hot, 111..1.11 I. urdesed
tat dli.rts art d
111.1 thaw t'l rit of said statist plvenntie. ths
and ..1.11 , 1t• - : 1 of ...hi Ateoutzt. 111 , the
tsi,al Journal nutrtlu. ksborwn tau tt.. Cr titres weeks
tar \ ttrbt;W:.; y '.'
" t s
runuid not b. liCtlnt Court.
- -
ETTERS oC Administration nn the Estate
of Juhu IlalL late of Illnewny fh.e . d, ha.
him, ary thlx Jay tho tao.l.l,lznotl: Thom having
rryumntoal to prrtent th.n u. ha
d thou.
r.rtliwith, , a
C, Li, MIS
No. L 9 li',4l4l.lKpeL
. .
No. 46,
P1..1.111,V11 ALL? V,
• ..
Pittsburgh, Penna. -
l.ol:tltu.t,f, L7':ar.,,,v".b.,it;
,04,„,0,11..kzu. el ,rnywr. of finish. ok 111 of wommannl4
1.13 d loratnltty of material,
/hall work warrant., :: _ n0.: , 1y :
...../ .. C1 ROL LA Its—h or gal.,. a Byjek I)wai.'
t‘',l. I limy 11........11 mom.; .041 rellna al, a Frame
, at.t,:o ofar..ano. 0 na n lot of ...round 24 ft ir qit on
Arthur •I . 7th ward. hy 1.0 deep. With ywweh. plntw.l
51.0.1.,,,, Owe, 1, rhIA yr.a.erty would ynit two (am
111-. sand In offered at the lon - price of £7O l , Emir In tzao.l.
the retnaln.ler In two yearly par ruts (nil linkl look t&t
..47 (tent Ent., arena, 1401111 H .1
—. , ,
ir.2 1. , 1,A11.---ll LW ~ N. 0. lei stare nod for oak
I -. by I/ 4 J. It f`A`filF:l.D:
of th.n.lyrnes bent )letallle Coat.. Jarlato.. Ow.,
cr..otn.l.olo.angs. Soasp•term, 0:14 CA:... niv.. n .a.turnau
gattl.g " {ry. r :l l'h '" ' ' '4.' 7 1 1 li'.'prilltiag.. 0 *
onl.e. ' 7... Ifni Mark. Intr....L.
I'PLES---9 bbk. Green Apples ree'd alid
i for .ale by .011 0 jir.altY 11. IXILLINA.
I. TrrEit —lO firkins dairy packed for ~Ide
11 by or`, TEEN KV II . 'OIJ.I 7 i
U 301; R CENT PRINTS-1,..t rea'd 4
y ar...,„,.„ eta..., Pilotsy,„ , z ,ra ,,,,,,
1 4 . I PIESE---500 lox, forgale by -
. .
)LII MONONGAHELA RYE WHISKY, lorrate by Qt. hot . rallno Ont hr
W. 11. AItIIIIN No. WOrd at:
nO.. c . ,2, • 1,1;1ty Itst o rr trn.„.
1. 4 `0R. SALE—LINI acre. of Crime Land, on
5 the Iluntrin g utot tllo.r. non sotto 1.-Inn
I: rolnatlitt form ornl of tory loon—
,jor lelllo. TIItiS. oh do, 41.4 rt. !
1 bit-1W hWx, fu" Halo i
1,/ ice lift 11. rut,LiNs:
_ -
EATIIERS—:',IOO Ihs prime rim .ale Lr
:•:!rit - I::t'."2l'll. ' nart i t'V=l ! o b tl7d
foottrottle,.lttenrltt •t,"l:.l.tourrn Snort" Nortb-notrt
nnr.tnt JOIN moll Market .to ront_t.;
ACONSIDES—')O,O re.!'d and for sAle
i • 4 Vtlf
I (RE COGNAC BRANDY—I bare rre'd
mu , (ear, Iler mai pars Brafelly fee neeilrinal
yorpaare. Tree.. In went ef a aery expellent arable rau
rtr , td-P , 41, FLEMINtr,
eel earner 101 amend anti Mazkel ntreet.
" •
!os c odi.Ess AvATEft —I hare rec'l ti
eau tr. ke, It at
FL1.311N0 . ..
- _ -
11'm ;'ol{ SALE--90 ncrop. ettporitm Land on
Crw !eland. near Prr•otute Aiso—eo *reel on tlzr
woet tide of the riror. ell or either well I. .44 et
a low tete. Enrtuire et
8.110 1111.1./1.14 . 1101.13. 1 a, lth mt.
I , ORA-10t1 bu.. in the etr for sal,. by
/r V. 01 [..,Nnohz , ri,Nll
ACX - IN-25'.0 , ., llw. Bacon Shoulder
)11 , ././1 1, 111./. Ws/n/.:;no 4.1,4 un
int./k/4/•//0•••.0.en.r Rah. by f bfrTLi.l/1 (>l.
N. 1112 4 ,/nect.
(.1( )1 . bit LILS. CANARY SERI) in tatorp
I and fur W./ hy VIA:111N° 11110 X.!
•tt Ft, Grr eale hr . VI.IITINfi 11110.5,'
UTTER—IOU kqy. i?iiine hotter just ri-
J_JlP.iir.lvr,l Agri r r oalt, by T.1.1'1714:0 C• l _ 111.110,
1111idsl reed dad fu• sale Or A. 0. y .0 . ^E.4 T,
— I . 4 "INGLISLE 14111 Y eft Eigg-211) boies
roed sod en 1o1.1.• . It. 01L1.11,1t. •
. .
ENV BOOKS--Iligli Life in New York,
Juoathat. Esq.:The Cid lireyrerY. by UM , /
;1111,1.1/11/..10n: ,11.-1/
Th./ Ishod It.nn, by 0.1 . ../..p10.,
ell - 1//Ltr•rlZ ' ruaeoTtyy T
T /7.
Ibr Ps. by b/.4 HAI a 1.41.. fAS V•i/odet...
/ Ow:n.4 —Morph., linsvhG•ll /M. wed s eoppl,
rery rhea/. Embenl6ll.l Ilben 11.101..
1.1 1. ,E.• AI I) LONU SIIAWLS--31urpliy '&
ki.i.ll.7l,hZl;;ehtii:';i:T;;; 111117,4'.'t!.1„h„!:t17;',,If.nre
t 111 Q STORE S :11,E --A Retail
ftwor.bly hwasted dod tlolnu'n p.n.! Lt1•11,./re.
toouire PI 1 1 \11,1 11 /IN '
nol. l -I+,l .
tomer 1 , /urth se/1 "/+.l
id-10 mit y lamer tlohl bear Tobarma.
for 1 , 5 i, by lOW. 11. :+1 , 11 1 0• . No. 12 Wood .t.
bids. tol rained Li01ti: . ,..111 0155155
• 0 r tin? DlOlOll DICK / :l k CO;
th our
falher.—anal Oha 50000.1 and gnat
.r rote
ronqpinuotia in the ..trtmgles for religion@ liberty. by J.
U. 511111, for sal, by KAI CO., 66 Wood at.
ACRES, tuf cleared, fur $1,400, in
Coal quality. tiltnatial In Prarton ru , uttr. sa.
rcl 1 . 17011111:111 . A 1 0 50 bobcd of;
it_ I Ladled who adrh tobuy Mood Milk, !lath, or Lauda
11..1 Uriarril,:rta and Drawers. sin find a full araortniqui
at 11 1 1tA NH VAN 111/11110Wil,811 alotkerri-, • •
-21 menet ot the Diamond.
tiIEAT currrits —U ite (tumor
it ggie 1'
l Trvial Cutler ' and t i attral•ll.oo l'L
DIVA L., nelll JAMES Wd.lllo ..
1111 1 . "
extra and
fir a/7LI, ,
Piill3l.o -7 f II SEED--30 ree'd and for
valo by mild, a btorifitt
Ay-30 hale, rec'fl and for t ale by
j reas 110171, k I,lo . oorri
ykRIM E 11AV INN A UltiAltS—Nu 1 Pros- 1
cln.. Iternabl, Loon Den., Nor Dinh., Oren, la
Punollt [Wad and other ^holm" brands.' for sal" holeride
and retail. by J. W. lITARLAND, 266 Liberty rti
X17 . 001E10 lAitN-2000 euta 2 arid 3 ply ,
Knitting Yarn; White
and Murk Moony 1t...
for. nab, by 4. IV. iI • PAIILAND, 2556 Warty At:
IGTISH-411Itidsargo mesa Nu 3 - Mackerel.
NO It. Medium do do drt , I
V/ !ado 00.1 din
6 drum, tbll h, just and and for rain py.
401111 WATT • CO.
4„ OLE LEATHEII--1000 si . (!es. Icctr, York
, 11 , 01 r and lialthoono Lnatbet otore mid forOW ode 14
S aiiiiTie
Ip BOOKS, rovlsod .orb=
15 don. 31oIluff,y's Spollern
" Homier,:
. o h.l ...AoLlo ' In ,all
ofn varlOne depamoonts opectlo,_don•:oz tlxraolutoro
of ne2 PA DLEIc Violent 11.. Alla:Gen/.
l ALES foroalo LT• JoU IL &SELLERS !kW. "
liON7E—Putd3ititiLL Ornin-
Lo G Drool.* Unian•Ponollx • tbonxigh anoortennnt
, !3 - .4 on hood In , 11.11117•11 111103.
POptilor reed 61 W. .A...114C1.1.;R0.
EFINED DORAX-:ls l cazen Ref Dims
rar at. by a. SCROON HARRIS 2 !..4 W. 40
unhatmlly mem
14 •
.ortb•Ya• t corner 4th me blayket Pt, oelg -
11130TASH-2 maks very in Pow& 'ltect
am, for Ada by oal3 - :./Ott. FLZ4Ltig.."..
poi) LIVEROIL 6 do.44iiior's
04 Cher All an band and Ton ealaba •
cola' .708. YLLIII24I/. eat. IHithand and Ifarknl
/01 , :-40 - bblitAilasepdO. il for •
bbla:lVinter Bleached Whale Oil
Ike ids Doty J. B. CANNIELD..
311:11Zes7 "if/74 . 12..1:7;r/ C. 77. 4.
t 11 tErar - prca TrArralt nFjte,
1.1:14 tmtn.n . ..l
rbd,.l6 carrikr, ,Lthrthe• •!• r”IrP3I.• •• • • 4.
k MI • itfAtli4,' •L••.,
!Fie.. tad' MUFF' flga f
wilt I •,•• • .S...rr.lstart dell•twl:tbaPariFg•ternkt , ll , Trwrmit
4icstrrit.l nflh- P . • w " ,r '
For furatrAgrwmatirtim •
tlatelhade attc, .„I
B , WE-hriltalutzr-er- hah oult*kraud
a 7 k i ti4 ‘k T i lflA : S. L ta l t i'S. ala -
FA 1:11.t11"5 , Patent
1't ,3 11'...Ar all or. fin. ttum.o, rallmadaatrr
atatinn, Cut, with full particular, mar Lc had
ENTLE Fine Gobi Callfgr4v
plam..nd f'haing nthnnl I.
an tr. On. rral Irlany,nd, Prleo, GS.Ofli ylthput rlidh,
as.w. Ord,. a-nt mll. enrlnaing moner.,tr.
..aprra, prom , a a Ptltt.m.led hr
1.. a J JA.IIP.S 11,p,,rterl Of Wati.hrt, Jrarlry t
• -
U;>lI,11.1.. /Le., 40i Ilmadsraf:'!(tar urh.
& Smith,
No. 419 Pearl Nieeel.. New ioele.
Altll , olrrEits of , WI N DOW Ci )RN It 'ES,
TIANIrS ANL, NS urn-n frnua the Tradere,
rk or at a cilstau, will In. ,u . .maptly art..nled tn. MI,
rmstantly no hand, IWnred,..l, silk and Oat , n
r.a WI N :11,11/es. and I
TIrI , :'.IINOS. all .4 which
..... A.EHR (3 & .1+ 0 YT,
. .. . _ 16 elll'1? ,, I ALL,EF, PIPLADELPIII4.
World's Fair Premium,.
'F II It E E L' It IZ F MF,I , A L S.: : 7r, John and 20, 31 and 33 Pfat, sb., :V. V.,
Moo hnvii nwemlet( U. tlttl tt r . :, olo,taut mot intorrilt, MP+. to the Trolo.on fav,r, term, • tull •t... 1. of
PIANO F()HTF_IS FL 00 It 01 L 01, 0 'l' II 8,
LIXIIIBITED hy thv .11.,riber 44, 54, o-t,.7-i, a 4 and Wiwi!, AI,
LA . tbo C.CST4L ('on., In muting' TABLE. 'OIL CLOTHS,
- ....., all - • m4l , .• • :Sr
7..-1 ‘ ......;. ''..i• ,‘," - ' , ..M 5- 11.
Of Anteriran anlOerTaan 'Uninufaant .../.. 4. 64 and
lt. opt ?tunny ta ..11111 thrir thank.. tr, N 4 wide. warraritrl ta rodur.. any ' ellinate. Mu; unniermi• Inr tit, e‘tenß”... sp.! liberal pit.
nn;n4e la.: w 4. 4r ext..t.411 to them. ar II nmn.:re th..tu that ST A I R 'ck IL C LOT II.S;
. ”alna .Isall In arare.l to an4,,,n th.. tiat, ring roputa. I:, /5. Itf and V In. with, Also,
don alr.w.r-mtained In order tx, niret the ar..a.• •I y .u
-0v5.,4 chwoau.l Inr their Inatrum..nt... the, hart/ aAhlnLI 1 r: IV ..<I,,ILEV, g 1..) (I A , VA 8,
lar,ly tatllair rnanarawttlrtn4 rariiiti, di
frh thwl"Traat ' Of the wen br.t ettanttfuturr, Alo.
will matte theu n flaunt tr. pr..tnt.ti, mez.t r , erY , li - 1 FIIERVOIL 04.47118.
raan,L .
- 11.7, cuhaud 4.11 itraurtam.(st ..1 ~,,- sumerlor„lll:l.oDE. I Of thair own manulaetnza.4. 0 anOta yardavetdait'OneW
ANS. dr elvry 'style, and at b.• prlera .4 Leaditual'allernig tnuethet with.. sett* of light.
111101' En't ITl:l.:%l,•Jitnetelrray y..Y , I Mad.. IA-lb and la feat wider al Of whit:Vara offers. at
t,,,,„„ s ~
t .,,,„,/zi point.) [h. , Lowest Markel Prima. -- • -.., •au7,llno
N 11.-Pl'oilutna leen , awat.bal br thin .11111.1.1191(1 roan- ' .
~,,, ,„ ih.j„,,,,,,,,,,... ,„.„, i„ ~,,,,,,,,,,&„. ~,,..,_%„,,,, i tolltan %man, ... .-- ..... -..idn' e.• ddiriodo annia3.
--- I RICHARD iikinals. tt. $A$,.
No. 76 Chambers Street, I NOEIII.-; I.OOONIOTIV.D.WORKS,
NEW YORK. 1 1).0. 0)111, .4' . r.- . 411,41311, rfrod... *i'n'n the Voitt' tufa 1
,g, INN E 0 & C (.).% P1111...41,2 4 2LP277A- - 1
. , Imporitra and Jobbat-go( 'ld ANry.v:TurtE Loco3inTrvEs .ex.. l
SI/. r, ittllD(l222f. r2:2.1' NTS. 1 . 72J1 - 11412..V.'2 . 2, W.E/IN ' l, X "" a h ,-I Y. 'wt ant 1 1 .1 or of.any al, dt%lrs-4. In Ma-
AA, AA. ~. , a. ulanmt. 'laving \•ttrualre wottahnna tined with the
A now ~,,,,..„,,,., ~,„,,..„, ~„,„,,,,,..,,,,,,,..A„,„,,, „,.' last f1•1/11 (.(IprailllT (.40.14..4 \ to their Inclinett they ran
111011 MILLINERY t1001)S, 1 r,-.. Ir i 711: st'' ' ltifi , .'l,, , `` : T1V,t,,..,, t '1T,„1 . 11. 1
ao,i. h the . : aro onableal to Dell at the low«. privet and. ow-cal. , . mug. Inart • Mtrtoranrilaa.tint lon. atttarne.
the moat hrorabla term.. Thu. wht, aueha,...
r, may - --.--- -•
• -- -, - -.,. -- - • .--•- -
rare nonprofit at bout, am ran nearii ad our ors., an, , C. D. E\VAN S.
me. 'red titre. trom the I..nufattivern lu Franca
Starl...ll[3lll. i11f, , Nu. , 21 North Fourth .Siresq \ :
PIll!..111RY \ 111421. ' \
...7 4 Chimbers ,t., let door Wrot of LtroaAlway,
.. lt Footman \ I
1(1111 1 4(01 . - ' _ • . NIANUFAC RER.
for Melbourne; Austia r lia, Pioneer Line, ! As
' ltT r t i t ' .l "."'". ',4''' r ' sd ' r he, ' - ' " the lent. """
t )on MP. mud 4,i- all. at i
Cerrryitty Me United Statt.t Altill. .
_lvreneh,'EnL , lish and
rg .11 EA. 1, auperit, (Ili I.nor ',snip 0 E It- KID, CALF SK/N PATE .
R vitt DE .111 sorted the Nluhtllstale, and rail for the ' ANTs ' itl:TToNs.
abort. portant, nal Ent of Jul,. as aarentn•sith 'My of • .__ - -
Ws I.lne, The Oettro In bar,rovnel hereon a rannarati,l,- Phrenolo.icr
fast. all , m. al..i la the only A. I •Itir snow loadiur at eh, - ,''7., roivr.Egs.' w
p.zt . Cu . :W.-rah. Tts, Plot,. Line ha, ..lost a mo, • ry ~..__,o _ ,,_ , ,
; n ;;It ' , ' ll, " ,f. ''' ';, ' , 6 :4,a,7l:l• i g:::;:li ' ZI " ;!....:::: ...,....,"':.': ~..., rq s - I ; 4 ;:rau; l • 47 n.h. l'
cent winea and 11,1,.. Warr 1(31.1 tn• , la The 1., _'l, ot •.... 't
r f• an wuricl ma I . ltrenola
14, low.Nlatutlato ro u t , a
i ' rt 7' rfn , l . V - Z. r . r ..%, ' .l n j:l4 ' s ' , " ,: i ;:io rt.T.::?'' , "-P-- , ) -...,.... New
Yot fi , d,,111, na..a. , ...t•1'1t In ' 11 . w. r i'lL"'.' r '\
• 1
turlot fa lie Wall at/vet 0 isa,-,.., t , ) r. , .. ,i.. ,,, i ,, ... 4
._ . • ...Mx. llaldn. fn.,.
'flux PIIYFE, DEALER IN IVORY, . - .----,--=,.
JOSEPH clue! .„-
pi' anti maaniacturrt of ttor, ouala. Nn 3 Mutray re , '
New Yost. ....-20-1r
_, - 1 na1:03.-ItALI.Ita 0,, 23 Punta, stratd. Now Tart, I I:7I•'OIi.TEP CIGARS,
VS - hnhouths and natal'. tw.541 I
~ ,..3 . 4,,,„;,,, 1 i f. ,.,, , 1 , 0 , A, ,, ~h ,
nr. l-nath ~
BOOTS & SHOES, 1 . --- -,-------'
( ) MARKET and 6 Union oto., 3ti door' N0.42 TIII RD .r ..VEJIC.JLARK.t.T.
rY b•ol frn e: 2 l?,W s o " ,:i ' :l ' ,l!: a" ,',o l d 'i j.. "b" '! " ' rj: 0 .. 1 , d , 1n ,'"7 4 liirOtik,i) re.pec tAt Ily itlfonn,their friendr.
h0..,a0. - ,,,,••.1 - aa Fla Slick of R.....t, a t7f;t7:,; in '..iP ,t,t; - V '.' l V . .l' c 1 ...r.n r• 4 "' U r o ..i. "''' r "
, . their . I I 40.. t •-• / al, %tort cons 14,113 g,
Garpl:4sl' suety
"..0."- ' "b ' '' '''' ' an ' ' 4. ''''' h '" 4 "''''''''"^" diaerintinu 2t,,0, flu. nor. N rivet and li -. to thn
thla rd• end eltbrana evert thint ("1"1,3 by the baba 'nf .. , 1 .,.. , 11... .
~,, ,
~ , „., r T.,.,„, ~,a ,.
Philadelphia New' ttelt and it , st.n. and he trod. rannet n '"'""'' ,', 4 d 1,,, P • , ',,,,,.."' - "4" - ' . , t - ',4 c„,„:„..
fall to pleas* all. llt•at ear* hr. lacer, Meth In aelittin,, one t: sht t 1 , . a. • • • m•w .a.Rts. ,rr 1 0 l
and tautnn ]letting, litutgeta Elite. ,11,(1, ((I: nods.,
She rhoinatt coal. all ~ f aild:b be diattanta
Ile alw•nuntilltnet In mannfartm, at hendof , ,, all" dn. ‘ Wi " a. ' w ' h . - • 1 7- 4^ . l''' ... '! . h . '',...." .:.• • I taa ' 4 V.... 11
strirl , m• of lincda and Shots. and fine Ida Inn, et perb 'V.'' ''''hine 4,4 f . " 4. • - • 'h....a.", 01 '-' o 'h •nd 1.."'
err , . -toter to .'ear In 1,1191 m-tab, thn eity.. Is, Isn frusta, tn..fhtio a h,ed ' , ,n, ths„..ttitat.,l*,. I."_,
_le ter,tl- •
• v•llielent smarm.* that tbs.*. •hn favor bleu wi th thrir • • Arg -, .." rr. 4o `..."'r. ~ ....- 1 111
natnonabre..lll 0. !Melt dealt with la MVPs-n4sll 1. , /. •.• a 3
I j i1i5 ,A 5.. , 0 ,,, L , C . Li r O ri . , N ,
~t 1 ) , 1 ::„ 1 , '...1 1 1 1 tR .,, E , 1 . t.5 r ! , ! , 1:P h - . - - ,,.. - ; \
to•de , ealalloir under the gnu and et)ln of lillikEll A , ~ J. S. "(ALL ~t, spEER .
a i JINNI: Icla beau diannited. The utanuf.tutr of WATCII . , , , .. . ,
CR V% PALS will to curled no AA 0.001 by the rant.doion 1 11 I A s Y/Na - commenced Operation% 111 the
P.... , AX 'Th.' . P. , ,,...1L„ 4 '7",hen,1aw 4 ,t."2-„ . ' ‘alattY Pt . 1)1111 FACTORY, In manen..n.r, Ir. , .a.l
I'L'O bit u to , e:. %"- -%, ~ ents t,L. • inattutlactfkring PLOMIIM of nrery ettatandlan or the
,clO a , t•tetiown. ent•ournh. nu,. r,,,,,,,,etd patttror. Artia,nn them wilt h• found J.
. - .
I. Doll a lhannt 1 0 .01 , b, ,, , brill I•lnualts. J. It. Ilalra
, Pa-
Wheeling Packet • Lent 'root:entre Mouthy. Itnnitclul Later flouting aim,
rril-EiteWalhi th 6.441 tim ~ t., ,e r ._, -•. ; 1 i :1 111 ,'2,',.:,'.dg'1:=1`4=Z 4 MP1',75t::;;;Till,, , : ,
aXetta a tOw. iStat. 31,-,....tta. will here-.,.- - - ‘''''' , d`ur d'iooddw ikod esortnoo nut toe had trhnlsaale and'
tl - Ve r Urg,rra:l:ll ' l ? l i tt r ab r u7- U h ' ert h ; ' ,..qt7Nl . ,q7 ". ::ltlV's- I a• ltta ' l-goratl ' - , T' N'''• N' Ua !....7 ,, . , t- 1 , --r.b.
MIA: .d.
ti er of each ' ,ea, at 10o•clook '.,1 Wheal. I, , ~ ',,- - - . --_ - - '4-...- -,-
Inv ervatkrintial - , Tit tmet.)., V •nd eATUrMAY.Istthe ; . \ 'th4TlaZell WY . " Sid& , .
'Tr, .7 6 6 w. ~„-, ,„ w. .0...1th tt, ettlaintiela ; riViandet•si n edilas jitstreeciredMg
and t ,, ottitandltailvad. and at Whnennz with tb • nalth l ' amt tt:asi., M, C.kkUrdu P. WARE
1.1 4,t
rann, awl 112 , 41 -1 2.1,1e,ad t ,, , ft% cl, tnr p•aance. a . lanTy rat -- ,• n$E. al ted nra the Two 3111•11...„ hdween (Itta
1...mtl or to J. LI I - aILLINtitt tad, AAt.. Water .\. ' buraft; Lzi , canl%. ~pINatILI astanatment of Vehlelas ,
DJ - Th. I . :nth...tells 117 rattrely naa , •nd stwedy boat °testes d nor,. and il: %satin.. th nitwit, re.gulae
^' 44 110....reba•aeollent .stoat •. std.- It. stew %..1 41.:U.1 GANILIAGES• (3CLIC7F.S. BlM
dbili Math.. and furniabed-hdllt texereasly for Lida (lIY.S. 14 , whic he will - I nu tip- very laws. lean% tor
clad*. _ ,'••1¢ I cash. Ilaqiut bad [wo . er na.r . m' pra , Lice l'i( 01, (414113 r..,
„ ~
.:..„ ,
.„-,, i ;„,,,,„,,•• , ..,,... , 11(p.1 with bn, wail ann. fatlsLit tin the 11, Le Matters
• ••• , q 0) If In tuttlnd do, aln.tosunentluu. ~
'Excelsior Carriage Fadtory. ..Thow• within% th rum 14.4,11.111 nate...full inritnl
I 0 lINSTO N, BROTH FRS A fa t., practi- ,' .i,`A:,....aiggp=' , ,
. 04 .,
...,, . f
of tai o.ant. linkers, corner of been.Gtr
and ILdm , rni sta. '. 11,e,a. a.... 'loll 1( ni0 71, 13 -I, ollt - R.,
alb•dh-nr City. ea, have nn h•nd and anatuanufatturing - ,
ao , Iteoni we sawn-talent ot - ga , af a Thi.guita ilk ..kaLTElliiEtli'Yl'E: You can !NV,. time
:ift, s :...";; ' nri..t . ii, " .P.;lrty.. in ,ti i ' .4. l 4; " :4 l irt,n!' t' Zlal l i b a '.I , .. 4 . ^ .-r srs. ,, i tn rms. 5 , N.• Tr• I th4, h r
alto sr was th.• twat Juniata Itta .nd Fa•tetet inc.,' ! pinup a brilliant %Mnem. tnt. If tort un in Mx hr
~,Ln . ,,,,
~, „„ ~ ~,,„, ,„„,„,,,,,, ~,,, 7 . 1 “,, . ..n..,,,, I. rare v ltr, einitirtn, ,in-nt. and
feel etuf•tent that MI •rilo IMF ns., , r 5t, , , , n with tr ebt- rfrnd- . 1 e...s.' , ne.,Wila health atlo a. for - tip said - to ,
ronatn, wlll 0, perfeetl., • - aid•flod. tut trial- ty Then , Wnrt.- 1 .'"fr.`a , ,' .fwnstd °Main th, flora oat, da.e. atom. opan•,
The eittalausrh awl,eter Ihnoltuana Vass ton y a. . dot owt,woolor. 1 . 1 . 1(r1( SO salt a 11.% irsdwa% d.
tort arerydtntnnt.,harit.rthe day. _
_la... I -- -, - - - 1 0 : 6 3 ,- , r i t - lif t, - ,'----- -- - I,
I 1 M. IVESTEIiVELT, Verietian d , I l
11.. s ' anuawturer. N. 13 - %t. Clair a G. Pittabwrah I S 1 ... ' '' ' ,T V DAPS'
'Cu),.. or-t.amd , I Pioneer Line of ~ Monthly Packets,
12,122121 , 124r2 VIM ',y o wl, ....TI ?Tx .4..11i... '
Rouse, Garden and Lumber Yard forSale,X, ~,, 2 :,,9*,,fi1t:,:";;;, 8 7 hir4h , "'.*i1m, \ 1
-Pon pn. 1,2tal us. July
l Oi
fail LL tit lodr rent, no ~..11 tho L e ase ofQ i ' e rV!,!'f"''''''' .4 'N!'" ,. ." . . L 'l.T, , ,'" . r." , *.`N r, t ."A.V. i
fair jeans frrok tbo LA of Ahtll eaaat- of elt* Mut.... , (torn /57ser 1.4,0 inns `..e(il 0.1.. ,, ,n1 . 1
, INI lon, ( 7.3 I
.":.""•_...'' Z " '" 't o.. __(•‘ .l4 "l oah.r . " 4th .• . il " . ' ' ..„ , ," 1 . 4 '.. , \ .... :0 , 10 , 44 n's L i 1 hed tom. '4., '
1 tin ..0M..... ;Ilia. 5(in..e0n.(011 , 14... (611310d110.01). • 1 tfrlyr, (...1 , 10 ton, O ti e ,„. \ \„ (A.s2. 'Ma, ' ' '
11-4 d, a ontrut doer.. well brykd Cowl.. linn... - XlOnm.l.l.lko too, tordiao 4 O.,,oo6tons, Decittlocr,
They ate I.
lat, a ffultonw, I.MO ttaut. ...I ,
A1.4‘.1.1• a.. Carroane.f ,, r alther moor two time. I 10,3. . , ~..ettarr !Mullin. Pel• TM&
./ AMIN 11. FloltdiAN. - Ems•cdad.l:ale , tuna Illtch,n"%s%%:rdb \ I..ta toot Ida.
~ , ,s-ood• 4111 nard, Lank of llanAllowhene Mesa 1 1 , 03,
••• I•Otai tans. Al ' ar\ 1,4.4; 1 400 'll4 Jut
TINO S'I'EAI BOAT OWNER.9.-IVontml to i '' .1 ",0,, • ' ~ , ~,,,,• ', ' r
IL aur, an 'utter. ln a Swain %nat. rear kfldeh raah, I Aitaestl. 5,,r,, ton,. April. 'n3,
i Th., shit, of thLs Line are nth. with anduwoin, Pattot
...-4 a at , r,al nonthr will be Mae is amittlre of
~ TIIOIIIA% t 111111.14. 75, ith at ,Wentilatoriand '-tier linnet. \ %Inane Life-lhata.
e...... Tbn sea io inaltnihrant Msnet• Ship FLNINO- %VIM.
FANCY CHINA STORE, - (l.7q. TOW ItAxilter..W. IL li.mak..n.tar. a 111 el:treed the
no” troop .41??7,12T PITTATITUIL I . 11.1 . 4rw1.n" •AKlKbteenth Chip qua. Line. ,a0,,t0 Pail 1
' tor 51.k1Woroo.\04 ‘ ustkohz. •
.fIiST Turto,rted kind now open a fall luks , rt , I On \ the 2 , ,0th of September. \;,
snout i Frenela and Enwlfah Mil .d White ChlnaGElt i Th, pLry yn %out, (ai m '', „„ a 1,,,, „,„,,,,,,,,n,,i,d ru,d
and White and Colon. rtono China: Coronet, ii".eulta: { arts trinhinina an Ala ennsider,,,l to la a 1 , , rfert ninelel ~f
14,- for anent's-nal*. ralltd al If, 110111{1N - SO.N. i 1 . ,,,,./ ~.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, T . ,,,,, w h„ ~,t , ~, t„,, ,„
IT 1 uamaor :. ~.. ... H. nowlar•a-• - • STCWalit. - I okor.ktid•lhuat and . aat , tl tilidwr Sin • met built ahhuld
/ETNA - 1114 ASS iVORK S. ewe an, r05...,..161Ntrk debt), I. onl y a ijmiteal Duber of
lat`an , l :4,00113 katonoors will 10 , ItOt., n .\•,
WIE. DAVIDSON & CO., for Wriat,or nrow,d, apktr on LooN. ot Piet 1 . 0 A..
:00l deolern in Vials,' 'a VA ' '', "' l'' ~ ''\ . \ • 11( 11 1 1,2 %*‘)4 L / tt E l ' i''•k \ s '
fititles, sanh all kind+ of hr.., and 'Mut tllaaawarr. - -` - --`---.----•---- ' 'U.' ' • "•
t' 4, OW, to-Nu. T.I Starke' a t e, ,, Pittionrdd. Pt.
l'ael?:eular attration paid to ',eclat.* moulda Mt bottle.:
,p -PA lIT N EllS II I P,-. We hove thin day
I at•Nciated all.l, on 11, J 411E4 I.: 1.1.11W13.L. turn
11 ' .11 * . A 'l 3 " l . 4M "'" '"''
th" ,174r.4 . r. ?11 1' '"'
.1031 Ms A .PPECIL
:nun ...... 'Vat. catterra,'
.Valley Forge Plough Works.
AVING commetieeil opeintionti in the
nz 11.ntg. .. laclary an. ton l nli.
urfl %to. lordm.
patt,r.Y. rwo, ...11tch ne Lund .I. n, HANN Pa.
Irnt Doable .. null 1 . 1.va10. .1. e \iron
Inqd,yed Lcyyr Plonaba ales. DIM
: , Id, 14 hat.. and Sault liondrha. tolzYtlo.r th• rovry de.a,rll.Ylon. .anCly
haU or /11.0. nur n.houaa. In. 163 Liberty'
arrrct..l . lttyl3a,l,. opi,-.11.1 CD; Ilay Kesler.
OT FOIL SALE low f.renult or unproved
A Al nn Par All mrpm. FA :It
4.1 M IMMIX IN..loti,lMlnst
, .
et, h.
ATs—isou bus rcoolvi ng and fon sa.e by
/ 0017 nELL a Idaugrr, n'atprara,L,
1 0itINNE . Oil
ItAiX by Alulgne De
. ,:trtl,tmn.l2tell 1.1.1 , jith ve
ions r I It, n+l7l L. F 1 Isft3lll3l.llr6;imag , 4 A , 7 .. 4; 0t
14 1 0 ItEN'r—A good ITouae ou,
X 1.4.,n I:ylEl,4e:dam:l arsnt Ms. .P.autt2lpennonth.
Tllll9. WOOD!, Tri Fourth rt.
FAini Eii.S.;)/AI lint EN AN) TAN
-1 Nl:Rho—For tale,lll acren orLand. In itamtnrorvirohl
enontr , miles
C. hour. ride) from PRlAburall, antl lY
lleom 1111tptde Wet, Station. tho renoarlronio
..tbnot 40 germ nun than...haw. I.l'Jahla
nano rvl.ea Hoar. 'awl Its.. It I. welt rotapred
to the mining offrult, or It wooliintaheati wie:elent Dairy.
°ann. %hater. rim twertut.l.lhertnut ,theark thnlvr)
White i/alr. Pohl. te. It le well worth attention of
TannerP, oath, huh ran he punt to l'lttaturali,.Ly outlier.
rollrowloy carat. The timber ramie 1,1 worth nahre than
the prim ealred.ana rn , Pt thr land would NIA,' carol
eat 'rapture rel.. elenrerl.
The rebate wilt tied the rery lew polo; ot (lt rwr
acre: ur It will he divided to omit I , umhaarrs.,nt to
PI lere..errellna In quallty.
Trrme—Trro.aftha to Land, the lislanen In thrre
ancona payment/. Title Inal•putahle. • Encol, Or rynal
hcJl.t/ ¶looi. IVOOI/0,.0. Wood et.
• Solf-Eleatink and Box Irons:
511 TE -
Subscriber [giving pnrelinsod the et
.theiy. 'right. or J. J.lohnttuts Patent &mend 'J.
n notons Potent Nottlleathnit Nnoco/thlrutlrosut, to now
extentletly iu.gattett In manularturing (hewn*. • In 1.0.•
nreetl,n with the above. he hoopsonnttantly nu bend at
hit wenen.... On r.letnl M.' opposite Auohor
Wrorko. • Itt...ce and cunt mtroartuont of the =lmmo Taney
and patt teems, to which ho
,Tronhl. rotpettfully lurlto the
ettentlota of whzletzle ilee.lered the puhllo In 4onvl.l.
noth.lid • C. KINtiALAOI no D. Alleghenr , nr,
labuque -Tribune,
ra , 4fir, /loner •d* to. My.
one of the enleet. and most widely
J thsolatoqh - osprah,re In low.
rlttsburell IleichantA and Ohm.. wfohlop to xenon- the
iting altnburate •not. the 14,r4 .fil
molt to Pendtbor; sdrettlretneuto to the bUlltAttl CTIt
1 . 11 e.. t a ch htUtited ihttly..lVetkly tact Trl.Weeklr, and
uhlth his alTrady a la.rro tulvettltlng patronage. so will
14 Pew , by reery.nee to It. cola Inns.
Exchange on ttennany : •
,ene perttee.m'ecenuntly c o ntain
o , lelmd Bankere endß tr lV .n , A Mu a.
• :it. h;
.N. WOOD M*T, nrzanirßno.
'MU%neg,'Ner Mak
44,0 y Jersey !father, 14 Fr 1 .40, As tat, Vusitx,
No.'. 60" Artit'Siren. rottajotpAttr,
Adeni 91 , 04 mia.Ctlebritted
ir •
• Id C. I. 1.. ofj.ha &hi ir
I th , ..lxe of LIM ea'
rittsbur,gh nedgt 'Ekrtri Nursery,
rruAT.En Wilki:hs Avenue,
eos.ut Imo quarttr nta fryta th. 0• R , 4 r
LMbi Tri.tnfiogs,
n. aotond
~.. . liiileiNi;;,, , l7ii - 7= 'Plank
Cii; - rtn, Dry Grarft. 1L.4. an asterisk, of Voartb .tr. , r,..A At...t
New, ;Ved . three and* gnarl, mike, from l'lttettiteth. t
010 tend Bnanere . WM. k. JAS. AIM:DUCK. fttaeeteerter. 5
I* , ,arrod L.retatt.n.i, rt...y oder fey tale • wry, loran n.L..teit .t wkn fa ll 1y..,14,., : 0 it,,,,,,g,e,... of ...0..; draerlptint. for Leda,. trees and plants suitable kw tranattlant IF ihlk fan tind
of awn., laid Fellows. and other Fraternities. canning tinting.
;tele Agent, fur Rile's :4,4 rill, tray Ate/Nitta and kewing i The Nursery. now ....veep intJin =JO 6 ,4 / 4 4.1 . I...Und and
Ilaeltine, mill-ante eontalna overkg/Ann tr e ent. tthrola and nlakte. and over
- 11 , ,J11 Trutt trere, awl tiu t utr Ever-tn.:tot anT l rthlk are
Epic's Spool Silk, 1a me dialer reanttral at., ci• and ottoman emends,
FOR SE wpm .I.vp a
'sEtri.vr; mA,IILvEs. Pinta. ttarefohy packed antt . t ...died dfreetkame
to •ny Pascal the {;raked its.
'PHIS welt kotttrn Sib: lege iniroduc,l t o the; Ire arisen to call theattert Jn of U. lavarkor.hiet.
~._. ~, I ,„ . bery and Tendvis 10 tint tngdn to tir unhealed tottlle=
1.. nubile Ni.. 1 .wrz dye, Obo. ml , r” It. IP.• ~—... '''' far the Spring of 1854.euthraeing sriv all the
large enantltiestn all wiser tb.. United Mete,
1, in warrant.' roust at the lent Italian:the stetttls eon.. t a t i 5 f.: t .1, 1 t 1 , 111 1 1 ,1 . 1 .. 11 . 11 E. , i.the , .. ,,,,, b7. 0r....1
tun . omen as the usual pi,. and is ennenntly nut
in bri„,in ,, „ in,
~ , ,, ,,, b ,..,„ . i.,,,,..,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,, , ; st d t motif th . i , naanuila large to wive lonne.lha ektret.
gene.. moderate oauaL From stn ger, eat!, .1 , ;11..
etl rponle
The Silk nestle for re t ina Machin" It do s ale of one fr o: 1 1117 1.1T. ' 1111 . 111 - 11111 k 1 r " 11 1 11 - I ' ,, ..1 . rteletftkl a 141/
met e.. each. km 1.111111,111.11? wee "h" 111 ' 1 ' " " nl ' tlrdere addreeke/ kvs theongla Willi Pod 0111 V rt to nay that neaten.* tr.kla pre,' to At p.p..... ~,,,, ,, , ,„ „r h. Ps:.
„1„ 1
..,,,. . ,
Far rale It the h oly Axents fee the Unlttel Stat.", It• Dlagunttl . elailkett :It le hrat..... at tied t. t
. vt . aL It. -ttousTITA sN k )41 . 4., , : ' .. 21,1 "itt - - - ,
• Al Sorth Th ird ate Phltatlelphl: i -
i )P 1 • Ina!! A IGULI' L LAA. WA_RE\
8.4114,1nte 11011.STMANN. u . itml i tpt . ll , A , t . : N , ;N in..
I 1101 , • AND th./.1,. iiltE,.No. 104 te street,
Ittstetrah tr..—lt. It. SIIA %LAND. (ILe . hand, Ste.
Iren at Cu /llttufneturer an lienler In A tricult nd
Ilorticultura. lantdemente. of a hind, W male diftee
talk i'lehl, Gil • Ilink Hower .7 let Kr..rPoitit. Fre and
Platte Th.,. G . Pundrette, unfFitts, an all
other articles on. tad with awri itare. '• . \
de17:11-dtr5 -
tpit .es, Even gr\ens, dii\
FINER ,11)kwri r\rotlid timsfvespe4, ,
IL fully tall the any then of hls friendla and the
PnitllC ther vr.t . tar. a ,k 01 if ruit Trtata, ever.'
n ''l l ' rt ' le ''''' q . n''
"lb'".";jegal. . '
UM PeI '4.6 D. Z . TV : .; Pia . an! hue .
.tine. •Z 4
4 .
chnice earkttlea. reach. ea r;) , g,thnusandtinen with. am.:
Vitn u ve m. APrfr =
th 51 .. 11 1.,c 7 t i gle r ft ' Irt.C? I'S n1 .
thmeeende. are fine. Peraons w ming lge daantitigeteriti
be literally droll with. \ Call • ,teet 0110 Keck.: We ni-
Inftyt glXtatirfaction. Bt le gate
~rittelnartee r
11r. i, l o t A Itnts;!l , , ,, L n i!..,Ar i v i l i t 0,vm,l 1,..
ftwk (Chin& will ho i,pioru.. '.I'LL, to.
r :, ' .4,4 „ le.
li. Pa—
'.rte neat& tet er ed. •
ntl9itd'erte s • . ' \ ./(jIIN ITl.Letelt. Os. { ,
H. .
LA MI/ alMnd M,lkm mllo And .41.•
11.4.14te.,ic •awl Um IA - Altair... of NW Nolm;
: s Slm
g. and Um ollreim emMy,•t,
L r•Mtlattsallon nN t.. 00 1 ,61 0 6,
m . •
Metal Fnmtlfgmm.M.ellenve ail, dm
ame., It la loved stlrtm•Moi, vllftm• lelvot Lk Furtive ,
Mon wlm may E,or r hinavrth InMlomm, OM, No.
fNlland at.; balm,' LAI:4If and Iftmet am, • .
•.D. T. Morrak SP,. , t'itirlrikk tiitwitrtll.l \'
H. A,W.
I ,N arky. , .
t, -Mitchell k
3,1 .
11keabalMliikry iktlr. , laile,.; itriniA o.., ltkltier.llthnik lii, crtllki ti l'tap,
Altx lskklin i P,G lkilt
I , .lkavaii.. t • knltulirati:atn.
Wm., Dilworth, , Jiihn 11. Mkt tiktii,
N lir, , Wnt. Atialkia,
.h.tin Mitistlitak; ~ • ti.iti I t killt,' '
itirharti link/. . it. It parley. \
N, lg tkriziAt.
.1-h ~ `ntarntio.
... fit, Stilton 4.C.1.
n.1,..ciir1:4;;;;.' '' ' -7 " --- .,.... i m
lITM.' 11." 5.11.11 V, it;:nonllNSlli And FO,
i 7 ta,r..1",... N....' !'.l Walnut rtn L'lnclutuLl.
' \ linrat ncrs.—T.S. Dynan A en. l'lrned*Siltoy, Vat n
tin, Arr. it, Clnelnsntl; Mitenitr •Ocraft, Now IlrinanrA.
thtfhort n, Pittslnitoth; Triplett. Slcrs.len A no. St. Lunt.,
, i'. ,r't,-,;1',..-.1:;,-k,. Triplett
.p be n t n, PlttsUnteth; Triplett: SleFe.u... -
--- C • '. - ' y • e- -,.-. - _ , --;__ ___.:_\_..*_
'.•.. \
fresh ' Arrivaliif Fall ()Dada:,,
fy AN .t. AIIL are ptst•recoiringlticir
01 lee Fall Geode. to erldeti they Invite Ow 'attentlon
0 Tiny etnnory,anllUijputAlieln szeneeal. Ti,, ttot4a
, hay* . ,seleethl with •utat rare, ayul Oil be oral na tear
-artbey 4 be purthrool In the city. Their et , ek rvnalete
to pate, of PAlowitop— • •
lialn black , ka: , 'Ameba S•taeela.lon4lainaen
NlOl “
ttltaid ' • 111 k Th1r...l “ - ••
LutV\ 'at. ..“
t!lt ' 4. rol " I
A loal .. . 2 1.thWor i el , 11 ' 1 1' 1 ' grIft s' s
• " ' telptelll h and '.**•ltrelell • •
•VineC Whereon . 1 EuAroblerfral
Clanton 'loth; liketine and llowietyt
/•arathat aa, ell h.& ge 1:114,,ne: .
With al Oratl.a auk, lon' 1., , P1.V1 , 1 C l. ,',v al .1i CHI.
NoAs, at t very lirkeft prle.i. vitt% n esee4lon, awn,
meat orlin , 4ea , PIAA \ h“. 1.•
call ~ Inn An cat Iluildln .. No. 41 Mar k ..t. fu
• Notice to Shippers.
/pin um 6 , 0 01 Peiht4vlvatita ICitilroati Com
. di a liZi': i lIZ'., 'ern.t r tt l rg:!l .. fr. ,l" :rt•ntl'7 4 'il V,
fl7 " rtna ln Or n 4 n = n tlrAt 131 1 I "n' ‘IIT (an,
''""" '
ettlr 114 n thal4“.F in. , :mi4 ..7 th.v. ,ms. - livz
~,,,„, Plltehurgh to Gintlnnati, 411, 60 and al renbt pet . 100
, Heu,tur Ilir three elsekee, or frolylkt Verlaht la ahipped
thrUsta4t at low rates tekvarhole te dote lu am Went, Ap
o,. tp . 4. A. IV/AIM+. Freight Agent.
• % .ty D. !I. CO V, ga'Ater or Tnlnsportal..
fittal.reh, July 1,4, 1 . 41.-.13 - 14 , L__
Liverpool and Philadelphia Stetcmu),
Comliany. .
i • likttrvi4E.—The CITOFRIIILADEPIITA•:
LI VI sal for Llruipool.
. . s . 'Ar W I 1/Ah
'03,1 ftte
r.L' lgVi t iVeZ ' 7A,Ze . 7=lAtiil t.
LellO atetl lehla. Us, JOIIN MPte4l: Agenb•ieili, k \
ttO Ln.rtial. Ittannyy
• ' - 1 - 7: --
1 - 4 1 AILli \ ,11.* SALE. Of lirreti; . 'situate,
1... on thh VUghlt,thenMl., •1 n Ilea tgleme .14'Kee.
Wreak\ 4 'X lelllll, MI; Pity:. sm. In • licomf,tato e 4 :MU.
vatt.oleptune hotline lag& tertialattet“ etnJoe timber
,aO.l Wel . tueo4: \ A \tempt...ley I,rtet hotkee;:k le rpt• Ouzo.
barn Al etoue‘bapethent,aleo, redtahl. ilot , '!;lalittlaiot.,
A 0440 st,lPurb at ciwittg .buntanni s of , otti.r. fruit
trthe or theien nmilltra. Wien 5504 , e1• aro. • "fermi easy,
t i VAT " po h ir d Panin t', l ,-Hjz51,... r rA,.."' ,
W. 0. told at Lair *tem\ • • A. ClYTlCl3eXt'ar ur. . •*;:.,
i11t . ,- . _ . , _ .• \ Itcal %gal* Alyte.;'llo, 'lea. \ ,
. • ",- • • Tea.\tea. Tea;. 7 77 7 Sc`
1,1/11 are reccivitih trOin: Ne.*. :York: (1
, TT- • P611.d0l phi* 3Sti 11.1,f.VVIE81%TrA.emniniiing
T l"agaliZiVeil 1 c .ari L tf,',.. t 4
MAr4:Andlrlll to ,old i!Atau, 012.4nr .holoyuln or 'Asa\
. .., i w . ~ A. J 4.1'N&1, -,
= r tr x..... - r rot l . ! ,a torr, N. A HIM !treed. L ,
II i WI i;11A iiigr . .g - cle • & ii6017r70 co, es. of.
a gt 711::" 3814 V i.ii.-, l '' ' ' . ' I° "Ib t . .• ...
IF.KVAIX----11k:.[Krefi :Orl..itilr.,oilliCCOm,
. ? modaNnietortui.' ullolltlati Ittat4•Jfin•Y• "gf . ..
yrelviUlf_TltlTlllALLtc.A.4lrrantiA, iNtts .ItosA, ~
- ! ..-..,....L4._:... - - , -t ' '' WiR O l ...,.. , 4.; --
11/INNIMYLV 4lNENll:Piri‘4oTiditiitli
.'n wy4;thiA:WtrAht‘itttairlbr ea. A., R'n.lci:C. 4 , CO - .
• AriEirrS I TL.I'IISRNIEIRING:. OW/3\ ahriyis.
...3vahm.elik ,, .'"'; , :t• . •!::..?r , ,- . .'.p :
• Bay
4 111, propiktureid(ll7
attr ,. . ' ttlVLitc-Ke
ntort )I.niat, the
tYraiaLlai j..nrittr,
Fb Aldnve.
4640.1 A. .
11 . e 1 -1
r satli
11,•uloc . r3bcr\ offer,.
, larnt vP K.
•nd endn,llll. mut, el, Le
RSplwrrioe nnd ~t 7wr I , (rai
Pop. sr. Groeu, I. PK ~~tyttt'{{{iii~\
FF . M.h . 51 1 ;11 " ..S. " i41Z171l(11.
oi)i)En. CUTTnICS --- \ •
I:\ al F.rnd Ut.t..te.drik
dn dr , laXl.s kiress
\ unly:Ter \ \ TA3I.ES WAKIOP.
:ok ‘ , si; , d ftlrit I `
. .
LIVER 0(.Thi..R.1.,,A1NT '
I) Y. gi, EP si\ I\l,
JAAVDICE. -\ \ .
orsEASE OF ?11E A 76 .&4 1 " ,
Aral all DiseiUeo .nrisiiig \ from a Lqsordered
Liver or Stioo o ell,
, \Qupti . AS GONSTI - PAlusix 11). Ant ,
1 ‘ .l,lVnN;V:r3LlPEt d r., " l27,,Xt u r Pi.h.,„k of thy
t l rti.
t h eight in th e Stomach. ;tour hritclatance. alna a
the flcitterlug et the Pit of 'the Stomech. , ,'Seimmtng of the
1 I. 6 .:k'=„veg,-.l=l;f 4 m,t'' ra ;',l , : h":
1 •r,l‘7;,i.iori - eßinleiin, flr.7. o DW,.llletN?TrUK;Shal
. tiDe, I allow at the akin sad Cr... Pahaln the F.Je.
•.rad4, Cha.t Lir!, La, Sad len hashes ef . Heat. 1.12=-
1 Ina ill the , / ~ .h. 170 o afoot Imaatninge a Opt caul Gres{
DYYYt'YhYr ` rh e P a l ic ti ef[ t .' - Tutu . ' '
\ . DI 1100PIViD'S \
,lir.- C. M. Jack s‘o n , `,.
. ' Na. , 120 , Areh Street ,' Philivjelphia. \
neer - vole:or oTer the &a-lee... Ur-ea.. la not afrel'ed. It
avellect, branr cat., pceneration in the Itritt .1 S - atop.
r , lt , h r e ‘i e l t , c d ree eland, in many on, after nklllll ph, Fiala., i
Throe hillerear:: 'worthy lb a ettentinn of 'torethle.—
Poesecireln4 greakr.rtuaL in the raollecatton of 111.164.1 e• or
'the Liver en'lltacer alerale, rocorri.lnit t^e moo t search
In. poaerala weehure and ageotiune ..f the 41ae,t10, trr.
Cane. the, a{4 ..ibai, aete..artalo and Pleeeent. ".
/4±.11D \ IND irk: CONI7SCR/r. ,
J. D. Frlttr4, LarePrul, Pa-. aprll.6. Iksl, ray. .1 can
gat pm 'emu. ma a eertlll , aGs f..r your German
ll ittera
thla virtuity rrn wish them. A Liar Yurcharmg smart
of it Mr ••••ek..r.eyatha it la by rat bra: medicine dm
are, I.n-.. haring It her and Mee daughter murk
gond." A.,
I..tnyor. 13,ntattra, , dars, Somemat Pa.. Ann.
16.185.;rrys 'am tnnal'atWhed to your Gene= Bit-
Ora ba . leß irard ted,iuLtltr4 rtrit, which I runeured,lront
I:urtz; reef at &ma\ rent. sod found m . . 2 Mist
from d!raaaettirA Llrrs \ I haannvat etre.t
on mr!lanira rtr a:then/12a\ and iIIii,4IIVLIC fw
rahldb, as 1 aun a puldi try - sky e.. Vd heM tome."
D. 1/..l,.riewtnn Ifandltnn...... .1.4. 1 , 51, mid: .. 1
barn uarimp.elYba'f ..Inten la. ive Id r G.11110:i111,-
ter, nr Iderr ernurdtrnt arid. etrea ttrrrnilr oh
tore resulting mat th e thou nutr xry. ned
and atillet,-,1 aith ream. yom the osi nr trio latter Mrti
ele. The treemne , lll. rrrr the tnrar 'lllll trnEn tObtfirl
obtalm., any rain,. • I hare al.. Ore Ihn than,
deer...1.5e% alth thete nmet ealtPary result. think
many nr,re nat• \ ,
J. C. Yern./Cia... of Dauphin, Pa , Mar 5 , 185b—
.1 *as .1211.de0l wrt. , tleneral !Tants! Kral:-
urea end hinh I any different
rransties sltivert Irby!. Ist last ormi y ur rinollaani
lirrnian ithtern. 1 trek • few hate* atretvint to• dire ,
M.o. and error rompletely ewe). I ' thrre-tor Men
heanhe rer,ra a* 1 lnom larrn fallta. 1 OA your Ult.
Sera. whirh h aranzt one. roar
• The RP 1.. darerdip - 4,eleven., ataxy, strenathrning
tinge .eennstrati, g. \
Sold by de.r.lrri
retinalli •nd stneel,epere rner,
'...hrrel.,and by F urn., I. A.. Fehireptoet ,
11ryl, 11. Wood at., PirMitsargo: tielimarta.
A.leuheor • Ity. and by dealeradu ton ti4ne canaralk.
rirs! FITS!! ',PITS!!!
(A•ampa . rwrof at! Ntorour and
, am:Walton:a ()1,...e.x.
AilailtSol.i.‘,S %rho are labeling under this di
erot.t st
t.ttslie dud the LEONTABLE EPP
rrterfl.Lmo b. thn ~ n lr rzniedy over &motored for
nn thenerroms rya
m; and. althuutel« tltnr aro prenatal:l 'daily far toe
Iturpoer of enrind Inda th, will hr !armlet emporia' trn-
Witt En an pnr.•1111 olllleted with went *ma or who.*
rioted. opdom hash/en Prnatratod «r eltotteredirom say
awe Stever. In ohninie ondr.lantta or P.a.. ta
Plod .t andl no. tiorrootnera, file, are en
e«edfnoi« Nee•setti. • \
Nil, $3 per or tyro Ikea fa. LS. Parton§ nut 01
g ',. . " : 015 =g 411 f 0a gge * g . ;111l b e0:7Mg1 111 1 1 111/3
POlll eNII AliCla Nu. lot C jialitirWont,' naltinanw.
Mi n from, te, Lion.f rim Unlen rowtt be
For nalo 11W:torgh. hP Vt'Lk3l 'NO BRAS.. an 'OP
Wuo4 et. oe3l-dawlylaT
Carpetn4s, Oil Cloths and Matting'.ltol3lhON 1
STRig.:T.• CIPPVITIe. Tilt 7110.4TRE.
I AYE ti•ta•:-.9n !mud. lend trt,titlielt they ate
ILdau aldnidrp: Late itolaboiewseaortment of lb.
a neve ono:Ian - not tJla lowent tbn trltnp,4 grade. which
wilt he .1.1 at ea,tnril mires. ...3,l.—ltatoL.Alate, %loam"
Vanilla,, Iffikli.Plano and table hovyra, buff 141-
, issa. Ortset goal, nroallf kept In
artwiltocuera tn which e attautlen of porrOrera te
.Ho. 01 MART ST
Ventre. the D trnOod and att. \\
rldW receiting tit) extensive and:Sp len
sit ...well:mentor choke tiIe,, , ISIER ' I/001"nt. to '*halt
ra,netfully the atretuidn of Cu. , Malt
stock mind.. In part of the f
,Vlahiond 1131,1 Ploltnand Jat - nnritC
o , atfe de; : Crape and Thn et Shaw*
l'aehtn:te k Barado doe, \
1 lia .Itl llonntt dalanton Itlhboina, •
dote «f oralc, • Empruldfalee of all klndw \
Nat,' on I Plain 11.muallle..e. Thread. Itaecand ftdolninr,
Iwo,. a I . lnpurc Wolff). nt , res end Witte: •
Pdnur dna Debeia A con:11014 averttoont of
Fin«litch Lnwrea,And Goode:
Kiln ' Finned -donee; Mack alai rnjored Laattna•
Curnmeacraralw foi Ladled' letlttena.
Naval Sthres. \
rfsAlt, PITCH, TURPENTINE, t.Spirits'
11 TOrrernilne and Itoaln, ednetautfr recelelnaront Lb.
South. rind foimle lota to kilt PrJesTit
nel-Pol Aillarres and 73 N. Water
Pioneer Line of Australia PaaketsAm
New York to Melbourne,
, L4REFING errs EWITEP .57A T.Pf /4,
r beautiful and favorite Clipper Barilu,
1t: a 1 NIROIa nlecternah eallp of thin !Ina will ha d baton her rmnd eon s; ,, ew,
'Onto„,, saxt keylb< 11th
& eaten, Soc ,, nd Cabin. Thy
Sintont Pa followed by the eelebret,l Clipper Ship
Windward. Apply on loArtlat okra East 'Omer, or to
In IL Ib. CAMERON. 110 t 1 all atnn.t New York.
, • New Leather store.
G. 'MOWRY, law of the firm of B. Bard,
. tin
lt Arat I.lberst op.walte the-bend or Wood .
street. aaltsals and retail dealer In Lr..1.211/5., ,
and r.4,haft. lust ralurioit Intni the Fist: and In now te
mill. , • larrr %ears/nem or Le:sena, consisting ar—ned
rwather, POlialelphis awl' Saadi WS
Altos ilonasitan,l KIS, of-all deserlstlena landing and
Wang Skin/nand • generals.wartment el Iludinta, Bar.
In, porehsarl nly entire stock fin mob, I on. prepared to
ail lon, no Nish., lorlte. say Mende to call and
assoilw my rtealcheibre purehadsc whwatiara
ciLOVEIt ad: Y.— he subnordter is pre
to filikolsh to Wallies, FltAtill' MILK and
and will,!, thaultlal far the pattonane of hL
Mends and the POW', 1111i.00W6 rill be Dartoyood
wholesome kW, sod every carve will ba tnken to wan, NU .
'imantners. Ordretflaidressell to Wilkins Pest Officasarlas
\Oa No. et thervelderas. nod. ar..d.a W.IninetWIIE•S•
tended to. rterP4l,l • 11. ranal.
\ r CARPETS Olt •CLOTHI3.' i 40..
1 i 11FOLINTOCK \A \ BROS. are' now 5e11„.....s
„.....s Wee.nF.ort thelreolr• WWW of Carp.t.l ow, call . Cloth.
:ew La =74 ' 7 , :t. e 4I:I7eMCIZIIV{:.7 4 I;
.:..v.w.v.11.9, 3 1 . „.i t T,..„1...,rr. i .
---.-- ,M , ....illaiaTili:r . Prrall. !.'"*.!'• .
:...,-. 7 ...: . 441 A .v.,c , : d ., , ,g...,vrauxt , ,, th - t c
:- •• ~I dtd.,t,° . a 311u.0r .0 tivd.. !.` l ° 2 :
-with i tit
I tortama .11' all ItreteWtei.,..r.4l WOW a.l
'' 7 " .Z.llllfif to fIISIIIIItI 5t,......i..8 .i i,,,a.ic.,; u
tols ' ellt do well to call now, at WI , a S VMS S SAC re
..IPWV Writing \ Hensembee the Paw, lio.- ,12 8at.t:,...
;: . . 1 4 b 1 .t n ..\_ _1 . "\:.,__ tl'_
'.” ; .....-! IaIIW.AILT — . &
~L Afoo.u. - 4•T.q, If. - EATtN - 4, ~
A l -14 6 giiiiii, : ,,..:--:-
-2 , N. '• ::GIllerik!,FllN1511ll3 1 .- iN,\ :. ~,,,-:
.ti . pesi Boxes.. tuur4oftwl4,Crtuiiiiigiei
1.t .- - -- - o. , Ftky.:9
4: - %.4fil- ibeity.lit.4\cimier,.#,RiilKA?",!.:,
, 11 - ,
.i. 10... . P 1. 7 Vi1k.g.4014" V
. ._....L , —_ -.,...),,
.:, A Fliko.t. l ourlGo' gs in tt7 , :.;::butp„ ,
Star , 7
, 4 , 1 W. a.k.r . -' , 77,;,... , (;:...: , '
,=5,..,-Ls.,--..• ",,,,,^
. \ . .
w t.&alv
i,,.,•• •,1-4,,
Ni?::fiq , Eite ler
b i)f?1 :
litl.c. :rite A Ink the btgegte 4 I
.' ,., 1 bl the nefilerhigneot,S.Me s e=
We,e ete D. 31VAND
4.4.a'wl,h s hZn‘t‘-ratt,i ) cia..... of '
1:-41.4 I, f., tbe pyrTope. ni matittubm tto
7111",r:'''T t'•''''''."th*
.tra.V.4lAlTasii, NI rtl.l7.uil, tea
rite amlatitmance of the settrannice to it [el f'
[Dale 4. Al firm. D. ` '1
Day .14. 11361.—MYZ"
J .
FIANCE this dnyjgciascd -- ;
. , j b='7•lll toe'gethi fi ate D g.
t% \
~.e7 1 ., .. under ttke lyjr i g /A
le Ith 1
'3O-PAR T ' - nip VOTICE.,=-The - urv..
derldgnBd him e t .ix dont V4aale. pett • etepartymushlpAY::
'BVb e
ea tyannertlele of the nod Retell thy (lade '
uestuAd. under the tu.ts , of UMW A A. 114 *CAW . '
stled‘ond 8 Crdots etteetA. \ ‘ --. A
; \ \
"13:rd_. A. 7.3yfitliAN,'„
_,n, ,
1., \ ... \ r/ AN /A /' Ai 1._—,.. , .; '..!
\k- / . --- 1
' ----
1 -7-1 •
OT 4-- have\ ea itreyoetereet is the A, of Load, Miler &Co. t0.1 . 3it Intio, Anha r !.
rut kAuttro in moats we at the nand. Na. 106
• / o ' 7 YedonUttend the oev to Na vat.
IINOL.,'It CO., Bell arid Bre." Fenn-1
Alas gate. Invite ttlutotlotitrithilrldnek'
harlete, Pendanta and other thaures.—
erlthetewo end gw,tnate brass raatinBa
h, I orylleh !tallow! pumps awl tank at
eAteltion metal command) nu hand.
• Ali
4 7 " • .4:'Plit,Wl2irS • - .
3 AIL F.STA. 1;01 , 7104-No. 87 Front
I,- awt, sadvi3td. A.A., ti wir In fitt4 (214‘4,,
h. o, dd'hamo. • • , 1 Pmertr,PdPs ,, ...-:
IA srle.6l4Da-iiTii: .7 - 77, '77: ,
lIIOS. WII 11Ni\ 00. No. ,41 South 2d
strstt, rik •11.44c1uhl —.4.0a3d1d new' rotidgitment
.. \ ..k.rot ! .-4.l f e and u auct wort:nett; .Lultamty.
, - ' 4 411i2X - ..WitAS.E . R. i ,•, - • ..,
Qi• N pamelatal%; rtast.fer,
. ~.../nmessNli 1 , 43ref . y.-ny Mr.
. 4011(R,NZ .
,TENI4_, , Lits ,
__ltr sas ;
-1).R.E..w., &..I,IIITICVN, 'ICIN3o Incturers
,1 v # . 4 .. op a k ..f .
.. 11...i._119#
~ A .p.3 iyiNDow_ _
riVvw,t. -",--e , " lr---,
'mvvt - Pi VcTtl
!lax ...tnVit:l i noulcia
__ , A.O 1.1 a_N r..._
~,..._._._... . ~
',Notice toinopeto. i . ~;,.-' • •-\ ..
)H1 on n4e;' , API, , .C:Ad r f,rk . g t ttitt-be
~1 at`o.. Vede , ral at1 ,, ,..= ,,, n
\ s , , .Uud ir
,', , .ii'rii,'.- .-,%,°,..elitriA opt—iitorogu
:,IMP u'" -„k• i' . " \ Vreiolaggi-titt.t,ii:
rove —‘. ,eel? ioNkhai AiClis
'Yi-4t . ' \ , arg, \ )IqP, laND:s
" 31 \ \ARA L S. Rilit. -
tl.l inel4. 7 .\ing 4a ~1 or this wi.pleA.\
ot i :-..r0 ....u.eit i o c io , ii# \,. •,•
.L..u. a11141 . ,=,
" gi.eo Ultirt . :7 . 1 ' 21 ' it. ir rk ' d '
7 , r word'ecolOtr`i , peratlOno at ' t a r by yty non .
0; I, ;hehiernt hal I ne,re, lie,. ~, been
Cenn.s,l, at le, %train.. an who here been
in .1 " 77,; `,1%174,17, -Alt Tan..
rh • have ,n it I Inv Urea LoAIL.. suntleAo-
...; • eltli . over.,fe na nese. tortel A eat yeate„ . ...
1.7 ;nu whncerlAL a 1.41 \r a }l i t tle al fr n adeortie
Inal do. it IL e grultv,lly \ erm:l , l 14, re'au at n over alt .
els :le Colon. 1n eapool tent, . \ ;,
I , L ; , i7n, \ ibittfAoll . 7l. .
ft oner intronh
„, rrlte,a, And, ar4ral yen 10 , dat nr
10.1. hunt I ntarferioi,,tr ItlndleCol, % o ndar. %
lo'4,tbeepatelnlol6ll,..p,tible 07 , ,•„, , d: in elven I . li. 1. ,
A ..uthrua,,,Whothurig-Lougt witiv,s• 7\ hi- :..
1 \t/u;•Affeetions et\ tli La O r 'and \ ' '., '...
1 d
, •t :. opeunipti V ''• \ , \ 4L \
It I saner, eery. bener4al. and ‘So ;MI t.11e., whey, .• • 1:
me ;ad in 'll.m, to kerfret. • cup!. Pf , lte t and ro.. \ root
” "'Tow] fl.l,Pe•tr.ll Ito t ]l \ .p ' kIAdIEINU linG\ 9.7\ -.
11> , Tilde : Co.l.,::•to .0..V41 ' ;t. '''' ‘ 3" \ \ N' o t e Dkd \v- • -: \
1 Cougha. Cong4s!! Cang43l4`, , 7\,' \ - \
tn. nELI E P , 1..5 . rlf I: :sr IF
,1...E.5.1.4,11' •\ t.
\ . ~\
C )UGH bANbY DitOf' \ \
PATENTI:O 1747. .
' !,[ESE DROPS wherever, they Laic\ U. \: \ .
1 •cla t i '
1 introduced , base speedily m7yeevened all otha:o7f‘ -..' \
oot.. Lozenges, Wafer,. le.. .r the road of ght.l ...
llos 'levees:oore Thtoet and ell l'ultonnary ConettaaoPon , , - \
Theo Pllperlarity moslata In their oowovorrsvor.moiu.....!. •
nem ofany loturiamadrog In their ranntoeltion. and, ey . . 1 .. t ,
L., oromßt. ee , ann without In tera,rtne with Met or bow. ':' A
hes , or nunlorloa tb • eYstoto mots' en. 0 0tIblo W . ...hi', i'
\.\,- aro the man enLtable for CHILDREN. and r m . bete - ' \
ntl.; Ito CUIILIO nYIiARERP. end SlNtiltnte, they re d, .,
' 4 ' d CaT,?4 ' . '" ey, f l " 7 !:..l b° d a qt ' 'renVa d l:; . . ' \7 1 .. ,1 -: . . 1 \''''''
_ll eholarale ann " re l aaat ' oy d 'LEMING Mltte,..,L‘ (late \ \
hld A C.) i.e. dy Waal et, and tenet Aeon and y: I'
1 1. 40 8R0W,N, would meet respectful:lOn. '
t o r :'..ltio P ol b lV i lit' b e:4".tir,=,Vgin!'imt 1 ,..
ti ';=.''E,''',, r d.l . ;,l l'df,,t'.' . """` - svrantrd . 4 .4tY:: --. \
,;ir.`txta'OnS`,‘ l l'',,,..`,t ?..',.. 4 l7:ll.l`:;tbPd'lll' i -.
stneli , t 0.14 and a - opl o, t a A.Ablnet Eetaldlaldnont 01 • ~! ::;., .
s o ß '''‘ o oT or ., A 4uo 'k.. .t . MirpoCir d W i r:o„ r• tgati ' g r tbit . . 1J -.
In " Ciononne. Amster, lau. 5 Itt street. l'lttaburgh.. -.....a \ '•
trai..ll \ J. A. Ultutai .. . ''`onn e ,y,„
4 Sol!, Dentist, Fewrgi etroat,- 0 --_---,...-,- , •,.. ‘.• '
,t 0.0 'w en 2.larkst. ,it q' brAttsee, ......
at ,L.N., aaaa ; r ,
. II wort , warranted.
A TNA\SUItA,NOR,C . OIyAIiY, Tratt...l{i . \
.1,./ end. On n. Cbe.1 1 1,11.
• :.
+, Thatnea no les
le , ~ • ..,
• =1,ITIL " ;
Joefh Cht,7%. ;
la p h
T 'Ler ; P o ' ;‘l . :\ . - --,-, -_- .-
Ito rt Itnoll. rate. ' . •,
Jo o L. Iturreell. Aida, \ i '. r s ' '
Mil. A.
?loner, 1, 1 ;
04Collelen on Lamed ne 'bore ' .3
hi t e ts tipv, by P.AFV.... ► - l\ - •
TUE lirgiV tier . ..if:Pen* ',..„
.• and Wayne nn lamentable\ \
tartota Cuanosal; V
t'2 l o \''':.
~i,, a .tr -.:• , - ....•=167. Pmiia it;aaf.. -'. ', \re \ ,
- 1 ---, ,b - f - i - N TR'StPERAIsfaVILLE ' , FOR •••\`k :.
Li t.ALF,-.-Froott4 o :OF foet nn Walnatt.. cLu Abe Jo-myth '',,,,\
admidine lot of airs: 51.1 . 201110, mete, nine liana to 7 • ~ 7
~ ,
JOaKP['KnAttarna ea rev,
In aoA'alley. thls labile - ell eftintt,l, 41 tbo titles ltf '..
Tom reranceellle Wog no , ly mettle'd, , a ^oarrantoe.,loael ,- e •\ ,
sill b e ,ekren. Termseeer A r .,:-• ~ . ..•
~,,- •.
Lots fatSal6, , - rain. - - •
gradderli. Cogussarte and liin4i,nin.,an4. Tenon, .
vropa Ttiewinlnnenie tdlgibly situated nir °walling we
bissluFs bm ilian.and will be saki' low nu nsnriertenWr "In
traiwn d for ten wenn. nr lens ns may, eon U.%) w .ArAnt
them. For rnalcularn enquire id 11. D. A.72/1.51 -
sityl743 . Market at.. ll.twern 3,1
.-• ',aima Lead Company of .'iyisagaahl_'.,....l t
_-, , - -..,. ~-
!VIII: . .Goiponiturs of.. this. Cumiany have ~ 4.• , ........ ,
o&e,.: `" B:gi!T it g: ' :,II:6. °"— A:VILI; RAT I c4 -'`‘. .:4 -• ,. ' :.• 3 .------'
n.v..01.1, 0.. ra.t.borrh, .1 , 0, ....phlet• encralllog - • -\C
hertre.Uoolegind dnirefra kagran - be adds/nal ef Panne ' -‘,- .
ealing Information relative to-4er Pea/rail ff.: '
.44r 6 .: . :_,. 4 ~ '.,-.• !
. .
77 km= Uo4oiildills; Pittaburg_L. -.-;,. ' \..
• jrLtiN 13 Dl7 , . C1111:1).4:4... CO:i , hi.lintifitc. -$'
. Pena A St. 1 harry 44 showor.r. • -.,
. 4 Carpet rendre of all wipe, and ahadig • ' F....
: c... 50. rffitft; •'..., -.- ‘.'
- t.
Be4'C' n
. \-..
• •
\ .-.1.: •
.. ' Mullah 1, Ilia and rash a ir •• • " r
... i
.. • 62rOrdelp kr, t the ifirdeinifithro ottoman Winne - • - f,'• • • ;.:. .
;31 Waal snort. aid hareattention: - rad) , La ! •• I , , •-\:
_, _____,..„.,.
.1 Valuable - Property - for. Sale, : ----=
r17,,1iE ROUSE '-eittuitedron - t(ie . N , Ortll4l,iiit ..,..':,.;,';', . .2...4 -
1.11.g. "- li4 h t:t i g " ..tV„:4 tfTP:4"4 l iTeirL f a",rt. :- . .- .-•' ' . - --. 7:'
N.,,..-04.- .-,d.. t„i. has no thareneraternpurri nice. keg. 'a
•l'_c, .
17'4" .':',.' °"-'-' ~ .T.U'gin'..IIIII 4 VIV.ISIY A r....i .t. '' '. -: .-- ;",": v . - .
..4.licipi ix - - 31A?.11J,FACTETERD \ 'IttRAC;7 ' ; i ( 7 ....'..
\ . t:-8 . 4. bores Danfel • k 111ter'a cilia lalara tent ile . 4 " , i ...
..• .!,
!.,. ':
tct.1........,,,,Ji,- . '•- ib;:ii&y.4 1 ,0.,, .:. ...: .., .Li =.- ,: • ..'' •• . •
•.:1 tt.M. 4 : wlameAtgl"'itil . at tri;l.44--',. - ,'-`.. : : •-'•-•:.,:::,
, F. 4oltra's floquet poundn - --. •'' r : \ ?••
\ !It! , i.1".; : kl. een' inante, fts e, .In. Nrarreo'g 10s. \•, -, ...! . !•••.• •
\ The a re never are dhere fine the tnannfactuirn • ! 7 ,
'' 'Piall il b • . \7YITIIISV. - .10.4Vt CO.. AO a ei:a'et....t. , ...-. ... e --• - 1
_<, .1 . - . 77"
Ica-Old Itcestona'ar Illotorleal • Phatihes •of Ideatere •-•-•• ! •-•,- •- - 1
`nectar terlantern, lot earn cninistere, Itaxecilonstharaccuff •! .•,. '-, . ! - .... ,
It find: rrandac\ Or JecaOrf dodth•• 0 • • .• P.lde • - d 4 / 41--",r ; • •,. • • • •- •!:4 .
Just rel'd nra be \MU by , • Jolt! , 0 - DO V IV" , -
, . ad that et straet. near tourth.
~ ae4 end. 0n 1' ,.. .°0L b lil&Vi • !"'.. • ii : , •-- ••• • '!':: C ! ! '
WILE .E. `Eltilit.S. tAAL • CIP.Y . „ : Wiiiiiie . ; , I . " ~.....
11161. at .t. to co* open foi . the mearptlcjanf en t re
!..- • .. .. ~ .
....•,.. •
. cgrfs
tool ...
, : c. ,.. The stt r eelro=e runic
10-ulUode I'4!
ll ;iccellant ' altle ' rl: airetTilfelllo7entrpre---, : . • :1
L. • - - -,‘•..•
iL : illiise•lo ' re t tr . Btl.ll t f Tatcri! Trar ' ! "
• _/ I ...c r _. ` ---- --\\-- ••!! •.,
••,•! ••!.. . ..,:', ....'
l' • :
Pot Selling an Burn - Pataat Rights:.. -
rym4 4dieeriydy. Ilavipg..,3lletsieftErnDut.. , .
!;;,==.7.11 1 % 1 ;:. '' ETtitt ,'nb ft.lrelr..74tinrg..: - . :: -..:- ' .. - .. v ., .
Rate. ke... na Well ea en °trete elm relettna pure-bate ".•- .7: . , r - !..1
ancneights. thaten acnict, tranraotthat 0000 of tont...
~.,.... . --.., •:. , •.
e ear
nikle...l herd. detalLtannif.ol\7l4o. bi11,.. -5 .:2 ,
tice wcil Me &NWT, to 1110:%17stafthiai rh may de- ! „..•,.:•„.
.• . -: . ,!...-,,..
f i Vstrjgg=rlllo.l , oro . 4416 t0 . mi4414 444 . 45k.' - ' 7 - - : - 0 , ; , e , "..-.-- •., ....i. ::,
b.„„,,,,,i,,,. he e..,04.i. - etre-.0..e Me 3./1 .io.
thr folleraing tootinunclai of a• fen f tharttlicats of \ to ' t , ! ',,.:•• -- ''...-,,,....
blond, a. • -, - \ - )1‘.7.466 r Efff l•f. _
.. - .... :••,- .!!!'• '.
114 nteeitage ha s te • tonw 14.4. pei444 with Xr...
11...Fiv 0 . Ihnota and baron, tataltaldho'n frif•nnaendlrel -.:.-::' - '. , • :
~!, "ll
him [v 11..0000.7 end( tplretprof bla s eeria, &an FeII,
.- , ,•:, ~..4
Orman of undoschted Intogritr and indefatiarttelnd . 7 . \.:....•-
!la wires ex.redenci every_ rettanne - ncaLle. pile 11• - .'.( I , -.: •.. - .. , . - ::: . :,:...,..4.1 -
• ' A v- ti• I
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