The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, November 13, 1854, Image 1

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i. at. PIVPUNGILL . COM .igi ailGr-WY
12/ Pamir wan .15s , cox--
P. & Co. mi. Lipml4 MIA=
Lratio& mia. oomooroasi For--
The iblkartar tkt of rear aro salmi& bit
"aaa mattrr• la thy +Or at haw Yark.
. _
, • , koDiumiasi, =wig, k-.
• ,
p. RUN' 0, WEISSEMORN & CO., (late ,C.
Impart= end ITholaislat la Garatatq
Maetruttaltaxt'biciatca; List:um:to 11211 i StIV. NO.
ciI.FRED .MUNR6T - 4- ixtudnire
Eda t : o r n =23=dnakt. 431 Itrad*lS. So
OWEN, MoN&M.EE & CCF:imOrtgrg of
doterlasi sad Maud fisset6dods,ll.ladd
—NET & 00..Izreporters of French
d ot,Eusoyeg*Goiris. No. 40 Mood stroxl-
IPSTEIN CIIONIEr - 100 Liberty et. and
.4 4 105
I.4,!darns. &Its. ie. I • :424=r
ADZES OWEN, - 15 Broad St., Importer of
Orelerit=mla"9l.62. sad Prlngee4Slik Cra.ts
Mitts and 51.10 Gonda guomtly. .
11 LIENNEQUIN) & CO, Imparters et
. _nrscu 00008. 81:0017. Dr
ati Ea. ILIESGS3, lc-a) Bread el . AlZt
ROBINSON ‘IL - CO., No. 187 Broathioy:
Liportero and Jobber of ikoo Goode. Billhook
k,a. itmbtoLlestoo. Mal. Gloms, Olossrlo. Small Warm
81411.1EPNR AAARAUS, 1m Wolk Clothe. Sat;
ALOMAN KOIII, , ISTAMM, lipporter of
Eilks,RhaTtr ar. . Low. maul Embroiderlosinui 2.llcatzt
l kAda Urma
DETER D. IfULL'iiimporter of French
11. German ael Swim Dl7 40.411.11.14 Te•Wt , Wri
.lol-114 9lumls.Wcolan.l4. A .713, 1 i street... Nay Tort.
irerl3•ly • -
Iam,KOJLISAAT - ',BROS, 4C, Jo John street:. Im
porter of Ladies DR= TILEIMINGS. Dana. Wool
Tare/s. nations. 8475. Lam. to. I+l3-6=
'FEKER 314 MM Hanufneturen
kilmraZ•Vir 4
" '".la. 24 PgMrii
"LATCH & YALE: Importers andJobben,
astir and I ANCI"DBYGOOMS...raT—F.I,
::• : •
',anent of Gentlennesd Punabblng rioods, and
tam" of Mast, Slarta,l9n. te::::_Warten Meet.
STRAIILEIM 69 Broadway.
and • )111/I.r: Goods. t!E7
'RA MEN, No. 92 and 94 Tabertg stmet—l9 wren
iett:r.rtru B =l4. 19=tr E ekcri d4gisohlerL'eng,-
A CEEIZAI.ti 1182dEDY.
LSE the Merieur hlnstan' g Liniment in
SChermatisce.Brolsca, Burns, £1.1.A. cute. Pth.
em. cm ddetual erne kw- all arterast coax iof
groprietor,oo4llmretwa .N.T. - - )122.
GITRISTBYNo.. 349 Brodway, the oldest
11.• sad - aaaitsoctadinr eetabllglachent,hi the tratted
- - . . •
- Designer and Engraver ass
ErstreSsilia ' 3 6 1112. GaAs sa
ggr," - 'TV P' 4 ' "°""-'
jbA NGELMATS'Itir tr. CO.; 9$ Wijlittm street,
Yawl' Goad— ajra*tasts, WU. : 0111X17.
o only ..aret'"
swatine T.., Y. roar own lomollt ean •
111=C11 d*T. GY I M3I.I—N YLNCT t
- • • •
gr 'TAMES ZINN & CO 4 slllllaid
Tonoortars of Frown d Girt9l - 11. rialer •
Ind Basket.. mai easnodaranntro
r ef al. and a• • •
- . (124T121 A-ND TJENDEB3: N,
H. JACKSON, (formerly W. & .
IV.limmek lkomi onesa`l*. Mika, UI
Brosd•Masts dear altcroll n th atvat. &r.
. .
B. & W.W..IEORIULL, 1311.uad 143
Costes P sad Ormamptal Ixaa Wart&
Erni EROESLER, N 0.14 Maiden
• ismartm , 1.310 namanatat. , at Ilus
Etats,l3traar Goada, &a. • wily
'Etcrr alp. smsAcse. t....
.. , ..... , .
AVID dULTl&B.(lnrenor an Pa t e ntee)
a 2 .. rimat..-akaaffictaa-rr a l desks, •radan4
— nrtlegutsza arms.
munt Rlvlssalt
• tntkoktraar's t la 4 P. "BO K 9ttom:
Whimeinthins,ll.ols.. 106-iy•
WRY DAVENPORT: - 86.Jobit street,
litszadoettaor. sad ta. elwry_ancdptiou o
owes Morel Hanoi Mobs. Itasar Bablar Goals
I _
02 I iIA tIIB: • t. 4 o.•
A. inst. all k. •• of Rub :,
~. . e10tb..1 5 .1 ,-
... .
Lam= mums b , taxa mucus PAS.22ITJ •
-Drarte ELBSZI SHIRTS, Hough's
141133, 31 Itarelcr 313xt mann.. t
tor R.. Taft, twaxerseturar of the slim
did sal dmortraat %Aldo. .316-71ar
.utaftwitas• AND MACIINE Toout.
I 7 oourtlabd steed., Itathanarl sad 311eIII. Walt
if I AROILL & 47 Maiden :Lana; Gratin,
ZoZZ - Acessedwisa , Etnas Lattivainsta, IRA
1 1
Sadeo. Lap, Isaportars of VlO/12110301 1 =1k
0z.% Stamp, Una LeatraMmata. At-. nblitat
-- - -
; -
rusuateD 'Tv elm JAPANILD WAILS -
. .
filtoßaz troparrrs; No. 158 iraztui
W Sailtart. illsolanly alasiselsetarar arid Irwmt
ar Ty. sad WWI
Demo`C: Sink Classy Water.CoWests.
- La Capper,Zart sad wls. ge... bat Woo aarattled tlas
... Prat Pusahros at tha !kw Tart Crystal Pallas - ICY -Y
. ...
• - • ----
GYI.r.t.WSII Cliff strcet,
Wholesale D.ues
thrscuts YAMS, and reel
rrth66ana. , -/ , gaga va2Mq *IMAM. sk. D.A..
ii=kanwrantart, lismcW!r".
Aer...n'John et, No, Tart,Polsw tactort•
, . .
Abothito L ies.Liseri nd. Orme Bar. 8 1 1 1M.1t.
C 6. lismabet=n,r,ll2 Axel $
AFELRON .650%, 54 Maiden
tra farre. , 36%! Mats street, Isoscptalr.
ii:s2l:lnrlCirLoosp an. cacm — i — TOPEL.
jILtER ATM .ac" 10151.4 No. 279
.0 MU* Chtenr7
_ WINPOW 13.14123. 4143TP,
IL T DO." iiirporters *or
•5....14,4)." AC' elan,hci,ll47l•NALT
rtIOPEDIS izI3ROTILEBS,Importets of
•-roo - fa - airs:wow Glow So. 61,L.nau street.Ser
~ . T aw:Lows
r ,:.
; ~,, t4,.....•:-.l..ife.."—.eirsa -dari. k. "!'.7 l :- .''
-'---. .' -ci.t.g.Apktidapt..aso ircooLy_
....,.. - ; r--- - .:_•___ . - • 1 1- - eisfairt. •
TORpr.l A Lt. tf, Neso4gotiatootha rca
Bognor totes:Boot )I,sigazds,
.I . h(
t o.=4l.itset. 1 . 1 .,0 :1 o.....csastaki To.
Now Yoe,. Alsoops Post s linos Boston, St.
&ads ass/ T VretalVartelegt:rd luit2
tbc. of ottrad • Cam marl Qom-
N. Rotolo br timasm, tb.
a.r. Ma& toll by Ms Wow Srark-gabbet Co., CI • SLAM=
21. T-s• pen. • - tottiltar
ereatlUcitemeitz in ties , = Tack .
Hortect WATERS, the great 'Ando tad
PL.° Torte Dauber, Vgl brooltray, Nan Yak.
tomp¢ to oho. came ~anent. with bi• nuttlatnere tett r
or a.. VoY It O.' tbe &Awn" 134/1-81nemt. nix
atatbal• Wont um =able bin Totten Our present tient
nommoffmna launaton wenn aunt at elegant and VW
ISIIM Plana safil..lialonotrut at • Wig. alle•atit nom
jw..7priner,lneozsb Efts amnortarat brbam Maws
emu Ibs etas tarmott and man mint ratmit Brims. Mare
.magontogitoa ttemeofornmal of the best lige Yam% 51fr
karia bantnting tam btaotlfhl andosash Meted Ha.. unt
o r
\ • Ittattar Meal fenny Pin Mt foam, mad Mond.
tba bmmt Denton. IMeritaten, :taw lltatatnt Bean %mato;
Ludt.. onbattualty ...Walter tot sa la bad elan
whom Ea* tostrannott trartentmd. Smormd band Hat.
gnat baroatol—Yllent tram Mn to 'SIM - Rada and
u.k.l inmfgametlamar AIL kinds. Deatent Tesebtren and
newly ntantgols Walton 0.0 [be test texas. lbw& rent
ehrrtnell=a{d,ra }EA &lest Catalogues or .
aleand Ida ar ration wino efilannetlaloclmoos sad
mannlmal laatManta fannratl to any ,mtbleyam; teas of
FAsTcOl;'D CALICOES--JuatrecW 2ooo
par:fiattaa tvecs.tll of vlll be sold K b
eee meow seize
VIMESZ-406 bat. ra prime W.ll. .irsolass. Cheese
c; arnAs acet
V16014W-10 0 1-bblE, tars family_lriour_jist
jr,v suit soilifersg• es MAXIMA k Myatt.
- .
•''',....-_,,,.- •, ,
_ . .. ,
. D ,
~ \ •
trzuriLvi, ots. rt a. r °. .tree
Attani- a "B-Ir
war. a.m.... Grua tram; e.e..® racrih and
=Dad kdin, .30.17T
°BERT E. PHILLIPS, Attoriey atLaw,
OBERT POLLOCK„ - Altarney at Law--
Como of TM and Grant rtzenkoPPodt•
Ito& Putabarst.
AXES J. KUHN...Attorney at Law, office
ro.can rwea, near Ono* Plttabsrir.h. lelf 117
FRA\CIS C. PLANEGIIII, Attorney at Law,
.5.:170.r0m5h irtnet, etttsbuzgh.
..ASPER E. BRADY, Attorm4y at , Law,
No. S 9 Flftd Artet,Pituturiat,
LERNAIi 4. CO' Banker's and Exchange
Wok., N 0.93 Wood strmatotimerof Mamma. AllaT,
tullmagh. ra. • • -
CT Say suadaell llankorr Note sNaar sad:Cola .Dlacount nos
Ba.b..Ze. Yromla, tas Collectkma In ail
tbe arinelpel citlas 09 U. Unlan: aliped.6 k.
Depoalta ms
sad on tatinagt, and 0.. their Mown att9taloa Mb
. matt.. awns:l39ns to • Broker's bualami.
13.tebastro 000staa LIT for sale. .
tun saaata.—mraaa aerna-.—ataarsor Sam..
ItADIEE ft K.&UM, Bankers and Ex
. changer Brat:era Buy and nell dal and Silver and
Notes, tarnish. loans w Real Wale or ?trek gnu
-11,,TV:t7V,-'lntlll= r.de2 .l- 1211'.
dans made rni all points to the Oakes. Moe earner of
Third and Waal greet 4 directly oapaalta tilt dl. Charles
Dotal myl•ly
- •
iIf t ZNG, Cain, Smelt and Exchange
'Broker, rolatts ntreetituyi and solts #l23ela on
• Szehange v. Eastern ettlea =Willed r.r
rens rater lectlaas made theßlst sala , ndel; Weir
tern Bank Notes Boa and
111.7.1.--111. IL WAS.
.LIALMER, ITANNA & Co. &too-more to
tiroosy, lianas CO.. Pordters,Eseluoore llecksro ant
era In Takeign And ThonsarLin Ercharqrs. Cortirlsotoo of
Pierolte Thodr-Aotso. and Spode—N. SC antler of Woof sot
ralrd storm Current Motor readoed a Now a. Bight
Gook. for eole. srol collections fade on nearly al wind.
pal points of the Gated Slate.
Iles Melee." rresabsta paid Ai Forel= Rod Alnsokool
Advance. made cue conalgoronts of Yroduce..AinCed
ems. on liteooltorma •
li. WII . LIAMS ' k Co.. Bankorn and
W I Mashrr• Makers, North Ere. mom or Wood and
ti=2. ratn tam .. and . m _ n.
17..PtIrvttanded to. • ja9-1:
AWILKINS k CO., Exchange Brokers,
40. T 6 zpertn strwt. ,, PPaa+ W. na,k of M
.111 trumettom nt met 111rN rath. ITN
,LLARIII:ER, Jr:. Banker and Bro
ker. 4th meet, No. 66, adJoialsilaz Lb. Bank of
VHOLMES & EON; Dealers in Foreign
lkongstle Was et E 1... Certify tee of Tir
Notes andd de,Nre 09 Market street s PUte
beard, ajd-Oelteetions mods en as the Dtt dealed
Aronnbont the Unttedyet.
p :OD) pli Pt 14:11•Tol
L. READ„Bookaeller anti Stationer, No.
a If fourth Meet, Aralo Solldhur.
GIN S. DAVISON, Booksoller.and Sto
tt:aim =wow& to iihnirm t Agog*. No. f Market
- mos Fourth. Pittdronch. P.
ENRY S. BOSWORTU. Bookseller mad
Della Statlonerr,kr-,
N. es 51sitst stzest, near
taxacsld. nti4l.lll,ta Pa.
'2 • 'II. too era an. tationera,
No. •
ES Wooe gkeeet, egret doer to the earner alhtie.
J. W. BUTLER dc__Cl i Cl.
WANTS 114 Dealers In all Muds ef Fittokoria ,34 . -
Flisost. Ilttsb=rgh- lead Pips tadEheet Leadsurrlr . No. That
1 • WE a sirrroa.
Wiwkarat Glyeer, kiporter and Dealer in
OREIGN WINES, Brandies anitOld
tsm,Mtb.•• arma
A. IFBAITE, Commission and For
warding Merchants, dealers Wool and Priximcs
• sise., Pittsburgh hisurChuitursa No. 114.mond
Pi ci
ttsburgh. spalfs3.
0 , I ROBIGGI;1' Y - 6:57, - Viliolesale Grocers
% ., Ziver
t r . .eig=v 4. ooromboboa
errarratsussakeisi—':---...--.....musses mums
sem to S. Itartenal.) Comoinwarn and Forwarding
erchantg healers In Wool arrd Frodom gooaraliTy No.
1111 Viral aralla Sound atreeda.Plttebars . l . s. Maar
&W. REA. Emir Factors, Commission
As=2:=" 3 'pw F.v mty
'Nix 74 Water .4.90 "twat PlttsbareL.
a- a. aaaar.-,C...—
A.RDY, JONES tr. CO., Succesnon; to
ATWOOD. J O N CO. Oamminkam and Yonrarth
IVE RIIO don tR &
11. d. mvf~nm.nb of thrg l oMeraly. .1.177
ions varr:—
01IN A,TT & CO., Wholesfile Grocers,
Cammlasfort Iterehcata and Deslen 113 Produo and
ttabargh iawaScrarte. Ito. Tai Lituir Pitt...Yon:lk
B. CANFIELD, late of Warren, Ohio,
• Game Wad
Dante,. be IV= Kamm ' 44{= 2 lte. 7 1 14 1 seat
Pearl AA!, sad Western P/1:410/ y. Water street,
between! &antedate! aid Wood. Plttaborsh.
_S_Le.• ertaiiiaig•ialtti• a Co. )
r.S LITTLE /c CO., Wholesale Grocers,
eitu&crsh . " Ata' sito
c ?=!ii=""sarlig:
_ •
_ .
y sae Clolx Merchants, %ad Deskne
rittAncnak ma u-=, =sr.:. irtemot, Pitt.
111031 A S PALMER, Importer MM. Dealer
In freur-b sad Mask= Wag Papa, No. L 5 11.10.
bataaera loath Mar 4 Pittab=b
McCLINTOCK, Importo and:nolo
allt: i v a -c -n.
Na,11.2 Markel scram
---- its* no
P . A tb. Z a "Wh d : l le: r ale . and
VAN GORDEIt, Dealer in Trim
• Inin,ilikni_
.xad Glotae. Law Gads. Matta:lmlay
• <kat'. Vartaaning 64,9 ar4 Taney arttelm tall
go tof always tin bad at tta iarner
Ilarkst anat. aad ttunDlazatad, Plitatrter96 Pa. spll.4y
•. Wade • TIINOTILOMI-.C. L arentert & to, tom
a. A
A. MASON k CO:, Wholesale and Retail
Daal , rs to Tatty .4 Staple Dry Grsia. 9 WM
' •
;BgPHY ateIIYMW, Wholesale
tuub=42. •
s q r /Lets WOOL reesr. Prate= and Protisians. mo
Valb Water sizerstatalsdelphlses -
HARBAUGH .41300117.13,
kOt7 VA?
?thor norn-----wa.uxx
0-011NTLOYD, a. 00., Wholesale Grocers
satleomminkm 51.erthutts,:lo.1.73 Wood awl . Z.M
vexed.. Pittsburgh. • - j. 16
ROBERT MOORE, Wbalwale Grocer,. Roo
tlfylng Mitlller,Daler In Produce. rittanteh su.
and sr. kW." ot/m.lan =a Domenic
atarY Wines amt
3 . 4 .I.4l=sit= pa 1.24
seat...dahem and Dokra lo Produce and
Isbell:mod OtlcyPitels wad Oak Om,
oat hand at their Warebouse. Lu Water street. Pittstra=.
ISAIAH DICKEY & CO., Wholesale Ora ,
naor d.V...calur"46. rittgallit
11•41,41.--...—...11.11. v. Waru—Z—.......sszt.e., nat.
kriLLS • it ROE, Wholesale Grocers and
roosir.nestr sesstynre
111 tAGALEY Gio
KUM°. GrOCer =a
'•V V Tea I).kr, war of %K.& abst Sixth steeds, Us
abrais cm baud slang upstment of dam amain sad
no•Tess—Wando Trona out Sat.:SW.O, !aSt SEA&
:That= ..I,o•4tEmsa
KOBERT D.LIZXLL. & CO., Wholesale
70M211. OxamalWa thadisati, Daunt.
.11Iasna,,a9r.• . 853 Ilberty stmt.
)LESS, .successore
V L /..1.9-.WWWFbiaanle aroneatOrninardlaiinnil
ilendiania. Coates in Ints..tadlit Wm" Cot
er= k l Plttolmigh Stanallatane V? 1'
-CtiIatERTSON, Wholesale Om_
a ci3r
Oornsolotrai "tt.
liunrCsetureit Article', 194 •.^...^7,1!"?
nata.. -
mintaa& FLOYD. Panleanle OrocerskiNon
literebaWs4 Pam in ProdUltiAmd
Ikatinas.Ematissi ea Iport7,, Wood. ~s~'
amt.& Prilsbrid.
11...1.M.. a. coliklusa
vz. VECIDIMA------ 7 rat 7 11.allti IllAg
s aoff.
- • aga• figo NA T Masied at...L.Pid1e.114,4•1
Dam trcolotsts... 111/11•111 °Ono
likArk t:SS. MEAN:B A CO.. (games,
IF vas to Wic fut=
/ 200 =1M,.TA•764 Lur
Paubalb. ft. • •
•••• ......
%.,m the sae awl rumbas. of Rd Estate, Weak= a
Nazotlatlng Laaris,sßonds. limtg.firtlio
1401131,d we- Pitta.dritb. F.- • .3-17
Michigan General Commission and &Mee
hot Agency Office,
FOOT the collection or Home and 'Foreign
IDattatilo and aII other Monett donut. In Illebßato
tad alai:ant State, ItMeototont and Portant of Hontso,
Papotomt of Taxes. Purr_bam sad Stan of icon Estate volt
Stocks sod Instresons Arta.
PELTIER t ANDERSON. Detro , t. Niktatato.
.12,Pdatectin Newt Rttotor Rohm, ak.
end lattto t Co, Cattalo Moe: Lamm. Etotart CCo,
in—Too ofto at Midair= Dd..
Inrtaartat Wstaltlatd
teen appOintt.—
elneWs Agr-1.1 foe - PlttehozalL far the sale ofPatent
send flentend and Stretched Leather Belting, mu
tactured br P. JEW ELL k SON, of Ifactlhrd. Connecticut,
we ...offer for sale • Large inserts:tent of allwid th ;
thithafactared.. at the manufacturer's mice% hie artade
being thpthlar to thy Leather Bettina ever before offered
to this ...Act. Also. a leave stock of width. of India
Rubber &Atlas constantly an hand, and for de at th e
Xnear. rwittnit nspnt."-No.llo Market stmt.
Stook, klerebandlett and Bill Broker, orltes So. 4 2
Mr...le above Rood. nutcase promptlyattended
to. . lytdlY
A-3111 EL L. 11ARSHELL, Secretiry Citi
mne• Inv:lnm O.P.T. w WaA.
- -
F Di. - GORDON, Secretary Western !nen
ram , Cm. 92 Watase stmt.
TARDINERCOFFIN, Agent forFrunklin
, rb sa 7 o ao .1 Company. matikasat corner: Wand
A: 'RADEDLL Agent for Delaware Mu
._ • = al Ittessmos Comyanr, 42. iSetsr street
A: lIIITCUISOX . CO.. Commission
I . lareints and r He atd Bar Load, ata Or the at. Louis SturaFTLatiln.
.3&13n. Patnt, fal
OHN H. ...M.SLLOR. Dealer in Piano Fortes,
10 Musk .nd Make Instrumento, &boo/ Boob.,sod
Nu:loony. SO* ogtat Chleterinirm Plord Yorld. fat
Wastoro reraorttnoda—No. 81 Wood doeet.
EI[ENRY KLEBER, Dealer in Music, Mu
sical Inatramanta, and Inn..ramr of ItalLan Stains , .
' nteglr "V =
)9=V. rs:o a Vo u = r a
Al-OHN HAFT, Jr, (guccessor tr, Jos. M'Ortf
tor.) Wholesale sod hetall.hruggist .rd Nahr lu
rito, Dis. Drentuffw tc, ill Wood strset, 3 doors bolo.
Adler. Pittsburgh. ifirßeghish: Agent In Dr.
Fords dieins.' rob3o .
entoor.. -town m i nima
LWILCOX Druggists and Apoth
• comer Ilarket street and theDizmoviliketip
moetantle ine bawl• full sod complete amortiment of
Pbelletto• penemiptliena eareflellemcoposmilett.
4011. N . P. SCOTT, Wholesale Dealer in
DrlePei Paled. (Vile. Canitstre• sad 0111 RPM. N. S 6
bent) street. Pittabureb-
All orders will reed.
Aeiellt fur Loudou.t Co • est.:table fiLlanf meollelsteu
.. .
AA. FATINESTOCK it. CO. Wholesale
Drnow . dirts. and manufartnroon of thlta lawd.Rad
and 1i...... tt.tar WWI and Front Amex Pitts
burgh_ ..... a mar
E. , SELLERS, Wholesale _
Defiler in
. bra. Cent.. Dra Sten, Ma Vandal:its. &e. to._,
sWood street. Ilttibargla Good. warranted. Primo
DRATIN & REITER. Wholeertle & Retail
Dasmiete. snifter of Liberty and FL Clair streets
SCROONMANER & CO., Wholesale
J • Mei:Me:W. So
U. Wood street. lintbdinegn• •
TOSEPII FLEMING, Suceeasor L.Wileax
epJ/ Ilt C 0... eerner Marken etreed linamond-6 , epe mole
Waal,' on hand sand complete arnartment DMUS.
Iledlidnee, Medicine 'Ganda, Palm:nem and all articles
peetainlng • ea et, en
b - 1a9:17
LEE, successor to MURPHY & • LEE,
I . wont Woolf Cookeniftadon M.retwat Tea the
of &mode. Goods No 13f Libor.' street
R. JAMES KlNG: . office and Redidence,
N.. 112 Nth stieet. eppoolte the Cathedral. PM&
Iv M. VARIAN. M. D.. Office Gth street,
• • bstos. Smithfield. (bice hours-S to E., 1. 2 tx ,
P.Y.4 7 lo S. P. c0r215 lyd
C RESTER, Merchant Tailor and Clo-
L ato r ..k w nx i i;'4 Locrt e Ltrg . . Particulax tent . ra
WLLLIA DIGBY. Merchant Tailar, Dna
jAITT per .a 1.1 . a. dm Mottling. 11l
• -
WATTS 1E CO- Merchant Tailora, ISI
e rru zL
u.e•r . lark. sad liu•d uu•IOT.
Olaf:leap and eurdzuer• pleam. Ore ur • nil. [rub)
W. WOODWELL, Wholesale and Retail
. it.aantanie ind lieni.r C.c.s War. N. u 3
nil Area.
101 IN WETIIERELI4 Manufacturer of
eLf .PATENT SOX VICYS, • superior artleSs. SOLID 110 X
and SOUSED BOY. 'll(Ste. earner of Andersen and re.b.
lemon stxr•da. esters flosu the Hand etrest Maas, Al.
lealseny City. ocarteen
Ar TI V et E.—Materials coarkedarerge . Zrta Aye
.o.2t r
No. MISS Peen street. ate. ..Z.11.1
Bolifer Fire Brick and C Crucible Clay Man' ompnny.
their ingeifity for teeemfaetztrinw aro tioei prepared
to meet the leorroarel demand fur
BWIn'S Prrt"heiMdti,
/ Croe Th e aie - Mae u
Pittsborgb Helteml , 1853 so
Bobs and Shoes!!
iIAVES ROBB, No. 89 Market street, 3d
doer Qom the Minket Bowen would haftersi the pun
that I. has new ..17 fall reek of etwil thin On oh.
Root .1 Sbouternis =eh as Ladle.' natter*, half tialtena
Jesus Llud Paden* Lady Pettillirr and an tho styled.
&rued on the Eastern ening also. Mince and Cblittrene
Gintetsasid Panay Boot% and Oboes, In all their varletiee
alsejissitlemens' tee Opera Patent Calf Boot& French
Oalt Pmts. Commie Gaiters and Wee also, Boy.' and
Youths` Bout; fay french Calf.
Plawee gisewto a tall as we wish to sea rich amide
Ur all who favor ne with then anstrnn 10 wO. etre sane.",
UO. nenurtobee the plane, 69 Manua street. tniftt
1.11 4- C - ORD St CO.
Pittabargb, Pa.
Shoo- ester radio.% gran' quality wiArtyleof llata
sad Oapi,Autiriiituariourri =I Fur llutinetr.
Coach and Carriage Factory.
JOB:LISTON, BROTEDat & CO., cornet of
Telma. and Rebore etrcete. Micah.r ail, would
respectfully Inform their irk [AA, and the public mena !
that they ere ma...fa - tains tartan% Item
aware. Inaba htentut and .Charteee. In al cute
"'Pr Deed
let =too otth orAtt tt;oortt to c.c..
Witty and beauty of enlelt. heal. will aro to attended
to an the n.l resernahle Una. Venn In all their work
the beet Late. OWL. Poke and! Wheel Stuff. they feel
Maiden. that as who ferat tank with their Pett.une
will be perfoctly aallebat on Uhl of their work. =
Purchaen mall:quested to eve them a 0.11 before na
New Coach Faetery-Alleghe.ny.
Vpso, I. walls 4 co. : wouta ye
" spectfally Infirm thejitiblio that they tan
y oe truck, betweim eleral and bandosbel
Ousts. They are now making end are Pn't , .. 4,1 3...mi , *
order. Ow seer/Areal teg=rehleles, lkeehre, Clurriote.
U. U., which, from their
lee n iracenlVA.nmanufacture a above work, and.
• tho Mee they two, they feel confident they are mat&
WO. de work no `the wort num:dada terms with these
wanting articles In theft
• .Payinty rarttcular ettentton to the salrethin of mutable;
and hying. num but eatuyetent workmen, they lbws no
Iseeitatioto warranting their week. We therefore ask
the allerntlan thitypublle to thta matter.
... B.—Repairintdeue to the beet mater, and an the .
I most reuenahle tonna . • • and s
ttnil. roomxr.l. I
- St.
Tl 4 -11 0. ggei
AUK and Depot Raßrowl Scales,
attlo bad Crate do; Platiftto-sod Co mesas: Deb
Ine.o of oil oho& ffmial, krop ond Thumb tateboo. Cates
tn, W vo.riono kindA Mot 1
Imo 4111.4 avowed pottorog
. . ,
W. W. wane= . , • ,
..,. --STEA-1111;ARBLE WORKS.;
1111. SA Ind MCI Latent saran. ursnai• .Dott/tAdd Owl.
,V4oxurgEN-rs, Tombs, Grave . 'Stones,
vii. Faogstra Tn.. Mwdols. Inspottnn Strand. kn. SA
nn. J...n..4",
.ntuk...,:nn.rdbmsoadoh.torrirwonto4;.isnscutninty. at % e t
dam tor Itoontoontn. 1e_43:1 hunt 8t..% and Ttnt. War
U. toruletted to tn. Trod. at the lonolt Fko. AD =now
Altai with &catch at SW 7ib.:l' W•tn ' ~
it6nt W. W.
Timir - Cioadituad Fashions for Gentler:nu' .
Clothing for Spring 0f.1851.-.
•L, WATTS -& CO:begTeve rasp: . ethillz
s 'egjtrat, i tty= s a Zd'ltr: Its • to il * ,
ot Goods adopted to thee' peeoutro-t n'tbe but dot
ten amoebae toneand that they are randy to malt* W
anes tor r Won them up in shalt noun' toW , th qt.!.
The eatiatoution g e nerntly. expeoeures by the untie.
coon tab...toe anth their humble efforts to p 1... elm
, Wes thaw to both motion. In th e woo dlraetkna. Walk
gentlemen. . • M et(loascentrsuTunits=M.hansa ha t iTh
yR Mho 61.nis oft
. hst_d ouna . rtatesta i o v ?
au:the:Mt, kluAbaren. 41, • • .
Gentleme& First Clay Giods
r subscribers bej leave to inform . the
tvl=a ;on tiok :
ItociAlw TAlwitik
In Lames strwt.
NEW YORE ADVERTISEXEDVS. P 1 'IrTSB t. it(i'H GAZETTE. Larva r.: fks St, tun. - Almost every Whig .
-LI 1-IP.AI , '" '• I r ' s ''''' W P II • - •it i . , itu Pa I I I- 'i \l/Briftillltati Siffsmlt -.-An EneilihMSti Waded
r,m vbwy.crigh a sctlght, i l General sgvel.loin e - - _ p.p. , w , In -, up hos n nomination for L ' elted ble to rlitoof" : °l 'r °Plu - shrwiolis that the Cins pj a fi rt t o ddl e ., fo r moo , , 0 ,.., o r eoidene ef,thia
61-tte- Sensor' Weheve seen the mimes or the ' einnati teL er is correct when it says, a gen - I eity‘ \and weirk,,,,,,,, s i" 1,
"c:""'•N°-••&•" 4 3 " '''''' s4 "• s ' w r '"""` " • ' ' NI , i'i i , .1 y m..RNING, Nor EAICE R 1.1. 15.14
gasuu skeet)
- se ' - - - ._. following gentlemen dominated in different pa- real war beteker, the rash.. Wentern aid south- ' -
' i Rated , Pans in the CV, et Seem Ilmt Translated In . 0 LE, ou n ce ire. ITte, to ......- th• Wash per. for that
vin.-Hon Daniel Si, ~ . ,o Every ~ _ , , mercantile estabasttraents„ shot himself at his .i _
NT. liMy- ern trams Is oleo/tato until from the i i
- -i - Me o•n C1..., q collector for Savona
Extension Tables. T G . 2 : ,
4 7 'i T 1 : , : ,, f ,. .;_r . n h :, i i,,. L .., V .:11;; ,. Y 1 . 1 1 1:: , :: ;,. ..dit
~t , : . ,,,: b i ' r ii :: G: e i n:v . .. C. „
I T ; l h nt . . A d r i ,, :J:o w Li s nn::: t . i l ' on ti ß ou T7l.lo l m V os m 11 11 1 1.171 , 1, c bl r''. l.l, ; r t 'ec . ' . ''. i ' ln y t.s i I ,t . ' “ il ' t ' e ' t . 17. i n: ; ' , , : i . - t u h ad m in ' assecres, ::::,: eo 7l li , .‘ e .se '''P'F' ,, lei:"s .:. ': e ll'l'Lir d'ee're:'''''''l''''':nignlY'g morn
- ' - ''.
tY ".IIEY.
.. ,,,,,E R1.1T. , 1 : 5 . 0 , ii , T . rt . ii5 1 t 0 e r r ,. . , :: 1, tw . c ,.. 1 1 .
II D. Maxwell, E. , and ntivel;, called up•o to act ~g ., . .1 . 9 intim lirvon -
1,,,,, , .
i I O - 1.,‘,r4
Left "
1 : r
Swerving t't ",
r i' zi .;,,,
David Iffihnot,' and 0-,8 ettvernment. L. now loudly and imper- ii,intor and 4::i t .i:,_"', , , o 'r. r n u „ r"i nno °r r th e a i ' t i i ' o tt ort u 7: ° ,4.
pr. woustre the.° troangences wee. retold m no
.s. vo assortment ewers or, hood. Order' for Shipping , mot -, 1 / , ..iin 1i 7 4 - i Lice e - Viso 1 . restde,4,!* 11. A. E }crown, itr
eunctruitly attended to. lien. Wm. linrimer . Each Of tho above gentle- i•c , . ant protect our ft,ntier settletneuts and
_ 85 17-,, ....L' ' hun g. ,Goitos /Isis" eed Filtinure.
CCPIL ii.. CO, Wholeettle Print Sellers, Teen F., its'.is ['owes.-It seems [hat the Men hove their particular frieod, and port i too „ t ,,, , ,, , , 0 o;;;;nrdot , from t h e oit t . t t i e , o.sooffits of
, I ,‘,3 a .,: ri r :lt i e o i g g . h th ili k j‘ ili ,, hu .,,, se ,l . ' p O ,m * li: .. h:e ,,,, r d ret er ttii , :tet ry . ;::l v :ll a r . .e r .
anti then went into another apartment. In
11 ptiell.b., mint,.
Bernal emo ferturthe Artist, ~,m . • ~
Co en. Pee. Lennon sod Ne. ialla Broxidear. , ette tl3u.Ne et IVashinittan Is fiend ti: thoee who urging their-claim, to that honorable and imPor the savages. Leen the United States soldiers
New York. Cetengsmosent by moll The .11418... wed inhabit it. .n , l thi the Unite-d tit .tcs even that in blot trltioor shationt•l in fetes, Cialifortita, Utah, and Wash . ;
. 1
ehort time afterwards. Nlrs. iladdlesy obsenis •
to the trade and Imitltutlone. Mend Frames lum.isto d
t h e ~,,,,t i ,,,,,„g ~,, pol . p 0 „ , t h ere i ne k,„,j,,, a d. Gov. P , ,,110ck is under nu por cia obligation to' in gtonThure, within llic :net la, hre Illandt.9
1 Mg smoke innuiag from the room, thought he had
0417-3mr lion Daniel id Smyser more than any other nanny instances, been attae'ted by the Indinhs,
- - _.
Cloaks, Mantillas and TalmaS. dy po. no
or .11 the happy ro.ily of General Tay . . - • - • , i set the house ou Si*, but on going in found her ',
1,,,.. gentleman. To Col Andrew O. Cretin he is ' and the furs of the ~, t h). Ir. ,„ :I: is g . t .,,,, ii iti ,
A IF .. OLI'NEUX BELL, P. 58 Canal etreet. Tbe Inlia° ' are rap- I husband a corpse on the door, Ile had shot him- i '
of theirtnandest des...l .
t L s ." ~c k. i n „,,,,, terar l lieutdertarer M Lames. who. n rove Ia Be federal impttal in 1041 woo :o ,: ze rn w i h n e e t e t f u o i r le t h h ted ,,,, , , i ,„ u , :ia p, re , n t c l h .e n ,.. s C c ,: , i i, ;(; , u , r ,, ti n ti d w th ar e ,
me l., ,i ee ly n c n c ti e i l te ,,,, c , c i ,:e g al , e h r:l , , , le.
s, 'Dames. of .Nery kmd end deemil, , inaugurated by trillions, Vol it may im Cad. nn- Self through or near the heart: the clothes• round 1 '\.
' Ur, leattlinell the att....lsm ni umrebents Ida etude . • . , 'cheer-'
Colonel's ft - leads supported the Governor : tiny, and in a very few year, will he completely lishi, person were lighted, a nd a
sive assortment ma. ~rte
to eats retell (red,- - tiO.M. feteS, there remain. but a single member
lite faahlOns era the limit ore. , Pcanett. Ns will ho Muni lir Ito regret the spl e ndor a n d th e . i wi i,i t inodd of the fully and manfully . , lie cat he under ho cirri- exterminated 'flint unfortunate race is now; 1 portion of his
oo h . t h e h ero w h o o h„ u ld gations to Ge n . Irwin , more than man y others, but
referent, to Frank 140110 . . Ladleseemtle et Diehl.. the , , • ,,, ~ •
only reliable book of Fashlonsymblished In America. being' i Pai• ' ie ., name el'l Is
to Gov Johnson he fib ha a measure under semis nue from the Atlantic and one from the Pacific
.placed hout , e,_, ,, ~,,,,
i„, , ,,,,,
report wad
t t i o o. a , crisp` is ' , ,
published only • fess days ts-vro the rauantencemsul of never Lave bid foreircil 0 the camp to faire the
ob4, , ationv for the litittente manner in which ' i, artist-and will imin be .wept from off the face -s,
" 7 nth . ' ill ' th " .. • '"'" i ' .? "'''"'''''''''" core, the t - ascaldr arid the degrn.latien of a pi, ' , } rave burst, from a rebound , ht. , It To sopposed. i
oetßleirof the gun which had been need , was found to \
the the I Fl rb on ig . ' s t ep, fr om The
t i h e : u ,U d l r e i g7,:ny 't :i P tig b e y , r .
o rr f7c,:c h :se ' d ' . "'l i e t is 'i s ' iiiii h ' e c' h 4 ri c s i re e rete t' fo th re e. Z )d ile
Pianos! Platos!! Pianos!!! -
‘. ll l t ., l o c i a , l o :orP l e i r i; t . li ‘ e i t ,,, l , z ), r.. , ,1 n . , , ,, t . a . 1f wt :t , f , t , e i r .
1 1 , 1 ,. i: Lo liirrt,
omoittirtn„tii,oenthiLe P
4 TTENTION of purchasers i. .
.- ' tor esig ht. ventom dto counsel the General to re- Thomas H. Beira was in. any way beneficial to
..( - 1 respectfully coiled to a new end el
A fuse the Pre Mien,. i, ~,,,,, .1,4 . 11, dough - him, nor do we believe th t Thatlileus Stevens• i t h e ' y ' o ' n e d t tlie it' Roc i lt i. ; :'''iPP‘.
gantisinvention in Pianofotes, nee fully, "'I-1 further We. ' t° 1 threats to take away Lis life on 'occasions of great '
M ' uutlin ' eivin " 6°. ht. ' excitement, to which he ires prone 111 r. 11. wee
rrtec , tl i ri vile io g: . 7, , A.s ,
of , , ter, a ),,,,,no dower tr „,,,,,,,1.,„.,,,i 00 da,,,i ) . from extended 3 Very COrdifil SU ,port to his nonatra m n
i. i c ones steadily following them from the East , and I iii re
, , •
th.,o 4 k o ee pr eo ,,,,, t ee e % it. y e ir r :er,..4 n j,. the mitten-fields of the Mi i ,•iii.ippi to the blazing tio❑ even after it was precut:id 'The lion: Da- ! within a few yours past it ha. confronted their I
lire with tn. safe Spam'. iin otheinm"Ast hitherto lom donna:Mt., of the Si hitc floe,. has Galen iu rid , Vilmot did use his indeo:\(n , and talents to I path from the West. Their solitudes Lave been ,
known to the Pismo Forte. -
Tesm,,t erdhurfuerformertssnt4 , -i tie the aid emit ' her titre: and titoPy. the humb,rel of this poor . have him elected, end we shOWI not be surpris- I invaded from both sides of the comps., aud
young womnu.Colocel Ilk,. who, by his brilliant
fornmement to endure effects se isioire one.: th.t , eil to see him appointed a Sedlathu - 'TOIL A. E. , their bunting grounds disturbed. The time has
would confound ie Trialberg or a Llsta , m•• onto chief es - .
mashers tel. eitweity to la, used et •01 mi au ..r..tioem. militnry nehievenumt s during the .tnimign of Brown aid nothing more then tafspr friends that ' arrived when the vast t i de e.r population must
' Mann lifthe en i e t„, ~,,,,,,,,
.., 0 ......
~,,, i. ~,,,,,tIT Sic Tim, by hi, marriage with too toduved lau g h - we knew of. neither did II II Ask well. Esit , hod it:. way to the Western plains• and their tern- I
eh r i e e .„.atu eed inar liL ; t a tie r. e l F i ti sl: o. : aa eons ,,, t or .or, onis - C .,;,, , , , 5 4 1 t0 0 ,.. " , y ;; ; ,, m 00 .. , 1 • 1 : r0r0 ° ,,,, 1i " ° :! "," ,, , I tme , ,,, ,, , f ~ Li ,r e -i, p op r
“ r , , , ,.. , , ,,,,,1 by lii! „,,,,,,,„, t , but if he or the party is under onv * tiblignenn. to I porary pos.eissors . are compelled to give way be- I
r ceret Try. rim, five ye-ars any one. for an honest. liberal sad upright : fore ro. Ruinous wars, deprivation ofz,thromeans
eonT octave Pino while i c e ...snese. earn' ,
breadth, end riehness of tuue. thee challenge the .oroped. since, Irk open to him a saw and •nolisig herr- 'nurse, they are under snob obligatioN i s , to Gen lof subsisttace Incident upon I e ficarement of ,1
eon of the wired. Wm Lorimer.
Thn le the milted testimony of frideamrs and Alms I ... • -r.IIIII°I M i t . ' 1. , li” m'lrr• , ' 1 their le rrttorie., and the vices they will get from .
eisdiratiee. will cause a most rapid destruction
nun who here teeted the t,lostiel Plano. Ordinary PI- The man whom Orn. Taylor succeeded, dint. Although we N , Crt. • delegate to theW'hig Cos- i
ann. ef elf awe. new on•I Weld for wile sTrieursod 'K. Polk. the *odes , Te nor s : e lawyer, who yenta. aiiiedruetd and unprejudiced. Wit could lof the Pi eaters Indians. The United States goy
primes hlili A 311ING ER T.:I Bruedeey. T.... Imo, .
eeadm• Manafrietureen &ann. wh01..41. a react : mmlged to double almost the territorial inagai. oet help der pi-..g the enntettif tilde rondo of mint fur the Inst few years has pursued .
, . .
---- - - - ' toile of the U n i te .; stotoa. 1,
,anda o ur,,i, eleefitmeemng adePted by the eastern, utiez, Cu most pacitio nod tour policyfow,anls the Indians I
Brodie ' s Cloalr si s
C an ru l at kli ,, an t,,,i till el ns ;
L .
Hoot entrance Into the federal city. , L . i
ti e wo , nrikr to nominate their favorite candidate, lien. iin our now territories. noel it if deeply to he re-
ooto t ~t o, Pe „, y ooh , , t .totoo . tot „ m 0 „,,,,,„,,,..',:, young, full of life, full of hope, and had already i artmer lite nearly the entire Western delegation 1 gritted that the nutocrous Interacts, and outrage, ,
etresata and Retail &ale lii LADI L. Cfsialin end lin hie mind's eye tho s e provinces which he Into, ; instructed for him, and yet with such }minima° of the latter, in despite of that,' , will compel it to m i
. sz i ta;r ,tio itt_t orb s 4 t r n o v .. t . ttslil, eseli r ,,, n , 1 „,,,, , ,, 11 . 5i u t i 5 , 2: d o d to o dd to the map of his 0t,,,iiw..)., anti w hi c h testimony in his behalf, even such men'es II fi. I devote ire energies to their extennination.
, •
hen Ak,h,, o, o reg on, Ut a h , ' itlazwell urged to the northern delegate, thathe
, __-.....„---_l_
fur the Yell 80.012. Ills' styleslead the trade or roe rend are called Tao.,
monthly by thine - ea, Haler. end other leading lehlon ,
d California.F Proud, crime nod Probable 31 order.
1 nooks. en.l.amv an our years after, he left Wash- Was no Whig, that he vase Free Soiler, ,kc , and
- • ; ington, sad, prematurely gray, inrrounile , l With
. Illusical Instruments. many other political epithets were urged againkt VENGEANCE 119 A Itarrnwen C.turoasiss.-
, enemies, and almost indrifotent to that great , him• Gen. Lorimer's friend- , begged of them' The following story. from the Cincinnati 'Mogul.
In build up their own candidates upon their own
rIWHE subscriber , are now prepared to offer I people that he Mid t nrtehed with three splendid ner of the firth Institut is probably but one of the
_i_ tor the irony .t Jnlibers, Slusle - neolrs and otle •,. . . ' f • , afterward , • merit, They ,Pd not. use one word of detrac- ' -
see reeding In lnst....Luau. suit Merrhatelles, I .SlliMiltle triumphs. A ten weeks
the following ertlelew T van9uisheil,notwithatanding, hie robust constitu- Run or abuse towtird them. They only request-
.1 fair play. The delegans met, and their netted with California mlventures ,
Belie avian Ruasea. Godard. Florid. I'Vec. err.: Frena
sad 6,,,5e1e ,tdcordean . SamhorTsr. tie - rse Ms. , lion, by the evil geoids that !moot, the White' '
font, Buptes, 11 , mabforirs, de, dr, Gorman I House, be expired in the solitude of the Went. ' choice on the third ballot wro. lames F . ,•11,,,AL- We were informed la,t evening by Nfr. Ilenry
&end. am I Italian Sbraner. dr.. dr-
Car erreneemeutteltblbelergest soul most colebrated : The hannediitic predecessor of Sir. Polk in the . Gen• Lorimer wit. telegraphed the resolt of the rostlfak, of Dayton, of the following r 3rticularq
Ilenafeeturers In Europe ern such se to enable us . Tell 1.,,,d.1,,,,, p, time ~,,,,, 0,,t , I •• th e
i t nter j,„n ballot by Gov. daimons. It will lie well enough of a dieressihg tweorrense which reek place a
goods at their lowest primes. sod we can otter our cost, i „ ,
mere the adeuxtereof selecting Iron an entirely new and.. people, General narrison, the Cincinnati, of I for the Peop'e to know his tinssver, end likewise few relies from osico it, on the nixie •id between
-carefully se ectel snob. Mo. In the Werke. et ono 1 ei i e . ciocion , ;;;; o . ;;;;;t; o ..;;;;;; ~,,, Luting 1 ,.,,„„, ' to know thus that nit3Rl,r wits green when the D , iymn eel Bpringils:.l. on •Tliu.,- ly. ON clung' ;
erns WITLI THE CAS ready tn avocet of any sok of . , , , , ,
mewle trot may ofier. we ran afford ...erten:ties of ham , Sinn of the :atm ha was no mere. General Ines' Inc we , the subject ~f defnmation I hist It appear , that til. , ,tit three yeares since 3 i
g ' A h re i n n ts ' o ' f ni Carte rU rTl . Nee.ltrainf , mletw-,13 t Patent Morn- I Cousideriug the brevity or each 1',....,i4..ntitil by those who required hie supistrt to their nom- ! farmer minted War. Ricketts left Lb family to ! F.I2IIND }TANI) PIANOS
' term it wmild nattirtilk be believed that there , . . Cel t „
inati.. Ili , answer, was GIN. • hie ensues- I I seek MS tOktunes in the gold mines of California i . , ' ",; - , / , ' ,., '' ,; ' ,,,:tra ' e ' r l it ' ,. ' ; l tf ' 'N”
n' r . 71 1 1
Aeons. FERDINA.ND ZOOBACM tki .I.q.irter.
aodzamv ll `'' °' Mlkk " ''''''' Now '''''-• I might roe found in the United Stotts or consider. I tiro , I hare juts learned that Sir. , Pullock was Alma/ flevetireoutio Since Mrs. It. reeeived in- 1- One It...tweed, 4 nese.., mode by Bacon
1 Bares, New,lok, inert, new.
LIE undersigned having the
of tilde , tunber of citizens wh o have been invested their choice. I shall support Idol ehemfully." (urination I rt i • .roan repreenting himself no I
v . , 4 ,:, ,,,, , ,,eud5eee m e hngox i y, n ectere, ree d, ray nun& a
TMessrs. CABM ALT A S ; ll , l,liti ; AM's ; (New 1-...tks ' kilith the Chief M - igiot rate. Bet one survive, I • and his friend, d i d .upport Lim throrwhout the. coming U nreel 1 - -an
• Francoseo that her hu
ELEBRATED PcilLN I ISILL01 ) 1.0NS, ' 'B u t h e, tit. h.,. seems ' campaign. Even 31r. Mextrtn had to neknowd- band had died el'. chrome. dierrkea. The wi ' fe
would Infacat the Trade and the Public In general. that Mr ; 31 , ' r , Ii ' ,V,`"'.l!","° ! botlnuon.LlFtingany.boetare. made by Blistert, %Vermeer I •\
had ,been an believed the story mad manifested much distress . One Itosewoal, llootere,madety i t % er aa r a , nearly new.
they are now prepared-to furnish to nesters ail others to Moos tam A Wino - inn si a! ••-: r.. 11 rrelciel into edgo in our pre.ence \ that Litmemr ; •• Matiomter a«
%new telly bete - breed Instriamentetat ,h.. 31..moreeturers' ,hm little, delicate, reed fol I...MD.:hat one ',told abu,etl Man. \ of mind ❑ upon the, receipt of tht• intelligence.- ... in,,,,,,,, , - - Ctacierine-ahout 2
LOWP4TI.R-1C- E"lrr ifl'III"'"`-''''‘I'L I filmed belleye..,o,A ~r off:reaching near the
.„, FrIILINAND 201111AU.11 A Co., 10 - e merely' state the.. facts to let Mr. Poll, nk Ilex inforMatU, IT iiti.Ne mime is William L Gay- year, 014, ..,
: I Tn. ebove wilco wild &ride! ar., Nt Ver) caw pekes.
Imports , or Mu.-1-41 Insenunen. 1 toml: every far , he ; .. try dal getting further and his frsend• km, th. t they ore :inter , 5,., lord, thattifeAted much sympathy toe Mrs. IL, in 1 a use o fcbjetsriewartmoalltl here , . hr Roeder.
mal2.2env N 0.97 Molders Lane. New York .i - • x . , . 0/IN H Mr.Ll.Oll,
iddigation. t.. west , . ta• ti t• ir hi , election Sand her bereavement. and frequently Visited her , the itth, tor sate h . ,.
111 31 Ve.N3l str...l
- Materials. I Tit , , of the fo.te In :t Pre-oh tit • of the Uni- We consider them more which - obligation to tior- Louse to condole Willillher in her alffictioo. The i"'
A W. THO.MPSON ~k CO.. 315 Broadway, ied States, Iwo have quieley .itte.dcod.m.l beneath ''T fiends than any otlfer class of politici,rts, unsuspecting wife, apPrX,riting, the kindness of I _ Pall Supply ei Hardw are cove. °aver,
-54..1...,-,L"'".r5"4.,,,,"'hip..`'"'ifi:t0"."..714.-D:,-‘4..",,,'A=D:r'•.;dri.lll':' ibe the third died iiemedi'ateli after hav- ' therefore it will be arid! to adopt et cairtiona Gaylord, tendered lam itbe hospitalities of her
rill VS it GETTV, 71 Market st, near .10,
mer ; r ri rs . trl f ts . t . .ss i geraMri . ,f....3 Ytaiiiik and lee. end . log lard down the border,- est_ , can foreeee the etth , C of 'Acton InsfOre they 'omtnit theinselveS house van borne. Gaylord, with an'apparent in- ,
Y. der 71 Jnbuk!C• C. Ilsoniend and all other , fate foes reed foe the frth ' ,tm difference deellued the off' ' b ri 11"
.o the sort of any' eastern s i l eon *hie] stock, .111 be found
13111 l Saws.
na ,
prOpn_n I
a ro news receiving their Volt Stock of Hardware.
American Camerae o midantly ,, ,, b en t. et the Maned.- , Of tb, rAa Vi ,, Pr ,, ilent•. one, Mr Kiug, , Mr Pollock .. m line. a very nlitu path to tread 'to accept tbs. same . condition of marriage.- , r l t . ,, o rii " , , ix Misses's, .
"""" to."' tr ' l l' Iml."'"'''''''' ''''''''''. I'l°'''' L .. ' Inefort he a,s in -talloil Another, NI,. Delos, ,in unit, - to niansigc the affairs A ud, common- The u•tonished \lv, 'II sit firs:t. , leclined, hot of ! Cu.. Sheer, German and fi t rrbAii . o .. i .
and ponn ,..„ i., ,,
i Enelei Blister Steel. I
Fire and Burglar Proof Safe Depot- ei,•,,,,i _.;,), m, p,,,k, yet N e .. h,,, tine hind 1 wealth in Ile eriomlisated state. `nod it will re- terwards ticreed to let the nri .ter stand open un- i n ,„.l id..., ten.. i,„ ~,,,, , I acts ,t T .' ii
or ..' x
Val. McFARLAND it CO., . ertiwuml With nolib• while lei k- 'Lot he ha. nay , quire an hie firmne•s and decis.orto thwart the t cal Gaylord should cull again.% 'ln the interhu ! T r =tire si s a i .n th a e n trar na tto=ht..i . l . 4. ,
In MA I'Dr.V LANE, YEW FORS. er dedicated birn-elf mach to j iditiC^. Th.. third, , km ig.L , grie- who will 'envied Lim. Ile will and I Gayierd abstracted from the posi-nffice ell letters I Reck.. renterdt
Warehouse 145 Pratt stn s Baltimore', ?id. Captain doh. Tyler. ale, t ried to the Irree lency , Mimi do something; with the public mks to sat • I direetta to Mk. Ricketts, and one from her lie- i Country Seat for Rent-
B ANKS', Jo\velers' and Ctmnting limp, b, the istiovi,ected di n th of I ; et , i d 11,-,,,,, i ii. isfy thr ttettple, and reiltme their totes 11d will he. Loud he opened, perused and destroy.. The i
i lIANDSONI E. BRICK 110115 K. with two
Sensoferery st., eon...wily . hood for ode. orid t", I, ne ~,,,,, 0,,,,,,, ,IS,, I„, ',.. , ~ ,..,ti, _,..,,,i,... ; red to listen to western no well as e ..iettli ad- 'otter slated that he did toil intend to return I ,
„,,,,,,„ 4 , on on t , e ,,, t ,„, en „ t „, • . beet dto.
''''' ' llll'd I' ''''"lr''' ' '''"7 are y e a k , sern tip, tea. sm 1.- ,i,,,,5s ~,,,,h,_-1.,. ~ d, m a p o ptienpy. a nd vice. and let not We Phi - m. 11040 specul tor. op- home fan three years, but was very , unxinco to . mince from the city , &trent Sorb ,: ~,i_q,!ofam 0.31 , 2 w
Zama. eke. .111.1.A. , ..1: Ostalwarso-ti cireeneolea.-1 h a ., di, - 1 n. man ens never •een to he he r,,re crate On him sven in his . elec tor of calm s nor see his wife. Gaylord again railed .irpon Mrs. : ,iv JACKSON A SON, of the late firm
.... inform roe that tom safe restendie my lucks .n.l
~,,,,,,, 00 ,,,,., to , ~, ~.„,. ~,,,, ...,,, „„ y ii,a, r ,,,,,,, 0 ,, 0,, f ~,,, , . N1,11,,,,1 r ~ , , , mor , who , the - councils i , r the State. more he n whet their 1 Ricketts ! teed itaNitileti upon en answer to. sae l 1 ..if W. h N.J.:keen a Nona. Orate sod a Fend% --
thlngelsem ray pried... we wmemm - d. arot Alibr .l s h it I entered the ll lids Ile. -c ix. the esti..... - uf Gen- real interest denionds - Ilhoitoth rg Edyf proposition., 3ilr.. R . after a few luoriletits re. I
mnks'Z'tilrartartia'n'a';vseg ,Tt i ,TyV ' illias "' s , l3 1 '1 ; :ire n I
was eatioewithrinighootthe fur. to Inimise heat it. e. -
Gate minedued unksinned. The .A will, little reestrtwd. oral 11l y lot vt as en- -riot I Lint or ~. 141,4 , d - tune his --
-..""--- --
I tie ' ti°°. cr ' n ' cor°4 '') the uni " tt, .8a Ohe' V ,ne C.. ' Tleo t; ' Crilar —i v — u..... t .,.. Omuta. Whole
0•1111 , 1 ,
well Think a•S•st . l , ..wwtbot . 131 Beerrothjll rim" , o f 1,,,,, 3 .,,,,,1 h,., f 3 m.. , ) ulna. ~..I. l e ft 3 1,, e , j,,, . Tut ILN. NC , Ms CAN. A , Witt:M..l.o.-i°. their ❑ Diarringe was set. The atty came, they see oe e s rssenell .
'Pt , ' ' T. JENNY, Jr., II Seuill Vlinen st
I h Pond,l •• ol .aua th . goa l s' of hu- ' TuesdnY the orgumeul in Gl° abe ' st , co`e. . were married, and by their marriage Mfg Qey-1 ,
Fall and Winter faooda.
FEVE R AND AGITE. ' Watt (Mt s.. 11. the tothh Of it;,, titre, Li, only , lestrn from ,he lor.ll4l,.''''. war rk.'uuxw'i r lord Ceti. into panes... of . nun , vele ' eali at 1 , -
DR. ' EDWARD BLEECKER'S daughter and iii l his brother the lefetillant• by 31r. Hunter, the reglilnr cOnn- several thousand' doll:leo. Soon of ter•their dift.T. s ' EDRIOND WATTS,
STAMPEDE MIXTIRE of the Baltimore and Ohio Railrend in Vie: range, Mr. Gsiylord proposed to hi , Wife to tell ,
, 51 EftCII A N, T TA I I,OR,
• .. ...., ..,'„i I a ~,,,,00. ~ , 0.0,0u.,,,00., — i1r, 0 hnv05.. gin. After alluding to the coorse of tlic cOun- at 101 moat tO 11.3aNds. and there locate kir 1 , 5 LIBERTY STE EL.7.
L 's".3al ''' A ' l 7 ' ...wh7 '''''''
, 51 , , , 14K1 ., ray Tltr. Basal,- don view of the gen- ,el for the city , in not opening tile Vlet , rOr the k I cc .
Ein. P r o p' ietirrs of this Illedicirp• will state • ,
era, Interest man:tree Iby tom slit , city by argument, he gall the reo,on, 'ell the I ...., ,
k oe woe Coll Sent ite and the farm WWI . 'l3,,lVer- ' ~,,,,,,,„,....,, we........3 , ,ttngant out rat,' 133,3 . . lit•
without bee li ne. er nor ...intro.:noon. I bet the , obi , 1 for nun et 3 encrilice. The nilvert.evient es uili teethes.. the mow Lemutiful patternek Tenet. eu
. ''
1 liAl'E now 1,1, hand ft large t Bfock t d if F all
Fr.w,,,,,e st.,,t o o.i i " erre d i .e., i . e ..... w h en , i t s. ie • garl to the rumored a..lion of the Board 61 . In. coutioel tor the ',.tub die - amid to file tIV 0.0-
tOtwlish Co.kurt.rm of ~.1.7 Idt'le and ehode lit the man
been introluere.tberi an: other medlene Co aim fee oh"' reetire I , f the It nen,. e and i ine• It iilrin•l Vein , sner at this •enge of the pr.reiling, and then
' , PP' t.e'l in the l'.LY l ' , . aud CLeetttUati Paßvrlt rt., sit a *bleb I 411 make t , enter ~11 thorned reason
stove diseseee. This ...Reins by neither Anemic nor .P.
Qntieno i o it. i 5,,,,,, i ti..., Cu . the i ne moten. y r .. • pony rat their 11...htbk - twOet.ll,,, ow %V eilhot.h.v tWol. ra p Wonn polies of the cii•on Ile , roar- r,, , ;;,,, ...;;;.
roktoo.; to Oho on , o , , the I
~,,,,r . , L, ,,,, ,, ,, r ... , ,, t ,,,. ,, , ,‘ , 41. ,,,, ,., .
pr-trelli health• chareer and 111410, memoriam. end Lnk k .., ~1,,, .., , ,I, ra. T t. IVOV,CV of the rinser, tended the the r mntract Ico , climi rather than in- . ,
"Air, 1. - . estate -. CI ii i ivertisoineul, 3: it 14,- I lit . / R.S. SE. U.A.ltt s ratuor
in• gem 11 4in their tat dew y Persons 3.1 , ., llos -••-- ' - '
r„.. 1 ,,,,.., t... , , ,,,
~...,,,,,,..., ,„ ~,.......N., worse or a htot ltlivltt., 3 tientrig ,itt tie. d ise•tion. whoa, erea,d the r ig hts id the city of Wheeling , thiit i,
p0 ,,,, in „ ns of nor
~,,,,,,,,,, ~,,,,,, 0e , 4 . L
~,,,k , 5r.r . 5 ,,, ,,d . .3 1, ,,,1 115t L erz ta. ."ttal F r l . .. b.,o urth ,
by 31r. I' eketts tu Sao Francisca. Enraged mid I Itreess, Claire, Multi Telume,
Pleats," In smdleim . !Th. " unt, 3, , ,.. the toes rr. s Mi• • . R. bolt the fir.,t stromer and OF), te _ e . u re no with nesltltHal and dbtrw
16Ceet 0tt0.0...3.1 on Um vilest nee..
vet , win d0...1110 adept Ake med.-toe. es the raeret I. I hives uccemimi In ontioning authentic onformas •1.0 - the kw of Isle, and that the Chttlat.'"it he-
~ ? „, ,r io.
kneed so Is, t., while under treatment end they me. „,,,,. Ong the intentwin rat the 'parties to this cOntreet \
L. a.surwl.da 0... ere,: rum. The Proerteter rouldironstue. , '-" , rived at 0 morn ou 11 esine-day e. erring rail- I'voiliate LitT nan it;in n e n tS lii=s l V,
theuende of rner.lf.mstes Prom those otthe Idetert none,- r 5,,e learn .het the report of the Master of atn. , nn ,41ter things ' to secure to the city oi ,t, t , H. moo
;;;;;;soo; i0.,, ,,.. n,
no.; ionoood dito ~ , ,Ip m e ne :
_ ..
etallity, hot rensrers.osi,neito
r‘ d0.,,,,,, , o , ~,
Vo7n:erre - th e..... ' t ' ipt: ' e. e ' h f . r :t; '' ,,. ".
1r:,1 1^ 4 ,... a , Read, Imving been cru d; Si r. John-ssn mend the In heeltng the rratirral lemefile of the western , f oot , , , t 1 . 0,,,, ...„,„1
. t,„,1„, hi,,,if w ith ~
, following re-iiiiitrun, win el. wax aiLipted, viz. I terttenos o f tile Baltimore ar.d Ohio Itnilrood. kni i,, ..,,, , s
tertlecat. , ... ....son , us , ' ,1,,,,e •kc when 'M r fle,intro r That the report of the Master of i was intemleil as elPlln"tm'y merely " f Ol ''' i , `'V - ab ut 111 &doe at night. .511 ~, , ,s quiet. Ines:- I i ',. 58 De, r Lits • •
'Berke. nas cured • hen alt,thers bare tslle4 I ' • . f the cl in that-contract, aunt " i 1 --- I --- L'''''''‘lil'' an.
I I ll s ar n' t 'Phew True.
its Dircepessand an ethn Billow. Cnintinant. thereto Ito.ea Lc . TefOrred to the Committee u. Construe erno,,nricestiong o ty . i etta raopeo alit e Some .O.terttl rimes. 10 wt. , / , ' -01 e midnrof A,. . c .oot t . t. at ? 0..,.
0. 0 11. ,i...„. , ,.... \
fr re Of piiitids. Ito went te his hoUse I -- 9- -ll' bel ly is,
t C h O , llll O
r y' ,ll ,
:s l it' Covert in and for said \
not . netted Medic's. , In the market. -
~,,,,,,,,,,,..,,,,,t , „,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ 0 „,..„,! tams With power. axid trot they with that i tens linil gnawer if placed in another,
. •
In weenie.. of lei.imellimi nod Gee! Mr tb5.... , met. ~ officer whether it be not possible to reilsuce Ile ' position . He argued at length to 14101 f the.V.CO- \ ''.
findn , Opened b y Mrs. Gan lord, and Sicketts en- I T'1 I " " -W° oh con-nit"' •
tered, airs G t ew in her •lir s. and lighting tit Are t tnts i l l , :n qe ;
anuoildir.t.rnen!tg.bls,tictantr= ,
"4..ini,..k... Wilmer nand a day. the opinion . end po w er. of corporations tee make minuet:nous ,
the bottle of thi. Medicine .ery ,dten has the deinted et- , f 0 lietrie 'f - ho° de • it
feet. Prim II ,T. candle. lurnOl look upon the stranger who
h -I come at such ;
sifts - rale by Drnge.t. to all parte of the rinsed State. ,of the l'ensel I hnt the .Ir - sett-it economy should bninclies. a.c., under the act of I Wit 7, the act of
,he used, and thnt no money be expended on con- ' 1817. and the law of July 1.1. I 8:0 die . s ' " ni I. .4 :shriek am the exec...don of .. Great 1 en'irk:;,ffe,t„,Y,Po,n`,,r,TViire'Llt=rt o t , ,ti--1. ,i , , , t7,
soil remota.uneensolinble hour of the I edi i i , r n
a O " ze n t4 aa, , I t , hja d t a
; t a b:
n Cli aa, rl7f n ea na ti aa l Ci na i r d. 4
a l s h e a ti n t, t t l a re a,na. o f
a t :si o . , \
All tt .,.. ; „ ~,,,,,,„ 0 .„,„, i , t „, ..„,,,,,i i i , 511,01 t t t
...., ru et 1 ,o:t not milispeteably necessary. , proceeded to show that the present application t , - .• Rotkott„.; an i t.t .
ti iinii ° followed. Wad the lof Novendernvt. noises inueeto shawl] why the said w
rist° billed affright :sir . . retre fell insensible to the I ''''`,A .b-I'ad • L' ' '!".
''' . ,l l R I T V %. e Vittea.,-kok.
At'igrereKK-ILFIIe-MlPo'N'lnr''lire'-'l‘.l.'lZ.lrsh'nlow-'..eo'sk'rei,‘."'lli.'{',l, . ".110 Brooke th,,, moved ••that the construction i was ill-judged on the part of lik heeling, as her
cos A Ce.and Om , IL Kerner. Ilt.tosorh Mishlrs of second truck he on and atter like ; position "as the hub rf a system of railroad , ra- \ llrOtice. r
I,t et December nett, except the connection at Mating from her . a centry." conatltuteil her door Gaylord who F a in bed in an adjoining
room, eh. wit to sec hat had happened.--
'IRON P7AREROUSE, Hen stood. until the deaths., or Lb, Company will , defence against the injurious effects of the pros - Rocket itnrnaliately seized him by the throat I A h,iTasTa.,Eß,,fl...3,,d,ifttiArii.stbi•-a.‘t,io,u
mArtTIN, spitiNG er co.,
~—t,r, its continuance .', 1 ant act of We Ilaltimore and Ohio Railroad Com- , , ,„, , , ~, ,
and pion'ro tee ...z° ,rik ets Piot, , and then tewn this 43, granted te Dent derslello.l. th Tlutest Itts•ills
imports , . and beano. in I On this metion, after some debate, during I patty. SIT. Bunter concluded web the proposi- ‘ , 00; to
ortort , 110 on , r , :k‘ohote wife 0 , n, ,, Lyins,,,,,oraLut.fitAmca,,, os f r Eii tej
L. o3e m i ls. tite
IRON AND ST FIEI, I whlnh 3lr. Vatieint ntrenuotody oppnied the pro- I tint, that under the lair the Railroad had the
cut her on\ Le shoulder 31131‘,CCIt, then left the toeglesrdthe s., NV Word street.
2. 6.,,,,,e55a serer, err lee I position to su.spe nil the second, truck, the yetis ' right to make branches, end to tithe up freight
premises an has n. since bean heard from. LI LEG.-k \ iiiT SVI,LTON CARPETS-Just
ii.iseenstsettr on heed stall .....sOwlrnt .rlw r l! ' n ' t 1 and novis Were demanded, G aud it was rejected - I and passengers ut all point' , and that they had
The wife ere vering3nforracSl 410 neighbors of l'S
valverse the Casten Worries..., No. 112 Merkel et-, of
Band, amp. Home Slims and other 1110 k,
STEEL OF ALI. KINDS. , oyes 11. nays 17. Dol forfeited this right by any subsequent act.' , , bar
wires ten pired. immediate ~ k .:rch was meth, as; o r n lnd d 4 el." 5a1 . .71 . : r. c7i ,,,R, 74 .1- 1 , , ,,,,,, , ,
„.,„,, t . ~,,,,,, ~,„,,,„,,,,„,„,,,.r , ..„,, ~, 3lr. Johnson then moo. the following order, ,At tho close of Slr. Hunter's argument Nlr.,Rus- for p „,,,,,,,.
~ s iord
~,,,,,,,, t.. „ 1 . 3 , b.. whet ,
can eerie their order. hero, too ses • which was adopted : I sell commenced Gin reply for the city. \
lirder • " , wsitt r w' lilrt ' W h l wwr°° " *ill 'w mica " the Ordrired, That this ' board. whilo obey recog- I J AY, of Sere} ChapelAratt, coteriesing mattekek . , - ,_ - .. t
..... i ,
loosest market mica MATIN. alilli NO a Pi- 11. i. Fodric last lard from hiCia), a d the probe,
Witty is that he ust die. Ricketts as ea... l a , baretoforo restenott , d,t4 tbs , totto.Tlcistt piddle. Itothvollt . 4st
.........;;;;..,,. •
fel: , 2 , 4: tlt , tsnefkh ttt.- N. B• trite the mthcy and duty of this Company to tram- Tur Neer II tt MIMOSAS FILAVItCLENT dip Made a mice sful escape. , as°. for fed. h ~..,1 ' \KAY a Uo).. 45 Wand st; 4..
----- - ------- --- - - • pleb - , tlits second trick as early- as pr,mticable 1 Sreca.-A gen eral meeting of the Stockholders ~, N..-.-.....,------
SCHLEYMIN BROTHERS it CO.. iin conformity with the design of the ordiumace lof the New Raven Railroad Company was held NIELIN , IIOL4 Sett -Nit' Fred. k ( ledge , manner en %e.t . a.., in iseivar count), 8 =MA..
:VF of the city of Baltimore in loaning its creiltlenFli let New Haven on Weddesday, to atria upon a prominent and in ential citizen ol', Olvirigton ow asaverjo acttworwlerlier, , bnered._
baaninn prnit
r $2.018.1-A ‘fartir td, 32 acres of Land,
:VFW BORK. sin ere two Dwelling 110 - awl ,i int tue
I questions connected with the spurious stock is- committed suicide der the inegt di ressing Trees, There realms sorer worn Orlin 31.111. On tie au
I !till impresse d with the propriety of so curtail-
Hare minima Mar:. ITO llCOarea.,a,.effleAtteun, as
NIPORTINCi the lendin a Drugs from their I '. ° g th , e °"°'',
If on that account S . ' - • t - smut maerinte,bucksbnat halloreatarellmw swesu , two
ot to I sued by Schuyler. SWIM , two hundred stock- circumstanceS in the city yesterdav'm ruing.
three etcrtes high. erlth‘d Eno s nava there are •
orionn; toot.[,„. b .,,,,, It , goo , ~,,,,, d i .. „,.. 0 ,,,,,,i...., , intent:re with the e ffort, now mehdt,g to relieve I I holden were present, and over thousand Immediately after Area ast, lie walked P his set of bolt. lead every thing well en-ankeillbr owlet Dienes.
J. Itreurh and Eneldi (loonies!. Iserfuniefe, Texth.. the company from its fi nancial embaraestnents.
Nall and iler Breslow. Her One.. and .urns. hereon ' expi ' whiTiinelltai ern:Vent eny. • The above rhos to amt.
ahurel of stock voted. A prolonged discussion bourse to the depot of th Covington and he • tig. rn pl •
tioniaboritheannerawd bultnmlnous ineland a
I resulted in the adoption a r01a,... - oppro to. Ilsolrend, and was gib rved s to cross ma re - seed ° 7 a Ile from thietikin riser. The Cleveland .44
the meet reammatile term (Mien either In rerson, or be • , Iloard on Wednesday on thin subject The to
n... ttpongsst. Corte. Se., Le .Le . thid sifter Omni ... j The foregoing enthraces all the see.. aam
.....u. 3 , 111 recelTe their Let attention. ).0"...,.tdmT , , 1 vine of the action of the Board in having sub - cross the track several ti vs. About seven ... eit i tshar . i . thit.a ., W . eg h traa:Lottb h , ,, , b rt r ". ver. ....,
I ' , cutworm Were .132.CU530.1 briefly, "t . the meet- I witted the question of liability to the eminent clock one a the st o -eet Ciig ne, of the Comp payments, wehhatereet. I t _ JIL ahLAIN arson
;fAMUEI. L. CAVERLV,Wholesale Deal., cog was n private one we refrain from giving I connsed Messrs. Napes and 'Wood, and recom- pasted from the locomotive\ house towards th
, 11.1 Lift iRLIG-IZ.--C-,-kiSTIMERE PLAIDS
X. &rem. Bssantsd Betio and TrAsh_wirol and ''ll - ' publioity to verbal statements as to the character I'mending Enid opinion so ft safe guide foe War depot. 3lr. 0 was then statorrig near the track , , f, JI , Strirphydi Burchfield ha'', J3* OP•••4 • at. Pitt" '...
low Ran, liatiket. 11. x. Corder... Twine. wicking, Match
ell, Be e WI Oreenerlil st., Nv . Vert nil3S-Iyi. of the debate -Bak. Atnrt.
-.t._...- --, I future action, and that it would be unwise, Inez- and seemed earnestly PP the epproachin oo,sint,,,..ertanee.afi,,,donth...esirtoblie....eani.b.f.eutZ.e..dof ce b = .
-- _ - ~......- --- I pedjent, end hazardous for this meeting, this train. At the moment wlienithe ocomotive came 4',l,,„„T r t e n7 o a s c on t All w i ed p e Lenee, and thole.
opposite, he quickly threw 'hi self upon the ..Noilee or enrich Merino, NerN ehelp...____
Oil Clot, tr., JOHN TkItHIIN-E,Mannfseurrerend I TIN DOW SIIADES, Gilt Cornices, Table I Cocks Bacon :-Thi institution, T. C. Sever -, r -c oorpooot h io.
once Cattier, closed Its doors early yesterday • or its directors to attempt in any
! form to subject the stockholders to a barites roll, and the wheels painted hem intely across
belongs Lawler, No.lo Cothmine st 4 and No. 11 Ch etham i,
&mare. New Tart. mh9-11T , morning ; • I which neither the law nor equity impose upon hie neck, severing his bead entikly from his
'"....1 It received deposits late Wednesday night, and I the..., This, of course, is tantemount to rope- body . One of bin arms was also ortished off, and
failed early Thursday morning. Thin fact An- dieting, se far Its the stockholders can do it, the his body otherwise mutilated: Tho\s who wit
-rensetl the exeiternent agains t the hank during i spurious stock. Other resolutions were adopted uessed the act, and afterwards bl 9( I. e corpse,
' i requesting the Board of Directors to resign , represent it as a most horrible sight. Mr. Gedge
Iwasp wealthy and highly esteemed cil i iten of
I Covington. lie was ti director of the'Cokington
nod Lexington Ilahrespi, and also of the l'itrth
erndlank of Kentucky. The enures wlaieh may
have prompt.' him to the act s can hardly, be
conjectured. his had never at any time, shewn
symptoms of meatal derangement-CUL Can.\
PHILADL-telllA. Nov. fl.-Mr, Ww, ni e ,,,\
formerly proprietor of the '•lbsily Register.
has been made the object of o malicious perse
cution. Whilst the , •ilegister" was being puli. I
li_shed, he had a difficulty with his compositors.'
which grew out of his employing girls to set type
in the office. In the course of this conflict cer
tain compositors paraded the streets, carrying a
"rat-trop," the symbol of "rat" offices, and
made demonstrations which moused many to be
lieve that they intended to assail the offiee in',l
which the .iliegister a was printed. A few of 1
the ringleaders were arrested and held to answer 1
She charge of conspiracy, the noise was lulled
and Ste. lileney continued his business necording I
to his own view*. Sometime alter the "Regis- I
ter" expleded, beit 'Alr. Birney continued to em
ploy girls with IStldCead , in his job office. Ten
today morning Nit, Biroey had occasion to go
to the office, where the type and materials used
iu printing the ••Register" ittere deft, when ho
found the dour had hers broken open, two
forms knocked into pi: u number of cases emp
tied upon the door, and `,things generally knock-.
cd into a licocked hat." He else found that
most of the articles of any value had been car
ried merry. The proprittor has but little doubt
ice his own mind in regard to the particular net
to whom the burglary shield be attributed. Ile
immediately lodged informntion at
rte Mayor's
office, and an officer was deputed t oat
the perpertntor of the burglary. •
ner Diamond sired and Cherry Alley,
spl.s4f rirrenintun. PA.
. _
-• • •
11. B. DENSON, l'uormr.roa.
7N - Le qf Rnard, 11,10 prr day-111/
Aar C. 1t SL-1,1
D. n.
ast.)laa. tis.t..Tel.Otriee.) (late St. OwI. AN Pprre finials)
VHOTEL. (late Brualia,) corner al
Ron Ithfleld and MIN ettrcts. OLAitS
• ,%Rlt. Propri••con. •
..Ir.rna• halo and .nunNlinu• rinuse novrlng made,
goo. thorough r.patr. and funglibed atrauipto.ntx
tbnluglanut, 1. not op. Or the tempticm of thh tra•41.12
euxttit.wOurig.rre. ard../datr,
_ -
011 N Setrfll, C m
01l :stoker, comer of
01 North Common Anadhed tore.
mt.. Allegheny
w ere be attentively ma ores every .lesonlotion of ;
VEHICI.E.A, of Ur , hest material, and by theta. aortal., I
Ile has she operonl A ItIIItDOSI lo the St. Charles
buildings, ne Lt.ce. i ahoy. Woi.tet.. where he has at rrar
ant to eery, fail stock of •tork. ;with daily addltlex re,
whleb be Invitee the attention andelitica/ axamloatton.
feeling confident—frost Ida motioned enornee In haleness, i
his extend. calm, tho material and workmen motor d,
rtrle of Udell of Ms work—he cannot he cernneted e
the Ear or West, 11P2.7m • JOIN flelll2o.' ,
WALTER P. MARSHALL, Importer and
Dealer In Plain, Figured Sad Denman.. Paper Mug.'
10$. No. RI Wend otrort. Illttehbrah.
betle Arms of tba celebrated msontlactures, Wenn,.
court A Co.. of Pads. m 3 •
V g.—The PartshYashlonefor JUNII„ direct per ideate,er
b. on atle on the in Droxlmoli 9. L. 0. wftsoo,
N 0.231% Pear, abnee thine duvet.
7. 3717c1111.1.
. . . .
■ SIMICIIA:PPS, Omni Itatin4soventh stmt. Pia.
burgh, Pa.
• Damn. WS, Lard Olt Near Pork, 0. C. Pima PLInN en
tn. ant N.a net,Anthrialts nns s.ta. Pie E a rl yW.
tirk•it rug tlay. Anthracite Cad. L.
AS curinenceilbu4sic. , 4 at No. ao ;Max.
gereet, between Feeend and Third greet. Ile
bee tzstmeleed tam the lmMatUr.+ayy 1 menufeeturete •
rat 01 r a wsre=? "'"rU l e u " lll *.7,llB tVrX eut
.111.. • n quadllce, er4teh he ' In ' e " tel to tnalne ap - to
oilier, In the meet nebloeshle grin! sea In the boat Melee
Rothe h.thttie`eePrelettre 'able busineleo.te tacit
esynfideut or giving entire entnifsetlon. Witte. In,
Mende ea
...nave hie Meek:
dby ma Vaal oAI amt. Wa lam alattlaail of oar ate -.
r ' arta A l ritn . l% '" :lli4 o grtr ,,, g.g - ::
tootaby sottaartaad to all eotoootll. 4 , -W.'', to
oIO t u aL I V.PAION
James W. McFarland,
Tess, Fruits, Pickles, Spices, Prestryes,
!joules' sir lbw, Furrarlit . ny G.o,b, 0
No. 164 Liberty Street. Pittsburgh.
the day. That excitement deepened, too, as it
was whispered round, that it had' appealed- to
other banks for help,. Wednesday night, and had
been refused. Depositors said, and the people
endorsed what they said, "the officers of the
hank knew its condition tarn and it was fraudu
lent and dishonest, if this was so, to receive these
The notes of the hank were redeemed mildly;
these are secure and will all be paid ; the depot.
iters were retuned early in the morning.
• or the entices of the failure of this bank, we
eon say but little--fur except in a general way - ,
we know nothing. Rumor is busy, as usual,
with its thousand tongues in regard to them.—
Speculations in coppqr stock, or mines or roads
connected with the lama, extravagance in- epee
elating- on the part of its managers, favoritism
hi loaning its means, ke.. ise., ore largely dwelt
upon. .Tie specify these, not to endorse them,
but to demand in behalf of suffeiers mid the piala
lie an exact and prompt statement of the affairs
H of the ,bank.
, This bank Las been in difficulty before, and
was not regarded' by shrewd outelders as very
Still in the prusem excited and auspicious
elute of the public mind, there should be no dodg
ing, and no concealment. We must learn to
forget persons, in matters of this especiol
ly if wo dosiro to prevent further and future fi
nancial troubles- Let us have the whole work
without fear or favor.
Cabe Bank has made an assignment, and In its
,first step, `has committed,. in our judgement, ,
capital blunder. Iwo of its tissignees are its
Zatetresident and W. 3. Gordon, both reported
and believed to be intereste# largely in It ; the
dad, one of its clerks.'" II Is, all of them should
- resign or-abandon the trout Instantly I This
looks badly. tiorte but:disinterested:capable and
fearless men should be assignees, and they should
expose clearly sad fully the whole management.
Altars? . or gnamotY—Arrison, of Infernal, fides:ma their ability to meet all their obligations. I ,Übe
machine notoriety, arrived in this - city last seen- 1 , The Forest City Bank, we are told, has only , hint
ing by the Ohio awl Missisaippi railroad, under , 5 4 . 000 of its notes is sinalatisa haring take.L him!
arrest. Ile was captured by Lewis Lee, Deputy iup ell the rest some time ago. the'
Marshal, Capt. Hoke, of the Pollee, and D. T.'
Snelbaker,' Meyer' of the - ray . , at httiscatine! On Wednesday craning, we understand, the , mitt
Canal Rank applied to the other Banks fore Idea p ea t
'town — " -•— - - - lof some Sao,ooo, to meet demands, but was re. I dent
Wo are twinkled to 3140 r Buelhakiifor the, fused, although nee Of the e eluakiteldefa °lrma I rose
:following additional particulars: Having gained certain mineral stocks, and give same real va- , and,
ilaiollll.ooll which led themtoleelievelhat Mn-l tate eucasities es .allaiss's l L - s - Cf s u' l l t ru l Lea. , was
eon Was at hitiscatine, the company left this city ,
% 1 - ----- " ----- 7, - ing
the imxtet,and arrived there on Tueedayeeening !
on Mondiry rooming for llai purpose of making flex. Case 0. TUT. it"Inl")" E31. " 2 " ---- O, TI hem
'ow delivered an. etthorate apeechat Detroit,. on !sigi
..lhe was found in the employ of Mr. Doherrty,as I e 4th inst., is which be replies at length lathe j der
clerli in a drug store, and tbe aritingements be. 1 e kof the Richmond Eminiror en his Bromic- I tot i
log complete, was liaised on Wednesday roonelog, ' racy. Of the attack he saki:— e , to ,
`and immediately placed in board the cleaner_ Li, I bayebeen arraigned by the Richmond Fa 5.13,1„
B. Mcßee, conveyed to Rock Island. and {Ym , gaiter inT,ama utglesel arrogant than virulent—.! 0,7
thence by railroad to Cincinnati. Ho passedl first denounced -mat then .relistuemitt - I have i sent
there by the exannied e name of 'Mikity, which been finally expelled Inmate Democratic party, 1- r er
be still claims, reeaktely denying
Lis identity, by its decree-of exoammoninotion. nut, as I i c li pt
with the individual in whose name be was -ar.! am not in the habit of onbenitting to ssimrapeeks t Who
'total Ilexes deposited in the Ninth street i nor,presumptiost e so I shallnot submit to both.. into
station hones, and en he is already under indict-Leven when.united in the columns of that. once go t
mem. will doubtless be speedily put to bin trial t }!isilY mid highly esteemed Journal How Ira data
. Ca,ntannei C,,, ~,,,il. , the mighty fallen! ton.
Vrnta the Nnw Vort EVerl lEa Its L.
co —By the brig Croton, Capt. Bligh, 24 days
from Port on Prince, to O. L. & A. Ferris, we
have flaytien dates to the 12th ult. The follow
ing extract from a prlvate letter discloses the
probable terms Which The French Consul-General
has been authorised by the Emperor to offer the
Dominican government as a basis of a treaty of I
peace and reconciliation between the eastern and
western extremities of the island
Poor so Pitmen, Oct, 11, 1554.
The French consul, di' Is said, left for Santo
Domingo to-day, charged , with certain proposi
tions to the-outhorities, of the East from this
government—say somethihg like the following:
The Emperor would convent tbatthe Dominicans
should have the regulation of their own domestic
policy—keep to their 01/13'4nancial system (if
they con)—elect their own.‘chief—hot the for
emu policy moat be one---theret must be but one
flag. It may be h sort of viceroyalty, in short.
Perhaps something may be done: any sort of
uniot would have atendenny to defeat our "Do
minican intrigue;' by identifyinithe whole pop
ulation beyond dispute with the Afrioan ne e ,—
But the faculty of organising would' be needed
for this—and to effect a permanent union—in a
much higher degree than I have eve corn ex-1
hihited by these people. I confess, I\3 var ex.
pent to 3CB Souleuqur end Santana ca ue On to
Port an Prince, like (Le two kings of Brentford.
smelling it one eta*. • "
A priest from the eastern part has been here
for some days pant, charged, on slit, with a
semi-official mission from the Dominican goys
ernment. .
There was eery little run. yesterday, on other'
Ilanks.or grebe= for deposits, except that thews ,
was come clamping about of places for deposits
.—aome preferring one, and some another. The
flanks feel no uneasiness, hut are.perfectly con
iLN one tyvh.t...l run upon my Banking
mon, mon,. wk., a lame amount of my'
Menne was not irodanti, aestiaele cash. bas constrain
ed me to suspen.rpey wont. hope to be Ole he • few
days 1, render to those Interested a utisfacteci_ state- - \
moot of my affairs.% % Vold 11. D. 'KING.
Allegheny Gas Company.
rirnE Allegthenv'Clas l'ttmpunv declar
i ea • dividend of Tour per cent. en ineCAPltat Rook.
yo•yaldeafter the 17th lu,l, .1 the office of It. 11 Darts,
Treas., II Moto t.
The Roani f Monsoorp have dlrlded the e • Jim
ited smount ou Stook. which nan be bought at sal the of
e. office.
A quantity of Cues for sal 1,1 the NI ore.
kit_ DAVIS, Treasurer.
CHU, twrt door to the new Post pflea
111100/en, Nor o,P , Zoi.—noCetel
EW BOOKS—S. SyLEßA.llegheny, is
1 opening free> Annallo , Pone, with many Ista
pub lost lona
Emma De Liman, a mama . " , of wieiluitutirs and trials
S•frutonto Bl7korsteth on Jul.. And Judo Yellow
shin with Christ. Tyne: Rile'. Trento jteurtna bt Contrni
AM., Bayard Taylor. Cast Canote or TUVRti%Yont ,
African -Isom.; The Island Dome. or the '
way. Esoomma the Daughter of Um Banded; ileanance
of Adventure, or true taiernf Enterldie, Ihonle Morrison, ,
the Disciolhaeof Lino Plortnore Egerton. urßunshineand
Chador Prlta Heroin. or the Temptation: The Ymitag tor
seer, by Capt. Held: Footprints of Fmno. Sten: Uncle
Amu, Farm Fee, City `iii.: Parish and nanny Side:
Vara. new supple; Choke Seori. from Dickens' Iloosc
hnhl WANK , F , Coole, on the Church Catechlon, ] i n. Steer
erne!: new Woks from B. Carter A Dena'. Arpin
ry. /to_ mined rocently nl,aennatern title& now Invelv
, nOtO
RIDAL VEILS of new styles% a few just
at Dant N 0.4. an the D 4
avor Wier. woorlstloa a 13 Flares of water ttowar mad
100 lota. watar power 11 ono of th• bUt thArounter:
14 and ttatlota are offered etcres TLlO S t .
barawlWUOL.B. 78,411u1ts Mo of
inn IL. PINK. LINLN(IS in stprislutt
tpur Ovule by JO:HUNT 5.1074 V.\ERRINCiI 0.4.1;F' SKINS
fin Cortior.hlfl/30 do du do 190.,.:'
ors and Ihr sea by :. J. .141[1:01,
\3O CA ot S O E F SCII KIPS /`Ogortiti:)
tbo v • • •
and t i or d tts '. l;try .4\pe.V do (
J. ti l lh. 4 NT —0 . 1 4 k1/ " .
7. o.;na TI3Zr i RY CALF 4.ll , 4lK m l o V ar ia
T t l e ( d .
Illmeat to them:de_ Lott tpr
. hmeht.oltll::ehtt
hum, thAlee,lt luretu •tt Pe • •••.•
Illhoq, to make tcrim.hl eNmo and to them , t!sehls
pliimmweinet v.. them, all) aratteutlmled,
f" Pr irg•g.LOet..lll.•
WILLOWN7A-RE-r--Plain and
Nratairbod taxes In Dario different alsedo nltit j
han . leia KZ& 14Ni -I Kr-odor and rioted Ilit€ ,Idharast,,
ivioratoderar.nd Itackaa, Baskairr.7trartua liar • •••
,rgia• ftett i, • to., for rata -
Litorrla rt. cair • •
\Wilt BRACE S-1 hai' - te9'd I,- 1
V. 6 e isalrttarat of Sti .0 .. az
, 4 I: 6 ;;;;D :vt r l t, e.tiom . - ~...
li' . TUE .n.ApTi
\ ic
I \ ls,lstheria for slang
swowrit . arkat 5t....
N CONTINEN - '4;' Datra- r .
-A n..tuie. t 7 n u : itur l m r 7.
.: .
73 rev'd and\fisiLeal . 0 - . , 1:
_ iet.i. 111•7_..!t012,,,Er,4_4 ..:
bt.W. re. a wigjor, ~
um' s. LIGO .1_
AJ lirge .0\
slating n
i l l , A ° 7::,,,t A r i
W z zelYB Pulle n.
FOIE A 140 - 5.
I U... ratdlyenv , BY
IC. 8. E.% vlth an acc : m
by tbolbev. J. M. Wag.
11 RUOMS--10 ( . !U
.1., sale by
i I AY-36 bales ted ,
-- i4filE HAVANNA 0
,1 1111 :0 , 10 IT M EE N
fT — tio 1 Prlq