MEM f 1 • . I 1) BY WRITE A. PITTSBURGH: TIItESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2, 1654 -121- To Adrertbiers.—Neither th• &Mail al Ike.. ..aorPrinting EntahllahtEmot of the pa tt Gazdt,..e.PenM lOU Eltsday. ei , irrrisraimbodevin their notice. to shyest. a the It.t.e . oh.Maaday =amt... will plea. hand then ly Won h ocioet. °it fohnvi4r. 101..Pluabarah Weekls Gazette.—Tb• dar.rxkpiT. ArttastkaL or one mat, Gdadre °lran en onr bualnen gram • anon derdrabla nedivm of making Molt, Idmined, k Pll,l . Oar cietzdatinn Is between fbnr anti Ave thowand. reselling shoat *nen. enerehiat, nummtactimer and ahnlrkeeper in Weatern Ponnarlvalsia. and I'dcatern, Ohio. • Advance Payment3.—llcreafter no,svb vrill be Men fro: the Deny et. Weekly Untotte. mime hayneent Is' made in ...Wanee. Wheneree the t time Li ay to which the aubseelptlon IA NJ& the paper ethePe.l., aukx the euberrlytion Lre 'mid by advance taymenti •11.17. delaiption. volt ehe reeinlenl to be paid to mult i e.t.a. neatly eteentlnile will be where eyeemial month-, 1,7 f r yearly . , mantis are mAde. ' eeplukter I=l===milktcll • 31241.11al and tilloolmStnie Storkiinozl.77- __lNO . take.this mode of notifying those who re mit to us by mairthat we can no longer receive the notes bt the Indiana and Illinois State Stock Banks. They aye not elfrrent in :this city, and we cannot sell them yxyert at a ruinous :have. BoxPtrrtox OF nix Cevram. Onto Rosp..—..On Saturday Inst. the Ohio Central Railroad was Completed to the Ohio river, four miles below Wheeling, and a Locomotive passed over it.— lmmesliitanrrangements Made for cross- . i ing the.river by a ferry, and through passenger and freight trains arc expected to be run after I the 145th inst. The.formal opening .of the road will take place on 'the 15th at November, and lwill be properly celebrated bye grand excursion ot invited guests front'New York, Baltimore and lather eitits along the line. The invited guests from-the cities east of Baltimore will assemble ItheßY on Monday the 12th. OnTuesd4 they willleave inn specialArainkr Wheeling, and en 'the 15th the opening excursion over the Central froad will take place. At Zanesville and Colum bus, through both of which cities the road pass im arrangements are in progress to give the Enests a joyous reception and entertainment.— The excursion will then go on t. Cincinnati. The Baltimore route will then be continuous, and will come into yigorous competition- with the Pennsylvania Central, and the New York routes. The Pon dissents fruni our view about female equestrianism at County Fairs. It thinks eques-' !Lisa exercises are healthful, and impart vigor of body, courage and activity to those who en gage in them. That may all be; but it does not fallow that they ore therefore the proper accom panimenti of an Agricultural Fair. InMiother. column the Post publishes. deice -table account of a prize fight between.'Alac"and !"Tom Hyer." L T : - The Whole is related - with touch gusto, the reader being duly informed haw . Tess "dashed . in," how Mac shook himself, and how the whole inhuman affair (always supposing 4t ts .. l,laTe happened at all) was managed Through out Had not the Past better advocate the in troduction of priie fights at County Fairs? it seems to take as much pleasure in them a, in equestrian performances, and they would no doubt ‘draw" equally as well. Man Ronacmcs.—The son dl the Post Mns ter at Wellsrille, Ohio, has been arrested and Taken to Othlmbus for trial on a charge of fob bing the rani!. 'Prom the Detroit .papers n - e learn, also, of arrest in that city of Henry Gammings,, Post 3laater , at Harrison Valley, Totter county,' PE., on a similar charge. lie has been sent to this eity.for trial. Z The s tone work on ihe Railroad Bridge across the mouth of the Beaver river, on the Clerelandand Pittsburgh Railroad extension, is completed, the last stone beinglaid on Tuesday. The wood work will be erected next Spring, as the timber has to come down the Allegheny riv • er. The grading between Beaver and Welhville • t is is each a state or forwartlncee, that it can be completed in ninety clays, whenever the slate of the money market will allow of its-being pro secuted with vigor. Dot little work lidoing on it:at present. • Eno Ohio Stole Journal ridicules the tourna -7:.,,iy?,•.; ments periodically „gotten up in Virginia and Kentucky; - to *Lich the Louisville Journal thee responds : I "These ktrictureS on our tournament donut 1 4 come with a gOod grace from the editors of n ;t State where they show babies and Berkshire pigs together, and where young Indies ride pony races and drive "two in hand" in genuine jockey style." Tkat is a fact. re'"The Buffalo Commercial, Mr. Fillroorel! , ?fin, •is out fiat.footed for Mr. Ullman, the • 1•:' • Know gothing candidate fur Governor in Nevi • . 1 'York, and declares the election to. be between • I Seymour, the Sort.administratiott candidate,•and, Ullman. 'lt still keeps the-name or Myron Clarke, the Whig candidate, at the head•of columns. fire r , 'l;'•.:_itt•li • ,•••• ParAT CRT AND LITrLE I VOOl..—We prepared himates_on Saturday of the losses by the late which - footed-up, as follows : Value of huildingsife4troYed $08,500 Insurance ott aloe °ego . oils destroyed.... Insurance on *onme •.. . ..$92,000 , t fi •, • al • t , Total loss. Insurance • " '," WAKING UP.—we are glad-to see that mu :!!.:45,1 worthy contemporary of the Petersbdrgh Intel -5 ligeicer has not been dull in perceiving the -.two Wei tinder a hood" in Northern 'Democratic pal • Arm Since tho attempt of some of the North western editors to prove that the Whig candidates wet; trying to re-establish slavery South of 36° 80f the faith of more then nue Southern joorn al Las been a little shaken. The Petersburg Intel : Ilgeticer of Thursday saYs -.j “Wie do not know how the result of the lot, 1. -elections may b,. regarded by others, but, for our own part we are I,lad of it, not because ; - ;. { s we have any sympathy with ab.olitioestvand Revolutionists, but because we have lobg de sired! to see , the misks stripped ! from the faces of a band of as arch hypocrites and traitors ns N ever 'disgraced humanity. They • ' stand, bow fully 1:1 exposed in the light of day. We have never be ‘t in die *Natural Allies of the South bat on die contrary. always looked ' forward to the • 1 1 time when! they would steed exposed in their tmeColors. - That the , Natural Allies hove done -s:lthe job in these elections Is as 'clear as a mitthe nustitial demonstration ; for it most be reneem bared that the Whigs were in a minority in these • Staten, and ,tile accession of strength which gave • them! thg late • elections"could have been obtain ' ed tram no otiersource Wen the Democratic or 'Natural Ally' ranks. We rejoice at the late re suit, !too, because it' will awaken the South to her I true,position. For years, instead of Ittoking her condition. fully in the face, she has been most. I Imsillanimoutly and foolishly; prating of 'Nate. gist otter stupid twaddle." - The clipper ship Red Jacket arrived at Liver , pool on the morning of Sunday, the 14tb,- with advice from Melbourne of August Ist, having ii - ccomPlished the return trip. in 78} days, not withattuttfing'beving lost some time in the ice. I The Red Jacket made the ran otst_ from the I Meraeyto the anchorage at Melhourne, in G9} . . 1 days, theta completing the voyage from Liver ... Timed to Australia and back. in 5 months and 11 f slays, being , the most rapid voyage ever made. On er yoyage out her average day work Was .2 -} .miles, the smallest progress 50 - - miles 'and her greatest 400 miles in i 4 hours. ax bet return , average speed was' 27,3, smallest '.,-. ' day's ricin . 3l miles ' greatest 370 mike: - The R.. - Jacket brought 45,000 ounces of gold and 2kooO sovereigns. Sbo reports the Light-1 ning I Cairngorm:Et aliPperenrrived out The It.. , I - , ouidin Star hadalio arrived at Liverpool with: scoop • unccs of go and Melbourne day of ..., la ~.. • A Large military turn out is to take place at ' il Berrial3arghlTo,sa.the occasion of the ;eau . ~# gurathir of Gov. Polloek. . 4. , - lewsmos or Wones's R11:11125.-41 the Seca 3.: , . 1 , . '. 1,,,, , i County 0. Y.l.Pairthere appeared among the I ', l fair equestrians, as competitor for the silver ,."l ware,' a Wiasculine xpeCimen, Imbited in female I " .. - It apparel} - His "cowhide boots" exposed. the —, 4 , epooney, and be was forthwith ejected from the ~, um i'. "-r. A titan Cusnacraxi.—biaduim Ida Pfeiffer t . .4 saps that of all the vile, immoral places she has everacen or beard of in ravage or civilized, ;;huad, the!giiinblingelloons in California are the , . . . !IMIIIM visit of an Amer - kart Clipper to Jedde Dar. The American clippersadvip Lady Pierce, Capt. Purr, fitted up at San Nrancisco, inn moot cost ly manner, for a •spence expedition" to Japan, ars iced with her owner Mr. Silas E. Burrows, at ;E. ng Kong on the 14th of August. Mr. Bur ' 'es describes - his visit no having attended the meet pleil,lrith:e and elllferaCtery re visit!. We have been favored by bin, with the 1 following notes from his privat e jc urna l The Lady Pierce arrived itt'jeslds. Day i 1 d!Q d , aster Cons. Perry bad left, •sas a token of amity s sad p d aiste. arid • without any preparatien, for r and the high Japanese eflieers :aid the visiteras nstsch more pleasing to them than that I . Of Com. Perry , who bad with hills sus., massy big guns and liglitSag taco." The Japanese, however, expressed the utmost regard for the Commodore and his officers. The ship had been supplied at San Francisco, sth every comfort and luxury likely to gratify end interest the dap:mew. wise were surprised to find such. an elegantly furnished ves,el used to, a private gentlemen's yucht tier dimensions , vt ere taken by arti t lA, together with delineations of her guns, tackle, Ste., the authorities saying the Emperor intended to have two vessels built onthsi same model. On board Min a Japanese seaman, the soli's!: survivor ufa crew of fiffeea men-belonging to a junk which had been Mown out to sea, and was picked up n e ar the Sandwich islands after hav ing drifted about kr seven months. This man, ds treed Dee-yee-no-skee, was received with the most lively dcmonstratiotso, of pleasure by his countrymen, who listened wilts! much delight to his graphic description 'of his rescue from the junk, and kind treatment by the Americaus, es pecially on hoard the - Lady Pierce, in which be had been, by the kindness; alter owner, permit. tot a free passage to his native country. The A sponse, especially the I,m, orders, were pro fuse in expression, by words end gestures, of their gratitude to Mr. Burrs-sirs, who seems to he of opiaion Dee-yee-no-akee, a man of fair talents, is likely , by his account of American manners : and enstoms, to accomplish more than hosts of I towards forrnins , and cementing an intimacy betwixt Japanese an d ' foreigners. Shortly lifter the arrval of the Lady' fierce at Crap, orders were received front' the capital ! that Mr. Burrows should be supplied witliNevelsy- thing he might rt - sfihire, and received witlf "sim ilar hospitality to that displayed towarsA Cum. modore Perry." With a party of the Urasina nfficials on hoard, the Lady proceeded to withieten miles of Jesblo, tand her owners expressed It ands, o ff hat city but this woe objected to by the otli eers who said, .qt I. not good; Commodore 1 Perry did not go there, and we hope you will nut" Daring the stay of the vessel, every part of tier was crowded with visitors, who were pro lastly regaled with the refreshments with which the vessel hail been provided, fresh oysters and peaches losing their favorite delicacies,l with champagne' fie) beverage; and although at one time there must have been several thousands in tad around the ship, and though everything, ail ter ware included, 1 , 1,..1 thrown open to theirsite• spection, not a single article rev stolen. Large presents of silk, poloelain, lacquered ware, &a., were made in the name of the Em ;treror to Mr. Borrowevalm, however, was re. laistrd to give publicity to hie determination, tfist - Lehceforward, in accordance with stipule. 'Map in the treaty, no foreign intercourse what. ever wohhl be permitted with ./...birr„ but that all stases must proceed either to Sittlod2l Ur to the other ports thrown upon to A tocrican ,Ire•le. ,From Jeddo Bay. therefore, the Lady Pierce prfirceoded to Simoda, under the pilotage of three men sent ou board shy the nuehorities, and es corted bye Government critter numbed by two officers and twenty men, who had received OT - dyes to render every assistance that might be required. During the entire stay of the reset, /IQ guard was placed over her, nor was any re , trietion put upon landing, of whieb Mr. Burrows twice took nenantage while in Jeddo Bay, neat on both occasions was received with every mark of cour tesy. Be is, however, , of opinion with the offi cers of the United States squadron, that no ex. tenant- commerce can possibly. art least tar rosary years to come, be carried ore with Japan.. Ile , says he applied for coal, and was told at first ' that. - Government nail determined not to dts po'se of their sea coal:" hut, after reference to Jeddo, he was informed he might have en mach as he required at Sil,e/5 per picot, or s'iS a ton —such coal as he vow at the depot being, of very inferior description to that } t old in Hicgon at Sr; a ton. 31r. Burrows sass, the Japanese ass frilly aware of the present disturbed state of China, which they impute entirely to the effects of for eign intercourse; and considers the enormona prices fixed , upon Such commodities as he desired to purthase, a certain index that fear alone dic tated the Emperor's acquiescence in the demands mode by Commodore Perry. H likewise asserts the Japanese to be a na tion of Atheists; denying the existence of a God, and selecting as an object of worship either the Spiritual Emperor at Meaco, or any other. Be was told by the interpreters that formerly their religion was similar to that of China, but that the belief in a Sitpreme Being bad latterly been entirely discarded; and they professed to he much shocked Cu Dee-yee•no-skee declaring his belief in the Deity, to whom, and not to the Spiritual or Temporal Emperor, he said lin sue. cessful applicn.tions for, and thankful acknowl edgment of, deliverance from the drifting junk had been directed. Queen Victoria and Pamir i wintr,; ° .' On Monday. October y, - ttri• 1 irues en. ' treated the Queen to learn 'Scotland, w are she i was then finding emu; beset, and tete to Lou-1 don. "Somehow or ether, it jars upon o r feel. '• • • - in,,_•'s to give in one column the list of the killed !, • zrowirs LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. analwounded in these bloody InttleW, awl in ! i '*-2.40,71 ...,..90 str,r. ......p. a e Ruarreul. 1 . ,,Lut.1,u5, 3 her the ' pithy t h es e of the Court . IrN , ; AGED For ninny vents ore lusiVel vin Circular to the effect that the Queen and her, ~,, ,,i , ,,thr• T Vrt „ 3,7.,;,,c,1,•',?,Ta 2 ;,?'•.4 , ..!:;, ,,t , Vi courtiers are :mussing themse.ves in the heart , and•nutuerpue n00n... nod P.Ol, . Lifh f I con ....oh. og: of the Scottish highlands, n'S' though the fier5. , 17,1,"„V;;;;.; . ',.,„'" i r i 11, !- :',"j . '44''''''''''''''' •- "''''''''' ll4 ''''''' of her bravest subjects were :not in , instant , •-t on kiell,Afil, .N.Olth IS a to, ,s. jeopardy.' The Times enc.. on - lo FAY Pine it, - ' i dries not seek to offend, bat to give'', w.tening :- ' Neatsfoot Oii • - For. sale at KEYSER'S •' that which we hove art Uteri in''-`the moot careful' !CO .. , "I ...Pet. • find guard6l rummer, is tittered everywhere in ' London in terms not so caret,' a:A not su PIT'I'S li I Jiili Fl . guarded." Now. mark the - effect : The news ' Life ; .Pire .4 Marine Insurance Company; flies instantaneouSly In 'Balmoral, and on Wed- ! 01. - FICE 4. - , FIFTII STREET, nestlitY, the 11th, the, Court leaves en route for : MA - ioN IC HALL. PITT:giII:GIL PA the south, (Prince Albert's stag-lumtingaripoint- 1. 1141114 A 0 , 1.500 r soil...nary. merits being abruptly broken off,-) mid on the 1 , 411 i 'rt.i,.. Company makes evert; I zontram, ap , the:Queen arrived to LOINiOn. Witfl ouch a force ' es•, , lntne tnni natio , ost vim Uri! RISKS. does middle-class public opinicacalready net in :•,,, ~t,',',1711,7,t„t,T,i`1:,,2",:fr,:„%11,',;:,,C,,,',^:„',',1':','i son. iliritain! In thesame month sisty-fiveyetrs ago 1 ern 1 7 And against Loss or Damage by Fite,- a 'Parisian mob, composed 'chiefly of women, i rudelybrought the French king and court front An d against the Peril: a the S. stPl4abkna Aaviottlem VerstaliPS.lo Path. in order to louse then, subject ! "" roTif.i . e r MeiUsi with. lowest rlste• ennolotent with sorely to Parisian influence. This was one of the eat li. I l'sm mirth's. • , IllEKTellt: est of that series of acts which soon resulted in ' .1...uu.40. il..a Wm. S. haven, the overthrow pf the French monarchy. '.1.11.1 ' e'MV:11:41:...... Jones b. 11.1111. AletsoPtpr 1im11.,, now the middle class of Britain, with the like .1e- tin s ',PIA, John Funert.p. termination that to alt shall nut bob! it se lf ! j - Zei m ! , :. A tv: , .... 00 . n • 1.',..‘".‘121ei7Lf...ii.,ii,.. Arm. ' aloof tenon the national crisis, hors cchttptileA .Wm F Johnsto, 1 strougt:uunty. their "Royal lady,' - (by means characteristically,: Wi 5 .'',1.7„,‘,1,7,4 1 ., 1 ;,. I lodate, N.J.., hltlAsuultnt. ! Of tro,. Su Wee, differing, yet not the less effectual.) to make a ',' pw2L-I r. (Puyt ' , JP.. 0. -., m'as't similar in aspect to that of the ill omen- - - '''. * -,- eel French Nlonarch. We kriow bow bitterly Nla- Wright's Premitun Kathairon.—Thi,n rie Xistoinette aml her husband felt the tannin- , valaa'Ae preearatko ey• the Hair, havt,ttitnist me greet ation of their fore 43 residence at the Tuileries. I •vl isu . "kinr..ot O - " , • , ...• tb5!ta1ter.1.f....4,6 in "'r e 'Doubtless 'could we penetrate into Court secrets I fi ' ii " ii " .. ? .. ., if; Ili7,7i:Zy;,.i...7L`riithi..,.;:i°.;lo::;:,:;:ii.i:Lcizz wo should find that a kindreil Rentiment of deep 1 : , :h.bla, Now Nork. 0 ntuu. anal all the t,eluel I-I I I chagrin is cherished by Victoria end .Alter' at IL, Colon.. an urwovaned pn.parstion toe ,their present ihrohmtacy sojourn in Buckingham I 1, ... - Ruth. Bowes Phis. • Palace. The London Timer is fund 0:- drawing unesss•oto its osowts aro/ ',soon, historical paralells, but it would not s , .rerrntin, :Iv falling mot ur turn.Poproy. uit its pur- i R.......r,e0 of pee pose to draw one which would associnte Its one Sh , tte.t.oinplAo. 10,., Lakin, ~ , rtard Oran,. political Action so closely with "that of she steer Ihrreqin, harshness An,,,,,, dryness. b.! as • ving canaille of the Ith October, 1780, Liberal- V.Ylet send, it bar no notna for Its drib-ate and refresh ism, like nyisfortnne. makes men acquainted /".! l'''''' ,.. ...^. with strange belfellows.'and our "highly yes- , A,..n....,,..hathth1n1117.1:b..,:r.,,t.1115.1.1Lbtta...z.t17-,.. peetable - and attimes enthusiastically loyal eon- ~,,',„. 4,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,, ..,, r .„ fl . ~,, r ,,,,..,,,„, i temporary most not take °frenzy it we point out portent. snot stern all. in ns any tellurium. effeetsp An analogirittat cannot hen welcome One. . It lb* suchlen thaw., ttum IP-st Ladd. Its ooprenedent In the same article this powerful journal, not ..41 saletran I fun umertila rre , ynmeudnelens frau. Loan 0 content with leveling its gyas at the Queen, takes the bbsbest ststoling. sr. • su2ltient prem.( of Its superior to task•the Queen's Slinistera. Why Are the no- 1 i '',...":7 i.„ ')...% ' i r7 i. '' ii " r r ri. l.' l ii ° :::” . ' I :: " 1. " h 'n..l out Kul arms, a) I blemen and Right Honorable gentlemen who are I '• . - " '''''' ''.' ' v.,✓gov Ye , ..PenlAhls artvie. PO tjaitiOlLS tO rule the country their postal Why is Sir James Grisham playing i a., of Vlrtila Ailey'. Prlts =PL. Per bottle. Petl.att.T the courtier at Bislmoral? Why is the Premier I . - . - _ at Aberdeen? Vily,is Gladstone in Wales and Lord John Russell at Bcarboroughf Ale there no pleasant watering places at the South none the centre of Government?• Base not Loa, Russell and Aberdeen charming residences near the metropolis , ' Such are the questions that It puts, and they, have not been put in vain. Lord Aberdeen accompanied the Court to Londoniond Use Others will soon fellow. This little episode well illustrates the power of middle' class pplilie opinion in. Britain; that clasp seckn'to have the Court and the Cabinet 'nettled In the metropolis, that it may operate upon them by pervasive Bo obl influence, and force them to catch the infec tion of the national spirit; and it ties proved it self,,etrong enough to effect its ohject.,X. I'. Tritti ' . $78,500 Mt-eland Leader., A RAT RTURT—A; MUUMUU Taxis.—Some .1 , time since, at one of our city iroditutions, a large and corpulent hog, of the feminine gender, pro , seated the City Fathers with a litter of nine In -1 rant specimens of her kind, all of whom were delivered in good condition, and gave good pro. mice of carrying out the destiny of their race— to grow, get tat end be killed in good maim for the benefit of the Treasury of the municipality. A few nights after their birth, While they were enjoying a deep sleep,: the aty, which constituted thcirbeme, was invaded by a colony of raveanas rate; who infe`ited the locality, and the peaceful sleepers being snugly nestled under their ma tiler presented - no other point of attack than their rearward appendages, which protruded in a man- 1 nee too tempting .for the remorseless invaders, and each and every tall was 'gnawed Off ao close ly that actircely" a iastige remained. No other damage was 'done thdro, and they all atirvived their lass, nod bid fair to do well in the world, except that the incipient bacon of one of the nut , ftrers was somewhat,ritincod by the.roiticity. of itadtataiLant.-Chrtmide. : • ~.r, Film al, (Liu LATEST Film JAPAN. - ,t l tinelCh lona kn.oan as a M., An.l. remedr ft.rehrobte ern,. or IL-plate derns _ement. nr diewaaa of thel.lre, the peer rletnrx of Dr. 1 !elan,. Mir *ere out prepared Dr the freau-, but aralll,l“,‘ et idener• of It, general utility .i and ?par! I 3 In thla reaper, MI. Inralaable tnethrdne haa.gareenet their meet aarsculne expeetatidn, and in.lueed them to Ind. that It till I. Introdurnd Irate evert family In the United States_ rust-bur. .111 Le careful t• 'rut fur Mt. at•LANe et.l.l:llltaTEl, LIVER PILLS. and take non, else. Theta are..lit , rllll, I - nut...gni:ln lit Lifer 1111, now before th.k public.: Ilan. Di. Celehra4,l Vertulfax, tan nna be had at all meter-table Dr, Stnren It the Cult.] State, site or We by the ado proprietor, FLEIIINII-rhprriltm,c ifel-'74ttral • Nueenaanra to J.K.ldd A r . 0...1 Ware! tt If you are afflicted with any complain. •4 , -11 tnquirrst • Puri:a:lse )1 , 11.15,.. try A,e, s. PX. -.he, sr...oral trylve— , L*-nrri Ven.u, , . . It would hardly do for any one to have the temerity two-Ade," to , thestion the ear,lhnee of Pr. Ilond•hd'a •erman hitters, which are pr.rar.W 1 1 Or e larkenn. In ray, of dysmeß. a, llyor entardalut. and , deranzemeat or the didertireordati. their maul hare Innd he., hzate plainly .Yharlmt. run, (Ni,, the r/ rte. , the mortal humor, ethirh retard the let oral faortionr and Leint.ha:eto. to the ehro`k and ondh.rinc to the lave. They tardth thew. shear otem hap "!nee•. a_.,l rurt, tem Phrtelt, to high Lea!th. ad aertieeihn.l. —• • • Invalids re , •q•verin; from the efroet.m,f Fe er. ['Ware, rr iota etntinuiid ilineeno./ end Lind nil flud (ir•et. Stitntah Mixture the (Add minted, .hick r.vier their drew , : In, eetittltut.nnit expel nil xed beit more from the bliti4. excite the Ilene to • prinm tit end healLihY nett, by ketonic iiropertlen teeter. the rntleut to Ire and Plum. - . le • .. elek only ••! TES IT. A rliegle lelttle I. worth el the m_xalle4 tarmaresill•e iv azistAnce Ti e..aalue .Ileerner. Plum. nr •, rriter nt , e.leus {el:v-4nm. jr au I arm fel elve. tbe rulexgeet Infant w,lthout treit .n the t-rtltmt...• •.( wonderful arr , un.l )lore thav hunt- , m the 4t,411.b -ru,nd. •ao 1....3.16. Wks alverthkemeot • . • Citizen's Insurance Comp'y eittstargh n 0. KIS°. Pre.rad,d. 2.t.Nfl'EL L TNNURE, MIA. ANllr.i , ktISKS ON THE 111.. D 3115515,111.1 11l VERA. AND TRIBUTARIES air Incar,s a,110.1• nn. ALSO (A• SEA kind Si. I Nt, SA rie:Arros r 1 1.12 1 ,1111:T.1 ItA.V. 'Jr. Morse's Invigorating Elixir or Q.uotaL.— If It is inputted haw tbla-areat restorative le onenourpllahlue such nvtraortlnary curet, we eau may reply that it th. Arabian herb that forme It. cardinal ingredient have been blended by the Ihnuipotent Phyalchm, a iIINCfr Lloollot and create, varieties of moon" promote, than b. boortotont been mtPponned to exist In %hundred daferetet at. lee. of the pharmarnmele. A whole mond& cheat on remedies, Win ea:41,1.M to have been conalnlned In this herb; and In the ELIXIR or et)InDIAL we have thole rot. tootasted name. . It i. no affect,, however, not thecaese with which we have to Aral In the nowt:eel applleation u the modlolde. The viettina of clyapepala are cured, th &loone are relieved, the half paralysed fr 1113016 their Artir ivy, the alarm. from bealothe are tormented no noon the erak hemmer ddOeron., the tint of jaundice leaves the rOmplothm of the billow., the &profaned In eplotte 6%00 buoyatkt,-tha elan in almost in .very condition of iiru dative hintedlata benefit from the nee of be. Dorm', in alma - attar Elixir or CordiaL Thew nada, supported by Ilrefnmable prof, are presented to the attention of lava .Ids, whir ran verify them by • Mantle bottle. of the medl doe. The Cnnlial in put up hlghlY runcrtatant.d. in Pint bot Um.. ?Mee 0n,.. dollars per bottle, two for firs dollars, sla Run twelve dollen. C. 11. RING, Proprietor, 142 ilroadggy, N. Y. 6 1 11 , ..t.N r . 1 17/%12011.toagl000tth • United Stotts, Clan tlennal A.t• 122 Pltlaburih—Plamng *or., cornet Wood awl Yount, stroots; H. goyzer. corner WoNlrtrert and Virgin Mier; it. E. Allegheny No. 67 lallWood 6 t. i Alao, by J. P. Flaming, FASHIONS. McCORD FALL & CO:Fr-RAT STORE, D.RE33iI4:7A WIDE-AWAKE FIATS, LADILIV Ridin g'FA H NCY ats CA and Gloves, Corm Wood sa•l PSStn.:tat. uhlorlde of Lime tor sale at KEY- S:RI, 1401Woott error. Hydroniavii Coirboles just ree'd and or Ws at ILWEILIII, lfo Wo tv t. ___ ...a tchnsron, Nu, 1.-The steamer' Isabel in I JOHN C. PARTV & CO.'S 1 E.I'E MEDICINAL COD I.! WER OIL, , N.1....W . .I_ol EI.fII'SE.:IIENTS ' , , E ho v e, tti i n n o g,, ,, C! t a i s , sin ne lli ps a r t , lte .ot ai n n e, t , i r es bwr ::‘, ,,,,,„,, ~,F . all. Supply of Hardware. AITCTION S.' ALES. not lo:t. She broke her shaft and put into Key ; I - - ----- - ~ • Veh L f_,l . :C .' ' FT - RE. 1 , ..,... , ..., ... •sr Ito . •th..• .1 th, r.. i . . lark.. st.. near • 4th. , c ~I 3.1 .DAVI S .‘ - . , uctoineer. t,r . ,.3. l , ti l re ch oe v eu i. r:e e t r o ri, n , l o oLd p ay .,, n to ig ry ht w i l. ,, i: u b mr. d .th e c s ee . ~.r e ..,:r r h: ', t1 , :: : : :, ,,J01 . ,.. m .ii t !P , :..1: : : , ,,c,5g , i5 n t1 . a: h :.: : ,,,,,; •:. :: : .1 . ...1 . : r. , .... . , tti .,...,, , ,,, f ,. ..' h r , ~3 , 1 , ,ne t d , .. h . .--. , Young 4Si:en's Mercantile Library I.lid - I `.' • . '''' I° to- ew th -,1••• 11. to ... he.-. a ;.1 az. , t, wit 'IN -••o'. t. nt 1 •• • '''' '''' thh dcoei 'l N.r . " A '••••• •''''''••••• rr. 1r• • I,llf r,.. r , ..',",.,,,",,..' t ,,,. % ir ,... .. , %:. ,.. .... ,,, . ‘ilss L id uc e . L l Ca s p r t. , ll - ,N e i l :. n . lt 3 it i lt !... w;il .1 : 1., ' . 7: - : ' r "' :':::: . , th ; ,":.;" .: , :7 , :; ' ::::' ,, : . : .., " ... ' , 7 , " ::T . , n , ::: , : . 7 ,‘ ~ " . ‘ , ; . .k .. ., ,.,, - ~,, , ~ ~,,,, ‘ ,. ': , -4 .:',•,:::,...,, - 7 'L.. ' - '- '. ' Si X.... 111 IV AED PRoPERTY AT AEC sl3.httr. f 5,000 in the Royal, ..:33,0......0 Gino d. Several olltbra of Chap.,' hushlings front hut (nods and healthy lit. ' re • Chneiwe re L urnt, one of which wan ithotrod. Giihrt'S All Orlsold with their elynature will bo Xcund .Im nf , l ' ul . lll ' 4 . ,;. ' lil r S u rT , . ; ,;,, ' Y t , t•,':."."';•2;,b • ' .; ;;' S; ; ; ; Art ;; / ; ,. Ilan * ; ; l ' ; ''' r • l'''`,'" • ',,, l an ' - ' 7. • ll .••'',• •.; ..., , ,o . • ...It • yr, -no, Am I- rig tr. ode, ' Hot , t r. • • ,t• ' ~,,,..„„,. 5er,,,,,,,, thn rteSulor of-Su.a.l.4httli tr.l"4. l factory rt. burnt. Insured ut $.1,0011.- cont./too atalst s . *os oro I- retain., I. the wart del- '' '' , ''' '.. L.'''. •,•• ."• - •-•tt 0.• , , ,, ~• . •• - i: -. `r.:.‘,.. 2 1............”Lii• • •• • •:•. ''',:‘ - '''..r it t ca.`: . t ',..` ... l. 7, ''.' `'.•',222,'! . .. 5 ; ',-,' ' ..., 1. , • ,...,..., • •c1',....:; . 2 . • i n . ..,"“ .. 'cid` •i . • ... wo•el• . 1, "xi' . ..- t . ' Oi•H "' xi "... ' , sturdier a l l " . P• renerc " , , • • r . 1.. ./.. ilobt, az . el rk. th. •Ith do, • f Niteetafer ...any, Mven •two Th:. ruiißion Hotel wa. slightltdautaged in tbe 1. , - t'-‘ , /st. h. . d I, Stone'. ah,firr to. a 1n..., the Cotoollt • tro .1••• n, ; ''''' ; ~,,,.. It I. ett,... r . ono .. •. A 1.,:. ilt pr..... ...1 Ilinottal st no ormmart to et• a, . lA, remierd t h.. • ',lore. rt,...t y rki • i i • . Ex Ceti COI'S Sale ~., -;;.• t ~ , ;. . , , ,,., , . , r L k ..J, , t d „ ....1. ,. .1.... ,. ., ,, t,....t„,. ~, „.„ ,,, ,,, „ „ , ,, , ,, T itr.....„,, ,, 1 r. , ,..., ts ~...: no IrhAa. pt.. wer• built ouly Ei, g... ri . ~,_ Pr... , .....1 a ell do-rerro• the attention of trstanda . .1 t ••• 1 .......1 41 ".• oh' ......• " • ' ,.... '•'/i • fr , thr W r'''' I A , iflculty has occurred between the Itost .. , ._. '' ft, cf h, r ere Tr.,. Cnuoulltre ha, 1..., o, Corinna. , n , , , 1 ( r min nt rc , .• -I t r...... We do . - .....J•0t s g ) rm. b,..,,,,,ifid ~.,,,,,,,, ~..,., Ir ~ . r i o , hat- hen. papen, ..d Moro.). Iminfnet the pro,•" n i . romody 311.... ralualCe than r, tll i ' d. so . tr G•h ern l nn d th e South Cnroliun Roilr ou a. ~.u . ,,,,„, , ~,,,„„...,' , ~1,,,.,',”. ' "":"."••• "'' '''' l ae t • •••-nre hcr rr,onco. st Ira, pane., thr ,* thr ~,. ,r. -w• .1 1 1 , dri X.ete re t rail ••.• .• • arrow , ".', ..•., A ti,..,„,,,.„.., ~,,,i,,,,„ ii,i.,,,,..1..1. , , „:„ `„ • L ' ••••• -It an ! sr . . I 1 nleniln.i ordrr. Tee strmt .be a,..Annt, and thlh th• ref....v.111 he the orav 0p.,. I. o • rot. r 11,.. j lam I tlf. I homy , rerind ti . ., N • 1., , j„.,•„„, j , •• ••,. i• ! .1,..1 atth tis, and there . hid*. wat.r in th• • JO n:, c. BA I:J.Et A co,. • n.„, ~ h„rmy /fir Aden, the nob, wh,t,. a• her rt. "^rlei . iwd • . • r" . IT S T.' i •• • I•r• •-• 't is 05....-eoc r .1,... r, ,1,. it , , •tial... •,t /too, osa '''''' tr s il'" ''''' '' ''''''`P' l " r '''''''''' ''. '''''''''' r '''''" • t No NU North ldet .111.1,1, ittlda. '',A" ..l ' "r! '" • " trn ' tl7,7 'n '." ";"'" ';' I"r ';"" ;";"" ,lIlLi N , P A RENT wtN 1 /1 /11 S.l 1.1 1/RS of '' ' ' ''' ''''''''''''`"''''""r "'"'Y'''''"'r t ''''''' '""'"r "' ''''l'' ' '4' ;; ";c i s •l ' i l ,. , r ' 0Nti1;. ', .% . 1.7.; .. t`Ter nOtt 1 For a./ al , th•PrirroiPal Dr-us:clef. 5r...1....DT ; 1.,,:;;. ` : ' , ` ,..:, at I.alf pa. el. I.thro t.. at ;my- ; 1 . tr, • .b., r. Apo, In eh., att•l ".. ••••• rl. the Is, •• • ;'• ; •• P .' ''' ''' '''' ' ''''''.".'"' " th ''''' '‘. ...' ''''''' ''''' ... ''''' " '' , t.'.t.. t. t . ' '''' ..t; r :l t '' I .l‘ ll • A . T. 1„.. of Alinbelon uf• rt• to le b., at th. X 1..... • f rrpet 1, aro., .y.',. 1, •al ;k o t .. • • • '• ' ' ''''''' '• '' ••'• ''‘ l•• I i•r i .. ` nl;frk D•r• .1 ' .•• 11 ." .•... u't• ~1 .ort,a •; ,:,,Y * ,:e. ochnaw, NELSON'S Flan PREII I 1;.1 s o a ti..... st.r.., !Rm., '1.0.1‘,.. Leirtire C 0.... j ;et! ;- A W X 1 ,12 NT. O'h • lillO- ' •,...I•l;7;,: a 7.7. ; " ;• „•;, Tr ;u o7St.t ," .. ' ri l r.Vlret A . Ad .Sra ;"; Ce r il r te " ;!".Z'..:*- PCi l•DRINITION, liverbtnr. , ~, P. 11. DAV.Y. Aurt DAG tiElt REOTYP ES. Ohl, ruST OFFICE BIIIIDINO. THIRD OTICEET. '''''''''' th' 'P.' -. JAI , XI ISIRKPATPICK. 1 i/le.bSS Sr .til it 'top: , ~r suet, s ice sold '7. •.' ' sli tt s\al i sT'es tbt- '''''''•” d ' t. r" . "' ' '''' -I" ' - '''' " - . ... _ _ ELIA: 11 II:loll. , k ...torn sor 11410. at U. Cart, W ar • 0bt1....., lid m„, ~.,.1 i,. ti;; ;• ,'; :.. 1.1, ;r0n `, .).i. ' :', 7 ,,,.., - „ ' ",2 - .., 4 .2',.:„ - _, - . ,',,T - 1 . 4‘, x i:t .1. I , )i: :-. ~. ~LE OF GI•COF NO RENT / -1 1'FIZENS AND STRA_NOEID. 4 who wir.h P ' 1, NI It 1 1 0 1•Xilr. . 4 11, ‘1.1,1,T.. li k ID. ic• nor children A ba,,c thoe ~. nhe AI ren for the We.. .er . t " "n '''•••••'.. • r.ii '''''''' ''' .."'. 447 ' . '' •••n • "" r,!Y, ;$ I. 'to obtoi r k t an Amur., art.. and lifo - Ill•llknnn.,at . poi " M. 'L t. ' . t ' u ' r • .!! !, !.,,initne.. .6 , „ „ • f).‘ m.k - TT IS (i - f Ili - !l' 1 . 1 - ''''' ''''''''''''''''' '' ` th '' ' ''' C ' ' '' '''''''''''''''''' '''' ' ' r- ' F '"" '.."''"''. " " ' '"" ''' "I '''''' ' lr 'E '' ". „1,„ , .. ,„, ...,.. ~..„,...„, ... t„ . , ~ „,... ~. e.,, , . .„,. _.„ ~._. L, i, 1 drit,t.m• - .rho, rrf J.• D. C.whrath dor 11. a uround : , ;;.77 . 11 , 5 r ..: 1 1.• ”,., J ai, win (Ind It in thnir harm, . nall ; . „,,,•,,,' , „„X n „.„,... j•j j , i , st , y • . ,• i . .. , ,; . 1, , .,, , :;: - , rc,.! ..t st., jer ..o. um. p.a. In lan. annual/I on 11. . llt r nentahlhanneut • herr entire. athdantl... I .'"'" l ' • ' . " ;;.. S "' l ' • ‘ • l '''''' ' ; ;"; • ' "'" And ! ' A..11 '7 ' 3 1 1 1' . I . ?l . t r t'rl ic t . Br', oe'... 1 tut le , ' ,rt r• tol is stet...b./ 1 . FLA. I.ll,rte. "' • " A r r. ' ••it •-• ilo f.'••••Dif rwit or i rror..rt, No ,-, It.rgi7.l'.iii'L'n',.;.'h';•!r;r.i.V.i. siW n otit'4'.",.`. ( n th '. I i N El.,tion for thirteen Direaor, „f t hi. nn' -- - - • . . _.• __ Inantond alter m. I , il' b /11.1 knyt strueted for the purjrnesnwith Inetrun.m. of Dm nuo n t . ..! C o nilm./....."' l" , thr r.. .i.. i r.r. w I I. l'i• h•• 1•1 I iLt I VER. SEF,D-20 . ,i,... t rime net. oh.. I.: .......1 lithe. or Ibrnoirmin, 1 ~ c • ..ritt'er let,1•7:•-1. r ilia ri l 'r. "I • S . / UriNS II Y .ircTloN_Or, pownrfulkind.a.l haringadopied th•,..trna t , (Day,,,,..... at th•olltrn of th. Co.• on T.m.y. thr 11. n.... twe X ' r•r, anti Mr •Ich. by .• lINt.I. t I.Iu4RTT• tc. sl.•.- , • ~ _ , r.lecit.,ti b.,. 11,1rtcon Olrelltiro, tic netl . o / • Tn. , . orehlny N..• t,... at 7', n'rlnct. at the tyoloc..• now practiced by [ht. mlehrattel ittente t , (1 . 1,111.- , t en., the hon., of It• A. SI. and .IP cl iniphia and New York. ile - Nfilattnrrhilomir to L. atd, t o , Ito( ara r•I ~ q 11P, ,, . ~ r. g 'Olt N--5.11 lit.. hiloilthi reet r and for hale A ~,,,-•,..--....,,, , „API at the. Runtime ML1. ,,, h' ,, ' , ' ,r,...!'n . , • ,jr . „ • •_ •• •'•, .• ~ off, to the patron,. of the Art. a •If le of lAguerremt•pr, I . b. ...., , ~ ~,,,,,,.. ; i t 1 , , , t , , , , , ,, .. , ,SIi.IN,DAS ~ , , :s Is th, 'rt...., th, hoursoof :1 ; , V' 5„,...1 ' ,-, ':`, S ' ... `, il.wi '• , S•.• ' •••• •: alth, Magly mlo yrroton, which ham neve, bre. ouprio.n.l. : . Removal. -- , • , r',7l: l :':','„',.t."',l.l7' l ". l.. l''"'h''' r 'Z' or ,: yo ' Pl T ''' . 1 II /MN rFr K., 1 Irtounontal Hair Work.'r A PPLE , -- ,, I ' l ' l ' lull ' t PP I " .1 11/1.1 for eyle by nol __ HEX!. 1 Ll4g,lllrT , ip , k X ele•-tion for thartosn. Ihrecti on o f f },l, i ' • • ; I re '•• • " ru ts.... An tlca ' 1.1 not Prilunter. ha, mop ,A Dohs Third •t• not to y o , t ,, soul mutts., . ...L. 411.r.1.2. JC L'oculta, Al.rdetno j frotrta Ors. , -/... door Ono c W nod D e . mb r it n o .-,,,, 4 ~,,,,„, ~.. ~..rri, 0 Mitt I,lr , rtio i,V ; FiliatlO BROTHERS, . 1.101.1111,V1 formrr liberal pat 11.111.1ge 2 . . 0 1 ~../ . / ~.., H., A LI.. iTT'T. • t ,,,,„ 0„. „,,,,,, ~, ,y, ~,,,, oj . ' s , , • ~, 1 rri v e ri.,:,...„:1:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,: : : ~„,, , , , ., 1 , 1 :- ] ,: :: ::i i. ; , :i .: : : : ..: , .: . ,.: :: 1 -. : : 4 . .: , : , A , ! . . : t r ..1 1!„ .,,, : , i . . 7 .,, , ,, 05. .. 5 ' , , , ,. , , L,, , ,. ,.? , , ,, :, , :, , `" . ' - : : ! ,,, , : ,, L ; , , , ,,, , ... , , ,,, , , ,,,i • D 0n it .. , 0.0 :. 1 : ::: .f.1.1N ha I DE, ( a. 1,,,„ ' iSSk•I N EE :tA LE co NTI N I; E1t..4 . 5 - ,-,t‘v„. l : ( oce . tanora• tzt J amp. oc„, • I AS. 31 . LA Ulll.ll. IN. I leah.r t it hroeer...... LI I AItINTIt 'S I. E C 1) V I itn•lnolith. to. l• er• - ' WIIOLESALL .I)IIUGGISTS, :•),..,1,,.....0......., Par., Av. No. 10. mt.., ~,j,thfirld t." al to, 0r ,,,,,, ,........,,,,,,...... ~,' , ' • l ~.d In . a • cte - nr..l rban , 11, 4 1 X Ill.', lin I •NeIELS I '.l It PET ..fa..t re- ~, . 1 . • • ' fjr 7l' 7l , e " :l7e n !l n' Tat ' .., " l';2•llinA\ "I'•14".Itt..!:•-•';THrl,„17 NO. 1,0 WOOD STRID.7, and I r•t at!, Piftatatr,th, Pa. .• the -tore No I t.l kla•deet , 1, ar I Den cirisuriwia, 1 . ,. 1 • romrl , l , It•tril•utb......l la nc ont or rooorost, and n o ; 1......... 1.• ''' ' 't5..1tr.: • ..1.5 ". .t n ! . .,.. r . ; ! .. "''' 1 ” . " ,... , ...,e ' f s - II 11.a.en..11. n•• ••••••••,./..; Nl7 Ellcott. rill Prottriutfara of Dr. AChano•Colutanted I, ...tfuye. LI,. ' Notice to Assessors. .. I,p, ot U. ,nerlcail roole.eht, n Ith inriclooral c ~,, •• , P,lth .. opt . , Or. . b.. rte.. h• h- -.-........, •,...... • ......-no I Art.h.• for • 13,1' , •• tand fam ille • to _ Tobias ' Venetian u m .;,, , ', ror ~a , .. , 1 ri.:1.1.:..',..5t.'5...E.'...5ti1.:),•,5. r ',1 ,.. ,', .. `, J.:4 ". t. ` . 1 :• ` .,.11 1 .. ..;. ' N,;! - .',,,', 4 ... 1 1 I t' .','..:." . ...1.1.':: t . : l-, X , ' ,- ... 1 , , ' , . 1,, .,', - ..": ! . ,.. ', ' ,.; ' ,.' 1. .,;',';`'„: 1 ',' ' ',`., : ,4.7„1 T- , ;; ; - ,,' -' , r ',,',, E ,`,',„' 1 ", N ~,', ~_,,, - .., , .!,L,..,,, , ,, , ', - ,!, -, . - - ,, , - ,:_ ,,,, ;.-,.,,,1:., ,, ,..,... , .„ - i r , ,,,, , , , .,- , ,. , ..., , ,., ••",','-,',.- ..,"..,":.`, '''' ` '-'' ''"'"'''''''",. '''." 4,, , ,, , - liv , 1 „ ,, " -,, `,.' , ',.''''' le, a .•, ~ . coo., i m00t..., re. u Ith od A.A., ~, ord., t.. 0...,......r I 1,11,,,1r1g Ada. or, of , artnn• •111. r •nt i 5..., Fj., 1.,,,,,,,,, o j a r,. 1 rh...... aee, rcoeht re, .1 fn. 1 A Ili e E STereN 11F STA PLE ,v FANCY AEI SPIVS. IIU Wood Ode. i ni.. tn.. toalo. of Ornm. ad•tenter 50ttred......1, , their lor t r a.,,1 ktorrow,e•on.l. lilt d. r• • 100 l aI t , ta.rld the I, anotortorme. h, • ' IfclllS, ;A a 1 .a. 4 DP\ ....d. ATOI • r Pia -On TlitirmlitT nirr.l.ll # ......tlin d0t1.... It In A.....d. tl at th. conony a• .1.,, to !N.. hs d s 11 .1,... , enl.. h. . 1.,. CI GRA FF. ~,,,,,,,,,,, t ., j. st ..n_ 1, ......a. ntr phall re. cwintplabol ...le' 1,. the mom.. ne Lod , r ...... ' VI Ill:W.:1'4. , k y ; 1 , / b 1;1 1 1'; 1.. 1 t N .. 1 , .. ... 1.. llt I/ t ...r :I 1 (if ) ,:,‘:,' ',,'', E , n '';' . .:,". :',',;',' n :::!,',.„ 1 . ,..." - , L .. .. 1 ,.4 ., " , ' , ~'?] ,''''/,'/',j !:; ` .. ,,:. : ,:, 1;; ',; ;. 4, 1: : :' ' ';' , ':',,':;;;:'," ; . ' ', ; ),cit 1n Y n ,,': : :;1* . ri 1 i n !. ." 3 1: " 5,,,' '' ',,n7.:!„'i,:f„" ' 7g,‘,,h,4;',"..-2,1,,.""7”1;;A,',17.;""113';',:1;1,":3.1f.',`,,h.i,A.'"`...."' • $ II On ts 1,1 I; nat.,. ronr [antis on hand Alm. Saints- rum. in s . ," : ~,,,., .' 4 ' I.'. •nl' s . • •r• , 1 ,. .1 r.r , q , •l fru. The lood la well Vl,Llyrt... .n.l ..g hoot 05!.... of reet „haat; Itindln, .Islrlt are Frt orb ..”.1 1 . ..1.11,ni,, ol All.,hme • o • - No D , rt.. lA. • . r ~....1 „unfits Situdied In Prep.. eount, , Ta. ruerrod bytain.t..••• • Canto. riot!, .I..hagra, colburst, F A 3111.1 . F LOUR. - !lest Ibiand: conm tau t- i , ,i g A .11 'I I ES _ ....p- ar „ . ~,„I „ .r i „,. I 5.„.„,, i„,., . a otal , , , s ottrunEnT &dtS, I lthi, rt. I:aramot;tt • rilmea, rine!? ...alrLanif California silal,ta .-o• dr' ' •i , ''... , "•w1, torte• ct s poplin, homy., do Iy oo hasel, and for rain tt bolmaln andsDr.ll by I i tI),M.AI Ell 11.; 0 r 'l'llE 141.11{1ES, or .1...5r- ,11 "'ht.., not t - ,..vtn,-,41.J.7%'.. , h ,:. ~,, ~..... :f.I .i 1,1 .‘ nu , . .11 f, I, PRoI'ERTY FOY. 1... , .•• .t. ..... t 0.... Se', erapn, FIR, bur, re11 . ....0. I D. WII KIiSTIN t; A (X, ,ba And , /loot. 1 X , 1...1../ a :ea.. r. Trod,. dune. h....Atte.. arr, , en I . ...•I •. 1 ~1 h t I.E. ...... arrne of 1.,. a atom. lir, X•Ill or P. , od.ri....l.iirrtii.Jr• ' Of...h is:ls'' , l ' in. f .i . r.Orr. r . n.rk , run of •u ~,, ~ oleo, a Sao %Is o j, j„ ~,,, ~,,,,„„o rrd rhsti,, ra , t,ne, Se/ rloth, eao•lrnern, t h nod, .4. PEARL STEAM' MILL, ' - ! `;',.:::',.;7.:•;1`,'...r.1,'. I i! `,6, ; : :.:: 111j .:' ,-r .V.1" , ; 1 7t.".,17,:`,,r..I I "..7."! SrA I -E ll I II:I:RINI.- 13 I ' l ' i''" `"it' Ihs' iso Oscsoolc and 11.1., Canal. ruel mill 1.• re hist a bar- I in ,. .. 1, mi'""• ,,,,, ...1.•A0nr1... home/ blarskrt, abardr o • b 'Ala. C • 1 ' IA ' ' I e' I - i Ind CANAL 1.1.%.:31 N„FLLEO II EN Y, I "7"."" . ' -'' ' '''..". "--.,;',,,.',-',.."• ''' "- '' . A,, at, y ,j 0,,, ND. ~,,n ~,,,.„. or ,. , „,,,,, „ ...„ , . t y ro ,. t c, r r y„,„„,„ corn.. •dtbrta an.l drawer, 1 , ..i I/ Inh 11,... tat& linny - tar, • call ... th. n.nt er` . . ..n......0...4, mauler.. drilla. ntnfltrt.. ithiter., tlchincAm N CA It THE RAILROAD 4TATIoN. gr ,Of , F 1. .: / I - - I ~...,k, itt.t rt,t'tl 10," nr2l r w. CUTIIIII/RT I NON. IJO. iNCLM. ••.•.••••. rrdintoolna, mr,oi ....lent, Ifolland, diem print, F„n t ili r .„ ,iii j„, „ to r, t ,ii,,l „id, „„".„,i,,,, 0 I ii , 1 NIEL DOoN E. all d the limiter. „I Ky., 1) •,..1 -,. 1 .u . .. ,, with a ... , 5e1iy.,4,..,1, L grad.. of alt Ebll • filt,lLN I/ a IclUtt, I, le . Fs +it IT,. ,P, It ' A LI, \l'.l PE ll - -I• lazed and cheap it .41 I oh! L._ . . A 1 iiEF:Si: -I; dor. .ri toe t;,...1”... ch.., •'.... • A / t• - • ‘, II Roitart. Thr i'Vtil, n , « h.., a men, dma at the MID, ttr . dor II I. cc... t ILot, A Co . , ' ...Ai r. ,,, u.” ' .;..1ni.b•a ° I I 'g ' f " "... w l!‘ ..r t ..; ' li. ' 1@ . „ , 1 .... ' . I „,' I . v v l '''''f '''''' P "' ";• '''.' "l '''',. ";l•l ',, r r 1"•••• l'li. "''''S '( I li(nCE - - AND I ." ‘ - filliiii.,E Ex - T, ----- vno - g ~.., ~-,. „, ...„„ ...,,..... ......,...,,r 1.1/••rty and St. • l •• ••• • •••• • • '••••• • ••"' l " •'''''' " "'' ' "-• '''' ' "' I ". I ";•; ; "'; r''"'Lli; ;: A vi dna t /A. 1 so. , has anti dlr •TI canton, • • ••1.-r• el nod' d. ,• ro • -.11 , 1,Y11. Clldalo ~, S . ill niliS po I . ATA IA ultfki.-0., Patunloy ....Ina, Clair F.. 1 . 4.1,1,,c10 fl. P. h..b,, art, rir . .I. T •roupl. • g 0,1) coy NTIZY BLAr E 'TA- Bear in •gt 'Tit ~ i ‘N CD; ARS Ity.oo I.; \ ~„ ~ '''' 1 , Dots/atm, Allegimuy. ' ' rrl , IPr-%'r . P I . .•.t . . ' ''''' . l ' h •' d '."'••''. r .• tlo° Orroorroiliho ref lino., Flour will he detisnn•l to fitalltna int...l- of 11. elide,. 'A A /I- //ta slit , /h.. to./.. S ., aa. , ...- s• as l'aoshursdolso 1,/ I .',...-. I toss t. a loos. to. re. - d ••••I I - mt. t , ./ • I "f• ~'•• it i fd• ... " 1 tt d N.r. r ••t ii•e, and /I th et.. • .11 I e oath a 1 11.1.1... &- Tonna CASII on &loo t . .. . .1 u slot o ',ND , it. m Ezt..... No 12 9 ..urth 4tn. A. ordl •.' ' !cc , •• •A•ntert. P 0.. ., ih•Ac. h..: Down arc Wan t,,,,,, BRYAN. It CNN 1:I•V A g . . 11, tained at .nt MR... PATIDN AM. .ill. ,Inte Morr. o ,T, Mart PIO thn /not ~,,, ,A. p0N.1.1.,..•• trom 'm.o. ~,,, i al I Et 01.1, 111 T'rEII -- I tad. go•A 0.0 IMO'', i I i r (KW, Sip . k \VG.; _it„.., l ,„„i on f innd , .1.1 kW, .1 , •........1,...,...... . ',... ar 1.n., • ~..i , . Clieg Prot...tort, l'or Nd.: :a K E Y,E RR, 4,:.r.,:,.„,,,,,,T;; ; . ; ; ; " ; , . , !.. ',! :: `,," ; .` d ' T1" , ..7' ; ‘ ;; ;;"2...... - re'" ; (41•"... ; . I . “ .. ' n ' t ' t I ja- In n' ‘..,""''' ''' '''''''' ''' s' '''' ": 4. /"I''A` I. ; ". k . t 0,,.. than ..taYoWoolet. or .1 1.... Oho. 1e......, , 1 . .,r,'a,..;,',1',.. "" .'''''' ":-. .'.. ..' :".? • ,''' ..' ". 1 ~" ,, ....!-. 1 lin, W.. 1 ~.., g, II VE , F, loss , hrs. usond , 11'. R C u ss / ou t '''"t''""q : '`, , 11 1 / 1 ,, .1 c• , /, , ( 0, 1 :: ~ , ~ ...z,..•_, , A. a i5„ ,• ' , . .:.;r : , : :..., . '", , , , . ..t i . '. 1 ., ' .7, • , .i , 17 , . ., . :•-, ,r ts : , 3; ,. / . . , s'i s , :iii : ?: • :"FL,,:i , UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE, \ EIC- -lb NJKS 1......1 ler, Sheds. hg and I't t..." . • , .... lioN11.1• Imo. C. 0 . - ; Ill.\ NA:TS- N. A. Ma-on .K c..• are do.. i vo. h net ann.!, th.. World w's de .11. P ' Pall y ANNUITY AND TRUST I'OM . PA NY -. ' '''' •"' Ii ""`""''" `', • ” "'" h , . ~.., • . ~. , , .t.,.- ~..1 r., ~.. , , ~,..,,, ~ , ~,.i ., ,_ , . . .., ... _ _. 1.1 t • . .../. .. a .., ar. ,1 •• to, /.. in, 111., ry I.l' ~ ..n Imam... I vol. ' i . r '''''• - . N....: .:::::I rim. 11,41../A4 , '). tole. 11,.., ..n Din -teal.. buyinelto. a k .ortn'a Am... • •o. the t alter of c w.f.. I Tor 12.,, , re. d and f y rale. nr ; . PIIII , .. 1 1•11.1111.1 1 •••••' is lir so ..s SI ~...1 et ill I ITER si hid , . 1........ j....•14...1 I. n . .. 1 and . •''' " " t " ; "' ''''"'"••-• " ..b A ',.." .• • m 2.1 t hod Ncts.lim. fislioi erculptur• liwarre of N.yrarintr, 'I ~ ' i noln I. si .• I ard....• ' , intent, boy ,1•1 foil. 11 Cli titTailt ED APRIL lti, 1e. ,4 -I`ytnert. Imarreual o • At ,EL EBRATE LI p. t u t ;ll I, EmEm E . .; __ AD f r mli• 1.0 not 11l NRY fl o ldiTlAA. I IJI ONN ET R11:floss. il, , •lIIt I I: 110N5..A.... .„„,,,,.. 1 , j,„,,.,,,,i ~,.,,,,,, ' ~..„ 0 , - ,., ~,% ~;„„4 1 .,,- . FisH___ll.llll.llf Md.. Wt..... Fi-h-: . CAPITAL-4250,000. ' @ 1, 1.4•1 n Hal,. ot Wad chmrs p • j - , 1.,,,1it A bor - ht.l•l Ito e jum e t c, a h ~, , le,n(n• , scree., PI, .0 W nifir.v. Illn•trated.' lin., 1,1•• Vam, ........rd of it nevi ID. b... ah 1 collet li,ch RitA r tn, . pia..., 1....1....m." 1 icnyllsh Idler. t 1........ .1 Workout' fie.', A X . .ear.o•rt,f rArrre and flmwot atm.. 1•1r,Lr.1,4.1, .4 ~..n>ile ad, rut. •,( - •• _ t aim. rcohnoderod me. , art.l.C.ll Irt• ma, • .1...., ; Rev S 1.01.• Dan , eol, lowe11.• Civil War. Fran, Orrici s liS rrr l'llle 11 111 1 E lb •Altic AT pm 1. tf,a• t oct t , J•,,,... Et twoitora. St rui. or Liverwort I Tao , , Grz, r rah awl ctn... •tn ......, 1 .1 . ..11, Ileotarkal.l. Trish l atti,. Inc Mlarzball'• ni. hlonTot, ' ' ti ' 1 ' i?,..,,,..„1, e,„pi tattlCl.;;;TrlAalrrs"ll'...:.•• ..., •Ito D. Ph ler,. 1 ' . I cm, ',by I• r ,In leadtiful t lab, burilmido Orm lel Stoph... R Crawford, Paul a floyd.d. 11, .1„ .h. Destr a cr. r A h.t• rod,. 1 11, 1 1. N ENV 111 TE, WO. tI.E. 'IA R NS-1 :to.. • ...,*, „11,r;,..; of rhoirn I.ltoralltre • it vole, 1...0..• 't • ,;ia ; r ., ~ „ r y, n o „, r,,, , o ,„ j tjA, ,It.ol IA Nes • ' iss.s.... , 5 ,.. ...,-.‘1..11• inform d 'that DP, 1. inn . tinir lredotentstr... I col. Do platr. ti.traustt's luta yof 11..., W Thigh., dow.r.r.. %limn, li :nth.' • ' PanDles. Par. Alohnne W Thenutrode. hoer.... Jr ht.... A lary. eupply oral, the ato,.. •••lei rated rh•nohare al ....•••• p°•••••••.• '••ts .. ham.. Jr , . FLEMING , • • ; I I.i. I ars, thot idds roos io t nos rrol t a...tossa. .1. ' ...I co,: N inernh and It• Pala..., 24.. .1 L.: . . __ _ . - ...1-1,1. 1/.31.1....1 a.t..1 11arl, . /(i 00 ~..,„.,,,....., ~, A I i j 1,1.; 1: . 1 . t i i;t ,, i i , e , ;•'tl , - ,, t , t . tti I 7., ~,,1 L.:,..; t : „t.t . ,t ,, , 1, ~.1. . .,, , 111., . Zi , 1k1. , . ‘‘ ki ,,. :•ar t. p Mt , ‘ \ N1X . V..1;: , 1 . , 111 .....a.V , ....11.., 1,1,1 c;111 .,. 1Z , „ r . ,4 . 4 , tt „. ba It Ullan, kl o , lwirt. 4 11,11101 tChee , nod IN...•••••1 A...ober, R Crawford No NN lakNet ' e lice Prmidenr.-Arnhrom W Thorptemn , 1 .41. • RE 1.1/11 • 1 /RS-- I lint t• ~th•D•tftilti V on ~,,.., ,C LB'. 1 ;CM Sll Ku:A c ~, .i., , ,4 . ,. ~,,,i i . ~,,,,,, ~,..,,„....,:„,„,,,, ~.,-,.. ~ ~,,,,, ~ ~ • , A hand a large ....tent ol num N5.........11.C.... , ,i )0 i t ItNl`n• Fr RNISIIINII GO oN n1. v .. ) J 1 FITs! F./ Ts!! Fri , !!! s All.chens Chi. R.II Doer. ~,” II 1 yr,. ...on an ra.•11.10 .111.1...1,... lit II lual puti.... , 4 ~., ....1.. , r ~ ...•7 ' r ITN 1 , .. 1,10.5. .11/01.11/ l, lltNuLls Attn., ra., . lira,. or.cor• it at .I.• - r1,1(11INICW I • cad; ; I Deirth •trmt. ....,,_ 'f 4 Pr' LDS. CV.IN IDE I 'OT k 11., II;M El SED ; I .,,(l. l'''''''' '' '' \ n s''' '"";""• 1 7 'lt., •• R iAI wilf,f, e, i . EPFLEPTIC - Pr Ll,s. . %I4lu F F E Y . :, F . ., :I. El ED: Sl.'llool. ;;;.) II; .tt .....1 1.. ~i. 1.1 iLL' , HL't UR'', 1 lORINNE lal Cf.t I,Y, I.r .M., , 1., a‘. Da' so gross :4',',. Liter Ptll. Anti VOrtol• ,X 1 Itle . sho, retio, a.... I k o , • • THE VEGETABLE , t ,,,,,, ,-1- \DI 1 REBEE '2 A Ml' 81. AN K ETS f.;r ; (~' :c.o. tr............., 1.nt....11111 u • ill, ‘l, t i t..r. i '''''' ''' •• •• • n' '-- . -- - •*---- - - fug@ for mai. Irr• nt it EYsi.:ll , Dr, ,t.• ttp. Ito tt ...I t t .•,;','".!`" M".!'n'l'rj,V;;;;.:: I i ' tti....t ~ t .- 1, ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, ~,,, , • • , ..r..ritt•.•..t....1, L. P. hartiizio 1 ., ,, 1. , 1 . , 0i•T.• .0.• r , , ii A It DAV A It lii vt, • as,•• t..tht:,..,,L • • I ... 4 or, fraMt •ol ....or D.A. . I Stat...., In all ll ' 1 •• t • - /' • • . . - ' I 1., ..`l.;' ILDFN SIPUP lo I I l'• 11 11 trri.o ex - "'+`•-• t, _ , "-'; -"''''.- • i I ) H' o . __ ;I A .1( 'ON SI I /I . :S--4A It k / R., r.. 0 d soul for Aate I 6,477 I.()(;AN, VVILS()N. ‘S . (1) ', , ~ ~,,... vrainur. , lnpartnlntst• ~ /..nlny cat I. •l tbn Deukaturn g tra A 1 di moon hand on,l ty *dr', „,,,, d. ci 11/I.E. I.tdral At . Allegheny. ••••17 ' A / ''''''' , nlll' 1 TYli 6 DILD . 1 1 • 11. • s i roe.: E • . 'rt., . • • Beg to eoll 'th e n tte nt ,,,,, „I 13,,y,.. so their • VANCY STATIONERY --s. S Idler, ALI. 111 ' t )(11.EN 1.0 NI i sll,‘ W L5__.11...t., re ,. ~ 1p r um: - :2.; kg, plt• 10,1 tttl,l '2 1 ..L.L'1 ri'S tcm a , • • A stools. h. feral n rho.. one, ,nnt of F•nr y rtk, iA /••• lar, woootlyent • ( 1... otat, low pin 'gl • ," I• 1 l ea.. i • rlll,ll Alt A IyIAV•OPHI. a, of., •..... St••el , . t,, Not.. and hoter Paper, En• :non, Ac, A 1•Flo j ,alr 1.,•1 , 0.-r-A,.. or W ~A tor lc ns hhe •h. of thane. I, E. ‘ \-..; . 1 . 1 . i , . . , .... tr al HARDWARE AND sADDLEDy, 0h... of ti rail, Phones i .1 En..l, i ., rlitl ,a ...I .I.irahle .1yi...•...1 rotor. •j 0 ,::... . . -- , A., u r Nit,. tcy ..„ „,,,,, , kCI ,FoN A co. iit X, hei ' hllltli r l , • bit It f. 1,111 [ 0 111,,11111,1.: our of th.. noted n molt.. navy-Waco, fa the "'•""';"" ';;A".• ";" '';‘; • r"';''' • • n; '' I . A f ' mut., fi 1 REEN lII•AZED WINDoW P.l. PER- 1 fir lITY AV Alt RANTS NVAN TED. I .r .111•\!, , Ili I. hISKI, DoLL II P.A I , S ... :C.) ii,/.1, ..g ' •.1'...)..,":.,'. 1 I 1'1,1.: . RECEIVED I .Y RITEN rl' st - KVTS / ROM a r.... 0.,. ' XIA Food qual,lT s , tot ree'd Al• . ... Papc. tinny. I X i hr Idohent foom In csoh mdi . Pohl.. ,-,• ; g I. 'lbc TU(io DohiN r 1i....t. 111 , Mt..., et. ' 0 a II PIIILLIPS. • ....lX • • and which th, on, on th• cit.. favnrahh. .rtna, 31er• . ~ ..; , -r -- - - --- I . - -1 4 , .,:,);: r t ~ , ..., p ,,';-,ib , , ,, ,, :,, L- _ , , ~„. thr , c.o. ynlny Tut wit. fhol their 1n.,. poncobol h ; -_,.,. „, _. •- ° I .t i • ' -171 1 \ Lushly their lIARDW ARM at ki El'ONI) II AN I / CA R R I . .1I; EI , .II 'SALE 11 1" i" It Fr v.. ' ' i ll L.% Alk la . / -, \. A. 1ga...... , , . 1 . , 1, '... 'nre now , , 1 t ...... n0.b.n.....p al, tiro.... i1 , r .i n ,, , ,,.. . i. 1 , 1 ; p ,,:, .. , r .ik,. in ,,.. 0r .v ith , .. 0 t 1.,,,,,,,,,,,, 1 .,, •' .."4.,i . . ,,, t .,, ' ,,i, " ,,,,, • ,, \ , ~,, ' .on de, another kr, kt of All ~, ,..1 Ifiy,,A,.. 0 , o jj j i , A tw.elloree torrnyr (dr ttol 490 A, ~ to • \ 1.1?".,„1?2,;:.MA',,,.. .5, ,, ,1:, ,, ,T;.„.".?„,.., ...In. a . a..l ' ,uw,ltin. tt t... 1, will h• „ len 1 . Yr,' ivw pr.. 1 , '''' '' • II STel. SIN Ahi.N . ut, eqs, wt. s , ! For eal . " 1g A R TEICS\ N . Eli's, BODES, at Dari1ih...%.,1 w•:•••-1 .t. To Physicians of Pittsb .i i r N 1 I' '.• ; 1 INO' L \ \ Ir . -We Irtve fm h tie 3 100., N . • • - •0tt.... h. tn... larye and et.l: en een..l .........0,4 i , 4 ~..-... og laity alnuy thy Ult... and obb, Railmati. i 1 . . -on en lob In tr. •I•rat, rd and. r mot digt,, Sla- ' Mani. who u, alrelod.nii, too , ~, rj,,,,,,,,,„,,i, ommrilw , ,c,... Shaw!, 41, 'l , '-' ' ....• 1. , 1 ~.: •'1 " - . 1 . ,, n ~ •.... V.. { enll--; of 11,,,...... ~y C.,,,,r0n •.•.I jTI Du. a, Moran, and Nhyht Warr.... Tanta. l'ra;,... i , si. li, ‘,.,,,,.,. Srh....Lain Annuat. :et hilat o• In prefmrner to an, ,ht Ile , Boy sta.. lot phe rfo., .11.•1 ...L. r noprote,l male. ; 1 ,.- Dd. " • ' , d.j . ...d0. lis• roll• c r more V (ono Pt tu j 1 ,, , , ;nem anti,- We/I:FN.., `ll4,lltoel'e lt ~...., ihar n . I - o „, . . "h " """;"" ". "' d ''''''' th.. E " ; " fli " . • E.l ''''' ... " 1 I.IS.SCILITTI., , N OF PA l; cN E It:, il I l'.- ; i.":.'...':Zt•T.: : letro , i ' l .' ; ' . ` n r et ' a l n • VT`... l ",l.`Z,iqt,'.! ! k'N,f,.: r , 4i. ' " , '4 , ' ,,, `.. ° '&,;:t - ,d';',„'.',7, , ..,L n .,7,:': 1i.".„::.;:".! , ,,!T.t . % ; a• - f. , fro • DA.. Pont say. of thn art.!. i A The no....rehly hen ttree et- , ny le-omen hob., i • •i. i'lri. iwol l''',/"`/Den• Ernry elation ott th• lirdirnad I Rea .1, 2 .c . . 2.. ‘ "' ' I , I Fr , L.m the New Tom Exp.., toy 7 ; X orti• ...Liao,. Patud„ tloti, too. re,. se, thn ...owl. , i'l .. i . . • ,a l'''' /r• • •,. .,t, t r u • /II i' . ".. ^ ,,;•, 1 '..,1,• • •,, - ,,1p.`, , /.., ‘ . 1. 5 "r /,. L ~ 1 , 1,,i p:, •„ 1 , r - N, ~ .. '-' '''- - -l ile • Ai - Una, tI. hrad of - itertarkahle•* and In to. Irmlin., Pittnhyruh, !Lod rcolfel.t , : klleAte , . otsler the brut •f ; ~, , ,, ,, , ,r,, , , . -•,.-“, ' , 7'• • • " ` ; ;,,7•,„.':,,,, - ,.:,;,• -•" ' • ,-,•,• ~•,• ‘., •• •---' , ,;.' ';. • ", ,F" ''" -'''• '' ' p1.11....... • roluosna. the n0.t... r,.t ~f l ton. Ith. It. 11. frilwelny , ‘ , ' „ ' „ 1 i., •• • • ,,, 1 ,„1, T ,,!,'„ . ..‘ rjj tr10',,..,,,,,";:i.,. ~",,, ,, , , , , t , , , „",- ; ;,.° ; ,:j., . , . , nwordrodnanry maim of th•t-,serat• um, th•Orh../.. orut oral rdeam prem. it.. at ..I. r ••f .1., II eta,. : 4(10() -"'"'s (~ L k N 11 ' I 1 :r•K co. ', :•,.. .. ,• Srh n•pp• a.• •oetnely f r rh. :rm. 11.• ehoul.l . mom. tn 1,, rm., and tlon. Irelr.or.l , I ••••ec en' t••• la •1 , [ , .. CV...M..4 r for •••Nr .• o ,r, ~. • ....•• r, 1....rc.,et ”"i N' ' al '' m-h '''' "'''''' l.• ' l.4 '''' 'Bl.• '”" l;•' "'''''' .Ir; ''. NEW r'lol - Xlr .11111.7 - P ITT a A: . ..• br D... i • tt !( ••• ', . ; ; ; I ; ; ; . ; :il a ' . b ' . '7 .! ;' , A . ' . ' • "" " ; ''' .;;";",' ';;•‘' 1 i ; , 17 1 , ,, ,•'. 4 .. , .X.ll -''' ''', •R ~I mbeelally of an Ankh. ••• hant orms uw•d, hot tbl• ...i. hr.. ha. •••.,,,at e l 1 u....• 1.,. • pert,,...,1„, eon i Da,: t•,,A ,C Itrl rr•Y r•r A i ''' A • ';'""' r;;' ; r;";.;' ' • ll.' IL ;, 1 t arr.,. I -, ~' : h.renay..l,lng eninto•nl. !by m man. handsel. of phy 1 1.... ....... A A.• ono.. •.; 0..• Y.., ...1. 1ht.hur.1...., ' • Tr., No. Leoncontil. , amen and ti ins et aljornicn, ; Hoy., trim Tr', ''' ... I, • rid." ...,,,,, an y n r a,„„..„,„. t ,,,,,,,.„, „„ t n o „ n „. • 11l m0t.... 1,. huntur 4 n, at , the to I : ‘,. .n.1, und, th. ; •• •• y, •• „,,,A,. .. ~_ ,thatre • • th. .., I ... , i tho 1,,,A , doubted •Irture . • rholma rundlrlue An Ito rnenm rtunt.• fi r r t,Vjj r , ' ,:j,, ;• ,: o j 1 ,..1,7„, " , ' ,.., - „„ j ‘ . l •l r s ' y' ' ,l! ' s, p ”.. "Illcp,k,"ll!""' :: :: ..i' :: j '-'.' 1 . '' 1 t f'.lk' r : ' "... A s :do. .... \ tar of had :Nut,. duruk to tbren tint, a. a rec., for fy•-str ..oltic, of the old firm .1 I . 0nt0.... edito. V 0 .; , ; , i , ; ;„,.... 1 ., ! ; ki:ti ' iCc.t . 1 \ . ' th e rh,drr a . i• s r,,,A, y,a sr .„„ .„, 5 r „.,,, ,„1,.... • nto oat.. /Ed PI l'.ll, rvEN t ... . ...,... 1., re. that rt., itl. io uncareptiohar.l.„lo.. • C.,,,, ~,,..njj, de. IA . , . '-,,-.,,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,, ~ .n.,.,, ~.,•,- ,-,,, i i..• •Ir - ; 'l.'7, .. l' l ' ;a ' ll '" ...t v :1•1.R;c'f7;..1•Tira"„:1.;,"•••:"...h7,17:1 I :s A a A na ' n ' f ; r Co 1 . , ;' . " ,,1 ; , * ..3 ;; 1.. ' i r r ,.!11'1 r r • :,.:: . A,„„ 5 t , / ,‘,; ~,•••••,I ,'',; •• ,‘,11.• • ,, 1 ?,'...,''''• ' tt y ”, l ,,.'„',i i / '. i . . I , i s ' . ' 11;4 \ \ bili.D4 il hatnr.•• ft mil .t•intr• . a true , r J cin . ; I. I.''' •••' I uliteg, A \ • dim., •hrothl 1 .•-•....1 . I I•con, cm :ler th• 10., r. I . d. . , mat 1 INN ••• not , Tim All,htny•Aahor ...I suol yr. I ~, ,p, of Id .- (••••••••tr, ..t.....t0 :c I.IA Rl' IIIIF:11. /10 /li,‘ N -Th.. td,,,t ~ .ol 1 .,, , liarin ad, horl, rno thmtuytAhltly, ,r. Dale tis ' ...a .1, ; ' , 't,117: i i ' , l , ''''' \ \ e llticaaltst, N.,* sere it whn hanc....l li :IN, M.A. II ' .../., iir. ••• ` /.. r l '' •.; `'' l . ' ...7, .• •••••••'''''? ; .i ." .:. • . ' 1 ' '''';';"" '"'jl"" T r 'ri!'lliii7i,k ~.,, ~ :•,,, •, '• '"'"'" .1. , ' , " • " .. ..r . • du rhid l b" ..r. " .. . / . 1 . hl rilt". • Ith Or " e;•.,;.;;;1!•;,!;47 C a' 1.;. ; 5: 1 =•e: E : 1 : ',' .:7 ; t '. .... ; f:,,t ' a1 • V A 11'5 ' a7,.... t 7.: ; "'-'' N StfU ' ill \ \ tholeral and the rah, of it 1a• Imm twin 1. WWI, dursuy tvo , or thrt; per... um, sruhsool s a s : . I's kr- clsho ri 111 • \ 1 , -59 1 " / 1 '• in ' 4 "re .nri ftn' ‘2 - \';.', l '.i . , j, I; LI \ - . l ,u't i.L. , , pr. ~ thy ~.. ~ .., . ., ,. .b...',.111,1., ans orrellote Maly Lam" tio . ..^thuir rwr rilr 1 . tlin ii , ..11. R .""•* , ' ` r. l " , . N '' ''..." " , 1..1X11 Alt. I, ,1•1 f •• A . '.• lil . \ Sold •Istdexal. an I rttall at De KlntSt.O,-h Drs.: SD,. ; " U ' '' '` "4 " .t ""; '' '' n _ "I" t t " . '• •: ar . i RAT I , '-- 2- The Real E.utte tlcAtrttal, 41,4 i A ; , No on. wood o ''''' ' '' d '''''.. , 0f in IDZ. tt;•A .ist,. Ilfld or girlfereu I -, 1 0 , 1 ,3 I ,I r •,;:"I'lird• .1 . 1- r , 1• n !;, , ,5 ti . 7 , 1..„,v, r . m , :.,,,,.- 1,. rei.iii,: .„ ~,. •, • 1 ..‘ y .1.1....... of Tahln, nu, and Ilun.. I.,Netnr•• _ A Physician a opinion ot ray' Braces.- Z.... 0 r....u: - .1r.“..,:”..s r .... wh01... • and s re.. ,i ' 111 A P lic,l ''s'i - ,s. _ A g„, • I w ~,,,, ii i ... k I, I •,\,,,%, A col,Ja , ' DT 1.4.NV.,, , dit0r of th..Chambe,l•Fro Tr•ltar Me, umber taa.. tbo I• lillidl•Dir r• - : ,,, '' ."..''.''' .1"' ' h.. ' 1 'll . 1 •In • t ' : " ' • ' ' •""'"';', , I Ft • • ;N.D. , \ \ ~. `'''. da. of r,t. lA. DX.. lo 4,...41..,.; of Dom bra -., alf I. - '' , t.../... all woll yaornd Sllll , l Ca.loblel In tho 1..., Bey., hot i , ' ;Itll -, f, ' a n ‘. I Ihr frt.,. lir tits t. II ICE 1 !tn. mulcailled to oh, hi- FRE:W(I NIE RI NoS -A ra I t :IX,. , rila..n . .. 1...';". ' "" " •••''' •4/• '• .."Dithrow •, Sllo.,- y I / . 1 , 1 , ten..., AI., a l ploys II•Intt 1.11.t1)...1 f. ...ant stn. . • • I iI,A4, 41.1,11 , 11 • ems tin• 1.. clime, If th. - W .1.1.00 n Y,,,,,,„., of the rar, Kt , ~, a ottes at yr, Cy relalol prince. , ....tmlAt! 5 c. 0... h,l and mllar Prow.a• coo. alw .. low f:.,.. dm Bram,. mar ufasturet a.. 1 add hy taw at th• na-nrr tu, ~,,...,t ,al ators ID,. Doom on Carpnound, . Pr. . yl (MS • on ore tin .„'• N , ::,' . ,; - , '. , ,kx N \ ' ~I , „„ ~ „ ~,,„,,„ ,„„, 1.,,„.,„,..,,, „ ~.„„,,,,,, 11.(rs F. , ..,.', XV.... n0m.... ur ttenal .101 . ,11.g.1, 1(..r .. 11 n 0... tad011a.,1,,,,j0 farm, ft 1.. srl • • •hd mes , Trm, T L A ' '" / htsll , sis it '' aulrah. the anew. to .L. 4. it 11 Intrud„l. ,aliGht airA " q •-,'7,..„' ; ',„' ,.. 7," ,5t„:"? •• rj„;',..,”;‘,',Z, r . , o , n. „.,, ,g, i ,„.„ ' \'...:,..' .‘ ... t- ' 7'; 1 , 47,11 . n ., 1 , ::,=;;;;. , . , , ,, - . :, • ; , , , ,,,.,,• ,a , I 1 ,‘,, , ,;, ,, , - , 71: ,r , - . ~,,, aof o , •any. and al., , ther fr... Irrr , to. soots., • tossoA to d e .,,,,,d, ~,.,.t. - , 5,, , t , 10•!• .I. a the mons oth, bram• lu ,I..rsi to. :t Is an eh-client ........1.3.,P. : ....1,,,, / ... , ../.1., I ~..., 114 jSII- :2A la,k. No. :i Ittrz. Mttelt.,..l, The „lam .1%1 ritS \ a , lib 4 ,t . . ilr. ‘, Suarefidnr.ahlln at thn.. it oromme• thn a.m. 2x. .. Ad .nall * u'" ' ;;•"'''. I;;'; ; -" 4i ' ...11Y A ttl ntßu'it'Ll,`, ; \ ' n d " ''' '"""m .1;;" 1,1..1 `... dem tr. a.m./au? peCtiont eats ut .in rratralolny th• „ ~ Not. hw. od. i .urth and bar i .... ; ',. ; ,4•••,. 1,1. No, 3 tatediton •Inricrrel. - • P.n... natural a.m.... ,t h• lx•Ir. Th.. Dr .11 sen.l then, lyt.,L , '‘..• I• V,K . '‘‘;''.''' rirb. ortmat Gtd• W hoc 11,11( Tom., ~.......... to oan.A. a Imlan. in Dual NarniZa ; / 1 1..1 4 i‘, \ try moll, In, of yoga:, . any smil of th. Cahn, i 3( )0 ~ „ '',..1,, , f,.. ,1,„'5,.. - .1',: - ..':',..„,!,h,r...., - ,!!;:',",..,... \t• ,1„ ;4:1.'L,';,,,,,i-,--.:,z,....;,.,T„-,.....,'i_,.: ,„, hintil , , nala o.bnAct aIL Net, AIN A oWI. ••••\ .}-XX1.,... \ • 4. h t iNrEI,.. it /cOF• , C 1 1 1..xch C.l ILMERE PLA Ds '`,„."'",,,,„,„'" ° i,' ' ' ‘ ' 1, ._ I litorn O. Pitt•losnyh Dads Dl•potch Fel. :I, Itad ; ' •,,r r r••• . or. r, nr 1 ,1 , -11. .:I r• •.:1 arr..... I for a ‘ s• I.: , • , _ no l-, , , „ r mt. no.l t......en,...... •1,... ...1 tro. tr ... Aa, „. \, , / %robs A Humhßelet barn I, • ...el • trA 1.1 - C.c. Eximmoen..-demA h ra ~,... , Wool ocar W .1- et •re f., •a• .1 , 1,,,,, k IX. i 1 1. / ES , -I 5 Isx. refit... 4 Salo rat u t s ss .0.,..5 * Ato, and • .,,, Inclie n.r. • alb , ' •''''. :off: " tt. l I s : , \ \‘`, ~ I.2MT .42•1 , 1.2 l'rr• . eh. hare onaulmA •, to .. , a i liTllllfd. • e `eh , 1. '. .1 ~ I I'. 1.4, sty,Orh. I ' .ffre, h, h. lio Ds c at, • holo r•tirrn, •••• • ller m dr. ; , ova. ,I" b n a ' sTictinf • 'se,. .s \ salon. 1 , . (-geeing • weltrotars nn-upation..-111raphrMom ' ft, le• of ri. h rbitt.-11 All Wool D . Ditch a.' i \ lnd ;-; • ' \ . . Yr( / LET A ;,,,.,.1 1/.,41111.,Lttutt....,tigh, ',,, •' ''' " j„`` , " ,i',, s l"'" -v • l ' .2•• " ...,.1.., I Fres.. ainrki, cot, cheat .I.e}. ' \ .1 \ \ , yreat mlinf hy thn um of the .I.l.lnyten 0nm,..1m A -4a., ... •... • ...U.. 11... _., 1., Cll. 1 . 11...... It Iv. `AI 4l• ' Pra , ' ....i. at, a•i . /.. /n• K I . :To/el , . ' , tr.'. wr W L... „, y r ,7,,1 '• .‘ "'“'"; ;;' , I . Cc r a :.• \ to. -. •. T1'1 . 1,.• 1.1, 1,11 . .. h.. 1 ....1 i.:r ~,'" "'"""''• i) R 1 l'A Is VEILS of l'ilinv ;11 7 ' t.: ~ Et; 'tt.t \''''''.- 41 \ •\/ •nd 1 Ircla.., It ...... (r , /..,• aol.,..pendm, St II nicr r•la N., , cll., ,t, jj r,,,- Al. • if cp.% 'l,l• S ircityt 1.0,(1 . I . ,l • VP . kr . ' \' , \ ,'•'•, tli. w•Lht .4 n,,.... 1. .., .......... .... t....... 0.„, ‘ioN F. 5 k\ D ST , WK.' $1 11 . 1 " , ) ,',.' ~-.-. , - ~....„r, ~., = , ,„, . „ , . . ~_ , , _ . ~,., nr, \ , t„:„ rr,, , , ~,,,,,, , ho ~,,,,„„ „,,,,.„ n0t,,„.„,„,,..„,1 ,11 , u , . 1 . , .. 1 . , .. , ,..; , , , 7, .. , :-.7 . ,,. :•,,, , ,-t.t.. , ., , ,-, ....; 11 El\ll IN L CIIF.I, I S.-1 ha.•,..a hattd aI N DIANA AND I LLI N ~,S MI, NEY w,II ' ~.%.'„ 4 \\ • ..,.,,,,, I ,„.. ~,..,, , „,,,......d „....., 0 ,,,,.....„ ,...,,, , , t . „, , ,, .ct, t . , !. -a: „ .. ..... 4:,. ~ • o: ~. , f a , r , rnt • C .1•In ~ V i 1,,,-0.,•6,] y 0......„„.„, ..14„,,,,,,., •,„j r, ,„„ o . h e ree.l,l I. :1 ....3. rent. diarttutte for Lt L'• and sta. i and Irdrl. • , r.r,„ r ~ ,,, 00rd r ,,,,, „ . „ ,or or ~,,„,,,,,, ~,,, ~, o , ::::,.. 4 ! „ , rs ,:,',._ 0 ' •• ,,,,, • ; ,, • ' I ', ~..,..q,., , ~,, , „. . , , ~r,,,., ~ I. 14. ,... ... 2.. , ......... 11. 10 , 1 Vt. 6.1' a ...err' , .t 11' , 1..41. , 1041 •lonh , 1 tifel et I will mll , /any nil - puff.' yrs.. met It-al T., .t.. ah 1 •1....„ 11r , ,r, ll Ct., at I ~,,,f. . f,„. ,' , - ilL' ,.4, „,,,e, r „f h ,,,, ,i,::: .: ,. ,7 ,i; . :,: r z t . „/I.,ii , •• : :::e t ~ , , , ,, i;.• i'f . i... 1 5 , ,,i, „.. ,. . 1 , w0 1 ~1,ii7..•.,,,0;',..1,:,../,,,°•,•,,,,r,...0.20„...,...0.,r,,a,•,r;;, wi1 ,, ,„,../1 „ 1.h , n ,,, r ,,, 1ti . , 1 1!,r 4 inLio , r , \ \ \ • ' N , _ ~ _NADII"S. 1 1, A 1 Nit( iet N 0v..14. \ ' V.Pvaen. huhdr...d atiork art. 111.1111.1, toper. Ib. th• rE a a A Di •,, ; 11 , ~, i • 1 ,., 'I , ~.., LE ....k ~,,,, . • , \ w.hrht of their en trto Is - ...rt, .1•• uld ale. pee,. fl••••• Trel.n. V...t. new ••• N., 1... c. It ho I wide.. :t • X lIT.IS II 1 NNTI os; ,;,"!.]: i• - . 1 - T ri , , , Ji*Eitil, ! L . :4 . r.•,.'.1 a.: the eortter of it". \ i ant! (kb I ';;; :!• ;2 14 ' ''''.- ; ' J\l/.11 it. \ lt• l brarea Ih. part... Jo one-wring. D. lie , .m.themd..; f. r• tAah. • t„. r.- i s • otjarry,a la., ~.. ~,,, .• t 1..., V V a1...1: P. 11. t 1.,,....11 .....L...t.i. , 1, as ,••,, 'l, l 0i . .. • many of ....m.o. ...Id gr. 1 , ....... .....A.I. .. Ir.. ....1 tor .....: 1.1 ' 1..1,-. aman,..l .11.11 1,1, t...,1..r..J.1. r n.. an.; k . ll,- Mr... Starker,. In 1 44.1.1,, • ig s. ; Alt tr. \ •, • Notkf. 'c i, , T,..,......... cior o r•tiar •r, I no. vault.. Ile. a yo., No 1 ..., do p I ETTEFW”r . thltinis ,ttioti 011 \ I anta, 11. Pat, oryl. 1 1 1,..atelt. h.. 1. 1. l• .1 ' s,r !fart, wort, ' , or , Pr Karmra. W .I,lhAld. 'boa • ' VP ENt , II N 1..!' I I,E, tVoRK EI t ct ILI. OD" , i , 4.,. .;:a , :', ...: 1' , . ' 1 1 .!t n i:c. ' , " .,% " \ . ~ ......, 1 ' . ...' . ,c," ', ;" .„ ,r 7 ;;;.T.,.` , ,"„i'• ','.,,',"„•,•;! :: s '.'"'‘ • " '" '''.'" ""'' ,•.""' \,\ • I A or.t.ho dlot i........r Mini y ron. s •\,, , \ ' ... h N.L. 4.1, I ,41... t. ..‘,• P. 01,, .1..5.1,1.1,1.71,11‘ • 4 1,./-0 \ .., et. tillltTT 4 A.,N, The a 1.., am .4 0,1. Fall'. raticiamy. and p.A 6 ztp•e-' to pc, forthwith. D. ,'. nunnkr c 100 NI ;' \ dm Bram, utdll It la re , bd.., ht r.r ....t...,...,,, j „, r ~ •Ittr .t, f idf.lth.d... won r . 1•• • -••• •fMr .• , •*- .1.. .. tn 1,... nonsin.l, rInI. : ...I •• I , ..Sll.., l '''''' I " ll ' ''''. ‘ l. ' - ','"'" \ \ 1 ,7,`,":./ . 1 /. ,... 1 . a r ,%`' , .. , , , , ....,./..10 . !.. r .d1,.. z n a , n4 ,.. \ , , .l.:t h i n •L . , fret. mmontent to dimoune• ore .1. rd.. .1 n•roer tc • AT.1 . 121t , 11 . 1f . ..1 , .1 . •111 .. .1.... r? , ..z . : , , , . , : . - , .11: . , .,/ .. f.'.1....!;•7 . i . ~.,. . 1..,tnnt.. I rorq,u ~ ~, ,, , , ,I, f... f.. ,, ,,...., . ~ o. n. N,..1 .. . - .1 , o , ~ ........1,,m,„ \. t .., i, .a, Al iv,„,„ D. th• enlichlorilre I derit./.. .."..' Lhr,... ' ''" th. ;;..,,,,,„-,, ~, . .7.,;!,,',"„,,7,,.,`4„. ,',..n. ' u ' ` 0 7.,.. ‘ ; ! PIN Hs A ‘ ( •( , 4.) , 1,1„ Loaf 1 • „1,:t,-, ~ lA, ~ , ,la I) A 0.% X ,I; Afl L trill .q,,..„, thiA 1 111./40 3: \ ; - ; ; \ \T s o Prlnte • . •houlder• and •wpandine thc eh., while II ...nun •••eam • , 0.n.0.., .0. mins. No nor Ikh.. 14 ••• it... , 1- VII 111 E ...TATE , NIAN':•• AIANCAL, ~ sons- i . •li. , . '''''''‘ it, tilt ti 1' , R.1L:... I _anon . .. ipt.nthots.• ....L t .., 1. , ,,,t.ti. tt t tt .4. %.',7 wi 1, ,, ,,nr::: , :t . 0ckm:;! . r...ri the I , ~ „, -•.- ... • t ........ i...01•ts th•p ...It. Vt. 311.11t1.0 40' t ,A wh "nomination 1• ....ientarg , all lad, to ••• .It h. ot • 1 bourn,: 11. 1, ....1...14.;.31.-......... Inat.t.ral. A... 4 ,, A 1,143„,,; 1 , ,,,,. S - -:‘ , t .1.4. Stee. ,i gging th.1.a.... 3 , .3.14 2 , New al I •ett.rine • , 1' th•tr 0...1n111.11/11-41.1. ~,,, 1...1,d,, With. SW, .1.,a t.•• 1.. r • , .....I M..... 1...,* Is ...., 4.1 ylrl• whom. I.mittl, la n• .' •u • I 'D" . I .I - ' r ""i "••• /.' •' I •irit. .... ,. ......1 •., / l o ort „: cl•k; tote,:',,,b.l,eylotrbts,,a4,..e, ~ ..e, ,L ,, v o t t s, 4 , rI I },. Es , ~., ,, i 1.,x ' ,. pri;,,, • \ . u. cffitin,,\ . 1 .. ,.., ,,, , ,,r 0,, ,,c. 1 0 , :;!, . j ,, , t . , , , , , ,. ,,, ,., 0,,, ,4, , 1‘ ,. , ,., !Ira ,2 , t -." AL., Ns' shttr lia., Fl 4 1. r. ,, , c ;c:,,,N'tarnin, , , II . • . ftr ' ...,Un ''' '.' ".....''''. ''' .. 4. 4 ... fr r ''''''''' ...' .... " :fllt t ./ain n.II.Y.Ptt .P• natural .1 etailxllM.l „n0m..., • w ars leon. We have tried ••••....1 a bol, hut WM* 11...041 .1 A. , ... la, ,p/ 4 1 1,,,, .... MI awirre, 1•. F. 41101% . 4.1ti1111... Ii & Lpf.:N •., ~I„,‘ . „, th , rt ,.• • , , , ~ ft t \•,.• 1 •; 11. 0. ,L0 N , cll., Card Lett...ham/ 1.... cut No any all ...jkl/11 . th• .. W.O.odu so' aud wet wiel, oth.r. to •ot, ,h ol ..• ', pe•rt fre.., our •tinriorom , Car co, Xi *mho... No ''. :l ' :I 'i l l . .17":••• • • L. '. • . 1 en ;t i :i v r f .11 : : : ".,1 47:;e f a 7-N I!!1:S ' ''''';:.' ''' '111("7•41:. . " :\y i ::: : :: ;: ” . 1 11 : :;;t : :: .i ... .,44 . Pi T ;71 /..; '.1n41:1 ;l r _ . 1;: ".: ;:i• •• • • k e l : l k.‘ l l '' 11} ; /0 1 . 1 r . ; .i ' Cl , • ‘: ( ' l .: , ' ,.' '. .i ''''' 41.7""it;72:'"?'11:;:!:.:.:'1'7:'::';‘7'?"'Sr•Tin:1:: ' \l7.:.r's.br4l.'l:::':' , s- N , EIV t•I I: PETS rt,.'d 11. ' 4 daY at Lb, l ' .'• 11, - , ..r.t” , ,1. ”.. ~:;.".1 j r 4„' ,1i.1. ' . ' ,1„ ' ,7:„;,' .0( )( ) II ,'. i'. 7, " 1,1, '1 I I'M IR' etr 1 Ek;si.: Sold, arol r•tait . th• lira, Ntom or lamer, .1 Krim,. No 111. two,. W.. 1 •t al, I Vinyl. allor a .1.....t1 ..11,1,.. than ...1...1.,. ....1 44, thl. HA.. , rn• SerNien a the OtAlern 11.A•ar. , „rt., tn. totbminy 'tr.. , rorotia i/a r - 'et , 'I • ••• LI CL. QUI NI N r 21 n i or, - . I, 1 ,I, Qui,,,, - ,,,, .1 1 ..,t fur ..I.T, , Nli vtST it %pp 1v \ . \IA f DA s'T 1 1...F:S DE 1\ A 111 S 1,1 t E l N o. " 1 . o• j s t rt ' ut " : 3 1 A . '; i:::..d \ f... 1"!.; . 1.-"' '' ,;L;'' ' ll:'l"l".t:l'' .' . "' " : '4 ';'.l -' ' ' ' ' ' . . ' " . ' ''' d V ~,: ii . , 1i m. : ,.. %!...r. , 1 :, .... , , i‘,. ... , ..„ ~....,..,...,,,,,, ~ . , , ,T , , , , 1 .n . .., ; ....., t 7„ ,, ..,..., , , ,,, ....; . 1:: ...., ', : ," ..., ' , ,c r;T; ' ::: , ;;r:! ,`, .Tri.,., ' , ' ;:t7 ,, ,, " : 1 ' . , '..ii:J;1 5. ' , . ,, 1 '1'` ,;, '' , :':: 44 ,,,, ,"'" i 1, 1 7 01, .. : 1 „ T N , ... 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'tf A"U".""l. 3.lVa \ rigt 1: ~•,,,,, A atol,:larl. t atre,. „ ~ _., ~. , , • N r Corner 4th and Smithfield sta., ...... s -31.1'1,1 sTtic l .K a P 1,1,01 I II 41 , ritts Iliwo.s., Sir. XV 1, le.- Yarron• ran. al. •••••• -- •• , '. is on' b.. At .1111 It•rt gt W 11. It A 1.1..%Ct: L [MUM /E It BRAGEss-Ll have ree'd tt P 1 11 •-• } ", - St , iltol PrnP" NO , \ii . PI T•r SDI' IWO, pA., • ' \ _ C; large fin,. amyl..., of Ilhr.uith• !knees. %no." „N urd , , ,, ,,,,, ,, , ,,,, ,-.. z . „ ,, kur i , ,, ,1 ,, v, , ,, , ~,t , ..) : ' I, L 'i N N1 1 2:1 1 :11 - . o'''. ri.. . 1:11'1.0.11, ;7 ""1 % 11.1hi l l ;. L S17r11 ."" :\ Y. : '"' ! \ 1 " I ' N I: S 4 11 h 1. : . ll ' 7;1 ; 1 4 :..- !* : . 3 ' 4 ; 21. 1 ,! ..Li It .6 •- •,1 t•rii . in "".. I "'r'-'" 4 '''''''''''" "" P.r .b .,"l. ' i . rr.,'V E ,.,t u t ~ 11•9•01.,, 5i1”.,,t.g.41.g...&.;1h0A,' ... " . ," ith ' ; I. ~,, state 'Mina] Ilre A: llarine .-, N. , 0 . 55 - 4 .5., ;i4 .5-- •oht lor no. to. s. I th... 131.11 A COX nt , ___ s ___ Jt. ...Dirt intryNany., the D::: ,, ,:.:,:ii:0 INSURANCE COMPANY OF 111 A ItRISISU RO. ~. ~, N Nil smobi , , N,; 1.( ) 1t A c co . . __ l ji Lt it Ait 2_ , , 1,,,,,, jih'il a i.,, , s o ,, ,\ • F rlLt VE LS IN TILE ARCTIC REGIONS-- " +;, •, . , ,t.t..." , 1, tih,,;,„.,,, ~,„ 6: \,,, , \ ( !Al' ITA I. 1i;3:3 r, .0 ,o() t). ,mi -, : , :f......1 . 1 .1. D of 1' la •• 1 Y rniallor ria.d. ' l, M '411.1 (4, Z.Z,1., 4.....1 , • , ii. ilig&11:1:1';‘ 1,i,11,,,"!..61=,:‘,.'14.1. -.r...1' E‘'....4",...11ENt.110.,.11. 111(..P.I.V...nr14r1latlee:k'I'lf.111104., o.llllglll 1.1114.11.1 Ad l . l4 4llll.4lnibin room nrotom ~....., t f.. A. 1.1101. 1.9 rin , trim ' ...kin T0t...-. ....11.6. A it La,.1...11./. 1...1ari.? A 5 a1,...41,141ig . ., r i1ir i t., ;, ( 12 N ,,, ,,A. 4 . , no'All.l`, ltd.ACatAs.F.s.o. r . lI,F d . A n ' Girard Fire and Marine Insurance Co. ~ "..',.-";!' ' Nt II Nl' rl.r:. N. I.2.•{C'sol .t I 1 Ao' -.:1 , '1, t h, iiakitr ',tie v ' cill DE Ant-W.A.\ CONTINENT, a.` , . „a - II w. ~...,,,,i li .„. \ rivA N 7l,. . 4n EßS 2' 4ll ' .. '2 •2.L .B l l b N ll N L,::,:::l ' ,, rl nit. i . 110 4 11 1 : . :i t . ' r s ,. I , I , l q z .,. ' nr . ,t0....,..e r0 ' ......1 not....ture=hotßn . o t. ‘ it ' urr: r , -'-. ‘ , r ,.. 1; !, ' , % :. \ `'n,... 1u ." 1 ,.... c 7.::',', A ' ,: nund4ll ' n OF 1•1111. A DE1.1111A; CAPITAL $3OO. 0 0 0. iNsrx.i Net, c. , 111.A.VY OF 771 f•,' r.. 4 h 1:E1 I Ital.. i\ odyi t h'i•lts:lt::.".l..;i..ta'A n ts !'`, 4 r '''' r 4 "'Pr"' r'srth" m.l J , •••su'' \istctiTto,rn „M.,' . s \\ . t.„‘" I'IEGI,VI.I. Ii ' IIKNCII ot. thb, Stodv ohYor.l;\ ur1.,..f1‘p..ity..-tosrt.p..l, _Rsse.....oartGscli,, W INVIIKSTRIt, V IIIDINIA: ' A j„ , 6,,,,,, u 'i ,i - ‘ l leaubly •.(\ '.. 1# IIOOMtS-10 d07.....N/Ta reo'd 'and for .....10. \ 4 24 tt :`,t t ' t a,.„- . VA;47,..- . 1',..Z:;',,,ngc1,. Itoorth. Thlwaurn. of; l/ ty . .n. 2:, •••, nta.t .h...1001.-IT. \ hinny, of 1... NW all t • - Capital $200.000. ~,d,,..., Flinn,. n , ei 1W...0r, .I.,lli.h air • d \. .. .1 . .....: ~,, t a ...Iv:" itt \ 0111 VICE DEN h A INSIIII. AND/a1...0a' PITTS 1111:1/11: W Weds** Salmthoo• °N., n. ~.., 'a '' ) 1 1740'1'11Y SEED ---IVl.,bbls. ree'd 'And for \ hurret(a 11"....g . t ' %V.,' . ' r..' \'''''"'" ~, A UTIII at 'ZED CAPITAL VP/U.OW. , \ , ti n t, itt.'4lKo' TIE A 'O. pato I, • ,•. , • ....2:. ~, HELL a LlCtfoTl'. _ T i l...r.r . t , t/i I . , nIMP . . 4 4.13 I , A. A. CA11111K11,5•,... ‘..,!.., 1 , . P:. , It A.TRFr-.5t1 t ,1 4.,7,.!1 nd ks:3:",/ , ;tt lora dis 111 A f--3tl f balcA rev'ti :mil dor 1 ale Its, ~ 0, ! .,;, t • t itt.t rereilc i. AHNO . I.I) ei - ,. WILLI ANI t•:i b., 1,• 1. t.,. _ \ \eel JC, 11 , 10N•LI'l hlt 4 t 2.1 A t \ 0,21 '' ntll/1.1. k 1.1111111,17. f@itEsEttVES &I N • , evasserrtn. or iiA Y A: ST A I\R, CIIS-11 i ltS--'o,l oall Pr ‘ f mum 11:11A VA NNA L'IliALiS-No . l Vttiit- a, l's,:orynd 1",r1,..• 1 r. b11401/ Furnaces, Wro't Iron Tubing .- n inter stual oral le Intproool 1i.1.1.r cuttan. oo p t II tir...ll,nani. Loon l'Onna, Now }hwy.., filn•ro: La ' :.' ' Pr 'n"A , , AND VITI IN,I 0 EN/TAU-V. i ' ‘l. /7%. " N i' 11 ! ..F. ' TS-- ! i • 141 have ' nb u o ,} • :B ;e 7 .': ;l .l\ n' t:t '. ... k : . re 5.,!.'''',.:',_,1V4.041.; '"'"3.:V-11:"FA4rteks'il . ° tf - Tr "ll . 7,h t n yt '„ ''7'. ('''.'4,1,:•7..111',::"Ei'-:ii,nrr ,Irci„,l,,.,,,,bik;sP,fx:rs.,,s.opoli,n,Ll:i rmlAl/10.,,A.,nit,„•,.,r,adslailu il_T/ N ui ,,, L ,4, 1 ::; , ' N; ' , 1" .., ,, , i n :R n. N . -,, , , '2 O R O . IL ~e 4 u n t i ; \ ... c. i d: 1 , 3. 0 ~' : , i . „ , ,, i ,n 2: : . „Dud Veit6.4.,:i.r'''',h,:;,77.,, For - Warming and renltLetion'utOuildiraya. A a i•V:will motraet for and Vontllatlny br natn or 11, Watn, Pipe• or Chile... Porno, Chunclacm 11 Dlii i ll I" k DIJICI,I IFIEL D. , hai S o. , reCki F. • 2' - ' \ .''' h i- .\ .I..W_ WFAII LAND. 21..51.11,0rty t, 9( ) Q ~ . ..b. ... loade, Ilrapitab, Tartnrim., Onenn Deur., Court Ileums I,YI . luttber outtply tle UNT. 7 \0,111... ;ma stm, VISII-50, I, 61%. large nte. No 3 Maekrlrl; """" ._ , roF 7 4 '',:" 'I , MGM*, Demllinas. N. 2b diarits. at.. Plttehttran ~ .2 OOZ. SIGA. AI It 11-14 i 15 f.i - Nisit : ::,, ' o ' ne ' o. A ' ''' \ " ''''''' d" ''' ' \'' c.,2,5 /1'1 "..5 • ' A. '. , !NI • • ,1n '' No. I dt's • oore •,,1 Ustt . ta s •,,,,,1ri,,,, r q . :4bLt!t i l . l, l ,sl7 . lzttcrtro t ts....t . , , ~ \ rt drlitttt C.lf. 4,,,,,, mid and for oral• NY let at , rm. Dia A. \ sc.-1 ~,,0. c . , •, wAyt . A AN! , . 9,0 II BLS.!',.EPSO ~, iiii i BB 1.',, , '5,, - F.' Ffot - i • i;\ I.C6c, ,tha, 4 , KILF. ' 7,.ky ‘ile., New Ykrk • •-• C '..! , ..- ,. b ''fi . t i , Ajl, t, l'ol LAI! by .„_. _ Fl, 1/.,,A tItAIX.II il C0 , .._ I._ :and Dalt. lorn ; .‘l n . l•t: ',' '; 'I r Si ; rIWIIV./.. .4 / I XS: 8.•481TT,.s soAr , )\‘oit't QAL SODA-DI egsks for sato '. y \ , - t '• • 1,-) n e t A th.isc. urhl, Rd 2 00:67 Abet, al 10 •DOe, I cGS i„ store ranik, -t---iti'l,l7,!-,__-;"'l,r.-1.,"'-'21',1. ~...- . .l , " N' Ar i ' t. i. 1 10uoiticE ttoo,--itio,) it's'. , ;', r h, I,'", • ki-!'''N \ J DRASZTSIOW PV. r •-•c• • ~ -, O•I lt / til S a 1..4.. 'T.. - - -••- - -- 1 A - - • ' - - ..,.- , ,g .0 ~1 , • , ~.1 1 1 stratho - hampla o rlyng.l4.4.ll rye rm. • 1N.,T1 \ \ • ' rr rro, ~ , R . , ~,,y4„ r,,,, , cd.. , (5). CA '>l till Fr ,S4ll, 0 11.011- , A,l..rttoont :if Fall and IViltes Goma, .0 tw Nh wh s . . 'vb., I ra.6 .10 61, ra• ' ' " • :P u ill I. r , \ ~ , . .1.)P: A NUTS- -12:'i Idelt,.. ill , t :CM • it. ,v (IL ic, -- 1 . .h .1 .t.` r !..Z.V 0 .1 0.1....1.. t 1 '. rmAno ntowg o. • ...,Ibil 4.112. I r.1.,,t in re•NlntltrlX,All ft .1 - nt, ftwitst 7 Zat 4Va 1:.11, f..r.4.1., h f ',AI kit 111.• 1 / 4 1. - 4 (I.',` --..-.: - :-..i \ ,i, ~ I SE zauxo .. I ..., • \ 1 •• '01,, , ,,,,,,) ' , A., ~, ~,,. - • ,,,,,1 c...m , r ,,, =t• ' \ \ ' trgif, Lire and c ,, Tipstlontienee Id' tsh 1 1 dn.. .., 40 A ~,,;„,,,,,,,.., . fl , t0nve0.t....., klyama MrlhaiD'. \ s‘ j_ 4twArr, edltr, ho J. P. dlylind, with notionio Sty t'uti ro .1' A s 01‘,..,r y t ,,,,,,, , :r. la ',0n.... ...L.,: .1,1 and flAuretti, . a Later. la rcaupanipt. and otittratthe L , ity John Sho4, 1, ' Xi , it •r! \ c - •••• "N "---- . "-----;-- ''''''''''';'`'''''"'"•l2t;44 ';'4'"";'; 'N.. " \ , loole,' . l.fn, „ 11. S. 114161 t illtTil AlN l ...X.Slarkel. "' il . oLO - N 114 .O.ILE SKINS in m"'"••.'1•th."''17..;;`,1;.`:11Z04:?.... 7'z' . ''''' \ ' \ ' '.•-•. 'll - 4 1 (70.4 Wits. rec'd atitl s trgale Ito - \ - 1f • ' '''"' d I. li''' '. '''' \ - 2 - I. “I '''' t "mv " L ' "'''' v '''''' ‘h ."'''''''''' r '" ' " l ' Z ' ' ' "' d '`'''''' \ \ \ y 4 sol 9 a ' ' l .l 'NAT 11. C 01,1. 1 .4. \ . st ., "'W..,'EE'S '&oTlch - - 11 1.-..,, .i...e1,11 :,,,,,,j' a l,,l t i ll''" n ''''''''''' d. ' ' ''' Unr '''''''" d f --• .4.... 44 , ..61 . 1rA iot i or.i.‘ . ' \ ‘l, 1 i; I/ A 1 Vt`..4., SIIAIVLS -Lol RlDek,,Tlti be) \ 'ft, 'kolttlat k : ; :otil i l l ', . ' :•o h. ...i ; "%.•,.t . L.T...ur r i l li'oi -n te' er n I ''''''' '" ''' ' 's i L e ''''''"'" u " .1 ' 24. ;- h. ". 1 : Lin'''''''''' \l'•" \ ' ,t - , J . !••l r l ,1• ' %l•al. IV ', dr' '' ... l il.h /.5 tirtst 10.1 hong •ti11... , ...t1nc1• mull give. to maraca Ito/elite,/ tumid ladlne Cloakitia,Cl . .dhg. it f ..aseurtatirn4l. ' ... _. s . • u. :, r,,. o Rabe dr, , X.,..01, 0. tor. , yo., .1.r..b elrtt.,..rotnalt• mmed.a.nn, tient : r and to //Wad hash, y tong and Otlnaer,hl.oelrt ... .' \ \ \\ 1 C...ehiz • . r . great , arlith, at s , `„ ~ a 1 .C.1 d /L. 4 ,M1 , . , =111.\1 to mood Ahrusi,!ts i ty AAoatatea, I iartalgalsi...l tcnist i apa.c.• or \ AI \ _,,, ~t11(1.1.. I .11iL S. No, sO ilarzet st, 1.., V EIV lAGLAIsiIi 1:1131-1d \ -- Mils\ dir - ect --':1-‘-“I'"` " ' l '' ''` ' V ''''' ' '''' ' '''''l i i. "q t. ..i i.A .Y,' , .g4.l %, '' „,:.c.,,T*4",„',R.7ll!!:::."l4ra';`..ll:4tloikkh I'''''skle" ' ' ' ''" ' " "; ' LC \ \i \ 4,l„frott, tile Dtatll l ot asfu r pl a im_qufnlitlio . ,,,lt. wpon, ..t IV LLOW IW A R 8 , ---Pla find ia t unneltalll low eri,...., ‘'•'''''''' . l, l , nnj. " s '. ..._.__•_ _ _ _2 % 1 nt, I. ny cr0n...1..2..1. 4. t . tv ..t,._ ilert4icaglgiv......N: csayta , ll,ll(ortin4 of.. de ligt ki r ,N0..r_t_1.14i2„.11...n.11.1.4!L1)V nar , ltst m. Vsl9 \ ' s •if •,, \ , gIXISSDE T.A.Plillee4e7.ol./ed 001,01IJ01. eon. tt.tat!th, E..1.L1,41.14 th ett r Zioll:gt 3 .' " Atall4' . r till ‘ll , lt U.S. PAL A R'N 1 gi j - ii; . . -\ 1 i . \\ \ \\ I ,,frtk ., --•-•-ta , •,, ~ 1;., T ,N,„„„ ~„,‘,.,„' ~..\ I,!;:,,=',l't .r 7l :Z.T7 , llt ` ti, ° ;;;,t`, - ,,,.."Z,Ni.1. ,t,"l - i , ... ) .3 !_. / .. ^ w;_ - -_- , 0 e".,,, r,_ r_ . ittNo cvp, , . _„._________:„.__...______,..___• 4•1!,_-_-,t... Latorry tr.', ' te. ' •,,,-n \ ° J. W, 3ICPAIt .AN.D. _ ,jl, UTTEll r .„_l , h , • ---. , '- .- A- - 2t nt•C ( J .l \ ll ' 4l ' .!: "ll ' 2 n''''U.Stitt. rti nl' ; 4l : 4r i tiN g ( i ltli .l.l 'l'l.\ 4 l42' r,. +‘.e'd tblt. thst' na k ii r o . ‘,.:/ , :p „:: : :: . , ... • : ... t. : . , 'I; L II O F u F' .i .- 7_ : 1 ;1 , ( 0 6 -- 1,1 1 - or 1 : - . ;:i tm ---t r -- VV; iiii -- . y , : l i---- 0 , ,,, ,, ,,, 1i i -: : ...„ , ‘, \ .'‘ , \ r, ,.\ . ' , „\ \s, „.4 RESII PEAIi - ETS-9 ;3- cans FreshVait: ..11)71!..1.,..1 and•TOY Azle h 3. i, Lt " .?yTs; ' y 'U e 1 }it ' !; ' ,r o l e. ' ' : ; (0 ' ~ \'. ..k \\ ' ' S . L till•iEl l'S IIRANII).--1.2 eiejith milks ".- . - ----` . .3 'L \... t f I sal. tn. thi4.tio Or .1. u...t.0 ' t Irig RESIT S.ALSIO'D. and ,bs tors, - prepared • J.F.5 , .. 1 and !or us!..,.!tx T . i.i41.1-: a ty.,..1 -..„-2.1. 1 ''-i, • IP \ ' ' Ir. tt. SIITTSAN:Nts. 1.. at \ 'hr WlXl•trictmw • it be, nach, fixretalohy ''' . ‘J• X••• /frrAKLAND •' • rot'Ll and tsrA. , / , ht• -T 1 1131. n ' '.. g" tBE Ll'" s4 •C°. j oess' 4 ;ul an ele'cnnt an,/ traN i etarlre . r (me xi tof fi n t ' 'h . ' I ff ' ,. l lll s lA ß gr il . t t ill i ti ll g t ;l l :Pr e ; t U h R t b E.... .1,11,.., 1 1:), ' e nt -b tal Y nt et • . . r d . I: ' ‘ ..,'" V ‘ ~ li, IN"I:.E.A.CRED \:WITALE OIL,- 'iii.j.K.--,s-_--c."-:ihmin ,i:. kayo •- ti - .1 ' ic , - .., .- - -,. s-: „..-* •- _ 4 _ c ?.: 1 . 14 ‘ 1 , - ": 1. 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