The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 25, 1854, Image 4

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,A. ces= rerrianiacr..—ln the London
.• •
2l' mss appear the two following advertisements,
04 4 V orre keirtediately after the other: •
Aern • entay from's' Villa in SL John's Woods,
\a most elmetriing Grey "'arm!. It is 0 vent live
•••, •/y bird, mid although articulation is indistinct
4 . , it wf ll talk for hour with the greatest Artior.
'Whoever has caught it is pressingly requested to
treat the sweet creature well, not to pay atten
•-• • tion. to its biting. and•to return it to its inconso.
• • bible mistress, who will pay a reword of three
guineas. Address Alas. Do POPPELTA,' Acrocer-
Amin Cottage,'S - t. John's Wood. '
Ators ainty from a Cottage in St. John's Wood,
a Grey Parrot' that maybe recognized by its ill
nature as well as by its never speaking a word,
bat screeching for hours at a time-;in the most
disgusting way, without any oevasiott.
es has caught it, and will deliver it ,stujol to the
undersigned address,. shall receive four guineas
'and grateful 'thanks. UP.. DE Poerzynt,
At.oce aunia Cottage, St. John's Wood. •
• P 5 .i - New Brighton Aendemy.
j'rEfE Winter Session of this Institation will
eineatenee Minn ant lloadey of Neprem&ir r; ie j aj f ;g:
op_ a ppzied of ave soontba. Poldlreaaal
, ;'e ee; Oars Aseddata Prindfal.
.. . TIFEt gl Ma's g.... . .
• LL 'For-partlcalars, dayirealare. ee A id g r, !arllala • a:
pupa, fdWadlatrad, PifabVqo pddipal,
R• 1. . a .., .
W. 0. MeCREARI, Ado. Pri yelps).
. .
. ' H.. 11. WOODBUILN, A.: A_ AWL
j , a •
LaiuNr Seminary. Hew Brighton, Pa
THE Winter - Session of thiliastitutioritsill
eonattenno on the first Iteuday orliorrmiur...leon.
tion. tor pPliad afire sabotbs. Poops boaul in the Inn •
By onto. Principal.
Ittartlins Tuitio nan szsa d ns br 21.7111,
. 00
• Instrunlon Inrtnamontal.3l6s4.-. INGO •
• • tee of Instruntont..- .4. ......... 4.00
Instruction Vocal ' Mane.- • ••4,00
• LatiuGerman. and Proust,. 10,011
•Paintkg and Bra InAn
• , Plre In aiming room (If nunin,”_.... tun
Weahing. 7r+ Posttest
s, • 0,
Nor jurt lo u d ara, on circulars. at A.. IL
' store, it.' Wood et, I l lttsburati. or addren
rinripal. •
ker. 3. A 01A
Min N. FLE3IPIIILL. Anallato PriDnelpai. p
Din L. G. JESOMI., Teacher of Post and Instrumental
31bn ILL. BETERIDO E. Min M. A. VACF., .Tearhera.
Burartme - 11...11 - 13ritchkar. Bor. J. Mclean, Hon. J.
• Allhou J. Minor,hai sl L Winona. 31. D. W. J. Wilson,
•IL 114 Iturnnend. /1013. B. R. Bradford, F. C. Man
rain 4Th:l.B...tern 1. Baq., Int. D. Elliott. D. D 4 Bor.
...Id. Ito, L. 11 .3 1 r 4 b0T• . OM tont
• 4 P.ava' r
. , iwortlf :Ladies Seidna.Ty.
Tat. SUbscriber haring made arrange
' =mt. roe tau.. trie Lime of Profemo'r to
surt•=l,tindig.A.iraltiiit'L toilat.P.rig.l%-
- nest mar. open mi the first limier of :a crember. ,
The thaw teeehee, (nith perdue] one eireption.)
• be retained. and the mod, penenJ miner or itunriution
end =Teem
e :cent panned, Ereoff wedeln effort rail
load. reamer. the mental and moral improvement of the
it - t rk . Fd , el o yl ib tlz li , ttine=t
Ter elm ream . ripe. one. in ortuttictina
this tountry„and •in eyes the principal no exemp
t •ad rairtaffe tp nit prevent undertaking. -
~. ram, rat Or NraTliS.
Foe pewee., • end Talmo, .V.ScOre Instruction to Masi,
Plano, atekeleon or Guitar. $l6,lXe oft orbratrnment Kati
~Tmal Mark, in clam. NOR ralrittrd Drawing. SlOpc
ll painting, P.P.LOOk Latin, Trench andGmaran lan - utte,
m. 1 ,4 1 0.014 Tad. ititer aem.) Wirahing. per
Mao. Per ret.Poc.
larrairda map be obtained at the dew Mere of T.
Nevin le. Co._ No. Ifffi Liberty et. Pittstans.h. and' at the
'prizacipal bookstores In the erten of Mahn/mit
Rey. II
in ESILY R. WILSOV. R. D., Prlncipal.
Semery, Sewickley, Pa, Oct. ly -- yey.4.
- Rkftworrt—Rey. IL Riddle, D. D. Row F.A. P
Robert Davis, EN, Alllglteny..
.A CARA—ln:fairing from the superin
, • Wuhan return e 2.dgewortb Semham the,under
- coed would his eineerethanke to Idt patron:rand
Mende' for their liberal alma and .tiramnittiqn kind.
nom and would conortaniata Mena that the miMtutlon
Unpaved into the hands of thaw who an eopecollarly
D adapted to lb'miceemful,manammeat ea an Dr.
. Wilson and Ole Lodi. , 'been well sennented
them ha emend years hom past..tbe vriter knows of none oth
• ere to w tie *mkt mom rea Ilmtrad the education )-
orh }own danghten; or w b .. be could mo re eheerfnll
and coulidentlr nicanguerol to hie late patron. and beide,
• ed=ru,, LLIAM&
Sand:arr. Oft. 2. 1884.—ent dtWI.Not
Minnesoteroint Female Seminary
E . V. DR. KILLIKELLY, PAncipat :
MSS SATE L MOREL Ista nib'. Y., nalocinte
Watt: r ib Snsbna of ea Setml tat comanntne an tb
faZra. ,--ttg 7.1 a! r at: .41 t
Sewickley Academy:
SCHOOL for Sam on in. Ohio and Posnazilrania
and Ohio River. 12 miles from gitisburghih.
JOS S. TRATELLI. A:M.. Prindpal.
g.u. •
6 months. A Tzum—Boasuling, Tuition, Washing. go., per maims of
Lm et vlaa M • •
A .:4 1 N0. 4141 1 f` .1u"„ ortVtrir, k Co.
5.1 C Liberty at. PittAmsb_ • non-o.2ar4ssLS
rirltE Bonnier Sesiion of this inotitution
, commence= MONDAY. the Ist, cfMAT. IB64,
Now un ratan= of ttatkns rekreveFT., addreterfrolyrirch*.
_ 31/NA 11. To forglyy •
gribms. A =II 11155.--aDINAANT
tribe more extendri collection of the kind 'weer
published. Then en
Tl:lltiEd OF 120 SIETILF.4,
More than 70 Anthems,
.4dtithe,. Bet _Vtwee, besides nwterotte Manse. In
-work 1511eb-ls aurniatentha and complete. than soy elndle,r
; there.,
340 Exercises, Rounds, Wee%
end an entteelltu~teatirta, mtitl.4• ';
Notation'in a Nutshell,
11111 he Coned mast valuable S:t short hchods. : _
cannedlon with newly all the tense
LXsrsturz..yrAz, vozzavaas
are priatidowd, some:caw& aecompaulments threont.
The nmele alba HArzt.qAzi resembles that erthe
"lu Itigetteral characterletlei, belng pleselng, practlea
go said dtrable. -
Alin, ripply :of the alas, work reed end for Ns by
salS4 ./01121 IL. 317-LLOI . I, 51 Wood Wrest.
Fresh Stock of mums tlaik's
XLEBER respectfully in=-
&NSW the pialillo 1 hat he has jact
re rued :rem the Canons rifles slob lb., e
. Lanett utd most complete stack. or PlAchun '
• 'eller bronght tht. city. Mary are from the nelabritecl
huncal7 N. Cm". N. X.. add at ermr.nt.d Ps ,
fat la ovary espect. X, k 'Piano hate reselred tbe
tlret mcdals,toth sonntry and EtcroPc,
and Chu' are mouldered by the musical Prof...ion scot
mtgs. In general, as alvmethen unrieralsd achhonsescd/ah
TtN Wm 081 !amiably be the same as chard at the
famoryorltbout addition They rangetromg''' to $l.OOO.
Alin, a Melte lot CM - swaths 0 .
0 lows and My pop
nluDtaxas.-,'Dunbam'. Plums ware among thkcird used
this city, and they barn Rent up a most mvtatxle
tath to thistle:.
far stcporibrlty of tone, taush and dun,
The share lot comprise.. al!sty's and irlren and m mr
mt Instrument aced for W. by the Sntill.ther careful
traud thoron=amcnot by Wm. eau, ha .43
with • good, subgrachal
and eetioate t
l o lann, an= prism Penom cal
fa good Plano •111 thallt to theD Interest to WI cal etc
calm Ware trayngelx.rhere. /WIRY KLEBER, .
Apra for :haws A Clark's Haman
Dunham'. Manor, Thlrd street,
• Elan of theca:deb Hub.
13 . 01 it Plano* takert in ezenatt...t their roll
i r STOCK OF: CilloKEß-m l
ett st. has ped ra.IT
vale an
te ne t entiry nen stock of Plano Fort.. • •
fn.' MS st •manalnetoy-
SONS, Boston. roust of a/I the newest orrlee of C. 9
.4 octavo lastruments, In richly err. and 3,1a10e,
. wad and Walnut nue; and mkt al their late Ito prwre-
Anent* Pusan/N. • ran hare a oto foe ont of the lams;
Wok of than.
.Foes ever brontra to the city—priors ft.
...LOA, then. sant Boston, orlthoot addon for La.-
jraiatlon or rlak—and entry Instrument warranted
Alro—A large lot of Plano Stools of patter.
ESIZIDSONS- , A fad rnoplY of QlrbarSfilet4ney. at.
414,1415.. 413. MOO .4 1160 tub. Par rale by. •
JOILS tL =LLCM. Sole agent for Chic...lag 1 Sow
. oen • Plano. for Munn... and Water= Pa. I
_ . .
_NEW 100E.5.--Cheanut Wad ;'a- Talc
•br Leis Linden._ • -
s onderan n , or Ilant4 abont. thy Dovecote, by W.ll.
iftsake Z4 a Fortner. or the Ilistorr end Artrentures of
Ned Loon. by J. B. ARIES.
Upends otLferooln.
or the Cott.. Woo, th-tion of Convent
Life. For ask by oc.: SAY Jt CO.. 6.slfrort st.
- _
• New Annval 'of Ckickerlnes Pianos.
1= H.: MELLOR, No. SI
Wood .tract.w reet. via ha mum fe. •
aew rum, Foam .
Drazaa alaetaryof Qua-
'Two superbly. fined 1 rcLan• Planam . - . •
raarydata Itoarrrcad 7 do t - dr7 '
Three caned do ' dd
Fro'a.xtxa do ga * t: •
7/oar do dd 6 do dm
• ITlalarWahrnt. ba rs dm
-4.17.71. araveuurramaat7 beau dabbed delta
'• the
tate oral&dad at las /stall dike of larldtara. •
777.671.7d1y at. Barba. arfom, sad every Pimp Irar.
rutted.. • JOLIN IL MELLOR: SI Wool stavet.
draam Ine etaductfAtt a S.; Boston. •
WSW BOOKS—Art Journal for July .
eiihr l ie,, Wow llDlFht. 2 e s mordr;
._Th(hhee . alone tof . Ana.h t
ill tas t = hettr b zi .
";11 atrilleea r go' 1, or fati e fly Mae. ite l •
eit.V.ot Comoheth by Ltit Ititeble,2.lcayply ;
sof ihylonvenb.
th...b.v. xt r y Bookß, • turother with the letMoit
:a= rme' d r.s E MTlll2 VIZ.,' et
CenvattneeTtea of the SlattM ' •
-• Dap;
„ yo dat t te . d ths Altarv ,
„ 'LaMar. on &mama I
„ • ...Itarrch Beare the Monti !.„
- • " th
ummetjen. or the moved LIJ4
, •
, BarnseNotes td. Jutish 'rna..Paristt Ride:
; Demand= la emetics: Ltf. at law T_ p e r.l.. The hillutriests Parchment or Petah& Urea.;
ilharma. R W. Clark
ne.vbar Thil• Mlara. l4" .%l the neirVlZ=. 4
M'Adosta uPunished. Ear Ws by J. L. 'AA D;t-
Jrn • . 73 Fourll stree
AGREAP PROPERTY—ToesitIe; a house,
cta roonis and a knell., with lot of it la feet
st =Cap Rad, by 140
deux situated neat Moo toil
,Le Clierlinkr r 80!(,140. 7d 4.
new the Baltbreve zed °Mattel:ml, with
.• In triiistWoi lo Ilea of Wan. and aeltoa stations. Ye
Jetsetter= O to 100 tope 'as may ersatz: for
I,bamestesdit or *meg et from VI to CIO an , em:/n' ees7
Apsprealtac Deetle mete:lowa warreetrslll =lda
• ods S. CUTELBEAT 805,140,2 d et.• , ,
;tore and dam einsisozoa
S .TUNSPUTTY :a cot, irk-irioiri: and for.
Cp.Sizyf OP PROP. JA3I:EB PlccUllrfOCK. M. D
.... " Prom the Ali7idelpleia Italica/ College.
, 0p,0...3.11411cir0t far the find time ametioned by the
0104E51 AC=olll4l'l7 TIM Ditorissiox!
f ilar, undersigned have the Pleasure of , in
formisig the Piddle that they Lem. mmln arra..
tomtit silth. the 6nitient Prefemor JAMES MeCLINSOCE
PL D.. of Plifis4 , lPlitla. Pitmen for more than a quarter of
...turf Past &a mica the greatest Practitioner, and Tenet,
en of Medicine and Surgery Li this etitintM or Eurof , %
for the purchase of his re.Mita. and the DroaDainD of
mrlM orrkunx 31RD1C1N744 theatre.. whish uID
nut Milli a cfmap and yelittar Lune. alerted ter getteaal
USN malted to the most' preeeleut diseases. Them
reigenibirom mote of t r im most vaDiabi. diseerreries
and eiMbiliations et , .. Moms for the more 01 disease. 'hes
Lathe IMAM of the most prvfottpd Investigation, the old
Mt Mew... end the almost anevudell experience of oneo
the first physicians Of the me." Each realms In au . ..cull
adapted to 'erne:Au-dm' Zerforet of ducat, liauccordance
with tbe higher, principles qf essforn medico/ Mmes. he 11
of thee. runollm base been tried. Improved. edit 0.11
tierfeetcd. In the comae of a long, active and highly ma
maul fraction. not only in StiOadelphla, but thronghmit
many distant sections of theoeuntry to ohleb his great
reputation has called him. Their natom and Mb. are
kocun andlipprosed otby hundreds of regular 'physicians
'rho hare hern hhilrtudenb and men pair beneficial re
mita lv. Dr. PleCtirrteek's biro hand.. Ifie they en
tmder Jib toltiou. lathe Colleges of Philadelphia. Cut/.
ton. PittaSeld. and elsenbera
P 01.1011.0 •
Tids In to certify - that I base placed In the hands o
Messrs. A.Coshman & Co. New fort, the realness:if my
gamily kfecUetne.r. with my full authority to prepare and
offer [limn fur popular use. They are oath tel harrawrn
In the habit of. recommentling andprewelbing for many
yea, and thole emu psalms la well km rrts to hundred"
regular physicians, who hare been my student. and who
are many ofthem now practising with distinguished
this Seel In al pastr of the country. 317 lnituomnonts for this
d:en are numeroue ono of the most argent la. that the de.
mead for my remedies has Lemma sio Line,. through tel.
rate report of their suecess , as to make their preparation
too vest a draft alma iny tlmsd another is, the remitted
mlicitatkins [dm, friends and patlerits, In the belief that
the general intinductlou of my remedies would be In many
rimpeota • public benefit. and finally, In securing the co.
opeation of Mr. Alexander Cushman: who is a thoroachly
oducat,l Chemist and practical Apothecary of yesn
exproireee. w I ant enabled to assure the public
that they wra b a re ly
prepared in the arse. rears.: Mot most
pertiet Item, rec.-ills of xpense.
JASIES MeCLINTOCK, M. D., Late Profoseier of Surgery In the Philadelphia Ckillege of Med.
Hoe mol Acting l•roDesur of Ilidictfory; one of the Con.
milting. Pliyalidans of the Philadelphia Hospital. Block
lee late member of the it %Dana ilodirat As
member of the Philuielp_hin Medical Soeietr member of
the airilloccChlrwgiod College of Philadelptam formerly
President and floret.. of Anatomy mid Surgery In Cue
tierton Medical College. Vermont, and abet, la. Professor
of Ahem:ay and physinlaty in Berkshire Mbilleal Insth
Dittos:. rittsnetiL Mass. kg.. Lc- to.
We _ __Jr remind the Ititeglrent bailie of the
meal anownly - which *Mete for the Introduegon of a elm?
of grmf and rivaufor oe4iciare which mar be oaf
deafly adopted Into Mon.r nee and depended on cr al
ixes la the absence of a phynnlan. as being thelealtanate
Prodnetloca• of Seirace,Shedroneggacirrienci. Nomsrument
Wheeded N Pane the bamenee rupertonty Menet. •aws
°framed:Sae over the dangerotm 00ti1p06.411. that are dagy
raged Into make by I goorant sod rechlase men, enlelr for
the y wpm. of minable thohmelres at the momm of the
lime and health. their fellow beings. tae truat man
dently In the good meoofthe 5.137112.1atT to eitorort.
this effort to cobra to the gang public: .11 of Q1•a(2427
by giving a careful aerosol Co the following Wt. which em •
lathe the tart %melee mmadlea of the series, and blob
Mmlolifes some of the moot raluaLlanwella ever ditcher
ml for the reveral oomyMlnta auttmeribkL /f you or thy
Of your hien& the tic.loreni. amino time In granting thu
nip of the/ant reennial walborgr of thf day, by , btainlnt '
and giring-a trial to malt of ?Item medicines as me adapt
ed to the masa it, cell
.cepoelsl attention to ebe•tnt o
the tint m beirgoroat geueraily demanded. at this mason
cannell. the
Tun invaluable Symmothlth le entirely tegetabLe In Its
commviition. has beep employed with wonderful thou. fm
Ma, la the ruin of aterAres of the All Patanain•sa
Lean. The must common Demme of the comas are,
'mita:Won and /offonneustion oir the Mumma Membrane
...Web Ilan the air tubesot thetbroatorladylpe and 1..5.-
'sl , r any of them terms of disease Nether thriving then,
s Y e
rves to
Ono& .171 . thling rf , T hroce, Same gr.nettrys,
roo4 ananne qr,9k.d..Affindty of'^g.
• irednenarbr Lorre Prier and liedie Ther,lts wall*
*Mended with the handed revoke. It is recommended es
one of the best and eaten medicines for 111 tomb of Brom
their and Ontrumation.
No Laudanum or prepare-Imi 111=ny aim, in
am Soap. PRICE On Pint. Valdes I. .
/or recent oingha wade and irritation of the threat ar
hinge. It ls emeebily Tlll.ble for children: no family. It
mar changeable Maude; should be wbboat Mb *Meant
remedy. which. If taken ..oh the. tint eymptorm M odd,
prerentonsumption many.
an attack bronchia,. tad • fata l Imre inli
No Laudanum or c crion of °pima, in any Ago, in
I Mu. iame. PRI ' 23 cent.
Them turibly dlathweina- Demme ma relieved may °m
ei.' dear. by On g
Dural, maetable medicine. which
hoe brounht to porDmlon slowly in the alum. of,
prare m''7 4. - 4:l77: i t t
ral(18. per Bottle. 50 meta.
A =mu curs PaldarrtuteaLtaa If wad us ttenalbe Dye
eatery, ( yule. Morten and tleCloackda. TM. proaaeip•
Lion des 'Mat NULCO taeura idarrhonat And In Drotrater.
It la equally_tuoxestul. In - at ally Vag. of Aslatle
Melt. It will be found InvaluaUa. Far Code of Infanta
and C'holers Infanta= it lea severeldn remedy. Full W
.... Mate for we accompany each 'bottle. razor., per Battle,
25 and 50 mute. .
- • . •
V.....11):410 ALTERATIVE /MCP. .
FOC tde cnre, I. Of CeOratirouor Sign Diemen, TIC Teed,
dotirry. Salt Eiseme. Itch. Elnewooth to 2. Of Soled..
Dueares dcrofola Klngl 'Evil, {Shit. dwelling. Illoltte
or dwelled 'Reek. Tenn, Slow Worm. go 3., Spew 1(t
Diseethe Chronic ithenmathea. Omit. *a Iferevrial
Saphlitic Dinetreof all theme. Pri111517,5....1.7
• - y. Those disemes all arise tram mane In the erste/
=an alteration of th e decretloos and a general no-
of the bleat. Tor this tilowe the TO.llte
LITZ Ids., which <ambler* the vi rt ues of eettale vegeta
ois remedies meted to Li:Obsessed mate of t h e eyhteto.
twit:and wonderfully effective. PRICE. Rint*Bottleel
Legrorms, or slieordered dig/elms fl
MAT he ClUed the
Platheal DI:moo of Amodon., Its emptier. anhendarbil
'xi &nese nervattmems lows/dolts diettrai of deign, with
motes or speck, Wes the alb: Oohing of the wad*
dell:tees of hestintand tinting In the mem dimmed:ls
Contain the
or weight Wade
lifiltolty of hooding: semscof etiffroatlon In tying down
ar In eanendlog dab/ Polpltstloo.or UOPUIT to-lingalmet
the heeds bregillarie dobetent appetit/
et the stomach: scidltiet hearteo . pen or fathom or the
dolosnen, and' eostivenosa. Rama of them symptoms all
N Elyepopelmand menetimesthe n 0.,. patient
has many of them at. tha mewl Cole, er at elder./ dews.
' For attadinethese Protean symptoms .In their wed and
Tio derthgve emedltlon of the ellgedlos hanctione.
the Dorescrio Eurrecom Mies all M. valuithis ingrodlerite
width the Vegotable.iangdoso effaces: Tali th to mom,
dos :olds the Vegetable Purgatdo Kee In hum where
there is mud onalveneee, or with the 'Anthilillious Nth,
%bd. the Panctions of the Ile., srelmegtearly dlochmgool,
13 , 011 l be Rued most effeedual moody. PRICE. do Pint
Vili—REEl7ll4ollo =Tram
A youviy Timetable bymbination far tam men of Rhona.
thnia Um; md all limralidc mad Rheumatic Diseases.—
Tine remedy Is oflered with the unmet ornaddeme. hie
Anna .od mart, erteneirely and is as near • ar•CkTle fen
Rhßhopma heßtie. 50 tle Diseases at the wornl has rear rm. PRICE,
An hatiable onitn - ard ILPDlleatte for the relief of ell rhea.
tie or newslerie mans, meant& inrellinna, tont.
Minxes of the jolnts,paln In the sbnoliors i met or li ••b••
at affords lumedistA relief Gem non , . and Dain. In the
Atomach and &Women. • mounter Inlima It ts
'MI, In all eves where m externel stimulant le etseded.—
ElycE. per Bottle, CA trots.. _
A moat convenient and valuable remedy. to h e need both
internally and externally. f the relief •E•Al•14
L cot •• in.Pleurlay. Pal. in the Chem Stitch.
van Io Gm tlldo. Vein. In the Yam Naarelele Palm when,
refund. Paine to the Stomach. limelo, Liver cr Ridneye
In madden attacks of Colic, Betio. Colleand F it. of &me
or Grarel It will gi. Immediate roller. PRICE. per Bob
Gs. FIRy
Aron and rate venetaLlenextenY for Fever and Acne, or
Gencralttant Fever an_y of its arms. and for all dress.
recuming.petiodlnai: Thirevmedy has been tried to the'
(allot extent, and tan been found • Mara so far as any
ediae", ran be entitled to that name. In convalmenew
bona acute disc..: whore tonics me required. and In all Conn of prostration of stramile end want of nom°. row
er. It will be fonudalnifttlarlyaltionhyus. PRICE. Pst
Par the mac( of COMVISTIMIC, and all Itsftedresulte
ends as Headache. Diazinets. hick Stomach. and ej
ymptorns an amabted under the - Devoe phie Rhedr. ,
/a all au e where purgation le mead. them NIL are ofkre .
as s sore awl mad, be trEcient estActrtle, do lovalld. er
trarelimaheold erithouk them. PRICE. - rwr 800, 25
Psin o ra s
nn m plain
s.andan it ra
derlACotofth t
lthsytmuoprd o l m a s ate =l n
k Troa
i ge h m eyetan y drkn D a iunllzadar ns a
ing in the ears, yeliels. formd tongue, rein la the
shoulder, eon,. of Wines.. or pain in the right side. diem
&rod stomach •or bowels. dot imi action or the kidneys,
elapergoredsteola ext. These Pills, illaken In the oulpi•
ant stapes of Pillow and Yellow. or other kraut will gen:
srallaurslui offal. attack. PRICE, per num..%
The an hamlartwah ha ...PM= the lamixietorship of Dr
.T.Arres Neenah:ears Fatally ltedtdner, would rsrpeetfullY
data to 04: rattdle Mist ha his profess!. as lalstwisbin
Chemist, for neatly ' Athena tears rash dminz'arhlch time
he has he s n sahe7 canttected with the beat phartasecti
eel establishments in this anantrr. he has had constant
oomeron to we And *pare the presmiptions of the most
eminent physicians. among 'them be trontel name Dr. Mott
Dr. Parker, Dr., Frani* Dr. Chasm., Dr. Deere, 'Dr
Whittakiw. Dr. Echattlt, Dr.. Hawk, Dr. Slum. Dn.
Prattwid roman. Di'. Dests, Dr. Diana. And many others
n the citron:ear Yerk.
she eipmiapace flu my:dm( maables him to dliertmi
nate with conddetioe between lepitiqsak melidau,coisbin
-ed seitakAcally, .4 as to secure a. hernionions chemical no
than In union with ticks lalgbeet thersrantlesl effect., ao
the insedurate mixtures of unaeltery and loworammerhem
In, for want rif proper knowledge In dombining them, the
best Ingredients may nentrallas and destroy each otbor, or
- remit In a sobetarm highly injUSIOUJI, and contrary to Its
ntandmi detigp. It with pleasure. tberefm, that 1,
estlteethat the nremilytlons of Pr. Janam McClintock are
ot. anise compdeed of the toot valiable Medical agents
known to. and habitually emglodied by, our but pram/
tamer. IA the treatment of the several cilium Ihr which
they aria Intended, but they are combined In such amarate
proportions, In relation to thele chemical and mediriord
affeeta, sus to IMOCIII Lbw sttehnuent of the utmart Immo+
of their POW. and egicienry.
In 00001421 m, be nal only add fdr himself. that lip ma_
rarer with confolcurartmtda past caner. a. hI. 'guile Mee
to the pnbilethat thew groat-mae:am In hie handriritfle
,flattltrigryueataami In etriet smordammarlth_ LIT pram:Hp
tk. qamif.fOrtiricvlstlet.l...orlglaster. •-•
. - ALF.X.4lltifi3l.ol
''.oranifiide„orgl Trailer VA< /V: r.
The alma Meacham . tray be orotund, ot whalmale or
' ,ma. O f: - A. CilliiMlA3l t CM.
Proprietor, if 0.122 Patton et., New York:4-.l a.atb• Pribtifel Itttligetts In this dry. . .
:A/spof IL K. ELDIOI7 3 , Agt far Penna.
.a c ross of gth and Filbert sta. Phllmirdplda.
.1 e JAMPOI 31cabIN1'OC-8.
. • ..
• Eton. Na 80x001.And of nx..-Et(i Arts.. Pittsbnrah.
And 010. IL itZTUER, Agent. nor. of irocel at. and
And of J. P. 8 1.2311:41, 'AlleghenY CUL'
'And mar be opiend through an 7 Alletbecar7rD=iO4
annta atarikroper in anr tart of the cotmtrY.- /017
aiticla Is"
muted Vs' Doe putt se, ,
an external 'rowdy. Ambito a
M. Dalt, and ding , •• . •
neermatiir atteists tits Intro. lel '
audios of music e•--, •
waftOf anoeffieser as on- :.
five Leo various el/rotes
I.he Eye. of scats or el or sreaslolD.' e"'
Cc= origin or at m—ply' "sP •
sana ad neskonn of,Woham siarams;-•' • :
A sure, Bak soar:oxtails elan Da Up moot taersested cues
of Noosing Sore lloaffA,(Zekveei Ems Neva; canter rub.
.Tralnient , nuel nobler. Menai tonalls.votld lon
throes., block tampon sad ng COWS oftuounon tanker In the
.P.FLEuats. fr.e ste.M.PittAmic• J VlDO(4lesji nT ; a.453
- -
V V Wild Chau Dra yod• rped, pt., R., EL. Y-3
th, .
pr sae by WXHASUITON. N. /2. mt. Woad Y 4 ,L.
''}}c~icoCtflNT AND I u .
rat i , esiVrn,
, t 4, 108 . rt .4 , •
I ;rli 7ST
4 ,
~~-' -- --
For Puri.fying the Blood, and for the Cure
Cif Sr abb e /I"euntatism, flerdorn mimes,Am
/wt.. Sturtmer l / 4 Mores.
Pimples, fides, 3lefrunal pwa,srs, rata. ,
qtur Xruptirms,Lancr theaptait, linns. •
chalit, , karuz•Vion, Female Coes
pbon/... qf A ppm!, ;dn.
runn er. I I , Lilay,
N thie preparation all tho reetorative prop
of tip, root am nionantasted In their otmo•
etiwngth mod ctimi; m but while Sarsaparilla It .. forms
Imiurtaut tort of Ito combination, It le at the same time
compounded with other remnahle remalle• of great power
and It la In the peculiar earohinathno anderientitio many„
of Ito preparation. that Its mountable mimeos In the cur
ordiscane depends. It arta Omaha:two/sly upon the Mom
gab: the eirentation of the howelw'and Mu. threw proms
Pt, which are ordinarili the result of three different kinds
of medicine, are carried on at the rams time. through th
Instrumentality of rum 'ma remedial aimnt which attn.
LstMo wbllelt Fileinl-cte and expel. from the stanaeth and
1...4s all that is irritatilm, and at the rants time menu,
their rigor and tone. Many other preparations Imitate it
in I...ring the Immo of Sarsaparilla, and In that their rs
eambithrs ends, Woe often prepared from worthless and
Inert mots..d, of cr....p.m.!. no healing or mind!.
Propertimi. and.natients makinu dmice of which Owl
will use . honor Latmno other in. that one entitled to their
con7.lthro, from tLe long list of eum• it ho, effectei on
liring witnerms. whom teatimenhda sod residence ha.
born publiahmi.aml.who are still le , vice dallr
to Its worth. ""
Astoxisurso a:Rh; •
Psemsoe..N phtlOth, IK.I.
Ileum .1. 11. 4: D. Box.: amen— lca Gentle.rlng
al the mon bensficlal effects from the use of your Sam.
rills. It give s rue pleasure to Pend you the forlowing stet.
meet In regard to my Pon. In the Spring of Mg , he to.
a ...ere told, and after 8 wee.s of serer,' suffering the ills
the In his left leg mid fiest-whi. MOD serelle4
Alas Utlilool. The instates,. lanced hy physician.
iend giornarned mi.. profusely: after then no lees than
ileum ulnas formed on the leg sod Sot one nine. We
ail ewe-M1.71r.. but stenp rellered Alm tottchl and v.
1.1 win.- found Chu to emanated and- low that So va
ppaa I .nable !eel, 111. ruffennif She mat exec...tin.
t r lZTree hin f
more than tar.nt3,l•. presrrved in h o varying frow
one-holf to one and a half indica In length. We towysirm
up ell hope. of bin riwoiery. b.. thin time we were In
d red to try your :arsaVar.lll,-and with nee hie beahti
nod .pente beg. intincilatelY3o improve, and so rapil
sew the rhanc....n thuf le. thane:dor-en bottles effectal s
acct.. cure. lrith gratitude I
trey To.;
IT., the undetininied. neighbor,. Air. 11.1.11, chess
feUT truhaeribe to the facts at the at,. inatement..
11. 4 It. 1. Mart,
Gxo. and A. M. w 00...
g.s . Woon.
Prebermi .0 1 ,1 , wholgule and retail by A. A 4 D.
SANDS. Druggist ...1 Mewled, 100 Fult.m street, ormir
of WWI., Now Virg. 11014 alio by Druggist. geurgally
throughout the Delta. States and Cans., Price II pa
brittle; nix tottles for for male by B. A. Fahnenti. k
Co, I. Wilcox. Jr. k. Co.. Pittsburgh: dl. P. Pollwert,
egneny eitY...l by Druggists sal lwnlers Medlin.
v./owner.. .124,44 w
AND ALL DISEASES arising from a Disor
, 0.4 Lirer or Stoinaeht
th suet asConstlpatlon,lnward
Ihrlbsees of to to e Head. Acidl ty of the SU:m
_Nausea, Heartburn, Memel of good, Fullness or
Height In th e Stomach. Sour EructatlongSbaklne Flut
tertag at the Pit se the Stomach, Ewhionalog of, the Head,
Hurries; and difficult breathing, Fluttering at the Heart,
Chunking or Ratise-stingtlentallon when h, a Wog posture,
Dininess of Vision. Dots ot Web• before the sight, Fever and
Dull Palo the Deg.'. Deficient" of Dasillratitet, Yellow
of the Skin and Eyea Pei. In Die Sule, Bark. Chet. Limbs Ss, Budder, Fluahee of Heat Hatt.. to the
Constant Imaglainge of sellandOreatDeprersionof Spirit;
caw ix Erasmus., cram err
DR. C. M. JA
• No. LB) Aeon 0111000, Pananri-rma.
Their power um the Hassan itnot excelled ,
au galled, by any other prepartabss in the United State*,
as the en., attest, In Haar Mel alter akillfol phyaielans
had Called.
Thee wt.. 0.. worth the attention of Invalid... Poet
seeming great virtues, In the rigtiheatlon of Ilwares of the
Liver and hewer glands. exercising the most a...rebel/a Isis ,
era InAmakneria and affection of the iligettl re orguu, they
are, withal,
it esetaln and pleasant.
The Billowing wount of the rg,te of the Itar. J. W. Paa:
Aga astraMed front the Christian Chroniets
10, - ti
?' - i..1';. - „Rop.b . 7'. ' MI
t h an are le ' oat they este repreernteil v to ne. " F ' s.; . u n Tri
than 000 yogr_l lintels/en troub withChrouleDiarrnera
perhaps sevensaglahe of the time, until about the middle
of last September, when I became anfeehied. and Onally
prnstranal byte tyebecoseh •ed the he
membranesarmy bowels teesame drjadfully 'messed and innetlee.
that rondltinn. I inDed lupon physiciut who understood
ms - sase and eheels..l In a igiessure.realarel
astlnn to my bowels. 000 ,0,00 .4 t 0 01 00,0001
Well 014 right. 000 100000 Contin to 00 04000 imatad
the relax ebeekeil coy terwera. the dlmortiref r
gene not pi , sWy sedn/slag tbele regular functions. o
BRUT? adrcrti lt ( trig to rat Cot
erd. sou lesirtsei evallneatee anneaed, re
o m en
your llltters to saw 41,721140t0 01010. 00Lt
1.7,10%.41;130,21,ei. 01tVil0,
L. time, ettigly. .lleSrra 1 had used Up the fret . 144. C. I
Ibund that die esailogorite tel being nun/trod Brom my
tongue. and the b.-eel/sand the stomseb booming nature)
lot regular. I Isa, Eve bottls, vo ji IlerV base
Ineen meter/10[y helped. and !lasers/Leon to boon , that 1
mt. being rerfertly reetore; what,. the disease has been
werling so long. and I wu brought es low, that In No
armner sari mill restoration on despairedol, as was_ stateß j
e t Algt.7. c iLTi fri r .o o, l ,...D .,:,,, s , ett. and - 1:R1N1...1 In
Now, air, 1 aro Keane that but few, at lead In Ws reSii. - Vi
Hon, ..ything about your !MUSA I wish thet dld
Coo I hello. there .or hundrrtrl thie menu who =Oh
he cured by the nee of amen Dits.ra.
fbIt Y b o TTE. Th ' i tf un• il triejt R ba.,
R. Berea, In Pitteinarght reherarta, , Liihssr Car
and :Dm. ..ism end deafenln Medicine ovary - elms
eel lanawg
E L id LI b' I S
k= 4l.
41 Ts.
pAO3I LOCH A. •IYISRAEL'S, Ch e mist
and Fliarmarertiet, of Amsterdono. the ordy llanufim
turer. A purely testable Compound. Prepfrod on otrietly
outentlflo prinelyl, after the manner .nf the relebotted
Ifidiond Froforsor Bcpyi...v.l. Beton. of Ito great rowers
in moot of the European Statro,CA introduction into the
Onited Ststes was lotended more eepogigily for thee* of our
a Fe. i .= ‘, ,erltte,red.leeAwreAng therrver the faro of thin
I now op,- L' to Aariran publir kraut:Ll.%
truly .onierfui oevileinal virtue moot be acknowled*L
Error and AR., Drepeovis, LOWE lioadaeho. Ileadauhr,
Sour and rout Stomaelt.olleustve Breath. Billionomwt.
unpleasant VA•te in the mouth "nor eating or
Aleepinir,lnelgedion. enstllnmeam. tumult ver
tigo, extreme languor and erhstutiott
icwe of aPPetlie. devpoadeerry. drowal
wet, impaired sight and luettnry;
Fa 2 Fuld reuinewd of (10,.. In
the tooti, dlvesw
e• wising from • dlw
Pilot LTVER' Olt IFft) 'CIL
„ partienlarly trounmended to t ' ruse
• eaustltutlou• may bare boon Inspired b Ihe enhilnootte
Atm Of ardent epitits, or Other forms of dhitlpatlon. Cop
[rally Innantaneoue In •Ilivet, lt Rode Re way dirikitly to
the wet of RN. thrilling apt quietening ererY
lag up the dr . ..piny...phi...VA In fart, Sawing on.
health and vim. Into tho
In oil twee of Dlurboot.Drientery.Cholir,Chatirra Boehm,
waand the maky
ute tinplate:Est effects attending a thanAu or
ter or nth:l
arriAcede ofitr. B. 0. HWY; Ws /tidier Of Mt tee..
M. Beni eirdn taus , Jr.—Lear Sin would say that
hare been &Meted with • dle•ase or the stom.h..palplia.
Ilan of the heart , and nemous beadult:. fur nearly Of teen
years, and halve swot some hundreds of dollar min' to
ed.* a map, bed no pomade. After haring nest area
stabil, of your Eloctro-Chernical Amnia; or !Pas nri
era" 1 co mrsolf ontirol.pistorrd. imin eat and deep.
well, and attend t 0 r
with pleasure. sod
themfore recommend It to all thaw who are slinllarif t
dieted. D. D. WOODS.
Aug. 24, ma.
Ws. Benj. Pare, Jr.Mloar 'Mf emend flanks are
doe to the (Medd recommending your llalland Lfitters.—
' Carlon ea tfered - for mute time beadarbe, for of agge
tlte. nem tad deprewion. and la feet general dleordemaf the
eysurnlog tem. I now b h. al. after sting bat one bottle, exude. o.
healt •
mad Page. Jr., 1150.—.1/cor !Mg I have been rendered o.
tb &ambling form f Dpriviteh, by the me of n 0.,.
hare'.Holland Bitten. (4Mowed of yen) after lloffrog_
for 3 year. oltlt Iteadeteh, mama, and
attending Indlgertion. now.feel perfertr=4 il'lf
.I frlme , rfrortrollT,
50.90 Wilk Pl(trburgh.
ta.‘llng DfiEßEAVE; • )lol.lanfillg flip& and. takin,
utber. Sboul4 it La, Inla T Instance, Ed-effect - LB mutt'
gad alma than tbe adra.rtiermentelaina • for It. your mono
ttrill be ft ftnatleaL lIKIFJANLIN MCP fir,
Drag and CbendtaLlbrose.
Oar. d and Smithfield and 140 ran Ittl d Wylie It,
br 11:A. Pa hneatork Co, It. E. eleMre,Pr. Oro. II
Kayser, klmlng Ilratbare, mad J.Sehoonmaker *Co- Fltt,
O. Smith, Innethuneem. ---"
Junes T. Ample. R. P. flehnartz, • P.
Fluolpg Lunt
Lee A. Beckham Illeattenw. _ • - ••• ^.45-I.ldan'T
*4/ 91 irameier &razz?.
:rAtet•ren tha - Shuuond ME.
S.V now receiving an extemiinand
did Assortment of choir* SUMMER MOODS, to whist.
^T inspretfullr invite 11.1:41 . 1 i ttslon of the publle. Their
Plaid ridlei=liZ r a n d bwrad 'iscottel
Brorads • ' (i_raps andfiliihnt
?unit de Poi du: 44Ahnisr• ile do.
idi. Us: Bonnet lc Maur. RiblionX
Murk Bilks Stall nradou. funbroldrrirkof all kinds;
1941/I.d Plain a rsossilarts Thread, [Arnaud Ydikisuri•
Chaills..l3nrnest tatter; Ifosiorr. Worm and nit tr.
Mourning. A romplots sissutarns ob
FjOil French Lan.; finiarkseudrigiLioodg•
Pain! Floired Pular, Blank and lore Larthillir
Summer Cravat% fur Lulire
ZtTi fa =t7Tp,ird.t/Toli.T:f.
ou the Ilrownerillr road. pet Own, be tOll ge... houth
Pitre.r.: eh - 1..13nm of Fruit Threw: Alen. Cut - yenta,
ticoseberrioe. au: a large Mato., out Irten..., She house
la papered: 6 .nd Matra, le. to. Cell .1 examine
tn i :firo pert). It L. good bergen. •
IPTIIDKRT t 50N,140. &I at.
61,f d Ltgaii=o i r inee t iotle of th
tt wtiterire. by W.CorZTarker, &W .
wrttlol iirlo !CAT (XL. 64 Wird et
ti'Oß SALE—; beautiful Countri...c , ate,;;
t t . ilth_stsetewil. thisside or Vert Lib e rty/ They
_ eyw maitr:lphi to be secured tryliwise who
wv at te r il .. ebti ant try home. Legiihwof
HALL, 74 - IV - 00D ST.---Superior
FA:l4l4de torizumaud bey, Customer
P aine l GreTnTe r
&obi ' W•rindy toplwa.
I.llla-'- , 10 Lek - now irritinvai comae
meat Jr.!. Dr :.:MLitt ICKAY .
. 0 4+ 1 4 a. ca.
HOUSES rain's &C.
-- -- CARPETS, 011 CLOTHS ;:ko . 7------------L. i r prXTRY SE.A . T FOR IZEN;-A beau
141VirnaCoffLthIN70,...?!.alcrtBoRtc.,0S. are
.. (7,, ,,, ,th5 1i : 01-;,„urg,jb7, chat d luar ".."' the d'Y
e l' rn . tner r''''' ket Our " Prietoel loqs"lete th *ln'par"."o'thrfrn.dfollowl' th n ' Orim .". i FR: I O 4 R u SALE -..1../lOUSeTann°de2'ttDElLlO'B. 4riU'i;giii,'
Writ I elven ille Gum... Tnnestry Rntmelr. I' we. r 2' al at
i!) FOR. SALE. -.A splet-i Country est
it 6 rt.
iiiit,'"rvni.itt...c..."7:ekt'ttirb'sts. 'rrmilicloolir,.ek'thLttioc. I d e ., 0 . the Ohio Weer wfmlnif, the Ileum of I,'
B" lrlaisk.74ill:ll7lTl2 l d .'
e " t ' d= thi'Lh4 ... 24 ' 1- . ' -.
'''''" Vit ' S ' ir (otV.! 'i '7 . s. er
With a full ..ortment of al/ anklet@ generelly kept In a ~,,,,,,,,:r2
,t.hAp.1.v,1,,,r,...41.0a5ti:?1,1 s Run , There le ti erre.
treatt e7s t I-41 .. 1
io r ..; wi i 7 l
4 . eel t' r i r : w ' th e
ss ' 4 n . n ' w ' bL I
a . th e i I
time n' ;o ' ' secure "'
ra f • a ne rd
. ben:.
d olli Irose " ' s
w it T LT I
v i ' 1 : I n To t t , : . d i x _
8 :: l o !n p i j im: s a r: ::: :a ., :ii: ,,,, , : hd i
..,,` ,!::::::, i
i lter r tine Remember the place, 0, 112 Ilarktt at ,
o n n n 't,ig. i t ia i ,gred or
, l , r. Enquire of huh.. iZle kso.
'i. nee
- 11 .4-Z. 4 " lt:Egi.S
COOKING, HEATING, I 2 1- . tg;:ri,,'llgt,„int.." b 1t,;71" '''' o ff ere d t'.
1•D ati2.641
00MS, 75 4th et
'thin R/ minutes walk of the it • e iii 4 v i-
GRATES, FENDERS, I M IMI h I • . ' le '. ''''.....".-'''''''
Pipes, Boxes, and Foundry 'Castings o. i "r " "; ' 'r"
• ' ' 1""44'11M1 '' '' ' 1? " ': " :11 - '''' `t
-1 all kinds.
.2 67
1 hjirt7l7lll7:l7.l:::l72::7bensVuj:Aer:Yi,P.Rl,:::::':72l.l;':A?ti :1!!:::
No. 267 Liberty St.,.rner of flood,
~,. .t,.3.,e.. (rum Darlington and f• mile. from
Alle: hen Co unty. so.
L § i ir N the Court of Common Pleas in and 1 l'lLL'll'th:°"."77?"'"lr'''''''Z'''''''''`A'h `7°C.lh'n'r"hi";4%lll.
.1(.1';O'R SALL-A
ho et u z uln e ,,,, ll l l ,: tr ,,.. lo ...r rli
i.` by geld county of December ,1 ' •„ .'"'t? me
" L it
i'''.l.'it l i rZFOgl. ' l6 . . " l r tbi st
wi t ,
area 3A' tt L' in -'" A n n ' l 4 nn j w . b t7.
wit, arta
or 2, Mi. theaerount of the Al:
filed it is ordered and directed that the Prothonotary give m lie•Cfrromk.t"hemeL'ilVenl' 1
I' . i ' '
a tire of the exhibition and filharof th e emd ,„,„ a . h , j the bead off edema ettnl/ ' h
the ritt.l .ch I , gehlournal and the Pitteburgh Deny I Imre • Mated Real., l ' eltiit ' Ke. d h eei. 6 tele"`" I , l e Pia k e7...
tome." for wren awahlt..nd 'h. th e mil mem , ot will le number of [woo, , imiti r mete, and ' In le, -- 1;11
snowed on the 4th day of •nventber next ante,. mum be mil be given to any who with to boy pmpertythey oo 111
Oman why the. mild manint .hcruhi not be *Howe! trout find
an it A fine auswt went for sale Osil o ' n.
the Wenn! eielliawd KIM CA 11 111Y.LL. Jr Profit; y. lemi,t,
_ -
THO 4 WOODS 75. 4th rt .
Naval Stores. rklo RENT-The Store Roo, an Fourth , sti
TA It , ram, TURPENTINE. Ktdri La Enquire at the pine. Show Came and • new ' seen
Turpentine and HMI, receiving. front the fin dual Counter ran le obtained by calling there for •r. a,
&usable prim.
nouth and nor eels. In lots tomtit prc.e., by
myls Iv
ied-lnati 27 N. It itarem and 0 72 'C R . : L ie ... eV, ' illL.'l4l.lle. 111101 L-SILE.-Two i inns , ' and Lot's OR
Pioneer Line of Anitralut Packets from ~vi l ie etre., near Reshlngton
o Houseleartil Lau on Nootritseis st..oos
New 'York to Melbourne, Om• lot on Townsend Arr.
rAßtermo TUE 1:14771 . 11 A tins c „cut, tiro -Twenty others sin
different porta of the city, ail of
hi, h will to Id low on Lei te
'THE beautiful and favorite Clinper Barque ,7„ my printed 'Zan., which.
-1fe...: gt"Ll
iii_ la 'IMOD, nineteenth ship of tide hale, will be dee ng at .5 f mirth ....Wynn nose[ le " ny, ' and il t :o b u y itsL
. =he Imth . er , w r =ureami t t‘,. 11 elbourne,r the.Mth t r ,c,;7ll,p.rtstlblcolling on roe inu can hare It tea re
ealivon. WMO. i r I rrti coor 1Y,,,!. '..Z.,°,-.`41 1 . - Tr4: l s I `Ti„. ' A.: 7,`,.1.74. r. , ..,f,,1-ligt... ''
Minna! will To followed Li the celebrated Wipper 'Mit , emit(
75 I_ ,.. 2Hti, a beet
I% Indward. A pply 013 tward at pier P. East RN., nr to
Ladd 11.11` OANIERON 116 It all rt.. •eur 0. 00 LAND FOR SALE.-I 4 i acres of Land,
_ _ _
y r ,, K y5.,,.,,,,,,s
" ~',........ „ . •31 . ..) - II -S e P i'lledtg r n g.i i n "4' .na
".'"' " " I-. ''''''' 0 th.
!land, near J %mime', , „Nev. with a amid
~..., -. ia v...-. 1 fr."so :c h rro' ‘ inlivi h s w i' est .i' e c if t" .7.T., heh,ii,o, on it are good
ii, ',1,k,...„,,,,i.:1...,,,,..4:,-,-vi-,
1, , ; ~....a . ~.).
[aft/,ii jzi., , ..r, A, , , __ 4 _ ... .
v A1 ,.. ..
, 3 atra , of C , V. nn the mi,nonifalsela Mar, end
II I - 12 - - I - , J ' int.._ „Le'siCfnity.:ltlLin hravenrsalMron:rni yiTrI;Z:4I.2
011 ER " -.. . 'k
-.L t.r eoit!tr . "'
"'"1"iltitl:114' Valin ' t i rou7th *Meet
RY PECTORAL 1,70 LET-t,loki:ell finished and well lighted
4 ZVIONG the numerous discoveries Science 'f,TV"'"'d 01....'1,;(171,20`iiiy:ItZSt.1, kA:',.„7
~ -a. hsei.rmede In this g- n, 0 , facilitate the bud •
... n0,...4,,,,,,,.. 0 .1 ny.e.. „,,,, ~, ~,,,,,,th, Fp) LET-A Two titory Brick Dwellinga2
~,,...:;f0,.„,„.„,,,,,,„„,. „ 00 „..„,,, ~,,„,„, of .„„.„ 2. linuto, eh... on Oth street, brow Otent. Pow2glini
real rahla lunanklnd. then this contribution of Cher.. ;21? •i••• ,•• iz,,,. oger,h,,Epu l r• of
tal ,Water etre..
try ttethelleiling art' A vast trial or Its airtime thro ,
0 . 0 ~,,,,,,,,,
,„„„ t „ . ~,„ r„.,,„„ ~,,,„,,,,,,,,b,.. that F EDERAL STREET PROPERTY. -The
no isoftiii:dor combination of medicines yet known, can undersigned ides, at prise. tale the property on
an " I, '„M" 'nthd nod 'rn-e th e nntna 'nna ' a lialim ° fid' EVI V 'lLorYl7.Leme'illag"g. 'tivill.t!tho V: 17 r1 . 17ree ." 1. U 7 . ‘ al
monniralseesm that here hitherto swept frnm our tablet feet , end running back 100 . feet te• an alley eta net wrde -
Velum/ids and the semis every year indeed. there is No lerge• body of ground In a poeltien en eligible Is ner.
now sbund,ent reason to bsliere • remedy bas at length jt 4 n e7.,14...= 1 ,7, "1:;‘,,^„'"i1,,1: fl i "" b f,.°Y Ci ,,,, t ' Tb ,,,r . ,,
beep fantod whieb ran he relied on. to en re the tmet don mete In hand. re,. at r i.2, o and years. .. t°
gernultijections of the lung, Our 1113.• here 0111 not Preen. who mop Incline to purcimse on the ternis stim
meant ' 'to publish any proportion of the en...met e d niattlii, will apply to lii IIOLMS et PON,
0r.., Rankers and Bmker, U 7. Market st.
by itrawilibut we sondd present the following' -and refer
further to coy American iirtmom. which tim age. I rALLIABLE PROPERTY ON LIBERTI 7
below nainedarill en.. be pleased to furnish tree, whe n , V riTREET
on order to mttle .. ter n meta.. 1.11 be sold
In err fall particular, and Indisputaide provide of them at prim. Na on rem romonsbie m, .1 OUILDIROS
and 1A11.9 on the northerly mole of Liter. etreet The
halldlnge me of Mid, substantially built, Ramie. high,
. / 1...,,,,,,inf1.i...9.7.7-.A.:=..7171., li (with on front to the Id sham,) end are situated In •
1 Inininesn locality Thry now yield an mina. rent „ I
J 1, - Mee-Dear Sec:-31T little son. 4 yeara aid. hue
Just reecvered from s very severe•ttlek of malignant Bear- Ei r ,6,,,T1.1'‘,..h..„,,,... t....f . 141....5.......f of 4. t.... ' n '
let Fear, hinting:at V. rotten, and every person that vls- , , * Penn .rant lt'iiiiLeeti,st.o):4,h.:
Ited him prunounreal him a ileedthlLL liming need ne ''"''' n lln.l 'i .
Clittr at Piromeet In California ln tho winter of lalel f r y irALIJABLE COUNTRY RESIDENCE
nevem attack of lironebitia with entire mmess. 1 was In
FOR 9 ILE. -The subecriber having WD tat Len
duo-id not. It on my little boy. I es. him • • tempoonfol
0.,,,,,, this. b.„,,,,, ~,,m,,,„,,,,, I. the ,In,. L od b, iu WIT. Into TN E•7l IA/TB, will sell 0120 Intor the whnle
°clock at shim. i Round a decided change for the better, ten soma Thu.. le Ito o eeerve ....hip. eltuatecl b.
and after three dsy's me, he am able to eat or drink with. twawn Caw Mill end paea n a Run, adyoleinglend of Cot
M m Roldneon on then -mat. end C Joheing on the
out pain
Its use In the above named diem. , will ease many a ilicintb It ham entumending idewe of Allegimny mad Pitt,
clold ?non a premature gram. sad Mkgef • the anxiety of eurgh,anil ismehnirehlysitustedforresideture Tideland le
mane • and parent. for all strewth.; of the threat and In the hlghert state of cultivation. it lemelteuppliettWith
lon, 1 bellt•so o th. best Outdid. extant A kens.. of 6 r.t" ' .1, ... , Att. Peach nod II." , Y., ilo omberciee,
the deepest nematode, prompteme i n add...ulna rill these Current, Shro rt.. se.. from ID t, 12 yeere.94l. Ruh
lioeve-but Or your Important discorery • nay little le, nut Will hoes
, iition of Fruit 7.... on It. Term/lorry on.
you'd now hare tah, In another world , m it for pertic Inquire at the Lumber lard Office on
1 an. loon. with great rm... Perth street no. rent. Pittehmigh
.1 Le row ELL Sap Trans, Lg. ft. naidtf CIItRLT9 ROWAN .
R. , . Mitt. Ovitnt i r • et ( Y . .• 1 .. , ^iinif 'IL l‘il 2 - • 114• OR SALE,-The attention of capitalists
Pr. J .. 4,- -More you medicine hes become known
is called to that FA U:ABLE PitOPI.RTY in Allegh,
here, It hes • greater demand than any other tough ram
..,,, ~,., 00 , 0 ~,,, ..,,. l i I. ..,,,,,,,,, p r In ~,,,, of ~,,, a l t City. rommeorin . ,f , st the earner of Lama street, end
messnored praise, by them .Ton hare umkl it. and 1 Snow e noltm,-',9 o .feet. • i:W., !'Wend Mi:e. toward. Robin.%
of wone ream wheretbe teat [be ) can my °tit le not too '' -re. I'l lu ' ii i e _ . ,` in , iv-9.••,, , ;•.:•1••••.7. -,..." ire' ,
M.wlt for the Peat Rims dime 1 tete pleasure In selling t, that i' . ' an "' month r 'n . or din 'e n (ism null m . 44 met
Mg It. became I know that Imo eying my emitume.the 17.7,, t ig i , ani ' r -b- b . = ~, ..„....,.,, ,, -,,E , ,, 4 7 : „ L i m t:lte
wnrth °I. their rnn ' e 'l nn ' I R. "' i.'" i lfi ''' I"".i ' n ' Ih. mediate 114:Ity of the 17pol:of Th. Ohio a . Venntry.vanl.
benefit it roofr.
.Iroad n. C i ro n lian.4, 41 ,, r. oal lZ a bum a u0....t dat ... t i b eesi . tion ,
I' 9 Unmet
number of certificates ran be met pm HMO . 4 "ffwd•mUtf. l'f.f.tif wwwwwqf will eafenew lo
mate, alltt.pwf a handmme Tweenwe ma the himetweMeoto
If fon wish IL
which /night be made It le worthy ofettentiou Perm.
who wish to purchase, are monertie. , l , l %In t r. !,1"
(elate • Choi:3lln '' .:O . c -
2.4 lontf Oround, st ptiment exampled by John IFCIts.
key, Clothier. ors Liberty ...ea between Mirth etmet. .10
be jee,eed lb, a term of years from April Ist. nert APPLY
to JOIN :4 IRWLK, No 92 St arker k stoma
.d.M tit ROBERT 110111 11 Fortrth etre.
Rion SALE.-A Ground Rent on valuable
2 Improved unlwrte on Fifth sine, Illtabotq!i fs. Kn
eed., at the .iamtle Mare
. '
IiNOR SALE OR TO LET.-1 will sell or
it my prtopertyr 10 Manche., eonentlng audio.
sere of linutud, upon •Illch are e cussed. 1 Frame Ileum, i
one containing i. and the other 4 mean Stehling. Cs,
Amp. Wood not Coal Home mid • flue .ernament °Mutt
This Oupertria very pleasantly situated near the ohm
Idler the bbllttleme errt
pardon harled by tome and to do
e ...Mho. ...Ice I will .e ll all, or a tlim of tn , Luntl
lure mod would prefer retainine ...minion until let of
tier, APPIY fi e l 1 L EST. Las Lib erty etre.
14 1 0 R RENT -A comfortable DWellittgetk j
Ilona, enntalrelng 9 Rnonio, In good order, Snead
tau OR
fkarrhmettiota, Coal Ronan and oat Oven. with 2
Bell 4 of rich Land, all planted with Fruit end Rude Trwm,
Arbor,ly ell beating apples,, are. an erMilent
euverwt with Grupe l I[l.. 11. ., • Flower Garden.
....stunted In Pitt Township, Pe tare from the Court
11° um Rent modern., to them who >mud tate good
care o t
l the property Knout. of 2011 2. WATT.
Liberty street
. 12 wer d d ru r k a h l il v tl e 1 1
1 10 ,.. rL. LE , T 0 , 1, 1 i 1 n . 2 . e. 0 1 . t u t, ,,, , ,, N m 0 .4 1.1 ., 5 0 ,
1 et 'sr, .r li Noon, haring • real Ritdrireinn sod •
Kitchen (with modern range) on the ewe oor with the
Perievek Om. • bath em., enliPlind with Aid ' and hot we
Ler .1 he lonise vlll be put Ina Mate of eleanlinem Teaspair. Mr theta 1,4411 mg tenant, on the let of Antal
Kosai is year , (chat( Ini Jli OAK E. 31U Penn st d
1.4 1 0 R SALE-15 acres of Land on accom
R nantlating tetras. admlning Rest Liberty. lying be
tamn the Centred Railroad and Frenkytown Phenk Road
nity22,dtf ROBERT II aILEY.
IFOR SALE-A. hrst rate Grocery Stand
nod Fixture., with • well mleeted stork. The stand
s one of the beet in the city, end has n good loml and
rountry crotin. For particulers. soldreasßet '33_5. .1.12
~~ ~.
lg mat...C. W., June . 211, 1a72.
.I,r—Xlr nu, may certify - 111st I have tuw4 your
Cncstar acroalt. upwards boonee year and It my
Munro h.llet that should hare In my gnu, Ire [Ns
time if] had not It ha. eared ma or a dangerous el...tine
rfibs Lunen and Ido not orerwtata nun rietinim wh.d
I telkyou It is a prigeleas remedy.
Yours, very resp.e•fully,
• D. A. HeCULLIN. Attorney at Law.
ttaasaumx. Pa, Sept. 28,
pr. J.e Dear :sr lour medicine Is ousel .6 -
Prosed ouc h those whn have used It hem and It. rum
tints Is suc sot to Insure and tnalntalo Ira reputation. 1
Invariably rerommand It for pulmonary alfwellorm. a. do
many of our principal physicians..
• -7 am your Mend. CRAY. STREATEIt, Si. D.
pre pa.m.l by Dr. J. C. Alitlt. Practlearand Analytical
Stalnist, Lowell, and sold by Drvatri. led Dealer.
31.11r1n0 throughout this .sedan. nceolosdkr.S
RS fu ll
!_f ALE, n o tea; Y. 17 agreS uI 1
land In Cedar county. lowa, la milen Man !dna,.
t ne. on rho math napi to Marlon. and miles front Tbtue.
r a aTitt .. . n ra.l7 juliir 4 ." ra'' .me. 11Ni'
great bargain eon to had of this fraust for protoptimr. E
Quire .alayr,or of Mr. John Munn. Ego.. on theyrendn
11 , 1,4 of land. wich WO , Mi.. Saw MAIL now
in stua.,:sful operation; 3 frame dwelling.. barn. blarl
uni[h shop and 40d.. boat twatrobl, wort. shop, situate
on the tank of Ma All ben,- ries,at !fillets Eddy.
Armstrongrounty. Ps. Enquire as above. Or of Mr. L.
Munn. on theprendaes.
I O a kt to ;ameba.. to 000.0071 fret, Si., nf good
•White Plank. 3 Indus. WO, 1 5 or 10 ft. long. 7to In
tette, aid, part to be delivered lu Oct. mat and Part In
'April. 1675. Enquires, •
A 1.., for ash, all the had., furniture, and erory thing 0 .
the-fitting ant nf. a large Hotel, le the city of Pittsburgh.
now dole, a very large business. Two to IT.)ears of the
kaaa of the howe can also le had, and Inunedlata
ciao if neuttlnel. Enquire a.s alsure car".
To Capitalists, Manufacturers and Me
chanies. -
vraTHE 'Beaver Man afamu ri n g Com pany,'
under.* t'lmiter from the I....gislat of Peon—
a Capital of,proyme, oitab uvr
lisiv, In the
, v!1-
lag,l of Brighton, hearer co., v.,. number of FtitNALES
aridito esMo"ive InALLNG, /LILL, wit the tmemmaszu m ,
Bove, tr.!, L4T, 7.u:21 - .1'llr:
laf n, ur Iron._
bm •
TfiTmli t sh tra m p P o i rtpei:?e t n r iTLlVei t n e Z
7117 be N
1A Mi.. ' - t e b ::l g wi t, y. to;mnt trut7,:r;
brr, ar7 all a of width they have in great &bun.
dgdZem also, dwelling rued:ante "hope and vacant late, for
theooeuglory foyer , aives andothert—to excavate ularge
and commodious mew craned stxty feet wide, for the vuoro
convenient and atenaltht supply of aater,and for the pare
sage of bast" to end hour the work". and to erect imitable
bolldings I which to ca..-ry on the mintemplatsd manufac.
ground...water power, erections, itopmremonts and
n 174 rlt ' a P 7;a t' rlfeet t 4 ' il o sorue ' er b ip tail, P p 'W es;trell
km:mimic., and nmehanicalexperieuce, will leo found ready
And willing to supply the machinery, the nfarkurloo
labor. and a imrtionof the working at capital: Mecum-
Fatly is willing to contribute thy reimonable proportion ,
tfocumb to threelourtlis ot the whoio molts! re
forest particular branch of bueiness,ae it Is their
.torminatlon to afford every poseible aid and facility to
hae mho identity themselvm with pia atitermigm and
they mminviingle offer oi molly liberal inducements tot , the
fi;lishment oininny o th er hranches of American mau-
Mo b re, not above tonnuerathd,esPeatilY those which reed
to the more extensive development of the mineral ohm
by which their positiou Is earroutine4, mid their own
grounds aro richly and enter•lvely pervaded. •(Pco
pheation sal extension of iron manufactures below.)
the Comm, are tow repairing their Cotton YKUMS
and rioslling Mil "odors to rent to practical and
uponWl Milker or both fur • trout of years, and
upon liberal ternm—timt thir own.attention may' immure'
particularly directed tot e e"tamithmont tool prosecution
of other hrandtes, mimeo( which hard beeni enurnerated,•
and tow hich they would'addtho building of imomotirea
g=rrel d a t grirbi=c '' f7 4 ,, Vicpin the y a Illitirhge*Lira=
nPon round,Sid greatperfection arid shun
derma Flourirmr Millis capable ofmakig,2oo berreb
of norm every g,t- hoop ., or 31/0 bbis ofitlio dried aro total,
:ErmiT:t . m al t o=hriVakZ:. " =l7tl ‘ ,PriZ i r,
the door of the Wilt
Poet paid letter. addremed to the Ascot, oil! mode
. .
, Rrrmtattoms-Pereous In the But addling to know mare
of44is matt, and cram Dutton computing the Company,
ara rruptcip referred to
t/. It. W ' Walltrldze, and Cheskr Bede% m
the citraf :or Yorß.
Jam Netebold,_Eni.jitdldelpN..
t b il T ataitt V.PI
otsrnwr., N. Y . ,
W to Wbooler Tnioadell, Bag-Agent aft!. Orme Padroll
Ate.oolo of tbar/nitedßtates 'Branch Bank, New Bright-
Aah . Bearer M. Truesdell la mewed to abot•
.preptrj,n)u 411 its Matas, with =apt, plate, demslanue,
Omar, comlittnto and future preepects of the CoMIAM
''srest=ereceeiit'altroperirtnd thereto-
N. P. Fetterman wad Pasard Elooprem, Plttaburs
Thcs.Curialnieham. Esq..
It L. Baker, Lep., Economy, do do.
Dr. Chas. T , W Imo. Newcastle, Beetecr Co., Pa: .
Archibald Boterteon. FAS.; Brighton.lParer Co., P..
of the'lleaver
N RP (1°
taß7or; •
EstoP*. .1 I-h.!
tune s ,
hare with. the few menthe aperient allu
de. to a rem plan. by Wideb slicletal, oral. antl lawn ore
are sour.
ttbhte. at once into ierougoil iron, wlliont th rolialibig
abrath'Vt nV,VlVlrlelntl . r ;41 c w -t t,t,t
D;,..rnt!tapper , s , toile milnlng favor mpidly lo
001. pmfa w rpu r. 11 eras first lieaN C
leo t halr.
New r o tJern blisdruma, than et Celand,
neat In Whiconsin. now 1p mit 1=1,44. lfi
b Whtt . t . r tre C rn i iims end wltnesseil MAU/ We
have wen the mlneral ocal and the crude 'on. altar being
11 croehed pulserirt and mi." loan/table proportio.
vmtoa 1 1T. PP is . e. kf.:V'Z'PagZ ° . T V,I1 and
avi hot tog. or shag's., cocci . sorth• iike l
numb mes 4 ov apor Into • puddling' oven gt the foot o.
eitT, tgtp rafo."t"llliMfisit"lrtiPfg.' red
We bawl. ea.. by 8. ..d
bra of Its particles, and the spontaneouvwelding
thaw particlee, under the manlpulatlorm of ammtioel mu/
dler, grow Into a compact mart
of •TolUngenowball.
T ram 50107 1010 to the Ilse of the largest pump
Wa have amt this Inn Putup4ln, or ball of red-hot met
al brought lialmedlaaJf under forge hammer. and hm
than dee minutes waa converted into • beautiful bloom.
Ile "Lampe. the nine Lbs. Pam throtigh the rallib and
come sod
as bailer 11.. as iibmt Iron. tag Irp. ads ,
An to, and It was aU very peed.
epproprlate farnime and pn 4 d/Ing ow. Ifir "hie
pose can be erected ihrl e mtbanslooo4ancLany co. having
. sae of mid land. with 1.1 I= me In Ice vicinity, and
a thomand dollars In his pocket, cad, in less tline Ch. it
would mmilre to met saw mil/ or RIO 2.1. ham a mr
nue restmluggligion his oerwpromacw et the for,/ of Milo.
eotl but. turn out daily M. tom of Ant rate
blooms at • .4 011/M th!"on..tbough north at his own
rx p fixlelAia—twi k ii;
ye. ready to furnish the ground- tbe Md. the t ore, ya
w newer and patent right privi/ege, or /go much capital
undo their clutter, with othem who have cane eahital,
sklil liolnetm. •
Let thoee who Me kilnow ma ell thle malt. IngNrs
who Iciscom shout It. -.-
M. T. a. GOULD.
IhnchiMer. Beaver 03, Pa..1..10. IBM I 01/04f
(IMO k PA. R. R. STOOK., -..20 shares for
al* atFa n. 611 st. A. WlFAnitt ACM
- --
LINSEED OIL--50 .bbh4 and riore for
nle by .IYM a ILUIRALIM k
PORN-73901nm forb
%.o , soroil WNW /10.111pFOUT a =am*
MOTICE.—In consequence of having sold
eor to the Cambria Iron Company, the
tiVar: (.%., - ; ‘ , l ;mt " gArg.-.h raVi
ra h, Z l2,ll g7l - th -- ",:,;th".ii`.•"L9l . -:Urgl: -
Sevkylll be aettled up by the mana.Aers at Abn
t r,... 7 the name.
Ala el ]_19.13. lmhAAIl
Cl 6- PAATNERS,}III'. The undersign ed
hare Ode day entered Irdo'Co.Partnership. under the
name and idyls of BHT A N.KI:NIi EDT k 11)..te. the pnrixes
of trammeling • general.l.lllllon.bwinege, In the City of Al-
T. Ktl.N \MDT PPLI T ITIIN ' " . "'.
W3I. IPAGALET, • 131111,1),
A- P. 01111,118, 'REMIT P. kETITARTZ.TI
nnsJ to*atfl Canal Pool,. Aelleghent Clty. June 12,102
w. trwermrs.. .. --Wan sacaasms.
Iliit§tr&E CO. , Cominisaion
• and Forwarding filerchanta and Deares generally
um, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and other Manufat.
tares, An. Nos. and DS, Front stret, Pittsburgh.
Theundersigneilhaving formecjaeo-partiser—
ship. under the style of W. 11.1V.WINE CO, for the
transsetion of adieneral Agency, l obo, For. •..
and Produebusinem, flea a 9 an 1134 Front p • ,
Fared to giro sperial attention to ulllnn order*, repaving
awl forwarding Miaow and merchandise. and to the me
gelation of all inisinese that mar_be entrusted to their ore. V ir. IfERSTINF.,
• • ,
Rama in—Clarke They Ilagaley Cot W,
:%PeolO R Co, F. feller, k Co.: ilsys Mack; K ramerßamensio 7 Graff Wend William bichbarn. S. IL Johtuon,
F.a4't. R 4 borelLE•l4oeFite Wan Ear: enlonvon Stones,
JIM /JCL JO4. 11.21.0.
NOTICE: Joseph Fleming having assn >
andel nab hlm Smoak Abel, the business hereafter
• be conducted under the styb. p fJOd Ell AIJEL M. at
the old stand, mrner of Smithfield and fourth street..
laid • •
if ' l O-PART - DI - ER PULP The andersioisi,
V.) hay...this Orr 11/111 , ind Into ro-partnership, under the
name mid Or - leer]. A. •lIETCLEISON 011.,fer the Carton.
eftransartinnaCommlolonaudflrocery hominess.
AS. A.
Pittsburzh.Peb. —66 ALLINOPORV.
G O -PARtORSIII.II-11avin g ii — saocHated
E. Li. Ward tigh ma in the Ping builnere, the 1.1-
R.will be rarried4in Gem this data. under theinyle of
January Id, 19:4:
•. wAiii
E. SELLERS JE, CO Wii . olesnle mid
ItrtnifDealern In Dram l'Ziots. VartlPhO.
No. 47 street stre. '44 `,`,
4.IIINE'rANVTEDAR VABX.-:8.74.1ata,
i• 'SROMEN irapanonatantlY on hnnd ardlnnoA
axnt of Wash end Rath Tnln,dloran. r Gamboa Oak W.. 11;
Kitchen or Draw Dnekettt trawl. 110. b. urns. Du
Unsure. Zinn and Chem Wad. EinTla, ..d . 1 1.4.b0
klnd.. aware In Ms HIM
nlen-60 nags Tuna, and 100 dozen }Sahel.
Wantroorn. %Wank 11.11.111 th gave. Pkttalnutb, P.
.444. . \
110. B'2 2212 D 8211 6 22. \
hewxhibited west tit nays Toth -
The earni has . 114^
with mitt um.. Venoms in tont of saw artieV
our Una, are nispowillly invited to enlissideumins.
ageortsnent ionants in gut of the Iblionitir Ito
itogui Velvet and Ilivaila Cupininin , , z
iiAit= Hameln
Rm. in7peiVtful raper Three Fin - ..
Patent TaprOi 1 •
tlapinithie and line de; ,
W ool and Caton arned and Woo Cl d unwtg
W ,„4
I,...iuwn. 24, 61,34. and 44;
Hemp Carrets, vail cheat .s
I.lst and lingduTeth 'exi t di sett i
ono•WhiVidtinES4C7-4ii nd illifei f -i. "‘4" \''' 54'
l ir 9 Ella L750 2 . 611r4r;
Axminster,. Chenille and lingv.muriwezt
Palau English 111wWW,In Muth $l6 par , .
Wined do
~p . . trim to 15 • th" ti th ri• Ilta. ""'' '''" re...6 Jot , kiii d o .
kicat=dand nriniod arm. tibia and Mama of
"Rnlarg= r aliterg also, WanW n....
brPaard=rilia=llsl.3..ollClattrons 2 La
24 hat
Bug liolininisi lid windows. 30 .112. 34. ha v i 22. al. CI and
4,1 lashes hid. \
Gold bordered Madre, withal/ agglitry tidy \
Window fitisilft of •Tary dirwription.
aOva and maw later Rah; wont Binding. r ka
, tn. ,
magtha Boni aal& WI %gni with ..g7
rl I keatu•C.P.ilour. . • •
gun proaca gad Wok Wm' ,
104..itaril 11 . B.UEADLY a 00. i 2 ' !LW at.
AHED PEACHES--2 bblq. in
aq, kr ego by /1-IrliZr,LL A CO. body lit
lirTT2 togged
.D91641(011.4 this dag Br Wirt g a g lan. , ! , ' •
Western Farmers Insurance Company
.31'CASKEY, A4,nt , Churl°.
XO.S Thad .o -;,t, Pat•hur.,/,
TIER A. 111 , Gcusn Pre' den Cet t.
3 IAISTIN, Peel...Ka:, at Treaaurh.r.
NAMES or DlnECTatts.
J. 4 IlEy hrie me.. fp.yll r Yr RINGER.
/(I,'Er. I. 1
;215.i KAP. r.
A. A A. Wilkineon.t.,po:Tenntalltab
Th. Urn's:setter, l'iNeleriek. •
Jut Nlaaent. Cleveland.
' llatins.l'arh4son Co, -.
Ih ru .
Delaw li
are,ntual Safety Insurance Co.
( I FF'ICE in the North l{ooot of the 31ER
nu ANTI, K r IKVIIAN'iIi. Third 'trek, Philadelphia.
Mauls Distnhwers.--00 Verisela.l.7l[o and Prhlpbt, to all
porta In the world.,
Intapn Drinavvers—On Deal. by Direr, Canal and We.
and . by Land Carria'ee to all pare of the Unlou, Inch,
l:0131.el. Se:
A,'lk. - 1 . 8 OP MT (%)311'.iN V.
Novssrars., 1t1153.
Honda and 31 - orto.¢4l
UOity4 State of Pfflaasylvaraly I.lllla-I
Camden and Aznbuy
Stnek HanY b o, %Woad. and 'lnsurance 1 ./..... 1 23P7
1.12 ,,,,0 niza a d
1:11,1b3 62
• 2705 01
g ur t nn mlu n, nr a. ;.kf ann. , P O ll , -11.1 raci4ntly ST I. .= 27
100.000 00
DllltrrOlos .
William Carlin bletues C. Hand, Dr. IL , M. Huston
Joseph 11. &.al, , iThmph.Pauldln.,', Wm. hyre..Jr..
Edmund A. Penderassac IL Lhxvia, Joshua L. Price.
John I. hawk illuch Craig, Jmow Tennant,
Robert Hurt°, 9,, e . nee liellvalo Jr. o AS. Burnett
John 11. Penns, 1..71es ' Kay, * Jas. IL 31*Farland,
Johns.:, Leib,. jPainuel
. K. !quite. IWM. C, LOO,,,:fit‘.
E....11.1..0:pr., Thorx .....loall, , 1,1.1.1..qu.r.:...Z..
J. , i. rn inhnetTo ~.. j Trzi.'rlir,riitri..., i.,;„ridtnt: -
THOMA., C. h.O . D. Thy. Proydden.t.. . *
- jone,l.ll W. CO,Ol, Serreta
itill'Orrlca of tln. Campany. No. 95 Water street, Flits-
Ijelhtf I P. A. S LADEIRA. Agent
Western ...nsutance t.omp'y of rittsonigh.
(v:APITAL, :i00,000.-11 ALILLER, ,Tr.,
I Peneldwor. F. 51. Gorden. SccretarY.
'IR against ell kinds of rink, Vas and Marine,
All In su re nl be , liberally adjusted and mmetly Paid.
A home Instltntion—managed by directors who are well
known In the corranuniry, and who am determined by
promptness and liberality to maintain the character widen
they hese&monied, am offering the best protection to
Mote •ho desire M be Instowd.
slnancroea—Reniwo Miller -Jr., J. W. Bonn., Wm. Lyon,
.lbjtneen..T. ::.eutt ,, , , l , t ii \ll . elt, C. W. Illettso .
1 4 , 111.0
Holm, J ' atOes Lippincott. Lta { ' V. 1? e Hor Smitli.
OOce, No. V/ 15
stnet (warehouse
Smog t Co.,
up stair,' Pittsburgh.
. . ,
Franklin Fire Insurance Co, of Philitti'a.
iiirEcTort..,,, q mk rie.,4, W. Bryneker, Gro.
Illlrn:rf.TC; gl:..flioriMiZoi;;Vt, h. Lela
Jacob 11. nrolteL)Jorrie Patterson.
.- CHARLES :W. HANCKER, President
Cioungs I,llancaza, ne.ntare.
This Company continues to maim !Minton, P...0n,
or limited. on. every description of Propert, In town and
cokttrt. at ratet ma low as amanrzionloteot winrcunr:ney.4.
srhick Z,lN'tf'brilrhtbsPital nod 41•011.tos., arge "'oafelrborested.
eiford ample protection to the Ensured_
ir.The wets girth° Comp.,. no January
were ssl, as pub
agreeably to the An of Asgembly, ae follow.
Cub, .te
11;212.708 44
Blocs their Insreponttlos a period of 21 plan they have
paid vagrant. of One 311111 on tone gunder.l Thookastl
bare Lases I,y Fire. tberehy affording of the
lr ad .
saut Dols
akta of Inauralfne. aa well as their ability alul
Wu to meet Intl, prutuptusce all liabilities.
4, OA RDNER (Ntri I N. Arent.
apt* OM, It Y. menet. tLf W... 1 and 23.4
Western Insurance Company
'ill Insure against all kinds , of Fire and
11 . 1t:ine Risks.
no..Scot[4 ti
A. Nlmlck. tisk Dania
C. W. Rickets'*. ...Nadel Iroltnea.
G. VV. Jaektun, .1. Lippincott. .
known W A boare Inatlt:tron iL m ' atatil by Directors well
In fhb. cenenunitY. and *b** ll .l libtraßY 1, 41*A ,
**a PmmPtif Pat all Issues at the Orme. No.. if 2 Water
atreet. (SP.. • Co's Warehnuec.) up stairs. Pittsbarat.
C. nark L
Marine, Fire and Inland Transportation
T lnsurance.
HE insumneeCompenr of North America,
Philadelphia—Chartered 1:U. Capital, 5.503.000.
Awl, January 13, ISSI, SUM.= 50. M mate In.-
rawer , . bulbllnga amr their contenta, thin city and
vicialtn aloen property ere'," ahIPPod r
eteamboata and other remota, either by inland tranopor
halo. or on the mesa
...,. 7 :
f.l.thur A. Oran. Pnfel, Thou.. P. Cope,
Samuel W. lone., • ohn It. Self.
Edward Smith, \ I kluvd D, Wood,
John A. Drown, , I fllllam WeDh.
Famorl F. EmitA.
fhII • 1 ck
b a rm
. e I 7 k
, 1 I, - 't i . , , 4 1 14 I If AIdI. ." 4 .
. •
lo ilt G rmi K ATX:all, .. '
Jacob Thomas. J;rs. Gin- n
P. Morrie Warn. 11. . Afmrerd. ' AnftrodarE.
Thls le the oldest Inenranee Crortany In the United
BWe, and Infra Ita hilfh etandinlontriffpnienee, antra*
0.1015 • pd.ridlow LI, risk]. of an ex hitwdinas char.
wpm it may En ennsidered ea offering rnple erenrity to
thunablin WILLIAM P. JON/N. Agent, •
~ 60 and NI Vet, Warn
TAlns lar. ,, wooDwED/..
A 22 92 Tway/raw, 22222t2 an
0 ) W. W. reepectfuliy, •infOrms his friends
• .4 rmak2.2.2. that ha haa.l24 .n44.4..1011.66
h f,'l74d''d'r'Zle'lletdh V e it 'd" . lll ll . etrteTu ' lsTatrtl.7,r, r i
Mork. trltbowaanned nbaterhtla, b,st trotbn.nahlya and
deafen; and from the vatant othio ord7s 'load
taeilltyin moon Eing,a la enabled to predoca roo
, ranted YU ItSISCRIS at t t br b lorritt prints.
dre. ". tt l =o ro
one ummi Aegaut and molt . , that • nun, or any part
at one, may be forobased felon hl.
. 0 1Y, untnufactuted
ofto ~rder. Tho follbving asliti.roculat to re.
of nta ..ettoont,
to fOr tioit
to. neaa Kt le and Enlab,l
lizaba In Ploab and uw Cloth;
101 dozen Mahogany - Chaim
40 do Walnut do
100 M • ahogany J ktocklzuz llatec
Wunt do.
D'az 6tabodany Dlr. do.; '
PO Walnut.
op Cont • do
lOu Markle T op Table.
40 do Drllllling Burvaur,
30 do Wasbatandin
10‘) Czooznou
60 Plan ng Itzumanat
1 0 01. lnu o/4 - any ite.labrata
Zt 'Wat
110 Cottage do de,
800 Cherry' .4 Poplar 'o,tdaadla •
al Nlaboaaoy Werarobee.
to Walnut do
tun Dinlna`aud Braalifsattildatd.
ld'PecratatT and Donk ensal6
:V Dozen (Xne Pesti:6MM •
• ,
24 Cane Peat „Rocking etkalPS -
12 Ladles' Writing. Donlon '
llat and Toad plandg Whal-lcula;
Ethinztres, Paplat Made tableg
Cervoreation Chair; Pembroke
Elizabethan dm, Ilan sod Mar
..aheraption dta \ 4
" Pearl inlaid dtr, ExtensioDinies,
Arm dn. Ottoman;
.e.oothlearld ,
Oki.. large emertaneritoreo.lll.l Pariam'eandWind•
oar Chain.
C • bion.toOloto lloPPll.l.ich artlNn to thair Dna
St4arntdata and Ifotela tnazdabed tha •hortest oath.
All onion, nromptly attantled to. t0.h23
- -
The Ship. compares Oils Line ark the
ATLANTIC. Capt. West. ADCTIC,Capt, Luce - . •
lIESE Ship, have been built by eunti:Uct,
I:ex i = for Ship,
vi z; air earei,hfflonn
atnro u gth and peed, sod theaossamodssEribr Pa=
gars unequall Co.. elegance, and mutat.
9Goe of Par ty from New.lfork to LlserTuad D0,9 1 129t
11*,, Tgrapt d iur;o r- L t r4.lin.'strai%
an AS xproleneest Surgeon attached to 04[1:1 Stdp: ,
N ''''''" th Irelobrmmsl i t t sv am,. .. . ',
FOOS 141/ roits, 1834. !FLOM Lsruenfan s
Saturdes,Janderfl. :Wednesday -hrharY It'
' Saturday', " M. redoesdar, . 23.
4 4 - 1,981 .14ehre . err 4 Wednesday. telorkers S.
eturdar. ' 18, Indnelde ; 22
Sattuslay, Mitch J. Wedneedes,3la r , e .h R.
Saturday; \• lh • Wedneadys'. M.
Saturday. April 1. . \ W ednesda y. April 6.
Saturday, . , 15.. , IWedoesiay. ~" 12
&stouter. " - 29. \ 1 R,1 11°. ' 41. • M ±T j
Saii.4l7l M. 713.
Saturdas. . 27. ilf "dl'l:l:r. .Y . " '3l:
1 Satardass,Junerl2 . edneaday. tans 14.
' Gaturdaf. - 24 . 11eduanday. • M.
fierturdaSaturday. July M
2 . edneeday. Juls 12
r - . Wednesday - 21 ,
. . , . .
Saturdef. enema es 14 Wunder Au rd 9.
qt.uprd es , •• 19. Wednesday. eM,
Saturasy,Soptemhor 2 D'ednesdes Septstobsr 6
Saturday. . 16. • Wedneeles.
,- M.
Saturday. . nk '. w.dunpinv. octoovi• 4. .
ustuniap.ovetn.l4. \ Wednesday, - .18. ~
lestazdas. 28. Wednesday, Noseutbre 1. \
Saturdasember IL Wednesday. .•-
faturdar. p" ,23. Wedarwley, -,.. 29.
Saturday Mbar S. Welosaday.Deounbee Is.
Farman., \ . p. . IV oracles. t •• 17.
A i&T.,Farcia,"T rtr0e.7241,11,"4); 11730 W itIF. ' fiatin
(a i1. ..,1 4 . ;w 1 0 S
~. KOBLItTB 072.13 Kemp Anna
‘Rao V Hoke% Paris,4 l lk/R R OVIIt addß, Ita i g t" . , n'" ...1 1"
The owners of these MGM will not be `Auonosads 2
Gold, near, Danko, Spooks Jewelry, Precious Decarsar
Metas, mless BMW Lading ars Dowel thverfor and the - I
Oahu thereto secopeseseL'
. . .. -
uVITE the atten4n of Wholeede eel Ree
nit norm to th il t wad 'Afi t iLtg r t ifinek of
'....4 01 79•76.117;ry, 1 4 45111ci. .4 light liffeet \No! on
,fk 614 sheet floor Oil i.
Ire I r, '. 34 . 4.4 5 1 11 .41. Aglo. Rol:004.1*ot Mena tte,
'',ll`"°"..s. 6 3Bbittik 43 la , ' I. nigirou 60th , r. do dti. \
600 do on /I so *moo
If , grafi, \ do do do do. Al
do on close Creakier aalfli. '
ac /.11
do 6 1.40ornfan I too Inonlinneoll Cloths.
do, 4, 6664 Patent Eonfin 6 lll;fid 1 161 n 0.0 , 14/6*
1600 g dm 4,6, a 6.4 Parnitravoll q . 042.1 , :i4 and 421
Ualort et ' , ..1 and \ .-;,-.„`,-,_...,...
40 dogyßalflo, Stand atalolm . ran Com; as. Mingles-, 7:1,,
400 isalinTratmarant iilndow4lhadon \ ol}Td dry tar ;
( Tif, 4 4 t 4Vl lL lnil IT it, inia
a farce afialriamt of Window StidirkfUdftt;',..".
FAl,cgolit =nt 4 fra=Vjalte.ML l T t :::g .
ler no MA and anapest Mork or 6004 Wall s. MM.
Lana Coll and axatotue beforarrobasleM afar,.
mb.Z___• - Oil Cloth Wamoonni.. o. l l6llaaet id. '
apetingsonl7------------ -- Cloths and lilatUß L
431R4 NOW REC,FAVAut vIRECT 'ram tbsi.
..notkan.rh*c.holei and tug* .doCttnint o
„ Eqpt English Velvet dmmu
• m w: IT fk
Upped,' and Payer 3 rim -
Ctrhadn•lg: 4'4
ChmaL %I'4
• ••
W' an te d and PZ."?.. ttlano.
P r otAttl b A l t VIL W 4 1
.4 "11 "q,. ""/ ° ••4 ‘r
'lone Clotttn from 2to 24 Pot arlyin.reOfto
Pattarna. td all dualities and idiom Aly..;:ntontio, o
alydaftzlant i lmrada .. .l d
stair mat, an.
Mormo-1V to and obook cuktro. matte ,e
I 04 nridto mons mat Una 24. 34;
trld. at which CA pa odornd at tbs {we.
MiiiinqLl ( 7
BaIL\9ERNIdIEAIi / 1D 111. IrmidNK
Strad, iitgAnk
otataat mkn. oOnstod tau.* CLITION__,
pIIANUFACTURE all kinds of Water,
• sad ag. Iftntami tittad
aba St ft natka.
§,ILLAD 01.4=-10 ewes fresh Olictai i , ,
__ , _ \ s•teststacsiesih'
7 .,,,,,,,,....„„„..._ w...
\ •
, •
, -
: RA 31)•
X -
IN CVNNECT--loN-; 11--
\ `The Ohio and Penna. Ikaar oa d.
Via Allaanre.
T VE a hortegt, .quickem laid
nie,ln. Chlray. Rock Igla ..
' -- VKLAND.
le Hundred .ilea ahurt \
to Chicago, than the e, ,
. betwee . n I'lttst,trsh
, and
•tworn Llorrland and I him,
0 boom ,ehkago. = lavuie
ad leave Alliance Li; *.
arnt"ltt:%nl7l; 74;11:1:P,L.,‘
tlier.V4.ttrzfb Acinzar - nr * Tnledo. Chler,an
.Puniengere Taled• St. Louie and th
15 est leaving
te Pitta
t born l no' either or th the o3ol7llo
q going en, TWould. will arrive
Z rnonn Train,
rte l . n
Time xalne
taSZA•n "n Viir g
time bv . takine the A
btlrgh. P
eeneerio by tilted - sin (em (SI•
e renin fir of the INlmeing\ ui
Loe th
-The trains haw Clevelaie
as Minnie -Leavy Cleveland
8,10 arrire Chimed,.
and a. Teel' a e
tui follow.,beaeeChica7ro
Peasengers St:Louis ,
Jnilet, sad thence neer tin
lead to Alton. and thence t,
Lonna Peunatigem by the P
donne at 11.'-n) same evening,
titK, next day.
Baggage eheeked thmul.
charged mCO rag. end Pt.
Teledn n.tx
Paueneer.. tire requested to
Meant ad) Oompamy, In Not
MM.!, J. 1101
Pittsburg,ti. St. Lotus and New Orleans.
17IEN , E -
Chicago and hilasissippi'Railroad.
F rEAINS kale Chicago doily, (BH"tiar
solit:e . :l74VdetTirrji:ii " F . . , s.resiTra:int of Michigan.
Finn St. Louls i usy .t 9.10.
Trnina semmd Iglu Ex unua at loo s. P. la
lhmu.h to ht. ' ,at "' J,"g',7" ) ”",, V,4
tT, oni erketr
for Timunibal. •ind am.; at t with
1 , 11:11' CLASS ',TEAM E/tS TO N EN' (ORLF:AN,nd Inter
W point. on tn.. M isrluippi. and with re...ln.Hon of.
' , Learner* for liannao4and ('run-tillluffx
Laggage cheel.e. , l thr.ugh to St. Loll. on Mithutan.
n S'u"..rr'
T IT. V ' )!ltsTattt7v. '-g",
asme n wer A
RICHARD P. MORGAN. P ?npurintentgient.
Through tiekrt. to Louis by this route can ha obtnit..
In Pittsburg at OM,. of CloreLand k Pittaburg.
Ohio k Peun'a Raiiroads. For2Vntadkws
' • "
lfdichigan Southern ac - Northern Indiana
Inne,g at Chita. with Clement's Line of B e ramert tor
3 111waukee, Sheboygan and ail the Porta ro Lab ,
Michigan. •Kb the Cbles., am! Rock Islaturitilroad
In con nection at La Salle with the Illinois Central and 01,1
ca..and Nileelealidi Railroad" ard Illinois River Lino o
Steamers for Le'eulle. Ree k St. Louts and all point
on the Minnie Mississippi Itivers.
Ex . nreas Mah Train hare. Toledo at 2 A. M.. and,
Inn Clung° at 1..2 . 7 PM.
2d—Morning Paproas Train 1+11.1,41 Toledo 4,11 A. 11..
arriving In Chicago at 00 P. M.
3d —A ft.:room, taper,. Train Icor. Toledo at TAO P. fl
aruivlng In Chirsun, at_ ptil. P. M.
4tl-.Night P4tpresi Train leave* Toledo at 8.13 ar
, rives In Chicago at 0.43 A. 31.
, • our Train on :±undisys. leaves Toledo at B.IT P. And
Yiron at Chirago at 01.1.5 A. M.
our Daily Tilsit.. on the Clevelawi and Toledo Italroal.
COrtnetting with ate*e.
Promengers by taking the Ohl., and. P , ona. Railroad to
Mansfield. nal the Say dankp and ManslSeld Railroad lei
Monroeville, rill tbere'ponneet with the Clrrelaud and To.
Or by tatting the Cleveland and rit.borgh
Itailratd at Alliance • wl thou onnneet at i leveland with
therierelond and Toledo Railroad, making the 110,0 tenni
ChValin., rlOl. S. 11. I. Rallroadln Ti hones!
Ca= h n
n t .r4lithTle. n a td o
wader lb.
Pltt•hurgh. July nlb. 1851, M..
ML. .
S. and V. I. R. FL
StrAIDWY.B. 45.11.1 3 / 1 1(REILENT8.
, Through in Fifteen Hours!!
. ON TIICIZSDA r, .11.?„}" ALITiI, ‘,
PILE MAIL TRAIN will leave every morn
, ar4==:.,":4;:it,",Lgltiptal%..M
j The Fast pal o ,ar ill [Mot Pittsburgh dolly 1./it,epLFon
* ' 4 ." , i 7 4 ,ft 'a1:°.21.—1,,,,„41,,T41:y127..e.q.
Omit. stopping only at Irwin o lire...bars. Latrobe. Mil.
aids,' Jolusugn. Lilly. Glollitsin. c Altoona. de, connect.
twi:LlMlff 4,, ll l . b opits ,T V.7,„:l l lV.P. - .T4fL o ".:
7 Te'Asro day/at llon Truitt sill leave every aftermam
(except Sun ILO olelork. P. 31.. es/I/ping at WI rum
lar statlone,aml months only as far
walla n.
The Sound Accommodation Train
at dolly (except
good.) at 11 o'clock, A. 11., stopping at all !natio., and
run nil. only os I/r as Brintotes.
lleturninuTsalreln Pittsburgh: First Accommo
dation arrives/at IX i A. IL I:tyre...riven Co 1.04 P. 314
prowl Arentolmoda on anises at 7. 15 P. ILI Mall Train
awls. at 12.N1 midol en: Yost /foeoral xes a. =I) A. 31. ;
Fare to New York 7111,517, Ph il adelphia 7/, Haltioure 711,
. Bedford /Ifni mg. 7440
H assop.eiteekedtooll,ststlons on the Penna. llalirood,
liarseWS'ip&L"h:ggtigtng core will be charged
TT. la addition to Ono stollen rot., eatept from
sta . valeta the Gluttony, hose no ogeoL
N _note* of a len denothinotion than Ilse dollars will Le I
reuritpl In oy - morn fur tickets, except thoeoLonted by the
BanksOf P.ns/on'. • \ .
Nonal.—ln cue of itlf, the.Gotatiny 1 , 111 hold them.
. o ' 7 . Tlbie 0te...1 Mg.. only, and for an
amount u t exceeding 711 A), .
N. 11.— EXCEL/11 - Olt 031NRIGS LINE have t
og, t? 7 " 'leYl'...Gl7cfnlml
to and fr the
Wt. at• • c a r e net to exceed 1,5 ets , for uelayeasenger.
and It to la luteh ttlzak ' '
For Tickets apply Co
Nie,= . l.l , r ,
i lj. itkilaur r fer IltutiOuon Liberty rt.
WO &-PkAriTYVVII.Zakill-iiiiliii.
--_ , ....,,,,
. .
donunenoin \May 18th, \ 184
TRAIN lealtteburgli at. 8
clack a. ... dines at All , and rnacbes Stanateld
4 T. )t. andel . ..lls at 5.1.. y..
REPS TRAlN'ltav:s l'lttipor , gttat l. 3 l .l3r. sg. taker
'lrOl't all;ll::LlfiTilltiltellielrfitt:lnirgh at l ila a. a,
breallasts at Alliance, and reathes qttetllnt atilooo4. Ar.
All of these trains/nage tione i toreizjet I 11 %a n t C - estllne, tot
C* 47, ott . lt y aes ta ''. C ill41: lti,ol_ p a Polls
atuatbatalia, and Indiana Railroads f4Dayton, India...
Polls anduerru In !balsa.
Conn...alms soon mad+, 'with ClovelZia, Monronille.
...s.-Az:,;;.Ftntout'lr.r... 1 ;" . .. 4. 7 4.. svilla . atel
tgana on Dm Mansflad'eted. ..
Fare to Cite:inn/al 17,000 to Indlanapolle OP; to Da y'.
ton 10.40. to Toledo Sate to Colma.. U.:Ala ta Zane.-
vibe $1,10; to Cleveland 104,00. Through ticket/kb, Louie
title at reduced rates.
RETURNING: , ' ' \
TILE EXPRESS TRAIN Maya* Creallos at 1.1.3 Ar. a.,
and reaches Plttehorgh at kro 0,24., ppililnira tloal togoeb
1173VylapitAM7 fit I n ' aTe r iartlge h t4.lll kAi.
and masa Pittatoorgh at 12.20 night. , \
MAIL TRAIN haves CtesDlna at 2.39 4.... \ and lonia n
es Faug at 11.40 a. 44. Train. on toanatting reglal
make dose connections with all nneal% Waltman reettine. •
Pittalnagh at 10 a. 14: and 1.03 r.... Isoll Na. iltigaitogat
7.00 A. a. and 1110 t.r. -
111/1101IT TRAIN leaves Pittaborghat 11.1.5 a. a\' ind
me r. a. tad attire , " at CAC.. r, soda. AO 0. st, „
link:rbe trans do mg run on &molar.
For Tlekete or bather Information. apply at
the ticket
offices of the Otdo and Penn. ttallroad C=P. , ./". °I . 1 t..0. the corner aloe under ties Monongahela Rob.,
PittrarbreD:or of
CEO. PARRIS, Ticket AgeoL
. „
l'a* s m treet htatloio;
JOICI KELLYenser A nant,
lmagh. kin, 17 WC. . _-____ _ . ~.. _
. , i'lliiiiSitVAßlA -: ILUGROAD,
ILI Firm tlarnst...llrooma Cedar and Wooden Ware, Feilic
era. PortGture,antand hand; Fort, Plano*. realm, .hto.
In hostels or borer. 760 le 100 Ina.
Petond elan-Dried Froltateeerm.,' Deet Plans, Clover
ON,,TEnothP need,. i11EP....".....1".a."1'. R. . , W" and
Ob igni e a=airo - iti . pd Pork. 110100,, in Orkin.,
kegs or boreal. Illdes..Leather. Po.p, Wto!tow GI., 1.1,4
Cotton nooroprweed. AO. it IGO ibw
Vroorth claaaAlciAbol.'ilamr,ln 'tasks or bonged Earley
gra Platt, Breland P o nlrellaadlosClowse, Lava and UN
01,4:1mp. Whiskey, Cottlir anspreamelp Leaf Tobacco Co
ot4lll 1001 t.
Flour 80c 14 bhl. , apt (DIGROE C. TRANCISCIIB. ARP
7 \ Ohio and Indinia Bailrorlif '
RAINS leave Crestline daily, Sundays
X cunptad, at 650 a.
on Abe antral of the tddiht
rl hemp,ldtteburgh. andla aa,ytetha /14d Rh.. Rail
Road, artirn at Dayton as 1 P.l.4.4aClocinnatl at 44:0 r..
well at Crestlln
\ with lhealgtillttain re...meat:MUT 1. .!''
•teni.WT. ilig.; f.ggglattbii7.°V,Viit`.3-pgrtt.
brat 16 , 144110 n caw . Alharbot yowAvolux.
- ;_„t l 9A__. , ___Rael..^ratoi/pl!.,se,___
•VEW CARP S, recd this' ' dey Ly Pa.
1 \
. I,
t,11'.71:: urirk..7p`PArtl43l" i'7'`ii
aIN LA -
1 .-l ian 'th !" "'"' ,lh. .. t _lPV IZlrCsx"k I,4lRna.
e lfi tE.c f: fir - i*esstTreiiii.7 - r
, le. t.. Grant:2R Toh. 10 do.. extra long bedoAdw .
6 \ , ,
Rs L . .10Q, warns mod. wrap. D 40441
251,\11t cheat, Y. rt. Tein \ 76% •• crown :
r 2 ' 4,re and ZVI. b '..*D
'" " Lk: A tAI
I' \ _ OV
ll.tu' 77 7ffETC-l0 kegs piime Glade Butt.,
nalfor Ropily osa,iust. Died good kr can Dr
.._ A
„ • . T. I.DITLR A Pl. 11 ` . .
..„". .' .
1 - 7;731. - 10 u
25 10xI5
" 12119 \
,lia and fur sea bp Lt171..¢
Note, on the Patithlein
snrackn' \
• t t i.etenkun ['wryer.:
ft Aeon
MLR Mbar Is Rmaehot
orep ,
116 Market r'
NOwrirLE 13
ed bi tt .T lri
lag ar. ‘ 3l Per at ft.!' A. 4"XiS.
OfiliTRI M &-4 aTCZFortircoes at -i,
14 1.1111 - um , s!.‘t,,.. s*Ait
woo. A. w,41 11.00 4ed N coi r s an ..
1: - . 1 4 iele,satling at 14. 1 3
A . 0 4 , 1
caelio of the
tialei;.747r blitu"*"l."
,u,ukismautitqww-by w aft '
._,. . .
',s;:•;i: , :i7;' -,-,, ,T - :2.-:;: ,- .; t-,. , ....- . ...,...•, ,:,.... \
. \ • . t ,i ' .. - 1•2 '.. -- •':''•:•:,...,:i,'.:j:...'
, \ '
STO H N e E m . PQBeeorrr". Xmanmufzen,—et
r ie -- Second
L.,Ch,earn,c,takn.,,la.terior liOnE, for t.llll UP:
L .lo l . tt...itWfaillgtt. LT. it le tillitinTitbrlnt,"'Set'hiNi.'"'"'
IV*. d km sle•nel*, tha t , 1,:, u t,.. =
L, 311. MICEor.2 kinds,
. Hide, Oil and Leather Store.
1) KIRKPATItICK, O. 21 South Third
. atoot. Philadelphia. beta*, Starket 11411 Pleglltit
Vtrot.—lare 11, gale Spanlal. Ilide%Dry.and Urron etdt
icd•Z`l'itttMl?;;i7Z.O.l.iLutuTt'it"t,:i'd '..'"l-^
MI . kind, or LEATHER In the rou,h, WANTRD ft
a \,,,h the hinbest market pries will to nivel:L.l n V t:9ll ' ,
or s/..en An 0. 1111,135tf , rnr Filth*
\Lhather awred free of ehyr.and sold on 0tnan,t a ,,,,,,,.
' .... " 1, '.
1 it il WE & EUSTONI No. 111 N. 1.1 btreet:
i . , r liadelphla, Wholemle Nairn. In ()aro Erma*.
1 vr,,:n
u, I
n *Tion Ware. Llook, Cord... to. , Mler•
Nt relic
I larva \
so Imoub ,
nu ot
!UltiileAl.lNS T lll33l,l e)reg c l.frAZTO ' itY
frIART XL T 11t i, 1.1.4 , S r
L IN ,, LI. T t =X OP
•lc Wises, pandafeli,s.yl39TP.,
Rs,t;4l',.vt.A. L'" r 6"
Mt . TllllO RE. _ ... - __
1 '... R. men .
, NR. a: 0 ;Til e. gOir"". /IL
1 AN..l—st,,h...nnZW7"'
;lijzfzaifijlg4,,.ig...R,2%,,,ll.larr, 56 Wall great
~..ntristra-r—John Montana ELL. ritatcleat March. ta
Joh.t; ( 2anr , ats.. re,' Prreltirot ll • ostr•rn Rank.
6 . n„.. : ," ti. c0 ..
~,, lOr tartar:a k Merchants Rank;
W..0..0,4, Co..:A C— t -ffs'acrakt Mars. Banker. ROW
k 5o 1 ' fin
...... .40 1.5:61
. •
111:00.1) ENGRAN'INq exeytito with des
t'L Alt h ;oliV4 a
e 1 . e:4%111Pc74 . - "' ""' r ""°.
Gw r r t „ e tzad m. ..
\ 11. lIASiCIa, 14\,
nem ommlasiou
ma No. 3 r
I.l.rtaikt.t.ntion to Commix , ft tsnlmoCe. au'
% \ l3lllODr
Bnnking \Houses Of John T. ir
E N Y*ll, E,
i 1 - Nnyt
Stit t :: A ,
n Kl"\
Depnalta redah , d. DiscOnnta anial4;. Dcalta bona.
and ardlectod. Bank ?infra and Specie ponght and \
&Ilea& N 0.112.1311 nibar Satorities hnoght
1,::1:1.;:aglr, Corms:row:extra !dal eullatdinnatnlidit•al.
. *
~ ...„4„
..__ ~ vit.,ll, r..
4 co
e ,,,,,.......,„..,...„
2.,, ~.,,._44•,.,„
\ _,r,,,,,-_-. .‘wfii , ..,......-- 4 Lt.
: J 1 . 1.. , •' 7 3.'•
V.,,\.,..7 - . _ ;,:p; u,..1,,A ,i . ;.%,4., ',ll,
,:, ' `;:' -- ,';',:-.:.d,,,rn -.
\,,,, - •V. : , ,, ,•? 4)7 -. ,
' la s aga" • . ..AVirf4 7-7 ,
it t 4.?: R L A I I: I 1 i Cil I F IV PN ° Fr .T—nA% auI2II77.LPTAt%
• sumula, Rjog . i, Evil, libeumathien uutinate futoneane,
~op..e .ruptt il on: T h,.l ' Myr ni e x Plur ;l eis o lat .t . ' s. e . ootht e h e isi i i :
Chronic gm Eteulllng-Worm or Te Sadd Head, 103
'segment and PM ilf the Bones and Jo, _ Stubborn 1.1)
com, Syphilitic-
.order., Lumber, Sp • 7 Mseplanint
" pro d let =TM. 1 g 3 ,:rtt ' : ' " ` rir.. """'"
' Thin saleable medicine, whit-71 ' h". Lune` , hunted for
the ntinue ennildezce in lie virtue, and weeded , • tree •
th E ' err u lr h" ni ,ri re '''"lr ffneicii l e7Si 'n' if ti w " ht c h . ..i 74h ,r,„
number, am however, etrenger toldirnony than tatcoer• •
word .raymprictono suilere .11 gentlemen well khown ,
.10 their Me, and of thehighest re
t, al;
ahem melding I. the city ohnielunon lia, \ •
P. WM., Cut, of the Rich.. I Med. Maim.* •
known everywhere, nue an he, oven the medicine ea
iharm's Seamen iumk, adadriatered ha
mum in newly all the ahem, tor whlch 111 Is recommeuth,
ed, with the moat Monteath, good malts. Ile eare it a \
'`bigiT "AraigirAiiil7CUtiv.°2lb47E.°T «An \ \ i
toot for three man 7 had Ague and Fuer of i ' Lot rice \
4.V.iilVN4',°is.l.,!#=;:tegiV::llla.'" 7 h o
i 1 ' CI .\ s t
nelvertnen. hut .11 eh.. any offpermanentee •elaw \ .
/ tried Carter'. Syssinth Allature, two bottles which aeon ' \
e pal• am happy to nu. I ...Mel
&la aTeaer r° aim.. I amour It the hest Tonic Inc he \
amid, end the onlr medicine that our embed L 11 1f.... ‘: -,...1
8.!..Y.D..1 1 : rua....4.,.... Jr" ; Lti°l4:4,- \ \
C. n. Lark Ig.7t. now in the city of Rlclanumit,.4
marl= Ingittzircliaer,. tar, , , „ 70 .14- 1 , 44,. ~,
hahrttif onwards of effbottleeorhlchhe bee gires7war '
to • w hen, r. Luck Mars that he ha, never k• • a I
It to cal.
taken . moo
41re:11 , 7a. , • ,
cifi r igTC - I;reSeuty of Rich r mond,
of he bar erTt ' t '',
. • ii . •
I . 4. l ll,nuinter ia g inetanoes i tg l effeera o i f fartert Ryan , • ; \
' 1 " a. a...Ke n"vr t ' n d : fiy. i.b"74:3 I' .
:c. i locco, %.=,,,...
1 4..1 OO 1 . , .
E... ,, IL. yki...y, of the thm Oi Drinker A Morris, RIM , '',
mond, moo owed of Liver qp.phoBB.Bf 8 4 , .... Minding ', \
by the rue of two bottle. of MM.". limn Soh Blistant. I
GREAT. CURE OP I3CROPULA_—The eatery of theft!. 0 , '
mond Itemthditan had • *errant eMtoyed in their pr. a I
rum, mmed of violent &mane. combined:with Rim..
OodHun, which entirely dhathsd him from work. t . bottle • '
orme, Smith Mature , made • perfect oof lidni, .
the editors In 0 public tiotke, or they rny
....r.tit, wan who . an afflicted with any dames a I `
rcOntiViratiV3l ; •f rigteri b lairir,!,s " .?='3V'T.l7 -;
LOB. fenductor on the It. P.O P. 14 m e :Richmond 'T.
dlr. Jam ;Thonr, molding In the city of Richmond, wu •
MiVut r elig h OOOII I L.V''. tooter'.
rs.SLlan'h. /Salt • • ^
the physicians of the city could not a y.
..kti ` Thurnpu n ' T.
• wall nnolna merchant in the city of Richmond, 'Va., find
hi li C r.e.llatle%. of L ' imondi, b.! i /arm C aeu ' !
cf.P..VA;:,tte'7lll. =.irii,VA.V.V. l :Nl:
laminable medicine.
.1=441= glaiimond.4rd co w ewill pi aatu I:,
three bottle, of fumes Spanlah Mature. • ' '
• hal:.'"Tiiißew."effeAsu crniPdo=7B;tiatheßole7gteie',l,ll: Mr.. a • petted ow. kw •
iv.. O. Harwood, of .Itlchmond. mi. of Otd Scuts and • c
Plum, which dhaldul him hom walking. Took • feiebet. - '
i tie: of Corterseilsgsb r , lxtr... and wasensbled te Walk. ' i
'''All`i'alTernis et/lAtrard."="itifetWasi 1
Lime. New Yea; T. W. broth and Sono No. 144 North al
der `et, Bennett a Deem No. tia Moth slavet,
A.ucti /fahn LP. uteek a Co., a.. lanai& I • .
I Se/mut; Aliegbenrfltr
l dealers fix medicine! eurrewhere.
/Cm 'Primmer, In Afatoginef
3on o Rational Treat. ' ,I''', r
,itt,°. ' 1 ''.•
. t/ut k, In 40011 non .4 aumPa•
tn.l`ll . s . rer=r 4 l at ...
_llntliri t° 1
tim If Mch e.theroblinerr
iX.171 i l fi t i=nwaittafileaeg" the Yam 1
, ...rsetVhth I* . k i e T t a l lipfelßts .,_ 7
4.e1l am. iii4'red mai Jr Mum, !a, Id this man t ' Z
.4 =t:Tes,:•,, :opal titruTh.frtabt.h.W
.a. by ../... or 'Odd, Bret
.r te • ...Island 10 clre * Aunsd! x
pufecilii, and atkleul hie minima Cerra all 1
the Mrerthed rums Of day.
• Pent to my addle" mitts nod feterin • uthul en -
te 171 1 17.110 ' .14 n t y.•l 4 It:en. /I :el "TVlrr ``'
, , 2
New )4tlier to . \ a
- 1 G. MOWRY, zite oral firm of R. Bait), ,
ir . No.= Liberty l'lrtit‘oppw thei bead ef a 0.64 i
street, wholesale uld In n 111 DIR. !
and OIL, has Just returnedtaum tbe 144. ois now re.
Itre l , ' dattrinf:e %leg ' ! P NI l i arL s Zil " 0 2, 7— fa n l '-'•
eking hionmeould /UM,' or • deemipbung ill loc_and
Lining Siting and a genus t asiertment of 10. nez;
ZI P.'.:VPde..itY rrmirs!.%t b ' t j rirTt: 'L. •
easmitie my stock keithee pecrchulek2&. , . i
J. HOWARTii :: r :13.
zu Luaßry snrear.NEAO N 'My 719` a
ESPEOTFULLY inform t4el friendeond
lAutill trzlrgr7;,==';:t4.' opened-' ea
An:nrA6t v : Monte t 1 701 1 . Tr E trilt4 . \ t-
Furo hors SM ott, .I.lch lb offer stLty kne‘
Marble to Block . Elite. tomoor.' '
Cemetery lots eitemmd. with Wen am/ ' , ' N
.. ....
.. ILOVE.II DAIRY.—The subacriber is ,
- b.. 4 'to 111rotall 'to &min* MERE MIME',
flPl.ldtall'ic!''../1"4 .v. ", ritr=1,., — ; .
bolooonio 1131th:tt sorry moo orill to taken to sous,
itiorroetonef = " t
1 111 troo "43"'
toad. to. f0e..441.fl li.V.;"
[W by MUM btanahetand and mold intokaada
sad tall b.
d I'OVEGO CORN STARCII--5 bxs: juat ri
tvvt and tor aalit by gob YV. A. Yaw-14mb._
PORK—& bbls. just i rried for gala
womeat Cit.
(10AL FARM--Situatee on Pool N o , 3,
/ jololoq ibe pzogrrty Johannof erm. and I..buocnrat
nec of pm* blakW. Of tb• bout qua F
leglerVlb:l rirch WlL:r "l Ails " r t rd. hsVtrt.
al mowtr :ROOM." the. Mo nookabela, and aoLl
--tunirrozaakoi,bis. t r ialdur for Bah) i;,i;
Tbee • vmooNv - K E co
FOIL—.j gii - eTri;i Foil r0r,..18 by
«GJ. - SC[100:01MM a vo„,
LTIBIA'S EXTRACTS—A largo asaort
, um! of Lubin's E..trieta, {Wit reedtpd - tar
. 3013. VLPSIINO. opt : Markos .e,and d 1
CAIiEFSOAP-500,1be. genuine °lista°
W reed by JoB,..7.l.llt4m;o:Fyark!t st.„ D14,'4!.. li CAS,TiLE-804-6Soibs: beat
, "Yti.;PLINSVg"-ILTha
oo,", ajJIW-i:OrtstiF4r-r°
LIME ,911 Ü B—l bale
• mann bt
~': ~, ~ _
\. -~~ ~~
AIL._ - _ ' .7' ' ' ' \'•
__ ~ / ~~~`
ND , ap
Di.; \
1 EDI C$