The daily Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1851-1861, October 25, 1854, Image 3

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_ .
Areenoue Mustics.—A cold blooded, Iwo
The • I boas and. unprovoked. murder was perpotrmed
Tors AM. 1 . 1 111,34 Cortrrr Ex-
at Agnew Glaze House, in thi Ninth AV..of
ntorrios.—The fair was annan cool
-under the moat favomble circumstance_ , 1 about 4 o'clock on Tuesday evening. It up' , . 0 .
epstances. yesterday
that a man named John Kremer had twee crn
weather wasdelightfully pleasant and everything ployed at the eV e estalishment, but from some
' conspired to render the occasion one of entire cause or other, 'ersadischerged on fast Friday, .
success, and satisfaction to an concerned. Tundey afternoon he celled at the ofil an -I
The Fair Grounds are laid out in a moat taste- was ;mintier the time he had worke lat the Gass " • •"" •e , " with' .: an; e , s ...N.. '.O. .
Pal nod convenient toannoZ reflecting credit on Home 4 , the clerk of the rombltslunenr. He • "A" sonnet t w o Net. stht st*r.""sysises e 4 n". ,'., ^,
th e gee tl emoo to who. that duty w., ~,ig,,l. : appeared to have been drunken rat the time, but L h . ir . h w h " o ' Le " . h " u ''''' 11 ' P''' ''' the M'".""s±"l'
Without doubt, the public who will be 'admitted nrdhing timasmal wee obeervedf in Ms manner ,n......n nixi,..Lizo:at , i , :t
i t • •. :i . t...,:r. t0 r 1 , n , . ,.., :,:t.m , at ,,
to the grounds to-day, will pronounce every ar- until; accompanied by two others, he called at barb but no general bete , t., ...., ...has mattl;;Tl
rangement utimplete and the exhibition of the the Glass House and demanded payment or Luvlnssi !Snot yet Leta o i I •ar than it hoe been
resources and prodtfets of our county and State Terence Clark, who was foreman in the pot fo. wan. time mat. Cour. r -t, are iecluninf to
a mo o . g ettor i e , ooe. , • . house, for some little job he had done precious arrive. but the throng °Snail, ex, rieumd at thlo reason
the entire number of entries is 809. This to his dismissal . Clark told him that jobs such t""'" ~.1. tetra realised ~'lhe rail, ads are thromm4
exceeds the most sanguine anticipations of the as that he wanted payment for were always ~one : ‘ ,.. i . th e , r ,:"",,.. ° ,'7,7 1 ,1`, 1 , ° , 4 ~F';;;!,',',..r...„;;;:.,:',„'7,„i,',r,, 00.1.„ :,
Directors who were yesterday emPeltsd to cause grate. This led to en angry altereationbetween doubtless recta by ilia returolug tide :f trove& ' -
the erection of many additional stalls, &c., for the parties, and Clark told, him at length to Ost,Merratalle mromurat, tot, had s ver, uotowird
the eecommodation of exhibitors. • leave the building. He replied be would, if he, small ant. The drungtit set In early In the mumcunt.
Mari', ) came out with him. • The latter, to tat. drying 00 we rh'r* not cutting cg 000 hurir”" loon.
Of esttlegnere are 31 entries; horses:l
j 29, autos, ttg, t ha p. .11.. poultry , 70 an d fail iefy him, went outside the door, when• Khemer utst tette. . the eroW , wen hunted ant In a crest part
. plunged rt knife into his heart. Clark hod a """"" wen
''''''. and nor
cattle, 3.,
t shot el In his handswith which he struck at him w i t a pfSJ l ' a 21 .. is ''' ',, ''' a Lt : h %.l' a '',,,. 1.1 ., T ,„..", d 's " .l4 7 '
IHechanic's Hall, the principal building on the I once or twice, after which he exclaimed, `oho wen tiee tthol ' en ' tall cream:in - 01e n' at home . ' l:oo,l ' Vs
the ground, is a very' foie etnactureAnd seen. ,
to be well adapted to the purposee to which it is has CM me," and fall a corpse upon the ground. Ult. &Load, and I.mpina .Lenora swa, Irvin the cai and
. Kremer walked up to Alderman Parkins.. e attailY 1. 4 come. • Monet.' 0 ff•uk 00 ff.... an the nth` ,
devoted. It is shaped like an anchor, with the
Aces where, itnagining he "had not seriously in- . dlfft-ultiew. an! etutarramt the Moor eve not des, 3 ...,1 to
arms fronting the main entrance to the gro.xl .
' l ' I jared Clark, he rotide.information cherging him other ranee. Dour business mn tiod themselv II
The stem, or straight portion of me budding, to outr'de I them, troubles the yw I , are Tl '
with assault and battery in striking him with dbe ,„],....,,,,,, in ' i l 5„,,,,,a en .iesh i h hen
' th.'"
_.2.15 feet in length by . 1 3 in width- The arms or
'circular part of the llall is 110 feet in length, 1
shovel Two officers were seta with Kremer to Si,. Mofmtary ..ettentent mused il the Mit.thm. out
eett the name width . the meet peed , on of the arrest Clarks but on their way to the Glass house 'of the 101.snan..ele..00h sat Cincinnati. has molted in a
building. The prineipul eutrence is opposite the they Met a crowd who told them of the murder. eery tniuhlelome manner to we peeple of that ch., tir .
Not knowing Kremer, however, .the crowd let s`th' . fd..b"''..• the ',due...a'. (Ind , , Bank, always
stem, and is at once imposing and capectous.—
Most of the buildidg is now occupied by extuld- biro escape, and ho has not yet been arrested . 7..';:aaa'''-",,lrairett:."itwenwit':;'io,,i.'riiLt.'"a'',"e" .fr.' r''.
toe.. , He Is e•monied man, and a .gins teaser by and Yrenldsta of the hentuel Tr Its
...,‘.. n t;lo n. rtat . L
.1.10.,..1 Hall i s shaped nke n. le, with the, cm . i neupation. Clarkiwas an orimisnirehmen. and CovingtOri 7111 S basil, sr sn Y ienit ' is t . L oosit w St, the el.-
The trunk of lived with his three sisters on Walnut m, , ,.,t, sth I clonal! Brot.•rt, tutted It. not. tree', to supply the place
piece:facing tho.public entrance.
tho !Tends 1.4 eft in length and the cross piece ' Word.lie hare a 'el , ' goad character. "c h tei"" t• "'"`" • " 0 'hr . ' :.turned In ." i•ree
100. The enure building is 20 feet in length. i The corner summoned a jury to hold an in- •mismuse tor Ito ability In mart, It was reread to eimiend
1 quest on - the. body last , nit. but after tit, exam- 11 .'..." 4 . rue on Mr 5.51000 , It . '''''''h."L oho 000
end is decorated in a etyleof elegance extreme
the ths. „„, geth. Motion of one witness , the further urvetdig‘uon ;A L . forced to fug,n.d. and this at one.. dmtroied Du :rod
ly erNlitable to the taste of lofI of the t.t onerstille Dank mri
A run or o o n, imencelit
Besides these buildings there is a large and , w'o p ost p oned to °"" "'c lack oh"' ° rt es.'''. on the other ban), er wet on, two . ',bow I' It Ca,
f eAMOMPthOUS tent . on ihe ands, cap/mains I (~,
n or ot earn, ItLasifiam --Before Judges sheets add thited4 if ea , Meta I, the board th e otlo ni
building where refreshments are obtatned. and McClure, r..., sod ' auvudued tiaLitirlces I.ati, herder • auv t ensbin 1.4 w, Ma 1,
eeverel other tenements' of smaller alum:mons in
fg" n Adams. ba,e t..-„ a elkii, dffst ..tie nod In ha. deli. lea, a. the di.-
An excellent rote course has Leen fenced in, and .... ''.. u " r ''''''' Cr um e l li , Mesatider iweit re who trite. I him eats ectNli an, prem, of
Forsythe and Joseph Rock, indicted for riot, on remenerstws '
many fair rider tried the bottom of her steed, o .„ . , Henrietta Marx, a verdict or not polity + The
•inuton Trimt I • 'lank had a lam, mmulatiou
over its cut-face yesterday. We hove not time w oo rendered, and the , prisoners were dischar- 1 oat tout SA GOO It Iles as au amdunniont to Matto .
• 'now to say.moro than the earsfrom the East atxl , teas. is atp_en is debts nod redeem Its own.. and the
Yrest brought hundreds of strangers tothe city Bed'
iotri. V 9 John Wilson; indictment larceny, on onto le full
limitability fs that the note holders and 00100 Coro 010 lo
. 41,91, night, While stock and articles for exhibition oath'of Catharine Blair. The defendant put in The notes of the Newport Safe.. I und Dank am a Moir
were - still arriving in greet numbers, when we '
left the groundelestMienuag: ' Thus for the ex- a plea of platy of petty larceny, and was fen- ,at 2f, cents no the dollar Its failure It a very and one
''' hibition prettifie to be very; succeesful, and we tencell to three months imprisoulent in the county , 80, Closionett Drawee are not WTI. 1001000 hills
ti a b i jail. The prosecutrix ! frefai. arid Pollen have to suffers holm shave unmans°.
baje no &obit, itthe westhn con nues , ne, t resides in Allegheny City,
1 9CM which Wilson gas charge! with., ors ii and the The nine h+ true of LOULoville. Thr &tread of Satord•Y
the receipts will equal the most eanguine expec
t lotion (theO nimaers. To
n doy the public will stealing, amounted to some font or five dollars , . , The not. of th e Indiana elate htmli Manta are seneral
te.admifited,and nonreet trais will be run every v im vs. MritthewGracey; indictment keeping a' ly refused- though some of the It bolmale Dry is to.-
ippling lions The defendant plead guilty. ' iiiestien tb alig L ToO r gi. " To' m ' s Vl ' t diell'rWeVe tri 2,1 ' 0
. few minnies from the depot at ;the canal bridge
- lithe
gr e am ,,,, , a
T ., may be anticipated , "t here and was find $2O, and the costs of the prosecu- i enwoof them at from a tom is mot dismoot while Wiers
.is a strong ,police force in *Bench:mice and the " I ra,iiiirtin i m ' infi r .i l lil wPgo'resa..7siZsdais7wdli=i7is vain..
- best' of order will be maintained whin and out Com. vs Mathew Fishes indictment assault i some tos, re ro tlis , arse irsori k tow, a„ nwso el
and battery, on oath of Mary Wedie Verdict i on, Nau ma n riisTnerneTi. at ' eiloLott n .. ', 74-!TIZZ
side the enclosure," ... Wegive below n hurried
guilty, and defendant sentenced to pay a fine of are exemptions. 'I hey base rums depoellad liem for n
ketch a those articles whrch most attracted our
a tendon during the short stay we made upon sls ' °° and cost ' 6 ' . 0 . , I . .17,7. i try ' . ` 11; 111.7,„*M7.1.1-. en. titer If 71=14 17
Com. re Nancy Willopn;-indictment. larceny. 0 °'" . o .' o "? th " ‘ oo "°' ' 4l "'"'''
the grounds: '
mt. Inthanapoll• Journal cis, a Ind of the Rot ..‘heks
Plea of abatement filed by defendant's counsel,
' Hall & Speer, whose establishment is situated , itsi.sitos A, We teats of thee stets sii am urlty fo. trek
nod sustained by the Court I ~, Th e gr os s am iunt` , ..l.7, of whteh al,lit4.:ho
on Penn street corner- Qt Cecil alley, exhibit I
~ oC tn. •s Hamel hellion indictment malicili
their usual extensive vanety of highly finished 1
of his
chickens belongingis w e t ndiana +GA. and 5.:.r00 of, In t ',dills clam -
pltiws am t cultivators, including some new pat- I. to one 0 1000 sixty dap, betwes n Sistal U. and sl,lol.sSlu hist°
telcis of hese Very useful infplements. ft give, "'g""°re r ta been retired from etronlation by we different Dank,. and
I thi. securities withdrawn . The AndiMr says ..the holders
his pleasure 0o see that this ofd extensive I ii,
s-ansists.—A laboring mar; fell from ' a coal l'utshe enmities , thus taken or, ...offered p s• ,sr
estabh-Lment continues to excel all competitors , fiat into the river at the Monongahela wharf 'them ustbin a week , and over am hundral thriman i rd i ni.'
intim superiority of their plows„which have long I yesterday, and was drew:tied. His name is nn- largo( them have teen taught in n the :late 'and paid
since acquired a reputation for the firm unknown kno„ furls gold. 0(000 security to the holders of . i ree hank
to most othergneri in, their business. One great te --......____ Ws:afforded by these bonds, evenThody an mutts 'odes
featsire in their establishment is, they manufac- Dia= FROM A Iluns.—Thomas Gorby, son of fer ihr° " 4 "''''
Th e Chmannati testate of Monday says .
tare plows carted to' all descriptions of soil, es, a woman residing °it Robinson stree t ' Alleghe- I
that those who favor them with their patronage ray, dived yesterday of injuries weelv ed on Thom- rj;V,l;c7,:t7r,:n.trcin b nr,!, '" .l l . " W7Ztot:
are always eine to get muted. As an instance day. A° boy had been playing near a grate ita L ik „ ihtl . sT . u r t u tisotari, teat for me twit in Zoe:
of the high repute of their plows throughout the ! when his clothes enight fire, and before nein- 1 i al ' s•rweisr , lillt som7.'i r ri t iden h eetra r f7Z! ' irit r r n i=ttl ',l l
country, wa• might add that at the Ohio Scat ante could be rendered him, be received the in not to worthy of mace- rev r day Lod teeny it au re
f'- 1 no aed that the Commertila Bank or henna Icy. the renal,
Fair, last wee, where they had a warn - compe- juries which caused Ilia death- ern hank or h,..oek y. and Circleville Baal of ohm,. has
failed. A dienetsm from Louisville lads events., vse• the
tition to contend. agaltet, two beantiful silver - —....--- , re st with ro'srosics to the Commerrialliaol. are without
cups - were - awarded' the firm, as premiums for Wc direct attention to the letter from Mr. Al. Mind t' atlon and we need hardly add that tree.• is no two
their Hillside' plow, and their plows for general bright publiehe,l in another part, of to-day's vis i t ,
, r , ismouith refe , r;nee to the other two . Th, rt. le not
',...... age. . I . paper...llr. Albright is a membrr of the Board t?ofita; tt7io ti l t i elra . A. rl e &it!".lV 4 ' "'"' ''''''''' b " "ti.
At the Ploughing Match which followedl,ltheir of Directors a the. American Settlement Com- , b ., 1- ;',‘,."'",` , •"" t„" r„,i,:'f` d "Vi1r,,,,„." - det. eit i r m i , e r n - .
issNo. 10 Patent Iron Centre' Plough" took the pony. and is master of transportation for IVest- mot the W earne ;tit of conedeti ca m b that w . ita Meer; ho u se s r the
first premium, end 'the pinaghman who held it ern Pennsylvana. early part of the emelt . but as vet lb...La.:Ana are
.. rod rtunalng mani aeroonoodathaa
was awarded the Ingliest_nremium for ploughing. I..selianfe wen somewha max Med Fut the market me)
' The medals which;_ta, firm have heretofore BY TELEGRAPH. to quoted at iftl', prem f r Bankers' cheeks,
received - from the Ohio State Agricultural So- --------- -- ------- ---,- T A :„, C ,',„"'„,, i = =„2 l ,;;;,“T; l '. "IT: w , „. d
ciety, at the Cryetal Ranee Exhibition , New The Ifret - txtdM; t ' 4 .- str Jab , . FISS-hkno:eFortlser the husking housealumm whir r the ruil W ha teen, 'seen,
1 busy refrilating matters. and mooing up the amount. of
-- York, and the World's Fair, in London, attest, ° Pardealafli. s 1 their cowardly snit suspiciorni depositors. wit, were, no
the superiority of theirPloughe arid the skill and Boleros, Oct. 24.—The Montreal papers con-1 „th,..„,e'r ressei re,,tate , ilet,, ,, ,thastor .J' r e th ele .1.7 hos
genius tff the men that manufactured them. We , torn some additional details of klie discovery, of I.Si 1r f f °:',:rit" . :,i."<r7... - igiht'7,,,,r,.7,,r th ; a: ° "-Ii .
commend Mews. Hall f„ Speere ploughs to the ,I Sir John Franklin's party . : in the spring of 1850 I ter I ,, , etutffe.atitit to, L iti=a - iome tat , . bad a .nrion- ttl ,
noticenf those of ;Mr agricultural friends who 1 a party of 30 whites were sent travelling bOlitil- o 's' v o s' ,. ; ` ; ',7 . -V , :;; . ":1 ." '..7 1 '.:L7, "'74 1 :%,:" 1 :17;
may 'mit the Fair. Their steel: will be found i ward O'er the ice drawing boats by imme ki,qm- l oon, n r. bal.°. '.......°°-°..°°l°.° to t d..... 4 t
t,l.l, e , rat ,
tf y i teat. *lour tut ountaidoos In he general
Well worthy the attentidn a those engaged in I matzo Indians who were killing seals on the North e m tin.. inactive, and the maim mum
the cultivation of the soil. I Shore of King William's Land. None of the , P- , -t-„ „,,,,- .11,—,Er,,,k0,1 1 ,, , , , ,,",:zLt"k°h. r ." 'rarer n.
Mi. iil. 11. Shltekiatml, proprietor of the well 1 party could speak the native language intelligi- 1 iteir;•iiJ;iwWie witilSicieulte - at 0,, rI.V. tot or;••
known Agricultural Warehouse, 129 Mood it., , bly, but by signs of the ;marts the were made 1 white a u yesterday to a saran manufeeturereat . fre 1.-
. exhibits a large and varied liffffOrtMent of agri- Ito tinderatand that ships had been crashed by the , - 1:1:71,10ctr " .,q , 7 , ,. th arnmst7 ' ...!• ' ' ' '' ° ll,ll 'i'd =et
cultural mad borticultinal implement. His I ice, and that the whites were now going where I 5',,.,•" 4 ,t",._,' „ , ,i
- corn pleniers, bay, strew and corn stslk cutters, 1 they expected to shoot deer. From the appear- '.;.'`,,,`":',7„,.„,`;, - ,7.,„„,"'..," ', s '',.,„„„, ~., „ ~.
- - harrows, cultivators end farming mills are all fusee of the men, all of whom except one chief .4, te -- ii;.7 swiile'resemies - wm,ii - - to' rs - -'.' - 'inon
of the best deingn and finish, and are well de-
. .officer, looked thin, they sappeeed they were i I u i , :feed New sniness:„.t . :l"/ pI, f tl, but ver;',lll
Tito excitement at the West has had a counterpart tu
sernng the attentiono of the agriciaßtw,; \ 44 coin- I getting stiort of provisions, and they pntchasedi
thww it y. • Mr. sh ac hj a cd has also a lan collet- seal from the natives. At a hte daw of the nine 1 t1,.. 1 . 4 :ft w Th , i . " 1 1 1, "• I.llrin_.:a r s%in t l i ed, h'l" n th i; r t;etit h . "'
lion of horticultural implements 6 eatubition a reason; - the bodies of 110 white persons were aiff--i than in the Dera m n natal. weortest. neshe a :o d a.. SI. ,t 4
the latest and most approved designs and pat- covered on the continent, and five more on an The news from F eiime al•° notes the failure of are 011
terns. • . hand near about a long day's journey, soy 35 yen attests:Ws, thicrige 4 C... h.. '" . p .° 0 401,°001
W. R. Beate_ exhales a large cooking stove or 40 vales north-west, and a large steamer and James McHenry t co_ Lir, &elem. to km. rime Pro
dun, who.° Whim must tam. serious cilmta i ti this Ode
suited for. hotel or steamboat, and some of back of-Great lieh Inver. Some of the bodies
Francie,Petent Metallic Life Bona of which he were burled, and some were in tones; others : e „ th i s ,: e i r e T • Th i :',."7, b 2: s i y ° waT,""". nag,'" l "" ned ii.
tete thumb. Mrsterti
to the manufacturer in this city. were underm boat turned over ; nod several lay Money to La mitt V.inio foe redemption. therebY weal...lna
These world renowned Boas are made of , gal- scattered about in different directions. Of (hr supply ote.r.r.r• too the fart or its having Men In
'noised iron, the Mile mad fasteniegs galvanized those - found, on the. Island, one was supposed mai i inewnow redeemed with Sate Ftnelt Instead cfnan
*which presents suet. The!' ore corrugated or to be , an officer as be had a telescope strapped tma thrown the Abel ...a to an already depmsaed and dm
. cressed, which gives gre4t 'lightness with `over his ehonlder ands double-barrelled got, on• roe me market.
mr 1 the nit glue. Ls th e Fit
strength, and avoids thenetweeity of
derneath him. Frotathemutile ed state of many
tow-infti l' iwi7 , 7 in' ,?f 'e th e e I.r,:lum to . seket In that ear
They are forthed 051 4 whole sheets, thus re- of the tor pees and the con tents a the beetles, got mow oiLenetr the nom of mi. easy are I agent
quirang but few seams-, the seams are double, the evidence that the party were driven 0, 4 canal- I operation. and i.i the einspi,,* of Wheat are Inat•apish
s riveted, which prevents the rivet from tearing 1 ballism appears to hare he,. abundant_ The stock ! Z72,;'`1T:t...;:.;.1"3.T'1;':1"tt r .V.07:12: 1 : ',' ; ' 1 , ; ", . 7 4
- out to ease of dingeitig, and ensures tightness. of sminunion most have been exhausted. A 1 I.: osi hto.bels. at the Lyn. cod an eff at ova trade b.,
They are always ready for use, wliether wet or i amber °fon:itches, telescope. compasses„ Mans, 1 r,:.',,, i . , 1 1 . 4 . "11.V, 5 .r f .; A, r '....'..,;,e' e t. w° e r 5 . 4 17.:,
' dry. They are found, from their lightness and 1 &t., -were tound all'of which appear to-havebeen 1 w•s L ate. al. 00 iwer Prevo , ii• riTs Prat rted . stid at
durability, to be the very beat boats for Yawls, 1 token op. Dr lies r ow pieces a these ahreles I n',',e,'ll-,'-tL,°°diia`„';',..",",,,,,,.0:1,,,-;,,,V,',"„1,ri,„411.,,i,"; ^....,
Souuding Boats, Ferry Boats; or for Farmers en , with the Requimaux; together with some silver I esw,-:to,, autos r 0 7 =,,,,-.... 1. ,, *•.', esn he e.ferled
es. I then.
, . the river. s spoons and forte. As many ascend be obtained °9 ;;;. • ,:z..,' L L - ,7,:;7,0;.. - 7.1 - „ ' ,"llZJ ' ool, ` ... On mitht
Maffei,_ Old &.13ailey exhibit a very extensiv were purchased. A listiof the meet important 7;n e s e to-f,i.= 11i . T:`,... 4 ,:.r.',.. 1 .= ‘ t e: e ft°.7;.rr,`,,
- assortment of tater, gim and steam patterns. , relics Grand , with drawings of them. would ' be wto,..e eon...nom.° oat so/ability le that so uou I
Their improved bath cocks are well worthy of ' forwarded to Loudon. anal., smell quantity will he at prea ot high prima
tissue -The price of tiii• article has reached an an
attention, and must, at no very distant day, en- - . Istringls 'high inure, and lull the neelpu are not ma ul,
tirely supersede the cocks now in use. Their LOCISVILLE, Oct. 24:-The Santa Fe moll or- 'th5.,,r0';";',71,w1"*",j'i1.'"„.",.1".`,74-,,ltb.thij""'" "w .
and Sao “r
improvements on 'hydrant catches are also wor- rived at Independence' on the 22d. One smv.llluts nn the levee t
ch a t SI ...`,i,si fit Mob!
thy of. note, and like the bath cons, must soon W. S. Knight, Lieut. Grlffin and Major Bitten 1 1 , T,f,r,,,ttt in n i i t ,,„r„V,r, e ,„ ft ";„"`"ea",'T,r,:',1,',:t1, 6 „,.,'';
come into general use. The display which this are amoug the paessegerelrho arrived there svisvd to sea LaLer Isser va r isara• rhanssalinv as a faah
firm - nosket, especially of "bro i ls chandeliers, is s The election has been held in New Mexico and ...Ls. be t' .
The value of Imports , at ..• Ytlik during the uffet
extremely beautiful, and surpasses anything ofl - has vaulted in a Demoeratic majority in the ab0„„,„,d,,,,,,, fame , ~, I . Pry a0e .,... b ,„ . „... t . .
the same class on exhibition. The establishment I . llouse of Representatives. ' meow to Mezehandlia. as ,ollsparel with the corn stand
of Messrs. Moffett, Old & Co., is situate on Fed- Jaccarrills it still at war and the Mexican gm'. s ow west 1.10. 0(.. Ant...dare the ~ ,,,,,r anal , . ,V1:11 , ...
oral street, opposite the railroad station, Alle- eminent roinsee to treat with them. as Oven bribe Journal oteimmerre
I ' ghee} , City, and IPS an,1121 1 Front street, Pitts- For the linel. Itiet
g Isthltil
, lienerallllte -.. 1,1ff.ff,901. 4100,41
• R. L Westervelt exhibits • mi. number of beau-
1 tiful venetian blind patterns, all of the finest
finish.. One pair, of a pure white color, inlaid
1 . with mother of pearl, makes an unusually beau
tiful appesraticesandiattracts much attention.—
11 - Westenelt's is the place to get good blinds if
1. those on exhibition be a sample of the work he
1 JameaCh.arlton is on hand with ispecimeos of
1 Colvin'a Improved Seed oi_Corn Planter. This
1 machine is, perhaps, one of the bent of its kind
if. ' In use. It plants corn in hills, three feet 'spars,
!placing from three to four grains in a hillmo that
I Om field CMS be worked in both directions with
1 cafe and accuracy. The =chino - in the heads
I of Air.'Clierltentne lately undergone au improve
-1 merit which adds much to its efficacy. Mr.
1 ~, Charlton's office is 5.1 Water street. s
1 ' We bad intended to call attention to numerous
I ' other artistes to-day; but weare unavoidably
. 1 -, conceited Behold over par notices till to morrow
CoNM - CATION GT AS IXPOrrazte Laneasi Casa.
•—Col. kleCandices in the Court:of- Quarter Ses
sions, yesterday, moved for the continuance of
, the ease, of Miss F.meline Keating, against whom
a tree hill for grand larceny 'Was founds few
• thiya ego by the grand jury. The learned gen
;Beaten presented an affidavit from the defend.,
ant, setting forth that . Mrs.' 31eCauley, one of
"- ,, - -- her most material,winsesees, could net be found
and that her defence meat necessarily be very_
Imperfect were she compelled to go to a trial ,
. 1 withouther evidence.. .Mrs. BicCauley had gone
to Vashingtort some. four days ago and the de
," fendant had every reason "to believe, that the
.."1" - --,,,Witr.ess was now secreted in that borough. She
44 4; hoped in—attendance at the nevi
• term of the ""court, were a continuance "Of the trial
5 Col. Black, who appeared • for the common
opposed the mation: The defendentslid
~ not set forth that the nursing witness would be
',.15e."-'preserthat thr next term of the court; it merely
-,expressed a hope that she would be in attend
' Z ''r.itee, and were a continuance granted there was
F. no reason to believe that she would be present
lien more than now. The gentleman farther re.
marked that sbe had not been supprened in time
and that a continuance of the trial would pat
the g • { commonwealth to great expense—upwards of
thirty witnesses from ';t astington county being
I ". 1 .is attendance:
t The= court . ores ruled Col Black's objection,
• and the
case war ordered to be continued.
4 Mr. "Roberts; as won as thedecision of the
court Tea made known., remarked that he had'
I . taken no pirt in the dictation; but now that
the ease bad been Continued he asked /bat the
• • bail of the defendant be changed, and that:she
! =le required toenter good security Ito the sum of
f SI $1 2 ,000 for her appearance at the next term of
the criminal Court. " •
. This - case is possibly one of the meet eompli
• tatted and romantic ever tried in our 'exit:tuned
courts. The sum which it cos s alleged that the
defendant stole amounts to something like $l.-
COO. "She denies the theft and .alleges that the
• money was given her by Mr. Evans who has
ginee died. Was Beating is a pretty and it:del
i, • Ewa girl, and minis a farm of land in Wash
' , ington" county.
IsvirseSoquorr.--The first lecture - of .the
Course for the Coming*uter will he delivered by
• .
Bev: Theodore ParkerV•night et Brittonic lied.
-1113 . I B3eart “The true'and Abr.
.idta of a Soak
wide panhot fail to be iitereating if be d
• in Ida peculiar original andrpeolal wanner. •Ve
. expect to see a fall hoitte, - .. },.there are runny
who are euriods to Be. and hetir ono who bat
obtained so :conch eelebrit7.-
The litalis are aneasy,and a new IntlianlilgTal,
'iabotlie tall been sent out to bring its the chiefs
ie hire a talk. M. Merriweither's appointment
of -Labodie glens great satisfaction.
Judgellenedict is holding courts from Taos to
Judge' Baccii-irrised at Santa Fe. Judge
Davenportiand family were =terming Kaniasi
Major Morrie iiitd4atly were met near Cold
Spring. Biphop Lamer near Cottonwood met
the•Seowaa above tle crdisings of Arkansan and
the Sao, tit Digilead,,toth were friendly. ,
A military post on the Arkansas in much
needed. ..'
Troops were Concentrating in the neighbor
halt' of Albergniato resist theJackarills. Capt.
Davidson and hie command are en /TAW?. from
Santa Fe to that place.
The trial of Wightman has resultebin an ac
The crepe are geed.
Bit:moan, bet 24.-=New Orleans papers of
'Wednesday are. eeeeieed with Galveston dates to
the nth.
• • -•
Apprehensions are felt for the fate of the steam
ship Nautilus doe from- the motith.of the ltio
Grande for more than a Week. ,
Parties of Italians are out in differeet diree-
Carla and ,depredations are constantly commit
ted. One of the-companies raised:by the State
lasdrendesroused it Gollob, -
'-An encounter With the Indian's - 460t place in
Stir county; The troops lost ;;.'corporal and
lied several, men w tended. Thr• Indians were
fussily dispersed. •-
• Three men m ere shot at Catiarygo on tile 4th
ult., one for desertion, one for.lnurder, and the
idler fur T117i6.1.1.1 murders. P•
Lon`mLLs, 9eL 24.—A piiirafediscaLM from
SL Louis states that Governor Burt, of Nebra
ka territory died on tberlStb in t.
New Pong,,Oet. L4.—Cotton 'easier, but dint
quotshly.lower. Flour s trifle higher; ealir,Z9 o -
Lblei good Ohio at E.b,oB(oit Southern 411 - es
3760 bbla at $8,75q5,50. Wheat buOyant.', at
51,90(4,00,- for Southern white; inferior red
SI,SS.' Corn a trifle higher: sales,. 0,000 bush
western - . 'mixed at boe,Bl. Pork firm; sales
1400 bbls mess at $12,37€12.50. Iteef un
changed; repulsed Chicago .15. Laid lower at
Oa. @lO. Rice dull. ',Whiskey firm. Coffee
steady, Sugar arul tnolasses . dull with declining
tendency..: Iron loiter: s3_€ 84. Lead easier,,
Galeria 6.1. Tobacco Aria. Stock. quiet.' Mon
ey unchanged; Cumberland B. 60,29: Erie It.
3,451; Reading B ii, 724; Michigan Sou/Imre.
PHILADEr.ratt; Oct; 2.4,-,-Flotir firm,' no ex
port demand; the only sales for home rens:lmp
tion •at sB.soesS,o2i. for common .and good.
and SS,7s€4,ti .for choice lids and extra.' Rye
Tiour scarce. • Corti 61e01 more inquiry: Penna.
84,25, Brandywine $4,50. - Wheat in detkanik,
sales 3000, bus at $1,75651,t0; Southern fed
$1,50e51,95 for, white. itya : sl,lsgs l , lB .
Coro in good demand: good white 80. Groceries
and PrOxisions little doing. Whiskey. seine;
small sales.
CINCINNATI, Oct , .11 —Floor in good devised,
sales 2000 bbis at $l - €.57,10 chictlyat the Latter
reties; the markets closed firm. Gets, isles
. 2500
tins et 3ee: 40,1oletity and dull' Bacorioialei 75
bliti4 Sides at 6Vacked. Lard. Sales 500 tibia
deliverable . 11P xt
'aville or here neJantiart
a. 'Whiskey, ales GOO Mils at 28, art advance.
Cheese. •eiles WO boxes dt 10, n- good demand..
prices vcrifirm, , Groceries I:ebbe:aged, demand
moderate. Butter, frt. eh; mimeo's 25@Ni,-
Money stringent, negOtistituis are like
visita." Bight exchange on the east I@lt pre
.Thirsl street
, ohs.
.1 ana.ri Try!.
coM3III - FEE OF Ara ,—
Gor IL S.
Yid, rrv. 11.1,1.1..
F.E111.7F OF TOO ITlT:Afclaill
1 7 j4 7
Total '
Piet Kudy.this
T0ta1.......:._• kl Gh./i71.1.21, kl:i6.o.e:;:Zth
The exports of ktierieNfrone 'New. Sort feet greet were ; total for the year $.1.1.522,640. --
* The. romMenist 'Mine, by the Africa 'report an,eseler
state 4 the Loudon Money market, though consols show i
dM . i4k.of P.i, the closing unotlthim bring YS!,. Tliv di!
et:ant rate le isloled at 4L,. which Id .: lower than reported
ley the Baltic. The salmon In Colon is level, - mitlinallb
ed. but the anaimut of mks Is Large. Breselstuffe ake erlth
. out change, but pd.* are firm. The reciet untoward clr.
sum eon le the continued decline of Specie In thb hank
1 vaults. There has been nimi.Mra
ible etc boon In lib
eonimemial circles of [Lirerminl, owing to the fa lure of
31.,Arn..1•112e4 Mellenry k, Co, I'roeleloo and Corn Impart
en. in addition to that of re,. Weer.. already made known . .
The'toMluti Times also reports the (aloe , of Ileeers. Al
pen a Anderson. the Ingest lmulim hoer Vigafteit In the
.ArariestiProrlsilon trade. and connected filth J. ILI Hen'
ry, of Llserpool, and .1.11;1i1telliii, of Nei . York. The II
abilities of Neon. Allen are stated al kl4iskikro to kl,nkl,
OW. ,
• • • -
The private lettere from Come rirs opt near . favors.
Lie.. they have lately Wen for In vestment to mtr. •
art The rise In our market prersured farther so den '
muting out, and then Is imbue ellt.eittu to realise the
}indite rneultinc on recent Inveltments. The older, by
ills etyma, are, as we bairn et, UMW.
TIM Livery.' arid Load. failure* kayo altseted our
inarked. The homers thitt have are, all lame
lers of Fartienee. end there Is le. alsprelttnn to buy ea.
aced -chase .Storling bilismtdch fever. those of the Barikess,
Mew.. Iteed.Bros. 00, Philedelphle. prop , . in Pei
their =Wore 100 mote to the dollar, Co it rent. In 10
(0110 10 it cent. Waned beck to a rev Lyn pi be
competed of Mr. IL heed a Eaus,) and the remain:DK 40 - 5 5.
rent. in the marmot about 2 years, with Intend
The Journal of Cemmerce ra utradlets In the fullest men•
tier ate report that 3ICAIII. Seatt, Laker k Co., of Ililbsdel •
pets bare failed •
"Morey:Pt wee founded _herd upon the stabil:Fleet or a
COntlYttl A.llO, witicb hued timeless yeterday
nndnc 000 . 0 100 It without reverie oe modems.
that threw appestrod no doubt era. How artlAccury • lime
b./Omar it is to kubliah beta md nut rumors. could bin led
Into ends an er we Putout explain."
The IleitimOrs Medley. of Monday IP.)ka time alb.
Coffee Market:
'.. 1-h" ..oe pas l 7. ° S 'l P . polff; I t ro 'dV ortre l n n ies Co t ' lli=; ', . " l. '
II earn.. .le In New ornf reoterday Is fully ritoortned
oedsy,msd rtee te.1150 In tkh market I. lad... In ola,
.ine nee pr thotatt, There is More hntmetsll“lloll,. holden,
sod man gral,Sit}ol2 among Atte Mule to take hold. The
pains to-On y compriw, sane Ctil/ Logo Islet* co.) BM *Cho;
fo 14Us. We mud, .I.alloapra at 10i4Ilhe, for fair b.
ado,. sad Jars Inhd.nah,j.
Attention 11 wt.!no to be dlr teted to pork imsklnit
In theWeet. The oplitlon galas arnWod that fat pork ail
not In scarce by nay mean,. that the earn root , thas been
much Letter than at trot Supposed, and that hoas will
rule at low . prices. both from their I.7eut somber and the
.Cahtsee• or the Money mitts'. The GlarionattPalhds
ha C, net sa the opening rats. The St. (note I atoll !nen.
meth. woottlates,
We team th at sews purchases and cid:LUAU ham been
mate a number of points along the Moms deer. but In
alwmi jority elates the price did .net transpire or the rre
fagittrag Cara not agreed nutty,. horkere •nd Inflect
display considerable makty to make sure of chat they
want, and Inceder tcelect thAo. they lure m many Wetan
ces. onstisettol IbrAtegr. - the uric; 10 he the current ear
tante upon delivery. We tens that federal low ham
teen ourrhatted at Pekin-In this 1111111ortl nod tram that
the male bee been done 6.1 ether gelato. SgLeol anti ors
al tent the ries• of letters. .bile the none ty of sellers era
in toe orlottuerier.l ;td.,te end AA. We hm• bier erne
dad. bossy,. tee olden the tigures :me green except the
lA. heat teterted eitrinaneld. M.bles3. with • tail to
It ; litre teekent talk of eg. eh far mtwe barefooted en
eure...inn of oblnlon en& egleulate that: hrs than this
tll be fuldat any thee'dming the mum. A drover was
gh,rlty yemently, offering to mutt..., IWO er 15 , 10
hag , at 15, but feu.. buyer.
The Nee Tort ?Alban of blonds, has the follo• in g ;
•itt ;e wt.? market into quite etrlngrat toder.
than early le the creek. lt to well that the neutral ant.
trnethill of buttress had tedium' the erantsofthe rean
tilemorld and el the Street. or ebb stringr Fould le de
rided:ly tanrlttannt. - Loans rang , tenet T to goe lc . 11 race
the tortaleurltlee. • Paper so leetre tad, with Its
balk of the hosing.. st 12005 cent. A .tratosetlan In
lim se rg,Ceorol meeptanere weaule at 15 lett
it,o r roed parer gees generally *Al l:m e "A cent. A large pull
of the demand for Blowy on loan <ewes fir.ties Inter.
•teted In Clete and Weatent circulating, Dank* pa , who era
bey!. note. run In opert Lbars truly. The Indiana
bre. Bahk• are mdfertng eererely front the lick of mad.
dente la their notett.d by Abe curtail. of [be Ohba
note About otnequarter of the Cante hare male ar
rangements to redeem In Wallet- and their notes ars eel.
'mg and # rant dhienuntl the. gatan M the hat. pang
note•; the other Tree flanks ars belling. at gut
111.0!itT t .EXCII.LNOL—Them la al sltalati lb.
ildmafr. d .Nt . 0 .44 ti..l4.Amesta.i.,./aut
, •
alf kin& 'f hinds bur par bare' teem. roam-1 .ort . . tie
Brater,. and caul COarreney lr nnaeln , - 31 . 1 7 tied... l to
/ial'-, disecanr. tits InAti lee all Oblo notet W fronerl.
anis do. not at par. all t E.ararha ...pleb la
ra , l [abet, by tits tar. Neeri+ , 7.. and the Commercial •1 Paducah: Indiaaa
State Lank and I.ranel.e, awl lia.tem 31.1ney aeneoalif
as II net far. eteept the broken Rants herat,d,re
Jett I •it..t ie tiet 'teeth ovlr cent.
. kr Tr.. ircet bonithe
br the Broker,. but It la thlutcht tviii be taken vP dulAr
fa .bilar. 'The Ctunmen,ial Batik at PaAucali. . htti
ht the lirckers but dispatches fmtn
tale sa, ramte fiir distrust. The to 'it,.
Batik mt.. as all retected and ea.:. eal.l latter than
2, it mut. ditCiunt and Michigan
M.neT grA . J. Var,Ml: ainl r.wit quastiont
otolit of It la re , r/Trvi uCurrency. The' dem and fur lino.
er It aetive, and borritrera plentier than lenders; raw.
ran, from 1:442.1? rent.. !be inside rates being for "tilt
alone. Ire •preind nrtatient far E.:change, ptir
fu;: it •
3 lit C. )IC.II. in. 2 :Irnve.l in
.I.turr• r '.. VIL 11...rtty. r metia...l of Inforiu•ng termer
- Tar Prep. pup.. and trio, r that be•
111 open tza
, 4 11 4 01. nest I . ! I•RSDA APIV t:TTI.: ICA H.:
.. 1 , 2 dia 1 dlr. Ma, 1. .A.C111,1 ,, 1t 11. Alkwt.n) CI , T. St whioil
Ala di.. Ma,
.111 toqq., to.", all thcan drama, of
dla 1 dia. lean.. tho. keaalllnl art of d.ring.r.nabia - d sitit
. 1. 4 at. lilia dll -u !art ile .ill
and hosotlfol ' :l;rl;:•; • L ' 4.!; ' f.:: ' ll" , re t" lfit ' rtl ' unl b t „ city.
Ladles' St. tur , to at !Afar rote Ilan .5 ',ord., and
Thnrio.dayr. at 3 o . ri,rx: anti tients . at 71. e•KI, In thin
r ota . lu Allethany I, funned, nrwhley the (kn..
due pu ttee • 6 11 l
Ntr M'Jt.tSCaran 1.1 found at I.afarett.. Ilall. entrant"
Wu , s l et, trout n tnl2, and fr,m tn 5 ,rlori. esrrt,
Rustax:E. . 7 ..... . .
ale and Hal tiuture
cmN,n.a~_ L,u~..iL.
FREltilth—Thor. tio chat], L. se, iu Railroad or
Carial Freights - and re ondt du. Li 11....
Prick. r... 0
.1.33 et 3,vrt4.3',:
A PPLES--nor. 9Rn/rte. f, K.lO. It. , <loL. are eouGnml
to e.nolgturs , ta. to 1.411.. r. na”l rptailera qt.," nom'
Ivan, - at Straag
IlliCSlVAX.—thern lad Ftoatly tAtnowt at' A, frdat
Oral fr6m store at th. uqual adranna.
• . .
TICCEIITS Itufkft. Fartary st
'tad (non 'store st Lan , . Tut.. (rum skew $5OO
$ 7 . 50 rwr i mall do.11.:JO.
.trek Is Hiatt: Smsll 011111, an, g•fs‘l rah. at 0114g1 at $l:2-lictsl.37.
• lIItOONIS- • note .. , moron Ohiq at it
$ . 2.00 sltl , h 1. sl,nt .all th•• •i”. 1117
Salo, I , om ,ta•rn st brl.v. rang's.; }min
Winripal ram, 1.100
.nwL , S there Is •otlsr •ad don:.a.l at
prevl.b. rates: polow .tanked
Plain Horn. 1,...,11. The Kt I. grovrinq
IiIiTTER - rery iiittlrlitit olturimr.
an:l ari. nominal: prime
Ming 1:.r.,17: In Om proon, atikti. of ine market: nr.,
kL... ar- and in o .1 ,
tumid at I.eul 1.
CV.ACKI:nd .Watrr Crart•ra. KW 1,1.1 Vutn ,
Sdaar. 4ala. Inatan and Ile Ma Cracker. :rata
"P m.
I.}frYON ARNS. AC. The 11.11.ri0. th• rlulut
Nod, 5 to 111. Iveltuive. 15 ep D. No.lll pm
•• 11 aw3'l2
No. la
9 D. Nu. RIO
7t.1 .• lo.t
Cer,t (Mai, While. 1efit1 . 2.1.. enlored :re% Coverlet rant
candlewick le: Ratting. S. I. I N. ,
Iletthavt. 14.
9 , , t, do
51:131111. anpr. eon 19
Parking Yarn. non 11
B. C.. —SI.IIII. 112.!“. 1.3.746.34.0 n 1.1 dos.
do 'tn..
"o dt p.
Blntren 4...-11.1 R Is. SI arm. Hemp: ins, do.
COTTON CORDA.ili—Gornnißnr, and upwarill,
C.t!CDII.I:I3 .Ic . tdifiP- Star Caudle. am firm at 24; other
dualities are furnialeel by manufacturers at 1..... Tor did
reel and 10, Mr mould. hut they are scare. and hard to
n.h from rode we tote sales of moulds at 15. Sash Le firm
at Ste miumon, and VP. fur Sawyer'. Toilet.
ebb KFIIE--thera la now a fair rubbly In otobe , theo..k't
and aale+. beaular 10',011. the bulk c(nlea le.
In. at 164, on the usual terms.
~ . .
DRIED FRUlT—nothing &dug. Tlvri demand.
md:sre malt qt‘c4atinos.
YF.e:D—Dno4 Shorts Ind La; Hala stuff $1.40:
iloir!tod NESSOIIoga SLR , . Untnatut active and nuppir
FraTllELS—tniard Feathata are hold at t and oat
Live prima Ilve finnan Veattera are ecillng at at..4.a11. and
(rain name In the =all way at ISna3o.
11:11—the market is not active. and Wee a, making
In culy pascals to , orn•et the , wank of the tradr. —
tlarLarel.Nn.P. lance. have advanced. and are now held at
sll.s•4,lledinm.dn. a5.014cr.1,.' , 0 :Paull dn. Iklttmur.
aml Eastern dry salt..! Herring ISSl‘ lake Flat.
T.,nt per hhl, ICE. $9,5C,10.004 hall
Wit. in the umacl prnrortl•ca. ltel Fish 5 U.
NUTS—olto are makinc In the regular scat'
frtm start• at lbw YollowlFig rate.
',tants "P ima
Raisin, .It. ednstata
Almond.. B a
1. - rertmEnsfish
sub.. ? . ahonat bare nf Mart , and prix. I
have adraseed on last week's ointstiont raler at dolt. , [ •
and nn wharffreidaritay of nit , srfinr 55.1:24-ri.S.l5 and
extra as staptp,..o. at the artul odraner
Itre Flour la warm. aa.l oil. toms PPP, Pro I
Sleni Situ ni 1.14. The demand . i. suite ...advt. sad re .
relit.; are absorbed immediately
II llAlN—lrnyvt Ia hetti; nod the mll.l. are nor aiming without lalng able in get 'enough In loci.
ntlY going. Ric la Indemand at •nd v.
eder 11 taint Id "I active nape., and malt 4 an
. zr.•-
kin, trust a1t£,.14 •• }.1..20. ()tyska... daelinWl
on arrival. atilt neat , ' roans. se: &masa -
ba• been voLliti,•t : 1 . at •I.•t [
a but o. sole. ary
fir ...oral days.
t111.S!EllIES- 0).14.4 a Steady loot teL yeti [arse
mield. The jubhaas have rs.firlirordar.fonstltrireountar
rust,fiera Sugar Is :quite firm at &son& I,y lb. hint
hots'. by Ws hhL. 'slab 'heavy Falai an tbe trade du.
rialt the w e ak. Stulasars 1. peflin‘f tivshe trade at ';t. and
has Iran rather arli.e. u. ....mai', Crdies is firm
vet itSid ~ In I.l.e . verular wat ..and
CL.ST -hrld firmly at Sias:l.4 s Si nut.
LI IT -sates are tasking at wale. at 5.11.013 , 27 Inn.
ILIZES--tireen Bed Mfrs are relllng it, TRIM,. at 1 , ..r
~pia Dry milted tilde. Irvin rtnr• ,rtntrit at 12.. and
Dry Flint at I,..svit.
lisp , - Vb.: marls, 14 film at 1.31, lb fur 0tt,,,,. Basra, .-rant and ,m , 40 Sr tl,-.L.rn.
1.121M1-there are is. aalr• t., Tint, and Sul little stink to
ts./.,tr in: thr 1. n“ Anal at 10‘,.11.
lining xD Tbw doniwo.l owing to th. llninully of
widoi ing. Cord rain. an. nun
I.l,TliEtt Inn failnwing row tn. ...fling rate. Wan
l'prwr Le:3eLc,
! , liirting Lather
I. nn Pi( Ind In reark.t.flar laud.
of V. lona ordinary .veer dn. a`,, Shot, 3411.
23 "p park. Sbert Carts remaln. trfon , quoted,.
C 311.27. I S. flar do.
PI, am lb. rub rat... 9prin9 9teeL
m.nur.tur...i4Vl;l: Plow to. 71‘7 , ... Str.4ll
win. 5. do. cut to , pattern b to DP,: A II ,
3,0,0 rnned Imo. Si.: ferdn hammered d 0.1.1,„ Inn Sind.
71a, Folk dn. 7: Shand dn.-9 :Rawl dandy tit, 7; 4:IIPO ,
Spring.. 100 dn. 13414: Cultivator teeth, 12X.S.
Za4.151 dn. 1.1X31 7 . Smif.43'di troth.
NATAL STOItt9.-Tar If Very oinn.r. and we ran only
tune, nominally at gale. of I.) 551. rommon
to at and Na I do SIX°, by the sump at 340. , 0 fur
onntoon. 9plrlta.Turpenilne Grzu at 2.00.
ON loNS—Are ;tali We( at 81.,X1 In.. of
(MIS—No.-1 triode, Lant Oil I. selling steadily at b 2 4,
na,kag.• extra, and orcaslnnal rale. of Iduared at lA.
POTAT4ll.s—prime apuutt I,tatoas aro hold at 51,25
Las. from warehoara, with a not vary active damatat at
that rigttre.
SEYDS—C7ovir Is gelling in Um num] nor from .tore at
s7Locris.tal. an<ra smelt Intanlgold Iron Gist bands at
$7.00. but titter. Is very little offering; TignkbY• nalo*
from lint hands at room store at
flaa I, rea47 ssla olLbin the range of 11.Z.Ula 11.02.
SA CT—aalra at lb. Canal at r! CO ftm r .Co. 1 a0d..12.06102.-
12 I, extra: from atm.,' of the rcgulaz advance.
011EET1h11.1.--wr. nnot.. Danner hheetingi at 104 for !
No, 1. and 11 for No.l
- —nut 'much urlarfog. One vale reported 01110,
TOIIACO. Virginia La rang. trum acmrdtng to
brand,.and Imam at 20000. • V1r411113 Twist, 10. _
WHISKEY-:liaa aalta of raw at =4.34: rrcti.
LW at 9ek637 and part it) , at 40.
'WINDOW 0 LAS.4—Citt brands ars quoted 0113 boo
for E,5: $2.50 for ill% Ilfor s 1 0, $3,60 fur Ni 110,12, and
1011 2 th 54.60 for 0010. 0014.. and 10.14: $0 for 0h40.10./14.:
and 10:10: 1,5.2. ,far 10,17: Val. Int 10,11; and ex. on In
v;rearloo Intik. ratio according to cant, oil for
rash. thuutry brands.," sold at . anaverao af ILiOnt fine
len i 1 b.x t0t...44 braisda..
WHITE LEAD-1. firm. with a very artill , demand. nod
steady aal.t at $2.2011ke1.f..r N.. In nil, mid dry 1/ cis Rita
h.] load N et. Tt
. ALLEGHENY, October 33, 1854.
The attendant. , Ina fair, and the olfrringa prettYlarye•
,'Wee veer. made at about irresioule Eaurea,
I.P.EV twin In pen, of '4)&41 :IS
sold st prier. rah ging crow - 2. , ..33l—rutnukotn W pond
gcn4 10-vricrp• gnats.
91f son head ,]lh•rt.,l and all rid: vrt , r raid fmm
'mad, as , trdlue W Flte - anf qu•litr•
111KI5-700 were !al the ground, wort of nLlrh were
t e h n 1 . ,,e the Fret 3!:tel. grout • fa. tor butchering
purwtee Felling at £4l'..
_L •
• Akan" taL . • _• •
.I.fferyom Mann., Brnwnmillin.
I.uterne. Bennett. linneussill..
T. /1. Mhrirer JlM:Welchem, Welt Nowt..
CA. linseed. I . .elde, klllent,th
.14:rennin Slmon. [lnman/11k
luerne:lle n nen- Ilrowneville.
T. 11.nnz1ver, llendrietwa, Weet .Newton. •
Insierd. I'veld.n.l.llnkbett,
RiVa.—On T.ntenlay,evenlanthiqe were 1 foul 10 Ind.,
id the channel and ndllnn.
A LDEN'S Index to the Deoinidoio..of the Su
141.7iot.2'i,ZZ.:. ° Werjr s of.Zil. ft o'.'or m a l ! . Atel
buruhfull nithir 4i th e mince thluable work re
Iced and for Paln 1, 1 KAY tOIU., id Wood eL
'DU HE COGNAC ISIIANDY-1 have reed !;
a_one k orrery Our and pure Grandy tor encilkinal
ruf ,ratit l au
hno. In .111 t a very aril enrthe fond k cu ,
proc lc ac dor 11.5.111hti'd
corner intoiond aid Manua Anal
ar IGNORES'S WATER—I hare reed li grn.
T L ..) of fresh Conrrece Wafer direct. int. the aprthae -
Thoeunisining • troth article can procure It et -
QIIIGNETTE BRANDY—i 2 eighth coals
lust reed and for cale by the bottle or gallon, hr
sea ti SUWON. riu.l2 oat IL
T catheihr thle by ' B, I. PELLICILS• CO.
nand on the YOllghlrlithellr iIIAT 4 tulles ham Mc.
hhh«apart. thd 9l horn lb. city, 50 aux. In b. mate dent
ci cu ib uic , hdaprinudfottomlarid.balannechoine timber and
`nal a•tinad• A too atop linek direllitni bon" • lame
frame bun and other throlemenln appletnd peach me.
LM Umee ofF2o fair * 25.
1 4 1 1511- 2 .5 bbla. No. 3 large Mao ere
Vic 010 do medium dw.
25 half this To. • =Mom sratnat dP
uo b a p, *map Pict ; 40 Ibtle. While Min
25 du Tivtin • 2/ do do Nil
-no do Mated flu ffi ng , la atare end Pr bila_
STAN A , lterttaemont• cf
lir., •
First Lecttire.of the Season
young hen's Library Issociation.
gi EV.T II E 0 DOM: PARKER. ..r Bo.ti
NVEVT - L,"'
,er[k tir 1 1 ,r1,1•1 , , tolut,u l •l, 1 no • ,rlter..;x:knr
Lc r. and 11, earnt.l hvt nrals. , Ls
ntimlf ra.l gut: • nlrlinenre al ttb
lee ••0 rt. 1,1,, " t, I I VI - 100S '
B, 11111:11L1 1 .
11.1. 1 1, 1/11S 1 1.
.1 1 ./ %LIMN PkTRICK.
rithburgh Riding School'.
"jour ,f bc,lit.n.l Jitrol a nd Cherry ;OLT.
rEIE subscribtir respectfully announces to
Pthe Ladle. and I,entletven of Pittaburith„ that hr his
reeently ern t'4 a RIDING OCIIOOL, which. In point of
gee. euni, maiitonee. and adaptation. undeniably exert.
any elndlar ertabllslauent In the United nate?, Its In
tinn la aro•salble frnto all pvtr of the eft', while Ite high
and tiny situation. renders It enneelally 'mite. , to the N.
tuoth,n of health, hr thinoat *gee-able everrieu. The
linteca are dnelle and well m trained. and the proprietor
lkiViii.ll.l Linorlf that nn paint or expellee will he vpaeed to
utak/ this establiehntent the first in the contidenr.• ref the
PulAr_ li. 11. PATTERSON.
„ . .
1 T g E F . AI-I ; NIEl i t . S .i , s 1) AIRVIE , N , A n
w Nl...*l' 4
, k. : > : : ,,,, -
mita, .50 loam ut :
hr:urnride. :root Plit.burttlt, and / a
trillev'tonn 11111.14. %Pater Ststinn. an the Penneelestria
Railroad. About 40.-res are cleared: .nal tillable hoof.
upon which Iv • Loh, Mai, and Darn. It Is well adapted
ito the rei:V 7( (mite it t0 ; t d 1,1 , 1 r, , , r . a , , , ean e t x . ..V ., let i lts , V,
pin ' •e Rh thef t. ' et ' .; vr i at ' 2l• l'. Then. l iv at . r7bundanew of th ' e -
Invest thubur. it,. Chextuut.Chettrint Oak. (hart Lizette,)
, White Oak. Poplar, le. It ia well worth, ,the attention of
Tanner.. am the hark ran tw vent to l'lttehttikb. be either
railroad or canal. The timber sinne I. worth more than
, the prireulted.aud most of the Lend would afford excel
, ant paature•bon cleated.
' The.hole a ill be iedd fnr the ter, hue prin. of jier
ere, or It twill 1.., divided to nult putt•huer., at front U tn
VI per sere. according to quality
Turtue--Two.fifila In ben.n the balance in three equal
actual payment!. Title 111.1 . 1.nuttble. /Inquire of
nrill-tf vitt, ,1101,10.75 Wntal It
• ..
' Self-Heating and Box Irons:
IlitlE Subscriber having purchased the ea
clumnre tight of J. J.J ri
nhontoe Patent. Box and; 4.
Jo 1:11.11 . 14 l'atent Sell4leating Smoothing Irony, la now
extant:feel, engaged in tnantrfarturina the tame. In ttnn.
heettan with the ahova he Veers etuotentlY on hand at
lie warefocon. on ',Jetsl. et. nit-row!. Anebor felon
Work. e large and pond afwortment of the tonttnno Tailor
and Sad Irons, to which be would relpeetfully Invite the
latljllltiOU of whaleaale, Seaton tad the public in general..
oct•elt 4 C hINIISIAND. Alleaheny 'UT. i's.
Dubuque Tribune.
”ffievi ihttrx f
PHIS it: one of the oldest amt mo6t widely
eltrubstcd Nowatryt,rt In Inst.
lituburgh tlrrrhattht and ott.rt. 1,i..111vg the
the l.ptt, 31trahrsipPi. till in
1,11/11.0 pew) th-ir .4...rtlitmatotx - to the DI 111 .tt KTIIIII..
•hirh In 1,. tet 11.111. IT,ltly and Tel-Wreltly,
tlt: has almttly • largr •Avyrtiolog hatrycnze. so wilt
he hy it. et,lts
Exchange on Germany.
LGIIT BILL;ti oN (IERNIA NY, in sums to
r ''''''''''''"iVii. ls sl7igiA b iAms CO.,
oel.lrud Ilanlers arid Brok-ra, eon Wood At.
tt ti In
. I 41 b/
Evening Class in Mathematics..
IS tire Mo r thetnationl Department of Duff's
vellege. ~u nw cam are utr.:llllimetle. Ala.le,
I.eieuetry.Tll. , rerveler. Mene , :re-tleet. eurtr, Inst. te.-
11reet mln. .111 be taken le Ore the on n , r.elee 11 , 1
pearliest eeelteets or entrulletirn. We he.e n.n....t1Y
t 1au . 1 , 0 ,..1 1-erle,
I. Dh *fl, ow, lb. Ti...,.
fens Prin.i.
pie. are gene7l end •elltsrply ,r fo mar rrel.lems. 111.. s
90'. Inthemarter
Ir. ..v 006 " ,, • •• • ••.•,• 4 .....
ANUFA.eTt:IIERS ~..1 dealers in ViaL.,
4l' ~..ttir;.llll '4 .l g ii,4, . `7i' ',4-Z. r iliii..:,'" . ..i7.Y4i;
lefslar anon:lon paid t , i erate moulds for Witt..
os , l-dly .
(. .
. 1
0-1 1 A iiTNERSIii P.. - We have this day
. / .4...1ava( with to. Mr. .104 LS C ll.Dtrtl.L.
tinning the the Swine., under the ban, and .4.1. 4 1..5.
HALL .1 51.1.12 IL .11/11S. S. lIALL. ,
.1 t 1115 A. SPIL:All:
. , --
J. 11,1 V k1..11.1.....
Va.l4ey Forge Plough -Works. 1
J. S. lIALL ..t. SPEAK
I AVINO comment-0i nnerationa in the'
r.-,..".7,'17,1! „T,`:vw-,rid l .P...r,";:rll7,;ii;::.:rbtr':
.4 ~., AMS: wnich will M. round .1. S. Ilall'a Pa.
lambi. or arias rhsagh.. .1. S ~all's Patent lion
Centro Plough,. lrntirnsed lever Plough,. Also. 11111.
gide. Sul-son. 11..tron ..,.1 Sure- Ploughs,
tuorther wttla
Plough P..lnta and 0,4110
c. of svery dearriutlon.ean le
brd wholesale I.r iondl. at our Msrebutt ,_. No. (5.1 Liberty
street. I . lttsburat...i.r...ito C1 , 3 - lier Seale.
Pittstutr.h.tteb. l ... 1.0, 15,t.... ,, ,t5d1ui
_ . .____
J.. nt.) :NOT IV ISII TO DIE OP Till.: COYStMIerI.A.
Pr.-eel:son . April 1a.114f,. ,
Mr. It E. Sellers-Pear SI.- I haar un sereral cersalons
japressed to n. u. ter...moll y . the hitt estimation In w bleb
froto having rued,. use..lll for ac,ers..l year, Is, my family.
I held ,orir - Imperial Cough nyrup. I base never known
It to fall in relieving roughs, colds or °pervasion of the
Ipnas, sawn u... 1 prompt:y. and ans.slini to your direc
tion. I hare given 11. ton:dant eblldern •ith highly ben
end. effect,. &oak. far . my own es. I. ronrermaL •
dee.. taken at night before rethiimb. ll:traria/dr twi/s.ed
e from south or any climegreestle feeling of the cheat.-
I'sirs,. keep it In ray house. and would not. on soy as einint. be without It. .
,- Er,r person whomay oreit will pronoun, It an agree:tide
Mild. 0,1 highly 100th.. much , medicine. which. In •
niltn.te a. ehanueald• a. our.. moron fell to prone • great
1,,,,,fit to all who may given a trial.
I sm. Fir. rest...trail,. Sour tarn,,
. Editor Pitt.d.orgh Pape r Cbronlele.
Prepared and sold by It. P- SELLELS a CO, AT Wont K.
end fur nale by drvitglots everrwherw, nei
l ir (it.r....,E ,LNI) LOT 1,.. EAST LILLER'ht ,
ix Yon sALP,-Consistlng o a lot of ground haring
rout on the nrern.bure Turnpike, of 110' fret and eatrud.
Inn 'BA., lns tort to a str,t 11;rel.1 well
Ls a two
(dory brick Hour.. containing 7.twoma. well of water at
the door, stabile, ~1111 clout for Y. Loren, variety of fruit.
snd only 0 mium. walk from the +.tatidn 'louse. Price '
p2..2c4. Apply to II MeLAIN4 - SON Al.6th It
-- li — liiiitPilY Sr BUILCILFIELIL Hare now
t i t TA i n s 'lisli::.ll'.,l ' krlflll.7,tl. ,} i'i= d :t 4 Tog. - 1
,cre.eb, Seotrh and t 4,1 1 ,11 ' Work: Ladino' Dress Silks, in. I
eluding French, India. and Rutter& Plaid, Striped. Dans
,ark snd Plain; Paull de Sol. Al" Ilouselteenitig OomnS n
Ivory full assort-swot. al b
Gi:1'kl:::--Merehuit Tuitur, 74 WOod st.
-All the late stud dealrablo st ro de, of ' Clothe. Crud.
I mores and Vortinge on baud sod ade to onler. wilt en
; tin. sallsfardion. Also, • choir stiwk of Men fond ' , or'.
'. Iteuly - mad. Clothing. Peculiar advantages to rash buy,
try . ;,..f r li . fr/4 2 . ' . 1 . 11 . 7 • " 1 ‘ r°, l .a T to 1 4 ..
1, i 1 itatit CIDEILVINEG.Nit , —A further sup-
* j ply of this superior Pickling Vinegar (warranted free
/ trus Nitrioi and other &Interims+ DruiPo thl , dal reed
per 1t.8.-equal. to Winn Vineaar. and •r one.fourth the:
wet -for tale by PM. IL SUTTON.
m - No. 12, coma Wield sod Front It..
' FAST COLT) CALICOES-1.000 piyc eu
good fast cord Prints area:lnn' at d'ir, o usual dew
'Nod IN'. wu
.MO o, L i. ASSES-00 bUlo. forioilo j h p`in.,Eux
13IPES-I.'o boo. Clay Pipes for iinle low by
11. Rl5 W. IL SeTTIII, ow. Wood Mt .to
I trig ItiCCO-20 catty fag, Rose Bud;
.1 Mattel; y•
• Atm Koo.f-lIWIWiw: - '`
Itg• lb Lumrs
Ito.. Varies;
drum4ylv." Tnbancrx
in-FoeeCaisodfatothta day reed end
'kw sale 1..40..101 W. 1 . 1. my Wood and Front etc.
431; nn the lIW
:i ° 47.= . 4lli't ;TR ih n o o ri r o l cT, N . ' e o io 4 ; Power and
100 love the water posy 0 000 of ane beat In the country:.
II and thcloG an offorrl at a l cove! . bargain,
... For t elle of
4th it.
lijapir. GOSH:EN CHEESE—For sale by
cadIicFARLAND..4IS Liberty et. .
•-- - -
r IaEAS-20 catty Lazne i:trat 11. Tea, in
hoc of Ottel teal do la each. tido day reed and
tor sale by 0011 l SI 11. o l' 2 ch. Noll Wcod
11C ELY 0000: 1.- 0000: 1.--Murphy &T - Turelifllde
e , have reed klturther anyoly av o n ne
erhleh will be fungßich ell wool Off DeLainic.
fisd no dm Plaid Gobi:norm French . es-10pm, Smile
Fe nixed enllait Shuttle and-noir - fat mourning grec pray
er?, deortiptlon. at yet/ low Takeo, to he had at the north.
mot owner
ate end of let ate dv" 9
11: 4 1 OR SALT-4' shares North American
j ttlnlen Co.of Makin.. . IL D. KING, •
Atoll • • ' -Coin. Stork and Es. Prokirr. ' ,
IVOOLEN fAI2N —2OOO cute 2 ply knit,
lotoPAlOATilt7g=in; uldwMte
Ice tbe. untte Angle glylnd on • • Onnalnu.
meat end for sale by J.Arn McWARLAND. 24,5 Linnet, rt.
1 INSEF3/ 01L22.0 bide. Linseed 011 In
1 /'store and foteale by F. HARIIAIDIIVI CO.
.QOA-P-45 bxe. Palm,SOnn in store,
.10 andfew entail? weft P. AIX/
HAY-30 •balca Ilme tor mile by •
If MANNERS' OIL-20 Mils. Drown bit for
Fol. by - 4.413 It. IL SELLS3IS k
• • '
un the Study °rpm.,
1 , - Johnsn Slio n .s, of
ItotreCa Theasurus of,
ersb/il. Synonymy. Iloweaves do: Untharee do.
Sibutelen neltteUonsef Synonym,
pod ' • 11S, DOSWOILTD ou.
62A LERAT SS-410 bble. and kir Sitleratue
la vale by nod J. flellodhllptHEß 000.
Mut...Seek of. the *meowed fodder cutlers, just
lifor auto hY Devil JAMES WARDROP.
than 60() pra hallo and French Illankets,,ranglnw to
Irma Cl ' 0141 A. A. MASON tat.
URPHY & - BPROIIfIELD have rec'd
yel_'• further etiPl.l, et Mow akar WU..." Sh " r "
YOUR CENT PL S--Just roc'd 4-cmcs
more of very cheap Print. ac per A.
A. A- Autl3o. A CO.
CITEESE-41)0 bu. for wile by
BlrtgE.,/f-.:15 kegs, fresh' packed for., ease
'at - ,i4.12 J. &comm.
Prim 11,:koralrl's Advertl4.34 Hon., N 0.1 1 ,1
.rte , . Nvw York.
t o rj. • v
i.171S N
‘ F.-I . .1.. i7r1.1.t ~ hae •n
I.:, I stri are 2.i.
.' i I LSI' • Ls, ti .whitirlor th*l •
1, %IPS. I ail ws 6tr itilues. rtiircyl
•tr. IA", with (Al witttithi.l3., m i x% I. hut nn
1. •J J AC , 111, I mt.rinit Watchro. Je• - r!ri.
.I,ll^ Dissuowts. Le, 407 ltr , ad , r,. Sew V. , rk.
- • •
STEAMSHIP LINE, (NI. s imultsw..l
1,Cri9,031 . R0U Or MCADAM"... KralartOtA.
~/ 1 TA;;; Y s _ Ld ` LioliT. STAR
OF THE n. r•A•t. or ' iMOMETIIEUS..III - nnt
enAttle steam ehtpw..lll lenTe New Took to the tl. kod - 20th
of ervn mouth. (ermid. t w at when the..a do, nal
nreAtou• +will ho walling detr.. , noeet
hr t'he NlentAgus Ttnnolt Routs. havlnA hut'
~. - e :ir e utlle,
Inald earns, with the
ANDS+tenmolrm EKE I P :, A DA,
IItTF:Z, Itin./THEE JPNATII PACIAI f ., 0111'0 birth
lil lame San Juan let Su. % th4.l.nAifirtermlllll, , Trannlt
Route, for inn Frandwoo on the arrITAI of the psrmengem
6 Itowling Omen. N. Y.
it.—t2ntnrunnelog an the 2:th of Iktober. the dor.. of
W chged the, 12th and 27th of es , h month.
When thse d eate, so 1411 no Snot's, the Shin. .1:1 lea , . ou
the Mandoy fol!..‘iing, - There will be no Steamer. on the
WO of r.
Chijds & Smith,
No, 449 Pearl Street, New York;
11.1SIpi ANI/ PINS. ...lop , fr , nt the Tra.l.ln.New
lurk ur six dißtnnm prtrlttlr•tlen , i' 4 g,,
WrItI I .I7 , VT.MI\ ' 11 7 :: .' . 1 t . e. ' ill .II Pfi and
alra ',Well they nIT-rrelutrl
prlrnn.n.l2l , lm34
World's Fair Premiums.
II It E ( '4 IT . AI S
barn In<n ewanle.l to t1,...•rr elegmnt Purrri,,t
)ILT Eti
LI XIII BIT El ) 1.1? the
EA at the Cartrrst. in making ,
the ab..resonouneelizent.oold teie, •
ophortunitr tn return their thanks 4.
lbeir murn... frietels. tor the extensie.. 111.entl
hreetnfore ended hi them. fir them that
on pains 0.11 he shared to Purism the thitt..riom rehutm
Mon already t it
for I order . meet the areatly In
ft.r their httruitients. they hate mide.l
lance], to W. tuntinfarturlott Nellltles. ...bleb they trust
*rill enable them .0 future te p.mptli meet • +et, at
Alsoa nn band an assortvent of very superior M
ANS. of crerrstrle, nod nib,. pr..,
tlltt/WKSTetiN A TiIIiSLOW, M 1.6 Broadway'. N
(Atl.Minlog St. Nicholas 1101,1.1
N. U.—P..lll.lns were tmarilnl by the American !Mitt
to. tolheir Kam:stir, years,. surressinn. aon.,24lrna
No. 76 Chambers Street,
PI N E.O & C O.,
L &WS. dr,. .
• •
Which therm", enablo.l to aril at the h.wr.t prima. and
the mt favorab , teriva Th... who purrha.e of 15...)
oiraawaxentTo. me ur ft
76 Chambers At., tot door W..e,t. Broadway,
4,1.1.,”!1TF: rile IRV INOTIOC,Ii. 0. Y.
n P.XLO C. ....... If. nom".
aut..:hsia • •'
Foriffelbourne; Australia, Pioueer Line,
Carrying the United States ifa'll.
HE A. 1, Kuperior ship (3ER-
TRLIDF. will Woad the Sl,thtiogale. an.l nail fey the
above patterns the first a July, as seventeenth Rhin of
this Line. The liertrude ha proved herself a recnarkehly
fast saline. and Is the only A.l. Ship now loading at this
part for Australia. rho Idonear Line hat rained • wont
enviable reputation. It wax the first. and la now theonly
regular Hat. Everything Is provided foe. Pa•rwovers
Dt .thel and ligurs, wan and towels. Thejeanth or
pase.,te veriest , . 75 to la days. First Cabin
ir-v. and V 225. wand Cahin vmseepe 511 l a net $1:0.
For freight dr passage, apply to It. W,
vas:lo4N tin Wall street.
The New York Steam Blank Book Man
nfactnrlng Establisnnont.
cATS, half hound nualarous .5,1.30, 9
•.lver quim nod upase.fs.
.to r do 50 to Ur= 4,
urd d eo ot t
ends {b. d o 75.
et - tra blndltigs do Ile .do:
it, it 4. ` , u,r vals.estra binctolo 1.20
11. look o
1 00
F "" • '!" 7.,1' H
Ileorltd Book, 1N... Amounts. njuisture FlLsolte. tat
too Coorlex Wrltln: Itotan
Allonnair..A . r.
enustautly outland. 10.000 tea nufot manufactured teirk
neeTrry quality and-dremtptlon, all bound In the tart
anbAtantlal manner, sod In the neatest style; which one
th•red to Booksellere. Ntattonms. sod Mosier.' nenetally.
appro•"d pap,. by JUAN O'HAR..
• 110 Nuun street. Nor Tort.
• .
-•. • • •
N. 11.—.1 litv_ral dlsco w
uct h.n -
Pur , l.L. , •ll= h-rp•lu.¢ .
tttLes.. ._
as Ftnt lo3Do‘.=
Dr w s r t e to, N.
Y K . T a nbli
rtes oi
3f nood 4 uir tanto orth a
erlA a t ln 91 m
tn 4
other Plan.. mule br Boston.
ho*. Plano. are entoldvml ouperiot to all others. Ilreat
bargain , In N.. York Pima. and anc.)na-hand Planoe and
Mnole anorak, 'auk-mit or raid!. It tb.
In C Oord,o, jeocc....nts T. S. I , iTT)
111 Ta lway. I
York. Piano. to lot_
P. Natio* hav• thy It.. Ito.
0 and Inanulbatarar 1.6 n, Goal. No. a Worrtt
Now York: 1,4 y
LPII . Fulbmot-rr.t, York.•
W tletalt in d Hots& CO.
VOTI —Sealed 4'reposals wia
ill be ~e'd
1\ DT el+i rlt6a 6,t
under.l.mrd Cnuenilane nt the Pitt,.
turgh and eteubenvlllo Railroad, until e Y. IL. on Mcd
nenday,.Sosember latter the Ir.. hr.n7,lr,c‘nen
, Pran . Ynrrs. rm. Llns 3lnnnunabela laver urine
Alta Plttaburch.
N. It.-. The ak.ore ha.. 4n year. td run Item
15:Z. rnr further Inc' rr , ation. enquire of
LoNti. lOU rennt,troet.
ISAAC JONES. enr. Prune and Itnoto I,
A Chance to Make Money.
pl.4syMiner. Tjta euloteribet Is dtehrooo ba•log
A, , eut In eaeh County Nod To..t. In the Union. Am,
ital from sto $lO only he required, and auYthtog
like An efficient, euehtette taw, eau toake from to per
der.,—lodeed mom of the Awevt• employed are rrellaino
twice that rum. Every tufunhatioo trill he given - hy ad
drovaloq. (PhatAP paid.) WM. A. KIN.SLEIt.
relit Ova MK, rhitadelutds l'u.tothr•
Fall Dry _Goods, Fall Stock.
YEE & LANDELL, eourth and Arch atA.,
14 ?bileZelidda. will be able Werke extra Intlueem'ents
to thaeuroltrY Mayen. thu e tbele Mock of Goods
will be very full , o re
ham tbe NewaYmk and
Philadelphia' 'Lori!nem, daily reeelted. Full apurtment
of tbe rullowbarp 4
tthawln Flanunia
New Filke.llre •
French Merl... Linear;
Wool . Table Coven.
Vow tleWarr Illankram
i' rnt h roT ' bnexceast f Itnpu Q
Onrtstl nc., snail b. daily
- ""a t : JE LAN
nr.b and Arch PlAhntelphin.
1 / 1 1 — Tenno net 134. ' non Penn , In , Oennn axis.
- - - -
11[ 4 1 J. lIENItY, Attorney at Law: Ofttee,
enraer of Third and Sycamore strwti. aucinn2.l atl.
(Dispatch copy to the am' t of r2,:0 . sod chaeaellesasett,)
Fall and Winter Goods.
Iss mpr.Rry sTREF.T.
HATE cam op' han4, a Iltrgil Stunk of Fall
. and Win Goode, overrontlho ofentlrelf alter &Man,
...' ' • VerLlnus of the most lanautUul nattenve.Prenett and.
'Enellsh Cainfinere, of seer, etyleand thank In the mar.
ket, all of which I will wake to prate 013 the tanstresnon
able term, and verrtnted to .It. , nen
hereby' Firer that Letteri of Administration hare
granted to the subseriberon the Intate ofJohn Wolf,
late or tbe city of Pittsburgh. deed: all - harrow. knowing
themselves lirdelinnl to said are requested to maim
liotnoilate payment, writ • . I hoeing claims to Irmient
properlysantwntleat,t far to ttlospent.
ELIZA 81.hiTT. Aihninistratria
xi its. S.E. CARGO, Fachionable Dress Ma
kVA. far and Millen., No. to Fourth oh. second .tors'
same entrant. as to the Crystal Palliest lignerrian tiallary
Drosses. Cloaks. Mantillas. Talmas,stn. mule in Me
latest styles. andwri the shortest notice. Children's Dossw
es, An, made up telth neatneaund, dispatch. andat nn
moderate prioen Bonnets aldNeel and dyed according to
directions, and neatly and tastefully , tainimod. Glee us is
Valuable rroperizi tor Sale,
951 t N Liberty
street, a djoin i
hitehlee M
a te e tho dist
,efab a e ”Y ar orprop r r Ca th n le T oio n dnot h r n dy
toneht op by the Peatteyiewnhe Itaihruul Company. front
ier no Liberty CO feet. on Kira etreet 100 feet thews to the
- Methodist Wave
mad l feet' to Libertyfeet.
rrspertr le t eslrabh, s Hotel. The banding
001 on It. a soot tubstantlal three nary brkk.',lth all
the necessary lark holldlayre: has Idea long Wan been °r
eveled as the union Hotel. drilla a Weal bombe.. llant
talleti and other. &taro°, of making a lined Ill'reetleera.
rein do well to ermine the tavenbev
~ . .(101 .0TS FOlt SALE,' —ln Germantown;
althlri ikteduutee walk nt Vlttabordh. aeleas
t • rite' , oPw.lts ltd. Aduadurt. for the hde
price of 9150 rub, tre• In nand and $25 per year—thar
ought to sell a that price In 11. f.`,. derv. 1r /au vent a
he,esain anda•thaap &mat, you cannot nun be too
noti. Eaquin of TIItALW WWI'S,
ae27, • :5 Fourth street.
'OR RENT, withiramediato posse',sion, a
nue! Damao, Hausa. altauta.l_4:l Umtata:tau.
kmationt. 11.1 thy sad pleaunc Ta *anal! fainar
&ak.a.°, mamma from the to turf Sir orals
eountry.ttas &Mrs • tavorablo oppercunita. WS
ma annum. Apair to iIUTIIBY.KC 4, 6.)N.. 1 , 04 Aat
I WTI'S, Casiimere V ;
) cootino. of tho .7' " t '"; , ; . • tut,),Ovor
end p to oriortnovreo7:4-"'"1`&". "
CLIEST.EII'h, 74 e Kood
saordsons with the tito " .. U s ' t`
otudy topics..
ict 5 Patent Aletalio Burial Cases.'
VOR protecting•and preserving the dead
*Moan' Interment, end also fir tranisorting,
Tbe petprieton pteraset to make krorahle oiTansw
elds with undertaker. mot Mbar, to meld,' them h
w holesale.w Eatepleeto be leen at warehouse Zia 10 Wool .
st.. nod At mantifsetary, comer .Etna and O'Hara elm'''.
0, theyater Warka,Plttebussth
. hrT r .htsk.mdf,krq.7_on hand tint Proot Paths, of
Shutter.. Ornaments/
hopoded ' School na,at....`1 d
.21a11:::11.1 . u d t,
reaseneble mime by [aeplrisal xW. T. krekutw. ' •
ETTERS of Adtrtinistration,on the Estate
r of John Holt. late of /Mech., - 50051t. deed. Love
iteeto.thil dot' Cettatol to tin ppd:es/coed. 'Moos totelt
claims gxe 'volute/4ml to - I.mA tho , [how. Ind.
to pot 11,111.1 th, to IMIMItt C.
et,itlawdOor- 6/91Pritol Watt.
And .Lot, each hAeing s tnint 0r.1.1 It. on Ohl
Ltnr. Allegheny rlty. netg. the outer depot._ hOgle l eit :,
to • 21ft. alley. grim .8 , 80 eigtt t 2y 111 hand,
1. -snd 8 yews. UUTIIIIkaIi 1801 i,
geot _ Mate A nuts. Ud at.
NOTICE --At a Meeting of the lioiird of
31.nnoun of the At ! Den Oonntr So
etv,it. vas , r,solv.l tbst Fan. be ' , Denton:int In enn-
It'k r .,7 , lll'Cdl 4 TaitZte - "..ayarti u r
!role Unsetts. eourlntegh Internment.. Fllnlnnills
np•l•nnan, Jonnlnn.n MALT WbJg eon. din/ nod
-gr.l:lr an day non‘nhantnUasette. • •
...KORKINO Y ES The greet advance enema/tate
le arr.' and eo anti when. °trent, hoe compel!.
41 Waned. to leave e=ro t tveconie . vesal=toLl
" glej elm to =. O =
trd ~eh usee-erviealely
I""d aanl Tae eveln 111 ..7
tabaatajild trait avttladaelaaborleookon the 1111•11
le. Ste . ssaTlit!-A•41.4.._
.14:1#.4 milosalibeettiiint
ftdi '
3. 2110;4 13.111 k
RAC ALTER:I , ISG 1.(43r: , x,
;Maupiaetor , v, Fifth anal Cherry Street,
I TILE attention •& Wh,le•ale Dealers, is so
ap..., 0.. las, .4, ot the articles onderniention
-1 of ,i.i.-11 ar- or s .. ',Lan cfactureor Importation.
Ifs One IA- ' ,. .-esi i 4,tdrie, estanibibm at or Int
ell„ i o the I ...i. 1 -t-i . .. f1e.,.. vr mints/o,lhr the
2 iti . .2 . to •ii ,.. .. so. r i .li., ,isvi to Gal Le favored.
. 4- L:ti4' fi.0 1 1. - :' , . , sops.'
Varnito Drunatiods.
I - nettaN Illtnol /1-nnatiac,
' Heaiely, Glow, . Jr._
rbrriitits /iv Osesl, - pa •',
- 8)5 11 Ilii - Ittl.
I .. Society for , , •
; 'W‘nrtel=,,„„,, ___
i t LFRED 311.a.NROE & .
Rcal - n.Ol Pm - antis, of everl deivertiti o. for Lodays , , Rawl Clo Ink Evtabllantent.-44 1 CO..' Dread
`cif Movoes. l4 A' Volloar s , arid other Prater:in,. .. ' ire, ation from arket priced •
r.ile agaidelin Ityle'dhirasol SIM lb+ 1114 ° 110 . 4114 I `ealrin ' . " _
'Machines. • aula-ivane DRY till 7 l:6s.
yle's Spool Silk, OWEN. MANAMEE It CO. Impel
r' , II NE irtp: .I..VD SEWLY(4 MAORI:NES • D. American and I,oreliris.l•4lkandFaneTiloods.
!triodes .
I rr.ll.lS Iviill klivi,,ri Silk was introduced to the ; Ili COTTENF'SI4CO 1 - f f
1 i.wu• sza; , '" ,\ l irooisitire •hen Whoa been mold In , .
~. o .
,r i... • , ...,, rat , portcr. 0. i
I tar, dittntilles to al Apart, of tb.. Loinal tdato, I . I nth Fur peon ion s, .ii 4.0 Mood try . .
[ It Is iv:a - ranted equal to the best Italian: the spools eon- , g
PSTEIN ,Si 110N,10, 100 Liberty st., a
WO ILS ,i,,rth 2.,. lb.. tiOOLI 00.1..‘ ..1131 elegantly pat tin '
In Nixes iit I &sun staxilli noch. The natio. tvidtalit .0 dull 105 Colas et., ear. TriAlty Place, lintairters of La
lastla \ rsiderie, Mks. tn. N 142 , 07
M Th. Milt road. for SiMitiC 31achlors la on• cf one a , ~ ' .
ounce ess.h. and to those mol e o well. loin a, It is only I
f I ' AMES OWILA, ro toad St., Importer 0
neevsaary to via!that My art \cl• iluatuptrii to to e siurpossi in , Drees Triruntinga, OlinPa nd Ftinitea l,l lk Cravat.
, r..rpet Aro Witte: and Silk Oirindk RanT.
Por sale by the Sole A nenta for the unitsd km...
W3I. 11. atIIDiTSIANN a SOININ tt lIENNEQUIN &0, -Importere of
51 North Third et. Philadelphia. . FRENCH GOODS, BROCIIE EILIAIVIS, MOUS DV
I MANN. lantiTllElte t AII.IEa, i & ;Es BaitE4lE.R. de., CO Mood iltreet. :.lal3ls
aul 4 ....niii 0 Malden lane. Nvvr York. i• ' •
it . , *co , 1E- Broad
- • . -.--- - ti ROBINSON ~ 10. \ a way.
...A luitvirtert and Jobbe of Late amid', Ribbonia
ALBRO ek, pip ,- 1. j Fllks. Embroidarle, Maier', gu,..,..1110.1., Small War,
T. ,ac \ a1iT 1 . 1 7,..
IA cii tilt et( ALLEY. rifiLAPELr (lA. , s
s , poRN, SOLILIEPER & HA.X. - ,RAIJS, ha
' ‘l'l 4l '
711 Alin and 29, 31 an d'33 3 Rail tx.. S. 3., porters of German and Reid., Bread Clothe, SlThe.
caloriese Sr:, No. 50 Es-haninidnare. \
Oder to the Trades on fay.vrable term, a full ,trek of . , . . .
Fl.O 0 R OIL
~,, Silk,Shavrla Lace" and Muhrolderie. and . TallOring
4-1. A. 4. 04. 7.4. 9 4 and 10.4 aide, Also. . ,,,,,,,,,,,, p rr ,,,,
TABLE Olt CLOTIIS". - .. ,_
..,AETEIt 0. MULLEN, Importer of %French
Of Arnetiran and German manufactory. 4.4. 1 -4., 5 .-4 and 1 I. Gorman and Salsii Dry Good, 4 allna Velvets )letii
5i I r lll . 11-1141.."1491 to "'" 511141 ' .nr 0h..., .U. , ~;ilissrls.Woolor, de, No. i'.l 13;14 street, Net( York.
. STAIR OIL CLOTHS - ' , ' eael:l•ar • ~
is• A. 1 ^ ',ad Al to. cello. Alan. \ l , OIIbSAAT BROS., 40 John streetAlm-
EN A .11 i; .1, E D Col -N I' A S s ' % Porter of butler DRY- 1 38 TRIMMINGS, Berlin, Wool,
M V ine very hest manufacture.. Alen, . - nip, Tidtsel, Button, Slam Lana, de.l • 01.15.43 m
SllfiliT OIL 01.1:0110. . A/ EKE ER & 31AIIIIIOFF, Mhnufacturers
.4 their oaNiiso 0f...d0r , ..• O and 9 lark . 14, . 4 . 01 an j IV . . .of Paebbinable Dress and Cloak Trinituina, Mogen
and Lesdni,.. r....v05. ~.y titer a ILI, a +tie. of lighter I Gimp, Toone's. Mutton, ac.- No. 'LI Day inreet. .1119.1 yr
gade, 14, 1., and Iv feet wide all of •hiell ars eiTeretAat I
the Loisest HarLra I•ricen. • ' au -11 .. 4 ,1 ,. UTCII ,k: YALE, Importers andJohbers,
Wll4. , r it r./IS tast, - LATOICIL MOM",
.01 SILK and FANCY DILI I:oo,ll,4,trenerally—No.Ts
u 0,,,,,
41 B. llA'rell It CO., 97 William street,,
rase. Ilin. 5,....e...,un ...d. .b... 5, lOt itanad, 1 ) • 111 ; 41 1 1,1 1 1 1 . 1 GrmtlenoM Yontiolthist Goa/;-and
Uanufseturrn. of Shirt, Stockade.
_l,l clunlvelp. on any plan or of anv mite deslrle,l. In th e . v pv 7c tere of Gentlemen? Furniallnir (tootle, and Manse
tot insane, flarins; extensive norkahops tilled with Um factkn of Stock, &art, Tina do., V. Warren Weer.
hest Tools espedally,isdapted to tittle business , tiler eon . „, , ~, „. a . . CO,
, a ,
...rite or lees vary promptly, on reasonable terms and (s 1i.r.1.41.1...1.14 irs t....V AO. 69 Broadway
Insure! credit. Dowling and ',moor Tyra furnished at t . m,,,,,i,..,.. n y 1,,,,,,, and iiiii,,,,,,,,.. E .,...
clor, aloft. Wrotwhtlron Weskof any de_setiiptlon. itailtue ~,,,, i m n, in g. l,..
Watches, Jewelry. Silver-Ware and Pla- (Ciflref,llAßDT, FROLICH & HOLT
- ted Goods. A ItAUSEN, Nos. 50 and 04 Liberty street —lntorter.
n 'nmb. Swiss. and Deno. Silk, Ribbons, Velvet, Vent,
E. CALDWELL It CO., 140 Chestnut at. is., .iatio, Siirases.da Woolnne of every deartiption.
.1. ~..,.„.,.L., Im oilers and Manufactures, offer . \A CERTAIN REMEDY.
en ostensive; of gond, in Chnn an 4 Saxe, at tarsier.
,tprices Watches made In Inndoo. I.lverposil and Se' ta.
id lr 7 SE - the NlexieauMustun Liniment in
V•Nit•ii b ,l,.!ii,it . `,'i.7g• ° ?:, n'o",?,-r..4°.,'°"..:t.,; ii ithebenens* Heal ee ' ll ' .. e g ral s,__Clns, If
n. i r Dver Tea.4tts. Walters, liltrbera.. olden, Forks, Snes. another tual en ' re l for all exte r na l c a ste a
11, - „)„.;,; . '„„,, .„, „,il-1 i nad. In Ali...ry e , table sonde. man or annual S W. Wrotbreik.miifinal misttnator and .
1 4 trangers visiting the city are Invited to salt aniDtitionine prnpriednr. nod Ilmadway. N. Y. . Jtinr.l•
fur themacireis. 1
__ . navuumuirarrYpw. •
I GURNEY,'No\ 349 Broadway, theoldeet
Oft . and moste.ttanalie notabliohnient_ln tha Bolted
Stitt, isepLlvly
To Shoe Dealers
Boot Si: Shoe Manufacturer,
el North Rooth rr- i'.idadr/pans.
4AS alwayg It:1(111nd constantly Mann
factoring anextenzirenar,rtreant of (Inn& Buttoned
an , l.ongnee. Gmltem-Bore do dee Gent.' Patent Leather
arid &dekaln Walklug Sh. ma horn do do; Unties' French
and Enchrh lartlugGaltenc Kid and )Inroccv hoot, nod
and Shoes. sodnrerr dercriptlon or 3llsva' and Ch il dren,'
Shona In addltlugto hie ahoer, he I, ecuvtantly manes ,
Writ: nyrrp earlety of Gentle and Boys' Galtor and She
Uppers. tc whlnh he Ineltaa the apoelal attenUnn or mann
,thrturerz. n-aggno
No. 21 North Fourth Street,
AU descriptions of lipprre ready fitted fur the lest, note
aantl y no hand and fur sale et the lowest, prim&
French, 'English and American
AM) litiTTONh. 5•13.312ie
Phrenological Cabinet.
4 , M Phrenologists ;and Publiaher& 231 Arch
street. below ferennth.
all works nn Phrennlod. Ptirvinkitiy. Water -
Curie .11annetism and Phonography . . whols
' sate end retell. at New York prim, Proe
Mona' examlnetlons. with chart& Ind. full'
de 'sod
- II AVE% eiimimeneeli operstiMix in the
NEW PI.OINI II ALTORY. It .Marietise.r, we are ;
maw:Mutt:Ann PURI() LIS ofdeverlption of the
At Improved patterns. Among t h em will be found J.
s Patent Double or Wall Ploughs. J. P. Halls P.
tent Woo Cent. Ploughs, Improved Lever Plunahr. slag
Mil Old. Alin Sob-Soli, Cotton andSucar Plough.. togeth
with Plough Points and llsatinAsofeyery desmiption.
Plonahs and Castings ran be had Wholesale and
aponr warahouss No. 133 uteirtr st. Pittsburgh..
TIIE tWitleringlitedSaPiustreceived
from the East, at his ARRIAGE WARE
iSE, situated near the Tee betsts
burgh 4 Lairrunrerlila. e splendid sasortmaut of Vehicles
of every doscriztloAand ari ( l A or k eilsize to strive re,mlar
INlZ7e,n, d htaTha ;OD on en. I.*=.ll L er
rash. Hiving had Lusty yeareprZetkii in the business,
and Silts his . known . funlltitsin this East, he
e. d i =all .. az . : . op er. tl ts
u nit.
imrib.4 -
. ail and exasulue I wishing
hr•thessel ins. •
rt P. V I
TIAGUERREOTYPES—Ymi eim rove time
11 and b m
hr.rhu West:GOT, No. MUMS-, and
Lik l enteizig youT b self. ont ti „ Lin Ids Ire
mine lalealnloV.. for ?els . 41
sonny, Is Mond mill' inthe hors calendar. limns, Open
&sr andsvening. Priers ta cult lILIL Jrader&S
Pioneer Line of
Monthly Packets,
The folios tos Shq.bme ' I
Rer•me., ton., July &a Myatt% 13310 tons. ?hit
1111.1.. • 11353.
EpOsinbmh.r,l.lo3tem.4l9, FranUM,9oo totuOmig
(keg, Lap!, 1.150 t...; I.lfivird.l.4lX) toni, 071463..
I Oman Mimi, 1.090 Not, Nor.
°dem, Mon ton., .114. e. 1.531 VIZI •
Seam., 1450 too.. tlem.,33s2l3mthopM, 91X1 tom. Dermber,
Bnlnzoon-r, 1, 7 10 1803.
157.3. -" Alik-rf Franklin. 01b. ton s . Slay
tan., !as/TVA mafinno/r, LIMO tons. Slay
1,0011 tone, (fare., Gertnuk. 1,000 tem, July.
Nimrod. 11,011 ton.. Apr
The Shim. of this Lam il,
are 'o3l
Ettml Vith Emerson's Patent.
Ventilators 003 rarer Francis . Metalte Lifo.Brasta. -
The new and magnificent Clipper chip OLEISOI SCUD,
1.713 Tons Resister, W.ll. RAWL. 111arter,..10 sureeml the
•Illertrude 7 a. Eighteenth 1.51 y of this Übe, nllll.lll nil
for Meltourm, Australia,
• , .
.o) tho' 20th of Septetnher.
fl. FLYTNG SCUp le built on the moat approred Rat
one of thee Borst oral fatten aarproer or,r ge thoold
re ' t ' rgirrtgal7l7l= l 4%ll4l, 7 ,ZZ. n*d . "u'b""
For freight or pram", ppir oa hoard. at Pier 10 Bad
Kiva or to • • it, W. CAMERON,
arrert. ar York
1, will ittond to th e pu rad We Ot iterthanCie.
Ilealadate, de , and the tospot4 lion of llilli, Piot., Mort
ice.. and the collection of usonay,llr.
Special attention will be paid ththe storage .nil sale of
Pig Meta/ and bloom. Fmm idak espetionisi no th te de
pertinent, it le hoped eidietaction wPtlie pie -
Men who mar tarot hint with their NP^ -
Po Hand it.. bety....41 Merl- and ...
teice.cts ,
D. T. Moman ACo,
U. A W. Mackey.
Marshall McCrary i Co..
Palmer. Lau gh lin,
Alex. Lghlin.
Wm. Dllw a.
M. Scott.
John McFadden,
Join. Latimer.
John Sampson;
C . 1741
K I.
N. 11
FL Mrangtox
V warding nacrelmnt, N 0.72
Itzrzarma—T..S. Dom & am,
ter & Yaryt, Cluelnrutl; )11srphr.k
Callwrtson, Pltt&bargh: Trtplett.
FreettAs • al'cif Fat,
N _IAIIAN MIL o.l* just tt,—Avlng tat.,
eholne eon Goode. to which they Invite the attention , I
• d the
inmereL The
tie C eet:n aeatell with met cars ~and . eeild ae low 1
• they tea he porebneellnthe city. Their eloci eotniele.
of the foilo.lnl;.
Flew hay tl.n. ill L .
Plaid C C
t''' tltr ' eoPd " d ' Carl ( I ' n i rri=Yli h ntf;.
striped nitt o nd
t iirtien C" C h rotin '''' Morn arid Ilealery;
Pereicaltaa. colors Ribbon."
With all grad. and colors FRE:3 CR MLR:-
NOP• at no very lownet price withen excellent um.
moot Ilnueekeeping Ooenvi • ' '
mfl ' • Iron Prort Ne 91 Market et
Maki) to Rupp:Ors-
Fritr,Ohio and Pennsllranni Railrold Coin
dh•p ten . ZtVitnii r tif, r ",„1„ . %. t .g, k g - g=7{tre.
CmuinA io .. tanrtgen home and tbefe are two excreting
Illy from Livening tc. Cincinnati.. -that atilppere ß tty .
rely al , . Me prompt forwarding or their gooft
from Pittebutgb war:hunt'. 40, 60 and GO mute per 100
the. for
elm of frelghtl Freight I. shipped
through at lotr i vates vetione point. in the West. Ap
-07 to J. A. Banillin,Yrolght Agent.
. or D. XCOURTNEK Mu* . of Transportotion.
littehurgb. labh--.lFan
L.\ietVool and Rbiladel O itt Steamship
.Comppaanqyy‘l\oTlCFl.—Thoel 0 'PRILADEPHIA
.11 \•qo an for 1.1 , ..0.3r. nAtunDAY, sostoanso,
inote4 of 9th roptember an pvevionky advertised. -'• •
2/0,11.11:1.11311T1I. Agent 11 11sincit at.. Philadelrhla.
\ **hale
'SALE.'or in,ninvo, situate.
thtil:Tonehlonheny lliver.l mil. evesK
city; •Tr•• hl • F . 'd
rattan, 60 of DILMS bottom land. remainder <ranee timber
and well weded. A two ;IMO.. hon. • Urge frame
`Lent with sbaseatretz,Voo.onitoNa ont-buthilerc—
Apple awl orchard, with Wind.. of otb. teal/
e. Moine 14. prieePOO per acre 'Nemo my
Abr. min be the stock endlie.tenelideininte
way t e b =cegintril aml Ili c re i tt i i ii &
Heal FetateAnia..ll4o, ad et.
\ TO, l'eateq t .
T 47 ih a u r li r g e g i :sl4Ai r Pe z „ P . l 4;ll o .2lz d i
leetek and will be WO/ eltir 'hotrod. or num.
\ Pekin heSters,N. .1!1 , 1(th street
ijA ARS': Selec i'r - rg a oI , cornim pf
• F•n7 .Nacitibirtr sts,lo no+
OA .9.A 40 .L.D r ;acres of
uwd.ti.. .' scholetidg nut Meier lyint,
reel. the antra{ Hallroeet, sad Prheiketeen'Plent Heed
vr4 - adnilivo. \pa.-20 shim
i . tr
and tli
and Maoletalel,
artirt ru .. "" ,\ .sicall lustraroent3
2 Malden
J [ W. ORR, Deigner and Engraver on
tZ=E;,'„I'',LIO.T.NI,74•3Ihb " the
I...yrass. N 0.36 itrosAwsr. Goods and POOkaget for-
Nrortio,l two mod from all parts of Lbw workL Arent. Jo
Pittsburgh. AJoons t 00. t 01541
1 4 - 1 NGELMANN & CO,, 93 William street,
A Fano,. 0n04., Buffoon. Cotton nloil Woolen Ilootary.
o=c n t r r'. /1 7 =Tx =A Z Par `‘`. :Vl , '
aiaiineCl ,
flrir,. ! P l irrlali
lo; Hooke... and uao7feettnts of Cone and Colmsd Wil
low Furnitun, ailli Joann 1.10 , 1 Mori:stand. C,. \ir29-r. t
. 4 ORATES AND 1 . &••11,EILS, \
• —,
I,VM. 11. JACKSON, (formerly W. 4\l 4 :i.
v v Joil.T.t9:l4E 671141..) Grate „and Tender Stetter. BR
Peonlway,one•diLe7 Orem 19th et.. New vett. ale
- \ -- Nitpv.i.u.r., .... _ •
_,_ __ -
1 .13. ,t.:W; ' W: . JCZIRNELL, 135 and 14.\
te, os • • • •iidertrertrmt. Plain snit Ornamental Iron Work. •
ELVIS, MRS, 'it,
• .. „,
rOMPSON ..V..ROKSLER, No 14 Maiden ' ' •
"tans, Impute." \and diauntarturere of Flue Lod
h a te Dealer In Etats, atm. ilnods. dr-,. aolll ' 's. • ,
\ . nor Ant\d'UltiVACE.4,sto. -
4 VID , CULVER,(lnventeiand Patentee),
U 2 Cliff street, taansititimer and dada, *legends
and s retallOit Purnisres. Knackers. Ventilator* in.
• p • WASP toiNlirn. ' i
.. t
V ' ' '' '
Tlll3 - .NEWARK - 11 , IDI - 14U13:BETh ;59
!Alden Lane. I. Y„ 'llan lime and Wholaeklit
ern tp Uoallider'N.Pat.ot India llubber Boole, nintil,
Wieling. Clothing. Balla TM, 14. 'A.\ ' : • ' 1. 8. 1”, '
IiENRY . DAVE ‘ NPORT: S 6 Johnlitreet,
.Nlitrintertnrer and Dealer in - e4ery deecriptl . gri ci
reas'a Pedant Eabber,Yelsia, ineacy'llniStal" Owes
and That. \ • • • . A*013.17
Lp r ii:6 - INDIA RUBBER,(:9., 4LJohn
et, nuke all WO of intr, ci Rubber Clotkalni, Drug'
.% GNikii ham *IA to Mai enl. Walls
Patont—P, 11ATEti. SI Barclay Arent..
e Mute, New York, snanufeetneer of pa
did and desirable article.
. ,
A 11i.Q1J1.)1BY &SON- Dealers
.I , Avr-I=l,i--
11ACIILtallY AND 14011INE TOOl
1. - 7Courtlsrartneet. .10Ackdoirri41
AROILL & CO., 4731 aider
i ' a u Zl . ;)`'`' l r" . i " * " r " . '
L Maiden Lute, Importenint Viol]
aof String, Bran butrnmerspi:k..
dritORGE ROW ETT,S,',I4'
afrrt , .-\- - .: MI VII* "'a
giro. line and Iron noodo:11te.
Premium at the Non York Corstal
pvitus w. FIELE4 CO.,
killnporters and Whale adi-Deniern
Oidnaan and EngMb PAPERS... 4
Papnr.3Lanunteturcra materlals.
wOlWn ttreaLLA groat Varlet)
ye ra, Magma, Prtltem BookNo
and Tradonnen gencrnr.
out Alet-,93 lobo
anffia!, Deflanee Loc k e and emu
RICK. )11accratlarer, IA2 Neal I.
i'7,36rf",0129 LthedY et,
Pearl atreet,
TO nuatevislo.Matid A le
11. H . PILLOW 7 co.
• Frmeh. Coach ankl
.PrmeA isludow Gloa t No.
fIAIIIM oleo, a. great Tercet. - f lulls Rabbet Doll
mid Toys. aN of width an tar ore beautiful than
thoee of other a hundred Mee* Tonle thus- •
do. Farah, by th e Pettey Resters thfOttobout tbe mod- . •
try. !Awls wily byte New York 1t0b%0... 41 Makin,
Lane. N. No am stilt.' ' auVl-VillY
-- o - reatlfilriteisfent In roe ToriE7.,„;
'pORACE IVATXUS, the great Nolhtio4lll
Moo Forte Dealer,* Brotaleity, Neydk, ble
erring to tbs e s ileac cent. trith . ble vos users, Tatb- ! I
ith. ye, It to the re of •it all Sirs to vela*
mitable meetly loanable 10 di to item the cot tielst
tonne. odors hie Love we esteithinent of elegant *ad Irv.
motel Plooos and •Meladanoe tt d Woe disoodat from : " ' I
fu , ..17, =A. '. Ms astortmeot ecepri,seilrains 1
Mon throe of the largest eadioaet eththteted Bey. Maw i t
ufaciorien also, three titre . ..n.l of ebe best Nee I: / Vs - -'
Fors, I nelodlosi the bythtlfal and leach admired Mateo
{Yams' PlA.V.lftom hOtoenv iiiol , rvOiod Ihkik" l° Of
Mr, bet &Aton e New lisle.. NO. Port gad liag."o"
. I dral , :q ..n orportunity roc eeleetle sot no bad else
etwhere. tart lostreeneni tenanted oli.
'l4vellth U. , til . "
great tamable—Me. inlet VA/ W VOX Mile" 16J3
I:mit-4 hotrattrentActt Re Molt. Dealers. Soother. vi i
Heads a mead. impr4l•4 t4Thk bill logos. °f ly r '
bring! oat ea lioderel atol Nfleei thtiON , " l'''
s.fe.ell"d Sob i .... e nddle — olgertorif to „.. d Pirr ba oligrt.,...... M4 ZtveeL' °°° A ., 1
• 1
r ,
• -
No. .56 Ara Sir Vitlized€ i far
Importers of G. & Gee'rtrarivallo
. •
Agents for the most Celebrolel
waor.ra niAys:itostrar. Julia° FERirti.
• • • • , DRJISTIM.4- - .I • is e .
RONZE--DUtch Metal, 001dLear. aran ,
Inilltasbaa;LinyugPnagin,a. thermal. assarboani
wart an hand bi- DM 11.8341141.1181 X...
A lisliaoTtZllSale,ll3 k,..,' in no Iloof3 Mo.!elsraloksTsoirtt, of 3 rams, w th • Jo; of
gropo4-2 , 1 ft,. fomt. on.
Anti. st. 7tlt yard. 1., 1,40 deop, wrizoletvlost; mil
gm:Lou., rho% ko:' • Tip mowit a im%l;s•
illeol.sall la edlortad of. tho n r pneoor FLO, um. ,
tam rolooleolarlo too rawly payoLonto. Coll awl look a
1" ' • . .